#a master of his field who is also just Such a guy who loves to troll his friends and has a green guy he goes way back with
mightaswelljxmp · 5 months
i love having both etho and kakashi as My Guys because then whenever i see either of them it’s two for the price of one
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jayybugg · 2 months
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Ghost avoids you but it's not what you think.
Warning: Slight Time Skips, Kinda Asshole Ghost?, Smut (18+), Use of Y/N, Language (?).
Word Count: 4.6K
Note: Now, I know in my master list I said that right now I would only be writing for the Slytherin Boys......but I have spiraled back into my Call of Duty, specifically Ghost. Now this is just an experiment, I don't know how this will go over but if you guys like it then maybeeee I'll post my other fandom fics that I have.
Also! This is a birthday gift for my beautiful gem, @slytherinslut0 , so everyone thank her and wish her a happy birthday. As always, @cafekitsune is on the banner.
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Taskforce 141 didn’t pay any attention when they were told that they would have a new nurse on the base. They assumed it would be another male, just like everyone who got employed here.
So, only one could imagine their shock when the base’s doctor, Dr. Moscaw, introduced a pretty little thing like you to the team.
“This is Y/N. She will work under me. Your first point of contact for anything medical-wise.” Moscaw spoke, “Don’t go scaring her off, boys.”
There were grumbles and protests as Dr. Moscaw left you with the team. You cleared your throat as you gave them all a nervous smile. All their eyes were on you, surveying you almost like prey. A certain man with a skull mask being the most intense one. “Um, right. You all desperately need an annual check-up. So, whenever you all have a moment, please stop by the medical ward. I would love to update your records and meet you all.”
Before any of them could say anything, you had scurried off.
Over the next few weeks, they all came in one by one. Introducing themselves as you went through updating their records.
First came Captain Price. You liked to think that he came in to lead by example and not to get out of his mountain of paperwork. Then Kyle came in the next day. He begged you to call him “Gaz”, saying that nobody on base ever calls him Kyle.
Not long after Gaz came, Johnny waltzed into your office. He was flirty but overall friendly. Johnny, just like Gaz, begged you to call him Soap like everyone else. He was the one who referred to you as a breath of fresh air amidst the testosterone-filled air. Often, he and Gaz came to your office. They always claimed to be checking up on you, but you knew it was because they were hiding from their duties.
“Where is…. um, Ghost? Or is his name Simon? It’s two first names on this file.” You asked, furrowing your eyebrows at the lack of information in his records. Soap chuckled, glancing up from his phone to you. “Ghost is the name he’s gonna give ‘ya. It’s the name that we all know him by.”
“A field name, I assume?” You asked, looking up from your computer. Gaz and Soap nodded. “Yep. His name for plenty of reasons, but that’s neither here nor there.” Gaz waved his hand dismissively.
“Well, is he going to come in for a check-up? He doesn’t have another doctor or anything listed.” You sighed. “His medical record is empty. There is nothing on here, other than his name and height. No birthday, no past medication history, nothing.”
“Of course, that’s all that’s on there. That’s all anyone knows about him.” Soap laughed. “He’s not gonna come in here for a check-up.”
“What? Why not?” You asked, closing your computer.
“Too much information.” Gaz shrugged. “Nobody knows anything about him. It’s a shocker that he even allowed his real name to be on those records.”
“So, nobody knows if this guy even goes to the doctor?” You threw your hands up in exasperation. “That’s insane.”
“Ya may be right, but that means nothing to Ghost.” Soap said.
“And insane is basically his middle name. The man does whatever he wants.” Gaz added.
“Do you think he will come in if I just ask?” You pondered to the men.
Gaz and Soap glanced at each other before shrugging. “If you bat those pretty eyelashes at any man on this base, they’ll be eating out the palm of your hand,” Soap said.
“But Ghost isn’t like the average man. He’s not easily swayed like most.” Gaz added, “But I mean, it won’t hurt to try.”
With the encouragement from Gaz and Soap to just try to ask him, you spent the next few weeks attempting to track Ghost down. Unfortunately for you, he lived up to his name very well. It was like every time you went looking for him, everyone had “just seen him.”
Eventually, you found him, by pure coincidence. You were walking to your car, getting ready to leave the base for the day when your eyes landed on a 6’4, muscular man who donned a skull balaclava. You hadn’t seen him since the day that Price had introduced you to the team. He seemed bigger and a bit more intimidating than before, but your determination outweighed your nervousness.
You walked up to him, clearing your throat. Ghost stopped fiddling with his motorcycle to drag his eyes up to your face. His eyes were dark and analytical as he scanned your face before tracing down your body. You felt self-conscious of his wondering gaze.
“Whatcha ‘ya want?” His voice was deep, his accent coming out heavier than you thought it was.
“Um, I’m the new nurse.” You squeaked out before clearing your throat.
“I know.”
“Right.” You took a deep breath. “Your medical records are empty and you’re the only one who hasn’t come in for a check-up.”
There was a brief silence between you two as you waited for him to say something, anything. When you got the hint that he wasn’t going to say anything, you decided to just push forward and ask.
“Will you come in for one? And maybe introduce yourself a little more?”
Ghost stared at you a little longer before turning back to his motorcycle. “No.”
Your eyes widened at the blatant refusal. You raised your eyebrow, crossing your arms. “What do you mean ‘no’?”
“Do ‘ya not know what ‘no’ means? Aren’t ‘ya educated?” Ghost grunted; his back still turned to you.
“You can’t just…. You must fill out these records somehow!”
“No, I don’t.”
You narrowed your eyes at Ghost, huffing slightly. “It’s mandatory to at least get an annual check-up.”
“So, I’ve heard. Don’t care.” He spoke again, throwing one leg over the motorcycle. He started it up, gripping the handles. His eyes focused on your face again as he revved the engine.
Before you could even think about responding, Ghost had sped off, leaving you in the dust.
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“And he just sped off?” Soap laughed. Gaz smacked his arm, giving you an apologetic look.
“Ignore Soap. He has a terrible sense of humor.” Gaz rolled his eyes. “But we told you he was hard to sway.”
“I just don’t understand why he doesn’t want to come in.” You groaned, “Maybe he just doesn’t want to get to know me?”
“It’s Ghost, you aren’t supposed to understand him.” Gaz shrugged. “But I doubt it’s you that he’s against.”
You let another groan, causing the two men to chuckle.
“Hell, Darlin’, you might just make the man nervous as hell. As you can see, we don’t have many pretty females around here.” Soap leaned back in his chair, grinning at you.
“Me? Make Ghost nervous? Please.” You raised an eyebrow, rolling your eyes. Soap shrugged, “You never know, he could be.”
“You never know,” Gaz said, agreeing with Soap.
“Whatever.” You muttered, ending the conversation.
Weeks had passed and Ghost gave no sign of even considering stepping into the medical ward or trying to talk to you. He evaded you any chance he got. You told Dr. Moscaw and Price about the predicament with Ghost. Both waved it off and said, “He’s Ghost, that’s just how he is.
When your official first three months of working on the base had come around, Soap and Gaz had invited you out to the bar to celebrate.
“It’ll be everyone. Cap, Laswell, König, hell, even Ghost said he would come.” Soap smiled at you. You scoffed slightly at the revelation that Ghost was going to show his masked face at the bar. “Are we sure he’s coming for me, or rather, the drinks?” You asked, your eyes focused on the computer screen in front of you.
Gaz chuckled. “He refused to go until we said it was a celebration for you.”
“Funny that the man that evades me wants to come to my celebration.” You muttered.
“You know, he’s probably around you more than you think,” Soap said, causing you to look up at him with a raised eyebrow. Soap shrugged, continuing, “I mean, he’s known for being around without others knowing, hence the name Ghost.”
“Like he sees me, but I don’t see him?” You asked. Soap and Gaz nodded.
“Think of it like he is collecting information on you. The poor guy lives and breathes our missions and the military. It’s all he knows. It works with the idea that you make the man nervous.” Gaz said, patting your back as he and Soap filed out of your office.
Gaz’s and Soap’s words stuck to you. Maybe you had gone about approaching Ghost all wrong. He was quieter than Gaz and Soap and obviously more secretive, given the blank medical record and the mask. Maybe you should let him approach you, let him feel you out to see if you’re trustworthy or not.
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When the night of the celebration rolled around, you promised yourself that you would not pester Ghost. Despite the growing need to get to know him and your nursing instincts to make sure he was healthy; you were going to let him come to you.
You walked into the bar, tugging slightly at your dress that rose from sitting in the taxi. Your black mini dress hugged your curves and had a low neckline that showed off your cleavage with your matching strappy heels. Although Soap and Gaz had to you to come dressed up, you debated calling the taxi back and going home to change. You were going to be with your co-workers, who were most likely going to be in jeans.
You sighed, pushing open the door to the bar. Your eyes snapped over to the large table in the back of the bar where all your coworkers sat. “Y/N!” Gaz yelled, jumping up from his seat. He grabbed your arm, escorting you to the table. Everyone shot you a smile, except König and Ghost, who both donned a balaclava. Although, you could tell from the crinkle in König’s eyes that he was smiling at you.
“The guest of honor is finally here.” Laswell smiled at you. “Congratulations on sticking it out at the base for three months. I must admit, I thought these boys would scare you away by now.”
“No, I’m tougher than I look.” You joked, “Plus, everyone is nice. I felt welcomed.”
Gaz and Soap gave Ghost an unmistakable side eye that you caught, and if you caught it, then everyone at the table caught it. You also didn’t miss the narrowed eyes that Ghost gave back to Gaz and Soap.
“A round of shots! For our new family member.” Price winked at you, giving you a warm smile.
That’s how the night went on, chatting and drinks getting passed around. It didn’t take you long to get buzzed. You kept true to your promise to yourself and didn’t go looking for interactions with Ghost.
However, you felt his eyes on you. It was like they never left you, always following your every movement.
It felt familiar.
Ghost stayed quiet the whole night, not cracking a chuckle at any jokes or taking part in the conversations. His eyes wandered the bar as if he was looking for any type of escape. Whenever your eyes met his, he looked away, his eyes hardening in the process.
“I have to go to the bathroom.” You said, feeling the alcohol finally run through you and back up your throat. Although everyone was too occupied with their conversations to hear you. You stumbled your way to the bathroom, pushing open the door. You wasted no time, bending over the toilet and vomiting what little contents that were in your stomach.
“I knew I should’ve eaten before….” You whispered to yourself.
“Yeah, ‘ya should have. Not very nurse of ‘ya.” A deep voice echoed behind you.
You jumped, turning around, clutching your chest as your eyes landed on Ghost. He stood behind you, arms crossed, as he leaned against the stall door.
