wisesnail · 3 months
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"High upon the shoulders of Thangorodrim [Fingon] climbed, and looked in despair upon the desolation of the land; but no passage or crevice could he find through which he might come within Morgoth's stronghold. Then […] he took his harp and sang a song of Valinor […]; and his voice rang in the mournful hollows that had never heard before aught save cries of fear and woe. Thus Fingon found what he sought."
Tolkien, J. R. R. (2013). The Silmarillion. HarperCollins.
Aka Fingon finally finds Maedhros
Prints and other stuff on my RedBubble and Threadless
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fflewddur-feanorion · 7 months
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leucisticpuffin · 1 year
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Findekáno has a long way to go.
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No, but you know what’s a stab in the heart? All those Skin Condition-Having Caranthir Headcanons existed at the same time as Maedhros’ recovery from Thangorodrim.
Like, Caranthir has had to deal with the Looks from these elves since birth. He is well aware of the difference in how he is treated compared to his ruggedly handsome or sharply beautiful brothers. He knows.
Maedhros does not know. None of his cousins really know.
Except, now Maedhros does.
He is scarred and disfigured, abominable by all beauty standards. Maedhros is no longer “normal-looking” and so now he gets the Looks. He is noticing this.
Fingon is also noticing this. He is angry and betrayed about it. Fingon is fucking seething.
All the finweans notice at some point during Maedhros’ recovery but they all think the elves will get used to it, and that it’ll get better with time.
And here comes Caranthir, in his long-sleeved outfit, and he says “I’m sorry. It doesn’t get better.”
Cue several realizations, Fingon and Celegorm each breaking a chair, and Maedhros feeling Emotions because That’s His Baby Brother Damn It.
They get it now, as much as anyone not Caranthir or Maedhros can get it.
Anyway, I saw a post by @mascula-sappho about Maedhros and ableism connecting to his reputation as a monster and had Thoughts, Angst Thoughts.
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velvet4510 · 2 months
I’ve read some criticisms that Beren doesn’t listen to Lúthien and keeps trying to leave her behind even when she’s proven herself capable … and I’m like … are you even aware of Beren’s life story?
This man has lost everything he’s ever loved.
He had to part ways with his mother and sister for their safety, and then came back from a hunt to find his entire clan brutally murdered, including his father. He tracked down those responsible to take revenge and get his father’s ring back, because what else could he do? What purpose did he have without his family and his comrades? What was the use when the enemy was hunting him down 24/7? While his survival instincts won out, he was still a man who had no hope, afraid of love and attachment after what he’d lost, completely alone and isolated for years.
Then he met Lúthien. And she made him want to live. She gave him something to fight for: her. He found a new purpose, a new dream: he could be her husband, he could give her love and a family, happiness and freedom, everything she deserves.
He invoked Finrod’s promise to his father just so he could achieve his new goal…and how did that turn out? His entire group of helpers got captured and killed, because of him, including his dear friend. Every time he gets attached to someone in the heat of danger, he loses them. Every time. The poor guy must feel like he’s cursed.
And suddenly here’s Lúthien, in the middle of Sauron’s fortress, targeted by the sons of Fëanor, vowing to follow him into the lion’s mouth to end all lion’s mouths that is Angband.
And Beren just…can’t bear it. She is his hope, his light, his love, his Tinúviel…he can’t let that “curse” on him affect her. He can’t drag her into further danger when that has spelled doom for everyone else he’s loved. Not when the enemy has proven time and again that he can and will conquer everyone Beren cares for, no matter how strong.
He pushes her away not because he doesn’t respect her, but because he does.
He insists that she go back to Doriath and he go on alone, NOT because he thinks she can’t handle herself - he knows her far too well to believe that - but because he can’t lose her too.
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Yes it’s weird that Fingon got all the way up Thangorodrim AND sung a song (loud enough to reach Maedhros) without being discovered, but consider: they hung Maedhros at the ass’ end of the mountain, so high and freezing that no guards want to (or sustainably can) watch there, with the mindset that ‘we’ll check on him every few weeks, he can’t get far’
And then
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overlord-of-fantasy · 2 months
Maedhros escaped the saw-trap
Melkor, pointing to Maedhros’s severed hand swingin from the chain on Thangorodrim: YOU LET HIM ESCAPE?!? Mairon, with a drink in his hand: I WAS ON BREAK.
