#also look at my wonderful art!! isn't she beautiful
jfleamont · 3 months
Lily trying to explain her crush on James to the girls
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hotvintagepoll · 1 month
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Hedy Lamarr (Samson and Delilah, Ziegfeld Girl)—Look. I'm sure someone has already submitted Hedy Lamarr because she was spectacularly beautiful, and a very strong lady too: she fled both an abusive marriage AND nazi persecution at a very young age and rebuilt a life for herself pursuing her love for acting all on her own!! Her career as an actress was stellar; while she began acting outside of Hollywood (her very first movie, Ecstasy, won a prize at the Venice Film Festival), she conquered American hearts very quickly with her first movie in the US, Algiers, and then just kept getting better and better. If all this isn't enough, she was also an inventor: her invention of the frequency-hopping spread spectrum radio transmission technique forms the base of bluetooth and has a lot of applications in all kinds of communication technologies. I think that deserves a prize, don't you?
Grace Kelly (Rear Window, High Society, Dial M for Murder)—The literal princess of Hollywood (she retired at 26 to become princess of Monaco), her name said everything about why she was so hot. She carried herself with a grace and elegance you just don't see anymore. Her voice was sultry without being overbearing, and she had the ability to be sweet but suggest a deep sensuality at all times.
This is round 5 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Hedy Lamarr:
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The only person you can find both on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and in the Inventor's Hall of Fame--her radio-frequency-hopping technology forms the basis for cordless phones, wi-fi, and a dozen other aspects of modern life. She was also passionate in her efforts to aid the Allies in WWII (unsurprising for a Jewish-Austrian Emigree to America), and her name served as the backbone for one of the best running jokes in what is possibly Mel Brooks' best movie. Look, Louis B. Mayer apparently believed he could plausibly promote her as "The world's most beautiful woman". Is an entire website full of people going to be less audacious than one Louis B. Mayer? I didn't think so!
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Described as "Hedy has the most incredible personal sophistication. She knows the peculiarly European art of being womanly; she knows what men want in a beautiful woman, what attracts them, and she forces herself to be these things. She has magnetism with warmth, something that neither Dietrich nor Garbo has managed to achieve" by Howard Sharpe, she managed to escape her controlling husband (and Nazi Germany) by a) Disguising as her maid and fleeing to Paris or b) Convincing the husband to let her wear all of her jewelry to a dinner, only to disappear afterwards. Also she was particularly clever and helped develop Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum (I can't really explain it but anyway...)
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Her depiction of Delilah and Samson and Delilah just lives rent free in my head. The woman was gorgeous.
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One of the most beautiful women ever in film, spoken by many critics and fans. Beautiful shapely figure, deeper seductive voice, and often played femme fatale roles. She was also brilliant and an inventor. Mainly self-taught, she invested her spare time, including on set between takes, in designing and drafting inventions, which included an improved traffic stoplight and a tablet that would dissolve in water to create a flavored carbonated drink, and much more.
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Gorgeous and brilliant pioneer of modern technology and the middle part.
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Grace Kelly:
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flawlessly beautiful and a literal princess
Her facial structure? Flawless. Her eyes? Stunning. Her hair? Gorgeous. Her style? Immaculate. Every second she’s on screen, she just exudes this elegance and sophistication. It’s no wonder she ended up marrying a prince. But she’s got this mischief in her eyes that is compelling.
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She was so elegant, so beautiful and perfect I could cry for real. A fairy disguised as a woman.
the most beautiful of Hitchcock's "icy blondes". elegant, glamorous, she left hollywood to became an actual princess, I mean, COME ON
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she's so pretty and refined and elegant! I'm pretty sure taylor swift's blonde hair red lip look is modeled partly after her
She's just so elegant, look at her all dressed up like a Barbie doll in the latest fashions. There's a quiet dignity about her.
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Not only was she princess of Monaco she also is Stéphanie de Monaco's mother and yeah, vote for her she's soooo pretty That red dress in Dial M.... hot damn
To me, she is the first and only blonde. She earned it. Paired with Edith Head's costume design she is unstoppable. I dare anyone to watch her as Lisa Carol Fremont in Rear Window and not be completely blown away by her hotness.
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SHE IS SO PRETTY AND FASHIONABLE!! Not only that but she has an alluring aura to her in whatever film I've seen her in! Rear Window is just one of my personal favorite films she was in, especially for her costumes in that. And how many actresses can you say was a princess consort in addition to being a famous leading lady?
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mysteryshoptls · 3 months
SSR Azul Ashengrotto - Platinum Jacket Voice Lines
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When Summoned: Priceless artwork like the halls as far as the eye can see... This is a fantastic opportunity to polish up my artistic sense of appreciation.
Summon Line: Basking in the fine arts is a fine way to forge your imagination. We should learn well from this and enjoy this very worthwhile time together.
Groooovy!!: Love is wonderful. There is no end to the troubles that come from it, so it's quite a favorable emotion for those of us who impart counsel.
Home: How splendid this 100th Anniversary is.
Home Idle 1: Floyd's freewheeling behavior doesn't change even at a museum. He may be a moray eel, but he is nothing like either of the two who served the Sea Witch.
Home Idle 2: I saw Vil-san looking at a painting intently, and when I asked what he was doing, he said he was studying the beautiful posture. He truly is a professional.
Home Idle 3: It is an exhilarating feeling when a piece of work you had your eye on increases in value. It confirms my intuition was on the money, as it were.
Home Idle - Login: If any painting catches your interest, please don't hesitate to ask me about it. I do take art as one of my courses. I may be able to briefly explain it to you.
Home Idle - Groovy: Jamil-san seems to have an expert eye for art. I'll make sure to stay friendly with him.
Home Tap 1: I hear the Lord of the Underworld was a shrewd dealbroker. Not only would I love to hear his stories, I would also love to get my hands on documentation with any details!
Home Tap 2: Many entrepreneurs hold some artistic hobby of some kind. Knowledge of art, literature and music can be very useful when it comes to business discussions.
Home Tap 3: If Ortho-san were to use his sensors, I'm sure it would be quick work to identify any forgeries... If given the opportunity, I should inquire him about that.
Home Tap 4: I wonder just how many of the merfolk the Sea Witch helped. She was one of the greats, I would not be surprised if the count was in the hundreds... No, the thousands.
Home Tap 5: This shell is based on the one worn as a necklace by the Sea Witch. Isn't it just grand?
Home Tap - Groovy: Oh my, I see how your eye shines so... If you've taken a liking to that painting, I shall order a reproduction for you. At a discounted price, of course.
Duo: [AZUL]: This is quite the dire predicament, Jamil-san. [JAMIL]: Doesn't seem to me like you're worried one bit, Azul.
Birthday Login Message: Oh, have you come to request something of me? It would be my pleasure! Please, tell me what it is you'd like. No matter how difficult the task, once it is entrusted to me... Eh? You'd like to prepare a birthday card for me? ...Heh, I think you'll find that person a difficult one to please. But very well, may I ask what message you'd like on the card?
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Requested by @pianostarinwonderland.
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hunnitastic · 1 year
🩹~Tend to your wound~🩹
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||Wally Darling x GN!Reader||
(Work can also be found on my ao3. Art used for fanfic done by @/partycoffin )
[I'd be happy to take any requests as well! Shoot me an ask anytime]
It was a nice relaxing sunny day in the neighborhood. The sun was shining bright, the sky painted a beautiful sky blue, fluffy white clouds slowly drifting above. Your friends had invited you out to play at the park. You gladly accepted their invitation as you haven't left your house for the past couple of days. Surely it wouldn't hurt to get some sunlight and play with your friends right?
After walking around your house spending some time trying to find your favorite ball you use to play fetch with barnaby, this found it hiding underneath your couch. You grabbed it and brushed the dust off. you quickly ran outside and headed straight to the park. You were running so fast you didn't even notice that deep hole in the ground coming straight your way. And in the blink of an eye the tip of your foot dragged against the deep hole sending you to plummet straight to the ground. But before you could break for impact, a big pair of light blue fuzzy colored paws grabbed hold of your arms bringing you straight back to your feet.
"Whoa there (y/n)! There's no need to be in such a hurry. The park isn't that far buddy!" Barnaby chuckled and slapped your back. You grimaced at the sudden slap but smiled seeing the rest of your friends where already here but, your friend Wally Darling was missing from the group.
You wondered where he could be. It wasn't like him to be late for a get together...how odd.
You stared at the ground for a slight minute. A faint frown painted your face wondering if wally was to ever show up. But you have the whole day after all There! 'Just be patient (y/n). He probably had something important to do' you thought to yourself before shaking the negative thoughts out of your head as you and the rest of the gang proceeded to walk to the park together.
There was Julie with a picnic basket happily swinging back and forth in her hands as she skipped her way to the park. Finding the perfect spot near a field of flowers Julie began to set up the picnic. She layed out a large red and white checkered blanket and set out the plates, cups and forks. "Hey Julie do you need any help?" You asked as you plopped down on the grass setting your ball beside you. "Hi (y/n)! I sure could use some help thank you for asking! Could you please organize the plates and cups and math them with the correct color?" You nodded with a smile and did exactly as asked. You organized the colorful plates and cups with their respective matching colors. They even had the names of everyone from the neighborhood. You even had your own plate as well! And it was your favorite color too. 'Julie is such a good friend' you thought as you smiled sweetly, staring at the plate a little longer before setting it down.
You glanced over to look at the surprisingly large amount of food Julie had packed. Small sandwiches, gelatin for who you assume is for frank, (your favorite food/snack) oh boy you couldn't wait to dig in! Some apples for wally and a comedically large 3 tier cake. Its colorful frosting surely would catch anyone's attention. It was a bit odd but it was nice to look at. It looked yummy too.
After the 2 of you were done setting up the picnic you got up and grabbed your ball. "Hey barnaby! Wanna play some catch?" You hollered watching barnaby quickly run towards you at lightning speed. "You bet I do! You get any better at throwing? Last time we played you threw it so close it felt more like I was picking the ball that up you kept dropping. It was really boring." the dog joked grinning at the offended look on your face. "I was just tired that day!" You huffed and stomped your foot. "And just so you know I'm most definitely better at throwing things now! So you better get ready!" You huffed some more before taking a few steps back while you watched Barnaby take a few steps back as well. "Ok! HERE I GOOOOO!" you yelled as you threw the ball high into the air watching as it traveled in the sky.
Perhaps...you might have thrown it a little too far. It doesn't seem like barnaby could catch it in time. And it looks like the ball is headed right towards wallys house.
Oh you poor silly fool!
Closing your eyes shut and slapping your hands over your face you were prepared to gear the shattering of glass breaking from a window. But..there was no such sound. What happened? Did the ball fly over the house instead? Removing your hands and slowly opening your eyes you saw a familiar blue hair individual walking your way tossing a certian ball up and down in right hand while his other rested behind his back. 
It was wally...
Your heart started to skip a beat, your face becoming flushed and hot, and your hands started to get sweaty.
Oh- did I forget to mention you had certian feelings for your kind dear neighbor wally? What was there to not like about this man? He was a kindly spoken gentlemen. Sure he could be a little empty headed at times but that's what you loved about him.
If only you had the courage to tell him how you really feel.
O n ly...
You swallowed the saliva that gathered in your mouth and waved at wally as he aproched you. "Hello (y/n), looking for this?" He spoke in his usual calm soft voice. He held up the ball. You sheepishly nodded your head. Embarrassed at the fact you almost threw that ball straight into wallys house. "U-uh yes. Sorry about that-" you mumbled. Struggling to find the right words to say. Smiling, wally softly grabbed ahold of your hand and placed the ball in your palm and cupped his hand over yours. Looking straight into your eyes wally tilted his head to the side, his smile never leaving his face. "You should be more careful neighbor. It'd be a shame for you to lose your favorite ball." He whispered.
