#also i know this is kinda rambly so if you have specific questions i’m more than happy to answer :33
transfemmesam · 19 days
🥰 I wanna hear about your au where Sam is a girl!!
YIPPEE ^_^ so. she’s not superrr feminine but ofc the hunting lifestyle doesn’t really lend itself to that, and in part it’s because she looks up to dean so much and wants to be like him (mostly when she’s younger though).
girl sam definitely still has canon sam’s absolutely ridiculous height, she’s lanky and not particularly curvy, and she probably has similar hair to canon as well because again, the hunting life is not easy on long hair. in late high school she probably starts growing it out in preparation for college
on the wincest side of things (because i’m me), dean would be SO much more weird and overprotective of her than he already is, with an added layer of misogyny 💀 when she outgrows him around 10th grade and can’t wear his hand-me-downs anymore, he freaks out because he has the amulet as part of her with him, but there’s nothing left of his on her…. so he starts being meaner and rougher so she has some visible bruises and bites from him <3 also when she “officially” loses her virginity (aka has sex with someone other than dean) it makes him both so horny and violent that he doesn’t know what to do with himself 🫶 god forbid someone other than him touch sammy and kiss sammy and fuck sammy bc that’s his job!! and oh man if they’re mean to her that’s his job too >:(
all her teachers during this era are kinda freaked out bc (direct quote from my buddy) “it’s this really smart awkward girl always showing up to school with new bruises and she gets picked up by an angry guy who pushes her around and yells at her but she refuses to say anything bad about him ever”. <3
one last thing bc this got really long: john is also definitely weird abt her because she reminds him of mary, and both he and dean keep her away from hunts as much as possible because they’re ultra-worried about other hunters being pervy and they’re jealous. sam doesn’t like this because she can handle herself and she’s not gonna do anything with a stranger wtf 🙄🙄
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autumnnnsun · 5 months
Now that I’ve finished reading Hortus de Escapismo and Executor’s record, I really gotta ramble about Executor for a second and kinda talk abt how Arknights handles his lack of empathy trait that I really enjoy. This isn’t a proper analysis or anything just my thoughts I wanna vomit for a sec.
So it’s implied in Executor’s record that he just, wasn’t born having empathy despite being a sankta. Or at least he just naturally doesn’t have the same levels of understanding of emotion as other sankta. The part that I really like about it is how Executor’s Record and story in general doesn’t portray that as a necessarily bad thing.
His lack of empathy allows him to think in a way that is a lot more unique than other sankta. When his partner in his record story told him to sacrifice him, he still brought his body back to Laterano. One of the reason being because of a specific sentence in the will they were enacting (“I hope all Laterans return back to their home.” Smth that most people would assume is just smth the will writer wrote for some extra literary flare) but also because he disregarded his partner’s feelings. His lack of empathy is the reason why he did something good and that is very interesting to me especially when most people tend to demonise having low/no empathy.
I also just really like how in his record story, it’s emphasised that he knows what emotions ARE. He has developed a system with his parents to recognise and visualise emotions by drawing lines that represent them. He knows what it is, he can recognise it to a level where he can think of the next best course of action when confronted with it, he just doesn’t put much importance on it nor does he bother with understanding it for the most part. Especially if it’s something that will get in the way of his job. And I REALLY like that cus it reminds me of how people irl that have low empathy will develop systems to work around it and still be kind.
I know a lot of us joke about Executor being autistic and that’s funny and I like the jokes as much as everyone else, but low or no empathy is a trait of other mental disorders and disabilities and even as someone that hasn’t been diagnosed with anything yet it still feels kinda nice to see low empathy being portrayed in a way that isn’t villanious.
In fact, Executor having low empathy kinda makes him the best person in the room sometimes especially in Hortus de Escapismo. The part where he does a warning shot at Oren and Lemuen and essentially goes “Can ya’ll STOP I’m trying to do my JOB.” And essentially manages to stop a massacre because of it is so funny but also so fucking hype bruv. I like how in the end of the event when Executor was starting to ask more questions and have more doubts and was starting to let emotions affect his actions a bit more, it isn’t framed as like “Oh mah gerd, he’s learning empathy and being more hooman!”
Instead he’s asking questions and seeking to find solutions to them in his own unique way. Asking around and adding more variables to his thought process like a computer would (which has some implications that gets my lore brain churning but hrghrghrgh)
Top it all of with the fact that he is specifically a character that is born and raised in a society that values empathy. Being able to feel other people’s emotions is what makes you a sankta. And Executor, is one of the better sanktas because he doesn’t follow that rule.
God I love Executor, go son, thrive.
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frozenjokes · 2 months
A Little Question About Love (It’s Not Little At All, Though Scar Is A Bit Frustrated It’s Not As Simple As It Is On TV)
“Hey, thanks again for driving me to the zoo all week, G, I really appreciate it. Still can’t believe how stiff my arm is, I mean, yeah, I expected it to hurt for a while, but I’m so sore!”
Grian chuckled in the driver’s seat, but kept his eyes on the road as he turned onto the street where the employee parking lot was located. Given how massive Scar’s zoo was, it took quite a while to navigate the surrounding area, so he needed to maintain some focus. “So sore you can’t bring your other one up to the wheel either? That sounds pretty bad, Scar, maybe I should turn this car back around and take you home. You might even need to go back to the hospital!”
“No! No no, that won’t be necessary. I just can’t drive, Grian, see, the seatbelt pushes real hard on my arm and shoulder and when I lift it like that it’s so much worse! Blame the seatbelt, blame the seatbelt.”
“And your other arm?”
“Have you heard of phantom pain?”
“Pretty sure we already discussed that’s not how phantom pain works, but sure Scar, go on.”
“Agony, Grian, agony. Can’t lift my arms,” Scar caught Grian’s eye, throwing him a wink, “Only in the car though. A very specific problem, nothing any doctor could address without wasting hours of our time.”
“Our time?”
“Well, duh, you’re my driver!” Scar laughed, and Grian joined him, unable to help himself. Scar could never accept an injury as it was and let himself rest when he needed it. Always moving, always working; that was the Scar way. An idle Scar was a miserable one; it didn’t matter what he was doing as long as he was moving, though he always did prefer to have someone to talk to. It’s why he hated to be at home for too long, or worse, the hospital he frequented as a result of his recklessness. Grian had a theory it’s why he hated driving as well. Sure, it wasn’t quite idle, but sitting still and focusing was not Scar’s forte. Of course, Grian didn’t mind.
He was content with the small silence as he pulled into the parking lot, but Scar would never let that stand.
“I’ve been thinking about something you said recently. I'm just curious, I guess.”
Grian tensed, glancing in Scar’s direction. He looked thoughtful, but in an impossibly neutral way, difficult to read. “Scar, that could mean anything, buddy. Gonna need you to be a lot more specific.”
“Oh!” Scar looked surprised, as if he hadn’t just said something deeply terrifying, “Sorry! Just thinking. It was with Mumbo, after he got upset and bit me, y’know. When I wanted to go after him, I mean. You were really worried and it kinda made me think and stuff.”
Grian deflated, his shoulders sinking a little closer to his chest, “Scar, I really don’t want to talk about that. You know it makes me upset.”
“No- it’s not about you getting upset, I know why you were and I really am sorry. That’s another thing that’s been in my mind but not the thing,” Scar began to ramble and Grian let himself fall back against the seat, resigned to the fact that this was happening. He didn’t want to have this conversation again. He just didn’t want Scar to get himself killed; a high order apparently.
