tired-fandom-ndn · 2 days
ok but adaine growing comfortable in elvish culture after reconnecting with the family
aelwyn has always been better at the whole being an elf from fallinel thing because she had more time growing up there than adaine
yes she knows what’s expected of an elf but it comes off way more robotic and family members are like “why are you being so formal we’re family you dont need to do that for me”
and after a couple stays and visits she’s embraced her elvish nature while still being herself. not the mask of perfection her parents expected her to act like at all times
Oh gosh, I love this.
I can imagine Angwyn and Arianwen as the sort of people to just. Completely disregard any aspects of their culture that aren't convenient for them, that don't make them look better and feel more important.
They eat food and display art from Fallinel, but only the "highest" class things. They speak Elven at home, but only the most common dialect and they trained Aelwyn and Adaine's accents out of them. They claim to only respect other high elves, but are disgusted and disappointed by any aspect of Fallinel's culture that isn't absolute perfection. Their home, clothes, and general behaviors are all very typically Solesian upper-class.
You're so right about Aelwyn, like even just the couple of years between them was enough to give Aelwyn more of an established identity as a Fallinel elf than Adaine had, especially since Adaine was probably more isolated and held to a different standard than Aelwyn in terms of interacting with other people and engaging in their culture. She sometimes slips back into her accent when speaking Elven (something Adaine is bitterly jealous of), she's more familiar with Fallinel music, and she's up to date on politics and events in Fallinel in ways Adaine isn't because she wasn't given that opportunity by their parents.
(When they're younger, that's just another thing for their parents to pit them against each other over, another thing for Aelwyn to lord over her sister. When they reconnect, it's something they both struggle with, the ways they've been denied their culture and especially Adaine's bitterness and grief at what she should've had.)
Before reconnecting with her family, I would bet that Adaine's main exposures to Fallinel culture were her parents (who could've lied about a lot of shit, to make Adaine feel bad for not meeting "Elven standards" while also shaping her into being as quiet and obedient as possible) and Telemaine (who I'm pretty sure is meant to be a weird forest hermit and not a reflection of overall Fallinel), so her perceptions are. Warped. She's not prepared for her loud and affectionate family, chattering away at her and talking over each other while children run around underfoot. Yes, they're weird in very distinctly elf ways and pretty disconnected from the world, but they're also bright and energetic and eager to listen to what Adaine and Aelwyn have to say.
I definitely think Adaine would fall back into the habits her parents trained into her, but her family members would respond with just open affection and jokes about how she behaves like a diplomat how just needs to relax, she's with family! Parents send their kids over to play with Adaine and Aelwyn in an attempt to get them relax more and they're constantly plied with food and drinks and the sort of easy affection that they've always seen in other families but have never experienced in their own. One of their aunts manages to pin Adaine down to do her hair in some elaborate style of braids and hairpieces (pins and flowers mostly, maybe some birds) that went out of fashion hundreds of years ago.
I like the idea of Adaine and Aelwyn traveling through Fallinel, visiting scattered family members and learning about real Fallinel cuisine and art and fashion, picking up different dialects as they travel and finding out how fake the idea of an unchanging culture is, how much of what they know is just propaganda invented by the Fallinel upper-class to try to keep people in line. Adaine finds it a lot easier to accept and embrace that part of herself when she sees how Fallinel isn't some pristine and perfect place untouched by the world, that it's a real place home to messy and complicated people and it has space for someone like her.
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altschmerzes · 1 year
always good to remind oneself that it is always an option to simply block and ignore people who are being Weird To You on your posts. it is never necessary to engage. If It Sucks Hit Da Bricks.
#gav gab#sometimes people will invest their entire personality in being pr/osh/ip or whatever#and then they will take any post they can get their hands on and use it to be like#OH SO YOU HATE PEOPLE WHO WRITE FICTION? YOU HATE QUEER PEOPLE?#YOU DONT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN REAL AND FAKE?#YOU THINK THE HUNGER GAMES MAKES SUZANNE COLLINS A CHILD KILLER?#YOU THINK PEOPLE WHO WRITE TEEN CHARACTERS IN RELATIONSHIPS SHOULD DIE?#and you just gotta look at those people and go#wow! okay! you seem normal! and then you move on#i simply dont have time for people who are gonna leap on any opportunity they can to try and trap me into an argument#about whether or not it is weird for people to be writing hardcore smut about characters who are in middle school#Do Not Start Shit With Me Over This Post#neither pr/osh/ip nor an/ti/sh/ip but a secret third thing#(a person capable of holding nuanced and situation-based opinions who writes a lot of quote unquote 'dark shit')#(but who also thinks that 'chill bro it's fiction you're the purity police youre the fan caps youre a puritan catholic whatever')#(is not a free pass to do whatever you want forever without criticism)#(no people who write a fic that happens to include rape or torture or suicide or whatever aren't monsters or whatever)#(yes people who write uhhhh rpf rape smut about teenage actors or whatever are engaging in seriously fucked up shit they shouldn't be doing)#(NUANCE. CRITICAL THINKING. NOT PRETENDING YOU DONT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THOSE THINGS. IMAGINE IT!)#like yeah searching out a one sentence personal post i made two months ago to reblog it and accuse me of being some kinda puritan#because it had some vague language (about something not actually related to fic at all - it was abt tagging unreality) that you interpreted#as me expressing distaste for whatever gross shit you take offense at having referred to as 'gross shit'#that's totally normal and chill and non-harassing behaviour#unlike the people you're screaming about in every other post at the speed of light#good job you won being the rational adult here lmfao
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dandeyrain · 8 months
we GOTTA stop repackaging outright gender essentialism and misogyny as cute '''''''''feminist'''''''''' jokes!
