#also I totally get the ask thing idk why it feels really embarrassing to me too!
Hello mod of HADAW blog, idk why but I feel like it's now the good time to actually send you this before I backpedal out of embarrassment uhhh (I have never sent any asks before besides to the cfs blog-)
I actually just want to thank you for all the efforts you have been putting in your blog, is all. Before I actually tried posting art of Arjuna here, I have skimmed through your blog (this sounds so weird jsjsjsh) and, well, it feels like to me that you, among other bloggers, have made my experience on Tumblr a good one again, in regards of Arjuna contents. Idk how long I will stay here but I'm glad this time isn't so bad.
Clearly, I'm not good with wording and this has sounded better in my head but... Thank you for creating your own contents for Arjuna(s), with all the silly to memey to distinct-with-seriously-dedicated-effort arts, facts, spitting facts, aggressively thirst posts, reblogging other Arjuna related posts with enthusiastic commentaries in the hastags (you probably don't know but I appreciate this a lot) and so on so on... I give my kudos to you!!
Oh also thank you for scanning the official materials of Arjuna(s) as well. I feel guilty but I admit in saving them secretly and storing them away in Google Drive as references for drawing the bae(s). They just really helped me a lot sjsgjwbve forgive me,,,,,, SO, that's all, now I will skiddadoo away. Have a good day!
Anon this blog is 100% for people like you. I love arjuna SO much, and while he has lots of different types of content in the jp fandom most of the other English arjuna artists are on other sites nowadays so I wanted to provide something for tumblr. I like to switch between all sorts of art (funny, sad, sexy, serious, epic, goofy) bc I want to show people his different sides and kinds of appeal that i feel from him. I also wanted a place where I could support (and gush) over all the talented arjuna artists that are here! (Bc there’s really talented people aaaa)
He’s such a lovely character and I wanted to talk about all the different things I’d learned about him and how important he was to me, and to try and see if I could get some more people to appreciate him! He got kind of a rough start in fate with how they handled him but I think that even with that he has a lot of good qualities that shine through and he deserves the world a little love from people
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I love him! And I’m glad that this blog has been nice for other people who love him! It mostly started as a place where I could quarantine my massive love for him so I’m happy to know the stuff I’ve put here is useful for others ;v; overall I’ve had a lot of fun here and I hope for however long you stay you have a nice time too!
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anon-confesses · 2 years
My best friend and I are seniors who have never been to a highschool dance. I don't really care about that stuff, so I don't worry about it. She does care though; her dad is one of those "highschool is the best time of your life!" types and he keeps telling her to go, and she's become worried that she'll regret not going. However, neither of us has ever dated anyone and our introvertedness has kind of made it so there's no one we can really ask. I asked if she wanted to go stag with me, just so she could see what it was all about.
But she doesn't want to go stag with me to dances. From what I can tell, she would sooner not go at all then go alone with me. She thinks that if people see us together, they'll think she's a lesbian because of how obviously queer I am. I want to be understanding, but I just don't know what would be so bad about people thinking she's gay. What's wrong about being seen the way I'm seen? Why is it embarrassing or weird for her to be alone with me in public? It makes me feel dirty, and I can't help but feel like it explains why we hug at my house but never at school. I love who I am. I love that the way I dress reflects who I am. Why does she care more about what other people think than about me, her best friend of 10 years?
I feel so dumb about all of this because I didn't even want to go before, but to be turned down by my best friend because of who I am... It just stings so bad.
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jade-jini · 8 months
imagine loser g!p yunjin…
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(These pics came to save my writer block)
Imagine? I breathe for every word in that sentence anon😭. You get me too well we should kiss anyway.
Loser Yunjin who made you fall for her with her silly jokes and pickup lines and loud personality😭 Yunjin is part of the loser puppy line (yes with minjeong) so you know she gets excited easily. Girlie is loud. Even at lunch time where is crowded af you can easily tell whose loud ass laugh is that. That kept catching your attention, until you recognized her in one of your classes and for some reason couldn’t stop looking at her.
Oh but Yunjin? No she’s noticed you since day 1. Not only noticed you but she fell HARD. She had Sakura already tired ‘cause of how much she’d talk about you. She has dreamy eyes and a dreamy smile just mentioning something you did, something as simple as “today the professor asked a question and nobody knew. Well, I did, but then- KKURA LISTEN! But then y/n raised her hand really fast! And her answer was even more correct than my answer!”
“How is it more correct if you had the same answer Yunjin—”
“IT WAS MORE CORRECT OK? IT WAS PERFECT! She is perfect :(”. Loser. Loser and simp.
Whenever you walk into the room her friends would tell her and she’d go from playing around recreating this fight scene she saw while playing genshin to just quickly shutting up and be like 🧍🏻‍♀️pretending she was all well behaved and cool but it was too late you saw the whole thing ndkdjdj. She got so embarrassed but you thought it was cute 😭 you’d exchange a few words from time to time but nothing too serious, and she always had either a silly joke or a “pickup line” that was so bad it made you laugh every time. Yunjin in her brain be like: I failed successfully :D!
One day tho some mf saw the way she’d stare at you and told her somebody like you would never even look at a loser like her in that way :( poor baby got so sad that day but plot twist! You started playing genshin ‘cause of her 🥺, favorite character being Yunjin Ofc for obvious reasons (when you told her she blushed so hard ‘cause you winked at her and everything nsjdncjf) and that’s how you started talking to her, asking her questions that you could totally figure out by yourself but shush you needed an excuse to talk to the cute nerdy loser in your program.
I feel like I already talked a lot 💀 so I won’t make it too long explaining exactly how you started dating (here it is!). So now the smut part uhuhu.
Since you bonded well ‘cause of genshin, you’d have a lot of play dates. Sometimes tho, you prefer to watch your gf playing sitting on her lap. At first it was cute, but she moves so much when playing, and you and her dick noticed it before her brain did “... Yun is your mic off?” “Yes baby, why? Hmm? Where are you go—” And before she can process it you’re already on your knees sucking her cock and moaning ‘cause Omg doesn’t it taste and feels amazing in your mouth?? Also thank god you checked if her mic was off because she let out the loudest moan. remember I said she was loud? Yeah it continues here bro. You looked up at her and she was so ready to forget the game and concentrate on only you but you stopped her from getting up and told her to finish playing.
“H-how am I supposed to c - oh fuck ~ concentrate when you’re doing that??…” she said while “complaining” but in the end, obeyed. it was so hard to focus tho, when you kept swirling your tongue around her tip, giving her those hungry sexy eyes that made her whimper every time she looked down at you “Ah! y/n ~ that’s so good baby…”.
She LOVES when you ride her when she’s playing. Being balls deep inside you the moment she wins a match in a game? What’s better than that?! Nothing. “I WON AGAIN YES!” She’d celebrate and get so excited she’d just grab you like you weigh nothing and either pin you against the wall, her desk, the bed Idk anywhere and she’ll fuck you sooo good with the biggest smile. When she gets frustrated or loses tho, you know damn right she’ll grab those hips and make you jump on her dick so hard, relieving her frustration on your pussy (she can use me like this I don’t mind-) and she won’t slow down until the pleasure is bigger than her anger. “Holy fuck Yunjin..!” “That’s for killing me when we were in the same team.” and that’s something you did last week Tf 😭
As I said she gets excited but not only on a daily basis with stuff she likes, she gets hard sooo easily and it’s fun to tease. You’re straddling her, grinding on her lap, teasing her about how hard she got just by kissing and she’d try to come up with something to tease you back but her brain is off because of how good you feel doing that and because she’s a loser “w-well my dick is bigger than yours!” Like ??? Yeah it is bro it is 😭 you just laugh making her embarrassed. “well yes, yes it is baby. And I love it” you’d say and she’d just blush and go back to kiss you neidjdq.
But she’s also so sweet :( you’d tell her you missed her and she’d softly say “I missed you too y/n…” while hugging you by the waist tightly, and leaving a little kiss on your nose. (Random cutie moment sorry I felt like it 🧍🏻‍♀️).
