#also because of a fanfiction but we dont talk about that part
askticcitobyshit · 1 month
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((Jack in a dress because i realized I have free will))
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allylikethecat · 1 month
K, L, E!!
YES OH MY GOSH HELLO ANON thank you so much for indulging me and sending questions from the Fanfic Ask Meme!! As always, I LOVE chatting about fic (mine and other peoples!) and I get so excited when people send me these! If anyone wants to send anymore, or reblog it themselves, the list can be found HERE.
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
This is a hard question because I feel like all of my fics are pretty angst heavy? I know I published it anonymously, but I think Immoral in a Stranger's Lap was probably one of the most painful, especially because it didn't really have a resolution or a happy ending, the same goes for (Sometimes). It's still in the early stages of outlining, (and I'm writing it because I am firmly in the we need more mpreg in this fandom camp) but the Teen Dad Fictional!Matty fic is also shaping up to be pretty angsty - it's looking like it's going to be a split narrative alternating between 16 year old Fictional!Matty dealing with teen pregnancy and present day thirty something year old Fictional!Matty trying to get pregnant on purpose and struggling to do so which I know deals with a lot of really heavy and painful topics.
L: What’s the weirdest AU you’ve ever come up with?
I feel like all of them 😂 But I guess, since it's not really popular in this fandom I'm going to say omegaverse even though it was very common in my other fandom experiences.
E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?
I'm choosing to talk about Small Bump because I was working on Make Way for Ducklings earlier and clearly have mpreg on the mind. If I were to writing a sequel to that one, it would be dealing with Fictional!Matty's postpartum depression.
Thank you so much for sending these in! Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to send this ask, and for your continued support! I'm really grateful for the people who have not only taken the time to read my fics, but who have also taken the time to engage with me! I really appreciate you! I hope your Wednesday is going well and that you have a great rest of your week!
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freuleinanna · 2 years
thinking about werewolf transformations in the quarry and i literally went: oh. oh.
so I gotta say first, my take on nick was that I flat-out hated the character, and his whole hungry-horny bit was right out of bad fanfiction, but okay. then I got to thinking about other transformations, and I think the point is, they are bound to different emotions the characters have; some emotion that was the strongest for the night or at the moment of transformation.
we've all seen at least 3 charachers wolfing out canonically: nick (I'll get to him later to make my point), max, and laura. we can also see dylan, emma and jacob transform on screen. kaitlyn doesn't transform fully, and abi doesn't transform at all, even if bitten (?? i haven't found any video on that, at least).
emma is the best example, when she transforms in the basement with abi. abi goes cut the shit, emma, show's over, go home, and right away, emma screams FUCK YOU with the following it really hurts. She then repeats 'it hurts' while already talking about the transformation, but the starting point was that abi's words cut her deeply. abi, who was the one to see through emma's disguise, treated her like most other people, an annoying attention-craving girl. emma's insecurity and her relationships with abi triggered the wolf.
jacob spent the whole night heart-broken. first he got dumped, then his friends (during the first chapters) were constantly dragging him, targeting him with his jokes. his insecurity also got triggered when, after all that happened, he found himself alone. he saw ryan and laura down in the basement, and yes, then opened the cage, but then they left. he was alone. everyone was leaving him no matter how hard he'd cling to them. stupid boy. summer's over and you're nothing. she doesn't want you. nobody does! nobody wants you.
dylan is literally the most wholesome boy ever, because throughout the game, he was the protector of others. he goes to juice up the radio, he gives the shotgun away, he follows kaitlyn to the scrapyard. and when he feels he's about to turn, he starts sreaming like hell trying to drive kaitlyn away from him, because he's dangerous. FUCKING RUN! RUN AWAY, KAITLYN! GET AWAY FROM ME! yeah, he's a snac, he attac, but most importantly, he protec <3
laura starts turning in the middle of the fight with chris, and she's actually the one who's able to keep a cool head (much like dylan, who didn't turn wolfy, but stayed on his human emotions). she smacks herself on the head a few times saying not now! not now, come one! quite literally, for her it's a mental fight. her sheer determination to end the curse allowed her to be herself up to this point. she kept her wolf under control for a long time, too, because she was flashing those hot yellow eyes for a while. plus, her wolf was coming and going (like when she just found injured ryan and was all wolfy), and coming and going again (when she bit ryan and had a hard time letting go of his bloodied hand), but her mind prevailed. because her major drive was to stop the curse, and she had work to do.
max is also protective as hell. he might get aggressive with laura, but agression is a part of the wolf. max, on the other hand, tried to distant hiself from laura as much as he could and talked to her as long as he could. he's a sweet boy who loves his girlfriend dont @ me. plus, I love the thought that his growl sounds hell of a lot like distorted laura! and I'm a simp for that.
and that brings us to nick. nick, who, despite being all sweet and nice, gets all obsessive with abi. he demands a verbal confirmation that she likes him, he smells her skin, he's getting posessive with that she's mine! he throws at poor bobster. plus all that abusive shit he says to abi? I only hung out with you because you seemed so desperate. he closes the circle, cuts her away from others, like any abusive shit would do with their only I can tolerate you attitude. but since transformations only amplified the emotions people were already feeling, I think maybe he was just unlucky that his major feeling was romantic. alas, it turned into something ugly, abusive, posessive, and completely different from what he intended it to be. and that's the story of how I went from downright hating nick to feeling profoundly sorry for him.
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anonymous-dentist · 26 days
since people apparently cant be formal im going to be: we dont use "q!" cuz people kinda dont want to talk abt the server, only spiderbit/guapoduo, so they decided to use "g!" or only "!", and when people are refering to other series they use the first letter of the series for example: "c!roier", i myself dont quite get the g!/! and understand why u dont like people not using "q!" when the universe they talking abt is qsmp
(people saw u complaining abt it here and start to shit on u without any context on twt and saying u complained that q wanst appearing in other fics even tho im pretty sure i didnt when ur distancing urself from him so i wanted to be formal :])
(also can u explain y u dont like the "g!" or "!"???)
I can try to explain myself, but I'm also kinda crying answering this because I have a hard time with emotion regulation when I'm upset (autism thing)
I don't really mind the new tag things? Like, I don't love them, but they're fine. If people want to distance themselves, that's fine. I'm distancing myself. Anybody who's been keeping up with my blog over the past half a year or so can see that I haven't really posted about the QSMP at all since Purgatory started. I haven't talked about Quackity at all outside of that shitshow of an awards ceremony in over a month when, for several years, I was a Quackity-centric blog (2021-early 2023)
My thing with the new tags, and with the Guapoverse thing in general, is that it really just isn't accessible for a larger audience. Sure, some parts of Twitter might understand it, but what about the rest of us?
