#like reeeeaally long post
Ok so I was responding to @freetown-vanth's post about Tarka but I realized real quick that I was gonna end up with another character analysis essay lol.
Warning: spoilers for episodes 10-12 of Star Trek Discovery season 4.
I apologize in advance for this epically long character essay. I genuinely miss doing character analyses and drawing parallels between character arcs....
I don't typically like asshole characters -- I didn't even like Paul in the first 4-5 episodes of season 1 tbh -- and I rarely, if ever, like antagonists. While I occasionally enjoy truly evil characters as much as the next person, I've never really cared for villains with a tragic backstory™; I've never found them to be particularly interesting or their motives to be compelling. Every now and again, however, show runners will write an antagonist that resonates with me. Sometimes they're written as grey antiheroes, other times as foils to the protagonist(s). There's always something about them, however, that resonates within a deep part of my soul-- something in their motives that I can relate to. These are the sorts of characters that I find most interesting -- they're like mirrors, reflecting back those parts of ourselves that we'd rather not analyze because they frighten us. Frank Castle is one of those characters to me and is usually one of the first ones that always comes to mind.
The writers of Discovery have now given me two more characters like this: Georgiou and Tarka. In a way I think they're actually foils to each other. Or possibly mirrors. Either way, when you set Georgiou, Tarka, and, surprisingly, Book next to each other you end up with a very compelling take on the importance of connection and community.
Let's start with Book: Book starts as an antagonist in s3 -- and when I say antagonist I simply mean he's a character that is at odds with and challenges the protagonist -- in this case, Michael. He's a complex character in that he has a code of honor that he follows and trust in his fellow couriers while also not being above manipulation and trickery to get what he needs. To Michael, at first, he comes across as a gruff, abrasive lone wolf type and only out for himself. And he is, because that's what he's had to be in order to survive in the galaxy he lives in. He's quite different from anyone Michael has known before and he ends up complimenting her beautifully -- they balance each other and which allows them to grow as they challenge each other to become their best selves. This is why, in episode 12 of season 4, Book is able to not only see reason when Reno is talking to him but also follow through on her pleas for him to put an end to the madness he has found himself caught up in. Book is in unimaginable emotional pain and experiencing the intense grief that has come with the literal destruction of his home world. But he's not alone. He has Michael and the crew he's come to call his friends. He has something to hold on to for stability and support. And it's this support that allows him to finally see sense.
Now let's look at Georgiou. I have absolutely loved watching her grow and develop into the incredibly complex character that she becomes by the end of season 3. While she isn't in season 4, I think she's still important to analyze here. Georgiou starts off alone. Yes, she is emperor but she is very very much on her own. Trust anyone, including her daughter, and she runs the risk of being stabbed in the back. She simultaneously has everything and nothing. She's sharp and cutting and horribly cruel and everything her prime'verse counterpart was not. And she had to be that way because in the mirror'verse, to be anything but that means a painful and bloody death. Once she begins to work alongside the crew of the Discovery, alongside Michael, it becomes quickly apparent that the cruelty and bravado is merely a mask and the longer she's with them the less it fits her. She never becomes prime!Georgiou because she's her own person and has been shaped by experiences and relationships in ways that prime!Georgiou could never have imagined. But she does become softer... More kind, in some ways (though certainly not nice!) and as Dr Burnham says in season 2, she becomes the kind of person that would put her life down for others, Michael in particular. She forms such strong bonds with the crew of the Discovery that she attempts to fix all that is wrong with her life in the mirror'verse when given the chance.