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gibbearish · 8 months
u ever have to back out of a drama explained video bc ur like. i agree that that person was in the wrong but the way youre presenting them is just unsettling
#like theres a difference between 'hey heres a breakdown of who waid what and what happened' and#'look at this zoo animal and what a freak they are for this freak thing they did‚ everyone point and laugh at them wherever they go forever#specifically if you put quirky music and a dramatic voiceover over a clip of someone having a screaming#breakdown in their car telling people to leave them alone i think thats uhhhhhh fucked up no matter what they did#and ppl will always be like 'well they could just log off so its fine' and its like a) didnt we learn in like elementary school that#cyberbullying is still real bullying#like to me that gives the same vibe as 'why didnt they just leave' irt abusive relationship if that makes sense?#like yeah physically they are capable of just logging off. physically they can choose to leave. but theres a lot more#that goes into it than just 'can i physically leave'#like. ppl who do abuse over the internet know how the internet works and know how to use#means other than ohysical strength to keep targets under their control#'if you dont respond to my messages whenever i send them ill kill myself. no i didnt directly say that but#i repeatedly messaged you at times i knew you had just gone to sleep faking suicide attempts making you feel#like its your fault for not being available to respond 24/7'#its 'youre the only person i can talk to about these things no one understands me like you. you are my whole support system and therefore#wholly responsible for my mental health#if you leave me ill have no one so you will be dooming me to fall apart on my own when i need support the most so you can never leave me'#its 'how can you break up with me right now knowing im feeling suicidal‚ its like you want me to kill myself‚ you did this deliberately bc#youre a bad person. my life depends on you staying with me and i will never not be suicidal#and even if i was you saying that would make me feel that way so you can never break up with me or youre responsible for me kmsing#im not saying thats at all the same as ppl taking drama too far and freaking out abiut stuff however i feel like a good portion of it#carries over specifically the fact that. they probably feel like they /have/ to stay logged in‚ to keep their drama public#they have to keep defending themselves and keep reading responses and keep going and going#plus like. of course its the big freakouts that get lots of attention and therefore get even worse#good or bad people like spectacle‚ you never see people calmly resovling disagreements because they.#get calmly resolved then everyone moves on and forgets it. so you only remember the wild ones#like esp for like. kids on tiktok#we all had meltdowns about petty shit at one point or another we just were lucky enough to grow up just before#social medias jumped over to video content so it doesnt have our faces tied to it#idk. i just think ppl should ask themselves 'how would i feel if an audience of thousands was watching my lowest moment like this'
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Starting to think that the only way to realistically keep Batman a Billionaire without him being out of touch with the citizens of Gotham is to give him every type of trauma imaginable so he can deeply empathize with nearly every type of victim.
Parents killed by gunmen. He can properly comfort newly made orphans. (Robins)
Being bullied in shcool not just by the students but also the staff. He can understand what it's like to feel alone or othered by your peers (common theme for Rouges)
He does go backpacking across Europe without access to his money on purpose. But for extra flavor make sure he gets kidnapped a few times and actually has no way to call for help so he experiences homelessness, not by choice. Has to resort to stealing just to survive, not just practicing his skills. (High homeless/poverty rates in Gotham)
He might be refused to be diagnosed in canon but he definitely is comorbid with PTSD and (pick your flavor of mental illness)
He is already known for having messy relationships so just add some abusive partners in the mix. (Harley and him become besties after she leaves Joker.)
That's all I can think of for now but if you have any ideas I'll reblog them.
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honeytonedhottie · 4 months
your guide to effortless glamour⋆.ೃ࿔*:・✨
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personal branding - what does glamor mean to YOU. what makes your sense of glamor different from everyone else’s. personal branding is all about individuality. when everyones idea of glamor is identical to each other’s, everyones personal charm dissipates, and "glamor" loses its meaning. thats why its important to not conform to EVERY little trend, or try and copy someone else’s personal brand.   
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the difference with getting inspiration from someone and copying someone is simple. when ur inspired by someone, u can do something similar for personal branding, but the distinction between ur brand and INSPIRERS brand is very distinct. 
confidence - the most glamorous people are ALWAYS the most confident. the thing about confidence is that nobody can ACTUALLY determine whether or not its real. because of that it is so easy to fake confidence. fake it till u make it. its SUPER easy to create confidence because of this fact.  
my favorite way to work on my confidence is through self CONCEPT work. if ur a loa girlie then yk that self concept is the FOUNDATION for literally everything and i stress its importance relentlessly bcuz its JUST that important. im currently working on a big self concept post which is dropping soon, but for now i have lots of self concept posts already that u can reference if u dont know where to start.  
treatment - when ur working towards effortless glamor, ofc you’re gonna TREAT yourself as the glamorous individual you are. and what i mean by that is -> treating urself with nothing short of respect and LOVE. some ways to implement effortless glamor into ur life are...
giving urself compliments
AFFIRM TO URSELF (vaunt, and rampage and affirm about how much u love urself, even if u dont at the moment it WILL come into fruition)
self care - pamper urself just like u deserve. take care of ur skin, hair and nails. when u look good u FEEL good. treat urself like a princess, with the upmost care.
pampering yourself - be EXTRAAA and be meticulous. take impeccably good care of ur body and ur health. when ur taking care of urself like u should, you'll glow from the inside out. when u make it a habit to put time into yourself, your confidence AND glamorous energy will skyrocket.
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other resources ; i'll add youtubers, and other blogs that i take inspo from for ✨glamor✨ and ofc an affirmations list.
@prissygrlsorority - one of the most GLAMOROUS blogs that i've seen yet. overall a rly good resource.
misstada - one of my favorite youtubers, glamorous makeup tutorials and vlogs.
AFFIRMATIONS - my whole entire existence is so effortlessly glamorous. im the embodiment of the word fabulous. i have fabulous hair, fabulous style, and of COURSE that fabulous smile. im a star.
all in all, KNOW who you are, and remind urself of that ✨ - honey
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vaguesxrrow · 1 month
can u plsss write one about charles with an american reader? like the inspo is the olivia rodrigo song so american lol. like maybe him making fun of her accent and her doing the and back and like the differences between the two cultures?
ACTUALLY INSANEEE bc right before seeing this i was singing that song in my head (i dont listen to olivia but i probably should tbh). alsoo i wasn't sure if you wanted a fic or hcs, so i kind of made a 2 in 1. hope you dont mind! xx
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a/n: im not american nor british and ive never been to the usa or the uk... so excuse any inaccuracies pleaseee
tags: g!n reader, american!reader, alive!reader
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you shivered and exhaled sharply, your breath misting out in front of you. the moment you stepped outside, you knew you should have piled on more layers, but edwin had been eager in whisking everyone out the door to carry out an investigation for your current case.
you burrowed closer to charles. obviously, he couldn't provide any real body heat, but being near him was a boost in morale to keep going despite the temperature.
"alright?" he asked, putting an arm across your shoulders.
"i should've put on more layers," you grumbled.
charles laughed as he kissed the top of your head. "you can have my jacket."
shaking your head, you declined. "it's fine, it's not that cold. and besides, i wouldn't want to strip you of your british glory and your british coat."
charles snorted. "so it's my british glory, now? who was the one making fun of my accent literally just yesterday?"
"litch-rally," you parroted, grinning. "why is it that all your t's turn into ch's?"
"hey, you're one to talk - what is it you were ordering at the restaurant yesterday? a glass of wa-der, was it?"