Scar continued regardless, “It was more about.. I dunno, I mean, I’d say we’re pretty close. We’re close, right?” Scar didn’t give Grian any time to answer, “And you said that I mean a lot to you, and you mean a lot to me too, but I don’t know what that means to me, and then you said that I’ve got a lot of people who love me, but it kinda sounded like you were saying you loved me, and that’s great, I also have feelings that are like that, but I also also don’t know what that means really, to love someone. And I was just thinking about it. I love you, of course I do, but what does that mean? Does it mean anything? When you told me you loved me, what did that mean to you?”
Grian gaped. What the fuck else could he do. What the fuck was even happening here???
“Scar. Are you. What are you asking here. What are you saying.”
“I love you.”
“Okay.” Grian gripped the wheel so hard he was sure his nails would leave indents. He didn’t even bother trying to park; halfway between the lines of two spots would have to do. “You love me. What does that mean.”
“I don’t know. That’s why I asked you.” Scar was infuriatingly relaxed, like this was just a normal conversation with zero implications at all.
“I can’t tell you how you feel, Scar!”
“Well you said you loved me first, so I was asking you what that meant.”
“I didn’t- I said people love you, Scar, like your friends and family! That people would be very upset if you died doing something dumb- it- it wasn’t meant to be some kind of confession?”
“Oh, I didn’t think so!” Scar threw up his hands in defense, like that was at all obvious.
“Then what did you think?”
“I thought that you loved me.”
“Of course I love you- obviously I love you. What is happening here? Why are you so stuck on this?”
“I just don’t know what it means. I don’t know how to tell the difference and I thought that if you loved me you might be able to tell me. I feel like I love everyone the same, and that’s all sorts of confusing. I mean, maybe besides family love, but that’s more complicated, there’s like- layers.”
Grian had to fight to keep himself from gaping. This was not the conversation he thought he’d be having today. “Well,” he forced his voice back into a more even tone, something a little nicer, “For me, yeah, kinda. There’s a lot that goes into love, layers, like you said. There’s the kinda unconditional respect I have for most everyone, and it builds from there? Friendship of course, elements of physical attraction can further things sometimes. Attraction in general makes a big difference, and not just physical, it’s an emotional thing too. Personality. Mannerisms. It’s a slow thing for me most of the time. That’s not always the case though, some people fall fast. For me it’s like.. a slow infatuation with the wholeness of someone. Not necessarily loving every trait, but kinda respecting it, y’know?”
“Like friends.”
“Like- no, not like friends, like being in love. Romantically.”
“That’s friends though.”
“It’s not- Scar how many of your friends do you feel all those ways about- how many of your friends are you physically attracted to?”
“A few. Close friends, Grian, obviously. And come on, like all of our shared friends are hot, physical attraction can not be the deciding factor here, that does not make any sense.”
Grian shrugged. “We do have many hot friends.”
“I know! I think you’re attractive.”
If Grian had been drinking anything he would have spit it all over the dashboard, “You- Scar!” Scar didn’t seem to notice his words had any effect though, rambling on.
“I mean, seriously, what the hell is supposed to be the difference here! Platonic, romantic, I’m half convinced everyone has just been lying to me. I keep waiting for all these rainbows and sparkles to light up in my brain and go yup! There it is! That’s romance, that’s love, and it’s like- yeah love as in my friends who I love dearly, who I’d happily spend the rest of my life with if I got the chance-“
“-Yeah, I mean obviously when I tell you I love you I mean very explicitly every single one of those things you mentioned. Every! One! I don’t hand out ‘I love yous’ for free, I mean it. That’s not the same for everyone though, and that doesn’t bother me or anything, but doesn’t it feel a little confusing sometimes? So that wasn’t what you meant when you said that, right?” Scar looked at him so genuinely, so innocently, like that was the easiest question to answer in the world.
“Uhm. Yeah, I. Love. I love you, Scar.”
“Great!” Scar preened, apparently fully, completely, entirely satisfied with what just happened here, “This is great. Glad we’re on the same page.” And then he gathered his things and just left. Opened the car door, personal items in hand, and walked away with a goddamn smile on his face before Grian could even hope to yell out the window, WE ARE NOT ON THE SAME PAGE.
Instead, he buried his head in his hands, screamed a little, punched the passenger seat, let his face hit the car horn, then drove home, feeling overall very normal about that little conversation.
read the rest of the fic here
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sugarpasteltmnt · 3 months
i am currently catching up on neon void, and it is a delight to read. your descriptions of leo’s mind is mesmerizing and grabs the reader’s attention so well. it’s very diverse and unique compared to other interpretations and fics♥️
i’m curious to know what your thinking process was like while writing leo’s insanity and his own thought processes.
(spoilers for ch11) the scene that stuck out to me the most was when leo was about to infect donnie. it felt so vulnerable and raw ahh
anyways i just want to dig into your mind a little to know how it works.
keep up the great work, you are doing wonderful.
WAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH 😭😭😭 you are so sweet thank you!! 💙💗‼️and ohmigosh what a fun ask.
tbh i sat on this one for a while to think of how to dive into it-- beware of my (VERY) long ramblings below!
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this question really got me Thinkin' and i kinda popped off but!! If i may indulge myself, here's sort of a wild explanation of how i approach Leo's Insane Brain for this specific fic:
does it meet R.I.S.E???
R - Realistic? I - Interesting? S - Silly? E - Existential?
R - Realistic
"How the hell do i make this sound realistic" is often an obstacle i run into. but it's also the Secret Sauce. What really gives the thought process direction. Given Leo's current situation, he's battling between what he wants and what he needs to do. Which is often a very real problem real people have. Exaggerating it helps create a fun back-and-forth dialog that can make his thoughts seem muddled.
With Leo in this fic’s setup, there are about five main key factors i rely on with his decision making:
Happiness The root of Leo’s general personification. He’s the guy who beat Krang One. The one who escaped a place worse than Hell. After years of missing home so much he’s FINALLY home. He’s drunk on happiness. He was finally home. And that relief and joy is what makes him so jubilant and goofy.
Awareness of his goal Though Rise Leo is a very funny dude, he's still a Leonardo. Throughout the series, Leo is the voice of reason when things are getting out of hand or are potentially dangerous. Leo's had nothing but time to think. Wishing what he'd done different. Wishing he had been more serious. After five years obsessing over his mistake and missing his family, the moment he see's the opportunity to make sure this never happens again he'll latch onto it. And when the stakes are high, accentuating that tension can help with frantic impact of his thinking.
His desire to see his family This desire often clashes with point number 2. Writing his internal struggle between the two helps with the “overwhelmed thoughts” vibe. It’s hard for him to choose! And he doesn’t wanna have to choose! Playing out the conflict between his 'want' vs his 'need to do' helps me bring out his nervous thinking process.
He's self-reprimanding thoughts We all love an Angsty Leo. It was hinted in the show that he had some self-esteem issues, but who doesn't love ramping it up to 11 for a fic??? That, and he was trapped with Krang this whole time. After hearing he was nothing but trash for five years PLUS the guilt of nearly ending the world, the guy doesn't exactly see himself in a great light you know? This can help clash with point 1, again helping with that 'what he wants' vs 'what he needs to do' inner conflict.
