#Reiki healing
wizardsaur · 20 days
I asked my yoga teacher if she knew anyone who would do the reiki attunements and lessons for trades. I told her I'm a cult survivor, and I have a very specific reason for approaching it this way.
Because I don't intend on investing potentially a few thousand dollars for classes and permission to energy heal. I feel like the sunk-cost fallacy makes the practitioner more susceptible to tell themselves something is working - when it really isn't, and they can't accept such a massive loss.
Which isn't to say I don't think energy healing has it's benefits. I do. I also believe it has limits, and I believe in vaccines/antibiotics/therapy. The worst trying reiki or energy healing on someone who's suffering can do, is nothing. And the best it can do is be a part of their healing/coping toolbox.
I'm just not interested in putting myself in debt for something like this. And thankfully, my yoga teacher understands my POV. Where she is a bit more "crunchy granola white hippie" than I'd usually ask for support from, she's very sweet and willing to work with me. Plus, my BS detector is bulletproof nowadays.
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wilddeergirl · 2 months
New, short little Reiki session is out now to help support you as you go about your day!
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crybabyboyscout · 2 days
Labradorite Reiki infused Collective Reading ✨🌟💙🧿✨
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the-clumsywitch · 5 months
You’re Not Drowning…This is Your Revival! | Supercharge Your Reawakening...
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traumabuscoven · 26 days
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Chakra Healing Stone Kits
#healingstones #shopify #chakra #Reiki #meditation #kits
Checkout my other products on my website, Traumabus.myshopify.com !
This beautiful set of chakra stones is perfect for anyone looking to enhance their meditation and healing practices. Each stone is carefully selected for its unique properties and energy, making it a powerful tool for balancing and aligning the chakras.
The set includes seven natural crystal stones, each representing a different chakra: Amethyst for the Crown, Lapis Lazuli for the Third Eye, Blue Aventurine for the Throat, Green Aventurine for the Heart, Yellow Aventurine for the Solar Plexus, Red Jasper for the Sacral, and Red Agate for the Root.
Various sets available.**
These stones can be used individually or together to create a powerful energy grid for healing and meditation. They can also be worn as a necklace, allowing you to carry the healing energy with you throughout the day.
The stones are carefully crafted and polished to bring out their natural beauty, making them not only powerful tools for healing but also stunning pieces of home decor. They are perfect for displaying in your meditation space, bedroom, or living room.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this Chakra Yoga Reiki Stone Set is a must-have for anyone looking to enhance their spiritual journey and bring balance and harmony into their life.
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starsambrosia · 2 months
Reliable Reiki Source for beginners
For those of you interested in actual Reiki
The Complete Book Of Traditional Reiki is an excellent source as it is written by Amy Z. Rowland, a Reiki master of many forms and a student to a student of Madam Takata and has over 30 years experience.
The book covers some light anatomy for understanding how reiki functions with the human body
This is just what some of the book also covers:
Attunement process
working on self and others
How to connect
History of reiki (reliable)
Mental and emotional health
Treating clients
Classes offered 1-3 master
Absolutely incredible if you can get your hands on this book it will be your guide through your physical classes all the way into your masters attunement, i saw that with confidence as some one whos been studying Reiki and practicing for 5 years this has been the most helpfull, plentifull, reliable, resource i have found yet. If you see it, dont let it pass you by!
Ontop of that i want to offer this playlist i found to be incredibly helpfull for visual demonstrations to follow along with
I offer this as something meant to go hand in hand with the book. Yes, you can use it alone, but i suggest you pick up the book eventually and give it a read. Especially because this man follows the christian interpretation of Dr. Usuis story, so be aware of that before you listen if you choose to do so.
He also offers resources to look into for studying reiki on your own, including a book simalure to what i show here, but they are not the same i would say stick to one book for now because it covers so much and comes from such a good author, but by all means dig in if thats what you want!
