#also might be the first time i finish a book so early in the year
psychopomparia · 5 months
Give it up for Scum Villain Self-Saving System volume 2 for being the first book I finish this year!! Congrats!!
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phantomarine · 11 months
Clam's Quick Tips for Starting Your Very First Webcomic
Howdy! Here are the three bits of advice I tend to give people who ask me about getting into webcomic-making. Maybe they can help you jump into the fray with a little less fear.
1) Make Your First Chapter a Pilot Episode
You will be told by webcomic veterans to start with a short, simple comic idea first - which is wise - but if all you can think about is your big magnum opus, then you might as well hop in, right? Otherwise you'll just be glancing back at the other cooler project forever.
But if you can't start with a small simple story, start on a small, simple part of that larger story. Your first chapter should be a snapshot of the main conflict - show us a simple scene with few characters, ease us in slowly, keep things clear and focus on emotion/impact/clarity. Get the audience to care by offering something easily digested, but full of promise.
Once you're done with that 'pilot' chapter, and you're feeling more comfortable with the whole comic process, you can open the gates and show us the larger world. At that point, you'll be way more ready.
2) Simplify Your Art Style For Your Own Sanity
Always try to make your webcomic's art style as simple as possible - the standard rule is to use only 75% of your artistic skill for every comic page you make. Otherwise you will burn out quickly and terribly.
But you also need to be PROUD of your art style. If you're really feeling itchy, add a couple bells and whistles to your style so you can look at the finished page and say "Yeah, looks cool." You'll find the right balance the more you draw.
Also, don't be afraid to change your art style as you go along. Ultimate consistency is often impossible in webcomics anyway - so embrace your desire to try new things, streamline your work, whatever you feel needs to happen to be happiest. Sometimes the coolest part of reading a webcomic is noticing that style change - so don't hesitate to embrace it!
3) Resist the Reboot! RESIST!
The curse/blessing of drawing the same things over and over is that you'll inevitably get better at drawing those things. The trouble comes when you look back at old stuff and start thinking "Damn, I could draw that way better now."
You must recognize that this feeling never goes away. Not after a hundred pages. Not after three hundred. Not after a thousand.
I think everyone should be allowed one soft reboot for their first webcomic. Redraw some panels that bother you. Change up some dialogue if it doesn't make sense with your new story ideas. Do maintenance, basically. One of the beauties of webcomics is that they can be easily edited, without reprinting a whole book or remaking a whole game.
But if the ultimate purpose of a webcomic is to tell a story, then constant reboots will just be retelling the same story - slightly better each time, but the same at its core. We've heard it before. Most audiences would rather you save your strength and just keep going, rather than circling back year after year and going "Wait wait wait! I'll do it better this time."
Reboot early, not often, and only when you absolutely must! You're a storyteller, and you're constantly getting better at telling your story. Don't be ashamed of it - look back how much ground you've covered, and keep walking!
That's a good start. Happy webcomicking - don't be afraid to jump in, but be prepared to learn a lot very quickly. And if this advice doesn't work for you or adhere to how you did it, that's absolutely fine - webcomics are diverse by nature, and so are their creation processes. Feel out what works best for you, and good luck!
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lynnkaz · 25 days
VnC timeline
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I’m mostly an artist in this fandom, but sometimes inspiration strikes and leads me in completely weird directions, such as… figuring out dates of every event in VnC!
With the invaluable help of @retracexcviii, who has created timelines for VnC events before (thank you forever and ever💜) and helped me to avoid some really silly mistakes, I’ve done… this monstrosity of a text, which includes every important canon event I could think of.
— All events are distributed by centuries, starting with XVI and finishing with XIX, and after listing all the events of each century I will put screens of the same texts with correlating manga pages. Additionally, there are numbers of chapters for most of the events.
— Some dates are marked with ~, which means that this date could fluctuate a bit (could be a bit earlier or later). 
— Events that I couldn’t put anywhere specifically are in “UNKNOWN MOMENT” category. I still tried to differentiate them between centuries.
Alright, here we go! 
1493-1500 — creation of an engraving; plague, cataclysms, Paracelsius is looking for a way to save humanity.
~ 1500 — Babel. The awakening of Faustina, who is considered to be the first vampire.
1500-1550 — the awakening of Teacher and Machina as vampires. Machina might be younger than Teacher. Creation (awakening?) of Luna? The awakening of Teacher and the creation of Luna — probably around the same time?
~ 1550-1560 — Chloe is born. She becomes a vampire at the age of 4.
Between 1550-1600 — Ruthven becomes a vampire. He is currently more that 200 years old, and it’s unknown whether he was born as a vampire or awaken or even when exactly his life began. But looks like an adult in 1650, so he was most likely alive in 1600. He is also younger than Chloe: when she calls him a “child”, he doesn’t correct her.
Presumable order of awakening of the oldest vampires: 
Faustina —> Teacher —> Machina —> Chloe —> Ruthven. 
When exactly was Luna born? Does Kresnik exist in this century?
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~ 1650 — the war between humans and vampires. Chloe meets Ruthven.
~ 1665-1669 — Jeanne awakens in a flask in front of an unknown person. She leaves the flask. Later, she is adopted by Eric and Louise, Ruthven's students.
~ 1669 — Chloe meets Jeanne. Ruthven tries to establish peace between humans and vampires.
(31, 32)
~ 1672 — (3 years after Chloe and Jeanne met, 30 years before the end of the war) Ruthven loses his students, his eye is injured; Jeanne becomes the Bourreau of the Senate; Chloe meets Machina; Machina tells about the fate of Ruthven and Jeanne. Almost immediately, Naenia appears for the first time (indicating that Faustina is already a cursebearer); Ruthven visits Chloe for the last time, they part as enemies. If Naenia exists, does Charlatan exist as well?
(32, 33)
UNKNOWN MOMENT BEFORE 1672 — Faustina becomes a cursebearer.
UNKNOWN MOMENT BEFORE 1672 — Luna creates the Books of Vanitas, which are considered to be the reason for the appearance of the Malnomen. Could the books be created to cure the cursebearers in the first place? Most likely, this happened early in the timeline, since there is a whole folklore about it. Even earlier, someone gave Luna the name " Vanitas", which is also reflected in the title of the books.
(48, 49)
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Before 1702 — Ruthven joins the Oriflamme family, becomes one of the Queen's advisors and a senator. The Queen is still alive, but she is also active as Naenia. Luna sees Jeanne in battle.
1702 — the end of the war. According to the pact, vampires move to Altus and sell Astermite to humans in exchange for other goods.
(33, 59)
1764 — Chloe spends more than 50 years alone. Death of village girl Jeanne, who speculated to be killed by a Beast, but was a victim of radical anti-vampire group. On the same day, she is visited by Naenia and then meets Jean-Jacques. The Beast conspiracy continues.
(36, 33)
1767 — Chloe witnesses one of the murders and reveals her vampiric powers when she defends herself. After that, the general belief is that Chloe is the master of the mysterious nonexistent Beast and both are the culprits. Her human family is killed. A few days later the Chasseurs (Vampire eradication fraction?) and Ruthven come to Gévaudan. Jean-Jacques becomes a Cursebearer to protect Chloe. Jeanne, now the Hellfire Witch, finds Chloe. Chloe tries to jump off a cliff, but Naenia comes to her again. Chloe also becomes the Cursebearer. Jeanne kills other hunters, but Ruthven saves her, makes her give him an oath (she tries to resist) and puts her in deep sleep. The Beast stops attacks. Conspiracy between Ruthven and the Chasseurs presumably continues.
(35, 36, 37, 43, 39)
UNKNOWN MOMENT BETWEEN 1672-1702 — Luna witnesses Jeanne in a fight with vampires. Later, after 1767, Luna also knew about Jeanne’s sleep.
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1861 — Olivier is born. 
1862 — Roland is born.
1868 — Dominique and Louis are born. Teacher takes Louis.
1869 — Noé is born.
1870 — Vanitas is born; Dante is born.
1873 — Astolfo is born.
~ 1875 — Olivier meets Roland.
~ 1874-1875 — an elderly couple finds Noé. They live together for some time.
~ 1876 — Mikhail is born. Luca is probably born around the same time or a bit later.
~ 1876-1877 — Noé is kidnapped and ends up in a black market, gets an eye injury and is bought by Teacher. Noé meets Domi and Louis (their proportions are quite similar to Astolfo in his childhood flashbacks, where he is presumed to be around 8 years old, but Noé looks younger, so here I’m assuming Noé and the twins could be 6-7 or 7-8 years old). // Probably around the same time, Dante is abandoned by unknown woman. He meets Johann and Riche. Absence of his glasses and bandages indicate that there could be at least a few weeks or months between the two events. 
(9, 61, 62)
~ before 1881 — Vanitas is orphaned and placed under the care of the Church as a potential future Chasseur, but is kidnapped by Moreau for secret experiments.
1881 — sketch of the Tower of the Sun by Amédée Sébillot, electrical engineer. He worked with engineer Jules Bourdais on this project, but in fact the tower was unrealizable. If the monument designed by Sébillot was real, it would have collapsed under its own weight.
Before or early 1881 — Roland and Olivier move to Paris. Roland is injured, but it’s unknown how it happened. Olivier’s hairstyle may indicate that it happened earlier than the time when Roland almost died. 
~ 1881 — Roland (vice-captain) is injured while defending Olivier. Olivier was injured too. // Misha (who looks about 5 years old??) meets Roland, but later ends up in Moreau's laboratory, where Vanitas is already located.
~ 1881-1882 — Astolfo secretly meets a vampire. When Astolfo befriends Olivier, he tells him about this secret. The death of the Granatum family. Astolfo meets Carl, Roland (his injuries, which were still visible when he met Misha, have already healed) and other Paladins. Olivier definitely had a title of Obsidian by the time of Granatums’ murder, so some time passes between the day Astolfo met a vampire and the day of Granatums’ murder. 
(48, 58) 
~ 1882-1883 1881-1882* — Louis dies. Domi learns the truth about her and Louis being twins. // Luna saves Misha and Vanitas when they destroy Moreau's lab*. Moreau joins the Charlatan. Misha agrees to be bitten by Luna. Later, Luna loses their true name; Misha loses their arm; Luna dies by Vanitas’s hands. Vanitas and Misha inherit the Books, but are separated, and Teacher takes Misha.
*@torterrachampion mentioned in reblog that Noé is officially 12 years old when Louis’s died ang provided an image from a booklet for the Blu-ray of the anime. I completely missed that fact, so thank you for bringing it up! I’ve decided to change the time range for this event to 1881-1882 for better accuracy.
*It is likely that Noé witnessed Louis’s death around the same time Vanitas and Misha were saved by Luna; bonus card features Noé in the same outfit as on the day of Louis’s death together with Vanitas dressed in his lab clothes. 1881 or 1882 is a possible year for Louis’s death and salvation of Vanitas and Misha. In this scenario Luna dies later than Louis.
(9, 46, 51, * bonus card)
1887 — possible start of construction of the Tower of the Sun (in reality, the construction of the Eiffel Tower started on 28 January 1887).
~ 1887-1888 — Astolfo and Roland have a conflict.
UNKNOWN MOMENT (after 1702?) BEFORE 1888 — Veronica and Loki, along with Machina, become Beastias, and Antoine enters the Senate. How old are Veronica, Antione and Loki?
UNKNOWN MOMENT (not earlier than 12 years?*) BEFORE 1888 — “death” of Faustina at the hands of her Beasts and Rusven. Luka replaces her on the throne, but the Senate controls him. Strangely, he isn’t even officially presented yet. It’s unknown how old he was when he assumed his current position, but it’s unlikely that the Senate and Beastias would “kill” the Queen without choosing a suitable successor first.
*Alternatively, it could happen earlier, if Loki, Luca’s older brother, was supposed to inherit the throne prior to becoming a cursebearer as well, but was replaced with Luca. But this is a pure speculation.
(38, 13)
UNKNOWN MOMENT BEFORE 1874 — Archivists disappear. It’s unknown whether there are any living Archivists other than Machina and Noé in the present. It’s also unknown why Noe thinks about blood when he thinks about his clan.
UNKNOWN MOMENT BETWEEN 1871-1888 — Vanitas meets Teacher, or Saint—Germain, who at that time had a different appearance. Were Luna alive at that moment?
UNKNOWN MOMENT BEFORE 1888 — Machina becomes patron of the dhampires and creates her network of information brokers.
~ 1888 (before current events) — Astolfo and Roland become Paladins. // 6 month before — Teacher goes somewhere. // 1 month before — Jeanne awakens from her sleep.
(13, 4)
1888 — Teacher asks Noé to witness the story of the Book of Vanitas via correspondence. Current events begin.
(1, 52)
Possible future event — The Exposition Universelle of 1889, which was held in Paris, 5 May to 31 October. The Tower of Sun (instead of Eiffel Tower in VnC universe) was created for this fair. However, at least some of the buildings were ruined.
(44, 20.5, 46, 55)
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That’s it for now! I think I will update this post in future when we have enough new information to define unclear dates and add new details and whatnot~
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amaramizuki666 · 1 year
Dp x DC crossover
In this au amity is long gone. Danny is hundreds of years old.
"John I think we might have bitten off more than we can chew this time" zatanna says struggling in her anti-magic restraints. "Yeah probably" john mumbled watching as the cultists finished creating the summoning circle, what they where trying to summon john had no clue.
