#also how is there no high five emoji yet? what? am i just missing it or something
supercantaloupe · 11 months
fellow gentleman’s guide enjoyer? *high five for good taste*
🤜💥🤛 (<- no high five emoji so this is me fistbumping u)
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
🎰🔪🧨 with Charlie himself. 🤞🏻
Thanks for your request for my Emoji Fic Fest! 💗
Slut Machine
Pairing: Charlie Hunnam x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, Vegas shenanigans Word Count: ~1.5k Emoji Prompt: 🎰🔪🧨 (key words are in bold)
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“Morning, sleepyhead.”
… Whose voice is that? Your senses are too hazy yet to process who it was or what he said. You blink your bleary eyes and wake up in an… unfamiliar bed. The sheets are a ridiculous resplendent red—must be a love motel or some shit—there’s a story as to how you ended up here but you find you can’t remember any of it. Sleep was so deep that you feel as if you’re waking from the dead.
When your eyes finally flutter open everything comes flooding back. You’re here in bed with Charlie Motherfucking Hunnam and the sight of his blue gaze and bright white grin gives you a goddamn heart attack.
You cover your face with your hands and groan out loud at just how mortified you are. Recalling how you’d made a clown out of yourself last night when you bumped into this million-dollar movie star. Literally bumped into him—till yesterday you never even knew him—you had just been crushing hard on him for years but he was always a completely unattainable celebrity. A girls’ trip brought you to Sin City; you and your besties were hopping casually from bar to bar, when you had stumbled clumsily straight into Charlie as he stepped out of his car.
You’d simply scurried off in that instant ‘cause he was too damn beautiful in person and your ass was terrified. But then bumped into him again soon after you both got inside. This time you had a full martini glass in hand and spilled its contents all across his shirt and thought you ought to help the man get dried. Decided then you really shouldn’t try to run away and hide.
You’d grabbed a bunch of napkins, dabbing at his chest and abs through the damp fabric as you nervously apologized for what happened. Your spastic wiping motions all across his chiseled muscles weren’t exactly very helpful with the spilled drink situation, as your brain cells were all absent in the face of heaven’s most stunning creation. Charlie said some shit about how bumping into you a second time wasn’t an accident. You were too hypnotized with lust to understand just what he meant.
He joked that you could make it up to him by winning him a jackpot at the slot machines. You told him shyly that the whole gambling thing isn’t quite your scene. Although he didn’t want to pressure you he asked you to indulge him in a night of fun—all kinds of shit you’d never done—let him take you out around Vegas to the wildest places you had never been.
It didn’t make sense that you felt so safe with him but hell you did. You were still sober by the time Charlie was coming onto you and all your girlfriends chanted do it do it do it! And the craziest night of your life began before you even knew it. Took you to his favorite high-stakes casino—then to seats in the front row at a big AEW Dynamite show—and then to some intense axe-throwing place that also offered knives and ninja stars and other shit to throw.
The best part of the night though… was of course when Charlie claimed you as his dirty little ho. The memory of it is vivid as you look up at him now and find that both of you are still stuck in the most mind-blowing afterglow.
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“No way that was your first fucking time throwing knives?!” Charlie shakes his blonde head in defeat as he walks you back out to the sweet car he drives. “Bitch I swear you’ve been doing this shit your whole life.”
You slide into the passenger seat while erupting in laughter. He’s so fucking butthurt that your aim was better than his because he’s a competitive smug little bastard. “Well I am an assassin specifically hired to take out insanely attractive actors… but I can assure you that wasn’t a factor.”
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He closes the driver’s side door, turns the keys and the engine ignites in a smooth thrumming roar. “And by ‘take out’ you mean…?”
“It’s cute of you to ask but dinner and a movie isn’t really the assassin scene.”
He chuckles playfully as he speeds down the street, the night alive with white hot heat, the lights of Vegas bright as ever as the night deepens. “You gonna kill me in my sleep, then?”
“That’d be making it too easy.”
“Babe, don’t tease me. We both know you make it hard.”
Okay so he just pulled that card.
Fight off the burning urge to stare down at his crotch—no doubt the car would crash then if you saw what you’re imagining and know you’d be unable to resist the urge to touch…
You’ve never wanted anyone or anything in all your life so fucking much.
The sudden tension in the air leads him to smooth back his slicked hair, facing the road with a restrained stare. He’s been picking up on signals all night long but doesn’t dare to just assume you want to go there. Tries to come off calm and cool although there’s nothing he wants more. “So, uh—should I just drive you back to your hotel or…?”
The voice that comes out of your mouth is one you barely even recognize. It takes both you and Charlie by surprise, the way your inner slut replies: “That’d be a fucking bore. You know I’d much rather you take me back to yours… so you can fuck me like a filthy little whore.”
The swanky penthouse suite in the five-star hotel where Charlie came to stay… it’s a ten-minute drive away.
That’s way too far needless to say.
He needs you right this second, after what you’d gone and said—although the backseat of his car is a fine spot for a good wrecking, there are fifty shades of shit he’d rather do with you spread in the comfort of a big sumptuous bed.
Thankfully there is an extremely tacky-looking love motel just down the road. And it’s the perfect place for you two to check in and let your passions for each other just explode.
It turns out this particular motel has a requirement for guests to stay the night that just might pose a bit of trouble: lovebirds have to pass through the adjoining chapel first and be a lawfully wedded couple.
So you stand uncomfortably at the reception desk and bite your tongue. Happen to know that Charlie tied the knot in Vegas once when he was young; you’ve heard about it in some interviews. You’re sure that he’d have no desire to repeat that same mistake tonight with you.
But this has been a night of wild crazy shit and he’s on fire to continue.
Mostly it’s just that he really needs his dick in you… but there’s a spark that he can feel might someday blossom into something more and he just hopes that you can feel it too.
Of course you do. The ceremony is a joke but you’re both giddy as if it’s real by the time you’ve seen it through. There’s just no hope of sanity and self-control between you two.
You’re in a fluffy white confection of a wedding gown that this establishment provided for the night. You look like a big puff of cotton fucking candy and he wants to take a bite. So much about this night seems wrong, but when the heat between the racing of your heartbeats is so strong, it can’t feel anything but right.
Once you’re at last inside your room he throws you down onto the bed and dives headfirst into your gown, and goes to town, taking you high until you die as he goes down.
The dress is so damn big, that you can’t see his flawless face, let alone his glorious dick, and that’s a royal fucking waste. You need to see and touch and taste.
He knows exactly what you need and ravenously rips the poufy fabric off of you. His pearly smile and the bristles of his beard are gleaming with your pussy juices as he climbs on top of you. You long to tell him just how bad you want to blow him—want to tell him that you love him even though you barely know him—it would be fucking insane to say I love you, but of course you can still show him.
Yet he wants to consummate this marriage first, before he lets you satisfy your thirst. You’ll have a lifetime’s worth of days and nights to suck on his big dick if you decide to stay with him and make him yours.
That’s everything you want of course.
This whirlwind of a night that started with a stupid joke about hitting the jackpot at the slot machines… turned into you being his motherfucking wife, after the wildest and best night of your motherfucking life. And now he’s here on top of you about to fuck you and it’s totally outrageously obscene.
You wouldn’t have it any other way ‘cause you know you were put on earth to serve as Charlie Hunnam’s dirty little slut machine.
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Emoji Fic Masterlist
Emoji Fic Tag List – below; if you’d like to be added or removed, just let me know!
@happyhunnams @band--psycho @est11 @edonaspanca @starbooty @innerpaperexpertcloud @i-love-scott-mccall @six-camelot @alexa-rae-dreamz @coffeebooksandfandom @thesuicidalflower @flaireandsynch @helloheyhihowdyheya @gemini0410 @waywardodysseys @zozebo @bettergetusetoit @emilykjh @little-diable @rocketqueen @mrspeacem1nusone @miss-smutty @rayslittlekitten @abby-splace @chubbychubbs28 @miraclesoflove @tegggeeee @hunnambabe @missusnora @kesskirata @vixenrebellion @thexhostess @pomegranatearildreams @kandii395 @severewobblerlightdragon @itspdameronthings @niki-xie @cind-in-real-life @saweetspoiled @poge-life @few-proud-emotonal @samanthaisnthome @melodranas @soaharleys @charlie-hunnams-old-lady @simpmasterjr @nataliewalker93 @lovebarefootblonde @marvelousmermaid @tsukuyomi011 @sciapod @midnight-dreams-23
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a-bts-world · 3 years
Fake dating II part 4 II Wong Yukhei
see masterlist for part 1-3
fashion designer ! wong yukhei x florist ! reader
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It has been a few weeks since your high school reunion when Yukhei texts you without any warning. But since you are at work, you decided to ignore the text for now. You will deal with it later, atleast that was your plan. With every passing minute you get more curious, wondering why he would even text you after three weeks with no contact. With your mind not at your work you cut yourself instead of the flower’s stem. ‘y/n, what happened? You are usually not this clumsy. What is on your mind?’ your boss asks your concerned. Your boss is an older lady who’s love for flowers is almost bigger than the love for her husband. You answer her question it’s nothing and you are just a bit tired. ‘You know what, you can get five minutes of to get a band-aid and ease your mind. So you do as your told, going into the back of the shop to get a band-aid and a glass of water. Your curiosity got the best of you and after aiding your finger you decide to unlock your phone and up the text Yukhei sent you.
Lucas here. Do you remember me talking to Kun at the reunion? Well he was willing to invest in my fashion line. But he still thinks we are dating, so he invited the two of us over for dinner. Are you willing to help me out? If not I can just tell him we broke up.
Let me know what you think
Not knowing what to respond to this you just leave him on read and decide to text him back when you finish work. So after finishing your glass of water you go back in to the shop, helping your boss making a few bouquets.
It has been a long day at work when you arrive home. After finishing the bouquets for the next day, another order came in for four more bouquets. You offered to stay overtime and finish the bouquets, since your boss is a bit older and you don’t want her to overwork herself. So when you finally open te door to your apartment you just want to go to bed. But as you enter the living room you see Da-hee sitting on your couch and as you want to ask her what she’s doing her, you notice Ten walking out the kitchen. ‘Hey y/n, how are you? We thought it was time to have a small get together. We missed you, our hard working girl,’ Ten excitedly explains why they are at your apartment. Setting down the glasses and bottle of water he was carrying. You just sighed and sat down next to Da-hee on the couch. ‘what’s with that sigh, my friend?’ Ten asks you curious.
‘I’m just very tired from working all week,’ you answer, forgetting about the text Lucas send you halfway during the day. You grab the bottle of water and fill your glass, gulping the water down in mere seconds. Da-hee follows your example and also fill her glass with water. Ten however grabs the remote from the television and puts on some show. ‘Do you guys want something to eat as well? I haven’t had dinner yet, so I will just make some ramen. Nothing special,’ you tell them and they shake their heads. They probably had dinner before going to your apartment. You get up from the couch and walk towards the kitchen. While making the ramen your hear some screaming from the couch.
‘y/n! why didn’t you tell me this?’ Ten questions you about something you apparently should have told him. ‘Since when are you and Lucas texting?’ He screams excitedly, and that is when you remember the text you were still supposed to answer. You hurry to the couch making sure you can get your phone back from Ten. You see another text
Okay, I knew this was a onetime thing. But leaving me on read, when I ask a favor back is a bit low y/n. I hope you know that.
‘F*ck!’ you scream not explaining anything to Ten and Da-hee. You sigh and fall down on the couch, your head in Da-hee’s lap. She just starts stroking your hair to calm you down. ‘Guys, I f*cked up,’ You then see and Ten starts laughing. In between his laughs you can make out that he grabbed your phone and saw Yukhei’s text. ‘Ten! Stop laughing,’ you whine, feeling really bad for yourself.
‘I’m sorry, but this is hilarious and such a Lucas thing to do.’
‘Well since you know him so good, why don’t you help me?’ getting a bit angry with Ten for only laughing at you. Atleast Da-hee is trying to comfort you even though she still doesn’t know what happened. ‘now please hand me back my phone.’
‘Okay,’ Ten answers and hands you your phone back. Since you are feeling so bad for yourself you don’t want to explain what happened to Da-hee, so you just hand her your phone. She looks at you confused but your eyes tell her to read the texts.
‘Okay, I think your reaction was a bit too much. You can just tell him you forgot to answer since you were busy at work. I don’t think it’s that bad,’ Da-hee comforts you after reading the texts. She also starts typing immediately. Within a minute she shows you the text she thought out. You read it over.
I’m sorry for not replying earlier. I was very busy at work and when I read your text a costumer came in and it stayed busy after that. To answer your first text, I think the least I can do is going to that dinner. How is your fashion line working out so far, do you have any options for me to buy?
‘Thank you so much girlie!’ you scream at Da-hee and click send. Afterwards you give your friend a tight hug and put your phone away. ‘No it’s time to have fun,’ you tell your friends excitedly and your evening with a lot of laughing and drinking starts.
It’s been almost two weeks since Yukhei had texted you about Kun wanting to meet the both of you again and you have been texting every day since. It started out as getting to know each other more, so nothing weird could happen, but now you actually enjoy it. Right now you are at work, but when you get off in an hour or so, Yukhei will be here to pick you up. You have a change of clothes in your bag, so you can change out of your work clothes at the shop.
Hii, I will be a bit earlier to pick up a bouquet for Kun and his girlfriend. Is that okay?
You read the text Yukhei just send you, you just answer his text with a thumbs up emoji. Then the bell rings announcing there is new costumer in the shop. ‘Hello! How can I help you?’ you question the costumer and start picking out a bouquet. After this costumer a few other costumers also come in. Up until five minutes before closing time it’s pretty busy in the shop. You sigh cleaning everything as fast as possible. Just before it’s closing time your hear the bell again.
‘Hello? y/n?’ you hear Yukhei ask. Relieved it’s not another costumer you answer him that you still need to clean. ‘no problem, take your time. Just know that I still need to have a bouquet, so if you can request anything that would be great,’ Yukhei casually lets you know and sits down on the stairs that are next to the counter.
‘Yeah yeah, I remember. I have them ready in the back. Just need to clean and count the sales and then after I changed we can go. You answer starting the cleaning process. Yukhei walks to you and takes over the vacuum cleaner. Cleaning the floor, you thank him and go to the counter to count the sales you had today. After cleaning and counting you quickly go to the back of  the shop and change into your outfit for the night. Nothing special, a white blouse and black jeans. It still looks classy, but it doesn’t look like you tried to hard. When facing Yukhei you notice his eyes on your body. ‘let’s go, before we are too late,’ you say trying to avoid his eyes. Yukhei nods and opens the door for you, since you are holding the bouquet. He follows after you, until you realize you can’t find his car.
‘Hello Yukhei, nice to see you. Good to see you brought your girlfriend along,’ Kun beams at you two. Yukhei enthusiastically hugs him, while you shake his hand respectfully. He is still a older than you, can’t forget to show him respect. ‘how are you guys?’ Kun then continues to ask while looking at you. As if he knows Yukhei’s answer already.
‘we are good. I just finished work so Yukhei picked me up to join the diner. It is nice seeing you again,’ you respond friendly but with manners. Kun just smiles, apparently content with your answer. He does tell you, that his girlfriend Ji-su is going to be late. She got hold up at work, but you don’t mind it. Since was one of the bullies at your high school.
After ordering and some more small talk, Ji-su arrived at the restaurant. She instantly looked shocked, as if she didn’t realize you would join the dinner. ‘Hi baby, how was work?’ Kun asks her as he places a quick kiss on her lips after she sat down at the table. She answered telling it was a lot, but it was also still fun.
‘what do you do for work?’ you decide to ask her, showing her you could be the mature one. Feeling slightly scared by her stare at you, you look down. Your hands fumbling with the ring on your finger. Yukhei notices and grabs your hand under the table. Hoping the other two wouldn’t notice your anxiety.
‘I work as a nurse at the hospital. I hope to become one of the head surgeons some time in the future. But what about you, what kind of work do you do?’ She asks you weirdly curious. You expected her to say something about not getting to know it at the reunion, but somehow she doesn’t.
‘I am a florist, I work at a local flower shop,’ you answer her question.
‘Oh really? That is so amazing! You must see a lot of different people every day. Each of them requesting something different for you. Must be pretty difficult,’ she mocks you and your job. You just sigh and nod your head, being used to it. Yukhei however doesn’t enjoy it and looks at Kun accusingly. Who notices the animosity between the two of the girls as well and tries to minimalize it.
‘She is right. I think it is a hard job y/n, not everybody can do it and a lot of people underestimate it. I mean, I know I couldn’t make a bouquet look pretty,’ he soothes everything down a bit. And everyone let’s out a little chuckle at his remark.
‘So while the girls catch up with each other. Shall we talk about fashion?’ Kun continues his conversation with Yukhei. As if Ji-su heard it as well she ask you a few question about your job and the place you live in. But she also asks about Yukhei and how things are going, if you are living together, or planning on getting married. You surprise yourself and answer all her question without any anger, and most of them even honestly. When she gets to the questions about Yukhei you start doubting your answers, what would someone in love say. But since Ji-su is interested in your answers, you can’t dodge the questions. Which means you got to think about them.
‘you know, that is a good question Ji-su. I don’t immediately know what I would say is Yukhei’s best feature. And do you mean like personality wise or appearance wise?’ you answer Ji-su’s question.
‘You can answer both, and I know it’s a good question. I asked it,’ she answer laughing softly.
‘it’s my humor, of course,’ Yukhei saves you once again laughing at his own joke. You just nod in agreement and look at him. You notices the sparkles in his eyes, it makes it look like he really does enjoy this dinner. Well he should, he is talking about his fashion line. But deep down you know, you hope it is something more. You hope he enjoys your company.
‘you are indeed very funny Lucas.’
‘thank you,’ Yukhei mutters a bit flustered. She seemed to be lowkey flirting with him, even with her boyfriend present. You sigh at her actions. Yukhei turns his head to you. ‘is there something wrong, babe?’ he questions your sigh. You shake your head and tell him you’ve got to use the bathroom.
Dinner with Kun and Ji-su was a success according to Yukhei. He seems over the moon with everything. You guess you would be too, if someone wants to invest in your clothing line. ‘y/n, I don’t want this to end yet. Do you want to come over to my apartment?’ he sing-songs his question to you. He did have a bit too much to drink, so maybe it would be safer for him and you if you would drive him home.
‘Yeah sure, why not. Shall I drive us?’
‘No! I can drive. I didn’t have that much to drink. You see, I can still walk in a straight line,’ he tells you walking in front of you. Indeed he did walk a straight line, without wobbling or stopping in between. Maybe he really didn’t have that much to drink. So you give him the benefit of the doubt, for now.
‘okay, you can drive. Where is your car?’ you ask. Yukhei doesn’t answer, instead he puts his arm around your shoulders. Leading you towards his car. he opens the door for you and you sit down in the car. he jogs around the car to the driver’s side and sits down as well. As he starts the engine, you realize you’re actually going to his apartment. You start to panic a bit, you didn’t think this through, if the both of you drink more alcohol you won’t be able to go home. But you also can’t stay at his place, what are you supposed to do now. Did Yukhei even think this through? Suddenly you feel his hand on your thigh, his thumb rubbing circling in order to try and calm you down. At least, that is what it did. How he knew you were stressed is still a mystery to you, but at least you calmed down. His hand remains on your thigh for the rest of the drive, except for when he needed to switch gears of course.
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flwrpotts · 4 years
hands down
or: seven times jughead didn’t confess he loved betty and one time he did. some tooth rotting fluff to get us thru quarantine. the structure and concept of this fic is inspired by this. enjoy!
He knew that Archie’s bachelor party was going to end badly for him. It had started with Archie pressing a tequila shot into his hand before they had even gone to dinner, c’mon, Jug, it’s the only bachelor party I’m ever going to have! while Reggie and Moose had cheered in the background. He took the shot, lukewarm citrus and a rubbing alcohol bite. They drank steadily through dinner, boisterous and loud, and now they’re in a packed strip club, sweaty and bright with flashing lights.
He hasn’t been this drunk since college, five years at least, and he can feel himself slurring as he talks to Archie, everything hysterically funny all of a sudden. Betty texts him, a selfie of her and Veronica in a sleek looking bar, holding up their glasses of wine. Hope you’re having fun! she sends, and Jughead tries to formulate a text back, si goood i miss yoi so mughc, followed by a truly horrendous string of emojis.
Betty’s contact info lights up on the screen with an incoming call, and Jughead stumbles outside, away from the boiling music of the club. The night air is sharp with cold, and he sucks in an inhale, trying to clear the spinning in his brain.
“Hello?” he slurs into the phone, leaning heavily against the brick wall. Betty laughs, amused, and he misses her terribly, misses her even though he saw her that morning.
“Hi, Juggie,” she says. “Having fun?”
“I’m never doing tequila shots again,” he says, vowels blurry around the edge. “Not even for Archie.”
She laughs again, tinkling and amused, Veronica’s tipsy bright voice in the background. “You’re going to be okay getting home?” she asks, the faintest slip of concern in her voice.
“I’ll be fine,” he says, and suddenly the last round of shots catches up with him, any facade of sobriety gone. “I miss you so much,” he whispers into the phone, the words mushy and almost indiscernible. “Love you.”
There’s a quick, sharp intake of breath Jughead is almost too inebriated to catch.
