#Mammon comfort is the bestest comfort
simpysheep · 1 year
When You're Feeling Anxious: Mammon
I've personally struggled with anxiety for a long time now, and I headcanon that Mammon would be an incredible partner to an MC whose mind gets plagued by worry and self-doubt. You got this, MC. You're the greatest treasure of 'em all!
Contains: anxiety, comfort, fluff
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Your first man is the first to notice - partly because he's so incredibly in tune with your emotions and general well-being, and partly because he spends so much time with you that the probability of him witnessing things first is generally high.
Yandere mode is off. When his family needs him, Mammon's control and composure rivals that of the first-born. My man will always step up to the plate to carry his team.
He isn't awkward when he comforts you. He's confident. He's taking charge. He's reading your every signal and reaction, and instantaneously computing the next step to bring you closer to healing.
Despite his sin, a shopping spree isn't his go-to method of comforting you, and he'll only be funny if that's what he knows you need.
Speaking of needs - if it's silence and physical comfort you desire, you're on your bed wrapped in his arms in a flash. Doesn't matter if you were in the kitchen, on the town, or at RAD before - you can't quite register how quickly it happened, but suddenly you're in your safe place, far away from any potential stressors or triggers that could anguish you further.
Need a cry? He's pulling you into him, jacket be damned. Who cares if it gets dirty? His greatest treasure needs him. He'll buy another one later... but he'll still keep this one too.
If you want to talk, or scream, or both, he's here to listen. If you need to just vent, he'll stand quietly as you let it out. If you need verbal reassurance, he's completely engaged with questions, confirmations, and exclamations that make you feel like your emotions and thoughts are reasonable, understandable, and supported.
This man is just so, so good at comforting you. I think it's because he genuinely believes you're the most beautiful, wonderful, adorable, amazing person in all three realms. His confidence in you is strangely (and wonderfully) infectious; remember, yandere mode is out the door, so you get to hear Mam's million-and-one reasons why you're incredible enough to overcome whatever worries your mind is assaulted by.
Mammon will do whatever, and I truly mean what in the Devildom ever, it takes to bring back your smile.
Every anxious MC deserves a Mammon to hold them close and assuage their fears.
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hiss-kitten · 1 year
Things the Obey Me! characters would say/do to comfort you
I need this again just so I could get rid of these su1cid@l thoughts. I'm sorry. This is for you too if you ever need it.
: The things they'll say/do to comfort you crying because of failure.
Genre: Fluff, comfort
Warnings: Su1cid@l thoughts
(Let me know if I missed something/Added something incorrect.)
"If you are ready to talk about it, please speak with me."
*Would probably not act like the Avatar of Pride he is and hug you*
"I will not let you go. You will stay in my room tonight." ('cause he might lose you.)
— · MAMMON :
"Hey, human! Listen up, your stupid scores ain't gonna change who you are! You're more than it!"
Will let you cry on his shoulder while he comforting you.
"You done...? Ya know, it'll be nice if ya stay here with me for a little more while..." And then "HUH!? I-I-I-I DIDN'T SAY ANYTH-TH-THING!" But he won't let you go at all.
If you want, you could play games with him or read manga or even watch anime. Whatever you want to do. He'll wait until you're ready to talk about it.
Okay, it's not time to be nervous! Mc needs me! He says in his mind and then hug you.
"Are you ready to talk about it?" He asks after you stopped crying.
— · SATAN :
Will read you a book and let you cry on him. He's willing to listen and help you on what's making you struggle and feel stressed. He's not doing it out of sympathy. He's doing it for you. To help you.
"Would you like to talk about it now?"
Will massage your head to help you calm down. If you don't like it, you can tell him.
"It's okay to cry, Hun! Better than carrying that heavy feeling all day!"
Would ask you to take a nice, relaxing bath with him. He says it calms him down, and it might help you as well. But you could always say no if you're uncomfortable with the idea.
Will let you cry, will listen, will comfort, will make you happy.
"Do you want to eat with me and talk about it?"
He'll let you cry on his chest or anywhere you want. He will listen to your problems and would do his best to cheer you up.
He doesn't like seeing you sad, so he'll try princess-carrying you and rock you gently like your a baby. Hoping it'll calm you down. If you don't like it, again, you could say so.
Will drag you to bed, cuddle with you, and let you cry. He'll listen. He will.
He doesn't really know humans that much, but he's trying to calm down his beloved.
He will say "If you had asked me to assist you, I would have helped. But there's always next time, so do not worry..." In a gentle voice.
"Please have a rest. You did well. I'm proud of you."
"Thank you for trying your best, it is all that matters to me."
Will shower you with praises while you cry in his arms. Will tell you how much he loves you no matter what. Will tell you that your grades/scores does not define you. He believes you did amazing, and he's proud of you for trying to do more than that.
"Please take some time to rest. I say you did amazing. We are proud of you, Mc."
What he says are quite similar to what Diavolo did. But, he meant what he said and it came from his heart.
Will make you tea, and cook your favourite food. Tell him what to do, your wish is his command. He isn't the type to want rewards, but talking with him about it will be the bestest reward he's ever received. He loves it when you trust him enough to tell him how and what you feel.
He will hug you, and kiss your forehead. Telling you that you tried your very best and he's so proud.
"Would you like to talk about it with me? I would love to help you."
He loves you so much, that he'll do his very best to see you smile and be happy. "Fears are what you must avoid. I'm here for you, Mc." He says.
— · SIMEON :
"God says that failure is okay. It is not a sin. We're all proud of you."
He'll hug you. He will let you cry just so you could lift that heavy feeling off your chest.
Will wait until you're ready to talk about it. He loves you. He'll do anything to see you smile and happy.
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I've had this AU in my head for ages but I only just got the nerve to submit it lol (long ask ahead, sorry)
Anyway so basically it's like: what if the brothers' fall goes entirely different. This is half serious and half crack? But basically after falling, instead of ending up in the Devildom they land in the human world, in animal forms. So like Lucifer's a peacock, Mammon's a crow, Levi's a snake, Satan's a cat, Asmo's a rabbit, Beel's one of those big dogs that go boof, Belphie's a fox. (I was going to go demonic animal for all of them, but then Beel would be a fly and Satan would be a unicorn which don't exist, and that's tricky to work with lol)
Basically they can communicate with each other but they can't speak like verbally, they can still do simple magic but no demon form transforming. They're just kinda stuck in animal form for some reason.
Ik sees a tattered crow hopping about by the road on her way home from school. It keeps getting startled by the cars but it's not flying away, and it looks really close to getting hit, which she's worried about. So she tries to shoo it away, and the crow stops and looks at her with these big dark eyes and she can't help but feel like it *understands* her when she tells it that it's dangerous by the road.