You wanted to say 'thank you wally, I'll be more careful next time!' But all the came out of your mouth was "...uh-uh." Wally chuckled and walked over to Julie before barnaby ran back towards you. Panting heavily, Hunching over wth his paws rested on his knees. "Geez (y/n) if I had known you throw that hard I would have suggested we play another game instead" you patted the dogs back and softly apologized. "Hey it's alright! You did prove me wrong though! You got a good arm (y/n)!" You grinned while proudly placing your hands on your hips. "Why thank you! Did you wanna take a break and eat with others?" Barnaby shook his head. "Nah! I've got so much energy after chasing the ball! Hey- why don't we play a game of tag?" Barnaby asked standing straight up after finally managing to catch his breath. "That sounds like a good ide-"
Barnaby ran leaving you standing there like a baffled idiot. "Barnaby that's not fair!" You shouted as you proceeded to chase after him while the two of you laughed. The game went on for so long. You even managed to accidentally knock frank into a bush while he was inspecting a butterfly. "Opps! Sorry about that frank!" You quickly pulled frank out of the bush and helped brushed him off. "You best be careful when running around (y/n). You could hurt someone or even hurt yourself- uh?" before frank could scold anymore you had already run off after seeing barnaby coming straight towards you.
Circling around a tree you run as fast as you could to get barnaby off your tail but he was pretty fast considering how big he is. Using the rest of the energy you had left you bolted to the right towards the flower patch. Looking behind you already ended up gaining a couple feet between barnaby and yourself. You let out a breathy laugh. "HA TAKE THAT BARNABY! I'M THE FASTEST IN THE NEIGHBORHO- OOF-" without keeping your eyes in front of you you failed to see a large patch of dirt sitting right in front of your path. And barnaby was too far away to catch you this time.
You fell straight down, roughing up your knees in the process. You let out a low long groan as you laid there with your face buried in the dirt and pebbles. "(Y/N)!" You heard barnaby shout as you began to slowly sit yourself up. The burning and stinging sensation on your knees was enough to bring tears to your eyes. You bit down on your lip to keep the sobs from escaping your throat. The bubbling feeling in your throat grew as you stared at your bloody knees. You looked up seeing barnaby and the others running your direction. "(Y/n) are you okay?!" Julie asked kneeling down and slowly rubbed her hand up and down your back to help soothe you. "Y-yeah I'm fine. I wasn't p-paying attention" frank frowned and shook his head. "I told you you need to be careful when running around (y/n). You need to get home and tend to those cuts before they get infected." Before you could respond wally walked over, placing one arm behind your back and the other hooking under your legs. He held you up, carrying you close to his chest. "I'll take (y/n) back home." "Are you sure you don't need help?" Barnaby asked looking awfully concerned. Wally simply nodded and began to walk to the direction of his house.
Oh could you feel even more embarrassed? You just had to go and act like a fool and not pay attention! Now here you are, carried in wallys arms and cut up and trying you awful best to hold back your weeping sobs. It didn't take long to make it back to wallys house after the silent walk back.
Once walking inside wally carefully sat you down on the couch in his living room. "Wait right there. I'll be right back." You nodded watching wally walk towards the back. You let out a soft sigh staring down at your knees. "Way to make a fool of yourself infront of wally (y/n) you idiot. This day couldn't be anymore worse." you whispered to yourself cringing as you replied the moment you fell in your head. "Did you say something (y/n)?" Wally asked as he came back with a box of bandages, cotton balls and a bottle of hydroxide. You flinched not hearing him walk back in the living room. He sure is a quiet one isn't he?
"OH- UHM, n-no I didn't say anything...haha" you awkwardly spoke watching wally kneel down on the ground infront of you. You stared as he opened the brown colored bottle grabbing a cotton ball he carefully doused the soft fluffy white ball in the liquid. Gently, he grasped the back of your leg lifting your knee up. "This is going to sting a little bit ok? If it hurts too much just tell me to stop." You swallowed and nodded your head slowly bracing yourself for the pain. The closer wally moved the cottonball the more you tried your best to move your leg away. "Now, now (y/n). Remember what frank said? If we don't get this taken care of your cuts will get infected. And it will hurt alot more if you leave it the way it is. Do you really want that? Hmm?" Wally had a good point. You didn't want your cuts to get more worse. You shook your head. "Good. Just stay still. I'll be as gentle as I can". Wally spoke im a soft calming tone.
Your roughly gripped the couch seats hissing at the stinging sensation tingling as the wet ball lightly dabbed against your skin. The feeling spread through out your knee. It hurt alot and you wanted to tell wally to stop but you had to be strong and push through this. You felt more tears begin to well up in the corner of your eyes while you bit down on your bottom lip. 'It's almost over. Just one more knee and you're done (y/n)' you reassured yourself as wally moved to work on the next leg. "You're doing good. Just a couple more seconds" wally hummed cleaning up your wound on the other knee. After he was done wiping up your cut a lightly blew on the cut to make it dry faster. Your body shivered at the coolness against your throbbing skin. It was a nice feeling.
Really nice.
After making sure your cuts were dry wally placed a band-aid on each knee. "And there you go. All done~" he happily sung looking up at you. You still had your eyes closed shut. Your tears streaming down your red flushed cheeks. "Hmm..." wally sounded. "I heard from poppy about the best medicine one can receive when they're hurt. Do you know what that medicine is (y/n?)" He asked not looking away. You shook your head. Your lips trembling as you let out soft shakey whimpers. "The best medicine one can receive when they're not feeling good you see..." he paused. Moving his hand to softly grasp your calf while his other rested against the heel of your foot.
"Is a kiss."
Wally softly pressed a sweet kiss against your bandaged knee. Leaving his lips there for a few seconds before pressing another loving kiss to the other. You opened your eyes, face still flushed a bright red as you watched wally sweetly kiss your knee before lightly pressing his cheek against your skin. "Does that feel better?" He asked. You nodded and softly smiled. "Ahh there's that smile I like to see". Wally hummed, reaching up to wipe away the rest of your tears. His thumb brushing against your cheek. "I really do hate to see you so upset (y/n). It hurts my heart so much" he whispered staring into your eyes.
There was a short moment of silence. The 2 of you just stared at each other with soft expressions before wally spoke up again. "Please don't ever say you're an idiot. That's just not true. You're a lovely person." Your eyes widened. "So...you heard that?" You mumbled. He didn't respond. Just continued to stare at you with his usual smile and droopy eyes. "I think you're really neat (y/n). You bring so much light in any room you walk in." He cupped your cheek in his hand as he leaned forward bringing his hand to sotly pet the top of your head. "You're so good for me. Always helping our friends and making them smile. You're very very good." His smile grew wider when he watched your flustered reaction. You enjoyed the sudden praise and comfort. It was definitely something you needed.
Wally cupped both your cheeks this time forcing you to look up at him. You held in your breath as you stared into his eyes. His pupils seemed...more larger than they were a few seconds ago.
"....I really like you too."
You opened your mouth to speak but wally cut you off. "(Y/n) will you promise me you'll try to be a little more careful when you play with our friends?" You stayed silent for a minute before answering. "I- I promise to be more careful." Wally hummed letting go of your face and reached down and grabbed hold of your hands. Intertwining your fingers together. "Shall we go back to our friends now?" He asked helping you up off the couch. "Hehe, yes let us go back to our friends." You replied back in a soft voice.
And with that you both walked back to the park, hand in hand with smiles spread across your faces.
Maybe this day was going to go alright alright after all.
|| This is the first fanfic I've written after a few years of not writing anything so I do apologize that I'm rather rusty. I hoped you enjoyed reading it tho! ||
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
23 asks! Thank you!! :}} 🎀
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Originally I added the bandages to mirror my real hands being covered in Band-Aids when I made my sona. :0 (It was due to cat scratches and dry skin don't worry-)
Now they represent my "artist hands".... and my still really dry skin XDD
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Oh yeah absolutely. His crab arm is so heavy that if he falls into the water he'll sink 😬 he cant move it fast enough to help him swim to the surface.. good thing Blue Beauty is always nearby! <XD
It also takes a lot of energy to move and he deals with sore back/shoulder muscles a lot. The way the crab arm formed, its like all the muscles in his back are used to lift and operate it. When he walks around he kind'a uses it as a crutch or a third leg. His legs each take a step and then his crab arm lifts forward and clunks on the ground.
"tap tap.. CLUNK. tap tap.. CLUNK."
Despite all this though, Louis still really likes his new arm and isn't bothered much by all the hardships it brings :)
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Thank you so much!!! :DD I'm hoping I get over this soon 🥺
As for Grim's eyes, I mention that coloring mistake in the tags of this post. It was simply a matter of me misremembering what Gengar looks like :// But I'm thinking I'll keep his white eyes anyways. He looks a lot more friendly that way :}}
THEY HAVE SPARKS?? THEY'RE INDIVIDUALS?? I thought they were just mindless clones! Man.. That makes things in the show even darker-- <XDD
And ohhh, yeah I can see it. I wonder why they decided to add him of all characters? He does have cool shades tho XDD
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Yeah, that's the idea. <:/ I have yet to plan out how she died tho-
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There she is!! :DD She looks great!! :}}
And thank you, I'm hoping I get well soon too 🙂💔
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She never has to stop! I've decided that my characters can eat as much as they want, whenever they want, however they want, and suffer absolutely no consequences what so ever.
Cici just seems to be taking advantage of this ability more than the others <XDD
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:DD Thank you!! I'm so glad you like my interpretation of the Octonauts! :}}
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Oof. Always disappointing to hear people finding me through stolen artwork..
But yeah, you're at the source now! :} Just remember, if you find my artwork anywhere else other than here? Its stolen ://
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I simply misremembered what Gengar looks like and colored his eyes wrong :/// (I talk about it in the tags of this post) But I think I'll keep them white. He just looks so friendly and soft with white eyes.. 🥺
As for Sylveon, I like to think that tying his ribbons around others like that is his way of giving them a hug :}} Since Grim is so r o u n d, there's not many places the ribbons can comfortably tie and not be in Grim's way. His ears are the perfect spot! :}
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Ohh! They look so round and cozy!! :333
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@yourstrulylightstar283 (Referencing this post)
Thank you! :}}}
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@circadiananomaly (24k post in question)
Thank you! I'm hoping this is all over soon as well. :'(((
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Like, my Pokémon Violet team? :0 There will not be any new members no.. you can only have 6 Pokémon in your party at a time!
...Then again there's Patty.. the Hoppip that Anastasia replaced.. I miss her.. 🥺💔💔💔
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I hope I feel good too.. 😔😔😔
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:DD Thank you! I'm glad you like them!! :}}}}
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(Post in question)
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Me reading this ask ksjnakjn 🥺🥺💞💞💞 that was all basically on point!! :DDD
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I'm afraid I have absolutely no idea how to explain that :'(( 💔💔
The very best I can explain my art process is; "I just.. draw it. And if it doesn't feel right, I just draw it differently until it does feel right." Its all down to muscle memory and drawing what "feels" right. I don't think I'm able to explain that-- 😭😭😭 I'm very sorry! <:'(((
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Woah! What a critter! :00 ✨✨It looks great! :DD
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WAAAHGG THANK YIU!!!- Oh crap you ok tho--
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@littlelightfish (Post in question)
:DD Thank you! I'm so glad you like him!! :}}}
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He'd be amazed! :00
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elinoracia · 1 year
🐍 Your voice // Ominis Gaunt x F!Reader fanfic🐍
Warnings: Jealousy, pure fluff, a kiss, not proofread. Total of words: 1.9k
Important informations: - All characters are aged up to 18 y.o. or more; 7th year. - Y/N = your name - My first language isn't english, sorry in advance.
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Context: After 5th year, your friendship with Sebastian was not the same. You reconciled your relationship at the end of 6th year but, in the meantime, you got closer to Ominis who never gave up on you. He was always there for you when you needed to talk about anything. It seems like Ominis has a soft spot for you. Even during 5th year, he always seemed to be on your side and you could convince him pretty easily. Now that you and Ominis are finally friends again with Sebastian, his demeanor has changed around you.
You were walking with Ominis to your first class of the day. As you were walking, you were asking yourself many things about Ominis. You never truly realized it before but... how could he know if you were attractive or not? Would it bother him if you were ugly? It seemed silly to ask him those kind of things but you felt a wave of curiosity taking over your brain.
