#There's even a mmorpg server
duncanor · 11 months
'Saw a youtuber say that Minecraft "became boring" because it's not as challenging anymore and like.. That game has never been about that. At all.
I've been playing that game since before it officially came out. And the reason as to why I don't have as much fun playing anymore is because I've been playing it for 13+ years..
I've seen everything, I'm not as interested into building anymore and finding a good server is a bit more tedious than in the old days imo (too many hypixels wanna be) but I'm also not as social as I used to be as a kid which makes me drop out of servers quite fast
So I have to play solo, and when you've done everything, playing solo rapidly becomes boring too. So you just stop playing..
We just aren't those kids anymore. It's really not a gameplay issue or anything. The game is ageless and real' good. It keeps getting better slowly but surely.
You're just bound to get tired of it after a decade.
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husberttee · 3 months
oh palia community beloved <3 :')
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ventique18 · 26 days
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"Ahh~ Only good things are happening lately~ As if we're in a dream~"
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"Eh. It's actually just a dream tho."
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"Hello everyone trapped in this empty world of dreams."
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"This is Idia Shroud."
"So today, I will explain the strategy to beat:
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"The magical domain that Malleus created is similar to a server running a huge MMORPG."
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"That means everyone's dreams are ran individually. Malleus and his clones are keeping an eye on the server."
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"In other words, Malleus is the server admin."
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"And his clones crack down on users who commit violations like in online games."
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"Malleus is the game master who has the authority to manage the entire server."
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"Under his control, we have no chance of winning..."
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"With the super geek hacker group STYX using ORTHO ATTACK, the server source code has been analyzed."
"So using this, we're building cheating tools [WARNING: DO NOT DO THIS IN ACTUAL GAMES]"
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"So using these cheating tools, the administrative rights to my dream can be transferred to me."
"Then I'll lure Malleus into my dream where I can get rid of that god damned invincibility!"
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"-- Well, it sounds like a perfect strategy but... The truth is there's just a few things about this cheating tool..."
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"The thing is, even though he's using autonomous clones to monitor each dream, it still shouldn't be easy to control the dreams of 20000 PEOPLE in Sage island."
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"If problems turn up everywhere, he'll have to deal with them all!"
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"While I'm developing the cheat tool, I want you all to distract Malleus!"
"I want you all to gather party members to defeat the Demon King!"
"Once everyone's awake, I'll send out invitations to my own dream."
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"Then I'll lure Malleus into my dream... THEN TURN ON THE CHEAT TOOL! As planned, Malleus' invincibility will disappear,"
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"Then everyone will accept the invitation and gather into my dream!"
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"Then Malleus will have to take down his magic AND EVERYONE WILL BE FREE!"
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"If you liked this 3-minute video, don't forget to leave a like!"
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loveydive · 1 year
holy fucking shit. no fucking way.
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noxinara · 2 months
Obey Me! Brothers and what kind of games I think they'd play
this is a very biased list (and long post) based off of games that I've played before :) (jk its really not biased, just games I think they would play!) I made this because I couldn't sleep last night and had brain worms-- Will probably make one for the dateables sometime soon, but this list is just the brothers!
Traditional Board Games.
There have been MANY times where he's been playing various board games with you, Diavolo, and Simeon.
Gets VERY competitive over games like Sorry!, Monopoly, Trouble.... Candy Land???
Will only let Diavolo win.
Shows no mercy to anyone else, including you. Sorry, love.
Card Games.
Particularly amazing at Poker. He would not let Mammon know this... until you guys have an in-house Poker night and he literally takes all??? Has the best poker face you've ever seen.
Won't even let you guys beat him at Uno or Go Fish. Boooooooo.
Puzzle Games.
I could see Luci being very good at Tetris for some reason?
One time Levi challenged him to the game to try and get out of going to RAD one day...
Let's just say he had to go to RAD that day and also had to stay over on cleaning duty. Courtesy of getting absolutely DESTROYED.
Controversial Pick: Rhythm Games.
I could 100000% see Luci tearing up some OSU! But only when all of the brothers are asleep and he's completed most of his work.
They help him unwind.
...Was that rhythmic tapping you heard when walking by his office late one night..? Interesting.
You saw him wearing Levi's VR headset playing Beat Saber one day.
No, you will NOT bring it up and you will NOT let him know of that video you took.
Oh. You posted it on Fab Snap?
Good luck. You're gonna need it.
Gambling Games/Apps.
Where I live you can just gamble from home because it's legal to have and play gambling apps?
He would have SO many on his D.D.D. They're taking up so much of his storage space.
Plays them a lot when you're around because he thinks that you're his good luck charm.
He also goes on a lot of Horse Racing and Sports Betting sites...
It got so bad that Lucifer had to figure out how to IP block him from these. it doesn't stop him--
Gacha Games.
Has absolutely insane luck for some reason??? Only on gacha games, tho.
Has definitely played Genshin Impact and Honkai Starrail because of Levi.
He got those 5 star and Ultra Rare pulls he wanted in his first 1-10 pulls? But you? It took you over 100 pulls to get what you wanted. WTF?????
You swear he must be cheating the system somehow. There is NO WAY.
Racing Games.
Particularly the ones that you can have a full racing setup for.
He's splurged thousands of Grimm on this.
Gran Turismo? Forza? F1? iRacing? He has them all.
He is VERY picky about who he lets touch his decked out setup... He'll let you use it any time you want, though. :) You're his treasure, ofc
Controversial Pick: Old School MMOs
Definitely played Old School RuneScape or Black Desert Online or Classic WoW and created gold farming empires.
Doesn't even do end game content, he's just a guild leader making bank off the work of his members.
He probably hosts fun events though.
Would definitely be the kind of guy that makes up scavenger hunts/fashion shows/trivia nights/etc. and gives out sick prizes...
Might also rig these to make sure you or his officers win the best prizes. How sweet.
He is literally THE gamer.
There probably isn't a single genre of game he hasn't played.
His favorite games are definitely MMORPGs and Visual Novels/Dating Sims/Bishojos/Gal games.
Could see him as a raid lead in all of the biggest MMOs like WoW, FFXIV and GW2.
He also 100% visits the degenerate RP server places like Moon Guard's Goldshire and Balmung's Quicksand.
