#Journey to June
nativeyoga · 8 months
Wendy Posillico - The Power of Mindset and Embracing Your Uniqueness
Listen to Podcast for FREE here Wendy Posillico is a Performance Mindset Coach and former professional golfer. She is the founder of Live Your June and the host of the Journey to June podcast. Wendy is passionate about helping individuals discover their true potential and live a life aligned with their values and passions.Visit Wendy on her website: https://www.liveyourjune.com/Sign up for her…
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imaginationinstitutes · 9 months
Hi! I saw your Gonzo and Figment art! ☺️
I'm not the only one that sees them as an uncle and nephew duo! ^^
I feel like they would either have lots of fun together, or cause some mischief, either or X3
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ABSOLUTELY!! gonzo definitely takes him out for ice cream :-] they'd have lots of fun together!!
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chrisrin · 1 year
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happy anniversary, alternate universe! 
fic by @unda-dsk 
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wangxianficrecs · 17 hours
Ad Oblivione by Baph & HikariNoHimeWriter
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Ad Oblivione
by Baph (@bapha) & HikariNoHimeWriter (@hikarinohimewriter)
M, 70k, Wangxian
Part of the MXTX Epic Journeys Big Bang
Summary: There’s a child lingering in the outskirts of the cultivation world. No one knows where he comes from, his age nor his goal. This is the story of how he found his way back home. Kay's comments: It's been a hot moment since I last read this, but I still remember how much of a hoot it's been! The story is absolutely incredible, like, it's definitely one of the most creative time-travel stories I've read! I really enjoyed how it came together slowly, it had me really hooked! Something happened that made the world forget Wei Wuxian, who now lingers at the edge of the culvation world as a nameless child (and in the past), helping where he can while the cultivation world grows worried over his influence. It was super cool to see him be re-introduced to the other charascters and I enjoyed everyone's characterization as well. Not for Jiang Cheng fans! Excerpt: “What is gongzi’s name?” he asks, realizing that at no point did the boy introduce himself. “Who knows?” The boy shrugs. It looks strange when he’s still hugging the sword. The act looks almost involuntary. “My name was forgotten and it’s not my place to tell.” Once again, Lan Zhan doesn’t know what to say. He can tell that there is a story behind this boy’s response and attitude, but he can’t pry. It is not his place to pry. He already overstepped once. Doing so again would just be rude. “Now, now, er-gongzi, it’s getting late. I’m sure you don’t want to skip your curfew. Oh, but the innkeeper only gives morning meals. You won’t get anything to eat now.” The boy sits on the bed near the window. The bed is a mess of outer robes and sheets. He makes himself comfortable, falling on the mattress with a plop and a pleased groan. He sounds nothing like the person who just lectured Lan Zhan on the intricacies of demonic cultivation. Lan Zhan sits down on the other bed. He carefully sets Bichen and Wangji down before removing his boots. He glances at ZhiRuo. Somehow, at some point, she laid her head on the table and fell asleep. Lan Zhan didn’t know ghosts could sleep at all. His gaze returns to the nameless boy. “About your cultivation method, can you tell me?” The boy blinks at him. He looks shocked. “You... Want to know?” “You made solid points.” Lan Zhan shifts until he is kneeling on the mattress. “I want to understand, so I can improve.” “Oh.” The boy scratches his neck. “That’s... Not what I was expecting. But it’s good! Very good! Definitely worthy of Han—of Lan-er-gongzi!”
pov alternating, canon divergence, time travel, time travel fix-it, temporary character death, hurt/comfort, grief/mourning, identity reveal, golden core reveal, cultivation sect politics, not cultivation world friendly, not jiang cheng friendly, abusive yu ziyuan, angst with a happy ending, developing relationship, mystery
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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entomolog-t · 8 months
Bite Me - Chapter 8
Aedes struggles with conflicting feelings. Right on time for the Promptober prompts Quiver and Regret.
Taglist: @smallsday @ratcatcher0325 @not-a-space-alien @bittykimmy13 @naive-bias @soapysoap69
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Previous Chapter: Chapter 7
Next Chapter: Chapter 9
Word count: 2113
CW: Mentions of blood, Adult language, Dehumanization, Minor injuries, Whump, Panic (onset panic attack), Conflicting feelings of consent
No. No. No.