"Any ideas?" Zatanna asked "one but not sure how it will go" john says "well we ain't got anything better so what's the plan". "I saw the inside of their book, I know the chant to summon the thing they want, so maney i can summon it first and make a deal to get us out of here" John explained
"Well it's all we got go for it" zatanna sighed
"Ƙιиɢ σғ тнɛ ιиғιиιтɛ яɛαℓмƨ, Ɩ cαℓℓ ʋρσи ʏσʋ, нɛαя мʏ ѵσιcɛ, Ɩ ʝσни Ɔσиƨтαитιиɛ ιиѵσκɛ ʏσʋя ρσωɛя тняσʋɢн тнɛ иαмɛ σн ρнαитσм. Ɩ Ĵσни Ɔσиƨтαитιиɛ cαℓℓ ʏσʋ тσ мʏ ƨι∂ɛ тσ нσℓ∂ α ∂ɛαℓ. Ѳн ɢяɛαт ρнαитσм ∂ɛαғɛтɛя σғ тнɛ ραяιαн." John chanted under his breath so the cultists wouldnt hear him.
John saw how the circle reacted to chants, red turned green, thick fog seeped from the circle. The cultists backed away from it it fear.
A figer pulled itself from the circle, a male who looked to be in his early 20's, a lean but muscular build wearing a black skin tight jumpsuit with white gloves and white boots. The male also had a cape that looked to be made of the night sky draped over his shoulders. A crown of aroura floated above his head and a ring of light lay on his gloved finger.
His skin was a pale green, his cheeks covered in glowing freckles. His hair snow white and gravity defying. His eyes glowing a Lazarus green.
John couldnt help but admire the being that he had summoned. If john had met this unearthly beauty in a bar he probably would have shot his shot.
"𝙒𝙝𝙮 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙢𝙚?" The being asked holding its gaze with john. One of the cultists trys to speak up "your highness we have summoned you to offer you-" but was cut off when the being sharply lifted his hand in the cultists direction, encasing the cultist in glowing ice.
"𝘿𝙤 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙪𝙥𝙩 𝙢𝙚 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙄'𝙢 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜" the being hissed at the cultists, never taking his eyes off john. "we need your help, as much as it paines me to admit it we are kind of tied up at the moment" john says confidently holding the Intense gaze of the ethereal being in front of him.
"𝙊𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙡𝙚𝙩'𝙨 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙖𝙨 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙡" the being says a smirk on his face flashing his fangs. "Ok in exchange for our safety and the destruction of this cult I offer my soul" john says holding out his hand to shake, the being looked at him amused and shook his head "𝙄 𝙙𝙤 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙡"
"Then what do you want?"
"𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪"
"𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙜𝙚"
"D𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙚𝙭𝙘𝙚𝙥𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙡?"
"Yes I accept"
The being grabbed John's hand gently and brought it to his lips kissing it lightly. "𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚"
Somewhere in the infinite realm a consul of annoying eyeballs shivered, knowing deep in their cores their king just did something that was going to give them one hell of a headache.
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mysteryshoptls · 4 months
Happy Winter Holiday Gift Calendar 2023
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These are all the messages that you get from the boys when you log in during the Winter Holiday Campaign from 09 Dec 2023 to 31 Dec 2023! For those that want to read them again, you can find them in the Album, under GIFT CALENDAR 2023.
"How will you be spending the day?"
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I think I will go to the library today. There were someone's scribbles all over the book I borrowed yesterday, you see. It disrupts my focus, so I plan to find a replacement book. Seriously... It's a terrible crime to deface a book like this.
Today? Well, it's snowing outside, and I got no club practice, so maybe I'll check out on my streaming service a movie or show that catches my eye. I can stay warm and cozy in my room, all while munching on some snacks. Don'tcha think we deserve lazy days like this sometimes?
I'm going to try to finish the assignments I got today, before the day ends. That's what an honor student should do, right? But... The first question is already a tough prac app question...? Right! Just gotta hunker down and get down to it!
Maybe I'll surf Magicam for some 'cammable spots that're only available in the winter. Stuff like diamond dust, or hotels made from ice... Knowin' they're only limited to the season really gets me psyched up!
It's pretty cold every day now, so I think I'll stock up on lemonade-ginger syrup. It'll warm you right up if you drink some. What, according to the Queen of Hearts' Laws, we can't have lemonade after 8 o'clock? Well, this has ginger in it, so it's a completely different drink, isn't it?
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No plans worth mentioning. What, not what you were expecting? Well, too bad. The campus is completely covered in snow, so the best thing for me to do is just to get back to my dorm room and relax while solving some chess problems.
The track team has practice today. But since it's supposed to snow in the afternoon, it may just end up being indoor training. It takes a while or the body to get limber in the winter. That means we need to extra thorough in our warming up exercises.
Obviously, I'm gonna be workin'! Today, I'm at a cake shop, and tomorrow I'm waitin' tables at a restaurant... The holidays are coming up, so 'tis the season for a ton of high-payin' temp jobs to fill my pockets, too! Shishishi!
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As always, I will be awaiting everyone's visit to the Mostro Lounge. On a cold day such as this, we usually receive orders for dishes that are more common in the winter season. I'm sure today will be a rather busy day.
I thought perhaps I would make a herbarium. The atmosphere this time of year tends to be dry, so it is the perfect opportunity. How would you like to join me? No need to worry, I will show you how everything is done.
Yesterday I saw someone wearing these boots lined with fur, and it looked kinda fascinating, so I thought I'd try to find some in town. I wonder if it's hard to walk in? If I find a good pair, I think I'll buy 'em and try 'em out.
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Today, we have travelling salesmen from the Scalding Sands coming. I'm planning on buying a ton of stuff for the holidays! It's so exciting to think about what kind of treasure I might find! You should bring some friends over and check it out, too.
There's no club activities today, so I plan to look into a few things. My family will be going on a trip over the holidays, you see. Tourist attractions, climate, local cuisine, souvenirs... Never a bad idea to gather too much information, don't you think?
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I intend on picking up the spring coat I had on order. I'll also look for accessories that go with it while I'm out. Hm? It's too early to think about spring attire? If I wait to prepare everything for after it starts to get warmer, then I'll completely miss out on the season.
Snow's piling up again today, so I'm plannin' on clearing the magical shift field with the rest of my clubmates. Didn't bother me none, but the other guys were all dog-tired... Pathetic, ain't they?
I plan to check on the houseplants we are cultivating in the Science Club. Fufu, I wonder what sort of expressions they'll have today? I do hope there'll be some changes from yesterday that I'll get to enjoy.
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Obvi, just been hyperfixating on my online games, like always... Rather, why would you think I'd go out in cold weather like this in the first place? I recently overhauled the internet speed in the dorm, so it's crazy fast now lol. Gonna actually pull an all-nighter, it's been a while!
It'll probably be a game day with my roommates, since the new game that I ordered online arrived. Physical games might take up more space, but I just can't help but want to actually collect my favorite games, y'know?
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It's chilly today. The best thing to possibly do on days like this is to warm my room and enjoy some frozen treats. Perhaps I'll invite Lilia and the others later. Fufu... I suppose it's not a bad thing to be the one making preparations for them once in a while.
I will be practicing my swordsmanship with Father after this. I thought I would finish up my assignments beforehand, but... Before I realized it, I had fallen asleep and my notepad was completely blank. What should I do...?
I plan to read the book I ordered from the Mystery Shop the other day. It's a book that I've been eagerly awaiting. Grandfather was the one to recommend it to me, so I must read it over and over again and tell him my thoughts on it!
We have band practice today. However... When it gets cold like this, my fingers get numb and hard to move. Hm? Naah, I already have the songs memorized. It's really only about staying in rhythm with the other members!
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Brrr, it's cold~! Hey, henchie! Today we're gonna stay cozy under that "KOTATSU" thingie. We'll have some snacks and play some games together... Myaha! Today's totally gonna be a blast!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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gentaro-kinniecom · 1 year
༻Zipping up a dress/shirt trope (unit leaders + Wataru)༺
Characters: Madara Mikejima, Rei Sakuma, Wataru Hibiki, Keito Hasumi, Rinne Amagi, Shu Itsuki, Chiaki Morisawa, Nagisa Ran, Natsume Sakasaki and Eichi Tenshouin
Cw: suggestive, tbh just detailed backstories (in some cases) before the actual trope of the characters helping reader with their zipper, maybe ooc characters(?), wataru and rinne doing the opposite of this post, (long post 😭) Malice Mizer reference goes hard in Shu’s part 🤭, almost forgot to tag Natsume’s pet name for the reader (kitten) as a warning help-
A/n: hi guys! Sorry for the long break i had on tumblr 😭 kinda lost motivation to post but i’ll try to keep doing this throughout summer vacations now that i have time for it so..yeah! The making out + hcs posts will continue and there’s about 4 left ;i have also received some requests so stay tuned!! (Edit) I FORGOT WATARU ISNT A UNIT LEADER HELP MEEE i mean theres the Träumerei temporary unit in which he was the leader of but still 😭
"Hey babe, can you help me out with this zipper? I can't seem to reach it"
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Madara Mikejima
One to always refuse taking you to his ‘missions’. Obviously, he knows some of these missions could cost his life, and taking you to one and for something to possibly happen to you, makes his heart shatter. But, tonight was his lucky day, your 2nd aniversary. Madara had booked a reservation in one of your favorite places. He entered the room with his usual smile, holding your waist before zipping your outfit, kissing your neck
“It looks good, though I think it’d look better on my floor”
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Rei Sakuma
You were both running a tad early to one of his concerts in the city, but of course, getting there is all it matters. As soon as he heard you, he went to the other room of his dressing room, lets say a complementary room for it, but anyways; his smile was the highlight of your day, he didn’t mind helping you out, after all, Rei loved it when you trust him in simple things like this. When he finished, he quickly gave you a kiss before speaking
“I’ll always be here whenever you need me to”
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Wataru Hibiki
He’s very helpful, well, at most times. He likes to be playful mostly when you need help, in cases were it wasn’t serious, but in this one, he simply smiled as he went towards you and started unzipping the dress
“Uh Wataru? I said i needed help with zipping it..not..the opposite..”
Wataru simply laughed and zipped it, letting you admire yourself for a bit as he wrapped his arms around you
“I couldn’t resist~! You’re just so perfect, I prefer seeing you without it. Your body is a masterpiece, I can’t help but admire it”
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Keito Hasumi
He simply goes towards you and helps you out. He’s really not interested in anything else so your attempts to “seduce” him are not going to work so easily. Keito is a very reserved man and doesn’t get bothered at ‘insignificant things’, or does he? This time however, as he made his way towards you, your outfit caught him off guard, it was the one you had worn during your first date after being together for 3 years, he felt himself tear up as he looked at you
“You always look so beautiful in whatever you choose, even without it, your beauty never ceases to amaze me”
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Rinne Amagi
Somewhat similar to Wataru’s except…well he’s Rinne, what do you expect? He had suggested a date for all his hard work with Crazy B and the tough week they’ve had, of course, he reserved a decent restaurant down the street, nothing too formal, but still enough to impress. While you were having trouble with the zipper of your clothes, he decided to approach you after your “cry for help” which was just a simple statement for assistance, as Rinne entered the room, he whistled, checking you out and hastily unzipping your outfit
“Rinne..! I said i needed help zipping it, not unzipping and taking it off my body..”
He all but chuckled as he turned you around
“Who said anything about going out? Actually, i might cancel or we do have a bit of time before it, no? I seriously cannot resist you a minute longer, c’mon~! Let’s have some fun, okay?”
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Shu Itsuki
He’s used to helping you get into anything he crafts, whether its a dress or a shirt he made thinking about you, he’s used to helping you put your outfits on if they require assistance. This was one of those days where Shu had finished another beautiful creation of his and decided to lend you a hand, zipping it carefully and taking one look in the mirror as he saw you admire yourself once more
“It’s absolutely perfect, you’re perfect. I feel honored having you wear the artworks I’ve created for you..ma chérie”
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Chiaki Morisawa
He’s so sweet and helps you even when you don’t require any assistance, he’s just like that. A charming and caring boyfriend like Chiaki always makes sure you’re well, in every aspect. So it’s not rare for him to help you always, this time, when he heard you, he was just around the corner, rushing softly to your shared room and smiling as he saw the outfit, it was one of his favorites. Chiaki placed his hands on your shoulders after helping you out and spoke
“Look! We match! Isn’t that cute? We should get going for our date before it gets late!”
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Nagisa Ran
Used to formal attire that requires assistance, especially from their loving partner who Nagisa loves seeing them in such outfits; like today. Nagisa had a rather important event with Eden, and he was allowed to bring a plus one, like usual, and of course he always brings his partner to these. After hearing your call for assistance, Ran didn’t hesitate to go to your shared room, taking in the beautiful outfit you wore as he smiled brightly
“Of course my dear, anything you need me to do..I’ll help you. How about we go for dinner after the event? I’ll make sure to reserve us a nice table ahead”
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Natsume Sakasaki
Even though he’s somewhat always focused on his potions and magic stuff, and his unit, Switch on top of that, Natsume cherishes every moment of your relationship to the max, although he would never admit that out loud that is. You’re his comfort zone, his one person to go to whenever he’s feeling down, happy, or anything out of the ordinary. However, it’s not usual for you to request his help, when he entered your room, his flirtatious persona became into a nervous one, the outfit you wore was absolutely stunning, accentuating your features and leaving him breathless. He tried keeping his calm and helped you, thats what he came for after all right?
