#actually i fell nothing has changed since i was 16 i am still the same
ollieflopkins · 2 months
16 and 38 please 🙏
Thank youuuu Kris 🤗
16. Favorite Ligue 1 club?
YES I love this one! It’s Reims 🥰 I got introduced to Reims relatively recently but I fell in love with them because of their manager - he’s like the same age as us and has done really incredible things with this club. They’re currently 7th in Ligue 1! You actually probably heard of Will Still, bc it was somewhat of a big story in football that he didn’t have his pro license when he started managing Reims. So funny and cool. I love them.
38. Why/how did you start liking football?
Because I was really depressed in college and needed to pursue something fulfilling. That’s the easy answer. I played football my entire childhood and teenage years (was not very good lol) but never watched and knew nothing about it. I had friends who liked it in bs but they were mostly into rma and Arsenal 😷 so I’m so glad I am a contrarian at heart lol. In college, when NBC got the prem, I started watching and so quickly I fell in love with Liverpool and that became my whole identity. Could have graduated uni with a degree in liverpool/football studies lol. it brought me more joy than anything else when I needed it most. I dove really deeply into my local mls team too bc I could walk to the stadium from my college house and was basically an ultra there 😂 I even tried to get a job in football because I wanted my whole life to be football. and not a lot has changed since then 🤷🏼‍♀️😊
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sztansescheadache · 3 months
it’s time for my top 36 as of march. keep in mind that this year is super strong (rivalling my beloved 2016 in terms of song quality) and my top 10 has 16 songs in it. they also change placements depending on my mood
1. norway - i got chills the first time i’ve listened to this song and i get them every singe time i push play on it. pure art, so atmospheric, magical, the mixture of rock and folk with gunnhild’s godly vocals and amazing lyrics IN NORWEGIAN i am just beyond in love with this song IT WAS MADE FOR MY TASTE
2. estonia - it was the first song i listened to form the eesti laul line up and i just knew nothing was gonna beat it for me. it’s just so fun, with funny lyrics and a great folk-ish instrumental. crazy party of this year for me
3. the netherlands- gabber core on my esc?????? no way i lived to see this day. i am absolutely in love with this song- the music the visuals and the touching story of this song - instant hit. europapa has infected my brain permanently. joost was right 12 points to the netherlands
4. slovenia - this just so powerful, i love the siren core aesthetic and sound of this song. raivens voice is hypnotising like of a siren, you can’t help but get immersed in it
5. switzerland - it took a while to fully kick in but i absolutely love it now. the genre mix was a little bit confusing at first but now i’m just amazed at this combination of dnb opera pop alternative and rap - and the fact that it actually works together
6. belgium - they’re back to their dark pop era and IM GLAD. the outro had me on my knees, it’ll be so big during the live
7. lithuania - the 20s are lithuanias golden age, they are finally not afraid of sending their own language and they’re doing it with class. luktelk is a banger we deserved, modern, addicting. i hope for a top 10 for lithuania
8. italy - E LA CUMBIA DELLA NOIA💃💃 a true mediterranean banger, with amazing lyrics an overall full package, angelina is super charismatic, she’s a breath of fresh air for italy for sure
9. portugal - it wasn’t even my winner of fdc but i just fell in love with this after seeing that performance. it’s so elegant, calm, the lyrics are truly moving, everything in both the song and the fdc performance is so well thought out. some people will say it’s just another portuguese ballad but i think it stands out with its grace amongst the others
10. greece - it’s pop but an experimental one, mixing reggaeton maybe some hyperpop elements even? zari is greek to its core and while being very ethnic it’s also innovative and fresh. i constantly find myself humming this song. i can see it doing really well or finishing in bottom 5 - everything depends on the staging. but i love it i hope greece won’t be afraid to continue this more experimental route
11. ireland - my alternative heart is so happy to see a song and a performer like this on esc. you either live doomsday blue or hate it - i loved it form the first listen. it’s dark alluring enigmatic angry - an experience overall
12. spain - ever since it won benidorm my brain just randomly goes ZORRA‼️ ZORRA ‼️ZORRA ‼️in the middle of the day. it’s not even a guilty pleasure it’s just pure pleasure. i love how unapologetic this song is, the message of it, pure fun and celebration
13. ukraine - i absolutely love it as i do with almost every ukrainian entry although i have to admit it grew off me a little bit. it’s still a contender for the win in may and i wouldn’t be mad tbh. it’s a well made, powerful entry, ukraine always delivers
14. croatia - same like with the previous one it grew off me a little bit but it’s still a banger. this is croatia’s best shot at getting a top10 result and i wish them all the best. it’s pure fun and craziness
15. serbia - this year lacks ballads sm, so serbia (and portugal) have the chance to stand out bringing a cool down in between the chaos. ramonda is calm and reflective and so beautiful evoking all the right emotions. it feels very intimate even on a huge stage. i love meaning of the lyrics
16. sweden - is it a basic pop song? yes? did it also brought me to my knees with this beat and the staging? also yes. like i’m the biggest sweden hater but omg i just can’t help but bang to this song. it’s addicting. the norwegian twins have a pass from me
17. san marino - the funniest thing of this nf season. this not as good as arcadia but it’s still megara with their original style and a great vibe. if san marino fails to qualify with this then idk really.
18. armenia - ITS SO CUTE. it puts a smile on my face fr. ethnic banger through and through kind reminds me of trenuletul in a way (also there’s this polish party song “prawy do lewego” and idk if it’s just me but they have such similar vibes, i would absolutely go drunk dancing to “jako”)
19. denmark - idk i think i just have to have this one very basic song that i like for some reason. this year it’s sand. it’s really pleasing for some reason. nothing special as i said but i like it
20. georgia - your token ethnic girl pop. and that’s exactly it, it is a good song in this particular genre. and for this exact reason i can’t rank it higher. it’s good enough for me to put it here. still i am hoping for a q firm grorgia like let’s be real they deserve it more than anyone (with latvia ofc)
21. finland - camp. just camp. some people say that you either love or hate it but really i think it’s just fine. it doesn’t throw me off with its weirdness but it doesn’t excite me in any way. it’s just a weird little song in the middle of my ranking. but we’ll see if europe thinks it’s too much or exactly what we need. i can see it nqing
22. latvia - it was their best shot at q (although i still kinda mourn “kur?” it was such a nice song) but idk if they’ll manage to do that. it’s a strong powerful entry, but it can get a little lost in this years mix. dons is an amazing vocalis and if we had juries in the semis i know they would appreciate this song but with current system i’m not so sure
23. france - another ok song. i don’t really like the yelling ballad type but i have to admit this is well made. i’m still hoping for the revamp
24. poland - we had better options but this is also fine. an ok pop song, that’s it
25. australia - it’s extremely dated, it gives 2016. but it kinda started growing on me???? i love the usage of the aboriginal instruments and language it’s something original and i’m here for that.
26. moldova - again it’s fine it’s ok. but it doesn’t stand out much. moldova didn’t have better options (expept tudor bumbac) but it’s a let down compared to previous years
27. uk - i had such high hopes looking at the names involved in this song but ultimately it’s a let down. i’d does nothing for me. it’s well made once again but it leaves with zero emotions. comes and goes. kinda sad that they brought such a big name and yet failed to bring an engaging song
28. austria - this is so cringy. girlie is telling me that we will rave and then pulls out the most 2002 eurodance drop known to humankind?????? i mean it’s a swedish reject and it shows. in a way it is fun but more because it’s funny. idk i don’t hate it i just have a beef with it
29. azerbaijan - i’m very happy to hear the azeri language finally debut on esc. but the song is fine at best and bland at worst.
30. czechia - i know there will be a revamp but i’m judging the current version. this saddens and a lot. aiko has so much potential and this song fails to showcase it. it’s very american pop rock esque but kinda on a budget. i wanted to se aiko on esc but not like this :((
31. malta - a few revamps too many. nothing special really, average girl pop.
32. germany - this sounds like a last place i’m sorry😭😭 they’re asking for to atp. the guy is a good vocalist but this song is stuck in 2014
33. cyprus - this is just lazy. when will the cypriot hod learn that by doing the same thing over and over again they won’t replicate their 2018 succès. that was a one time thing and buying more songs form sweden and giving them to people with vague connections to the county won’t do them any good.
34. albania - they just sabotaged themselves with this revamp. it wasn’t a particularly good song before but the english language killed any originality it had left
35. luxembourg - this is just really unfortunate. coming back after 30 years with not even a swedish reject but singing dug up from a swedish dumpster? kinda sad for them but that’s what you get for rejecting your artists ogriginal songs in favour for shwdish bought ones
36. iceland - what i a travel agency advertisement is this? it’s not even about bashar loosing, this song is just bad. the only one this year i can use that word for. luxembourg and albania are whatever but this is just unlistenable for me. hera bjork is an icon already she didn’t need a comeback especially not this one.
thank you for reading for anyone who managed to get this far. i still have many things to say about some songs and nf performances that happened while i was inactive on here. and maybe rant about the STUPID system changes that they want to implement. but i still won’t be watching esc this year. and i won’t be active on here during the esc week (exams) so i just wanted to say that this could’ve been the best esc year ever, with amazing songs visuals hosts etc. but ebu decided to use all that to promote a genocide. so instead of uniting in genocide i hope that the amazing artist of 2024 will unite in humanity and raise their voice against the atrocities that ebu decided to ignore for the sake of money
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neet-wifey · 2 months
I feel like i'm 15/16 again on Amino writing about how lonely i felt and just overall venting. Crying all the time and feeling like shit because i felt like every online friend of mine had their little someone who loved them (romantically) and i was basicly alone/unloved. I feel like i'm that girl again doing the exact same shit and seeing how things just don't change for her.
Now that i look at everything else, how did i get this fucked? How did i manage to become this fucking pathetic and sad? Why did i let everything happen in the first place, what did i do wrong? I feel like everyone can see the good in me but i myself know best that i can be the lamest piece of shit, the most unironically pathetic NEET that just failed at being a normal human being.
I feel like i've always been this sad and pathetic but i avoided to notice that, that i've always been "that friend" that dosen't exist within the group. The one that's "too emotional" and just an overall burden. Maybe that's why i feel so socially awkward nowadays. I'm not even capable of playing videogames with them so there's no way i can bond with them either.
I think that, beyond kink and sexualization, i am genuinely a fucked and pitifull person. It's so bad it's no longer a joke, it dosen't even turn me on. It just makes me feel so sad.
Sometimes i wonder who i would of been if i didin't make the decisions i made when i was 13, if things didin't fail, if i hadn't become THIS person. I wonder what i could of done if i didin't give up on drawing, if i didin't base my success on the number of notes i recieved. If i just wasn't myself.
I remember having a whole phase in my life when i was 17, where some of my online friends (the closest ones which weren't many but still) pointed out that i was a little 'weird.' That initially hurt me, because the less i wanted to do was stand out. However, after some emotional chaos in my life i started to embrace it, but at the same time i was confused about what exacly made me weird. I figured, it may be the way i talk/interact with my online friends.
Nowadays, i truly, truly feel weird. My self-perception is fucked because i'll never stop feeling like a freak for becoming the person i've became. I don't just feel like a weirdo, i feel like a fucking gross freak. Currently i don't know what i'm becoming, i don't know if it's something good or something that will just make it worse. What if my self-expression is ultimately making me further of an outcast than i actually believe? I just feel bad about everything about this.
I don't know man. I can't talk about this to anyone, it's too personal and i feel like unless you've known me these past 7/8 years nobody would really grasp how much this affects me emotionally. It's been a snowball falling off of a cliff into an abyss for a really, really long time.
I don't remember a single moment in these 7-8 years were my life has made me feel great, or like, there was a specific phase in my life where i was genuinely happy with someone or life itself. Being a teenager literally ruined my life. It ruined every piece of genuine happiness and tranquility i had previously before. I know it was probably the fact that i was just a kid, not worrying about anything in the world, but it still feels unfair how ever since i turned 12 shit fell down the drain. Nothing ever felt the same. Shit just kept happening and ever since then nothing was truly stable, nothing was tranquil. Something woke up when i was 13 and it never went away, it never faced the other side. Like a never-ending cycle. Even what i'm doing right now is just perpetuating that same cycle, it never fucking ends.
I want to be all spiritual and say: I don't care about the outside world because i already have all of my manifestations from within. But times like these make it so fucking difficult to be like: oh i don't care!!! No, my life sucks. It sucks fucking ass. People my age are studying right now and i am just. Sucking. Ass. Doing nothing for this society.
I hope, from the bottom of my heart. That this changes for the better, because i literally have no more tears to spill about my situation. I just feel the aching sadness and pain, the knot inside my throat, but no tears. None. I hate it here.
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mangabacaxi · 2 years
#hm another thing i was thinking is how i am a fucking virgin bitch i am twenty#i don't know i feel so bad#i never even came close to have sex#and when i'm in college in the class i can only think man... i might be the only virgin here wth#i never dated never had any experience in this area of my life#i meannnn#and i can't even talk about it because it's too embarrassing#these days too classmates and i were talking etc but i was not really in the mood#so they were basically talking to each other and i was just listening#and they were talking about love experiences sex experiences sexuality and fuckkkk i feel sooo inexperienced like i was a kid#im in college gooddammm and still am the same of 4 years ago#actually i fell nothing has changed since i was 16 i am still the same#and these people from college they're kinda my friends i don't really know but i don't want to be friends with them#i don't wanna to talk about personal shit and i think that's what friends are supposed to do or whatver#anyways college for me i thought was going the be an experience and it would be so nice so good the best thing ever#well it's not just saying i hate it fr i just want to do my shit i don't care about parties or thing outside of the class#even the relationships i just want to talk to them during class and class related things only bye#i see why i have no friends now djksksksms im not easy to deal i sometimes am too happy and wanna talk and try to be nice#but other times i just don't give a fuck if im being nice i just want to be in my cocoon and be quiet
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n ranboo, tommy tubbo and jack - just come home
this is an extra part to the great adventures series
summary: part three to the happier imagine (the great adventures of y/n and ranboo) this is where the group reunites
content warning: angst to fluff, small mention of creepy fan,swearing
please read what’s written in bold
this is an “alternative ending” around 16-18 years into the future this doesn’t mean this is actually how the series is going to end im writing it now and including it as part of series as their friendship is already established i can confirm y/n and the group are going to have a happy ending when the series eventually comes to an end this also does not mean the series is anywhere near the end i plan on continuing the series as vlogs come out, i feel the need to confirm this now love between y/n and the others (especially ranboo) in this imagine is completely platonic
so turns out moving house didn’t stop the creepy fan from contacting you neither did blocking every account they made as they began contacting your mods, your business email, they even started spamming ranboos dms, mods and business email and now you had the stress of Tommy trying to contact you. at this point neither you nor ranboo knew what to do, you were both convinced it was a troll trying to scare you both with jokes but the joke wasn’t funny. it never was, to say the least, it was horrifying. you stood with ranboo who was now changing the locks just to keep you safe, it was clear the fan didn’t know your new address as rather than sending you your address (as though you had suddenly forgotten where you lived) like last time it was just random messages trying to psych you both out. your phone buzzed again making ranboo jump you dreaded looking at the notification but you did it anyway
Tommy: y/n I’m serious please can we talk..tubbo and jack aren’t the same without you. I miss you
“anything important y/n?”
“no nothing to worry about”
“you’ve not been acting like yourself since the last stream are you sure you’re okay you know It's not your fault don’t blame yourself for whatever’s upsetting you I’m here for you I love you”
“I know boo I know, i love you too”
later that night you had to quickly end your stream despite to fact you had only been streaming 30 minutes as ranboo was arguing with someone the only reason you knew it was serious was because he was shouting back at the person, you had never heard him so angry and you’ve been friends with him for at least 16 years.
“okay chat that’s gonna be the stream for today…I forgot I have something to do I’m not going to raid anyone on here however tech is live on youtube for the first time in ages so I do recommend you go and check out what he’s doing good morning or good night I’ll see you soon”
as soon as you ended the stream you made your way to the room ranboo was in that's when you overheard tubbo arguing with ranboo
“oh good for you ranboo you're getting everything you want I mean you and y/n moved on easily the two of you bought a new house you both look happy and don't get me started on your career's taking off”
“goodbye tubbo”
ranboo left the call and opened the door
“oh boo”
you instantly pulled him into a hug, it was an extremely stressful time for the pair of you and you understood how painful it is arguing with someone who was once your best friend. every night the memory of Tommy blaming you for things that were out of your control and jack telling you to get out of the car haunted you however nothing compared to the way tubbo looked at you when you finally got home that night. he looked at you as though he never cared about the friendship the pair of you shared. of course, you never told ranboo about it keeping you up at night but he wasn’t stupid he knows you were still hurting even if it had been years since the fallouts happened
“why..why are they trying to get in contact again I was starting to feel like myself again”
“I don’t know…come lie with me on the couch for a while we can talk about anything you want”
the pair of you laid on the couch talking about what was going on and reasons why it was happening. ranboo decided he’d forgive the others if they contact him again however you were not as forgiving as they hurt you and your friend. eventually, his crying came to an end and he fell asleep holding onto you. you were falling asleep yourself until your phone buzzed.
Tommy: look y/n why don’t we all meet again, just come home
y/n: I am home I moved into a lovely house with ranboo and I sold the ‘home’ you’re talking about, now please stop contacting me tom I don’t want in my life anymore not only did you hurt me but you also hurt ranboo
Tommy: fine talk to tubbo
y/n: don’t add him...
*tubbo has been added to the group*
tubbo: hi y/n
y/n: you have 5 minutes to explain why you made ranboo cry.
tubbo: I don’t know what you mean
y/n: do you think you’re funny because oh boy do I have news for you.
Tommy: please just meet us one last time you can even bring ranboo
y/n: I was bringing ranboo anyway
tubbo: can I bring jack
Tommy: yes, see you where we always used to meet
y/n: ight see you Saturday
tubbo: see you Saturday I love you
y/n: please don’t say you love me tubbo. if you did we wouldn’t be in this situation.
you spent the rest of the night messing with ranboos hair you ended up accidentally waking him up however he pretended to be asleep before you could notice he was no longer asleep as he didn’t want this moment to end. however, you did occasionally hear him laugh quietly to himself
“Are you awake or am I hearing things”
he decided there was no point in lying as you were already questioning if he was awake and he was struggling to hold back his laughter so responded by tapping your waist signalling to you he was awake
“great..bad news we have to meet Tommy jack and tubbo on Saturday”
you watched as he quickly opened his eyes looking at you as though you had told him the best news ever
“heh?! actually? are you actually being serious right now”
“Unfortunately I am”
noticing you were unhappy about it he pulled you closer to him and spent the rest of the night explaining why it won’t be as bad as you’re expecting it to be and how it might actually be a good thing after all. a couple of hours later you fell asleep feeling a lot more comfortable with what was happening on Saturday ranboo fell asleep not long after, proud of his achievement. the days flew by, it was finally Saturday and you had mixed feelings about it, on one hand, you were somewhat excited about meeting them but on the other hand, you weren’t sure you were ready for them to enter your life again.
“I'm ill sorry ranboo you’ll have to go on your own”
“wowww real mature making me go all on my own…I thought we were best friends”
“I know you’re joking but I’d feel bad making you go alone give me five minutes and then I’ll be ready to go”
ranboo decided to throw one of his hoodies at you so you had something to wear that made you feel safe as he understood how overwhelming it’ll be to meet them again, five minutes later you got into the passenger's seat next to ranboo
“not feeling like driving hey”
“I will purposely drive around in circles to avoid meeting them”
“heh…are you okay are you actually okay seeing them, I don’t mind letting you stay home”
“I'm fine boo honestly now let’s go”
once you made it and began walking to meet them ranboo grabbed your hand. the only reason he ended up letting go was to talk to the others since Tommy pulled you into a tight hug not wanting to let you go the moment he saw the pair of you
“y/n I’m so sorry”
“I'm sorry too..”
Tommy spent a good few minutes frantically apologising to you for what happened and how he didn’t mean any of it. he was halfway through his speech about how he’s learned from his mistakes when tubbo spoke up.
“Tommy doesn’t keep y/n to yourself”
“sorry tubso”
you looked at tubbo not knowing what to say, it was evident that the pair of you were still hurt, he reached into his pocket grabbing a rock he found on the beach the other day
“here I found it the other day it reminded me of you”
“thank you I love it”
ranboo stood behind you wrapping an arm around you as he noticed you were starting to get upset. tubbo couldn’t believe how much you and ranboo had changed over the past years and it hurt him how close the pair of you had grown and the promise rings you and ranboo were currently wearing left him questioning whether that could have been him if he didn’t leave you both when it was clear you both needed him. jack spoke up next.
“hey, y/n..”
“nice to see you’re still bald manifold”
“Nice to see you haven’t changed. I’m sorry for what happened it hurt to see you go I was kind of hoping that you'd stay”
“oh jack it’s okay you were just trying to lighten up the situation I'm sorry I was so harsh”
a few months later the five of you were slowly but surely mending your friendship you all knew it would be difficult and take a long time to get back to how it was in the past but it would all be worth it
around a year since you met up again the five of you were closer than ever you were all streaming together again, constantly filming vlogs as a group. safe to say the wait was worth it, however, you and ranboo always wearing the promise rings you got for each still hurt tubbo
@milkydisaster @dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @augustine-is-joy @c1loudee
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20moonchild21 · 3 years
𝗦𝗲𝗵𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗵𝘁 [𝗯𝘁𝘀]
⇉ 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 15
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JK x female!oc, Bunny!JK x human!female!oc, Jin x female!oc, Leopard!Jin x human!female!oc, Jimin x female!oc, white Tiger!Jimin x human!female!oc, Taehyung x female!oc, black Tiger!Taehyung x human!female!oc, Hobi x female!oc, Fox!Hobi x human!female!oc, JK x Jin x Jimin x Taehyung x Hobi x female!oc
none, just a lot of fluffy fluff
I hope you all are doing fine! Finally, it’s moving forward in the story and I am so excited what you think about it.
Important information:
For the next few weeks, I will only upload new chapters each Sunday, because I will take my final exams in two weeks, and it would be too much to learn and write at the same time. I am sorry for that, it’s just for about 3 or 4 weeks💜I hope you can understand
If you need more and can’t wait for next updates, you will definitely have to check out Inferiority complex written by @starlightauroras-writes. Her story is super cute and inspiring. Plus, she puts a lot passion and effort into her story, so please, leave likes and messages under her chapters!
Make sure to also leave under this chapter a like or comment! It would make my day!
Stay healthy and safe!
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[chapter 14 ||| chapter 16]
“Are you excited for the day, Kookie?” Hope asked happily, as she walked around the car.
A few days ago, she had promised Jungkook that they would spend a day on their own, because with all the boys home it could get really hectical sometimes. Together, they wanted to go to the park, walking around and maybe making a picknick somewhere. Luckily, Jin had prepared them a few sandwiches this morning.
“Yes, I am.” The bunny stepped out of the car and stretched his arms in the air.
The weather was actually really beautiful, because it was a little bit sunny and warm, but not too warm for wearing a beanie. Like this, Jungkook could hide his ears with no one noticing. When he opened his eyes again, he looked happily at the girl, before he reached for her smaller hand and both of them began to walk towards the park.
As they were walking, Hope noticed for the first time how other people would see them. Since they were holding hands, the people passing by would probably think that the two of them were together in a relationship. Her cheeks went red when she thought about that.
