rkivees · 8 months
Do you ever wonder if Wei Wuxian sometimes thinks about the fact he lost everything from his parents? Before he at least had his body, he looked here and there and imagined that his eyes came from his mother and his nose came from his dad and that his lips were probably shaped after his grandparents.
Now, he looks at the mirror and his eyes, his nose and his lips are from someone else's lineage. They are his but not his and never his parents'. Before, his memories were failing but at least he had his body to remind him that they were real and that they were kind and that even though they weren't there he was and he was made of them but now he has neither.
So, do you ever wonder about it? Because I do.
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expectiations · 25 days
I love that - thanks to one small line - their first kiss gives us a huge look at what kind of partner (and then later husband) the Eleventh Doctor is.
'What, that's it?'
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First of all bear in mind from his perspective, yes they've gotten closer, but he's still suspecting that River might kill him sooner rather than later. It's understandable that some trust issues linger and thus he's still a bit quick with the casually dark (and cruel) demeanour.
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River knows that. She knows where he is in his timeline. She knows that, despite how much he flirts with her (and he flirts with her A LOT), he is not her husband, not yet the man that loves her and he's not even the man that knows her. So why does his short goodbye confuse her?
Because this small line tells us that not only have they been dating (from his perspective) between DOTM and AGMGTW but they've been dating physically. To River, this short-fuzed ball of trust-issues is essentially not only her husband but also her actual boyfriend.
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Meaning that the Doctor, before he became the doting idiot husband we saw in TATM/TNOTD and even before he knew who she was, never dropped her off after a date without at least (!) kissing her goodbye.
And I'm really putting the emphasis on never because River would otherwise not risk asking for a kiss, if there had been any doubt in her mind that this Doctor isn't a Doctor she had been dating. So what does that tell us?
Despite how much this fandom likes to paint the picture of the evil River who forced herself on the Doctor, she is never the one to initiate (physical) intimacy. She expected to be kissed, she expected the Doctor to kiss her because that's what the Doctor does. Husband or not.
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And it's so ingrained in their relationship that even when he showed his honest confusion, River assumed he must be acting coy on purpose to get *her* to kiss *him* for once. And well it worked, intentionally or not, River complied because why wouldn't she? It's what they do.
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Until of course she is forced to realise that it might not be what they do for much longer. This was his first kiss; so she might not see the boyfriend version of her Doctor very often from now on, if at all.
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But ignoring all the insanely depressing angst of how that scene ended, yes we saw an end for River but we also saw where the Doctor's pre-AGMGTW dating spree and thus the affectionate idiot began because he makes it quite clear that he's up for more. (pun intended)
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I wish we could've seen more of their time together. Unfortunately 98% of it happens off-screen but the point of this thread is to show that, even if most of it is off-screen, the show has made the nature of their relationship and the nature of the Doctor's feelings very clear. Moffat's writing style is quick-paced and certainly assumes that the audience isn't too stupid to keep up. (wonder how that worked out) And small lines like these contain so much vital information that, for some people, it's easy to overlook. But all we need to know is right there. The Eleventh Doctor dated River prior to AGMGTW, definitely prior to TWORS; they've been intimate for two hundred (!!!!) years from his perspective before he married her and he is the one to initiate that intimacy. That's all. 🥰
original post on X by @/eIevenriver (who writes the bestest Doctor x River threads ever)
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opheliasam · 6 months
among the grating cesspool that is spn youtube clips comment sections… found some peers.. academics.. people who get it if u will
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sunflowernyx · 3 months
I keep having thoughts about Scully's immortality, because it's always sort of brought up as an afterthought. It's just an observation from Bruckman here, or Mulder mentioning the doctors were astonished at her recovery rate, or Scully herself joking about it in s10, but... 2's a coincidence and 3's a pattern, and Carter is well.. Carter so....
What if Scully's immortality plays in with Mulder's reincarnation?
Mulder is cursed to reincarnate until he gets it right, and Scully is now able to be there until he does.
