#Anxiety treatment
superectojazzmage · 2 years
I think in my experience with it, the best/funniest way to describe living with OCD/anxiety issues/intrusive thoughts is that it feels like having a Tumblr user who sends anon hate in your brain; a loud, annoying, pathetic little voice that jumps to the most ridiculous, disgusting, uncharitable, nonsensical, bad faith, and upsetting-to-you-personally hot take on almost everything you do, see, like, believe, think, enjoy, and feel. And it harasses/bullies you by spamming these takes at you repetitively and demanding you engage with them, but the only way to really deal with it is learn to distinguish it from your real anons/thoughts and ignore it as the powerless deranged weakling it is because engaging with it is useless and just encourages it to keep bugging you.
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Social anxiety can feel like an invisible barrier, but know that you're not alone in this journey. 💙 Let's break the silence, cultivate understanding, and offer support to those navigating the complexities of social anxiety.
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Around this time of the year, I seem to always get a flare-up of my anxiety. I do not know if this is because I know that I will be starting a new semester of school soon or because of the holidays and seeing family members I do not see often or if it is just a random spurt of anxiety that maybe has no meaning behind it at all. Either way, I have it and it sucks. It sucks to not be able to feel like yourself. I know anxiety can manifest in many different ways for people, but these are just my symptoms. I start off by feeling off and not myself, when I notice this is when I feel my heart start beating really fast. After that, I feel like I am not in my own body and begin to disassociate. (disassociation simply means feeling disconnected from yourself and the world, feeling like it is unreal) Then I feel extremely dizzy, almost like I am going to pass out and I am unable to do anything for the rest of the day. Anxiety can ruin your day, your week, and your life.
However, there are some practices I use to stop my anxiety before it fully comes on and/or help calm me when I am in a full-blown panic attack. I want to be able to help others that feel this way and are not able to control it because I know first-hand how helpless you can feel. If you follow some of these practices below, you will be able to get a hold of your anxiety and no longer feel like it controls every aspect of you.
Breathing exercises. Box breathing is one of my favorites where you inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, and so on. A diagram will be below.
Meditation. This has been a game-changer in taking control of my anxiety. I do a short 10-minute guided meditation every morning because it combats anxiety before it even begins. You can look up any calming 10-minute guided meditation on YouTube and watch how your days transform.
Exercise. I seriously see such a difference in how anxious I am throughout my day or week depending on if I got some sort of exercise in every day. This could even be as simple as a 15-minute walk, but it works wonders.
Grounding Exercise. This is for when you either feel yourself going into a panic attack or you are already in one. You look around for 4 things in each category: see, touch, hear, and smell. This exercise gets your mind off of your anxiety. A diagram will be below.
These are just a couple of things I use to combat anxiety and take my power back. I hope these help :)
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soulbodyhealer · 3 months
Soul Body Healer
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Website: https://www.soulbodyhealer.com
Address: Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Soul Body Healer, led by Effie Mitskopoulos in Barrie, Ontario, provides a comprehensive range of wellness services including psychotherapy, counseling, hypnotherapy, Reiki, and yoga. Focused on holistic healing, the practice addresses issues like anxiety, depression, and stress, incorporating mindfulness and meditation for overall well-being. Through individualized therapy, workshops, and healing practices, clients are guided towards self-awareness and personal growth.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soulbodyhealer
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxpjYvZIxze2KaXbpGiXfiw
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/effiemitskopoulos/
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sppc2016 · 4 months
How do holistic approaches like nutrition and exercise complement traditional anxiety treatments?
Holistic approaches, such as nutrition and exercise, can complement traditional anxiety disorder treatments, including anxiety treatment in Ayurvedic practices. While nutrition and exercise are not standalone replacements for professional medical advice and intervention, they can be valuable components of a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses various anxiety-related conditions such as illness anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and more.
Neurotransmitter Regulation:
Nutrition: A balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and magnesium supports the production and regulation of neurotransmitters associated with mood, benefiting individuals undergoing anxiety disorder treatment.
Exercise: Incorporating physical activity, including yoga classes in Delhi, can stimulate the release of endorphins, providing a natural mood lift and aiding in the regulation of neurotransmitters.
Stress Reduction:
Nutrition: Antioxidant-rich foods combat oxidative stress associated with anxiety disorders. Maintaining stable blood sugar levels through a balanced diet can prevent mood swings and reduce stress.
Exercise: Regular physical activity, alongside Ayurvedic approaches, contributes to stress reduction by lowering cortisol levels and promoting relaxation through practices such as meditation therapy.
Sleep Improvement:
Nutrition: Foods rich in tryptophan and complex carbohydrates support better sleep, a critical aspect of anxiety treatment in Ayurvedic practices.