Her gaze fell onto the boy next to her. Jungkook had his eyes closed, as the sun fell right onto his face, letting his skin glow. He looked so healthy and happy, nothing left from the shy, skinny boy she had found in the alley several month ago. She caught herself watching the shape of his nose and lips closely, bringing up the memory of that night where they had almost kissed into her head.
But still, there was one thing missing in the picture of his beautiful face. The poor boy still had to hide his long floppy ear that the girl loved so much. She loved to driver her fingers through the soft, grey fur, all the way up from the base towards the white tip and that back towards his dark hair. In that moment, she wanted to pull his beanie form his head so bad, showing all the people the true boy, but she knew that Jungkook would feel uncomfortable.
“Are you enjoying this?” He suddenly asked and turned his head down towards her, catching Hope completely off guards. “Just walking around, I mean.”
If it was possible, her face became now even more red when she realized that he didn’t meant her staring. She quickly cleared her throat and ripped her gaze away from his face.
“Y – Yes, I do enjoy it.” She said, trying to steady her voice. “It has been a long time since I have found the time to do something like that. But it is nice to actually clear my head like this.”
The boy just nodded, before he squeezed her hand a little bit tighter.
“Me too.” He eventually said after a few seconds of silence. “Especially with you. Doing something simple like this is anything I have ever wished for. Even though I have to hide my ears, I don’t care.”
Hope gripped his hand tighter when he spoke, pulling herself closer to press her face against the soft fabric of his jacket. Even though she had no extra senses to fully smell the boy’s scent, she caught catch at least the slightest hint of his masculine smell. Immediately, her heart began to beat faster.
Together, they kept walking a little while longer, talking about anything that came into their minds, until Hope spotted an empty bank. Both of them agreed to take a seat and take their picknick there. Jungkook placed the backpack he had insisted to carry, because it would be ‘heavy’, in between them, and both began to eat their sandwiches.
“Did I actually tell you that I have a job interview soon?” She swallowed the last piece of bread down and cleaned her mouth with a tissue.
She had told Jin a few days ago, that she applied to that lawyer firm in New York that were standing up for Hybrid rights in front of the judge. Jungkook’s eyes went wide, before a large smile formed on his beautiful lips.
“Are you serious?” He breath out, reaching over and grabbing her hand carefully. “That is great. I am so happy and proud at you.”
Hearing him saying that he was proud of her was making her cheeks blush again. She tried to hide it with a few giggles, making the boy giggling as well. But suddenly, Jungkook stopped and looked pretty serious into her eyes.
“But will you still have time for us once you will have started working?” He asked in a small voice.
“Of course, I will.” The girl slide a little bit closer towards him, giving attention to not let their hands go of each other. “I will always have time for you, Kookie. You guys are my number one priority.”
Jungkook was still not looking up into her eyes. He kept his head down and carefully slide his thump over the soft skin of the back her hand.
“But what if you will find a boyfriend.” He almost whispered. “Will there be space for us anymore?”
Hope chuckled slightly. It was cute how worried and protective the bunny was about his brothers, but inside in, she had known for a long time now, that there would not be a stranger boyfriend in her life. It were the simple things that would make her heart beat faster, like Jin hugging her from behind while she was cooking, or Jungkook holding her hand and sliding his thumb in small circles over her skin.
Lately, she even had taken Jimin and Taehyung into her heart, even though they hadn’t know each other for long. Those boys had made their way into her life and straight into her heart, making it difficult for her to organize her emotions. Could it be possible that she was developing feelings for all 4 of them at the same time?
“I don’t think I will find myself a boyfriend so quick.” She tried to overplay her awkwardness. “But what is about you? Should we find you a cute bunny girl?”
Immediately, Jungkook’s head shot up, and sharp eyes were looking into hers. He squeezed her hand even tighter, before he shook his head wildly.
“I don’t want a cute bunny girl.” He stated with a steady voice, making Hope think that she might had overstepped the border. “Besides, I already have a mate.”
The last part he mumbled more to himself, but Hope could clearly understand the word ‘mate’ from which she didn’t know what it meant. She wanted to ask the boy, but she decided against it, not wanting to upset Jungkook more. It should be a happy day for both of them.
She leant her head against Jungkook’s shoulder an closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun that was shining into her face. Both stayed like that for another few minutes, before Hope felt Jungkook’s nose nuzzling into her hair. She opened her eyes again and looked upwards.
It was just now that they found themselves once again int the same position like they had been a few days ago in her bedroom. Their faces just inches apart, noses almost nuzzling against each other, but this time, there was nothing that could interrupt them.
Slow-motion-like, Jungkook face came closer, until she could feel his hot breath on her lips. Hope could swear that her heart would spring out of her chest any second. Never in her life had she been that close to someone, but in that moment, there was no one she would rather be in that situation as with Jungkook.
Time seemed to stop when their lips met properly for the very first time. Carefully, Hope started moving them after a few seconds, exploring Jungkook’s mouth while steading herself by pressing her free hand against his chest.
A million questions were racing through her head, as Jungkook started to move his lips more passionately against hers. What would happen after this kiss? Would their relationship change now? Would they be together? What would be about the other boys that had a place in her heart?
All those thoughts faded away and her mouth escaped a small gasp when they both pulled away, facies staying close. Both were now looking into each other’s eyes, cheeks red and not knowing what to say.
“Look at those two.” They suddenly heard an older lady say towards her husband, as they were passing by. “Isn’t young love beautiful?”
Jungkook and Hope were looking back at each other, breaking out in small laughers. The boy wrapped his arms around Hope, pulling her closer and leaning his head against her hair. Both of them stayed like this the rest of the day.
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“Out of the kitchen, woman!” Jin pretended to scare the girl away with his wood spoon, before she fake-whined and quickly walked out of the kitchen. “I have to concentrate in here!”
She turned her head back and stuck out her tongue, before she looked around for something else to do while Jin was preparing the dinner. She spotted Taehyung, Hobi and Jungkook sitting on the sofa with their fingers sliding over the controllers wildly, while they screamed some comments from time to time.
It was amazing how fast the boys had accepted Hobi in their circle. Just after a few days, they were already joking along with the older boy, laughing and playing together like they had known each other for years. It made her happy. Hobi was a great person, always funny hand happy.
When her gaze fell onto Jungkook, her cheeks redden. The memory of earlier came into her mind, but she had to remind herself that drooling now wouldn’t be suitable. She sighed and was about to sat down next to them, when she noticed that there was one boy missing.
Jimin was nowhere to be found in the living room or in the kitchen, which was quiet strange, because normally, he loved to hang out with his brother and Jungkook, and if he wasn’t with them, he usually would be with Jin.
She walked down the hallway when she already heard a soft humming coming from the two tiger’s room. Hope slowly pushed the door open a small gap, peeking her head into the room. Jimin was laying back down on the bed, his eyes were closed the small ear buds she had given him a few days ago in his ears.
He must have smelled the girl coming inside, because he suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the doorway. When he spotted the small human, he pulled out the ear buds and smiled wildly at her.
“Hello, Hope.” He sat up straight, as she walked closer towards the bed. “Come and sit down with me.”
Jimin was always a warm and welcoming person. Every time she saw him, he had his wide, beautiful smile on his face, making his eyes from into half-moons and her knees weaken. When she sat down on the bed next to him, he laid himself back onto his back and with his head into her lap.
“Why aren’t you with the others?” She carefully asked him, before she began to slide her hands through his thick hair.
Jimin hummed a little bit, before he closed his eyes again and pushed his hands further into her hands.
“I wanted to listen to some music.” He simply said. “Thank you again for the MP3 player, Hope. I love it.”
They stayed in that position for a little while longer, just enjoying the moment together. She had grown attached to Jimin really quick. His sweet and lovely personality made it hard for someone to not love him.
“Did you had a great time with Jungkook today.” He suddenly whispered into the dimmed room, not trying to hide the smile in his tone.
Hope was glad that the room was a little bit darker, because for the thousandths time that day, her face went red as a tomato. She awkwardly laughed and shifted around the mattress before she could find her voice again.
“I – “ She stuttered, not knowing if she should tell him or not, but it wanted to come out of her. “We – ehm – we kissed.”
She was giggling like a little school girl while talking, trying to cover her embarrassment. Jimin was now chuckling as well.
“I know.” He confessed, and she could practically see the smirk on his face. “You smelled more intensive like him when you came home earlier. I could tell straight away that something happened.”
A gasp escaped her mouth when he told her about that. If he smelled it, the there was no doubt that the rest of the boys had smelled it too. She wanted the ground to open up and swallow her away forever.
Before she had the chance to think about it further, Jimin had already pushed himself up from her lap, and was now wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her close towards his chest. Instinctive, she placed her head onto his shoulder while he snuggled his head into the creak of her neck, moving it carefully around. This gesture didn’t stay unnoticed by Hope, because she knew this gesture form Jungkook.
“Jimin?” She slightly chuckled as his breath tickled her sensitive skin. “Are you scenting me?”
The white tiger hummed a little bit, causing a wave of shover over her spine, before he pulled away. For a moment, they were just looking into each other’s eyes, before Jimin moved his hands to screech his neck.
“I am sorry.” He quietly whispered, pressing his ears flatly against his head. “It’s just – you smell so strongly like Jungkook and that just triggered my – my instincts. I am sorry.”
Hope chuckled at his cute stuttering. Though they had known each other for a few weeks now, Jimin would still get shy over the simplest things sometimes.
“It’s okay, Jimin.” She said, before he laid his head back into her lap.
As she drove her hands through his thick hair, she sunk back into her thoughts. She had never thought about the boys actually having animal-like instincts. Of course, she knew that their ears and noses were really sensitive, but she had also heard about other – needs – that Hybrids would develop while living together with a girl. Her cheeks blushed immediately when she thought about that.
“What are you thinking about?” The boy in her lap suddenly asked, looking up at her.
With redden cheeks, she quickly tried to find an answer when suddenly that one question popped up in her mind.
“How – how do I smell actually?” That question had been burning in her head ever since she had met the boys. “Do I smell – okay? I mean, do I smell like sweat or something, because if I did it – “
“Do you smell okay?” Jimin had abruptly pushed himself up from her lap and was now facing her directly. “Your scent is absolutely….amazing. You can’t imagine it, but a scent isn’t comparable to – sweat. I don’t know how to describe it, but every time you enter the apartment your scent is flashing me and the other boys. It smells so sweet and clear but also natural at the same time. Just amazing.”
With every word Jimin was using to describe her scent, her cheeks would blush more and more. She would have ever guessed that the boys enjoyed smelling her. Not knowing what to do, she began to twirl a strand of her hair around her finger while starting to laugh awkwardly.
“O – okay.” She eventually stuttered between her giggles. “Thanks, I guess?”
Though it was an uncommon way to compliment someone, she somehow felt proud to hear those words from the male. Never in her life had some boy made a compliment to her. Only her mother had told her often that she was a beautiful, but that was different.
Since she had been living with the boys, she had got a lot of compliments. Jin would often tell her that she was beautiful or that she would be cute when she couldn’t reach the top shelf, because she was tiny. Jimin had told her that he liked her scent, but he had often told her that he liked to hug her, because he felt comfortable around her. Taehyung was another thing. Though their relationship had made much process, he was still more reluctant when it came to compliments. Jungkook on the other hand made a lot of compliments. What she loved that most was that they all really meant what they said, not just like telling a phrase.
When she thought about Jungkook, her thoughts drifted back towards the scene where both of them had been sitting on the bank in the park together. Jungkook had seemed to be pretty upset when she had joked about finding him a bunny girl, before he had said something about ‘finding his mate’.
“Jimin.” It was just now that he realized that she had said his name pretty often today. “What is a mate? I heard Jungkook talking about it, but I didn’t know what he meant by that.”
Jimin cocked an eyebrow up, his ears standing up high in attention.
“He told you about it?” He asked, his voice was holding a hint of surprise and confusion.
“He just told me that he already has a mate.” She quickly answered. “Whatever that means.”
The white tigers chuckled slightly, before he sighed and scratched his neck, obviously looking for the right words.
“A mate is something like – what do you call it – marrying someone?” He began, before he sat up straight across from her. “Or more like a soulmate! You met a special person you love and with whom you want to spend your whole life together. You have no influence on the time you will meet your mate, under which circumstances or who he or she is.”
Jungkook had a mate? Someone he loved? Somehow, that hurt her more than she thought. It was not like she was not happy for him, because everything she wanted was that her boys could feel happy in their lives.
“But – but –“ Her mind was suddenly filled with thousands of questions. “ – what do you mean by who he or she is?”
“It means that there are no rules for finding one’s mate.” While he was talking, a small smile was forming on his face. “Age, gender, religion, race, breed – it doesn’t matter, everyone is just equal. Boys mate with boys, girls mate with girls, Christians mate with Muslims, Hybrids mate with human. Love has no definition in that point. There are even cases where Hybrids have more than one mate.”
Her heat shot up at that statement and her heart was suddenly pounding in her chest. On the one hand, it should make her happy that it was possible for Hybrids to find their mates in a human – like her – because in her heart she had known for a long time that she like her boys very much, but on the other hand, was there actually a chance all of them would feel the same for her too?
“What if one partner doesn’t want to be the mate of the other?” Her voice got quieter and quieter.
“Usually, mates are destined for each other, but of course, there are cases where one partner doesn’t accept his mate.” Jimin began to talk again, and Hope could tell that he was pretty serious about that topic. “It’s one of the worse cases ever. Losing our mate is like someone rips out a part of your heart. It’s very hard to get over the pain.”
Hope gasped slightly. She knew how much it hurt to loose someone you love deeply, but she didn’t know if that was comparably with losing your mate.
“How do you know who your mate is?” She almost didn’t dared to ask more question, not wanting to step on Jimin’s nerves, but somehow she got more and more interested with every new detail about that topic.
“I don’t know about you humans.” Jimin lifted his hand to scratch his neck, a slight tone of red was somehow covering his cheeks now. “But we Hybrids, we can smell it. It is the best feeling ever when you find your mate. It feels like you have thousands of butterflies in your stomach every time you see her – or him! Yeah – ehm – and you just want to be with your mate all the time, hugging him, marking him and just be together. It’s great.”
“Marking?” Hope had the feeling that with every word she got more and more confused.
“Hmm.” Jimin hummed. “It means that you bite your mate somewhere on his neck or shoulder to leave a mark there. When you mark your mate, it means that you will be together forever.”
Every word Jimin was using, she could hear the passion and love he put behind it, just like he had already felt all of that. She wanted to feel that too.
“Did – did you already find your mate?” Actually, she didn’t want to hear his answer, knowing that it would probably hurt her.
Jimin hesitated for a while, before he bent his head to the side, smiling almost unnoticed by her.
“I would say that Tae is my mate in some way.” His eyes sparkled slightly when he talked about his brother. “We are just clicking with each other and I love to hug or to cuddle with him, but yes, I – I think I also have another mate somewhere.”
When he showed her his perfect smile, Hope just couldn’t destroy his happiness by showing him that it hurt her. She just leant forward and hugged the boy tightly, burring her head into his neck.
“I am so happy for you, Jimin.” She whispered.
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“Okay, gentlemen.” Jin looked at the 4 boys in front of him, who were sitting on the sofa in a row. “You all know that Hope has her job interview today, which is pretty exhausting for her. Therefore, we will make this evening as relaxing as possible for her. I – “
The leopard was interrupted by Hobi, who was carefully holding up his hand in the air, gesturing that he wanted to say something. He patiently waited for the older boy to give him a nod so he could start talking.
“What is a job interview?” The younger boy asked innocently.
Before Jin could answer his question, Jimin had already bent forward from the other side of the couch to look at Hobi.
“People are asking her a lot questions to see if she is suitable to work in their company.” He simply answered.
The fox cocked an eyebrow up, but eventually, he nodded after a few seconds and turned his attention back towards the oldest boy.
“Exactly, Jimin.” He showed Jimin a smile, before he was about to start talking again, when suddenly Taehyung was interrupting him. “That’s why –“
“Why are you even talking like that.” The black tiger asked with a smirk on his face. “Are we some kind of soldiers now?”
Jin just rolled his eyes. Though Taehyung had laid off his bratty attitude some days ago, he still loved to teas and provoke the people around him.
“Because –“ He locked eyes with every one of them, before he continued. “ – I want you to understand the importance of the situation. Hope is doing everything for us. It would only be fair from us to support her whenever we can. She will be pretty exhausted when she is coming home, and that’s why we will cheer her up with the apartment already cleaned, the laundry washed and a prepared meal. Do you understand? Okay, then let’s go!”
Without any protest, all the boys stood up from the sofa and began to do their job. While Jin and Jimin went towards the kitchen to prepare dinner, Jungkook and Hoseok went towards the storage to get the vacuum cleaner and cleaning stuff, and Taehyung began to collect all the used clothes into a basket to sort and wash them.
When two hours had passed by, all the boys met up in the living room again.
“It looks pretty good.” Jungkook stated, as they were all staring at the set up table. “I think she will like it.”
The other 4 boys agreed with the youngest. They had really put all their effort in preparing a nice evening for them and especially the girl. They didn’t even had to wait long, because all of them were still standing in the middle of the living room when they heard the front door being pushed open.
“I am ba – “ The girl stopped in her mid-sentence when she saw all 5 boys turning around at the same time. “What are you guys doing? Oh no, did you break –“
“Hope!” Jungkook was the first one to break out of his staring.
He almost ran over towards the small girl and threw his arms around her, quickly followed by Jimin who pressed himself between the bunny and the girl. Jin on the other hand waited patiently for the younger ones to let go of Hope, before he pulled her into a tight hug himself.
Hobi and Taehyung watched the scene in front of them in very different ways. While the fox Hybrid stood a little awkward and dumb folded there, not knowing what to do or how to behave, Taehyung held his typical smirk on his face and his arms crossed over his chest.
“Hello, human girl.” He smirked, before he stretched out his hand towards her.
“Hello, Tae.” The girl just rolled playfully her eyes but eventually, she shook the taller boy’s hand slightly. “Hello there, Hobi.”
She happily waved at the older boy, before she placed her purse and coat onto the sofa. She took a deep breath and turned back towards the boys.
“Hope, you look sad.” Jimin carefully took a step forwards, while he fiddled with the hem of his shirt. “Did you not get the job?”
Hope didn’t answer for a moment. She took another deep breath, before she looked up with her big eyes, making the boys believe that Jimin guessed right.
“I – ehm – “ She cleared her throat, before her face suddenly changed and a scream left her mouth. “I got the job! I did it!”
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[inspirations ||| recommendations]
183 notes · View notes
jamespotterthefirst · 4 years
Open Heart, Book 1, Chapter 10 (Part 2)
Retold through social media posts and messages
All posts here
Posted Saturday 
10:53 PM
23 minutes before 
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Received Saturday
10:56 PM
20 minutes before
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Posted Saturday
10:57 PM
19 minutes before
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Received Saturday
10:59 PM
17 minutes before
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Received Saturday
11:15 PM
1 minute before
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Received Saturday
11:18 PM
2 minutes after
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from: Sienna Trinh
to: Lilac Allende
Transcript of voicemail:
Hey you! Sorry I called you late! I was baking my world famous German chocolate brownies and lost track of time. You know how I get. You weren't answering so I'm guessing you fell asleep. I'll talk to you later, okay? I can't wait to hear all about this trip! 
Received Saturday
11:31 PM
15 minutes after
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Hi Carrie, 
Are you ready to murder me yet? Given my lack of response in the last few days and the frequency of your emails, I would imagine you are. 
I'm alive. 
And in Miami, seeking inspiration in the turquoise sea and in the overpriced bottles of red wine this hotel insists on passing off as top shelf. Probably not something I should be admitting to my agent but here we are. 
The manuscript is going well. Actually, I should say the manuscript was going well… Until I decided to scrap it and steer it in a completely different direction. Before you stop reading here to pass out or call me twenty five times, please hear me out. 
Untitled_Mystery_Doc will still be a mystery at its core, except now the two leads will surrender to a forbidden romance. Detective Prescott must fall fiercely and hopelessly in love with Selene Obispo. It was something the writing was demanding of me all along, but I lacked the inspiration to bring their tension to fruition. That changed thanks to the Celestial's lavish oceanside balcony view. 
Earlier tonight, I was leaning over the railing of my balcony, glass of that aforementioned wine in my hand, watching the last remains of a reception of some sort in the distance. A delighted, lilting laugh from a nearby balcony broke my concentration. It was from a young woman who looked to be no older than you are. Even from a distance, I could tell she was a vivacious creature, radiating the type of effortless beauty that would have even the strongest of beings hanging by her every word. In an inky blue dress, she looked so captivating, it was no wonder the man at her side could hardly keep his eyes away from her. 
This man, Carrie. 
He was, without a doubt, the handsomest specimen I have ever seen. A true Romantic hero come to life from the pages of every classic novel in the catalog. Tall with piercing eyes and a jaw so sharp, it could slice through even the strongest of convictions. He possessed the type of good looks that were striking, like the powerful fissure of lighting. 
The pair seemed to alternate between conversation and companionable silence as they enjoyed a drink. Every so often, when he was certain she wasn't looking, he would glance at her almost desperately, as though rushing to take in as much of her before the precious seconds ran out. He was not aware that in those moments when he contemplated the vast ocean before them, she would do the same. 
After another lull in their conversation, the young woman looked at her phone, a pensive crease on her brow as she searched for something. Seconds later, the notes of a song began to drift from the speaker of her device. The man scoffed, inspiring more cheerful laughter from her. Despite his annoyed front, his expression softened as he watched her. 
More silence and then they started what sounded like a solemn conversation. As they spoke, he looked conflicted, his fingers gripping his glass as though reason and restrain were slowly ebbing away. 
Fragments of what they were saying reached me.
“…higher I aspire, the more I stand to lose.”
“I...certainly understand that.”
He stood then, with the conviction of someone seeking to run away from the ineluctable. 
When he stopped at the railing of their balcony, however, he turned to her, shoulders deflating as though realizing he didn't want to run anymore. Finding her there at his side was confirmation that she was an inevitability, a constant in his existence like his binary star. 
It was confirmation that she was done running too. 
He was saying something then, the words coming out in a desperate rush. She didn't seem to mind though, patiently listening and offering reassurance. 
“... Your risk paid off.”
Those words seemed to be the denouement of their time together because his gaze took her in with undeniable clarity. 
“It did...and I’m beginning to realize…” 
The way he looked at her then, with over-spilling yearning, would have inspired poets throughout the ages. Even if I had a hundred years to write, I could never capture the utterly lovelorn way in which he regarded her.  
“There are some things that are worth any risk.”
And then he kissed her. Their bodies gravitated closer to one another, reveling in the novelty of having her in his arms at long last. And even though this kiss erupted with the euphoric urgency of the first time, there was familiarity in the way he caressed her, in the way she stroked his jaw. As though they had spent long, agonizing moments before this memorizing one another. 
All of this was painted clearly before me in the seconds before I stepped away. 
I could not justify stealing any more of this moment from them. Particularly when the desperation in their movements acknowledged the race against the clock. They both knew that this stolen moment would eventually conclude. 
I am inspired, Carrie. 
Even from afar, I could tell these two yearned for each other. Their kiss was the inevitable culmination of forbidden longing, beautiful yet heartbreaking all at once. 