Next day the crow is there again, and this time it's staying away from the curb, as if it *listened* to her. And for some reasons he can't stop thinking about it... so the next day she buys a little bag of nuts on the way back, and when she sees the crow by the road again she scatters some of them for it, which it seems to appreciate.
Ik feeds the crow for a week before it's already comfortable enough to hop right up to her and wait for its snack. While she's watching it eat, she'll talk to it. After another week it seems to be *looking forward* to seeing her, because it sits on a tree watching the path she takes and visibly perks up when it spots her coming around the corner, and it seems to listen very intently when she's talking. It's like having a best friend.
Then one day the crow follows her home. Ik waves to it when she goes inside and it's gone by morning. And it isn't there in the usual place after school...
Then she gets home and finds the crow waiting on her doorstep. When it spots her it squawks happily and then calls to something. And then six animals that you would NOT expect a crow to be acquainted with emerge from hiding in a bush nearby. Does that dog have a fox AND a snake on its back? Is that a fucking *peacock*?!
Okay. This is weird and definitely not normal. "Are these your friends?" she asks the crow, as if it understands. Then the crow *nods*.
Basically Ik takes in the animal-brothers and takes care of them as best she can in her little house. (Bonus: cut to Diavolo and Barbatos in the Devildom, extremely panicked and confused about where those fallen angels ended up if they're not here)
I've got more thoughts but I'd like to know what you think first hehee
OOOOO I LIKE IT VERY MUCH!! i agree that this is a very half and half au, so let me think about the serious half for a moment...
if this happens directly after the fall, then there's a lot of interesting dialogue coming from the fact that all that war trauma's very fresh... though potentially, they'll all heal from it a lot more healthily, rather than repressing for centuries on end until a kid who cares too much shows up. this time, the kid who cares too much is right there immediately
i reckon the other brothers, especially lucifer and the twins, would be quite standoffish with ik at first. like, they'll acknowledge her help and be grateful for it, but belphie'll snap if she gets too close and lucifer doesn't like being alone in a room with her. but i think satan would latch onto her company quite quick actually - since he's new to, like, existing, and isn't quite sure how to be around his new brothers
mammon of course has decided ik is his new bestest friend ever. part of it is because his brothers are all very sombre and he doesn't know how to handle grief properly, so he's glad to have someone to just goof off with - part of it's because ik's the first face he saw after landing and he's, like, imprinted
(he did see other humans but none stopped long enough for him to get a look at them, and ik's the first one that approached him in good nature)
ik's main concern is not having a lot of room for all these animals, plus letting them get out. levi doesn't wanna anyway, she can be pretending to walk a dog with beel, mammon can just kinda go fly on his own and will look normal, belphie, asmo and satan won't look that out of place outside - the main issue is lucifer, because peacocks are not a normal sight in urban england
she resorts to waiting until the dead of night so that lucifer can get some air and loses a fair amount of sleep over it, and this is part of the reason lucifer starts warming up to her :')
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diagonal-queen · 7 months
Hi!!! First of all enjoy your mandarin lmao and second how are you?? How's life going and all that? Also also I see you're an omori and obey me fan 👀 who are your faves from each I'm curious 🧐 and how far are you in obey me? Lmao that's so many questions sorry 😭 I feel so weird sending an ask off anon but hiii I rly need to interact more with people honestly 💀
(warning; long post mostly because i'm more horny about the demon bros than i thought i guess??)
lol thank you <3 i'm like. i don't know. i feel extremely apprehensive and scared even though nothing is happening. i almost always feel like that but i'm just...really *aware* of it now. so i wanted to talk to people to distract myself so hello!
and okay so for omori i really like hero. idk he's just a sweety and he's also got pyjamas and a frying pan like>???????? okay peak character design. love kel too he's an idiot. those two are the best imo
and for obey me, it's actually been a while since i played the game. i stopped playing for some reason around the time nightbringer released, but i was like...almost finished all the lessons at the time i think?
so here's the thing. there are things that i love about all the brothers, like i love the other characters too (simeon <3) but the brothers are like my FAVOURITE favourites. i really love mammon. if you asked me who my favourite was i would say him. and i know that's a basic answer because everyone loves him, but like i'm so obsessed with him he's one of my top comfort characters of all time. like i could go on for HOURS about how fucking much i love mammon he's the bestest boy in the world and i constantly used to replay card events where i got to cuddle and makeout with him because i'm cripplingly lonely lmao
close seconds would probably be asmo and levi, first of all for asmo, i'm just a slut for the flamboyant horny pink characters (see: mettaton, angel dust etc.) there's just somethin about them. and for levi he's literally a sexy socially anxious anime-loving gamer boy. who WOULDN'T wanna fuck that. and also lucifer, lucifer is great, he's just a giant powerful dilf. who wouldn't wanna fuck that. the twins? big baby and tiny baby? big pillow and tiny pillow? ouppy and kittys? sun and moon? yes. thats them. golden retriever + black cat combo ftw. and satan? well satan is just objectively boyfriend material. well-read, likes mystery media, dresses well, likes cats, be so real who WOULDN'T wanna fuck that.