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stormygopher · 3 months
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Illustrating some scenes from the Silmarillion featuring my favorite character Maedhros
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nothinghereisworking · 6 months
Nobody tell him...
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Maedhros I have hung on high Sweetly swinging o’er the plain Mountains rising to the sky Echoing eternal pain
Tha-aaaaaa-aaaaaa-aaangorodrim in excelsis Melkor
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maviacomic · 9 months
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Morgoth and Maedhros
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camille-lachenille · 2 months
Ok but Morgoth and/or Sauron mockingly tattooing a large star of Fëanor on Maedhros’ chest before hanging him on Thangorodrim.
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melestasflight · 1 year
I think I will never, ever have enough of Maedhros’ rescue from Thangorodrim.
And not only because it is one of the most heroic things Fingon does in his lifetime, daring alone a quest to the very heart of Morgoth's territory.
But because Findekáno — betrayed, ice-worn, broken Findekáno — saves his friend both from the iron chain and saves and restores him to himself.
Because he does it not with armies and swords but with Song!
Not yet as a Prince of Hithlum but as a first-born grandson of Indis of the Vanyar, who ‘sang and made music, and there was ever light and mirth about her.’
Because we have seen how Songs can heal already, long ago:
when Indis saw Finwë climbing the paths of the mountain (and the light of Laurelin was behind him as a glory) without forethought she sang suddenly in great joy, and her voice went up as the song of a lirulin in the sky. And when Finwë heard that song falling from above he looked up and saw Indis in the golden light, and he knew in that moment that she loved him and had long done so. Then his heart turned at last to her, and he believed that this chance, as it seemed, had been granted for the comfort of them both. 'Behold!' he said. 'There is indeed healing of grief in Aman!'
It is no wonder that Findekáno, who likely sang with his grandmother to Manwë, receives an answer to his prayer.
And just as Finwë in his grief sees Indis in the light of Laurelin and is healed, so does Maitimo in his torment answer to Findekáno — come to him with the light of the new Sun.
Song is healing.
Fingon cut off his hand above the wrist, and Thorondor bore them back to Mithrim. There Maedhros in time was healed [...]
Song is love.
Thus [Fingon] rescued his friend of old from torment, and their love was renewed.
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albumarchives · 5 months
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Thangorodrim | Towers of the Teeth (2016)
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viggosbrokentoe · 2 years
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Trying out some colors I've seen and liked
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evil-crayon · 1 year
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Maedhros on Thangorodrim
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istaricelebelasse · 9 months
A short ficlet for Maedhros on Thangorodrim. Because if there’s one thing this fandom needs it’s more angst :3 (Also on AO3)
Warning: Mention of starvation and dehydration. Mention of torture. General Angband warnings
Maitimo’s stomach gurgled weakly.
He did not know how long it had been since he was fed. Not that food was a good thing.
Food was a torment in itself.
It burnt his throat, and dried his mouth, and there was never enough of it.
To say nothing of the torment bestowed upon his body to earn every mouthful.
His mouth was dry. It had not rained in days and no moisture remained upon the rock face.
Surely they would have to feed him soon? If only to be certain he did not die and their symbol did not perish.
Something caught his eye. A change in the landscape that never changed.
Something new.
Something coloured.
Blue and silver banners.
Surely the work of his dying mind? Surely a hallucination to ease his passage?
But what if they weren’t?
What if they were real?
Maitimo tried to shout. He tried to call out to the banners of his uncle but no sound left his parched and cracked throat.
He coughed. Once. Twice. Thrice.
Blood wetted his throat and coated his mouth. An unfortunately normal taste.
He tried again. Tried to scream for help, to call to the uncle who had once promised to always help him down from high places when he was but an elfling stuck in a tree.
A scream left his lips. He hardly recognised his own voice.
Another scream. His uncle’s name mangled within.
And again.
And again.
His uncle’s army marched closer.
For a moment; one bright, beautiful, terrible moment; a glimmer of hope filled his chest. Hope that his uncle had heard him. Hope that rescue was at his very fingertips.
And then his uncle’s horn sounded, a defiant blast that seemed to make the mountain itself tremble.
He called out again. An answer to the calls.
But his uncle’s army turned away. They started to retreat, their grand show of force only that: a show.
He hadn’t been heard. (Or else they had heard and decided not to come for him.)
The hope in his chest withered and died. Destroyed as surely as the Two Trees.
He would never be rescued.
He would never leave the cliff.
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