Oh yeah! Yunjin loveeees kisses. She’s always all over you kissing your face, your hands, your neck and shoulders and back when is exposed, and the rest of your body when is just you and her 🙊. She loves praising you by doing this. And she LOVES when you do it back. A sad day gets better the moment she sees you and you leave a kiss in her forehead (istg her tail goes brrr and she shows that perfect teeth smile).
She loves when you go from her neck to her chest to her stomach to between her legs. When you leave kisses and little bites on her thighs, and shower her cock with kisses that come with a little whimper every time. She finds it as sexy as it is cute too. You for sure have several pics of her dick with lipstick prints.
Cockwarming? Yes. But with her, this is a way of teasing YOU. It’s the only way she knows 😭 I’ll explain. Trying to overstimulate her does NOT work ‘cause her stamina and sex drive are HIGH. If you get tired when riding her be sure that she’ll grab your thighs and pound you fast and hard. She can go for hours, in different positions, never running out of cum.
“Yunjin.. please I can’t feel my legs”
“Hmmgh just one more.. feels so good, need to come in your pretty pussy..” she says as if she didn’t come in it so much already that even your floor is full of it ‘cause of how much it’s dripping down your legs. But you cant say no to her :( her cock feels too good you could die the happiest as long as it’s deep inside you <333.
Pussy drunk Yunjin? Uh yes FUCK YES. She can eat you out for HOURS. And not just ‘cause she loveees to make you feel good but it’s for her own pleasure too that woman just loves the way you tastes and how you make a mess in her mouth when you come. You’re the one ending up overstimulated ‘cause her mouth is Fuckin attached to your pussy like she’d die without it. “Just one more, for me baby please~” and ughhh there she has you coming for The Who knows what’th time already. Random but she’s 0 dom most of the time (I’d call her a service switch) all silly 😭
“Good girl, hehe.”
“Shut up and come kiss me.”
Just as she asks for “one more” in bed she also does it after it when you guys are cuddling and resting and pampering each other 🥺 in the morning when you both have to get ready she’d pull you back to bed “baby we have class in 30 minutes” “just 5 more minutes, please~” “I don’t wanna fail class Jen!” “I’ll do all your homework let’s just cuddle a little moreee~” and how to say no to that (the cuddles I mean-) lets bfr you can’t. You just can’t.
I’m genuinely so in love with her like y’all don’t understand. I could fantasize about her all day. Thank you anon I love my girlie so much <3
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delululand · 7 months
what would be txts love languages 🤭
all of them have mixed love languages ​​and we don't see many things so here is more about how they show love
soobin - physical touch and words of affirmation
idk it’s so obvious he constantly touches everyone around him, hugs them and this guy absolutely loves skinship. and yes, how we can forget than he don’t like sleep alone and often come to kai’s bed for hugging? and the fact that he let yeonjun spit in his hand when yeonjun tried some untaste food…. i don’t know why and i don’t know how comments this but it’s so hot…… as for the words of affirmation, i think this is more likely the way he would like to receive love. he mentioned that he loves fansigns because in daily life he rarely hears compliments and on the day of the fansign, fans praise him a lot, thanks to which he receives support and confidence. so this man would be delighted if someone said something nice to him more often
yeonjun - act of service and giving gifts
yeonjun seems to me to be the most caring of all the members and he often shows this through acts of service. making sure everyone has food, always being very thoughtful in helping them get up if someone falls (like the time kai laughed and fell off his chair) and making sure no one gets hurt, but also beomgyu and some other members mention that yeonjun bought and gave something just for them, like beomgyu’s sneakers (and how many times he later was indignant that beomgyu didn’t even wear them and how proud he was that beomgyu showed off his gift on filming) so I think that this is also one of his love languages
beomgyu - physical touch and quality time
okay we all see how gentle he treats taehyun, never stopping just touching him, stroking him, trying to grab his leg or arm and touching his hair so physical touch is definitely one of his main love languages. but he also mentioned several times that he and soobin often spend the night together talking until dawn, sharing their feelings and he really enjoys it, so quality time is very important to him
taehyun - act of service and physical touch
i often hear that taehyun is supposedly cold, but he just shows his love more discreetly, however, this doesn’t mean at all that he has no feelings. he is not the kind of person who will shout about love but will show it with action, for example, recently on one of a filmings he thought that beomgyu would be hungry and brought him food and many such little things show his real treatment. and the reason why there is physical touching is one of his childhood videos. maybe it’s strange but let me to explain. i'm talking about a video with his mom where he sits on her lap and this child is absolutely filled with love, he can’t sit calm and is constantly trying to attract the attention of the mom giving the interview by sticking her head out like asking to pet him. and txt themselves have said many times that they’re embarrassed to show feelings for each other on camera so that it doesn’t seem like a show off, and we can also see that even taehyun pretends that he doesn’t like touching, he himself sometimes starts to grab and touch beomgyu
huening kai - physical touch and words of affirmation
he touches the members' tummies so often and loves to pull soobin's cheeks and how they kiss each other's hands with yeonjun and how he likes perk members in cheek… and the moment when in an interview he answered that he is the most romantic of the members, this is the complete truth. he’s that boyfriend who always hugs you wherever you are, kisses your hands when you’re just sitting next to each other and literally fall in love in kissing your tummy (idk guys it’s just another level of love). i absolutely see him as that guy who listens to you very carefully and communicates with you very cute just like daily and i totally sure he's the guy who will leave you a bunch of warm fuzzies when he goes somewhere or just leaves for work before you
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onismdaydream · 1 month
HIIII!!!!! it's me again, the most obsessed and horniest yuji lover!♡🎀
Didn't have anything to do today so I have been on tumbler looking for any yuji content I can get my hands on :p! And I am just OBSESSED with headcanons, specifically yuji as your boyfriend! AHH!!!
Like, how would he first tell you he likes you? How long would it take? Ugh, now me personally, I can only imagine having a movie night alone, megumi and nobara canceled ofc because they don't want to watch whatever bs movie yuji picks :(. And then so there you are, Both cuddled up on the couch, a little to close together, and he is just.. so flustered! But why? It's not like he likes you or anything! Well, turns out he does and he JUST realized. So when the two protagonists in the romantic comedy yall are watching suddenly confess, he can't hold it back! It just blurts out of his mouth..which would be a bad thing, until you reveal you like him back!♡
Idk, I just find it soo cute, and honestly totally something he would do. 🤷‍♀️. But then like, first date? Would he take you to eat, the movies, or maybe to the mall?
Now this one, I'm not too sure, to many options and I love them all, but he would DEFINITELY make it romantic and cute ><!
Okay, but now like one of the MILLION dollar questions is.... how would he act on your period!
I'm sorry, but every single small headcanon, or fic of how ANYBODY would treat you while ur on your period is straight up Crack to me. I NEED IT. I love the wholesome headcanons. 😔🎀!
I think.. he would notice that your acting different, he cares about you after all so he notices every little thing. So when he sees you look uncomfy or maybe rubbing you hand on your thigh, trying to relieve some pain.. he asks you what's wrong! And when you tell him, I feel like he would IMMEDIATELY do whatever you want to make you feel better. LITERALLY.
"Oh. Really? Is there anything I can do?"
Chocolate? In ur hands the second you ask. Meds for the pain, he's got them? Blanket? YES! cuddles? Okay, is that even a question? OBVI!!!
Second million dollar question is how/what he would do yalls first time. Last headcanon i said was crack, but this one is like all drugs COMBINED. I like to think it would be a makeout session gone to far..
That movie you played has a sex scene, which, really doesn't bother you or him.. or it usually doesn't. Today though, a small thought forms in his brain. How would you look? Sound? Smell? Taste? Feel..? And then it's akward, because you're so close, and his hand just starts massaging your thigh, and he has to kiss you! Which at this point in the relationship isn't like super surprising, I'm sure yuji loves to kiss you. But this one feels different, yujis face is just soo pink, and he almost can't keep his hands off of you! Cupping one cheek while pushing you down on the couch with the other, so he's on top.. then one of his knees pushes your thighs apart.. 🧎‍♀️
You know the rest.
