#One time i slapped my friend in the face with a slap bracelet cause I was curious if it would hurt
little-star-bun · 10 months
i did not see u answered my long ass this SO OK YES APPARENTLY MY ASS IS SO SCRUMDILLYICIOUS EVERYONE USED TO SMACK IT I GIT HANDPRINTS AND EVERYTHING i fid it to this one girl bc we were dating but she smacked my thigh this time and i did it back but super hard bc why not oopsies and left the biggest reddest hand print i felt so bad BC I DID NOT MEAN TO DO THAT
Uhmmm ASS REVEAL??? jkjk unless
Also girly why tf would you do it HARDER??? What did you think would happen jfc 😭😭
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dreamwritersworld · 1 year
Disconnected… (sully family x reader)
this was inspired by 2 requests sent in so please enjoy! I didn’t link the two requests just cause I didn’t want to spoil it before you read so thank you! 💞
Y/n Sully. I was a happier child…until that light was pulled away and burnt out.
*five year old Y/n*
There was one too many moment where Jake had compared her to her older siblings…
Jake had pulled Y/n by her ear to listen to his words clearly about how she had to heal and be as good as Kiri..
Y/n walked into a separate room clearly in distress while Kiri was calmly sitting down beading a bracelet but she could sense something was wrong.
“What’s wrong?”
“…father keeps saying that I have to be like you but I’m not you.”
Y/n didn’t even give Kiri a chance to talk she knew that whatever she said wouldn’t make her feel better…not even a few moments after both sisters heard their mother talking to another Navi and that just made Y/n more upset.
“Kiri is the most beautiful child ever! We were given her so sudden and I always say to her, Eywa gave me you.”
Whats the softest way to say…you took away my passion…my happiness…what’s the kindest way to say?..you took away my spark.
I had so much potential, had I just been brought up differently given the correct corrections and encouragement I would’ve been something…something meaningful.
*6 year old Y/n*
“Y/n! Hold the knife correctly! Look at the way your brother is holding it! Why can’t you just be smart? Think!”
Y/n was too young to even start early training but…he made her anyways, said “with her like that, she needs at least two years of early training! She needs to think smarter.”
The little girl was buried deep into training when all she wanted to do was continue making friendship bracelets for people…she was such a sweet little girl.
Every time Jake yelled, stood by, or ever so slightly glanced at her she felt slightly scared…it always felt like he didn’t care. Truth was Jake was reckless with her feelings..he didn’t care about how the outcome of his actions would reflect on the young child.
Now I just sit in the comforting silence of the forest.
*8 year old Y/n*
There was one day when I was genuinely scared…terrified of the man yelling in my face..grabbing me, all because I failed at aiming correctly that day..but it was only because he made me stay up the entire night before practicing.
“Why can’t you just think kid?!”
He was pushing for words to come out as tears build up in my eyes.
“You were awful today!”
My own father could sleep peacefully in the fact that he was destroying me. It made him mad, my silence spoke louder than words..anger he wanted to come out of me. All of the sudden a full hand slapped my cheek.
My heart missed multiple beats when I realized what had just happened. That’s the moment I went numb to his actions, I quickly got up..wiped away my tears and went off to train without him. If someone were to ever hit me the way he did that day, I wanted to be ready.
I was dragged through the mud, what’s more to be scared of..? I don’t need them or anyone.
I don’t speak much to anyone…they don’t try speaking to me either so I guess in a way I settled.
*9 year old Y/n*
Jake’s treatment towards Y/n was like whiplash. One second he’d give her slight hope it was ok and then the next second he’d crumble her to pieces.
He put Kiri and Y/n to healing and she was doing really well, until a hard week hit her.
“Y/n. You went from first…to worst in one whole practice! You need to do better, when will you get it?”
All siblings watched as Y/n curled herself in, hiding her head once he left.
They were sad to say they noticed how as the years went by Y/n no longer talked to them…to anyone. Yet all siblings turned a blind eye..maybe it was temporary?
It doesn’t mean that i stay by myself all alone and do nothing, no absolutely not I enjoy adventure, hanging onto life by a thread…
*10 year old Y/n*
I actually used to have a good friend I knew for a short amount of time but sadly…she died. She didn’t know a thing about survival but it was because her father refused to teach her. So I taught her, but i wish I did it sooner, maybe if I did she would’ve lived…
It happened just moments after I taught her how to shoot a gun, she found hidden away.
“You want to see what i found?…will you show me how to use it?”
I was conflicted and confused because i had only learned briefly just once
“Ok…but it is not a toy.”
“I know!”
She pointed the gun up to a random tree turning to me asking what she would do.
“The most important thing is when you go to shoot, take a breathe before you hit the trigger.”
Tílí took this hilarious big breathe, exaggerating it.
“What should I shoot?”
Tílí was so…inexperienced, so much that That she didn’t even know you couldn’t wave around the gun. So I crouched and panicked the moment she aimed it at me unknowingly.
“Don’t do that!”
“I-I’m so sorry i- im sorry!”
Tílí immediately put the gun away but i didn’t even look…i looked at the forest searching for where the walking sounds came from.
“…Tílí..let’s go now.”
I yanked onto her hand and ran, hiding in an old lab, as we ran i could hear the man’s voice,
“Come out! Where ever you are!”
..we weren’t allowed to be in that part of the forest but I followed because she said she wanted to show me the gun.
We both sat down listening to the man whistling…this outsider must’ve been left behind when they were supposed to leave pandora, or perhaps this was the start of them coming back. Adrenaline raced through me that day…I was just a kid.
“I need you to listen to me. we have to go now…are you listening?”
Tílí just sat there, staring at the floor, and scared to move. When I reached out for her again she started talking louder.
“I can’t, I can’t, I can’t. Daddy, I’m scared!”
It seemed as though she was stuck in time…like she believed her father would come right that moment, he made her so dependent..so scared.
“Snap out of it, Tílí!..please!”
My brain fogged up believing I wouldn’t be able to save her, I began to get scared. My head turned to the whistling getting closer and then i did what I believed was best..
Tílí felt my hand slap her across the face..and then she rushed up, I got her out first by holding her up to reach the skylight on the roof and then pulled myself up..as soon as we jumped off we ran but the man didn’t fail to notice us.
I ran with her but when we passed she had fallen and so did the gun but…the man shot her in the arm
“Get up Tílí! You have to trust me, I got you!”
Tíl�� screamed in pain as I yanked her up, catching the gun, and ran. The man was taking his time in catching us..he knew I wouldn’t want leave her…
She had no chance though, her speed was slower but I had to drag her, it left me no time to make turns so the man wouldn’t have a direct area to shoot. I didn’t even have time to hide us so I could kill him then..He had shot her in the chest.
“No don’t- Y/n! Daddy!!”
“No! Tílí!”
I instantly turned back and hid shooting the man from getting closer…my body went tense as I walked closer to Tíli, her body was shaking and hyperventilating.
“No, please Tílí! I’m so sorry! I’m sorry! Your my best friend…I’m sorry.”
I stayed in the forest crying, left with her body.
That trauma didn’t go unnoticed. Mo’at could see that something was wrong with Y/n. It terrified her to see her grandchild’s downfall, she knew that Y/n would one day turn her back on her father for training and giving her pain so many years. Y/n wouldn’t let anyone even touch or stand by her…Mo’at wasn’t even an exception, no matter how much she wanted to heal those little wounds on her grandchild’s rough fingers and knees from training. She could see the pain Y/n was working through, the back pain from constantly doing tricks in training…suppose it was the reason Y/n was the best but it doesn’t mean it’s ok.
Y/n had been sitting on the floor, making medicine while Mo’at observed her…Neytiri walked in the room with medicine Kiri made from home.
“Kiri made some medicine for healing, mother.”
Mo’at hushed Neytiri and pulled her to the side, still keeping an eye on Y/n.
“We must talk..”
“Oh mother please, no need to worry about that child she-she’s fine. She remains happy at home as well.”
“Really? If that were true, that child would feel safe enough to make medicine from home.”
“Mother. You cannot possibly be insinuating that-“
“Shh. It’s just Y/n, there’s something cold behind her eyes…”
Mo’at walked away leaving Neytiri wondering…she too watched Y/n while she unpacked the medicine Kiri was making from home…
After helping grandmother I had stayed out a little but I only came back late five minutes after eclipse and brought back food that I hunted for. I could feel him and his stares..how he was so fixated on me and what i was doing now that he wasn’t playing ‘olo’ekytan’.
“You staying out late again?! I already told you, your forbidden from staying out! You think bringing food back home will make it better?!”
I couldn’t listen. My hand automatically dropped the food off by my mother and I immediately walked back out the home entering the forest, too annoyed to deal with him…he didn’t stop though.
My feet walked faster, heart began beating louder and my eyes just kept looking forward, not turning back.
“You come back here right now. I mean it Y/n stop!”
I couldn’t..for the first time in a long time..i just wanted to stop, to look him in the eye.
“I’m gonna tell you right now, You’re-“
Sometimes my mind just fogs up and forgets my morals…just like him. I turned right around, banging my hand into a tree just to push him to listen.
“Stop! I’ll walk home sir just- stop.”
He continued mumbling words, yanking me by the ear, i allowed it…im not at my break point just yet. As we entered the home he threw me onto my hammock and i just accepted it, staring at the sky…the other thing about numbness is that it kinda collapses time…suddenly i find my whole days blending together creating this endless and suffocating loop, training is all I do…
“Dinners ready!”
My transit stopped and i got up slowly, sitting in my little corner. There was never space at our dinner area for me..so I just ate alone. Then i did my chores as normal, slowly walked up to my bed sighing at the fact that i didn’t have the warmth everyone else did. Mother seemingly forgot to request a new blanket for me and I didn’t make enough time to craft items to trade something in for it..so I’ll settle on the rough blanket with seeking holes.
The next day I was told to do hunting with Neteyam in the forest…we didn’t talk much, which made it easier for us to hear outside noises..Then a man came but wasn't normal navi, he was an avatar and he held a gun, seemingly scare almost like he got lost.
"Shoot 'em"
Neteyam couldn't pull the trigger, but I didn't have the patience and i shot the man in the leg...then the hip.
I walked slowly to him.
Neteyam slightly tugged on me to just walk away and not interfere...but i just couldn't…something was wrong.
"Cmon let's go."
“Shut up Neteyam.”
He was annoyed but he just didn’t understand what the situation was so I kicked the man repeatedly until he was begging me..and when he did I asked some questions.
“Who are you with? You are not normal Navi.”
Then he spitted in my face mumbling about him swearing and being loyal, I shot him in the head with my arrow.
We walked away in silence but i can tell In his face what i had just done bothered him..he’ll get over it though right? He’s supposed to be the strongest warrior. The noises weren’t done..we could hear our siblings voices as we walked away. Neteyam called for our parents but i couldn’t stay put like he did.
Neteyam was behind a tree ready to shoot an arrow but he hadn’t realized a soldier approaching so I jumped down from the branch stabbing repeatedly into the man’s neck quick to make it silent..i hid once again when I saw a soldier head our way..he hadn’t noticed the body, just grabbed Neteyam, snapping his bow into half.
I began killing all 3 soldiers around hidden in the trees pointing guns at my siblings who were on their knees.
My eyes landed on the two fallen guns and i shot 6 while they blindly shot in a panic…i didn’t see anyone else, my siblings had ran into my parents arms. I was covered in blood..fixated on two missing soldiers…
Quaritch watched from a far, he could see Y/n held zero mercy…she was the one who shot their soldier who got lost in the forest. If she was so cold…he’d be able to get to her, get through her head.
He made sure the soldier beside him stood up first, aiming a gun at Y/n and then he shot him…setting up a scene of him “protecting her”.
Y/n held her gun to him…but for a minute she seemed in awe, she was stuck in time..she felt like she knew who this man was, somehow and in some way she heard stories about him when she was listening to her parents conversations…as did he. The reason he knew about Y/n was because before they were sent back to the forest, they discussed the little information they knew about the sully family, Y/n sully being one of them. In all honesty he hoped he’d walk into her, she was a kid who he believed could easily be ended or manipulated, because Jake never loved her, no one did. Hints why back at the fort they referred to her as the ‘the child with no love’.
If he got her on his side, he’d be unstoppable and be able to kill her father with zero hesitation. He knew he needed her trust first so he dropped his gun, left himself defenseless.
“I won’t kill you kid. Those soldiers that you just killed, well I wish it was different I do but they were weak of will and character.”
Y/n was patient this time…this man wanted to actually listen and talk to her but then again she didn’t care, he held let them hold a gun to innocent peoples heads.
“You know what I wish? I wish I had killed you too. I still can.”
“Yet you haven’t, you think any of those soldiers would have the balls to say something like that. There’s no way you could’ve lasted this long by yourself, otherwise.”
He was wrong because Y/n was brutal when she had to be. But Quaritich seems to take the brutal mindset Y/n had to the furthest extreme. However what Quaritch does goes far beyond being brutal he was just ruthless ..And no one who is ruthless deserves to live. Y/n still let the man go on..trying to pick her poison.
“We’re more alike than you think. In fact I think you realize it…but you’re not comfortable with it yet.”
That’s where Y/n ended it she shot him in the leg, aimed right by his lungs…and then her bullets ran out. Jake was watching from afar…he saw the entire conversation…on his way back he saw the bodies on the floor with multiple stab wounds, and he watched how she walked up to him with a knife. Then..he was spotted by Quaritch.
“Y/n! I’ll handle him. You don’t need to do that.”
Quaritch chucked at the oblivious father.
“That girl’s already seen more than you can imagine.”
Y/n turned to her father, rolling her eyes.
“I’m not going anywhere. That’s not your decision.”
“Atta girl, she ain’t afraid to look me in the eye like you Jake. You know that feeling you got right now? That's what makes you stronger than the rest of them kid….”
Y/n knew his words were true..but she was getting annoyed at the man who was repeatedly talking..letting all her thoughts out to her father..so she stabbed him in the neck, Repeatedly. Jake watched in horror, it was then that he realized he stabbed her in the back repeatedly as well…he made her a killing machine. She disconnected with the world more than usual and she didn’t even feel affected by it.
Everything felt slow..metal from the knife clinging with the soiled floor..blood covering her body. Y/n looked at her father, she wanted him to see her and the gore she created.
“this is what you’ve made me become.”
Fun facts!
Kiri was making friendship bracelets at the age Y/n wasn’t allowed to!
Tílí was a reflection of what Y/n would’ve been if she hadn’t grown up quicker.
I didn’t show much of happier Y/n because her memories would be very faded from that time..she started to grow faster at age 5.
Tag list: @noodlesfics @eywas-heir r @itshype @zatarias-pandora @yeosxxx @arminsgfloll @tsireyak @neteyamforlife @aimsro @elegantkidfansoul l @goodiesinthecloset21 @nikotokitaswife @bucky1235 @detectivesparrow @kikosaurscave @ssc7514 @simp-erformarvelwomen @eirianna @ambria @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @lv9su @luciddasher @dakotali @httpjiikook @tainted-artist4161 @fanboyluvr @bat1212 @mxn14 @innersuitcasehairdoscissors @ducks118 @midnightliacr @osakis-gf @onetwo123three @briannalarae @thirsty4nonlivingmen @historygeekqueen @abbersreads @eskamybeloved @hoodiepandaninja16 @valovesyou @silentlyswimming @r3dc4ndy @onlytays @papichulo120627 @tsamiaxo @wwwellacom @dotheyevenknowmars @midgetpottermills @he110hon @kodzukenwhore @minkyungseokie
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Gigi -the unbaked thots:
• Bath •
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Summary: I’ve had so many requests for this universe (including a bath time which this includes) and I appreciate all of y’all’s patience. I find this universe the hardest to write for and create entire scenes and fics out of so in order to keep it from dying out I intend to loosen up a little and start throwing out headcanons for y’all to enjoy in the meantime, you can watch for them with this header above. For now enjoy a trash bit of nastiness I wrote in under an hour in the middle of the night last night -kudos to the minxs @eliseinmemphis and @stylespresleyhearted
Warnings: Explicit! 18+ Bath sexy times, grinding, fingering, praying during sex, age gap, slight degradation, voluntarily drinking bath water containing cum. Yup.
Era: September 1977
Well here they are. On the dreaded tour.
But for now -there are bubbles. So many bubbles. And the heavy rumble of the bath’s jets and the golden glow of the dimmed bathroom lights in the hotel suite and the slippery bulk of Elvis as he grumbles beneath Gigi while she writhes amidst the foam of his rinsed shampoo.
“Sloppiest lil rider I ever-“ his face is shining in a heated glow, he is awash in pink cheeked arousal and Gigi persists, wearing herself out for his little gasps and the twitches of an eyebrow here and there. Bouncing adamantly atop his thick thighs in the swirling water and trying her avid best to slip his fat length inside her. She’s been trying since day one and every time it’s
-“not yet, Gigi, not yet, s’posed to be special and you’re special baby girl, not somethin’ to rush with someone special like you, see, I uh, i-i-it’s special-“
Gigi thinks having his rock solid cock inside her would be special enough.
“ ‘member the other night,
daddy?” She asks him in a huff, winded from the exertion as she pins his throbbing length against himself and grinds her clit against the hairs on his rounded belly, full of desperation born of youthful overexubernace, “remember how -how - when you were teasing me -and you pressed against my little hole?”
Elvis lets out a long groan in reply, slapping his hands against the sides of the tub in sexual frustration, causing his rings to clank and his bracelets to jangle against the porcelain. He can feel himself swell even more, the ache in his balls nearly unbearable at the proximity to snug tightness that he’s been denying himself for a myriad of reasons that are making less and less sense now, the more Gigi’s glossy wet tits slap his face silly.
“Oooh, oh I feel you-“ she gasps, as that redundant piece of meat between his thighs gives a hearty little twitch at the memory of her tiny hole and it’s fluttering need.
“You son of a bitch,” Elvis hisses to his traitorous little friend who’s acting very stalwart in his determination to find nothing but a tight cunt sufficient stimulation for release -it was easier back when little Elvis was a limp and useless dong: “this is the one time i’m asking you not to work. C’mon, don’t fail me now I-I- hell… O-o-our father. Who art in heaven-“
Gigi buries her face into the steamy crease where his cheeks meet his throat and licks at the salt there that not even the bath can remove. His hands fly to grip her hips and he yanks her up and down, grinding harshly against her raw little center as her breasts smash against his broad chest.