“God, when the fuck did you get in here?” You asked, your eyes traveling down his figure. This would be the first time that you had ever seen Ghost in civilian clothes. Even on relaxed days on the base, Ghost wore full tactical gear. Tonight, he opted for a compression tee and black sweatpants, as if he was planning to go to the gym after all of this.
Which wouldn’t be surprising for Ghost.
“I didn’t know you had tattoos.” Your eyes landed on his sleeve, which seemed to move as he unconsciously flexed his muscles.
“I know ‘ya didn’t.” Ghost said, offering his hand out to you. You took it gratefully, standing up to your two feet. Ghost handed you some mouthwash and gum, along with your purse.
“Didn’t want nobody shifting through ‘ya stuff.” Ghost said when he saw the look that you gave him, “Also thought ‘ya might want to touch up ‘ya make up.”
“Thank you.” You gave him a small smile. He nodded, turning on his heel to leave out the bathroom. You swigged the mouthwash around, spitting into the sink. You freshen up your makeup before popping the piece of gum in your mouth.
You made your way back to the table, sitting down when a waitress came and dropped a personal pan of pepperoni pizza in front of you with water. “Oh,” You looked up at her, “I didn’t order this.”
“One of your friends ordered it for you. Told me to bring it when you came back to your seat.” She smiled and walked away. You glanced down at the pizza with a smile. Pizza was your favorite greasy food; it matched the rumbling of your drunk stomach perfectly.
You looked up at Soap and Gaz, the only two people who would know about your guilty pleasure food. Soap was leaning against the table flirting with another waitress while Gaz made bets with Price on football games. You decided you would thank one of them later when they weren’t busy.
4 am finally rolled around, causing the night to end. Gaz had called you a cab, walking you out as everyone said their goodbyes. Ghost had already mounted his motorcycle and sped off into the night. Once Gaz got you settled in the backseat, you smiled at him. “Thanks, Gaz. Oh, and thank you for the pizza, too.”
Gaz raised his eyebrow. “What pizza?”
“The pizza you ordered me when I went to the bathroom.” You clarified.
“I didn’t order you a pizza, hell, I didn’t even know you went to the bathroom.” Gaz said before chuckling a bit with a mischievous smirk, “The only person who ordered food was Ghost.”
Before you could ask anything more, Gaz tapped the roof of the car and your taxi pulled off.
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You went even longer without seeing Ghost after the bar. It was almost as if he had just disappeared into thin air. You tried to question Gaz and Soap, but they claimed they knew nothing about it. Saying that it was probably a “lucky guess” but if anything they had told you about Ghost was true, nothing he did was just a lucky guess.
You pushed all your questions to the back of your mind, as you knew you weren’t going to get any answers any time soon. You were cleaning up the office as your day was ending. 141 were out on a mission, a relatively relaxed one, so your office was quiet and easy to pack up rather than having to tell Soap to stop touching stuff every 5 minutes.
You hummed to yourself, not taking notice that your office door had swung open.
“You’re terrible at being aware of ‘ya surroundings.”
You jumped, a squeal falling from your mouth. “You have to stop doing that!”
Ghost stood at your door, in sweatpants and a hoodie. His arms crossed as he stared at you through his mask. He stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. You suddenly felt small like the room was closing in on you due to Ghost’s tall frame.
“What are you doing here?” You asked. Ghost’s eyes seemed to widen, as if he wasn’t sure why he was there either.
“Give me a check-up.”
You raised an eyebrow at him, glancing over at the clock. It was 7:35 pm, and the base was basically empty.
“It can’t wait til tomorrow?” You asked. Ghost took a step closer to you, “I thought you wanted to get to know me?”
“I do but-”
“Then give me the check-up.” Ghost grunted, sitting on the bench. His large frame made the normally large bench look small under him.
You sighed softly, getting out your equipment to start his check-up. You stay silent as you slip on your latex gloves after washing your hands. “So, I’m guessing something happened on the mission.”
Ghost looked over to you, his eyes coated in a small dose of confusion. “What?”
“I mean, you seemed very adamant about not getting a check-up before and now you’re here after a mission. I just assumed maybe something happened.” You clarified as you moved to check his heartbeat.
It took everything in you not to let your hands wander across his chest as you pulled away from him to turn to your computer and record the data.
“Nothing happened. Just built up some confidence.” He said, getting off the bench to stand behind you closely.
“O-oh…. confidence for what?” You took a deep breath, your eyes focusing on the computer screen.
Ghost didn’t answer your question, instead, he grabbed your shoulders and spun you around to face him. “You’re very annoying, you know that?”
“What?” Your eyes widened.
“You’re always around, smelling good. In these scrubs that hug your body tighter than any other scrubs I’ve ever seen.” Ghost muttered, “Always laughing at Soap’s stupid jokes. Always getting pizza when you know you aren’t supposed to.”
“I try to avoid you and ignore you, but you just crawl your little ass into my mind anyways. All mission…. just thinking and wondering what you’re doing.” Ghost continued.
“Is this your way of admitting that you’ve been thinking about me?” You asked.
Ghost stayed silent. His eyes stay trained on you, no words or sounds coming from him. His hand moved to take a piece of your hair and twirling it around his finger.
“Um, we should finish the check-up so we can go.” You spoke softly. Ghost ignored you, dipping his face into your neck. He took a deep breath. “God, you smell heavenly.”
“I need you.” He grumbled, “I need you all around me. I’ve learned everything I can about you and all I can think about is how I need to feel about you.”
“How I need to ruin you.”
You felt a knot in your stomach at his words, heat pooling inside you. “R-ruin me?”
“Beyond belief.” Ghost confirmed, “Give me the green light.”
You stayed silent as Ghost pushed his knee between your legs, pressing his knees gently against your core, causing a whimper to fall from your mouth. He lifted his mask to reveal his lips, pressing against your neck in soft, wet kisses. “Y/N. Answer me.”
“I….” You gasped for air, “P-please…do it.”
Ghost didn’t need to hear anything else. He lifted you easily, throwing you on the bench. He yanked your top off, groping your breast. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about these since the bar. So soft and plump…” Ghost grumbled, pulling your bra down and latching his mouth to your nipple.
A small moan fell from your mouth at the actions. His tongue swirled around your nipple before he pulled away with a slight “pop”. He left a trail of kisses down your chest to your naval. He tugged down your pants, throwing them in the same direction as your top. He groaned at the sight of the wet spot in your panties.
“So wet and ready for me. Huh, love?” Ghost said, blowing softly on your clothed clit.
You whined softly, nodding your head. He slapped your thigh, his eyes looking up at you. “I want to hear use your words. Let me hear that pretty voice that has been plaguing my mind for these past few months.”
You let out a sigh as Ghost pressed the pad of his tongue to your slit through your panties, teasing you. “Yes…. I’m wet and ready for you.”
“Good fucking girl, Lovie.” Ghost chuckled, moving your panties to the side to latch his mouth to your clit. He sucked and lapped at your clit harshly, your moans becoming uncontrollable as he ate you out like a starved man. His tongue teased your slit, flicking his tongue up and down.
He gripped your thighs tighter, pulling you closer to him. His nose pressed against your clit, stimulating you more and more. “Oh God, fuck, Ghost.” You moaned, your hands reaching out to grip the top of his balaclava.
“That’s right. I want you moaning my name like it’s the only thing that pretty little mind knows.” Ghost muttered, slipping two fingers into you as he kept lapping up all your juices. Your thighs tightened around his face as you felt your climax coming.
Ghost groaned at the action, his cock twitching with anticipation. You tossed your head back as pleasure coursed through your body. “I’m about to cum, fuck, I’m s’close.”
Your words seem to push Ghost further into sending you over the edge. His tongue moved faster against you as his fingers matched his pace. Your mind was blanking from the orgasm that rushed over your body. Ghost pulled his fingers out slowly as he pulled away from your swollen clit. His mouth was covered in your slick as he smirked. “Taste so sweet, Angel.” He spoke.
He pushed his two fingers into your mouth, groaning at the warmth of it. You suck on his fingers, tasting yourself on them as you swirled your tongue around. “Such a good, eager girl. So happy to taste yourself on my fingers.” Ghost whispered, pushing them down your throat so he could hear your gags.
Ghost pulled away, yanking his sweatpants and boxers down. His cock sprang out, revealing its large length. It hit his abdomen; the tip leaking with pre-cum. Your eyes looked down at him, eyes widening at the sight. “My God….” You whispered.
Ghost grabbed the base of his shaft, jerking himself off slightly before pulling you to the edge of the bench and wrapping one of your legs around his waist while propping the other one on his shoulder. “I need this pretty pussy wrapped around my cock, taking every inch of me.” Ghost growled. He rubbed his tip up and down your slick, coating it in it.
“Tell me how much you want this, Lovie. How bad do you want me to fuck you?” Ghost demanded; his eyes focused on you. You let out a whiny moan, looking up at him, “Please fuck me. I want your cock so bad.”
Ghost pushed into you, filling you up slowly but surely. Ghost groaned, sinking into you until he was fully inside you. “S’fucking tight. Gonna fuck this pretty cunt until it’s molded to only take my cock.” Ghost groaned, snapping his hips forward for a forceful thrust. A guttural moan fell from your mouth, as Ghost gripped your throat with both hands, pounding into you at a ruthless pace.
“M’been dreaming of this since the day I laid eyes on your fucking application picture.” Ghost muttered, “Such a pretty fucking girl. Batting your eyelashes at everyone.”
Ghost’s hands moved down to your hips, his fingers digging into your soft flesh. Your moans were drowned out by the loud slapping of your skin. If it wasn’t for the way that Ghost was viciously railing you, you would be concerned that someone would walk past and hear you.
“Such a fucking whore. Getting fucked in your office…. you like being railed after work? Hmm?” Ghost hissed out as you clenched around him.
“You look s’pretty being full of my cock.” Ghost muttered, leaning down to kiss and nip your neck. You whined, feeling another knot form in your stomach. You clenched around Ghost, making him groan. “M’close…. s’close…” You spoke in between moans.
“Go ahead and make a mess on my cock, baby. Cum all over this cock like the slut you are.” Ghost demanded. It didn’t take long for your legs to shake and for Ghost’s cock to be drenched in your climax. He slowed his thrusts, pulling out of you. You whimpered at the lost feeling.
“Get up, Lovie. I want to cum all in that pretty mouth of yours.” Ghost said, pulling you off the bench and to your knees. You looked up at him as he pumped himself. Slapping his cock against your lips, you opened your mouth to let him slip in.
“S’fucking warm. Fucking made to take my dick in every fucking hole you have.” Ghost muttered, his hand snaking around the back of your head to shove his dick further down your throat. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you tasted all your juices that drenched his cock. Saliva trailed down your chin as Ghost thrust in and out of your mouth at an unforgiving pace. “A fucking slut you are, taking my dick so well. Fuck.” Ghost groaned as his hip stuttered slightly. His cock twitched in your mouth before ropes of cum shot down your throat.
