#also DID YOU KNOW that i never learnt how to draw books? i just look at references and pray.
cangrellesteponme · 1 year
hehe i drew him >:]
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Hippolyte Honoré de Laclos, created by @anawkwardlady ofc
ota-to-english translation for my shit handwriting below:
Hippolyte Honoré de Laclos
not a single thought behind those eyes. hair's getting too long - can't be bothered to get it cut, too busy with ze art ! dry lips (pls drink water) Les Fleurs du Mal, Beaudelaire poorly painted nails (some are straight up cracked)
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rose-tinted-vision · 7 months
Fic: 雪 | Snow
Relationships: Xue Tongzi & Xue Gongzi
[also on ao3]
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spoilers for the ending of My Journey to You (云之羽)
"It's fine if you forget me too, I can't bear for you to hold a grudge against me"
Elder Xue had been furious when he learnt about Xue Tongzi’s decision to stop his Burial Snow Heart Sutra cultivation path, far angrier than anyone had ever seen the placid Elder get. The temperature of the entire estate dropped abruptly, even chilling the ever-burning kilns of the Hua Forge slightly.
It was a selfish decision, but between a stronger cultivation level and two decades worth of memories, the choice had been easy.
“Giving up your cultivation path because of a servant!” Elder Xue exclaimed, “Ridiculous! I forbid it!”
(Xue Gongzi was not just a servant. He was his friend first and foremost. A brother, a caretaker, a guardian. They only had each other in the snowy cavern, after all.)
Xue Tongzi had sighed then, releasing the sutra he constantly cultivated in his core, “I was merely informing you, Elder Xue. not asking for permission."
“Ridiculous” Elder Xue scoffed, face turning a blotchy red, “impudent! How dare you-”
“Elder Xue, according to the sect rules, each individual is allowed to choose their own cultivation path,” Elder Yue said gently.
“The Burial Snow Heart Sutra is-”
“Sacred to the Xue lineage, I am aware,” Xue Tongzi cut in calmly, “It is the path chosen by every guardian of the back hill. I will give up my position and choose a successor to be the next guardian.”
Seeing the determination written on Xue Tongzi’s face, Elder Xue deflated, dragging a tired hand down his face.
“You worked so hard for the guardian position, why give it all up now?"
"My friends are all gone, Elder Xue. It would not do to dishonour their memory by giving it up for more power." Xue Tongzi averted his eyes, unable to bear the stricken expression on Elder Yue’s face.
“But without your Burial Snow Heart Sutra, your fighting prowess will weaken tremendously, and you will start ageing again,” Elder Xue warned, his expression grim but soft with understanding.
Xue Tongzi knows. He can feel his body starting to age already, all those years that he froze catching up to him now. He no longer feels as light, no longer as impervious to the chill in the air.
"How could I hold a grudge against you?"
Xue Tongzi could never hold a grudge against Xue Gongzi, not when the other had been forced to give up his freedom to remain in the cavern with him.
He knows how much the other longed to venture out, remembers the contemplative expression that crossed his face whenever when Hua gongzi mentioned sneaking out, knows that the other had been waiting for the day that Gong Ziyu will fulfil his promise, and finally bring Xue Gongzi to explore the outside world.
They did make it out, but not in the way he expected.
Are you lonely? Xue Gongzi had asked once, his eyes sparkling with the innocent curiosity of a child. He had just learnt the word from a book he read, and was experimenting with the ways he could use it in sentences.
No, Xue Tongzi had smiled, ruffling the others hair, As long as you are here, I won't get lonely.
Nowadays, Xue Tongzi feels like a reanimated corpse even on his best days, even with a dedicated, eager successor to train. He draws boundaries, tries not to let him get too close. It would feel too much like he was replacing Xue Gongzi otherwise.
He is not lonely, he tells himself. How could he be, with a young upstart to keep in check most of the time? But sometimes the cedar tree looks terribly accusatory, as if it can look through him and see how empty he feels.
Training his successor in the courtyard is even worse, it feels like Xue Gongzi is watching them train, and the guilt eats at him.
It gets better on certain days, between training and cultivating again. It helps to keep busy, keep his mind off the dead.
Especially since Elder Yue rarely visits, coping with his own grief by similarly throwing himself into researching various poisons with the third Gong heir. He barely sees the hide or hair of his friend nowadays.
Though the loneliness only truly sets in when his successor has turned in for the night, and Xue Tongzi is left on the deck overlooking the snow lotuses that Xue Gongzi lovingly nurtured. Sitting alone, it feels colder than it did back then.
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upthenorthmountain · 1 year
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One nice thing about drawing the same character over and over is that it lets you see your progress. I feel like I’ve made a fair amount!
When I drew that first picture in September 2014 I was 32 years old. I’d always wanted to be able to draw, but just never got round to it or knew how to get started. Like a lot of people, fandom is what inspired me and gave me the push I needed. It’s the most amazing feeling to be able to draw now, to be able to get down what’s in my head, to make things I love and am proud of. I know I still have a lot to learn but that’s where the fun is!
If you’re one of those people always thinking ‘wow I wish I could draw’, here is how I did it:
I worked through the book You Can Draw in 30 Days by Mark Kistler, which a friend recommended to me (if I'd known then about the book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards I'd have used that too, but I didn't. It's good though)
I filled up a couple of sketchbooks with terrible drawings, mainly figure studies from quickposes.com and bad drawings of my blorbos
Finally thought I had something good enough to post, posted it, received so much support and love that I carried on, and I honestly cannot thank all of you enough for that
Kept drawing and drawing, making myself do the things that were hard or that I thought were above my skill level (harsh truth: you will never get better at the hands if you don't draw the hands)
After a little while I thought 'I wonder if I can use my iPad as a drawing tablet', and started using the Procreate app (then about £4, now about £10 I think, still a flipping bargain), first with my finger, then with a stylus that came with my iPad case, then with a slightly better stylus I bought on eBay, then two years ago I got a better iPad and could have a Pencil which is AMAZING
I have also recently taken two Procreate courses on Domestika which taught me a lot of things about drawing in general and Procreate in particular and I should probably have sought this information out sooner! They were Atmospheric Scenes in Procreate: Paint with Color and Light by Ramona Wultschner, and Female Character Portraits in Procreate, by Natalia Dias, and I would recommend them both
And I kept drawing a whole bunch and my friends were super encouraging so I just kept going and didn't stop
I have tips! Things I've learnt along the way
If you use Procreate, look up and learn about clipping masks, alpha lock, streamline, liquify, Gaussian blur
Don't worry too much about brushes, I mainly just use the hard and soft airbrushes and two versions of round marker (one with low streamline for sketching and one with high streamline for line art). I have a spotty one for freckles and that's about it really for what I use 99% of the time. People will try and sell you brushes by making you think you'll be able to draw like them if you have the right brushes but you won't and you don't want to draw like them anyway, you want to draw like YOU
Use more layers than you think you'll need, you can always merge them later
You will suck at first. You will suck so bad you will want to cry. But you have to be terrible, it's the only way to get to not terrible. The only way you STAY terrible is if you give up
Just when everything seems awful and everything you draw is crap and you don't ever want to draw again, that is when you must KEEP GOING and PUSH THROUGH because you are about to level up. Persevere just a little bit longer and soon you will be staring at your own hands thinking 'HOW'
Drawing is a learnt skill. There is no such thing as Talent, just people who've spent longer learning and practicing than you have. Eight years ago I couldn't reverse park my car, either, and then I got a new job where it was really handy to be able to reverse park in the car park and now I'm really good at it. You can improve at anything if you're willing to put in the time! GROWTH MINDSET!!
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mcrmadness · 1 year
Watching educational videos about film making for 3 days in a row has resulted in my watching a tv series and occasionally going "oh so they're using the ZOOM here to emphasize the emotions :oooo" or "ah they're filming the characters from a low angle - normally it emphasizes them being powerful but here it just means they're looking at downhill".
Like. Yes. Exactly why I am watching these videos. But I would also appreciate it if my brain would remember these when I am planning MY videos or video projects for school! But for some reason I don't remember even anything they told us at school. I only remember the stuff about technology, not the actual creative process or mood different angles or lighting and stuff can bring into the video.
I think I also need to focus more in the whole concept of this... I think it's "Freytag's pyramid" in English. In Finnish it's known as "the curve of drama". Basically it's just the main frames of a plot and how a plot of any story or media should go in order for the idea to be interesting for the viewer. And I have such hard time grabbing on this concept. I cannot really compare this to anything I have seen, I can't see where's the complication or climax or anything in a work. I feel like I get excited by things that are not meant to be those to get excited over. I feel that I enjoy more of plots that are complex and don't follow this in the exact manner, also plots that are difficult to understand and need you to rewatch the movie at least 2-3 times before it opens to you fully.
I can't review my own writing or videos and compare it to this pyramid, I don't think I have any of the elements there. It's either rollercoaster or a straight line. And I don't know how to even add those? Mostly because: I often don't even want to. It's cliché to always have a plot have this same frame, it's boring to me. But maybe that is why people have a hard time grabbing on my creations cos they are bizarre and might not make sense for others than me, or maybe they feel like they lack something because I have my own way of writing my stories. Maybe one of my newest might slightly follow this pyramid, I'm not sure, but it definitely was not intentional if so. It just happened on its own.
This is, also, a problem of someone who is self-learnt. Maybe this Freytag's pyramid is kinda similar to musicians who make music but have never studied music and don't know the music theory, but just do what they like and for some people it slaps and it's what matters. Kinda feeling this with my drawings because despite being to art school as a hobby as a kid, and having art classes in regular school, I don't remember ever actually studying arts and drawing. It hit me just last or previous year that wait, you can actually study arts and drawing. It was such uncanny thought that had never crossed my mind before??? I just learnt to draw on my own, using my own methord, making sketches in ways I came up with cos I didn't know about anything else. I still don't draw human heads with circles and lines. I find it confusing. My comic book characters start with shapes only to make it easier to see the size of the finished piece so I know it fits the paper. My photorealism starts with me just drawing the outlines without making any helping lines apart from the grid. I just find the regular way of drawing humans, difficult. I did try one way to do that a while back but nothing really came from it. I still don't know how to use that in drawing and just do that how I used to do with my art.
So in a way when we learn about all this at school, I kinda have these... mixed feelings over what we are taught. We are taught about technical stuff, but I'm someone who likes to break the norms. I like to add weird stuff, add easter eggs, do things that feel obvious to me but maybe not for the viewer. There was once scene in a group video where the camera shakes a lot, and teacher mentioned about it that it didn't look that good, so we pointed out it was on purpose because the person in the video talks about challenges in the studies. Handling the camera is one of the challenges and we decided it fits it well cos it just shows the challenged on the video, just not in the hands of the person who was talking. Altho the teacher didn't say it's bad, but that it's understandable and an artistic choice. So things like these, I like doing stuff like this and I think they are often considered unprofessional or bad or plain unskilled, when I have made a conscious choice to do something that looks very unskilled even when I'd have the skill to either make it invisible (such as cut the shaky camera bits when editing a video) or to not do it in the first place (such as drawing straight lines without the line looking shaky, but I just happen to like the shaky-looking lines that give a more relaxed mood). But I can understand that it can be difficult to sometimes tell apart it when someone's just unprofessional and/untalented (or just in need of more practice), and when something was an artistic, conscious choice. And the latter definitely usually has a smaller audience, but often a very loyal audience. I think Tim Burton is a good example here, since I also am a fan of his works but I also know he has quite a lot of haters, too. And for what? No idea.
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senwitch · 4 months
Tarot starting point c:
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This will be a long one, enjoy ~ ♡ I'll put links at the bottom too!
⋆ When buying a deck of cards NEVER BUY a second hand deck as you don't know what may be attached to the deck spiritually. Having your first deck gifted for good juju to you is one of those tarot superstitions, you CAN buy your own deck because you shouldn't have to wait for someone to start your little journey ya know. (If you see one you like idc how much I will buy it for you so you are safe and get the good juju♡) I personally started with the original Rider and Waite deck because the imagery stays very true to the story of the fool. It's a nice deck to start with since you can really draw from the symbology when it comes to interpreting what the cards are saying.
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⋆ Sometimes you will get a deck and you really just don't vibe with it, I wouldn't force yourself to work with it because you wont get along with it. I have 3 decks in total and I still only can use my Rider and Waite. ⋆ A lot of people charge their deck or keep it with crystals, I keep mine in a little soft drawstring bag with some selenite which is a really safe crystal in the sense you can leave it and forget about it. Doesn't really need charging.