As far as I can tell, the Guapoverse originated with a Twitter artist (Moone), and it blew up overnight. And I'm overall cool with it! It's a little silly, but so is fandom. I'm a fanfiction writer. Who plays Splatoon for like 4 hours every day. I know silly, and I love it
But then, BAM, I blink and everybody's abandoned the q! and they're changing their tags on Ao3 and making everything suddenly so much harder to find, and it's all about accessibility, isn't it? Like, don't get me wrong, I love a good multiverse, but when it inadvertently excludes a significant portion of the fandom, what are we supposed to do?
Like, say I go on Twitter looking for q!Pac fanart. But now it's so much harder to find because it isn't tagged or typed that way, it's !Pac, and that includes search results from every single au that has a ! in it, like if there was an au called AU!Pac? The !Pac would be in there. But I don't want to see AU!Pac, I want to see q!Pac.
And then there's the g! thingy. Like, that's fine, but a little more widespread of an explanation would've been nice. Like, what au does g! stand for? If you don't know what Guapoverse is, like A LOT OF PEOPLE don't, what are we supposed to think your art is? If we're looking for q!Cellbit art, we aren't necessarily going to like and retweet your art if it's labeled as g!Cellbit because we don't know that he's q!Cellbit.
It's kind of similar on Ao3, only that one's a little different because you can filter by relationship. But let's say you don't know how to do that. Let's say you're new to the website and you only know how to filter by fandom, because that's the first thing you learn how to do on Ao3- it's right there at the top of the front page: Browse By Fandom.
So you go to the QSMP tag looking for fics with Spiderbit/Guapoduo in them. But, here's the thing, you can't find any. Because they aren't being tagged QSMP, they're being tagged Guapoverse now even if the fics are being set in the QSMP setting.
It's just a general lack of fandom accessibility that gets me. I understand the distancing aspect, and I've been waiting for it to happen since the Elections when he Brazilian fandom started getting IMMENSE amounts of hatred from Gringo Chats. But it gets a little tricky when you're part of a fandom as large as this one is. How are we all supposed to share content and talk about things with each other if we can't even find each other anymore?
Like! I've lost so many cool fics I forgot to bookmark because they were taken out of the QSMP tag and moved into the new one! (The new one goes against ToS btw I believe, but go talk to a tag wrangler about that.)
People on Tumblr don't know what the Guapoverse is. TikTok doesn't. Reddit doesn't. Only Twitter does, and only a section of Twitter does. Because I haven't seen any English or French-speaking Guapoduo People talk about the Guapoverse, only Portuguese or Spanish-speaking people. And I get that the exclusion isn't purposeful and that the Guapoverse is meant to sort of heal everybody from the wounds the QSMP left, but I think that maybe even just spreading the news and not... you know... sending death threats and insults and smearing people's names would be better than this.
Thank you for politely asking. I thought I had made myself clear before, but I guess I hadn't.
I'm open to answer any more questions. I can't explain myself to my critics on Twitter, but I can answer your questions here, hopefully.
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askew-d · 1 month
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "askew-d "?
hello, there! sorry for the long wait, i forgot to check my notifs :( i will do better next time. thank you for this question! i feel like i’ve waited ages for someone to ask me exactly that, lol. i could talk about well-written fanfics forever!! can i give you a hug? because this is wonderful, really.
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let’s go for it! my range of fanfiction that i enjoy vary, but one thing remains: i will adore your fic, no matter the fandom, if it’s written with passion and if it contains good, poetic introspection. i love poetry. for me, if there’s melancholic tropes of any kind i’m into it. immortal character and reincarnation? give me now. supernatural elements or slice of life with doomed narrative? i’ll ignore sleep to read it. angst with happy ending? my endgame, for sure.
however, i also adore silly, comedic, cute pieces of domestic life or otherwise. i had a hard time choosing from my bookmarks for this, and i also reviewed some of my favorites, it was fun. before we continue, here are some of the tags that i don’t dive into for whatever reason: porn without plot (it personally just doesn’t interest me at all), non-con, gore, a/b/o dynamics, soulmates au. sorry if you were hoping for it! i’ll try classify them into an order of what i like most.
1. jellyfish, by mystery twin, for the haikyuu!! fandom — i read this when i was finishing high school and coincidentally the story talks about finishing high school! i have a personal attachment that makes me reread it every year. it’s some sort of tradition at this point. not to mention i love kagehina dearly.
2. teen project to change the world, by animeloverhomura, for the mo dao zu shi fandom — respectfully speaking, i would find this author and give them a big hug. their writing is spetacular! if you've never seen this one and you're into mdzs, know it's a story where the characters get to see every event from the novel and donghua, even the dead characters. they watch wei wuxian journey, can you believe it? so goddamn entertaining. promptly waiting for the next update!
3. a hundred or so hellos, by iwillstillopenthewindow, for the haikyuu!! fandom — remember i said i love melancholic stories? well, this one broke me so hard, i had to mention how i hold it with tenderness (we love things that breaks us, dont we?). this fandom manages to write the cutest, most unhinged things sometimes. even it's an anime about sports. i always get amazed by it.
4. no certainty of doors between us, by betts, for the mo dao zu shi fandom — certainly the most silly little fanfic i've ever seen, it's hilariously sweet. i want everyone to read this masterpiece because, seriously, whoever did this deserves only the best. so, so, cute. it had to be in my top 10!
5. their kindred encounters, by fireflavoredwhiskey, for the untamed rpf fandom (bjyx) — you know those kinds of shows, books, any piece of media, that tears up apart? well, this one was it for me. it's a very famous one that deserves all praise, certainly well-written and enjoyable to the core, with doses of angst, romance and beauty overall.
6. as the clouds part and clear, we finally meet again, by 12262325, for the mo dao zu shi fandom — aaaaa, i was truly torn between putting this in the third or fourth place, but i ended up putting it here. come on, i love an age difference kind of story, especially for wangxian, and this one was perfectly done. sweet and funny. the development? the yearning?? outstanding!! i read this many times already, i'll never get tired.
7. pursuit, by emleewrites, for the haikyuu!! fandom — mystery, romance, lawsuits, poker games, adventure, slice of life, AMAZING depictions and so, so goddamn well-written? that's what you're looking for in any fanfiction. the author dedicated herself entirely for this story, and, like i said, i love stories that are written with passion, you can see it pouring through every paragraph. besides, highly entertaining. i'm not very into long fics, but once i started it off, i couldn't stop. that's how addicting it is.
8. linger by the door (i’ve always been yours), by piecrust, for the mo dao zu shi fandom — epistolary?? have i mentioned how i love it?? some of the phrases in this are gold, in my bookmarks you can check some of them (i ought to make a list of my favorite fic quotes, btw, i will sure do it). through each letter i could comprehend more of wei wuxian's feelings and his internal conflict. i love feeling this connected to a character.
