#Ok why is no one talking also this food is terrible and I have to pretend to like it. Is my family just weird or what
rattusn0rvegicus · 2 years
ok. Another thing that bothers me about that guilt trippy food post. People acting like vegetables (avocados etc) are inherently less ethical than meat sound to me like WASPy white kids who won't eat seasoned veggies because it's too "ethnic" or whatever. Like look. I know I'm just pulling this completely out of my ass and that was NOT the point of the post. But years of going over to other white friends houses and eating boiled/roast unseasoned chicken breasts and mashed potatoes mashed into oblivion with no salt or garlic or seasoning when I grew up with a very hispanic food culture has ruined me and I need an excuse to rant about it
#Like okay I'm a white guy myself but the mainstream white culture approach to food makes me want to jump off a building ahdsjsjfjjdjff#Like why???? Why do you hate vegetables and seasoning so much#I need more irl friends from immigrant families/friends of color tbh bc like visiting friends' families from my 95% white high school#was like. Everyone sitting around like 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍 like they didn't even know each other and eating overdone noodles and unseasoned#alfredo sauce out of a can or smth#And me who comes from an italian american family that has been marinating in cuban+spanish culture for 100 years was just like#Ok why is no one talking also this food is terrible and I have to pretend to like it. Is my family just weird or what#and then when I moved to [current city] and started volunteering and like. hanging out with Black ppl more it was like a relevation of OH.#THAT'S JUST MAINSTREAM WHITE AMERICAN CULTURE OKAY OKAY#Like going over to my mom's family's houses vs my dad's family's is a night and day difference#My dad's family just stands around and like awkwardly asks you 1 question about work and then feeds you boiled green beans#My mom's family is like ASHAHSJSJDJDJSJDJDJSS LET'S TALK VERY LOUDLY ABOUT EVERYTHING#WOULD YOU LIKE SOME DEVILLED CRAB? SOME DEEP FRIED TURKEY? SOME ROAST VEGETABLES? SOME LASAGNA? SOME ARROZ CON POLLO?SOME TRES LECHES CAKE?#EAT EAT EAT EAT HAVE SECONDS YOU SHOULD EATSOME MORE LET'S BICKER IN THE KITCHEN FOR TWO HOURS#I LOVE THEM LMAO I MISS THEM
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bookishdaze · 18 days
Noa and Mae as Romeo and Juliet in the Next Planet of the Apes Movie?
Here's why a potential "love story" between Mae and Noa, whether explicit or simply implied, may not be such a terrible idea.
Why? Because Shakespeare told me so, that's why.
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"When in doubt, it's from Shakespeare....or the Bible." At least according to a book I had to read for high school, lol.
The biblical references in Caesar's trilogy have been pointed out multiple times already, and these movies have also been described as Shakespearean tragedies. So I thought, 'ok, what kind of Shakespearean tragedy will we have this time around?'
I'm first gonna start off with Hamlet in the Caesar trilogy. I'm also gonna mention other popular movies that are based on Shakespeare's plays. Not necessarily because it's concrete proof that this is what will happen in future POTA movies. This is me simply picking up certain storytelling beats and patterns I've noticed in some of my favorite movies.
It's not 100% the same, but there are some similarities. Also, this isn't anything new. Many have pointed this out before, but I love talking about this stuff!
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The Lion King, Black Panther, and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes are loosely based on Hamlet. A king or rightful heir is killed. Usually by an evil uncle, cousin, or family member. For some reason this always results in them falling off a very high cliff.
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Everyone thinks they're dead, the evil relative takes power, and everything kinda sucks. There is not enough food in the Pride Lands under Scar's rule. Killmonger burns the heart-shaped herbs. Koba leads the apes to war against the humans.
The rightful ruler spends time in exile, recovering from their wounds and trauma. They might even get a visit or have a recollection of their dead father.
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Then the rightful ruler comes back from the dead, challenges the usurper, and regains their rightful place upon the throne.
Now lets take a look at their sequels.
The Lion King 2 and Wakanda Forever share some similarities. They both follow another one of Shakespeare's popular plays, Romeo and Juliet.
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Like the Montagues and Capulets, we have two rival kingdoms in both movies. We got the Pridelanders and the Outsiders. We also got the Wakandans and Talokanils.
The two heirs/rulers from both kingdoms meet. They hate and don't trust each other at first, but then they start to have compassion for the other. In Kiara and Kovu's case, they fall in love. Namor and Shuri don't fall in love, but after Namor shows her his underwater kingdom and what he has to protect, she softens and begins to understand him more. (They even got the whole Hades and Persephone thing going on, who are a couple in Greek mythology, by the way).
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There are losses on both sides. Kovu's brother was killed while going after Simba. One of Namor's people was killed when Shuri was rescued by Nakia, and Shuri's mother, Queen Ramonda, died after Namor's attack on Wakanda. (Starts nervously eyeing Anaya here...)
These losses make things worse, by the way.
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In the end, both pairs are able to bring the fighting between their people to a stop. The Outsiders are welcomed into Simba's pride. The Wakandans and Talokanils stop fighting after seeing their leaders return together.
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In the end, they realize that they're the same. That they can't let hate and fear of the other side cloud their judgement.
Kiara tells her father, "A wise king once told me we are one....Look at them. They are us. What differences do you see?"
Shuri tells Namor while she spares his life, "Vengeance has consumed us. We cannot let it consume our people."
And I think this goes well with one of the core themes of these POTA movies. The apes are a mirror to humanity. We the audience are seeing us through them, and the characters in the movies themselves must come to the realization that they're the same.
Like when Caesar tells his son, "I always think ape better than human. I see now how much like them we are."
Maybe something similar like this will happen with Noa and Mae and whatever fight will happen between apes and humans. While I'm all for a good romance, it may end up being more like Namor and Shuri's case. There's something there. The tropes are present, but they don't fall in love. (At least not yet. Please Ryan Coogler, give me Nashuri endgame in Black Panther 3, hehe).
This is just a theory, by the way. This doesn't have to happen, but I just think it'd be neat. There would be differences though. What those differences would be, idk, but whatever happens in the next one, I can't wait!
"But but.... aren't you forgetting something?"
What's that?
"Don't they...ya know...both die at the end?"
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Besides, they don't have to die. Things can be a little more hopeful for our two heroes 🙈
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m00mis · 1 year
i just read your svt shoelace scenario and it's so cute! idk if you're taking requests but if you are can you please do a "svt reacting to their s/o calling them bro" scenario? if you're not feel free to ignore!
thankyou !! i am totally taking requests pls feel free to ask :)
{ also i hope i interpreted your request properly ㅠㅠ im overthinking as usual }
svt reacting to their s/o calling them bro
cheol - he would be shocked and so offended like "bro??? me?? what?? i'm not your bro what are you talking about?? tchh bro? seriously? what happened to 'babe'? 'baby'? 'cheollie'? 'the love of my life'?" goes on a whiney rant about how he is not your bro, he is your baby and won't drop it for two weeks and only responds to you with "ok bro" so you know how it feels
jeonghan - he didn't realise what you said and would reply as if nothing had happened. that is not in your usual vocabulary so it went straight through him but in the middle of the night he would wake up in a cold sweat muttering "bro.. she called me bro?" and would text you right then at 3am to never call him bro again. creepy asf.
joshua - would suddenly look up at you with those big eyes and confused smile ("huh?") which made you super embarrassed because why is he looking at you like you have committed terrible crimes and now you are running away and oh god he's chasing after you
jun - you were eating together and he would burst into laughter but when he sees you're not laughing he slowly realises that this was serious business and he just points to himself with a mouth full of food saying "me? i'm your bro?"
hoshi - oh great what have you done. now he only calls you bro. "hey my bro ! <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>". yep. the rest of the members think you two have somehow regressed back to the friendzone with hoshi being happier than before??
wonwoo - is shocked and sweetly asks why you said bro, but you can't explain and he has the biggest grin on his face, chuckling because it was so absurd and he can't get over it. it's so funny to him that he tells all the members and he never forgets it. one of his fondest memories of you
woozi - the atmosphere is so tense after it slipped out of your mouth but suddenly he bursts out laughing and folds in half "you actually... actually just called me bro..!? i can't... can't believe it PSHAHAAA" between wheezes . funniest thing to him
dk - would hit him like a ton of bricks "is that what i am to you? a bro?" and is so upset you're basically begging on your knees for him to forgive you but he can't even hear anything you're saying because he's trying to figure out what he did wrong in your relationship for you to call him bro so nonchalantly .. heart brocken fr 💔
mingyu - you can tell it's echoing around his mind as he's off staring into space in absolute disbelief.. you start laughing at his dumbfounded expression so he starts smiling in confusion, "what? what was that? why did you say that? tell me!" and you have collapsed because his reaction is so funny. he's all whiney and rolling around on the sofa because he is so hurt
minghao - i think he would somehow turn it into a psychological thing and ask why you think of him as your brother and if you had any good brotherly figures growing up to try to figure out what is going on for you to call him bro. basically he would use it as an excuse to understand you more cuz he lovs u
seungkwan - would drop everything to judge you with that look in his eyes and the pressure would be so intense that you immediately apologise. he is never letting this go. occasionally calls you bro just to embarrass you because he loves seeing you all worked up
vernon - "sup bro". "sup" . thats it. sorry but he would be so unbothered. starts dapping you up every time he sees you followed by a lil kiss.
dino - half-jokingly goes "was that a mistake? im letting you off this time. watch your back" and does the 'i'm watching you' finger eye point thingy(?) while backing out of the room and when he's out of view he runs to the bathroom to let out his laughter because he can't believe how weirdly cute you were. talks to himself in the mirror about it.
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fernsnailz · 8 months
take this ask as a free ticket to freely hate on elemental (WE SUPPORT THE HATER GRIND WOOO)
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ok so to preface. i have only seen elemental once. it was in theaters. i did NOT pay money to see it (my friend worked at the theater and we got in for free). we also saw it in 3D (would not recommend). i chugged a canned margarita beforehand (WOULD NOT RECOMMEND). i sobered up halfway through the movie and had a terrible time. needless to say i am not a fan of elemental (2023)
below is an edited version of the review/rant i sent to the group chat afterwards. BE WARNED IT'S REALLY LONG.
much later edit: personally i think i did a very bad job of critiquing this movie in this ask, and some of the opinions i expressed below are some pretty bad faith takes. i still think this movie is worthy of criticism, but not in this form and not from a guy who chugged a margarita before seeing it.
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ok so the big point of discussion with elemental i've seen is usually around the allegory it uses to portray its themes of race, immigration, and prejudice. generally speaking, it's my opinion that trying to portray concepts of this weight and depth with an allegory or metaphor is already a terrible idea*. this isn't stuff that you can make simpler to understand by portraying minorities as fire people or predator animals or whatever great new idea disney is cooking up next, because this isn't stuff that can just be MADE simpler. if anything, allegory makes discussion about race more complicated because you have to explore why racism and prejudice, an inherently illogical belief, exists within said allegorical world. usually said fictional explanation just seems to justify prejudice - for example, the allegory in zootopia is straight up DANGEROUS to compare to real world racism because predators, aka zootopia's minorities, literally used to hunt and eat prey animals (the majority). with this in mind, elemental is already off to a bad start since disney has a bad history with allegories of this kind.
