adveanture · 2 years
so . . .  i think i’m gonna add hans westergaard  ( of the southern isles )  here ok lol 
blame @questsy & @weyfaren  ( don’t blame them, they barely brought it up and i haven’t shut up for hours ) 
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Who is your Favorite Whumpee?? day 5
I get to gush about my favorite characters- omg yes. The order is from ones I found years ago to ones now! @whumpmasinjuly
First of all, Bee's lovely Zee @deluxewhump
ZeeZee I first read about March 2020- wow when quarantine hit, coincidence?? I loved Zee immieditaly , he was the first whumpee I ever really read for! And ahhh. I loved coming back to check on him, even asked a couple anon questions, and was shook when Bee answered within the same hour. Like omg she could make time for an anon question like mine?? So thank you for that haha. But back to Zee. A broken, quick-to-please whumpee who I just wanted to give a big hug and I will forever recommend Zee's story for anyone looking for a new BoxBoy whumpee.
The only other whump story I found before making tumble in 2021 was Danny by @ashintheairlikesnow
Ok... where do I start... probably with the writing in general. Ash is such an incredible writer and wow. WOW. As a younger writer looking for scraps of writing I could get a hold of, I found Ash's writing absolutely addictive. I'd come back to it again and again, rereading everything from the series. (For reference I rarely reread books and have only done so with 3... maybe 4??) But Danny was such a defiant whumpee but he broke so beautifully. And his recovery with his loved ones makes my heart melt. 100000000/10
Ok I don't remember this story very well- but LOVED it and told everyone I highly recommended it- Martin, @redwingedwhump
Ok so from what I do remember (I need to reread it...) It's about Martin, who was the perfect enslaved man from a very rich family. But suddenly was thrown into a gladiator circle. The poor torment he had to go through, his trainer annoyed by his slowness and having to retrain him, made him understand this place wasn't for smiles but for blood. Again guys if you're at all interested in it go read the first chapter!! It's so so good and highly recommend!!!
Someone who kinda start at the same time as me and showed us lab whump, Subject 17 by @only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are
Pretty sure the first story I requested for a taglist because it was so good. Shadow's writing is so.. detailed?? Like I was so impressed at all the medical terms and just nodding along like haha ya I understand?? So incredible. Unlike other bbu stories, Subject 17 is VERY aware he's being tortured and doesn't like it. Love love love. SO so very much.
Ok, the best recovery series here- Coriander @maracujatangerine
Ya, I have yet to talk to you... but my goodness your writing. But y'all when I tell you I binged like 54 posts... I was so hooked I can't. I CAN'T. Their writing is so lovely and whenever I go to read the recent update on the story I have a stupid smile on my face. Coriander is the sweetest, sweetest boy ever and I love him so much and would kill to protect the bby I love him... too much.
Last but CERTAINLY not least... my newest story obsession favorite villain whumpee, Haze by @whumpwillow
Oh my gosh... oh my gosh... how do I begin. Willow... you're the reason I am able to say hero and villain whump is my FAVORITE trope because of the way that you write it. I haven't seen much villain and hero stuff around here, and when I do I always enjoy it, but your story just... the concept of it I've never thought of. Haze is not a meh villain but a downright evil villain now bowing at the whims of furious heroes. He's such a lovely whumpee, so perfectly broken and the half recovery half whump I'm sure is only traumatizing him more. Yes, I love him so much... and I love you *mwuah*
Y'all go read these stories, or at least check out one of them out, these authors deserve the hype
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Okay okay okay, I've got so much to say and I wanted to send it direct-to-you because writers don't get enough love on here and I will be the change I wanna see 😭😭😭
I just binged all of Comet Donati (so far) and want to say out the gate: not only do you have a fantastic grip on characterization, but on wordplay as well. The way you write manages to sound so casual and yet so clever at the same time, twists of words that had me going "oh!" Because how did I never think to word things like that??? It makes me feel dumb but in a really good, excited way (looking at u: describing the Missouri river as a snake with scales of silver moonlight 😭👀)
The flashbacks are so well done, cut into pieces in a way that feels dreamy and so intriguing, and I love the way it slowly builds more and more in relation to what's happening in the current day of the fic.
Which brings me back to characterisation, starting w Aegon: You have hands down one of the best interpretations of him I've ever seen??? He's so fucking vulnerable, so sweet, so charming, so kind, and yet at the same time you get the sense he's keeping everything at arms length. He's playful and loud and it prevents anyone from taking that vulnerability he has and doing something with it. He'll cross the entire city to pick a fistfight with his brother for you, and then disappear in a snap of fingers the moment it seems like a line might be crossed. That's him, that's the boy that stole my heart officer.
Baela and Rhaena ACTUALLY having personalities and agency in a fic??? Say it ain't fucking so 😭😭😭 I love them so much, and the key pieces of personality and Really interesting character design choices (the quote from Rhaenys on Baela, for example) and the fact that her conflict w Jace doesn't feel hammy or gimmicky? Using beautiful Aeg again- people have a tendency to turn their chosen character into a cardboard villain for the sake of pushing the story forward, and while he's clearly an asshole it doesn't feel like the shit that's done to Aegon where he's literally nothing else 😭😭😭
And of course, beautiful, troublesome Aemond. This living tragedy, I adore him even when I want to slap the sense into him. He's exactly like the Aemond we'd all expect, but you've managed to adapt him to a modern setting so so well, that he's the one that kept Luke along and that he fought so hard for him. I just love the humanity he has in this without losing the fact he's a pretentious bitch 😭😭😭
All in all thank you I love this fic, and I had a really surreal moment reading "Aemond x reader, Aegon x reader" and going "oooh, the Fic For Me" and then reading
My ass cheeks gripped my chair istg, eyes rolled out, the sweat formed, actually literally the first time anyone has ever written a story here that I've seen
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OK ily bye—🏃💨
BESTIE!!!!!!!!!! 😍😍 This was such an amazing surprise and it made me so wildly happy!! For the first 5ish chapters of a fic, it's always difficult for me to tell if it's really working and hitting the tone that I intended, so to see this just gives me so much reassurance that I'm doing an okay job with Comet. I love these characters and they certainly all feel real to me...but I think it's clear that I am at heart an Aegon girlie and I've never written a HOTD fic that didn't make people unwillingly fall at least a little bit in love with him. 😂 He's such a mess, but an unsuspectingly gentle and insightful one...? That's really all thanks to TGC, his vision for Aegon is the characterization I have always connected with. I cannot wait to show you what's in store for this deranged little boy band...so many things... 👀
I am thrilled that you enjoy the setting being (sort of, a little bit) Kansas City...I don't think I'm capable of writing an AU fic without having it anchored in a specific setting with ~vibez~ ...and also I've never been to Missouri before, but I've spent a LOT of time on Google Earth doing my research, so hopefully I've done it justice so far. 😁 I have a feeling...a spidey sense...that we might end up spending some significant time in Kansas City towards the end of the series...but first...many other far-flung destinations await... 👀
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Ok so I was responding to @freetown-vanth's post about Tarka but I realized real quick that I was gonna end up with another character analysis essay lol.
Warning: spoilers for episodes 10-12 of Star Trek Discovery season 4.
I apologize in advance for this epically long character essay. I genuinely miss doing character analyses and drawing parallels between character arcs....
I don't typically like asshole characters -- I didn't even like Paul in the first 4-5 episodes of season 1 tbh -- and I rarely, if ever, like antagonists. While I occasionally enjoy truly evil characters as much as the next person, I've never really cared for villains with a tragic backstory™; I've never found them to be particularly interesting or their motives to be compelling. Every now and again, however, show runners will write an antagonist that resonates with me. Sometimes they're written as grey antiheroes, other times as foils to the protagonist(s). There's always something about them, however, that resonates within a deep part of my soul-- something in their motives that I can relate to. These are the sorts of characters that I find most interesting -- they're like mirrors, reflecting back those parts of ourselves that we'd rather not analyze because they frighten us. Frank Castle is one of those characters to me and is usually one of the first ones that always comes to mind.
The writers of Discovery have now given me two more characters like this: Georgiou and Tarka. In a way I think they're actually foils to each other. Or possibly mirrors. Either way, when you set Georgiou, Tarka, and, surprisingly, Book next to each other you end up with a very compelling take on the importance of connection and community.
Let's start with Book: Book starts as an antagonist in s3 -- and when I say antagonist I simply mean he's a character that is at odds with and challenges the protagonist -- in this case, Michael. He's a complex character in that he has a code of honor that he follows and trust in his fellow couriers while also not being above manipulation and trickery to get what he needs. To Michael, at first, he comes across as a gruff, abrasive lone wolf type and only out for himself. And he is, because that's what he's had to be in order to survive in the galaxy he lives in. He's quite different from anyone Michael has known before and he ends up complimenting her beautifully -- they balance each other and which allows them to grow as they challenge each other to become their best selves. This is why, in episode 12 of season 4, Book is able to not only see reason when Reno is talking to him but also follow through on her pleas for him to put an end to the madness he has found himself caught up in. Book is in unimaginable emotional pain and experiencing the intense grief that has come with the literal destruction of his home world. But he's not alone. He has Michael and the crew he's come to call his friends. He has something to hold on to for stability and support. And it's this support that allows him to finally see sense.