9. all the world is ours to take, by khrys, for the fugou keiji fandom — i have more than one favorite fanfiction for this couple. you know these kinds of developing relationship where the transition from (maybe enemies too) friends to lovers happens so smoothly that it feels like they've been soulmates first and foremost at the end? i don't even know how to explain. i just love how, when they finally are together, it's like they've been together for years. and they just... made it official? i like it. i love my mr. kambe haru.
10. he won’t tell you that he loves you, by hellshandbasket, for the house m.d fandom — i found this to be the most fitting, perfect story for this specific couple. they deserved more stories like this, but we dont see it anymore. i would hightlight the feelings realization in this one, that is so fucking real? haha in any case, it's a fanfic that i enjoyed a great deal.
that's it, i guess! i wanted to add link click fanfics also, however i barely started reading fanfictions from its fandom, i'm drowning in it lately but it's just a start. perhaps very sooon!
oh, i’m gonna finish explaining about the name! in my native language, i’ve heard someone tell me before that ‘life’s a little askew, nothing’s ever perfect’, and that quote remained in every biography of any english website i ever went to. then in literature class someday i had to write about historical women and came across this one named anne askew (i wanted to write about the mostly barely-spoken women). it was the second time i saw this word. i didn’t think of it as a proper name before, but then i had to create a nickname for my ao3 profile and thought, humn, why not just ‘askew’? the quote has been engraved in my heart anyway, so i went for it. we’re all flawed and askew. so, yeah, it just… fit? the ‘d’ here on tumblr it’s only because my surname has a ‘de morais’ in it. i also liked that it resembled ‘alaska’, the john green character i was kinda of obsessed with back in my teenager grunge phase. i don’t like these kinds of books anymore, but i guess some details stay with you. do you think it’s weird? never thought of changing.
thanks for this outstanding ask, it certainly entertained me. and hope you have a nice sleep today, big hugs coming your way! 🤍
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mdhwrites · 5 months
It really does feel like the writers just kind of dont care about the world. When i first saw it, i was really interested in just how wild it was, a whole world based of hieronymous bosch? Cool.
But then they just contradict themselves, dont do anything with it or it just doesnt make sense? for example:
-In the first season the world is presented as this brutal, hostile place, where walking down the street can get you killed. Characters dont know what hugging or shaking hands is. The schools are brutal, teachers being downright vile at points. In season 2 they have a whole school dedicated to darwinian logic. But... later the teachers are suddenly nice, the world feels less hostile and they have therapists? what? in a place where you get thrown in prison for writing fanfiction?
-Some jokes are made that are 'haha get it cuz not human' but they make no sense. They have bard magic, walking guitars and bands, but when they have to look after luz, they suddenly think nightmare noises are a banger? Or how willow makes a '40s cartoon' joke, gus has a pb&j samwich, etc.
-Potion magic makes no sense. How is it a coven when you can do it WITHOUT magic. what happens when you get branded? do you just lose all magic? is it a pity coven for bad witches?
I feel on its own these things are nitpicky, but when they pile up it just feels like they were only thinking about making the place LOOK cool while having zero substance.
So you're correct that a lot of these are either nitpicks or just really lazy jokes on the part of the writers. In fact, the lazy, fish out of water jokes came back in S3 and make Amity just look like falling in love literally drained her brain out of her ears. However, that doesn't make them invalid, especially in a show with little worldbuilding. They pile up into making the whole thing feel like a construct.
Luckily, you don't have to go to nitpicks to point out that the writers didn't give a shit. Dana herself is one of the worst writers as far the worldbuilding goes. After all, she wrote Reaching Out.
She was the one who treated being a Wild Witch like choosing not to go to college.
She also co-wrote The First Day where, you know, they don't even acknowledge that multi-tracking is explicitly illegal in this society so why would an EC funded school EVER allow that?
There's SO MANY of these sorts of things peppered throughout the series that makes the ONE part of the world building we ever get, that is anything close to making this world actually unique besides implications, a straight up lie. It'd be like if Avatar made being able to multi-bend something you chose seven episodes in and suddenly slaughtered the entire point of the Avatar being special. It doesn't though because WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?
And there's no way to call this a nitpick. It's the hard basis for one of the main cast, even though Eda's status as a criminal is ALL OVER THE PLACE in S1, especially for people giving a shit about it. It's effectively the core of the villain's plot and the society they created. Any crack in the coven system becomes a crack in your main plot... And when it was first introduced, rather than nine, their were hundred, a fact that persisted into S2 when a character VOICED BY DANA talked about joining the Cute Cat Coven. You know, a coven theoretically not affected by the draining spell.
It's even important thematically. It is the oppression that Luz is supposed to fighting against. The way that self expression and being true to you is repressed is through the coven system and the laws surrounding it. Those need to actually function for those themes to feel like they have weight or they fall apart. It's part of why TOH struggles with thematic consistency because self expression doesn't feel like a core part of it when no one gives a fuck what you do. When there is no actual pressure to conform and hide yourself. At least, not for a story like this.
It's probably the biggest reason why when I hear people exclaim that TOH has great worldbuilding I just have to look at them funny. After all, none of this is even new or actually unique *gestures at Dystopian Fiction in general and D&D wizards school of magic* and it's told like shit. And for a story like this, your fantasy epic about sticking it to the man by showing how special you are, it NEEDED to be told better. It needed to have point.
But it never did and it just makes the writers look either like they didn't care or are just incompetent, let alone when the show director themselves is shooting their core concepts in the head.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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sapphic-agent · 6 months
Not sure if I even read the Breaking Point fic. Maybe, maybe not. But I have my own share of fics that "we can fix canon" but make worse.
There one fic I recall (the name slipped from my mind) where ofa somehow shows the class A1 all the abuse Izu endured by BK - it was all thanks to bk and Izu forced team up- and still...people did nothing.
Now think about this premise: ofa shows the abuse and people are just midly concerned.
Why is that? Why make Izu be seen as a victom and get help and support is smth so rare in this fandom?
It is rare see Ochako and his so called friends do stick up for him in fics and not be demonized. Hell, there one where class A1 finds out bk bully Izu(OH MY GOD HE TRIED TO KILL HIM...why fics make them discovery their past as if is a big plot twist?) And proceed to give a taste of his own poison.
And...."this is bad. They shouldnt do this. Poor bk"
You know, some stories talk aboht forgiviness and can be a really touching and well done thing....but those are rare, extremely so. I'm tired of "forgive them bc this is correct" let Izu hold grudges. Let Izu dont forgive bk and be in his right.
A dorama who got this right is The Glory. The mc was horrible abused and got her revenge and in no point people were "forgive them" to mc.
To conclude: this fandom seems to tnink Izu and pain are the OTP when it really isnt nor should be.
Yeah, the fandom can be... Desensitized to this issue so to speak. I think this is for two reasons.
