#a fish bit my brother last year btw
beeqisch · 11 months
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summer!!! yippee!!!!
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tonowariswife · 1 year
pls do not repost any of my stories on other apps! btw requests are open!!angst!
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tonowari family x daughter!reader
word count:1862
My father takes me out hunting with him. The hunters of our clan hunt closer to the end of the reef for bigger fish to feed our people. My father Tonowari looks away from me for a bit looking at the net to see what has been caught. I lean down to put my hand into the water and fall off making a little bloop noise. My father doesn't seem to notice me swimming off from everyone, talking to the hunters. “Uhm… Sir, wasn't your daughter with you?” A hunter asks, looking down and not seeing me. My father chuckles thinking he was joking and reaches down to pat my head and realizes I'm not there. He rushes into a state of panic telling hunters to look in the water for me. “Y/n!” My father yells out to me but I only hear his voice, not able to make out what he is saying.
I swim in the water watching a baby Mawup swim around. I see a small spiked-back creature with a white underbelly a few meters away. I turn my head sideways confused about what it is. It looks as if it's copying me, turning its head to me too. I reach out as it muzzles its head into my palm, it moves its head and swims closer to me and nuzzles against my leg before I feel a pair of strong arms lift me out of the water. It swims away from the big figure, scaring it off. “I want to go back!” I say patting my father's back, he chuckles. “Your mother would skin me alive if she found out I almost lost you near the reef boundaries.” He lifts me onto his Skimwing and then calls the hunter back, they all grab the net of fish for the week before heading back. I see our village Marui’s soon getting larger as we get closer. Once we reach the sand, I jump off to tell my mom what I saw. I see her and my big brother playing in the sand, building a small house out of the sand. “Mama, Mama!” I yell out to her and her head turns to me smiling, opening her arms open, and hugging me. I jumped into them excitedly to tell her what I found. “Mama, guess what I did!” My father arrived shortly after lifting my brother, Aonung, and swinging him around before sitting Aonung down to let him finish his same marui and listen to what I was saying. “So Daddy took me to where he gets fish and then I went to touch the water and fell!” I smile looking at my mom to see if she was listening. She smiles at me before glaring at my father. “Then, I swam and saw a big spiky fish, it was nice and it was a baby like me,”
I explain my mother looks at me confused never hearing of a spiky fish, she looks at my father confused he shrugs I continue, “It was gray, and his belly was white (a baby akula🤭)and he was so cute! We are friends now!”
I walk up to Aonung and ask him what he’s building. “It's a Marui, I'm gonna have my own when I grow up!” I smile and sit next to him. “Can we be neighbors? I want a big marui made out of seashells?” I ask excitedly, barely able to contain it. It was a radiation of happiness growing off of me.
*10 years later*
Y’all know I love some angst so here we gooo
I jumped in the water, something was off, It was hard to stay above water, the adrenaline from previously being on the boat and saving my sister, and the sully’s wore off. I hardly breathe, almost gasping, making Neteyam turn to me, he looks at me and his face drops in fear. “Lo’ak, Y/n’s been hit!” Neteyam yells, looking at me before dragging me to an Ilu. I started thinking about this inevitable death. I closed my eyes and blinked very slowly. Not fully coming to terms with it, I needed to talk to my family. I needed to see them even if it was the last time, for a long time. I hardly realize me being picked up and placed on something rough. I feel my back pressed to the rock and look around at the sand surrounding me. I hear yells from my mother, feet running against the sand. “Eywa no..” I see her lean over me on her knees, hair covering the light from the fire. I feel somewhat strong hands grabbing my hand and holding it. I turned and saw Aonung's tears filling his eyes. “Oh sister, what has happened?” Aonung asks me, but I couldn't respond. I see Tsireya drop-down next to me, she leans over my leg rubbing it. Oh, and how much it pained me, I turned to my father, anger filled his eyes but hiding behind that anger was sadness, an incurable emotion. My chest heaves up and down as words escape my mouth, “I see you, all of you” I see them look up at me as my mother's silent cries break out into a full-out sob, and my chest heaves for one last time.
The full sully family around me surrounded your body, Your mother lifting my body and hugging me, screams escaping her lips. Your father dropped down, and he broke down. Your father was a strong man with no weaknesses except one, his family. Neytiri tried to confront my mother by putting a hand on her shoulder. “GET AWAY! AWAY FROM THIS PLACE! AWAY FROM MY FAMILY! LET US MOURN, THE DEATH OF MY OLDEST DAUGHTER!” Ronal yells and hisses at Neytiri, yanking away her shoulder. Tonowari, hardly able to lift himself from the sand, goes to his mourning family, grabbing them and pulling all 5 of them together. There were no more Troublesome 3, only 2 and ½ kids left. He had to protect them no matter what, he could not let them take them as they took his oldest daughter. Tears seeped out of Aonungs eyes, no more swimming together, no more bullying each other, no more sibling rants, no more Y/n. He sniffles and looks at his remaining sister wondering about the thoughts that raced through her head, staring at her older sister.
Tsireya wanted to give up, her sister kept Tsireya grounded, she was in touch with her feelings but her older sister helped her get over the bad emotions… She kept Tsireya afloat when all she wanted to do was sink. She kept her balance, but as she watched her sister in the fight between life and death, seeing death win stabbed her heart repeatedly.
But nothing could even fathom how Ronal felt about her oldest daughter, her little girl that she cradled in her arms dead. The daughter she taught to be in touch with Eywa, the girl that grew into a beautiful healer, and strong like a warrior. The little girl that she sang to every night until they could sing together. Gone. Even when they argued and lost patience with each other, she felt lucky to even be a mother of a beautiful girl. She couldn't turn back time or pray to Eywa that she’d come back to her. She just hoped she could see her on the other side. To Eywa she returns, she'll find herself in a room with all the people we've lost and she dances with joy as pure as her father's heart.
And oh her father, her poor father, he would've given up everything he ever done, owned, or achieved to get his child back. He lost a piece of himself he could never get back, her smile now a memory in his mind. They can't ride together, and no longer practice spear fighting. If only he had one more day to hold onto his daughter tight, not like today when he let her free from his grasp of protection, he shouldn't have let her go. But he had to hold on for his kids, and his mate in such a vulnerable time for his family. Villages have fallen, from the sky people but out of all the stress of trying to keep his people safe, she was the reassurance he needed to push on, all of his kids were. Oh, how he was grateful to have the days he had with you. Now memories, memories he won't be able to relive with you now that you are gone. Time felt frozen, a moment feeling like forever. He wished upon every great star in the sky, for you to come back. Sadly, that’s just not how life works.
A few hours later they had to lay you to rest, in the ocean from which you were born. Ronal prayed that you will meet again whether in another life or before Eywa. Tsireya and Aonung cried watching as their, your parents swim below to put you to rest. Tonowari’s eyes were red as if they burned, from crying so much. Ronal knew you were somewhere you can be free from the murder and chaos of this world. Tsireya whispered a small prayer to Eywa, hardly intelligible, Aonung hand placed on her shoulder. She looked at his eyes brimming with tears again as Aonung pulled her into a hug. This night was forever marked in their hearts, always a reminder of what came of their sister and oldest daughter. Aonung wanted to scream but he couldn't, it wouldn't come out of his mouth. In his eyes, you could see sadness and pain. It wasn't just another night, it was a night where you fought for your life and lost. He knew everything in this world dies but he never thought yours would come so soon. Your parents emerged from the water, the water dripping off of them as they looked at their remaining children. Ronal swam and grabbed them and hugged them, she wanted to shield you all from this.. and she failed. She couldn't shield you but as she held her last 2 kids she knew she had to protect them. Tonowari came closer holding his whole family in his embrace, he felt as if someone was missing, and that someone was you. Where danger found them, it follows with tides of anguish and pain. Tonowari looked up into the sky a new star in the sky, not one of the sky people but a beautiful star and it shone on his family, the tears that he cried as the star twinkled, he believed you were letting him know that you were watching them and protecting them.
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amegeddon · 1 year
I wrote an abridged as hell from memory version of TFOTA and then google translated the shit out of it last year so here's a little compilation of funny parts because why not
I have yet to do one for The Stolen Heir but I have done the main trilogy + the little spinoff one that followed Cardan.
Idk if anyone wants the full thing instead of just contextless bits from it but if anyone does then feel free to ask and I'll post (I can post the translated and untranslated versions btw)
Anyways, this probably contains spoilers for the series but it's also really hard to understand without prior context so idk, read at your own risk I guess lol.
"Stupid Judd, speechless in the clouds, very rich on one of them, but androgynous, would not admit in the second half of the book ... apple"
"Cardin also loved Baywood, so he was quickly kicked out of the band. You understand)"
""I'm Crazy About You" is an old-fashioned group that asks enemies in the 80's to make a film about a boy, but yes,"
"he embarked on an FBI trip led by one of Cardan's brothers"
"Bad locks."
"Cardin's career failed miserably. Is he stupid, even if Judd can't solve it, maybe he can help solve problems?"
"The Rock once fooled Judas because he dragged him to a party at his home while digging in a camp. house."
"he does know that Locke goes back to Book 2 and somehow enjoys smoking."
"Judd says, "Why am I Dunbar more than him?" Yeah and Nekasia says she's like an ambassador because you like having a daughter now she's not okay, should my mom talk to her?"
"Kadan should be ruled in the land of the fish, that is, the fishing system."
"Only members of the royal family at Greenbury announced the impending destruction of the United States."
"Judd looked up nervously: "Wow ... what a beautiful donkey.""
"Oh, no twins,"
"Cardan was about to take responsibility for something (probably because they were stupid)."
"destroy the part of the palace with the snake. I think some people ate at this point,"
"so I grabbed him a little bit and then cut off his head"
"stating that if he did not apologize he would do all the work on the fish farm,"
"Nothing really interesting happened to the terrorists."
"Carden decided that it would be better for him to get drunk for the rest of his life, so he drank heavily, talked at the door several times, went downstairs, cried down the stairs,"
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So over the past while I’ve had a number of different TMNT AU ideas of my own (they just won't stop.) Due to the fact that I’m not sure which one I want to work on first I have decided to post some summaries of them here in the hopes that someone would respond and give me something to talk about. IDK man :/ Also, these are all based in Rise! unless explicitly stated.Anyways, here have a list:
Teenage mutant turtle fish: Inspired by @quewp1’s Mertles AU (I am still working on redesigning my ideas for it.) In short, the earth got completely flooded after some weird event about 50 years ago. The yokai decided to be nice and helped many of the humans out before they could be washed away. Hidden yokai cities all around the world took in hundreds of humans, providing them with the safety of the magically protected underground caverns. The yokai and humans then work together to integrate the humans into the yokai world as well as figure out a way to either expand the cities or to reclaim the flooded surface. Jump forward a number of years and we find a yokai scientist, employed by the Progressions council, named Barry Draxum and his husband, a young actor named Hamato Yoshi AKA: Lou Jutisu. Barry and Yoshi want kids but they're not about to go about it the easy way. Barry’s job for the Progressions council (a group of humans and yokai tasked with figuring out how this new society is going to progress in a way that will let every being thrive in their very rapidly shrunk world) is to think up, and test out possible ideas to reclaiming the flooded topside. An idea that he had been meaning to test out was to mutate humanoides to give them fish features that would allow them to survive underwater. So yeah, instead of just going out and adopting some kids, Barry and Yoshi decide to create their own in a test tube. In order of age there’s Jennika, a yellow bellied slider and armored catfish, Raph, a snapper and nurse shark, Leo and Donnie, a red eared slider and betta fish, and a softshell and betta fish respectively, Mikey, a box turtle and mandarin fish, lastly Venus, a smooth softshell and flying fish.
Lost to the void: Your classic Mikey ends up being unable to save Leo from the prison dimension but with a twist. While he had been able to open the portal it closes just as Leo reaches it, or at least it seems that way for his brothers. Instead, when Leo reaches the portal it zaps him into a black void and he passes out for a bit. He wakes up to a pair of glowing eyes that blink at him and the sound of a voice saying something about him not belonging there. Everything goes fuzzy and then he wakes up in pain and an alleyway in a version of the 2003 dimension. He meets Lord Simultaneous who tells him about the multiverse and agrees to help him get home. When they try though, it doesn't work. Lord Sims (because I cannot be bothered) informs Leo that getting him home will take a bit more doing than he thought. There's not much that Leo can do about it and he starts to get really bored after about a month of waiting around in Lord Sims main palace. Lord Sims offers him some odd jobs around the multiverse, which Leo is happy to comply with. The way I have things set in my head is that alternate dimensions are the different Tmnt cannons, ie: Rise!, 2003, 2012, etc. And parallel universes are offshoots of that, ie: a fanfiction of Rise! that changes the cannon. Lord Sims can travel between these realities and now so can LV!Leo. (This is the one that I’m the most excited about right now. I wanted to get a design for LV!Leo before posting anything about it but whatever.)
Hundred year war: My own version of the turtles. (BTW: this idea came from a dream so please bear with me if it sounds a bit weird.) Yokai were never driven underground and ended up being the dominant species of earth alongside humans. At some point, for unrelated reasons, the world devolved into a world war that has lasted for nearly a hundred years. Before it began someone gave a prophecy that one of the sides would create their own destruction. During the war one side tests out a bio-mystic bomb on a small town across the border of the other side. The military of that side decides to quarantine the town due to the fact that it and the people have been giving off weird radiation. They also force the soldiers that first responded to the blast to stay there as well. First Lieutenant Hamato Yoshi finds four baby turtle eggs in one of the houses destroyed by the blast, their mother dead. He decides to raise (really co-parent) them along with a goat yokai scientist named Barry Draxum sent to study the effects of the blast before the quarantine was decided. So basically everyone that was there within two days of the blast going off were now stuck there for the foreseeable future. Over time the village and its inhabitants are forgotten about. The turtles grow up running around the compound that was set up for research and the village itself. At some point some of the young children that had been near the blast start exhibiting weird powers, which Draxum decides to study more thoroughly. I actually started writing a scene for this so let me know if you want to see that finished at some point.
