heliianth · 2 years
never getting over what the hidden world did to my cat... u massacred my boy
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cheegu3 · 1 year
◡̈⋆ʜᴇʟʟᴏ(●’◡’●)ノ bestie back at it again in your ask box 🕺💃 may I request yandere seventeen profiles please 🥺🤌 thank you (ㅅ˙³˙)♡mwah❣️
hi bestieee, apologise for the delay :p
tw / trigger warning: yandere themes, murder, blood, manipulation, possessiveness, jealousy, swearing, mentions of vomiting, reader gets called a slut, gaslighting, abuse, dead animals, man-handling, 18+ (sexual themes) - YIKES, this really has it all lmao
{Seventeen - yandere profiles}
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yandere type: strict
S.Coups is strict with you, but although he can be violent he isn't very sadistic.
There's not much enjoyment in punishing you, it's just something he knows he has to do - to make sure you'd be molded into the perfect partner for him.
You'd be expected to follow strict rules and be on your best behaviour - he didn't tolerate any brattiness or disobedience.
With all of his demands, you'd end up with him being the only person left in your life. He was the only one you talked to, spent time with and saw during the day; which of course wasn't accidental on his part.
'' Don't test my patience, you know what will happen if you do '' he warned lowly, taking a few steps towards you.
You were cornered now, nowhere to run but into his arms. All the confidence you had just a minute ago came crashing down and you were getting ready to beg for him to be lenient on you - as he'd expect you to do.
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yandere type: sweet + manipulative
To you, he was the sweetest boyfriend you had ever had. No matter what, he was always there to take care of you.
Scraped your knees or hands from some minor injury? It didn't matter, he'd be there in seconds, cradling you and putting a plaster over the wound.
Had a bad day? Jeonghan would show up outside your work with a bouquet of flowers and a wide grin on his face, ready to take you on a long and romantic date.
Needed a ride? He would drive you, anywhere and any time.
As time would pass and he continued to hide underneath his perfectly crafted personality, you'd start to believe your boyfriend could do no wrong.
'' Do you know what a psycho your boyfriend really is? ''
Your stared down at your coworker that you had by chance stumbled upon in an alley on your way home from work. She was beaten up badly, blood dripped from her nose and she had a black eye.
'' My boyfriend? '' you scoffed in disbelief.
'' Why are you suddenly bringing him up? ''
'' He did this to me! ''
You left as soon as you heard that, thinking it was the most ridiculous lie you'd ever heard - and Jeonghan who was watching from the shadows, smirked proudly, ready to kill the girl once you'd left.
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yandere type: calculative
Joshua was far too dangerously smart for you - always being one step ahead and being a torture to deal with.
Overall he was sort of a classic yandere but it would be way harder to get away from him than others, near impossible. He knew you like the back of his hand; what you'd say next, what your fears were, what you liked and what would make you break.
But even though Joshua was smart, he didn't bother hiding his yandere side to you - he may be a psycho but he wasn't fake. Plus it would probably be too much of a nuisance if he had to put up an act in front of you all the time.
'' I'm going wether you like it or not, my friends are waiting for me ''
Your boyfriend tilted his head slightly, knowing he was sure to enjoy this spectacle you tried putting on now. He couldn't wait to see your brave face fall soon as he'd win, once again.
'' Oh really '' he drawled tauntingly making you halt your step.
'' Yes, really '' you spat back.
'' I don't think they'd be happy to see you since you were talking shit about them on social media '' he sighed innocently.
Rage burned inside of you as you ran up to him, fists clenched to your sides.
'' What the fuck did you do? ''
The corners of his lips curved upwards into an amused smile.
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yandere type: delusional + aggressive
This man genuinely believes you are just as obsessed with him as he is with you.
And if you even thought about doing anything that would break his fantasy - think again. He will immediately become aggressive, and in some cases violent.
Before you were together, he would leave you sickeningly sweet love-notes as if you were already dating. They terrified you, which he observed, so he was sure not to mention that it was him that had left them.
If you managed to shatter his delusions once you were together, which would be incredibly hard, then he'd feel some sort of resentment towards you. But he wouldn't let you leave him anyway.
Jun accepted it.
'' Fine. If you don't love me now, that's okay '' you heaved a deep sigh of relief, getting ready to gather your things in his house.
However, you didn't get far as his next words made you freeze.
'' I'll make you love me ''
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yandere type: possessive + clingy
Hoshi would be quite insecure and possessive over you, leading to him resorting to extreme clinginess to make you do whatever he wanted.
He feigned innocence and would even force tears out if he needed to. Whenever he heard that you were going out, anger started bubbling inside him. But he couldn't risk you seeing him as anything but a sweet and helpless boyfriend who just '' loved you so much ''. So he clenched his teeth every time and went out, ready to put on the best acting performance of his life.
It might've felt a bit humiliating in the moment, but as soon as your eyes would turn glossy as you'd hug him and cancel your plans, murmuring apologies to stop him from crying - it was all worth it.
'' Babe, it's been months since I've seen my friends '' it was getting hard to get your words out as you felt tears start to well up, like they always did when your boyfriend pulled this antic.
'' If I cancel again, they won't ask ever again and our friendship will probably end ''
He didn't answer. Only sniffles could be heard in the room which had now fallen silent. His eyes were red and puffy from crying for so long. It had been an hour now, way longer than what it usually took for you to give in.
Hoshi kept his anger underneath the surface, waiting patiently until you would say the magic words; only then could he finally relax.
'' I'm sorry '' you sighed, defeatedly.
There it is
Your boyfriend smirked into his hands that were hiding his face from you.
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yandere type: sadistic
The worst to deal with. He could be violent, but he preferred to watch you suffer without him having to lift a finger; it made him feel more accomplished somehow, boosting his ego in a sick and twisted way.
But since any and all kinds of suffering were of great amusement and pleasure to him, you'd experience physical violence too. It would often be after you'd done something to piss him off, something that needed a quick lesson.
His psychological tortures were more of just a side-quest for him. You probably hadn't even done anything wrong. But just the act of planning something meticulously and then watching you as you'd fall victim to it - felt so rewarding and addictive, he couldn't resist it.
So I guess you could say that bit was a hobby, one that came with him no matter how well behaved you were.
'' Didn't you like my gift? '' he tilted his head while a sinister smile crept up on his face.
You backed away from him, head shaking frantically as you felt bile coming up your throat at only the mention of that sick prank he had pulled on you.
'' Why not? ''
The box was still in view, its contents scattered due to you dropping it as soon as you took a peek inside. The dead rat's eyes stared back at you, almost looking eerily alive.
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yandere type: cold
Woozi would be the type to come off as cold or distant even though he didn't really mean to. It was just a bit hard for him to express his feelings. So he'd rather skip the awkwardness and just not voice his thoughts or opinions to you, ultimately making him a mystery.
It was hard for you to read him. He was locked up in his studio, writing and producing most of the day, which meant you barely saw him.
But when he'd come out, he didn't look like he had missed you; immediately he ordered you around, telling you to make both of you food.
While eating there was silence - no questions about your day, nothing about his and he would barely even glance at you.
It was all very confusing. For someone who claimed to be in love with you to the point of obsession, it sure looked like he just said that for a laugh now. Did you even act like a couple?
It felt more like a prisoner - guard, type of situation since he still barely let you go out. The only time he showed affection would be right before bed, when you couldn't see his flushed face in the dark.
'' Come here '' Woozi said sleepily.
You could hear the covers ruffle and assumed he had opened his arms to make room for you, so you slowly shuffled into his warm embrace.
You felt him breathe in your scent and relax, as if you were a sedative to him.
'' I love you '' he murmured into the crook of your neck.
'' I-I love you too '' you said, a bit confused.
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yandere type: stalker
Approaching you and actually getting into a relationship would be a difficult task for DK, who had only watched you from afar.
Yet the more he watched you - the more he knew that just stalking you wouldn't suffice. He wanted to be close to you, hold you and make you laugh, just like all those people around you that he had to get rid of.
He craved being the reason you'd smile while looking at your phone or the person that made your face twist in pleasure.
Being so in love with another person while they had no idea, or if they knew they still probably wouldn't reciprocate his feelings - made him feel something dark inside.
Once he'd reach that point he didn't care about all the sweet manipulation it would take for you to date him - because his self-esteem was so low that he believed you'd never accept him.
That's why he just took you one day.
'' This is your new home now '' Dokyeom crouched down to your level and pulled out the rag that was stuffed in your mouth.
He couldn't wait to hear your beautiful voice, finally speaking to him.
'' Who the fuck are you? '' you spat at him venomously, shooting daggers at him with your glaring eyes.
A frown appeared on his lips. Not exactly what he had expected.
'' Well work on that attitude, hm? '' he smiled.
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yandere type: obsessive + jealous
Knows every little thing about you. It creeps you the fuck out because he won't reveal how he knows it.
Things from your childhood that only you knew or your friends and family knew; there wasn't a thing that was secret from him.
Of course he kept it a secret from you though. What would you think of him if you found out he would get crazy with extreme jealousy at times, and beat up anyone you had ever taken a picture with?
Searching them up on social media, never giving up even if it took weeks to find a specific person and then going to their homes or stalking them - just so he could beat them to the brink of death.
It was the only way he could get all that jealousy out.
Mingyu hated seeing you enjoy yourself if it wasn't with him. But he hated it even more when you made other people happy. That was meant for him, and him only!
'' Where did you go? ''
Your boyfriend froze in his steps at the sound of your voice. He could hear from the slight huskiness that you had just woken up.
A quick glance at the clock told him it was 4am, so you were probably just up for a glass of water. If he played it right, he might just be able to pull himself out of this.
'' Go? '' he sounded confused, looking at you as if you were crazy.
His eyebrows raised.
'' I didn't go anywhere ''
'' Oh...I thought '' you lost your train of thought and licked your lips, suddenly feeling like the confused one.
Maybe you were just imagining things after all...
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yandere type: violent + possessive
Prone to violent outbursts and it's hard to read him. He could have an extreme temper, especially if things didn't go his way - what he wanted you to understand was that things had to go his way, and he wouldn't accept it any other way.
You'd witnessed him lash out at people working close to him and whenever he did he was ruthless and violent, perhaps a bit sadistic too in the way his eyes glinted with burning passion inside.
That alone, was enough for you to be terrified of him when you two were alone. Any small thing could set him off so it was like walking on eggshells 24/7, which was exhausting.
Minghao secretly loved when you were too tired to care, making small mistakes that gave him an excuse to punish you. Arguing made him feel alive after all.
Most of the time, it was when you didn't feel like being rude to people trying to flirt with you or befriend you. You'd feel his burning eyes on you, even if you were across the room from him - because he hated people touching what was his.
'' You shouldn't have done that ''
Minghao's low voice would usually send alarm bells ringing inside your head on any normal day, but you had just had a long day and couldn't be bothered to put up with his childish act so you brushed it off - another mistake.
His lips formed a sour smile as he watched you with amusement.
'' Have you forgotten what I can be like? '' his fingers found your chin, forcing you to look straight into his eyes.
'' Maybe I have to remind you because it's been too long. You've become a spoiled little slut, going around eying other men ''
Finally you understood that you had fucked up, but it was late, way too late.
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yandere type: controlling
Seungkwan feels a need to be in control with you and your relationship. He's not exactly sure where this is coming from, but perhaps certain insecurities arise due to past relationships.
It turns into a bit of an addiction - he decides what you eat, when you shower or sleep, when you go out or what you wear.
But why? If he's not in control of every little thing in your life, he turns ballistic, thinking that you're gonna cheat or leave him, or some other insane thing.
Whenever Seungkwan feels like he's losing control, he'll take it out on you. Because, he's not quite sure how else to fix it. Punishing you for it always makes him feel better, but don't cry - it'll irritate him.
In the end, you're being treated like a doll more than a person but that's exactly the way he likes it. Perfect can't disappoint him in the end, right?
'' I look so stupid, babe please let me change '' you begged, eyes pleading to your boyfriend.
He looked very pleased however, letting you know it was falling to deaf ears.
