softavasilva · 1 year
You know what… Beatrice has got me feeling some type of way. You know the scene where Bea finds Father Vincent after Michael takes him out and Father Vincent says “looks like Ava has a new protector”. You know that had to have been just an absolute knife to Bea’s heart. Because she has been Ava’s protector from the beginning, all the way back in Cat’s Cradle when she hugged Ava when Mother Superion accused her of killing herself all the way through Switzerland where she was entrusted by the entire order to protect the warrior nun, train her and make her stronger. But the sting of losing Ava, not protecting Ava has to be so much stronger in this moment because not only did she fail to keep the halo safe (her job) but more particularly she failed to keep Ava safe (her pleasure). And instead Michael of all people was the one to rescue Ava. That must just absolutely eat at Beatrice every single day
"because not only did she fail to keep the halo safe (her job) but more particularly she failed to keep Ava safe (her pleasure)" ... first of all how dare you. second of all how the fuck dare you that one sentence father vincent so rudely blurted out really just stabbed her heart twisted it around and put more salt in her wounds. it proved all her insecurities about her duty/job and the value she holds in this particular obligation of protecting the very thing she gave her vows/life to. Like she probably is reliving all the times her parents have been disappointed in the way she uses her existence without a "purpose". and now that shes joined the ocs and has a set objective - failing at this is her biggest fucking fear and regret. more so because she knows failing the halo bearer isnt the worst part of it all. its failing ava silva - the girl she first handedly saw live a life only beatrice would dream of for herself. selflessly helping the girl experience wonders for the first time unwillingly knowing ava was also giving beatrice that exact same thing. Falling in love with ava made her guarded "duty first" mindset tainted with emotions that was sinful to have - so she did everything she could to protect the warrior nun because she thinks thats the only version of ava she could have. bc no one will question and judge her for constantly having to protect her. thats just her job right? - so having a man be accused of doing this exact thing just brings back all her self sabotage ways of thinking about how a relationship between her and ava would never work bc yes she has a new protector now and its a man and it would be so easy for them to develop something from more than a "leader"(warrior) and a "follower"(sister warrior) dynamic.
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lqvesoph · 2 months
She’s WHOSE daughter?? || LN4
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lando norris x webber!reader
summary: After finding out who your father is, Lando needs some time for himself to think about everything. Oscar is more than willing to help make things right between you.
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 5
masterlist | taglist
Part 4
dad: What’s going on with you and Lando?
You: What do you mean?
dad: Your Instagram
dad: And I saw you in the paddock together
dad: That hug looked a little too intimate for friends
You swallowed hard before turning your phone off, chosing to ignore the messages and focus on Lando who just walked back into the garage, the debrief was done.
"We gotta talk", he stated, pushing his hands in the pocket of his hoodie.
You nodded, wanting to follow him back up to his driver’s room when suddenly an all too familiar voice called your name.
"Y/n, don’t you think you should introduce us?", your father asked, sitting at one of the tables with Oscar’s parents. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at your father’s teasing. Lando and him knew each other, obviously they’ve seen each other quite a few times in the paddock, especially because he was Oscar’s manager.
"Y/n, sweetheart, how are you doing?", Oscar’s mum asked with a genuine smile, making a small smile appear on your face as well as you replied.
"I’m good, thank you."
Lando eyed you from the side as you stepped closer to your father.
"Dad, Lando. Lando, my dad", you dryly spoke. Lando’s eyes went from you to your dad, giving him a small smile and a nod before looking back at you. "If you excuse us but we have to go", you said, waving at Oscar’s parents and turning your back to the table.
You waited on the couch while Lando closed the door to his driver room.
"Why didn’t you tell me?", he immediately questioned, leaning against the locked door. "I never tell people about my father because it happened too often that they weren’t there for me but for him", you started, fiddling with your hands.
"Not me and I thought you would have figured that. I knew your father, I’ve met him a few times", Lando argued. "What was I supposed to say, Lando?", you raised your voice a little. "We met in Bahrain but didn’t have much contact after that until this week, I couldn’t just go like 'Oh and by the way Mark Webber is my dad'!"
"You could’ve told me", he muttered quietly. "You could’ve told me in Bahrain when I asked about how you know Daniel or at the beach when I asked about your dad’s work."
"It just never felt right", you tried to defend yourself. "Bahrain was just too early and at the beach I sort of panicked, I don’t know", you muttered, realizing you really didn’t know why you haven’t told him until now.
"I need some time", Lando said after a few moments. You nodded and watched as he unlocked the door, leaving the room and probably the track for the day.
"So, what made Lando storm out of here like that?", your dad asked when you gathered yourself and finally made your way downstairs.
"I don’t wanna walk about it", you grumbled, crossing your arms in front of your chest. Just then Oscar walked down the stairs, his eyes widened when he spotted you. "Princess, I’m sorry! I really am!", he immediately said, walking closer to you.
"I didn’t know that he didn’t know but I should have known and I’m sorry", your best friend apologized and wrapped you in a hug. "Don’t be, Oscar. It’s my fault anyway. I should’ve told him. I don’t know why I didn’t", you muttered, your voice sounding muffled from being pressed into Oscar’s shoulder.
"Still. I feel bad", he huffed, pulling back from the hug to look at you. "Where is he?"
You shrugged and looked away from Oscar. "I don’t know, probably went back to the hotel", you replied. "Mark how long do you plan on staying because I could take Y/n back to her hotel", he then turned to your father.
"Oh, I was actually just waiting for her", your dad replied, standing up from the table. "You ready?"
You nodded and turned around to Oscar’s parents, saying goodbye and telling them to meet again tomorrow at the race.
Oscar gave you another tight hug before waving at your dad and letting the two of you go.
"You ready to go as well?", Lily asked, grabbing his hand. Oscar nodded. "Yeah but I need to make a quick stop somewhere before we go home."
Just thirty minutes later, Oscar knocked on the door of one of Hilton’s hotel rooms.
"What on earth are you doing here? I thought you sleep at home", Lando muttered when he opened the door and saw his teammate standing there.
"Let me in?", Oscar just asked, lifting one eyebrow. Lando nodded silently and took a step to the side to let Oscar enter the room.
"She’s really sorry", he spoke as soon as the door had closed. Lando shut his eyes and crossed his arms. "Please, Oscar-"
"She knows she screwed up and said herself she doesn’t actually know or have reasons why she didn’t tell you", Oscar ignored his teammates protest. "She’s never been good with trusting people, so many having screwed her over just to get a chance to meet her dad-" "But I know her dad-" "And that left scars", Oscar continued. "She went into panic mode when you asked about her dad. She never likes being associated with him. She loves him to death but hates it when someone brings him up when talking about her achievements, or in general, when talking about her. She doesn’t just want to be Mark Webber’s daughter but her own person and she really really likes you!"
Lando stayed silent for a moment.
"Talk to her, please?", Oscar then quietly asked, searching for anything in Lando’s eyes that would give him some sort of confirmation.
The British driver blinked a few times, uncrossed his arms and took a deep sigh. "I will, tomorrow", he muttered, bringing a smile to Oscar’s face.
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envy-of-the-apple · 4 months
Dark!Geto Suguru x reader
happy (belated) birthday to my favorite cult leader <3
18+ content
(Warnings: implied kidnapping, dubcon, forced relationships)
You've always loved baths
Back when you used to work a dead-end job, bathtime was the one time of the day where you truly enjoyed life. You spared no expense. You always bought the sweetest-smelling soaps. You'd lavish your body with the softest loafahs. You'd stay under the shower for hours, letting the water soak into your skin until you got pruny.
Despite how different the two of you were, Suguru shared the same sentiment. 
You hear him before you see him. It's not like he tries to hide his presence. There'd be no point to it. 
The water was warm. You were dozing off, close to falling asleep when his fingers grazed your lips. When your eyes flutter open, Suguru smiles. 
"You're back early," you say.
"We finished up faster than anticipated," Suguru responds. You nod, not prying. Nowadays, you know better than to enquire. 
Instead, you watch as he disrobes himself, dropping his yukata to the pristine bathroom floor. He's beautiful, despite the hell he's put you through, you've never once denied that. His body is broad and well-sculpted. Sliver scars litter his milky skin. There's one on his shoulder, another across his stomach. 
Suguru sighs when he sinks into the water with you. You let him pull you into his lap, your back against his bare chest. It's always a habit for you to check if he's brought his creatures with him, even when you can't see them. Still, you peer over the bathtub, looking for shadows, and ripples through the air. 
"It's just us." He consoles, sinking his head forward, letting his breath tickle your neck. He could always be lying, but you chose not to care, letting him spread lazy kisses across your shoulders. 
His black hair spills over. He's untied it. Dried blood clings to his strands. It isn't his. You frown. 
He grunts but doesn't make any protest when you lift yourself, turning around to fully settle into his lap. The soapy water is now slightly below your chest, giving no coverage. You ignore his wandering eyes. After all, he's done worse than simply look. 
"Close your eyes," you say softly, "I'll wash your hair." 
He stares at you, searching. You don't know what he finds but it's enough for Suguru to listen, slinking down, eyes drifting shut. You think you like him better like this. When he isn't reaching into your soul, eager to claw you out. 
It's a slow process. You have nothing but your hands, but Suguru doesn't seem to mind. He's handled worse, he has the scars to prove it, but you're still gentle with his hair. The position is a little awkward, with you practically straddling him, but neither of you mind. He hums when you massage his scalp with trepid fingers. The white suds get bigger and bigger, coating your hands as you glide them down his locks. It smells like jasmine and roses. 
You're diligent, if nothing else. You act like the favor is your job, ignoring the brief touches of his hands. Rough, calloused, pressing into your skin, right at your thighs, going higher and higher with no indication of stopping. 
You pull back with a frown, but if he truly wanted to, he wouldn't have let you go so easily. These days, he's softer with you. Perhaps that's because you've mellowed out too. There's no more tears, no more screams. The fifth stage of grief: acceptance. 
"Suguru," you say, not quite a warning, but there's a hint of disapproval in your tone, "I'm working." 
He laughs, condescending, filled with meaningless affection. In the end, Suguru relents, moving his fingers away to hold your hips instead, squeezing the flesh every so often. You suppose that's a bit better. 
When you give the slightest of tugs, Suguru leans into your bare chest, eyes still closed. It's not sexual. He's just there, close to your damp skin, relishing in your warmth. You wonder if he can hear your heartbeat. 
"You know, when I first saw you, the first thing I noticed was your hair," you murmur, sloping his locks up from his shoulders, "it was beautiful." 
"Really?" he asks, just as quietly. 
You hum in response. It's hard to remember those days, back when you just thought of him as a priest, sitting lavishly on his throne. When you were just one of the temple's many visitors, unaware of the trap you found yourself in. You often wondered why you caught his eye. You know you weren't anything special.
Maybe it was your malleability that enticed him. Your humanness, able to adapt to anything once you're out of tears. You could be anything, maybe even his. 
"You should take better care of it." You don't chide him. Rather, it's a small request. You've never asked him for anything before. You wonder if he notices. 
"I will," his smile is gone now, there's just a hint of wonder in his tone. Out the corner of your eye, you spot him grasp a lock of his own hair, inspecting it. Like he's trying to see the beauty you can. 
The flakes of blood have long disappeared by the time you rinse his scalp off. His hair is back to its natural state, sleek and glossy. When it dries, it will shine in the sun. And in the night, after he's done with you, you can run your fingers through it, one of the few comforts you have in this life. 
Suguru's eyes open. You're still messing with his hair, tweaking it into place when he grasps at your chin, forcing you to look at him. 
His teeth are at your neck, grazing at the skin, barely threatening to puncture. You freeze anyway. You shouldn't have been so surprised. It was amazing he held himself back at all with how his strained cock slapped your thighs every so often.
"Suguru," you say, but you've lost the tone in your voice. It's less consequential. It's not like you can stop him, not right now when his kisses are starting to get more violent.
He hums in acknowledgment but doesn't pull back. Instead, Suguru grabs you by the hips. His fingers delve to your naked cunt. You suck in a gasp when he swipes at your clit.
"So sensitive," he chides but his smile is wider.
"We're in the bath," your voice comes out in a sigh as he leans forward to bite at your breasts, lavishing his tongue over your chest.
"We'll-we'll get dirty again."
He hushes your mild protests, focusing on your skin, tasting it. You frown, but you don't dare struggle when he angles your hips just right to deliciously grind on his cock.
At least he's nice, you deliriously think when it slowly starts to stretch you out. He could have been worse, taken to just pounding you without any regard for your body. His gentleness always felt like a worse punishment.
He goes down inch by excruciating inch. Your walls flutter around him. Already, you can feel yourself grow wetter and wetter.
"I was gone for a while," he simply says, "you're so much tighter now."
As if to respond, you spasm on his cock. He gives another affectionate laugh, kissing you on the corner of your mouth.
When he sits you down fully, he's gentle enough to give you a moment. He's right, it had been a while. The stretch was already starting to be foreign to you. You gasp, unconsciously tightening your grip on his shoulder when he starts to move.
The pace is slow, casual. Despite how violent he inherently is, you've never known him to be anything like that to you. He's always moderated, in that sense. Even now, when his cock is strained and pulsing inside you, with you slowly teetering out of control, he remains the same, looking up at you with the slightest hitch in his breath.
You can't say the same. Your pussy tries to suck him back in, already feeling yourself start to let go. It's wet, your noises and whimpers are barely covered by the sloshing of water. You shudder when his cock hits that spot deep inside you over and over again. It's cruel in that sense, you aren't allowed not to go crazy.
"You always take me so well." Suguru leans forward, burying his head into your neck. His teeth are sharp enough for you to feel it, timed with another intentional thrust. You arch your back at the sensation, feeling your thighs go taut with tension. Your legs are practically shaking now, close to breaking.
As if he can sense you holding back, his hand traces your chest, squeezing, before he moves to your pussy. His thumb is insistent, rubbing tight circles around your swollen clit as your hips jolt at the added sensation.
"You can do it," Suguru coos in your ear sounding both loving and condescending at the exact same time, "Let go, dear."
It doesn't take long after that. You fall, crumpling against him as your pussy gushes around his cock, squeezing, almost choking him. Your release gets a rise out of him. If you were less fucked out, you'd admire the slightest hint of struggle between his brows, the clenched jaw, the way his hips and hand get a bit too rough. It'd be one of the few times a being like him has lost composure like that.
His own release comes right after yours, filling you up until you're sure you're leaking.
You collapse, your head falling into the crook of his neck. A large hand falls against your back, rubbing slow circles.
"I missed you," he mutters into your damp hair. You can only hum, still gathering yourself when he lifts your face with both hands.
He kisses you. Warm, and kind, and gentle. To him, you are the exception. The only one of the unworthy that's worth something to him.
"I love you," Suguru says into your lips, earnestly. And you know he truly does think that. He truly thinks that baths and soaps and pretty hair are all it takes to wash away the feeling of fear you still feel every time he touches you. 
"I love you," he repeats. 
You don't say it back. 
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zaldritzosrose · 4 days
Can't Stay Away Part 2 (Feyd-Rautha x Princess!Reader)
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Summary: Second daughter of the Emperor and you were well used to being ignored in favour of your sister. That was, until you met Feyd-Rautha, nephew to the Harkonnen Baron. A tourney of old, bringing back the traditions of champions and favours brought him to your side - but how close would he stay?
TW: Minors DNI, She/Her pronouns, afab reader, mild mentions of neglect towards reader (ignored in favour of Irulan), Feyd being a badass, face sitting, cunnilingus, fingering, lashings of sexual tension, reader enjoying a blood covered Feyd, Irulan being a little bit of a bitchy sister.
Part 1 Here
(Maybe a part 3, we'll see)
Words: 2689
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The air was thicker than ever as Feyd finished preparing himself for the tournament. You had helped him repaint his torso before fitting the lightweight and black armour to his body. There had been something so intimate, ignoring your encounter earlier, in the whole situation.
Preparing your champion for battle. Watching as he selected his weapons and psyched himself up for the impending battles. He was fascinating to watch, you realised. And it only made you more excited for what was to come.
“My father has decided we are to publicly show our favour,” You mused, as Feyd hooked his blades into his belt.
You remembered the tradition of favours from the fairytales you had read as a child. A lady would give her champion something special, a sign of her support and luck. Back then, you had found the whole idea ridiculous. But now? The idea that you could publicly claim Feyd as yours, in some way, was enticing.
Soon, you left Feyd to finish his preparations, feeling his eyes on you as you walked back towards the guest chambers. It was only then that you noticed the black smudges of paint on your dress. Your feet moved faster, not wanting anyone to see you in such a state.
