#I'm just a person who has had special interest in psychology
spidey-bie · 6 months
"Some days I wake up and think, what if I'm not as great as I thought I was? What if all this time people have been lying to my face while laughing at my behind my back." 
She turned to look at him desperately searching his face for a confirmation of her fears. 
"I think I'd rather die than be imperfect." 
With each sentence her breathing had becomes more labored. He couldn't risk Ansi facing an asthma attack while undergoing a crash. 
"Sisi where's your inhaler?"
"What if I'm not perfect?"
She ignored him and continued on with her delusions.
"What if all this time it's just been dumb luck? What if all these years that I've spent slaving away to be who I am now were meaningless." 
He was spiraling now. There wasn't much that Hobie could say to get through to him at this point. He could only sit and ride through storm.
-Excerpt From a Story I'm in the Middle Of
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starry-bi-sky · 2 months
I am absolutely loving your Danyal Al Ghul au. While I have a soft spot for the whole plotline of Danny becoming his canon personality almost right after breaking away from the LOA all because of Jazz, I'm just as much for your take in which he goes through the same character development as Damian.
Now I'm curious. You already tackled his relationship with Dani, will you eventually take a stab at when he, Sam, and Tucker meet Gregor? Given that it's one of my hated episodes as I couldn't stand Sam's infuriatingly hypocritical attitude to Danny's suspicions of him, I'd kill to see your spin on it.
Aw, thank you! Danyal Al Ghul aus are what got me into DPDC first, so I have a major soft spot for them. That being said, uh, its exactly that soft spot that causes me to have Many Opinions about the trope you just mentioned. Like the trope is all fine and dandy, i don't blindly hate it, my main issue with it is that most aus i've seen treat his backstory as an ex-assassin more like a pretty cosmetic accessory rather than something that actually should have had an impact on him. Especially if he remembers being in the league.
Like i cannot stress enough the fact that being in an ecofascist assassin cult (regardless of his standing in it) should've left him, in some way or another, screwed up morally and psychologically because that's just how development works. Nature vs. Nurture is like a game of tug-o-war that never ends, where they are constantly fighting against each other and one side usually has the upper hand or greater influence. Children model the behaviors of the adults around them (ex: bobo the clown doll experiment), and what impacts them in childhood can stick with them permanently.
Like how my psychology professor put it: a baby's brain is like wet cement; if you slap your hand on it, it leaves an imprint, and the cement dries that way. The same rings true for small children.
I could go on, but I frankly have so many thoughts on that alone that I would end up completely derailing from the second half of your ask, and I don't want to be more critical than I already have. Especially since you just mentioned you have a soft spot for the trope.
[Okay, hold onto your hats because this is long. Naturally lmao.]
Gregor! Man, I'll admit I last watched the show back in middle school on a dodgy illegal website (it had surprisingly good audio and visual graphics, and full episodes. But really annoying porn ads.) but I only made it to like season 1 before my hyperfixation faded and I lost interest. So I never actually saw the Gregor episode.
But... it is relatively easy to find free websites that stream Danny Phantom :), so finding the episode took me like. Thirty seconds. Plus the Tv.Tropes recap page because my damn earbuds just died and im out in public as of rn.
I'm not sure if I'll write something for the gregor episode like I did with Dani, since Dani's a bit of a special case in that she's a clone and tends to be a reoccurring presence in DPDC, and I thought the new dynamic with Danyal would be interesting.
Plus, I'm not a big amethyst ocean shipper for the pure reason of I'm just not all that interested in it; its kinda bland to me. I'll admit I've entertained the thought in this au due to the whole balcony scene i wrote, but I would've entertained the thought anyways if it was Tucker in that position instead. Big multishipper, me.
But, if I had to make it official? Danyal is not interested romantically in Sam when the Gregor episode happens, regardless of his relationship with Valerie. Who, speaking of I'm trying to think about how that would go, and I'm torn between including him almost-dating Valerie or not.
Because on one hand it helps point out Sam's hypocrisy (and i love her but i am always happy to point out her flaws and address them in au) in this episode in terms of Danny spying on them, but on the other hand I'll want to include a lot of set up in order to make Gray Ghost work in this au and wow will that take a while.
Especially with the Flirting with Disaster episode because it happens due to Technus' meddling, and Danny is, well, the son of the Batman? A trained assassin? An ex-assassin nonetheless, but still an assassin? A prodigy child in this au? He might not have needed to use most of his skills in the last few years, but like... there's just a bunch of 'what if' and 'well technically...' and 'would he? he could, but would he?' things that is getting in the way of my thought process and making my head spin.