Y/N: Ominis? Can I ask you something? *you look at him, curious to know his answer to your questions* Ominis: *He turns to face her, his expression curious* What is the question, Y/N? You know I'll always listen. Y/N: Well...how would you know...a girl is attractive? *you frown* Would you like...try to feel her face or something? *you chuckle at your silly idea* Ominis: *He chuckles* I'm surprised you are able to ask yourself such silly questions this early in the morning. Usually, you don't say much thoughtful things until our second class. *he seemed amused by your thoughts* Y/N: Now you're just being rude. *you giggle at his teasing* But really, how? *you stare at him intensely, waiting for his answer* Ominis: Well, that isn't how blindness works. When you take away someone's eyesight, their other senses strengthen and allow them to navigate the world in new ways. So... I might not have the benefit of your sight, but I have better hearing, a keener sense of touch... and a better sense of smell than most. I find beauty in a woman's perfume, but also in the way she talks, in the sound of a laugh when she's happy, or her smile when she's amused. Y/N: *you look at him, lost in your own thoughts* I think I understand… *the question to ask him if he finds you attractive burns your lips* it's…it's really romantic in a way, don't you think? Ominis: I'm guessing it can be considered romantic, indeed.
You both arrive in your first class of the day and, as the class begins, you can't seem to focus on anything else. Ominis seemed to have become aware of your unusual lack of concentration. After you first class, he came to you to figure out what was wrong.
Ominis: You looked unfocused during our Defense Against the Dark Arts class. It's unusual for you to not pay any attention. Is everything alright? *he looked rather worried* Y/N: Oh, really? *you look away to avoid his gaze, even if he can't see you* Well...I was wondering something. I know it might sound really silly but... *you take a deep breath before blurting out the question that was troubling you* Do you...find me attractive? *you could hear the shakiness in your voice* Ominis: Is that the reason why your mind seemed elsewhere? *he chuckles at your question* Well... *he pauses to think for a moment* I would be lying if I said I didn't find the way you speak adorable. You have a unique cadence, a certain kindness and warmth about you, when you talk. I find the prospect of touching your face, your hair, your hands, a rather tempting one. *he said with a teasing tone to his voice* Y/N: *for once, you were glad Ominis couldn't see you because you felt your cheeks burning up* I-I see... *you didn't know what to answer, you just sighed and smiled* Ominis: Is that not the answer you were hoping for? Y/N: What? Oh don't worry, you answered perfectly! *you looked away, embarrassed and blushing* My next class is with Sebastian, I should go join him for herbology! I'll see you later.
You didn't let Ominis respond and you hurried to the Greenhouses. Sebastian was waiting for you next to the classroom. He greeted you and you tried this time to focus on the class Professor Garlick was teaching. But you kept wondering why Ominis seemed so distant when you were trying to hint your feelings for him. Does he just not like you that way?
After class, you tried to talk to Sebastian about it. You both had an hour before your next class started so you took the opportunity to talk to him about Ominis. Sebastian was already aware of your feelings towards Ominis but you made him swear to never talk about it to anyone else.
As you're talking about it to your best friend, he doesn't seem to give you the answers you were hoping for.
Y/N: Sebby come on! You must know something! *you beg him to tell you how Ominis really feels about you* Sebastian: Sorry but I really don't know. He doesn't talk much about his feelings to me. *he puts his hand on your shoulder to comfort you* Don't worry sweetheart, you just have to be yourself and be more obvious about it. He's a man and he's also blind so, you didn't pick the easiest person to fall in love with. *he laughs* Y/N: *you laugh* How could I be more obvious? Should I just say- *you take Sebastian's hands in yours to pretend you're talking to Ominis* Oh how I love you, please love me back! *you say dramatically, imagining in a theatrical and exaggerated way how you should announce your feelings to Ominis* Sebastian: Now you're just being a dork. *he laughs at your theatrics, his hands still in yours*
Suddenly, you feel a presence next to you. When Sebastian noticed, he let go of your hands quickly and cleared his throat. You also looked who was interrupting your conversation.
Ominis: I apologize, am I interrupting something? *he asked with a emotionless face* Y/N: *you panick at the idea of what the situation with Sebastian might have looked like* N-No! Not at all! We were...We were just talking about something that happened during herbology! Right Sebastian? Sebastian: Y-Yes! *he follows your idea without hesitation* Ominis: Anyway, I was here to talk to you Y/N. I realized that I might have been too forward when you asked me if I found you attractive. A compliment is one thing, but I realize now that I may have overstepped. Y/N: *you look at him, you feel your heart shatters in your chest. Why couldn't he just understand how you felt?* Oh...Don't worry, you weren't too forward. Thank you for your concerns though. Sebastian: *he looks at you with a worried look on his face. He knows exactly how this made you feel. He then turns to Ominis* Maybe she was just flustered by your compliment! *he chuckles, trying to make you feel better* It's not everyday a pretty lady asks you to tell her what you think about her. *he smirks and looks back at you with a comforting look on his face* Ominis: *he frowned at Sebastian's comment, he looked a little mad* Maybe you should give your "pretty lady" more compliments yourself. *he then looked away, almost shocked by what he just said* Anyway, I have to attend my next class. Have a good day.
You and Sebastian looked at eachother as you were standing there, in disbelief. As Ominis left, you almost felt guilty. Maybe you said something wrong. Why was he suddenly so angry?
You spent the rest of the day thinking about what happened with Ominis and Sebastian earlier. You haven't seen him at lunch, where you usually eat with him.
You then spotted him in a hallway. He was alone. You hurried to try and talk to him. You had to apologize.
Y/N: Hi Ominis... *you said with hesitation* Can we talk? I really don't like when you're mad at me... *you could hear the pain in your voice* Ominis: Y/N... *he seems hesitant to speak* I am not mad at you. Please don't think you did something wrong. Y/N: Then why did you ignore me all day? Why are you acting like that? Why did you get mad at Sebastian? *you looked at him, confused* Ominis: *he pauses to think* I just needed time to think. I needed to be alone for a short while. I don't...I don't feel like myself those last few days. *he takes a deep breath* But don't worry, I'm happy for you and Sebastian.
You froze. You couldn't even breathe for a moment. You made him think you were in love with Sebastian. And when he interrupted your conversation with him, he thought you were probably confessing to him.
Y/N: Me and Sebastian? *you asked, shocked* We are just friends! He's...he's just my best friend. What you might have heard was a complete misunderstanding! *you couldn't believe he was thinking you liked Sebastian that way. This just made your situation worse* You have to believe me! Ominis: *he frowns, not understanding the situation* I don't think I understand. Are you not in love with him? Y/N: With Sebastian? Not at all! He's really just my best friend, nothing more! *you look at him, hoping he would understand* Ominis: Then I just misinterpreted your intentions about him. I'm sorry Y/N. *he said calmly* Y/N: So, why are you so distant with me? *you asked, worried* Ominis: *he hears your shaky voice and then puts his hand on the top of your head in a comforting way* I'm terribly sorry if I made you upset. I was simply trying to not come between you and Sebastian. I did not want to say or do something inapropriate because- *he pauses, questionning if he should continue talking* Y/N: Because what? *you look at him, your heart is racing. You should tell him how you feel about him right now* I...I don't like Sebastian. I like you. I was just asking him about you. Ominis: *he froze, not knowing what to say* Y/N...You really made my heart race when you asked me if I found you attractive. I tried my best to not...let my heart speak for me. But I was afraid your heart was already taken. *he takes your hand and pulls you closer* I could follow your voice for the rest of my life. Sometimes I need more than your voice... You have to most angelic presence I've ever felt. Knowing you were probably in love with Sebastian hurt too much, that's why I was being distant. But I like you too. I love you. I always have. Y/N: *you look at him, blushing with a huge smile on your face* I can give you more... *you cups his cheeks with your hands and kiss him. He returns your kiss passionately, like he was hungry for more* Ominis: *he gently pulls away from the kiss* I've never wanted to see you more than I do now... Y/N: Well, my offer still stands. *you chuckles* You can feel my face if you want! *you say proudly* Ominis: Now you're being silly again. *he chuckles*
The End
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fadingsnow · 11 months
BEING AEMOND AND HELAENA'S LOVER! headcannons - aemond and helaena targaryen x reader
SUMMARY AND TW: Aemond and Helaena decided to take a liking to the one child of Rhaenyra who isn't a bastard. Also, a lot of backstory, this includes Helaemond. TW: contains nsfw. divider credits: @firefly-graphics
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- It all started when you had ran into a secret garden, one cascaded with varieties of flowers that you were sure to find in the library books, just when you were walking through the small plates of stone across the ground, white hair stood out to your eyesight. It was your aunt Helaena, you weren't sure if you should have left, incase you were being invasive towards her privacy. You noticed her sitting down, her eyes focused on a bee taking the nectar of a flower as she held a book with some few pages on it open to capture it's essence. "I hear you, Y/N, you're not very good at hiding your footsteps." You stood there behind her, like a deer caught in the headlights. "Oh.. Well, I can le-" "No, it'd be nice to have a friend." You simply sat down, hesistant on what to do as you weren't very close with her. "Helaena, if you don't mind, may I inquire on what you are.. doing?" She turned her head to you, a faint smile on her face,"I'm drawing nature. I like the way how they function, so peaceful but yet still like us." "Can I see your drawing?" You gave her pouty eyes, to which she slightly raised one of her eyebrows, you gave her a smile in return. You were happy you had finally gotten Helaena to show a little more emotion, atleast towards you, you weren't sure if you were up for sharing your new friend. "Sure.." You immediately grabbed the notebook, your enthusiasm ruling you instead of your mind. You ran your fingers through the creases of the pages, the stained spots surely from when she was drinking some tea. Your face must have exposed your thoughts, as you held a look of wonder at the details and beauty of her art. Her voice rang out in your ears with a nervous tone,"Do you.. erm.. like it..?" She started to play with her fingers, a habit you noticed Alicent had. "Of course I do! It's so beautiful and pretty and-" Your words stopped as you flipped the pages and you came across to a page that was a sketch of you. Helaena had thought you were pretty like what she drew, a blush crept on to your cheeks as you imagined her sitting in her chambers, just thinking about your expressions and putting them on paper to always look back on. "Oh.." You looked at her to see her facing another direction, away from you. "Helaena, it's just amazing. I mean how did you even get my back posture right? Father says it's a habit I got from my mother!" A few moments of silence filled the garden until your white-haired aunt decided to speak,"Do you really think so? I spent days watching, uh, not days-" She fumbled her words, now looking at you. "Helaena, it's fine.. If you must know, I wouldn't mind getting an art lesson from you, I'm sure you're more interesting than the boring Septa." "Maybe." Some laughter started, and soon there was no separating you two.
- It had been a few art lessons, until you suddenly looked at the door with an intrusion from.. Aemond? You slightly frowned at Helaena, not really wanting anyone to interrupt your lesson. Aemond was starting to continue on a rant about how your brothers and Aegon were making fun of him again, relentless in their bullying. His eyes widened a little when he realized you were there. He mumbled to himself or rather you,"Atleast you're not a bastard." You pretended to not hear his insult, and focused back on Helaena. Much to your surprise, Aemond sat down with the two of you. "Hello?" You said confused at his somewhat friendly action. "Hello, Velaryon." He purposefully exaggerated Velaryon, you were confused if he meant that as a joke, or seriously. "Hello, Targaryen..?" He let out a small laugh to that. He looked at the two of you, "Are you two.. drawing?" He squinted his eyes to see what you two were doing. "That's surprising." "And why is that?" "Only Helaena does." "Well, she's teaching me, she's the best teacher anyone could have." Aemond seemed like he was going to disagree, but he stayed quiet. "May I watch?" Helaena finally said something during this encounter. "You may, as long you don't mess anything up." He let out a small huff, but reluctantly agreed.
- From then on, you were inseperable. Aemond coming to the art lessons advanced to simply creeping on you even when you weren't with Helaena, you'd turn around and see his shadow, pretending to not see him. "Aemond, come out!" You'd call out to him, he'd come out of the hallway, glaring at you. "Aemond, you know I saw you, right?" "Whatever."
- Driftmark. Driftmark was the one place that left a permanent imprint on your mind, searing the forever memory of the scars that were left within your memories. You remembered all of it, trying to pull Aemond away from the others, even when he made the comment about Laenor, you couldn't really comprehended it like Lucerys did at the time, your focus was towards protecting Aemond. You could scarcely even maybe remember it correctly, it was so blurred. You tried to shield Aemond away from harm which resulted you both receiving pain, you with a scar that is slightly faded away, and Aemond with a lost eye.
