yellowvixen · 1 year
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a peace sign and then smiley eyes. this version of metal already means everything to me
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cheollipop · 9 months
so I've been thinking about the sleepover and there's one scenario won't leave my mind.. Imagine you (reader) is dating seonghwa but he seems to know that san has a thing for you as well. He thought nothing of it when san would linger in his room when you were over but then he started to notice san's eyes look longingly after the two of you. There was nothing san missed, not a touch or shared glance, but he didn't seonghwa watching him. After sometime seonghwa suggest san "sleepover" while that watch a movie marathon. cramped side by side in seonghwa's bed you try to watch the movie but there's more attention on you than on the flashing tv screen.
My brain hasn't filled in the blanks but what if San lays beneath you, pressed chest to chest while seonghwa rails into you from above. Imagine San's poor cock trapped between the two of you. Leaking and swollen red. But he can't take his eyes of your changing face expressions. Seonghwa has practically pinned your waist to San. A whiny moan leaving San's mouth everytime Hwa thrust harshly. Fingers probably twitching at his side, unsure if he can touch you or not.
I'm going to throw myself in front of a moving bus,,, I am so horny for these two.
2𝙠 𝙎𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙥𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩
nabi.....i've dmed you about this very ask,, screaming, creaming, crying, throwing UP- ahem. no fr though, the visual alone had me gripping my sheets and contemplating arson. bc???? oh my lord. I wrote this all in one go, and it ended up being longer than I thought it would be bc I ignored every possible ending until I realised that I needed to stop ✋ thank you SO much for sharing this with me, and I really hope I did it justice!~ happy reading~ ^^
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pairing: bf!park seonghwa x fem!reader x roommate!choi san
w.c.: 0.9k
tags: smut, voyeurism/exhibitionism, mean-ish dom!seonghwa, san is soo desperate, begging, grinding (ig?), hints of a creampie kink, i think that's it >:]
nsfw under cut—minors dni!
“You wanna touch her, don’t you?”
The fingers digging into the flesh of your hips splayed out between your shoulder blades, pushing you down onto San’s body, nipples brushing over his and breaths mingling in the shortened gap between your faces. Seonghwa hammered his cock into you, getting off on the broken moans leaving your lips, and perhaps on San’s pathetic expression as well—furrowed eyebrows and teary, hooded eyes taking in the sweat beading on your forehead—as he watched him use your cunt like a cocksleeve, arms resting idly beside him while he resisted the urge to touch your trembling body.
“Bet you’re leaking all over her.”
A shiver ran through San’s body, spurting more precum onto his lower belly, the sticky mess transferring onto yours as you jerked forward with every thrust. A whimper fell from his lips, his cock—hard and throbbing—trapped between his firm torso and yours, and more than ever, he wanted to watch it sink into your tight heat, to empty out the load he’d been holding onto just for you, only to watch it flood out in thick streams.
“Think I didn’t know you were jerking off in your room every time I fucked her? You dirty slut,” the backs of your thighs stung as Seonghwa pumped his cock into you with fervour, folding himself over your figure with a growl echoing in his throat, peering at San over your shoulder. You nearly scoffed; he’d missed the hints of irony laced into his last statement. Seonghwa was the one getting off on fucking you atop his roommate’s body, his cock pulsing between your walls at the desperate whine leaving San’s lips. “You wanna touch her?”
San’s eyes snapped off your blissed-out face to meet Seonghwa’s, fingers twitching at his side at the mere thought of running them over your damp skin. He nodded his head vigorously, envisioning your nipples at the mercy of his thumbs and pointers, handfuls of your ass in his palms, pushing you back onto Seonghwa’s cock, and forward to grind on his.
“Beg for it, Sannie.”
And San was a desperate man, with a pride that allowed him to give the older man what he wanted, the heavy presence of his cock resting under your heated flesh nearly driving him to delirium. “Seonghwa, please. Fuck—hngh—c’mon, let me touch her, I’ve been so good. Please, please, Hwa-”
Sandwiched between the two men, Seonghwa pressed you down onto San until your face buried into the crook of his neck, missing the wide, glimmering eyes staring into those below you while he spoke, a sly smirk evident in the deep baritone, “don’t wanna.”
A stubborn, possessive side of Seonghwa surprised the both of you, a frustrated huff leaving the younger man’s lips before the other straightened up, regaining his balance on his knees before building up to a pace he knew you enjoyed. Enjoyed, meaning: burning pleasure sent your nerves into overdrive, rolling you over the edge before you could even process the speedy climb, legs closing around San’s hips while Seonghwa continued to fuck himself into your weeping cunt. Your orgasm stretched, face tucked into San’s neck and your thighs quivering violently, hips spasming away from each thrust, only for the firm hands grasping them to pull you closer again.
San simply laid there, eyes shut as he took in the melody playing in his ear—your euphonious voice matching the beat of skin-on-skin—unconsciously rutting his hips into your belly, moaning piteously as you glided over the length of his cock, painfully hard and angry at the neglect.
You wanted to give him attention since, as he said, he’d been so good. But then Seonghwa was unloading within you, making sure every last drop was fucked deep into your womb. “There we go—fuck—my pretty girl, my beautiful darling,” he grinded his cock into your used cunt, eyes fluttering at the loud squelch of your mixed arousal, “taking it all so well, ‘bet you feel so full.”
You nodded lazily, resting limply over San’s body and inhaling the faint scent of bergamot off his skin. As the blinding haze of his orgasm faded, Seonghwa’s possessiveness came into play, eying the tranquillity, the ease in which you allowed yourself to drowse in over another man’s chest. So he disrupted it, veined arms wrapping around your middle to pull you off the firm body and into his own, mooning over the slow turn of your head, the pucker of your lips as you leaned in to plant a kiss onto the plush of his. A reminder of the man settled under you came in the form of a simple muscle twitch, and two heads twisted to gawk at the sight of him: sprawled out on the sheets, milky cum painting his defined abs—the remainder of his load clinging to your abdomen—while he looked up at you through his eyelashes.
Seonghwa huffed out a laugh, an amused smirk curling his lips, “that wasn’t very good of you, was it, Sannie?”
San tilted his head, a smile gracing his feline features while his spent cock twitched in interest, his tone spiked with childish playfulness, “and what are you gonna do about that?”
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clownery-and-fuckery · 3 months
Alright buckle up here's my actual genuine reaction....
First episode:
First of all, I regret asking for more Hemlock, this was fantastically awful, I will not be recovering.
Second of all, that shaved clone has done things to me. Horrible, horrid things that made me actually pause it and look away. It made me physically ill, it was the worst. Great, but the worst.
The passage of time really did fucking get to me BUT HER LITTLE PONYTAIL UGH
crosshair..... I need a moment
I literally don't care that she was allowed to keep the doll, btw. I dont give a shit. I hope Emerie dies in a fire.
nala se.... ew............
I think the whole episode was just pure horror, it was so fucking disgusting to watch, idk about you guys but watching the clone who had probably faced the true horror of SCI-FI warfare crying alone in his cell genuinely had me pausing the episode. Really great work there, Jennifer, I will be billing you for my therapy
Crosshair and Omega bonding !!! The little "What's your mission objective" was definitely a tactic he used on his brothers to have them pay attention, I refuse to acknowledge that he's the youngest, he just isn't. That's big brother keeping his little brother(s) on task behaviour.
Everything about Hemlock gave me chills. I love him. I hate him. I hope his guts cover the screen. I am fascinated by him.
I had a sneaking suspicion Emerie was taken under Hemlock's wing, and her undoing will be her endless loyalty to him... they did not have to say it as obviously as that, though. Glad they did.
Crosshair is sick. There is no way you show us all these sick, dying clones then Crosshair and expect us not to figure that out. He's going to die. His shaking is just the first symptom. I am not ready.
I definitely have more smaller notes I will make once I am not sobbing hysterically about it !!!!
Episode two!!:
This is the one that made me cry, actually.
Watching Wrecker and Hunter march in, quiet and covered in countless injuries, made me so sad. I couldnt recognise them. Those aren't my lads.
Wrecker begging hunter not to go because people didn't make it back.... hunter I get you're desperate, but you will NOT survive another brother being killed. I can't bear to watch him tear himself apart and neither can Wrecker.
"99ers???" THERES FUCKING MORE ??????? I want to know the lore behind this line particularly.
Theyre so cute..... they're so CUTE ugh sedate me immediately
anyways that little fucker who was good with tech..... I see you. I love you.
They were so used to letting Tech do his thing.... they immediately moved to cover fire....... for a second they forgot it wasnt him, I'm weak
wrecker playing with the kids..... laughing with them....... ohh i will not cope when he dies.
Hes going to die, btw. In case you didn't know. I know. I am aware. I am unprepared. I dont want to discuss it.
i cannot express my feelings for this episode.
Episode three!!!!!!:
I want that man. Yes, i do mean that masked man we saw for two seconds, I want him.
The Emperor had me actually screaming. I was so hyped. He scares me so bad.
Hemlock!!!!!! Evil !!!!!!!! CUNT !!!!!!!!!!!!
nala se was so obvious about her "Get tf out" speech..... why don't you say it louder, the whole fucking room couldn't hear you
The fucking timer. Chills. CHILLS.
Crosshair and Omega !!!! He was so unserious I love that
....sorry to all the lovers tho, have to say i DIED laughing at his "gUaRdS"
And the SCREAM he scrumpt when the door opened, who allowed that 😭😭 it was so fucking funny whbeisbwiba
They were so messy this entire ep, they're everything to me......
Crosshairs trigger finger shaking so bad he gave his position away....... that's a major fucking problem, isn't it? That's gonna bite him in the ass.
I want more of Hemlock having a damn tantrum, that was fantastic. Him this season has me in a chokehold. I can't wait to write more of him.
This entire season so far is amazing. I can't wait to watch more, there are so many more points I wanna make, I'm freaked. I'm so happy, I'm still crying, I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Making more coherent thoughts about them soon <3
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Hi! wondered if i could request a Masky x Fem reader? Where the reader is injured because of something Masky did?
Ty if so! <3
~ Posion anon
Thank you so much for requesting!