It's exactly what was missing from my manuscript. 
Let me know your thoughts. 
How's Gigi? Did you like the groomer I recommend? 
Received Saturday
11:32 PM
16 minutes after
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To Whom It May Concern;
My name is Lisa Burkett in room 4087. This evening, my husband and I witnessed a couple in a nearby room making out. They were extremely loud and explicit. The woman even climbed on top of the man at some point. 
This is appalling since we're here with our children. Luckily they didn't see this happening. 
Please put me in contact with a manager. This is unacceptable for a resort that advertises being family friendly. 
Attached you will a picture of the incident. That's how exposed and close to us they were. 
Lisa Burkett
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Received Saturday
11:39 PM
23 minutes after
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Sent Saturday
11:41 PM
25 minutes after
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Searched for on Saturday
Googled by Ethan Ramsey
11:56 PM
40 minutes after
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Searched for on Sunday
Googled by Lilac Allende
12:03 AM
47 minutes after
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Searched for on Sunday
Googled by Lilac Allende
12:06 AM
50 minutes after
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Listened to on Sunday
Audible library accessed by Ethan Ramsey
12:46 AM
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Searched on Sunday
Googled by Ethan Ramsey
1:03 AM
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From “Student Doctor Network” accessed at 1:11 am
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Received on Sunday
Sibling group chat titled “Y’all look familiar”
Members: Laurel Allende, Lilac Allende, Jaime Allende
1:36 AM
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Received on Sunday
from: Naveen Banerji
to: Ethan Ramsey
1:59 AM
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Posted on Sunday
2:17 AM
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2:46 AM 
The Celestial Incident Report 
Camera footage transcript 
Hall 4000
Written by: Anthony Romero
Re: Guest Complaint 
Guest, Dr. Ethan Ramsey, exits his suite, careful to shut the door as noiselessly as possible. 
This man has seen better days. 
His hair is disheveled and stubble mars the jawline that wreaked havoc among The Celestial's guests and staff alike. The doctor looks downright exhausted, as though he hasn't slept a wink all night. Full disclosure, I'm a measly hotel employee, writing an incident report no one will ever read so I don't know how to put this delicately. But here goes nothing: the man looks as though his lack of sleep is not from the reckless fun Mrs. Burkett complained about but rather the lack of it. 
Dr. Ramsey hesitates mid-stride, looking at the door as though it poses a mystifying dilemma. Jaw working, he seems to decide something, jolting forward to take hold of the doorknob.
Reason seems to catch up to him because he exhales noticeably and releases the doorknob as though it scorched his skin. Looking angry but determined, he strides down the hall toward the elevator. 
Posted on Sunday
3:18 AM
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Received on Sunday
3:54 AM
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Accessed via Ethan Ramsey’s camera roll
4:13 AM
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Received on Sunday
7:20 AM
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Failed Login on Sunday
Nurses’ Station desktop | Third Floor 
7:53 AM
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Sent on Sunday
from: Bryce Lahela
to: Brittany Ryan
8:01 AM
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Searched on Sunday
Googled by Sienna Trinh
 8:01 AM
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Sent on Sunday
from: Sienna Trinh
to: Wayne Bradley Torning
8:19 AM
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Posted on Sunday
8:35 AM
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Received on Sunday
8:51 AM
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Posted on Sunday
9:02 AM
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Sent on Sunday
9:15 AM
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9:32 AM 
The Celestial Incident Report
Camera footage transcript
Hall 4000
Written by: Anthony Romero
Re: Guest Complaint
Guest, Dr. Ethan Ramsey, dressed in pool attire, grapples with the key card to his room, the technology somehow perplexing to a man who went to med school. The struggle is short lived because the door swings open from the inside, revealing the second guest on file, Dr. Lilac Allende. 
Again, no one reads these anyway so I can confidently say that if I wasn't a goddamn professional, I would've promptly slid into her DMs. She would've rejected me, of course, but you miss 100% of the shots you don't take, am I right? 
Dr. Ramsey freezes as his eyes land on her, the muscles of his back tensing. Dr. Allende instinctively does the same, eyes going wide, much like a defenseless bunny facing the snarling snout of a wolf. They stay motionless in stunned silence for so long, I had to check the footage to make sure it hadn't frozen. 
After what seems like an eternity, Dr. Ramsey clears his throat and averts his eyes, as though interested in the carpet's God awful pattern. This reaction is definitely the wrong one because Dr. Allende pulls herself to her full height, eyes alight with fire. 
Goddamn. My bunny analogy was way off because this girl looks anything but defenseless when she is this pissed. 
“I came back to change,” he explains, probably feeling her glare burning into his face. 
“We need ice,” she says at the same time, lifting the empty ice bucket she holds.
They definitely don't need any. The ice in her voice and demeanor is enough to stock the poolside bar during spring break. 
Dr. Ramsey looks at her then and when their eyes meet, an unspoken conversation passes between them. Slowly, her resolute anger begins to melt. Unmistakable hurt flits through her features and this time, she's the one to look away. 
What the hell happened with these two? 
Before Dr. Ramsey says anything, she moves around him and strides down the hall with unstoppable determination. He moves to follow her, but with considerable effort he forces himself to stop, watching her disappear instead. 
Sent on Sunday
10:22 AM
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Posted on Sunday
10:51 AM
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Received on Sunday
10:59 AM
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Received on Sunday
11:36 AM
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Sent on Sunday
11:41 AM
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Received on Sunday
11:58 AM
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Sent on Sunday
12:04 PM
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Edenbrook Hospital on Yelp
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Posted on Sunday
1:23 PM
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Full transcript of review:
This review is regarding the "care" I received from one Dr. Lilac Allende. Is it normal to almost die at the hands of your doctor? I didn't think so either. Yet here we are. I went in because I had a horrible chest pain that got worse with each day. They assigned Dr. Allende, an intern, to me which was already kind of subpar but it's reduced cost medical care right? I should have trusted my gut because she diagnosed pneumonia and prescribed macrolide antibiotics azithromycin…. which I am allergic to!!! Don't they have charts for this reason? 
Or maybe she can't read English given the language barrier. Do they need to start printing patient charts in whatever foreign language she speaks to avoid death? 
I don't need to give you the gory details of what happened next, right ? 
Anaphylactic Shock. Code blue. Defibrillator. I found out I wasn't the first patient this happened to under her care. There was an almost identical incident on her first day. When I tried to complain to management, they brushed it aside. Word around the hospital is that her boss favorites her. Figures. 
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from Sienna Trinh
to Wayne Bradley Torning
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from: Sienna Trinh
to: Danny Cardinal 
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7:26 PM
The Celestial Incident Report 
Camera footage transcript 
Hall 4000
Written by: Anthony Romero
Re: Guest Complaint 
Guest, Dr. Ethan Ramsey looks like a tortured man as he paces in front of their door. He runs restless hands through his hair, completely unaware of the effect this has on the majority of the staff reviewing this footage. He pauses in front of the door, pinching the bridge of his nose and raising his gaze upward, as though sending a silent prayer to anyone listening. 
Jesus, Buddha, Beyoncé—whoever is up there, help this poor man out. 
The door opens, causing him to flinch slightly. In the threshold stands Dr. Allende, wearing one of the hotel's fluffy, white robes. Though she is fully covered, save for her legs, Dr. Ramsey still blushes, as though aware of what lies beneath the fabric. 
Dr. Allende, meanwhile, crosses her arms, leaning against the doorway as she studies him. This time, when their eyes scan one another, it's not with the frustration or resentment from the morning. 
“Come inside.”
Her voice is quiet. 
Dr. Ramsey's jaw clenches. 
“We can't.” Acceptance ripples through her voice. “I know.”
Dr. Ramsey looks at her with an acute mixture of misery and longing. 
“We can't ignore each other forever though.”
“I know. That's not what I want either.”
She nods once in response. 
More silence.
“You're not angry anymore?” 
The question is unexpected because her gaze snaps up to his. 
“I wasn't angry at you, Ethan,” she says after a pensive pause. “I was angry at myself for refusing to let go of what happened. I just want to put it behind me without a backward glance, like you did.”
Those last three words get a reaction out of him. His jaw clenches and strains with effort, his shoulders looking equally as tense. He looks away from her, perhaps afraid that if he continues to look into her beautiful, earnest face, he will contradict her. 
The way he had been pacing in front of her door only minutes prior, the way he looked at her this morning, the way his hand gripped the door knob the night before—all of it suggested her assessment as wrong. He was just as trapped in the previous night as she was. 
“Lilac, I'm sorry about last night.”
She looks stunned for a brief second. When she recovers, she shakes her head in a tiny movement.
 “I'm not.”
He takes in a long breath, allowing hope to filter through his expression. 
“Now, come on. We have an early flight and my boss is making me go into work right after we land.”
“Sounds like an asshole.”
“The worst,” she agrees with a hum. 
His quiet chuckle and the way he shakes his head is the last thing the camera captures before he follows her inside. 
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A/N: I really hope you liked this because I poured my whole heart and two brain cells into it! Did you find my little Easter egg?
A few things:
I was going to include the song playing on MC’s phone in the balcony but decided that everyone has a different one. And I love that. Mine is Nirvana by Sam Smith. What’s yours?
That Yelp ordeal happened in real life at my old job. It was the shadiest shit I have ever seen. Even the meanest bitch at work was so shocked that someone would be this much of a snake. Someone printed the “review” about a coworker and posted it everywhere for everyone to see like Regina George. It was awful.
 People also wrote computer passwords everywhere and just left them lying around. These computers had highly confidential info but people didn’t give a single fuck.
 I picture Ethan picking up the Hamilton book because MC is obsessed with the musical. Plus, he’s a history nerd. But listening to it reminds him of her when he’s trying his damndest to forget about her. LOL good luck bro 
I really debated having MC text him a risky picture after the kiss. But then I figured a) this is self-indulgent and b) once he kissed her, all reason and all restraints went out the window.
 Thank you to everyone for being so patient while waiting for this! Thank you to @aestheticartsx for finding some of these amazing pics. She is the best! 
 I love you all.
tags: @openheart12 , @takeharryandgo , @trappedinfanfiction, @aestheticartsx, @aworldoffandoms, @paulfwesley, @myusualnerdyself,  @rookie-ramsey, @ohchoices, @colossalpainintheass, @enmchoices, @i-bloody-love-drake-walker, @choicesfanaf, @openheartthot, @octobereighth​, @nazarihoe, @utterlyinevitable, @kites-in-our-skies, @maurine07​, @schnitzelbutterfingers​, @doilooklikeiknow​, @snesdudes​, @kingliam2019​, @perriewinklenerdie​, @cinnamonspongecake​, @choicesstan1​, @queencarb​, @ethxnrxmsey​, @missmiimiie​, @jens-diamondchoices​, @adamsdumortain​, @apphia12​, @kalogh​, @lucy-268​, @binny1985​, @queenbirbs​, @honeyandsunfl0wers​, @newcolonies​, @lilyvalentine​, @rigatonireid​, @interobanginyourmom​, @parkerattano​, @custaroonie​, @nikki-2406​, @lilypills​, @chasingrobbie​, @nooruleman​,  @lonely-mxxnlight​, @ruinedbypixels​, @shadynaturehilariouscookie​, @tsrookie​, @mvalentine​, @professorkingslay​, @drakewalkerfantasy​, @casey-v​, @helloblueeyedcat​, @mysticaurathings​, @blossomanarchy​, @thegreentwin​, @togetherwearerapture​, @rookieoh​, @ramseysno1rookie, @rookiemarsswiftie​, @natashajaniphilchoices​, @mysticalgalaxysstuff​, @hatescapsicum​, @choices-lurker​, @kiara-36​, @junehiratas​, @danijimenezv​, @macy-ray85​, @adrex04​, @canigetanawwjunk​, @sanchita012​, @overwhelminglyaquarius​ , @scorpiochick8​, @skylarklyon​, @starrystarrytrouble​, @mercury84choices​, @drariellevalentine​, @ethanrcmsey​, @lion-ess24, @aarisa-frost​, @kaavyaethanramsey​ , @udishaman​, @a-crepusculo​, @quacksonlover​,
@varikasnuori​, @dimitriwife​, @genevievemd​, @shanzay44​, @fabi-en-ciel​, @trebondialanna​, @emotionalswift2, @lady-calypso​, 
(If I forgot anyone, please DM me!)
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miraculousares · 3 years
Because I doubt the writers are going to feed us the interaction immediately after The Thing™, here I am. GANG OF SECRETS SPOILERS. IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED S4 YET, DO NOT READ ON
Marinette clutched the sides of her head as if she might explode if she didn't hold everything together. "You're right, I have secrets and I lie all the time! I lie to my parents, to my friends. To everyone..." She felt her best friend sit beside her on the chair but she was so caught up in her feelings that she couldn't process it. "And the worst part about it is that I can't do anything about it!" She buried her face in her hands, fighting back another bought of sobs.
"We always have the choice, Marinette." Alya spoke softly and carefully putting her arms around the girl. In the back of her head, Marinette was sure that she could feel her shaking but at this point, she didn't care. She was overwhelmed. She was heartbroken. She was stressed. She was terrified.
"No." She looked up and met her friend's eyes and saw a look of sympathy. "At least not for me. I've got no other choice. It's all beyond us, Alya, and it's too heavy to carry." She wiped a tear from her face.
"If it's too heavy, then we'll be two to carry it," the girl whispered comfortingly. With this, Marinette let out a long breath. She knew what the right decision was to the discourse she'd been having in her own head all day. That didn't stop her fear from taking control, though.
"If I tell you, things between us will never be the same. It's going to destroy everything, change it all."
"Marinette, whatever you'll say, I'm your friend." Marinette could hear how desperately her friend wanted to know. But it wasn't out of curiosity or pushiness. It was to take the burden of her secret from her. To help her carry it.
"And me..." She searched her friend's eyes, gaining the confidence and reassurance she needed from the loving stare of her best friend. "I'm Ladybug." Time seemed to move in slow motion. For a moment, she wondered if Bunnix had done it, showing up to keep her from telling Alya. But instead, time resumed as the redhead's expression quickly changed from shock and confusion to one of understanding before pulling her into a tight hug. She paused for a moment before wrapping her own arms around her friend and let herself sob silently into her shoulder.
If she was being honest, Marinette had thought of a thousand different scenarios as to how Alya might react. The majority of them were filled with neverending questions from the Ladybug-Superfan. A select few ended with Alya storming out and never speaking to her. One even included her selling her out to Shadowmoth, though she shut that one down quickly. However, she hadn't let herself imagine Alya comforting her immediately. Marinette was grateful to her friend for that. She didn't ask her to prove it, ask her a million questions, or even speak. She just hugged her because she trusted her. Alya had complete faith in her.
After a few minutes of letting out the weeks' worth of sorrow and pressure out into her friend's flannel-clad shoulder, she eventually pulled away and searched Alya's eyes. She seemed to be processing the information, but sympathy and understanding still took over her face. Seeing that expression, all worries and stress washed away in a wave of overwhelming relief. It felt amazing to have finally told someone and she knew she had made the right choice. She let out another breath and a smile forced itself onto her face. It felt foreign on her face now, rarely having worn one since becoming the gaurdian, but it felt at home. She wiped her cheeks and laughed. Nothing was amusing, she was just so happy that it escaped her lips automatically.
"Okay, I'm okay. You can react now," she announced. Though Alya was doing an amazing job at just being understanding, she could tell that her best friend was bursting with questions. Alya seemed to scan over her one last time to check for any remaining need of comfort before letting her face turn to an expression of shock.
She sat silent for a moment as if trying to organize her thoughts before breathing out, "You've beta-read so much of my LadyNoir fanfiction..." Marinette couldn't help the loud laugh. She clapped her hand over her mouth but Alya just joined in the laughter. They sat there letting out all of their relief and joy and connection through that shared laugh until their stomachs hurt. Eventually, they were able to get their breath back and Alya seemed to be more collected in her processing.
"Okay, actually though, that's insane. Ladybug has been my best friend this whole time and I had no clue. And all the pressure you've been under this whole time. I mean hell, Marinette! Paris' safety- No. The world's safety has been sitting on your and Chat Noir's shoulders for two years and you're only 16! I can't even imagine it! I mean, I guess I can to an extent because, ya know, Rena Rogue. But that's more of a part-time gig and it's not like everyone's relying super heavily on me. And now I'm rambling. What I'm trying to say is that I'm glad you trusted me with this and I'm so sorry I haven't been able to support you the way you've been needing. But I'm here now." She inhaled, clearly having forgotten to breathe during her ramble, and pulled Marinette into one more hug. "Can I ask questions?" She asked after they pulled apart again.
Marinette smiled. "Of course, Als."
"Okay. God, where do I even start? Do you know who Chat Noir is?"
"No. It's too dangerous for us to know each other's identities. Shadowmoth needs both of our miraculous and if we knew each other's identities, that would make it that much easier for him to get them," Marinette explained. It felt amazing to finally be talking about this with someone. Of course, she always had Tikki and now the other kwamis, but she needed the support of another person. She needed the support of her best friend.
"So he doesn't know who you are either?" Marinette shook her head and Alya nodded. "How did you even get your miraculous? I mean it's not like there was a Ladybug to hand it to you like I got mine."
"The last guardian, Master Fu, gave them to us. I don't know what happened with Chat Noir but I imagine that it was similar to why he gave me mine. I saved him from getting hit by a car in a crosswalk and showed him kindness. He told me later that he could see the 'heroic qualities' in me." She used her fingers to make air quotes around the words.
"That's incredible!" She paused for a moment, eyebrows raised in thought. "Oh my god, so many things make so much sense now."
"RIGHT?!" Marinette exclaimed.
"That's why you're always late! And why you're always so tired! And why you just dash out of class in the middle of the day!"
"EXACTLY!" Marinette practically shouted, relieved to finally be understood.
man... Everything's clicking in place, wow." Marinette could almost see the equations floating in front of Alya's face.
"Wait, sorry if this is out of line but... Is LadyNoir canon?"
"WHAT! No! Not in a million years!"
"Then what is this?" Alya whipped out her phone and showed Marinette her home screen. It was the picture that had been haunting the girl since it was taken. She wished it would disappear but it was constantly resurfacing on the internet and on tabloid covers. The photo of her and Chat Noir kissing on the rooftop after battling Oblivio.
"I have no idea what that was," she admitted. "I have no memory of even defeating Oblivio, let alone kissing that mangy cat."
"I mean, I know you're going through a lot right now and have sworn off romance for the time being but... Could it ever happen?"
Marinette opened her mouth to respond but all that came out was a sigh. "No," was all she said.
"Why not?"
"I..." Tears formed in her eyes and Alya immediately pulled her into a hug.
"Oh my god, Marinette. I'm so sorry, I didn't-"
"No, no. I just... I haven't really let myself think about it since it happened. But, I guess I can finally talk about it, huh?"
"You can tell me anything, you know that."
And so, Marinette told Alya about what happened with Chat Blanc. She explained how their love destroyed the world. She explained how her own irresponsibility with her miraculous had destroyed the world. The whole event had honestly been very traumatic to Marinette and weighed heavily on her heart. Since that, she'd been even more closed off about her secret, especially to her partner. She hadn't let herself think about it if she could help it, but it still haunted her in her nightmares.
As she finished the story, Alya tightened her arms around her. "Marinette, I am so, so sorry that you had to go through that. You've been put through so much and you've been holding on to so much pressure and it's not fair. Mari, when I tell you this, I want you to believe me. You are the strongest person I know. You've gone through more than anyone should have to go through in a lifetime. Yet, you still manage to find a way to always be there for your friends and your family. You're out all night fighting for your life and for the world and then you come to school and you're there for everyone else. You are so, so strong. You're amazing and not just because you're Ladybug, but because you're Marinette."  Marinette couldn't hold back the tears that flowed down her cheeks as she hugged her best friend. Any regrets or doubts she worried she might have about telling Alya were gone. She knew she had made the right choice.
The girls spent the rest of the night talking about this, a mix of laughing and crying until they eventually fell asleep there on Marinette's couch, tired from the whirlwind of emotions. "Thank you, Alya, for being here for me," Marinette whispered as Alya's breathing steadied. Then, she closed her eyes and fell asleep herself. For the first time in weeks, her dreams were light and hopeful.
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Silva Lining (Saul Silva x Reader) Chapter 16
Warnings: Swearing
Word count: 2.1k
The barrier was abandoned as you head back to the school. What was Aisha thinking? Telling the teachers their plan?
You huffed as you walked into your mothers office. Saul had stayed behind at the barrier with the Specialists while you and Aisha were escorted back by your mother and Mr Harvey. Stella, Terra and Musa were the only ones there, Bloom no where to be seen.
“Before you say anything, I didn’t say a thing, it was all this ones doing.” You hitched a thumb in Aisha’s direction. “The only thing I found out was Rosalind has been after me this whole time and has been using Bloom to get to me. She somehow knew the truth about who my mother was and knew she couldn’t use me to free her. So please please please tell me nothings happened yet and Bloom is just taking her time in the creepy hidden room?”
You sucked in a breath, forgetting to breath during your mini rant. The girls just looked shocked, less shocked than normal, they probably expect this kind of stuff now, nothing was easy when it came to your life.
You watched as Farah came back through the door way, having gone in search for Bloom. “They’re gone.”
So here you were, sitting around your dorm, having been shouted at by Mr Harvey; who you don’t think you’ve ever seen angry before. Terra stood up to him and then he locked you all in using magic…. could anything else go wrong. Oh wait, you spoke too soon.
You kicked back in your chair, leather boot clad feet up on the table as you listened to Stella go in on Aisha for being a snitch.
“Bloom is being selfish, the last thing Miss Dowling needs is to be worried about Rosalind.” That made you stir in your seat. Your feet came off the table with a thud.
“Stell, she does have a point there. You know how much shit we’ve cause Dowling, I know with the new found relationship status I could come across as bias but after all, all this shit is happening because of me once again. Can we just stop arguing for one second and figure out how were going to help?”
Your speech was interrupted by the flickering of lights. “Okay did anyone else see that or am I having some weird magic stroke?” The rest of the room murmured. Okay, not a stroke.
“This shouldn’t be happening, Alfea is an outpost it runs on magic.” Terra paced and Musa and Sam joined the rest of them in the room.
Sam, being able to walk through walls, decided to go and check it out. See what was happening.
“Wait I can come with you..” You volunteered but he had already vanished. “Okay thennn.” What felt like seconds later Sam was back through the wall screaming in agony, his stomach sliced open, blood soaked through his clothing.
“There’s a burned one in the school!”
The courtyard was the busiest you’d ever seen it. Your mother was using magic to slam windows shut, fire fairies were welding them shut completely. Saul was on one side dishing out armour and weapons to anyone who’d take it. Mr Harvey had set up a medical bay for the suspected casualties. Your mind was spinning. The voices had started when Sam came through the wall. Whispers in your mind almost like it was your subconscious. It was fucking annoying.
Looking around you saw a hell of a lot of scared faces. Your heart beat rapidly in your chest, you hadn’t had a panic attack in months but it sure felt as if you were having one now. This was happening because of you. Innocent people were going to be hurt because the burned ones wanted one thing. You. Your eyes scanned the courtyard as your mothers speech rang out. Saul caught your eye, and gave you a look. Scared, worried, love. He conveyed it all with just one look. He was going to get hurt. Because of you. In that moment you knew what you had to do.