“Natsume are you alright? You look a bit red..”
He smiled, nodding as he rested a hand on your waist, sighing happily before speaking
“Of course kitten, why wouldn’t I be? It’s nice to see you getting arranged for our date today”
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Eichi Tenshouin
Being heir to a very prosperous family and head of the student council had its moments where Eichi was overloaded with tons of responsibility and work. Sometimes getting very sick due to his condition, and he’s glad to have met someone like you to complement his life so positivity. Events like family dinners or special events in general are usual to him, especially with helping you put on one of the many outfits he had bought you for dates or anniversary gifts, even birthday ones. Today was like those other days where you would have romantic dinners or went to an important event. Eichi smiled as he entered his room, watching you struggle a bit with the outfit he had bought you, without thinking twice, he approached you softly, his hands on your back, zipping the outfit slowly. After he was done, Eichi smiled, a genuine one for the first time in a while, as he spoke
“I’m glad to see you ready, shall we get going?”
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blueseachelle · 1 year
Hard To Breathe
Sebastian Sallow x MC! Reader
Just the two in love. Not angst at all. Just a cute short little write.
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The new fifth year. The talk of the school.
Sebastian walked down the hallways as he heard the other students talk about his best friend.
Every since Y/n was admitted as the new fifth year, Sebastian was always by their side. With Ominis, of course. They have been on so many adventures together. But, recently, Sebastian has been feeling something... unusual towards her.
Every time she was around and did her normal things like how she sets a hand on him or walk around with him arm in arm, he has felt like... Like he couldn't breathe. He would lose train of thought and then he would get caught up in his fantasies of them together. Not in a... certain sense but, just the romantic sense. She always then nudged him and told him if he was too far into space you might get stuck there. This always made him smile as they walked the halls.
Ominis saw all this and told Sebastian to just confess. Fear riddled the brunette's body at thought. Y/n could do so much better than him. She could have a seventh year under her thumb if she wanted. Sebastian just decided to avoid his feelings and continue in the way he was doing with her.
Little did Sebastian know that Ominis knew things he didn't. Y/n first hand told him how she felt about Sebastian. Ominis thought that she would be the thing to make him quit is quest for a cure maybe. Maybe she could talk so sense into him. Y/n is in direct contact with ancient magic all the time so, maybe she could reason with him to stop before he gets to far. Of course, he also knew how stubborn Sebastian could be. Maybe the two could balance each other out. The sweetness of Y/n and the stubbornness of Sebastian. Maybe he'll calm down. Ominis could only hope.
It was quite a busy afternoon. Sebastian found himself in the library, not in the restricted section for once. He was focused on his potions book as he scribbled down notes in his journal. Ominis was studying on the second floor while Sebastian studied on the first floor.
Y/n was finish for her assignment of the day and went to look for them. She always went to find the duo to hang out or tutor them, she was always there to help and lend a hand.
She found Sebastian in the potions sections of the library tucked away in a corner. He always tried to find corner desks. He felt safer that way. His side and back would be to the wall yet, he could oversee everything around him. Anne used to make fun of him by telling him he was just scared to be noticed by the librarian. He chuckles to himself sometimes remembering her teasing him like that all the time. He missed his twin.
Y/n walked over and sat in the chair next to him. He jumped a little bit and looked over at her,
"Hey, Y/n. I thought you were doing assignments today?"
She gave him a smile,
"I got done early so, here I am! To hangout with you!"
Sebastian's heart started to race. He felt the air escape him like usual. He quickly focused back in his open book as his face slowly reddend.
"That's really nice. I'm happy you decided to hangout with me."
She giggled and put a hand on his shoulder,
"Of course! I love spending my off time with you! Your my favorite person! Just shhhhh. Don't tell Ominis."
She giggled a little more before removing her hand as she looked at his open book.
All he could do is nod. He didn't trust himself to answer her with words. He knew she would something was wrong and would poke and prod at him until he finally confessed. She, somehow, was a master interrogator for some reason. Y/n could get an answer out of anyone.
She read the book with Sebastian. She always noticed where he struggled and would stop and explain what they meant. If it was a ingredient, she would explain it's purpose. He loved how she just knew. I made him wonder how much she actually knows. He would love to explore her brain. Just to see what goes through that pretty little head of hers.
At one of the explanations, she reached over and plucked the quill out of his hand and wrote some things down for him. Her back as pressed into his chest as she leaned over. Sebastian's breath disappeared once again but, (he didn't know this) she could feel his breath disappear. She wondered why she had this effect on him. It wasn't normal. Definitely not. Of course, her oblivious self was worried for her friend/crush's health.
After the little note as finish, Y/n sat up straight and immediately cupped his cheek and put a hand on his forehead. Sebastian's body started to heat up and he gained a slight sheen of sweat on his face. This made the girl worry more.
"Sebastian, you are burning up. You lost your breath and now, you are getting a fever. Are you okay?"
He saw the concern in her eyes. He rested a hand on the one caressing his cheek.
"I-i'm okay. I promise."
She shook her head,
"No. You are sick so, we are taking you to your bed so you can rest. I don't want you to get worse."
"Y/n. I'm not sick. I-It's something else. Not sickness."
She tilted her head slightly,
"What do you mean?"
Sebastian took a deep breath before he captured the girls lips with his. Her eyes widened. She froze for a second before returning the kiss. Her hands moving to his hair. He moved his hands to her waist.
After a minute or so, they parted.
Sebastian rested his forehead to Y/n's.
"I-I... I need to tell you this. I love you. I was so nervous to confess to you. It made it hard to breathe. I want you to be mine and I your's. Please be my one and only."
Y/n got a big smile on her face and she gave him another kiss.
"I love you too, Sebastian. I want to be your's and you mine."
Another kiss was exchanged between the new couple. Y/n giggled slightly. Sebastian raised an eyebrow at her.
"What's so funny?"
She smiled,
"Let's hope your symptoms don't get worse. You don't have to hold your breath anymore. I'm your's"
Sebastian smiled widely while chuckling. He hugged her.
"You are my cure, My Love!"
They both laughed. Sebastian and Y/n continued to study together. Little did they know that Ominis hid around the corner because he came down to talk to Sebastian but, what he found was so much better. Finally, he was waiting since ever for the two of you to get together. He smiled to himself. He's proud of Sebastian for finally be actually happy for the first time in a while.
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authorhjk1 · 1 month
Thank you
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to every single one of you. Today marks the day of my first whole year on Tumblr.
I appreciate all the support from you guys. I'm excited, when I see that someone has send me a request. A nice comment makes my day. Reblogs and likes make me want to write more and more.
I'm truly thankful for everyone who keeps reading my stuff. I know I have a lot of things I can improve and I have more than enough open requests. I will do my best to meet your expectations.
This post isn't only my way of saying thank you, but also an announcement.
1. I won't be taking new requests for the book I started out with. The story "Take what you can" will be finished, once I've written all the chapters that are on the list. And maybe a final closing one.
2. I'm not able to do a "Kinktober", which I've seen a lot of other writers do. I got asked that before and I would love to do that, but I have exams right before October and the next semester starts in the middle of the month. So I don't have the time or energy for that. But I will do a "December special" this year again. I know that's still quite early, but you are welcome to send in requests you might already have. Just make sure you mention it's for the special, otherwise I might not see it as one. I'm doing this early, because last time I had trouble meeting the deadline for the last chapter. So I hope I will be on time this year, if I'm able to start writing earlier. I don't have a specific date for the end of the request phase yet, but I will let you know soon enough. You can submit the same requests as last year, if they weren't one of the four I've written.
I'm currently very occupied by my project for university, so I wasn't able to finish the current request until today. I hope this small teaser will make waiting for it seem a little shorter. I should be done with it by the middle of the next week (I hope).
"Your sister and your mom are still here."
She takes another bite. More slowly this time. And with way more eye contact.
"Oh please. As if they are going to check on us."
"We shouldn't be doing this with anyone around."
She gets up, walking around the table.
"No one will go into your study without permission."
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shadowbriar · 2 years
Remus Lupin - Antidote
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Pairing : (F/M) || Remus Lupin x Slytherin!Reader Word Count : 3.3k Warning : Mentions of injury. Prompts : “It’s not like I’m your girlfriend/boyfriend.” // “Don’t crawl back to me when things go south.” Prompt request is still open. You can find the link to the prompt list here.
Remus was never one to gossip. If anything, people whispering and giggling in his sacred sanctuary that is the library have always and forever will be the one pet peeve that would have him seething under his breath. He hates to have his focus interrupted by unnecessary noises. When he enters the library, finds himself his designated seat and opens whatever book it is in his hand he’s desperate to finish, Remus would tolerate no disruption to occur. But for this one time he decided to make an exception.
Afterall, who wouldn’t want to eavesdrop when her name was mentioned in a hushed voice?
“You can’t be serious.” The girl on the other side of the bookshelf said “She rejected Lucius? I thought they were the Slytherin couple of our year.”
The other girl snorted, her tone mocking, “They can’t really be a couple if she’s clung onto someone else’s arm, can they?”
“Someone else? Who?”
“Remus Lupin, of course! She’s been around those Marauders boys for quite some time now, haven’t you noticed? I could understand if she goes for Potter or Black, but Lupin? What exactly does that boy have compared to Lucius?”
Remus could feel the lump forming on his throat. The words cut through him deeply, making him bleed in silence with hurt half as painful as how each full moon had tortured him. He knew for a fact that the words those girls uttered were nothing but truth and it wasn’t the first time he’s doubted his worth when it comes to her. What exactly does he have that could be compared to Lucius or any other boy, really? With her wit and beauty, she deserves someone much better than a boy who wouldn’t even be able to hold a proper job once school is done in a year or two.
“There you are!” She says in a hushed tone, smiling wide as she takes a seat next to him “I’ve been looking for you all over the castle. You made me do quite a work out, you know.”
The boy remains silent, flashing a weak smile and averts his eyes back to his book.
“So I was thinking,” She says again, hands folded on top of the stack of his books “Since your Gryffindor lads are throwing a party tonight and seeing how we’re running out of your wolfy potion, I was thinking that maybe we could leave early and have a little brewing session instead? I mean, I don’t want to gamble your safety with the small vial we have left and the full moon is tomorrow, so I don’t think there’s any other time left to make the potion.”
“Sure,” He says flatly, trying to hide his quivering heart “Whatever you say.”
“Brilliant.” She replied, noticing the off gesture the boy’s showing but chose to ignore it “So how are you feeling? Did the potion I made have any effects?”
“I don't feel as tired as I usually am when the full moon’s approaching.” Remus says, this time putting his book down to give himself a chance to truly ponder his condition “I’m less agitated and I could actually focus on the books I’m reading. I’m also feeling less cranky than I usually am.”
She nods and smiles proudly, “Great, good, wonderful. Although I might have to challenge the last bit. You’re still a tad bit cranky, Remmy.”
“Well then that means you didn’t brew a good enough potion to fix it.”
“Or perhaps you’re simply a sore tosser.”
Remus rolled his eyes but couldn’t fight the small tugging of the corner of his lips.
Returning the smile, she takes out her own books and begins to dive her nose in the thick potion books she’s brought. Remus would never admit it aloud, but he finds her most beautiful when her eyebrows are scrunched, lips moving silently as she reads the words of the pages, trying to understand and memories the recipes and instructions to brew a potion. People always praise Snape for his gifted skills in potions but Remus would bet all the money in his pocket on her if they ever challenge each other.
The memory of how they first became friends slowly washes over him. It was back in third year, Remus limping and bleeding here and there after a tough night with Sirius and James each on his side to support him back to the castle. It was as if the universe finally pitied him that they bumped into the Slytherin girl who has just finished illegally brewing a healing potion by the abandoned lavatory. Sirius was sceptical of her at first, coming from the House of Snakes and all, leading to a mouthful argument that ended abruptly when Remus snatched the bottle of potion from her hand and gulped it down to its last drop. The potion wasn’t that powerful but it was enough to stop his wounds from bleeding.
The rest has been history since.
Every month leading to the full moon, she would brew potions to help ease him. From healing potions to mood controlling ones, she’s cooked each and every single one of them only for Remus. She’s asked him about his preferences, effect and taste wise, not wanting to repeat that one mistake where she put too much wolfsbane and made him vomit the inside of his stomach for 3 days straight.
Remus could never repay her kindness, he knows it. And he sure didn’t mean to fall in love with her, some months after their first encounter. Sure she could get cocky at times with her sharp proficiency in potions, a trait that showcases why she was placed in Slytherin, but under her arrogant bravado, she’s a very caring and affectionate girl. Besides, Remus thought, with her crisp skillset, it’s only rightful of her to feel cocky on said field.
“See this,” She says as she points to her book, breaking Remus’ train of thought “It says it could suppress the effects of lycanthropy. Do you suppose you could take this? It’s quite a lot of wolfsbane for a potion.”
Remus raised his brows as he read the ingredients, “I’m more surprised that you didn’t mind the full vial of dragon blood. Where would you plan to get that?”