anyways i'm so normal about the demon bros. definitely wouldn't give up everything to live with them in the devildom. no sir not me
don't feel bad asking questions i LOVE when people ask me questions it makes me feel cared about so keep em coming!! also i follow you now. get pranked hahah
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nursesharkinfirmary · 24 days
Why not keep it rolling? Maybe some demon npts? :3c (if you want) (om has been my familial comfort game for a long while >w< Mammon is the bestest bro)
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om anon you are ALWAYS welcome to come in my inbox to request anything you'd like! (as long as it adheres to the rules hdhdh) once again i hope you enjoy and have a wonderful day with your demon brothers 🫀
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diif-enthusiast · 3 years
Favorite Fics
Bestest Fics I save for future reading and easy access 
Includes: Obey Me, Haikyuu, Jujutsu Kaisen, Genshin Impact, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, and Attack on Titan 
Obey Me 
Levi Segg Headcannons  - (smut tbh)
Obey me Bday  - (smutty)
Obey me master baiter (self smut)
Small things w/ the bros  (comfort)
Mammon and Levi (angst + comfort)
Petty Arguments (angst + comfortish) 
Sleep Talk (nsfw) 
Levi x Reader x Mammon (smutty smut) 
Body Worship (nsfw)
Cuddling with Levi (comfort) 
Fight and make up (angst + comfort) 
Nsfw headcanons (nsfw duh) 
In the dressing room (nsfw) 
How the demon brothers moan (nsfw ish) 
Jealous brothers (comfort-ish) 
Cuddling with the bros (comfort + fluff) 
Levi Hand Kink (nsfw) 
Brothers during their heat (nsfw-ish) 
MC cries during segg (nsfw)
No crying (fluff/comfort)
Seeing you in other guys hoodie (fluff) 
Sleep on couch after argument (hurt/comfort) Iwa version 
When they reject u and regret it (angsty)
Jealousy (comfort-ish)
Mutual masturbation (smut)
when u ask if they love you (comfort)
little things they do in a relationship (fluff) 
Atsumu (fluff/comfort/idk)
Degradation taken too far - (nsfw+angst+comfort) 
Calling you clingy (angst + comfort) 
Mean things during argument (Suna) (Angst) 
Thirteen Hours (kuroo) (ANGST) 
Jealous of Manager (kuroo) (angst + nsfw) 
Kuroo Birthday (angst + comfort) 
Calling you clingy (angst + comfort) 
I want to have a family with you (Ukai) (nsfw + comfort)
Fall out of love (angst)  
Dating in Secret Gone Wrong (angst + comfort) 
“I could always find someone better” (angst + comfort) 
diff!iwa (nsfw) 
Kuroo x virgin (nsfw+ comfort) 
How they destroy your inside (smut) 
Haikyuu Visuals (nsfw+twitter porn) 
Goshiki x Tendou x Reader (pure smut) 
Goshiki Visual (nsfw+link) 
How long can the boys last w/o touch? (smutty smut) 
High and Dry (nsfw) 
“I think my boobs are small” prank (crack + comfort) 
Thigh riding (nsfw smut) 
HQ bfs carrying u (comfort) 
Osamu tsundere (comfort) 
Suga x virgin (nsfw) 
Ushijima x insecure reader (nsfw) 
HQ boys as bottoms (smutty) 
Kuroo x reader (nsfw) 
Falling asleep on HQ boys (comfort) 
Kissing Captains in front of their team (fluff) 
Awkward Seggc Moments (crack) 
Scared to make a move (angsty) 
Things they saw in porn and wanted to try (crack + nsfw)
Invalidating s/o work (angst + comfort) 
Kybabi Masterlist 
How you know its over (angst) 
Meian praise kink (smut) 
Bokuto x housewife (smut) 
Fun Fact (kuroo) (comfort) 
Kuroo Hugs (comfort) 
diff!haikyuu characters  (comfort)
The worlds a little blurry (kuroo) (comfort) 
College atsumu (crack-ish + fluff) 
When you don’t give them enough attention (comfort + needy boi) 
Sugar daddy! haikyuu characters (nsfw + smut) part 1 part 2
Making it fit (smut) 
Haikyuu captains when you have a bad day (comfort) 
bf!suna headcannons (comfort) 
Atsumu proposal (fluff) 
Haikyuu boys reacting to you noticing people staring at them (fluff + comfort)
HQ and JJK boys as bfs (fluff)
Fav costumer (Osamu) (nsfw)
That Boy Is Mine (idk)
Bully!Osamu (hurt/comfort, smut) 
Iwaizumi Crush Snipet (fluff)
Gym segg w/ Atsumu (smut)
Atsumu sad (angst)
Kuroo (SMUT) (thirst)
kuroo boss (Smut w plot)
timeskip!osamu thirst (nsfw-ish)
hq boys flustering u (fluff)
Make him pockets hurt (some smut)
Again (sakes hurt/comfort) 
Iwa athletic trainer (nsfw)
Taken for granted (msby) (angsty)
Still into you (Iwa fluff)
Kiss Your Husband (kuroo hurt/some comfort)
Drunk HQ boys (fluffy)
Jujutsu Kaisen 
ex husband! gojo (nsfw + angst) 
Gojo x Nanami x reader (smut) 
JJK Visuals (nsfw + twitter porn) 
More Visuals (nsfw+ `) 
Mas Visuales (nsfw) 
JJK as tp links (nsfw) 
More twitter links (nsfw) 
Cat Boy Nanami in Heat (nsfw + just smut) 
JJK men walking in on u changing (crack + nsfw-ish)
Making out with the JJK men (nsfw) 
JJK boys with a crush on you (fluff)
JJK boys reacting to you getting a love letter (fluff) 
Clingy JJK boys (fluff) 
JJK waking them up w a blowjob (smut) 
JJK, calling them a “pretty boy” (fluff) 
Random JJK Headcannons (fluff + crack) 
Sitting on the JJK characters laps (nsfw-ish) 
love language (Nanami) (fluff)
JJK and HQ boys as bfs (fluff)
Nanami in love w/ you (fluff) 
No flirting on field (fluff)
The little things (fluff)
Nanami gift giving (fluff)
JJK men + drinking (fluff)
Reaction to u and Nanami dating (fluff) 
Genshin Impact 
Bf says dumb things (angst + comfort) 
The College experience (hurt/comfort) 
Nudes Headcanons (nsfw-ish) 
I wanna be your bf (josuke) (comfort + confession) 
Were you masturbating-? (josuke) (nsfw + smut) 
Attack on Titan 
Provoked Armin (smut)
nerd!armin smut (NSFW) 
Double Penetration (even and jean) (smut)
jean relationship hc (comfort + some nsfw) 
Jean smut (smut) 
Jean x reader (comfort smut) 
Modern!jean bf hc (comfort + fluff)
Vampire!Jean x Reader (slow burn-ish + smut) 
Dad’s Bestfriend’s Son (even) (smut) 
Armin Arlet hcs (smut) 
My Hero 
k. eijirou x afab!reader (smut)
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lucidreamsxx · 2 years
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Obey Me! Bros take a scaredy cat MC to a haunted house.
LUCIFER: 100% the type to ask why in the 7 rings of hell did you call him, to a haunted house no less! Man's busy, he got dem' paperwork you kno?! Anywho, despite his grumbling he'd follow you in. If you think you can get a reaction out of this man, hah, think tf again. His face is stern throughout the entire walk, occasionally making sure you don't trip or bang into something while you're there. Would'nt admit but loves the way you cling onto him when you're scared, it gives his big ass ego a boost.
MAMMON :Oh boi... wrong person MC, wroonggg person.. You were a scaredy cat, he is a scaredy cat, let's just say you're both a recipe for disaster. He literally screams and everything amd clings onto you for dear life which doesn't help because you're just as scared and you drop the poor demon. Needless to say when you come out, both of you are scared to the core and in need of some serious comfort. Expect Mammon to bunk with you for the next week atleast, baby too scared to sleep by himself 0w0.