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saryfaerie · 1 year
✨ Chakra healing ✨
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wabisabireiki · 18 days
Siddhartha's tree
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i went to the lake to meditate
in the sunset reflecting on the water
i asked over and over again
who am i ?
for a long time
no clear answer arose
but over and over
i let the question rise
and fall over the lakes tides
eventually like a whisper
the answer was there
like an ant surfacing
from under its hill:
I am nature
to my dismay, I didn't balk at this
but joined in:
i am the sun
i am the wind
i am the earth
i am the birds singing
the insects, busy
i am the grass and the water
in the lake
I am nature
and i am perfectly evolved
i am perfectly evolving
as my seasons change with the times
i am nature and i am perfect
and there is nothing i need do
save, what i want
Eventually i realized a very clear message i have been receiving. That i need to do nothing for a time, but receive. That i need to sit on my hands and just be. wait. feel.
that i am like a tree in this dimension.
my purpose is like that of a tree
we give shade from the harshness
of the weather
we offer solace in the heat
we give oxygen for your carbon dioxide
which i receive from your breathe
from conversations
and i am a living record
i am an organic record system.
i am supported by the construct.
i am siddhartha's tree.
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hyperesthesias · 1 year
I'm really struggling financially right now. These are services I offer:
Reiki healing.
Crystal healing.
Holistic Life Coaching.
Tarot readings.
All services will be on a donation basis, so only give how much you're able. Please contact me if you have any questions or want to schedule something.
Any amount helps.
Thank you! 💖
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oxeiacraft · 2 months
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ener-chi · 2 years
What is Reiki?
This post will serve as an introduction to Reiki - what it is, its' history, what treatments and attunements are, and how to learn it.
What Is Reiki?
It is a Japanese word that is pronounced "Ray-Key." "Rei" means wisdom or knowledge, and "Ki" (aka Qi or Chi, like my username) is the life-force energy that permeates all living and non-living things and is all around us. Thus, Reiki is typically translated to "Universal Life Force Energy."
Reiki, then, is an energy healing modality that channels this Universal Life Force Energy into an individual, which touts various benefits, including: relaxation, pain and tension relief, stimulating the immune system, promoting natural healing, emotional and spiritual healing, and much more. Fun fact: Reiki is now in over 800 hospitals in the USA!
Reiki is a healing modality and NOT a religion. Anyone of any faith or belief system (or lack thereof) can practice and benefit from Reiki.
(In a nutshell:) Reiki was discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese doctor in the early 20th century. He spent most of his life searching for an ancient healing modality. At the end of a 21-day fasting retreat, Dr. Usui was apparently struck by a great light. He saw the sacred symbols he had earlier found during his research, and he acquired a deep understanding of them, receiving a spiritual empowerment, and achieving enlightenment.
Reiki was brought to the West by a Hawaiian woman named Hawayo Takata, and the teaching system she used is the one that is still used in the West today. It was thought that Takata's lineage was the only one that remained after WWII, but it was later discovered that this was not true, and that there is a whole different lineage and school in Japan that is unfortunately largely closed to outsiders.
How can Reiki help me? What does a treatment look like?
Reiki can be beneficial for pretty much any kind of healing. It is used for physical healing and recovery, and mental and spiritual healing as well. Personally, I tend to specialize more towards the non-physical healing aspects of Reiki. Combined with my knack towards energy work, my style of Reiki is very beneficial for energetic and auric healing. It is also good for emotional healing, like moving through emotions, healing from events and people, developing as a person, etc. It can also facilitate spiritual growth.
Reiki treatments are typically done in person. At these sessions, the client will spend most if not all of the treatment lying down. No clothing needs to come off. Light-contact between the practitioner and the client may occur, those physical touch is not required for the Reiki to work.
If you are receiving Reiki, you might feel a variety of sensations, including: hot/cold flashes, heat/cool/tingling sensations, light buzzing, waves of emotions, deep relaxation/sleepiness, and others.
BUT. Reiki doesn't have to be done in person! It can be done remotely, and there is a special thing in Reiki to facilitate distance healings. It works just as well via distance as it does in-person. The treatments and sensations look the same as it would in-person, except the person won't be there physically (obviously).
How Can I Learn Reiki?