Dryad donnie: At one am several weeks ago I whispered to myself ‘Treeatello’ and thought that it would be a really funny idea. By the next morning I had no idea what I had ment, but then about a week after that I had an actual idea. Partially inspired by @tangledinink’s Swannatello au in the sense that Donnie gets magically influenced to protect something and gets kinda magical-girled in the process. The turtles fight and kill a dryad that they had thought was just another mutant. The kill part was an accident on Donnie’s part. The grove the dryad had been protecting is now in sore need of a new protector so it calls Donnie, forcing him to go to the glade and becoming its new dryad protector. He gets to be a willow maiden.
Separated AU: All the cool creators have one so here's mine. Lou doesn't get mutated but he’s only able to grab Raph and Mikey. Before he leaves the hidden city he's also able to snag a pair of cloaking broaches. Once back in New York he gets in contact with his old manager who helps him get set up in a large apartment. He teaches Mikey and Raph to never take off the broaches when out of the house and sends them off to school once they're old enough. Meanwhile, Draxum has Donnie, Leo, a blown up lab, and an angry Big Mama to contend with. Big M makes a deal with him that if he gives her Leo and Donnie that she’ll forgive his poor business practices. Draxum doesn't like the idea that he has to give up the things that he spent his entire life working for. The two of them decide that they can share them, Big M gets them to raise for publicity and later her Battle Nexus pits, Draxum gets to see them once a month for testing and samples. Eventually Donnie starts begging Big M to give him a cloaking broach and let him go to human school, eventually after a lot of pestering she gives in and gets cloaking broaches for both him and Leo. At this point Raph and Mikey are both in highschool and have made quite a name for themselves in all the different extracurriculars they participate in. Out of nowhere these two kids show up and start beating them at everything.
I lack motivation right now, please ask me things so that I can talk about these.
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ghoulfr13nd · 2 months
hi!!! this is the playlist anon from before, back to gush over ur music taste! (and i'm sorry this is gonna be a long ask fgdsafjksdh) your playlist was like a godsend in finding some good new music! and i will gladly say what i enjoyed about it! :D first, you reminded me about Metric! i mean- ok, Nimona reminded me about them first when they played Gold Guns Girls (i had a blast during this scene btw dgsh) but it was your playlist that made me really return to them and look more into their music more xD like, when i was listening to Now or Never Now i was like, oh this is so good whats the band and i was shocked it was Metric i had to double check fdsagj this song has just such a different feel than what i remember from them! thanks to you i've been listening to Art of Doubt and i think it's my fave album from them! second, Will Wood, Modest Mouse, Of Monsters and Men, The Crane Wives and Lemon Demon are also always a win in my book! fsdjsdf third, i discovered a lot of new artists thanks to you! but man, if i mentioned all the songs that ur playlist made me discover and add to my faves on spotify i'd have to mention like 90% of the playlist fasdhdfs but my absolute faves are probably the previously mentioned Metric songs, Lessons Learned by Matt and Kim, Boy by Ra Ra Riot, The Distance by Aly & AJ, Quiet Little Voices by We Were Promised Jetpacks (the delicate 'Crunch' on the guiter in this one is delicious!) and Shark Attack by GROUPLOVE in short: great playlist! thought about making/sharing more??? asking for a friend! 👀 (and oh man my music taste is all over the place I can listen to anything so recommending songs and judging what is good is hard fasdgjk but maybe something close in the vibes of ur playlist! hmmm you might already know it but ever heard about Fish in the Birdcage? (i mean the song but it's also a band xd) i had it on constant repeat for so long i love it so much i definitely reccomend it and their music in general! alsooo, maybe Be Good by Dominik Dudek, and sail away by lovelytheband? also idk if it'd be in ur style but this song has been on my constant repeat for the past week so: Great Time To Be Human by Jagwar Twin :D)
oh man ok ok ok
I LOVE Metric!! theyre one of the bands my brother and I both really like and we’ve been to one of their concerts — it was so good! (if youre interested in how that went I took a video of them playing Black Sheep!) I went absolutely rabid when I heard it in Nimona (NIMONA IS SO GOOD!!!!!!)
Will Wood’s IN CASE I DIE album was a huge point of obsession for me last year. my friends were deeply concerned about the amount of times I listened to Cicada Days (Live at Knitting Factory, Spokane, WA)
THRILLED TO KNOW YOU ENJOY MATT AND KIM THOUGH!!! ABSOLUTE REQUIRED LISTENING FOR ANYONE WHO WANTS TO KNOW ME. they were my FAVORITE band in high school and college, and I had several of their albums that I played in my car!! highly highly recommend Cameras and Silver Tiles by them (and also just the whole Sidewalks album!)
I’m crazy about my playlists and will absolutely never turn down the chance to share them so here are a few!
March March March March is what I was listening to in - you guessed it - March!
October feels different this year. is one of my favorite playlists from 2023. it has some overlap with my gender playlist and in general is just really close to my heart. (The Milk Carton by Madilyn Mei had been a HUGE obsession for me I LOVE that song)
if you want a wildly different vibe rat nao is my country music playlist (I Am Not Immune To Being A Southerner) (there’s also a little bitty bit of overlap with my October playlist!) (its not 100% country but its all songs that make my accent terribly thick)
a heart’s a heavy burden is my other pinned playlist on Spotify and it’s all of the songs (more or less, approximately) every song I’ve ever cried to
Quintessential Listening is my abridged music taste from my entire life and its a VERY LONG PLAYLIST that I don’t actually recommend unless you want a lot to choose from and/or have a deeper understanding of me as a person (I made this playlist for fun I admittedly dont listen to it much fjskfjdj) (fun fact nobody asked for but I love sharing: my 4th birthday party was themed after Somebody To Call My Lover by Janet Jackson) (ALSO the picture for this playlist is a collage of photos I myself have taken!)
you by no means have to listen to all of these I just wanted to give you choices. additionally, feel free to just go poke around my profile. all my playlists are public! i make a lot though and not all of them actually get listened to gjdkdkdk
i AM familiar with Fish in a Birdcage!!!! I love the song and also the band - my favorite song by them though is Rule #13 - Waterfall. my friend Kit is more into them than I am, I think, admittedly, but I still really enjoy them! if you like them, I’ll recommend the same songs I did for Kit (November by Sparkbird — The Room Is Filled With People That Love You by Foresight — So Alright, Cool, Whatever by The Happy Fits)
I’m not familiar with the other three songs, so I listened to them on my drive to work this morning. They were fun, I enjoyed listening to them!
Funnily enough, I’m going back to college this fall and I’ve had a hard time figuring out my feelings about it. my therapist told me to try making a playlist and I’ve been struggling to find songs that aptly convey how I feel. Sail Away is one of the first songs that’s clicked, so thank you!
I also listened to Great Time to be Human by Jagwar Twin (twice to make sure I absorbed it well) and it’s very fun!! it reminds me of Glass Animals (who I also really enjoy). actually rotated my friend’s ocs in my head a little bit to the chorus.
ALSO IF YOU WANT TO SEND ME A PLAYLIST, I WOULD LOVE THAT? no pressure to ofc but I love exchanges! I love sharing! I love learning about other people!
If you read all of this thank you for letting me ramble about music!!!!!!! I’m very intrinsically tied to my music taste and it makes me feel very seen to share it and for it to be enjoyed by others.
I hope you’re doing well and that you have a good day today!
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winderlylandchime · 6 months
I actually had QueerAnon as my number 1 podcast omg. Hopefully that tips off Jordan and Randy that they need to get their asses back to recording.
I honestly think the therapist knows about the show. I mean from what my brother has told me about him, the guy is around the same age as my brother and they’ve talked about movies, tv shows and music so I feel like he either knows it since the beginning or went to look it up. But the idea of him not knowing and just knowing my brother will lose his mind when his beloved show is over, is equally funny. I mean my brother vented to him about Brian getting cancer and about Ethan so he’s seen him at his worst throughout this show.
And as for the last few episodes: His plan is to watch them all at once. One after the other. Today. So I hate to report that the ‘straight man watches qaf in the year of our lord 2023’ is officially coming to an end. Do you remember that scene in Finding Nemo when the fishes try to escape from the tank and the starfish says ‘THE TANK IS CLEAN!’? Well he woke up today, walked into the kitchen and quoted the whole scene but changed it a bit, so it was: ‘good morning! Todays the day! The sun is shining, im watching the last episodes and I am finishing the sho- IM WATCHING THE LAST EPISODES!’ He even filmed himself and sent it to our family group chat and to his friends thinking how funny he is and immediately afterwards I got bunch of texts from our cousins, our uncle, our parents and 3 of his friends. And literally every single one of them is worried how he will handle it. My cousins basically said ‘good luck’ (they know how it ends and they also told majority of the family). My uncle is now fully involved (but only for his entertainment purposes) but he does think my brother might experience a mental breakdown after he sees the finale. His husband and him over the weekend watched the finale to try and judge how he will react and according to my uncle when the credits rolled, his husband looked at him and went ‘oh he is soooo fucked.’ And his friends told me that he told them he thinks it will be a happy finale bc no way would anyone do all that and then not make sure they end up happy, together and in love. They even brought up the Iron Man aftermath and im worried they’re right. So heartbreak is inevitable.
I will try my absolute hardest to send updates as soon as we finish the finale. But I apologize in advance if it either ends up being sent really fucking late at night or really fucking early in the morning. I already know I’m gonna be a mess watching the finale (i think I’ve seen it only a handful of times, maybe even less) but i am not ready to witness that first ever heartbreak due to the finale that my brother is only hours away from experiencing. It’s been years since I first saw it and i still remember how much it hurt so rip to the straight man. So who the fuck knows what his reaction will be to literally any of the next 4 episodes but especially the finale.
I'm guessing that the tumblr fandom is responsible for that podcast's listens this year. And I do hope Spotify wrapped sends up the bat signal that they need to make more episodes! C'mon Jordan and Randy!
I agree, it is just as funny for the therapist to think "I have no idea what is going to happen but Brother Anon is so unhinged about this, no matter what, it's going to be a crisis."
RIP to the tag "a straight man watches qaf us 2000 in the year of our lord 2023" after this week. Btw, instant regret for choosing such a long tag but oh well! I'm not even christian! It is NOT the year of my lord... lol.
I'm glad the whole family is aware that this is going to ROUGH (understatement of the year) on your brother. I think having some things to help him immediately will be helpful - an episode of QueerAnon, a bts youtube clip, a favorite fanfic - and maybe letting him know there is a whole group of us cheering him on? Like he's heartbroken but he has friends he never even knew were out there? IDK.
Good luck. Don't worry about what time your messages come in. I have a super busy day tomorrow, so if I don't get to them, that's not a sign of anything. I just have a doctor's appointment (where I will *not* discuss qaf with my doctor) and then a bunch of appointments straight through until night.
Good luck and godspeed dear sweet anon. I have the feeling you're going to need it.
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bluefirewrites · 3 years
Prince Protection Program AU
The response to the last post has been amazing. Thanks guys. I don’t plan on making a full on story ( I did at one point, but I have a lot of WIPs to work on), but I still have some riffs to unleash. This is my take on the boys’ life  pre-PPP. Enjoy!
(Also changed the name of Reggie’s kingdom and swapped it for Luke’s btw) 
Link to first post and artwork
Palace life sucked ass.
Usually Lukas would experience that brief split-second of bliss waking up in the morning, where he would blink against the Mediterranean sun seeping through the cracks in his curtains, the feeling of his body cocooned in silk sheets hitting him first and not the fact that he was the Crowned Prince of Solaria.
But after that, it all came crashing down on him in the form of knocking on his door, followed by the more forceful opening of his door, and the filing in of his guardian.
“Ugh,” the prince rolled around, stuffing his head under a pillow, “Five… minutes…”
“I’m afraid that’s not possible,” James stalked over, tugging the covers off of him, causing Lukas to groan at the loss of warmth, “You know what today is.”
How could he not? It had only been the very thing his parents would talk about for the past year-
The day he would be crowned king.
As was tradition, he was seventeen years of age, the time for him to learn how to be a proper ruler to succeed his father King Mitchell.
Though the problem lay in the very fact that Lukas was many things.
But proper he was not.
Lukas rose, reluctantly, which struck James quite odd. Normally there would be more complaints, a bout or two before he would summon the guards to extricate him from the bed.
“I’ll-” A yawn broke out and the young man rubbed his eyes to rouse himself, “I’ll be there soon.”
James raised an eyebrow.
Lukas lifted a palm in good faith, “I promise.”
The older man stared at him for a moment before leaving to attend to other duties. As soon as he left, the prince quietly tip-toed to the doors, pressing his ear against the cool wood and waited. The sounds of footsteps faded, marking his guardian’s disappearance around the corner.
“Sucker,” Lukas laughed, before shrugging on a shirt, swiping his headphones off his desk, and booking it to his balcony.
He had about a minute and half to scale down the vines encasing his wing of the palace before the guards caught him. 
Over the years, he had to get a bit creative to evade palace security, with his parents sealing off most exits, doubling the guards stationed by his window at night, but nowadays it was much easier to do the riskier, more obvious way to escape. 
No one would expect it.
Hopping down to the lower level and pressing himself against the wall, he crab-walked until he found the door leading into the kitchen.
He slipped through, greeting the staff who all shook their heads at him. They knew better than to dissuade him from doing what he was about to do.  All Geneveive, the head cook, could do was send him off with a bag of food with a “Hurry back now or James will have our heads.”
Biting off a piece of bread, he thanked her with a wink and was off, dancing around the extra busy kitchen and putting on his headphones in the process.
With Nirvana blaring in his ears, Lukas made it to the waterfront and hopped into one of the more modest fishing boats (exchanging one of Genevieve’s sponge cakes for the keys. Thank you, Garrison) and motored off to the islet a few miles out.
20 minutes later, he moored to the dingy port where two other boats were stationed on the small piece of land.