LEVIATHAN: He'd not be too scared of the haunted house himself, he's played plenty of games under the horror genre with games like Resident Evil and Granny helping his fear tolerance. But, BUUUTTT, snek boi with MC-chan, in a dark haunted house, close to each other, oh boiiiiii. Snek boi is on the verge of combusting as you throw yourself on him everytime a jumpscare comes up or something happens. By the end of the whole ordeal, you're scared as heck and otaku bby has made the decision of never leaving his room for the next month.
SATAN: Much like Lucifer in not even being fazed, but literally the sweetest as he takes your hand and guides you throughout the entire horror house explaining teensy weensy lil facts and stories about the props or the reason as to why they use it. In the end it does'nt end up being scary at all with Cat boi pointing out each and every single flaw in the haunted house, making you laugh at everything instead of being scared. Overall one of the bestest demons to go to a haunted house with.
ASMODEUS: Oh boiii (pt.2)....HIM? REALLY MC???? Oh dear, he simply must not, haunted houses are musty, dusty, crusty not to mention stinky, nonono it will ruin his beautiful skin. But...if his MC dear really wants him to go, *siiighhh* he supposes he will.
...bad idea, BAAADDD IDEAAAA.
Think Mammon but way way WAAAYYYYY noisier and screeching like a vulture next to you half the time. Safe to say he ain't going into a haunted house again ever. Congrats MC, you gave poor Asmo trauma :)
BEELZEBUB: Literally the best, he's super calm, and holds your hand all the way through,babyy even offers to carry you halfway when he notices your knees gave out from fright. Sweet boi doesn't even react half the time, he's too busy munching on snacks to care about the jumpscares lmfao. All in all another perfect demon to bring with you.
BELPHEGOR: No just NO, One he ain't following you to a haunted house he needs to sleep, Two if he does follow you he's still gonna sleep through the entire thing so why bother. But if he was awake, he'd make fun of you all the way, he himself would'nt get scared but he's all up for you to get scared, that cheeky lil cowboi.
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MC is Half-Demon and They Look Awfully Familiar Part 2!
Part 1 Lessons 1-5 Lessons 5-6 Group Retreat Lessons 10-12 Lessons 13-15 Part 3 Part 4
Okay, They’re Your Cousins but You’re Not Sure How They’re Related to You...
(Barbatos, Simeon, Solomon, and Luke)
(It’s mostly Luke)
Barbs likes smol Lucifer. Smol Lucifer likes Barbs. They bake together with Luke. MC nearly set the kitchen on fire. MC needed to learn to cook.
MC is forever delegated to mixing duty because they refuse to admit that they don’t know how to work the oven.
Simeon is the one telling MC embarrassing stories about Lucifer and the rest of the Student Council from when they were all angels. Lucifer never hated Simeon more than when he found out that Simeon told MC about how hard Lucifer cried when he got to hold baby Mammon for the first time. MC was sworn to secrecy.
Well... sworn to secrecy, but if Uncle Mammon just happened to find out through a series of coincidences it wouldn’t be MC’s fault, right?
Simeon also tried to help teach MC to fly... but he kept distracting them with stories about Lucifer and Michael learning to fly.
“So my father was even WORSE than he told me he was?!”
“Yes, he actually challenged Michael and Raphael to a race at one point. Lucifer ended up slamming directly into a wall because he didn’t know how to stop.”
Solomon was absolutely fascinated with MC. How did their half demon half human nature affect their reaction to certain spells and potions? Do half demons have more or less magical strength than normal demons? Can half demons make pacts with humans? Wait- Lucifer why are you taking MC away they were talking- Lucifer!
Immortal troll needs to troll. MC is the unwitting victim of many of Solomon’s shenanigans.
“Why must I speak in rhymes?! This is the end of times!”
“MC, just stop talking.”
“Father, I don’t mean to be a bother but-”
“So the rhyming spell works the same on half demons... interesting...”
“I’m leaving, Lucifer. I’m leaving!”
Aw! Two kids in the Devildom! They were fast friends. Sure, Luke was a little annoying and MC was a bit of a dick, but their mutual smallness and desire to impress their parental figures brought them together.
“Michael’s just so cool and amazing! The way he flies, the way he commands everyone... I want to be just like him someday!”
“Is that why you’re making a cake?”
“Michael has a sweet tooth, and I want to impress him.”
“I wonder if Lucifer likes sweets...”
“Why would you want to give HIM sweets?”
MC just gave Luke a toothy grin and started making the dough for the cake.
Remember back in Lucifer’s section where I said MC would keep their lineage a secret to freak people out? Yeah... they kept it from Luke. At first it was a joke! They were going to tell him! They just uh... it got really awkward. They planned on revealing it to Luke right after they learned how to properly fly so they could swoop in, pick their angel buddy up and zip the two of them to school. It’d freak Luke out at first, but it was meant to be funny! MC would have even sung the song from Aladdin! It um... didn’t turn out that way.
“Hey! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” MC growled at the lesser demons that were crowding Luke.
“O-oh... uh... nuh-nothing...” a few of the demons backed off, mumbling a few harried apologies to MC as they scurried away. The remaining demons seemed a tad more... hmm... they say there’s a fine line between bravery and stupidity.
“M-MC! You can’t fight demons! I’m an angel I-I c-can...” Luke sniffled, but tried his best to step in front of MC.
“Oh please, the little half-breed and the lowest ranked angel are going to put up a fight?” One of the demons jeered, a few of the remaining demons joined in.
MC’s eyes narrowed, their glare as cold as the worst winter storm. “I’m going to tell you once, and once only,”
Their wings sprouted from their back, horns now fully grown and on display, teeth sharper and glistening in the light. Hm, it seemed half demons could make their eyes glow too, how delightful.
MC gave the other demons a sweet smile, it would have been comforting if it weren’t for the amount of teeth they were showing off. They lazily placed their hand on Luke’s head and lightly moved him out of the way.
“Leave, or I will make you regret ever crossing us exchange students.” MC’s carefree smile couldn’t mask the malice that coated every single word that left their lips. “Run along now, you’re not needed here.”
The demon that had started the taunts stiffened, he looked from MC, to Luke, to the other demons, before scoffing and shaking his head. “Whatever, the two of them aren’t worth it anyway...”
When the offending demons weren’t leaving fast enough for MC’s liking, they snapped their fingers and shot a fireball right behind the fleeing demons’ feet. They cleared out pretty quickly after that.
“Luke?” MC turned to look at their friend. “Are you...”
Luke was backing away. That look in his eyes, he was... scared. Scared of MC...
