#also oh my god help i originally wanted to give these 4 some quick descriptions but it turned into. That. lol
gallusgalluss · 6 months
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Portraits of the last Stone Era Snaktooth Island matriarchs (before Queen 1 came in and basically destroyed this whole system).
Below cut is some information about these grumps
Captain Seaside (this is the title she goes professionally, she uses her actual full name in more casual spaces) ruled The Coast, or where present day Boiling Bay would be. The two grumpuses next to her are her subordinate brothers. She's the youngest matriarch of this era and was the most likely to take risks and challenge her superiors (the other matriarchs) if it's to help her communities. She doesn't consider herself a bugsnak "worshiper", but she does acknowledge how important they are on the island. The only bugsnak she'd consider "worshiping" would probably be a Megamaki, as she considers it the most powerful (and coolest) bugsnak in the area.
Olsa Patchfern was the matriarch of the Falls Valley, or where present day Garden Grove and Flavor Falls would be. She's the complete opposite of Seaside, being the oldest matriarch of the era and was very insistent that the word of superiors and the islands practices must be upheld at all times, even if it may lead to the harm of hers or other communities. She worships the bugsnax and believes they're mystical beings with unimaginable powers (which is sorta true?). She was the matriarch of Alabee Smoothpebble, the grumpus who became the first Queen of bugsnax, and they were both very close and respected on another... until Alabee got sacrificed and like. Everything happen. She also has a very close relationship with Elass in the past but shhh don't worry about that right now.
Lentha Breezeblow (or more commonly known as Monohorn) ruled The Peak, or where the Frosted Peak would be. She and her communities are very powerful, but due to living on the literal top of a mountain, communications with the other island grumpuses is difficult. She doesn't particularly view the bugsnax as something that should be worshiped (seeing how there's no snax imagery in her portrait), but just as a very convent food source. And while she's very physically strong, she's incredibly timid and prefers being a more passive grumpus in the face of difficulties. She typically leaves more difficult work to her subordinates to deal with.
Elass Dunecuts ruled the Desert, or where Sizzlin' Sands would've been. She's a more mellow matriarch, being more of a listener compared to a talker. She has mixed feelings on bugsnax, and just being a matriarch in general. She's aware of the importance of bugsnax in her society, but she can't seem to shake off the concerning aspects about them. Yes, grumpuses have been living on the island and eating snax for centuries, but Elass still hasn't gotten over how weird is was that bugsnax transform limbs, or how you need to eat them raw or else they'll turn to mush, or how some fully snakified grumpuses would seem to disappear from their communities for no reason. She frequently asked about these at a young age, which just lead to "Oh don't worry about it!" types of responses, so she'd given up on asking others her questions. Still, those concerns never went away, even if she regularly eats bugsnax. She was very close to Olsa at a younger age, with the two of them meeting up in secret frequently, they really loved each other a lot. But they've grown distant after becoming matriarchs. And while Olsa is still very kind to her, Elass just doesn't feel that old connection anymore. Zereh Quickcuts (Queen 2) is one of her very distant relatives (from one of her sister's sides, but still related either way).
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mysterytickingegos · 3 years
Ouija Board
Pairing: Ghost!Blank x Reader (Ambiguous)
Genre: Paranormal
Word Count: 1,512
Summary: Sequel to Blank’s Winter Ficlet. After months of Blank poking at your sanity out of boredom, you bring your friends home to get their help, and someone brings a Ouija board into the mix. The day ends with you being left with more questions than answers. (There will probably be another part to this later.)
Anonymous Request: 1. Blankgameplays 2. she/her 3. Platonic/ambiguous 4. Fluff (meet cute, like Blanky Boi is 'haunting' {would you call it haunting? is he even a ghost?} reader's house) Prompt: 63 - Reader: “I don’t believe in ghosts.” Blank: *about to ruin this mans whole career* Please and thank you with extra sprinkles on top ♥ ☆゚.*♥・。゚♥
Authors Note: First off, to get it out of the way, I was originally using a gif from the tumblr search option, and I removed it when asked. Even though I’ve done so, I can’t remove the reply because they blocked me before I even saw the notification. The gif you should be seeing (if it matches the image description) is one I made myself. Now, onto the important stuff- Oh my god, it is about time I got this done! I’m so sorry it took this long for me to get to it! If it helps in any way I finished this fic with idea’s on continuing it later so...you’ll probably be getting more out of your request than most!
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[Image Description: A gif of Ethan (Crankgameplays) edited to be spooky with multicolored layers. He leans towards the camera and speaks ominously.]
You’d started out with nerves of steel.
Ghosts weren’t real. You knew that.
It’s an old house, and you have an overactive imagination. That’s what you told yourself, over and over again, even once it stopped making sense. But there’s only so many times you can catch things moving on their own, or you could hear that distant voice, before you started to get a little tense. So when you finally hit your limit, you turned to your friends, bringing them to the house in the hopes that they could confirm what you’d been seeing. Or not.
“Okay, before we go in, here’s the plan. We don’t talk about it.” You started, keeping Vi and Eric on the stairs. “Because I think if it knows that I told you about it, it won’t do anything. Like, try to make me look crazy.”
“You do look a little crazy right now.” Violet quipped, nudging you further up the stairs. “Come on, we get it. Act normal, pay attention, let’s get ghost hunting.”
“Ugh, please don’t call it that.” You unlocked the front door, stepping in with your friends following right behind you.
You tossed your keys onto the counter, and the sudden noise was all it took to make Eric yelp. You and Violet both turned to look at him, seeing him cover his face with his hand. “Sorry...”
You sighed, already close to giving up on this plan. You were pretty sure the so-called ghost didn’t even have to do anything. Eric was so nervous and Violet was so excited about this whole thing that they’d probably make up their own ghost story by the time you finished painting the office.
But you trudged forward, bringing them upstairs and getting to work.
You dug your speaker out of the closet, putting some decent music on and leaving it in the corner of the room. Eric pried the paint can open and Violet started lining the room with painting tape. For the first time in a long time, you were all stuck in an uncomfortable silence. waiting for something to happen.
But the day went off without a hitch. It was late in the evening when you finished painting the walls and your friends got ready to leave. “You know, if this was your way of trying to get free labor out of us, fair play to you.” Vi joked, slinging her bag over her shoulders at the door. “But honestly, I’m kind of bummed.”
You shook your head. “I swear I wasn’t, guys. I’m sorry. God, I feel like I’m losing my mind.”
Eric came up behind you, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Hey it’s alright, you can- well I mean if you want you can stay with us for-”
Before he could finish, he was interrupted by a small thud and a clattering sound coming from the room right above you, the office. All three of you looked up at the ceiling, then at each other, before making a quick pace back upstairs. You flicked the light back on to see that the half-empty bucket of paint you’d left was now on it’s side, and the color of the floor now matched the walls.
“...Dude, this thing is an asshole.” Vi said bluntly, earning a quiet plea from Eric not to make it mad.
“I knew it! I told you! There’s no way this shit just happens, right?” Despite the fact your floor was ruined, you couldn’t help but get excited. “I mean it’s ridiculous but this happens all the time.”
“Okay, this is going to get even cooler, beeecause...” Vi grinned, pulling her bag back around and digging through it until she found what she was looking for, something wrapped in a beige cloth. “Guess what I brought.”
You watched her unwrap what turned out to be a planchette, which had been wrapped in what turned out to be a cloth Ouija board. Eric coughed nervously, taking a small step back towards the stairs, “I actually uh..I can’t stay, I sort of have a-a doctors appointment! Yeah, that. That’s what I have to get to.”
“It’s seven at night.”
“Yeah, um...it’s therapy. You know, they stay open late and...yeah.” And with that Eric excused himself from any further ‘ghost hunting,’ fleeing out the front door. Before you could also object to the idea of talking to the ghost, Vi grabbed your hand and pulled you along to the living room.
“Do you have any candles?” She asked, kneeling down on the floor and spreading out the Ouija board.
“I have a couple scented candles we could light, I guess...” You shrugged and went around collecting them. You started to say something more but stopped to rethink it. This was ridiculous. Lighting candles for a ouijia board? Acknowledging any of this ghost nonsense felt silly enough to you, just a couple months ago stuff like this was all a big joke to you. But what other explanation could there be for everything you had experienced? Maybe you should have done a bit more research, set up a camera or-
“Y/n?” Vi called out from the floor, pulling you out of your thoughts.
Swallowing your pride, you brought the candles and a matchbox over and kneeled across from her. “So since when are you interested in all this, anyway?”
“What, ghosts and stuff?” She stayed quiet for a moment as she helped you set the candles up on either side of the two of you. “I dunno, I guess I’m just starting to notice that maybe...things aren’t as they seem. Kind of like you. But I actually find it fun. So, are you ready to do this?”
You nodded. “I guess so...” Placing your fingers on the planchette, you took a deep breathe before you started. “Hello?”
“Hello? That’s all you’ve got?”
“I’m just saying, maybe-” “It’s my house that’s haunted so-”
You both fell silent again, glancing up at each other. She looked like she might explode from excitement and you had to fight the urge to roll your eyes. Then, you kept going. “My name is Y/n, this is my friend Violet.”
I  K N O W
“What’s your name?”
The planchette began to move again, but this time rather than settle on any letters or even move towards ‘No,’ it moved to a blank patch of the cloth.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you waited for any movement, but it didn’t come. “Do you have a name?”
D O  N O T  R E M E M B E R
‘Oh.’ You felt a pang in your heart at that.
Vi pouted a little, her head tilting to the side. She was the next to ask something. “What are you?”
D O  N O T  R E M E M B E R
Chills ran down your spine. That was not a comforting thought. “Is there anything else in the house with us?”
“You’ve really been scaring my friend, you know.” Vi said, looking cautiously around the room as she spoke.
I  K N O W
It took everything you had to keep your shaking hands on the planchette. “Do you want me to leave?”
Nothing happened. You waited, your heart pounding out of your chest. The sun had officially set, making the house pitch black aside from your little pocket of candlelight. You could almost make out a shadow over the board, it’s source seemingly coming from behind you. You didn’t dare mention it. “Do you want to be alone here again? Because I’d understand that.”
Even more dead silence.
Violet let out a sharp sigh, taking one hand off the planchette, despite your objection, to rub her temple. “Are you still there?”
“I just want to understand why you’re doing this.” You said, much quieter than you meant.
“You’re sorry?”
You and Violet sat there for another thirty minutes, asking questions and waiting for answers that never came. The spirit was apparently done talking. “Alright, well...” Violet stood up, putting her bag back on.
“What? Wait, I don’t get any of this. What do I do?” You began to panic, not entirely sure if you should be leaving the board yet.
“You can have the board, keep trying tomorrow, I don’t know. Look-” Her tone was coming off uncharacteristically harsh now, as she avoided your eyes. “My head is splitting, think it’s all the candle fumes. I’m gonna breeze off, good luck though.”
You squinted at the door when it hit you what she said. "Breeze off?” Shaking it off, you turned your attention back to your unusual roommate. “Okay, I’m going to call it a night I guess. I have paint to clean up so,” You moved the planchette to ‘Goodbye,’ taking your hands off and being seconds away from blowing out the candles when it moved all on it’s own.
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minyoonmeme · 4 years
Normalcy of the Pretty Posse
Chapter 2
Word Count: 3708
Pairing: ??? x reader
Description: Stupid Jeongguk and his cute sweaters and pretty posse of hyungs.
Genre: again like 90% fluff, 5% humor, and another 5% of reader literally forgetting how to function a little
(Some rambling because I have no life: here is part 2! I honestly didn’t expect any one to find part 1 so??? thank you guys so much. I’ve missed writing lately and this has been such a good outlet for me. I hope you guys like it.)
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“Hyung…” Jeongguk skids to a stop just before one of the sets of speakers. A whine leaves his mouth as he puffs out some air before tossing his bag haphazardly against a random speaker. “I messed up. Big time.” His legs, just slightly too long for the childish behavior, fold underneath him awkwardly as he flops against the dusty linoleum floor. 
Hoseok looks down at his younger friend as he folds another chair and places it against the wall. “Messed up as in pissing your pants again like that one time Freshman year or getting another C on a test?” Hoseok only laughs when Jeongguk throws a pen from his pocket at him. Jeongguk’s pout settles deeper on his face as his eyebrows furrow and Hoseok knows that whatever is bothering Jeongguk is something a little more closer to the heart than pissing his pants at a frat party after chugging an entire keg upside down.
“Hyung, I’m serious.” Jeongguk closes his eyes and wraps his sweater tighter around his body as he rolls on his left side to look at Hoseok. “You know that girl that dances in the back in your Thursday workshops?” 
“I’m gonna need you to be a little bit more specific, Guk. There are a lot of girls who come here.” Hoseok is only kidding, of course. He and all of Jeongguk’s hyungs know of his crush on the girl who comes every Thursday to his workshops. Jeongguk had originally only come to the workshops because Hoseok was nervous no one was going to come, but that was 2 months ago and despite the sign up list being full every week, Jeongguk still came despite being a little bit more advanced than the beginner classes he attended. Hoseok had offhandedly mentioned that Jeongguk tended to glance at the back, at a particular girl, during another one of their game nights and Jeongguk, wine drunk off of two bottles, giggled as he explained his small crush on a girl who attended Hoseok’s beginner class. 
“Hobi-hyung, she’s not a beginner like have you seen her dance? She just looks so pretty and her hair is just so..” Jeongguk giggles as he wraps a finger around his hair. “...fluffy after she dances.” A small hiccup escapes him as he finishes his glass. “It’s so cute.” Jeongguk, in silent awe, squeals a little into his glass, one of the many stolen from his favorite bar, as he scrunches into a ball and bangs his knee against the table. A smile never leaves his face as he continues to giggle into the fogging glass. 
Hoseok’s heart strings tug at the fond memory he has of his younger friend and decides to leave putting away the rest of the furniture to the workers who litter around him. Jeongguk lays his head against his knee when he sits next to him. “Tell Hyung what happened, Gukie. It can’t be worse than vomiting on the poor girl…..” Hoseok grimaces before giving Jeongguk a look. “You didn’t vomit on her right?” 
Jeongguk shakes his head no before huffing. “I asked her friend last week if (Y/N) was okay since she hasn’t been coming and I don’t know I panicked because like what if I missed my chance to even talk to her. A-and I saw her outside and I walked over and like spoke to her?” Jeongguk knocks his head a couple of times against Hoseok’s knee as he relives the moment in his head. “I was so nervous and sounded so stupid. She probably thought I was stupid and weird for coming up to her. What kind of person asks a stranger if they plan on coming back to some stupid dance class. She probably thinks I’m a creepy ass stalker who watches her dance every week.” 
Hoseok runs his hand through Jeongguk’s hair for comfort as the younger beats himself up mentally. “Are you saying my dance classes are stupid?” It’s meant to be a joke, but Jeongguk shoots his head up and sputters out incomprehensible words. “Guk, I’m kidding. I know you don’t think my classes are stupid, you’re just frustrated at yourself because your first interaction with your crush didn’t go as well as you planned.” Jeongguk flops back down against Hoseok’s thigh as he groans. Hoseok just smiles softly at him wondering how Jeongguk, handsome and all, was someone inept at talking to a simple girl. 
“I may have also lied and told her that you have me here to help out with teaching.” It’s muffled against his leg, but Hoseok hears every word. 
“So you chose to lie, for what?” 
“I panicked! I told her that her coming helped me with the others since she’s obviously experienced. How else was I supposed to explain that I, a complete stranger, noticed she was gone for two weeks? She’ll think I’, watching her or something.” 
“That’s all you ever do, Jeongguk. And besides, I didn’t even notice she was gone and I read the roster every night.” 
Jeongguk smacked his hyung’s hip closest to him as he huffed. “You’re not helping Hyung! Even if you didn’t notice she wasn’t here, she probably thinks I’m a stalker now. A big stupid stalker who can’t even look her in the eyes. I’m gonna be alone forever!”
Hoseok wanted to laugh at him, but decided that he needed to play the role of the helpful caring hyung for now. He’ll let the others clown him later once he retells everything to them tonight. “Gukie, you’re not gonna be alone forever. You’re smart and stupidly handsome. I don’t think you should’ve lied to her, but it’s not life or death, so you should be able to save yourself from this. How about you let your hyung help you a little tonight? Let me work my magic.” 
“You would help me?” Jeongguk throws his arms around his waist and gives a tight squeeze.. Hoseok grimaces from the too tight hug and the dust from Jeongguk’s sweater falling onto his new clothes. He ignores both in favor of giving Jeongguk’s back a few solid rubs. “You’re the best, Hobi-hyung.” 
“You’re on your own after tonight though, Gukie. No more help from your one of kind, amazing, most handsome Hyung.” 
“Jin-hyung isn’t here though?’ 
Hoseok scoffs and pushes Jeongguk off of him as he cackles from the floor. “Go open the doors you ungrateful brat.” 
Tonight had been… interesting to say the least. 
Yoonjin had chosen to nudge me every time she thought Jeongguk had glanced in my direction resulting in a dull throb in my ribs. 
“Don’t look but he’s looking again… Oh my god, I said don’t look!” 
“You said that the last 4 four times and every time I look back he’s literally looking at Hoseok-shii.” I huffed and rubbed at my right side. Yoonjin has always been stronger than she looks. “Yoonjin, if you ram your boney ass elbow into my ribs one more time I will drop kick you into the wall.”
Yoonjin blinked at me before rolling her eyes. “He keeps looking away. Just trust me why don’t you! Why would I joke about this.” I rolled my eyes and refocused on Hoseok as he explained some of the footwork again. House dance had never been my speciality. 
“I don’t know, maybe you like to see me suffer.” 
“I’m literally trying to help you get a man.”
“No, you’re trying to break my ribs.” 
9 o’clock rolled around sooner than I expected as Hoseok wrapped up his lesson. Many of the students who endured the class in its entirety were shuffling to the walls of the room where their water bottles had long ago since turned lukewarm. Hoseok was not one for lots of water breaks. Used to long durations of exercising and cardio, I had chosen to hang back and stretch out while Yoonjin made small talk with the others around her. I held in my laugh as she shot me a look or two of ‘what the fuck is going on’ and ‘please help me’ while talking to the animated girl with sweat drenched pink ponytails. Figuring that whatever kind of conversation she was wrapped up in was payback enough for the bruising I was sure to have on my ribs for the next week, I chose to let her suffer. 
“You know I think you’d do a lot better in a higher level class.” There stood Jung Hoseok in all his beautiful glory as I attempted to straighten my legs from their lunge. I tried to blame the jittery feeling settling in as adrenaline from the cardio, but I knew my body was just buzzing from having him stand so close. Did he even sweat? How did he manage to smell like fucking flowers after dancing? Damn Jeongguk and his pretty posse. 
“Uh sorry?”
Jung Hoseok smiled and offered a hand to me. I smiled back, although less brightly, and hoped my hands were not as sweaty as the rest of my body. “I just meant that you seem a little more experienced than what this class has to offer. It’s a shame to see talent be wasted on some basic combinations.” His eyes took a quick over my body and I flushed at movement. If he looks at me like that more time, I will be internally combusting. 
“I-uh used to dance growing up.” My hands gripped my shirt as Hoseok proceeded to make eye contact. Does he have to be so nice and beautifully intimidating? A deadly combo for my poor nerves. Do I look away? Is it rude to keep eye contact? Would a wink be appropriate for a first conversation? 
“How long did you take lessons?” 
“Like 14 years maybe? My mom tried to put me in baseball like my brothers when I was 4, but after I started spitting and grabbing my pants before I batted she decided it probably wasn’t a good influence to be surrounded by all boys at home and during practice.” My lips pressed together as I pinched my face in horror. Oh god, why did I say that? Hoseok on the other hand was having a jolly good time as dropped his jaw and choked in a fit of laughter and I screwed my face shut in embarrassment. “I don’t know why I said that. Oh my god, please forget I just said that! I’m just nervous and I say stupid things when I’m nervous. I’m an idiot and I just don’t know how to shut up sometimes.” 
Hoseok continued to laugh as I covered my overheating face with my hands wishing I had grabbed Yoonjin and left before we both got wrapped in unwanted conversations. “Y-you’re too cute. Oh god, I can totally see it!” Hoseok laughed for a few more breaths before settling down into giggles. 
“Hyung...? Is everything okay?” Jeongguk shuffled over with both his and Hoseok’s bags as he glanced between Hoseok and I. 
Hoseok giggled a few more times before accepting his bag from Jeongguk. “I was just just asking if...”  Hoseok titled his head before looking back at me. “I forgot to ask for your name actually, I’m sorry.” 
Not used to having 2 out of 7 members of Jeongguk’s Pretty Posse’s attention on me made me flush even warmer. “No worries, I’m (Y/N).” 
Hoseok smiled at me before swinging his bag on his shoulder and went back to addressing Jeongguk. “I was just complimenting (Y/N) on her dancing. We could do with another dancer on the team don’t you think Jeongguk?” 
“We could?” Jeongguk bugged his eyes out a little at his hyung before throwing a confused look his way. 
Hoseok raised his eyebrows and tiled forward a little bit. “Of course, we could Gukie! Remember we had that talk earlier about adding a new member? Junhoo graduated last semester, so we don’t have anyone to fill his spot.” Jeongguk stared at Hoseok wondering who the hell Junhoo was and when this conversation happened. Hoseok starred a little harder before-Oh! “How about you let your hyung help you a little tonight.” 
“Yes! You’re totally right Hobi-hyung! (Y/N), you would love our dance team! You’d fit right in too!” Jeongguk bounced on his heels a little as he turned to me. Back on was the sweater he had been wearing earlier. Damn. The sweater paws have returned too. 
“Isn’t it all guys? How would that even work? I’m literally like half Jeongguk’s size.” My glance danced between Hoseok and Jeongguk as I bit my lip. 
“Where there is a will, there is a way (Y/N). And I’m sure you won’t pick up any bad habits this time (Y/N). We’re all mannered and hygienic, so no worries!” My jaw dropped as Hoseok poked fun at my previous story and raised his eyebrows at me. That little-
I scoffed and stomped my foot to turn his direction fully. “I wasn’t even talking about that! I can’t believe you! I let one thing slip and you use it against me!” I jutted my lips out in a slight pout as I crossed my arms. 
Jeongguk deflated a little as he watched Hoseok’s teasing glance and my pouting. “Am I missing something?”
My finger found a place on his chest as I leaned closer. Are those pecs…?  “Jung Hoseok, you keep your mouth shut!” Those are definitely pecs. 
“I will if you join our team.” 
My mouth fell open as I removed my finger with an inaudible gasp. “I see you play dirty, Jung.” I tsked at him before turning to Jeongguk. “Get your hyung before he embarrasses me more and I combust.” Jeongguk blinks as I give him my sole focus and nods softly, most likely lost on what’s happening. 
“So if that is a yes?” 
Defeatedly, I face Hoseok and shrug my shoulders as I grab my bag from Yoonjin as she approaches. “You’re in luck. I was actually looking to join something a little more advanced dance wise. My body misses dancing despite how old it makes my bones feel.” 
“So.. is that a yes?” Jeongguk reiterates as he bounces forward a little, eyes wide as his hair flops a little. I smile a little as my heart flops along with his hair. I give Hoseok a quick glance and will the oxygen to return to my lungs and brain at the focussed look he gives me. 
“It’s a no.” My heart sinks at Jeongguk’s sudden smile. “Not that I wouldn’t join; I totally would! It’s just I have to find a music production mentor for my Music Composition and Engineering class and I’m basically meeting with strangers every other day until one decides to take me under their wing. I really need this class to graduate and I can’t afford any breaks until I find someone.” My hands are flying everywhere as I try to make my rejection lighter on Jeongguk. 
Jeongguk nods a little and licks his lips as he gives Hoseok a quick glance. Hoseok seems to understand whatever is going on in his head and tilts his head toward him with a hard look as a warning to think before you speak, you love sick idiot. Jeongguk, with a heart often bigger than his brain, ignores his hyung and blurts out, “Yoongi-hyung is a music producer! I can introduce you to him and see if he’d be willing to mentor you.” 
Hoseok closes his eyes and drops his head forward into his hands. Dammit Jeongguk. 
I blink a few times before trying to stop my smile from spreading. “Are you sure? I mean I’d really appreciate it of course, but I know it might be a lot to ask. I’m also a total stranger, so you don’t have to at all!” My mouth suddenly feels dry as I lick my lips. “It would be really great though! Some of the guys I meet are total creeps and I don’t know how many coffees I drink everyday while one of them tries to feel me up.” I force a laugh to lessen my discomfort and hope it comes across as less awkward than I feel. 
