#Persistent Depressive Disorder
mizumorze · 18 days
When will this sadness end. Why is it every singke time I find joy it's crushed by my own hand. A previous flower of peace, cruppled up. And when I unfurl my fist, letting the wind take away the gentle petals. And then weeping at it's loss, pathetically weeping despite the fact it's my own corruption that ruins my life.
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kaiidos · 5 months
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jacenotjason · 6 months
me when the persistent depression is persistent:
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noodlecaboodle24 · 20 days
(TW suic1dal ideation)
say what you want but billie eilish's 'listen before i go' is such a powerful and painful song. it's so simply written but still hits you like a freight train if you've ever had su1cidal ideation or attempted. also, her whispery singing was perfect for that album imo. anyway these are my favourite lines from the song.
Leave me like you do (Like you do)
Sorry can't save me now
Sorry there's no way out (Sorry)
I'm not okay, I feel so scattered
Don't say I'm all that matters
Leave me, déjà vu (Hmm)
Call my friends and tell them that I love them
And I'll miss them
But I'm not sorry
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why-dontiknow · 8 months
Somedays I can't stand seeing people happy at the age I was so miserable at, realising my world stopped spinning but kept on for what seems like everyone else. And I'm still so broken and I have to live with that, while others can just live.
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divinescannibalism · 7 months
lotus flower persistent depression flag
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✦ ✦ wanted to do my own persistent depression flag, as someone with this disorder, the green that is the color most present of the flag represents the persistence, the symptons, the empty/"grey" feelings, etc.
i named it lotus flower flag due to the meanings of this flower, meaning: calm , overcoming adversity, rebirth, the overall meaning of the flower is overcoming and calmness, that's why i choosed this flower
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OO1 - requested by, no one, self indulgent
OO2 - flag coined by: the overseer
OO3 - tagging ; @accessmogai for id and @mad-pride for archival
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daysofdull · 11 months
that (non-existent) feeling you experience where you're emotionally numb for days and weeks with a tinge of sadness that is here but also not quite. you feel it when you're not paying attention but it goes away when you try to focus on it. then, one day, your heart feels lighter and you feel better and all of a sudden you feel sadness and finally, finally, the tears come falling. and then it's nothing. again. again.
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this one goes out to all the bitches with sad forever disorder!!!
HELL YES the woods are lonely dark and deep! but sometimes there's moss! even in the fucked up sad forever woods! and we! love! moss!!!
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toffee-4 · 4 months
all roads lead to Rome (psychiatric diagnosis)
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joint-hurty-juice · 2 months
having like 5 mental illnesses is so fucking bullshit. there should be a limit on how fucked up your brain can be. and don't even get me STARTED on having like 5 mental illness AND a chronic illness. hell world hell world hell world
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pdd-culture-is · 6 months
PDD culture is finding yourself not wanting to get better because you've been this way for so long that you feel like you'll be a completely different person if you get better
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strawberryvent9 · 2 months
Do I have major depressive disorder or persistent depressive disorder, because I'm always depressed (since before I was 12, and it won't go away), but I literally wouldn't function if I went off my meds. So it is severe, contrary to what Google tells me about PDD.
Anyway, turning to Tumblr because my therapist hates telling me anything about my diagnosis
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acewithsleeves · 2 years
Watched thor love & thunder tonight and all movie critique aside I felt really called out by the 'it's better to feel like shit because you lost love than not feel any thing at all' bit.
Like, my aroace ass with persistent depressive disorder is sitting right here. No need to come for me like that and call my life shitty.
Also, as a side note, I think life is way better during my zero feelings hours than my life is shitty bc people don't love me hours
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mentalhealththingz · 2 years
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mizumorze · 18 days
I am the problem, I've never been anything more. I'll never mean anything, I'll never be worth anything.
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daysofdull · 2 years
signs it's getting bad again:
your mind becomes foggy
finding yourself staring into space more often
(not blinking)
sluggish movements
body aches for no reason
crying at nothing/everything
intense anger that comes quickly but takes forever to go away
so so tired
feeling so bored you wish you were dead
the emptiness. the fucking emptiness
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