(*EDIT: this is gonna eat me alive if i don't clarify this because i realized too late that i spoke WAY too generally here. to clarify, i'm mostly talking about creating an entire allegorical world that lacks humans here - allegory can be a very powerful way to portray a human experience, and i don't want it to seem like i'm arguing that allegory and metaphor can't be used at all to create a powerful story about race and prejudice. for example, here's a short film that i really like called OverWeight. it's about losing one's culture and identity, and that theme is explored entirely through a bag of luggage. and it's really good! just want to clarify that i'm not advocating for only extreme realism and a lack of magic here, but instead against using huge, non-human allegorical worlds that replace these human experiences. thx bye)
thankfully, elemental never got as bad a zootopia in its portrayal of prejudice (at least in my opinion), but that's not saying much. it mostly just feels kinda confused - as far as i know, fire people are supposed to serve as a sort of "immigrant everyman" allegory which is. not how that works. immigrants of different races and ethnicities are going to have different struggles and experiences, and trying to boil everything down into four different elements that fit every kind of person under an allegorical umbrella is over complicating everything again through a veil of simplicity. it's almost like all of this would be fixed if they just told a story about real human people instead of turning them into water and fire people but i mean WHAT DO I FUCKING KNOW!!!!
oh also the worldbuilding of elemental is. kinda ass. to further explain: fire people are the only immigrant characters really explored in depth, and a good amount of the worldbuilding around them is actually pretty interesting. they have their own language that the characters speak every now and then, they have their own foods, customs, and culture that you can definitely tell a decent amount of thought was put into. which i liked! and then you learn that the country they come from is literally called Fire Land. just Fire Land. i doubled over when they said that because compared to everything else, it’s so out of left field and just. GAHH. it really reeks of "exec in the disney board room wanted to make part of the movie about prejudice easier to understand for The Kiddies" and i hate it. god.
this is consistent throughout the film, a lot of genuinely interesting worldbuilding is intermingled with surface level, bottom of the barrel ideas that just feel. so confusing. like a big theme the movie centers around is gentrification and how the city (called “Element City,” by the way (SCREAMS)) is not built with fire people in mind. i like this concept a lot and they show this in some interesting ways! a main conflict centers about how water is flooding ember's home, and there are multiple moments where high-action scenes are revolved around ember just navigating the city and trying to avoid water, something that most of the city’s residents wouldn’t have issue with. i thought that was really good! it was something that, surprisingly, was very relatable! and then the movie goes full zootopia and just like. has one of the characters call the fire girl a slur (the slur was “fireball”) which, reasonably makes ember mad, but then the character that did the slurring faces NO narrative repercussions for her actions because. ???????????????? i don't know??? you would think that a movie that turns issues of class and race into a fun cutesy little allegory would at least take the time to go "hey kids! let's not call minorities slurs" but instead the Slur Woman ends up helping ember and wade on their shitty little romantic sidequest and never once seems to express any remorse. cool! great!!!! WHO'S IDEA WAS THIS???????
by the way who fucking wrote this who put all these element puns in here. there are so many element puns in the movie i want to eat the writers of elemental. i’m mostly made of carbon but i do not walk around like “wow what a long workday we have fellow coworkers, i guess we have to CARBON diem, amirite?” please kill me
the varying quality in the worldbuilding and allegory of elemental just goes to show that this movie would have likely worked better if it focused on humans on earth rather than elements residing in a confusing elemental world - previous pixar works like bao and turning red show that pixar movies that focus on real experiences told from a human perspective with a magical realism twist can work really well! the allegory of elemental makes its characters and experiences feel distant, i spent more time trying to understand the world of the movie than the characters and their struggle. that could be a me problem, but the world was so goddamn broken in the first place that i felt like i COULDN’T focus on anything else. idk can we just tell like actual stories about actual marginalized people without turning them into The Trope of the Week i’m so tired
and by the way. i do not like the character designs in this movie one bit. ember looks like if you asked a middle schooler to design a fire woman. "ohhhhh we're pixar and we have to give all of our woman characters a pencil thin waist and big feminine eyes and skinny little legs" i want to explode.
ok we're getting into just batshit insane rant territory here now. so with that in mind I FUCKING HATE WADE. from the moment he appeared on that screen i knew i had it out for that motherfucker. the first thing he does is start crying over a situation that HE CAN SOLVE. he’s a city inspector that gets caught in the flood overtaking ember’s home, and the FIRST thing he does is start writing up violations he sees in the basement of ember’s family home. and then. he has the audacity to CRY ABOUT IT because it’s sooooooo tragic that her dad’s shop is going to be shut down because of HIM. the movie frames the water people as overly emotional because they cry alot (because they’re made out of water, of course!!! isn't that so funny!!!!!!!), but wade’s actions make it clear that those tears are FAKE because he does NOTHING to help ember in the first scene they meet. then, only after ember explains to him that there’s LITERALLY NO OTHER WAY her family can survive if the shop is shut down, does wade agree to help her out. kill me
oh btw wade being very emotional and crying a lot is NOT a bad thing and imo most modern stories need more emotional male characters. but. elemental treats wade's crying mostly as a running gag more than anything. which just kinda doubles around to being misogynistic again
wade continues to be a fucking nuisance to my psyche, even after leaving that theater. i did not enjoy the romance between ember and wade because i hated 50% of that duo. ember was ok i liked her enough bUT I WANTED TO KILL WADE. they try to spin him like “ohhhhh hes a little bit clumsy and goofy and a little bit dorky ahah don’t you like him?” as if that doesn’t describe most of the male love interests in every movie released after 1990. the two sit on a beach where ember is on the verge of a meltdown because they haven’t been able to save her dad’s shop, and one of the things wade says to comfort her is “i think you’re beautiful like this tho uwu” HUH????????? who tf is trying to make moves while someone is having an anxiety attack i SWEAR to god. i want to use wade as bong water i hate him so much
and then. ember gives him some glass that she sculpted to look like a flower she likes. it’s a nice sculpture. later in the movie, wade is like “hey ember i have something for you” and then just. gives her the sculpture back. and they treat it like he gave her a gift of his own like bro SHE gave that to YOU WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT????
the one act wade does for ember before the big climax revolves around taking her to see some underwater flowers - it’s a nice sequence, but it’s not a gift that’s exclusively from him. they have to get the cloud lady that called ember a slur to help make an underwater bubble to contain ember. fucking. come ONNNNN
wade dies in the climax of the movie. straight up he evaporates from heat and they’re like “awww he’s gone :(“ and they manage to bring him back but i really wish he stayed dead. would have been worth it if he died. but no. there's so. many weird little things in this movie that make my blood run a little too hot. can the genre of kindergarten racism movies please stop here. i am begging i can't do this again please
completely forgot to mention this at the beginning: my friends and i refer to elemental as "The Movie of All Time" because the concept of "element people" or general element-based characters is such a common story trope within young animators and storytellers (at least in our experiences). the number of pitches we've seen about "this character is made of water/has water abilities and this one's made of fire/has fire abilities and they need to find a way to work together/it's a love story!!!" is uncountable. we could not believe this movie was a real pixar production when it was first announced we thought it was a joke
in conclusion. i wish i had another canned margarita halfway through elemental. might have been bearable that way
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dapandapod · 4 months
Particular with nicknames
Why hello there! This was written last september (2023) and has since been sitting in my draft, making me rewatch streams because no pathetic reasons at all i swear. Anyway, here is Jaskier having a Moment TM when Geralt uses a very specific nickname. Thank you @ahh-fxck for helping me beta read <3 much appreciated! Please enjoy streamer!Geralt and Pathetic!Jaskier! <3 On Ao3 here
For all the love Jaskier has of words and language, he is strangely picky with nicknames.
It’s not that he dislikes them, he is just strangely neutral. Alright, that’s not true.
His famously ill-advised and stormy relationship with Valdo came to mind. Jaskier had fallen promptly out of love with him when he was called ‘Snugglebutt’ in front of all of their friends. They were together for another month or so past that, because Jaskier thought himself cruel and wanted it to work.
Well, it did not.
Nowadays he shares a flat with his long time best friend Geralt, one of the few constants in his life and the one who just might own about two thirds of his heart.
It’s not a big flat, but they have a room each, a small kitchen, and a shared living room. That is also where Geralt has his small streaming corner set up, back against the wall and facing the room.
Easier that way to keep it clean if he streams with the camera on, no accidental flashing unsuspecting viewers that way. Something learned by trial and error, as Jaskier tends to run warm and just forgo pants. And shirts. And socks.
They also share their flat with a terrible little cat named Roach, who has never quite warmed up to Jaskier. Took to Geralt the instant she saw him, however, and the two are inseparable whenever Geralt is home.
All of this in itself is not an issue. Oh no, all of this is more than fine.
Watching Geralt be sweet with the terrible little furball makes Jaskier’s heart ache pleasantly, listen to him coo about her fur being so shiny and smooth, what a good girl she is, wow look at that yawn!
No, the problem came up the first time as Geralt was lazily watching TV on the couch, back to their little kitchen where Jaskier had just served her royal highness some very expensive cat food.
Roach does as she always does when Jaskier is involved, and simply walks out. It’s routine by now, and the food is usually gone by morning. It’s more about Jaskier knowing his place at the bottom of the list than not liking the food.
But as she returns to the living room with Jaskier trailing after, considering plopping down on the couch too instead of working on his doctoral thesis, Jaskier finds himself fundamentally changed.
“Hi baby.” Geralt says, voice all sweet and dark and gravelly, and fuck.
It is very much aimed at Roach, who is being a cutie, begging pets from under the table. But Jaskier’s insides do a kickflip, his brain short circuits.
Flushing deeply, Jaskier can’t control the little HRK sound escaping his throat.
He is frozen in his tracks, tongue tied and feeling absolutely pathetic. Geralt turns around to look at him with a questioning frown.
“You ok there?” he asks, Roach climbing the couch and up to the backrest, demanding attention.
“Just peachy,” Jaskier squeaks out, and then flees to his room.
Holy fucking shit and mother of turds.
Baby?? Of all the nicknames in the entire world, that is the one Jaskier is going to have a meltdown about?
Just, the lazy way Geralt said it, Jaskier feels like an old maid, clutching his pearls.
It’s fine. He will be fine.
It was meant for Roach, of course, it’s fine.
It is not fine.
Geralt is streaming, talking with some other players. He is not a big name, but he does have a following, and sometimes gets invited to other streams if it's a multiplayer game.
Jaskier is moving around the living room, untangling the nest that their couch has become recently, blankets and hoodies and socks thrown everywhere. He is also holding a banana, somewhat forgotten in his new mission to make the couch sittable.
Part of his distraction comes from listening to Geralt talking, there is a lilt to his voice when he is on stream. It is unclear if Geralt is aware of doing it, but Jaskier can listen to it forever.
While in the process of moving one blanket over to the footrest, Geralt laughs at something said in his headphones.
“Oh baby, I didn’t know you cared!”
Jaskier drops the banana.
Feeling like a deer caught in headlight, Jaskier is unable to do anything but staring, feeling heat climbing his neck, up to his cheek.
Then Geralt’s eyes meet his over his screen, his face is neutral but his eyes are knowing.
Fuck fuck fuck he is in so much trouble.
Maybe it’s fine to have that many blankets. Perfect for hiding, perfect for pretending the way Geralt says ‘Baby’ doesn’t go on loop in his head, and will be for days.
Jaskier is in a constant state of fear.
Ever since the Stream Incident, as he has come to call it, there is this new tension whenever they are in a room together. Where Geralt will look at him consideringly, where Jaskier will pretend everything is as per usual.
He has gotten better at not freezing, but a thrill runs through him every time Geralt uses That Word, making very unsubtle eye contact as he does.
How is his poor heart to cope?
Sometimes, late at night, when Jaskier is unable to sleep and he knows Geralt is still streaming, Jaskier joins in to watch. It is uncertain if Geralt has figured out it’s him or not yet, he has sneakily named his account to Bardelicious, and doesn’t usually join the chat.
Tonight, Geralt is playing a fantasy game. A monster hunter and his bard, fittingly enough, and he makes light commentary about things in the game.
Until there is a scene where the bard does something noble, stupid and somewhat foolish.
“Oh, baby.” Geralt says sadly, shaking his head.
The chat goes absolutely wild, more than one asking him to say it again, to call them baby, which is a little weird and also absolutely fucking valid.
“Why are people so weird about that?” Geralt says, chuckling. The replies roll in, and his eyebrows climb up his forehead. Jaskier’s heart is beating hard, because this could either be really good or really bad.
“Sexy? Doubt that.”
Jaskier regrets it as soon as he presses send, and by then it’s too late.
‘It is when you say it.’ was all he wrote, but it was the first thing he had written in there. Geralt doesn’t know it’s him.
It should be fine. He is fine.
Some more responses follow, but Geralt is strangely quiet. The game scene plays out, the monster hunter and his bard having a nice bonding moment.
It’s soothing to watch, to hear Geralt’s commentary every now and then. He falls asleep with his phone in his hand, earbuds still in.