TW: brief mentions of domestic violence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Masky with an injured fem!reader
This was probably the most heated argument you've had in a while with Tim
He came home pretty tired, and he didn't feel like putting his things away
Which you can understand, that's not the part that made you mad
The part that made you mad was when he began to take off his sweaty clothes in different areas of the house as he moved to your shared bedroom
One boot was by the door, the other by the couch, his shirt on the stairs and his pants tossed carelessly over his dresser
And then next morning as he was getting ready, he got mad at you for not getting his stuff together
Now, you love Tim and you are more than willing to help him out in his times of need
But you are not some sweet little houswife that will clean up all his messes
He is a fully grown man and he can start acting like one
So as he yelled and bantered about how you should've at least gotten his stuff together, and how he'll now have to work in sweaty, dirty clothes because you didn't wash them, you could feel your anger level rising higher and higher
Eventually you'd had enough and began to yell back, telling him if it mattered that much to him he could've done it himself
The argument continued to escalate until you were both just screaming at each other unintelligible style
You are starting to get tired of this, so you push him a bit just to move him out of the way
Immediately he punches you square in the face
You are thrown back, your hand going up to touch your now aching cheekbone
You look at him with a trembling lip and watery eyes, and you could tell that as soon as he'd done it he regretted it
His expression softens from an angry glare to a look of pure sadness as he comes to hug you
You let the tears fall and the sobs leave your lips
Tim rubs your back and kisses the top of your head "shit, baby I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, please forgive me" he whispers into your hair
You like the comfort, but he also just punched you in the face. As far as you're concerned, he can suck it
So you push him away and storm up the stairs, slamming your bedroom door and continuing to cry
Leaving a very panicked Tim on the first floor
He would've gone after you, and tried to concole you further but he had to go to work, lest he be punished by Slender fo being late
While at home, you went through a flury of emotions
Sadness, anger, doubt
You had hidden yourself under a blanket so you couldn't see any of Tim's belongings
The punch had now bruised over, making you cringe when you saw it in the reflection of your phone screen
Instead of being bothered by this any further, you decide to fall asleep
You were only awoken by the sound of heavy boots on the floor, coming up next to you and rubbing your covered back
You roll your eyes and flip open the covers, giving him a nasty glare
It breaks his heart to see you like this, especially when he notices the huge bruise
He sets a big bag of things on the bed and motions for you to open it
He got you your favorite restaurant's food, some snacks and a cute little teddy bear
You raise a brow and look at him
"You really think that food is gonna excuse you punching me?"
He shakes his head and sits with you "No, definetly not but I figured you still deserve something nice"
You scoff "get the fuck out"
He looks at you, shocked "Out?"
"Out." You say again
"Out where?" He stands and rubs his hands together nervously
"I don't care, just not around me." You state simply
Tim really doesn't want to leave you, especially right now
But he also doesn't want to make you more angry than you already are, so as he walks to the front door to go out somewhere he racks his brain for any possible solutions that could allow him to make it up to you
Let's just hope he figures it out soon....
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bonny-kookoo · 10 months
Just read the new snowball fic, now I'm curious how the conversations with jungkook and management/jungkook and yoongi would go
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Everyone is present- well, everyone who can be present, that is.
"Its not our place to decide what you do in your free time." The leading manager says. "But what you do on-screen does concern us. Therefore, we had to make a decision here."
Jungkook is nervous. He's playing around with the pink Cooky toy you've forgotten in his lap before you had to leave the room. You're currently with staff while the whole mess created is being taken apart and somehow solved as best as it can be.
"The public is already convinced that you-" the man nods towards Jungkook, "-have an intimate relationship with her. Fans have started to dig up and analyze old videos as evidence, and it's hard to really come up with a reasonable explanation for everything." He sighs. "So we have decided to-"
"Dont make her leave!" Jungkook instantly buts in. "It was my fault, don't make-"
"Jungkook let him talk." Namjoon scolds him, and the manager nods.
"I know it might not seem fair to you all, and I understand that, but right now it's the best form of damage control we have." He offers, and Jungkook feels his throat clog up at what's about to come. He feels horrible.
You'll have to leave because of him.
"Again, we have nothing against your relationship with her. That's not it at all- I personally have a hybrid too, I know how it works for them." He kindly offers the bandmembers in the room, Taehyung already having his arms crossed defensively. "But the bigger part of the public doesn't accept these types of relationships."
Namjoon nods. He's not even mad at Jungkook- one look at Yoongi and he's reminded of the fine line the rapper has been walking as well.
It would've happened at some point. Jungkook was just the one to make that mistake first.
"So we've decided to confirm the relationship between her and Jungkook-ssi only, without any mention of the rest of you guys."
It's dead silent in the room, and while Jungkook's eyes are as wide as dinner plates staring at the manager, the rest have mixed feelings about it. Though down the line, they know it's for the best.
"Its either that, or we will simply have her removed from you guys entirely. Meaning that she will be given her own apartment somewhere private, and won't be allowed to contact any of you moving forward." The manager says. "It's either this, or the former."
"I'm okay with the first." Yoongi nods. "As long as she stays."
Taehyung is quiet, before he nods, sighing. "I agree with that too."
Jimin nods as well, facial expression a lot more soft and calm than the rest. "I'm totally okay with that. Considering Jungkookie can't ever keep his mouth shut, I think it's the smartest idea to have him be the public boyfriend." He teases, making Jungkook's cheeks turn red.
"Hey!" He barks defensively, and the whole interaction seems to lighten the mood.
"Alright, we'll do that then." The manager nods. "Now, Jungkook-ssi, please keep in mind that this will most likely affect your promotions moving further." He reminds the youngest of the band, who nods. "And please don't overdo it just because we'll make it public. You're giving most or the staff migraines with your spontaneous livestreams these days." The man jokingly scolds, and everyone laughs at that, agreeing.
And later that day, he's got you on his lap eating icecream while he scrolls on his phone through the comments under the official statement of his company regarding you and him- and he's somewhat relieved. Most seem to not be surprised, even the more negative one's aren't very bad. There's the occasional flood of crying emojis and tearful words such as 'but he belongs to us not her!'- but overall, it's alright.
Especially when he locks his phone and puts it on his coffee table, holding you a bit tighter while resting his face on your shoulder.
He can deal with the hate.
As long as you stay.
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yukidragon · 1 year
Can we have a one shot of Jack having a nightmare of MC marrying someone else, saying that they don't love him anymore and banishing Jack back in his VHS prison. Only to wake up with an empty bed causing more panic. But MC's just in the bathroom getting ready for the day.
You know, between this ask, and this absolutely heartbreaking picture by my good friend @illary-kore, I've been inspired. I say it's high time for Jack to get some comforting, and I'm going to use my specific MC Alice for it. Sound good? Awesome~
A reminder to everyone that Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack is an Adults Only fandom. Mature topics will be discussed, mostly in the form of psychological horror, body horror, angst, trauma, and a hint of spice. I hope you all enjoy this flashfic draft of painful nightmares and healing fluff.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
Alice was gone. Jack couldn’t feel her anymore. Desperately, he sought out any trace of her warmth, but all he felt was the hauntingly familiar cold numbness that grated on his senses and wore them away until there was nothing but static and an endless, empty pain.
No, no, no, no, no! Not again!
The gunshots, the screams, the crying, the pain… Jack felt that endless cycle of agony and death creeping in on his senses. It consumed him until the warmth he felt from Alice almost seemed like a lie, a delusion of heaven he created to escape hell.
Alice! Please, no… Alice! Sunshine! Help me! Save me! Alice!
Jack reached out for the barest whisper of warmth. Maybe he was just imagining it. Maybe he was deluding himself again, but that didn’t matter. He needed to find her. He needed her.
There was a wall of ice so cold that his hands immediately felt numb when he touched it, even through his gloves. Vaguely, Jack remembered this feeling - a glass screen, a window that showed him his first glimpse of sunshine in forever. He slammed his hands against the glass blindly, screaming Alice’s name until his voice cracked and broke.
Faintly, through the static, Jack saw something to form. It was hazy, and only his left eye worked. He could feel the empty socket where his right eye used to be, weeping blood and tears down his face. He squinted his only remaining eye as he called out desperately for his sunshine.
Finally, he saw her, Alice wasn’t alone.
He was with her, the liar who tricked his sunshine and toyed with her heart. Ian was dressed like him - the new Sunny Day Jack… or rather the “only” Sunny Day Jack. He was a mockery of the original, redesigned and repackaged for a new generation that weren’t allowed to ever know that he was nothing more than a copy. He was a lie that would ensure everyone forgot the truth.
“Oh, Sunshine,” Ian said, his voice barely audible through the haze of static. “Alice, I knew you would choose me. We’re meant to be together… We were always meant to be together.”
“Jack…,” Alice said in a sigh that Jack barely heard, but she wasn’t talking to him. That name spoken so sweetly and with such a fond expression on her face was directed at the fake who held her close. “I love you.”
Alice! That’s not me! He’s not me! I’m the real Sunny Day Jack! Look at me! Don’t leave me here! Please! You can’t replace me with him too! Not you too!
 The kiss they shared was a rusty dagger gouging through his heart. Jack cried out, but his voice never reached them. They turned and walked away from him, slowly disappearing into the haze of static.
Alice! Please! Come back! You promised! You promised you’d never forget me! You promised we’d be together forever!
They were gone. Alice was gone… and Jack knew deep down in his soul that she was never coming back.
Please… Alice… my sunshine… What did I do wrong?
The despair was suffocating, the cold overwhelming, and the numbness that dissolved his senses and refused to let him ever find rest was maddening. Jack could do nothing but scream without a voice in the static and his memories of death and sunshine.
“Jack? Jack, wake up.”
Jack woke up gasping for air as if he was still capable of drowning, his body covered in a faint sheen of sweat. The cold numbness was still carved into his bones, but a glorious, beautifully familiar warmth caused it to recede back into the depths of his nightmares. His eyes - both of them - came into focus on his shaking hands that clasped tightly around two very familiar pale ones. He looked up to see Alice leaning over him, her brow knit and her pale blue eyes filled with worry. Although it was dark in their bedroom, it was nothing like the endless void he had been trapped in, and he saw his sunshine perfectly.
“Are you okay?” Alice asked. “You sounded like you were in pain an-”
Jack struck with the quickness of a cobra and snatched up Alice into his arms, who squeaked in surprise as she suddenly found herself pinned to the bed underneath him. His body, so much bigger and bulkier than hers, was a cage that surrounded her, securing her in place against him and refusing to ever let her go.
“Alice,” Jack said, his voice hushed and haunted. “Don’t go. Don’t forget me, please.”