Jeongguk looks to Hoseok after I’m done exhausting my voice and they seem to share a meaningful look before Hoseok reaches into his pocket. “Here, give me your number. Jeongguk and I will talk to Yoongi-hyung and see what we can do. He might be willing to meet with you and see if you guys ‘vibe.’” 
My eyes flick up to meet his as I smother another smile. My attempts fail and I grab his phone and giddily put in my number. “You guys are the best! I promise to join you guys if I can resolve this whole mess.” My grin widens as I think about not having to stifle through conversation after conversation every other day in some overpriced cafe with another self employed music producer as they critique every layer of my pieces. “Do guys like cookies? I’m totally baking you guys some cookies as thanks!” 
“Are you ready to go (Y/N)?” 
“Yoonjin! We’re going to be baking cookies for Hoseok and Jeongguk!” Yoonjin furrows her eyebrows as she loops her eyebrows with mine. 
“We are?”
“We are! Is chocolate chip okay?” I offer her no other explanation as I ask Jeongguk with a sweet smile. These pretty boys were coming in handy and so were my depressive episodes’ baking habits. 
“Chocolate-chip sounds great.” Jeongguk licks his lips as he feels his heart rate border an unhealthy pace. “Hyung, we-uh should probably head out and go pick up your package.” 
“My package?” Hoseok finishes adding a baseball bat and a flower emoji to his new contact before catching the look Jeongguk is sending him. “Oh! Yeah, uh, I’ll have Jeongguk text you about Yoongi-hyung. It was nice meeting you (Y/N), get home safely!” 
Yoonjin and I watch them both leave the room before facing each other. 
“What the fuck was that?” 
“I honestly have no fucking clue, but I think I’m gonna die. Please check my pulse.” Yoonjin feels at my neck and sighs. 
“Nope, still alive. Maybe next time though.” 
I re-loop our arms and pull her out of the emptying room. “Come on we have to go get Chaebin from the library before she has another aneurysm over her homework. I’ll fill you in on the way there.”
Yoonjin shrugs and follows along. “I hope you know that if this progresses into some dramatic fated love story I will be living vicariously through you.” 
“I expect nothing less.”
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The Heart Gambit (Dennor): 4-Treat me like a Fool
Word count: 1,682
Summary: Mathias got hurt while he and Lukas were looking for Emil, so Lukas brings him back to his hotel room to patch him up a bit.
Author's Note: Finals are officially over!!! This means I can get back to doing weekly updates for both this story AND my original story on Wattpad (link at the end). I'm also thinking of starting a fanfic of Romano x Mexico OC but that would be like my 4th WIP so I don't think I'll start it any time soon unless there's a lot of interest in it for some reason. I have also come to the conclusion that I looovveee (and am way better at) writing dialogue! Much more than descriptions, unfortunately. I'm trying to get better but man it's hard! Anyways, hope you enjoy this part! Please interact and leave feedback! It goes such a long way!
Warning: Brief mention of injury
Previous: 3-One-Way Screen
Mathias kept his hand pressed to the cut on his head and watched eagerly as Lukas fiddled with the key to his room before finally throwing it open in a huff and stepping inside. Mathias hesitated, pondering the implications of being in another man's room.
"Don't just stand there! Hurry up before someone sees!" Lukas hissed. "I can't believe I'm even helping you."
"I think I figured that out the first 100 times you said that under your breath on the way here." Mathias stepped in and closed the door behind him. "Besides, you really should believe it considering who bit who."
Mathias sat on the bed, taking in the room around him. It was much simpler than he imagined. Two small beds were shoved up against the edge of the room, and the table had been away from the wall so that a chess board could be set up on it. The bed he was sitting on was still made, but the sheets were disturbed as if someone has been laying on it. The bed next to him was a bit more disheveled. It was piled high with books and yet another chessboard. Among the piles of books, a sweater and pants were neatly folded, waiting to be worn.
"Sorry for the mess."
"It's fine."
Lukas made his way to the bathroom.
"I think the first aid kit is in here. Let's make this quick so you can leave-"
A scream rang out for the bathroom. It was quickly followed by Lukas's and Mathias's. Lukas slammed the door shut.
"What the hell are you doing here!?" Lukas shouted.
"...my business..." the voice replied meekly.
"You're dead."
Mathias perked up.
"Woah! There you are, Emil! We were looking all over for you! To be honest, I kinda thought you were dead."
A small click came from the door.
"Yeah...I've kinda been here this whole time. I set you and Lukas up because he wouldn't stop talking about you!" Emil teased.
Lukas flushed red and desperately jiggled to the door handle.
"shut up shut up shut up..."
"For real! All day and night! 'I wonder what Mathias is thinking about! He's ruining the sport but there's just something about him I wanna- '"
"Alright!" Lukas shouted again. "Just pass me the first aid kit and you get to live for 15 more minutes."
Some shuffling was heard in the bathroom. A single bandaid was pushed through the space under the door. This was followed by a single strip of gauze, then a small pouch of antibiotics, then wet wipe, then-
"You are so difficult sometimes."
"That's a funny way of saying 'you're welcome!'"
Mathias chuckled, but couldn't shake the feeling of his heart pounding in his chest. Did Lukas really talk about him? Did he really spare him a thought aside from hatred? He placed his hand to his chest, trying to calm himself.
Lukas made his way over with a handful of first aid supplies.
"Alright. Let's get this over with," Lukas sighed.
He opened a wet wipe and stood before Mathias. Lukas placed one hand on Mathias's head, by his wound.
"This might sting a little."
Mathias was at a loss for a moment. The warmth from Lukas's hand radiated through his whole body. He clung to this feeling, desperately wanting to remember his touch.
"It's fine. I can handle it." he managed.
He winced as Lukas began to clean the wound.
"N-no it's fine."
Mathias wasn't sure if he meant to do this, but Lukas began running his fingers through Mathias's hair. Mathias felt his cheeks flushing.
"Hey...pass me the antibiotic cream,"
Mathias met Lukas's eyes. Lukas quickly looked away, but he could still see that his cheeks, and more cutely his nose were lightly dusted pink. Mathias smiled.
"Can you pass me the antibiotic cream? Unless you WANT an infection!" Lukas repeated, finally meeting Mathias's gaze.
"You're pink." Mathias commented, trying to sound confident.
"You're a dumbass."
"You're cute..."
Mathias knew he could be impulsive, but if he was any more impulsive than he already was, he would've chosen to throw himself out of the hotel window. How could he just say that!? OUTLOUD!?
Lukas turned bright red and scoffed, looking away from Mathias again.
"Just...hand me the cream already...before I personally give you an infection," Lukas muttered.
Mathias was a bit relieved that Lukas didn't slap him or spit in his open wound. He passed Lukas the cream.
"You don't have to do it for me you know... I can do it myself," Mathias said, weaker than he was expecting.
Lukas shook his head, and Mathias felt the cool cream being applied to his injury.
"It's fine. I don't mind really. I want to do it. Well... 'want' is a strong word..."
Lukas cleaned his hands and put the bandaid on Mathias's injury and placed his hand there. Mathias felt his heart skip a beat as he took Lukas's hand and pressed it to his cheek. He waited for Lukas to pull his hand away, but instead, he felt Lukas rub his thumb on his cheek.
Lukas slowly pulled his hand away, and stiffened, realizing what had just happened.
"Well...you can go now...don't let anyone see you leave," Lukas huffed, still bright pink. He grabbed a book, sat down, and immediately started reading.
Mathias got up and slowly made his way to the door. He was still reeling, but his heart ached to be close to Lukas again.
"Heh, you know, if you promise not to injure me again, you should meet me at the park again tomorrow morning,". Mathias watched his words very carefully, trying not to sound desperate.
Lukas buried his head deeper into his book.
"...fine. Tomorrow morning."
"Yes!" Mathias mouthed.
He peaked his head out to make sure the hallway was clear, and slipped out, closing the door behind him.
"Is he gone yet!?" Emil called from the bathroom.
Lukas slammed his book closed.
"Yes. He's gone."
The bathroom door swung open and rolled into bed.
"Great. Goodnight."
"Wait you're going to bed right now!?"
"Yes. It's late."
"Are we not going to talk about this?" Lukas asked, sitting at the foot of Lukas's bed and yanking the covers off him.
"Hey! Come on I was just getting comfortable!"
"I can't believe you tried to set me up with him!"
Emil sat up.
"You really can't believe it? He's all you ever talk about these days! I figured talking to him would get him out of your system, but here you are... talking about him... again." Emil replied, rolling his eyes.
Lukas blushed.
"I don't talk about him all the time!"
"Oh my g- YES YOU DO!" Emil cried, yanking the covers back.
"The past few months it's been the same pattern! Every interview, update, news headline with his name in it you feel inclined to talk about it! You always scoff and say 'he has so much potential' or 'why is he doing this' and it's been that way for God knows how long!"
Emil turned over onto his side and turned off the lamp on the nightstand beside him.
"He's the first thing you think of when you wake up, and the last name on your lips before you pass out onto a pile of books. Admit you love him already and let me go to sleep!"
Lukas felt as though he'd been shot through the chest. He'd avoided that word for so long, haphazardly replacing it mentally with 'appreciate' or even 'admire' on the good days. It couldn't be love. The feeling of running his hands through Mathias's hair, letting him hold his hand to his cheek...those were just...
Those weren't things acquaintances did.
"I. Don't. Love. Him." Lukas spat. "I don't love anyone. Except you but that's different."
He stood up and started pacing by his bed.
"I don't care how I act around him or how much I think of him. I don't love him! I don't love anyone and I never will because there are more important things than him! Even if I did, it doesn't matter because I don't really know him and I never did! I can't believe you'd think I'd be in love with him! I'd never even met him before this!"
"Just say you love him!"
"But you do!"
Lukas slammed his hands on the table.
"You're wrong! I don't love Mathias! I don't love anyone! And I never will! Because love is a waste of time!" Lukas shouted, quickly turning to wipe the hot tears that dripped down his cheeks.
Emil let out a long sigh and turned over in the bed.
"You know, Mathias really likes you. But if you want to push everyone away for a stupid game, then go ahead. And I hope you win so that I won't have to hear you complain about him this time next week since that's all you care about right? Winning?"
Lukas could barely speak with the lump in his throat. Everything he screamed at Emil was something he's said himself every day. Every day he'd tell himself not to be distracted, to not need anyone, to not have a beating heart in his chest. And it had worked so far, but Mathias... Mathias was different. How? He couldn't understand how Mathias made his heart beat a little more or how when Mathias took his hand his heart skipped a beat. It wasn't fair. He wished deep down that he could hate Mathias with every fiber of his being. He wished he didn't need anyone else in his life. He wished that his heart didn't beat a little more whenever he looked into Mathias's striking blue eyes. But most of all, he wished he would be spared from the heartache to come. Win or lose, he that they'd want nothing to do with each other after the match.
Lukas still felt the tears coming and did his best to wipe them away and take a deep breath.
"Goodnight Emil," Lukas managed.
"Goodnight nerd."
Next: Chapter: 5-Too Clever by Half
a/n: OOOoooohhh things are definitely starting to happen now! I’m going to take this time to plug my non-hetalia work “ Intro to Love ” about a college student who struggles to keep her superpowers a secret and while making new friends.  How much of her normal life will she give up to save her friends from a mysterious villain that drains students’ brains and turns them into zombies? The complete Chapter 1 is out NOW AND so is Chapter 2.1-'The last of the Good Days'! Go read them! Right now! They're waiting for you!
Thanks again for reading! Send some feedback my way! Can’t wait to continue this story!
Quotev link: here
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thechosenburrito · 3 years
The Heart Gambit (Dennor): 4-Treat me like a Fool
Word count: 1,682
Summary: Mathias got hurt while he and Lukas were looking for Emil, so Lukas brings him back to his hotel room to patch him up a bit.
Author's Note: Finals are officially over!!! This means I can get back to doing weekly updates for both this story AND my original story on Wattpad (link at the end). I'm also thinking of starting a fanfic of Romano x Mexico OC but that would be like my 4th WIP so I don't think I'll start it any time soon unless there's a lot of interest in it for some reason. I have also come to the conclusion that I looovveee (and am way better at) writing dialogue! Much more than descriptions, unfortunately. I'm trying to get better but man it's hard! Anyways, hope you enjoy this part! Please interact and leave feedback! It goes such a long way!
Warning: Brief mention of injury
Previous: 3-One-Way Screen
Mathias kept his hand pressed to the cut on his head and watched eagerly as Lukas fiddled with the key to his room before finally throwing it open in a huff and stepping inside. Mathias hesitated, pondering the implications of being in another man's room.
"Don't just stand there! Hurry up before someone sees!" Lukas hissed. "I can't believe I'm even helping you."
"I think I figured that out the first 100 times you said that under your breath on the way here." Mathias stepped in and closed the door behind him. "Besides, you really should believe it considering who bit who."
Mathias sat on the bed, taking in the room around him. It was much simpler than he imagined. Two small beds were shoved up against the edge of the room, and the table had been away from the wall so that a chess board could be set up on it. The bed he was sitting on was still made, but the sheets were disturbed as if someone has been laying on it. The bed next to him was a bit more disheveled. It was piled high with books and yet another chessboard. Among the piles of books, a sweater and pants were neatly folded, waiting to be worn. "Sorry for the mess." "It's fine." Lukas made his way to the bathroom. "I think the first aid kit is in here. Let's make this quick so you can leave-" A scream rang out for the bathroom. It was quickly followed by Lukas's and Mathias's. Lukas slammed the door shut. "What the hell are you doing here!?" Lukas shouted. "...my business..." the voice replied meekly. "You're dead." Mathias perked up. "Woah! There you are, Emil! We were looking all over for you! To be honest, I kinda thought you were dead." A small click came from the door. "Yeah...I've kinda been here this whole time. I set you and Lukas up because he wouldn't stop talking about you!" Emil teased. Lukas flushed red and desperately jiggled to the door handle. "shut up shut up shut up..." "For real! All day and night! 'I wonder what Mathias is thinking about! He's ruining the sport but there's just something about him I wanna- '" "Alright!" Lukas shouted again. "Just pass me the first aid kit and you get to live for 15 more minutes." Some shuffling was heard in the bathroom. A single bandaid was pushed through the space under the door. This was followed by a single strip of gauze, then a small pouch of antibiotics, then wet wipe, then- "You are so difficult sometimes." "That's a funny way of saying 'you're welcome!'" Mathias chuckled, but couldn't shake the feeling of his heart pounding in his chest. Did Lukas really talk about him? Did he really spare him a thought aside from hatred? He placed his hand to his chest, trying to calm himself. Lukas made his way over with a handful of first aid supplies. "Alright. Let's get this over with," Lukas sighed. He opened a wet wipe and stood before Mathias. Lukas placed one hand on Mathias's head, by his wound. "This might sting a little." Mathias was at a loss for a moment. The warmth from Lukas's hand radiated through his whole body. He clung to this feeling, desperately wanting to remember his touch. "It's fine. I can handle it." he managed. He winced as Lukas began to clean the wound. "Sorry..." "N-no it's fine." Mathias wasn't sure if he meant to do this, but Lukas began running his fingers through Mathias's hair. Mathias felt his cheeks flushing. "Hey...pass me the antibiotic cream," Mathias met Lukas's eyes. Lukas quickly looked away, but he could still see that his cheeks, and more cutely his nose were lightly dusted pink. Mathias smiled. "Can you pass me the antibiotic cream? Unless you WANT an infection!" Lukas repeated, finally meeting Mathias's gaze. "You're pink." Mathias commented, trying to sound confident. "You're a dumbass." "You're cute..." Mathias knew he could be impulsive, but if he was any more impulsive than he already was, he would've chosen to throw himself out of the hotel window. How could he just say that!? OUT LOUD!? Lukas turned bright red and scoffed, looking away from Mathias again. "Just...hand me the cream already...before I personally give you an infection," Lukas muttered. Mathias was a bit relieved that Lukas didn't slap him or spit in his open wound. He passed Lukas the cream. "You don't have to do it for me you know... I can do it myself," Mathias said, weaker than he was expecting. Lukas shook his head, and Mathias felt the cool cream being applied to his injury. "It's fine. I don't mind really. I want to do it. Well... 'want' is a strong word..." Lukas cleaned his hands, put the bandaid on Mathias's injury, and placed his hand there. Mathias felt his heart skip a beat as he took Lukas's hand and pressed it to his cheek. He waited for Lukas to pull his hand away, but instead, he felt Lukas rub his thumb on his cheek. Lukas slowly pulled his hand away, and stiffened, realizing what had just happened. "Well...you can go now...don't let anyone see you leave," Lukas huffed, still bright pink. He grabbed a book, sat down, and immediately started reading. Mathias got up and slowly made his way to the door. He was still reeling, but his heart ached to be close to Lukas again. "Heh, you know, if you promise not to injure me again, you should meet me at the park again tomorrow morning,". Mathias watched his words very carefully, trying not to sound desperate. Lukas buried his head deeper into his book. "...fine. Tomorrow morning." "Yes!" Mathias mouthed. He peaked his head out to make sure the hallway was clear, and slipped out, closing the door behind him. --- "Is he gone yet!?" Emil called from the bathroom. Lukas slammed his book closed. "Yes. He's gone." The bathroom door swung open and rolled into bed. "Great. Goodnight." "Wait you're going to bed right now!?" "Yes. It's late." "Are we not going to talk about this?" Lukas asked, sitting at the foot of Lukas's bed and yanking the covers off him. "Hey! Come on I was just getting comfortable!" "I can't believe you tried to set me up with him!" Emil sat up. "You really can't believe it? He's all you ever talk about these days! I figured talking to him would get him out of your system, but here you are... talking about him... again." Emil replied, rolling his eyes. Lukas blushed. "I don't talk about him all the time!" "Oh my g- YES YOU DO!" Emil cried, yanking the covers back. "The past few months it's been the same pattern! Every interview, update, news headline with his name in it you feel inclined to talk about it! You always scoff and say 'he has so much potential' or 'why is he doing this' and it's been that way for God knows how long!" Emil turned over onto his side and turned off the lamp on the nightstand beside him. "He's the first thing you think of when you wake up, and the last name on your lips before you pass out onto a pile of books. Admit you love him already and let me go to sleep!" Lukas felt as though he'd been shot through the chest. He'd avoided that word for so long, haphazardly replacing it mentally with 'appreciate' or even 'admire' on the good days. It couldn't be love. The feeling of running his hands through Mathias's hair, letting him hold his hand to his cheek...those were just... Those weren't things acquaintances did. "I. Don't. Love. Him." Lukas spat. "I don't love anyone. Except you but that's different." He stood up and started pacing by his bed. "I don't care how I act around him or how much I think of him. I don't love him! I don't love anyone and I never will because there are more important things than him! Even if I did, it doesn't matter because I don't really know him and I never did! I can't believe you'd think I'd be in love with him! I'd never even met him before this!" "Just say you love him!" "NO!" "But you do!" Lukas slammed his hands on the table. "You're wrong! I don't love Mathias! I don't love anyone! And I never will! Because love is a waste of time!" Lukas shouted, quickly turning to wipe the hot tears that dripped down his cheeks. Emil let out a long sigh and turned over in the bed. "You know, Mathias really likes you. But if you want to push everyone away for a stupid game, then go ahead. And I hope you win so that I won't have to hear you complain about him this time next week since that's all you care about right? Winning?" Lukas could barely speak with the lump in his throat. Everything he screamed at Emil was something he's said himself every day. Every day he'd tell himself not to be distracted, to not need anyone, to not have a beating heart in his chest. And it had worked so far, but Mathias... Mathias was different. How? He couldn't understand how Mathias made his heart beat a little more or how when Mathias took
his hand his heart skipped a beat. It wasn't fair. He wished deep down that he could hate Mathias with every fiber of his being. He wished he didn't need anyone else in his life. He wished that his heart didn't beat a little more whenever he looked into Mathias's striking blue eyes. But most of all, he wished he would be spared from the heartache to come. Win or lose, he that they'd want nothing to do with each other after the match. Lukas still felt the tears coming and did his best to wipe them away and take a deep breath. "Goodnight Emil," Lukas managed. "Goodnight nerd." --- Next: Chapter: 5-On Mountains with You (Coming soon!) a/n: OOOoooohhh things are definitely starting to happen now! I’m going to take this time to plug my non-hetalia work “ Intro to Love ” about a college student who struggles to keep her superpowers a secret and while making new friends.  How much of her normal life will she give up to save her friends from a mysterious villain that drains students’ brains and turns them into zombies? The complete Chapter 1 is out NOW AND so is Chapter 2.1-'The last of the Good Days'! Go read them! Right now! They're waiting for you! Thanks again for reading! Send some feedback my way! Can’t wait to continue this story! Quotev link: here
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Final Destination; AU Ghost! Queen x teen reader
*Author’s note*
Here is the final part of my Ghost AU fic trilogy. Now there is a LOT of action that happens here so you all better buckle up. Also the TRUTH finally gets revealed about what happened to the boys when they died. I want to thank you all for giving this 3 part fic a chance and for wanting to see a sequel to the original fic, and for you all being such good sports I delivered a 3 parter for the fic Legend of the Band.
Warning: Murder (VERY DESCRIPTIVE DETAILS but that’s not till close to the end), demons, fluff, angst, raging ghosts, Heaven and Hell mentioned. 
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Veronica slowly woke up from her sleep and the first thing she felt was the cold wind blowing against her night gown.  She slowly opened her eyes and slowly stood up confused about her surroundings.  Last thing she remembered was being in the hospital recovering from her scare, and now she’s outside.  As she stood up and walked backwards trying to see just where she was at, she got another start as she nearly fell 65m (213ft) to her death. She quickly backed up and she began to realize that she was on the Tower bridge
The very peek of the tower bridge to be exact.
The lights from the bridge lit up the road as she could see cars driving along the bridge going either way.
But Veronica was more scared cause she couldn’t remember how she got up here, or even why she would be up there in the first place?  She would get her answer when someone came flying across the sky.  A demon to be exact, but it wasn’t just any demon.  It had been the demon that Constantine had warned (Y/n) about, Beelzebub.
His fly-like wings making that loud, haunting buzzing sound that sounded like a swarm of flies.  He flew over the bridge and took out his large hunting bow as well as an arrow from his quiver.
“Time to give this town a little more light.” He notched the arrow into the bow and soon the arrow tip lit up in Hellfire. He kept his eye on one car in particular that happened to be driving by.
It was Robert’s car.  And inside it was Robert and (Y/n) heading home after visiting Veronica.
Beelzebub grinned maliciously as he released the arrow right at Robert’s car.  When it hit close to the back tire of the car, there was a sudden explosion that sent the car spiraling out of control.
Robert and (Y/n) screamed as Robert tried to regain control of his car.  But all that did was cause them to go halfway off the bridge.  The car slowly rocking forward and back.
About 3 miles away from the tower, John Deacon (with the help of Constantine) hovered over the roof of a building just in time to see the explosion.
“Oh god please no.” he softly pleaded.
Finally waking up from their whiplash, Robert and (Y/n) groaned and Robert turned to his daughter and said.
“Are you okay?”
“I think so.” The car soon lurched forward. (Y/n) shrieked and held onto her dad’s hand.  In his mind, Robert knew that there wasn’t enough time for him to save his daughter and get her out first before this car decided to plummet into the Thames.  So as he felt the car dip again, he grabbed his baby girl tightly and soon the car began to fall towards the Thames.
(Y/n) gripped onto her dad as tightly as she could, both of them preparing for their untimely death.  But as they got halfway, something stopped them.  (Y/n) opened her eyes and saw that they were now just hanging on mid-drop.  But both her and her father could hear the sound of buzzing.
It was then they looked up and they could see Beelzebub holding some kind of rope which held the car in play.  He then flew upwards towards the very top of the Tower bridge, all the while Robert kept holding onto his daughter as tightly as he could.
As quick as he could, John teleported towards the bridge.  But with not having enough distance practice out in the ranch, he would only come up about a couple rooftops at best.  But somehow with one last teleportation attempt, he stood right on top of the bridge however he was greeted with the worst sight he could possibly imagine.
Beelzebub stood a foot away from one end of the bridge. In his left hand he held a panicked Veronica by the throat, and in the other, the lifeline which held Robert’s car.
“John Richard Deacon. This is why only fools choose to stay on Earth. Because you never know when some celestial being, Demon or Angel, will come along with a difficult choice.” John stood there in horror as he watched his beloved scream in terror. “Let thy first and only wife die?”
Veronica’s slippers fell right off her feet as he raised her just a bit higher over the street.  All the while poor Veronica screaming and crying her eyes out.