The next morning, Jaskier is woken up by the scent of coffee and a hungry Roach yowling in the kitchen. She only does that when Geralt is around, so it is safe to assume he is up.
Which is a little odd, because Jaskier fell asleep before the stream was over, and he feels like death warmed over.
His jaw cracks when he yawns. Lured by the scent of coffee, he manages to get out of bed.
Geralt is indeed up and about, Roach winding affectionately around his legs as he prepares her breakfast.
“Morn,” Jaskier rasps, scratching his stomach and giving another yawn.
Roach doesn’t even look at him, fully focused on her man and her meal. The bowl is placed on the floor for the queen herself, and like the gremlin she is, she eats it without a fuss. Little bastard.
Jaskier joins Geralt at the bench, seeking coffee like a flower seeks the sun. He can stop when he wants, coffee is not an addiction, it is a way of life.
“Were you up all night? Hand me a cup, will you?” he says, reaching for the fruit bowl that Geralt for some reason keeps religiously stocked.
In reply, he gets one of the typical hums, which could mean absolutely anything, and two cups. Jaskier pours for them both and Geralt adds the usual unholy amount of sugar to Jaskier’s, which makes him smile.
“Any plans for today? I really should be working on my thesis, but I can’t be arsed.”Jaskier leans back against the counter and sips at his coffee, which is still a little too hot.
Geralt is watching him over the rim of his mug, sipping on the steaming coffee.
“I have a thing I thought to try,” he says, voice gravelly, eyes locked on him.
It makes Jaskier’s stomach flip, and he takes a too big sip, the drink burning his tongue and all the way down his throat unpleasantly.
“Yeah? Anything you want help with?” Jaskier asks nervously, realizing he is still holding his chosen fruit without eating it, so he puts it down on the counter.
The corner of Geralt’s mouth ticks up into a crooked smile, and yeah, Jaskier is in danger. It is way too early in the morning for Geralt to be such an absolute heart throb.
“If you are willing.” Geralt says, and Jaskier finds himself nodding despite himself. If Geralt asks him if he is willing, the answer will probably always be yes.
“Sure! Uh… What is it?”
Geralt takes a step towards him and puts his cup on the side of the counter. Then he grabs Jaskier’s cup out of his hand and puts that down too.
His heart is beating so hard he can feel it in his throat, his hands now clammy and gripping the counter behind him.
Geralt inches forward, the space between them shrinking fast. He stops just shy of touching him, and tilts his head, white hair falling over his shoulder.
“So I was streaming last night,” Geralt begins, and oh dear, oh no. “And there were some interesting comments that I couldn’t get out of my head.”
“Uh… Oh?” Jaskier says dumbly, and Geralt huffs a soft laugh, breath hitting Jaskier’s face.
“You're particular with nicknames, right? I mean, you are still mad at Valdo.”
With growing worry, Jaskier is starting to realize where this is going.
“He called me snugglebutt. In front of people. That’s embarrassing!” Jaskier defends himself faintly. Geralt leans in an inch more, leaning against the countertop and crowding Jaskier against it. Fuck.
“But that’s not what you think when I say ‘Baby’, is it?” Geralt’s eyes are trained on him, and smiles when he notices Jaskier’s flustered little sound, the way heat climbs up his cheeks.
In a weak attempt to save face, Jaskier looks down, anywhere but meeting the intensity of Geralt’s gaze.
It has the unfortunate effect of noticing how close they are, how Geralt’s t-shirt rides down just enough to reveal collarbones, how his hands flex against the counter.
“Tell me if I’m reading this wrong, Jaskier,” Geralt mumbles, leaning close enough for his nose to drag against Jaskier’s cheekbone.
Jaskier pulls in a breath, tilting his head in a way he hopes is invitingly.
“You’re not.” Jaskier whispers, and is rewarded with Geralt putting a hand on his hip, letting his nose drag along Jaskier’s neck. “You really, really not.”
“Is it the nickname? You look so startled whenever you hear me say it.” Geralt asks, one finger finding skin under the hem of Jaskier’s t-shirt.
“Just you. Pretty sure you could call me snugglebutt and I’d thank you.” Jaskier confesses, blurts really, when the rest of Geralt’s hand sneaks under his shirt to find his lower back, playing with the soft hairs there.
“Good to know,” Geralt smiles against his skin and Jaskier braves turning his head, their cheeks brushing together.
“Are you going to kiss me anytime soon, or are you gonna let me keep suffering?” Jaskier breathes, his hands finding Geralt’s and tracing them up his arms slowly.
“Hmm,” Geralt says, considering with a cheeky grin, the absolute bastard, so Jaskier takes matters into his own hands. Quite literally.
Geralt’s face is warm, rough stubble and barely visible scars and imperfections brush against his fingers. Geralt must have turned into it, because their lips slide together, coffee and morning breath mingling as Jaskier finds himself now properly pressed against the bench and Geralt’s body.
Then he is being kissed harder, deeper, and Geralt hoists Jaskier up on the counter, using Jaskier’s thighs to pull him closer, closer still, and presses open mouthed kisses against his neck. With a gasp, Jaskier scrambles to find a grip, to get some control of himself, but it is very, very hard to focus.
“Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me, baby?” Geralt murmurs against his skin, and Jaskier full body shivers. “I can feel you watching me, you are even in my streams.”
“You knew about that?” Jaskier asks breathlessly, stealing a kiss when Geralt shifts to look at him.
“If you wanted to be discreet, maybe you should have chosen something else than ‘Bardelicious’.” Geralt smiles, and Jaskier pouts and pinches his side in revenge.
“Why didn’t you say anything then?”
“Why didn’t you?” Geralt counters, and well, this won’t go anywhere.
“I like listening to you. I like listening to your voice as I go to sleep,” Jaskier says quietly, and Geralt hides his face in the crook of Jaskier's neck.
“Did you get any sleep at all last night?” Jaskier asks when Geralt stays there, melting into his body.
He doesn’t get anything but a muttering grumble in reply, and Jaskier smiles and strokes his hair.
“I need to find a nickname for you too. I refuse to be the only one being absolutely useless as soon as you open your mouth.” Jaskier murmurs into Geralt’s hair.
“What’s that?”
“I said, ‘like it when you say my name.” Geralt says, and Jaskier is melting all over again.
“Well then, Geralt,” Jaskier purrs. “Let me finish my coffee, and then we’ll take a nap.”
Reaching for coffee without really letting go turns out to be hard, and when Jaskier with some struggle finally gets a hold of his cup, the coffee is still unreasonably hot.
They nap in Jaskier’s bed, both of them crawling in under the blankets and curling up together. Jaskier’s chin resting on top of Geralt’s head, Geralt’s arm slung over Jaskier’s chest.
When Geralt wakes up and press Jaskier into the mattress, it doesn’t take long for Geralt to discover exactly how to fluster Jaskier enough to splutter broken syllables.
It’s alright.
When Jaskier has recovered from being melted goo, he will return the favor.
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imbadatwrighting · 1 year
Hi love, I was wondering if you could do the Yughi-oh boys realizing they’re in love with you and how they act in a relationship
Ofc I love this <3 I did kinda the full thing from meeting you to dating you but oh well 🤷‍♀️ also kinda cringy and I think Seto’s was a little short but oh well
Yu-gi-oh boys in love with their S/o
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Yugi Muto
How y’all met was wild-
Instead of the black cat and golden retriever trope you were more like a blunt angry bear and cute little golden retriever puppy trope
You met when you both were younger and became close friends
That’s when he got a crush on you but honestly it was relatively small
He would always try and be around you but eventually you started to see each other less and less
There was a particular reason for it
It just kind of happened that way
Now you two met again around season two which made Yugi ecstatic
Yami was cool with you relatively
Joey not so much-
The moment he fell in love with you though
Some random person tried to steal his deck from his belt so you chased after them and not only did you get his deck back but you beat the hell out of them and got them to apologize to Yugi
His heart bursted out of his heart after seeing how much you care about him
He was smitten
He was definitely not the one who asked you out
He got to scared every time he tried because he knew if you didn’t like him back you wouldn’t be super nice about it lmao
It was you who asked him out
But it wasn’t anything to fancy
You came up to Yugi at the end of school and offered to walk home with him
Which he said yes of course
When you finally got to his house you told asked him to go on a date with you
Bro almost bursted into tears
In a relationship he is the sweetest boy alive
He definitely has scary dog privileges
You come to every one of his duels because while you don’t play, you care about his interests
You always come with him on his little journeys with his friends
Then you were forced to play which you hated but won really easily even though you knew nothing
He likes physical touch with if you like it as well he’ll cuddle up to you at night and fall asleep
He always buys you food too
He is ok with the causal pda like holding hands but doesn’t want to attract attention so anything subtle he’s ok with
And quick pecks on the cheek
He tells you he loves you every night even if he doesn’t expect you to say it back
Bought matching necklaces for you to wear for Christmas
Expect him to make you breakfast whenever he can even though he is a terrible chef and you end up going to a cafe
He’ll stand up to anyone that’s rude to you and when they start to try and get physical you pretty much appear out of thin air and step in which he doesn’t like because he wants to stand up to your bullies
“Hey you don’t get to say anything about them!”
“Who the hell are you? Their plaything?”
“No! I’m their boyfriend! You don’t get to talk about them that way!”
“Why? You have a problem with it, punk?”
“He might not, but I do.”
“You don’t have to step in. I got this!”
“No, Yugi. I think I’m going to be dealing with them this time.”
“But I wanted to…”
“We’ll talk about this late babe.”
“Fine! Be nice! Love you!”
“Love you too, Yugi.”
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Yami Yugi
You two met pretty randomly
You came up to him while he was at the arcade with his friends and you kissed him
He heard a couple Oohs but he was more concerned on who you are and why you’re kissing him
Once you broke the kiss you just walked away leaving him baffled at the situation
He followed after you and demanded to know why you kissed him
He doesn’t know what he expected but the answer ‘it was a dare’ was not definitely not what he thought
It made him disappointed ngl
He let out a little oh and then let you walk away
He thought about you ever since that day
Then he met you again
He came up to you while you were sitting at a cafe reading a book and sat down right across from you
He expected you to remember him but alas you didn’t lmfao
But even though you didn’t remember him you still offered him food and didn’t insist on him leaving
Honestly it was a little concerning considering the fact you thought he was a stranger
Somehow through all of this you guys became friends
Whenever he is in Domino City and not on his little journeys he goes out to a cafe with you
He tries to do this every Saturday but it doesn’t always work out with both of your schedules
You and Yami had the slowest slow burn known to man
He didn’t realize he was in love with you for a while
Until he saw you kissing someone else
He was so confused at what he was feeling that he went back home and just sat oh his bed
He asked Yugi about it and he was the one that made Yami realize he was in love with you
He wasn’t a big fan of the feeling
He tried to avoid you as much a possible but that did last to long
You cornered him into an alleyway and made him explain his behavior
And while he tried to lie… he isn’t a good liar‏
When he was trying to play cool you kissed him and he quickly forgot about everything and kissed back
During the little make out session you asked him to date you causing him to stop
He told you about seeing you kiss someone else and didn’t want to be in a relationship with someone who likes someone else
Then you had to explain how the guy kissed you and it would never happen again because you had your eyes set on Yami since the first day you met him
He believed you and became your boyfriend
He is much more closed off and private about pretty much everything to do with you
His friends didn’t even know about you until Yugi told them how Yami is dating someone
He doesn’t say it out loud that he loves you or engage in to much physical affection but he does always bring and buy you stuff
Anything he sees that he think you’ll like he’ll buy
Unlike Yugi, when he makes you food he doesn’t mess it up
Honestly probably the best food you’ll ever have in your life
It’s usually for special occasions only
When you two do cuddle it’s mostly in bed with you both about to go to sleep and spooning each other with you as the big spoon and him as the little one
Every new place he goes to he brings something back for you if you don’t want to go along
He invites you to every one of his matches
He is very quiet and reserved speaking wise but you can usually tell what he’s thinking based off his body language
Will watch anything you want with you while eating popcorn and other unhealthy food
He also got you this really expensive ring for Christmas
“Yami… you shouldn’t have.”
“I wanted you to know how much you mean to me.”
“I know but this! This is so…”
“Lovely? I don’t understand do you not want it? I can get you another if you would like.”