Now let's look at Georgiou. I have absolutely loved watching her grow and develop into the incredibly complex character that she becomes by the end of season 3. While she isn't in season 4, I think she's still important to analyze here. Georgiou starts off alone. Yes, she is emperor but she is very very much on her own. Trust anyone, including her daughter, and she runs the risk of being stabbed in the back. She simultaneously has everything and nothing. She's sharp and cutting and horribly cruel and everything her prime'verse counterpart was not. And she had to be that way because in the mirror'verse, to be anything but that means a painful and bloody death. Once she begins to work alongside the crew of the Discovery, alongside Michael, it becomes quickly apparent that the cruelty and bravado is merely a mask and the longer she's with them the less it fits her. She never becomes prime!Georgiou because she's her own person and has been shaped by experiences and relationships in ways that prime!Georgiou could never have imagined. But she does become softer... More kind, in some ways (though certainly not nice!) and as Dr Burnham says in season 2, she becomes the kind of person that would put her life down for others, Michael in particular. She forms such strong bonds with the crew of the Discovery that she attempts to fix all that is wrong with her life in the mirror'verse when given the chance.
Finally, we get to the character I started this post for: Tarka. I've said it before but it's important to say it again here: Tarka has had no one for most of his life. We know nothing of his childhood on Risa, only that he never felt like he fit in anywhere. He was enslaved for an unknown amount of time but spent at least five of those years in isolation. When he is taken to help Oros, he rats him out, believing doing so would lead to his own freedom; it doesn't even occur to him that he could grow to like Oros at this point, let alone love him. And I genuinely believe that he believed that the Syndicate would forget what he told them, especially as the years kept going by and his unwitting betrayal led to nothing. He genuinely believed that they were getting out of there and I don't think he even realized what was happening until the power was cut and their room was stormed. And then Oros forgives him and begs him to run and he does. He runs and he leaves Oros behind -- the one person he cared about and who cared for him in return. And then he loses him. He spends the next half decade with the sole purpose of following through with his promise and finding his way back to Oros. That promise becomes the only tether he has. It's the only thing keeping him going, year after year. Cause I don't doubt that the only reason he works on the new spore drive is because of the slight hope he may find his way to Oros through the network. But then the DMA turns up and ofc he goes after that. Ofc he leans on Book's pain and manipulates him into helping him; he knows exactly what it feels like to lose everything that is important to you and how it makes you utterly vulnerable and willing to do whatever it takes in an attempt to fill that giant, gaping hole in your chest. His bravado and self importance is merely a cover for his pain and grief -- it has a duel purpose: a shield he has built up since losing Oros and a barrier between himself and anyone else. Keep others at arms length, push their buttons and make them hate him as much as he hates himself. And each time he fails at getting closer to Oros, each time something or someone gets in his way, he becomes more desperate. This promise is all he's got left and there's nothing left to lose. It makes the tough calls "easier" to make because if he makes it to the other universe, well, he won't have to deal with what's left in his wake, will he? And I think he does come to consider Book a friend. I think he does genuinely care for him. Unfortunately, Tarka can't see how betraying Book and calling Book his friend don't line up. He betrayed the only person he loved and was loved by in return, after all. Betraying Book is easy. I don't think he went in knowing that destroying the hyperfield and DMA would lead to the destruction of the Discovery, the 10-C, and Earth and Nivar. His expression of surprise is genuine when he sees the results of his calculations, though whether he has actually considered the implications of those results is on the table. Because following through with his plan will get him killed too. And he either knows this and doesn't care or he refuses to think about it. Tbh I think he's lost hope that he'll be able to get to see Oros again and the pain is so great that meeting his own end is more preferable to facing it, regardless of all the others that will follow him.
So we have Book, a man who had what he needed to survive, who finds someone, loses his home, but still has people to anchor him and bring him back down to reality when he loses himself to grief.
We have Georgiou, a woman who had everything and no one, who loses her title and her universe but gains a family that grounds her and allows her to start shedding the sharp facade she's worn her entire life.
And we have Tarka, a man who had nothing and no one until he found someone, only to lose him and then keep losing him while never forming proper connections with others. He has no anchor. He has nothing to keep him steady and he's going to get everyone killed because of it.
The tragedy of Tarka's story illustrates the importance of trust and relationships and connection. Had he asked for help, had he trusted Book and Michael and Paul, had he made an effort to make connections rather than actively push people away... He might have actually had a chance to get to Oros after all. Now tho... I just don't know. I don't want the season to end with him sacrificing himself to save everyone else. I want him to have a chance at growth. Not as part of a redemption arc or anything like that but because I think it's important to show that it's possible to grow and make a better life for yourself even when you aren't seeking redemption of any kind. I don't know how to properly end this essay length post... But I guess I'll end it by saying I hope Tarka has a chance and I hope it's the 10-C that give it to him.
Why have a new alien species capable of strong empathy and who communicate via emotions coded in hydrocarbons...and two characters drowning in their own pain and grief... And not use one to help the others and ease their suffering? I have to have hope that Trek will give us that.
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steveharrington · 2 years
pls post all ur thoughts on no way home i am looking for reasons to live and your opinion on spiderman is one
you make me blush..........
this is actually really good timing because i saw nwh about a week ago so i've had time to marinate and reflect. first let me say i enjoyed the movie and had a lot of fun watching it <3! ok now im gonna tear it apart.
this movie is so insanely complicated. its embarrassing for the mcu to blatantly copy into the spiderverse and do it so BADLY? like i have always hated time travel and multiverse stuff because its confusing but when i watched itsv i was simply blown away by how succinctly they explained the multiverse. i think the greatest strength of itsv's plot is that it doesnt overexplain things. oh theres a machine that opens our dimension up to others and it got messed up? great cool! but nwh is like okay so there's this spell and its very dangerous but dr. strange does it anyways (?) and it gets messed up because peter. talked during it. but its fine because its contained inside a little box but not really because now villains from other dimensions are coming through but its okay because we can send them home but ONLY if peter finds them and brings them to the dungeon first BUT ned also has powers now (??) and he brings the other spidermen into this dimension which like idk why they didnt just come when the villains did but whatever but also peter feels bad now because theyre gonna die etc etc etc like just the basic conflict of the movie can only be reached once you get past all these explanations and circumstances and i hate that tbh!! i dont think a spiderman movie should be that fuckin complicated!! but that's a byproduct of where the mcu is now that they want to incorporate characters from their existing tv series and characters from other franchises. they Have to explain how a sony spiderman got into this movie so they Have to jump through hoops. it sucks! but anyways
im happy with the way they incorporated tobey and andrew. it was really well done. i was so worried it was just gonna be like....5 minutes of content and just a bunch of references without any substance but it wasn't and i'll give them that. i think letting andrew's peter kind of find closure from gwen's death was really nice and meaningful. also andrew is just so funny. and since im talking about andrew's peter and gwen anyways i might as well say something controversial. i dont............care about tom's peter and zendaya's mj. LET ME BE CLEAR i fucking love and adore zendaya and i think she's great. and tom's good too. but like every peter & mj moment in this movie just made me fucking bored like they speak to each other in such a fucking serious & heavy way the whole time. there's no levity or humor between them. andrew's peter and gwen had such a good established back and forth and i think what makes her death so jarring in tasm2 is that until that point, their relationship is so light and fun. tom's peter and mj don't ever seem to have any fun lmao they dont feel like 17 year olds in a happy relationship. im not saying theyre in an unhappy relationship, either, it's clear they love each other! but it's a drag to watch them interact because every interaction they have in this movie feels so heavy and serious and then when the ending happens and they have reason act in a way that's heavy and serious i didn't really feel anything because they're Always like that. and again it's not zendaya or tom's faults i think it's the mcu's writing and the way they're so hellbent on raising the stakes until tom's peter just lives an unbeliveably horrible life. i also didn't feel sad when may died idk maybe it's me!!
now let me nitpick a little. and let me also say that i was a tasm warrior when those movies came out okay. i LOVED tasm2 like i ADORED that movie and still do. and the haters always said noooo its confusing its not well written. and now they wanna come crawling back. yeah sure okay. anyways. they didn't respect the legacy of tasm2 in this movie :( electro didn't act like the electro we knew in tasm2. in that movie, even at the end when he's about to die and nwh picks up, he's just coming into his powers for the first time and he's insecure and his vendetta against spiderman is coming from a very personal place of hurt. in this movie he's just like...a cocky guy. they gave him mcu disease. not to mention the stupid little line where curt connors is like "last time i saw you, you were a little geek" UH how would curt connors have known him?? max was very clearly a nobody who no one at oscorp paid any attention to. so fuck that. also i know ive said this many times but the lack of Any mention of dane dehaan's harry osborn is just dumbbbbb like he was the main big bad of tasm2 and he was setting up the now defunct sinister six (rip) and he KILLED GWEN. the storyline that andrew's peter is still dealing with in this movie. and he never once mentions harry. thats just bizarre to me.
i cant rlly think of anything else these are all my big thoughts. i really don't know where the mcu can go from here. this movie is so messy and complicated and that's only going to increase as the web of marvel's properties continues to tangle. they refuse to step down from their "crossover of the century" mentality because they're banking more on big, midnight premiere crowd screaming type moments than the coherency of their individual movies. if they want to keep bringing in characters from their netflix shows, their disney+ shows, their franchises owned by sony etc etc they're going to end up just making it all into a huge mess that you're required to watch every single installment of to understand. and yknow i love that tom's spiderman has reached the reset point of being who the character actually is. i feel like that was the mcu's acknowledgment that they really fucked him up by making him iron man jr. who fights crime in space with giant robot spider arms. but it cant stay that way right?? because sooner or later the mcu's insistence on making everything bigger and better is going to drag tom's spiderman into space again and he's going to become a larger scale hero again. which is fine! but it will never be as good as tobey and andrew's peters
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deleteddewewted · 3 years
Incel!Shinsou Oneshot: "Why are you acting like that?”