“Or…..have thy kin perish before the mother and grandmother?” Beelzebub continued to mock as he now turned towards John’s son and granddaughter.
Inside the car, Robert continued to try and comfort his daughter who was weeping.  But when she looked out the cracked window she could see her grandfather’s spirit.
“Grandpa? Grandfather! Grandpa John please don’t let him kill us please!” Robert tried to keep his daughter calm but when he too looked out to where she was looking, he saw something he thought he’d never see.
He recognized this spirit from the pictures his mum showed him growing up.  He knew right away even with him being a black spirit, this was the ghost of his father.
“It can’t be.”
“Make your choice John Deacon, and see how a family man is rewarded.” Beelzebub said to John.
“Leave them out of this Beelzebub!”
“The matters of life and death can never meet. Now choose!” it was then he let both the rope and Veronica go.
“NO!!” John screamed.
How could he choose which one to save? If he saved the son he never met and the granddaughter he had come to love, he’d be risking and he would have to force them both to lose Veronica.  And it’d be a double hitter for Robert cause now he’ll have lost both his parents to horrific accidents.
But if he saved Veronica, she’d have to live with the fact that her one and only son and granddaughter had to die a watery death.  John couldn’t bare to have Veronica lose her only 2 babies, she was born to be a mother and grandmother.  And losing both Robert and (Y/n) would be devastating after all that she’s been through with the loss of him.
Finally John made his choice.  He flew down towards the left and quickly grabbed Veronica. Once he had her, he quickly flew towards the other side of the bridge and grabbed the rope holding his son’s car. As all four Deacons dove towards the sea, John used his psychic powers to keep the car levitating midair and he continued to hold onto the rope.  Veronica continued to scream and shriek as she clung onto the spirit of her husband and already John was feeling his mental grip on the car starting to fade.
From above, Beelzebub stood on the tower glaring and let out a hiss.
“Foolish soul.”
Thankfully for the Deacons, a barge boat was just about a half mile away from them.  A spotlight shined on them and soon a voice called out from the speakers.
“Ah-hoy up there! We’re gonna bring the barge right under you!” But soon the thousand fly wing flaps of Beelzebub was heard as he began circling around them.
“HE’S COMING BACK!” Veronica screamed in horror.
“Veronica listen, I need you to climb down to Robert and (Y/n).” John told her.
“I can’t!” Veronica sobbed.
“Yes you can.” John urged her.  His mental grip began to slip and soon they dropped about 4 inches from their normal position.  Veronica screamed till John took back his grip and continued to hold the car. “Ronnie please! Our babies need you! Please.” She looked up and even through the pure black eyes, Veronica recognized the love he once had when he found out all those years ago that he would become a father.
Veronica sniffled and let out a soft whimper as she began to climb down John.  He moved her closer to the rope so that she could have an easier transition and he told her.
“Hold on tight. And go as quick as you can!” Veronica got a good grip on the rope and slid down just an inch before freezing up at the height she was looking down at.  As Beelzebub flew closer and closer to them, John looked down at Veronica and said.
“I can’t! I’m too scared!”
“Just look right up at me Ronnie! You can do it!” suddenly John was stabbed right in the back with Beelzebub’s iron staff. And due to it being Iron, John’s spirit began to glitch up which caused his psychic hold on the car to collapse and he only had his physical grip on the rope.  As John got stabbed, it forced the car to swing sharply to the left which caused Veronica to swing along with the rope, almost losing her grip.
She held on as tight as she could as she tried to go down the rope even more as her husband told her too.  Once John was fully manifested again, he gripped the rope with both hands now but as he turned around he saw Beelzebub flying right in front of him.  His staff raised and this time instead of a single stab, he thrusted his staff into John’s chest which caused him to glitch again.
But also made him release his grip on the rope.
When his focus went back to the rope, he took hold of the staff and removed it from his body and reached out towards the rope. The second he grabbed the rope, Veronica lost her grip of the rope and went plummeting down towards the sea. But she was soon caught by her own son (who had taken advantage of his broken window).
Robert held on tight to his mother as both him and (Y/n) both worked together to try and pull her inside.  John who was trying so hard to keep a grip on the rope, but it was slowly sliding off inch by inch and the barge still wasn’t close enough to the car.
Inside the car, (Y/n) looked up towards her grandfather praying and hoping that he could hang in there just a little longer.
“Enough games. This ends now!” Beelzebub soon revealed a reaper’s scythe and flew right towards John.  Knowing that with just one swipe of this, John’s soul would pass on and he could finally be rid of all the Deacons.
John’s eyes widened but just before Beelzebub could even swing the scythe, suddenly a sonic guitar sound shot right at him, stirring him away from John.
“Up here coward!” Beelzebub and John both looked up and there levitating in the air was Constantine.  In his hand he held Brian’s red special but it was his eyes that caught the demon’s attention.  They were pure white.
“So the rest of the band has come at last? And I see you’ve used a meat suit.”
“Call it an equal partnership.” Brian’s voice spoke through Constantine.  His eyes then turned from white to blue as Roger’s voice then spoke up.
“But don’t think this’ll be a simple meet and greet. You mess with John Deacon, you mess with us!”
“In fact; you mess with one Queen, you mess with all of us Queen’s!” Freddie’s voice soon said as Constantine’s eyes once again changed from blue to yellow.  After tuning the Red special his eyes once again shifted back to white as he let out another sonic guitar riff which sent another ghostly wave right at Beelzebub, distracting him long enough so that John could save his family.
Finally John began to slowly lower the rope down and finally the car landed safely on top of the barge.
The crew on the barge quickly ran towards the car and helped (Y/n) out first before helping Veronica and finally bringing Robert out of the beat up car.
From above, John released the rope and looked down at his family, relieved that they were safe and sound.
*My POV*
After the crew on the barge asked if we were okay or hurt I looked up towards my granddad and smiled up at him.
“So this is what you’ve been up to?” my dad asked. I nodded.
“Yeah. I got to finally meet granddad and his friends.”
“I just—I can’t believe it’s really him.” He said in awe.
“Believe it my boy. He may not look how he once was, but only one man has ever made me feel that safe in any situation.” Nana said as she came up to us.
Suddenly I noticed that the demon Beelzebub was now flying right back towards grandad and it looked like he had iron chains to use as a rope.
“GRANDDAD WATCH OUT!!!” I cried out but it was too late. We watched in horror as the chains went around his throat and he was now being flown across the sky to god knows where with an iron chain around his throat.  Constantine flew right over towards us and I asked him. “Where did that demon take him?”
“They’re heading for the Tower hamlets cemetery.” Roger’s voice spoke out of him.
“Wait…..Roger?” Nana asked.  Constantine smiled and Roger spoke through him.
“Hey Ronnie, been a long time eh?” I then saw his eyes change from blue to yellow as Freddie now took over.
“Don’t worry, leave this to us Ronnie dear.”
“I’m coming too!” I proclaimed.
“Absolutely out of the question!” dad exclaimed.
“You better listen to your dad on this one love.” Constantine’s true voice soon spoke up. “I told you, I don’t let normal humans get in too deep with what I do. And you’re already deep enough as it is. Stay with your nana and father and get somewhere safe.”
“If I’m already this deep in then let me go in all the way! That’s my grandfather out there and he’s in danger! I refuse to lose him just when I STARTED TO GET TO KNOW HIM!!!!” my voice steadily got louder till I screamed at him.  My breathing became sharp and heavy as my eyes flickered with tears. “Now take me with you.”
“Why must women always be so stubborn?” he muttered.
“Welcome to our world Johnny boy.” Roger soon spoke up. His eyes then shifted from blue to white as Brian’s voice said.
“It could be dangerous (Y/n), are you sure?”
“Please Brian. If you got the chance to meet your granddad, would you want him to suddenly be taken away from you by some demon bastard?” He looked down then extended out Constantine’s hand.
“Don’t let go no matter what. This won’t be like back on the farm.” I took his hand when my dad said to me one more time.
“Dad please. If you were my age you’d—you’d do the same thing.” He walked towards me and for the first time in years, he actually gave me a proper hug.
“Just be careful sweetheart.” I leaned my head against his chest and promised him that I would.  After he separated from me, Constantine and I flew up to the sky and headed towards the Tower hamlets cemetery park.
*3rd Person POV*
At the cemetery, Beelzebub flew John over the vast forest and graves till they came up onto a small tomb.  Then like a whip, he threw John right through the tomb.
John tried to keep himself a float but due to the iron stabs he took and his psychic powers still on the fritz, all he could do was phase through the walls till he finally landed on the ground with thump and a roll.  He let out a groan as he slowly tried to stand up.
“Misery, pain, and suffering. That’s what you and your friends have chosen.” Beelzebub’s voice soon spoke up.  He looked up and he saw the fly demon standing right before him. John weakly stood up as Beelzebub continued on. “I offer you a choice, and you still cling to your mortal life.”
The fly demon grabbed John’s arm and twisted it before punching him straight in the chest.  He then did an uppercut before doing a right hook right into John’s face.
John panted breathlessly and wasn’t prepared for the iron staff to suddenly knock him right off of his feet sending him flying out of the tomb back out into the open graveyard.
Beelzebub soon flew up in the air with the staff raised high above his head, almost like he was ready to smite a dragon.  Quickly thinking John phased through the ground which left Beelzebub to stab his sword into nothing but grass and dirt.
John silently appeared a few feet behind him and put his arms parallel of each other which sent a strong air current over Beelzebub, forcing him to flip around till he landed on his side.  Next, John’s began to move in an elegant manner (think of Scarlet Witch) as the next thing Beelzebub knew, he was being wrapped up in vines and weeds.
It didn’t hold him much longer cause the next thing John saw was that his fly-like wings, snapped his bounds off of him and he now turned towards John.  He charged right at the ghost and the two of them began a close hand to hand combat.
John kept his guard up and mostly dodged the punches coming at him but a knee to the face as he ducked down sent him flying. Before he could even stand up, Beelzebub grabbed him by the hair and tossed him like a ragdoll before taking out the iron staff again and smashed it right across his face sending him flying right towards a statue of the Virgin Mary.
John weakly looked up.  Never before had he been this beaten up in either his living or his deceased years.  He slowly raised his hand up but before he could even do a single psychic attack, Beelzebub stepped on his hand and sneered out.
“You’ve played your last concert John Deacon. Had you not been so selfish your family’s death would’ve been quick and painless but now that you’ve really pissed. Me. Off. I’m gonna finish each of them—nice and slow.”
Now John was enraged.
“The Deacons and I,” he revealed a three point death scythe that stuck out like a pitchfork. “We’re gonna have a hell of a Night.” John slowly stood up as he kept his eyes on the demon before him.
Beelzebub then went to stab John right in the face but John actually grabbed the three point scythe and held back his demise. The two monsters literally shaking as one tried to thrust the scythe while the other held it back.  John’s form glitching with rage as his eyes shifted between black and red.
Finally with a ghostly wail, John sent Beelzebub right off his feet, sending him flying almost 3m.  John then lifted his hand so that the weeds could bind themselves around Beelzebub’s feet to trip him up and send him right on his face.  He then looked at a large weeping angel statue and used his powers to slowly tip the Weeping angel statue towards him.
Trapped and bound with no ways of escaping, Beelzebub screamed as the statue fell right on top of him, smashing to nothing but rubble. To even add more injury, John looked at any nearby statue which was enough for them to come tumbling down right on top of Beelzebub, crushing him under rock and stone.  
Soon there was nothing but rubble and dust circling around their spot of the cemetery.
Finally getting the strength to pull himself out of the rubble, Beelzebub’s hand was the only thing to peak out.  Slowly he pulled himself out, stumbling as he tried to regain his footing.  The cemetery was eerily silent and pitch black, and John Deacon was nowhere in sight.
He slowly turned around in a circle trying to find the ghost of the young bass player but couldn’t find him anywhere. Suddenly a Banshee like scream came from behind him as he was grabbed by the throat and flown up high at crazy fast speed.
He was slammed through a small tomb and fell to the ground rolling on the floor.  Then he felt himself being pinned against the wall with his hands extended outward.  Landing in front of him was an enraged John Deacon.  He teleported right in front of the fly demon roughly holding him by the throat.
He didn’t speak a word, just sent one powerful punch into his ribs, hearing the loud snapping of his ribs breaking before sucker punching him across the face.  As a portion of his upper body slacked to the left, John brought him right back to position one and sent another punch, this time harder at the demon’s face.
Punch after punch after punch.  Giving into his anger and hatred with each punch until a voice snapped him out of it.
*My POV*
Once we landed in the cemetery I could already see what looked like a scuffle.  Tombstones knocked over, statues torn down, and close by I could hear the wails of a banshee.  Freddie, Brian and Roger soon left Constantine’s body and Freddie said.
“That’s Deacy alright. Those painful, agonizing wails can only come from one person.”
“He’s already giving into the hate. Seeing you, your father and his wife being hurt has caused him to unleash his full potential. If he kills that demon, I’ll have to kill him cause a ghost that angry is a bloody dangerous one.” Constantine said.
“No just let me talk to him. I can save him!” I raced off following the painful, hate-filled wails.  Freddie, Rog, and Brian floating right behind me and Constantine racing close behind.
We arrived at a tomb where a large hole stood at the top of it.  We raced inside and I could already see my grandad punching the demon across his fly-like face.  Each punch we all could hear a sickening crack of bone.
“GRANDPA!!” I screamed at him.  His head snapped towards me and I could already see him glitching with rage and his eyes were now pure red.  Slowly I walked towards him with my hands up. “I know you’re in there somewhere, I just need you to listen.”
I took a step literally every other minute just so that I wouldn’t unleash the rageful ghost he now was.  The once friendly appearance he had, was now more demonic.  
His hair now looked like a raging fire instead of floating calmly like a river, his face now contorted to something right out of the Nun or Poltergeist, a face between his actual human form or showing his inner skeletal form, and the glitching didn’t help either, in fact it made him even more menacing looking.
Then of course there were his eyes.  The pure, demonic red eyes that made me want to sink to my knees and plead for my life to be spared.  I almost hate to compare but it was like my grandfather had become the Devil himself.
“Nana, dad and I are fine. See? Just shaken up and a little bruised but we’re all okay. So you need to stop this.” Suddenly I felt myself being pulled right towards him and his long, skeletal fingers wrapped around my throat giving it a squeeze.
I could see Constantine going for something but I wheezed out.
“Don’t. you. dare!” I turned back to my granddad who just looked at me like a crazed, possessed spirit.  He didn’t even recognize me at this point. “Please,” I pleaded. “I finally just got to know you. If you kill that demon now, I’ll lose you forever.” He didn’t speak a word, just slowly kept turning his head side to side like a demonic puppy.
I slowly reached my hand out to cup the side of his face and whispered one last time.
“I love you grandad. Please come back to me.” He continued to glare at me for a few more minutes before suddenly his grip on my throat released.  His constant glitching began to stop but he still had a tick.  I walked closer to him till finally I just embraced him and nuzzled into his chest. “I want my shy, sweet gramps back.”
I felt his arms wrap around me and he squeezed me as tightly as he could.  I looked up and was finally looking at my granddad again.  His form no longer glitching with rage, his eyes back to the pure black they were, and his face no longer contorted or demonic.
It was just him in his ghostly self.  Tears filled my eyes as I sobbed happily.
“I’m so sorry (y/n).” he choked out with regret. I shook my head no and embraced him tightly.
“It’s over now. It’s all over.” He separated from me to look down at me and he looked me over worriedly.
“You’re sure you’re not—”
“I’m fine. And so are dad and nana. You saved us.” He smiled and cupped my face in his hands.  His eyes full of love and admiration.
“My granddaughter.” He praised lovingly.
“My granddad.” He soon began laughing before frantically kissing all over my face.  I giggled softly as he kept kissing me before finally ending it with a kiss to my nose, just like nana always did when I was a little girl.
Freddie, Roger, and Brian soon came over and they embraced their friend and brother.  Thanking God that granddad didn’t succumb to the rage and turn into a bad ghost.
I then turned towards Constantine who now stood before the fly demon Beelzebub and began chanting out some ancient chant. Then almost like a scene out of Harry Potter when Barty Crouch Jr. was revealed, the demon’s face began spaz out and shift.
Soon the face revealed a man with a tache, a tuff of hair on his head and his skin was rotting away.  It was like looking at a zombie from the Walking dead.
“Paul Prenter.” Roger hissed out.  He turned his head towards us and he said.
“Freddie, boys, oh thank god for you all.”
“For what?” snapped Brian.
“For sparing me. I never wanted to do any of this! Please you must believe me! Lucifer is—is powerful.”
“Don’t bullshit us Prenter right now you’re just taking the piss!” Roger hissed.
“How would he know of Veronica? About my son and granddaughter?” granddad asked.  Before Prenter could even say a word, Constantine soon spoke up.
“I think I can explain that. See I have been diving into what happened to you four for years. For over 4 decades people have speculated on just what happened to the once rising band Queen. But 2 months ago I came across someone who said they knew the truth of what happened that day.”
“What’s the true story?” I asked.
“I had gotten an anonymous tip from Belfast and it was there I met an old man named Michael Prenter. Who after 45 years since the murders had to finally confess his sins that he knew who the real killer was.” It was then he turned towards Paul.
Prenter looked down almost shamefully till a sickening grin spread across his face and he softly cackled.
“So that bastard of a brother of mine finally squealed like a pig eh? I knew I should’ve killed him too when I told him. But then again Mother would’ve been heartbroken had her favorite son suddenly turned up dead.”
“You……you killed us?” Freddie spoke with heartbreak, shock, betrayal, and sorrow.
“It was Reid’s mistake to have us go so far out of the city. No one could hear the screams, I only meant to kill just three. You were just enough for the record.”
“You ended us just before our careers could really take off. All these years Queen could’ve been one of the greatest bands of all but you took that from us! AND FOR WHAT!?” Freddie snapped.
“Freddie please—I love you.” Granddad and I looked at each other scoffing and rolling our eyes.
“You ruined us Paul. You stole our lives and away from our families. Now you may not be able to repair that, but you can pay for what you did.” Freddie hissed lowly in a threatening way. “Nearly killing Deacy’s family is like killing our family. And that will not go unpunished.”
“No Freddie please! I did this for you! For us!”
“You did it for yourself you dirty, rotten Rat king! Get rid of him Constantine dear.”
“About time I got to get rid of something.” He muttered as he lit up his lighter and burned a piece of paper with an Anti-demon insignia on it and he began chanting out an exorcism.  He tossed it right at Paul’s feet and he started twitching and the fire started to encompass him.
His screams of agony echoed throughout the tomb. Granddad tucked my head into his chest so that I wouldn’t have to see what happens to a soul during an exorcism. All I could hear was Paul’s agonizing screams and the sounds of the fire consuming his soul alive.
Then the tomb went silent.  There wasn’t anymore screaming, no flames roaring, no more chanting.  It was just quiet.
“It is finished.” Constantine said.
“The bastard deserved it. Now I hope he’s burning in hell.” Roger said.
“Don’t worry, he is.” Constantine assured him.
“(Y/n)!” the two voices were from my dad and nana. I ran towards the back of the tomb and said.
“We’re in here!” they came around the tomb and I raced over to them and immediately raced to my nana who embraced me first before my dad came up and embraced us.
“Are you alright?” nana asked me.
“I’m fine nana, I’m okay. Constantine got rid of Beelzebub—or well Paul Prenter. He’s gone. And nana he was the reason granddad and his friends died. He killed them while they were at Rockfield farm.” Nana turned towards granddad who looked down solemnly.
“So that’s what happened? But how come the police never told me it was a homicide?”
“Paul maybe a slime but he was clever. His brother told me that the way Paul had done it was not just one way. His brother said that the first one he killed was you John, simply smothering you in your sleep till you gave out. Next one he killed was Roger.  Yours was the most rageful according to his brother. He said that Paul had beaten you in the head with one of the guitars you all brought.”
“Jesus, no wonder why for the first few decades I felt my head banging.” He said as he placed a hand to his head.
“Brian’s was the swiftest. A total of 20 stab wounds mostly around the chest and face. Which explains why that cut on your cheek still seeps out ghost blood.” Brian raised his hand to the cut on his cheek and watched as the blood danced across his fingers before fading away.
“I—I think I remember that. I remember someone standing over me, bloody and……..oh god.” Brian went speechless.
His white eyes shined with pure shock and it made me want to just go up there and give him a hug (even though I knew I couldn’t).
“He left you for last Freddie Mercury. The one he was passionate about, but the way he had done you is probably the cruelest I had ever seen.”
“What did he do?” he asked gravely.
“Are you sure you want to hear it?”
“If you don’t tell me I’ll force it out of you.” Freddie hissed.  Constantine sighed heavily before finally revealing how the frontman of Queen died.
“First to ensure you wouldn’t wake up during the first three murders. He slipped you a few sleeping pills in your drink the night after recording the album. When you woke up, you first saw the blood from Roger’s room. That’s when you found your best friend dead on the bed, head almost completely smashed in. You then ran to Brian’s room only to find that he too was dead. Hoping that he too hadn’t been killed, you then ran to find Deacy over there. At first you thought he was asleep, buried underneath the pillows but when you felt just how cold he felt, you realized that he was dead as a doornail.”
Oh my god. This—this was…….I can’t believe Paul would do something like that. And to have Freddie wake up the next morning to see that his best friends in the whole wide world were dead.
“And that’s when he killed Freddie last?” nana asked.  Constantine nodded.
“Four gunshots right in the chest. The last shot entered right into your heart.”
“But what I don’t understand is if the main reason why my dad and his friends died was homicide, then why didn’t they ever find the bodies?” my dad asked.
“That’s where he got clever. Paul Prenter sat there for days while your bodies began to decompose. After the 7th day, Lucifer himself came to the farm and told Prenter how to perfectly dispose of the bodies by burning them. Using a spell that he had been given by the devil himself, Paul was able to cast a spell as your bodies, including any normal remains such as bones, teeth and clothes, would turn to ash. Poof. No more Queen. And thus the theories began to rise about what had happened to the band that was last seen at Rockfield farm studios.”
Nana turned to granddad and slowly walked towards him.  He looked at her almost shamefully.  As the two of them now stood face to face for the first time in 45 years, he said to her.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“I—I did this to you. You could’ve moved on from me, had a new life. Had more children. I caused you so much pain Ronnie. I don’t deserve……”
“Stop right there John Richard Deacon.” She snapped sternly. “You—you did nothing wrong. None of this was your fault. There’s only one man, who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, would have children with, and only one man I have ever loved. And you’ve literally proven to me that not even death could part us.”
Granddad slowly reached out to her and gently stroked a strand of her short white hair out of her face before resting his hand on her cheek.  Nana nuzzled her face into his hand as she held onto his arm.
“You’re still as beautiful as the day I first met you.” aww.
“Now I know you’re spewing lies.” Nana teased.
“I never jest when it comes to you. I always knew you’d be beautiful, even as we grew old and grey together.” God my heart! Then the two of them leaned towards each other and finally kissed one another after being taken away from each other.
I placed my hand over my heart and felt tears fall down my face.  Now I finally got to see just how much nana loved him.  From the stories she’s shared with me these past three months, I was finally seeing with my own two eyes of the love these two clearly shared with each other.
They really were meant to be.
Their kiss was so soft and warm it was like seeing something out of a romantic novel.  Their lips brushing against each other’s even after separating, their noses gently nudging the other’s, and both of them wearing the warmest, sweetest smile they both could ever make.  Eyes gleaming with love and happiness.
I turned to my dad who looked like he was about to cry.  Finally seeing his parents back together, it was probably a dream come true for him. For years in his late teen all the way through adult years he’s tried to keep any mentions of granddad a secret so it wouldn’t upset nana.  
Now he’s finally getting the chance to see his parents expressing the love they shared and clearly still had even after all these years.
It was then nana and pops turned towards us and he extended his hand out as he called my dad over.  My dad suddenly grew nervous so he looked to his mum for guidance. She smiled lovingly and nodded, assuring him it was okay.
He then turned to me asking me through his expression if it was okay.  I gave him a gently shove and he walked towards the father he never got to know.
When the two of them stood face to face it was scary to suddenly realize just how much my dad looked like granddad (if he had gotten the chance to age past 24).  Pops just stared at my dad in disbelief before he finally cupped his face in his hands.
“You’re so big.” Was the first thing granddad choked out.  There was soft laughter everywhere and dad choked out.
“Yeah uhh……” he cleared his throat. “God I—I only dreamed about this as a kid. I—I had so many things to tell you but I…..I don’t know……I’m so sorry dad. I—I gave up on you. The mere mention of your name broke mum so much that I just…..I couldn’t bring myself to tell (y/n) about you. Can…..can you ever forgive me?”
