#Lance is a fuckin gem
overlyimmersed · 2 years
It really is a shame that Arthur got Yamcha-ed and it didn't fuckin take -_-
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Lance smooths down the pleats of his new black skirt, trying to focus on how nice it feels and not the anxiety churning in his stomach.
It’s fine. He’s fine. He’s totally not going to make a fool of himself and then be forced to quit Voltron due to his own humiliation.
“You’re making a big deal out of nothing,” Hunk laments dramatically, poking at Lance’s lockpad like he’s itching to take a screwdriver to it. “Keith is so whipped for you that it’s actually embarrassing. I dunno why you’re worrying about anything.”
“The person who’s fault this is doesn’t get an opinion,” Lance says pointedly. He glares at his best friend through the mirror, who only shrugs in defense.
“You don’t work through your shit unless you’re forced to. Remember the Garrison applications?”
Lance sighs. Hunk’s right, which is annoying. Lance had dreamed about becoming a pilot since he could think, basically, but as soon as he was old enough to fill out the forms, he chickened out. Worked himself up into a frenzy about not being good enough, and managed to convince himself not to bother. It was Hunk, aged eleven, who forged Lance’s application for him and sent it in with his own.
Lance does, unfortunately, need to be pushed into things he’s nervous about. That’s why he and Hunk are friends, even though Hunk is a horrible secret keeper.
“I still think you should be begging for my forgiveness,” Lance grumbles. He takes one last look in the mirror and can’t quite help a smile.
He does, if one were to think completely objectively, look fine as hell. Red is his colour, and damn any conflicting opinions to hell — the belly button piercing is pretty. The tramp stamp is a classy kind of trashy.
And the lipgloss Allura convinced him to get?
Damn. That’s all he has to say about that.
“Finally,” Hunk grouches when Lance turns to the door, but he’s grinning, and he keeps an encouraging hand on Lance’s shoulder the whole walk to the dining room.
“I think it’s really excellent that we’re doing this as we eat,” he says conversationally. “I’m looking forward to watching Keith forget how to use a spoon.”
Lance snorts. “Keith will not forget how to use a fuckin’ spoon, dorkbrain. Besides, he’s seen it all, remember?”
Hunk grins. “I do remember you telling me about the shower incident. Allura and I like to bring it up to each other randomly and laugh until we cry.”
Fortunately for Hunk, they make it to the doors before Lance can kick him for his insolence. Hunk half-yanks Lance through before he can talk himself out of it.
“Oh, no fucking way.” Pidge is the first to notice. She looks at Lance with wide, gleeful eyes, as if Lance has just informed her that her birthday comes twice this year. She looks at his midriff, then back at his face, and grins, adjusting her glasses. “I fucking love it here. Everything about my life is a gem.”
“I mean, we are fighting fascism,” Allura mumbles. She shoots Lance a smile and turns back to trying to sculpt the castle out of food goo (it is not going well, thus her stuck-out tongue and intense concentration). Lance tugs on her hair as he walks by, just to be a nuisance. She tries and fails to trip him.
“My, dear, you look wonderful!” Coran says. He beams so brightly at Lance that Lance can’t help but smile back, accepting the chair Coran pulls out for him — swallowing down the twinge of pain he gets when he remembers his siblings doing the same teasing gesture back home, whenever he dressed up for no reason, the twinge of pain he gets when his space family and his Earth family occupy the same space in his heart — and sitting carefully so as to not flare up his skirt.
“Thanks, Coran.”
He glances at the rest of the table. Shiro shoots him a wink and a thumbs up, and Hunk, who’s sat down next to Pidge, is openly sniggering.
Keith is completely frozen, spoon halfway to his mouth, goo sliding off of it.
“Hey, Keith,” Lance says. He hears the slight slyness in his voice, the nerves making butterflies turn in his stomach but kind of exciting him, too.
Keith opens his mouth, then closes it again, and does that several times before he finally makes himself speak.
“Hey,” he croaks out. Lance ducks his head slightly to hide his grin. “You, uh. You look — I like your —” he struggles to find his words and gives up for a moment, gesturing vaguely to Lance’s person.
Poorly-hidden giggles erupt from all over the table. Keith goes redder than his lion.
“You like my…?” Lance tries, well aware he’s fishing for compliments and beyond caring.
“All of it,” Keith says, a little helplessly. He’s undoubtedly embarrassed — obviously — but his eyes are determined, and his voice is sincere. He takes a deep breath and then nods once to himself, like he’s solidifying a decision.
“All of it,” he repeats, voice steadier than before.
Lance’s cheeks start to hurt. “Thank you.”
Keith nods again, ears still red, and turns back to his goo. He scarfs his food down, not looking up, and practically runs to the sink when he’s done, washing his dish at lightspeed and rushing out the doors with a hasty wave and excuse.
“Oh, he’s going to be so embarrassing for the next few weeks,” Shiro says wistfully. He turns to Lance with the fondest expression. “Gold star for you, kiddo. Please continue to make my week.”
Lance thinks to the giant bag of clothes he and Allura brought back from the mall, and how absolutely none of them cover his midriff. He smirks slightly to himself
“Will do, Team Leader.”
He’s going to have fun cracking that boy.