“No Yami. It’s just so expensive looking I mean have you looked at me? It’ll be like a shining red ferrari in a haystack.”
“Do you not like it?”
“No. It’s gorgeous, but you’re going to be really disappointed with what I got you.”
“Anything you get me I will treasure with my life.”
“Thanks Yami, but just know it’s not a expensive ass ring.”
“I kind of already figured.”
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Joey Wheeler
This man fell for you the moment he met you… literally.
It what gots your attention so he’s not really complaining
He honestly thought whenever you two would meet you were flirting with him but in reality you were being normal
He would always flirt back which you noticed but decided on not saying anything
While he had a ‘flirty’ relationship with you and like you he didn’t love you
Until you and him went to the arcade-
You were competing against him in one of the games and when you won you let out a deep laugh making him start to laugh as well
It made him realize how much he enjoys you and he wants to be with you forever
You’re the person that makes him happy after all
As soon as he realized that he asked you out which you replied with a short yes and told him you’re going to be at one of the shooting games
He honestly didn’t know if he should be happy or sad
I mean you said yes but then you acted like him asking you out wasn’t a big deal
When he confronted you on it probably more angry than he needed you just told him you knew he liked you and expected it
He got a little bit embarrassed over that
When you two start dating he’s really sweet and dresses to impress but as time goes on he becomes the type of boyfriend that will come into your home grab your chips and watch tv with you with his stained shirt and sweatpants
Not that your complaining
He always buys you gifts when he can but he’s kind of broke so there definitely a little bit trashy
He’s usually staying at your house at night and will sleep in holding onto you tight so when you wake up you can’t go anywhere
He’s a very cuddly person and always wants your arm wrapped around him whenever and wherever
He introduced you to his sister a moth or so after you two started dating and it was safe to say she loved you
Even if she didn’t understand you
He’s also nervous that you’ll leave him for someone else so he gets jealous really quickly
If you are involved in sports like football or soccer or wrestling he’ll be cheering you on from the sides yelling something like ‘WOOOOO IM DATING THE ONE IN WHITE YEAH BABE YOU GO’ ‘Joey they’re all in white…’ ‘YUGI SHUSH’
Whenever he’s dueling the thing that keeps him going is you
You and him go out to dinner whenever you guys can
You’re the one that pays for it though
He will honestly cheer you on if you decided to beat someone up
As long as you had a good reason
“Yeah Baby you got this!”
“Didn’t you say you were heading home Joey?”
“Don’t focus on that focus on those pedos!”
“Will do hun. Do you want to join me? Your getting very close.”
“No way in hell!”
“Ok then.”
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Seto Kaiba
He hated you when he first met you
You two got off to a bad start
He was working at a cafe when you came close and tripped spilling your coffee over him and his computer
You were dared by Mokuba even though you had no idea who either of them were
Since you were pretty much broke and couldn’t afford to pay for the stuff (which was over $7000) he just hired you instead
That honestly did not help
You just kept bugging him and asking him questions about the job
The only reason he didn’t fire you immediately is because he thought you were suffering while working for him (even though you were having a great time and he was the one suffering)
It was unexpected to fall in love with you
You were walking home when you saw a couple boys surrounding Mokuba
When you saw one of the boys hit him you stepped in scaring the kids off
You saw that Mokuba had a bruise forming on his check and his clothes were ripped
Since your house was so close you just took him home to get him fixed up and gave him some clothes that were to big for him so he ended up looking like Jesse Pinkman
You called Seto and when he answered he was a little agitated because Mokuba was no where to be found and he thought you would be asking about how to work the printer again
But when you told him how you had Mokuba all the agitation in his voice decimated
He let a soft that I you a hanged up only 5 minutes later he showed up at your door even though you never told him your address
When he saw you he just got this feeling that he couldn’t explain
It wasn’t until you asked him if he wanted to get coffee did he realize what he was feeling
He wouldn’t be surprised if he had hearts in his eyes for you
He told you he liked you a day later and you two started dating
The beginning of the relationship was a little awkward because of how little both of talk
It helped that you understood Seto’s schedule so you ok with him coming home really late in the night
He buys you a lot of things that you probably don’t need
You always watch over Mokuba instead of the guards when he can’t
When he does come home on time he always leaves super early in the morning
Whenever he comes home late he always climbs into bed with you
“Did I wake you? I’m sorry go back to bed.”
“It’s fine. I was waiting for you but I got tired.”
“I can see that.”
“Mokuba is asleep in the other room.”
“I’ll bring him home in the morning.”
“He can stay I don’t mind.”
“We’ll talk more about this in the morning.”
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brooooswriting · 1 year
i just saw you are taking requests for wednesday and jenna. i’m so excited more people are writing for them. seeing as how jenna said she loves doing her own stunts. what about a jenna x reader one where jenna gets hurt on set doing one of her stunts and the reader taking care of her after. just some hurt/comfort and cute fluff.
Jenna Ortega x reader
Word count: around 1,400
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Jenna was awesome at her job, there really wasn’t any denying that. She was an awesome actor and took every step she could to make her acting as believable as possible.
You haven’t seen her in a couple of days as she was staying on set due to the workload. You didn’t just miss her but were also scared for her, she was clearly overworking herself (like always) and you just hoped that someone would force her to take a break.
The moment your phone rang and you saw Emma’s name on it you already dreaded what she was going to say. Sure you guys often talked and calling each other also was a regular thing but not at 12:30 at night when you knew they were shooting at night today.
“Emma?” You asked as you picked up the phone. “Hey y/n, can you come pick Jenna up?” She nervously chuckled knowing that was going to happen in the next second, you panicked. “Why? What happened? Is she alright?! Where are you guys? Is there-“ you rambled already looking for your car keys. “Calm down, she’s alright. Something went wrong when she was doing a stunt. she’s okay now but you know her, she’s stubborn and won’t leave” Emma explained to you causing you to let out a small laugh. “That seems about right, I’ll be there in 10”
Ten minutes later you arrived on set, Gwendoline was already waiting for you. “Thank you for coming darling. I love Jenna but she can be so unbelievably stubborn” the tall woman grinned causing you to laugh too. “She just doesn’t like being a bit chill or as she says ‘unproductive’” you explained knowing about Jenna’s anxiety. After you finished your sentence you already arrived at the trailer of the set doctor and you ran to your girlfriend the moment you saw her.
“My love, are you alright??” Crouching down next to her laying your hand on her knee. “Yes I am, can I go back to work now?” She was clearly annoyed and anxious. Her shoulder had three small cuts, she had several bruises in her right arm and her right foot was hurt. Other then that she looked ill with terribly dark eye bags under her eyes making you even more worried. “No you can’t. You’re coming home with me!” You didn’t really leave any room for arguments but she still didn’t move.
“Can you guys leave us alone for a second?” You asked the rest of the cast who left you alone. “Jenna” you started and her head immediately shot up, you never said Jenna unless you were mad or it was a really really serious topic. But to you this was one, she was the most important thing in your life and she was overdoing herself. “You’ve been overworking yourself lately, now you’re hurt and you STILL want to overwork yourself. I know that you get anxious when you don’t work and that you think that you’re being useless in the time being. But you’re not unproductive, you are taking care of yourself and you can only do a perfect job if you’re taking care of yourself. Come home with me so we can get you up as fast as possible ok?” You were sitting close to her while quietly trying to get her to come with you. You knew she was on a lot of drugs and didn’t have enough food, water nor sleep so you decided to talk about this with her tomorrow.
Everyday Jenna was fascinated by you, you knew so much about her and you always knew what to say to make her feel better. She had tears streaming down her face when you were done talking and she nodded before pulling you in for a hug. “Let’s go home” you whispered before picking her up bridal style trying not to hurt her. She hissed the first second but then quickly relaxed into you.
When you carried her outside you could hear the cast aww at the two of you. They said their goodbyes and get better wishes before you carefully sat her in the car. The drive was mostly quiet, the brunette took your hand at some point and put it on her thigh causing you to giggle.
Carefully carrying her inside you guys contemplated wether you should take a bath first or eat something. “I’m scared to take a bath, it’s going to hurt terribly” she mumbled into your neck causing you to coo. “I’m going to help you alright?” You gave her some painkillers before helping her undress and into the shower. She stood on one leg as you slightly pulled her against you so she could put more weight off of her foot. You carefully washed her hair and her body peppering kisses along the way in a loving way.
When you were done you wrapped the both of you up in a towel setting Jenna onto the sink before walking off to get some pjs. You had put her favorite ones on top of the heater before showering. The small girls gasped when you helped her put the clothes on, “you warmed them for me?” She whispered and you nodded before helping her walk to the kitchen.
Walking like this was much more exhausting and it took more time than carrying her but you didn’t want her to feel depended, so you let her walk. “What do you wanna eat?” You asked her but you weren’t really surprised when she said the same thing she always said.
After cooking your girlfriend sat on the couch eating the food you made while watching a movie. She was slowly falling asleep on your shoulder an hour later while laying on top of you, your arms tightly around her waist. “Baby” you mumbled slightly shaking her to wake her up but she only grumbled before burying her head deeper into your shoulder. “Come on, let’s get to bed” carrying her to bed and tugging her in before carefully spooning her.
The next morning the actress woke up to an empty bed which made her heart sink. Sighing she decided to waggle her way out of the bedroom. The second you heard the bedroom door you ran towards the room to help the girl into the kitchen. “Good morning angel” you mumbled against her lips as you crushed into her carefully picking her up and spinning her. “What are you doing?” She laughed wrapping her arms around your shoulder. “I’m just really really happy that you’re here” you mumbled before walking with her to the kitchen where you made breakfast.
“You baked a chocolate cake for me?” She nearly screamed from excitement as she saw the cake that said ‘get well soon <3’. “Of course, only the best for the best actress in the world” you grinned as you pulled out a chair for her. “If I was I wouldn’t have these injuries now” she told you playing with her fingers causing you to sigh. “My love, you’re a great actress and you’re one of a very few that does their stunts on their own which is awesome even if you get hurt sometimes alright?” You reassured her kissing her softly. “And now eat something so you can take your painkillers alright?” You mumbled before putting a glass of OJ in front of her.
“How are you feeling?” You asked her a couple of hours later as her head was laying on your lap while both of you read music softly playing in the background. “A bit useless but otherwise I’m fine” you sighed closing your book and laying it onto the coffee table. Your hand went into her hair and that was the moment she knew this was gonna be an uncomfortable conversation for her and this was your way of trying to comfort her during it. “Look, I hate seeing you hurt but I’m kind of happy it happened. You were overworking yourself my love, it’s terrible dangerous and you needed a break. You aren’t being useless or anything, you are being reasonable.” You kissed the top of her head causing her to hum.
“I love you” she mumbled before pulling you down by your neck to kiss you. “I love you too”
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betyloca · 4 months
headcanons of piotr rasputin (colossus) to wade wilson's friend
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pairing: colossus x latin mutant reader
• Colossus was in the mansion when he noticed on the news that an accident had occurred on a highway involving two mutants.
• Knowing that one of them was Wade, he immediately went to look for him.
• When he arrived at the place he found him trying to kill a guy.
• After stopping Wade from killing him, they started arguing.
colossus: it's not a way to do things, there are rules
wade: shove the rules up your ass
• That caused the colossus to hit and caused a fight between them.
• Of course, between the blows he gave to Wade, he broke some bones
colossus: give up now wade
Wade: ok I need reinforcements morena
• Upon hearing that he saw a masked person addressing him.
• saw how he started shooting at him with a gun
• As a defense, he hit her, sending her away until he saw when she got up, taking off her mask, showing that she was a woman.
Wade: Ahhhh you hit Y/N you son of a bitch.
Colossus: I didn't know she was a woman.
• This guy felt terrible when he realized he knocked you unconscious.
• He decided to take you to the mansion so you could rest.
• when you woke up he tried to talk to you but you just started throwing things at him
colossus: stop throwing things at me
y/n: what do you want.. ehh?
Colossus: I just want to talk, yes.
y/n: after hitting me, no thanks.
colossus: it was not intentional because we didn't start again I'm piotr rasputin but they call me colossus
y/n: ahhh okay I'm y/n Gonzáles friend of wade wilson
• How did your friendship with him begin?