'' No. You look good, trust me '' he came over to give you a peck, a small smirk decorating his lips.
You were covered from head to toe, wearing something quite childish and he knew that, but at least no one would try to hit on you now when you'd go out with your friends.
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yandere type: classic
Vernon is a classic yandere - you behave and he'll be generally kind to you, if you misbehave then...not so much.
It was a normal relationship for the most part, if you ignored his yandere tendencies that is. It would mostly present itself in jealousy and some control issues.
For example, he wouldn't stop you from going out. But when you did he needed constant text messages and at least one phone call. If you did that, he'd feel calm as he trusted you.
If you didn't, he'd storm right over with anger evident on his face as he'd forcefully drag you away while flashing a charming face to your friends, so they'd suspect nothing.
Then he'd spend hours punishing you in ways that would leave scars, to make sure you would never forget your mistake.
'' You deserve this '' he'd say, in an almost apologetic way before he'd slash your skin with his knife.
You were about to answer his text after putting off his calls, but you didn't want to interrupt the flowing conversation, of course that enraged him - next thing you knew, you were here in his basement again, getting punished.
You whimpered while looking at him through tearful eyes.
'' Say it ''
'' I deserve this '' you said weakly.
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yandere type: clingy + unpredictable
Quite unpredictable too - he could he smiling one second and then be incredibly angry the next, without you knowing what you did wrong.
As soon as his smile would fade, you knew you were in danger - as he'd tend to get very violent when he was angry. Dino would man-handle the fuck out of you, just to prove a point that he was stronger than you and the one in '' control ''. He did this whenever he felt threatened, which was quite a lot.
'' Let's go home now '' your boyfriend suddenly uttered, making you turn around.
'' What? We just got here '' you protested.
You had gotten dressed up and everything for the occasion, it felt mildly irritating that he wanted to leave the party straight away.
'' I said- '' he stepped closer, teeth clenched '' We're going ''
You had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes or getting angry, that would only make the whole thing worse. Whatever he wanted, he got, not matter how obscure it was.
You weren't even sure what had set him off this time but it was better not even questioning it, just going with whatever he said, for your sanity and safety.
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geekynightowl1997 · 9 months
Okay, okay. You all are probably ANNOYED about my Leverage posts- and I was on the fence about posting this one because I'm only on season 3. However, I just have SO many thoughts and I need to process them. So- here it goes;
*takes a deep breath*
Leverage is home. Like, I don't- I don't know to explain it. In another post I said the show was intoxicating and that's still true. But it's also- it's also home. Maybe I'm the only one, but when I watch it- I feel like I belong. Which is ridiculous. I'm not talented at all- but Leverage is almost like a security blanket. It's- it's safe and warm... it's home.
The only thing I can think of why it's home is because of them. Because they make it feel like home. They make feel safe and like your being cared for. Like your not alone. Even if you don't think your good at something- Leverage has your back. It gives you a sense of security. Which is weird because their criminals. But- like they said; Sometimes the bad guys are the only good guys you get.
I mean- you have Nate Ford who is always two to three spaces in front of the bad guy. Who sits there and listens to victims and gives them hope. Who talks to his team and bounces ideas off of them- instead of talking down to them. He's the kinda guy that watches from the background and sees all sorts of angles. Gets into the minds of both the victim and assailant. And if the con goes wrong- he has a second one ready to cover. Whose weakness is an empty bottle in an occupied barstool.
You have Sophie. A terrible actress whose good at acting. She can play any part. Be unseen- while being seen. Whose brave, kind, and gentle- but can kick butt when needed. She's not a damsel in distress- but she'll play the part. And the thing about that part is; it's so convincing- even she believes it too. Despite that- she's honest and sincere, she'll tell you what she thinks. Her heart is gold. Her trust is thin. She's like a snake- hypnotizing. Her weakness is the love she gave to a man who thinks too much and feels too little.
You have Eliot. A man that- if you just look at him- you'll just shrug him off. He's like any other brute. Big and brawny. And that's why you shouldn't ever judge a book by it's cover. He's so much more than that. Yes. He's brawn. A real southern charmer. But he has a brain and a heart. He's that big brother and gives you hugs and you can't help but melt into the security of that feeling. That feeling of safety that you just know has an ocean of anger underneath. But your not scared, you can't be scared. Not of him. He's the kinda guy you run towards- because you know he'll keep you safe. And yeah- maybe he'll use his brawn to keep you safe, but he'll also use his brain and his heart. He'll get you out of the situation in one piece with a grumble and a growl. His weakness is his kindness and that's why doesn't let it show.
You have Alec. The brainiac. The hacker- who isn't all that much to look at (compared to Eliot,) at least not at first glance. Yet, there's something about him that screams safe. Just as much as Eliot. He's outgoing and kind. Smart and funny. And the way that he's got everyone's back- even when it doesn't seem like it. He's your go to- to find any kind of internet mistakes and he's a good shoulder to cry on. He's that brother who is dorky, awkward, and nerdy- but he's honest and sincere. His weakness is not being able to be there when it really matters.
And- and you have Parker. The thief. The master thief- that didn't belong anywhere. Nimble and lean as she flips and slinks through vents. She's the little sister the family didn't know they even wanted. Until finally they realized she was what they needed. She's bright and cheerful despite how she grew up. Her life wasn't easy foster care and street living is a rough life- but she still believes in good things; Santa clause, Nate, Sophie, and Eliot. Most importantly she believed in Hardison. She was on her own until she was found and working with a team. Then she belonged to them. Everything she had done- was so that they knew she loved them. Her weakness is having the ability to not get caught.
To end this; Leverage is an amazing shoe- because it reminds us that no matter our background. No matter how many times we've messed up and haven't belonged- we are all human. It tells us that we will find our home, our tribe, our safety. That no matter our weakness- we'll always have somebody who can take our weakness and become our strength.
I'm only on season 3. I'll more than likely have more thoughts come by season 4/ season 5. (If you agree or disagree- don't hesitate to message me!
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
Pt3 to this au that’s getting waaay longer than i planned it to be | full version AO3 link
Eddie had a problem. A big problem. A problem named Steve Harrington, a problem who had signed up for weekly guitar lessons with him – a problem who furrowed his brows and slightly opened his mouth when he was concentrating, who had perfectly manicured fingers stroking his guitar, who ran a hand through his gravity-defying hair when he got nervous or frustrated, who blushed every time without exception when Eddie complimented him on his progress.
'He has a child, Nance!'
'So? He's single, isn't he?'
'I don't know that, he might be lying about that, too! He never mentioned his fucking daughter either!'
'Maybe it wasn't his daughter, maybe it was just some neighborhood kid or his niece or something.'
'She looked exactly like him!'
'Okay, but not mentioning something is not the same as lying. He literally said he was single, didn't he?'
Eddie sighed and nodded.
'I haven't seen you fall this hard ever before,' Nancy remarked. 'And he's clearly into you, too. I mean, he started taking guitar lessons because he wanted to see you again – that's really romantic, Eddie! Is it really a total dealbreaker if he has a kid?'
'Yes,' Eddie answered through gritted teeth.
'But you love your kids!'
'That's way different! I see them an hour a week for music lessons, that's not comparable to having a tiny human around all the time, and raising them and shaping their little mind and shit! That's fucking terrifying, Nance, I'm not even a proper human myself! I ate coffee powder for breakfast this morning because the tap wasn't working again, and I forgot to do my laundry so I'm wearing Wayne's old-man tent boxers!'
Nancy choked on her beer. 'I did not need to know that, thanks,' she spluttered.
'Point is, I'm hopelessly in love with a father, and I can never date him, because I can't possibly be a stepfather for the next, like, ten years. And he keeps flirting with me and I can't avoid any of it because I'm locked in a room with him weekly! And he's only twenty and that little girl was, I dunno, I guess three years old, which is concerning, to say the least, so –'
'You don't actually mean that.' Nancy's voice sounded sharp when she interrupted him.
'What?' Eddie shot her a confused look.
'You're not gonna shame him for being a teen dad, that's low.' She shot him one of her mildly terrifying stern glares. 'He probably had an immensely difficult decision to make, and he chose to commit, at a very young age, when it would've been easy for him to walk away and not take any responsibility. That's really brave of him, and you shouldn't judge him for that only because you can't get over it.'
Eddie huffed and took a big sip of his beer. He hated it when Nancy was honest and right.
He saw Steve again, earlier than expected, on Monday afternoon. It was in between lessons, in the fifteen minutes he had after Will left and before Max would arrive. He put on his leather jacket and headed downstairs for a smoke, and saw Steve and his daughter come out of the daycare center at the moment he reached the last step of the stairs.
Steve froze when he saw Eddie and stared at him like a deer caught in the headlights.
'Hey,' said Eddie. 'Look at that, you got a lovely little family.' It sounded fake to his own ears; he desperately hoped that Steve wouldn't pick up on that.
‘Thanks,' Steve mumbled, not exactly looking too happy to be seeing Eddie. 'This is – this is Rose.' He took a few steps towards Eddie. The girl on his arm had the same soft brown-eyed gaze as her father, and her brown hair was braided neatly, with two brightly colored bows in its ends. Eddie found it hard to believe that Steve would be able to braid like that; there was a woman, of course there was a woman, there had to be a woman.
'Rose, can you say hi to Eddie?' Steve asked the little girl.
'Eddie!' she repeated with a wide smile on her face.
No matter how much Eddie hated to admit it, the girl was really fucking cute. How could he not smile back at her and give her a tiny wave, to which she responded by happily waving back at him?
'She's your spitting image,' Eddie remarked at Steve.
Weirdly enough, Steve grimaced at that.
'I know,' he said. 'Same father, so...'
'Huh, what?'
'She's my half sister.'
His half sister.
Eddie's eyes widened. 'Oh,' he responded, stupidly.
'Yeah, it's um... It's kind of a messy story, to be honest. That's why I never mentioned her, actually. She hasn't been in my life for that long yet. I didn't even know she existed until - ‘ he suddenly shut his mouth, brusquely cutting himself off. ‘Never mind, doesn’t matter.’ He looked as if he felt embarrassed for saying too much. ‘I guess I liked to pretend like everything was normal. With the music lessons, I mean. That it was just us and the music, and nothing else.' He sighed and combed his free hand through his hair, prompting Rose to stretch out her hand and lightly pull at a lock of his hair, too.
He didn't reprimand her, but merely shot her a fond look before he switched his attention back to Eddie.
'Sorry, that kinda made it sound like – like I'm not happy with her or something. But she's actually the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. It's just – it's a lot, you know? I guess I liked having this one place where I could pretend like my family wasn't falling apart.'
Eddie nodded. 'Yeah, I get that,’ he said. ‘I mean, that's what music is for, right? Escapism.'
'Yeah, exactly.'
Eddie got a sense of deja vu from the way Steve kept hovering around, seemingly not knowing what to say but also not wanting to leave, just like that first time they met. Only this time, Eddie felt lost for words, too. It was too much, to see Steve be so gentle and sweet with that girl that he'd assumed was his daughter but was actually his little sister. To see him so full of love and so distressed at the same time, one body full of contradictions. He didn't even know what to think – let alone say – right now.
He turned his gaze to Rose, because somehow, that was easier than addressing Steve directly.
'It was really nice meeting you, Rose,' he said to her. 'You have an amazing big brother. Be good to him, alright?'
She nodded, her eyes wide open and that sweet grin on her face again.
When he looked up at Steve, he saw that the guy was blushing heavily – but the anxious look had disappeared from his eyes, so Eddie supposed that he could count that as a win.
'Hey, um, I really have to go, my arm is kinda falling asleep – which is your fault, Rose, there's nothing wrong with your legs and yet I'm carrying you around like you're still a baby.' The girl stuck her tongue out and Steve gasped dramatically. 'Don't do that! I'll stop carrying you if you do that again. For real, this time.'
She giggled and Steve shifted her onto his other arm, then brushed a hand over her hair.
'Alright, I'll see you on Wednesday,' he said to Eddie, before he turned towards the exit, leaving Eddie still stunned in the hall.