But more than that...
Mulder suggests that "death finds you when you look for its opposite".
And I don't think that is about life. Because the character that was cursed with immortality was cursed because he turned his face away from the sufferings of others, from a person who cared for him when he was in pain. He rejected her pain and her death, callously, heartlessly, and so death cursed him.
And the moment he wanted to save someone, Scully; the moment he cared enough to not wish death upon them, and looked straight at her as she was shot, wished for her to have his gift, not so he could die, but so she would survive, death transferred the curse to Scully.
Even in mythology (and I think we can assume that Carter knows his mythology by now), the opposite of death isn't life. It's love.
The opposite to Thanatos is Eros
So if Mulder has to get it right to lose his reincarnation curse, and Scully has to look for [love] to die, then their solution would be each other. What they would've been searching for always would've been each other. The truth would be their love for each other.
So maybe together they'd be able to clasp hands and cross that final boundary of reason, and I think that is beautiful in a way that is also deeply tragic.
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sassasafreeaction · 9 months
I’m sure someone more clever than I has brought it up, but I’ve been reading some JUICY things about the halo scene (Here) and how it’s what spurred Metatron to come to Earth for Aziraphale in the first place so now I’ve got to talk before I vibrate myself into oblivion.
It’s so fascinating to me first that the halo isn’t what we always picture. Even the actual title of the show displays the halo as being above the o or the head. HOWEVER, what we actually see is something that’s much deeper ingrained. It’s a physical part of what an angel is. Aziraphale has to remove it from around his head, and it obviously causes him pain to do so if his grunts are anything to go off of. It’s the final chain that ties him to Heaven, and he (presumably) destroys it. We’ve been given no indication that Aziraphale will get it back now that he’s blown it up. 
It makes sense then that Crowley would be so giddy about it. Yes, it’s a parallel to the flaming sword. The conversation is set up in the exact same fashion. It emphasizes that Aziraphale, in many ways, is a bit of a rebel. Sure, there’s some of that amazement at ‘that was really stupid, and I love you’,  but, to Crowley, he’s removed himself from Heaven in a very physical way to protect himself, their bookshop, and two humans (humanity). Everything they stand for. Aziraphale, even unintentionally, has denounced Heaven in a big and obvious way. Literal alarm bells went off. 
Crowley carries that excitement through the rest of the conversation. He tries to sweep the war under the rug because that wasn’t what it was. He plans for them to dine at the Ritz. Only for it all to come crashing down when Aziraphale tries to realign himself with Heaven even though there’s no way for him to ever be like them again; he’s an angel in white wings alone now. Crowley really thought they were on the same page...
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taihua · 6 months
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From my collection of “Jun Wu is Cuocuo’s father” quotes:
Jian Lan claims to have met another man and that’s why she drove out Feng Xin. Ling Wen seems familiar with the process of creating the fetus spirits, and believes they only listen to their blood-related father. Cuocuo hates Feng Xin, but is docile and listens to Jun Wu.
There’s more I need to sift through with Mu Qing’s involvement, but I wanted to start with these before I get into that!
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greenerteacups · 4 months
also just read your favorite weasley post and !! love that Ron is your favorite he gets so much bashing in dramione works im like grrggr he’s not so horrible omg! he has his shortcomings but if you’re literally diving deep into draco as a character who in canon is overtly an ass then why are we destroying Ron’s character to justify the dramione relationship TT poor story building imo, but to each their own!
love your work, excited for what’s to come!!
I think Ron would've had better reception in the D/H fandom if — I mean, for one, if he wasn't a major obstacle to their ship going canon, which is like, not his fault, but also means he's never gonna be the most popular dude on the block — but also if the later books hadn't done him a bit dirty. Without even getting into how their characters change, Hermione becomes a lot more likable in later books when her enduring flaws of bossiness, paranoia, and know-it-all-ing become incredibly useful and appropriate in a literal war. Ron, in contrast, starts as an almost idealized "hero's best friend" archetype, friendly and witty and loyal, and then gets his flaws uncovered slowly. Whereas Hermione wears her faults on her sleeve from day one, Ron's self-esteem issues and empathy problems emerge realistically over time as the plot brings them to the fore. But because JKR doesn't conclude emotional arcs, he doesn't get an actual moment to overcome those flaws and triumph, restoring audience faith and making himself more likable by having overcome struggle.