He's definitely not a BLUSHING MESS and rushing to close his game if you catch him in one of these places!!! He would never go there!!! Oh... you want to join him? DEFINITELY NOT.
He would get too jealous of anyone daring to look at you to even let you breath in the vicinity of these degen realms.
He's also done plenty of MMO Ironman challenges and was one of the first people to complete Classic Hardcore WoW entirely solo. Didn't even group for dungeons. What a MAN.
Bishojo/Gal games are his guilty pleasure, how could they not be?
He gets all the waifus with none of the jealousy, right???
What do you mean he picks the same one every time? He can't just cheat on them MC!!
Loves JRPGs and Soulslike games.
Has definitely beaten Elden Ring more times than he can count. Knows literally all of the ins, outs, and secrets and is eagerly anticipating the DLC.
Has probably played every single Final Fantasy game and beaten them all. Would very much have a soft spot for FF4, FF7, and FF9.
Could definitely see him playing MOBAs and 4x strategy/Grand strategy games.
He's not the Grand Admiral of Hell's Navy for nothin'. He knows strategy games like the back of his hand.
The only brother that ever rivals him in strategic knowledge is Satan. (and Lucifer, but we're talking about GAMES here.)
He spends countless hours on League of Legends.
He mains JG/Mid and gets very toxic.
Has favorite characters, but honestly just plays whatever is in meta.
Owns every skin for Ahri, Lux, Katarina, Evelynn, and Akali.
He's definitely in Challengers.
Would 100% make a Smurf account if you wanted to play and would duo bot with you.
He'd play ADC and do anything to protect you, his loving support.
Would not be toxic in your games (unless you are too).
Faker who???
Controversial pick: Casual Mobile Games
Played Flappy Bird all the time when it was popular, still has a cracked copy on his D.D.D... I don't think anyone is beating his high score.
He's got a ridiculous amount of hours on Candy Crush, Angry Birds, and Fruit Ninja.
Would throw his D.D.D into his fish tank and have Henry 2.0 guard it before he'd ever let you catch him on one of these 'normie' games...
But... he secretly likes them so much.
Hear me out, Satan would be a SUCKER for CYOA (Choose-your-own-adventure)/IF (Interactive Fiction) text games.
Would have Choice of Games, Hosted Games, and Heart's Choice hidden on his D.D.D.
He LOVES immersing himself in story games and creating various MCs.
Oh, look! An RO that reminds him of you? Don't mind him self-inserting.
Probably has character sheets made for his favorite MCs. 
Will play through his favorite stories many, many times.
It all started with Choice of the Deathless and now he owns every game on each platform? (I'm jealous)
Also goes on Dashing Don... What do you MEAN author hasn't finished this story yet? AAAA-
Detective/Mystery/Escape Rooms Games.
I don't think any explanation is needed here. It's just who he is.
Would definitely get all of his brothers (minus Lucifer) together to do a virtual escape room... Unfortunately, it became so chaotic they never finished it. Oh well.
Once played Phasmophobia with Levi, Beel, and Belphie. Was very proud of himself for figuring out the ghost... Definitely did not sacrifice his brothers for the info.
Life Sims.
Specifically ones that let you own or are centered around cats.
Has played every single Sims game and bought their cat and dogs expansions.
Definitely did NOT recreate you and himself with 6 cute cats!!!
He did NOT get the mod that extends household size so that you two could own 97 cats. He wouldn't do that, no way!!!
...Was there actually a baby in the household, too..? Why did it have his hair and your eyes...? SATAN?!?!
you know the Catz DS game? He owned every single version and will NOT let you touch them... Okay. Maybe he gave into letting you touch them, but ONLY when he's supervising!
Very much enjoys RTS Games.
He's scarily good at games like StarCraft Brood Wars/2, the Age of Empires franchise, or Rise of Nations.
He's also gotten into 4x games like Stellaris and Civ. Thanks, Levi.
Don't try and challenge him, he can beat the hardest bots and WIN... THE BOTS LITERALLY CHEAT.
Controversial Pick: Fighting Games
Specifically games like Guilty Gear, Street Fighter, Tekken, BlazBlue, etc. Courtesy of Levi again. Thanks, Levi.
It helps him temper his wrath.
He'll sometimes play Mortal Kombat just for the finishers?? Why is he this way?
He could spend hours learning all the combos and tech of his favorite characters.
Has created himself some tech books and would only show them to you, esp. if you showed interest in learning the games with him!
I could see him and Levi settling disputes by doing best 3 out of 5 1v1s against each other.
Could see him maining Giovanna or Leo from GGST? Tends to prefer rushdown characters. (this one is completely biased, i named my cat after Giovanna from GG--)
Dress-up/Fashion/Stylist Games.
SuitU, Love Nikki, Covet Fashion - you name it.
He has all of them on his D.D.D and will shell out major Grimm to get any outfit he likes.
Might try to make the outfits he gets in these games for himself and you, because you're the perfect model!
Has a lot of fun with it and might try and talk you into playing with him.
Will definitely post amazing outfits he makes in-game on Devilgram. Will also post countless photos and videos of you two modeling those outfits he brings to life.
...NSFW/Eroge Games.
Not gonna go into detail on these ones because you already know what I mean.
Enjoys playing those games that haunt the front pages of my Steam.
Would proudly play them in front of you to laugh at how ridiculous they are sometimes (as long as you're 18+)
Like Satan, I could see him enjoying Life Sims...
Unlike Satan, it's not because he wants animals.
Plays games like the Sims, Stardew Valley, and Sun Haven.
Self-inserts himself and will romance EVERYONE.
Has the mods where you can marry every single villager and the bed mod that makes your bed MASSIVE so all your husbands and wives can sleep with you.
Made a Sims save with just himself romping around town... No sim is safe from Asmo.
Also has a Sims save with you and him that he openly enjoys more. It has both of you enjoying that Sims Nightlife as celebrities and living in a MASSIVE mansion he custom decorated.
Will also play any Visual Novel/Dating Game that is recommended to him by Levi.
Bonus points if it never shows the MC so he can self-insert himself.
Controversial pick (in this case, not really): VR Games
Specifically things like VRChat or Chillout VR.
Would be extraordinarily popular and have custom avatars of HIMSELF made with so many toggles that it'll make your head spin.
He would always be hanging out in night club or bar worlds.
Occasionally Mammon joins him.