He regularly complained to the boys about her voraciousness and got no sympathy, not even when they saw it for themselves with the way he could barely get his seat in the limo, have his water handed to him and a towel before she was taking off his belt, unzipping his jumpsuit and inevitably giving lil Elvis some strong mouth suction. The boys had gotten used to ignoring him dumping a load down this little girl’s throat in the blurry blaze of street lamp lit nights and cranking up the radio to hide her moans every jet flight. Nothing about it was fitting and it wasn’t even to his tastes -so Elvis insisted- but it was real nice to be so wanted, even if the voraciousness of it was all a little alarming and out of hand.
Yet, God knows Elvis wanted Gigi badly. It half scared him sometimes and the rest of the time it kept him alive.
As did Lisa in an entirely different way and between the two girls tearing up his sedate plans for self mortification and permanent hermitage, Elvis found some zest for life returning to his soul as August became September and tabloids went from calling Gigi “the new girl” to calling her his whore and the colonel went from not answering his phone to leaving a perpetual red light on the message box and it went from kisses and snuggles in his Graceland bed to frantic grinding like this after every show that had her caterwauling in his arms begging to be torn open by his cock and him grunting like a bear in heat as he spurted against her belly and smashed the button for the tub jets to stop.
Wouldn’t do to circulate superstar spunk in a Cincinnati hotel jacuzzi.
“Mmm, that feel good daddy?” her sweet voice asks as the singing angels dim and the sense of time and space and his spent cock bring him back into consciousness.
“Uhuh. Feels real good.” he admitted sheepishly and felt her plump lips pressing to his bashful grin.
He returns it, pouring his love into her with the cradling of her head in his hands and the flick of his tongue against hers and the languid massaging of lips.
Gigi swirls the milky strands of his spend in the bath water between them, giggly and invigorated. She gets this way after climaxing and Elvis can only blearily smile and indulge the way she drags him around and makes him stand and get out of the tub, how she pats him down with towels like he’s a boy child and chitters to him about backstage gossip, praises for his performance of the night and Tammy’s latest tips for making Jerry’s life a living orgasmic hell. All while pressing kisses to every single part of his body as she goes along.
She’s found goosey places on Elvis that he didn’t even know existed.
Gigi is drying his shoulders when she sees the last remnants of the tub water cycloning in a swirl towards the drain, precious pearly strings cavorting like ribbons in the eddy.
Her conversational chatter ceases abruptly with a regretful -“oh no!“
She drops the sodden towel.
He watches her kneel, crouched and bent and glorious in a soft line of naked beauty from the back. Thought his maidenly idyl is shattered as she faces away from him and in what seems to be an impulsive moment of adoration, Gigi leans over the tub, hard porcelain lip digging into her sternum as she ducks her head and dips her mouth to the tepid bathwater.
He can hear her slurping.
Her graceful bracing in position and the greedy working of her throat suggest competency at this vile practice that makes his stomach lurch and spent cock swell thickly against his thigh. Without autonomy he hears himself grunt appreciatively.
“Fuuuuck me.” he drawls in disbelief, shuffling closer to watch the whole of it, the working of her sweet mouth sucking up his diluted seman and the arch of her back showcasing pink little pussy lips glistening from the back.
It’s sick and he’s terribly in love.
“That’s my good baby girl,” he finds himself praising this heinous degradation, hand coming to rest on the dip of her lower back, “not lettin’ m’lil contrition go to waste.”
It makes her strain to get as deep in the tub as she can, legs taut and face red from the blood rushing downwards to her cheeks as she chases gravity against the flow of the drain, his hand heavy and encouraging as it palms her ass, the pinch of his rings and the grunting, savage, male appreciation for her wantonness making her squeeze her thighs together in hopeless dissatisfaction.
A sting jolts her as his hand collides in an approving slap across her plush backside. The desire to make him proud eggs her on and she crawls further over the ledge, hair dragging in the drain.
Elvis’ hand once groping her butt moves until he’s peeling her apart and sliding in the long lengths of his middle and ring finger into her tight heat, meanly stabbing inside her as she’s bent double, tonguing at the drain for the last of his essence.
“You done this before.” Elvis’ voice is low, without a shred of questioning.
“Yes.” she moans, rosy cheek pressed to the wet floor of the now empty tub. “I always do this when you leave some left over, daddy.”
Elvis watches his fingers sink into pink plushness again and again, rings acting like stoppers at each culmination, spearing her until Gigi is sobbing and spasming over the tub edge, mouth wide open screaming for him with a tongue white from his spend, as broken as he is over the need to fuck her.
Sore and puffy, he assumes he’s learned her a lesson.
Standing her back up tenderly with all gentlemanly grace, Elvis wipes at her slimy cheek with his hands, pleased to find her smile as irrepressible as ever, the only thing on this godforsaken tour that hasn’t disappointed him yet.
“When is soon?” she whines into his kisses as he presses against her, bath quite redundant with the way he has her pinned between the door and his weeping cock, freshly spluttering his devotion against her bare pubic mound like he’s twenty years younger and fit to be such a minx’s lover.
“What?” He questions, murmuring in happy confusion.
“You said you’d make love to me soon.” she insists like a child reminding their senile parent of promises for ice cream after a trip to the dentist. “When is soon?”
Elvis grins through his grunt as he slides against her puffy clit, effortless from her slick and close to coming from images of her drinking his bath- “Soon, little baby,” he pronounces with all the gravity of a wiseman and the authority of a deadly opponent who his hand engulfing her fragile jaw, “-means soon.”
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lvrcpid · 1 year
boyfriend hcs!
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includes : neteyam. lo’ak. ao’nung. rotxo.
authors note : this is just a filler post while i work on other things
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he’s constantly taking care of you. you have a tendency to overwork yourself a lot and neteyam is the first to catch onto this, he definitely pulls you away from whatever you’re doing to make sure you’ve eaten and gotten proper rest. if you’re stubborn about it, he will sit on you until you agree to rest.
he isn’t afraid to be vulnerable around you. neteyam isn’t the type to put on a front in front of his partner. if he’s upset, it will show. you’re his shoulder to cry on and he’s so grateful to you for that. he loves the fact you never judge him when the stress of being the oldest gets to him. he isn’t afraid to ask for a hug when he really needs it, sighing and melting into your arms as he does so.
he’s always getting giving you gifts. lo’ak is very awkward and afraid of embarrassment so when he wants to express his love to you, you will always find bracelets and necklaces on your pillow. he definitely pays attention to things you like and don’t like. you like the color purple? expect a purple beaded necklace on your pillow by eclipse. he may or may not have made himself a matching one.
he loves making you laugh. lo’ak is a jokester, everyone knows this. it’s what drew you to him in the first place. of course you thought he was just being funny for show but no, this is his personality. he definitely makes jokes at the wrong time which results in you slapping his leg with your tail. when you guys were alone you busted out into laughter.
he will always defend you. ao’nung was weary of you in the beginning, constantly calling you a freak but once he got to know the real you , all of that stopped. of course his friends are still assholes so they periodically mess with you, but ao’nung is quick on their tails to defend you and tell his friends to back off.
he remembers the little things. ao’nung likes to play dumb with you. he will mess with you and play around like he forgot things you told him about yourself when in reality he retains every word that comes from your mouth. he took you to a waterfall once because you mentioned that you always wanted to see one..2 weeks ago. of course you cried cause you didn’t think he was listening that intensively.
he sings to you. rotxo is a great singer in my head. he’s always in your lap humming or singing when doing daily chores with you. something tells me that he’s always singing lullabies that were once sung to him as a child to you when you can’t sleep or when you’re upset.
he cheers you on. rotxo is your biggest cheerleaders he always has the biggest smile on his face and cheering the loudest when you race ao’nung or even when you succeed in weaving a basket. your accomplishments are his accomplishments and no matter what he will always be proud of you.
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rubendiasthoughts · 10 months
Okay, literally one person said to post it today, and maybe like 3 people liked the post of me asking, but that's all the convincing I need, apparently 😂 It's yours 💙
Ruben Dias as a boyfriend part five - headcanon:
- Can you imagine what it would be like to watch Ruben while he's working out??! He would be wearing shorts and a tank top, or even better he would be shirtless 🤭 Sweat dripping off of him, you would just be sitting there, watching his every move. I feel like he would tease you about it - maybe he would say something along the lines of "you're drooling baby" and a smirk would appear on his face as he sees your cheeks turning red. And maybe if you are not there, he would sometimes send you little videos of him working out, similar to those he posts sometimes. He would probably say "getting stronger for you". And you would be like "well you don't have to do that for me", and then he would say " I do, cause I want to always be able to protect you".
- When you two go shopping, he always gets inside the dressing room with you, sits on the little seats that they usually have in there and he watches you try on the things you picked out, giving you his opinion on them.
- You two would probably have matching bracelets or something like that. He got them with his friends, so he definitely wants to have something like that with you.
-If you ever accidentally hurt yourself, maybe get a little cut on your finger while cooking or bump into something and get a bruise or something like that, Ruben would say "you gotta be careful, don't want my girl getting hurt" and then he would kiss it better. If it was a cut he would for sure put a bandage on for you.
- He would definitely be the kind of boyfriend to kill spiders for you and he wouldn't be annoyed that you ask him to every time you see one. After he's done he would say "don't worry angel, I took care of it".
-I feel like he is the type to give you soft, little touches every time he passes by you. Like when you are chilling on the couch and he walks in, he leans in to give you a forhead kiss, he would playfully slap your ass when he walks by you while you are washing dishes or he would gently stroke your hair and put a lost strand of it behind your ear when he walks in and you are sitting at the table.
-When he wakes up and you are still asleep he would sometimes wrap his arms around you from behind and place a kiss on your shoulder before getting out of bed and getting ready to start his day.
- When he is away he would always try to call you before you go to bed, just to wish you sweet dreams and hear your voice. Sometimes that would get complicated because of times zones and stuff, but he would always try his best. When he is not able to call he would sent you a text though, just saying something like "wish you were here" or maybe "dream of me, sweet girl". And during the day, he would sent you little texts too, when he gets a chance. He would remind you to take good care of yourself and just check on you - asking things like " Have you eaten today? " or maybe "Slept well? " or maybe just "is my girl ok? ".
-You know the little juices he makes for himself. The good girlfriend you are, you would sometimes make them for him in the morning, he would thank you with a kiss on your cheek when you are handing it to him.
-When you are out with your friends, maybe having a girls night or something he would tell you not to call an Uber to drive you home but instead just call him and he'd come and pick you up. Because he wants to make sure you get home safe. He wouldn't even mind if it was late and he had to be up early - your safety is his priority.
-If you had a car, he would definitely check your tire pressure for you, he would take your car to the mechanics for you and all that other stuff that you need to do with your car (sorry I'm literally the worst driver and know nothing about cars, don't know why they gave me a driver's license).
-When you are out, maybe at a club or something, and there is no place left for you to sit he would pat his lap for you to sit on it. Maybe it's just me but this screams soft dom to me!! It's literally like a combination of a dominant and a golden retriever boyfriend - and that's so Ruben!!!
-Okay but can you imagine the sounds that would leave this man's mouth when you are sucking him off?? Just imagine him sitting on the couch, his head thrown back, you sitting on your knees in front of him. He would put his hand on the top of your head, pushing you down on his length from time to time. That man would be letting out the hottest groans. He would say stuff like "That's a good girl. Fuck, take me deeper baby". And when he looks down at you he would say " Look so pretty with my cock in your mouth, such a slut for me". I feel like he would love to cum on your face, seeing you covered in his cum would be so hot to him, he would probably call you his messy girl as he helps you clean up too.
You can share your thoughts on this with me if you would like to ❤
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lomltrentarnold · 11 months
pizza & promises — trent alexander-arnold ₊˚ෆ
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warnings … long fic!! jealous!trent, they’re besties, sprinkle of angst, someone’s flirting with reader, a little miscommunication (for the friend im picturing steve in stranger things cause joe keery is hot <3)
🍓hana’s notes … i dont really know where i was going with this im sorry 😭 i just wanted to let this out, this is just a dump of writing inspo that was in my head (also this is def inspired by b99 scene where boyle was talking to jake 🫣) || MAIN MASTERLIST
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Trent is not jealous.
No. Definitely not.
He’s just… uncomfortable. Yeah, thats it.
And he’s worried that you’re feeling uncomfortable too. It doesn’t look like it, not really. But you never know.
His once wide eyes in search for you suddenly narrows when he saw you talking to someone. When he realised who that person was, his narrow eyes became glares.
Its Steve. Oh, sweet collage friend Steve.
Steve’s nice, sure. He’s polite, he makes you laugh, but Steve also has a big fat crush on you. Everyone knows that. Its so blantly obvious.
Which is totally not a problem. Its not like Trent has the crush on you too. (definitely not a lie.)
Ew, he’s touching your arm now.
Trent doesn’t know how long he has been glaring at you guys but his some other people surely do.
“What’s going on with you?” Virgil asked, a teasing tone already coating his voice.
For once that night, Trent averted his gaze away from you, to his friend.
Hendo piped out, “You have been staring at them for a while.” nudging to yours and Steve’s direction.
Trent glanced over to you both, “No, I haven’t.” he denied.
“Sure.” Virgil laughed, “You should tell Y/N how you feel y’know.”
“Mate, everyone knows already.” Virgil sent him a sympathetic look, “Should be quick though, seems like you’re not the only one.” he raised his eyebrows.
Trent glanced to where you stand before dropping his head. “I don’t have a chance.” he scoffed, “Look at ‘em! They’re practically giving each other heart eyes.”
Hendo and Virgil both looked at each other with the same look. Is Trent dumb?
“What do you think she sees in him anyway?” he huffed out, crossing his arms across his chest.
“Do you know why she’s with him and not you right now?”
Trent looked at Hendo, waiting him to continue, “Because he’s actually is making effort to show her he’s interested.”
Trent sighed, he knew deep down that his friends were right.
Robbo came out of nowhere, slapping his back, “What you waiting tor then?! Go get her!”
Trent winced at the sudden impact, “Were you eavesdropping?”
Robbo shrugged his shoulders, “Of course I was. Go!”
He stood up, wiping his sweaty hands on his pants, already walking towards your direction.
You turned your head at his voice, a smile lighting up your face. “Hey!”
Steve nodded his head along in greeting. Shoulder slumped in disappointment at the intrusion.
You furrow your eyebrows at Trent when you noticed how nervous he looked, “You okay?” you asked, head tilting to the side in concern, and Trent thinks that its illegal to look that pretty.
Trent scratched the back of his neck, choosing to focus on the necklace that was around yours. The one that he bought for you that he has a matching bracelet of and that gave him the push of confidence he needed.
“Can I talk to you for a bit?”
“Okay.” you read his body language, nodding your head in understanding, “Sorry, Steve. I’ll see you next time?” you apologised, not even waiting for Steve to reply before linking your pinkies together with Trent and pulling him away.
As you guys walk away Trent couldn’t help but look back to Steve. He saw that Steve had a smirk on his face as if to say ‘You won.’ and Trent involuntarily flushed.
You sneaked Trent into the closest room available which turned out to be a bathroom. You walked in, locking the room for extra privacy before facing him. “So? What did you wanna talk about?”
Trent finally made eye contact with you and the sad look he’s wearing only concerns you more.
“I just—“ he stumbles, eyes nervously flickering all over your face, why are you glowing? “I was just wondering—“ damn it, why can’t he say anything?
Your doe eyes stared back at him, round and curious and Trent has to fight the urge to kiss you silly.
A thick silence blanketed you both as you waited for Trent to speak. You have enough patience, it wasn’t like you were dreading to go back to the party. It was getting boring — no offence to Steve— you just wanted to stay with Trent in all honesty. So being a room with him, although small, wasn’t all that bad.
“Hello? Is anyone in there?”
A sudden banging sound echoed the bathroom, breaking your eye contact.
“Come on then! I need to piss!”
Trent sighed, sending you a small smile. He scooted his fingers close to yours, almost hesitating to intertwine your fingers together. That made you furrow your eyebrows, because you both are always touchy and comfortable with each other. But you didn’t want to push him, he looks like he was contemplating something in his mind.
Trent retracted his hand back, not noticing the look of hurt flashing across your face. He opened the door, hand ghosting behind your back and guiding you out.
The person waiting outside the bathroom sent you and Trent an unamused look. He rolled his eyes and scoffed as he ran into the toilet. Muttering some profanities under his breath.
As you both walked outside, Trent was immediately whisked away by his teammates. He sent you an apologetic look. You mouthed a ‘Later.’ to him to which he replied with a smile, before turning around to converse with them.
You hated the way that your heart twisted. Is he okay? Did you do something wrong? Why did he look so sad?
Sure, you have been friends for a long time, but it took a while for him to open up. He was reserved, and a little shy, so when he let you see a glimpse of his true self you were elevated. You are not going to mess this up.
Even if you have to bury your feelings to do it.
• • •
It has been five days since the last time you spoke to Trent.
You knew he was busy, so you didn’t want to let that bother you, but you couldn’t help it.
If he was busy and he knew that he won’t be able to contact you for a bit, he would tell you beforehand. You were getting restless, so you contacted his brother, asking him if he’s home.
That’s how you ended up here, at the front door of his house. Marcel was the one who invited you in and when he saw you, he immediately knew who you’re here for.
“He’s in his room.” Marcel informed, a teasing smirk on his face.
You shyly nodded your head, maybe this is a bit much, “Thanks.
You knocked on Trent’s door, countless of thoughts ringing in your head, maybe this is over the top. Should you be doing this? What if he’s ignoring you? Is this his hint that he doesn’t want to be your friend anymore?
You were getting ready to bail, when the door opened. Revealing the person you were waiting to see.
“Y/N?” His eyes widen as they meet yours, as he took off his headphones as it blasted music, looking at you in confusion. “What you doin’ here?”
You thickly swallowed, hands shaking in nervousness. “Uh, I was worried if you were okay, cause you weren’t really responding to my messages, and I feel like we haven’t really talked. But now, I’m just realising that maybe you were ignoring me and I don’t know how to take a hint—“
His warm hand engulfed around your wrist, bringing you inside his room. Your startled figure almost made you topple over, but you quickly regained your balance. “Am I getting kidnapped?”
Trent looked amused when he looks at you, the face that he always wears when he’s with you. You’re happy that didn’t change.
“Kidnap you? In my house? That you came to?”
“Anything is possible!”
Trent chuckled. The atmosphere felt a little lighter than before you walked in and you hoped he doesn’t want to stop being friends with you.
Because you really liked being friends with him.
Maybe a little too much.
You stared at him with wide eyes, “What’s going on with you?” you asked, tone softening when you took notice of the bags under his eyes. “Did you get enough sleep?”
His eyebrows shot up.