Draco canonically exists to be a bully and antagonist. The stories are not terribly interested in him beyond that role. But there's something honest about that, since the reader never feels like the text expects you to like him. Draco is awful and owns it. He's narcissistic, cruel, and mean from the first interaction, so he has nowhere to go but up. If you like him, you like him because (probably) you're interested in where he could go in the future or in alternate universes, and how he could overcome his faults (making him extremely likable, because we love characters who struggle and win). He's not a three-dimensional character so much as he is the possibility of a three-dimensional character, and all that potential is really easy to like. Meanwhile, Ron is a three-dimensional character, full-stop. He fucks up sometimes, but in general, the text wants you to like him — problem being, the text doesn't always know how to make that happen, and sometimes it fails. Which can be doubly annoying, because then you feel like you're watching a character getting rewarded for bad behavior.
Now, me? I'm a consistent bitch. Blond or ginger, I'm equal-opportunity: give me a witty asshole with empathy problems and a fanatical devotion to the people they love, I'm locked in. I like Ron and Draco for a lot of the same reasons. I think they're very similar in a lot of ways that get overlooked. And if you ship Draco/Hermione, that should be great news, because you might suppose Hermione has a type.
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thislilstangirl · 2 years
Penny for your thoughts on the Hades/Persephone symbolism re: Namor x Shuri? 😃
well, the three main elements of the hades and persephone myth are: the abduction, the mother’s search, and the inevitable return. and we see close to all three in wakanda forever.
the abduction of shuri:
though in the film shuri “willingly” goes to see namor, the reaction of everyone in wakanda is to see it as an abduction. okoye sees the talokanil leave with the unconscious princess. queen ramonda declares her daughter ‘lost’. nakia is sent to rescue her. shuri has a descent to the underworld underwater kingdom of talokan after picking up a flower riri williams.
the queen mother’s search:
the mother/daughter relationship is central to the persephone myth, and it’s central in this story too. queen ramonda is relentless with finding shuri, serving as a demeter figure of course. while demeter has the torch, ramonda has the shell.
the contrast between the dark, cool underwater scenes between shuri and namor and the warm, summery feel of queen ramonda on the beach with namor makes me think of the seasonal cycle the persephone myth symblolises as well. and of course, like demeter, her search is fruitless- there’s ‘nothing’ that can be given in exchange for the princess’ safe return.
ultimately it is up to nakia to ‘rescue’ shuri and riri. and funnily enough nakia shares similarity to hermes, the god who helps and finds persephone in the underworld. her (familial) love for shuri makes her to come back to the wakanda fold and find shuri. she is a very knowledgeable, from languages and culture to countries due to her spy background.
the inevitable return:
in the myth hades tricks persephone into eating the pomegranate seeds, she not knowing that eating anything from the underworld will mean she is eternally bound there. interesting that food is offered to riri but we don’t see her consume anything.
while namor doesn’t trick shuri into eating anything, i wonder if he knew that gifting her his mother’s bracelet would one day help create the synthetic heart shaped herb? like playing the long game. by the time he ties the bracelet around her wrist, he is already wanting her as his queen by his side as they burn the world together.
shuri consumes the herb and so BAM she is eternally bound to talokan. mythically anyway. the alliance that namor proposed to her in the middle of the film is accepted by the end. they have an alliance, a union. an eternal union to stop an eternal war?
namor is counting on shuri coming back to him. and he’s sure of himself because he understands her and the predicament wakanda faces. just like how hades is certain persephone will come back to him every six months to the underworld.
anyway these are just some quick thoughts off the top of my head x the persephone and hades myth is primarily about death and rebirth though. and boi, wakanda forever is full of death/rebirth imagery.