To keep busy I just thought that a oneshot of Shinsou getting self conscious/needy would be cute since we already have his redemption arc rolling in. The next part of the Incel!Shinsou series (Part 3) will have him proving his worth at the Sports Festival. So in thinking of how he will prove himself to you I thought of how will all of those people affect him, especially you. ( This oneshot takes place pre changes, so Shinsou is still his disgusting self but he's figuring out how to woo a woman, especially of your caliber.)
Incel!Shinsou Series:
Part 1: Incel! Shinsou x F!Reader
Part 2: Incel! Shinsou x F!Reader
Incel!Shinsou Headcanons
"I know what you're doin' here. Made your intentions clear. Oh you, you terrible thing, you. Terrible thing, you. Terrible thing, you. Beautiful thing"
TW: Strong Language, Mild Sexism
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People were never an obstacle when it came to the things Shinsou wanted. He’s aware that others would do anything for him if he played his cards right. The right words with the right question did wonders for him. So why the fuck couldn’t he have what he wanted when it came to you? You drove him up the wall with the kindness you showed him. He didn’t deserve it and you’re existence almost felt like a punishment from whatever deity that existed out there to make him suffer. You guys were suppose to be studying for your upcoming project that required a poster, a slide show, and one influential person that would help prove your projects point. You left him running circles within his own mind as to how you were so willing to challenge him. He wanted you to obey him not see through his bullshit. It wasn’t like you didn’t listen to him vent, or didn't give him attention, but he wanted to hold you under his control. To be the person you listened to.
In class you where both seated on the extreme ends of the room on opposite sides. You never realized this (you do), but his head would periodically turn towards your direction to look at you, to figure you out (liar). This time, you managed to catch him do it.
“What are you doing?” You asked plainly. You honestly didn’t care that he was staring, everyone does when you dress like you're attending an MCR concert in the middle of autumn.
“You look different....today.”
“Nice.” It was difficult to care. Shinsou was just some guy in your class that you had to deal with. Nothing special really....ok, maybe it wasn’t fully true. You didn’t really know him all that well or anything (Unless it was mocking and belittling everything you did, that was normal behavior for him so it wasn’t surprising to find out he was like that outside of campus.) but he wasn’t all that bad? If he cared for himself a bit more, hygiene wise he would be considered handsome or at least a competent human being (you weren't going to call him a man, men don't act this childish. At least the ones you knew.) Maybe then you would take his opinion seriously, but for now you’ll ignore his...interesting comments he's been throwing towards you today.
“It’s rude to ignore someone when their talking to you, you know?” The neutral face he had now possessed a frown and a furrow to his brows. You still couldn’t process how he took the time to make sure his hair stayed purple but didn’t care for his body odor. (This man dyes his hair purple yet cant bother to shower or use deodorant for once in his life.)
“I’m not ignoring you, I’m just not interested in anything you have to say.” With that you get up and take your things and leave. There was no point in wasting time on someone who couldn’t even look at you directly and had to also sneak glances at you. "Do I really look that unbearable?" you thought to yourself. In the end you didn’t care anymore, everyone was entitled to an opinion and the last thing you need is feeling self conscious because of your out of place classmate.
Shinsou was fuming. How the fuck did you just get up and leave his ass while he was trying to complement you. You should have been more appreciative that he was giving you his attention for once. A bitch like you wasn't even worth it so he doesn't understand why he even tried with you.
He never goes directly home after school but instead to the local theater. It was one of the few places where he could be around others and could genuinely be himself. It was weird, he didn't feel like himself when he was speaking with his "friends", friends that he's never spoken to verbally, never seen, and never would meet. He knew that he didn't deserve this, to have a safe haven when he acts like an ass, yet here he was.
"Good morning Shinsou! How are you? Are you ready for rehearsals? You did remember to read your lines, right?" Shinsou rolls his eyes at his theater mates antics. Monoma never seems to stop but he does know when to tone it down and when it comes to Shinsou he tones it down a bit. (Because Monoma is canonically considerate of others, look back the Sports Festival and the Joint Training Arc.)
"Im good man, yes i did read and memorized the script, dont worry about it." What an odd friendship, the most chaotic gentleman like man out the bunch with the quietist incel in the group. Shinsou should have seen it coming when he was adopted by Monoma but he's running on 2 to 4 hours of sleep so he doesn't really care.
Believe it or not Shinsou does take showers (only for theater) but very quickly and with no care (no shampoo or soap, fucking why man.) Theater means more to him and so making his character look the best they possible can was his first and foremost priority. He puts on his costume, gets to makeup (the minimum, because it's "gay" for him to wear makeup and since the world is unfair and cruel he has perfect skin for a greasy headed asshole.)
"Everyone get a move on! Kodai, Tsuburaba, and Awase! Go to stage left! Light techs, how's it up there?" One of the tech heads shouted out. Shinsou and Monoma got to their positions on the stage and the rehearsals began.
Love, the play was about love. Love that wasn't rejected but also not accepted. He didn't understand the concept fully. Was it romantic? Platonic? Familiar? Admiration? He loved his dad, but he mostly admired him. He worked long hours and middle resents him for not being there for him, yet he realizes that his dad works to give him the world, a home with all the things he wanted. He never had a mother so he never had parental or familiar, again his dad was there but he wanted a parent that would hold him when he came back from school everyday. He didn't have a girlfriend, so he doesn't know romantic. So far all of his characters where villains, or evil in some way. He was starting to get sick of them. Shinsou wanted something more, wanted to play a character that wasn't how everyone saw him as on his day to day life. He wanted a challenge, he wanted....affection. Just to show it. He wanted attraction. Just to abuse it. He wanted...love. To just...maybe...feel...enjoy...understand it.
"You terrible thing you. My love, you're so cold. You've left me hanging on every one of your words. You've made me loose my self, lose my self-control because of you!" He pours everything into his performance, his loneliness, his regrets, his experience. He's been told by his co-performers and directors that he has a great future in the arts, in theater. If he just took care of himself more he would be an amazing actor, not only incredibly talented but also attractive. He would have the world kneeling, bowing to him just from his words alone. He could have anything he wanted just because of his existence.
" You've made me do things i don't want to do...for you." Kodai stands there looking horrified. He's covered in blood, the blood of her lover, the one she left him for.
"No, i-i didn't-"
"YOU MADE ME-MADE DO THIS FOR YOU! You terrible, terrible, terrible thing! You beautiful thing, I've done this for you!...and you still cant and won't love me." He doesn't see Kodai anymore. It's not her face he sees, nor her voice that he hears.
Its you...its your voice. You. You looking back at him while he slowly lowered himself to kneel and crawl towards you. It's you who backs away from him as he starts to cry and hiccup.
"You wreck me, you made me. You leave me in your wake, please let me go!" He sees you and feels you grabbing his wrists back, pushing him into himself.
"Don't you ever let me go...."
You terrible beautiful thing, you.
And here we are again. This was a lot fun to write since it feels more concrete when it comes towards his personality and his full thought process. In many cases people like Shinsou just want attention or some sense of validation, which there is nothing wrong with wanting those things but it's more about the manner you go about it. You shouldn't pressure or force others to spend time with you, but there is always someone out there that will like to give you those things.
Tag list: @blossominglark
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For the ask thingy: 2, 5, 11, 17, 22, 23, 34, 42, 57, 59, 60, 73, 85, 91, 93!
If you’re ok with that quantity of questions of course! No pressure!
whew, thank you!! this took me a little while to get through, but it was fun!
2. your age at the time of the revival?
i was twelve! but my parents were never into the show, and we didn't watch much tv anyway, so i didn't even know about doctor who until high school and i didn't actually watch it until it came to netflix when i was in college.
5. which dw character did you play on the playground?
i dressed up as the tardis for halloween one year and my partner dressed up as eleven. we looked very cute and i still have my blue onesie!