Your eyes screwed shut as Ghost stayed deep in your throat, making sure you swallowed all his cum. He pulled out, bending down to level as you looked up at him. “So, this was going through your mind all this time.” You spoke breathlessly.
“Shocked, Lovie?” Ghost smirked, lifting you back to your feet.
“A little.” You nodded. Ghost tilted your head back to press a rough but gentle kiss to your lips. “Well, I suggest you get used to it because there will be more of that.”
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“So, you made your move, huh?” Soap grinned wickedly at Ghost, who sat further down the table. Ghost’s eyes shot to Soap’s as he narrowed them at the man.
“Don’t even try to deny it, LT.” Gaz said, his eyes staying trained on his phone. “All the talk around the base is how a certain skull mask-wearing lieutenant is attached to the hip of the pretty little nurse.”
“She must’ve really made you nervous if it took you almost three months to make a move on her.” Soap teased.
“I did more than make a move on her, Sergeant.” Ghost spoke, “That pretty little nurse is now my pretty little nurse.”
Ghost smirked underneath his mask as he looked between Gaz and Soap. “So, it would do you both good to watch your hands the next to you hug her. Would hate to have to break your fingers off for wandering too far for your own good.”
Without another word, Ghost sauntered out of the meeting room, leaving Soap and Gaz dumbfounded.
“Hm, I was wondering when that boy was going to make a move.” Price hummed from his spot, “All that begging to hire her to this base and took nearly four months to even talk to her.”
“Wait, what? Ghost knew about her before she even got to base?” Gaz asked.
“Ghost was the one who pulled her application.” Price said, “Said ‘his future girl’ had applied, and I needed to get her on base.”
Gaz and Soap looked at each other before sighing. Of course, Ghost knew you before you knew him.
Because it wouldn’t be Ghost if he didn’t.
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Optimus: gotta stay focused
looks too old compared to his bot form.
I find it impossible for Optimus to be more than a million years old in this canon. In the least, he's older than 1000 years and since we have mfs that are canonically over 70 million years old(fagatron iykyk) compared to that, he feels like a dude in his early-to-mid-30's being the group parent.
-I made him more youthful, gave him curly hair, and tailored his clothing to actually look like his bot form.
-on the cusp of barley being able to hold his liquor
-doesn't own a pair of pajamas until Sari gets some for him
-usually forgets to put them on, but appreciates the gesture
-stays active for like, 3 days until he can't fight off sleep with work brain anymore, and unceremoniously passes out on the couch to sleep for a full 24 hours
-ratchet sighs and puts a blanket over him as per routine
-frequently checks security feed
-elf on the shelf despiser
-early morning talks with jazz and ratchet over coffee (they all wake up at 6 am)
-half thrives on caffeine and a vigorous training protocol
-is a dog person, loves German shepherds to death
David sama, pls forgive me ily very much
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Ratchet: to old for this nonsense
doesn't match his body type in the slightest.
Ratchet is really old, he's got a sallow face and a gramp gut, how dare they square him. He's wayyy too angular and peachy looking.
-I gave him his luscious curves back, adding all the equipment id expect a field medic to have because he is a field medic, not a regular doctor. I changed his facial proportions, and also made his face gaunt, for that dead inside PTSD look.
-drinks his coffee black with brown sugar, literally drinks it piping hot
-is one of those old people who complains about noise
-confiscates bumblebee and Sari's toy cars, and puts them in a high up cabinet
-neither of them know how to bypass the child safety lock lmao
-casual clothes includes a lot- a l o t of plaid shirts, and 10 pairs of the same blue jeans
-tunes out bulkhead and prowls convos about birdwatching
-big fan of political satire dramas
-Sentinel doesn't approve
-Ratchet doesn't give a rats ass about what he thinks of course
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Bumblebee: professional smart-ass
doesn't match his body type/age.
Bumblebees holoform is presented as a 10-12 year old child specifically for the fact that he's short, and the comedic relief. Total ass
I set his human age as 19-20 years old, making him more of a big brother to sari because that og model is disappointingly lackluster
-Bumblebee is a scrappy wisecracking punk, like an adhd kid who just got roller skates for Christmas.
-since he doesn't have wheels, I feel like he'd wear skates instead to emulate the feeling
-terrible at watching where he's going cuz he's too busy trying to show off, so ratchet makes him wear all that padding + training wheels
-legit despises the padding and training wheels
-Jealous of Blurr for mastering roller blades lmao.
-his favorite games are choose your fighter and fps
-saw ONE ancient ass assassins creed playthrough and begged ratchet to install hidden tasers in his arm bands (was denied)
-Sari used her key to do it instead
-self appointed "rizzler"
-Optimus has zero idea of what that means and thinks it's code for something dubious
-Ratchet knows what it means and thinks it's silly
-"I' was something of a rizzler myself back in my day, kid"
-bumblebee cringes
-loves summer and swimming
-wants to be the fastest thing in the sea because y'know, it's bumblebee
-is spooked from the beach for awhile cuz he saw sharks in Prowls nature documentary
-there are infact, no sharks in lake Erie
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Bulkhead: big guy, bigger heart
doesn't match his body type/aspirations.
Jesus fuck he's so wide?? And his belly migrated to his shoulders?? I'm gonna be honest, I really hate this design. I feel like it contributed to the "brute strength = stupid" take that most in the fandom associates with him.
-Bulkhead is a SWEET. CARING. NERD YOU FOOLS. He's like the male version of a tall goth gf-
-a tall-nerdy-farm hand-physics bf, You got me fucked up.
-Its already shown that bulkhead really likes art in Addition to creating it. He hates being only seen as the "muscle" so it wouldn't make sense for him to lean into that.
-bunny slippers that him and sari made together(she provided the buttons)
-the slippers go missing sometimes (basically considered community property unless he's wearing them)
(ratchet and prowl are the main offenders)
-frequent art museum goer
-really likes watching cooking shows, but is too shy to make food himself
-Owns a ton of star maps
-Really wants a treehouse that he, bumblebee and sari can hang out in
-pillowfort enjoyer
-casually reads quantum physics at the beach
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Prowl: draft dodger
Doesn't look like him at all.
Prowls holoform being a mustachioed,white, police officer was an actual jumpscare for 7 y/o me, I kid you not
- I know this bitch would not wear a helmet (you can't force him to) que windswept hair
-Not as much as starscreams, for obvious reasons but yk
-prowl is like one of those "shoes are a prison for your feet"
-emo hipster
-has a pet cactus named "planty"
-bumblebee heckles him for it
-can and has brought his cactus with him on early evening motorcycle rides
-the helmet is reserved for his cactus, bring your own >:(
-salad consumer
-him and jazz share custody of the cactus
-repeat victim of the cat distribution system
-ratchet has probably spent hours telling him they can't keep any animals at base
-frequent midnight picnics with jazz
-and beachcombing
-and roaming around antique stores cuz jazz wants to know what vinyl records are
-got a mug with an attempted pink chibi cat with big round shiny eyes painted onto it, courtesy of bulkhead trying to find an artsyle
-cherishes this mug to death
-has a shrine dedicated to it
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inupibaldspot · 5 months
Curse Me If You Must
Character: Geto Suguru x Reader
Note: Angst! With also major spoilers. I was about to write a Yuta fluff but then I just saw a Geto edit and led me to write this.
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You nervously stared at Gojo who was standing confidently with a smile on your face while you held a combination of stationaries; Pens,erasers,a book and a compass while Shoko stared with an amused yet curious look.
“Ready?” You asked but then you didn’t wait for a confirmation from Gojo as you threw them at him; a real battle field would be so much less merciful and you guys learned it the hard way after the star plasma, Amanai Riko was killed. That definitely left a hole in everyone’s heart, everyone who had a heart to care at least.
You let out a sigh of relief as the eraser was the only one who was able to reach Gojo and the other which was much sharper was held at a distance. Shoko let out a impressed whistle. “Me next but then I won’t be telling you when I’m gonna throw ‘em at you.”
“Go for it!” Gojo smirks.
You took a step back and another one before you finally completely turn away and walk towards a figure who was sitting in a bench a distance away. A person who , in the past at least ,always had a ego centric sharp look yet would speak with a teasing tone, a person who you would do everything for. “Suguru, you good?”
Geto finally looks up as if he had been called from a trance. He gives you a small smile as he raises his hand and reaches out for your as he ever so gently he takes your hand and gives your hand a kiss. “Just…” His voice was low as if all the energy was drawn from him. “Thinking…”
You hum. “Gojo seems as if he has mastered his technique. Quite impressive.” You wait for a reply but then it never comes as you peer over to Geto. The last mission seemed as if it took a huge chunk of damage to especially Geto; ever since the failed mission he seemed so distant, his head seemed to be jumbled with thoughts he’d never share to any of them…even you.
“Say Suguru… What does a curse taste like?”
Geto’s posture straightens as he looks at you, his tired eyes widened before a smile from you manages to let the tension leave his shoulders. “It’s fucking disgusting…” he lets out a laugh. “As if a rag had been used to clean up vomit; I have to eat it over and over and over again…”
You look away.
Geto wonders if what he said made you disgusted with him but in truth you were guilty . You said you loved Geto but it took an embarrassing long time to notice how whenever Geto were to swallow a curse call he would hesitate and when he did swallow would have his eyes shut.
When you did notice it , you were scared to ask him as if you were scared that you’d be stepping far too deep into his comfort zone. “Did you swallow one in the morning mission you had to go on?”
“I did…”
You look at Shoko was now fed up on trying to throw things at Gojo and now blatantly trying to break his limitless barrier with the compass; the duo completely distracted. You turn swiftly as you place your hands on either side of Geto as it rests on the bench as you let your lips rest on his. As you back away, he lets in a sharp inhale. “Would this help?”
Geto felt his eye burn as his heart seems to surrender its self; he tastes bit of the lip balm you used on his lips. “It does…” It doesn’t, the disgusting taste was so far deep down that the taste and stench seemed to have made itself home. “Thank you, my love.”
“I’m worried,Suguru…” You intertwine your pinky with his which was resting on the bench. “You’re simply just too kind so I’m worried your filled with guilt and regret. The incident wasn’t your fault, remember that.”
It was though. He thinks. Riko was with him yet she was killed in-front of his eyes not even a step away from him.
“You don’t have to give anything back, Suguru.” Your voice seemed weak and unsure, you were treating him like a ticking time bomb. “Use me, Suguru. If you think I can do anything for you, use me; suck me dry for every part of me is yours…it doesn’t matter if I get hurt in the process or if what you want is something simple as a kiss after you eat a curse.”