“I’ll see you soon,” she says before the call clicks off. They don’t discuss it.
Jughead hauls Betty up onto the counter, his teeth already against her collarbone. This is something they indulge in rarely, when neither of them are seeing someone, or when work gets particularly stressful. Betty moans, and he gets a hand up to cup the back of her head, keeping her from knocking her head against the kitchen cabinets.
“Jug, Jug,” she says into his mouth, yanking up his shirt and getting her hands onto his stomach, nails sweeping low over his waistband. He has goosebumps running down his spine, and his blood rushes hot through his head, leaving no room for intellectual thought. He undoes the button and zipper of her jeans, his fingers clumsy with anticipation.
She sinks her teeth into his bottom lip, hard, and Jughead doesn’t know what to do with his hands, his brain is detached from the rest of his body. He hikes up her legs around his waist, pulling her even closer, and his vision is blurred with the flyaways of blonde hair and the sound of his name in her mouth. Her heel is pressed into the small of his back, keeping him pressed hard against her.
Betty moans again, louder this time, and Jughead’s hand flies to her mouth, remembering too late the thin walls of their apartment. Her breath is hot against his wrist, and his thumb dips against her bottom lip, mouth open. Her eyes open, a clear bright green, and it’s easily the hottest thing he’s ever seen, his pulse wired to hers.
“Fuck me,” she whispers into his palm. He wants to yank on her ponytail, wants to lick the cherry chapstick off of her mouth, wants to stay inside this moment forever, suspended by the longing.
He presses his mouth to the fragile, ivory skin of her neck as he fumbles to unhook her bra, and he exhales iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou, fervent and sticky hot, like a prayer, lost in the press of their mouths against one another.
Jughead waits for Valentine’s Day to arrive with the dread of a condemned man facing an executioner. The days of February tick by, and he waits patiently for Betty to mention a new romance, a guy she’s been seeing or a surprise hot date for the most romantic night of the year, waits for the Jones luck to really kick in. Finally, it’s the morning of, and she pads into the kitchen, startlingly beautiful in an oversized t-shirt and socks, glasses perched on her face, no mention of any plans.
“Dinner tonight?” he asks, all casual, heart in his throat, and Betty hums her agreement, absentminded and pouring coffee.
“Yeah, sure,” she says. “I get out of class at six, so six thirty?”
He makes reservations at a nice restaurant, dresses up in a nice shirt and yanks at the collar, feels awkward and out of place as the hostess guides him to the table, watching the elegantly paired up couples around him. The menu is definitely out of his price range, but he figures if he’s going to tell her he might as well make the grand gesture, give her the sort of romance she deserves.
Betty walks into the restaurant and for a single second everything in his head goes blank. It’s a secret phenomenon Jughead wouldn’t even know how to explain, the way she numbs everything out, makes everything better.
She folds herself into the seat in front of him, wearing a breezy, careless lavender dress and that familiar smile, ponytail falling in a perfect twist.
“God,” she says, picking up the menu and flicking through it mindlessly. “You won’t believe what happened in the coffee shop today. Is there anything more cliche than confessing your love on Valentine’s Day?”
He freezes.
Jughead gets home to the apartment late, cranky after being stuck in a social for the MFA students in his program. He yanks at his ill-fitting tie as he walks in the door, feeling some of the tension starting to seep out of his shoulders.
“Betts?” he calls, taking in the warm yellow glow of the hallway, light left on despite the lateness of the hour. Remnants of Betty’s evening are scattered through the apartment- dishes in the sink, a neat plate of leftovers in the fridge with a post-it note stuck on top, bolognese if you’re hungry <3
He steps into the living room, and Betty is passed out on the couch, surrounded by a stack of freshly graded papers, the sharp elegance of her  handwriting crawling across the pages in bright red. She’s slumped at what must be an uncomfortable angle, legs tucked up underneath her and her head propped on her shoulder. The fondness pangs in Jughead’s ribs, sharp with longing. He just stares at her for a moment, the fine curl of the baby hairs at her temple, her mouth just a little bit open with sleep, all the lines in her face smoothed.
She’s so relaxed that Jughead doesn’t want to wake her, potentially kickstart the insomnia he knows gets to her when she’s stressed. So he picks up an old quilted afghan off of the other edge of the couch, tucks it up around her shoulders. Betty sighs in her sleep, shifting into the blanket and kicking one leg out.
I love you, Jughead mouths. I love you. Betty turns in her sleep, eyelids fluttering, and Jughead shuts the light off behind her, head full of the things he wishes he could tell her.
It’s Friday night, and the two of them are tipsy from the shared bottle of red wine, sprawled out on the living room floor with a Scrabble board between them. Betty sits cross-legged, flushed high in her cheeks from the wine and her hair loose around his shoulders. Jughead is raggedy in an old pair of plaid pajama pants and a threadbare t-shirt.
It’s his favorite kind of evening, Chinese takeout for dinner and easy conversation, laughing as Betty struggles with the wine bottle opener.
Now Betty is staring at her Scrabble tiles with intense concentration, a line between her eyebrows that he wants to smooth out with his finger.
“If you try to pass off a word that you made up again-” he warns, only half joking. Betty gasps in mock outrage, one hand to her chest. “I would expect someone getting their Masters in Psychology to have a more refined sense of ethics.”
“I would neve cheat at Scrabble,” she says imperiously, laying out her tiles and spinning the board back over to him. Zale reads the word in front of him. Betty, for her part, tries to look impartial and doesn’t quite manage it, the smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth. Jughead feels the warmth burn inside of his chest.
“I love it when we do this,” he blurts out suddenly, awkward and out of place. Betty smiles at him, presses her hand to his from across the board.
“Me too,” she says. “And that will be twelve points for me, if you please.”
He loves her, but not enough to let her get away with such a stunningly illegal move. The night goes on.
Dear Betty,
I am writing to you now because I’m too terrified to tell you in person but I also can’t keep going on this way. Maybe a letter is the coward’s way out, but I prefer to think about it as romantic. To quote the genius herself (Jane Austen)- if I loved you less I might be able to talk about it more. And I do love you.
I don’t know if it was at first sight, but do I know that the first time I saw you in that terrible freshman English lecture, it felt like something was beginning. Like some part of me knew that I was going to fall in love with you, my brain just hadn’t quite caught up yet. In some ways it still hasn’t. The way I feel about you has nothing to do with logic.
You’re my roommate and my best friend and my fellow true crime obsessee and the best fucking person I know. Having you in my life is one of the things I’m most proud of, and I’ve been so scared to ruin what we have, because in a lot of ways I think you’re the best part of me. I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t there anymore. But I also can’t keep swallowing it down anymore. I guess I just have to trust that we’ll find a way to be in one another’s lives, no matter the capacity. Even if you don’t feel the same way.
Well, now you know. I love you. The ball is in your court, and it’ll really be okay if you don’t feel that way. I just need to know. So- come find me?
He sighs at the piece of paper, and balls it up with a groan, tossing it into the trash can with a faint thud.
It happens so fast Jughead barely has time to react.
They’re crossing the street of their apartment to get to their favorite overpriced but delicious coffee shop, chatting idly about Betty’s thesis advisor and her obsession with Lorrie Moore, and then the taxi comes out of nowhere against the light, inches away and Betty a step in front of him.
Jughead grabs her by the elbow and yanks her back in the nick of time, all adrenaline, moving before he even has time to process the danger, clumsy and fast. The taxi swerves past, a flurry of horns from the surrounding cars, and they stumble in an awkward, half time waltz back onto the sidewalk. Betty’s eyes are huge when she looks at him, shocked, his hand still fisted in the material of her coat.
“Holy fucking shit,” he swears, tongue a jumble. “Are you alright?” He begins to pat her down over her wool jacket, searching for potential injuries.
Betty laughs, still in shock at the suddenness of it all. “I’m fine,” she says, pressing a hand against her forehead. “I’m totally fine. You grabbed me in time.”
Jughead sighs out a shuddery, terrified exhale. The closeness of the encounter is still racketing through him, fear and relief pulsing through the veins in his wrist. His hands are shaking, and Betty squeezes one tightly in hers, reassuring.
“That was scary,” she remarks, and Jughead nods, for once beyond words. “The drivers in this city are ridiculous.”
“No kidding. I’m- I’m glad you’re okay,” he says, squeezing before he releases her hand. Betty smiles at him, easy and fond. It’ll take twenty minutes and two cups of decaf for his heartbeat to slow down.
They’re brushing their teeth side by side in the bathroom, seeped with the laziness of Saturday morning. There’s coffee percolating in the kitchen, and Jughead knows without asking that Betty will scramble the eggs so long as he makes waffles, that they’ll sit at the tiny kitchen counter for an hour, sipping at their lukewarm coffee and talking about nothing. It strikes him, quite suddenly, that this is how he’d like to spend the rest of his life.
Betty is wearing just one of his t-shirts, her hair knotted into a bun at the top of her head, talking to him through the foam. Jughead, blue toothbrush in hand, turns to her, deliberate and suddenly unafraid. “Betty,” he says, and she turns to him, gaze curious, and he looks for a moment at their reflection in the bathroom mirror, a portrait of exactly where he wants to be. “I love you.”
“What?” Betty asks, and there’s toothpaste smudged on her cheek, eyes wide.
“I love you,” he says, heart in his stomach again. Betty grins at him, slow and wide and perfect,
“I love you,” she says, like it’s the easiest, most natural thing in the world. He ducks down to kiss her, and her mouth is chapped and minty, and their teeth click together in his haste, and it’s pretty much the best moment of his life.
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ameliarating · 4 years
I’d love to see your take on the juniors texting, and maybe conversations with their parents? I imagine Sizhui texts very differently with Jingyi and with LWJ!
So the thing about the Juniors is that they don’t actually text with emoji as much as they use gifs and stickers, because that, in my experience working with middle and high schoolers, is what the Youth do these days.
(Actual teens reading this, please feel free to correct me - it’s possible it’s a cultural/geographical thing and not just age. The teens I was working with weren’t texting in English, for example.)
HOWEVER. I am sticker illiterate and gifs don’t work the same way on tumblr, so let’s all hold hands and pretend they Juniors are all using emoji. Ready?
Let’s start with Lan Jingyi! We’ve already seen him take over the Gusu Lan official twitter.
His texting is a little different. For example, uses emoji more to express himself, to make up for lost volume, expression, and gesture, and less to replace or emphasize certain words.
He doesn’t have a real texting aesthetic, because autocorrect exists, and while he would prefer to be cool and text in all lower-case letters and leave off most punctuation, he’s in a hurry, has a lot to say, and doesn’t want to backspace. 
He has too many words!!! And besides, exclamation marks are very important to him.
And by the way, Lan Jingyi texts everyone the same way. Which is pretty audacious of him. Here’s a sample text:
LJY: Wei-qianbei, when are you picking up your donkey?
LJY: He’s loud and he stinks 🤢
LJY: You here yet??????????
WWX: how does everyone keep getting this number
LJY: 🙄
LJY: HGJ gave it to Sizhui who gave it to me 
LJY: come collect your donkey 😒
Jin Ling wishes he texted with the same easy-breezy attitude of Lan Jingyi. But no, he has to glare every text to submission. He needs to make it look cool. He would never be caught dead with a capital letter, some things should be misspelled, and he will wrestle autocorrect into submission if he needs to.
His emoji choices are carefully curated and he spends a long time picking the right one. 
He... takes a while to get back to people. On the bright side, he comes off a lot chiller in texts than in real life, where he doesn’t have the luxury of taking ten minutes to craft a response.
JC: WHERE ARE YOU you can’t just keep RUNNING OFF
JL: 🙄 omg jiujiu im not five
JC: Just see if you reach 25 with that attitude rolling your eyes at me!
JL: 🤷🏻‍♂️
JL: omg its just emoji you cant see my eyes 🙄🙄🙄
The only one person he’s more respectful to in his texts is his xiao-shushu.
JGY: Welcome home, A-Ling! 🏵️
JGY: I trust you enjoyed your say at Yunmeng
JGY: I hope to see you after supper to go over your lessons
JL: will be there
JGY: 😊
Ouyang Zizhen texts constantly, first of all. Especially from Baling, he misses his friends! He’s a social kid! 
He uses lots of emoji, but mostly just the face ones to better express himself, though sometimes he dabbles with hearts and other emoji that connote feeling. He has a lot of those.
He also extends words, adding lots of letters, not ones that necessarily audibly make sense, but just to show the enthusiasm. Like Jin Ling, he doesn’t use capitalization, for the aesthetic.
OZZ: misssinggggg you guyysszzz 😭😭😭
JL: whos you guys? did you mean to text the group chat? just me here 😩
OZZ: then i miss you jl!!!! 
[cue astonished face at his own phone, ten minutes later a response]
JL: miss you too i guess
OZZ: 💕💕💕
With his dad, though, he cuts out the emoji, they honestly confuse him.
Sect Leader Ouyang: Didn’t I tell you to get back here... Stop messing around...
OZZ: omg dad conserve your spiritual energyyyyyyy c u l8r
Lastly we have the best boy of all! Lan Sizhui!
He’s a texting codeswitcher, easily changing it up to match the register of whomever he’s texting.
So we have him with Lan Wangji, who he texts twice every day, once good morning and once good night, with the same words and variations on the same emoji. Because Lan Wangji uses emoji primarily as little illustrations, rather than offering metatextual information, Lan Sizhui does the same with him:
LWJ: Good morning, Sizhui 🌅
LSZ: Good morning, Hanguang-jun 🥣
LWJ: Good night, Sizhui 🌙
LSZ: Good night, Hanguang-jun 🛌
Lan Wangji just likes to check in on him. 
But with Wei Wuxian, he’s emoji user extraordinaire, forgoing words for pictures, though again, he’s less likely to instigate the texting:
WWX: a-yuannnnnn 💕 how’s my favorite little 🥕 doing?
WWX: big tragedy did u know theres no radish emoji 😮😱😢 guess i’ll have to code one myself 😩🤓
LSZ: you can do it wei-qianbei!! 💪😎
WWX: !!!!😍😍😍🤗🤗✨
His default style, as seen with his friends, is light emoji usage, usually to demonstrate some sort of expression, emotion, or intonation, though generally the same few smilies. He doesn’t fight autocorrect and isn’t too concerned with the aesthetics of his texting.
One time Jin Ling started to make fun of him for including an unnecessary comma in a text and he got such a tongue lashing from Jingyi. The real reason he stopped doing that, though, is because Sizhui looked a little sad.
Here’s a bonus juniors group chat convo:
LSZ: Guys, it’s okay, I texted him - Hanguang-jun is on the way 😄
OZZ: hanguang-juuuunnnnnnnnn 😅😅😅
LJY: !!!!!!!!! HGJ HGJ HGJ💡✨🎇 🤺 we r saved 🙌🙌🙌
JL: 🙄
LJY: 😡
See here for more Untamed texting
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blarrghe · 3 years
"I called you at 2am because I need you" for... is it too indulgent to ask for Dorian x Anders?
never too much! Decided on a straight sequel to the last one, so here’s modern au resident!Anders and politician!Dorian after a long shift. --
He had three hours left in his shift when he got the text from Barb. He looked suspiciously down at his phone when it buzzed. Barb’s contact was in his phone with a little butterfly next to her name, to match the tattoo on her ankle and the bright and fluttery nature of her personality. He liked Barb, but she was almost definitely asking him to cover her shift, and he debated opening the message for several minutes before doing so with a reluctant sigh. Barb was going through some things; messy divorce, two little kids to look after all on her own, the pay they made here and the stress that came with it. 
“Can’t find a sitter, can you take a shift?” read the first text, Anders was going to say yes anyway, but then two more came in, buzzing in quick succession. “unless you want to babysit? I’d give you my pay!” bright, chipper texting tone, accompanied by several hopeful looking emojis, “and brownies! 🍫” Barb did make really excellent brownies. He considered taking her up on the second offer, but he really wasn’t sure he had the energy for kids who weren’t bed-ridden or in need of medical care. He could turn on Fun Doctor Mode like a lightswitch for the kids down in pediatrics, but kids who wanted to refuse bedtime and stay up watching TV they weren’t mature enough to handle? He shook his head, half smiling over the offer of brownies, half frowning over the decision he’d made before he even opened the first message. Barb deserved to get the time with her kids, anyway. 
“I’ve got you covered.” Kissy face cat emoji, knife and fork emoji. 
“Lifesaver!!!!!” every single colour of heart.
He pencilled his name in on the clipboard for the next rotation, and began to regret the fact that he’d so quickly stuffed down the pastry Dorian had brought him earlier as he tried to remember if he had enough coins in the pockets of his coat for both a bag of pretzels from the vending machine and the bus home. He didn’t, but he’d have more luck charming the bus driver into a free ride than the vending machine into giving up its snacks, so he went to his locker and fished out the last of his bus money. 
The rest of his shift went by in a blur of activity, up and down halls as his white-soled shoes squeaked and squawked along the linoleum floors, up and down stairs that were faster than waiting for elevators, thankless pages from doctors all across the sprawling hospital, avoiding his shift supervisor in case she asked about Barb. Then Barb’s shift was much the same, for the four and a half hours after that. It was nearing two am when he finally staggered out to the bus stop, and well past it by the time he arrived home — on foot, because the bus driver had not, in fact, let him ride for free. Just what he got for putting hope into the kindness of strangers. One kind act was, apparently, the extent of his daily karma allotment. Fair enough — he could still almost taste the honey of that pastry on his lips; either an uncommonly good morsel, or he was just drastically underfed. The latter, but the pastry-giver was certainly more than he deserved.
Shit. Dorian. He’d asked him to call. Anders looked blearily at the clock on his stove as he kicked off his shoes and plodded over to the cabinet to dish out some kibble for Ser Pounce. The cold tile floor was a welcome relief on his worn out feet, though the fact that he could feel it at all was a testament to the grave state of his socks. Ser Pounce pounced down from his perch above the cabinets to give some love and a swath of shedding cat hair to Anders’ legs, then nibbled at his food while Anders opened his fridge to try to figure something out for himself. He sniffed at the milk, decided it was probably still fine, and then poured it over a heaping bowl of sugary cereal. Yeah, he’d have made a pretty shit babysitter. 
Anders took his bowl with him to his bed, flopping down on the lumpy mattress with a sigh that fully emptied his lungs, and pulled out his phone. He opened his message history and pulled up the conversation with Dorian. Not much there, but what there was made him smile. Mostly short, friendly messages. No emojis except for the one he’d stuck next to Dorian’s name in the contact page — a snake, not his first choice, but he’d embarassed himself by asking the man which one he’d like when he first scored his number, and snake was what he’d picked. Anders would have gone with the diamond, or the little tophat, or maybe the cat with hearts for eyes…
Anyway, then it had turned out that Dorian was a very formal texter. Proper punctuation and fully articulated words and all that. Anders had spent far too many minutes in their text-based conversations together fretting over how immature it would come off to use an abbreviation for laughter versus spelling out the words “haha”, or if even that was too juvenile. But he and Dorian were both all sarcastic humour and chastising bits of flirtation, and he also fretted about the tone of that without it. 
“you up?” he wrote, then hovered his thumb over the send button for thirty or so seconds before deciding that it was worth the shot. Worse came to worst, Dorian would reply with a friendly apology and an offer to chat the next morning. He was dependable like that. 
“Depends, is this a booty call?” came the almost instant reply. Alone in his room, Anders blushed. 
Blushing emoji, monkey covering his eyes emoji, sweat-smile emoji… delete, delete, delete. “No, just miss you,” DELETE, definitely delete. He tried typing some other things. “Just got in, but thinking of you…” no. “You wish lol” haha? Neither. He erased the message and began again, but then the phone screen lit up with “Dorian🐍”, buzzing as it rang. 
“The little dots were driving me mad. Did you just get in?” His voice was like honey, too. 
“Yeah, covered for Barb.” 
Anders leaned back against his pillow, closing his eyes as Dorian’s concern blanketed over him. “She couldn’t find a sitter.” 
“You’re too nice for your own good.” Dorian scolded him gently through the phone, and it probably said something unhealthy about Anders that hearing Dorian admiringly call him nice made the whole last five hours of life-draining overtime and bitter walk home worth it. 
“She offered me brownies,” he shrugged the compliment off, “what can I say? I’m a sucker for chocolate.” 
“I’ll remember that.” Dorian purred, causing Anders to almost second guess his response to the idea of a booty call, exhausted or not. “So, not a booty call then?” Anders groaned inwardly, wishing it were, but no. Not unless Dorian wanted to talk to him on the phone the whole way over to keep him from falling asleep before he arrived, and even then.
“I just — uh…” he was going to say something about the book, but he hadn’t actually had time yet to look at it. His heart rate quickened with panic, he needed to find something to keep Dorian on the phone. “Thanks for the visit today.” Yes, because that warranted a phone call at three in the morning. “Sorry if I woke you…” 
“Nonsense. I’m always awake at this hour. It’s a terrible habit of mine.” Dorian did indeed sound very wakeful. Probably also very disappointed in the grogginess of Anders’ own voice. 
“Mm,” Anders muttered, his eyes closing under the warmth of Dorian’s voice through the phone again. 
“But you sound awful.” 