Trying to sneak away had failed. Since meeting Stella you knew you’d had a bond more stronger than friendship. You were blood and something about that gave her an edge. She knew you were about to do something stupid, she could literally feel the dread running through her veins.
“Please tell me you’re not going out there alone, how many times is it going to take for you to realise were better off as a team.”
Stella made you jump as she spoke up behind you, with her was Aisha and Bloom. Your ran your hands through your hair, pulling the long strands up onto a bun, the bobble on your wrist secured it in place.
“Actually, I could use some help.”
So the plan was set. Bloom would stay and distract Saul and your mother. They’d been keeping such a close eye on her lately that they were certain she was going to be the one to do something stupid and reckless. Oh how the roles had reversed. Aisha and Stella were coming with you, you needed Stella there to help you ground your powers. Like you’d always said, she was the light to your dark and vice versa. Aisha, well, she was a fucking powerful and smart fairy, couldn’t hurt to have her on your side.
Sneaking behind a wall just off the courtyard, you held your hands out allowing smoky black tendrils of magic flow freely from your shaking fingers. The portal opened and with one last look back at all the fear and chaos inside, you stepped through.
-Saul’s POV-
We got back to the school just in the nick of time. The courtyard was full of scared, fear fulled fairies and Specialists and all Saul could think of was his girl and why the fuck she wasn’t in the courtyard with the rest of the students.
His heart beat rapidly as he gave orders and handed out weapons and armour to every student he could. He was alerted to Y/N’s presence when he heard screaming and panicked cries from across the room. She was helping her friends carry Harveys kid, his torso clawed away at by the hands of a burned one.
He was too distracted, he couldn’t go to her straight away people would notice, even amongst all this chaos, they still had to be clever and careful. He was busy talking to Sky, still trying to keep his girl in his sights but he failed. Now seemed the only chance that he might get to tell Sky the truth about Asterdal and that’s what he did. How he killed Skys father to save himself after Andreas turned on him. Sky didn’t want to believe and he was pissed, but it needed to wait until after. After the burned ones weren’t knocking on their front door. He looked around again for you, wondering where the hell you were.
“Are you seriously looking for Y/N after you told me you killed my father?” Sky seethed, rightfully pissed off. “I don’t know where she is but she asked me to tell you she loves you, and she’s sorry, she said she would have said it herself but it would have been too obvious.” With that Sky walked away to the front line before Saul could ask him what she meant by sorry.
The burned ones were banging on the doors, windows, you name it. They had arrived. Farah parted the crowd of scared students like the red sea, Marco behind her telling people to keep their nerve. Saul joined them at the front armed and ready. Screams erupted as glass fell from the towering ceiling above. A fairy shot fire from his hands directly at the burned one who had fell through the roof. It charged it’s way towards the specialists, swords drawn, they charged forward, only to stop when the burned one changed coarse, leaving the students behind.
“What the hell was that.” Terra panicked and looked around for more signs of burned ones.
“They’re all moving together… like they’re looking for something.” Saul looked at Farah, realisation dawning on his face.
“Where’s Y/N?”
-Your POV-
The air was colder than usual. Maybe it’s because deep down you were scared shitless and the nerves were getting the better of you.
“Y/N you do know my mums gonna be here soon, with an actual army!” She ran after you, trying to keep up with your long strides.
“Stell, the burned ones have always been after me, from the start. I can’t stand back and not do anything. I know how to stop them, I’ve had the power all along, I’ve just been too afraid to use it. I need to draw on more power than I ever have before. That’s why I need you both here, so you can try and stop me if it gets out of control.”
You could hear the burned ones getting closer, their menacing growls echoing through the spindly trees. Shadows bounced around the outskirts of the space you were standing in. You didn’t realise you were crying until Stella brushed your tears away. Both fairies grabbed your hands.
“If anything happens, tell Saul I love him. I’ll never stop loving him even in death.”
You gave Stella one last hug and did the same with Aisha, taking a deep calming breath you stepped forward, your heavy boots squelching in the waterlogged field that overlooked the school you’d come to call home.
When you knew your friends were far enough away you opened up you senses, giving in to the power you possessed. Your eyes turned black and your body began to slowly lift from the ground, arms outstretched. You could feel the power swirling inside you. It’s presence made you gasp. Around you, a smoky black fog, your body was consumed in it, a visual representation of the power you held. You looked down to your fingers, to your body and smiled.
Fairies used to have wings but they had lost the ability to perform transformation magic so adapted and didn’t need them anymore. So it came as a surprise when you felt giant wings burst from your back, glowing black and white. This is what it meant to be the answer to all the realms problems. You smiled again, tears threatening to spill due to the feeling of being whole. This is who you were meant to be all along and now you had finally found yourself.
The burned ones sprung from the depths of the forrest. Your boot clad feet hit the ground with a thud and your smoky, bright wings fanned out behind you. You were ready. They charged towards you, their growls filling the air. Your hands shot out and your black tendrils of magic shot into their chests, ripping out the spark inside them. You watched as one by one they crashed to the ground around you. Their monster like growls no longer.
Your wings retracted and you breath deeply. The burned ones that had once surrounded you no longer deformed and burned. But there, laying on the ground, humans.
“What the fuck?”
You heard running footsteps and looked up dizzily to see your mum and Saul running towards you in worry.
They stopped, looking around at what had unfolded. “Well done Y/N.” You mother was tearing up, shocked, happy and proud. You stumbled towards Saul. He ran to you, swooping you up in his arms.
“Farah what’s wrong with her?!” Saul was panicked, brushing the hair back from your sweaty forehead. Your mothers hand came to rest on Sauls shoulder.
“It’s okay Saul, she’s just weak, let’s get her back to the school.”
That night, the lights came back on in Alfea. Your friends surrounded you as you lay in bed, all talking about the events that had unfolded and how you had earned your wings. How Stella and Aisha had helped you in your time of need. How Terra and Musa had helped save Sam, and how Bloom had helped distract everyone to make the whole plan a possibility.
As the girls chatted and laughed, you zoned out, looking around at each of them. You couldn’t believe how lucky you were. A girl from no where in England, finding out she was a fairy, finding an amazing group of friends who she knew she’d have for life. Finding Saul, finding her mother, finding herself. She couldn’t help the happy tears that fell.
Oh my goshhhhhh! I hope you liked this chapter! I really enjoyed writing it! So much dramaaaa <3
As always please let me know what you thought! Comment, like, re-blog and if you wanna be in the tag list let me know!
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
Lucien's Iridescent- Analysis
Finally, some more Lucien-based content! I'm so sorry for the wait, Lucien stans! If you’re out there please let me know so I can say hello to you individually and ask questions about your fav!! I want to interact with the community more so I can expand my knowledge and perception on the different characters and aspects of the game. I’d honestly love to have a chat about MLQC anytime! I didn’t expect to be posting this today because this is one is a freshie! (Started working on it today, and posted up today, unlike the other hundred that I have drafted...) Lots of spoilers for the character of Lucien and for future content. Please do not read if you don’t want spoilers! Thank you! Hope you enjoy!! 🌈 💜
Iridescent definition-
“Showing luminous colours that seem to change when seen from different angles.”
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The pen is originally brought over from England, where Lucien was studying when he was younger. It actually belonged to a Granny before Lucien, and she told him, "give this luck to the special someone when you meet her."
Lucien didn't really care for the pen that much other than that, though.
"Although I had always felt that he was not gentle with me, this time I knew he did care for me. My joy didn't last for more than ten seconds, when my owner took me back and gave me a faint glance, and then gave his full attention the girl."
Also, it's tiny bit ironic about how Lucien can't see colour and names the pen "Iridescent".
"A rainbow! It's my favourite scene- that's where my name came from. But my owner can't see the rainbow. he doesn't know how to appreciate these colours." -Rainbow Luck Rumours and Secrets
Iridescent and MC
“This is for you."
A silvery- white steel pen glinted in the sunlight with an "X" etched prominently into its surface. (The "X" refers to his Chinese name, "Xu mo")
MC: "Isn't this the pen you left in the set the first time you were on the show?"
"Yes, at the time I rushed back to the set. Everyone had left but one girl was still foolishly sitting there, just to give me this pen. For the first time I thought, compared to my own actions of running back there, she didn't seem that foolish at all."
His lips curved up in a smile, and his eyes softened.
"It wasn't foolish. I was slower than you, but afterwards, I saw."
I didn't understand what he meant. I tilted my head and looked at Lucien. His eyes were streaked with shadow and light by the sunshine.
MC: "Why are you giving me the pen?"
"The pen has a name. It's called Iridescent. It's a lucky charm that's been with me for many years. Now, this luck belongs to you."
Lucien opened my hand and placed the pen in it, then closed my hand back over it with an assertive force.
"It's just a pen. Take it."
Lucien turned his head and looked at me, the sunlight glistening on his lips, clear and warm. -Chapter 13-10
Lucien gave a lot of thought into giving MC the pen.
"He had been staring at me for so long his gaze almost penetrated me! My owner had always been very decisive and unwavering, but this time, I could feel his hesitation. What was it for?"
But why?
"At the moment I was a little dizzy, and thought, am I now a "love token"?" -Rainbow Luck Rumours and Secrets
I would argue multiple reasons actually. Firstly, as Iridescent itself stated, it was used as a "love exchange"- a silent confession that he loves her. He uses this pen for his work, and since this "work" was focused on the QUEEN and BLACK SWAN, it was almost like a declaration that what Lucien had owned- what Ares will soon gain, that no matter what, both personas would be by her side.
He knows that she's always in danger, from others and from himself, so he silently hopes that this pen in becoming that "lucky charm" would also help her so that she wouldn't really get caught and tied up in BLACK SWAN business.
It serves as a reminder for himself too, that a part of him will always be kept close to her. And like how its name is Iridescent, that aspect of him that can see colour is being surrendered back to her, because only with MC, can Lucien finally witness colours of the rainbow.
But of course, like all rainbows, they don't last forever, and MC uses this pen- in the name of colour- his weaknesses and the symbolism and connection of their relationship- against him.
MC: “Why?”
“I warned you before. You still had time to run too bad, you had no awareness of danger. Or one could say, you trusted me too much.”
He spoke in a tone that was provocative and mocking.
With ease, he ripped open a scar that hadn’t fully healed, and my tears came pouring out.
I don’t know why, but in that instant, I seemed to see a flash of sorrow in his eyes. But in less than half a second, he had resumed his composure. Then he pursed his lips and made a faint smile.
Thick blackness surrounded him. Even the brightest of setting suns couldn’t reach him.
But I still hoped that the hint of sorrow I caught was real. I hoped that he was still the way he used to pretend to be. But then why did his eyes seem so sincere?
Even now, I wasn’t willing to completely believe. My heart told me that it wasn’t lies.
Helping me save my final show was real. Rescuing me from danger was real. Every bit of encouragement and help was all real.
If all of that was real, how could the person in front of me now be fake?
I strained to find in his eyes any sign of pain, struggle, even a moment’s hesitation. But there was none.
There was nothing at all. We were like two strangers.
“Ares, what are you waiting for?”
I don’t know where my strength came from, but in an instant, I held something sharp to my neck. I tremblingly held the pen, sensing the bitter taste in my throat.
Seeing my action, everyone froze.
How ironic! He clearly gave it to me as a gift, and now it was carrying out its mission like this.
“You won’t do it.”
My neck was in terrible pain, and half my body was going numb.
I didn’t even realise that a trickle of blood was streaming down my neck. We stood there, neither of us was moving.
“Don’t do anything foolish.”
You’re right, I am too foolish. When I was at my lowest, he held out a hand of friendship to me and I took it in with full trust.
And now here he was again, saying that same voice I was so familiar with, that was all a trap.
He stood there, aloof and cold, with all those emotions swirling in his eyes that I never understood before. Now I final understand. It was the thrill of laying a trap and the joy of watching your prey take the bait.
MC: “Let me go.”
“You think you can negotiate with me?”
MC: “You still owe me a thank you gift.”
A tear rolled down my face silently. (This line killed me.)
He smiled mockingly.
“I can let you go, but next time, you won’t get such an opportunity. Don’t let me catch you next time.” (In other words he means, "pen you did well, now she can escape.")
MC: “Next time I won’t trust you, Ares. I will never trust you again. Because you aren’t Lucien. He would never harm me. They have nothing to do with each other!”
He turned but said nothing. That was the last time I saw a gentle look in his eye. Then he looked up at the sky as his whole body emerged into the shadows, and he continued onwards.
The pen fell from my hand onto the ground. The “X” etched onto it gleaming, seemingly telling me a story. -Chapter 13-19
"I saw the pain in my owners eyes and felt the trembling of the girl's right hand passing through me... grasping me as she left, she could not control her shaking body. She seemed to be holding onto me with all her strength, as if I was her only support.
I was accidentally dropped to the ground and rolling into the dust. but the girl didn't seem to notice, as she was in a trance looking up at the kites in the sky. But the girl crouched down to pick me up and gently wiped the dust off of me. Everyday at nightfall, I knew how much pain she endured and how much she cried in her sleep. I thought she would abandon me, but she did not... -Rainbow Luck Rumours and Secrets
n a way, it's also a silent promise, or a reason for him to keep returning to her. The tie that she always clutches secretly in her pocket that she, too, still cares for him and still thinks of him. MC still evens put the effort in the take care of Iridescent, making sure it doesn't get lost or broken. This is similar to how the ginkgo bracelet is a form of support from Gavin to MC.
As I put away my camera, I again reflexively felt around inside-
MC: “Oh no!”
A ball of sweat fell from my forehead. Where was that pen!?
A single possibility suddenly presented itself to me- but another thought immediately supplanted it-
MC: “It’s his anyway. The staff will give it back to him…”
Having confidently convinced myself with that reasoning, I left.
See how they're back to how they were from the beginning- where she was starting to get to know “Lucien”, but now she’s starting to view him as “Ares”. The two personas correlating to this one pen.
I banged my head on the table. I clutched my head in pain, and the metal pen rolled away, stopping before a pair of black shoes. Then I saw a slender hand daintily pick it up.
“You came back to find this?”
He looked at me with a playful look on his face. He raised his eyebrows and held the pen in front.
“Don’t lose it again.”
I reached out for it, but that sunny late spring day suddenly flashed before my eyes, and I started to regain my posture. Maybe I shouldn’t have come back for it.
MC: “Never mind, I’m always losing things. And it doesn’t belong to me anyway. At this point, it should go back to its original owner.”
He slowly and deliberately put the pen away, then gave as light nod. -Chapter 16-11
"With determination, the girl gave me back to my owner. The moment he took me, the last thread linking them together seemed to have broken. My owner withdraw his gaze from her and after a long time he said softly, "my little fool". The words sounded unfinished, with untold tenderness hidden behind them. But in my opinion, should the fool refer to my intelligent owner himself?
I couldn't help but think, did my owner lose his colours? Or will he find them again, someday? Because, those who have seen the rich colours of the rainbow, would not be reconciled with grey again." -Rainbow Luck Rumours and Secrets
But in the end, the pen was returned back to MC.
Lucien carefully took out the pen from his pocket and placed it in the girl's hand. The he leaned over and whispered into her ear-
"Next time, don't rush into danger by yourself. Especially on my account." -Chapter 16-22
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Like how Lucien would always come back to her- Ares or not, because those are his true colours- that Lucien, like how he’s also “iridescent”, would show all sides of him to her, and that he would love MC no matter which side he's on.
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ohnotoomanyfandoms · 3 years
This is definitely gonna be an unpopular opinion and you probably won’t agree with me, but what ariadne did to Anna is VERY similar to what Charles did to Alastair, but no ones ready to have that conversation yet 🤭 it’s making me mad that loads of people are hating on Anna (and I don’t even rlly like Anna) for what she says to Ariadne in that leaked snippet when actually it’s fair enough for Anna to feel frustrated and reluctant to give Ariadne a second chance. I definitely sympathise with Ariadne but people like to act as tho she’s done nothing wrong, even though she did enter into a relationship with Anna without telling her that she was engaged to Charles - Anna’s within her rights to be wary of her
Okay, lots to unpack here. 
I do see your point - there are definitely similarities. Both Ariadne and Charles preferred to keep their sexuality and relationships a secret, preferred to hide their love for Anna and Alastair, make a political marriage, and be closeted forever. Reputation is a big part of why, but I feel the real reason behind it is slightly different. 
In Charles’s case, it’s all about ambition. He wants to be Consul and he won’t let anyone or anything - not even his feelings - come first. He loved Alastair in his own way - as we can see from him trying to speak with him at the party in the snippet, four whole months after Alastair broke things off. His feelings were real, but his reason for wanting to keep Alastair a secret and wanting to make a politically advantageous marriage are entirely selfish. 
Now, Ariadne. I feel like it’s important to point out Ari is much younger when she meets Anna and breaks her heart. She was 16/17 (not sure about her exact birth date), while Charles was 24 in Chain of Gold when he had that conversation with Alastair. You can see how this changes things.
Another important thing to consider: status. Charles is the perfect firstborn child of the Consul. We know Charlotte and Henry just want to see their children happy, no matter their sexuality, just like Gabriel and Cecily with Anna. On the other hand, Ariadne is the daughter of the Inquisitor, but his adoptive daughter. Her parents love her, but with limitations. She does not believe they would think of her the same way if they knew she was a lesbian. And, yes, she is a young woman of color thrown into the ruthless London Enclave. I know that logically Shadowhunters should be more progressive on internal racism, since they are racist aplenty with Downworlders, but it’s just another thing that sets Ari apart from her peers.
Ariadne is aware her position is more precarious than Anna’s and says as much in Every Exquisite Thing: “I am adopted, Anna. My father is the Inquisitor. I do not have parents who are as understanding as yours must be...” 
I don’t blame Ariadne for her choices in EET. Should we had told Anna she was entering a long engagement? Yes, absolutely. She didn’t handle the situation well, but it’s not like she knew Anna long. They kind of fell in love instantly and acted on it right away, there wasn’t much time for conversation about future intentions. 
By the way, the marriage with Charles was the perfect loophole, because both were gay and both were entering that marriage with the same intentions of living separate romantic lives. No one was being lied to or led on. Even Alastair understands this and is willing to tolerate it. It’s Charles leaving Ariadne to enter an engagement with Grace that does it for Alastair, because it makes no sense logically or politically, and Al also realizes that if Charles was willing to PUBLICLY drop Ariadne, the daughter of the Inquisitor like that, he could as easily drop him, his secret love that no one knew about. To be fair to Charles (not something I enjoy doing lol), we know Grace must have compelled him to enter an engagement, so this part is not his fault. 
Now, to the situation in Chain of Iron: Anna and Alastair are indeed reacting in similar ways to their exes trying to win them back. They’re both refusing, and they have good reason to. They’ve been hurt by these people in the past and have no wish to repeat the experience. 
I did not enjoy the anti Anna discourse I was seeing last week, because - as much as I ship them, which is a lot - you need to remember that Anna does not owe Ari anything. Yes, we know she’s still in love with her, but she has no obligation towards her. She is free to refuse her as she would any other lover. She shouldn’t be cruel about it or do it out of spite or pettiness, but, just like Alastair with Charles, she doesn’t have to take Ari back. 
Anna wants freedom. She feels like romantic love will be a cage. Whatnot, she does not trust Ariadne with her heart. It’s not hard to see why that is, and I think she deserves to be fully sure she wants to be in a relationship with Ariadne before she rushes into one. This might take some time, and I think it’s okay Anna takes hers with this decision. Because once they’re together, Anna knows her life will change drastically: Ariadne isn’t interested in being another dalliance, she wants the real thing, she wants to win her back and conquer her heart. 
Anna knows that if they do this, it’s going to be forever. I think it’s fair she considers carefully. She is not punishing Ariadne for her past mistake, she is testing her. She needs to see how committed Ari will be this time, because Anna can’t risk her heart with her again. I’m not saying I support this, just that Anna has a right to wait.
I want them to get back together. They will, sooner or later. We need to let things take their course. 
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bangtansbun · 4 years
Endgame || Say Anything
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pairing: jeon jeongguk x f. reader
genre: slight angst, fluff
word count: 2,308
warnings: heated make out sesh in school, nothing graphic at all because they’re high schoolers still here
summary: you grew up with him all your life, even fell in love with him in high school, but then that all came crashing down and it’s been years since you’ve seen each other. you feel like you’ve got most of your life figured out now, but that’s all about to change.
a/n: listen to the song dress by taylor swift along with this chapter. also i’m so sorry this is over a day late and also if it feels all over the place. it’s been a weird couple of days for me and some rough stuff happened so it took a little longer than i thought. i hope you guys like it and are happy with the ending :))
You had walked up to the soccer field. Saw him talking to the girl, Jae-In. Your heart immediately sunk. It’s not like you had never seen him talking to other girls before, especially in the 16 years you had known each other. This was different though.
You were so excited he had asked you to come to his rescue of a disaster practice. Your feelings soaring at the idea that all he wanted to do in that moment was see you instead of deal with the two teams on the field. Only you were met with him chatting and smiling at the other girl. Her hand was even grazing his elbow as she talked to him.
It really wasn’t fair for you to be jealous. He wasn’t yours. He’s your best friend, not your boyfriend (as much as you wished he was). Plus, in the end, he was still here with you. In a restaurant, chowing down on some ramen after having told you that he was hoping you’d interrupt his conversation with her. You should be happy about this! That’s what your brain said anyway, but you still couldn’t get the image of him and her standing there out of your head.
This couldn’t keep going on. You had to figure out something. A way to deal with your feelings and still remain friends with him. As much as you hated to admit it, you’d probably have to go to Jin about this one. He was the most annoying big brother on the planet, but he knows more about dating and stuff than you do and he knows Guk.
So, you continue to sit across from your best friend, smiling, laughing, and carrying conversation as if a war wasn’t happening inside of you. One that half begged for you to just confess to him how you feel and the other half urging you to stay quiet and not risk losing your one true friend.
Guk is none the wiser. I mean, he knew something was going on with you because of your mood from the time he met you at your car to the food hitting the table. He really wasn’t sure what to make of your downcast mood, just knew he wanted to get some food in you and make you smile over dinner.
He hated seeing you like this and it just reminded him that you were going through something that you weren’t telling him about yet. He hoped you’d open up to him soon, but he also didn’t want to push you. You guys were getting back to normal again and he didn’t dare risk that. 
The two of you were just finishing up your food and you were laughing at the goofy voices he was putting on while telling you a story from his day. That’s when it really hits him. He’s sure he’s never felt his love for you as strongly has he did in that moment.
Jeongguk has always loved you, that love changing and morphing as the two of you grew up. He realized his feelings were starting to change sometime last year. Realized his love wasn’t just of the friend variety anymore, but that he was truly in love with you.
It hit him because he was able to make you laugh when you’d been having a bad day (or really a bad couple of weeks). He always wanted to be able to make you laugh and smile. The sound of you giggling like the most beautiful melody ringing through his ears. He always wanted to be the one responsible for that sound.
He’s smiling at you from across the table, stars in his eyes and cute bunny teeth digging into his bottom lip. He looks like he’s contemplating something, but just as you’re about to inquire he speaks. “You ready to get out of here?” he asks with a nod of his head toward the door. “Yeah, you wanna come over for a bit?” you ask him, not wanting the evening with him to end yet. “Sure, I’ll even help you go into that woodland mansion you found last week.” That makes you smile, happy that he even remembered something so trivial.