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homlvssocialmedia · 7 months
Theo Anders aka Golem is so good on retrospective. The name Golem coming from (iirc) Jewish folklore in where a giant man made of clay is made to protect the Jews and has the word "truth" printed on its forehead. this is so cool because of his familial background being born from two key members in empire 88. i like the truth thing and if you subscribe to the idea that he almost knows truths before they are true or confirmed, aster, not really being able to stop jack slash before he wreaks havoc, how to defeat scion.
i love analyzing shit so much.
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andy-skull · 8 months
I had to rewatch Ep02 to appreciate it
In my first rewatch, I really despised this episode, mostly for it's pace and how bad the reunion felt like. But then I watched it again and this time I realized something important
During the first and second episodes, we follow Loki through his misadventures, meaning we're seeing the world through his POV. So everything feels rushed, overwhelming, and there is this sense of urgency because (as Loki) we know the TVA is breaking down and that threatens the multiverse so Loki has to do something.
So we go with him to find Sylvie but there this sense of urgency and desperation. So in the rewatch I chose to see things from Sylvie's pov and let me tell you, Sophia fucking delivers!!!!
First, their initial meeting inside, yes, angsty, and nervousness, the feelings are there for both and despite all that happened before, Sylvie could have told Loki to go away, that she didn't want anything with him, neither talk or see him, but instead...
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Sylvie cares about what he wants to say, she's been waiting for him to find her, and to talk to him. She still feels betrayed and awkward, but she still cares enough to hear what he wants to say. So then they talk outside, Loki's been looking forward to this moment, so has Sylvie.
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When Loki suggests he's the last one she wants to see, Sylvie rushes to confirm that, yet in her rush, her voice breaks on that single word. Because it's too much, he's back, he wants to talk to her, it's time to face the consequences and she doesn't know what's gonna happen now and she cares so much!!! Loki states he's not there to make trouble and Sylvie answers with the only way she knows, being direct and rough.
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This is the moment when Loki decides to take a step back from the emotional speech and make it all business. Sylvie just doesn't seem to cooperate. He starts his explanation and she's looking annoyed. She's not buying it, he's stuttering. But then he says "It's been a problem," and THEN Sylvie changes her expression
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Hubby is in trouble! so she's listening now... Keep going, what is it? But he just keeps stuttering and babbling about timey whimey stuff and she's at the edge cause she's only thinking about them, that they are having the conversation about what happened the last time they were together
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She can't handle the emotions anymore, and by this point, she's even holding back her tears even!!! Aaaaand Loki starts talking about the TVA and she closes herself. This again, TVA this and that. She's out. He's here just because of the TVA and not her. He probably doesn't even care about what happened at the end of time, he's over the betrayal and the kiss.
The teenage argument starts because at this point none is really listening what the other is saying, nor are they saying what they really want or what they feel.
The fight is rushed and chaotic so I'm skipping that part
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Sylvie is chilling while they clean the place and take Dox away, but Loki is aware of her. Sylvie still refuses to look at him. He has to pass her by when Mobius tells him they have to go back.
By this point, Sylvie has rejected Loki in different ways, verbally mostly and with "Don't overthink it," she hasn't given him any emotional clue of sympathy, so he's giving her the space she asked for.
And YET, Sylvie:
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Has her eyes on him. While he's determined and giving her space, she has a moment to decide for herself. And she takes it to follow him. Was it because he looked back?
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And so Sylvie goes to the TVA again, she follows him into the place that represents all wrong in her life. Why? if he's only there for business and everything went wrong anyway. Maybe because, she hopes there's something for her, with him?
But then not lol and she's pissed and leaves. It's fair. I support her completely.
Finally, the last scene is Sylvie on the hood of her car vibing with music, and at the moment Jack gets out, in a split second, Sylvie can be seen fidgeting with her tempad to quickly hide it away.