“Ran out of bus fare,” Anders explained, “had to walk… long day.” On a better night, Dorian might listen to his work gossip and share some rants of his own; they made quite a pair, both always seeming too short on time and too packed with stress to get out much, both always angry with their bosses — though Dorian was frustrated by beaurocracy constantly getting in the way of his efforts at world-saving, while Anders’ patients gave him fulfilment enough, it was just that his pockets were perpetually empty and all his managers were slave drivers. 
“Why don’t you have a bus pass?” Dorian sighed at him. A bus pass was a hundred bucks up front at the beginning of the month, and with payday always landing two weeks after but every other bill needing to paid right then too… but he didn’t really want to explain that particular predicament to Dorian, who had a flashy suit for every day of the week and a car that cost about as much as Anders was worth in medical school debt. “Well, you can call me next time. I’d give you a ride.” he purred on that note too, having fun with his double entendres. Anders chuckled. 
“I’ll keep you in mind,” he promised. Though the thought of begging his quasi-boyfriend for a ride at two am made him shudder. Still, not quite a lie; he always seemed to have Dorian on his mind at the end of a long shift. 
“Since I have you, dinner?” The inflection of the question was a little high. Anders crunched on a mouthful of cereal with his eyes still closed and mumbled something unintelligable. “You’re off Friday, aren’t you? Do me a favour and don’t pick up any more shifts. I have a place in mind I think you’ll like.” 
“Mm?” He thought about the kind of places Dorian would think were good spots for a dinner date, and was very glad that he couldn’t see the blue-tinted milk running down his chin. 
“It’s a surprise.” Back to low purring, that nervousness or whatever it had been apparently gone again. Anders liked the warm flirtatious tone, but the little breaks into uncertainty were what kept him coming back for more. So much in common. “I’ll pick you up at seven?”
Anders “mm”’d through his mouthful of cereal in the affirmative. 
“Amatus?” Even his pet names were classy. Anders would go with “love” if it weren’t so close to an unthinkable state of being, or “babe” if it weren’t for the fact that Dorian outshone that by a mile with amatus. His thoughts were all cat-with-heart-eyes emoji at the sound, and not much else.  
Anders swallowed. “Yeah?”
“Get some sleep.” 
“Mm.” Anders moved the bowl from his lap to the cluttered chair at his bedside, and leaned deeper into his pillow. “See you Friday, Dor” Dor, was that really the best he could do? 
He heard Dorian hum contentedly on the other side of the line, “looking forward to it.” he said. 
“Night, love.” Anders muttered, then very very quickly he hit end call, and shut his eyes tight. 
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remingt0nleith · 4 years
thorns | remington leith
try & find the hidden palaye royale song title in the fic! & additional A/N at the end. 
A/N: hi wow long time no write :( SORRY! I have ideas and I try to write then my brain just doesn’t want to put the ideas on the word document. + y’know having depression doesn’t help things bleh... BUT I did write a full something finally (yay bare minimum author things!) This was requested! gonna keep trying to turn out requests & work on dark cherries also my birthday is on thursday and i’m turning 24 (wow im getting old help) & also the bastards comes out the day after so yay! lets chat about it when its out ok?
Request: Where Remington cheats on the reader and she finds out, but he does everything he can to get her back? 
Thorns - A Remington Leith one-shot. || 1.9K words || under cut.
The catalyst for a ruined night came in a round of shots. Emerson poured the amber liquid into hot pink shot glasses that the boys had picked up days prior. Remington wasted no time in downing his, barely flinching at the bitter taste that now coated his tongue. 
“Slow down there, cowboy” 
Sebastian laughed before throwing his own shot back, placing a hand on Remington’s cheetah print covered shoulder.
“We can’t have our lead singer fucked up out of his mind, can we?” 
The eldest brother chided playfully as he took the bottle from Emerson and poured more shots.
As the brothers drank and talked anxiously about their first show of a new tour, Remington’s phone buzzed in his back pocket, taking it out he suppressed an eye-roll at the message filling his screen;
He wasn’t sure what had gotten into him lately, usually, he’d be thrilled at the love and adoration his girlfriend of three years was showing him. She was always cheering him on, listening to his music, and supporting his band in every way she could. Although she was unable to come to most shows due to a fast-paced work schedule she always made a point to let the band of brothers know they had her support. That should’ve been enough to keep Remington happy but recently he had become cold towards his girlfriend and as he put his phone away without responding all thoughts of her disappeared as well. 
Remington headed backstage after the show still high from the performance. The adrenaline from the encouraging crowd and kick-ass concert his band delivered had Remington feeling happier than he had in months. Once in the dressing room, the boys quickly changed out of their sweaty stage attire into more relaxed outfits, and like clockwork, shots were once again being handed out.
Once everyone had a decent buzz going the boys and their crew headed out to a nearby nightclub to celebrate the success of the show. Remington realized halfway to the club that he had forgotten his phone in the dressing room, a fact that didn’t phase him, in fact he was happy to be rid of the constant ringing. 
Once inside the packed club, Remington waved goodbye to his brothers and made his way to the bar.  His buzz had diminished slightly in the car ride and that was a no go for Remington so he ordered a drink, which quickly became two, then three before he headed to the dance floor. 
Packed in a sea of bodies the singer danced to the music, enjoying the happiness that came from the night’s events as well as the alcohol in his system. When a manicured hand grabbed him and pulled him close, he didn’t object, instead, he wrapped his arms around the dark-haired beauty. 
The pair danced together to the techno music blaring overhead, strobe lights illuminating their faces, hands roaming freely over each other’s bodies before the woman leaned in and planted a sloppy kiss to Remington’s lips. 
If there was a moment of panic, a spark of recognition somewhere in the sober part of his mind, Remington ignored it. Instead, he deepened the kiss with the gorgeous stranger, when the pair eventually pulled away from the kiss, they headed to the bar for more drinks. 
When Sebastian came to let Remington know it was time to head to the hotel, the frontman wasted no time in asking this new girl if she’d like to go with him. Much to the dismay of the older (and wiser) brother, she said yes and everyone piled into the van and were chauffeured back to the hotel to continue the party. 
Morning light filtered through the window a sign of a new day, but as Remington opened his eyes the gravity of last night hit him. He was alone in his hotel bed, the white sheets crumpled and covered in streaks of makeup (his or hers, he wasn’t sure). Flashbacks of last night filled his mind and all at once he realized the hickeys on his body were from a stranger, the realization filled him with shame and dread. 
He found his phone which had been placed on his nightstand by one of his brothers or their touring manager (who always cleaned up after the boys’ wild nights) and on it were several unread texts and calls which came in at varying points of the evening. 
[9:13 pm] My Love <3: It should be time for u boys to be on stage! I’ll be stalking twitter for updates and vids love u 
[12:02 am] My Love <3: Watched a ton of vids that are already being posted! Get back to me when u get this my love so proud of u xx 
[3:56 am] My Love <3: Guess your phone died or your out celebrating a great night. Call me when you see this or wake up. I love you. 
[10:20 am] 5 missed calls
[10:27 am] *attached photo* REMINGTON.... FUCK YOU.
The photo on his phone screen displayed the girl from last night under the covers as a passed out Remington slept beside her. The caption didn’t say anything besides a winking emoji and she tagged him and his band’s account. 
Instantly, he was dialing his girlfriend’s number, hands shaking as he paced around the spacious hotel room desperately waiting for an answer.
Rose answered, soft voice hoarse from hours of crying. 
“Fuck, I’m so sorry..” 
Remington started to explain, words tumbling out of his mouth faster than he could form them.
“Save it” 
Rose snapped before continuing her voice harder and more assured now than it was just moments ago. 
“I never thought you’d do this even as the band started to gain an audience, I told myself that I had nothing to worry about. All the pretty girls and boys didn’t matter because what we had was strong but it sucks being proven wrong huh?” 
Remington’s sudden surge of tears prevented him from speaking as the pain in his chest grew with each word. The saddest part of it all was that she was right and that ripped him up inside. 
“Rose I-” 
he whispered, voice barely audible even to himself. 
Instead of an answer he was left hearing the sound of the call disconnecting. 
The tour passed by in a daze for Remington and while his brothers desperately wanted him to be more present, they understood. He’d get on stage and sing, forgetting about the pain in his heart for that hour or so, as soon as the curtain closed the ache in his chest was back, a cruel reminder to the life-changing mistake he’d made.
Rose had cut off all contact with her now ex-boyfriend instead choosing to go through Emerson to inform him she was moving out of their shared apartment in LA. 
Each night in his hotel bed, memories of the past three years filtered through his brain until he exhaustingly cried himself to sleep. 
Remington used Emerson’s phone to send a series of texts to Rose to apologize, to accept full responsibility but the only reply he received was instructions to give Emerson his phone back and to leave her alone.
Just as quickly as the tour started it was now coming to a close a few months later. The boys were back in LA for a sold-out show in typical Los Angeles fashion. Remington never stopped trying to get ahold of Rose -- he sent flowers to her new address, letters where he begged for her back, apologizing and pleading for her forgiveness yet he was never awarded a reply. He didn’t blame her at all but that didn’t mean the pain hurt any less, he’d do anything for a second chance. 
Shots of vodka were taken, cheers and high fives were given and the boys hit the stage.  Remington gazed out into the crowd, a see of silhouettes behind bright stage lights.  After a few songs, Remington sat down at the end of the stage, dark boots quietly thumping against the side. 
“Y’know fans like to think we’re perfect” 
he stated which earned a chorus of “I love you’s” as well as cheers from the crowd. 
He smiled before continuing, 
“As much as I love to hear it, it’s not true and sometimes we royally fuck up. I fucked up and these past few months have been hell so I wrote this song.”
The crowd applauded as they watched their favorite singer head to the piano, the spotlight shining on him as he sat down. 
“This song is called Thorns,” 
Remington began to play a hauntingly slow ballad about losing the love of your life and how apart of you is lost as well. 
The pain in my heart is defeating me
Cracking me open for all to see
I’m numb to life, deep inside
Needing you to realize, you’re the better part of me
An illusion of love is what I fear
Taking each step is now unclear
A rose garden in my dreams,
You leaving now in front of me
Take my heart it’s filled with thorns
A rose trapped inside a perfect storm
Throw me to the wolves I’m on my knees
Begging for my rose to please believe
I made a mistake that I can see
Yet this pain without you is deafening
My heart of thorns cuts me deep 
Paralyzing me and making me weak
Please my rose I beg you, have sympathy.
The rose garden in my dreams,
But you’re leaving right now in front of me
Take my heart it’s filled with thorns
A rose trapped inside a perfect storm
Throw me to the wolves I’m on my knees
Begging my rose to please believe 
I love you Rose it’s all I know, I’m sorry for all my sorrow
By the time the song ended, Remington had tears blurring his vision. He was so wrapped up in playing the song he didn’t realize he had started to cry but to the audience that just made it so much more beautiful. 
After the show, Remington hurried off the stage in order to collect his emotions but in the dressing room sat Rose. Her blonde hair was curled and she wore a red dress and in a true movie moment a dozen roses sat in her lap. 
“Rem that song…” 
she started but before she could finish, Remington ran over and threw his arms around her, hugging her to make sure she wasn’t just a figment of his imagination.
“I’m so sorry”
he whispered once she hugged back. 
“The flowers were from Seb” 
Rose mumbled, green eyes flicking down to them after their hug. Sebastian must have ordered them because he knew what Remington was planning. That was his older brother alright, always playing the papa bear role. 
The singer’s mind was racing a mile a minute, he had a million questions but all he could do was apologize. 
Rose shushed him with a chaste kiss before speaking,
“By no means have I forgiven you completely. That song however beautiful doesn’t make everything go away but I’m willing to work on us”
Remington nodded, happy she was here and willing to give their relationship another shot.
“I’m willing to do whatever it takes,” 
he whispered, wrapping her in another hug.
They knew it would be a long road to get back to where they were before but Remington was happy he had his Rose back in his life. 
A/N: omg that song was not that good I came up with it on my own though and I’m not a lyricist lol hope u enjoyed xx 
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
1. have you ever gotten soap in your mouth for cursing? do you think that’s right to do to kids who curse?: Nope. I didn’t say any curse words as a kid for one, but also I’m pretty sure my parents wouldn’t have done that if I did. They would have just talked to me about it and tell me not to say them. I personally don’t like the soap punishment, I think it’s dumb. I’ve heard of some parents who use hot sauce instead, which is just horrible. I understand if you don’t want your kid to curse, but you don’t have to torture them. Just talk with them and explain why it’s not nice to say and that kids shouldn’t speak that way or whatever. Don’t make too big a deal about it. Try not to curse around them either, that’s where they likely hear it and you can be an example for them. If talking doesn’t work then take something away like a toy or some computer time or whatever. I think it’s also important to reward kids when they’re behaving, even just acknowledging it. That can go a long way.
2. what age do you think is appropriate for kids to start watching horror movies with lots of gore?: Well, I personally don’t think kids should watch that at all. I’d say wait until they’re in high school. 
3. do you know what the word “polyamorous” means? and did you ever hear that song by breaking benjamin?: Yes I know what it means, no I haven’t heard that particular song by them.
4. how many bug bites do you currently have?:  Zero.
5. what’s one word you always have trouble spelling and can’t remember the correct spelling of?: Whenever a question like this comes up, “onomatopoeia” always comes to mind. That’s a word I never use except for these questions haha, but yeah I can never seem to remember the spelling, I have to Google it each time.
6. what’s one band that really sucks live?: I’ve never seen a bad live performance, but I’ve heard things about some bands that I haven’t seen, such as Maroon 5. I’ve heard they’re pretty bad. :X
7. do you go to warped tour? why or why not?:  I’ve never been.
8. do you have any wind chimes outside your house? how many?: Yes, a couple. 
9. do you know someone who actually had someone give them a bouquet of real roses and one fake one, and tell them they’ll love them until the last one dies?:  I’ve never heard of that lol but awww how corny and sweet.
10. which do you like better, firefox or internet explorer?: Firefox out of the two, but I use Chrome.
11. who is the most attractive person on your street?: I haven’t seen all my neighbors, but I don’t find the few I have seen attractive. 
12. do you have a flat stomach? would you ever wear a belly shirt to show it off?:  I have a flat stomach, but noooo you’ll never see me in a crop top. I’m waaaaay too self-conscious for that.
13. which do you prefer on yourself, long or short hair?: Long, which is what I have, but it takes more energy and maintenance than I can give right now and I should just cut it short again. :/ I just can’t bring myself to do it for some reason, though.
14. what about on your preferred sex? long or short?:  Short.
15. with eyebrow piercings, do you prefer the ring or the curved barbell?:  I don’t care for eyebrow piercings, personally.
16. have you ever pierced something yourself? why and what was it?: Nooooo. I would never. I’m terrified of needles and don’t do well at all when getting blood work done, and that’s by professionals. I could never attempt to pierce myself with no experience at all. I’d also be scared of doing something wrong or causing an infection.
17. would you date someone who was five years older than you?:  Maybe. I think that’s the oldest I would go.
18. i heard of a girl whose boyfriend cheated on her with a 13yearold (he’s 18) and got her pregnant, so she left him. what would you have done if you were in her situation?:  Omg. I’d have left him, too, but I also would have reported him.
19. how old was the youngest person you ever found attractive? and how old were you?:  Just a year younger than me.
20. isn’t it annoying when you’re trying to start conversation with someone and all they say is “yup” or “really now” or something like that?: Ugh, yes. If they’re clearly not into it or they’e distracted then forget it, what’s the point? I can’t keep a conversation going if the other person isn’t putting anything into it nor would I want to even try.
21. if you have aim, do you have any linked screen names? how many?: AIM died.
22. which of your favorite bands released a new album last?: Hmm. I’m blanking at the moment.
23. are you waiting for any bands to release new albums? which ones?:  Not in particular, but I’m always down for new music.
24. what’s your favorite store for buying cds and such at?:  I haven’t bought a CD since like 2011. I usually just went to like Walmart or Target. I also bought a few CDs from a place that sold old records/albums/cassettes, though. That’s also the place I sold all my CDs to.
25. what’s the point in buying dvds like “girls gone wild” and other porn if you can get tons more online for free?: I don’t know, ask someone who watches porn. 26. if you had to have one drug (illegal ones, like marijuana and cocaine and all of them) right now, what would it be?: Marijuana is legal here, but that’s the only drug I would do.
27. would you ever get a sleeve or a half sleeve on your arm (we’re talking about tattoos)?:  No. I only want one little one.
28. do you have a wireless mouse and/or keyboard?: I have a laptop, so it has a built-in trackpad and keyboard. 
29. do you think your biological parents love each other?: Yes.
30. do you have callouses on your feet?:  No.
31. did you see the commercial for that “foot grater” on tv that basically shaves the callouses off of your feet? isn’t that nasty to think about?: Gahhh, yes. 🤢 It was so gross.
31. what’s your favorite color combination (ex. pink and purple)?: I love pastel colors together.
32. ever been to watchmovies.net? what do you think of the quality of the movies there?:  Yeah, back in the day. I totally forgot about that. The quality wasn’t too, too bad on the ones I saw.
33. what’s one movie you’re dying to see but haven’t had the chance to see yet?: There’s a few movies that were supposed to come out this year that I wanted to see, but that’s obviously not going to happen. 34. would you rather live alone in a huge mansion or alone in a small studio apartment?: I don’t want to live alone at all, but if I had to choose I’d definitely choose the small studio apartment. I wouldn’t want to live in some huge house by myself. That would make me a lot more anxious and uncomfortable. I don’t even want a big house like that for my family and I, it’s just so unnecessary. We’d only need a house big enough for 4 adults and a doggo to live in. 
35. if you came across child porn on your computer, what would you do?:  Omg, that would mean I was hacked somehow. I’d be disgusted and horrified and try to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Are you supposed to report that kind of thing? I would think so, so that it could be taken down and hopefully catch whoever distributed it.
36. what’s the last computer game you played?: The Sims 4. It’s been a couple years, though. I get urges to play, but I’m too lazy.
37. what’s the name of the street you live on?: I’m definitely not sharing that.
38. would you ever dye your entire head blonde?:  No.
39. what’s the randomest thing you ever heard of someone collecting?:  *shrug* I have a rock collection, so who am I to judge. lol.
40. how often do you use “<3” or “:]”?: I don’t use :], I use :) Anyway, I don’t use emojis or smiley faces super often, but sometimes when I feel they’re fitting. I know some people who get a little carried with them.
41. isn’t it annoying how people walk around thinking hollister logo tshirts and ripped jeans are preppy, even though those things would never be allowed in a prepatory school because of the dress code?: >> *stares blankly in “I don’t care”* <<< Hahaha, for real. 
42. how do you feel about abortion?:
43. what’s one thing your grandmother does that you can’t stand?:  She doesn’t do anything that I can’t stand. My grandmothers were/are (my maternal grandmother sadly passed away 15 years ago) sweet, loving, and adorable. haha.
44. did you ever notice how it’s more tragic if a younger person dies than an older person, even if they both died of the same cause?:  Loss of my grandparents was heartbreaking for me, I had a really hard time with their loss. Them being older didn’t make it any easier. I think why people find it even more devastating when a child dies is because they were so young and hadn’t even had a chance, yet, like their life had just begun. There was so much still to experience. They should have had a lot more time. Even a young adult because it’s like their life is also kind of just beginning in a way, perhaps they just started or finished college, were about to start a new job, or were about to get married and start a family. They, too, have so much still to experience and should have had more time. But still, losing someone who is older is still just as sad. I think some people just can sometimes find a little comfort in the fact that they had lived a long life and got to experience a lot. 
45. when’s the last time you snuck around, and where did you go?: I don’t have to sneak around. Never have.
46. how often do you wash your hair?: Every couple days.
47. do you think the price for a movie ticket is too high these days?: Well, these days movie theaters aren’t even open. However, I don’t think it’s the movie ticket price that’s too high, it’s getting stuff at the concession stand that racks it up. The food and drinks are ridiculously overpriced. I just have to get some popcorn, though. I miss movie theater popcorn with salt and lots of butter.  48. have you ever been to a drive-in movie theater?:  Yeah, a few times as a kid. Actually, the last time I went was to see the Willy Wonka movie with Johnny Depp when it came out. I wish they still had drive in theaters where I live. I think they should make a big comeback, I mean that’s perfect for social distancing. We can stay in our own cars, closed off from others, but still enjoy movies on the big screen.
49. what’s your favorite musical?:  Sweeney Todd (the one with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter). 
50. what do you think of dr. seuss?: I was a fan as a kid, I loved his books. They’re classics. I actually have a Star-belly Sneetch stuffed animal, which is a character from his book, The Sneetches. 
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letterboxd · 4 years
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How I Letterboxd #6: Sean Boelman.
Talking 2020 movie trends, the year’s best documentaries, and Elijah Wood’s death-stare with peach emoji lobbyist Sean Boelman.
“Honestly, there’s not much I like to do other than watch movies or go to theme parks, and one of those things wasn’t an option for months.”
In a year like no other for the movie business, it’s still possible to see hundreds of new films if you have the right connections. For professional critics, the downside of missing the in-person festival buzz and tent-pole previews is somewhat offset by the upside of being able to pace out your screenings in the comfort of your own home.