• This guy loved how energetic you were. He loves it when you talk to him about your favorite movies non-stop.
• he thinks wade is a bad influence on you but he had to accept that wade was like your brother from another mother
• likes it when you ask him about his mutation and how much weight he carries
• One day I ask you why you wear gloves.
colossus: why do you wear gloves that only cover three fingers?
y/n: I disintegrate everything I touch by supporting the entire palm of my hand, that's why I use them
• He is fascinated by your mutation, he likes to see how powerful you are.
• Until one day he saw you in action and noticed how agile you were with weapons.
• He loves that you visit him in the mansion, he loves spending time with you
• Wade gets jealous when I steal his best friend because he started to notice that he was in love.
Wade: So you like y/n?
colossus: what times are you talking about?
Wade: Come on, it's clear that you love her and if I'm honest, if you want to win her over, do it with food, you seriously love her.
Colossus: I'll take that information
Wade: She's also a virgin if they do it so you don't break her in two.
colossus: wade!!
• okey wade was right you loved the food
• when I bought you some cupcakes you started jumping like a little child with happiness
y/n: they are for me seriously
colossus: yes I thought you would like it
y/n: *jumping* there I love you I love you thank you* kissing his cheek*
• I love seeing you so I started giving you things, more often they were all snacks.
• tell about seeing you this happy and getting some kisses
• until one day you also gave him a gift, a handmade bracelet
y/n: I made it for you
colossus: thank you very much
Y/N: I knew you would like it.
• He never takes off his bracelet until he shows it off to Wade.
• loves every gift you give him, keeping them as a treasure
• loves having movie nights with you and feels so intimate as if it were a moment for the two of you.
• He likes it when you ask him to straighten your hair, he always ends up making a mess but you show it off with pride.
• you trust him so much that you started wearing his clothes
colossus: that one on my shirt
y/n: I have all my shirts in the laundry I hope you don't mind
colossus: don't take what you want* smiling to himself*
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thisismeracing · 1 year
King of my heart | MS47 | part. 05
Social media version
Pairing: hamilton!reader (she/her) x mick schumacher
Warnings: curse words, mentions of food and bike rides, fluff, not proofread etc etc. Minors DNI!
word count: 2.4k
part. 04 | series masterlist | part 06
Summary: Mick Schumacher rode a lousy wave for quite some time, so when the sky gets cleaner and the sun brighter he just knows something terrible may be in store for him. Whereas y/n was just so magnetic, and the possibilities of life with her seemed better than anything his mind could ever create, that's why, for the first time in forever, he throws cautious carelessly through the window, hoping to get to the finish line before it catches up on him.
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Mick considered himself a shy person, and for some reason, he thought the fact he spoke less and heard more helped him read all rooms better. He was, in fact, quite right, but he also was very aware that his attentiveness would triple when it came to Y/n. She would walk inside the room, and his ears would perk up, his eyes searching for her, scanning her body, making sure she looked safe and happy. He did it every day Y/n would show up during training and races. She was still good at her job of not being seen that much, but Mick Schumacher was better at finding what he was looking for.
And he’s been looking for Y/n since the very first day. 
That is why when she walked in that morning wearing baggy jeans, a sweatshirt, and a pair of sneakers instead of the usual heels she was testing for her collection, he knew the leaking of her presence and even more, her identity, had affected Y/n more than people would think.
Y/n waved his way and made small talk with those who came to her though she was quick to go to the motor home to work on her own assignments. 
“It’s ok if we make a quick pause?” Mick asked one of the engineers who was talking nonstop to him about an improvement and some tactics. He could hear everything perfectly. However, his mind was unfocused. “To stretch and get some coffee, you know,” he clarified, and the girl nodded. She was probably looking for the possibility of caffeine. 
Schumacher got up and made his way to the room inside the motor home he knew Y/n always used, and undoubtedly there she was, curled up on the sofa instead of the spacious work table. Laptop perched on her legs, eyes scanning its screen until she heard the door open. 
“Hey, Mouse,” she greeted. Y/n has been calling him “mouse” after the first week when it was clear they would become, at least, close friends. She joked about his name, saying that it reminded her of Mickey, the famous mouse from Disney, and Mick, used to that, but finding it funnier for the first time, could only chuckle along and let her proceed to give him a nickname. He was Mick or Schumacher or even Schumi to some in the paddock, but he was Mouse to Y/n, which gave him a sense of intimacy. It felt like he was unique to her like they shared something that no one else did. Rationally, he knew it was probably nothing, she was this open and affectionate with most people, but he decided not to dwell too much on it. “You’re looking for Lewis? I saw him with George.”
“I was looking for you,” he stated before closing the door behind him. 
“You seemed sad. I was worried,” two simple sentences were enough for Y/n to close the lid of the laptop and sigh. There was something so touching about the fact that someone took the time of the day to look at you and look for you, really look, not just pass eyes and greet, but make sure you seemed happy and safe. 
“I- you don’t have to worry. I just did not sleep very well tonight… I don’t wanna keep you from your work,” the way her eyes stared at anything but his own was the evidence he needed to know that she was probably brushing it off and lying. 
“I’m on my pause. And you can talk to me, you know that, right?” when her big eyes finally found him Mick took a step towards the couch. “Do you wanna talk about it? Want me to stay in your company?”
“I-” she started but did not finish her sentence, eyes glued to the ground again. 
“I’m your friend, am I not? You won’t bother me, just tell me what you need me to do, and I will do it. If you want me to leave, I can leave,” he voiced, and when one of his feet moved away from the couch, Y/n hand gripped his hand in a beat. The first thing Mick noticed was how cold they felt against his skin. How small they were in comparison, and then how good. 
Her hold on him felt good. 
They shared eye contact for a while before she offered “stay.” 
And so when he sat beside her, without letting go of her hand, thighs, and part of their bodies touching, it only felt natural the way his arms encircled her shoulders, bringing her impossibly closer. 
“Is that okay?” he tried to sound casual, but his voice was just above a whisper. Y/n’s perfume was richer this close, some of her curls tickling his cheeks and neck in a soft caress. Her body accommodated his perfectly, he thought. 
“This is perfect,” she, too, whispered. “Add a chocolate bar or a pit of ice cream, and I would be 50% better,” it was a joke, her tone a bit lighter, and that’s why Y/n stilled when Mick moved a bit to reach something in his pants pocket. 
“Not a chocolate bar, but close enough, I guess?” Mick dipped his head to look at Y/n, forgetting how close they already were. There was a beat before she looked down at his hands, a small smile on her plush lips. He could see clearly the undertones and how they had a darker color around the edges, whereas the center of her lips seemed a bit lighter. Mick wanted to trace it with his fingers. 
“You have a sweet tooth too??” 
Mick grinned, shaking his head, “Not really, but I like to have something sweet with me in case someone needs it, and also, I ran out of my regular granola bars,” it’s his explanation. 
She stares at the plastic paper for a second, he can see how her brows knitted, and for some  reason, he feels like clarifying, “It’s vegan if that’s what you’re thinking about.” 
“Is it?” the smile she gave him almost pushes his body back on the couch. It was bright and big and so so so beautiful.
“Yup, they are usually the healthiest opinion or at least the easiest to know what’s inside.” 
“Good for me,” she grins. 
“It’s a family thing, then?” he asks in a lighter tone, and Y/n adjust her body, pushing her legs up to the sofa, which makes them impossibly closer. 
Y/n opens the bar and pushes it closer to his lips. And, albeit Mick was not feeling hungry or wishing for something sweet, quite the contrary. He felt satisfied. His body would not let his mind reject food from her hands. Her figure was close, her fingers impossibly closer. So he wrapped his lips around the bar, taking a small bite. It was worth it because her lips tipped up in a small grin before directing the piece of food to her own mouth. Eating was not something attractive to Mick Schumacher until now. Until he experienced her cheeks puffing, the tip of her tongue coming in contact with her lips to gather the chocolate syrup that dripped a bit, and her neck working to swallow a bite. “Nah, it’s only me and Lewis,” she answered. 
“Huh?” Mick asked after noticing he spaced out.
“It’s not a family thing. Only me and Lew are vegan. Dad loves to host barbecues, by the way,” she silenced to take another bite and then offered to Mick again. “You know, the bad part about the constant travel is that sometimes it’s hard for me to find proper vegan places where I get exactly what I’m craving. Not everyone can do vegan food. I consider it an art,” she rambles. 
“We can explore them together…” he suggests, and her eyes find his face. It flushes a bit. “I usually know the city or have friends that can suggest locations. You would not be alone, get to eat your vegan arts, and I would get to eat good food,” and have your company, he almost added, because that was his interest. 
Mick was a smart guy. He knew what attraction felt like, and although he never felt it quite the way he was feeling, he was starting to piece the fact that he cared about Y/n a bit more than the friendship lines would let him. 
“Are you for real?” 
“Yeah, of course.” 
“Then I’m in,” there’s a small smile on her lips that turns into a ghost when she adds, “I’m sorry for earlier, for giving you a cold shoulder, when you tried to check on me. It’s just so stressful how half of the internet is saying that I am my brother’s girlfriend, and the other half is digging shit up, ugh.” 
Mick thought for a second, waited to see if she wanted to add something, and then spoke, “Maybe now that the cat is out of the bag, the best option is, to tell the truth, and ask people to give your privacy back or stop overstepping, you know? Sometimes this is all it takes, some people are going to start stuff either way, but when you are vocal about your space and how you feel about it, chances are high that at least a good part of the fans will try to respect it. Speaking for personal experience.” 
Y/n sighs before dropping her head into his shoulders, one of her hands finding its way into the Mercedes logo on his shirt and tracing to distract her screaming mind. 
“You’re right. I will try to do just that. Maybe it’s a good thing, after all, no more contracts about people saying who I am or if they saw me here or not. I will be able to walk around and talk with some of the guys I’m already friends with,” she states. 
They stayed together, intertwined like that, for some more minutes before Mick had to leave and Y/n had to get back to her e-mails.
The next day Y/n woke up late but decided to let Lewis know she was going a bit later than usual just so her brother wouldn’t be worried. If it were up to him, they would arrive and leave together, he could always get her home, but most of the time, Lewis liked to get there early or had something to do before getting on the paddock. Y/n loved every minute of her sleep, so she chose to go on her own and, sometimes, leave with him. This morning, however, Y/n got a message from Mick asking if she was showing up, and after telling him she was probably a tad late but would be there, he suggested a ride on his bike. And it’s not that she was afraid of bikes, but she was always unsure, it seemed dangerous, kudos her brother's work was dangerous as well, but it was different, or so she thought it was, but when the bold asked if she trusted him, Y/n could only be honest and say yes. 
That’s how she found herself staring at an absolutely breathtaking Mick wearing his helmet and offering her one. 
“Are you sure it’s safe?” Y/n voices her concerns one more time, her eyes scanning the big bike with uncertainty. 
“Absolutely, I won’t let anything happen to you, c'mon,” he was so sure, and she could almost see the smile on his eyes, his lips covered by the helmet. 
Y/n took some seconds trying to gather her thoughts. She would have to sit there and attach herself to Mick. Hold his waist. Trust his guidance. Let him fly through traffic. 
“Y/n?” Mick asked, staring at her. 
She nodded, and he brought her close by her hand, pushing some of her hair back before securing the helmet on her head. 
“Comfy?” his eyes goes over her to make sure she was safe, and she could only nod again. She wanted to hug him like the other day, to feel his hands on her arms and his solid chest on her head. “Now, come on, or we will get late.” 
Mick helped Y/n climb the bike and secure his backpack on her shoulders, the one she insisted on taking, which she started to rethink after noticing how much closer they would be without the thing between their bodies. She secured her arms around his abdomen, and he covered her hands with one of his after taking off.
He guided the motorcycle with one hand for what felt like a minute or so, but she did not feel unsafe or scared. Quite the opposite, his hold on her and his warmth only made her feel safer. 
“There’s something on my backpack for you. Remind me to grab it when we get there, will you?” His voice was low under the gush of wind and car noises, but she confirmed and made herself more comfortable. Life was passing in a blur around them, and she enjoyed the feeling of watching everything at that speed with him so close. 