But I also like to think maybe yall are making out, you on top of his lap, but you can't stop squirming! And it really isn't on purpose, you swear.. but yuji can only take so much, And eventually he can't hide his moans anymore!
Yeah idk I feel like humping n shit, maybe cummin in his pants is SO hot. UGH
I don't think it would really be planned..😋🎀
Also, I feel like he would be super flustered and kinda embarrassed with oral. In the sense that, he could spend hours between your thighs (we all know he's a munch), but the first time you ask to suck him off, he probably turns into a whiny mess.
WHICH BRINGS ME TO THIS. Like- I'm sorry, but no matter how dominant or kinky people make yuji, which I won't lie I love, you CANNOT tell me this man doesn't whine or moan your name. You simply can't. LOOK AT HIM.!!! 🧎‍♀️🙏
I just, have so many thoughts and headcanons.. l can't control myself yuji headcanons are literally my drug. I love the subby ones, the Dom ones, fluff ones, smut ones... I DONT CARE. If a yuji headcanon exists, I WILL read it.
Omg, I have so much more but I have already made this soo long. I honestly just wanted to ask if you would ever make your own yuji head canons? Maybe you already have and I can't find it.. BUT LET ME KNOW!
I just HAVE to know what headcanons are floating around in that wonderful brain of yours!♡
Also so glad to see you liked my past rant♡♡!!!
I really hope you have a good day/night!!!! Make sure ur taking care of urself babes bc I can't survive without you><! 🎀
(Also sorry for any typos or whatever, this was 100% rushed because my fingers physically cannot keep up with all the thoughts I have of yuji.)
With a heart full of love, and a brain full of yuji,
-your horniest yuji lover!♡🎀
hi lovely <333
gonna put this under a read more so it doesn't take up too much space!
oooh headcanons are fun!! i don't post a ton, not for any particular reason, i just seem to gravitate towards snippets in established relationships.
omg yuji just blurting it out :(( what a sweetheart! he is mortified but i feel like he would try his best to play it cool, though his face feels like it's on fire from how flushed it is!! but then you tell him that you also like him and he visibly relaxes SO much and has the biggest smile on his face and he immediately wants to hug you and hold you close <3
i think for first dates, he would lean towards movies/mall, this way it's still semi-public. it's not that he doesn't want to spend time with you alone (he wants to soooo badly), but i think he thinks he has to take it slow and be sweet and gentlemanly. like he was definitely taught the "proper way" to court a girl by his grandfather, so he holds doors open for you and pulls out your chair and brings you flowers and stuff and its just so sweet of him idk. he might hesitate a bit for pda stuff, but once you give him the okay, he is constantly holding your hand or wrapping an arm around you!! maybe even asking for a kiss!! (side note: i think yuji gets all pouty when you forget to give him a goodbye kiss later in the relationship)
yes!! yuji would ABSOLUTELY be doing anything and everything for you as soon as he notices any symptoms or side effects. he's also the type to track your period on his phone lol just so he can prepare and give you some chocolate or whatever else might help! he is just like. the nicest and most caring boyfriend ever <3333
OOOH i love love love both of those for first time ughhh!! i have a fic i've been meaning to work on more but i'm just a little too fried to write much of anything, anyway its a dry humping fic with yuji because i just know he loves the feeling of it ! he can't even get embarrassed from cumming in his pants because it feels so good and he likes how dirty it is (he's a bit of a perv :3). BUT i also love the idea that he just can't help himself and he's so wrapped up in the moment that he doesn't even notice that his knee is pressing against your core... like he's licking into your mouth and grinding against you and you have to pull away because holy shit this feels great and you want more!! and it's kinda rushed and messy, barely taking clothes off but you both need each other so bad!!! (he makes up for it by taking his time with you for round 2 lol)
oh what i would GIVE to suck his dick... yuji is 100% super vocal in my opinion, like he cannot be quiet, which is why his mouth is always on you when he's fucking you! he's always kissing or biting or talking, so when you're sucking him off, he is left to just talk and make so much noise. whining and praising you because it feels so good to have your mouth wrapped around him <3 like imagine sitting between his strong thighs, looking up at him, and his eyes are half lidded, mouth open as he breaths heavily, tongue darting out to lick at his lips, muscles flexing as he tries not to force your head further down or buck his hips up.... ugh he's so hot...
i'd love to write more headcanons and other things for yuji!! its just a matter of me getting inspired or having the energy right now. work has been super draining for me so its been a little difficult to get my brain working lol but im hoping it'll pass in a few weeks
thank you for sharing these with me!!! i love hearing other people's thoughts and headcanons like its just so fun to see what's similar and whatnot :3
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hi erm i dont know why im asking but what is all for the game? like ive seen alot about it and i really want to consume this piece of media but i also do not know what it is at all?? pls help
ah jeez. aftg is complicated yet the best thing that’s ever happened to me fandom-wise. worst thing to happen to me productivity-wise. first books called the foxhole court, then the Raven king, then the ravens men. there’s physical copies of the books, but i haven’t ever seen it sold at any bookstore ever, only off of Amazon, but the kindle prices are real cheap and you can find almost any book online free via questionable websites.
all for the game is a book trilogy centred around a runaway w loads of trauma, but he’s running away from his kinda mob boss dad—gasp— which may be off putting but it’s like you don’t think of it as a mafia book it’s just a book that has bad guys who happen to be the mafia. i don’t think that’s a spoiler.
it’s also centered around made up sport, but it doesn’t feel like it’s centered around to but it totally is. it also doesn’t feel made up? like it’s not fantasy it’s just not real.
its gay, which you probably know if you’ve seen any fan art, but it’s not really sweet gays it’s kinda course and gritty but absolutely lovely and heartwarming. but also I have hazy memory bc I read the trilogy in a week but im pretty sure that only gets started midway through the series, so it’s not the WHOLE plot but it’s like a portion of it. their relationship isn’t really problematic, it’s basically the opposite, and all the angst is in the plot and characters themselves rather than how they interact w each other.
speaking of, this trilogy covers A LOT of heavy heavy topics, I’d say what was most off putting for me was the past rape and pedophilia which is touched on pretty briefly but at the same time very largely, but im sure somewhere there’s a list of tws somewhere if youre at all concerned about that.
it’s a fun read! it’s not at all too long (i mean, you read the goldfinch, not at all on the same level as that regarding word count im pretty sure) and i hear it reads like a fanfic, which might be why i consumed it so fast. it has no fantasy or sci fi, its basically a novel or slice of life I guess. i don’t really know the proper terms. there’s action that comes in the form of some violence, but i think most action is really on the exy (made up sport) court. oh also im pretty sure there’s an on page bj and the like. but no sex.
if I knew you in physical life I wouldn’t rec you this bc a) u might read it and hate it and it would ruin me and embarrass me b) u might read it and find it mediocre and it would ruin me and embarrass me c) you don’t read it and I feel annoying and finally d) u love it and it ruins you.
anywho, I hope u have a fun day/night, idk your time zone, and happy reading/non reading/watching. Thank you for giving me a reason to rant about my little obsession on this random monday evening! hope this helped/was what you were looking for
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ok okay okaaay, thinking about slow build stomach flus. With Cyno ofc. And I won’t apologize. But I’m thinking like, the kind where pain and nausea come and go. But like across the span of a whole day and a half. There be a pang of discomfort and maybe an uncomfortable roll of the stomach…and then it’ll pass and the character is fine again for a good few hours. And for cyno i feel like just because it’s stomach pain and no other symptoms and the nausea comes and goes with a fair amount of time in between he’s like….it’s probably fine? But what I love about a slow build flu is that the other stuff just kinda settles in..I love the idea of a Cyno who (this kinda goes back to the whole getting sick on the night that everyone is out but nari prompt too!!) where all day he’s just like a tiny bit off. He’s getting ready to go out and doing his hair but stops cuz it’s suddenly too much energy. He grabs a drink of water but doesn’t finish it cuz it’s just..not sitting right? But like not even that it’s vaguer. And ofc he’s finding himself dreading nari not being there at first just a little more than normal? Idk the internal feeling of malaise is so interesting to me cuz you’re just sort of dragging… but with the flu it’s unavoidable..
so eventually the pains come more often, and it’s more specifically in the stomach and the nausea kicks up and the dizzy ness too. Maybe it’s by now he’s asking nari to go home, he feels bad and it’s almost like…he can’t escape the gross icky feeling slowly filling him up. His discomfort is just seeping into all parts of him and it’s hard to process why everything (his clothes the lights the room even his favorite card game) feels *bad* que the whole kaveh and alhaitham summoning Tighnari to come get his man cuz he looks likes either gonna puke pass out or cry (or all ??) and they are scared cuz somehow he also looks close to biting one of them…
I ALSO like the idea of a Cyno where they get home and he’s just falling apart (emotional maybe? Frustrated? Overtired?) idk cranky icky baby. His stomach hurts pretty bad now but it still hasn’t reached the point of it being an issue- until the next day. Because there’s something so soul crushing about hoping you’re gonna feel better in the morning and waking up feeling *way worse* and then ofc, the vomiting begins and there’s no way out but through.