"bite me, charles."
he raised his jacket up and engulfed you with it in a bear hug. you shrieked with laughter and wriggled in his hold, but didn't protest when he demanded you hold your arms out so he could put the jacket on you.
"what are you, a soccer player? i thought i was your [boy/girlfriend/partner], not your competition," you teased.
"soccer?" he mocked, outraged. "soccer? it's football, mate."
"mate?" you scoffed incredulously, although you were smiling. "way to friendzone me after months of dating."
"oh, come on, you know you could never get rid of me." charles pulled you in again, this time by your hand. "and for the record, you look cute wearing my clothes."
a few beats of silence, in which you two looked at each other with similar expressions of fondness and exasperation.
"yeah, okay, now get away from me, you victorian fossil." you shoved him playfully, and sprinted away to catch up with the other three. niko waved you over, giggling at charles, who was jogging to keep up.
"victorian fossil? i grew up in the 80s!" he exclaimed. "you know this!"
⌦ ---
- you do know very well that charles grew up in the 80s - you frequently ask him what it was like back then, because naturally, you'd take an interest in your boyfriend's life
- however, charles loves how you're genuinely interested, and get how watching times change can feel a bit lonely for him sometimes
- you're a great listener when it comes to this (which you think you should be greatly accredited for; charles' good looks can be very distracting at times)
- imagine: you and charles in your room as he looks around, inspecting the decor you have on display as he rambles about life in the 80s
- he tells you about a huge movie premiere he went to:
- charles: "get this, right - a ridiculously long line outside the movie theatre. the weather is absolutely miserable, and so are the people. no one's talking at all. i think everyone was just hungry - i saw this lady have tea delivered.
- you: 'i keep forgetting you have stuff like tea times. and did everyone really have the patience to wait for that long, in silence?'
- charles, with a fake american accent: yeah, dude. in silence.
- you throw a pillow at him.
- you also like telling hilariously bad jokes relating to his accent
- you: psst. charles.
- he turns towards you, already expecting another jab at his british-ness
- you: what day do british people eat the most?
- charles, in a deadpan: what day.
- you: chewsday, innit-
- he yells 'NOPE' and walks through the wall, leaving you to wheeze-laugh on your own
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i'd love to hear about manmaru metadede !!! i heard it's really Gay but no one ever details it. not a lot of it is translated too, as far as i know, but i really like it.. any excuse to talk about something you like is good too
NO YEA not a lot is translated and the manga itself is already more niche compared to like, mopupupu so its not too well known. translation efforts have really started picking up the past year though (shoutout to @/kirby-manga-translated they do great work). if it needed to be restated for new followers since i havent tl'd in a while, i know a decent amount of japanese so i read them on my own :)c
shoutout to my guy @/rosakikoza as well for giving me his scans hehe. the majority of images below are his or taken from his scans. the rest are mine
*deep breath* the tangent. im gonna need to put this under a cut dont mind me 😍😍😍 did i say 3 paragraphs? i meant 20. like 20 paragraphs
meta knight is absolutely pathetic and incredibly down bad for dedede this manga. its adorable. multiple people ive talked to or seen have come to the conclusion it seems like he has a huge crush on him. a quick brief for those who dont know but this mangas meta is admittedly Veryyyyy different from how you'd expect a meta knight to be. uncharacteristically friendly and cheerful and. pathetic is really the best word for it. hes kinda a loser. incredibly protective of dedede, he switches between two modes of fussing over him quite a bit and semi-often going into incredible rage bloodlust modes over protecting him or his image (youll see a good amount of jp fanwork depict this version of him as a yandere for that reason)
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theres also been more than one occasion where meta knight tries to commit seppuku upon accidently doing something he sees as unforgivable towards his king (its in the chapter i just screenshotted above too, another time he broke dededes clock and freaked out about it). i-. dont consider this a cute ship thing for the record im just stating it to emphasize the extent of metas obsession towards dedede this manga. the mans got Problems...
apart from that, also quite differing from most interpretations of both of them, both of them seem to genuinely really like spending time around each other all the time. it comes off as casually domestic and is very cute...
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regardless of my attempts to brief it, i dont feel like im explaining this very well so lemme just show you a frankly ridiculous amount of reasons for why i keep feeling like this mangaka ships metadede
-fake kiss: self explanatory
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-fake proposal: also self explanatory
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mk: Will you marry me!?
ddd: Yes!
context for this scene is that theyre rehearsing for a play, but actually its later revealed that meta knight is playing the princess while dedede is playing the male protag so im not exactly sure it makes sense that hes the one proposing here. my speculation is that to make the proposal seem legit for the gag they Had to use meta LMAO but thats just my take
also to be noted, right after kirby hears the proposal he immediately runs off and tries to tell everyone the news before ddd+mk stop him and explain that its fake. hes not thrown off or weirded out at the idea that they could be getting married in the slightest. kirby says gay rights Real i love him sm
-this one is from what i call the memory loss chapter:
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dedede loses his memories from getting hit in the head too hard. the gang figures out that beating dedede up or otherwise causing him injury causes him to regain some of them back though, to which kirby attempts to harm him with increasingly violent means, much to meta knights horror. mk spends the entire chapter trying to protect dedede from him, and it doesnt work obviously, but after a particularly hard hit dedede remembers everyone again... except for meta knight. to which meta knight gets upset about and lets kirby lay into dedede for real. you see where people get the yandere personality from now right. i dont recall this trait coming out too often but ill talk more about it later
-the whole chapter thats a cinderella retelling with dedede and meta knight. also also self explanatory COME ON LOOK AT THIS ONE. LOOK AT IT.
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mk: Y…You're…
ddd: Wow, he's so beautiful!! It's like I'm dreaming…!
-theres the mangaka chapter which is a more recent one
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the gang makes manga for dedede. meta knight's manga is about how cool, brave, and heroic dedede is. mysteriously enough however the only thing hes good at is drawing dededes face and nothing else. the implications of this one drive me absolutely insane. is it supposed to imply that meta knight stares at his face all day?? admires his appearance??? he looks at him so much he basically has his face memorized????? HUH???????? theres no heterosexual explanation for this. acting like a teenager with a crush out here got damn
=various images im sharing out of context because they r cute
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head pats. holding hands and reaching the goal together. peak.
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ddd: Hoho, pretty spiffy don'cha think?
mk: Ohh!? It suits you!!