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The two of you make your way back to your house. The drive back was comfortable. The two of you singing along to the songs on the radio and joking with each other.
You both spend the rest of the night basking in the wonderful friendship you share. You guys talk about your week, him chatting about how soccer has been and you talking about your rising grades thanks to your study sessions. The night ending with you finally having conquered the woodland mansion in your minecraft world, thanks to him, and sweet good nights said by the front door.
But even with all the happiness you felt this evening, there was a knot forming in your stomach. You had to tell him. You couldn’t carry on like this as if you weren’t completely in love with him. The problem is you just don’t know how. How does one confess to their best friend of nearly 16 years that you’re in love with them and can’t bear the thought of them with anyone else?
You were definitely going to have to text your brother in the morning. Figure out the best way to tell Jeongguk because you felt like the feelings would burst out of you at any second and you wanted to do this right.
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To Jin:
[8:31am] MAYDAY MAYDAY!!! Jin please be awake because i’m going to have an emotional meltdown if you don’t
[8:33am] i am fREAKING OUT HERE!!!
[8:34am] HELP
From Jin:
[8:36am] oh my god, woman. what do you need from me at this god forsaken hour?
To Jin:
[8:37am] i need to confess to guk
[8:38am] but i don’t know how?? like how do i do this without absolutely ruining everything?? please help me, jin :((
From Jin:
[8:40am] god the two of you are so oblivious. just tell him, yn. I don’t think you really need to worry about his reaction.
To Jin:
[8:41am] just come out and say it?? out of nowhere???? there’s no way that’ll end well.
From jin:
[8:44am] trust me, yn. you may not be aware of it, but it seems clear as day to me that he feels the same way. he’s probably just as freaked out about this as you, so I’m sure if you confessed everything will fall into place.
To Jin:
[8:45am] i really hope you’re right because i’m about to walk into school and just do it before class. i can’t hold it in anymore, it’s eating away at me.
From Jin:
[8:46am] i’m sure it’ll go well, but good luck. text me when you two love birds have made things official ;)
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With the vote of confidence from your brother, you head on down the hallway to where you know Guk’s locker is located. You spot him down the hall and begin to make your way towards him, a smile starting to creep on to your face just from the sight of him, but your heart is about to break through your chest. Butterflies swarming inside your stomach. It’ll all be okay, you tell yourself.
You’re just 100 feet away from him when you’re stopped by someone grabbing your elbow to get your attention. “Yn! Hey, could I ask you something?” It’s Yunho, and even though you used to have a massive crush on him, you couldn’t be more annoyed by his existence than you are right now. You quickly look between him and Guk, trying to weigh your options. Jeongguk is still busy at his locker so you turn back to Yunho hoping he’ll be quick. “Uh, yeah, I just have somewhere to be soon, but what’s up?” 
While Yunho talks to you harmlessly about possibly starting a tutoring/study group two days a week in the afternoon with other students, Jeongguk looks over and sees you talking to him. A wave of jealousy coming over him just like it had the other day when you decided to study with Yunho instead of him. He knows you said you don’t have a crush on him anymore, but he can’t help the  way his heart drops into his stomach seeing you talk to him. 
Jeongguk’s never been the most confident or outgoing person, but in that moment he decides to take a risk.  He’s going to tell you and he’s going to tell you now. This could ruin everything, but he doesn’t want to regret not telling you and never getting to know whether you felt the same way back. 
You’re just saying your goodbyes to Yunho when Guk grabs you by the arm and pulls you into an empty classroom. “Hey, Guk! W-what are you doing? I was just about to come talk to you,” you say to him, taken aback by his abruptness. “Yn, I really need to tell you something,” he feels bile trying to reach his throat as he possibly makes the best decision or the worst mistake of his life. “Oh, um, I needed to talk to y-” he cuts you off. “Please, just let me get this out before we’re both late to class,” he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. His long eyelashes dusting his cheekbones. You feel a little breathless looking at him like this, but you’re also worried about what he has to tell you. He finally looks back up at you, “I like you and not, like, in a friend way. I think I may even be in love with you, and before you just completely reject me let me just say that I understand if you don’t feel the same way. I wasn’t even sure if I should tell you, but I just couldn’t take keeping this from you anymore. I needed to tell you and on the off chance that you do feel the same way, I’d really like to take you on a date this weekend.” He feels like he’s going to faint from having rushed all of that out. 
You feel like you’re in a dream. There’s no way that this is happening. “Please, say something,” that’s when you realize that you’d been staring at him for a while, mouth hanging open. You shake your head lightly to pull yourself from your trance. “Oh! Uh, that’s actually what I was going to tell you. I do feel the same way and I’ve been freaking out about it for the past month. That’s why I had distanced myself from you for a bit, I didn’t know what to do.” That’s when a huge smile takes over his face. A breath is let out and he runs his hand through his hair. “Fuck, you don’t know how relieved I am. I thought I was going to destroy our friendship by doing this.” You laugh at this because you had felt the same way.
He’s looking at you now the same way he had looked at you last night, stars twinkling in his eyes, and there’s that same tension lingering in the air from the night you had attacked his ribs in your room. Clearly both of you feel the shift in the atmosphere because before you know it, he’s leaning in to kiss you. His pillowy lips slotting between your own and you swear the world stops around you. He’s got his hand on the back of your neck now trying to deepen the kiss. You both know the bell is about to ring, signaling your late arrivals to class, but you don’t care. The only thing that matters to you right now is the way he tastes and the way he’s holding you while he kisses you, like he’s afraid you’ll evaporate into thin air.
It’s kind of insane to you, how right this all feels. You’re best friends and this could have felt extremely weird, but instead it feels like the most right thing you’ve ever done.
Jeongguk must feel the same way too because instead of coming up for air and getting on your way to class, he’s moving you toward the door. Your back is up against it now and he uses his free hand to close the blinds on the window of the door. All the while his lips never leave yours. You’re all hot breath, panting, and frantic hands. Your mind is becoming so foggy. the only thing running through your mind is Jeongguk, Jeongguk, Jeongguk. Your new personal mantra.
His hand is running through the end strands of your hair and his tongue is begging for entrance into your mouth just as the second bell rings. You both jump apart, realizing you’d gotten lost in each other and were now going to be late for class. “We better get going,” he drawls out, voice slowed from having been so entranced by you. You nod your head, a shy grin appearing at the thought of what just happened.
Even though you’d both just confessed to each other, you’re still surprised when he takes your hand as the two of you make your way out of the empty classroom and to your respective classes. “So, this saturday?” he asks you, excitement written all over his face. His wide doe eyes holding expectancy. “Yes, I’d love to,” He smiles brightly at you, “okay, I’ll plan everything.” You start to walk backwards away from him slowly in the direction of your class, “you know where I live.” He laughs at this and winks at you, which in turn makes you laugh because he’s horrible at winking. With that, the two of you rush to your classes, lame excuses sitting on the tips of your tongues as you enter and your teachers question you.
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taglist: @ggukkieland @hecticwonderer @kookiepout @koochiekoo @secretlycrazyhummingbird @imluckybitches @mybiasforsure @madaboutjeon @thequeen-kat @betysotelo18 @scentedsope @apollukee @nightapple4jk
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elysiashelby · 3 years
In Another World - T.Shelby Imagine Ch. 15
Paring: (Eventual) Thomas Shelby x Aliena Welsh (OC)
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Word Count: 8,982
WARNINGS: Fluff, Cursing
Summary: Aliena is doing better. She’s found some happiness again. But now she has a new worry, is she going on her first date with Thomas Shelby? 
A/N: This chapter is a fluff! Nothing but fluff! You guys deserve it ‘cause... It will only last for so long. Also, please check out this post-- it will clear up a lot of things and I’d love it if you guys could respond.
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“Hello, my love!” I shrieked as I ran to Karl. I picked him up from his cradle into me arms. He was gumming his hand. I made all sorts of noises at the sight. It is purely because I found babies so adorable! I bounced him in me arms as I walked over to Ada, who was busy fixing herself up.
“Thank you so much for doing this, Ali!” Ada shouted. She was prettying herself up in the mirror. 
I shook me head as I pinched Karl’s chubby cheek. He grumbled ‘n swatted me hand away. I laughed as I replied. “It’s no problem really! I mean I am the Shelby Family’s maid, after all.”
Ada turned ‘round to me with a pout on herself. “I’m a Thorne now, Ali. I’m not a Shelby.”
I scoffed. “So, your brothers are not your brothers anymore. You’re a Thorne, afterall.”
“What?” Ada exclaimed as she was applying eyeshadow. “No, that’s not what I meant.” 
I turned Karl over in me arms as I sat down. Had him sitting on me knee, facin’  his mum. As I began to bounce him, I quipped. “Well that’s how it came out.” I sighed, defeatedly. “No, no. I get it. You’re a Thorne now. But remember Ada in the world that the rest of your family lives in, you’ll always be the sister to the big bad Thomas Shelby of the Peaky Blinders. Not to mention that you’ll be listed as a communist ‘cause of Freddie.”
“I’m not a communist by association, Ali. I’m an actual member now.”
I averted me gaze and gave a secret tight lipped smile. Karl lifted one of me fingers into his mouth and I gasped. “Ada, Karl has a little tooth growin’!” 
Ada scoffed as she turned ‘round while fluffing up her hair. “You don’t have to tell me that! I feel it every time I feed him.” I think she rubbed her breast, subconsciously.
We both let out a small laugh. 
She sighed before walking closer to us ‘n took Karl into her arms.
I wiped me finger on me skirt then dusted off me hands. “You still breastfeeding Ada?” I asked as I reached over to pull down Karl’s shirt that had ridden up.
She nodded. Ada was patting his back. “Yeah. I’m planning on breastfeeding him until he’s one. But, don’t worry like I told you when I telephoned ya— Freddie and I bought formula for days like this.” Ada handed Karl back to me and then walked off.
I rose to me feet and followed her into the kitchen. I’m guessing she wanted to show me where she kept the formula at. I held Karl’s arm me hand, and I waved it up and down. 
Ada reached into a cabinet and showed me the formula. She showed me how to make the bottle. 
I actually knew to make a bottle of formula because I helped me sister make bottles for her daughter, but I wasn’t confident abar it now. Different times, different amounts. 
After she made the bottle, she handed it over to me. “He’s probably getting hungry by now.”
I took it then we walked back into the living room. We sat down. I positioned Karl’s head to be in the crook of me left arm while his body laid across me lap then I put the bottom in his mouth. 
Ada reached over to Karl and smoothed out his clothes. She sighed. “He’ll drink that then fall asleep. When he wakes up, wait a little while ‘cause if you change him when he wakes up— it’ll all be for nothing.”
I glanced over at her ‘n nodded. “Okay.”
We fell into this comfortable silence as we stared at Karl. That ‘til I heard Ada suck in a breath. Me head snapped in her direction. She was red in the face. 
“Ada,” I asked. “What is it?”
She fanned her eyes before waving me off. “It’s nothing. I just hate it when I leave him.”
I gave her a small smile. I knew what she meant. He’s been her solace in crazy times, I’m sure. But, I laughed— hoping to quell some of her worries. “Haven’t you left him with babysitters before. Geez, Ada! I swear he won’t die on me watch!”
She laughed a little then finally scooted back into her seat. We fell into another comfortable silence. The clock and Karl’s gulping were the only sounds audible in the room. He eventually let go of the bottle and I brought him to me shoulder. I made sure to suppress the urge to bounce him as I patted his back.
“When is Freddie coming?” I asked Ada.
She hurriedly rose from her seat and walked closer to the clock. While playing with her necklace, she replied. “Any second now.”
Any second was actually twenty minutes later. Freddie ran in, grabbed Ada, and they both ran out of here like a bat out of hell. I scoffed to meself as I repositioned Karl in me arms. I was cradling him in me arms. I got up and walked over to the rocking chair Ada had in the living room. 
I just sat there with him as he was napping away. Staring at his face. It’s been such a long time since I held a baby in me arms. I couldn’t help but trace his features. But, he didn’t like that and started squirming ‘round. I stifled a laugh and muttered an apology. I dropped me hand and used it to support his bum. I patted his bum as I began to rock us. 
I debated humming a song, but I couldn’t decide which one. Plus, I didn’t want to wake him up. I decided to just look around the flat. It was little. Adequate enough for a little family with a newborn, in me own opinion. However, I could only stare at the room  for so long.
When I was sure Karl was deeply sound asleep, I rose to me feet slowly and walked to his cradle at the same pace. I held me breath, and when I was abar to set him down— I couldn’t help looking over his face. 
I felt like a mother who had lost her child…
I shook me head and laid Karl down. I wiped me hands on me skirt, then walked ‘round the flat. It had little life. Barely any photos on the walls, the colour of the walls were this muted grey, and there were hardly any furniture or utensils. It was like they were prepared to run at the first sign of trouble. But, it was theirs. 
I sighed while walking into the kitchen. I leaned against the counter, me palms were digging into it. Then, I folded me arms and was just with me thoughts. I was thinking abar Cillian Murphy’s filmography. All the movies he was in. 
It felt weird now ‘cause of Tommy. But, the two movies that stood out to me the most were The Edge of Love and Sunburn. The Edge of Love gave me an, probably, unrealistic idea of how Tommy was before the war. 
I smiled at the idea. I, subconsciously, raised two fingers to me lips. I looked down in shock before me hand slapped over me mouth. I stifled a chuckle which came out as a snort. 
I fluttered me fingers to rid meself of the absence of a ciggie. Then, I lifted meself onto the counter.
Sunburn was a movie I was fond of. A very young Cillian Murphy is all I need for me justification. His character was not very honorable, but when are men ever. When are people ever! 
The movie was flashing through me head, but it felt wrong. It felt dirty, in a way. Made me chuckle, not gonna lie. I didn’t even catch meself when I began comparing Cillian’s characters to Tommy himself. 
I bit me lip and hopped off the counter. I clapped me hands together softly before rubbing them together. “Let’s clean, shall we?” I whispered.
Ada didn’t ask me to clean, but I’d figured that I’d just clean up whatever I found. I wasn’t going to go into any rooms. Since that was an invasion of privacy. But, did everythin’ else. I dusted off the walk-in carpet, then swept up the ‘ole house. When I was done with that— I wiped down the tables in the living room ‘n kitchen. 
I raised a hand to me temple as I used the other to support me weight, all while leaning on the table I finished wiping. I looked over at Karl’s cradle and stood still. It’s not like I could hear his breathing, but he wasn’t fussing either. 
I tsked, dropped the towel on the table, ‘n then walked over to the fireplace. Ada and Freddie had a collection of books on the overmantle. I looked over the titles and chose the one I was most familiar with. Tess of the D'Urbervilles, it was. I had the biggest crush on Gemma Arterton and Eddie Redmayne, ‘n I watched a TV show they starred in that adapted the book. 
After watching it, I read the book soon after. So, this wouldn’t be me first time crackin’ this story open. 
“When was the last time you read a story, Aliena?” I asked meself as I brought the cross pendant to me lips and ran across me bottom one. It was the one Tina got me all that time ago. I opened the book and began readin’ aloud while slowly pacing.
‘Cause I only remember growin’ up in America, I spent most of me life with an American accent. I adapted the accent when I moved to me second middle school. I just tried it for shits and giggles, but found that me existence there was so much easier when I did so. I didn’t ‘ave to deal with people asking me to repeat meself every time I held a conversation. 
It didn’t help that me ma’ was the scouser while me pa was from Boston. The only reason I didn’t develop a Boston was due to me ma taking care of me for the majority of me early childhood. Me pa was working morning till night. 
I didn’t feel like a true scouser nor a true American. But, I can affiliate more with my upbringing in California. It’s what I can remember. 
Anyway, the point I was getting to was that— I do different accents. American, me own, Irish, Russian, and Scottish. I never said they were any good, but I did them. And I did them when I talked too much for a long time, or when I was reading.
I was in the middle of a line when I heard a little whimper. Me eyes darted to the page number I was on ‘n I hoped I could remember it. I threw it on the couch and shuffled hurriedly to him.
Tears were welling up in his eyes. I cooed and took him into me arms. “It’s alright, Ka-.” I cut meself off as I felt wetness on me midsection. I sighed and looked ‘round for extra diapers and towels. When I couldn’t find any, I whimpered and just had to take the bullet. 
I held him closer to me and practically ran to the bathroom. I shifted ‘round in there and found some. They weren’t really diapers, not in me own opinion. I set the clean nappy on the sink before getting the rag, throwing it in there, and letting the water get warm as I ran it.
I sighed while looking down at Karl. “Your mummy is a proper divvy, Karl. Forgot to leave your nappies with me.” I huffed while pinchin’ his cheek softly. “Let’s get ya changed, love.” I stroked his cheek as tears fell down. I felt the water and I deemed it warm enough. I turned off the faucet and wrung some of the water out before I held it in one hand while the other grabbed the diaper.
 “Okay, love. Let’s get you cleaned up now.” I was looking down at Karl the whole time as I walked back into the living room. 
Me gaze, finally, shifted up ‘n standin’ there was Tommy. A frightened yelp escaped me and I clutched Karl tighter.
“For-! For goodness sake, Tommy!” I shouted. I huffed before I continued me hurried shuffle over to the couch. I laid Karl down ‘n began changin’ him. 
“So, this is where you were. Had to find out from Polly. I need to talk to you.” Tommy said while looking over his ciggie. Titling it in his hand.
I scoffed. “You’d know where I am, if you’d let yourself have the time for a chat once in a while. Do you remember the last time you rested, Tom?” I blew a strand of me hair out of me face as I gave him a teasing glance. I bundled up Karl’s soiled nappy and held it up for him to take. “Go on before you ask me this favor, do one for me.”
With his hands in his pockets and leaning back, he scoffed at me. Tommy rolled his eyes before taking it out of me hand ‘n walkin’ away to throw it in the bin. Hurriedly, I took off me jumper when I was done dressing Karl then I took him into me arms. I was bouncing him in me arms by the time Tom walked back in. 
He cleared his throat, tsked, and then pointed at me. "I wanted to know if you’re feeling better.” Tom sniffed, flicked under his nose, and then looked up at me.
Disbelief was no doubt written all of it. I scoffed as I bounced Karl in me arms.
“Tommy Shelby, you-!” I scoffed again before it turned into a cackle. “You did not come here to ask me that! Why’re you blaggin’ for?” I continued to cackle long enough ‘til me knees grew weak ‘n I started folding in on meself.
Tommy’s tongue prodded the inside of his cheek as he tried to fight off a grin. He sighed loudly before walking toward me and the baby. “Fine. Ada expressed her worries to Polly the other day about you taking care of Karl, and I offered to come ‘n help.” He held his arms out and waved me to give Karl over.
I looked at ‘em up and down. “You? You are gonna help me take care of a baby?” 
Tommy gave me a look before wedging a hand between me chest to grab Karl. “I have taken care of one before.”
I threw me head back in a giggle. “Who?” I shouted. “John?”
He nodded. “And Ada. And Finn. And fucking Arthur, too.” Tommy turned Karl ‘round in his arms, so that Karl was snug against his chest. Then, he lifted the boy in the air.
“Oi! No swearing ‘round Karl. Ada will have us both for it.” I dusted me hands off before I wiped them on me skirt, and then I sat down. Tommy was still playing with Karl, throwing him up in the air. 
When I felt Karl’s head was too close to the ceiling, I whimpered. “Oh, do be careful!” He snickered. I couldn’t deny that Karl’s giggling was like music to me ears. It truly warmed me heart.
Tommy caught Karl one more time before he crashed on the couch and let Karl sit in lap. Karl began tugging on the lapels of Tommy’s coat. I watched them ‘til it was painfully that I was being stared at too. 
I met Tommy’s gaze and we held it. We held it for a while ‘til I couldn’t take it anymore. With me face heating up— no doubt, giving away me feelings, I jutted me head out with widened eyes before I started giggling. I rose to me feet and walked over to Ada’s phonograph. 
I picked a random record and put it on. “I can’t stand silence.” I said while not looking back just yet. I turned ‘round with me hands locked at the fingertips. “Are ya hungry? I can make you something.”
Tommy’s eyes flickered to me, but he looked back at Karl. “Have you eaten yet, Ali?”
I rolled me eyes while me hands dropped to me waist. I could lie and say no, but if I forced meself to eat— it could end badly for me. But, perhaps while I’m cooking I’ll get hungry again.
“No, I haven’t. So, I’ll check what they have.” I said while walking off. I looked through the cabinets and found some canned food. I could replace it another time. 
I was sitting down in a chair while I watched over the pots. I was waiting for the bubblin’ or whistling. I heard footsteps behind me and there was Tommy with Karl.
He handed him over to me which I happily obliged to. “Hello, little one. Your uncle finally decided to hand you over.” Karl just began to babble in reply. 
I looked over at Tommy, who had just finished settling himself in the chair opposite of me, and asked. “So, how is that tattoo of yours healing?” 
He finished lighting up his ciggie and said. “Nicely. I reckon that it’ll be fully healed within the week.” 
I hummed while bringing my attention back to Karl. Tommy got a tattoo some weeks ago. It was a rose intertwined with a horseshoe on his left bicep. I had a hold on Karl’s hand and I was making him punch the air between us. I made fighting sound effects as I did so. I leaned forward and made him punch me cheek softly. I threw meself back at the contact which made him laugh.
“How evil!” I exclaimed. “Why are you laughing abar that? Huh!” I hugged him as I pretended to eat his neck. His giggles never stopped as he flailed abar. I sighed and hoisted him on me hip as I got up. I walked over to Tommy, took his ciggie from his mouth, and handed him Karl. “Hold him, yeah?”
I put the ciggie in me mouth and took a puff. I used a spoon to check if the soup was burning at the bottom ‘n all that. As I turned off the stove, I took another pull. I walked over to the cabinet that had the plates and bowls in it ‘n took two out. I poured in the soup then walked carefully back to the table. 
I sidestepped, wiped me hands of me skirt, took the ciggie from me mouth ‘n placed it back in his before I took Karl into me arms. I walked back to me seat and settled down. I looked up Tommy who had just finished taking a drag.
“Should I be worried that you don’t cough anymore, Ali?” Tommy quipped.
I shrugged. “No?”
He scoffed as a small smirk graced his face. Tommy leaned forward, stubbed out his ciggie, and gripped the spoon. “Ya know, if I knew you were going to cave this early about my smoking and drinking— I would have saved meself the stress.”
I gasped, exaggeratedly horrified. “Do you know how hard I did try! You just go on and smoke the moment you’re not in me sights. Pssh. Don’t even get me started on your terrible drinking habits. You drink alcohol like it’s water! If I’m not the one giving you water, you won’t drink it!” I shocked me head and grumbled under me breath.
Tom snickered. “Watch what you say, Ali. What if Karl learns it?” He threw me a teasing glance before looking back down at his soup. 
I tsked. “I didn’t even curse, so shut your piehole!” I groaned loudly. “You’re so lucky that there’s nothing here I can throw at ya. And that you’re so far away!”
Tommy’s lips smacked before he asked. “So, you’d hit me with Karl in your arms? Show him your violent ways?”
Me eyes practically came out me head. I snorted. “Oh, that’s rich coming from you! But, yes. Yes, I would.” 