Why had he said that? He was in her hand for fuck’s sake. The thought of her fingers closing around him pushed itself into his mind. Despite him no longer being restrained, in her hands he was still just as helpless, no matter the position. He needed out. He needed to get away. The space was far too small- and yet far too open. He felt exposed in front of her… No, he had been- laid out on her palm, shaking and crying- he winced, pushing the thought from his mind. Pathetic. This was all so humiliating; His fear, his powerlessness, but above all it was the bitter and undeniable truth that he had enjoyed it that sickened him the most. The way it felt to be overwhelmed… overpow- he refused to finish his thought. 
She did this to him
Made him like this
Made him like this
No. His mind winced at the thought, bucking against a reality he so desperately needed to deny. He did not like this. He refused.
Somewhere far above him, she spoke. Her voice a muffled rumble amidst the pounding of his heart and the frantic thoughts ringing in his ears. 
How could he have liked any of this? He was in danger. She was dangerous- and what had he done? Provoke her?? She had him sat in the palm of her hand and he chose to insult her? Throat tightened. She could do whatever she wanted- she had made that clear.
You’d like that though, wouldn’t you? 
His face twists, contorting with revulsion at the unwelcome thought. This was wrong. So very wrong. A sickening feeling of dread pours over him, mixing with every other agonized emotion that had bled into him- fear, anger, shame, disgust. The festering concoction wells up within him, filling him- overflowing. It clouds his vision, spilling forth as tears stream down his face. His hands shake. His legs shake. His voice shakes. Like a spool unraveled- he comes apart. 
That fucking word. 
That pitiful fucking word seemed to live on his tongue. 
He chokes on it. Stifling another sob- and again- and again. He can’t stop himself-  his throat tightening, his chest heaving. Each sob felt as though it was being pulled from him against his will, as if this woman was pulling on a thread and it was he himself coming undone at her fingertips. 
A pressure, soft and light, traces slow circles at his side.
Aedes stiffens under her touch - the soft pad of her thumb grazing against his arm. Her touch was gentle, her skin warm against his own. There was a sickening temptation to lean into the touch- a yearning to let her pull at that thread, to come undone in her grasp. His gaze casts up to meet hers and he immediately wishes it hadn’t. His stomach drops. She stares at him, mossy green doe eyes brimming with concern- no. 
He loathes that look- the softness in her stare, the worry knit between her brows. He hates the sight of her gaze looking down at him…seeing him like… like this.
Fuck this was so humiliating. His brain conjured up glimpses of the pitiful sight she must see- some small, frail, tear-stained creature trembling in her hand. God, why couldn’t he stop shaking?
"I-I... I'm so - I don't know why- I didn't mean to..." She can barely articulate herself. He winces as she coos to him, hushing him, apologizing. Her words strung as if they were salt in his wounded pride. Was he so frail- so fucking fragile- that he needed this? To be treated like some sort of scared animal?? He grit his teeth. 
The look of pity on her face was almost worse than her teeth on his skin- at least then he could take some twisted pleasure in the act. He resented how she looked at him… like something needing to be coddled and comforted. Even more, he hated that he understood why she would think that. 
He drew in a breath. 
Everything felt numb. There was so much noise- so much emotion buzzing around in his head that the cacophony had just become a baseline. White noise that could be shoved away to the back of his mind. He needed quiet. He needed to pull himself together.
He needed to get away.
"Put me down." Aedes voice is cold and stern- a command. As strange as it is, looking at her crying face he has no doubt she’ll follow his demand. 
A choked sound escapes her- but nonetheless, she nods, her cupped hands shaking as she lowers them. 
The moment the ground is within a safe distance, he jumps. 
There's something deeply cathartic about the sensation of his feet hitting solid ground- true to the word- it’s grounding. Stable. Certain. Predictable. 
The feeling of solid ground under his boots alone makes him feel so much more in control- That is, until he looks back towards her. 