“Y-you’re a d-demon?” He whimpered, taking another step back.
“Half demon, actually.” MC let their demonic elements disappear. “I meant to tell you, I really did! It just was never the right time-”
“You lied to me! You said you were human! But you’re a demon like the rest of them!” Luke shouted, he wiped at his eye with his sleeve and sniffled. “I tried to help you, but you just..! I thought you were my friend!”
“Luke- hang on!” MC took a few steps forward, but Luke was already running away. MC felt something twist in their gut, something awful. That ball of innate pride twisted and practically screamed, filling MC’s head.
“He’s not worth it!”
“You’re above him anyway...”
“If he can’t understand how perfect you are, he doesn’t deserve your kindness.”
“Don’t grovel for his forgiveness. He’s beneath you.”
“Your help was rejected. Let him hate you. You’re the child of one of the most powerful demons in the Devildom, who is he to make you upset?”
The thoughts filled MC’s head as they desperately tried to shut them up. They were their father’s child, their pride wouldn’t be easily combated.
“Just be quiet!” MC clawed at their head.
“You’re better than this. You’re better than this. You’re better than this-”
“Luke!” MC called out again. “I’m sorry!”
It truly was a shame that their friend didn’t understand how much an apology from MC really meant.
They guessed Luke was right, wasn’t he? Demons were nasty awful liars. MC was no different...
That hurt.
Lucifer noticed his kid was moping around, not even Detective Toe Beans could cheer them up. Mammon even came home covered in mud from a failed money-making scheme and it didn’t even make MC crack a smile! He needed to get to the bottom of this.
Upon hearing the reason for his child’s woes, he was fully ready to break down the door of Purgatory Hall and throttle the little chihuahua, but Lucifer came to his senses and realized that MC probably didn’t want that.
He teamed up with Simeon and Solomon the things he did for MC... And managed to get both Luke and MC to the Demon Lord’s Castle to hang out with Barbatos.
It didn’t take a genius to realize that Luke missed his friend too. Sure they called him a chihuahua sometimes, but they were still the bestest friend he had made during his time in the exchange program... maybe ever...
Maybe... just maybe... he overreacted. MC did protect him after all, and they never tried to hurt him...
Barbatos was fully ready to fulfill his role as Luke’s second dad and help his angel-son make up with his friend.
It may have been awkward at first, but the two had to join forces to stop Solomon from getting within a hundred metres of the kitchen. Nothing brings two people back together more than fear for your tastebuds.
Mission success. Lucifer could relax knowing that his kid and the chihuahua were back to being friends. Maybe MC could convince Luke to quiet his infernal yapping... Lucifer was trying to work here!
For some extra fluff, after many days of asking and asking, Lucifer and Simeon agree to take Luke and MC up to the human world for Halloween. They got to go trick or treating, and everyone complimented MC and Luke on their ‘costumes’.
*insert sitcom laugh track here*
Sure, it may have been a little immoral for MC to use their powers to manipulate the humans into giving Luke and MC more candy but... candy...
Oh shit would you look at the time- they had to get back to the Devildom for Diavolo’s birthday party- MC STOP WITH THE CHOCOLATE! THE SIGN SAYS TAKE ONE! DON’T BE LIKE MAMMON.
The exchange year had been a success. Well... sort of. MC wasn’t exactly the average Joe human the Student Council expected, which is why after a lengthy break where MC went back to the human world to visit their other parent and human friends, the seven rulers of Hell (+MC) were sitting and waiting for the new exchange students to arrive.
Unlike the previous year, the entire student council was present. That included Levi who they had to physically drag there, Belphie who was carried there and had to be placed in his seat because he was completely passed out, and finally Mammon, he just had to be threatened.
“Father,” MC pouted from their seat next to Lucifer. “Why isn’t my chair as big as yours?”
Lucifer sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Because you’re much shorter than me. You can have a bigger chair when you grow a few more inches.”
“Mmm...” MC murmured, crossing their arms. “Are the students going to get here, or what?”
“Can you be patient?” Lucifer asked. “They’ll be here any moment now. I can trust that you’ll behave, right?”
MC looked scandalized, placing a hand over their heart and gasping. “Father! Of course! I’ll be the most polite person these humans have ever met!”
Not so deep down, Lucifer severely doubted that.
“Come now, Lucifer and MC!” Diavolo said from his elevated seat. “It’s almost eight am!”
Right on schedule the portal opened, two sets of screams followed.
“The next big priority should be making the trip more comfortable.” MC huffed. “It’s demeaning getting dropped straight down like that and just slamming into the floor.”
“Hm.” Lucifer rolled his eyes. “Perhaps instead we can just teleport them up to the Celestial Realm, start a war, and have them crash through not one, not two, but all three barriers between the realms with no portal.��
“Father...” MC matched Lucifer’s eye roll. “That has the same energy as ‘when I was your age I walked to school 100 miles through a blizzard!’ The polite thing to do for the exchange students is to not let them hit the floor at 100 mph and possibly give them a concussion.”
And slam straight onto the floor the two other exchange students did. Well, one of them slammed right into the marble, the other had tried in vain to use their wings to slow their decent or fly back up.
Oh and would you look at that... one looked like... and the other looked like-
Lucifer had to keep himself from actually shouting in frustration. One normal day... one day of no exchange student issues was all he asked for...
“Out of over ten million candidates out of over eight billion humans...” Lucifer grumbled. “How in my father’s name did this happen again?”
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leviathans-watching · 3 years
would you be willing to do a different version of rejecting the brothers (and dateables, if you want) where they actually take it well? 🥺👉👈
rejecting the brothers (alt version)
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includes: the brothers & gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .7k | rated g | m.list | og version
a/n: thanks so much for requesting this anon, as i was sort of hoping someone would (i hurt my own feelings with the other one haha). hopefully, this makes up for all of the angst in the other version. as always, my inbox is open to chat or req
*cutely begs for reblogs*
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➳ lucifer is understanding. it was presumptuous of him to assume you felt the same way, especially since you had never really given him and signs you reciprocated his feelings. he takes a little time to himself and then comes back like nothing happened, making sure you felt okay about the whole situation and knew there were no hard feelings. it’s a little difficult, but as time passes it becomes easier and easier to put it all behind him, the situation turning into a distant memory that’s reflected on as something to learn from rather than a horrible ordeal.
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➳ mammon is determined not to let the failed confession ruin your friendship and close camaraderie, so he allows himself not to linger, makes sure he deals with all of his emotions in a healthy way. soon, the two of you are back to normal, back to causing trouble and mischief, though this time mammon’s not held back by his romantic feelings, which allows him to express himself in ways he couldn't before. the situation turns into a funny memory, something to laugh about and bring up in group situations. he still loves you, of course, just not that way, and that’s okay.