- From then on, you were almost forbidden from talking to anyone from the half Hightower family. Immediately sent away, especially after you had defended Aemond infront of everyone, even silently agreeing with Alicent for justice but not in the way she thought. You could hardly believe it, how your brothers, Baela and Rhaena got no reprecussions for taking Aemond's eye, his eyes were even one of your favorites, the purple hue staring back at your own. Now you had to keep art lessons at Dragonstone to yourself, no Aemond and Helaena accompanying you. You refused it, you had to communicate with them some way. Letters were sent to them every day somehow, you would write declarations of friendship.
- Much to your surprise, Aemond was very good at describing his feelings on to paper, you even supposed he could be a poet. His words even left you smiling to yourself at random moments of the day, leaving Jace to tease you. Helaena's letters were sometimes short or long depending on the day, but they were always heartfelt until one day it changed. "Y/N, I am to be wed to Aegon soon now, I don't wish to be. I'd rather be married to you and Aemond." Those words left you heartbroken as you had never explicitly learned what exactly your feelings were for neither of them, but her words left you shocked as you weren't sure if that was appropriate for a princess to say. You couldn't help but agree, imagine you and Aemond, and Helaena sitting down when you were older, and living a life together. You grinned to yourself, but your mood became somber again as you realized the reality of what was happening, you couldn't prevent it.
- PRESENT: You could hardly believe it when you ran after your brothers, hanging on to Jace's cloak to not fall, you grabbed him harshly. "Why are you just standing still like th-" Oh. You looked over to see ser Criston Cole (ser Crispy Coal as you used to call him) with a young white-haired man with an eyepatch that made him look even more allurring then he already did Aemond. You could barely say anything, he never mentioned he looked like that in his letters. You almost immediately left with your brothers, ignoring the burning stare at you back as you left in a hurry.
- The dinner couldn't even help make it better, getting glances from the people you perceive to be some of the most beautiful Targaryens made it hard to pay attention. You couldn't even deny the fact on how you were jealous when Jace danced with Helaena, your Helaena, no matter how many years it may have been since you have seen each other. You eyes were glued to the way he held her, and how happy she looked. You found refuge staring at Aemond, but being caught as well. He raised one of his eyebrows as though daring you to speak to him. Challenge not accepted! You went back to just staring at Helaena and Jace. Until the fight occured, and you'd have to lie to admit the fact that you wren't attracted to the way how Aemond barely moved when Jace punched him. Haha, that's what you get for trying to steal Helaena. You immediately silenced that thought, flustered at the thought of actually being attracted to a married woman, nonetheless one that was your friend.
- You had begged your mother to let you stay for a few days to reconnect with a few of your friends there, convincing her that you'll write to her on whatever happened. You hurriedly ran to Helaena's room, convinced on restarting your relationship on her, convinced she might have felt the same. You stood at the door still, after you realized Aemond was in there aswell. "Whatever you were in such a rush to tell Helaena, you can tell me." He said with narrowed eyes, you payed attention to the two of them, the way he held her waist and she rested her head on his shoulder, oh. Oh? "Are you two lovers?" You blurted it out before your mind could stop you. They stayed quiet, until Helaena's gentle voice spoke up, always the one to speak when it came to the either of you. "Yes." A sly smile crept up on Aemond's face,"Why do you inquire? Do you wish to join?" You couldn't contain the clear blush that your face held, as you tried to explain yourself, stumbling over words. "He means no harm, Y/N. We're just simply playing, but would you?" The answer was obviously easy, considering your feelings towards them, but you were scared of the possible consequences. "Why not..?" "We want a definite answer, princess." Helaena hit Aemond's shoulder lightly, "Don't be so harsh. We don't want to scare her away, do we?" You awkwardly stood, as Helaena beckoned you over, while Aemond stared at you with a faint smile, almost reminding you of the story of Rhaenyra and Daemon. How they were when she was younger. But it would be like adding Rhaenys to the mix, and you doubt your mother would've liked that.
- With all of these new developments, you had begged your mother once again to stay for even a longer period. Never letting go of the embrace of your two lovers. Aemond was a fussy one though, always demanding for things and your time, Helaena was more calm, but nobody could forget that she was the blood of the dragon. You liked it, being inbetween them at night on the bed as you're cuddled tightly, with Aemond's breath down your back, and Helaena's face always looking down at yours. You could look at them all day, and never stop.
- NSFW: If you do not feel comfortable reading NSFW, please skip :)! - They were little shits, the Targaryens. You weren't aware of their carnal needs being all the time, as one day, you went to the library with Aemond and Helaena (Helaena having to be asked a hundred times), sitting on his lap innocently, until you saw his other hand disappear from holding his book, and finding it's way to your inner thighs. He started to pinch it softly, his hair all over your neck as he didn't really hide what he was doing. Suddenly, you heard a book drop, and Helaena was looking at you two, not moving. You were letting out tiny breaths, as Aemond's finger started stroking your clit, threatening to put in, but he'd just press his thumb aswell, as though to mock you. Helaena got up from her seat, and stood over the two of you. Her hand traveled down to your breats, holding the rocky nipple in her hand, twisting it. "Aww, does little Y/N like being handled by Aemond?" She teased you, a new rude tone you'd never heard her talk in anymore. She slowly got on her knees, as she planted kisses on your neck, while Aemond finally started to place his fingers inside you, the lewd sounds of his fingers rushing in and out of you slowly, the wetness coating them, creating sounds that you wouldn't want anyone but them to hear.
- The two of you became even closer after the new development of your relationship, always holding their hands, and staying together at all times of the day.
-Cuddling. They'll basically strangle you in your sleep, for dominance of everyone, Helaena wants to hug both of you, Well? Aemond wants both of you under him, as he hugs you two. So, where does that leave you? Literally under them, while trying to sleep comfortably, btoh of your arms around you, white hair sprayed everwhere, legs tangled. Fun fact? Helaena sleep talks. So sometimes, when she falls asleep first, you grab Aemond's arm, and point at her, laughing with each other at all the random things she says. "Aemond.. Lannister people are smelly." Your laughter would wake her up, as she would tickle the two of you, making you all laugh even more.
- The Relationship In General: The relationship is filled with love, and respect. Except sometimes, you all can get tired of having to hide your relationship, you still love each other which matters. Aemond would bring you flowers, that he'd actually take care of, instead of letting them wither. Helaena would still do art, and this time for you. Turns out, after you left, Aemond started taking the lessons. He even brought you a painting of you that he had made. "Oh, this is lovely! Did Helaena make it?" "No, I did." They're both very protective though, almost threatening Aegon to stay away from you when he found out.
- When Viserys died though, you even pledged allegiance to Team Green, all to just stay with your lovers. Your family had felt betrayed, but you felt as though it would've have been a greater betrayal to go against your lovers, and if they trusted Alicent, who are you to say that they are liars?
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wonsohl · 14 days
sunset boulevard y.jw
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PAIRING: crush!jungwon x admirer!reader
it was the summer holidays and your school hosted a camping trip for the juniors going into their last year of school - senior year.
this year the camping trip would be held at jeju island near the beach.
when the word got out that the trip would be held at jeju, everyone was screaming and jumping up and down out of excitement and so were you.
you ran home with the letter in your hand which was almost crumpled up from you gripping on to it so hard and barged through the door.
''ma! this year's camping trip for the juniors is at jeju island! can you even imagin-''
'woah there sweetie! speak slower the camping trip for the juniors is gonna be held where now?" she says whilst laughing at your goofyness
''jeju island ma! isn't that so exciting?"
'it sure is hun." she says as you hand over the letter to her with the biggest smile/ grin on your face
"can i go? pretty please? ill take care of our restaurant and do the dishes there for the whole week and even mop the floo-"
"y/n you can go! you don't have to do stuff out of your way to help me but a little help on saturday night would be good!"
"saturday?" you say taking of your school i.d and placing your coat on the coat hanger.
"whats the occasion ma?"
"mrs yang has a reserved dinner at our restaurant and i would look you to be their waitress - oh! and she has a boy in your year, yang jungwon?"
you eyes bulge out of their sockets when you hear his name.
yang jungwon.
hottest guy on earth.
cutest living organism.
THE most jaw dropping piece of art ever to be made.
"y/n? whats got to your mind, do you know yang jungwon?"
"o-oh yeah ma, he is in my classes" you say smiling back to your mom reassuring that you were okay.
"oh that's lovely! are you two friends?'
friends? yeah, no.
everyone knows you liked him ever since your ex bestfriend snaked on you to everyone in your year.
she even had the AUDACITY to tell her sister to spread around in the older years as well.
ever since you barely to talk to him and make any signs of communication knowing how awkward it would be.
you can't bare the sight of him but you still have that crush on him and from time to time when your zoning out in lessons and your teacher call you out for it, niki would have the gut to say -
'oh sir! she's day dreaming about jungwon!'
which would of course get everyone laughing and even the teacher.
jungwon would always look at you and you would avoid eye contact and just get flustered.
"u-uh we definitely know eachother ma!"
"just wonderful y/n! i also heard he is quite a charming one huh? why don't you start something? " she says laughing.
she wasn't lying he was definitely charming obviously but to speak to him after 10 months with not talking? that would be awkward.
"haha ma! your so funny, i should get back to my room and start doing some homework" excusing yourself from the very awkward situation whilst getting the letter back from the counter which was already signed by your mom.
you ran upstairs can close your door lightly but enough to hear the door slamming sound.
"what a weird child" your mom says
one hour before jungwon came to your restaurant you hop out of the steaming shower and dried your hair and got change into your uniform and put on some makeup
"y/n! let's head out now"
you yell back a okay and do a few touches to your hair and put on some jewellery.
you run down the stairs almost tripping pick up your bag and throw in your headphones and a water bottle with a small bar and make your way out the door
you open the car door and slam it shut
"you look nice today your mom says" pushing past your hair to admire her beautiful child
you pause whilst doing your seatbelt and smile back to your mom
"thanks ma!" you say hoping she won't ask the reason you randomly decided to apply make up on.
you guys share awkward glances before she puts on the radio and you text your friends
eunji 🦋: y/n how is the whole jungwon restaurant fiasco? 👀
you: girl i just got in my car and i my mom is blasting country music
minhee 🐈: did you put on the make up i bought you for your birthday?? 😊😊 (say yes rn before i storm in to that restaurant and put it on for you)
you: dayum girl dw i did and i think i did it good lemme show you it *insert pic of you
eunji 🦋: ↳ minhee 🐈: INCLUDING THE GIRLS AS WELL
you laugh at how funny your friends are and your mom notices it.
"sweetie get out all your laughs and goofynees now because we are here"
those words repeat in your head
the past four nights have been sleepless because of today and here you are
you nod to your mom and quickly type something in the groupchat
you get out of the car and put some lip balm on and run your hand through your hair
you barely work and your mom's restaurant because of how many workers there are but it looks like her waiter went on holiday the perfect time jungwon's parents reserved a table.
the time was 6:11 PM and jungwon's family was coming at 6:15 PM
you run to the bathroom lock yourself in their and practice your welcomings to your costumers.
"hello! welcome to ma's kitchen, the best in gwangdo! what's on your plate today?"
no thats to enthusiastic
"hey peeps! welcome to ma's kitchen, wanna dine in?"
ew, if was the costumer i would laugh right in my face
"hello~! welcome to ma's kitchen. what would you like to orde-
a knock from the bathroom's door interrupts you and touch up your makeup and leave.
"your mom would like you to greet the costumers in since the yang family will be coming here
she checks her watch
you bow down and say thank you before heading your way to the desk near the enterance.
you where on your phone tapping through people's story when you hear the entrance bell ring.
you drop your phone on the desk and make your way to the entrance to see jungwon and his family.