1. So much of Bakugou's behavior is brushed off as a joke. It's easy for people to turn a blind eye to his treatment of Izuku because so much of it is glazed over by cheap laughs.
Honestly I'm pretty sure that's why people think we're so stuck in the suicide baiting in episode 1. Because that's the only moment the series ever really treats Bakugou's behavior as serious as it is. Like, yeah, that was bad, but that's far from the only thing Bakugou's ever done to Izuku. There's attacking him during the Quirk Apprehension Test, hunting him down and seriously injuring him during the Battle Trials, being purposely uncooperative and punching him during the Final Exam, coercing him into a fight after curfew and demanding information that absolutely wasn't his business, throwing his headpiece at him, attempting to forcibly draw Blackwhip out with no consideration of the consequences, etc. Mind you, everything I just listed happened at UA (a few when he was supposed to be "changing"). I would argue that a good number of these things were worse than the suicide baiting.
But they don't register in people's heads the same way because the narrative doesn't treat them the same way. So when fanfiction authors try to write these stories, they're only looking at one aspect of it while turning a blind eye to everything else. They might do a decent job addressing how Bakugou treated Izuku in Aldera, but do a piss poor job of addressing his behavior at UA.
2. Horikoshi doesn't allow Izuku to be looked at as the victim.
This wasn't always the case. We're supposed to feel bad for him in episode one. We're supposed to think that his treatment at Bakugou's hands during the Battle Trials is brutal. He was written to be the sympathetic underdog who's been given a bad hand in life and gets treated like shit because of it.
But that began to change around Deku vs Kacchan Part 2. Hori knew that Izuku had to forgive Bakugou if the viewers were going to. But there was also no way to realistically do this if he actually had a negative response to Bakugou's treatment of him. So he gave us the implication that Izuku wasn't bothered by it at all (which we know isn't true because he was extremely upset when Bakugou said what he said in episode one). He confirms this through All Might of all people, so it has to be true, right?
And most viewers will accept this at face value. Because they're looking for an out for Bakugou. They're looking for a way they can like him while not condoning a bigoted bully.
That's how I see things anyway
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wildglitch · 16 days
Side tangent about Thor
This was gonna be in the main post explaining what the others are up to in my Wiz!Au but something possesed me while writing Thor's part and I ended up with this bit. This honestly can apply to Thor's character as a whole so Im posting this by itself. You can read this as a Thor character analisis and his treatment in fanfiction, if you ignore the small part that refrences the AU. Or you can read this as a AU post and a little snippit of the bigger post Im making, either is fine.
- Fanon Thor and Canon Thor dont really line up like- at all, but neither dose early MCU Thor with later MCU Thor, which sucks. I plan for him to act like pre snap angry Thor, but more calm because he now knows that Loki is alive and that is grounding him.
 Thor isnt dumb, and I hate how Fanon have this warped vision of him being a stupid bumbling idiot that dosent know anything about anything. I get that he is new to Earth and stuff but come on, they guy can talk just fine. Thor is a smart and strong, but hes also a bit care free, goofy and caring, hes an empath. That show in the way he is arguably hit the hardest with the snap. Hes just trying to do good and live up to the responsibility put on him as king, but hes also wild and free as we see him going on adventures saving people and even giving his title of king to valkery later on. Thor is a King just trying to do good and protect the people he loves. 
Thor understands the situation, and has a soul goal in mind along side the other thousand angry and desprate throughs running through it. Find Loki. Because if he can do that on thing, he knows he will be able to do everything else and save the people he love. Thor is a hero through and through. He will protect anyone and everyone he finds along the way, being a free spirit that cant help but save people in need be it from danger or an unjust systum. These are all things we see in his character in the movies, and it sucks that it gets ignored like that.
I know that its a bit hard to write for MCU Thor sometimes because his character can be a bit inconsistant, but Thor isnt dumb, hes just kind.
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bookscandlesnbts · 5 months
Hi ! Just wanted to share this thought:) looks like team Jimin are still filming a MV yesterday and today! Jimin really works so hard
To be delulu for a second, much like jk being in Korea for jms birthday (even though he had schedule) it’s nice that Jimin was back in Korea for golden, even though he couldn’t go, because at least he could watch it with no time zone restrictions etc (and maybe see jk after who knows;))
I don’t think this is make or break for them
Hi anon. I saw that it looks like Jimin is filming something again!!! I’m really curious about when his new music and projects will drop. I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately. Namjoon has been working too and maybe even Tae. Part of me is like okay they can’t leave us in a drought for all of 2024 but also it will be weird to get content knowing that they can’t actively promote it. I’m so torn, and time is running out that it’s all making me anxious.
I’m always here for the delulu. I don’t doubt for a second that Jimin wanted to be at the show. That’s why he commented to praise JK when he was shirtless and to hype up his favorite song. On that note, I dont think Jimin liking Hate You means anything personal. The two of them love ballads and tbh JK sounds the best and most like himself on that song. He shines on it vocally in my opinion even if the song is a little basic. I digress. Anyway, I’m sure they ended up seeing each other. I kinda expected Jungkook to go live on Weverse and found it a little sus that he didn’t. But wait, ARMY is his priority right? Above all the members? 🤣🤣🤣 that has to be one of the dumbest narratives I’ve heard recently. We aren’t shit to them on a personal level, let’s be transparent here.
It’s definitely not a make or break. Just like it wasn’t when Jungkook wasn’t at Jimin’s music shows. Everyone wants to turn everything into something that is a criminal offense when it’s not that deep. It never was. The members of BTS are working professionals with a decade of experience in their field. They know how to conduct themselves and how to perform. Kinda insulting to otherwise act like they would fall apart if they don’t get “support” in the physical sense. Yes, I think Jikook are in a long term relationship, but they can’t be with each other every second. I’m single but if I wasn’t, I wouldn’t expect my partner to drop everything at their job that day because I have to give a particularly nerve wracking lecture or talk in front of my coworkers. Everyone needs to get a grip. This isn’t a romance novel or a fanfiction. This is real life. People have shit to do. Jimin has shit to do. He is a supportive loving boyfriend. AND SO IS JUNGKOOK. Fuck anyone sending me asks insinuating otherwise. I agree with another blogger on here who talked about this recently. Jungkook is super emotionally invested in Jikook and Jimin is his rock. Idc whether you think they fuck or not, Jimin is IT for Jungkook. Jimin is the sun that brightens his day and the moon that illuminates his night. Period.