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➳ levi is still held back by his sin, but thankfully is able to work through his feelings, talking to someone about the whole situation and using healthy anime relationships and rejections as an example. he doesn’t force his feelings to go away, but he doesn't resent you for not returning his affections, instead reminding himself that feelings are feelings and that you couldn't control who you did or didn’t fall for. it’s hard, but he tries, and you see that effort, doing your own part to make it easier on him as well, reminding him that one rejection doesn’t determine his character nor mean he’s unloveable.
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➳ satan pretty much expects it, but for once had figured he should shoot his shot without caring about the probable consequences. he accepts the rejection gracefully, understanding your reasons for not loving him like he loved you. it’s a bittersweet conversation, and the two of you end up hugging once it's done, the warmth of your arms still comforting as ever, though this time butterflies don’t erupt in his stomach like they have before. he still thinks of you fondly, but not like that, and he’s grateful to see nothing really changes between the two of you.
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➳ asmo takes it pretty hard, but he’s determined to come back from the rejection better than ever. you were his first real love, and he knows he’ll have more opportunities to form stronger romantic bonds in the future. he spends time watching trashy movies and eating ice cream, but finds companionship in satan and solomon, oddly making a great trio and becoming thick as thieves. he’s glad you’re still willing to hang out with him and be physically close, though now it feels more like the two of you are the bestest of friends rather than potential love interests.
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➳ beel genuinely doesn't have any hard feelings. he knows feelings are feelings and is more worried he put you in an uncomfortable position by confessing. once assured nothing like that was going on, it’s easy for him to dismiss the feelings and move on like they were never there. you two just go back to how it was before, quickly falling into that same comfortable groove. he really likes being friends with you and wonders if it's almost better than being in a relationship would be, as he thinks the bond you have is special enough already and doesn’t need love like that to stay strong.
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➳ belphie is a little bitter, but beel helps him work through his feelings better than he would be able to alone. he gets advice from barbatos and simeon on how to proceed appropriately, and while it’s a little awkward in the beginning, eventually his determination makes your relationship go back to how it was, easy and natural. he's relieved, and so are you, as you both had missed just chilling together and being each other's safe spaces. he knows the two of you will always share a connection, but maybe not a romantic one like he was thinking. and that’s something he can live with.
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leviathans-watching’s work - please do not repost, copy, or claim as your own
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nacchiyan · 4 years
Hey can I request a headcanon for om brothers when they see mc crying (I've been feeling so depressed lately and I thought that would cheer me up) it's fine if you don't want to do it thank you have a nice day😊😊😊
Thank you for your request I hope this will cheer you up even a little bit.
Obey me What ifs#3
What if the brothers saw you cry?
You are a fairly cheerful girl and he would never expected that you would be carrying problems deep inside your heart.
He would notice your red and puffy eyes at first he would not ask but at one point he would grow worried as you tried to mask it with another fake smile.
"Reader what's wrong?"
You grew somewhat surprised that someone notice you are in pain.
"nothing is wrong-" you tried to lie again but was developed into a hug by Lucifer.
"It's okay to let it all out,I'll wait whenever you are ready."
His hug is comforting making you cry while clutching his clothes but he did not mind it being crumple.
"I'm always here for you."
You and Mammon is watching a movie when you started crying.
You are not really focus on the movie but Mammon would be shock by your crying face.
"who made my human cry?!"
You would reply that it is just a movie but he won't buy it.
Mammon would try to cheer you up by taking you to a shopping spree letting you borrow Goldie.
Don't ask where he got the money.
"Shop for a bit and spend your boyfriend's money erm I heard girls like shopping. T-this is just because you are crying okay!"
You know how stingy Mammon is with money so you would understand his clumsy way of cheering you up.
"thanks Mammon."
He would be surprised at seeing you cry not knowing what to do.
Levi would try to look at his games that has this similar scene where the girl would cry and he would copy the boy's action.
Though you would still not stop crying as he is so awkward not even managing to hug you.
"arghhh I'll give you two limited edition Ruri-chan figurine so stop crying!"
You would only look at Levi trying to stop yourself from crying and the sight made him sad too.
"I'll play with you for the whole week okay? Will that make you better?"
He would give you a kiss on the forehead as he tried to soothe you then both of you will play games with you sitting on Levi's lap.
"see playing games with me makes everything better"
Satan plans on talking with you about a project for school when he heard sobs coming inside your room.
He would open the door at the sight of you crying and he felt his heart twisted at the sight.
"who made the kitten cry?"
Satan would sit beside you and you would try to quickly wipe the tears away but your eyes betray you as it didn't stop from shedding tears of sadness.
"come here"
He would envelop you into a hug kissing your eyelids until you stopped crying.
"if you're lonely, always look for me. I'll stay by your side "
You would nod your head as your rest your head on his shoulders.
Satan would not ask you to spill things out unless you are ready and would just quietly stay beside you while reading his book loudly to you.
"what happened to your mascara?"
He would see your runny mascara on your face and you look like a total mess.
You would jump into his arms like he is the only salvation you have in your life .
There is just so many shit happening in your life and you would prefer to just stay with Asmo for a while.
"my evilness, let's go to my room!" He would drag you to his room then he would gently remove the make up on your face.
Asmo would not ask you about it but he would bring you anywhere, parties, shopping,spa you name it.
He would do that in an attempt to take your mind off your problems.
"princess always smile you look pretty that way."
Asmo would put a flower on your hair as he smile at you then for a while week he would pamper you.
Beel is your bestest friend/boyfriend here in the devildom of course he would notice when you are sad.
One day you would be crying your eyes on one corner of the room when Beel suddenly opened the door.
He would see you and immediately run to your sad making you sit on his lap as he pat your head.
"how about I take you to some (fav food)?"
You appreciate his gesture and would agree
He would order every variety of your fav food and would add some desserts.
"Do you want more hugs?" You would agree and feel his warm embrace feeling slightly better than before.
Even the brothers would grew surprised when they notice Beel giving you half of his food.
He would never leave your side until you feel better and would occasionally give hugs cause his a big teddy bear.
Belphie would be enraged when he saw you crying.
Who is it?! Who dared make you cry?
He would approach you as gently as he can contrary to the bursting emotions inside his chest.
"what's wrong?"
You would just shook your head and tried to hide inside your blanket not wanting to burden someone with the shit you are going through.
"come on now, you can always tell me everything."
Belphie would pull the blanket away and would try to talk to you to the best of his abilities.