I focused back on Karl. I let him teethe on me finger for a while ‘n I was just watchin’ him. I was just reminiscing that fact that me baby niece used to do that same when she was younger. I mean, of course she did, she was a baby herself!
I shifted me eyes back at Tommy’s and he did the same. A snicker escaped the both of us.
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Tommy and I ended up taking care of Karl for abar three more hours. It definitely was a sight. I mean I knew he cherished family a lot, but I never thought of him as a “family man.” I just didn’t think he’d help me out with Karl as much as he did.
I mean wasn’t it more of a big deal in the 50s and 60s? Abar the whole absence of the father in the family dynamic. The father figure just being the either overbearing brute or the couchpotato? I don’t know. All I can say is that we both tuckered out Karl. Once he was asleep— Tommy and I caught up a little more. Just talked abar the simple stuff.
Right now, I was busy adding up some numbers in the shop while Polly was talkin’ to me. 
“I’m just saying! When are you gonna be bringing home a lad?” She was smiling down at me while nursing a ciggie.
I rolled me eyes as I smiled too. I scoffed. “Polly, I don’t know what you want me to say. It’s not for me own lack of trying!”
Polly shoved me shoulder while she whispered. “It’s ‘cause you still fancy Tommy.”
Me head flashed to her direction as I stifled a loud gasp. I swatted her leg as I exclaimed. “Polly!” I resorted to spluttering for words as she cackled. Me hands were covering me forehead. I sighed deeply. “I’m tryin’, Pol. I really am. I’m trying to stop caring for him.”
I dropped me hands and looked up at her. I gave her a solemn smile to which she did the same. Polly tsked before she hopped off me desk ‘n caressed me cheek with her thumb. Polly awed before she cradled me head to her stomach.
She whispered. “You’re too good for him anyway. My sweet little one.”
I didn’t dare stop the smile that took over me face. 
Polly and I detached from each other to see who was calling out to me. 
“Aliena, Tommy sent me to come fetch ya!” Finn shouted with a red face. 
Polly and I both sighed. We gave each other a look. A look that said, “This damn kid. Shoutin’ like we were miles away from ‘em!”
I rose to me feet and before I could start tidying up me station, Polly took me face in her hands. “Go on.” She said. “I’ll take care of this.”
I gave her a quick grin as I reached for me coat.
“God only knows what he wants with you this time!” Polly chimed as she dusted off the shoulders of me coat. Polly stepped over to Finn, licked her thumb, and wiped the dirt off his face. He shirked away while I cackled at his expression.
I sighed as I tugged on me gloves. “C’mon, Finn! Can’t have your brother waitin’ long or he’ll throw a fit.” When I was done, I put me hand on Finn’s shoulder and we began our journey.
When we were some ways away from the shop, I decided to break our little silence. 
“So, Finn,” I began. “are you still studying?”
He began to groan exaggeratedly while he attempted to rest his head on me shoulder. I scoffed.
“All right!” I shouted. “Just remember, Finn. I’m not the one you’re hurtin’.” Under me breath, I muttered. “At least you know how to read and write.” I looked back at him. Finn was already me height. We were standing shoulder to shoulder. “Oh, come ‘ere you!” 
I threw me arms ‘round his shoulders ‘n pretended to put him in a headlock. 
He protested, more like begging me to stop. I didn’t stop teasing ‘em ‘til we got to the office, company headquarters, whatever. Just a few men work here. Men who were intelligent enough to handle the legal stuff and keep their mouths shut.
Finn and I marched right to Tommy’s office. Finn knocked on the door and Tommy shouted for us to come in. 
“I brought her, Tom.” Finn said as he took off his cap. Looking just like the eager little lad he was. 
Tom looked up at us. “Good job, Finn. Now, piss off.” Tommy motioned to the door with his ciggie. “Aliena, come here.”
I turned to Finn and pinched his cheek before walking over to sit in a chair. I settled meself while taking off me gloves. I let out a deep breath before I asked. “So, what am I doing ‘ere, Tom?”
He didn’t answer me yet. He was still working on whatever paperwork that was in front of him. So, I took in his appearance.
Tommy looked tired yet not. Like a boy who was not gonna admit to being tuckered out since he was having so much fun. He wasn’t any thinner or bigger. So, I think that’s a good sign. Tommy had his coat hanging, but his suit jacket is draped ‘round his chair. 
I looked away after a couple of seconds of staring. I resorted to admiring me fingernails and humming a random song. 
When Tommy, finally, cleared his throat— me head snapped back to him. “I had Finn get you ‘cause I wanted to tell you…” Tommy intertwined his fingers as he leaned back into his chair. “That I’m taking a day off tomorrow.”
I blinked.
And then I began to blink rapidly. 
And then me hand slapped over me mouth as I tried to desperately stifle me laughter. 
Very strainiously, I asked. “Why the fuck did you need to tell me abar this?” I giggled loudly. I took a deep, calming breath before I sat up straight ‘n looked Tommy in the eyes. He had such an amused look on his face. “I was fucking working, Tom! What the hell is this about?”
Tom leaned forward, resting his clasped hands on the desk. “It’s simple. I’m taking a day off to rest and I want you to rest with me. Tomorrow’s your day off too, so unless you have plans… You should be available to join me.”
I can’t deny that me eyes widened a little before me face contorted in confusion. “What are you up to Thomas Shelby? Huh? Why aren’t you planning a boy’s getaway or somethin’?” 
Tommy averted his gaze to the left while dropping his jaw a smidgen ‘n widening his eyes. “Because I want to spend the day with you.” 
I glared at him. I trusted this as much… You know what, I don’t have a metaphor for this feeling. It felt like he was asking me out on a date, but he wasn’t asking me out— like directly! Tommy would have explicitly said this was a date, no? I think he just wants to hang out then.
I sighed as I fell back into the chair. I rested me right elbow on the arm of the chair and rubbed me forehead. Me eyes flickered to Tommy’s. “Fine. Yeah, alright.” 
Tommy pursed his lips a little before he nodded. “Good, it’s settled then. Be ready by 10.”
I scoffed, me jaw dropped dramatically. “Is Tommy Shelby plannin’ on sleeping in?”  
He rolled his eyes as he muttered. “Shut up.”
I stuck me tongue out at him and then relaxed again. “So, is there a dress code for this occasion or what?”
Tommy rubbed his fingers together as his gaze dropped to the side. He looked back at me and said. “I could care less. Just don’t come in your work clothes.”
I glared at him again. Me gaze dropped to his little bar cart as I asked. “Do you have a plan as to what tomorrow entails?” I started picking at me skirt. Picking it up and smoothing it out repeatedly.
Tom tutted. “I was thinking we would walk around London. I’ll take you shopping or something like that. Then at 12:30, we are going to eat at a fancy restaurant called The Barge.” He gave me a pointed look as he continued. “Is that alright with you?” 
I gave him a tight-lipped smile as I nodded. I tsked and sighed as I rose from the chair. “Okay, then. I’ll see you tomorrow. At 10. Not wearing me work apparel.” I turned ‘round and waved him with the back of me hand. “Night, Tommy!”
“Night, Ali.”
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I had a smile on me face the whole walk home. I couldn’t help it. It felt like a date. 
It felt like a date. But, it wasn’t. Right?
I ran into the house ‘n immediately darted for the phone. I phoned Cassie. 
“Ali, what’s up?” Cassie asked once the operator put me through.
I stumbled with me words. I didn’t know how to phrase this. The word “date” just kept running through me mind. “I-uh! So, Tommy…”
“Dear God, Ali! Did you both get into another fight? I told you I didn’t want to hear it if this happened again!”
I scoffed and shouted. “No! Cassie, no! We didn’t get into a fight. On the contrary, Tommy has asked me to spend tomorrow with him.” 
Cassie got quiet. “What?” She whispered.
“Yeah.” I said breathily. I brought one of me hands up to me forehead. “He didn’t explicitly ask me out. Like he didn’t say the word date, but it feels like he asked me out on one.” I squealed as quietly as I could into the phone. “Oh, Cassie! What if this is actually it?” 
Cassie sighed, quite defeatedly— might I add. “Aliena, sweetie. Let’s not throw this out of proportion just yet. Did he tell you this was a date?”
I sighed as I turned ‘round and rested against the wall. “No.” I quipped childishly.
“Then, it’d be safer for you to go in this without that kind of mindset.” 
There was a silence between us.
“I don’t want you to get excited then get your feelings hurt, Ali.”
I tsked as I closed me eyes and held me forehead again. I ran that same hand through me hair as I said. “Yeah, your… You’re right.” I shook me head as if I was shaking those thoughts out of me head. “So, ever heard of The Barge?”
Cassie scoffed. “Of course, I have. I go there sometimes for seafood.” 
I hummed. “Okay. Well, what kind of setting is it? Actually, don’t answer that. Lemme guess, aristocratic.”
Cassie laughed, dryly. “That’s a nice way of saying only rich people eat there. But yeah, it is. So, I would suggest wearing something semi formal. You know something that would not-!”
I rolled me eyes. “Yeah, I know what semi formal is, Cass. I wear something that would make Angie suck her teeth, but not tell me to go and change.”
“That sounds good.”
I huffed before saying, “Thank you for helping me. And bring me back down to Earth.”
“Anytime, babes. I hope tomorrow goes well for you.”
I laughed dryly while looking up at the ceiling. “I do too.”
I hung up the phone not too long after ‘n went upstairs to shift through me clothes. I had decided on a black dress with puffed long sleeves, a square neck cut, and a slit on me right thigh. I wore decent sized heels and I was going to keep me hair down. As for makeup, I was going to keep it light.
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A nude lip, foundation, winged eyeliner, mascara, and some white in the corners of me eyes. I was debating putting some white on me lids too. I decided against it after I tried the look out. 
The next morning, I woke up ‘round six ‘n made meself breakfast. After that, I took a bath and washed me hair. It was fucking baltic, la’, but I fucking did it! After I was done, I kept me hair wrapped in a towel as I got ready. 
I put on me matching black undergarments. Bra, panties, and I almost put on a garter belt— but then I remembered the slit in the dress. When I had those two on, I lathered me legs and arms in lotion ‘n then focused on drying me hair. I just kept wringing the water out of me ends as much as I could. 
I, then, brush out me hair which caused me to repeat the whole wringing me ends process. After that, I hurried to begin putting on me makeup. It took up more time than I thought it would since I kept fucking up the eyeliner. I’m blaming me nerves. Any other time, I’ve been perfectly steady-handed.
I threw me lipstick down and checked the clock. It was 9:45. I groaned exaggeratedly as I rose to me feet. I quickly put on me dress as carefully as I could manage ‘n then put on me heels. When I was done, I went back to me desk and brush out me hair one more time. I took a deep breath.
“I feel like somethin’s missin’.” I muttered to meself. I snapped me fingers as the idea came to mind. ‘Jewelry!’
I dropped to me knees and pulled out me box of jewelry. I debated between me ma’s set and me papa’s set. I, ultimately, decided on the pearl set. I struggled to put them on as I stumbled to me feet. 
I was putting on me right earring when there was honking outside. Jitters shot through me body. I took a deep breath. I finished fastening the earring in and I smoothed out me dress.
I hurriedly grabbed my clutch and ran down the stairs. I was putting on me coat when Tommy honked for the fifth, sixth, seventh time. I huffed before shouting, “Hold your fucking horses!” I opened the door and flailed me arms out. “Jesus, Tommy!” 
I walked over to the passenger side, his head following me the whole time. I slid into the car with a loud sigh. “Good mornin’, Tommy.”
He didn’t reply. He was still lookin’ at me up and down. I gave him a goofy grin in return. 
Tommy cleared his throat. “Good morning, Aliena.” And with that, he started up the car again ‘n we were out.
I fiddled with me coat as I asked. “So, where are we headed first?”
Tommy scoffed while tilting his head to the side. “ How about you stop worrying about it and you just sit there ‘n look pretty.”
I rolled me eyes and tried to stop the smile that wanted to envelope me face. I cocked me eyebrow as I looked at him. “So! You think I looked pretty.” I teased in a sign-song tone. I threw me head back as I laughed. But, then I quickly sobered up and said. “You can’t take it back!” I looked back down, picking at me coat while humming.
Tommy looked at me, emotionlessly. I gave him a toothy smile in return before me hand smacked over me mouth and I looked away. 
Tommy sighed. “Do you ever not laugh?”
I shrugged. “Don’t know.” I tilted me head in thought. “Huh.”
‘When was the last time I didn’t laugh? Like I used to not laugh this much. Does it have something to do with my mental illnesses?’ I thought.
“Well, come out with it.”
I looked at Tommy and shook me head. “Is nothin’. I’m just a giggly person.” There was a short silence between us before I broke it. “Wait, ‘ang on a mo’! Haven’t we known each other for abar three years now? Why are you complaining abar me giggling now?”
Tommy replied, calmly. “I have aired my grievances before.”
I tsked while crossing me arms. “So, why are you still complaining abar it?” I grumbled.
Tommy looked at me before ruffling me hair. “‘Cause you still give me the same vague answer.”
I gasped horrified and scrambled to fix me hair. 
Eventually after a very animated car drive, we made it into the city. True to his word, we strolled ‘round for some time. It wasn’t ‘til I clocked some very nice looking shoes did we stop and go into the shop.
I tried preventing him from buying me the red heels, but he wasn’t having it. It was confusing the hell out of me, to say the least. And once we went in that store, we were going into every other store. I’d say he bought me like two new dress, four new work blouses, four skirts to match, two new pairs of stockings, and a necklace.
“Tommy! Enough now! What are we going to do with all these bags at the restaurant?”
Tommy gave me the most mocking facial expression as if the answer to me question was so obvious! “Stop fussing, Aliena.” Tom turned ‘round and motioned his arm in a wave, like he was calling someone over. And he actually was. Two men walked up to us with peaked caps.
Immediately, me hip dropped to the side and me arms folded. Tommy handed them all the bags in his hands then took the bags I was holding ‘n gave ‘em to them too.
Tommy cleared his throat curtly ‘n pointed his finger at them as he gave them orders. “Now, boys, take these to the car and drop them off at the betting shop. Tell Polly to put these in Aliena’s room.” He waved his hand, turned toward me, gripped me by me arm, and then we walked. 
“Why were they here, Tom?” I asked, slightly miffed. 
“Well, the more obvious answer is for protection. You know that.” 
I rolled me eyes. “Of course, I know that. You think I don’t know you ‘ave men following me ‘round sometimes when I’m out of the city with me mates. Well, I do. But, what I don’t get— is why they were here if you’re here?” 
Tommy sighed. “I only called them here, so that they would get the bags.”
I squinted me eyes and attempted to playfully put me finger in his face. “That better be the truth. Or I’ll kick ya shin.”
Tommy scoffed while throwing his head back. “Deal.” Tommy pulled out his watched and read the time. With his grip still on me arm, He sighed ‘n said. “Right, come on. Don’t want to be late for our reservation.”
I shook his hand off, to which he gave me a pointed look. “Don’t give me that look. Give me your arm right, will you!” I wrapped me arms ‘round his and we continued walking.
I could tell we were finally at the restaurant ‘cause of the huge ass sign. I let out a sign of relief. “Finally, we can sit down.” I whispered to meself. 
Tommy hummed in response. Not that I was looking for one. 
We walked up to the receptionist. They asked us for a name to which Tommy gave him and we were shown to a booth. A rather secluded booth. Red flags were popping off in me head, but I didn’t want to seem paranoid— so I kept it to meself.
Tommy motioned for me to enter the booth first, so I was going to— but I had to take off me coat first. Tommy helped me as I took it off. He held it for me and kept his hand out for me. I tucked me dress under me bum as I slid into the booth.
Another flag was raised as he chose to sit so very close to me. Hardly had any arm space. So, I slid over a little more. 
The waiter gave us each a menu and said they’ll be back when we’re ready. I looked it over and debated just getting a salad. Ya know for… Appearance sake.
Then, I saw there was a lobster dish and caviar. I was sold. I. Was. Sold. As for drinks, there is no soda! So, I’m going to leave that up to either Tommy, or I’m getting water. Do they serve apple juice here? No.
Because I was making jokes in me head, me hand kept flying to me mouth to both stifle me giggles and hide me smile. Luckily, I wasn’t audibly giggling. Time and place, Aliena!
I looked over to Tommy ‘n asked. “Do you already know what you’re getting?”
Tom sniffed before replying, “Yep, have you figured out what you’re having?” 
I nodded, but then I began to double-check the prices of everything. Getting the lobster dish and the caviar was like getting two main courses, right? It was, actually, pretty expensive. So, maybe— I should just pick one. Unconsciously, I started to nibble on me fingernail. Not trying to bite it off or anything, just biting down on it softly, repeatedly.
Tommy grabbed me hand and took it into his. “What are you fussing about now? Show me what you want.” 
I pointed to the two dishes while being hyper aware of the fact that he was still holding me hand. Oh, was I fucking freakin’ out in the inisde!
“Right then. We’ll order both.” Tommy let go of me hand and settled himself in his seat. While reaching for his ciggie case, he muttered. “Not like I’m paying for it.”
Me eyes practically bulged out of me head ‘n I had to will me hand not to slap over me face. I leaned into him and whispered. “Thomas Shelby, are we doing a runner?”
Tommy smirked as he placed his ciggie in his mouth. “Not exactly.” He lit the bloody thing and closed the lighter with a loud snap.
I furrowed me eyebrows in confusion as I tried to think of another possible reason. While I was thinking the waiter came back.
“Can I take your order?” He asked.
I was abar to say yes when Tommy cut me off. “We’re not ready quite yet. But, we’d like to order some white wine.” 
I rested me left elbow on the table, me thumb ‘n pointer finger were shaped in an L-shape as I used it to support me head. I looked at Tommy with an eyebrow raised. I waited ‘til the waiter left to ask. “And why are we not ordering yet? We were ready.”
“It would be rude to have our food be done first.” He looked at me, deadpan.
It finally clicked. “You doin’ a deal, Tom?” I asked, full with spite.
“A little one, yeah.”
I sucked on me teeth and looked away from him while I cradled me temples with me right hand. I wanted to be more upset, but I wasn’t. This was just typical Thomas Shelby behavior. I dropped me hand after I let out a calming breath. 
“Right.” I said. “So, am I to be eye-candy during this deal or do I have job? Have to seduce him or something like that? Follow him out of this place.”
Tommy shook his head as a little chuckle escaped his mouth. “Nope. You’ll be doing none of that. I’m just killing a bird with a stone.” 
I snorted at the expression. Me hand went to covering me mouth. “That’s not-!”
“I know.” Tommy quickly replied. “I asked you to come out with me today because you mentioned we haven’t talked like we used to, and you’re right. This was the perfect opportunity to do so… While sweetening my deal with Mr. Daniel Taylor.”
I smiled as I shook me head. I locked me fingers, rested both of me elbows on the table, and then rested me chin on me hands. “So, this is what you meant when you said I should sit here and look pretty.” 
A smile tugged at the corner of Tommy’s mouth. “Yes.” 
I watched as Tommy took a drag from his ciggie before I dropped me arms and straightened me back. 
It took Mr. Taylor quite some time before arriving. The wine came before him, for Christ’s sake. 
Tommy placed his hand on me back, signaling for me to stand with him. 
“Mr. Taylor, nice to see you again.” They shook hands then Tommy motioned his hand toward me. “This is Ailena Welsh, my companion this evening.” 
I shook Mr. Taylor’s hand ‘n exchanged greetings. I’m happy to say we ordered not too long after. I did just as Tommy told me too. To sit here and look pretty. I didn’t jump in the conversation nor did I maintain eye contact with the man. It seemed that this was “Danny” from season three. The future leader of the Birmingham City Council. Just like mentioned in the episode, Mr. Taylor had interests in steelworks in Cradley Heath. Tommy offered to help him get his products to carmakers.
That’s the jist of it. After tuning into those parts of the conversation, I focused on the expensive meal in front of me. I absolutely loved the caviar. It suited my tastes perfectly. I had to contain me joy, though. Didn’t want to look comical in front of the client, after all.
“Oh, we’ve been chattin’ up a storm, Mr. Shelby. I don’t want to leave your missus out of the conversation. How is the meal, dear?” Mr. Taylor asked me.
I covered me mouth as I hurried to swallow down the bite of scran I just took. I only spoke once I was sure me mouth was clear. I dropped me hand ‘n said. “Oh, it’s lovely.” I nodded me head for emphasis.
“How is the caviar? Have you had it before today?”
I shook me head. “No, today was my first time tasting it. I thought it was delicious.” 
“Oh, well. I’m glad that it suited your taste.”
I nodded and gave him a polite smile. Tommy reached under the table and squeezed me hand. Almost reassuringly. Luckily, after that little “inclusion,” the conversation ended ‘n it was back to only them. Fine by me, to be honest. 
It seemed that this meeting was coming to an end when a man walked up to Mr. Taylor and whispered something into his ear. Mr. Taylor stood up as did we. “Well, looks like I’m needed elsewhere. It was a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Shelby.” They shook hands ‘n then he took my hand. “And it was nice meeting you, Ms. Welsh.”
I let out a little, “Likewise.” 
Mr. Taylor let after that. Me eyes darted to Tommy and I asked, discreetly. “He’s still paying the bill, right?”
“Oh, thank God.” And with that, we sat back down. “That seemed like it went well.” I chimed.
Tom was busy lighting another ciggie. “Yes, it did.” 
Now I was busy debating whether to ask him if he knew there was a loo in this joint, if I should just walk ‘round ‘til I found one, or just hold it.
“If you need to use the restroom, there’s one for ladies ‘round the corner.” Tommy muttered. 
Me head snapped toward him. “Huh?”
He sighed before smiling. “I said if you need to use the lavatory, then there’s one over there.” He pointed to a door, which a woman came out of.
“Oh.” I looked back at ‘em with a pout. “I knew that.” I got up and walked to it. 
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 After I handled me business, we left the restaurant ‘n began walking again. On the way, I had to beg Tommy to go through the park. I just admired the scenery, honestly. I’ve been in the park loads of times with the girls. But only the lord knows when I’d get a chance like this again.
I was walking a little bit ahead of Tommy. I was taking big steps while twirling ‘round. “Oh, come on, Tommy! Live a little!” I shouted as I was still twirling.
“I live plenty.” He rebutted.
I rolled me eyes as I said. “Boo!” I put me thumbs down for emphasis, but it ended up making me laugh. I twirled front and started teetering me head from left to right with me hands locked behind me back.
Just as I turned me head ‘round, a gust of wind blew through me hair. A very picturesque moment, if I do say so meself. If only I had a hat.
I hurried to fix me hair which made Tommy laugh. “Oh, do one!” I shouted. I swatted his chest once he walked up to me. Tommy was still laughing as he helped me fix me hair. I stuck me tongue out at him.
“You know. I’d say you are more petulant than Ada and Finn combined.” He quipped as he was still helping me.
Me jaw dropped slightly. “Isn’t that just a sophisticated way of calling me the biggest brat you’ve ever met?”
Tommy snickered with a shit-eating grin on his face. “Can never get one passed you, can I?”
I glared at him. “No. No, you can’t.” I shook me head before I bursted into a fit of giggles. 
After that whole fiasco, I made sure to stop twirling ‘n stuff. I walked side-by-side with him. I had a really strong urge to hold his hand, but I fought it. I’m just used to doin’ that is all. I hold all of the girls’ hands whenever we’re out. Angie tried fighting me off at first, ‘cause— manners. But I broke her down! Tina just went along with it, though. I’m guessing she just wanted to avoid conflict.