⋆ Soooo when you get a new deck of cards the first spread or reading you should do a introductory reading. You first work your way through all your cards looking at all the imagery and see if any cards kind of pull you, take a minute with that card maybe even look up the meaning. Then when you feel ready and you've been through them all, you shuffle. ⋆ This website is a really good read for the introductory spread ~ click me c: It also shows you the spread layout and an example of one they did.
⋆ Learning the meanings of tarot can be very daunting because there is 78 cards, I still haven't learnt them all. It's something you do as you go along. For every reading you do, you should really document it down in your book of shadows [I'll make a post about that soon, is very important in your little research journey] What I started out with was using golden thread tarot app on my phone, it has a tarot data base, spreads you can do and you can choose to do it digitally[no] or physically, it will also give you a shuffle time but ignore that. You can then input the cards you pulled and it will tell you what each card means for that location in the spread. [Here's the link to the phone app, click me]
⋆ You can ask the cards anything you want and be creative with it. I personally like the fuck it vibe sometimes like this spread.
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Another good one is of course using the cards to figure out someone's intentions like this..
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Or one to do with your mental health and wellbeing and get some guidance or clarity on a situation from the cards.
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☽Links☾ Harmony Nice's video introduction on tarot ~ click me Labyrinthos's tarot meanings [I use this for my readings] ~ click me Labyrinthos's tarot spreads ~ click me
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lulumciver · 11 months
Final Reflection
I have definitely found fundies useful this semester. I had used illustrator before this year a couple times but it is cool to see over some of my posts the progress I made when making objects with the pen tool and just my overall knowledge about what you can do and where everything is on illustrator. I also hadn't really used photoshop or indesign before this year so it was really good to learn some skills on both of these and be able to practice them in class. Outside of fundies I have used the skills I learned in photoshop many times and have also had to use indesign a lot this term for our book project in Graphic Design so it was great to have a bit of an idea how everything worked before diving straight into my graphics project.
Over the course of the semester I have definitely learnt it's best to write my tumblr post as I am going rather then trying to catch up on the last lesson later. It is much easier and the information in my posts are more detailed and more useful to come back and look at.
For our final project I had a lot of fun as we pretty much had freedom to do whatever we wanted in terms of the design of the book and illustrations. One thing that I need to improve on in indesign is working with the paragraph styles and just getting more used to the options of what you CAN actually do. As I have only just started using indesign I still have a lot of progress to make with this software and getting to know the endless possibilities!!
I enjoyed editing photos in photoshop as I had never done this before so it was a really useful skill to learn. I also liked creating vector drawings in illustrator as I had done some of this before this year but I feel way more comfortable now and a lot faster.
I definitely still have a lot to learn and to progress in with illustrator, photoshop and indesign but I feel way more confident with these softwares than I did at the start of the year. Also, when I am working on something for a different class and I forget how to do something it is great to be able to come back to my tumblr and find an explanation of what to do thats in my own words with pictures as well.
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lyd-jms-lwrs · 2 years
Heads and Three Tales - Foundation Art and Design Final Project 2022
This is the story of my journey with this art project and how I learned to love my art. Enjoy.
Something I can say with a lot of confidence about what I have learnt on this course is that art is not that scary. I had a pretty traumatic experience during my art a-level, so much so that I became utterly terrified of art. It was only during the 2020 lockdown when I, and like a lot of other people, started enjoying old passions again and started to rekindle old fires within us. I took a year out to let the fire keep growing, and it did very slowly. I would say at this point it has become a giant bonfire. My original plan was to take two years out but I have a feeling if I did that, then my fire would still be relatively small. This course definitely threw gas onto the flames and I am very grateful for it.
This course has helped me gain interests in mediums that I didn't even know that I had, for example like lino printing. I had only done lino printing once during my first year of a-level and it was taught very differently (they never mentioned the lino needed to be warm for it to work). I also realised how much I enjoy the interactive route with my work – the more interactive the better. In past projects, I have noticed that I stick to a medium that I am comfortable in, my GCSE was practically only digital art that I had printed out and stuck in a book. I did that because it was what I was most comfortable with at the time. I don’t like surprises and I don’t like not having control – that's why other mediums scared me. But now, the idea of using multiple mediums only fills me with excitement.
When brainstorming this project, my first thought was immediately interactive again. I think since I want to make interactive stories in the future, I am always drawn to the idea. However, instead of doing a story again, I took a step back and looked at my other interests, one of them being games, the digital kind and the not digital kind. Since one of my interests is character design and it is something I enjoy doing in my spare time as well, I wanted to design three characters for this game that I wanted to create. Obviously, I do not have enough time to create a fully playable video game but I thought back to games I enjoyed taking part in and one that kept coming up in my mind was the choose-your-own-adventure book Romeo and/or Juliet. In this book, you have to turn to pages depending on the options that you choose and it is one of the best books I own. But, again I ran into the problem of not having enough time to write a full length choose your own adventure book, so I went back to the drawing board. I went back to the drawing board many times and came to the conclusion that a book format would be the best option. The original plan was to do a big flow chart, but due to me not researching how much space I would get at this exhibition, I had to do an emergency change to a book format. Also, when I starting typing my stories, I realised that if I wanted to do a flow chart, I would have had to remove nearly all detail and that would have just made the whole thing underwhelming. So, book it is!
I got my format, but now I need to get my concept. What is it going to be this time? I thought back to my last project which has a fantasy and mystery aspect to it and knew that I would be safe should I decide to take that route again. I would be safe but I also think that I would be bored. I began thinking about stuff that had happened recently in the world, or what is going to happen to the world and came to the conclusion that I was going to make an apocalypse themed project. Three apocalypses, three stories, your choices. I wanted to add an aspect of reality to this project, so two of my apocalypses are based around events that could actually happen one day: a nuclear apocalypse and a plague apocalypse. The third apocalypse will be a fantasy themed one.
I felt the need to include a fantasy themed apocalypse to make sure that it is not taken completely seriously. It is just a game after all. And people like zombie games! Think to Last of Us (2013) by Naughty Dog games has won many awards. However, like Last of Us I did not only want to focus on the zombie aspect of it all – that would just be boring to me. So, that is where the idea of creating characters that would stick with you came into play. I wanted to focus on the relationship you build with these characters in this dire situations and how that can change people.
The artists that I will be researching would be down the war art path, like Langlands and Bell who created the House of bin Laden interactive piece. There is also the book Unofficial War Artist by Peter Kennard. That book is very interesting since it used collages as the medium – a very different medium to what I originally planned but am definitely interested in incorporating. I also looked at choose-your-own-adventure video games, specifically ones that had choices that could affect the whole story instead of one character. Games like Until Dawn and Life is Strange. I also liked the idea of having to drive readers into a corner like how they do in these games – they force you to make decisions you don’t really want to make and that’s what makes them stand out.
The problems that I encountered weren’t severe but they did cause a couple hours of extreme stress. My teacher’s reaction did not help but it’s ok because I did it. The first problem was that everyone I explained my idea to, did not really understand what this would look like. It was only until I stood up and used a wall to explain how this would look (which turned out to be pointless because I changed the way that I would format this project anyway but it was something to learn from)
One of the big problems was to do with my original format. I was drawn to do a flow chart because I had convinced myself that it would be easier – just a few bubbles of text and a simple story line, how hard could this possibly be? Well, it turns out, extremely hard. I had ran into a problem when I has been told how much space I was allowed for my project and it was a lot smaller than I would have wanted. I was then told that I could use some wall space and I thought that that had solved my problem and I went about my day. However, the problem came crashing down on me again when I had started writing later that evening. I already had 1,500+ words in my document and I had only just met Box (I wrote her story first). In that moment I knew that I had to change my plan. If I wanted to stick to a flow chart then I would have had to cut out about 99% of the details and it would be so disappointing. I had called my older sister in panic and asked what to do. I knew what I needed to do, I was just incredibly intimidated by it. Fortunately, I decided it would be best to do the book format instead.
All of the other problems I encountered I could easily fix such as time management and how to use inDesign. Luckily, I used to play around on the Adobe programs a lot so I can easily figure out how to use them. As for time management, I just decided to be more strict on myself. No social media, no video games, get up at a reasonable time and take breaks when necessary. It surprised me every time how much work I can actually do if I just don’t let myself get distracted.
Probably the most important skill that I need to learn to be able to complete this FMP is time keeping. Yes, I have to do a number of things for this project to work but I am confident that I can bring this to life, provided I use my time well. My project will be a mix of mediums since I want to show a variation of techniques that I have learned on this course. I will use my passion for character design to bring the three main characters into existence, but I will need to use a mix of mediums to fully bring them to life. My work will be displayed as a big wall piece, separated into three sections, each showing a different story. I want the viewer to feel like they can pick whichever story they want. I want them to experience the fun of the game but also acknowledge the reality of the stories – this could happen to our world. Around the three sections, I wanted to add objects to create a sort of environment for the viewer to step into. For example, in the fantasy apocalypse, the viewer might encounter the antagonist – a psycho killer who wears a big, vintage dress and wears a cardboard box on her head who also happens to have a fascination for knifes.The viewer will know that she is the antagonist because around the area where her game is, there will be printed wanted posters of her. This is to try and bring some of the world to the exhibition.To evaluate this project and to keep track of what I have done, I will keep a reflective journal. I noticed that this helped a lot during this course and I could see how my opinions changed on certain topics as the weeks went on. I think feedback from teachers and fellow students would also help me develop this project.
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luna-purple454 · 2 years
Humans Are Space Orc: Alien Tourist
You know how tourist seem to know more about your home than you do? What if a space crew with a fair amount of aliens went to earth for a vacation and learnt more information about humans than any other aliens.
"Captain, are you certain that this is a good idea?" Deri, asked.
"I am certain that our human crew will take care of us while we have a 'vacation' at Earth." Kifo, the crews captain assured him.
Although Earth was one of the most dangerous Death world's, the human members, Kyle and Lexi, pressured them to come to Earth.
"Okay Captain, just making sure that this vacation is actually going to be relaxing..." Deri said as he shivered, remembering their last mission.
The crew had to go to planet Querti, an even more dangerous planet than Earth. They had to rescue a few Gropiar's that crash landed on the place when the ship when 'wack', as the humans say.
The adventure left them so scarred that they were given a well deserved break of 30 planet rotations. Each member had a place they wanted to visit, but the humans declared that they go to Earth instead.
So, a few hours later, they were at a place called a hotel, which the humans explain that it was a building where you can pay for a room and temporarily stay at.
Within the first seven days, the crew were having a blast. Sure there were a few accidents here and there, ("AHHHH! HOTHOTHOTHOTHOTHOTHO-" "AGH- FREWAN! SOMEONE GET HELP" "A H H H H -") but hey! They survived and still alive. So why not make the best out of it? Like, say, a trip to a water park!
Who knew that going down a smooth, water covered surface going at high speeds could be so fun? Not to mention the food!
While at the park, Weggia asked about the strange human that has a cloth wrapped around her head except her face. The two humans were amused and explained to them about Muslims, Christian, and other religions that they could remember.
They also did this thing called 'Movie Night' where we basically watch animated drawings come to life to tell us a story.
Since horror movies were a big no-no, they watched Disney and Pixar films.
"Encanto was so- amazing! I never thought that a 1 and a half hour long film could make you feel such things!"
"I feel so bad for Bruno... He didn't deserve such treatment"
"Curse you Alma!!!"
"Ay! I know that Abuela didn't do a great job treating her family, but she was trying her best!"
Oh yeah. They'd usually end up talking about their opinions of the movie. The Aliens never expected to defend fictional characters but here they are
Within 14 days, the crew were deciding where to go next. When Flori suggested to go to a more quiet place, Kyle snapped his fingers as an idea popped into his head and said that they could visit the near by library.
Although the team knew how to read Earth language, that doesn't mean that they don't have at least a little bit of trouble. After all, they had translators in their heads and don't really need to read human language.
Soon, they find themselves being told the story of a boy with a lighting scar on his forehead.
Saying that they got hooked up with the plot was an understatement. They basically bought as many interesting Earth books the Kyle and Lexi recommend and immediately started making them translate everything.
They were also introduced to Social Media, not that they weren't aware of it's existence before. It just never really intrigued the Aliens. But after hearing about 'Fanfiction' and 'Fandoms' they went head first and were not disappointed.
In 21 days, the crew went to visit a zoo. There were a lot of animals that look like other senten species but knew that they weren't actually other aliens.
Still, it kinda creeped them out.