He would play a comedy movie as you stay close together inside the room all wrapped up on the blanket.
"don't worry we're on this together" he reassure you as he tighten the hold on your hands squeezing it once in a while.
You felt somewhat relax to have someone beside you.
Belphie will decide to move to your room or you move to his room with Beel no matter how many protest there is.
You need someone by your side at your weakest point and he won't let you be alone even in your sleep.
Open for request
When you are in pain it's best to try and think positively or you will be swallowed whole into the darkness.
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deliciously-yeeted · 3 years
I was in desperate need of some beel fluff, so i wrote some. As one does. Uh, ive never done this,(posting fanfic, i normally jus write small things for myself tbh😅) before so please have mercy lol
I hope ya like it though, it put a smile on my face so im hoping it does the same for you♡
You started filling the hem of your shirt with snacks, as many as you could fit in the scrunched up fabric that is, a tired but playful grin on your lips, as you thought over what you planned to do, mentally prepping yourself.
Normally, you're not so bold about seeking out comfort and such, feeling shy about showing vulnerability...but today, ugh, today had you particularly worn down. You needed something, affection preferably. You'd settle for a warm bath and some melatonin if you had to. Though, you really didnt want too.
You were tired of self soothing all the time. And Asmos care packages could only help so much. But you knew how to make it all magically better. There was only one option in times like these .
You worked quickly, excitement bouncing around in your gut, making your hands a little shaky.
Having grabbed all you could you carry, you practically dashed from the kitchen. Your mind set on finding a certain big demon. Last you heard, he was headed to his room for a bit. You hoped he was still there.
When you finally reached his bedroom door, you found yourself in a tad bit of a pickle. Your eyebrows furrowed, the realization that you wouldn't be able to open the door making you frown at the closed door briefly. You cursed yourself slightly, for not thinking that far ahead. You forgot in all your excitement.
Briefly you considered trying to use you feet before dropping the idea. Guess you've got no choice.
Dang it! You felt kinda bummed that you'd be losing the element of surprise, but the grin soon returned, thinking about seeing Beel always you happy, regardless of the circumstances.
"Beeeeellllllllllll!" You called out, letting a bit of a whine into your voice, hey, who knows? Maybe it'd get him in front of you faster?? He tended to be on the slower side of answering his door, sometimes he simply didnt hear it. Especially if he was working out or watching tv.
Apparently, whining his name did not speed him up:(
You were about to call out again, worried he hadn't heard you, when the door clicked open. The mere sound making you feel slightly giddy. Your eyes snapping up to meet his briefly. You soaked in as many details of him as you could, without just straight ogling him, before flicking your eyes back up to meet his.
"Y/n?" He seemed pleasantly surprised, dressed in a black tank top and grey sweats (you were happy to see him wearing them, because while he looked like a whole ass meal in them, it also meant he had no plans of leaving the house tonight).
His eyes were quick to find the odd lumps wrapped up in your shirt, as well as the bit of tummy peaking out. The position you held your shirt in had caused the bottom of your stomach to show, something you had worried about on the way here, anxious about a different brother catching a glimpse of you. You could feel his stare burn against your skin, he was about to say something, but then his nose twitched, and his eyes fixed on your bundle of snacks instead.
Not that you minded his staring your stomach, not with Beel.
The others...maybe.
Your tummy was one of his favorite parts about you, he's hands finding their way under your shirt to touch and squeeze the soft flesh more often than not. Always gentle and non intrusive. I think he'd full on cry if he accidentally upset you somehow tbh.
Boy had absolutely no shame about it, once he learned you didnt mind much.
Especially when you seemed to be a bit shy about showing your stomach, with the others, or just in general. He made sure to let you know how much he loved your squish. Be it at RAD or just casually in the house.
The only person who ever raised a fuss over it was Mammon, although, he tended to fuss over everything you did anyways;; His protests did absolutely nothing to deter you or Beel, much to his dismay.
Sometimes, if Beel was hungry and needed a distraction or a quick 'pick me up', he'd scoop you up and just shove his face into your tummy. (Much like what I do with my cat when I'm bored and/or sad) Then he'd just hold you there until he absolutely had to let you down.
Relishing in the feel of your softness and you heart racing under your skin, fluttering so delicately under his lips, pressing his face against you was an instant mood lifter for him.
You loved it, a surprised but delighted laugh always ripping from your chest, almost subconsciously. You couldn't hide your happiness in his affections, not that you would want to (thats a lie, you cant help but be embarrassed at the end of the day by the intensive joy you felt whenever you looked at him). Which only seemed to motivate him even more, and soon each time he scooped you up, he'd kiss all over your tummy, making you giggle because it tickled, before hugging you close with a small sigh.
"I brought snacks, and some cuddles. So uhm, can I nap on you for a bit? 'M tired. Unless your busy or something..." you beam up at him, starting to hesitate toward the end, suddenly a little unsure.
"Pretty please?? I wont bug ya, I promise." You plead, pulling your best puppy dog eyes, shifting from one foot to the other nervously. His eyes widened as his brain processed what you said, and the cute sight in front of him. If he was being honest, it made his brain stop for a split second.
He chuckled at you and lifted you up by the back of your knees, holding you carefully to his chest, mindful of your full shirt. A small startled squeak coming from you as he did so, a sound he never got tired of hearing.
You glanced in the room as he closed to door, he had papers sprawled over the small coffee table in the middle of the room, and a few (you spotted more in the trash bin in the corner) empty food wrappers around his work space. He plopped down in front of the table again, taking only a few steps to reach it. You were kind of jealous, your short legs never being a fair match against his. Luckily he enjoyed carrying you, which solved that issue right quick.
"You can keep me company while I finish my homework." He says, shifting you into his lap and keeping a loose hold on your lower stomach, fingers splaying out to get a small feel of your exposed skin. Glancing around, you dont see belphies mop of hair in his bed, he was probably sleeping in the attic or the observatory, you quietly hum to yourself, abit happy to have Beel all to yourself for the moment. Shifting forward, Beels hands refusing to let you go and setting on your waist, you hold your shirt above the edge of the table, and let the snacks spill from your shirt before smoothing the garment back down, missing Beels frown as he looses sight of your tummy. Quickly moving to organize the snacks a bit, so that they were within reach and not scattered all over his papers and in the way.
"Thank you, your the bestest!!" You say, the dull ache in your arms more than worth the effort in your opinion.
You tilted your head back so you can look up at him. Making eye contact with him made your brain kinda just...mush. Your hands slowly squeezing his on your waist, lifting them so you move a bit.