“There’s nothing to forgive my son.” Pops gently wiped away a hidden tear that fell from my dad’s face. “But let me give you one piece of advice; Fatherhood is never easy. There’s no shortcuts, no easy-way-out. When your mum found out she was pregnant, I was scared to death cause of the financial situation we were in. But I was willing to go with it, cause I wanted to be a father, even though I was terrified.”
“She’s always told me how much you were wanting to see me once the album was done.”
“And I would give anything in the world to have had that chance to hold you. To be the father I wanted to be. I never wanted you to grow up fatherless like I did. I would’ve given you siblings if you asked me.” The two of them laughed, god even their laughs were similar. “Now I know things have been difficult with you since your divorce. But you shouldn’t hide within your work. I can tell you this, no matter how popular Queen would’ve gotten had we released our 4th album, no matter what success came our way, I would trade it all away for you and your mother. Because nothing is more important than family.”
The two of them looked towards me.
“She’s coming to the age where she’ll be a full grown adult. So don’t ever let her say she thinks you don’t love her anymore. Because that’ll break your heart.” My dad nodded as he immediately embraced his father and wept.
I had never seen my dad cry so much—wait scratch that, I’ve never seen him cry at all.  Seeing my dad weep openly like a child in his dad’s arms broke my heart. Tears dripped from my eyes and I could see nana covering her mouth as she was openly sobbing at the sight she longed to see.
Both her boys together and embracing each other.
After they shared their moment, pops pressed his forehead against my dad’s and the two of them stayed in that position for awhile before granddad finally gave my father a kiss at the center of his forehead.
They separated after one last hug and that’s when granddad turned his attention toward me.  He came towards me and immediately placed his hand to my cheek. I pressed my hand against his cold, ghostly black hand and kissed his palm.
“Now knowing the truth I finally get why you felt so familiar the night we met. You have both your father and grandmother in you. Your father’s hair, but you have your grandmother’s eyes, nose, and golden heart. As well as the same beauty that attracted me to her the night we met. Which means Robert you better keep a sharp eye on her.” Once again there was laughter in the air.
“Don’t I know it.” Pops turned back toward me and I said to him.
“I wish I had gotten the chance to know you when you were alive. You and the guys.”
“So do I. I can only imagine how much I would’ve looked forward to being a granddad. I would’ve spoiled you rotten every time you came to Veronica and I.”
“That’s what I’ve been telling her.” Nana spoke up.
“But I am happy to have gotten to know you at all.” Granddad said as his thumb gently stroked my cheek.
“Guess I really need to thank Brandon for forcing us to go to the studio. It must’ve been fate or something.”
“Whatever it was, I’m glad you did go along with it. I got to see the most beautiful grandchild in the world, finally got the chance to see my son, and be reunited with the woman I love.”
The sun then began to rise and the night sky began to shift into the dawn’s light.  But what soon caught our attention was a star-like brightness that shined on the back gate.  It slowly opened up and that’s when Brian asked.
“What is that?”
“The entrance to your next life.” Constantine spoke up.  We all turned to him and he continued, “Now that you four know the truth and got closure, you can finally move on. Your souls no longer bound to Earth anymore.”
“You mean—they can pass on to Heaven?” asked nana. Constantine nodded.  I turned to my granddad and the guys (can I call the rest of Queen my uncles at this point?).
“So—does this mean I’ll never get to see you guys again?” Freddie came up to me and he said.
“We’ll never truly leave you darling. Because legends never die.”
“He’s right. We’ll always be with you kiddo, here,” Roger said as he pointed to my head first. “And here.” Then he pointed right at my heart.
“And so long as you keep our music close, and the memories you had with us at the farm closer, we’ll never truly leave you.” Brian finished.
“I’ll miss you guys.” I said.
“Oh dear we’ll miss you too. You have been the best thing to happen to us in 45 years since our death.” Freddie said. The three of them surrounded me and put me in the middle of a group hug.
Amazingly this time, I was able to feel the three of them finally touch me.  Once they also realized that their hands and arms no longer went through me, their embrace grew tighter (especially Rog’s and Fred’s).
They each hugged and kissed me individually next telling me their goodbyes, thank yous and I love yous and I did the same back to them.  I turned back towards my family to see pops whispering something to Nana in her ear before taking her hand in his and planting a soft kiss to it, as well as giving her one last kiss on the lips.
He then turned towards my dad, cupped the side of his head and whispered in his ear next.  Dad nodded before the two of them embraced each other tightly.  After the two of them released the hug, granddad kissed my dad’s forehead before turning around towards me and extended his hand as he said.
“Come here poppet.” I walked towards him and placed my hand in his.  He leaned down towards my ear and whispered.
“I shall always be with you until we’re together again.” I nodded and he gave me a soft kiss right on my cheek.
The four of us then did one final family group hug with granddad having his arms around all of us.  I was in the middle nuzzling into his chest, dad leaned against granddad’s right side while nana took the left, placing her head right where his heart would be.
After what felt like eternity, granddad forced himself away from us as he walked towards Freddie, Brian and Roger who now stood before the opened gate into heaven.  The four of them looked at us and they waved goodbye.
The three of us waved a tearful goodbye back and I blew them a kiss.
As the four of them turned their backs to us I could hear Freddie say.
“I just hope it won’t be boring up there.”
“All I hope is that there’ll be lots of lovely angels up there.” Roger spoke out.
“Typical Roger, even in death you still can’t help yourself.” Brian said.
“Ever the play boy in life or death.” Granddad’s voice echoed before finally all four of their spirits disappeared into the sunlight. My dad and nana came up beside me and they each had an arm wrapped around me and the three of us watched as the gates soon closed and the sun rose higher and higher into the sky.
I turned around to see Constantine walking away with his hands in his pockets.
“Constantine!” I called out.  He stopped and turned back towards me. “Thank you. For everything.” He grinned and simply said.
“Just another day in the office love. Now—try not to evoke anymore demonic deities or spiritual apparitions.”
“I’ll try.”
“Good day to you then Deacon family. And I hope to never see you lot again.” And with that he walked away.  Then finally we left the cemetery and hailed a cabbie home.
I’ll tell you this much.  After the events of March. 19th, things were different from that day on.  My dad and I patched things up.  He left his company and became an author.  His books got some recognition but it was his 3rd book titled LEGEND OF THE BAND that was his best seller.
He wrote it as a fictional piece so that we could respect the privacy of his father and how Queen truly died.  But we also had tragedy hit us.  
Five years later, nana passed away peacefully in her sleep.  We thought it was best for her to be buried where her husband’s body was last seen.
We drove up to Rockfield farm and we buried her right near the building where the recording studio was.  During her funeral I played granddad’s song he made for her, “You’re my best friend” as a way to let granddad know that she was coming for him.
I would go to London University and study criminology.  I slowly go up the ranks and by the time I turn 35 I become the leading detective in the Cold cases division.
I help hundreds of families find closure on the deaths of loved ones they’ve lost for decades.  With every case I solve; I see my story back when I was just a teenage when I finally got to meet my long deceased grandfather and the band members of Queen.  Because of me, no one got to wonder what ever happened to their loved ones and we bring justice to those that forced the families to grieve for as long as mine has.
As I now lay there in my bed at the tinder age of 97 sick and fading, I would question whether I did enough.  But as I close my eyes and hear the voices of my father and grandparents, as well as my uncles it puts me at ease.  I had done my job and now it was time.
The next time I woke up, I was a 17 year old teenager again and right there at the gates of Heaven I see my father, Freddie, Brian, Roger and my grandparents.  All young and vibrant.
This time my grandfather and uncles were back to how they were when they were human back in the 1970s.  All of them wore soft smiles and extending his and out to me was my granddad.  I walked towards him and placed my hand in his.
He pulled me towards them and I was once again engulfed in a family group hug.  I smile as I buried my head between my nana and granddad.
Finally at peace and happy with my family in the gates of Heaven.
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In 2020, I read 40 books (with maybe a few more to be added after I post this) after discovering my love of reading all over again. I am not a very hard reader to please, so it will be rare for me to rate a book with a low score, so I doubt you’ll ever see any criticism from me. So, here we go!
A few things before I start: There are three series in this list (but technically only two, because I’ve only read Serpent & Dove so far) but I’ve limited myself to no repeat authors. That must have been the hardest part for me. Since Jessi went the extra mile and ranked them in order, I’ve decided to make myself suffer the same. And while most of these were not published in 2020, they were read in 2020.
I am (sometimes) a picky reader, but any book that is on this list, I have loved. I chose not to rate them because honestly, they would have all been high. I give ratings easily, and try not to pick things apart even for books I truly did not like.
Please keep in mind that I do my best to add trigger warnings, but you should always check for certain triggers before reading. Triggers vary for everyone.
10. Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen
Warnings: There’s a male character that’s a creep and you’ll spot him as soon as you crack this one open. This tale deals with Peyton being sentenced to prison, and their mother practically glossing over what he’s done by victim blaming.
I have read Dessen’s books since I was 13 and I truly still enjoy her stories as much as I did then. While this was a re-read for me, it’s a tie for my favorite book of hers. It’s tied with Along For the Ride.
Sydney is left in the aftermath after her older brother, Peyton, is sentenced to prison after a drunk driving accident that paralyzes a boy. Formerly in his shadow, Sydney struggles to discover what it is she wants, and how she wants to be seen as her own mother seems to gloss right over her. It’s a YA read that always feels like more than the romance that originally interested me.
9.  Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin
Warnings: Misogyny. The church and religion plays an extremely heavy part of this plot, which was hard for me to get into. It’s clear that some characters do not value women in their actions and words toward Lou. It made me uncomfortable in spots because I just wanted to get past it, but I plan to read this one again since I know that it won’t bother me this time! Still, there is: violence in parts, religious zealots (in case that’s something that makes you uncomfortable like it did me), derogatory slurs toward women, and again, misogyny.
I finished this one two days ago, and I sincerely cannot wait to dig into the sequel. Lou is a witty, snappy character that was such a breath of fresh air from the normal. You usually see the male lead that’s a bit crude, a bit quick to pull the trigger, and the one that’s harder to crack. Is that what happened here? Absolutely fucking not. Shelby Mahurin took something I loved, enemies to lovers, and kicked its ass. Forced marriage? UM YES. A witch and a witch-hunter? Mortal enemies? Characters that can never possibly love each other? DONE DONE DONE.
It’s hilarious in parts. Serious when it needs to be. A bit spicy too, while not a lot, which I certainly appreciate. Reid’s character development is a wonder to watch, at least for me, and by the end of the book, I am so in love with him that I don’t know what to do with myself. I have so many annotations for this novel.
8. The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller
Warnings: There’s a fair bout of murder. Women are expected not to take lovers before marriage while men are not held to the same standard. Gross. Allessandra is continually underestimated so let me say: let the women do the work.
It’s called the Slytherin romance we’ve been waiting for, and I agree. While this is a shorter read, and a standalone, I was pleased with it. Both characters are incredibly ambitious, but it’s Allessandra that steals the show. The plan? To enter the palace, woo the king, and then kill him in order to take his kingdom. She’s wicked in all the ways I love.
I loved this book, and each page, but this was the line that will make me return to it: “I’m not a trollop,” I announce to the empty room. “I’m a sexually empowered woman, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”
The Folk of the Air Series by Holly Black
Warnings: Aside from murder, there’s nothing that stands out to me as a trigger.
A series! The first! There’s something interesting about this series for me, and it’s that I didn’t fall in love altogether, all at once. It was gradual, like wading into water until it went right over my head. By the final fourth of The Cruel Prince, I was fully invested in this world and I absolutely needed to know how Jude and Cardan would become, well, Jude and Cardan.
As a YA series, I was not expecting the sheer amount of mystery, political intrigue, and plot twists that came with this series. However, I never knew what was going to happen, and if I did guess what was coming, Black had at least two more twists to send me for a loop. The Queen of Nothing was likely my favorite book of the series, with The Wicked King as a close second.
6. Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Warnings:  Discussion of attempted non-con assault, forced disclosure of sexuality
I laughed until my eyes watered and I nearly cried in this book. Delightfully funny, and snappy, RW&B delivers on everything I didn’t know that I needed. I had never read a book where LGBTQ was represented in such a positive light. As someone raised in a more conservative household, I’ve known my own sexual orientation for a long time, but this book made me feel like I could relax in my skin because this story was stunning.
Alex and Henry left me with so much hope that it’s impossible to ever put the lid back on. I’m so happy I read this.
(oh, god, we’re in the final five.)
5. The Caraval Series by Stephanie Garber
Warnings: Physical and emotional child abuse.
I could dedicate multiple posts to this series. Maybe I still will. While this is at number five, it’s my favorite series I’ve ever read. If I could only have one series to read for the rest of my life, I would choose this one. Hands down. Full stop. These characters live in my head constantly and I would give an obscene amount of things to read it all over again for the first time. I actually read this with two of my closest friends in our many book club, and we all loved it.
Doused in magic, this world is unveiled to us with excellent descriptions. Truly, Garber owned my heart within a few chapters. Scarlett is the elder sister, Tella the younger, and if you don’t love Tella by the end of Caraval, I promise you will. I know because I was skeptical, but here I am. I’ve said it to my friends, but Scarlett is the one who holds my hair while I have a hangover. Tella is the one that helps me start the bar fight.
With non-stop turns, and magic, everything comes to life on these pages. And the romance, the romance. Please, please give me my great love in this style. It’s not too much to ask for, is it?
4. Letters to the Lost by Brigid Kemmerer
Warnings:  loss of sibling, loss of parent, alcoholism, mention of infidelity, mentions of previous physical and emotional child abuse.
Mae sent this recommendation to me, and I devoured all of Kemmer’s books post-haste. Declan and Juliet fall in love without knowing who the other is, while also not liking the real version of their penpal. Juliet has lost her mother, and she’s treading water, but not well. Declan has suffered in the years that follow a family tragedy, and he’s not adapting to life with his new step-father.
But he opens with CemetaryGirl (Juliet) and it’s raw in the best of ways, and the openness between them that eventually moves from their bubble to reality is one of the most pleasing things to read. I’ve read it twice this year. I will read it again next year too.
I also read this twice this year and will for sure be reading it again in 2021.
3. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
Warnings: Child abuse.
This was another novel that I fell in love with as I went, and that’s definitely because of the non-linear narrative. It was a little confusing, but I’m going to read it again someday since I know everything now! I read this to follow-up to Caraval with my book club pals, and it’s just what I needed to leave Caraval behind. Marco and Celia are incredible and I absolutely believe that the ending of this novel is one of the best endings I’ve ever read.
My book club has not finished this book entirely this so I’m not sharing any spoilers, but I would like to share one of my favorite quotes. “What did you wish for?” “I wished for her.”
2. Next Year in Havana by Chanel Cleeton
Warnings: Cuba is in the middle of a revolution, and it’s tense in parts. There are some bittersweet elements and I think the parts of the ending are like the punch in the gut you need in order to wake you up and remember to live.
This was my first read once I really dug back into this hobby in August. It was picked by Reese Witherspoon for her book club, and she always picks good books. This is a dual timeline romance, and mystery. It’s an absolute stunner of a book. It’s a dear favorite to me now. I’ve never been to Cubs, or heard stories, but Cleeton manages to make you feel like you’re right there feeling saltwater spray across your face.
The romance made me feel breathless, but truly it’s the strong familial ties that make this such a beautiful gem. It leaves you with hope even in the dark and with love in the absence of it. I could scream about this book for the rest of my life, which I absolutely intend to do.
Favorite line? “You’re going to be difficult to walk away from, aren’t you?” “I hope so.”
1 In A Holidaze by Christina Lauren
Warnings? There are none that strike me. This is a lighthearted read that pulls at the heartstrings, but it’s by no means short on the laughs. And, I’m sorry for the long wall of text below.
In A Holidaze is the story of a woman stuck in her ways of never going after what she truly wants until a stray wish lands her in a time loop over the holidays. It's only after repeating the same day a few times that she quite literally says "fuck this," and starts living for HER. I really expected this to just be a Hallmark kind of read, but it was SO MUCH MORE. You should read it, even if it's after the holidays.
It's witty, and heart-wrenching, and it's just everything I didn't know I needed. Mae is snarky, and brave when she figures out that there is nothing stopping her, and the romance is - GODDAMN. Andrew. I need an Andrew and a fan.
It's not quite a love triangle, which was what I expected and I was so pleasantly surprised. I have grinned like a goddamn fool all day. I have giggled all day in front of customers, and my co-workers. I have nearly CRIED in my bedroom when my heart fell out of my ass and landed somewhere near my ankles, because hello, it's gonna get you.
This is going on my yearly re-read list for the holidays.
In the two days since I’ve finished, I’ve convinced my two friends in book club to read it, convinced Jessi to order it from Book of the Month Club, convinced another friend to read it, and bought it for Mae on Christmas day because her library had a six month hold and that was simply unacceptable.
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Smash!! 01 and 02: Smash!!Might is a Fucking Menace
okay, so. I have about a million other things I should be doing instead, including (1) responding to asks and/or finishing in-progress metas, (2) reading Vigilantes, and last but not least, (3) actually making a dent in the ever-increasing backlog of Actual Work That I Really Should Be Doing Instead.
so naturally I’m procrastinating by taking my first stab at reading BnHA’s cute 4-panel omake spinoff series, BnHA Smash!! IT JUST MAKES SENSE. look, I have exactly one thing I felt like actually doing and not procrastinating today, so I might as well do the thing. basically it’s my attention span’s world and I’m just living in it.
anyway! so apparently this series was scanlated by good ol’ Fallen Angels. that’s right; prepare yourselves for some very creative cursing, fellas. other background info for anyone who, like me, is unfamiliar with this spin-off: this series debuted on November 9, 2015, a little over a year after the original series. said original series was currently at chapter 66, meaning the Final Exam arc was just wrapping up.
so now that we’re all properly oriented, let me go over a few disclaimers real quick and then we’ll get started!
all comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity afterward, and added a few ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.
I’m aware that not everyone may be familiar with Smash!! even if they’ve read/watched the original series, so I’ve tried to make this recap comprehensible even if you haven’t read the spin-off. that being said, it’s probably more enjoyable if you have, so you can either purchase the first volume from Viz here, or read the chapter online (I don’t want to link directly, but the spin-off is available on most of the usual sites. literally just google “read mha” and you’ll find some good options).
this readthrough contains a handful of sorta-kinda spoilers for the BnHA manga, although there are no direct spoilers. just an indirect reference to a joke in chapter 242, as well as a reference to a theory which as of now is in no way canon. but just to be on the safe side I’m posting a heads-up.
and I think that’s it! so here we go.
so we’re opening with a brief summary of the series. people have superpowers and shit’s nuts. you know the drill
there’s also a brief description of the way that the superhero economy works, complete with Mt. Lady’s employees unionizing and demanding better pay
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guys I keep staring at this and thinking that surely, SURELY it doesn’t say what I think it says. sidekick... what... manager??
you know what? Viz unfortunately doesn’t include this series as part of their subscription package (WHAT AM I PAYING YOU FOR, VIZ), but it does at least include a free preview of Smash, and I bet you that this, the first fucking page of the series, is a part of that preview. so... let’s see...
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okay, see, this actually makes sense! so did the FA scanlating team collectively all have a fucking stroke?! just, what??
this is one of the reasons why I had difficulty reading Vigilantes too, tbh. those early chapter scans were, uh. but at least Vigilantes has a Viz scanlation too. I don’t want to spend 10 bucks just to read one volume of this, but we’ll see. anyways
so now there’s a strip about baby!Izuku watching his favorite clip of All Might saving one hundred people from a bus accident or whatever
lol Inko you should not have left your shrewdly calculating four-year-old son unattended omg
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and this is why you don’t leave your credit card info saved on the computer when you have kids. life lessons learned today
this is the first indicator we have ever had that baby!Izuku wasn’t perfect and was, in fact, capable of being a little shit and giving his mom plenty of gray hairs in his own special way. ngl, I fucking love it
also 12,800 yen is about $118 USD, which is honestly a really good deal for a year’s worth of textbooks. he got three boxes of books! I just googled the average cost of college textbooks, and the google article said the average student spends about $1200 a year. so this is a fucking steal tbh
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at least install a fucking adblocker ffs. you’re lucky quirk supplement ads are the worst of the ads he’s getting! PARENTAL CONTROLS
now we are cutting to a comic about baby!Izuku defending another boy from my problematic fave, as seen in page one of the original series!
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I’m not clear on how much of this spin-off can actually be considered canon. my understanding is that it is Horikoshi-reviewed and approved, even though he doesn’t actually write it. but it’s obviously a humor series, so a lot of it is just going to be jokes. that being said, I think my approach is going to be “if it’s not completely ridiculous and doesn’t contradict the actual manga, go ahead and consider it canon”
(ETA: I might change this up after reading the first two chapters. most of these strips would have terrifying implications if they were actually canon sob.)
anyhoo, this actually does contradict the manga in that we saw this encounter play out very differently. but I kind of wish it was canon regardless because looool. these cocky preschoolers and their fucking Battle Tears
the next comic is Mt. Lady accidentally stepping on a guy’s face and the guy being way too fucking happy about it (read: having a fucking nosebleed and taking an upskirt shot). we’re just going to skip this entirely. this is another problem I was having with Vigilantes too. you know, for all my complaints about Mineta and such, BnHA as a whole is so much tamer than it could be, and I need to give Horikoshi credit for that. he mostly knows where to draw the line, and to his credit he’s also much, much better about this kind of thing than he was when he first started. maybe Mineta’s standings in the character poll results are helping to clue him in
anyway, I’ll mostly just skip past the iffy stuff because I don’t have patience for it and there’s still plenty of other stuff to cover. so on to the next strip
which features a bunch of reporters fawning over Mt. Lady’s flashy quirk while Kamui Woods laments in the shadows
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and yet we know this kid will have a prominent rise within the next six months. it’s so strange to revisit the start of the series and see how much things have changed in such a short time
oh my god
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no one who dresses up as a giant mushroom could possibly have good intentions. I. just
and look at the fucking disappointment in Deku’s eyes. KAMUI WOODS HE BELIEVED IN YOU!
now some strange man is coming up to Deku and is all HEY YOU, YOU’RE A HERO OTAKU, TELL ME WHAT TO BUY MY SEVEN-YEAR-OLD SON FOR HIS BIRTHDAY. better not ask him unless you’re prepared to shell out $120 bucks for some fucking textbooks
hey, what!!
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WE DIDN’T EVEN GET TO SEE WHAT HE BOUGHT HIM? unless it’s the action figure the kid appears to be holding? but I’m just going to go ahead and assume Izuku recommended the number one best gift that any seven-year-old child would love, i.e. a giant sword
now it’s a sludge monster omake!
so Izuku is trudging home all depressed after CERTAIN INCIDENTS, and Sludgey is glooping his way out of a sewer towards him
oh no All Might
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my biggest takeaway from this is the fact that the entire second half of chapter one takes place after All Might has emerged from a fucking sewer. I forgot all about that somehow. or maybe it never fully processed until just now. but omg. this entire chapter must have smelled so fucking bad. these poor kids
wow All Might
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sure called that one wrong. ah well nobody’s perfect
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lmao, Smash!!All Might appears to be quite a bit more vain than the original. wow dude
btw, friendly reminder (and I think this is something that was actually pointed out to me after one of the recaps; that’s one of my favorite things about doing these) that All Might, after saving Deku, actually read his notebook before signing it. super-fast, I guess, because he’s the best. but yeah, so he knew exactly how smart and observant Deku was, and how much he wanted to be a hero. his decision to pick him as his successor didn’t just come out of the blue; even before the “my body moved on its own” thing, there was a lot Deku had going in his favor. this is one of those little details of which BnHA has so many, and which I love
lmao what the fuck
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ngl this version of the series would have been amazing in its own way. but yeah. so this is why we clearly can’t assume everything in Smash!! is canon lol. but I can already tell I am going to enjoy the shit out of this series
now we’re cutting to Deku running at Sludgey in order to save Kacchan, oh shit. the most dramatic part of chapter one. clearly no moment is sacred
sob what
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I don’t understand this strip at all. is this supposed to be a serious moment inserted unexpectedly among this multitude of joke strips? or did I miss the punchline? heeeeelp
(ETA: okay so. my best guess is that All Might wrote all over Deku’s life-saving advice, and so the joke is that Deku no longer knows what to do when assaulting sludge men because HIS NOTES ARE RUINED. idk. what does 25 P mean??)
now All Might has Done The Thing and saved my boys, and now Mt. Lady is helping with the cleanup. scooping up all the bits of sludge and putting it in trash bags
oh my god
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nope nevermind. nope. nope
-- shit. okay, you know what? this first chapter has been a real in-your-face reminder of the fact that the sludge monster was not made of cute sparkly 2018-trending-fad slime, but was in fact composed of RAW FUCKING SEWAGE. (ETA: to be clear, I’m pretty sure the joke in this strip is that she accidentally picked up dog-doo during her clean-up. but still, the fact that it was indistinguishable from the rest of the gunk speaks for itself.) I think I forced myself to gloss over this fact originally due to the nope factor. but just. Izuku and Katsuki were both choking to death on this shit?? and just, how the fuck did they make it out of this not traumatized
and also, like. All Might was straight up going to leave Izuku alone afterwards, just, “well enjoy your autograph, fine citizen” and blasting off out of there. and everyone fucking saw Katsuki almost suffocate to death later on, and after giving him a pat on the back they fucking let him go off on his own too? and you can’t even make the argument that this was Just Another Day In Quirk Society either, because more than a year later, Katsuki is still a bona fide fucking celebrity from the media coverage of his attack. it clearly was not something that happens every day. in conclusion, these kids are resilient as fuck, and thank god for that because people apparently just do not give a shit, holy christ
anyway. at least Mt. Lady had gloves
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Smash!!Might is so fucking shady omfg. probably sells cheap counterfeit electronics on Amazon
oh shit and that’s the end of the fucking chapter lol. that’s it?? that was only eight pages. fuck it, let’s read another. but first here’s Horikoshi’s note on the spin-off
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so he really feels that Neda gets the spirit of the series and understands him. that’s very encouraging. the best spoofs and parodies are done out of love. I really think I’m going to enjoy this series
so! onward to chapter two
so here’s All Might dressed as Mr. 2 Bon Clay from One Piece, I guess??