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fellas is it gay to shout "OHH! META KNIGHT!!" with a dopey grin on your face upon being saved like a damsel in distress
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sometimes meta knight acts domestic as fuck too. his copy abilities as he states are: cook! clean!! and sleep!!!
regarding my thoughts on their dynamic in this series overall, i think theyre absolutely adorable. meta knight emits dog energy in this one. eager golden retriever towards dedede, though dedede has his sweet moments towards meta knight too. (viewing it with a shipping lens just for this post ofc) while meta is the more active crusher, some of the stuff above seems to imply that dedede has feelings in return as well :') they just get along really well too its great. theres a different chapter where they perform as a comedy duo. theyve done plays in multiple chapters. its my hc for these versions of them that they love doing performances of all kinds together and do a lot of rehearsals and writing in their free time...
and the yandere stuff i feel like i should address as well. i try not to take some aspects Too seriously because its to be expected things are over emphasized for the sake of the joke with gag mangas. but oh man the man definitely has problems. he needs therapy. i tried to be transparent in listing those aspects as well so people can make their own conclusions on it But theres one more thing id like to mention regarding that
meta knights personality has been shifting to be different from what i listed, as of the most recent volume. my beloved forgotten land arc... a first for this series in that, while the chapters still retain their gag humor and dont take themselves that seriously, its a serialized story that mostly follows along with the game plot that lasts nearly the whole volume (as opposed to other game arcs in this manga being episodic stories, using the games as their theme rather than a full on setting). with the more serious tone of the serialized story, theres a frankly startling hint of character development i never wouldve expected from a gag manga at the end of it
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kirby gets ko'd the first round of the meta knight cup so meta knight joins the meta knight cup instead. turns out when he does that the final boss of the cup is dedede. meta knight Really doesnt want to hurt dedede and so dedede promptly kicks his ass without a second thought and wins the tournament. while the crowd cheers for dedede's victory, meta and dedede have a small talk where dedede tells him he doesnt need to fuss so much about hurting him/him getting hurt. presumably this is supposed to mark the end of meta knights intense overprotectiveness because (its never been clear-cut due to the nature of the manga previously, so its a lil hard to say) dededes shown he can handle himself, or like, isnt some fragile thing. i really hope itll stick around because i think its a great addition to both of their characters. the meta-knights have also been appearing way more frequently as of very recent chapters (ones that havent been compiled into a volume yet) which seem to also hint to meta knight getting more independence to his character from dedede's loyal servant. im very excited to see where it goes :D
and like, last last disclaimer if anyone needed it; even tho i love metadede and i like to see things through ship glasses sometimes i absolutely try my best to keep my biases out of my translations. putting out accurate translations means a lot to me! this entire post is me purposely putting the ship glasses on so please dont take it as "omg metadede is canon in this manga". you know way back when i was the only active translator for this manga someone tweeted at the mangaka on twitter mentioning that there were english translations around and he replied to that person. didnt respond to the fan translation thing specifically but the fact that he could know who i am definitely kinda terrifies me. if anyone goes around saying that his manga is the metadede manga because of me and he even has the slightest sliver of a chance of seeing that i will kill yall fr LOL
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lovingdabeessss · 4 months
Mini ramble cause I’m tired I’ll expand later probably
Blake and Weiss have trouble with their emotions because of their different kinds of abuse they’ve experienced but they still clearly have them, you know? They talk about them and they talk about it a lot their was a whole arc that was just them talking about their emotions very loudly at each other so having the emotions or expressing it doesn’t really bother them that much
or at least not in every environment, Yang and Ruby are the safest space they got they’ll fight each other to the death around them if they’d let them if you want to have unsavory emotions and unsavory words they’re the two people they’re both comfortable doing it around
It seems like they’re biggest issue with having negative emotions is how other people perceive them and how others react and putting up a front around others unless really comfortable
(What an incredible life changing experience it must’ve been to have that kinda safe space with people who care about you for no reason other then because they do and not for any ulterior motive after so long of not feeling like that to love someone so much you could safely hate them and they’d still ask you include you in ever conversation, it’s like that one measurement of love and comfort where if your kid complains and whines about things you make them do to you then they love you and think your safe to be around and if they’re silent and obedient and distant they think your not)
However with Yang and Ruby it’s not a front they’re not pretending to not feel the emotions they’re actually just not feeling them
They’re refusing to outright
Ruby doesn’t vent till she’s in a universe where GRIM DONT EXIST and then the emotions overwhelm her so much she DIES
Yang does let herself have negative emotions but ONLY anger which is controlled and specifically when she can take that kinda heat she expresses anger not only with the acknowledgment of the risk to herself but also often when other people are also already upset
Yangs semblance is clearly designed to make it easier for her to take hits for others this expression of anger goes along with the fact that it lights her on fire and makes her big and bright she’s making herself a bigger target
Cough cough not subtle metaphor cough cough YOU KNOW LIKE WHAT YOU DO AGAINST BEARS?!?! GOLDILOCKS!?!?!? Cough cough not subtle metaphor cough cough
(And Yang and Ruby will sometimes have breakdowns because of this where everything totally boils over and they have no way of dealing with it and they end up sobbing but even then they usually manage to do it in a closed off room)
Their lives have been centered completely around becoming huntresses and surviving through and killing grim it’s been their whole lives if the grim are attracted to negative emotions it doesn’t matter if you don’t show it on your face it’s GETTING you
To be a hunter you have to choose either:
1- go fucking crazy (all of the teachers at beacon for whatever reason)
2- be good enough at your job to be mentally ill (qrow)
3- DIE
So they just couldn’t feel shit cause they didn’t hav the skill level as children to allow that and survive
And obviously they do feel these things but it’s SOO repressed (Ruby I believe less so but it’s still beneath the surface so she’s good)
Blake and Weiss had a ton of shit to worry about but Blake was always more focused on other people as enemies and only had to personally worry about that after she joined the white fang and learned how to fight and I GENUINELY believe that the forest with Ruby was the first time Weiss’s isolated SKY CITY looking ass ever saw a real grim in person and not her sisters fake ones
And I think this is just really interesting because of how long it might’ve taken Yang and Ruby to realize the difference between their partners and them and why I think it might’ve led to interesting interactions but they’d probably never outright talk about it with them because it might lead to emotions
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ceruleansx · 9 months
jack champion story inspired by bad idea right olivia rodrigo? the two broke up after issues from tabloids but can't two people reconnect?? AND NO. i dont mean they fuck lmfao i mean they end up getting cloer than what they planned
bad idea right?
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-"i only see him as a friend ... the biggest lie i ever said."