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palant1r · 1 year
you disagree with buying hogwarts legacy on moral grounds (fair), but also think that nobody should be tainted by their association with ‘problematic’ media. how does that work?
i am going to choose to take this anon ask in good faith and assume you have legitimate interest in my thoughts on the distinction. under that framework, this is an interesting question i have a lot of thoughts on, so thanks for asking!
first, we need a definition for "problematic." In my post, i was specifically referring to fiction that depicts things that would be morally objectionable in real life — rape, incest, abuse, pedophilia, murder, etc. because that's most relevant to the proshipper/anti issue i was addressing in that post. however, that's certainly not the only kind of definition one could come up with. when we talk about immoral or problematic media, there are so many ways that could apply and so many things that could be talking about, each with their own ethical concerns. so let's offer up a few different kinds of "problematic" media.
fiction which depicts things that would be ethically wrong in real life -- think game of thrones, dead dove fanfiction, hannibal, lolita, etc
fiction which depicts things that would be ethically wrong in real life, but through a lens that misrepresents or romanticizes these things in a way that reflects poorly on the author's understanding of these real-world issues -- think fifty shades of gray
fiction where the content isn't the focus, but that content was produced by or with the involvement people who are, shall we say, unsavory -- pirates of the caribbean, enders game, harry potter
fiction where the production of the content involved breaches of ethics, and the art exists because immoral things were done -- the shining
and there are many more categories! we cannot have the same conversations about all of these kinds of media, because they each demand their own ethical and critical framework to assess how they affect their consumers and environment, and what constitutes responsible and thoughtful engagement.
if we view media consumption (a term i hate, but it serves our purposes) through the lens of harm reduction, then it's clear why category 1 and category 3 are different. im watching hannibal on tubi right now. this is not harming anyone. similarly, no one would be harmed and no harm would be enabled by me reading some dark fic on ao3. the objection to buying hogwarts legacy is one that's founded on political principles and harm reduction — that is, that monetarily participating in jkr's intellectual property directly enables her to use her influence and money to continue her anti-trans crusade in the UK. and that's a very specific objection. it's not just dependent on what kind of media hogwarts legacy is, but on who benefits from it and what those benefits will result in. i don't even have the same objection to fiction in the same category — i dont feel as strongly about people like, buying a PoTC dvd or a copy of enders game.
to elaborate a bit more on my objection to hogwarts legacy...my thoughts on hogwart's legacy aren't that anyone who buys it should be shunned and isn't a real ally. in fact, it's something im still grappling with, and i havent really pinned down my true thoughts. on one hand, i feel a great frustration with leftists who still buy harry potter media. but on the other hand, i also recognize that HP is still a massive cultural property, and many people in the real world simply do not recognize this concern — and that one person's purchase of a video game isn't going to singlehandedly run JKR's empire. the way i think about hogwarts legacy is far more akin to how i think about chic fil a than how i think about fifty shades of gray — it's part of the debate over ethical consumption under capitalism more than the debate over media. of course, that's not the only objection to hogwarts legacy. from what i've heard, it's pretty damn antisemitic, so i'd certainly side eye anyone i heard gushing about the plot or arguing it contains no bigotry. but that's not part of why i object to buying it, because i think that consuming bigoted media with a critical eye is a crucial part of learning how to dissect the underpinning ideologies involved.
this is part of why i reject the proshipper/anti framing, because so much of the argument seems to be based on the presupposition that a single critical framework can apply to literally every mode of engagement with every single work of art ever made, when my favorite part of media analysis is forming opinions and thoughts about specific works. like, the position of "no one should be tainted by their association with problematic media" is really only accurate to my opinion on category 1, and even then not unconditionally. part of media literacy is meeting each piece of art where it is, and forming thoughts and opinions based on that specific art and how it interfaces with reality, rather than applying a generalized template. for instance, i do actually think that how people engage with and think about art can reflect on their real world morals — but i draw conclusions from how they engage with a work of art, not the mere fact that they engage with that art.
TL:DR: the reason that i have different opinions on different things is because those things are different. nuance baybeeeeeeee
feel free to ask any follow up or clarifying questions!
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valictini · 6 months
Came up with possibly the most tinfoil hat theory about Antoine and the Cucuruchos yesterday but I kinda love it? It honestly reads like fanfiction though so dont take it too seriously lmao
(As I wrote this theory, I kept believing less and less in it but I still wanted to post it for myself to reference later if needed)
It all starts from this comic
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In it, we see 4 people looking at a black sphere. But only one remains after it seemingly shatters. I believe the one remaining is actually a fusion of all four.
We see that person talking to four white figures: I think it’s actually a representation of inside the fusions’ head. The four arguing about what to do. But interestingly, the yellow figure, the fusion, seems to be a separate, fifth person: I think this is Antoine. A fifth conscience created from the fusion of the four researchers. He's the one controlling the body, choosing who to listen to among the four.
Except Antoine has a really hard time dealing with them all constantly bickering in his head. He decides that their goal is to separate them all again.
Antoine makes a deal with a mysterious entity of the dark to do just that, but the bodies of the four reserchers were never recovered. Their minds are still there, wandering around, and they end up having to find substitutes to actually exist physical. Only Antoine still has a functioning body, but damaged in a way that he'd rather hide under a human costume.
After harrassing Antoine for him to DO something, the cucuruchos are born. Robotic bodies that only serve as imperfect hosts for the deteriorated consciences of the four initial researchers. (The three white +the one black?)
Being the culmination of the four cucuruchos, and having saved their asses, Antoine kinda becomes their unofficial leader, but they still all have their own opinions about things and don’t hesitate to argue.
Before all that, the four researchers were from the Federation, looking into ancient ruins and trying to discover the secrets of dark matter. Basically, they fucked around and found out.
As they went through this tragedy, three of the Cucurucho’s objectives changed: they want their bodies back. Badly.
So they stopped all research related to the nether/dark matter and started searching for ways to get their bodies back for years… experimenting on ways to create good hosts for their minds (respawning, cloning, animal hybrids, eggs, minimes…) They are the secret higher sphere of the Federation.
The fourth Cucurucho is also in this sphere, somewhat, but he doesn’t care about their bodies and just wants to continue the research on dark matter in his own corner (the maze) Eventually, it physically changes him, making him all black, modifying his robotic voice, and maybe finding a way in (the roulette/dice). He still has a direct contact with the others through the main channel, tho.
Meanwhile Antoine decided to travel the world, far from Quesadilla island. Being the culmination of four scientists, he himself is cosntantly seeking knowledge and conducts experiments too. To learn more about the world and himself. And maybe get a proper body too. But that's not a priority.
(He IS still haunted by the event though. I want to point out how he made a white moon, kind of the opposite of the dark sphere that started it all… is it gonna be important later?)
Only recently did the Cucuruchos recontact Antoine to ask for his help on a couple of subjects (Aypierre’s critical condition, Baghera’s disappearance) and he came back to help more directly. He’s never technically been part of the Federation and doesn’t really want to either. Honestly, he’s not all that fond of the four researchers that shaped his mind, but he goes along with what they’re trying to do because as they said, some of their goals align.
1) what did the dark entity even get from the deal aside from fucking them all up? Could the dark hand actually belong to Antoine, completely flipping the script? Like he's an entity that was summoned into this world in exchange of knowledge, for example?