“I didn’t mean like that— I was just saying like you look tired. You look good but like you look tired so I—“
You stopped your rambling for the second time that day. You took a deep breath. “I was just worried.”
Trent sighed, he sat on the edge of the bed and patting the empty spot next to him.
You hesitantly took the place beside him, being hyper aware about how much space you’re leaving in between.
“I’m sorry.” he whispered, “I didn’t mean to worry you.”
Shrugging your shoulders, “Its okay.” you assured.
Trent starts to fidget with his fingers, “I have been thinking a lot in the past few days.”
“About what? The Prem?”
He took a deep breath, “No. Us.”
You took a large gulp. This was it. He was going to end your friendship. You’re going to be alone and you never got to tell him how you really feel about him.
You decided to play clueless, “Us? Like what?”
But the words that came out of his mouth has got you choking on your spit.
“Like romantically.”
Your mouth gaped, “You’re joking.”
Trent took offence at your response, immediately feeling embarrassed about telling you in the first place, “No need for tha’ I was just thinkin’.” he defended, hurt coating his words in attempt to save himself.
“No!” you mentally slapped yourself when you saw his reaction, “No, what I meant was that,” you sighed, “I have been thinking about that too.”
He meets your eyes, doe and soft, looking at him like he got you your favourite food. Like he hung all the stars and the moons.
He was looking at you the same.
“You have?” he whispered, scared to figure out if you were lying or joking.
But you settled down his loud fears.
You nodded, “Yeah.”
He nodded alongside with you.
Trent ran his fingers through his hair, a nervous habit you picked up on. “Do you wanna go on a date?” he coughed, “If you want we can go to the pizza place that you have been meaning to go to.”
“That serves pineapples on pizza?”
He nodded.
You grinned. “Yeah, I would love too!” your voice getting higher with excitement.
A smile took over Trent’s nervous features, the roundness of his cheeks, the slopes of his dimples and his pretty smile making you want to kiss him until he’s dizzy.
And at last maybe you’ll get the chance to do just that.
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The Words "Best Friends" Become Redefined. Part 2
Regulus Black AU
Summary: You had been Regulus’ friend since childhood and now his mistress. The war had changed many things, Regulus among them. Now its time to decide if you should put your self-worth over missing someone who was gone.  
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Rating: M- smut
Song in Chapter: King of Wishful Thinking by Go West 
Link to Part 1 
I'll get over you, I know I will. I'll pretend my ship's not sinking and I'll tell myself I'm over you. 'Cause I'm the king of wishful thinking.
Your eyes snapped open as the song on the radio began to register in your sleep-deprived mind. Groaning, you sat up and threw a shoe at the radio knocking it off of your chest of drawers. Anything about being “the queen of wishful thinking” made you want to barf.
It had been several weeks since the night at the pub and you were no closer to getting over Regulus than you were on day one. Every day seemed to be the same, emotionally. You would wake up, cry a little, get mad at yourself for being sad (because you were right and he was wrong), then get up and force yourself to put on a happy face.
Regulus wasn’t helping any matters by sending you letters every single day. He had sent you the emerald bracelet that you returned several times before you finally gave up and just kept it. When it came to the letters, you just gave them to Sirius to do whatever he wanted with them.
You were more thankful than ever for your friendship with the elder Black brother. He was always a willing ear when you needed to rant. Sirius also took extra care to not tell Remus anything about the true nature of your relationship with Regulus. For all that Remus knew, in your mind, was your friendship with Regulus had ended and you were being a royal grouch about it.
Sighing, your mind went to the previous night when you were once again raging about Regulus to Sirius.
“I’m a real idiot, Sirius. I go around throwing away perfectly good boyfriends. Well, I don’t know if he considered himself my boyfriend but god damn it…Regulus is such a freaking jerk!”
Sirius sat on the couch watching.
“You’re still wearing his ring.”
You looked down at your hand. The ring that Regulus had given you years ago was still sitting proudly on your finger.
“I know that I am! I am a mess, Sirius. I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. All I want to do is cry. You know me, I’m not a crier! I can handle a crisis!”
Sirius smirked.
“A trait that you share with your brother so well…look, love, just because you love him doesn’t mean he’s good for you…hey look at me being the responsible one. Normally that’s your brother's job”
You groaned dramatically before sitting down.
“I know you are right but I don’t want to accept it. I am having a shit time at just throwing away a ten-year friendship and slight love affair. Why wasn’t I good enough for Regulus to fight for? Why couldn’t he say no to your family’s psycho ways and fight for me? Am I not…”
Sirius held a hand up.
“I’m just going to stop you right there, Y/n. You are more than good enough! You have always been good enough! Personally, I think that you are too good for the bum. Now come with me, we are going to do something. I want no complaining.”
You reluctantly followed Sirius into your bedroom. He led you to your full-sized mirror and put you in front of it.
“Now I want you to stand here, look at yourself, and tell me some of your best qualities.”
You gave your friend a frown only to earn a slap to the behind.
“I’m your best friend. I can do that…now get going, sugar bean.”
You sighed and looked at your reflection for a moment before meeting Sirius’ waiting eyes.
“I’m smart. I’m a good friend. I’ll fight for those I care about no matter the cost. I have a giving heart…I may be a sass queen…”
Sirius snorted.
“May be?”
You chuckled before turning around and hugging Sirius.
‘“Thank you, Sirius.”
Getting out of bed, you felt somewhat better. While Sirius could drive you crazy, he also knew how to make you feel a lot better.
He really does remind me of Regulus.
A truer thought couldn’t have been said about that one. Whether they argued and swore that they were totally different. Regulus and Sirius’ friendship styles were extremely similar. Standing in you in front of the mirror and making you list off good qualities about yourself was definitely something that Regulus would have done.
Stepping into the shower, you sighed in relief as the hot water washed over your aching muscles. In addition to your poor state of mental health, you had been pulling extra duties for The Order. This meant nightly patrols, tons of research, and spying on unsuspecting death eaters with Sirius and Remus.
“Hi sugar, I know that you miss me.”
You froze. This had been the first time that you had heard Regulus’ voice in your mind. Legilimency. Of course, Regulus could do this. You internally smacked yourself in the head as you “chose” to ignore him.
“Oh, you’re still not talking to me, huh? That’s too bad. I miss you, princess. Do you really expect me to go from spending every day with you for ten years to nothing so easily? I miss everything about you.”
You closed your eyes. Even though you were quite good at Occlumency, you made no move to push Regulus from your mind. Maybe you were asking for what you were getting. Maybe you were being weak…but damn it was wonderful to hear Regulus’ voice in your mind.
“Still nothing? Y/n, you really are being so stubborn. Maybe you should know what I miss. I miss seeing your beautiful face underneath me. How beautiful you look after I kiss your lips until they’re swollen and your cheeks are flushed bright pink. I miss how desperate you get when I suck on those dusty nipples. I miss how you move under me. You can’t tell me, love, that you don’t miss how your pussy trembles when I’m pushing in. Don’t forget, sweetheart, that it was I that showed you how to please a man. Now, that I know you are wet, how about a word? Anything…tell me where you are and I’ll come to you. We can fix all of these nasty little issues that we are having and get back to us…the real us.”
You bit your lip at “the real us.” Regulus didn’t remember what the real “Regulus and Y/n” was. He forgot what your friendship meant. He forgot what actual love was…
Forcing Regulus’ voice from your mind, you quickly turned off the shower.
“I have got to keep him out of my mind.”
You spent the majority of the day trying your best to avoid having your mind fall back to Regulus. Thankfully, there was enough crazy going on at the ministry to keep you busy for hours. The less that Regulus graced your mind the better. You weren’t able to sit around and think about his cocky voice in your head that morning…and how deliciously deep his voice sounded.
Merlin, I am really fucked.
You thought before putting your head down on your desk. Maybe you were more screwed than your realized?
Later that day you were more than happy to meet Remus and Sirius for dinner at a bar. Seeing your friends was just what you needed to “get out of your head.” The moment that you walked into the bar, Sirius motioned you over to the table.
Taking off your jacket, you nearly collapsed at the table. Normally, you would have kissed Remus and Sirius both on the top of their heads. Today, that wasn’t happening. Both men looked slightly offended as you held your hand up.
“Rain check. What a day! I am beat!”
You commented as Remus slid you a glass of fire whiskey. He gave you a small smile. Remus wasn’t a fool. He knew that there was more to your friendship with Regulus ending than what he was being told. Remus wanted nothing more than to question you and then go kill Regulus…but that would get him nowhere. You were depressed enough as it was. If he “offed” Regulus, you would be inconsolable. If Remus was to do anything, it would be to let you tell him in your own time.
What is it with Lupins finding the Blacks so damn interesting?
Remus looked across the table at Sirius who gave him a small smile.
Oh, that…that right there.
Remus added to his thoughts before turning to you.
“Long day?
You nodded.
“We don’t have many short ones any longer. I swear, this war needs to hurry the hell up. I don’t think that I was meant for this being careful thing. I ran into Augustus Rockwood today and had to stop myself from saying you’re next mother fucker.”
Sirius giggled.
“I’m surprised that you didn’t. Y/n, I have to say that Remus and yourself are the sassiest people that I know.”
“Does that assessment include yourself?”
Remus asked, cheekily. Sirius rolled his eyes.
“See what I mean? Sass!”
You leaned back in your chair and took a sip of your whiskey as the lights in the bar went out. Immediately, you reached for your wand as some death eaters walked into the bar.
“Boy, they sure like to make a big entrance.”
You murmured as Remus, Sirius, and yourself dropped to the floor. Remus’ eyes were wide as he turned to you.
“Get out. There is an exit in the back. Sirius and I will take the exit over there. If we all go together it will draw too much attention. If you want to go with Sirius, I’ll go the back way.”
You shook your head. The last thing that you were about to do was let them be separated. Besides, you could handle getting out on your own.
“No, just go. I’ll meet you lot back home.”
You whispered before crawling off toward the back of the pub as people in the bar started screaming. As much as you wanted to go back and fight, you knew it would be stupid. The three of you were outnumbered.
Once in the other room, you moved to stand up but someone grabbed you from behind. You quickly threw your elbow back hitting whoever it was in the ribs. When they made a painful moan, you pulled away enough to get a good look at who it was.
“Going somewhere, sugar?
You froze as Regulus took off his mask. As much as you wanted to stand and stare at him, you couldn’t. Taking out your wand you launched hex after hex at Regulus only for him to repel them away. You wanted him to hurt as much as you were hurting!
“Come on sugar is that the best you’ve got?”
Regulus said, sounding bored. You stopped and glared at him. You wanted Regulus to feel your misery. If there was anything of the man that you cared about in there…you wanted him to see your side.
“I don’t kill things. Unlike you, I don’t hurt people that I care about.”
Regulus chuckled.
“Oh, sugar. You really are mad.”
You picked up an empty bottle and threw it at Regulus. He sighed as it only hit him in the chest.
“Go away, Regulus. If you’re going to kill me then just be a man and do it.”
You snapped. Regulus was about to reply but stopped the moment that he heard Lucius Malfoy’s voice. He stood motionless for a moment before rushing forward and wrapping his arms around you.
“Don’t scream. Be silent.”
He hissed before standing his body upright. The last thing that Regulus wanted was for Malfoy to have any idea that he had “company.”
“Black, we need to go. Nothing that we came for is here. It was another piece of bloody useless information.”
You stood wrapped in Regulus’ arms clutching tightly to his death-eater robes as he gently rubbed soothing circles on your back.
Soothing…what is happening here?
You thought before taking a moment and breathing him in. Never in a million years did you think that you would ever be in Regulus’ arms like this again…yet here you were. There you were and he was holding you just as he did before turning away from you.
“I knew it was a waste of time. Go ahead, I’ll be along shortly. There is something else that I need to take care of.”
Regulus replied. He waited until he was positive that Malfoy was gone before letting go of you. When you looked back at your love’s face, he looked ready to panic. His cool calm composure was gone.
“Take the second door and get out of here. Turn into your animagus form the instant you are outside and don’t turn back into a human until you are home. Run and don’t look back…just run.”
He shook his head before pulling you into a kiss. Neither of you moved away from the other for a moment. It was savoring the moment… enjoying the closeness that both of you missed. You sighed as Regulus’ tongue caressed yours. This was the kiss that you missed…the kiss that you longed for in your dreams…
Regulus was the first to pull away.
“Go! Stop wasting time…just please…go.”
You gave him one final look before morphing into your cat animagus form and rushing out the door into the dark silence of the ally way…
______ @amelie-black @jessyballet @knreidy1 @georgeweasleydumbhoe @justfinishthis @acciosiriusblack @siriuslyceleste @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @ell0ra-br3kk3r @darkenwolfie @livshifts @stelleduarte @starsval @millies0bsimp @coffeeaddictednymph @readtomeregulus @daddyslittlevillain @rogue-nyx88 @panpride @saramaple @missgorldafirst @s-we-e-t-t-ea @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @f4iryluvy @buttercup-beeee @i-love-scott-mccall @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @quinis @yousmellllikecaca @mentally-unstable-hoe @haroldpotterson @padf00ts-l0ver @goldensunshineshit @aurorasnape12 @ad-astra-again @rubyroscoe1 @dumybitch @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @lostarc24 @marichromatic @play-morezeppelin @ravenhood2792 @un-lovesherself @melaninnbarbie @criminalyetminimal @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @moldy-old-boot @hankypranky @summer-novak @emiwrites3reads @shaylybaby2032 @knight-of-gleefulness @deanwherescas @sprnaturallover @wontlookaway @shitfaceddaniel-blog @untoldshortsofthefandoms @li0nh34rt @tas898 @mycuddlycorner
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dreamtydraw · 10 months
i gotta know more about your mc and baxter (i am never free from this man somebody help me). do they date in step 3, or just crush on each other? and the angst, pls gimme some angst >:D
oh, and do you have any headcanons about them together? :3
*slap my knee* WELL HONEY you have a BIG storm coming-
I’m a multi-shipper so Cerise has a storyline where they date and one where they were just really good friends and in both cases: Baxter was someone extremely important to Cerise.
Important context to understand: Cerise was nonverbal for almost half of her life. She has an important communication problem that actively ruin her personal life as she struggle to talk to people and so not isolate herself. Regardless of the nature their relathionship take, Baxter is extremly important to her as he's the first person she managed to befriend by herself. He came off strong and she took her chance to try talking with someone else and it ended up feeling easy around him.
They are vastly different and this is one of the main reasons they work together: They get to experience, learn and witness a new way of living life. Cerise gets to build her confidence slowly, they have an agreable moment and the dating is all new and attracting to her. She feels a lot and is in the company of someone who appreciates her and makes her come out of her shell.
You can imagine how such an impactful relationship can turn from the loveliest encounter of your summer to the most emotionally damaging event of your life.
Also worth mentioning is that in my playthrough Baxter closed the door in Cerise's face while she was bawling her eyes out on his porch... Yeah it didn't went well....
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The reason why this breakup impacted Cerise so much is how some little details spiral in an endless train of negative thoughts: "If I was worth it, he would have tried" and "I am not even capable to move on from something so insignificant for him" "I feel stupid for having felt confident" "I should have known that I was not made to be around people, I can't even talk to someone properly" "I'm too much"
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Cerise's self-confidence got shattered, having walked right back of all the effort she managed to make and her mutism coming back into her daily life. It only took one conversation to ruin an entire process of self grow.
The reunion was a painful one and here is where I call my phase the: Baxter pain and regret.
Just imagine for a second, you are so miserable because of your own choices, you left someone who loved you by convincing yourself they'll move on and 5 years later when you meet them again they are a shell. You hurted them so much that to this days your presence haunted them, the person you loves because of their positivity, their smile and bright kindness are now dull, sad and scared. The regret of it all and the pain of wanting to ask why, to wanting to help but also desperetly not wanting to furter implicate yourself while they still look at you with hope. How much would it hurt you to be given a chance even after all you destroyed ? After all the joy you denied for both of you and with all the regrets of have spent so much time in your selfish perception of the world. It would sting and that something that can never dissapear, even if she's back, even if you try again, even if you make progress, you simply can't make up for what you caused and it hunt you at night. You always been loved, you always loved them, and like a fool you reciprocate those feelings by doing the opposite of what love is suppose to be.
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NOW THAT ANGST HAVE PASSED- Here is some cute dating headcanon I have of these two :D
Oh and one last sad stuff :
Cerise cut and dyed her hair because Baxter used to say he liked her long orange hair and the compliment felt so bittersweet that she couldn't stand seeing herself in the mirror...
-Cerise likes jewelry and likes to make colorful jewelry so she wanted to make bracelets for Baxter. One colorful green to keep as a souvenir and one black and white.
-Still on jewelry, they traded. In exchange for a bracelet, he gave her some rings of his (that she kept wearing for the 5 years )
-They kissed in the car watching the firework because Cerise doesn't like loud noises
-Cerise doesn’t like sudden louse noise but had fun listening to Baxter’s music during some car rides.
-Because she can’t drive she asked him to pick her up or give her a ride to some stores just to have some time with him.
-They met at the cypres during the "soirée" moment and this fun fact always makes them laugh, life sure like them together.
-Fear of the ocean vs Fear of height, both are here to help the other fight against their fear with a little help
-Cerise gave Baxter a glass shot as a souvenir and he only once drank in it alone but was too scared to break it so he kept it hidden.
-I have this hc that once they get married ( because yes they will ) Baxter has a picture of her somewhere in his office and if someone asks "Are you married ?" he just pull up the pic of his very colorfull and and cheerful wife so people look at him confuse
you married a rainbow ?!
-Everyone had their moment of "don't ever hurt her again" with Baxter but the worst one was Liz who profaned murder hunt if he did.
-Still, Baxter got accepted nicely back into the family.
-Cerise's services as a photographer got added to Baxter's wedding contact of people he can recommend and they at least worked on some weddings together.
-Neither of them are morning people, but they spend a lot of their nights hanging out and simply talking until late.
-Some dinner nights they take a detour to dance a bit on the side near the beach
-Travel around the world travel around the world! Cerise has some nice vacation places she wants to do with Baxter and they sometimes need some calm time.
-They just love each other, 5 years are nothing compared to the rest they spent together
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This is the fourth entry for @vikingsevents Valentine's Week. The prompts were Misunderstanding and Best Friend. I'm a little bit late for it, but better late than never, right? xD Nothing worth of a warning in the fic, everything is just mentioned and not acted upon. Ragnar and his anger issues are its own warning lol. This really is just sort of a modern take of canon events with added spice. (1,4k fic under the cut)
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"Jesus!" Ragnar exclaimed after entering the kitchen. He had a feeling that something wasn't right once he made it through the front door, but had been too tipsy to care. He swayed in place and then leaned against the wall near the door. When those taxing eyes took in his miserable state, Ragnar hid his face by rubbing it with both hands. Desperately willing the drunkenness away.