ALSO unrelated but related light head Cyno dealing with bad food poisoning and passing out in front of Tighnari for the first time. Idk if I said this before so it so I’m so sorry!! Feel free to ignore if that’s the case lol. But Tighnari calling someone like kaveh or collie or anyone to talk too after Cyno is asleep and confirmed not dying and just breaking down? Yes. But!! Follow it by Cyno calling out to nari from the room, which totally embarrasses him. And Tighnari goes running cuz he’s worried sick but it turns out Cyno wants to comfort HIM! And nari is all no you need sleep but Cyno insists and talks with him until he literally can’t keep his eyes open or maybe the nausea starts to kick up. I just think it would be sweet…Cyno agreeing to not get up with out tighnari there in case he falls and tighnari allowing himself to get some much needed comfort too cuz whole shit that was wild.
I feel like I have more but I’ll chill for now 😂😂 if I remember I’ll speak up FEAR NOT
Oh my word YES!! All this is simply brilliant. And it's so fitting considering I have a Cyno stomach flu prompt to fill next 👀 I might just have to use some of these ideas, if that's alright with you!
I absolutely adore slow build up as well, if it's done right it's just ARGH! I love it! I think it's one of the reasons I enjoyed writing Through the Snow so much. Having a character be primarily fine, but those tiny little hints that something is wrong start to rear their heads. And it's so vague and far between that the character just can't put a finger on something being actually wrong, until things are really wrong.
Ahh all those ideas are so good. I love things just slowly building up the way you described- his arms just starting to feel heavy as he's doing his hair and he just wants to sit for a moment. Deciding to get a glass of water but he can't quite bring himself to finish it. Dreading going out and spending time with friends when that's something he usually loves. Longing for Tighnari's presence in a way that's much too vulnerable-feeling for Cyno's comfort.
AND don't get me started on the going to bed, hoping to sleep it off, waking up feeling worse trope, I freaking love that! Like you said, that absolutely soul-crushing realisation of realising you're not feeling any better, actually no, you feel worse.
It somewhat ties into this vague idea I've been chewing on, I love the idea of a character coming home, (let's go with Tighnari and Cyno, they're the center of attention right now after all) Tighnari coming home, either from a class he couldn't skip or from getting some necessities from the store. And he comes home knowing Cyno isn't feeling well - he's been off for a while now and maybe that morning was the morning he woke up and realised okay he's not feeling good and told Tighnari. And I'm just picturing Tighnari looking for him and finding Cyno looking so vulnerable. The type of vulnerability he usually shows only when he's alone. There are classics like finding him lying on the bathroom floor, or just miserable sitting with his head over the toilet, but the scene I have in head is him just lying on the bed. Curled in on himself, knees drawn up to his stomach, arms close to his chest. His back is to the door and he just looks so small and defeated.
That scene has a very high likelihood of appearing in a fic soon ahh.
And back to what were saying, YES! I remember I had a long ramble a while back about the scenario of Cyno passing out for the first time around Tighnari, and argh, it's another scenario I really want to bring to life in a fic at some point when the story is right for it. I don't want to risk repeating anything I already said in that post (it's late and I'm planning on heading to bed right after I finish typing this out, so my brain definitely isn't at its sharpest) so I'll keep my rambles brief, but I'm so in love with this scenario. And especially Nari in this situation, like he was rattled after that (how couldn't he be??) And I just have this feeling that, even though he's the sick one and this is all entirely outside of his control, Cyno would just have so much immense guilt for 'putting Nari through this.'
ALSO before I wrap up! I did read your follow up ask, and I have thoughts, BUT I'm going to hold off on answering it, just because some of the rambles I wish to ramble relate to my coming fic, and I don't want to spoil anything 👀
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cat3ch1sm · 7 months
So umm I wanna start writing hxh stuff but I'm scared it'll be really ooc :(( I watched the whole anime, restarting it and I'm reading the Manga too so I know the personalities of the characters well but I'm still not confident I can portray it right... it would be super embarrassing if I post my first story/ headcanon and the comments i get are "they wouldnt say that" "they wouldnt do that" "that wouldnt happen" 😭the way you write characters sound so like them and I rlly wanna make hcs and stories like you so pls spill your secrets 🙏🙏 if it helps, the characters I think I'll be most writing for are the main 4, kalluto and alluka (they're so underrated!!) mb hisoka andddd silva & kikyo? (I kinda wanna make some cute scenarios w them like they go on a date or smthing 🥺 idk why) but ofc, I would love to learn how to write for the majority of the hxh characters. But ummm it's okay if u don't have any advice, I'll just cry infront of my blank Google docs page 😔😔 (I'm jk, have a good day!!)
🐢~ OMG HI IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LATE I FEEL AWFUL :(( @xl3vviii i love uu thanks for your request and patience 💚💚 i will try my best to explain my process in a general way so it’s easy to write for any character you’d like! i really hope this helps you<333
🍀~ and i totally feel you on the not wanting mean comments thing😭😭 broo ive been fortunate enough to not really receive those kind of comments but i did once and WOW was i embarrassed and changed it immediately😭😭 and the crying in front of a blank google doc page?? you are so real for that 😭😭😭
🌲~ another note to my followers in general: i want to sincerely apologize for my absence. my devices i usually post on all decided to conveniently stop working so that really sucked but my phone is back again!! im really grateful for you all and your patience, and i want to thank you guys so much for 3.5k! i have no intentions of leaving and i hope i can write lots more for you guys. hopefully i don’t ever need to be gone that long again! i love u all so muchh and thank you a million times 💚💚
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𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐢 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬!
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a/n~ so sorry if this sucks cause ive never given a tutorial for my writing but i will DO MY BEST
so you said you wanted to write cute scenarios of dates for the hxh main four+ hisoka, silva , and kikyo! first thing i usually consider when i get requests especially, or just when i have an idea, is: would this character even do this? like if someone asks me, “hey, can you write headcanons for illumi zoldyck with a soft/sweet/kind s/o?” that would be possible (though maybe a little far-fetched canonically). it’s fine to stretch those boundaries a bit for fanfiction, i think. but if that request had instead been like “can you write reader x soft/sweet/kind illumi?” that would’ve been a hard no. don’t alter characters’ natural personalities because then it’s not the same character. what sometimes helps me is, especially if i haven’t watched or read any media of the character im writing for in a while, is looking up the character’s wiki on the FANDOM site and reading through their personality traits as well as their key moments because it helps me to determine what the character would do in the story and how they might react to some things. feel free to also go back and look at clips of the anime or pages of the manga; i find it helps as well!
so for what you want to write specifically, cute dating scenarios, i think that most of the characters you’ve chosen are a good fit. the main four are good for a prompt like that, and the zoldyck children you’ve chosen can be fitting as well. but as for hisoka, kikyo, and silva, that kind of prompt might not fit so well because obviously these characters can’t be seen as sweet or kind or loving. has hisoka ever expressed any interest in wooing someone properly or is he someone who operates on lust? did kikyo and silva court each other and go on little dates or was their marriage probably arranged/forced/only useful for selfish purposes? do their personalities even allow for sentiments like dates? would they even consider that? before writing something ask yourself if you can really see the character doing that clearly in your mind.