✧. ┊ pairing : reader!actress x jackchampion!actor
✧. ┊ warnings : bit of angst, fluff
✧. ┊ summary : after a heartbreaking split between y/n and jack, they both separated their ways. y/n and jack later run into each other at the aquarium, not knowing they still have mutual feelings for each other.
you admitted it. you obviously still had feelings for Jack Champion. to you, it honestly happened so quickly. you two played love interests in Scream, and after filming was over, he ended his real-life relationship. it was like he was faking it the whole time. and that thought just broke your heart completely.
you two still had to see each other at the premiers, and the tension was high. you really did have high hopes that he would approach you, but he never did. you were so hurt, that you blocked him on all socials, not ever wanting to see him ever again.
but now after 4 months, you have another boyfriend, Dylan. you hated to say it, but Dylan was nothing like Jack. he was cute and nice, but he wasn't Jack. at this point, you just told yourself that you were never gonna find someone like Jack.
and all you really wanted to do was to find Jack again.
"babe look at those jellyfish!!" Dylan pointed to the jellyfish behind the glass.
"oh my gosh.." you exhaled, watching the jellyfish move around in awe.
dylan took your hand and walked you towards the big glass display with fish everywhere. you two sat down on the carpet, looking at all the fish in front of you. you two admired the fish, calling them different names and pointing out funny-looking ones.
then you heard it. that laugh. that laugh that you only heard when you made jokes. that laugh that used to make fun of you in a joking way.
your face froze, still facing the fishes. Dylan didn't seem to notice your change in expression. you slowly turned your head to the right, only to see Jack sitting down as well.
sitting with someone else. he was with a girl. he was laughing. what was he laughing about? only you made him laugh like that. the type of laugh that made his eyes scrunch up so much he couldn't even see. you leaned forward to see what she looked like, but she went forward too. you two caught each other's eyes, and her face lit up.
"oh my gosh Jack!!" she patted him in a fast pace, "it's y/n!"
you assumed that she didn't know about you and Jack's past was. she only knew about the fun friendship that you had before and during filming.
he turned, almost shocked that you were actually there. you two held eye contact, and you swear you saw his breath hitch. he smiled softly, looking away with a blush on his cheeks.
you heard his girlfriend say something, and next thing you new, she was standing next to you while you were sitting. you were surprised, but stood up anyway.
"hi oh my god! i'm such a huge fan, i'm Jessica." she said smiling.
you smiled softly, "thank you so much!"
you noticed that Jack and Dylan were now getting up too. Dylan went to your side, and Jack went to Jessicas. Dylan broke the awkward tension that you and Jack had.
"hi, sorry'm Dylan." he stuck his hand out to Jack, "I've heard so many stories about you from y/n." he smiled.
Jack shook his hand back. jack pulled his hand away, his gaze still on your face. you felt his eyes on you, causing you to feel nervous.
this was the first time ever that Jack made you feel nervous, but in a bad way. you started to sweat from the forhead, rubbing your palms together. Jessica, Dylan, and Jack were all talking. meanwhile, you started to panick and you started to loose control of your breath.
"um- i need to use the bathroom." you said quickly, "sorry i'll be right back."
you let go of Dylan's arm and walked towards the restroom. you can feel them watching you as you walked away with your palm to the forehead.
you bursted open the bathroom. thankfully, no one really goes to those gross bathrooms. you leaned against the sink - your back facing the mirror. you sighed deeply, replaying the embarrassing events that just took place.
did you really just ask so stupid like that in front if Jack? you were so embarrassed, you could feel your cheeks burning at the thoughts.
just then, you heard the door slam open louder than when you opened it. you heard someone panting, only to find Jack turning to find the sinks. he saw you there, eyes filled with tears and sweat on your face. the eye contact was tense, causing Jack to have a small tint of pink on his cheeks.
he walked over to the paper towels and teared a piece. he walked up to you and started to gently wipe of the sweat from your face. he held eyes with you.
he cleared his throat and pulled away, throwing the paper in the trash.
"Jack- if me and Dylan being here made your date awkward.. im sorry." you apologized.
"oh don't even worry." he chuckled softly, "they seem to be getting along fine."
you nodded slowly, now looking at the floor with even more embarrassment. great, Jack saw you all teared up in gross crIng in the bathroom like a baby.
"Jack I-" you looked up, starting to say.
"no y/n no. i messed up real bad. like really bad." he said, moving closer.
now your faces were inches apart, just like how it used to be in the past.
"whyd you do it..?" you whispered.
he shut his eyes, and sighed "i was scared. i was scared that - that after the shooting was over, you were gonna move or something and find a different guy" he ranted.
"and i don't know how i would be able to move on with life knowing that im not the one on your side. that-that i'm not the one who makes you laugh. i just didn't want to lose you."
"and i got so overwhelmed, and it was so so so selfish. i broke up with you, so then i didn't have to deal with the sadness. im honestly," he chuckled, "im honestly really embarrassed that i was so selfish."
he took both of your hands in his. "im so sorry y/n.." he whispered.
you watched him, you eyes going back in forth to his and his soft lips. the only thing that was going through your mind was his lips. you forgot how they felt against yours, and you wanted to feel that butterfly feeling all over again.
you grabbed the back of his head and pulled his face towards yours. your lips connected, and it was just as you remembered. soft, slow, and gentle.
but like always, Jack eventually made the kiss rougher and more passionate. your lips were in snyc, so perfect for each other.
you two eventually pulled away, lips swollen and dark pink. that kiss was amazing.
but that kiss was a bad idea. right?
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soudakuwunmoment · 5 months
i feel like theres smth to say about the relationship between dirk and hal compared to the relationship between dave and davesprite. like i dont know what, but theres parallels and differences that i think are interesting, and you could use them to come to some kind of interesting conclusion about the differences between dirk and dave
hal was created to be a tool for dirk to use for convenience and to utilize as an upperhand in sburb (multitasking mostly) hal did not want to exist as a tool. hal wanted to exist as the person using the tool but got the short end of the stick by pure chance and has to live with his actions after not having thought them through.
davesprite decided to become a tool for dave to use to have better chances at winning sburb. dont take this as me saying that davesprite enjoys being what he is. simply that he was prototyped by his own will.
hal is considered to be a false version of dirk. he is technically dirk, but he is different enough that dirks friends do not perceive him the same way, and in some cases, do not consider him their friend.
davesprite is considered to be a fake dave. not that anyone doubts the validity of his existence as Dave Strider; more-so that people consider dave to be "the real dave" and davesprite to be an iteration of him, despite them both being real daves who lived different lives.