There is a common misconception that anyone can learn Reiki, simply by picking up some books and learning about them. This is not true. In order to be able to channel Reiki, you must be given the ability by a Reiki Master in what is called an Attunement. Without being attuned to Reiki, you cannot practice it.
Think of it like this: suppose that you find out that there is a new color discovered beyond the normal visible spectrum that humans can learn to see, and you want to see it. But how could you find it if you cannot see it? While theoretically possible, it would be VERY difficult. Instead, it would be much easier to find someone who can already see it and show you the color directly. This is how Reiki works; you cannot paint with this new color if you cannot see it, and you cannot see it without a Reiki Master to show it to you.
What Are Attunements?
An Attunement is a special ceremony that connects you to the source of Reiki by someone who is already connected to it. The attunement permanently changes your energy field in a new way that lets Reiki flow through you. In Reiki, there are 3 levels of practitioners, and thus are 3 attunements. Each level opens you and your energy field to more Reiki, with the 3rd, or Reiki Masters attunement, opening you up completely to Reiki.
The Attunement process is a healing journey of its own. Reiki increases your vibration, and causes anything that is below that vibration to filter out of your life. Each level corresponds to an aspect of ourselves - the 1st to the physical, the 2nd to the mental and emotional, and the 3rd to the spiritual. With each attunement, most practitioners find that they undergo healing in areas of their life that correspond to that attunement.
For example, my first attunement led to major diet changes. I suddenly lost a desire for processed foods, gravitating more towards fruits and veggies. I also ended up cutting out sugar and caffeine and other things out of my diet. My second attunement led to some incredible inner healing, including trauma work, removal of relationship blocks, coming out to my family, etc. My third attunement led to some pretty big life changes almost immediately, major spiritual growth, and there is more to come!
It is also common for practitioners to experience intuitive and spiritual growth after attunements. Many become more sensitive and receptive to energy, their connection to their intuition deepens, and some develop spiritual gifts. Personally, after my second attunement, I developed the ability to see and work with auras, and my third attunement so far has deepened that ability and made me much more sensitive to energy. Supposedly it is very common to develop the ability to work with and heal Past Lives at the master level as well.
My Services
When my Paid Services are active, I will be offering Reiki Healing as one of them! It will be distance healing (ofc). I am very good at it though, almost more effective than in-person. I'm very good at doing energetic and aura healing, as well as spiritual and emotional healing. If you want healing with something outside of those, I can do that too! To learn more, visit my Paid Services (available soon).
I will also eventually offer to teach and attune Reiki! As a Reiki Master, I have the ability to attune others, and yes - it does work over distance! This may be a few months in the future, so if this is something that interests you, stay tuned!
If you have any other questions about Reiki, you're welcome to shoot me an ask or a message, and I'll do my best to answer it.
Reiki is wonderful, and I can say with genuine honesty that it completely changed my life. I love it, and I'm excited to share this wonderful gift with all of you.
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soulbodyhealer · 3 months
Soul Body Healer
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Website: https://www.soulbodyhealer.com
Address: Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Soul Body Healer, led by Effie Mitskopoulos in Barrie, Ontario, provides a comprehensive range of wellness services including psychotherapy, counseling, hypnotherapy, Reiki, and yoga. Focused on holistic healing, the practice addresses issues like anxiety, depression, and stress, incorporating mindfulness and meditation for overall well-being. Through individualized therapy, workshops, and healing practices, clients are guided towards self-awareness and personal growth.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soulbodyhealer
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxpjYvZIxze2KaXbpGiXfiw
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/effiemitskopoulos/
Reiki healing
Mindfulness meditation
Anxiety treatment
Reiki healing near me
Mental health support
Holistic therapy
Psychotherapy services
Depression therapy
Yoga wellness
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Integrative health and wellness
Mental health support near me
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Personal growth and development
Anxiety treatment Barrie
Anxiety treatment near me
Coping with stress and anxiety
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Spiritual healing sessions
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Hypnotherapy for change
Mindfulness meditation Barrie
Strategies for overcoming depression
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theawakenedstate · 1 year
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You may not know this, but I am certified in reiki. I learned a lot of the teachings back in 2012. But I actually learned about the Chakras First FROM a reiki master teacher  – #irony.  My understanding of the chakras has been different from the get-go. I am so grateful that I learned the chakras in such a unique way that focused on the Law of attraction. It’s helped me develop my framework inside of The Ultimate Chakra Academy. 