You tore you gaze from his, before turning around and wrapping your arms around his nack and your legs around his torso,(like a koala in his opinion).
Scooting as close as you could get away with, (your not as stealthy as you give yourself credit for, he knows, he just too nice to tease you for it, and he doesn't want you to stop), so you could snuggle up to him and be comfy at the same time. Which wasn't all that hard to do with him, being the teddy bear he is.
Your eyes glazed over slightly, and you were distracted as you mind pulled your attention away.
Ah, you were in pure bliss, you could die happy like this~
You had grabbed plenty of snacks, being sure to vary in your choices, knowing Beel would like to have options, and hoping to be able to buy some extra time with him and a cute Beel smile as a reward for your effort. Tho, youd do it anyways.
Not that you'd ever admit to that. Nuh uh, no way. Unless he asked nicely, you'd give in embarrassingly fast if he ever did, the realization making your face heat up.
Embarrassment be damned, youd never tell Beel 'No'.
He looks down at you, face going all blushy and soft at your slightly dazed and flushed expression. Your thoughts getting the best of you for a moment. Shaking your head slightly and letting out a resigned sigh.
"Of course you can," you snap out of it when he speaks up, looking up at him, quick to give him your full attention. "I love when you cuddle up with me, it helps me focus a bit. You didn't have to bribe me, though, as long as its you, my cuddles come free-" wrapping his arms around your shoulders, giving you a snug hug, he moves to continue. "Not that I'm complaining-" you cut him off, feeling slightly guilty about it. You were already flustered, and his sweet words weren't helping your predicament one bit. That was until your eyes actually focus on his face, oh sweet hell, hes so precious!!! Your heart thumps nearly painfully for a moment, nerves biting into your thoughts.
Your face was definitely beat red now, you could feel it at the tips of your ears even. Yet you refused to move, your eyes locked on his. A rare occurrence, one you could tell he was basking in, his eyes were glued to your face, studying it. His flush deepening slightly.
Squishing his cheeks and "shushing" him gently. Your basically cooing at him, to tired suddenly to care much about how your words or actions came off. The nervousness slipping away from your voice and movements. "Its not a bribe hun, I just felt like seeing you smile before I fell asleep on you. Heh, your smile is my goodluck charm for good dreams, ya know?" You tiredly rub his cheek with your thumb, eyes lit up happily and content. Giving him a small breathless laugh at the end.
He really did calm you down, your mind slowing down as the excitement started to fade, a fact you became overly aware of quite suddenly, your eyes feeling quite heavy now that you felt safe.
You yawned, your weariness catching up to you.
Beels quick to notice, taking note of the bags under your eyes. Dont worry, he'll make sure you get some good sleep, no bad dreams were gonna plague you on his watch. He glances over at the snacks you brought, unbelievably happy. Seeing you so cutely curled up to him, the fact that you brought him as much food as you could carry(a sight he nearly died from when he saw it) and your sweet sweet words, it definitely warmed his heart to say in the least.
He loved that you actually came to find him, just so you could cuddle. His adoration for you is bottomless, just like his hunger.
So, Beel wraps you inna big bear hug, pulling you closer and peppering the top of your head and face with kisses. He gives you a big grin, his eyes sparkling happily. "Nap, I'll wake you up when I'm done and we can hangout till dinner."
You tiredly nod, relaxing against him.
Grabbing a baggy of chips, he smooches your forehead, before tucking your face under his chin so he could munch, and see his work(not like that was much of an issue, beels a big boy after all👀), without completely covering the top of your head in crumbs (you'd told him you didn't mind, especially since he always ruffled your hair to get then out, and you loved that...but he still feels bad about it and tries to avoid it to some extent) and being able to rest his chin on top your head was just the cherry on top for him.
💗Happy beel mode activated💗
Sighing happily, you close your eyes. Beels cuddles making all your stress melt away, just like they always did. Slowly, you start to drift off, listening to the soft scratch of his pen as he starts to work and his deep breathing, letting it lull you into sleep.
I dont know why my brain wanted me to got all out on this. I literally jus couldn't stop tweaking with it. Imma post if before i decide to change it. Imma just conveniently forget i wrote this now, maybe ill like it more after a week or two... :/ also if theres any spelling or grammar issues plz tell me, its like 2am rn so im sure i missed something
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ellespills · 4 years
Mammon getting sick
you’d definitely know the second he feels just a bit under the weather because he wants you to know 
“The Great Mammon is sick! I can give ya the privilege to take care of me, though!“ (blushes so bad the moment you take the offer, though)
accepts any and all forms of taking care you can give. medicine? okay! (gets so flustered if you carefully watch to make sure he drinks it and set alarms so he can drink on time. “Seein’ me while I’m weak is not a privilege everyone has, y'know!”) washing him up with a damp cloth so he can feel less hot? man, you’re really spoiling him, huh. bringing him food? can it be those hell sauce noodles, MC? (if you argue it’s not exactly the healthiest meal for a sick person he’d whine a bit and argue that he’s sick, MC, why can’t he eat his favorite food?)
he prefers if you give him physical forms of comfort, though. hold his hand for a bit or run his hands through his hair while he goes to sleep and he shuts right up and calms down. definitely mutters something about already feeling better because you’re taking such good care of him.
asks you to tell him stories about anything and everything. make him blush and stammer a reply if you tell stories about him and the things you like about him. embarrassed but proud and isn’t he just the greatest? pls tell him he’s the bestest ever.
wants you to stay beside him while he sleeps or actually does just anything else. you think he’s attention grabby for you before? well, the clinginess and the need to be around you increases tenfold now that he’s sick. the type of person who just sleeps and eats their sickness off and just lazes around, so he wants you to stay with him while he does just that.
his heart would combust if you curl up beside him when he goes to sleep. if you put your arms around him he’s stiff and awkward at first. he’s not sure where he should put his hands or where to place his head.
give him the okay to touch you back though and he starts getting more comfortable. ends up getting so tangled with you as he sleeps. he just burrows his body into you and tugs you closer as if the skin contact wasn’t enough. his head finds its way onto your chest (his ear pressed onto it to hear your heartbeat) and his arms tight around you with his legs intertwined with yours.
if you end up talking to him while he’s trying to sleep he’s all for it. your voice calms him down and he doesn’t really care whether what you talk about. let him lead the conversation, though, and he’ll end up listing the places he’d want to go with you and the matching items he’d like to get you and just everything he’d want to experience with you
mumbles deliriously when he’s sleeping. listen closely and you might catch some words about gratefulness and his human and something about showering them with money and jewelry and clothes once he pays off some debts and how he’s the greatest first man ever
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