When she’d held him at eye level she’d been big.
But now as he stood beneath her, she was utterly colossal.
Aedes watches as the human wipes tears from her eyes. There was something truly horrific about seeing emotions at that magnitude. Sadness had always seemed to shrink others- the emotion seemingly making others smaller in its wake. Yet, the sadness he witnessed at that scale felt volatile- desperate. 
“Aedes, I-” 
He runs. 
The sound of her startled inhale only makes his legs pump faster as he races past her. 
“Please.” She croaks, her hand reaching- not to grab, but instead to block his path. 
Aedes doesn’t slow, instead he jumps, vaulting over her hand and continuing his sprint toward- what? Where could he run to? There was no time to scale back up toward the window. Could he fit under her door? If so, then what? He couldn’t out run her- he had to hide. 
Her other hand comes down in an attempt to corral him back towards her. Aedes plants his right foot down, driving into a sharp left as he swerved to avoid colliding with her palm.
“Leave. Me. Alone.” Each word is harsh and sharp, spoken in staccato. 
She freezes, and Aedes finds himself met with silence- nothing to be heard save the pounding of his feet and the pounding of his heart. After a brief pause, she speaks.
“I’m sorry.” 
Though she had uttered countless apologies, this one felt poignant- weighing heavy in the air. There was no cooing, no hushing. Just… remorse. Before his mind can make sense in the tonal shift he hears the sound of her colossal form shifting as she stands. The sound makes his heart leap in his chest. The ground shudders with her steps, but to his shock not in pursuit. Instead the rumble of her footfalls grow farther away. 
Against all better judgment, he looks back. 
He’d taken for granted how much easier it was to look at her while she had been kneeling. The sight of her standing sent a chill through him so powerful it could nearly freeze him in place. She towered above him, the sheer difference in scale staging to behold. But no, it wasn’t her stature that made him falter- it was her actions. The woman walked away- back to her bed. Aedes watched as she sat on the edge of her bed, her head falling into her hands. Head bowed, she stared at the floor. She didn’t move, didn’t look at him, didn’t utter a word. 
Not risking his chance at escape, Aedes head swivels, looking for an apt spot to hide until he can slip out the window once more. His eyes fall on her dresser-it's wooden legs holding it a couple inches off the ground. 
He darts towards it, bending at the waist to scramble beneath it. Once under, Aedes doesn't relent, pushing further and further back until he's pressed against the wall. He wills his breathing steady as his ears adjust to the quiet. 
He hears her in the distance- Her breaths, soft and shaky, and the faint beating of her heart. Aedes frowns. He hadn’t drank enough. The pulsating call was nowhere near as compelling, but it was there nonetheless. He knew he’d have to feed again soon. Aedes rubs his hands over his face, as if he could rub away the mounting stress he was facing. 
A peculiar sound pulls him from his frustrated thoughts. Ears twitching, he listens -  sharp, almost like tapping, repeated at sporadic intervals. The sound was vaguely familiar- like the first few drops of…rain…
His lips pull into a frown as realization settles upon him. Realization turns to annoyance, and annoyance to anger. Oh, sure. SHE was upset. I’m sure SHE felt awful. He sneered. What did SHE have to cry about?
He lets his back hit the wall and his body goes limp, knees nearly tucked against his chest as he slumps down, burdened with an exhaustion that only just barely began to rear its head. 
He stifles a groan. After this, after all of this, he had to wait for her to stop sniveling before he could make his escape? Just how long was she going to sit there and cry?
He found his hands tracing the fearsome outline of where her teeth had been- the sting of raw skin burned under his touch.She was really crying? After all he had been through, she had the gaul to sit there and cry for - For what?? Herself?? Aedes let his head fall into his hands. He was tired. So very tired. 
With his head hung low, out of the corner of his eye, he can see it- the purple and red speckled bruises peeking out from the neckline of his shirt. The lines from where her teeth had dragged along his skin trailing outward. Even where his shirt hid them from his view, he felt them. The dull throb of swollen tissue, the sharp sting of raw skin- he felt her touch as if he was haunted by even the memory of her. Heat rose to his face- cheeks growing hot.