Just us and the music, was the part of the conversation that kept repeating itself in Eddie's brain, like a broken record, again and again and again. Just us and the music. Just us. Us. Us.
Tag list: @kardinalkalamity @imzadidragonfly @simpforsauron @undreamingscatworld @nailbatbabygirl @solosnail @theysherobinbuckley  @sharpbutsoft @manda-panda-monium @piningapple @whimsicalwitchm
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paperstorm · 9 months
Carlos definitely told TK to hop on and TK hold on like a baby koala and Carlos carried him to bed and sat against the headboard with TK wrapped around him with his face buried in Carlos’ neck and just breathing each other and letting their scent mingle after that I believe Carlos helped TK bathe just like he said and they fell asleep holding hand with their foreheads touching
"I'm getting snot on your shirt," TK mumbles.
"It needed to be washed anyway," Carlos replies. He rubs TK's back slowly, palm sliding methodically up and down over the soft cotton of his hoodie.
TK sniffs, and Carlos tightens his arms around him. He's scared, too. It's an atomic bomb of bad news, and he's had far less time to process it than TK has. The idea of losing him has always terrified Carlos, no matter how it might happen, but this way seems particularly awful. Carlos isn't going to lie to TK and say he isn't scared. But they will tackle it together, like they'll tackle everything for the rest of their lives. Of that, Carlos is sure.
"I love you so much," he whispers.
TK makes a soft, hurt noise and buries his face more completely into Carlos's neck, tears leaving his skin damp.
"I love you, too," TK whispers back. "I didn't mean it. What I said before. Please don't leave me."
"Never," Carlos promises him. "Never ever, baby. You're mine."
TK nods.
Carlos kisses his cheek, leaning out of the hug so he can see TK's face. It's still red and swollen, streaked with tears, his eyes pink-rimmed and sad. Carlos takes his cheeks into his hands, using his thumbs to wipe some of the moisture away.
"Let's have a shower," Carlos suggests, because he can't let them sit here marinating in fear and heartbreak any longer. He's never been good at being still, he has to do something. "I'm all gross from work."
"You're not gross, you're perfect," TK argues, and for just a moment that makes him cry harder.
"Hey," Carlos murmurs to him, ducking down and not letting TK look away from him. He tracks his eyes, smiling at him when TK's gaze meets his.
"What?" TK asks.
"You are beautiful. And funny, and brave, and brilliant. You mean everything to me. Everything about you is my favorite thing. And you're all mine, okay? Forever."
TK sniffs again and nods. "Okay."
"Let's have a shower."
"You really do wanna bathe me, huh?" TK asks, finally cracking a smile through his tears.
Carlos brushes a few more tears off his cheek and then kisses his heated skin. "Yeah. I really do. You had an awful day. And then sat here for hours waiting for me. Let me take care of you."
TK nods. He stands when Carlos does, letting Carlos put an arm around his shoulders and give him a squeeze as they make their way toward the bathroom.
Carlos sits TK on the closed lid of the toilet. He starts the shower, angling the nozzle away from the door so water doesn't splash onto the tiled floor. TK blows his nose noisily, hiccupping once or twice and looking up at Carlos. He seems so small right now, the bright light of him so diminished, and Carlos likes him small sometimes, but not like this.
He unbuttons his own shirt, letting it fall off his shoulders and to the floor. When he steps closer, TK lifts his arms up like a little kid waiting to be undressed and Carlos chuckles fondly. He bends down, pushing up the hem of the maroon hoodie and getting it off over TK's head.
Carlos can't help leaning in further and pressing a kiss to TK's lips. TK hums softly into it, and stands when Carlos pulls gently at his hand. He undresses them both the rest of the way and then helps TK into the shower, taking only a moment to drink in the stunning sight of him. TK is the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, and despite the heaviness of this moment, Carlos is so excited to spend the rest of his life with this man.
TK holds out a hand, reaching for him, and Carlos takes it and steps into the shower after him. He moves in close, wrapping TK back up into his arms under the warm, soothing spray.
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
Hey lovely!
I'm back for another request haha
Could I please request amethyst with Boss in Winter?
There's just something about Boss being courageous in everything he does that makes me think it would be a good fit!
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Summary: You and Boss have been tiptoeing around each other for, what seems like, years. Something has to give, and early one winter morning, something does.
Pairing: Clone Commando Boss x Reader
Word Count: 733
Prompt: Amethyst - Courageous Love
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: I hope this is close to what you wanted! I love Boss so much, so I put a lot of myself into the reader, lol. Sorry. And I gave Boss some of my husband's mannerisms (like walking on the outside, closest to the road)
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Months ago, when you were in the middle of an anxiety attack, Boss dragged you outside and took you for a walk. You didn’t walk anywhere, the pair of you just walked and talked. 
It was the start of an early morning habit, or perhaps tradition would be a better word.
Every morning, you and Boss will wake up and go for a walk while the sun rises. No matter the weather. Heat, cold, rain, shine. It doesn’t matter.
It’s become a much beloved part of your morning routine. It allows you to be the center of Boss’ attention for however long the pair of you decide to walk, it gets you some much needed exercise, and it allows you to get out of your own head for a bit.
Really, it’s no wonder that you fell in love with him, all things considered. No one’s ever been so conscientious towards you before.
Of course, he doesn’t know that.
You’re not quite brave enough to put yourself out there like that. Not even for him. But you are, slowly, working up the nerve.
Very slowly.
Like. At a snail’s pace.
In any event, when you wake up at your normal time one winter morning and see that there’s snow falling from the sky, you’re thrilled. You love the snow, how it coats everything in a blanket of soft white, how everything seems quieter and more muffled.
Snow makes everything seem a little more magical.
Maybe you’re a bit old to believe that, but you don’t care.
You can cling to this little bit of whimsy for a bit longer, right?
Quickly, to not keep Boss waiting longer than you have to, you dart around your room, pulling on thicker clothes and boots that are suitable for walking in the snow, and then you hurry out of your suite to where Boss always waits for you.
“Sorry, am I late?” You ask as you hurry to his side.
He looks amazing, dressed in casual winter clothes rather than the armor that he normally wears. Of course, he never wears his armor while going on these walks with you. 
“No, I only just arrived myself.” Boss allows as a small smile crosses his face. He reaches out and flicks the pom-pom on top of your hat, “Cute.”
“It’s my only winter hat,” You admit sheepishly, “My mom bought it for me.”
His smile widens slightly and he pushes open the door and steps to the side to let you out first, “It suits you.”
You step into the snow, throwing an amused smile over your shoulder, “You think so?”
“I know so. It’s a good color on you.”
“Thanks. I have a lot of siblings, so mom made it easy when we were born and chose a color for all of us. I was given teal.”
“Yeah? How many siblings?”
“Less than you,” You tease as you wait for Boss to fall into step next to you, before you head off the base.
“Everyone has fewer siblings than me.” Boss points out wryly, “I should hope, at least.”
You laugh, “I have less than 10 and more than 1.”
“That’s very specific,” Boss teases as he moves to your other side so that he’s walking closest to the road. 
“I try.” You tease right back.
Boss guides you into the park, towards the hiking trail that you both prefer, the conversation light and friendly. And then he stops in front of the fountain. It’s not running, because of the cold, but it’s still beautiful.
“I need to tell you something.”
“Okay?” You turn to face him properly, “Is something wrong?”
“No…and yes.” Boss takes your gloved hands in his, “I’m tired of us tiptoeing around each other.”
“I love you. I want to date you. And I think you feel the same way.” Boss says, “Tell me that I’m wrong and I’ll never mention it again. We can continue on as we have been.”
“No, I-” You fumble over your words, “I feel the same way. I do!”
He smiles at you, and your heart skips a beat, “I knew you did. But it’s still nice to hear it.” He steps closer, one of his hands comes up to brush some snow off your cheek, “I’m going to kiss you now.”
And then his lips are against yours, and it’s everything you’ve ever wanted.
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lampochkaart · 8 months
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Little analysis⬇️
I don't think we talk enough about how manipulative Kirumi can be. When she was considered the main suspect, she began to lie, emphasizing that she always valued the needs of others more than her own. This is partly true, but in that situation she was not caring about THEM, but about other people. And in order to remove suspicion from herself (and make everyone vote incorrectly), she used any methods. She even tried to evoke pity by crying. But the dirtiest method she used was that she used Kaede's wish to convince them that she would never try to deceive them. She knew that this wish became a symbol of hope for the group, she knew that Kaede was very important to Shuichi, she knew that it was still very difficult for him to reveal the truth. But she used it to her advantage.
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When she was found out and already chosen as the killer, Kirumi tried to force everyone to fight Monokuma for her (which would inevitably lead to someone's death), causing everyone to feel guilty towards the entire country for which she was responsible. And it almost worked.
But Kaito brought everyone to their senses with his speech that there is no such thing as the “price of life.” They can't just give their lives because "it's would be better that way". Their lives matter. " Life's purpose is to be lived". He firmly stated that he wanted to live, which was actually a very brave act, because people could've called him an egoist for putting his life before the lives of an entire nation. However, he was supported by... Kokichi. He brought the group's attention to what Kirumi was actually trying to do. He revealed that she planned to use them to escape. And she confirmed that he was right with her words.
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Also how different her behavior was before this from how aggressive she becomes when she sees that her tactics didn't work (and at a couple of other points during the class trial when she was just starting to get accused).
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I'm NOT trying to make her out to be a villain and say she's bad. But I don't like how this imperfect side of her character is often ignored. She is often positioned only as a selfless servant, which in my opinion is wrong. I DO NOT deny her selfless devotion, but I believe that the trial brought out another side of her. She really wanted to survive. She really wanted to get out. I believe that one of the reasons of her breakdown was due to the fact that she broke under the pressure of all the responsibility that was placed on her.
In the official manga, Kiyo analogizes their situation to a tradition called "jincan", where many poisonous insects are sealed in a jar and they begin to devour each other until only one insect remains. Kirumi reasons with him that if any being sees a chance to get out of the hell they are locked in, they will do anything to achieve this goal.
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I love how Danganronpa often defies obvious expectations. Like, you expect Kirumi to become a killer because someone will use her and she won't be able to refuse because of her desire to serve. But in reality, she almost sacrificed the lives of the entire group in order to get out herself.
In conclusion, I think it is important to recognize Kirumi not only as a obedient Ultimate Servant, but also as a girl who desperately wants to live, who is ready to do ANYTHING to get out. She is ready to go to great lengths if necessary to achieve this goal.
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Many of Kirumi's moments have a theme of surviving no matter what: her behavior at the Class Trial (the fact that she initially tried to frame Himiko, who can not stand up for herself), her manipulation at the end of the trial, her breakdown before her execution, execution itself, where she tries to escape so desperately that she climbs up a thorny vine through a tunnel, not stopping even when circular saws appear from the walls (her escape attempt was clearly part of the execution, Monokuma knew what she will try to do and made sure to cause her as much despair as possible, giving her hope of getting out).
She wanted to get out not only to continue to serve, but also because she just wanted to survive. She wanted to do something not only for the sake of others, but also for her own sake. Perhaps for the first time in my life.
I love seeing complex characters who have many sides and flaws. So I find it strange to see that sometimes Kirumi is only described as a obedient servant. She is so much more than that. This is exactly what I love about Kirumi, what makes her so interesting.
Uh, hey. I just wanted to ask if you would be intrested in seeing here more of my drv3 analysis (spoiler: most of them are ch 5 related). And if you are, should i make drawings to accompany them (like in the beginning of this post) or just post them as they are
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ghostofskywalker · 10 months
Where You're Meant to Be - 2
Will Turner/Fem!Reader
Words: 2,017
Summary: After being taken prisoner aboard the Flying Dutchman, you resent the men who have accepted your soul as repayment of another's debt, especially the Captain. It doesn't matter one bit that he's the most attractive man you've ever seen, not at all.
Flower and Meaning: frangipani || the strength to withstand tough challenges
Note: part two of my august work for the @yearofcreation2023!!