Once Mick and Y/n finally arrived at the Paddock, they ran to the motorhome. A chuckle escaped their lips when both entered the meeting room Y/n used to work whenever she was around. 
“I had no idea which one you would like, so I got two,” Mick opened his backpack, diving for a medium-sized lid and passing it to Y/n. 
“Is that food?” she asked, a big grin on her lips. 
The blonde just watched as she opened it to find two vegan cookies staring back at her. They seemed intact after the ride, thank goodness. 
“Oh God, Mouse, this was so thoughtful!” Y/n left the sugary treats at the table before throwing herself in his arms. She couldn’t help herself. 
Schumacher’s hands were fast to find their place on her back and waist, bringing their bodies closer and sharing more warmth. She got on her tiptoes and distanced her face a bit to let a kiss on his cheek, but somehow her plump lips ended up on his jaw, and Mick almost sighed, asking for one more. Just one more chaste kiss. One more touch of her soft lips. 
Friends did that too, right? 
Friends could be affectionate around each other.
He was not crossing any lines, he thought. But deep down, he knew that his mind and heart raced through any lines before his body could. 
He was down deep, but nothing ever felt this good. 
make sure you like and reblog <3 feel free to talk to me as well, my inbox is always open!
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tiny-tk · 2 months
hi friends !! bit of a different post this time, but i wanna talk about disney and it’s place in the agere community.
i won’t get into specifics, but events in palestine r making a lot of people (including me) decide to boycott disney by not doing anything that lets them make money. if you don’t know about this, i rly rly encourage you to do ur own research (ideally while not in little space since it’s .. very rough topics) and make ur own choice on wether or not u wanna support them after knowing the full story of what’s going on n disney’s involvement.
this post is for littles who feel conflicted by the calls for a boycott!!
first of all, i know it can be scary to find out that something you’ve been giving money to for merch or subscriptions or whatever is going to a bad place. but no one is blaming you for that, and if you didn’t know then you didn’t know. but you can always change!!
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"why are people boycotting disney?"
i won't go in depth to keep this post little-safe, but essentially the israeli military is currently doing terrible things to the people of palestine, and disney is helping them fund and promote it. here's a couple links that go more in-depth if you want to learn, but i'd recommend not reading them while regressed:
but i mostly encourage you to try n find out on your own, rather than listening to some random tumblr user about it.
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“but disney is a huge comfort source for me.”
this doesn’t have to change. you don’t have to stop liking their movies n shows. you don’t have to stop loving your toys or books of disney characters. if something brings you comfort, that is sacred, and no one can take that away. a lot of disney media made me who i am today, and yet i’m still writing this post against the company, these things can both be true !!
similarly, agere is a safe space for so many people, which can be used to justify supporting things that really don't deserve our support, since people want to protect themselves by not finding out why. put bluntly, people knowing that there are problems, but choosing to ignore them, is part of the problem itself. if you feel at all capable of educating yourself, please do. it's so important.
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“ok, so what can i do?”
if you’ve decided to join the boycott, that’s wonderful!! all that is being asked, is to not spend money on anything from disney. so branded food, toys, a disney+ subscription, stuff like that. if you’re used to doing that a lot, here’s some alternatives!
. :+* get disney toys second hand - they’re pre-loved!! they’ve already started a life with someone, and they’re eager to continue it with a new kid
. :+* pirate shows n movies instead !! this can be a little tricky to figure out, but it’s how i watch pretty much everything hehe, and can be a lot of fun! alternatively, you could just borrow a friend’s subscription or buy dvds second hand if you have a dvd player.
. :+* get merch from independent sellers. this way, you still get brand new things with ur favorite disney characters, but you also get to support independent creators n not support disney the brand !! also, these are often higher quality than official products too, which is like bonus points.
. :+* if you're posting about somethin disney related, add a note that lets people know that you don't support the brand n encourages ppl to find out why for themselves
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it’s a tough change to make, but any help is better than no help. if you aren’t sure what i’m talking about, please do your own research. the scale of what’s happening in palestine is huge, and boycott movements like this have been proven to cause real positive change in the past. i won’t get mad at anyone for choosing not to boycott, but it’s important to me that as many people as possible consciously make that choice for themselves, instead of blindly following a company that’s using their money to hurt people.
hearing about terrible things happening is exhausting, regardless of how much you're doing to help. but try to remember that any action is better than nothing, especially with activism, and keep doing whatever you can. <3 take care of yourselves friends !!
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shamelessboiledwater · 8 months
Mario walked back and forth in the kitchen mumbling in Italian and biting his nails his fingers started bleeding Luigi was going to scream at him for that then he heard the doorbell running to the front door grabbing Dk by the tie and pulling him inside "Auk! Rio what the fuck."
Mario was walking around again clearly shaken up "I'm sorry it's just Luigi is going on a date and it's with a guy, Sono felice per Luigi ma questo tizio di cui sono preoccupato perché probabilmente sta usando Luigi per avvicinarsi al regno dei funghi." (English version "I'm happy for Luigi, but this guy I'm worried about this because he's probably using Luigi to get closer to the mushroom kingdom.")
Dk grabbed ahold of Mario holding his small body in the air "You are talking in Italian again Rio and what's so bad about little Green going on a date with a guy?"
Mario looked at Dk his body shaking not knowing how to tell him, and trying to get down "Mario I need you to tell me."
Mario takes a big deep breath looking into Dk's eyes "Luigi è in un appuntamento con Bowser." (English version "Luigi is on a date with Bowser")
Dk sighs rubbing his eyes with one of his hands "I need to learn Italian for when this shit happens... English Mario.."
Mario sighs "Luigi is... on a date with Bowser..."
Dk stared at Mario his mouth opening and closing not knowing what to say just staring at him of course Mario didn't look happy after saying that either "That's also another reason why you are here."
Dk squinted his eyes looking at Mario "What do you mean?"
Mario grabbed his face looking into his eyes "We need to spy on them."
Dk thinks about it "I call being the rapper!"
Mario rolled his eyes "Of course you want to be the rapper and I guess I need to think of an outfit."
Luigi walked on a path with a basket of food looking for Bowser getting a little nervous then saw Bowser waving at him smiling as he ran over and sat down "Hi"
Bowser looked at Luigi smiling "Hey short stuff what with the basket?"
Luigi smiled "I got us some food I hope that's ok?"
Bowser nodded looking at the basket and then at Luigi thinking of something to say opening his mouth then closed it Luigi looked into his eyes "Are you ok Bowser?"
He asked putting on his hand on one of his paws then he noticed some people that looked suspicious Bowser looked over at what Luigi was looking at as the two people hid "what is it?"
Luigi faked a laugh slapping Bowser's arm "nothing just thought I saw something!"
He replied faking a smile as they continued to talk and eat out of the basket enjoying the moment then two people walked by one looked like a rapper and one looked like a hippie but Luigi knew for a moment that it was Mario and Dk and when Bowser wasn't looking Luigi would throw a piece of bread at them making them running away then changed when Bowser looked back at him "oh quick question what is... um... what is Italian?"
Luigi looked at Bowser then thinks for a moment before getting a text from Mario "call him ugly in our language"
Luigi texted back angrily telling Mario to leave him alone as he stared at the crappie hippie then looked at Bowser faking a smile again "sorry I got a text from a spam but it's a Nationality I was born into you would probably like it!"
Bowser thought about it for a while then made a sour face "sounds dumb"
Luigi chuckled then looked at Bowser "Beh, hai dei capelli carini e dei problemi di rabbia terribili." (English version "Well, you have nice hair and terrible anger problems.")
Bowser's face went red hearing Luigi's voice change "Did you just put a spell on me?" Luigi chuckled "no I spoke in my native tongue"
"What are you two doing here!?" He angrily whispered
Dk pointed at Mario "it was Mario's idea"
Mario slapped his hand "Dk what the hell!"
Luigi gave them both a mean glare "what are you doing here"
Mario looked at Luigi "I'm just really worried Lu, I mean this is Bowser you are with, he is probably up to something"
Luigi sighed looking down "Mario I understand but I need you to trust me on this one and if Bowser tries anything I won't stop you from hurting him"
Mario sighs softly "that's the reason why I'm worried"
He said as Luigi nodded then walked back over to Bowser Dk took off his disgusting disguise "remind me to never spy with you ever ag-"
Before he could finish his sentence Mario grabbed him by the tie pulling him to a bush and as he tried to say something Mario shoves his wig in Dk's mouth then watched Bowser and Luigi closely Dk spat out the wig and then grabbed Mario's head messing up his hair (surely that won't become important :>) "that's for the wig."
Mario rolled his eyes grabbing his fat fingers "well if you're brother was dating the bad guy you would do anything to make sure he doesn't get hurt."
Dk rolled his eyes "fine we'll keep watching them but don't try something like that again."
Later in the night Bowser and Luigi walked back to Luigi's and Mario's little home talking about stuff along the way once they stopped at the door Bowser looked at Luigi "by the way it was nice seeing you again greenie."
Luigi smiled looking at Bowser "it was nice seeing you again too oh if you don't mind me asking are you free next weekend there's this place I wanted to check out with you if that's ok."
Bowser smiled a little bit "I'll have to see but I'll definitely let you know the moment I know and of course have a wonderful night."
Bowser said gently grabbing his hand kissing it making Luigi blush hiding his face "You have a wonderful night as well Bowser goodbye"
Luigi then waved as he walked inside his home while Bowser waved back smiling then Luigi closed the door feeling giddy after that little kiss he received "so how did the date go."
Luigi stared over at Mario who was sitting on a chair in the middle of the hallway and Dk was laying on the couch knowing Luigi was trapped a little bit he took a deep breath before opening his mouth "it was good he was very kind and friendly like I knew he would."
Mario raised an eyebrow "How do you know if he wasn't pretending?"
Luigi sighed looking at Mario "Mario we talked about this you and Dk know this."
Mario nods agreeing with Luigi "yes we did but my point still stands you don't just suddenly be kind and friendly after oh I don't know trying to take over the world?"
And Dk mostly watched not wanting to interrupt the bros sometimes he would be eating something then stop half way listening and Luigi sighs "yeah I guess that raises more questions than answers."
Mario nods getting up and walking up to Luigi grabbing his hands "look Luigi... I'm supportive really I am and I don't know about Dk but whatever... but this guy.. I'm worried he'll do more than break your heart especially physically..."
He said as Luigi looked down "can you at least give him a tiny chance?"
Luigi asked looking into Mario's eyes smiling a little bit and Mario sighed as well rubbing his eyes and Luigi looked at Dk for support but all he did wasshake his head fast not wanting to get in between this conversation as Mario looked at Luigi "alright I'll give him a tiny chance but don't expect me to be a kind person to him."
Luigi smiled hugging Mario tightly "thank you Mario."
Mario smiled a little bit hugging him back tightly "also Mario did you and Dk have fun while watching me and Bowser?"
Mario and Dk looked confused staring at Luigi "what are you talking about?"
Luigi giggled pointing at Mario's stomach "you're both are covered in leafs and sticks and both of you are a mess especially you're hair."
Both Mario and Dk realized what Luigi was saying quickly denying any of that but Luigi wouldn't take no for an answer smirking "you spied on me if anything you deserve this."
Mario and Dk tried to argue against him but Luigi covered his ears walking away as he laughed (what he doesn't know is he predicted the future >:>)
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
Boyfriend of the month (Rúben Dias x Reader)
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**Fluffy boyfriend goals request that made me melt while I was writing it. Hope you enjoy it ❤️**
Word count: 1616
Hearing the alarm going off in the morning at 6.30 is painful enough. But the day has another surprise for me. When I try to sit up in bed, I can feel the pain stabbing my lower stomach. But it doesn’t make sense…my period is not due for another 3 days.
I get up to go to the toilet and can see the confirmation that my period decided to visit me a little early. How nice. I guess it missed me but I can’t reciprocate the feeling.
Fighting the pain, I go to the kitchen to try and eat some food just so I can take some tablets for the pain. There is no way I can go to work if I don’t get some relief for this debilitating pain.
My periods didn’t use to be this bad but a year ago something changed in my body and now I always fear this monthly day of pain.