Sometimes he also invites you to join him~! (Would not like it if people started hanging all over you, tho, and would probably bring you to a hot home world with just you and him if that happened...)
Sports games.
No doubts about this one.
Could definitely see him playing FIFA or Madden.
Levi thinks these are SUPER normie games and is offended to have them in the house.
Beel doesn't care.
Ooo, they made a game of Fangol?!?! He becomes an expert so fast, you have no idea. Would 100% teach you how to play with him.
Loves Cooking Games or Food-themed Games...
He just can't play them for long, however.
One time you got him to play Cooking Mama with you, Luke, Simeon, and Solomon but you had to stop because he got so hungry that he was trying to eat the television????
Would have to bring in MANY snacks and vow to make dishes from the games if you wanted to play these with him around... Which is a shame because he genuinely enjoys them. 
I could see him loving Multiplayer Party/Minigame Games like Mario Party or WarioWare.
You mean he gets to play silly mini games with all of his favorite people?
He doesn't care if he wins, he just loves having you guys around.
Almost always comes in last place when he's playing with you, Belphie, and Levi but that's okay. The faces you guys make when you get your stars are worth it.
Controversial pick (and I mean this one is VERY controversial): FPS games
Now, I know what you're thinking. Beel is a gentle giant and wouldn't play these types of games...
But! I could see him forming 5 stacks with you and his brothers in games like CS2 and Valorant and being scarily good because of his amazing hand-eye coordination and reaction times?
Like he and Levi could easily carry you guys to high Asc/Low Immortal lobbies.
He would just play fill when everyone's around, but his mains would be Kay-O and Breach.
He would always be the initiator in Counter-Strike, following Levi's IGL calls perfectly.
He would also probably love playing games like Squad or Modern Warfare or Battlefield with all of his brothers, you + the dateables.
Our resident Horror Game lover.
They give him ideas on how to prank his brothers dreams.
Once made Mammon go through Outlast in his dreams (nightmares??).
You better run, little pig.
But he genuinely enjoys them... When he can stay awake through them.
Hey, you, why don't you just play for him?
Loved playing through games like Amnesia... Unfortunately for you, his love for puzzle psychological horror probably contributed to how he acted in Act 16 OM--
Loves Psychological Dramas and those Interactive Media Games.
You know. The ones where you're combing through footage or watching videos and making choices to find out the hidden/deeper/darker meanings?
He LOVES those.
Usually has you or his brothers playing for him. It's most likely Satan.
You all get equally invested.
Idle Games.
He can run these while he's asleep.
There's nothing more to be said. 
These are the simplest type of games there are....
He's probably got a cookie empire.
Has a soft spot for Kart Racing Games.
Will regularly be in the room when you, Levi, Beel or Mammon are playing.
He's honestly pretty good at them??
When he's not falling asleep behind the wheel that is.
Controversial pick: Auto Battlers
These are games like TFT, Hearthstone Battlegrounds, and DOTA's Auto Chess.
He naps in between rounds and wakes up in 20s increments to prepare for his turn... Why does he have the timing down to a tee???
You're sure you've even seen him pick perfectly in his sleep??? How does he do it?????
Regularly comes in the Top 4, usually first or second. 
What do you mean he's a Challenger TFT player??? Wtf how???
Will not coach you if you ask, but you're free to watch!
Will definitely cuddle with you the whole time he's playing these.
All Brothers, with a bonus YOU!
I could honestly see them ALL enjoying CRPGs as a group.
They always get the mods that let you increase your party size.
Went through Baldur's Gate 3 with you on your recommendation.
They all fought over who would get to play Astarion and Mammon won?!?!
Satan got Gale
Beel got Karlach
Levi was Laz'ael
Lucifer was Wyll
Belphie got Shadowheart
And Asmo made a Dark Urge Bard that looked exactly like himself????
He literally doesn't even make any Dark Urge decisions.
He doesn't want blood staining his clothes. 😔
You got to choose whatever you wanted though!
You took the Dark Urge from Asmo and he just played a normal, flirty bard with impeccable fashion sense.
This playthrough took MONTHS and MONTHS... but you all had a blast!
You cannot count the number of times Satan 'accidentally' hit you with fire balls. (He claims he was aiming for Lucifer.)
Lucifer somehow ended up getting you all the luckiest ending? How did he roll 3 nat 20s?????
You're on to play Divinity: Original Sin II next...
Satan has already claimed Fane.
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AITA for telling someone that they didn’t actually care about me when they sent a message checking to make sure I was okay?
I want to preface this with: I am probably TA in this situation but I want to know if I am justified or overreacting
So i was in this discord server for a guild in an mmorpg and while it was fine at first, over time i started noticing that when I would say anything (not even just when talking about the game) the conversation nine times out of ten would either skip over everything i said or just die until a few hours or days later when someone else would say something.
The most active people in the server were friends with someone who has me blocked on everything despite never having interacted with each other (based on what i know about the person, they likely blocked me during some fandom drama where a man who had been harassing me for almost two years straight was picking new targets and I called him out on being a creep)- this normally wouldn’t be a problem, except that someone did a gift art of one of that person’s ocs and it spawned a roughly 3 hour conversation about how cool the person is.
Because I wasn’t in a great place mentally, I took that as a sign that I should stop bothering people who don’t want me to be there, deleted all my messages from the server as I left it, took all of my characters out of the guild, and carried on as usual.
Here’s where it gets tricky:
The guild leader messaged me about 5 days after i left the server asking me if I was alright and if they could help. I responded that I left because I didn’t want to start any drama and they clearly preferred someone who didn’t like me, and I didn’t want to intrude where I wasn’t really wanted. They responded back a few hours later saying that they valued my friendship and that they would send me another invite back to the guild if i wanted it. I responded to them by telling them basically that since nobody really wanted to talk to me anyway and they all clearly preferred the other person, that their concern didn’t read as sincere and the conversation went quiet from there.
What are these acronyms?
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starleska · 8 months
so 'The Amazing Digital Circus' has all kinds of fun references and wears its inspiration on its sleeve...
from Popee the Performer (the environment, slapstick, and especially Gangle's masks resembling Kedamono's), to Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach (the inside of The Tent looking very much like the Daycare), to Deltarune (Caine's eye-glitching looking very similar to Spamton's, and of course them casting Alex Rochon as Caine, who is known for his Spamton voice!). but there's also another neat little set of references which may or may not be deliberate: the nods to Toontown Online!