"oh my! y/n baby~ your so tall and your so pretty you look so grown as well!" she says cupping your face as you laugh it off
you could see mr yang and jungwon staring at you two but mr yang's glare was much more softer than jungwon's
did i do something wrong? you thought
you hand them the menu and bring them towards their seats
"would you like to order any drinks for now?"
mr yang nods his heads "yes, can i get 2 beers for the olders and jungwon?
can i get some sprite?"
you nod but you only look at mr yang
"so 2 beers and 1 sprite?"
this time you look at all three of them for their confirmation and they say yes
you smile back and leave the table and make your way too the bartender
'hajun, i need two beers and one spirte please' you say handing him over the piece of paper
'coming right up' he says snatching the peice of paper as you head back to the desk greeting the other guess as today was the weekend meaning lots of costumers would be coming in today
as you greet the next costumer you see a familiar face
kang seola
the one who snaked on you to the whole year and the year above
yeah no chance you were serving her, on top of that allowing her to enter your mom's restaurant
she was with a few other friends who weren't from your school as you couldn't recognise their faces
you had to options
A) choose to serve them and get the money you needed for your ' pay check' - didn't benefit you
B) slam the door on their faces and put them on the restaurants blacklist - definitely benefitted you
C) get another waitress to serve them - benefitted you/ but wasn't better than option B
'hello welcome to ma's restaurant, please wait here for another waiter to serve you shortly' you say smiling at them sarcastically whilst tellin a waiter to serve them
you go up to the bartender who hands you the drinks that jungwon and his family ordered and you make your way there
you hand them their drinks and they say thank you one by one
'another waiter will come around to serve you your food, sorry for the delay today is very hetic' you say as you hand out the menus and bow down as an apology
'oh no darling it's okay! were just having a chat take your time hun' says mrs yang patting your shoulder reassuring you that they don't mind the wait.
you smile back and make your way to the desk again when you feel a water get splash all over your uniform
your top is drenched in liquid and the glass shattered all over the floor near your once dry shoes
you look up to see seola and her friends laughing sheepishly as stare at you innocently
"oops i spilt something, be a good waiter and clean it up''
you wanted to shout at her so bad but you couldn't as it would freak the costumers and that was the last thing you wanted to happen for your mom and her business
you sigh and get on your knees swooping up the broken glass shards and individually placing them into a paper bag to later throw away
you could hear her taking photos of you from the loud shutter sound from her phone
you feel your eyes brimming with tears as your vision gets blurry when you feel the hand of someone else help you collect the shards
it was jungwon
you look at him but he's too busy collecting the remaining glass shards and after he's done he scoops it in a bag and gives it to you
of course you had a crush on him for a reason but today it felt like you got a crush on him for a second time
his hair was slightly ruffled , long enough to cover his perfect eyes and his choice of style is so cliché but it suits him so much
you can't help yourself but blush from jungwon's sudden action as you stood up to put the bags that was full broken glass to the dustbin outside of your restaurant
you could hear footsteps following you so looked behind to see jungwon following you from behing with his hands formed into a little bowl carrying some broken glass that was left behind
"uh jungwon! aren't you hands bleeding from the broken glass? I don't think you should be holding on to them you could get scars?" you say quickly placing the bags on to the pavement floor an rushing over to jungwon with one of your peppa pig plasters to cover the big scar on his palm
once done you collect the broken glass bags from jungwon's hand and throw them into the bin along with the trash bin with all your might
you turn around to see jungwon staring at you, you feel abit embarrassed to see your life long crush see you do all that whilst looking like a mess
'y/n i wan-'
jungwon gets cut of by the slam of the back door being pushed open
'oh y/n! are you hurt sweetie? i should've of known that those girls that were coming in were eunji and her mean group!'
'mom i'm oka-'
'look at the state of you! you should go home and get pack for that trip you have with your school, just take care of yourself and freshen up okay?'
says your mom cupping your cheeks whilst bringing you inside leaving jungwon outside by himself
your mom helps you take of the apron and sends you to the changing room whilst she calls your sister to come pick you up
after getting changed you make your way out from the staff entrance waiting for your sister to arrive whilst scrolling through your phone when you hear your mom bid goodbye to mr and mrs yang
'thank you so much for coming in! i would love too see you guys again soon!'
'nonsense! thank you for the amazing company and food! see us as a frequent customer' mr yang says mrs yang laughs with him.
'y/n! come here and say goodbye to our customers properly!' your mom says putting the attention on you as your make your way to them
'thank you for coming' you say bowing down to jungwon's parents whilst making eye contact with jungwon in between
'wow your daughter is so pretty!' says mrs yang turning around to look jungwon
'y/n perhaps are you going to the camping trip? ' says mrs yang whilst patting down jungwon
'oh uh , yes i am' you say with a hint of confusion in your tone
'do you reckon you can look after jungwon?i don't trust him by himself for so long, please make sure he eats properly there!'
'mom' says jungwon irritated at her comment
'jungwon, your mother is trying to help you out son! plus, y/n looks mature enough to take care of you!' says jungwon's mum hitting his arm playfully
'don't worry mrs yang, my daughter will take care of your handsome son' your mom says smiling back at them
they continue to talk until your sister comes to pick you up in her car
'take care y/n, thank you for serving us today' says mr yang smiling at you as your mom opens the door
'thank you, bye mr and mrs yang - bye jungwon, bye mum!' you say waving from the window
'y/n i don't now how you managed to be so calm with her acting like that' eunji says still annoyed at the fact that seola would do that
'trust me i bet she wasn't but mr lover boy was there so she had to be all mysterious' minhee laughs will saying it
'okay that's true but if he wasn't i would've dragged her out of that restaurant myself'
'yeah yeah'
'mhm of course you deffo would've'
eunji and minhee tease you for a bit before leaving the bathroom and going to the coach
'okay everyone i will list your partners recommended by your own parents' says your teacher
everyone bursts into whines and moans
'wait recommended by our parents, that means i'm gonna be with seungji' eunji throws a tantrum knowing she's not gonna sit next to her own twin brother for 6-7 hours straight
'HELL NAH IM GONNA SIT NEXT TOO MY NEIGHBOUR' minhee receives a message from her dad saying she's sitting with her neighbour's emo kid
'wait guys i might have to sit with jungwon'
you starts panicking remembering what his mother said
'oh shit, good luck then' eunji dashes off and minhee follows screaming
'better not mess up!'
eunji and minhee were in a different coach so you had to wait for jungwon to come on the coach with you
you start panicking
god this is so awkward
what were you going to do, either way you would’ve had to sit in a packed coach with jungwon for at least 3 hours
you prayed and prayerd that you could be there before him
but i guess your prayers didn’t work
jungwon was standing at the coach on his phone almost as if waiting for someone
waiting for you
‘jungwon, hi!’
you say running over
‘sorry for being so late, i guess i got caught up with something’
he laughs abit and puts his phone in his back pocket
‘it’s okay, let’s hop on the coach, im pretty sure all the good seats are left’
you guys quickly scramble on the coach squeezing through the tight path in the middle of the coach
‘look y/n, over there’
he points to some seats at the back of the bus - ish
there not the best seats but they are the only ones left
you quickly waddle over and take a seat near the window, jungwon following right behind
you put your headphones in settle in, cancelling the loud shouts of your classmates
jungwon goes on his phone and you can’t help glancing over
‘if you want anything you can just tap me’
‘thanks jungwon,will do!’
you say quickly and lean your head against the window closing your eyes hoping for the ride to go smoothly
you also can’t stop thinking about jungwon being right next to you but you start noticing your eyes getting heavier and heavier
you fall asleep but dream about the camping trip ahead
a/n: AHHH OMG IM BACK WADDA 🫡🫡 skl has been so stressful but dw guys the actual camp trip thingy will be out soon (hopefully 🤗🤗) I get tired so easily and sometimes forget i have a tumblr acc anyway bye bye - 4 now 👹👹
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ruporas · 10 months
apologies if you've already been asked this but do you have any favorite trigun fics? i absolutely adore your art btw!
thank you!!! and i've answered this on insta, but i don't think i've ever shared on tumblr... i'm not good at reading fics, esp long ones, because my attention span is pretty bad, but from the ones i have bookmarked, i'll share some that i like in no particular order
hills like white elephants (meet me halfway) - adlvnam
pairing: vashwood word count: 1.1k, sfw, vague post v.10 spoilers ‘I read a story once,’ Vash says, unsure. ‘I’m kind of thinking about it right now.’
i like a lot of adlvnam's fics, i find them very unique and creative in their execution, and their writing is wonderful! this was the first fic i've read from them and it's stuck with me ever since. others that i like from them are in manus tuas (no spoilers) and vox dei (warning for post vol.10 spoilers).
stay - Anonymous
pairing: vashwood word count: 2.3k, sfw, no spoilers “Hold up,” Vash groans. He presses his free hand to Wolfwood’s mouth and shushes him. He’s probably going for a stern look, though between his poor attempts to stop grinning like the biggest idiot this side of the planet and the way he’s patting him, it’s hard to take him seriously. “Stop laughin’. Where’s the keys?” “What keys?” Wolfwood tries to ask, muffled by Vash’s hand, and his tongue is a little thick and slow in his mouth so… something comes out, but it’s probably not very wordy. Word-like. Not a sentence, probably. (or, wolfwood and vash get drunk, bicker, and then share a bed together.)
i enjoyed the mundanity and silliness of this fic and i think about it from time to time... i think fics where one of them or both drink together are pleasant to read.
Last Summer - varilien
pairing: vashwood word count: 741, sfw, no spoilers You are what you love.
tags on this one are "sunrises, morning routines, coffee, sentimental" which caught my attention. very sweet and beautiful.
Rain - Kokohamstar
pairing: none, wolfwood centric word count: 768, sfw, major spoilers - post v.10 Ever since he was a little kid listening to Bible stories, he dreamed of the day the world would be washed clean and wondered what the rain would feel like on his face.
as most wolfwood centric fics, it was a gutpunch and melancholic, but still soooo.. augh.... the last paragraph really does it for me.
water bucket blues - fathomfive
pairing: vashwood word count: 3.7k, sfw, major spoilers, post trimax Vash the Stampede goes on the record about a friend he once had. Also about card games, cats, family, and some other things. "Start with a piece of the whole, Meryl said. It doesn’t have to be the first piece. Start with a specific. That’s what they mean when they throw around the words human interest. I know the pieces. Believing they make a whole is another thing. But she’s a broadcast professional and I trust her advice. Maybe if I can figure out how to tell one piece—like the story of Wolfwood as I knew him—I can learn how to tell the others."
i love vash pov fics and i love it when it's first person and this one in particular hits because it's his pov and he speaks, honestly, openly, telling a tale that he can't really flub because it's about the people he loved. i love how grounded this fic is in the present of max, i love how vash grows within the 3.7k words, i love how he moves forward with the world he's living in. this fic makes me teary if i think too much about it... it's really wonderful.
it’s a summer day, and I want to be wanted more than anything else in the world - goldenglitz
pairing: vashwood word count: 3.9k, nsfw, no spoilers Vash has the lung capacity of a man who’s cried for 150 years. It isn't like Wolfwood takes more than he gives — but like with most things, he barely keeps up with Vash. He works his body to the limit, even as his lungs burn and his legs and arms give out under him. They fuck like they’re on borrowed time. All of this makes it so easy — so much easier than just talking. Wolfwood would sometimes rather pull new and interesting noises from Vash with just his mouth than do anything else with it. Their own dialect: moans, groans, and four words. “Yes” — “Please” — “Vash” — “Wolfwood.”
i love all of their vashwood fics, they only have 3 but they're all lovely and has a sort of characterization to both vash and wolfwood i don't see often. definitely one of my faves, especially when it comes to explicit vw fics.
i think these are all the ones i'll share for now!!
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thechekhov · 6 months
Hello I have started reading Gideon the Ninth because of you and I am really really REALLY enjoying it!!! I have only 116 pages in but... I do not like Harrow
I'm sure I'll like her later, based on the art you've drawn of her, but I am with Gideon and her burning hatred of Harrow. (And I am also looking forward to the time where I like Harrow!)
Right now though? She does a lot of things that just seen pointless and very mean. At least with Gideon whenever she does something mean to Harrow I can understand it because we're reading the book through her perspective, but whenever Harrow does anything seemingly cruel I can't help but wonder why.
Oh yes, I won't lie to you - for a lot of the book, Harrow isn't meant to be LIKABLE. She's a tiny gremlin in the meat-suit of a tinier gremlin and she is weighed down by glorious purpose to the Ninth. All the things she does do have reasoning behind them, but the reasoning isn't always morally sound, and it often so knotted and complicated it takes you to the end of the THIRD BOOK to comprehend it.
I won't fault you for disliking her at all - that's not the purpose of the first half of the book! I think I was only merely very amused by her, the same way I am amused by a beautiful bug that crawls across my window in the middle of the night as though it is scheming a way to get inside.