Geto almost trembles as he looks at you but you were still looking away,no… you were looking up at the sky but the way your eyes were glistening with tears was obvious. “Let me love you if you must…curse me if you must but please… don’t leave me alone…”
Don’t leave me alone you said. Geto thinks but then now here he stand unmoving; a strong stench of the morgue overcomes his senses but he pays no heed. A mission you had been sent to was a mistake, a curse which should have been to taken down a measly second grade curses escalated into a special grade unregistered curse.
His eyes remains focused on you who now rest unmoving on the morgue, your eyes closed mouth slightly open with the rest of your body covered in a white fabric. Behind him he feels the stare of Gojo and Shoko waiting for a reaction but he gives none. Geto Suguru was simply too tired. I should have also told you weren’t allowed to leave me. A binding vow should have been made. Another drop of regret falls into a bucket which was already too full which makes a ripple.
It was then and there Geto makes a choice; a choice which stirs the jujutsu world for years to come.
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marvelstars · 3 months
Anakin and Slavers
"His undoing is that he loveth too much"
George Lucas
One thing that I always liked about George´s work in relation to Anakin and slavery is how out of the left field he and Dave Filoni wrote Anakin´s relationship to the people who owned or saw him as a property at one point or another and yet it makes total sense for his character.
For example kid Anakin has no doubt that Slavery is horrible and at 9 he is actually working towards developing technology to help free his Mom, friends and himself from it. He hates with capital H the fact those people have control over the life and death of other people but at the same time he has great compassion and kindness which his mother helped nurture. This along with the fact that Watto was the only adult male figure who was around during his early chilldhood, this complicated his feelings towards slavers in a very tragic way.
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Anakin feared Watto´s violence and didn´t for a moment doubt he would have been willing to sell off his mother or him if the customer got to a big enough price but at the same time he listens to his advice when he travels to the dune sea to do his work with the jawas and his pov is almost as important as his Mom´s, in the novelization of TPM Anakin remembers not to talk to strangers or to get close to Tuskens Raiders camps thanks to Watto´s advice.
So in Anakin´s mind, Watto is someone he fears but also someone he takes advice from, respects to a point, sometimes gets sassy to and actually listens to almost as a father figure BUT at the same time he has no doubt he would activate the killing chip if he tried to escape.
Pain/abuse/fear mixed with care/advice(sounds familiar?) Anakin knows slavery is awful but he can´t help but see Watto as a person because of who Anakin is, Annie is a kind and understanding person and to point may justify Watto as a "Man of bussines" and "Not as bad a other masters" "It could be worse" but he definitely doesn´t trust him in the same way he does his mother, she is blood, she is family. He and Mom are a team.They shared their secrets.
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The first time Anakin saw Watto again after being freed, he was a Jedi with training, almost a knight and the first thing he does to the guy who beat him and his Mom some years ago is to ask him if he can help with the ship parts Watto is working on because he noticed Watto is struggling and his bussines is falling down compared to how it was when Anakin was a kid. When Watto noticed who Anakin was he didn´t reject him and accepted his congratulations but keep himself appart, hoping to learn about his mother whereabouts.
When Watto told Anakin he sold Shmi, Anakin doesn´t have a reaction, he takes Watto´s justification of "I am sorry Ani but bussines are bussines and anyway the person who bought her freed her and married her" Anakin doubts it´s as good a picture as Watto is talking about but he takes his justification and leaves.
When he meets Owen, Beru and Cliegg he sees they are indeed nice people and the reason for his mothers suffering is something completely different that they were not able to stop so he doesn´t blame them for her fate. When Anakin lost his mother it was only natural for him to seek a family, someone he could share how he really felt and his secrets, he could not be part of the Lars family but Padme was willing to love him so she became his new confirmed family, right along with Obi-Wan and Ahsoka but while he had to show himself different to them, he didn´t had to do that with Padme, just like he did with his mother.
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In the clone wars Anakin shows again this complex view of slavers with Queen Miraj Scintel, the cartoon goes out of it´s way to show she looked at him as pretty property and he didn´t let her forget that and actually it was strongly suggested he may have been raped by her at some point to keep safe Obi-Wan, Rex, Ahsoka as well as the people they wanted to save while he got enough soldiers to stage their rescue. Anakin had a plan the whole time just as he did as a kid so he keep his cool even when he saw another slave choose suicide over keep being under the control of Scintel. Yet in the end when the Queen was killed by Count Dooku Anakin felt sorry for her, he could not help it.
So this mix of rejection/anger/hate/disgust towards slavers mixed with pity/understanding which is something that was part of what made Anakin a good person gets used agaisn´t him in his relationship with Palpatine.
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He first shows himself as the father figure Anakin thought he could find in Qui-Gon before he died a better father figure than Watto had been, a father figure that didn´t reject this title like ObiWan did, Palpatine did this to get his trust as a young child and later young adult and then he showed himself as the real sith master he actually was, Palpatine knew that Anakin wasn´t a stranger to be treated as property by people who showed themselves as good advicers or somehow not as bad as others despite their actions. So Anakin´s initial compassion, kindness and understanding for people that abused him is played agaisn´t him to make him fall to the darkside and chain himself again to another worse master who didn´t just seek to use his skills and body but who wanted his soul as well.
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And the same reasons why Anakin justified Watto at first when he was a young kid also applied to Palpatine, he may be a sith but he ran the Republic better than those corrupt politicians, he isn´t a perfect Emperor but in Padme´s absence he is better than the alternatives. He isn´t as bad as a master and anyway I deserve this because I fell to the darkside and nobody can come back from that, if he abuses me I got this coming because I choose this and he still teaches me the ways of the force, he rescued me from Mustafar when Obi-Wan left me to die and he didn´t have to, he is all I have left.
So once Anakin´s voice died down Vader was left with many reasons to say to Palpatine "What´s your bidding my master?" because in his mind master isn´t a word that contradicts father and Palpatine became his father in all but name, this makes George´s words about Anakin fatal flaw being the fact he loved too much make complete sense and it´s a tragedy.
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Character lore and ramblings below!!
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ARKENAS MY BELOVED!!! Hes Filipino because i said so JKSDHDS
Hes wearing a zoot suit which is a suit originated from african americans and would become popular with italians, filipinos, mexicans etc AND LIKE ITS PERFFECT FOR ARKENAS Because this type of suits were typically worn by performers due to how its easy to move around in AND HE himself is a performer as hes a very well known magician and illusionist!
Hes more of a sillay guy always looking to entertain people, but his magical performances got so good that people were struggling discerning what was real or not, enough that he was was given the title of master!
He always tries to befriend Magnus but always kinda fails at it JKHDHSD
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Magnus!!! He wasnt always so serious and brooding, in fact, he was a slick playboy back in the days. But because of uhhh many plotlines and backstory that will take too long to explain hes always feels sad and empty despite not knowing why...😲
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IMOGEN MY BELOVED!!! She comes from Ireland!!
Shes known for her experimental ways of doing Alchemy, for not sticking to rules and regulations and doing whatever she wants, and in that way she had become the embodiment of alchemy in a way it is all about risky experimentation and she goes through with it because she likes the thrill!!
Because of this she had done many contributions to the field of Alchemy, despite being deemed "unproffesional" by others
She also likes to do flirty teasing with Valentina because she thinks its cute how she reacts and crumbles HEHE
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VALENTINA!!!!! ONE OF MY FAV DESIGNS IVE EVER MADE🥺 Im so happy with the way she looks!! She was initially gonna be the master of ALL the elements, but because her design turned out too look more Earthy and Firey, i only made her master of that!
She has like rich posh aristocracy vibes and owns various fashion businesses while also doing her duties as a magicia master! 🙏 SLAY
As for her design i really wanted to give of posh businesswoman whos also fashionable!
Lowkey has a crush on Imogen but is in denial <3 Valentina is also besties with Kazemi and they like to gossip all the drama over tea <3
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KAZEMI MY WIFE MY EVERYTHING I LOVE YOUUUUU AUGH Shes also one of my fav designs along with Valentina!! Shes also from Japan >:]
But yes due to how she more on the polite and demure side and her magic being water and wind, shes more underestimated and seen as more 'weak' than the others. But just how the seas can be gentle and also be a terrifying, great force, she can be too 🥺
Shes trying to court Samara btw 🥺 she relates to Samara in a way where their magic is underestimated due to how it looks "harmless", but both actually having the ability to do great harm if you know how to do it. Shes seen that Samara can do harm and damage if she wanted to, and she was like 'i want her" JKSDHJSHD
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SAMARA!!! 🥺 Shes more of the precise, rational, proffesional type! Always wanting everything to be clean and pristine, thats why she mainly wears white. Shes also Arabic :D
Shes known as one of the greatest healers in the world, known for her quickness and precision, basically knows every body part and muscle and veins and how to heal it as well as how to damage it!! ^-^
As for her veil type i used a niqab! Well a half niqab specifically, as it doesnt cover the entire half of the body. Their design is influenced by Arabic fashion as well as like nurse doctor outfits in the 1900s :D
Figuring out her name was a bit tricky because im not familiar with Arabic names and i also didnt want to go to babynames.com for it because i know its a bit more complicated but i managed to get help from friends who are more qualified n knowledgable about arabic names😭 THANK YOU @lastcookieontheplate MY DEAR FRIEND
AND AND she doesnt want to admit it but she gets flustered and blushy whenever Kazemi does her courting attempts <3 HEEHEE
ANYWAYS THATS ALL OF EM!!!!! Say "BERRI IS SO PRETTY AND COOL" If youve reached this far!
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bakugou-katsukis-wife · 4 months
hellooooo can i be 🩰 anon?? ^-^
i wanted to request dabi getting jealous over either shigaraki or twice flirting with y/n!! honestly, i feel like he’d be sooo pissed cause like y/n’s kind of flirting back but she’s just teasing him~~
it can be fluff or smut ^-^ !! i don’t mind~~
thanks again! you seem super sweet and i love your writing!!
Authors note: Hey! Thank you for the request, I'm grateful for your kind words♡♡. I hope i answered your request well!
Ps. This is my first time writing smut, so I apologize before hand-
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Pairing: Touya Todoroki x fem!reader
Gener: Smut
Summary: Touya got jealous once he saw you on twice's lap. Things did not end in the best satisfied way you would've wanted. You had to be reminded who you belonged to after all.
Warnings: sexual content, teasing, edging, orgasm denial, p in v, fingering, slight BDSM (uses of belt), toys, spit kink?, masochism?, marking, dom!Touya, Sub!reader, reader has she/Her pronouns, impending release, fleshlight usage, slight degardation, name calling (lil'mouse, brat, slut, doll, princess, etc), (Lmk if I missed any, also not proof read)
(Nsfw start has been mentioned)
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It was a normal day for the L.O.V . They didn't forge any attacks or do anything of the sort.