“I’ll find my way.” She shrugs, taking the book to her possession again “I’m asking you about the wolfsbane because I remember the time-”
“You put too much wolfsbane on my tonic, yes, I know. You say that every other time you find a new potion you’d want to try.” Remus cuts in with a mocking tone “I don’t know how you did it but every other potion you said would be gruesome turned to be light, nothing my stomach couldn’t bear. If you really want to try new potions, I’m up for it. I can take it, you don’t have to worry about me throwing up again.”
She rolls her eyes, “I’m only trying to make sure that you’ll come out alive. Seeing you get hurt hurts me too, you know.”
Remus smiles lightly, not uttering another word.
He tries to look back down to his own book and fist fights every butterfly flying in his stomach. She’s always been this compassionate, there’s really no reason for him to feel this much in bliss and fluster, but Remus simply couldn’t hold it. With every passing day, the feelings he’s hoarding for her only grows bigger and stronger, and anytime soon it’ll explode out of his chest.
The Room of Equipment has transformed itself into quite the party cavern. The room was dimly lit, fog and smoke polluting the space yet none of the students seemed to mind. Gryffindors have always been known to throw such great parties and tonight they surely have gone all out, putting all their cards to the table to celebrate whatever is there to celebrate.
“Remus?” Her voice rings on his head, unable to tell if it was his mind playing tricks with him or was she really there “I’ve been looking for you everywhere!”
He shakes his head, trying to focus on the person approaching. Her face was blurred, the loud music around his head making him feel like she was wobbling around. The bottle in his hand was empty, its content now running through his blood stream.
“Exactly how many bottles did you drink?” She says quite angrily as she yanks the bottle away from his hands “I thought we’ve agreed to leave early tonight and brew your potion!”
Remus winces from her anger, shaking his head, “Live a little, Hon, the night’s still young!”
“You’re drunk.” She says in disappointment and annoyance “How will the potion work if you have this much alcohol in your system? You know you have a few potions to drink tonight, why would you do this to yourself?!”
“You talk too much.” He says, walking past her to grab another cup of drink “Why don’t you save your nagging for tomorrow morning? What I need tonight is some peace and you’re clearly not giving it to me.”
“Peace? How will you have peace when the full moon’s tomorrow and you have half a vial of potion left, Remus!”
“I’ll have my peace if you would just shut that big mouth of yours.” He mutters before gulping the cup “And why do you care so much, anyway? It’s not like I’m your boyfriend.”
Remus knows he’s pouring gasoline to spark fire with those last words. Even with his head completely plastered, he knew that he'd hurt her. The one person who’s tried her best to help him through his pain. But full moon and alcohol was never supposed to be in one sentence in his vocabulary and he’s sure to regret this first thing in the morning.
“You’re unbelievable.” She spat, her voice cracking in between the words “I will let that slide because you’re drunk and-”
“Merlin, stop weighing me down like that, I’m not a kid!” Remus bursts once more “You keep on making excuses for me, trying to make that safety net around me and for what? I don’t need your pity for fuck’s sake!”
“I’m not pitying you, Remus, I’m only trying to help!”
“Well, I don’t need your help!” He yells, the veins on his neck becoming more visible “I don’t need your potions, I don’t need your help and I certainly don’t need you. I don’t need you.”
“Hey, guys, what do we have here?��� James says, squeezing himself in between the squabble to avoid undesired outcome “Are we all good down here?”
“Fine.” She says, nodding as she reaches into her pocket and shoves James a couple vials of potions before looking at Remus dead straight in the eyes “Don’t crawl back to me when things go south.”
Remus could feel his body tense as she walks away. The disaster he’s caused has finally started to seep in. He turns to James who looks confused yet sorry at the same time. He might not hear the entirety of their quarrel but it was easy to see that Remus has gone to a point where there’s no return. 
He’s finally burned their bridge to ashes.
The full moon passed with more struggle than the other nights. The limited potion in hands and the amount of alcohol still running in his system has made the shift more painful than Remus last remembered. The guilt and burden he’s feeling has triggered more anger during his lycanthrope phase that he’s managed to hurt himself, earning himself a few wounds all over his body.
It’s been years since Remus hurt himself during a full moon. The fact that they were all helped by her, easing him through his darkest moments made him hate himself even more. The very first thing he tried to do once he came to his senses this morning was to look for her and apologise. He’s tried to search her in the Great Hall, waited outside of her classes, and even stood by the Slytherin entrance in hope to bump into her but all to no avail, she was nowhere to be seen.
Now, barely conscious as his friends try to carry him to the hospital wings, Remus could only think of her. Her smile was haunting him, making it hard for him to give in to the darkness knowing that he’s yet to apologise to her.
“Snake girl,” Sirius says with heavy breaths as they reach the greenhouse “What are you doing here?”
“I was waiting for you.” She says, worry evident on her face as she gently touches Remus’ face “What’s happened?”
“He didn't drink enough potion.” Peter tries to explain “Or maybe he did, we’re not sure, but he was more angry than he usually is. He even tried to chase us, for Godric’s sake! It’s as if it didn’t matter if we were in our animagus form. We had to run deep into the woods to lose him.”
“Do you think you could fix him?” James asked “We’d very much prefer to not bring him to Pomfrey and avoid all the questions that would follow, but if you can’t-”
“I can.” She says short, worried that the long conversation would only do more damage than good to bloodied Remus “I brewed some healing potion this morning, it’s back in my room. I’ll meet you guys at the Gryffindor entrance in ten.”
Remus’ eyes flutter open, trying to adjust to the brightness of the room. The sun’s high and he’s sure that his friends are now in their classes, leaving him alone on his bed to rest for the whole day. He tried to sit up, unknowingly waking up the sleeping figure that was leaning her head to his bed.
“You’re up,” She says groggily, trying to gain consciousness herself “How are you feeling?”
The boy remains quiet. He watches her intently. Her hair was all messy, dark circles slowly forming under her eyes. It was evident that he was the cause of her distraught and he hates himself even more for it. It was as if he couldn’t stop making her miserable, with or without his intention to do so.
“Your wounds are healing. That’s a good sign.” She says as she examines the scar on his arm “I believe it would take two days top for them to be completely healed.”
“Have you been staying all night here?”
“I fell asleep, I didn’t mean to stay over.” She said with a tired sigh as she stood from her seat, noticing the lack of warmth in his tone “Look, I was only worried about you, okay? If you really don’t want me around I can easily leave and-”
“No,” Remus says fast, taking her hand to hold her “Stay, please.”
She nods, showing an unsure smile as she sits back down.
Remus’ hand didn’t move an inch after latching itself to her wrist. He couldn’t find the gut to look straight into her eyes for he knew he would feel even more guilty, both for hurting her and for still so selfishly keeping her around his troublesome life.
“What are you thinking about?” She asks softly, gently taking his hands off of her wrist so she could hold them properly “Mind sharing them with me?”
“I’ve shared too much of my burden to you already, Love.” He said, laughing slightly at his pitiful self.
“Well then, I’ll share with you my burden too so we’ll be fair, alright?”
Remus raised an eyebrow, “What burden?”
“It’s a boy problem. Supposed you’d know about it best, wouldn’t you?”
The smile on his face dimmed down. She’s never talked about any boy to him before. Could it be the first time she’s found someone attractive enough to interest her? Could that boy be Lucius?
“I’d try to answer my best.” Remus says with a weak smile “What exactly is your boy problem?”
“Well,” She starts, looking down to their hands and playing with his fingers “There’s this boy I’ve fancied for a while. He’s not someone I thought I would fall for, I’ll be honest with you, but.. Man, I’ve fallen so hard I’m making a fool of myself most of the time whenever he’s around.”
Remus forces a smile, watching her intently.
“He’s the only man who appreciates me, truly. He could understand my quick remarks and not get offended when my mouth tends to act smarter than my brain. He encourages me to try and brew every potion there is. He makes me feel as if I was the best potion master there is. Even better than Slughorn.”
“Well, you are better than Slughorn.” Remus commented, agreeing to this said man “He seems like a nice lad.”
“He is, most of the time.” She says rolling her eyes but the smile quickly reappears on her face.
“Then what’s the problem with him?”
“The problem is, Remus,” She sighs, trying to find the words to best convey her feelings “He tries so hard to be strong in front of me. He acts like he doesn’t need me, like he could do everything without my help. Don’t get me wrong, I know that he doesn’t need me. I know that he’s a one tough man. I just wish he would stop denying his feelings about me so we could both stop beating around the bush and walking on eggshells. I want to love him aloud. I want him to love me aloud.”
Remus couldn’t put a word that would best describe the feeling he’s having right now. The way she looks at him, longingly and ever so fondly, made it easy for him to guess who’s the culprit to her boy trouble.
“I don’t think it would be that easy for him to love you the way you wanted him to.” He says softly, trying to give her his piece of mind “He’s a bit.. Troubled. And though you’d understand and accept him with all of his misfortune, it would never be easy for him to cave in and let you love him that way. No matter how much he wished you would, he would never have the heart to let you waste your time on someone as good as nothing like him.”
“But he’s not that damaged.” She says fast, hands finding their ways to caress his cheeks “He might think that he’s worth nothing, that his struggles are something he should keep to himself, but that’s not true. He’s the most priceless person I’ve ever known. Someone who deserves the world and more. Someone who deserves to be loved purely and profoundly.”
Remus smiled softly, looking down.
“Let me love you, Remus.”
“Love, I don’t think-”
“Look, how about this,” She proposes, taking both of his hands to hers “One kiss. One kiss and if you still feel like you don’t want this then that’s fine. I’ll drop it and we can pretend like it never happened.”
Remus stares into her eyes that radiates so much hope and love. He could tell that she’s been dying to get it off her chest, just as much as he has. The glint on her eyes and encouraging nod were making it hard for Remus to hold his fortress which led him to finally crumble in cede.
“One kiss.”
She nods eagerly, “One kiss and if you don’t like it, we’ll end it right here.”
With a small laugh, Remus softly leans in, eliminating the gap between them. Thousands of fireworks exploded inside him when their lips touched, sending a jolt of electricity down his spine. It feels as if his bones were rejuvenated, muscles remedied he could move mountains with his bare hands. One kiss and he would say goodbye forever to his dull colourless life.
Neither wanted to part but the smile and giggles shared as they took a breath was a clear sign that none of them wanted to end things here. If anything, the kiss only fueled their desire to love and hold each other closer than ever.
“You deceitful little witch.” Remus whispered, a smile still plastered on his face “You knew I would never turn back after a kiss.”
“What can I say, I’m a Slytherin after all.”
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vgperson · 5 months
What Did I Do In 2023?
Whatever I wanted, mostly.
As I mentioned last year, my site now has an RSS feed with basically everything I've done back to 2020, so this will mainly be going over the same stuff from that, just with added context.
In January, I finally sat down and properly realized an idea for a short story I'd had sitting around for a while: From the Sidelines, about a fantasy RPG expedition going sideways. I remain very proud of it in both concept and execution, and hope people read it.
In February, Your Turn To Die was released on Steam Early Access, receiving character profiles and some bonus mini-episodes, adding two more later in the year.
After finishing From the Sidelines, I carried that momentum to revisit my Ut0p1a story series about funny computer animals. I'd always meant to continue it - and conclude it - but hadn't been satisfied with the ideas I had for it until totally rethinking them this year. In March, I posted the remaining stories one after another: Right to Code and Left to Code. I'm very proud of these as well. Also in March, Kenshi Yonezu released LADY. (Video, interview)
In April, Uri released the Data Book of the Strange Men Series, a big collection of the writing she's done on the games in the series, with a lot of new parts as well, all translated by me.
Then in May... uh, well, let's see. In April, Capcom released the Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection. I always adored the Battle Network games, and was initially excited that they finally did the thing... but by the time it came out, I was pretty disappointed by how, while you certainly couldn't call them low-effort ports, the effort didn't extend everywhere I thought it should, with the biggest offenders being the total absence of any "convenience features" except Buster Max Mode, the bad font, and the almost entirely untouched translations.
So, I ended up deciding I might as well just replay the originals, and that was a fun time (aside from the parts that were bad). Doing this, I couldn't help but notice how... turbulent the translations were, even if I'd always known they were less than ideal. I mean, the first two games just used periods for ellipses despite the tight character limits, then in BN3 they had an ellipsis character... but it's center-aligned, Japanese-style? Aside from the intro, which has normal ones? Gosh, somebody should fix that - it's simple enough to find and edit in YY-CHR. "JapanMan" is silly, too - I wonder if anybody made a patch for that? Wait, what do you mean there's just a tool to extract and insert text in all the Battle Network games including the Legacy Collection???
Thus began a journey that sort of occupied the rest of my year. First I did the BN3 Translation Revision, trying not to worry too much about cross-referencing the Japanese text unless something seemed wrong, so that I didn't spend too long on the project. Then I began to consider BN2, with its unfortunate "foreigner" text that would need some more significant reworking. I established more convenient tools for comparing with the Japanese script, and thus did a much more thorough job with it, releasing the BN2 Translation Revision in June (AKA Princess Pride Month).