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It's a quick move, look at her hands. That's because she's been there for a while, reminiscing....
Jack asking her if everything is all right only makes me think that this is not a common behavior for Sylvie. And when he's worried, she quickly changes the subject to cover whatever is actually wrong with her, and even then, her voice is forced out, her throat is tight and the sound comes from a runny nose
Overall, the episode is not that bad, but it's still lousy to me. A rewatch made it better though and gave me a lil hope for Sylki.
But what I have no doubt over whatsoever, is that Sohpia Dimartino is an absolute Queen, delivering such a good acting for such a complex and layered character 10/10 for Sophia as Sylvie Laufeydottir
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esevik · 4 months
I kind of wish that, in the scene where Light is trying to figure out Naomi Misora's real name, he would have tried to attack/wrestle with her ONLY because I think it would be funny to see her kick him in his smug face.
(I know it was made canon retroactively but she knows capoeira and is good enough with it to fight off a random attacker. She's also the reason for why L knows it. It's stated in the "Another note" novel.)
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littleweowmeow · 2 months
"Zuko's redemption happened because he had someone who loved him..." and he also took responsibility for all his actions and sincerely wanted to become a better person. And that's the main thing. But these are obviously not convenient details that suggest that not everyone can be redeemed. Redemption is an internal process. No one can force you to change or become a better person, you have to want it and do it yourself. People just like to boil it down to "this character is bad just because he/she didn't have love! If someone loved him/her, he/she would change!" This is a bad excuse for the actions of villainous characters, because that's not how it works. That's why they like to belittle Zuko's personal growth. After all, real redemption is hard and dirty, and believe me, not everyone can do it. You can hide behind sad prehistory and lack of love for the character as much as you like (although lack of love is not always true, as the fandom says. Hello Azula) but this is not an excuse because every person is the creator of his own destiny and only he decides who he should be. This is everyone's choice and it is always there. Your psychological traumas are not your fault, but your responsibility. You didn't inflict them on yourself, but your actions are your area of responsibility. The same goes for the characters. So don't even think about telling me that a vile and villainous character deserves a happy ending. He got an end worthy of his deeds and character. That's why Zuko, who had to suffer and fight so much, change his value system and become the best version of himself, earn the love and trust of not only the characters but also the audience in the finale is surrounded by real friends and people who love him. That's why in the final Azula is alone.
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uwushitsuji · 17 days
Reading black butler again as an adult, I find myself thinking a lot the sexualization of Sebastian and Ciel's relationship. I was expecting to feel disgusted but.... Morals aside, I feel from a narrative standpoint, it actually works?
We all know most sebaciel scenes are fanservice, Yana used to draw yaoi, the anime was sold as "shonen-ai" etc etc It's 2024 there's no point to debate that over and over again.
But is that fanservice unnecesary? At least in the manga, I dont think so. For the better or for the worse, it does serve a purpose. It defines the entire relationship of the main characters.
Just to make it clear, I think their relationship is very sexual, but not in a literal *they have sex* way. Sex is associated with love, intimacy, passion, desire, but also with violence, possesiveness, domination.
You could get rid of all the "weird fanservice", but that would destroy the complexity of their relationship. It would become either a story about two characters that don't care about each other, or a bland "wholesome" one.
Ciel, despite all his trauma, feels comfortable exposing his body to Sebastian. Having physical contact with someone. Showing his vulnerable self, because he's absolutely confident he won't be hurt.
Sebastian is always close to Ciel. Even too close. And the weird way he carries Young Master. It's clearly unappropiate and he doesn't seem to care about boundaries. Because Ciel is what he desires the most, and he *owns* him. Ciel is his treasure, his prize, his most precious possesion. Ciel is *his*. He's always being possesive, showing the world Ciel belongs *only* to him, while also being (somehow) gentle and caring.
(The topic of how Sebastian uses his sexuality as a weapon is pretty interesting as well, but not today!!)