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Toontown Online was an MMORPG where you play as Toons (slapstick-using, brightly coloured, animal cartoon characters) fighting Cogs (evil fun-hating robots based on corporate businesspeople). the game still exists now in fan servers such as Toontown Rewritten and Toontown: Corporate Clash, with a thriving community contributing to new stories and preserving the original game. i noticed a few similarities between Toontown and TADC:
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the name generator! when you first enter Toontown, you have the option to choose your name via a random generator. although you can type in your own name, and the names are comprised of separate words rather than letters, the silliness and randomness of it seems very similar to Caine's name generator...additionally, if you typed your own name, you would have to wait to have it approved (ensuring that the name wasn't offensive), much like Caine's quickly-spouted rules about naming!
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2. portal travel! one of the big gimmicks of Toontown is that you're able to move between areas by jumping through a portable hole, also known as 'teleporting'. this looks quite similar to the one Gangle and Kinger are pushed through/Jax jumps through to find the Queen of the Gloinks!
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3. Jax's appearance! in Toontown, you create your own Toon by selecting from one of the available species, and then changing their colour, height, clothes, and more. a tall purple rabbit is definitely a type of Toon which could be created in the original Toontown game, and his whole playful nature reminds me so much of the game!
as an old fan of Toontown i'm delighted to see these references, and am sure they're on purpose. given that this is The Amazing Digital Circus, i think we're going to see a loooot of references to older online culture, like games and videos 🥰💖 everyone, please do go watch The Amazing Digital Circus pilot and support them if you can. they deserve to be funded to create even more wonderful episodes!! and i'd love to hear people's thoughts on this. were there any references you spotted? 👀
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yuurei20 · 1 month
Compilation Master List: Q&A
(Not all but many!)
Ace ・I noticed that ace seemed to think the title of magic-less prefect was cool ・I suddenly remembered out of nowhere Ace had ghosted his ex
Trey ・I can''t remember a time when we've heard Trey use honorifics with anyone else in the student body.
Cater ・I have a curious question about a voice line from Cater's Bloom broom card. ・Is Cater Diamond attractive with both genders? ・Is it mentioned how many followers cater has on magicam? ・Do we know what caters dad does for work?
Leona ・So in the second novel, after Leona's overblot does it go into his past or is it just the speech afterwards? ・Does Leona have a favorite first year/freshman? ・Does novel Leona treat Yuuya differently compared to the game. ・I remember hearing once that leona can drive a car? ・Do Leona consider mc/yuu as friend or just a normal classmate?
Azul ・Can I ask about Leona and Azul's contract? ・Does canon ever say anything similar about how Azul was acknowledged as dorm head and when he assumed the position?
Jade, Floyd ・I wanted to know if it was ever mentioned anywhere that Jade ate his siblings. ・Is there any reference to the Tweels being afraid of sea snakes? ・Floyd's union birthday vingette in JP ・Is it true that Jade doesn't have any members in his club
Jamil ・When Jade corners Kalim with his UM in book 4, Kalim admits he knows who's been mind controlling him, but promised long ago to never tell. ・On the EN server, Jamil's lesson start line is translated as "No antics, please." ・I've seen people mention Jamil might actually care about Kalim more than the surface level ・So what's the deal with Jamil Viper's parents
Vil ・Could you explain to me why Vil is so insistent on correcting Epel's accent?
Rook ・Regarding Rook: do we know whether he arrived at NRC aboard the black carriage because he was actually picked by the Black Mirror? ・I was wondering if it's ever mentioned about Rook disliking anyone
Epel ・I've noticed Epel keeps adding 'kana' to the end of his sentences. What does it mean?
Idia ・How does Idia feel about Leona? ・How many times do lilia and idia interact in person? ・Does Idia's hair burn? ・Does idia sometimes use "de gozaru" to end sentences? ・I think I remember there being a lot of madness surrounding Idia being close to Yuu. ・Has there ever been a name given for the MMORPG Idia and Lilia play together? ・How do you think Idia got his unique magic? ・What's Idia's relationship with his parents like? ・Does Idia have any peeps that he can get along with, other than Ortho? ・Could it be that Idia actually considers the prefect to be a friend?
Malleus ・In twst is it obvious knowledge for the characters in game that malleus is like 100's of years old ・What honorifics does the cast use for Malleus? ・Do you know how Malleus got the dorm leader position? ・Did Malleus have a special tutor growing up or did Lilia also serve as his tutor?
Lilia ・Do you remember any instance of Lilia calling Silver 'his son' in JP server?
Silver ・Do the other members of Diasomnia know that Silver is Lilia's son?
Sebek ・When Sebek enters a battle, he says, "I'll swallow you whole." What does that mean? ・Is it possible that "human" can be used to describe everyone who isn't fae?
Crowley ・I swear the model of Crowley even in that moment was holding a whip ・Is there anything about Crowley Actually being stingy in game ・Have you seen the voice lines for Crowley's card? ・What's this Crowley's fan theory rejecting Deuce's application for a Magical Wheel club about?
Lucius ・Is there any canon indication that Lucius is Treins familiar?
Prefect Questions ・How many people know about Yuu is actually from the other world ・I was wondering what yuuya does during the OB battles? ・Is there anything in the novels where Yuuya going into a club is brought up? ・Does Crowley give the MC any allowance? ・Do you think a magicless prefect would be able to get thru NRC's curriculum w/o grim? ・Do the characters seem aware of the backstories of the other characters? ・When Yuuya arrived in Twisted Wonderland, did he instantly understand the language there? ・Has the Perfect ever given gifts in the birthday tracker? ・Is Yuuya more prominent in the novel than Yuu in the games ・Characters reacting to prefect ・Do you have any idea as to why the novel Yuu has severe social anxiety as opposed to the other Yuus? ・Did the novel talk about the effects of blot on normal people without magic? ・Ghost Prefect?
Students ・Do you know how many siblings each characters has ・I was wondering if it was "common" knowledge that the overblot happened or if it's only the students that were present that know about it? ・Do you perhaps know which character is the most frequent DUO character? ・Was there ever an official height chart anywhere? ・Did the 5 student overblots happen over the span of 5 months? ・Can i ask about what happens After the overblots? ・Was it ever said in the game or by the guys themselves where they go or what they do during the holidays/ winter break?