Thoughts of her filled his mind. Her soft lips softly caressing the bare skin of his midsection- the tingle the touch had left. Her eyes- hungry and half lidded- boring into him as if she could devore him with her stare alone. Her gaze flickering about him as if to savor every detail.  The way her breath hitched when he spoke - how she’d grown speechless at his words. The ghost of her touch teased him- aching in a way he most certainly shouldn’t.   
No- He did not fucking like this. The feeling of warmth pooling in his cheeks made him sick. Despite his revulsion, despite his anger there was no willing away the sickening manner in which his heart fluttered. His claws dug into the meat of his palms, and for the life of him he wished he had something he could throw. What was wrong with him? Why.. why did he feel… like this? Why couldn’t he rid himself of the thoughts of her mouth on him, or the taste of her blood on his lips. The sight of her flushed cheeks… He drew in a shaky breath, mind drawing back to the sight of her plump lips wrapping around his torso. The feeling of pain, warmth, and excitement. His heart beating wild in his chest, her breath rolling over him, washing him in the sweet scent of her. 
It was as through his insides writhed against him- his stomach in knots, his heart in his throat. He didn’t want to think about any of this- Fuck, he just wanted to leave- to move, to do anything but sit here and listen to her cry. How could he push all these fucking thoughts away if he had to just sit here and listen to her sobbing. He had liked it- he had fucking liked it. Her words echo in his mind- some strange little creature. He grits his teeth. Why couldn’t he just hate everything she had done? She called him a pest - a mosquito! She didn’t see him as a person. Even clothed it had felt like he’s been laid bare before her- stripped to something so disgustingly fragile. Her eyes had devoured him- taken in every little detail- and yet he was still just some strange little creature. His cheeks feel slick as his frustration boils over- the sound of his own tears mingling in with her own. 
For the second time that night, Aedes unravels.
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aerkame · 1 day
WIP Day 2+More
So I got too tired to finish the Day 2 prompt, I will finish it tomorrow obviously, but I thought I might as well share what I have plus an OC I made. (Last one is the Day 2 WIP)
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I'm not someone who usually makes OCs so Sumi is probably the first one in a long time that I made. She's a young adult Red-shanked Douc. I'm still thinking of where to place her in the JTTW universe or what universe to even put her in.
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ranchthoughts · 5 months
✨2023: A Summary✨
Post your most popular and/or favourite edit/gifset/analysis for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
Tagged by @lurkingshan (here) and @wen-kexing-apologist (here). Thanks for the tags!
In 2023, I made 175 original posts, including 45 metas about 12 different shows and two large scale projects (the GMMTV Multiverse and the GMMTV Kissing charts). It was interesting to see what meta (and how much) I had written in which months. It's also fun looking back as I approach my one year anniversary of watching and writing about BL - I'm so grateful for all the wonderful people I've met and gotten to chat with over these past months!
January and February [0 metas]
I wasn’t on BL Tumblr yet! Any and all meta came in the form of thoughts, texts, and powerpoint presentations.
March [6 metas]
My BL Tumblr debut! I started this blog with the intention of 1) more easily gathering and archiving posts for future reference, and 2) collecting my thoughts somewhere other than text threads and my notes app, so I began posting meta the day I got here.
Most popular: what started as me thinking about Win’s rock t-shirt from ep 11 and then grew from there… - reading a lot into a random Thai ql shirt choice? Me?
Favourite(s): Thoughts on Tinn, his mother, and coming out (part 1, part 2); Thoughts on Tinn, his mother, and music - My first meta ever posted! I keep returning to Tinn and his mother's relationship in My School President...
April [1 meta]
By default, the most popular (and favourite): Gun's feelings are realistic - I love when MSP subverts our expectations
May [13 metas]
Oh damn! This was a big meta month for me. Some of my favourite metas I've ever written were posted this month.
Most popular: The Eighth Sense and Missing Pieces - I am really proud of this one. It also made me laugh that I apologized for the length at the beginning when I would go on to post much, MUCH longer metas.