11. who is your doctor?
nine. unquestionably nine. i'm pretty sure i saw some episodes out of order—one with eleven first (which got me sort of tentatively interested), and then one with ten (which sparked some early-onset dt thirst), but when i finally decided to go back and start over with nine? that's when i fell in love with the show, and with the doctor, and with rose.
17. best multi-doctor story?
the one that exists in my head, lmao. no, but really, the fiftieth is the only one i've ever really sat down and watched and we all know how i feel about that...
22. favourite secondary companion?
does jack count? because i always love me some captain jack harkness. i'm so predictable. runner-up is c'rizz, though, again, i can't tell if he counts as secondary. i love my weird lil alien <3
23. least favourite companion?
it's a tie between clara and river. which bums me out, because i really do enjoy jenna coleman as an actress, and she's so lovely... just. neither of them are for me, alas.
34. best two-parter?
the impossible planet/the satan pit, absolutely top tier in terms of stakes, secondary casting, rose and the doctor dynamics, the introduction of the ood, the helmet kiss, the speech, the doctor opening up to a stranger as he descends into the pit... all of it's so good!!!!
42. favourite series?
series one my beloved <3
57. in your opinion, what makes a monster good?
this is such a hard question!! for me, monsters are at their best when they have the capacity to really take away your sense of self. possessions and body-snatchers really work for me. the gelth, the flood, the gas-mask people... i mean, it can obviously done in a silly way (see: the slitheen), but even that is just genuinely terrifying. for your body or some part of you to continue while your mind and memories are gone... and that taps into the sort of fundamental fear of the doctor themself, every time they regenerate. the pervasive threat of loss of identity is a core part of the show.
59. best dalek story?
dalek in series one. but then, robert shearman could write anything and i'd probably love it.
60. best one time villain/monster?
i'm a fan of the good old lupine wavelength haemovariform. so scary, and so sad.
73. favourite tardis design?
i am very, very partial to twelve's tardis. all the bookshelves... the sunken console area... the color palette... it's all very good.
85. monster you’d like to defeat/fight?
does the master count? i want to defeat them purely so they don't come back.
91. historical event would you like to see in dw?
i don't know about historical events, but i want the doctor to go back in time and kick margaret thatcher's ass so, so badly. nine being like, "did i not specifically mention the welfare state?" is exactly what i want to see.
93. who would you completely erase from the dw universe?
i mean... does it need saying?
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So, the "Justice League" finally got its own movie, eh? Oh, that thing from 2017 was just trash. It's gone. We don't need to look at it anymore.
But in all seriousness, it's great people called out for the Zack Snyder cut of the movie and actually got it! And, yes, it is a vast improvement over the Joss Whedon cut.
Now, my feelings about the DCEU have been pretty divided:
I actually did enjoy "Man of Steel" and found Superman to be relatable and likable for once (I'm not a Superman fan and don't come for me)
"Wonder Woman" was very entertaining and easily the best entry for me in the movie series so far.
"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" was a hot mess. Lots of good ideas but it was executed poorly. It felt kind of cheesy at times, especially that whole "Save Martha" thing. Jesse Eisenburg is not a convincing Lex Luthor. Ben Affleck is not a good actor and is a terrible Batman/Bruce Wayne. He's not as bad as George Clooney, but he's not much better either.
"Wonder Woman 1984" was a massive glow-down. Poor quality writing, Maxwell Lord was a weak villain, Cheetah was laughable, and the ending was so goddamn corny! Not to mention, it took ages for anything interesting to happen, and what was the deal with Steve Trevor possessing another dude's body? I mean...what?
Haven't seen "Suicide Squad" in its entirety but I do know and have seen enough to decide that it's a huge misstep. Haven't seen "Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)" either but I have some interest in it so perhaps someday.
Haven't watched "Aquaman" but probably will eventually but I'm just not very motivated to see it. I like Jason Mamoa as Aquaman/Arthur Curry, but...I don't know. The trailers didn't really grab my attention.
The 2017 Joss Whedon version of "Justice League" was terrible -- worse than "Batman v Superman," worse than "Wonder Woman 1984." I thought the movie moved too quickly, lacked proper character development, and had some bad CGI (I mean, Mustache Gate, am I right?)
Onto the Synder Cut for "Justice League!" Spoilers ahead, of course:
These are really a collection of thoughts, opinions, and observations I had while watching the movie. I have only seen the 2017 film once and honestly don't want to watch it ever again, not even to "refresh my memory" of some details.
Steppenwolf was such a pitiful villain in the Whedon Cut. The CGI for him was terrible, and he looked like some weird dude in armor. His personality and motives were paper thin as well. He was a throw-away, token villain, and the only things memorable about him was his name and voice.
In the Snyder Cut, not only was Steppenwolf's CGI much more refined, his character design was imposing. His armor seemed to be alive, too, always shifting slightly, this way and that, which was an impressive sight. His motives, while nothing too deep or extraordinary, gave him a little more depth: he pissed off Darkseid and had to make up for it, and was clearly afraid of what could happen to him if he failed.
The name and voice obviously were still memorable but combined with the other improvements to his character, they were icing on the cake.
That being said, I don't think Steppenwolf is as intriguing or even remotely sympathetic as Loki and Thanos in the MCU.
Was Darkseid even mentioned in the Whedon cut? I can't remember and I don't want to watch that shitty movie again just to find out. However, I don't recall Darkseid making an appearance or even being spoken of in the 2017 version. Now, I haven't read DC (or Marvel) comics, so I don't know a lot about the guy, but he is supposedly one of the more iconic villains.
His motives are pretty simple, though: command and conquer. There isn't a lot of depth so far in the movies but he does pose a much larger threat than Steppenwolf did. You could tell Steppenwolf was intimidated by Darkseid, who was about as cold and menacing as they come. He's a complete villain in that regard, having no emotions and only seeking power for himself.
He looked great in the Snyder Cut. He was actually really fucking scary-looking. He made the beefcake Steppenwolf look like a puppy.
I'm glad that Darkseid made an appearance, even if he didn't fight the Justice League. It alludes to a much broader story, as well as foreshadows an epic boss fight down the line -- assuming the Snyder Cut is popular enough to convince the studios to make a direct sequel and not just abandon things in favor of some sort of soft reboot.
Superman/Clark Kent/Henry Cavill/Mustache Gate
Let's get this out of the way: Henry Cavill is hot af.
Ok, now that we got that out of the way, hooray for Snyder for getting rid of those nasty reshoot scenes involving Henry's CGI'd mouth! Can't say I missed them, you know? I mean, in the 2017 Whedon Cut, you could always spot reshoot scenes based on whether or not Henry's mouth looked normal and totally strange.
I think the 2017 movie had Superman grab Batman by the neck and ask, "Tell me: Do you bleed?" I'm relieved that was removed from the Synder Cut because it added too much of an evil tone to Superman, and we could clearly tell he was most upset with Batman upon being revived.
One massive problem with the 2017 movie was that it made every member of the Justice League look like bumbling idiots without Superman's help. It was downright embarrassing and unrealistic. I mean, you're telling me that Wonder Woman, a goddess, can't take on Steppenwolf? Or Victor Stone, a cyborg with incredible abilities? Making Superman key to winning isn't the problem, it's how it was done in the 2017 movie. He's already OP but that shouldn't mean his comrades have to be useless in comparison.
Superman was allowed to be OP in the Snyder Cut without making his team look incompetent. Like in the Avengers movies, everyone in the Justice League had a purpose and all of them worked together to defeat Steppenwolf. Superman obviously was key to winning, but, again, it wasn't like he was the only capable one during the battle.
I did like the black suit. It's kind of ominous but also very cool at the same time. But is it also foreshadowing something? I don't know...I haven't read the comics so I really don't have any idea lol.
Batman/Bruce Wayne/Batfleck
One glaring issue I still have is Ben Affleck is a mediocre actor at best and he's a terrible Bruce Wayne/Batman. I mean, they couldn't have found anyone else? Someone with, like, good acting abilities?
Martian Manhunter
This whole time -- THIS WHOLE GOTDAMM TIME -- Martian Manhunter was hiding in plain sight! General Swanwick, who I remember from "Man of Steel," IS Martian Manhunter. I didn't see that coming. I mean, I knew Martian Manhunter would appear in the Snyder Cut but I didn't know he'd have an alternate identity, let alone that of an existing character in the DCEU.
As much as I did like seeing him, I am glad he didn't play a big part because the movie already has plenty of characters as is, and introducing yet another one could have slowed things down and taken away from developing the plot.
The Runtime/Pacing
I mentioned already that the Whedon Cut felt rushed and needed much more time to develop its characters and plot. While I had doubts about whether or not making "Justice League" four hours long would be a good idea, it turns out that it was just what the story needed.
Character development was actually existent, and Cyborg/Victor Stone received a detailed backstory, and Flash/Barry Allen got some extra tidbits added to his character's story/background as well.
I actually thought Victor was a fascinating (if a bit tragic) character in the Whedon cut and was disappointed that he just sort of, like, popped up and fought alongside the other Justice League members with the tiniest amount of depth.