After that, they decided to split up. Lexi, Weggia, and Deri out to buy lunch (cuz McDonald's was way too crowded for them to eat in the dang place) while Kyle, Kifo, and Flori go back to the hotel. On the way home they saw a street puppy. Kifo and Flori who still vividly remember the information the zookeepers told them, try to avoid it as physically possible. Kyle on the other hand basically adopts the poor thing, brings it back with them, bathes it, etc.
While Kyle went out to buy stuff for their new pet, Flori and Kifo were surprised at how nice the dog was, and instantly formed a bond.
But before Kyle got back, the others were finished and were ready to go with the food.
*door opens reveling Lexi and the others* "Hey guys-" *spots puppy* "..."
*insert prolonged eye contact*
"Why is there a do-" "OH.DEAR.HUMANS.THERE.IS.A.WOLF!!!" "Wait guys, it's not dangero-" "AHHHHHH-!"
Let's just say that there was lots of screaming, explaining, and bonding with the dog, now named Scar (because of a long wound he has on his back that nobody knows how he got).
Within 29 days, the crew were packing up, for tomorrow was the end of their little break. Eager to go back to work. Although they are overjoyed to get back out to space, they were sad that they had to leave Earth. Sure, it was a Class 4 death world, and it had problems like Global warming and Pollution, and that there were people that lost their homes, but everything has its bad side. Not to mention that people are trying to fix the mess that they created.
They said their goodbyes, happy with the pet they now have. They learnt so much about Earth and started understanding how Humans live. They realise that there was more to Earth than its dangers.
Ever since then, they have been spreading the word, more and more Alien Tourist from all around the galaxy arrive. And more they understood humans and the amazing planet the call home, Earth.
Ik that this is shitty but it's late for me rn give me a big fat break dang it-
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achillieus · 3 years
we’re fools (bucky barnes x reader)
summary: for all bucky barnes knows, he hates clichés. and this thing between you two, happens to be the biggest one.
(enemies to lovers trope or i watched the society on netflix recently and based this entirely on harry bingham and cassandra pressman)
pairing: college au!bucky x reader
warnings: alcohol, a lot of sexual references, but also a lot of fluff, bucky and reader are in love, also bucky gets cheesy and he hates it
(other parts)  (masterlist)
part 3/3:
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Bucky thinks he fell in love on a Tuesday.
“This year, I’m gonna ask Peggy Carter out.” It’s the first day of their third semester and Steve is putting his black baseball cap in his perfect hair, checking his reflection on his phone screen. One of the freshman girls winks at him and he shyly half smiles.
Usually, Bucky would tease him about it, but now he’s attention is wholly on something else. Someone else.
A girl at the other end of the hall, holding a paper juice box, wearing a gaudy denim dress that stops right before her knees.
He’s certain he hasn’t seen her before and judging by the adrift look on her face he deduces she’s in her first year. Is she pretty? He can’t decide. She’s definitely something. And if he stares at her a bit longer than socially acceptable, well let’s say, it’s completely unintended.
“Buck, did you hear what I said?” Steve says at one point and Bucky isn’t sure for how long he has been lost in her figure.
“Yeah sure.” The girl starts walking at their direction -it must be your lucky day, Bucky-, clutching the golden heart jewel around her neck. She’s looking at the doors, she’s looking at the big campus map they have on the wall. She’s looking everywhere but at him and it’s almost offensive considering the amount of time he spent looking at her.
“I’m sorry,” And then she’s there standing a few steps behind Steve. Almost hidden behind his colossal demeanor. “I can’t seem to find the Admission Office.”
A small nervous laugh escapes her lips and Bucky watches the little wrinkles around her eyes, the subtle blush on her cheeks. She doesn’t look pretty. No. She looks consuming.
“Admission office is on the left, doll”. He replies a little too fast. He had to beat Steve. He had to talk to her.
She smiles at him and somehow, along that smile, Bucky thinks he fell in love. With you.
(bucky barnes has been in love with you for 563 days)
“Did you just kiss me?”
His voice is barely a whisper and his vision is blurry and it’s weird because suddenly he realizes how scared he’s of you. Of the power you have on him. An alarming craving. Every addiction he can’t control combined. Bucky isn’t afraid of many things, not exactly. But he’s afraid that you’ll take his heart and break it, if you want to. And he’s more afraid that he’ll just allow you to. He wonders, for the split of a second, if you have any idea how everything changed when your lips met his. How something inside of him shifted.
“I’m sorry,” You finally answer and he needs a moment to compose himself, “I’m so sorry I just thought-”
“Shut up, I’d died if you hadn’t kissed me.”
It’s innocent and terribly oblivious, the way you ask him that and he half smiles, almost touches your palm before his mind stops racing. Ignores the alcohol in his body. Reminds him that he’s Bucky Barnes, that he’s clever and brilliant and a little bit narcissistic and that he doesn’t do love.  Not anymore. And that people adore him for that. And that he needs to uphold it. At least try to.
“I’m not repeating that soppy thing I said,” He drawls and smirks, his teeth gleaming in the fluorescent light of the hall. He has his mask back on. He’s playing his part again. And then he takes a quick step, opens his door and turns around, swift motions and hard grips and suddenly your spine hits the walls of his room. “But you can repeat that sexy thing you did with your tongue.”
Bucky isn’t stupid. He knows he’d perish and wither in a blast if you asked him to, yet he would never admit that. At least not so fast. And specially not to you. He has built his persona so carefully, wore it like an armor, it has become a second skin.
His chapped lips scratch soft against your neck, his hands play with the end of your dress and you observe the way his orbs are colored darker now. He knows what he’s doing. It’s a show he’s practiced. His touch is sharp, like a razor, cuts through your epidermis, comes close to your veins and the muscles of your heart.
And you’re ready to close your eyes, savor every minute of it, offer yourself like an altar and let him wipe the rationality out of you, but the moment his fingers find the wet silk between your legs there’s pain and your throat dries out instantly.
“Bucky, wait.”
“What’s wrong doll?”
“Can we stop?”
There’s the cruel split of a moment where the anxiety inside of you flares up dangerously and you fill like on the edge of a cliff, like falling and it’s horrible. And then you see his body relax, breathing a sigh of relief and laughing.
“Thank God you asked.”
“Barnes,” you hit him with your elbow, “You’re doing wonders for my self esteem right now!”
“You’re an idiot,” he replies with a grimace, “It’s just that I’m drunk and I prefer if I’m not drunk when we have sex. I want to remember the whole thing.”
A strange sensation tingles somewhere between your ribs and your stomach, something so pure and new, and it raises goosebumps all over you. And you smile at him.
And somehow along that smile, Bucky’s mask starts to fall.
Bucky Barnes, you learnt within your first month in college, is a year older than you, a proud boy that always asks the right questions and always gives the right answers, with charms and wits of a living god.
Bucky Barnes, you learnt the night you kissed him in the narrow aisle, may have a sharp tongue but he also has the sweetest lips, soft and liqueur like.
Bucky Barnes, you learn some days later, doesn’t want many people to know about you two, and sits three tables away during lunch.
“Are you embarrassed of me?”
Your mind is racing with dozens of hurtful possibilities, some more or less, and Bucky looks at you, eyes widen and surprised.
“Why would I be embarrassed of you?”
“I don’t know,” you take the tea cup in your hands, drink and stay silent for a while, observe the way he’s fidgeting with his fingers, “Why else would you avoid me whenever there’s someone else but Sam around?”
It takes some time before he walks closer, sits next to you by his bedframe and touches your hand, your skin freezing under his.
“I’m scared.”
“Of what?”
Your heart almost stops, because Bucky is never scared, and his answer feels strangely heavy and bitter from his lips when he says, “I just don’t want anyone to ruin this.”
He doesn’t smile, doesn’t even smirk like he usually does, just stares at you with narrow eyes and a quick breath.
“Bucky, I hate it to break it to you,” you say, a glint of amusement in your voice, “But I don’t think others care that much about us.”
You cup his face in your hands, guide him backwards, his back hitting the pillow and it’s the first time he has no choice but to comply.
“And even if they do,” you breath in, wet your lips and tease the corner of his mouth with your finger, “It’s not our problem.”
Bucky grabs the back of your neck, shifts even closer to you, his heart not missing a beat. And when you kiss him, he smiles. And somehow along that smile, Bucky becomes more of himself.
It goes like this;
People read it in his eyes. How his gaze never leaves you even while you’re writing a test and he needs to concentrate, how he looks mesmerized when you braid your hair while scanning the textbook in front of you. How he could find you even in the middle of the biggest crowd.
People see it in your reactions. How your fingers always wrap around his wrist, almost instinctively, before he leaves, and you kiss him one time on the lips, and then one more on the cheek. How your voice changes as soon as he enters the room. How you’d know he’s here even without looking.
You really have to try to be oblivious to love.
(text messages between classes)
(10:26 AM) bucky: hey does taylor swift have to be playing in the background when we have sex
(10:27 AM) you: it’s not even noon bucky what the hell
(10:27 AM) bucky: i went through your spotify and APPARENTLY you have a  “🍆🍆🍆” playlist
(10:27 AM) bucky: and it’s just taylor swift and hozier???
(10:27 AM) bucky: who the hell wants to have sex with a taylor swift song playing
(10:28 AM) you: I’m gonna kill you
(10:28 AM) bucky: nah <3
It’s surprisingly easy, dating Bucky Barnes, and by the end of the first month, you feel at home, at ease.  He talks a lot, way more than you expected him to, he shares his favorites, the way he always underlines quotes he likes in the books he’s reading or how he never eats anything that has soy in it. He shows you everything about him, not just who he is, but who he’s ever been. And it’s beautiful.
And you observe how he breathes easier now, smiles more. He doesn’t keep his guard up, doesn’t flinch when nobody’s looking at him.
He thinks it’s weird.
He thinks it’s weird, because kissing has always been an act of foreplay to him and he never paid much attention, but now, with you, he could spend his whole life kissing you.
But when you start pulling at the buttons of his black expensive shirt, well, it’s not like he’s complaining. He presses his body against yours, his hands almost shaking, his fingers burying in your hair, slowly tugging.
“Bucky,” You breath in his neck, “I may be bad at this.”
“What?” He whispers as he leaves wet trails all the way to your chest.
“I haven’t done this before, so I may be bad at it.”
He stares right at your lips, notices your sweet cherry scent mixing with the sharp notes of his aftershave, touches the spot under your eyes and smiles.
“Guess we’ll have to do it over and over again then.” He’s half laughing, half kissing your shoulder and you can feel your cheeks flush and your entire being tighten.
And then his cold fingertips draw circles on your inner thighs and you close your eyes, and Bucky forgets how to breath.
“I probably sound like a fool but, I’m in love with you.”
You didn’t plan on saying it that early, but he’s here, warm and glistening and in your arms and you can’t go another minute without hearing the words out loud.
“And I probably sound competitive but, I’ve been in love with you since God knows when.”
tagging: @tonystankschild @osterfieldshollandgirl​ @roguesthetic @buckyjms​ @ohladymacbeth​
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c-e-d-dreamer · 3 years
Happy Oct. 1 and the start of Halloween! Please enjoy this spooky inspired Nessian fic! :) 
It had been an accident. A complete and absolute accident. Cassian had agreed to host a mini Halloween party at his loft apartment. They would order food in, play some drinking games, maybe binge some horror movies. It was going to be fun, and Cassian simply wanted his place to look the part. So he had bought those fake spiderwebs and hung them from the lamps and across the curtains. He bought some fake skulls and plastic pumpkins to set about the living room and kitchen. 
And he simply thought it would be funny to draw a pentagram on the floor. It looked just like in those cheesy Halloween movies, and he knew Azriel would get a kick out of it. He even set some candles around it to really make it look the part, and he couldn't help but put on his best 'spooky' voice as he said some words he'd read in one of Rhys' musty books in his library, some language he'd never heard of but sounded cool. He didn't think anything of it. 
And that's how Cassian ends up with a woman standing in the middle of his apartment. 
Cassian has no idea who she is, but he can’t deny that she is breathtakingly gorgeous. Her golden brown hair is braided up into an intricate crown, a few wisps of hair falling against her temples and framing her face. It brings out the cut lines of her cheekbones. She’s wearing a form fitting dress, the black fabric hugging her curves and arms before it flows into a deep blue at her feet. But Cassian’s eyes get stuck on her eyes, as dark as night as they pierce into Cassian’s own. 
"I am the Goddess of Death, Princess of Decay,” the woman says, her voice seeming to boom and echo in Cassian’s apartment. “Who are you who commands me?"