Mmm. Okay. Flirting with Disaster occurs relatively the same as canon with a few exceptions; like Danyal noticing the strange coincidences, and he might take the idea into proper consideration because Sam has a point it is strange, especially out of nowhere.
However,,, he really enjoys Valerie's company, and he does really like her. He's been adjusting to civilian life for the last four years and while he's made a lot of progress, he's still. an ex-assassin child living like a wolf amongst sheep. This is normal, typical teenager stuff, and usually his friends like to encourage him doing normal teenager stuff.
So he's stubbornly holding out on the thought that this is normal, that ghost stuff isn't interfering here. He's a little hurt that his friends are discouraging this, he's not bothered by the fact that Valerie is a ghost hunter and he a ghost -- his mother is an assassin, and his father is Batman, and they still had a relationship. (Granted, he's not gonna tell them that)
If anything, being diametrically opposed to each other but still being in love is part of the family! Granted, usually both parties are aware of said opposition to each other, but he'll make a special exception this time around.
(And man now that i'm thinking about gray ghost, im now thinking about various like. scenes i could write between the two of them. maybe in a reblog.)
Anyways uhhh things relatively go the same as canon. Yeah. I think Sam still has a crush on Danny and still spies out of jealousy with Tucker.
Now, the Gregor episode! With that out of the way; the TVTropes recap for this episode isn't the best because it doesn't go into detail about the entire episode like it does with Flirting With Disaster and Shades of Gray.
(which i looked at earlier because I made a section of this post talking briefly about what changes I'd make to the Shades of Gray episode to help set up Gray Ghost, but ended up deleting because it was kinda irrelevant for the matter at hand.)
So I'm taking in bits of the episode clips at a time, I'll try not to get too nitpicky about how each scene goes because then it's gonna take me a longer time to write this.
But! First thing's first; since Danny is not romantically interested in Sam, he is also not jealous of Gregor. He is however, a bit eyebrow-raisey at him in their first introduction, but that's because Gregor is coming off as obnoxious.
Danny thinks he's kinda annoying, and it doesn't take a genius to see that Gregor is trying to impress Sam. But since they've only known him for five minutes he takes the good faith assumption and assumes that Gregor is genuinely trying to show interest in Sam's interests too because he likes her, so he keeps mum. The fake hungarian accent is weird, but it's overall harmless, so he doesn't point it out.
He does do the spying thing when he starts suspecting that Gregor might be working for the GIW. The episode only has this happen twice, but for the au this happens a handful of more times over the course of the week, with Danyal's suspicion steadily rising more and more each time.
Hah, when he brings up wanting to spy on Sam and Gregor because of this reason, Tucker still does his "woah! you wanna spy on Sam?" thing.
Danny immediately turns to him, completely unimpressed, and crosses his arms. "Tucker," he says, deadpan, "you and Sam spied on me and Valerie."
He uses a combination of his ghost powers and his regular stealth ability to spy on them. He's hiding in a tree when they're skipping rocks, close enough that he can use his powers to hear them talk but far enough away that he has a good view of their surroundings.
He's invisible in the cinema, but doesn't accidentally get in front of the projector. He checks the inside of the room for the GIW, and then waits outside the actual room itself, keeping an eye on the area and occasionally flying in to watch the movie out of boredom. It reminds him of being back on a recon mission with the League, but it doesn't end with him orchestrating someone's death.
Then when they're at the mall he stays in human form, blending in with the crowd. He runs into the GIW there, but realizes that they're not there because of Gregor; they're just shopping. They didn't show up at either of the last two locations, and he follows them to make sure they're not also trying to blend in. But they're literally just there for shopping.
Danny is rather pleased with this turnout; so far Gregor isn't a spy, he's just annoying. The next day at lunch he asks Sam how her date with Gregor went, and that's how she figures out he spied on them, because well, she didn't tell him that.
"Have you been spying on me?"
Danny messes with his food a little bit, and Tucker is sinking into his seat with embarrassment. He frowns, "Only last night. Those incompetent government dodos--"
His lip curls up; he gets all 'Shakespeare-y' (as Sam and Tucker put it) when he's insulting someone, "--kept appearing whenever Gregor did. I followed you and him last night to make sure he wasn't a spy."
A roundabout way of saying, "I was worried".
Sam is, as canon, furious. Danny understands why, he knows generally speaking that people don't like being spied on. But he's confused on just how angry she is, and is a little irritated by it.