We made small talk, but mainly basked in the silence. It was nice. I was focusing on kicking a pebble when I heard Tommy scoff.
“What?” I asked while not looking up.
“What did the pebble ever do to you?” He asked in a teasing manner.
Me head shot up and I stopped kicking the pebble. I shouted in surprise since I walked ahead of the pebble, but sighed in defeat as I decided to just keep walking. 
Tommy shook his head.
I pouted. “You made me lose it.”
“There’s plenty more. Choose another.”
I pouted harder while crossing me arms. “No, that one was mine.”
Tommy sighed while shaking his head. I could see his grin from the corner of me eye which made me smile as well.
The moment we exited the park, Tommy made it clear that we were going home. I shrugged and accepted it. The car ride was, for its majority, silent. I had me eyes closed and I was letting the wind flow through me hair.  
I like it when the wind froze me ears. My comfort action wasn’t sucking me thumb rather I played with me ears. I played with me pa’s ears too. I missed being able to do it from time to time.
When I felt that we were near the house, I sat up straight ‘n opened me eyes. Tommy parked in front ‘n I opened the car door.
“Well, thanks for the day out. And for the fancy meal. And for the new clothes.” I was abar to step out of the car when I remembered a certain promise I made. I pivoted me body ‘round and kicked his shin.
He hissed. “The fuck!”
I cackled as I jumped out of the car. “Said I’d do it, didn’t I?” I skipped over to the pavement and then twirled ‘round to get one last look at him.
He was shaking his head. “Ali!” He called out to me. 
I threw him a mocking look. “What?”
He beckoned me with two fingers ‘n I’d be lying if I said that that didn’t have no effect on me. So, I walked up to his window ‘n repeated meself.
I stared into his eyes as he said. “Your hair looks better when it’s down. I wanted to tell ya that.” I blinked in response. Flabbergasted, I was. “I had a nice time too. Night, Aliena.”
I whispered. “Night, Tommy.” He started up the engine and I instinctively stepped back. I watched as he drove off before a hand came up to me hair ‘n I stroked a strand of it. A smile creeping up on me.
I ran up to me room soon after ‘n threw meself on the bed. Me thoughts were racing a million miles per hour. 
What the hell was today? Why did he decide to spoil me of all people? He could’ve taken out Polly, no? Or, his brothers? But it wasn’t just a free business lunch, he bought me clothes and a necklace. 
Oh my god, the necklace! It was a simple locket necklace, but it was jewelry from him, nevertheless! Whose picture would I put in it? I would have put me parents in it, but…
And I can’t bloody well put Tommy in it! Maybe I should put Polly and Cassie. 
I twirled a strand of me hair ‘round me finger.
Maybe I should start wearing me hair down more often. 
I grabbed me pillow ‘n squealed into it while kicking me legs.
You know, this could be boiled down to an inferiority or superiority complex. I have rich friends who shower me with expensive gifts ‘n maybe this was a show that he could do it too now.
I shrugged me shoulders with an facial expression to match.
Who cares. His attention was practically all on me today ‘n it felt like a date.
Even though, it really wasn’t.
I began squealing in me pillow again!
TAG LIST: @amirahiddleston @nemesis729​ @salvatoreitmeanssaviour @tlfshelby1 @halepea @lilymurphy03 @marsfireeyes @masumiyetimziyanoldu @i-love-superhero​ @thatweirddaydreamer​ @xxbeckybeexx-blog
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
Build Me Up Buttercup *Part 9*
Weeeee!!!! Here we go, getting close to the end guys. 
I’m glad so many people like it, it makes me happy. 
Okay okay enough sappiness, we’re not dead yet.
Oh and gotta tag: @wanniiieeee 
If you need to catch up:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
“...Soooo, are we hoping he shows up, or not?” 
Once again, your BFF was there to hear the latest escapades of the saga unfolding. 
“Obviously NOT,” You scoffed, falling back onto the bed. It was stiff, almost…crusty. You tried desperately not to think about just what exactly went on in these rooms on a normal basis.
“Because I don’t wanna just BANG IT OUT, that’s why!” you exclaimed, wondering why that wasn’t blatantly obvious.
“Yeah but didn’t you say that Barba said that he was still gonna care about you, even after sleeping with you?”
“Yeah…” you twirled your hair again.
“So then if he does come to you then you know he really does believe that, correct?” Your BFF pointed out.
“But what if he doesn’t?”
“Oh come on, you think that Barba would just have sex with you to prove a point to your sergeant?” 
“I mean, what if he doesn’t care about me after, y’know...we fuck,” You said blatantly.  
“Yes SERIOUSLY. Come on babe this has all happened SO fast, I mean it can’t be anything other than physical attraction,” 
“You don’t believe that,” 
“Of course I do! Look at me! Metaphorically. Guys don’t ‘date’ me, they wanna fuck me and leave me.  
“Yeah, that’s usually because you fuck them before you give them even so much as a name, and then kick them out in the morning. Nice try,” Your BFF shot down your attempts to self deprecate.
“Look, I love you. I know you’ve been through hell and back. But, at some point you have gotta let the past be the past, and realize that you’re not that girl anymore. You’re not 16, you’re a grown up. And a smart, beautiful one at that. A guy could easily fall in love with you,” they assured you.
“In less than 24 hours,” you rolled your eyes.
“Okay maybe not love, but certainly more than a dicking. I mean Christ Y/N if that’s all he was after he wouldn’t have defended you to Liv, he would’ve just begged her to let him have a day pass to fuck you and move on!” 
“But, we’re so-- and he’s-- and I’m-- I just can’t see how we’re gonna…” You tried expressing your thoughts but it just wasn’t coming.
“Look, get out of your head. Just, stop. Stop overthinking it,”
“Yeah okay,” you said sarcastically.
Suddenly, there was a knock at your door. 
“Y/N?” you heard Rafael’s muffled voice outside. 
“SHIT,” You hissed into the phone, jumping off the bed.
“Is that him? I TOLD YOU,” your BFF laughed triumphantly. 
“Shut up. I’ll call you later.” you tossed the phone on the bed, fluffed your hair as if that was going to help the situation, and opened the door.
“Hey, can I…?” He motioned inside, leaning into the doorway. 
“First, I need you to be honest with me,” You put your hand up to his chest.
“How drunk are you?”
“Seriously? I may not drink straight shots of tequila all the time, but that doesn’t mean I’m some old man lightweight,” he scoffed, very offended.
“That’s not an answer,” 
“...Honestly? I think I’m more buzzed off that kiss earlier,” he smirked.
Damn he was smooth. 
 You rolled your eyes and opened the door, letting him walk in. You motioned for him to sit on the bed, to which he replied, “Yeahh….I don’t think I’ll be sleeping anywhere tonight. God knows what is on these,” 
“Really? So how pray tell do you think we’re going to ‘bang it out’?” his head whipped around at that sentence.
“Christ almighty, again Y/N?! Privacy, google it,” 
“Oh whatever, you two were practically screaming in the parking lot,” you scoffed.
“I swear to God, you are so--”
“So what? Stupid? Immature?”
“Hello, kettle,”
“Oh really? How am I the bad guy here? Olivia sat there and basically called you a piece of ass, and I defended you!”
“And yet, here you are. Ready to fuck,” you presented your hands as if you were a platter. 
Rafael put his hands over his face and paced the room.
“Ay dios mio, me voy a suicidar,” he muttered while pacing. 
“Oh really, you wanna kill yourself? That’s a tad dramatic, counselor,” You scoffed again.
Rafael’s eyes widened, “You understood that?” 
“I heard suicide,” 
“Right...ok look,” he stopped pacing and stood in front of you, taking your hands in his.
“I’m not-- I don’t...want to just, ‘bang it out’,” He rolled his eyes at the notion. 
“But, also-- I don’t not want to….y’know,” He gestured towards the bed with his head. 
“...So you do, but you don’t,” you continued with the sarcasm. 
“It’s not JUST what I want to do, carino,”  he put a hand up to your cheek. 
“Cards on the table, I would love nothing more than to rip that shirt off and ravish you right here, until we have to leave in….Jesus, 7 hours,” He shook his head, knowing he was never going to sleep tonight either way this went. 
“Just not on the bed,” you half laughed.
“...Y’know what? For you, I would risk the thousands of venereal diseases that are seeped into these sheets,” 
“....How romantic,”
“If you really knew me you’d know that is the peak of romance,”
“See that’s the thing Rafael-- I don’t really know you. Not really. And you don’t know me. We just...I don’t know, we had this little chemistry thing going all day, and then y’know you cleaned me up when I was crying, and then held my hand through my story, and I--”
“And that’s why you wanna sleep with me,” he dropped his hands and stepped back from you.
Your face fell, your eyes widened. It had never occurred to you that he would be the one doubting the sincerity of the situation.
“What? Seriously?”
“You just said I don’t really know you, you don’t really know anything about me, except that I helped you through a difficult situation and now you wanna ‘repay’ me, or you feel attracted to me because I made you feel good,” 
Your jaw was on the floor; was he actually saying this? Was he this insecure this whole time?
“That is so not--” you tried to interject but he kept on.
“Then how do you explain it? This, this little attraction coming out of nowhere--”
“It didn’t come from nowhere,” you cut him off without thinking. 
“Excuse me?” he raised an eyebrow.
“Are you a moron, counselor?” you asked, to which he just stared at you dumbfounded.
“You honestly think that just because you dried my tears in a bathroom and held my hand through a story, that I would just throw caution to the wind and make a very obvious, romantic grand gesture? In front of my BOSS? Olivia could’ve fired me at any point today for ‘fraternization” or “unprofessionalism”, or a million other things that have run through my mind. You think that I would just risk my career because I thought you were nice?!”
Now it was Rafael’s jaw on the floor, flabbergasted at your sudden admission. He shook it off quickly, walking back up to you and caressed your face once again.
“So...you do have an insane crush on me?” he smirked.
“I wouldn’t go far as to say ‘insane’....spirited, maybe,” you blushed, making him grin like a kid in a candy store.
“AND, really to be honest it’s only been a subconscious thing, I think. But this morning at the gas station, something just…”
“Clicked,” he finished your sentence.
“Ye-Yeah,” You whispered, now once again stunned.
“Yeah…” he smiled, rubbing your jaw with his thumb. 
“So….what are we doing here, counselor?” You tried to keep your voice from wavering, but his hands on your face and the smell of his cologne was driving you nuts.
“We’re standing here, detective,” he smirked.
“Oh fuck off don’t be cute about this,” you hit his hands away at his snarkiness.
“But I’m so good at it,” he pulled on your hands playfully. 
“Alright what are we going to do about….” you gestured between the two of you.
“Well, I told you what I want to do,” he smirked again, pulling your face close to kiss you, but stopped mere millimeters from your lips. 
“BUT, I also don’t want to do something just because Olivia tells me to,” he pulled back quickly, amused at the annoyance on your face.
“So what, you wanna make out like teenagers? Wouldn’t that just be proving her point?” You scoffed, trying to hide the fact that you wanted to do so much more than that.
“I just...I don’t want us to...and then you--” he made hand gestures left and right.
“And then I? And then you!” you hit him softly. 
“No, not me. You think you’re the only one with a subconscious?” He raised an eyebrow, indicating he had always felt the same about you.
“So...neither of us, wants either of us, to change our minds,” you pulled him in closer once again, your arms wrapped around each other’s necks. 
“But both of us, assume that we will,” you continued, moving a hand to play with his collar sans tie, so that it was showing the tiniest bit of his chest.
“SO-- I propose this,” You patted the chest window with both hands. Rafael took this chance to grab them and keep them there, anxious to hear your proposal.
“We….have some fun,” you wagged your eyebrows suggestively. 
“And since both of us already think that the other one is gonna bail, we’re not gonna expect tomorrow to be any different, right?” 
“Right…” he held onto your hands, forcing you to balance back and forth on your toes. 
“And, if we both still feel the same when we get home…” you clung tighter to the collar, pulling yourself closer to his face.
“Then we do this. For real,” you whispered, staring him straight into his gorgeous green eyes.
“...And what happens when one of us changes our mind when we get to the city?” He brushed hair away from your face.
“Well then, I’ll just transfer units so you can get over me,” You gave him a tongued smile.
“Oh, I think you’ll be transferring to get over me, carino,” he smirked.
“What does that mean, by the way? I hope it’s nothing bad, considering you’ve called me it all day,” you asked, and he laughed. 
“No no no, not bad-- never,” He kissed your forehead.
“It means like, ‘sweetie’ or ‘honey’, it just sounds prettier in spanish,”
“It really does. To be honest you could call me trash in spanish and I’d still think it was sexy as hell,” you admitted, making him laugh louder.
“I would never call you basura, carino, EVER,” he assured you, going in for another kiss; this time, he didn’t stop. 
You both began kissing each other furiously, the crescendo of your wants from the entire day came spilling out all at once like a broken dam. Without thinking you jumped up and wrapped your legs around his waist. Surprised, he momentarily stumbled back, but quickly adjusted your weight in his grasp, pulling you tighter into him. You could feel his growing member against your thigh, and you couldn’t help but smile knowing you were the reason for it. All of a sudden you felt yourself falling back onto the bed, Rafael continuing to kiss you.
“Oh yeah sure just let me get the jizz germs on me,” you giggled in between kisses. In response, he crawled on you and moved you up closer to the headboard, his entire body now on top of you.
“Alright there, my body is full of jizz now too, happy?” he panted. 
“Yeah I know it is, I can feel it,” you smirked, grabbing his belt and tugging on his erection. He moaned, his eyes widening in shock and excitement.
This was it, no going back now….
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princesspiratecat · 3 years
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The Rise and Fall of the Shepard Family Part 23: Spring, 1083
Part 1& Part 2
Part 3 & Part 4
Part 5 & Part 6 & Part 7
Part 8 & Part 9 & Part 10
Part 11 & Part 12 & Part 13
Part 14 & Part 15 & Part 16
Part 17 & Part 18 & Part 19
Part 20 & Part 21 & Part 22
After the night of the disastrous dinner with the Merchants, the weather turned gloomy again, and it was just as well. Since Frances had been trapped inside in any case, he didn’t care about the fine weather, or lack thereof. In fact, he didn’t care about anything anymore, and the things that once gave him pleasure such as riding, fishing, and camping out under the stars felt empty and meaningless to him now.
He had finally finished his studies, but only just. And now that they were done, there was little for him to do and nothing for him to look forward to. The mornings were spent laying in bed, and the afternoons were spent milling about the estate. His father now completely ignored him even more so than he had before. The rest of his family let him do as he would. He ignored them all, for the most part. 
At night when the great hall was quiet, he would go down and play melancholy songs on his lute, which he was getting quite good at, truth be told. He would open a bottle of his father’s wine or mead, and drink himself numb until he couldn’t feel his fingers, which helped him play better. When the sky began to brighten with the dawn, he would finally retire. When he awoke with a headache, he would lounge in bed all day until the night came. Then he would do it all over again.
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One particularly gloomy night, Frédérique came down to the main hall at a late hour and interrupted his playing. He had been drinking the last of the Burgundy wine and remembering Gwendolyn’s kisses, so the sight of her was enough to bring him out of his musing. He could tell by the look on her face that she was going to say something he’d rather not hear, as she often did. She was always so serious and always wanted to talk. He hated the way she knew him sometimes better than he seemed to know himself, so he rudely closed his eyes and continued playing, hoping she would leave him be.
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“How long will you continue on this way?” He had no idea of how to answer her. “Do you think this is what Gwendolyn would have wanted? How do you think our mother would feel if she could see you now?”
At the mention of his mother’s name, he suddenly had no interest in playing anymore, and put the lute away, but said nothing. He didn’t want to think about her, as he missed her more than he say, and he had tired of crying. He had already cried his fill a hundred times over.
Suddenly she walked over to him and said in the most tender voice, “Will you not speak to me?” 
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Sometimes she sounded exactly like his mother, especially when she was trying to be kind. The way she pronounced particular words and emphasized certain phrases was just like her. Still, he said nothing and began to walk away, but she would speak still.
“I miss her too, more than anything. Yet unlike you, I try to make her proud of me, even if I cannot see her anymore. I try to remember how kind she was, how generous she was, and how lucky I am to have been her daughter. I’m still trying to be the woman she wanted me to be. Won’t you try to do the same and be the man she wanted you to grow into?”
He stopped walking, and with his back towards her, he was able to answer honestly. “I don’t know how.”
She had disarmed him by speaking so eloquently about their mother, and he could feel tears well up in his eyes. Then she walked up to him and gently placed her hand on his shoulder. She whispered into his ear, “I know you can do better than this. Don’t let him break you anymore than he already has. This family needs you. She needs you.” 
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Whether Frédérique was talking about Gwendolyn, or Francine, or his mother, he did not know. But he figured it could be true about all of them. “I won’t be here for much longer to keep this family going. It will be up to you to do so once I am gone.”
“I don’t know how to live with him anymore. He doesn’t trust me, and he doesn’t want me here. I cannot fight him anymore. I am spent.”
“So don’t. Stop trying to please him, and find your own path.”
He didn’t know what his own path looked like, or even what shape he wanted it to take. But he was too tired to look for answers just now, so he left her and crawled into bed. He was determined to forget everything she had said, but could not, and fell into a restless sleep with her words still on his mind. 
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However broken Frances seemed to be, others would not be persuaded so easily by Marcelle to give up on their friends. Francine had made good on her word and had obtained the newest letter from Gwyn. Did it matter that she also took the opportunity to speak with a certain golden haired boy whilst carrying out this task? No one can say. But she had done her duty, and would do it again and again.
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“I got lucky this time,” Oswin had told her with a serious demeanor. “My mother told me that Gwyn has actually gone to see her sister in a village some distance from here. So I went and searched her room when she was occupied, and found this under her mattress, which is where she usually keeps my letters until she can read them. I hope you don’t mind that I read the map that fell out of it. I have made a copy, just in case we may need it.” He held out the letter to her, and the map it had contained.
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“Oh, Oswin! I am so grateful! Gwyn has gone to see her you say?! And a map?! That is the best news I could have hoped for!”
But he did not share her joy, and suddenly there was a touch of sadness that clouded his eye as he said, “None of this would have happened if she had married my brother. None of it. She ought to have stayed with us from the beginning. But nevertheless, she did not deserve the treatment she has received from your father. He swore to protect her, not send her away from the only family she has left!”
His words panged her heart, as she knew it all too well. Her father had caused so much pain and suffering by his selfish actions, and it was a bitter pill to swallow. She had felt she didn’t know him anymore ever since their mother had died. She resented him for leaving them all alone to suffer in silence, and for bringing Edyth into the house to spy on them.
“I know. That is why I am here...to try and offer a remedy for my friend, and my brother.”
“I hope he goes to her,” he said bitterly. “Because if he does not, then my brother will.”
At that, Francine said her goodbyes and hurriedly walked home. She hastily read the letter and handed the map over to Frances. Curiously, she recognized the handwriting on the map to be that of her father’s, and was surprised to learn that it was he who had drawn it.  
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She told him everything when she handed it to him- that Gwendolyn was living on the outskirts of a tiny village far from their estate, and that Gwyn had gotten permission from Marcelle to visit her. She also told him what Oswin had said about his brother, but Frances was too full of hope to hear that part of it. 
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“Where is the other map father keeps? I must compare the two!” Without waiting for a response, he immediately ran to the library. He rummaged through his father’s papers and scrolls until he found what he was looking for- a professionally made map ordered by the King, which showed the area along the Humber River and all of the tiny holdings and villages surrounding it.  He carefully compared the two, and estimated that it would take him just over five hours to reach her on horseback....maybe six. He hoped that if he left at night, it would be some time before his father found out he had gone.
That night, after he had changed into a fresh pair of clothing, he took a long look at himself in the mirror. 
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What exactly had Gwendolyn seen in him? Did she love him because he was an heir? Or had being an heir made him easier to love? Would she accept him if his father cut him off entirely, as he had threatened to do? 
Maybe she loved you because you gave her the very best of yourself. 
And that was true. He had given her all he had had to offer, and shared with her everything in his heart. He gave her his true self that so few got to see, and she had given it all right back to him.
 Can you live without her? Yes. But I would rather not.
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He knew that if he didn’t go, he would regret it for the rest of his life. He had made her a promise, and he needed to keep it. His sister had been right. He wasn’t living up to anyone’s expectations- not even his own expectations of himself. And now that he could fulfill his promise to her, he must. He didn’t want to be like his father, and he didn’t want to be full of regret. 
This was the path he would take.
If only she will still have me.
The hour was late and the cover of darkness was a welcome shield as he quietly walked out to the stables where he had hidden away his saddle bags and made ready his horse. He lead his stallion away from the estate and walked as silently as he could, until he was sure to be out of earshot. 
It was numbingly cold, but so much was on his mind that the journey seemed to glide by steadily. By the time the sun came up he was already halfway there. It took him another three hours to arrive to the location on the map, which he assumed was some sort of Boarding House or Inn. While he rested and fed his horse, the biting cold began to numb him and he knew that he must press on. 
For awhile, he thought he may be lost, because all he could see was a tiny ramshackle hutch in between a meadow and woods filled with birch. It seemed to be abandoned, but as he journeyed closer, he could see the roof was smoking and he could smell a hint of cooked meat in the air. Could this be where she was? Perhaps whomever was inside could direct him.
He trotted his horse closer now, and suddenly he was outside the fence, looking at a woman with dark hair and pretty face. 
She looked differently then he had remembered her. Thinner, but somehow more womanly. He whispered her name and she was looking straight at him. He could see the shock on her face, and his pulse quickened. 
“Gwendolyn! Gwendolyn.....”
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
Midnight Stars Tree
Pairing: young!severus X reader
Word Count: 5,350
Rating: E for Everyone
Plot: Three days before the start of seventh year, you attend a yearly potions demonstration at a wizard hotel across the street from a wizard museum. Every student seventeen and older participate in a tradition where you skip the last demonstration to hide away in a secret spot in the museum with someone of your choosing.
Warnings: None
A/N: Requested by anon (exact request found at the bottom) and I hope you like it :D I really liked the story so it got a bit long but I hope there were enough cuddle scenes! So many cute types of cuddles to choose from so I included many XD
Posted: 7/16/20
(L/n) = last name
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~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
“Children! Gather around! Please!” Professor Slughorn waved a parchment over his head, trying to capture the attention of over a dozen excited students.
The hotel lobby was full of students from other wizarding schools. All also attending the yearly potions convention before the start of term where the world’s most notorious potions masters would brew together in the world’s largest cauldron.
Most students had clearly signed up just to travel and stay at a famous wizard hotel, away from Hogwarts and the other teachers. Everyone knew Slughorn was laid back enough to allow almost anything to happen. All-nighters? Wandering around the wizard museum after hours? Visiting the rooms of foreign wizards? He had a very agreeable reputation, Horace Sees-Nothing Slughorn.
You stood in the back with your friends, eager to get assigned your rooms. Thankfully, you were seventeen, which meant you’d guarantee room on the top floor where they put both girls and boys in together – separate rooms of course. Not like that stopped anyone.
“Alright, let’s not get distracted,” he laughed and put on his glasses. He unrolled the parchment and started listing off names and handing out golden glittering stones with numbers on them.