Instinct to Survive / Feral Tendencies This one is super fun. I love feral AUs/tropes. With little to no socialization in the Prison Dimension, Leo's sanity started to slip, leaving his body's natural instincts to become more profound. Plus, with the Krang Parasite, I like to exaggerate how feral/dangerous he could be outside of 'turtle' instincts. (Seeing that parasite hosts in the movie were very violent). Sprinkling in feral moments is just a delicious thrill I love adding, and it makes the insanity factor skyrocket and it's so fun to write 🩵🩵🩵
I - Interesting
Is Leo's thought process interesting to read??? Honestly, I just gun for what I think is the most interesting; Leo's relationship with his brothers (especially Raph), and the cause and effects of his shenanigans.
Also, I liked to experiment with wonky texts to help emphasize key moments or words to grab attention. Mostly because it feels like a fun surprise to read them in my opinion. Though not necessary in writing, I thought using some funky fonts might entice and excite 💙
S- Silly
THE BIG ONE!!! EVERYONE'S FAVORITE!!! 🎉🎊🥳🎉 Something I really love love love about Rise's style is that it's silly It's unique! It's fun! I love that Leo and the others are goofy and have some slap-stick moments. And I wanted to keep that with Leo despite everything. Plus, I ADORE that in this iteration of TMNT, the characters are such showmen. They are DRAMATIC. They are SILLY. And that's something I wanna celebrate!! Plus, as much as I love angst, writing nothing but pure angst is exhausting. (And I'm sure reading pure angst isn't enjoyably to everyone.) Throwing in Silly moments is like a little moment of refreshment to me 🩵
I also like to believe that Leo kept his sense of humor out of sheer SPITE. The 'wipe that stupid grin off your face' line in the movie really stuck with me. I feel like Leo would smile through his fear and still be a clown just to spite Krang One.
E - Existential
At the end of the day, Leo is dealing with a VERY big issue. I felt like the Rise movie did an excellent job portraying the severity of an alien invasion for the setting Rise had. And the weight of the situation would be too great for one person. And this is often what I refer back to to make Leo snap. A relapse in clarity of mind. A moment for the panic and PTSD to come back in full force and make him rely on his instincts. Usually the feral instincts he became more attuned with while fleeing/fighting Krang One. It also goes hand-in-hand with his awareness of his goal (as mentioned in 'Realistic' above).
And that's kinda a word-vomit of how it goes!! Honestly??? The tug-o-war between conflicting thoughts helps me write the madness in his head. It's been super fun and interesting, and I hope it's been fun to read!!! (Though I'm telling you now I will NOT be doing those floating text tables again OOF)
Thank you again for the ask it was super fun to think about ;w; 🩵‼️
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rickfucker · 2 years
(kinda emo) Nsfw Rick Headcanons (GN!)
i’ve gained lots of followers since my last post. hello! and welcome to the shitshow. this turned out extra emo! for whatever reason idk. i think it might just be because of how much i love rick this season. he’s a little softer. pls enjoy.
Sex is one of those things that he almost overdid when he was younger. He still loves it, don’t get me wrong, but he used it as an unhealthy coping mechanism in tandem with his drinking. It started losing its spark as he really got on in years.
This man is of the streets. He’s seen it all and he’s done it all.
Definitely a switch. His default is soft dominant. He will give endless praise, from how stunning your body is to how well you take him.
He gets tired, though. He’s spent his whole life fighting shadows of himself; trying to convince himself that he doesn’t need anyone. He wouldn’t ask you outright, necessarily, but if you decide to take the reigns from him for a night, he melts right into it. He wants someone to take care of him. Love him. Be gentle with him, just enough to make him forget about the cruelty of his own existence.
Sex with you is healing for him in that respect. He has done the hard and fast with everyone he’s ever met. You’re a fresh start, like he’s being given a second chance at doing things the right way.
He takes his time with you. To the point of your very obvious frustration. I’m talking hours of foreplay.
He’s the type to gently coerce you into saying exactly what you want in bed, usually in the filthiest way possible. Once again, extra points for the full-body blushing you’ll be doing. He eats that shit up.
He wants to hear you say what you want. That you want him, specifically. Consent is sexy!
Nicknames for days. Sweetheart, baby, hun, sugar, sweetcheeks, lmao. He loves just hearing you say his name, though.
He likes to fuck in weird places. Views it like a sort of challenge.
You would definitely have sex in every room in the house. Kitchen countertops, living room couch, the shower (obviously), laying you out on top of the dining room table (you insist on Clorox-ing afterward because he certainly isn’t going to do it).
He would never risk the possibility of you two being walked in on, though. He’s for sure into exhibitionism to an extent, but not with his family in mind. For your privacy as much as his own. Also his territorial nature. Nobody is viewing the goods but him.
He actually doesn’t want to have sex on his workspace. He’s got too much important shit that can’t risk, ahem, contamination.
If you get awkward of feel embarrassed while bumping uglies, he literally does not care. Everything you do is sexy to him, including all of the very human things about you.
(AFAB) I can’t tell if he’s a boob or a butt guy, but that’s ‘cause he’s a pussy guy. We all know this. He is King of giving head and he fucking loves it. 
(AMAB) Same goes here. King of Giving Head; He WILL give you that sloppy toppy.
Always makes his partner come first.
He can’t pick a favorite position, but he does love it when you ride him, especially dry humping. He likes it when the two of you end up so in the moment that there’s no time for taking off clothes.
Goes absolutely feral when you say you love him.
Sometimes cries a little after really intense sex, but not when you can see him. He’s got all these pent up emotions that just end up toppling over when he lets his guard down.
Pillow talk for a hundred years. He likes it when you start rambling about the future, toying with his hands while you talk softly. “Maybe we could move somewhere closer to the ocean. Or are you more of a cabin in the woods kind of guy?” You laugh at the idea of Rick lounging on the beach, which he takes mock offense to.
You make him think about things he never would have considered before. What reason would he have to ask himself the less important questions of life? Like what his favorite architectural style of home is. What would his perfect vacation look like? If he had to pick a new hobby to start, what would it be? It’s just nonsense, things he would never talk about in front of anyone else due to their irrelevant nature, but in the afterglow with you, he likes it. Maybe it makes him feel more normal; suburban; domestic. Maybe he just likes how dreamily you talk about those things, and the way you give him your full, rapt attention in the quiet sanctity of his tiny bedroom. Nothing else exists but you.
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industrations · 6 months
Hi, may I ask you a question? I know this is probably kind of an unusual ask so feel free to ignore this! But you seem so nice and kind so I thought I might ask you about this...
So lately I keep thinking a lot about gender things. Oh and I am a girl (maybe (as in afab)) and until recently I was convinced that I am very comfortable in my gender. And the thing is, I did think about it. I knew about my sexuality since I was a teenager and I remember thinking about my gender on many occasions and always feeling so sure about it and so comfortable in my body. But also... I've always been kinda scrawny (my friends keep joking that oversized clothes make me look like a 14 year old boy) and then someone told me people go through second puberty and I might get bigger hips in the next years and I would hate that. And then I wondered why, is it just the change or would I genuinely be uncomfortable in a more feminine body?
And now I'm wondering, because why would that come up now?? I mean I am in my early twenties now and I've known about my sexuality for years. But I've also kind of ignored that after realizing it for a while whoops. So it might be happening again. Or maybe it's really just a bit of gender envy and not all that serious?