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“you know what’s funny? dressing a man in girl’s clothes LOL.” guys can we grow the fuck up. and also acknowledge that All Might can look good in anything, so this questionable gag wouldn’t have even landed anyway. you work that tutu All Might
lmao check out the past users of OFA here
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All for One for All theory fucking confirmed lol. just look. that’s him in the back of the conga line. clearly
so Deku is all “hell yes why would I possibly say no??” but then
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HIS LIMBS. lmao. sign here
in all seriousness, given the shit this kid has been through since the part of the series, All Might probably should have gotten him to sign a liability waiver of some sort. not that it would have stood, since Deku is underage! anyways Deku you totally have grounds to sue the shit out of the Symbol of Peace should you ever choose to do so. and the trend of Smash!!Might being shady af continues yes please give me more I love it
so now All Might is giving Deku his fitness plan which has a really elaborate name
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given that this is Smash!!Might, I can’t help but wonder if this plan is in actuality some sort of MLM scheme. All Might are you trying to get Deku to do Herbalife
lol what in the fuck
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the original series skipped right over a hell of a lot, it would seem. like the time Deku traveled to Arizona and fought coyotes in a poncho
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I’m starting to suspect that Neda-sensei might be on some sort of substance. “let’s see what jokes can I make about chapter 2 of BnHA. I know, I’ll send the protagonist to a fictionalized version of the American Southwest in a sombrero, and then turn him into a 65-year-old oil tycoon.” naturally
lmao that’s really it, that’s the strip. moving right along. okay??
now Izuku is staring at the intimidating piles of Beach Trash and is all “I HAVE TO PICK ALL THIS SHIT UP?”
omg Deku no
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somebody call Marie Kondo. Deku none of this is salvageable. not even to reuse in a color page photoshoot spread four years from now
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anyways I don’t know what Smash!!Might is so upset about. he probably wove some kind of clause into the contract Deku signed that allows him a percentage of the profits. unless Deku already spent it all on textbooks
what the fuck is this fucking series lmao
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time for a round of “what is All Might casually crushing in this panel?” is it (a) a cardboard box, or (b) like, a mini-fridge or some fucking shit. IT COULD BE EITHER. IT MAKES EQUALLY AS MUCH SENSE EITHER WAY. “HEROES THESE DAYS ARE [FLEEEEEEX] OBSESSED WITH BEING FLASHY” 
holy shit no wonder he ran away to the Sierra Nevada. it’s only a matter of time before this freak fucking kills someone
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my jokes about the mangaka being high as a fucking kite when he wrote this are gradually becoming less jokes and more serious inquiries??
lol so he coincidentally just stumbled across All Might and Deku at this exact moment
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do you guys remember during the final exam when All Might beat the everloving shit out of Deku and Kacchan, and everyone was all “JESUS CHRIST WOULD YOU LEARN TO FUCKING HOLD BACK A LITTLE THEY ARE CHILDREN YOU MANIAC.” but now we can see plain as day that he was, in fact, holding back. anyways Smash!!Might is terrifying as shit and if this had been the main series I would have already pegged him as the final villain by this point
here he is now wearing an old-timey bathing suit but looking more like an escaped convict than anything else
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this panel is actually canon. I’ve decided. this 100% definitely happened at some point. especially the swimsuit
now two bikini babes are walking up and they’re all “IS THAT ALL MIGHT??” with excited sparkly eyes because they don’t know that he’s actually a deranged con artist who crushes refrigerators like empty soda cans. this spin-off has truly opened my eyes
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now Deku is approaching his mom all serious and says he wants to change up his diet
and she’s looking at the menu he prepared all impressed and thinking that she might join him. as long as it’s for your health, Inko. if this manga starts making jokes about your weight, I will beat it over the head with Deku’s textbooks
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THIS WENT IN THE EXACT OPPOSITE DIRECTION I WAS EXPECTING, AND THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING THING I’VE EVER READ WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. the whole fucking family is on the juice. and the fucking mangaka is on some special juice of his own oh my stars
now we’re cutting to Mt. Lady stomping on a car
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thank fuck no one was actually in there. also does she not wear shoes
and also, it only just occurred to me that she must be another person with a special quirk costume, because her suit shrinks and expands along with her. Hagakure and Momo are really getting shafted by the costume design team here. they need to fire some people
anyway so Mt. Lady slipped on this carelessly placed vehicle and fell down and crushed an entire building whoops
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bruh, you think you’re “ow.” let’s hope that building was empty too
and now she’s toppling another building just fucking because, I guess. and saying she can’t do urban areas
lmao and now the sidekick [CENSORED] manager from chapter one is back to guilt-trip her omg
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I need this man to show up in every freaking chapter. please. respect my wishes
and now Izuku is standing on top of his collected pile of garbage screaming in victory
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I only just realized that there’s still a big old Pile O’ Trash on this beach, though. someone needs to haul all of this junk away. or else get All Might and Mt. Lady to crush it all with a combined effort
oh shit here it comes y’all, the famous “eat my hair” scene. potential comedy gold right here omg
lol what the fuck
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this man is a fucking billionaire and he’s out here clipping coupons and deleting pictures of his son in order to make room for them smdh
okay now we’re doing the hair scene
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oh. oh no. I know where this is going sob please keep this comic rated PG for the children Neda
motherfucker they really --
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Smash!!Might is a straight-up felon. this man has no fucking scruples. that’s okay Midoriya-shounen, if you don’t want to eat my hair we could just try some REDACTED, jesus christ I am going to need some bleach for my eyes after this
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lmao sob. well, two chapters in and we’ve established that no territory is off-limits here. it’s a brave new world. wow
 so that’s it! our introduction to BnHA Smash!! I enjoyed it a lot and I will definitely be reading more! I’m not sure what kind of schedule I’ll keep, but this is a really good procrastination manga thus far, so knowing me I might actually work my way through this relatively quickly. especially since the Manga At Large is on break this week. anyways my deepest apologies to the many people who have been requesting for me to start Vigilantes instead. I just need something lighter right now, and this is a good fit. one of these days I’ll get my shit together with the other two spinoffs as well.
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flannelpunkcalum · 6 years
“The thing is-”
They both stop.
“You first.” Y/N says, thinking she's being polite, but Calum shakes his head.
“You know how I feel.”
I know you know I will never get over you
Y/N licks her lips. “Fair enough.”
(GOD sorry this took so long but it’s also literally 4 times longer than the original WHICH IS A LOT.
anyway they bone in this one. 
8k words, smut, angst, and really cheesy descriptions of love.
read part one here)
Y/N usually tried to focus on the positive. If she was going into an exam, she focused on how prepared she was, how cunning she could be. If she was going to a job interview she imagined clicking with the employer immediately and getting hired on the spot. Maybe it helped the most positive outcome happen, she didn't know. That said, the second they were wheels up she started thinking about plane crashes. Fiery ones.
This was a mistake. She was en route to New York to see Calum for the first time in months and it was such a mistake.
Y/N didn't like to fuck up in the same way twice, which is why she stayed friends with her exes if they wanted, but never more. She never entertained the thought. And Calum - he had ruined her, a little. Before she had him she had always felt fine spending time on her own, but it had been weeks and she couldn't even watch Netflix without thinking about how much better it had been with him next to her.
Sometimes she thought that even the time she had spent furious at him was felt better anything she could do alone. They had broken up for a reason, but that was hard to remember at times like this, when she felt restless for him. He always said that she helped keep him sane in his crazy stupid rockstar world - she was starting to think that he had done the same for her.
The man in the seat next to her had settled down for a nap as soon as the flight attendants had finished their speech. Y/N had been ignoring him, but now she turned towards him and pretended he was Calum. If they were still together, where would they be going together, on the edge of winter?
Well, for one, she would be in business class.
It's easy to joke about it, but Y/N knows what comes next. When she starts to think about Calum and her, she can't turn her brain off until it's done. It's probably unhealthy.
Really, if they were still together, he would have flown her out the second she had a break from school to wherever he was in the world. He’d send a car for her, probably, have a driver waiting for her with a sign with her name on it. Maybe a snack in the car if he was feeling really considerate. He’d probably have something set up in his hotel room for when she got there, fancy candles at least, and champagne, the cheap kind, the kind she likes. Maybe he’d be busy and come in later, but if he was there would be lingerie laid out, she's sure, or that sweater that she likes but didn't steal. And she'd put that on and nothing else and she'd wait for him, because she’d be in love.
Y/N tries to get through the next part quick, like ripping off a bandaid.
He’d kiss the taste of champagne out of her mouth and they’d fuck like rabbits and order room service and and talk and fuck like rabbits again until they tired each other out and it would be good, like the last time, like every time.
That's what would happen if they were still together.
But they're not.
Y/N is trying not to get her expectations up. For anything. She knows there's gonna be a big serious conversation, and she's dreading that, but other than that… Jesus, she doesn’t do this. She doesn’t even know what she wants from this. She’s gonna be lost and confused and aching in New York.
Calum better fucking buy her tickets to MoMA or she’s rioting.
The seatbelt sign flicks back on all too soon. Y/N wishes she lived a little further away from New York right now, so she had more time to sort through her thoughts. She’d been putting it off for days now, trying not to ask herself if she wants something with Calum again. Now she wishes she had, so she wouldn’t be suffering on the plane next to some guy from the midwest.
Unfortunately, the plane doesn’t crash, and Y/N’s only brought a carry on so she doesn’t get to stall at the baggage carousel. She texts Calum as soon as she touches down, because - fuck him, honestly - he had been determined to come and pick her up this time. Maybe that's a little harsh. It's not that she doesn't want to see Calum, she does, she loves just hanging out with him, it's just- she doesn't know what he wants from this, from her. That sounds stupid since he wrote and recorded a song about how he wants to get back together, but she can't help it. He said she didn't have to make any promises, just to come and see what happens. That makes it sound like he wants something to happen, just doesn't give her a clue about what. Like, does he just want to hook up, or does he want to make it “official” and post about her on Instagram?
The thing is, she doesn’t know if anything’s changed since the last time. She’s still guarded. He is, too. He’s still living like a rockstar. She’s still living like a student. They’re both busy, and it frustrated them both so much when they didn’t get the time they wanted together, and then they’d rub each other raw and then they’d argue and then they’d fight, say things they didn’t mean.
And if that had been it, the breakup would have stuck and she wouldn’t be finding her way through Arrivals at JFK.
Here’s the thing, though; it had been wonderful. When they were good they were so, so good, like nothing she’d ever felt before. Holding Calum’s full attention was almost overwhelming. When he focused on you you felt it, like the sun on your skin, but it was all just coming from one golden boy. Y/N had never met someone who could make her feel like that. And yeah, they were both trying to protect themselves, but even guarded he was such a giver. He knew he was lucky, he had so much, and whenever she let him he’d share it with her. It had meant a lot to the both of them. They’d both said some pretty awful things to each other after a late night. Every time, though, Calum would give her these beautiful fucking apologies that made her feel human again. Y/N is a little scared that she won’t be able to feel whole in a relationship without that pretty chaos, just because of how good it felt to have him speak tenderly to her after a fight.
Still, Y/N needs to focus. “Can there be love without pain” is a question for some pretentious philosopher, not for her, and anyway if she’s not careful she’s gonna walk right on to a plane to El Salvador.
She had texted Calum as soon as they landed, to let him know she was making her way out, and now he texts her telling her where the car is waiting. It feels weird, to be talking to him again like nothing ever happened. For weeks she moved through the world itching to tell him about her day, and now that she has the chance she’s paralyzed, somehow. She’s making the effort, though; as she fights her way through the airport she sends him the lady across from me ob the plane took off her soes AND socks as soon as we took off im dying with one hand.
The car is a black Audi, and Y/N finds it after a few seconds standing in the grey New York afternoon. She tosses her carry on into the trunk (she doesn’t blame Calum for not wanting to come out) and takes a deep breath.
She opens the door to the backseat and sees him, and the rush of relief nearly kills her. When she goes to sit down on her side of the car, she’s already reaching out, and Calum catches hold of her and tugs her across the seats into his arms.
Fuck, she missed him.
“Hi,” she says.
She feels him press his face into her hair. “Hi,” he mumbles.
The car starts moving, and she pulls away to put her seatbelt on. She has to slide over so she’s not sitting in the middle. That would be weird, right? Adults don’t usually sit in the middle seat, no matter who their ex is.
Y/N has to stop overthinking this stuff.
“So. You ’n the boys seem like you’re doing well.” She says, smiling. She’s a little proud of them, even though she’s got no claim on ‘em anymore.
Calum ducks his head. “Yeah, the new single, it’s- we’re all really happy about it.”
“Well, you’re welcome.” She teases.
“Oh, right, yes, thank you for breaking my heart, very kind of you. How can ever I repay you, sweetheart?”
Y/N wants to pretend she doesn’t feel warm inside when he calls her that, but her toes curl in her shoes. “Well, a muffin basket would be a start.”
They’re both smiling at each other, and Y/N knows if things weren’t so fucking weird he would have kissed her.
He doesn’t, though.
Calum doesn’t talk much on the way to the hotel, asking her about herself and her classes as much as possible. It’s probably all the interviews he’s in, eventually all the questions feel the same, she’s sure. It can be hard to get him to talk.
It feels nice, though. Some parts of her want him back in her life, you know?
There’s only so much you can say about college, though, and as they get closer to the hotel they get back on even footing. “I haven’t been in New York since I was like, twelve. What are the cool spots? Is it still hip to go to the M&M's factory?” She asks as they start to stall in traffic. She’s not sure if she believes in that whole ‘crazy New York energy’ thing, but she does find anticipation rising in her as they get deeper into the city.
“I was gonna ask you what you wanted to do, actually. Like, we can do those touristy things if you want, I don’t mind. There’s a place that does this Macbeth show, it’s a hotel, and I know you like that shit, but if you want we can-”
Calum looks a little worried all of a sudden, so Y/N cuts him off. “Hey, I’m here for like a week, we’ll figure something out. Don’t stress. I’ve had like seventeen midterms in the last three days, so that plane ride was like a vacation in itself, my man.”
Calum smiles at that, but it’s not bright, not usual. “‘My man’? ‘S that where we’re at?”
Oh good. Relationship talks. Y/N had been really worried they wouldn’t get to that. Not that she wanted to ignore it, but- fuck. “I dunno. I haven’t seen you for a really long time, I don’t want to get ahead of myself.” She says finally, glancing at the Uber driver. Is Calum famous enough for it to be worth their while to tell a magazine about what they’re saying? Is that a thing?
“Yeah, no, I understand. It doesn’t - like, you’d tell me if me callin’ you sweetheart and all was bothering you, right?”
Calum’s literally a rockstar, he’s a confident fucking guy, but they’re both edgy all of a sudden. It’s like the first time they dated, only about a hundred times worse; instead of waiting to be kissed she thinks they’re both waiting for both their hearts to be broken. Y/N has to try to fix this (she fucked things up the first time around, it’s only fair), so she makes a joke. It’s what she does. “Oh, Calum, if it was bothering me I would be in another Uber right now. I actually would have called an Uber to this Uber and like - on the bridge, I would have jumped to the other car - it would have looked really badass.”
Calum laughs politely, and she can breathe easier, but things still feel out of alignment.
It doesn’t take too long for them to get to the hotel after that. Calum directs the driver to the back door, by the dumpsters. He beats her to the trunk, grabbing her bag before she gets the chance. “I can get it.” She insists, but he’s already got it slung over his shoulder. “You haven’t seen me for ages, I’m really buff now.”
“I know you can, ‘m just not gonna let you.” Calum says, distinctly smug.
Y/N does her best pout, but here’s the deal; she goes fucking weak at the knees when Calum takes care of her. “You’re a tyrant.” She says, following him up a set of stairs, where he unlocks a door.
“That’s right.” Calum waits for her to get inside and for the door to close behind her before he hip-checks her. It’s very considerate of him.
Maybe she should have thought about this before, but oh, shit. Where is she supposed to sleep?
Calum leads her into an elevator and presses a button for a very high floor, so her ears almost pop as they ascend. But they didn’t stop by the front desk, which means she’s staying in Calum’s room, and she’s willing to bet good money that it’s not a double.
And if she’s honest, she knows some guilty part of her is desperate for his touch again. She hadn’t expected to be back in her ex-boyfriend’s bed so soon, is all.
It’s like Calum can read her mind as he unlocks the door. “There’s only the one bed, but I cleared out one of the drawers if you want to unpack. I was hoping-” He drops his keys on the table, her bag on the floor, and turns to her. “I was hoping we could share. I know we’re - we’re broken up, but I think I sleep better with you next to me.”
Y/N wants to sleep with Calum again. That’s not the issue. If it was just about being in his arms, curling up on his chest and letting him keep her warm, then fuck, yeah, she would already be in her pjs. She just doesn’t want to walk into something that destroys her, and she thinks if she gets back into the same mess she had with him she’ll get cut to ribbons by their sharp edges. “I-” She starts, and then she stops herself. She wants to do this right. “We should have our weird relationship talk first. Right? I like you, Calum, you know I do, but I can’t- we can’t hurt each other again, you know?”
“Yeah,” Calum says, too quickly. “Yeah, of course. You want me to order room service first, or-”
Y/N didn’t get much of a lunch on the plane, but all of a sudden she’s got no appetite. “Not for me, thanks.”
“Alright.” Calum says, shifting his weight. He leads Y/N into the living room, gestures for her to sit on the couch. She goes for the armrest, and he stays standing, running a hand through his hair. Even their positioning is awkward.
“The thing is-”
They both stop.
“You first.” Y/N says, thinking she's being polite, but Calum shakes his head.
“You know how I feel.”
I know you know I will never get over you
Y/N licks her lips. “Fair enough.” She agrees. Fuck. She thought of a million ways to say this since their phone call, but now that he's here- she doesn't want to hurt him, and that's all she really knows. “Obviously, I'm here in New York, I want to see you. I miss you. And I think I still have-” She can't say she still has feelings for him. It's too ugly, too cliché. “-um, I miss you.” She repeats instead. Calum doesn't move. “But when we broke up it was the right thing to do, you know? We hurt each other a lot. And I don't know if I’ve changed.”
“I mean, you said you got super buff, so...” Calum grins, though it looks stiff.
Y/N laughs a little, just for him. “I'm super buff now, I could bench press a car, but I don't know if I can do long distance right. You know? It’s not- Cal, it's not a hard no,” she says quickly, because he looks agonized. Well, and she means it. “I just don't know what's different. I can’t go through that again.”
Calum is quiet for a long moment, which makes Y/N feel even worse. Is this whole week gonna be like this? “I get it.” He says, after a long moment.
Something inside Y/N breaks. She had hoped that Calum had met her here with a plan (or at least some really expensive lingerie) to get her back, to make them work. Songs can make empty promises, after all, and that's what she had been scared of - that he’d say that he’d do anything for her and then do anything but change. She misses him, enough to say it out loud, misses his touch and his laugh and that goofy fucking smile you have to earn from him. If he decides there’s no hope for them, is he gonna kick her out? Of his life, or- oh, shit, of his suite. He wouldn’t, she knows, but she doesn’t really have the money right now to stay-
“I read Macbeth.”
Y/N’s head jerks up from where she was staring at the carpet. “What?”
“I, uh, read Macbeth. The whole thing. And Einstein’s Dreams, you know- ‘bout a month or two ago I went through all our conversations and I read all the articles and books you said I should read but I didn't. I should have told you-”
“I knew you weren't reading those. It's okay, really.” Y/N says. She's not mad. She had been mad about it when they broke up, but now it's just shitty and she's over it. Their relationship didn't fall apart because he wasn't reading enough Shakespeare, that was for sure.
Calum smiles stiffly. “No, it's not. Those were good books, but when I was trying to read them they reminded me how smart and… and dimensional you are. I think, while we were together, I let myself forget. I should have been better to you. Y/N, I was falling in love with you, and I hate myself because I didn’t show you. I let you walk away.”
Her heart spasms, but he looks so sad when he says it. She can’t let that happen. “We both made mistakes-” Y/N starts.
“No.” Calum says, stepping forwards to stop her. “No. I mean, you said some mean shit, but only after I ignored you and brushed you off for weeks. I deserved it. Most of what you said was true, anyway, I was bein’ a- what was it you said? A bratty little shithead.” Y/N isn't proud of that. “Anyway, it was true. We had some bad fucking days, and the make-up sex was fun and all, but I’m willing to give that up to have you stay in my life.”
“You’re a martyr.” Y/N can’t help but tease. What he said in the car comes back to her; did she really break his heart? Calum looks miserable, even though he smiles at her joke.
“Yeah, well,” he says. “I think I was scared, before. I am- I was falling in love with you, and I didn’t want - well,” he gestures at their positions. She’s still sitting on the armrest like a bird on a wire, he’s just within arm’s reach. It’s a terrible distance.
She hadn’t wanted this, either.
Calum runs a hand through his hair and takes a deep breath before he continues. “I think maybe that’s why I was so shitty. I know that��s not an excuse,” He says, before she can say anything. “I’m trying to be better. I am. I want to read the books you’re passionate about and listen to the music you love and kiss you on the cheek in every picture we’re in. I just- tell me what I have to do for you to give me another chance.”
So that’s it. The ball is all the way in her court.
Y/N looks up at him for a long moment.
She knows what she wants. If love is like the ocean, she would choose to drown for him. She wants him back again. It seems simple, when she puts it that way, frames it as what she wants. But she was always the sensible one. She won’t let herself hurt him like that again. She doesn’t want to break his heart - not more than she already has.
“Let’s just- let’s just have this week.” She says, carefully. Like the ceiling might cave in. “Seven days can be a long time. Let’s just do what we want for one fucking week and see where it leaves us at the end. I- Calum, I’m bad at this, but you know… you know what you mean to me. Love is a verb, you know? Let’s just do what feels right. And I’m not trying to say I -” She rushes to add (she didn’t miss the way his body jolted) “-like, you know, the “L” word, I know that it’s not the time. I just-”
“Does that mean I can kiss you?”
Y/N blinks. Stands. “Yes.”
She had braced herself for him to kiss her like a starving man, but he reaches out and cups her face in both hands, fingers cool and dry. He keeps his eyes open as he leans in, searching hers until they’re too close to see anything.
Then their lips meet like sun meets rain.
Calum kisses her like slowly as she winds her fingers into his hair, like she’s made of glass, like she’s made of sugar. He doesn’t move his hands until she pulls her own body closer to his, and then he feels his way to her waist to keep her there. The gentle drag of their open mouths floods her body with warmth for what feels like the first time in fucking weeks.
It must not be long before they pull apart, but Y/N feels breathless.
“I missed you so fucking much.” Calum says, and this time when he pulls her in there’s real heat behind it. His tongue presses into her mouth with intent, and for once she lets him direct the kiss to show her just how goddamn much he missed her. She wants this so much her body aches when he pulls away again. “I’m gonna be so good to you, promise, I-”
Y/N cuts him off with her mouth on his. Promises make her nervous, but more importantly, Calum kisses like he did before they split and she missed that. It feels like she’s blushing over her whole body - almost like a kid, only there’s nothing innocent about what she wants to do with him.