Shigaraki was coped up in his room, talking to his master while dabi had left to get groceries so that they don't die of starvation.
All the while you, toga, and twice remained at the bar drinking away. It was noon and the sun was still up but, eh.
In your drunken state you didn't realise when and how you ended up in twice's lap as he brushed his fingers through your hair, the proximity between you two going unnoticed by you.
Twice always was a flirty guy, well one of his personalities were. He flirted with you all over the place whenever he could- like right now, hes been telling you how you looked pretty the other night where you and dabi had gone out on his bike; your tight biker's jacket making him blush.
While he still played with your hair you absentmindedly played with his fingers still resting on the bar top, Toga gave her over 3 shots in the past 10 minutes.
"Awe isn't that cute? You're adorable twicey~"
Toga was giggling to herself, not warning you two about dabi coming down the steps and into the bar-
"The fuck is going on?" Uh oh. Dabi's here. Pretty sure he heard you.
You startled away from twice's lap, your finger going on your lips as you innocently looked around, at twice, then yourself, then the bar top with shot glasses and Toga, and then at Touya.
You stifled your giggles, "nothing! Twice was just giving me cushioning so that I don't get sore!" You smiled sweetly. As if nothing was wrong here.
You turned back to twice and bent down a bit to give him a peck on the cheek, thanking him for looking out for you.
You knew dabi stared at your ass, it was right infront of his field of view.
Touya's eyebrows were raised in question as his lips formed a scowl.
The plastic bags melting from where his hands had started heating up. The bags fell, burning to the ground.
"You sick motherfucker. How dare you touch my girl?!" He stalked over to twice, pushing you aside. Grabbing him by the throat as he threatened him. His hand glowing with fire right next to his face.
Before twice could reply though, he turned towards Toga on the other side of the bar, "and you? You know she's light weight!" Toga just shrugged and snickered in amusement.
You watched everything, you didn't like this. It's not fun anymore. You stood their with a pout as your emotions took a toll on you. Fuck, it's the shots you took.
Touya let go of twice after pushing him off the barstool in anger and walked over to you.
He put his thumb and forefinger under your chin and tilted your head up, your doe eyes looking back at him, getting glossy by the minute.
You were sensitive. Very sensitive given your drunk. But that's your charm, you can literally manipulate people with just your eyes. If only you weren't so drunk, an airhead, and God were you a tease.
A single tear escaped from the corner of your eye, Touya was quick to catch it on his finger and press a chaste kiss to your lips.
He then moved to kiss your neck, trailing his kisses up to your ear, "now now baby, if anything I should be crying dont'cha think? I just saw my girl rubbing her ass on another guys lap. That's not a pleasant sight now is it?" He whispered as he pressed another kiss at your ear lobe, nibbling at your skin. His ministrations caused you to shudder under him.
"Let's take this to my room shall we lil'mouse?"
He didn't wait for a response, he grabbed your wrist and dragged you towards his room.
--- (nsfw starts here.)
He pushed on his bed roughly, staring into your eyes the whole time.
He pulled your ankles till you were sitting at the edge of his bed, legs on his shoulders as he went down on his knees in between your plush thighs. Face to face with what he loved so so much.
"I think this mouse has forgotten who she belongs to. Isn't that right?" He mocked all his questions, looking into your eyes daring you to disobey him in any way.
You just shook your head desperately, tears forming in your eyes "p-please.. m'sorry.." You knew this couldn't be good.
"Please what?, Brat." He spat out as his cold fingers were quick to flipping your skirt up, slapping your inner thigh harshly. He groaned as he saw the wet patch against the lace of your panties.
"You're always wet aren't you? Just waiting for someone to fill you up. Bet that's what was going through that dumb head of yours sitting on that Fucker's lap when I'm not here." His nose nudged the patch as he inhaled your scent with yet another groan.
"N-no.." You whispered at his accusations.
"No? Then what were you thinking that got you this wet hm?" He knew the answer to that. His doll was always eager to be filled with his cock all the time.
You paused for moment. Pondering if you should answer him or not. But your thoughts were cut of quickly, Touya had slipped your panties aside and delivered a sharp slap right against your clit making you squeal loudly.
"Answer me brat." He let a glob of spit flow down his lips onto your already glistening pussy.
The cold fluid making you shiver as you stuttered to respond, "Y-you" You visibly swallowed in sheer nervousness from his glare still on you.
"That's what I thought, now it wasn't so hard now was it princess?" , "yet you decided to flirt with that piece of shit?. That's unacceptable lil'mouse."
His calmness was honestly scaring you now. You expected him to blow up and scream. I mean he did but, this? He sounds so... so chill. It's honestly terrifying, you can't tell what he is planning to do to you.
He could see how your eyes flickered under his gaze, the tinge of fear lacing them.
He smirked as he licked a singular swipe from your rim to your clit, you let out a shaky sigh. Closing your eyes as you savored the feeling.
"Eyes on me doll." He pinched your clit as his hand snaked up under your shirt to play with tits. His tongue slipping inside you, fucking you at a slow and sensual pace You opened your eyes, your hands instinctively going to grab onto his hair as you whimpered "Touya...~"
He stopped your hands, you looked at him in slight shock, you thought he just wanted to eat you out? Wrong.
"Nuh uh baby, you take what I give. Nothing more. Nothing less. You wanna complain?" He got up from under you, you watched as he took his belt off. He grabbed both your wrists and bound them together with his belt. Tightening the straps till the point it actually got painful, "t-too tight Touya!" You screamed, his hand instantly slid down, plunging three fingers into at once. Making you scream out his name.
His pace was relentless, he curled his fingers in the best ways as you became a squirming, moaning mess underneath him.
You felt the knot in you tightening to the point of bursting any minute now, Touya felt it too. He knew the tell tale sign of your walls clamping down on his finger, you were almost there. Almost. You were moaning a string of words telling him how good you felt and how close you were, you knew your release was close, just one more thrust...
Touya pulled his hands away, laughing at your whine of frustration as tears went down your pretty face.
He saw how you tried to close your thighs to rub them together, but his hand came in between.
"Awe isn't that you cute? You're adorable doll~" He coo'ed at you, mocking your words from before.
You whined more, your nose sniffling "Touya! This isn't fair!" You cried out, your bottom lip wobbling
He chuckled and reached down to take your bottom lip between his teeth, sucking on it.
He unbuttoned his jeans sliding them down, just enough to take his dick out.
"Should've thought about that before babe." He smirked
Shivers went down your spine once Touya rubbed his dick agasint your folds, covering himself in your slick. You were still sensitive from his previous touches. He knew that.
Without much warning, he shoved himself balls deep in one single thrust. Your back arched, eyes rolling back.
"F-fuck. You're still so tight baby- ugh"
God the sounds you made, Touya can only assume everyone outside knows what's happening in here.
Touya's thrusts were sharp, quick, and mildly painful. His pace wasn't for you, it was for him. He was using you as his personal cocksleeve. He grabbed your thighs, your legs now over his shoulder, putting you in a mating press. The new angle making you scream out loud.
He pinched your nipples and squeezed your tits, his mouth didn't leave your neck. You're pretty sure there'll be dozens of purple spots litering your skin the next morning.
You tried to move your hands to hold onto him as he thrusted into you with such strength your scared you'll slide up and hit your head against the headboard. Unfortunately your hands are still bound, and painful. But that only added to your pleasure,
You felt your self getting closer again. Your walls squeezed him deliciously, "don't you dare cum y/n" He warned.
"Touya..." You whimpered,
"You'll only suffer if you do baby."
"Listen to me like the good girl you are yea?"
All you could do was nod and take what he gave you, you could do nothing but obey to him. After all you belonged to him at the end of each day.
He hand came down to circle your clit, you were twitching uncontrollably now. Holding back your orgasm as Touya continued to ram into you. The Stimulations against your clit were just adding to your need to cum
"Touya... please let me cum!" You pleaded, "I don't think so doll. I don't think you deserve to cum. Fuck, you don't even deserve my cum"
That's when he pulled out, your eyes grew wide and sniffles were heard coming from you,
"I hate you Touya, you sick bastard!"
Touya only chuckled in response, "Hah, maybe I should ask twice to teach you manners? Bet that sounds good to you hm?"
"No. Fuck you Touya!" .
"Ya already did y/n. I don't think you've learnt your lesson yet. You still have the nerve to talk back to me?"
You scoffed looking away, tears still flowing down your puffed up cheeks.
You heard him shuffling around, That's when he came back with his fleshlight...
"Why dont'cha watch me fuck this instead, it deserves my cum way more than you do."
He held the flashlight in his hand as he angles his dick into it, jerking himself off with it.
You whined, taking your tied wrists, rubbing your hands on your own pussy trying to get off but failing miserably. Touya only laughed as he got closer to his release in the fleshlight.
"Ah, fuck. 's so good"
"Ugh. Better then you, ateast it doesn't talk back like a whiney slut"
His hands were going faster now, his groans and huffs getting more frequent. He was close.
All you could do was watch him cum in the fleshlight while you were left high and extremely wet from your impending release.
After all, you could only take what he gave you for today.
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o-kye · 1 month
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Entry # 414 User: kye Status: being nonbinary Message: hi guys!!! feel free to send asks, i love talking to people and getting ranted at and hearing all ur tea. also dms are welcome but i may be confused why im getting dmed lmao. if you dont read the rest of this then have a good day i love you all okay bye Notes: tone tags are mucho appreciato!! gendered terms are cool (except man/women) if used in a genderless way ! terms of endearment are cool too, i use them a lot. i also leave conversations randomly, im never mad or anything :) i just have quite dwindling mental health. if your name is aspyn and you find this tell me hi so i know to quit talking about my aro awakening (and thank you for being my aro awakening). Entering File Database: filesort-alphabetical ...
Bears_in_Trees.mp3 Description they fix me Cavetown.mp3Description [user chose to leave this field empty.] Dungeons_and_Dragons.exe Description haha im totally procrastinating making plans for dnd club hahhaha. who gave me all this responsibility. oh wait me. Ghosts.mp4 Description Hi who’s gonna let me fuck Sasappis thank you Good_Omens.mp4Description [user chose to leave this field empty.] Hazbin_Hotel.mp4 Description onewayradiobroadcast and staticmoth and radioapple and huskerdust raaaaah i feel things Marauders.pdf Description i need to read some fuckiing fanfitcion already Naethan_Apollo.mp3Description [user chose to leave this field empty.] Osemanverse.pdf Description loveless and radio silence and aaaaaa Our_Flag_Means_Death.mp4 Description Stede and blackbeard and oluwande and jim and buttons and frenchie and lucius. Also stede is so me Rainbow_Kitten_Surprise.mp3 Description A MASTER OF MATCHBOX GUITAR SESSIONS YOU'RE A MASTER OF PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE MAGIC TRICKS Riordanverse.pdf Description i love my little latino twinks, leo valdez and nico di angelo im so gay for you. also im cabin 7 you can deal with it cuz im slaying and what are you? Scott_Pilgrim_Takes_Off.mp4 Description i love my gay boys Stardew_Valley.exeDescription [user chose to leave this field empty.] Station_19.mp4 Description i would die for travis and vic if you even cared
May Be: Virus Depersonalization_Derealization.exe Description [error, field was left blank.] The_Kids.pdf Description i live and die for my kids theyre avery kaime thames and alle and AGH see more Chain_Ask.pdf Description [user chose to leave this field empty.]Text_Faces.pdfDescription :/ and :l are crimes to use on my page. and many other text faces sometimes but mostly that one because i was pavloved you can ask but you dont wanna [End of text]
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newkatzkafe2023 · 4 months
What if the monkey Y/N Behave like Gudetama.