It was difficult for Alice to make out his expression, as his hair and the way he loomed over her cast his face in shadow, but she could feel Jack shivering against her body. His breath was irregular, a bit ragged, and she could feel hot puffs of it against her cheeks. His hold was secure, but delicate, as though he was afraid that she would shatter into dust and slip between his fingers if he wasn’t careful enough.
Despite being trapped, Alice worried more about what was wrong with Jack than the position she was in. She could practically feel how much he needed her in that moment, and her heart went out to him. She brought her hand up to his cheek and he nuzzled into it immediately. He murmured her name and his breath tickled against her skin, sending a shiver up her spine.
“Jack…,” Alice said, her voice soft and soothing. “It’s okay. I’m right here. I won’t forget you, not ever.”
As the fear slowly began to recede, Jack became more aware of what he was doing and grew self-conscious about how he must’ve looked to Alice right now. This wasn’t behavior fitting of Sunny Day Jack. He needed to present only the best to his sunshine if he didn’t want to lose her. He looked away from her, growing bashful as he fumbled for a recovery, some way to smooth things over with that classic Sunny Day Jack charm that won over an entire nation, but Alice spoke first.
“Did you have a nightmare?” she asked gently, her eyes soft and focused only on him.
A nightmare. Of course. Jack almost felt stupid now for how he was reacting. Of course Alice wouldn’t leave him for some cheap imitation, or for that awful ex who toyed with her heart. How could he believe otherwise?
“Y-yeah… it was… It was just a nightmare,” Jack said, more to himself than Alice. He tried to shake off these feelings that were uncharacteristic of the Sunny Day Jack, giving his sunshine his sunniest smile as he let out a small laugh that came out more strained than he would’ve liked. “L-looks like I spooked myself pretty good, huh? But dreams can’t hurt us since… since they’re only our imagination running away with us while we sleep.” Reluctantly, he shifted so that he lay beside Alice in a more casual position, though he couldn’t bring himself to let her go. “I hope I didn’t give you a scare too, sunspot.”
Alice moved along with Jack so that she stayed close, hooking one of her legs around his despite the fact that it was obvious he wasn’t going anywhere. She wanted to make sure that he knew that she wasn’t going to leave him alone. “I’m more worried about you right now.” She slowly stroked the edge of his strained smile and felt the tension in his cheek. “Are you okay?”
“I’m swell as a bell, sunshine,” Jack said, his smile coming a bit more easily now. “As groovy as a smoothie. I just…” He forced out a small chuckle that was almost genuine. “I guess I got a little caught up in the moment, but it’s nothing some sweet dreams with good company won’t fix.”
Alice furrowed her brow. She could tell that Jack was trying to mask how he felt, which only made her concern for him grow. He had been fine earlier, when she snuck out of his arms and their bed to use the bathroom. Her “business” took longer than she would’ve liked, and at some point she had a bad feeling that something was wrong, which was only confirmed when she returned to the bedroom.
Jack had been a terrible sight, his body contorted and tangled in the sheets, his face twisted with panic and desperation. He croaked out her name and half-mumbled pleas that broke her heart. His hands weakly groped at the sheets until she snatched them up to hold as she roused him awake.
Alice could see the fear still haunting his dark eyes despite his attempts to soften it for her sake, making her heart ache for him all the more.  “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Oh, no, I don’t think that’s really necessary,” Jack said quickly. “It’s just a dream, and dreams can’t hurt us because they’re not real. They don’t ever have to be real…”
That last sentence was spoken under his breath, obviously not meant for Alice to hear, but she caught it all the same. “Yeah, I know that,” she said, “but that doesn’t mean they can’t make us feel bad. If something’s bothering you, I want to help.”
Jack hesitated, his resolve wavering in the light of his sunshine’s concern for him. He knew that he had to be perfect for her, to show only his best sides to her, but he could feel how much she ached to help him. A guilty part of him craved that feeling, especially when he could remember just how cold it was without her in his nightmare. “I… I don’t… I-I mean I appreciate it, sunspot, really, but I just…”
The feeling of Alice combing her fingers through his hair made it difficult for Jack to focus on his excuses, and his rambling eventually trailed off. She touched him so gently, stroking his head and drawing him even closer to her. She closed her eyes as she rested her forehead lightly against his, making him just that much more aware of her softness and warmth. He breathed her in, relishing in that familiar combination of sugar cookies, vanilla cupcakes, and something else that was distinctly Alice.
“I love you, Jack,” Alice said, her tender words sending a jolt through Jack that caused his heart to flutter. “You’re my partner, and my best friend. I’m here for you… whether you’re okay or not.”
Jack recognized the words that he told to her once upon a time, back when she was still hiding her pain from him, too afraid to let him or anyone else see her weakness. It made him waver. A part of him wanted to break down, to collapse into her arms and just unleash all those terrifying tangled up feelings twisted up inside his heart, but those feelings were too big, too horrible for him to even think about. How could he ever dare to risk crushing her under the weight of everything he had been through? How could he dare risk chasing her away showing her anything less than the very best version of himself?
He couldn’t go back to that hell. He could never risk losing his sunshine.
When it was clear that Jack was reluctant to speak, Alice continued in a gentle voice. “It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it.” She leaned back just enough that she could kiss his forehead. “Just don’t force yourself to pretend you’re okay when you’re not. I’m not going anywhere.”
Jack closed his eyes and savored the feeling of her lips on his skin. Alice pressed soft kisses all across his face, making sure no spot was left feeling unloved. She finished by meeting his lips with hers, and he was only too eager to return the kiss to show his love in return.
When Alice eventually drew back to end the kiss, Jack couldn’t help but give chase, snatching up just one more quick peck before he could regain enough self-control to let her catch her breath. She looked up at him with a lopsided smile and lightly tapped his nose. “I love you whether you’re okay or not, starlight.”
Those words were his undoing. Although Jack desperately refused to break, in that moment he allowed himself to bend. “I love you too, sunshine… more than you’ll ever know.”
Alice offered Jack a lopsided smile. “Well then, I guess I’ll have to stick around if I want to find out just how much you love me,” she teased lightly.
Jack chuckled softly. “Nothing would make me happier, Alice.”
Alice drew him in closer, and Jack allowed her to guide him to rest his head on her chest. Her heartbeat thrummed against his ear along with her breaths, as her soft warmth cradled him and her sweet smell made her so much more aware of her. She was so close, her soft curves so tempting. He could drown himself in her, in that intense love and desire that came when their bodies meshed just perfectly together.
It was so tempting; they were both barely dressed. Alice was wearing only his shirt and a pair of panties while Jack had only his boxers on. It would be all too easy for him to just tear their clothes away and make love to his sunshine until he forgot everything but her name.
It was tempting, but Jack hesitated. This moment between them felt intimate in a way that was different than lovemaking but just as powerful, and he wanted to savor it just a little while longer.
That was when Alice began to sing, startling Jack. It was a song that he didn’t recognize, something soft and soothing, likely a lullaby. He was so taken aback by hearing her sing for him that the words failed to register at first, and all he could focus on was the warmth of her voice washing over him.
Eventually Jack caught the lyrics as well. It was a sweet song, one that promised that no matter what storms may rage or tears may fall, she would stay with him, and everything would be fine in the morning.
Her voice was beautiful, and the song Alice sang was sweeter than anything Jack had ever heard before. He melted into her, and his heart squeezed every time she repeated that she would be there with him, tonight and tomorrow. He keenly felt just how much she loved him, the warmth of her love filling him up like nothing else ever could. He made sure to share his love and gratitude in return, wanting to make her feel just as special and loved as she did for him. He would have said as much, but he didn’t dare interrupt this private concert that she sang only for him.
Instead, Jack silently thanked God for finally allowing an angel to save him from hell and bring him to this heaven made from their love. More than God, he thanked Alice for finding him, saving him, and loving him just as much as he loved her.
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kirschteinoir · 2 days
just thinking about kuroo after the battle of the dumpster...
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saw the haikyuu movie and cannot stop thinking about this man!!! kuroo is such an important character to the story and i'm glad his boobs are as big as his love for the game <3 when i tell you i was giggling kicking my feet in my chair whenever he appeared on screen... (≧◡≦) ♡
warnings; teensy bit angsty but has a happy ending i promise!!! mild spoilers for the battle of the dumpster movie and the timeskip
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didn’t allow himself to be upset about losing to karasuno until he was alone late at night. for the first time in a while he allowed himself to stay up until the early morning, taking a leaf out of kenma’s book. after everyone else had gone to sleep, he snuck downstairs and re-watched the TV highlights of the match, scrutinising every detail (against his better judgement). he probably doesn’t even realise he’s crying until he can feel snot starting to drip down his lips and he momentarily grosses himself out. but he just lets himself cry and cry, horrible choking sobs that he has to hide behind the sleeve of his jacket so he doesn't wake anyone up. god forbid his team (or coach nekomata) see their giant jokester of a captain expressing his emotions!!!
the ride back home the next day is awkwardly silent. he does his best to remain chipper but he also knows his team needs time to recover and gather their emotions. he makes idle talk with kai since yaku is constantly in tears, who seems to be much calmer than everyone else, and kinda just stares out of the window, chin against his palm, until they pull up outside the school.
he doesn’t see kenma for a few days after the match. partly because kenma has a fever and is sleeping it off, but partly because he doesn’t know what to say to him. especially after the whole ‘thanks for getting me into volleyball’ moment… how do you even begin to talk about something like that? should he even talk about it? or is it something that should be preserved in the moment?
he spends the next few days resting his sore muscles, dodging questions from his dad about how the game went, thinking about how he was going to go to school next week and act like a normal high-schooler again despite feeling like a part of him has died. no more practice, no more volleyball at nekoma high.
of course, everyone at school congratulates the team. they get a shoutout in the school assembly on monday morning and have to awkwardly face the entire school as the principal describes how close they were to winning. it takes a lot for him to not burst into tears again on stage.
a lot of fellow students were cheering them on in the stands and kuroo makes sure to thank everyone sincerely for believing in them as they approach him in the school corridors. people always mention that it was such bad luck that the ball was covered in sweat, causing it to slip in kenma’s hands. kuroo’s smile is strained as he laughs it off, not knowing whether it was worse that their final mistake was something they couldn’t have ever controlled or if he would have preferred it to be a matter of bad technique.