You arrived quickly, opening your wardrobe to find an appropriate dress to wear. Your typical choices were far more feminine in fabric than Irulan. Where she chose metallics, more structured pieces for public outings, you preferred softer looks. Flowing gowns that accentuated your figure. Pearls and silks in a myriad of light tones. Always with a hood or veil to match.
Several options were spread out on your bed when you heard a gentle knock on your door. With curiosity, and wrapping your robe tighter around your body, you opened it.
A Harkonnen servant stood waiting, the girl barely looking you in the eye as she handed you a note.
“It is from Feyd-Rautha, princess,” she said so softly you barely heard it, but you took the note and thanked her.
As she left, you pushed the door closed and quickly read.
My princess, not that I wish to command you, but I have one request. Please, for me, would you wear something white. Something to make you stand out on this dark planet. You look so very beautiful in white. Like a goddess sent to tempt me. That is my request. F.
You read the note twice more. He wanted you in white? There was something more to the request and you knew it. But you could not quite figure it out. You had a few options. White was a colour quite synonymous with you, pearls being your favourite jewel as a result.
You looked at the note again. ‘Stand out’ he had said. Asking you to make yourself known. It was something you were quite unfamiliar with, in truth. Having always lived in the shadow of Irulan, you were well versed in fading into the background.
But this was your chance.
You made your choice, picking a gown you had only worn once before. A more fitted design, strewn with layers of pearls that accentuated every dip and curve of your body. As was usual for you, and your sister, you chose an accessory to cover part of your face. But instead of a veil, you opted for a lower face cover, made of silver chains and jewels to match your dress. Feyd wanted you to stand out for him, and there was every chance of that in this.
Something about the choice made you feel powerful. Like you were finally taking a stand. Even if it was a small step.
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Feyd stood stock still at the doors to the arena. The first round was being announced and he could hear the murmurings of other warriors in the surrounding chambers. Melee style fighting was first. Each champion would fight, to the death, until the fight was called to an end. The round that followed would consist of any of those champions that remained.
He twirled the blades between his palms, anticipation making his whole body feel like it was on fire. Combat was what he lived for, and these opponents would be a welcome challenge. What excited him more, was knowing you were watching.
Soon, his name was called, and he strode out to the chants of his name, raising his two blades in the air in response.
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All eyes fell to you as you entered the room. Everyone from your sister and father to the Baron and his attendants stared. You knew why, and you could not stop the small smile the pulled at your lips.
You sat beside Irulan, who was quick to whisper in your ear.
“You picked Feyd-Rautha? Sister, he is a psychopath…” Irulan whispered harshly, low enough for only you to hear and you fought the urge to roll your eyes.
“Psychotic or not, he is an excellent fighter. Is that not the point of this, to choose the best?”
Irulan scoffed and you ignored her. Feyd had been nothing but kind to you since you had arrived. More than kind in fact. And you were buzzing with excitement at the idea of seeing him fight. There was a feeling, deep within you. Like you needed to be near him.
The announcer called Feyd’s name, and you nearly flew from your seat to lean over the balcony to watch his entrance.
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Feyd strode around the arena with confidence. But his eyes searched only for you and soon he found you. The pearls on your dress shimmering under the black sun of Giedi Prime. You looked perfect. Just the push he needed to truly show off, your words from earlier ringing in his ears.
“Win for me, and you can have any part of me you wish.”
He no longer just wanted to win, he needed to. Purely for that promise. He knew he was capable, but he was more determined now than ever.
The announcer began to introduce the fight and Feyd waited for you to look at him. Neither of you hearing the announcer’s words as you looked at each other. But all eyes fell to Feyd when he dropped to a bow for you, making a show of offering himself and his blades to your name.
You leaned over the balcony wall, despite Irulan’s protests and made sure everyone and Feyd could see you. There was no hiding whose champion he was now.
The fight began with a loud bang of a drum, and you watched intently, eyes following Feyd’s every movement. It became clear quickly that there were few others in the arena that could match him for skill. His first two opponents were dispatched quickly, staining the ground below with streaks of blood.
And the rest of the fight continued much the same, Feyd cutting through enemy after enemy with what seemed like pure joy on his face. Blood staining his forearms and face and you found yourself enjoying the sight more than you expected.
You watched as most of the ladies, Irulan included, turned away from most of the gore and violence. You, however, watched every second. Something about it all fascinated you. Especially Feyd. The way he moved, like a predator stalking prey. Cutting down each one with precision and skill.
It was not long before the fight was time out. Leaving only five champions of ten remaining. Feyd included, of course. He wiped his blades on the fabric of his trousers as he was ushered back to the holding room.
You sat back in your chair, letting out a breath you had not realised you were holding.
“Do you really not find this exciting?” you asked, turning to Irulan and the other ladies.
“Watching men fight for our favour and affection?”
Every single one of them looked at you like you were insane. How could you possibly enjoy something like this? It was not that you enjoyed the death per se, but the skill and precision of it all. Watching people who had trained for years show off their skills was exhilarating.
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The second round was much the same as the first, though less contenders. And it was clear that some had advantage over the others. It lasted far less time than the first, with Feyd soon coming out as the blood-stained winner.
You stood at the balcony as he was named the winner, the ultimate champion and he repeated his bow from before. But this time you returned it, dipping your head in thanks to your champion.
Feyd was lead from the arena and you did not hesitate to demand to know where he was to be taken.
“You are not going to him.” Your father turned to you, speaking to you for the first time since you arrived.
“And why not, I have every right to congratulate my champion. Would you deny Irulan if her man had won?”
Your father huffed, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. You knew he would not argue, because there was little point. You were stubborn, much like him.
His silence was taken as permission, and you quickly hurried after the guard. You were led down a series of steps before arriving at a room similar to where you had painted Feyd earlier. Except this time, there was a square bath and a bed in the corner. You assumed, then, this was where warriors were allowed to relax after the arena.
“My lord Feyd, the princess is here for you,” the guard called out before leaving you alone to wait.
But you did not have to wait long.
“Princess, to what do I owe this pleasure?” Feyd asked, smirking as he made his way over.
He had yet to remove his armour or clean the blood from his skin and it was a sight that sent a jolt of desire down your spine.
“I believe I owe you a reward, you did win after all.”
Feyd’s smirk widened, forgoing cleaning the blood from his hands and tossing the towel to the side. In a few steps, he closed the distance between you, stopping short just a hair’s breadth from your lips.
“You wore white.”
It was not a question, but it did not feel like a simple statement either. It was like he was thinking aloud.
“You asked me to,” you replied simply, and Feyd raised a brow at you in curiosity.
His hands trailed softly over the layers of pearl, fascinated by each string as it draped over you. You ignored the small red streaks he left behind, it was worth it to have him touch you.
“And I believe your reward is your choice?”
Feyd stopped his exploration at your waist, instead wrapping an arm around you and pulling you tight to him. The tension was back, lingering just below the surface. You had felt it when you first met him. The way he stared, the lingering kiss to your hand. Something had simmered even then and it was almost back at boiling point.
He considered his options for a moment, wondering just what you were willing to let him do.
“A princess deserves a throne, yes?”
You barely stifled the surprise giggle that left you, watching him as he walked over to the bed. Your head tilted as he laid down, stroking a thumb over his lips as he spoke.
“Claim your throne, my princess.”
You hesitated for just a moment and Feyd sat up with a smile. You wondered if he could possibly mean what you thought he meant.
“Don’t overthink it. I have chosen my reward. Sit on my face and let me taste that royal cunt.”
You felt desire fill you at just those words. Something about the directness of it had your skin flushing and heat pooling between your thighs.
“Well, I can’t deny my champion his prize.”
You moved to the bed, watching as Feyd laid back down and waited for you. Your dress wasn’t exactly designed for movement like this, so you made quick work of removing it. Feyd on the other hand, was still clad in his armour. Deep red blood remained on his hands and face. Yet you did not mind.
Now fully bare, you crawled up the bed, not missing the hungry stare Feyd gave you. His hands were quick to tug you to where he wanted you. Large hands found your waist and helped you hover yourself inches above his face. You could feel the heat of his breath on your skin and the anticipation was eating away at you as you waited.
Feyd took his time, holding your waist tight as he inhaled the scent of you. He could feel the heat of your core already and he had not even begun. With slow licks of his tongue, Feyd took his first taste. But just that feeling had your eyes rolling back. It was not the first time you had taken a lover, but it was the first time you had been in this position.
“Feyd..” you breathed out as he took another long swipe between your slick folds, teasing you.
You could feel him smirk against you, and you wordlessly willed him to keep going with your soft, breathy moans.
Feyd was in heaven, if he believed in it. The taste, the heat, everything about you was divine and he was slowly losing what little restraint he had left. With a sharp tug, he brought you flush to his face, burying himself deep within you with a growl. His tongue was relentless now, soon finding a rhythm that had you moaning his name over and over.
“You taste divine, princess, I would fight a hundred men if this was my reward…” he muttered against your skin, switching from long licks to wrapping his lips around your bud.
Your hands quickly found purchase on the bedframe while his wrapped around your thighs, spreading the wider as he began to alternate between lapping at you and suckling hard on your bundle of nerves. Every sensation was overwhelming, and you could do nothing more than moan and pant his name.
Feyd could not get enough. His own arousal strained against his trousers, but he did not care. His sole focus was you. Desperately working to have you come apart for him, to drench his face as you peaked.
Your nails scratched across his scalp as he growled deep into you, feeling the first pulses of your impending orgasm. And it only spurred him on. The wet sound of his tongue  against your folds and the sounds of your moans filled the room as he pulled you down closer. As close as he could get you and it still did not feel like enough.
Feyd was quick to add his thumb to your pearl as he felt your thighs twitch either side of his head, telling him you were close.
“Feyd..oh..yes…keep going please…” you were near incoherent as he sped up, the bridge of his nose now pushing so deliciously against your bud that you near screamed as you came.
“That’s it, princess…” he cooed, slowing his motions but not removing his tongue from your depths.
He wanted to drink down every drop, commit your taste to memory. With a grunt, he pulled away, smirking at the mix of dried blood from battle and your slick as it stained your inner thighs.
He helped you roll to the side, wiping his face on the back of his hand before kissing you gently. You looked so beautiful, a look of blissful satisfaction on your face. The look in his own eyes was intense.
He knew he could not keep you at his side, but he had never quite felt like this about anyone else. Like he needed you near him. Like he would not be able to stay far from you.
What he did not know, was that you felt the same. It felt strange, being so desperate for someone you barely knew. But it was you who voiced what you both felt. Though no words could truly describe it.
“I fear I can’t stay away from you…”
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@blissfulphilospher @tumblin-theworldaway @lady-phasma @anjelicawrites @aemondsbabe
@alexagirlie @avidreader @connorsui @kaelatargaryen @reemoony
@wo-ming-bai @mamawiggers1980
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kyleoreillylover · 8 months
𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 ♡
Rhea Ripley x Dominik Mysterio x Fem!Reader
Summary: You lose your NXT Women’s title, and Rhea and Dom are here to pick up the pieces.
Warnings: Cursing, typical wrestling violence, anger, etc.
Word Count: 3,138
A/N: We all saw what happened on Raw, so I just wrote this as a lil comfort fic for myself. Hope you enjoy!
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You shut your eyes as you held your side, trying to block out the sound of Becky Lynch’s music playing in the air, trying to ignore her standing over you, a smirk on her face as she held your title. That was yours! You were so close to winning, so close to putting Becky away and making her eat her words that she’d been spewing for the past few weeks, make her regret her stupidity by making this match an Extreme Rules match.
Just a couple minutes ago, both of you were fighting, and you wee bruised and beaten, blood gushing from your face. Becky wasn’t doing much better, her arm bleeding and her elbow was fractured early through the match when you hit it with a crowbar. You were fighting in the crowd, beating the absolute hell put of each other with kendo sticks and anything you can get your hands on.
You tried to fling the kendo stick at her again, but she dodged it, and it clattered onto the floor. Your eyes widened at the angry look she was giving you; like this was the beginning of the end and you knew if you wanted any chance at winning you needed to stay away from her direct line of fire.
You bolted down the stairs, taunting her to follow you and she gave into the bait, hurrying right behind you as the crowd got louder with anticipation, wanting her to beat your ass.
You rolled into the ring, maneuvering over the chairs sprawled out but you didn’t get very far because she punched you from behind, taking you down with hit after hit after hit, her anger consuming her as she beat you into the canvas. You laid there limp, your mind hazy until she got you to your feet, trying to set you up for the manhandle slam.
You panicked, pushing her away and kicking at her elbow to make some room between the two of you. She fell to the floor, yelling out in pain. You spotted your title next to you, still in the ring from when you tried to hit her with it before. You saw Becky starting to get up, and you knew it was now or never.
You slammed the title against her face the minute she stood up, following that up with a ddt on the chairs. She was knocked out, and you smirked as you went on top of her for the cover, ready to finally prove to her that you were the better women.
“1... 2... 3-” The ref was about to slam the mat for the three count when you felt yourself getting dragged out the ring. Your groaned when your body hit the floor hard, but anger overtook the pain. You had her beat!! Who the fuck did that?!
You got your answer when you looked up and saw no one other than Tiffany Stratton standing over you, a smirk on her face as she stared you down. “That is supposed to be my title!” She screamed at you, her high pitched voice grating on your ears. “It was supposed to be Me vs you! But you chose Becky, and now you’re gonna pay bitch.”
You stood up, making your way to her with the nastiest glare she’d ever seen on your face. “Don’t blame me because your an untalented blonde bitch who can’t wrestle to save her life!” Tiffany took a step back but it was too late, you punched the taste out of her mouth. She fell to the floor, clutching her cheek as she tried to get away from you. Clearly she didn’t think this through.
“Now you’re gonna pay, bitch!” You yelled at her, enjoying the look of fear on her face as you stalked her. She bolted for the ring, and you chased after her.
You were right on her heels, running into the ring determined to beat her plastic face in when you ran right into a steel chair striking you square in the face, sending a jolt of pain surging through your skull.
Your vision blurred for a moment as you stumbled backward, clutching your throbbing cheek. Becky had a wicked smirk on her face as you collapsed to the floor, the taste of blood lingering in your mouth. You had no strength left to defend yourself as she hit you on the head, in the ribs, anywhere she could get the chair on you, over and over again. Eventually she lifted you up, hitting the manhandle slam on you onto of the steel chairs.
You groaned when your back made contact with the chairs, barely able to see through the haze of pain as Becky covered you for the three-count, the cheers and boos of the crowd sounding like a distant echo. The referee's hand slapped the mat, and your heart dropped when you heard the bell ring.
You lost. Everything you've worked so hard for, everything you've wanted for so long, slipped through your hands in three seconds.
Three. Fucking. Seconds. The number repeated in your head over and over again as you left the ring, storming backstage. It's where Dominik found you, pushing past wrestlers and crew members yelling at the ones who gave you pitying looks. "What are you looking at?" You screamed at a screen tech, who froze in fear as you pushed past him.
"Baby!" He yelled, trying to get your attention. You heard him but you didn't turn to him, you couldn't bear to look at him and the look of disappointment and anger he would be wearing on his face. Why wouldn't he be disappointed in you? You just lost in the fucking main event to one of your biggest enemies, and now your title is in her dirty little hands. He was probably disgusted with you right now. And Rhea. God, Rhea was probably repulsed by you right now. You ignored him calling you and quickly made your way to the Judgment Day locker room.
Your fists clenched, and you threw anything within reach—chairs, bags, water bottles—across the room, all while cursing loudly. The sound of your frustration reverberated off the walls, and the locker room atmosphere grew tense. "Fuck!" you shouted, sending a chair flying across the locker room. "This should have been mine! I had her!"
"Mi vida, it's okay! You did your best," Dom finally found you and walked in, trying to console you, his voice gentle, but you whirled around, your eyes blazing with anger. "Okay?! Did you see what just happened out there? I lost! I let everyone down!" Your voice trembled with frustration and regret.
"You didn't let anyone down, mi amor! Especially not me!-"
"Stop lying Dom!" You spat at him, throwing another bag at the wall. "I fucked up, now you and Rhea can go leave me now that I don't have a title. So stop acting like you care!"
Dominik walked closer to you, eyebrows furrowed at your words. "I'm not fucking lying! I don't know who the hell told you this shit, but Rhea and I would never leave you, title or no title." He grabbed your hand before you could throw another bag, ignoring your glare and wrapping his arms around you. "Let go, Dominik!"
"You need to calm down, mi corazon!"