I think I'm just trying to ask you if you think it's possible that I realize some things late? I'm just so unsure lately and I feel like I can't really ask anyone about this...
So yeah, apologies for sending you that paragraph and I hope you have a nice day!!
Alright so first of I want to say that I am in no means an expert at this. I’m not a therapist and I can’t tell you what you are or what you aren’t feeling. But I can speak from my own experience that things like this are by no means tied to a specific period of time in your life. There’s people that are well into their adult years (and i’m talking 60-70) that are still discovering things about themselves
I’ve spend a long time around people who were telling me what I can and cannot be or what i should be. I was "comfortable" in my gender because I was thought that I should be. And until I actually started talking to people who were going through similar things, I didn’t quite understand that it was not the norm feeling this way about yourself.
Again speaking from my own experience because never let anyone tell you what’s right or wrong for you. There is certain things about being afab i embrace and appreciate even. Things i would miss was i born differently. I love having a softer voice, and more feminine features because those are things that make me me.
But then I have cis girl friends who tell me "oh I wish I had your chest" or "you should be grateful you don’t have as little as me" and I just rather die that having this part of my body be perceived at all. I have my top surgery very soon which i’m extremely excited for but why do I have to defend myself for wanting something that’ll make me happier just because people don’t understand the feeling.
Sorry this has become quite personal and rambly somehow but apparently i have many feelings about this and if they can help anyone in any way then that would he the best outcome. I guess what i’m trying to say is try to let go of whatever you think other people want you to be and be kind and gentle with yourself. You don’t HAVE to be anything the only thing you should be is comfortable in your own skin
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ceilidho · 3 months
Will Johnny apologise for cheating? I mean even I’m a bit confused if it’s cheating cheating you know? He was kinda forced by Ghost and we know he feels a bit guilty over it but it’s still hurtful
Lmfao sorry for the rambling, I’m loving this forced couple story and Ghost is such a Dom but I hate cheating and my stomach is so confused on if it’s actually cheating lol ♥️♥️♥️
this is a tough question for a few reasons! putting under a read more bc the topic is a bit sensitive.
a) you're right, given how that scenario played out, it wasn't really cheating. that being said, ghost would absolutely act like it is in order to make soap feel more off balanced and riddled with guilt lmao.
b) i think if soap didn't have ghost in his head to the point where he feels unmoored and directionless when ghost isn't around, he might at some point feel compelled to apologize (even though again, he didn't cheat - there's a reason this fic is labelled noncon lmao ...even though soap came and realized he liked it after the fact, that moment was definitely not consensual), but obviously that's not going to happen here in a straight forward way because soap is now sinking into the idea of getting both his girl and ghost. so slowly he's going to start to convince himself that everything happened for a reason because it resulted in him getting to be with both of his favourite people.
this fic is meant to have a SMIDGEON of angst because of the internal struggle that soap is going through (and reader too, don't forget about her - i might've chosen not to write in 2nd pov for this fic, but she still is very upset), but i specifically didn't label this as cheating because that's not really.....the point of the fic, if that makes sense. and also because soap didn't fuck ghost behind bird's back - he was wrestled and jerked off with his arms pinned behind his back. it's a toxic throuple fic at the end of the day, with scenes of dubcon/noncon that bleed into an eventually consensual relationship (sort of; the guise of one).
also lmao i know ive framed it as cheating for johnny (even tho it ISN'T given what happened), but man even if they were fucking around behind her back ....i'd be hard pressed to call it cheating man. the three of them have got a nasty case of toxic soulmatism
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disruptivevoib · 2 months
I’m not good with questions but
Could you possibly talk about Viscera? I don’t have anything specific but I love the concept that he’s a Whole in a Soul’s place
Very long ramble under the cut
He is really my most under-spoken-on character here...which is odd because he is by far one of my favorite / more complex ones!
Vis is in his concept, Whole in Soul's place. I think in the album now, he reflects Soul very well in the idea of being the shell. Though this is mainly because Whole isn't really a character and Soul is the implied shell of what we think of as Whole in concept.. The casing, the iron maiden for Mind and Heart to be held within!!! (there is a reason his name was almost Body ig.. thank god CJ reconsidered tho. Body is kinda an awkward name/title.)
Vis is a hollowed out husk of what is supposed to be somebody. Soul is some form of throughline to Mind and Heart. A connector, an adaptor. Viscera is simply not this. He is a vacancy because he is fundamentally nothing. Meant to be someone, torn from his purpose and placed promptly in the spot of what would typically be his identity.
Sooo Viscera struggles to be much of anybody. In this, and through the hundreds of loops he endures due to Astray (Soul as Whole) and his inability to really, of course, be a person when he is meant to just be one facet of someone, Vis remembers everything.
It was a commonly shared idea that Soul is able to choose to remember or forget during loops. Swap Au explores this concept in that Astray explicitly is the reason Judge (Heart as Mind) and Ennui (Mind as Heart) forget alongside himself. Vis, as Whole yet not knowing it, remembers all of this context (though from his own point of view. So he does not know Astray /well/ really. But he feels for him in terms of knowing the panic that comes with having split down to three again.)
Vis is kind and gentle and cares very very much for his thirds, or rather his ids and his Whole as he sees them. He reminds Ennui and Judge of their names and his own every loop, and though things change during loops, and no timeline is entirely consistent, there are throughlines and thus predictability. So he can navigate it just as well.
Viscera is interesting in juxtaposition to Eleutheromania Soul who remembers his loops though Mind and Heart forget just the same. Yet their reactions and handling of the situations are fundamentally different. Though this is due to their roles and the treatment they get in their respective Psyche and by their respective versions of a Whole or Soul.
... But yes. Vis is. deeply longing to be complete in some way. He is unsure always of his emptiness and what might fill it, but never loses this inkling that being Whole is.. what he needs. And in some way, it is and is not that!
He also speaks in intense amounts of prose and roundabout allegories, symbolism, and metaphors. It was more a quirk of his character to make him distinct from how my other's spoke, but I think it also calls to the deeper idea of the way fragmented thoughts put together can be a little outlandish and nonsensical but.. make perfect sense to you in some way. Or something like that.
He also, moves very slowly and takes a lot of time to do things. Like an old window's computer. He needs time to process information!! And I attribute this also to his emptiness and lack of anything but memory as it is all he has in the moment to base what should be his feelings and thoughts on.
^ Though despite that sounding like he cannot feel or think or anything, it is more like trying to make sure he feels like himself? even though realistically Viscera very deeply struggles with that idea. Not that he'd say it ever. Vis is incredibly genuine, though. He does what he can to ensure the safety of others including his ids and they in turn do the same to him.
The Swap Au really makes for a VERY interesting person to look at due to characterization. Someone who is unstable but trying, and through all their struggles remains loving and warm. That is who Astray could be, who Vis essentially is and what Judge and Ennui contribute too.
Also he smells perpetually like citrus. I do not know why but I made it canonical that all four of them have distinct smells to them and the things they summon. Perhaps they are all just very scent oriented.
Also-Also in terms of my other Aus and Sources as a concept for HMS. Of which I can elaborate on ig? if need be! Viscera has no source...................... it is a black voided little pit or hole there instead.
If Soul's source is a star, then Viscera's became a sort of blackhole. I suppose.