Maybe she shouldn’t, but… all they have is a week. Maybe not even that. And fuck it, she wants to do love.
She stands on her tiptoes, pressing a little harder against him. She wants to direct this, but Calum pulls away again. He’s panting. They both are.
“We can start over, baby.” He says. “I’m just- I’m so happy to have you back.”
He’s still cupping her face, but he doesn’t pull her back in, and she takes that chance to speak. “We can’t do that.” She says, but she has to hurry to continue because she sees the fear that flashes across Calum’s face. “I mean- if we start over this is technically our first date, and I don’t fuck on the first date.”
She grins, but Calum doesn’t. All of a sudden he’s unreadable. Did she say something wrong? Already? She can feel his grip change on her hips, like he’s thinking about letting go. Her fingers relax in his hair, in case he pulls away, so she doesn’t hurt him-
He tosses her over his shoulder before she knows what’s happening, and then she is gleefully upside-down with his hand on her ass keeping her steady. She can see her bag on the bedroom floor as they pass by it, anticipation rising in her stomach.
God, she was trying to be cool, but he is so, so, so sexy she could spontaneously combust.
She only has a moment to take it in before he stops, and then she’s head-over-heels again until her back hits the bed. Before she can get her bearings back, Calum’s climbed his way back on top of her and is brushing the hair out of the way for another kiss. He’s not shy; there’s no air between them, his chest pressed hard against hers. One elbow is planted by her head, holding him up, and the other is running down her ribs, pawing at the hem of her shirt. She can feel him smiling against her lips before he pulls away. “You couldn’t wait five fucking minutes, could you?” He says, but she can hear that he’s teasing and anyway the way he’s trying to ease her shirt off says more than enough.
His lips go to her neck, so she can feel his stubble as he lays kisses down, looking for a weak spot. “I’m sorry, did you carry me to your bed like a caveman for something else? You didn’t wait five seconds.” She jokes. Her breath hitches as he moves a little lower, closer to her collarbone. He always finds those spots. It would be a curse if it didn’t feel so good.
Calum knows it, too. “What did you say?” When she starts to respond he bites down, just enough to make her squirm and snap her mouth shut before she can fucking squeal. He’s still playful, she can feel his lips moving against her skin when he says, “Sorry, didn’t catch that.”
“Shut up,” she manages, and swats him on the shoulder.
He catches her wrist as she draws back, and pins it to the bed right next to her head. She doesn’t miss the way the muscles in his arm flex to hold her down.They're both breathing shallowly; Calum’s close enough that she can feel his chest rise and fall just like hers. Y/N feels a little lightheaded, all of a sudden. When he leans in and kisses her again, it's less playful, there's real heat behind it. He kisses her deeper, and she parts her lips to let him, this time. He draws back, and rest his forehead against hers. They're close enough that their breath mingles between them.
They've both still got their clothes on, but this feels like the most intimate she's ever been with Calum. Neither of them speak for a long moment. His brown eyes lock with hers, and he is beautiful but she feels that gaze low in her belly. One of his hand is still on her ribs, but he's not pawing at her shirt anymore, just smoothing his thumb over her side like he can't stop touching her. She wants to kiss him again, but she can't bring herself to ruin this moment.
Eventually Calum huffs out a breath - was that a sigh? - and lets go of her wrist to haul her shirt over her head with both hands. Immediately, Y/N’s hands go to her back to undo her bra clasp. Calum helps slip her bra off her arms and doesn't waste a second throwing it into some corner of the hotel room before he’s back on her, kissing along the side of her neck and down her chest. It feels /good/ as his steady hands find her breasts, grasping at them firm enough for her to really feel it. He’s still kissing a path downwards, pausing to unbuckle her belt. Y/N plants her feet and lets Cal drag her jeans and panties off, but it feels wrong, her being all undressed while he’s still wearing his t-shirt.
As soon as she sits up to tear that damn thing off him, Calum grabs her hands and laces them with his, pressing them down to the mattress. “Baby,” he murmurs, “I wanna focus on you, tonight, please. Let me show you how much I missed you.”
Calum's great in bed, she's not gonna deny it, but it's not what makes her quiet. He means that. He's an intense guy, but she's never seen his dark eyes like this, like he can see right through her. She has to take a deep breath.
“Please.” She says.
Calum grins at that, and lets go of her hands to press her thighs apart.
Y/N sits back on her elbows, because Calum eating her out is a hell of a view, but that's not what he does. Once he has her legs spread he starts to kiss the inside of her thigh, so fucking close to where she needs him. She thinks he's just trying to tease, but then he starts kissing with intent, nipping and sucking like he's… he's trying to mark her up. He'd never done that before, although whether it was from trying to avoid paps or just class she wasn't sure. But this- it feels good, to see him kissing on her like it was his last day on earth. It's just very new.
“Cal, what’re you-” She starts to ask, but before she can finish he pulls off of her leg and licks a big stripe up her pussy, right up the middle, and her brain goes a little fuzzy. She moans softly, to let him know it feels good and to please keep going, but he goes back to working on her leg, lifting her knee to get a better angle. His tongue sweeps over her skin in a way that would feel so damn good just a few inches away, but when she tries to shift to direct him over, he just holds her leg a little firmer. “Jesus, don’t tease.”
Calum pulls away again and Y/N’s stomach swoops because his lips are glossy from playing with her. He almost looks smug. “From the way you’re dripping you don’t seem to mind, angel.” He says, and Y/N tries to look unaffected but she knows it’s not working. “I’m gonna make you feel so fucking good, just let me take my time with you. Want every inch of you tonight. Trust me.” He adds.
Well, she’s not gonna argue with that.
Y/N goes back to resting on her elbows, toes curling in the sheets as Calum goes back to dragging his teeth over her thigh. The spot’s starting to get a warm little ache, but the way he looks at it when he pulls away goes all the way through her. It’s just for a second, but she feels his grip relax, like he doesn’t have to hold her so tight now that he’s got a mark on her. Maybe that’s exactly what he’s thinking, too. He presses a quick peck to the red spot, and reaches up to play with her nipple as a reward. /Nice/. She shifts a little in his grip, she can’t help it.
“You like that?” Calum grins.
“Fuck,” she moans, despite herself. His other hand is still holding her leg open for him and he’s so fucking close to where she needs him but he’s not biting. She knows from experience he wants her to beg, but she’s not ready to play, not quite yet. She might be lying back for him, but she can still do a little teasing of her own. “You got anything else planned?”
Calum smirks a little more at that, somehow, and lets go of her completely to sit back on his ankles. Y/N’s body shifts to follow him, unconsciously. “You know I do.” He says, pulling off his shirt. /Fuck/, was he always this built or was this new? His skin is intoxicating. “Like I said, I’m gonna take my time. You gonna be good for me?”
“Aren’t I always?”
Calum looks up briefly from where he’s undoing his belt. “No. That’s why I fell in love with you.”
Before she can even start to process that, he’s fumbled his belt off and presses in to kiss her, catching one of her hands in his and steadying her at the waist. “You know,” he gasps in between kisses, “‘thought so many times about what I was gonna do to you once I got you back, don’t even know where to start. So much I wanna do to you.” He laughs. “And with you, I guess. But right now-” He starts to kiss down her neck again, gently.
She doesn’t mean to say it, but- “I want you to fuck me.”
“Gimmie time, angel,” He smiles as he pulls away.
“No, now, please, Cal, I’m so ready for you.” Y/N urges, and when he pauses she runs his hand, in hers, down her body to where she’s warm and aching for him.
Calum’s eyebrows crease. Not a lot, but even in her haze she can tell. “Baby, wanna make you feel good first, get you-” As he lets go to feel her up, he presses two fingers inside her, easy. She’s soaking. She can feel it, and she sees in his face he can too. “...shit.”
“Please.” She says again, and Calum’s face goes a little soft. She knows he loves it when she goes all quiet and nice, just for him, and she’s glad because she doesn’t want to wait. She wants- twenty minutes ago she didn’t know what she wanted but now she knows she wants him in her, looking into her eyes, she wants to watch him cum and flop down next to her and smile and pull her back into his arms. She wants to do love. She wants it with him.
Calum kisses her once, quickly. “Whatever you want.” It sounds like a promise but it doesn’t scare her, not this time.
Pants. Socks. They’re gone in a second and Calum is ready, cock hardening in his hand as he fumbles for a condom the bedside table. Y/N sits up too as he find one, to help him roll it on.
Well, he couldn’t sit there looking so beautiful and serious about making love to her and expect her to keep her hands off him. He tries though, using one hand at her waist to lay her back down. “Missed you.” She says to his dick as her back hits the pillows, and Calum chuckles above her.
She tries not to feel like it’s life changing, as he lines himself up with her, but it is. He’s still smiling as he pushes into her, and she can see it change into something /else/ as he starts to bottom out. Y/N is suddenly overwhelmed with how lucky she is that this man, smart and great and terrible, he saves this for her. At the same time she can feel him filling her like he used to, and her fingernails dig into his shoulders. When he groans, he sounds like music.
They stay that way for a moment, like they’re locked together. Y/N cups his face with one hand. She likes the way her fingers look on his cheekbone, her thumb on his jaw, like maybe she could keep him this time if she held tight.
She really had missed him.
He starts to move and it’s like she’s come back to life. It’s winter outside but her body feels like spring, and she reaches for him. Even hikes one leg up around her waist, and moans as it sends heat crackling through her body. Calum’s forehead rests on hers again. His nose is crinkled up, eyes closed, and he’s doing this sweet little groan every time he bottoms out. It’s just as intoxicating as the songs he wrote her, getting to see him like this. Only him- only her- fuck.
She’s close. She doesn’t know how, but she can feel her orgasm building in the pit of her stomach. No one-night stand compares, no other ex. Calum’s arms seem to be everywhere, and the motion of him- “Fuck, Calum,” and she’s not proud on the way her voice breaks but he leans in to kiss her again so it’s worth it.
He shifts his body just a little and suddenly his motion brushes her clit and she feels that shit in her toes. “Shit, baby, there, there, there-” The only thing that stops her begging is that he starts to fuck into her harder. She has to focus on breathing; it’s like he’s fucking the air right out of her lungs. His pace is still slow, still steady, but he’s making sure she feels every inch of him.
Y/N’s not stupid, she knows saying “I love you” during sex doesn’t count. But this doesn’t feel like just sex.
It’s scary. But as Calum grabs her waist, bumping his lips with hers, it feels right. Better. “So good, angel,” he says. Does he feel it, too?
The way he’s loving her is relentless. She’s starting to get close, record time, but as Calum suddenly stills and ducks his head down to kiss her, she can tell he’s almost there. She’s still cradling his face, and she gently tugs his lips away from hers. “Calum, I’m really close, I-”
“Don’t wanna wait, do you, baby?” He teases- or tries to. But he’s panting too hard for him to play cool.
She shakes her head. “Waited three months.” The weight and width of him isn’t enough; she’s about thirty seconds from trying to wrestle him over onto his back and taking over.
Calum huffs out a breath above her and smiles, ducking back down to kiss her. Yes. “You’re lucky you’re so pretty.” He says, but there’s no heat behind it. His eyes are crinkly as he kisses her quickly, and then while her eyes are still closed he tucks his face into the crook of her neck and starts to move again.
She always liked the way he’d hold to keep them close. Like two halves of a locket. This time, though, she’s practically got herself wrapped around him, with her leg around his waist, one hand in his hair, one hand on his bicep to keep anchored (and, wow, he has not been skipping arm day). He feels like fire around her, all warm skin and hot breath on her shoulder, and it’s kindling something inside her, too.
It’s like the unbearable tension of three months apart is threatening to overtake her, along with the beautiful ache of Calum inside her and the way he keeps brushing her clit with every stroke- it’s a lot, and Cal groans as she catches hold of his curls. She needs something to keep her steady. “Come on, baby,” he says, in between gasps of his own.
She’s close, she’s so, so close, and she hauls Calum’s head up by the hair and kisses him and closes her eyes and it hits her like a fucking tsunami. He keeps kissing her as her mouth falls open and she ruts her hips up into his, fast, and he speeds up in response- all she can do is feel the way his cock sends waves through her and hang on for dear life. With a groan, he pushes deep into her and stays there and she can feel him cumming, doing tiny little bucks of his hips that make her whimper as her own high starts to fade.
Eventually Calum settles in her arms, and she releases her hold on his hair. When she opens her eyes, he’s resting his forehead on hers, catching his breath.
He looks really fucking good like this.
He’s resting most of his weight on his elbows, but before she can untangle her leg from him he pulls her into his chest and rolls over so he’s on his back. His cock is still buried deep in her, and as she squirms a little he tosses a second arm around her. “Stay.” He murmurs, and although Y/N hadn’t been planning on going far she settles.
Calum looks fucked out, sweat beading like diamonds on his brow. His eyes are half open, like he’s gotta keep watch on her, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. All the hard, worried lines she had caused in his face have softened, and it feels like she might have done good by him for once.
...it had been really good sex, but maybe that was reading too much into it.
She tries to press herself up, to see him better, but as soon as Calum feels her movement he shakes his head. “You should save your energy, love.” His words rumble through his chest.
Y/N smiles. “You got big plans, Hood?”
“You didn’t let me take my time, remember?” He smiles back. She can hear it in his voice. “I’ve got a lot more to do to you before I let you out of this bed.”
She smiles at that. Fuck like rabbits, check. There’s still something bothering her, though. An aching in her inner thigh that won’t let her rest. “Cal?” She asks, after one more second of stillness. “Can I ask you why you had to make a love bite on my thigh?”
She can feel him tense up under her, and nerves pool in her stomach. Was that bad? They can’t have fucked this up already, can they? “I just… yeah. Um,” Calum starts, after a long second. “I realized after you left that I, uh, never got to leave any on you before and I needed to do it before I lost you again. I put it somewhere out of the way. Somewhere I’d be the only one to see it. Or… I don’t want to be jealous with you but if there’s someone else I want them to see it and know that there’s someone who…” Calum rushes. Y/N peeks up and sees that his eyes are shut tight, face aimed up at the ceiling. “...who cares so much for you.”
Y/N doesn’t know what to say. She presses a gentle kiss to Calum’s chest while she tries to think, but she can’t follow any of that up with sweet words. “‘M gonna leave a hickey on your dick.” She says, after a long moment, and Calum laughs underneath her.
It feels right.
“Is that even possible?”
“Only one way to find out.” Y/N grins. “Hey, if I suck your dick will you take me to the aquarium tomorrow?”
“Only one way to find out.” He says. “Just… in a minute, okay? Lemme hold you.”
Calum’s going soft inside her as she snuggles a little closer into his arms. The future’s unclear, but one thing’s for sure; it feels really fucking good to be back.
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
Ryusoulger Subs Post #1…
… There never was a #2! What a shock. Not really.
God, now I have to get through the week again.
In no order:
Yes, I remember what happened last time.
Remembered to check the chibi Ryusoulger this time. It’s Red. So I guess this is a Kou ep? Or they’re just going in order, and the chibis are in no way related to the focus.
I’m now wondering if Banba folding his arms is his anxious tell? Like, it’s a defensive body posture. I’m too tired to make much sense of my own explanation rn, but it fits his issues, I think.
Also his hand is so tense, oh, honey… DX
I’m also trying to figure out exactly what he was doing w/ his hand… Like, maybe it was just a nervous fidget, but also kinda like he was picking at his nails somehow? For lack of a better description?
Why is Melto the only one who knows how to check a pulse?
I want to hug Banba so badly right now… This boys’ facial expressions are amazing. Like, you can tell he’s in agony over the fact that, as far as he knows, he, personally, destroyed the only way to save his brother.
Poor Kou having to chase Banba again. XD
Crayon trying to start his own YouTube channel… I like this guy. He’s both creepy and entertaining.
Also I would die for any of the mook suit actors in an instant.
Big Brother Mode is still ACTIVATED. ^^
Crayon uses Microphone! It’s not super effective!
I still love how Kou was like ‘It’s probably best if I transform even before I find him just in case.’ Esp since, in the end, that actually wasn’t necessary.
I would kind of love to have had more to this scene. Like, how long do you think Banba spent trying to go after Crayon/walk on his own before Kou was able to get him back? I’d write it, but I just can’t seem to find the inspiration rn… DX
How often are they changing these cloths? Kou and Banba don’t seem to have been gone, like, ten minutes.
So… What, does it reproduce through spores?
Accidentally paused on very distressed Kou right before he called for the others. Poor baby.
I know it’s in character for him to refuse to sit, but I still think they could’ve offered Banba a chair.
I still want to pinch surprised Kou’s cheeks. DX
No, really. Why are there two? Did it divide or something? Or was she just really mad about people abandoning animals?
Melto gets upgraded to being directly addressed. ^^
Banba really didn’t need to come off the wall for this, really. I love him, but the way he kinda lurches toward Melto there seems a little bit out of a horror film…
Honestly, I’m gonna miss Crayon and Tankjoh’s relationship. ‘You don’t get to laugh.’ (and just the deadpan way he says it) ‘Why be strict about that?’ XD I’m rather fond of their dynamic.
Crayon being unable to completely control the Minusaurs is so bloody hilarious to me. ^^
I guess Kou and Melto just have stronger immune systems?
Banba and Kou and their ‘don’t underestimate Kata Soul.’
… Okay, it’s probably not connected at all, and/or it’s just a recurring joke w/ this Minusaur, but… We know that the most recent (at least) traumatic event that happened to Kou involved Kata Soul… What if that Soul was also involved in some traumatic event that happened to Banba? Hell, maybe that’d be why he favours it. I dunno, I’m probably just spinning. But it came into my head when Kou essentially did the same thing Banba did against the other Cerberus Minusaur.
Oh, sweetie, no. I know you’re a mess right now, but no.
I feel so bad for him, though. Like, he blames himself for letting this happen in the first place (for failing to protect his brother/destroy Crayon before, etc.), and he’s probably blaming himself for delaying their chance at getting an antidote by destroying the first Minusaur. Now he’s dying, other people are dying, and most importantly to him, Touwa is dying. This has gotta be some of the most scared and desperate he’s ever been.
Like, the way he hobbles over to look at Touwa before he does it… TT_TT
Does he have Zuuban in there, too?
Sorry. DX I have an incurable condition called thinking I’m hilarious.
But looks aren’t everything.
… Okay, who let my grandfather in here.
No, honey. No. This is not your fault. I promise you, no one here blames you but you. I don’t know if someone once told you you were at fault for something(s), or if you’ve just been internalising blame your whole life or something. But. I promise. No one blames you. </3
I mean, it both is and isn’t selfish. He’s got a point that if they die there will be no one to fight the Druidon. But I think the main driving force behind his desperation right now is to save his brother, and the former reason is more secondary.
He really has no right to look so good in this awful makeup, and yet… I saw a man so beautiful I started crying.
I am rather disappointed that Banba and Asuna didn’t go out there, but I guess their conditions had deteriorated more than the other two’s had, bc they got infected first.
Okay. This looks like a renaissance painting.
Oh, gods… Banba’s reaction to the whole ‘trust’ thing… TT^TT Who did this to you? Please tell me so I can find and assassinate them? DX
Hm… Maybe Touwa does know something, bc he got really soft over the ‘let’s trust them’ line.
Also just the word ‘trust’ seems to be borderline trigger for Banba… I really wish we had some flashbacks for the brothers, too… Though there is still plenty of time.
I still want child¡Banba holding baby¡Touwa.
But, to do some random spitball theorising… Could there have been a situation where Banba felt like he screwed up, and then when he trusted someone to help they betrayed him in some way? No grounding for this, just musing.
But god, his reaction there makes me want to know more so badly…
I always wonder how much they tell the actors? Like, is it like Game of Thrones where they only tell them things that the characters would know? By that logic, Tatsuya may know what Banba’s side of the story is… Though I seem to remember that Keisuke said something that implied he didn’t know all of Kuro Woz’s backstory… Though maybe he was deflecting a question. I dunno.
Okay, it’s not actually that similar, but that cut from the dramatic scene of the others declaring they trust Melto and Kou/resigning to giving them a chance while also having some sort of secret trauma flashback or something over the concept of ‘trust’ (in Banba’s case) to Kou being yeeted into a pile of barrels made me think of that scene in Kyuranger where Lucky gives a speech about how much faith they have in Shou and what a great leader he is––and then it cuts to Shou screaming hysterically about how they’re all going to crash into the sun and die.
Kou is a very reckless oaf, and I love him to bits.
How did he even… I guess sheer force of will.
Honestly, Hayate is kind of rocking the awful ‘poisoned’ makeup, too.
Actually, to be honest, they all are.
Or maybe someone made the smart decision to tone down the makeup.
I’d call Master Red ‘Master Dad,’ but then what would I call Master Blue? Master Other Dad? Master Melto’s Dad? *insert shrug emoji here*
When you pass out from poison, and have a dream about that time your parental substitute father figure gave you a piggyback ride––only it was actually your sentient dinosaur mecha carrying you and your friend on its back.
So. Who summoned Tyramigo? XD
… You know what. That’s it. I have nothing to say about the kebabs anymore.
Wait. So apparently the village was destroyed? So… What happened to all the other people we saw? Did they die? Evacuate to somewhere? But the Elder says he has nowhere else to go… O_o
In case you were wondering, the sixth is going to be Gold. Here presented as… Saffron yellow? Bc gold was probably too over the top for a kebab menu.
I love how Melto went from so frightened of the Elder that he hid a banana behind his back to interrupting the guy when he’s talking. XD
Wait, so… Like. Was he the one they were originally meant to bring it to? Are he and Naohisa in cahoots? Did I accidentally skip a line? That’s actually very possible.
… Why. Why was I expecting science. Why did I actually think… Oh, forget it.
Okay, but did they have to make it yellow? There are plenty of juices. You could have made it any other colour.
Kinda wish we got to see them bring it back to the house. But I can understand the ‘dramatic reveal’ of them showing up to fight Tankjoh.
But you know Banba made sure Touwa was cured even before he was. XD
I still love MirNeedle and his honking sound.
The RyuSouls still want hugs.
The fact that Tankjoh has legit hands is hilarious to me.
Banba saying the dramatic lines, for some reason. XD
God, even w/ that wording… Banba’s still blaming himself. A) In apologising, and B) w/ the ‘I made you etc.’ It’s basically ‘I failed so you had to do it.’
Touwa calling him on makes me wonder if he does that a lot… Oh my gosh, is Banba also a compulsive apologiser? MY BABY! DX
Aaaaaaw. He gets so awkward and embarrassed. He’s so cute. XD <3
I’m still trying to parse out the look he gives Kou. It’s, like… Bemused? I guess? Like ‘you’re still saying that?’ Maybe? Though given the quick deep breath and how fast he rejects, maybe he was starting to have a ‘maybe we can trust him/them’ thought and felt like he needed to quickly shut it down.
All I could think of was the ‘I’m sorry, you must be a level 4 friend to unlock my tragic backstory’ tweet…
I love Kou’s expression and body language, bc it’s somewhere between becoming fondly amused and Banba’s grumpy tsundere nature, being like ‘Oooo! New friend project!’, and ‘Oh? That is that a challenge?’
To quite the King of Friendship himself: ‘I’m gonna become friends with you just to spite you.’ XD
Kou and Melto are less teasing Asuna, and more that they don’t want to look at the Elder in that outfit again. XD
I guess he wasn’t prophesying, and he has seen the trio more recently… But I’m still petty and will be sour if the brothers get excluded from whatever prophecies etc. there do end up being…
Like, they can do an ‘it’s all up to the original three’ in the end like Go-Onger, but only if they have the brothers pull a Hanto and Gunpei/Go-O Wings.
Preview: Don’t trust the sisters, and I suspect they have vocal powers, perhaps to control others. I do wonder if this is going t reveal more about the brother’s past at all as a parallel? Or we could be taking a break from that for now, which is also fine. I just request that they reveal it steadily as the team grows closer, and don’t just dump it all at the end or something.
That’s all, folks! Virtual jellybeans for anyone who read all that. XD
I am excited for the brother’s backstory, and what happened to Banba, but I’d also be fine w/ taking a break from that as we move on to introduce the next General, who will likely hang around a bit longer than Tankjoh to show off the upped ante. Music is apparently going to be important, since we’ve got several former idol group members here. Also it said so on the official website, so I’m not blowing steam. I’m sure if we’ve got a cast member who can sing, there will be an ep where they sing (Asuna’s most likely, since she’s apparently a former idol?). Anyway, excited for this to continue, and anxious for the week to be over.