"Why would you do that!" She exclaims, "That's way out of line, Danny."
"How? You spied on me when I was going on dates with Valerie." He narrows his eyes, and points his fork at her, "I'm not blind, I noticed."
"That's different, we told you why we were suspicious. And we don't have ghost powers like you do."
"I don't need ghost powers to sneak around, Sam, you've seen this firsthand. And I just told you why I followed you, I thought he was working with the guys in white--"
"So you think someone can only be interested in me if they're after you?" (this is a paraphrased quote, folks ;D)
"No! If that was the case I would have voiced my concern the moment I thought it. I don't get why you're so angry, you spied too."
Iiits.... a mess. Sam storms off with Gregor, Tucker tags along because okay, yeah, maybe Gregor isn't with the GIW, or maybe last night was a fluke. Either way he ends up tagging along. Danny overhears that conversation between the GIW and Mr. Lancer, and maybe he's right, maybe he's wrong; but something is up.
I've gotten to that scene in the locker room where Gregor tells Danny that he knows he doesn't like him, and I've paused at Danny's reply to say this: Danyal doesn't even bother trying to deny it.
"I know you do not like me."
"You're right; I don't."
"Ah, let me finish. I know you do not like me because you want to protect your friend, Sam, and I respect that."
"...That's correct."
"Good! Because I am going to ask her out."
"I had a feeling you'd say that," he stands up, claps his hand tight on Gregor's shoulder, and leans close to him with a threatening smile, "so you understand me when i say; if you break my best friend's heart, you're as good as dead, right?"
"Ah,, yes. I am so glad we got that cleared out of the way, and now I hope after we can.. how you Americans put it, hang out?"
In the episode he hugs Danny and gives him a la bise (which is that french greeting where you kiss someone on the cheek two or more times) after they end their conversation. But here, when he goes to do that to Danyal, Danny leans away, points an accusatory finger at him, and says; "Absolutely not; we are not close."
The next scene after that is like, end of day. Sam, Tucker, and Gregor walking away. Sam looks over her shoulder to glare at Danny, then gets forlorn. Tucker looks back and just looks forlorn.
(When did I start narrating each scene?? Eh, I'm writing this in brief spurts of time throughout the day. Don't fix what's not broke)
After that there's this whole scene with the two GIW agents that have been chasing Phantom all episode. They're there because they have Tucker's PDA that Skulker took, and it's got the information of their purple backed gorilla assignment on it. They've been going around seeing who Tucker associates with in hopes of catching Phantom.
Uhh ahaha and that is where this gets a little interesting imo, and also allows me to mention that im retconning Danyal's (already) redesigned ghost form. Which I've wanted to retcon even before this moment bc it was just too busy. I'll get to that in a moment.
The GIW suspect Gregor for being the Phantom because of his white hair and green eyes, which is all fine and dandy until you remember: Danyal (and by extension Phantom) has that very noticeable, rather identifiable facial scar that goes across the middle of his fucking face. The GIW could easily suspect that Phantom hides his scar with makeup if he's in disguise, but if they meet a kid with a seemingly identical facial scar and similar disposition? Hoo boy.
Solution? I've got two: Gregor is canonically a kid from Michigan who faked everything to impress Sam. Considering he knows she's gothic and knows that she's ultra-recyclo vegetarian? He probably watched her from afar or got information on her somehow. His hair is dyed, his eyes might just naturally be green, but if he notices that she's got a crush on either Danyal or Phantom? A little sfx makeup could help him recreate a similar looking scar.
My second solution that's gonna happen anyways bc its that suit redesign; Danyal does hide his face as Phantom. Ghosts are emotional creatures and its a popular headcanon that their interests, ambitions, etc, influence the way they look as a ghost, not just their death. A big reoccurring theme of my au is that Danyal did not leave the League unscathed, and that being an assassin is an important part of his identity.
So i'm discarding the hazmat suit look entirely and leaning into the 'assassin' thing. But the general (stylized) feel is like, white ribbon/cloth vambraces that he has used as a garrote at some point, a hood, a gaiter scarf-type thing. I'm keeping the cape. I did a doodle a few days back that's not the official redesign, but a redesign for Phantom. I may reblog this post with that attached because it's got the general feel down. There's very little white involved, but the inside of his cape flares out and looks like the night sky.
Now, the hood and gaiter scarf gets rid of most of the problem, but Danny's hood doesn't stay on all the time, so the GIW have likely seen the upper half of the scar. :] Gregor's own drawn-on scar doesn't have to be 1:1, but it looks close enough, right? A small scar cutting through the edge of his brow and ends right below the corner of his eye. A 'cool, badass' one opposed to Danny's 'garish' scar.