"How did you get in here?"
The question seems to give the woman pause, and she blinks at Cassian for a few seconds. Cassian watches as her head tilts slightly, her eyebrows pinching. 
"Excuse me?" the woman asks. 
"I mean my front door is locked so I'm just confused how you got in here."
"You summoned me."
"I summoned you…?" 
Cassian takes in where the woman is standing, right in the middle of the pentagram, her too dark eyes, and the way power seems to radiate off her in a way that rumbles in his own bones. Finally, his brain catches on. 
"You're a demon." 
The woman crosses her arms, her weight settling on her left leg. She raises her eyebrows at Cassian, her face cold and unimpressed. It pretty clearly reads ‘no shit.’ 
“I summoned a demon?” 
“Are you asking me?” 
“I summoned a demon,” Cassian mutters, mostly to himself. 
“What are you expecting? Congratulations?” the demon-woman quips. “Look, just tell me what you want.” 
“About that…'' Cassian starts, clearing his throat awkwardly and rubbing his hand against the back of his neck. “I actually didn’t mean to summon you. It was an accident.” 
“Is this a joke?”
“Unfortunately not. But I don’t need anything from you, so I guess you can just go back to wherever it is demons live.” 
“That’s not how it works. I’m tied to you until you banish me.” 
“And how do I do that?” 
“You don’t know how to banish me?” 
“I just told you I summoned you by accident. I’m not even sure how I did that.” 
The demon-woman closes her eyes and lets out a long sigh through her nose like she’s trying to stay calm. Cassian can’t help but wonder what would happen if she doesn’t stay calm. Would she attack him like demons in movies? Are the representations of demons in movies accurate? Would it be rude to ask her? After a moment, the demon-woman takes a deep breath and smooths back her hair before settling her eyes back on Cassian. 
“So, let me get this straight,” the demon-woman says. “You summoned me by accident, you don’t actually have any biddings for me to do, and you don’t know how to banish me.” 
 “Yes,” Cassian replies, chuckling sheepishly. 
“Great,” the demon-woman mutters. “I was summoned by an idiot.” 
“But I can Google it,” Cassian promises. 
It turns out, Google isn’t that helpful when it comes to actual demons. Cassian tries various different searches, but all that he’s able to come up with is a bunch of television and movie references, a Buzzfeed article comparing different celebs to demons, and a weird article about making deals with the devil. Luckily, he is able to find a local witchy shop that’s only three blocks down from his apartment. Unfortunately, they’re closed and don’t open until the next morning, so he and demon-woman are stuck together for the time being. 
He had moved to the sofa when he started his Google deep dive, and the demon-woman had stepped gracefully out of the pentagram to sit on the opposite end. She hasn’t said anything since their initial talk when she appeared, and Cassian can’t help but steal glances her way out of the corner of his eye. She looks like a queen the way she’s perched on the cream colored sofa cushion. 
“So,” Cassian drawls into the silence. “Do demons eat? I can order pizza.” 
The demon-woman turns to him, one eyebrow poised. The look sends a shiver down his spine. He's not entirely sure it's out of fear. 
As it turns out, demons do in fact eat, as Cassian learns. He also learns that this particular demon prefers her pizza topped with veggies and that her name is Nesta. 
“Have you always been a demon?” Cassian asks, taking a bite of his pizza slice. 
“You’re the first demon I’ve ever met. You can’t blame me for being curious, sweetheart.” 
Nesta’s eyes snap to his, a scowl pinched across her lips. The expression pulls a smile across Cassian’s own face, which only makes Nesta’s eyes narrow more. Cassian’s fingers itch to reach out and smooth the lines between her eyebrows. The desire is so sudden that Cassian busies himself with grabbing another slice of pizza out of the box to distract himself. 
“First of all, don’t ever call me sweetheart again,” Nesta starts. “And to answer your question, no. I haven’t always been a demon.” 
“Then how did you become a demon?” 
“I made a deal.” 
“Was it worth it?” 
Something passes over Nesta’s face then, like ghostly fingers leaving a haunting trail against her skin. Her spine straightens like steel, and when her eyes meet Cassian’s again, there’s a guardedness to her expression that speaks volumes yet leaves Cassian with even more questions. 
“Most days,” Nesta replies simply. 
~ * * * ~
The witchy shop is decidedly less spooky than Cassian had envisioned, but perhaps that’s just his biases and what movies taught him coming into play. He expects cobwebs and weird animal parts in slimy jars, and maybe a black cat that screeches at him when he steps inside. Instead, there’s an aisle dedicated to herbs and another dedicated to crystals. He squints at the black scrawled writing of the placards declaring what each crystal is for. He supposes it would be a bit too easy if one just said ‘banishing demons.’ 
Nesta sighs loudly from over his shoulder when he picks up a candle to smell. When he glances her way, her arms are crossed and that scowl from before is back plastered across her face. Slowly, he turns back around and sets the candle back down on the shelf. 
“Do you mind?” Nesta quips. 
“Alright, alright,” Cassian acquiesces, keeping his voice down to avoid attention. Another thing he learnt last night was that only he could see and hear Nesta.
He heads for the counter of the shop where a young woman is arranging jewelry in the display case. As he approaches, the woman looks up and offers him a friendly smile. Cassian tries to offer one back, but he’s sure it must look more like a grimace. Once at the counter, Cassian clears his throat, shoving nervous fingers through his tangle of hair. 
“Hello,” Cassian starts awkwardly. “This is probably a weird question, but you wouldn’t happen to know how to banish a demon, would you?” 
“Do you have a demon problem?” the shop worker asks. 
“Something like that.” 
“Well, is the demon powerful?” 
Cassian looks over his shoulder to Nesta, raising a questioning eyebrow at her. In response, she merely smiles. It’s all teeth and the exact opposite of innocent. It stirs something deep in his gut. 
“Very,” Nesta bites out.
Cassian turns back to the shop worker. “Very.” 
“Wait,” the shop worker replies. “The demon, is he here?” 
“She,” Cassian corrects. “And yes.” 
“But how did she get past my wards?” 
Cassian’s gaze follows the shop worker’s own, to the silver trinkets that twist and clink together softly above the shop’s door. He can hear Nesta’s scoff at the suggestion, and he doesn’t need to be looking at her to know that she’s rolling her eyes. 
“It would seem they don’t work,” Cassian offers sheepishly. 
The shop worker gapes for just a moment before she turns on her heel, pushing past the beads hanging over the doorway to the backroom. When she returns, she has a box of crystals that she sets down on the counter, a bundle of herbs labeled ‘sage’ and a folded up piece of paper nestled on top. 
“You’ll need to draw a circle and set these crystals around it,” the shop worker explains. “Make sure you charge the crystals under the full moon and don’t wait. Do it the next day. That’s when they’ll be the most powerful. Burn the sage to cleanse and say this incantation, and you should be free of your demon.” 
“Great,” Cassian exclaims, pulling his wallet out of his back pocket. “I’ll take it.” 
After paying and gathering his items, they head out of the shop. Cassian feels lighter already. They have a plan. Plus, the fall weather today is gorgeous and that always helps to lift his spirits, the cool breeze and canopy of yellow and reds above their heads. It definitely helps that fall and Nesta look amazing together, the golden rays of the sun bouncing off her hair. Cassian can’t help but offer her an easy grin as they walk side by side. 
“See? That was super easy. We’ll have you banished before you know it.” 
“And when’s the next full moon?” Nesta asks dryly. 
Cassian startles slightly at the question. He shifts the weight of the things he just bought to one arm and digs his phone out of his pocket with the other. A quick Google later, and Cassian takes in the date glaring back at him on the small screen with a frown. When he looks back up at Nesta, she’s staring back at him unimpressed, clearly already knowing the answer. With a roll of her eyes and what sounds to Cassian like a muttered ‘idiot,’ she takes off ahead him back toward his apartment. 
It’s going to be a long two and half weeks. 
And Cassian simps the whole time for those two and a half weeks. And there’s feelings. And Cassian makes a deal of his own to save Nesta’s soul. And they live happily ever after. 
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scarecrowmilkfog · 3 years
♡My Prison Pen Pal♡
Helmut Zemo x reader
Word count: 1,802
Warnings: swearing, mentions of prison and crimes and slight angst to do with his family
A/N: its finally here! I havent writen a fic in a long time so hopefully you guys like this! I tried to avoid using idioms and things like that but message me if you need anything explained or reworded as I know most people aren't native English speakers
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His first letter came during the series finale of your favourite show. A rather inconvenient moment, you thought, so it stayed on the welcome mat until you passed through the hall on your way to bed. Picking it up, you figured you'd skim the first few lines then finish it and write a reply before work. Instead, you found yourself writing and rewriting a reply through the night. Somehow this man had managed to enthrall you with only a letter. Maybe it was the way he wrote as if he was some elegant poet whose sonnets would one day be hailed as classics. How he managed to be open and expressive, exuding a welcoming aura, and yet still seeming mysterious. Or perhaps it was simply fated by the stars that Helmut Zemo would capture your heart.
You waited anxiously for his second letter to arrive. After sending the first, you hadn't cared whether you got a response, the whole thing seemed like a bad idea to you. But your mother was insistent that you needed to meet new people and this way you wouldn't need to worry about awkward face to face conversations. Sending the first letter felt like any other chore you do in the day, done with much effort and resignment but forgotten within minutes. But the second? It felt like the most important thing you'd done in a long time. You'd even bought a first class stamp (not that it makes a difference).
You wanted to know more about this intriguing man. No, supervillain. Charged with international terrorism. Jesus christ what the fuck was wrong with you? Were you really falling in love with a supervillain after one letter? But he didn't seem evil to you. He wrote eloquently, somehow his simple and brief description of his day (he'd started reading a new psychology book, you'd have to send him some recommendations) sounded fascinating in his words.
Over time, you started to notice small things about Helmut. The way he crossed his t's, how he signed his name, but mainly that there was a romanticism to his writing. From the way he described his home, his wife, his son to his recipes for Sokovian dishes with small notes and doodles (your favourite was his shepherd's pie recipe where he helpfully noted his mother's assertion that you should always add more than you think you need). It was becoming clear to you that he wasn't the stoic and vengeful baron you expected but rather a soft, lonely and endearingly weird man who you couldn't imagine plotting to destroy the Avengers. Whilst it was his mystery that first captivated you, it was his sweet and sometimes awkward personality that convinced you to keep writing.
It took a while for Helmut to tell you about his family. You had heard on the news back when he first arrested about his motive, so you were interested to hear his perspective on his crimes. But that wasn't what you got. Instead, he told you about when he and his father used to play football when he was young and how they would play a match every time he visited, with Helmut playing against his father and son, who always wanted to play with grandfather. He told you of the songs his wife used to sing, how her voice was always loud and shaky and after years of singing somewhere over the rainbow she would still forget the lyrics and invent her own. He told you how his son was the best pianist he had ever heard. How he could play the greatest rendition of amazing grace and that he had just learnt the theme from swan lake. That he had been excited to practice it on his grandfathers grand piano the day Ultron attacked.
There was something so human about this man. His love for his family, his loss and grief, his plan to avenge his family, it was all so tragic and yet here he was sending you drawings of the flowers from his garden growing up. You wanted to hug him and yet sometimes you felt he wouldn't need it, wouldn't want it. You were wrong.
Helmut Zemo missed his family. He told you so in one of his most recent letters. He missed holding his son, brushing his wife's hair, going for long drives, waking up at 2am to comfort his son, early morning trips to the shops, cleaning up after dinner, helping with homework. Everything he listed seemed so trivial, so meaningless in the grand scheme of life and yet the memories meant so much to him.
You realised then you had never pitied him before. Not that he wasn't deserving of it, just that he didn't seem to need it. But overtime you realised that what Helmut had really needed wasn't revenge or to make a world free from superhumans, it was someone to talk to. Someone to trust. Someone who would understand his pain and not judge it. Perhaps, you thought to yourself, you could be that person.
You couldn't think of how to cope with this. No one you knew had ever mentioned falling in love with a criminal through letters. And as hard as you tried you hadn't been able to find a single romcom with this plot line. You couldn't tell him. You imagined with his seemingly fragile state of mind receiving from basically a stranger professing their love would at best cause him to ghost you. Especially after he confided in you, shared his thoughts and memories.