Wondering who might possibly hold the title of “the Letterboxd member who has watched the most new releases so far this year”, we poked around in the server room and found Sean Boelman, who has logged well over 400 films from 2020 in his diary. So far this year, Sean (20) has covered the Sundance, SXSW, Tribeca, Florida and Fantasia Film Festivals; he also reviews films via screeners sent through from PR firms. Sean hails from Orlando, Florida, and is the founder of movie review platform disappointment media, which he created to promote a wider range of voices in film criticism.
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Park So-dam and peach in ‘Parasite’ (2019), directed by Bong Joon-ho.
How long ago did you join Letterboxd? I joined Letterboxd back in 2015. I attended a film class that summer and the teaching assistant had an account and encouraged all of us to create our own. I’ve been using the app religiously ever since.
You’re our youngest ‘How I Letterboxd’ participant to date. How would you describe your experience on Letterboxd as a teenager? When I was in high school, I was one of the earliest adopters of the app, so I told all of my friends about it and suggested that they use it too. By the time I got to college, it was already in the mainstream within the film community, so I was just the guy with the most extensive account. I love how Letterboxd is a community for film fans to talk about films we love, and with the exception of a few trolls every once in a while, it’s really conducive to good discussions.
Which features have you found the most useful? I’m definitely an obsessive logger. The diary feature is without a doubt my favorite part of the app. I started logging in June 2015 and have logged every feature-length film (and some shorts) I’ve watched since. I made the decision not to retroactively mark everything I’ve seen in my life as watched, because that would be too monumental a task. I also find Letterboxd particularly useful during a festival. It’s interesting to see the buzz about what movies people do and don’t like so that I can adjust my schedule accordingly.
And what’s a feature you wish Letterboxd had? I really loved when you guys changed the stars to flames for Portrait of a Lady on Fire. It would be awesome if you started doing that more regularly for releases that get a sizeable following. Like, give Parasite peaches.
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Ivana Baquero and Doug Jones in ‘Pan’s Labyrinth’ (2006), directed by Guillermo del Toro.
What film kicked off your passion for cinema, and specifically, which films or community of film fans motivated you to watch as many films as you can find for the current year? I’ve loved cinema for as long as I can remember, but the film that I credit with really birthing my love for film as art is Pan’s Labyrinth. When I saw that in theaters at the—probably too young—age of six, I felt like [Guillermo] del Toro transported me into Ofelia’s world, and I then realized what magical capabilities the medium of film has.
As for why I’m motivated to watch so many new releases, I have a bit of an issue with saying no, haha. As a film critic, I’m inundated with requests to review movies, from major studio releases to B-movies most people have never heard of. I’ve done my fair share of adding titles to TMDb. I end up reviewing anywhere from ten to twenty new releases a week, depending on the season.
You’re a film critic, but you only post short summaries on Letterboxd instead of your full reviews. Why share only brief thoughts? Much of this boils down to the fact that when I watch something, it’s still under embargo for full reviews, so I can only log it in my Letterboxd diary and leave a little blurb. I also find that there isn’t as much room for humor in my full reviews, so I like using this platform to get my jokes out.
So, as of writing, you’ve ranked 457 films from 2020. What percentage of your total films seen are from these new ‘Roaring Twenties’? Out of the films I’ve logged on Letterboxd, it seems like about ten percent are listed on Letterboxd as movies from 2020. The actual percentage would be quite a bit lower than that, though, since my Letterboxd doesn’t include anything I watched prior to June 2015.
Before Covid-19 shutdowns, how many of these films did you have the opportunity to see in theaters? Which were your most memorable theatrical experiences of the year? In 2020, I was able to see 29 films in theaters, either paid or in a theatrical press screening, before they shut down. I’ve also gotten to see some since the shutdown in drive-ins or from the Florida Film Festival holding socially distanced, in-person screenings. But I definitely went through a bit of theater withdrawal. I missed the smell of popcorn dearly.
For my favorite theatrical experiences in 2020, seeing The Invisible Man on opening night with a packed crowd was definitely a hoot. I was sad at first to have missed the press screening, but like most great horror movies, it was awesome to see it with an audience and hear them gasp in surprise in the action sequences. Another one was getting to see Weathering with You in 4DX. Normally you wouldn’t think of that as a big, spectacle-driven 4DX movie, but it was super-immersive in all of the Sunshine Girl scenes.
And I have some awesome memories from SXSW 2019. At the world premiere of Us, I was pushed into Elisabeth Moss. I once got a death stare from Elijah Wood who seemed to think I was going to approach him. Don’t get me wrong, I love his work—but I wasn’t going to because of etiquette. I watched Long Shot with one of the world’s leading geneticists and then got to see Boyz II Men perform live. And I laughed hysterically when Robert Patrick said in a Q&A that even he didn’t understand the movie he was in. It’s a fun time. I definitely encourage any cinephiles to attend an in-person festival when things get back to normal.
You have more than seventy films in your 2020 list with five or four and a half stars. Would you describe yourself as a generous rater? I was definitely a lot more generous when I started my Letterboxd than I am now. I’m sure if I rewatched some of those films I logged in 2015 and 2016, they’d get a lower rating today. But I really don’t mind it. I don’t see my purpose as a critic as to tear apart the filmmaker’s art—I want to appreciate it. Maybe I’m a little liberal with my five-star rating, but what can I say? Gosh, I love movies. And for me, a five-star rating doesn’t mean perfect, it means great. I don’t think there’s such thing as a perfect film. A five-star [rating] from me means that it connected with me in an extraordinary way. I reserve the ‘like’ for films that set themselves apart from the rest of the five stars by some virtue. If I give it a five and a like, now that’s something you should definitely not miss.
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Tunde Adebimpe in ‘She Dies Tomorrow’ (2020), directed by Amy Seimetz.
Your best film of 2020 so far is Amy Seimetz’s She Dies Tomorrow—it’s also your number three of all time. What resonated so strongly with you about the film? Are you surprised about its divisive reaction? I absolutely adore She Dies Tomorrow. I’ve really admired Amy Seimetz’s work as an actress for a long time, and her work behind the camera on this blew me away. I haven’t seen Sun Don’t Shine yet, but it’s on the top of my list. It connected with me because it really captured some of the anxieties I’ve been going through recently. She obviously didn’t set out to make the definitive Covid film, but that’s what it ended up being. And of course, how could you not love that film’s extraordinary use of color. It looks magnificent. But I’m not at all surprised at how divisive it is. It has a very segmented and unorthodox narrative, and not everyone is a fan of that type of structure. I understand why it hasn’t worked as well for some people.
What are the other most overlooked films of 2020 so far? In terms of overlooked 2020 films, I think the big one is the Russell Simmons exposé On the Record. I think that Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering’s The Hunting Ground is one of the most harrowing documentaries I have ever seen in my life, and On the Record combines a lot of that relevance while also offering a really compelling look at the life of a powerful woman in the music industry. It’s great, and only about one thousand members have logged it on Letterboxd. Watch it on HBO Max!
There are a lot of great movies released in 2020 that are widely available and [fewer than] 5,000 people having logged them on Letterboxd. A White, White Day is a great little revenge thriller from Iceland. But what makes it stand out from the genre is that it’s a lot more understated and character-driven than most. It has similar vibes to You Were Never Really Here, but perhaps even quieter. Maria von Hausswolff’s cinematography is absolutely breathtaking, and Ingvar Sigurðsson gives one of my favorite performances of the year. It’s just a gorgeous film.
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Hlynur Pálmason’s Icelandic revenge thriller ‘A White, White Day’(2019).
The Painted Bird is a bit harder to recommend because it is by no means fun, but it’s one of those that you have to watch once and will never want to see again. I described it as “auteur shock cinema”. It’s a three-hour-long Holocaust drama that’s bleak and filled with torture, but it’s powerful, heartbreaking and harrowing. It also features great performances all around, especially from child actor Peta Kotlár.
I think Michael Winterbottom is one of the best directors working right now and I’ve always loved what he did with the Coogan-Brydon combo in his The Trip series, and this year’s entry, The Trip to Greece, is probably the best one yet. Over the course of the decade the series has spanned, Coogan and Brydon have changed a lot, and this series—in which they play themselves—has adapted to reflect that. This one’s a lot more heartfelt, but still features plenty of great impressions and tantalizing food shots. This really is one of my favorite film series of all time, so you should check all four out! Some other overlooked films I can think of are Jasper Mall, Aviva and Sword of God.
Which 2020 films would you say are the most overrated? Any absolute must-avoids? This is going to be a really hot take, but there was a trifecta of homebound horror flicks that came out in July—Relic, The Rental and Amulet—and I didn’t care for any of them. I think all the directors are talented and show a lot of potential, especially Natalie Erika James, but I wasn’t a fan of any of the films. As for ones to avoid, I try not to call out bad movies unless there’s a reason to [do so], and there are only two of those this year: Coffee & Kareem and Elvis from Outer Space. Coffee & Kareem is just offensive, and Elvis from Outer Space tries to be so-bad-it’s-funny and falls flat.
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Jahi Di’Allo Winston in ‘Charm City Kings’ (2020), directed by Ángel Manuel Soto.
What films that you’ve been fortunate to preview via screeners or film festivals are you certain will be a big deal once they’re available on general release? Ugh, there are some I wish I could talk about but I’m still under embargo! So I’ll have to talk mostly about festival ones. Alice Gu’s The Donut King is wonderful. It was supposed to debut at SXSW, but obviously that got cancelled. On one hand, it is a food doc about donuts—who doesn’t love donuts?—but it’s also a moving story about the immigrant experience. It scored distribution from Greenwich and should be released soon. Charm City Kings is great, and HBO Max picked that up to be released sometime this year. That’s a really awesome coming-of-age movie with a story by Barry Jenkins. And I saw a work-in-progress cut of this indie called Millennium Bugs made by an up-and-comer named Alejandro Montoya Marín. He was part of the Robert Rodriguez show Rebel Without a Crew. It’s a great little movie about Y2K and the Latinx experience that will be debuting online at Dances with Films and is looking for a distributor after that.
Fill in the blank: “2020 is a great year for ____ in film”. What patterns have you noticed? I really think that 2020 is a great year for documentaries. We thought 2018 was a great year with Won’t You Be My Neighbor?, Free Solo, RBG and Three Identical Strangers, among others, but this year is shaping up to be even better. Boys State, The Donut King, On the Record, Rebuilding Paradise, Dark City Beneath the Beat, A Secret Love and Disclosure are all excellent, and that’s just scratching the surface.
I think what makes these documentaries stand out is their ability to make the viewer feel connected to their story. I love documentaries that take a story you might not have otherwise heard of and tell it in a way that feels intensely personal. By taking these stories like the problems inherent in American democracy, the immigrant experience, the California wildfires, the #MeToo movement, and issues with trans representation on screen and telling them in a way that people can relate to them even if they can’t personally identify with their subjects, these documentary filmmakers are making the world a more compassionate place.
What films are you most looking forward to that are scheduled to release in 2020? Any awards season predictions you feel strongly about? In terms of mainstream releases, I’m most excited for No Time to Die, unless it gets pushed to 2021 like some have rumored. I’m a huge Cary Joji Fukunaga fan, so I’m excited to see what he does with the franchise. For indies, I’m really looking forward to seeing Promising Young Woman, The Green Knight, Save Yourselves!, Nomadland and Another Round.
For awards seasons predictions, there are a few I’m pretty confident about based on what I’ve seen. Boys State is an early frontrunner for Best Documentary. I think Eliza Hittman will get some love for Never Rarely Sometimes Always. Dev Patel is a pretty good bet for a Best Actor nod for The Personal History of David Copperfield, even though the movie itself probably won’t get much more love. And there’s an upcoming Netflix movie that has a screenplay nomination in the bag, and maybe a couple other categories too, but shhhh, I’m under embargo on that one so I can’t say more.
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Dev Patel in ‘The Personal History of David Copperfield’ (2019), directed by Armando Iannucci.
You keep thorough distributor rankings as well as year and franchise lists—how would you sum up the way each of these recently formed companies inspires you? Obviously A24 and NEON have amassed a pretty big cult following, and for good reason. There’s a particular identity their films have, despite the differences in genre, and I enjoy ranking them because of that. For the streamers, their films are a little more diverse, but I use my lists as a way for people to discover some of my favorite films they can watch at the click of a button. And for Blumhouse, it’s just because I absolutely adore the work Jason Blum does in supporting filmmakers’ voices. I’m usually pretty cool-headed around celebrities because interacting with high-profile people is a part of our job as critics, but I admittedly froze when I met him at SXSW since I’m such a big fan of his. I’ve always said that once I score an interview with him, I can “retire” as a critic, haha.
You’re of Guatemalan descent. Which films do you best relate with your Latino heritage? Of course, Pan’s Labyrinth is a big deal for me given the fact that it was a formative film in my life. [Alejandro] Jodorowsky’s The Holy Mountain is one of my favorite Latino classics. El Mariachi is great because Robert Rodriguez is the epitome of Latino DIY filmmaking and has always been such an inspiring figure. I got to interview him last year for Alita: Battle Angel, and it was an awesome experience. And in terms of more recent films, I think the Netflix doc Mucho Mucho Amor really captures the importance of community amongst Latinos.
What films are highest on your list of shame? I will say that I’ve seen more classics than I have logged on Letterboxd, but there are still a few embarrassing gaps on my list. I love the work I’ve seen from Akira Kurosawa, Brian De Palma, Agnès Varda and Chantal Akerman, and I really want to finish up their filmographies. Probably the most shameful omission I have is the fact that I’ve never seen a film by Ingmar Bergman. I’ve been lightening my workload for my site a bit, so I’m hoping to catch up on some of those soon.
Who are three Letterboxd members you recommend we follow? My friend Camden Ferrell who co-founded disappointment media with me. He’s also very passionate about film and does a lot of reviews for the site. Another one of our contributors is Sarah, who came on to the team during Sundance this year. She’s great and basically started the Portrait of a Lady on Fire fandom. I also want to give a shout-out to Jon Berk who was actually the critic to challenge me to start a blog back in 2016 when he was doing the Doug Loves Movies challenge, and now I’ve gotten to where I significantly outpace him, haha.
Sean’s site accepts story pitches from, and offers constructive feedback to, aspiring writers from under-represented and minority groups. Email Sean to find out more. Check out these 2020 rankings from Letterboxd members who have watched more than 100 releases this year: Orlan Harris, Austin Burke, Jerome, Joey Magidson, Kevin Yang, Jack, Jordan Raup, Matt Neglia, Weather Boy, Julian D, Johann Rucker, Mikey Brzezinkski, Ewan Graf, Denis Eremeev, Aaron King.
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a0x0annie · 4 years
sorry if this is too much,but could you make every a6 li ask but with catherine? you know, for... research
I’m not sure if I’m able to catch every single ask tho, so sorry if I miss something
What's her favorite food?
Pizza & literally all the pastries and sweets in the world, the high-class royal meals weren’t really her thing, although she enjoyed some of them like shrimps 
What kind of shoes does she wear?
Combat boots with her original outfit  
Creepers with her “a6 official” outfit
In casual/other outfits she wears both of the above + overall high-soled and high-heel shoes 
Her thoughts on horror movies (both legit and schlock)
She’s never scared of them and usually thinks they’re lame, but also likes watching them anyway for the laughs (especially the ones with ridiculously gory scenes)   
From least to most, who in the crew has a sweet tooth? And least to most tolerance to spicy food?
For questions like this one I’ll just try to fit Cath somewhere between the others (and “try” is a good word since I don’t really know how much they like some things etc. so I’ll have to just guess, but that’s okay since it’s just for fun anyway)
Sweet tooth, least to most:
Calderon, June, Ryona, Damon, Bash, Ayame, Catherine
Spicy food, least to most:
Calderon, Ryona, June, Catherine, Damon, Ayame, Bash
Is she ticklish and if yes, how much?
Just like Bash: quite ticklish, most likely will get out of it easily
If she played the game and had to romance someone from the crew who would she choose?
Everyone, including herself 
Does she have any siblings? If yes, does she have a good relationship with them?
Well, she had :) I think you all know what I mean by that-
When it comes to the relationships: it depended on the sibling, but overall rather good 
What accent does she have?
Just like Cal, Ayame and Vexx: no heavy accent, similar to mainstream US English, but she sometimes uses archaic or sophisticated words not knowing that no one uses them nowadays (she brought that from the palace) 
What is she doing in her free time?
When she’s locked on the spaceship, it’s mostly: sketching outfit designs, sewing (she loved making clothes back home and if she wasn’t a princess, she would probably become a fashion designer); writing songs, then singing and playing them on the electric guitar on her ukulele.
When she can go to the city though, she likes going to clubs and take the spotlight by showing her sexy dancing skills.
How would she react to her LI having a nightmare (the kind that leaves you a wrecked mess aka ugly crying/screams/not recognizing Cath by their side)?
She would do everything in her might to comfort them. She probably wouldn’t even say anything for a long time, just keep them in her arms and caress them untill they calm down a bit, and then ask if they want to talk about it.
Is she interested in having children someday? How about fur children?
She haven’t really thought about having children yet, but she would love to have a cat or five.  
What’s her opinion on piggyback rides?
Personally she likes having piggyback rides, but if someone asks her about it she would let them fall off
Does she like the pineapple on pizza?
She doesn’t mind it, but prefers without
Is she a cat or a dog person?
Definitely a cat person, but wouldn’t mind having a dog
What’s her height?
159cm short but dangerous
What are her sleeping habits?
When she’s sleeping alone or with someone she doesn’t care about, she’s like a starfish in bed - she takes up the whole space.
When she’s sleeping with her LI, she sticks to them like glue because she needs the hugs dammit. 
She’s also a bit of an insomniac, but in the opposite way to June - it takes her ages to fall asleep because her dark thoughts and bad memories won’t let her go, but when she finally manages to do it she sleeps quite normally.
What's the physical attribute she tends to find most attractive in a person/their partner?
The eyes and chest/boobs
Cath as an emoji!
Either 😈 or 😉
Did she choose to work for Cal or Damon?
Cal, because she was secretly hoping for having more opportunities to talk/flirt and overall spend time with him.
Though if she wasn’t going for Cal romantically (like, if she persuaded any other route), she would probably pick Damon.
How would she react to the LI bragging about her to someone else?
She would melt on the spot, but after managing to calm herself down she would join in and talk about herself too to keep her confident flirty mask on but when she’s alone with the LI she would give them an extra cuddle. as a treat
ESFP, The Entertainer 
(63% Extraverted / 37% Introverted)
(47% Intuitive / 53% Observant)
(39% Thinking / 61% Feeling)
(39% Judging / 61% Prospecting)
(33% Assertive / 67% Turbulent)
^this is based on the test, but personally I think she leans also to the ESTP (Entrepreneur) personality type
Which characters like skinship the most?
From least to most:
Cal, Ryona, Damon, June, Aya, Bash, Catherine (she’s extremely touchy)
What would be Cath’s reaction to encounteing her LI being scared for life of something that other people find silly, like bugs?
She would perfectly understand and get rid of the problem asap.  
What would be her cheesy line?
She probably used every cheesy line in the existence tbh, but her favorites are:
1) Do you believe in love at first sight or should I pass by again?
2) I’d say God Bless you, but it looks like he already did.
3) My buddies bet me that I wouldn’t be able to start a conversation with the hottest person in the bar. Wanna buy some drinks with their money? 
Does she like cooking and can she cook in the first place?
She’s just like Damon here: great cook, but doesn’t care enough to go all out when it’s her turn to make the meal (although sometimes she might make something extra just to show off lol)
Her romantic and sexual orientations?
Panromantic Bisexual (but usually calls herself bi)
OKAY THEY ARE WAY MORE QUESTIONS THEN I THOUGHT, so I will make part two tomorrow ;w;
Thank you for the ask again!! <3   
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nnegan13 · 5 years
lil gift for paige (@air-bison-yip-yip) ily girl 
textfic, on ao3 here 
set in college!AU, if everyone feels kinda OOC its cuz I personally feel like people are different when they’re texting than when they’re interacting irl so sorry if it feels off lmao it’s still fun if you overlook that part aha 
also the formatting is different bc if I did it the same way I usually do texts in fic this would’ve been So Much Harder 
anyways enjoy!!! 
Martino Rametta to entirely dead inside: head count please 
Eva Brighi: sadly, awake 
Sana Allagui: silvia and fede are still sleeping 
Luchino: Marti Elia says that if you don’t stop turning the lights on and off he’s going to fucking kill you
Luchino: and gio and Sofia are missing 
Eva Brighi: Sofia? 
Sana Allagui: nice 
Martino Rametta: nico’s with me 
Martino Rametta: eyes on ele? 
Eva Brighi: bathroom 
Sana Allagui: someone go tell her not to puke too hard cause I had to clean up last time and I don’t wanna do that again
Eva Brighi: she says fuck you 
Sana Allagui: delightful
Edoardo Incanti to Eleonora Sava: heard you had quite the night 
Eleonora Sava: remind me to never do college again 
Edoardo Incanti: i thought you liked all the higher education shit 
Edoardo Incanti: ya know 
Edoardo Incanti: learning things so you can make ur mark on the world 
Edoardo Incanti: all that sentimental shit 
Eleonora Sava: fuck sentiment 
Eleonora Sava: can you call the police on a university? the school’s trying to kill me 
Giovanni Garau to Eva Brighi: what do you want for breakfast 
Eva Brighi: you’re an angel 
Eva Brighi: but it’s almost noon just come back we’re getting lunch 
Luchino to fede text when u wake up we went to get pizza: turns out I was wrong gio and Sofia weren’t missing 
Luchino: just gio 
Luchino: does anyone actually remember Sofia leaving the party last night? 