Finally, we get to the character I started this post for: Tarka. I've said it before but it's important to say it again here: Tarka has had no one for most of his life. We know nothing of his childhood on Risa, only that he never felt like he fit in anywhere. He was enslaved for an unknown amount of time but spent at least five of those years in isolation. When he is taken to help Oros, he rats him out, believing doing so would lead to his own freedom; it doesn't even occur to him that he could grow to like Oros at this point, let alone love him. And I genuinely believe that he believed that the Syndicate would forget what he told them, especially as the years kept going by and his unwitting betrayal led to nothing. He genuinely believed that they were getting out of there and I don't think he even realized what was happening until the power was cut and their room was stormed. And then Oros forgives him and begs him to run and he does. He runs and he leaves Oros behind -- the one person he cared about and who cared for him in return. And then he loses him. He spends the next half decade with the sole purpose of following through with his promise and finding his way back to Oros. That promise becomes the only tether he has. It's the only thing keeping him going, year after year. Cause I don't doubt that the only reason he works on the new spore drive is because of the slight hope he may find his way to Oros through the network. But then the DMA turns up and ofc he goes after that. Ofc he leans on Book's pain and manipulates him into helping him; he knows exactly what it feels like to lose everything that is important to you and how it makes you utterly vulnerable and willing to do whatever it takes in an attempt to fill that giant, gaping hole in your chest. His bravado and self importance is merely a cover for his pain and grief -- it has a duel purpose: a shield he has built up since losing Oros and a barrier between himself and anyone else. Keep others at arms length, push their buttons and make them hate him as much as he hates himself. And each time he fails at getting closer to Oros, each time something or someone gets in his way, he becomes more desperate. This promise is all he's got left and there's nothing left to lose. It makes the tough calls "easier" to make because if he makes it to the other universe, well, he won't have to deal with what's left in his wake, will he? And I think he does come to consider Book a friend. I think he does genuinely care for him. Unfortunately, Tarka can't see how betraying Book and calling Book his friend don't line up. He betrayed the only person he loved and was loved by in return, after all. Betraying Book is easy. I don't think he went in knowing that destroying the hyperfield and DMA would lead to the destruction of the Discovery, the 10-C, and Earth and Nivar. His expression of surprise is genuine when he sees the results of his calculations, though whether he has actually considered the implications of those results is on the table. Because following through with his plan will get him killed too. And he either knows this and doesn't care or he refuses to think about it. Tbh I think he's lost hope that he'll be able to get to see Oros again and the pain is so great that meeting his own end is more preferable to facing it, regardless of all the others that will follow him.
So we have Book, a man who had what he needed to survive, who finds someone, loses his home, but still has people to anchor him and bring him back down to reality when he loses himself to grief.
We have Georgiou, a woman who had everything and no one, who loses her title and her universe but gains a family that grounds her and allows her to start shedding the sharp facade she's worn her entire life.
And we have Tarka, a man who had nothing and no one until he found someone, only to lose him and then keep losing him while never forming proper connections with others. He has no anchor. He has nothing to keep him steady and he's going to get everyone killed because of it.
The tragedy of Tarka's story illustrates the importance of trust and relationships and connection. Had he asked for help, had he trusted Book and Michael and Paul, had he made an effort to make connections rather than actively push people away... He might have actually had a chance to get to Oros after all. Now tho... I just don't know. I don't want the season to end with him sacrificing himself to save everyone else. I want him to have a chance at growth. Not as part of a redemption arc or anything like that but because I think it's important to show that it's possible to grow and make a better life for yourself even when you aren't seeking redemption of any kind. I don't know how to properly end this essay length post... But I guess I'll end it by saying I hope Tarka has a chance and I hope it's the 10-C that give it to him.
Why have a new alien species capable of strong empathy and who communicate via emotions coded in hydrocarbons...and two characters drowning in their own pain and grief... And not use one to help the others and ease their suffering? I have to have hope that Trek will give us that.
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ticklygiggles · 3 years
Hewwo may I get Albether for the ask meme 🥺
You may, good citizen 🥺🥺🥺
1. Who has the cutest tickle laugh?
DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE, I say both, both are so so cute!
Aether's laugh is bright and just slightly hiccupy and so bubbly!
Albedo's is light, but bubbly and it makes everyone's cheeks go pink 🥺
2. Who is ticklish in unusual places and where would that be?
IT'S MY TIME to throw this hc that probably has been posted before but I haven't seen:
Idk what's that star thingy Albedo has in his throat, but, if it's part of him, then that spot is reeeeaally ticklish to soft nibbles and kissies 🥺🥺🥺
Aether's is ticklish pretty much everywhere, so if I have to come up with an unusual place that'd beeee his fingers 🥺🥺 Albedo likes to trace then so gently to hear Aether giggle!