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ghost-bxrd · 5 months
Ok so I’ve seen your thoughts on Talia being a good mom to both Jason and Damian and generally being a better person vs when she’s morally gray and really only good to Damian, but how do you feel about Bruce being a bad dad? Like personally I don’t like him being abusive but unfortunately…canon does not disprove it 😕🫠. Like do you have hcs or prompts where he switches from one interpretation to the other? Genuinely curious bc my thoughts on him going between these two have me conflicted bc I don’t LIKE him being a bad father, specifically in regards to Jason, but it does kinda fuel some ‘Jason leaves the batfam to go find himself’ stories I’ve seen, but you could argue that Bruce doesn’t NEED to be terrible for that to happen. Idk maybe modern comics have poisoned my ability to ignore Bruce’s history of abusing his children in some way by cranking up that abuse to a solid 20/10 (I’m sure I don’t have to mention what I’m referencing lmao), but it just makes me think. So much would be nicer if he was just a flawed father, but that’s not what his character fully is y’know (this is why I brought up Talia, just realized I was rambling without making that clear lol)
Phew ok, I’ll try to answer this to the best of my abilities!
So keep in mind that these are my personal thoughts and I’m actually not that well versed in comic lore (the comics I’ve read can be counted on one hand sadly but I’m trying to get my hands on more ksksks), and majority of my knowledge comes from research and fanfic.
Okay back to the topic at hand!
Generally I write/read fanfic for some fluffy family feels (and angst) and the occasional romance, hence why I prefer to write Talia and Bruce as being good parents and likable characters in general. I enjoy reading about it, so I enjoy writing it that way.
In regards to Bruce and his canon actions… well, that’s a tough one to answer ngl.
On one hand he’s displayed as a loving adoptive father who absolutely adores is children, on the other hand he’s shown to be ruthless when they violate his no-kill rules (reference to the Batarang incident).
To me this kind of juxtaposition makes little sense, but I’m afraid there are quite a number of character inconsistencies in the franchise from what I’ve seen so…. I don’t know. It’s just such a 180 turnaround to the early concept of the Batman who considers everyone to be redeemable regardless of their crime. Why would that suddenly not apply to his child?
I don’t think I could ever stomach writing him as a genuinely bad father, most I could do to mix it up a little and have him struggle to reach an understanding with Jason regarding his rule over Crime Alley and dealing with his own inability to communicate properly.
Batman was always supposed to be a protector, the “good guy”, but he’s also human. A human with significant trauma that he’s never properly worked through which… can screw with your people skills significantly.
So that’s usually the way I try to look at it whenever I want to write a Bruce who isn’t the World’s Best Dad at the moment. He’s trying, he just doesn’t know how to show it in a way that others can understand, especially his kids. (Yes tho I take full liberty with the more heinous stuff Bruce pulls/pulled in the comics and discard them as if they’re expired candy >.<)
To sum it up, I’m afraid you won’t ever find a fic where either Talia and/or Bruce are genuinely, irredeemably bad. Simply because I personally don’t think that’s how people work in general and because… well, I’m soft and I need some soft parenting in there somewhere. Sorry dear 🥺
Phew ok I think I was rambling a bit here, but I hope that answers your question somewhat? But if you’d like I could totally cook up a prompt for you that deals with Jason and Bruce struggling to come to an understanding and making compromises to be a family again. Feel free to let me know or send another ask if you’d like to stay anonymous 💚💚💚💚
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etincelleart · 2 months
Hey, I have a stupid question in terms of fandoms, if that’s okay with you? Is it weird if you get obsessed with one series, but never got around to see or go through the series? I remember being told that I tend to hyper fixate on things, in which I either see a series or a character that I get obsessed with, in which I either gave the series a shot or not. I recall with a couple of series, such as RWBY where I became a huge fan of Penny, but I never watched the show and thought about watching. But in the end, I chose not to watch through the series, but did gain a couple of ideas when researching the RWBY series for my OCs. Another example was with Vox and Alastor from Hazbin Hotel, but unlike Penny and RWBY, I gave Hazbin a shot and became a fan after going through the first two episodes (which I still need to watch the rest of the series haha.)
I’m sorry if it sounds like I’m rambling, but that was kind of how I was feeling when it comes to fandoms and characters lately, ya know?
I'd say it's your way to enjoy things and there's nothing wrong about it, maybe you just like characters and to develop them on your own and not knowing the canon story and elements is fine, honestly this is a fun concept aha
Most people like characters from stories they like for sure, but if you like a character before even knowing the story it's okay to enjoy them and just do your things in your corner, and maybe if you want youcan check the story later
To me that's kinda like when I fell in love with Ori and the Blind Forest OST, I listened to this soundtrack for years before actually play the game, and it made me like it even more aha
You can like characters for various reasons before you actually get to know the story, the lore... Penny for example has an amazing design and vibes, and I can totally see how you could like her without knowing her
I remember when I watched V8 I did a couple of fanarts of her but it never got as much audience as I got during V9, but during V8 I was also mostly enjoying it on my side and checking images and screenshots on Tumblr without interacting much with others. No matter if you know the story or not, you can also totally do your thing in your corner and you don't have to interact with a fandom
(pretty funny but these terms of "fandom" and all were pretty vague and unknown to me not so long ago and I still hate that word and I also hate the word "content" and all, to me it always has been a community/group of people who like the same thing but idk I just imagine it as a crowd of people chilling together instead of a closed and specific group with specific rules)
I dont know where I'mgoing with that but yeah. In any case as long as you're having fun on your side, it's all ok :)
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I remember there was a headcanon about Luis attending a school that had secret connections with Umbrella. Now I can't help but think if Leon and Luis have a kid, they would do extensive background checks on schools their kid would attend, because they'll want to make sure none of those schools were associated with Umbrella/have ties to corrupt companies/organizations.
Thank you so much for sending in an ask!!!!!!! But yesyesyesyesyes I know the headcannon you’re talking about!!!!!! From memory I think either @geddy-leesbian or @hamartia-grander made some pretty extensive posts going into this idea??? Either way its really fascinating to think about!!!!
For those of you who don’t know, the headcannon/theory basically revolves around the fact that Luis was able to graduate school seemingly pretty quickly/was considered a ‘child prodigy’, and that in-universe theres a few characters who attended schools created specifically by Umbrella to essentially indoctrinate them; one of the most notable being the Umbrella Executive Training School that William and Wesker attended.
Umbrella has a few random facilities like this (like the Rockford Prison) And considering the fact that Europe seemed to be a relatively big hub for Umbrella, it DEFINITELY wouldn’t be much of a stretch to say that they’d have a similar school with the intent of training/indoctrinating ‘child prodigies’ to work for them in the future, and it’d be even less pf a stretch to assume that Luis, who came from a VERY sheltered religious background, would be a very easy subject to pick (cuz! yippee!! capitalist grooming am i right or am i right!!) It’d also absolutely lend a hand to why Luis grabbed as many items as he could and just BOOKED IT immediately after finding out what their plans for Nemesis REALLY were (I could talk about that part of his life/that realisation for HOURS oh my GOD)
EDIT I FORGOT TO ADD: Umbrella on some level does work quite like a cult. I’ll link a post that does a MUCH better job explaining it than I could in the replies of this post, but creating facilities for the sole purpose of indoctrinating already vulnerable young people into being on board with your project and isolating them from friends and family is like. Cult behaviour 101 BFNEHENDJDJ which is VERY painful to think about how Luis got roped into cults THREE times. Valdelobos before Saddler showed up wasn’t EXPLICITLY a cult, but considering it was isolated from modern society and heavily Catholic theres a strong argument to be made- then of course theres Umbrella- then of course he was blackmailed into working with Los Illuminados. I’ll make a post going deeper into that SOMEDAY, but like,,,, just the tragedy of his life being one big cycle he cant break is just. So devastating man are you KIDDING ME
I’m not like. SUUUUUPER knowledgeable on super obscure lore stuff like locations/facilities etc, so if you have a question about that specifically @highball66 would probably be a better person to ask!!!!