But! Back to the episode scene. Canon Danny gets written off as being 'too prepubescent' to be Phantom, and honestly it'd be hilarious if Danyal was written off for the same reason (he's calling them idiots in his head if they do). But instead -- leaning into the GIW's incompetence here -- he gets written off as being too mature or too talkative. Or something equally as absurd.
Sam breaks up with Gregor for canon reasons, but when Gregor does his "i really like you, but, come on-!" and gestures to tucker, he adds on "and that scary friend of yours too, seriously!"
Things go relatively the same as canon after that. Danny does end up apologizing for spying, however. Sam does it first. Sorrows, prayers, all that.
Things usually end up changed or different when I actually write it down, so I'd likely add more or adjust different scenes according to the flow of the oneshot. This is just like, a general vibe of how things would go, and where some of the more obvious changes would be if I did write this oneshot.
Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for the ask :]
#dp x dc#dpxdc#dpxdc crossover#danyal al ghul au#danyal al ghul#i dont even mind the trope that danny becomes like his canon self i just want *some* kind of impact on him. but as it stands most aus i've#seen lowkey treat his assassin background as an accessory. like dyeing your hair or piercing your ears. that being said its also a silly#au where they're brothers and are related to each other and thus doesn't have to be that deep at all! im just bored of seeing the same thin#all the time. especially considering danny is usually depicted as the paler/whiter passing twin and being the 'kinder. more compassionate'#one between the two of them. give me danny who suffered crises of morality! danny whose morally darker than a cloud#morally orange and blue danny who sooner understands 'dont litter' than 'dont murder'. arrogant danny! he dotes on the people he loves but#is an utter bitch to everyone else and thus has to learn to be kinder. danny discovering himself outside being an assassin#his brother remembers a kind and compassionate older brother because thats how danny interacted with him. But danny had no qualms turning#around and slicing the tendons of one of the other assassins because of smth they did that displeased him.#he can still be like his canon self but shouldn't there be something that stays behind? Lingering like a blast shadow?#danny who carries weapons on him always even though he knows he doesn't need it but it makes him feel safer.#danny who spits out the oddest. most foreboding shit sometimes and his friends just stare at him and go 'bro what the fuck??'#idk if i can share the website where i found the episodes bc of risk of copyright. but just search up#'where can i watch danny phantom for free' and look for a reddit post with that question. the comments give website options.#i keep thinking about gray ghost now. valerie finds herself becoming a member of the 'danny fenton protection squad' with sam and tucker#danny takes a page from his beloved mother's book and calls his partners 'beloved' and equally sappy pet names.#he also throws the BIGGEST shitstorm of the century when he finds out about what Axion Labs did to the dogs. hoo boy.
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disaster-theysbian · 11 months
Gotta say, I've been out as a lesbian for 3 years and nonbinary for a year and a half. And I've noticed something.
Just because someone *always* gets your name and pronous correct, and angrily calls out anyone who forgets, doesn't necessarily mean they support you.
Conversely, just because someone struggles to remember your name and pronouns, or can't wrap their head around gender neutral/neo pronouns at all, doesn't necessarily mean they DON'T support you.
This is applicable to any situation really not just queer shit. Watch what people do, not just what they say, and you will find your friends. Someone might shower you with compliments and have common interests with you, but what happens when you tell them no? Do they get angry when they are corrected? Do they have kind things to say about other people?
My colleagues wouldn't know a gender-neutral pronoun if one hit them in the face with a dictionary, but they make sure I've had a lunch break and get home safely. They have my back if I have a difficult patient. They defend me against other staff members who like to create drama and bitch about people as if they're still in the school playground. If someone has something to say about me being a big ol' queer, they make it known that discrimination has no place in our unit.
My best friend in the whole entire world forgets my name and pronouns every day. When the organisers of her therapy group changed "men and women" to "people" and "he/she" to "they" in order to be more inclusive, there was outcry. Everything from the "it just doesn't sound right" grammar-policing nonsense to the "f*cking special snowflakes are offended by everything". She came down on them like a ton of bricks. She said if the organisers hadn't told them that it was changing, that they wouldn't have noticed. She told them they obviously haven't loved someone outside of the gender binary and they were missing out. She then told them how she had seen me grow and develop since I came out, and how in awe she was of the person I had become. No, she doesn't understand it at all, but why should that mean that she can't be there for me and appreciate how happy I am to be able to be me? Why should that mean, because you lot don't understand it, that someone with the same issues as the rest of the therapy group feels unsafe and unwelcome and doesn't get their issues resolved? As a result, a few of them changed their minds, INCLUDING HER OWN FATHER, and the rest at least shut the hell up about it.