"You should listen to him." The two of you stopped arguing and looked in the direction of the voice. JD Mcdonagh was standing in front of the door, giving the both of you a wry smile.
"Excuse me?!" You asked him with a scowl. Who gave him the audacity to interrupt a clearly private moment between you and Dom?? Dominik tightened his arm around you, giving you a warning glance that you ignored. JD was either oblivious to your attitude to chose to ignore it, acting like he heard nothing from you.
"What do you want JD? We're busy here." Dominik asked with an exasperated sigh.
"I saw what happened out there love."
"So did thousands of fans here and at home. What's. Your. Point." You questioned him, your piercing stare making JD falter for a second before he continued again, and Dominik prayed he didn't say anything stupid. JD already had Priest almost beat him up, he didn't wanna add you to the list.
“I just wanted to tell you have nothing to be ashamed of, honestly." He walked closer to you, a sympathetic look on his face. "And that it's okay, everyone loses sometimes. Some more than others, but not everyone is good enough to win all the time," he said, and Dom facepalmed internally. He might've been Finn's friend, but god was he dumb as shit. Dominik knew this wouldn't end well.
You went silent for a moment, narrowing your eyes at him and removing yourself from Dominik so he didn't get hurt before you hurled a table across the room and advanced on JD, shoving him against the wall.
J.D. tried to stutter out an apology, but your angry glare cut him off. "Mind your own business!" you spat, your voice dripping with venom. "Stop getting in my business! Stop acting like you're a part of Judgment Day! You never will be, you short piece of—"
“Baby, calm down!” Dom stopped you, trying to hold you back before you killed JD. "Calm down, amor.” Dom urged, his voice soft but firm.
You glared at JD for a moment longer before finally letting him go and taking a deep breath, your anger wavering and the sadness you had been trying to ignore consuming your mind. Dom noticed the change in your demeanor and gently put his hand on your face, his fingers grazing your cheek. You looked up at him, and for a moment, all the anger and frustration melted away as you met Dominik's caring gaze. He wiped away a tear that had escaped your eye and whispered, "It's gonna be okay, mi vida. We're here for you, no matter what."
But you turned away, unable to accept his comfort just yet. You didn't deserve it. "I don't want to hear it, Dom," you muttered, your voice choked with disappointment. "I lost. That's all there is to it."
Dominik sighed, his heart aching for you. He knew you were taking this loss hard, and there was nothing he could say to make it better. But he couldn't stand seeing you like this. "I'm proud of you, you know," he said softly, his hand gently turning your face back toward him.
You shook your head, tears threatening to spill over again. "Don't, Dom. Please."
He gave you a disappointed sigh, but he didn't push you any further. "Come on, I'll wait out here, you grab your stuff and we'll go," he said, wanting to do nothing more than wrap you in his arms and take all your sadness away from you. You nodded, and he made his way out of the room while you got your stuff. He quickly pulled out his phone, texting Rhea, who was back at the hotel.
Rhea&lt;3 Were gonna be at the hotel soon, mami. How bad is it, baby? I saw it on the TV. She didn't look okay. It's bad. She's not doing too good. Physically or mentally?
Both, but mostly mentally. I've never seen here like this. She's about to come out the locker room, see you later mami. I'm gonna kill both of those stupid pricks for hurting her. Drive safe, baby <3
You slid out the room, your bag in hand and a look Dominik couldn't read on your face. "You ready?" He asked, grabbing your bag from you. You nodded, and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, guiding you out of the room.
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The drive was mostly silent, with you staring out the window, lost in your thoughts, and Dom stealing worried glances at you.
When you finally arrived at the hotel, you both entered the elevator in silence. You felt Dominiks stare burning a whole through your skin, but you couldn't bring yourself to meet his eyes. You felt like you had let everyone down, especially Rhea. She had been your biggest supporter, and now you had lost the title she had helped you fight for.
The elevator doors opened, and you both made your way to your room. You hesitated for a moment in front of the door, not sure how to face Rhea. But Dom encouraged you to go in first, his hand on the small of your back leading you into the room. As you entered the hotel room, you were met with the sight of Rhea sitting on the couch, her eyes filled with worry. "Baby, are you okay?" Rhea rushed up to you, concern etched on her face. She reached out to check on your injuries, but you pulled away, unable to meet her eyes.
"Leave me alone, Rhea," you muttered, heading toward the bedroom, trying to avoid her touch and gaze. You were sure she was disappointed in you, and it hurt too much to face it.
Rhea followed you, eyes never leaving you as you avoided her gaze, "I know you're probably hating me right now," you muttered, your voice trembling. "You and Dom must be so disappointed. Just break up with me already; I know you want to."
Rhea's face fell, and she motioned for you to sit next to her. You hesitated but eventually sat down when she gave you the look that meant she wasn't playing around. She pulled you into her lap, wrapping her arms around you tightly. She examined the bruises on your face, her fingers gently tracing the marks. "That's not true," she whispered, her voice filled with a softness that few people heard her speak with. "I could never hate you, and we could never leave you, not for something like this. I love you, and I always will."
"I lost, Rhea. I lost the title," you mumbled against her skin, feeling defeated.
Rhea tilted your chin up, forcing you to look into her eyes. "And you'll win it back. I'm not mad at you, love. You did your best. It took two of those bitches to put you down." She stroked your cheek, her anger rising looking at the bruises on your beautiful skin. " I'm angry at Becky and Tiffany, and I promise you, I'll deal with them. But I couldn't never be mad at you, baby."
"But I-"
"No buts." Rhea cut you off, giving you a serious look and tightened her grip around you. "It's not your fucking fault, you hear me?" You nodded, but she shook her head at your action. "I need to hear words, love."
"It's...not my fault." Rhea knew you were still hurting and trying your best, so she didn't push you for more. She gave you a kiss on the cheek and glanced over at Dominik. The two shared a look, communicating without a word. Dominik quickly got up to your side and helped you up. "C'mon hermosa, you'll feel better with a bath. You wanna walk or you want me to carry you?" You didn't say anything, just walked into his arms, making the both of them chuckle as Dominik carried you to the bathroom, his strong arms making you feel safe.
He filled the tub with warm water and returned to help you undress, gently tending to your wounds and bruises. The warm water eased the pain, and you let out a sigh of relief as you sat down. As you soaked in the warm water, Dominik joined you, sitting behind you and gently massaging your shoulders to help ease the tension in your body.
Dominik carried you to the bed afterward, making sure you were comfortable. Rhea joined you on the bed, her fingers expertly massaging your tense muscles. You closed your eyes, feeling the tension slowly melt away under her touch.
"Go to sleep love. We'll be here when you wake up." Rhea whispered to you, stroking your back. You hummed back as answer, and Dominik smiled at your tired state and kissed your forehead. You smiled at the gesture and relaxed into Rhea's arms as you slowly went to sleep.
Rhea gently brought you into the covers, trying to not wake you as she tucked you into the bed. She made sure you were completely asleep before turning to Dominik, her voice changing from sweet to threatening. "I am going to kill Priest."
"Don't mami me. Your injured. Finn's injured. He was supposed to be there for her. I told him to have her back, and he failed." Rhea hissed out, standing up and clenching her fists. She gave him one job, and he couldn't even do it. Didn't even show up. How pathetic.
Dom was quick to sit Rhea back down, trying to calm her anger down. "I know you're mad mami, I'm pissed off too. He left her hanging."
Dom held his hands out, and Rhea immediately slipped her hands in his slightly larger ones. He brought them to his lips and kissed them, relishing in the small smile Rhea gave him. "I know you want to deal with him, but please, for her sake... wait until Raw." 
Rhea sighed, looking away and biting her lip in thought. Dom grabbed her face, gently turning her back to him, meeting her eyes.
She gave him a resigned look and nodded at him. "Fine. You're right, Dom Dom. I don't want to overwhelm her." She turned to you, staring at you sleeping peacefully, looking like every bit of the angel that you are. "But Monday, I'm putting him in his place, and you can't stop me. Got that?" Dom nodded, knowing he couldn't fight her on this even if he tried. Once she wanted to do something, she'd do it no matter what.
"You can deal with him, but you need to get some sleep first, mami." She nodded at him, getting up and going to the bathroom to change into her pajamas. She came back to the sight of Dominik already in his pajamas, sleeping soundly and cuddling into you. She smiled at the both of you before slipping into the bed as well onto your other side. She laughed when you immediately pulled her into you, Dominik stretching out his long legs and throwing it around both of your waists. She cuddled up to you as well, stroking your cheek as she watched the rise and fall of your chest.
Her anger rose as she looked over your bruises and your face swelling at all the hits you took. She forced herself to calm down for you and Dom, grounding herself by caressing your skin. She'd let sleep overtake her later, but as she looked at you, she promised herself one thing.
Everyone who hurt you was gonna pay.
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thecuriousquest · 7 months
S + 3 with Tengen please 🫶
Back to the Beginning
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs @palesweetscherryblossom @chickennugnugnug
Warnings: Yandere themes, SFW, Reader tied up and gagged (not sexually), abusive behavior/punishments mentioned, implied kidnapping, nudity mentioned
“Nothing is ever enough for you, is it?”
I’m fucking screaming because I love Yan!Tengen!!! Thank you, Anon, for giving me this prompt! 🖤🤘
Yandere Alphabet Prompt
Master List
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Utterly ashamed of themselves, Hinatsuru thought it would be a good idea for her, Suma, and Makio to kneel with their foreheads to the ground as they break the news to their husband.
The flashy white haired man clad in dark clothing removes his shoes by the door, lowering the weapon off of his back carefully and putting it in its proper place. All the while, he regards his wives with a raised brow.
“Hinatsuru, care to explain what’s going on?” He can’t help the smile curling his lips. His wives’s antics always bring him amusement.
“It’s…Y/N, Tengen. Please, don’t be mad at her. We found her trying to claw at the window again. She was bleeding from her nails and fingers, so we bandaged her hands and tied her up for her own safety. She’s resting in the bedroom now.”
Suddenly, their antics aren’t all that funny to him.
“I see. You can get up. I’ll go deal with the brat.”
He hears Suma whisper something about you deserving punishment for worrying them and angering him, but he chooses to ignore it as he enters the room all of you share. Sitting down on the bed, he scans your body as you wriggle around with your hands tied behind your back and a gag in your mouth.
“I’m assuming Makio or Suma gagged you?” He doesn’t go to remove it however.
The cloth in your toothy cavern collects drool, feeling damp. You try to get him to take it off of you, but your words come out muffled.
“Yeah, calm down.” He rests a hand on your hip, patting the area lightly. “Do you know what it’s like trying to protect someone so ungrateful? Do you know what it’s like giving them everything and getting nothing in return?” His hand begins caressing your thigh, smoothing over the bare flesh where your skirt splits.
Pulling you close to him, he gathers you into his lap, holding you there securely as he gazes into your eyes. “Nothing is ever enough for you, is it?”
You kick your feet lightly, only trying to create enough movement to escape his grip. It only causes him to hold you even tighter. “I don’t want to have to go back to how things were in the beginning, but I will if I have to.”
That causes you to go still, eyes widening like that of an owl, orbs shimmering with dampness as you remember things you have tried to block out.
The starvation, the vulgarity of his hands on your body, the beatings that would leave you vomiting late into the night, the nights where he would leave you naked and bound to shiver on the floor.
You weren’t allowed to sleep in his bed until you became a “good wife”. He reminded you of this often until you broke, until you one day chose his kindness over his cruelty.
The Hashira presses a kiss against your neck, sighing into you. “I’m going to leave you like this. I’ll check on you tomorrow. Once you learn to behave, we can go back to normal.” Standing up with you in his arms, Tengen takes you down to the sake cellar with you screaming behind the gag. You kick your feet and thrash your shoulders and you rear your head back in anguish.
All too soon, you find him putting you down in the corner of the room, placing a cuff on your ankle which locks you to a deadbolt on the floor.
“Remember, only good wives are treated with my kindness and respect. When you can show me that side of you, then I’ll let you out of here.”
You sob as he turns his back to you, retreating up the stairs. You had tried to escape the Uzui house, and where did that get you? All the way back to where you started.
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p1nkshield · 1 year
Welcome to chapter 3 of the unnamed prompt fill! I had some trouble with tagging people so if you asked to be tagged and I didn’t it wasn’t on purpose! Also lmk what you think this should be called!
The dining room erupted in shouts of confusion and disbelief.
“What do you mean ‘I thought you knew’ Jason?!? How are we supposed to predict that your rock would evolve like a Pokémon?!?” Dick questioned as the spaghetti that was once on his fork inched towards his shoe.
“Bruce was the one who put me on babysitting duty in the first place!” Jason defended
Bruce’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion “I asked you to keep an eye on an unknown asset from a mission, I had no idea the core was anything more than a power source.”
“What?!? How could you not? He was screaming every time they turned that damn thing on!”
Jason surveyed the perplexed looks on his family’s faces.
They all rushed to defend themselves as they all grew more and more embarrassed over their lack of communication regarding Jason’s recent behavior.
Silence washed over them as the child in Jason’s arms stirred securing a tighter hold to his sleeve.
Jason suddenly remembered where he was.
He looked to Alfred, panic stricken and croaked out “help”
Before he could do so another icy orb of light appeared, gracefully transformed into a scroll and flitted gently into Alfred’s hands. Without batting an eye he read aloud.
“If this message has been sent correctly it should currently be in the hands of whomever is the leader of the household entrusted to watch over Young Phantom as he recovers from his injuries. I may have pulled a few strings in the time stream in order to get him to the safest place with enough ambient ectoplasm to allow him to fully heal. Please know that the child you guard is much more powerful than he appears as he is of the infinite realms, a dimension most likely beyond your comprehension.
P.S. Tell Danny that yes, this is normal and yes, his usual haunt and his humans are safe when he asks”
Nobody looked anymore informed by this information.
“Well isn’t that terribly vague.” Alfred noted as he deftly swept up the child from Jason’s arms and carried him to the nearest guest room. Jason followed closely behind him.
Bruce let out a long, tired sigh. As soon as he heard the words ‘the infinite realms’ he knew who held more information about this subject.
“Constantine.” Batman steeled himself for the conversation ahead.
“What a pleasant surprise! The ol spookster has called me of his own volition. What sort of world ending threat is it this time?”
Batman chose to ignore the nickname and remark and began to ask “what do you know about the infinite realms?”
Constantine choked on his drag of cigarette.
“Who… tf… told you about the infinite realms?” A look of genuine worry was painted across his face as he coughed and recovered from the shock.
This wasn’t good, Constantine solemnly addressed his colleague.
“Bats do not meddle with this. If you can back away now. The denizens of the infinite realms vary in strength and temperament. It’s a gamble as to whether they help you or try to skin you alive and with their power set they absolutely can.”
“Too late”
Constantine groaned and looked to the ceiling searching for reason as to why he befriended people who got themselves into such strange and dangerous situations.
“Elaborate please, Batarang.”
“We’ve been elected to watch over a ‘Young Phantom’ as he heals from being unprecedentedly wounded. My team wasn’t aware of this until last night when his situation became more… clear.” Batman began to explain until he was greeted with a new peculiar high pitched noise emitting from the other end of the call.
“You have THE NEW KING?!? Nonono you’re in deep. Don’t call me anymore you only bring destruction to my life! Now I have to come over! Maybe I can smooth things over. Who hurt him this bad?!? Mortals? Mortal humans? It was, wasn’t it? I can see it on your face! You stay right there. DON’T DO ANYTHING. I’ll be over in five seconds.”
Constantine hung up on him.
Bruce sighed as the screen of the bat computer went black.
That went well.
@chrysanthemum9484 @kyrianclawraith @blankliferain @pastalavistamf @sara0055 @pike-s @xye-chan @blackroselina @malice-of-the-sunrise @gin2212 @meira-3919 @addie-lover-of-stories @undead-essence @onlyhereforthechaos @charcoalstainedbones @mimilikey @ectoradiation @persephoneblackrose @farmercale @claudiashq @boo-ghosties @56thingsinaname @insomniaxonline @thefanficcup @alixanterm @terzatheunderscorerima @skulld3mort-1fan
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I'm back to crack posting about my favourite shows and/or characters! =D
We Are ep 8 was gold. It had comedy, friendship, silliness and romance in the absolute perfect amounts.
Warning: long post 😊😅
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This scene with Peem and Matt is peak comedy. I rewatched it so many times hehe
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Phum: I'm gonna ignore every inch of space to stand right beside you. <3
Peem: *bombastic side eye*
Also Peem: *leans into him*
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Khaofang woke up today and chose violence 😭👍🏼
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Let's be honest though, that was not the sibling we'd expected to throw fists.