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dittomckiddo · 3 years
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I’m messing around with commission sheets and while I wanted to include all my sketch full bodies because I wanted to flex on my character design I sadly realize I already have too much I want to include as examples  SO I have just decided to make a post for them all to still flex just separately from the commission sheet designing nonsense 
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thebestcomicking · 4 years
My Thoughts On: She Ra Season Finale ( With Spoilers)
Oh man oh man oh MAN, that’s what you call a Season Finale!! The whole time I was expectin Adora to save Catra’s ass in the end after being chipped by Sybok from Star Trek V Horde Prime. Yeah let’s get that shit outta the way, Horde Prime is basically Albino Jamaican Jimmy Swaggart, who thinks Rock N Roll is the devil’s music and people needs to cleanse there soul with Sha Ka Ree or Amy Grant or whatever. Also he’s one hell of a host, he brought Glimmer and Catra over for dinner, even provided five star meals when Glimmer’s inprisoned, showed off his collection of stuff from planets he destroyed, and very well mannered to his guests. Swell guy when he’s not trying to drain the Heart Of Etheria and turning the people there into the Borgs.
Now the chemistry with everyone was fantastic, I like that after all the shit Glimmer pulled off in the tail end of Season 4 Bow wasn’t too keen with her for good episode or two. It’s great to see Catra and Adora together and not throwing shit at each other too. I was kinda surprised in retrospect how early on they got Catra back and joining the Rebellion. Also a bitter sweet closure between the two and Shadow Weaver. The hair cut she got looked similar to the hair cut I gave to Entrapta. Speaking of which, Entrapta grew a lot in this season, realizing that some action she makes have consequences and there are more important things to worry about other than tech stuff.Movin on to Scorpia, nothing too much but she and Perfuma had great chemistry together, and she sang a James Bond tune fro good measures. Also my fuckin artwork predicted that shit, except she wasn’t singing “Still Loving You” by Scorpions. Hordak... He showed up time to time with mood swings whenever he thinks about Entrapta. I kinda wish he showed up a little more so I could give a shit (I’ll get to my opinions about the two later). On the other hand I think I prefer Wrong Hordak better. Fuckin, he’s a gem to look at I’d much prefer him over the real one. I’m glad he made it through. We also get to see more of Netossa and Spinnerella this season and good LORD this woman and her wife should’ve showed up more often. Netossa might be the Lonnie of the Rebellion cause she’s the only one who sprayed water on Catra’s face when discussing people’s weaknesses. Smaller rolled from some minor characters are great too. George and Lance comes back safe (thank Dio) and Double Trouble’s bit were a joy to watch.
Now I got some minor nitpicks which range from “Oh Yeah” to “Who Give’s A Flying Fuck”. My question is what happen to the three who joined Adora and the gang in the USS Darla? Like did they forget to take them back home when rescuing Catra off of Horde Prime’s Ship? Was Catra like “You’re on your own BITCH!!” and scuddled the fuck off? That’s the biggest problem I have, btut the next problem I have are negligible. Lonnie, Kyle, and Rogelio only have a cameo, and I really wish they did something. Yeah I get it, this season was suppposed to only focus more about Adora and Catra, but a little reunion would’ve been kewl. Like Lonnie gives Catra a thumbs up or something. Also The P is finally comfirmed. Going back with Hordak, my only problem is that I kinda wish we get to see a tad bit more, only because I completely forgotten about him til the end where he Palpatined Horde Prime. Should’ve fuckin did this to him:
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Small Rant Warning
“HEY FUCKIN ENTRAPDAK IS A CANON SO SUCK IT” Yeah it happened. As I expected and accepted back in Season 3. I’ve kinda grew into to it, but still probably not enough to actually draw the ship in a romatic sense. The two being casual together I’m more willing to draw that, and have Hordak kinda being in denial that he’s in love but every one’s like “Pfft yeah, right. You TOTALLYT don’t love her”. Them doing something stupid together, OH HELL YAH I’ll draw that shit, cause it makes me laugh. “SO ARE YAH GONNA STOP DRAWIN YOUR SHIP WITH ENTRAPTA AND KYLE!!!!?” Nope, cause 1) you guys keep throwing fuel to the fire, and 2) I still like drawing the two together, amd it’s only an AU ship and never my Canon ship. Ok maybe it was before Season 3, but I’ve wrote it off as an AU ship now. Also The P has been confirmed canon. I don’t fully dig Entrapdak, but at least it was written off well.
Uhhh any other ships I have in mind... Oh I can dig shipping Perfuma and Scorpia. In fact I’m debating whether or not have my fankid, Petunia, have two moms and a Scorpian sister. Also I might draw Rogelio and Kyle’s kid just for good measures cause The P has been confirmed canon. Ok it’s not but Scorpia said Kyle has crush on Rogelio, and being a good parent taking care of Imp. I have several idea’s to draw, and I’m currently workin on a two page spread. In the end Season 5 is a fantasic way to end the series. Even though we all want more, where else is there to go? An epilogue season akin to Steven Universe Future would be nice. I have my ideas but it heavily involves my OC being a main villian. Anyways I enjoyed it.
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
Hakuno Luck (Rin, Cu Chulainn Collective)
Gudako had Fifty servants.
Hakuno? The woman who was apparently her underclassmen somehow? She had around twelve of the same servant, all of whom were at her beck and call if she needed so much as a tissue. She’d gotten sick and the whole gang had been hoarding her away in her room, quarantining the bathrooms when she had insisted to leave her room for just a bath.
She couldn’t even begin to fathom that kind of snappy command.
Cu Chulainn and his four others were different.
They would probably take care of her sick too, but that was after they stopped drinking with one another. Their room?
The group had destroyed the coffee table a dozen times through card games.
Apparently, Berserker was not one for losing games.
Her bathroom smelled like foreign incense, of which sometimes made her loopy.
“I forgot to clean up after myself,” Caster laughed. “You could get me a lance and then I wouldn’t have to resort to these pathetic caster ways~!”