NRC ・Does any part of the story mention the cost of tuition at nrc? ・Does NRC have a nurse or a doctor for the infirmary? ・I was wondering how animal linguistics works ・Does Twst follow Western or Asian school system ・I've been trying to find out how many students go to nrc for fic purposes ・I was wondering if clubs are mandatory for students and when club enrollment begins. ・Are the student numbers chosen specifically or do they mean a specific thing? ・It is common knowledge that Night Raven College is an all-boy schools, but what about Royal Sword Academy or Noble Bell College?
Magic ・Concerning light and dark magic, has there really been like a significant difference between the two? ・So how many people do we know the circumstances of how they got their unique magic now? ・I was wondering how the novels described how it looks when each character's Unique Magic is cast.
Language ・Do you know why 'land of pyroxene' was changed to 'the shaftlands'? ・It seemed like Mickey was saying he saw the Silver haired weird eye colour boy... ・In EN, (Najma) calls (Jamil) bro/dude and he reacts with "since when do you call me bro/dude!?" I was wondering what this exchange is like in JP? ・In the new update malleus UM said fae malefience and not fae of malefience would you know why? ・"Cold One Duke"
Behind the Scenes ・How true is that Yana is not involved in the writing of all events? ・I'm especially curious about (Yana's) involvement in the starsending, chef, rabbit fest and harveston event. ・I was wondering if you knew anything about the artists who work on the game? ・Do you know if some of the characters were supposed to be girls or the school coed?
Various ・Has there been any comment about dinosaurs in twisted wonderland? ・I was curious about what's the largest and the shortest Twistune/Rhythmic. ・I keep seeing the fandom joke about S.T.Y.X being the government or something ・How on earth did the heroes stories work if they, uh, yk, dont have the villains? ・Is there info anywhere on how much a madol/thaumark is worth? ・Do you know if there is a timeline for the main story and events that would make for the best reading order? ・Reading Order Pt2 ・Book 7 Theory
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Kuras propaganda:
"Kuras bought the MC a cookie and is also an angel doctor or something"
Nakedtoaster propaganda:
“First off we love he/they icons. He's very silly but he's also extremely smart and sweet. They care about their friends deeply and they're always conscious of when a joke is going too far and needs to stop. He's so sweet and cute and it's so impossibly easy to make them blush theyre truly a dork. Also did you know if you create a ffxiv account you can play up to level 70 for free?!”
“A tall gentle giant that somehow thrives at being both silly goofy AND incredibly brilliant. They're always #downtoclown and they have a good sense of humor but he's also attentive, caring and kind, likes to spend quality time chatting and having some deep conversation (if he thinks something upsets, he always checks in to make sure you're doing okay). They coded a complex text-based CRPG that responds in real time to player input, and eventually they got their own company. They're CEO and care about their company and employees, so much that he's really conflicted about selling the organization, because it feels like it's his baby (his words). He balances work, gaming and socialization in the server. In their route, they get adorably flustered but make sure to let the player know that they're into it and absolutely reciprocate, and after their ending (which is very emotionally charged and high stakes scenario) they literally go "Fuck it" and profess love to the player even though they haven't known each other for long, because they mutually relate and empathize with each other's struggles (player character also is in a tense work environment and trying to manage expectations). He has gorgeous pink hair that he lets the player braid, he won't lose any opportunity to promote the critically acclaimed MMORPG FFXIV, he's the sweetest cutest person, and perhaps most importantly, he looks great in cat ears headband <3”
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stormbreaker101 · 1 year
Because of the semi-recent uproar stirred by by J/K/R's blatant antisemitism in that new H/ar/ry P/ott/er game (putting slashes to keep this post from potentially showing up in searches for those terms bc theyre not the focus of this post), and the drive to make the Wizard101 community more explicitly Jewish-friendly, there is a word floating around in wizard101 canon and thus in the wizard101 communities online that I'd like to call attention to.
The name of the major antagonists in the second half of Arc 3 and beyond. Host to some of our favorite characters.
The word 'cabal' simply means "a secret political clique of faction".
Why am I calling attention to this word and name?
The word cabal is derived from the rabbinical Hebrew word 'Kabbalah', the word for Jewish religious teachings (specifically study and interpretation of the Torah). I hope I don't have to explain why turning the word for our religious studies into meaning a secret political organization is antisemitic as fuck.
Im not blaming the wiz communities online for using this word, and Im not sure I can even blame the writers for not considering the antisemitic roots of the word. The writers likely didnt think 'oh, let's intentionally use an antisemitic word for the villains we want to introduce'. Antisemitism is woven into our language and culture. Cabal was an antisemitic word and concept before it was a name for a group of fictional villains in an MMORPG.
That being said, we don't have to be (and in fact, we SHOULDN'T be) complacent in antisemitism. Language matters. Therefore, if I may, I'd like to suggest a word we can use instead of Cabal/Cabalists:
In canon, the Cabal and Arcanum had been one entity (the old Arkanum) before the Great Schism happened in which the two broke apart into what they are today. The Cabalists were the ones forced out, and the ancestors of the modern Arcanum followed the goal of studying all the schools of magic, rather than studying how to survive the apocalypse.
A friend offered this word up to a discord server we were in, and we all made the switch there.
I'm not asking for much. Just for us to be the slightest bit conscious of our language. Just for us to replace one word for another.
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nightisawkward · 9 months
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*stumbles into room with dirt on face and twigs in hair* Hello fellow Desert Duo enjoyers!!!!! Would you like to hear about my Log Horizon crossover AU absolutely no one asked for??
(If you don't know what Log Horizon is, just know that it's an anime where a bunch of people basically get stuck in a high fantasy MMORPG called Elder Tale in real life. Yeah I know that sounds like Sword Art Online but I promise it's better. I promise)
--- GoodTimeWithScar (Scar) || Race: Elf || Class: Summoner || Subclass: Counterfieter || Level: 90
Scar didn't exactly expect to be isekai'd when he logged back onto Elder Tale for the first time in 8 months, but he isn't exactly complaining! Scar sees the Catastrophe as a fresh new start in life, and is determined to make the most of it. Filled with a thirst for adventure, Scar is determined to go on a sightseeing journey across the entire server. Despite his decent combat ability, his self-preservation instincts are nearly nonexistent post-Catastrophe. In order to stop himself from being sent back to spawn every few hours, he's decided to party with his old friend Grian. After all, aren't adventures more exciting when you can share it with friends?
