deniedcrown · 2 years
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↪ @daxned​ asked:   ❛ are you here to kill me?'  
       he wished he could get used to that question. sometimes the answer was, unfortunately, yes - but the fact that a kid asked it without prompting or reason ( as far as he could see ) tugged at his heart. ( rather, where his heart would be, if it weren’t torn out of his chest. ) hellboy just looked down at the girl, idly wondering what she’d gone through to ask something like that. maybe he just really was that scary looking. 
       hellboy tossed his cigarette to the ground, stomping it with a hoof to extinguish it. “ no. ” he answered, voice calm as he shook his head. “ are you here to kill me? ” he sat down, regardless of the answer, and scratched his chin as he looked back to her. “ lotta people try to come after you? ” he frowned, remembering bits and pieces of his own childhood. “ ...me too, when i was little. ” and when he was grown.
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deniedcrown · 2 years
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↪ @hcneycrxsp​ asked:   ❛ did it hurt? ❜
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       he remembered the baba yaga taking his eye all too clearly; she hadn’t been merciful, nor had he expected her to be. the scar still felt fresh, and sometimes he still felt the phantom pain from the empty socket. but he didn’t want to traumatize the kid with the truth - nor how the witch had clawed it from his skull - so he just shrugged slightly. “ a little bit. i was real tired, though and wanted a nap more than i wanted to focus on it hurting. ” the second part was true, at least. 
       he gave her a faint, lopsided smile. “ a witch took it, you know? part of a deal i made. you’ll be smarter than me and won’t go trading your eyes to a witch, right? ” hellboy asked playfully, ruffling her hair. kids liked spooky stories, from what he remembered. he’d just have to tone any of his down, probably.
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deniedcrown · 2 years
&. 𝐯𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  a  mix  of  angst,  fluff,  and  plot  focused  dialogue  prompts  in  the  form  of  questions.  feel  free  to  change  how  you  seem  fit.  )
❛ what are you listening to? ❜
❛ can’t sleep? ❜
❛ did it hurt? ❜
❛ are you sure this is a good idea? ❜
❛ do you mind if i sleep here tonight? ❜
❛ what are you doing out here by yourself? ❜
❛ are you wearing my shirt? ❜
❛ don’t you know what you mean to me? ❜
❛ will i see you again? ❜
❛ are you comfy? ❜
❛ do you promise? ❜
❛ are you trying to get us in trouble? ❜
❛ do you enjoy playing with people’s hearts? ❜
❛ don’t we deserve to be happy? ❜
❛ why can’t i come with you? ❜
❛ are you here to kill me? ❜
❛ you think i’m jealous? ❜
❛ do you want to share this? ❜
❛ is that blood? is it yours? ❜
❛ how do you know my name? ❜
❛ you’re an asshole, you know that? ❜
❛ like what you see? ❜
❛ was that your first kiss? ❜
❛ are you happy here with me? ❜
❛ sorry, did you want to be alone? ❜
❛ do you want my jacket? ❜
❛ how are you still alive? ❜
❛ you’re beautiful, you know that? ❜
❛ what are you so afraid of? ❜
❛ today isn’t your day, is it? ❜
❛ how does it feel to be in love? ❜
❛ you’ve been crying, what’s wrong? ❜
❛ do you remember when we first met? ❜
❛ isn’t this amazing? ❜
❛ did you miss me? ❜
❛ alright, who am i beating up? ❜
❛ that was a close call, wasn’t it? ❜
❛ am i worth so little to you? ❜
❛ how is it you’re never scared? ❜
❛ do you ever think about the future? ❜
❛ can you look at me? please? ❜
❛ you got me flowers? ❜
❛ well, how do i look? ❜
❛ what aren’t you telling me? ❜
❛ how about a kiss before i go? ❜
❛ you don’t know who i am, do you? ❜
❛ may i have this dance? ❜
❛ who’s going to stop us, huh? ❜
❛ wait, you’re leaving already? ❜
❛ it’s my fault, isn’t it? ❜
❛ have you ever lost someone? ❜
❛ do you think i’m a good person? ❜
❛ is it really you? ❜
❛ what if i hurt you? ❜
❛ if you won’t take care of yourself, then who will? ❜
❛ have you come to laugh at me? ❜
❛ will you still look at me like you do now? ❜
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deniedcrown · 2 years
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        “ no offense to anyone who likes livin’ here, but i’m getting real tired of this inter-dimensional bullshit. ” not that he could really do anything about it one way or the other. this sort of thing has been following him for a long, long while.