Despite an epic 4-hour runtime, it didn't feel slow, nor did it feel like any scenes were "filler." Every scene had a purpose and kept the story moving at a steady, comprehensible pace. It felt more like a 2.5-3 hour movie, honestly, which is a feat since pacing can often be one of a film's biggest issues ("Avengers: Endgame" also accomplished this feat with its 3-hour runtime feeling more like 2-2.5 hours but with no negative side effects of that). Breaking the movie into chapters, including an epilogue was a tad strange because it's not a very common thing, but I think it helped break up the epic 4 hours into separate, manageable but still cohesive pieces. Also, they helped easily transition from one portion to the next smoothly without any awkward cuts.
The Flash/Barry Allen/Ezra Miller
Barry still amused me in the Whedon Cut. He brought some good-natured humor and charm to the movie, preventing it from being too brooding and intense.
I think Ezra is a talented actor and does well in the Barry Allen role but he is, unfortunately, a problematic person. I mean, if he gets recast, he gets recast but hopefully, they pick someone else who has some acting abilities worth noting (i.e. Not a Ben Affleck type of actor)
The Final Battle
It was a huge improvement over the 2017 cut, as everyone was key to winning the final battle, not just Superman. It is meant to be a team of costumed heroes defeating a villain, not just one OP member of the team outdoing everyone else.
That being said, I felt that the final battle was a little bit anti-climatic. I don't know what it was but I just thought that it would be longer? I expected more to happen? More fighting? Not sure how to describe it, but I do feel like it wasn't as impressive as it could have been.
The Epilogue
A dystopian future involving an evil Superman and Joker somehow working WITH Batman was just...crazy. I mean, evil Superman, I can believe, but Joker and Batman working together (even reluctantly) is quite a sight.
Based on what I've been reading, this nightmare Bruce has could be setting up not one but two sequels for "Justice League." I would like to see how things will play out even if things get kind of dark. I'm getting the impression that Darkseid will kill Lois Lane, thus breaking Superman emotionally and making him compliant. That is unless Bruce intervenes in this timeline and prevents that from happening...but at the expense of his own life. Oh dear...
I definitely enjoyed the Zack Snyder version of "Justice League," and would definitely watch it again and again and again. I already have forgotten the majority of the Whedon Cut, and after seeing Synder's version, I think the 2017 movie will be rendered null and void. I hope it is just expelled from the DCEU canon entirely. That, and we get the "Justice League" sequels, preferably from Zack Snyder (Say what you want but I think he is a pretty good director for the most part and seems to really care about this work).
I honestly want to see a fight between the Justice League and Darkseid because I think that's what we're trying to build up to, and seeing as how Darkseid is one of the legendary villains in the DC comics, I would be extremely disappointed if this doesn't come to pass.
Also, as much as I like Batman/Bruce Wayne, seeing him sacrifice himself to save the team, including Lois and thus Superman's sanity, would be something else. It would bring everyone even closer together, for one, and I think that the negativity shared between Batman and Superman in the past would be completely forgiven. I'm not saying there isn't forgiveness now, but dying to save Superman's wife would change everything....if that makes sense? Does it make sense? I'm terrible at explaining my thoughts sometimes.
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valkerymillenia · 4 years
@animecat33​ tagged me for this
Rules: Name 10 characters from 10 different fandoms that you like, then tag 10 people.
I enjoyed this but... At first I thought, do I even have 10 I consider favs? And then I ended up with a list of, like, 25, and couldn’t pick 10 so I chose more or less at random. And I admit I cheated seeing as some kind of fit in the same fandom in some way.
It’s just too hard picking favorites. 
Undercut, cause it’s gonna be a loooong post.
1. Morticia Addams (Addams Family)
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My tattoo probably makes this one obvious. 
I love Morticia so much, not only do I love her aesthetic, I just love her personality and attitude, not to mention her marriage is ‘goals’ and as a mother and matriarch she’s incredibly supportive and loving despite the unorthodox life the Addams’ live. I love a character that can be a mother without having it define her completely.
2. Catwoman/Selina Kyle (DC)
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Selina was one of my OG crushes back before I even understood what I crush was or that being queer was even a thing (looking at you, Michelle Pfiffer).
I love her style and strength and personality (when she's well written), her grey morals and competence, and cats are just my thing, ok? Plus bisexual icon.
Have you noticed I have a thing for a dark women with grey morals?
3. Raven/Rachel Roth (Teen Titans/DC)
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I kinda share a name with Raven but that's not why I like her. I've always loved the emotional complexity of this character, her incredible power (and how it's also her weakness), and style as well. I'm not too thrilled about some more recent incarnations of her but she'll always be an OG fav.
4. Nightwing/Dick Grayson (DC)
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Yeah, yeah, DC again, look the other way, please (they have individual comics anyway).
I couldn't leave out my darling Dickie. I grew up with this dude and I love his backstory and relationship with his family. He's a beautiful ray of sunshine with a dark streak, a competent leader without being a broody bossy jerk like some and he's very well rounded and consistent in his characterization (plus that design is top notch). I know the Romani thing was a ret-con on something just vaguely implied in the past but honestly it was a good one and some much needed rep despite the constant whitewashing (though not as bad as others in his family).
Also, he drinks his 'respect woman juice', he's flawed without being edgy, and has been queer-coded and female-troped for decades which makes him much more likeable as a male character. He actually became an LGBT icon despite the cowards at DC constantly trying to shove heteronormativity into his storyline.
5. Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond (Steve Universe)
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Is she problematic? Yes and that's part of the appeal.
I already loved Rose when she was this sweet, compassionate and wise old soul, this rebel and leader and mother with many secrets.
I guessed really early on that she was PD so that part didn't surprise me but when the backstory of her as PD finally appeared to give us so more in-depth knowledge I was surprised by the amount of hate the character got. To me, her flaws, pain, mistakes and growth were part of the allure.
Also, gorgeous and much needed plus-size rep. I loved cosplaying her more than anything.
6. Princess Leia (Star Wars)
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Did I like her style or design? Nope, I much prefer her mother's but Leia is an immensely competent, wise, strong female character that takes no bullshit from the male-dominated plot around her, she deserved so much better. Honestly, she deserved her own goddamn movie.
Carrie Fisher was a feminist icon and an advocate for mental illness visibility. She's was also fucking hilarious. All this translated into Leia's character very well and she deserved so much better from society than being sexualized in a metal bikini and remembered that way forever.
7. Hela (Thor Ragnarok/Marvel)
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I already loved Hela's character in the comics (except the arc where she sexually abuses Thor, that was shitty edgelord writing and I refuse to acknowledge it's existence) but Ragnarok gave her a whole new meaning.
Firstly, my God is she hot! Just.... Umpf! Step on me, queen.
Secondly, she's dark and evil but she has a goddamn point (people are hypocrites). And in the comics she's not even evil, she's neutral and only a villain because she opposes Thor on a personal level. She's also incredibly competent at what she does and if that isn't a turn-on idk what is.
8. Korra (Legend of Korra)
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Korra will always be bae. There's a reason my behemoth of a fic revolved around her.
Not only is she incredibly well-rounded and fun, she's also very competent, has a fascinating backstory and is immensely powerful, plus she grows beautifully through her show. Not to mention she's GORGEOUS.
POC and LGBT rep, plus she showcased one of the most incredible arcs on disability and recovery that I've ever seen in a family show.
9. Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff (Marvel)
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You can pry Wanda from my cold dead hands.
I'm not even the biggest fan of her movie version, I'm all about comic Wanda.
POC rep and an incredibly visceral portrayal of mental illness and trauma. And she's beautiful beyond reason, morally grey, and powerful as hell.
Most of all what I like about Wanda is how loyal and family-oriented she is without letting it diminish her as an individual or as a powerhouse character, so many female characters loose all agency and individuality when they have kids, they get delegated to role of mother and lose their heroics or become extensions of their husbands and children, Wanda was nothing like that. Her relationship with her brother is fascinating too (let's pretend the incesty vibes in certain alt universes don't exist).
I only hate that she and Pietro always get the short stick in adaptations and their origins keep getting needlessly retconned (Magneto's kids with his Romani wife, raised by someone else- that's it, stop trying to change it and then change it back over and over). That and how she's not allowed to have her well deserved relationship with her babies because of stupid old-fashioned comic rules that led to a needlessly convuloted and far-fetch story arc (the erasure, reencarnation and hyper-aging of her sons).
10. Jessica Rabbit (WFRR)
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For most people, Jessica's appeal is "she's hot" and yes, this "pinup femme fatale" look really does things to me, I won't lie about that, but that's not why she's my favorite.
Jessica is fav because she's loyal and loving to her goofy husband, she completely turns the femme fatale trope upside down for love and doesn't give a damn about looks, she uses her appearance as a weapon and she's confident but she's clearly not vain ("I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way" and "He makes me laugh"). She's also hilarious in her own deadpan way.
Other worthy mentions to this list are:
Wednesday Addams
Mystique (Marvel)
Shuri (Marvel)
Maleficent (Disney)
Vanya Hargreeves (TUA)
Blind Mag (Repo!)