2) Cucurucho 1 asked Jaiden some help to fix Osito’s behaviour. At the time, it really felt like they were both clones of the same initial entity and Osito became too different from the original. This wouldn’t make sense if all Cucuruchos had their own identities from the beginning. And everyone talks about Cucurucho 1 as the Perfect Employee, kind of giving off the vibe that he was literally engineered and created specifically for this job. Not JUST a really good employee.
3) Antoine getting a crush on Cucurucho seems uh... odd in this context lmao
Overall, not looking too good for my theory, but hey, until it's disproven, i'll keep it in the back of my mind for my own amusement :]
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zombspidey · 2 days
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my name is ajax/reo (you can call me either of those names) my pronouns are he/xe i am a minor (i'm 4teen) and i used to be @spinnspidey, @radiospidey, @knifespidey, and @razorspidey (that was the more known one) but i got t worded (again…) to whoever got me t worded, block dnt report. thanks!! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა yeah so heres my intro. i'm a little bit of a weirdo if i do say so myself and i'm heavily tumblr obsessed so yeah i'll be on here nd i'll probably post a lot ^^ i'll post whatever goes through my mind which might be bad so warning on that. i might show symptoms of mental illnesses and if i do then mb idk not really my problem… but heads up i WILL say shit that shows that im not doing great. please do not try to save me or smth. also im looking for friends so bmf i promise im nice. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT PROMOTE ANYTHING THAT I POST. I AM POSTING AS A WAY TO VENT.
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more info + stats under the cut!!! (tw for talking about sh + ed. don't like, don't read.)
sh﹐tw . . . ⋆ i have been cvtting since 2022 ⋆ i have hit styro ⋆ only styro on my thighs ⋆ i am not allowed to cvt anymore (unfortunately) ⋆ i have cvt my thighs, arms, stomach, and neck ⋆ most scars on thighs + arms ⋆ mostly cat scratches ⋆ all scars have healed (or are almost done in the process of healing) ⋆ my parents found out so i can't do it for now… (⇀‸↼‶)
ed﹐tw . . . ⋆ i have always hated my body ⋆ started trying to lose weight january 2023 ⋆ started around december 2023 (probably before, like over the summer but idk…) ⋆ 160 cm (last time i measured myself at least..) ⋆ sw 57.6 kg (bmi 22.5) ⋆ hw 60 kg (bmi 23.4) ⋆ lw 51 kg (bmi 19.9) ⋆ cw 52.4 kg (bmi 20.5) [will update every morning] ⋆ gw 1 50 kg (bmi 19.5) ⋆ gw 2 45 kg (bmi 17.6) ⋆ gw 3 40 kg (bmi 15.6) ⋆ ugw <38 kg (bmi <14.8)
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dni . . . ⋆ basic dni (idrc ngl, do what you want but don't report me thanks) ⋆ judgmental people ⋆ people who have mdni in their bio (i am a minor so??) ⋆ nsfw accounts (this means people who post/reblog nudes. if it's just text, it's fine) ⋆ overly sensitive people ⋆ people who aren't ok w dark topics/get uncomfortable by stuff like that (this is more for you than for me, i dont wanna make anyone upset) ⋆ people who get triggered by talking about sh, ⭐️ving, alcohol, etc… (yes i am aware that it's bad, no don't come to my dms with a savior complex telling me to get help. i'm trying to get help) ⋆ i block freely btw cuz ik a lot of ppl dont respect dni lists + theres people who are unavoidable at times…
byi . . . ⋆ if you interact with me, i might seem excited n stuff ⋆ i might sound like i'm flirting but i'm not (i have a partner and i love them) ⋆ i can make a lot of sex jokes ⋆ i am very immature ⋆ dnt try to "fix" me, i'll probably block you or ignore you ⋆ i'm a little unusual so yeah ⋆ dnt be scared to interact w me i luv talking to peopleヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ ⋆ i am not pro €d or $h i just post about it and my experience…
fandoms . . . ⋆ hypmic (hypnosis mic) ⋆ genshin impact ⋆ paralive (paradox live) ⋆ servamp ⋆ tougen anki ⋆ karneval ⋆ bsd (bungou stray dogs) ⋆ seraph of the end ⋆ litc (lost in the cloud) ⋆ kagerou daze ⋆ the case study of vanitas ⋆ pandora hearts ⋆ enstars (ensemble stars) (i am KIND OF a part of it because my ex filled me up on a lot of lore when we were together…) ⋆ pjsk (project sekai) ⋆ theres probably some others but i forgot…
interests . . . ⋆ vkei ⋆ scene ⋆ anything bloody ⋆ cannibalism (ooh edgy) ⋆ tortures ⋆ psychology ⋆ music (i listen to vkei, scene, metal, etc…) ⋆ vampires ⋆ fanfiction (mostly genshin but other stuff occassionally) ⋆ true crime (im not tcc) ⋆ rarepairs (mostly genshin) ⋆ bats ⋆ writing ⋆ books ⋆ etc… ⋆ btw if youre interested in any of these or are interested becoming friends PLEASEEE message me 🙏🙏😓 im looking for friends pleaseplwaseplease
tags . . . ⋆ i tag all my posts with #zombspidey ⋆ i tag my normal posts with #zombspideys normal posts, meaning they are unrelated to $h and/or €d related things ⋆ i don't have a specific tag for $h/€d/vent related things so beware. i usually put a warning on all my posts like that at the end of the post tho ⋆ i tag my moodboard with #zombspideys moodboards ⋆ i tag stuff about me/my life as #zombspidey diary ⋆ i tag my rants/more serious posts with #zombspidey rants ⋆ block any of the tags or my blog if you do not wish to see it!!!
other links . . . ⋆ fanfic/dead dove: do not eat blog ⋆ poem blog ⋆ carrd
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remember!!! block DONT report this blog if you need to ^^ this blog is meant as a way to vent my feelings/talk about my feelings so please don't dm me about how its bad. i am aware.