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Pairings: Eddie munson x Fem!reader
Summary: Eddie happens to find a picture, a beautiful one, and he wants to find who made it.
Warnings: none
Note:sorry if there is some mistakes or anything, I'm trying my best here😂
Also i don't know exactly how long it is, but its longer than the other ones I've done, BUT I PROMISE YOU ITS GOOD OK.
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Eddie had his mouth agape and eyes wide as he stared down at the peice of paper he held in his hands. He had found it sitting neatly inside his locker when he had opened it a minute ago.
It wasn't a note calling him a freak or anything like he was used to but instead, it was a drawing. A drawing so delicately drawn it look like a photo.
It was so realistic, the nose, the eyes, the lips and the hair, it looked exactly like him. Which confused him.
This was something he wasn't used to, it surprised him, to say the least.
He wondered who the drawing had belonged to, he wondered who bothered to make such a masterpiece with their hands and pencil.
He admired it for minutes on end before turning away from his locker and looking around the corridor for who would give him such a thing. Finding nothing but cheerleaders with their jock boyfriends. Eddie came to the full conclusion that it would never be one of them who did it.
Eddie searched on the back for any sort of signature or indication of who made it. Nothing
He sighed and put it neatly back in this locker. Not having anything else to put it in, and he was never wanted to ruin it by folding it and putting it in his pocket, having the chance of it fall out and losing it.
The bell rang, making all the people go to their classes, filling the hallways with girls and boys of all years.
Eddie reluctantly made his way to English class, making a mental note to find the person.
It was hard to figure out who in the right right mind would take the time out of their day to draw him, the freak.
And seen as though a lot of damn people can draw in Hawkins High, it was going to be a damn miracle if he were to find the person.
He had sat next to a girl in English who drew in her book, it wasn't anything that was realistic so he didnt know, all she did was hearts and stars.
He also looked in the library, making the librarian pray on her life, she never thought she would ever see Eddie Munson in there, but it shocked everyone in there.
He wasn't there to do anything but look, he wasn't the type to read, or sit quietly, he doesn't even know if he can be quiet. That's why he was kicked out of there pretty quickly for kicking a table in frustration.
When he went home the day he got the picture, he had hung it on his bedroom wall, and would stare at it for hours in pure awe.
He looked for hours, days and weeks for the mystery artist but never got it. There was 2 people the hellfire group had in mind, seen as Eddie had told them about it. They had made it a mission to find them, or her.
Eddie wasn't really the person to care for things like this. It not only shocked himself but the whole club when he came running to them with a big smile on his face at lunch in the cafeteria.
"Guys, guess what I found in my locker this morning!" Eddie panted
"What?" Garath asked curiously
"Take a look at this boys" Eddie held the drawing out to show them.
"Who did that" the boys all gasp, trying to grab it off the munson boy.
"Hey! You're gonna rip it" Eddie shouted at the guys, making them all sit back down at just look at it.
"Its beautiful, isn't it?"
"I mean yeah, it would be if it wasn't a picture of you" Mike joked making Eddie throw a handful of nuts at him.
"Who drew it?" Dustin inquired
"That's the thing, I have no idea" Eddie shrugged.
"What, so there's no signature or anything?" Jeff asked.
"If there was a signature, I think I would know who it is and tell you" Eddie rolled his eyes
"Well, we gotta find who drew it" Dustin said
"Obviously" Eddie nodded in agreement
From then on, they made it a search for them.
It had been three weeks after the picture first showed up in his locker. So you could imagine the surprise he got when another one appeared. It was as beautiful as the first one, he was in a different pose than the one before but it still looked exactly like him.
Eddie honestly felt swoon. The first one made him feel things too but knowing they take the time to draw him more than once tipped him over the edge, he felt special.
He felt like he was living a dream. It wasn't every day Eddie got given the gift to be drawn, where someone liked him so much to sketch him out.
Even if they didn't give him the chance to know who they were, he admired the bravery for giving them to him, even if it wasn't in person, it was something he could never be able to do, let alone actually being able to draw.
Eddie wondered around the halls, he got kicked out of miss O'donnell's class so now he's looking for an empty class to hide out in.
He heard music coming down the corridor, it wasn't really the type of music that would intrigue Eddie. It wasn't anything metal but it just made him curious cause the music room were on the other side of the school.
He peeked through each door window, looking for the music as it got louder and louder. Until he got to a slightly open door, with echoing Cyndi Lauper's 'girls just wanna have fun'. He peeked through the door, opening it even more as his body pushed him through. He couldn't see her face but her hair was in a high ponytail, wearing a cheer uniform, the skirt and hair moving as she danced side to side to the music. She moved to the side and that's when he saw a painting, it was simple, and it wasn't finished but he could tell she was painting what she saw from the window, the big tree that many sat underneath with a little pond next to it. It already looked amazing. She cleaned her brush off with water to get a different colour without it mixing and ruining it.
Eddie watched as she brushed the canvas delicately with the long wooden stick which had a lovely shade of green paint on it.
He walked in quietly, eager to see who the girl is. It was most definitely not going to be the person who drew him but he just wanted to see who it was.
There was a lot of cheerleaders, meaning a lot of them had similar hair. Whether it was long and blonde, red and straight, black and short or brunette and wavy.
So he might've had an idea of who it was if he actually paid attention to the popular group, but he didn't so he has no clue.
Eddie wouldn't really say he's being creepy, staring at her without her knowing, he would say it's more admiring from afar, even if he wasn't that far from her. A metre at most.
He accidentally stepped on something and crushed it, making a noise that the girl didn't even notice through the blasting music, which he was thankful for.
That's was until to music faded when he stubbed his toe on the leg of a table, making the girl jump and turn around quickly, frightened by the sudden noise. Soon enough that had ticked Eddie's brain, Y/n.
"Sorry" he held his hands out to the girl, kind of like some sort of defense if she were to throw something at him like he was an attacker, and she was, until she locked eyes with him and completely stopped any movement she had.
"What are you doing here?" you asked in a panicked manner
"Sorry, I just heard the music and got curious" he apologised
"Maybe address yourself next time, ok?" You sighed at turned around.
"Well, would you of let me in if I did?" Eddie questioned.
"You'll never know" you shrugged
"I know you and your friends think I'm a freak but-"
"I don't think you're a freak" you cut him off
"Oh" he smiled at you.
"Well, would it be a stretch to ask you something...bizarre?" Eddie pondered
"Depends on the question" you said, turning around to get back to your painting, and to hide the way your face flushed at the chance he knew it was you who drew him.
"Well it's kinda stupid, it's obviously not you so just forget it" he stammered
"Well you'll never know who it is who drew you if you don't ask" you laughed cluelessly that you said something you shouldn't have
"How do you know about that?" Eddie asked
"Hm?" You hummed in response, not trusting your mouth to let words fall out.
"How do you that's what I was gonna ask?" Eddie wondered out loud
"Do you know who it is?" He asked
"I've heard you and your club talking about it" you half-lied. You had heard them talking about it, but you didn't tell him it was you.
"Oh, ok. Well, I'll just leave you here, let you get back to your painting. So uh, bye Y/n" he said before leaving before letting you say anything. You eyes shut tightly as your lips pursed in a thin line before letting out a defeated sigh.
"Anything yet?" Gareth asked
"Well not really no" Eddie sighed
"What you mean, not really?"Dustin questioned
"Well I suspected Y/n when I saw her painting in the room, I was going to ask her but chickened out and then she was like "oh you'll never know who drew it then" but then she said she heard us talking so that's off the table" Eddie explained, trying to imitate your voice.
"Dude, she was totally lying to you" Mike laughed dryly
"Why would she lie, she has nothing to hide" Eddie raised an eyebrow
"You are painfully oblivious" Dustin shook his head.
Dustin made it his job to watch you, not creepily, but because he wants to prove it was you who drew him, that it was you who had the boy swoon for about a month by now.
You hadn't done anything for a few weeks now and Dustin wouldn't know because he doesn't see you drawing in class or anything cause you're in different years so you don't share any classes, but you had drawn one more.
This one was simple, not as realistic as the others. But it still looked exactly like him, you knew it would probably be the last one you would do. He was too close to knowing it was you. You wouldn't let him know, that was the whole point in not giving it to him in person, or signing it with your name.
Dustin watched as you walked through the completely empty hallway, the hallway that contained Eddie's locker. You looked around to see if anyone was around before slipping the paper through the gap and quickly leaving. Dustin smiled cheekily before running out of there and to the cafeteria.
"Guess what I just saw" he said in a sing-song tone while giggling
"What now, Henderson?" Eddie smiled sarcastically
"I saw Y/n put a drawing in your locker" he jumped up and down
"No, she didn't, she said it wasn't her" Eddie sighed
"Well you said she didnt actually say it wasn't her. But I literally saw her, go check your locker" Dustin crossed his arms
"The things I do for you" the munson boy said before getting up and leaving with the club trailing behind him
He opened his locker and found one, laying there perfectly, like the others. He held it up and showed it to the guys
"Well what do I do?" Eddie asked cluelessly
"TALK TO HER" all the boys yelled at him
"where is she?" He questioned
"Well she was walking towards the art rooms" Dustin replied making Eddie run to the room from before. Making sure to shut his locker and keep the drawing in his hand.
"Hello? It's me, Eddie" he announced himself, making you turn with a slight smile
"Come in" you giggled
"Wow. Looks like you did let me in" he joked
"What can I help you with?" You asked politely
"Nothin' much, just wondering if the artist would sign her art" he held the drawing out, seeing your cheeks immediately flush in a soft pink while blinking
"It's not m-"
"Dustin saw you put it in my locker" Eddie beamed at you
"Well um. Sure I guess" you put down you paint brush and walked close to him, grabbing the drawing off him and putting it down on a desk, getting a pen out of your bag and signing it neatly with your name with a little heart next to it
Eddie smiled at you and took it from your hands gently, making your soft fingers brush again his rough ones.
"You're really good, I admire your art" he confessed
"Good to see you admire yourself" you laugh
"I could teach you sometime, if you'd like" you suggested
"Yeah, I'd like that" Eddie nodded while his cheeks turn warm
"Would you maybe wanna, I don't know, hang out sometime, not to draw but like, to uh, I guess like a-"
"A date? Yeah, I'd like that" you helped him out by finishing his sentence for him
"Oh? I thought you would say no, well that's great, amazing, thank you. Um, are you free tomorrow?" He asked surprised
"I'll pick you up and we could go to the mall or whatever you like, or not, that's totally fine"
"I'd rather we do something we both want to do" you smiled, you know he wouldn't want to spend his day at the mall with you.
"Ok then, I could take you out for dinner at Enzo's, although I probably won't be able to afford much, I'm sorry" he spoke softly
"That's fine, I don't really care what we do as long as we both enjoy it" you said
"This isn't out of pity, right? I'm not gonna make you go" he looked down
"I wouldn't draw you and give it to you if I didn't like you, Eddie. I'm just sorry it wasn't in person" you replied, stepping closer to him.
"I like you too" he looked back up at you, taking a slow step closer to you.
"I'm glad" you grabbed his clammy hands and went up on your tippy toes to kiss him on the cheek.
"I'll see you soon" Eddie said before quickly walking out of the room leaving you there smiling like a child.
he ran through the door a moment later, silently panting
"I need your number"
I hope you liked that😭 it took a lot of time, ngl, about 2 hours😂
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herotome · 1 month
Devlog # 138
Hi-ho, Wudge here.
I'll be real, lately I've been struggling hardcore when it comes to design. Mia's hero outfit is giving me an honest to goodness run for my money; I try and try and yet each edition of her outfit doesn't feel quire right. It's not just the feeling that they're 'not good enough,' they also don't quite feel like her. And each time I try to take a new stab at it makes me feel all the more crazy for the effort -- something something expecting different results.
I keep trying to convince myself that it was much easier back when I started Herotome -- particularly Warden's hero costume, his big blue gimp suit just sprang into existence like shablamn!
But... I have to remind myself that it did take a while to put together Jade's and Dart's hero outfits. Hell, I wasn't entirely satisfied with Jade's even when I called it done. And another thing - as my mom pointed out when I complained to her about this lol - having created previous designs does make it more challenging to create new-and-different designs.
