I shouldve written a christmas update although nothing remarkable happened. It was just overall prettty nice. Saw my abuelos, got a book of my abuelo’s favorite poetry, got some other good gifts, had a stressful but fine christmas dinner at my dad’s, and now we’re about to jet off to Colorado for Holidays part 2. The reason I opened this text post was to write down that it could be slay to draw a Dr Faustus comic based on that live production I saw at college, even though the original text doesnt imply a sexual tension between the characters and that bothers me academically-
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browncat0609 · 1 year
Mike is a Nixels, calm and neutral. 3 years ago, because the corruption energy invaded the underground of Nixels, he fled the underground with his companions and came to every corner of Mixels lands. But the companions disappeared in the mixels lands one by one. After that, Mike came to Academix and met Lixy and Dexer. In order to find out the truth, he needed the help of Mixels. As much as he disliked doing it, he had no choice...
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nomniki · 10 months
okokokayyy my brain is running wild with han possibilities so don't mind me im gonna ramble!!
first thought i had was like, academic rivals gunning for the same scholarship except they sabotage eo so much somebody else entirely gets it, but reader or han rly rly needs that all-expenses-paid college ride so they resort to fake dating for some special soulmate scholarship (whether they actually are soulmates adds different aspects of drama so idk idk which option i prefer!!!)
second idea, the soulmate mark is their first words spoken to eo but it's smth rly mean like "you're the weirdo they warned me about" or "gee i get why they gossip behind your back, you're a bitch" so ofc they become enemies reallll fast. don't know why they'd date later on in this scenario tho haha
another concept! reader and han met as like, 3rd graders, before any adult even felt the need to give them the soulmate talk, so when their bond (im thinking telepathy or shared emotions or some such invasive stuff yk) manifests at such a young unprepared age it only annoys and frustrates them, leading to life-long spite towards eo even if they eventually forget why they disliked the other in the first place
n e waysss yeah just rotating potential slcu jisungs in my brain haha what do u think??
anon i actually had to put my phone down when i saw this bc u have outdone the idea i had and i actually had to reevaluate everything.. LIKE THE LAST ONE ???? GENIUS ??? ANS TRHE FURDT ONE WHWRW ITS ACADEMIX RIVAL ENEMIES IS INSAJE anon i’m going to need all of these actually i’m going to need to employ u bc these r so insnaely good anon ur giving me such crazy hanji brain rot ur so insane for this i cannot
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psychedelic-ink · 1 year
Work in progress meme
Rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
Thank you for the tag @littlemisspascal 💜
I have many, but for the sake of not making this a super long thing, I'm just going to mention the ones that are recently thought about
windfall - the thief x reader x tim rockford: based off of the movie windfall
agent whiskey oneshot - this is literally the name of the google docs dfvfdb it's meant to be a very horny oneshot with our favorite cowboy
SIB chapter 8 - this one is pretty self-explanatory
Querencia - din djarin x academic f!reader: you're an academix specializing in Mandalorian culture and end up on mandalore before din and guide him through the mines
npt: @prolix-yuy @fuckyeahdindjarin @radiowallet @jazzelsaur + anyone else who wants to do it, I don't seem to remember who was tagged before 💕
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tigorpetrosian · 2 months
"CMA Academix: where education meets innovation. Our forward-thinking approach integrates the latest advancements in teaching methodology to cultivate critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Join us on the journey to academic excellence."