3. Who gets cheer-up tickles?
I think they both do, but mostly Aether!
He misses Lumine so much 😔 he sometimes misses his previous life and his wings and just over all everything! So Albedo is there to cuddle him and lightly tickle him to relax and help him light his mood a little bit. "Everything will be alright. I'll be with you supporting you and taking care of you for as long as you want me to." 😭
Albedo also sometimes gets sad thinking about his master, so of course Aether is also with him to light up his mood a little bit, "You've learned so many things on your own, you've met many people that love you. I bet she'd be really proud." *Cries profusely*
4. Who takes advantage of the other one getting their arms stuck while taking off their shirt?
Albedo, huhu~ he just can't resist, BESIDES, Aether is always exposing himself with his crop top so might as well~
Aether also sometimes takes advantage, but Albedo turns the tables on him too quickly xD
5. How did they discover each other’s ticklishness?
One day Aether and Paimon went to visit Albedo, he was a little busy and told them to relax a bit while he worked, a few minutes later he heard loud and rather cute laugh, so he looked over at them and found Paimon tickling poor Aether!
When they had some alone time, Albedo just had to try that discovery out!
Aether found out because he wanted to have his revenge! Albedo thought he wasn't ticklish because Klee had tried to tickle him and he didn't have a reaction, but when Aether squeezed his ribs and Albedo shrieked out a laugh, he knew he was so very wrong!
6. Who can’t take tickle bites?
Albedo can't take them in his star thingy, ribs and just over all his neck!
Aether can't take them anywhere xD
7. Who has to be tickle-forced out of bed in the morning?
Aether! Albedo is an early raiser, he doesn't sleep much either, but Aether loves to cuddle and even though Albedo wants to stay in, he also needs to do a few things an Aether told him he needed some violet grass the night before, so of course he has to get his cute Aether out of bed~
8. Who gives up in a tickle fight?
Albedo does! Aether is used to being ticklish and tickled and he also has stamina, but Albedo is still getting used to the sensation, so he gives up rather quickly 💕
9. Who is in danger of getting hurt when attacking the other?
Aether, Albedo really kicks when you're ticklish his worst spot!
10. Who always provokes the other into tickling them and how?
They don't exactly provoke each other, but Albedo says that Aether is just begging to be tickled when he's being a little annoying (which only happens when Albedo is overworking and Aether wants some attention, hehe)
[Send your OTP and I'll answer these questions~]
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samslosthoe · 4 years
astrology of j2 and wives, Ackles edition.
This is an interesting one. I expected to be a little thrown off by it in one way or another, and you should get why if you read my whining about Jensen’s Pisces. This isn’t one of those relationships where you look from the outside and kind of understand it. I will say that I expected fewer positives than I did wind up seeing, though that’s to do with my own personal biases (about Pisces in relationships as well as D herself) and not the actual compatibility of the chart.
I want to point out that before I do these deep-dives, I don't really look at the charts beforehand. Anything I said before I actually look has been an assumption on my part, based on what I already knew. For instance, I didn't know a thing about Danneel's full chart before doing this and based most of my assumptions on her sun sign and what I know about Jensen's chart. Also, as I go on and do more of these, I get better. The first ones were experiments, and as I gather more information, I have more to say and consider. So I may revisit the original posts and add on later.
So, let's take a look at the Ackles' chart.
For the first go-around of these, I want to say that I'm looking at the charts at face-value. What I mean is that we're putting the tin hat aside and analyzing the chart as if it were the relationship we've been presented with. I may or may not go back later and put said hat on to analyze it that way.
This time, we're gonna start with the positive aspects.
Not unlike the Pads, these two have serious sexual chemistry. It comes up a lot in this chart but isn't all that the relationship is hinged on, unlike said Pads. Since their attraction shows itself in multiple ways, there's also a level of danger with this passion, meaning that when it blows up, it blows up in a big way. This is absolutely common among people with a connection like this--big fights and big sex. I don't find this at all surprising.