"Not quite," Floki responded belatedly and Ragnar could hear the slow smile forming on his friends lips. "Where have you been?" He asked and from the sounds of it, kicked the chair out from the kitchen table to invite Ragnar to sit. "I had to wait for hours."
Ragnar sucked on his teeth noisily and pushed himself off the wall, finally looking at his old friend properly. He was dressed in the same suit he wore when he got arrested. "No one asked you to," he told him and sat down opposite of him. "Why are you here?" Ragnar squinted his eyes in suspicion. He hadn't seen Floki since the trial and hadn't planned on changing that. Especially not on this particular day, but here Floki was sitting at his table, with his crossed arms leaning on the surface.
"You are my friend, Ragnar," Floki replied sincerely, his hands now folded in front of his face, hiding the lower part efficiently. "I worried." He added sincerely, causing Ragnar to slap his hand onto the table with force. 
"Do not lie to me," he pointed at Floki, his voice raised. The alcohol always made it easier to tap into his anger. It was one of the reasons Aslaug had left him. The thought of her only worsened his rage. She'd gone and took the boys with her. It hadn't been her intention to prevent Ragnar from seeing them, but when a judge had to decide how to split the time, Ragnar had been drunk out of his mind. That day, Aslaug got full custody without another chance for him to explain. 
Floki's high pitched giggle sounded haughty and his friend looked away from him. "Everything I did was for you," he told Ragnar. "Everything."
It had his blood boil further and without a second thought Ragnar threw the little decorative plastic flowers Ecbert had gotten off the table with an enraged shout, the ceramic pot breaking into a thousand pieces as he stood. "You came into my house, you threatened my family!" Ragnar yelled, his breathing heavy. "You did it for yourself."
"Athelstan was not your family," Floki replied, his brows furrowed in similar anger. He wasn't quite on Ragnar's level, but he would get there easy enough. "He was a whore at best, playing footsie with you at the dinner table you shared with your wife."
Ragnar scoffed in disagreement. "Since when do you care about Aslaug?" He asked. "You knew she was fine with it, you-" he broke off and rubbed his eyes tiredly. Why was Floki here on the anniversary of Athelstan's death? It didn't make sense to Ragnar. The Floki he knew had never trampled over his feelings like this. "Why are you here?" He asked again, this time Ragnar forced his voice to remain calm. 
Slowly, his friend reached into the pocket of his jacket and then threw a silvery object onto the table. "It belongs to you." Floki told him and leaned back in the chair. So relaxed like he didn't kill the man Ragnar loved ten years ago. On further inspection he noticed that Floki had brought him the bracelet he'd given to Athelstan. He'd had a goldsmith make it shorter to stop it from falling off the other man's wrist. Ragnar would never be able to wear it again. Not that he wanted to.
With a slow nod Ragnar pushed the chair he'd sat on under the table. He needed to distance himself from Floki, or he would hurt him. "Thanks," he found himself saying. "Now fuck off," Ragnar added for good measure. "I don't want you here today."
Floki made no indication to move. He seemed to be oddly offended at Ragnar's dismissal. "Ten years is enough to grieve for a boy toy," he said and Ragnar knew he was deliberately cruel. His friend had been with him when he stumbled over Athelstan in their club. An anorexic little thing with daddy issues and a history of drug addiction. Ragnar later told Floki that Athelstan had been in a catholic school with many priests who had wandering hands. But he'd always lacked empathy where Athelstan was concerned and Ragnar knew that. Floki leaned forward to catch Ragnar's eyes. "I went to jail for you."
The sheer fury gleaming in Ragnar's eyes was too short a warning before he basically threw his hands onto the tabletop and towered over Floki. His breath was coming in short puffs. "I did not ask you to! You were supposed to tell the truth." Ragnar said the last bit through his teeth. 
"Thirty years for you, or ten for me," Floki replied, "Easy choice." He said and Ragnar knew he was right. He'd already been on parole and if the cops had found his many, many firearms and not so small amounts of drugs at his house, he'd be locked away for most of his remaining life. So Floki admitted it was him who evaded the taxes of the club they owned and they found nothing at Floki's place– he was smart enough to stash it somewhere else entirely. Floki had gone to jail for fraud alone. His friend's eyes turned soft as he looked up at Ragnar, "I would do anything for you."
He was close to tears when he moved away from the table, only to round it and stand right in front of Floki. Ragnar hesitantly reached for his friend's face to hold it in both hands, gently stroking over his cheeks, "Then tell me why you killed Athelstan, hm?" He leaned down to press his forehead against Floki's temple and whispered, "Why?" Over and over before his hand moved up and got hold of Floki's almost hairless scalp, pulling it harshly back to force him to make eye contact. "Why?" Ragnar hollered at his friend who remained mute through it all. 
"He was a junkie and overdosed," Floki told him calmly. Something that he had already heard from the police. "You knew it, I knew it– everyone! Not a single soul was shocked by it." He said, but his extensive blinking spoke against the truthfulness of his statement. Ragnar was aware of Athelstan's past, he'd even fucked with him on multiple occasions why they'd both been high. 
Once more he invaded Floki's personal space, coming cheek to cheek with him. "I knew every part of his body, seen it all and I knew his mind," Ragnar said quietly, a strange threat lurking underneath. "He'd sworn off H months before his death… for me." Floki's eyes widened momentarily in realization. "He never would've overdosed."
It momentarily looked like his friend wanted to come clean, mumbling incomprehensibly until Ragnar moved away. "A misunderstanding, we fought," Floki said, the deranged giggle he let out sounded like he'd suppressed it for hours. "I hit him and he wanted to tell you."
"I don't believe you," Ragnar replied, once again urging Floki to tell the truth. "You lured him out of my house," and into a rundown place full of addicts. "I ask you one last time, why you did it." Ragnar tried again, but Floki shook his head, refusing to budge. "Was it jealousy?" He bluntly asked, causing Floki to become stock-still. 
His friend exhaled a long breath before desperately inhaling. "You chose him," Floki said quietly, almost like he didn't want him to hear. "Over me," he added and met Ragnar's gaze steadily. "How could you?" 
Something like sympathy creeped up inside Ragnar and he inclined his head a couple times in a slow and jerky movement. "You've been my best friend for all my life, Floki," he told him, the side of his face sticking to Floki's to speak directly into his ear. "You've known me longer than anyone else." He wished his friend had told him what he was going through, and maybe Athelstan would still be alive. 
When he pressed a kiss to Floki's temple, his friend's hands pulled at the front of Ragnar's shirt and into an awkward hug. They lost ten years of their friendship, time they would never get back, but now he understood why Floki had lied for him, why he had hated Athelstan so much. 
Envy was the death of all love. 
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liviavanrouge · 9 months
Livia: *Walks through the palace halls, her head bowed*
Leah: Livia
Livia: *Falls to her knees silently, keeping her head down* I'm begging you, please don't punish my friend...
Dawn Knight: Why-
Leah: *Stares her eyes widening*
Leah: What do you mean?
Livia: M-My name isn't Pearl, my real name is Livia Vanrouge and my friends name is Epel Felmier....we're just trying to get back to the future! Our friends and family are no doubt worried sick about us both!!
Leah: *Steps forward stunned*
Livia: *Looks at Leah, tears falling faster down her cheeks* I WAS GONNA TELL YOU I SWEAR!! BUT I WAS AFRAID YOU'D HATE ME, I DIDN'T WANT THAT!!!
Leah: *Kneels down hugging Livia* I don't hate you! You're the first person who really showed me amazing places!
Livia: Please, don't let them hurt Epel...
Leah: *Looks behind her and nods*
Dawn Knight: *Nods back* I'll grab a horse from the stables
Livia: *Sniffs, Leah wiping her tears away* Thank you! Thank you both!
Livia: *Freezes, something black hurtling past her, hitting Leah* Leah...
Leah: *Stands up, her eyes turning dark red*
Dawn Knight: Leah!!
Livia: *Stares, her eyes wide, the Dawn Knight standing in front of her*
Dawn Knight: Stay behind me, Livia
???: *Grins, hovering over Leah* Livia couldn't care less about you....look at her already planning your downfall everything she said and did was to earn your trust to betray you
Leah: *Stands up straight, her eyes narrowed as she touched the bracelet around her wrist* You're wrong....Livia she showed me more of the outside world than anyone else and gave me small gifts that have big meanings behind them....that wasn't fake...you're just being cruel
???: LEAH!!!!
Leah: *Looks up, her eyes widening*
Livia: *Throws her arms around Leah, a glow coming from her chest*
Leah: *Wraps her arms around Livia, a second glow coming from her chest*
Dawn Knight: *Shields his face as the dark spirit escaped from Leah's body, evaporating from the light*
Livia: *Hugs Leah tight* LEAH! YOU'RE ALRIGHT!
Leah: *Stares then smiles slightly, hugging Livia* I'm alright....
Livia: *Grips the reins of a horse, wearing a cloak*
Epel: Want me to lead the horse
Livia: No, it's alright
Leah: Livia!
Livia: *Turns surprised* Princess!
Leah: We have a gift for you....in hopes that you'll get home..
Dawn Knight: *Hands Livia a small box*
Livia: *Blinks, opening the box, finding a bracelet with aurora covered star shaped jewels* Wow...
Leah: We had it blessed to protect you from curses and other dark magic
Livia: *Smiles, slipping the bracelet on, her expression softening* Thank you, I'll treasure this forever....
Dawn Knight: We wish you safe travels
Epel: Thank you...
Leah: *Hugs Livia, startling the girl* I'm so glad I met you! You became my best friend, a sisterly best friend, and I hope we can see each other again one day!
Livia: *Smiles, returning the hug, her eyes starting to water* I hope so too...that'd make me the happiest hybrid alive....
Epel: Thanks for everything
Livia: *Climbs up onto the saddle, hauling Epel up behind her* We owe you guys our lives
Dawn Knight: Just return to your time period safely
Leah: And never forget us
Livia: *Smiles at Leah* I never forget a person who's more important to me than my very life
Leah: *Smiles at Livia* You're that important to me as well
Livia: *Nods and takes off on the horse, Epel's arms around her waist*
Leah: *Smiles, waving after them* I wish my friend a safe return to her time...
Crewel: Let's try this!
Malleus: *Slaps his palms together, his eyes glowing causing the ground to shake*
???: WOAH!!
???: AHA! WE'RE BACK!!
Ace: LIVIA!!
Golden: EPEL!!!
Livia: *Laughs, wearing a cloak* HEY GUYS!
Epel: *Grins at everyone* Hey!
Livia: *Giggles everyone swarming her and Epel, showing relief that they were safe* Yeah, we're fine!
Livia: *Looks down at her bracelet, her expression softening* ....everything is fine...
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galaxy12sblog · 1 year
Episode 8: enemy series
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Our friends 🧡❤️‍🩹❤️
Galaxy, Diego and Sweet tea pop, went to look for their friends. Galaxy was so hyped, she keeps finding clues so fast.
Galaxy: we have to find him! Otherwise Bot will be so worried!! Way worried! He wouldn't talk to anyone!!! And-! Oh! Clue!!! *Quick runs towards the next clue* 😧!!! GUYS!!! I FOUND THE NEXT CLUE!!!!
Diego: is it really necessary to scream from the top of your lungs, just to-....whoa...
Sweet tea pop: i-is that...a..
Galaxy: Yep! It's a beautiful forest... with Alastor's scent! And! *Pick up a bracelet* his boyfriend's bracelet!
Sweet tea pop: so that means Pastel is here too, And Alastor!
Diego: *clicks finger* bingo.
Galaxy: Yes! But.. I hope Alastor is alive..what if-
Diego: No, no, he's alive
Galaxy: !! How do you know??
Diego: I have a feeling that Alastor is alive, if not, weren't there be blood here?? Wouldn't Bot tell us that he's dead?? Wouldn't the the sunset Tree change colours??
Galaxy:...*sigh* alright, Let's go!
The three went over the river, Get through the trees, until they stopped, hearing a familiar scream
Galaxy: *gasp* !!! Alastor..? Alastor!? HANG ON!!! AUNT GALAXY IS COMING!!!
Diego: wait-!
Galaxy runs in full sonic speed, until she tackled a blue sea monster on the ground.
Galaxy: WHERE IS HE!?!?
Electstel: Whoa, whoa...chill. who are you looking for-?
Galaxy: Don't play with me, you kidnapper!
Electstel: kidnapper??
Galaxy: yeah!! Listen here, you sh*t if you don't tell me where Alastor is, I'll rip your eyes off, shove them down your throat, so that you can see me cut you IN HALF-!!
Alastor: Galaxy?!?
Galaxy: *turns around*...*gasp* Alastor!!!
Alastor: *walks closer to Galaxy and hugs her gently*
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It's okay.. I'm here~!
Galaxy: *hugs back tightly* I miss you!! Everyone does!!
Alastor: *smiles*
Galaxy: wait a minute..why do you have bandages around your upper body?? And your.. eye??
Alastor: I'm fine, Galaxy.
Pastel: hey gala-
Galaxy: Shut it, Are you hitting...our small, innocent bean..?
Alastor: small..what-?
Pastel: I'm not-
Trythm: *swims towards Galaxy* who are you??
Galaxy: I should asking the same question! Who is this guy??
Diego: um, excuse Galaxy's behavior. She's... too hyped.
Sweet tea pop: Alastor, mind tell us who are they??
Galaxy: yeah!
Alastor: well...*looks at Trythm* this is Trythm, my guardian. More likely a friend. And that is Electstel!
Electstel: *helping Pastel up*
Alastor: He's the one who saved me from being killed by a stranger maniac. He's been taking care of me, and also my friend.
Galaxy: Oh-!...*looks at Electstel* sorry about the tackle*
Electstel: nah, it's okay.
Sweet tea pop: now that we found you... I think it's time to go home.
Galaxy: *slaps sweet tea pop's face* NOT YET!!! We still need to rescue the wolves... they're in danger..
Diego: She's right, we need to do it.
Alastor: well.. I can help.
Galaxy: are you sure??
Alastor: Yes, I'm sure, these bandages mean something, cause I have been in pain for a few months now. So.. I'm ready to help.
Galaxy: *sniffs* My boy grown up! 🥺
Diego: alright, Let's go to the surface!
Galaxy: *holding a Axe* Yeah!!
The group swam away and went to the surface. Ready and prepared.
As the group found the location, the Villain Thorn (place) They sneak quietly, hid behind the trees and rocks.
Galaxy:...*looks at Diego*....Gun, now.
Diego: *gives her the Axe*
Galaxy: *sighs* ...*stands up and runs towards the bodyguards*
There were 10 bodyguards, ready to snap, bite and Attack!
Galaxy: *started shooting them and fight some of them off*
Bodyguard#7: *tries to punch Galaxy*
Galaxy: *doges the Attack* *twist the hand* Sorry~! *Runs towards the other guard, snatched his weapon and used it against him* Ha!!
Meanwhile Alastor and the group, ran inside the castle, as they sneak around, without Guards noticing. The traps like lazer and booby traps were still available.
Pastel: We have to shut down the system.
Alastor: Yeah, but how-?
Electstel: *points up the ceiling* there's a small caged door, think you can get up there, Alastor?
Alastor: uh..*looks around* !! *Jumps high and climbs inside* I'll get the puppies! Pastel, You get the Adults and parents, Electstel, you fight off the guards! And Trythm.. I'mma need you to come with me.. okay..?
Trythm: worth a shot. *Teleports and appears where Alastor is* Let's go.. buddy.
Alastor: *smiles* come on *swims away*
The group went to free the wolves Trolls, Except for.. Diego, he went to Roma, He knew where to find her, so when he got inside the room, it was quiet.. until greyish, green tentacles, wraps and tangled him, trapping him.
Diego: *growls* sh*t...
Roma: *smirks* ya know I always ask myself, how am I going to trap the king of Red lagoon~? Well Tentacles are shown to be the best~
Diego: You won't get away with this.
Roma: *laugh a bit* I just did~ no body is ever going to save you~ you're ALWAYS alone, Diego Redwater~ you'll always be! Instead you should join me~ you'll be able to rule the kingdom, rule everyone~
Diego: Forget it! I'm never going to join a piece of trash and sh*t like you!
Roma: *growls* ...*grins evily* so.. trying to deny the fact~? How awful. But you know what...*grins evily and looks at Diego* I'll do whatever it takes.. to end your family~ your friends~ ... your kids~ ... and especially.....
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As Roma is about to End Diego's life, A familiar, squeaky voice was heard from behind.
Galaxy: HEY B*TCH!!
Roma: huh-? *Turns around* ...oh.. not you..
Galaxy: I see you're still a little twist, Uneducated b*tch. With your ugly eye, based on your behavior, is trash..
Roma: *grins evily* I'm about to end your friend's life~
Diego:..*looks at Galaxy*...
Galaxy:... I'm not letting you do that, Roma... I'll never...let you hurt my friend..
Roma: Ugh, friends...as always the ride or die. Why do you even protect him!!? He's just a disappointment to everyone he meets.
Galaxy kicks Roma and toss her away, she ran towards the wall, runs on it and tackle Roma, Punches her, slaps her face and twisted her arm. Wrestling her.
Roma: *growls* Ugh! *Uses her tail to stab Galaxy's back*
Galaxy: !!!..........*falls down*
Diego: GALAXY!!!
Alastor: *trapped* shit!
Galaxy:....*blood behind her back*
Roma: *laughs maniacal* oh, Galaxy, such a shame, you wasted your life, just to save him? Pathetic. *sees Diego still tangled up even more* aww, too bad. No ones going to save you this time~ say goodbye...*raises the sword* Diego.
Until Roma feels a knife went through her body, she looked down and see a knife through her stomach..she slowly turned around...
Galaxy..was still standing, not limping or hurt, just laughing insanely, looking insane, mentally ill... like a Maniac...
Galaxy:... There's always.. my number one rule.... never...mess with my friends... especially the ones that I'm close to.
Roma collapse a little, still looking at Galaxy...
Roma: w-why do you..care a-about.. him..s-so much...? He's j-just your f-friend..
Galaxy: no.. you're wrong...*grabs Roma's neck*. .... Diego is not just my Friend... instead......*strangles her more*..... He's like a brother to me.🥀
Galaxy ends Roma's life and free Diego, Diego stands up and runs away with Galaxy, the group and the Wolves!
Soon...will they find Cordelia..?
The end..