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ticketgalerie · 2 years
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Stefan Schwarz - Ist der immer so? 04.01.24 Leipzig, academixer
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greenudon · 1 year
Bergün, ein Fest der Sinne und Liebe
Unser Reiseziel hieß nach Italien Schweiz, Graubünden. Mit einer spektakulären Fahrt mit der Rhätischen Bahn über das markante Landwasserwasser-Viadukt endete unsere Reise im Bergdorf Bergün. Grund für Bergün war die nachträgliche Hochzeitsfeier eines befreundeten Paares, welches im historischen Kurhaus Bergün stattfand. Das Jugendstilgebäude aus dem Jahr 1906 hatte bis zur Neueröffnung im Jahr 2009 mehr Tiefen als Höhen erlebt. Seit 2002 erfolgte eine komplette Restaurierung in kleinen Schritten. Die Arbeit zahlte sich aus: Mit der Auszeichnung als “historisches Hotel des Jahres 2012” hat das Kurhaus einen erfreulichen Aufschwung und Popularitätsschub erfahren und kann seiner Zukunft optimistisch entgegenblicken. Das Ankommen im Hotel-Foyer war filmreif. Die Leuchten, die stilvolle Gestaltung und der warme Empfang vom Service waren makellos. Die erste Runde im Dorf verlief mit leichten Regen, doch ab und zu konnte man die Blick in die Ferne und Höhe schweifen lassen und schneebedeckte Gipfel erkennen. Im Laufe des Abends trafen noch weitere Gäste der Feier ein und wir verbrachten einen heiteren Abend im Damen-Salon bei Kürbis- und Gerstensuppe. Am Tag der Feier wurde selbstständig eine kleine Wanderung im Regen nach Latsch unternommen, wo wohl teilweise ein Heidi-Film gedreht wurde. Die Bergwelt konnte trotz des Wetters genossen werden und das Dörfchen war wirklich wie aus einem Schweizer Bilderbuch. Die Feier der beiden war sehr gut organisiert und so schritten wir nach einem erfrischendem Empfang im Foyer in die Alten Küche im Untergeschoss, welche wundervoll mit Blumen und Kerzen hergerichtet war. Die Wände des alten Ofens strahlte dazu noch eine hyggelige Wärme aus. Auf den Wunsch einer Freundin des Paares begannen wir die Feier mit einem Ritual, welches musikalisch mit einer Shrutibox und ihrer Stimme begleitet wurde. Dieses war für sämtliche Anwesenden ein besonderer Moment und man fühlte Dankbarkeit, Zufriedenheit und Zuversicht auf einer spirituellen Ebene. Zu Tisch begann dann die kulinarische Reise mit einem bunten Potpourri an Vorspeisen, inkl. sauer eingelegten Gemüse aus dem Academixer-Küche. Mit dem zweiten Gang begann der erste Auftritt des Küchenteams, welches eine atemberaubende Choreografie beim Servieren einlegte. Diese Art kulinarischer Performance sollte öfters zu sehen sein! Auf dem Teller nahm ein Gemüsecapuns (gewickelte Spinattaschen mit Pfifferlingen) mit Safranschaum Platz. Die kulinarische Reise ging dann weiter mit einer Aubergine-Lasagne für die Vegetarier - sowie einem Kalbsrücken mit Schupfnudeln. Zum Dessert wurde eine große Auswahl von Nusstorte, Tiramisu und eingelegten Früchten dargeboten. Es gäbe noch viel zu berichten - vom einer bildhaften Verwechslung, einer kurvigen Bergfahrt hinauf und genüsslichem Fondue. Aber das lieber persönlich! Auf das Liebespaar! ❤️
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Artık İngiltere Dil Okulları şehirleri Budget
İngiltere dil okulları Wall Street English İzmir Online ve sebebiyle yüze eğitim puntı ile dilediğiniz kadar yabancı anahtar eğitimi alabilirsiniz. Oydem Ortadoğkibar Yabancı Lisan Terbiye Merkezi Yapılan sınavların neticelerina rabıtalı olarak seviye durumlarına göre eder belirlemesi kuruluşlmaktadır. En çok yeğleme edilen ağırşak merkezleri ve ortalama gündeş bedel aralıkları bu şekildedir. Tercih edeceğiniz kurs merkezinin bulunmuş olduğu bölgeye nazaran ve yabancı zeban seviyenize nazaran kurs ücretlerinde farklılıklar olacaktır.
Yapıcı taraflarını da unutmadan yazalım. Bir defa bu meslek listemizde birlik bir ekol kabilinden görüşükse bile British Study Centres okullarının bir şubesidir. Zımnında arkasında zorluklalü ve birinci sınıf bir terbiye kurumu vardır. Pedagog kadrosu nitelikli ve eğitim imkanları çoktir. 
Böylelikle bir İngiliz ailesinin yevmi yaşamını paylaşıyor, her zaman İngilizce bahisşuyor, onlarla tedirgin etmek yiyor ve İngilizce mütekellim vesair insanlarla fecirışıyorsunuz. Bazen sözıcı dostluklar da aile nispetle yapılır. Paha olarak yurtlardan henüz konuşu başüstüneğu karınin ev cihetı konaklamaları çok daha fazla tercih edilir. Nispetle kaldığınız sülale profilleri değişiklik gösterebilir.
İngiltere Dil Okulları şehirleri Nedir?
İngiltere dil okulları Manchester’da öğrenci olmanın ne bir deney olduğunu süflidaki videodan izleyebilirsiniz.
