No no no no no no! What's this nonsense about virginity? This is a god-damn childrens show! I never know what the hell you're writing about! Schwinn! Shush! I want a song! Yes, I will do my homework. Yes, I will work in garden. Yes, I will go with my grand-parents. To Isreal! Instead I get this nonsense about someone who loses their virginity.. to those whom they have no affinity? This is a god-damn childrens show! Alright, you're sick, you're in the hospital, you've got this.. brain thing. But, you know what? You know what? I'm gonna get my son to write the song. Where's my son? Hey! Where's my son? Somebody find my son? Where's my son.
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malaloba · 1 month
The thing about Monster that I'm currently obsessed with: the way Odysseus humanizes his enemies as he dehumanizes himself. He correctly describes the motivations of the Cyclops, Circe, and even Poseidon which takes a level of understanding that people struggle with under the best circumstances. But then in the same verse he describes himself from the view of the Trojans. ("Does a soldier use a wooden horse to kill sleeping soldiers because he is vile?")
and of course the whole song is "Monster". If Odysseus can't stop seeing his enemies as people (seeing his own son in the Trojan infant), if that is what is killing his men and if there is no future where he makes it home as the person he is, then of course he has no choice but to stop being a person.
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asukachii · 1 year
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"Why don't YOU drive for once?! Ya idiot!"
"BECAAAAUUSE! I... can't.. drive these things!"
(I don’t like putting watermarks so, PLEASE, if you want to post these gifs somewhere GIVE CREDITS! Also, don’t use them in edits/videos. Thanks~)
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transsexula · 2 years
Please please please reblog this and put in the tags your music recommendations. I’m not talking about big artists and bands either— what’s a niche group, band, or artist that you can’t get enough of? What song or album do you enjoy the most? Why?
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frenchublog · 1 month
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jxnxai · 11 months
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MY OTP!! (guy x eldritch horror who stole his eyes)
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savisavichan · 1 year
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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I was *not* longing, I swear.
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budderdomo · 2 months
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Paul Matthews (Starkid) - Portrait Practice
Without words vers.
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The Starkid rabbithole hit me hard guys. And they're making a new musical soon?!?!?! Very very hyped
I love Paul and Emma so much, literally giving me life during midterms right now. Augh School is very stressful, I wish I could draw more. This painting was supposed to be short, but it ended up taking longer than I expected ;0;
Also, I finally got a sideblog to reblog art, so if you see @domos-gallary-wall reblog your art, that's from me :] Check it out if you want to see me post more than once a month, lol! It'll mostly be others' art and my thoughts. I might even post WIPs there.
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theplacesaysstuff · 6 months
One of the BEST albums I’ve heard in so long. It reminds me of Zelda, animal crossing, and chill music with lots of childish fun and nostalgia
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onigiriico · 10 months
Kazui audio drama (t2) - English TL
[ links: Spotify / Youtube ]
I cannot believe my hs philosophy class came in handy as I was translating this. Thanks Milgram your references never fail to astound me
Aaanyways you know how it is,, feel free to send an ask or hit me up on Twitter if you’ve got any questions or other feedback re: this translation etc 💪 (<- sincerely hoping that Twitter DMs still work these days)
⬇️ translation under the cut ⬇️
(door opens)
E: I’ve kept you waiting, Kazui.
K: It’s been a while, Warden-kun.
E: Yeah… It has been.
K: Things have gotten pretty tough inside the prison, but… well, you’ve probably heard all about that from the others already, haven’t you?
E: Yeah… I heard that you protected other prisoners from Kotoko. I owe you my thanks.
K: That much is only natural. However… she really is strong, isn’t she? I mean, I’ve experienced some fights myself, but [going up against] a woman like her was a first.
E: Hm… Is she strong enough that even you can’t stop her from doing harm?
K: Well, in cases like this, it’s generally the heavier person who ends up winning. After all, if she really does have proper killing intent, I can’t afford to let her injure anyone. It’s difficult, isn’t it.