Diego belongs to @king-trollex-fan
Rest belongs to me
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elliotsblunt · 2 years
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↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
✧ summary — the reader is new to all things sexual, so her best friend elliot decides to help her out with that.
✧ pairings — best friend!elliot x fem!reader
✧ warnings — none really,mentions of past,elliot is mean but what’s new,kat at the end yay i love her
✧ authors note — i wrote this within a few hours, and finished at 7 am. this ain’t proofread so probs typos. goodnight
✧ chapters — 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
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Your face twisted, letting out a cough, as the aroma of marijuana filled up Elliot’s room. Leaning back against his headboard, your bracelets jangled as you slapped your chest, hissing from the burning sensation in your throat. You hadn’t smoked in a while, and heard Elliot snort from beside you, snatching the joint before plucking it between his lips, “Fucks sake dude, hackin’ all over my joint and shit,” he muttered, the tiny embers turning red as he hollowed his cheeks, taking a hit. Your eyes rolled as his skilled fingers plucked the strings of his guitar, humming, making your chest warm.
The tune of the song sounded familiar, making your brows knit together,
“You listen to Lana?”
His brown hues flickered up to yours, the corners of his plump lips twitching into a crooked smile, “She’s hot,” he shrugged, eyes hooded as he looked back down at the strings, “Her music’s dope. Sometimes when I’m high, it feels like I’m having my soul being jerked off and coming to her voice.”
You sent him a look of disgust, but still laughed, “That’s disgusting,” you muttered, causing him to snort, before you hugged your knees—blinking at him, “Play me it. Wanna hear how you sing.”
His eyes flickered up to yours, shoulders stiffening, before he licked his lips—the beautiful melody beginning to emit from the quickness of his fingers. You knew you had hearts in your eyes while looking at him, resting your chin on your knees, a dazed smile hanging off your lips as you watched him. Sitting cross crossed across from your figure, his eyes trained on yours, feeling like a pathway of golden light had flown into your body. When his lips peeled open, a raspy, tuned voice that you almost mistakened for an angel rung in the air.
“Blue jeans, white shirt. Walked into the room you know you made my eyes burn,” he began, eyes falling down to his fingers, refusing to look at you. It made you understand how vulnerable he was being with you, making your smile grow, as your cheeks began to burn. He nodded his head slowly, brows furrowing, as he continued, “It was like, James Dean, for sure. You're so fresh to death and sick as c-cancer. You were sorta punk rock, I grew up on hip hop. But you fit me better than my favorite sweater and I know.”
His eyes flashed up to yours, something glinting in those dark ones of his.
“That love is mean, and love hurts. But I still remember that day we met in December, oh baby. I will love you 'til the end of time. I would wait a million years,” his jaw tightened, blinking quickly, “Promise you'll remember that you're mine. Baby can you see through the tea—“
He stopped, shaking his head as he chuckled. You felt something drop in your stomach as his fingers rose to the bridge of his nose, “It’s whatever. The ballad is hard to get,” he sniffled, wiping his nose, before planting his guitar onto the floor beside his bed. Looking back at you, who just stared at him in silence, his brows rose, “You good?”
“Your voice is beautiful, Elliot,” you complimented, sincerity laced within your voice. He scoffed, rubbing the back of his neck, taking another hit from the joint, “I’m serious. I’ve never heard you really sing ‘till now, and you really have a gift. You could like—be famous.”
His smile grew for a moment, eyes flickering from the bedsheets to yours. There was a certain emotion swirling in them, one you couldn’t pin point, his fingers tightening around his thighs, chest rising as he looked at you with narrowed eyes. You shifted, feeling a bit self conscious, because it felt like he was looking past your body; and into your soul. No one had ever liked at you like this.
Like he promised, he took care of you. The two of you had hung out almost every single day, distracting each other to not go back to your old ways. Elliot had still struggled to convey his emotions, though, and treated you as just a friend like before. You hadn’t even touched each other in that way. Sometimes, you would want to kiss him, but decide against it—wanting him to make the first move.
But he hadn’t yet. He always pushed you away.
Clearing his throat, his eyes tore away from yours, and you began to wonder. Did he even really like you? Or did he just tell you that so you’d stop the drugs?
Swinging his legs off the bed, ruining the moment, he put out the joint before rubbing his chin, “Well anyways, I’m fucking starving,” he changed the subject, making your shoulders slump from disappointment. You needed to know if he truly wanted you, but he wouldn’t ever open up to you. He shot you a brow, “Wanna go grab some food? I’m feeling a little bit on the mexicano side today.”
Nodding, you gulped, “Uh yeah, sure. Sure, sounds good.”
Something flickered in his eyes. He knew you wanted more from him, but he just wasn’t ready yet. And you were patient with him, because you wanted him. There wasn’t an expiration date for that. But the overthinking thoughts began to kick in, telling you that perhaps he just wasn’t that into you. Maybe he only saw you as a friend, and wanted it to stay like that. And everyone those thought crossed your mind, your heart would sink into your stomach, over and over again.
His phone vibrated, and he pulled it out from his pocket, before his eyes skimmed across the screen to read it.
“Hold on,” he mumbled, fingers flying back a response. You bit your lip, wondering who it was, but didn’t think too much of it. In a few seconds, he tucked the object into his back pocket, before sending you a nod, “Alright, let’s roll.”
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Your eyes rounded when Elliot took your burrito, before taking a big ass bite from it, leading to a gasp that left your mouth. Snatching it back from him, he laughed with food still in his mouth, causing you to cringe before groaning in disgust, “What are you, five?” You betrayed yourself by laughing afterwards, the both of you sitting at the top of two slides that connected together. The sky resembled a painting of the night, stars extra radiant this evening, the winter air chilling your flesh, “I think I’ve lost my appetite now.”
“Good,” he smirked, “Then give me your burrito.”
“You finished yours?”
“I’m a man. Men eat fast, baby.”
Your smile slipped as soon as the nickname left his mouth, his own doing the exact same. A warm, fuzzy wave of something washed over your figure, leaning your toes curling in your sneakers. The tension grew thick as silence floated into the air, his eyes averting away from yours as a blank expression covered his features. He called you baby. That was…
He fucking called you baby.
It sounded like rich chocolate coming from his lips, voice deep and scratchy.
Blushing like a school girl, you didn’t expect his hands to slap against your arm, pushing you down the slide. With a slight shout, your burrito was snatched out of your hands, as your bottom slip down the rubber object. At the end, you looked up at him, and watched as he took another bite of your food. Sending him the bird, he only smiled with his teeth, before waving it in his hand, “Hm. Tastes better when it’s yours.”
Rolling your eyes, you couldn’t fight the smile that spread to your lips, crossing your arms as he slid down as well. When he reached the bottom, he had almost finished the item—before handing it back to you. Shaking your head, you declined, “I’m actually full,” you gestured by rubbing your tummy, causing him to raise his brows.
“Yeah? Then why the fuck you giving me a hard time?”
“Because it’s mine,” you teased, poking him in the chest.
He smirked, tilting his head.
“What’s yours is mine.”
“And what’s yours is mine?” You questioned, feeling yourself smirk as well. He scrunched his nose, before shaking his head, “Nah. What’s mine is mine,” he concluded, leaning back onto the slide. His eyes flashed up to the sky, biceps crossed over his chest, as he sighed heavily, “I don’t like to share.”
Scoffing, you let him win, before letting your back hit the rubber as well. It was cold against your skin, t-shirt riding up, exposing the flesh of your back. Your eyes thinned when you examined the sky. It was a lack canvas, clear as day, with little splotches of embers yellow dots that littered across it. Cascading in great lengths, the Black Sea had swallowed them whole—leaving them to illuminate the sky. Releasing a large breathe, you inhaled the new air, feeling refreshed.
“Dusk or dawn?”
Elliot snickered, arm falling to his forehead, “We really doin’ this?”
You repeated yourself, “Dusk or dawn?”
You heard him let out an amused chuckle, but felt yourself smile, when he answered afterwards.
“Dawn,” he muttered, “I feel like, if I wake up early, I can steal the new thoughts before anyone else can. I usually write when I first wake up, actually,” he added on, his voice quiet, “Tis’ the life of being a struggling musician.”
You hummed, “Riiiight. Anyways, I pick dusk, because it’s more romantic.”
“Romantic?” He repeated, emphasizing the word.
Laughing, you continued, “I mean, when I was little, my dad used to tell me the story about the sun and the moon. It was always my favorite story to hear.”
Furrowing his brows, Elliot had looked at you, but you didn’t notice—grinning up at the sky. He studied you; the way your eyes shined while you spoke, skin pulling at the corner of your eyes when you smiled, the way your tone slowed when you told a story, “Every night, the sun would would die for its lover, the moon, to rise. And in return, the moon would do the same, hoping that one day—they can reign the sky together. It symbolizes that even if you keep risking something for someone, without getting what you want, it’s worth it if it means in the end you’ll be together.”
You didn’t hear Elliot say anything, causing you to snap your eyes over to him—ready to scold him for not listening to a word you said. But when your eyes met his, who was just staring at you silently, your throat went dry. And you two staid like that. Looking into each others’ souls, memorizing every corner and blemish, seeing the memories you two encountered flashing before you. Your heart shook in his presence.
Your voice was small, “Don’t look at me like that, Elliot.”
His expression didn’t ripple, “Like what?”
“Like you feel the same way about me that I do about you.”
His features slightly fell, jaw tightening, as he sat back up in his seat. Blinking quickly, you did the same, looking at him as he ran a stressed hand through his curls. His voice was plucked like a wire, extremely dry and brittle, “You don’t know the first thing about what I feel,” he muttered beneath his breath, before looking ahead of him, “It’s not as easy for me as it is for—“
His phone vibrated once again, cutting him off, as your nostrils slightly flared. Who was interrupting this moment? He was about to say something. Nails digging into your knees, his face was lit up by the dimly lit phone screen, face hardening when he read what’s on it, “Who is it?”
“No one,” he quickly mumbled, too quick. Your stomach filled with angst as he stood up, hiding it back into his jacket pocket, before gesturing to the parking lot, “I got some shit to do. I’ll take you home.”
His suddenly cold exterior took you back, standing still for a moment, noticing your frozen figure. Flexing his jaw, he released a harsh high, shrugging, “What? Am I supposed to spend all my time with you or something, Y/N?”
Your heart cracked..again.
Feeling your throat close up, you kept an empty stare, silently walking past him in disappointment. He didn’t need to say those unnecessary words. You just liked spending time with him, but you understand it now. You had become too clingy. Apparently, your presence didn’t affect him the same way his affected yours. Without him, you felt like the air in your lungs did it’s best to escape, but with his shoulder rubbing yours—the pathways became clear. You could breathe.
You should’ve put him in his place, but didn’t feel like walking home, and he wouldn’t have let you anyways. His priorities were fucked. Without a word, you climbed into his car, looking out the window to avoid conversation. When he slid into the drivers’ seat, your fingers tightened around your thigh, chewing on your cheek to suppress the urge to say something. Watching the trees blend together, an anxious feeling kept stabbing into your chest, getting the feeling that the person that was texting him wasn’t just someone.
His voice was plain, “Stop treating me like some personal driver and talk to me.”
Your eyes flickered over to him, who kept glancing at you, also focusing on the road before him. One arm handling the wheel, the other was resting on his stubble, receiving your side eye quite clear. Instead of replying, you pulled out your phone, and began to scroll through Instagram briefly. You heard him chuckle as you narrowed your eyes at the screen, “So fucking sensitive,” he taunted, causing you to squeeze the phone in your hands, “I was kidding, Y/N. Learn to take a joke and chill out, bro.”
Snapping your head at him, your brows rose. You couldn’t handle it anymore, feeling his words set you off the edge, “Bro? Do you let your bros give you handjobs in the movie theater, Elliot?” You spat at him, raising your voice. His cocky smile slowly faded at your words, finally getting humbled. Laughing, you nudged his arm, “Don’t talk to me like that. Like you didn’t just fucking tell me a few weeks ago that you cared about me, gave me the impression that you had actually changed, when you didn’t. You are the most unempathetic person I’ve ever met, and I truly hope you get the help you need.”
He scoffed, making a sharp turn.
“Help I need? Aren’t you the one that was snorting random drugs and breaking my door down to get more? Come back to reality, Y/N.”
At that, your eyes widened with shock. As soon as he said it, he muttered a small fuck, knowing it was too far. You were near your house, and knew that you could make it the rest of the way, so you used your voice. It was tight.
“Pull over.”
He cleared his throat, “I’m not—“
“Pull over,” you shouted at him, slamming your hand on the dashboard. Your fists balled as you began kicking and repeating the words, all the sense within you disappearing, “Pull over! Get me the fuck out, I can’t—pull over!”
Going to the side of the road, he parked the car, giving in, before you undid your seatbelt and got out. Slamming his car door, he did the same, pointing a finger at you—a furious look on his face. Veins protruding from his neck, the area between his brows held wrinkles, baring his teeth.
“You’re insane,” he growled, and you scoffed, “No—seriously. I could’ve gotten into an accident because of your loony ass. Throwing a tantrum like a fucking child—“
Holding up two middle fingers to his face, your hand shoved his forehead back, causing him to stumble, “Go cry about it, just not to me. I’m over trying to figure you out. By the time you figure out your so called feelings, I’ll be having to pay my own taxes, Elliot! I’m fucking finished waiting around for someone that’s never going to come.”
His eyes thinned, a bitter smirk crossing his face.
“You don’t mean that.”
“I do.”
His jaw clenched, “No the fuck you don’t.”
Scoffing, you turned around, “Whatever,” had slid out of your lips, beginning to walk away. You were so fed up. But then, he sped up, stepping in front of you. His chest blocked you from moving, making you let out an irritated sound, “Get out—“
“I’ll let you go,” he spoke softly, but his face was hard. You gulped as he rose a brow, “But you’ll always be mine. Whenever another man touches you, you’ll think of how I can do it better. The taste of someone else’s lips on yours will feel wrong. Admit it. I only make you so mad because of how much you care. You know why? Because you’re fucking mine,” he then took a step forward, making your breath hitch, as his fingers roughly grabbed your chin, “And like I said, I don’t share what’s mine.”
With a shocked look, you only blinked, making his smirk grow—knowing he won. Like always. Then with a chuckle, he spun around, going back to his car.
“Text me when your home, or don’t, you’ll come back eventually.”
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You only had one other friend other than Rue and Elliot, someone who was always there for you. You had been ignoring her recently, due to being so stuck up Elliot’s’ ass, that the memory of her had vanished from your mind. So here you were, rambling to her about everything that had happened between the two of you, and as usual, she listened. Because she was a good friend, unlike some people.
“Fuck men,” Kat sounded, throwing a pretzel into her mouth, “I swear. It’s like, they think we can’t crush their balls with hammers or something.”
Chuckling, you felt your phone vibrate, seeing that you had received a text, “Speaking of the devil,” you muttered, handing her the phone.
elli :p at 12:37 pm
you finished being pissy?
Her thick brows rose, letting out a cackle, before tossing it onto her bed, “I don’t know what to do anymore,” you sighed, falling against her comfy bed sheets, “What do I do?”
“Don’t text him, or talk to him—until he literally shows up to your house.”
Your brows furrowed, looking at her as if she was crazy, “Huh? Won’t that just piss him off even more?”
Kat giggled, biting down on another pretzel. You took one too, the salty taste burning your taste buds.
“The art of seduction, Y/N, is all about the chase. Men want what simply doesn’t want them. Knowing your not just going to be at his beck and call, he’ll realize that he has an attachment to you, and not vice versa,” she explained, sitting up from her elbows and sitting cross crossed, getting into it, “He’ll realize that he needs you, and will turn him on even more when he sees you with other choices. I mean, you’re hot dude, go flirt with some other dude and make it down you’re not playing around—but do exactly that. Play with him like a fat kid at a chocolate shop, acting like you don’t know what you want but you choose the candy apple anyways.”
Tilting your head, you frowned.
“I’m lost.”
Her brown eyes rolled, “Don’t text him back. Give it a week,” she shrugged, “And if he really does care, then he’ll be knocking on your door soon enough.”
You nodded, wondering if you should follow her advice. Coming off as desperate was never something that made a guy want a girl, yes. And it hit you that most of the time, you were initiating everything. Perhaps you guys wouldn’t even have hung out as much as you did if you didn’t text first. Thoughts molding your brain, it hit you. As much as you wanted to be around him, you needed to see other people to hang out with. If you revolve your whole world around him, then that’s what it’ll be.
You’d rather die.
“Okay,” you mumbled, leaving him on read before shoving your phone back into your pocket—but then, you felt it ring again. Raising your brows, you spotted another text.
elli :p at 12:37 pm
hmu when you grow up.
Looking up at Kat, she smirked wickedly, waving her pretzel in her hand.
“It’s already starting, babe.”
taglist ☻ @spiritualwhore444 @leslienjazzy @mooniezarie @borapsycho @rosefallingtears @write-from-the-heart @solacestyles s @niya-savage @whynotmissamerica @hoe-for-sukuna @kidtheekid @xkrysslinalexus @wolfietara @sallyscigarettes @carrmenn @tinybookworm16
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little-fics · 3 years
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Stucky x Reader; platonic!uncle!Tony
Summary: Reader is teetering the edge of a slip when her buddies Sam and Clint are mean to her, daddy stucky to the rescue
Warnings: age regression, scary bees, bottle, pacifier, anxiety, a little violence, angry!Steve (not at you), mean!sam and mean!clint, I may have missed some, read at your own risk
Word count: 2.2K
A/N: I had fun with this one! I hope you like it!
Disclaimer for my blog!
Life with Bucky and Steve was great, you'd officially been together for about a year, and they'd been your daddies about half that time. You didn't always regress, just when the world got a little too big and you needed to leave it all behind. The avengers didn't know about your coping mechanism, at your own request, save for Tony who has programmed Friday to detect when you're little and were about to do something that babies shouldn't do, such as cooking or showering because babies makes messes and get hurt. It was something you'd kept private and to yourself for a long time, and it took months to feel comfortable enough to talk with Steve and Bucky about it. You weren't always feeling little, and had the capability of being a very vital part to the team, but on your days off, it was easy to find yourself slipping into that headspace.
That's how you got to sitting on the balcony, slowly slipping into that headspace after a difficult mission. You'd woken up between Steve and Bucky, crawling out of the bed quietly, not quite feeling small but you know it's coming. Clint and Sam find you outside, sunbathing and staring at the clouds. Sam is the first one to come outside, Clint following close behind.