Female Monkey Lazy Egg (Y/N)
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(Lmk Wukong) You guys are the lazy couple. Just loves how chill you are. When first met you he was Wild and all over the place. But Settle down as the years go by And you kinda helped him with that too. He and others were shocked at how you were surprisingly good at giving advice. Especially to Mk The manifestation of anxiety and trauma and Red Son The Personification of expectations made to never be reached. The two had once stop fighting because you told them that you were trying to take a nap and they were being too loud. Wukong Love's lazy days with you. Because all you two get to do was sleep, eat and sleep some more. He loves to listen to your soft. Exhausted voice as you tell him, the daily advice and most at the time You always tell him to go with the flow. On a side note you also get along with Macaque but Of course nobody knows that.
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(NR Wukong) You are the only one who is able to get him, to chill out at least 5 minutes. Li and Su minds were blown because One moment He was bouncing off the walls. Then all you had to do was call him down to the couch And then he was laying next to you and didn't move a muscle. The two will never know how you're able to do it because they can't get them to sit down to save their lives. Your husband loves how laid back you are and at leaves him open to getting kisses And cuddles from you. Not that you mind you love how warm he is and how silly he can be. But it's not easy being married to him. And his never ending energy despite his age. But like you always told him you always go with the flow and everything turns out okay in the end.
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(HIB Wukong) You guys are like a good match. Their is never a time where You guys aren't chilling somewhere and a quiet grass field. But ever since you talk on Liuer and Silly Girl your lives have been more Eventful then unusual. Wukong was always running around protecting Liuer and Silly girl would stick to u like glue you were pretty sure she thought you were her mother. You didn't care to much but they were both certainly a handful but your able to get the two under control better then he can. But overall Wukong and the children wouldn't trade you for the heavens. Maybe they can go with the flow like you can.
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(MK Reborn Wukong) Your personality causes you to bump heads with Master tang on the Daily basis You hate how he pushes his Buddhist philosophy on to you and your husband. You even straight up told the monk that you guys have been married before Wukong met him And there ain't a damn thing he can do about it. You're often hanging off your husband's back because you get tired of walking which he doesn't mand because he likes to be close to you. Although the month didn't like how unmotivated and gloomy. You actually were but in reality well you're just real. The first thing you told your husband when you first met was why when you let somebody else tell you what you worth. It was like he was shot down by cupid's arrow that day. He definitely likes to cuddle and take naps with you and listen to your tired voice. Talk about your day even though he was right there with you Main point is you taught him how to go with the flow and just relax. It's gonna be so fun for him to take back to flower fruit mountain.
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(Netflix Wukong) He relies on you for so much. More than you can ever comprehend, He never knows how you could just let things wash over you without a problem. How you're always chill and you never let things get to you. Are you really wants to know your secret. You even taught him that no matter how hard he tries to show he's got control , he really doesn't. He asked to go with the flow And that sometimes everything turns out the way it should be. He has a lot to learn and he's glad that he has you to learn it with and from. Also, cuddles and kisses with you are the best thing. Peaches and he hopes to always have you around him forever.
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vladdyissues · 2 months
How do you see the first year after Vlad x Danny wedding? (Let's consider, they have married when Danny was 20)
As addition, whom can Vlad invite for the wedding? I know it depends on is it the ghost or the human wedding but anyway.
Would their wedding be a secret? Or headlines would shout, "One of the richest men has married... on a guy!" ? (Alt. "Phantom and Mayor Masters' relationship is confirmed: THEY ARE GETTING MARRIED!")
🏆 Vlad is a showy guy when it comes to public opinion (e.g., bragging about his charitable works, anything that stokes his popularity), but he’s also extremely private about his personal life. For this reason, I think he’d keep his wedding to Danny secret and simple. Marriage license, officiator, small gathering of maybe five people, I do, I do, and done. Light refreshments, champagne and oysters, a small cake. Ceremony performed in his backyard or—perhaps more appropriately—Lambeau Field, home stadium of the Green Bay Packers. Maybe a few fireworks as a surprise. Nothing too wild. 
👻 Vlad doesn’t seem to have the best opinion of—or relationship with—the ghosts in the Ghost Zone, so I don’t see Skulker or the Vultures getting an invite, or a Ghost Zone wedding happening at all.
💍 Whether Jack or Maddie approve of this wedding is the big question. I honestly can’t see them ever in a million years approving of their former college friend marrying their only son—unless they were aware of both Vlad and Danny being half ghosts.
“Your son is never going to die,” Vlad tells them gently, maybe during the meeting where he asks for Jack and Maddie’s blessing to marry Danny. “Forever is a long path for Daniel to travel alone. But it doesn’t have to be. Not if you allow me to be with him. I have the means and the resources to see that he is always taken care of. I have a raft of investments locked in place that will ensure my fortune perpetuates for the next several hundred years. With me, Daniel will always have a roof over his head, a place to call home, and someone who loves him. Dearly. Until the end of the time. I mean that in the most literal sense.”
Jack and Maddie are stunned silent for several moments.
“What’s the point of asking us?” Jack finally mutters. “Once Maddie and I die, you can do whatever you want. We won’t be able to stop you.”
“It matters to Daniel. And I love him. That’s why I’m asking you.”
They still don’t like it, but facts are facts, and scientists appreciate that more than they do good intentions. Another thing they appreciate is truth, and Vlad’s soft words and earnest face have convinced them of his honesty.
Jack and Maddie share a tearful look, clasping each other’s hands, before turning to Vlad.
“Okay,” Maddie croaks. “Just—promise us he’ll stay in school.”
“At least an Associate’s degree,” Jack adds.
“Don’t turn him into a spoiled brat.”
“Trade school certificate, bare minimum.”
A baffled pause, then Vlad laughs. “You have my word. By the end of the century, Daniel will have more degrees than a thermometer.”
The Fentons release a pair of relieved sighs.
They can handle their son being an immortal entity, but not an uneducated one.
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coffee-master · 4 months
How are Garmadon and Kai (master of water) ? Does anything change about their relationship?
It depends on the time.
In the Pilot, Kai clearly disliked the guy for trying to kidnapp his sister. In the season 1, when Wu took Garmadon on the Bounty, Kai didn't trust him and just had an eye on him.
But later when Garmadon was cured, they were on good terms. Maybe they weren't close or anything, but from time to time they'd talk about Lloyd. Also Garmadon & Misako were curious, why Lloyd called Kai and Nya his siblings, so they started talking more.
And since we're talking about Garmadon-
I want to talk about his and Misako's character in my AU, since their relationship is much diffrent from the canon.
I want to say that their relationship is basically based on the ship #destructivedragonshipping / #theydeservedbettershipping
So if any of you aren't familliar with it, then here's the link to the explanation [and probably the creator of this ship, sorry I'm not 100% sure] :
(btw. beautifull art..)
Ok, so since you know about what I'm talking about now, I'll continue.
In my au Misako & Garmadon met on the battle field and fell deeply in love. They both deeply loved each other and wanted to settel down and start a family.
They got married. Misako started working as an archeologist and soon they had a beautifull son together. Unfortunatelly they happily life couldn't last for too long.
Over time, the power of the snake's venom in Garmadon only grew stronger and stronger, having more and more control over Garmadon's mind and heart.
Through the years Wu & Misako fully suported him, being by his side when the worse thoughts were comming to his mind, telling him things that he should do and making him go even deeper to the dark side-
They were always by him, but the 'attacks' were unpredictable.
But with time Garmadon was slowly becomming weaker and weaker to fight 'those thoughts' inside his head.
[The Loss]
At one point, when Garmadon was the weakest a voice told him 'Steal the golden weapoons' 'Do your worst' 'Rule the world' 'You need that' 'You deserve that-'
So when the time came and as Garmadon tired to steal the weapoons, he came across his brother, who, even though he didn't want to fight him, had to fight him.
During their fight in the end Garmadon was send to the Realm of Madness, which left Wu & Misako devastated.
The whole thing had happend, when Koko was at home with Lloyd, so she didn't even knew, until Wu told her.
After that Misako's & Wu's friendship started tearing apart.
The loss of Garmadon had a big impact of both of them. Wu was broken after loosing his brother, but didn't let himself even that 'distract' him form focusing on his mission.
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Meanwhile Misako took Wu's behavior very badly, thinking he was disrespecting Garmadon and even accusing him of not loving his brother.
After that they went they separated ways and didn't talk with each other for many years. [The bad taste remained for a long time.]
[New Problems]
With Garmadon gone, Misako was devastated and sad.. But even though that pain she was strong and determined woman.
While working, taking care of young Lloyd she started looking for a way to fix everything.
Koko could work for hours at night and prepare in scrolls, prophecies and chieroglyphs a way to get back and cure her husband of that devilish poison.
She knew that with this venom with which they had been fighting together for years.. It won't let her husband life in peace.
In the meantime her identyti as the Lady Iron Dragon was revealed to the entire public in the news and all her past enemies started comming after her and Lloyd.
Misako afraid of Lloyd's safety decided to distance herself from him to ensure his safety, so she send her son to school.
She couldn't have send Lloyd to his uncle after their 'argument'. Misako continued to hold great resentment over Wu's behavior.
At the beginning it was hard for her to find a school that would accept her son. After her identity was reviled and Lloyd was known as Garmadon's son it was hard got anywhere.
Fortunately Darkley's 'nice school' was able welcomed them with open arms. Back then Misako wasn't aware of the fact this school was to teach evil.
That's also why they were very found of Lloyd the son of Garmadon.
After that Misako set out on her own 'journey' with the pain of leaving her child behind. To keep in touch she decided to write letters to her son once a week.
Originally it was supposed to be short. As soon as her enemies were gone, she'd come back for Lloyd. Unfortunately, there was no indication of this and when she came across the green ninja's prophecy, everything got even worse.
And that's the story in short.