Rúben: see you tonight! Do you want me to pick you up from work? Xx
Right, I forgot about my date with my boyfriend. And…as much as I would like to have him with me, hugging me with those strong arms, he can’t see me today. We’ve only been dating for two months and I don’t want him to see me like this. Also, my ex was an asshole that instead of supporting me when the periods got worse, just told me not to talk to him about it because it was “gross”.
I hate to be like this but I fear Rúben might do something similar. And I can’t deal with that heartbreak while my hormones are making my moods so weird.
Me: sorry, I can’t meet today. A lot of work. We can meet tomorrow? Xx
I hate lies so much. But this one is necessary. For now at least.
Rúben: I can bring some dinner to you then. I don’t mind waiting until you’re done.
Not the time to be dreamy and perfect, Dias.
Me: I have to stay in the office.
Me: looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
And that’s another lie. My boss knows about my terrible periods and she always allows me to work from home so I don’t have to take the bus in this state. So no office for me today either. Just the sofa, a hot water bottle and my laptop. Let’s hope today is not that bad.
At exactly 5 pm, I close my laptop and put it on my coffee table. I take a deep breath, which causes the cramps to feel even worse and just lie down on the sofa, closing my eyes and willing the pain to go away.
After a couple of minutes, I get up to grab some water and another tablet but the doorbell interrupts my little trip. Who could it be? A delivery?
“Do you want to explain to me why you lied?”
I take another deep breath and now that I’m standing, it causes me to bend down from the horrible pain.
“Hey, what’s going on? Are you ok?”
He kneels down in front of me, trying to see my face for clues of what could be happening but I keep trying to hide.
“Just go. Why are you here? I told you I couldn’t see you”.
But he doesn’t listen. He just picks me up and closes the door before taking me to the sofa so I can lie down there again.
“Hot water bottle, medicine, all your work stuff right here…you could have just told me you were sick. Are you afraid it’s contagious?”
“You definitely can’t catch this”, I say, my voice weak from how much pain I’m in.
“What is it then…”, but then he sees me holding my stomach and gets it. “Yeah, not something I’ll catch”.
His laugh confuses me. Is he making fun of me now? Or is it just me being paranoid because of how my ex acted?
“Yeah, well, now that you know you can leave”.
“I’m not leaving you while you can barely move because of the pain you’re in. What do you need?”
“Water for my medicine”, I don’t even get to finish the sentence before he gets up to go to the kitchen.
I try to sit up before he comes back so I can take the tablet and when he sees me, he runs towards the sofa again.
“Don’t move. I’ll help you”.
“It’s fine, thank you”.
Tablet is taken, now time to wait.
“You can leave. I’ll be fine in a bit”.
“Can you get through that thick skull of yours that I’m not leaving?”
“But it’s just…girl stuff”.
His confused face is quite adorable.
“Doesn’t this gross you out?”
“Why would it?”
“Because I have my period”.
He’s still confused but chuckles slightly.
“I mean, I don’t want you to be in pain but given we’ve only been together for two months, I’m quite happy to know your period keeps visiting you”.
His words make me laugh, which causes more pain from the cramps and the laugh turns into a groan.
“Sorry”, he says, putting my head on his lap. “I’ll stop being so hilarious until you’re no longer in pain”.
I close my eyes when he starts to play with my hair and just let that soothe me while the tablet keeps working its magic and getting rid of the annoying cramps.
“Is there something you want to eat?”
“My stomach doesn’t feel great but I could eat some soup. I’ll make some in a bit”.
“No, you won’t”, he says, moving a bit to get his phone out of the pocket of his jeans. “I’ll order you some from that place you like”.
When I no longer feel pain, I start to get up, causing Rúben to freak out.
“I’m fine”, I laugh, “and I need the toilet. I’ll be right back”.
By the time I’m back in the living room, Rúben has removed all the rubbish I’ve accumulated during the day from the table.
“We can have dinner here”.
“You really don’t have to stay, Rúben”.
“You know? I’m a little hurt”.
Not what I expected him to say right now.
“Remember the week after we met?”
The little smirk on my face tells him I clearly do.
“I had a little injury and you refused to leave my side. Then a couple of weeks ago, I hurt my finger again”.
“Because you aren’t careful lifting those weights that are heavier than me”.
“Whatever. I hurt my finger and you refused to leave my side. And believe me, a little blister wasn’t that big of an issue. It definitely didn’t leave me unable to move from how much pain I was in”.
“I get it”.
“Do you? Why do you get to look after me but I don’t get to do the same?”
Because I’m an idiot.
“Because I was worried you would be a typical man, being weird around me just because I’m bleeding. I didn’t want you to disappoint me, I guess”.
“Well, I’m not…anymore. We grow and we learn”.
I laugh because I get it.
“I’m sorry. Can you look after me now?”
“Not sure you deserve it”.
But I can tell he’s joking because of the tone he’s using.
“Pleaaaase, can you look after your girlfriend that is in so much pain and needs a lot of hugs and kisses?”
“I guess I’ll have to. How am I going to win boyfriend of the month if I don’t?”
“You might even win boyfriend of the year”.
“I’m not winning player of the season with Erling on the team so I need any other award I can get”.
While I’m getting changed in my room, I hear the doorbell again and by the time I go back to the sofa, Rúben has already placed all of our food on the table.
“I’m actually starving”.
“I got you the bread you like too. Soup isn’t enough food”.
“Thank you”, I say, sitting down next to him and hugging his side. I could stay like this all day.
After eating my soup, the bread and some dumplings I stole from Rúben’s plate, I feel ready to nap for 20 hours. More or less.
“Do you want to go to bed?”, asks Rúben and I nod. “Ok, get ready while I tidy up here”.
“Don’t take too long. I need cuddles”.
It’s not even 7.30 but I’m definitely ready for this day to be over. So I get into my warm bed and get comfortable while I wait for Rúben to be back.
It doesn’t take him long and when he gets in bed with me, I immediately feel his arms bringing me closer to him.
“Where does it hurt?”, he says, his breath tickling the back of my neck.
“It doesn’t hurt anymore, really”:
“Where did it hurt?”
So I take his hands to the area where the cramps were stabbing me today. It still feels a little tender from being in pain for so long. But when he starts to draw little circles with his long fingers, I melt.
“That feels nice”.
“Imagine how nice it would have felt when you were in all that pain”.
“There is always next month”.
“Do you really feel this bad every month?”
I turn my head slightly to look at him and his worried face warms my heart.
“Sadly, yes”.
“God, I’m glad it isn’t contagious, then”.
And this time I can properly laugh at his joke without any cramps attacking me, and while I enjoy my boyfriend holding me tight to make me feel safe in this vulnerable moment.
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drpeppertummy · 6 months
ok hear me out: world's shyest skinniest boy on a date (he gets anxious meeting new people) (he eats when he's anxious) (she's secretly a feedee and is teasing him lightly) (by the end of the date he has 10 lbs of food in his belly)
USING an oc who ive never done anything with before hes a bland boring little 5'2 math teacher & hes friends with kathleen & irene & hes about to go on a motherfucker of a date. also assuming u meant 2 type feeder since that makes more sense with the context but if not Forgive Me
[stuffing, hint of tummyache]
Michael sat alone at the table, nervously waiting. His belly rumbled, and he blushed, trying to ignore it. The waitress had brought him a basket of breadsticks to nibble on while he waited, but he'd been trying to ignore those too; it seemed impolite to start before his date arrived. His belly rumbled again. Giving in to his stomach and his nerves, he took a breadstick.
Michael wasn't sure what the woman he'd met the other day had seen in him. He was small and slight, not particularly exciting to look at, and his colleagues might have described him as cold or uptight if they didn't know him well. The ones who did would likely use a gentler adjective, like "boring." When he'd stopped by the diner on his way home from work, however, the waitress had been immediately taken with him, so much so that she'd tried to bring him home that same night. He'd stumbled over his words turning her down, insisting that he had papers to grade, but he'd have been lying if he said she didn't make him feel something, and he'd let her talk him into a weekend date.
Now, he sat waiting, and he was beginning to worry. What if she didn't come? What if she did? Both outcomes seemed equally nerve-wracking, and while he didn't outwardly show it, his mind was in a whirl. Absentmindedly, he reached for another breadstick. There were none. He blinked, pulled from his panicked thoughts, and looked down at the empty basket. With his mind wandering, he'd nervously gone through the entire thing, and he suddenly felt ashamed and embarrassed on top of his anxiety. He was relieved when the waitress took the basket away; he didn't want Marianne to see.
As he sat there, a shadow fell over him, and he looked up just in time to catch a glimpse of Marianne's smiling face before being engulfed in an enormous hug. Awkwardly, he brought his hands up around her back and remained frozen until she released him.
"Sorry I'm late, cutie pie," she said, sliding into the booth across from him. "I was getting my hair ready."
"Oh, that's alright. It looks nice," said Michael. He was relieved to hear his voice come out smooth; he'd expected it to sound as shaky as he felt. Between being so shy and being so busy with work, he hadn't been on a date in some time, and he was more than a little rusty.
"Aw, thank you! And you're looking adorable yourself," she giggled, and he blushed. As they chatted and browsed the menu, the waitress brought another basket of breadsticks.
"Oh, you must be starving after I left you waiting for so long," said Marianne, plucking a breadstick from the basket and nudging the rest toward him. As a matter of fact, Michael wasn't terribly hungry at all anymore; eating an entire basket of bread on his own had filled him up nicely. Still, he wasn't sure what else to do. Hoping that eating would help him feel--or at least appear--more at ease, he took a breadstick.
When the waitress returned, Michael tried to order just a cup of soup, but Marianne gave him a worried look.
"That's not all you're getting, is it? You must be hungrier than that," she said. "Why don't you get something with it? You're such a skinny little thing, I don't think a little extra will hurt you any."
"Oh, um, alright…" Caught off guard by Marianne's assertiveness and wanting to make a good impression, Michael added fish and chips to his order, the first thing he saw when his eyes darted back to the menu. Marianne ordered a seafood pasta dish for herself, as well as an appetizer of chips and spinach artichoke dip.
It wasn't long before the waitress returned with the appetizer and the soup, and they chatted as they ate. Despite his full stomach, Michael found himself unable to leave the chips and dip alone, picking at them between spoonfuls of soup. He was feeling antsy, and his restless hands simply kept wandering back to the basket. The dip was fantastic, as was the soup, but he could feel his belly growing tighter by the minute, and at this rate, he'd barely be able to eat any of the dinner he still had ahead of him.
Michael had barely finished his soup when the waitress set down the basket of fish and chips before him, and a hot, steaming bowl of pasta before Marianne. They'd demolished the appetizer together. Marianne had let Michael polish off most of it, although he hadn't noticed that; he'd been too focused on trying to keep up with the conversation. Fortunately, she was easy to talk to, friendly and chatty and full of wild anecdotes from work, and she was talkative enough for both of them. She might have been too talkative for some people, but Michael, who was shy and soft-spoken, was more than happy to listen.
Michael looked down at his food. Had he been hungry, it would have been immensely appealing, and even now on a very, very full stomach, it still looked pretty good. Marianne gladly dug into her pasta, and, not wanting to make it awkward, Michael followed suit. His belly grumbled in protest as he ate, but he ignored it, just as he was trying to ignore how absolutely stuffed he felt. He was thankful for the cold weather; had he not been wearing a sweater, his bulging tummy might have been a lot more apparent. It was plenty apparent to him, though, and the feeling of his belt digging into it was becoming distracting.
"You look like you're strugglin', cutie pie," Marianne teased, pointing playfully at him with her fork. "You're not full already are you?"
"Hm? Oh, um, I don't know, I'm alright," he said. What a stupid response, he thought, though Marianne seemed oddly satisfied with it. Unenthusiastically, he ate another fry, and they went on eating as they chatted and chatting as they ate.
"Oh, sweetpea, you have got to try this," Marianne said, scooping up a big forkful of pasta and holding it out to him. He hesitated for a moment, then, realizing she intended for him to eat it straight from her fork, leaned in for the bite. It was, like everything else in the place, very good, though the big bite landed heavily in his overstuffed stomach, and he would've sworn he could feel his belly push out a little further. The sweater wasn't doing a great job hiding it anymore; there was a noticeable bump poking out against the soft fabric, and he couldn't suck it in. His stomach felt unbelievably tight. He wasn't sure how much more he could eat.