Chapters: one || two || three || four
Year of Flowers Masterlist • Will Turner Masterlist
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You slowly opened your eyes to see light filtering in through the cracks in the wood, and the feeling of the cot’s bedding against your skin. You slowly reached out and touched the material, and even though it was rough and smelled (just like the rest of the ship) of the sea, you were grateful for the chance to rest on something more gentle than the wooden mast you had been previously tied to. It took a moment to remember all that happened the previous night, and for a moment you worried that it was all a dream. Now all that was missing was a change of clothes and the feeling of stepping out onto dry land, something you would hopefully be able to do soon.
The door to the small room creaked open, and Will Turner stepped inside. He looked tired, and you immediately stood up as if you had been sleeping here in secret, and not as if he hadn’t been the one to allow you in his room. “Is everything alright?” you asked.
He nodded. “On the ship, yes. But I need to tell you something, and it relates to you getting back to shore.”
This was it. He was going to tell you that everything he said last night was a lie and that they’d be tying you to the mast again posthaste. “What is it?” you asked, trying not to sound disappointed.
“It will be a few days before we’ll be anywhere close to land,” he said. “And unless you’d like to take a boat and brave the open seas, you’re stuck here for a little longer.”
Oh. That didn’t seem like it was that worrying, but you supposed after your conversation last night, you did expect to be off this godforsaken ship sooner rather than later. Well, you could attempt to sail off into the sunset yourself, but something in your mind warned you how that might end (and it wasn’t good). “I appreciate the offer of a boat, Captain, but if it’s all the same to you, I’ll wait until you make port.”
A smile crossed Will’s face before he responded. “The Dutchman can’t make port yet, but we’ll get you within sight of land before we let you free, I promise.”
“Why can’t you make port?” You had heard many stories about this ship, but you assumed that at its core it was the same as any other pirate’s vessel, and as far as you were aware, there was no restriction on how often you could stop somewhere.
“As long as I continue to guide the souls of those die at sea to the other side,” Will said. “I may come ashore for one day every ten years, and five years still have to pass before I am allowed to set foot on land again. Like I said, I know what it’s like to be tethered to this ship, and you will not have that fate. The man who wronged you will become part of the crew when he dies, like the rest of them.”
You nodded, and you could see the way his face changed as he spoke. You wanted to know more, but you didn’t want to push him to relive the pain he so obviously had gone through to get here. You had your suspicions about the ship, and the fact that the crew were technically dead, and this only went towards confirming it. “I understand,” you said softly. “And I don’t mind the wait to get to land, as long as you do one thing.”
“And what might that be?”
“You allow me to walk freely among the decks for the remainder of my stay.”
At your demand, Will smiled. “I would never dream of tying you to the mast again, that I can promise.”
The experience of stepping out onto the deck of the ship was nerve-wracking. You would be facing an entire crew of (dead) sailors, who believed that the only place for you on this ship was with ropes around your wrists. Other than working in a place where you would come across them quite often, you knew very little about pirates in general. Will had told you that he had no intention of keeping you trapped, but would the rest of the crew listen to him?
It took another day before you truly stopped worrying, and you found yourself fascinated with pirate life. Of course, life on The Flying Dutchman was going to be different than most other ships sailing the high seas, as this crew didn’t really do much in the way of raiding or violence (at least anymore, because you had heard the stories of Davy Jones), but you enjoyed the feeling of the open water and the freedom that being on the deck of a ship brought. No longer tied to land, a piece of your brain whispered at you to stay here forever, or at least to join a true pirate crew when you made landfall again in a few days.
Thankfully, Will kept to his promise. The two of you spent a decent amount of time together, given the fact that you didn’t really want to be around most of the other crew members, whose leering smiles and wandering eyes often caused a shiver to move down your spine, but you never felt that way around Will Turner.
You spent the most time in his room, and he was kind enough to keep allowing you to use his bed. Where he slept now you didn’t know, and you didn’t know if you wanted to ask either.
At night, you spent time with him on the deck of the ship as the rest of the crew slept. The ship often returned to float upon the top of the ocean rather than exist in its depths, and you liked the small break from watching the sea of departed souls travel to between realms (which unsurprisingly, was decidedly depressing). Will was incredibly funny, and your laughter often danced upon the soft waves the ship sailed upon, neither of you caring if you woke up the other crew members. You didn’t know that much about him other than the few pieces of information that had come up in conversation, but he seemed to be more open with you. He was completely alone in life (or death? Honestly, you still weren’t sure), and you could see he had moments where has past ate at him, but you didn’t want to bring him more sorrow, so you kept your questions to yourself.
Well, not all of them.
It was on one of those nights that you finally plucked up the courage to ask him something that you had wanted to from the moment you two had that conversation on the deck and the first time he allowed you to sleep in his room. “Can I steer the ship?”
Will laughed. “Do you even know how to steer a ship like this?” he asked, raising an eyebrow as you approached the wheel.
You were silent for a telling moment before speaking again. “Of course I do!”
“So you have experience?”
Pause. “Yes.” Your voice was a little less certain this time.
“And what experience would that be?”
More silence. He was right, there was no way around it. “Come on, why can’t I just steer for a little bit? What’s the worst that could happen?”
“You could sink my ship, that’s what could happen.”
Now he was lying, and the smiles present on both of your faces were clear that this argument was not that serious. “Can’t this ship never sink though?” you asked, eyebrows raised. “I think that makes it the perfect ship for me to practice with, don’t you?”
He must have known that you were never going to give in with this, so with an exaggerated sigh and a step to the right, you now had access to the giant wooden wheel. This was the brain of the ship, and every tremor that swept through its boards originated at this very point, where you were standing. Staring out at the empty deck in front of you, an image flashed through your mind. In it, you were wearing a pirate’s hat and commanding a crew of your own, but this time in broad daylight. The sun was high in the sky as you spun the wheel and moved freely through the water, wind catching in the sails as pirate colors flew high from the mast.
And through all this, Will was there as well. It may seem like something of a shock, but the logical part of your brain knew exactly why he was part of this particular fantasy. In the time since you stopped hating him, it had become even more difficult to ignore how attractive he was, and there was a part of you that wanted to escape back to land so that the recurring fantasies of kissing him underneath the moonlight would finally stop playing each time you slept, the smell of him strongly intertwined with the rough bedding you fell asleep against every time.
You pulled the wheel to one side, and the ship jerked loudly. It didn’t completely turn upside down, but there was a shift in the direction, and a slightly uncomfortable rocking of the boat that was echoed by the movement of the water. “Whoa!” Will said, rushing back to stand right beside you rather than a few paces away (as he had been before). “What are you doing?”
“Turning. I have everything under control, I promise.”
He tried to look stern, but a smile peeked out anyway. “Somehow I doubt that,” he said, stepping even closer. Now he was standing right behind you, and he gently moved so that his hands were covering yours as they rested on the spokes of the wheel. “How about I help you steer for a little?”
You wanted to make a joke about him not trusting you, or wanted to move a little bit farther away from him, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. The feeling of his body against yours and his head almost leaning on your shoulder was intoxicating, and you desperately wanted to turn around and kiss him.
But you didn’t; instead you just stood there and relished in the feeling of his hands covering yours as you gently moved the ship in a large circle around a piece of the open ocean. You were no pirate - this whole experience had taught you that you were far from a natural at all this, but boy did you want to learn more if he was going to be the one to teach you.
After Will pulled back slightly, softly saying that he trusted you to not ruin the ship at this point, you turned around and pulled him into a hug. The two of you separated, but now you were faced with a new issue. He was within kissing distance, and you really really wanted to change that.
The movement was slow, the two of you ever-so-gently testing the waters as you brought your faces closer together, and at first you didn’t even realize that you were doing it. But then all of the sudden his lips were right there, and you were all ready to cross that final bit of distance between you.
Until one of the men from below the deck sneezed so loudly that you pulled away from each other.
“I’m so sorry,” Will said, as if he had suddenly come to his senses. “I didn’t mean to imply anything-”
“It’s fine,” you said, the moment having completely fizzled away for you too. “I’m sorry too.”
It hurt to lie like that, to imply that you didn’t actually want to finish what you started. But all of this had suddenly become too messy, and there were too many unknowns about your situation for you to feel confident jumping headfirst into something more with him.
No matter how much you wished that crew member had sneezed just a few moments later.
- end of part two - 
Series Taglist: N/A
if you want to know when i post a new fic, follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library!
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dialsforshutup · 1 year
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"Please Don't Leave Me alone"
Larissa Weems x Fem!Reader, no use of Y/N
Angst angst annngsstttt, not proofread, english isn’t my first language!
taglist: @thearkhamknightsqueen @thegoddamnfeels @larissaweemsrealwife @madammedusasplace @miaivy
Requested by anon!
It had been a few weeks since Wednesday had approached you with the idea of assisting her with her ongoing investigation regarding the string of murders that have plagued Jericho for a while now. A few weeks since you have been tiptoeing by your fellow co-workers to keep your assistance under-wraps, Principal Weems especially. She was adamant at stopping Wednesday’s investigations once and for all, and would surely cost you your job and respect she had towards you if she found out that you were helping her- all staff members were expected to make sure she wasn’t investigating it after all. Not to mention your personal close ‘friendship’ with the principal would be tarnished. But for some odd reason, when the melancholy girl approached your desk after you had just finished teaching one of your classes and explained to you the dire-ness of the situation, you believed her. What would she be gaining from lying about this after all? It’s true, the Addams’s were known for their signature dark flair on things, but she looked serious enough.
You’ve been helping her collect evidence and find conclusive data for her case, while also making sure she doesn’t get into any danger. But you didn’t consider yourself getting into danger, let alone life threatening danger. The idea of it went over your head as you were in the depths of the forest at night, crouching behind a log with Wednesday to your left. You were looking at some sort of twisted hideout, covered in vines and leaves- to the uninformed it would seem abandoned. But the data that Wednesday and yourself had collected over the course of weeks pointed this exact hideout to be that of the Monster’s resting place. Everything was going smoothly, until it didn’t anymore.
“I hear rustlin-“ Wednesday began. That was right as the rustling turned into quick movements, ones that sounded like running, and they were only getting closer. Panic rushed through your very being, you went into a state of fight or flight.
“Run.” You said to the girl besides you, who was frozen in place.
Wednesday didn’t question you any further and did as you said, it would cause serious problems if Wednesday was hurt by the monster- or worse. Enough students had gotten hurt, it was your responsibility as part of the Nevermore staff to always protect them. And so you did, bravely enough, and stared into the eyes of the monster as it approached…. Only it wasn’t a monster?? It was, Ms Thornhill?
That’s all you remember after looking down and seeing Ms Thornhill’s signature red boots. After that, you just blanked. Thornhill had realized that you recognized her, and surely, she wouldn’t let her plans that she’d been working on for most of her life go down the drain at the hands of you.
All you remember after that was darkness. Not knowing that you were in fact, knocked out. Thankfully, after you hadn’t returned for the school for hours Wednesday went to Principal Weems and confessed every thing. True, she was upset and mad at first that you had been assisting Wednesday with her dangerous escapades and dead-end filled labyrinth of a case. But then she calmed herself down once she had heard of for status quo. She hadn’t even felt herself jump out of her desk and change her expression from a mad one to a concerned one in what seemed to be a matter of seconds. Surely, the normal Principal-Teacher relationship wouldn’t endure such raw, desperate emotions form someone? Especially with that simplicity. In less than a moment’s efforts she had sent a group of staff, guided by Wednesday, to locate and return you to the Nevermore Infirmary.
It’s true, she expected a few bumps and scratches here and there based on what Wednesday had described to her earlier. But nothing would have prepared her for your unconscious state you were lying in when she walked into that secluded Infirmary wing. You looked so calm, laying on the bed with an IV drip in one arm. It was so quiet it hurt, with the quiet drips of the saline solution and the hymn of the A/C being the only condolence in this sickeningly quiet room. She felt the heartstrings, which had been pulled whenever she’d catch a sight of you in the hallways- scrambling to be somewhere- snap in that very moment. Her breathing only got faster and faster, directly in parallel with her ever so beating heart. The thought of loosing you, loosing your smile that shined a room whenever you’d walk into it. The thought of loosing the scent of your flowery perfumed that engulfed all her senses whenever you’d be near. Of your outfits that were so selectively picked to fit your physique just right. And your enthusiasm that uplifted those around you. Larissa Weems was in love, and she had no idea that she was.