Rin huffed, looking at the five idiots on her bed.
Even mini Cu, sprawled on his back with his spear nearby, was lounging like he owned their room.
Their room.
Every time she’d gotten close to leaving this room, one of them kept drawing her back in.
They knew her weakness for gems too well.
She’d had enough though.
Maybe if she had more servants…
Hakuno was weird with her situation of all Gilgamesh. She really didn’t need thirty some Cu Chulainn lounging in her space.
No, she was going to ah- borrow a few saint quartz and summon herself a few other servants.
She’d tell the Cu pile on her bed that they needed more force for the training grounds.
She would make it sound more reasonable later.
The quartz was easy to get since Gudako had Da Vinci hiding it from her. The summoning chamber was empty, making things easy.
She’d borrowed enough for a ten roll.
Here we go.
The quartz was placed in a circle, her hands pressed to the circle, letting it illuminate the room.
Mana flowed forth.
More mana flowed forth.
A few of those craft essences appeared in the circle. And then-
Cu Chulainn’s voice rang through the air, the man appearing with a bow and arrow selection on his back. The laugh that the man had was echoing in the room as Rin stared at the man.
His eyes looked around a moment before he snorted.
“Ah, sorry. Old habit. Used to my charioteer. Archer, at your service. Call me Cu.”
The room continued to be lit up as a couple more figures appeared.
A wolf and a small version of herself appeared. The wolf shifted, changing into what could only be a little version of-
Another Cu?!
“Rider,” the boy told her. “We’re here to fight, but if you hurt my friend, I’ll tear you apart with my fangs.”
“He won’t have the chance,” the girl told her, holding the boy’s arm. “I’ll hurt you first.”
Okay. Rin opened her mouth to argue, but another figure appeared.
The man seemed to make the whole room feel pressured. Rin found herself unable to look away from this version of Cu Chulainn. His hair was long… all around long. It hung around his face as he wore what had to be the strangest robes she’d ever seen.
“Assassin,” his voice had multiple layers to it, making her heart race. “Well, for more the fae than you. I’ll lend you strength for now.”
What on earth was a fae and why did she recognize that term-
The man was half sticking out of the circle, his teeth gritted.
“I don’t fuckin’ get it, but how is my lancer luck coming to me in this form!? GET ME OUT OF HERE!”
Four servants.
Four servants and a handful of craft essences.
Rin stared at the group as she tried to gather her thoughts together.
Where did she even begin with this group?
“What is a fae?”
She needed his attractiveness levels taken back down to their normal levels. She was tempted to drag him away and-
The others snorted at her as Rider helped Saber out of the summoning circle.
“Perhaps, you would like to start with introducing yourself,” assassin Cu countered.
She didn’t want that at all.
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subtlehysteria · 6 years
Things I loved about season 7 WARNING MAJOR SPOILERS
Paladins in their PJ’s
Romelle being both adorable and fiercely terrifying in the span of a minute
Hunk & Romelle friendship in general, they’re just really sweet
Keith wanting his wolf to name itself I’m
Cosmo teleporting food for snack time
Pidge playing video games while everyone else argues
And then getting stuck with all the annoying passengers for revenge
Broganes backstory
Hunk taking selfies with the mice
Keith worrying about his wolf being lonely
The whole gameshow episode
It was ridiculous and I loved every second of it
“Go Galra! Go Galra!”
Lance and Bi Boh Bi playing 30 seconds
Everyone simultaneously indicating to Pidge when asked who is the most intelligent
Pidge mapping out the mini golf course only to tackle Bob like a fucking badass
All of the paladins’ reasons for choosing each other to be set free
“He’s the future” fuckin
Keith calling Krolia mom, hugging her and saying he loves her
Keith has grown so much as a leader and a person but deep down he’s still that cute socially awkward emo kid and I love him for it
Shiro being salty as fuck
Acxa being badass whilst rocking that messy bob
Coran trying to save the day
He tried his best that’s what counts
Coran writing a (mostly true) biography of his space travels
The Space Mice being low-key assassins
Hunk’s bayard upgrade
Hunk pulling the team together when they were lost in deep space
The entire fight scene with Keith and Cosmo vs the druid
Strong 8 foot tall Allura
The Paladin’s videos for their families
spoilers: I cried
Veronica’s :3 face when she sees Lance blushing
Holy heck it was fucking emotional
Catch me crying in the club ya’ll
Hunk’s family flashbacks
He and his sister wearing matching headbands
*spaceship noises*
His mom dresses like an 80′s pilates teacher and I love it
Hunk connecting with his parents through his two fav things: engineering and cooking
Pidge full on throwing herself at Colleen and Colleen not even hesitating to catch her
Keith and Lance’s overall dynamic as leader and right-hand man
Allura giving up her tiara’s gem for Shiro’s new arm
Seeing the Garrison memorial
I don’t know, it might just be a me-thing but it was very emotional and heartwrenching and I loved it
Keith comforting Hunk even though they both know he’s not the best with words
All of the animation
All of it
And the music because dayum
I love the Garrison cadet with the freckles (Lacedaughter???)
James: What are we looking at?
Freckles: Well James, today we have clear skies with little to no cloud cover and a slight chance of -
James: I meant the mission
Space Dad supporting the Paladins and becoming the Captain of the Atlas without question from any of the crew
Sam and Pidge’s matching hacking signature
The Atlas going full-on glow-up
Sendak trying to have this big dramatic moment and Keith cutting in (pun intended) like “nope”
Shay’s face when she sees Hunk
And Hunk tearing up I’m sobbing
Lance letting his nephew try on his helmet
Matt glow up
Voltron fandom be like ponytail Keith who?