But again we know like. NOTHING about the inbetween time between Luis running away from Valdelobos as a child and him popping up as one of Umbrella’s top scientists other than the fact that he was a child prodigy and he excelled in college- hell even the dates/ages get kinda wonky at times BHFNEHENEUDNSIS but also this is Resident Evil where things get wonky a lot of the time so!!! Eh!!!!!!!
I have my own personal theory on what he did during that time inbetween I would be SO MORE THAN HAPPY to ramble about HDNEHENDJDN
BUT TO THE POINT OF YOUR QUESTION!!! YES!!!!!!!! ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!! Plus just in general with Leon having a lot more enemies than friends, doing background checks on teachers or whatever would probably seem like paranoia to an outsider but to them?????? Nah you can NEVER be safe. Plus Leon’s like, a government agent- he obviously doesn’t have a TON of autonomy but I can imagine he at least has SOME power to dig up information on people. AND, the both of them literally went through hell and back to save Ashley, who was kidnapped right under the presidents nose- So like!! Hell yeah they’d be paranoid abt where their kids going man!!!!!!!! Rightfully so I think!!!
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weepinglilvessel · 10 months
-Based on a previous ask
If you're taking suggestions for other names for eclipse au iterators, i was thinking sliver of straw could be sliver of stars. Stars and constellations / etc tend to be very important to religions and their surrounding mythology which i think works well with slivers 'mysterious' vibe and also their lore as it is right now. (That we, the viewers know, anyway.)
Additionally, unparalleled innocence could easily be tied to the 'daytime' version of the sky (so the opposite of sliver of stars, since the stars only appear at night.) In the daytime, the skys got clouds and like poets singing its praises for being pure and clear or dark and stormy and 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘳𝘺. Could also give innocence a wilder temper because of this?? Could also jab at their canon actions and repaint that in an interesting new way.
I also just did a quick google of the name ino, because innocence could be shortened to ino, and the name relates to both poseidon thalass, and galini. Thalass and galini represent sea and calmness respectively, which could further tie into either the sky and its wild ways. Poseidon is..poseidon.
It would follow the current theme of (character) vs (character), even if only by personality and not conflict between the two specifically. Though a conflict would be neat 👁
Also making sliver of straw sliver of stars would make her partners with Moon Moon considering yk,, moon and stars,,,,, which would also relate back to the mentor-ship between the two. The stars surround the moon, and are also far, 𝘧𝘢𝘳 older and more experienced than the moon could ever hope to be.
Also the visual idea of the stars falling and dying and leaving the moon alone in the night sky is so. So. Hfjdhshsgggz
-no sleep anon
Also im so sorry this is so LONG i just really like space themed things 👉👈 i dont know of sliver has a eclipse name yet but idk stars are neat. I dont know if i shouldve broken this into two or something so um, sorry if this really floods your ask box
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AHEM anyways,
To get this out of the way, I won’t be talking about UI in this post specifically just yet because I’m still working on how she will contribute to this Au more. BUT I will keep her idea in mind.
SLIVER ON THE OTHER HAND WOOO!! Sliver of Stars, I’m liking that quite a bit! I thought about her design and thought I would change it up just a little to match the name a bit. Of course her personality I gave her still stays, but I did adjust the colors.
A lot more purples and reds, cream colors and dark colors stayed, and sparkles of course. I was gonna make her more blue because of the dark blue night sky, but I also wanted to keep some of her reddish tones in like the original. So I went with a sunset/sunrise type thing, but dark enough that you can still see stars.
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Then we have the constellation. I was searching up a star constellation the was more on the mysterious side and found the scorpion one. It fit kinda well tbh. Blindfold with X stayed, but I did get rid of most of the X’s in the other design. I might add a few more back in but I’ll decide that much later.
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Now here is my little thinky process for Lunar Moon and Sliver:
Moon was like Pebbs at the time. Curious of her older iterators intentions/ways of thinking (this was during the time Moon was just built). Sliver taking note of this and allowed Moon to hang around her for quite some time, telling Moon things that she couldn’t comprehend at the time and giving advice if needed. Moon looked up to Sliver a lot and followed in almost every single step she took. That was until Sliver died unknowingly, leaving Moon with questions to be forever unanswered.
Spiraling into her even more aggressive attitude and snarky behavior as an unhealthy way of coping (you can thank another anon for this idea)
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How tf did I get here, this was about designing and I started rambling COUGH
Anyways, don’t worry about the ask being long, I don’t mind. Besides, this was a really cool idea and I appreciate it, so thank you❤︎︎❤︎︎❤︎︎❤︎︎
(Wrote this at 2am we sleep deprived together XD)
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It is I, Soup.
For the centaur au, have any fun little tidbits or facts about Sun and Moon?
Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think you have any major stuff about them on your blog yet, and I’m a little curious about them.
If you don’t have anything to tell yet, go ahead and ramble about some other random character, I’ll enjoy it either way✨✨✨
(Sorry if these aren’t the kinds of question you wanted lol)
*gasp* it is the great Soup! :0
You’re all good! I love all the questions lol
Yeaaaah I’ve kinda neglected sharing stuff about them since most of the focus has been on the others though I’ll be happy to share what I have about them! :D
Sun ☀️
Sun is based off a palomino tennessee walking horse
Sun’s main job on the farm is planting and taking care of and harvesting the crops and also taking care of the smaller animals like the chickens and goats and pigs
Sun is also the one in charge of actually going out and selling whatever goods they have (fruits, vegetables, cheese and jams, eggs, wool, etc) as he does better with socializing and has more patience and energy than Moon does
Despite not working in a daycare in this au (that being Earth’s job), Sun is still very good with kids and, if they’re not busy, will sometimes stop by the daycare and help Earth with the kiddos
Sun likes to cook and bake and make jams using the strawberries and blueberries they collect and they often bake with Earth and Lunar when they have the time—their favorite things to bake are pies, specifically apple pie (they know how to do all the cool design stuff with the dough and make it look really neat and pretty)
Sun will often times let her cats ride along on her back as she does the chores (though they aren’t allowed in the chicken coop for obvious reasons)
Sun is still really big on cleanliness in this au and can spend hours cleaning the house and the barn and whatever else they’re able to get to to clean—Sun is also big on keeping themself clean as well as has one of the sleekest and shiniest coats of all the celestial fam
Sun is taller than Moon, if only by a few inches
Moon 🌙
Moon is based off a black and white paint
Moon’s main job on the farm is working with the sheep, with the help of Solar, and Sun when he’s available (raising them, moving and herding them between pastures, sheering and collecting their wool, etc)
Moon is also the main handyman on the farm alongside Solar
Moon is a big coffee drinker and will even eat the beans straight if he’s in a rush, he’s the “I can’t function until I’ve had my coffee” sort of guy
Moon is less concerned about cleanliness than Sun and has gotten himself chewed out by Sun a couple times for coming back to the house covered in mud and tracking it everywhere
Moon cannot cook or bake to save his life and is not allowed in the kitchen when the others are cooking or baking
Moon, sometimes with Sun or one of the others, goes to visit KC when he can (they are working things out and getting better though they still aren’t on the best of terms)
While he is calmer in this au than in canon, Moon can still get very angry if triggered and can be pretty damn scary when he is; the coyotes and wild cats who have tried to mess with his sheep and other animals have been on the receiving end of this, and so has Eclipse-
That’s all the little tidbits I have to share rn! I’ll start working on the designs for these two soon since I finally have some ideas on what I wanna do >:)
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obey-me-headquarters · 10 months
let’s see if i’m doing this right.