dirk and hal have an antagonistic relationship. they accuse the other of being exactly the same, while sometimes switching to claiming they are the superior version - dirk for his existence in the physical plane and being The Original, and hal for his intelligence and capabilities as a digital being with access to any information he desires in an instant.
dave and davesprite have a very subtle relationship. we assume davesprite struggles with feeling inferior to the alpha timeline dave, but dave doesnt reflect those feelings. dave sees davesprite as simply another him, maybe since hes used to meeting other versions of himself. they are generally friendly to each other, davesprite offers dave any information he might need about the game without being cryptic, but dave doesnt really take the offer. other than this, they dont interact all that much.
dirk and hals relationship is somewhat of a fight for dominance, constant low-blows, social gymnastics and psychological warfare, which reflects the self-loathing nature of dirk and his splinters.
dave and davesprites relationship has similar themes of inferiority, jealousy, and being seen as the "real dave" but its much more constructive and dave seems eager to assure davesprite of his validity.
maybe its representation of how dirk and dave deal with.. emotions? trauma? something like that. dirk is defensive and lashes out at others who he sees himself in, while dave is empathetic and reaches out to other iterations of himself because he understands how they feel. im not saying either is better than the other, just interested in how their personalities have an impact on how they react to having themselves reflected back at them.
you could also add jade onto this!! i was really interested in how she was so cruel to a reflection of herself despite how nice she normally is, and how she was able to recognize that about herself. shes somewhat like dirk in that sense, but i think shes more... self aware than him? something like that.
this post was more meant to be about dirk and dave tho :3
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carriesthewind · 1 year
i know very little about law, but im gonna be honest, i feel a bit bad for the loduca guy. is it a good look to sign a coworkers work without looking? absolutely not, they are paid to be anal about this stuff. but it feels like such a human thing to do, if you worked with someone for 25+ years, and never had a significant reason to doubt their work, to just kind of visually skim over the thing, and then sign and stample, bc you trust the guy.
and yeah maybe you saw he was having some issues with this case, the opposite side/judge asking for some documents they cant find and therefore think are fabricated, but again, you trust your coworker, trust that they did the job and this is a mistake not on his part, and you probably have your own workload to worry about, your own cases, so you think little of it. idk, while a bit lazy (bad look) it feels like something that would happen at an office, you know?
that being said ive got a feeling those people are not going to be practicing law quite soon. more so i dont recall if the law firm was one of theirs, but i assume even if it's not, it will have a very hard time recovering from this
A bit of a long and rambling answer here on just my own thoughts on the matter, so I'm putting it below the cut!
I do feel some sympathy for him...for the first opposition brief. My sympathy vanishes once he submitted the fake "opinions" to the court.
Because I absolutely get trusting your colleague, especially if you have worked with him for so long. And as lawyers, it is a really serious thing to sign a submission to the court that you haven't at least read - but it is also very a very human thing to do. People, including lawyers, cut corners and make errors all the time.
But part of his problem isn't just that he was skimming and signing something - when you sign a submission as an attorney, you are making a very real (and legally binding - that's the point of Rule 11) promise to the court. LoDuca is still listed as Mata's counsel of record (and his only counsel of record in this case). He told the court that he was representing this dude, and he never really was.
I saw someone - I think on twitter? - say he was covering up for Schwartz practicing law without a license. Which is technically true! But it's also - come on, there is (usually) a practical, if not ethical, difference between letting some random pretend to be lawyer by signing and submitting their documents without supervision, and signing and submitting documents for a colleague in a jurisdiction they aren't admitted to without going through the steps of having him formally act as local counsel, when you know the end result would be the same if you walked through the formal steps. I want to be clear - the second thing is not okay at all, and is very much against the rules. But, I am also 100% confident he's not the only person doing it, and I can the the way that someone would feel like it was a justifiable bending, not breaking of the rules.
But even then, the problem is that as attorneys, we are (supposed to be) held to a high ethical standard. I said this in an earlier post, but when an attorney makes representations to the court, the court takes those very seriously, because we are assumed to be following those ethical standards. If I make a legal or factual representation in a courtroom, there can be immediate and real consequences for people's lives.
It's a self-licensing and a self-policing profession, and we what we do has very serious consequences both on a societal and individual level. Even in a simple case like this originally was, a personal injury negligence case brought by an individual - the complaint says the plaintiff suffered serious, disabling injuries and has been prevented from working, and he is seeking compensation for his medical care and his inability to work. If that's true, this case is about (should have been about) who paid for that needed medical care, the necessities of life.
And I think this case is an example of why those rules can matter - sure, most of the time, someone doing what LoDuca was won't get caught, and maybe it won't matter practically. But part of the reasons we have those rules is to try to prevent - well maybe not this bullshit precisely - bullshit like this from happening. "Other people break the rules too and don't get caught" isn't an excuse.
But again, it still is a very human kind of error, so I still have sympathy. The real problem, for me, is the submission of the fake opinions.
Because once he got the order from the court ordering him to provide copies of the opinions or the case would be dismissed, he must have known something was wrong. That is not a normal order to receive. That order means the court (which has access to all the legal research tools he doesn't) thinks something is very seriously wrong. If he did not read that order and immediately go "Oh fuck" and a) read the defendant's reply and b) realize the cases seem to have been fake, he is not competent to practice law. And I mean that in a very serious way - he has no business practicing in the field with such serious consequences for people's lives if he didn't immediately recognize the problem.
So once he got that order, he has no excuse. At that point, he either consciously perpetrated a lie upon the court; or he is too incompetent to practice.