Keith and his mom visiting his dad’s grave together
The overall teamwork and love amongst the Space Fam, their ever-evolving relationship with their lions and seeing how much they have progressed as a team and a family together through the war
Aaaaaand I’m done
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midnightlie · 6 years
aaaaahhhhh taylor 1) you're an angel, and 2) i've been on-and-off trying to write a klance hogwarts au since last june (i know, it's a ridiculous amount of time to spend on a fic lmao), and your art is so fuckin good and really giving me inspiration to work on (and hopefully finish) this fic, tysm you're a gem have a wonderful day
(hogwarts au anon again) i specifically am loving the drawing you posted yesterday, bc lance in that red hoodie (bc ofc my boy is a gryffindor) and them in that position is just Fueling me
ohhh!!!! hello!!! tbh i totally get it writing is hard and u can’t force it sometimes! but it makes me so happy that some of my art is helping u push through!!! that’s amazing i’m so honored! i hope when u finish it u will send me a link so i can read it!!!!!
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kolivance · 7 years
Oh oh oh!!! Okay! Another au I just thought of! Fusion!kolivance! Like Lance is a half gem so he can pretty much fuse with any organic life, and when Kolivan finds out about it, he wants to be able to have that kind of closeness that Lance tries to explain about fusion. It takes a lot of bonding and getting more secure in their relationship, but when it happens it's just feels so natural to them and while they know they can't always do it, they treasure the moments when they do become one.
@starrbomb you are an angel full of many great ideas and I love you so much. Cause this, this, is fucking great like holy hell. I have a friend that is all here for this so maybe they’ll respond to scream about it too but holy hell just yes.
“They treasure the moments when they do become one” that right there? killed me, fuckin just, dead, deceased, goodbye world
-Mod Mizu 💙💜💙
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crytill5am-blog · 7 years
me @ myself: don’t u fuckin dare is2g
also me @ myself-completely ignoring myself: gem au where lance is a lapis stuck in a mirror hidden away in the castle of lions and Blue chooses him but he’s stuck in a mirror haha
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lvtvr · 7 years
Deepest Shade fic playlist
i made one bc i am Basic™. updated as i go along! it’s gonna be so fuckin long lads
note: the final song on this playlist is instrumental music that gives off the noir vibe i’m going for, so it’s good to just have on in the background while reading!
read the fic
listen on youtube
listen on spotify
Feeling Good - Michael Bublé
Donatella - Lady Gaga {warning: potentially triggering lyrics re: eating disorders}
Autumn Leaves (jazz standard)
La cathédrale engloutie - Claude Debussy
Reflets dans l’eau - Claude Debussy
Nights Of Love - Papa Roach
Toxic - Britney Spears (Postmodern Jukebox cover)
Blow Your Mind (Mwah) - Dua Lipa
Runaway (U & I) - Galantis
How To Be A Heartbreaker - Marina and the Diamonds
Ain’t My Fault - Zara Larsson
Gambling Man - The Overtones
Desire - Meg Myers
The Man - The Killers
Call Me Devil - Friends In Tokyo
Chandelier - Sia
Dazzle - Oh Wonder
Casual Affair - Panic! at the Disco
Just (Tap) Dance - Lady Gaga (Postmodern Jukebox cover)
Kung - Samir & Viktor
Heaven Knows - The Pretty Reckless
Hit & Run - Hayley Kiyoko
Fever - Peggy Lee cover by Sloane Skylar ft. Shaun Canon {original version on Spotify}
Million Dollar Man - Lana Del Rey
I’m A Wanted Man - Royal Deluxe
I Don’t Care - Fall Out Boy
Runnin’ - Adam Lambert
BLUE - Troye Sivan ft. Alex Hope
Hotter Than Hell - Dua Lipa
After Party - Adore Delano
Stay - Zedd, Alessia Cara
Trouble - Valérie Broussard
Oops!... I Did It Again - Britney Spears (Postmodern Jukebox cover)
Still Falling For You - Ellie Goulding
Buy The Stars - Marina and the Diamonds
Constellations - Adore Delano
No Money - Galantis
Symphony - Clean Bandit ft. Zara Larsson
Ambient jazz music
more notes/thoughts about each song under the cut! ♡
Feeling Good: This was the song that inspired the fic. It was originally going to be a oneshot, and this was my soundtrack for it. Love that big band swing. Also I’ve heard from a reliable source that it has a James Bond vibe, which is just *ok sign*
Donatella: I’ve listened to this song so many times while writing this. So many. It was originally my sassy Lance song, but is also an A+ Lotor song ksdlgjsg
Autumn Leaves, Reflets, Cathédrale: Played on the piano by Lance in ch. 1. I picked the Debussy songs because they’re both water themed.
Nights Of Love: HOLY SHIT THIS SONG. A forgotten gem from my long-buried emo phase, this song is ridiculous and a bit embarrassing and incredibly indulgent. This song is this entire fic in music form. I am so happy. *wipes tear*
Toxic: Look, you just don’t need to explain why Toxic is on a smut fic playlist. Ever.
Blow Your Mind (Mwah): Possibly one of the most Klance songs ever. Just look up the lyrics trust me on this. Also the video is kinda gay and full of hot girls like can blonde pixie and camo shirt both date me pls
Runaway (U&I): God. This is so Lance I die. “I know that I’m rich enough for pride” GOD leave me alone
How To Be A Heartbreaker: I fuckin love this song and I can’t believe I didn’t put it on here earlier, so thanks to the asker who reminded me that I should.
