#Turning back into my cringy ass self
decaying-vampire · 11 months
warning: if you are currently experiencing female hysteria, do NOT look at handsome men on Pinterest, and do NOT listen to mitski. It will just make it worse
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kokofromwattpad · 7 months
hello (●’◡’●)ノ Could u do the reader doing a break up prank on the dorm leaders? Twst
Plot: The prefect decides, for some reason or another to prank their boyfriend by breaking up with him. Whether it's for selfish gain or for a reaction, nobody knows.
Tw:fluff, a bit of crying, established relationship, romantic relationship
A/N: I am so fucking sorry for not posting, I have been struggling with my mental health for the past few weeks and interacting with my socials just was not on my priority list. I have been visiting a therapist to help sort through my problems and I hope ya'll understand.
Riddle layed in the prefect's squeaky bed at Ramshackle dorm. The housewarden was snuggled up and had his arms wrapped around the prefect's waist. The prefect themself rested their head right above Riddle's, giving the boy little kisses every now and then.
The prefect had their old, battered airpods plugged in their ears as they watched magicam videos. As they scrolled, they came across one of those cringy couple accounts where they constantly pulled pranks on one another for views.
In this specific video, it showed a woman pretending to break up with her boyfriend. The boyfriend's reaction was kind of desperate. He begged her not to break up with her but then said that he would let her leave if she really wanted to break up with him.
This video got the cogs in prefect's brain turning. What would Riddle's reaction be? Would he scream angrily and smash all of their belongings? Would he start crying and begging for them not to break up with him? Would he go stoic and completely cut them out of his life? Honestly, the prefect was kinda worried.
But for the sake of their curiosity, the prefect plucked up the courage to gently tap Riddle on his back, silently asking him to look at them. Riddle turned his head up to see their eyes. And by the seven, was he adorable. If the prefect didn't previously know him as the cold-hearted queen of heartslabyul, they would have thought that he was just an innocent boy with a lot of love in his heart.
"Yes darling?" Riddle gently asked with a slight glimmer-y look in his eyes.
"Can I talk to you about something?" The prefect nervously asked, trying to keep their facade up.
"Anthing you want"
"I think we should take a break from each other"
The silence in the room was almost deafening. Riddle's eyes widened with shock. What the hell did they mean by that? Did they want to break up with him? Why? Was he unconsciously going back to his old, hot-tempered self? Is that why they want to leave him?
Riddle looked down from their (perhaps) lover. He was trying so hard not to start tearing up. After the prefect heard the first sob escape his trembling lips, they scooped him up tighter in their arms and started apologizing profusely.
In between sobs and soothing whispers, a mumbly "You're not breaking up with me?"
The prefect softly kissed Riddle's lips and said with no uncertainty,
It was one of those warm spring days, where all you want to do is curl up and forget about all of your problems. And it seemed like Leona was taking every opportunity to do just that.
Professor Crewel had asked the prefect to wake up and bring back Leona to continue the rest of his classes. The moment the beastman's name left the professor's lips, the prefect knew that the prince was going to be a pain in the ass to deal with.(affectionate)
So off the prefect went, to whisk their housewarden boyfriend back to class so that he could actually pass the year.
The prefect went to their and Leona's usual napping place in the greenhouse first to see if he was there. Lo and behold, there was the prince, conked out and snoring like a middle aged man.
"Leona! Darling! Love of my life! Pookie wookie!" yelled the prefect, trying to gain the prince's attention.
Leona just grumbled angrily, flicking his tail and turned to his side to try and block out their lover's loud voice.
The prefect got close to Leona's sleeping face and leanded, "Leona, I think we should take a break from each other."
The prince snapped his head up at his lover's words. What the hell did they mean take a break? As in break up? Hell no! Absolutely not! You're his lover! His forever! His break from reality! You can't just leave him!
Leona sat up from his laying position and stared at the prefect right into their eyes. Dammit they pretty eyes.
"That's not gonna happen. Nuh uh." Leona spat out as he grabbed onto the prefect's wrist.
"If you truley want to stay with me, get up and follow me."
Immediately, Leona jumped onto his feet and wrapped one of his arms around his lover's shoulder.
Before Leona knew it, he was back in class with an odd, dazed look on his face.
You almost broke up with him for not going to class.
The prefect had a test coming up that would depend if they would pass or fail the subject therefore depending if they would have to redo a year or not.
So obviously, the most logical solution was to call up their very nice, adorable, kind and caring boyfriend.
What did he mean no?
Azul smirks at his lover's surprised face. Aren't they so adorable when they're stunned? Oh, he could just pinch your cheeks!
A 'huh' slipped out of the prefect's lips. They were utterly surprised. They honestly thought that Azul would help them! I mean! This test was going to determine if they had to redo a year! If they fail this, Azul would have already graduated by the time of their third year anniversary.
Azul, the smug bastard, was smirking wickedly at his lover's spiral. He was going to strike a deal with them. If he helps them study, they will repay him by doing a small performance in the mostro lounge as entertainment for his guests.
However, this was not the first time Azul tried to strike this deal with his lover. Oh no! He's done this over six times already in the past. So, the prefect already assumed that the next words coming out of Azul's mouth would be his deal.
And so, before the merman could get a word out, the prefect exclaimed in false anger, "That's it! We're over!"
And with that, they stormed out of Azul's office with a little pep in their step.
Azul was absolutely stunned from their action. Is he single now? No, no.... that can't be! How could his lovely prefect breakup with him?!
Azul jumped from his armchair and rushed after his (ex) lover. He ran and ran until he saw the back of the prefects head.
"Sweetheart, please, it was just a joke. I-I never meant to hurt you. Please don't breakup with me." Azul cried out.
It sounded as if he was about to cry. Tears already brimming the bottom of his eyelid.
The prefect smiled gently and turned to cup Azul's cheeks into their hands.
"Help me study for this test and I'll take you back."
Azul was shocked to say the least, but he chuckled and agreed to his lover's words.
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s1ckh1mb0 · 1 year
Nsfw Eren x black male! reader blurb
CW- choking and sub! Reader and dom! Eren
Reader is male but is called pretty once
Not fully smut but still nsfw
Dealing with Eren was never easy, and you know that extremely well. It comes with being Eren pretty little boyfriend . Everyone knew he was a bit of a smart ass and that didn’t change for no one. But of course he tried to watch it when it came to “His boy”.
Yet again this is Eren we’re talking about so he’s bound to test your limits. Which lead to the two of you playfully arguing about nothing. But unfortunately he was determined to get the last word. Which led to the current situation, you in his lap ignoring him as he was trying to “apologize” which is just turns for him being cringy by bugging you and calling you cringy nicknames.
“Baby chill I was just playing around.” He rolled his eyes as you still didn’t respond to anything he said. Instead you went to get up and go to y’all room. “Since you wanna be so fucking funny you can keep talking bout my forehead and shit down here by yo motherfucking self.”
Before you even fully get up you were pulled right back into his lap. When you went to protest his large hand wrapped around your throat. Your breath hitched as he leaned down to your ear “You know I don’t really appreciate how you’re talking to me pretty boy so… I’ll fuck you until you’re too tired to even speak.~”
Should I make a part 2?
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polarisbibliotheque · 10 months
Writing Advice - Answering an Ask part 1
Hey everyone!! I recently got a super cute, beautiful and heartwarming ask requesting writing advices/how to beat writers block.
I wrote the answer on a doc and it has 3 pages, so I'm gonna be posting it in different parts - do forgive and AMAZING ANON WHO ASKED ME I HOPE YOU SEE THIS, IT'S PART OF YOUR ANSWER xD
Seriously, I've been sitting on this answer for a week now thinking how I'm gonna make it shorter >.<
So, without further ado, for the first part of the answer, I wanna tell a little bit about my writing journey - how I got from "not writing at all" to where I am now.
Because people think that you have a gift and words just flow like ambrosia in the cups of the gods - but I've actually started writing some pretty cringe stuff when I was 10 years old to get to a more poetic sort-of writing during my 29s currently.
THEREFORE, a little bit on how I got from cringy to still cringy but sometimes good writing ;)
I started by telling made-up stories to my sister when she couldn’t sleep and to my cousins during sleepovers because, I don’t know, they seemed to like my stupid little stories when I was 7 years old – or even younger. Sometimes I wrote some things, sometimes I didn't. But I was telling stories!
When I was 13, I discovered the magic world of fanfiction, and I wrote and published a HORRID thing on a fanfic website in my country, based on the band McFly that me and my sister adored back then (the gods have graced me with the power of deleting it and I thank immensely to that).
It was the first time I wrote AND published something to an audience outside of my friends/family.
After that, I kept on writing, and I moved to creating my own stories. When I was 14, I wrote a fanfic with the same band, but really the main theme was that I was an archeologist living in Egypt who researched on Atlantis and ended up finding the lost city. Somehow, I was allowed to climb the pyramids as well - because, you know, I ADORE Tomb Raider, and if Lara Croft could do it, so could I.
Told ya there would be some pretty cringy stuff in here, huh? xD
When I turned 15, I was bullied non-stop at school and so creating stories became my way to escape reality and have some fun with the people I wanted to meet in my life. I started carrying a notebook everywhere with me – it was my writing notebook. I had so many stories, and I never finished any of them (and good heavens, they are THE MOST cringy stuff, I’m glad they will NEVER see the light of day).
But I use the writing notebook thing to this day - whenever I'm travelling and internet isn't granted, I have somewhere to write.
I finished my FIRST novel when I was 16!! I was SO HAPPY about it!! It took me a year and a half writing it: a young adult book, kinda like Twilight (it was THE thing back then), with a secret society based on Arthurian Legend because I was a sucker for everything King Arthur (still am).
I can’t BEAR to read the first page of it nowadays, because c’mon. It was 15-year-old depressive me being bitter about everything and post-Twilight frenzy. The universe and worldbuilding has one HELL of a potential, but oh LORDS, it IS painful to read. I was a teen after all… But I finished a novel! If I haven’t done it, I wouldn’t be writing the way I’m writing today!
When I got into Law School, things got a little slow. I couldn't focus too much on writing and my social life improved a lot. I started tweaking my Arthurian story, but nothing too defined - I kept on writing lots of WIPs, though.
Around my 20’s, while I was close to graduating Law School, I started writing again… Supernatural fanfiction. With the SOLE PURPOSE of self-indulging, because I couldn’t find A SINGLE fanfiction that I could self-insert and love Dean Winchester while kicking some demon ass (sorry, I couldn’t resist the Nico inside me).
That led me to writing a 4-part Supernatural fanfiction that, honestly, for the next 6 years, it was the thing that made my heart soar while I was slaving away at a job I hated.
While I was overworking my ass off, I started writing (brace yourselves...) BTS fanfiction. I got into the band and some people from the website I wrote my Supernatural fanfic embraced me and kinda put me in the group and into the BTS world.
I was on the path of a burnout, so that became my escape - the girls from the website were so nice and we had many MANY writing projects of short stories. Throughout the years, I think I wrote around 25 or 30 stories, 40 pages max, to publish on this website and just have fun.
It started nice, but as time went by and I started moving out of the rom-com clichés (which are nice, don't get me wrong, we all love 'em) and became more existential and philosophic with a lot of metaphorical things while writing - and people stopped reading my work. I started to think I was bad, no one wanted to read because I lacked quality in my writing, or just my stories weren't so appealing as I thought. So I lost my will to write and slowly went back to my personal original stories.
When I hit 25 years old, I got fired and had a full burnout. I got really sick and my life literally stopped for the last 5 years - it has been hard, but that gave me time to sit back on my computer and recover ALL the books and stories I never finished writing.
I am NOT joking, I just counted all of them, and I have 65 DIFFERENT unfinished stories sitting on my Word folder right now on my computer. I also have a txt file I keep some “ideas that might be interesting to work on” and those have around 12 different full ideas of stories I might never write as well.
Upon hitting 27, I went back to writing niche fanfiction I didn't think anyone would want to read, so I published it here. I thought no one would want to read Devil May Cry fanfiction written by a woman who clearly worries more about the internal turmoil of characters rather than if what I'm writing is cute/rom-com like.
I opted for a more adult approach - given Dante and Vergil are adult men with lots of traumas, and I thought "hey, I don't have to write teenage things anymore, I can actually write how two adults would have difficult conversations and relationships in this fucked up world of ours" and that made a HUGE difference to my writing.
and once again thank the gods I found my people who like to read this sort of stuff :)
For quite a while, I was worried if what I was writing was consumable - you know, if the romance was that kind of tacky romantic thing to sweep you of your feet with perfect characters who don't exist, if people only have good times and are always laughing and having fun, if people enjoy touching each other 24/7 and being romantic and all that sugar coated stuff, if what I'm writing is politically correct, if it hasn't any subjects that are triggering or "wrong" in any sort of capacity... And that stiffed me. I lost my will to write and I stopped enjoying it, because I couldn't get my ideas out anymore.
Being quite honest, I'm not a person who had an easy, beautiful life. I had many things happen to me that made me understand Vergil on a soul level (and I think that's why I'm so comfortable writing him, as much as I hate that man), because I'm wary of people and my trust issues make me keep everyone at bay. I can only put my feelings safely out on my writing and my music, and I wasn't being able to.