The youngest students were called on first, next the fifth years, sixth, and lastly seventh years. You were among the seventh years quickly ushered into the fireplace that would take you and your bags to the very top floor.
You stepped in and held your breath as the bright cold flames rose to your nose and whisked you away to the last floor. You exited and coughed the soot out of your lungs, quickly spotting your friend down the hall. It had begun. The frenzied ritual of finding out who was in the rooms across and to either side.
You took out the rock and walked ahead of your friend to the door with the same number and knocked with the rock. It swung open and a familiar scent of freshly washed sheets made you smile instantly. You left the door open and ran to the far bed, setting down your stuff as a form of first dibs.
“You won’t believe who’s across the hall!” your friend threw their bags down and jumped with excitement.
“Is it that tall Ravenclaw whose been eyeing you since last year? The one with the swooshy hair like ‘honey’?”
They laughed and jumped onto the bed, “Yes!”
Well, it looked like shenanigans were already scheduled for your friend for the weekend, but now the question was how would you join in on the fun? “So, did you see who else is around by any chance?”
“No one else worth talking about. OH. Except for that Snape guy. He’s to our left and rooming with Sirius Black! So you can guess how that’ll go. I bet Sirius will beg every girl on this floor, Hogwarts or not, to sleep in their room.”
“He’ll ask anyone alive just to get away from him.”
There was a knock at the door.
You sat up quickly and laughed, “That was fast!”
You opened the door with hips on your hands ready to slam the door in Sirius’ face. Your six other friends pushed through and flopped onto your bed, taking out the museum brochure and weekend plans.
“They have a Midnight Stars tree!”
“The crystal room has couches!”
“Did you see who was across your room!”
You sat on your friend’s bed and scanned the museum brochure. There were dozens of rooms perfect for what everyone was calling the ‘Secret Skip’, where for the final performance – the one where the world’s leading potioneers would brew the most complicated potion in the largest cauldron in the wizarding world at the same time – everyone from the top floor would skip and run to an available hidden spot with your chosen sweetheart.
You had two nights to find the spot and claim it and two days to find the perfect boy. “We’ll have to spread out and remember which rooms are a go and which are definitely no good.”
. . .
It was after dinner and Slughorn had already gone down every hall with Hogwarts students, knocking and telling everyone to go to bed. After a long day’s planning, your friends got up and left to their rooms, leaving you with the list of most to least romantic-sounding spots.
You changed into your night clothes and washed your teeth, ready to pass out from all the planning when a loud THUMP nearly knocked the signed and framed pillowcase off the wall over your bed.
“What are they doing! They’ll kill me if they keep going!”
Your friend shrugged and blew out their bedside candle, “Who cares. Just take the frame down.”
The frame fell off the wall and onto your pillow, “I’m going over and yelling at them.”
“What! No!”
You opened the door and looked to either side, making sure Slughorn wasn’t still walking around. It was empty and the few floating candles illuminated either end well enough to satisfy your concern. You turned and knocked on their door hard enough to indicate your anger.
You knocked again and the door cracked open.
Sirius smiled at you and opened the door further, “Ah. What can I do for you so late into the night?”
You frowned and pushed passed him, marching inside ready to tell them off. You gasped instead, seeing articles of clothing thrown around the room and a bed fully tipped over towards the door, pillow shredded in two.
“What happened! You trash your room already?”
Your head shot up towards the tall wardrobe where the noise was coming from, “Is that a boggart?”
“It is, so best not to open it up,” Sirius motioned for the door.
“Where’s your roommate?” you made your way over to the wardrobe and hovered your hand over the handle.
Sirius put his hands up quickly, “Oh, he wet his trousers and went home. Slimy git couldn’t contain his excitement.” THUMP “Told me he actually came for the demonstration,” he laughed.
You scoffed and pulled on the handle. Snape tumbled out nearly knocking you over. You caught his elbows and helped him but quickly pushed him away as soon as he was steady.
Sirius laughed, “Oh, there you are.”
Snape bared his teeth at Sirius, “I’m telling! Wait till Slughorn finds out you and your friends are planning to break into the museum across the street! He’ll send you packing.”
“Try it, Snivelly!”
Your eyes widened, “Wait! You can’t do that.”
“Why not?” Snape pushed passed you towards the door, standing as tall as possible in an attempt to match Sirius’ height.
You pulled him back by his robes, “Wait please!”
“Snivellus is just upset he’ll be sitting with the babies.” Sirius held out his wand, standing taller, “Maybe I’ll just turn you into a weasel for the weekend, since you already act like one, eh Snivelly? Where’s your wand?”
Snape jumped back, realizing his wand was not on him and instead laying at the door to the restroom.
You stepped forward, holding out your hands, “Stop it, Sirius.” You turned to Snape, “Please don’t tell. You’ll ruin the weekend for everyone on this floor.”
“How? By making you attend the demonstration you signed up to see? Get over yourself. I’d only be ruining the weekend for you dull ‘populars’ with nothing better to do than commit crimes. What you’re doing is stupidly reckless.”
You crossed your arms and tried to not be offended by his words, “We’re just having fun, Snape.”
“He’s a lost cause, (L/n). He’s just mad no one’ll take him.”
“AM NOT,” Snape growled.
“You just don’t know how fun it’s supposed to be. What if you hang out with me and we go exploring together? Join me while we scope out the museum,” you kept your eyes on Snape as Sirius laughed at your offer.
“What, YOU’LL take him? Are you mad?”
Snape shook his head confused. He was always the type to question everything, “What do you mean?”
You gave him your best smile, “Saturday and Sunday night walk around with me, after the day’s demonstrations. It’ll be fun. And if you still want to tell on us and make us all sit through Monday morning’s demonstration then… Fine.”
“I’m not hearing this,” Sirius rubbed his eyes.
Snape looked into your eyes, his scowl slowly lowered and he finally spoke, “I don’t see the point.”
“But you’ll join me anyways? Just to look around?” You could tell it wasn’t working, he seemed as distant and unapproachable as always. Ready to turn everyone who wasn’t his friends down.
“Snivelly’s too scared to. I’m not though. I’ll gladly – ”
For a second his eyes flicked to Sirius. “Alright,” his voice was low and spiteful.
You nodded and turned to leave, quickly looking at Sirius first, “If you do ANYTHING to make him tell, I’M telling everyone YOU ruined this.”
You marched to the door and exited the room. The hall was still empty and quiet and very few lights were seeping under doors now. You knocked on your own door and hoped your friend hadn’t fallen asleep yet. You were so mad you forgot you needed the rock to get back in.
They opened the door immediately and pulled you in, “I heard everything! You’re really going to hang out with him?”
You shrugged, “He can’t tell if he broke in too. Besides, it’s just to find my spot and claim it.”
“But what about finding someone! No one’s going to talk to you with Snape hanging around like a dark cloud.”
You sighed and yawned, “I’ll figure something out during the demonstrations tomorrow.”
. . .
Students were slowly and quietly filing out of their rooms with wands held brightly in front of them, down to the end of the hall with the fireplace. You left your room and waved at your friend as they walked on without you. You knocked on the door to your left and tapped your foot impatiently.
“Snape!” you whispered.
The door opened and Snape poked his head out and looked around before stepping out, “This is a bad idea. If you had any sense at all you’d go back to bed.”
You smiled amused, “Then why are you joining me?”
He glared down at you but didn’t speak.
Did Snape actually want to break into the museum for fun? You held back a laugh, “Come on, we didn’t spend all day listening to some ghost squeal about historical artifacts for nothing. Slughorn is fast asleep after the boring day and we are going to go have fun.”
You reached passed him and closed his door for him before walking down the deserted hall. Snape’s unsure steps followed.
. . .
One of the museum janitors – apparently some guy that had graduated Hogwarts twenty years ago – had left the side door open for the students and guarded it with a tall staff and a mop. The museum entrance was silent, but out in the distance bouncing lights could be seen, deep into the beast exhibit.
You pulled out your pamphlet and ran your finger down all the starred spots you had called dibs on among your friends. The closest spot was the botanical gardens named ‘Satanical Botanicals’.
“Follow me,” you led the way through a long passageway made of rocks that made your hairs stand on end with electricity.
“People shouldn’t be in here without a guide. All these plants are toxic and poisonous,” Snape dodged a purple-fanged jug plant as it tried to dig into his shoulder.
“Not true, that one was neither,” you giggled.
There were four benches located in the gardens and two were in use by a couple of Hufflepuffs. You walked around to the first bench and saw it was among a snaring prickle vine. The last one was surrounded by whispering wisterias hanging low off the branches. The gardens were dark after closing time and the light purple flowers hummed and glowed faintly.
“This is a good spot,” you sat down at the bench and looked around at the flower bunches swaying. “Romantic.”
“Sure, if you want to be put to sleep and pass out in the dirt,” he pressed his hair down over his ears.
You stood up quickly just as a yawn came over you, “I’ll just cross this one out… Next spot.”
The Midnight Stars tree was across the museum and there was only one way through to it. The corridor was dark with lights only seen out of the corner of your eyes. You stood at the entrance and looked in, trying to spot something in the dark.
“We shouldn’t go through there,” Snape stepped back.
“We’ll run. Easy and fast,” you folded up your brochure and stuffed it in your pocket.
You took a step in, then another, looking back and hoping Snape was following you in. He wasn’t big or intimidating, not by his build at least, but his presence did have a slightly calming effect, or, the knowledge that he knew far more hexes than anyone at school calmed you down.
He glanced at you briefly before stepping in after you. Cold white mist surrounded your ankles and shrieks of pain sounded in the distance. You took off running, Snape still behind, and almost tripped as red flames burst to your right and a white translucent hand shot up to grab you. You jerked away and fell forward out of the corridor, tripping Snape.
“Watch it!”
“Sorry! I-I got spooked,” you stood up and held out your hand to help him up.
He ignored it and stood, dusting himself off, “I’m going in first next time. They can’t touch you. Read the brochure.”
The Midnight Stars tree was standing tall, it’s branches spanning the tall ceiling and walls and lantern flowers blooming full force in the dark. There was no need for windows or floating candles for this room. It was well illuminated in the room by itself. No one had made it this far, likely because of the grotesque corridor of ghosts of burning witches.
“This is perfect!” You ran up to the tree and spun around, admiring the way the flower petals swayed like real fire. “Give me a lift?”
“I’m not getting on my hands and knees for you,” the flowers illuminated in his dark eyes like flames, making them seem deeper like an endless hall of shadows.
He seemed very stubborn and quick to judge, “That’s not what I meant, just… give me a boost. Please?”
The please seemed to melt him slightly, just enough to at least consider it. He looked up at the closest branch and stepped onto the soft grass towards you. He uncrossed his arms and laced his long fingers together and stood unsure beside you. His eyes snapped to yours as you put your hand on his shoulder to lower him down to your height.
You wiped your shoe on the grass and put it in his hands, placing both hands on his shoulders and looked up at the closest branch. It was only a few feet above your reach and a swift boost should do the trick. You turned back and gasped softly, not expecting him to be so close. His nose only an inch from yours.
“Just do it,” he murmured.
You nodded and pushed off, reaching high for the branch. Snape’s fingers unclasped and your foot pushed through, knocking you down onto him. You screamed and fell forward, knocking him to the ground. His arms had automatically tried to latch onto you as an attempt to stabilize himself. You opened your eyes, glad to not be in any pain and realized he was still holding you as you laid on him. He groaned and opened his eyes.
You pushed up and sat, pressing your hands to your lips, “Are you ok? I’m sorry!”
His kept his hands on your hips and looked up at you, nodding slowly. “My hands were sweaty and… Sorry.”
You noticed his cheeks were turning a deep red and slowly spreading across his nose as his embarrassment rose. His hair spread out on the grass below and a ladybug walked over the sea of black, the lights reflected in its shiny yellow spots. You swung your leg and fell back onto the grass, feeling his hands leave your side.
“Thanks for trying to catch me,” you smiled and looked down, feeling your own blush spread over your face. You hadn’t expected to ever be so close to him, let alone fall into his arms. Fall into Snape’s arms and to be held firmly by his soft hands.
He sat up and pulled his legs in, wrapping his arms around himself and looked down at the ground at the little bug that had fallen off his hair. “I didn’t mean to… I mean, I didn’t do it on purpose – let you fall. It just happened.”
You giggled and plucked some grass, “My hero. Thanks for giving me a safe landing.”
He looked over and a tiny smile tugged on the corner of his mouth. His hard edges smoothed, and his normal aggressive demeanor vanished. It almost seemed like the Snape that walked the halls of Hogwarts with a scowl and stone-cold eyes had cracked just enough to let light into his dark eyes. His lips looked as soft and smooth as his voice felt.
His smile dropped suddenly, and he stood, “We should go.”
You nodded and followed him through the dark corridor, averting your eyes from the pained faces of the ghosts. There were still students roaming the museum, but you still followed Snape back into the hotel. You opened your room door without another word to him as he entered his own room.
. . .
“Last night to mark your spot,” your friend reminded you as they headed out of your room to join the other students.
All day you had been chancing glances at Snape, and you could swear he had been chancing glances at you too. Whatever happened under the Midnight Stars Tree last night had changed something in you. Snape was no longer some classmate who you were vaguely aware existed.
Since finding yourself inches from his face you hadn’t stopped thinking of him all day. The way his eyes seemed to glow, the way his pink lips curled, and the slightest hint of laugh lines appeared on his face. Every time you had caught his eyes just as he looked away made you blush and smile. You had looked at your hands and bit your lips trying not to look like a fool in love. Because you weren’t. But maybe, you did have a small little crush on ‘that Snape guy’.
You stood from your bed and checked the mirror to make sure you looked ok in the outfit – the one that you had brought for specifically ‘Secret Skip’ which was tomorrow. “What am I doing?” you whispered to yourself and headed out the door.
You knocked on Snape’s door and waited, rocking back and forth on your toes and heels with your hands folded in front of you. No one answered the door. You knocked again. Nothing.
“Snape? You’re still hanging out with me… yeah?”
There was a rustle coming from inside and Snape opened the door. He looked you up and down slowly and then out towards the ends of the hall.
“I won’t tell, alright? Your threat made Sirius leave me alone – surprisingly – so you can just go pick your spot or whatever with all your other friends. You don’t have to hang out with me.”
You bit your lip and smiled, “They’d all be too afraid to go through that corridor with me. I’d feel safer if I was with you.”
He kept his eyes on the end of the hall, but his lips tugged into a slight smile of amusement, “If you prefer.”
. . .
The museum seemed a bit more rambunctious now, with students running from place to place trying to get to their spots before the next. There were hushed laughter and whispered arguments echoing through every exhibit. Except for the Midnight Stars Tree room.
“You said you’d go first, remember?” you pushed on his back slightly, feeling him lean back into your push.
He sighed, “Fine…” He took out his wand and held it up as he started forward.
You followed close behind and kept your eyes on his robes as you ran, ignoring the bursting flames to either side. You both came out the other end without tripping over each other.
“Don’t think you have to mark your spot, considering no one’s even been here.”
You shrugged and walked forward, “Just in case.”
You took your wand and traced your room number on the lower part of the trunk, watching the numbers glow gently. You turned back and sat down next to Snape, incredibly aware of how close your hands were to his – until he moved.
“Should we leave now then?” he bent his head over his knees, resting on his chin.
“Your name’s Severus, right?”
He shifted his head to rest on his cheek, nodding carefully.
“The grass is soft, isn’t it?” Your attempt at small talk was laughable.
He nodded and placed his hands back down next to yours, looking down to make sure they never touched. You laid back on the soft grass and smiled when he joined, your inner hands still almost touching.
“Your… outfit looks nice.”
You bit your lip trying not to smile and giggle at his compliment. Severus Snape liked what you were wearing? “Do… you think it’s cute?” Were you pushing it?
He nodded slowly and his hand inched closer by only a few grassy blades. You did the same and felt your pinky brush up against his. The next second his hand was over yours and you were turning your palm up for him. His hand was soft and warm, wrapping around yours perfectly. Each slender finger fit between yours and held you as firmly as when you had fallen onto him the night before.
You lifted his arm with your intertwined hand and slid closer to him, so that your arms were tucked cozily between you as your head rested on his shoulder. You held your breath waiting for a response and felt his cheek rest on your head. You breathed in and noticed his clothes still smelled like the potions classrooms and giggled quietly, wondering if he had been brewing during the few days stay at the hotel.
You let go of his hand and pushed it away, choosing instead to lean on his body and place your arm over him. He wrapped his arm around you and pushed you closer, holding you to him as if you’d suddenly run away. You held him just as tight.
Your hand slid from his side to his chest, feeling the way his chest rose with every breath. His fingertips traced the length of your arm and then brushed through your hair gently. It was relaxing laying there under the glowing flowers that looked like dancing flames in the sky. Your knee rested on his thigh and just like that you were the most comfortable you’ve ever been.
You stayed like that for several minutes, shyly enjoying each other until you heard Sirius’ voice from the other side of the corridor of ghosts.
You stood quickly and stepped away from Severus, knowing Sirius would just love catching the two of you together like that.
Sirius burst through the darkness and looked back as another boy came through right behind him. You recognized the other boy. A Hufflepuff with emerald green eyes and who was known as the third best looking boy in the school by many. You were surprised to find him walking besides Sirius, considering he was rarely seen with anyone other than his own Quidditch team.
“(L/n), finally found you,” Sirius smiled. He looked down at Severus sitting on the grass and arched his brow. “Since you’ve been taking one for the team, having to put up with Snivelly for two nights I thought I’d do you a favor.”
“I don’t need anything from you.” You noticed Severus slowly backing away.
Sirius placed his hand on the Hufflepuff’s shoulder, “I insist. So here.”
The Hufflepuff opened his arms in defeat and winked at you, “I see you’ve picked this spot. So why don’t I join you here tomorrow?”
This was a test, an all too obvious one. If you said no then Sirius would accuse you of having asked Severus, a rumor that was sure to spread fast. The fact it would be Sirius spreading it gave you chills, knowing he could be ruthless at times and who knew what he would say.
“Sure,” you glanced back at where Severus stood last but did not see him.
Sirius looked around too, “Well it’s settled then.”
Severus was nowhere in sight. You smiled politely, “I’ll meet you here then.”
You walked around them and headed into the corridor, running as fast as you could. You couldn’t spot Severus anywhere as you searched from the corridor exit to the front of the museum. He was gone.
. . .
Wizards from all over the world were filing into the auditorium to watch the big demonstration. A giant cauldron stood on the stage where four old wizards in different color robes prepared their ingredients. All the Hogwarts students were sitting in the very back behind Slughorn and the fourth years. Severus sat two rows behind you and avoided eye contact completely as you had found your seat.
The demonstration began and the lights dimmed. Everyone sat quietly and the second the old wizards started dropping things into the sizzling liquid, all the Hogwarts students from floor seven stood and made their way out. You followed your friend and stopped at the door, careful not to be spotted by the Hufflepuff boy with emerald green eyes. He wasn’t even looking for you.
All the back rows were almost empty, except for Severus and a few other students. You made your way down again and sat next to him in the empty chair to his right. He turned and stared at you in confusion. He crossed his arms and sunk into his chair.
The crowd cheered as the smoke turned pink. You extended your hand, hoping he’d know what you meant and take it. He turned and shook his head, his black hair swaying over his shoulder.
You leaned in, “Severus, please? I only agreed so that Sirius would leave us alone. I want to be here with you, enjoying the demonstration. Like you wanted. I was never going to join him.”
He sat unmoving.
You couldn’t see his face and wished desperately to be back under the Midnight Stars tree. You touched his fingers and pulled them out from under his arm, holding his hand tight, “Forgive me?”
His fingers wrapped around your hand and Severus turned back, nodding with the same small smile as normal, “Ok.”
The demonstration went on and you couldn’t help but hug his arm and lean into him. The demonstration was the same boring one as previous years but sitting there was worth it, especially when he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you in.
Your hand rested on his knee as you snuggled closer and his arm around your shoulder slid down around your waist. His other hand reached over and held your hand tight as it rested on his knee. His thumb rubbed your skin back and forth like gentle soothing waves.
You closed your eyes and imagined belonging to him and only him. They way he held you felt so right and it didn’t matter where the two of you were, it was just as relaxing. It felt perfect being with him, in the darkness of the theater and under the tree. Severus Snape was everything you wanted.
. . .
The demonstration as over, ending in booming claps and loud whistled cheers. Everyone stood and made their way outside where the other students were already waiting. Slughorn was none the wiser and herded everyone back to the hotel lobby.
Your friends had pulled you aside and told you every juicy detail, and luckily never bothered to ask you about your morning. They knew something was up with you and “that Snape guy” and had the decency not to push passed your walls. The rest of the morning involved packing and before you could say anything to Severus, he had Flooed away.
. . .
The Hogwarts Express arrived and students were filing out, eager to get in the large carriages that took them up to the school. You looked around again, and finally spotted a bobbing black head with sleeked lank hair. You pushed passed the crowd and pulled on his robes.
“Severus! Hi,” you smiled.
His black eyes looked on towards the carriages, “(L/n).” His voice was sharp and cold.
You frowned and waited for the last few stragglers to get in a carriage before speaking again. “Are you mad at me? Did I do something? I thought yesterday was nice, but you left so fast.”
He pulled on the sleeves of his robes and looked down, “You could have said no to him. You could have asked me… I thought you were going to ask me… I wanted you to.”
He looked sad but you weren’t sure what to say. “I thought you wanted to see the demonstration. That’s why you signed up… Sirius would have spread rumors – ”
He stared at you intensely and frowned, hurt plainly visible in his glistening eyes, “Yeah. Everyone would have known you liked me. How awful that would have been.”
He scoffed and made his way to a packed carriage. You made your way to one of the empty ones and sighed, hating the way his lips had trembled.
. . .
It was a week after term had started and dozens of students were enjoying the last few days of summer outside in the courtyard. A light breeze blew that carried laughter throughout. There were groups of friends spread out in every spot. Your group consisted of all your friends and added acquaintances, chattering away about their summers in the far corner next to a group of Gryffindors.
Severus sat hunched on a bench, ignored by everyone as he read and tried to keep his page as the wind blew. His head was hung low and his hair blocked the light from hitting his book, his finger ran across the pages tracing the words.
You looked around and sighed. You jumped down from the low stone wall and made your way over to Severus. You didn’t think he’d notice your shadow since his book was already shrouded in darkness, but he did. He looked up and tilted his head, unsure of your intentions in such a crowded space.
“Can I do something?”
He looked around at the eyes that had started to stare, “Um… s-sure?”
You pushed his book away and stepped between his legs and sat on his thigh. You hooked your arm around his neck and kissed his cheek. His arms wrapped around your waist instinctively and held you carefully. His pale face flushed pink and a wide smile spread across his face as you pulled your lips away.
Within seconds a few Slytherins came over – a part of the gawking crowd moments before. His friends sat around, bewildered by what they were seeing.
“Severus? When did this happen?”
Severus was about to open his mouth when you answered first, “Yesterday.”
Severus shrugged nonchalantly and squeezed you closer, “Told you guys to go.”
You laughed and nuzzled his cheek with your nose, loving the way he bit his lip to stop from smiling too big. You played with his hair as you sat on his lap and joined in the retelling of how it came to be.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
Request: “may I request a young sev x reader where they cuddle 🥺🥺 pretty please?” - Anon
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