i came into your inbox because i have thoughts. specifically, i was thinking about a sub taking care of their dom. not nessicarly in a sexual way, i was really thinking about both in and outside of the bedroom.
lucifer as a sub already gives you a lot, his trust is hard earned but a great prize. but i was thinking about after so many scenes, he probably would do a lot of things for you, like bring you your choice of beverage in the morning, or give you a massage when you ask, or run you a bath because he knows you have cramps. and these are some of my favorite things to think about, like, obviously the majority of the time we’re still in control and that’s how he likes it. but he also likes you enough to want to do stuff for you; not because you asked, but because it’s a way to show he cares.
this also applies to inside his bedroom, i believe he gives more than he recieves; that’s just how it worked with the 2 of you. but sometimes when your head is aching or your knees hurt (someone help me my knee is dying), he’s willing to just give you so many rounds of oral.
feel free to ignore this ask, i know it’s not really a question it had just been stirring in my brain for a bit. i also had another thought right before i went to write this ask but i. can’t remember it. so i’ll probably come into your inbox again when i do. i love your writing so much!!
Ohhhh, I like this concept!! Full disclosure, I'm more of a fan of the dom (aka, us or reader) taking care of the sub than the sub taking care of us. But I'm not against the concept!
To go a little more hardcore than your idea, I really like it when a sub is like, completely and utterly devoted to their master. The complete opposite of a brat in the sense that they use wanna be Good and Obedient. And that can definitely manifest in them taking care of their dom. Making them meals, rubbing their feet, running them a bath, etc.
Although, I do admit that this has to he worded in a Very Specific Way for me to find it appealing, but that's more of a ME thing than anything. Idk, there's just something about someone being like "I get pleasure off of serving my dom, I would actually prefer to not get any physical pleasure at all" that just, don't compute in my brain. Maybe it's because I'm just not a sub at all, or maybe it's because I'm too much of a pleasure dom. No shame to any subs like that! It's just one of those things that my brain can't wrap around as being pleasurable (for me at least)
Anyway, I'm rambling!!! Back to the topic at hand!!
I definitely think this is a sweet idea!! And I understand how it's appealing, after a bad or tiring day I kinda just want to lay back and have someone else look after me. I also like the framing of us still being a dom during this, as I don't like the stereotype that doms are always self sufficient and doesn't show "weakness" by being tired and needing someone else to do something for them. Everyone gets tired sometimes!
I really like the idea of Lucifer doing tiny things for you to show that he's your submissive to be really adorable! Like him wearing your collar under his clothes, or him paying for your meals. He wants to be of use to you because he loves the idea of he being someone you use.
In the bedroom I prefer to write scenes more focusing on the sub (if that wasn't like, obvious by everything I've written lol), and giving them pleasure and wracking them. But I like the idea of Lucifer giving you oral!
Thank you so much for the ask! And thank you for liking my writing!
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imagionationstation · 1 month
Hi! I read your TMNT 2012 separated au that you made with ellestrade and it really gave me brainworms so I wrote a small one-shot for it! The characters kinda ended up writing themselves haha.
anyways, wanted to share it with you and also make sure that you're okay with it. Not sure how you feel about other people taking inspiration from you ideas, so if you would like me to take it down, just let me know!
Thanks for sharing such fun ideas. Here's the post (I've also tagged you in it but sometimes tags are weird and don't always show. Also its on my fandom specific sideblog, but I am the same person haha)
Gotta love those brain worms! (Ironic statement from a 2012 viewpoint, actually-) HOLY CHALUPA, BRAIN WORMS IN THIS AU UNIVERSE, WAIT WAIT ACTUALLY WAIT-
*background rambles and spazzing*
Okay, I’m back.
I’m always a-okay with whatever fan things anyone wants to create with inspiration from something I made or helped make. As long as it isn’t containing some stamp that says “this I deem canon” when neither me (nor my partner) deemed it canon, no one ever has to worry with me getting upset over some story/comic/art.
I’m going to give some thoughts and I want to disclaimer.
When I discuss my thoughts on your POV of events in the AU, I will never, in any way, intend to diss or attack the story. I think the flow was excellent and Raph’s analysis of the events occurring was intriguing. I loved it! And nothing I say will be a statement otherwise.
But, since I have a distinct inability to keep my mouth shut when it comes to turtles and you asked, I have thoughts 🧐
My brain is now turning and ya’ll have to deal.
Donnie: Much distrust. Much sass. A strong sense of duty to defend his brethren turtles who don’t deserve it but he’s doing it anyway.
Very on point. Much approval 👌
Mikey: Could not be more perfect. I love him. Sweet soul ✨
Leo: He’s a bit less… Forceful. Cold and calculating. Than I envision.
I’d imagine that he had to learn to shut feelings down in order to survive. Fidgeting/smiling/visibly hesitating is out of the question. Staying in Shredder’s graces meant learning to play the game. His silence is what earns Raph the ability to be loud. The only times that he’s himself is when him and Raph are alone, outside of the sight of cameras, or when someone in is danger and fear/fury overwhelms all else. He seems bland to outsiders and it takes the Hamato brothers a while to see that that he’s just a scared little boi at heart that’s just trying his best in a cruel world.
He’s also set in his beliefs, so he’s going to assume that they’re being tormented mentally, if not physically. There’s no place in his mind that wonders if they were actually safer elsewhere.
I do like your POV, though. Plenty for me to play with.
He’s ABSOLUTELY the first to question the differences between how Shredder treats them and how Splinter treats their brothers. He doesn’t jump the gun, but as devoted as he is, he’s never really liked Shredder. I love the implications that he’s been filing away concerns subconsciously and his brain keeps poking him like “HELLO?!”
He’s very deep. I can’t decide how I feel about that 🤔
Shredder would have wanted to fan that temper into something unforgiving and vile. Or course, that doesn’t mean he stops being a sensitive soul. It could… Have something to do with Shredder manipulating him into being angry when he wills it (basically all the time) and solemn and still when he doesn’t (such as during lectures, punishments, etc).
His brain registers this situation as one where he’s not meant to be loud and angry, and so he’s kinda… Shut down. Sassy, but mellow. Processing. Adapting. Letting what happens happen because he’s not meant to stop it.
It’s a reason that Leo gets so defensive when punishments come into play. It forces Raph to feel small. It make him vulnerable.
Anyway, commentary:
“in one of Takeō's strategy books he couldn't care less about”
It’s like Space Heroes. He claims so and YET he read, recalls, AND clearly has DEBATED the passage so I call sus vibes.