Exercise: While incorporating Ayurvedic principles, engaging in regular physical activity, avoiding intense exercise close to bedtime, can positively impact sleep quality for individuals dealing with anxiety disorders.
Cognitive Function:
Nutrition: Optimal cognitive function, essential for managing anxiety, is supported by a nutrient-rich diet that benefits concentration and cognitive performance.
Exercise: Physical activity, complemented by Ayurvedic approaches, has been linked to enhanced cognitive function, addressing cognitive challenges associated with anxiety disorders.
Routine and Discipline:
Nutrition and Exercise: Establishing a routine for healthy eating and regular exercise, combined with Ayurvedic principles, provides structure and discipline. This structured approach can be empowering for individuals undergoing anxiety treatment.
For those seeking Ayurvedic interventions, exploring resources like the Patanjali Hospital in Delhi may offer a comprehensive approach to anxiety disorder treatment. Integrating Ayurveda with conventional methods, such as medication and therapy, can provide a holistic approach to addressing the diverse aspects of anxiety disorders. Individuals must collaborate with healthcare professionals to develop a personalized treatment plan that aligns with their specific needs and preferences.
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taraodon · 1 year
4 Important factors that might cause anxiety
In this fast-moving world, there is no such phenomenon at all. The anxiety of anyone can strike and can cause disruption to your life. It's wise to know the causes that could be the cause of anxiety. It becomes easy for you to manage your anxiety if you understand the causes for the similar.
Our experts provide a list of common causes that cause anxiety. If you have not been having a good mental state, relax, read this blog and see which of the factors is your reason.
Common factors that might cause anxiety
Explore the most common causes that give birth to anxiety below.
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1. Excessive caffeine: Are you someone who loves coffee? It's fine to do that, but you need be aware that excessive caffeine is a major cause that could make you feel nervous, and result in anxiety.
Make sure to consume caffeinated beverages within your limits. It may cause you to feel energized initially but it's going to trigger anxiety later on.
2. Overthinking: Overthinking is a key reason that causes anxiety. For numerous people, even a minor thing could trigger them to think about it which, eventually, gives the beginning of anxiety.
You just have to control your mind and thoughts. Keep your mind in a calm state and ensure that you don't think often when you experience a problem. It's important to realize that things can happen. It's always good to forget the events and avoid thinking about them too much. Contact us if you are looking for a depression therapist in London.
3. Medicines: If you are taking prescriptions for medication, there is a chance that they can cause side reactions. You shouldn't take them off, but should you experience that you're feeling anxious or uneasy after taking medication it is highly recommended to inform your doctor about the same.
4. Avoiding meals: You might not believe it, but skipping meals is one of the most common reasons that can cause anxiety. Skipping meals might reduce the level of blood sugar in your body, which can lead to anxiety. Therefore, do not skip your meals in any way. Also, try to consume nutritious breakfasts instead of opting for junk food choices.
The common reasons for anxiety. Anxiety isn't an uncommon condition, and it can hit anyone.
If you're looking for more information, or if you're seeking a London therapist anxiety, you need not look further than us. Our professionals ensure that you get your best frame of mind is restored effectively. We examine the issue from the beginning, and you can resolve it on a permanent basis. To talk to one of our therapists, contact our number at 7939414333.
To know more, visit https://www.homebasedtalkingtherapy.com/online-therapy
What Are The Symptoms Of Generalised Anxiety Disorder? Click here to know the answer.
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8 Quick Tips to Calm Anxiety Right Now!
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When you notice anxiety, stop what you are doing and spend some time trying to calm the reaction you are having. First, let yourself feel it. Give it some attention. Trying to ignore those feelings will only cause them to intensify.
1. Put your hand on your heart and say to yourself “May I be kind to myself in this moment”. Breathe slowly for 7 breaths.
2. An anxiety attack or upsurge of anxiety feels like an emergency, but it is NOT. Say to yourself “This feels like an emergency but it’s not an emergency” “you will be ok”.
3. Movement helps. Walk around. Do some stretching. Run in place. Jiggle your legs. Dance.
4. Making eye contact helps. Try this: Sit with your chair facing your partner and close enough to hold both hands. Make eye contact and breath. Talk if you want to. Laughing is allow! It can feel vulnerable or embarrassing, but it can also reset your nervous system to a more calm state.
5. Touch someone. If you have a safe person around, let them help you in a way that feels safe. Hold hands. Hug. Or just sit side by side.
6. Take 5 or more deep breaths. Yes, everybody says that. Because it often works. Deep breaths calm the vagus nerve. This is the part of your nervous system that counteracts the emergency signal. Your body has a program for calming down. You can learn to use it.
7. Turn on your self compassion. Imagine yourself as a child. Send love to those hurting parts. Say “I will take care of you” and “I won’t abandon you”.