So instead you continued as normal. You sent him pressed flowers and pictures of your favourite places. Eventually, he asked what looked like, and you spent an hour trying to decide whether you should send a picture of yourself or to just vaguely describe your features. After deciding to send a picture of yourself on holiday a few months before the blip, you found yourself wondering what he'd do with it. Would he throw it away as soon as he got the letter or would he keep it, tuck it away in some book to look at whilst thinking of you?
You also found yourself wondering what he looked like in the real world. You had found pictures of him online, but they didn't feel real. He was never rarely happy. The pictures pre Ultron were clearly taken by paparazzi, so you weren't surprised he rarely looked anything other than annoyed. There were a few though, ones with his wife and son, where he clearly hadn't noticed, and some from when he was much younger and seemed to enjoy the attention. Then were those taken after his arrest.
And so you continued to wonder he looked like. How he looked in the morning, with flowers in his hair or in summer with the sun lighting his face. You wondered what his hair looked like wet, if he ever scrunched his nose in disgust. You wondered what his smile was like.
Over time, you told him more about yourself. The stress of returning home after the blip to no job, no house and your friends 5 years older. Your ex was married with kids and your sister had moved abroad. It was as if you blinked and your whole life had changed. You mentioned how it was your mum who had suggested getting a pen pal, so you could talk to someone new, who was living a different life to you, although she had meant someone in a different country not jail. Since coming back you'd been isolated and stressed with starting a new job, recovering lost information and personal belongings and moving house, so you had thought it might be good to speak to someone who didn't know you, who couldn't judge you. You told Helmut how it had been good, how writing to him had helped you, how he had helped you more than he could ever know.
No, that sounded creepy. How you appreciated his letters.
Too formal. How you hadn't expected to become his friend, but you were glad to be able to say you were.
Helmut was comforting. You knew in your head that your meeting on Friday was nothing to worry about but seeing him say it felt so reassuring. Each one of his letters made you feel relaxed, feel safe. You wanted to make him feel the same. So, as a way to repay his kindness you had told him that no matter what happened, he could always trust you. And it was true. You couldn't imagine a world where you wouldn't do anything for Helmut and although you knew he would never need it, you still wanted him to know you would always care about him, even if no one else did.
Writing to him had become as easy as talking to someone you'd known all your life. You had fallen into an easy routine, you knew when to expect his letters and you knew when you'd send a reply. The routine felt so natural that you even knew what the envelope would look like, always the same off-white with a square edged flap. The address was always the same too. Except on his last letter. Which was strange.
At first, you thought Helmut had been moved to a different prison but after frantically typing the address into Google Maps you realised it was not a prison. Fuck you had no idea what it was, but it wasn't a prison. It also wasn't in Germany.
You sat still, staring at the unopened letter for a few minutes.
You looked up at the door. You thought you heard someone knock. The post had already come and you weren't expecting people. Hell, there wasn't anyone other than your parents who would visit anyway and they would have called first. Now you were sat still, staring at the front door.
"I know you're in there, the lights are on."
It was as if you were a marionette, being moved by some strange force that was slowly pulling you out of your seat and towards the door. You didn't even register that you moved until you felt the door handle on your fingertips. The cold metal caused you to stop, as if broken out of a trance. There was a sudden realisation that if you opened the door your life would never be the same. It was sickening, a mixture of dread and excitement; it reminded you of the moment before a roller coaster drops. You repeated that thought in your head. "Your life would never be the same". Your life hadn't been the same in almost a year. What would be the harm in one more big change. So you did it. You opened the door.
His smile was beautiful.
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folklorelise · 3 years
Being the commander’s lover
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HC w/ Erwin Smith – mostly fluff
-          You joined the survey corps at the same time as he did.
-          You were not immediately friends though. You did immediately notice him but were too shy to approach him.
-          After a while, when Erwin made squad leader, you were asked to be in his squad.
-          That was when you made your first interaction with him.
-          “I’m Y/N.”
-          “Erwin.”
-          “I know.” you smiled, “because you’re my squad leader now,” you quickly added, “not because… you know. Anyway, I got to go now.”
-          Hange saw that interaction and followed you.
-          “That was weird.” Hange said.
-          “Believe me, I know.”
-          Erwin, on his side, just laughed.
-          Hange is the number one shipper.
-          You would always volunteer to help him with paperwork when he became commander.
-          You would very often stay up late at night just to help him so he could sleep more.
-          Erwin would always repay you by inviting you to dinner outside on the weekends.
-          In a platonic way of course.
-          Erwin and you would always be seen together – you were still in his squad after all.
-          Levi would immediately notice how Erwin was smitten by you; he would also notice how happy you were when you were around Erwin.
-          Without Erwin around, you would never smile or tell any jokes – these things were reserved for Erwin.
-          Erwin loved complimenting you.
-          You loved complimenting him too – you loved seeing him blush and look away.
-          When Levi arrived, he thought you two were together.
-          “You should ask your girlfriend.” Levi casually answered once when Erwin asked his opinion.
-          “I don’t have one?” Erwin laughed.
-          “Y/N?”
-          “She’s – we’re just friends.”
-          Levi just glared at Erwin.
-          Levi painfully watched you two flirt with each other awkwardly, deciding he will bring the two of you together – for everyone’s sake.
-          Hange really quickly learnt about Levi’s plan and wanted to help.
-          “I always wanted to see them together. It has been so long…” Hange explained.
-          Levi would lie about seeing some random person flirting with you and trying to ask you out. Erwin would pretend not to care when deep down, he wanted to be that person asking you out.
-          One magical day, Erwin decided to confess during one of your night date at the restaurant.
-          “I know you have a lot of people asking you out, and – I wanted to do that too, because I like you a lot.”
-          “No one ever asked me out before.” you admitted.
-          “Oh.”
-          “But yeah! I’d love to go out with you.” you smiled, “because I like you a lot too.”
-          Your first happened a week after he asked you out. You were both on top of the main building when you approached him, and he kissed.
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-          Your first kiss.
-          Since you were only a few centimetres shorter than Erwin, you loved kissing him on the cheek.
-          You loved standing next to him and putting your head on his shoulder.
-          Although you both loved PDA, he was still the commander meaning he had a reputation to maintain.
-          Therefore, none of the cadets knew about it.
-          You had a soft spot for these kids who decided to join the survey corps. You would always be there when they were training. You were there to help them settle in when they first arrived. You were there after the first expedition.
-          Reiner and Jean had a massive crush on you and Armin would blush whenever you were around.
-          Reiner was the one who would openly flirt with you whenever he had the chance to. Jean would be more subtle and try to impress you with his skills. Armin would always help you and you were always complimenting him on his intelligence.
-          Erwin agreed on how Armin was indeed very smart.
-          You did not notice that they were crushing on you.
-          Neither did Erwin.
-          Levi though, he did.
-          When the cadets joined Levi’s squad, you and Erwin would often be around which made everyone really happy.
-          “If you need help moving things around, don’t hesitate and call me.” Reiner would often tell you.
-          “You’re really pretty today. Not that the other days you aren’t.” Jean told you once.
-          Erwin was looking at this not too far away, with Levi by his side.
-          “Wait.” Erwin said, “are they hitting on Y/N?”
-          “They have been for the past few weeks.”
-          “Oh.”
-          “Y/N is twice their age!”
-          “I know.”
-          That night, when you were leaving, Erwin kissed you and you both heard loud gasps.
-          Mikasa and Armin were standing there, with your scarf in their hand.
-          “You forgot your scarf.” Mikasa said.
-          “Oh, thank you.” you said embarrassed. “Well, see you later.”
-          Mikasa was definitely shocked, but she kept your secret. Armin knew how to keep secrets too, but he had to tell them.
-          “The commander and Y/N are together.” Armin blurted out.
-          “What?” Eren hesitated.
-          “They were kissing, like a couple.” Mikasa explained casually. “She could be your mother so stop dreaming about her.”
-          Reiner and Jean apologised to you, but you quickly dismissed them.
-          “I’m sorry if we made you uncomfortable.”
-          “It’s ok, you guys were just being nice – it’s ok.”
-          One day, as you were walking toward Erwin’s office, Levi found you and asked you if you could tell Erwin that he wanted to see him. Which you accepted, of course.
-          “Your work husband is asking for you.” you said when you entered Erwin’s office.
-          “Oh, what does Levi need?” Erwin asked without hesitation. “Wait, my what?”
-          “Your work husband and yes, it is Levi I’m talking about.”
-          “He’s not my work husband. You are.” Erwin smiled.
-          “Now you’re just lying to yourself. I talk about with Hange and they agree with me. Then I asked Mike too, Nanaba – really everyone agrees.” you giggled.
-          Erwin just left confused.
-          “Do you think you’re my husband?” Erwin suddenly asked Levi.
-          Levi slowly raised his head and looked at Erwin.
-          “What?” Levi asked.
-          “My work husband.” Erwin corrected himself. “Y/N just told me that.”
-          Levi just glared at Erwin before showing him the paperwork he had to show him.
-          Everyone called them like that, the ‘work husband’ duo.
-          You were the president of that club.
-          You and Erwin loved walking around the market on weekends as a couple’s activity.
-          You would buy tea for Levi, new sketch books and pencils for Hange to draw their titan sketch.
 Yes, I’m back into writing only sentences as HC because I am no longer capable of writing plot haha. Nevertheless, I truly hope you enjoyed it ✨
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tartagliad · 3 years
Seeing you for the first time pt.2 (ft. Albedo, Xingqiu, Venti, and Razor)
summary: how they react when seeing you for the first time
G/N reader
warning(s): misspellings, grammar mistakes (?), some scenes from windblume festival in Venti's and some from Razor's lore and a little angst ig
(A/N: hey there, I'm back..this time I wrote for the other characters, i hope you enjoyed it)
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You met this boy at Dragonspine
That boy literally spent 24/7 of his life in that place ._.
He was at Starglow Cavern, painting cave structures and some hilichurls
You entered the cave and continued your adventure there (finding the history about the place)
Suddenly, a bunch of hilichurls started to attacked you..
There he saw how calm you are in that position, just swaying your sword back and forth elegantly
He just stands there and didn't realise that you've finished fighting the hilichurls and stared at him
"You know..it's not nice to just stand there and do nothing" you joke
"Oh..uhh sorry, I kinda zoned out.." he blurts
"ahaha, it's alright..i can see it on your face" you said
Albedo is literally stunned by your appearance, your figure, your eyes, everything
"I'm y/n, are you always go to this place?" you asked him
"Oh uhh, yes actually..i always do some research on this place..I'm Albedo btw" he respond
"Ahh I see.." you said, after that you accidentally saw his paintings
There was a painting of hilichurls and sketches of..you fighting?
"uhh are those your drawings?" you asked him
His face flushed because he got caught sketching a portrait of you
"Uh..yeah, you were an interesting...'view' let's just say..so I decided to draw you" he confess
You actually find his drawings beautiful yet pleasing to look at
"Wow..these are beautiful" you speak
The boy is literally out of words ngl, he's used to get some compliments from other people, but somehow..compliments from you made him flustered
"a-ah..w-why thank you.." he said
"Uhm..maybe you could come and join me next time..maybe pickup some materials or sightseeing areas of Dragonspine" he adds
"Of course, I'll go with you" you said
You two always spend time together at the mountains, well.. even though you don't go there everyday..lol
You always helped Albedo on his 'unusual' experiments or even tell him your stories of your adventures
The boy loves your eyes, he literally could get lost in those beautiful pairs..
Even though he painted it or sketches it..the feel is still different compared to looking at it directly
The feel just makes his heart race..<3
"𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘰 𝘧𝘢𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐'𝘮 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶.."