Surprisingly, the fanservice does wonders to develop the duality of their dynamics. It perfectly showcases both the "light" and "dark" between them. Intimacy, healing, confidence absolute trust, caring for each other. Codependency, unhealthy desire, possesiveness, manipulation.
They're two sides of the same coin.
On the other hand, in contrast with Sebastian and Ciel's relationship, I think it's interesting how scenes involving real sex are not sexualized at all??
Sebastian and Beast are both really attractive characters, and they could be used in a more "fanservicey" way. However, their scene together it's short and uncomfortable. The intimacy between them feels fake, everything seems off. Beast doesn't look like he's actually enjoying anything. It's pretty clear she's being abused, and thanks Goodness there's no romantization nor explicit borderline fetish content. Instead, it does a great a job creating a "something is wrong here" atmosphere.
The Blue Memory flashback. It's disgusting and makes me physically ill, but it's able to do so without being explicit. It's really powerful without being morbid. Absolutely no fanservice here. Thanks Goodness again.
Like in real life, in Black Butler sexuality can be a safe place (Ciel and Sebastian), or a source of violence and pain.
Imo Yana is a better writer than you all give her credit for. She may be a shotacon or whatever, but at least she is coherent with the overall tone of her story and can be respectful when it's due. Despite all the fanservice at some points, I feel she's great at knowing when to do or not do it.
At the end of the day, I find fascinating how sex and sexualization are used in Black Butler. Sebastian and Ciel's relationship has nothing to do with sex, yet is so intense that I could argue that rather than being sexualized, their entire relationship is inherently sexual per se. If you remove that element from the equation, the main characters would be so different that the nature of the entire story would change.
The "fanservice" is not only fanservice, but what moves the characters and story foward.
Is it ethical?? That's up to you.
But for me, even if there are some uncomfortable moments, the result is worth it. A relationship so unique that you can't "tag" it. Both unhealthy and abusive, yet a safe place for Ciel to heal. It's problematic on several levels, but *that*is what makes it interesting.
Anyway, it's just fiction, and it's nice to explore different kinds of stories without hurting anyone.
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bonnie-toyour-clyde · 2 months
Just got to s13 in my rewatch and i never noticed before that when Sam’s alone in the bunker w Jack watching him try to use his magic (i think 13x3) he’s reading The Drama Of The Gifted Child which is book about discovering your true self after childhood trauma and repressed anger and the knee jerk instinct to become numb to cope with abuse etc and like…. I love that.
I love that he’s aware that he needs to heal his inner child if he’s going to raise this kid who everyone in the world will hate (especially his own brother, who Jack already looks up to and tries to mimic). And its beautiful seeing him confront Dean for telling Jack he would be the one to kill him when the time came (and it’s heart wrenching to watch Jack sitting on the floor behind the corner like a kid trying to listen to his parents in a screaming match while also staying out of sight to keep himself safe). But…
I also hate that we only see a glimpse of the book’s cover. Like I had to pause in order to read the title. And that’s ALL they give him in the later seasons to show that he’s struggling with all of this. With Lucifer being out, with trying to raise the antichrist to not be the antichrist (which feels strangely displacing, like Jack’s himself from 9 years ago and he’s in the role of Dean but trying desperately to do a better job of making sure the kid knows he’s loved), and losing all of the same people that Dean lost but not being able to grieve for them quite yet. He has soooo much on his plate (as per ush) and the writers refuse to give him any depth about it. Any trauma response other than a clenched jaw and scared eyes. They’re just like Look! He’s reading a book about childhood trauma! Can’t you see he’s traumatized?! and then only show it for a split second.
This is not to say that that’s a bad way to cope at all, again I think it’s amazing that he is reading this book and you can see that it IS helping him - but only if you squint. Its very subtle. Like he isn’t allowed to have upsetting trauma responses anymore, he’s too old for that, he isn’t the baby anymore, Jack is. And that’s really what breaks my heart - it’s the treatment of the (100+ years of) trauma from the cage and from the wall in his mind and from losing his soul as something he should be over by them. He’s a big boy. He can read a book about it, he’ll be okay.