8. Bring to your mind an image of a safe place or a safe person. This will help calm the uncomfortable feelings in your body. Practice this to see which images help shift your body in a positive direction.
If you’re ready to get some help, call me today. Or send an email. You don’t have to handle this alone. Your life can be so much more.
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samarpanhealth · 7 months
Best Depression Anxiety Treatments - Samarpan Health
Samarpan Health offers compassionate care for individuals battling depression and anxiety in Mumbai. Our team of experienced professionals will work with you to develop a personalized depression and anxiety treatment plan that addresses your unique needs. From therapy and counseling to medication management, we provide a wide range of effective depression and anxiety treatments to help you regain control of your life. Take the first step towards a brighter tomorrow with Samarpan Health today.
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maureendonohue · 8 months
Mental Health and Chronic Pain: Breaking the Cycle of Suffering
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In the intricate tapestry of human health, where the delicate threads of mental well-being and physical health intertwine, a compelling story unfolds. Nowhere is this intricate interplay more vividly apparent than in the mysterious realm of chronic pain. Imagine chronic pain as an unrelenting companion, one that refuses to fade into the shadows like its fleeting counterpart, acute pain. Unlike the pain that arises suddenly from a specific injury or illness and gradually recedes as healing occurs, chronic pain lingers. It persists, often extending its unwelcome stay well beyond the expected, frequently surpassing three long months. The usual suspects in this well-known story are ailments like fibromyalgia, arthritis, and nerve damage.
But Wait – There's More to This Story!
Here, we have autoimmune disorders, puzzling conditions where the body's immune system unexplainably turns against its own tissues. Lupus, MS, and rheumatoid arthritis sufferers are represented by characters in this drama. They give the narrative a unique layer of complexity that deepens the experiences of those impacted.
Let's shed light on the complex connections between psychological health, persistent pain, and the significant effects of autoimmune diseases as we work to unravel this complex web of health. In this creative and informative blog, we'll explore the delicate dance between mental and physical agony. We'll also unveil the shadowy figure of anxiety, the silent companion that often lurks in the background, amplifying both the physical sensations and the emotional toll of chronic pain. Within this labyrinth of interconnected experiences, we'll discover a glimmer of hope – the transformative potential of Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy.
Chronic Pain: An Unrelenting Companion
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Chronic pain is not a fleeting guest; it's a constant presence. It lingers, a persistent reminder of an ongoing struggle. Unlike acute pain, which announces itself with a sudden burst and then gradually subsides as the body heals, chronic pain lingers on. It's a relentless force, a marathoner in the race of discomfort. It often overstays its welcome, extending far beyond the expected recovery period of three months.
Conditions like fibromyalgia, arthritis, and nerve damage often star in this enduring narrative. But the suffering they cause goes beyond the realm of the physical. It bleeds into the intricate fabric of mental health.
Autoimmune Disorders: The Catalyst for Pain
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Now, let's introduce another character into our storyline: autoimmune disorders. These enigmatic conditions take root when the body's immune system, the guardian of health, inexplicably turns against its own tissues. Picture this – it's as if the sentinel guarding the fortress has gone rogue, launching attacks on its own citadel.
Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or multiple sclerosis are prime examples. They introduce a unique layer of complexity to the already intricate experience of chronic pain. Imagine your body's immune system, the shield against invaders, mistakenly mounting attacks on your own fortress. The result? Inflammation, damage, and pain interwoven into the fabric of your daily life.
The Intricate Dance: Mental Health and Chronic Pain
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Chronic pain and mental health are intricately entwined. Each of them affects the other profoundly because they are intertwined. Anxiety and depression frequently appear as a result of emotional distress that is brought on by chronic pain.
On the other hand, increased stress, anxiety, and emotional turmoil can amplify the perception of pain. It's a vicious cycle, an unrelenting loop that can be incredibly challenging to escape. Imagine the weight of not only contending with physical agony but also battling the emotional turmoil that accompanies it.
Anxiety: The Silent Companion
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In this intricate dance between chronic pain and mental health, anxiety often lurks as a silent companion, concealed in the shadows. It plays a dual role, amplifying both the physical sensations and the emotional toll of chronic pain.
The mere anticipation of pain can trigger anxiety. Living with chronic pain means that every movement, every action, carries the potential for discomfort or agony. It's a persistent threat, and just the thought of impending suffering can make anxiety levels soar.
The perception of pain, however, may become more intense simply because of anxiety. It's as if anxiety acts as an amplifier, amplifying the emotional distress that comes along with chronic pain and amplifying the physical symptoms of it. These two forces reinforce one another, generating a turbulent storm that can trap people in an endless cycle of suffering.