Meanwhile, Toey: that's my hia Fang 😊
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Isn't that the million dollar question Mick 😭
If they got together already, how would the series run for 16 eps 😭
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Toey with his hias ^ (also Matt edging him on like he's in a competition I'm dying 😭)
Toey with his P'Q:
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However savage Q may be, he still shares the same braincell with his friends 😭👍🏼
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Peem before, when Phum even touched him: LET GO YOU ASSHOLE
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Peem now: *fond, indulging smile* what do you want to do?
*shakes head with a sigh* boys in love ay
The motorcycle 'hold me tightly' trope being reused with a bicycle aka how to make them sit even closer
Peem saying so-so when Phum asks if he looks handsome: Peem, babe, you were the one who called him handsome first remember? 😭
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What secretly. Phum was about as subtle as a football directly hitting your painting (yes I think I'm very funny).
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With all due respect, please get the f out and let my boys be. Please and thank you. :)
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^This is the answer to any question about Pun. 😭👍🏼
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This scene is so, so beautiful. I am absolutely loving how they’re giving friendship/platonic love as much importance as romantic love because yes. I've been waiting for a bl like this forever (or at least since I got into bls hehe-). Bad Buddy and MSP came close, but We Are took the trophy. They love each other so much. Kill for each other? Nah, they'd go together and make that person's life living hell, and that would make my day.
I really really love that they're still so silly with each other in college, and are close to and comfortable enough with each other to be able to be childish and play in the middle of the day, to be each other's safe space.
This friendship is so precious and close to my heart. Even more than the romantic parts of the story, this is what makes me want to watch this series every week to see what new shenanigans they've got up to.
I love them. So much.
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Beer is me, I am Beer.
Smiling at them so softly. Oh, he knows. And he ships. 👍🏼
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This scene was also so beautiful.
They've finally started acknowledging that there's something between them.
I think more than Phum being unable to express himself, he's taking small steps to guage how Peem reacts. He wants them to be on the same page before he takes the next step.
Like with the kiss, he didn't hesitate to talk about it, to tell how much it means to him and then kiss Peem again. But he waited until Peem kissed him first, and till he was sure that Peem wanted to talk about it.
I really like this about him. He's not taking a step back per se, just making sure that when he takes a step forward, he's not leaving Peem one step behind.
Phum explains again and again how Peem is his safe space (his dialogues this time reminding us of Peem's little speech to his own friends and Fang talking about why he likes Tan with Phum), to make sure Peem knows.
It's already been told to us how alone he's been most of his life, so Peem and his ragtag group of friends is very new for him, but it's fun, and it not only brings him closer to Peem but also a friend group - a support system he didn't really have before. Sure, he has Fang, Beer and Mick, and Tan, but it's nothing like this silly little group that puts paint on each other then plays with water and gets almost black out drunk on a regular basis.
Also, did anyone else notice the two matching rainbow coloured jars behind Peem here? No? 👀
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Simp. (affectionate)
I always love these call scenes where one of them somehow travels through his cell phone to land in the other's bed hehe
Peem is so done with Phum and his branded fashion outfits 😭😭
"You were born in Thailand."
Pond and the "I'm Thai" meme 😭
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A bl lead realising he likes someone (his romantic interest) all on his lonesome??
Colour me surprised!
I actually didn't think I'd get to see this happen ever in a Thai bl, but good for him lol
So that's that for this week! If you've gotten this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊
Here, have a bubble tea 🧋
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hangmans-girl · 2 years
Lover (Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader)
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Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Wife!Reader
Summary: The one where you found the most perfect love in the shape of a man named Bradley Bradshaw.
Warnings: None, just pure fluff.
Words: 2,273
Author's Note: I've noticed I have been writing a lot for Bradley these days. I think I should begin with my Hangman fic as soon as I can.
The immaculate smell of cookies emanated through the walls of the house as you and your son, Nick were mixing another batch of cookies. "Am I doing it right, mommy?" Nick asks as his little arms struggled to pull the spatula around the thick cookie batter.
"Yeah, you are. Do you need mommy's help?" You asked. Little Nick shook his head as he tried harder to mix the batter.
"I think I'm good, mommy." He replies.
You nodded as you smiled, ruffling his hair in the process. You then continued to mold the batter into the cookie pan so you could put it in the oven when you suddenly heard a cute giggle from the living room
You craned your neck to get a better view of the living room from the kitchen. Bradley was sitting on the floor with his eyes closed as your 4-year-old daughter smudged some makeup on his eyelids.
"Daddy, you need to sit still."
"Oh okay," Bradley says as he tried his best not to move. His hand wandered around the floor as if he was looking for something. "You think you could give daddy some more of this red one? I feel like the other cheek's a bit lighter than the other, baby girl." He adds as he raises a round blush palette in front of your daughter.
"One second, daddy. I'm almost done with your eyeshadow."
You smiled at the very wholesome scene in front of you. You sat on the kitchen stool as you turned to look at Nick who was currently munching on some cookies while he held a cold glass of milk in his other hand.
In the middle of your trance, some flashbacks from where it all started came flooding in.
Growing up with Bradley meant three things: endless singing, clothes trying-on montage, and running around by the shore the whole day. This continued until both of you grew up and needless to say, this also meant growing feelings for him.
You've always had the hunch that he knew about what you felt about him and that he just chose to ignore it for the sake of your friendship. By the time he graduated from the academy and was subjected to being part of the TOP GUN Programme, he finally cracked.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" He asked, crossing his arms on his chest.
"What do you mean?"
"Isn't this the part where you're supposed to tell me that you love me and you don't want me to leave? I mean, I'll be gone for 3 months."
Your mouth gaped in awe as you avoided his gaze. "W-What are you talking about, you idiot--"
He placed both of his hands on your shoulders as he leaned down to level his gaze upon you. "You're like an open book, sweets. You don't even try to close it."
He tapped your cheek gently as he grinned mischievously, making you scoff in embarrassment. "You knew? All this time?!"
"Yeah, since 10th grade." You couldn't believe it.
"Then why didn't you say anything?!"
He shrugged, "I didn't want to impose. I just thought maybe I was so attractive that you always looked at me in a certain way. But since you just admitted it, turns out I was wrong. You actually like me."
You gasped when you realized what he had just done, "You little-- Ugh! Damn you, Bradshaw!" You marched away from him as he ran to catch up with you.
"Come on now, you can't send me away like this," He whined, still laughing at your adorable reaction.
"Bradley, I swear to God I will punch you--"
"No thanks, but I'll take a kiss. It will last me three months, I think. But I'll let you know if I need more." He winked, making you frown in confusion.
"Bradley, just what are you on about?"
He rolled his eyes as he sighed dramatically. "Jesus, (Y/N). And here I thought I was the idiot one."
"Okay, Genius. You like me back. I get it."
He looked at you in confusion. "Do I?" You groaned as you punched his arm playfully. He chucked lightly before holding your wrists as he pulled you into a warm hug.
"I'm gonna miss you," He whispers on your neck.
You tightened your grip on his body as a response, earning you a soft kiss on your crown. "Now, where's my kiss?"
You giggled at the question. "Come back home in one piece, then maybe we'll talk."
He whined dramatically as he sighed. "Fine, I guess," He started to pick up his things as he looked over to the side where the airstair just opened. "Oh, there goes my ride." He pointed at the plane swiftly to catch your attention before he stole a quick peck on the lips as he ran towards the plane before you could even recover.
You were in complete awe as you stared at his grinning figure from afar, waving at you like a child before he went inside the plane.
After that, you came home smiling like an idiot.
3 months after, when you heard that he was graduating from TOP GUN, you immediately packed your things and flew to San Diego. As soon as he spotted you from a sea of pilots in white uniforms, he pushed his way out of the cramped space and gave you the tightest hug you have ever received from him.
"So, where's my kiss?"
"I believe you stole one 3 months ago."
"Aw, that's not fair. Can I have one as a graduation gift?"
You sighed in defeat. "Fine, just one. Then we'll talk, okay?" You tiptoed as you gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled lovingly at you as he nods, "Yes, ma'am."
When both of you finally had the time to talk, you tried to figure out what to do with your relationship. As per Bradley, both of you didn't need to figure it out since he had already absorbed the thought that you were his, and he was yours.
Bradley was the greatest boyfriend you could ever ask for. He'd bring you souvenirs that he claimed 'reminded him of you' while he was still away, give you massages out of nowhere, and braid or brush your hair for fun while listening to you rant about how the supermarket never restocked your favorite potato chip anymore.
When Bradley was young, he could clearly remember seeing his parents dancing around the living room as he sat there while clapping with joy. He could also remember his parents singing a song while he sat on top of the piano, trying his hardest to sing along to what they were singing.
His parents were the happiest with each other. As he grew up, he reflected on that thought and decided that he wanted that kind of relationship. A pure, happy, and passionate one.
A year after he graduated from TOP GUN, he decided to pop the question. He figured that he couldn't wait any longer and wanted to just take you home with him and be with you forever. Of course, you said yes.
Your marriage was pure bliss. Bradley was very consistent, and he proved himself to be better as the days went by. After a year of marriage, you found out you were pregnant.
Bradley found out about it through a little game you set up when he came home from a mission. You placed a bun inside of the oven and lead him to it as he stared at the oven for a good 10 minutes. "Babe, I think the bun's burning. Don't you think you should take it out already?"
You suppressed a smile as you shook your head. "Nah, it's not due to come out 'till September."
He frowned in confusion. "What? The bun will be spoiled by then---"
You rolled your eyes at his cluelessness. "Jesus, Bradley. I'm pregnant."
He blinked at you for a while, taking all the information in. "Oh." He breathes out. His eyes widened as he suddenly pointed at the oven. "A bun in the oven--Oh my god! You're pregnant! I'm gonna be a dad!"
He lifted you up carefully as you laughed at his reaction. "And here I thought you were so smart, you couldn't even figure that out."
"I'm sorry, babe. I think it's the post-flight brain fog." He grinned before hugging you lovingly as both of you ended up cuddling on the couch for the whole day.
All throughout your pregnancy, Bradley was very hands-on and protective. In your fifth month, he already bought some things to use for babyproofing around the house. When he found out that both of you were having a boy, he passed out.
When Bradley found out that your water broke, he immediately filed for an emergency leave for a week just to be there for you during your labor. But the moment he got to the hospital, you were already holding your baby boy in your arms.
You could tell that he was mesmerized by his newborn with the way he looked at him. He cried for 2 minutes while he hugged the little boy close to his chest as he carried him away from you to get some alone time with him.
When Maverick and Penny came to visit, Bradley refused to let his newborn go. Bradley wanted to hold him for as long as he could, even if his arms went sore. He sat by the corner of the room as he cooed at the little boy in his arms
"Let me hold him, Brad." Maverick says as he earns a groan from Bradley.
"Not today, Mav. I'm having my moment here."
Needless to say, he remained like that for hours.
When Bradley was a good husband, he was also a good father. Unlike any other dad, he loved doing the dirty work. You never knew why he was always so excited about changing the diapers, bathing the baby, and feeding them even if it was messy to deal with. When you saw how happy he was with it, you figured it was just him being a doting father to his firstborn.
When Nick was about 2 years old, there came baby number 2. You cried yourself to sleep after you found out that you were pregnant again and Bradley couldn't be there for you because he was stationed for a year in a different country.
You called him and told him everything. He assured you that everything was going to be fine as he promised to be home as soon as he possibly could.
After a year of being away, Bradley finally came home to a reading little boy and a crawling baby girl.
That night, he cuddled both children to sleep after reading them a bedtime story. You were left to sleep alone in your shared bedroom, but it didn't matter. You just didn't want any of this happiness to end.
In the middle of the night, you felt an arm wrap around your waist as Bradley buries his face on your neck from behind. "I'm sorry for not being able to be there for you when you were carrying our little girl. I promise to do the best I can to make up for the lost time." He whispered.
You used to think that perfect love didn't exist. Little did you know that that kind of love took a human form in a man such as your husband.
"Hey, hun. You okay?" You heard Bradley ask you as you snapped out of your thoughts.
"Yeah," You replied as you turned to look at him and laughed. "Wow, honey. You look...good."
"Yeah, I know, right? I feel like a walking butterfly clip," He says as he poses in front of the mirror, combing the wig with his hand to straighten it up. "Man, I look hot. Our daughter should be a makeup artist when she grows up."
You laughed as you took a minute to absorb his little ensemble. His blonde wig was out of place, he had colorful hair clips around it, and he was wearing a pink, frilly apron from the little tea party your daughter set up a while ago before she decided to mess with her dad's face.
You made your way towards him as you hugged his waist. "I love you so much, Brad."
He hugs you back as he places a gentle kiss on your forehead. "I just hope you didn't do something bad, but I love you more." You slapped his chest gently as you chuckled.
"Daddy, you forgot your earrings!" You and Bradley looked down to see your adorable daughter handing her dad some plastic clip-on earrings. Bradley gladly takes them from her little hands as he clips them on his ears.
"I think this calls for a family picture," Bradley says as he reaches for the camera, pulling the children towards the living room. Nick sat with his plane next to Penelope with her doll as Bradley set up the camera. You sat next to the kids as Bradley ran to sit beside you before the camera flashed. As soon as it ended, Bradley and the kids looked at the photos.
"Mommy's got a third eye."Nick laughs as he looks at the photo before pointing at your forehead. You frowned in confusion as you immediately looked for a mirror, and there you saw a lipstick mark on your forehead. Bradley.
You looked at him as he grinned. "I love you." He mouths at you before looking at more pictures with the kids.
Life couldn't get any better than this.
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lathalea · 9 months
The White Raven 7/9
The next chapter of Thorin and Carra's story is here!
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Relationships: Thorin Oakenshield x OC Carra Rating: G Warnings: mentions of injuries/death/dragon sickness Author's notes: This is the story of Thorin Oakenshield's quest to find the White Raven, a mysterious creature of legends only few were fortunate enough to see. This is the story of love stronger than time, destiny, and laws of gods and mortals alike. You can find this fic on AO3.
Special thanks to @legolasbadass for being a great, great, great beta reader and extra special thanks to Legolasbadass (again!) and @i-did-not-mean-to for our Silm evenings and discussons that helped me write this chapter 💚
Khuzdul: Karkûnê - My Raveness 🌟 Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 ... 🌟
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The tint of Carra’s face closely matched the crispy white colour of the pillowcase beneath it, her silver-white hair scattered across it in disarray. Her eyes were closed, and Thorin held his breath for a heartbeat—before he noticed the slight movements of her chest. 
She was breathing. Still.
Sitting on a makeshift wheeled chair, which Nari, the disgruntled healer, procured from somewhere, Thorin leaned closer towards Carra, biting his lip in an attempt to ignore the pain his protesting body evoked. Another spell of dizziness washed over him again, and his body pleaded for mercy, but he pushed those sensations away. Perhaps Balin and Nari were right, and he should have stayed in bed, but at that moment, Thorin’s own discomfort felt insignificant.
His fingertips brushed against the softness of Carra’s hollow cheek. Her skin was cool under his touch, but warmth still lingered within.
“Carra… Karkûnê…“ he murmured. There was no response. Her eyelids did not flutter to show the iridescent depth of her gaze; her lips did not open to utter his name. She was here, beside him, yet completely out of his reach.
“How long has she been this way?” he asked.
“Since she was brought in here on the day of the battle, Your Majesty,” the healer responded and cast a worried glance at Balin. “Most of her injuries are minor, but she has yet to regain consciousness. We do not know why it takes so long but then again, she is not a Dwarf.”
Thorin thanked him with a nod, and his eyes returned to Carra. Her face and arms were marked with multiple bruises and scarrings—mementos of her confrontation with Azog. He closed his eyes, attempting to get rid of the tightness in his throat. At least a fortnight had passed since the battle ended, and her body seemed to refuse to heal at its regular pace. Throughout the years, he learned how quickly she regenerated; one or two nights should have been enough to cure most of it, and yet, for some inexplicable reason, this did not happen. But…
She was still breathing.
He took her slender hand in his. So soft. So fragile.
“I want my bed moved here,” he turned to the older dwarf, not letting go of her hand.
“Thorin?” Balin raised his eyebrows.
Nari’s stifled cough of surprise reached him at the same time. Thorin chose to ignore it.
“She needs me, Balin,” he looked at Carra’s hand. So delicate in his palm, like a folded wing of a sleeping fledgeling.
The older Dwarf pulled at his beard and cast a meaningful glance at Nari. It was enough to make the healer bow and leave the room, closing the door behind him. Only then did Balin speak again. 