E: Is that so…
K: I was afraid that it’d come to this from the very beginning. There’s a lot of young kids here, too. It’d be hard for anyone to keep a decent mentality in a situation like this.
E: …You’re pretty rational.
K: I wonder. Maybe it’s because I’m used to violence. Even so… I couldn’t make it for Shiina-chan. I feel responsible for [what happened to] her.
E: …
K: Well, rest assured, though. As long as I can move, I’ll be protecting [the others]. After all, it’s pretty much just me who can fight her on equal terms.
E: Mikoto, too.
K: Ah… yeah. Like back when he went out of control, right? I can’t quite read him, though… If both of them were to attack us, it’s possible that we’d suffer a total defeat. 
E: A total defeat…?
K: If that happens, this prison game would probably come to an end as well. All of that depends on your judgment, right, Warden-kun? Who will be forgiven by you and who won’t be…
E: What are you trying to say?
K: If at all possible, I would like you to choose a method that will not get any more people hurt. That’s what I’m saying.
E: So you’re telling me to forgive you?
K: (laughs) Oi, oi…! Don’t look at me like that.
E: I’m the Warden. If I forgive you, I forgive you. If I don’t, I don’t. There’s no other factors to it.
K: (sighs) Wouldn’t it be okay? I mean, this situation with prisoners being hurt wasn’t what you wanted either, was it?
E: …
K: Just pretend that you’re looking at our sins, and make your judgment with the protection of the prisoners in mind. After all, nobody can read your mind – so that much craftiness would be fine, don’t you think?
E: Hmph. That’s a very “you” kind of pretentious solution.
K: It’s the most natural conclusion, isn’t it? Do you think it’s a sin to lie in order to protect people?
E: That would be Kant.
K: Kant?
E: A philosopher who stated that lying is inherently a sin, no matter the circumstances.
K: Huh…
E: Apparently, even if your friend is being chased by a murderer and the murderer asks you about their whereabouts, you shouldn’t lie, according to Kant.
K: That’s ridiculous. If you can save someone by telling a lie, that’s what you should do.
E: However… You killed someone with your lies, didn’t you?
K: … Ah… You forgave me, didn’t you? Aren’t you being especially strict towards me?
E: Am I?
K: Mmh, it’s obvious. You said you would figure out my murder by watching the footage of my mind. Is this the result of that?
E: You were unfaithful, right? That’s stupid.
K: Hmm…
E: The reason I forgave you was because I was lacking details. I still don’t understand your true feelings or how things got to that point, either.
K: I see.
E: It was extremely hard to understand. Even with all of that poetry, though, your self-absorbed nature was more than obvious.
K: Ohh my… That’s quite the sweeping generalization, even though you forgave me.
E: It’s a personal dislike of mine. People who act based on their sexual urges like that, that is.
K: It’s personal?
E: Yeah. That’s right.
K: That’s strange. I did think that, despite being neutral as a Warden, you had some things you dislike, but…
E: …
K: Isn’t it unusual to openly reveal a personal dislike as a personal dislike?
E: You’re splitting hairs.
K: Seems like you really disliked my crime… I get it! Maybe it was because you’re so young, which is to say… …
E: Hah? Stop staring at me so openly. It’s disgusting.
K: …
E: …! (punches him)
E: (sighs) Now I feel better.
K: — Ow…! What are you doing all of a sudden…?!
E: It was an instinctive reaction. Don’t take it personally.
K: Would you stop just punching me in the face without hesitation? … (sighs) Anyways… that’s how it is, huh? That’s how it is…?
E: Hah?
K: I didn’t even consider this a possibility… Personal impressions sure can be scary.
E: If you say any more things than this that I don’t get, I’m hitting you again.
K: Geez, cut out the hysterics… Hmm, if it’s like this, that explains some things, though. I don’t have kids, but I’ve heard that this is what it’s like.