What would she do? Without all of you. She had emotionally connected herself to you, and to say that she was a mess in the current moment, your unconscious state laying infront of her, was nothing less of an overstatement. The nurses said that they didn’t know when you’d wake. Didn’t know?!?? Didn’t know. Maybe you would wake in a few days, months, or years. Years….
Years could go by without your presence by her side, she'd feel the loneliness that she'd felt in her heart from the moment she'd graduated from Nevermore herself to the moment you walked into those doors; insisting she hires you for a job. She thought it amusing at first, your confidence in yourself at that moment. But she'd seen the way you uplift others and the way that nobody was there to uplift you. Your friendship with her not only served as a benefit to Weems, who didn't really have that many good friends in the first place but also a benefit to you; Now you had somebody who cared about it- albeit the fact that the both of you spent hours of sleepless nights trying to eradicate the mere thought of each other from your mind. Your friendship had begun to blossom into something more beautiful, something more real and vulnerable. But life was a cruel and fickle thing. Larissa was going to ask you the very next day, ask you about becoming hers and only hers- so why did life play this cruel trick on her? Take you from her hold just as she was going to grasp you, ensure that you were hers and she was yours.
And here she found herself, sitting at the edge of the infirmary bed you were placed upon, minutes began to turn into hours as she sat there staring at the open window in the corner. But she'd wait, regardless if it was days, months, years, or mere hours. She would way for when you awake, and tell you everything she'd been feeling for the time she'd known you. She was too close to losing you, too close for her liking. She would never allow for this to happen again, and if there was a chance you wouldn't wake? She wouldn't know what to do.
"Please don't leave me alone"
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geminiskulleta · 10 months
This is my very first post, and after seeing all of the lu and loz fanart on tumblr I thought what if all of the zeldas across each era in Hyrule came together linked universe style? I know this isn’t an original thought by any means but I think a story for the zeldas would be super cute and I’d like to show what my take on a Zelda story would be.
I designed a new lullaby (OOT Zelda) and I’d like to see your thoughts on her: Anything I could improve? Anyone else you’d like to see? Please let me know - hope you like it🫶🫶
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Lullaby - the queen
Link: Hero of Time
Age: Early 30’s - The same age physically as Time and a year older than Malon.
• She is also known as the princess of destiny, and was surprised to have found out that nearly all of the Zeldas have heard of her and that She and Time became legends.
• The wisest and oldest of all the Zeldas, the unofficial leader.
• Very protective and caring towards the others - seen as the “mom” of the group.
• Holds a lot of regret for her past mistakes and the splitting of timelines (She remembers the events of OOT as she was a past user of the Ocarina. In every instance where time is rewound, she remembers even if it isn’t her that uses it. The same is true with Time.)
• Tries to be a good role model for the other Zeldas as she knows they look up to her, she feels a lot of pressure to be a perfect queen.
• Much less sure of herself than Time, her biggest fear is making mistakes that effect others and constantly second guesses herself. She tries her best to put on a brave face.
•She knows that Fable, Dusk and Tetra are her successors- each from a different timeline, but she is unsure how to tell them.
• She knew about the timeline where she and link lost against Ganondorf and the timeline that she and link had left behind, but never knew what became of it. She was distraught when she found out it had been flooded and turned into the great sea.
•She is able to see into the future, as she grew up her power became much stronger- her prophecies have never been wrong.
•She doesn’t dream anymore: She can only have visions. By closing her eyes and focusing very hard she can see tiny snippets of the future like flashes that will leave her to decipher their meaning, but the only way to get a clear vision is to fall asleep.
• When she has trouble sleeping, she will hum Zelda’s Lullaby, the others never comment on it as they fear she will stop.
•She will always listen to other people’s problems and do whatever it takes to help. She often puts others before herself and is very rarely selfish.
• She shares the trait of being too absorbed in work and pushing herself too far just like Flora. She just doesn’t know her limits when it comes to things such as that and she feels that no matter what she does, it will never be enough
• Needs reading glasses but the others make fun of her and call her Grandma when she puts them on
Relationship with Link:
• As children, she and time were friends but they drifted as they grew up.
• During her time as Sheik she trained hard for seven years; learning how to fight, mastering magic and learning everything there is to know about the temples and how to help link on his adventure.
• She remembers everything from the timeline that Time left, as she was a user of the ocarina. Much like him, she had the opportunity to relive the childhood that was taken from her but she would never be the same again. She was hardened by her and Times adventure. He told her some of what happened in Majoras mask and she felt like she was responsible for everything that happened to their kingdom, to her father, to Link. She began to avoid him due to crippling self hatred and believed that he was a living reminder of her failiures. He was very broken from Majoras mask and was in a dark place in his life. He didn’t care whether anyone stayed or left for a long time and his walls were only broken down when he met Malon again.
• When Lullaby and Time would talk as adults they were very formal and distant with one another. They felt on guard towards one another and didn’t know exactly why, as Time held no ill will towards the queen and Lullaby could never bring herself to hate him.
• As Time matured, his walls were broken down by Malon and he allowed himself to make connections and feel again. But Lullaby never had someone like that to help her through her pain, and she threw herself into her work to become a truly great queen. She was formal and almost robotic to anyone she met.
• As Time allowed himself to heal he would wonder about Zelda, but never reached out. He could never figure out why he was like this, why the thought of seeing Lullaby again scared him, but he was never understanding of his emotions.
• She and Malon are actually great friends and though they’re often too busy to see each other they send letters all the time.
• Fun fact: She planned and officiated Time and Malons wedding. She felt as though she owed it to Time and this is where she and Malon started to get to know eachother.
• She and Time haven’t properly spoken since the wedding. They spoke briefly and Time saw just how closed off Zelda was. He could see that she had been in an awful state of mind but he felt like he couldn’t help her. He wasn’t able to, he wasn’t strong enough.
• the whole ‘ age thing’ effects her too since she remembers the adult timeline. She says she is 34 but she doesn’t exactly know her age.
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wonlouvre · 2 years
can you make a pt.2 of friday evenings jeonghan au with angst but a happy ending??
friday evenings pt.2 | y. jh.
pairing: jeonghan x g.n. reader genre: fluff with a hint of angst warnings: reader almost cries word count: 1.3k+
💌: i know i should post a little something for wonwoo’s birthday but i have been working on this for a while so here you go anon! i apologize again for taking a while. thank you for requesting! here’s the link of the first part!
You honestly don’t know where you and Jeonghan stand after your last Friday evening confession. You don’t know whether this whole fake dating thing is still going on or he just kept quiet because he has nothing else to say. Other than rejecting you, perhaps. The two of you parted ways like how you used to and just continued like nothing happened. Some of your peers would believe the awkwardness was because you guys just argued and to be honest, that’s much better instead of walking on eggshells around each other. 
However, on this particular Friday evening, the rain is pouring and Jeonghan just dropped a warm set of clothing on your freezing lap for you to change to for obvious reasons. You got caught in the downpour and he just happened to save you. 
Your eyes blink while your lips remain shut as you try to grasp how you even ended up in his apartment of all places. Right, his apartment is the nearest from campus and being the Yoon Jeonghan that he is, he never takes no for an answer. You don’t know how you still forget.
“Y/N,” you hear him call out, making you look up. He hasn’t called your name since last week and it’s kind of giving a pang in your heart. Jeonghan raises his left eyebrow and tilts his head towards the bathroom. “You have to change or else you’re going to get sick.”
You nod silently and finally stand up from the couch. You carefully walk past him, absolutely embarrassed over the fact that you are messing the floors of his apartment by the puddle you’re leaving behind. You can’t believe you have clammed up against him. 
Once you’re locked inside the bathroom, you check the time on your phone. 11:17 pm, it read and you could only sigh in defeat. You don’t really want to stay here through the night, but you clearly don’t have a choice when the last bus will stop by within 30 minutes and you’re still here at Jeonghan’s place. Looking at your reflection in the mirror, you disregard every single thought that’s worrying you and just proceed with cleaning and drying yourself up. You will deal with Jeonghan later. Or tonight. Who knows. You just want this, whatever this may be, to be over with.
But then, you remembered. You’re technically not welcome here because Jeonghan didn’t even say anything else other than order you to change. He might be just waiting for the rain to stop before he tells you you could leave. You groan internally as your hand grips the doorknob before twisting it open. Maybe you should just really go and save yourself from further embarrassment. 
But, Jeonghan bringing an extra pillow and blanket on his couch is what greets you as you exit the bathroom. 
“You can sleep on my bed while I take the couch,” he says and he doesn’t even look at you, fluffing the pillow up as if it’s some sort of a distraction. Jeonghan is smart and you are as well. It’s not that difficult to not notice him doing everything to avoid your eyes. 
“Jeonghan,” you say his name with your eyes following him as he walks back to his bedroom. He doesn’t look at you again and only hums. You’re going frustrated and at the same time, hurt, and it’s not the best mixture of feelings ever. You feel like you’re about to burst into tears. 
“Jeonghan,” you call again and this time he finally looks at you. You thought you could act brave enough to confront him, but the moment you meet his eyes, you grow weak. But, you have to say something. “What is the matter with you?”
Jeonghan’s eyebrows visibly furrow and you can’t pinpoint if he’s angry or just confused. His lips are on a thin line and you take that as your cue to continue. 
“Ever since last Friday, you have been acting strange and I just…” you pause, your voice failing you. Hearing the broken crack of your voice, Jeonghan immediately takes a step forward, but you raise your hand just as quickly, making him stop from taking another step. “If… if you don’t like me back, it’s okay. Just tell me, because honestly? You, not saying anything is the worst. It’s hurting me.”
Now, it’s your turn to avoid his gaze. 
Your eyes cast down on the floor and it seems like Jeonghan’s silence is more than enough for you to just accept that tonight must be it. The ending of your Friday evenings. 
You release a defeated sigh, but unbeknownst to you, Jeonghan already took steps forward to engulf your body in his arms. His one arm is around your waist while he brought the other one up to gently caress the back of your head, catching you by surprise. 
Your whole body almost freezes against his touch, but once you feel his warmth, your shoulders instantly relax.  
For a moment, the two of you share a comforting silence. You didn’t wrap your arms around Jeonghan’s torso yet, but your nose is already snuggled against his collarbone, basking in his scent. Your favorite scent. 
But then again, Yoon Jeonghan wouldn’t be Yoon Jeonghan without his playful remarks. 
“Your pretty head shouldn’t overthink,” he whispers against the side of your head, just above your ear. His voice is teasing, making you punch his abdomen lightly. He’s faster than you though, holding your wrist and guiding them around his neck. 
Jeonghan smiles at you when your eyes finally meet his again. You don’t smile back, your eyes searching and reading the expression of his face to see if he’s really just playing with you and your feelings. 
He notices and he realizes he’s done enough to make you worry. He bumps his forehead against yours before stealing a chaste kiss on your lips. You gasp and push a hand up against his chest. 
“Are you being serious right now?” You ask, eyes glaring at him. 
“Okay, okay,” Jeonghan says and holds you tighter, preventing you from pulling away. “I’m sorry.”
“I don’t think that’s what I was asking for,” you complain with lips pouting. 
“I wasn’t done talking,” Jeonghan argues, poking his tongue out to tease you more. You roll your eyes, but wait for him nonetheless. 
“I know there’s no excuse for being distant over the past few days, but I am really sorry, Y/N,” he continues and cradles your cheek, thumb rubbing soft circles on your cheekbone. “It might sound unbelievable, but I was afraid and thought you deserve someone else. Someone who didn’t ambush you to go on a fake date with.”
You frown. “But, I do like you.”
Jeonghan chuckles and nods, finding you adorable despite the crease between your eyebrows. “I know, baby. I like you too.”
“Then, what’s the problem?” You ask, genuinely confused. 
Jeonghan shakes his head and smiles. “Nothing, nothing.” 