“Oh my god,” he heard someone holler, a guy about his age with jet-black hair and swim trunks, “Is that the future King of Solaria?”
Lukas rolled his eyes, lugging around the small back, “Oh my god. Is that Reginald? The future King of the Crescent Cape?” he mimicked.
Another boy, blonde and tall, lay under the shade of a tree reading, scoffed, “Unfortunately.”
Reginald and Lukas locked eyes and smirked.
“Wait,” Reginald squinted at the blonde, “Is that- No way! It is, Lukas!”
“It so is!” Lukas gasped excitedly, “You’re Prince Alexander!”
“Of the Grybrian Isles? OMG!”
“Thought he’d be taller,”
“Thought he’d be more handsome,”
Alexander got to his feet, rolling his eyes, “Alright. Can you two be any more louder? Do you want them to find us?”
“Chill, they haven’t caught us yet,” Reginald reassured, leading the two other princes deeper into the patch of greenery on the tiny island, one that they all had discovered and have been running to to get away from prince duties for years now.
Lukas would have been driven to madness by royal duties if it weren’t for his friends from the neighboring kingdoms. He, Reginald, and Alexander had known each other their whole lives, their domains all clustered together that made visiting each other so easy. 
But every now and then, they needed to get away from the watchful eye of their parents and guards and the citizens and just be… them.
Lukas was lucky to know that he wasn’t alone in feeling this way, and that he could always turn to his friends.
“You goons better be hungry,” Lukas announced, tossing the bag of food their way.
Reggie dug into the snacks ravenously, “When aren’t we?”
Meanwhile, Alex was pacing, set on a nervous bender, “Aren’t you guys… I don’t know… kinda nervous?”
“Hey,” Lukas flicked a crumb at the other prince, hitting his calf mid-stride, “Thought we weren’t gonna talk about it today.”
“We’re all gonna be king soon, how can we not talk about it?”
The three of them sighed.
Alexander continued on the runway, “I mean, do you feel ready? I’m not ready,”
“Nope,” Reginald popped the ‘p’, frowning, “I hate being the oldest.”
“Why do we have to rule a country at 17? That’s stupid,” Lukas complained, searching through the bushes
“‘It’s tradition, Alexander. It’s what you must do. For the good of Grybria’,” Alexander impersonated, “Ugh. My brother just had to abdicate. Can’t I do that? Can I just abdicate?”
“Your dad would never let you,”
“Maybe if I told him I’m gay, he’d disown me?”
“Alexander,” Lukas warned.
“I was joking!” the blonde muttered, “...mostly.”
“Well what about me?” Reginald started, “I couldn’t take care of a bunny. How can I run a country?!”
Lukas felt around the ground until he hit leather and lugged out a guitar case he had stashed for safe keeping.
“Boys, let’s just… drop it today,” he deescalated. Funny, since he was up for coronation first, his rehearsal ceremony in a few hours, but he was determined to squeeze in some quality time with his friends before he couldn’t anymore, “Can we just chill? For a little while?” While they still could...
The other princes nodded.
“Okay. Now…” he took out his guitar and slung the strap over his shoulder, “Wanna jam?”
That brought a smile onto all of their faces.
They gathered in a circle, Lukas signaling at Alexander, who immediately began clapping a beat:
“1, 2, 3, 4-”
Tagging: @blush-and-books @lydias--stiles @echocharm17618 @rainfallingfromthesky @pink-flame @ourstarscollided @caffeine-catastrophe @nottheleastbrave @brightattheorpheum @thedeathdeelers @tmp-jatp   @lenacarstairspotterstewart @harpersdagger @annabelle-grisha-goddess @shelvesofgold @lwhoscribbles @futurearchaeologyprof @iridescentkippen @heademptynothoughts @crummycassidy @smolfangirl @a-dream-so-alive @that-one-utensil @lucid-h @homeinabookshelf @beaniesflannelandfannypacks @ilovefandoms @it-tastes-like-lizard
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misumeaw-blog · 3 years
13 Days 13 Fanfics | Counting down Albedo’s Birthday
Pairing : Albedo x GN! Reader 
Genre : Fluff | Established relationship
Warning : None
Word count : 1,699 words 
note : I can die peacefully now, I believe the entire family can hear me screaming. Day 13 will be based on Albedo's mail. I suck at kissing btw, sooo I tried
Day 12 Moment of Birth Part 1: Midnight
Light from houses in the city of freedom starting to turn into darkness; but not all, liveliest place in the slumbering city in the lake still filled with drunkards and music from the bard. Angel share, is night-active with drinks and socializing drinkers.
You have a meeting with your friends to discuss what to give Albedo for his birthday, Although..
“You guys seriously haven’t kissed yet? It’s been nearly a year”
things seemed going in the completely wrong direction “Shhh quiet please, Captain Kaeya. It’s not a big deal, I understand he wanted to take things slow” Still, there are times where you yearn for more than hugs and pecks on your face.
“Our Chief Alchemist has really taken your advice Too well, Kaeya” Lady in purple attire and a large witch hat, decorated with roses spoke up “That little genius never opened up for this sort of relationship” eyepatch man took another gulp to his mouth “I’m still surprised you managed to make him fall for you”
“Kaeya, rude” lightly zapped the one-eyed captain before turning to you “If he doesn’t make the first step, you’d need to do it” she placed her finger on your lips “Alright, alright, stop everyone” you harsh your friends before things getting out of hand “I just wanted a piece of advice on what to give Albedo for his birthday, so how did this turned to-“ Yup, that sparked your idea.
Both Knights of Favonius glanced at each other then back to you “Do you still need our help?”
The following morning you knocked on the Acting Grand Master’s room “Come in” an assertive voice flew out from the wooden door “Good morning, Master Jean. Do you know where Klee is?” “Good morning, I think she’s by the lake near Wolvendom. Oh and if you’re going to meet her, please make sure she doesn’t explode all the fish” she spoke without looking at you, eyes on massive amounts of paperwork
“One other thing, Acting Grand Master. I would be greatly appreciated if you kindly grant Albedo’s leave on his birthday” you figured your boyfriend might need a day off, in case he wanted to spend time with you and Klee “Oh right, his birthday is approaching” she glanced at the calendar “Yes of course, please do send him my regards if I couldn’t inform him myself” Closing the door after thanking her, ‘alright, off to Wolvendom’ you recalled your plan
Explosions can be heard from afar, the little girl should be nearby. Fish flying out in the sky, big splash easily visible. A small girl in red clothing having fun tossing bombs into stilled water. You called for her and she turned around “Y/N! Klee missed you” red coat sprinting to you, hugging you as soon as you’re in her reach By now she sees you as another sibling, despite you’re actually dating her brother. “Having fun today mh Klee?” glancing at the amount of dead fish on the ground “Yup! The kind uncle at the fishing asso..asso..” “Fishing association?” “Yes! the fishing association told Klee there’s a bunch of new fish all over Mondstadt, Klee will blast them all” You know fishing normally is better for the fish, but you let it slide for her happiness “Hey Klee, I have to borrow your brother the day before his birthday; well, tomorrow, is that alright?” You crouch down to the little girl’s height “Aw, but Klee wanted to be with big brother Albedo..” “I know Klee, but by that time you would be asleep. Would you like to help me prepare snacks for Albedo then?” “Yayy, Klee wanna help!” “Alright, keep it between us m’kay?” Holding out a pinky finger for the young one to hook with hers
‘And to keep Albedo busy..’ You head to the fountain plaza to one of your boyfriend’s assistants, Timaeus. “Morning Timaeus, do you know where Sucrose is?” A bit weird to start a conversation about her, since you and Sucrose don’t really get along “Sucrose? I’m not sure. Do you want me to help find her?” “No, no no no, uh, Timaeus, I need you to help distract Albedo tomorrow, mild difficulty experiment, anything” “Is that all? All Right” Scholar alchemist agreed to lend you a hand “Thanks, Timaeus”
    You headed off to your next destination ‘Alright, time for a hard part’ the last part of your plan is rather hard, you wondered if he gonna help you
“Mark it as done!” wow that was.. easy, perhaps it’s because of three high-quality bottles of wine in his hands. You asked.. or rather, hired anemo bard to play songs for the night and extra requested to let the wind carry the song to you.
In the evening, you have scouted the area you wanted to give the alchemist your gift and found the perfect place. An area where you can see both the city of freedom and the icy summit, high enough for the gentle breeze to flow, beautifully decorated with flowers and greenery. Starsnatch cliff, also the home of the flower which held meaning, the truest feelings of prodigal son, Cecilia.
The next day everything went according to plan. Light meal fully prepared with the help of the pyro girl, Timaeus kept Albedo busy so he couldn’t come home and caught you and Klee in action.
Quite late night when you knocked on Alice’s door, the blonde, still in his usual attire opened to greet the unknown guests. “Y/N? What are you doing here this late hour?” Judging from the angle of the moon, it's around 9-10 PM “Hey, what about me?” eyepatch covering male’s hand and he placed his elbow on the opened door, the alchemist only nodded to his presence “Evening Bedo, I would like to show you something, could you come with me please?” you don’t normally use the formal language after being with him for so long. He can sense your shyness from the way you speak and your body language “I’d love to go but Klee..”
You pointed to the man behind you “Don’t worry about little Klee, just go enjoy your time” he basically dragged the alchemist out of his house
Chitchat along the way, fingers intertwined with his “Not sleepy yet aren’t you?” you bent down and look at him in the eyes “Not at all, I’m rather excited about what you prepared for me” giggled to his answer “Good, 'cause the night is still young!” you have reached your destination, Large fabric covering the grassy ground, a basket filled with snacks lies atop, along with a flower vase to decorate the scenery. Log of wood has bags and books resting against it. The wind bringing the scent of white flowers and the tune of the harp. Moon and star shining bright, needlessly of other light sources.
“Didn’t know you had anything romantic in mind” he teased your boldness “..well, what do you think?” hiding your embarrassment and teases the alchemist back
Sitting down to the location you prepared, he started to examine the scene “There’s no musician nearby, nor to any instruments.. Am I the only one hearing the melody?” Trying to find a scientific explanation for a strange event “The wind carries messages. Was music not a kind of message too?” He wrapped his arms around your waist, drowning in the love you gave him
“Enjoying it hmm? Here, I prepared some light food for us” slowly getting plates and snacks out from the weaved basket, the fabric is soon filled with various types of dishes "You’re not gonna sit on your seat?” his arms tightened, head bury to your shoulder “..I don't want to move” it’s rare seeing him clingy to you like this “you’re adorable you know” finally commented on his action
“We got your favorite,” one of your dishes has turned to Albedo’s favorite “These are canapés, I chose bread base, topped with different types of savory” bite-sized dishes, you know he prefers smaller portions
Pointing to each topping one by one, explaining what each one is made of. In his eyes, you’re like a professional chef
“Bedo, check this one out” you pulled out Fisherman’s toast with clover ketchup, onions, cheese, and heart-shaped parleys “..Fish-Flavored Toast, Klee’s specialty. You’re so thoughtful, I have to thank her later” he pecked your cheek, definitely in love
“And we got desserts- after savory alright Bedo?” His hand was already reaching for the dish, you have to stop his fast hand Brownies, Berry Mille-Feuille, and a jar of chocolate chip cookies are all making him drool “Shall we dig in?” He suggested, perhaps the desserts engaging him.
Your hypothesis was turned down after seeing him having a high appetite for savory, you figured he actually wanted to savor your cooking
Hours passed and you both are finally full, cuddling against the wooden log, enjoying the melody floating in the air. His platinum hair reflects the elegant moonlight, half-lidded eyes resting against your neck, handheld on yours. You looked up in the sky- its almost time
“Albedo?” He replied with a sweet hum, glancing up at you “Do you know what day is tomorrow?” “..my birthday. but I still don’t understand why you chose to celebrate it tonight” “Wouldn’t be nicer to receive a gift directly after the clock strikes midnight?” Lifted his chin to face you, he’s so close to you, closer than usual
Both yours and his cheek painted rosy, he cupped your face and look deeply into your eyes. “was all this not my birthday gifts?” “nope.. would you like to find out what it is?”
Moon motions overhead, the clock strikes midnight, soft breeze touched exposed skin, the sound of the harp soaring in the sky. stars as the witness, Cecilia as the oath, feelings as vow sealed between the two bodies.
Hand slide by the side of his neck, placing on the backside and pulled him closer, half-lidded eyes slowly closed, chest-pounding hard, tilted your head to the side a little-
sweet lips finally placed on his loving ones, passionated and full of affection, butterflies flying in your stomach. After a while, you break the timeless kiss
“Happy birthday my beloved Albedo”
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rollychan · 3 years
Okay, turns out I have more to say about the first Loki series episode already.
But first a preface/disclaimer: 1) I welcome all opinions if they’re stated respectfully / without any insulting of or jibing at others or other groups of fans (I mean it, any “some fans *rollyeyes*” will get you a swift block and Idgaf which side you’re on, I have no time for that bullshit) 2) I am a mere unintelligent trashcan of a person and also my native language isn’t English so excuse me if my thoughts here aren’t deep or intelligent enough or thought through. They are my own, though. 3) These thoughts will NOT be very organized. I apologize in advance.
Thoughts under the cut.
The TVA and Dystopian Themes
The first point I’d like to make is that the first episode gives me major classic dystopian vibes just set in a very bureaucratic world. I will explain why:
1) The fact that Loki is arrested for time crimes he wasn’t even aware he is committing and that are decided on by some mysterious few authorities nobody ever seems to see.
Let me expand on this. It feels very much like it’s another powerful dictator-like power, like Big Brother from 1984, like the ten world leaders from Brave New World. They dictate how things should be. They decide on exactly the one timeline that they allow to exist and any variance from that is punishable by death. In 1984, you had the Thought Police and an arbitrarily chosen enemy you had to hate that changed from time to time and everyone had to follow those changes, in Brave New World, it’s a bit trickier, but basically, people were genetically modified (was it before birth? I can’t quite remember that well the details of it) and pre-determined to be in one of three (or four? it’s been years if not a decade+ since I last read the book) classes by deciding on their intelligence and other factors. Pre-determination, rigid behavioral rules, no straying from the decided upon social norms. That’s what they all have in common. Not to mention the brainwashing. “War is Peace / Freedom is Slavery / Ignorance is Strength” anyone? The TVA might as well get such a slogan for themselves. The people working for the TVA all seem very brainwashed. The guy at the desk that stowed away the Tesseract grew up behind the desk, for godssake, he doesn’t even know what a fish is. Just like people in Brave New World are brainwashed from their birth.
