White Boy STUNS Waiter By Ordering Bread In Perfect Phyrgian After Being Raised In Total Linguistic Isolation By A Cruel And Inhumane Pharaoh
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goodbye goodbye goodbye you were bigger than the whole sky
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you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain
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this fandom is low-key one of the most racist ones i have ever been in and i have been in here one and off since 2020!! like no ur soft uwu white boy bean was not kidnapped by gun-point by theeee evil ceo to make this decision and no he is not ur leftist anti-capitalist paragon who just so happens to buy hundreds of dollars worth of products at whole foods and no! ur not slick calling men of color robotic and greedy and soulless and worthless and claiming that they're responsible for everything you don't like about the company while obviously your white boy fave secretly agrees with you because you can tell by the twitch of his eyes! and don't get me started on people calling ryan dumb or gullible or that steven must have manipulated him into it or that shane is the only one smart enough to idk... see through the evil overlord??? like do y'all hear yourselves? are you not a little ashamed? do you have no self reflection or do you think that because you slobber over someone who says "eat the rich" in one occasional video that it makes you immune from being racist. tale as old as watcher's founding too!
Just gonna post this because it's true in a lot of ways. The narrative surrounding Steven has always gotten right out of hand and a racist under-developed brain can't even put together how detrimental it would have been to the company and Shane, of all people, if Steven hadn't been there for them.
All they care about is monopolising spaces to talk over people of colour for a retweet or two.
I am at zero tolerance for that this time round guys.
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respectfully, this is a TERRIBLE idea and you’re about to lose the majority of your fanbase, myself included, because we can’t afford to eat, let alone subscribe to another streaming service
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i am not here for negativity in any way do NOT bring that here.
if you want a FREE watcher.tv subscription, fill out this google form!
your email will then be put in a random generator as collected to be given to someone looking to gift a subscription. several fans have offered to do this for other fans, and this is an (unofficial) way to do this!
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note-- your gift is at your donor's discretion. it could be one month, it could be a year, but we want to show support AND get more people the opportunity to jump in on this.
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People are still shipping Kirk and Spock 6 decades later. All I'm saying is, the party doesn't have to stop just because the show does.
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This is Thelockpickinglaywer and what I have for you today is something very interesting. As you can tell by the agonizing screams of the damned, I have recently left the mortal coil and, upon arriving at my destination, was informed that I did not qualify for residence. I was taken by an angel of the Lord to the mouth of Hell, and when the angel left, he closed this rather large red door and sealed it with a divine key. Although I’ve never seen this particular model of lock before, I’ve spent some time investigating the cylinder with this small shard of bone. By sticking it in the back of the keyway and slowly pulling it out, I can tell that this is a five-pin tumbler lock, that can easily be single-pin picked using this shed demon scale as a tensioner tool. Let’s try that right now. Alright, nothing on one. Nothing on two. Three is binding firmly, click out of that. Nothing on four. Five is binding, little click there, back to one. Once again, nothing. Two is binding, and we’ve dropped into a false set. Little click out of three. Nothing on four. Little click on one, counter-rotation on two, and we got this open. Okay folks, I think the main takeaway here is that no matter how much faith you place in a mechanism designed to ensure your safety, be it spiritual or physical, there is always a state in which it can fail. In any case, thank you for watching. Memento mori, and I’ll see you next time.
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— Richard Siken, I Had a Dream About You from Crush (via lunamonchtuna)
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desire is such a gay name for a streetcar
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Scream this is iconic….
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………… love u siken
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Richard Siken Twitter update. Hes giving bad takes on AI. He’s getting ate up on Twitter for it and I fear he would get destroyed here for it.
Old man syndrome hits ur local poet
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