Finally, after giving myself time to recover and actually finish replaying the series, I knew what I had to do to close things out. With the BN4 Translation Revision, you can finally play Battle Network 4 with a translation that isn't such a mess. Whether you'd want to is for you to decide, though if you can get over the structure, I don't think it's the worst game in the series by any means. (Oh, and in December I also updated the BN3 Revision to 1.1, doing a thorough pass with the methods I'd honed. But I think I'm pretty much good on MMBN translations now.)
Anyway, backtracking to other things that happened during my Battle Network haze... June had Kenshi Yonezu's Moongazing (video, interview), and July had Globe (video, interview, interview).
Last but not least, released in November, I translated Refind Self: The Personality Test Game, a short game from Lizardry (creator of 7 Days to End with You) with a fun concept.
Obviously I was right to have said "no promises" last year. But really, Your Turn To Die should get its final part on Steam sometime next year, maybe even early-ish in it. That's certainly the goal.
I'm also hoping to buckle down and finish one of my own games, but as usual, who knows how that'll pan out. Letting my whims carry me this year let me finally finish From the Sidelines and Ut0p1a, which was great, and it also led me down a Battle Network rabbit hole, which was... fine, but definitely for a narrower audience. I'd always like to get back to more free game translations and the like, too, but it takes effort to find things I'd want to translate. For now, I think my increasing desire to be able to let loose some of these original games I've been planning, and the stories in them, might come out on top.
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xoxodivine · 2 months
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summary: reader is annoyed particularly after their classmate megumi copies their answer. they have a rivalry that carries into high school, something shocking is revealed about megumi
content warnings: light n' slight cursing, reader is lowkey petty and a bully, first story ever type writing
NEW SCHOOL, Same bullshit. Same lame ass teachers that think they know every damn thing, Same students forced to be in a legal prison for 7 hours straight, Same assignments that take longer to finish than the class, and same stupid icebreaker questions no one cares about. It is only your third or fourth year in elementary school, and you already want to graduate college. Maybe if you're smart enough I can graduate extremely early and leave this school that's full of sh- "We're waiting for your answer" You spaced out again? that's like the fifth time today "I'm sorry, what was the question?" You were so wrapped up in your thoughts about graduating you forgot to listen for your name for icebreaker questions.  
"What do you want to be when you grow up?" Easy question. "A doctor" It has been your dream career since you were 5. You've always wanted to be a doctor for as long as you can remember, it was the reason you pushed so hard in school despite being in the third grade. "Wow, our first doctor! Wonderful choice." You felt special that you were the only person who said you wanted to be a doctor. It was granted since most people in the class had stupid answers like "A fairy princess" or "A dog". Yeah, the kids in your class were that dumb. "Ok, last person. Megumi, what do you want to be when you grow up?"  
Megumi? That's a dumb name. He wasn't difficult to spot because anytime someone's name was called the whole class would stare at them. He looked like he wasn't paying attention at first, looking out the window. He was the supposed "smart kid" of the class. Not smarter than you of course but to you he just looked quiet. He also looks like he would pick his nose to be honest but hey, don't judge a book by its cover? He stuttered as he spoke, "uhm...uh a doctor?"  
Who does this kid think he is? He just stole your answer. You just heard this kid speak and you’ve already decided he’s your biggest enemy. “Oh, now there’s two doctors in the class.” No there’s not. This wannabe will never be a doctor. He wishes he was me. “Alright class, take out your notebooks and we’ll start the lesson for today.” You turned to look at him with a stank face which doesn’t go unnoticed by him. He furrows his eyebrows at you in confusion and you mouth to him “I hate you.” 
And that’s all it took for your rivalry to start. It was always a competition with the two of you. Although Megumi was a smart kid, you were smarter. For example, he might know grass is green, but you knew it was chlorophyll that made it green. He could be able to the time on a digital clock, but you could tell the time with an analog clock with roman numerals.  
After that day in third grade, you’ve both spoken 264 words to each other within the years you guys have known each other. A few exchanged that time you bumped into each other in the hallways which was dismissed with a “Oh, my bad” and “Watch where you’re going”. The other 254 being when you had a science project with him which your teacher conveniently paired the both of you together. 
 Was this “rivalry” really because he said he wanted to be a doctor back in the third grade? Sadly yes. You both are in your first year of high school and you still haven’t let it go. But in all honestly, Megumi hopes you don’t let it go. Before your rivalry, he never really felt a reason to go above and beyond in school. If he had A’s and B’s, he was set for the year. However, you pushed him to do better, seeing as you were always competing. He does think the reason this started is stupid. But he wouldn’t have it any other way.  
The reason for that isn’t just because of his grades improving, It’s also because he’s madly in love with you. 
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goingxmissing · 5 months
2023 fic reader highlights
thanks to mostlymaudlin for putting together this template. i'm going to enjoy rereading all of these over the next few days and using the floating ao3 comment box, which has significantly improved my life, and increased the unhinged nature of my comments.
Fic that made me laugh
Cool Things to Say to Your Soulmate by @powerful-owl & @love-leah • daniel ricciardo/max verstappen • a collection of soulmate AUs (everything em writes is hilarious, and this is full of heartache, miscommunication, and so many fun takes on the soulmate trope. delightful. haven't looked at geese the same way since.)
2. Fic that made me cry
one step closer and i'm real by @officialmood • daniel ricciardo/max verstappen • time travel, alternate universes (this fic is exquisite, every version of daniel that max meets is distinctly different and broke my heart in a multitude of ways. made my heart twist in the best way.)
3. Fic that gave me a story hangover
all this happened, more or less by multi21 • charles leclerc/max verstappen • social media, canon divergence (so much fun and so inspired! charles is a secret singer-songwriter, told through social media posts and devastating lyrics, le castellet is in my head at any given moment. went with this for story hangover because i thought about it for Days afterwards and then charles literally put his music on spotify. drop the escalier des fleurs content charles!!)
4. Fic I want to discuss book club style
playboy in the grotto by @freeuselandonorris • lando norris/oscar piastri • watersports (the pinnacle of horny romance: gross, filthy, desperate, fond. had to pause reading several times to rant about my favourite bits. need a book club to discuss the wider cinematic universe where they explore more kinks in the most tender way.)
5. Fic that got me a lil flustered
the fire is slowly dying by @strawberry-daiquiris • oscar piastri/mark webber • age difference, mentor/protégé (this is one of the most unhinged fics i've ever had the pleasure of enjoying. oscar is a total menace. scenes in this fic will stay with me Forever. i urge anyone to take a chance on the pairing if you're intrigued and FEAST.)
6. Fic by one of my favourite authors
jump right in by @strawberry-daiquiris • lando norris/oscar piastri • rule 63 (imagine your fiancée muses, 'what if lando was a girl and she'd never had an orgasm?' one day and then a couple of months later she's still working on a 100k+ masterpiece following the 2023 season where a third of the grid are women? i'm the luckiest. this fic is everything and i'm going to be LOST without it when it's finished.)
7. Fic I reread more than once
screen glows in a dark room by @hollywoodsargeant • oscar piastri/logan sargeant • phone sex, sex toys (steaming hot phone sex, not a single word wasted. the first fic i read for this pairing and i keep coming back to it and also the whole apex predator series. HIGHLY recommend checking these out for the Dynamics.)
8. Fic I sent to everyone I know
side by side in orbit by @glasscushion • lando norris/oscar piastri, max fewtrell/lando norris • cuckolding, voyeurism, open relationships (the concept is rancid and the vibes are UNMATCHED. this was delicious. as i said in my comment: when max feels spit pool beneath his tongue, when he forgets to breathe because he's so into what's happening in front of him. i felt that!!!!! immediate rec.)
9. Fic that made me fall in love with an author
i'll kiss you first by venerat • lando norris/oscar piastri • a/b/o (my first fic for this pairing, i read it on a Very Early train and my brain never recovered. you might be able to tell from my tumblr. me reading this fic over and over like: 😅. still can't see the word 'ripe' and not think about lando being a grotty omega. every fic by venerat is an absolute BANGER. hit that subscribe button, my friends!!)
thank you to all of the wonderful authors and creators who have shared their work in fandom this year. 2023 has been a feast <3
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the-ace-with-spades · 7 months
little snippet from a buddie outsider pov future fic that i probably won't ever finish because its part 3 of a series, or aka the Bobby-fication of Buck
"I was told to report to Captain Diaz?"
The man, with Diaz clearly written on his name tag, stares. It's not the most friendly of stares but it's not that kind of a stare and Kori had his fair share of them as a brown boy who consistently used public transport and worked night shifts. He'd expected to have a welcome that wasn't the warmest but he at least wanted some kind of verbal acknowledgment. 
Well, this is awkward, he thinks, why is he not saying anything?
Kori woke up bright and early today, excited and anxious for his first day, over an hour before his alarm started blasting, and then made sure he had his bag packed with all the essentials he would need on a twenty-four shift. Four different sets of clothes, five meals in Tupperware, protein bars, a book, headphones, towel, shampoo and shower gel, the basic firefighting manual from the academy and his paramedic textbooks. He prepared to be too prepared rather than embarrass himself by asking to borrow shampoo on his first day.
He arrived at the firehouse via Uber because public transport in LA couldn't be reliable and he also couldn't afford a car and then he had stood panicked on the side of the truck bay for about fifteen minutes before checking his email again for the right names — Captain Diaz, 118 Ladder Company — all along to the schedule in his head.
And now the guy, he's just—standing there. Staring at Kori like he's debating whether he should eat him alive or roast in the oven beforehand.
The thing is, Kori knows he’s disappointing for a firefighter. He’s barely five foot seven, five foot six without the boots, really, and he’s lean and slim, in a way that would make some people doubt whether he can carry a person out of a burning building — he can — and he’s, well, he’s average.
But the One-Eighteen is stuck with him for the year, he might be average and disappointing, it just doesn’t matter. Because they are stuck with him.
He still hasn’t seen Firefighter Buckley.
"Are you Captain Diaz?"
He looks a bit young, for a captain, but he is pretty sure there have been younger ones in the history of LAFD. And Diaz is a common surname, in California, or common enough that it wouldn’t be impossible to have two people with it in the firehouse even if still a bit improbable.
"Oh," he says, looking down at the nametag on his chest, finally noticing where Kori's been glancing at the whole time. "Sorry, kid, that would be my husband. I'm Lieutenant Paramedic Diaz."
Kori, he must admit to himself, blinks at him like he had just spoken in Mandarin and not English. Because there are two Diazes in the firehouse. And both of them are his officers. And they’re married.
The—The lieutenant crosses his arms over his chest, puffing up like a peacock, and narrows his eyes. “Do we have a problem?”
“No, sir,” he says, immediately. “I didn’t know they allowed married couples to work together, that’s all.”
The lieutenant still looks at him like he's trying to assess the deepest secrets of his soul and raises one eyebrow at him like he expects a fight but his shoulders fall slightly. He's, uhm, very handsome, even this angry, in that foxy dad kind of way that Kori's never been interested in but knew it was a thing.
"My husband and I worked together for seven years before we married, I think we've proved we can stay professional," he says and it sounds a bit like a threat. "He's in the office downstairs. You should report to him before you're late to your first shift."
He smiles but Kori has a feeling it's a mean smile.
Kori does go back downstairs, passes the rest of the loft and walks past the kitchen where he sees three other firefighters, quietly eating breakfast. The conversation stops and they all collectively look up at him. He probably should say something or wave or anything so it's not awkward but no, he just speed-walks into the narrow corridor that — he hopes — leads to the offices.
He passes two doors before he finds the right one. There is a brand new plate hanging on the side of it, shiny and not dusty at all, with Capt. Diaz and Lt. Diaz written on it and the door is wide open — someone is in the closet in the back, from what it seems, going over documents or something that makes a similar rustling sound. Kori moves into the doorframe, going for a knock, when he realizes.
There's no door. Nothing, just an empty door frame with taped down hinges. There's no way for him to knock.
He clears his throat as loudly as he can.
There are two desks inside, one with a brand new plate of Capt. Diaz and one with slightly less shiny Lt Diaz on it. It looks like any other office, slightly bare on the shelves but also full of diplomas and official pictures of past officers hanging on the walls. There's also a framed drawing made by an elementary school kid, or Kori guessed it was an elementary school kid, of a firefighter in bunker gear, dead center on the wall behind the captain's desk, and a couple of photos of what he assumes is the station's crew, all in their dress uniforms — he can't see it very well.
The captain's desk is full, with another frame standing on the edge, three pencil holders filled to the brim, multiple kinds of colorful stationery, and stacks of documents and folders cluttering the countertop. There's even a freaking fidget spinner on it — he hasn't seen one since freshman year in high school. It's a mess but Kori knows that even being a probationary firefighter would mean way too much paperwork for a job that was technically blue collar. The new captain wasn't just a new captain, he was also newly-qualified to be a captain so Kori suspects he probably is barely keeping up with the forms and documents as of right now — it's a learning curve.
The lieutenant's desk also holds a couple of frames but there's only a small pencil case and a neatly arranged stack of folders lying in an even more neatly arranged corner.
And wow. That's Firefighter Buckley, even more awe-inspiring than he was eleven years ago
He looks at Kori with a half-smile stuck on his face but with a frown on his forehead. There are wrinkles around his eyes, forming like laughter lines. He tilts his head and Kori thinks—Kori thinks this is it, he remembers me, he—
"Khorshed Patwari, was it?" he asks and his grin looks the same, almost — there’s more wrinkles, around his eyes and on his forehead, and his face seems a bit softer, but it’s like a memory refresher. "Am I pronouncing it right?"