“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.” (Brave New World)
The TVA, like the people in the Brave New World, want there to be no conflict (forced happiness is the thing in BNW). They believe in what they do, and Mobius is actually very much a product of that. He believes he is doing the right thing. He believes that getting a Loki variant on his side will solve the problem the TVA are facing with the other Loki variant they are chasing. He will do anything for this goal, but he does have a different idea from the other characters we have met so far. They don’t think a Loki variant will help, but they are still all working towards the same goal.
And, I mean:
“You will be lifted clean out from the stream of history. We shall turn you into gas and pour you into the stratosphere. Nothing will remain of you; not a name in a register, not a memory in a living brain. You will be annihilated in the past as well as in the future. You will never have existed.” (1984)
I get major 1984 vibes here.
(I do think that Mobius might change his stance towards the TVA throughout the course of the series and I think he’s an interesting character to follow. But in the beginning, he’s still wholly entrenched. Him having a different opinion from the rest of the TVA does look like some foreshadowing though.
I have seen some people say the TVA is framed positively, which I respect as their opinion, but I don’t agree. I have seen nothing that cements in stone they’re the good guys here (there are some scenes I view as neutral and Mobius’ introduction I view as framing him as not totally evil, not the whole TVA as good). If anything, I get the feeling they are very powerful dictators and Loki caved because he realized how powerless he truly is there. But I guess that could be just me.)
2) Nothing is explained to Loki. There is no instance that acts in Loki’s defense. In fact, from what we have seen, there is usually no way anyone accused of time crimes can influence the court verdict. It is entirely one-sided and pre-determined unless someone from the TVA wants them alive.
Like, that is a major indicator of something being very very fishy here. No one who has a shred of morality will think that is just. Everyone accused of a crime has the right to a fair process, to a defense, to an appeal. Nothing about this process is fair. Everything about this process screams dystopia to me.
Loki isn’t even treated with dignity like every fucking criminal still has a right to in democratic countries. Getting the clothes lasered off without a warning? Would be a major human rights violation. Getting dragged left and right and dropped through floors? Major human rights violation.
This is, partly, played for laughs, but also not entirely. Loki does realize how little power he holds in that place and that moment is played seriously. It’s dictatorian, it’s unjust, it’s rigid.
3) People are arbitrarily erased / killed (”reset” is the term they use, I believe? When they use those glowsticks?)
For things like refusing to take a ticket and then having no ticket. When nothing is explained to them before.
The court process is a joke. It’s a farce, they go through some (not even all) standard motions of court preceedings but there is 0 chance for the accused to win. It’s all an illusion, as Loki so correctly points out. Nobody questions it but him, but it very much is all an illusion, a mask for the dictatorship underneath.
I’m, like, 80% sure the ticket bs is there so they don’t have to deal with everyone and can get rid of the annoying variants before they ever reach the “court”.
Basically, I think the TVA are supposed to be dystopian. It fits right in. (There is so much more in my brain but currently I lack the words to express it)
Loki and Continuity
The first half of the episode feels very over-the-top. There is so much over-acting going on with Tom Hiddleston that I don’t understand. He feels incredibly OOC in that first half (save for a couple moments, perhaps). The panicky fumbling for the ticket after he saw another variant being “erased”? That’s so much NOT Loki it’s not funny. I can overlook the thing about signing the papers that are supposed to be “everything he ever said” but some things are so OOC they are not even in the same universe as Loki’s original characterisation (of the T1 & Avengers 1 Loki) is anymore. That ticket fumbling moment, for example.
They did go over basically all his life in that scene with Mobius (though Mobius was absent for a bunch of it). Those emotional moments were raw and IC, in my opinion (the way he reacts to his own death - btw, anyone reading this before watching the episode: they show the IW death scene and while the moment he dies happens while the camera shows Loki’s reaction to it, you can still hear the audio of it, so beware!) I think that moment he breaks down is well-done. And it’s in that vulnerable state that Mobius finds him and gives him the final manipulative push to tell Mobius what Mobius wants to hear.
If they pick up on these themes - the dystopian dictatorship that the TVA are in reality and Loki having to come to terms with never being able to turn back and freedom vs. determinism (chaos vs. rigid order?), it can turn out to be a decent show.
I have way more thoughts but I’ve already spent way too much time on this so here you go.
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dragons-bones · 3 years
early morning 5.5 thoughts:
thoughts on Werlyt, MSQ, and YoRHa below the cut:
So I did Werlyt first to get it out of the way and it is still Bad Fanfic: The Quest Line. like. this was definitely better than last patch, but goddamn it just really highlights how unsatisfying the rest of the story was.
Cloud Deck was amazingly fun fight, though. EX is going to be a bitch but gimme.
where the fuck was Nero seriously goddamn this was the perfect place for him
NGE vibes were great but ultimately: still don’t give a single solitary fuck about the au ra kids. heavy-handed plot devices, every one of them.
that pop was very satisfying
(as discussed in the FC discord) ...that, uh. that ending cutscene is a lot less heartwarming when you realize all the Terncliff townspeople probably had trauma reactions to seeing images of their conquerors walking around all of a sudden.
MSQ was next and I have SO MANY First Brood feelings and am now seriously jonesing for a Meracydia-focused expac at some point in the future, hnnnnnnnng.
there was great worldbuilding and buildup, I think; the tempering stuff I found fascinating since it implies another layer to primal summoning and that the perception of the summoned by the summoner can have a huge effect on things.
I’ve seen some discussion before about untempering the Unsundered and honestly, after the Tiamat stuff, I genuinely wonder if it would have been possible at all. like, the implication with Tiamat’s is that it worked despite five thousand years because of her sheer force of will and that she saw Bahamut as an unequal. while the Unsundered I feel probably would have had the force of will...their perception of Zodiark wasn’t just as a god but as necessary to the continued functionality of the star and reality.
(for the record, my interest in the Unsundered remains firmly in the, “fascinating antagnoists” category and the Ascians as a whole with the, “god I’m really tired of these fucks” category.)
also! something I noticed: despite the excitement of everything, this was a pretty chill patch! both 3.5 and 4.5 were the big “holy shit” patches with 3.55 and 4.55 being the denouement into Stormblood and Shadowbringers.
but 2.55 was A Realm Reborn’s HOLY SHIT moment and I’m willing to bet good money that 5.55 is going to be the HOLY SHIT lead in for Endwalker.
Estinien versus Alisaie is hilarious btw and it’s a miracle that man isn’t dead. though god, I have to feel for Alisaie: I joke a lot you can’t tell my twin brother and I are even siblings, but before puberty hit us, we looked muuuuuuch more alike, and I knew another brother-sister twin set as a kid who looked so similar the only way you could tell them apart was their hair style (the brother’s was traditional-boy-short and the sister traditional-girl-long). I lost contact with them after we went to a different school, but I’m curious now if puberty did the same for them as for me and Twin-Boy or not. and as much as Yoshi-P and the devs talk about and semi-enforce a time bubble, I do wonder if we’re actually going to see Alisaie and Alphinaud age a bit in Endwalker
after the Alliance briefing, while the other leaders have gone off and the rest of the Squad and Scions go to talk with Arenvald and Fordola:
Aymeric: Darling, it’s not like we haven’t seen each other in a week, we had breakfast together this morning--
Synnove: Don’t care, I’m horny, find a private corner or I ride you on the meeting table.
Aymeric: I’m not complaining, merely pointing out a fact! And my vote is for the table.
Synnove: >:3
during Paglth’an: drive by shippy smooches after defeating the latest enemy group
WHAT A FUN DUNGEON but I’m gonna have to go in here as GNB to learn how to do the pulls
*paps Arenvald’s cheeks* you’re a good boy and I love you very much
I know Ishikawa-san isn’t likely to do anything permanently harmful to my boy, but if she does, I will fly to Japan and fight her (after a detour to fight Koji for all his goddamn puns)
and then Nier
my issues with some of the visual elements aside, the fights were hella fun...but the story had me all ???????????????????????
like, the stuff with the dig site chief and Komra I’m enjoying, but everything else...no. I was definitely a little confused for the CF and PB portions of the story, but the Tower at Paradigm’s Breach just...explains absolutely nothing in a meaningful way? and I really feel that this portion they went hard on the Nier/Drakengard references so I was left feeling, “I don’t know why this is important or what the implication of this very obvious reference is.”
like, Return to Ivalice from the get-go was an obvious homage so I just tuned most of it out until we got some sweet sweet Dalmasca/FFXII stuff, but even with this raid series being another crossover,  I felt like there was a mystery and buildup that was being well-handled for the first couple of parts, so this part falling flat is a letdown for me
I’m hoping we’ll get some meaningful explanations in addition to the Komra stuff in the weeklies going forward. cause like. damn. I’m sad about Anogg and heartbroken for Konogg but I don’t know what the context of everything is and I’m really frustrated.
really super glad that we’re going back to original stories for the 24-mans in 6.0.
So, yes! Having a fun time with 5.5, ready for 5.55 to fucking take me out at the knees. today, we do Hatching-tide, custom deliveries, fishing, and Fishing (Unreal)! a girl still needs an Incitatus whistle and also the anteater minion.
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Frantically playing catch up because I’m gone the rest of the weekend so here’s day 6 after all! Blatantly Takari. This one surprised me by how easy it was to write so it got a bit longer than the others. I’m sure there are many typos, please overlook. Also has two quotes, one in the text and one at the end, from my long-time favorite poet, Walt Whitman. BTW, I don’t really get everything that went down with Ordinemon, but I did my best to fit canon.
One month post-Bokura no Mirai, Takeru and Hikari go on a date and Hikari encounters something unexpected, which leads to a very overdue conversation with her brother.
Warning - there’s mention of the death of sick baby. It’s not huge but it matters to the story. I don’t want to shock anyone.
Tri week day 6 - Journeys - Death of a Comet
"How are you?" Takeru asked, watching her carefully.
Hikari only smiled and pretended not to notice. "I thought we'd known each other long enough to skip the niceties, Takeru-kun," she quipped. It was a far cry from her old playfulness, she knew, but she also knew he wasn't going to call her out for it it just yet.
"Oh, I'm sorry." Takeru rolled his eyes with an exaggerated, put-upon sigh. "I didn't realize relationship length was proportionate to amount of shits given."
"It is, at least when the last time we talked was an hour ago over text."
"Duly noted."
"Let's go?"
He nodded. He was wearing another hat she'd never seen before, a dark blue beret that looked about to tip off the side of his head with a light breeze. She wondered if he went out and bought a new hat each time before they went out together. Like how a girl shouldn't be caught in the same outfit twice. He probably did. That was Takashi Takeru, vain as fuck. But there was also something kind of adorable about it.
They'd "officially" been dating for a couple weeks, and Hikari wasn't sure yet how she felt about it. Of course, she'd agreed to it when he asked her. What else could she do? They'd been flirting and toying with each other off and on for years, in a childish way, but she couldn't pretend she didn't know full well what she was doing. She'd even sometimes daydreamed about what dating him would be like. Mostly she imagined it would be a lot of sitting in the bleachers at his basketball games.
She didn't consider Takeru the most mature of the boys in their year, but he wasn't as bad as some. Plus, they'd been through a lot together, so she knew what he was made of. And he really liked her. And she liked him. It seemed unavoidable. She'd said yes because she had no good reason for saying no.
It still felt a bit weird when he reached to hold her hand. Two weeks in, and they had yet to kiss. For the most part, it felt like nothing much had changed between them, except that Takeru no longer tried to hide his excitement when she was near. That was... flattering. And she had no qualms with taking it slow either.
They got on the Yurikamome train and stood together by a window, watching the Odaiba waterfront speed by as they traveled over the Rainbow Bridge. The sky was blue and cloudless. It was the kind of weather Tailmon loved, but Hikari had already talked to her about why she sometimes couldn't come along when she and Takeru went on an "outing." Tailmon had blinked lazily and said that was alright, and given her claws a long, purposeful lick. ”But if he ever hurts you, don't you dare hide it from me.”
Hikari promised, but thought the reverse scenario was far more likely.
Takeru had a more difficult time explaining it to Patamon, she'd heard. Supposedly, after Takeru had given his spiel about how growing up meant needing more time to oneself, Patamon had blurted out, "Are you going to kiss Hikari!? You've got to kiss her, Takeru!" loudly enough that some boys at school had overheard, and as a result everyone knew that they were an item before they'd even been out on a single date.
Such was life with Digimon.
"You know where it is, right?" Hikari asked as they got off the train.
"Yeah, I've come here with my mom for other exhibits," Takeru said, leading her out the exit and onto a busy street. "Mom's really into modern art. We've gone to see Kusama Yayoi's sculptures on Naoshima like four times. I'm pretty sure she goes whenever she breaks up with a boyfriend."
Hikari laughed. "Wait, really?"
"Well, she never introduces them to me, but I can tell when she's seeing someone. She touches up her roots more often."
The art exhibit they were going to see was some sort of interactive light show. Hikari had seen pictures online and thought it looked beautiful. Her father was of the opinion that they only ever put the best pictures on the website, and the rest of the exhibit was probably in some big, white-walled room that smelled like someone had microwaved fish for lunch. Her mom had been more enthusiastic, and added that, if the art did turn out to be a dud, it was as good an excuse as any to sneak off somewhere quiet with her Romeo and, you know, romance him.
Hikari was definitely not going to do that.