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deniedcrown · 2 years
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just playing around making motion graphics of my fav dont mind me
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deniedcrown · 3 years
        someone out there in charge of the housing situation must have thought they were real funny.
        still, he didn’t try to do anything to make the other feel uncomfortable, but he had an inkling that all just kind of came natural ( unnatural? ) with what they were. hellboy made sure to keep any movements slow and non-threatening - though all he happened to be doing at the moment was enjoying his tea and finishing up a plate of pancakes. “ hi. ” the angel’s shaky smile was met with his own muted one, and he gave a nod. “ yeah. guess we are for now. i heard that people get their own places - eventually. don’t know how long that takes, though. ” everyone seemed to go at their own paces, for whatever reason.
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        “ ‘m hellboy. ” he murmured his introduction into his drink, suddenly feeling just as sheepish about his name now as he had while in hell and introducing himself to certain lost souls. “ ...my old man picked it, not me. ” he felt it was damn-near necessary to point out, before gesturing vaguely to the teapot. “ you, uh...you want a cup? ” he asked awkwardly; there was no reason for his new roommate to think that it wasn’t poisoned in some way, but it would have felt rude not to offer it.
          a pause, then a sigh of mild defeat. “ ...there’s no way this isn’t gonna be weird, is there? ” 
 @deniedcrown​ .
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Well. This was very embarrassing. He could feel a demonic presence as soon as he entered the apartment, and unfortunately, the angel would have to live with it. It could be worse, he supposed. The “Stars” could have left him living outside or whatever, but they didn’t. They were kind enough to offer him a home. It wasn’t his bookshop back in Soho, but it would do for now. Hopefully his flatmate wouldn’t mind a sudden influx of books in the next couple of weeks.
Aziraphale awkwardly taps his fingertips together, a shaky smile appearing on his face. He wasn’t sure why he was so anxious. He had dealt with demons before. He was an angel. He could discorporate them in a flash if he wanted. To be fair, most of the time he was dealing with Crowley and Crowley wasn’t so much a hereditary enemy at this point as a friendly ally. Taking a deep breath, Aziraphale attempts to make conversation with his demonic roommate. 
❝H-Hello there,❞ He stammers. Nice job, Aziraphale. Really starting off strong, are we? ❝A-Are you my… I mean, I suppose we’re flatmates now? Um, it’s nice to meet you…?❞ The ethereal chuckled nervously, completely focused on the.. demon(?) in front of him. He could feel his wings trembling slightly. Thank goodness they were not currently out on display. Please, don’t attack. Please don’t discorporate me when I have nowhere to go back to.
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His angelic aura could be felt all over the room. There was no point in denying it or hiding it.  
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deniedcrown · 3 years
describe your muse with shitty ebay reviews
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yep, that’s all i need.
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deniedcrown · 3 years
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       “ you gotta be kiddin’ me. ”
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deniedcrown · 3 years
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🔥 Happy Birthday, Hellboy! 🔥 On this day in 1617, Sarah Hughes gave birth to the demon Azzael’s favorite son, Anung Un Rama. Hellboy in Hell by Mike Mignola (2013)
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deniedcrown · 3 years
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" aw, crap. " literally the only part that sounded okay was the bike.
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deniedcrown · 3 years
      ♪ ❝ –And that’s how I met a fiery alien god-thing! ❞ the woman now concludes her story, offering a nod as she crosses her arms thoughtfully for a moment now with eyes closed. 
     It hadn’t been her intention to fully divulge into the story and potentially talk this guy’s ear off, but… Well… He asked! Sort of. Not only that, but he genuinely seemed to listen to every word Felicia said, which further egged her on to tell the full story. At first, the feline hadn’t been sure if he even wanted to accompany her in this party (especially since he had seemed very thrown off by her suggestion), but now she’s sure that he’s good company to keep!
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      ❝ So seeing guys covered in fire isn’t really such a new thing. Plus, you’re a lot nicer than he was, anyway. ❞
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       “ another thing we have in common, huh? “ hellboy didn’t mind her stories - rather, he enjoyed them. it was a far cry nicer than the silence of the ruins of pandemonium, plus he rarely met people who’s lives were so eventful as his own. and, truth be told, listening to felicia was making it easier to avoid focusing too much on himself for the time being. ( or at least, certain very visible aspects of himself. ) even if his face and tone of voice was difficult to read at the moment, his tail moved slowly side-to-side in a content manner.