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lykaonimagines · 6 years
Positive (Part 4) - Loki x Reader
oOnce again, thank you to everyone reading and liking this story! ^_^ This part is broken up into two sections at two different intervals of the pregnancy. There will be more parts, since I keep expanding what I had originally intended with the story. So I have no clue at this point when it’ll end, there’s still a few things I want to do :P Starting the next part as we speak so hopefully it will be up this weekend!
Anyways, enjoy! And let me know if you want to be tagged :) 
Paring: Loki x Reader
Part #: 4
Word Count: 1,914
Description: A mutant member of the Avengers finds out she’s pregnant with her boyfriend Loki’s baby, are they ready for this?
Warnings: Pregnancy, some angst, suggestive themes (really nothing much), and violence
Part 1      Part 2      Part 3      Part 5
Part 6
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(Gif isn’t mine)
-16 Weeks Pregnant-
“And exactly what are you doing there?” Loki asks as Y/N tries to peek into the room adjacent to theirs.
“Oh you know, not much, just looking,” she states, deciding to look at Thor who is standing next to him instead.
“Darling,” Loki sighs walking over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist as he back her out the door. “I thought you were told that under no circumstances were you to be in here?”
“But-“ she begins but is interrupted by his lips on hers, a pleasant hum filling her body as he pulls away. His distraction works for a moment, before the sound of Bucky’s disgusted gagging noises remind her. Her cheeks instantly go red, and she pushes away from Loki. “I’m just trying to help, and I want to see how it’s going…”
He smirks as he backs her further out into the hall, “Well I thought we were under the agreement that it was to be a surprise for you, and I would rather you not be around fresh paint and trying to assemble furniture in your current state, love.”
She fixes her face with a pout as she looks up to him, hoping to change his mind, but quickly laughs at the sight before her. “You have a little bit of paint,” she reaches to wipe the bridge of his nose with her finger, “Riiight here.”
“Oh do I now?” He asks with a smile. “I wonder why.”
“I have no clue,” she answers innocently. “You won’t let me go in the nursery.”
“Never you mind that,” he says before bringing his mouth close to her ear. “Seeing as I’m a mess, why don’t you join me in the shower later to make sure I clean up to your expectations.” He lightly nips her ear, and pulls their bodies flush.
The contact pulls a soft groan from her before she manages to work out an answer, “Hmm that sounds like a good plan, can’t have you slacking in personal hygiene now can we?”
“Exactly,” he smiles leading her out to the kitchen. “We’re nearly done as it would be anyway. Maybe later I’ll let you in on your surprise.”
“I’d love that,” she replies looking up into his blue-green eyes with a smile. “I’m glad we stayed here.”
Loki rolls his eyes looks to the map of the tower laying out on the counter. “I would have preferred a nice secluded place to call our own. But Stark makes a hard bargain.”
“Well a room for us and one for the baby, and a large pool of willing babysitters I think will be a blessing when the time comes,” she replies with a laugh.
“Possibly,” he remarks, carefully pressing one hand to her growing belly. “This little one is going to come out practically drowning in love and affection.
“Are you ready?” Loki asks Y/N, his hands over her eyes as they stand in the new nursery.
“More than ready!” she exclaims. “I want to see what you’ve done!”
“Well love, I’ve done the best that I could by my own talent and memory,” he says as he removes his hands.
Y/N gasps as she’s met by a mural of Asgard behind the baby’s crib. The whole room is blue with glowing stars including the ceilings beyond the one wall. She steps forward to carefully touch it, running her fingers down the palace. “It’s beautiful.”
“Well our little prince or princess should know what home looked like,” he whispers. “It took me long enough to see it that way again. But now that it’s gone… “
“You miss it?” She fills in for him, reaching for his hand.
“I do,” he replies. “It was beautiful, and it’s where I spent most of my life.”
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They stand silently for a few minutes holding hands before she says, “I didn’t even know you could paint. A man full of surprises.”
“That’s what I do best,” he replies with a wink.
“Well I suppose you deserve a reward for all your hard work,” she says.
“Oh really?” A gleam in his eye appears. “And what would that be?”
“Gods,” Loki shudders, a groan drawing from his lips. “That feels so damn good.”
“All I’m doing is massaging your back Loki,” Y/N responds with a small laugh, her fingers exploring along the small scars on his back as water runs down them both.
He turns to her finally and wraps his arms loosely around her, pressing his forehead to hers and staring into her eyes. Her smile lights up, and once again he can feel it. That pang in his heart. The sight of this beautiful woman he loves, looking back at him with those same feelings reflected in her smile, her eyes, her gestures. Letting herself be this vulnerable to him, naked and wrapped in his arms as the water runs down their faces. Her wet hair sticks to her face, and the last of her makeup washed away. Her belly swelling with the presence of the child they’ve created together. Beautiful. “Have I told you that you make me the happiest man in all the realms?” He murmurs.
She turns her head up to presses her lips to his, “How are you this romantic sometimes?”
“Sometimes?” He smirks. “All sorts of Asgardian romance novels. Are you practically swooning for me yet darling?”
“Well your plan failed,” she replies sticking out her tongue to touch his nose. “I was swooning from the second you stepped into the tower in that black suit, because damn.”
He grins, “Love at first sight hm?”
“It was something at first sight. Can’t say it was my heart talking though.”
“Brat,” he whispers before kissing her once again.
“Your brat,” she corrects him happily.”
“Exactly,” he presses more kisses along her jaw before prompting her to turn so he could wash her back.
“So, I’ve been thinking,” she begins as she relaxes into his touch.
“Of?” He prompts.
“Names for our child.”
“Oh really? And what would those be?”
“Weeell,” she stalls for a moment. “I was thinking… I thought for us, we should go with a character from Shakespeare.”
“Hm, I’m interested. Go on,” he says with a smile.
“For a boy, I was thinking Lysander. Or Lucio,” she responds leaning back into him. “For a girl, Lavinia or Luciana.”
“That’s a lot of L’s there, any particular reason?” He asks.
“Well he or she is going to be either Lokison or Lokidottir,” she says confidently. “And I like the alliteration.”
Loki goes silent behind her, not quiet sure what to say. He just pulls her into his embrace hugging her back, and places his chin on her shoulder. She can feel his heart racing as she puts her head against his chest, and turns her head to kiss his cheek.
“Do you not like them?”
“I love them,” he answers sighing into her ear. “It just… it suddenly occurred to me.”
“What did?”
“Lokison, Lokidottir,” he says softly. “My son or daughter, baring my name, a part of me. I’m really going to be a father.”
She gently pulls his hands down to be flat on her belly where a small kick greets them, “And he or she loves their daddy already.”
-24 Weeks Pregnant-
“ABSOLUTELY NOT,” Loki now yells at the top of his lungs. “You are not going with us!”
“Like HELL I’m not,” Y/N yells back charging past Loki in her now much snugger Avengers uniform.
“You can’t be out fighting for your life when you’re pregnant!” Loki insists grabbing for her wrists, which she quickly avoids on her path toward the kitchen.
“You act like I’m going out on a suicide mission alone Loki,” she responds back, pulling on her fingerless gloves.
“You shouldn’t be going out on any mission accompanied or otherwise,” he growls still following her.
She finally comes to a halt and spins to face her boyfriend, “I’ve gone on barely any missions since I’ve been pregnant Loki. Hell I have barely even touched junk food. Or do any form of physical labor. Or been around the painted nursery. Or have more than one cup a tea a day because of the terrifying caffeine. I can handle one mission!”
“Well pardon me trying to care for our child,” he crosses his arms defensively.
“I know you are! But…” she sighs and rubs her eyes. “I love that you care so much, but we, me and the baby, aren’t that fragile. We can handle one mission. It’s just an in, interrogate, and out. And you’ll be there with me, along with a squad.” She reaches up trying to uncross his arms as she gives him puppy-dog eyes.
His shoulders drop, allowing her to grab his hands as he sighs, “Stay by me at all times?” It comes out as barely a whisper, already regretting his words.
She smiles widely at him stepping up onto his boots to give him a quick kiss, “Everything will be fine love.”
Things didn’t go quite to plan. Not that they ever did when it came to Avengers missions. Y/N cringes as a freshly sliced body goes flying past her. The cabin was far more protected than any of them had expected.
The team had split up to approach from different angles, Y/N was now back to back with Loki. His daggers and magic sending their opponents flying and dropping dead faster than she could keep track of with her own self occupied with stabbing the ones in front of her with her telekinetic energy swords.
“Just in and out,” Loki mocks in a high pitched tone as he sends another enemy flying.
“I also said it would be fine, and thus far we’re doing just fine,” she responds taking down the person in front of her. “And isn’t exercise good when you’re pregnant?”
Loki rolls his eyes, grabbing her arm behind him and swinging her in a circle to slash the enemies all gathered around her, “This is hardly what the books had in mind I assure you.”
“Some yoga in the morning, some light murder in the afternoon, and a nice jog in the evening right dear?” She shouts back as he sets her back down.
He looks to her for a moment, her eyes shining in the heat of battle, a big grin, and her hair flopping out of place as she tries to smooth it. Practically glowing before him, he can’t stop himself from pulling her into him and kissing her passionately. “My queen,” he winks letting go of her as they hear Captain America shout for them near the cabin.
“We’re all clear guys, lets get in there before he tries something!” He yells gesturing toward the door.
Y/N lets her energy weapons disperse before sliding her hand into Loki’s as they go to catch up, a quiet hum coming from her.
After a moment, a harsh wind blows up from behind them, and her hand drops from his. The air now suddenly eerily quiet.
“Y/N?” He says as he turns, his heart stopping at the sight in front of him.
Y/N struggles to stand with a large sword now protruding from her abdomen, her eyes wide with fear, and a man behind her grinning at him.
“Whoopsies,” the man says, kicking her off his sword and flat onto the ground. “That’s gotta hurt.”
Just the one picture this chapter since it took a little bit to put together, sort of the general idea I had for what Loki would choose. As to why he can paint, I just figured that could be a hidden talent he’s had :P 
P.S. Please don’t hate me for this part, I love you all :$
Part 1      Part 2      Part 3      Part 5
Part 6
Tag List:
@ihavenofilter @zombiefied-gay-ghost @talinalani @chloe-skywalker @shanetoo @shitty-imagines-95 @roryomxlley @afangirlamongotherthings @servamp-addict @moonfaery @thefallenbibliophilequote @arielletheavenger @lucacangettathisass @draconicyeet @i-love-loki-its-unhealthy @tokoyamisstuff @whennoonethinksyoucanyoumust @ximi27 @throughartistseyes  @islaylivesinshire @ink-and-starlight  @starfox-92 
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gaiyofanfiction · 7 years
Save Me (12 Final)
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Chapter1: Second Time? - Chapter 2: Awake - Chapter 3: First Love - Chapter 4: Mama - Chapter 5: Reflection - Chapter 6: Lie - Chapter 7: Stigma - Chapter 8: Begin - Chapter 9: Taken - Chapter 10: Torture  - Chapter 11: The Plan - Chapter 12: The Escape
Jungkook x Reader
Mental Hostpital AU
A/N: YAY FINALLY THE LAST CHAPTER! We wanted to thank all of you for reading this story. It hits close to home for us and we put it all out on our sleeves, so we are glad to get great feedback. If you haven't hit that follow button, please do so. Our next story will be a Monsta X!Vampire au. This is our longest chapter for this story, so enjoy!
Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction. We did take their personalities and match as best we can with illnesses, however we do not claim that the boys from BTS have these mental illnesses! Also, we did as much research as we can on each disorder. We are not meaning to offend anyone who has these illnesses at all. ALSO, WE DO KNOW BTS CHANGED THEIR ENGLISH NAME TO BEYOND THE SCENE BUT WE’RE USING BULLETPROOF BOYSCOUTS CAUSE IT FITS THE STORY BETTER. Trigger warning: Mentions of mental illness, hospitals, self harm, suicide attempt and abuse. Both Gaisho and I recommend, if you feel like you need to go to the hospital for ANY reason, please don’t be afraid to do so. It can help. If you EVER feel like you need to talk to anyone, vent, or need advice on anything, please do not hesitate to msg us! We’ve been through it all. Character Descriptions: Reader- Chronic Depression, Derealization Disorder and Dissociative Amnesia Jin - Narcissistic Personality Disorder (With homicidal tendencies) Suga- Narcolepsy and Chronic Depression J-Hope- Bipolar II Disorder Rap Monster- OCD and Paranoia Jimin- Explosive Anger Disorder V- Schizoaffective Disorder Jungkook- Agoraphobia         You smile with tears in your eyes and so does Jungkook. You both hug each other tightly, neither letting up. 
        “We’re all so happy you’re back, Y/N, but we don’t have another moment to waste. We have to get the hell out of here,” says Rap Monster with a smile, but with a hint of concern.
        You look around to all the other boys who are happy to see you’re back as well. All of a sudden you had a great idea. 
        “Alright, I know this deviates from the original plan. But, it’s a guarantee we don’t bump into anyone and get out of here safely…” you say before you became hesitant. 
        “Please, tell us, Y/N. Anything to get us all out of here safely,” Rap Monster insists.
        “W-well, there’s a unit on the first floor that is connected to the stairwell we’re right next to. This unit has been shut down for years apparently, I overheard it from another nurse…” you start to trail off again.
        “Y/N, please, go on,” Jungkook puts a hand on your back to reassure you.
        “Okay, well, the reason it’s been shut down was because people were mysteriously dying left and right and they thought it was haunted by past patients that used to be here. When they shut it down they had set up a series of traps because they were scared ghosts would haunt other units and they thought they could catch them…”
        “I don’t know, this sounds like a lot of work… Not to mention actually more dangerous than our other plan,” Suga says as he yawns.
        “No, no, no! Just hear me out. I went there one day out of curiosity. This was like the second day after being admitted. I almost got to the door that lead outside, but I set off the alarm and the nurses came and got me. But, now that I know what set it off, we’re pretty much golden! No one goes there because they’re scared, they don’t actively monitor it, and I still remember where all the traps are,” you say with confidence hoping it sells to the others.
        The group looks to their leader. Rap Monster sighs, “well, we’re about to be caught if we don’t head out. We trust you, Y/N. Just lead the way.”
        You smile with excitement, “I won’t let you guys down!” 
        You lead them to the stairwell and quickly rush down the stairs to the first floor. Before you all was a long and dark hallway that lead to several doors. After passing a few you finally stop to the right door.
        “T-THE CRIMINALLY INSANE UNIT!?” Jin shouts and backs up a few steps.
        “Seriously, Jin? Didn't you try to kill your girlfriend?” J-hope asks, annoyed.
        Jin chuckles awkwardly, “oh yeah.”
        “Uh, yeah did I forget to mention that? Heh… Well, it’s empty, and it’s our only way out now. So, the badge?” You eye Jin to swipe the badge.
        “You’re lucky you’re cute. But, not as cute as me,” Jin pokes his cheek and winks. He swipes the badge and motions for the rest of you to enter.
        “It’s very dark in here, so it’s important we all stay together. It’s time to buddy up. I’ll be with Jin, Suga with J-Hope, Jungkook with Y/N, and Jimin with V,” Rap Monster orders.
        Everyone links arms with their respective buddy and starts to walk forward with you and Jungkook in the front of the group. 
        The unit was very old and eerie sending shivers down your spine. You squeeze Jungkook’s arm and he brings you in closer, “don’t worry, sweetheart. I got you.” He kisses your forehead making you smile.
        Behind you two were Jin and Rap Monster.
        “Oooo Rap Monie, you got some nice arms,” Jin squeezes Rap Monster’s biceps.
        “Please, just focus,” Rap Monster begs.
        Behind them were Suga and J-Hope.
        “Hey, Suga, when we get out of here I was wondering if you wanted to help me with something I’m working on. It’s my Hixtape. Maybe we can do a collab?” J-Hope asks.
        “Yeah, man! Maybe we can get some churros while we’re at it,” Suga says excitedly.
        The last two following were Jimin and V.
        “When we get out of here we should go to an amusement park and ride rollercoasters!” V exclaims.
        “Yeah uh, remember the last time we went? Hobi and I didn’t do so well…” Jimin starts to feel queasy.
        You stop. “Alright guys, this is one of the first traps, now all we need to do is -”
        Suddenly a stray chair moves towards you. 
        “D-did that just…” Jungkook’s voice shakes.
        The chair falls over and all of you hear ominous sounds from all different directions. Windows were breaking and lights were flickering on and off. 
        All of you scream in terror and unlink to run off to various doors to hide except for you and Jungkook who stayed together.
        You and Jungkook went into an old patient room and hid under the desk. The both of you clung onto each other so tight you felt each other’s heartbeat. 
        Finally the noises stopped and the lights were back off. “You okay? You’re not hurt are you?” Jungkook asks anxiously.
        “I’m fine, just a little shook is all. We should try to find the others.”
        He grabs your hand to get you up on your feet and you two head back into the hallway. 
        “Hey, glad you two are alright. I just found Jimin. However, we’re missing a big chunk of the group,” Rap Monster says with worry.
        “I think it’s best we stick together while we go find the others,” you say to the boys whom all agreed with you.
        You all head door to door trying to find the others. Upon entering one of the rooms you hear some clanking. In the corner was a dark body crouching. 
        You gulp, “V-V? P-please tell me that’s you…”
        V turns on a flashlight illuminating his face, “MUAHAHA!”
        You and the rest of the boys sigh in relief.
        “I also found a crowbar. You know… Just in case one of the ghosts try to pull a fast one on us.”
        “I don’t think you can knock out a ghost, V,” Jimin laughs.
        Continuing your search you guys start to hear sounds of ruffling. V gets in front of the group and starts to wave his crowbar at random. “Feel the wrath of Tae!”
        J-Hope pops out from the darkness, “It’s just me! And look, look! I found a shark hat! It must of been a patient’s belongings at one point. Hehe, it looks like it's eating my head. Ahhhh!” He dances around.
        The group giggles. “Okay, two more to go.” Rap Monster says.
        You all continue to go through each room hoping to find the rest. You lost track of how far you all advanced through the hallway and just realized one of the traps was near.
        “W-wait, I know one of the traps is near here… b-but I just can’t remember where and which one it is. My memory is kind of fuzzy right now. So, just be-”
        J-Hope’s foot sets off a tripwire and the alarms start blaring. 
        “We have exactly two minutes before they’ll reach us here. We need to find them now and fast!” You say to the others. The alarm is giving you a headache and your vision is starting to blur. You shake your head trying to get rid of the sensation.
        “God damnit, where are those other two!?” Rap Monster grinds his teeth. “Alright. I’m going to find them, you all get to the exit safely and wait for us there.”
        You, Jungkook, Jimin and V nod in agreement and head for the exit. 
        Rap Monster runs door to door screaming for Jin and Suga. Out of breath he finally reaches a room where one of the boys were in.
        “Mirror, mirror on the wall… Who’s the finest of them all? Me? Well, I can agree with you there, Mr. Mirror,” Jin says completely infatuated with himself.
        “Are you freaking serious right now!? Again?! Do you not hear the alarms!?” Rap Monster says trying to catch his breath.
        “What’s alarming is how dashingly handsome I am!” Jin blows a kiss to a reflection of himself.
        Rap Monster grabs Jin’s wrist and pulls him to run. “Look, Suga is still out here somewhere. We don’t have time, we need to find him quick.”
        A couple rooms further down the hall was an infirmary. Jin was struck with an idea, “I know exactly where he would be. Follow me.”
        They run into the infirmary and there were several beds, which one of them so happens to have a soundly sleeping Suga. 
        “How is he sleeping through these ridiculously loud alarms???” Rap Monster was perplexed. 
        “I don’t know, but I’m not waking up the beast… I found him, now you wake him,” Jin pushes Rap Monster forward.
        Sighing Rap Monster shakes Suga awake. “Yoongi, you need to wake up! We’re going to get caught if you don’t get up!”
        Suga yawns and rubs his eyes, “remind me when we get out of here to lock the doors to my room so none of you can wake me.” He glares right at Rap Monster making him scared for his life.
        The three finally catch up to you guys at the exit. “We literally have seconds left before this unit is on lockdown. Jin, the badge.” You motion for him to swipe it, holding your head in one hand.
        “Yes, ah… They’re right… Um…” He pats down his shirt and pants.
        “JIN!!!!” Rap Monster screams.
        “I’m kidding, it was in my back pocket,” he sticks out his tongue and swipes the badge. 
        You push open the doors and you all run into the cold night air. Running into the nearby forest and never looking back.
        “Hold on, I need a second,” you slow down and hold your head with both hands. Your breathing becomes heavy and your vision is getting worse.
        “Baby, are you okay?” Jungkook scans you over, trying to hold you steady.
        You shake your head. “I-I don't know what's wrong. My head's killing me.” You go to take a step but your legs give out.
        “Y/N!” Jungkook catches you and sits you down gently.
        “Y/N, are you okay?” V asks, worried.
        You raise your head and look straight forward. Your vision fades in and out.
        “Y-Y/N?” Jungkook squeaks out, panic setting in.
        You don't answer. Suddenly your mind is blank, there are no thoughts or recollection about what's going on.
        “Earth to Y/N,” J-hope waves a hand in front of your face.
        “W-Why isn't she answering?” Jungkook asks, his voice shaking.
        Rap Monster looks at you worried. “I wonder…” he nudges Jungkook out of the way so he's right in front of you. He snaps his fingers in your face.
        You blink from the action and look around. Suddenly you see yourself in...a forest? “W-What’s going on? Where am I?”
        Jungkook’s eyes widen, “Y-Y/N? Are you okay?”
        You tilt your head in confusion as you stare at the strange boy. “Who's Y/N? And who are you?”
        Jungkook falls back on his butt in shock. His anxiety shoots through the roof. 'She forgot me again?’ Jungkook stands up and walks a little ways away, his whole body trembling.
        Jin notices Jungkook walking away from the group. He makes sure the rest of the boys watch you before going after the youngest.
        “Jungkook, where are you going? Y/N’s over here.”
        Jungkook turns to Jin, his eyes wide with fear. “S-She forgot me again.” He covers his ears with his hands and shakes his head. “I c-cant do this again.”
        Jin narrows his eyes, “what are you talking about Jungkook? You better not be saying what I think you're saying.”
        The only thing Jungkook wants to do right now is scream. The air around him feels thick. He can hardly breathe. He keeps shaking his head as a panic attack officially sets in.
        “She forgot about me. For the third time in less than 48 hours. I can't keep doing it. I can't keep being forgotten!” Jungkook let's go of his head and turns to walk away.
        Jin growls and grabs his arm, “so that's it, huh? There are a few bumps and suddenly you're done?”
        Jungkook tried to yank his arm away but Jin held tight. “ I don't want to be, but it's not fair! Why does this keep happening to me?!”
        Jin raises an eyebrow, his temper rising. “Are you serious right now? 'Why does this keep happening to you?'” Jin pulls Jungkook harshly. “What about her, huh? Everything that she's been through in the last two days? She's the one who had EST twice in one day! How the HELL does this affect you more than her! She's scared out of her fucking mind!”
        Jungkook shakes his head, his eyes closed. “I can't stay to see her like this. It hurts too much. I'm sorry.”
        Jin let's go of Jungkook, his arms dropping to his sides. “I can't believe you, Kook. After everything she's done for us? Every single one of us, you just want to leave her? You want to abandon her just like everyone else has? You promised her you wouldn't leave her!”
        “N-No, I-”
        “Stop,” Jin interrupts. “Just stop. I can't believe you right now. She's been there for all of us when we needed it. She didn't judge me about my past. She was patient with Yoongi when he would fall asleep randomly and Namjoon when he would go through his OCD habits and his clumsiness. She understood Jimin and J-hope when they were having their episodes, Jimin even assaulted her twice. She listened to V when he just needed to vent about the voices during his breakdown.” He glares at his friend. “She let you in to her heart, she took her walls down for you. After everything she's fucking been through, I wouldn't blame her if she didn't want to let anyone in. But she let you in, Kook! She trusted you enough to let you into her life and now you're about to walk away?!”
        Jungkook stands there, his mouth open, speechless. Jin takes this as an invitation to continue.
        “You know,” Jin’s voice gets quieter. “When you find that one person who you care about the most, you cherish them. You make it so they never want to leave. You show them how much you love them and how much you want to be with them.” Jin gets a faraway look in his eyes, like he's somewhere else. “It is so painful when you lose that person. That one person you cared about more than anything, maybe even at times you care about them more than yourself. But once you screw that up, once you make them lose their trust in you, it's all over. It's all over and it'll never be the same again.” Jin blinks back tears and comes back to reality.