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Like Albedo, he always spent most of his time at a certain place, for him..the place is the library
So... you obviously met him there
He was looking for a book that he wants to read since the last couple of months
The book was actually rare that not many people knew or read it..so he's looking for it
You actually borrowed the book from the library and you wanted to returned it
He currently asking the librarian when you suddenly walk to the counter and returned it
"I heard that you want to borrow this book?" you asked
"Oh..yes, I've been wanting to read it for sometime now" he answered
"It's quite rare that people actually read this book though and yet it actually caught your attention" he added
You nodded and smile at him "Yes actually, I was reading a few pages and then I was so in to the book, i have to borrow it"
You both laughed as you leave the library
"My name is Xingqiu btw, may I ask yours?" he asked
"I'm y/n, nice to meet you Xingqiu"
There, you two talked for archons know for how long
You two sometimes switched books from your collections or maybe go out and find some interesting books
Other than reading, Xingqiu enjoys going on adventures with you
Seeing the nature around him makes him feel lighter
He really loves to read books though, but he tries to make you comfortable as much as possible around him
Maybe he'll try to take you out on a stroll around Liyue Harbor or maybe eat at Wanmin Restaurant, depending your mood
Sometimes you guys planning to pull another prank on Chongyun LMAO
He wants to make sure that you're comfortable around him and feel happy around him
All in all, he wants to see you enjoyed his company
"𝘏𝘦𝘺, 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘨𝘰 𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘵 𝘟𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨'𝘴 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦? 𝘐 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦'𝘴 𝘢 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘶 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺, 𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶.. 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘨𝘰 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘯𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘦..𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘪𝘤𝘦"
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You met him at The Windblume Festival
It was your first windblume, so you're still confused about the traditions that happening around
He was in front of the Cathedral finding students for his poetry class
When he saw you, he waved at you and you approached him
"Hey there! New to the festival?" he asked
"Oh yes, I've lived in the city for awhile but i never experienced this festival before.." you answered
"Ehe, allow me to explain it. The Windblume Festival is a Festival in Mondstadt celebrating the thousand winds. Usually, the people of Mondstadt offers windblume to the anemo archon and to their special loved ones" he explains
"The people actually have to take their matters into their own hands, so they don't really have anything to get helped with" he added
"Is that why when I asked if anyone needs help, they say they don't need one?" you asked again
"Hehe, that's right" he says, "Oh, I haven't introduced my self haven't I? ehe, my name is Venti, the most popular bard in town!" he adds
"Your that bard, I've heard great things about you, my name is y/n, I'm just a regular adventurer.." you replied
He shrugged and acts a little nervous when you said that
"So uh.. want me to take you around town and see what people are doing?" he offered
"Sure, that would be nice.." you said
With that you two took a stroll around the town
Seeing people prepare gifts for their loved ones, the atmosphere feels so wholesome
You guys even took a little trip to Windrise, and he even play you a tune or two
You really enjoyed his company and he’s enjoying it too
During the festival, you guys grew closer together, and maybe you guys would perform together in front of the Cathedral
You were really happy that you have someone to enjoy the festival with
Even Venti feels a lot of joy hanging out with you
He wonders that he could be with you for a long time..
Well, whatever he is feeling, he wants to grow more closer to you :3
"𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸.. 𝘪 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳'𝘴 𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘭 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘪 𝘶𝘴𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘭 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦..𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵. 𝘞𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘧 𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘦? 𝘦𝘩𝘦"
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Bless this wolf boy :")
You two met at his habitat, Wolvendom
You were currently adventuring at that place
When you're peacefully strolling around the place, you saw a bunch of wolves dead..
So you rushed to see where it was coming from
There, you saw a boy fighting against an abyss mage, boi... that thing really do like to cause trouble
The boy looked really angry despite the mage killed his wolf packs
You determined to help him and so you did..
After you two defeated the mage..he turned to look at you, "thank you... lupical, dead.." he said
This baby almost cried because he couldn't save all of them, only a few of them that are safe..
"I tried to protect them...but I failed...", he said in a sad tone
You looked at him sympathetically, "aww..it's alright..you tried your best, it's not your fault.." you said to him
He looked really sad and disappointed, but at the same time he felt kinda relieved that someone was there to help him
"Why did you come here..?" he asked, "Oh, I was just adventuring and then I suddenly found you..." you said
"My name is y/n.." you added, "I'm Razor"
"Do you come from here Razor?" you asked again, "yes..I was raised by wolves, Razor has no human family" he said
You were shocked that there's actually someone who is raised by wolves
"I see..." you said, "I think some of your wolf friends got hurt..may i help?" you offered him
Razor nodded and help you as much as he could
"There, that should do it.. they can't move that much for awhile, but they'll be alright.." you said to him
Razor was very grateful that he could find you, maybe he would be doomed if you hadn't come..
"You're strong...can Razor learn from you..?" he asked shyly :")
"Of course, I would be happy to teach you" you say
Razor smiled a little, he wanted to learn from you so that he could protect his lupical if something bad like this would happen
The next day, you came back to Wolvendom and train him
He picked up the lesson pretty quickly, and he now learnt how to use his Vision
You even teach the boy how to write and read loll v:
You came to Wolvendom couple of times, and besides train him, you helped him hunt some meats to eat
You never really force him to come and live at the city, but if he wants to visit it once or twice..you bring him there
Razor is really happy now that he learned new things from you and also has a friend that helped him..
Sometimes he wonders if he could protect you from danger too
He just didn't want to lose you like he loses his other wolf friends
Razor silently swore to him self that he will protect you from any danger that you encounter
Overall, you guys cared about each other and wanted to protect one and other, he just wishes that you'll be saver around him <3
"𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘙𝘢𝘻𝘰𝘳... 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺'𝘳𝘦 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺. 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰..𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥, 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯..."
(A/N: AHHH this is not like I wanted in my head...I hope you liked it, leave me some suggestions what I should write next, I still have some couple of ideas, but requests are open...so yeah ANYWAYS- thank you and good day :D)
Here are the rules if you wanted to request
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cheri-translates · 3 years
Headcanon: Let’s break up on the 30th of February
This work, 我们 2月30日号分手吧, was originally written by 君兮耶君兮 on Weibo, and she has given me permission to translate it 🌸
Every failed prank pulled on Victor has only served to embolden you. Once again, you’ve come up with an idea on how to challenge him.
“Victor. After giving it much thought, I've decided to break up with you on the 30th of February.” Exercising your acting skills, you bite your lower lip, standing before him with a pitiful expression. Your eyes are welling with tears as you pretend to be torn between reluctance and resoluteness.
“Mm,” Victor responds simply.
Without lifting his head, he circles some data on your proposal with a red pen, then draws a cross.
Hold on, why is this situation turning out different from what you imagined? Wasn’t he supposed to tug on your hand, begging you not to leave with reddened eyes? Turns out the television dramas lied!
You gripe, pinching his ear. “You actually responded with just a ‘mm’!”
“What else?” He creates some distance between himself and the desk, giving you more space to move. Resigned, he covers his hand over yours, rescuing his poor ear from your clutches. 
“Do you not love me anymore? As expected, men don’t know how to treasure what they’ve obtained!” You lunge at him, and the chair swivels backwards along with this action. Fortunately, Victor holds you before you fall.
“Didn’t you say it yourself?” After keeping you steady, he brings you into his arms.
Enraged, you give him glare, climbing up from his body and giving him an angry stomp on the foot. “Who was the one who said he’d never leave me? Now that I want a break up, you aren’t even trying to make me stay.”
Victor’s brows scrunch up in pain. “Did you really think I wouldn’t know that the 30th of February doesn’t exist?” 
Seeing that your plot has been unravelled, you chuckle in embarrassment. Trying to placate him, you nuzzle into his arms. “Heheh, Teacher Victor is really smart!”
He encircles his arm around your waist. As though he’s forgiving a playful child for the umpteenth time, he pinches your waist as a small punishment. “Since a certain someone doesn’t have sufficient IQ, I’ll have to make up for her absence of IQ.”
“Victor, there’s no need for personal attacks!
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[ GAVIN ] 
Having an off day from work, the two of you decide to stay at home instead of heading out.
He’s currently reading a book while you’re scrolling on your phone as usual. All of a sudden, you come across a pretty interesting prank, and decide to use it on Gavin. “Gavin, let’s break up on the 30th of February.
Gavin freezes, the arm around your shoulders loosening by quite a fair amount. He turns his head stiffly towards you, a dash of pain flashing in his dimming amber eyes. “Have you... thought it through?”
“I have. We’ll break up on the 30th of February.” You give him a nod of certainty.
Gavin retracts his right hand which was around you earlier. With his brows tightly knit, he speaks carefully, his tone filled with unease. “Then... before you find someone who can protect you, could I continue protecting you in the meantime?”
Oh my goodness, I forgot how honest this man could be.
“Gav, look at the calendar.” Knowing that you’ve gone too far, you hurriedly tap open the calendar app on your phone.
“I’m not looking! I know that it’s the 26th of February today, and there are four more days till the 30th.” Gavin cranes his neck away, pushing away the phone you’ve brought to him, tone slightly upset. If he had ears on the top of his head, they’d definitely be drooping.
“Why don’t you take another look?” Suppressing your laughter, you push the phone in front of him again.
“I don’t want to!” He squeezes his eyes shut. “You’re going to tell me that it’s a non-leap year, which means there’s a year and four days left. But a year passes by really quickly, and the 30th will arrive soon.”
Oh no, I’ve shocked this poor boy silly.
Not receiving a response from you even after a long time, Gavin opens his eyes to find that you’ve been rendered speechless. He lowers his head with a pout. “Am I wrong?”
With a sigh, you lift his head, giving him a gentle gaze as you explain. “Dear, it’s a non-leap year, but there are only 29 days in February even in a leap year. There will never be a 30th February, which is why I’ll never break up with you in this lifetime.”
Gavin blinks, reacting only after a long while. Reaching out to encase you back into his arms, his fluffy hair nuzzles the crook of your neck affectionately. “You gave me a scare. In compensation, go stargazing with me tonight.”
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The bathroom is always the easiest place for inspiration to strike.
“Lucien, I’ve made a decision. I’ll break up with you on the 30th of February.” Your expression is solemn as you step out of the bathroom, looking at Lucien as he reads a book.
The light in Lucien eyes dim, and he sets down the book. With a mellow tone, he asks, “Little Butterfly, are you serious?”
You nod, repeating yourself once more with the acting skills you’ve picked up from actors during filming. “I’m serious. We’ll break up on 30th February.”
Lucien pauses for a moment, then lowers his head in thought. The situation dawns on him, and he releases a sigh, casting you a resigned glance. Tugging on your hand so that you sit in front of the dressing table, he takes out the hair dryer and dries your hair slowly. “Sorry. Even though I know there won’t be a 30th February, I won’t agree to it.”
“Huh? Why not?” You turn your head, speaking loudly amid the whirring wind. “Since you’ve already figured it out, just play along with me!”
He pats your half-dried hair, then turns the hair dryer off. Then, he locates the styling brush and tidies your hair. “I don’t wish for us to be tainted by the term ‘break up’, even if the chances of that happening is zero.”
Lucien is indeed pretty sensitive when it comes to this matter. Realising this, you obediently sit still on the chair like an elementary school kid, leaving him to tidy your hair. “Okay okay, I was in the wrong. I won’t joke about such things next time. Also, I can promise that the butterfly will never leave her painter in this lifetime.”
“Good.” The corners of Lucien’s lips curl upwards, satisfied. 
He picks up the hair dryer again. “Since you’ve admitted your mistake, your punishment will be to make me cream puffs, and accompany me to class tomorrow, in the capacity of a family member.”
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[ KIRO ]
Once again catching Kiro red-handed as he steals your snacks, you grab a fistful of his hair angrily. “Kiro, since you’re always taking my snacks, I've decided to break up with you on the 30th of February!” 
“Miss Chips, you saw that post too?” Kiro completely ignores the first half of your sentence. As though lacking even a shred of remorse, he places your favourite snack back in its original position, unable to hide it in time. He stands up obediently, the innocent expression on his face causing your anger to dissipate.
“Huh? You already know about it?”
“Of course. There’s nothing Kiro doesn’t know!” Being able to escape unscathed, Kiro’s imaginary tail wags in the air.
You roll your eyes, chasing him away from the snack cupboard. “Boring.”
“But Miss Chips, let’s not say such things in the future. I’ll admit that I was a little frightened earlier.” He lifts his hand, showing you a gap between his thumb and forefinger. “But just a little.”
“Really! Did I really scare you?” Pleasantly surprised, you turn around. 
Kiro arches his brows in astonishment, then lowers his head as though upset. “Miss Chips, what’s with that excited expression?”
“Ever since we returned from the haunted house, I’ve always wanted to give you a fright, then snap photographs of your expression and make them into memes,” you laugh, taking out a small box from your pocket. Retrieving the lock from within, you clasp it onto the snack cupboard under Kiro’s shocked gaze.
“Miss Chips!!”
On that day, all the citizens within 10km distance had a discussion online about how they heard a man mimicking the voice of superstar Kiro, but his tone sounded so miserable that it was akin to a squealing pig awaiting its demise.
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[ SHAW ]
After who knows how many times of facing Shaw’s mockery, you decide to give him a scare by employing a new prank you learnt on the web.
“Shaw, I’m ending our relationship as girlfriend and boyfriend on the 30th of February!” 
Shaw’s eyes flit to you leisurely as he grabs the final chicken cutlet on the coffee table. Revealing a triumphant grin, he begs to be punched as he responds, “Pick another day. There won’t be a 30th February in your lifetime.”