She'd timed things with care. Taichi had morning soccer practice until ten. After that he'd come home for lunch. The exhibit opened at eleven, but her concerns about there being a line fell on deaf ears, since Takeru claimed he knew this museum and it was never crowded. (Which didn't do much to mitigate her concerns about the exhibit being any good.) So the earliest she could convince him to catch the train was ten fifteen. So if she left right at ten and headed directly to the station, she ought to be able to miss her brother coming home completely.
It felt like fate was laughing in her face when she ran into him on her way out.
Her shock was mirrored on his face as they both stood in the doorway, staring at each other as if unable to understand why their biological sibling would be there, in their childhood home.
Taichi spoke first, if speech it could be called. "Uh," he said.
"Oniichan," she stammered back, "why - how - you got home fast."
"Yeah... Yamato was having band practice and he gave me a ride on the scooter," Taichi replied.
Hikari kept her mouth shut. Had Yamato orchestrated this? Was Takeru in on it? She knew it wasn't likely in either case, but her hackles were raised. "Oh," she said.
They continued to stand in the doorway. This was, Hikari reflected, the longest conversation they'd managed to keep going in almost a month.
"You... going somewhere?" Taichi asked after a while, tilting his head and looking up and down.
"Museum. With Takeru-kun."
"Oh. Well, have fun."
As if suddenly realizing he was blocking the exit, Taichi stepped to the side, and Hikari barely restrained herself from running down the hall. The damage was done, though. The minute the elevator door closed, the tears started leaking down her face. Dammit. She'd been so careful.
She'd had to stop off at a nearby convenience store to hide in the restroom. She splashed her face and dabbed her eyes with her hand towel until they were less red, until the evidence of the havoc wreaked just by seeing her brother was hidden under a fresh layer of make-up. She never even wore make-up much before - after all, she was fourteen and blessed with good skin. Dating Takeru had been a convenient excuse to explain to her mom why she suddenly needed extra allowance for concealer, despite having no acne.
She wound up ten minutes late meeting Takeru and still, he could tell right away that something was wrong. She'd managed to deflect, but...
Hikari had never been any good at lying, even to herself. But she was surprised by her own cruelty, dating Takeru because she needed the distraction, an excuse to be anywhere but home. His feelings for her were genuine. She was a monster.
"Hikari-chan?" Takeru gave her a nudge that jolted her into the present. There was, indeed, no line to get in at the art show, and Takeru was trying to hand her a ticket. "Are you sure you're feeling okay?"
She nodded resolutely. "Yeah, of course."
"It's just, you're being kind of quiet."
"Well, sorry but I'm not a professional entertainer."
He didn't reply to that barb. Hikari felt even more miserable. If only Yamato's stupid motor scooter had broken down on the road...
They handed in their tickets and went through a pair of double doors, into a wide room lit by myriad streamers of blue and purple lights wafting on the air like strange, hypnotic jellyfish. No pictures were allowed, so Hikari kept her camera stowed, but she couldn't bring herself to regret it. Any pictures she tried to take while in such a stormy mood were bound to end up in the trash bin anyway.
They followed the path laid out through fiber-optic tallgrass in silence. Takeru was still gripping her hand, even though her own hung like a dead fish. The next section was a blacklight room with an even more obvious sci-fi vibe, bright cables painted brilliant colors in the impression of sea snakes creating circuitous archs on the walls and ceiling. The heat-sensor flooring lit under their feet as they walked.
Takeru leaned towards her, the blacklight setting his white T-shirt aglow. "This is like some disco-era alien planet," he joked, offering her the olive branch.
Well, she owed it to him not to let this date be a total disaster. "The room before reminded me of the tree in Avatar," she said.
"I bet the next one's gonna be something from Fifth Element."
"No way."
"Could be."
"Completely different aesthetic."
"It's gonna be that giant McDonald's sign made of stained glass. Wait and see."
It wasn't, of course. Takeru continued to insist they'd see the sign in the next room, and the next, until they reached the end of the exhibit, where he finally admitted defeat. At least room four had clearly been lifted from Finding Nemo, he said.
The final room was, in fact, an open space with white walls, but Hikari didn't notice any stomach-turning smells. A combination of 2- and 3D works of art were mounted around the room, and they took their time browsing, continuing to try to outwit each other with their increasingly outlandish, and even somewhat insulting, art critiques. It was a lovely show, Hikari thought. If she'd come to see it in a better frame of mind, she would be raving just now. But though she'd recovered her ability to match Takeru quip for quip, she still felt heavy with gloom. Geez, why did he want to date a rain cloud like her?
"Want to go for lunch?" Takeru asked as they took in the last piece of art, an abstract mosaic made of vibrant, blinking lights laid into a glass frame on a large tabletop. Hikari circled it slowly, watching lights ripple across the frame, stitching the full picture together bit by bit.
"There's a cafe my mom and I go to nearby. It does amazing pancakes."
"Sounds good," she said vaguely, her brow creasing in thought. She took a step back, gazing at the table from what she'd discovered was meant to be the foot, where you could see the picture in full if you craned your neck just so.
It wasn't abstract art. It was Ordinemon.
Her whole body stiffened.
"The orange marmalade pancakes are my favorite - you listening?" With a confused look, Takeru glanced from her unchanging expression to the table. His eyes went wide. "... Let's leave, Hikari-chan."
He gave her arm a tug. She didn't budge.
"Hikari-chan, there's no need to stay here. Come on."
"Why," she said. It came out in a harsh whisper, like a frozen wind. "Why would someone make art of... that."
Takeru didn't answer for a minute. "Because... they saw it," he said after a while. His grip on her arm tightened, as if expecting her to try to break away. "So they want to express what they saw."
"It's an abomination," she choked out. Humiliating tears welled up in her eyes.
Takeru seemed to hesitate. Then he stepped back, and his arms circled round her shoulders, locking her in a tight hug from behind. The warmth of his body flowed into her ice cold one, solid, real. Her mind flashed to another day, with a roiling sky black as night, when she'd come to in an unfamiliar bed with Takeru at her side and known, with a rush of deadly certainty, that she'd destroyed everything she ever cared about.
Her brother. Her beloved partner. Her friends.
By her own will.
She didn't know what she'd done. Or how. That almost made it worse, the not knowing. Her heart broke, watching her brother disappear in the earthquake. That was all. Her heart broke and she... stopped. And when she started again -
It was too late.
Tailmon had told her she didn't regret the fusion with Meicrackmon, that she'd been able to hold poor Meicoomon together, just a little longer. There was nothing for Hikari to regret, she said. Powers beyond her control. Yggrasil and Homeostasis felt they could wage their little war and pick their champions, and dispose of them when they felt like it. No sooner had she shaken off Homeostasis's hold over her that Ordinemon happened.
Hikari hated that once upon a time, she'd believed Homeostasis was a benevolent presence. That she'd willingly let her into her mind.
Now she didn't know what to believe.
Rage flared, hot as ice. Her whole world, none of it made sense anymore. She was adrift, she was unmoored, there was no safe harbor, not even in the brother who she loved like no one else. He could make a choice like that, to kill Meicoomon, to kill their friend's irreplaceable partner. The one person who deserved the most to be saved. And she'd helped, because that was what you did, on a team, at least, if you couldn't come up with a better plan yourself.
She realized she was shaking. Takeru only held her tighter, his nose buried in the crook of her neck.
"Hikari-chan," he said, and he sounded - terrified. "What if - what if it's not, though. What if it's not an abomination. What if..."
"How can you say that," she hissed frostily.
"I mean - I'm not saying it was good. I'm not saying I don't wish none of this had happened. But - I think - Ordinemon, she was created from despair, yours and Meicoomon's. She was used, and it tortured her. We freed her from that. She would have destroyed everything, even though it's not what she wanted, and she was in so much pain -"
"Stop!" Hikari yelled, pushing away from him. There was enough strength behind her need to get away and he was not expecting it, so he toppled to the floor while she raced out the exit. She kept running, hardly aware of dodging people on the sidewalk, and ran until she found herself in a small park with nothing but a two-seater swing set and metal slide. She sank into one of the swings and dropped her head in her arms. And cried.
Cried for Meiko, for Meicoomon. Cried for the future they would never have.
Cried for her brother, who had changed, and she understood why, but she still missed the way he used to be. Her guiding star.
Cried for herself, a lost comet streaking through an unfamiliar galaxy, wondering if she would vaporize shooting too close to an alien sun, or if she'd putter out slowly until she was nothing but lifeless, crumbling stone.
Her phone buzzed in her purse - Takeru, surely, trying to find her. On top of everything else, she'd ditched the boy she was stringing along, who cared about her, and who had tried so hard to let her know she wasn't alone. She didn't deserve Takeru. She would break up with him - she had to. He should be with someone stronger than her, who wasn't going to fall apart at the seams just from a silly piece of art at a museum gallery.
After a while the sobs let up enough that she could see without tears clouding her vision, and she figured she should at least let him know she was okay. She pulled out her phone and scrolled through her messages.
12:35: Takaishi Takeru: i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to upset you.
12:35: Takaishi Takeru: where did you go? someone said you ran past the 7-11 but I have no idea where you went from there
12:37: Takaishi Takeru: please tell me where you are. If you don't want me to come, I won't. I can call someone if you want.
12:38: Takaishi Takeru: I just want to know you're okay
12:40: Takaishi Takeru: hikari-chan PLEASE respond
12:45: Takaishi Takeru: I asked at the 7-11 but they said they didn't see you. am walking around aimlessly now. no idea where to look.
12:48: Takaishi Takeru: hikari-chan if you don't reply soon I'm gonna have to call Taichi-san
12:52: Takaishi Takeru: wound up back at the train station, if you want to meet me here.
12:55: Takaishi Takeru: if you don't respond in five minutes I'm calling Taichi-san, I mean it.
12:58: Takaishi Takeru: I love you, by the way. think I always have. thought you might want to know
Fresh tears pricked her eyes. Leave it to Takeru. How could he pick now to spring that on her?
She should be happy. She wanted to be happy.
13:02: Me: I'm okay. I'm sorry. Go home. I'll talk to you soon.
Her finger hovered uncertainly over the keypad. She typed:
The real abomination is me.
Then she deleted it, and pressed Send.
Little though she wanted to go home, Hikari didn't have an excuse for staying out past dinner. She stayed in the little park until it started to get chilly. A couple times, the occasional grandma stopped to ask if she was alright, but she smiled and waved away their concerns. Finally, when twilight fell over the park in a gossamer curtain, she stood and stretched out the kinks in her back before heading back to the station. It felt like she'd been out much longer than a few hours. She thought briefly of asking a friend if she could spend the night, but didn't like the idea of needing to pretend to be peppy and cheerful.
On the ride back, she did a search on the artist who'd made the Ordinemon mosaic. Why, she had no idea. Some self-hating side that wanted her to hurt, she guessed.
The artist's name was Matsuyama Risa, a Tokyo-based sculptor, whose partnership with Fujii Fiber-optics had given birth to the displays they'd seen today. Hikari let her eyes skim the article, categorically uninterested in the number of lights used or how they were installed. What she wanted to know appeared like magic, tacked on at the very end of the article.
Art of Nippon Now: The last room in the showcase features a magical light-up mosaic of a subject that could be disconcerting for some viewers. What led you to recreate the monster that much of Tokyo watched terrorize the sky last month?
Matsuyama: I put that piece together in a feverish rush. Most of these installations took weeks to install, but I insisted on this one, even though it was such short notice. I had to have it. I heard that many people never saw more of her than her massive wings, but I happened to have a very clear view at the time. It made a huge impression on me.
ANN: You said her?
Matsuyama: It was a she. Or, perhaps it's better to say she might not have a gender,  but she deserves better than the pronouns we use for inanimate objects, things without personality.
ANN: Are you saying this monster was a person?
Matsuyama: I don't know if you heard her cries, but they were deafening. They reminded me of how my son wailed in the night when he was first born. We didn't know why he was so colicky. Nothing we did calmed him. I was so afraid that he wasn't getting enough sleep. It turned out he was very sick and we just didn't know. The illness was hidden. We spent many nights in the ICU, holding out hope that he would be alright. I remember thinking, if he wasn't, it would destroy our marriage.
ANN: That sounds like a terrible experience.
Matsuyama: When our son died, it was terrible, but it also came as a relief. At least we knew he was no longer suffering. I was depressed for months. I couldn't make any art. Every day I expected my husband to leave me. The first day I pulled myself together enough to sketch something, he said I should sketch our son sometime.
ANN: So your husband didn't leave?
Matsuyama: No. He stayed by my side. When I cried that he deserved a woman who could make him happy, who would give him healthy babies, he told me I was the strongest woman he knew, and that I'd given him the best son in the world.
ANN: Wow - would that we all meet men like that.
Matsuyama: And women. That's why, although the creature that appeared over Tokyo was very frightening to look at, when I heard her cries all I heard was suffering. I thought, that is a real creature, who wants her pain to be understood. She represents something. Perhaps she was sent to show us the harm we do when we choose not to act to help others. She shouldn't be forgotten.
ANN: So you memorialized her in this mosaic?
Matsuyama: Yes. It was the right moment, even though I had no time. I wanted to recreate her likeness using lights. I set her into a table, because I felt that putting her on a wall would be too imposing, and viewers would only remember the fear she engendered. Lying down, it would seem as if she were in a coffin, finally laid to rest. But she's lit from within, and it's the light of life, desperately clinging on till the final moment, the same as any being with a soul.
ANN: Did you ever complete the sketch of your late son?
Matsuyama: No. I never did. But I think I will soon. I want to lay him to rest in my heart.
ANN: It's interesting that when you say 'lay to rest,' you seem to mean we should remember them.
Matsuyama: Our memories make us who we are. The past is always with us. My son, that creature, they are both part of my journey, as an artist of course, but also as a person in the world. You could say my son is the light of the world and that creature is the darkness, but I hold both light and dark in me, just by existing and being human.
ANN: You added a quote to the piece that said something of that nature.
Matsuyama: Yes, from a Walt Whitman poem, 'Song of Myself.' The quote reads: "I am not the poet of goodness only, I do not decline to be the poet of wickedness also."