        He pulls Jungkook closer to him and points to you. “Look.” Jungkook looks over at where you're sitting. Rap Monster and Suga are crouched done in front of you, trying to get you to remember. “Do you really want Yoongi and Namjoon to be the first two she sees when she wakes up from her episode? What is she going to think when her boyfriend, the one that she loves, the one person she wanted to see more than anything, is gone? Do you really want that?”
        “Love…”Jungkook breathes to himself, taking in everything Jin has said. He watches you, your eyes wide as you're looking around frantic. He sees how terrified you are and it hurts him. He looks back at Jin. The look on Jin’s face pleads for him not to leave you, not to give up. Jin knows if Jungkook doesn't, he will regret it for the rest of his life.
        Jungkook takes a deep breath in, trying to calm his anxiety. He clenches his shaking fists and turns towards you, walking over slowly.
        “Y/N, please try to calm down. We aren’t going to hurt you,” J-hope tries to reassure you. You shake your head, eyes shut tight.
        “I d-don’t know who you are or w-where I am, just please, take me home.” You sound like you’re about to cry.
        Jungkook pushes his way past the boys and squats down in front of you. He gently reaches over to grab one of your hands. The sudden touch of someone else jolts your eyes open, you stare wide eyed at the man in front of you.
        “Y/N, please, you need to trust us.” Jungkook tries to smile. It’s hard to pretend to be calm when the women he loves is terrified out of her mind right in front of him.
        You freeze when you see the unknown boy right before you eyes. Suddenly, your body becomes calmer and you’re breathing starts returning to normal. Something about this boy is taming your anxiety.
        You reach out to gently touch his face. He turns his head slightly to let you. “Wow, you’re really cute.”
        Jungkook’s face turns red as the other boys chuckle at the comment. Jungkook smiles shyly at you. “T-Thank you.”
        “What’s your name?”
        His smile disappears when you ask that question, but he answers it anyway. “My name is Jungkook. But you usually call me Kookie.”
        You tilt your head at his words. “Kookie? I like cookies…” You furrow your eyebrows. “Kookie…” You repeat. Jungkook looks at you with a mixture of confusion and concern. “Kookie… That sounds familiar…” You trail off, your eyes becoming unfocused.
        V nudges Jungkook. “She’s remembering but I think there needs to be something to push her over the edge.”
        Jungkook immediately knows what he has to do. He reaches up to grab your cheeks, caressing them with his thumbs. Without hesitation, he brings his face to yours and gently kisses your lips. After a few seconds, he pulls back and stares at you.
        You blink, your vision coming into focus. You shake your head to try to rid yourself of the headache. Opening your eyes, you look around to all the boys staring at you with anticipation. You quirk your brow.
        “What are you all staring at? Do I have something on my face?”
        All the boys sigh with relief when they hear your humor once again. You look around with confusion but eventually shrug it off. Lastly, your eyes fall on Jungkook who is staring at you wide eyed.
        “Kookie, are you okay?” You tilt your head.
        Jungkook lets a few tears fall before tackling you with a hug. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m right here.” You rub his back and hug him tightly as he cries.
        “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I’ll never leave you again. Please forgive me.”
        “Leave me again? What do you mean?” you look around for help. Your eyes fall on Jin and he mouths ‘I’ll tell you later’. You nod in understanding, you just hug Jungkook tighter.
        Rap Monster clears his throat, catching everyone’s attention. “Now that we’re all finally calmed down, it’s time to really get out of here. We need to move further away. Much further.”
        “But where are we supposed to go? We don’t even know where we are,” Jimin asks, worried.
        “Well, I’ve taken care of that situation already,” he grins, proud of himself. There’s a moment of silence, waiting for Rap Monster to continue. He doesn’t.
        “And what would that be?” Suga asks impatiently.
        “Oh right. Well, yesterday during free time, I kind of snuck into the office and made a phone call to a friend. He says we can stay with him and his family as long as we would like.”
        J-hope scoffs, “who is this person that would be willing to take in eight mentally ill patients from a fucking mental hospital?”
        Rap Monster chuckles. “Well, his name is Jackson Wang and it just so happens that he pretty much has six practically insane brothers as it is.”
        Your mouth drops open, “you mean THE Jackson Wang? One of the assassins of the gang Got7? Are you crazy?”
        “Don’t worry, Y/N. They’re all amazingly nice people and would do anything to help friends in need.”
        Suga gets a thoughtful look on his face. “I remember someone who used to be in this hospital with us. His name was Bambam. I think that’s the gang that took him in. If that’s the case, then I have no doubt we will be fine.”
        The rest of the group nods in agreement, not really having much of a choice. They all stand up and follow Rap Monster out of the forest. You grab Jungkook’s hand and stand him up as well.
        “Kookie, thank you for everything. I wouldn’t have made it through this place if it weren’t for you or the rest of Bangtan. I really hope we can be together for as long as I live.”
        Jungkook smiles and kisses your lips gently. “Me too, Y/N. I’ll always be here, no matter what. I promise.”
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sigurdjarlson · 6 years
Nikki my fallout queen please help me. I’m playing it on Xbox one and I have never dealt with mods before but I saw that the main screen now has like, add-ons and downloads and stuff. Anyways how do mods work? And do you have any that you recommend? Basically I don’t want to fuck up the game (or my console) and I’m worried about using them
Ahhh I just started playing with mods so take what I’m saying with a grain of salt. To get them you just click on “Mods.” And then when you find one you like you click on a mod and there’s an option to download them. They download themselves but the trouble comes when you have multiple ones. There’s apparently this thing called “load order” and basically you have to place some above the others or they’ll conflict with each other and it can fuck up your game (I’ve had to restart a couple times because my game just..broke lmao)
so if you have a lot of progress on a save I’d definitely back it up or avoid using mods on that one until you’re sure they work together (I have a “test character” I use for that purpose.
you can look up load order guides for consoles but honestly it confuses the heck out of me. On PC you can just download something that organizes your mod load order for you.. which dear god i wish consoles had it. They don’t though so you gotta do it manually.
basically ALWAYS read the entire description of a mod. sometimes certain mods won’t work with others and the creator will list them so you can avoid conflict. Sometimes they’ll tell you where the mod needs to be in the load order. Also it’s just important so you know what you’re getting into. I still haven’t figured out my load order. Rip. I just crash occasionally and deal with it but I want it fixed eventually.
I definitely recommend watching videos and reading guides on mods and load order for console because I’m new to this too.
as for recommendations. These aren’t all the mods I have and have tried but ones I think are the best Ones I have and I know for the most part don’t cause issues. I’ll list more in another post if you guys want? Or review them I guess heh
Fallout 4 unofficial patch (it’ll place itself where it needs to be which is at the top because it’s a Master File) it fixes 100’s of bugs Bethesda missed. It’s small and doesn’t conflict with anything really and doesn’t effect performance. You’ll probably forget you even have it installed.
Full Dialogue Interface: if you don’t like the original dialogue system this is wonderful. You know how in the vanilla (original) game the options are paraphrased? Like “sarcastic” and it doesn’t tell you what you’re going to say? This fixes that and tells you exactly what you’ll say. I love love it. One time I accidentally called Nick garbage because of the old system and I was deeply distraught lmao.
Everyone’s Best Friend. This lets you travel with a companion and Dogmeat at the same time. So apparently originally Bethesda meant to let Dogmeat travel with you AND a companion but it was scrapped last minute. The remnants of it are still presented in the game (dogmeat isn’t effected by live and love perks, lower health, the companions have dialogue and affinity reactions to you healing Dogmeat, etc) anyway I’ve never had any problems with this one and it’s just super fun. Also more carry weight (good for farming positive affinity too because healing him makes most companions happy. Excluding Strong and X6 who dislike it.)
SKK scrapper. If you do a lot of building this is a must have tbh lmao. I don’t think I could play without it now. Basically it automatically scraps your junk and there’s several options. It appears on a little holotape in your misc inventory and you can control it from there. It’s really easy and really useful. Sadly it doesn’t scrap weapons or armor though. You still gotta do that manually.
All Settlements Expanded: it makes your build area a lot bigger. There are alternate options for specific settlements if you don’t want to expand them all. I really like how the creator expanded a lot of them to water sources if possible cuz than I can make the big water purifiers lol.
Place Anywhere: it does just what it says. You can place objects just about anywhere. Inside things. In the air. Wherever. However I have noticed that since installing it some areas seem to have a glitch and I ironically can’t place things on them…like a bed because it goes right into the floor and doesn’t allow me to place things ON the floor. I can’t be positive this is Place Anywhere but I can’t think of anything else that would cause it. It’s not too big of a deal and so far I’ve only seen it happen in a couple of areas. I mostly ignore it and place stuff elsewhere but it might be a dealbreaker for some. Personally I think it’s worth a few glitches
Better Stores and Better Stores far harbor addition: gives you better options for stores. It also adds some really cool stuff for your settlements. You can buy Brahmin, guard mongrels, guard dogs, guard wolves, rad rabbits, rad chickens (I love these), radstags as livestock, mirelurk livestock…the Brahmin don’t seem to stick to their troughs like the vanilla game Brahmin though?
craftable ammo. I really like how balanced/lore friendly this is with the game. It doesn’t feel like cheating or “not immersive” because you need perks that make sense for different types of ammo (ex: nuclear physicist for nukes) and you need the materials to make it (and the materials make sense) It’s just really useful I think and should have been put in the original game.
Craftable Cats. It comes with a bunch of new cat colors and fur patterns. Calicos, orange tabbies, tuxedo, etc. you need one empty milk bottle to craft one. I’m just happy to see more variation.
k9 harness: tactical body armor and backpack for dogmeat: it’s super cute and can add a lot of carry weight for Dogmeat which is really useful.
Simple Settlers (mortal edition) I really love his one. It adds more varied settlers (so you don’t see the same faces over and over again) and also names them which I think is an awesome touch. You have the choice between a mortal and immortal addition depending on whether or not you want your settlers to be able to die.
Icebreaker Settlements: adds over 400 lines of new dialogue for settlers. Also has some other tweaks. Make sure to read the mod but its nothing too big.
Settlement Limits slashed: gets rid of your build limit!
there are more and I may have forgotten some since I’m not home at the moment x)
oh! Quick addition: enhanced blood textures: if you’re like me and want more gore to your game. (It just makes the blood better looking and adds some more)
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totallyboard · 7 years
Review: Amun-Re
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Sometimes when I sit and look through old family photo albums, I see people to whom I'm related, yet, I'm completely oblivious as to who they actually are. Even so, they aren't completely unfamiliar either. I think we all have that obscure aunt or cousin that came and visited us and while we have no immediate memory, we still had an uncomfortable picture taken and safely documented in the basement bin of photo albums.
And it is within those pictures we see something familiar. We see ourselves participating in Lord-knows-what, and wearing an outfit that I'm pretty sure my sister picked out because it probably looked intentionally ridiculous, smiling and have a great time. We're familiar with it because we see it, talk about it as it's right in front of us, and we are captivated by the fact that we were once in a place that we know and with people we know...except that weird uncle-in-law that apparently was super into Supertramp.
That's also how I feel about playing Knizia games.
They seem obscure...even weird and Supertrampy. But I'm somehow familiar with them because the execution of the mechanics is done so cleanly. It's like I'm hanging out with them in photographs taken in the late 70s.
Amun Re, originally published in 2003 though now recently updated in 2017 by Tasty Minstrel Games, is just one of those games. I've heard about this game for the better part of the last decade though have had apprehension about it (more later). Amun Re is a game of Area Control and Auctioning, and while I never laid eyes on the original version, I don't imagine that I ever care to at this point. Tasty Minstrel, as usual, curates and/or produces games of the highest quality, and Amun Re is no exception.
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Usually games that are riddled with miniatures are judged on their quality (and, they should be). But it's usually those games that are only judged for quality. It's rare that someone speaks up about a euro game filled with cardboard chits and says "these components are gorgeous". It's cardboard. Amun Re in this case, is a game of euro-mechanics, but has these...gorgeous...miniature pyramids and bricks that (I'm assuming) are some sort of acrylic. They don't seem like typical soft plastic. In fact, I feel like I could easily throw one through the window (note: don't throw these through windows). The rest of the components are standard quality of cardboard and card stock (which isn't a slight against the quality), and the graphic design is laid out very well. One thing that I super-hate is trying to match symbols over and over again to their descriptions in the rulebook, as if I'm some sort of Egyptologist on an archeological excursion that probably should have paid better attention in school. Fortunately, it requires very little higher education, but if you get confused...hey, it's theme!
Amun Re features an auctioning / bidding mechanism that is pretty simple. Depending on the number of players, there will be provinces on the board that will have a card indicating the current or potential cost to bid for control. Once you place your bid, other players in turn order will place their bids, too. It's entirely possible that they could outbid you. WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT? Well, dear friends, they would do it for one of two reasons:
1. They're jerks. 2. The province has some sweet resources that they'd be fools to let pass by.
Oh, the bonus reason? Both of course. Only a jerk would take those sweet resources away from you, unless you're the one taking it away, in which case, it's a smart move.
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Resources aren't tight in this game (like in Railways of the World, where you start out as poor as a stone in a bucket of gravy*). But your available resources can't be spread far and wide, either. You want to dump your stuff in a really lucrative province that's going to have great return, so that you can keep adding to it and use these resources to dump into future lucrative provinces. You can collect bricks, which can be used for pyramids, which can be used for MORE pyramids. You can have farmers tiling the fertile Nile delta, bringing you profits unknown. You can let caravans camp in your provinces, for when there's a dry season, they'll bring you profits, too.
The dry or wet seasons are dependent upon how many sacrifices donations you can make to the god Amun Re. If you sacrifice donate enough people money, you can encourage the deity to send floods to your farms which will, as aforementioned, bring profits unknown. Or you can be one of those jerks again, and not send your people money to Amun Re and force a dry season to allow your caravans to seek profit instead of the farms.
All of this happens in a single age...the Old Age.
And then a thousand years pass. 
[Not literally, because this would be the most boring game ever.]
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Then the New Age comes. All that's left are the bricks and the pyramids that your ancestors left behind. The farms are gone. The caravans are gone. All of it. Gone. Whisked away with the sands of time (this is somewhat literal, considering it's in ancient Egypt and according to my recent Google Image search, there's a lot of sand there).
But that's the catch. All of the same provinces are going to be, more or less, re-auctioned to this new culture but along with the constructs that their ancestors left behind, significantly changing the value of all of them. What this means is that the bidding gets a bit grittier because you WANT those pyramids and you definitely want to take over that province with all the farms that one of the other jerks took out from underneath you. Jerks.
All this is happening with hand full of favor cards that can help you along the way by giving your farms bonuses, your caravans bonuses, extra cash during the delta floods, and even more bricks. Also, there are end-of-game bonuses that you can hang onto in your hand that will surely bring you even more fame. Got an end-game-bonus that clearly won't work? No worry...trade it in for gold, friend.
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I've not played a lot of auction games. I'll admit that. And as such, I don't have much to compare it to, but the auction system in this game is seamless. It makes sense. It's perfect, actually. Of the auction games I have played, this is pretty solid and likely will be the standard at which I measure other auction games in the future. The card play, the bidding, the the sacrificing donating...it all makes sense and it all flows together. It's like I've been playing this game my whole life. It all works.
The only hang up I have (and this isn't the game's fault) is that it requires at minimum with 3 players. I do mostly 2p games, and 3p on occasion. It's rare that I get a 4p game in, though I did get a 4 player game of Amun Re in and it was fantastic. I'll say this: it scales really well from 3 to 5 players (disclosure, I've only played this with 3 players and 4 players). Cargo Noir by Days of Wonder kind pulls this off with 2p albeit a tad lackluster.
Look  -  I like this game. And though it's not my favorite Knizia game (that award goes to Ingenious), I love how well it goes together, and how familiar it all feels to me. While I'm looking forward to my next play, I'm not sure what category into which it fits. See, I can play a game like Ticket to Ride or Kingdom Builder over and over again, because while the game doesn't change, elements within change. I feel like this might feel like playing the same game with a dozen repeated plays (disclosure, I haven't a dozen plays of this game). I don't know. Veterans of this game may disagree; it's entirely possible that they would agree with me in this, and it within those familiarities and similarities between plays is the charm in and of itself.
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Ingenious is my absolute favorite Reiner Knizia game of all, and it is strictly abstract. A far contrast from the thematic elements in Amun-Re, it is still very similar among plays and that's what is charming about it. Amun Re may not be too far off of this either. 
The rules, for whatever reason, leave some critical elements out, like, what do you do when the favor cards run out? A quick PDF search of the old version says to reshuffle the discards, so that's what we did.
All in all, this is a fine game, and is a great design. I don't know if it'll be a staple in my collection or not, but for those nights wherein I have 3 people wanting to play a game that will enjoy running some auctions and sacrifices donations, this may be the key ingredient
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[note: Thanks to Tasty Minstrel for providing this review copy!]
* I just made up this simile. It doesn't make sense but it was what I could do with the lack of coffee I was experiencing at the time. Though, let's be honest: a guy with a bucket of gravy would indeed be a rich man.
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johannesviii · 7 years
Some highlights of the last EDA I’ve read (Earthworld).
I took these screens while reading, along with my reactions. As usual, this is full of spoilers.
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This is exactly what everyone needed after the Earth arc, and especially after Escape Velocity and Anji’s lackluster characterisation. She’s reintroduced in this book, and what a wonderful addition to that TARDIS team! And the book tackles the topic of Dave’s death, where the previous one kinda refused to do so before sending Anji directly into space.
Come to think of it, the book tackles a lot of things it didn’t have to, and succeeds, too. Eight’s responsability in the destruction of Gallifrey constantly threatens to make a comeback in his mind. The issue of Fitz being a copy of the original Fitz is discussed at last - a thing all the books since Interference failed to do properly (including The Ancestor Cell). Come to think of it, Earthworld might just be the best Fitz book so far, which is a baffling thing to me considering that’s his twentieth book!
The plot itself is mostly a good runaround in an amazingly fun setting - it never really threatens to be more than that, but it’s still pretty refreshing. It’s a great standalone book, a fun romp, a very good character piece ; it works on nearly every level. What a breath of fresh air. 8,5/10
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My bad, I seem to have picked the novelisation of An Unearthly Child.
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We’re only on page one and I’ve already laughed out loud once. Good sign.
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I just had a flashback of the scene from Memory Lane where Charley tries to use a mobile phone, and I imagined these two dorks trying to have a conversation over mobile phones and I’m giggling
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Also Anji thinking Fitz and Eight are embarrassing idiots gives me life
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This is a 3 out of 10 on the scale of Bad Ideas.
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Oh my god Eight
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Thank you for your precious contribution Doctor
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Are you telling me that the Doctor can only use the sonic as long as he’s distracted and babbling about special interests now
Because that really speaks to me as a person
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Meanwhile Anji is trying to cope with Dave’s death by writing him emails and this shouldn’t be that funny
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Oh no he still has some memories of Sam and he doesn’t realise it
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Okay so I need to make this t-shirt right now immediately
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One thing I don’t really like about the writing is that some dialogues are entirely one-sided. It’s not the best example, but in some scenes you only get half the dialogue and it’s very strange.
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We’re all very happy for you Doctor but why are you so happy about that
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OH SHIT HAHAHA that’s a great idea!
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Wait a f█cking second
Is this some sort of Disneyland very loosely based on Earth
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I love you Anji
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That girl must be a New Who fan who calls Ten “the second Doctor” probably
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I probably should smile but I’m actually sad
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That coat has only a few hours left to live & I have zero doubts about this
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Here’s a better example of what I was saying earlier about having only one side of a dialogue. It makes scenes shorter, true, but it’s very distracting.
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I’m laughing but I’m also pretty sure people from 3000 years ago would laugh their asses off if they could see some of our reconstructions of their lives
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I still love you Anji
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1) A++ description of McGann’s voice
2) That last bit was Not Okay
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Also here’s Anji trying to determine which Jungle Book character suits the Doctor best and it looks like a long shitpost
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First I laughed about Fitz being the orang-utan, and then I remembered that character really wants to be human and I abruptly stopped laughing
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You were on Earth and you didn’t see Blade Runner when it came out? Aw
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“he mentally kicked himself for not even being able to look at a babe without thinking of the Doctor” I’m screaming
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How did you guess
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Only every three months?
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Considering it’s been 30 books since Seeing I, and taking into account the fact that I almost wrote “TOO SOON”, we can safely assume that I will never, ever be over Seeing I
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I absolutely love this conversation, and also sky-blue pink is still a color, just an impossible one, and it’s quite pretty
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Unfortunately this is what popped first into my mind before the most logical explanation for their names
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9847221° friendly reminder that I absolutely love Eight
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This book makes me laugh way too often this isn’t fair
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Oh the indignity
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Fitz no. Just. No.
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I just choked on my cereals
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1) They think Aristophanes plays are cookbooks and they aren’t even questioning this, like, how does that fucking work
2) Fitz once got trapped in the classical section of the TARDIS library
3) for two days
4) for two DAYS
5) and decided to read old plays just in case there was some sex scenes in them
holy shit
there’s genuine tears of laughter in my eyes
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This book is quite the emotional rollercoaster isn’t it
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Okay so that explains quite a few things. Fitz is with the originals, then.
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I shouldn’t be laughing so hard
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I’m still laughing but I’m also so happy for him
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Live the dream, Fitz, live the dream
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Well except it wasn’t technically you, except it was, except it wasn’t
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Addressing a disturbing trend in SF! Good!
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Well to be fair, theropods are sorta like big swans
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1) Eggy-put Zone
2) Dozens of cats
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Hey wait a f█cking second that’s not the same sphinx okay that’s a whole different mythology, also I’m laughing again, this book is probably adding quite a few extra months to my lifespan
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Friendly reminder that I love Anji
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Which would definitely work on you, Doctor, just a reminder
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Meanwhile, in Not Okay Land
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At the moment? Not much
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I... sorry there’s a thing in my eye
I’m so happy for him
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Back to a place I haven’t been to in a long time, aka “want to hug Fitz and rock back and forth” street
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Meanwhile Fitz is doing the same thing to a small crocodile
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Listen Eight I'm still not ready for The Turing Test references at this point and you’re making me really sad so please stop
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Here’s a quick update on the “Johannes loves Anji” situation
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Keep this poster for the TARDIS
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Something is extremely wrong
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Meanwhile, in “Eight finds new and interesting ways to hurt himself”
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Oh so that Fitz was an android, then.
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Every time I think this book can’t get more bonkers, I’m proven wrong
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I would pay money to see a tv version of this damn scene
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I shouldn’t laugh but I can’t help it
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Unexpected Dark Eyes: The Great War feels
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His life is so full of horrible things that his only reaction to being locked up in a cell with a corpse is “at least it’s not rotting yet”.
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Oh shit they found about the TARDIS that can’t be good
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“Nothing good could possibly be called ‘the machine’”
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This is stressful but also fascinating??
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Good. Good.
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You’re not telepathic Fitz Kreiner so I doubt she got all that
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I completely forgot he had lost his trousers and now I’m laughing again
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Told ya
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You can’t swim? You can’t swim?? You go through time and space and you can even spacewalk but you can’t swim????
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Anji is unexpectedly strong
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I’m so happy he still remembers Iris on some level even if he couldn’t recognise her in Father Time
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1) Hugs
2) Hugs are good
3) Anji huddled in Eight’s velvet coat
4) “he seemed to count in her head as another girl”
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Filed under “need to draw at some point”
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Marlin and Lancelet
I have no words
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Eight plays “Marlin” because of course he is
Also I’m not screening everything but Anji was brilliant
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This is so damn weird. Funny and stressful at the same time.
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Eight is reliving the memories of the dead queen and it is so f█cking weird
In a good way but still
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Also “to Fitz’s incredulous horror”
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Uh guys
Guys if he thinks he’s dead now, shouldn’t you worry about that or something
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“quietly pleased”
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Oh, that explains quite a lot, actually.
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I just realised Anji’s was only coping thanks to pure adrenaline and constant distractions since Dave’s death and she’s inevitably going to crack sooner or later once everything is solved here.
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Hmmm cute?? Not acceptable? Thank you
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The TARDIS did a very good job and all is well.
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Every time that happened before, that person died, Fitz
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Crisis averted.
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I’m getting surprisingly emotional about all this
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Well I’m really f█cking sad now
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Don’t make me cry please Anji oh no
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The butterfly room is still there but is now empty after all the butterflies were nailed to that door in The Ancestor Cell and I’m getting teary but also kinda happy, this feeling is extremely confusing
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A++ ending, goddammit that last scene was wonderful
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