A queer person who used my correct name and pronouns delighted in making me walk on eggshells, inventing reasons to be angry with me, convinced me I was a terrible person and even went as far as to try and turn me against my own therapist. They tried to tell me that my therapist only said I was a good person because she was paid to, and that because they themselves had a psychology degree that they could tell I had all these complexes and needed to work hard to be a good person, and it was unlikely I'd never get there. (I chose to listen to my therapist and stop being friends with this person).
A queer person who used my correct name and pronouns continued to do things that made me uncomfortable when I asked them to stop. Never said in as many words "you're not allowed to hang out with your friends" but conveniently had an emergency every time I had plans, and accused me of being uncaring if I needed my own space. They knew I had difficulty asking for help, but still got angry with me when I asked because I didn't ask "soon enough".
A queer person who used my correct name and pronouns told me they would look after me and they didnt. .
A queer person threatened to misgender me MORE when I corrected them.
I'm just saying, that if you choose to yeet everyone who doesn't get your name and pronouns right... that doesn't necessarily make you safe. We live in a very binary world. As much as we want that to change, it won't if we ignore or shout at the bits we don't like. (Believe me, I've tried).
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sophieinwonderland · 5 months
Now, why would you dare me to embarrass you and your pals like that?
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I appreciate how you wanted my attention so bad you posted me to not one, but two subreddits.
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Makes a girl feel special! 🤣
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I have actually never seen Wikipedia cited as a source about endogenic plurality. Though I do see anti-endos all the time, when asked for sources, telling people to just Google things.
Anyway, here's @guardianssystem's document filled with academic papers about endogenic plurality:
I've compiled my own, but honestly, theirs is better organized than mine.
And in the interest of fairness, here are all the anti-endo papers debunking endogenic plurality:
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Sorry, I forgot. Those don't exist. Oops. 🤷‍♀️
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Echo chamber? LOL!
Weren't you the one spouting a bunch of lies on Tumblr, got totally debunked, posted the people who debunked you to r/systemscringe to have a hugbox where fakeclaimers could assure you how the people who contradicted you are all fakers, and then blocked everyone who disagreed with you?
Weren't you also the one who, when shown a quote from an expert in dissociative disorders who worked on the DSM-5 saying that a disorder isn't a disorder if it doesn't cause distress, argued that the people who defined what disorder are must be wrong about that definition?
You're a misinformation machine who can only find support when huddled in cringe subreddits. Don't try to talk about people in echo chambers.
Also, you know most of psychology is just... listening to people? That's how it's been as long as the field existed. DID (or MPD at the time) was a recognized disorder since long before the first brain scans were conducted on DID patients. It's saying something though when basically every single scientist who has ever researched endogenic plurality has said they believe it's a real thing, or that it could be. While absolutely zero academic papers have expressed that it's fake.
There is also an fMRI study into tulpa systems that's been in the works, but results have yet to be published.
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Sure, if that's what you'd like me to call you, Crazy. 😊
Anyway, Crazy, you should know that just because you personally find something scary doesn't mean everyone will or that the thing is bad. Personal preferences are a thing.
In a study of tulpamancers though, most generally reported their lives becoming better after the practice.
78% reported improvements in their mental health, and 91% on overall life.
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There are many out there who would jump at the chance to have someone there with them that knows them intimately, and to never have to be alone again.
If it's not for you, then so be it.
But it's certainly not something to be afraid of.
And maybe, for those who are willing to commit to the practice while America struggles with an epidemic of loneliness, it's something worth being open to.
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This is actually pretty fair.
But that's now, and I'm looking at course of history and trends of plural acceptance.
300 years ago, any plural would be viewed as demon possessed and end up tortured or killed for their plurality.
70 years ago, all plurality was seen as a mental illness, and it was common to force plurals, as well as anyone else associated with mental illnesses, into asylums.
30 years ago, the first real plural communities were able to connect on the internet and form in small numbers.
8 years ago, the first studies into endogenic plurality started being conducted. 4 years ago, the ICD-11 acknowledged that you could have multiple distinct personality states without a disorder. 2023 marked the first, but certainly not the last, time a system used their system name as an author of an academic paper.
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Recently, new plural resources have been designed and put into use. More servers than ever are using Pluralkit. And Simply Plural went from 100k users at the end of 2021 to 210k at the end of 2022.