So I tossed everything out of the window and started writing unhinged stuff. And oh, that made me feel SO good! I always smile a lot when re-reading my Cyberpunk-style story and a character called Abby tattoos on the ass of a corporate man that he is hers bitch, and when a "fallen angel" from my vampiric story smiles creepily and tells everyone she's got the most unhinged vampire on a leash and tells him to just kill everyone in the room for sheer revenge.
Not the best, politically correct stuff. Very wrong, by the way. But I had so much fun writing them, and it has so much character building behind these actions, it makes me feel nice :)
Out of all the 65 WIPs on my computer, I have around 5 that I think are really worth it for a full novel and so. They are:
My Arthurian Legend based novels. I outlined a series, I made character sheets, I planned and planned and planned... Since I'm 15, I've been thinking about it. Someday, who knows, this story will see the light of day.
My Cyberpunk-style novel. Halfway through it and every time I go "oh this is too heavy, I can't write this" I just toss the thought out of the window and go for it. Quite unhinged, very existential and grim, everyone is depressed and traumatized, but I love it :)
The Angel-Vampire stuff. Or, as I call it sometimes, the trip of an angel-like being going through the 7 deadly sins until finally falling for good, all aided by the most unhinged vampire in town. It's more like a villain origin story than anything else.
The Tea Shop thing. Oh, this one has been on my mind since 2018 and only now I've found some plot I like for it. Creation (yes, humanized form of creation) runs a tea shop and everything is fine until a woman enters and she has no Universe inside her eyes - and that is something to be afraid of. Doesn't make sense? Oh, yes, indeed. I'm going crazy with the concepts on this one, thanks to Neil Gaiman and The Sandman.
The rockstar guardian angel one. That's it. It's literally what the premise says: a woman has a dead rockstar as a guardian angel - and they couldn't be more opposite of each other. It doesn't help she's investigating his death and can talk to ghosts.
And my original vampire story, which I just call Nathan and Kathleen. I started this one when I was 16 or 17, so the writing is VERY cringy. I had just seen The Witcher 2 gameplay and, by then, I had never seen anything like it. As it's expected, I'm re-writing the 150 pages of unfinished work I already have.
Will this stop me from writing the other WIPs whenever I want to? Nah. I’ll keep on writing. Even if they are bad or horribly cringy.
Why am I blabbering about ALL this???
Because the most important stuff you can do is write.
You see, I didn't start out writing the way I do today - and I have so many stories, with so many pages, that I like so much, but I read it nowadays and I see I need to re-work them. And that's how you evolve! That's how you get better! By refining your abilities!
This is something I learned with the rockstars I love so much. None of them started out by playing perfectly - most of them had to sit down, listen and learn their instruments on their own. They got a LOT of things wrong to start getting something very simple right. And the more they play, the more they train, the more they refine, the better they become.
The same goes to writing - so, keep on writing! Everything you can, as much as you can, don’t feel bad about starting something new and never finishing another one, and don’t feel like you need to put out a masterpiece every time you sit to write.
Sometimes you just need to… Write.
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mjfsupremacy · 2 years
MJF on holiday
You are on holiday wearing your favorite wrestling shirt when you happen to see MJF during his time away.
This is literally nothing but it is inspired by that girl who posted on instagram that MJF made her promise not to post the photos they took until he came back.
You are standing in the city square when you spot him.
Maxwell Jacob Friedman.
You glance down at the oversized shirt you’re wearing, his smirking face emblazoned on your chest and your insides shrivel up in mortification. You literally can’t think of anything more embarrassing than the idea of meeting one of your favourite wrestlers (you have anxiety and you always found meet and greets a little cringy) but to meet them in a random sunny square, while on holiday, while wearing their face. You think you might actually die.
He is exploring the square just like you were with your best friend and despite only being a few meters away he hasn’t spotted you. You take that as a sign and turn on your heel only making it half a step before your best friend asks, “Hey isn’t that the Wrestler you’re in love with?” Normally you find that fact that your best friend doesn’t have an inside voice amusing. Today, as you wince and turn to face her with a mortified glare, you wish someone had ripped her vocal cords out as a child.
Sure, you had a teeny-tiny crush on MJF, but you held the belief that the entire city square of this random small town didn’t need to know that! “What is wrong with you? Were dropped on your head as child and it led to permanent volume deafness? That’s the only reason I can think for why you are yelling my business right now. Oh my god.”
You find Max, browsing trinkets on a table one down from where you stood, A giant smirk on his face. He’d definitely heard your best friend and you feel your face flame averting your eyes quickly. “But is it? He looks exactly like the dude on the shirt you’re wearing.” She tries to whisper and if you weren’t praying for a hole to open and swallow you, you might’ve given her some credit.
“Oh my god, yes it is, please lets go before I unalive right here.” You quickly glance over again and this time MJF is looking directly at you. He’s still smirking but there is a gentle look of pride in his dark gaze. You very awkwardly wave when your eyes connect, and he takes the few steps in you and your best friends’ direction.
“Nice shirt,” He comments, his smirk transforming into an actual smile. He seems to recognise you are anxious and you find it strangely calming that he is trying to be nicer to you.
“Thanks, it’s my favorite.” You smile back self-deprecatingly. He grins, offering his hand and introducing himself. You tell him your name and your best friend introduces herself as well. He chats with the pair of you for a little while about the local area and how you ended up here. You tell him how you loved the nuance of his feud with CM Punk and after a little bit of teasing (you didn’t want to be a bother on his holiday) Max, and your best friend convince you to take a photo with him.
“You can’t post this until I go back,” He warns, his arm around your waist. You raise a brow at him once your best friend has handed you your phone back. “And when will that be again?”
He smirks, giving your arm a quick squeeze. “When they pay me what I’m worth.” “Well then,” You grin in return, stepping away. “I hope they pay you soon, you are sorely missed on my TV."
"Of course I am, you are madly in love with me after all." He winks.
"Oh my god."
Three weeks later you are watching All Out and you can’t help but laugh when a masked figure saunters onto the stage during the ladder match. Like he said, you were madly in love with him and you would recognize that ass anywhere.
You post the photo and the story behind the photo on twitter after the main-event and he retweets it instantly, calling you a ‘Mark’ with a single black heart emoji.
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isatumbles · 1 year
My brain is mush as we speak and I have 0 clue if thats healthy its most likely not so yahoo
And ofc obligatory self-awareness moment if yall are annoyed by me posting his werewolf ass ten million times I severely apologize I am aware this is the epitome of cringe and is very repetitive, plæse lmk if you are uncomfy
So uh this is a really cringy and dumb personal AU of mine known as Blacksuit, where its Mayor Shelbourne having to reluctantly go to meetings/openings during a full moon before he learnt how to control his tfs (Prob takes place early in The Cure so uh 😭), resulting in some goofy shenaniganery 🥲
This barely adds anything to the plot imo hence why its just a personal thing, but uhhh a fella got too attached 😳
First one is a large comic so thatll have the text below
The rest will have ALT Text for easy understanding!
Warning - Some of this has profanity bc yes
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Panel 1: Werewolf Shelbourne speaks to Gil whilst itching his arm with his foot
Shelbourne: Welp, can't turn back now.. I'm gonna have to go like this
Panel 2: Shelbourne is on the ground and letting out a sigh in impatience. Gil is brushing his back, having already brushed his hair, mane, and arms.
Gil: Is this enough?
Shelbourne: -Sighs- That'll do..
Panel 3: Shelbourne is admiring the black suit he is wearing that Gil found (Basically he found it in Shelbourne's closet, I dont have a fixed backstory on it so its either A. It was a suit Shelbourne forgot to return or B. A suit gifted by Hector that was too large)
Shelbourne: Hm. I can get used to this
Panel 4: The two are at the meeting. Gil formally warns the people at the meeting about Shelbourne's condition, as so they don't freak out
Gil: As the son of Mayor Shelbourne, please accept my apology of any tardiness of this meeting. My dad has lycanthropy, so he will look vastly different from what he usually looks like. Excuse any wolf-like behavior at the time of this meeting. Thank you
Panel 5: Shelbourne, behind a door, asks Gil if he has said his warning, Gil peeks over and confirms
Shelbourne: Have you explained it?
Gil: Yes!
Panel 6: Finally, Mayor Shelbourne sits on an office chair in a wolfish manner, greeting the people there
Shelbourne: Hello
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dimpledlianfang · 2 years
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Guess who's back 😅.
Minshan: *entering his room to see xue yang on his bed*
Xue yang: *busy laughing and reading*
Minshan: what are you doing in my room!!
Xue yang: reading your journal, what else! You're such a simp.
Minshan: excuse me?! And give me back my diary!!
Xue yang: nop. I want to read it out loud! You have written a lot about Jiggy.
Minshan: don't you dare!! *turns red* what if he hears!
Xue yang: this place is like two mansions in one. He won't hear a thing. But.....I'll definitely show him!
Minshan: you idiot! Don't show him anything! I said give it back!!
Xue yang: dear diary, I'm in love with my friend/master/boss Jin guangyao. And I want to kill Lan xichen and xue yang for him.
Hey! Why kill me?! Why not nie mingjue?!
Minshan: because you're easier to kill.
Xue yang: not true! I always escape death!
Xue yang: *continuing* my heart fluttered when he remembered my name. I couldn't contain my emotions! I even got to hold his hand ~sniffles~ I hope that one day I can get the opertunity to brush his hair so that I can take a few strands of his hair.
Ew! Stop being gross!
Minshan: oh come on. Don't you agree?
Xue yang: .......sort of. But this isn't about me *laughs* you little simp.
Yao: *enters* hey guys.
Xue yang: Su she has a crush on you!!
Minshan: don't listen to xue yang!
Yao: what *laughs*
Minshan: well I can't lie to you. I worship the ground you walk on. And yes *cries* I have a crush on you.
Yao: awwwwwwww.
Xue yang: gross right?
Xue yang: it's cute when I do it.
Yao: I felt like I knew that you both had a crush on me. But I can't help that I have an advantageous face.
Xue yang: and those sharp dimples.
Minshan: it's his weapon.
Yao: oh stop flattering me *chuckles* yes yes those are my weapons.
Minshan do you want to have some tea together later?
Minshan: sure.....Jiggy. Why? All of a sudden.
Yao: ah. I have realized that we never had much time together, leisurely. Since that I know how you feel.
Minshan: I would love to have tea with you!
Xue yang: I'm not gonna be no third wheel for that walking trashcan.
Yao: *chuckles* Muffin.
Xue yang: I'll work on talismans.
Yao: that will be great. Make them strong.
Xue yang: that's a must.
Yao: Now let's go. We have a conference to attend to.
Minshan: another one?
Yao: yup. I planned it all week.
Xue yang: Jiggybun do you sleep?
Minshan: I think he runs on tea lol.
Yao: yea I take my naps.
Yao: *entering with xue yang and Minshan behind him*
He looks so powerful and respected whenever he enters. Winning the hearts of who adore him.
Clan members: *repetitively* may our laozu live long. May he reign for eternity!!
Yao: *spins and sits on his throne dramatically, then crosses his legs.* Such a pleasure to meet you all.
Yao: let's get down to business. Give me your stats.
Cultivators: we have dealt with a lot of work over the pass week. We're better than before.
Yao: good.
Yao: just remember. They should know about the clan and not the clan leader.
Cultivators: right!
Minshan: I made tea for you *pouring*
Yao: *smiles* thank you.
Xue yang: must be poisoned. Or from something. Or some wild grass.
Minshan: I'm not like you.
Yao: *laughs* but it's delicious.
Minshan: those are imported tea leaves. From Dongying.
Yao: I see. You know I like Dongying a lot.
Minshan: well I'm a man of class.
Xue yang: no you're just an ass.
Minshan: Xue yang! Aren't you supposed to be somewhere else!
Xue yang: was. But I changed my mind. I find you're so funny with your cringy self. It's entertaining.
Minshan: *rolls eyes* as we were saying A-Yao. You look really cute today. What are you going to do with that situation?
Yao: monitor it for a while, then take action.
Minshan: that's good. I'll do some spying on my own.
Yao: yes. Both of you make a good team. You both should do some spy work under the disguise of a special night hunt.
Minshan: will do!! But xue yang and I are not compatible.
Xue yang: yea I might stab him.
Yao: *laughing* please don't!
Minshan: we're frenemies.
Xue yang: without the friend part.
Yao: oh my *laughing*.
Yao: guys do you think I need a short break from work? I think I'm getting stress pimples.
Xue yang: go for it. You have people to do your work for you. *pulls out knife*.
Minshan: put down your butter knife.
Xue yang: I'll show you butter knife!
Xue yang: on a second thought, I think it is a butter knife. My opponent's tongues always slice off like butter.
Minshan: one sick sick man.
Minshan: *holds hand* A-Yao. You were hot when you slapped that guy. And yes I believe that you should have a evening off.
Yao: you're right. *takes off hat* i think I need to wash my hair too.
Minshan: I'll do it for you!
Xue yang: and I'll do your facial. To get rid of your stress pimples. L
Yao: right! I'll have an evening off! But I have to check some paperwork before that.