“I assume that you are aware of what message this is going to send, laddie.”
“What message…? I told you, Balin, she is my wife.” Thorin’s eyes wandered to Carra’s peaceful, unmoving face. With his left arm bound up, he had to gently free his right hand and reach into her hair. He let his fingers run through the silver-white strands until he uncovered the marriage braid he had pleated himself. “She watched over us on our way to reclaim Erebor. Now I shall watch over her.”
His mentor sat down on a nearby bench with a grunt, his gaze resting on Thorin’s hand, once again clasped with Carra’s. Thorin could almost feel its weight.
Balin sighed heavily, “There will be trouble with the lords when they hear of it.”
“I have never supported any of their plans of political alliances via marriage as you very well know,” Thorin furrowed his brow.
“Indeed. I still applaud you for how you handled the situation with Lord Yngví and managed to convince Fili to marry Lady Tarja. You killed two birds with one stone!” A shadow of a smile appeared on Balin's lips. “The Firebeards are our strongest allies, and if Mahal blesses the couple with a babe, it will rule over the whole Blue Mountains.”
“It was not a great feat. They were already in love with each other,” Thorin tilted his head.
“But you saw the opportunity and took it,” Balin’s smile grew slightly. “And now it seems I will be the one on the lookout for an opportunity to explain the current situation to the lords. And Dain…”
“She is my One, Balin.” The rasp of his own whisper sounded hollow in the silence of the stone chamber. He had said these words only once before and only to Carra. They were meant to be said not more than once in a lifetime, and it felt wrong to repeat them in this stuffy, dimly lit chamber and not under a star-studded sky with his Raveness in his arms.
His old friend remained silent for a long while. Silent and unmoving, like a stone statue. Thorin avoided looking into his face by turning his attention to Carra’s hand, which he still held. He felt the warmth of his own body seeping through her skin, but it remained cool despite his best efforts.
But she was still breathing. There was still hope, he reminded himself.
“How can it be? She is not a Child of Mahal.” Balin frowned. “She could not have been made from the same piece of stone as you.” “I do not know, Balin,” he shrugged and presented their joined hands to him. “But I do know this: she saved me. Twice. Once—at Rivendell. And the second time… Do you remember my feather, Balin? That is how I overcame the curse. In the darkest hour I took it in my hand. And so I recalled my One—and my true self.”
Thorin glanced at Carra’s face, but it remained unmoving; her eyes closed. 
“My blood sings in my veins whenever she is around. Even now.  It feels almost like when you sing to the stone and it sings back, showing you the hidden veins of ore in its depths.” His voice was but a whisper. “I shall not attempt to understand Mahal’s mysterious ways, but I am certain beyond doubt that she is my Other Half.”
His mentor pulled at his beard once again. “Let us only hope that this explanation will be enough for our people to accept her as their queen. Our kingdom is about to be rebuilt. We need unity, not dissent.”
“You told me once that I have done honourably by our people. That I had a choice… This is my choice. She is. If Carra cannot be accepted, so be it. We have never planned for our secret to see the light of the day and it can remain hidden,” Thorin admitted with conviction. After taking a brief look at her pale face, he addressed Balin once again. “And before you mention the issue of succession, we both know that I have already named Fili as my heir. The lords have no leverage here. I will do all in my power to unite the Seven Kingdoms again, but I will not be parted from Carra. That is my final word on the matter.”
Speaking of a future with Carra, regardless of the shape it would take, felt like a fresh waft of hope. She would wake up—and soon. And then they would keep meeting in hidden forest clearings, secluded valleys, and forgotten caverns, just like they had done for years.
Thorin never noticed when Balin stood up with a grunt. He barely felt his hand patting him on the shoulder.
“Very well, laddie. I will see what I can do about this matter. And now—allow me to leave you be. You have your wife to take care of.”
Thorin’s eyes met Balin’s in an instant. It was impossible to miss neither the softness of his gaze under those white bushy eyebrows nor the warmth in his smile.
“Balin, I…” he began, his voice faltering. Instead, he covered his mentor’s hand with his.
“I know, laddie, I know.” The old dwarf nodded. No other words were needed between them.
At that very moment, something brushed along the inside of Thorin’s palm, as if a butterfly opened its wings.
“Carra!” He brought her hand to his face, hoping to see the repeated motion of her little finger. Gently pressing his lips against the back of her hand, he breathed in the faint scent of snowdrops.
Her face was as expressionless and pale as before, but when Thorin was about to look away, Carra’s eyes darted about once or twice under her eyelids.
It took him one heartbeat to lean closer toward her; before he knew it, he gave her forehead a soft, lingering kiss. The pain and exhaustion he felt did not matter any longer. Everything besides Carra was of no consequence. His One was still there, and this knowledge imbued him with a new strength.
“Fight, Karkûnê. Do not give up,” Thorin whispered into her ear. “I am here, beside you. Do you hear me, amrâlimê?”
He pressed his forehead against hers in an intimate gesture they exchanged whenever they met. Her skin pleasantly cooled his burning hot forehead while Thorin whispered, “Come back to me, Wings of my heart.”
The butterfly circles above the rock basin. Its orange wings flutter gracefully a hairbreadth above the still surface of the water, yet its wings never touch it. Carra cannot seem to tear off her eyes from the afterimages of the spectacle she has witnessed a mere moment ago. More blurred shapes appear in the water, but they are distorted and barely recognizable, fading away quickly.
“Do you see now, Silver One?” The Weaver’s voice fills Carra’s ears. “There are countless possibilities for the thread to run through the loom.”
“But the taint is spreading in the pattern,” the white-haired man, the Water Bearer, says; his words sound hollow. “Everything withers in its wake.”
“There is still hope. Not everything is lost.” The Great Mother walks towards a nearby apple tree. Both its leaves and her gown shimmer in the sunlight. Something tells Carra to follow her creator, and so she does, her legs unsteady.
“Not everything? What about… ” The White Raven’s voice trembles. “Thorin Oakenshield’s life?”
The Great Mother does not reply. Instead, she plucks a large, ripe apple from the tree and smells it with an approving hum.
“Curious creature.” The Water Bearer approaches them from ahead; Carra could have sworn he was behind them merely a moment ago. “Is it the silver dust in your wings speaking or your heart?”
Carra lowers her head—in shame or embarrassment? She does not know which one burns stronger.
She wants to seek redemption—to show that there is still a part of her that is worthy. In fact, she wishes to explain that her question was born solely out of her sense of duty, that her feelings are insignificant, but then her own faint whisper reaches her.
“I speak from my heart,” she says. Always my heart, she thinks.
The Water Bearer and the Green Lady exchange a boundless glance. An eternity seems to pass, as long as one blink of Carra’s eyes.
The Great Mother turns back to her and speaks; a shadow of a smile blooms on her lips, “Then you should already know the answer to this question, my child.”
“I do not understand, Great Mother.”
“Was it not you who alarmed us of the threat to his life?”
Carra recalls the very moment when the Pale Orc attacked Thorin and finds that she does not have the strength to speak. She simply nods as the sense of foreboding tightens its fingers around her throat.
“Your croak echoed so strongly across the tapestry that I almost lost several useful threads!” The Weaver’s voice seems to come from afar, but when Carra turns towards its source, she sees the Weaver standing only a few steps behind her.
“My apologies, my lady,” Carra says faintly. “It was not my intention to cause trouble.”
“Child, you did no such thing. You fulfilled your duty.” The Great Mother shakes her head gracefully, the apple still in her hand. “He is still among the living.”
Something hums in Carra’s ear, and the dread that has been gnawing at her mind finally leaves her; her legs fold beneath her, and she finds herself on the grass, supported by trembling arms. Her heart beats fast, as if after a long run.
Thorin lives. Thorin lives. Thorin lives.
“Thank you, Great Mother.” The world blurs before her, and she needs to wipe away the tears. “Thank you. Thank you.”
“You should be thanking yourself, dear child—it has come to pass through your sacrifice.” The Great Mother extends her hand, and Carra takes it tentatively, lifting herself from the ground on unsteady legs.
The Water Bearer steps towards them. His hands are empty. The butterfly is nowhere to be seen.
“And so the line of Durin remains unbroken,” he says. “So does the pattern.” The Weaver’s elegant fingers move along a thick piece of thread. Its colour makes Carra think of the waters of the Long Lake at dawn. “I was almost certain that this thread would be lost to the tapestry forever.”
The three of them exchange a lengthy glance in silence, and Carra wishes she could understand its meaning.
“Forgive me, Great Mother.” Her throat constricts at her own boldness.” But who will watch over Thorin Oakenshield and his kin now that I am gone?”
“The mettle on this one!” The Water Bearer chuckles, but Carra can barely hear him. A strong gust of wind picks up suddenly, making the leaves rustle in the trees around them. As she looks up, the wind brings another sound with it. A low whisper that reverberates in her ears with longing.
“Carra… Please…”
“Thorin?” Her eyes search the beech grove ahead in hopes of seeing her son of Durin, but there are only tree trunks and shrubbery, and the rustling of leaves. Has she imagined hearing his voice?
“Is that…?” There is a hint of amusement in the Water Bearer’s voice. His white hair dances in the wind.
“That silver in her wings…” the Weaver adds, but before she can finish her sentence, another figure appears in the garden, as if out of nowhere. With a few measured strides, he approaches the Great Mother, who offers him the apple she picked before. He takes it, reverently kissing her on her hand. Even though the newcomer is taller than his companions, there seems to be something dwarven about him. Perhaps it is his robust figure or muscular arms, his long hair, brown as elm bark, or perhaps his thick, braided beard; Carra is not certain.
“Husband mine, it is good to see you here,” the Great Mother says.
“I would not have missed it for the world, my dearest.” The man’s voice is as deep as the deepest mines of Erebor.
The wind picks up again, and the rustling intensifies, but the Great Mother’s spouse remains unmoving; even his hair and garments remain still, as if carved out of stone.
“Karkûnê… Come back to me…”
Carra’s searching eyes frantically move from one tree to the next, from one patch of shrubbery to another, but he is not there.
“Thorin!” Helplessly she exclaims towards the sky. “Where are you?”
“You will not find him here, Winged One,” the Great Mother’s husband addresses her. “He is under his Mountain.”
“But I hear him as if he was here!” Carra does not dare to lift her eyes and look into his radiant face.
“The bond between you is as strong as mithril,” he explains.
She opens her mouth to speak, but then she hears the Weaver’s voice.
“So it is mithril, not silver… What are you up to, Smith?” With her brow furrowed, the ethereal lady glances at her loom. “You are not hammering out a new pattern, are you?”
He gives out a short chuckle, “Nothing of the sort, Spinner. This pattern does not need any adjustments on my part.”
“Because you have already made them,” the Water Bearer interjects, once again standing by the rock basin, the silvery jug resting at its edge. When his all-knowing gaze meets hers, Carra wants to disappear.
“A pinch of mithril has never done any harm to anyone.” The Smith takes a step towards Carra. “Has it, Winged One?”
“My lord, I do not comprehend…” she speaks shakily. “I only wish to know if Thorin is going to be safe now.”
There is something benevolent in his expectant gaze. Is he smiling? He has heard her, surely, but he does not address her. Carra does not understand what is expected of her now. A glance passes between the Great Mother and the Weaver, but Carra remains oblivious to it, her attention caught by a new occurrence. The orange butterfly appears in front of her, its wings fluttering, and then it flies off to rest on the folds of the Great Mother’s robes, as if on a flowery meadow. Standing by her husband, she gives a shallow nod.
“So be it, Smith,” the Water Bearer says. 
Carra blinks, and when she opens her eyes again, she stands by the rock basin once more. This time, the water is black and impenetrable, like the sky on a winter night. An image starts forming, but it feels like a mere shadow of the visions she has experienced before.
*** Thorin sits on a gilded stone bench on a high terrace carved out of the slope of the Mountain. A beautifully ornamented walking cane rests against the wall behind him. A thick fur-lined cloak rests on his shoulders, adorned with golden embroidery. His breath turns into mist in the cold air, and several stray snowflakes find their way to his hair, adorned with braids and golden cuffs. His sunken cheeks and pale skin are in stark contrast with the opulence that surrounds him. A guard passes by and salutes him, only to disappear in the bowels of the Mountain.
Time passes as Thorin gazes into the horizon. Although his left arm remains motionless—his left hand clothed in a glove—his right hand reaches under his tunic. Soon, his ringed fingers emerge, holding a silver-white feather. Thorin presses his lips against its tip and closes his eyes for a moment. He whispers something, but his words escape on the wind.
When an elderly Dwarf clad in burgundy robes approaches him, the feather is still in his hand.
“The delegation from the Woodland Realm has arrived, Thorin,” the Dwarf says. “It is time.”“Time, Balin? It feels like mine has already passed,” Thorin replies.
“And yet they say it is time that heals all wounds,” Balin gestures towards the feather.
Thorin rises from the bench with a pained hiss, helping himself with the walking cane. There is a heavy limp in his walk, and as they enter the Mountain, his solemn voice echoes in the corridor.
“But will it heal mine?” ***
“Your Dwarf rules over his kingdom. There is peace and safety for him and his people,” The Green Lady speaks. “Why the tears, my child?” 
Carra brings her fingers to her cheek. It is wet.
“I failed him, Great Mother. He needs me. I should be by his side, not here!” With her vision blurred, she can barely see the four luminous silhouettes standing around her, the expressions on their faces unreadable.
“You are on the path to the Timeless Halls of your winged kin where the reward for your deeds awaits you. You have earned it, Carra.” The Great Mother’s voice is like a sturdy nest shielded from the elements, like a warm blanket on a stormy night.
“I cannot draw joy from such honours. Not when my mate—the one I love—suffers. I’d rather…” She stops, terrified by her own insolence. Nevertheless, Carra has had to speak out. The vision of the terrifying king on the throne of Erebor, cloaked in darkness and blood, has been haunting her since the moment she saw it in the water. But this image was not as horrifying as her sudden realisation. Thorin’s gaze in her most recent vision, bitter and devoid of hope, was disturbingly similar to the darkness in the dragon king’s eyes.
The Smith gives out a lengthy hum. It sounds like a rumble of a distant avalanche.
“What is it that you are saying, child?” The Great Mother stands before Carra now. 
“I do not have the right to ask, Great Mother, but there is no greater reward for me than seeing Thorin contented and at peace,” Carra explains, and there is no doubt nor fear in her voice now because she speaks for Thorin, not for herself, for the one she has been watching over since she can remember. “His past has been filled with hardships. And now he needs joy, not grief, to heal. I will do anything you ask of me, I will serve you for as long as you wish… Please, Great Mother, do not let the darkness consume him. Does he not deserve a long and happy life now?”
“You would relinquish your place in the Timeless Halls for the sake of this Dwarf?” The Weaver inquires. There are several threads in her hand, but Carra does not see their colours.
“For Thorin’s happiness, I would, my lady. As my last gift to him.” Carra swallows. She has just sentenced herself to oblivion, and yet it does not terrify her in the slightest. Only Thorin’s future matters to her, just like it always has.
“Shall we grant her this reward, husband?” The Great Mother turns to the Smith, who looks at a little pebble in his palm, and then tosses it up, catching it in a blink of an eye later.
“Your devotion reminds me of my own children, Winged One,” he declares. “Know that the path you chose is a path of no return. If you take it, the Timeless Halls will not welcome you. You will become like this stone. Stones do not have wings nor do they dream. Do you understand?”
“I do,” she speaks quietly. “This is the path I want to take.”
“Very well,” the Great Mother grants her a smile as warm as a spring day. In her open palm, a flower blooms. Its countless petals are orange, and it smells like fire.
“You have fulfilled your duty as the White Raven, dear child. We shall bestow upon you the reward you have chosen,” she offers Carra the flower in her outstretched hand. “Accept it, if that is truly your choice.”
“Thank you, Great Mother.” She touches the flower with her trembling fingers. It feels hard, like a piece of stone. “Thank you, Great Smith…”
As Carra closes her hand over the silky petals, a curtain of darkness falls over her, and it is as if the air disappeared from her lungs. She cannot move; she cannot speak. This must be the end, she thinks, and in the cold stillness of oblivion, a familiar sound reaches her ears.
Tap-tap. Swoosh. Tap-tap. Swoosh. Tap-tap. Swoosh.
The loom resumed its work.