"Mornin' sunshine," Sam sits next to you, Clint moving to the other side of you, relaxing in his seat, Sam holding out a glass to you, "want some lemonade? I know that coffee makes you jittery on your days off." You take the glass, smiling at the yellow straw poking up from the top, "Thank you! And a straw!" You twiddle with it gently, pulling it out to take a sip. "Gosh," your shoulders sag and your head leans back in ecstasy, "Clint's lemonade is the best, thank you." Clint pointedly looks at Sam, smug, "Why thank you Y/n, I'm blushing." Sam scoffs, "You wouldn't have even made it if I didn't beg!" Clint shrugs, "I made food," he looks to you, "speaking of," he has you a plate with a sausage and egg biscuit. You tentatively take it from him, "Oh thank you, are you sure?" Clint laughs, leaning back in his seat, "Yeah, honey, me and Sam already had some."
Once you finish your biscuit, you're back to staring at the pretty sky, sipping on your lemonade listening to Sam and Clint bicker back and forth. A bee comes out of nowhere, eliciting a small yelp from you and you're quickly standing from your seat. They're laughing, which hurt your feelings, the fear of the bee causing you to slip fully. You try to go inside but hear Sam speak to the AI, "Friday, lock patio doors under code Falcon," before you make it to the door. When you pull on it the door won't budge. "Sam," your voice is meek, "that's not funny," you whine and shake the door again, getting nervous over the buzzing around your lemonade on the table. "Friday, open the door." Clint laughs again, "It's just a bee, you've been shot before and you can't handle a bee?" A tear slips down your face, and you feel your heartbeat pick up.
You shake on the door, trying to get away from your mean friends, wiping a tear away, "Open the door Sam." He's laughing, he thinks this is funny, "It's just a bee, it'll be gone in a minute Y/n, it's fine." You shake the door more violently, and it's clear Sam wasn't going to open the door. You bring your hand to the bracelet that lays around your wrist, a fail safe if something is wrong, to immediately notify Steve and Bucky that you need them. You find the tiny sun charm, pressing the tiny button that notifies your daddies of your state of mind and that you're in trouble, different from the other charm, a moon, who notifies your boyfriends of an emergency.
Bucky is the first one to hear Friday, "Mr. Barnes, Mr. Rogers," he groans groggily, "Friday, it's too early for this, what is it?" Bucky reaches over to find just Steve, no tiny baby to love on as he hears Friday once more, "I am sorry Mr. Barnes, but it seems munchkin has requested your presence with signs of distress." Bucky's eyes snap open at the use of the programmed name for when you're in your little space, throwing the covers off and slapping Steve's shoulder. "Bucky, what the-" Steve stops when he realizes that Bucky is already out the door, he's quickly behind him, not bothering to put a shirt on, as Bucky hadn't.
"Friday, where is munchkin?" Bucky spits, FRIDAY speaking up once more, "Munchkin is on the patio with Mr. Wilson and Mr. Barton." Their brows crunch together in confusion, Steve finally speaking up on their way to the patio, sleep still heavy in his voice, "Is something wrong?" Bucky shrugs nervously, "Friday said she was showing signs of distress." The system speaks up once more, "That is correct. Munchkin's heart rate seems to be elevated and she is showing signs of high stress. She notified me by her emergency contact Sun Ray." At this, Bucky and Steve speed up, trying to get to you as quickly as possible.
The bee is still there, attracted not only to the lemonade, but the brightly colored pajamas keeping its attention as it flies back and forth between you and the lemonade. When it flies towards you, you hide in the corner of the patio, screaming, running to the other corner to hide from it when it follows you, a tear streaking down your face. Sam sees the stray tear, immediately his stomach sinking while you're piddling with your bracelet, ignoring the tears on your face, not hearing Sam when he stands and calls out gently, "Friday unlock the doors." Sam's in front of you, "Let's go inside, come on." When he reaches for you, you flinch back from him, causing his heart to break a little. You're now frantically pushing the button on your charm.
"Mr. Rogers, Mr. Barnes, munchkin has sent a distress call 13 times, up to 17, 23," and then they're at the doors to the patio, slinging them open.
Bucky takes in your appearance, you look afraid, tears freely streaming down your face, now surrounded by Clint and Sam, who are violently moved by Bucky. He's lifting you by your thighs, bringing them around his waist, glaring at Sam and Clint before carrying you inside. When you're back inside, feeling the rush of AC, you let loose, heavy thick tears falling with sobs. "Shhh my little bunny, I've got you."
Steve remains on the porch, staring at a shell shocked Sam and Clint, "What happened?" They shrug, "It was just a bee, we didn't know it would scare her so bad." Steve rolls his eyes at the men, following Bucky back to your room. When he gets there, you're straddling Bucky on the bed, hands tucked under you, fists balled up tightly, hiccuping sobs. "'S mean," Bucky is rubbing your back, shushing softly while you try to explain what happened, "wouldn't let me 'nside daddy, I try." More sobs erupt from you, Steve's brow furrowing, wondering what you meant.
"Friday, show me what happened with munchkin on the patio before Sun Ray was activated." He watches as the TV screen starts playing the scene, fury creeping up in his bones, while Bucky continued to console you, but matching the fire Steve has in his eyes. Steve saunters out of the room when the TV shuts off, heading straight for Sam and Clint. Bucky holds you closer when you whimper, "Oh doll, dada will be right back, he's just gonna go get you something to drink." You continue to sob, you refused to take your pacifier, dropping it out of your mouth every time he tried to put it in, sobs not allowing it to stay. "Baby baby baby, you're okay, that little bee isn't gonna getcha in here, only daddy." He tries to tickle you, but you just sob louder. He's thankful for the soundproof walls, knowing you don't like to draw attention.
Steve finds Sam and Clint in the common room with Nat and Tony. Tony stands when he sees Steve, anger on his face still shirtless. Steve comes up from behind Sam and Clint, grabbing their shirts roughly, pulling them up and off the couch, feet dangling a foot above the floor, turning them to face him. They're shouting, trying to get Steve to let go. Tony is trying to pull Sam away from him, Nat trying to hit his weak spots so he will drop Clint but he doesn't budge.
"Did you think it was funny?" Steve spits, bringing his face closer to theirs, "Did you? You think it was funny when she cried? Think it was funny when she screamed and pulled on the door? How would you feel huh? If someone laughed at you because you were scared? If your friends laughed at you?" Tony and Nat are confused, "Steve calm down, what happened?" Steve scowls, overpowering the men easily as he turns them around, still holding them in the air. "Friday, pull up the patio clip and my bedroom feed on the common room television."
"Voice identification confirmed. One moment." The video starts playing, but all they can hear are your sobs, not able to hear the small consoling your daddy is trying or the talk from the patio clip as it plays. "Is it still funny bird boy? Is it still funny when you know you're the reason she's like this? No? Good." Steve throws them down on the couch, Tony is furious, Nat is scolding them, and Steve's on his way into the kitchen.
Tony follows Steve after shutting off the video feed, Nat still scolding the two perpetrators. Steve is piddling around, heating up some milk in the microwave. "You okay man?" Tony asks, placing a hand on his back, when Steve glares at him Tony sighs. "Man you can't go back to her seething like this." Steve lets out a huff, "I've never wanted to throttle someone like I do right now." He grabs the milk from the microwave, mixing some hot chocolate power in it, something that frequently happens when you're having a very bad day. Tony hands Steve a bottle, hidden in a thin cabinet, only unlocked by four people in the tower; Uncle Tony, your daddies, and you. "She's your baby, and she hasn't stopped crying because her buddies were mean to her and she doesn't understand, if you go in there angry, she will think you're mad at her." Tony chides, Steve, resonating with Tony's words, takes a deep breath, filling up your bottle and continuing to shake it. "Want me to come cheer her up with you?" Steve sighs, "Let us calm her down a bit, get her feeling right and we'll play some games later yeah?" Tony starts to rummage through the fridge, "Have Friday notify me." Steve nods, leaving Tony and going back to his baby.
When he opens the door, you're still crying, but when Steve sits he pulls you into his lap, holding you like a baby and rocking you. "Shhh, it's okay baby, I know they were mean, but papa's here now. It's okay," he's rubbing your face gently, your sobs turned to weak whimpers. "That's it baby, you want some milk?" You nuzzle into his chest, Bucky taking a sip of the bottle making sure it's not too hot and gives it back to Steve. He holds the tip to your lips, you instantly wrap your lips around it and hum happily.
"There she is, sweet girl," his fingers tangle in your hair, massaging your scalp gently while Bucky rubs your legs with a feather light touch. You hiccup on the milk, Steve moving it away from you and wiping away a stray tear. Your fingers clutch around his shoulder, whining, "Papa." He coos at you, "Drinking too fast aren't we love?" You let out another whine, your bottom lip wobbling, "Pease papa." He traces your jawline before bringing the bottle back to your lips, "Slower, you hear me dove?" You nod gently, closing your eyes and continuing to drink the bottle.
You're teetering on the edge of sleep, Steve wiping away a drop of milk that finds its way to the corner of your mouth. He takes the bottle very carefully, stopping when you suck on it a little harder, trying to hold it in your mouth. "Bunny," Bucky's voice sings to you, "let daddy have that, okay?" Steve tries to pull it away again, this time with no fight, Bucky pressing your pacifier to your lips, which you take happily. He clips it to the top of your pajama shirt so if you drop it, it'll stay relatively within reach. "Friday, put on munchkins lullaby playlist."
Soft music starts playing through the room, bringing you all the way under, soft snores against Steves chest alerting them to your slumber. "Mr. Rogers, Mr. Barnes, Mr. Wilson and Mr. Barton are outside, requesting entrance." Bucky rolls his eyes as he slides back down into the bed, "Friday, decline entrance and leave us be to nap for an hour." Steve moves you to Bucky, your sleeping form habitually wrapping around him and his warmth. Steve huddles behind you, wrapping his arm over you and resting it on Bucky, rubbing small circles. "She's gonna be a handful today," Steve comments, letting Bucky know that he thinks today is going to be one of those days where you regress further than usual. "She's gonna have such a good time with Tony." Bucky laughs, his eyes flutter shut, "Don't count her daddies short."
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Stuff of Fairytales Part 1
Bucky Barnes x female plus size reader
Marvel Masterlist | Main Masterlist
It wasn’t supposed to exist, a fairytale, something out of the most depraved erotic novels, but it’s hard to debate when it’s in your system and making you want to fuck the life out of your best friend.
Warnings: SMUT, dub-con due to sex pollen, self-deprecating thoughts, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, violence, fuck or die situation, cheating, Sam Wilson is a great friend, reader is low-key gay asf, unprotected sex, rough sex, jealous!bucky, mutual pining, reader and Bucky are idiots, swearing, porn with probably too much plot, pregnancy, slight breeding kink, pregnant reader, discussions of abortion, guilt
Minors DNI
WC: 2.5k
Part 1
The best thing about having a crush on your best friend is absolutely nothing. There is no best part, it is absolutely horrible, especially if the best friend in question is dating someone else, someone who’s so gorgeous it hurts. Y/N fiddled with the bracelet around her wrist, trying to avoid looking at Bucky and his girlfriend who were currently sucking faces as they left his room. Her hair was messed up and neck was covered in hickies. 
Y/N had to admit, the woman was gorgeous, long legs that went for miles, bright eyes with no signs of dark bags, flawless skin, perky breasts and a firm peach-like ass that Bucky slapped as she walked away, even she would like to hit that. Y/N looked down at herself, trying to suck in her rolls and make herself look smaller. She had always been self-conscious about being larger than other people but after years of dieting and exercise, nothing changed and she learned to accept and even love herself. But watching the man she fell so deeply in love with fawn over a woman that was her exact opposite brought those thoughts back.
“Why do you do this to yourself baby girl?” A warm hand wrapped around her jaw and pointed it up towards its owner. Sam looked down on her with sadness in his gorgeous brown eyes. He wiped away a couple of her tears before dipping down and bringing her into his arms. “Stop torturing yourself ok. You’re a gorgeous woman and anyone would be lucky to have you.” She opened her mouth to retort but a glare from Sam shut her up. Y/N giggled and snuggled into his broad chest, letting the scent of his cologne overwhelm her.
“Is there a cuddle party happening here that I wasn’t invited to?” Bucky’s deep voice broke them out of their trance.
“Yeah you definitely weren’t invited, old man! It was my turn to cuddle this luscious piece of woman.” Sam reached down and grabbed her ass causing her to yelp and smack his chest.
“Sam!” She giggled and grabbed his ass too.
“Ooh kinky!” He squeezed her one more time, kissing her head before releasing her to go get some breakfast made. Bucky was frowning deeply as Y/N turned back to him.
“You alright Buck?” He nodded slowly, grabbing her arm and pulling her into the living room, out of Sam’s earshot.
“Be honest with me, are you and Sam seeing each other?”
“What the hell Bucky! No I’m not, but if I was, I wouldn’t have to tell you.” She yanked out of his grasp, suddenly very angry.
“Doll I’m sorry I just…”
“What James?” He winced at the use of his first name.
“I want to make sure that you don’t get hurt, he’s a bit of a player.”
“I appreciate the concern Buck but Sam and I aren’t together and I doubt we ever will be. He’s my emotional support himbo.”
Sam’s voice came from the kitchen, ‘Hell yeah I am!’.
“An emotional support what?” Buck’s nose scrunched in confusion and it made Y/N’s heart flutter.
“Emotional support himbo, you know like a support dog but instead of an animal it’s a stupidly hot guy.”
“And this stupidly hot guy is making you breakfast little dove.” 
“My hero!” Y/N skipped back to the kitchen missing the look of longing Bucky shot her.
“This mission is going to be completely covert so we can only have two people go in.” Steve was going over new mission details at the front of the conference room but Bucky wasn’t paying attention, his eyes were on Sam and Y/N who sat practically on Sam’s lap. She was nervously toying with his fingers, something she always used to do with Bucky. His free arm was wrapped around her shoulders and he would occasionally whisper something in her ear which made her giggle, Bucky’s fist closed so tightly against the chair leg that it bent with the force.
Natasha kicked Bucky in the shin and pointed to Steve.
“Huh?” The captain sighed.
“Bucky you and Y/L/N are going to be the ones infiltrating the base. With your knowledge of Hydra and her hacking abilities, you should be able to be in and out very quickly. You’ll have to fly in the jet alone but your coms will be linked to us in case you need backup but we’ve been watching the base for a while and it seems abandoned so I doubt you’ll need it. You head out in twenty.”
Y/N stood up first, eager to get out of the room, Sam followed closely behind.
“Buck stay back a second, I need to talk to you.” The rest of the Avengers filed out of the room, Nat clapped Bucky on his shoulder.
Steve sat in the chair next to him.
“What’s going on with you man? I heard about this morning, you never seemed bothered by Y/N and Sam’s relationship before.”
Bucky sat up straight.
“They’re in a relationship! She said they weren’t.”
“Jesus Christ, they’re not dating Buck, they’ve always been touchy with each other, why is it becoming a problem now?”
“It’s not a problem, I just don’t like how Sam is using her, I mean she’s so nice that she obviously doesn’t see that he’s just going to break her heart.” He huffed and leaned back.
“You know what, I’m not even going to entertain this, Y/N is an adult, she can see whoever she wants to, Sam included,” Bucky glared at him, “You don’t have the right to dictate who she can and can’t see, in case you forgot, you are currently dating someone. You had the chance to tell her how you feel and you didn’t, now you have to live with it. Now suit up, you need to be on your game today.” Bucky crumpled but left the room anyway, he knew she was going to have her heart broken.
“Now little one you remember what I taught you.” Natasha helped Y/N strap into her harness and zip up her suit.
“Never accept a beverage from a man you can’t out-drink.” The assassin glared playfully at her friend. “Trust my gut, if something feels too easy, that’s because it is and get home alive.”
“That’s my girl.” 
“Alright move this party along, I was promised Chinese food and brownies when you get back so the sooner you go, the sooner you come home.” Sam gave her a quick peck on her cheek before shoving her onto the jet. 
“You know I’m more than my baking birdman!” She shouted at him.
“Yeah! You’ve got a fat ass too!” Him and Natasha burst into giggles as Y/N threw a wrench at them. Bucky was sulking in the pilot’s chair.
“Come on, we need to get going.” Y/N looks at him thoughtfully before settling in and getting the jet started, an awkward silence falling over the pair.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you this morning,” Bucky was broken out of his trance by her soft voice, “I think I was just really tired and hungry, you didn’t deserve to be yelled at.” 
“No no doll I’m sorry, it wasn’t right for me to be so protective of you, if you want to go out with Sam you should. I just don’t want to lose my best friend ya know. You’re one of the most important people in my life, doll, I hate seeing you hurt.” 
“Jamie, you’d never lose me. It’s you and me against the world, remember. Just like I promised when you first moved in.” She took her hand in his and when Bucky smiled at her, she turned back to the controls without letting him go.
The compound was entirely empty as the pair moved silently through each corridor. 
“Buck, something isn’t right.” Y/N’s gut churned with anxiety.
“We’ll be fine doll, we just need to get this done quickly.” His shoulders were tense, the metal plates on his arm continuously whirring as he gripped the gun in his hands. The final door they checked was locked, Bucky smirked before kicking it in, exposing rows upon rows of computers.
“Here ya go, get to work doll.” Heat rose to her cheeks as he led her into the room with one hand on her back.
“I’ll need a minute to get this information, hopefully it shouldn’t take too long.” He nodded and continued on into the room.
“Got it!” Bucky turned around from where he was looking through some old files he found just in time to see Y/N do her little happy dance. He couldn’t help but stare as her flesh jiggled beneath her suit. She always looked so fucking soft, all he wanted to do was grab her thick hips while he-
“Bucky!” The door to the room slammed shut. He sprinted forward, pushing her behind him as he tried to pry them open. His metal fist didn’t so much as make a dent as he desperately tried to break down the door. He was vaguely aware of the sound of gas entering the room from a vent behind them but the pounding in his ears overpowered all other thoughts.
A moan stopped him in his tracks, he slowly turned and the breath was knocked from his lungs. Y/N was leaned against a desk, sweat dripped down her forehead, full chest heaving, she had pulled the zipper to her suit down almost to her navel, exposing her sports bra and the slight curve of her breasts from where they didn’t fit in.
“Jamie, what’s happening to me? I feel so hot.” Her voice was raspy, already sounding fucked out. Her hands had begun to drift from her head down to her sex.
“Fuck!” Bucky started at the door again, furiously trying to get it open. It wasn’t supposed to exist, only a rumour in Hydra to breed more super soldiers, to get women’s bodies ready to take their seed. He had to get her out, he couldn’t use her like that, not her.