i think it’s a great thing that you’ve watched and read the respective canon content of your characters, and it’s good to refer to it if you ever find yourself struggling to characterize someone accurately. however, it is fanfiction, so don’t feel like you need to be super rigid. write whatever you’d like, honestly. but here’s a really common thing i notice when people write fanfiction: they take one aspect of the character and run the shit into the ground. a prime example of this is hobie brown from across the spiderverse and his “i don’t believe in consistency” line. like Jesus Christ. well-written fictional characters, like the ones of hxh, are often as versatile as real people are. make sure the character doesn’t feel like some one-dimensional version of themselves, and please don’t write for the character only based on one aspect of their personality. for example, hisoka is rather unpredictable, so that’s something you’d probably want to incorporate into writings for him. but for characters like most of the zoldycks, you’re going to want to tread a little lighter since they aren’t the main characters and thus we don’t see a whole lot of them. in situations like this, you might have to focus on just what you can see of them. so again, just ask yourself if you can see the character really doing what you’re writing them to do. would they act that way in an actual episode of the anime or volume of the manga? if you’re unsure or the answer is no, try going a different route.
it is also okay to make mistakes. practicing a lot will eventually get you to where you want to be. i still find myself slipping up in my writings and getting carried away (so read over your writings before you publish them)!! my dms are open if you ever would like me personally to review a piece and offer maybe more specific advice!
i hope this helped you, dear💚 again feel free to dm me if you have any more questions. thank you for your support 💚
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meowzfordayz · 2 years
hashira comfort you
Author’s Note: now to name this thing… 😆
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hashira comfort you
Hashira x Reader
Word Count: ~1,300
CW: mild sexual content, platonic, traumatic references
Emergency Request Fulfilled: Hopefully it's alright if I request a Hashira (not separately) x reader who's just been feeling like giving up and all her efforts are worthless no matter how hard she tries. Just sumthin where the Hashira notice something is off with the Hashira!reader and make attempts to comfort her. If it's alright to ask I feel like maybe making the Hashira reader use a fork of positive emotion breathing or a breathing type of us generally positive to further suggest how something is bothering the reader- of course it's all up to you I'm totally okay if the reader is just someone being taken care of at the butterfly mansion or a relative of the leader of demon slayer (I'm so horrible with requests I apologize)
Decided to write this as hcs bc my brain doesn’t have the power atm to try and write a fanfic w/ 10 (9 Hashira + 1 Reader) characters 😆
Actually, Idk if my brain would ever have the power for that
I mean, sure I can manage a decent amount of supporting characters, but juggling 10 characters of equal importance ?? 😵
I feel like the Hashira are super in tune w/ each other, as well as totally oblivious They’re super in tune w/ each other in that they’re all phenomenal warriors, and thus have the necessary perception to quickly notice when something’s “off”
But they don’t really all know each other super well? And they don’t have time to just hang out regularly (unless they’re simultaneously slaying demons hah)
They also technically don’t all get along lmao
So if you’re feeling out of sorts, then they’d certainly pick up on your feelings, but most of them wouldn’t immediately know precisely what to do or say aka how to help you
I’m looking at you, Giyuu 😃
Okay real talk tho Giyuu’s been through a lot (they all have *sigh*)— Ik his depicted personality and trauma runs deeper than superficial emotional constipation 🥺
Assuming they all at least tolerate you, their approaches to cheering you up would differ vastly
Gyomei would do his best to convince you to meditate w/ him
“You underestimate yourself. Perhaps, reflecting on why you feel inferior may reassure you that you are, in fact, not?”
He’s wise, but is he helpful? 😬
“Himejima-san, I am grateful for your consideration, but I am unsure pondering my anxiety will relieve me of my anxiety.”
“Nonetheless, you are always welcome to sit beside me.”
Bc he’s still patient and generous ☺️
Pardon the imagery, but my first and only thought about Obanai attempting to comfort you is: he throws Kaburamura at you 😅
Hear me out!
His heart’s in the right place!
What goes around comes around, and if he was feeling low, then he’d prob appreciate having Kaburamura cuddling him
But like, the concept of asking for snake-being-thrown-at-you consent did not occur to him prior
If you’re cool w/ snakes, then Ig he’s lowkey helpful?
But if you’re not so cool w/ snakes… well… at least he’ll send you a letter via crow apologizing for his blunder (100% too embarrassed to apologize to your face)
My bias may be showing, but Mitsuri would likely be the most consciously comforting
The term comfort isn’t foreign to her, and she’s more than happy to pamper you
Whether pampering means simply listening to you, walking w/ you, cooking for + eating w/ you
She knows confidence, belonging, and meaning aren’t nurtured—founded—overnight, so she figures she can at least lessen your tangible burdens to free up space for you to heal mentally
Maybe she lays on her complimentary remarks a little too thickly to be convincing, but you know she means well 💖
Shinobu… 💀
But she kicks ass too
And if she thinks you need an ass kicking to feel like yourself again, then she’ll absolutely kick your ass
Metaphorically and literally
Like a coach who pushes you juuust far enough so that you know they believe in you, buuut they’re still demanding 50 push ups from you (bc they believe in you)
“I fear I am not enough, Kocho-san.”
“Nonsense. Let us spar.”
????? “Spar?”
“So I can prove to you that you are enough!”
As provoking and playful as Shinobu can be, she wouldn’t go easy on you, and when you inevitably are able to match her pace
You’re not content (you’re pissed at being goaded into impromptu training), but you do begrudgingly concede her point
#I knew you could do 50 push ups #now do another 50
Debating between going the classic Kyojuro route, or the other route
He genuinely wishes to see you smile — to know you are well
Classic Kyojuro conjures the perfect sentence to make you feel worthy
And knows your favorite flower(s), which he obvi brings to you
Classic Kyojuro might even unexpectedly tug you into a warm, rib crushing hug, bc he can tell that grounding you could be helpful
As for awkward Kyojuro…
If you think about it afterwards, his perfect sentence doesn’t make that much sense (i.e. inspirational quotes that are more dumb than inspiring if you bother rereading ‘em), but it sounded pretty and honest and bright, so heyo — better than nothing!
And he doesn’t bring you flowers, but he does offer you the remnants of his lunch (when I write the remnants I mean potentially ¼ of a bite), bc he knows eating can be difficult when feeling sad
He’ll still hug you, but instead of warm it’s HOT
Sweaty, too tight HOT
Not boner pressed against your thigh HOT
And he’ll keep hugging you until your heart rate settles bc #that’s what a good friend does, but wHoOpS how’s it going to settle when he’s literally suffocating you ?????
I was excited to get to Sanemi, bc I’m so fricking soft for this man
And then I realized he’s the top contender for the worst (at comforting) of the Hashira
You’re despairing? How about I never look at you again and create the biggest possible rift between us in case my existence harms you further?
#the Shinazugawa bros
Disclaimer: all my “slander” toward these beloved characters is meant entirely light heartedly
That being said, I recognize the heaviness of the themes and backstories present throughout Demon Slayer, but just uhh, take my “quips” as you might take the donut jokes 🍩
I’m now looking at you, Kyojuro 😃
If Obanai throws Kaburamura at you, then Sanemi asks, scowling, “How are you?”
And then disappears w/o waiting for your response
Bc apparently a halfway greeting is better than none?
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, and a halfway greeting from Sanemi a day… keeps the blues at bay?
Muichiro wouldn’t be the greatest at comforting you either, but not for lack of effort
For some reason, all I can brainstorm rn is that he’d hand you shiny rocks?
Which, I feel, is more Inosuke-esque
But Muichiro’s a child! So like, childish methods of comforting?
A kid hands you a shiny rock — wouldn’t that make you perk up? At least a tad?
Random tangent, but I was on the beach once collecting sea glass, and these kids started copying me, and then gave me all the sea glass they found
#that was a very heartwarming day
“Tokito-san, what is this?”