“Look,” you say with a short intake of breath. “I really like you and I’m beyond elated you like me back. But, I don’t want to force this if we’re not on the same page.”
“You’re so cute,” Jeonghan groans before holding you in a bone crushing hug once again. “I just told you there’s nothing wrong. Of course, I’m on the same page as you!”
 “Then, start acting like it!” You shout back, voice muffled by his chest. 
Jeonghan only giggles and no matter how hard you try, you couldn’t help but giggle as well. His smile is triumphant but most importantly relieved upon hearing you sounding happy again because it broke his heart to hear how sad you were earlier. He has a lot of making up to do and he promises to fulfill them one by one. Starting right now. 
“Y/N,” he calls before leaning close to your face again. “I really like you.”
“Jeonghan,” you whisper, the tip of your nose brushing against his. “I like you too. Even though you're such a pain in the ass.”
Jeonghan lets your insult slide and just leans down to kiss you fully. 
To more Friday evenings together.
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rainisawriter · 8 months
Accept Me As I Am – Ryu (PSF #17)
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Genre: Fluff, angst, slice of life
Prompt: Encouraging someone to achieve a goal (@flufftober)
Word Count: 3,325
Pairing: Reader x Ryu
World: The Rampage
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Being surrounded by a group of sixteen attractive men, several of whom tended to go around without shirts, could make anyone feel self-conscious about their own weight. For as long as you could remember, you were heavyset, even as a child. You hated it when you were younger but you reached a point in your life where you had come to accept that you were a bit bigger than most.
This confidence started to falter when you joined LDH as a hairstylist, working with the Rampage boys. They were all so beautiful and fit that it was hard to feel okay in your own skin as a heavier person. It probably didn’t help that most of the other staff were also skinny and quite pretty.
At first, you really didn’t give it much thought. You were there to do your job and get your check so you could pay the bills, but then you started to get close to the boys. It wasn’t a hard thing to do because they were such sweethearts that cared deeply for others. They didn’t treat you like an employee, they treated you like a friend.
You kept reminding yourself that you and them were on different levels and, even if they treated you like a friend, you weren’t actually friends. You didn’t speak to them outside of work, you didn’t have their number, and they didn’t know much about you. Despite this, you started to look forward to going to work. 
A couple of your coworkers took notice of this, though. They worked as stylists, choosing and altering the outfits worn by the boys during shoots. They also didn’t like you simply because you were a foreigner who had come to Japan for work. This contempt toward you only got worse the closer you got to the boys.
It started out with just dirty looks and insults whispered among themselves, but it started to get worse over time and they stopped hiding it. Well, they stopped hiding it from you but they made sure to act kind and overly sweet when the boys were around.
You did your best to ignore it, but everyone has their breaking point.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You entered the Rampage’s dressing room, offering a smile to your coworkers as you headed toward the back of the room to set up your station. The first person you would be working on was Ryu, so you plugged in the curling iron so it would be ready when he arrived.
When Hana entered the room, she glanced around to make sure none of the boys were there before she headed over to you, a smirk on her lips. You felt dread settle in your gut when you saw her but you forced a smile anyway.
“Good morning, Hana-senpai.”
Her eyes scanned your body. “I can’t believe you’re wearing that. You’re a lot braver than I am.”
You frowned, glancing down at the clothes you were wearing. It wasn’t anything special, just your favorite outfit that felt comfortable to wear. What was wrong with it?
“It makes you look so much fatter,” she barely managed to hold back her snicker. “Then again, if you’re looking for attention from the boys, it’ll definitely work. Not good attention, though.”
You shifted your weight from one foot to the other, about to ask what she meant when the first round of boys started to enter the room.
She smirked at you, malice in her eyes. “Good luck.”
You watched as she approached the boys, greeting them with an overly cheerful tone that was clearly forced. Her eyes never strayed from Ryu no matter who she was talking to and you could practically see the hearts in her eyes.
You tried to shake off the comment and not let it bother you, but it wouldn’t leave you alone. You kept wondering just what she meant by the comment and if there was actually something wrong with what you were wearing.
Was it not professional enough? Did the others feel the same way as her but she was the only one brave enough to speak up?
“Good morning,” Ryu smiled politely, bowing at you when he approached.
“Morning,” you replied, forcing a smile that didn’t reach your eyes.
He took notice of this but wasn’t sure how to ask so he chose to say nothing, settling down in the chair. You carefully removed his hair tie, running your fingers through his shoulder-length hair before grabbing the comb. Normally, you would ask him how he was doing and if he was feeling nervous about the day’s events.
You seemed to have this innate ability to tell when he was anxious and you knew just what to say to calm him down. Today, however, you were silent, brow furrowed as you added waves to his hair. He watched you in the mirror, wishing he could figure out what to say.
“There, you’re all done,” you told him softly, refusing to meet his gaze as you set the curling iron down.
“Thank you…”
You nodded, pretending to rearrange the items sitting on the table. He bit his lip, wanting to just ask what was on your mind but Riku appeared before he could get up the nerve. The older male offered him a smile before sitting down. Ryu bowed to you and then turned, heading over to the row of couches on the opposite side of the room. He found himself glancing over at you frequently. 
Riku noticed the change in your usual demeanor and frowned. “Is something bothering you?”
“No, I’m fine,” you forced a smile, running the comb through his hair. “Did you sleep well?”
“Don’t change the subject.” He narrowed his eyes at you in the mirror, arms folded over his chest. “What’s going on?”
Your lips parted to deny it but then you sighed. “I… want to lose weight but I’m not quite sure where to start.”
“Any particular reason why?”
You certainly weren’t going to tell him the truth. “Well, Halloween is right around the corner and it’s harder to find a good costume when you’re fat.”
“You’re not fat,” he replied sternly, turning in the chair to look at you. “If you’re serious about losing weight, though, I can help. How much experience do you have going to the gym?”
“Uh…” you rubbed the back of your head sheepishly. “I’ve seen videos of people going…”
He chuckled. “Alright, I’ll take you under my wing and help you lose weight safely.”
“Really?” You looked at him hopefully. “You don’t mind?”
“Not at all.”
“Thank you so much, Riku-san!” A bright smile came to your lips as you bowed to him, feeling hopeful.
“You’re welcome,” he smiled back.
Ryu frowned, his brow furrowed as he watched the two of you. He hadn’t been able to even get you to look at him, but now you were smiling brightly at Riku? Were you mad at him? Did you find him annoying? He exhaled, reaching up to run a hand through his hair only to pause, glancing at you again.
You would probably be upset if he ruined his hair, though it would give him another chance to be closer to you. He shook his head, letting his hand fall back to his lap.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You winced as you entered the LDH building, rubbing your shoulder. Riku was quite the intense teacher, encouraging you to keep pushing while also knowing when it was too far. He had this sixth sense to know when you could keep pushing and when you had to take a break. You didn’t agree with him, though, constantly feeling as if you were at your limit.
You hadn’t exercised in ages, so your body was quick to protest. You were content just doing thirty minutes on the treadmill, but Riku most certainly was not. Rather than focus on one part of your body, he wanted to focus on every part so you currently felt as if you were dying.
Your legs felt like jelly and you worried they would give out beneath you. Your arms felt like they had been filled with lead and it was hard to lift them. Back at home, you had a shitty mattress filled with springs so your back was also hurting. 
It was strange to you, honestly. When you had finished the session with Riku, you had felt exhausted but good. You were proud of yourself for your efforts, especially since you had done more than you thought you could. You had completely forgotten about the aftermath of the day after and you were regretting it. Perhaps you should have been more honest with him about the last time you exercised. 
As you prepared your items for the boys, you realized that you needed to bend down to plug in the straight iron. Your back was crying at the mere thought but you took a deep breath and slowly kneeled down, securing it within the plug. You tried to stand but pain shot through your back, making you wince and return to your knees.
Honestly, you had never realized how much a poor mattress could mess someone up, especially when they were already sore. You briefly wondered if you should just start sleeping on the couch instead.
“Aw, what’s wrong?” Hana appeared, a sickly sweet tone to her voice that was offset by the smirk on her lips. “Did your legs finally give up and refuse to hold you up? I can’t blame them, it’s a lot of weight.”
Your lips pursed at her words and you forced yourself up despite the pain, jaw clenched tightly so you didn’t make a sound. It hurt like hell but you didn’t want to give her the satisfaction.
“Yah, aren’t you going to greet your senpai? Huh?” She scowled, hand on her hip. “You think you get a pass because you’re a foreigner?”
You ignored her, returning to the items on the table.
Her fists clenched as she closed the distance between you, hand grabbing your shoulder to force you to look at her. “What, you think you’re better than me because Ryu-kun gives you attention? He just feels sorry for you, you know. How can he not? Just look at you.”
The mention of Ryu paying attention to you made your stomach fill with butterflies. Thinking about him feeling sorry for you made your heartache, though. Did he truly feel that way? 
She saw that her words were having an effect and she loved it. “Apologize to me.”
“Huh?” Your head snapped toward her. “For what?”
“I know you’re dumb, but you’re not that dumb,” she scoffed.
Hana’s best friend approached with a laugh, sizing you up. “Don’t be too harsh on the foreigner, Hana-chan.” Her eyes met yours and you suddenly felt very small. “Should I talk slower so you can understand? Apologize. To. Her.”
“For what?” You hated how timid your voice sounded, even to you. “I did nothing wrong.”
“In Japan, there is a hierarchy that demands respect. I’m your senior, so apologize for not addressing me with respect,” explained Hana, lifting her chin up, a haughty expression on her lips.
You scoffed in disbelief, forcing yourself to face her. “Where I’m from, you don’t get respect people simply because they were born before you. Respect is something that must be earned, not freely given, and an ugly person like you doesn’t deserve respect.”
The sound echoed through the room, startling the others inside. Your head was forced to the side, eyes wide as pain bloomed across your cheek.
“How dare you,” she spat angrily. “How dare a fat, ugly bitch like you call me ugly.”
Her friend scowled at you. “If you don’t like how things work in Japan, then go back where you came from, gaijin.”
The word stung more than it should have.
“Hey! What’s wrong going on here?” Riku rushed over with Ryu close behind, his eyes darting between the three of you to assess the situation. 
Ryu’s eyes widened when he saw the bright red handprint beginning to appear across your cheek. “Are you okay?”
You most definitely were not okay, but you couldn’t tell him that. You swallowed hard, forcing a smile as you stared at the ground. “I’m fine!”
“You’re a terrible liar,” Riku scoffed, folding his arms over his chest as he turned toward the two women. “What happened?”
The two exchanged a look before Hana pouted at him. “I was insulted and called ugly. All I wanted was a little respect because I’m the senior here!”
Her friend nodded. “It’s true, I heard it.”
You looked at them in disbelief, swallowing when Riku’s eyes fell on you. Between your sore muscles, aching back, the comments she made and the current situation, you felt completely overwhelmed.
“What happened?” Riku questioned you softly.
Your lips parted but no sound escaped. The girls were glaring at you, warning clear in their eyes. Ryu put a comforting hand on your shoulder but you couldn’t stop hearing Hana’s words in your mind, repeating that he only felt sorry for you.
You yanked your shoulder from his grip, pushing your way through the small crowd that had gathered around you. You ignored the calls of your name as you darted out of the room, tears stinging at your eyes. You ran until your legs gave out beneath you, thankful that you had found yourself in an empty, dead-end hallway.
Boxes had been piled up against the back wall, the dull lights doing little to light up the hallway. There was a single drink machine against one wall, though you couldn’t remember the last time it had worked, and a simple wooden bench sat across from it.
You fell onto the bench, biting your lip hard as you leaned over, head in your hands. When was the last time you had felt this overwhelmed and emotional? You couldn’t quite remember but it had been a long time. Normally, you were a pro at ignoring things that would have bothered you once upon a time. You had learned to smile through the pain and act as if everything was okay and, for the most part, it was.
All things considered, your life wasn’t that bad. You had a decent apartment, you were living in Japan and you had a job that allowed you to do what you loved. The pay was decent, as well, so it’s not like you were strapped for cash. Your social life was seriously lacking and you had yet to make friends despite having lived there for over two years, but work kept you busy, anyway.