E: Hey. Stop blabbering on while looking like you know it all. It’s obnoxious.
K: Hahaha! But you know what? You’re wrong.
E: …? What are you talking about?
K: You’re wrong.
E: …
K: You said I was unfaithful – in other words, that I cheated or committed adultery of some kind.
E: Yeah. That’s what I deduced from your footage.
K: It’s not true. It didn’t even turn into infidelity. It didn’t turn into anything like that. For me… In my case, you see.
E: … You’re married… You’re a married man, aren’t you?
K: Hm? Yeah, that’s right. Oh, right, I never told you, did I?
E: You’ve taken off your ring.
K: … Right… I did take it off, huh. Right…
E: Yeah.
K: Mh. … I do carry it with me, though. See? – I was forgiven. My feelings were validated. So… maybe that means that I don’t have to do this anymore? Thanks to that, I was feeling better when the second trial started… I really do feel sorry about that. Towards my wife.
E: If that ring is a symbol of punishment to you… There really is nothing that could possibly be more cruel towards her.
K: Mmh.
E: Marriage is something that both partners want equally, isn’t it? It’s something you can’t do if only one person wants it. Deciding to treat it as a punishment all on your own… You’re making a mockery out of it.
K: I really am. Ah… She must have thought so as well. My wife, that is.
E: I’ve said this before: You’re a liar. Those lies have killed a person.
K: (sighs)
E: I forgave you. While I wasn’t sure yet, I thought that it didn’t seem like you killed her directly, and with all sorts of things taken into consideration, I judged that your murder was not a sin. However. That doesn’t mean that I’m praising your nature as a liar.
K: Yeah. I believe you’re right about that.
E: In short – between love and hate, [I would say] I hate you. Remember that.
K: … I get that.
E: Huh?
K: I despise myself for lying, too. Being a liar, you see – it’s painful.
E: Heh. Then just–
K: So I’ve tried to change! I’ve tried to change. I have tried to stop lying to myself and others!
E: …
K: I’ve confided in others. I’ve tried to be myself! I’ve tried to just be the way I was born!
E: …Hey, Kazui–
K: It’s not my lies that killed her. She’s dead because I stopped lying to her! If I had just kept lying- She wouldn’t have died…!
E: Kazui…
K: I can’t live unless I lie. That’s how I was born… I’m pathetic, aren’t I?
E: (sighs) I really can’t seem to understand you.
K: …
E: Just when I thought you weren’t letting out any of your true feelings and cleverly hiding your actual emotions… Now here you are, drowning in self-loathing like this.
K: (weak laugh) An old man in unstable condition… that’s not something you’d wanna see, is it. Sorry about that.
E: You know, about Kant…
K: Ah, the one who said you shouldn’t lie even if your friend might get killed.
E: From his point of view, if your friend dies because you didn’t lie, there’s no causal connection between the two… or so I’ve heard.
K: I don’t think so, though…
E: Even if you don’t lie, your friend might survive. And if you do lie, your friend might end up dying on a different occasion. That’s the reason why you’re supposed to always tell the truth.
K: …That’s convincing.
E: It’s not really.
K: Yeah, it’s not.
E: It may not be, but… I thought that for someone who has failed in their attempts to be honest, it might be a [saving] grace so they won’t end up doubting honesty in its entirety.
K: …
E: I still don’t know what happened, but… isn’t it okay to be proud that you made an effort to be honest in the first place?
K: … You’re so kind all of a sudden.
E: I just said what I was thinking. And besides – I forgave you. I made it as if your sin wasn’t a sin at all. And yet, you don’t seem the slightest bit relieved.
K: I know right.
E: Everyone else seems more or less liberated by the fact that they were forgiven.
K: That’s right.
E: Just from that… I understand that having your feelings approved of by someone else can have a major impact on the development of one’s personality.
K: …
E: However… You have not forgiven yourself. That’s why you can’t change.