Venom (Marvel)
Lust (FMA)
Evelyn O'Connell (The Mummy)
Alice Lidell (Alice Madness)
Jessica Jones (Marvel)
The Kagamine twins (vocaloid)
Amon (LoK)
Sesshoumaru (Inuyasha)
Loki (Marvel comics)
Liadan (Sevenwaters)
Furiosa (Mad Max: Fury Road)
Crowley (Good Omens)
Jericho (Titans/DC)
Sadako Yamamura (from the Ring BOOKS)
Susan Sto-Helit (Discworld)
I tag... @dymosara @abnaxus @polyx @bluetalesoftheheart @adka2333 @shinladyanarki @i-have-all-these-freaking-uwus @frank-a-lank @fluffynexu @teddy-fluffnhugs
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ZP Fanfiction Review
Hellooo internet! Welcome to GAAAAAAYYY THEORY-
I am so sorry.
Anyway, welcome to what I can only call a test run for a series I've decided to start. For more info, I'd recommend reading my previous post. To give a brief explanation, I criticize written works done by others in order to help myself and others improve, and recently I've turned my attention to ZP fanfiction (as you do). This series is in no way meant to shame anyone or anything like that. I am simply stating my opinion, and anyone reading this can take whatever they want from it.
Now, while I do take requests, for the first few of these posts, I put the titles of random fics that I have read, and pulled one out at random. Since I admittedly haven't asked these writers for permission, if one of them contact me and wish for me to take a review down, I will. Do not send any negative bullshit to anyone whose fics I review.
With that said, I hope you enjoy, because today we're going to look at a fanfiction posted on Wattpad by a Tumblr user known as @thiccdemonlover69-blog. Now, something I want to make clear is that this was written back in 2017. This isn't representative of this user (who I will refer to as TDL) 's current writing abilities. The fic in question is this one here,
So, originally, I was going to do a full synopsis of the story, but I ultimately decided against it. Not only did it make the post longer than it needed to be, but knowing myself, I would undoubtedly leave something out by mistake. Therefore, I encourage you to read the story before continuing this review. I will be going through it chapter by chapter, and I will give my thoughts on each one.
Chapter 1 "A Normal Day... or so Damian thought "
Not too much to say here since this is an introductory chapter and not much really happens in it. Because of this, however, I thought that I would take the opportunity to address what I already predict will be an elephant in the room.
Like most of us fans, TDL has their Headcanons and theories about the ZP characters. You'll notice in the story that Satan and Damian have a slightly different relationship than in the comic, as Satan is more present in his son's life here. This is just an example of what I'm talking about. Now, I actually don't have a problem with this by itself. I'm all for writers including their own unique ideas in fanfiction, however, I have a problem with some of the changes made by TDL to the characters and setting. There's nothing egregious here, but as we go on, I think you'll be able to understand what I mean.
One positive for this chapter is that it serves its' purpose as an intro very well. We get an idea of the upcoming conflict without it being spelt out.
Chapter 2 "At Hell No. 2 (School)"
Ok, so overall this chapter in itself isn't terrible considering how it introduces the relationships between various characters here and further sets up the upcoming conflict. However, I have to ask some questions about the characters. First, I've noticed that throughout the story, certain characters that you'd expect to make an appearance I guess just don't exist here. Sahara and Narissa (Dame's mum), for instance, have apparently been snapped by Thanos. Meanwhile, some characters have noticeably different personalities. Jack, for instance, is much less shy and passive and has more or less taken on Zill's personality. Also, I guess he and Dame are buds now. Kayla... is a whole topic that I will touch on later. Eli wasn't introduced in the comic, and the best we have is his character sheet, so I guess he's ok here? Addi is in character, Autumn barely exists, Zill... just kind of exists? Finally, Dame has had a few weird changes to him that I'll touch on in a bit.
Ch. 3 "A Not-So-Normal School day"
Ok, so let's talk about Kayla real quick, shall we?
A common sin committed by inexperienced writers is the tendency to villanize characters in order to push the narrative forward. In this story, Kayla is practically cartoonish in how awful she is. She's physically harmful, a bitch, a homophobe, and is overpossesive of Zill. I get the idea that TDL doesn't like Kayla, because to me it seems like she was turned into a bitchy Leeson. Now, Kayla in cannon can get frustrated and angry at times, but for the most part, she's a nice person. She's the type to defend others against bullying, and would never bully someone else. Not only that, but I don't buy this version of Kayla because canonically she's scared of Dame. His appearance alone is enough to make her yeet herself across the room. If she did something such as knocking something of his off his desk, she'd probably panic.
I can only imagine two reasons why she was changed in such a way. One, to have Damian not crush on her. Now, if this is the case, I don't think villainizing Kayla is necessary. You can just say that Damian outgrew his crush on her and be done with it. Two, is to create drama. If this is the case, is Kayla really the best candidate for the drama causer here? I wouldn't think so, and you could probably replace Kayla with someone who'd be more likely to bully someone, like Rusty or Baltimore or something.
Aside from Kayla, another problem I want to mention is that art class scene. Addi's mum getting a minor to pose nude in front of his class is actually kind of creepy, and I don't believe that it would be aloud.
Chapter 4. "The Second, more worst bully"
First of all, that title could use a rewrite.
This chapter mainly exists so the story can show how much of a bitch Kayla is now, and I've already spoken about that. I will mention some positives, however. Something I like in this story is whenever TDL adds in little details like characters having secret handshakes or characters eating dinosaur nuggets. I know this seems small, but this random little specifics give the story a cute, quirky charm that I am here for.
Chapter 5. "The Moment Damian has Been Waiting for "
Not too much goes on in this chapter. We get some funny bit of dialogue ("Ooh, is that drama I see" made me crack up) and a wierd scene where Dame is suddenly One Punch Man, and he cracks Jack's skull open by simply bonking him on the back of the head.
Since there's not much to say, I want to take the opportunity to talk about Damian in this story. First, again, I don't have an issue with writers adding in their ideas to their fics. The whole thing with him being a cross dresser? Cool. That's it. That is my entire thought on that.
There are some other changes that confuse me, however. For instance, the ADHD is integrated really weirdly. It gets brought up at really random times, nothing is really done with it, and overall it just seems to serve as a reason for Dame acting hyper. The story could have just had one line that said "Damian has ADHD " and nothing would have changed.
Another thing, and this isn't something exclusive to TDL, but apparently Damian is homosexual. Not bi, just gay. This is a change I actually see a lot of the time with Dame, and I don't know why. Like... is it so difficult to imagine him liking more than one gender? Do you think that he needs to be gay in order to be in a homosexual relationship? Because he doesn't. Bisexuals can do the same thing as gays. It's just such a random change that it just bugs me.
There's also the fact that Damian is apparently amazing at everything. He's an A plus student, a great actor, a great artist, etc. I'm not sure what TDL is going for with this angle. It's something else that just seems random, because the only thing that this does is make teachers confused about why Dame is sad and it makes other characters freak out about how brilliant Damian is.
Chapter 6. "The Date"
Ok, let's all just admit it. Damian going "RIBS RIBS RIBS RIBS..." is in one way or another a fucking mood for everyone. Don't you fucking lie to me.
The interactions between Eli and Dame are mostly cute, and we get some funny dialogue here too. The one issue I have is something not exclusive to this chapter, and it's how Damian is kind of treated like a child. Characters talk about him like his a little kid, and even the way Eli talks to him to calm him down in this chapter is (to me) reminiscent of a babysitter dealing with a hyperactive kid. I bring this up now because I want you all to remember this. It will get creepy later on...
Chapter 7. "The crazy household of Damian "
Easily my favorite chapter.
We still get bits where Dame is kind of treated like a child, but it's barely noticeable here. TDL is actually pretty good at writing wholesome scenes and scenes where a couple characters are just hanging out. This chapter actually reminded me of events that happened in my own life, so believe it or not, I actually got a nostalgia hit reading this. This chapter just put a smile on my face. Shame that it came right before the worst chapter. Buckle in kids.
Chapter "It's Time... and Absolutely Everything goes to shit"
What a fitting title!
First, let's talk about how not a lot in this chapter makes sense. Ok, so everyone knows that Kayla doesn't like Dame and shit could go down if they ever cross paths. And yet, they bring Damian to a party at Kayla's house, and act surprised when shit hits the fan. This happens again when Damian tries to talk to Kayla, and she spits in his drink. I don't know what any of these characters were expecting. There's a weird focus on food in this chapter. Kayla ironically becomes a badass because she decks someone and immediately follows that up by heading off to pop lock and drop it on the dance floor. Zill exists, and he's drunk. He makes out with Damian because.... Kayla's a homophobe? I think that's the reason? Jack literally gets into a fucking wrestling match with Kayla. Rusty is just here. Eli disappears for a while, and I guess Addi just teleported out of the party because the only contribution that he makes is that he messes up the time.