What did come as a surprise was that this chart indicates that they tend to lift each other up creatively and they work on joint projects together well. It shouldn't have surprised me, considering that there is evidence to support this, though it is argued amongst the more critical fans how much involvement these two have in the Family Business Beer co. At face value, if you take what they tell us and what they say to the media, the two of them clearly created something that works well and is profitable. The nuance is a discussion for another time, but on paper, this checks out.
Let's touch on some gray areas. I'm the kind of person that takes a basic chart like this one and adds in the situations of reality and tries to make sense of it. In the positive column, it mentions that if they have children, they'll have a happy childhood, and there's a reason why I personally see it as gray.
This isn't a criticism of the couple's parenting; you're not gonna get that here from a childless, anonymous person on the internet. What I WILL say is that every child is different. This chart is saying that as parents, these two will be fun and fantastical, and that playtime comes easy. I think adding in the reality of Jensen being gone for so long, so much of their childhood, and this chart not accounting for the children's charts themselves, this isn't enough information to declare a "happy childhood." To add a bit of my personal bias here, my father is like SUPER dad, right? Well, when I was a child, he worked sooo much and I barely ever saw him. I wound up with plenty of issues surrounding that, despite my memories of actual time with my dad being amazing. Do you see why this is in the gray category?
I'm also gonna add that physical-based attraction in this gray area because many of the other aspects mention how this isn't an intellectually stimulating match. This may also be personal bias, hence the gray, but I don't think you can have a truly longlasting relationship based on physicality. Even when you're as hot as Jensen.
We're onto the challenging aspects of this pairing. This particular interaction in the chart follows up what I said in the previous paragraph: while the connection may be instant, it'll be difficult to maintain. These two people are bound to grow apart unless it's something addressed between them. If they're not careful to check-in with each other, they're likely to wind up with nothing in common anymore.
This next bit really intrigued me and I'm not putting my hat on, but if you know, you know. So here we have Venus square Neptune, which tells you that Jensen (Venus in this case) is very likely to misunderstand D, and he may wind up feeling like he is really the only one in love in this pairing. It says that D may be unfaithful or feel like she has to lie to keep Jensen happy and that Jensen may be seeing things with that romanticized view he has of the world, aka not what's really happening. This is a HUGE danger zone for them, and unless they have effective communication (spoiler: doesn't look like they do), this could be really awful.
We've got another challenge here with this next bit: criticism. If you read my Jensen chart, you'll know a Pisces is going to be reeeeaally sensitive to criticism. Well, they're both Pisces. And what happens when you feel criticized when you're very sensitive? You either lash out or close off. These two are likely to do the latter, which is honestly going to drive a bigger wedge between them than if they blew up in each other's faces. There's another aspect that links to this one in terms of problems, where Jensen will feel like Danneel finds his ideas bland and rigid and he'll find that hard to tolerate from his partner.
I find this next aspect really interesting, given that, as far as we know, Jensen is going to be more home-based after Supernatural unless he has a sneaky project up his sleeve we're not aware of yet. This aspect was taken care of when half of their marriage was spent apart, but if Jensen stays within the home as much as your "average" husband would, they may run into some problems. They're both independent spirits and may find each other very stifling if they spend too much time together.
So in general, what do I think? I think this one really depends on their communication and how hard they're willing to work on themselves to better fit each other. This is where the private nature of Pisces is screwing with my perception: there's just not enough information. And you know what? That's what they want. I really think they'd both hate this kind of analysis, probably for different reasons. The thing is, it's going to be hard enough for them to know what the other is thinking and feeling, and they're married, so I have very little odds of cracking this open when they probably struggle themselves.
Removed from these two, I find Pisces to not do well with another Pisces. It's a slippery mess of emotions and things unsaid but "I shouldn't have to say it, you should already know." Pisces needs someone to pull them out of themselves, to get them out of their heads and into the world so they don't wind up living in an inner prison. Putting them together just perpetuates that, like putting two drug addicts that don't want to quit together. They can bring out the worst in each other.