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🌟 Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 ... 🌟
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imperfectionist (vinny hong x jo!reader)
jay jo's imperfectionist sister meets the flawful vinny hong.
part 3
part 2 | part 4
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pairing: vinny hong x jo!fem!reader
part warnings: fem!reader, cursing, mentions of blood, descriptions of graphic violence, jo!reader, intelligent!reader, implications of academic pressure, second person's pov (you, you're, your), SPOILERS
It was Friday afternoon, you were free from your academic responsibilities—at least temporarily. 
Jay was sitting on the dinner table while reading his textbooks again, and Kay was in front of the TV smothering Jack, the injured black cat he and Minu found astray, and decided to take in. He's watching a show about weird cat animations with a comical, eye-sorely bright art style again. You left Kay's bungeoppang at the countertop and dropped your keys on the table.
“Kay, stop watching that crap and come eat. It's dinner time.” 
“It's not crap! It's art!”
Your younger brother, Kay, peered at you from behind the sofa backrest.You put your closed fist against the side your waist and frowned.
“I'm surprised you haven't puked cats and rainbows yet. You always watch that show, why don't you watch horror films instead? Give me that remote, let's watch 'Saw'.”
“No! Weird-noona!" Kay withheld the remote behind him when you pretended to reach for it. 
You displayed a sinister grin. “What? Gore films are educational.” 
“Unbelievable! Jay's obsessed with bikes while you're obsessed with… everything!”
“And you're obsessed with watching weird shows!”
“Says the one who's not weird!”
Jay ignored your sibling banter and resumed studying, his eyes blaring at the words on the textbook under his glasses. You're sure he's not going to rest anytime soon. You sighed in hopelessness. You admit how you're quite a studyholic yourself, but you try to give yourself a short break every now and then—discreetly. That's part of the reason you chose to stay in an apartment rather than your family home. 
You get flashbacks of those nights. After a long, draining day in school, you just want to do anything that doesn't involve having to bombard your head with information and reviewers. But then your mother enters your dim-lit room and catches you resting. That's when the constant “Why aren't you studying?”, “I don't want you slacking off”, “Make us proud.” ring in your ear.
Sometimes you only come home to make sure your brothers are still alive. At home, it felt as if taking a break was a crime. You hated how it felt to be watched. It was exhausting how you only matter when you're a high-achiever. It didn't feel like home.
It felt like hell.
“It's the weekend. Shouldn't you at least take a break?” You lightly put your hand against the table and leaned down at Jay.
“I'm good. Thanks for worrying, but you're the one who should rest. You're left with Student Council work. And you tend to overwork yourself too.”
Right. Jay got stripped off of his position of being the Student Council President. You shrugged it off. Jay shot you a glance, until he remembered a question he's been wanting to ask you an hour ago.
“So, why did you suggest Vinny?” He opened up the topic. “You've met him?”
You were a slightly taken aback by his question. Yes, but also no. “No. I don't even know him personally.”
Jay looked at you for a few seconds. He knows you're not telling him something, but he doesn't intend to be intrusive, you can tell him some other time.
“...Okay. But why him?” 
”I just can't think of another escape so my mouth moved by itself. And judging from Dom's protests, surely you won't really recruit him, right?”
Besides, from the way Vinny Hong was ready to meet his death and unremorsefully uttered the words "I'd rather die than pay a hospital bill" that was still fresh in your memory as the picture in your head of the pool of blood from the concrete he sat on that night, months ago, he needs help. But you weren't a savior—you wouldn't just cross the line and pretend you know everything about what he's going through in his life.
You checked your phone's inbox. You clicked the most recent unread message from a group chat made by Dom. Was it Dom? Or was it Minu?
You backread the recent few messages. It's from Minu.
(Sent to Group Chat: Dom Kang, Yuna, Mia, Shelly…+others)
Minu Yoon: Guys, someone came to our school. He's Vinny's friend and he's asking for our help. I'll fill you in with the details later. brb walking with him rn
A friend of Vinny's? Speaking of the devil.
You were going to disregard the messages until Minu's name once again flashed on your most recent inboxes. This time it was a private message.
Minu Yoon: Hello, [Y/N]! Are you currently at your family home? If you are, please tell Jay I'll be out just for a moment. As we both know, your brother doesn't have a message app on his jurassic phone lol
[Y/N] Jo: i am at home right now, sure.
[Y/N] Jo: why are you with vinny's friend by the way?
Minu Yoon: We're trying to call him from outside of his house. I think no one's home. Sung's trying to contact him right now but his number's out of reach. We're here to talk to him to convince him to join the crew.
Then he sent a selfie of him with Vinny's bespectacled friend. He looked like a student about the same age as you, which was confirmed when you looked down on his chest pocket and saw Gunn High's logo. They're in front of a gate.
You purse your lips together, not knowing what to reply. 
[Y/N] Jo: you considered it?
[Y/N] Jo: vinny joining your crew, i mean.
Minu Yoon: Yeah, no. Not really. Me and Vinny aren't exactly on good terms so as I've reacted earlier when you mentioned him, I wouldn't really have given it a thought. But as it turns out, Vinny needs us, too. His friend came all the way here just to ask us to help him. He needs to join the tournament along with a group. It's only a coincidence how you mentioned him earlier.
You asked him more about Vinny Hong, and apparently, the bespectacled guy, who you found out was called Sung, told him about Vinny's situation. Minu filled you in with the details.
So Vinny needs the prize money… to aid his mother's immediate need of a liver surgery?
When you were done with your questions, you reminded him once again to come home.
[Y/N] Jo: come home immediately after.
Minu Yoon: Yes, ma'am :D
[Y/N] Jo: jay wouldn't lock the door. my parents are coming home tonight–
Your fingers halted from typing. Your parents are coming home tonight? Tonight… Aren't they on duty? You checked their schedule on the cork board.
You didn't have the time to even send the message before you briskly ran inside your long untouched bedroom to bring Suki—your apartment roommate, your notes from the hospital training, and a change of clothes from your closet to pack inside of your bag. You didn't even bother changing from your school uniform anymore. You'll just change when you get back to the apartment. All that matters to you right now is to get out of there immediately.
“What's going on?” Jay curiously queried as he heard the sounds of your shuffling and rushed footsteps.
“It's getting dark outside. I gotta go back to the apartment. Suki's coming back from her hometown vacation tonight, too.” 
You gathered your things and got your keys from the table. Kay turned his head to you and aired a quick "goodbye" while also lightly waving Jack's paw to you.
"I’ll see you again, Jack. Make sure to be fully healed by then.”
You petted the black cat's head before walking past the sofa. Jay's eyes followed you as you marched your way to exit the front door.
"You're not going to stay for the night?"
“No. Mom and Dad are coming home tonight.” You put your hand against the door-frame while looking down at your feet to put on your slip-on shoes. Jay immediately got what you meant.
“So what, if we're coming home tonight?” you halted your movements when you heard that arrogant, authoritative female voice.
It's as if the universe was testing you that the very person you're avoiding came to you. It's almost as if you were an animal for the wilderness that triggered their fight-or-flight instincts. You don't want to lie to people, but why is escaping them getting difficult?
"Mom." you cautiously stepped towards her and went in for a cheek-to-cheek kiss. “You're here.”
“My shift finished earlier than expected. Your dad's on his way home too. Where are you off to?” She held one of your arms and leaned back a little to look at you from head down.
You exhaled shakily. “Suki's coming home from Japan, but I have the key to the apartment so she can't enter unless I unlock the door.”
Suki actually has a spare key for your apartment door, you only lied—again, to your mom about it to run off as fast as you can. Suki can handle herself and come straight home after her plane lands. Besides, you already texted her earlier.
Her lip twitched, looking very unconvinced—hell were you not good with keeping up a lie, but instead of trying to pry, she blinked and averted her eyes inside the house, passively accepting your lie as a response.
“Very well. Send my regards to her.” Came her curt reply when she walked past you to come inside, clutching her chanel purse.
“Kids, where's Minu?” She looked ahead to Jay and Kay while taking her shoes off. Minu's living with your family after he ran away from his own home.
"He's left at school with the others.” Jay replied, before he glanced past Dr. Jo and simply waved goodbye to you.
You turned your back from the door to make your way out. The only thing that mattered to you is escaping, but it looks like your mother had something more to say.
“[Y/N].” You stopped your tracks without facing her, and side-eyed her from the front while your body was still facing ahead on the gate, “Mind your grades. I don't want you and your brothers falling behind anyone in all of your semesters this school year.” 
You didn't reply, but you can feel her sharp stare drilling the back of your head. Your brothers inside the house can't hear what she's saying, because she only intended for only you to hear. She quieted down for a while, possibly waiting for your reply but getting nothing in return. Just when you thought she's done talking and you were about to continue walking, her last remark made your blood turmoil.
“One of these days, I'll introduce you to one of my work partners' also medicine practitioner sons. You'll marry to continue our family's line of Doctors of Medicine. You'll honor and represent our family. Set up a good impression on them from now on. Make me proud." 
You gritted your teeth and clenched your fist as your eyes darkened in anger. With all of your might, you faced her and returned her sharp glare.
“I will never agree to what you want for my life, mother. You'll have to kill me before that happens. I'll even go against you, if I have to.” 
With that, you ran off and loudly slammed the gate shut purposefully without giving her a chance to retort. You know you pissed her off and she'll be yelling at you anytime soon, so you left as soon as possible, not bothering to give her time to respond. Your blood boiled as you harshly adjusted your bag on your shoulder. Marriage? "Continue our family's line of Doctors of Medicine"? That's just bullshit, she didn't even ask my opinion!
You don't know where your feet are taking you anymore. You just wanted to go as far as you can from your house. The sky was already dark and the bustling atmosphere was still present, but now toned-down. Your eyes blurred in anger as you harshly stomped and accelerated the pace of your walking. Marriage… I never be ready for something like that.  During your walk to god knows where, you find yourself in a deserted alley. And because of your preoccupation, you didn't even notice how a man found his way and crept behind you. His presence made you shudder.
“Hey, pretty girl. Are you from near here somewhere?” The male whispered to your left ear. “Drop your belongings and I won't hurt 'ya.” he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. 
You immediately checked if he's armed. No weapons? That's suspicious.
“On second thought, you're kinda hot," he scanned you from head down. "...and your legs are long. How about… I let you go if you compensate with your body?”
Something inside you snapped, and the anger you felt earlier doubled. Fucking men and the way their fucking brain works. 
You glared and looked down on him. “Get the fuck out of my way, motherfucker.”
The man's sinister smile quickly vanishes as he takes offense at your words. “You sharp-tongued bitch!” 
He raised his hand to smack you, but you expected his offense so you went in first and swung him a jaw-breaking punch.
“How dare you fucking touch me. I just came from a fucking stress room. You raised my blood pressure and stress levels more.” 
You kicked his face continuously with the edge of your heel. You made sure the sharp edge hit his face hard. At that moment, your mind was out of the gutter, and you didn't intend to stop anytime.
“Agh! Whore! Crazy bitch!” he let out another muffled groan when you stepped on his face and put your weight on your feet. When he attempted to get up, you hit his face with your knee.
But little did you know that you missed the hooded man meticulously emerging from the dark, carrying a knife whose blade shone under the moonlight sneaking up behind you.
“Hurts like a bitch, doesn't it?” You sadistically smirked down at the helpless man once again under your heel.
You looked around and saw a broken glass shard near his head. You bent down and scanned it, before you aimed at his neck. As you pull your hand back, recoiling slightly to charge before stabbing, you felt something sharp pierce your lower back. You didn't see what it was, but you felt how it drilled in your flesh and you didn't have time to react.
Now that, that hurts like a bitch.
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thankyoucherrymuch · 1 year
I wish every morning could be like this
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pairing: pre-outbreak!joel x f!reader
summary: waking up before Joel, you feel that a certain part of him is in need of some attention and you’re more than happy to help out.
word count: 1.9k
warnings: 18+ MDNI, fluff, smut, established relationship, hand job, fingering, praise, use of pet names, unprotected piv, no use of y/n
a/n: this is my first fic. I’m very excited yet nervous to finally share something with everyone. Please feel free to leave any feedback, I would really appreciate it<3 + English is not my first languages, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes you might run into along the way.
The first rays of sunshine shone in through the window, slowly waking you up from your slumber as they hit your face. You feel Joel’s warmth beneath you as your head is resting on his chest, both of you still deprived of your clothes from the night before. You decide to stay still like this for a little longer, enjoying the comfort and intimacy the both of you share in this very moment as they don’t occur that often.
Deciding to get a bit more comfortable you move your leg up to rest on his. And that’s when the feeling of something hard comes in contact with your thigh. Not having to think much about what it could be, you move your head up to see that Joel is still fast asleep, fully unaware of his erect member resting below the sheets. His hardness making the memories from the previous night flood back into your mind, moving your hips to relieve some friction. He is sleeping so peacefully, you would feel guilty to wake him up for your own selfish desires. Trying to ignore these growing desires for him, you lay your head back down on his chest and close your eyes.
A few minutes pass until the inevitable wetness slowly starts making its way down the insides of your thighs. Deciding to give into your selfish desire, you reopen your eyes and let out a long breath. You think of a way to wake him up peacefully, not wanting to be met by grumpy Joel this early in the morning.
Lifting your head up once again you start leaving chaste kisses on his chest, slowly moving towards his neck. Still peacefully asleep, you decide to leave longer kisses on Joel’s neck and behind his ear, being aware of his weak spot there. Unbeknownst to you, Joel wakes up from his slumber, thanks to your actions, and is now fully awake, a small smirk slowly making a way onto his lips.
“What are you doing?” he says, slightly startling you. The fact that he had just woken up evident in his raspy voice. You lift your head up to look at him, beautiful tired brown eyes looking into your own. “What does it look like?” you answer playfully before slowly bringing your lips towards his. Your lips meet and a bolt of electricity shoots through your body. Even after all this time together, Joel still has this effect on you. Even just a simple look in your direction by Joel makes you feel like you’re a teenager again, in love for the first time, butterflies flying around your stomach. The love that you feel for the man currently trapped beneath your body is intense, passionate and true. He is your other half, your soulmate. Life before him feels like it was not yours and life without him is unimaginable.
The kiss starts of slow and passionate, both of you finding a sense of calm in each other’s lips. Your hand that had come up to rest on his chest starts making its way down his body, coming closer to the place on Joel’s body that currently required the most attention. He noticed your hand moving downwards but chose to ignore it, already knowing its destination.
Finally reaching his fully erect member, your hand ghosts around it for a bit, teasing him, before wrapping it around his shaft. A muffled groan leaving his lips as you start stroking your hand up and down. Breaking the kiss, you resume back to your previous position by kissing his neck and making your way back down to rest on his chest once again.
“Move the sheets aside,” you say to Joel, a look of confusion painting his features. “Move the sheets aside,” you repeat while looking up at him, “I want to watch.” An uncontrollable moan leaves his mouth at this statement and he quickly obeys your order, “Baby, you drive me crazy.” A smirk appears on your lips and you look back down to finally see your hand wrapped around him, the sight sending a shockwave to your aching core. The scene in front of you feeling insanely erotic.
Joel is now also looking down at the place where your body is meeting his as he wraps an arm around your shoulders, lightly squeezing it as a sign of his appreciation for you. At this small but meaningful gesture, your hand starts to move faster, resulting in Joel closing his eyes and throwing his head back, a delicious groan leaving his lips.
The intimate feeling of being so close to each other and your current view makes a new desire creep into your head. One you have no problem of giving into.
Your hand lets go of his shaft before lifting yourself up. At the loss of contact, Joel reopens his eyes and looks down to see why the pleasure he was feeling came to a sudden end, only to be pleasantly surprised by the scene that was now unfolding in front of him. You move down his body until your face is hovering right above his groin. Hesitation or patience seem like words that have never existed to you in this world as you lower your head and immediately wrap your lips around him. The ache in your own core building up more and more as you finally taste him again.
Your head starts to bop up and down. One of your hand coming up to join to party and help you out on giving the man currently looking down at you with lust filled eyes the most pleasure you were able to give him in this very moment. One of his hands comes down to find purchase in your hair, slightly tugging on the strands of hair he had managed to wrap around it. “Keep going just like that, baby. You make me feel so good… what have I done to deserve you…”
The praises that leave his lips go straight to your core and your speed starts to pick up. Being praised always had an effect on you, something Joel is very aware of. He picked it up early on in your relationship, only becoming more evident once you first made love to one another.
You kept bobbing your head up and down as your hand helped you out when you started to feel his member twitching in your mouth, indicating that his sweet release was inching closer and closer. As much as you’d love to have him finish inside of your mouth, shooting his release down your throat for you to taste, you had your own needs that had yet to be met. So before he could finish, you broke off all contact with his shaft, a whine slipping between his lips he had pressed together in a tight line, something he always did when he had to concentrate.