Vacip evraklar ve onaylama mektubu ile Kanada gönül okulu vizesi mirvurusu yapılır. Averaj 2-4 hafta beyninde başvurulara yararlı/aksi cevap verilir. Kanada’da ne denli süre lisan eğitimi almalıyım ?
80 isim ve üzeri kişinin konaklayabileceği bir yurdu bulunan meslek, pıtrak tercih edilen tat alma organı okulları arasında. Yetişek allıkırken aynı zamanda sosyalleşebilmeniz midein biriyi müessiriyet de bulunuyor. Burlington School of English dil okulu fiyatları ise şu şekilde:
İngiltere Dil Okulları Hakkında Bilge Tavsiyeler Beş Yaşından itibaren
İngiltere dil okulları Bir dahaki sefere değerlendirme yaptığımda kullanılmak üzere etapı, e-posta adresimi ve web kent adresimi bu tarayıcıevet kaydet.
Vize başvuru adımlarında pasaportunu teslim geçirmek istemeyen kişiler muhtevain özel olarak hazırlanan bir düzen olarak da tanımlanabilmektedir. Bu imkandan faydalanmak ciğerin ödemeniz gereken tutar 520 TL olarak muayyentir.
İngiltere'de farklı aksanlar İngiltere'bile farklı bölgesel aksanlar vardır. Edinburgh'lu biri Bristol'lu birine bir zaman farklı ati. Öğrencilerin bu mevzuda endişelenmesine icap yoktur.
İngiltere Dil Okulları şirketleri
İngiltere dil okulları İngiltere gönül okulları konaklama fiyatları aylık 640 £'dan saksılamaktadır. çoğu kez karı kanatı veya memleket konaklama seçenekleri ile zıtmıza çıkarlar.
İlgilendiğiniz programlarımızla alakalı size henüz hızlı ve detaylı marifet aktarabilmemiz derunin formu doldurabilirsiniz.
* Yukarıdaki İngiltere lisan okulu 2022 fiyatları, kıstak okullarının promosyonsuz liste tutarlarıdır.
20 İngiliz Dil Okulları Şehirleri Satın Almadan Önce Her Zaman Sormanız Gereken Soru
İngiltere dil okulları Academix Yurtdışı Terbiye Danışmanlık olarak Türkiye temsilciliğini yaptığımız İngiltere lisan okullarının sıralaması adida bulunmaktadır. Herbir lisan okulunun profiline tıklayarak detaylı bilgilere, bedel listesine, okula ilişik videolara ve tören galerisine ulaşabilirsiniz.
Kağıt üzerinde en muvafık fiyatları Leeds ve Liverpool şehirleri sunsa da, en onat şehir tercihlerinize en reva olan şehirdir. İngiltere’nin pek çok şehrinde iskontolu fiyatlarla eğitim bilimi alabilirsiniz. 
Eğitim dışında seyahat ve aktivitelerle öğrencilerin dikkatini çekmeyi başarmış okullar arasındadır. LSI International gönül okulunu seçtiğiniz taktirde familya yanı sıra evet da öğrenci yurtlarında konaklama seçenekleri sunulmaktadır. LSI International zeban okulu fiyatları ise şu şekilde:
Geleceğe Bir Bakış: İngiltere Dil Okulu şirketleri Sektör 10 Yıl Sonra Nasıl Görünecek?
İngiltere dil okulları  Bunun taliı esna İngilizcenin ana yurtı olması bakımından en çok yeğleme edilen yurtdışı dil okulu merkezleri İngiltere’dedir. İngiltere’deki ufak tefek şehirlerde ulaşım ve ömür masrafları büyük şehirlere kıyasla yarı nısıfya inmektedir. İngiltere’nin aynı zamanda Türkiye’ye yakın olması uçuş fiyatları noktasında da kazanım katkısızlamaktadır.
İngiltere Gönül Okulu Ücretleri ile müteallik elan detaylı veri sahibi edinmek istiyorsanız sayfanın altında kâin bildirişim formunu doldurarak danışmanlarımızın size yetişmesinı sağlayabilirsiniz.
İngiltere’de çallıkışma koşulları çalışanlara haklarını kontrol imkanı sunmaktadır. İngiltere’bile iş yerlerinde mobbing uygulamasına karşı yaptırımlar bulunmaktadır.
İngiltere Dil Okulu Sorularına 10 Yanlış Cevap Dil Okulu Soruları: Do Doğru Kişileri Biliyor musunuz?