--- Xelqua (Grian) || Race: Ritian (Race of Ritual) || Class: Swashbuckler || Subclass: Acrobat || Level: 90
While Grian used to play Elder Tale religiously during his university years, his passion for the game began dwindling when his friends slowly started to quit. Now stuck in a familiar-unfamiliar world against his will, he is determined to find a way to get back to the "Real World" by any means necessary. Grian travels the server in hopes of finding clues about the rumored "Watchers", a secret NPC clan who allegedly triggered the Catastrophe. Grian will do anything to find a way to escape, even if it means pairing up with his unwelcome old guildmate...
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retrogamechampion · 1 year
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The most massive, perpetual collection of soundtracks from lost and abandoned online games
Click here to download and preserve everything that's included!
I'm a very oldschool (read: old) cat, so I was there when the very first online games / MMORPGs hit the early internet. From BBSes to games on AOL and Compuserve to Neopets to watching my oldest kiddo playing and loving "Monkey Quest..."
Technology improved over the years and the titles kept getting larger, the userbase having more ways to feel connected - Huge communities grew. Communities that had serious bonds, with the games providing them with IRL buddies, bestest of friends, and even partners. Because of the actual human connections these titles created, they became seriously important.
Now, consider all of that. Have you or anyone you know ever played one of those type of games and then suffered the heartache when a company decides to shut the service down or completely ditches the game, leaving it to fall apart? The emptiness of going to a login screen to see that the servers will never be turned on again - That's a crushing letdown, especially if you never got to properly say "Goodbye."
I mentioned Monkey Quest earlier because my kiddo adored it (and I often watched them play it). It was a really badass lil' platformer with tons of quests and surprising crossovers like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. It was also my kid's first experience with a "friends list." I'll never forget how bummed out they were when they found out that Nickelodeon was shuttering it and they realized they'd never get to experience that part of their childhood again. Of course, fans tried to resurrect it years later, but those projects disappeared again due to legal threats, much like Club Penguin.
To help with the parting sadness and to preserve a serious dose of nostalgia, I've decided to start rescuing the music out of online games like this that no longer exist (or have been left to join the choir invisible) and release them as soundtracks. And, wouldn't you know? I put together one for Monkey Quest first. :)
As more games pass the 15+ year old date (what I consider "retro") or are killed off / abandoned by their companies, more soundtracks will be added with an announcement here in Tumblr.
If I've left out any online games that fit these two descriptions, please let me know and I'll consider adding them to this collection!
For now, though, here's what's included to kick off the project:
Bin Weevils
Hello Kitty Online
Free Realms
Mata Nui: The Online Game
Mata Nui: The Online Game II - The Final Chronicle
Monkey Quest
Qring Online
Taan Online
The Matrix Online
ToonTown Online
U.B. Funkeys
Webkinz World
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minecraft · 1 year
recently on a whim I played on a different minecraft server, one that's like medieval fantasy mmorpg themed, has good owner-made builds, and was thoroughly impressed by how awful of an experience i had while playing it. immediately got put into a lobby server where i learned that the main server can only have like 100 people on it and they had a queue system for joining it meaning i had to wait around an hour or so before I could even get in, with paid ranks that skip queue, and then once i get in i see they have quests and npcs disabled temporarily. the main experience sucked ass too. dungeons in the world which are protected builds but the loot is on global cooldowns meaning you can go to a dungeon and find absolutely no loot because someone already looted that dungeon. no good indication or official map of dungeon locations. only dungeon map is fanmade and slightly outdated/incomplete, with huge icons covering the actual map which make pinpointing where/what a dungeon actually is very hard. no teleportation except to spawn and homes. ranks get more homes and more claims faster. overall i'd rate it a 3/10
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jingyuanswallet · 5 days
hi guys, this will be my last promotion for a few days, i have recently made a server that i am going to revamp tonight about all the popular mmorpg games, some examples being genshin, wuthering waves and honkai impact and star rail!! atm it is currently just honkai but like i said im revamping today! so if you’re interested or looking for a community dont hesitate to check it out. we have 90 members so far so if you’re looking to expand interests and find others with similar interests it might be a place for you :) it is also very open to multiple timezones and i do need some mods so if interested lmk within the app or even here :3!!
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average-mako-enjoyer · 2 months
I keep seeing these posts about puriteens on my dash and I think I have a story to tell.
Back in the mid-2000s, I played this massive MMO. I was part of a large guild, made some friends there, and got involved in some very weird drama. All in all, I had a good time, but there was this one incident involving two weirdos that somehow changed my outlook on life (yes, that can happen through something as mundane as an MMORPG; epiphanies are a truly unpredictable thing).
Weirdo number one was an actual incel. Only back then we didn't have a term to describe his behavior (which included constantly harassing women in the game and on the game-related forum), so we just called him a "weirdo" and tried to avoid him at all costs.
Weirdo number two was a vice president of our guild. A guy in his late 20s who really wanted to be seen as a smart, sensible and righteous (of course, he was neither).
The incident began with Weirdo Number One posting on the game's forum a list of afab players titled "Top 5 Server Sluts," which included yours truly. In second place, mind you, I wasn't even a top slut! Shame! I was 17 at the time and it was my first experience of being called that. It was shocking and of course very upsetting (undeserved, I thought; I was very naive at the time and thought that people needed an actual reason to call you such a slur), but since the guy who did it was already known to be a massive weirdo, myself and two girls who were on the list and were members of our guild decided not to lash out or complain. Instead, we appropriated that slur.
We started jokingly calling each other sluts, arguing about our rankings on the list, and changed our statuses in group chat to Top Slut #2, #4, and #5. And it felt good. Empowering. The incel weirdo tried to degrade us, but we just said "no" to him and others like him in the most blatant way possible. We turned this humiliating, painful experience into a joke.
But then The Weirdo Number Two, the vice president, decided to pop up in the chat and tell us that since we didn't vocally object to this guy calling us sluts, we must really be slutty. He then continued to shame us in the chat to the glee of his then 16-year-old girlfriend. He was 27.