Ok, my favorite scene here is when Dame is like "oh I don't wanna dance bc I sad" and Rusty just shows up for some reason and remarks very loudly that Damian is good at ballet. This info is so shocking, the DJ, who somehow heard this over the music, turns off the tunes, there's awkward silence, and then everyone laughs at Damian. No. I don't get it either. Like... how did anyone hear Rusty, how fucking loud was Rusty talking, how did people know who Rusty was referring to, why is the concept that a dude does ballet so shocking, especially when you'd think that the fact that he's the antichrist is more shocking? Like... am I just having a fucking stroke right now?
Oh, and remember how I mentioned how Damian is treated like a child in this story? Remember how Damian is a teenager, and in other words, a minor? So, apparently, not only do we learn that Damian once got a boner but his father spanking him, but apparently Styx, an adult, has had sex with Damian on multiple occasions. And yes, this info is revealed in throwaway lines. If you listen closely, you can faintly make out the sound of someone screaming "FBI, OPEN UP!"
Granted, TDL was a teen at the time of writing this, so no big whoop on their part. Still doesn't make this any less creepy.
Oh yeah, and Damian fucking dies at the end except he doesn't because plot twist, bitch! We were reading a Steven Universe fanfiction the entire time! Ok, no, this is actually another Headcanon by TDL, but st this rate, between the Headcanons which anyone who doesn't know TDL would be confused by and the characters acting weirdly, I am honestly having trouble saying for sure if this fic takes place in the comic's setting, or in some type of AU.
For brevity's sake, I'll just go over the last two chapters. Tldr, Damian is fine, Lucifer gets Kayla expelled, Kayla get tortured, Lucifer is super happy with himself, and everyone lives happily ever after.
If I had to sum up my feelings on this story, the first half for me is a mixed bag. It has its' glaring problems, but the humor and writing style make the fic endearing and enjoyable. If the story ended at "the Date ", I would have thoroughly enjoyed it. But then everything just kind of falls off the rails. Stuff happens because... well I guess just because. We get an unintentionally creepy ending to an otherwise wholesome trip, and the Headcanons included here are put in so randomly with no explanation that I can only imagine what someone who didn't have any context to them would say.
The thing is, I think that this fic actually gives a good example of a lot of problems beginners have. I'm certain that TDL nowadays could write a better story, and they certainly have potential. Hell, if one were to fix a few things in here, this fic would be a lot better.
Still, I hope that this review gives you at least a couple ideas of what to look for in some of your own stories. Also, feel free to tell me what you think.
I apologize for wasting your time.
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captainkirkk · 6 years
ok so. so so so. this will be a long message, because frick on a stick there is so much i want to tell you and thank you for. so brace yoself: i read history has its eyes on you only yesterday, but i've been desparately rereading it ever since, almost non-stop, because holy macaroni if this fic ain't one of the most perfect stories these tired eyes have ever seen. i love SO MANY THINGS i'm not sure where to even start, gosh. okay. okay. let's start at the beginning. (1/?)
WEEPS. You sent me A DOZEN messages, bless you? And thank you!!!
This ask and my response got long, so I’m putting it under the cut. There’s a bunch of headcanons about the ‘see it all in bloom’ universe in here, so if you’re interested, keep reading. 
your headcanons regarding class 3-a’s rise to fame/the july attacks/deku’s leap in the limelight as future number one, i adore it all. it makes sense, it’s exciting even if we don’t get to see it on the page word-for-word/in real time, and it’s inspiring too! but most of all, it fits them all so well – they deserve to be written as great heroes and i’m beyond happy you gave that to them in your story – to ALL of them, including shinsou. cookies for you. (2/?)
secondly, the rankings you picked for them – deku as no.1 of course, and katsuki ACTUALLY BEING CONTENT WITH SECOND PLACE, EFF YEAH! and shouto at no.4, holding neither all might’s nor his father’s former ranks, i appreciate the heck out of this. just… all the kids becoming awesome heroes and having wonderful, fulfilling careers just like they’ve always wanted, i’m here for this and i’m here to STAY. (3/?)
thirdly, katsuki’s character. i will be the first person in this fandom to admit my intense dislike of him, but you’ve written him in exactly the way i’ve always wanted him to turn out – significantly less jaded, noticeably more humble (and sane…), actively working to correct the mistakes of his past by becoming an advocate for quirkless kids and participating in anti-bullying campaigns (as an ex bully-victim, reading this made me want to kiss you) with deku, that felt sweet on the soul (4/?)
and also being married to kirishima, of course. DUH. speaking of which, the ships! THE SHIPS! ALL. MY. FAVOURITE. SHIPS. they were all there, they all got attention, and i love you all the more for it. tododeku especially. i just love how tenderly yet comfortably they were written. in my mind, they’ve always felt like the couple that will get the happily-ever-after kind of romance, like two souls mated in a fairy tale come to life. and they, above all others, deserve that everlasting joy (5/?)
and the parts with toshinoti, how he’s dealing with his new(-ish?) lifestyle and the world is spinning on without him, but also taking care of him, because he’s more than earned it – how all his former friends and students have become family to him and are so eager to remain an active part of his life, how he helps bakugou with teaching (for dummies ;P) and is so painfully proud of deku, it was all so deeply touching and heartwarming, i loved every single one of his scenes to bits! (6/?)
the writing was wonderful forma purely technical point as well: there were some typos but nothing serious, and it all flowed quickly yet smoothly – you stylde felt simple and dynamic, but also somehow profound, perhaps precisely because of its simplicity. i still can’t put my finger on it. i just know i loved it. your ocs were a great addition too! their personalities felt distinct and they left good impressions without overstaying their welcome in a class 3-a-centred story, top job! (7/?)
the whole domestic feel of the fic was wonderful as well! it felt like a true slice-of-life piece, even though the lives in question are filled with action and danger. you captured the nature of the balance between working your (adventurous and stardom-speckled) dream job and living your private life/spending quality off-time with friends very accurately. the final excerpt (the description of the photo) left a sweetly nostalgic sense buzzing in my chest. just… thank you for this story. (8/?)
and now that i’m done singing your praises, time for the payback! i adore this verse, and therefore i naturally have questions. first and most importantly, the tododeku relationship development. could you tell me when and how they got together in this verse, how that whole tidbit with suing endeavour went, and when and how exactly they got engaged? i assume it’s in the 5 months leading up to the reunion, but details please? future wedding details too? give me ALL THE DETAILS. (9/?)
then, ranking details! we know deku’s no.1, bakugou’s no.2, and shouto’s no.4, but the fic mentions the class currently has 6 members in the top 10. who are the rest, and who’s the number 3 hero? please tell me it’s momo. PLEASE. also, have their ranks changed since the time they graduated, or have they remained the same for the last 7 years (i.e. deku’s always been no.1 ever since he entered the ranklist, shouto’s always been no.4, etc.)? and what’s shinsou’s rank? (10/?)
what about teaching details? where’s nedzu if aizawa’s principle? is shinsou a part-time teacher or a guest lecturer? does bakugou now do teaching full time, or does he only do homeroom for one class and keeps hero-ing in the meantime? will he even remain in the ranklist if he stops fighting villains? will he even care? and on a less-related note, are bakushima the only married couple? and when did they get married? was deku best man? my shameless curiosity demands to know everything (11/?)
finally, in case i haven’t tormented you enough, i wanted to ask, how do you envision our heroes’ futures? we know they’re only 25 in the story, and tododeku are about to soon get married. and bakushima are married already, bakugou’s switching careers, yada yada. but if you had to plot a course for the rest of class 3-a’s lives, what would it look like? all might mentioned grandchildren, but would tododeku want that? and where even was/is kouda in this entire fic? xDDD thank you!!! (12/12)
Again: thanks for the comments! I’m so glad you enjoyed this.
The next ‘in bloom’ instalment will focus on Bakugou becoming involved in anti-bullying campaigns. I’m with you, Bakugou makes me very uncomfortable in canon, but occasionally we get these glimpses of character development (esp in the manga), and I just needed to bring that out and expand on it. 
And there will always be typos in my work, unfortunately. I don’t have a beta, and I’m a dumb-ass who always misses my errors. I do my best, but I am only human.
I won’t give you all the details (partly because I don’t have this universe entirely mapped out yet), but you can have some answers:
TodoDeku have a long engagement. They were engaged before we see them in ‘history…’ actually. They’re in no rush, and are very busy with their work lives, and are enjoying the blissfully engaged lifestyle. They’ve been engaged for about a year, and they have some vague plans, but nothing concrete. At the moment, they’re debating the merits of getting married somewhere private in the city vs. getting married on Toshinori’s estate. I’m not sure which one will win out. 
Their rankings have changed A LOT! When he officially entered the rankings when he was 19, Deku only ended up no. 20, because it had been over a year since the July Attacks, and he hasn’t actually done much since then, being busy with exams/graduating/entering a hero agency. A lot of people were upset by this, but it didn’t bother Deku. He was ecstatic to scrap into the Top 20 as it was.