Xue yang: no! Don't you know what a vacation is?!! Jiggybun, you got to relax.
Minshan: take care of your stress pimples.
Yao: ah you guys are right.
Minshan: and I'll wash your silky hair.
Yao: sounds delightful.
(Always ongoing)
@verycatbluebird (here's some more)
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amorevolousfaith · 2 years
Chapter 9: That’s My Girl
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Paring: Marcus Moreno X Reader
Rating: +18 (NO MINORS)
Word Count: 1.4K
Warning: adult language, consumption of alcohol, minor character deaths, hella angst, lots of self-doubt, strangulation, smut, betrayal, death threats.
Summary: Being a single mom is hard, being a single mom to your sister’s kid is hard, being a single mom to your sister’s super powered kid is harder, and being a single mom to your sister’s super powered kid while working as a villain is hardest. It doesn’t help that your kids want to be a superhero, it also doesn’t help that all those super heroes really hate your guts. But, you're making it work.
Note: I really took this kid’s show out of proportion guys....
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I sit on the floor in front of the giant screen, watching Meria toss whole grown ass men across hallways. I grin savagely as she snaps her head back seeing the child in the wheelchair call out to her. I watch her roll her eyes with sass before punching the next man to come at her. Just as she does, the child in the wheelchair uses one kid’s stretchy arm as an arm bar to lift him out of his chair. The chair then goes barreling at not only the horde of aliens but Meria too. The guards are run over but Meria jumps and flips just in time, flipping over the wheelchair in a surprisingly not so cringy hero pose.
“I didn’t teach her that? Did you teach her that?” I questioned Marcus, the man sent me a smug smile as he shrugged. I scoff and turn my eyes back to the screen, continuing to watch my kid kick some ass. The other kids are just as impressive, the children who can fast forward and reverse time combining their powers to make some trippy shit happen. “Did you see that team work?” Kung Fu Fist questions, “Just like their parents!” Red Lighting awes. I let out a condescending laugh only to receive a firm tap to the back by Marcus to keep me from making an out of pocket comment.
Once the children clear the hall they make it out to the launch site of the take over. I watch the screen carefully, wondering what the hell is in that thing, but given the fact this is a test I’d guess nothing too dangerous. The children band together to figure out how to stop the thing only to discover a traitor in their mists, or reveal said traitor. “You mean to tell me that cute little girl is an alien?” I puzzle looking at the screen, squinting my eyes to see her little tentacles.
My eyes widen to see monsters start popping out of her tablet, “Holy shit.” I gap. “Who’s kid is that?” I question turning back to the adults, “Granada’s.” Marcus infroms, “No shit.” I laugh turning back to the screen. My eyes stay glued to the screen as I watch the children whip out all the best tricks, Blinding Fast’s kid kicking ass with the help of the twins. But my breath is stolen as I watch Meria press the little tool in her hand, the very special tool from her panic bag, the tool extending out to a five foot long spear in an instant. She glares as the squid monster before her, spinning her spear with damn near perfect form. She gains momentum that way before she’s blinding the monster with a bright flash of light, the monster roars and turns away only for her to launch the spear right into its eye. “That’s my girl.” I grin as she runs to catch the spear before it hits the ground while the monster dispurses.
The other children run about doing the best they could to get rid of all the monsters they can, one little girl conducting the whole thing like she was born for it, it made my eyes fall to Marcus. “That's your little girl?” I question, gently pointing to the girl on the screen, Marcus hums with a proud smile. “She’s smart, brave too.” I smile watching as she points Meria at a new monster. My sunshine child grinning like she’s having the time of her life and nods before running after the monster. My eyes widen as she’s suddenly launching herself at a monster spear first, “Now I definitely didn’t teach her that.” I accuse Marcus, the man laughs with that same smug smile. “I know a thing or two about spears, it just so happens Meria wanted to work on her spear rather than her martial arts.” He shrugs as if just moved a block from one place to another, “Smug bastard.” I kiss my teeth nudging him with my shoulder before turning my eyes back to the screen.
I laugh seeing a small child on top of a giant metallic shark, no doubt Shark Boy and Lava Girl’s little gremlin. But all seems to stand still as Marcus’s little girl balances herself on a tightrope made of one kid’s arm, over an open pit no less. My eyes flicker between the screen and Marcus, worry iched over his face as he stands and gets closer to the screen. The girl leads two monsters onto the rope, but my heart plumments when she signals for the rope to drop. My mouth falls open as I watch her fall, only for the kid with the stretchy arms to catch her. “Holy shit, Marcus! Your kids got some balls.” I exhale sharply, pressing a hand to my beating heart.
With all the monsters gone the kid in the wheelchair is finally able to finish the piece of hardware to stop the take over. Over for the baby alien to knock right from their hands, it falls into one of the pits landing at the bottom. I’m honestly surprised it didn’t break. The stretchy arm kid goes to grab it but it is too far down, the next thing I know Blinding Fast’s kid is jumping down the pit. His slowed time softing the fall for him to land safely and grab the drive. “Slow and steady wins the race huh, Blinding?” I tease, the man turns to look at me with a sheepish smile, “Yeah, guess you're right.” he chuckles. “Of course I am.” I snark, watching as another kid pops from nowhere.
That kid pops down to fetch Blinding’s kid only to fly back up with him in hand. The stretchy kid is then able to trade out the dash boards. “That's our cue!” Marcus grins, my eyes go wide as the room starts to shake the adults walking to the door of the cell. I get to my feet and follow after them, careful to watch where I step as a light blinds me. The heroes along the line strike a pose and I merely stand there, Marcus elbows me and I let out a sigh before crossing my arms.
The child alien smiles as she talks to children, telling them the purpose of this test. Marcus being the man he is, coughs over to Miracle Guy when she mentions how past heroes have used their powers to fuel their egos. “HA!” I laugh pointing a finger at him, only to revive a hard tap to the back by Marcus. Seconds later platforms rise to fill the holes in the floor but I don’t wait for them, lightning strikes down consuming me before striking again closer to Meria. I fall to my knees and wrap my arms around her. An overwhelming sense of relief floods me as I hold her. Her unnatural body heat warming me up, “God I love you.” I breathe out, “You scared me!” She snaps pulling away. “Sorry Sunshine, I got… carried away.” I mumble. She doesn’t need to know the cruelty in the world, not when it isn’t directed at her.
“Soo,” She draws out looking over my shoulder, glancing behind me I see Marcus and his family looking over at us. I sent her a small smile, “It’s alright, go.” I encourage jerking my head over in their direction. Meria grins before bouncing over to their family, something that despite how hard I try, I can’t give her. I sit back on the floor watching her face light up as Marcus praises her and Anita pats her shoulder. Marcus spares a glance over to me before looking back down to Meria, he leans down and whispers something in her ear. Whatever it was she then turns and runs back over to me, I don’t even get a word out before she yanks me to my feet and dragging me over to the small family.
I felt my face heat up a little as Marcus smiles at me, ushering me over as the girls giggle with one another. “Thanks Marcus,” I whisper watching as the girls babble along to Anita, “You can thank me by letting me take you out to dinner?” He prompts. I felt my cheeks flare wildly before a smirk slipped onto my lips, “Is the leader of the heroics actually asking the city’s best villain out on a date?” I tease. “I guess he is.” He chuckles.
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gaywriting · 5 days
Out of the Blue book review
Out of the Blue by Jason June (2022)
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"I love you," I whisper. "I wish I could hear you say that forever. Keep it in a shell to press to my ear and listen to for the rest of my life." (p. 372)
I finished this May 21, 2024
The story follows awkward, rom-com fanatic, high school swimmer, lifeguard Sean and how his heartbreak after being broken up with by his boyfriend leads to him meeting a literal fish out of water, the merperson, sassy, sarcastic, nonbinary Crest (human name Ross). Ross is on The Journey, a mission every mer must go through. They have to be on the surface for a month and help a human, or they will turn into a human permanently. Ross is very unhappy with this, but decides to help Sean in getting his boyfriend back. This plan leads to a fake relationship, that soon starts feeling more real than anything the two have ever felt before.
This book tells a story of learning to appreciate your own self worth before anyone elses and the meaning of connection and community. Also a story with a nonbinary character, that explains it in their own way, and having the other characters just accept it so easily was lovely. It's very much a teenage romance book. The language was simple and the whole merfolk thing was done quite silly, in my opinion. As I've stated before, merpeople are one of my favorite mythology "monsters" and I've read my fair share, but usually it's a little more dark than this. June decided to go the disney route, but that's not necessarily bad. It fits the mood of this book quite well actually. The language felt very Wattpad-y and i nearly dnf-ed it because i'm almost 30, so it was a bit cringy for me. I don't feel like books written like this shouldn't be, because teens need to find representation as well as anybody, but just be aware that these kinds of books will often, if not always, age really badly. There were already outdated refs and the book isn't even that old yet. Concidering how casual the characters were about them having sex, i would prefered them to be older than 16. I know 16 y/o do do it, but in media, maybe age them up just a bit more than that, so it doesn't feel Suuuper weird reading. I also found the ending a bit jarring. While i did like that it was different than what usually happens in merfolk romances, i dont know if this was the way to go about standing out. It made me feel like all the romance scenes and character development did not matter much in the end. Can't say much more without spoiling too much
I did enjoy the dates that Sean and Ross were on, it was romantic and welldone. The relationship and dynamic between them was cute. Ross was such a dickhead and i like characters like that, but i see, that some people found it really annoying. Personally i found Sean to be the more exhaustive one of the two, since he really didn't know what he wanted, like ever, and kept going on about his ex that was just clearly an ass.
If you love a good fake dating trope and wanna see a really good nonbinary character, maybe even some merfolk romance then I recomment checking this book out 💙🐠
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sweetpinkxpersonal · 1 year
As a female who’s started to be confident in myself and working out sometimes hearing the compliments is really annoying after a while.
When old men start hitting on me even more I absolutely cringe.
Things that I wasn’t able to tell people except my best friend include:
Flirting with someone I currently work with and broke that off because the store spreads mad rumors, I had fun so its been okay, nothing is super awkward afterwards. 
Going on a date with a man that I barely met on tinder TWICE.
The first time was probably scary as shit since no one really had my location but knowing that I absolutely decided to meet this man at his place, turn him down twice for sex (LMAO, such self control) but then having him pop back every so often is so wild. The second time I met him the deed was done. (Of course I was safe LOL). He now likes my IG posts about working out lmao. And tried to hook up with me again but I politely declined.
Having my old coworker/checker/meat dept guy confess his absolute love for me. In the most weirdest way, wouldn’t want to get off the phone with me. Dropping hella compliments, bringing up the fact that my ass looks good (yes it got weirder and cringier). Told me once we were looking for an item together in the freezer and he wanted to kiss me (can’t remember if I was still a checker at the time or an actual manager, but realizing now that I was most likely a manager. BRUH). Told me he was hitting on me from day one since we met but me being me, never knew and always played nice. He also stated that he wanted to tie me up and other shit. All while still currently with his girlfriend of 2 years. Absolutely cringy. 
My birthday was on Jan 4th, and a senior clerk from my old store who I’ve never really talked to much posted on my Facebook “Happy Birthday Gorgeous” (PERFECT. SO not only did the guy I used to work with call me that while he was on the phone drunk with me, but this guy too?). SIDE NOTE: I sent that screenshot to my best friend the other day. 
The time when one of my current GM clerk asked me out for dinner and drinks but I declined and he was texting me while I was closing and when I dropped the fact that I was on the phone with my bf (AKA my bestfriend not boyfriend but lmaooo) he stopped texting me/flirting with me.
I got added by someone who used to run the meat dept at my current store and he then proceeded to hit one me. Kept DMing me on instagram (awkward), left him on read a couple times and he finally got the hint. 
Men. Dude, just men in general. 
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fraudulence-paradox · 2 years
            So, for the past summer, I got an internship at IBM. It was pretty nice, all things considered. A------ and I moved to NYC for about 4 months (which was a huge pain in the ass. Getting housing for 4 months with 4 weeks notice is not easy. We just got an AirBnB.) and it was great! I mean, we didn’t fight or anything, not really. I think we cohabitated really well.
            While we were there, we did all the cool tourist stuff: we went to the MoMA, the Met, Central Park, the Statue of Liberty, I mean everything. It was nice while it lasted. But now I’m back.
            The actual work was nice too. I mean, it’s not worth getting into the technical, but the high-level version is I’ll maybe, and I mean maybe get a paper out of it, but it’s really a lame one. Like, what we were working on, in hindsight, is not anything anyone gives a shit about. Whatever. It was fine. They did the whole “big tech company internship” thing. The break room had an X-Box (that as far as I know was never turned on), bean bags—that did get used a fair amount actually—and a coffee machine, which was sort of redundant, given all the free coffee machines in that building.
            It was maybe the biggest building I’ve ever worked in. I mean, I’ve been in some large buildings, but it was bizarre working for a company that owned the entire building I was in. The last place I worked, research assistantships notwithstanding, was a level above a startup, but still just rented like, half a floor of an office building. The IBM Watson research center was fucking huge. Absolutely dope. I mean, look: my teenage punkrock self is a little disappointed I was even working for a Fortune 500 company, I’m a sell-out, yada yada. But I dunno. It was cool to work there. And the coolest part, at least I think, was that they recruited me. I think they saw my paper in NDSS and reached out.