It's stupid — Firefighter Buckley saved probably hundreds if not thousands of people, he's been a firefighter for at least twelve years, probably, and Kori is just one of those faces he had seen for a minute or two. Easily forgotten. Average. It's understandable that he doesn't remember him, he would probably be more surprised if he did remember him.
"Everyone calls me Kori," he says, after clearing his throat. He knows he’s gaping like a fish, a bit, but he can’t help it — Firefighter Buckly looks almost unchanged and he can’t believe he’s here.
"With the h?"
He blinks. "Sorry?"
"Do you keep the h in Kori?" he clarified, huffing a small chuckle out.  "I want to know how to spell it correctly in the future."
"Just Kori, uhm, K-O-R-I, is okay," he explains, still star-struck.
"Uhm," he says eloquently. "I'm looking for Captain Diaz? I was supposed to report to him?"
"That would be me," Firefighter Buckley says and—Oh. He’s a captain and he’s—he’s married to a man that’s the station's lieutenant. He's not really Firefighter Buckley anymore, is he? "Although most people just call me Buck, or Cap, if you really must."
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pitifulbaby · 1 year
summary: a mixtape and some kisses can fix anyone's day.
pairings: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
warnings: you might need to see a dentist after with all this tooth rotting fluff.
a/n: okay so the wonderful @thefreak0fhawkinshigh​ made this post and I just had to write it with their permission first of course. but i hope you enjoy it! also bc i said so the upside down and all that doesn’t exist. 2.1k words
THE MIXTAPE ignore how some of the songs came out after 86′
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You never thought that the last few months of your senior year would be like this, sure you knew it would be haywire- but not like this. Most days were fine, from waking up early to finals and tests throughout the school day to rushing out of school to your part time job at the local grocery store, getting home to scramble and do homework before passing out- though now that you think it doesn’t sound fine. It sounds hectic. How you manage to take time to breathe between any of it is beyond you. When you can, you also help your boyfriend Eddie study, he deserves to graduate this year- and he wants to, but whereas your life in a sense is nonstop, his brain is the same way. It’s obvious he has a hard time concentrating on things he doesn’t enjoy which is understandable, but with your patience and his will- Eddie Munson was graduating in 86’. 
The day was long, but luckily you were free from work for the day. Though you knew you had a break, it still was obvious that you were in need of a rest. It wasn’t that you were tired- perse, you were just worn down and in need of sitting and doing something you enjoyed. Eddie had noticed your sluggish attitude, you two shared a few classes, but what sealed the deal was you not sitting with him and the hellfire club at lunch, opting for sitting in the library to finish up some things, wanting some quiet instead of a highschool lunchroom. Time got away from Eddie- he was planning on cutting his lunch short to go sit with you in the library, wanting to give you some time alone before he would venture off to you. But the boys had questions, one after another and soon enough the bell rang, showcasing the end of the lunch period. 
Seemingly the rest of the day seemed to go by fast, and Eddie had a plan. He typically brought you to and fro from school- truthfully, Eddie tried to drive you anywhere and everywhere you needed to go. It wasn’t even that you couldn’t drive, no, you had your licenses and a car. But Eddie had to drive you around, he enjoyed even the short time with you in the car. He was gonna take every chance to be with you, even if it was a five minute car ride. 
With one final bell ring, the school day ended. Even better it was a Friday, the weekend finally in sight and in grasp. Standing at your locker you put away the books you didn’t need and took the ones you did need, before you could grab the last book you felt a hand on your lower back- letting out a soft gasp as you turn your head.
“Hey, it’s me-” Eddie’s hand runs up your back and rests at the back of your neck, smiling at you. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you.” Which it was odd to him, it wasn’t hard to hear Eddie when he was walking. With his chains and big boots, plus knowing him for quite a long time, you are able to pick up the sound of him by his walking. And even through the busy halls, through the sounds of people chattering about the weekend and trying as fast as possible to get out, you usually can hear him. He simply hums in response, watching you close your locker. Before you can do anything else Eddie is zipping up your backpack and taking it from your hands, throwing his arm over your shoulder and pulling you close. “I have an idea, sweetgirl.” He leaned down to whisper to you, with furrowed brows you turned your head a tad to look at him.
“Should I be nervous?” You questioned him, which he only responded with moving his arm from around your shoulders to around your waist- pinching you over your shirt ever so softly. “Hey!” You couldn't help but giggle, which made Eddie’s heart soar at the sound. Stepping outside of the school’s front door and down through the parking lot you two were finally at Eddie’s van.
Eddie Munson’s van was a sight to behold, the 71’ Chevrolet was one of the males prized possessions. It had been his uncles in the early 80s before letting his nephew have it when he got his permit. Ever since then the metal head treated it like it was his baby- sure he was a bit rough with it, it really wasn’t his fault that he sped, the music he listens to shouldn't be so damn easy to speed to! To others it was just a rusted tin can, but it was something special to him.
He brings you round to the passenger side, opening the door for you and holding out his hand to help you up, bowing his head. “Your chariot awaits, princess.” He purred, which caused you to laugh and blush at his antics, taking his hand and stepping in. Once you were seated in he was leaning over you to fasten your seatbelt- pressing a kiss to your cheek before closing the door and running to the drivers side and hopping in. “Whats the plan?” You said, turning your body to him.
He simply hummed in response, starting the car. His hand went to the back of your headrest, looking behind as he pulled out. It might be weird but there was something so attractive when he did that, watching his hair fall in his face, trailing your eyes up his arm. But the moment was over soon and he was driving off. 
“Were you checking me out?” Eddie drawled out, letting his voice be a bit more high pitched. He kept one hand on the wheel while the other came and rested on your thigh. Your skirt rode up a bit, his hand warm but his rings cold, giving an odd contrast. Placing your hand on his with a smile. “Always,” You promise, letting your gaze shift out the window. 
Now Eddie was a man who drove a bit recklessly, enjoying to have his window down and music blasting as he ventured off wherever. But with you he was more careful, he had precious cargo so he wasn’t gonna risk anything.
With furrowed brows you realize he completely ignored your question, turning to him with a small pout. “You didn’t tell me what the plan is, Teddy.” You mumble out, playing with the rings on his fingers. His hand gently squeezes your thigh, “Its a surprise.” His reply is plain and simple, gaze focused on the road.
A few turns, stoplights and stop signs and you are pulling off into a clearing that takes you through the woods before he is parking with the back of the van facing out to lovers lake. “Hop in the back.” He says while turning to you, reaching over and undoing your seatbelt. His smile is wide as he watches you climb into the back, placing a small smack to your bottom as you climb over the console into the back of the van. 
In the back of Eddie’s van was a mattress, a couple pillows and a blanket or two. He also had an amp and some wires for when he would play at The Hideout. Once in the back you plopped back onto the mattress, leaning your back against the side of the van as you looked toward the front of the van. You watch as Eddie fumbles with the radio, popping in what you assume is one of the many mixtapes he has made for you. But, the song that plays through the van’s speakers is one you haven’t heard in any of the cassettes. 
Seconds later the sound of a saxophone is coming from the speakers, the voice of George Michael following the instrument as Careless Whispers plays. The song itself causes a laugh to bubble out, but your laughter only grows as Eddie is stumbling over the console just like you moments before- only he is less graceful than you were. Literally stumbling and fumbling onto the mattress. He is then scrambling onto his knees, reaching forward to you and resting his hands under your knees and pulling you forward to him. Sending you to lay back flat against the mattress. His hands move from your legs to rest on either side of your head, his body resting between your thighs. 
“Wanna know the plan now?” He questions, his words soft. If he wasn’t so close you wouldn’t be able to hear him over the saxophone. Your own hands trail up, gently brushing through his curls that fall into your face. “Hm?” You question, already lost in the boy. Eddie move to rest on his elbows, the front of his thighs pressing against the back of yours, your skirt having flipped up during this all.
“I am gonna kiss you, a lot.” Before you could even respond to him, his plush lips are pressing against yours. The faint taste of cigarettes linger on his mouth, but its a taste you have come to enjoy because it is whole heartedly Eddie. 
The shirt you wore had rode up as well, the blanket against your back scratching your skin ever so slightly against the material. One hand stays locked in his hair while the other trails down to rest against his chest. Your hand gravitates to the guitar pick necklace he always wore, feeling it dangle down against you- letting your fingers gently mess with the jewelry. Eddie keeps one arm propping him up, his other arm moving to wrap around your waist, his hand splayed against the small of your back and pulls your body closer to his, though he was already pressed flush against you.
He never lets up his kissing, the kiss started out sweet before turning into something more, gently nibbling your bottom lip and fighting for dominance against you in a war you were glad to lose. You could feel the need for oxygen become strong, but the thought of pulling away from the kiss sounded like a nightmare, you never wanted to be away from Eddie- especially when he was kissing you like this.
But he seemed to have other plans, pulling away slightly only to start to trail kisses down, starting from the corner of your mouth, to the underside of your jaw before attaching himself to your neck. He found your sweet spot quickly, he knew your body like the back of his hand. Feeling him start to suck and nibble at the sensitive skin causing you to gasp, back arching and hand pulling at the strands of hair you were holding. The pull wasn’t hard, but enough to pull him away from your skin. He looks up at you with a small pout, lips red and kiss swollen. 
“You said you were gonna kiss me a lot.” You said with a huff, brows furrowing as you tilted your chin down to look at him. The way you look at Eddie has his heart soaring for a second time today, “I know, but I didn’t say where.” He says in the same tone as you, copying your huff and furrowed brows. After that he was back to leaving kisses across your throat, leaving blossoms of purple and blues in his wake as he left his mark. 
Careless Whispers finishes, the song soon changing to Rock You Like a Hurricane. You open your mouth to question Eddie, letting out a shuddery breath before trying to catch your composure. “I haven’t heard these two in any of the tapes.” You manage to mumble out, eyes fluttering shut.
He pulls away at your words, shifting to hover over you. “Made a new mixtape for you last night.” Eddie smiles through his words, pride lacing each syllable. “And before you lecture me about not getting any sleep-” he pinches your thigh mid sentence, causing you to squeal and open your eyes. “I couldn’t sleep.” 
It wasn’t that you lectured Eddie, you just told him often you think it would do him good to get a decent night's rest, going to bed at a good hour. “So I made this mix, and its titled the ‘kiss-a-thon’ mix.” His nose scrunches up after his words, cheeks more red than usual as he blushes. “Probably a stupid name-” He trails off, which you quickly shake your head. “No! It’s not stupid, Teddy. I love it.” Your smile is bright, eyes wide and happy as you look at him. 
“Yeah?” He questions, a little unsure. You nod, before furrowing your brows a bit, letting out a hum. “Though I might have a better name for it.” Your smile widens, more devious this time. Eddie catches on to that, a look of fake surprise on his face. “Oh? And whats that?”
“The kiss-a-thon mix that might lead to more.” And with that, you are crashing your lips back to his.
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bluegalaxy7 · 4 months
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Let's have a talk about Reinhard Heydrich in his early years and in the navy.
He was born on 7 March 1904. The first son and the second born child had an elder sister Maria and a younger brother Heinz. His father and mother were music teachers so music education was important to them. Reinhard was able to play the violin when he was 6. He was a stubborn kid and not easy to deal with. His relationship with his sister was complicated. Some said he had brain inflammation as a baby but I am not sure. The mother Elizabeth Maria Krantz was a strict , cold mother Reinhard loved her deeply but she didn't return the love. As a boy Reinhard wanted attention and love but he didn't seem to get what he wanted.
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For example he climbed over the school's roof ( he might have broken his neck ) to show his bravery. Anti semitism was high at that time and he was thought to be Jewish so he was bullied endlessly ( this rumor stuck even after his death !). His voice was high pitched and nasal and his laugh was strange so he was called : Isi = Isidor , goat and the white Mose
This one is a bit suspicious but : his mother called him ugly ? Preferred his sister ( his childhood friend said this one ) his sister thing was a big deal : after his knew that his first born child was a boy he said : Thank God it's a boy thus he won't bossy his brothers and sisters around
After WW1 defeat and the revolutions Heydrich joined the Freikorps he didn't see much action but he worked to restore the order
In school he excelled in many subjects and had some love for Chemistry and thought to be a Chemist but after getting his HS diploma he went to the navy this decision might come as a surprise but let's consider some points : his family lost all it's savings and the conservatory was deteriorating no one had money to spend on music education so it might be difficult to go to university. The sea devil Von Luckner was a family friend and he enjoyed his stories a lot and read his book. Also from my pov Reinhard did love the sea. He spent his holidays before WW1 in a summer home by the sea with his family. It might also refer to his longing for adventures proving himself and his desire to escape. In 1937 as a late honeymoon he took his wife and went on a cruise ship for a month to Spain and other countries. Also the image of the popular navy officer might have appealed to him. Prestige and image are important for an 18 year old boy. All in all he became an officer cadet.