Sorry, no. 3 belongs to Inasa (from the manga). The top 10 has changed a lot, too. There’s actually seven 1a heroes in the top 10 - Uravity was No. 11 but got a jump in popularity recently. In order: Deku, Detonation, Gale (Inasa), Polarise, unnamed number 5, Creati, Red Riot, Ingenium, an unnamed number 9, and Uravity. 
Shinsou is rankless. He’s an underground hero, and I headcanon that those types of heroes are not typically assigned ranks.
Shinsou has his own role at UA. He does a bunch of stuff: watches the entrance exams, works with some of the Gen. Ed kids, oversees possible transfers between courses, and does guest lectures. Aizawa gives him a lot of independent power.
Bakugou co-teaches Class 1-B. He occasionally guest lecturers other classes (like how Thirteen worked one-off with 1-A during the USJ attack). He has enough time to do hero work too, but he has a less intense work-load now that he’s also teaching.
Kirishima and Bakugou are the only married couple at the moment. They got married when they were 23, before TodoDeku had gotten engaged. They were the first couple to start dating in high school, too. They just … clicked, and never looked back.
Do you mean Kouda or Kouta? Kouda is probably off running a rescue animal shelter while doing minor hero work, too. Kouta is doing amateur film work and arguing with classmates when they don’t believe that he knows pro heroes irl.
I almost wrote Jirou and Momo announcing their engagement at the reunion, but at that point, I had been writing the fic for months, and I needed to upload it before I combusted. So. Yeah. They get engaged around the end of the fic.
I haven’t thought too hard about kids but … I can’t get the image of Kiri/Baku adopting an orphaned girl when they’re in their 30s, and Bakugou ringing up Midoriya to ask him to be the godfather, and Midoriya CRYING FOR HOURS. HOURS. He catches the train over at like 11pm, still in his pjs, still crying, and all over twitter there’s pics of Deku crying into a phone, sparking all kinds of terrible rumours, until he uploads a photo of him cradling his goddaughter in his arms a few hours later. 
I also have more headcanons in my history verse tag, if you’re curious. Thanks again!
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slamsams-blog · 4 years
You Only Live Twice - #24WeeksofBond
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This weeks installment in the 24 Weeks of Bond marathon continues with 1967′s “You Only Live Twice” where Bond DIES....then comes BACK TO LIFE...then becomes JAPANESE...then has a WAR INSIDE A VOLCANO.  If someone who hadn’t seen this movie was given that description of this film, that person would’ve dropped everything that they had in that moment and found a way to see this movie.  While that description makes this movie sound like a great cinematic experience, it ultimately falls flat with every bit of the plot being rushed to hell.  But that’s just my opinion, read on and see if you agree.
Sean Connery is back for the 5th time as Bond, and only because the producers agreed to bump his salary considerably.  Sean was getting tired of the grind that came with Bond and was having a hard time finding other film work with the hectic schedule of filming and promoting...(life sure must’ve been tough, eye roll.)  But they showed him the money, and with it, we get a checked out Sean Connery on a mission to find out who is causing chaos in outer orbit?
Let’s start with some positives...the pre-title sequence is fun.  We start out with a couple of American astronauts in space, and one of them goes out to check to make sure everything is working fine, but we see a mysterious spacecraft approaching undetected until it’s too late and swallows up the Americans, but in doing so, cuts the said astronauts lifeline.  That scene always made me cringe as a kid.  Then we see the American’s blaming Russia for the abduction, but Britain disagrees and think they saw something coming out of Japan.  Cut to Bond in bed with a lovely young lady...(who makes a quiet cameo in Daniel Craig’s Casino Royale).  She surprises Bond and traps him with the fold up bed they were sleeping on for some evil bad guys to open fire, KILLING JAMES BOND.  I mean, there was blood and everything!!!
I must admit, they got me with this when I first saw this movie.  I was legitimately shocked and sad when I saw this.  I thought to myself “how can this be??”...well, turns out it was all a stunt to fake his own death so his enemies all write him off - giving MI6 a little breathing room for Bond to do his job.
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The job is to figure out where this unidentified spacecraft is coming from.  M has intel that there was some fishy stuff going on in Japan, so that’s where Bond is sent with the code “I love you” for his contacts to identify him.  Basic, but humorous. Moneypenny gets a great line out of it, “repeat it please, so I know you have it”. Bond gets to Japan where he meets Aki (Akiko Wakabayashi) who is NOT his contact, but will be bringing him to his contact who is Mr. Henderson (Charles Gray).  This is sort of a wasted role for Charles Gray.  A very brief conversation with Henderson ends with him getting stabbed in the back through his paper walls.
Bond catches the guy, kills him, steals his clothes and goes to the get-away car that is being driven by none other than Peter Maivia.  Who is Peter Maivia you ask?  Well he is the father of Ata Maivia, who had a son who would go on to become THE ROCK.  Yes, Peter Maivia is Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s Grandfather.  No wonder Bond has a rough time handling this one. The Rock has said before that he would love to land a Bond Villain role one day.  Maybe to avenge his grand daddy?
Aki bails Bond out by getting him out of harms way after taking out Peter Maivia and stealing some documents from a chemical facility and she takes him to Tanaka (Tetsurō Tamba) who works for the Japanese secret service.  I would love it if my office had a slide attached to it.  Bond and Tanaka talk business over Sake at 98.4 degrees fahrenheit, then what follows next is a rather uncomfortable scene that really doesn’t age well.
Tanaka takes Bond to his personal spa where his massage and bathing slaves wash them both while Tanaka says “In Japan, men come first - women come second.”  ugh, some things about Bond that make you wish you could forget.  We also get close to seeing Connery’s junk.  If you look close enough while Bond is in his hot tub you can really see pretty far down through the water...not that I was looking...ok I was, I do every time. 
But now suddenly, Aki joins the party taking over for the girl who was giving Bond a massage and she acts like they have been long lost lovers - whispering sweet nothings, and kissing his ear as he turns around and yells AKI, longingly.  I’m sorry, when did they suddenly fall for each other?  This is a very rushed relationship, we don’t have any time to get to know Aki before we are supposed to accept her as Bond’s love interest.  Have I mentioned this movie was written by the man who wrote Matilda, and James and the Giant Peach??  Roald Dahl, swings in and writes the screen play after having no screen play writing experience.  Apparently he and Ian Fleming were buds.
Anyway, there seems to be a lot of danger surrounding this chemical facility as the document Bond stole said that a picture of this boat had been taken by a tourist, and that the tourist was liquified.  Bond goes sniffing, enlists the help of trusty ole Q and his “Little Nelly” toy helicopter with missiles and flies by the coast of where the boat in the picture was at.  But one simply cannot go to the coast as an englishman, no no.  In order to get there, Bond MUST become a Japanese ninja who has a wife and goes undercover as a poor worker.
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Enter Kissy Suzuki (Mie Hama) who is another Japanese agent, picked to pretend marry Bond who is made up as the worst looking Japanese man ever.  Seriously, this is just so goofy and ridiculous where it really takes away from the movie.  Aki ends up getting poisoned accidentally and Bond has a hard time giving a crap about it.  Thank you for your service Aki.  But Bond now has to find where this spacecraft is coming from and fast, otherwise it’ll be Bond’s ass.
Kissy says there was something going on with the volcano.  So they go hiking and discover that that is where the spacecraft is coming from.  Man, Blofeld has an impressive collection of headquarters and hide outs.  You have to wonder how long it took Blofeld to construct this volcano lair, it is very impressive.
Bond gets to work infiltrating the volcano while Tanaka sends his ninjas, and now we have a war.
This is the first time we get to see Blofeld’s (Donald Pleasence) face and also the first time we get Blofeld as the main henchman.  In the previous movies Blofeld was just a voice and a cat who deployed his empire to be the Bond villains, but Blofeld is alone here with only Hans, Mr. Osato, and Helga Brant as his backup.  Not exactly the “A” team.  After a pretty intense battle, Bond manages to destroy the Spacecraft, sent out to create a world war between America and Russia, and escapes...mission complete.
While “You Only Live Twice” has it’s moments - The pre-title sequence, the Volcano fight, and the Peter Maivia easter egg.  “You Only Live Twice” is a rather forgettable film in the series.  Connery had enjoyed incredible success in his first 4 films, and even this movie was touted as a major success when it opened - but this just comes up short in flavor and substance.  The whole movie is just about Bond looking for the spacecraft in Japan, and running into all sorts of vanilla characters along the way, making me have to think twice about watching this again. (pun intended, unfortunately).
Connery would exit the franchise after this film to be replaced by George Lazenby, but after George decides to walk, Connery will come back again for one more film - but you can definitely see the writing on the wall for Connery here.  You Only Live Twice is at best, a passable Bond film that lacks depth and void of any creative passion, but gets by because it’s a Bond movie.  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it, what did you think?  Let me know!
Reviews from Friends:
Jake Benrud
I enjoyed this movie. Although the spaceship "eating" the other spaceships was comical by today's special effects standards. Watch out for the piranha pool. I've always enjoyed this theme song. I don't know why. It always gets stuck in my head.
24 Weeks of Bond will return next Monday with - 
For Your Eyes Only
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