Favourite(s): Thoughts on genre, tropes, Bad Buddy, and My School President (aka my Bad Buddy and MSP thesis, which began life as a powerpoint presentation... now here's one of those much, MUCH longer metas in question); Wai as a faen fatale (which also began life as part of that same powerpoint presentation and I think perfectly encapsulates my analytical style); Conversations in ITSAY that are about more than they seem (I am really proud of the analysis I did here and the writing style I used to present it). This was also the month in which I started my deeply self-indulgent GMMTV Multiverse project, which later inspired my mission to record all GMMTV kisses.
June [11 metas]
Oh nooo another bunch of my favourites. This is cruel to make me choose.
Most popular: Thinking about Pran's "Pat, you've got to stop doing this to me" (I love this one! and this was the first of several times I've gotten to collaborate with the wonderful @dudeyuri)
Favourite(s): An analysis of the baseball mom shirt, Bad Buddy ep. 5 (my entry into the venerable field of Bad Buddy/ql shirt analysis and also encapsulates pretty much everything I try to do in my metas); An impassioned defense of the Bad Buddy ep. 5 rooftop kiss (combines many of my favourite things: reading deeply into the minute details of Bad Buddy, an analytical framework that just clicks itself together as I write, and literature reviews); and Thinking about Snow White as the engineering play, part 1 (shout out to the two other people going ham on Snow White as an allegory during the Our Skyy 2 madness - @chickenstrangers (here) and @letgomaggie (here))
July [3 metas]
Most popular (and favourite): Thinking about Pat, Pran, and pursuit (I think this was my first time articulating the idea of Pat and Pran's commitment to the bit, a concept which continues to circle in my head. This was also another collaboration with the wonderful @dudeyuri!)
August [7 metas]
Here comes Only Friends... and the GMMTV Kissing Multiverse project.
Most popular: GMMTV Kissing Multiverse updates 1, 2 and 3 (this is so much fun to track and analyze, and I've been really touched by everyone else's excitement for the project too); Various thoughts and musings on Only Friends and ephemerality (the Ephemerality Squad assembles!)
Favourite: Thinking about Boston: a study of episode 3 - I find Boston's mind a fascinating place to explore
September [8 metas]
Oh look! It's more Only Friends!
Most popular: Mansplain, Manipulate, Manwhore: Ray confronting Boston - once again, I love getting into Boston's head. This post was inspired by @wen-kexing-apologist's scene breakdowns, especially their Fight Night one
Favourite(s): The above, and also The Mundanity of Meanness
October [5 metas]
Most popular (and favourite): The first fist bump in Bad Buddy - oof. I've gotta come back to this idea sometime.
November [3 metas]
Most popular: The Latest Update to the Kissing Multiverse - the hotly anticipated post-Only Friends update to the kissing charts
Favourite: the kissing charts, and Thinking about Pat, Pran, and competition - again, I love to think about Pat and Pran. I consider this one to be part of an ongoing series, along with my earlier metas on pursuit and the rooftop.
December [1 meta]
Most popular (and favourite): Not Me and earrings - technically an addition on @chickenstrangers' post, but was a relief to get my months old "Not Me is about ears and earrings!" thoughts out.
some no pressure tags: @chickenstrangers, @distant-screaming, @dudeyuri, @neuroticbookworm, @slayerkitty, @telomeke, @twig-tea, @waitmyturtles
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theereina · 1 year
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henrysfox · 5 months
do y'all have any firstprince/rwrb fic pet peeves? something (even small) that makes you nope out of a fic immediately? i don't mean bad writing/mistakes but an actual plot point/headcanon made canon that you cannot stand? please tell me i'm nosy
PS. this is not a post made to shit on anybody's fics, i'm just curious so don't be mean
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louisianimal · 4 days
I’m going to attempt to take a break from socials (outside of business ventures), liquor, and cutting back on smoking this month. I have to discipline myself to go without while I’m trying to recover mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I really need to rediscover who I am now and what I can do to make me happy that isn’t rooted in the systematic evil which is capitalism.