You knew all of this, so why were you suddenly feeling so down?
It’s true that Hana’s behavior had only gotten worse over the past week or so, but why should that matter? You were never friends with her and you knew from day one that she didn’t like you. What was the problem, then? Why did her words affect you so much?
Ryu’s smiling face flashed through your mind and you groaned, feeling your heart picking up speed. You didn’t want to admit it, but you knew you had fallen for the tall male. You also knew you didn’t have a chance with him. Why would he want you when he has someone as pretty as Hana there? It’s not like she tried to hide how she felt about him.
Maybe your life would have been easier if you didn’t fall for the person she already liked. To be fair, though, you never had the intention of falling for him. It was something gradual and slow, something you woke up one day and realized had happened. It’s not like you were actively pursuing him, though. Not only did that feel wrong because you knew she liked him, but also because you didn’t believe you had a chance with him in the first place.
There was a soft call of your name and you tensed up on instinct, making you wince. Tensing up only made your sore muscles and back hurt worse.
Ryu frowned at you as he approached slowly. “Are you okay?”
Your fists clenched around your jeans. “I’m fi -“
“Please don’t lie to me.”
Your eyes snapped to his, surprised by the hurt in his voice and the worry that lingered in his brown eyes. 
“Hana-san has been bullying you, hasn’t she?”
Your nose wrinkled at the term. Bullying made it sound like you were back in high school and that brought back unpleasant memories. “It’s not bullying, it’s just…”
“Just what?” he wondered, settling down beside you on the bench. “I’ve seen the way she glares at you. Has she hit you before?”
You quickly shook your head. “No. No… it was the first time.”
“Does it… hurt?” He cringed at the dumb question. 
“It’s not bad,” you answered softly, focusing on a loose piece of thread on your jeans. At the very least, the sting of your cheek was overshadowed by the aching of your entire body.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone?”
“That she was…” He paused, searching for a different word to use. “Messing with you.”
You shrugged a shoulder. “It’s not a big deal, really. I can handle it.”
“You shouldn’t have to!” He cried, surprising you by how emotional he sounded. “No one should have to deal with abuse from others. No one deserves that.”
You lowered your head, blinking back your tears. “It’s easier to just take it. I didn’t want to cause problems…”
“You aren’t the cause of the problem,” he told you softly, large hand resting on your shoulder. “Hana-san and Miyu-san are the problem. They’re the reason you’re trying to lose weight, right?”
Your eyes widened. “How did you know about that?”
Ryu shifted, his cheeks dusting with pink. How could he tell you that he felt jealous of the attention Riku was giving you? That it got to the point where Riku could tell and offered up the information to appease him? The thought was embarrassing. “Riku-san mentioned it…”
You exhaled, leaning back against the wall. “She didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know.”
He shook his head, eyes burning into you. “You shouldn’t lose weight to make others happy. You should lose weight because you want to. Don’t change yourself for others because if they can’t accept you for who you are, they don’t deserve you.”
Butterflies erupted inside your stomach at his words, filling you with warmth. Before you could stop yourself, you asked, “Do you accept me as I am?”
Though his cheeks darkened, he didn’t miss a beat. “Yes. If you want to lose weight, I’ll support and encourage you, but please don’t do it just because of something cruel Hana-san said. I…” He swallowed, gathering up his nerve. “I like you as you are.”
Despite yourself, a smile slid onto your lips. “Thank you, Ryu-san.”
He nodded, shifting nervously. “If you want… maybe I could help you in the gym sometime? If Riku-san is busy, I mean…”
“I’d really like that,” you smiled, reaching out to brush away a strand of hair that had fallen in his face. “We should get your hair done.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fi – ah!” As you stood up, your back locked up, preventing you from standing up straight.
Ryu jumped up, grabbing a hold of your arm with a frown. “Just how hard did Riku-san push you?” He helped you sit back down, your brow furrowed.
“This one isn’t on Riku, it’s on my mattress.”
“You should head home. I’m sure Haku-san wouldn’t mind taking over for you today.”
“Maybe you’re right…”
“Wait here. I’m going to get you something for the pain.”
You watched him jog down the hall, disappearing around the corner. You smiled, leaning back against the wall and closing your eyes, feeling filled with warmth.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
-> High&Low/Rampage Taglist: @kiraaaeon, @simpforchuchu, @star2fishmeg, @thatpoindexterpixy @manhwabtch
-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
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mydarllinglover · 2 months
Stars Collided || Twenty
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Lovisa, dressed in a new and clean pale pink dress, with a skirt that was puffy, but still kept her frame visible, it had no sleeves, and so she had paired it with a pair of matching gloves. She wore her hair in a half up, half down, braided bun, style, with two small braids flowing down it, leaving the rest of her curls to air dry, a tiara sat on top of her hair, for the first time in a week.
"I'll make sure to speak to Obi-Wan, soon enough, Snips" Lovisa told Ahsoka, as she stared into her mirror, running her hands down her dress.
"Lovey, there is no need to, I will stay here, as your handmaiden, and then we do not have to be separated from one another."
"Nonsense, you are to be a Jedi, you have the gift, there is no use of it here, or at least, untrained." She took her friends hands in hers. "Ahsoka, you have so much potential, and I believe in you, I will miss you terribly, but knowing what I know about you, and holding you back from it, I would hate myself, and I care more about you and what you can offer the universe, than what you can offer my image."
"Lovey." Ahsoka groaned, wrapping her arms around the Princess's neck, hugging her tightly, and Lovisa followed suit, hugging the girl back, tightly.
Eventually, Lovisa and Ahsoka had made it down to the lunch room, with Threepio walking alongside them both, where everyone had been waiting for her, including Obi-Wan, and Anakin.
"Lovisa, are you done throwing your tantrum?" Her mother asked, linking her fingers together, and resting her chin on them. “There are also to be no dogs, in the dining room.”
"Jobal, my love." Ruwee sighed.
Lovisa didn't reply, as she headed towards her seat, choosing the one next to Anakin.
He got up quickly, to pull it out for her, just as Colo had stepped forward.
But Anakin had been quicker, with a little help from the force, due to only having one arm, but he made sure to look smugly, at the Palace guard, as he pushed her chair back in.
"Thank you, Ani." Lovisa smiled kindly, at the boy, as he sat back down, Threepio had decided to lay down, underneath his owners chair, taking a nap, during their meal.
"Well, it is divine, to have our family united, again, and with two special guests, who helped save my daughter." Ruwee raised his glass, at the two Jedi, and Lovisa's brows had deepened.
"Thank you, your highness, but I fear I could not take any credit, on that, as it was the Princess, who fought bravely, in the arena, and took a stand, during the battle, for she had bested us all, with her skill, and even helped Miss Tano, from danger."
"Ahsoka, is this true?" Jobal faced the handmaiden, that was stationed to the wall, with the two others, waiting to be needed.
"It is, your majesty, if it weren't for Lovisa, I fear I would have been turned into beast chow." Ahsoka bowed her head, taking a step back, after addressing the queen.
"That is wonderful news, Lovey!" Ruwee applauded.
"That was very brave of you, my darling, and I am proud of you, I hope you know that." Jobal told her, earnestly. 
Lovisa ignored both her parents, choosing to look away, her arms folded over her chest.
"Master Kenobi, I was hoping to speak to you about a matter of importance, when you have a moment." Lovisa turned to the man.
"Uhm... of course, your highness, perhaps after lunch?" He offered.
"Yes, that will work."
"What's this about, Lovey?" Ruwee asked.
"Hm? Oh, nothing, don't you worry about it, maybe I'll let it slip in the future, but for now, I'd rather keep it from you." She took a sip from her glass.
"Lovisa, you are acting ridiculously childish, there was no ill intention, when we kept Padme and Senator Clovis's blossoming relationship, from you. You're dramatic, you get it from your father, but, being queen won't be awful, I do it, and you don't see me complaining, you will do a wonderful job."
"Except for the small fact, that my parents and sister lied to me! I am not dramatic, and I don't want to be queen!"
"Honey, we're not going anywhere, you won't be queen for a long time, and by then, you may be married, and have your own family, you'll grow mature, and things will change."
"Eurgh, poke my eye out with a fork." Lovisa rolled her eyes, taking another sip from her glass. "Padme, where is your drab of a fiancé?"
"If you must know, he's gone back home, to tell his own family the good news." Padme tried to keep her positive attitude, in front of the guests, instead of snapping at her younger sister, like she wished to.
"What, that they're finally becoming relevant." Lovisa scoffed.
"That's enough." Jobal told her.
"Finally, the food." Ruwee clapped his hands together, as the kitchen staff walked around the table, loading up their plates.
Anakin held his knife in his hand, attempting to cut up his food, with just the one utensil, but had ran into some trouble, though he tried to do it without anyone seeing or noticing.
But of course, Lovisa did.
"Here, let me." She said, in a soft voice, compared to how she had been speaking to her family, since she'd seen them.
"Thank you, Princess." He smiled, as she began to cut up his food.
She smiled back at him, and just the sight of him, seemed to calm down her terrible mood, as she refused to break contact with his eyes, the eyes she could get lost in, for all eternity.
When she had stabbed a piece of steak, he tilted his head, as she fed him, never once looking away from each other.
"The boy can feed himself." Ruwee told his daughter, breaking their silence.
Lovisa dropped her fork, and they both looked away from each other.
The door opened and one of the messengers stormed in.
"I'm sorry to interrupt your lunch, your majesty's." He bowed. "But I was told to bring this to you, as soon as it came."
"Oh, good, bring them here." Jobal, gestured for him to come over, with a hand full of envelopes.
"Whats that, Mother?" Padme asked.
"Just some RSVP's that have been returned, seems it'll be quite the turnout." Jobal said, giddily.
"You're throwing a ball, Jo..." Ruwee asked. "This isn't exactly a time to be throwing a ball, we're in the beginning of a war."
"It's not for a ball, that'll be in a few months, when we announce Lovey as the next heir-"
"Hold on, what?" Lovisa looked back up.
"I'll talk about it, later, when a certain someone, isn't around" She nodded at the obvious.
"I'll figure it out, soon enough." Lovisa raised a brow, poking her food.
After the terrible lunch had finally come to an end, Lovisa had asked Obi-Wan to accompany her on a walk, around the palace gardens.
"What was it that you wanted to discuss, Princess?" Obi-Wan asked, his hands clasped behind his back.
"Well, Master Kenobi, during my "travels" I made a discovery, and I would like to remind you, that one day, I will be your queen, so please keep that in mind, for what I'm about to ask you."
"Will do" He chuckled.
"Uhm... So, I know, typically the Jedi do not recruit anyone over the age of four, in most cases, obviously, Anakin Skywalker was a very different situation. But I have reason to believe that my handmaiden, Ahsoka Tano is strong with the force, and Ani-Anakin supported my claims."
"Hmm, that is curious." He stroked his beard.
"Yes. And I strongly encourage that you take her on, to join the Jedi, or at the very least, train her in the ways, she has all the potential, and I would hate to see it go to waste."
"You care a lot about, Lady Tano, Don't you?"
"I do, Master Kenobi, she's the longest friend I’ve had, and I feel the guilt of her being my handmaiden, a lot, so please."
"I will do what I can, to persuade the council, I promise, your highness" Obi-Wan nodded to her. "Even though you disagree, so openly, I know in time, you will make a wonderful Queen, and leader, I sense it, in the force."
"Just like Anakin is supposed to bring balance to the force." Lovisa joked, side eying him.
"That's what the prophecy says." He sighed, sounding as though he didn't believe it, all too much.
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larissa-the-scribe · 3 months
Terrarium Lights, pt.3.2
Previously on Terrarium Lights: Gail hunted down the ghost and found him outside a café. (Next part >>here)
"Hmmmm." Gail considered. They could go somewhere else, but that would interrupt the conversation in an awkward way. Besides, Samuel needed to talk more than she did. It was probable that if she kept her voice down during responses, she'd escape notice. If anyone came out, she could always say she wanted some coffee, but had needed to pray first. Or had found a bug. Something of that sort. Whether or not a hypothetical intruder thought that odd was not her concern, as long as she could keep Samuel company for as long as he needed it.