It was good to the point where I seriously considered going into industry instead of academia, but now that I’m back, I just don’t know. Like, don’t get me wrong, it was great, but I just think the whole image, the idea around being a professor some day, that’s so much better than being another cog in a corporate machine. Not to mention, now that I’m back home, and I’m still working for them as a part time co-op, I can take a step back from the whole magical recruiting instrument that interning is and see how the sausage is made. For example, I got a direct message from one of my managers about how he finished up some paperwork on a Sunday at 7PM. Like, what the hell. Not a what the hell that he expected me to respond (he didn’t, I don’t think), but what the hell, why is he still on the clock? I can get putting in some extra hours for personal projects, but I just can’t comprehend putting them in for a megacorp. I think that’s what really sealed the deal for me. I don’t want to go into that world. Sure, profs have to do that sort of thing too, but at least it’s in the pursuit of knowledge instead of profits. I don’t know. Maybe I’m still that dumbass punk teen and I just can’t abide working for a huge corporation. Who knows. But that life just isn’t for me.
In other news, A------ and I just went to visit Uncle L------e and Aunt B-- (now going by the mononym “Dale” for whatever reason—it’s not that she’s trans or something. She explained that going by a male moniker makes her feel “stronger”, which to me undermines her whole feminist badass hippie thing, but who the fuck knows). It was nice, as always, but I always leave their place with the strangest feeling. When I was a teen, and especially in my early college years, they always encouraged me to pursue the creative arts. Uncle L------e was always a bit of a “hero” of mine (as cringy as that is to put into words). He’s a professor at [University]; he’s always tinkering with some strange electronics project; he’s extremely well read in philosophy, theology, and random humor from the 40’s. Just all around, a cool guy to hang around. But I always leave their place feeling slightly off.
I don’t want to say feeling inadequate, because that’s not quite it. They don’t make me feel like I’m not good enough or anything. It’s more, I feel like I should be doing more. I guess that’s almost the same thing. For some stupid reason, I care a great deal about what they think of me. I want them to think I’m the renegade artist, renaissance man I used to be—or at least, used to aspire to be. But when I go see them, increasingly I don’t have much to say. They ask what I’m up to, and the answer is always just that I’m in school. I’m doing something so technical and uninteresting to most people that it’s hard, and almost fruitless to even try to explain. And when I try to vocalize what it is that I’m actually working on, it sounds even to me as boring as it sounds to everyone else. I mean, who wants to talk about graph algorithms’ applications in intrusion detection on multi-host systems? Inductive temporal node embeddings? No one fucking cares. I really don’t think there’s even a way to make that sound exciting without going straight into the math (and good luck making optimized matrix multiplication interesting).
Don’t get me wrong here, I think this stuff is fun to think about. It’s a hard problem, and even though I couldn’t really give a shit about whoever’s computer system being impervious to cyber-attacks, it’s still fun to think about—at least to me. But I’m spending all of my time during the day on this stuff. And look, no one’s academic work is especially interesting or exciting, but sometimes I look at what A------ is researching, or just what people in like Nature are publishing and I do get a little jealous. I mean, I’ll never write a paper as interesting as “Women’s techniques for pleasure from anal touch” (Hensel, Devon J., et al. PLOS One 17.6, 2022). How can “StreamConv: Real-time Provenance Graph Embeddings for Anomaly Detection” (Me et al., who the hell knows Symposium, 20XX) possibly compare?
I also just see UL doing these cool projects and feel a little bad I’m not doing stuff like that. I don’t know. I remember going there as a teenager, so full of possibilities, doing weird little science projects with him, talking about philosophy, translating strange Latin couplets from Matrial and Catullus with him. I don’t do any of that stuff anymore. Now I’m this boring, erudite computer guy. Who cares? Where’s the fun?
I know that they don’t really care, and they probably are proud of me for going to grad school. They empathize with the whole doing boring stuff because it’s what gets grants. I know all of this. But it still feels a little bad. They don’t make me feel bad, I just do. It’s hard to explain.
Anyway. I guess that’s all for now.
Oh, shit. How could I forget. Apparently I have HPV. Not like the warts on my dick variety, just the “maybe you gave your girlfriend cancer” variety. A------ got an abnormal pap smear a few months ago, went in for a follow-up, and they took a chunk of cervix to check for cancer. All because I couldn’t not have constant sex during college. Fucking kill me. She’ll in all likelihood be fine, but still. Jesus Christ. How could I have done that to her? Fuck, man. I mean, we waited like, 2 years before we did anything penetrative, but somehow she still got it? Like that’s gotta mean it’s one of the bad strains, right? Fuck. I mean, look. I learned through all of this that 80% of the American population gets HPV at some point. It’s not a huge deal, but still. I got a dirty dick. Oh well. But if it leads to her getting cancer or something, I just don’t know how I could ever forgive myself.
I wish I knew who gave it to me. I’m a little tempted to just shoot out a few texts to people I hooked up with in the past 5 or so years and be like, “hey, I got HPV from one of you. Get checked for cervical cancer. Also fuck you”, but that seems a tad juvenile. Oh well. At least it goes away after a few years.
PSA, by the way: most STI’s aren’t really a huge deal. When I was dating R-----a, she learned she had Chlamydia. She told me, and I went to get checked out, and the doctor basically said, “well, we’ll test for it, but I’m just gonna prescribe you a megadose of antibiotics, and if you have it, you won’t in a week. If you don’t, then you’ll have a tummy ache for a day and then be fine”. HPV as it turns out just goes away in about 2 years for most people (a bit alarming given that that doesn’t totally fit the timeline for A------ and I, but it’s possible she got it from other, non-penetrative sex stuff we were doing beforehand, and this is her 2 years with it). So yeah. I guess the moral is use a condom, even for oral? I don’t know. There is no moral. This is a very scattered entry. I guess there’s just a lot going on.
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sio-writes · 2 years
A Botanist’s Guide - Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 1
The walk to the greenhouse is a long one compared to the lab, one I didn't time correctly, and now I'm jogging down the dirt path in the morning sun.
Kri is already waiting outside, exoskeleton shimmering in the light, and I offer him a short wave.
"Sorry," I say out of habit, pressing my hand to the bio-scanner on the door. "Mandatory exercise went a little over."
Kri looks me up and down, a slow movement of his eyes, and I blush. Usually for workouts I just wear sweats and an oversized shirt, but I haven't done laundry in a hot minute, so I had to dig out old clothes. Today I'm in bright orange leggings and a yellow top over a black sports bra. I felt like a traffic cone walking out of my apartment this morning, but it was all I had. And the way Kri is staring at me makes my stomach do flips.
I fold my arms over my chest self-consciously and look to the side, hating how I shrank down. "Is there a problem?"
In my peripherie, I see Kri start, like I pulled him out of his thoughts. His wings do that flutter thing and he clears his throat.
"Not at all, please," and he gestures into the greenhouse.
Walking in, I frown to myself. He's definitely uncomfortable, so this outfit is a no-go from now on. I'll just have to bring a change of clothes whenever we come in from the gym.
I'm not tiny like Jillie, or made of muscle like Diana. There's places on me that're soft, that bulge out or jiggle when I move. Even the strict diet and exercise routines given by NASA only dropped me a few pounds before everything evened out. I was never self conscious about my weight growing up, my parents never made me feel bad about it, so most of my adult life I had a neutral stance on my body.
Stephen was the one that undid all that.
I don't like thinking about it-- the comments on my weight, the sideways glances whenever I ate, the condescension during exercise. It was hell, and I knew it was hell, but I'd thought he'd had my best interests at heart. I thought it was some dumb guy way of caring about me. Turned out to be a push to mold me into something I wasn't. I still feel stupid remembering it.
Kri walks past me without another word, and I fight off a wave of disappointment.
A part of me, a small, itty-bitty, teensy tiny part…wanted him to notice. Despite looking like a stripe on a runway, this is a good fit. I actually felt pretty hot walking out this morning. I was a traffic cone but, like, a sexy one. Granted, that diminished when I got sweaty and disgusting, but I still flipped my hair over my shoulders and felt like the baddest bitch at the Outpost. I felt confident, and that's supposed to be sexy, right? I'd thought maybe Kri tells me I look nice with my hair tied back, or notes the bright colors look good with my skin tone. Hell, I'd take a quip about not being dressed professionally.
But I got nothing.
I want to know what Kri thinks of me-- if he thinks of me at all. Does his culture value a specific body type? Do I look weird only having two arms, legs with a single knee joint? Ento don't hold a lot of body fat, does my excess disgust him?
I shake my head at myself. Why do I even care what he thinks? I've known him for a month. I shouldn't care what anyone thinks. "Especially a guy," as Jillie would say.
I wouldn't even consider him a close friend. A close coworker, maybe. 
I sigh heavily, my breath pushing a strand of hair out of my eyes. Whatever.
I set my bag on one of the long tables running the wall of the greenhouse, willing my mind to switch gears. I need to focus on the plants, not my moderately sexy ass in these leggings. I was being ridiculous. Kri is all business, and I shouldn't have expected any different.
It takes a few minutes to organize all my crap and get my laptop started, and I've yet to hear any scratching coming from Kri. Usually he starts right away, like an intern taking minutes at a meeting, but it's oddly silent.
I set out the supplies to test the water, cringing at the heavy purifying solution needed for the hose in the greenhouse. The solution is full of chemicals and I know every single one, but I'm worried how it's going to affect the plants. The water out here comes from the outpost, and it's like city water: Hard, unfiltered, and full of bacteria. It'll take twice as long to filter since we have to do it twice, and we still have to take pictures of every single plant.
Resisting the urge to glance behind me, I open up my report document and jot down my notes. I really would like Kri's help again today. Like yesterday, there's a lot to do and I'm worried about getting overwhelmed. On top of the daily watering and documenting, I need to finalize all my notes for the milestone and compile it all into a report that I've been putting off writing for way too long now. 
I've never been good at reports. When I was in school I tried my best to avoid them, letting my more creatively inclined peers write to their hearts' content. When it got to my dissertation I just jotted down the facts and their logical conclusions. Now, on Summanus, I'd normally let Jillie write them for me. Not that I forced her, she loves to write, but she's not here to help right now.
"So Kri," I say to my computer screen, looking resolutely at my own reflection in the monitor.
His deep voice rings out, "Yes?" 
I turn in my chair, palms pressed together, mouth open to speak, but I pause.
Kri is checking over the plants again, looking into Dr. Markesh's hybrids. He's crouched on the floor, examining one of the larger pots, gently pressing his fingers into the soil to see if it needs water. Every few seconds his antennae twitch and he tilts his head to one side or the other, and he makes a soft trilling sound. Is that just a noise he makes or is he speaking in his language again? 
"Uh," I say very eloquently.
Kri notices me looking and jumps up, banging his head on the table. The impact rattles everything and I hold back a laugh behind my hand. 
I lean forward over the center table to take a look at him, unable to keep the smile out of my voice. "You alright?" 
"Fine," he bites out. Standing, I hold back a grin at him rubbing the back of his head, hearing more than seeing his wings flutter for the second time this morning. It makes me wonder if the fluttering could mean more than one thing. It definitely means "uncomfortable," but what else?
"Did you need something?" he asks.
I stick out my lower lip and give him my best Totally Not Asking For Help face. "There's a lot to do."
Kri pauses to look at me, eyes wide. A moment passes, and another, like he's processing what I just said.
"Nevermind," I say quickly and turning back around, busying my hands with my stuff, hoping my awkwardness doesn't look too obvious. 
"Dr. Rowland," Kri starts, and I wave him off nervously.
"Cassie," I say, still trying to look busy and quickly running out of things to straighten on my desk. "I told you, just call me Cassie."
"Cassie," Kri says, voice firm, and I wrench my gaze from my computer to him.
"Do you require assistance," he says, more a statement than a question. 
After a long moment, I nod, avoiding his intense stare. 
Sighing, Kri walks over, stopping next to my chair. I instantly feel bad for asking him to help again.
"Sorry," I say automatically. I shouldn't have asked. I should've been able to do this myself.
"Why?" Kri asks, picking up the test tubes and litmus solution.
I shrink down into my chair. "I bothered you."
Kri chuckles, and I decide I like the sound. "If you truly bothered me, I would be sure to tell you."
Relief washes through me like water. "I believe you."
Glaring at the computer screen doesn't actually write my report for me, but it helps me feel better. It's been this stupid little stare-off for at least ten minutes now, and I'm losing. I have no idea where to start, all I can see are the bullet points I made as an outline.
Filtered water
Planted seeds
Watered plants
Put samples in greenhouse
Watered again
I rub my hands across my face. This isn't a report, let alone a scientific paper that needs to have sections and a timeline. All my finished reports have been over ten pages long, even longer with bigger experiments like this one. I'm never gonna write this before the milestone is due, and I'm not gonna have anything to show for it.
I glance to the side, watching in the reflection Kri watering the individual samples. Would he write my report for me?