Chakras are MORE than color therapy
Most chakra teachings are very textbook and surface level. It isn’t unlikely to come across healing methods that focus on color therapy, crystals, doing yoga asanas or god forbid someone saying to go lay in nature to heal your chakras.  – 
this barely scratches the surface of the deep seeded Internal work you are capable of doing with the chakra system. I honestly have to roll my eyes a little…
As I’ve expanded my studies on subconscious reprogramming, I began creating my own system of Merging Limited belief work WITH Emotional healing in the chakra system. 
I distinctly remember when i received the download for this – partly because i RARELY see anyone teach it like this. Most teachings are focusing on surface level techniques that BARELY scratch the surface with the deep seeded internal emotional healing work that can produce such profound emotional fulfillment when you use the chakra system correctly. 
This is part of the reason why I choose Chakra Healing over Reiki.
do not get me wrong here, I personally LOVE both systems but honestly, they are wildly different.
I use them for different things and I find that it’s important to understand WHY they are so different so you can also see the benefit of both. 
It really puts a Name and A Label on what is happening to you
if you’ve ever asked yourself ‘what the heck is a light body?’ or “how do i understand my energy?” 
I totally understand! This is why I continuously come back to the chakras. They have especially helped me put a name to what was happening to me in my spiritual awakening. it also helped produce so much emotional healing and helped me rewire beliefs! 
If you’ve ever been curious on how they are different
you gotta take the time to watch this week’s episode!  Watch on Youtube & subscribe for more videos Every week: 
Let me know your thoughts in the comments! If you enjoy this video, please like, share with others, hit that bell for instant notifications and subscribe for weekly video drops every Friday!
BTW – We are like so close to 1k sub, If we get to 1,000 subscribers this month – I am TOTALLY doing a giveaway 😉 just sayin’  😉
p.s. Want to heal your Chakras to improve your Emotional Health, get confidence in energy work and embrace more soul purpose? Check out my Latest FREE training: the Chakra detox Masterclass!
Learn My 3 Step Framework To Detox Your Chakras With The Mind-Body Connection For Amazing Health, Radical Awareness, And Learn To Manifest With The Chakra System: Sign up and save your seat below! https://www.theawakenedstate.net/freechakramasterclass/
Why I Choose Chakra Healing Over Reiki
You may not know this, but I am certified in reiki. I learned a lot of the teachings back in 2012. But I actually learned about the Chakras First FROM a reiki master teacher  – #irony.  My understanding of the chakras has been different from the get-go. I am so grateful that I learned the chakras in […]
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suburbanmagics · 4 months
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xerxeswitch · 1 year
Witchcraft and Spiritual Practices that didn't work for me
-- There is nothing wrong with these practices at all (except for the few exceptions of my opinions on spirit keeping) This is mostly just logging what doesn't currently work with my energy. --
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Reiki Healing I wanted this to work, and I attended some classes to try this out. I always had trouble with the classic, soothing healing energy to begin with so I wanted to get better at it. In all cases when I tried, the clients had experienced an uncomfortable, burning sensation. A couple of them said it erected some unwanted emotions that pertains to their shadow or trauma. A lot of readers/psychics did tell me that my energy doesn't work or heal myself or others that way, but under the impression of the Tower and the Devil card -- shadow work, triggering people's shadow, and crumbling old and obsessed foundations. It's still under more observations. Faerie Work