“A rock.”
“For you. It may be valuable. Treat yourself to lunch.”
Do you sell it and buy yourself lunch, or do you keep and cherish the rock? 😭
This is def out of character, but I hc that he’d just randomly grab your hand
And hold it
For 1, maybe 2, breaths?
And then let go, nod, and leave
He’s… aloof, but he does understand that: comfort doesn’t mean what is easy for you—the person doing the comforting—it means doing what could be comforting for the person requiring comfort
Is having your hand held for 1-2 secs comforting?
But is his sentiment sweet?
Very 💙
Sooo Idk whether to include Hina, Makio, and Suma w/ Tengen… let’s hc both ?!
Hina, Makio, and Suma + Tengen = a lot of EVERYTHING
Pestering as to why you’re doubting yourself, verbal reassurance that you’re amazing, physical company to alleviate loneliness, and if you request anything specific, you will receive that specific thing x 4 😌
Just Tengen?
I imagine he’d feel affronted that I “just Tengen”-ed him
All of the above x 1
He’d likely backhandedly comfort you, bc how could he ever comfort you w/o hyping himself up too?
God of Flashiness and Festivals? Turns out he’s God of Comforting too
Self proclaimed, ofc
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es-draws · 3 months
Hi! Idk if you have any advice about it but I wanted to ask - I’m into feedism and don’t really know how to bring it up to my gf. I’ve asked before if I could do things like feed her cookies when we have sex and she’s been cool with that and me touching her tummy when we’re snuggling, but for some reason it feels like it’d be a step too far to share with her that I’d be really into feeding and fattening her up, even as just a fantasy to role play with. To clarify, I’m not interested in making her gain weight secretly or anything like that, I just don’t wanna feel like I’m hiding something about myself. But at the same time I don’t want to make her feel uncomfortable or see me in a weird way. Do you have any thoughts? Thanks :)
I think I speak for all of us when I say - I get it. Talking about this kink is something I struggled with (and still do). But I'll also say that introducing my partner to feedism was one of the best decisions I ever made. And I think it would be for you too!
I think a lot of people worry that their partner will feel either unattractive for looking big, or weirded out by this unusual attraction. But in your case, it really doesn't sound like that's an issue. You're gf already knows you like feeding her, she already knows that you find her tummy attractive, and she's been totally fine with it! I don't know the full story of course, but she's not giving you any signs that this is weird to her or that she doesn't like it. If anything, she's been happy to try things with you. So why would she react any different if you told her more about what you like?
So I think it's absolutely worth it to bring it up! She'd want to know how you're feeling. She's your partner, after all - she's supposed to be the person you can confide in. You'll only be happier in the long run if you can share your true feelings. And if it's anything like my own experience, you may be surprised how much she likes it. It might help her feel more confident in her body and at her weight. And if nothing else, she'll probably be excited to know what she can do to make you happy!
As for how to tell her, here are two things that really helped me (below the cut):
-Ask her about her kinks first. Sometimes it's easier to bring up awkward topics like this if you show your support first. Let her know you wanted to try more things that get her excited in the bedroom, and ask if there are any fantasies she'd like to try. I'm sure she'll respond well to that, since you're showing that you care about her needs, and you're creating a safe space for her to answer without being embarrassed herself. And once she shares more about what she likes, it becomes so much easier to talk about what you like. You're already having the conversation, and you're already free of judgement. And I guarantee that if you ask what she likes first, she'll want to know what you like next.
-It's okay to start slow. I didn't come all out with it once, it felt too awkward to say "well I think it'd be hot if I fed you and made you gain a ton of weight" lol. They don't know your kink, so you don't want their first experience to give them the wrong impression. So I just said "I think bellies are really sexy." And in my case, my partner loved that. She didn't find it odd at all, and was immediately excited that I liked that part of her. She asked more about it, and it became so easy to just have a discussion about feedism. It was painless. And in the end, she was even more on board to try it!
So uh, yeah. Sorry for the wall of text. But TL;DR: don't be afraid to go for it! Your gf will probably respond better than you think! And I think you'll both be happier to share what you like!
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voltrixz · 1 month
Fine ok I’ll go on a whole ass really long electroshocker ramble that’s really really gay
You can blame @canadian-pug-cartel
(Also this might be extremely incoherent, idk I’m just yapping at this point )
Ok I think when they first met with the first time the s6 formed, electro took a small interest to shocker. Sorta developing a small guy crush (or smt like that ) where he’s mostly in awe of shocker and kinda looks up to him, finds him cool and whatever. I guess the best way to put it is the initial guy crush or whateevr thing that deadpool had for Spider-Man when they first met (just less gayer and way smaller in scale because electro could never compete with the levels of homosexuality that Deadpool is dealing with ). But yeah that’s why I think in the sewers when shocker asks soemthing about how they;re gonna defeat spiderman, electro tries to show off his powers but like instantly fails and gets chewed out by doc (most failcringe bisexual….).
Shocker funnily enough doesn’t really think of that interaction much (at the moment he just thinks huh. Weird. And just moves on )but I think it’s funny to think that interaction haunts electro for a while… (biggest embarrassment of his life bro.)
Anywayssssssss, from that moment on the fact that like shocker and electro have similar powers and shocker can help electro train his powers more, doc ock decides to partner them up a lot. This lets the 2 to grow closer and also only furthers the supposedly straight guy crush that electro has because shocker to me would be the type to be very comfortable with physical touch/contact with people he’s close to (and besides he would have to get pretty close to train him,(I saw a post that showed this really well I’ll reblog that after this maybe ) and of course electro is freaking out because he has not felt the touch of another man in years…(and he’s very obvious about it because his sparks are going crazy) shocker however doesn’t take the hint (yet at least)
But eventually electro does get over the totally straight award guy crush and starts being pretty comfortable with shocker. Which makes him become wayyyyy more comfortable with psychical touch/contact, leading for the two to be very comfortable in each other’s space. They’re constantly leaning on each other and what not.
Also forgot to mention that throughout this whole Time shocker is slowly taking more and more interest in electro. Picking up on his body language and such (shocker rlly likes looking at electro’s sparks move and zap, hearing the buzzing and watching his eyes glow or dim) , just observing a lot (he likes observing electro a lot I think ), he finds him weird (reference to that one comic of seeing electro just chow down on a bunch of wires) but also very intriguing
Anywaysss as they get closer shocker’s interest in him grows more and he realizes that such interest is making him feel certain things (gay things. Fag.) and this is also when he puts two and two together with why electro got so nervous around him before. Course electro doesn’t get as nervous anymore but shocker does sometime catch it and he wonders if electro still does like him in that way (he still does btw it’s just veryyyy Lowkey), but yeah as they grow closer, more and more of these feelings keep bubbling up, shocker even hangs out more with the s6 and let’s them come to bar more often yadda yadda.
Oftentimes electro comes by the bar alone and shocker is always glad to see him (often refers to him as his favorite regular ) and the two hang out a lot in the bar even after closing time. They also hang out a lot of the bases’ rooftop (if it has one) and here are where things get gay unfortunately…. (Sorry I’m homophobic ), they ever so slowly try to push what they;re usually used to. They occasionally drop small flirts with each other and their usual touch is far more intimate (such as shocker placing a hand on electro;s face and even fully cupping his face at some point )(how tHE hell these 2 not figured out they’re both into each other I have no idea). And oftentimes the 2 brush it off, eiether switching between being oblivious or thinking it didn’t mean much. But their relationship is very much changing in some way. the two clearly see each other more then jsut friends (and so can the s6 at this point who are so sick of their back and forth ) and there’s a shit ton of pinning but none of them say anything or do anything to confirm that.
On shocker’s end he’s not even sure how to approach this, nor does he even know if he can because while tombstone and his crew are on good terms with the s6, that might not always be the case and he has to make sure whatever he has with electro doesn’t get in the way of his work. On electro;s end we know his shitty track record of relationships and how he handles them so a potiental romantic one could go up in flames, and also there’s that lingering self doubt that makes electro believe that’s there’s no way shocker likes someone like him when shocker could literally have anyone he wants (electro and his crushing self confidence sigh.)