Hitching up her skirts, she came further behind the building, passed Samuel, and sat on the ground with her back to the café. She patted the ground beside her. Hesitantly, as if he expected to flee at a moment's notice, he slid down the wall to slump down beside her.
"I understand that you're upset," Gail said, keeping her voice soft, "and I'm truly sorry to hear that you were afraid of my getting mad at you. I promise you that it's all okay. I cleaned it up fine. And, well, as a matter of fact, the new one is already done."
He looked up at her sharply.
"I still had most of the materials," Gail said with a shrug. "And I had already mostly finished it once, so I had more of an idea of what I was doing. But, more importantly, I'm sorry you felt so alone after that. It sounds like you've had a hard go of it."
"…Yeah." He rested his arms on his knees. "I guess.” His chin followed, settling on his arms. “I… decided I should try and go ahead and face stuff, since I didn't know what else to do."
"That was brave of you. Tackling things head-on is quite hard."
"I… I didn't feel very brave. But… I didn't know what else to do. And I couldn't run forever, and… I was afraid that if I didn’t do anything, I would disappear again. So I went into Santa Juliana to see if I could find anything out."
"I got very lost. But I found the academy. I'm pretty sure now that I was a student there before… whatever happened. It looked very familiar. And so I kind of… I guess… haunted the place. I got to wondering if, since I wasn't—and still am not—technically corporeal, I started wondering if I could use that to my advantage. Turns out that I can, kind of. It—walking through things—whatever you call it, it really only works with thin places or open places or places that can be opened, but… it kind of works." He chuckled, more awkward than amused.
Gail snorted, being amused for him. "I suppose that does make sense. What does it feel like?"
"Very strange." He looked—almost—excited for the first time in the conversation. "Kind of like getting stretched out a lot, but like in an elastic way, because you're not going to fall apart, so it doesn’t hurt. It turns out that your body kind of wants to stay together, so it does. And since I'm on kind of, I think, on a different plane of existence and time, it seems like I can do weirder things, too—like I can go through doors, even if they're closed, because I can go through the memory of when the door was opened. I guess since I'm kind of a memory myself."
"Oh." Gail blinked. "Useful. I'll have to write that down in our notes."
"You might end up becoming an authority on ghosts," he said with another chuckle—more properly amused this time.
“I suppose. Doubt anyone will believe me, but you never know. Maybe I can get it published as a novel."
"I'm sure—I’m sure it would be a good read." His voice switched back to melancholy, and his head tilted further down until only his forehead rested on his arms.
"I could write it quickly," Gail said softly. "Give you a chance to read it."
He turned turned his head towards her, to speak easier. "I don't see how you being quick would affect my ability to read it, but I-I appreciate the consideration."
"Oh. Well, never mind then." It hit Gail with the sudden hammer blow of the clearly obvious only now being seen. She was going to miss him.
Samuel straightened up, as if using the wall behind him like a ruler. "Right, I haven't told you yet. I found my body."
Gail, arrested in the middle of tragic thoughts about how to help him come to terms with the difficulties of life and death and that she might have to do the same for herself, gawked in surprise. "You did? That's…" was it good? Bad?
Another obvious thought occurred to her—he had been a ghost for several weeks. Finding his body was almost definitely bad, or at least unpleasant.
"Well, I suppose I should be more informative." He clasped his hands in front of him, still with his arms around his knees. "Okay, so I was using all that time to poke around the academy and try and figure out what I could. About the world, about who I was and if I had been there at the academy before—which I was pretty sure I had been. So I looked around in records of different things and found my real name. It's not Samuel. I'm fairly certain Samuel was the name of my friend who I was trying to remember, actually."
"Oh." Gail turned the news over in her head. "You have a new name now? Or, rather an older one? What is it?"
"Jonathon J. Evanstrom," he replied. "I'm not sure what the J. stands for. But I found out that I was a student there about 6 years ago and I was studying to be an electrician of sorts. I couldn't find any records of family members, though. The best I could figure from looking around town and in the library and public records are that I am, in fact, an orphan."
"O-okay." Gail understood his words perfectly but somehow they were having trouble sticking properly. Too much new information coming at once. "The electricity makes sense."
"And I was working with some other people—including someone named Samuel Seward—on a secret project. It… it took me a lot of trouble to actually find the records and be able to access them—I still can't move things very well—but it seemed like I was helping them build some kind of machine. A kind of portal. They were trying to access new worlds."
"I… new worlds?" Gail had stopped understanding his words quite so well.
"Well… yes.” He stretched his legs out, relaxing more against the wall and staring upwards towards the sky. “There wasn't much on it, nothing really explaining why or the theories behind it. Very strict and factual. But it was a study of some kind. There were other things being cited that I didn't know and didn't have the time or energy to look for, but apparently contact of some kind had been made with a person or a thing from a different world. I think it was a person. It was a noun at least. Something about a, um, Spell-Wielder, and some other names that were redacted. But operating on the assumption that other worlds and places could be accessed, they were trying to build a portal to do that. I… I was apparently helping in that. But not really building it so much as helping to build or operate it. Not… not the interworld stuff—I still have no idea about all of that, and I doubt I ever did. I was helping with the electrical, 'functional' parts of it."
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I am thrilled to see Joe so happy and in Paris surrounded by friends/his fellow actors. He looks really good and I see big things for him in 2024. It has to be better than 2023!
But I also just have to say something about a post I saw you commented on awhile back from a popular Taylor blogger who found it “infuriating” that Joe couldn’t just “hang on” through this increased fame of Taylor’s before they got back to normal (maybe). Well, I’m infuriated by the thought that he should have just held on and I agree with every single tag you put on there. He was supposed to just ignore his own boundaries? He was supposed to let her dictate how his life and their life as a couple was going to go? So what was going to happen - Taylor continues to blow up and has a level of fame that is beyond what all of us have seen and she does this tour for a few years and continues to release music and the Swifties are Swifties and Joe is still just hanging on through it all and maybe it gets back to normal for them in time - maybe - but while Taylor got everything she wanted, he’s still known as Taylor’s boyfriend instead of Joe Alwyn, actor and human?
I get in Swiftie-land that is EXACTLY what should happen as Taylor’s happiness is all that matters and who cares about the characters in her life, but that comment made me very mad on a night where I am beyond happy to see Joe, who tbh looks very at peace and happy with his life. Personally, I think it was brave of Joe to decide that he had boundaries and he stuck to them as hard as I’m sure it was. And I have no doubt that he’s working toward the life that he wants and in time he will succeed in people seeing him as a human and for his work.
Yeah, that's very well put, anon!
At the end of the day, we don't know why things didn't work out, but if you're one of those people who believe that their different levels of fame played a role in their breakup, then it's not really fair to say that things could've worked out for them the way they're working out for Taylor and Travis, imo. Taylor was never gonna become less famous, and Joe was never gonna reach her level of stardom: and he clerly struggled while living in her shadow and being seen as nothing more than Taylor's bf.
And hey, maybe sexism played a role in Joe's struggle! He's clearly not sexist and he makes it a point to work with successful women and compliment them, so he's obviously not consciously sexist, BUT maybe a small part of his brain, the brain of someone who grew up in this patriarchal society, felt uncomfortable by how much more powerful she is than he is. We'll never know.
The most logical explanation is that sexism had nothing to do with it, though: simply put, her lifestyle didn't match his, and his desire to be known for his work didn't come true.
And no matter how many compromises they could've made, that was never gonna change unless Joe magically changed his mind.
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heaven-s-black-box · 6 months
Valhalla- Wash x Fem!Ex-Freelancer!Reader
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Recovery date: August 14th, 2023
Description: ok i probably wont actually have 20, but my first req: wash x reader (could be during or post freelancer) where they're trying to hide their relationship, but failing miserably
Notes: This entry was recovered as an early draft of the previous entry found here.
Word count: 843
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Agent Washington— or Church, as Caboose keeps calling him— is a man of mystery. He is a strong, brave ex-freelancer on the path to redemption. He is the new blue team leader, and a pain in the red’s side. There is no denying, in Tucker’s begrudgened words, that he is fucking awesome. I bet he gets so many ladies, the self proclaimed sword wielding badass had grumbled as he sat in captivity at red base.
One of the red’s few wins since Church’s demise on Sidewinder.
Not that it mattered, Wash single handedly recaptured the man; before being informed that he needed to negotiate the prisoners return and was not, in fact, allowed to just steal him back. That’s what makes it fun, Simmons insisted.
Wash’s ensuing confusion, his brow furrowed and mouth opening and closing as he tried to find words, was the least composed the reds and blues had seen him. In Y/N’s opinion, sitting on the edge of the blue Vallhala base and watching the impromptu truce, it was adorable.
“But… that’s not how war works,” Wash said, voice strained in confusion.
Simmons and Tucker face palmed.
“Ya, but- You know what, it doesn’t matter,” Simmons huffed. “Let’s make a deal, you can steal back captured team mates, if Y/N joins our team.”
“Wait, what? When did I become part of this?”
“Well if Mr. Ex-Freelancer here gets to steal back blues, we need someone to help us take back our guys from them!”
“Sería bueno tener alguien con quien hablar,” Lopez said. (It would be nice to have someone to talk to)
“Lopez is right!” Sarge nodded.
“Oh, esto va a terminar mal.” (Oh, this is going to end poorly)
“We can’t take Y/N-”
“Eso no es lo que dije.” (That is not what I said)
“Because if we did, the blues would be at a disadvantage!”
“You know what,” Wash sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
Sarge ignored him, continuing on, “But maybe… we could use her as bait to capture Washington! You know, it’s like those fairytales-”
“I love fairytales!” Donut cheered.
“The knight in shining armor,” Y/N raised a brow and smirked as Sarge stiffened in fear, though he clearly wasn’t deterred as he continued, “saves the princess from the tower!”
Caboose gasped, “Are we playing make believe? I love playing mak-”
“Okay, everyone shut up! I’m sorry for ruining your ga-war. I will no longer steal back team members, now can we please end this conversation?”
“Jeez, what’s got you so cranky? Y/N not suck your dick this morning?”
“Lavernius!” Y/N scolded.
Agent Washington was a man of mystery, a complete badass, and Tucker had never seen the man so flustered before. He was even redder than when he’d switched armor in the freezing cold of Sidewinder; and Sarge had made a few cracks that he should join the red team. 
“I-Wha-wha- That was completely inappropriate!” Wash spluttered. “I-I’m going for a walk.”
He pulled his helmet out from the crook of his arm and yanked it over his head, letting out a faint ow as the force hit him, and starting marching off towards the wall.
None too quietly, Grif announced that everyone should steer clear of that direction for the next few hours.
Wash had just settled against the wall as Y/N approached, splitting off from the reds on the way back to their base. She was out of armor, finding it more comfortable as she healed from her Meta inflicted injuries, letting Wash admire her fond smile. He’d noticed that she smiled more often now…
“When Caboose told me about you,” he started as she came to lean against the wall beside him, “I wasn’t sure what to think. The woman he told me about, Y/N, she didn’t sound like the Agent Michigan I knew.”
He unclipped his helmet and set it down, resting his cheek on his knees as he looked up at her.
“Ya… I guess they kind of rubbed off on me. You probably felt the same way I felt watching you and the Meta work to-” A red spot on the side of Wash’s head caught Y/N’s eye. “Wash move!”
Without hesitation, Wash dropped to his side and rolled away from the wall as a shot went off. Y/N dove into a forward roll, grunting in pain before scrambling behind Wash as he got to his feet.
The reds and blues had come out of their bases by now, looking round for where the shot had come from.
“Well… it’s good to see some things don’t change,” Carolina teased as her camo deactivated and her armor stood out against the gray rocks.
Y/N peaked over Wash’s shoulder as the reds and blues came running over, guns drawn and yelling.
“Carolina?” The two ex-freelancers asked.
She crouched down, paying no mind to the reds and blues that were left discussing amongst themselves.
“I hate to interrupt your honeymoon, but I need your help to find the director.”
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