K: …
E: Alternatively, even if your lying self was forgiven… it would still do nothing to help you.
K: …Aah, you really are impressive. You think so much.
E: I am watching over ten troublesome prisoners, after all. Even if I don’t want to, I’m being relied on.
K: I haven’t forgiven myself… even if my lies are forgiven, it won’t resonate [with me]. It might just be both of these. All the lies I’ve told are tying me down. Ever since I was little, I’ve never truly opened myself to anyone. But in the end, people can’t be saved if they don’t [open up]. And by now, it’s gotten to a point where I can’t do it by myself anymore…
(machinery whirrs, bell rings)
K: I did think Milgram would be able to force its way past that, though.
E: Is that an attempt at provocation?
K: You didn’t manage to reach my sin.
E: …
K: Even though I want you to… Milgram isn’t so great after all, is it?
E: …Heh. Don’t push yourself too hard, after all that whining from earlier.
K: Ha. [This is] the wish of a liar who’s reached a dead end – come and figure out my lies, Milgram. And, Es… please, free me from these lies.
E: Yeah. Leave it to me. – Prisoner no.7, Kazui. Sing your sins.
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lookninjas · 2 months
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Pick a song based on a bad description! You do not have to recognize any of the songs to choose them. You're going more for a mood. A vibe. Whatever cracks you up. Roll a d12, maybe. Just pick something and reblog the poll (reblogging is important -- we get a lot of ties if there's not a bunch of votes, so please reblog!)
At the end of the week, I will take all the songs and put them in a playlist, starting with the song that has the least number of votes and working up to the song with the most votes. I will then share the poll around one last time with a link to the playlist and all individual songs. If you would like to hear the finished playlist, please leave a comment or mention it in tags or whatever, and I will tag you when the playlist is finished.
Also, if you're intrigued by a description and you just can't wait, shoot me an ask and I will tell you the name/artist of the song that you're interested in. But like I said, you don't have to know to vote. Go with what you feel in your heart.
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ittyybittybaker · 2 months
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To celebrate Neil's birthday, here's a time-period accurate emo/pop punk love song mix I made inspired by this post by @wuzeio (featuring only songs released in 2007 or earlier)
1. Ocean Avenue - Yellowcard | 2. crushcrushcrush - Paramore | 3. I'm Not Okay (I Promise) - My Chemical Romance | 4. My Bloody Valentine - Good Charlotte | 5. Just Tonight - Jimmy Eat World | 6. Count 'em One, Two, Three - The Maine | 7. Of All The Gin Joints In All The World - Fall Out Boy | 8. I'd Do Anything - Simple Plan | 9. First Date - blink-182 | 10. Give Me Anything - The Maine | 11. The Promise - New Found Glory | 12. G.I.N.A.S.F.S. - Fall Out Boy | 13. Work - Jimmy Eat World | 14. Only One - Yellowcard | 15. Until The Day I Die - Story Of The Year | 16. Bang The Doldrums - Fall Out Boy | 17. MakeDamnSure - Taking Back Sunday | 18. Demolition Lovers - My Chemical Romance
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bibannana · 5 months
Echo *lounging on his bunk listening to some music*: Y'know this genre doesn't really vibe with me.
Tup *leans over and changes the channel*: Let's give this a whirl.
Fives *top-half dangling off of his bunk over Echo*: Did you know that genres are just the different fonts of music?
Jesse *covers his face with his pillow*: Please for the love of-
Hardcase *gasps and sits up*: You're right!
Fives *smug*: Of course I am-
Echo *yanks on Fives' arm, sending him smacking into the floor*: No.
Kix *just trying to relax*: I hate it here.
Taglist: @soliloquy-of-nemo @staycalmandhugaclone @sexy-rex @nekotaetae @jiabae (If I forgot anyone I am so sorry, it's been awhile)
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larabar · 8 months
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"so, that was fun"
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frenchublog · 2 months
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