Y/N’s whole body was on fire, slick dripped down her legs as she touched her heated skin. It felt like she was dying, painful cramps ripping through her abdomen. 
“M so empty, please need it so bad,” The fever made her delirious, not even aware that she was speaking out loud, “Please Jamie, help me, hurts so bad.” She sank to the ground, trying to get some relief. Her fingers were deep inside her, a wet squelching noise filled the room. She could smell Bucky’s cologne from here, her senses heightened. Fuck he smelt so good, he always did. Her eyes shut as her orgasm began to build, Jamie Jamie Jamie, she chanted but right as she was about to fall over the edge, the pleasure stopped and another cramp, more painful than the ones before made her scream in agony.
Bucky was panting now, the pollen slowly infecting his system, his cock straining against his tact pants, leaking pre-cum. He had to resist his own desires. 
“I know love, let me help you.” Bucky knew he had to get her off, if he did nothing, her body would continue to heat up until her brain overheated and she would die. He knelt in front of Y/N and pulled her into a hug, holding her close as his metal fingers replaced her own. Guilt gnawed at his stomach, he got her in this mess, he should’ve listened to her. His own mind was starting to go foggy with arousal, the scent of Y/N overwhelmed him, making him go feral.
She gripped his wrist tightly, grinding her pelvis down into his hand.
“Oh Jamie!” 
“Go ahead doll, come for me.” He whispered into her hair, fingers working furiously into her, he wished he used his flesh hand so he could feel her entirely.
“Bucky!” She screamed and he withdrew his hand, believing that she was better but he felt tears soaking his shirt.
“Doll, why are you crying?” He lifted her chin.
“It didn’t work.” Her pupils were blown too wide and her pulse was sporadic, getting wilder by the second. Sobs wracked her body.
“Hurts so bad, please help.” The pollen was now fully in Bucky’s system and he was finding it hard to find a reason why he shouldn’t completely destroy his best friend’s cunt.
Bucky ripped open the rest of her suit.
“Fuck doll, you’re gorgeous, need to be in you now.”
“Please Jamie, feel so empty, make it better.” He flipped her over and pulled her to her knees. He quickly pulled open his pants and sunk into her.
His fingers dug into her hips, savouring the feel of her heat finally wrapped around him. 
Being buried in her was everything he had dreamed of, she was so warm and wet, and gripping him so tightly he could barely pull out.
Y/N screamed in pleasure, Bucky felt so big inside her. She could feel him in her stomach. Her tits were swinging with every thrust and the Winter Soldier couldn’t resist bending down and taking them into his hands and squeezing roughly. She couldn’t even form words anymore as her orgasm returned with full force. Her arms collapsed, but he kept driving into her, trying to get her to cum.
“Baby, need you to cum for me, need it bad.” One arm reached around, finding her clit and rubbing it in time with his thrusts.
“Jamie! M gonna cum!” She threw her ass back towards him, making Bucky fall over her, moaning softly into her ear. Suddenly she shattered, throwing her head back against Bucky, her vision blacked out and she squirted.
“Fuck!” He gripped her hips tighter and pounded her into the ground, furiously chasing his own orgasm.
“Please cum in me Jamie, need to feel it, wanna feel you cum.” Bucky roared as he came, burying himself as deep as possible and filling her up with warm cum. He slowly fell out of her, sitting back on his haunches watching as his seed seeped out of her. Y/N’s hips sunk to the floor, her eyes starting to shut with exhaustion.
The lock clicked open and the door swung out. Bucky picked her up and covered her with the torn suit as best he could. The guilt had set in, he just used his best friend for his own desires was eating him up. Y/N was quiet too, her own guilt killing her, she made Bucky take care of her, she made him cheat on his girlfriend. The jet home was awkward, they avoided eye contact and refused to speak to anyone when they arrived home. No one heard from either of them for days but the worst was yet to come.
Part 2
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taepiocasweets · 2 years
birthday surprises — cyj
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pairing: choi yeonjun x (fem) reader
genre: fluff, angst, royalty au
word count: 1.9k
summary: due to your royal positions, it became more and more difficult for you and yeonjun to see each other as you both grew older. these days, you had to sneak out in order to do so, and that was exactly what you planned to do on the night of his birthday. what wasn’t planned though was how the night would end. things started out innocent and pleasant, with friendly banter and gift giving, but it slowly took a turn when the reality of your situation (as well as your romantic feelings) crept up on the two of you.
author’s note: hi everyone! i really hope you all like this bit. this is my first time writing a oneshot, so i’d love to know what you all think. feedback will always be welcomed and appreciated! have a nice day 💖
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You’ve managed to round the corner without the guards knowing. It was hours past your allowed time to roam the castle but you wanted to squeeze in some time to surprise your best friend with a birthday present. With your schedule packed with lessons and meetings, you weren’t able to see him all day, and though you knew you couldn’t do anything about it, the guilt was eating away at you.
You looked down at the charm bracelet in your hand sparkling back at you. You really hoped he likes it.
Clasping you hand over the present, you swiftly weaved your way through the corridors, getting more and more excited as you got closer to his room. A small laugh slipped your lips as you turned the last corner, but before you made it any further, your wrist was yanked abruptly back.
Letting out a surprised yelp, you let the motion of the pull spin you around and slapped the person.
Yeonjun winced, his hand letting you go to rub his face. “It’s just me, princess.”
Your eyes grew, and before you knew what you were doing, you took a step towards him being your free hand up to examine his face. “I’m sorry I didn’t know-,” you fussed before playfully scowling at him and dropping your hand. “why did you pull me anyways?”
Yeonjun raised an eyebrow. “And why are you roaming around in the middle of the night?”
Not waiting for a response, he scanned the pathways around them making sure the two were safe. When he deemed the coast clear, he sighed, making his way towards his room and tilting his head to the door to motion you to follow. He tried countless times to try to get you to limit your visits to see him, knowing it would cause a lot of complications if you were caught, but you always waved him off. With time, he soon learned that his words wouldn’t stop you, so now, he just does his best to keep you safe on your reckless adventures.
You pursed your lips, suppressing your smile and tailed behind him. “Wanna take a guess?”
He opened the door, giving you space to walk through first. He looked back smirking. “Is it not to bother me?”
Stepping into the room with him right behind you closing the door, you rolled your eyes, finally letting your smile slip from you. “That’s one incentive, but it’s not the main reason.”
You whirled around abruptly, causing Yeonjun to stumble, almost knocking into you. You pulled his hand out towards you and dropped the bracelet into his hand. “Happy birthday! Made it myself.”
His lips parted, clearly taken aback. He had forgotten it was his birthday. Against his will, his heart swelled as he examined the bracelet. He loved it. The pieces of metal were melded together clumsily, but it only made him love it more.
Your smile widened. Success.
When he looked up at you again, he grinned sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. You couldn’t tell if the dust of pink on his cheeks were your imagination or not. “Okay, I wasn’t expecting this.”
You chuckled. “That was the goal. I know I couldn’t spend today with you, so I wanted to get you something to hopefully make up for it.”
His eyes softened, the corners of his mouth slightly pulled down into a frown. Your smile similarly faltered, already having an idea of where he’s going to lead this conversation. “You know you don’t have to, right? You could’ve gotten in-“
“Into trouble I know, I know,” you cut him off, slightly annoyed. It felt as though every conversation is about this nowadays. Normally, it wouldn’t phase you, but today was his bloody birthday! You didn’t want to seem dramatic, but you couldn’t help letting some of your emotions go. Couldn’t he allow you one night of fun? With him? As the princess, you didn’t get much time for yourself, let alone make many friends. Yeonjun was one of the only few that you were close with. You didn’t know what that meant for him, but it meant so much to you. As you grew older, however, increased expectations of both your positions in the castle began to affect your relationship. You saw your cautious friend growing more distant, and you hated it.
Folding your arms over your body defensively, you turned away from him. “I just missed you,” you whispered, voice cracking. You bit your lip, hating how fragile you sounded.
You heard him sighed and shuffled towards you. Yeonjun enveloped you in his arms and rested his chin on your head. You allowed yourself to lean into his  embrace and released a long breath, relishing the warmth that invited you. His rare hugs never failed to ease you. You missed this too.
He began rubbing large circles on your back. “I’m sorry,” he murmured.
You hummed and pulled your arms out of yourself, wrapping them around his waist, pulling him closer to you. You both stayed like this for a while, rubbing each others backs, and listening to each other’s breathing. The warmth encapsulated the two of you, making you feel like you were the only two people in your universe.
Yeonjun brought one of his hand up and gently card through your hair. “Thank you for the gift. I love it.”
You smiled into his clothes.
After what felt like forever, your hug loosened just enough for you to meet each others eyes. You’ve always thought the latter was charming, but seeing him up close and personal like this almost took your breath away. You blushed at the sudden thought.
Licking his lips and gulping, his fond eyes held yours with an unfamiliar intensity, a war raging inside him. “We shouldn’t be doing this,” he said under his breath.
He didn’t have to tell you what ‘this’ was for you to understand what he’s getting at. If anyone walks in on the both of you right now…
“I know,” you whispered. Though neither of you moved.
Perhaps your tiredness was kicking in and you were delirious, but you had never felt more overwhelmed by your emotions than in that moment. They were flooding out through the gates of your heart, and suddenly, you weren’t so convinced that you came here to merely celebrate his birthday. Suddenly, every laugh you secretly shared together between corridors and every brief graze of fingers when the two of you pass carried more weight. Suddenly, the feelings you tried so desperately to deny to maintain your friendship were true.
You wanted more. You needed more.
You knew this was, in every way, a bad idea, but maybe this was all you needed right now. You could always deal with the consequences later…right?
Your hands hesitantly travel up his arms until they rest on his shoulders. His eyes didn’t miss the way your gaze flickered from his eyes to his lips and back. His jaw tightened.
You waited for him to push you away like he always did. You waited for him to pull you back to reality. You waited for him to stop you from doing the unthinkable.
But he didn’t stop you.
“Yeonjun,” you called, hands slightly squeezing his shoulders. You felt the muscles under you shudder, though he did not flinch away.
“Hey Y/N,” he whispered back, his tone teetering between longing and caution. His eyes bore holes in you, unshaken.
Slowly, you snaked your hands up and wrapped them around his neck. And as gently as you could, you pulled him towards you while lifting yourself with the balls of your toes to meet him halfway. The tip of your noses grazed one another now. His forehead rested on yours. Electricity ran throughout your body.
You gulped. “Yes?” you asked. Your eyes begged him to not push you away. Not now.
He stared intently at you for a heartbeat before murmuring.
“Yes, princess.”
Your body was aflame. Closing the distance between you, you slotted his lips against his. After a few seconds, you felt his arms around your waist tightened, and his lips moved against yours, reassuring you that everything’s alright. He was so gentle, every move was slow and soft as if he was worried he might hurt you and scare you off. Like he had wanted you as much as you wanted him.
All the tension in your body escaped you, and you were greeted with butterflies. You felt so warm, and you didn’t wanted the feeling to go away. You smiled into the kiss, and you felt him smile too. For a small eternity, nothing existed outside this moment. His soft lips on yours, his hands that hold your waist securely, his hair that tickled your forehead. You were soaring, and you didn’t wanted to come down.
You allowed one of your hands to tangle in his hair, threading your fingers through the soft threads. You heard his sighed at your touch. One of his hands snaked up and gently cradled your jaw. You felt the hairs on your neck raised when he caressed you with his thumb.
After a few moments more, the two of you broke away for air. Your eyes fluttered open. Cheeks flushed, you smiled at him, drunk off the love shared just now. He flashed a sheepish smile back, shy.
“Your gifts sure are creative,” he whispered.
A quiet giggle slipped you, and his smile widened. He rubbed his nose against yours, tickling you, and the room soon was full of your laughter.
Once it died down, Yeonjun held your eyes, this time his giddy expression tinged with sadness. He brought both hands up to cup your face, and you instinctively lifted yours to hold his.
His mouth parted then closed, hesitant to speak.
You sighed and closed your eyes, scared you might break if you look at him. “I’m sorry for putting you in this position, and I know you’re worried about me. About us. It’s just—I know this is selfish and childish of me to ask but…can we just continue what we have been doing so we can be together?” Your voice broke at the last few words, and you tried to blink away your tears. You tightened your hold on his hands, scared he would disappear.
You knew what you were asking was foolish. Both of you knew you can’t keep this up forever, but you so desperately wanted to hold onto this feeling. Just a bit longer.
“Please.” A tear slipped you. “I don’t want to be alone.”
The latter wiped the tear with his thumb, and you leaned into his touch. You didn’t realize you were trembling until he embraced you and you slumped forward.
Yeonjun carded his hand through your hair to soothe you. Once your shaking stopped, he pressed his head into your hair. “Okay, Y/N.”
He gently grabbed your hands and wrapped them around him before continuing. “I’ve missed you too. I’m just…scared.”
You held him close. “I know.”
“We’ll-we’ll think of something though, okay,” he reassured you, though he seemed to need those words as well.
You hummed. Both of you relished the comfortable silence that embraced you. It was nice, even though it was temporary.
“How’d you like your birthday” you asked lightly through his shirt.
The latter laughed, the vibrations from his chest instantly easing you. He then pressed a kiss on your temple. “It’s the best yet, princess.”
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blueberrypossum · 3 years
A Date Down Under (GN Reader x Leo)
If you guys are wondering where I’ve been I write more on A03 with two original fanfics in the making! But, my tumblr account deserves some love too! This fanfic has been siting in my file for a long while and I originally wanted to post it when I was deep in the ROTTMNT fandom (still love it and miss it man). So, I decided to take out my oc in it and make it a reader fanfic so everyone can enjoy!  @bootyyy-shaker9000 ​ I know how much you love Leo so have some of the wonderful boy in blue!!
When Leo asked you if you wanted to celebrate your Friend Anniversary in the Lost City, you couldn’t refuse. 
 The feelings for the turtle though were getting tougher and tougher to maintain. Leo was always the flirt, and you tried to not let him play with your heartstrings, but now a blush would creep around your face whenever he would fire a one-liner or when he would push the physical contact to the extreme. 
You weren't used to so much affection, nor letting the addiction of being touched take over you like a drug. 
But you have seen the way Leo fake flirts with others, and just believed that he was just doing the same thing to you, because you were just friends, right? 
You were brushing your comb through your hair when your phone started to vibrate on your desk. You brought it up to your ear as you got comfortable in your seat.
“Knock knock.”
“Who’s there?”
There were a few knocks on your bedroom window.
You giggled and walked over to the window and pulled back the blinds to see the one and only Leonardo Hamato, a sly grin on his face as he hung up on the phone. You placed your phone into your pocket and unlocked the window to reveal yourself to him. 
The blue bandana turtle looked a little taken aback as he took in the sight of his best friend. With the season turning colder, you wore something that suited the chilly wind yet sunny season, the cloth clinging to you gently. What caught him off guard the most was the dazzling smile you presented to him, the pure excitement of seeing him causing his bandana to feel tight around his head. 
Leo almost lost his balance as he hopped into your room, sweat growing on him as he tried to find anything else to look at other than you.
“Hey, how's your fever?” He asked, his voice drowned with no confidence, his heart still pounding as he finally glanced over. 
You were picking up your bag and you frowned at the question.
“Hum? What fever?” 
“Oh, yeah, you just look hot to me,” he replied, pressing a confident smile on his lips as he hoped that you didn’t catch him almost slipping up. 
Your cheeks went pink and you playfully slapped his arm.
“Oh hush up and let’s go, we’re burning daylight.”
“That’s not the only thing that’s burning.”
“Oh my gosh, get going, Red Kamon.”
The tall turtle chuckled and pulled out his sword, swiping it around the room until a portal was created. Leo moved to the side and bowed his head towards you. 
“After you,” he purred and you rolled your eyes at him and took a step into the portal and was led right at the center of the Hidden City. The colorful and mysterious city was weird to say the least, nothing but weird creations and magic lingered in the air as yokai walked past you. Leo stepped through the portal and was at your side as you both walked over to the city map. 
Leo used your shoulder as a rest while you gazed over at the map.
“Where do you want to go, shorty?” He asked as your eyes scanned the different areas and pointed towards the Witch Town.
Your mind seemed clouded from the close contact and you pointed to the spa.
“What about here? Sounds interesting.”
“Can’t do. My idiot and less attractive twin got us turtles banned there,” Leo commented and soon his arm snaked around your neck and was completely over your shoulders, bringing you close enough that you could feel his breath over your cheek. 
“What about here?”
“Nope. They banned me there.”
“How did you get banned from a spa?”
“My dashing good looks were just too much for them.”
You let out a gust of air and knew the real reason, Donnie told you the whole funny scenario of Leo needing hair to get into the spa, totally backfired and threw him in jail. 
“What places are you not banned from, blue?” You asked, turning over to him with your arms crossed. 
He gave you his signature smile and leaned down till you were face to face, his beak just a few inches from your nose. 
“Here, just those two places. Your heart? Never.”
“Then what about the Pirate Bazaar?” You mumbled, your heart almost leaping out of your chest as Leo’s eyes widened with excitement.
“Ohhh, I’ve been there! But only for a little bit, let’s go!” He squealed and took your hand and led you through the crowd of animals and other subjects of yokai. His three-fingered hand was cold against your warm one, and you knew Leo and his brothers like closeness to you and April since you were the only warm-blooded creatures; Splinter was too but hugs were hard to get from him. Still, the hand holding made others look over and gush at you two, as if you were a couple. 
If only.
He didn’t let go as he took you into lesser crowds, bringing you closer till your arms were touching. You then realized he wasn’t wearing an outfit, but then remembered most of the yokai’s were clothesless as well. His muscles bounced as he walked and you had to do everything to not wrap your fingers around the growing muscle. 
His thumb started to brush against yours as he turned to you and you swore you saw a red dash against his cheeks, and it wasn’t his stripes.
“You’ve been friends with me for a whole year! Please, do tell how great it must’ve been to be called my best friend,” he said slyly, wiggling his non-existent eyebrows, causing you to laugh. The joyous melody made Leo weak in the knees.
“You mean, me always having to save your shell from dangerous bad guys, having to endure all your jokes, and then the constant-CONSTANT- marathons of Jipiter Jim and Lou Jitsu to the point all I could do was speak quotes from the movies.”
“Oh yeah, may I remind you that you would text me excited about every movie date? Didn’t someone make their signature hot chocolate just for me when I showed this specific someone their now favorite movie? Ring any bells?” He replied back.
“Pffts, you know what? Your one-liners stink.”
The sword yielding turtle let out a gasp and grasped where his heart would be over his plaston as if he had been shot as he looked down at you. 