I huff out a laugh, and shake my head. Definitely not. 
He's going out on a limb even helping me like this. I appreciate the hell out of it, but I know not to expect it once Jillie comes back. He never brought it up, but interfering like this puts his job on the line. He's taking a huge risk just watering the samples. Something about messing with the efficiency. But he's never brought it up, not once.
Will he be back to his grouchy self once everything settles? Will he go back to being quiet? I'd rather have him making comments about my experiment than the quiet that came after. Although, he did mention he was so quiet because he didn't know how to talk to me.
Well, now he does, so what does that mean now? Will Jillie, Kri, and me be friends now?
I rub my hands over my face again. I need to…do something else.
Standing from my chair, I walk over to my temporary assistant and lean over until I'm sure he can see me. I feign nonchalance and ask, "Watcha doin'?"
Kri gives me a suspicious sidelong glance, hands not stopping in their task. "Watering the samples, as you directed."
"And how's that goin'?"
Kri sighs. "I'll be running out of water soon, so I will need to--" he levels a glare my way. "This is your experiment, aren't you aware of the particulars?"
"Yeah," I admit. "I'm just bored."
He blinks slowly at me. "Incorrect. You simply don't want to be at the computer. You've been breathing heavily for the past fifteen minutes."
I grimace. "I was sighing."
"That report is tantamount to your experiment's success," Kri says, continuing to water the samples. They look so small in their little planter homes. Pretty soon--if I don't  get axed-- we'll have to move everything outside and hope the Summanian water doesn't kill them.
I reach for the watering container in Kri's hands. "Here, I'll do that."
He immediately pulls away and looks down at me. "You have an assignment to do."
I cross my arms over my chest. "Yeah but you just said: I don't wanna do it right now." I reach for the container again, and Kri holds it over his head, water sloshing on the floor.
"No," he says, eyes narrowing, hands coming to rest on my shoulders and keeping me back.
His hands on my shoulders only spur me on and I reach out again for the water. "Come on, Kri, I need a break."
"You typed your name and the experiment's title," he says, taking a step back. "That hardly constitutes a break."
I step forward, annoyed. "Give me the damned water."
Kri shakes his head, taking another step back. 
On instinct I take another step forward, but my foot lands on a puddle of water and slides out from under me.
The worlds tilts backwards and I close my eyes in anticipation of my head hitting the ground. Instead, I feel a strong arm around my back, another pulling my arm, and I open my eyes.
Kri is less than two inches away from my face.
This close, I'm mystified. I can see my reflection in the inky blackness of his eyes, pinched with concern. I can trace the lines of the plates on his face, see the small flecks of colors that permeate his exoskeleton even in such small pieces. His breath puffs against my face, warm like the rest of him. I want to run my hands over his face, feel where the dark skin gives way to plating.
My heart lurches on my chest. That's not a good thought. I imagine cutting that thought off like nipping a rose bush. Boop, gone.
"Are you alright?" He asks, and I'm barely registering that he's standing us up, righting my feet underneath me.
"Huh?" I ask, brain too scrambled to give any other reply.
"I asked if--"
"Yes!" I say a little too loudly, brain catching up with my ears. "Yes, I'm good."
Kri takes a step back, wings fluttering for a long moment before he clamps them down with one hand.
My jaw tenses, and the silence makes me wish I'd fallen and been knocked out instead. "Thank you," I force out.
"Of course," he says, voice stiff. It's like he's frozen
Another horribly awkward silence, and I'm scrambling for anything to do.
"I'm gonna, uh, start something."
Kri seems to shake awake, and nods like he's feeling just as awkward as I am. "Right."
I decide my thing to do will be documenting. Taking pictures is an easy, mindless task. It'll allow me to process my thoughts and get some work done.
I start with the oldest sample, looking for any sign of green and finding none, so I move onto the next one, my thoughts invading like a storm cloud on a summer afternoon. It's best to just let them happen, pushing back bad thoughts only makes them stronger, so I let them flow.
Kri is nice to me, he helps me, he doesn't complain if I ask him to do something again. He's pretty to look at I'll admit, and he's got that deep, soothing voice. He's smart, a good coworker, and he actually listens to what I have to say. 
My mind helpfully supplies the image of us out of the lab, holding hands and talking as we walk down the street. It's a nice image--his hand is warm, we're happy together, everything seems great. It's literally a fantasy so of course Jillie walks up and says hi, there's a puppy there as a Christmas gift and-- okay, now my mind is getting out of control. I'm getting ahead of myself.
Focus, or at least, reign it in.
Back to Kri. Yes he's nice, yes he's smart, yes he listens, but am I just reading into things that aren't there? Is this just my touch-starved brain looking for the smallest sign of affection? He saved me from a concussion earlier, but so would anyone if they had arms that long and toned. He also has long legs. Does he work out? It looks like he does. He's got a nice smile too. He stopped me from falling like it was no problem, and with all the sample pallets he carried in he's definitely strong; I wonder if he could pick me up and--
No. Stop that. Stop that right now, Cassie.
I stop my pictures, standing up straight and looking into the middle distance.
Oh god, do I have feelings for my coworker? And why aren't there any damn plants?!
I take another stupid picture of a stupid pot of dirt and frown, a displeased noise escaping my throat. 
"Is all well?" Kri asks behind me. 
"There's no plants," I say with a pout. 
Kri chuckles. "It's only been a few days."
"I know," I say like a petulant child. "But I want plants damn it!" They should've been here by now. At least something breaking the soil. I've done everything right! How could it have gone wrong?
I take a few more pictures, sighing dramatically through my nose as I do. I know the last samples were only planted a few days ago, but I'm getting nervous. The first samples were planted nearly a week ago, and there's still nothing. If nothing grows, then I'll have nothing to show for the milestone. If I can't pass the milestone, the experiment could be scrapped. And if the experiment is scrapped, I lose my lab.
The thought of losing my lab has tears pricking at the back of my eyes. My nose tingles and I sniff loudly, willing my body with everything I have not to cry. God, that would be humiliating. Crying at work? And in front of Kri? I just got the guy to tolerate my presence, now I'm blubbering in front of him.
Standing straight, my current mission shifts from photography to keeping it the fuck together. I can't lose my lab--I won't lose my lab, damn it. There's too much at stake. Besides, what would I do after losing it anyways? Go back to Earth? Abandon Summanus?
I'd never see Kri again. 
There's nothing for me back on Earth. My parents live on the Moon Colony, with their perfect little biosphere and three dogs and low-gravity golf. I guess I could go live with them, but that would be pathetic, wouldn't it? Living with my parents at 30 years old? On the Moon? What's on the Moon anyway? A whole lot of dust. I can't live on the Moon. I can't go back to Earth. I'd have to start over. I'd have to go apartment hunting again. 
I don't realize I'm hyperventilating until I feel a palm on my shoulder.
"Cassie," Kri's voice is firm behind me.
If I turn around to face him I'm going to start crying. I settle for the next best option: Turning away and crying.
"I'm gonna lose my lab," I whine, tears pitching my voice an octave up. "There's no plants and I'm gonna have to live on the moon."
A sob breaks through and it's like the floodgates have opened. I know I sound ridiculous, I know it doesn't make any sense. But the tears won't stop coming, my shoulders won't stop shaking. I hate this, I hate this so much. If I could just control my emotions I bet I wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.
I sniff loudly, wiping the tears off my face when I feel arms wrap around my shoulders and waist.
"You seem overwhelmed," Kri says, head resting on top of mine. He strokes my arms with his hands in slow, languid movements. "Breathe with me."
I hiccup a defeated laugh. It's come to this? Being treated like a child?
"Try," Kri insists, and I feel the rise and fall of his chest against my back. His arms around me feel like a cage, so I swallow my pride and spin around. My face is tucked into his chest, and after another moment of sniffling, I try to match his breathing. In, then out. One more. Then another. All with Kri's hands against my back and shoulders, rubbing slowly in up and down motions.
"Very good," Kri soothes, head pressing into my hair.
The world comes back to me in pieces.. First, I'm a mess; tears smeared everywhere, snot on my face, I probably didn't look too great.
Using my shirt to clean my face, Kri steps back to allow me some room. I instantly miss the warmth of his arms and chest, and suppress a shiver.
"Feeling better?"
In a brief moment of honesty, I shake my head. I mostly just feel caught in a fog, my thoughts too heavy to lift. I could go for a nice, long, nap under my desk.
Kri hums, thinking, then looks to me. "Want to see something interesting?"
Following Kri down the path as he weaves between buildings has me breathing like I'm running a marathon. Every so often he looks back, and every time he does, I'm further behind. I can't help that his legs are so much longer than mine.
"Slow down!" I say, huffing along. My legs were already sore from the boxing-- that digital bitch had me doing squats for ten minutes--it's a chore to keep up.
Kri looks back at me nearly thirty feet behind and he smiles.
"Apologies," he says. "I am eager to show you. I feel you will appreciate this."
We stop at a small building nestled in the grid of the inner labs. It's got cement walls and a glass roof, and the glass is tinted.
I rest my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath as he punches in the code to open the door.
The door slides open and I stumble inside. The lights turn on through some motion sensor, and I look around in awe. It's a large rectangular lab, with a table on the right side. There's filters and robotics and all sorts of technology strewn all over the table, but taking up the majority of the space is a massive tank of water. It's clear on the front to see inside, and on top of the tank are several species of Summanian plants.
I turn to Kri, who's leaning on the wall with all his arms crossed.
"What is this?" I ask.
He smiles, and I notice it's lopsided. "The experiment of a friend."
I snicker. "You have friends?"
Kri looks at me, offended. "We could easily go back to your greenhouse and look at that report."
I quickly turn to the large tank. "So what is this? Hydroponics?"
I hear Kri shuffling behind me, and suddenly the room goes dark. "I believe that is the human word for it. Using animals to grow plants?"
"That's the one." I tap on the tank with my index finger, watching the tiny creatures inside move. They look like a cross between a fish and a porcupine pulled out of the Mariana Trench. They're about as long as my forearm, completely white with milky eyes. They look awkward, swimming with so many quills, and the motion makes me smile. I realize why Kri turned the light off when the quills along their body start flashing and changing colors. The room isn't completely dark, there's lights from the computers and technology along the walls, but it's dark enough that the tank lights up like a Christmas tree.
I bend down to press my face to the glass. "These guys are cool as hell. I've never seen fish like this."
"They're common in rivers," Kri says.
A fish swims up to my finger, checking it out before darting away. "I've never been off the Outpost before."
Kri makes a clicking noise, one I haven't heard before, then says, "I see."
It's quiet for a moment while I watch the fish swim by. The tank they're in is big, but it still filters water like crazy; I'd be surprised if there wasn't a current in there. It seems like there's only the one type of fish, but I enjoy watching them dart in and out of view, their little quills lighting up the interior of the tank. I could see my parents having one of these in their home back on Earth. Growing up, my parents kept tropical fish in these huge tanks that ran along an entire wall. I could stare at them for hours, and I'd often do my homework in front of the glass.
Kri's still standing behind me, by the doorway, letting me watch the fish. I definitely needed the break, even if it's just for a few minutes. I also appreciate him not talking to fill space. It lets me think, process what my brain is trying to churn out. Jillie likes to talk and usually I don't mind, but sometimes it's too much. I love Jillie to death, but I also love the peace and quiet.
Shame wells up in my throat at my breakdown from earlier. I haven't hyperventilated since high school when I got stood up at the prom, but everything felt like it was crashing down around me. Jillie calls me a control freak, but I don't know any other way to live. It's just a part of my existence.
But maybe I need to learn to let go of some of that. Maybe it would make my life easier.
Something catches my eye in the dark reflection, and I spin on my heel. "You glow?!"
Before my very eyes, Kri is glowing. Just like the fish. It's pale blue, running all over his body in channels; down his arms, over his torso and legs, all the way down to his feet. 
Kri tilts his head. "Did you not know that?"
"I've never seen you in the dark!" I walk up to him, covering the distance in a few steps, and grab one of his hands.  "That's so cool! Humans don't glow at all."
"I'm aware." Kri's wings twitch as I run my finger over one of the channels on his arm, and he clears his throat. "All ento have bioluminescent channels."
Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that, but I'd never seen it in person. I thought it was only for certain reactions, but maybe it's just an all over thing. I don't get out much, and when I do it's with other humans. Our pack mentality makes us group together, and I was never a socialite anyway.
I flip Kri's hand over and run my fingers over another channel, fascinated as it lights up underneath my touch.
"This is gorgeous," I mutter, wishing I had a camera. The glow intensifies wherever I touch it, like some kind of reaction underneath the skin. It diffuses out, spreads, and even warms under my touch.
"You think so? It's nothing special," Kri says quietly.
I trace all the way to the crook of his elbow, then back down again, like a tiny shooting star following my index finger. It affects the channels parallel to it as well, lighting up his whole arm when I press down into the skin. And his skin is so warm and soft, it feels like my skin if I actually bothered to moisturize. It's dark, nearly black, and I feel the faintest trace of veins underneath.