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queenie-blackthorn · 8 months
tips for writing arab characters
writer here!! im a middle eastern writer whos noticed that theres a VERY significant lack of info on how to write arabs, so im here to help !! (however, keep in mind that im specifically gulf arab and may not be able to provide as much info on levant arabs or north african arabs. if there are any on here, feel free to reblog w more info !! )
dont get arabs mixed up w muslims. yes, a large portion of the arab population are muslim, but youd be surprised at the number of non-muslim arabs that exist. if you wanna write abt a muslim character, a post i made that might help is here 
list of arab countries, with the adjective:
algeria — algerian
bahrain — bahraini 
the comoros islands — comorans
djibouti — djiboutian
egypt — egyptian
iraq — iraqi
jordan — jordanian
kuwait — kuwaiti
lebanon — lebanese
libya — libyan
morocco — moroccan
mauritania — mauritanian
oman — omani
palestine — palestinian
qatar — qatari
kingdom of saudi arabia (ksa) — saudi
somalia — somali
sudan  — sudanese
syria — syrian
tunisia — tunisian
united arab emirates (uae) — emirati
yemen — yemeni
dialects greatly differ—the egyptian dialect is the most common, followed closely by the levantine dialect
classic arabic is called fusha (fuss-ha), used in things like official documents, media, education. every arab knows it but its not used in day to day language except in media (all dialects basically come from fusha, but with slight changes)
'p' and 'g' (as in 'gurgle' or 'goal') dont exist in the arabic alphabet, theyre replaced with 'b' and 'j' 
depending on where theyre from, they may also learn a third language besides arabic and english (e.g. moroccans know french, a berber arab may know berber)
arabs look different based on where theyre from. if theyre from the arabian peninsula, they have thick curly dark hair, tanned skin, and dark eyes. levant arabs are lighter skinned, and green/blue eyes are more common with them
adding on to previous point, arabs have a variety of skin tones, even if theyre siblings. using a real example, me and my older brother respectively look white passing and afro hispanic
dark irises are considered better looking than lighter colored eyes. eyes are usually thick-lashed, with big round slightly upturned eyes 
big noses are common, along with full lips (and hereditary dark circles for those with more tanned skin)
high cheekbones and well structured faces are also prevalent
varies depending on location
influenced by indian culture, IS NOT INTERCHANGEABLE WITH INDIAN CULTURE. that was aladdins mistake
poetry is so common, especially with romantic themes
songs also have romantic themes
youd be surprised at how romantic arabs are
dances vary extremely, from dabke (palestinean dance done in groups, consisting largely of leg/foot movements) to yola (emirati dance with battle origins, done using canes or fake guns) i recommend watching videos (tiktok has a lot of videos esp of dabke)
women also dance but you wont find a lot of videos of it bc its inappropriate
things such as giving someone your back, or facing the bottom of your feet towards someone are considered rude 
pda is also taboo (even with straight couples or even sometimes married couples)
cheek kisses are a common way of greeting, but not between genders
in some gulf countries, men greet each other with a nose kiss (not in an intimate way) just stubbing their noses against each other
genders do not mix at all. schools tend to divide girls and boys into two sections starting at a certain age (around age 10/11), and mosques are split into the mens side (usually larger than womens bc men use the mosque more)
having an extramarital relationship is very very taboo (even w hetero relationships) but it still happens. a lot. 
family dynamics (note that this is obviously a spectrum. this is the general dynamic, but obv it ranges from family to family):
NOT ALL OF US HAVE ABUSIVE PARENTS. sure theyll spank you if you skip school, but thats not necessarily abusive. its more strict, and youd be surprised at the amount of freedom some parents give their kids
yes, arranged marriages do happen. no, they arent necessarily forced, it just means that your parents had a hand in deciding who youll marry. yes, marrying cousins is a thing, but its much less prevalent now (also, ew)
fathers care. a lot. they dont show it, but they do. they also tend to joke around a lot
mothers tend to be the rule enforcers, and by far our moms are our best friends. we tell them EVERYTHING i swear 
aunties gossip a lot
uncles are a safety hazard
its not uncommon to have a large number of cousins (mainly bc arabs tend to have a lot of kids)
the average number of children 3 per woman, but from personal experience the older the generation the more kids (e.g. my great-grandmother had a whopping thirteen kids, my grandmother had seven, my mom has six, but a couple of my aunts only have one or two)
social class/work environment/school environment:
schools tend to be either arab curriculums but there is a high density of american/british curriculum schools
boys and girls tend to be separated in school around age nine/ten but some schools will be mixed genders up till graduation
yes, women work, tho admittedly some of them tend to have careers more than jobs (e.g. photographer, writer, etc while the men handle engineering, economics, etc)
no, not all of us are rich. in fact, countries like jordan, egypt, tunisia, morocco, and yemen (and infamously palestine) are acc struggling w poverty. its mainly just gulf arabs who are rich
furthermore, gulf arabs may be generally rich but a large chunk of them have the same lifestyle as an upper-middle class family in the usa. rich but not too rich. dont be fooled by the videos of guys wearing kandoras and driving lambos
speaking of kandoras...
outfits (keep in mind that spelling may vary since its all transliteration, and pronunciation may vary depending on region) (also keep in mind that even if we still live in the middle east, WE CAN WEAR JEANS AND HOODIES AND BAND SHIRTS. just, usually cover up more in public):
abaya: loose overgarment worn by women
jilbab/chandoor: also worn by women, type of long dress or tunic
the white robe all of yall know is known as a thobe, dishdasha, or kandora
the colored headscarf worn by men is known as a ghuthrain in the gulf, kevfiah in the levant. its kept in place with a black cord called a aghal, and under it they wear a skullcap called a thagiyah
those are the most common ones, however if youd like to get a lil more specific on clothong, the ultimate guide to arab clothing is here (it also has specified clothing for individual countries)
hope this helps, feel free to reblog w more info if you have any !!
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swifty-fox · 2 months
MOTA Hockey AU, so tell me about Buck and Bucky's first kiss! Or when they realize they're gonna date :D
OOO okay well this may be subject to change once i start writing (I dont control the characters they control me)
but I think that Bucky kinda makes a real ass of himself at first (SHOCKING)
As i've said, Gale kinda corners Bucky for a quick n dirty long before they're even friends and once they're in the same team Bucky is relentless in his teasing of Buck about it (in situations where he doesnt risk outing him) he's also REAL interested in that happening again please and thank you. Big Buck is pretty much like 'fuck off and fuck you (not sexy' for much of it.
Because it's a new team they do a lottery system for rooming together when traveling in hotels and Buck and Bucky by some weird twist of fate (author loving cliches) they draw straws to room together at least for the first season. This creates a lot of negative tension just due to their different game-day rituals as i went into but also because Bucky continues to hit on gale and try to tempt him into bed. It kinda has the opposite effect and kinda scares the fuck out of Buck and it kinda all comes to a head where a bit too drunk Bucky's trying all his moves in the book and he's kinda got Buck semi cornered in the room and while he isn't doing anything past the line of consent he DOES finally fucking realize "oh this isnt Gale playing a game or playing hard to get I am genuinely making him uncomfortable"
Cue him feeling awful. Cue him going to Curt to be like 'uh i really fucked up bad'
Cue curt threatening to knock Bucky's fake teeth in if he doesn't apologize and leave that boy alone because what the fuck Bucky.
and Bucky's a good guy he is and he genuinely feels so bad and slimy because he's like a dog with a bone and he let it go to far so next time he and Gale are in the hotel room he apologizes with his whole chest and promises he's done. "No more hitting on you. We're teammates and that's it. On my Ma's grave."