Luchino: anyways gio’s back 
Luchino: chicco and edo say they’ll be here in five 
Eva Brighi: shit we’ve left 
Luchino: you did? 
Elia Santini: do you pay attention to anything? 
Elia Santini: anything at all 
Elia Santini: sofia didn’t even come last night ffs 
Elia Santini: they fucking changed the name of the chat dude 
Sana Allagui to Eleonora Sava: when ur done we’re downstairs 
Sana Allagui: please hurry up some of us are starving 
Eleonora Sava: why did you let me drink so much ur supposed to stop this stuff 
Sana Allagui: ur very persuasive when you want to be  
Sana Allagui: are you hurrying or are you just ignoring me now 
Sana Allagui: I’m sending edo to get you 
Sana Allagui to Edoardo Incanti: how long does it take to wrangle your girlfriend 
Edoardo Incanti: not my girlfriend 
Edoardo Incanti: and don’t fucking say stuff like that you’ll give me ideas 
Sana Allagui: so she’s as slow at getting with you as she is at getting dressed? 
Edoardo Incanti: fuck off 
Sana Allagui: I’m hungry, charms 
Edoardo Incanti to Fede Canegallo: when are you taking ur test 
Fede Canegallo: why 
Fede Canegallo: need me out of the apartment or smth? 
Fede Canegallo: miss sava coming over? 
Edoardo Incanti: dick 
Edoardo Incanti: i guess you aren’t coming to pizza then  
Fede Canegallo: you don’t even care 
Fede Canegallo: you can just take ele now 
Edoardo Incanti: there’s nine other people with us 
Fede Canegallo: you’d still get down then n there if you were given the chance  
Eva Brighi to Fede Canegallo: edo says he’s disowning you 
Eva Brighi: what toppings do you like on ur pizza 
Eleonora Sava to Giovanni Garau: did i leave my shit at yours 
Eleonora Sava: please say yes 
Giovanni Garau: yeah its here 
Giovanni Garau: [pic] 
Eleonora Sava: blessings from above 
Eleonora Sava: are you joining us or no? 
Eleonora Sava: Eva says to send you the tongue emoji but I’m not feeling nasty today 
Eleonora Sava: she’d send you one herself but she’s got pizza grease on her fingers and doesn’t want to get her phone dirty 
Giovanni Garau: tell her that’s sexy of her 
Edoardo Incanti to Eleonora Sava: it’s rude to text at the table 
Eleonora Sava: desperate times, mr. hypocrite 
Edoardo Incanti: who’s getting ur table manners so wonky 
Eleonora Sava: wouldn’t you like to know 
Edoardo Incanti: i would, yes 
Eleonora Sava: ur no fun 
Eleonora Sava: just gio, I left my stuff at his this morning
Eleonora Sava: and I’m worried that if I go back to get it I’ll be roped into another midterms drinking game like last night 
Eleonora Sava: he’s not exactly being the most helpful right now 
Edoardo Incanti: want me to get them for you? 
Eleonora Sava: my knight in shining armor 
Eleonora Sava: don’t you have your own midterms to studying for? I don’t want to take time away from that 
Edoardo Incanti: its nbd 
Edoardo Incanti: how bout this 
Edoardo Incanti: I’ll get ur books and you come study at mine and make sure I actually get shit done instead of playing fifa all night 
Eleonora Sava: deal
Eleonora Sava: wait if I rat you out for playing video games instead of joining us last night can we still do that or no  
Eva Brighi to *plays Baby K even harder*: @chicco @edo @fede ur all the WORST 
Eva Brighi: fifa instead of drinks? 
Eva Brighi: I’m appalled I really am 
Edoardo Incanti: who knew appalled was even in ur vocabulary 
Edoardo Incanti: and why are you texting about this we’re all here 
Eva Brighi: fede isn’t and I want to express my anger at all 3 of you at the same time 
Chicco Rodi: when fifa calls it calls 
Federico Canegallo: doesn’t make it sound better chicco 
Federico Canegallo: nd some of us like having working brains to get through midterms with 
Eva Brighi: who are you and what have you done with fede 
Federico Canegallo: fuck off Eva
Edoardo Incanti: its true high school fede would be ashamed 
Elia Santini: last week fede would be ashamed 
Elia Santini: I’m ashamed 
Eleonora Sava to Edoardo Incanti: eva’s reading my texts over my shoulder I’m sorry 
Eleonora Sava: please let me study at urs they haven’t killed you yet 
Eleonora Sava: I will spam you with pleases until you say yes 
Edoardo Incanti: are you done eating 
Edoardo Incanti: lets just go now 
Sana Allagui to we’ve reached 40 days and 40 nights in relationships wilderness ladies and germs: barrage of obnoxious texts? 
Silvia Mirabella: they’re leaving to go study 
Silvia Mirabella: both of them are too straight laced to actually think of doing otherwise 
Silvia Mirabella: leave ‘em be 
Sana Allagui: they left pizza early 
Sana Allagui: and now we only have one car to get back 
Sana Allagui: chicco’s not going to let me DJ so what’s even the point anymore 
Sana Allagui: it’s what they deserve
Chicco Rodi: when did I say that 
Giovanni Garau: i’m coming n I’m bringing my car don’t get ur panties in a twist 
Sana Allagui: stop thinking about my panties gio 
Giovanni Garau: ffs 
Elia Santini: Sana i’m behind you 
Sana Allagui: many thanks 
Federico Canegallo: I’ve filled my obnoxious quota earlier I’m too tired to do anything else 
Martino Rametta renamed the group what happened to having a working brain fede? 
Eva Brighi: Marti you shit 
Eva Brighi renamed the group we’ve made it to 40 days and 40 nights in relationship wilderness ladies and germs 
Eva Brighi: literally the only established rule of this chat is that we only change the name to keep track of the days 
Martino Rametta: this is exhausting 
Chicco Rodi to Rocco Martucci: do you have the chat muted
Rocco Martucci: sorry who is this? 
Eleonora Sava to Eva Brighi: Eva 
Eleonora Sava: Eva I’m struggling 
Eva Brighi: you left pizza early to go study with edo I am not speaking to you 
Eleonora Sava: evaaaaaa 
Eva Brighi removed Eleonora Sava from Le MAT&T 
Eva Brighi: ele WILL try to thirst text you today do not answer her 
Eva Brighi added Eleonora Sava to Le MAT&T 
Eleonora Sava: sorry what the fuck was that for
Silvia Mirabella: no you don’t get to protest you’ve abandoned us 
Silvia Mirabella: go study miss sava I’m disappointed in you, frankly
Eleonora Sava to Federica Caciotti: are you guys at gio’s 
Eleonora Sava: Fede? 
Federico Canegallo to Giovanni Garau: how’s it going over there 
Giovanni Garau: we don’t have dumb sticks up our asses and aren’t studying so it’s going well 
Federico Canegallo: Eva if I wanted to talk to you I would’ve texted you 
Federico Canegallo: give gio the phone 
Eva Brighi to Federico Canegallo: fuck you 
Eleonora Sava to Sana Allagui: are you guys at gio’s 
Sana Allagui: ERROR 404: The person you are trying to reach is not available. Check your connection and try again later. 
Sana Allagui to Le MAT&T: [screenshot] 
Sana Allagui: and here we have the rare procrastinating ele sava in her natural habitat 
Eva Brighi: what a beautiful creature 
Federica Caciotti: truly moving to see such majesty in nature 
Silvia Mirabella: i can’t believe you’ve captured her on record 
Eleonora Sava: I know you’re all sitting in the same room laughing at each other 
Eleonora Sava: I’m never speaking to you again
Federico Canegallo to Edoardo Incanti: so are you guys still studying 
Federico Canegallo: or are you fucking now
Federico Canegallo: because if you’re fucking I’m not gonna come home 
Edoardo Incanti: 1. you’re a piece of shit 
Edoardi Incanti: 2. did you text me thinking that I would respond if we were fucking? 
Federico Canegallo: I mean its been a couple hours since I left so I was just making sure it was cool to come back 
Federico Canegallo: typically people don’t fuck for entire afternoons on end so 
Edoardo Incanti: please stop saying we’re fucking 
Federico Canegallo: so you’re not? 
Edoardo Incanti: i’m not going to answer that  
Edoardo Incanti: go to gio’s tho she’s moved past procrastinating and gets annoyed if you interrupt her 
Martino Rametta to Eleonora Sava: nico is wondering if we can use your pasta 
Eleonora Sava: will you be following a recipe 
Martino Rametta: i’m not gonna lie to you that was an ask permission after the fact kind of thing 
Martino Rametta: it is edible tho if you want to have some when you get home 
Martino Rametta: when will that be? 
Eleonora Sava to Edoardo Incanti: what are you doing for dinner 
Edoardo Incanti: i think talking in person about this isn’t violating the rules 
Eleonora Sava: it is 
Eleonora Sava: I can text and study at the same time and therefore I’m still studying and therefore we have to stay in separate rooms 
Edoardo Incanti: you can be really obnoxious sometimes 
Eleonora Sava: it’s a talent 
Eleonora Sava: welcome to studying with me 
Edoardo Incanti: ok you’re getting crabby 
Eleonora Sava: rude 
Edoardo Incanti: we’re officially done studying for the moment 
Eleonora Sava: ok official means two party consent 
Eleonora Sava: I did not consent to stop studying 
Edoardo Incanti: acknowledged and overruled 
Edoardo Incanti: i’m coming to you don’t flip ur shit 
Chicco Rodi to someone get milk I haven’t been able to eat cereal in four days and i’m dying: [pic] 
Chicco Rodi: Spotted! Edoardo Incanti out getting saucy with Eleonora Sava when they both said they’d be studying. Maybe they can use their combined genius to turn their ‘break’ into a ‘date.’ xoxo Gossip Girl 
Edoardo Incanti: fuck off man 
Federico Canegallo: edo all you have to do to make this stop 
Federico Canegallo: is stop being a fucking coward and tell her how you feel  
Chicco Rodi to Eva Brighi: edo and ele are at that greek stand by the conservatory 
Eva Brighi: how dare they get gyros without me 
Eva Brighi: what are you doing there 
Chicco Rodi: not getting gyros bc now I have to spy on them 
Eva Brighi: unfortunate 
Chicco Rodi: the things I do for them 
Eva Brighi: what, exactly, are you doing for them 
Chicco Rodi: ur getting too hung up on the details 
Elia Santini to *plays Baby K even harder*: drinks tonight? 
Martino Rametta: some of us value our livers 
Eleonora Sava: and our grades 
Eva Brighi: if you value ur grades so much 
Eleonora Sava: don’t say it 
Eva Brighi: why aren’t you studying rn? 
Eva Brighi: mm? 
Elia Santini: again, drinks tonight? 
Elia Santini: bueller? bueller? 
Luchino: I’m in 
Chicco Rodi: @elia we’re gonna try to play that one game from New Girl tonight 
Giovanni Garau: i fucking love new girl 
Federica Caciotti: doesn’t that revolve around American politicians 
Chicco Rodi: historical figures, please 
Chicco Rodi: and yes 
Federica Caciotti: interesting 
Sana Allagui: I’m coming just to watch you guys be confused 
Edoardo Incanti: when is this starting 
Chicco Rodi: may or may not be four drinks in 
Edoardo Incanti: is2g 
Eleonora Sava to Giovanni Garau: is anyone at urs rn? I need a quiet place to study 
Giovanni Garau: no 
Giovanni Garau: why don’t you go home? 
Eleonora Sava: Eva will yell at me 
Eleonora Sava: and edo forgot one of my books there earlier when he picked them up I’m sorry 
Giovanni Garau: ok i’m leaving right now 
Giovanni Garau: door’s unlocked but please be quick our neighbor will steal everything we own  
Eleonora Sava: eva’s right you are an angel 
Federico Canegallo to Edoardo Incanti: are you coming home or nah 
Edoardo Incanti: went to gio’s to study 
Edoardo Incanti: back later 
Federico Canegallo: do you even need to study this much for the one test you still have 
Federico Canegallo: I don’t understand you 
Edoardo Incanti to Eva Brighi: ele is exhausted please don’t yell at her when she gets upstairs 
Eva Brighi: … 
Eva Brighi: fine 
Eva Brighi: but only cuz you said please 
Eva Brighi renamed the group 41 days and 41 nights in relationship wilderness ladies and germs 
Eva Brighi to Eleonora Sava: Marti wants to know if you want anything for breakfast he and Nico are going out 
Eva Brighi: he also called me lazy for not getting off the couch to ask you in person 
Eva Brighi: will you yell at him for that pls 
Silvia Mirabella to *plays Baby K even harder*: drinks here tonight for those of us who are feeling reckless or actually are done with midterms 
Silvia Mirabella: starting at 21 but we’re getting Thai at 19 if anyone wants to join 
Chicco Rodi: can u be both? 
Silvia Mirabella: yea that’s allowed 
Chicco Rodi: sick 
Elia Santini: if we want Thai but don’t feel like actually going to the Thai place 
Silvia Mirabella: no 
Silvia Mirabella sent a link to silvietta.sil, profile on PayPal to Le MAT&T: fund drinks for tonight pls and thanks  
Federica Caciotti renamed the group Le Mom’s not buying the booze anymore 
Silvia Mirabella: funny 
Federica Caciotti sent a link to federicarica, profile on PayPal: fund my career launch into comedy pls and thanks 
Federico Canegallo to do NOT speak to me about the scooter: fifa tourney @ 15? 
Elia Santini: ye 
Giovanni Garau: taking my last midterm but I can be there at like 16:30 
Federico Canegallo: lame 
Chicco Rodi: will I actually get to play today sir 
Luchino: sounds good 
Rocco Martucci: do any of you actually go to class 
Elia Santini: @chicco @rocco no
Chicco Rodi: fuck you @elia
Martino Rametta: same with gio but Nico says he’ll be there at 15 
Martino Rametta: he’s wondering if you’ll have snacks or no 
Federico Canegallo: tell the little fucker he can die before eating all of my good pretzels again 
Martino Rametta: he says bite me 
Federico Canegallo: @edo hello???? 
Federico Canegallo: update edo is still sleeping but told me to tell you all he’s going to kick your asses 
Elia Santini: fat fucking chance, charms 
Eva Brighi to Eleonora Sava: making coffee would you like some 
Edoardo Incanti to Eleonora Sava: hi please tell me you actually went to bed last night instead of studying more 
Eleonora Sava: I did 
Edoardo Incanti: ok good 
Edoardo Incanti: when are you taking it 
Eleonora Sava: tomorrow 
Edoardo Incanti: are you feeling better about it than you were yesterday? 
Eleonora Sava: yes 
Eleonora Sava: thank you 
Edoardo Incanti: of course 
Edoardo Incanti: i’d offer to let you come study here again but fede and chicco want to play fifa 
Edoardo Incanti: lucky fuckers are already done with their midterms 
Edoardo Incanti: but if you need someone to study with again, I’ll take on the task 
Eleonora Sava: how kind of you 
Eleonora Sava: I’m ok tho 
Edoardo Incanti: if you’re sure 
Eva Brighi to Eleonora Sava: are you down for Thai or no? 
Eva Brighi: because now is the time to say something if ur not 
Eva Brighi: silvia is Determined to get spring rolls 
Eva Brighi: I think only you could stop her 
Eva Brighi: sana tried suggesting that Salvadorian place but sil shut her down hard 
Eva Brighi: come save us from tyranny pls 
Chicco Rodi to *plays Baby K even harder*: just wanted to publicly make it known that I kicked Fede and Elia’s asses at fifa 
Sana Allagui: ladies we’ve been demoted to peanut gallery
Sana Allagui: this is a federal offense 
Eva Brighi: @chicco I’ll be impressed when you can beat ele at mario kart
Federica Caciotti: same 
Martino Rametta: points were made
Silvia Mirabella: guys he might die lets not make him do that 
Sana Allagui: can we still take them to court 
Federica Caciotti: yes of course 
Eva Brighi: get ur fucking lawyer ready boys 
Luchino: wait court for what 
Giovanni Garau: grabbing the game cube when I go home this weekend 
Giovanni Garau: mario kart tourney Sunday night 
Federico Canegallo: um pay attention to this tourney pls and thanks 
Chicco Rodi: I’ve been challenged tho 
Chicco Rodi: and they’re suing us 
Federico Canegallo: I will smother you in ur sleep chicco PAY ATTENTION 
Edoardo Incanti to Eleonora Sava: contrary to what the gc says it was mostly me who beat fede and Elia 
Eleonora Sava: color me even more impressed than I already said I was 
Edoardo Incanti: you didn’t say anything 
Eleonora Sava: exactly 
Edoardo Incanti: no one asked you to be sarcastic about it 
Edoardo Incanti: now what’s this about mario kart 
Eleonora Sava: don’t even try I will kick ur ass 
Edoardo Incanti: I’ll have you know I’ve won every single Incanti cousins mario kart tourney since we started doing them when I was like nine 
Eleonora Sava: its not that hard to beat Eva she’s shit 
Edoardo Incanti: we have other cousins ya know 
Eleonora Sava: did mario kart even exist when u were nine 
Edoardo Incanti: ya p sure
Eleonora Sava: hm 
Eleonora Sava: sounds dubious
Eleonora Sava: old 
Edoardo Incanti: hey 
Eva Brighi to Le Mom’s not buying the booze anymore: yeah I think Thai is fine 
Sana Allagui: its not 
Eva Brighi: what’s not fine is hiding in ur room and not answering ur texts all day 
Federica Caciotti: ok so we’ve gotten through procrastination ele and annoyed ele and now we’re on to hermit ele 
Federica Caciotti: we’ve almost completed the cycle 
Silvia Mirabella: is she alive can you tell 
Silvia Mirabella: sana shut up about the food for a sec 
Sana Allagui: ok easy for u when ur the one that’s winning 
Eva Brighi: yeah I’ve heard her go to the bathroom once or twice but she hasn’t come out besides that 
Eva Brighi: I’ve texted her several times and when I call she sends me to voicemail 
Sana Allagui: have you like knocked on the door 
Eva Brighi: I may be an idiot but I’m not stupid Sana 
Eva Brighi: of course I have 
Eva Brighi: ele if you’re reading this knock on ur wall twice 
Eva Brighi: ok she did it. love you ele please come out and eat something  
Chicco Rodi to *plays Baby K even harder*: @ele so are you going to beat my ass in mario kart or not 
Chicco Rodi: you didn’t say anything 
Chicco Rodi: i need to kno how many blows my pride is gonna take this week 
Federico Canegallo: ok you are preemptively anticipating ele beating you when gio’s beating you right now 
Federico Canegallo: you’re not even playing anymore ffs 
Chicco Rodi: some things you just have to accept fede 
Edoardo Incanti: who the fuck says preemptively anticipate 
Eva Brighi: don’t be jealous just bc some fede sounds fancier than you 
Edoardo Incanti: is this bc I insulted ur vocabulary yesterday 
Sana Allagui to Eleonora Sava: not responding to hermit ele takes some strength 
Sana Allagui: is everything ok?
Edoardo Incanti: appalled 
Edoardo Incanti: dubious 
Edoardo Incanti: preemptive 
Edoardo Incanti: anticipation 
Eleonora Sava: no I am not arguing with you about this 
Eleonora Sava: I’m studying 
Eleonora Sava: unlike some people 
Edoardo Incanti: mm ok point taken  
Sana Allagui to Le Mom’s not paying for the booze anymore: ok Eva w/e you’ve done to piss ele off has extended to me 
Sana Allagui: she’s not responding to my texts 
Eva Brighi: well what did you say 
Eva Brighi: also she’s not pissed off she’s Stressed 
Eva Brighi: i’m Stressed 
Sana Allagui: I asked if she was ok 
Sana Allagui: n she didn’t say anything  
Silvia Mirabella: ele knock twice on the wall again if ur stressed 
Silvia Mirabella: eva did she do it 
Eva Brighi: no 
Eva Brighi: her phone’s going straight to voicemail now I think it’s off 
Silvia Mirabella: damn 
Silvia Mirabella: frontal assault into her room? 
Eva Brighi: I have a better idea 
Eva Brighi to Edoardo Incanti: hey
Eleonora Sava to marti make sure nico cleans out the lint filter on the dryer or I will cut you: someone please water the plants on the veranda 
Eleonora Sava: I just realized that I didn’t get to them this morning and they’re sitting directly in the sun 
Martino Rametta: i would totally do it but I am not home atm 
Eva Brighi: I have a good idea for you 
Eva Brighi: you could come out and do it yourself 
Eva Brighi: ele? 
Martino Rametta to Eva Brighi: everything ok with ele? 
Eva Brighi: you’ve been gone all day I forgot 
Eva Brighi: she isn’t coming out of her room or answering her texts 
Martino Rametta: oh so Test Ele 
Eva Brighi: I think its worse than usual 
Martino Rametta to Eleonora Sava: hi i would request that you set aside your books and take ten deep breaths 
Martino Rametta: nico seconds me 
Eleonora Sava: :/ 
Martino Rametta: eva did water the plants on the veranda she sent me a pic 
Eleonora Sava: :) 
Edoardo Incanti to Eva Brighi: sorry I was talking to nonna 
Edoardo Incanti: she wants us to come over soon 
Eva Brighi: like today soon? 