Ain’t My Fault: Just ... a good thirst song in general.
Gambling Man: Self-explanatory. Recommended bg music for chapter 2.
Desire: It’s just. Sexy. And honestly reflects what I imagine Keith’s sexuality to be like? Very wild, untamed, yet needy as fuck
The Man: This was recced by Yulivee @AO3 as a good song for Lance and the act he puts on!! 
Call Me Devil: The Lotor song holy shit im dyin scoob
Chandelier: Langst™ Dazzle: THIS SONG IS SO IMPORTANT THIS SONG WAS MADE FOR THIS FIC I HONESTLY CANNOT DEAL IM A MESS PLEASE LISTEN TO IT. Also this was originally from Ruvi’s playlist for this fic!!
Casual Affair: This is what I listened to while I was writing the first scene in chapter 5. I love it so much. Also from Ruvi’s list.
Just (Tap) Dance: That’s right!! From Ruvi’s list!! Why don’t I just put u in charge of the fic, mate. Also I like this version better than the original tbh
Kung: Okay listen I’m sorry but I couldn’t resist......... this is basically a trashy Swedish party song about living like a king and there’s one line that goes “boys who struggle, cry and fight / no one can lose it like we do” and I just. Listened to it a lot while thinking about Lance and Lotor. It’s an open secret that I love trashy pop music so just indulge me here DJSDKGJdg
Heaven Knows: Gives me a Keith vibe just in general???
Hit & Run: I love this song so much. Inspired the piano bar scene. From Ruvi’s list.
Fever: This is what Lance plays at the bar and I would DIE for this version I love it SO MUCH.
Million Dollar Man: This is about Lotor. Got dam. (thanks Ruvi im just stealing all of ur recs jsgjsdg)
I’m A Wanted Man: Also gives me a Keith vibe. Good for when I’m thinking about his backstory.
I Don’t Care: I listen to this to picture Keith thirsting for Lance tbh
Runnin’: GOD I love this and you can actually interpret it as being about any char but for me? It’s Lotor. Most definitely.
BLUE: Keith’s feelings for Lance. catch me crying in the club
Hotter Than Hell: Listen I’m always here for that good sexy content and this is it aaa (also this artist is like my age im???? wow)
After Party: the actual best lancelot porn song bye
Stay: This was recced by Sky, and, well, Klance.
Trouble: I love this song so much?? Just the vibe and her voice and everything? I mostly put it on here to indulge myself. (Also, I found it via that space cowboys AU by Mytay on AO3, so check that out if y’all wanna!!)
Oops!... I Did It Again: Lancelot!!! Also I fuckin’ love these covers, goddamn.
Still Falling For You: Okay so I couldn’t resist putting this on here too, because it’s like... the quintessential (heh) Klance song. If your Klance dynamic doesn’t fit this song, you’re not doing Klance right; that’s just an objective fact.
Buy The Stars: The Lancelot Song, pals. oh my god. ohhhhhhh my god.
Constellations: this is for a scene that hasn’t appeared in the fic yet but oh boy am i crying
No Money: This is a Lance song and I’m not telling you why.
Symphony: Sky linked me this one too and I have been crying ever since I think y’all can figure this one out for urselves aaaa
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iris-sistibly · 7 years
4R’s: Encantadia Season 2 (May 3, 2017 episode review)
Episode 206
Sisters Vs Sisters
Pirena lost consciousness after deflecting Odessa’s arrow with her own bare hands, apparently the bows were enchanted which could either kill or knock someone unconscious, Pirena woke up only to find herself tied up. Hagorn left the matters to his Mashnas, Asval was still mystified as to how Pirena got through the barriers, Alena and Danaya emerged from the earth (through Danaya’s gem) and attacked the camp, a battle ensued between the sisters and the Etherians, Odessa died in the hands of Danaya. In retaliation, Andora used her power and forced the sisters to fight each other, the remaining Mashnas and Etherians watched in delight as the sang’gres kill each other. Fortunately, a group of Adamyans led by Memfes came and rescued the sang’gres, the Adamyans are immune to Andora’s mind control powers, the Adamyans and the diwatas made it back to Lireo safely. As a reward for saving them, Danaya initially wanted to hand Memfes a bag of gold but the latter refused and was already contented to know that his beloved Alena is safe, Memfes kissed Alena’s hand before he left which surprised everyone including her sisters and began teasing her, even Muros, Aquil and Imaw couldn’t help themselves.
Saving Devas
Emre and Cassiopeia successfully made it to Devas’ entrance where they were hindered by Ether, Emre used the de-jar against the evil goddess and warned him that if she does not let them through, Emre will kill her. Ether let him be, afterall her poison has already spread through Emre and Cassiopeia’s bodies, Keros faced the two and taunted Emre. The latter knew he no longer have the strength to fight him, he vowed to return and fight them, but first, he and Cassiopeia must get the antidote for Ether’s poison.
The Attack in Lireo (again)
Mine-a gathered weapons that will be used for their battle against Lireo, on her way back, she encountered a man and a woman—Amarro and Lila Sari, the former recognized her and immediately paid her respects to Mine-a which puzzled the latter, Amarro and Lila Sari sensed that Ether must have wiped out Mine-a’s memories like what she did to Lila Sari, Amarro revealed that Mine-a is the former queen of Lireo and her daughters are the sang’gres she fought a couple of times. In exchange for giving answers to Mine-a’s questions, Hara-Durye agreed to help the two enter the camp without Hagorn noticing. Mine-a returned with a chest full of weapons, when everything was set, they immediately left. When everything was peaceful and quiet, Amarro and Lila Sari began searching for Deshna. The young Hathor was being guarded by Hagorn’s soldiers, however, Deshna found a way to escape, she was determined to leave her father for good.