A few months later, he left the guild in a massive scandal and continued to call me a slut for another 4 years until the game servers were finally shut down.
That weirdo taught me some very important life lessons. Here they are:
Once you have done something the purist thinks is wrong, they stop seeing you as a person. It's perfectly fine to harass and threaten you
Purists don't really have the brains and empathy to understand that you have the right to process your trauma in ways they deem offensive
Purists are not okay with you doing the things they find repulsive, but they can do no wrong themselves. All their actions are justified
There's really nothing you can do to avoid the attention of such people
I am absolutely convinced that purist culture is vile and breeds the worst kind of people.
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writercole · 1 year
Five Minutes More
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Summary: Dean may have developed a crush on one of the girls he plays his mmorpg with. When she comes to town for work, feelings take over. Squares: Gamers spnfluffbingo Words: 2413 Warnings: Fluff, sweet Dean Credits: @princessmisery666 for looking this over ages ago. I'm lowering my expectations and posting it now. A/N: This was going to be a very long series but it's honestly a lot and I can't handle expanding it but it's so sweet that I have to share it.
Likes are loved but reblogs are golden. Patreon is gone. Tipping is available through Tumblr if you're so inclined.
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 “Alright guys, keep your focus. Another two percent,” the raid leader, Dean, better known in game as DWImpala, called over the voice chat. The only thing that could be heard over comms was the steady click-clack of key presses for spells and attacks. The numbers steadily decreased, chunks of the boss’s health falling off as the eighteen players gave their all.
The boss went down and everyone cheered, congratulating the lucky players who got loot and lamenting that they didn’t think the stupid horse existed since another week had gone by without a drop.
“Alright, I’m calling it here for the night,” he announced to his guild. “Next week we’re going to do a full clear, then go on raid break until we get new content.”
Players said their goodbyes and logged off the game and the voice server, leaving their officers alone.
“So, uh, I’m going to be out next week,” Scuttle announced. She was the healer lead and the few people who knew her well enough called her Y/N.
“Oh yeah? Hot date?” Demonfall, a DPS known as Ash, teased.
“Out of town for work, sadly,” she replied with a sigh.
“Anywhere fun, at least?” Dean questioned, disappointed that she’d be gone. She was great at her class, sure, but he’d also developed a bit of a crush on her.
“Not unless you count a tiny town in Kansas as fun,” she scoffed.
Dean’s heart skipped a beat when she said Kansas. He’d grown up there, hell, he still lived in Kansas. He knew the odds of her coming to his tiny town were slim. 
But if he were honest, he wasn’t even sure he wanted to meet her. His crush was probably nothing; he didn’t even know what she looked like. But she was an awesome person from what he could tell.
He was vaguely aware of continuing conversation between the other two people but he wasn’t paying attention. His mind had gotten lost in fantasies and what ifs, trying to come up with a reason to find out more about what she did and where she’d be just to get a glimpse of her. He knew it was creepy to manipulate the conversation for information. So he kept his mouth shut.
The sound of a user disconnecting snapped his attention back to the present, his heart falling at the thought that he’d lost his chance to talk to her more. But when he saw that they were the only two left in chat, his mouth went dry.
“De? You still there?” she asked.
“Oh, uh, y-yeah,” he stuttered and cleared his throat. “Sorry, I kinda zoned out after you mentioned you were coming to Kansas.”
“Coming to Kansas? Is that where you are?” she questioned eagerly, anxious to get some kind of information from the private man she had started to have feelings for.
“Yeah,” he confirmed, “Lawrence.”
“You’re kidding,” she deadpanned, unable to believe what she was hearing.
“Uh, no,” he replied, confusion evident in his voice.
“That’s where I’ll be. If you have some time one day, maybe, if you want, you can show me where to get a decent burger?” Her voice held a lightness, a hope that he’d accept.
“I’d love to,” he answered enthusiastically. She’d been the first one to ask. She actually wanted to meet him.
“Really?! I mean, I’m there all week so it’s whenever you’re free but that would be amazing,” she babbled.
“So when are you getting in?”
“Sunday evening. I’m driving down and should be there somewhere around 5 or 6,” she informed, doing the math in her head about what time she needed to leave and how long the drive was.
“Okay, well how about we meet up Sunday evening? I can take you out for a late dinner,” he offered. 
“That sounds great,” she agreed with a smile evident in her voice.
“Awesome. I’ll DM you my number and you can just text me when you’re close?” Dean suggested as he typed his cell into the chat box.
“I’ll text you from my phone so you can save my number, too. Just make sure your girlfriend knows who I am,” she chuckled.
“No girlfriend, sweetheart,” Dean clarified, “but you make sure your boyfriend is cool with it.”
“Yeah, about that,” she said softly, “we broke up two weeks ago.”
“What? Scuttle, why didn’t you say anything?” Dean scolded.
“I don’t know. I mean, it’s not like I was in love with the guy. So what if I caught him in his car with some redhead? It’s not a big deal.” Her voice contained a venom that Dean never wanted to be on the receiving end of.
“Where does this guy live?” Dean practically growled, anger at the man who treated her so badly burning in his chest. 
She laughed then, a sweet giggle that doused the fire and diverted his attention.
“I’m serious, sweetheart. Say the word and I’ll take care of him,” he repeated.
“That’s sweet, De. But I’m fine, really. It’s getting late, though, and I have to work tomorrow and pack. I’ll see you Sunday?”
“Five minutes more?” he pleaded.
“Five minutes,” she confirmed.
Five minutes turned into an hour. That hour turned into texting back and forth over the next few days, nearly all day long, and talking every night for hours. By the time Sunday came around, Dean was sure that he was falling for her. 
As sure as Dean was that he was falling hard, so was she. Her ex had said that she cared more about that game and people she’d never met than him. In hindsight, he may not have been wrong. He was still a dick, though.
She texted Dean when she was leaving home and starting her drive. He smiled at his phone before slipping it back in his pocket and sliding back under his car, whistling as he worked. It was just a simple oil change and he was done in no time, deciding to wash and detail the car while he had time. 
He sang along to Metallica as he dried the water, not realizing that he had a smile on his face until Benny walked over from next door.
“Wha’s gaht yah smilin’ like dat?” he teased in his thick Cajun accent.
“Nothing. I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Dean quickly denied.
“Who’z dah guhl?” 
“What girl?”