Finding this incredulous, your eyes widen. “You little brat - you’re looking forward to the end of our relationship, aren't you?”
“I wouldn't say that I’m ‘looking forward’ to it, but it’s inevitable.” 
He doesn’t explain further, licking the corners of his lips. Then, he takes a sip of mixed cola from your coke. The longer you watch him, the more enraged you are. It’s often said that people tend to lose their rationality when angry. Without much thought, the words in your head leap out of your mouth.
“Fine! Since you’re so certain, I’ll end this relationship with your annoying eggplant head today!”
“Sure.” Shaw feels around in his pocket.
You turn around to leave, never wanting to see this eggplant head ever again.
“Hey, wait.” He suddenly calls you. “I haven’t gotten my household register.”
Puzzled, you turn around with a glare. “A break up is just a break up. Why do you need your household register?”
Shaw stares at you as though he’s looking at a blockhead. “We’re ending our relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend, so isn’t the next step to start our relationship as husband and wife?”
At this stage, it’s difficult to remain angry. Yet, in order to preserve some dignity, you stutter and stammer, face flushed. “W-who even wants to start a relationship as husband and wife with you!”
“Who else but you?” Shaw digs through the drawer, retrieving both of your household registers. Grabbing your hand, he pulls you out of the house. “Let’s go and get a marriage license.”
More translated and original works: here
[ Permission to translate ]
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君兮耶君兮: You can - just note the source of the author
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
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I walked down the half broken, foul smelling new york streets. Hearing my heels clacking in the pavement as I walked, the swishing of my petticoats and my dress, the small sun trying to peek through the thick grey clouds. I put my sunglasses in my handbag as I arrived at the tall buildings I saw the beaten up beetle parked in the street and the small handful of parking tickets it had under the wiper blade so I picked them up and sighed turning to look down into the ever stretching darkness of the stairwell. I stepped down trying not to touch the handrail to the first level of little doors with some lights and then down the second stairwell into the dark nothing's, it smells like shit down here. 
I got to the door trying to not touch the gross walls tapping in the door as hard as I could hearing the metal echo through the basement.
The door opened tenderly and careful a first as if trying to peak before it opened fully revealing a barefoot, Benny watts. Stood in his black dirty jeans where he'd clearly wiped his hands down his legs for some reason, his black t shirt with his usual chains, his hand fixing his hair out of his eye with a small smile on his lips 
"Hey you"
"Hey" I smiled briefly stepping inside, as soon as my foot crossed into his apartment he put his hand on my waist and gave my cheek a kiss "move your car" I told him pushing the tickets into his chest he took them and I headed inside slipping my Jacket off and laying it over the chair 
"I'll move it in a bit" he says "coffee?"
"Tea" I Answered "extra milk t-"
"Extra milk two sugars I know" he laughs going over to his kitchen setting the tickets down in a forming pile on his kitchen counter 
"You should pay them"
"I should do a lot of things"
"Pay your parking tickets Benny"
"Suck my dick y/n" he says leaning against the counter looking at me crossing his arms over his chest "we both don't do what the other wants us to"
"You make me suck your dick I'll bite your cock off" I sighed sitting at the table 
"I know, I still have the bite mark from Last time" he sighed bringing the cups over sitting across from me with his coffee instantly I took my little hanki from my handbag and cleaned the top of the cup seeing the white cotton turn grey 
"What is it Benny? What did you summon me to the slums of new york for?"
"Oohh sorry, next time should I request an audience at mi lady's palace?" 
"What do you want Benny before I pour this tea down your pants"
"I need your help"
"... Hu. Never thought I'd hear you say that but go on"
"I need your help with something that only you can help me with"
"I wanna write a book" 
"A book?"
"What kinda of book?"
"One with... words?"
"No shit. Fictional or non fictional?"
"What's the difference?"
"Fictional is a story, non fictional is real life."
"Oh, non fiction"
"Okay, do you have a plot structure"
"A who what?"
"What's the plan for the book Benny?"
"I shall write it. And then I shall publish it." 
"Did you wanna edit it somewhere in the middle there?" I laughed
"Eh, you can do that" 
"Okay… so lemme guess this is a book about you? Or about chess?"
"Little I'd both"
"Who's publishing it?"
"Ohh so you have four thousand dollars laying around do you?" 
"If you wanna self publish Benny, the basic level is four thousand dollars and that will get you local distribution if your lucky which is about five states out if that." 
".... Uuuughh, I'll publish through a publisher? Your publisher?"
"Eleanor doesn't take non fiction"
"Then she has to know someone who does? Right?'
"She does but then have to pay for meetings which cost roughly fifty bucks per ten minutes, and you have to get an approved manuscript before they'll even meet you, and even though a publisher for international you’re taking nine to ten thousand. Dollars."
"Uuuuuuughhh, wait. It's a chess book so I could get funding for it from the chess federation"
"Maybe, but then they are going to need to approve it first, and the send to a publisher willing to carry it, and then designing, and editing and printing and stocking which could take over five years" 
"Five years!"
"Yep. The novel world is a slow one Benny" I said "besides that's all publishing stuff, you can worry about that when you have a manuscript"
"A what now?"
"Manuscript is like the… actual book pages and all the words that will be on them"
"Ohh, well that shouldn't be too long, bang it out over a long weekend or something"
"You think you can write a book manuscript over a long weekend? Three days?"
".... Okay, so you wanna write a book? Which for non fiction about chess really a good level would be five or six hundred pages minimum, your going to get it written, edited, and ready to send to the chess federation for approval by Monday morning, even though they might reject it or just plain not fund it, you'll be already one thousand dollars in the red, before you add shipping, handling, copywriting, paying me for editing because I ain't doing that shit for free and as it's currently four pm on a Saturday afternoon and you haven't even writen a word yet"
"Yeah. Oh."
"How long did it take you to write your book?"
"Six years, in and off with a full time job and without an editor"
"I'm fucked aren't I?'
"Not fucked Benny. Overambitious" I laughed "do you have a title?"
"Do you have a synopsis?"
"Do you have a typewriter?"
"I was going to write it by hand?"
"With your handwriting?"
"What's wrong with my handwriting?"
"Benny, it looks like a spider learnt cursive and then got drunk"
"I don't own a typewriter. May I borrow yours?"
"No. Buy one"
"There like sixty dollars!"
"I will buy you a pre-owned typewriter"
"Aww thank you sugar"
"How are you intending to pay me for being your editor?"
"... Royalties?"
"Awww Benny darling, if you sell your book for a dollar each you'll be lucky to make 25 cents per book in royalties, less if you go though a publisher, and even less if it's being funded by the federation… you'll maybe get about six pennies if your lucky" I explain 
"Then how the hell do you afford your car? Your house? Your dresses?"
"I sell alot of books Benny"
"I'll give you three pennies if my six pennies royalties?"
"Of your not yet existing book? So I'm just meant to wait and see if I get paid?"
"I'll bake you a cake?"
"You can't cook Benny"
"... I will eat you out?"
"No deal"
"I promise you half of all royalties, editor credit and I'll fuck you as much as you want, now will you please just help me?"
"Fine. I'll be needing a deposit payment" I said 
"Alright, you know where the bedroom is I'll finish my coffee and be there in a sec" 
I sat on the leather chair looking at the handwritten chapter structure Benny had given me "Benny?"
"Yeah?" He asks slightly jumping where he had been sat for so long at his table with his notes and the old typewriter I got for him trying to figure out how he loaded paper in it 
"What is this word?" 
"What word?" He asks 
"The something with something"
"Which chapter?"
"The faults with defense" 
"That is how you write an s?" 
"... How do you not write an s right it's in your name?" 
"No it's not?"
"Yes it is"
"B. E. N. N. Y. No s there?"
"Ooohh yeah"
"You fool" 
"Also, does this have a E?"
"And how am I meant to write a chess book without the letter e? I sort of need it? Chess. Defensive. Queen. Benny."
"That's a word?"
"Can you use it in a sentence?"
"Screw you bitch I can spell antidisestablishmentarianism" 
"Damn it" he sighed "but I need e how am I meant to write chess without an e?"
"Write an o and then draw a line in the middle?" 
"Fine" he said starting to type one key at a time "Openings… and… tactics… by… Benny… watts" he said but the typewriter had got to the end of the spool "y/n! Why won't it type!"
"Benny just… ughh come here you child" I sighed getting up going over and moving the spool back to the centre so he could write "there. You have to do that at the end of each line"
"Yep. Isn't writing fun" I smiled kissing his head 
I sat listening to the clicking and clacking of his typewriter keys, sounded like music to my ears in his quiet dark and cold apartment
"Fuck!" He yelled breaking me from my relaxation as he stopped
"What?" I asked
"How do I undo?" He sighed rubbing his eyes 
"You can't what happened Benny?" 
"I typed porn instead of pawn" he sighed resting his head in his hands
"You fool" I giggled "you wanna know how we fix mistakes Benny?" I giggled going over wrapping my arms around his neck 
"We we write the whole page?" 
"Nope. White out" I smiled handing him the shall bottle 
"Fuck! That smells like paint"
"Ehh pretty much is"
"Thank you y/n"
"Your welcome" I smiled giving his head s kiss "call me when chapter one is done I'm going for a shower" 
"Uuuuhhh… yeah I'll do that" he says not sounding confident 
"How close to finished are you with chapter one?"
"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh… next week sound good?"
"And you could bang out a whole book in a weekend" I laughed sitting back on the chair 
"I said I'm sorry! I didn't know it was this hard" he says 
I sat the other side of the table with my lovely blue pen, my leg over my knee, smirking slightly at him as Benny sat on the other side his hands to his face watching me Intently, panic in his eyes everytime he saw me use the blue pen, which I was having to do alot. 
"Here" I said throwing it back to him now I was done "you should probably re write that's a little too much editing for white out watts"
"What's wrong with this?" He asks as he looked over the page 
"You used the wrong there"
"I hate you. Beyond words can express." 
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 3 years
32. Reasons to not be in love with draco malfoy by harry
Prompt used- caressing the other's back | ANGST/FLUFF | UNREQUITED LOVE | HURT/COMFORT | Eighth year harry finds it hard to admit that he infact loves draco ..
" is it so bad harry that you like him ? " Hermione asked as a sad look dawned upon her tanned face
" what-no- yes- i mean- I don't like him. It's just he has changed so much and it seems unrealistic " harry covered up his tinted face by entailed more into his book
" sure harry, we believe you " Ron sarcastically responded.
" Ron- harry, you know it, you're lying to yourself and what if Draco have actually changed so much. I mean he apologized to me for everything he ever did. That has to be something and it was a genuine apology-"
" apologies doesn't change what he's done. And I don't like Malfoy " harry persisted almost agressively.
Hermione sighed looking at Ron, an indication for him to take the lead.
" mate, I hate him just as much as you do but she's right you know. You can ignore your feelings for how long! One day you would have to face them-"
" so what you want me to just go upto him and ask him out on a date? How blinded can you be ? I will prove that he hasn't changed. I will prove it " with that harry stormed out of the common room to the court yard to be under the sun and complete the rest of his work.
The problem was harry was immensely crushing on draco but it was so hard for him to believe that he'd much rather look for his flaws, it was easier as harry would like to put it. But it was so hard for him to actually look for a single flaw in draco after the war because he had changed completely. Long gone were the days when he used slurs like mudblood, in fact he himself was sending letters to the ministry over and over for stop discriminating against werewolves, muggle borns, squibs, and half bloods. It seemed too good to be true but harry knew he was genuinely doing it but his fainting heart didn't wanted to wake up one day and know that draco had not changed at all, so he chose to still finding his flaws.
2 weeks later upon constant teasing by Ron and Hermione about his research to find something suspicious or something flawed about draco, he realised he was standing in front of a lake which was completely dry. There wasn't even a single flaw and his heart could only take so much.
But he didn't wanted to give up, so during one of his charms lessons, harry took his quill and paper and started writing.
" Reasons not to be in love with draco malfoy "
" ugh.. scratch that " harry mumbled to himself unimpressed
" reasons not to be in love with draco malfoy"
" reasons to hate draco malfoy "
" reasons not to like draco malfoy "
Harry frowned to himself watching the paper, then dipping his quill in ink again and continued writing, only he couldn't. Stuck for minutes, harry looked across the room to see Draco smiling Kindly to a broken handed Neville and writing his notes for him. Harry groaned to himself, " bloody perfect git "
And then he wrote,
" draco malfoy - an absolute prat "
Impressed by himself harry closed his eyes and let himself ponder over every flaw he could muster and desperately failing but he needed something. One damn thing.