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Progress is happening far more rapidly than you realize. And you had best be ready for it.
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BOO! 👻
Oh, hey, I just realized... this is literal pluralphobia!
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And yes, The Future is Plural! 😜
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stormy-river · 1 year
Transcripts from the Humanity Hotline 5
This one's been a long time in the making; had to make sure I did it right. Special thanks to @mothepissedoffmidget for the idea, and my roomie, @starryeyedlarkspur for helping with the advice.
Operator: "Hi, thank you for holding. My name is Mindy. How can I help you today?"
Caller: "Yes, hi! I'm Nishel, the EMO [Entertainment and Morale Officer] on my ship. We hired a human about a month ago, and I'm struggling to keep up. Is it normal for humans to tire of activities so quickly?"
O: "That depends on the human, and the activities. Could you tell me a little more?"
C: "Yes. When we hired the human, she brought books and knitting supplies to entertain herself, which I though was helpful, but after a day or two she requested some puzzles. I was able to approve and acquire some fairly easily, but the human returned only a few days later asking for scrapbooking materials, and, well, the same thing happened. Over the last month, I've acquired puzzles, scrapbooks, a climbing wall for the gym, locks and a lockpicking set -- that one was a hassle to get approved, more knitting supplies, crochet supplies (I don't even know how that's different from knitting?), painting supplies, face painting supplies (again, I don't know how that's different), strange plastic bricks that fit together, and a violin. And that's just what was approved. I've also heard from the crew that she's downloaded more books, started writing stories on her personal computer, and started learning how to write programs, and yet, with all these things, she told me this morning that she has nothing to do and was bored. I don't know what else to do. I've spent 78% of this year's entertainment budget this month!"
O: "That's a lot. Some humans have a few different hobbies at once, but usually not that many. Do you have access to crew psychological evaluations?"
C: "Yes, when necessary for morale concerns."
O: "Is there anything in the human's file?"
C: "It says Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, which is also something she's mentioned a few times, but that's tagged for possibly interfering with work, not morale."
O: "ADHD would explain it. It shouldn't only be tagged as work-related as it can actually affect a human's whole life. This is another human thing that's different for everyone, with some hyper-fixating on one thing for a really long time, or different aspects of a single subject, and others, like your crewmember, gaining and losing interest in many different things very quickly."
C: "So this will keep happening? I can see about increasing the budget for next year, but I don't think this is sustainable long term."
O: "Don't panic, there's actually a cheaper method. Communicate with other ships and supply stations with humans on board to see if they are having a similar problem. If you can find others who get and lose hobbies quickly, you can trade the supplies; give them what your human is done with, and receive their extras for her. This will also have the extra benefit of building social connections as they discuss and trade."
C: "That makes sense. It would take a lot of coordination, but I can start asking the nearby fleet."
O: "Good. I will also send a report to the Alliance to see if something can be officially established. Is there anything else I can help you with today?"
C: "No, thank you, Mindy. You've been a great help."
O: "Of course. Don't hesitate to call again if something else comes up."
End Transmission
Transcription Note: Following this call, the Alliance established the Hobby Interfleet Trade Service, now the Interfleet Surplus Exchange (ISE), commissioning a fleet of delivery ships to shuttle supplies.
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yougetsu · 5 months
The Fool Card
I wanted to write about this a few days ago but just had free time recently and as Hisashi confirmed it, it's better to do it now.
We already know that The Fool represents new beginning, infinite possibilities, and freedom from being bound by any boundaries. But I'd like to delve deeper into the meaning.
I'd like to clarify, I'm not an expert... I just enjoy reading about the Fool's journey from a psychological perspective and how useful tarot could be as a tool for personal growth.
Number 0 represents infinite potentiality, from which realities, life, actions, ideas emerge. This means that all things are possible because no defined form has been assumed yet. Zero also means emptiness of fears and hopes, The Fool does not wait or plan anything because he reacts instantly according to the situation he faces. This card is also connected to cards of difficult passage, like the Moon and Death, which in tough paths urges The Fool on despite his fears.
The Fool is linked to true innocence (openness to life) by trying to remain in a state of freedom and joy, which also involves being spontaneous, honest and loving naturally without judgment. This card tries to remind us that life is an uncontrollable force, a constant dance of experiences, nothing can be calculated.
We don't know further details about Imai's perspective in this area, but I do see that he embodies some characteristics of The Fool in his artistry and in his words when it comes to facing challenges.
You can read more about it in the book Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom by Rachel Pollack.