unknowingly he regresses into himself, becoming less talkative and more serious for a short period after the game. it would be especially bad at the end of the school day, when he and kenma would usually meet up and head to the boy’s changing room together for practice. he instinctively packs his gym bag for a while, always realising too late that he didn’t need to bring it with him anymore and then being stuck with it for the rest of the day like some cruel taunt.
eventually he graduates, and real-life problems start replacing the loss of volleyball in his life. he knows the world moved on and now so must he. he speaks to his dad a lot about where he’s going to go after he graduates - he’s always done well in school and performed strongly in the entrance exams he took so he ends up at a decent university in the city, moves away from home (and kenma) to make new friends and start again
on his first day in his new dorm all alone, he feels the introverted, timid kid from his childhood start to resurface again. he thinks he might vomit but he shakes himself out of it momentarily by unpacking his sparse belongings, including his nekoma jacket. it’s comfy, he thinks to himself, and it would be a waste of a jacket if he’d left it to collect dust at home.
thankfully, his lectures and assignments keep him busy for a good month or so once semester starts. at first he texts kenma almost everyday but the younger boy starts to see how kuroo's replies get further apart and much shorter. kenma is still the team’s setter so he doesn’t exactly have free time either, but he wishes kuroo would maybe video call him soon, or at least come home to visit every now and then.
on the whole, kuroo enjoys his first year of university. he’s studying business and joined the uni’s volleyball society and team, through which he made a few friends. people recognise him too, as the captain of the red guys that played that one intense match against karasuno last spring. he’s like ‘yep that’s me :D’ before he thinks about the last time he contacted yaku, kai, kenma or anyone from his life one year ago. he feels guilty and that night, over a bowl of rice and some grilled mackerel, he replies to all of kenma’s awaiting texts (three of them) AND shoots yaku a message about his latest inter-university volleyball match. he also calls his dad, who tells him his sister is back in town and to come home and see her if he can spare the time.
let’s be honest, there probably isn’t a human on earth that kuroo tetsurou doesn’t have chemistry with. he’s definitely fairly popular and the guy that everyone wants to invite out because he always makes it a good time. also had a girlfriend or two (maybe even a boyfriend???) but wasn’t really looking for anything solid so graduated single, much to many peoples' despair.
university got easier when kenma joined him a year later. he helped the younger get acquainted with campus and all the ins and outs of what the students like to do but kenma was never going to be a party animal or a socialite so their dynamic from high-school was largely unchanged. it was just that kenma was now becoming famous and was making shit-loads of money… kuroo was in awe of what kenma had made of his life so far and i feel like he inspired him once again to pursue something he was passionate about, no matter how unconventional it may be
stopped playing volleyball for a while after graduating to work some odd jobs, constantly looking for that one thing that he would do until he would die
one of his uni teammates told him about an internship at the JVA and pushed him to apply for it. of course his application was stellar: interest in volleyball from a young age, outstanding academic performance, captain of his highschool VB team? he was their dream hire
the day he got the internship he invited coach nekomata out for drinks. just the two of them. kuroo still reveres nekomata like a god, despite the older man telling tetsurou he has far surpassed him by now. kuroo remains humble, unconvinced that his future work at JVA would even hold a candle to what nekomata did for him when he was younger. they talk about the nationals match and how it could’ve ended differently, they talk about the nekoma high volleyball club as it is currently and nekomata laments that under kuroo’s leadership it was truly the strongest they’ve ever been. they talk about hinata and kageyama and bokuto and oikawa and all these names from their past excelling in their professional volleyball careers and kuroo realises in his heart of hearts that he wants to be in that world too. maybe not on the court itself but definitely on the sidelines pulling the strings, connecting people. lowering the net.
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about me. 
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makshu · 1 year
Ok so this is going to be another analyze about Osomatsu (because yes and because I have it in mind and I need to write it down before I forget)
I'll talk about Osomatsu's relationship with crying and sad moments in general, long post after cut
(Oh and- at some point I got lost so none of this probably makes sense- read at your own risk)
I think by this point everyone knows that Osomatsu is a somewhat a complicated person- and if you can please try to remember a time when you saw him crying... hard right? I know-
Off the top of my head I remember three times he cried (maybe I'll remember more later), two of those times were with a comedy proposal so they won't count here, and the last one was a time when he was really sad (was panicked better saying-)
So I have a vision of Osomatsu that I'd like to share (even though I'm not sure if it's 100% right) ok so- He never cries, it's hard to find a moment where he cries for whatever reason, and like- not like Jyushi, Jyushimatsu also has few crying moments, but that's because he is almost never shown being sad, but when these sad moments occur he allow himself to be sad and cry, and I know that there are people who are simply less cry than others and I strongly believe that Osomatsu and Jyushimatsu are two of those cases, but still, they remain human and still cry, but Osomatsu seems to refuse to do that sometimes-
I'll take as an example a situation where he appeared (or in this case really) to be sad which is ep 24 S1. We know that whole situation shook Oso, and as a gift they didn't show his face almost once, he has his back turned the whole time making it difficult to see his full face, only from the nose down was visible and since eyes are a very expressive part of our body we ended up missing a lot of his real emotions, but I'm sure he didn't cried there (he doesn't cry normally, in front of others so it's a complete no for him) but what about when he was off screen? I'm sure he shed a few tears at those times, or worse- had a panic attack (as he's shown himself to be prone to having them), the point is- he looks like he doesn't want to cry, he seems to have a little trouble expressing that kind of emotion and crying must be something he represses.
Osomatsu is the type of person who will laugh at a bad situation and make fun of his problems, but deep down he is agonizing over them. He doesn't want to cry. But why? Perhaps to be an example of a strong older brother? Or because it doesn't suit his character? Oso has already shown that he has problems with his identity, and if he tries so hard to remain in the comfort zone and with the personality he always had, crying is not something that suits the little troublemaker, the older brother, the leader. Not being ok is a horrible situation for him, he doesn't want to feel bad and doesn't know how to react to this type of situation, so he just "stops working" and stands there with its blank face, he won't cry even if sometimes he wants to.
Crying is good and it's a way to let out everything you've been holding back, and Osomatsu has been holding back a lot over these three seasons (+ the movie), after he had a panic attack at the beginning of S3 I think it's an indication that something is not right (I assume crying in a panic attack is normal, so yeah-) I don't think there's a confirmed reason why this happened to him but we can speculate on some things (which I won't do in this post), but anyway he needs help ASAP
I think that's it. I missed this post several times so it sucked to write it all down and at some point (at the beginning) I got lost so if you got something wow congrats (seriously- congrats because even I didn't get it) if anyone wants to add feel free to reblog this thing
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natasha-in-space · 11 months
I FINALLY have the time to gush about the new CG for mm's 7th anniversary, so I'll make the most of it despite my tired and sleepy brain!
AHHH AND I MUST SAY, this is SUCH a soft CG this time around! The last one we got was so fancy and grand, while this one gives off much more wholesome and sentimental vibes. I LOVED the 6th anniversary CG btw! Just pointing out the details! Everyone's masquerade outfits still have me in a chokehold ngl
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It's wedding themed! Which we knew already, but boy, oh boy, does it hit different to actually see it. I have such a huge silly grin on my face as I look at this CG. It just makes me feel all happy and fuzzy inside! :) I love how the artist managed to make each and every one of them similar yet different in one way or another. They're all happy, and they're all looking at you, but their facial expressions are unique to their each individual personality and their journeys up until this point. Makes me all emotional to just think about it.
I'm not one for analysis, but I do wanna gush! (Plus Imma start reblogging and crying over other people's wonderful analysis' soon enough ♡)
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I love those pink accents on Zen so much!! 😭 Especially the ribbon in his hair. It's so simple and yet so very charming and cute in a way. Never knew how much I needed to see Zen in some pinks before today. And dare I say he looks absolutely smitten with his mc's. I sure love seeing that dreamy and peaceful look in his eyes. He has nothing to worry about. Because you're by his side to support him.
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Ahem, yeah, we love and adore Jaehee Kang on this blog. I love seeing her dressed up in a way that makes her feel pretty and true to herself. She wasn't allowed that much in her life. But now, she is literally glowing from within. Sure, her dress is beautiful, but it's her inner beauty that makes me get all mushy. I would honestly just look at her with hearts in my eyes like a cat does to its favorite person. That's me. I'm that cat.
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I love Jumin's smile!! Look at him!! He's so happy to see you! We need more of Jumin just being comfortable and happy. I love that for him. His full smile is really lovely <3
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Saeyoung is my best buddy, and I am SO happy to see him with his glasses on for once! But, more than that, I love how they depicted him here. Sure, it'd be great to see his huge mischievous grin, but his smile here is bashful, light, peaceful. It's the type of smile you make without even realizing it. He's completely relaxed here, and that fact alone makes me feel emotional. He truly looks at you like he sees an entire galaxy in your eyes. And, he's more than willing to get lost in it. Because he knows you'll keep his heart safe.
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Is this my new lock screen? Yes. Did I cry about it? Yes. Were those happy tears? Absolutely.
Saeran, oh, Saeran... His eyes say it all. We don't have to see a big smile on his face to know that his heart is fluttering right at this very moment. You just know he'd gladly stay with you in this moment for all eternity if he could. I am crying over his adorable blush. Saeran is a blushy boy, and I adore that about him. His cheeks still go all red even after all these years of knowing you. I just know he's gently pressing his lips to the petals and imagines that it is your lips he's kissing. It may be silly, since he can kiss you anytime he wants now, but he still finds these small things a little sentimental. I certainly don't mind.
Yoosung and Jihyun are looking absolutely wonderful as well, I just didn't really have anything noteworthy to say about them! And yes, there are flowers, and like I said in my tags, flowers are something to cry over. I won't be analyzing the meaning of them in my post, but I will cry my eyes out about them under other people's posts!
Happy 7th anniversary to Mystic Messenger and all the wonderful folks in this lovely fandom I hold so dear! Time sure does fly...