Anxiety bubbles away in my chest, telling me to stop, that I can't have this, but I want to explore. Kri hasn't said anything, his wings haven't fluttered at all, so I keep touching, running my fingers over his skin, digging in with the pad of my thumb, pulling reactions out of the channels. 
"Do you feel that?" My voice is barely a whisper.
He replies just as quietly, "Of course I do."
I drag my fingers up towards his elbow and continue over his arm. The skin stretches over muscle here, and I'm glad the room is dark. I'm sure I'm red as a beet right now, but I've never gotten this chance before, and I don't know if I ever will again. Kri's so quiet, so patient. It makes me wonder if he'd be like this in other aspects of life. 
Whenever Stephen and I slept together, it was rushed, done with a singular goal in mind. It was never just for the fun of it, always so rough. I sigh through my nose as I indulgently squeeze Kri's bicep and watch the channels light up at my touch. Kri wouldn't be like that, callous and uncaring, he'd be gentle, but firm, taking his time and--
Wow, okay, definitely glad the room is dark.
My fingers trail over his shoulder, up to the chinintous plating that covers the rest of his body. I thought it'd be hard, brittle, like the exoskeleton on a bug, but it's matte and smooth, feeling like velvet under my fingers.
Part of me wants to keep touching, to explore all that he'll let me. But another part of me is screaming that I need to stop. The part that wants to keep going wins out.
So my fingers follow a path over where a collarbone would be, and then Kri gently grabs my hand and pulls it away. A flash of panic overcomes me, telling me I screwed up, this is it, he's going to yell at me.
Instead, Kri brings my hand up to his face, studying it with those huge eyes. His thumb runs over my palm, a light, comforting touch, and then he releases my hand and crosses his arms over his broad chest.
"We need to get back to work," he says, and I swear his voice is deeper.
The statement dispels whatever moment we may have been having, and my brain quickly takes stock of the situation. I'm at fucking work. I was feeling up my coworker--at fucking work!
"Right," I squeak--squeak!--out, then push past him to get to the door. The sunlight floods in and I'm blinded for a few seconds before my eyes adjust, and the world floods back in with it. Both humans and entos traveling back and forth along the pathway, and I fucking groped my coworker. On the clock!
It takes a second for Kri to follow me out, and he gestures with one hand. "You go back, I will lock the door."
"Right," I say, practically sprinting back towards the greenhouse.
I'm fired. I'm so fucking fired.
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chubbymoongoddess · 2 years
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
So, I wanted to finish this before I slept. It's really short and not super great, but I felt like I should write and post something for the holidays. It's definitely not my best and it's full of cringy fluff, but I hope y'all enjoy it anyway.
Oh come on, Jungkook, pleaseee?” Jimin pouted as he hugged onto his husband.
“Jimin, I told you no! I don’t understand why you can’t do it! It’ll make me look stupid.” Jungkook pouted back, brushing his fingers through Jimin’s dark hair.
“You know exactly why I can’t do it, Kookie.” The omega rolled his eyes and took a step back, gesturing toward his alpha. “Santa is supposed to be fat and jolly, not thin. If you haven’t noticed, I’m not the one who weighs three-hundred pounds.”
“You know that’s not my fault! I-”
“Yeah, yeah. Sympathy gaining. Don’t even start with that.” Jimin huffed quietly.
The two had met in college when Jungkook accidentally knocked Jimin into one of the fountains on campus. He and his friends were throwing a ball around, it was thrown toward the fountain, where Jimin was reading and Jungkook slammed into him while trying to catch it. The alpha felt terrible, offered to make it up to the omega and their relationship took off from there. A few years down the line, Jimin had gotten pregnant and due to stressing over his omega and eating whatever Jimin asked for too, Jungkook had begun to gain weight right along with Jimin. Now, being an omega, Jimin’s body was designed for weight gain. It was also designed to pop right back to normal a few months after having pups. It ended up with Jimin looking like his old self and Jungkook being one-hundred and fifty pounds heavier.
Over the next few years, the alpha ended up putting on a little more weight, making him an even three-hundred. Jungkook had gone from thin to having a large gut that all of his shirts clung to, tits that would make anyone envious and an ass that took up a whole chair. The alpha would always whine that it was Jimin’s fault whenever the omega would tease him about his weight.
“Come on! I made an outfit that’ll fit you perfectly and the pups will love it!”
With a sigh and a few more moments of Jimin begging his husband, Jungkook finally gave in.
"Fine! But I better get a good reward for doing this. It's humiliating." He whined softly, earning a soft kiss from Jimin.
"I promise I'll reward you handsomely, okay? Here, let me help you up and we can get you dressed. It's getting late. We can sneak you out the back door while the pups are getting ready for bed.” Jimin grinned, standing up to reach his hands out to Jungkook.
The alpha took them with a small huff and pulled himself off of the bed. Jimin helped him get undressed before pulling out the hand crafted Santa suit that he made. Just the sight of it had Jungkook groaning all over again. He didn’t want to dress up like this. He thought he’d look stupid, but if it meant he’d be able to bring his children joy, he’d deal with it.
It fit perfectly and Jimin was proud of himself for that. The last thing to do was to help Jungkook get the fake beard on. Once he was ready, the omega clapped his hands and grinned. “Okay, so I’m going to get the pups a little snack before bedtime. So I want you to come down to the kitchen in about..mm.. Five minutes okay?”
“Okay.. and then once they get into bed I can come back up and get out of this right?” Jungkook tilted his head as Jimin leaned up to press a soft kiss to his alpha’s lips.
“Mhm! I promise. Remember, five minutes, okay?”
With a small nod from Jungkook, Jimin turned around to leave the room, calling for their two pups. Their little boy, Minjun, and their little girl, Selene both came toddling over to their father. “Snack time, papa?” Minjun piped up, squealing when Jimin nodded his head and led them into the kitchen.
"Sit down at the table, loves." Jimin cooed as he got each of them a cookie and a small glass of milk. "Are you two excited for Santa to visit us tonight?" He asked, watching the two kids munch on their snack.
While the omega was listening to his children prattle on about how excited they were for tomorrow morning, Jungkook was slowly making his way downstairs. He wanted to make sure he was as quiet as possible, because the children had great hearing. One little squeak of the floorboards and the surprise would be spoiled. As he was walking toward the kitchen, Jungkook took a bite out of one of the cookies that were left for “Santa” on the mantle and took a small drink of the milk before waiting outside the kitchen door.
Once everything quieted down on the other side, he burst into the kitchen, taking on a whole different persona. When he spoke, he made sure his voice was deeper and he tried to sound as jolly as possible. “Ho Ho Ho! I heard there were two pups here who’ve been dying to meet me!”
Jimin bit back a giggle as the two pups screamed, getting out of their seats to hug onto Jungkook.
“Santa!! We’ve been really good so you’re gonna give us lots of presents, right?!” Selene bounced on her toes, her brother vigorously nodding at her sentence.
“We’ll see, hm? You have to be good tonight too. If you go to sleep when your papa tells you to and you stay in bed all night, I promise that I’ll reward you for being good, okay?”
The pups both nodded, hugging onto Jungkook harder for a little longer. “Where’s your sack at? And..and are the reindeer on the roof?!” Minjun gasped.
“My bag is in my sleigh and yes! The reindeer are on the roof~” Jungkook cooed, reaching to pet through each pup’s hair. “I’m here because your papa asked me to come visit you two while I was dropping off your gifts. I have to go now though so I can give all of the other good kids their gifts, alright? You promise you’ll be good for your papa and daddy for me?”
Both Selene and Minjun nodded, beaming up at Jungkook. “We promise, Santa! We’ll be good!”
“Good! Merry Christmas to you two.” He smiled, ruffling the pup’s hair before making his way out of the kitchen and back upstairs so he could undress.
While Jungkook was taking his costume off, Jimin carried both of their pups up to their room and tucked them in. “You sleep well, you two. Daddy and I wanna see you bright and early so you can open your presents.” He purred, pressing a kiss to each of their foreheads
He stayed in the room for a few moments, making sure the kids were falling asleep before he made his way back to his and Jungkook’s room, gently closing the door behind him. “You know, you did that pretty well for someone who didn’t want to do it in the first place.” He grinned.
Jungkook snorted, plopping down onto the bed with a small grunt. “It was worth it to see their faces light up like that. Plus.. I was offered a reward for it.” He hummed, giving a playful wink to the omega.
“And you’ll get it too. Just after we snuggle.” Jimin hummed, undressing himself before crawling into bed next to the alpha. “You know, maybe I’ll have you do this next year too.”
“Yeah, if I even fit inside the costume.” The alpha laughed, pulling Jimin close.
“I can always make a bigger coat, Kookie.”
“Yeah..yeah you can.”
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: April 13th, 2021
And we’re back again with more replies so soon, haha. Thank you for the asks!
Your game literally saved me this hell ass year. Thank you so much for the most perfect piece of art I've ever laid eyes on 😫 ... Do you guys have a rough idea when step 3 DLC will be released? I hope I'm not coming off as rude. I just really really love your game.
I’m sorry for the late reply on this! You might’ve already seen the answer by now, but the Step 3 DLC is coming out on the 16th. We’re almost there :D
This may be a silly question but did Jeremy's parents ever find out that Pran had lied about his age and if so, when/how? :3
Pran came clean to them after a couple of years, when he felt secure enough that it wouldn’t ruin the relationship. The Kings were a little embarrassed, the dad more than the mom, but they’re quite good at brushing past those kind of mistakes so it was all water under the bridge pretty fast.
hi! i know you’ve answered a question about alterations in the our life moments by playing them in different orders, but i was wondering if there was a canon order that the moments for each step happen in? i figure with such a customizable game the “canon” timeline for the moments is whatever order the player completes them in, for example in step 1, i like playing the runaway moment pretty early, since cove trying to run away early in summer makes more sense to me personally. thanks!
Yeah, there’s no canon order we’d insist on. Whatever you like can be the official route for you! And that’s a neat way to look at that event.
What if your character isn’t that into physical contact but still wants to be in a relationship with Cove? Would he be offended if you shy away or something along those lines?
He wouldn’t be. Cove knows how hard that can be and is very understanding. If you set his initiative to low, the game always checks to make sure if you want to be touched or not rather than assuming that you do. And if you do choose that you don’t want to, there’s no stress or drama about it. Cove will just say that’s okay!
Hellu! First off, I want to thank you all for such a wonderful game, it's been the best feel-good game I've ever stumbled upon and I can't express enough how much it has meant to me. Second, I've seen lots of people having trouble with making Cove confess before MC which makes me wonder if people will have the same problem in the dlc when you can propose to him. Is it possible to post a guide for that as well when it no longer could count as a spoiler? Again, thanks for such a beautiful game <3
I’m really happy you had such a nice time with it c:. We’ll answer questions about it on tumblr/in the discord if they come up and, if need be, we’ll find somewhere to upload a guide.
Do we get steam key from buying dlc on itch io?
I’m afraid not. That’d be unfair to those who get it on Steam. Plus, Steam isn’t super cool with giving out thousands of keys to be handed out for free on other sites anymore. They can refuse to give us the keys if they feel we’re trying to take advantage of their system.
hi! so if we reject cove's confession in step 3, can we still have MC and cove get together in step 4?
You can confess to him, yeah. But Cove won’t ever try confessing again if the MC turns him down in Step 3.
What if MC acts like someone Cove doesn't like, like Lizzie or Baxter lol
You can’t do what Lizzie or Baxter does to make Cove dislike them. You can play the game and try, but it doesn’t work out. The MC is just too compatible with Cove if you’re fond/crush/love, haha.
Hi! I absolutely love your game, I love the characters they’re all so amazing, thank you for the game haha
I was wondering if you would get the NSFW DLC no matter what Patreon level you were at, or if you would could get it at any level? :)
What pateron tier do we need to get the 18+ content for Our Life? It's my new favourite game, keep up the good work!
It will eventually be available at the $5 tier and anything above that! Glad you both like OL ^^
On a scale from 1 (being the worst) to 10, how well do the XOXO jerk squad including JB handle horror?
JB: 8
Everett: 5
Nate: 4
Shiloh: 10
Bae: 10
Jeremy: 8 for non-gore horror, 2 for gory horror
Pran: 9
hello!! i was wondering if any of the boys from the Jerksquad would ever wear a skirt/dress?
None of them wear skirts/dresses out of personal preference. But if there was some kind of reason where they had to do it, none would be that bothered.
How does the jerk squad feel about Christmas? 
Everett: He fucking loves it. That’s the best time of year.
Nate: Commercialized nonsense.
Shiloh: It’s wonderful! So he claims.
Bae: He likes it quite a bit, but only for the joy it brings children/family. He thinks that’s sweet but is too mature to be whipped up into a festive fervor himself.
Jeremy: It’s awful.
Pran: He hates it.
does cove have any pet allergies? yes I know this is a little weirdly specific
He doesn’t! The lucky boy isn’t allergic to any animal.
Very important question: Would Lee and a musical-theatre loving MC run around belting Into The Unknown from Frozen 2? Because I feel that they would 
Probably, haha.
This might seem like a dumb question, so I’m sorry, but with the Derek DLC are we gonna get to hang out with him in person instead of just calling him in step 3? 