As they ate, Marianne periodically offered Michael more bites of pasta, which he reluctantly accepted at her insistence. He tried to offer her bites of his food in return, but, much to his dismay, she seemed uninterested. She was a slow eater, taking her time with her food, which, incidentally, left poor restless Michael with plenty of time to keep picking at his own. He decided multiple times that he was going to take the rest home, but, with Marianne taking so long with her dinner, he found himself returning to it each time. Eventually, inevitably, his basket sat empty before him, his belly stuffed drum-tight with far more food than it could handle.
"You're lookin' pretty full, honeybunch," remarked Marianne, eyeing Michael's distended tummy. He blushed and held a hand over it. He was fairly thin, and his belly was typically flat, but right now it bulged out tight and hard, pushing against his sweater and straining the waist of his pants. Full was an understatement. Right now, Michael felt like he was about to burst, and if his painfully bloated belly hadn't given it away, the discomfort on his face certainly would have. Marianne smiled fondly. There was a mischievous twinkle in her eye, and for a moment Michael wondered if she was getting some sort of pleasure from his predicament.
"Oh, don't worry, sweetie pie," she assured him. "We'll get dessert to go."
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First of all I begin this by wishing the best to all those who have been affected in one way or another with this terrible disease such as cancer as well as any other disease of this nature.
One thing I have seen since the announcement came out yesterday is still people criticizing William as to why he was not there with Catherine at the time the announcement was made and it is maddening to see how some people are so inept.
In September of last year on a Wednesday a surgery my aunt had to remove two cysts that the doctor said would only take two hours, turned into a seven hour surgery and with practically half of my aunt's small intestine removed. I still remember when I woke up and my mom felt me up to tell me that my aunt, a lady who has always taken care of herself young (48 years old) had cancer and was in intensive care. The shock that felt like a bucket of cold water was something that to this day I cannot explain. The next day my grandfather was likewise diagnosed with protest cancer. The process of my aunt who was the one who was worse than my grandfather is one that has not even been seven months yet but these are things that we as a family have been a constant change. The food, now it is all gluten free until at least her intestine gets used to it and even then there is food that she may never be able to eat again; now she looks like a duck (her own words) since every time she eats she goes to the bathroom, sometimes without needing to eat just out of nowhere she can no longer regulate her urge to go to the bathroom, which her oncologist says is normal. Now she can't wear high heels either, a lady who, being a lawyer, is used to wear high heels all the time.
I say this because I think it is important for people to know that the cancer pathway, like many other life changing diseases, is not linear, sometimes you feel good, other times you get tired and all this despite the fact that my aunt is on preventive treatment. Not chemotherapy but some pills
I hope you and your family are doing ok. It sounds like a very challenging situation but you also seem to have a very close family relationship so hopefully you're all supporting each other :)
I mean, surely William could have been off screen? I haven't read anything about whether he was there one way or another, it's not relevant to me, but it's like they don't know the universe doesn't end at the edge of the screen lol. But anyway, bottom line is it's Kate's body. Not William's. I'm really tired of the constant infantilising that's been happening in recent weeks, on both sides of this conversation. I'll talk about some of this in the podcast in more depth but William is her husband and the father of her children, not her minder. I don't know why people insist on treating ill people - especially women - as if they're children who can't make up their own minds about what happens to them. Of course there's vulnerability that comes with it, people need extra support. But she's not a baby. If she'd needed or wanted William to sit on a bench next to her in total silence, I have no doubt he would have done it. She clearly didn't.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Dating Antonio
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It's been 8 months since our first date, and since then we have been going on many more. We made thing official between us about 6 months ago. I've met his kids Eva and Diego, I have also met his ex wife Laura. Although I was nice to her I can just tell she doesn't like me, maybe she was hoping that their split would make him quite us job and come back to her. Who knows. But what I do know is she's not my biggest fan, however his kids I like to think that they do like me
"Right are you ready?" Toni shouts upstairs to the kids as I wrap my jacket around me
"Coming" Eva shouts and runs down the stairs with her brother behind her
"Is YN coming?" He asks looking at me putting my shoes on
"Yeah if that's ok?" Toni asks he's son
"Of course" Diego smiles making me smile back
"I'll wait in the car" I kiss Antonio on the cheek and take his car keys from the side. I get in the passenger seat and reply to texts off Kelly and my brothers while I wait for everyone.
Toni drives us to a small little restaurant for dinner that we usually go to, we sit in our normal seats, Antonio sitting next to one another while the kids are sat opposite
"How's school?" I ask them as the waiter places our drinks in front of us
"Ok I guess" Eva shrugs
"You guess?" I raise an eyebrow
"Maths is hard"
"No it's not" Diego says to his sister
"Diego" Toni warns his son
"You want to know a secret?" Eva nods her head at me "I'm terrible at spelling"
"But your a teacher. Aren't you meant to know everything?" Diego frowns
"Not at all. Everyone has something they struggle with. Eva if you'd let me to help you, I'm more than happy to. I might be teaching very young children at the moment, but I still have a degree in maths"
"Really. That goes to you as well Diego"
"Thank you" he gives me a smile
"YN are you staying over again tonight?"
"Yes if that's ok with you guys and your dad"
"Fine by me" Toni smiles earning a nudge off me
"You might as well move it with dad at this point" Diego comment
"Would you guys be ok with that?"
"I guess" Eva shrugs "but would that mean that you would get married?"
"What about children? YN your younger than dad so would you guys have a baby together"
"Woah guys where's all of this coming from?" Toni asks the kids
"Mum said that once YN moves in then you would start a new family and forget all about us" Diego sadly says
"Of course she would say that" Antonio mutters
"I love your dad and I know that you two come with him. Your his priority. I would love to move in with your dad one day and maybe get married and have a baby. If that does happen though I promise that you wouldn't be forgotten about. Your dad loves you both so much. If you ever feel left out, or upset for whatever reason you can talk to one of us and we will figure out how to deal with it together"
"I suppose it would be pretty cool to have a younger brother or sister" Eva says as our food arrives.
We get back to the house. The kids go get ready for movie night while I get the popcorn. I feel arms around my waist
"So when are you going to move in with me?" Toni asks making me chuckle
"When do you want me to?"
"I can't move in tonight" I say turning around
"Why not? Your here pretty much all of the time. We can slowly move your things in while we wait for your house to sell. Or if you want we can sell this house and buy a new one together" I shake my head while smile
"No. I think that would be to much change for Eva and Diego"
"So your moving in here then tonight"
"Not tonight but soon. Promise" I lean in and kiss Antonio  on the lips
"Ew gross" Diego gags entering the kitchen
"You say that now, but wait till you meet the right girl" I say getting the now popped popcorn
"Go stick Netflix on and choose a film"
"Ok dad but I don't want another sibling just yet"
"Oh god" I burry my head in my hands while Toni just laughs and my awkwardness
"If their mother didn't hate me before she will now"
"How anyone can hate you I will never understand"
"Come on guys films starting" I kiss Toni on the cheek and join the kids in the living room with the popcorn.
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hartpisces · 2 days
release ur limited star knowledge (i wanna know 🤨)
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im so glad u asked!
it started when i found out ant is a leo and kat is a scorpio, which was SO wild to me because it just makes perfect sense?? heres the post i made about them when I was going insane about this revelation —>
(take the moon signs with a grain of salt, since the exact birthtime isn’t known)
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For jalen specifically, hes a VIRGO which again, very intriguing because from what i’ve seen, he does very much present as a hardworking, nitpicky, perfectionist, reserved guy (fe: almost every argument he has with josh involves nitpicking, his press conferences.. THE LOCKER CONVO “your locker looks like a tornado hit it” OK VIRGO!!!) Virgos are also known to be shy/easily embarrassed especially when receiving praise, which is so insane to me seeing how he responds to josh (being rendered speechless oml), donte, the media, literally anyone complimenting him. He is a textbook humble virgo!! (also the sign of the virgin btw, lmfao)
Now it gets spicy when you consider that his moon sign is Aries, meaning his emotions are ruled by this fiery, defensive-ass sign, and he acts this way with the people he’s most comfortable around. This is totally represented when he tries to poke Josh’s buttons constantly, but it ultimately backfires every time because Jalen can be short tempered, and a bit spiky. Him being a virgo, he wants to prove how chill, “normal” as he says, he is. But at the end of the day, someone who KNOWS him, and is intuitive (will get to that later) will know how easily flustered he gets. I see why he is such a great leader (im a knicks fan so i have to glaze rq) he gets the precision/composure from his sun, and passion from his moon, bam leads a team through the playoffs.
Now for his venus (sign of beauty, love, romance) his venus is in cancer! ♋️ 🦀 🦀 these people are sensitive, cautious, CLINGY (“we have to hangout everyday”) when it comes to relationships you kind of have to approach them like a crab 🦀 because they WILL cling forever (he literally refused to let go of Donte and Josh, and never will). Very emotional lovers, but they will avoid emotional confrontation in fear of getting hurt. Also soo sentimental! (his reaction to josh being traded while he was at Villanova, you know this man loves feeling nostalgic). Cancer lovers want to be consumed, to belong entirely to someone (if i speak…)
Also gonna do Josh because i make everything about Jalen and Josh. Josh is a pisces sun, taurus moon. Being a pisces, he dreams big, is emotional, VERY intuitive, and he has this ability to sort of be a chameleon and fit in with very diverse groups. This could explain his passion for podcasts, since he’s had two in his career and had all sorts of guests. Pisces can unfortunately be TOO sensitive (cough, beating bitches up in college). While they are dreamers, they are notoriously late to everything, and prefer to chase after them at their very specific pace (explains Josh’s hatred for practice? also moving into his bestfriend’s house during highschool because he knew it would help his grades, environment matters to him). As for his intuition, Josh is very understanding of other’s emotions and his own, more so than Jalen. The most important part about josh being a pisces to me is that it proves he is a full on LOVER BOY and can see through a prickly guy like Jalen.
His moon is in taurus. To his core he is dominant af (literally was described as a dog that needs to mark his territory, always wants the upper hand in arguments). He’s stable, steady, calm (he IS the one who always gets into Jalen’s head first, not the other way around) and is uncomfortable with surprises. I don’t have a link but I read an article where he was talking about how terrible his trade from the lakers felt; he overall resists change. Taurus is also the sign of pleasure and is often aligned with materialism and a love for food (his watch collection? obsession with mike & ike’s??) Overall hes very chill and has soo many lover traits, just do not threaten his dominance lmfaoo.
(I was the most shocked with this placement) Josh’s venus is in Aquarius. The approach people with this placement take with love is friends first, full trust, and then they’ll consider a relationship. They are unpredictable in their advances (josh calling jalen cute on camera twice?? josh’s unpredictable ways of touching jalen and donte whenever he feels like it???), and will try to impress their person of interest with provocative jokes and their rebelliousness. They don’t want to be tied down, but they don’t mind setting rules for their partner. They also might avoid an actual *love* confrontation/confession. The independence of these types aren’t always a bad thing, since their partner will receive a lot of space/won’t feel suffocated.
Accurate or not, this is such a sharp contrast to Jalen’s Cancer venus. Jalen doesn’t WANT space, he could cling 🦀🦀onto Josh all day and still feel too far. There might be conflict in terms of communication; Josh might flirt as a “joke” and Jalen would feel that it’s real, being the more emotional, hopelessly romantic one. This doesn’t mean Josh doesn’t feel the same way, his Aquarius-approach to love just makes him way more cautious about committing to love. His Pisces sun might want him to fall in love, but the Aquarius energy in him is yelling NO! Josh will touch Jalen like he’s his, will leave Jalen stammering, flustered. Jalen will look at him and smile with so much longing, but it’s just another thing they won’t talk about. Jalen is just too careful, awkward and Josh is ever-so conflicted. Jalen fell first, Josh fell harder??👀👀 (hypothetically ofc) (maybe)
i wish i could find out their rising signs because that would be so interesting to me, but obviously nba players don’t care to know their exact birthdate in the name of astrology😭
these boys got issues to sort out
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