This is a mix for me. I have no interest in associating or working with faeries, yet I know I have a faerie living within the perimeters of my home. After testing and vetting some consistencies and inconsistencies, she claims to hate her own kind along with other types of faeries. She admittedly is funny company, and she does help around in her own way so I provide her some sweet cream at times. Our relationship is okay until further notice; I'm still discerning. SHE, herself, is tolerable in my book. But faeries overall, I am skeptical as I am not interested. I'm just caught in a certain situational connection. Under observation... Crystals I actually have a collection of crystals and stones. However, the only thing they provide for me is something appealing to look at. I can never tune in to crystals or rocks alone. Moldavite is probably the closest I can get to working with, but not by that much. The energy from rocks doesn't feel as potent to me, but it's probably just my energy not compatible with this material. I work moreso with organic matter such as bones, skin, insect carcasses, pelts, herbs, fluids...and poppets as the non-organic material. Servitors I admittedly tried this along with working with thoughtforms, but it ended up with my jinn partner intervening and taking its place and preventing any real progress. Works impeccably with me now since I'm more repelled by it due to my own moral code. I'm glad he stepped in instead and I developed this special bond. Thoughtforms also didn't work well for me -- my Family prevented it from happening anyway. "Traditional" Spirit Keeping
I got spirit companions, but none have vessels. If we try anything like that, they'd break it because their energy is too dense. We only use a necklace, a ring, and sigils as a way for their energy to help anchor better back to base. They got their own lives and they got their own pace on how to bond; I don't believe in the concept of binding a soul to an object and someone believing to be entitled to them just being loyal, or loving towards them right off the bat. I am also against most spirit shops because of spirit trafficking, tricksters, and most of all...scams. I also find it a weird concept to think that you have to buy a spirit/entity friend than just going outside to seek some willing companions, or asking yourself with your own ritual and protection to just ask for spirit/entity companionship while practicing discernment. Casting a Circle using only your imagination
This only feels legitimate for me when I actually chalk a circle around me while adding sigils, candles, salt, herbs, and fluids. I'm pretty traditional that way, but I also do it because I feel there's more potent energy with more physical labor on preparing and marinating the energy before I do some serious magic work. Sure, intention is great and it's the vital ingredient to anything, but when I don't physically express that labor of intention out into the physical world at times, it falls flat and fake.
Deity Worship I personally don't believe in the concept of what a god is, nor do I agree with worship -- at least it's not for me. I follow the path mostly of service to self. I just believe they're celebrity entities with lots of power from their influence or knowledge around the roads. However, that doesn't mean I dislike them for I have respects for a few of them from personal experience. You're good to us? We'll be thankful and show it in return. Moon Magic
I know a lot of witches/practitioners who are utilizing the moon phases to get certain results, but I don't really have any connection to the moon. I did some bit of research, did the whole moon water rituals, but I never felt connected nor did it felt like it was connecting to my energy as potently. Moon phases don't really matter to me in the end, and it doesn't make my work any more potent either.
Love and Light
I got absolutely nothing against the term love and light. I honestly don't care what you practice as long as you're not being a dick, or bullying others in a self righteous, one-up contest. Matter fact, if used healthily, I promote this. I actually wanted to follow this path adamantly, but my energy isn't of that world. My energy is more on the chthonic side of the spectrum with baneful/revenge magic working effortlessly like my second nature. It works almost instantly even if I even momentarily stew and think on it. So far, I only intentionally did freezing hexes so the person(s) won't hurt me or themselves -- otherwise, I don't really intent on hurting people other than giving back what's given to me or to my friends. On the extremity of his practice, I don't believe in "good vibes only" since we need the whole spectrum of "vibes" to teach us about life itself and its cycles. It's not productive to deny the dark side of life or ourselves.
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juliejewelssmoot · 8 months
Reiki and Healing Lower Back
Reiki and Healing Lower Back, a poem by about Reiki's healing energy.
In a realm of energy unseen, A healing touch, serene and keen. Reiki’s gentle flow, a soothing balm, Easing lower back, bringing calm. Through sacred hands, life force does flow, Guiding pain’s release, with love bestowed. A dance of energy, pure and bright, Healing the depths, restoring light. With every touch, a connection made, Chakra’s balance, pain’s cascade. Blockages cleared, the…
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