The Derek DLC adds events in Step 2 and Step 4. It’s part of his story that you don’t really get to be around him in Step 3. But you don’t need to apologize for wondering!
hello! i'd like to ask if it's possible to play the android version of the game with the dlcs after buying the dlcs from steam. i wasn't expecting my android version to have my dlcs since i bought them from steam, but it had my step 2 dlc for some reason. is this a glitch or does the apk actually detect what dlcs you already have on your pc? if so, how come i don't have the step 1 dlc appearing on android? thanks!
That is some kind of glitch. It isn’t possible for the Android DLCs to be unlocked by having them on PC. Maybe in one of the old builds we accidentally didn’t lock the Step 2 DLC properly. Sorry for the confusion!
Does Derek and Baxter have canon sexualities? Will Derek still flirts with the MC regardless of their gender?
They’re both pansexual and can like the MC regardless of what gender they have.
I was wondering if Miranda had a crush on Cove in Step 3? I'm not sure why, but I got those vibes from her?
She thinks of him only as a friend. Cove isn’t her type, haha.
This is probably a dumb hope, but I hope Cliff find someone he loves after Cove is grown up and everything. Or at the very least he has someone he's very close with after Cove leaves. 
That’s a really sweet thought to have. Cliff stays single, but he’s graysexual and not-particularly romantically inclined. He only dated when he was really young ‘cause that’s what everyone did. Family and friend relationships are more important to him, and he has plenty of that in his life ^^.
Heya! I was curious if there might be a nickname system in N&F? I kind of pull an Elizabeth when I play and choose a different variation of a name like having Rosie in step one and changing it to Rose in step two, then maybe Rosetta in step three for example, but it also feels a little bit odd being scolded using my nickname hehe. That's all I was wondering about, thank you for your time and the wonderful games!
We are hoping to include the option to go by a nickname in Our Life: Now & Forever. But nothing has been programmed yet, so we can’t 100% guarantee it, haha.
Just curious, what would Liz's and Cove's relationship be if MC wasn't around? I feel like they wouldn't get along as well as they do now, especially during the first and second step 
They’d definitely have a lot of friction growing up and they’d likely avoid each other as much as possible. Once they were both older, I imagine they’d be decent neighbor acquaintances. But they still wouldn’t be nearly as close as they are with the MC bringing Cove into things.
What do the customizable eyes look like in the game? Do they look as they are in the creating avatar section? Or do they look different when actually playing the game?
That’s up to you! The doll is just meant to be a general idea. You can apply it to your imagined MC as much or as little as you prefer.
Did Cove go through a "phase" during his adolescence? I don't really wanna headcanon it so I wonder if there's anything (cringy) canon since we missed out on the ages of 14-17 hahaha
Not really, aha. 14-17 Cove is pretty recognizable to his 13 and 18 year old self.
Hello! I'm sorry to bother you, especially with all the messages you get. I was just wondering if the religious wedding venue was exclusive to a church or if there will be different religions of weddings? Also, I love this VN so much, it's so well written and every character is so amazing, thank you for making such a beautiful game.
The church is treated as a historic building rather than anything actively religious, but it’s not the only option like that. There’s a historic synagogue and stuff too! And that’s really nice of you to say <3.
How differently would it play out If MC told their moms about the 20$ deal back when it happened? 
They wouldn’t have been happy and would’ve been far more skeptical of Cliff, aha. But they wouldn’t want to keep Cove away from the MC, so it wouldn’t have been too different in the long run.  
Hello may I ask what Cove's favorite fudge/ice cream flavor would be? Its alright if its not answered 
He appreciates them all, but his top favorites would be the fruit flavored ones and the ones with nuts.
Hi! I really wanted to make mc's house in a game and tried really hard to figure out the floor plan, but I wondered if you have the floor plan of the mc's house so that i can try again with more accuracy?
Thank you a lot for this game, i loved it a lot! (my first play took me 8 hours lol)
I’m really sorry, we don’t have anything like that. But at least you can headcanon that what you did is correct and nothing can prove it wrong, haha.
Hello,I recently started playing lake of voices (I put it off for a long while since I’m usually not very good with horror) and I’m really happy I did!I’m a big fan of your games in general and lake of voices was absolutely great as well.I loved the characters and the dark setting of it,I adored the beautiful art and music and the story was great too,sometimes unsettling and sometimes very sweet.My favorite Route in the game was definitely Lu,I liked his character and was really shocked and distraught by his Route at least two times.I didn’t see the plot twist(s) coming at all!
Besides these ramblings I’ve also wanted to ask if you still remember how to get the lower two CGs on page 5?I seem to always miss them and would appreciate any help.Anyways I hope I wasn’t too much of a bother and I wish the devs a great day!:)
Thank you for all the kind words <3. You get those DLCs by going through the end of the Guide’s character path. You can use the guides on Steam to help you find it/reach the end!
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Thank you again for all of these questions :D
We released a new FAQ! It answers common questions and we’ll keep adding more to it. Please check there before sending an ask. FAQ   Also, if you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
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brelione · 4 years
Action Figures (Rafe,Kelce,Topper X Reader)
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Warnings:Mentions of bulimia,cringy,kind of bad.
Takes place a few days after this
Series Masterlist
When you texted the group chat saying that you needed to go to Walmart,asking if anyone wanted to go with you your phone rang.Rafe had called you on Facetime,telling you that he was on his way with Topper and Kelce from the golf course. “HEY HOE!”Kelce shouted,trying to see you from behind Rafe.Rafe rolled his eyes as Kelce took his phone,getting into the truck. “Why do you have to go to Walmart?”Kelce asked,still holding Rafe’s phone. “Chocolate chips,hot sauce and nutella for toast.”You answered,sliding on your shoes.Kelce frowned,leaning closer to the phone. “Why cant I see your face?”He asked.
You rolled your eyes,glancing at the screen. “Because I don't like my face.”You answered.He pouted,eyebrows furrowed. “But I like your face-this is face time!You can see me and I cant see you and this is bullshit.”He grumbled.You lifted your phone so he could see your face,a lazy grin spreading across your features.He was quick to screen shot,giggling. “I hate you.”You mumbled before hanging up. “Give me my phone back!”Rafe exclaimed,reaching into the backseat and holding out his hand.You pulled on Rafe’s yellow shirt that he had left at your house,trying the excess fabric into a knot.
You heard a beep,jogging down your stairs,grabbing your mini back pack and putting your phone in your pocket before walking out of the house and locking your door.Topper got out of the front seat,keeping the truck door open for you.You grinned up at him,he blushed before closing the door for you. “Oof,your truck smells like weed.”You grumbled.Rafe chuckled,backing out of the driveway. “Sorry,sunshine.”He mumbled,rolling down the windows so you wouldn't have to smell the stench.
He gave you a second glance,smirking to himself when he saw what you were wearing. “Thats my shirt.”He spoke,poking at the fabric.You nodded,humming as you took out your phone.Kelce kept poking the back of your neck from the backseat until you turned around to look at him. “Can I help you?”You asked.He reached out his finger,poking the tip of your nose.You swatted his hand away,flicking his forehead. “Hi.”You grinned.He chuckled,messing up your hair.You hooked up your phone to the radio,playing the descendants two soundtrack. 
“Play the third one!”Kelce exclaimed.You laughed,sliding down in your seat so he couldn't poke you again.When Rafe pulled into the Walmart parking lot the four of you got out,Rafe somehow managing to get you on his back.You held onto his shoulders as he jogged into the store,Topper grabbing a cart.You and Rafe went to the snack isle while Kelce and Topper went to go look at the movies.Things had been awkward between you and Topper since Saturday afternoon in the guest room.You tried to ignore the strange feeling from within you whenever you looked at him.
Rafe had his hand on your shoulder almost like a leash so he wouldn't lose you.Unfortunately nothing that you needed was in that isle,moving on to the one next to it.Rafe grabbed a jar of nutella and a loaf of bread when he saw it,making sure it was the type of bread you liked before tucking it under his arm.He held them both as you hunted for chocolate chips in the baking isle.Kelce sprinted past the isle,giggling to himself but turning around when he realised he had went past you.He grinned,standing in front of you and holding something behind his back. “What?”You asked.He grinned,holding out a Captain America action figure. “I know its not Bucky but its close enough-come to the toy isle with me!”He exclaimed,starting to jog but stopping when he noticed that you were simply walking.He grumbled something before throwing you over his shoulder and carrying you to the toy section.He put you down in front of the shelves of avengers action figures,legos and toy weapons.
He watched as your eyes scanned over the toys,your hand reaching out to smack his arm in excitement as you grabbed a plastic box that contained the one and only Spider Gwen. “Look-they have Spider Gwen!”You exclaimed,holding up the action figure.He grinned at your excitement,not knowing who you were talking about but glad it made you so happy. “Oh wait,you haven't seen Spider Verse….its fine we’ll just watch it later.”You spoke quickly,still looking at all the toys.Your phone dinged,making you take it from your pocket to check the notification.Rafe had texted you,asking where you were and if you had all left without him.
Isle 14 looking at action figur3s
You heard the loud slap of sneakers against tile,Rafe coming into view with bread,nutella and a bag of chocolate chips in his hand. “I found them.”he grinned,shaking the bag. “Did bottom die?”You asked,remembering the blonde.You looked back down at your phone,scrolling through to find Bitchy Bottom Ass Ho.You typed,asking where he was.
Im literally in the isle next to u tf
You giggled,going to find the boy.He was holding a few boxes of cake mix along with a pillow pet under his arm. “Loser.”You nodded. “Hoe.”He grinned,following you to the other isle with Rafe and Kelce. “We got everything?”Rafe asked.Kelce shook his head. “No,no I gotta go look at socks.”He answered,tossing a few action figures into the cart that Topper had stolen from them.You decided to go with Kelce,not sure what Topper and Rafe were doing. “Why do you need socks?”You asked,slipping under his arm.He smiled,biting his lip. 
“I wanna see if they have any disney socks.”He answered.You tugged at his arm,dragging him to the women’s section. “Our shirts might fuckin suck and the jeans might make everyone insecure because of terrible sizing but us ladies do have some brilliant socks.”You smiled,showing him the shelf of socks.He smiled,looking at all of them. “Wait-are those ariel socks?”he asked.You handed him the largest pair,watching him get excited. “Oh hell yeah,they don't have Olaf socks though.”He sighed. “Yeah,but Amazon does.”You grabbed a pair of Winnie The Pooh socks for yourself,looking for any marvel socks. 
“Can we watch Frozen later?”He asked,grabbing your hand again just because he enjoyed the feeling.You nodded,asking if he wanted to go to the book isle with you.He said yes,of course.He would take any chance to hang out with you alone.He could never let that slip to the boys,though.He didn't want to cause conflict in the group,he knew about Rafe’s pretty obvious crush on you and knew better than to turn things into a love triangle.He had seen plenty of movies to know how that would end.You felt strong arms lock around your waist,scaring you.You looked up,seeing Topper with a grin on his face. “And you did this for why?”You asked,the boy kissing your forehead and letting you go.The four of you went to self check out,Rafe deciding to buy like ten packs of gum.A worker checked your receipt,trying to ignore the fact that a group of grown men and an adult woman had just purchased action figures and disney socks.
You ended up in the backseat with Topper,showing him the Spider Gwen action figure. “Swear to god she’s like the baddest bitch ever and I love her so much.”You grinned,taking a picture of the box.Kelce leaned on the arm rest,looking back at you. “I thought that was Natasha?”He grinned.You sighed,putting the action figure away. “There can be multiple baddest bitches.”You told him before asking for the aux cord so you could play The Little Mermaid soundtrack. “After this can you play Lion King?”Topper asked.You smiled,biting your lip. “Yeah,ok,Taka.”You giggled.His face dropped,glaring over at you.He stuck his tongue out,whining.
Rafe chuckled. “You kids behave back there or im taking away your disney movies.”He smirked.You leaned forward,fighting against your seatbelt so you could lean your elbows on the arm wrest. “Rafe,why are you so bad at driving?”You asked.He scoffed,putting his elbow on top of your head as he turned around a corner. “Oh,as if you didn't run over a traffic cone.”He huffed.You pulled his arm away,biting his skin lightly. “Did you just bite me?”He asked.You grinned as he pulled over,unbuckling his seatbelt and turning to look at you. “(Y/N),I will make you get out of my truck.Don't test me.”He spoke sternly,trying not to grin. “Do it,bitch.”You smirked.
He looked outside the window,checking to see if anyone was around before getting out of the truck and opening the door to the backseat.He reached across you lap,unclicking your seatbelt.Topper grabbed your thigh,trying to help you but it wasn't helpful seeing as though Rafe had his arms around your waist,dragging you out of the truck.Topper was laughing,video recording. “Im a good driver-I swear I am.Im gonna drive you to insanity.”Rafe chuckled,poking you repeatedly and holding you to his chest.You tried walking backwards,eventually getting him to stumble.You took the chance to get him on the ground completely,sitting on top of his chest. “YOU HAVE BEEN DEFEATED!”You exclaimed,smacking his shoulder lightly.He smirked before rolling himself over,knocking you into the grass with his knees on either side of your hips. “Yeah?Im defeated?Am I really?”He smiled.