But found none.
He placed his hand over the paper once again and started
" 1. The prat have the most fucking Adorable smile. And he doesn't deserve it . It's illegal to have such an adorable smile "
Harry almost smiled at what he wrote but considering his circumstances he refused to. He looked up at Draco once again and continued again.
" 2. The idiot have the most beautiful fingers, bet it's stolen. They're the most fucking annoying thing ever and I can't bloody stop staring at it "
And with that Harry's motive unknowingly changed. He started writing about things about draco that annoyed him.
As week went on harry had listed almost 10 things he found annoying about draco.
" they're not flaws harry " Hermione pressed her lips in thin line to keep herself from laughing.
Blushing in embarrassment harry took the paper away " you wouldn't get it "
And as he started leaving he heard Ron laugh.
And he went back to the courtyard and going through the list once again.
" 3. The git have perfect annoying stormy eyes which makes you dream but also take you somewhere only both us could be "
" 4. He's unbelievably kind to everyone, even filch, how could anyone be this damn kind. Stupid "
" 5. He's got brain. Like actual great brain. He's intellectual, he's fucking smart. Like nobody asked you Smarty pants to be this damn smart "
" 6. He Knows exactly what he's doing. Like the other day in the great hall when he left the tea bag for far too long in his cup of tea, he poured a little of his tea into another cup, added ginger and lemon to his own cup and then some water again. Annoying as fuck "
" 7. He sits by the tree in the courtyard just staring at the damn sky and sometimes even draw it in his little doodle pad covered in leather, with a little blue stone right in the centre. Also half filled. God knows what he draws. Would be pretty fantastic though, considering how much time he spend drawing them and painting it. Hilarious to see him being focused. Idiot "
"8. He visits the professor Dumbledore's grave and just sit there crying. Don't know why I wrote it, just needed to. I understand him.
" 9. He talks with madam pomfrey about potions and their Ill effects. Again trying to be smart. He did help Seamus though after he fell from his broom sometime ago, guess he's got brain afterall "
" 10. He's bloody perfect. His damn face, beautiful as fuck, his nose looks like Micheal Angelo himself carved it on his face, his jawline, fuck, his skin is pale though but the way his skin glows when he's sitting in the courtyard doing something and the way he have a perfect blush. Who's blushing can be perfect ? But damn it, his blush is damn perfect as if something had put on natural flower colour upon his face and the way he have a specific smile for each occassion. The nervous smile, the grin, the quizzical smile, everything just super perfect. Stupid beautiful perfect prat "
Harry sighed understanding Hermione's point but he knew what he had written. This was everything he didn't like about him. Every single one of them, well not everything maybe but most of them.
Harry looked up, keeping the paper in one of his notebooks, to see Draco sitting on one of the pillars seat and reading something.
" prat even looks perfect reading " harry mumbled to him rolling his eyes yet couldn't help his curiosity for what he was reading because he wore probably the most perfect smile harry had seen. He hated to admit but maybe, draco was flawless, at least to him but he didn't wanted to admit. He was determined to find at least one flaw so he could prove them wrong, more him than anyone else. He just needed something flawed in him to convince himself that he wasn't desperately falling for him as his friends liked to say. One flaw, that's all he needed.
Harry kept all of his books inside his rag and decided to just walk around the halls before he'd depart to the common room but just as he had been exiting the courtyard, one thing he didn't wanted it to happen, happened.
" hey, po- harry "
Harry closed his eyes, breathing in before turning around to draco with a warming smile.
" what do you want Malfoy?"
" uh- draco- but nevermind. I wanted to actually ask you something, I mean I shouldn't, considering you still hate me but it's purely theoretical " Draco rambled giving harry a rather nervous smile. Fucking perfect again, harry thought.
" I- I don't hate you Malfoy, old habits die hard kinda thing you know " harry assured himself more than draco.
Draco pressed his lips in a thin line pondering on about what harry had just said.
" you wanted to ask ?" Harry impatiently said
" right- I- I've heard you taught defense in 5th year, including the patronus charm, i- since you've taught a few people I was wondering if you could tell me if people like me can- you know can cast one " draco scratched the back of his neck nervously, the same blush returning to his face again which harry always thought was probably the same shade as that of a cherry blossom..
" what do you mean by people like you ?" Just as the sentence had left his mouth, he realised how wrong had it sounded. Of course he knew what draco had meant but why did he had to ask him and embarrass draco ?
Draco inhaled the air surrounding them, closing his eyes as if he was gaining confidence for what he said next " I meant death eaters "
Harry suddenly felt like his tongue was in knots. He knew the answer but he couldn't reply and while draco looked at harry hopefully, his hope started to die out little by little as he watched harry standing quietly. His eyes suddenly turned from normal grey to something that was clouding him within himself, as if he was now concealing himself, like he was upbraiding himself.
" never mind- think I got my answer. Thank you po- harry. It was great help " draco voice sounded more harsh than it had sounded lately at and harry at once knew had broken draco's heart but before he could've undid his fault, he had scrambled away quickly and harry remained there waiting to get his voice back.
And when it finally did, it had started to rain, harry too scrambled away. Strange how the weather has been perfectly fine when he had first sat down in the courtyard and now it pouring down heavily after the misconception with draco.
Draco's smile was slightly dying out a little bit, and harry knew why but everytime harry ran after draco to correct his mistakes, he was tongue tied. Why was it so hard for harry to simply tell the truth ? Why couldn't he ?
In the mean time After harry had told Hermione and Ron about his faulty interaction with draco, they had stopped teasing and encouraged him to fix it as soon as possible.
It wasn't until during one of the defense classes, things took a better turn.
" now, you all have already learnt about how boggart works. It easily takes shape of what you fear the most but here what we have is pieret, it's a twin of a boggart but it is unusually different. A pieret not only senses your fear but induces in you the pain you'd feel when you're faced with your worst fear. Taking an example, if someone fears death, they would feel nothing Because death feels numb. If someone is afraid of lets say lizards, they'd feel irrational. You must be wondering then if you are faced with a boggart, then Also you'd feel the same thing, the answer is no, we predict what we'd feel, not actually feel while upon being faced with a pieret, it would heavily cast on you the feeling to the point where it may get hard to make sense of anything. However the defense against it is just as simple as that of a boggart,infact it is the same. Riddikulus. Now I would want each of you to clear your head and try not to think of your worst fears and then upon your turn with a blink of an eyes, say the spell and then sit down " the professor explained, not even stopping momentarily for asking students anything, as if he wanted to get done with the lesson. Frankly, everyone wanted the same.
The pieret however turned out to be more stronger than the boggart. Few students had to sit down to relax after their turn. When it finally came down to harry, he cleared his head and tried not to think of his worst fear . He saw the shape twisting and turning into someone very familiar, a scene very familiar. Before harry could cast the spell, the feelings had started to run frantically inside of him. He thought he mumbled something but nothing happened, voldemort was still standing, in his victory. Harry had lost the fight, resulting in huge massacre, everyone disappointed and then suddenly it had gone, now there stood a beautiful pink lily.
Harry immediately collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily.
" drink this " the professor commanded and he obliged, feeling the sensation dying out immediately.
" I need to go " harry hoarsely said and ran out of the room to the washrooms. He reached the same washroom moaning myrtle still resides in but somehow absent currently and he was glad.
Not for long. He soon heard the door open and close and someone walking inside. Harry was about to hex whoever had Walked in until he saw draco had appeared, looked devastating.
" it's only me. We don't want Same things to happen twice" draco announced. Harry immediately lowered his wand, still breathing heavily and becoming very aware of what Draco had said.
" I'd never used that spell again. I wouldn't ever "
" i know " draco gave him a small smile. Harry looked at Draco for a few moments before he sat down against one of the toilet doors, draco cautiously making his steps towards harry and sitting down next to him.
" why are you here ?" Harry finally asked, his knees pressed against his chest, looking up at the ceiling.
" wish I knew " draco responsed aligning himself in the same position as harry and staring up.
Harry hummed, not knowing what he should've answered.
" it's weird " draco suddenly said, a small laugh escaping his lips
" what is ?" Harry asked looking at Draco slightly turning his head to him, watching him staring far ahead.
" how both of our fears are the same "
And he finally turned to harry, with a deep pained expression painted in his dream filled eyes.
Harry quizzically stared at Draco " him gaining victory ?"
" yes and always letting people down. Disappointing them. Having no hope "
Harry was rendered speechless. Until he knew he needed to throw up. He immediately bashed through the door in front of him and puking into the toilet, emptying whatever was inside his body. He suddenly felt a hand on his back caressing him and faint encouragements reaching his ears. When harry was finally done, he leant back pressing his head against the door sighing. Draco's hand has left his back but harry still wanted them there, he didn't know why, but he just wanted that.
" any better ?" He asked. Harry nodded.
" here " draco passed him a bottle of water. Harry rinsed off the smell off his mouth, then drank some of it before flushing the waste away and going back to sitting in the middle alley with draco facing him.
" who do you feel you let down ?" Harry asked frowning at Draco.
Draco looked taken a back by Harry's sudden enquiry but soon comforted himself and began speaking " everyone. I just feel like that even after everything I'm trying to do, after trying so hard to be nice, helping everyone, trying to become a better person, I would still let people down. There will always be Someone who would want to look at my flaws and throw them in my face that no matter what I do, I'd still be draco malfoy the death Eater. I'm always afraid of letting them down, my parents, teachers, the ministry, my friends, classmates, you "
Harry stared at Draco long enough, understanding exactly how he must be feeling but feeling guilty at the same time for doing exactly what draco is fearing but once he had spoken it loud, harry wanting to seek his flaws was thrown out of the window, he just to hug draco right now and tell him that he's doing great.
" I don't hate you draco- I never did. I know you think I do, but I see you. You're trying really hard to become the better person and I can see It happening. If I were you I don't think I'd be able to do that but you, you're brave and confident and courageous to do this everyday. I could never "
" you'd never need to do all that. You already are everything you just said. You don't even need to try " draco gave him a little shrug. Harry's lip immediately turned into a sly smile, realising draco see's him that way, even if it was partially true.
" but you're different. Everyone already praise me, they've always done that. You, you're rising.. that's something much more braver than anything I'd ever done in life"
" are we going to sit here and actually assure each other how we're both doing great " draco joked. Harry immediately broke in a small laughter with draco. Being there with Draco right now was the most perfect thing harry could've ever dreamt of. How could he had possibly thought of wanting to hate draco ? It seemed irrational. Harry was driven by his hatred to find something in draco that didn't even exist and it's not because draco was perfect but because he was working on his flaws. Perfection had never been about being flawless, it has always been in redeeming your flaws. Harry laughed for as Long as he wanted with draco, never wanting this to end. It was a therapy and harry was glad to be a part of it.
When finally the laughter died out harry smiled at draco, picking up his wand and casting the patronus charm.
" my mom's patronus was a doe, mine's a stag. Snape's patronus was a doe too " harry told a pained looking draco until he finally reiterated Harry's words in his head and then it hit him
" he was a death Eater "
" he was " harry replied giving him small smile " a patronus isn't based on discrimination. It doesn't segregate between death eaters and wizard or the bad and the good or the rich and the poor. Patronus is based on a happy memory. I suppose why you'd think death Eaters can't cast a patronus is because they've never known true happiness. If you've ever felt true happiness in your life, you can cast one. There's both light and dark inside of us, it is what we chose to act upon, that's who we are. You're not a bad person draco, you never were and i know one day you'll be as to cast it. I'd liked to help if I can in anyways "
Draco stared at harry In surprise, his expressions changing to one filled with hope and turning into a smile.
" I'd like that " draco responded nodding.
" then we'll practice the spells whenever you'd like" harry smiled before he started putting things in his rag, after hearing the bell to finally get up to leave.
" draco "
" yeah"
" thank you . I- this was different- and just thank you " harry smiled hanging his rag on his shoulder.
Draco smiled nodding at him, getting up himself.
With a deep breath harry finally turned around to leave, smiling to himself, thinking of how he could just burn the list now.
" harry- you dropped something "
Harry turned around to see Draco holding a piece of paper.
Draco furrowed his eyebrows as his eyes fell upon the words inked on it. Harry immediately hustled in his bag to look for that one specific sheet. No, no, no,no ...
Draco looked up at harry quizzically " reasons to .... "
PART 2 | Requests open
Day 31 - would you come back to me ? | Day 33- tasting their smile
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