maybeinanotherworld · 3 months
at the end of the day it's just me and my utter inability to code against the world
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studyinquantum · 5 months
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The year is coming to an end, this also means that the exam session is quickly approaching. Today I started studying for my second-to-last exam that I'm doing on the 8th January 2024.
I am feeling so anxious about the end of this year, and about the end of my master's degree. I have no clue of what's next and this is pretty mind boggling for me
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reionized · 1 month
people who work/study in quantitative bio-adjacent fields, rise up. computational neuroscience where you get to see someone's thoughts in feelings in graph form??? so cool. biophysics where you can pass blood plasma through an electric field to determine whether a patient has cancer or not?? unbelievable. biomedical engineering where you can literally build a device to pump someone's heart and be the difference between their life and death??? oh my god. disease modelling, being able to predict AND prevent communities being affected by disease on a large scale through your analysis of data??? i love science
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what is a detector array if not large, expensive, and fragile? that is a horse to me. i never grew out of my horsegirlhood. it just got displaced onto a giant ball of semiconductors
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lab reports and the cold has really hit ❄️
many assignments due soon, and the cold is killing motivation.
focusing on keeping warm and comfortable and taking each assignment just one step at a time.
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cannibalcaprine · 1 year
question, physblr
a lotta quantum stuff happens since things that are really small, like subatomic particles, are less like solid, material things, and more like hazy spheres of influence, yes?
superposition means that sphere of influence can be in multiple states, and will collapse into one state when interacted with
and entanglement is when multiple spheres of influence are put into the same state, despite only a couple spheres are interacted with, i think it has something to do with the "spin" of a particle
is that more or less correct?
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anecdochees · 3 months
reading some academic articles on diversity equity and inclusion in STEM in undergrad and like. gosh the fact that some people need to be convinced with a scientific study that “the ability to pay for tuition is crucial to advance to degree completion” like ??? how is that not common sense
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I'm enjoying working so much at the moment. The beginning of my PhD has been extremely fun.
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zero-body · 1 month
23/100 days of productivity
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I felt extremely demotivated and small yesterday so I didn't post anything, hardly felt like I did anything of note at the time.
In retrospect though, even though I got very little done, without that break I'd be even worse off today.
So, what happened today? I attended class (got shamed by my professor for not knowing it all considering this is my third time taking it), went out for lunch with an old friend and did homework late in the evening contemplating my life choices.
This is shaping up to be a horrible week but we keep on pushing.
aesthetic photos were not really on my mind today so take the half assed ones, please and thank you
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wallf1ower · 9 months
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lmao, elon is literally so fucking stupid. like i know we all know that already. but today this embedded tweet showed up in an article i was reading and becsusse of the big X in the corner i literally thought it was an ad and my eyes automatically glazed over and i went to click the X to close it just on autopilot. and then i realized it was twitter's new stupid logo, and this was a tweet. this is PEAK bad design!!! lolol, always makes me feel better to shit on the idiot.
btw, there's been a potentially major and very exciting breakthrough in science, if anyone wants to talk about LK-99 :]
link to the article
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maybeinanotherworld · 4 months
the other day, i said i was tired of seeing legendre polynomials everywhere and a friend of mine said, with no explanation whatsoever, "le gender polynomials" and i just think that's the funniest thing i have ever heard
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studyinquantum · 5 months
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Writing directly from the library, even tho the pictures are from yesterday. My headphones died and I am currently observing the processes running on my uni's HPC cluster.
My thesis should be about biophysics but the more time I spend working on it, the more it involves hardcore computer science.
I also love the course on statistical mechanics I'm taking.
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gravitationalensing · 4 months
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quiet mornings in the lab
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metastablephysicist · 2 years
i just graduated ask me physics questions and we can find out together if my degree means anything
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De los fermiones y bosones.
Llamamos partículas elementales a los bloques básicos que construyen nuestra realidad. Estas pueden clasificarse en fermiones (nombre debido a Enrico Fermi) y en bosones (nombre debido a Satyendra Bose).
La diferencia entre un tipo de partícula y la otra reside, en primera instancia, en cuál está sometida al Principio de Exclusión de Pauli. En términos simples, este principio enuncia que 2 fermiones no pueden compartir el mismo estado cuántico, los bosones no conocen esta restricción. Visto desde una perspectiva más formal, si un ensamble de fermiones idénticos fuese descrito mediante funciones de onda independientes para cada partícula, no habría 2 partículas con la misma función de onda.
Cuando hablamos del estado de una partícula nos referimos a su nivel energético, su espín, su posición y momento lineal en un instante dado y cualquier otro parámetro que nos permita identificarla. En una pareja de fermiones todos esos valores no pueden ser iguales a la vez.
Los bosones, por otro lado, pueden perfectamente compartir estados (o sea, pueden ser descritos dos o más bosones con la misma función de onda).
Podemos identificar cuando una partícula pertenece a una categoría u otra a partir de la paridad de su función de onda. El concepto de paridad hace referencia a cómo cambia el signo de la función de onda cuando cambiamos el signo de sus coordenadas.
La función de onda de los fermiones es impar, la de los bosones es par. Es decir, al cambiar el signo de las coordenadas para la función de onda de los fermiones, la función entera cambia de signo consecuentemente; mas, para los bosones este cambio no tiene consecuencias.
Finalmente, los fermiones difieren de los bosones, también, en la naturaleza de su espín (que es una forma de momento angular intrínseco); siendo semientero o racional para los fermiones y entero para los bosones.
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De la ilustración: bosones a la izquierda y fermiones a la derecha. Las partículas están representadas mediante esferas, con sus estados vistos como niveles en el interior de un “pozo”. Vemos como para los bosones es posible acumularse a un mismo nivel, pero los fermiones deben ocupar solo un nivel a la vez.
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physicaorg · 9 months
hello! we are a little science community that has been in existence for around a year but is now planning to fully bloom into something big! and we are currently looking for members!
PHYSICA is a sci-comm volunteer youth-led org that will focus on advertising the importance of scientific literacy, along with providing skills within science communication to its members - we are talking about improving our abilities to read and talk about current research, and improving access to science communication to vulnerable populations.
apart from that, we will host regular webinars with current scientific communicators - engineers, scientists, researchers, teachers, artists, bloggers, and anyone who has ever made science more understandable and accessible for the community they are in. as a member, you will not only be participating in those webinars, you will be giving active feedback as to who we invite next!
things we plan to come out with :
1. an opportunity for artists who talk, paint and write about things related to science/the environment/the universe to submit their work to be regularly featured across our social media and website
2. our very own digital magazine in which writers, artists and designers will be able to collaborate in discussing today's research that makes us believe in tomorrow 
3. building a community of people that care and believe in science 
you want to write an article about the construction of the james webb space telescope or about the new batch of dino bones that someone just found? wonderful! write with us!
you like to draw trees, fishes, birds and forests? great! we will have an article on environmental science for you to illustrate!
we need web developers (hi wix people), editors, graphic designers, social media managers and more! 
want to make a difference in the way science is learned, taught, and talked about? fill out one of the forms on this link! would you potentially be interested in helping host a webinar about effective, equitable and accessible science communication? are you a data scientist, an artist or someone who interacts with science? message us to collaborate!
sciblr, please boost this!!
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