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ghostismybbygorl · 1 year
Okay heres how id vibe with cod characters
First off i think my call sign would be 'mouse'
Bc im small i can scurry around places pretty quick and i can escape out of a situation fast as well that or cause i sneeze like a mouse
Id be a sniper and demolition expert ngl
Legit i would call him dad 24/7 not like in a daddy kind of way but like legit a father figure
he'd just roll his eyes and accept the fact that he has another kid he has to take care of
100% would smoke a cigar with him though id smoke those tiny cigarillos (my brother smokes cigars and ill smoke a little with him)
Gift giving is my love language so whenever id visit a new country id buy him a cigar from there
I have a hat like his and i WILL wear it around and mimick him
Id do the grunts and everything
I feel like id be on more missions with him than anyone else
Definitely would hang out in his office to keep him company and annoy the shit out if him
Dont let anyone near us
wed be doing diabolical shit especially since im an arsonist and free will plus military grade explosives plus mouse and soap. have the fire department on speed dial
We'd be the reason price is greying faster
100% stealing his shirts and hoodies they'd be so big on me
Im gonna be up front with this one
We'd be fucking. I'm down bad for this man
We'd annoy the absolute piss out of ghost. He can handle one soap but TWO hes gonna need the backpack leashes for us
Quoting vines and tiktoks ON THE DAILY
Jam seshes in the car would be 100% perfect
We'd have a snap streak and its only stupid photos we take
Im recording everything he does i know damn well hes always in a silly goofy mood
Definitely in the blunt rotation
He's definitely the type to find my snack rations and eat them in front of me
Lots of hugs and kisses for this man
Except when he eats my snacks
Wed play fight all the time. When i'm really close with someone ill start "beating them up" (just be faking to fight you)
Oh this poor poor man
Have sympathy on him because he's going to try to avoid every ounce of my being
And i wont stop that
Im giving him hugs left and right this man needs some love
I feel like once i start cracking dark humor jokes he'd open up to me
100% would be making the most absurd worst dad jokes and laughing about it
We'd text on the daily mostly just me sending him memes and him sending a 👍🏻or a 👎🏻
Im stealing his hoodies and his masks
Id probably piss him the fuck off to be honest
Id give him so many gifts to make him happy i know he crinkle's his eyes when he smiles
In the blunt rotation too but i think he'd just join for the company and not smoke that much
Id be over in his room if im overstimulated and i don't want to deal with people
Id have him proof read my fanfiction and he'd be my personal dictionary cause i cant spell for shit
Did i say big brother vibes cause HE WILL BE MY BIG BROTHER
Id steal his hat so many times but like not in the ride a cowboy kind of way
Id buy him the most ridiculous hats and he will 100% wear them
I feel like he was a spondgebob kid so i know damn well we'll be quoting some of the lines
Part of the blunt rotation as well
When I'm upset he's the one id rant to
Definitely would vibe in a room without talking to him in general
He's most definitely the one to keep me from being unhinged
Totally would listen to murder podcasts together
So at my previous job we had to wear full body harnesses and we played this game called the carabiniere game where you take a carabiniere and hook it on to someone without them knowing and you see who can put the most on them
Soap, gaz, and i would be playing it 100% all the time with each other.
Id also grab them by the harness and pull them around or clip myself to them
Let me get a video from my old job and just put em here and id just explain
Okay back to writing
Once again id call her mom and she's just gonna have to deal with it
Id definitely spend time with her outside of work (especially since she lives in maryland my family lives up there) which gives me more of a reason to visit her lol
Shopping sprees i feel like she's a frequent shopper at tj maxx and target
I also feel like she gives the best life advice so id come calling if im in a predicament
Okay so i am partially fluent in spanish, my god mother and best friend are Mexican so I've been around Mexican culture the majority of my life
definitely calls me niña or cariño
I feel like he'd roast my spanish and doesn't correct me if i say something wrong
100% my drinking buddy
I feel like he'd be very protective over me
Id be his date (platonically) and hed be mine to all the family gatherings
Fucking Mexican families are so much fun too. party my tia throws one and im there two shots of tequila in my hand listening and damcing to music
We'd text on the daily i feel like he'd frequently visit me and my family in the south as well he'd be the life of the party at my tia's parties
He's the one that corrects my spanish and WILL only speak spanish to me until I understand whst he's saying
Insert him pointing to a random object and says it in spanish
I feel like we wouldnt bond much but we would you know?
I also feel like he gives great life advice
Id kick him in the balls
He's the type of guy i avoid or ruin his reputation
Absolutely despise him
Completely roast that motherfucker
Drop kick him
He pisses me off so much
Gives off leo and cancer energy
Id 100% try to fight him even before Alejandro would
Tbh id probably get killed by one of his shadows bc of it
Sweet babe i would help him through an axiety attack
id hug him every-time i see him
Definitely would say uppies and have him put me on his shoulders
He definitely wont see me at all ( im 5'4) so he would definitely have to crouch down to see me
His nickname would be bear cause of how big he is
I feel like when he'’s comfortable around you he’s very out going
I have no clue how to speak german but i will act like i do
He's in the blunt rotation as well
Thats all i got for now 😊
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aroanthy · 6 months
Besides Anthy what other characters do you are aro- or any kind of a-spec?
All Of Them.
on a more serious note, im very partial to the following aspec readings of characters:
aroace/aroace lesbian nanami; one thing to know about me is that i realised i was aromantic because of two things. the first is that i wrote a 55k word fanfiction about two side characters from the 2005 bbc political satire 'the thick of it' that was basically just me airing my fundamental discomfort with romantic relationships, and the second is watching her tragedy and the romance of the dancing girls for the first time. Yeag.
aromantic nanami is profoundly important to me and i really just resonate with her character on a personal level. like shes so me. i dont get it. i too have convinced myself of all kinds of taboo and 'weird' affections and feelings because i Dont Understand Romance (just as a side note: i understand why some people take the cold turkey 'nanami never considered romantic feelings for her brother!!' reading, but for me personally. i think it's important to consider nanami considering those feelings, specifically because they make her feel uncomfortable, alienated, etc. there's also lots of interesting things to be said about how incest can affirm heteronormativity (and how it can't!! but that's more of a kaoru twins can of worms)).
and there's other stuff but we needn't get into that. i love when other people feel able to talk in-depth about how their personal expereinces shape their responses to rgu, but im not quite at that point with certain things. i do also just really like reading nanami as an aroace lesbian bc i find her connection with utena specifically to be soooooo. gah. delicious. fascinating. devastating. and also i love aroace lesbains they are the best
asexual utena; i just think he's neat :} sometimes i feel hesitant to read characters as asexual if theyre teenagers or if they have sexual trauma and funnily (not) enough, utena is both! having said that, i recently decided 'fuck it' and have been thinking about this interpretation of his character more and more. like, my aromantic identity is partially political, partially trauma-informed, and i feel quite strongly about queerness in part being one's choice to define (or not define) themselves on their own terms, be they 'contradictory' or 'inaccurate' or whatever the hell else.
i also have a fondness for asexual masculine characters. me personally i read utena as butch and transmasc and i think it's really interesting to think about how that queer masculinity can be expressed outside of allosexuality, especially considering what rgu as a show tries to do wrt that matter. dont ask me about my feelings on ikuhara and false dichotomies of love and lust in his works or i WILL explode ok sarazanami is The aroallo show and im soooo normal about it all tbh
i have this kind of vague arospec touga reading that im always knocking about in my head but kind of scared to talk about online because like. it's quite a lot to get into and, as an aroallo person, i dont want to get into discourse about if it's problematic to read a character like touga in that way. bc like. i dont think it is. but that's because i'm basing this reading off of my own lived experience and understanding of what aromantic allosexuality can look like. to be honest, if i really had to stick labels on them (bc labels are a shorthand to me that never fully express the complexity of identity that i want to personally (writer disease)) i read anthy as an aromantic lesbian and touga as aromantic and gay. but normally you would have to waterboard that out of me because im terrified of how people who aren't aroallo respond to aroallo conceptions of like... Anything. lol.