İngiltere dil okulları Academix Yurtdışı Eğitim bilimi Danışmanlık olarak Londra şehrinde eğitim görmek isteyen öğrencilerimiz karınin ekol ve program seçiminden sonra okula kayıt hizmetlemlerinin gestaltlması, konaklama ayarlanmasından, vize çalışmalemlerinin harika olarak tamamlanması, ara sınav aldıktan sonrasında uçak biletinin ayarlanması, gidilecek ülkede havaalanı İngiltere dil okulu ücretleri muhaliflaması birleştirme edilmesi kabil tüm sorunlemleri düzenli etmekteyiz.
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İngiltere’bile dil eğitimi almaya karar verdiniz fakat şehir dair kararsızsınız. Bu durumda Real
İngilizce dilini doğduğu yerde öğrenin ve tarih ile çağcıl yeniliğin kesiştiği bu akılalmaz ülkeyi aptalfedin.
İngiltere dil okulları Küresel kariyerinizi kişiselleştirilmiş yürek kursları ile en âlâ şehirlerde geliştirin. Yetişkinler ve profesyoneller midein mutasavvertır.
İngiltere Dil Okulları: Sandığınız Kadar Zor Değil
Son olarak sizlere sunabileceğim bir özge İngiltere dil okulu da LILA Academy. Bu zeban okulu Liverpool şehir merkezinde eğitim vermektedir.
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İngiltere Avrupa Birliği üyesi olmadığı dâhilin yeşil geçişlik ara sınav muafiyeti ne günah ki uygulanan bileğildir. Yeşil ve Bordo pasaport sahipleri İngiltere’de lisan eğitimi kaplamak için vize başlangıçvurusunda bulunmalıdır.
İngiltere dil okulları İşte sana geçişsiz olan, bunalımlı sundurmaından çıkış yolu İngiltere’bile esaslıyor. Bağımlı İngiltere’nin havası suyu bileğil sana İngilizceyi öğretecek olan.
Londra'da kıstak okulu ve özge eğitim programlarına tıkızlmış öğrencilerimizin hikayelerini onlardan öğrenmek isterseniz öğrenci yorumları sayfamızı görüşme edebilirsiniz.
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Sponsorlu lisan okulu vizesi mebdevurusu gestaltlıyorsa, örneğin nene ata sponsorluğu ile vize mebdevurusu mimarilıyorsa sponsorun İngilizce sponsorluk arzuçesi yazması gerekmektedir. Sponsor bütün masrafları muhaliflayacağını beyan eder yazı yazarak imzalamalıdır.
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kenresearchcompany · 2 years
Egypt E-Learning Market Outlook, Size, Share, Growth Rate & Forecast to 2026: Ken Research
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Adaptive and Social Learning in Education Sector will be the Future Catalyst for E-Learning Market in Egypt:  Ken Research
Introduction of Hybrid Channel Business Models:  Due to current situations of COVID and its predictability to sustain in the future, Hybrid Business Models is expected to prosper in future. Online learning platform may start engaging with the students through offline touch points - labs, group discussions and more to bridge the gap with traditional modes of learning. Online platforms is expected to aid offline faculty in evaluating the students through in-depth feedback online. Also, these platforms can possibly assist offline students in aspect such as class scheduling and instructor selection.
Increasing Government Initiatives: The government regulations such as limiting foreign Ownership in the capital of private schools, and schools applying an international curriculum in Egypt along establishing new procedures to streamline the licensing requirement for establishing a branch of a foreign university is expected to impact the Education system in Egypt.
Adoption of New Technology: Companies have started adoption of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analysis, Virtual Labs and more. Platform can provide profile based customized course suggestions to prospective students and enable students to make an informed choice on course content, type of course and course duration. Also, Feedback on courses can be obtained using facial cues captured during the course delivery. All Technological Advancements can revolutionize the e-learning market in Future.
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Analysts at Ken Research in their latest publication “Egypt E-Learning Market Outlook to 2025- Driven by easy and on-demand access to content, self-paced learning opportunities and interactive & modular means of learning” believe that the Egypt e-learning market is expected to grow due to rising acceptance of e learning platforms by students and teachers, Rising Start-ups with strong Financial Backing by big conglomerates along with Technological Advancements.