The bullying stopped ? Haha NO
- Jewish
- sensitive and delicate
- his voice and laugh
He didn't respond to any of this but got visibly angry ( his face turned red but did nothing) his only close associate said that Reinhard was on a vacation and went to Halle ( his town) someone said to him : look young Isi in a navy uniform and Heydrich did nothing so the friend considered him without honor ( how ? Why ? Idk)
He used to resort to his only friend the violin when it was too much and that earned him more teasing. An officer found it amusing to wake him up and order him to play Toselli serenade until he was satisfied. And Heydrich hated this beautiful piece for the rest of his life. But all this didn't stop his STRIVE FOR PERFECTION it fueled it more and more. In his free time he practiced rowing, swimming and horse riding. He achieved some recognition and took medals. That's part of the reason why he always insisted on the "work on yourself". After 2 years he finished his training and became a first lieutenant.
His relationship with women
Some said that he was a womanizer and had many liver etc but no confirmation. But he was well liked overall by the old ladies as he was too polite and well mannered. With the young because he had some charm.
He met Canaris on cruiser Berlin and they formed a friendship as Canaris wanted to reconcile with his wife Erika and she was a musician and had a string quartet and needed a violinist. Then tarararaa the young talented violinist had a place in this cruel world 😂 . Canaris was a nationalist and back then saw Hitler as a possible solution for the corrupted Deutschland so he told Heydrich about these views probably ( Heydrich was a nationalist too but considered them as the corporal Hitler and the lame Goebbels*Heydrich BEHAVE YOU CAN'T INSULT DER DOKTOR LIKE THIS )
He didn't ever consider leaving the navy. Maybe he saw it as retreating or cowardice.
At a ball he met the beautiful ( other colleagues of his saw her as such this is not my opinion) Lina von Osten danced together then escorted her to her dorm and invited her to another date. He played the violin in front of her which moved her instantly and told her about his family she didn't see him as a lover but a comrade , a friend and he was much more. In the forth date he proposed to het she was 19 and had many doubts like : he didn't know anything about her family or her father and he is a distinguished naval officer he must seek better match and there might be some regulations but he sort all of this and said I don't want to marry your father but I don't mind taking you as my wife ( I find this soo funny)
He visited her family and they agreed to give him their daughter. Everything went smoothly UNTIL .......
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Look How Pretty You Are.
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No outbreak! No use of y/n!
WARNINGS: DBF! 18+ Minors DNI. This is smut! BIG age gap. (Reader is 22, Joel in his 40s) Unprotected p in v (don't be dumb). Praise, quite a quicky. Would love to write a part 2 to this, tbh.
Coming home from college in the summer meant two things. I was left to my own devices Monday through Friday, and weekends were crazy. Loud, party filled affairs my parents put on with the entire neighborhood being welcome. This summer was different, though.
Freshly graduated means that this summer was my last one before becoming a “real adult” as my parents put it, even if with the fancy business degree I’d likely just end up in the office dad’s contracting business. A silent, small building that was really just a way for calls to be directed to him from the desk, filtering the bullshit and getting to the point. The click clack of fingers on the keyboard as I did payroll, budgeting, projections, ad flyers. The works. Most of the work was boring, lonely. Silent. 
“Hey, can you run to the store for some beer? Mixers? Snacks?” Dad’s tall figure peeked into the office, clothes covered in sawdust, face covered in sweat. “Friday night and all now that you’re old enough to make those kinds of runs. It’s quiet today. Let yourself off early.” 
I mulled it over momentarily, not really wanting to go shopping for my parents’ party. But knowing it might get me into the party this year, when all previous I’d been asked to stay inside, book in hand, or movie playing loudly to try to drown out the noise of splashing in the pool, hollering and dancing to upbeat music on the porch, “Sure, I can do that. If I can actually attend this year.” 
My father ran a hand through his thinning hair, “Alright, sure.” he shook his head in a “no” motion, but the verbal okay was all I needed.
A smile tugging my lips, “Give me your card?” I motioned for the wallet tucked into his opposite hand, grabbing my car keys and nodding.
“I’ll also keep you on the clock until five if you do a favor for-”
“What? What favor?” slight annoyance tugging at my stomach, but knowing that extra money coupled with the prospect of a night drinking with the neighborhood was too good to pass up.
“Joel sent his grocery list. With Sarah away now, he’s having a hard time remembering these things. He asked if maybe you’d be willing to lend him a hand there, and I said sure.”
“As long as he fixes that shelf in my closet like he promised five years ago.” I tore the slip of coffee stained notebook paper from my father’s hand and eyed it carefully after remembering the shelf that had broken above my head in my bedroom closet while moving out for my first year of college. Dad promised it would be fixed before I was home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, five years later it was still impossible to put any items above my head to sit on the wood.
“Consider it done, I’ll have Joel get on it next week.”
Steak, chicken, snack food, rice, potatoes. “Can I add things? Is this really all he eats?” I raised a quizzical eyebrow, “how is he still alive?”
My father laughed softly, “Sarah used to do all that, just take his card and grab what you think he’ll like, I guess.” 
Joel. The much older, very handsome man who had been the object of my desire since I was old enough to understand the term dilf, Joel. Always present, always prepared, my father’s best friend since High School. So extremely off-limits, even now that you’re an adult. It would only bring trouble.
My father handed the two credit cards to me. I guess today’s task was to be a personal shopper.
Joel, who I’ve had a key to his house since I was hardly ten years old, Sarah and I frequently needed it after school to group together to finish homework, raid the cabinets, and make messes through the home until her father would come back and scold us for being teenagers. 
Joel, who was my first fantasy. Authoritative, but kind. Hard, but soft. Ruthless, but understanding of my and his daughter’s antics up until his tear streaked face sent both of us away to the same college, except I returned home and she found a job in the city.
Joel, even thinking of him at the red light while waiting to turn into the grocery store had me clenching my thighs together in my sundress, need filling me even when knowing I’d never get to taste.
The list focus. I got all of his essentials and then some, wanting him to be satiated for longer than the weekend, giving him options for the start of the week before he’d inevitably go back to fast-food runs between job sites.
After Joel’s list was taken care of, I shopped for the party, dividing the orders up before checking out and returning to town, stopping first at Joel’s house since his order had more need to go to the fridge than the alcohol and snacks my father had asked for.
Halfway through putting his order away and tidying a few other areas to be helpful, the front door opened, the sound of boots kicking off, Joel’s muttered voice so quiet I couldn’t hear it. I suppose he was used to talking to himself now, though.
“I thought I saw your car here.” his friendly tone rang from the kitchen entrance.
“Yeah, Dad gave me your list. So I figured I’d get it all set for you. I didn’t know when you’d be finished over at that apartment complex, so I- well. You know.”
“You tidied up?” he asked, looking at the organized dining table, and the lack of dishes in the sink.
“There were only a few things, I thought-”
“Thank you. I’ve been a mess with my little girl gone.” he smiled.
“She misses you. We called each other last week. Talked about the hell we raised here, how we were sure you hated us.” I laughed softly, closing the fridge and putting a box in the familiar cabinets, knowing this house as well as I knew my own.
“Nah, I could never hate you girls. Kids being kids, is all. I was young once, too.” he had a soft look of remembrance, looking at me like he was a million years away, “But you’re all grown up now. Well adjusted, smart, beautiful girl.” he sighed, rinsing out his coffee thermos in the sink quickly.
I had never heard him call me beautiful before, and my heart lurched at the compliment. Though, I’m sure he meant it in a far different way than I’d construed. Like a second daughter, like a neighbor across the street. Like someone he helped raise. Not like beautiful beautiful, “Thank you, Mr. Miller.” I smiled softly at his sentiment, anyway. Wiping down the counters when I’d finished, “I took the liberty of getting you some extras. Steak and potato diet only gets you so far.”
“Oh, thank you.” he sounded genuinely grateful, “I never know what to do, or what to eat, really. Sarah usually would-”
“I know, she’s a great cook.” I giggled, showing him the receipt that I’d crumpled in the pocket of my cardigan, placing it in his hand, “Here’s the damage.”
He looked everything over carefully, “That’s fine.” he nodded, “Thank you. But, don’t call me Mr. Miller. That’s weird.” he smirked, “Just Joel. Same as always for the last 22 years.”
“Sorry.” I laughed shyly.
“I’m gonna hit the shower before heading to your folks’ place.”
“Okay. I’ll see you later, Joel.” I smiled softly and he rested his hand on my lower back as he brushed by me to create space between himself, me, and the kitchen island. Such a simple gesture, but the placement was new. Usually he’d touch my shoulder or ask me to step aside for him.
I tidied the magazines and newspapers littering the coffee table, dusting the surface with a cloth before I left, I debated on vacuuming but left the rest as is, I’m not his housekeeper. I’m not replacing Sarah. He’s grown, he can take care of it, surely. Before I had time to slip back into my flats, the water was already off and the bathroom door was opening. I turned away as I folded the throw blankets and Joel’s surprise at seeing me still in his house was obviously justified, “Dammit, you scared me!” he clutched his abdomen and sighed in relief, “What are you still doing here?” not angry, quizzical.
“I noticed some magazines all out of place, so I thought I’d do that. But then I saw dust, and then the blankets- sorry, Joel. I didn’t think you’d be so fast.” I let out a breathy laugh and turned to face him for just a moment before covering my eyes up again. He was only wearing a towel, water droplets decorating his toned frame, dripping from his soft, curly hair that’s been made slightly gray over the years.
He sighed, not in frustration. Just a sigh, “You don’t need to take care of me like this. I’m fine, Sweetheart. Really.”
“I know. I just. This house is so special to me. I practically grew up here.” I looked to the location of the coffee table and could practically see Sarah and I grunting to move it aside and lay a million blankets and pillows out on the floor for our sleepovers. Popcorn kernels and candy all over the floor, empty box of pizza that Joel would have helped us scarf down before disappearing into the backyard or the master bedroom to leave us alone for the remainder of the evening. He never lingered too long, never tried to be the cool dad. Knew when it was time to leave his daughter and her friends alone.
His tone was even softer now, “It is a pretty special place, huh? Your Daddy helped me build it from the ground up. Pouring that concrete, framing up the walls. Drywall, mudding, installing. This house was the best job I’ve ever done for my family. Promised so much.” I knew he was reminiscing about his wife who had passed away more than a decade ago. The way he looked so far away even though he was right there. 
I dared to continue to keep my eyes on him despite his attire, “I miss her, too.” I said suddenly, his eyes flitted to mine and he smiled weakly.
“Why don’t you head on home, Dollface? I saw all the bags you still have to unpack over there in your car.” He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, adjusting his towel to ensure it was secure enough.
My mouth ran dry at the sight of him, I felt so guilty for it after such a tender moment, “Sure. Enjoy your groceries, Joel.” I smirked and slipped into my shoes, letting myself out and backing from his driveway into mine. Perks of being across the street.
My parents had yet to return, so I quickly unloaded and prepped the snacks into serving trays and bowls, put the booze on ice in coolers and began dragging everything to the backyard, filling the picnic table by the pool with things to eat, cooler resting on the ground beside everything else.
I made myself busy getting ready, slipping from my work clothes to a black bikini covered by shorts and a plain off-shoulder long sleeve shirt. The sun would set soon, dropping the scorching temperature. I added a soft lipstick and touched up my makeup, keeping my hair down. By the time I finished I could hear the familiar bustle of my folks in the kitchen, prepping for the grill and salads. 
I offered a hand in the kitchen, as typical and my mother handed me a large knife, “Quarter the cucumber and dice some tomato for the salad, please.” she instructed as my father poured seasonings into a dish of various cuts of chicken.
I set to work, “I dropped that stuff off for Joel, Dad.” I started, and he hummed in response as a thank you.
“Thanks, baby.” he said as he massaged the seasonings into the meat, “He just needs a little hand for now is all, I’m sure in a few weeks when the busy season is over he’ll be right. Maybe it can be a regular thing, if you wouldn’t mind.”
“No, I don’t mind. I miss being there all the time, anyway. Such sweet memories from growing up in that house.” I mused, the rhythmic chopping on the cutting board in front of me keeping me at a steady pace.
“How is Sarah, anyway? Talk to her lately?”
“Fine, she likes her new job, dating around a little. Nothing major aside from roommate drama. She doesn’t like apartment life.”
“Not like being roommates in the dorms with you, huh?”
I scoffed softly, “Evidently not.”
The small talk continued until we opened the front door for our neighbors and Joel was first over, as typical. He and my father sat poolside in lounge chairs, beer in hand laughing and talking like usual until others joined them.
I found myself watching him from the window above the sink as I scrubbed at the dishes left behind, watching his dimpled cheek when he smiled, the curve of his mouth around the glass bottle, how he would scratch at the stubble on his cheeks when thinking. I could see their bottles were nearly empty, so I finished scrubbing a pan and headed to the yard, opening a cooler and grabbing three bottles, two for the men, one for me. I cracked mine first and took a swig, then cracked the other two and brought them over, “Noticed you guys were looking a little low.” I eyed Joel instead of my father.
“Why, thank you, Dollface.” Joel smirked and held the drink up in a cheers motion, “What a sweet girl you have, Jimmy. Always looking out for the guests.”
“She learned hosting from her Mama, Joel. Certainly not me.” my dad quipped, nodding a thanks to me as I handed them each a bottle.
I felt a blush creep up with how Joel was examining me, and I wondered if that was the same way I was watching him earlier. He took the bottle from my hand and pushed further, “While you’re being so gracious, can you get me a little snack while we wait for the others to get here? Feelin’ a little peckish.”