ANN: Maybe Whitman never expected his poem to be used in this way.
Matsuyama: That's the nature of art. It is a journey in and of itself. It fluctuates and changes to nourish the times. I hope everyone who sees my art understands that they are on a journey as well, and everything they do creates the work of art called "the future."
ANN: Thank you for your time, Matsuyama-sensei.
Her brother was home, but her parents were not. The arrangement of shoes in the entryway said as much. Taichi was seated at the kitchen counter, eating a bowl of noodles and reading something. He looked up when the door opened and pushed his seat back.
"Hikari - you okay?" He peered at her, concerned. "Takeru didn't do something stupid, did he?"
So Takeru hadn't told her brother that she'd run off. Gratitude flooded through her. "No, of course not."
"Good." Taichi's hand rifled through his hair, the other planted on his hip, and he looked perplexed. "Then why do you look like you've been crying all day?"
Hikari walked inside and sank down on the couch. "Because I have been crying all day."
She could feel his hesitance as he wavered in the hall, trying to decide if he should press her for more. If that was still something he was allowed to do. She knew he would try. He wouldn't be Taichi if he didn't.
"You want to talk about it?" he asked, moving to sit on the arm of the couch, but he didn't relax, as if expecting her to tell him to leave her alone.
"No," she replied.
He nodded. "Okay." There was a pause. "You're sure Takeru didn't -"
"No, Oniichan."
"Okay, okay."
She sat there for a few minutes, staring blankly at the black TV screen. Soon Taichi slid off the arm into the seat beside her, allowing several inches of space between them. He didn't try to talk anymore. Didn't even get up to bring his bowl of noodles over, even though it was going to get cold.
Hikari tilted her head ever so slightly to peer at him. Dark circles ringed his eyes. She knew he hadn't been sleeping well. Something about his face looked more defined, less roundness to his jaw, starker cheekbones. Hadn't been eating much either, she guessed. It gave him an oddly grown up look. She would have to call him on losing weight from not taking care of himself, but that could wait for later. She was struck by how little he looked like their father. Everyone always said Hikari was the spitting image of her mom, so it seemed natural that Taichi should take after their dad, but though she searched she couldn't find many similarities. Taichi was just Taichi.
He gave a start when she leaned toward him and settled her head on his shoulder, but didn't say anything.
Hikari thought about many things.
How unbearable it was to feel helpless. How much she wanted everyone who cared about each other to be together, and for no one to suffer who didn't deserve it.  How deeply she loved her friends. How easy it was fall apart.
Maybe all that meant was her worldview had been too delicate to begin with. A painting on a porcelain vase wouldn't stand the test of time unless handled with the best of care. The real world was too chaotic, too disordered. She could wrap her dream in newspaper, cover it in packing peanuts, tape it into a box marked "Fragile," and it would still end up in shards. She would try to put it together again, but the pieces were sharp, and she kept cutting herself on them.
She still wanted it. So, so much.
"You stay that way. You can hate me if you want," her brother had told her. Trying to put everything on his own shoulders, as usual.
"I will probably never forgive you," she'd said, and wouldn't let him. "But that's why I'll fight with you."
"Oniichan," She slipped off his shoulder, buried her face in his chest. She didn't know how she could still have more tears, but they darkened her brother's shirt as her hands hugged him tight. "I'll always fight with you."
Surprised, he didn't move for a moment, but then his arms wrapped around her the same way they always had, ever since she was small. His grip was sure, but not out of naivety. Yes, he'd lost his innocence. It wasn't coming back. But what grew in his place, she realized, was his choice. And she got the feeling he'd already decided.
"That's good to know," he murmured softly, lashes brushing her cheek, and she thought they might be wet as well. "Because I'm never going to stop fighting for you."
They held each other for a long time.
The next day, Hikari showed up at Takeru's door with flowers and a box of chocolates. He made a funny face, looking her over.
"Flowers and chocolates? Shouldn't this be reversed?"
"Didn't know you were such a traditionalist," she joked. "But I'll eat these myself if they hurt your manly pride."
A hesitant grin spread over his face. "To hell with convention. Those are my chocolates, keep your paws off them."
It was silly, and cliche, but this was her life. She could be as silly and cliche as she wanted. She pulled his shoulders down and kissed him. It was light and quick, but he still looked flustered when they parted.
"My mom's home," he said with an unmistakable note of regret.
Hikari only nodded. "Figured. Video games and chocolates?"
The grin unfurled for real. "Yeah, that would be great."
Nothing had ended. She hadn't gotten over anything. But she felt, for the first time, that now she could accept it. It was a piece of who she was, and it would be a piece of who she became. But just who that person would be, she intended to decide for herself. Even if her path got buried under mountains of broken shards of glass, that was just a part of being Yagami Hikari.
"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes)."
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willow-lane · 3 years
I saw [WILLOW LANE] at a coffee shop in [BROOKLYN] today. I forgot how much [SHE] looks like [MADELYN CLINE]. They are a [TWENTY-THREE] year old [WAITRESS] who’s been in NYC for [A YEAR] now. Every time we run into each other, they are always [SPONTANEOUS AND FREE SPIRITED] but I’ve heard people say they can also be [NON-COMMITTAL AND SELF-INDULGENT]. [OUT OF THE BLUE BY KATIE PRUITT] reminds me of them every time it comes on the radio. / @villagestart​
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Hello everyone! I’m Ella and I’m super excited to be part of this roleplay and introduce Willow to all of you, she’s a new muse but she’s based on an old muse of mine so I think I have her figured out or mostly lol. I’d love to plot with all of you, so please like this or hmu. If you want my discord, I’d be happy to give it to you, just ask :D
NAME: ava willow lane
NICKNAME: will, lolo, pillow
GENDER: cis female
PLACE OF BIRTH: burlington, vermont
DATE OF BIRTH: september 28, 1997
AGE: twenty-three
OCCUPATION: waitress
Burlington was a dream within a dream, the station next to heaven. A town in love with itself and whose residents gloated about the wooded land, creased by hills, and threaded by streams. 
The Lanes were living the typical American dream: the big house with the white picket fence, a large backyard and two perfect children. It was dreamlike.
Their kids could count themselves lucky and Willow Lane certainly did for most of her life. As the youngest daughter of a successful surgeon and a renowned psychotherapist who taught at the University of Vermont, she was taught that receiving an education was the only way to get ahead in life.
Her parents made sure to set their kids to success and while most of the kids from her street were out there playing, she was holed up in her room, reading the stacks of encyclopedia books her parents bought me for her birthday. 
As a young child, Willow was filled with a sense of wonder, and encouraged by her curious personality she wanted to learn everything.
By the time she was in the sixth grade, she was smarter than most of the kids in her class, still her parents reminded her every day that she must outrank them all. Her parents took pride in her achievements. They were quick to boast about it in public, but they remained strict in private. Anything less than gold didn’t deserve a place on the wall.
Her afternoons were always full. Whether it was ballet class, french lessons, piano lessons or soccer practice. She had no time for herself.
Then high school started and by then she was overworked. Tired of chasing perfection and only being met with a “try harder”. 
TW: DRUGS, ADDICTION, VOMIT MENTION, PANIC ATTACK: While she was still number one at her school, it was taking everything in her to keep it that way. Her parents didn’t know about those panic attacks she suffered at night or how she threw up before any competition. To them, she was handling well and she was very good at pretending but she also had a little secret. In her sophomore year, she was introduced to Adderall and she was quickly hooked. END OF TW
When she got accepted into a prestigious university, her parents didn’t hesitate to brag about how their kid would attend an Ivy League but Willow was mortified. 
Back in Burlington, she was the biggest fish in the sea but at Princeton there were students who were better and shone brighter than her. 
Maybe it was because she was suddenly cast into a whole new world that was so different from the one she grew up in. Maybe it was because she had harbored a bit of resentment towards her parents for her wasted youth. Whatever it was, by the end of her freshman year, university had swallowed her up. 
TW ALCOHOL, DRUGS, DEPRESSION She got into a bad crowd, drank herself into oblivion, partied harder than anyone, and developed a penchant for bad boys who were much older than her. All this while trying to maintain a perfect GPA. Thanks to her magic pill, she was able to function and not feel guilty about not being as perfect as her parents wanted her to be. After all, she was only trying to recover the freedom that they took from her. 
But this coping mechanism only turned to worse. The more she tried to drown her feelings in alcohol, the harder it came to bite her in the ass. It was clear as water: Willow Lane, picture perfect daughter, was depressed and had been for a while, and now it had caught up to her. 
She was fighting a battle she was slowly losing. Willow was in a constant state of helplessness, staring into the void, and completely unable to pull herself out of it. If it hadn’t been for the upbringing she had, she would have been completely fine with self-destruct. END OF TW
The summer after her freshman year, she came back home and decided to have a talk with her parents. Her parents sat across the table, and they were not celebrating the end of a successful first semester, instead, they were fuming with betrayal. 
Willow told them that she had dropped most of her classes and she explained to them how she was exhausted beyond repair. They were displeased, so disappointed that looking at them was painful. For the first time in their life, their perfect daughter had failed them.
By the end of the evening, her father was livid. Threatened her that if she didn’t take more classes and got excellent grades he would stop paying her tuition. That’s when it hit her. To her parents, she was nothing but an object, an accomplishment to brag about to her friends. That was not love, that was selfish and a wake up call.
She packed up her stuff that evening, went back to Princeton and emptied her dorm as well as she dropped out completely. 
Freedom at last. With only a few bucks in her account, she bought a random bus ticket that took her to Montreal, Canada where she stayed for a couple of weeks, while working as a waitress before she moved to a new location. For the past three years, Willow has been living off a backpack. 
She moved to New York a year ago, but she comes and goes. Whenever she gets bored or too attached to someone she escapes. 
She’s been clean for three years when it comes to Adderall, although she still drinks but only socially.
Despite her strict upbringing, Willow is a free-spirit! She’s always looking for a new adventure and she wants to live her life to the fullest, she doesn’t care about rules or schedules. She lives a pretty hedonistic lifestyle, always chasing a high in life and sometimes that makes her take some reckless decisions. A naturally loving person, Willow is always there to lend a shoulder to cry on or offer to wipe off your tears, however, she does struggle with connections. If she feels a deep connection with someone she runs away as she believes that being attached to someone will tie her up to one place and as we know, Willow lives a pretty nomad life. She keeps coming back to New York because she loves the vibe but when she gets bored or overwhelmed she leaves without warning. As loving as she is, she can also be ruthless and cold, especially when feeling vulnerable. She has a sharp tongue and it’s not afraid to hurt some feelings if that means shattering the pristine image some people have of her.
She has a rib cage tattoo that reads “Eternity bores me, I never wanted it.” It’s a quote from Sylvia Plath.
Speaks French fluently and sometimes she likes to pretend she’s a lost French tourist just for fun.
Volunteers at the animal shelter. Because she doesn’t have a set home, she can’t have a pet but she loves animals.
Never has enough battery on her phone and sometimes she sings in the subway to earn some coins because she tends to forget her wallet.
Really good friends with the homeless woman who lives down her street, she brings her food from the restaurant.
Keeps many scrapbooks from the places she’s been.
Sometimes she goes to music stores and plays the piano, one of the few activities she enjoyed as a child.
Loves reading and whenever she’s not getting in trouble or working, she’s at the library.
Wears too many rings, so don’t try to mug her.
Older brother: Willow has an older brother who followed her parents’ plan. He graduated college and now has a very important job. Willow hasn’t spoken to him in three years, even if he’s tried to contact her. She just doesn’t want any ties to her old life, including her family.
“Best Friend”: I put it between quotations because she doesn’t stay in one place long enough to actually form long lasting friendships but this person is the closest to that. She adores them and actually sends them a postcard when she leaves.
Partner in crime: As stated, Willow is pretty reckless and she does a lot of stupid shit but she’s always seeking for someone to be her partner in crime and just go crazy with them.
Co-workers/Clients: She works as a waitress at a restaurant (if your character has a restaurant let me know, bc idk where she would work). 
Neighbor: She lives in a small apartment in Brooklyn with two other roommates, it’s not ideal but it’s what she has.
College friends/hook ups: Oh during her college year, she was a party girl and she made a lot of “friends” (She attended Princeton btw) and also hooked up with a lot of people (f/m/nb), most of them were older than her.
Flirtationship: She is a natural flirt and she doesn’t even try to hide it.
Unrequited: Maybe your character has a crush on her (and depending on chemistry maybe she does as well but since she moves often she tries to ignore it). It’s angsty, it’s fun, give it to me. (f/m/nb)
Hook ups: Y’all know the drill
Bad tinder date: Willow thought it would be fun to go on a tinder date and she proposed some crazy scheme and they both had to spend the night in a jail cell.
Roommates: She lives in Brooklyn with two more roommates.
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ragnarachael · 4 years
I am a big fan of your writing and was wondering if you could write something where peter (and maybe aunt may) finds out his sister and tony are dating?
Pairing: Peter Parker x Sister!Reader, Tony Stark x Parker!Reader
Summary: You and Tony thought you were good at sneaking around in the tower, but that all changes when Peter walks in on something you never wanted him to see.
Author’s Ramblings:  i tried to work may in the best i could, but in the end i just couldn’t, i’m sorry! maybe whenever i’m up to it i’ll do one for may! also, anon i could never thank you enough for loving my stuff. i’m trying not to ramble on this, but thank you so much for your support! (i hope i haven’t used this gif before) ((btw if this isn’t stellar i apologize i had to take a lot of breaks writing this))
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Hiding from your brother was easy. Painfully easy when you were an independent adult that could easily make her own life choices. However, when it came to you and Tony Stark—your brother’s mentor, forchristsake—it was hard hiding the big secret.
You were dating Tony Stark. That’s plain as day to almost everyone in the tower when you’re coming in and picking up shifts left and right. That’s what was becoming the hard part.
Hiding it from Peter. Which in turn, was hiding it from May. Tony was a solid couple of years older than you for sure, and since he’s already so close with your family, it would definitely come as a shock and would probably cause Peter to have a stroke of some kind.