I get giddy when I think of Takeō discovering Space Heroes-
“Junkō and Kōta— or Donnie and Mikey, whatever false name they’d been given—”
My brain made connections. I don’t know if it was intended, but I always believe that they knew them by Shredder’s names through the beginning of season one, end of season one/beginning of season two they were associating them as both, and then by the time that the City is under attack, they’ve adapted to using their real names. (But the Saki brothers still keep their Foot names.)
So, now I assume this is somewhere in that middle plot.
Fun little Easter egg~
“Takeō and Akihitō were the offense, and Donnie and Mikey were the defense” “They held their own. In fact, they dominated.”
I’m in love with Raph’s simple acknowledgment of their roles in battle. It’s a very practical outline of exactly how their dynamic on the field plays out and he's so certain of his place.
On the other hand, I’m a bit uncertain about whether they’d dominate. I do believe that they are trained and can hold their own, but I don’t know about them being as impressive as Raph&Leo, simply because Splinter trained them to defend and Shredder trained them to kill. The Hamato brothers haven’t had much time to practice in the offensive, especially since that’s Leo&Raph’s job. (In non-AU canon, they are all offensive/defensive.)
I think Mikey might learn that kinda strength at the farmhouse after being taught by Leo&Raph, and Donnie will step back from that, finally finding his place not as a fighter/leader, but as a scientist.
Definitely an interesting take, tho 🤔
“Only now does he think that, perhaps, there was a reason their master made their primary weapons blunts and not blades.”
I am chewing on this line so hard. It’s so powerful.
I can’t even tell you why. It just is.
“Akihitō knows that Takeō isn’t lying. He’d already tried to take tonight's blame all on his own shoulders, spare Akihitō of the punishment. But Akihitō knows all his tricks and he won’t let his brother suffer alone. Again.”
100% behind Raph learning to butt in when Leo tries to take the fall as they get older and punishments get worse.
“Seeing the situation, the evidence glaring at him, Akihitō cannot deny that this wasn’t exactly a great sell. Takeō and him are tied to the ground, trying to convince these two strangers that they would be safe with them. That their clan would not hurt them while that same clan was just about ready to beat them to a pulp.”
I was thinking the same thing 🤣
Leo, dude, seriously. Look around. Think for a second. You are not selling your point. You are doing the opposite.
In the end, it doesn’t even matter. Sensei will always find them no matter where they run. It was better to follow than be chased.
These were Foot Ninja binds made specifically to hold them. Mutant strength and all.
It makes sense that Shredder would make these. But.
But man. He made those. For them.
Takeō tries to take control of the situation again, the bossy oldest sibling coming out in him.
HA. Got him. Leo is Leo in any universe.
“His name is Mikey.” Donnie glares. “The rat is lying and he has—” “Donnie, its fine.”
Absolutely how they view things. Mikey doesn’t care what they think or do as long as no one he cares about is paying the price. Donnie feels it is a manner of principle that they accept logic and truth.
Leo talking over both of them is valid. This kid, I swear.
“Then tell your older brother to shut up about—”
“Sounds like a you-problem.” Donnie stands. “Mikey, we saved them. It's time to go.”
Donnie would die for them <3
A hand lands on his shoulder, and he recognizes it. Takeō always knows when to give support. He’s a good brother. He hopes Donnie and Mikey will know that one day too.
He loved his big bro sm hjkhkjhkjhjkkjhkjhkjhku
If Akihitō didn’t know any better, he’d say it was longing.
Oh, don’t worry, he is dying to have other people in his life who genuinely care for him, but as long as you guys are with the enemy, you’re a threat to his baby brother and daddy and not to be trusted
And, just maybe, it could be their world too. 
Oh, so that’s what pain feels like. Glad to be reminded.
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phantomram-b00 · 2 months
Been wanting to do this for sometime so here are some of my headcanon for Autistic Aziraphale.
Please note that Autism is a spectrum and that everyone’s have a different experience because some of these are hc are based on experiences I have as an autistic person or maybe other might’ve too. So please be mindful, but hope you guys enjoy and feel free to ask any questions. (I love this gif)
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Headcanon 1:
Aziraphale isn’t comfortable with crowds or at the very least crowds that might be noisy or isn’t his usually spaces or familiar with (I.e his bookshop, Give me coffee or give me death, etc) so he usually just wouldn’t want to go or if he does try it, he’ll bring his yellow Walkman Crowley got him so he can listen to music since music calm him down.
Headcanon 2:
He’s the type to want to listen to any other songs to not get out the comfort zone so if he does, he would have to listen to them twice or three times in order to decide if he like the song or not. (Idk if this one odd let me explain, it something I do since I don’t like to listen to different songs that isn’t in my comfort zone let alone song that aren’t my usual so if I did listen to it I would have to listen to them fully two or three times to see if I like the lyric, rhyme and beat. Just to make sure it not too loud, repetitive, or fits in my comfort zone for me. But also the lyric the factor since I like interpreting songs, probably why I like The Crane’s wives for example or even Laufey sm.)
Headcanon 3:
Hardcover > Paperback because he likes the feeling of the hardcover then he does with paperbacks. But also he feels the texture is better. Hence why most of the books in his bookshop are hardcovers.
Headcanon 4:
He does have specific food textures he doesn’t typically like. Like bananas, if the bread is too flakey, rice is too hard, some sandwiches or eggs. So he stays away from it and stick to his safe foods like sushi, pears, cakes.
Headcanon 5:
Crowley love it when Aziraphale hyperfixates and talk about his favorite book he reading because it fill him with love to see that Aziraphale find something he loves. It actually took Aziraphale some time since heaven would often interrupts, ignore or blatantly brush him off to cut it out leaving Aziraphale to feel insecure about his special interest. Ofc it also toke meeting mortals like him to get him to open up so when Crowley first heard him hyperfixate it made him happy. Because that how Aziraphale in a sense show trust in him and himself to open up.
Headcanon 6:
Aziraphale likes to stim! I think I kinda dip my toes in it in some post from before but I do believe that he stims. Whether he hums a tone, wiggles or etc. he also started doing this after time passed because again heaven and also some mortal look down on this. But with the comfort of his bookshop, Crowley and also meeting understanding mortal he start to feel more comfortable. Granted he still try to hide it due to masking and to this day still mask but once he with Crowley or in the comfort of his home he stims.
And that really about it for hc today
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Me rambling in 3…..2…….1 (tw: ableism)
And that’s pretty much concludes it, I might do this again as it fun. Headcanon is my favorite thing as well as when it comes to autistic headcanon. Autistic rep has been… not the best, granted I haven’t watch much tv shows other than ofmd, good omens, and more so I’m not sure if they got better, I don’t know if I’ll talk about that aspect of negative reps but all say, they have harmful impact as I have a family member that will joke “when will I see numbers” which…sure it a joke but…. I can’t help but feel bad. So doing this and seeing positive rep or seeing autistic/adhd coded characters make me happy!
This is fun in so many ways, mostly because as shown in my past post I relate to aziraphale. Still don’t know how I feel about that but regardless I love his character, his flaws, everything! And I see how he autistic coded in my eyes so it makes me almost relate to him even more. And I’ve been wanting to show my personal headcanon for a while just I thought now would be the best day. Especially as this Good Omens brainrot is alive and well among my other brainrot. I do hope you guys enjoy this let me know if you wanna hear more or if you have your own personal hc that you want to share. And hope you guys are having a good day with how bizarre 2024 is and hope you’re also having fun ghostly pals.
Here a Aziracrow/ineffable husbands/spouse/wives gif:
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