       “ ...thanks. you’re, uh...nicer than most people are seeing me like this. ” even then, it wasn’t really unwarranted, either. he decided not to delve into it too deeply for fear of ruining the lighthearted air that felicia brought. “ ...your dress is nice, by the way. almost makes me feel underdressed. ”
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deniedcrown · 3 years
LIVED   WITH   HUMANS   ?  His eyes widen visibly at that confession, and it seems all the stranger that this one hasn’t already addressed him by name or title. 
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       hellboy smiled faintly as the other nodded his head - despite being called a devil and a demon. it was one of the rare few times that it was spoken neutrally instead of with a negative connotation. “ looking pretty good for someone a couple millennia old...and here i am feeling the age from almost being a hundred. “ he gave a quiet laugh, though with his current form it came out even more gravelly and deep than normal.
        “ i haven’t heard of many like us, either. ” there were one or two exceptions - or some that tried to keep to themselves, but...usually, just living meant that they would inevitably harm someone. maybe that was the nature of his demonic heritage - as that truth had applied to him, too. “ it was kinda my job to keep monsters from hurting humans...back when i was alive, anyway. put me up against a few other demons in my day.” 
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       “ i’m hellboy..” he held up his smaller left hand to the other to shake, figuring that he had no reason at this point to avoid being polite. “ i wouldn’t mind swapping some stories with you sometime. sounds like you’ve led a pretty interesting life, yourself...you said your name was sparda? ”
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deniedcrown · 3 years
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“ you are so ready to believe all the bad things said about you...why can’t you believe what she believed? ... she believed you were worth saving. ”
        good morning it’s 6am and i’m emotional abt this specific panel
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deniedcrown · 3 years
ADMITTEDLY,  IT  ISN’T  JUST a need for information that has him approaching this stranger. He passes no judgement; even a demon must needs prove themselves unworthy of trust before he’ll come to dislike them, and the fact that he walks among the humans with little visible inclination for bloodlust is a promising sign.
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Sparda listens, pupilless gaze drifting to the castle when it’s pointed out, dipping his head in a nod that freezes at the last statement.  ❝ A LAND THAT NEITHER BELONGS TO HUMAN NOR DEMON, ❞ he muses, ❝ NEITHER LIVING NOR DEAD. ❞
There’s a pause as he debates whether or not to ask his next question. Tail sways at his ankles.  ❝ FORGIVE ME THIS FORTHRIGHTNESS. YOU KNOW NO FEAR AT MY PRESENCE… AND YET I SEE NO LOATHING IN YOUR EYES. A DEVIL AMBIVALENT TO THE NAME OF SPARDA… ‘TIS A RARE SIGHT, INDEED. ❞
       he nodded at the succinct, formal description of spirale. “ it’s kinda comforting to think of it that way, yeah. ” instead of it being some massive science experiment or toy for some high power he couldn’t even think of.
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       hellboy gave a small shrug at the other’s observations about him- they weren’t inaccurate, he supposed, but he wasn’t sure who ‘sparda’ was supposed to be, either. ( it felt rude somehow to admit as much, though. ) “ ...demon politics and general opinion don’t really interest me. i lived with humans my whole life so i’m out of the loop, anyway. as long as you don’t go around hurting people, who or what you are isn’t really my business. ” he admitted, tilting his head a bit in curiosity - despite his promise of indifference.
      “ it’s not every day i meet a demon or devil that isn’t trying to kill me, though. ” it was increasingly more common in spirale, though. “ that common for you, too? ” 
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deniedcrown · 3 years
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       he looks up at the other, blinking in mild surprise - but deciding not to dwell on what the other happened to be. given how polite he was, it really wasn’t any of his business. ( he felt some kind of...familiar aura there, though. ) “ i haven’t been here that long, either but, uh, sure. ” he glances up at the castle and gestures to it. “ that’s new, but i don’t think it’ll be around very long. things tend to change pretty quickly, apparently. as for the people around here, a lot of ‘em are drawn from all different sorts of places. different times, even. doesn’t even seem to matter if they’re dead. ”
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STATUESQUE   AND   INTIMIDATING, he peers up to the castle at his side, then out onto the streets of an alien city. ❝ PARDON ME, ❞ he asks, lowering himself into a courteous bow to a passerby– an act that is unfittingly polite for the carnal growl of his voice, a hellish tone that scrapes from his throat, ❝ I DARE SAY… THIS SUDDEN TURN OF EVENTS HAS ME… AT A LOSS. WOULD YOU DO ME THE KINDNESS OF TELLING ME MORE OF THIS PLACE…? OF THESE PEOPLE? ❞ 
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deniedcrown · 3 years
king boy, i hear we might be related
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i hope not. but my father got around, unfortunately.
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deniedcrown · 3 years
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and upon his brow is set a crown of flames
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