Fire works lit the night sky which the Lirean guards mistook as someone or some place holding a party, Manik knew it was the other way around, he began searching for Ariana and forced her to leave with him but was stopped by Hitano and Aquil. Manik really have no intentions of hurting any of them and just wanted to leave with Ariana, nevertheless he revealed that the enemies are planning to attack the kingdom. The diwatas prepared for battle, the new guardians were finally given permission to fight, Imaw volunteered to help the engkantados escpae. The Lirean soldiers met the Etherians at the palace’s entrance, through Juvila’s powers, Hagorn, Mine-a and Andora made it effortlessly inside, now the the three infiltrated the palace, it was now time to do what they have to do. The sisters dreaded the idea of facing Mine-a once again, nevertheless they have their duties and responsibilities, afterall they are not just daughters of Mine-a, but they are also daughters of Encantadia, the sisters agreed not to hesitate to kill Mine-a if needed.
👏🏻 Hm…seems like Emre has already answered our prayers eh, I haven’t forgotten what they have said that another gem keeper is going to perish and I think it will definitely be Ariana, I may sound really mean but her character has to go. They failed to develop Ariana as Amihan and Arra failed to deliver anyway, it’s about time to free Amihan’s ivtre. I wouldn’t be shocked if Ariana dies this week, with all honesty, I don’t care that much. The show has been killing a lot of characters lately so bakit hindi nalang sagarin? Total annihilation? No probs, they already did that during the seven guardians’ arc so I’m already prepared for the possible (sapantaha ko lang bes) deaths of Ariana, Muros, Aquil, and even Memfes. At this point I’m already used to character deaths so…whatever.
💚Pero in fairness naman to that Alena-Memfes scene, mej kinilig ako ng slight. Good job at Gabbi for making that scene work, I gotta say Lance did fairly well, not what I was expecting but at least it’s not that malamya compared to Arra’s so-called acting. Love that team Lireo still knows how to take some things lightly and still haven’t forgotten to smile even if it’s just for a little while.
💎Hm…what else? Oh yes, yes I am actually excited at Mine-a vs her daughters scene! I doubt they’ll be able to "kill” Mine-a (they can’t really kill Mine-a since she’s an ivtre) but if it’s possible that would be so fuckin’ epic, just imagining the sang’gres’ faces are priceless, and then Mine-a will break free from the spell, return to Devas and gather back ups so that psycho Hagorn will be killed. Hahahahahaha!
🤔I am frustrated at how Emre did not use the de-jar to kill Ether when he had the chance, that’s incredibly stupid, or if killing a god isn’t possible, then why not banish her somewhere, or turn her into a stone or whatever? Come on seriously?
🙄Wala na talaga akong aasahan kay Arra, until the end she has proven that she does not deserve her role and she does not deserve to be a part of Enca’s cast ensemble. I hope Mulawin does not make the same mistake Encantadia did and although I don’t have any plans of following MVR’s story because I never watched the prequel, I wish them all the best, still deciding which show will I make a review—will it be Jennylyn’s My Love from another star or Impostora which is by the way one of my favorite GMA shows because it starred Iza and Shine back then, although I am crossing my fingers that the network will also come up with new and original shows, preferably a psycho-thriller like La Vendetta, I miss seeing shows like that on Philippine TV.
Best performer/s for this episode: Sanya Lopez 🍃 Gabbi Garcia 🌊 Glaiza de Castro 🔥
Rating: 7 out of 10💎s  
Credits to: GMA network via YouTube and Dailymotion @GMAEncantadia (Encantadia’s Official Twitter account) @GMANetwork (GMA’s Official Twitter account) @GMADrama (GMA Primetime series’ Official Twitter account) Encantadia 2016 (Official Facebook page) www.encantadia.com.ph (Encantadia’s Official Website)
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bee-the-buzz · 7 years
Voltron Headcanons
Lance chews ice, be it scooping them out of a glass of water or just flat out gnawing on an ice chunk, he’s fuckin addicted
Keith always wants to be the one to start campfires. He doesn’t know why but he finds fire calming and relaxing. Of course he doesn’t get to start the fires all the time but he rly enjoys watching the tiny sparks he makes grow into flames
Pidge lives on coffee. She stays up late on her computer and drinks so much coffee its basically in her blood at this point. She loves it especially because she wasn’t allowed to drink coffee on Earth, so she’ll take advantage of the opportunity before she returns home
Hunk has a rock collection. He loves finding new stones and gems on all of the different planets they visit and takes a few back to his lion or the ship to add to his collection
Shiro loves rock gardens. He has a couple mini rock gardens that he keeps around to use when he’s stressed or anxious. He’s afraid he’ll break them though, so he’s incredibly gentle with them and won’t let anyone touch them since he doesn’t want them to mess one up
Lance has pretty bad anxiety, to the point where it sometimes affects how he behaves and reacts in a fight. Blue gets very worried for her Paladin
Shiro also has a Bonsai Tree that he takes care of as best he can. It has the same affect as the rock gardens but he’s more protective of his Bonsai Tree
Shiro is a total cat person, as well as a cat whisperer. He loves cats so much, he’ll carry around a bag of cat food with him to give to stray cats if he comes across them. He often has difficulty choosing between cats or his team, and usually ends up taking in nearly every stray cat he finds (which always surprises the others when they notice how many cats are roaming around the castle)
Keith isn’t totally against taking in stray cats. He himself is actually quite the cat person, of course he doesn’t show it, and will often sneak away from the others to hang out with the cats
Hunk has a stuffed bear from his childhood that helps him calm down when hes anxious or upset. The soft toy is a small piece of home he loves, but he tries to hide it so he won’t get teased
Despite seeming tough and sarcastic, Pidge is actually quite emotional late at night or very early morning(12-3am). No one knows since she’s fantastic at keeping it secret
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aemtochter-blog · 7 years
Name: Aradia Aemdatir Birthday: April 22 Gender: Cis Female Orientation: Bisexual Age: 21 Favorite Pop: She’s probably fond of orange sodas or other fruity drinks. Favorite Candy: Gummies and chocolates, specifically Kinder chocolates. (Yes, including Kinder eggs.) Favorite Pizza: She’s a heathen that likes Hawaiian pizza. Favorite Salad Dressing: Italian, probably. She doesn’t know the name of it but it’s the kind they use at Olive Garden, or something like that. Favorite Meal: Anything with bread- it reminds her of home, and it’s hard to get ahold of fresh bread unless you have a stable place to live and stable income. Best Memory: Being accepted into the Shepherds/Greil mercenaries/Crimean knights, or becoming a gardener and agent for Gaston. (Verse specific ofc) Best Friend(s): Hel, Sasha, Elincia, Cecil, Athena, Arvid Best Relative(s): Aradia would definitely pamper her daughter, Diamantia. Best Pet: Cats of course!