“I have to feel you,” you say before Joel even has a change to ask you why you’ve stopped. You hover your hips above his as you let your hand that was previously wrapped around him slip down to your core, inserting two fingers into your aching hole. The wetness that had build up making it easy as a moan left your lips. You move your fingers in and out, relieving yourself of the desire that had been building up and preparing yourself for what was to come. “You’re so beautiful,” Joel said as he looked at you pleasuring yourself, the view making his member twitch.
Letting your fingers slip out after a while, you grab his shaft once again to line him up with your awaiting entrance. Slowly, you lower yourself down on him, a moan leaving the both of you as you finally connect. Once he’s fully inside, you lean your hands down onto his chest for support as his find their way to your hips.
The first movement of your own hips makes your head fall back, the feeling of finally having him inside of you making you see stars. You keep moving your hips at a slow and steady pace, enjoying the pleasure that it brings to you. Looking back down at Joel, you find him already staring up at you, his hands giving your hips an affirming squeeze, motivating you to keep going.
“Fuck, just like that baby,” he groans, “you feel so good wrapped around me.” One of his hands leaves your hips to wander of to your chest, squeezing your breast once he reaches it, a loud moan slipping past your lips. “That’s it… let me hear you. Let me hear how good you’re making yourself feel. Looking so pretty on top of me.” In this moment you are sure Joel is going to be the end of you, the praise making moans slip out of your mouth uncontrollably, nails pressing into his chest.
You want to feel him closer. You want every inch of your body to be connected to his, every nerve ending feeling the exact same thing, him.
Your hands move up to his shoulders, slightly tugging at them, hoping he gets the hint. And of course he does. You halt your movements as he starts to sit up, your arms now wrapping around his shoulders as his wrap around your waist. Your lips finally reconnecting in a hungry passionate kiss.
Your hips start moving once again, the position making everything feel so much more intense. You feel one of Joel’s hands slipping from your waist down to your ass, helping you move on top of him while maintaining a firm grip on one of your cheeks. “You make me feel so good, Joel,” you say as you bury your face in the crook of his neck, “So, so good… So big inside of me… You make me feel a type of pleasure I have never felt before.” Joel loved being praised, even if he didn’t show it much, but the hitch in his breath and the twitch of his member told you everything you needed to know.
His other hand now left your waist as well, joining the other by keeping a firm grip on your ass. This subtle roughness making the pleasure building up inside of you threatening to burst. “I’m so close, baby,’’ you say while lifting your head up and staring deeply into his eyes. Your arms leave his shoulders as your hands come up to cup his face, leaning forward to press a long kiss to his lips. “Me too,” he says after you break the kiss, your lips still lingering dangerously close to one another.
One of Joel’s hands slips to your front, putting pressure to your bundle of nerves. And that was all it took for you to come crashing down. Your climax hitting you hard as your head falls forward to lean on his shoulder, body convulsing in his arms. Joel followed suite, your climax triggering his own as he painted your walls with his release, a relieved moan leaving his lips.
Joel recovers from his high first, his hands comfortingly stroking your back as you take a little longer. You slowly make your way back down to earth, lifting your head back up to look him in his eyes. As soon as the both of you make eye contact, a smile starts forming on your lips, mirroring the one already plastered on his. No words need to be exchanged as you wrap your arms around him, both of you enjoying the silence you currently find yourselves in.
Joel leaves kisses along your shoulder and collarbone before hovering his lips by your ear, whispering, “I wish every morning could be like this.”
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sayafics · 11 months
Just For A Moment - Part 1
Jay Halstead x OC/reader
This is my first time trying to write something angsty, so please be kind! I've seen quite a few fics where the partner always gets seen when they see their SO cheating, and its always teary denials and breakups, I wanted to put a spin on it and go down the line of "she knows, but she doesn't tell anyone" and the OC kind of just thinks of them as broken up and strangers without telling their SO that.
My plan with this storyline is that everyone kind of sides with Jay because no one really knows why she's being so cold with him, and it just carries on building until it reaches the breaking point. The question is, who'll break first?
Please let me know if you enjoyed this!
TW: cheating, (slightly?) angsty
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Voight had extended an offer for Aurora Gallo to join his Intelligence department a few days after Erin had left, Erin's departure left a gaping hole in the team and Voight was hopeful that Aurora would be the one to mend it.
Aurora was the daughter of an old friend of Hank's. She'd spent a few short years working her way through different organisations such as the CIA and FBI as an undercover operative.
But she needed a break. She was slowly losing herself in the multiple lives she had lived, and she needed a change.
Aurora hadn't expected the offer from Voight, but she was grateful all the same.
She moved to Chicago shortly after his offer, joining the Intelligence office and being partnered with him.
Jay Halstead.
Jay was an enigma - one she couldn't get enough of.
She had heard the rumours, of course. Of how Jay had been in love with Erin before she left.
And she had been the one to replace Erin, in both the team, and now in Jay's life.
It was hard not to draw comparisons. The whispers of the department always found their way to her, and, sometimes, when she looked into Jay's eyes, she always thought she could see him longing for more.
But she told herself not to worry, that Jay cared for her, that Jay chose her.
Not Erin, and definitely not anyone else.
That's what she continued to tell herself. Even after Hailey joined the team, even after Hailey found ways to get close to Jay when she wasn't his partner.
Soon, the small habits that Jay carried out for Aurora, he would carry out for Hailey too.
Checking up on her after a tough case, bringing her coffee in the mornings, dropping her off home after a late day at work, and picking her up bright and early in the morning. All of it, once done just for Aurora, were now moments and memories she shared with Hailey.
And just like that, those actions lost their meaning. But Aurora learnt to hide her hurt, instead choosing to ignore her heart and listen to Jay.
They were just friends.
That was what Jay had said the first time she expressed her concerns over their relationship, and she believed it. That everything Jay did for Hailey was out of the goodness of his heart because he was just so good.
So, on the night of their six month anniversary, when Aurora had dolled herself up and grabbed the cake, she had spent the whole day baking, on her way out of her apartment, she had left with a heart full of love and excitement.
The team had the day off today, and she had spent most of her morning at Jay's house before drumming up an excuse to go back to her apartment so she could finish her preparations.
Aurora held no sadness in her heart at the idea Jay might have forgotten their six month anniversary, after all such a thing wasn't significant to everyone.
But it was special to her, and she wanted to celebrate it with Jay - surprise him even.
Before leaving his place, she had asked Jay if he had plans, and he denied saying his only plan was to drink beer and watch the game. The revelation had calmed her nerves as she promised to text him later if she was free, knowing that she wouldn't because she wanted to surprise him instead.
And that was why she now stood in front of Jay's apartment, a small box with the cake she had baked and decorated that afternoon laid by her feet as she rummaged for the spare key Jay had given her for emergencies.
This seemed like the biggest emergency of all. If she stayed outside any longer, the frosting on her cake would melt off. And no one likes melted frosting.
As she quietly opened the door, she prayed silently that Jay had fallen asleep on the couch as she bent over to pick up her cake before walking through the door. As she closed the door behind her, her heart had calmed at the silence that rang through the apartment, hopeful that Jay truly had fallen asleep so she could set up the kitchen table before waking him.
She had taken two steps towards the kitchen before her eyes landed on the couch, and through the dim lights of a table lamp, she could make out that it was empty. She frowned slightly, hoping Jay wasn't asleep in bed - he rarely slept well, and the idea of waking him from a deep sleep rather than a nap would have just made her feel guilty.
If he had, she would just have to surprise him in the morning, and the thought brought a timid smile onto her face.
She continued her walk towards the kitchen, her steps quiet but hurried as the skirt of her deep blue dress billows around her thighs. She sets the cake on the kitchen counter, hands ready to lift up the lid to see the damage her journey here had done to the cake before she heard it.
Aurora felt her heart sink, pressure building in her sternum as the sound she heard repeated over and over again, not only in her head but in the apartment.
It sounded like... a woman?
She felt her breath stutter, the quiet moans she heard building in volume as she slipped her heels off and treaded cautiously towards the room she knew to be Jay's. After all, she and Jay had been in there many times.
As she got closer towards the room, her hands trembled as she stumbled, her feet catching on clothes thrown astray. The sight caused her to hesitate, frozen in a stupor as she looked at the articles of clothing which littered the floor.
Shoes, trousers, shirts. Women's clothes.
Aurora screwed up her eyes harshly, her breaths coming out in ragged pants as she tried to control herself, trying to convince herself that she was wrong. That Jay couldn't do anything wrong. He cares about her. He loves her. He said so himself. Her Jay wouldn't do something like this.
She opened her eyes, determination painted her gaze as she continued her path to Jay's room. His door was cracked open, and she held her breath as she peaked through.
Aurora's heart fell to the ground - shattered and broken. She had hoped, and she had prayed that the grunts and pleas - sounds she was so familiar with - were just a trick her paranoia was playing on her.
But looking into Jay's room, there was no denying it.
There sat her boyfriend, on the bed they had made love in, fucking another woman. Jay was leaning against the headboard, his head thrown back in pleasure as his hand gripped the waist of the blonde woman perched on his lap, his knuckles blanched as he ground her hips against his, the motion causing a moan of pleasure to wrench itself from her throat, his name on her lips as she spoke - "fuck, Jay, I'm so close."
The blood had drained from Aurora's face, she knows that voice.
"I know, baby. I'm close, too. God, Hail you feel so good."
Tears began to well in Aurora's eyes. Jay calls her baby, and now he's called her too?
This wasn't some one night stand or some mistake. No, Jay cares about Hailey, so much so that he is willing to betray Aurora to have her.
Aurora's throat ached as she held back her sobs, her heart burning in agony as she stepped back quietly from the door. She made her way back to her things and hastily grabbed her box of cake and shoes as she scrambled away from Jay's apartment, running away from the her own nightmare.
She made it to her car, hands shaking as she shut herself in and sobs poured out from her.
Aurora had no one to go to. She didn't know the team as well as Jay, and she hadn't been around Chicago enough to make close friends. Her previous career and her lifestyle made it hard to make friends, much less keep them.
And now, when she needed someone the most, she had no one.
And she had lost the one person she thought she could always go to.
Aurora's eyes were filled with tears, and her heart filled with pain as she drove home. Her hands were shaky on the steering wheel, and she relied on muscle memory to bring her back to the place she felt the most safe in.
The place she had allowed Jay in, the place she was the most vulnerable in. And he ruined it. He ruined her.
Without warning, anger began to bubble in her chest. Anger towards herself for being so naive to believe Jay when he said they were just friends, anger towards Jay for lying to her, for betraying her, anger towards Hailey for being a friend to her only to betray her too.
The anger that built up in her on the drive home festered throughout the night. As Aurora lay in bed, struggling to quieten her mind enough to get some sleep, her eyes burning from all the tears she shed and her throat raw from her screams and cries, she felt her anger morph into dread.
Tomorrow, she would see the man that betrayed her, and the woman she called a friend.
On her nightstand, her phone continued to light up the ceiling as notifications popped up. But Halstead's texts went unanswered.
The next morning, Aurora had awoken from a restless sleep, and she instinctively reached for her phone, a ghost of a smile on her face as she looked for the sweet 'good morning' messages her Jay would send her every morning.
Hey baby, you okay? You didn't come back over yesterday.
Aurora felt her smile falter - the most recent text Halstead sent caused the memories of last night to flash past her eyes. The remembrance of his lies and his betrayal once more brings tears to her eyes as they fall, leaving hot trails in their tracks.
Her eyes then fall to a text from Voight - Case. Meet at 9.
It was currently 7:30am, which gave her plenty of time to pull herself together and push away the dread of having to see the two people she trusted most after their betrayal.
She pushed herself out of bed, shuffling towards the bathroom - dear God, she looked a mess. The makeup from last night still painted her face, but her mascara and eyeliner were now smudged and drawn down her cheeks in smeared streaks, and through the smudged-off makeup, the faint lines of the scars she hid could be seen.
And her eyes, they looked sad.
And that realisation made fury bite at her, she looked so pathetic.
God, it was her fault. To let him in so easily, after all she had been through and all she had learnt about men. She had still gone and trusted one with her heart.
Aurora had come across all kinds of men and stood against them undefeated - those who beat their wives and children, those who hurt and raped the innocent, those who killed without fear of consequences and those who tortured with hearts full of glee.
And yet, it was Jay Halstead who broke her. All because she let him in, let him get too close.
Determination set in her gaze once more. She wouldn't let Halstead be the end of her. No, she was stronger than that, better than that.
With that thought in mind, Aurora got ready to face the man she once called her boyfriend and the love of her life.
When Aurora stepped into the district, it was obvious to Sargent Platt that something was different.
She looked the same - her hair pinned up in the same sleek ponytail, dressed in the same long sleeve jumper and cargos. But her face was void of emotions, and her eyes looked like they were drowning in them.
Sargent Platt liked Aurora. She was a good kid, and despite all the years she spent around violence and horror in her years undercover, she had managed to keep a pure heart and a joyful soul.
It seemed now that both of those things had been drained out of her.
"Hey, kid. Come here a sec."
"Sorry, Sargent, got a case," Aurora nodded stiffly in Trudy's direction before walking up the steps to the intelligence office.
Aurora has called her boss, even Platt. When she tried to push her friendship with her, Aurora would even call her Trudy, sometimes, in a teasing manner. But she had never been so formal, so devoid of emotion.
Trudy felt worried for the girl, her mind running countless scenarios as she wondered what had made her lose her light in such a short amount of time.
When Aurora had made her way up the stairs, the office was already buzzing, her team talking and walking around in circles as they discussed the case on hand - a twelve year old boy had been kidnapped, this was the third case over the last ten days and the other victims had been found dead. Homicide had turned up empty in their investigation, and given how close the last case was to their district, Voight offered to take it off their hands, to which they gladly agreed.
She looked over her colleagues, scanning the room for the one person she was unsure of if she would want to see. But it seems his eyes found her first.
"Babe, there you are," Jay's voice sounded exasperated as he leapt up from his seat at his desk, and just like always, Hailey was hovering over his shoulder.
Usually, the action would cause her to feel slightly annoyed, the feeling being quelled when Jay would hold her hand or kiss her cheek or just say her name.
Now, the sight brought a burst of emotions, all of which she fought down and locked away to face at another time when she was alone and it was safe to be vulnerable.
Halstead made his way to her, his hands cupping her cheeks as he looked at her in concern, "baby, you didn't answer my texts, I was so worried."
Aurora shrugged lightly, her face still blank as she found she had no energy to even fake a smile to him, "I was tired."
No apology, no placation. Because he didn't deserve that.
It seemed that Jay had noticed her lack of reason and apology, too, the concern in his eyes growing as Aurora pushed his hands down gently - "we have a case to work."
She pushed past him and walked to her desk, ignoring the 'hey, Aurora' Hailey had thrown her way, grateful when Voight had chosen that exact moment to step out of his office and brief them.
Unbeknownst to her, Jay continued to eye her in worry. He had already been struggling to fight off the guilt he felt when he stepped out on Aurora and slept with Hailey, but to see her so drawn away and isolated only made that grow. Paranoia ate at his heart, but he knew there could be no way she caught them.
Voight had given them the basics of Aurora's past career as an undercover agent, and Jay knew that if she had caught him and Hailey, they would be working on their murder case right now instead.
What do we think? Do we want a part 2?👀
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tomuras · 9 months
hi bubby🫶 could i have jing yuan with hurt/comfort after where the main quest currently left off? with him getting you know.. reader hears the news and yeah🫣 i hope you can do something with this, if not feel free to ignore it bubs!!
I barely remember the quest so if I get some info wrong I am sincerely sorry lmao I am very much more a genshin than a star rail player, but I still love the game. So, here goes nothin <3 I altered some things a little bit to make this more angsty but other than that??? Enjoy?? Lmao Also this is my first time writing for Jing Yuan so if I mischaracterized him I’m so sorry </3
Jing Yuan x Gn!Reader
Warnings: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, Gender neutral reader, hurt/comfort, Trailblazer quest spoilers, Blood and injury (Jing Yuan), I added some details that aren’t in the quest so this fic may not follow canon 100%, you’ve been warned, Crying, Jing Yuan is bedridden, about 700 ish words. I apologize if this is ass but I genuinely like it so who cares. 
When you heard the news, all noise became silent. Nothing moved, only your body which moved in slow motion. You remember hearing what happened but not the travel from home to his bedside. You squeezed his hand tightly and let your tears fall onto his blood soaked bandages. He looked so weak and yet, still so strong and optimistic. You couldn’t imagine a life without him by your side. You couldn’t imagine a life without his sunny beams radiating down on you, and the reality that you might only made you cry harder than you already were. 