Pisces as friends? Sure. There will be a creative exchange, they'll have fun dressing up and showing out together, won't feel vulnerable together, and maybe have fun. But that's, in my opinion, an unfulfilling prospect of a relationship and marriage that's supposed to last a long time.
But I'm not a Pisces nor a psychic, so what do I know?
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excalisbury · 4 years
Get to know me better
Thank you for the tag @simonsnowsfreckles, @sharing-a-room-with-an-open-fire​, and @notcooltate​
Gender: probably a woman, but you never know.
Star sign: Taurus
Height: 5'8″
Hogwarts house: hhmmmm I wonder if you can guess 🤔🤔 what hogwarts house is Hufflepunky??? It’s a mystery we shall never know
Favourite animal: okay this may seem boring or cliche or something, but I reeeeaally fuckin love dogs. I love talking to ‘em and sitting with ‘em and petting ‘em and being friends with ‘em. I honestly cannot even express it. That said, Woolly Mammoths are also a great favorite of mine, which I feel should not need to explain.
Average hours of sleep: this era of my post-college life, I average like 6.5 hours a night, probably. A side effect of architecture school is that I know way too much about how well I function on exactly how little sleep tho, so I’m also just like leftover haunted by that sometimes.
Dogs or cats: well. You may be able to guess my answer based on the above^ when it all comes down to it, though, I also love cats a lot. Just not as wildly and maniacally as I love dogs.
Number of blankets I sleep with: 1 sheet and 1-4 blankets. I live somewhere mild enough that it’s acceptable to leave my bedroom windows open like 90% of the year and this requires a wide array of blanket warmness, which I solve with many layers of relatively thin blankets.
Dream job: Architect. I’m one of those lunatics that basically has their dream job :D That being said, I am not yet licensed to fully practice architecture, so still working on that.
When I created this blog: hahahahahhhhahahaa I have been here since 2012.... I joined pretty much in the middle of the michapocalypse. It’s a wonder I’ve stayed so long.
Follower count: uuuuuuh I think like 280?? Pretty sure at least half are bots or deactivated because I have been here too long for my own good.
How I came up with my url: It’s meant to be Teddy Lupin vibes from back when I was mostly a next gen harry potter blog but it’s also just very me, so.
I will tag uhhhhh @otherpeoplesheartachept-2, @cirriiwoods, @parijpg, @ravenpuff25, @im-default, @vintagecar-but-onfire, and @its-jilly-bitch
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headoverjojo · 5 years
You were expecting a random post but it was IT, THE THIRD PRIZE OF THE CONTEST!! Yeah I’m, UH, like reeeeaally late and I’m super super sorry for this ç.ç This work had been studded with a series of unfortunate events, like firstly I lost the first draft I handwrote and I still don’t know where the hell it is -bet it will pop up tomorrow. Bet it.- I cried for two days and then stared at the ceiling for more than two weeks, then various things irl BUT! I finally managed to write something that satisfies me -and you know that I never publish something that I don’t deem worthy, I mean, maybe in the end it’s not but this is another story- and SO! @kidgoober, my dear, I apologize again for the delay and I want to thank you for your immense patience!! I hope that this would be worth of the waiting! 
It’s a comforting scenario with Giornoxfem!reader. I suggest to listen to “You are enough” by Sleeping at Last, before or after the reading -and the EP “Atlas: Oceans” always by Sleeping at Last during the reading-. Here we go! :3
You’re enough
(words count: 1695)
In all your past relationships and friendships you always seeked especially two things: respect and honesty. And in Giorno you found both of them.
People were always surprised by how similar you were, in your mature and careful behaviour. How you carefully studied others, in order to know how to behave. Sometimes, people who didn’t know you thought you were just a fake person, ignoring how you were almost brutally honest with each other and your friends. Your behaviour wasn’t a fake one, but more a self-defence system.