One Random Fact About Them: Her hair is naturally wavy and while she can normally keep it in check, it tends to want to do its own thing, especially on humid days. One Random Fact About Their Day: She spends a surprising amount of time on weapons maintenance ever since she had to reforge the quill lance into the quill bow. One Random Fact About Their Job/School: Aradia was educated at home but is by no means a slacker in terms of education. She knows quite a bit and studies in her free time. One Random Fact About Their Favorite TV Show: She’ll never admit to still watching cartoons, but her favorite gem is probably Peridot. Barring SU, her favorite show is probably like. fuckin. Ancient Aliens or something.
Tagged by @lightofcrimea
Tagging: @brilliantbasque @masqxerades @archerofmitrenzi @kamthebirdman
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forsurebuddy · 6 years
Legends of tomorrow and Lost Girl for the “send me a fandom” thing
the first character i ever fell in love with:
no.1 in your programs and no.1 in our hearts, your captain and mine, the biconic sara lance
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:
i used to like Rip
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:
not really any - i haven’t had many ships on this show until this season
my ultimate favorite character™:
look. ask me this time last year and the answer is a cold hard sara lance, no hesitation. but our useless lesbian Ava Sharpe has made a really, really good case for herself this year. it’s a tie
prettiest character:
Amaya is drop dead stunning. i mean…wow 
my most hated character:
hm i really don’t know? i guess vandal savage or eobard thawne? i would say damien dahrk but at least he was funny
my OTP:
avalance forever
my NOTP:
sara/rip or sara/constantine. iiiiickkk
favorite episode:
 i’m just gonna go with this season because there’s so many good ones, and honestly almost every episode is a gem, but this season i thought Necromancing the Stone was awesome. great mix of drama, action, and comedy. focusing on sara is great because i think her character has a ton to offer between her background and character growth. plenty of ava and avalance
saddest death:
favorite season:
3 for sure
least favorite season:
i guess the first? i wasn’t really sold after the first
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:
i don’t hate any of the characters (except sort of Rip, but that’s not reaaaaally hate) 
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:
mick rory is my trash baby and i love them
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
i don’t think any of my ships are nasty on this one… 
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:
i mean, i get why people ship amaya/zari, but i’m not really invested
LOST GIRL -  ok confession time i never actually finished lost girl? oops? and it’s been approx 100 years since i last watched it but here we go 
the first character i ever fell in love with: our girl bo. how could you not?
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:  look i barely remember but i feel like i liked trick a lot more in the beginning than in the end
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: n/a
my ultimate favorite character™:
i LOVE Tamsin. love our snarky valkyrie
prettiest character:
tie between Bo and Tamsin
my most hated character:
i always hated Dyson for coming in between Bo and Lauren 
my OTP:
LOOK. it was doccubus at the beginning. but i fell super hard for valkubus when tamsin joined
my NOTP:
wolfubus? i don’t even know their ship name
favorite episode:
the yule episode with tamsin was always one of my favorites (i can’t believe i remember this)
saddest death:
omg Hale’s death fuckin GOT me yo. poor kenzi
favorite season:
to be 100% honest i watched allof the first four seasons in a blur in about 3 weeks so i genuinely don’t know
least favorite season:
season 5. legit all i remember about season 5 before i got too lost and stopped watching was like, there was a shoe? and they had to find the shoe? and that’s all i got folks. it got too complicated 
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:
i don’t even know the fandom for this ship
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:
our girl Tamsin
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:
i wasn’t super invested in Kenzi/Hale. like i liked them but i wasn’t too emotionally attached
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theoldaeroplane · 7 years
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A collab with @con-affetto-kiko​ for this silly gijinka thing we got ourselves into!
Siobhan squawked and struggled, but she weighed all of seventy pounds soaking wet. Even when she grabbed her assailant’s ear with one pointy hand and yanked, it didn’t do much to stop them from hoisting her up by the collar. “You don’t know when to quit, sweetheart,” hissed one Red Vainglory, recent DWMA enrollee and all-around pain in the ass, slamming Siobhan against the crumbling concrete wall of the old prison. Around them sprawled the building’s remains, isolated and abandoned, as it had been for decades. This was supposed to be a field trip, an outing to get new meisters accustomed to unusual environments rich with soul energy. God only knew where the rest of their class was now: Siobhan had maybe kicked Red in the back of the knees, and Red had definitely grabbed her by the hair as they tumbled into a ditch. So kind of they were lost now, and kind of Red was mad about it.