...With all this being said, here's where she's at:
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These designs build off my established concepts of - she has to armor up due to how the nature of her powers will get her into scrapes, but she also wants to look cute. This led me to... essentially putting her in a maid cafe outfit and medieval plate mail. Mia is not a fantasy/JRPG girlie at all though, so ultimately this design isn't going to work.
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And here, blurred out bc I'm still working on it, is my next take. I looked at how characters like Wonder Woman and Iron Man wore armor that had a very modern look, and I also... uh, looked at some crabs. Like, crustaceans. The ones in the ocean. They are truly beautiful creatures and I tried to take some color schemes from them. This led to a very, very red design with... what looks like a glowing petticoat? ;;; I worry that this would elicit a look of fire, and while Mia has a fiery personality she doesn't exactly have fire superpowers... so I'll keep at it. I at least like it more than the medieval jrpg maid though.
Other than that...
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I started working on expressions for Griffin's sprite!!!
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This one has a weird uncanny resemblance to the chick from hotel transylvania.
... Honestly uh, I've also been struggling with Griffin's sprite art here. I've done a lot more work for her (that I have not shared in this post) that just doesn't feel quite right. But I'll keep doing my best.
I think that's it for now.
Stay safe and keep warm,
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thebottomfromhell · 8 months
I was wondering if you could do some headcanons for the upper moons realizing they’ve fallen for a human! My preference is for a male reader, but you can leave gn, no problem. What do you think is most likely to happen to the human? To die? Get eaten?! Forced to become a demon? All in peace?!
Ok, I will try to stuck as close to canon as I can in this one, since I can sense the direction this is meant to take. I will say now, this post is a reminder of what an Uppermoon is.
I always make reader to be the one making the first move, to be lovable for the Uppermons for them to actually fall in love in a stable state or the ideal state they will be able to handdle this freaks. I will also try to make it a bit funny in what is possible.
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Uppermoons reaction of falling in love with Human Male Reader
Warnings: Manga spoilers, Reader's death, Cannibalism, Yandere behavior, Mentioned torture, Non consented body modifications, Coerced body modification (becoming a demon), Implied non-con sexual content, Predatory animalistic behavior, Münchausen syndrome, Vore elements (it's not kinky, but some of theses guys do consume you), Implied child abuse, Every damn of this mf are their own warnings.
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Gyutaro (ft Daki):
It takes Gyutaro a while for him to realize what exactly he feels, but the second he has the slightlest idea, he is afraid.
Not of being attracted to a man, of course, 'Is normal for men to lust after other men, ne. Just look at the actors and servants in the threater. Ne. Recently they hide it a lot more, for some reason." 💀
He doesn't like liking a human, of all things. It's scary, a weakness both demons and slayers alike might abuse.
That and the fact that he is very insecure, how could you love him back? He isn't even trying, what is you decide to abuse it too? That is the closest thing he knows he could get to being with you. He is not stupid, or clueless at least, he knows he can't say "no" to the ones he cares about. (Daki, himself and Daki. And now you.)
He starts a hot and could routine, going from avoiding you completely to yeatning and searching your company. He hates it, he starts to resent you for ir. Why must you have this amount of power over him.
He also protects you. Makes sure you are ok. He will most of the time be like a shadow, not getting close or risking you getting too far.
The dynamic becomes unhealthy, obssesive, Daki also starts to resent you for it. And it's visible, she insults you, destroys your things, and even tried to harm you several. Gyutaro is the one to protect you from her.
Unless you make a move on him or reject directly, you can expect this to last until one of you die. The thing is, while is hard not to notice what Gyutaro is doing, you can easily live and get away with this. You have the protection of Uppermoon 6 in exchange of your mere presence. He doesn't force more than that on you.
Gyokko figures what he wants from you almost instantly, even before fully knowing how he feels exactly.
5 weeks, give or take. That's the most you can realistically get.
He doesn't care you are a man, of course not, if he wants you why would that matter? His taste, what he defines by beauty, is his own law. Men can be beautiful, and humans can be art.
Gyokko is going to be "nice" at first, he will show you his pots, bring you eyes, hands and skin from his victims, try to teach you the right path of art.
You are a man, men can learn art, erudites are artists. You can learn, as hopeless as it seems.
Anger him once- lose a foot in his mouthes. Then the same leg to the knee, then the thigh.... you only have so much to fail. And you will. Gyokko is meant to neither get bored or tired, because as a human you just can't understand the beauty of mutating a human body against it's will, painfully and messy into a new final product. Just a shadow of a the humanity left.
Now, once you have no legs, you have two choices. Die. Or beg. Beg for hin to let you understand, to make something sublime out you.... beg and he will.
You will be awake, he will carefully, almost lovingly, open your chest, take out your heart, maybe take a bite, and he will bleed into the wounds.
Become a demon for him, to him, all his.
At the slightlest possibility of falling in love with you he cowers away.
Hantengu? Hantengu? Where did he go? What do you mean you haven't seen him in 3 months? >:v
He will come back, he will always come back and grab you. He will scratch you and sob, and sob and sob-
He has never been interested in men before, he had several wives in life, but not men. Men were always scary, strong and big, he was scary once too. He is scary now, but he still feels so scared. He touches your arms, shoulders, legs, all too masculine to be soft and comforting.
He will dissapear and come back to that routine, sometimes you wake up at night with him over you, crying.
Sometimes he is scared of you, sometimes he is scared for you. You can't talk or reason to him. You try, but you are a human. He doesn't have to listen to you. You are beloved, you are food, you are big, you are handsome, you are useless, you are mortal, you are nice, you are-
He can't deal with it. He genuinely tried. He tried and failed. He needs to get rid of you, you are too much. He is so sorry, he sobs, so sorry about this. Over you at night, you were sleeping the second he stabs you chest with a knife. Once, twice, thrice, and more, more, more. And he is so sorry-
No, really, run. He realized after a while and he is NOT happy about them. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT?!"
You still have a chance to survive, but you must run. He must calm down and you need to get away from him before that. He will realize it's nobody's fault, but until then he will attack. Get Karaku, that is your best bet.
He doesn't care you are a man, but the fact a puny and frail human makes his hesrt beat faster, face heat up, and invade his mind to the point he is always coming for you.... he hates it, it irritates him. He is just so angry.
If you survived this part, probably with the help of the other clones, who would see it as a waste you dying right now (specially Karaku, he would do anything to annoy Sekido), he will talk to you.
"You will die. I want to spend more time with you, and that means you will die. I will get angry and kill you." He will, unless you turn into a demon, he has thought about it. That is your choice.
You might actually have a... stable relationship, if you accept. Sekido will hold you through all the process as he bleeds into a bite he himself did in your shoulder, taking a bite before forcing you to fade into something else.
He is not planning to let you go now that you are his.
He already knew he lusted you the first night, nothing new. You take that as a chance of survival, for YEARS [you are living a lot more as a human than anyone else].
He both takes you and let you take him, sometimes he is very insistent. "C'mon, don't bore me. Have fun with me or I might get rid of ya."
He also openly flirts with you, not csring for your gender, gets you gifts, kisses you, takes care of you. He makes sure to be worth the while. He is careful, you always feel pleasure with him, even when you don't want to.
"You are so handsome, so good for me~ yes, you are a very good boy. I want to be like this with you forever."
It takes him years, he realizes it's not normal lust, there is more. He wants more. He should have already getting bored of you, but he didn't. He never will.
For the first time he actually hurts you during sex, he bites your neck to the point you bleed, moaning against the taste, you get tired from the effort and blood loss. Everything gets numb, heavy, and you close your eyes as you are deep within him
You will open them without any memories, just a new, hungry and bloodthirsty body. And him offering himself to a new you.
Urogi doesn't want to hurt you, that is good.
Urogi wants to play with you and have your constant attention... that is not so good. Because he will hurt you.
He scratches, bites, pushes you around, forces you to run as he chases through the sky. How are you supposed to last in anything against him. But again, he doesn't want to hurt you, so he doesn't get angry of this.
He more often than not licks the blood and the wounds he caused, then cuddles into your lap. Smell your masculine scent from your scrotch when he uses your legs as a pillow and from your neck when he sits on them, he likes being over you.
But again, Urogi is meant to get bored of your limits while playing with you. You were actually already expecting it the night he decides to make a drastic move.
That night be hasically bit your wrist off, tasting your flesh, moaning as he enjoys the taste. You don't get to run away again, too tired and hurt, as he finishes the meal before forcing his own flesh in your mouth.
If you have trouble biting, the he will bite a part off and chew it for you before feeding you mouth to mouth, force both blood and tissue into your throat with his tongue.
You will become a demon you you can both play more.
"It's so sad, pitiful, that I'm attracted to you. A human of all things." ..... that was hurtful.
You made his heart beat slightly and gave him a knot on his throat. His honest thought was "WHY a human?" Something that he is meant to lose, no matter what. That is so sad.
He pities himself more than he pities you, but that doesn't stop him from keeping you around. He is gentle and soft, if it wasn't because of his nature it would almost be endearing. You talk, you walk together, sometimes he even holds you.
He doesn't mind that you are a man, but he can't take the thought of you leaving him. He makes sure to be pitiful around you, to manipulate you into letting him take advantage that you are weak in every sense. Soon, you are the one cuddling and comforting.
He kills you at the first problem to arise, Sekido using you to threat him into "becoming more useful". Better know than waiting to become even more attached, that will only make it sadder. He is so sad already, but he wants to evade being too miserable.
He will kiss your first, thank you for everything, let you have your last words and last wish. Then he will make it fast, painless.
He will kiss your corpse again before making himself a memorial for you. So sad.
She is in love with a MAN? Like... a man?(PTSD of dead husband. She killed him.)
I'm sorry, you have at most an hour left to live, she is not dealing with so much. (Ok, let's be real, she might actually kill you, so just give her space.)
[Only one that actually reacts to your gender, like... why a man?]
She is as chill as she can be, so as long as you don't look at talk to her, look at her and evade her the best you can she will just let you be.
You being a man is an annoyance, even if that is the first though of you, it's easy to get over. You being a human... she is very loyal to Muzan (she doesn't count him as a man, he's god to demons, ofc), she would never put you over him.
She will actually talk the issue to you once she is ready, make the offer. Let you become a demon. She will transform you herself if you accept, if not then the will just throw you out her realm.
You will never hear a whisper of her again, she won't kill you herself, not waisting her time and effort in you. Her husband didn't deserve it, and she is seeing you like that too.
You should be able to live your own life as long as you don't ever cross any interdimentional door again. If you do...
Dead end.
Slow burn what slow burn? He falls fast and hard, too fast and hard for his own liking. So what if you are a man? He was never picky.
"BECOME A DEMON SO WE CAN BE TOGETHER FOR ETERNITY!!" Dude, chill! You both just met an hour ago! He is obssesed. Too obssesed.
Akaza will hurt you, will show you how weak you are, tease of how you could be more. He wants you, he wants you a lot, too much for his own good. It pains him.
He will bring you to the brink of death, while not really trying to kill you. Similar to a cat with a mouse. He will let you in the brink of death once and let you heal, sometimes even heal you himself (talk about Münchausen syndrome). He will do it again, and again, and again.
If you don't accept from all the torture, the now broken and useless limbs and bones, senses wrecked, constant pain in your body and a giant exhaustion after all the times he had his ways with you.
He even starts taking care of you, Akaza cleans the house since you can't even stand anymore, he cooks and learns your favorite recipes, he washes your clothes, takes you out to walks at night in his back, gets money (you don't know how and you are too scared to ask), he nurses you,
He won't turn you unless you consent to it, even if every day it looks less like a choice and more like the only way to get out. Sometime you wish he didn't make you have to choose.
If you never become a demon he will keep you like this until you die of... pain? Age? Exhaustion? Who knows? But you will die with the responsible of your state tending your wounds.
Ok, listen, whatever you do, don't make any sudden movement, your situation is pretty delicate. There is still a chance of getting out alive NO, THAT'S A LIE, JUST PANIC AS MUCH AS YOU WANT, YOU'RE DEAD
Douma thinks he is feeling hunger around you as he craves and lust for you💀💀 he also thinks you're funny and dummy.. Like hell he can name whatever he is feeling but IT'S NOT SAFE
He wants you around, but he is always sure you will try to leave like Kotoha did. This has already happen once. Does he regrets his actions? Is he even able to regret besides sometimes wishing she was still around?