You glared up at him,sliding out from under him. “Yeah.”You answered,standing up and holding out your hand to him.He declined the offer,standing up and trying to brush the dirt off of his expensive pants.You sighed,getting back in the truck to see Kelce looking at you with a goofy grin. “You know what,Kelce?Shut up.”You flicked the tip of his nose.He bit his lip,chuckling before turning back around.Topper rolled his eyes,looking at his phone and texting someone.Your eyebrows furrowed at his expression,scooting across the leather seat to see what he was doing but he pulled his phone to his chest.
 “What’s going on with you,Top?”You asked.He put his phone in his shirt pocket,looking away from you. “Nothing,(Y/N).”He answered.You huffed,moving back to your seat as Rafe began to drive again. “Can we get McDonalds?”Kelce asked.Rafe ignored him,still driving.You pouted,leaning forward. “Rafe?”You called out to him.He raised his eyebrows,looking up at you from the mirror so you knew he was listening. “Can we get McDonalds?”You asked.He nodded,turning down a different street opposed to the one that would lead directly to yours.Kelce rolled his eyes,glancing over at you and raising your eyebrows.
You leaned back in your seat,suddenly feeling kind of nauseous.This would happen every once in a while when you would forget to take your vitamins,sometimes you were too lazy to take the handful of pills and would instead just hold an icepack to the back of your neck for a while until you felt okay again.You must've looked like shit,Topper reaching a hand across to feel your forehead. “Are you feeling sick?”He whispered to you,his demeanor changing as he moved your hair off your shoulders,rubbing your back lightly. “Im fine,just forgot to take my vitamins.”You answered,enjoying his touch.It was helping with the nausea,you didn't really know why.Topper frowned,his hand moving back to your head and rubbing your scalp lightly.
 “When was the last time you ate?”He asked.You shrugged,breathing through your nose and humming quietly because you had learned that if you hummed for long enough you wouldnt vomit. “Rafe,can you hurry up please?”Topper sounded anxious.You didnt know why he was acting so dramatic,he had seen you much worse before. “Why?What’s going on back there?”Rafe asked,now sounding just as anxious as Topper. “She forgot to take her vitamins,not looking too good.”Topper said quickly,urging the tall boy to drive faster.
You sighed,eyes still closed. “Im fine,guys.”You grumbled,feeling their glares. “What about breakfast?”Kelce asked.You imagined that he looked like an angry,concerned grandfather.You shook your head,making him frown. “How many times have I told you that i’ll come over to make you breakfast when you don't feel like it?Gosh,dammit.”He sighed.You felt the truck swerve slightly,Rafe rolling his window down and asking you what you wanted.You just shrugged,not wanting to accidentally vomit. “Get her a burger for iron...maybe two,fries,apple slices.Just order her a cheeseburger happy meal and a McFlurry.”Kelce told him quickly.
You weren't paying attention but heard the sound of a paper bag crumpling,being passe into the back seat along with a red happy meal box.Topper took his hand away from your head,pressing the side of a cold McFlurry cup to it instead.You took it from him,holding the cold cup between your thighs and looking down at the vanilla icecream that was changing colors from the obnoxious amount of m and ms.Topper opened the happy meal box,checking to make sure they got everything right.He peeled back the yellow paper that protected the burger,handing it to you.
You sighed softly,raising the sandwich to your mouth with slightly shaking hands.After a couple of bites you already felt better,finishing it when Rafe pulled into your driveway.The doors opened,you unbuckled your seatbelt and Kelce insisted on carrying you on his back.He put the pin into the key pad,knowing the combination for emergencies.He set you down in the living room,letting you sit on the couch.Rafe handed you your icecream,Topper giving you the Happy Meal box that now only contained a small box of fries,a small bag of apple slices and a toy for children.
Rafe set down all the Walmart bags,offering you the jar of nutella so you could dip your apple slices in the chocolatey goodness.Kelce handed you the TV remote so you could turn on the movie that you had told him about earlier. “Its animated?”He asked.You nodded,opening the nutella jar. “Yeah,it is.Its good though.”You answered,dipping an apple slice.Rafe noticed you hadnt touched your icecream before realizing he hadnt given you the spoon.The three boys had ordered sixteen cheeseburgers for themselves along with a ten piece chicken nugget and four orders of large fries. “Shit-fuck,you still need to take your vitamins.”Kelce got up and jogged to your kitchen,grabbing you the palm full of small pills,getting down on one knee and holding them out to you.
 “Your majesty.”You rolled your eyes,taking the pills and pouring them into your mouth,swallowing them dry.Rafe shook his head in disapproval,handing you his mountain dew.You took a couple of sips until the lump in your throat had been washed down,handing the cup back to him.You only got through half of your fries before you felt full,putting the box down on the table and seeing the melting rainbow monstrosity of icecream. “Does anyone want this?”You asked,holding up the icecream. “You do.”Topper answered,biting into another cheeseburger and getting mustard on the side of his mouth.You gave him a dirty look,putting the cup down.Kelce put his arm around you,going to whisper in your ear. “Are you full or are you just stressed about the icecream?”He asked.
You shrugged,watching as his hand traced figure eights along your kneecap. “Okay,well try to get like halfway through,can you do that?”He asked.You nodded,grabbing the cup again.Kelce lifted his arm up so you could lean against his lap,his arm now resting on your stomach as the two of you watched the tv.You hadnt eaten icecream since sophomore year and everytime you had eaten it it would come back up and into your toilet right after.You missed it though,maybe Kelce knew that and thats why he had ordered it for you.You got some of the colorful dessert on your spoon,letting it melt in your mouth.
Out of the corner of your eye you could see the big grins on Rafe and Topper’s faces,proud of you. “That guy doesnt look like Tom Holland.”Topper pointed to the OG Peter Parker of the Spiderverse universe. “Ok,well neither do you.”Kelce fought back.Rafe grinned. “I mean,I kinda look like him.”He shrugged.You shook your head,your spoon hanging from your mouth. “Bullshit-SHUT UP!MILES IS COMING UP!”You exclaimed as Sunflower started playing.Rafe smiled at your excitement,unwrapping another burger. “Where’s the blonde girl?Uh...Spider Gwen?”Kelce asked.You flicked his chest,rolling your eyes. “It just started,just wait.”You answered.As Miles walked into class,sitting next to Gwen you ggigled. “THERE SHE IS!THERES MY QUEEN!”You exclaimed,pointing to her.
@sexytholland @28cnn  @popcrone818 @fttayla @cherryobx @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @drewstarkeyobx @poguestyleskye @judayyyw @jjtheangel @copper-boom 
@sunwardsss @outerbongs  @httpstarkey  @teenwaywardasgardian  @imagines-07​  
If you’d like to be tagged in all future JJ imagines/headcannons/series comment with a heart,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Pope imagines/headcannons/series comment with a smiling face,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Rafe imagines/headcannons/series comment with a frowning face,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Kiara imagines/headcannons/series comment with a question mark and if you’d like to be tagged in all future Sarah Cameron imagines/headcannons/series comment with a plus sign.Or if thats too complicated you can just comment whose name you’d like to be tagged in.
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mrpenguinpants · 3 years
KAEYA PLAYING WITH ABYSS MAGES AHDHSHDHSB IM- that’s so cute????? Guizhong being older than Zhongli is such a valid hc, I fully support and condone it. Thank you. And Childe growing to like battle was something I found interesting because he was once mentioned to be fragile and weak in his character stories iirc? I like to think that maybe the initial reason he persevered was to overcome that past status.
Also, YES. They’d have the worst habits, and it would eventually become more visible the more comfortable it becomes, but Keqing just gives up on trying to change anything because it’s literally hopeless.
I also headcanon that they have different ways to show appreciation for Keqing. E.g. Childe sometimes uses one of his cringy ass Russian nicknames and when she looks up the meaning, she turns from the most straight-faced woman known to man to a highkey affection-starved queen self-destructing in her room.
Diluc leaves a note on her desk that are simple “Sleep early today. Tomorrow is your day-off.” or “Don’t over work yourself.” messages. He’s so self-conscious about it because like, what if Kaeya catches him up at night contemplating whatever reaction he’ll get. Ends up feeling so accomplished whenever his messages bring a smile to her face.
Kaeya, I feel, would be more open in a sense? Keqing is the last person he thinks he’s be able to deceive, and so he chooses not to. He’s probably one who enjoys deep conversations about literally anything be it mosaic artwork or changes in between modern and archaic politics. A good listener and a fine conversation partner, I feel they’d certainly have interesting conversations.
Zhongli lowkey seizing every opportunity to bring up Rex Lapis and his sense of humor is lowkey degrading Morax for his past mistakes. He’s like “Oh, I thought you hated him. I hate him too” and proceeds to laugh at the fact that the oh-so legendary Geo archon bore a hole in his hoodie for his hair. FOR HIS HAIRS. Keqing is losing her sanity trying not to expose herself as a closeted fan.
The anon lists’ name is super cute btw! Makes me feel pretty blessed for being there haha. I just finished midterms and goodness, I am exhausted. We’re having a short break so I think I can send asks much faster during the brief moment of rest. And pls drink responsibly 🙏
Sincerely, Keqing harem brainrot anon
I lowkey plucked Kaeya playing with mobs and shoved it into the royalty au because god damn, that’s fucking cute. I’m so behind on my asks;; but it’s okay cause we’re here now. I don’t know, Guizhong being that older sister/mother/whatever figure is so heartwarming to me. I think you’re right? I vaguely remember him saying he was pretty fragile but I have the memory of a goldfish haha. Lowkey, this is why I really want the part 2 and 3 of character story quests to go more in depth with their actual character stories. I want to see Childe talk about his feelings and meet his siblings, I want to hear more about Guizhong, I want to hear about the crippling loneliness and depression that Bennett and Barbara have (NO I WILL NOT SHUT UP ABOUT THIS PART. WHY THE FUCK IS GENSHIN NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS? I KNOW ITS FUN AND GAMES BUT LET ME CARE ABOUT THEM. 1.4 has these hangout events and istg, bennett and barabara have one and if we don’t talk about our feelings I’m going to cry). 
oml their bad habits, Zhongli and his extensive collection of plants because that’s the most social interaction he gets (yes, zhongli is a planter. no i do not take criticism tyvm) and it starts off with a couple plants. Not too bad. Then the next day Keqing walks and it looks like their entire home turned into a forest. But Zhongli loves his plant children and Keqing is slowly losing her mind and starts referring to the plants with the nicknames Zhongli gave them. 
This. This is cute. These appreciation ideas. I fully approve and we need to bring them back. I don’t know anything about Russian but I have a friend that does. But I don’t know how to casually say “hey, can you give me Russian nicknames of endearment. It’s for research.”. Keqing radiates professional in the front, social anxiety in the back. I just love that they added the detail that she’s secretly a Rex Lapis fan but pretends that she hates him. I know there is art of Zhongli lowkey being creeped out or vv smug when he find’s Keqings stash but idk, imagining him being a proud dad and giving headpats even though Keqing is an adult. 
Okay. Let me level with you. Sticky notes of reassuring phrases are the best and why the fuck aren’t people doing it more. I’ve been reading “my mom left a note on the table” or “my partner puts sticky notes in my textbooks as a pick me up” for CENTURIES but am I seeing it in real life? Fuck no. Please, if someone does this for you. Keep them, never let them go. I can imagine Diluc writing these messages, feeling confident when he writes them and ready to be a supportive person. The next day he’s looking at these notes and thinking “what the fuck did I just write, this is garbage” (totally not how I feel about my writing). Then he proceeds to throw them in some cabinet but since Kaeya doesn’t know the first thing about personal boundaries he goes snooping around in Diluc’s room, discovers the notes, and he ends up taking them and putting them on Keqing’s things. It makes her happy so Diluc is going to ignore the very pressing issue with whether or not he should commit manslaughter. 
You know, that’s very valid. That’s how I feel about Kaeya’s relationship with Lisa or Albedo. People that don’t get riled up or annoyed by his antics the same way Amber is. I feel like if you’re looking for small talk, he’s not a bad choice, but if you want those deep 3am conversations he’s definitely the person to go to. Zhongli isn’t a bad choice either but Zhongli tends to go into historical and philosophical moments (which isn’t bad) but you want to have someone relate to you or it feels like an actual conversation and not a history lesson then he’s actually perfect. Especially more controversial topics, I feel like Kaeya would probably have very different opinions from the norm. 
YES. YES. YES I’m replying to these as I read them but YES. Honestly, I get it. Zhongli is a super polite and respectable person. But. But. Have you seen how he clowned on Childe?? That entire interaction?? He didn’t even look the slightest big apologetic for almost destroying Liyue and using the man who was going to kill him to pay for his funeral. What a power move?? And you’re telling me you don’t see him being a smug prick. I love Zhongli’s story quest where everyone is saying “oh the first mora was treasured or it holds mythical powers” and Zhongli is looking at them as if they’re idiots. 
tyty (❤´艸`❤) I’m blessed to have you here. Oh, I hope you did well on your midterms tho and be sure to rest. I am a bit late to replying to this so hopefully I caught you before your break was over.
Always lovely hearing from you,
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