Edoardo Incanti: no like in a few weeks 
Eva Brighi: ok 
Eva Brighi: wait aren’t you guys doing fifa right now 
Edoardo Incanti: does that make me incapable of texting nonna 
Eva Brighi: she doesn’t text 
Edoardo Incanti: calling nonna then w/e 
Eva Brighi: edoardo incanti did you actually speak to our grandmother or are you bsing me 
Edoardo Incanti: i promise I did I’m just very tired atm 
Eva Brighi: ok lover boy I’ll let it slide this time 
Eva Brighi: text ele for me I haven’t heard or seen her all day and I’m getting worried 
Edoardo Incanti: weird she’s been texting me 
Eva Brighi: of fucking course 
Edoardo Incanti: is everything ok? 
Eva Brighi: she’s being a recluse 
Eva Brighi: I’ve found that she gets like this around tests its p usual 
Eva Brighi: but this feels off I’m worried 
Edoardo Incanti: in order to properly be a recluse you have to turn your phone off you know 
Eleonora Sava: I have no idea what ur talking about 
Edoardo Incanti: Eva says she hasn’t heard from you all day 
Edoardo Incanti: you haven’t been responding in the gc 
Edoardo Incanti: but you’ve been texting me 
Edoardo Incanti: don’t recluses avoid all contact w the outside world 
Eleonora Sava: whoever said I was trying to be a recluse 
Edoardo Incanti: is everything ok? 
Eleonora Sava: yes 
Eleonora Sava: why wouldn’t it be 
Edoardo Incanti: i’m coming over 
Eleonora Sava: you don’t need to 
Edoardo Incanti: i am tho 
Eleonora Sava: edo 
Eleonora Sava: edo seriously you don’t have to 
Eleonora Sava: edo pick up your damn phone 
Edoardo Incanti to Eva Brighi: are you home? 
Eva Brighi: ya 
Edoardo Incanti: come buzz me in 
Eva Brighi: she’s not gonna let you in I’ve tried that 
Edoardo Incanti: w/e just do it pls 
Federico Canegallo: where did you go 
Edoardo Incanti: ele’s 
Federico Canegallo: ok 
Federico Canegallo: not gonna finish the tourney? 
Edoardo Incanti: we played for like two and a half hours I think that’s enough
Federico Canegallo: ok 
Federico Canegallo: are you gonna come to drinks 
Edoardo Incanti: depends 
Federico Canegallo: ok 
Federico Canegallo: tell her to feel better 
Eva Brighi to Le Mom’s not buying the booze anymore: ok better idea is here now 
Sana Allagui: don’t tell me you got edo to come over 
Silvia Mirabella: eva now is not the time to try to set them up 
Sana Allagui: it’s brilliant 
Eva Brighi: ok contrary to popular (silvia’s) belief chicco and I are NOT crazy for trying to set them up 
Eva Brighi: n this isn’t part of that 
Eva Brighi: they are friends and friends are allowed to do shit like care about each other 
Federica Caciotti: and have romantic feelings for one another 
Eva Brighi: not! the! point!
Silvia Mirabella to *plays Baby K even harder*: numbers for Thai? 
Luchino: me
Elia Santini: ok the tourney’s almost done 
Elia Santini: you’re sure you won’t bring any to us 
Silvia Mirabella: we are going back to mine after this why would we bring it all the way to fede’s 
Chicco Rodi: me for Thai 
Giovanni Garau: same 
Martino Rametta: me n nico too 
Elia Santini: traitors 
Martino Rametta: we literally are already done with the tourney you’re just a sore loser and want to play until you win a game 
Elia Santini: ur exposing me 
Elia Santini: i will eat ur firstborn 
Silvia Mirabella: edo? fede? 
Federico Canegallo: nah I am gonna pity play Elia until he wins 
Elia Santini: fuck you 
Edoardo Incanti to Silvia Mirabella: any chance you could make a stop here after Thai 
Silvia Mirabella: no i literally just told Elia I’m not going to yours 
Edoardo Incanti: at ele’s 
Silvia Mirabella: oh 
Silvia Mirabella: yeah of course 
Silvia Mirabella: what do you guys want 
Edoardo Incanti: the drunken noodles and that one yellow curry 
Silvia Mirabella: will do 
Silvia Mirabella: is ele ok? 
Edoardo Incanti: yeah she’s alright 
Silvia Mirabella: tell her I’m glad she’s ok 
Eva Brighi to Edoardo Incanti: how’s ele 
Edoardo Incanti: hungry 
Eva Brighi: we’ll stop by soon 
Eva Brighi: almost done I promise 
Eva Brighi: besides that? 
Edoardo Incanti: she yelled at me for a bit for coming over n got mad when I took away her textbook 
Edoardo Incanti: but then she calmed down 
Edoardo Incanti: currently on the porch 
Edoardo Incanti: she’s v concerned about the plants 
Edoardo Incanti: says you did a shit job of watering them 
Eva Brighi: that is what she wants to say rn 
Eva Brighi: so picky 
Eva Brighi: is she feeling better? 
Edoardo Incanti: i think so 
Edoardo Incanti: really remains to be see tho 
Edoardo Incanti: she’s very stressed 
Eva Brighi: ok 
Eva Brighi: keep me updated 
Silvia Mirabella to Edoardo Incanti: i come bearing food 
Silvia Mirabella: buzz me in pls 
Federico Canegallo to *plays Baby K even harder*: we’ll be over soon 
Eva Brighi: cool we started w/o you 
Eva Brighi to Le Mom’s not paying for the booze anymore: mission check on ele post drinks is a go 
Eva Brighi: I might be too drunk for this but w/e
Eva Brighi: all the lights are off 
Eva Brighi: it’s quiet 
Eva Brighi: checking her room 
Eva Brighi: oh! 
Eva Brighi: they are asleep 
Sana Allagui: they 
Silvia Mirabella: they?
Eva Brighi: yes edo is here still 
Sana Allagui: nice 
Federica Caciotti: how does ele look 
Eva Brighi: relaxed 
Sana Allagui: are they snuggling 
Eva Brighi: yes 
Eva Brighi: its v cute 
Eva Brighi renamed the group ok they were snuggling last night are we still in the relationship wilderness, who knows? day 1 
Chicco Rodi: sorry they were what last night 
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Eyes on Me
“Our guest for today, Chris Evans!”
Ellen welcomed Chris into the studio. The audience’s warm applause made him break out in a big smile. He jogged the last few steps and gave Ellen a hug and a kiss on the cheek before sitting down.
“So, Chris...since this isn’t your first time on the show, let’s skip all the pleasantries.”
Chris laughed along with the audience his right hand resting on his chest.
“Sure, I’m cool with that.”
“Last week, a picture of you was taken and it went viral.”
“It did.” His eyebrows raising while nodding his head.
“Uh-huh. Short answer. Let’s see the picture then.”
The audience clapped when the picture was shown on the studio screen. It was a picture of Chris wearing a suit partnered with a baseball cap as if wearing it will disguise him completely. His left arm was wrapped around the shoulders of a young woman wearing a knee-length dress and wearing a matching Red Sox baseball cap. They were seated at the rear of an SUV while eating burgers. 
“As you know, Chris, no one really cares about you in this. It’s her we’re all curious about.”
“I know. That’s the funny thing. Before, everyone will mention the suit or the beard. Now, no one cares anymore.”
Someone in the audience screamed that they still cared to the delight of everyone in the studio.
“Thanks, man. Nice to see I still have fans,” he joked.
“Chris, you need to focus here. This isn’t Marvel so you can’t use the excuse of secrecy anymore.”
“Okay, what do you wanna know?”
“Who is this pretty lady that you seem to be smitten about?”
“You know the answer to that already.” The audience was still very buzzed and excited to finally get an answer to the week-long Hollywood scoop. 
“Yes, but we would still like to hear it from you.”
‘That lovely girl in the picture is Y/N and we’ve been together for a year.” The audience members were shrieking now that they finally got confirmation of the girl’s identity as well as shock from how long Chris managed to hide her from the press.
“Congratulations, now tell us more about this picture. That seems like an odd outfit to eat hamburgers in.”
“It is interesting. I’ll give you that.”
--- one week ago ---
“Chris, what if I mess up?” you sniffed and placed the phone between your right shoulder and ear, your hands shuffling through the papers that are giving you so much anxiety.
“Y/N, listen to me. You are great at this. You give better speeches than the President.”
“That’s not exactly a high bar, Evans.” Still, the compliment managed to bring a small smile to your lips.
“Well, babe. You know what I mean.” he sighed. “I wish I was there to watch and support you.”
“The press is going to be here, Chris. You can’t be seen supporting some random girl.”
“You’re not just a random girl. You’re my random girl,” he whined.
“I am your random girl. Don’t forget that when you flirt with all the pretty ladies at RDJ’s book launch.” You teased, knowing full well he only has eyes for you.
“I wouldn’t even dream of it. Babe, don’t forget to eat. I know you’re anxious but you practiced so much you can recite this in your sleep.”
“Thanks, Chris. I love you. I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
“See you tomorrow. I love you more.” Knowing he won’t stop unless he gets to say he loves you even more, you just smiled and ended the call.
Tonight is the fundraising charity event for California high school students that excel in STEM. As the new head of Caltech’s Applied Physics Department, you are tasked to give the final speech about the importance of science in the modern world as well as the direction of the department in the next five years. 
“Well, here goes nothing.” 
You hear your voice being called and you stepped on stage. In front of you, hundreds of millionaire patrons that support education are watching your every move.
You went through your speech magnificently. You managed to pause at all the right times emphasizing the parts of your speech you wanted to highlight. You also managed to just occasionally glance at your notes. Stepping away from the podium amid the applause of all the guests put a smile on your face.
You reached for your phone and sent a thumbs-up emoji to Chris before mingling among the guests that are all excited to talk to you.
Your phone vibrated and a quick glance down showed a message from Chris.
Pick you up in 30? I got food. 
Chris knows that you couldn’t eat when anxious and seeing him care this much made your heart skip a beat over how caring he is towards you.
See you. 
You managed to speak to a couple more people before proceeding towards the hotel entrance waiting for his car to arrive.
“Taxi miss?” the doorman asked.
“No, I’m waiting for someone - oh, here he is.”
The doorman opened the passenger door for you, showing not even a hint of surprise when he saw who was driving the car that picked you up.
“I got burgers and fries in the back from your favorite place and it’s a full moon tonight so let’s go eat at the pier.”
“Did you just ran away from RDJ’s book launch?” you asked. Reaching for the fries, you popped a few into your mouth and then gave a couple to Chris.
“Nah. He kicked me out. Said I was too distracted and looking at my phone. He wants to meet you personally soon. They have a livestream of the event, by the way. You did phenomenally.”
When you arrived at the pier, he reached for the baseball caps in the dash and plopped one to each of your heads. You both went down and sat at the rear of the SUV eating your burgers while staring at the full moon.
--- Present Day ---
“And, apparently, I was followed by the paparazzi.” Chris ended his story.
“They must have been surprised. They thought they were just getting eating habits scoop on Captain America but they landed a hit with your girlfriend.”
“I mean..even we were surprised with how long we managed to keep this a secret. I don’t really care if it gets out but please give her some space, she’s not used to having a camera shoved into her face. “
“Maybe you should give her some shield training just in case paparazzi ambush her.”
“I should...that’s a great idea. It would be fun to watch it happen too.”
“Now, can you tell us how you two met.”
“Well, when I first saw her or when we officially met?”
“They’re not the same? Well, obviously, we want both now.”
--- 2 years ago ---
Chris sat in the private corner of the newly opened Japanese Fusion restaurant. So far, no one has recognized him yet and disturbed his meal. He was with his friends celebrating the birth of one of his friends’ daughter.
A piano sat in the middle of the room. A Japanese guy was playing and singing songs he’s never heard of before but he liked it and thought it went with the feel of the place. The piano man informed the patrons that he was taking a thirty-minute break and welcomed anyone to use the piano during that time.
In the corner of Chris’ eyes, he saw a big group of people egging on a young woman to play the piano. She finally relented and sat at the recently vacated piano bench.
“I would like to congratulate my good friends, Dexter and Keiko, on their engagement. This song is for them,” the lady said. Some of those near the table of the group congratulating the newly engaged couple.
“Eyes on You by Faye Wong.” The lady said as an intro before hitting the piano keys.
Whenever sang my songs On the stage, on my own Whenever said my words Wishing they would be heard
Chris stopped listening to his friends and focused all his attention on the person singing. Her soft voice was definitely giving justice to the lyrics of the song.
I kind of liked it your way How you shyly placed your eyes on me Oh, did you ever know? That I had mine on you
It was at that moment that the woman looked up and her gaze fell straight ahead at Chris whose blue eyes were looking back at her. She smiled at him though there seems to be no sign in her eyes that she recognized Chris. Their actions gradually mimicking the song, she continued to sing.
Darling, so share with me Your love if you have enough your tears if you're holding back Or pain if that's what it is How can I let you know I'm more than the dress and the voice Just reach me out then You will know that you're not dreaming
“Thank you,” she said into the microphone. She cast one last glance at him before going back to her group of friends. Chris noticed a dark-haired man who was obviously very buzzed, aggressively grabbing the woman’s waist. The man placed a quick kiss on the woman’s lips and returned to eating.
‘She’s taken then, too bad.’
“Hey, Chris, man? You listening to us or are you going to stare at that girl all day? Just go ask her out if you like her.” One of his friends had apparently noticed his fascination with the singer.
“Nah. It looks like she came with someone. You guys want to order dessert?”
--- Present Day ---
“Was that guy her boyfriend?” Ellen asked Chris.
“I mean, yeah. She was seeing the guy but it kind of didn’t work out for them. Thankfully.” He raised both hands and made a thumbs-up sign while smiling widely.
“Yeah. We can see how that worked out very well in your favor. Now, would you tell us when you two formally met each other?”
--- 1 ½ year ago ---
You have been invited by a friend to watch the 49ers vs Rams game, the only problem is you know nothing about American football despite being American. You actually prefer to watch the English Premier League. Currently, your team, Tottenham, is playing against Liverpool. Instead of watching the NFL, you were glued to your phone watching your team defend their 1-0 lead during stoppage time.
“Finding the game boring?” You look up to see a handsome bearded brunette wearing a black sweater and shades sitting in the previously empty seat next to you.
“Actually, this is more my thing,” you said while raising your phone still showing the EPL game. “I don’t really understand American Football. I just got dragged today. I already feel bad for wasting space here at the suite. ”
“You’re English?” the guy asked again. Clearly, he was perplexed how an American can be so clueless about his beloved sport.
“Well, if that will get you off my case, then sure, I can be English,”  you retorted jokingly.
“Hey, I’m not judging. I’m just saying this is football.  Although, the 49ers and Rams are kind of weak compared to the Patriots. There is this team called the Patriots. They’re the greatest team in the history of the NFL.  And Tom Brady…that man is a god.” He continued to recite the achievements of his team off the top of his head. You tried to listen politely, nodding every couple of words but your eyes were still focused on the game until the very last second.
“Yes! We won. Take that Liverpool.” You punched the air with your free hand.
Your seatmate looked at you like he was betrayed, “I thought you were listening to me. “
“I was. I’m good at multitasking. See, my game just ended. Full attention on you now. But, who are you again?” you finally asked just realizing that the guy didn’t even introduce himself.
“I’m Chris…Chris Evans.” he held out his right hand and removed his shades.
“Oh, nice to meet you. I’m Y/N Y/L/N. Now, your name sounds familiar. Your face too, I think I’ve seen you somewhere before.” You shook his outstretched hand while still combing through your thoughts on where you’ve seen him. Finally, it clicked.
“Oh, are you the one who plays Captain America? You look different with a beard.”
“I am,” Chris said with a small smile on his face.
“Oh, wow. I love your movies. Captain America is nice but I love sci-fi movies. I’m a scientist you see so Sunshine and Snowpiercer are my favorites.”
“You’re a scientist?” he asked. His eyes focused on yours. Usually, not a lot of people, let alone celebrities care about your job.
“Yes. I do research at the JPL, and I have some teaching load at Caltech. But, I must be boring you. We can talk about the game now.”
“No, no. I am actually very interested in you, uh, I mean at what you do.” He stammered, blushing at the slip-up.
You laughed not realizing that he really was serious with both of the things he said. You explained to him what your job entails and how it feels like to work at JPL. You also talked about teaching at Caltech and all your smart students who are almost the same age as you which makes you feel weird. In return, you found out that his relatives are also teachers and he has a deep love for space. He also prefers doing small studio movies but the MCU movies provided him a certain set of advantages that the indie movies won’t be able to.
Your conversation flowed effortlessly as the game progressed. He would sometimes stop and point out certain parts of the game and explain it to you patiently. All the while, he can’t help but compare the two teams playing now to his New England Patriots. The game ended in favor of the Rams.
“Y/N, would you like to watch a Patriots game with me? They play the Rams next. I promise I’ll explain all the great plays that Tom Brady will orchestrate.” He looked at your eyes pleadingly. His right hand was clutching your left tightly.
You didn’t have to think twice to agree, “I’d love to, Chris.”
--- Present Day ---
“Did she know it was you from the restaurant?” Ellen asked. The audience also exclaimed, eager to know the answer.
“Not at all. I had to remind her later that we saw each other first at that place.”
“You must have sounded like a stalker,” Ellen joked to Chris. Chris laughed grabbing his left chest, almost falling out of his chair.”
“You have no idea. Anyway, that was the story of how I converted a Californian to a Patriots fan. Yeah! Oh, and along the way, I got a girlfriend.”
“Well, that’s a nice way to put it, Chris, let’s see how your girlfriend will react. Everyone, please welcome our surprise guest, Y/N.”
The studio erupted into loud cheers and applause. Some of the people watching even stood up to see well. Chris had his jaw open, surprised that you would agree to do something like this. He turned around in his chair and watched you come out from backstage. Chris seemed to have gotten out of his shock since he stood up and walked towards you. He enveloped you in a big hug which caused the cheers to go even louder.
“Babe, you okay doing this?” he was still hugging you. His back was to the audience and camera so they wouldn’t see you talking.
“I’ll get used to it.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” You squeezed him tight before letting go of the hug, which would also go viral the following day. Hand in hand, you walked towards Ellen.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, our lovely couple, Chris and Y/N!”