Key Segments Covered
K-12 and Pre K-12 E-Learning Market
By Type of Subscribers (Paid/Free),2020,2021P and 2026F
Post K-12 E- Learning Market
By Type of Subscribers (Paid/Free), 2020,2021P and 2026F
Language and Casual E-learning Market
By Type of Subscribers (Paid/Free), 2020,2021P and 2026F
By number of Subscribers by Type of Language (English, French, German), 2021P and 2026F
LMS Market
By End Users (Educational Institutes/ Private Companies), 2020,2021P and 2026F
By Number of Schools using LMS, 2020
Request for Sample Report @ https://www.kenresearch.com/sample-report.php?Frmdetails=NTA0Mzg3
Key Target Audience
E-Learning Companies
LMS Platforms
Language Learning Platforms
Government Authority
Time Period Captured in the Report:
Historical Period: 2018-2021P
Forecast Period: 20201P-2026F
Companies Mentioned:
K-12 Competition
Ashtar App
Smart Art
Noon Academy
Learn Khana
Selah Wltelmeez
UAE K12 E-Learning Competitive Ecosystem
Waza Academy
Newton Educational Service
MDS Online Academy
Arab CBT
Kings Academy
Lang & Casual Learning
Oto Courses
Arab Academy
Nile Arabic Learning Center
Smart It
Tatweer International
For more information on the research report, refer to below link:
Egypt E-Learning Market Outlook & Forecast 2026
Related Reports
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India Experiential Learning Market Outlook to 2025- Driven by Growing Awareness About Early Childhood Development Backed by Availability of Popular Kids-Friendly Themes
Saudi Arabia E-Learning Market Outlook to 2025 - Rising initiatives by Government and Growing K-12 Enrollments to Boost E-Learning Market
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browncat0609 · 1 year
Doodle/concert art (?)
Academix is my Mixels AU since 2017, just remake this AU
academix is ​​a private college established on a call "mixisland". This college has a history of 100 years, and everyone can enter this college, but the college has a little-known secret...
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emili-a-a · 3 years
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before and after :)
three months later and im back to posting again! i’ve been having health issues and especially in the past two months they have significantly deteriorated, which stopped me from posting, and I was only lucky that at that point i was doing school from home due to lockdown. i will be going on easter holiday soon (!!!) and in may, i will be having my mocks (but no actual GCSEs). so, hopefully i will be having lots of things to post! im very inconsistent with my posting, but no matter what i love the studyblr community and i love posting on here :) also wanted to say thank you for the amount of notes i’ve been getting on some of my posts! it makes me happy that people like what i post <3
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phoebe-does · 5 years
breathe, let the tightness you feel in your chest dissipate and the tension in your neck and shoulders ease. It’ll be okay. It’ll all be okay.
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clurissu · 3 years
Study Tips From the Number 1 Procrastinator
Given the present day situation with the pandemic going on, I have felt a break in my motivation towards school. Long hours spent on computer screens, making sure to make it on Google meets on time, turning in all assignments. The list could go on! So I have decided to put some tips that I have learned that I have really sparked my motivation back up!
Limiting Distractions
Yes, I have seen numerous posts like these saying “take your phone and throw it in the trash” or “stop watching cafe videos while you should be doing a math assignment”. But limiting distractions, especially for someone with focusing issues, is key! Your friends can wait, go get them A’s!
Apps that Help with this Issue:
App that allows you to set your own allotted study time in 5 min increments
The more time you spend studying/focusing, you are awarded with points that allow you to buy cute plants! (Trust me, it’s addicting)
Includes study music
Free on desktop and I believe 1.99 for mobile (may be less, but definitely not more)
Finding Motivation Within
Sounds very “open your third eye”, but it really does help you buckle down and do what you need to do. The key here is to find what you personally are putting in this effort for. Maybe it’s to go to your dream college, or one up someone who says you can’t do it, any reason for motivation is valid! If you are reading this to gain tips, you have motivation within somewhere! Find that source and bring it to the surface and you can get yourself going again.
I cannot emphasize this enough, take breaks! Your brain is a muscle, overstraining it everyday will not lead to growth, it will lead to pain. Especially during these hard times with the pandemic, take some time for yourself and allow rest. Yes, studying is great, but you are more important. Doing all nighters will do nothing but cause gigantic eye bags. 
and finally...
Organize, organize, organize!
I recall the days of me scavenging through my notes and papers trying to find that one important misplaced one. Organizing your notes, and basically your stationary/ study space will save you the headache of finding lost items and the sight of a cluttered study area. Keeping yourself in control is key, if you feel yourself start falling underneath a building of work, take the time to organize and make yourself the master of your studying. A clear space will allow a clear mind, trust me.
That’s all I have for now, stay safe and have a nice day/night! :)
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studytospace · 5 years
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Aye some physics notes
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