You are nothing like her. You are not even a "her", so he doesn't even understand why he compares you both so much. But he sees it. You will try to leave, no matter how nice, how kind, how generous, how serving he is with you. You will leave if he doesn't do something about it.
Transform you into a demon? So you could actually get the power you would need to run away? It would only take one Uppermoon meeting and you would be gone by the time he was back home. He is not dumb enough to think anyone would help him find you.
He eats you, taking his time with you. He will start hugging and kissing you, not caring if you want it or not. He will first bite you mouth so you can talk, can't ask for help if someone hears you scream (his followers would take his words over your, how would they take some non-intelligent screams over his voice then?)
Then he would rip your legs so you can't run, before eating him in front of you, praising the taste, kissing you to share it, commenting on hiw your skin and tissue feel in his mouth. After the legs, he waits for you to "calm down" (you are actually dying, losing blood) before finsihing without any rush.
He would keep talking to you even after your heart stopped beating. Be as gently as he can. Once he finishes, he will be satisfied. Not only his stomach is full, but you will be forever inside him. Lovely.
.... he barely realizes.
This is a married widow samurai, his priority is his sword to surpass his long dead brother
But he likes, he thinks you're handsome. Attractive. Not that he would ever try to put it into words. (Someone tell this guy that no, not EVERY man is attracted to other men but marries a woman they don't even like because of obligation. That some people are ACTUALLY attracted to their opposite gender and spouse.)
[His wife though he was gay once he heard Michikatsu left her and their children to follow another man. Like bitch, did he even explain they were brothers?]
But again, beside just looking at you, does he even care? Does he even have anything in his heart besides this desire, this craving, this greed for power? To be more powerful than his own little brother? To take the place he was promised as the warrior, the gentleman of the gentry, that he was so afraid Yoriichi would take away?
It's never about you, even when he is with you. He will stay with you in silence, sometimes watch you from the distance, but it's never about you.
It's about himself. It's always about himself. You are only a pleasure that, like those days he visited his little brother, so lonely and weird, a freak that barely reacted to anything in his cage, (are those his thoughts or just the resentment inside him? Is it even real or Muzan somehow made it worse?) will fade away, and he will hate those moments and you.
You are a human, you are meant to die. He likes you, so he will keep you around, but nothing else. Kokushibou loves you know, and he will hate you in 100 years more, once you are gone. Simple as that.
He will cry and hate you the second your corpse touches the ground. Like Yoriichi did.
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Yandere Twisted Wonderland | Grandparents Misconception
I think we all can agree that the boys in Twisted Wonderland are top tier. And when they get transported into your world their beauty is just so otherworldly some people may not understand it. Especially if your grandparent is certain that this is a girlfriend of yours. You don’t know if it's out of spite or just bad vision but you just hope you can calm your boyfriend before he uses his unique magic on your meemaw. 
Ft: Leona Kingscholar, Vil Schoenheit, Idia Shroud, Lilia Vanrouge
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Leona Kingscholar
“Oh wow you’re girlfriend sure is muscular! What are you feeding her, protein shakes?”
You can talk to him, warn him all you’d like before
He’s still losing his cool and you’re fighting him from turning your grandparent to sand
He’s incredibly mad 
What about him looks like a girl!??!
While he doesn't inherently think woman are weak quite the opposite actually
But he also knows for an older person in your world this isn't exactly compliment
He’s underhandedly insulting them the rest of your visit
And if they don’t go missing mysteriously in the next week than he’s scowling whenever you mention them 
“Just cause they’re related to you doesn’t mean I’m just going to let them insult me.” 
The problem is if they refuse to listen to you explain it makes you have to compensate for them
Kisses, uninterrupted nap times, cuddles, and if he’s angry enough some hanky panky because he’s not letting some ‘bag of bones’ trample all over his pride 
“I bet your girlfriend can move these crates just fine.”
“Yeah this~ girlfriend~ can move that. Almost as good as I screw your–”
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Vil Schoenheit
“Wow, your girlfriend is so pretty! I wonder if it's all make up or if it's natural!” 
“Hahaha I’m happy you find me so attractive but I’m actually male. I’ll admit not many are as well-versed in the art of makeup but I assure you this is only an enhancement to my beauty.” 
He’s not immediately offended 
Instead opting to properly advocate for himself
If your grandparent is genuinely unable to see he won’t be mad
But if it's on purpose he’s a lot more spiteful
“If you're so fooled by my basic skin routine, maybe I can recommend something to help with your obvious condition.”
He’s less likely to outright complain about them 
Instead silently hating them 
Especially if they clean up their act around you
“No no Baba this is Vil my boyfriend…he said you kept calling him a girl.”
“Oh no worries child I understand, just a little mistake earlier. Slip of the tongue.”
“Oh okay then I’m glad.” *Walks away*
“...For someone claiming to be a boyfriend you sure gossip a lot…like a girl.”
While meeting with them as you grow closer Vil just prepares himself
Even as their underhanded insults get more intense and more hard hitting he still won’t do anything
It isn’t until they loudly proclaim how they’d never agree to you tying the knot 
That’s where he draws the line
It isn’t hard to slip an untraceable poison in their morning water 
Or a simple poison to increase the alcohol in their blood
And you’d be none the wiser when you lean against him as they lower the coffin
Vil’s a good actor though so he won’t laugh just yet not until his performance is up
“I’m so sorry (Y/n) it's a shame they had to go before we could make such an important announcement. If it's any comfort your skin is glowing today, no doubt thanks to my skin care brand.”
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Idia Shroud
“I know your girlfriend’s shy and all but can she actually help entertain the guests? This behavior is ridiculous!” 
“B-but I’m not a g-gir–”
“I already told you he isn’t a fan of parties anyway.”
“Too bad. If she wants to be with you she’s going to have to! And while you're at it, fix her makeup.”
He knew he should have taken you seriously when you warned him of what your family was like
And while he agreed on the high he got from your immediate praise 
He regrets it now 
Especially since he keeps getting called your girlfriend
Adding Insult to injury they're demanding extroverts
The only way he’s getting past his dormant position is when he finally matches head to head with your grandmother in a game
“That was your fatal flaw…You’re trying to take down the boss on his own territory!” 
“W-what b-but I’ve been playing this game for years, h-how?”
“And for the record I’m their boyfriend!”
He’s more annoyed with the circumstances than the situation of being called your girlfriend 
He’s cringing at the thought of showing he’s your boyfriend by normie standards
So he’s doing it through different methods
Funny shirts that point to him being your boyfriend 
Flashing your matching accessories from an anime
Putting a gadget on you that pages you with an automated voice
‘Boyfriend would like you to make a plate for him at the buffet’
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Lilia Vanrouge
“Your girlfriend is quite cute! How did you meet?”
“At college, we’ve been together ever since!”
He’s not immediately going to refute the claim
It doesn’t really matter to him 
Even when their gifted a few dresses or shoes 
He thinks its funny
he definitely jokes about it at home with you
“Come on (Y/n)! Aren’t you going to take your girlfriend out?”
“Ugh we really have to clear that up.”
It really won’t bother him until he’s actually trying to do things and your grandparent is still keen on their own opinion
“I’m actually a man so I would appreciate it if you officially referred to me as (Y/n)’s boyfriend on official documents.”
“But (Y/n) doesn’t have a boyfriend. They have a cute little girlfriend.”
“....I’m their boyfriend. I’m also a father.”
“You’re so silly they wouldn’t date someone like that.”
He’ll be very patient instead leaving it to you to set things straight
And if that doesn’t work he decides he doesn’t care anymore 
And that he doesn’t care for your grandparent 
So on holiday’s when your making your phone calls and sending invitations to your grandparent
He’s accidentally letting the letter burn 
And he won’t suggest it getting lost in the mail until the day before
“That’s unfortunate, we'll just have to remember to do it next time.”
We won’t 
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puzzled-pegasus · 5 months
Ok so here's the thing
We're all excited about the Percy Jackson TV series. We all love Annabeth. Annabeth is wonderful and beautiful and smart.
is Annabeth autistic? Personally, I don't think so. I've nothing against autistic people, however...the number of posts I have seen that are headcanoning her as autistic is somewhat surprising. There seems to be a need to headcanon every character whose main skill is their cleverness, as an autistic character.
Autistic people are more often than not, incredibly intelligent. Annabeth, too, as we all know, is incredibly intelligent. But here's my problem with people headcanoning her as autistic so aggressively.
It seems to me that we are forgetting her ADHD.
Yes, I'm aware that an individual can have both autism and ADHD. That's not my point. My point is that, because of stereotypes relating to ADHD, we forget that she has it because 1) she's a girl and ADHD presents differently in AFAB people and 2) she's not outwardly hyperactive, which is a common occurrence with the former.
We also seem to have a hard time associating ADHD with intelligence---just look at the fanon interpretations of the characters whose ADHD we DO acknowledge.
I'm talking about Percy and Leo, specifically. If you go into the HOO fandom, you'll find hundreds of incorrect quotes, art, writing, etc. portraying the two characters whose ADHD is actually acknowledged in the series, as the stupid, impulsive, quirky comic relief ones. This is a huge problem as well, they massacred my poor boy Leo, but this isn't about him right now.
Sometimes we acknowledge Piper's ADHD, and the struggles she has with it, but hardly ever Annabeth. Why? Because she's the smart one. The smart one can't have ADHD, can she? Because being smart in the way that she's written is only because she must also be autistic.
I'm not sure exactly where I'm going with this, I'm sorry. Just...think about the implications of what you diagnose a character with before you do so, especially if they already Canonically have something else, okay? Thanks.
If you headcanon Annabeth as autistic, don't stop, either. She can have both. She just also has ADHD.
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genericpuff · 6 months
Do you have any recommendations for comics on tapas? I'm rather new to the app so I wondered if you had any. Sorry if someone already asked!
Oh, so many! Tapas was one of my OG homes waaay back in the day, when I was still getting into drawing comics (back then it was gag-a-days). I spent a lot of time reading comics on there and it was one of my first introductions to comic platforms in general (next to SmackJeeves, RIP).
Rock and Riot - 1950's LGBTQ+ gangster teenagers getting into shenanigans and turf wars. Very cute and fun and adorable <3
Monster Pop! - Monster girls who are besties! This one has some real gorgeous art especially if you like the original vibes of S1 LO, lots of bright beautiful colors and lineless shapes. The creator of this comic, mayakern, now develops comfortable and eco-friendly skirts with her wife and pals for plus-sized folks! (they have pockets!)
A BETTER PLACE - Young girl Hannah and her little brother Theo find something cool in the woods. Children becoming gods. This was one of those comics that had some REALLY cool "you had to be there" time travel elements that aren't quite as immersive in hindsight (I was one of those people who were there and DAMN it was awesome), but it's still absolutely worth the read and it operates as a sort of prequel to another one of Harry Bogosian's comics on the platform.
Fail by Error - This comic is long since done with, its creator having moved on to bigger things, but at one point in time, this was the titan series on Tapas, before the platform became predominantly BL's and isekais. Fail by Error was truly one of the best of the best of Tapas-hosted comics from its golden era of comedy comics. Also the creator made art for me once and I still have it! <3
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(my babieees <3)
RandoWis - funny gag strip is funny ! He also draws an MMO-themed comic that - coincidentally - when I double checked, looks like it stopped updating in 2021 until two days ago. So yeah, good time to check that one out too!
Undying Happiness - Naomi takes a chance on love and decides to meet up with a guy she met online. He turns out to not look like the guy in the photos in the most hilariously absurd way.
Deep Fried Pudge - Okay, this is a really weird inclusion because like... this comic isn't good. This comic is painfully bad. Like, "roll your eyes into the back of your skull at your dad's stupid jokes" bad. This comic has not stopped updating daily since 2012. It literally just had its 11 year anniversary. Every update is just a single panel either making some pun or just stating very innocent, inoffensive opinions. There are four thousand of these things. And every single one is done with the same art style and joke structure as before, the comics from today look and feel like a 7 year old made them the exact same way they did 10 years ago, as if trapped in a hellish time capsule of its own design, and I love it, I freaking love it. Its existence quite literally defies human nature. Reading it and attempting to comprehend why it exists is like staring into the eyes of some Eldritch god that chose peace over chaos. Pudge will outlive all of us. Pudge will outlive the universe. All hail Pudge.
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