I smirked and faked an annoyed eye roll, “Yes, sir. Welcome to my restaurant. What would you like?” 
Joel laughed at that, “Surprise me.”
I made my way to the snack table and loaded a small plate with cheese, crackers, meats, and cold veggies, bringing it back to the familiar man, “Careful, there’s poison somewhere in there.” I joked and his smile broadened.
“Thank you, Sweetheart.”
“You’re welcome, Old Man.” I quipped back before returning inside to clean up the rest of the mess and my father laughed.
Before it was fully dark outside our backyard was full of people. I made light of the event, socializing, recapping the last four years of my time away with neighbors. I kept nursing drink after drink to help my nerves keep calm, my social meter tapped out by around ten p.m with hours left to go.
I stepped inside and retreated to the bathroom to get just a single moment where I didn’t have to talk to anybody, the harsh lighting burning my blurred eyes after spending hours in the soft lighting of the backyard.
I splashed a little water on my face and when I opened the door I gasped to see Joel standing there, “Oh, sorry, Sweetheart.” his eyes burned the same color as mine, lids heavy with drink.
“It’s fine, Joel.” I nearly pushed by him but his smirk stopped me.
“I’m not Old Man anymore?” he towered over me, and this close I had to look up to meet his eyes.
“Oh, you’re still old.” I giggled, the quiet of the house was a complete contrast to the music coming from outside. The rest of the party dancing, socializing, drinking.
He hummed in response and set his hand on my waist, looking into the bathroom, “You done in here or can I take a piss, Gorgeous?”
I flushed instantly, “Sorry, sir.” and stepped aside.
His eyebrows raised softly “So tense with me. Almost like-”
“Almost like what?” my heart began drumming inside of my chest.
“Nah, nothing.” 
I pushed by him and let him in, closing the door behind me with a “You need to fix my closet next week, Joel.” 
“Anything for you, Babygirl.” he called from behind the closed door and I felt myself melting inside.
“Promise?” I giggled, pushing the boundary thanks to the mixed drinks in my blood.
Silence for a few moments, running water, and then the opening of the door, something had changed in his eyes in the few moments from behind the barricade of the door. “Of course, Sweetheart. Anything.”
I swallowed a lump in my throat and felt my eyes close softly unconsciously. I snapped them back open, feigning off embarrassment. 
“You’ve been acting strange since you moved back home. Everything okay?” he sounded concerned.
“Fine. It’s-” I almost admitted it was him. I shut my mouth before I could say anything sober me would regret.
His full lips tipped up into a half-smirk, “It’s. It’s. It’s-” a pause, he wanted me to continue, “Spit it out, Doll. What’s bothering my girl?” his tone was the same as it always was when I was needing advice growing up, but his eyes were darkened.
“You.” I whispered so quietly I wasn’t even sure I said it or if I just thought it.
“Me?” he said after a long pause, furrowing his brows.
“It’s- Nevermind. So stupid of me.” I turned on my heel and started away from him, but he grabbed my wrist carefully to stop me.
“You’re not stupid.” his eyes held promise. Safety.
“If I say what’s on my mind you’ll change your mind, Mr. Miller.” I felt smaller than a mouse at that moment. The liquid courage pushed me on as he continued to press.
“I promise. Nothing you say could ever change my mind.” 
“I’ve been acting weird because of you.” his hand was still gripping my wrist and his hand tightened for a fraction of a second, my skin burned deliciously at his touch.
“Have I done something wrong?” he asked cautiously.
“The opposite.” my voice was still a whisper, and his was dropping now, too. Reading that this was a conversation better kept private.
He hummed again, “Do you-”
“Since I was a teenager I’ve had a crush on you. The older I get the more I can read you. The older I get the more I-... The more I cannot think about anything else but how it would feel to-” I stopped. Stupid. “Stupid.”
“No.” he shook his head, “I’ve been watching you the last few months.” he admitted, “You’re not a little girl anymore. Far from it. A gorgeous woman. You’re not stupid for thinking, but it could cause issues.” his eyes held concern.
“With Sarah.”
“And your old man.” he finished my thought.
“You-you feel it, too?”
He nodded once, a silent reply.
I stared at his lips suddenly. Then his eyes. Feeling my reserve crumbling around me, hoping his was, too. I turned my figure more toward him and he pressed his spare hand, still damp from washing into the small of my back, still gripping my wrist with his free hand. “Are you going to kiss me, Joel?” the silent, darkened hall and our hushed voices would raise alarm for anyone within earshot. Thank God we were the only ones in the house.
He didn’t answer with words, but let my wrist go and cupped my jaw in his hand, pressing me against his toned body, hands all rough from his job. Hesitantly, slowly he was leaning down to my level before his breath hit my lips and he stopped. Knitting his brows together, biting down on his bottom lip. He was fighting a war in himself, one that he was going to lose. “Please, if you’re going to kiss me… Please. I’m begging.” I shot my eyes back to his as my whimpered plea ran out of my mouth like a track star and he was pressing his lips against mine in no time at all.
Soft, tangy with beer. Electric. Everything I had ever dreamed of. I gasped as my senses were overloaded with him, and he wrapped his arm around me tighter, his grip on my jaw was iron. I placed my hands on his chest and he mistook it for pushing him away, “God, I-I’m so sorry-” he started, but kept his hands in their places.
“No. I’ve waited ten years for this moment.” I admitted, looking up at him through my lashes, “please don’t be sorry.”
He reconnected his lips to mine, taking advantage of the still quiet house before pulling me into the bathroom and slamming the door shut behind him.
I leaned my back against the counter and wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders, he was feverish. The way he clung to my hips in desperation, licking into my mouth at the added privacy of the bathroom. I allowed him access, moaning softly against his tongue, curling my fingers around the hair at the nape of his neck. He tasted like heaven. He pulled away again, and his eyes were almost deranged looking with a mix of emotions, “Fuck, we could get in trouble.” he whispered.
I felt wetness pooling into the bottoms of my bikini at the sight of him panting, flustered, red. The prospect of getting caught wasn’t going to deter me, though. Not right now, at least, I dropped to my knees in front of him and quickly undid his belt, “What are you doing, baby?” he cooed, running a hand through my hair.
“I’ll be fast.” I promised, looking up at him with doe eyes. I’d never seen him from this angle before, I figured if we were already in trouble I may as well make my fantasy come true.
He didn’t object, but nodded and let a shaky breath escape his parted lips as I made quick work of his button and fly, he shimmied his jeans off of his hips and let the dense fabric fall to his ankles, I gawked at his bulge for just a moment, gasping at the size and girth presented to me at eye level. I trailed kisses up his thighs, over the fabric of his briefs and along the bony ridges of his hips, “Please, Sweetheart. Hurry before we get in trouble.”
I pulled his hardened member from the top of his briefs and quickly sunk my mouth down around him, no teasing. No taking time. I took him as far as I could before the threat of gagging sprung on me, wetting him with my tongue.
“Nngh-Fuck. You’re not so innocent as you look, huh?” he grunted softly, his voice strained, bracing himself on the ledge of the counter behind me with his hands.
I hummed around him and he bucked his hips further down my throat, saliva dripping down my chin from the sudden movement. He pulled me off of his length by my hair and cupped my face in his hands, my mouth chased his throbbing cock as he removed me, “Joel, I just want to make you feel good.”
He nodded in response, closing his eyes to try to gain composure, “You are.” he whispered, pulling me up to stand by my hands, working at the button on my shorts, yanking them down and turning me around so I was facing the vanity mirror, hands roaming around underneath my sweatshirt, grasping my breasts while I stared at the two of us in the mirror. 
“Fuck…” I whispered, looking at our crazy expressions. Lust-filled eyes, swollen lips, red cheeks.
“You’re beautiful.” he whispered, dipping his hand into my bikini bottoms, feeling my wetness while watching us in the mirror, keeping, “So wet for me.” he whispered against my neck, kissing softly.
I whimpered at the contact he made with my clit suddenly, and rolled my hips against his hand for relief, he pulled his finger away and licked my slick away, he groaned softly, “You taste like Heaven.” he bit my shoulder playfully and whispered against my skin, “You want me to fuck you? Right here, while the entire block is just outside?” 
My legs trembled at the image that flashed in my mind, and I nodded quickly.
“Use your words, Sweetheart. I need to hear you.” his hands traveled the curve of my thighs and ass, squeezing the plush flesh.
“Yes, Joel. I want you to fuck me while everybody is just outside. While it’s so easy for us to get caught, I want you to fuck me so good I can’t even remember my own name after.”
“Good girl.” he untied the rest of my bathing suit and let it drop, fully exposing my lower-half to him. Both of us were only wearing our shirts now, he trailed his fingers delicately over my skin and kept his voice low. “You have to be silent, baby. Silent.” his eyes showed concern, “Be a good girl for me and nod that you understand. Show me how silent you can be.”
I nodded once in confirmation, clenching around nothing aside from the prospect of being filled up by Joel Miller.
He kept his eyes on my face from the mirror as he pumped his hand up and down his cock a few times, readying himself for me, running the tip along my slick and pushing the tip in. “You’re so goddamn tight,” he cooed and my eyes rolled back at trying to suppress a noise that threatened to erupt from the depths of my soul at him splitting me open for him, slowly easing in centimeter by centimeter. Too tight for him not to savor the feeling of me throbbing around him.
“Joel.” I whispered, hardly audible.
“Silent.” he warned, a crazed look in his eye as he stilled his movements.
I nodded, and he wasted no more time stretching me slowly along his cock, he pushed in hard and fast the rest of the way. Watching me fall apart and lean against the counter for support.
I opened my mouth and forced myself to make no sound, grinding my hips back against his as he panted softly, stilling when he filled me to the hilt, “So good, baby. Such a good girl.” he gripped my hips hard and picked up a slow rhythm, filling me and then retreating fully. Teasing that delicate spot so deep inside my own fingers can never reach.
I whimpered softly, hardly a sound at all and he snapped his hips against my ass, “So pretty like this. Staring at yourself getting fucked by your father’s best friend. So obedient and quiet for me.” he watched us in the mirror, my face red from suppressing myself. Knuckles white against the edge of the counter.
His hand snaked around my hip to my stomach, trailing down until he found my clit, rubbing deliciously slow circles around the sensitive bud.
I couldn’t help it, the feeling of being full to the brim and the added pleasure from the sensitive spot forced me to release a moan of pure bliss, “That’s so good.” I let out, and he clamped his other hand over my mouth, shaking his head quickly and pulling out of me.
“On the floor, lay down.” he pointed to the floor and I laid on my back, he fit himself between my knees and covered my mouth again, using his other arm to support his weight above me. “Silent. This is your last warning.”
I nodded, eyes wide, boring into his serious, caramel colored irises.
He snapped his hips to mine, this new angle filling me even better, and his pace was fast, desperate, hard. He never took his hand off of my mouth the entire time he whispered praises against my neck while he bit, kissed and licked my tingling skin.
I stayed silent for him, taking in his hushed praises through heavy lids and flushed skin, My breathing hitched as I felt the waves of my orgasm begin to ripple through me.
“Cum for me, Sweetheart. I want to feel how good my cock is to you.” he pressed his hand down more firmly, a reminder of my task. Silence.
My eyes rolled back sharply as I arched into him, clenching desperately as his cock, breathing labored as my nails clutched into his hips, leaving small crescent shaped marks in his skin.
“Good girl. Good girl. Look how pretty you are when you fall apart for me.” he bit his lip as he continued his pace, riding out my high while chasing his own, and I held my breath against his hand.
It wasn’t long after mine that he began to crumble, his pace faltering, his breaths ragged as he ground his hips against mine slower and slower. Softer and softer. He pulled himself out of my throbbing pussy and let his warmth burst out over my thigh.
Finally removing his hand from my mouth I clutched the fabric of his shirt desperately, pressing his lips to mine. He grunted against my lips; a satisfied, unconscious noise. When he pulled away and pressed his forehead against mine, I could only imagine the expression I was making for him. Fucked out, touched out, desperate to take him again. Properly, not on the bathroom floor while a party raged on around us outside.
As if having the same thought, he cleaned me up with a washcloth from the linen closet and slipped into his jeans, buckling the belt. “Go to your room and wait a few minutes. Don’t wanna look suspicious.” he shrugged.
“Right.” I nodded, scrambling for my shorts and grabbing the bikini bottoms from the floor, only bothering to put the shorts on before pushing the door open and hurrying to the stairwell.
“Wait.” Joel’s voice was a harsh whisper, and I turned to face him, “Let’s do this properly next time.” He suggested, “Not in a bathroom.”
I nodded once before running up the steps, feeling empty now that he wasn’t buried inside of me but knew time was of the essence right now. I figured I’d make up some excuse about being clumsy and spilling a drink or food on my outfit and that’s what took me so long inside, fabricating a lie I’d hold onto forever if I had to. Ensuring that nobody would ever find out about the questionable dynamic of Joel and my now extremely complicated relationship. 
When I returned outside around ten minutes later, I was thankful nobody batted an eye. Nobody missed me, and Joel was making himself busy at the snack table, popping a pretzel in his mouth and chewing with a knowing, cocky smile on his face.
“There’s my girl.” my dad’s voice cut through the yard and I snapped my attention to him before I could fall apart looking into the eyes of his best friend.
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