I'd like to talk about The Fool (愚者/gusha) in "Mudai". Again, we'll never know what the lyrics are about with certainty. However, the surrealism and metaphors in the song catch my attention and I like to look at it from a somewhat metaphysical perspective, specially in the last lines where "gusha" is mentioned.
The Fool represents someone who is about to start a journey, visually we can see that he's looking into the abyss below and is moving towards it. So, The Fool is also perceived as the seed of life, the creature that is about to take a physical form to come to the world. The figure of this card is also read as a being that it's not in the physical realms yet, that might be suspended in the universe (nothingness). Basically, something invisible is happening, before having a body and before birth, which I connect with the lyrics:
"I'm a fool
In the depths of darkness, the fool goes
I'm a fool
Touched in the head, the fool goes
I'm a fool
Covered in blood, the fool goes
I'm a fool
To the end of darkness, the fool goes"
Additionally, The Fool relates to the 'immortal' self that later becomes trapped in the confusions and struggles of the ordinary world. The self in this card has no gender defined since it is expressing their complete humanity at all time naturally. The Fool dialogues with The World card in that sense, since both complement each other to reach unity through growth and to complete the journey.
It's very interesting to see how much Atsushi's word selection can convey because most of the time he left the lyrics open to personal interpretation and at the same time, those lyrics are full of visuals and symbolism (sometimes untranslatable), which gives much more weight and depth to his work. Love his writing so much.
More info:
Tarot Tracings: Essays on Literature and Divination by Camelia Elias
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sonicattos · 7 months
Ok I apologize for how long this is but I read your post about npd and I have some thoughts I want to share. First, yeah that screenshot is gross and ableist. With ya on that. Making fun of someone for having a disorder is wrong, full stop. Also, I agree that it's wrong to call someone narcissistic just because they're abusive. Not all abusers are narcissists and vice versa.
HOWEVER. Many of the symptoms of clinical narcissism relate to how people interact with others. And the reason they are regarded as "symptoms" is because truly narcissistic folks relate to others in an abusive way. If people with narcissism did not typically display abusive and/or manipulative behavior they would have nothing to be diagnosed with.
I'm a victim of abuse by a narcissistic person. (Notice I don't say they have NPD. I'm not "armchair diagnosing for sympathy" here.) That person was not simply abusive for no reason. They were abusive BECAUSE they had narcissistic traits such as having little regard for others. I genuinely fail to see how saying this would be hateful or ableist. I can tell that you feel very passionate about this, but as someone who has been on the receiving end of abuse by a narcissistic person, I feel that your post is implying that this kind of abuse doesn't exist, or worse, that people who say they have suffered it are making it up. I know there are a LOT of people who throw around the term narcissist and don't know what they're talking about. But there are also people who truly have been abused by narcissists. And they're not lying for attention.
Don't feel pressured to respond and I apologize for the wall of text. I just have strong feelings about the subject and wanted to share.
1) please don’t take words from my mouth. i never. EVER. said that the abused are making up being abused. i come from a very abusive household that i STILL live in. my mom and my sister used to fucking beat me. i was starved. i was denied any medical help for illness. im isolated. i was groomed into believing that i was more mature than i was and wasn’t treated with the care a child could have. i was and still am constantly told how useless i am and how my mental/physical issues are my fault. my parents never cared and only did things that benefit themselves. i would never deny that someone could hurt someone and i never had. jesus fucking christ.
2) i study psychology. i know i can’t just prove that by saying it but you have to take my word for it i genuinely look deep into this stuff, as it’s a special interest of mine. you come from a place of ignorance of the situation as a whole. never call someone with “narcissistic traits” (aka abusive traits) a narcissist. it’s a medical term. again. call it what it is: abuse. there are other ways to describe that abuse than labeling it as such. narcissism is supposed to be a neutral term to describe traits of npd, not how someone is acting.
3) no. you don’t have to be abusive to be diagnosed with npd. there are many symptoms and tendencies that come with the disorder and it’s also a spectrum just like any other disorder.
npd describes a disorder of someone who has an inflated self-importance. besides putting others down to lift themselves up, they can also try to lift themselves up in a way that’s unrealistic or may seem “prideful”, try getting other’s attention by doing something good or dramatic. narcissism comes from a place of abuse from their elders, either emotional neglect or lack of teaching of responsibility. it affects those who lack empathy or even other mental illness’, which again, doesn’t mean you are an abuser or a bad person.
how would they get diagnosed? perhaps they’re hurting themselves. maybe they have constant breakdowns for not getting attention. etc. a dramatic event of abuse doesn’t have to happen for a psychologist to figure out someone has npd.