Small sniffles turned into heart wrenching sobs. You couldn’t lose him. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. This man was your everything and without him you were practically a puddle left after a heavy rain shower. You clung to him and sobbed until you felt the warm touch of a hand wrapping around your waist slowly and weakly. Jing Yuan. You lifted up your head to take a good look at him, scanning his face for any sign of further injury. If he was in pain then he hid it well behind his crooked smile. Even in moments like this he was so cheerful, but why? Didn’t he know he was allowed to show fear? Pain? Resentment? Even anger? He must’ve known, Jing Yuan is a smart man, after all.
“Are you okay?” You asked frantically.
He nodded with another smile, closing his eyes and wincing as he moved to adjust his position. “Mhm, peachy.” 
You could sense a tad bit of sarcasm but chose to ignore it for now out of fear that if you over thought it too much, that it would cause hurt feelings. Besides, what mattered now was taking care of your partner. 
“How are y-” He began to ask, but was quickly interrupted by you.
“What were you thinking? You could’ve gotten hurt, you did get hurt. You could’ve died.”  You scolded him. 
He looked away with an expression that was a mixture of embarrassment and annoyance, but he knew you were just scared beyond belief. “I know, I know, I should’ve been more careful.” 
You stared at him for a long while, both of you stared each other down until Jing Yuan eventually broke eye contact to let out a great big sigh. Squeezing his hands tightly with both of your hands you leaned in to give him a small kiss on the forehead, your lips shivered as tears fell down your cheeks. Jing Yuan wiped away your tears and shushed you, welcoming you into his arms regardless of the pain, and held onto you. 
“Shh, shh, it’s okay. Everything is okay now.” He reassured you. 
You curled up in a ball as you laid in his arms, holding onto him dearly as he shushed you into a quiet and peaceful slumber. Soon, he followed suit and fell asleep holding you in the hospital bed. You practically cried yourself to sleep but you couldn’t help it, not when the man you loved was alive, somewhat well, and holding onto you tightly just as he would if he were in full health. Maybe, not entirely in the same way, but it was pretty damn close. Days passed and you never left his side, not until he fully recovered and was back to the old Jing Yuan everyone knew and loved.
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buckysred · 2 years
Valkyrie x Fem!Reader 
Summary: You've got some cuts and bruises on your face and Valkyrie is determined to help you. 
Warnings: Cursing, lots of fluffy fluff, reader has medium to long hair?, hurt/comfort, terrible editing
Word Count: 1700
A/N: This is quite possibly my favorite character I’ve ever written for. I love Valkyrie and she deserves more love. Please enjoy and let me know what you think! <3
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“What is that there on your face?”
You were currently standing in front of your bathroom mirror, getting ready for bed, when Valkyrie’s voice rang through the air. Through the mirror, you could see her standing there with her arms crossed and eyebrows drawn tight. You thought she wasn’t supposed to be back from her mission until tomorrow.
You huffed out an exhausted breath and attempted to hide the cuts and bruises adorning your face behind your curtain of hair. “Hey, you’re home. I didn’t think you’d be back until tomorrow night.”
All you got was the same remarkable glare and steadily growing impatience from her with every breath you took.
You sighed, defeated. “Nothing. It’s nothing, really.”
Her head tilted to the side mockingly. “Oooh, right. So, let me guess, those purple spots and red slices across your face, is what, just paint? Or no, maybe it’s food from supper?”
You rolled your eyes at her dramatics. “Vee, please. I’m tired, can we talk about this in the morning? I’ve missed you.”
The ridicule in her face melted, turning into one of disbelief. “Are you serious right now?”
Turning away from the sink to face her, giving her a full look at the messy array of your face, you gave her a tentative smile. “Um, yes, please?”
She threw her arms out from their crossed position, exasperated. After a paused moment, she started to take quick steps closing the gap between you. “No. Absolutely not.” Valkyrie reached to put both of her hands on your face.
In response, you tried to bat away her inspection, but one sharp glance from her had you stopping your assault.
You scowled at her, but your chest filled with warmth at her attention. A small smirk worked its way onto Val’s face. “You’re cute when you’re trying to act put off.”
“I’m not trying to do anything. I am put off,” You grumbled under your breath.
Since you both were so close, Valkyrie heard your words, loud and clear, but she wisely decided not to comment further.
In her close examination of your face, she poked a particularly gnarly bruise on your cheekbone, which caused you to let out a yelp.
“Whoops. Just trying to make sure it’s not actually really paint or food.”
Your scowl deepened. “Har-Har.”
Amusement flitted across her eyes, loosening the scrunch of her eyebrows. “I can see you don’t find it very amusing, but I thought it was quite funny.”
You knew this little routine well. Ever since Valkyrie lost her sisters to the death goddess, Hela, her willingness to be openly emotional wasn’t very often. But something, in particular, sparked in her when anything happened to you. Always the protector, your Vee.
When you decided to speak next, your voice was sincere, “I am fine, you know. I’m not going to kneel over from a couple of scratches and bumps.”
Valkyrie chose to ignore that. She let her fingers lightly dust across your forehead where you knew a particularly bad pair of scratches lay.  “These need to be cleaned to keep from possible infection.” You opened your mouth to protest, but she held up a finger in front of your face. “And no arguing. If you want to do something useful with your mouth, I have some ideas, but until then, keep it shut, yes?”
Your eyebrows raised in surprise at her bluntness, but you couldn’t help the smile that bloomed across your mouth. Valkyrie rolled her eyes at your goofy, lovesick grin and grabbed your wrist, and led you to the toilet seat. She gestured down to it. “Sit.”
And you sat. Because in the end, fighting her was nearly pointless when it came to things like this.
Valkyrie turned away to reach into the medicine cabinet. She mumbled to herself as she searched, “No, no. Definitely, not. Uh.. oh, is that? No…,” and then, finally, an “Ah, ha! Gotcha,” flooded the air, and you knew she finally found the first aid kit.
She turned to you with a proud smile, holding up the white plastic box. “I got it.”
You arched an eyebrow at her and deadpanned, “Yeah, honey, I can see that.”
It was her turn to scowl at you, which caused an unexpected laugh to breach past your lips.
“Oh, so this you laugh at, but at my jokes, it’s crickets.”
“No, because that was actually funny.” Those brown eyes rolled, again, at your expense.
Valkyrie made her way back over to you and crouched down between your legs, so she could easily tend to your wounds. You frowned, another futile protest getting ready to break your lips, but once more Valkyrie beat you to it.
Her eyes were unusually soft as she spoke, “Just let me take care of you. Please.” A leak of desperation found its way into her voice, making your heart tug in your chest. You dipped your head in resignation.
Valkyrie put her hand beneath your chin and pushed your head back up so that your eyes were looking into hers. She let one finger stroke over your cheekbone and then drag a path down your cheek to your collarbone. “I do care, you know. I care a lot about you. So, just let me take care of my girl. Just this once without any further fighting.”
Well, fuck. When she said shit like that, how the hell were you supposed to deny her?
You leaned down to push a kiss onto her cheek. “I know you care, Vee. You don’t have to tell me, baby. I got you.”
You dramatically clasped your hands together and sat straighter. “Okay, doc. I’m ready. Just tell it to me straight. Am I gonna make it?”
The raw vulnerability scribbled across Valkyrie’s face washed away into elation. A loud laugh boomed into the room, her head throwing back with the action. You beamed with pride at the noise.
When she finally pulled herself together, she let out a hum. “Oh, god. I do hate to tell you, but I think you might just…live.”
You shook your head, mock horror covering your features. You ducked your head down into her shoulder, wincing a little when the cuts hit Valkyrie’s shoulder bone. “No. No, say it isn’t true!”
You pulled your head back to see Valkyrie reaching into the idle first aid kit, she shook her head solemnly as she pick up an alcohol wipe. “I’m afraid so. There isn’t much we can do but to let you live.”
You gasped teasingly, but when Valkyrie went and swiped the wipe across your forehead, you really did gasp, for real. “Hey! Ow! A little heads up there, speedy Gonzalas, jeez.”
For the third time, Valkyrie rolls her eyes, amused. “Oh, don’t be such a cry baby. It’s just a little stinging.”
You pouted, letting your bottom lip pop out. “Tell that to my aching forehead.”
Valkyrie didn’t answer you, just put her hand on your knee and started rubbing comforting circles there. That little action soothed you more than any words could’ve.
Val went to reach for the ointment next, to most likely over-apply on your face like a moisturizer of sorts, when she finally asked you the question you’d been waiting to hear.
“So, how exactly did you wind up getting these cuts and bruises?”
“Mmm, I uh, fell. I fell down- fell down a flight of stairs.”
Valkyrie’s lips pursed in false interest. “A flight of stairs, you say?”
You quickly nodded as she started to apply the ointment.
“Do these flight of stairs go along with the paint story or the food one? You know, just so I can keep track.”
You pretended to think for a moment. “I think the paint one would make more sense. I fell, and at the bottom of the steps were a bunch of paint cans which I crashed into, creating the mess on my face.”
Valkyrie’s hand went to the back of your neck squeezing lightly. “Just tell me. It’s not like I’m going to do anything drastic.”
Your face deadpanned and at your look, Val’s hands went up in surrender. “Fine. This time, I promise not to do anything unreasonable.”
You cocked an eyebrow at her, very easily picking up on her choice of words, but Valkyrie wasn’t budging. “Love, all I can promise is that it won’t be unreasonable.”
You sighed. You could either tell her now or face the consequences later. You let your eyes focus on her hand as she went to screw the cap back onto the ointment bottle. “Thor and I got into it.”
You saw her hackles raise instantly at the implication, but you were quick to amend. “We were sparring, and I accidentally dropped my spear, so the blunt end of his stick whacked up my face, hence the bruises. Then the scratches are from my forehead skimming the hilt of my astray spear when I fell.”
Valkyrie’s shoulders loosened at your words, but you could still see the fire in her eyes, and you knew that in a, perhaps not so, subtle way later, Thor would be paying for what happened.
You shook your head at her. “Don’t go too hard on him. For me, at least.”
She made sure her eyes were focused on putting everything away in the first aid kit. Her voice was reluctant, “....Fine.” That earned a giggle from you at her attitude.
After putting everything back into the aid box, she let her eyes sweep over your face once more. After she was satisfied that she disinfected and covered every small red area, she lightly cupped both of your cheeks and pecked your lips. “All done.”
She may have been done, but you certainly weren’t. You cupped her jaw and brought her back into you, giving her a deeper kiss. One you hoped told her how much you appreciated the affection and attention she gave you tonight.
When you both were sated with loving kisses and finally pulled away from each other, you saw the recognition in her eyes, the way she knew how deeply you really did care for her. And you knew she felt the same towards you, too.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
unobtainable (spoilers for books 3 & 4)
Genre/Tropes: Unrequited Love (Reader towards Azul.)
Summary: Azul is so beautiful, yet so untouchable.
Author's Comments: Idk what this is I just wanted to hurt. I'm in a mood right now I DONT KNOW HELP!!! Also I had the idea to write a sequel where either Jade or Floyd helps the reader get over Azul and they get together, but not as rebound thing where Azul likes the reader later no no no! He stays uninterested but reader is happy with their new bf(s) and its cute but also idk I kinda like just leaving it at angst LMAO
You spent your afternoons after class at the Mostro Lounge. It was a venture you enjoyed making, and a place you enjoyed going to in order to relax. The atmosphere was calming after the chaos you endured day after day in this world you were destined to stay in until the foreseeable future.
You’d made pretty good friends with both Jade and Floyd at this point, though you knew it wasn’t emotional on their side. They found you entertaining, and you were willing to put up with that if it meant having more people to support you during your difficult time here. Ace and Deuce would always be your favorites, but the amount of Overblots that had been occurring lately had you worried. Of course the magicless student would be tasked with dealing with the overuse of magic by some of Night Raven College’s most powerful students.
“The usual?” Jade asked, smiling serenely at you.
“Uh huh.” you smiled back, eyes darting around the establishment in search of a very specific person, “Is...Is Azul in today?”
Jade laughed a bit at your question, gesturing to the VIP Room. Swallowing thickly, you stared at the door as if willing him to appear. When he didn’t, you looked up at Jade again.
“Jade...how many points do I have? Can I see him?” you asked, your nerves making you shift uncomfortably in your seat.
“You may,” his expression made it clear that he knew of your feelings, but you chose to ignore it, “I’ll let him know you’re coming after you finish your drink.”
As Jade stepped away from your table, you felt your heart give a jump. You were finally going to confess how you felt—after dealing with his Overblot and how he reacted to you at the museum and how he tried to protect you during Jamil’s Overblot, you were sure you had a chance. The two of you had gotten relatively close over the course of the last few months, and all of it had led up to this moment! You were going to confess to Azul and nothing would stand in your way. Jade brought back your drink with a smile, setting it down in front of you without another word. He’d added his own personal touch on it, you realized, staring at the little octopus design floating on the surface. That wasn’t a part of your usual. Sipping on the beverage thoughtfully, you considered your words carefully. Should you confess bluntly or romantically? Should you have gotten him a gift? What if you blurt out something out that offends him? What if he thinks you’re trying to get something out of him again and misses the point of your confession? You wanted to finish the drink quickly, but your nerves made it seem like it was taking forever.
“Azul is ready to see you.” Jade placed a hand on your shoulder, guiding you up from your seat.
You said nothing as he led you closer and closer to the VIP Room, your heart pounding in your chest. You had to tell him or you’d regret it forever. Steeling your nerves, you squared your shoulders and walked a bit ahead of Jade. You could do this.
He chuckled as he knocked on the door, the immediate “come in” from inside making your heart stutter. Jade opened the door and pushed you inside gently, still smiling as he closed the door behind you. You met Azul’s cool gaze, his gray eyes drowning you in their depth. You swallow thickly, stepping closer to him.
“Come here. Have a seat.” he offered you a polite smile, gesturing to the chair in front of his desk, “Ironic, is it not? You break hundreds of my contracts and now you’re here asking for a deal.”
“No hard feelings I hope...?” you winced, sitting down as quickly as possible.
“None at all.” he reassured you, his voice betraying the slightest hint of bitterness.
Oh well, you should have expected that. You did destroy years of his hard work in the blink of an eye. Even if it was Leona...you still orchestrated the whole thing. You hoped he wouldn’t mind your confession after this rocky start. Yikes.
You cleared your throat before you continued speaking.
“I’m...not here for a contract. I actually just wanted to tell you something.” you said, trying hard to hold his gaze as you steeled your nerves again.
“What is it, then?” Azul eyes you warily, adjusting his glasses.
“I would like to go out with you sometime. Just the two of us. If you wouldn’t mind. I think...you’re really intelligent, and you’re so competent which is hard to find at a school like this, you’re always so composed and have an air of power and strength that takes my breath away. You’re really resourceful and think through everything you do and I’m sure you knew how I felt before I did because you’re so aware of everything that happens around you. So, um...if you’d like to do something with me, whenever you’re free, I’d like that a lot!” you inhaled deeply once you finished speaking, proud of yourself for maintaining eye contact that entire time.
You weren’t sure how you did it—you probably just froze and couldn’t move any part of your body but hey, at least you managed to confess this time. Azul’s expression was the slightest bit shocked, his composure betraying nothing but that sliver of surprise. He cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses again, seemingly flustered by your admission.
“Why would I go out with you? You’re going to leave anyway.” Azul replied, his words cold and blunt and unfeeling, “It’d do you some good to not get attached. You don’t quite belong in this world, Prefect, as magicless as you are.”
You gasped, your heart shattering in your chest. Azul looked at you with pity in his gaze, his mouth twisted into a frown.
“Is that everything you had to discuss with me? I apologize, but I do not share the same sentiments. If you’re going to meet with me again, please make sure it’s for a deal and not for...emotional matters.” he gave you another smile, this one less relaxed than the previous one.
“That’s...that’s all. Thank you for listening to me, Azul.” you mumbled, too shocked by the rejection to speak.
“Lovely. Out you go, dear.” he said just as Jade opened the door again.
“Your time is up. I hope the transaction went well?” he asked, gaze flickering from you to Azul.
“No such thing happened. Please escort the Prefect out.” Azul didn’t spare you another glance, his focus shifting to the documents on his table.
“Yes.” Jade held out his hand for you, eyes twinkling with amusement.
He knew.
You didn’t take his hand, stumbling out of the VIP Room as the world spun around you.
Azul Ashengrotto was entirely, irrevocably, unobtainable.
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