In Giorno you found someone who could understand you for real. He knew the struggle of keeping just for himself a reply, he knew how heavy and poisonous were the anger and frustration you had to keep inside, again and again, ‘cause you “were in no position to properly reply”. He was just wholeheartedly grateful that your parents never did to you what his stepfather did to him. You were the last person in the world to deserve this and, oh god, in case he would have liked to have a “talk” with your parents.
That’s why he always did his best to make you feel comfortable to talk with him about everything and to reply to him as you liked. With you he felt understood and at ease; he could, for once, lower his walls and not think about every reaction, every word and action. It was… freedom. And he wanted you to feel the same.
Together, you made so many steps forward. Together, you found that respect and honesty, deep and sincere, you both had searched for so long. You were not just partners, but also best friends, allies, supporters. Thanks to your developed ability to read others’ emotions, you both could tell immediately if the other was upset and act consequently. That was what happened also that day. The right moment you entered home, Giorno needed just a look to see you were deeply upset.
After quickly checking his mental agenda, he grimaced. Oh… you said that you wanted to go to see your parents, that day. Your relationship with them, well… wasn’t the best of the world, but, from what you’ve said, it had improved considerably in the last years. However, some issues were still ongoing and your face said that those issues had resurfaced, during your visit.
He didn’t ask you how you were feeling. He didn’t fake ignorance or a smile, acting as it was all fine. He got up, leaving back every paper, and walked straight to you, simply hugging you, tightly, safely. His fingers gently rubbed your scalp, as you sank in his embrace, sighing in relief. No matter how bad the day had been, Giorno’s hugs had the power to lighten at least a bit the weight on your heart… they tasted like home.
“Want to talk about it?” he asked, kissing your temple. You sighed, closing your eyes, relishing a moment more in his warmth, before nodding. He led you to the couch, gently making you sit down, and then put on the stove some water for a good cup of tea.
After returning to you, he kissed your forehead, sitting near you and watching you with calm eyes, giving you the time to recollect your ideas. For long seconds just the soft noise of the boiling water kept breaking the silence in the room.
“My mother did it again.” you admitted, sighing. Giorno closed his eyes for a second. Of course…
“What did she say?” you huffed, fidgeting, before Giorno’s slender fingers came in the way, gently holding yours.
“The usual. She used me to rant about herself and inflate her ego. I had forgotten about one of my aunts’ birthday, not even one of my closest aunts, and I apologized for my bad memory. And she? She went on ranting about how forgetful I am, how instead she always had such a sharp mind when she was young… let’s say, how in general she was better than me in everything when she was my age.” you took a deep breath, after that long tirade, feeling empty. Giorno’s hands never left yours, not even for a second.
“And what do you think about what she said?” he asked, quietly. You shifted a bit, pouting, feeling at unease. What did you think about it…
“Well, maybe she was right. And, like, after that I told her to stop this, to inflate her ego using me to elevate herself and she seemed… hurt for real? And… and maybe I am the wrong one, not her, and that, well… maybe I’ll never be good enough to be at the same level as everyone else. Maybe I’m just too screwed up to be saved.” you muttered, bitterly. You heard Giorno shifting and immediately after you found his face in your vision range. His eyes were serious, as his expression, and it made him look older than his age.
“Don’t ever say it. You are enough, you are more than enough. Do you know how much they hurt you? And look at you. Look at how strong you are. Look at how gentle and sweet and wonderful you are. What you lived could have turned you into a monster, but it didn’t happen. Your will has been stronger and you emerged from that darkness. And even today you still work on yourself ‘cause you want to be a better person. I am so, so proud of you.” he said, with utter sincerity, gently stroking your cheeks. You blinked more times, to keep back few traitorous tears, before taking a deep breath. Enough…?