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parkseoham-moved · 5 years
knk in london recap !! (aka a mess on my part)
i’ll skip over the morning/day part because it was basically just sitting on a cold floor for 7 hours on and off until we got let in but as the queue for the venue was opposite where the stage door was we saw the boys come and go for the special events and they kept waving at us :(
but okay idk how to even write this lol OKAY SO CONCERT this will be long
so idk how the floor looked because i was on the balcony and i will saw the plus of that was 1. no one in my way and 2. got barrier of the balcony because there weren’t many of us who decided to pay the more expensive of the tickets lol but also i was the only one on the balcony who had the lightstick from the makestar campaign and that piece of light up plastic i thank for everything that event because i sob i can’t do emojis on my laptop imagine the crying emoji like 438728 times
but they came out and i just. my friend had to ask me if i was okay because i don’t think i moved for a good bit because i was just like ??????? my boys ?????? are there ????????? the ones who i owe my life and money to ??????? RIGHT THERE ??????????/ i can’t even remember what order the setlist was uh it was a song. i know they done we are the one towards the start because i was a bit thrown off and only started filming it half way through the first chorus because i was just like ????? and i adore that song so much so i’m just so thankful to just hear it live and hear them live and i want to cry
then more songs this is the worst recap i can’t even remember order anyway then they done their introductions and T_T they tried to speak so much english to us and they done so well i just kept tearing up because i love them so much and appreciate them so much and how hard they were making the effort to talk to us without the translator and seoham !!! spoke so much english that boy is just a whole angel i’ll get onto that in a second. okay so me being the ONLY TINK WITH A LIGHTSTICK THAT WAS LIKE. A BEAM ON ME BECAUSE ALL OF THEM KEPT NOTICING ME BECAUSE OF THAT LIGHT UP PINK PIECE OF WONDERFUL PLASTIC and i just. seoham and dongwon noticed me the most they sent so many hearts and waved so much and just kept looking towards us on the balcony and i’m going to start criyng remembering this okay who’s idea was it to ask me to write this it’s a mess.
cue more songs i remember when rain started everything had a like collective sob/cry because last youjin song we miss him i miss him but yes rain was amazing every song was amazing but it’s knk that is to be expected. they had more like talky bits and they each like sung/rapped little songs. heejun mentioned how inseong recently was on masked singer and we all screamed inseong got shy but sung the song he sung (i forgot what it is okay) and then it got to seoham and he wanted to sing a very british song and asked us what is a british song. my forced to watch football throughout my youth instantly thought sing vindaloo and turn the entire venue suddenly into an england match but then realised he would not know that buT THEN HE STARTED SINGING HEDWIG’S THEME AKA THE HARRY POTTER THEME SONG and we all just collectively became potterheads for a good 2 minutes it was great. they then sung more songs. someone decided to sing propose then angel heart ??? like i didn’t cry enough anyway then oh at some point during the translator translating stuff she forgot what they said and was just like quickly summing something up and the boys noticed and were like no !!!!! we didn’t say that !!!! it was funny we all laughed but she done well whoever you are translator lady
they done u. aka one of my favourite songs. also seeing their footwork from above !!!! perfect. i also briefly lost my voice screaming the u parts in it i sounded like a frog i hope it wasn’t picked up on my video i haven’t watched it yet lol and yes oh yeah when they sung lonely night i told my friend because tbh she wasn’t a huge tink she just liked them and let me scream to her about knk for the past 2 years and i was just like right all i ask from you tonight is to scream i love you too after inseong does his oh i hate that i love you and idk if she did ngl i was too busy screaming it too kjsfhd and a girl we were near is heej biased and she screamed heejun i love you and he said it back to her anD SHE THREW HERSELF BACKWARDS like not even gracefully just went for it towards the floor she was gone because of 4 words tbh would’ve been me if i had the courage to yell to jihun what i wanted to yell but i was SCARED
then fade happened. they changed the choreo from the practice videos they posted on instagram. i’m not one who like faints over that type of choreo but a girl near me actually like collapsed at heejun it was funny but the choreo is just so lovely and the song in general is a pure masterpiece i think it’s becoming my favourite knk song (sorry i know) like i may have just been listening to it on repeat since s/sc was released lol but ugh that song i forgot they would perform it gdjfshkd i heard the heavy breathing at the start of the song and was like OH. FADE. and yes then choreo happened. the boys done good. then cue more songs and then it ended :((((( but i’ll talk about interactions okay
SO wait i’ve mentioned my ligthstick okay well bright official lightstock + knk noticing = me sobbing. i’m also not like. too eye contacty with people kjfhg but my god i swear i made eye contact with them like. a good 983745938 times that evening i just i love them so much ???? like i think because i was the only one up there who had anything bright dfkghks they just looked at me first and my heart hurts thinking about this okay so seoham is just. a pure angel ? like that boy ??? he literally always was looking up at the balcony at us and made sure we all like weren’t ignored just because we weren’t on the floor kfjghsk literally the about of times he looked at me and i just panic waved my lightstick. dongwon too at the end he blew a kiss at me and ngl. i felt my legs go a little. jihun also looked at me right in the eyes and i LITERALLY DID NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO I JUST AWKWARDLY SMILED BECAUSE WHAT WAS I TO DO WHEN MY ULT LOOKS AT ME DEAD IN THE EYES I DON’T KNOW I JUST WAVED MY LIGHTSTICK AND SMILED AND THEN DIED. inseong didn’t look up that much but when he did he like made sure to look at us all he was so sweet :( and then when they were taking the crowd photos heejun had the cheek to look directly at me and point the microphone at me when he asked us if we were ready like please don’T JUST LOOK AT ME I PANIC
okay hi touch.
if anyone saw my post from the other night then well yes this is true but i remember a little bit more but anyway i can’t even remember the order they were stood in i think it was dongwon > seoham > heejun > jihun > inseong ?? i know heej and jihun were 3rd and 4th i just blanked ngl but i do remember seoham and HIS SMILE i sob he smiled so bright when i said thank you and he said thank you back and held my hand as he high fived me and i want to CRY i can’t even remember dongwon or inseong I FEEL AWFUL IT WAS A BLUR (blame heejun) and all i remember of jihun was his hand ? like me making sure to not miss it out of nerves gkjdshfhj i don’t think i even looked at him in the eyes oh god  but heejun, oh heejun. i’ve had the biggest soft spot for heejun since i got into knk but regarding my post i remember nothing but being surprised at how big that boy’s skull is. like i knew he had a bigger head than the others and i know people have said his head is bigger irl but i was caught off guard hence not remembering anything else but he’s just so stunning in person??? and also smaller than i thought. idk if it was because i am already 10cm shorter than him in general and that i was wearing like 2 inch tall boots but he wasn’t that much taller than me and in general they all seemed not as tall as i expected ??? i guess idk it could just be because i’m already considered above average height so i didn’t have that drastic of a height difference to them fskjhd hhmm but yes they are all just. stunning. beautiful. amazing. talented. pretend i’m quoting that lady gaga meme that idk what she says but i see it around.
BUT YES then i got back to the hotel kinda couldn’t walk properly as my legs were all jelly like but they were just pure angels and kept mentioning like every 5 minutes that it was their 2nd time in london like yes i love you all but we get it. 2nd time in london. 
and yes then i woke up the next morning and just laid in bed and cried a good bit because of everything i love them so much thank you for reading my mess
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paperclipninja · 5 years
Younger post-ep ramble 6x02
You know how sometimes an episode of television feels like really good value? This week’s Younger episode, “Flushed with Love” felt like that to me. There was a LOT going on but it felt like it flowed really well, there was clear set up for the season and I gotta say, the first 7 mins of this ep gave me so many laughs, the writing was on point from the get go. The 23 min (though hello extra 2 mins, I see you) format is tricky at this stage of a series, especially one that has developed characters and relationships the way Younger has, because in order to keep the story moving forward attention needs to be paid to all those elements that have been established. So it will be interesting to see the pacing for the rest of the season, this ep was fast paced but didn’t feel too rushed, though I do hope that every now and then we get to sit in scenes of the upcoming episodes a little longer.
I love a morning in the loft with Liza and Maggie opening scene, there’s something so comforting about it and this ep served us up a good ‘un. Maggie paying out Liza’s outfit (she’s not wrong though), talking about her hook up with Clare’s mum as missionary work (first actual lol) and Maggie’s spidey senses tingling about Clare and her trustworthiness (though Liza is back in the Clare camp for now). It was brief, yet a nice reminder that these two roomies really have a relationship unlike any other on this show (I heart it very hard).
We waste no time getting to Aunt Liza’s first call of duty and that is, of course, baby goods shopping with Josh. This scene was utterly delightful and again, actual lols to be had. One of the many things I love about Younger is that it can venture into the silly or absurd to suit any given situation or character and even when it’s wrapped around something realistic and serious, it just works. This is one of my favourite scenes between Josh and Liza in recent memory, I felt like I saw what their friendship could/would look like (when someone finally puts this limping triangle out of its misery). I cackled at Josh’s, ‘I don’t understand why it comes out before it’s completely assembled’ and seeing him chug that gripe water after dry retching about the umbilical cord stump was pure slapsticky goodness. Of course it would not be a Liza/Josh scene without the reminder of Josh’s heart eyes for Liza, which featured in his lingering gaze as Liza advised against getting mobile as it gets in the way when you lean in for a kiss.  
You know what I have heart eyes for? The 4 mins of this episode that starts at Lexington research centre and ends with Quinn asking Kelsey, ‘ARE YOU CRYING?’. The whole sequence is comedic gold. Seeing Diana, Kelsey and Liza sitting at the table together made my heart so happy, but not as happy as Diana taking Kelsey’s ‘since I’m the publisher’ from the start of the scene and using it to wish her luck telling Quinn her book sucks at the end. D. Trout is here to support you Big K but not put up with your ‘tude. This is also the first scene where we begin to see the experience vs. youth idea surface, as Diana tells Kelsey and Liza that it’s nice they think they have a choice about debuting with Quinn’s book. While Kelsey’s inexperience is easy enough to spot, Liza’s ‘I think this is so smart’ comment, just as the focus group feedback starts to roll, is the first reminder that Liza may be a fine editor with great ideas and her life experience sets her in good stead a lot of the time, but she is pretty much as green as they come in the business world. The Claw reader response reel, sweet lawd, I have watched this so many times and LAUGHED (yes, capital letters laughed) because the selection of responses, working their way to Suzzane’s shingles flaring up and Vicky begging to unread the book, are just too funny for words (”strong reactions”).
Thankfully we don’t have to wait long for Kelsey to deliver the news to Quinn because the nightmare continues over lunch aka. hilarity ensues. In case we needed some more convincing that Quinn does what Quinn wants, she immediately railroads the conversation by giving Kelsey and Liza gold business cards holders (that ‘poor Charles’ comment re: a quick exit, this woman just cannot help herself, Claw could not be a more apropos book title *meow*). Seeing Kelsey trying to find her feet in her new role is really interesting in this ep and the contrast between the first meeting and the later one when she makes Quinn sign a napkin contract to leave if the book bombs (boss move on Kelsey’s part, I rate that whole exchange a lot higher than Maggie’s current Uber rating...you’re welcome), demonstrates that Kelsey has the capacity to be a great publisher, but obvs there will be loads of DRAH-MAH to get there this season. But I tell you, if that drama includes being forced to chant in a restaurant full of strangers with a billionaire who may or may not have peaked in high school (Liza’s ‘what is happening’, the birth of ‘Big K’, Quinn sort of shrieking ‘are you crying?’, I just cannot with it all) then I am HERE FOR IT. I love the whole ridiculous scenario so much and once again, it’s flat out absurd but it somehow works and I’m 100% looking forward to Quinn’s next hit, coming this season: Fifty Shades of Cray.
Kelsey’s insecurity kicks into overdrive straight after lunch and this is undoubtedly going to be a recurring theme, as evidenced in the later exchange between Kelsey and Liza when Liza passes on the advice Charles offered in relation to publishing Claw as the first Millennial title under the new regime.  Kelsey chastising Liza for discussing the book with Charles was the first sign that the pressure is getting to her and the immediate accusation that Liza was running her ideas past Charles (as opposed to just talking about her day, you know, as you do with someone you’re in a relationship with) mirrored Kelsey’s reaction to finding out Liza and Charles were together in season 5, when she leapt to the conclusion that Liza was trying to undermine her decision not to publish the Krieger book. 
Kelsey assuming the worst of Liza is something I really struggle with, especially considering Liza has proven time and time again that she has Kelsey’s back. I am still scratching my head at how the whole exchange resulted in Liza feeling the need to give a peace offering to Kelsey at the gender reveal party later, but I will park that for now. Ultimately, I felt sorry for Kelsey as we saw her presume that Liza thinks she’s out of her depth and misconstrue Liza saying she wasn’t strong enough with Quinn regarding the edits to mean that Liza doesn’t think Kelsey is strong enough herself. There has to be a point when Kelsey realises that Liza and co. all want her to succeed and turns to them for the support each can offer (at least I hope there comes a point) so it will certainly be interesting to see that play out.
Even at the fancy clothes event (this is what I have been referring to it as since seeing everyone dressed up in promos etc so I’ll stick with it) Kelsey is feeling like she does not belong (can we just talk about Kelsey’s portrait wedged in between all the unremarkable white-haired white men on the event poster? I want to print that whole display as postcards to send to people for no reason). Zane’s, ‘You’re standing in front of a bar, you’ve never belonged anywhere more in your life’, was both accurate and also a sweet attempt to reassure Kelsey. I’m finding Kelsey’s willingness to show vulnerability to Zane this season quite a contrast to their previous dynamic; last episode she was talking about finding her job harder than expected and this week, she reveals her struggle with impostor syndrome. I’m neither offended or excited by the Zelsey situation so that will be what it is and for those who are into it, I feel like there might be some great moments coming up in that relationship now that they appear to be on again *shrug emoji* Are they? Not sure. I am curious to see whether their relationship allows Kelsey to continue to open up more and give the audience a glimpse into her struggles and fears and I feel like I say this a lot, but I would like to get to continue to get to know Zane.
It would be remiss of me not to acknowledge that my excitement for Liza and Charles being dressed up and out together as an actual couple was through the roof going into this episode. Their entrance, with Charles’ smitten gaze firmly on Liza, followed quickly by the effortless literary exchange that reveals Liza is feeling a little out of her depth at such an event herself = le sigh. What I did not expect though was a) how much I was going love Lauren in this scene, I mean I really do love every time she is on my screen, but her conversation with Diana and Enzo, I could just transcribe it word for word (or you should just watch it again) because the whole thing, including Enzo’s delight and Diana’s horror (just a modern-day Juliet but with poop in her ear), was glorious; and b) Charles telling Liza that she’s taking bullets meant for him and he needs to fix it and the entire apology to Diana that followed. Zane and Charles’ little nods and Charles’ obvious diversion from Liza asking what that was about is duly noted, clearly the mystery around the newest Millennial/40-something team abounds and will no doubt come to a head soon. 
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So it may have been a convenient distraction, but Charles cutting through the awkwardness to tell Diana they both know he owes her an apology, only for her to lay it all out as only Diana could, encapsulated the dynamic we’ve seen for the past five season between these two characters perfectly. Even though it’s only been two episodes, I miss their incidental interactions in the office, even if they’re often only fleeting. Obviously I blacked out momentarily when Charles told Diana that he can’t apologise for falling in love with Liza, but I thankfully regained consciousness in time to hear Diana twist Charles’ words and be happy to leave it as her hearing that she would be running Millennial had it been up to Charles. 
I love that Liza continues to confront Charles and challenge him if she disagrees with him and hearing that Charles’ belief in Kelsey is genuine was lovely and I am so pleased that he has been confirmed as an ally and backer of hers. The reality is, we knew that Empirical was in financial trouble last season, Charles was open about that, but his advice around how to handle Quinn’s book was sound, I love that he also acknowledged that maybe Kelsey’s plan will work and I feel like the ‘experience means something’ idea may resurface in a surprising way down the track. Liza’s cogs were clearly turning and the challenge for her is going to be whether she is strong enough to call Kelsey out or stand up to her at times. 
I am glad to see Charles respect that Liza is in a difficult position and his understanding when she asked that they not discuss Millennial was admirable. I adore how dry Charles is when he and Liza are alone, his humour in the way he talks about branching out to other cuisines and of course, the fabulous dead pan agreement that he will not tell Liza about the movie other than a few tidbits and ‘that’s all you get’ *swoon*. Cue Liza once again being unabashedly suggestive and helping herself to dessert. I really appreciate that Younger shows the way characters are different in these private romantic relationships, it’s realistic and reflects the way we show different sides of ourselves when we’re with someone we love and are comfortable with. Of course Liza’s request to keep work talk out of the relationship will no doubt prove problematic as Charles and Zane’s machinations unfold, however it also means that if Charles is not forthcoming in revealing their plans, he may arguably be respecting her wishes. I still hold out hope that whatever drama that needs to play out does so, but that Kelsey, Liza, Charles and Zane ultimately team up again to work together, along with Diana and Lauren. I mean, talk about the A team.
Speaking of A teams, Diana and Enzo (#Dianzo I think we settled on??). Never have I shushed at a character quite like I did Diana as she careened towards the point of no return during her post-event walk with Enzo. It was like watching some kind of horrifying game of insult Jenga, where instead of wooden pieces, every time Diana kept trying to clarify that actually, she just meant she thought she’d be with someone cultured, sophisticated etc, we could see the pieces of Enzo’s heart being slowly extracted before the whole thing broke completely (along with mine). I actually yelled ‘stop talking’ at one point and it was a reminder that Diana’s tendency to be self absorbed and inconsiderate is still well and truly in tact. It did allow for yet another splendid Lauren/Diana interaction the next morning at work, Lauren’s sympathy evident as she referred to Diana by her actual name instead of Diva, and I just love how obsessed Lauren is with Diana. I need to see more of them together and yes please out at a bar. 
Of course the real pay off and Dianzo resolution came towards the end of the episode when we discovered that Diana had written and published their love story herself. Side note: I want Miriam Shor to narrate all my books. Diana and Enzo’s simple yet emotional reunion was so moving, in part because of the accompanying narration but also because Diana’s walls are finally down with Enzo, she’s allowing herself to be in love with him because that’s what she wants and needs. I just love the character development of Diana over the series and I cannot wait to see the Diana and Enzo story unfold over the rest of the season. 
The fastest moving part of this episode was undoubtedly the gender reveal to birth of baby which occurred in the space of about four minutes. When Liza arrived at the party I really got the impression that as she looked over at Josh and Clare, she was simply happy for them. And poor Liza being tasked with holding the balloon for the big reveal only to let it go, that whole situation was so relatable and would definitely be me if I was given that responsibility. Clare did a fantastic job of moving from first contraction to crowning baby in the back of an Uber in mere minutes. I cannot even tell you how ecstatic I am that Maggie was the character put into the back of that car, that scene was so bonkers but the dialogue, from Maggie asking why she was in the splash zone and ‘it’s coming for me’ and telling Josh the breathing’s not working, to Clare’s ‘you and I are the only two women who’ve been inside my mother, we’re bonded’ and of course ‘no baby in my Uber!’, it has to have been one of the most hectic moments ever on this show but jeez was it funny.
The entire outro of this episode, with Diana’s narration tying together all the fragments, was sublime and obviously credit to Don Roos for the stellar writing. I have said it before, but having a young guy so openly yearn to be a father is really refreshing and seeing Josh with his baby was beautiful. This character just desperately wants to love and be loved and I really believe that his daughter will give that to him in a way he deserves. For Liza, seeing Josh with the baby would undoubtedly dredge up all kinds of feelings. I am not naive enough to believe that the writers won’t continue to stoke the ‘Team’ debate, however for now I am going to put my faith in the fact that actually, the story that’s playing out is one that is real and multifaceted. To see an ex, whom you loved, with a baby that you were very clear you did not want, I don’t doubt that there would be a moment of, ‘what would my life have looked like if that had been me?’. It doesn’t mean Liza wants that now, but I do believe that coupled with the words Diana is reading, it is a time of letting go and reflection for Liza.
When Liza returns to the brownstone (ok, two things quickly, umm how does she get in to the house? I would NOT put it past C. Brooks to have given her a key already but I need confirmation asap. Also, turns out casual Charles is a barefoot guy, which I am struggling with a little because it is Winter and he is sitting reading, surely there’d at least be socks but apparently not), I will admit that I found the exchange between her and Charles a little odd, I can’t really explain why. I really liked Charles’ reaction to the news of a baby girl, his understanding of what it’s like to become a parent felt really evident in his response. I could (most likely am) be completely over-thinking it, but I wonder if Charles asking Liza if she’s happy is because he knows this would be hard for Liza? 
I feel like the fact she needs a hug is a dead give away that she’s needing some TLC and time to process. I truly love a hug, I find them to be more intimate sometimes than a kiss, like a real proper hug and I feel like we don’t get many on TV and the way Liza pulls Charles to her and he holds her does things to my heart. The look on Liza’s face at the end, it is obviously to serve the purpose of stirring up the Josh/Charles debate but you know what? I just want to engage in the narrative as it is written and I do believe that Liza is happy with Charles and is grieving the ‘what could have been’ with Josh in that moment and to me, that’s ok. It will be how these characters and the story move forward from this point that I’m really keen to see.
All in all, I really enjoyed episode 2, it was an episode of extremes in many ways because the funny was oh so funny and the emotional really up and got me at the end there.
Be sure to have your fire blankets ready for next week’s ep, if you’ve seen the sneak peek you know why and if you haven’t just trust me, it will be necessary.
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smutfornerds · 5 years
The Dating Game // Team Flash x Reader
A/N: ahhh babes this was so fun!! this idea came straight from our Wells discord groupchat! The lovely @itsprongs has a sister fic series that you should 20000% go read to get further immersed into the wonderful world of Wells boys fighting for your love. Hope you all enjoy!! ps it’s ‘team flash’ because literally everyone is in this and I didn’t wanna spoil who wins!!!
Also no smut here! Just fluff and funnies!
A loud and obnoxious squawking jolted you from a deep slumber. Creaking your eyes open you found that you’d apparently left your window cracked when you fell asleep, and now a less than friendly crow was perched on the telephone poll outside to help you start your day. “Thanks for that..” you muttered sleepily, reluctantly sitting up to slide the pane fully closed. You stretched, a yawn engulfing your face while you heard your phone buzz on your headboard. Reaching up for it you saw three missed calls. A humorless laugh spilled from you and you flopped back onto your bed reading the names of all three iterations of a Mr. Harrison Wells. An hour ago, HR. He left a simple but blabbery voicemail asking how you were doing and if you were coming in today and if you could bring coffee. Twenty minutes later, a call and text from Harry. A short but sweet ‘Rise and shine, we need our seamstress.’ The idea that Barry or Cisco had ripped yet another hole in their suits made your fingers ache. Finally one last missed call from Sherloque, the little eyeglass emoji he’d placed beside his name making you roll your eyes in frustration.
These men were relentless. Every minute of your day at least one of them was begging for your attention, most days being two of them biting each other’s heads off while the third distracted you. It never ended, each day bringing new things for them to bicker about or new ways to try to win your affection. The week before, HR and Sherloque had gotten lost in arguing over who was a better romancer, and while they debated Harry led you off to his lab to where he’d made a Big Belly Burger picnic on the floor. He won that argument. The following day, the detective made you a sample tray of tea while giving you a much needed shoulder rub. To top it off, Friday night had ended with HR twirling you around the training room to flirtatious swing music and half a bottle of rosé in your veins. You were in system overload by the weekend and had holed up in your apartment for the entirety of it, keeping your phone on silent and catching up on housework and reading. It was helpful in clearing your mind of the ongoing battle but of course the tauntingly bright and early Monday morning would thrust you right back into their games, unbeknownst to you quite literally.