“My one-liners stink like Raph’s victory stink!”
You laughed and took back his hand and Leo felt his heart flew as your warm hand was gripping onto his cold one. You took the lead and finally made it to the entrance of the pirate grounds. There were booths of stuff that were related to the pirate theme of the area and some were just random selections of things to sell. The smell of seafood and other fried foods drifted into your nose and you led Leo to the entrance. 
After getting Lost City Cash at a money machine, you both took a selfie at the front entrance, Leo bringing you close and him having to lean down due to your height.  
There was a goblin looking woman in the booth at the entrance and the woman took your money and gave each of you a bracelet to get on rides and such. 
“For an extra 20 dollars, you can have a custom pirate outfit that you can switch on and off with ease,” she explained and you and Leo shared the same look, giving the worker a simple nod. She pointed to where single bathrooms were after she got the money.
“Last one there is a rotten turtle egg!”You challenged out as you raced over to the bathroom stalls, the mutant turtle schoffing and charging after you.
With a little bit of magic, you were able to think up your very own pirate outfit with a second band around your wrist so that you could switch it off and on with ease. Leo picked the same outfit he had when he first came to the pirate utopia with Hueso, but didn’t pick an eyepatch this time since he didn’t want to trip in front of you. 
You quickly raced out of the changing room after saying thank you to the worker who helped you and looked around, your eyes trying to find the mutant turtle in the crowd. You spotted the long strands of his bandana and felt yourself shudder at how good he looked in a pirate outfit, how the white shirt clung to him and how he had his sword hung against his side instead of over his back. You swallowed the saliva that was swimming in your mouth and quickly dashed over to him, clearing your throat before you spoke in the worst pirate accent. 
“My, my, isn’t ye the best booty I’ve ever seen in these vast oceans!”
The red slider turtle quickly turned around but you moved out in front of him.
“Aye, wanna shiver me timbers?” You laughed, throwing another one-liner at him and he turned, his eyes going wide as he almost told you that if you were a pirate, you would be the most beautiful treasure that no man or woman could handle or capture. If you were a pirate he could definitely walk the plank. 
“Those jokes are so lame, that they need a peg leg,” he replied, almost hating himself fully for using one of Huesos jokes instead of his own. But you flashed him a smile anyway and motioned him to follow as you made your way through the crowd. 
The teenage turtle felt his heart leap after you and gave chase as you made it to the center of the pirate theme park. 
Once in the middle, you pulled out the map the woman at the booth gave you and started to read over the activities that you could do. 
Leo leaned down close, still a little out of breath, but his confidence had awoken him as he said: “Ya certainly put a shiver in my timber!” he said in a deep pirate accent. You booped his beak away from your face and he blew a raspberry on the index finger.
“So, there is a treasure adventure we can go on, a booth section of stuff to buy, a pirate show of a reenactment of pirate history-Oh! They have timed dances throughout the area! And you can join in!” 
“Are you going to join in?”
“Maybe. I could finally dance with someone who doesn’t only do fortnite dances and dabs.”
“Hey, my moves are almost like a work of a pirate ship.”
“Old and needs remodeling?”
“What?! No! Unique and cool.”
You rolled your eyes and wrapped your arm around Leo’s and led him to the show since it was the closest. 
You stood on the pier as ships and flying creatures dashed by, the glowing lights of the underworld turning into a creamy orange to signify that the day was coming to an end. You leaned your arms over the railing as you scrolled through the photos that had been taken throughout the day. You couldn’t help but smile at seeing your goofy pictures and would scroll past the ones you took specifically of Leo without him knowing. 
Speaking of the turtle, he leaned in close to your shoulder as he noticed that your attention was not on him.
“Whatcha lookin at?” He asked, his head slowly getting closer. You felt your body grow warm and quickly turned your phone. 
“Bruh,” you giggled and he gave a quiet chuckle and tried to snatch the phone. 
“If you’re looking at something, then as your best friend I have a right to see.”
“Fine, hang on.”
You quickly saved the single photos of him into a secret file and moved the phone between them, his head still on your shoulder as he scrolled through the photos, both of you laughing at the one where you fought the pirates and failed. 
“What about you? I know you took photos of today for your social,” you commented as you placed your phone into your bag. 
Leo took out his phone and hid it out of sight since his home screen was a picture of them together at an abandoned skatepark and he had you in a piggyback ride and he just had to capture the moment. He handed his phone without thinking and started to go through your bag due to boredom.
You scrolled through the photos until you stopped at a specific one. You didn’t remember him telling you to pose for this photo; it was when you had stopped to eat dinner and you happened to watch one of the kids getting a fake pirate hook from a vendor. Your head was supported by your hand as a breeze caused your hair to ripple around your face in an alluring photo. A blush rushes to your face as if you had been hit and soon you started to scroll faster and found more photos of just you; of you waiting in line, in your pirate outfit, several were taken of you during the pirate treasure hunting, when you grabbed a candle from one of the booths in excitement, he even got a cliche photo of you holding his hand while you led him through the crowd. 
You felt your heart stop in your ribcage and looked over at the ninja turtle, who was still looking through your bag as if he was hunting for treasure. You didn’t want to snoop, but you couldn’t help but exit out of his camera roll and looked through his folders on the right side; there was a folder for comic books, shopping, epic moments, even a puns list, then found it at the bottom. It was labeled with a first letter of your name and a heart, and with twitching fingers, you opened it. It wasn’t many photos but enough to where you almost dropped his phone into the water below. There were pictures of you whenever you both hung out, and some he probably got from your social. 
Holy Hot Soup, he liked you.  
“Okay, now you really look like you have a fever,” Leo commented as he reached for his phone, causing you to swallow and quickly turned off the device and handed it back to him.
“But don’t worry, Doctor Neon Leon will help you get all better,” he said in a baby voice and wrapped his arm around you and brought you close. 
“Maybe you need some Vitamin ME,” he whispered and you laughed at yet another ridiculous one-liner made by him. He grinned at the sight of you laughing and rested himself against your side, taking in your scent and warmth. 
“Maybe I do, where do I get my prescription Aka Kamon?” You asked slyly, a shit eating grin on your face as Leo blushed. Whenever you could, you would fire back a one-liner and was overjoyed to see him be the one to get flustered and a stuttering mess. 
“ Oh, um, well,” he stuttered and mentally kicked himself as he couldn’t think of something to say back and then a question he always wanted an answer to.
“Are you ever going to tell me what those words mean?” He asked. 
“Are you ever going to open a book and find out for yourself.”
“Ha! Jokes on you, I don’t know how to read. And also, there are phones now, boomers.”
“Then look it up.”
“JuSt GiVe Me A hInT.”
You released a sigh and gave him a look while he returned to you his huge puppy dog eyes look and placed his hands together as his bottom lip wobbled as if he was trying to get out of trouble. 
“Finnnne, but only because it’s our best friend’s day.”
You poked the red stripe against his face and then pointed upward, a smirk growing on your face as he gave a confused one.
“A pretty good one in my opinion.”
The red slider turtle let out a large groan as he crossed his arms, his face growing tight as he tried to think of what the hint meant. 
“Are you just calling me stripes but in Japanese?” He said with a groan. 
“Leo you insult me, it would be kind of stupid to call you stripes in both English and Japanese.”
He mimicked your talking right as you finished and he received an eye roll as he continued on thinking.
 So, it wasn’t the stripes, maybe the color? Or the shape?
“Man, this is hurting my brain, this best friend day sucks.” He said as he stuck his tongue out at you.
“Okay, okay. The two words are a color and a shape. Is that better?”
“Yes. Yes it is.”
You continued to watch as Leo tried to put the pieces together and you wished you could get this on video, but it would be too obvious, so instead you painted it into your mind. 
“So, the color is totally red, but the shape I’m lost at. Why did you point at the sky? Is that a clue? Why did you make this so difficult?”
“Because I’m a difficult person.”
“I do like a challenge.”
“One more hint, it’s the shape of something in the sky.”
Leo looked up at the fake Lost City sky and squinted as the fake sun started to set and the moon would start to rise. 
“Red Moon?”
“Close. It’s Red Crest.”
The blue bandana turtle searched the horizon for an answer for why you called him that as you looked away due to embarrassment. 
“Why?” He simply asked as he looked over; he could always tell when you were nervous, your eyes would always dart around and your left foot would start to shake. You rose to a tallen stance though and looked over at his hands.
“I just find your marks...alluring. In Japanese culture, the red moon is respected due to its power. I just thought you deserved to have a nickname that represented you.”
Leo felt his face go completely red that it could put Raph’s mask to so much shame that it would go bland. All this time he thought you were just calling him something insulting in Japanese, but it was a nickname that you made up for him. Not like Raph’s, Donnie’s, Mikey’s or April’s, it was one you made up for him and only him. 
“Stop looking at me before I throw you off this dock so I can live the rest of my life without this embarrassment,” you laughed nervously as your fingers combed through your hair and let out a shaky breath. 
Leo started to get his little shakes as he let out a confused laugh. 
“All this time I thought you were calling me a stupid turtle or somethin in Japanese, whoa oh boy was I wrong.”
You both looked away from each other and the atmosphere became heavy. 
Maybe I shouldn’t have said that, I still don’t know, you thought, but then you felt his finger poke your elbow and looked over at him, and the soft expression on his face almost made you melt.
“But how can I stop looking at you?”
Your breathing immediately hitched.
“Are you blushing? It’s a good feeling to know that I do it.”
You could only cover your face as you leaned against the railing on your elbows and looked between your fingers at him. You hated being so flustered up, but with Leo dripping with confidence, it made you want to curl into a muttering mess. 
Leo watched you with amusement and went to touch you, but then fell back. He remembered how he started the physical touch between you two, holding your hand, always leaning on you, every movie night you would be his cushion. But you two couldn’t kiss, couldn’t cudde too close, he couldn’t tell you he loved you more than just a best friend.  
 He hated how the day went by so fast and now he wanted to do what he has wanted to do for months. But he couldn’t work up the courage, he had a ton of one-liners to ask you out, to ask if you returned the feelings, even though he was mutant turtle that lived in the sewer and fought enemies that could destroy the whole world and wholly Ōdachi he can’t ask you to be a part of that life. 
But, the way you would smile at him and how you always gave him credit for the growth into someone you wanted to be. How you saw something in him that he didn’t even see, and he wanted to keep being whatever you saw. 
He just wanted you.
So, he worked up the courage, tried to make the sweat stop rolling down his body, and looked at person he had fallen for
You tensed up, you had never heard Leo sound so serious in his life. 
“With this being.....I mean if I’m wrong. Would you consider this a date-date?” He spilled out, and he wanted to climb into his shell like Mikey and never come out. He let out a gust of air and didn’t look over at you, his fingers messing within each other. It was silent between you, the city life buzzing around them as yokai’s came and went. You wanted to scream out in joy and say yes a hundred times, but you also had to be careful, along with if Leo was being a bubbly mess, you wanted to take advantage of it as long as you could. 
Spotting a red and blue flower with a bright yellow center growing on the side of the deck, you wrapped your fingers around it and pulled it from its roots. To Leo’s surprise, you pushed your way under his arm until it was back over your shoulders. The blush on his face was noticeable and with being against his chest you noticed his uneven breaths. 
“I do. And I would like more of them, if you want to.” You answered and handed him the flower. He shakenly took the flower in his hand and his confidence came crashing back to him, knowing that the feeling was mutual. As quickly as you gave him the flower he leaned over and placed the flower over your ear. Your eyes widened with surprise and quickly averted them away, a nervous but sweet chuckle escaping your lips. But the Red-eared slider never averted his gaze away from you. 
“I would like that too,” he answered back. 
You both stood there for a while, your head curled into Leo’s chest as his own head rested on yours. You were used to being close, but this was different, this filled you up with knowing and it made the physical connection much more warmer and scarier. Little lights started to flicker around as the city started to get dark, even with no sun or moon. Leo brought you closer and buried his face into your hair, a long sigh escaping his lips in content, his mind slowing down for once and just taking in this moment.
 But the moment went quicker than expected as a low yawn escaped your mouth and the red slider turtle remembered that it was getting late. 
“Alright, sleepy head, I think it’s time to raise anchor and set sail for home,” he joked as he lifted himself off of you and then held out his hand. With a roll of your eyes, you gladly took it and let him lead you back to the entrance of the Pirate Bazaar. He could just use his sword, but he wanted to juice out every moment with you.
The hand hold was different in some way, you gripped his hand tighter and when he came to a stop you would use your other hand to lightly touch his biccup before continuing on. 
You gave the booth teller their costume bracelets back and walked a few feet ahead before Leo pulled out his sword and created a portal. 
He once again bowed his head as he moved to the side. 
“After you.”
Through tired eyes she gave him a smirk as she was halfway through the portal. 
“Thank you.” 
He followed you through the portal and took the step onto your apartment’s fire escape, the flashing lights of New York City spilling over your side as you opened your bedroom window;  throwing your bag inside before turning to Leo. You both turned to each other and then quickly averted eye-contact with each other. 
“I had a lot of fun today, Leo. Thanks for being a good fri-” you stopped yourself since you didn’t know if you two were still just friends, or more.
He let out a laugh and rubbed the back of his neck. 
“Yeah, chief, it was,” Leo said  and then let out a groan at the terrible execution.
 You knew that you had to make the first move now or else you both would accidentally place yourselves into the “friend zone”.
 “Leo, can you bend down a little bit?”
“Why? Tired of being the only short one?”
“You can say that.”
He bent down till he was on your level, a smug smile on his lips. You let out your form of a chuckle as you curved your fingers under his chin. The teenage turtle instantly felt weak in the knees and thought that his legs would give out from under him and became a stuttering mess as you both made eye-contact. 
“Um, haha, is it hot or did you know that, uhh,” he mumbled as you tilted his head to the side and placed a small kiss against his red stripe, instantly making his whole body, for once in his life, burning. 
Your lips were soft against his skin and he stood there as you leaned away and climbed back into your room. 
“Goodnight, Leo,”you mumbled, your hands shaking against the window. 
You closed the window and walked away while Leo stood there, his mind racing a hundred miles an hour. He got a kiss from you, from you. He never felt so much adrenaline rush through his body and all he wanted to do was go back in time so he could’ve moved his lips over. 
He took a step towards the window and then took that step back. What should he do? What could he do? Were you both dating now? Or were you two at the very edge of the line of a relationship?
He wanted to call his brothers or April for advice, especially since she would slap some sense into him. His shakes were coming back.
He let out a grunt and rubbed his eyes as he tried to decide what to do. He looked back at the window and saw that you had turned on your lights. He walked up to the window and knocked.
You had just gotten out of the bathroom when you heard the light tap against your window and your heart started to race faster than it already was. You were already shaken up by having enough courage to kiss him but if that was him then what if he didn’t want the kiss?
The knock came again and you took a few deep breaths before you moved the curtain aside and there he was, his face all flustered up as he gave a small wave as she opened the window. 
“Yes?” You questioned as you leaned your hands over the window seal. You hoped that the silky night of the sky hid your flustered face.
“I honestly didn’t think this far ahead,” he spilled out as he let out a nervous laugh as he leaned against the window. 
You looked up at him and Leo blinked several times in wonderment at the startled expression that crossed your face. Leo took a deep breath and gave you his signature shit-eating grin.
“Knock knock.”
“Wow, you’re doing jokes in the same place now are ya?”
“Just do the joke.”
You giggled and fluttered your eyes mockingly at him.
“Can I who?”
“Who’s there?
“Can I?”
“Can I...Can I kiss you?”
Even though it was a terrible joke, you felt like you could throw up all of your guts for how fast your heart rate was. Kissing him on the cheek was a challenge but at least you didn’t have to worry about his lips against yours. Do turtles have lips? Or beaks?
The word yes slipped out before you had a second thought. 
Before you knew it, Leo’s hands were slipping into your own, the tip of your fingers shaking but Leo reinsured you with a stroke of his thumb  You looked up at him and was taken aback at how handsome he was, how his stripes glowed in the moonlight and his blue bandana flew behind him as he leaned down. 
Oh you were glad he didn’t have his lips puckered or drool hanging out of his mouth like in the cartoons. 
Swallowing any other signs of panic that were trying to build in your body as you leaned in. 
The city of New York continued on around you both as the kiss ended; it was soft and sweet, not a full one, but it left both of you speechless. You felt as if your stomach was falling apart and Leo thought he could slip off the stairway. He was still holding your hands before you both departed, but with your free hands, you grabbed his face and brought him in once again. The red slider turtle’s eyes went wide as moons as this kiss much more, more than he could ever dream of. 
He wrapped his arms around your waist and slightly lifted you up, burying his face into yours under the moonlight. He tangled himself around you as your hands wrapped around his neck and Leo felt his stomach flip at the actions. Your shirt was warm against his chest and he tried to focus in on that instead of the worry of messing this up. He leaned more down as his hand slipped into the back of your neck. Due to the lack of experience, the kiss was sloppy and messy and anxiety swam between the connection between the two of you. 
But it was a tender memory of a kiss between the two of you, to remember as your first. 
You both finally separated, your chest heaving as you tried to get your feelings under control. His arms were still wrapped around you and your hands had slipped down onto his plaston, the hard material rising and falling under your fingers. Leo felt himself lean back, the shock setting in that he just had his first kiss and it was that deep and romantic and that….
The teen turtle felt his shell bump against the railing and you quickly latched onto him to stop him from falling, a horse laugh coming out of your mouth. 
“Guess you can say that you’re falling for me?” You asked, Leo knew now that he had to have a fever for how hot his face felt. He let out a few breathless laughs as he tried to calm himself down, longing and fear still lingering in his heart. 
All he could do was pull you into a hug and whisper out, “I just want to stay here and kiss and hold you and Y/N I can't feel my heart.”
He buried himself into your neck as he once again slightly picked you up, hoping that your warm body would calm him down, but the organ in his chest raced on as you hugged him back, your arms barely going around his shell. 
“Leo, will you be my boyfriend?”
My boyfriend. My boyfriend. My boyfriend. My boyfriend.
The words rang in his head like chimes as he slightly pulled away to look at her, the harsh blush on her face giving him an ego boost as he grinned at her. 
“Being called a boyfriend, eh? Neon Leon already has so many cool names, but boyfriend is probably the best name to be called, especially if it’s only you saying it.”
“Probably? I guess I should just give the boyfriend title to someone else, then.”
“What?! No, no, no. I already called it, I’m your boyfriend capiche? Now come here.” He pulled you into a tight hug and gave you a little spin, a laugh escaping your throat as you held on.
“Leo! We can fall, and my back cannot handle cement like yours!” 
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