The Beacon of Hope: IFS Therapy
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Amidst this intricate web of chronic pain, autoimmune disorders, anxiety, and mental health, emerges a beacon of hope – Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy. This innovative therapeutic approach views the mind as a complex system of parts, each harboring its own beliefs, emotions, and memories.
IFS therapy beckons individuals to embark on an introspective journey, an expedition into the inner parts of their psyche. Picture peeling back the layers of your consciousness, revealing the intricate machinery of your inner world. Each part represents a facet of your personality, carrying its own unique experiences and emotions.
The Ultimate Goal of IFS Therapy?
To foster harmony within this inner ecosystem. By nurturing a compassionate and balanced relationship between these inner parts, individuals can embark on a profound journey toward healing. It's a process of self-discovery, self-compassion, and transformation.
The Path to Healing
Living with chronic pain, particularly when it intertwines with autoimmune disorders, anxiety, and mental health, can feel like navigating an intricate labyrinth. However, it's crucial to recognize that healing is possible, and a brighter path lies ahead.
By seeking comprehensive healthcare that addresses both physical and mental aspects, embracing innovative therapies like IFS, practicing self-care, and exploring anxiety management techniques, you can break free from the cycle of suffering. It's a journey towards healing, a path illuminated by the possibility of a pain-free future.
Your Journey to Self-Healing!
Are you ready to break free from the cycle of chronic pain and suffering? Reach out to Maureen Donohue, a compassionate therapist experienced in IFS therapy and anxiety management. Let her guide you toward a transformative journey of healing and well-being. Embrace the possibility of a pain-free future and a brighter tomorrow.
In closing, remember that you are not defined by your pain or your autoimmune disorder. With the right support and strategies, you can find relief, restore your mental well-being, and embark on a profound journey towards healing and wholeness.
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I got fucking stress hives, during spooky season, this shit should be illegal.
A/N: if anyone has advice on how to get rid of this shit, it will be welcomed with appreciation.
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besthealthchoice · 2 years
Anxiety Medications Health Choice
Anxiety Disorder Treatment by Best Health Choice
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Buspirone (BuSpar) is an anxiety medications health choice that is commonly used to treat generalized anxiety disorder.
It's frequently used with an antidepressant.
Consult with our expert today for better anxiety disorder treatment.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Social anxiety is a dick.
My body reacts in panic to the idea that someone may not like me and I get in my eager to please mindset ready to do anything to fix that and than I'm like "wait wtf? not everyone needs to like me fuck that" than I slowly calm down and now that I described that I think my therapy is working holly shit.
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thebesthospital · 2 years
Best Psychiatrist | Mental Health Treatment
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The psychological doctor utilizes the latest international mental health technologies to diagnose and treat mental disorders at Sri Ramakrishna Hospital. If you want mental health treatment, consult best psychiatrist or Contact now: 7970108108
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sweaterkittensahoy · 2 years
If you're wondering what it's like to have intense anxiety, here's a story:
It took me about ten years after realizing I HAD anxiety to talk to my doctor about it.
When I finally went, "Okay, I have to do this," I had to bring Sean as backup in case I couldn't do it. His job was as follows: When the doctor went, "Is there anything else?" He was to bring up, "Gayle needs to talk about their anxiety," if I didn't say it first.
I literally don't recall if he had to prompt me. All I remember is starting to cry uncontrollably.
I was crying uncontrollably because my anxiety had been saying for years, "Why would you bother a doctor with this???"
Which. I mean.
I mean.
So, through sobs, I said, "I need help with my anxiety."
And then I apologized for crying while swearing I wasn't trying to be manipulative.
My doctor (bless her) said, "Okay, let me ask you a few questions."
She asked me four questions. I answered a hard yes and provided details on all of them.
Her: "Okay, so you have generalized anxiety. I think the best option is to start you on medication and connect you with the hospital social worker to help you find a therapist."
This was...10 years ago? Maybe 9? Awhile. It was a fucking while.
I was thinking about this tonight and went, "Wow, it's weird you can give someone medication on a four-question survey---WAIT A FUCKING SECOND."
It was not a four-question survey. Diagnosis surveys like that never are. It was probably 20 questions. And if you said yes to four or more, you had anxiety.
And as I was providing details...well.
Medication and therapy are fucking amazing. Alone or together. Big recommend on the whole plan.
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Hi, I am Darla. I’ve specialized in helping adults struggling with anxiety, depression, and trauma since 2010. I love getting to know others and helping them feel less stressed, anxious, and well, happier.
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reflect-within · 5 days
Reflect within on 5 effective ways to manage anxiety. Practice mindfulness, engage in regular exercise, maintain a balanced diet, seek support from loved ones or professionals, and cultivate healthy coping mechanisms.
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