Benny fixed him with a look, letting him know that he wasn’t buying it. Dean sighed and Benny smirked, knowing that he’d won that battle.
“Okay, so you know how I’ve told you about that girl I game with, Scuttle?” Dean started.
“Oh yeah, tha one you sweet on,” Benny replied.
“I’m not five, Benny. I’m not ‘sweet’ on her.” Dean rolled his eyes and Benny laughed before Dean continued. “Anyway, she’s coming to town for work and I’m taking her to dinner tonight.”
“You gonna tell Cher yah like her?” 
“No. I mean, I don’t really even know her. She doesn’t even know me. And she just broke up with her boyfriend because she caught him cheating on her.” Dean returned to his work polishing the chrome trim on his car, pretending to ignore his friend standing behind him.
“Dean, she jus’ broke up wit’ her boyfriend. Don’ you think’ tha’ you should say somethin’ before some otha man does?” Benny chided as he shifted to see Dean’s face instead of the back of his head. “Girl like dat won’ be lonely long, brotha.”
“Jesus, Benny. Can’t I meet the girl before you give me the speech?” Dean whined as he stood up, his phone pinging in his pocket. He pulled it out without breaking eye contact with his friend, then looked down to see a message from her. He opened his phone quickly, finding a picture of a sign advertising Lebanon, Center of the Continental United States - 50 miles.
“How long?” Benny asked, not giving any other context.
“About an hour,” Dean replied without thinking, typing out a message and slipping his phone back in his pocket. He cringed when he realized what Benny had asked and saw the smug look on his friend’s face.
“Ah’m gonna go. See yah at work tomorrah. Gonna wanna hear all ‘bout th’date.” Benny strode away to his yard, leaving Dean to finish up the car and get ready to go out.
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She texted Dean once she’d checked in and told him where she was. When he responded that he was on his way, her palms started sweating and her heart started pounding. She tried taking deep, calming breaths but nothing was helping the nerves.
A knock sounded on the door and she froze, panicked that he was already at the hotel. She was second guessing everything from her wardrobe to her hair to even meeting up with him. Another knock echoed through the room and she moved towards the door automatically, taking a deep breath as she turned the knob and pulled the door open.
Her breath caught in her chest when she laid eyes on him for the first time. There had to have been a mistake. There's no way this is…"Dean?" she asked as she met his gaze.
"Yeah," he confirmed with a wide grin. "It's nice to meet you, Y/N."
“Wow, I…you look nothing like I pictured,” she blurted out, quickly following up with “that’s not a bad thing! I just didn’t expect…you know…a model.”
He chuckled at her candor, ducking his head while the tips of his ears turned red. “You flatter me, sweetheart, but you’re the one who could be a model. I knew you’d be gorgeous but I didn’t expect to have the wind knocked out of me.”
“That’s sweet, De,” she giggled. “Do you want to come in? Five minutes and I’ll be ready,” she told him as she backed into the room.
“Yeah, five minutes. No problem,” he replied.
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Dean took her to a small diner where they had burgers and pie, laughing and talking until they were the only two people left in the restaurant.  It was still early so they opted for a ride around town with the windows down, the cooling air blowing around in their hair as Dean drove down quiet roads.
He kept stealing glances at her, drawn to the way the moonlight surrounded her in an ethereal light, making her glow. He pulled down a dirt road and turned off the headlights, letting the full moon be his guide. 
“Is this where you kill and bury me?” she joked as he parked the car.
“Nah,” he chuckled, “this here is the best part of Lawrence.”
Dean stepped out of the car and walked around to her side, opening the door and offering his hand to help her out of the car. He kept a hold on it as he started to walk through the trees ahead of them.
She followed him quietly, trusting him completely. They stepped through the trees and she gasped at the sight before her. 
Inside a quiet clearing was a small pond, barely big enough for a boat to float comfortably.  Moonlight reflected off of the water, sparkling as the small waves moved in the breeze. A little dock led to a small gazebo over the water. 
Dean took her to the gazebo and she looked around in awe; the roof was made of a clear material, allowing her to see the stars shining in the sky. Thick benches lined the walls of the wooden structure, a waist-high railing surrounding the edge, the rest of the space open, allowing the cool breeze of the night to pass through.
Dean watched as she took in the space, her eyes wide and her jaw slack. He knew this was the right spot. It’s where his brother took his wife for their first date, where Benny took his fiancee’, where his parents had their first date. The hope that something could bloom here lifted his heart and drove out the nagging thoughts of her leaving again. 
She turned around to face Dean, finding him standing next to a pile of blankets and pillows that she was sure hadn’t been laid out when they got there. He reached out his hand and she accepted it, following his lead and settling into the soft mountain to watch the stars. 
As the pair talked and laughed, they drifted closer to one another, lying on their sides facing each other when Y/N started to yawn.
“We should get you back to the hotel,” Dean told her quietly.
“No, no, I’m fine,” she insisted. “Five minutes more.”
“Five minutes then we head back,” he promised.
“Five minutes.”
Dean woke to sunlight streaming in his face and a heavy warmth across his chest. He stretched, thinking he was in his bed, only to be met with wooden planks surrounding him. Memories of last night came flooding back and his eyes fluttered open to find Y/N sleeping soundly on his chest, still in the gazebo over the small pond. 
His gaze had found a home on her peaceful face and he stared unabashedly, counting the barely there freckles across her cheekbones, admiring the way her lashes brushed her cheeks, resisting the urge to trace the soft lines around her mouth and eyes. She began to stir and cuddled closer to him. 
Dean prayed she couldn’t tell how fast his heart was beating beneath her ear in her half-awake state. His arm tightened around her, holding her close. He closed his eyes and wished for time to stop, to be able to stay in this moment forever. His hopes were dashed when his phone started vibrating in his pocket, the alarm he had set for work blaring through the silence.
Scuttle groaned and swiped towards the sound while Dean fished in his pocket for the offending device. He turned it off and gave his attention back to her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
“Hey, sweetheart, it’s time to wake up,” he coaxed, his hand trailing up the arm tossed over his chest.
“Noo, five more minutes,” she mumbled as she wiggled next to him.
“Five more minutes,” he agreed quietly, a soft smile gracing his face, the possibilities of the upcoming week shrinking under the impending end of their fling. He would enjoy the next five minutes of her in his arms as if it were the last.
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