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mariocki · 5 months
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Michael Craze pops up as Vince Kelly, a teenage runaway from a borstal centre, in Gideon's Way: Boy With Gun (1.23, ITC, 1966)
#fave spotting#michael craze#ben jackson#doctor who#gideon's way#1966#boy with gun#itc#a relatively rare fave spotting! outside of his DW work‚ Mike didn't make a huge amount of appearances in cult tv‚ at least not many that#survive or are easily seen; he'd previously starred in Target Luna‚ a completely lost serial‚ but didn't return when the show carried on as#Pathfinders in Space (oddly‚ perhaps because of a change of director‚ every single returning character was recast) and beyond#there were also episodes of Dixon pf Dock Green and Armchair Theatre but these are also in all likelihood lost tv; others‚ like an ep of#Hammer's sci fi anthology Journey to the Unknown‚ are frustratingly unavailable to the average viewer (I was really hoping Network would#do something with JttU after they announced an agreement with Hammer but alas it wasn't to be)#mike would have been about 22 when filming this ep (around May '65) but was still largely playing juvenile parts as here#(his age isn't given but as a borstal runaway he's clearly intended to be a teen); this aired in feb or march '66 in most regions‚ by which#time he had presumably been cast in DW (or very near to it; he'd debut in The War Machines in June of that year)#DW would act as a sort of transition for Craze from youth parts into adult roles (i mean Ben's own age is debatable but I'd say he's surely#meant to be at least 18?). there'd be some more guest spots and a few horror films to come (he was a regular collaborator with Norman#J. Warren) but he doesn't pop up with the regularity of many other Who companions so this was a lovely little surprise (zero memory of him#being in it from when i first watched years ago)
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transcendragon · 2 days
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Today’s pride month art looks back on pieces I made themed to the colors of Gilbert Baker’s rainbow flag. This flag is a lovely historical flag for the whole community! Here’s “Rainbow Serpent” and “Rainbow Reef”. The bottles are a rainbow one-off. The serpent art is years more recent than the reef art, as you may be able to tell with my progress using light and shading.Stay tuned for new art themed to this rainbow!
My original art made in Procreate, image descriptions in alt text
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theniftycat · 5 months
Was just playing June's Journey and saw a familiar face! They used Due South as a reference. It's not 100% similar, it couldn't be, but this is literally Benton Fraser.
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Like, look at the dog he has!
This game is wild this way. I don't recognise many references, but the main character kinda looks like Miss Fisher, one character is literally Eartha Kitt, and an arc from the game was like a MFU fanfiction.
I'm playing this game for years, now you know why.
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meownotgood · 1 year
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namitha · 1 year
June, a month of warmth and wonder, arrives with a vibrant embrace. Nature dances to a symphony of blooming flowers, lush greenery, and the gentle whispers of a summer breeze. The days are longer, offering more time to laze through the beauty that surrounds us. The sun shines with a thousand lights, kindling the spirit of adventure in us. During the monsoon season in June, the sky opens up and releases its watery symphony upon the earth. But June is not just a season of outdoor beauty, it is also an invitation to look within and reflect. This is the time to take a break, listen to the whispers of our hearts and align ourselves with our deepest desires. This is an opportunity to rejuvenate, take care of yourself and grow personally. So, let us welcome the month of June with open arms, embracing her gifts of sunshine, growth and connection. Let us embark on this journey with gratitude and a sense of wonderment, knowing that in this month there is the potential for extraordinary experiences and transformations. May, June unfolds like a beautiful poem, leaving us forever touched by its magic.🌻
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aerkame · 2 days
Journey June Day 1 (Monkey May)-Peach
I decided to go ahead and start Monkey May on the first day of June, so naturally I renamed it to Journey June to match Journey to The West/Monkey King. The only difference aside from using Monkey May prompts is that all month I will be practicing anatomy sketches of primates! (That includes humans, we're also primates)
For the first prompt, Peach, I just decided to use this as a sketched anatomy study with Wukong. He's not quite human nor monkey, so I tried mixing it up by giving him slightly longer forearms. I was too tired today after getting home so I didn't render/color anything, it's just a sketch.
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Decided to doodle bushes and branches at the last second before saving it.
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