Fun facts:
During Lloyd's life in school excitedly counting down the days until the next letter from his mother arrived.
When Misako realises that her son run away form the school, she starts to look for him, until she recived a letter form Wu that Lloyd was with him.
When Wu & Misako met again in season 2, they anger is long gone. They clearly regret how things ended up and that they didn't have a proper talk.
After Garmadon was send to the Realm of Madness, he was still able to enter their world through the shadow.. So when Lloyd was in school he often visited him.
Llody used to play with the shadow of his father not even knowing it was his father. He called him Mr. Shadow.
Garmadon often watched in silence through his shadow how Koko was overworking herself just to help him. He never dared to speak to her or make her notice him.
There were few times when he wanted to touch his wife's hair thought his shadow, but always backed out at the last moment before he could try.
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Please, ma'am, could I request a reader who's a people pleaser and a perfectionist. Someone who always tries to stay optimistic for other's sake. Preferably platonic but I don't mind either way.
Do whatever else you want with it. I just think the dynamic with the team and a high-strung happy-go-lucky personality would be interesting.
Tenderheart Bear
A/N: Hi Bestie! I got you, girl! Look at me *holds your face* I got you! This is so cute! I love! Because this is literally me lmao. Also I got the name from the Care Bears lol I'm sorry (No, I'm not lol) but I hope you like it!!! - I hope you're ok with me making the reader a field-medic. I also made her a slight cry baby, mainly because I am a cry baby. I hope you're ok with that lol
Taskforce 141 x F! Field Medic Reader who's Miss Happy and a People Pleaser Perfectionist (like me lol) - PLATONIC
Warnings: Cursing? Members of the 141 being stressed and depressed, per usual.
Master List (tag list at the bottom)
Sometimes the members of the Task Force 141 wondered why their Captain had brought you onto their team. You were just... so nice.
You're always smiling.
You're always in a good mood.
You're always seeing the bright side of things - even on the field.
You were a field medic. Even field medics had some sort of arsenal of weapons, yet for some God damned reason you refused to carry any of them, except for a few utility and military knives - which is all you ever needed really. Johnny dared to ask you why - and beg you - to have something else other than a knife.
"No, because how would I be able to carry more medical supplies?"
Johnny looked at Simon with a dumbfounded expression, then back at you, "No, you at least need a gun, lass!"
"Sergeant, I don't need a gun! I have you guys!" You shrugged as you continued to pack your medical backpack.
"Oh my God, Woman!" Johnny exclaimed, waving his hand in protest as he left the room. "LT, please talk to her."
Simon looked over at you, sighing slightly, "Y/N, he has a point."
"I haven't had an issue before, why would I have an issue now?
"Y/N. What are you going to do if you get cornered? A knife isn't going to protect you against bullets."
"True. But again, I have you guys."
The vein already bulging out of Simon's forehead became more prominent.
"Wait, stand still!" You sucked in a breath, pressing your lips together as you bandaged Kyle's arm. The mission was over and you were waiting for a helicopter to come and pick you and the team up.
"Y/N, I'm fine." Kyle told her calmly.
"No, I have to re-wrap it because you keep moving, Serg-" Your eyes began to gloss over. Kyle placed his free hand over one of hers, making her look at him.
"Hey. You're ok. I'm fine, just a little surface wound. The bandaging doesn't have to be perfect, just good enough for us to make it back."
"But it'll get infected if I don't do it right!" You pouted, tears threatening to fall.
Kyle took a deep breath and re-assured her once more: "Y/N. It's ok. I'll be fine. You'll be fine. You did good out there."
Captain Price patted each of the pockets of his cargo pants, looking for a pen. You stood beside him, holding a pen out for him. He thanked you for it, and started looking for something to write on.
You pulled out a small note pad from one of the side pockets of your cargo pants and handed it to him. He looked at you for a moment, thanked you again, then started looking for something.
"What are you looking for?"
"My cigars."
"Oh, you left them in your right jacket pocket with your lighter." You smiled at your Captain who just looked at you, then walked over to his jacket that was hung over a chair and checked the right pocket, finding his cigars and his lighter. Thinking you may be playing a prank on him, he looked at you for a moment, then thanked you.
"I'm sorry."
"Why are you apologizing?" Simon sat on a chair beside you while you were being patched up by one of the nurses on the base.
You couldn't meet the Lieutenant's eyes. Your eyes glossed over and tears threatened to fall. "Because I got hurt- I didn't- I couldn't-"
"Y/N. Look at me."
The nurse had left, leaving you and Simon. You took a deep breath and finally looked at him, eyes puffy and rosy cheeks from crying earlier.
On the inside, seeing you hurt, or seeing you cry, or upset - at anything, wrung his heart. He scooted over and looked up at her, speaking softly, "Hey. You did good out there, sport. We all get hurt on missions, you know what - there's a reason we got you on our team. You're our little healer - and we protect our little healer. But you getting hurt this time was not your fault. If you should blame anyone, blame me because I didn't keep an eye on you."
Simon - or anyone else on the team - only spoke softly to you - they all knew that and you knew that. Because they cared. You made sure they were patched up on the field. You made sure they were ok. You were their little healer. It was only natural that they make sure you're ok.
@ateliefloresdaprimavera @galagcica @sweetybuzz25 @wisedinosaurpolice @itsasecrets-things @ronbon @lieutenantlashfaz @piper570 @shuttlelauncher81 @thanksbutno98 @gabriellathegreat
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crossdressingdeath · 7 months
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Lord Enver Gortash: You seek Gortash? His soul is already suffering at my hands. That is the fate of all those who fail me. Kyvir: If you're not Gortash, then who are you? Lord Enver Gortash: I am Bane, The Black Lord. I am the Ultimate Tyrant. I am Fear, I am Hate. And you - you are the dagger that bled Myrkul's favoured. You are the thorns that prick at my sides. Yet you are proof that still I will rise, and Bhaal and Myrkul will yield. One question asked. Four still remain. Kyvir: Why did you ally with Myrkul and Bhaal? Lord Enver Gortash: Why do red dragons ally with the githyanki? Why did the Broken God befriend Tyr? [Ah, but you already know the answer. By making one ally, you deny them to another.] And by turning mortals illithid, you deny their souls to their keepers. You do not stoke fear by reaping your own fields, but by burning your foe's. Kyvir: You said I am proof you will rise. What did you mean? Lord Enver Gortash: You live for power. You have proven it with every fallen foe, every chest opened, every skill claimed. As long as mortals and immortals vie for sharper blades and louder voices, I am strengthened. So it is for Bhaal and Myrkul - and so it is for you. You make me eternal. Kyvir: I am no agent of yours. I seek power for proper ends, not for its own sake. Lord Enver Gortash: *Chuckle.* Narrator: *The corpse says nothing more. You did not ask a question.* Kyvir: What can I do to earn your blessing, Lord Bane? Lord Enver Gortash: You have already laid the foundation. You gained my favour when you slayed Gortash. Your need for power exceeds even his. Use the Netherstones to commandeer the brain and unleash your infected army, and I will count you among my chosen. Or do not. Your lust for victory still brings you one step closer to me.
Okay, I think this dialogue glitched somewhat. First off I didn't kill Gortash myself, and also I'm pretty sure Bane is supposed to have unique dialogue with Durge? I know I've heard something about him being awfully impressed with them, I think I somehow got the generic dialogue instead. Also there was no audio for the dialogue, which... boo. Let me hear Bane talk through Gortash's corpse.
It is fascinating how Bane kind of just... claims you as his? Unlike Bhaal with Durge there's no big "serve me or die" and unlike Myrkul there's no attempted punishment for killing his Chosen, he basically just says that no matter what you do you'll be getting closer to him, just because you want to win. Even if you don't take over the world, your lust for victory is something that brings you nearer to Bane; he wins no matter what. It doesn't matter if you insist that you don't want power for its own sake, the fact that you want power serves him. I also love how you can straight up ask him how you can win his favour. You don't have to worship him or anything, you can just. ask that.
Also of course: poor Gortash. He really did do his best to serve his master! It's not his fault that things got so wildly out of hand! Losing Durge really did mess everything up, and he tried his best to handle it from there. Is Bane punishing him just for his failure? Because he was willing to share power once it became clear that was necessary? Hell, maybe even because losing his friend did do so much damage; I feel like Banites aren't supposed to be that reliant on another person. But whatever the reason, he just... gets to be tortured forever even though the plan going tits up wasn't his fault, I guess. Lucky guy. The Dead Three are not particularly understanding masters.
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cocoa-rococo · 8 days
Koopaling Headcanons: Ludwig
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Larry | Morton | Wendy | Iggy | Roy | Lemmy | Ludwig
The composer of chaos and everyone's favorite composer, Ludwig! What a guy. I had to remake this post because I accidentally deleted the last one just shhhshshshsh it's fine
Naturally left-handed, but trained himself to be ambidextrous
He's disturbingly good at discerning people's motives, personalities, and past. He claims it's simple logic, but no one really knows how he does it.
Whenever Bowser’s in a pissy mood or feels agitated, Ludwig sometimes gets called in to play something soft and relaxing to calm him down.
There's rumors floating around the army that he was originally a Paratroop General who sold his wings in exchange for arcane powers in a Faustian bargain with Kamek. He's yet to confirm or deny this. (It’s not true, but he likes to keep his recruits on their toes).
Partially deaf in his left ear, and uses a hearing aid to assist him. Fluent in sign language, as well.
Has a baritone voice, very rich and darkly colored. He can hit high notes with relative ease, but can't hold them as long as he can with his lower notes.
His singing is enchanted. It's something he was born with, and he's gotten very good at controlling it. He does forget sometimes, and before he knows it, his humming down the street has attracted a plethora of birds.
Also fairly decent at mimicking bird calls. Iggy is dying to learn his secret.
Likes reading mystery novels and detective stories, but spaces them out so he doesn’t read the chapters all at once. He also uses Morton as a soundboard for theories in each chapter, and relishes the feeling of being smart if he solves it before the end.
One of the most magically powerful out of his siblings. He’s fairly decent at a little bit of everything, but his siblings are stronger with their specialization. His best field is in Evocation.
While piano is his preferred instrument, he plays several: violin, cello, pump organ, pipe organ, guitar, flute, clarinet, harp, harpsichord, and ocarina.
He’s an ugly crier and hates it, which is why he tries not to do it often.
Fond of gardenias and wisteria flowers.
One of his favorite down-time, out-and-about activities is going antiquing. He’s found a nice gramophone, a few records, and some furniture pieces for his room by doing so.
Likes having a physical, paper to-do list. It makes him feel productive and organized as he checks things off.
He and Wendy have ‘Bitch Lunch' together, where they basically talk shit about their coworkers, spill tea about their friends, and gossip the whole time
You can actually tell how long he's been composing by how dark his hands are with ink smudges. You can also tell how bad of a mood he’s in.