“But if I’m enough, if I’m… strong, as you said, then… why do I feel like this?- Giorno’s heart broke, hearing how lost your voice sounded. -Why do I feel so small, why her words always make me shrink down? It’s like… it’s like I’ve done not even one step forward. It’s like I’m still that scared child who learned to lie and read emotions in order not to be yelled at. I hadn’t grown.” you concluded, slumping on the back of the couch, your head low. It was so… you hadn’t grown. All those steps forward, all those progresses… all lost in a snap. What kind of progresses those had been, if they crumbled down at the first difficult? You wanted to cry, but your eyes were dry. Even they didn’t want to cooperate, it seemed…
“I have to disagree.” Giorno’s voice was strong and determined, as he gently picked your head up, his fingers under your chin, to stop you from lowering it again. His turquoise eyes stared into yours, firm, serious, but also so gentle, so understanding. He could understand at heart what you were feeling right now… You were similar, all in all. You both, under the shield you had to build to protect your heart, were scared of the world. But, oh… since the moment he met you, Giorno felt like the world wasn’t so scaring anymore. With you it was all better… and maybe it was worth to open up to the world. As long as he was with you, the world was a less scaring place.
“You’re just having a small setback. It’s normal, you’re still healing… there’s nothing bad in it. But this doesn’t delete anything good you have done in this period, it doesn’t delete your progresses. Even if now you feel small and not worthy… you aren’t. I can promise you, you absolutely aren’t unworthy and not enough. I know it hurts, now, that you don’t feel motivated to go on… but please, don’t let this stop you. You’re not alone, now… we’ll face it together, as we always did, ok? Those words will fade, as the pain they gave you. New, positive things will replace this pain. We’ll build new memories, together… we’ll build a happy life, as I promised you. It will be better, tesoro.” he gently pressed his forehead on yours, staring in your eyes. A faint, sincere smile colored his lips and soon was matched by one on yours. You couldn’t doubt Giorno, when he was speaking with such a heartbreaking sincerity. You placed your hands on his ones, softly stroking their back and relishing in their warmth, feeling protected, as even your self-doubt couldn’t do anything against Giorno’s light.
You sighed, feeling the weight on your heart lighter, at least a bit. All in all… if Giorno, the person who more than anyone else understood you at heart, thought that you could do it, that you were strong and worth enough to achieve the happiness you deserve, then… then maybe it was so. Giorno wouldn’t ever have lied to you, even if the truth he had to say was ugly and painful. He wasn’t the type. Everything he said to you was exactly what he thought. And, well… this meant that he really thought what was saying to you.
His words slowly sank in you, as small drops of light, slowly chasing away the dark gloominess that had darkened everything you were seeing. You were enough. You were worth it. You will have make through it. You were strong. And you weren’t alone.
“Thank you, Gio.” your smile was more confident, now, and it made Giorno’s heart flip in happiness. He smiled back at you, one of his rare but, oh, so beautiful full bright smiles, and softly kissed you.
“I’m proud of you.” he repeated, sweetly, before getting up and going to take off the stove the kettle.
“Would you like a cup of tea?” you smiled, turning to watch him, leaning on the back of the couch. A rush of affection ran into your veins, as you were watching his elegant profile, focused on the tea bags and hot water, his golden hair… your Giorno, who made so many steps forward, just as you. He was proud of you, but you were so, so proud of him too, of all the progresses he managed to do in that period.
“I’d love it.” you fondly smiled at him, waiting for him. He was right… together you could do it.
Together you were unstoppable.
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froggggggggggg · 5 years
what are ur thoughts on the chimera ant arc! :-)
*reigen wiping sweat off pic* OK i reacted to my friend while watching that arc so this is gonna be reeeeaally long tw for p*lm mention and inc*st mention (and other CA stuff obvs)
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like many others on their first watch, my initial reaction was What The Fuck Is This The Same Show
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then that supposed-to-be-offhand comment i just O_O not to mention the sister and brother w the darts i didnt like episode. too long so i told my sister just to skip thru it (and other parts ofc)
so i was not enjoying this arc at first
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the koala was so funny though…. clown shoes…
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MAN that was a strong move on togashi’s part… taking these familiar characters from the first arc and brutally killing them. it really shatters the audience’s sense of safety and you’re left thinking oh Shit. so this is how it’s gonna be and u worry for the main characters.. like who’s gonna die next?
so yeah killing kite was that was times a bunch more because WOW gon’s like we’re gonna save him! and then cut to pitou holding his head damn
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then we have….that scene…. 🤧🤧🤧before i saw a gifset of hunterpedia including the one where killua kisses gon and i sent to to my friend asking him if it is canon??? and he just said watch the show………………… the answer is not explicitly said but Basically (but u know that already)
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i missed them :-( also wow.. baseball kurapika..