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priscilla9993 · 1 year
I realized just now I didn't ask you! Alice and Robin for unhinged blorbo bingo :D
Alice Jones
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If you haven't noticed already, Alice Jones is my top tier blorbo and before her, I didn't think I would ever fall for a character more than Killian Jones. Turns out his pirate daughter from the Wish Realm was the kicker 😍 Whenever she is involved or appears on screen, I'm a blubbering mess of sounds, sometimes wailing "You can't do this to me! How are you so-? AAAAAH, I can't even!" I can't get enough of her and wish we got more time with her. Seriously, Alice is a treasure trove that I would gladly dissect under a microscope. Of course, she goes through so much angst. Like there's a whole bucket of items, whether through abandonment, isolation, loss of a loved one (can't be in contact with her father, loses Robin w the curse, says goodbye to the Troll) and childhood home, social rejection, economic struggles, betrayal, broken promises, memory loss, mental illness, and a loving but unusual upbringing. I'm sure anyone who goes through any of this would need therapy or owe it to themselves to be allowed to heal. But, I love how she isn't defined by her experiences and is irrevocably true to herself. We see this from how she hates being called "Alice from Wonderland" as it's THE one trip that she's known for (filled with a bag of emotions and experiences she won't linger on) and says goodbye to her past self she bottled up nicknamed "Tower Girl", but remains content as Alice, continuously growing and facing what scares her. She takes it all with an enthusiastic "been there, done that" and rolling with the punches kind of attitude. Alice is so strong that it makes me want her to be allowed happiness! I want to protect her from the writers that keep putting her in angsty situations left and right, but at the same time, it hurts so good and she gets comforted often enough that I'm glad it's filled with angst. In other words, hurt her and you bet I'd get involved, guns blazing!
I got to give it up to Rose's acting because I'm not sure if anyone else could have played this character with as much emotional range, i.e. one moment making you think Alice is not right in the head to smack dab relatable in terms of emotions and basic needs that you just want to cry or be happy with her. I think this is the only character I'd label as "Insane" with tons of sparkles and affection as, from first glance, it's easy to ignore and label her as such *coughs and stares at certain toxic fandom people*. However, she's the most sarcastic, fun loving, wholesome ray of sunshine if you give her a chance and just listen. I'd take the insane bit as she may think, speak, and do things differently from the "norm", but there's more complexity and humanity than meets the eye.
Lastly, I want to address the "Mommy Issues". No way, no how is Gothel mother material and she made up a bunch of excuses and threats when it came to claiming mothership (ewww). However, I died at the thought of Tilly/Alice expressing her frustration of being abandoned by her mother, going up to Rogers (a friend/roommate that feels like a dad) and asking him the what ifs, and ultimately wanting "a mum to tuck me into bed" type. I sob at the thought of how she's grown, managed to survive in the world without a mom that everyone typically has as a nurturer and role model, yet still has the want of every child to be loved and cared for by parents known or unknown. Alice deserves the world and I'm so glad she gets that from everyone else that sees her beautiful soul. I think the rest of the bingo requires no explanation as there's nothing like a blorbo in making you want to see them get hurt and then protected, loved, and embraced like they deserve. Overall, she's a pwecious widdle bubububububbb that has two protective dads, a badass and modern day wifey, a laugh until your stomach hurts mum in-law, and I'm pretty sure everyone wants to adopt and support her.
Robin Mills
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Robin Mills, a rebellious and competitive teenager who grows into a courageous and adventurous soft bean and archer who wants to find her place and identity in the world, even if she has to stumble as a mean girl or in her dad's footsteps as Robin Hood before she embraces herself. I put her down in both "Daddy and Mommy Issues" bc I think Robin was so often in the shadows of both her parents, less from themselves but rather Zelena being super protective (understandable since villains kept popping up s1-6 in Storybrooke) and what the close minded people and children of Storybrooke believe happened and will. I think she self imposed upon herself of who she should be since in Storybrooke, "everyone knows everyone" and she didn't want to be seen as weak or be bullied.
Might be diving into some meta or angsty headcanon here, but I wouldn't be surprised if Robin was bullied for not having a dad, living in a farmhouse/cabin on the outskirts of town, or having a mum that used to be a wicked villain but clearly isn't anything without magic, because children can be crass or cruel sometimes, especially when most of them grew up from fairytale heroes and villagers. I think it was easier for Robin to hide behind walls and snarkiness, so that no one could get close enough to understand her. She didn't even know herself, but she tried to the moment what worked for her parents didn't exactly work the same for her. I think there were so many avenues and things Once Upon A Time didn't get to explore with her that would make it easy to say a ten hour speech, hence the half circle and why are they like this? However, if we are talking headcanons and creating details from the small pieces we got, I'm ready to join the discussion. :D
Honestly, Robin needs therapy too from the internal struggles and anxiety she must have had from always wearing a mask and fighting against everything because she didn't know what else she'd have to protect herself from. Heck, if anyone were in her shoes, it's understandable why Robin would run away from her problems and make impulsive decisions (diving headfirst into becoming Gothel's pupil, Robin Hood (female version), staying in NEF or Thailand) rather than face the problems and ultimately, herself. That requires a lot of courage and acceptance that it's okay to not know the answers, break down and cry, and being open to trusting others for support.
In any case, I will fall into the line of defense should anyone come close to hurting them, Robin probably retaliating that she can take care of herself even when it's clear that she's cut up and bruised, barely able to draw the tension needed to release her arrow. 👀Would she make a good whumpee? Add that to the box of I torture them bc I love them. Oof, she would probably hide her embarrassment from being loved or cared for by pretending she hates it or doesn't care for it. Even if I was her friend, I could imagine hugging her and her reaction being a punch out of muscle memory or the cute kind of shoulder/back punch like how dare you?! (affectionate). Overall, Robin is a precious archer who deserves happiness, has a flirty and too nice for her own good wife, a well minding yet embarrassingly silly mom, a doteful father in-law, and a charming cousin with too many extended family members to count.
Double bingo! Woo hoo! Thanks @piracytheorist for the ask <3
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sympatheticzombie · 2 years
A title what else can it be!
Who would’ve thought etching words on a paper would be so hard. Especially when it used to be one of the easiest things in the world for me. Lately my world has been upside down and I needed something to get my mind off of things. This was something I was passionate about and now it's nothing more than a burden. A headache that won’t go away. Looking at a blank piece of paper makes me wonder how I'll bring it to life. Instead it’s nothing more than a blank piece of paper I purchased at a store. I had journals that always had writings or something going on in them and now it's nothing more than an empty soul. IT could be a representation of myself and I refuse to accept that. Thinking of writing upsets me for the sole fact of nothing popping up in my head. Now I just sit staring at a screen, or a piece of paper with nothing being written. Only crumpled papers, eraser marks, or a blank screen. Writing was a release for me especially if I was ever sad or mad about something. 
When I was alone a blank piece of paper was all I had. When no one was there to hold me, wipe the tears off my face, or there to listen to me cry. Tears that landed on the paper brought it to life. Just as the rain that fell from the sky, it brought life to the land of the lost. Each raindrop served its purpose. Even though no one cared about a single drop of rain it served its purpose. If it weren't for that one rain drop to land where it did. There could be a chance life would have never come to that spot. With every tear fallen, words would come to life. Expression and clear mindedness always came from it. When rage filled the heart, and hatred came from the soul. That blank piece of paper took the punishment. Even tears of rage landed on that paper. Trying to soak up the eraser marks that were left behind. That piece of paper took the punishment my body once took. The pain I put myself in was disgusting. No more bloodied knuckles, bruises on my legs from punching them during an episode. IT allowed those things to stop. The paper took the punishment I once did to myself. This blank piece of paper saved my life when I wanted to commit suicide on that rainy night. Each and every single rain drop served its purpose that night. It made me feel alive , and aware of being there. Millions of raindrops landed around me. But the few that hit me reminded me that I was alive and well. The tears were wiped away from the rain that the earth blessed us with. The wind of the night were the hugs the earth wanted me to have. When the lights of that truck passed by blinded me. It gave me a second chance clearing my mind from all the misery.
This blank piece of paper has always been me , and I'm the canvas I never knew I had. The artistry of writing always amazes me , and sometimes I surprise myself with what I'm capable of. People have photography, art, music, and others as myself have writing. I am so happy that I have this type of art form under my belt. Despite me being a zombie at the core I will always sympathize for those around me.
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jplupine · 10 months
Feral Possession: Chapter 16
Blood in the Water
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Pairing: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x Wynter Hughes [Nonbinary OC] Word Count: ~2k WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Exophilia, Demon!Grimmjow, Feral Behavior, Grimmjow being a Terror, Blood and Injury, Near Death Experience, Almost Drowning
Summary: A calm afternoon turns deadly.
You can also read it on AO3!
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Masterlist | Chapter 16: 
  "Stop working already." Grimmjow groaned while laying across the desk with his fingers laced behind his head.
  "I already ordered Chinese, stop bugging me."
  "What are you even doing that's so interesting? The book is probably shit."
  "I'm not editing."
  "The fuck are you doing then?"
  "Ichigo asked me to write up what I've learned about you to add to the Soul Society records. Doing it this way allows for more detail to be added, and makes it to where it doesn't have to be shared through word of mouth."
  "What makes you think I'll let you give that to him?" Grimmjow's eyes locked on me as his pupils were thin slits.
  "Because it's the same shit I already told Ichigo." The demon furrowed his brows.
  "You're not telling them everything?"
  "I already said I was dealing with you. I'm not gonna have some shithead exorcist getting a big head and killing you or exorcising you before I can."
  "Aw, I thought you didn't want to do that anymore."
  "I never said that."
  "'I think I'd prefer you as an ally, too.'" Grimmjow mocked.
  "And I do, but we still have a deal that ends in you taking my soul. It's either you eat it or 'keep' my soul like some pet or lackey. Not exactly interested in any of those outcomes."
  "What's so wrong with being my little rabbit?" He smirked, and I just looked him dead in the eye with an unamused expression.
  "I don't think I have to actually answer that."
  "Rude ass."
  "You'll get over it." I scoffed while turning back to the laptop screen.
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  The sun was still warm despite fall being right around the corner, and the cool water surrounding me gave a sense of serenity. Slowly breathing with my eyes closed, I was simply floating on my back in the pool. I was taking a break from work and Grimmjow to relax in the quiet for as long as it lasted.
  The demon was napping the last I saw him, as was Dagur, so I was taking this moment for myself.
  Sighing through my nose, I rolled over and began to lazily swim around the pool. A shadow flew across the water, and I glanced up to see a bird circling overhead. Squinting, I couldn't tell what kind it was exactly, but from the shape, I would guess at it being a hawk. It was gliding on an air current high above as I watched it.
  The hair on the back of my neck stood on end, and I turned to look at the back door thinking Grimmjow was awake from his nap. My brows furrowed when I didn't see him there before I rubbed the back of my neck. Glancing around the yard, I didn't see anything there either.