Loves the smell of coffee and vanilla, but leans more towards being a tea person. He's got an excellent palate for both, however.
Larry is persistently trying to introduce him to the keytar. Ludwig is persistently refusing to go near it.
Very much a morning person. He wakes up earlier than most of his siblings and likes having his hot drink and reading alone to enjoy the quiet hours before the rest of his family wakes up.
Love language is quality time, and a master of time management. He gets kinda tetchy when others don’t respect deadlines or appointments dates, and heaven help you if you intrude on his scheduled self-care hours.
He snorts when he laughs really hard, and is terribly embarrassed by it, so he tries to reign it in when he can. Anyone who can do it who isn't a sibling is a special person, indeed.
He likes tall places, especially the views. Great for a bit of peace from his siblings and inspiration for his music.
When his siblings are annoying him, he likes bombarding them with music puns. He is well aware he's being an ass and does not care.
Leaned more towards science as a kid, but discovered the piano when he was twelve, and creating music felt right in a way that making little inventions never did. He never looked back, and he’s a lot happier for it, too
Keeps a little pocket notebook on him for writing things down, and he's pretty dutiful about marking things in. It's a common gift his sibling get him on the holidays.
He doesn't have as much of a sweet tooth, but toffee — especially with almonds or coffee in it — is his weakness. His siblings have learned he can be bribed to look the other way if they have enough.
Also a fan of very dark chocolate, and his favorite pastry is a freshly-warm coffee cake
He's pretty alright at art, especially with acrylic paint and sketchier mediums like charcoal and conté, he just doesn't like how dirty his hands get afterwards. He's got a side business doing murals.
Favorite fruits are cherries and plums, but he also won’t turn down anything this blackberry in it.
Likes watching regency romance dramas in his alone time, but loves dragging the shit out of reality TV shows with Wendy
He also loves watching those foreign films with subtitles, very artful with a lot of emotion in them, especially if he's feeling spiteful and his little siblings are annoying, because "No, Luds, I don't want to read a film after two hours of paperwork!"
Has a small collection of model ships in bottles. He keeps them on a high, high shelf in his room, given his work environment. Ship kits are another common gift to him.
Looks at memes like an old man; both hands, squinty eyes, mouth slightly open. The others think this is hilarious.
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mecachrome · 5 months
your oscar primer was absolutely brilliant, thank you so much for posting it!! well-researched, well-written, and a good balance of educational and hilarious. if you want to share, i’d be very interested in reading any of the parts you mentioned that you cut out, like george-admiring, oscar’s psyche, etc, but no pressure ofc 🫶
omg no thank you so much for your kind words, i appreciate it a lot!!! :D andddd let me see... honestly i was just going to add a few more quotes & anecdotes from other people about his personality but i ended up incorporating most of them into the primer (e.g. mark's), but in general i think it's really charming how Every Single Adult who has ever worked with oscar throughout the years is so deeply and immediately convinced of his maturity. i did work in most of this old ask but it has a few extra quotes in there from mclaren personnel! anyway more below the cut:
i guess really the thing to Me about oscar is like...... idk if this makes any sense but i personally love how he's naturally a really gracious and diplomatic person but is also deeeeeply self-assured and objective, which on one hand means he presents as quite humble when he doesn't make excuses for himself or get caught up in deceptively high results, but on the other also means he refuses to give anyone else credit for his own success; if you remember me briefly mentioning prematax in that post he talks about it in the f1fs pod where he basically goes i didn't win because of PREMA, in fact i've NEVER LOST TO A TEAMMATE, SO. like any racing driver that is def a big source of pride for him, and i think it speaks to the "silent killer" (per lando) side to him, the guy who mark says "falls asleep" when hearing stories of his (championless) career, who said that he supported mark out of national obligation growing up but—let us not forget—vettel was the one winning everything back then anyway, who says he put even more pressure on himself to win his final race in f2 despite having clinched the title 2 races prior because he felt the innate urge to prove that he wouldn't simply ease off the gas pedal and still had it in himself to subjugate the field one last time.
along these lines oomf and i have discussed before how he and alex rank similarly on the kind/nice dichotomy in a way that is slightly diametric to lando, wherein he is always willing to offer tidy bits of sympathy for someone else's struggles but doesn't ever really envision any of them as relevant to his own experiences, because getting caught up in that "external noise" would be a waste of time (even with logan in the f3 finale it was honestly kind of like "aw man that sucks, i'd hate for it to be me... ANYWAY"). like not to maybe exaggerate his interiority but i enjoy that he carries an amount of hidden tension that he obviously consciously decides to not take reactionary measures over—though that doesn't mean it isn't there, it's just very well regulated (unrelated but he does actually work with mental coach emma murray, who also works with scott mclaughlin and whom he says helped him center himself at the end of his eurocup season). but he's still very... unfiltered about when he's been disrespected in an unperturbed, straightforward manner, like saying otmar confronting him on the sim over being promoted to the seat was "bizarre and frankly upsetting," the face he made when he was told they'd overtaken alpine in the standings in 2023, telling the kids in that hp tuners interview that the renault engineers treated his first f1 test too nonchalantly, etc. 😭 like every interview back when he was a reserve driver was soooo "i'm gracious about being stuck in this role but also i've proven myself way too much to Not Hate This Compromise and i'll be pissed as hell if i don't get a seat next year"... i'll stop here but basically he is truly a master of balancing gritted-teeth conviction with his tactical charm and it is one of my fav things ever about him!!!
also another quote i love is this one from david sera about his driving style, because 1) i love the correlation between it and his personality/calmness, 2) i'm obsessed with the dynamic of his early rc days helping nurture a style of "finesse" in his driving throughout his junior career that may not have appeared naturally if he'd only begun racing in karting (and subsequently how he had to learn to not get "muscled around" after moving to europe), and 3) of course as a noted jb22 appreciator i love when people note similarities in his inputs to jb because it is delicious to ME:
Coming from a remote control car background where concentration, finesse and smooth inputs, these were the traits we saw in Oscar in the cadet category. [...] You would often see other drivers have an advantage in the early part of the race, driving more aggressively, but Oscar had a more calm approach.
c__c but back to the first part of the ask and our good friend russell jorge, i'm mostly obsessed with oscar's reactions to his performance at the rollercoaster that was spa 2021 and the fact that he's been so vocally appreciate of george "outperforming" the car he was in. the 2 instances of the word HERO on his twitter:
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and then this quote in an interview he did in 2022:
"[Success] is definitely not just defined by just world championships, and if you can outperform the car that you're in—I think George Russell has been a very fine example of that in years previous, you know, constantly getting the most out of that Williams and of course Spa. (laughs) Bit controversial, but he got a podium at the end of the day! And even without that, he qualified second, he outqualified everyone except Max in a Williams, which, you know, is an unbelievable result."
also george being the only f1 driver (i think) to tweet him for his f2 title :saluting_face:
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AND ALSO THEM SHARING THE ANECDOTE OF THEIR AWKWARD FIRST MEETING ON THE FAST & CURIOUS POD??? aka oscar was told in his april 2023 ep that they were going to interview george next and he was like oh ok you can ask him about our "slightly left-field introduction," and then they had george on who was like oh yeah i met oscar for the first time washing our hands together in the bathroom on our way to the ausgp in 2020 😭 what a way to meet.
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spicyicetea · 8 months
HIIII, I love your writing!!! Like your my source of my alone time when not crying or crafting, or gaming! ( We have stuff in common :D). SOOOOO, I have a recommendation!! It would be pretty cool to have you do this sooooo Like Yeah! But could you do a part two to the Link x Milf reader because I loved that one ( Cuz im like that ;) ). And could you do Totk Link x cuddly reader.
Ps. My computer dosnt let me write question Marks :l
LOVE UR WRITING :D -Madisu Kulina
Awww you’re legit so sweet! Eeee it’s messages like this that make me wanna keep posting. I’m actually already working on a pt 2 for the Milf!Y/N and I’ll make sure to tag you in it once it’s done. So for now I’ll do the other request. I assume you’d also like this to be yandere themed as it’s kinda my main thing at this point. I’ll split this into bullet points and then a short imagine.
Usual warnings: Yandere behaviour, NSFW topics mentioned but no actual smut. MDNI.
TOTK Link x Cuddly, Fem! Y/N
Link has always hit me as the type of Yandere who loves a physically affectionate reader. Being able to be near someone and protect them is a big deal, especially with all the crazy things happening in Hyrule.
If this is before Ganondorf was defeated, he takes you everywhere with him.
Each Sage he recruited knows you are his priority and to protect you with their lives or face him in a battle. None of them wanted that, they knew better.
You were a Hylian woman he bumped into while visiting Hateno village. Watching you man the fields awoke something in him. A gorgeous woman like you shouldn’t have to work day and nights just to get food and a roof over her head. She deserves to be pampered. And he can do that for you.
He practically swept you off your feet and proclaimed he would marry you once he defeated Ganondorf. He plans to keep that promise.
You ride sitting in front of him on Epona so he can make sure you’re comfortable. When he jumps off to fight or explore on foot, you stay on the saddle, Epona prepared to run for the hills as her master has instructed should danger even look your way.
He was fully prepared to be the “bad guy”. Making sure you would appreciate his generosity and gentle handling when he could be so rough. He needed you to need him.
But, he figured out he didn’t need to rather quickly.
It was a cold and he had left to handle a monster infestation near where you had been camping. The rain lashed at the ground outside the cave you and Epona were hunkered in for safety. The oversized tunic you wore as a makeshift dress club to your form, soaked with water. Flint sparks as you tried to start up the fire, having moved some spare sticks into the cave. It just wouldn’t work. With a heavy sigh, you hunkered over, shivering while fiddling with the flint in your hands.
“Y/N… you’re cold.” A familiar voice rang.
Link stood behind you, soaked by the rain. He tossed his pouch aside, prepared to strip you so he could dry your clothes. With a sigh, he took his gloves off but when he went to grab you, he jolted to a stop. Your arms wrapped around him, your cheek nuzzling his chin.
“Link! I was so worried, I missed you.” You pouted up at him.
His face flushed red and he hugged you tightly back, peppering your face with kisses. You truly were his adorable little wife. He couldn’t wait to have you back at his home where you’d stay safe for him to come home to each day.
His day dreaming was interrupted as you tugged at his shirt and trousers. Your greedy hands couldn’t get enough of him, maybe he’d have to give you what you wanted. He had planned for your first intimate experience to be on your wedding day but he’s more than willing to jump the gun. Oh how he would love to fold you and abuse that tight pretty c-
“Link! You need to dry your clothes!”
Yes… he couldn’t wait to marry you. His touchy little princess.
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