You didn’t want that for your baby brother.
Telling Tony this information came easy; he understood completely as to why you wanted to keep it under wraps. So Peter wouldn’t lose his mind, and May wouldn’t have to give anyone a stern talking to. So you compromised. The days Peter came for his “internship” at the tower, you had the days off.
Not all of the days, obviously, so you didn’t come off as suspicious to him. The last thing you need is Peter putting two and two together. You made sure that your schedules would overlap as much as they usually did so Peter didn’t think too hard about anything.
It was easy. 
Until, of course, you and Tony started taking risks.
They started out calculated. From the amount of time you had in Tony’s luscious office all the way down to what clothes you wore to make everything a little easier on your “breaks”. But as all risks do, things started to get sloppy.
Tony would stop keeping track of time, and you would be too wrapped up with.. Things to care about what was going on around you properly.
Hell, Steve and Natasha had walked in on said things multiple times by now that you and Tony were used to it. That’s when you knew it was starting to get dangerous. If Captain America and the Black Widow knew about your time with Tony, who knows who would be next?
Sadly, the one person you didn’t want it to be.
It happened... painfully fast. Too fast for anyone to really know what was happening properly.
You were perched on Tony’s desk, eagerly starting your time with him by making out as he pinned your hips to the desk with his own. Your neat button up was already untucked from your formal slacks and unbuttoned to show a significant amount of your chest, and Tony was still fully clothed.
When Peter just walked into the office, eyes trained on his phone.
“Hey, Mr. Stark—”
Peter’s words died the instance he whipped his head up to see his mentor’s face buried in your nearly exposed chest. Tony’s body was shielding your own from your brother’s innocent eyes, his head whipping up to look over at him.
It was quiet. No one said anything. Your grip on Tony tightened significantly due to your worst fear finally coming to light. Both your eyes and Tony’s were on Peter’s who had his jaw practically to the floor in shock. His grip was looking painfully tight on his phone that looked like it might snap.
“Pete, I—”
Peter cut you off immediately with a shake of his head, calmly turning around as he shoved his phone into his pocket before moving to head back into the hall, slamming the door shut behind him.
“We’re in it now,” you mumbled nervously as Tony straightened up significantly, his own anxieties rising under his skin.
“We’ll be fine.”
“Tony,” you started slowly, “I know you mean well, but trust me, we’re in it.”
“It can’t be that bad, babe—”
“Peter’s going to lose his mind, and he’s going to contact May first because she calms him down when I can’t,” you explained quickly, gently shoving his body from your own as you were quick to button up your shirt once more. “It’s gonna be a shitstorm depending on the reaction. Tony, we’ve been caught. Found out. Whatever word you use—”
Tony was quick to cut your rambling off with a gentle kiss, his hands cupping your face gently. He pulled away after you surrendered under his touch and spoke your name sternly.
“We are going to be fine. Absolutely fine. We’re adults. May understands that. Thankfully she’ll talk Peter down about it and we’ll just have to do some damage control.”
You decided to believe Tony’s words in the moment. How could you not? He sounded confident about the outcome. You were quick to sort out how you looked and had Tony give you one last pep talk before you headed out to find Peter.
But he was already standing outside the door, pressed completely against the door as he stared into the opposite wall, breathing almost as if he had just ran a marathon. You were sure the door closed behind you gently before you placed a hand on Peter’s shoulder.
“Please, please tell me that you drugged me or something.”
You couldn’t help but let out a snort, shaking your head. “Much to your dismay, no.”
Peter took a deep breath and turned his head to look at you before groaning. His hands moved up to rub at his eyes aggressively as you kept your hand on his shoulder.
“Listen, we were going to say something when we felt the time was right—”
“How long?” Peter cut you off, his voice seemed too overwhelmed with emotion for you to figure out what he was feeling. But you could sense some dejection.
“Uh.. About uh,” you stumbled. You glanced at the office door momentarily as you tried to gather the whirlwind relationship into a time frame. “Almost two months, I think?”
“That’s.. That’s not too bad. I would have expected a year,” Peter replied quietly. He kept his head down. “Why Mr. Stark? Is this an elaborate plan you and May created to stop—”
“May doesn’t even know!” You rushed out, your grip on his shoulder unintentionally tightening before you pulled your hand away completely to start pacing in the empty hall.
Peter’s head snapped up to watch you, his eyes wide with shock.
“May doesn’t know,” you repeated slower, taking a few breaths as you rubbed your hands together nervously. “May told me that Tony would be trouble when I told her about him coming by the apartment to tell us about the “September Foundation”. Obviously, I didn’t listen.”
Peter took a minute to process your words, trying to recall back to all those months ago.
“Wait, so Mr. Stark was really flirting with you when I got home that day?”
You stopped pacing to roll your eyes and stare at your brother, your hands going to your hips. “Yes.”
“But you fed him May’s Walnut Date Loaf? That’s murder, not...not—”
“I didn’t want to be a bad host! This is beside the point,” you huffed, standing in front of Peter now, your hands gently landing on both of his shoulders to gently shake him around. “You know that I love you and I wanted to tell you, right?”
Peter scrunched his face up before nodding. “I know you love me. I just.. Mr. Stark?”
“Trust me, I’m surprised as you are.” You leaned forwards to press a kiss to his forehead. “He’s quite the character.”
Peter scoffed, seeming a bit more comfortable about the situation as he gave you a look. “Says you.”
You rolled your eyes and let a hand come up and run through Peter’s stale feeling hair, scrunching your nose up at the texture. Peter opened his mouth to say something as Tony threw the door open casually before stepping out and giving you both an innocent smile.
“Peter. Ms. Parker.”
“No no, don’t worry about me,” Tony waved as he spoke, trying to silence you. “You two keep having your moment—”
“Mr. Stark, please drop the act,” Peter whined, also moving to swat your hand away from his hair. “Your secret is safe with me, but we have to have a talk.”
You and Tony didn’t miss how Peter puffed his chest out slightly. It was cute, Peter trying to be confident.
“Okay, we can go down to the shop and uh..” Tony trailed off quietly as he glanced at you for confirmation that he wasn’t going to get an earful. You gave a subtle nod. “Work on 17A a bit, maybe?”
“Yeah,” you encouraged, giving Peter’s hair one last run through before he could catch you before shoving him Tony’s way. “Go shock him a few times for me. I’ve got some paperwork to fill out.”
Peter gave you an incredulous look before a small smirk formed on his lips. He definitely took that as permission. 
Peter was quick to give you a proper goodbye before excitedly leading Tony to the nearest elevator. Tony looked at you over his shoulder, giving his trademark smile he usually gave you when he thought he had everything under control.
However, you knew Peter would shock the hell out of him, and you looked forward to the notification from FRIDAY. 
Once your brother and boyfriend were out of sight, you fished out your phone from your pocket, trying to craft a good speech to give to May once you and Peter were back for dinner tonight.
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Actually for me it's pretty weird that the most popular ship in Free! is Makoharu. I mean, they give me like zero romantic vibes, if not Rinharu I would've definitely shipped Sourin. It's the main reason I hated Sousuke when I watched 2nd season for the first time - I saw him as a threat for Rinharu (now I just don't like him that much, but I decided to let Rin has his best friend, lol). Maybe it's just me loving rivals to lovers :)
Well.. for me Free! was never that kind of anime where there are other ships, but honestly after several years of watching anime and lately discovering that people ship Wei Wuxian with Jiang Cheng I kinda lost my faith in people lol And yes, I also truly don’t get those ships, where there are zero romantic vibes, but I got used to seeing this already.
I think I’ve talked about Makoharu only once, I usually don’t do it cause as a ship it’s so illogical to me that I just don’t see the point of wasting time on this lol I feel like it’s gonna be long answer so I’ll split it and after “***” I’ll talk about my bro-rinharu-shipper Sousuke.
I’m not gonna throw a debate if it’s the most popular ship or not, but I just want to say that I don’t think that it's really called shipping Makoto and Haru, since firstly, let’s talk about Makoto as a character (which is the main problem in this whole thing tbh) cause from what I saw the Makoto the MH fandom created has nothing to do with the real Makoto. Like the dude is scared of dogs, ghosts, bees, water and I forgot what else; covers his eyes when he sees anyone even in swim trunks and gets embarrassed easier than a nun (apparently you can’t even unbutton the collar of your freaking jacket!!!!!!!!!!! oh lord!!!!!!); crumbles under everyone in this anime including Hiyori and can’t even talk back. 
And suddenly like half of this fandom thinks that Makoto is a dominant top apparently. We seriously laughed our asses off seeing that, I mean even my mom (who’s a teacher btw). I’m like... I have a sister who’s majored in psychology and I myself in literature (like I seriously promise we ain’t stupid) and we just seriously don’t understand.. In what Tarzan’s ass does he suit this description? Dude can’t even answer properly while being offended. Like maybe they like Makoto’s twin brother? Because real Makoto does not have any dangerous dark side, seriously, this ain’t “8 dogs of the east” lmao.
I appreciate their friendship at times, but I never was a fan of him, because I don’t really like people who treat everyone equally (friends and strangers) and think that some asshole deserves as much love as the closest friend. I just don’t understand this life position and don’t like those “world peace” guys anyway. I mean, that fish died moment in the books was when my brain died honestly. Like I get it, dude is sensitive, but... seriously?
And for me being kind is not really a personality. I mean, hell, sometimes it’s no good to be kind. There is a fine line between being kind and being a mop you know.
And sometimes his behavior is really cringy to me. Like during the funeral and during Haru passing out in the book and during many things that are very serious. I just don’t think he’s the person you can rely on at times. I mean at first I thought he’s a steady shoulder, but somehow in all serious situations he doesn’t do anything useful.
Like I might be in the minority here, but to me when you know very well that you panic in the ocean you don’t go there trying to save somebody, it’s not brave, it’s just plain stupid (like it’s not like the tent was far, it was fucking next to him, all he had to do is wake up a pro) so by the end we had to rescue two instead of one, just because he’s dumb af.
He also panics a lot which I really hate on people. I’m sorry but like panicking ppl are the only worst. It reminds me of one of my life situation when my sister was badly hurt and we needed to keep our heads cool to act quickly and do what was necessary asap. And I’ve seen ppl behave like Makoto in situations like this and man it’s seriously no fun, it’s annoying. Like when you need to help somebody and someone panics beside you it pisses you off. And he does it even in little things like when he yelled Haru in the ear while driving JUST BECAUSE A CAR IN FRONT OF THEM BRAKED I mean omfg I would seriously yell “shut the fuck up, you pussy!”
And it all honestly keeps getting worse and worse like the way he’s written, his behavior just buffles me so much. Makoto in s3 just murdered me tbh. Like he didn’t help with anything, he didn’t bring anything to the plot, you can just erase him, he only sat there anyways. And the way they pulled his “dream” out of his ass was just a second-hand embarrassment tbh. And he’s not even Haru’s emotional support anymore. He’s just... I don’t get it. There were literally scenes where he was third-wheeling or just forced into that looked laughable. 
Which brings me to the second point. From what I saw many of Makoharu fans are mostly Makoto fans, so they just want what’s good for him, and since he has no life goals whatsoever (like after he dropped his “I dream of making children like swimming” thingy like a hot potato and was like “training children.. but look at Rin and Haru” I really lost my last marbles watching him) they apparently don’t care for what Haru’s dream is and that he said openly that he wants a future with Rin.
Like I get that everyone has their tastes, but like what.. two people who are crazy about each other since twelve and blossomed a dream of having a future together and the thought of being with each other got them through and they finally have what they wanted.. this is not a trend anymore? Mutual romantic love is not a trend anymore? Like I even without novelization can see that (and I quote Rin word for word here) that “every time he sees Haru his heart beats so fast he can’t calm down” and quote “Haru sees Rin and he’s shaking, he closes his eyes desperately trying get rid of the image, but the pain in his chest doesn’t go away”.
I am personally very happy that Rinharu are finally together and will be doing what they wanted in their life by each other’s side, cause they’ve been dreaming about it for too long, they’ve been thinking about it for  years. So not wanting them to have that is very weird for me. And the argument that Makoto somehow better than Rin for Haru is so invalid, I always laugh. I guess it depends on what you want for yourself. But honestly like you guys better find someone who make you want to reach for the stars and make you heart skip a bit everytime you see him.
So I as a huge fan of Haru want my boy to fly and now I have all the canon proof for those who were blind that Rin is the only one (been said) who makes him feel that way. So all those anons who kept writing to me how relay with Sosuke, with Rei and what baffled me the most swimming with Ikuya was just as emotional for them can finally shut it (lmao I’m sorry).
Now... Sousuke, my bro, the first Rinharu shipper on the village who helped them to get together is a threat? Okay. Well, I actually like s2, there are some dumb episodes but s2 actually to me showed how rinharu relationships are different from anyone else. There are literally two whole episodes and several scenes of how the bROMANCE prevails over BROmance.
Sousuke and Rin have typical brothers relationship. From their secret handshakes “parent trap” style to the fact that they draw them exactly the same with his real brother. I mean I don’t know if anyone noticed, but in 3x11 they drew Sousuke doing the exact same teasing move with Rin, that his older brother did to him in 3x01, and it’s definitely not a coincidence. Which means he treats him like his little bro, and not just that. I have lots of proof.
You know, I had a friend back at university who had an older brother who she was very close with and she kept telling me about how he kept testing her boyfriends if they’re good enough... I mean Sousuke was doing it with Haru since Rin has told him that he has found his one and only. And it never ever looked like he was possessive of Rin and was like “he’s mine”, it was always like “he’s yours so make sure you make him happy you loser”, he even stalked Haru to see if he still swims alright which is really funny (like okay dad), so by the end of the season when Rin lovingly looks at Haru and says it was all worth it, Sousuke looks very content like he was sure that they’re all good now.