Anyway I’m frustrated by the lack of care for Sam’s healing throughout but especially s12 forward
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neeturnal · 4 months
this is gonna be very shitposty but every once in a while i just gush over the creativity and amazing writing that is farah's character, specifically in context of her being a black woman. like her character archetype only makes sense if she's played by Jade Eshete.
Her whole life she's been brought up by a strong black military family, so she's always been expected by not just her family, but by American society as well to be the "strong, independent, badass" character. and she expects this of herself too, most of her panic attacks/breakdowns are based on her feeling like she's not being strong enough (im specifically thinking of s1, that scene with amanda). but thats the thing, Farah is incredibly strong, shes incredibly brave, and she literally is called a badass by almost every major character because she really is what holds the entire cast together.
but despite this, her character still rebels from that archetype so well, because shes not strong and brave all the time, there are many moments in the show where we see such a vulnerable side of her. and these deviations arent just a cold emotionless moments, they're messy! she's a hot mess! but thats a good thing!
The overall message of the show is one that I am already in love with, but another message the show represents in specifics to farah is that there are sooooo many ways to be strong. you're never going to prove yourself to others if they only have one way of defining their expectations of you. its because of her vulnerabilities that she is one of the strongest female protagonists ive ever seen.
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miralines · 1 year
so, thinking about points of inspiration for the different mechs, it’s not at all unreasonable for quite a lot of them to exist together in a (mostly) mundane historical au that keeps their backstory at least somewhat...
Like I’d say all of them but Carmilla and Aurora* can be traced back to a real Earth time and place, and a lot of those are technically close enough together for many of them to meet within natural human lifetimes. A timeline to demonstrate:
Between 100-1 BCE: Ivy, though the actual ending point of the Library of Alexandria is disputed. Caesar burned it in 48 BCE, but there’s evidence it still existed after that.
0 CE: Brian, if we’re assuming that Brian is space Jesus. Brian and Ivy could reasonably know each other in this case. 
between 1300 CE and 1860 CE: Scuzz, though both these ends are fairly unlikely. From my research, it looks like the height of the ninja era in Japan was between 1400 CE-1640 CE.
1400-1500: Possibly Raphaella? She’s a mystery, but based on the advanced science, the angel imagery, and the name, I think there’s the most evidence to put her at some point in the italian renaissance.
circa 1500-1650: Brian, if we’re assuming Brian is a space witch. Most witch hunts occurred within this window. This would put any combination of Brian, Raph, and Scuzz as feasible friends!
1800s: Marius? Like Raph, he’s a mystery, and I am not an expert on historical menswear, but based on the outfit and the baron/doctor thing I think he’s probably at some point in this century.
1837-1901: Toy Soldier’s origin, assuming it’s a victorian automaton. It also does not necessarily have a reasonable death date, as it wasn’t made immortal by Dr. Carmilla.
1865-1895: Jonny
1914-1918: Tim
1918: The historical storming of the winter palace. If Nastya was irl Anastasia, this would put her as being born in 1901
1920s-1940s: Ashes, based on the timeline of the American mafia, which seems to be the point of inspiration. However, that organization was founded in 1861, and it’s theoretically possible for them to come from a time as late as the 1980s, but based on historical mob peaks and costuming, 20s-40s seems most likely.
So depending on exact times (and places where my information or analysis may be incorrect) it’s completely possible to write a historical mechs au set in the 1930s which features Marius and Jonny (possibly also scuzz) as being older, with Tim and Nastya as adults and Ashes as a young adult, and the toy soldier, as usual, present, all within reasonable human lifespans.
*I have a few vague, barely-formed ideas about Aurora, but those are based on like. a handful of words in the forbidden lore. and Carmilla’s post-apocalyptic origin makes it difficult for me to place her in a historical timeline; the future seems far more likely for her. However, if we’re going by the 1872 novel, she could have been born in the 1700s, and if she’s still a vampire could at least meet the majority of the others.
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