But eventually they do get together. Sorta. (Situationship babey 🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️) and it happens impulsively I think. Some night alone at the bar and shocker reaches for electro’s face and then suddenly leans in to kiss him. Electro kisses back of course and that’s when the two finally get confirmation that yes the two very much into each other. But there’s not much said, just a silent understanding of not being completely sure of putting a romantic relationship label on what they have, but as long as they can do more of this (kissing and whatnot and just generally being more intimate with each other ) that’s all they really need. So wooo situationship, they still do a lot of things they did before (being very comfortable in each others space and leaning on each other yadd yadda ) but there’s a lot more intimacy within them (gay shit booooo boooooo I hate gay people in love boooo booo ) but yeah 👍👍👍👍
And then shit happens in the merc electro au and there’s a breakup or whatever, mega angst time babey 🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️
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runningfrom2am · 5 months
coryo: money is not an object, i just want you to have the wedding of your dreams.
r, realising the who is paying for everything: the wedding won’t be perfect if i don’t have at least seven dresses.
-and i love her for it.
SEJANUS AND LUCY GRAY MENTION!! had they not returned to capitol, sejanus and lucy gray would have been the best man and the maid of honour. this is going to haunt me.
at first i was shocked that tigris wasn’t the maid of honour but then i read the reasoning behind it and everything, once again, made absolutely perfect sense. someone who is almost everything but not quite, fitting the image but still less than her. also her thinking tigris is prettier than her while coryo doesn’t even consider tigris pretty.
“we agreed on the wedding and this is the reception.” he thought he did something there didn’t he? the audacity. he was late too.
living for the fact that %90 of the impulsive decisions the bride makes are what the groom wished he could at one point in his life.
imagine getting livia cardew thrown out of a social event for causing a scene. with the award season starting recently, let’s give r an oscar for the best actress.
no bc first of all AS SHE SHOULD i love that energy for them i just know she had the time of her LIFE planning this wedding.
also AHH yes sejanus and lucy gray and HERES THE THING: r is all like “hmm idk maybe it would have been them guess we’ll never know 🤷‍♀️” but i can 100% tell you right now it would have been them, no questions even asked. up until the very bitter end she truly did love lucy gray, and she loved sejanus even after that. i think he was so much harder for her to get over and i would LOVE to expand on that one day in another oneshot maybe but i digress…
i truly believe that at this point r really does love tigris, but the love she gives out is fragile so as we have discussed it wouldn’t last forever and it would end abruptly. BUT i think that honestly the only reason she didn’t ask her to be MOH was because she believes she’s prettier than her. clemensia was not doing well, she was still recovering from the snake bite and clearly a mess physically AND emotionally (if her drinking habits are any indicator) so r thought she was perfect for the job because she under no circumstances could steal any positive attention from her. with tigris, i do think that in some subconscious capacity r feels threatened by her. she’s the only one who knows coryo as well as she does, possibly more, and that scares her after what happened with lucy gray. i believe she firmly does honestly think that tigris is prettier and that’s why she picked clem, but there is more behind that decision than even she understands. i think that she was embarrassed that her family would not be playing any kind of role in their wedding, so what would people think if his cousin did? they needed to be equally independent from their families, otherwise people would ask questions she did not want to answer.
edit from an hour later: i’d also like to note that when tigris talks to katniss, she claims that she was let go from her job as a stylist in the games (r’s games) bc snow “didn’t think i was pretty enough anymore”, so which snow did she mean?? just food for thought idk
okay and then on the topic of her father,, coryo ate him UP. enough said, honestly hahahaha
moving on to your next point, that’s totally a big part of why coryo loves her so much. that’s evident from the very beginning of the series too, though back then he views it a little differently. while other people look at her and see recklessness, anger issues, and general unpleasantness, he only sees that she’s a lot more honest and brave than anyone else is. he’s said it a billion times- she’s braver and stronger than anyone he’s ever met; including himself, and he admires that she can take what she wants without feeling guilty or embarrassed about her actions.
and FINALLY,, so true bestie she does deserve an award. even if the acting itself fooled no one, who are they to say that it wasn’t genuine?? rumours would not stick on her- livia would be at fault regardless. also shoutout coryo for understanding the vibes immediately and going along with it. he’s so real for that.
ONE MORE THING on the topic of livia,, this was so fun to use her to show how much r has changed through the whole ordeal. this takes place a little over two years (ish) after the finer things in life, and the way she treats livia is so so different, but livia has stayed pretty much the same, if not hardened up a little. r went from livia kicking her out of a party for bringing drugs only to hug her in response, to kicking livia out of her wedding for wearing a dress that had a little too much white on it and her first urge was to get violent over it. idk, i feel like i could talk ab this more but it’s just a little thought i wanted to share.
thank you as always bestie!!
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liquidluckandstuff · 1 year
For the ask game : S A L U T (french for "hi" I amost wrote "cock" btw but it made me laugh so much I got embarrassed)
(for A : you pick! If you have a fun anecdote about one of your fic titles <3)
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
(I answered this one a little bit ago lol so copy + paste)
besides the corn prompts?
Voldemort being a total simp over Harry. Like feral obsessed. So enraptured he would sacrifice a death eater just to be in the same room with him.
Harry being forced to make a horcrux
Harry being remade into a horcrux or getting horcrux pt2
anything that focuses on their connection and codependencies
A: How did you come up with the title to His Brave Boy?
Me and my beta came up with it. We came up with it first because I said it like.. once? I in the fic, and then went back and said it again and again because it was just so sweet.
One of my favorite things i've ever written but I know its not going to get very popular so I'm just kind of like :/ right now.
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Well, I edit over and over AS I write then I usually do a good hard edit once I finish so like... I don't know how to count that.
U : Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Evaleon70 - one of those situations where all that creativity was overflowing and when the damn finally broke its kick ass story after kickass story. @i-dream-of-libraries
Ghosty - this is gonna sound crazy but so many good drabbles on twitter that i adore (and im so irritated they don't post them on ao3 because BESTIE you're gonna lose them 😭 ) actually idk their ao3 yet but we are working on something 🌶️ together 👀
Leafiloaf - also writer? No. But who woudn't want to include them in a faves list? Their art is always on point and gives my brain a million different ideas and makes me want to drop current wip against my will to go write them. @leafiloaf
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
I kind of already answered this one again in another one so (copy+Paste)
Im going to answer this softly and not with the Hard corn topics.
Furry stuff freaks me out. Like life your best life, but the fur and animal features and behavior make me feel unwell. But omegaverse stuff where everyone looks human? I can get on that.
I think established relationship is something i can't do simply because i LOVE the build up and chase. I have a really hard time reading it.
Infidelity. Nope I would rather they murder their spouse than cheat.
The humiliation stuff. Like Harry being humiliated in front of death eaters? (especially with the corn/ voyerims stuff) it makes me so uncomfy.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 9 months
I know you talked about Sandy and Debbie before; but I avoided it because I didn't want to be spoiled too much; but I finally got to that and!! I don't really like Sandy?? I have abandonment issues too so I totally get Debbie and am on her side so maybe I'm biased but like Sandy's lack of communication really frustrated me + then her response to Debbie's emotions and insecurities being "you're a psycho" also frustrated me and overall I feel like Debbie deserves someone better than Sandy; fuck what Frank said
but I know you like Sandy and Debbie together so do you mind explaining why? maybe im missing something; and if youve talked about this before, you can just link me to that!
wow i love this ask so much
so i like them together, but once 11x05-11x08 hit i don’t really. i’m surprised i havent talked about this more, and if anyone wants me to i will, but sebbie and gallavich have so many parallels so i think that a part of why i liked them was because they’re very similar to gallavich.