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:,((((((( cried a lot this arc
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there we go! i finally started liking it, since it gets less gorey post ant queen death
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this was just in response to a gon in the manga post …… still feel this
also i guess i saw the leorio swinging gon around (from hospital) post too early so all i said was 
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aight p*lm/pedo activity
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ok i hate them both of course but probably now h*soka bc he’s still in the fucking story……… (i hope palm doesnt come back :( )
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she didn’t die and i was so disappointed
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ok so anyways. ok i cried at komugi n mereum dying but more at reina reuniting w her mom…. and her asking um. crayfish dude to stay that shit HURTED. i dont have a reaction to gon san i was probably too sad. i was like oh my god???? gon?? hello? and then i cried because………..whadda the fuck. actually i saw a mcelroys boy compilation audio paired w hxh and i saw spoilers (oops) of gon san and i thought he might actually stay an adult so i was very scared abt that
this post is already too long but um. CA very well written ……….. all i can say is parallels lmao but it’s true. love pitou! hate pouf he was so annoying. that um. scene where youpi and pouf restore mereum was uncomfortable and bad. ALSO oh my god i didnt notice this until i was rewatching it with my sis but she pointed out the pompompurin hat wearing ant was derived from ponzu.. holy shit….
and im inch rested to see how the events in the CA arc will influence the current arc (pariston w his 5000 ca soldiers or some shit. i will reread DC arc for the third time while on my first time manga read)
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perxyweasley · 7 years
Edit/Aesthetic Tag
Sooo I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for a while, so I hope this hasn’t been done before. Basically answer the questions about your aesthetics, edits, moodboards etc. then tag 10 people
1. First Edit? It was a reeeeaally bad Ginny Weasley one. I tried, but I hadn’t really found my flow at the time, so it didn’t turn out great. 2. Favourite Edit It’s actually quite a recent one. It’s a Percy Weasley one that I’d originally queued it(it was meant to be posted exactly 24hrs after my Millicent Bulstrode one) but I loved it to much to wait. 3. Edit with most notes? Until this morning it had been my Tom Riddle with around 170 notes, but the Teddy Lupin one has over taken it. I’m quite surprised because I didn’t think it was that great compared to some of my other ones. 4. Edit you spent the most time on? Probably the Lucy Weasley one or a currently unposted one of Dominique. 5. What styles inspire your edits? I really like the minimalist sort of edits, where its a single picture or item in the centre, with a white or off white background. I think the inspiration is quite obvious in a lot of my edits. I also really like the gif ones, with the little doodles. Those are really cute, and I’ve been playing around with the style recently. 6. How do you make your edits? First, I go onto Pinterest and make a board for that person. I try to get about 15 pins upwards on the board before I start to actually pick out pics to use. Once I’ve picked out 9 pics to use in my edits I edit them on instagram (see, no special software.) If I’m making a gif edit, I’ll draw on the photo using Skitch then make it into a gif on ImgPlay. 7. Edit that got more notes than you expected? Lavender Brown definitely. I thought, since she isn’t as important as some other characters she’d get less notes, but I was wrong. I really like the edit though to be honest. 8. Edit that got less notes than expected? James Potter. I really liked that one, and I thought it would have got more notes than it did, but I don’t think it’s touched 10 yet. 9. Any edits you wish you hadn’t made? I suppose I can look at them like a learning curve, but my Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood and Pansy Parkinson ones just don’t look very good. I want to do edits for all of those characters now I’ve got more of a grip on things, but I don’t really want to have duplicate edits of characters. 10. Finally, how long have you been making edits? About a month I guess?? I started just before Easter, because it was the last week of the Easter holidays
I tag @katie-bell @jilyrious @jilys @rosevtyler @herniones @parvati-patil @chovchang @septimvsmalfoy @dorcqs @cedrjcdiggory
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