  Unease began to settle in, and I decided to go back inside. Swimming to the stairs, I wrung out my hair while going up the steps. A chill shot down my spine before I even saw the beast barreling at me.
  I couldn't even scream before I was submerged back in the water as claws dug into my shoulders. Bubbles of air rose from my mouth as I couldn't clearly see the demon on me. My fingers tangled in coarse fur, and I tried to shove the demon off of me when teeth nearly snapped down on my face.
  Stinging, throbbing pain radiated from the claw marks on my shoulders, and the demon was grabbing at me as I struggled to fight back. The water around me was turning pink from the demon clawing at me more. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I was trying to remain as calm as possible while holding my breath.
  I was kicking and pushing, trying to get the thing off of me as it was keeping me under the water. My hand closed around the bottom jaw of a snout, and I jerked my hand upward while shooting out raw spiritual energy. I heard a shrill cry garbled in the water before claws raked across my chest.
  More blood seeped into the water as my lungs were burning and begging for air. An inhuman hand closed around my throat as my back hit the bottom of the pool.
  However, as the demon was rearing its head on me again, it was suddenly off of me, and I hurried toward the surface. My head broke the water, and I gasped for air. Clinging to the edge of the pool, I pulled myself out of the water until a hand grabbed my ankle and dragged me back a few inches.
  My nails dug into the rocky tile, but the demon was yanked back as I heard a familiar growl. Blood and water pooled under me, and I heard a loud crash.
  It was hard to breathe from the intense spiritual energy Grimmjow was putting off as he climbed out of the pool. His dangerous gaze was locked on the soaking-wet demon. Steam was rising from Grimmjow, and he flexed his claws while baring his fangs.
  His roar shook the air, and he suddenly vanished from my sight before appearing in front of the demon as he was swinging his arm. Blood sprayed across the back fence, and a scream filled the air.
  Dropping my gaze to the ground beneath me, I swallowed and tried to steady my breathing. Grimmjow was handling the demon now, so I knew I had nothing to worry about now. I mean, with him being the Sexta Espada, there wasn't much I had to worry about when he got involved.
  Pushing myself up to my feet, I ignored the sounds of Grimmjow beating the shit out of the demon as I went to the back door. A trail of bloody water footprints were left where I stepped, and I wandered upstairs to the master bathroom.
  I hurt all over and turned the shower on and didn't even bother to let it warm up or undress before stepping under the stream to wash the blood and chlorine from my skin. Sitting under the showerhead, I couldn't help but break down into tears with how close I had come to death.
  The demon had its hand around my throat....had it dug its claws in, that would have been it for me. Had it managed to sink its fangs into my skull, had I not managed to build up that much spiritual energy....
  I hugged myself and cried as pink water went down the drain. The pain in itself was making my brain feel close to exploding, but I had to bear with it until it could be dealt with. My eyes burned, and my fingers slid into my hair as I held my head.
  I jolted when the shower curtain was thrown back so hard it was ripped from a few of the rings. Grimmjow looked down at me with blood smeared across his face and chest, and it was dripping from both of his arms. He wasn't injured at all, so I knew none of it was his.
  Without saying a word, Grimmjow climbed into the tub with me. He grabbed one of my arms as water began to wash the blood off of him, and he licked the deep scratch on my forearm. After a few licks, the wound was healed, so he moved to the next. He was oddly gentle and didn't even mention how I was crying.
  I figured he'd make fun of me for it.
  "You did good, Little Rabbit." Grimmjow muttered before licking my shoulder.
  "I nearly got killed."
  "You burnt off half the bastard's face."
  "....Okay, that makes me feel a little bit better."
  "Good." He had a flat tone and moved to my other shoulder. His saliva stung my wounds, but dealing with it was all I could do until they healed. "Lean back." Grimmjow ordered, and I did so as his head dropped to the claw marks across my chest.
  Wiping the tears and water from my face, I was thankful for the healing properties the demon's saliva had. It'd be hard to explain these wounds in the ER.
  "I need you to get out now." Grimmjow said while holding the sides of the tub in a harsh grip.
  "Get out." His tail twitched and swayed as my brows furrowed. "You're healed, so get out."
  "The Hell is your problem?"
  "You are." The demon licked the blood from his lips while looking at me with a predatorial gaze. "You taste way too fuckin' good." He lowly growled while still holding the sides of the tub. I recognized the body language he was displaying and quickly got to my feet.
  Grimmjow was close to pouncing but was holding himself back as he watched me with a hungry gaze. The demon twitched when I went to the door, and I quickly shut it behind me. Sighing through my nose, I closed my eyes for a second.
  I had momentarily forgotten just how my blood affected Grimmjow, except it had always been in small amounts until now. He was still a demon and I couldn't forget that. I would certainly thank him for his help, but I would have to be careful since he was now on edge.
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  Laying in bed, I was curled up around a pillow while Dagur was softly snoring at the foot of the bed. Grimmjow had actually avoided me for the rest of the day, and I knew it wasn't out of malice, but for some reason it still....
  It actually made me feel bad.
  Was he planning on sleeping in another room, too?
  The bed dipped behind me from Grimmjow laying down. His arm draped over my side, and I felt a little better knowing he was okay to be around me now. Horns tapped the top of my head as the demon pressed his face into my hair.
  "....Thanks for the help." I muttered in the quiet room. Grimmjow only gave a lazy hum in response before pulling me back closer to him. "You, uh....really saved my ass."
  "What do you want?"
  "What makes you think I want something?"
  "You keep talking instead of going to sleep."
  "Because I'm trying to show I'm grateful, you ass." I sighed. "You know, like 'thanks, I owe you one.'"
  "Owe me one?"
  "To make us even. I know I can't save your life or heal you, or anything like that, but I can make you something you really like for dinner or whatever." My voice was low as I fiddled with the pillow in my arms. Grimmjow didn't say or do anything for a good few seconds that felt like an eternity. Then he simply raised his hand with his fingers outstretched.
  I could barely see it in the dark if not for the soft glint of light reflecting off of his claws from the street light peeking through the cracks of the curtains. He kept his hand there as my brows furrowed in confusion.
  "What are you doing?" I questioned, then heard a frustrated growl. "I'm not a psychic, you gotta tell me."
  "....I saw it on the TV."
  "Saw what?" I asked, and the demon placed his hand on my arm before sliding it down my forearm to the back of my hand on the pillow. When Grimmjow found my hand, he laced his fingers between mine. "Hand-holding?"
  "Shut up. I wanted to try it." He muttered as his hot breath hit the back of my head, and I looked at his larger hand on my own. Slightly clenching my jaw, I could feel my cheeks actually getting warm.
  "I guess this is the 'or whatever'." I quietly popped off.
  "....Hey, Grimmjow?"
  "Are you actually okay? After having that much of my blood, I mean."
  "I'm fine."
  "I just got really hungry, that's all. Now I'm not, so go to sleep."
  "How do you expect me to go to sleep after you telling me that?"
  "Not that kind of hungry, Little Rabbit."
  "What?" I paused, but Grimmjow didn't say anything else. "What?" I repeated a little louder, and soft snores came from behind me. "I know you're not asleep."
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0 notes
ofgravitation-moved · 2 years
[ tear ] — sender wipes receiver’s tears / i'm giving ochako all the love from my two boys
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when she'd been pulled from class today, ochako didn't understand why. but of course, she feared the worst. she was escorted to principal nezu's office, in which she was met with a video call from her father. immediately, ochako's heart had dropped.
she'd been informed that her grandfather, who's health hadn't been kind to him, had passed in the hospital this morning. the funeral was set to be in a few days, but so were a few big exercises and tests that ochako couldn't bear to miss. principal nezu of course excused ochako, and let her know she'd be able to make up the coursework, but how would she be able to, while still holding her work study with ryuku?
ochako was excused from her classes for the rest of the day per principal nezu's orders. her patrol in an hour, though, that was at her discretion. ochako had to go, she needed too.
but would she be able to keep her mind straight and focus on the patrol? right now, the only thoughts in her mind were her mother's dried tears and her father's solemn expression as they held one another on the video screen. then, there were the thoughts of summer picnics right around star gatherings that her grandfather dug out his telescope for when ochako was a child.
and that's when the tears started to fall.
she thought she'd shut her bedroom door, but then again, maybe she hadn't. she was dressed in her hero uniform, minus her guards and gear. they were still neatly settled on the bed behind her. her face was in her hands, and tears streamed down her cheeks, despite how hard she tried for them not too. until rough, yet kind calloused hands removed them. blinking back more tears that threatened to fall, ochako caught her breath, looking up to meet deku's gaze. she was unraveling all over again. " d-deku.. you, you shouldn't-- i'm o-kay.. "
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before she could form any more words, deku's thumbs tenderly brushed away a few new tears. and that's when, ochako gave in. she leaned forwards, and finally allowed herself to grieve and cry on her best friend's shoulder. she didn't know when a small fist gripped his shirt or when her free arm had slid around his middle. but right now, he was the only thing that kept her grounded.
" ... ma-ybe i will call ryuku and ask to be excused from patrol tonight. "
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
Familial Attachments
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***Awwwww, I'm so happy that you're enjoying my blog! This request warms my heart and I am WEAK for soft big brother Lucifer. I hope you enjoy @lorkai! - B*** Summary: MC keeps favouring Lucifer. It baffles the other brothers. Lucifer is intrigued by the behaviour and slowly begins to open up to them.