And that moment like in Yakusoku where Rin dropped Sousuke as soon as he saw Haru, I honestly don’t think it’s the kind of jealousy people think it is. It’s like if I asked my sister “do u want to see the new avengers movie” and she’d answer “sorry, I already promised to go with my boyfriend” (not that this would ever happen, but let’s imagine that she found herself her nanase) I would be fucking upset too, but I would kinda get it (if it’s a love of her life I mean). Or like literally imagine you lived with your best friend for years and suddenly she wants to move in with he boo. I mean it happens sometimes. But it’s not the jealousy really, he’s just sad because he knows that he needs to let Rin go and he won’t spend as much time with him as he did before. Sousuke knows how much Rin loves Haru, plus after he saw that Haru is as good as Rin told him, he started to like him himself so he was worried about both of them. 
And I love Sousuke, he’s our godmother. I’d rather have him on the international team than Ikuya but he sadly he doesn’t swim breaststroke or back and we only have one butterfly and one freestyle spot xD
I’m sincerely saying as a person with two siblings that I really don’t see it. It’s just there’s a huge difference between brothers and lovers. And you can’t call Harurin bros. It’s just laughable. Even if you haven’t read anything and just watched the anime.
I mean I think it’s easier to see if you try to imagine Haru in Sousuke’s place in any Sourin scene and see how it would’ve went then. Like do you remember when Sousuke asked for cola and Rin went to get one and there was only one can left so they rock-paper-scissored it and Rin won and drank it?
Now imagine if Haru was there in Sousuke’s place. I can tell you 100% that Rin would’ve just given him the can. And then he would’ve looked at him with that face he makes when he’s content just by watching Haru eat, you know.
I mean it just how I see it. And there are a lot of comparable scenes in s2 that bring me lots of evil joy, but I won’t tell lmao.
But as I said before to me there’s a huge difference between bromances and bromances. So I mostly don’t get most of these ships. I don’t understand anything in this world apparently lol but I only see Rinharu since the first time I’ve watched it, and then I’ve read everything and realized that I’m right, so I’m ok with all this xD 
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bubbleteakoala · 4 years
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Hey guys! Since we’re all at home, why not practice your target languages a bit? Here’s a list of movies, tv shows, as well as variety shows in Chinese! For those of you who don’t learn Chinese, this is also a great way to entertain yourselves while learning a bit more about the world and Chinese culture(s). I’m not sure where you can watch these cause that would depend on the country you are in and etc. Anyways, let’s go!
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(10/10) Iconic. A true story too! From what I remember, it follows the love story of a guy who tries his best to get better grades in order to get the girl. Eventually they go to college and they split because of this stupid fight. It’s a great story revolving around the idea that when you love someone you just want them to be happy, even if it isn’t with you. There is a book for those of you who are interested, but from what I heard many details were left out of the movie.
(7/10) Another iconic one, however I feel like it’s too similar to 那些年. It’s about a good girl that pairs up with this bad boy (cliche I know) just to split up their crushes who *seem* to be together. There’s also this whole backstory about how the bad boy and the girl’s crush were friends until an unfortunate event. Unlike 那些年 it has a happy ending! (But personally it was too idealistic)
(10/10) God I love this movie so much! I literally cried at the end! It’s a heartwarming movie about a girl who wishes that her older brother, who annoys her a lot, doesn’t exist. She wakes up after this and enters a world where her brother is now her best friend’s brother. By observing her brother and her best friend, she starts to miss having a brother. Eventually, she learns that everything her brother does was for a reason and tries to reverse her wish. (I really don’t want to spoil it please watch it it’s so good!!)
(8.5/10) Mainly about friendship and a brotherly bond. Two best friends try to grant the last of the trio’s dying wish. Which proves to be quite hard hahaha... it’s quite comical but the ending is what really hits you. I cried in this one too... would definitely recommend to watch at least once! (Oh right, and one of the actors is the brother from 快把我哥带走 and another is the main guy from 我的少女时代)
(8/10) Not really my type of movie, but it’s still pretty good. It talks about bullying, shows the repercussions of it, and mixes in the kind of romance you have in your youth. It was really popular when it came out here, so watching it may give you some convo topics with natives~
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(11/10) I’m serious. This is one of the best shows I’ve seen. It focuses on three families and their children in their last year of High School. Each family has their own problems which they eventually overcome: separated parents, parents who were absent, pressure on grades and school, depression, etc. The children also mature and grow as the story progresses. It’s a pretty modern tv series, so it’s easy to follow. It shows modern culture pretty well, but keep in mind that it takes place in Beijing, so it’s gonna be different for other regions. It’s also loosely based on the series 小别离 that focuses on middle school instead of high school, so check that one out too!
(7.5/10) Ok if you like those mushy, cringy, romance type of stories, this one’s for you. As long as you survive the first 2 or 4 (?) episodes, the story gets better. It’s a pretty interesting series that revolves around this competition called CTF (I really don’t remember what it’s called sorry!) that’s basically like defense and hacking. So Guy 1 was a famous player but is now the CEO of a company/agency for young boys who are in the competition now. Enter Girl 1, a college student (masters I think) that’s smart, pretty, kind, yep. All that. It’s a story about how their each other’s first love and how they both navigate their lives after that. Honestly, I watch it when I’m in the mood. It’s not that bad.
(7/10) Some of you may have watched the movie but my sister swears that this one is better. From what my mum says it’s based on a book too?? If you like school dramas, like 那些年, then you’re gonna like this one. Follows the characters through their 3 years of high school, and shows how they grow, mature, and figure out their lives. Some falls in love, some realizes that the ups deserve better. And then there’s our main couple...SLOW BURN. YES ITS SO SLOW. BUT ITS SO GOOD. So check this one out if you have the time
(8.5/10) I didn’t like this one at first, but it got better. It’s about a group of kids in a music school and how they want to perform on stage. They major in Chinese traditional instruments, but the school prefers those who major in western instruments so they don’t get any opportunities at all. Also, most people nowadays learn western instruments like the piano more, so less and less kids are learning traditional instruments. It’s a story about growing up, the pains of it, staying true to yourself, and also standing up for yourself. It may seem weird at first, but it has a lot of life lessons that you can take form it. There’s also a movie too, but trust me, this one is better.
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(10/10) YASSS THIS ONE RIGHT HERE. Ok so I mainly only watched the 3 season since it has the actors for 快把我哥带走 in it (yes I like it that much). For the start of every episode, the 嘉宾 (the ones that are invited to film... what are they called....I can’t remember it in English..) of the previous episode leaves in the morning, then in the afternoon, new ones come!! It’s like farm life in China. The 嘉宾 tells the hosts what they want to eat, then once they come, they have to help the host prepare the dish by harvesting the food, catching the fishes, etc. It also has a lot of life lessons from it. So I recommend this to anyone who likes foods, culture, and wants to take a break from busy lives (... well I don’t know if that would have the same effect now since we’re all at home...)
(9/10) I also only watched the 3rd season for this one. So the third season is about a group of celebrities (and one chef) that travels to Italy, and starts a Chinese restaurant there. It shows them managing it, buying ingredients, cooking, designing a menu, and basically trying to survive. They have a quota that they have to reach by the end of the season. Oh and they also get wages, which is pretty cute since they use it for treats when they’re not working. Another one for the foodies!
(9/10) Oh yessss, ok so my mum, my sister, and my sister’s classmates are obsessed with this one. For those of you that don’t know, 密室s are like escape rooms, and it’s like a whole culture here. It’s what you would go play with friends, and each has a different theme and mystery that you have to solve to get out. It’s also pretty creepy cause of how real everything is. But anyways, there are two versions of this show: a pro version that shows how the pros solve it, and the celebrity version. Personally I haven’t seen the pro version, but my sister says that the celebrity version is funnier and more realistic cause most of the time they can’t figure it out and gets trapped in a room for hours (then one of the members starts to eat the props, those that are food btw, not like plastic). So this one is great for those who likes suspense and comedy mixed together.
(?/10) This one is pretty new. My mum has been watching this one lately and she says it’s great. It’s a show about a group of celebrities that starts their own radio show, I believe. From what my mum says it has a lot of life lessons in it. Check it out.
(This is my Week 4 post for the langblr activation challenge, you can find my other post here: Week 1, Week 2, Week 5)
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ahhhh hi sorry for the LATE response, life's been kinda wild lately
anyway, i'm really glad you liked the poem & i don't mind you sharing it :)
(plus, a new prompt sounds nice)
(&btw, richard siken's new book is gonna be called "blue jupiters" (as far as i know copper canyon press will publish it))
also, happy you liked the recs! i found it cool how you said "the way god chooses to escape from his own reality through someone who does not believe enough in him to question him at first"! couldn't have put it better myself.
(sorry if this ask seems all over the place, i just have to get somewhere and i'm gonna be mad late - but i really want to finally send a response)
i enjoyed your recommendations a lot so let me elaborate real quick-
the problem with travel:
right off the bat, same.
traveling does always make me feel like i'm starting a new chapter and i should act accordingly.
love "kill the kid stuff, start to act my numbers" - the choice of words you use when writing is so important. (thats why i cant judge anyone who spends a long ass time on thesaurus! sometimes writing really does feel like looking through a lost & found or fishing the right word out of a goodwill bin! flipping through a magazine in search for the right word to cut out and stick on your collage!) imagine how substantially different the poem would sound if limon had written "start to act my age" instead of "start to act my numbers"
"[...] - we’re small
and flawed, but I want to be
who I am, going where
I’m going, all over again."
this^ part kills me in a good way
accident report in the tall, tall weeds:
"my ex got hit by a bus"
gets right to the point. kinda like a short story? an immediate jump into action
i might've said this before but i like it when poems tell stories (i mean i guess they all do, in a way, but i specifically mean the ones that have clear characters? if that makes sense)
"No tampering with the great universal brake wires."
ahhh yeah - when you feel like a thought can cause real life consequences
"When the plane went down in San Francisco,
I thought of my friend M. He’s obsessed with plane crashes.
He memorizes the wrecked metal details,
the clear cool skies cut by black scars of smoke.
Once, while driving, he told me about all the crashes:
The one in blue Kentucky, in yellow Iowa.
How people go on, and how people don’t.
It was almost a year before I learned
that his brother was a pilot.
I can’t help it,
I love the way men love."
^ don't you love it when a poem beats your heart to a pulp?
"What I saw in the men who came before,
sometimes I don’t want to say this out loud,
was someone I could hold up to my ear
and hear the ocean, something I could say my name into,
and have it returned in the inky waves."
self recognition through the other! yeah! sometimes people are people and sometimes people are mirrors and i know this wasn't her point but aren't we all just saying "hey! this is how i feel! do you feel like that too?" and sometimes "language is complicated but i think you know exactly what i mean and i know what you mean too!" and "when our experience overlaps the cosmic alone-ness becomes bearable!"
shit i'd love to drop another rec but i REALLY have to go now! hope to hear from you soon
Well, lmao Cat now, I'm the one who's late in replying, but yeah, I've been really busy. Now, I've got a bit of a time to reply to your ask.
First of all, "Don't You Wonder, Sometimes?" by Tracy Smith is a really interesting poem especially centred around Bowie. I love how the poet makes Bowie into a mythical being, like a sort of a spirit rather than a mortal man.
"Not God, exactly. More like-
Some thin-hipped glittering Bowie-being"
I love how the poem takes in the spirit of Bowie as something that will keep living on -
"Saying nothing is lost, that everything lives on waiting only
To be wanted back badly enough?
Bowie will never die. Nothing will come for him in his sleep
Or charging through his veins. And he’ll never grow old,"
It's just a beautiful way to think of the artist living on despite their death. They live through those they have touched with their art as well as their art themselves.
"In which I’m forever a child looking out my window at the night sky
Thinking one day I’ll touch the world with bare hands
Even if it burns."
And I just simply love these lines ^^^ . I love the poem touches up on reincarnation. It's interesting as it mentions how people are reincarnated a few times and then, they go to the beyond.
"And how many lives
Before take-off, before we find ourselves
Beyond ourselves, all glam-glow, all twinkle and gold?"
And finally, I love how the deification fo Bowie continues making him into a cryptid? That's the best way I can describe it honestly.
"When a man his size can meet
Your eyes for just a blip of time
And send a thought like SHINE
Straight to your mind. Bowie,
I want to believe you."
(I followed your style of picking up lines and talking about them - it's a pretty fun thing to do)
{Purple happens to be my fav colour so, yeah I annotated with purple}
And yeah, language is funky like that. Honestly, I love the fact that people swap art with each and it's like every though we're different, you go through the same emotions. No matter whatever niche emotion is, someone has already written about it! If they haven't, you can always write it!
This reminded of a favourite poem of mine (tw : homophobia and sort of death ? though) which reminds me of the awkwardness of telling people I'm queer / coming out to them. It's called Three A.M. by Jill McDonough.
Also, I've been reading some more stuff to rec them and to hear your thoughts on them. It's all food - themed because I really got into food poetry last week. And as I was talking to a lovely mutual about the intimacy of cooking food and feeding someone.
I'd highly rec the movie "Big Eden". It's a wonderful gay rom-com movie with no homophobia at all and a lot of intimate cooking and wanting to make sure that your crush is loved and taken care off.
But anyway -
Having a Coke with You by Frank O'Hara
Perhaps the World Ends Here by Joy Harjo
The Orange by Wendy Cope
For Grace, After A Party by Frank O'Hara
Eating Together by Li-Young Lee
And these two posts are where I got these poems from, so perhaps you could read the other ones in the list.
Food Poems 1
Food Poems 2
And also, you're into Succession! Yay!! Are you into Tomgreg? If you're not, that's chill. But, like more Tomgreg people the better. I'd love to hear your thoughts about the show too! :) And like I said before, I really enjoyed your Kendall edit! Did you get a chance to watch my Tomgreg edit? It's called Don't Blame Me, I put it on my Tumblr. (No pressure if you can't)
And I have to ask, because I forgot, what are your pronouns, Cat? I use she/they. I just wanted to ask what you want me to use while referring to you. And let me know if you wanna do another poetry writing swap again.
Anyway, that's it for now! Let me know what you think! I hope to hear from you soon :)
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