Not bothering to respond to any of them, you opted for texting Cisco that you’d be there in an hour. Being a hermit indoors for three days meant you needed a shower and a fresh face of makeup to hide your eye bags. Waiting until you got a ‘good to go!’ in response you hopped into the steaming water to ease the growing tensions about facing the Wells boys again. Each one held a special place in your heart, and when you were alone with them it made it so hard to keep your feelings for the others in check. Rinsing the suds from your hair you finally shut the water off and wrapped yourself in a towel to start getting ready. You’d showered faster than anticipated so you took the time to perfect your hair and outfit. The green sundress you wore let your white bra peak out slightly but the lace was a nice touch to your outfit so you didn’t mind it. Slipping your black sneakers on you reluctantly headed for Star Labs. The last thing you expected was the Cortex to be empty. It was 11 AM on a Monday, usually the entire team was packed into the room discussing one thing or another about one meta or another. Today though it was silent. A notecard was perched curiously on the keyboard at the main desk and you lifted it to read what was written. ‘Let the games begin! Meet us in the lounge.’ It wasn’t signed but you’d seen enough of his love notes to Iris to know that was Barry’s speedy chicken-scratch handwriting. Your eyes narrowed at it trying to decode his words but you sighed defeatedly as you headed downstairs.
Once you exited the elevator you could hear a murmur of voices float down the hallway. As your footsteps approached though they were shushed, rather violently, until you walked in and your mouth fell open. The entire team was gathered on the couches, sans the three lookalike lover boys of yours. Cisco and Ralph stood - in disastrously bright blue and yellow colored suits - on a newly made platform, three cubicle looking squared off areas beside them. Behind the group was a softly buzzing scoreboard, and you read over the words ‘contestant 1, contestant 2, contestant 3’ in a column along the side of it. Your eyes scanned the entire room never faltering from your stunned expression. Quickly Iris fell into a fit if giggling and Barry followed soon after, shushing her softly. “This is not happening..” you muttered and began to turn on your heel to run, but before you could even about-face, the speedster whirred you into the chair on the make-shift stage. In front of you all your friends’ faces shown how amused they were and you glared at all of them equally. “So this was a group effort I take it?” You hollered over to them and they collectively let out laughs and hums of pride. Their smugness caused your shoulders to slump back into the chair.
Beside you Ralph cleared his throat and Cisco posed obnoxiously stoic with his face fixed in a classic gameshow-host grin. The shorter male began their little show. “Welcome, Team Flash to the first, and hopefully only,” he paused and Ralph joined him now. “Wells Dating Game!” Your friends all erupted in clapping and yelling, making your face burn even redder. Finally breaking from their charismatic personas, the boys turned to you with wide smiles. “We’re sorry for the ambush, we just can’t deal with them fighting over you all the time anymore.” Ralph mused. “None of them are getting any work done!” Cisco rattles out, and finally you let out a nervous giggle and nodded. “So this was your idea?” You pointed an accusing look to him and he held his hands up defensively. “Don’t look at me, look at the elongated hopeless romantic.” He side eyed Ralph and your focus went to him. He stammered for a second before giving you as much of an innocent smile as he could pull. With another heavy sigh you held your face in your hands for a moment before taking a deep breath and facing everyone again. “So.. how is this even gonna work?” You asked sheepishly. The vindicated smiles and high fives that lingered through the group made you wonder if this is what they’d been doing all weekend long. (It totally was.)
“Each of the three objects vying for your affection will occupy those lil buddies,” Ralph pointed to your left at the secluded little areas they’d built. “And you won’t be able to tell who’s who.” He beamed proudly but you narrowed your eyes at the pair of pastel dressed bozos before you. “Okay, but... one of them has an accent, and the other two speak in completely different octaves.” Expecting defeated faces you were taken back by Cisco’s excited gesture to his right hand, a small remote in it. “Not a problem! Vocal distortion mics boomed up to them will erase all traces of dialect, tone and any other giveaways of which is which.” He stood proudly with his hands on his hips and you couldn’t help but laugh. “So thorough, I should’ve known.” You quipped and he simply nodded. “You really should’ve. Alright, all we have to do now is choose a voice for them to sound like. It’s preprogrammed with almost everyone here and some celebrities, so I guess take your pick?”
Cisco stepped forward to where you and all the Wells’ could see him and him them. He pointed to one of them as he clicked the remote for the devices. “Say something.” Your head glanced over to the wall next to you and for the first time you desperately wished you had Kara’s X-ray vision. “Hey hi hello.” The voice came out in a low and rumbling tone, you recognized it as Joe’s voice. From the couches Iris scrunched her nose and shook her head. “I don’t need to hear them say what they wanna do to her in my dad’s voice!” She cupped her hands and hollered, causing a general consensus of nods and a shudder from Barry. You chuckled and shook your head at Cisco. “Next.” You stated and he clicked the remote again, now pointing to a different one of the Wells and he spoke up. “Who is it this time?” The smooth and cunning voice rang out and everyone groaned. It’d been a while since you’d heard Leonard Snart’s chilly voice but it wasn’t doing it for you and you shook your head. “Makes me uncomfortable. Try someone that won’t make me feel awkward or intimidated?” Your words hit Cisco’s brain and he nodded enthusiastically knowing just who to switch it to. Finally pointing to the final of the three men he spoke up. “Have we decided then?” The soft and adorable tone of Caitlin’s voice drifting through the room and you nodded once. “Perfect! Not weird, not creepy, just sweet lil’ ol’ Caity cat.” You smiled over at her and she playfully blew you a kiss. “Alrighty then, ladies and gents we have a game to play!” Ralph hollered and the group erupted in cheers again and finally you laughed along with them, letting your nerves shake off with each huff.
Cisco stayed in his place in front of all of you. Ralph took a seat near you with a small switchboard in his hands. With a wide grin, the raven haired meta cleared his throat and fell back into his overzealous persona as he began. “Question number one! Contestants, if you could take our blushing beauty on a date anywhere in the multiverse, where would it be and why?” He paused and waggled his eyebrows gaining laughter from the group. “Contestant number one?” He pointed to the cubicle closest to you and you waited, Caitlin’s voice echoing the words to the air. “Preferably somewhere close to home. Can’t be too far when things.. progress.” The words made you giggle solely because of the voice saying them, but you still felt a hint of pink hit your cheeks knowing one of the Wells’ had truly said it. Cisco playfully fanned himself before continuing. “Contestant number two?” The next male cleared their throat trying to sound deeper but the vocal distortion device made that impossible. “Somewhere tropical. Hawaii maybe, or Barbados. Seduce her on the beach, make love to her in a beach house.” Again the words made your face tint but you couldn’t help but laugh. Caitlin sat in the audience stifling her own giggles hearing her own voice say such raunchy things about you. “So glad that’s not my dad’s voice..” Iris mumbled and the group all chucked slightly. “Alrighty, finally contestant three, where would you take the lady?” For a moment it was silent like he was thinking and finally he spoke up letting the woman’s voice lend him his words. “Wouldn’t really matter I’d just want her with me.” From the couches, Iris and Caitlin both loudly let out an “Aww!” You giggled at their antics but the words stuck with you. Cisco finally strolled over to you and held his hand out as if a microphone were in it, though it was very much empty. “Alright, which Wells gets the point this round?” It didn’t take long for you to give an answer. “Three.” You stated flatly and the group grinned, each one of them knowing who you’d chosen but you none the wiser. Cisco nodded and motioned to Ralph, who hit a single button before him and a slash shown on the board next to ‘contestant 3’.
“Moving on to question 2,” he cleared his throat and sighed. “This one’s not entirely appropriate. But it’s what needs to be asked.. contestants, how would you woo the lady during a night of passion?” Your eyes went wide and you felt your face glow like a neon light. “Oh, my god..” you mumbled and rubbed your temples softly. In the mock-audience, Iris and Barry ‘oooh’-ed playfully. Sighing you looked back to Cisco and motioned for him to get on with it. “Contestant three, we’ll start at your end this time.” He pointed to the end little stall with a grin, and whichever man cleared his throat coming out like a delicate squeal and you couldn’t fight the small burst of laughter as he started. “Take her hands in mine and lead her to bed, kiss every inch of her and tell her how gorgeous she is before.. making love to her.” The last few words were rushed out, and you didn’t know if it was due to nerves or being unnerved by hearing it in your best friend’s voice. Despite the tone it still made a lump form in your throat at the thought. Beside you Ralph cleared his own throat to remind him the voice did not fit the body. With a sharp nod you let Cisco continue. “Oookay.. Contestant two?” There was another pause as the man seated in the middle thought over his words. “Light copious amounts of candles, have slow sensual music playing. Maybe give her a less than innocent massage to lead into the night.” It was still strange to hear Caitlin’s voice but it was getting easier to ignore when you just focused on the words. Your heart fluttered a bit at the scene this man had painted. Cisco turned ever so slightly to face the Wells closest to you. “Finally contestant one?” This round you noticed Cisco didn’t repeat the question and you knew it was because it made his face flush from secondhand embarrassment. “Why would it matter? The moments lends itself to letting things happen without a need for a plan. So I would just live in that moment.” You could see Iris pout at the sentiment and bring a hand to her chest. You laughed softly at the action and just shook your head. All the answers had been good ones, but you could only have one winner each round and the choice made you nibble at your lower lip. “Which Wells wins this round?” Cisco repeated the alliterative phrase and you draw in a slow breath before answering. “Two. I’m a sucker for mood music.” Again your face flushed pink and Cisco chuckled at your response as Ralph clicked a point for ‘contestant 2’.
“Okay folks for the next round, we’re going to let our leading lady ask her own question!” Again Cisco walked over to you with his invisible microphone and you stared up at him sheepishly, giving a small shrug. Your mind was drawing a total blank on anything to ask, being put on the spot definitely didn’t help. Piping up from behind you, Ralph made a suggestion. “Ask if they’re all the same size.” You whipped around to him with your mouth gaping, and he just gave an unbothered expression. “What? Doppelgängers or not we were all thinking it.” You shook your head quickly at Cisco. “No, no no, that is not the question.” You stammered and heard one of the men to your left huff a laugh that sounded like a schoolgirl giggle with their warped voice. “Uhm.. I guess, why do you think I should I choose you?” You spoke just loud enough for them to hear and Cisco stepped back again to point to contestant three first in the end cubicle. “I want to do right by you and for you. You inspire me every day to be better than I have been.” You nodded with a soft smile, before the next man spoke up without even being prompted. “I for one don’t have to change for you to love me fully because I already fully know how to love you.” His words came out in a sweet sing song tone and you giggled at the high pitch. Finally Cisco shot a pointed finger the the square closest to you. “Because in the multiverse, so far you’re the only person that actually truly makes me happy.” Each one’s words struck you differently and you grimaced at your own answer knowing what it meant. “I gotta go with one.” Team Flash all gave their own dramatic gasps as the scoreboard tied up. “Ooooh it’s neck and neck and neck! This tie breaking round will round up the game!” Cisco jumped with genuine excitement but you felt a trillion tiny spiky butterflies erupting inside your stomach.
The male flipped his hair over both shoulders before sighing, eyes floating over all three men and landing on you. While he spoke he kept his eyes in you, each word coming out slowly. “Do you love her?” The question hung in the air and you felt as if you were going to pass out. That was not a conversation you hadn’t planned to have with any of them any time soon let alone in front of all your closest friends. Cisco didn’t ask for a specific contestant however, he just let it linger for a few seconds more. “All of you are going to answer at the same time. On the count of three.” Feeling your stomach do a backflip you covered your face and whined into your hands softly. “One..” This must be what dying feels like. Hot face. Clammy hands. Racing heart. “Two..” Matched with heavy breathing, and your feet impatiently tapping on the floor you gave a deep sigh before Cisco delivered the final, “Three.”
The words all overlapped each other but the one outlier stuck out like a sore thumb. Your head snapped up and you saw the shocked expressions on everyone else’s as they simply stared at the corner box. Cisco was absolutely beaming. “WITH THAY WE HAVE OUR WINNER FOLKS.” Your heart raced but you stayed planted firmly in your seat, your legs wouldn’t move. “Please remove your voicebox and greet your Misses.” Watching as Cisco motioned the ‘winning’ Wells out of his hiding place you listened as the footsteps clicked toward you until those beautiful blue eyes met you - from behind his two toned glasses. A rare bright and goofy smile was spread across Harry’s face and he had his hands shoved awkwardly in his pockets as he finally stepped towards you and you saw Sherloque poke out from the box beside you, HR shuffling off the stage from the middle cubby. Admittedly you were relieved; he was undoubtedly the smartest of the men and had the best wit about him. And he was always the one to put the most effort into keeping you happy without being over the top. Something had told you he was contestant 3 when he gave the answer about simply wanting you. Harry was a very simple man. And now, your simple man. Without saying a single word you hopped down in front of him and planted a kiss on his triumphant lips. His strong arms glided around your waist like they were meant to be there. Behind you your friends clapped and cheered, Caitlin comforting a sullen looking HR and Sherloque wandering off to bury his feelings in his tea. Once the group had all filed out Harry took your hands in his gently, rubbing the backs of your knuckles with his tough fingertips. “Come on..” he mumbled, beginning to tug you along the hallways. The way he’d answered the second question replayed in your mind and you happily followed close behind him, giving his hands a squeeze as you hurried him to his room just a bit faster.
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smoochcal · 5 years
numb without you (part seventeen)
a/n: um I suck at updating but I guess you know that now. miss el keeps reminding me that we should write more so here I am giving you part 17 of my series that I swear has a whole two people reading on a good day. I’m gonna try to update at least once a week so please someone hold me to this because as much as I love this story, I need it to be OVER. Also these updates are hopefully gonna be a little bit longer than past parts because again I want the story to be done and I don’t have the time to write a bunch of smaller updates but I do have the time to write one big update every now and then so yeah that’s what’s going on. as always, a special shout out to miss el for being my main inspiration behind this story and all the little details. read part sixteen here x
pairing: readerxluke
playlist: numb without you by the maine, bruise by with confidence, easier by 5sos, changes by aster and ivy
word count: 2.1k
rating: PG-13
summary: after finally showing your feelings for luke you have to go back to reality and figure out everything between you and calum and the new addition to the family
warnings: swearing, mentions of nausea
Calum’s POV:
You just got off the phone with your sister for what seemed like four hours but only ended up being two at best. You didn’t realize how long it had been since the two of you had an actual conversation, and there was a lot for you to catch each other up on. Once you were both caught up on each other’s personal and professional lives, you finally asked Mali for the advice you were searching for. As always, she knew exactly what to do. You were glad you had her in your life at this moment, as she seemed to know step by step what needed to be done in order for you to keep your two favorite girls together.
Moments after you got off the phone with your sister, you decide you should probably head to bed. You wanted to reach out to Y/N as soon as possible, but Mali told you she probably needed some space. You know she probably wouldn’t respond at this hour anyway. RM/N decided to stay at a friend’s house tonight because of all of the commotion, but you really know she just wanted to give you space as well. It has been a while since you had the house all to yourself and you wish you could actually enjoy it instead of wasting the night away by sleeping. The sooner you fall asleep the sooner you could contact both of your girls though, so you quietly made your way to your bedroom in order to change into your pajamas and head to bed.
~the next day~
Y/N’s POV:
You woke up to Luke’s arm lazily draped across your chest. You can’t say you haven’t pictured a morning like this before, but you never really thought it would be a reality. At least not this soon. You felt yourself have a brief moment of panic, wondering if you and Luke went any farther than kissing last night until you remember you were five and a half months pregnant with Calum’s child. Of course, as soon as you thought about the little angel growing inside of you, she started to kick. You smiled, knowing that somehow some way she knew you were thinking about her. Once you finally got Luke’s heavy arm shimmied off of your body, you walked into your kitchen to find something to eat. It only took you walking out of your bedroom door to remember the shitty situation that brought you and Luke back to your apartment where you shared your first kiss.
You let yourself sleep in a little bit, probably because you were comfortable in someone else’s arms, and it was now almost eleven in the morning. You find some things to make peanut butter toast, something you normally wouldn’t eat for breakfast, but you can tell your baby wants some protein and this is all you can muster since making eggs now makes you nauseous. Making yourself breakfast takes all of five minutes and before you know it you have cleaned your plate as Luke walks into the kitchen.
You smile at him as he returns one to you sheepishly, scratching the back of his head before he joins you at your small island which doubles as a kitchen table. The air is still between the two of you, an awkward silence falling over your heads as you get up to put your plate in the dishwasher. You expected things to be a little weird between the two of you considering everything that went down last night, but the silence was agonizing. You sit back down next to him and whip out your phone. What you were about to do seemed a little too high school for your current age and situation, but it was the only solution your mind could come up with after being awake for not even an hour.
“So are we just gonna give each other the silent treatment after what happened last night…” you text Luke. You try to sneak a look at him as he is reading your text, hoping that he will communicate with you at least over text, making the entire situation a little less awkward for the both of you. You feel a twinge of guilt in the back of your throat because you are communicating with Luke before you even attempt to reach out to Calum, but you think it would be easier to figure things out with the tall boy in your kitchen before you deal with the father of your child who royally fucked up the night before. You see Luke smile a little before he quickly types a response back to you.
“That would be a pretty shitty plan on our end, wouldn’t it?” he adds a couple of silly emojis at the end of this message, trying to lighten the mood. You laugh at your poor attempt at communicating with the boy who could easily be the love of your life, your soulmate forever, but it is way too early to know such a thing as that, so you don’t allow your brain to travel into that seemingly unknown realm of love with him. Not yet at least.
“Do you want any breakfast? I don’t have much at my place, but I’m sure I can find something for you to eat along with the coffee that I know you’ll ask for,” you tell Luke, digging through your pantry for something easy to make him in case he takes you up for something more than his coffee.
“No, I can find something and make it myself. You act like I haven’t been over breakfast before, don’t worry about me… Have you talked to Calum since the whole debacle last night?” Luke questions as he finds the jar of Nutella, he has kept in your pantry for the past couple months. He moves around your kitchen with ease, obviously comfortable with your place and the current situation that the two of you experimented with the night prior. You smile at how comfortable he is around you, especially after the heated night the two of you shared in your living room. You finally gathered up the courage to kiss your best friend and you were so afraid that it was going to ruin everything the two of you had with your wonderful friendship, but so far you were in the clear for any mishaps between the two of you.
“Not yet…I was actually gonna give him a call sometime today to ask him if he wanted to meet up for lunch and talk this whole situation out a little more. I obviously can’t just ignore him until the baby comes, so I thought I better work this out now. I might even invite RM/N to tag along so I can talk to her about everything too. It seems like she is gonna stick around for a while whether or not she’s “the one” so we have to be on the same page about everything as well. Is it okay if I go into my room now and call him now so I don’t forget anything?” you ramble in response to Luke, hoping he respects that you need some privacy in order to talk to Calum.
“I’m so proud of you,” Luke states bluntly, barely looking up from his plate of breakfast as he says the rather shocking statement that caught you slightly off guard.
“What?” you reply, obviously confused by both his bluntness and the nature of this statement.
“I’m proud of you,” Luke responds, “This time last year you wouldn’t have been half as logical and forgiving in this kind of a situation. Not to mention the fact that you are reaching out to him first even though he is the one obviously in the wrong AND you are making an effort to mend things with RM/N even if she won’t be around by the time the baby is born. If I didn’t know any better, I would say you being a mom has already made you mature by like ten years.”
“Are you saying that mentally I am almost 40 years old?” you retort, goofily smiling at the man you so desperately want to be yours. But that is a hoop you have to jump through another day considering the amount of shit that is currently on your plate with Calum and RM/N. Luke smiles back at you and tells you to go call Calum while he cleans up after himself in the kitchen and jumps in the shower. And that is exactly what the two of you do.
Calum’s POV:
You just got off the phone with Y/N and to your surprise she wants to meet up with you to talk things out like the adults you are. You were to meet her at a local bistro about twenty minutes from your house and she even invited you to bring RM/N along. You were a little caught off guard with how quickly she reached out to you, but her idea for the two of you to talk things out is exactly the thing Mali told you to do when you asked her for advice. You were actually gonna call her up a little later in the day and ask if she wanted to meet you for dinner so you two could talk, but the sooner all of this is cleared up the better.
You were also surprised that she wanted RM/N to be involved in the conversation. You know that RM/N is going to be around for a long time, if not forever, but you really couldn’t tell if the guys and Y/N caught on to that yet or not considering they have all only known about each other for a few days. Obviously, Y/N caught on because she was inviting RM/N along with the two of you to seriously talk things out. You know this conversation will be centered around the baby and how she is due in the coming months and you’re sure that Y/N wants to work out all the details about how involved RM/N wants to be in her life versus how much you want her to be involved and considering how much Y/N wants her to be involved in your daughter’s life. You also mentioned to Y/N that RM/N had helped you with the specifics of her baby shower so you should probably update Y/N on that as well and see who all she wants to be invited to the party and if RM/N should even plan on attending or not. A lot of things are currently up in the air so this lunch should clear a lot of details up.
You decide that it would be best for RM/N to join you and Y/N later in the day to talk about her role in all of this. If you are being honest with yourself all of this confrontation and planning and working things out kind of stresses you out. No, more than that. This whole situation stresses you the fuck out, but you don’t want to lead Y/N or RM/N on to believe that because you are supposed to be the levelheaded one of the group. Before you could worry any more about the lunch you were about to have with the mother of your child you realize that you have exactly two minutes to gather yourself and your thoughts in order to get to the restaurant on time. You take a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly, before grabbing your wallet and your keys and heading to the place where you were supposed to meet Y/N to figure things out over lunch.
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