No one really noticed it when you first arrived. You were new to the Devildom, and so much was foreign and scary around you. So you following orders without question and lingering near Lucifer, the strongest of the demons living with you, could've been passed off as a survival technique. But after a few months of you staying in the House of Lamentation, Lucifer thought the initial fear would wear off, and yet you still continued to follow him around like a little duckling. Still, Lucifer hadn't really clued in that there was perhaps sentiment behind your behaviour until he had walked in on a discussion between you, Mammon, Beelzebub and Leviathan. He had approached your bedroom door and raised his fist to knock when he heard Mammon's annoyingly loud voice. "I'm just sayin'! There ain't no reason for you go followin' mean old Lucifer around like that! He's old. He complains a lot. He never has any fun. You should be spendin' time with me! I'm supposed to be your protector ya know!" Lucifer huffed in annoyance and was about to barge in when he heard your giggle. "I'm hanging out with you now, aren't I?" "I don't know MC. I can't believe I'm saying this, but Mammon has a point." Levi pipped in. At this point, Lucifer cracked open the door and peeked inside. You were sitting in Beel's lap as he munched away on a bowl of popcorn. Mammon was standing, punching harshly onto the buttons of the remote he was holding, while Levi sat playing with the ease and skill of the pro-gamer that he was. He didn't even look away from the screen as he spoke to you. Lucifer made a mental note to talk to him about conversation manners. Leviathan continued. "You're always hanging around Lucifer. You only spend time with us if we specifically ask you to, or if we arrange it ahead of time," Levi shifted uncomfortably as he pressed a button on his remote; Mammon cursed as a result. "I-I-Is he your favourite or something?" Lucifer couldn't help but perk at the question. He wasn't aware that you were spending particularly more time with him than the others. Sure, he noticed that you would listen to him much better than any of his brothers ever did (and that alone made him warm up to you), and you always seemed to smile when he was around. But he thought that was just the kind of person you were; happy and compliant. Much to his, and everyone in the room's, surprise, you nodded. "I guess he is." Chaos erupted inside the room.
Beel dropped his popcorn. Levi sputtered and actually looked away from the game to gape at you. Mammon threw his remote and whipped around to face you. "WHAT?!?! You mean you prefer that old bat to the GREAT MAMMON?!?!" to Mammon's defence, he looked genuinely hurt by the confession. "But I'm your first! I thought we were pals, MC?!" Levi tensed and sniffed before turning back at the game. "I'm not that surprised really. Makes sense that you wouldn't l-like a slimy gross otaku like me." Beel remained frozen and quiet. A frown etched on his face as his hands tightened around you. Your eyes widened at everyone's reactions. "Woah, woah, woah! Who said anything about not liking you guys? I love hanging out with you three, and I do see you as my friends," you looked directly at Levi. "Otaku or not. I treasure my time with you." Levi pouted and refused to look at you. "Then what does Lucifer have that we don't? Why does he get the title of your favourite?" Lucifer was shocked to see your expression soften as you smiled gently at just the thought. "He reminds me of my big brother in the human realm," everyone went quiet and looked at you. "I-It was hard being ripped away from everything I knew and be forced to live in a world that I didn't even know existed. When I saw Lucifer and got to know him a bit, I noticed how much he acted like my brother. It was comforting to have just that little bit of familiarity amongst all the chaos of the Devildom, you know?" The eldest brother's heart warmed at the statement. It stroked his pride in the best way possible. He loved his brothers, but none of them were very affectionate with one another with the exception of the twins. To hear that someone cared about him and saw him as an older brother was...touching. His younger brothers seemed to agree as, with a little irritation, they settled back down into their game. Forgetting what he came for, Lucifer smiled and went back to his office. Since that day, he was notably kinder and more vulnerable with you. If you saw him as an older brother then he was determined to be the best older brother you could ask for. He gave you a pat on the shoulder or ruffled your hair every time he saw you. He always made sure to congratulate or acknowledge your accomplishments, no matter how small they were. He asked you how your day was and allowed you to come to him with any troubles (which he would promptly take care of the moment you left the room). Every night he would invite you into his office for some tea and a round of chess before bed. It felt like in no time, he had begun to see you as a little sibling just as much as you saw him as an older brother. Lucifer did his best not to let his brothers catch on to how soft he was around you. He tried to compensate by teasing you a little more whenever they were around. Or pretend that he was taking you into his office to scold you when he really was going to look you over and make sure you weren't hurt in the most recent incident. The result was an endless amount of taunts and ridicule from his brothers on how he was a better sibling to you than he was them (which was mostly true), that you had thawed his ancient icy heart (which he would never admit), and that he couldn't say no to you (which he tried to prove wrong but inevitably failed, much to his embarrassment). Still, the bond between you two was one that was strong and pure. When it was finally time for you to go back to the human realm, you were in tears and refused to let go of Lucifer. Lucifer held onto you tightly. It was obvious to everyone there that he was just as reluctant to let you leave. "You have to go know MC. Your real big brother is up there worried about you, I'm sure," his voice was steady and firm. He refused to cry; no matter how badly his heart ached at that moment. You sniffled and buried your face deeper into his chest. "I know. But you've become just as much a brother to me as him, a-a-and I don't want to leave you. What if I never get to see you again?" Lucifer inhaled sharply at the thought.
He looked over at Diavolo. Something in his eyes must have given away the hurt and inner turmoil he was feeling, for Diavolo's eyes widened in shock before he smiled softly at his friend. "You may take your D.D.D. with you, MC, to stay in contact with the brothers. Perhaps, on occasion, we can also organize visits. This will not be goodbye forever." Lucifer chuckled as you held him tighter and ran a hand through your hair. "See? You'll see me and everyone else again. But for now, it's time for you to return home." You shakily nodded and reluctantly pulled away from his arms; Lucifer felt his chest tighten as coldness filled the warmth where you once stood. Still, he refused to cry or show vulnerability. He would not become a blubbering mess like Mammon. He was better than that. He clenched his fists as you went around giving everyone final hugs goodbye. He held his breath as you picked up the bag the two of you had put together full of keepsakes from the Devildom. You took a step towards the portal. "MC, wait!" Lucifer rushed towards you, damning his own pride and reputation to hell, as he pulled you into one final tight hug and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. He held you there; closing his eyes and allowing himself to pretend for just a moment that he didn't have to let you go. He felt a tear roll down his cheek. "I love you, MC. I will miss having you here." Suddenly you were sobbing again. The two of you held each other for several minutes, as Diavolo had Barbartos escort the others out to give the two of you some privacy. Finally, he let you go, and within a second you were gone and back to your true family. Lucifer went home, and sat in his office, wondering what you were doing with your real big brother and if you were as happy up there as you were with him. ***HOW THE FUCK DID I MAKE THIS ANGST AND END UP CRYING WELL WRITING I AM SO SORRY I SERIOUSLY MEANT FOR THIS BE FLUFF GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *Wipes tears* Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this no matter how accidentally painful it was. Thank you for the lovely request @lorkai! I was touched by how personal it was!***
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snailsdraw · 3 years
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[Start ID:
Continuation of the post-Season 5 fan comic of The Magnus Archives, pages 5 to 11, featuring Jon and Martin.
Jon is a short, skinny Indian man with a bearded face, long dark, but greying hair, and scars littered across his body. He wears spectacles, a sweater, long pants and boots. He also has a black ace ring on his right middle finger. Martin is a taller, fat white man with an unshaven face, light-coloured mullet hair, and sparse pock-mark scars on his face and arms. He also has spectacles, is wearing a jacket pulled over a t-shirt, long pants, and sneakers.
First Image: A close up of Martin and Jon's faces, side profiles and cut off at the cheek. Martin is cradling Jon's face in his hands, forehead pressed to his and tears streaming down his grimacing face. In the second panel though, Jon grunts, hand coming up to cup Martin's cheek from off-screen and lifting Martin head from his in the third panel. "M-Martin?", Jon stutters, Martin's hand still on his cheek in panel four. Martin is seen from the back in a 3/4 angle in the fifth panel, eyes wide in disbelief with Jon's hand now cupped against his cheek as Jon continues, "I- What's...D-did we-"
Second Image: Jon looks confused as Martin begins to laugh, and asks, "Martin? W-What's going on? Why are you-". He is cut off as Martin swoops him into a big bear hug in the next panel. The next panel focuses on Jon's shocked expression, wrapped in Martin's embrace as Martin exclaims, "Christ- don't DO that!".
Third Image: We see a close up of Martin's hands, wrapped behind Jon's back, trembling slightly. "Do- Do what?", Jon inquires. Martin replies shakily, "I thought you were DEAD." The next two panels zoom in on Jon's left hand, palm flat on Martin's back. "I thought -hic- I thought I'd killed you for REAL, that you weren't coming back," Martin chokes out, and Jon's fingers on his back twitch at this. Martin tries to continue in the next panel, "And I- I- I just-", but his voice dissolves into sobs. We see Jon's guilty expression over Martin's hunched shoulders. He hugs him tightly, muttering "I'm sorry..." into his crying boyfriend's hair.
Fourth Image: Martin's face is pressed into Jon's shoulder. "I know it was a lot to ask from you...I...", Jon drifts off, "I'm...sorry, Martin.". Martin lifts his head a little, face red and tears still in his eyes. The two are seen from a further distance in the next two panels, Martin finally pulling away from Jon in the second. "Okay...", he sniffs as he looks at Jon, who back faces us in this new panel. In the panel next to this one, Jon looks, waiting, when Martin says "But, t-try that again..."
Fifth Image: "...and I swear, I'll ACTUALLY kill you this time.". Jon grins, knowing very well that Martin doesn't mean that. In the second panel, we see the both of them in side profile, focused on their faces. Jon has brought his hand back to Martin's cheek once again, touching his forehead to Martin's with his eyes closed. "That'd be a shame...", Jon smiles, "...it won't happen again.". And he kisses him. Martin, who'd still been watching him a second ago, closes his eyes and melts into it.
Sixth Image: We see the boat from above in the first two panels, the two small figures of Jon and Martin pulling away to allow Martin to ask, "So... what now?". The next panel focuses on Martin and Jon still from a downward-looking angle. Martin is looking to his left and offscreen as he asks, "Where'd you even SEND us, Jon?". Jon, who is looking up towards us but not at us, says, "I...". The shot in the next panel is a zoomed out look down at the boat on the lake, the curving islands of land framing it, as the rest of Jon's reply continues, "...I don't know."
Seventh Image: This panel is a frontal close up of Jon, who still has his neck craned looking upwards, but his eyes are now drawn to Martin's hand on his shoulder shaking him to get his attention. Martin's face is close by to his right, noting, "Hold on...Jon, d'you see that?". Martin's left index finger pops out of the left side of the panel and points off-screen. We see both Martin and Jon from the torso up in the next panel. Jon looks in the direction that Martin is pointing in, a single eyebrow quirked in confusion, "See what?". "On the water," Martin squints. "Oh," Jon replies, spotting the thing off-screen that we can't see. "Yeah. D'you think- I mean, they certainly LOOK like people...?" Martin wonders aloud. At this, Jon offers, "But.", and Martin agrees, "Yeah, "but"." because they both know better than to trust human-looking creatures. In the last panel, a close up of Jon's face, Jon's eyes narrow as he realises something. "Wait...is that...a mattress?"