i think the tldr of Why im compelled by those similar readings of their characters is. something about how terrifying and constraining and rigid and incomprehensible and inaccessible romance feels to me as a concept. and something else about how important sex is to me as a concept, and kind of. this radical sex positivity that is so essential, imho, to beginning to unpack the issues baked into our hetero- and amatonormative conceptions of romance and sex, and thus reclaim human connection as we please. blah blah blah wah wah wah body as a bargaining chip or whatever (guy who is mildly terrified of talking about these things for Reasons).
that's it for specific readings i have of specific characters, but i will say that i do find it hard to put myself in the shoes of certain characters if im thinking of them as alloromantic. like i think juri probably is but i dont not understand her conflict with shiori and why it agonises her so much. but tbf, most of my focus on juri as a character is her struggle for self-acceptance and her fascinating gender troubles. funnily enough, that's also kind of how i feel about saionji. they are just both so genderfuck self-hating gay plagued by the power dynamics and i love that for them.
anway yeag :} rejoice, aromanticism be upon ye
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fitzrove · 3 months
Choose violence Tanz der Vampire (or another fandom if you dont have an answer!) 3, 17, 22!
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
OOH i collected a bunch of these for my video essay xD
This is perhaps way too mean ahdhfh and I think differences in opinion are productive in fandom spaces, but... one old post I screenshotted argued that people who criticise romantic kr*lock x sarah may not in fact be doing it out of seriously analysing canon, and are instead "smashing 'frivolous fangirls' dreams' - because god forbid we ruin the Serious Vampire Musical with something as fluffy as EPIC GOTHIC ROMANCE". XD And then the post pointed out that vampires are a metaphor for escaping societal pressures, especially for young women and lgbtq+ people, so it's actually a deep and good theme in and of itself.
Idk it's sooo ironic how that post posits that specific relationship as women's liberation (and also points out lgbtq people's struggles in society, as a sidenote...) when there are in fact women out there who don't think romance with men liberates them - and in fact, for whom anything of the sort would be a prison and a nightmare (... that society still tries to push on them at every turn). Like I get how some people would like it but your experiences are not universal and it's ironic that they didn't think about what the L in LGBTQ+ means when making the post and even mentioning it ahdhfh
Anyway yeah, I criticise the (over)romanticisation of Krolock and the de-romanticisation and farcification of Alfred because I hate fun and women's rights, hope that helps (hsdhfjfgfkjgk)
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Canon-compliant/canon-universe (ie. not AU) Alfred x Sarah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Canon-era, post-canon, vampirified, not vampirified... straight people rights (ahsdhjfjskdfghjld). Oh but I do think I would accept an AU that would make it lesbian alfred x sarah because girl Alfred is so exciting to me (but it would have to be good, I hate when people genderbend and change everything in an illogical way lmao). Both fic and art for this >:]
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
alfred x sarah (XDDD). Máté Kamarás nightmare solo 1 deep lore (jsjajfj mostly a joke). The depths of the Alfred corruption arc thing and the differences in his and Sarah's worldviews/anxieties (as represented metaphorically by how they approach vampirism). I mean there are people who don't ignore these things but there is too much h*rbert x alfred content in proportion (HAHSDHFJFJ sorry, everyone should write what they want, it's just that that time could've been more productively spent writing todolf fanfiction /hj) and it's craaazyyy how marginal alfred x sarah is in fandom and in fan content (14 fics on ao3 if excluding h*rbfred and krolock alfred sarah polyamory) vs. how much people (at least in the past, now it's mostly ignored or talked of positively I think) fight/fought against it and put it down as a ship.
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seeingivy · 7 months
THE NEWEST PART OF METHOD ACTING WAS SO GOOD YET IT IS SO BITTER SWEET TO ME😭😭😭😭 literally went from “omg y/n finally at peace” to “NOEOEHEIWEHIWWHJWWHWJB” at the ending….
putting that aside ur writing is geninuely so immersive and authentic and just aighwhwjwgsjsshjs u just get it
what im really curious about is eren’s pov during the time period between the rep comeback and the lucky ones interview because i have no idea what is going awn in that mind of his😀 i dont have a single clue on how we gon even get an eren redemption arc or a happy ending from this 😭😭😭
HELLO HELLO MY SWEET ANON! first and foremost - replying to you but also everyone who has sent me such kind, kind (and aggressive) words about the last chapter. I feel bad filling everyones feed with each individual ask (which idk why i feel bad this is my blog but I do I don't want to annoy my moots or my followers) so im gonna address MOST questions ive had with your ask <3 pls don't think I don't see and love + appreciate your words each and every individual person, bc they make me more and more motivated/excited to write
that being said, thank you SO SO MUCH for saying my work is immersive and authentic. this is such a harder write compared to roommates because rather than it being like roommates (which was literally just like fluff no plot romance) I feel like im trying really hard to pour more than JUST romance into this - fame/people pleasing, drugs/addition, female friendships, toxic men/workplaces/dynamics, etc. - and the fact that it's getting across and hitting for you and others makes my heart so so warm. I know it's a silly little fanfiction but it means a lot that people can feel the feels with me - triumphant when y/n gets to assert her boundary, heartbroken when marco dies, forgiving of eren.
especially on my lacy, oh lacy chapter - I was really feeling the depths of comparing myself to other girls and feeling so, like OBSESSED with this one girl who I just think is better that me that it fills me with resentment for her/me/how my brain works. I wrote it into that chapter because it was what i was feeling expecting people to hate on historia/her entire relationship with y/n and I almost cried when every single person was so like....loving of her, of their relationship and never once questioned why she felt that way. like wow, real. art is soothing sometimes. (I am not calling my fic about a 2d man art but you get what im trying to say)
on the topic of eren and his thought process - I thought hard of whether I wanted to make this a dual pov - more like roommates and decided against it. eren purposely (and sometimes with reason) withholds information from y/n. I have to emulate that for you as readers, but I promise that eren will tell his shit when he tells his shit. and not JUST in the period between reputation and the lucky ones, but all the way back at the start. we're talking met gala, we're talking their breakup, we're talking the reputation songs, the fights they had, and EVEN the interview. all in good time. baby boy is about to tell his truth. y/n makes dumb mistakes but so does he!!!
I hope that clarifies everyones questions and soothes your brains for now!
(and yes. y/n will still be in season four. im not a nutjob.)
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