Siobhan grunted, scrabbling, raking her claws over Red’s exposed skin. It did not really work. It didn’t help that her cheekbone was still smarting badly from where the solid bulb that capped Red’s tail had smacked it not twenty minutes ago. “I gave you a chance," Red snapped, red-faced. "I-I apologized for hitting you, and you jumped me! Keep running your mouth. Do it.” “Oooh, big talk, I’m real scared,” Siobhan said, rolling her eyes. (In the corner of her vision she saw Red’s snarl deepen, and it was a strange thing to see on a mareep.) “Not my fault you’re so fat we fell into the ditch, Bo Peep. You got any skill under there or is it all fluffy wool and bullshitting?” Something electric–literally–zapped through Siobhan’s nervous system and she went rigid. Red leaned in close and snorted, hot breath casting fog over the gems that made up her eyes. “You, you know I’m here because my last weapon started eating people, right? I got arrested. I’m in a completely different league than you.” Siobhan had not known this. Truthfully, it impressed her–not that she was going to betray that fact. “Eating people like you? What? You’re like ninety-percent cotton candy, you probably just give people toothaches.” “We can test that theory,” Red said, drawing their free hand back and curling the fingers into a fist. Instinctively, Siobhan tried to throw them off: kicking, spitting curses, digging her claws as deep as she could go. Red was like a tank. Maybe if she switched to weapon form— Skrrreeek. Skrrreeek. Red froze. Siobhan did, too, her vantage point against the wall affording her a perfect view of the dark figure emerging slowly from the gutted doorframe across the room. It was tall and lean, thin wings reaching up over its head. And as if this were not bad enough, it was dragging a massive lance behind it. “Thaaat. That is a kishin,” Siobhan muttered under her breath. Red, who had turned their head to look, whipped it back around to give her a stare of disbelief. “You’re a meister, you should know this shit!” “I’ve–never mind, what do we do? Why is he–who is that?” “Blake the, uh. Benign.” “Benign? He looks like he’s out of a horror movie!” “It’s ironic,” Siobhan muttered, her jaw clamping shut as the man took another step toward the two of them. The lance scraped along behind him. “Fuckin’. Stupid bee, stupid sheep, okay, okay. You can prove your stupid thug life skills.” “My–” Red cut themselves off, and almost fumbled as they lost their grip on Siobhan’s shirt. Instead they found themselves holding the weighty handle of a massive studded hammer. “Oh. Okay, um, what–” “Quit talkin’ and just smash his face in!”
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terezisexbuttpyrope · 7 years
“Hey, before we get really far away from the Aywei,” Shiro began after they flew through the wormhole Allura had created for them. “Could we go back to that cave and....meditate again?” 
“I don’t see why not. Why?” Sarah asked curiously. 
“I’d....I’d like that connection we had back. I’ve been so busy I haven’t had time to think about it being broken but....I liked it. I liked being able to sense how you were doing, no matter how far apart we were. It was comforting.” 
Sarah smiled softly up at him. “I’d like it back, too.” 
“Uh....what?” Keith asked, looking at them weirdly, causing the couple to laugh. 
The castle landed on the plateau in the valley, allowing Shiro, Sarah, and the others to descend into the valley below at their leisure. The couple made their way back to the gem cavern alone, wanting to reconnect without distractions like they had the first time. 
It was easier for them to connect, as they knew what to expect from previous experience. In no time, they found themselves at peace, their hearts beating in sync. 
“I’m glad we have that back...” Shiro said softly after a time as the two stood up. He wrapped his arms around her middle as he tugged her closer. 
“Me too,” she murmured, her eyes twinkling as she rose up on her toes to kiss him. Her hands slithered around his neck, one hand lacing through his hair. 
As the two got more heated Shiro backed her against a wall, smirking slightly as he lifted her by her ass and her legs wrapped around him. She huffed, playfully frowning at him, before gasping as he attacked her neck. 
He paused when a thought occurred to him. “Should we really be doing this now, don’t we have-”
“Just shut up and let’s get down to it already.” she said, cutting him off curtly. 
“Yes ma’am.” he chuckled. 
“I love the little noises you make for me.” Shiro said in a low voice as they left the cave. 
“Shiiirrooo....” Sarah whined, blushing furiously. “Stop it.” He laughed as she lightly elbowed him. 
The sun had begun to set when they reached the castle on the plateau. Allura was resting on the grass with Coran, Kayla, and Hunk, sitting up as the couple approached. 
“Everyone back?” Shiro asked. The group rose to their feet and returned to the castle with them. 
“Just waiting on Keith and Lance.” Allura answered. “I hope they didn’t get lost.”
“No, they aren’t lost.” Krisox said, approaching from the side and joining the group. “They’re fuckin just a bit that way.” He lazily gestured behind him, ignoring the others’ scandalised expressions. “I presume you two had some intimate fun, too?” he smirked as Shiro went red and Sarah groaned. 
“Krisox didn’t mom and dad tell you to not? Humans are private about their sex lives.” Kayla chastised as they rode the elevator up into the castle. 
“I mean they did but when live on Vaynov as much as I have you kind of just don’t give a shit anymore.”
“Well, we aren’t on Vaynov, so if you could please-” Allura began testily. 
“Ugh if you insist, I can try to censor myself around your precious, innocent ears.”
“We would all greatly appreciate it.”
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