End ID.]
Here's the link to Pages 1 to 4 of this fan comic btw
It's Monday, so here's your 7 pages of continuation.
Jon's back, yay :)
This isn't the end.
Also, kudos to @catesonskates. That previous id was a very long read.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Investigations (Part 3): Ran Haitani x Fem!Reader
synopsis: when things are uncovered, can you handle the truth? Or are you doomed to make a mistake you can't rectify?
wc: 2.1k
tw: violence
song recommendation:
Ran's past was a lie.
When you met him at the country club five years ago, your pasts had been explained in hushed tones and excited flurries of memories; sharing photos of the time before he was an executive of the communications company he worked in and the time before you were a journalist.
Ran said he had gone to jail twice, both for crimes he had been an accessory to as a delinquent kid, but that he'd cleaned up his act after and made his way up the corporate ladder. Nothing about gangs or being a Heavenly King in Tenjiku made it past his lips.
You had been honest, too. Your tales included the time you'd accidentally happened upon a massive gang fight, and that's how your investigative journalism skills began to bloom.
Who was fighting?
What were they going to do after?
Where did these gangs come from?
When did this argument start?
Why were they fighting?
How did gangs form in the first place?
Those were all the questions you sought out answers for that night and the next five years after, devoting your time and effort to finding the truth about everything.
"Babe?" You freeze, hands hovering over the keys at the sound of Ran's voice. You don't turn around - you can't even look at him the same these days - but he fixes that by walking over to you and turning you around in your chair. "What are you doing up so late?"
"Just doing some writing." His violet eyes search yours for the truth, but you know he won't be able to find it. Not while you're still trying to unravel his past. Ran kisses your eyelids sweetly, cupping your face in his large palms and littering his love across your face as you try your best to remain still and not confess about your research.
"Come to bed. It's late."
"I've got a few more paragraphs," you explain, motioning to the small print on your screen. "I'll be in bed soon."
But your lie is discovered shortly thereafter. It's five a.m. when Ran returns, seeing you slumped against your desk, arms cushioning your head, laptop screen blank. Instinctively, Ran pulls you out of your seat - making your notebook fall to the ground - grunting softly as he scoops you up into his arms and cradles you against his chest.
You willingly allow your husband to carry you to bed, where your two-year-old is also nestled among the sheets and pillows, thumb tucked into his mouth. And for a moment, Ran appreciates the view, seeing the two people he loved the most - besides his younger brother - laying in the bed he paid for, in the house he built, in the city he owns.
But then he remembers the slight disarray you left your things in at the desk and returns, picking up your pencil and notebook before laying them beside the laptop. Then his eyes catch "Ran's past?" written in bold, red letters, along with the words: "Tenjiku" and "Tandai" also written in the web of other words surrounding his name. "South Terano" is also on that web.
He'd have to take care of that in the morning.
And for the first time in a long time, worry bubbles to the surface of his mind, and Ran rips the sheet of paper from your notebook, tossing it into the kitchen trashcan and considering his deed done. He concealed his past to protect his family. And he's concealing the present to achieve the same goal; all for the future to be revealed later. That's how everything should be.
Right? _____________________________________________________________
"Ran," you whisper, lips running across his knuckles. His fingers cup your jaw, and his own lips press against your forehead, violet eyes darkening slightly. "It's six am. Where are you going this early?"
"I have to go into the office for a little while," he murmurs, kissing your forehead again. "I'll be back around lunchtime." Thoughts of Tandai and Tenjiku flash into your mind for a moment, but you smile at him sleepily anyway, absolutely sure these things are part of his past and not in the present.
"We'll be waiting for you, my love."
Despite all of your best intentions, though, you can't help but be consumed by the idea of Ran out, fighting, stealing, maiming... You consider asking him about these things, these concerns, but you decide against it as you're helping Kai with his lunch. If he wanted to leave it in the past, there's a good reason for it. He would have told you if it would be a problem later. Right?
Ran wouldn't jeopardize your family, your home, your life for something so... juvenile.
The clatter of keys on the counter in the living room brings you back to the present, and you perk up, your two-year-old mimicking your expression.
"Daddy!" Kai slides down from his seat and runs to greet Ran, clutching his father's legs with all his little might.
"Hey, buddy," Ran laughs, stooping to pick up his son with excitement. "How are you doing?" As son and father have a very stimulating conversation about playtime, you watch them in wonder, observing the way Ran makes his child a priority, just like he makes you a priority. But your countenance falls as soon as you see the blood spot on the bottom of Ran's lavender suit jacket. You know its blood because of the way it dried - that's no ketchup stain.
You fake a smile anyway, giving Ran a kiss on the cheek and tugging his jacket off after he sits Kai back on the tile floor.
"Hard day?"
"Kind of," Ran mumbles, and you catch the sight of a long scratch down the side of his neck. "But I made it through." You hum, taking the pin-striped jacket to the laundry room and slinging it over the side of the washer. You'd need that later.
"Need to relax?" you wonder, and Ran grins at you mischievously.
"Maybe later, after bedtime?"
But "later" never came.
Instead, Ran and Kai fell asleep on the sofa, watching a kid's movie, and you retreated to the office, powering up your laptop and pulling your notebook closer.
You immediately notice something's wrong, as the notes you had before were missing. Everything is gone. Not even a word of all the research you had done was there. Hadn't you written meticulous notes and names and things about Ran's past that could be interconnected? You break out in a sweat and search in every drawer of the desk, every place it could possibly be. You come up with nothing, and let out a frustrated sigh before slumping down in your seat and pulling up the computer history from yesterday. If you had to rewrite every single thing, that's fine. You'd just need more time to gather your evidence for the meeting on Saturday.
You're knee-deep in articles and police reports when you stumble across a more recent - actually as recent as this morning - article titled: "Ex-gangster found dead in meat factory". The picture of South Terano startles you, and you click on it, feeling a sense of dread as the article details how he was found hanging upside-down in the warehouse with a bullet hole in his head. And just like that, your newest lead has fizzled out. You groan, writing down "South Terano, deceased" on your notepad, then exiting the tab.
There had to be someone else you could ask. Shuji Hanma only provided you with Ran and Rindou's names, no one else.
"What's this?"
The door to the office shuts softly, and you look over your shoulder at Ran, who is walking toward you with measured steps, his eyes taking in your exhausted expression and the way you're hunched over that notepad. Again.
"What are you doing? You look tired, babe. Let's go to bed, yeah?"
Suddenly, pieces begin to click as Ran leans his hip against the desk, staring down at you in the chair with squinted violet eyes. "You threw away my notes... Didn't you?"
"What are you doing in my business, y/n?"
"Why didn't you tell me that you were in two gangs?" you counter, fingers shaking slightly. "Ran, this is something I needed to know before--"
"You wouldn't have married me if I told you." Ran's tone is cold, almost as if he's turned into the past version of himself without batting an eye.
"You don't know that." Ran leans forward, coming to eye level with you a smirking.
"I know you. And that's all I need." Ran reaches out a hand to close the laptop, still smiling and maintaining eye contact. "Now here's what you're going to do. First, you're going to stop digging into my past. There's nothing there that you need to find. Second, you're going to come to bed. It's late, you're tired. Finally," Ran cups your chin like he did this morning, except his fingers aren't so tender this time. "You're going to cut off contact with both Shuji Hanma and Taiju Shiba. I'm not really fond of either of them, and I'm not a fan of having them tell my business to my wife."
"They were only doing it because I asked."
"Taiju, maybe. Shuji isn't so eager to fuck you. I doubt he did it out of the kindness of his heart." You can't say anything to refute his claims. Ran is probably right. But you can't get one question out of your mind.
"Why are you trying to hide your past? What's there that I won't like?"
"What isn't there is the real question."
"What can you tell me about the gang that's just surfaced in Tokyo?" Ran's face slackens, transforming into a half-surprised, half-blank look that you realize is one that means he's been caught. "Oh, my fucking god," you breathe, tears stinging your eyes. "South, the fish, the murders, the crime... It's you. It's been you this whole time. I've been chasing my own husband down." Panic begins to set in, and your mind whirls around as you shake in your seat, bringing your hands up to your head. "Just tell me Rindou isn't in this," you breathe, but Ran doesn't answer you, still wearing that dumb look on his face. You let out a cry of shock, covering your mouth and trying to back away from Ran as much as you can.
The source is a lot closer than you think.
You slide down the wall, shocked into stillness as your sobs quiet, and Ran straightens up, placing his hands in his sweatpant pockets. The long nights, the early mornings, the bloodstains, the damn suits... It all led to this. Ran had never really left his old lifestyle behind. He'd gotten caught up in it, and brought you and Kai into it unknowingly.
"I never meant for it to get this... unhinged." You can't reply, tucking your knees into your chest as you stare past Ran and at the opposite wall, wondering how you'd missed the signs, the obvious signs that Ran was up to no good. "I know this is a lot to take in, but we can--"
"I can't stay here."
The words fall from your mouth and Ran flinches, shaking his head.
"No. You can't leave."
"Yes, I can," you mumble, standing and wiping your tears. "I can do whatever I need to do to keep Kai safe, and--"
"Kai is safer here than out there," Ran snaps, pointing at the window. "I'm not letting my son out of my sight. Your snooping has caused enough trouble as it is; I wouldn't have had to go and clean up this morning if you hadn't--"
"Don't blame this on me," you retort, pointing at Ran accusatorially. "You're the one who joined a gang and is still in one! What kind of role model are you for our son now?"
"I provide the best way I can," Ran grits out, clenching his fists. "You've never gone hungry, cold, or ill-clothed a day in your life while you were with me."
"I would rather die than enjoy a life paid for with blood money."
"Blood money? You really think--" You try to push past Ran, but he grabs your shoulders, yanking you back in front of him. "You're not going anywhere except to our bed."
"Let me go, Ran Haitani," you mutter, hands balling up into little fists. "Or I'll scream."
"Who will hear you? Kai?"
How had you been so foolish? Ran's lips press together momentarily as his violet eyes run over your figure, taking stock of all your five-foot-six stature. You're no match for Ran. Not mentally, and certainly not physically. Ran notices your defeat and his hands slide down to your wrists, tugging your delicate hands up to his chest.
"Everything will be fine," he whispers, drawing you close. "I'm taking care of us. Just trust me."
Just trust me.
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