^ and much like gallavich, they SERIOUSLY struggle with miscommunication. this is what ruins them, and this is what nearly ruined gallavich. one thing about them is that the way they were raised fucks with a lot of it. i think this applies to every single relationship every gallagher has been in (especially gallagher x milkovich ships, like gallavich and whatever lip x mandy was called) struggles with miscommunication because the way milkoviches are vs how gallagher’s are is very different. debbie was raised by frank, monica, and fiona. her perspective on what love was was seriously warped because she saw frank and monica’s love which was… well, you know, and then fiona and her many boyfriends who treated her like shit. on top of this, she has serious abandonment issues and is still yet to learn how to cope with them. in sandy’s case, we don’t know much about her childhood other than the fact that she was basically raised as mickey’s sister and got into a serious relationship with an adult at fifteen, so i don’t think it’s too absurd to assume that she didn’t have a great childhood.
sandy is more comfortable with leaving and has a hard time expressing her emotions. debbie doesn’t want anyone to leave her, ever, and can express her emotions but probably not in the most “healthy” way.
i think that i’m biased too because i also have abandonment issues so i get it. but idk.
they had potential, for sure, i think that the mere possibility that debbie could have a girlfriend who validated her emotions and stayed with her was great but unfortunately, it didn’t work out. that devestates me because i’ve talked about this many times, but i’ll say it again, debbie’s trapped in this endless cycle of attaching herself then being left, over and over again. it is literally her entire storyline.
i think that debbie’s feelings about not knowing a lot about sandy’s life were valid, i don’t know if i’d fully defend tracking her but hey, gallagher’s have done much worse- i don’t really blame her for wanting to know if her girlfriend was cheating on her or living a double life or what (*cough* jimmy-steve *cough*). but also, if i were sandy, i would be pretty pissed about that! regardless, why didn’t she tell debbie (her girlfriend of like, nine months at that point) where she worked or where she lived? i get that she was embarrassed but that’s your girlfriend, man. invalidating her feelings on that and calling her a pyscho wasn’t cool, but again, i’m biased and if i were her i wouldn’t be very happy. we have to remember the severity of debbie’s abandonment/attachment issues and how she thinks that’s okay and normal. she reached this point of feeling dependent on sandy and it makes sense that she freaked out the way she did.
but god, i hated 11x07. i mean, i loved it, but i hated it. i think it was a really realistic depiction of abandonment issues, and it was amazing for it’s awknolegment of debbie’s trauma (i wish we got more of that and i wish that people fucking listened to that part). overall, that was a very debbie-centric episode so i loved that, but god, the fight they had.
i have more to say but idk how to say it here, but i really liked sebbie in the sense that i thought they had potential, more potential than anyone else debbie had been with, but their ending was bullshit and i really don’t like the things that went down.
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wyldblunt · 1 year
hi personal post just under a cut, it's not even serious or negative or anything i just feel like blabbering and it's embarrassing to have it out in the open lol
i NEED......... to get over how shy i am abt playing w ppl in game... it's not even just Running Content, i mean i get anxious/shy about even just. goofing around aimlessly/map completing with anyone i haven't known for literally years. or who i am not literally married to.
idk what it is!!! my brain immediately kicks into overdrive and gets completely clogged up with "am i not talking enough. are they getting bored. am i moving too fast/slow. i don't know what to do. this is stressing me out" and i have zero idea how to stop myself from getting like that. literally yesterday (SORRY IF THIS WAS YOU??? I THOUGHT YOU WERE NICE FWIW) someone came up to me and marina in game and said hi nicely and asked what we were up to and i like. Answered Once, and then did not talk again the whole time, and we sort of ran around together for a bit until i kind of lost track of them but the ENTIRE TIME i was agonizing over "am i being totally unfriendly and weird by not chatting. am i coming off like i want them to go away or just generally like an asshole" and as you can see i am also still agonizing about it now. even though objectively it was probably completely fine.
and EVEN WITH very good friends i've known for a long time i clam up like that... when i was trying to get into ffxiv some very good friends stopped by to give me stuff/say hi to my character etc and i got the exact same way!!! ppl i literally talk to all the time on twitter etc but then the second we're behind in game avatars i just get stressed out and start feeling super awkward and aside from like. jumping in place a few times suddenly forget literally every single thing i have ever known about human socialization
but it's dumb!!! and i'm so over it!!!! i wanna run dungeons and fractals and stuff, i even wanna scrape a group together to kind of activate my old guild again and claim a guild hall, stuff like that... and i KNOW the tumblr community is a great way to do that bc u guys are all so friendly and chill and it's way better than trying to throw myself into pugs or whatever. but oh my god. my fucking BRAIN, man
as i type this all out i do wonder if maybe a solution would be getting on voice chat w ppl while trying to play stuff together bc i truly feel like 90% of my anxiety comes from "i cannot type in chat and play at the same time, therefore i get super overwhelmed and confused about how to communicate naturally" and i feel like vc would solve that. but uh. if anyone does not mind sometimes running content with a guy who will probably be mostly silent and weird the whole time (the real glyndwr experience!!!!) please feel free to hit me up and i will get back to u between three and six billion business days
EDIT adding on more bc im still thinking lol. i just have a huge huge fear of coming off like a dick or like im unfriendly or something. ppl have constantly told me im intimidating for ages and it hurts my feelings and i get really antsy about it (this is why i never play reblog games abt like "rate how intimidating the person u reblogged from is" etc bc if anyone actually said they were scared of me i would get sad for real lol!!!). i naturally usually have a kind of flat/dry affect online and i make friends slowly, and i don't feel like changing how i express myself bc it's natural to me but. agh!!!! agh!!!! my wittle feelings!!!!!!
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Hey! Idk if you saw my request before so I'm going to request again! Can I pls get akito with D, O, S and W?
Also i saw that you have an anon so can I be 🍪 anon pls?
Hello! I'm really sorry but I didn't received your request so I'm glad you requested again! ^^ D for Akito is already in this request (but don't worry because it wasn't published when you requested). And I'd love to welcome you as 🍪 anon on my page! Anyway, I hope you enjoy <3
Akito O, S, W fluff alphabet
Tumblr media
⊱ Only for you ═ What's something about them that they're hiding from everyone but their lover? Why did they decide to tell it to only their lover?
It's not w secret that Akito is a total tsundere but the longer you two dated the more he trusted you and he started showing you his soft side. And it's not soft side he shows as to respect others, he shows you his real softie side, where he's all cuddled up to you and declines to let go or sleepely compliments your beuty.
At first Akito just says that you deserve to hear it all (which is true) but he also let's his soft nature show because he trusts you. He trusts that you won't laugh him off if he just show how in love he is.
"I'm not soft... E-Even if I am, it's just because you deserve it... I said nothing!"
⊱ Sleep ═ Their lover feel asleep! What's their reaction?
Akito probably will mostly hang out at your place so it's most likely he'lo find you asleep there. And if he suddenly feels a head on his shoulder he'll scold you asking why so suddenly before realizing that you're asleep, and once he does, he's quiet. He will keep you in his shoulder or in his arms tho, at least untill he has to go or is tired as well, then he'll lay you on bed and make sure you're comfortable.
But if you fall asleep at Akito's house, he doesn't have a heart to wake you up so he leaves you there for a night. And if it just so happens that Ena will catch you two, he'll immediately regret his decision and will tell you about everything the next day before his sister will since he knows she'll just end up teasing him in front of you.
"Hey! Why are you- asleep...? Alright, sleep tight then."
⊱ Wedding ═ How do they want their wedding to look like?
Akito isn't the type to think about those stuff, and he really wouldn't if his sister wouldn't had some weird phase on wedding photos. He couldn't care less of course but when she told him that he SHOULD care since he and you will maybe get married someday, and that's when he started to think about it...
Akito would actually prefer if it should be classic and formal wedding, but shen Ena showed him how boring they were, he starts thinking of some other solutions... And he decided that having someone perform a music the two of you like can make things way better, and if it would be somewhere else than a church maybe atmosphere wouldn't be so stiff...
But Akito feels like it's embarrassing to say it to you so casually so if you hear it, he just accidentally spilled it out. And once he does, he won't admit to it, and probably will blame Ena for the fact he started thinking about it my poor artist darling :'<
"I just thought about our wedding a little bit... Hey, Ena wouldn't leave me alone if I wouldn't do that! So blame that on her!!"
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