And Bucky keeps his word! He stops with the flirtation (past general hockey flirting you see between teammates) he stops propositioning him. He stops turning his music up louder during pre-game prep every time he sees Gale twitch with annoyance. And I think when he gives Gale that space he does the best thing he could have done and gives Gale the opportunity to actually know John. To work with him and bond with him and they start creating a really beautiful friendship out of it.
I think fast forward to their second year playing together. It's not a playoff game, the're well off from that but it has been an unusually rough game. Curt was ejected for a dirty hit and then mouthing off to the ref, Croz got pulled from second line to fill in Curts spot and he's honestly doing better than people expected but he doesnt play with Rosie and Buck usually and it's showing.
Buck lost a tooth after a nasty high-stick and his jaw is going to be BRUISED tomorrow. Both their first line D-men are down with injury so it's the rookies. They're fighting for their LIVES and man they somehow manage to eek out that win and it's just exhilerating. Buck and Bucky are in the middle of the celly pile and their masks are pressed together and they're just grinning and staring into eachothers eyes.
Later they're the last two in the locker room and Gale grabs John and pushes him against the wall in the deepest most passionate kiss that John literally almost goes weak at the knees. He's never been kissed like that before in his life.
I don't think after that they have like a "we are boyfriends" conversation. But they do end up together. They're rooming together at that point full time and slowly but surely Gale just starts spending every night in John's bed
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uwushitsuji · 21 days
Reading black butler again as an adult, I find myself thinking a lot the sexualization of Sebastian and Ciel's relationship. I was expecting to feel disgusted but.... Morals aside, I feel from a narrative standpoint, it actually works?
We all know most sebaciel scenes are fanservice, Yana used to draw yaoi, the anime was sold as "shonen-ai" etc etc It's 2024 there's no point to debate that over and over again.
But is that fanservice unnecesary? At least in the manga, I dont think so. For the better or for the worse, it does serve a purpose. It defines the entire relationship of the main characters.
Just to make it clear, I think their relationship is very sexual, but not in a literal *they have sex* way. Sex is associated with love, intimacy, passion, desire, but also with violence, possesiveness, domination.
You could get rid of all the "weird fanservice", but that would destroy the complexity of their relationship. It would become either a story about two characters that don't care about each other, or a bland "wholesome" one.
Ciel, despite all his trauma, feels comfortable exposing his body to Sebastian. Having physical contact with someone. Showing his vulnerable self, because he's absolutely confident he won't be hurt.
Sebastian is always close to Ciel. Even too close. And the weird way he carries Young Master. It's clearly unappropiate and he doesn't seem to care about boundaries. Because Ciel is what he desires the most, and he *owns* him. Ciel is his treasure, his prize, his most precious possesion. Ciel is *his*. He's always being possesive, showing the world Ciel belongs *only* to him, while also being (somehow) gentle and caring.
(The topic of how Sebastian uses his sexuality as a weapon is pretty interesting as well, but not today!!)
Surprisingly, the fanservice does wonders to develop the duality of their dynamics. It perfectly showcases both the "light" and "dark" between them. Intimacy, healing, confidence absolute trust, caring for each other. Codependency, unhealthy desire, possesiveness, manipulation.
They're two sides of the same coin.
On the other hand, in contrast with Sebastian and Ciel's relationship, I think it's interesting how scenes involving real sex are not sexualized at all??
Sebastian and Beast are both really attractive characters, and they could be used in a more "fanservicey" way. However, their scene together it's short and uncomfortable. The intimacy between them feels fake, everything seems off. Beast doesn't look like he's actually enjoying anything. It's pretty clear she's being abused, and thanks Goodness there's no romantization nor explicit borderline fetish content. Instead, it does a great a job creating a "something is wrong here" atmosphere.
The Blue Memory flashback. It's disgusting and makes me physically ill, but it's able to do so without being explicit. It's really powerful without being morbid. Absolutely no fanservice here. Thanks Goodness again.
Like in real life, in Black Butler sexuality can be a safe place (Ciel and Sebastian), or a source of violence and pain.
Imo Yana is a better writer than you all give her credit for. She may be a shotacon or whatever, but at least she is coherent with the overall tone of her story and can be respectful when it's due. Despite all the fanservice at some points, I feel she's great at knowing when to do or not do it.
At the end of the day, I find fascinating how sex and sexualization are used in Black Butler. Sebastian and Ciel's relationship has nothing to do with sex, yet is so intense that I could argue that rather than being sexualized, their entire relationship is inherently sexual per se. If you remove that element from the equation, the main characters would be so different that the nature of the entire story would change.
The "fanservice" is not only fanservice, but what moves the characters and story foward.
Is it ethical?? That's up to you.
But for me, even if there are some uncomfortable moments, the result is worth it. A relationship so unique that you can't "tag" it. Both unhealthy and abusive, yet a safe place for Ciel to heal. It's problematic on several levels, but *that*is what makes it interesting.
Anyway, it's just fiction, and it's nice to explore different kinds of stories without hurting anyone.
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melissa-titanium · 9 months
just woke up i had a cool dream about a new pokemon game entirely staged in a new region which was literally all snowy mountains. every pokemon was some form of suited to the cold and ice types were Way. Stronger here. also strangely enough there was a LOT of awuatic pokemon like A Lot. the game starts off with my parents (?? like pokemonnparents not my real parents) sending me off at the airport to the mountains.Alone . and then i dont remember anything between th at and the end. the end was just a bunch of fainted aquatic pokemon resting in a snowbank while i fiddled with revives and potions and then suddenly i. heard this Whirring. and i look over the edge of the cliff to see a FUCKING SHARPEDO (but varied to this region. it was different, it took on the aopearance of a snow mobile and was a ghost/ice type) CLIMBING UP THE PATHWAY ON THE SIDE OF TTHE MOUNTAIN. SO I WAS LIKE FREAKINGOUT TRYING TO HEAL MY POKEMON AND SHIT ANDNIT . COEMS UP. AND ITs surprisingly peaceful? upon seeing all my weakened pokemon... SIKE IT FUCKING ATTACKS ME AND WE START A BATTLE. AND APParently the storu revolves around this one specific sharpedo. but thats not important bc i dont remember anything after that other than me trying to capture it
there was a couple new pokemon i remember. one was called barrewulf and it was a big dog pokemon that like. u know rhe ones that dig people out of snow? Those. and there was another pokemon that idfk the name of but it was like.. an antlion but for Icy lakes. it would carve holes in the ice and replace that spot of ice with the huge fake block of ice on their bacjks, then flip over and drag you under when you stepped on them. i think it was either ice water or just straight up Dark
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