4) the entire point of the post is to tell fucking people to stop using a word that they learned on the internet and didn’t look up what it meant maybe besides the fucking saneist articles vilifying narcissistic people instead of educating one what the disorder actually is.
people with npd deserve sympathy as much as any other person. they deserve help and awareness as well. narcissism isn’t a word to pass around like table salt. it’s a real thing that people suffer with. they’re hurt. they believe if they don’t do something that they’re not worth anything. yes a lot of them become abusers because people who are abusive have most likely been abused. but not every person who’s been abused is abusive.
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anhed-nia · 3 days
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It's always a little sad when one of your precious niche fetishes gets popular. I'm not proud of admitting this; on the whole, you should want success for the things that you love. But in some cases it's like the sad stereotype of the childhood weird girl friendship that is doomed by the onset of adulthood. The friendship is such an important of your identity and your sense of place in the world, but then one day your weird girl friend starts to realize that she has more potential than that, she wants other things and she can get them too, and suddenly one day she's back to her natural hair color and she's wearing bad clothes and having sex with jocks, and even worse than your personal sense of being left behind is the realization that she's boring now. It's not just that you don't have that special person in your life anymore, it's that the person no longer exists. Um anyway that turned out to be a major exaggeration of what I was trying to say about the explosion in popularity of folk horror, which was previously one of my favorite flavors of horror; I mean I guess it still is, but the now when I see the trappings of folk horror it's no longer a must-see matter. It's just as likely to signal a generic, predictable, pandering movie as anything else.
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Why has folk horror blown up like this? Kier-la Janisse would tell you that it's because of her epic documentary WOODLANDS DARK AND DAYS BEWITCHED, which is genuinely great and you should see it. But I have a sense of today's folk horror boom being "an idea whose time has come", something that is emerging in the popular consciousness because of our collective experiences. Like it's probably not a coincidence that folk horror has come into focus at the same time that the trad wife trend is happening, and witchtok has become a thing. I could say some pretty hackneyed things about the psychological effects of the digital age and our increasingly technologized, disembodied existence, but I will just let you imagine them instead.
Even though I know that the whiff of folk horror no longer promises me a great time, I still watch new specimens pretty slavishly, and LORD OF MISRULE doesn't totally suck. Actually it's tense and interesting for quite a stretch, up until you realize that it really isn't pursuing any big ideas. But my favorite part of it is--this is one of my favorite things in general, where something outrageous happens in a movie and the characters have a completely bizarre reaction: A child is abducted during an old pagan festival, and the parents slowly realize this is no ordinary crime. Actually the mom realizes immediately that something fucked up is happening while the husband keeps trying to do things by the books, almost hilariously, even after they stumble upon something so appalling that it's hard to even describe. I wish I had a screenshot for you. They find this piece of...art?...that's like a dripping wet animal hide wrapped around a hideous diorama involving baby dolls and all this shit, and underneath it is text that says HE STANDS IN THE FIELD AND WAITS. The whole thing is incredibly repulsive and shocking and you can't even begin to imagine who would make such a thing, like the fact that it even exists is really bad news in and of itself...and then the husband is driving them home calmly musing, "Hmm, WHO stands in the field and waits?", as if the most interesting thing is the exact meaning of this caption and NOT the fact that they've seen one of the most arrestingly disgusting objects that you could possibly stumble upon. I really wish the rest of the movie lived up to that one construction, but I guess nobody else found that as exciting as I did!
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romaine2424 · 1 year
Daily Blog June 22, 2023
So that was fun yesterday in starting this blog. I seriously do hope that as time goes by that others will start doing the same. :) I do want to add that in my posts I will be adding some fandom history now and then. Today is one of those days. I may have been a bit self-indulgent. *blushes*
What I'm Reading:
I'm trying to savor the Ginny sorted into Slytherin story I mentioned yesterday. In my first read of it, I raced through it and know that I probably missed enjoying it in it's complete form. I'm on a few Discords and one of them being Harry Potter Fanfiction Club. They have a vote every month to choose what fics the members can read together and discuss. This month they chose for Drarry aideomai's Dwelling. I'd read this masterpiece before but decided to look for a shorter fic by this amazing author. I chose Nice Things. OMG all 22K of this fic is such a treat. If you ever need a warm, dreamylike fic, choose this one. It's an 8th year fic where only 7 of the classmates come back. Ron, Harry, and Hermione are in the mix. Draco is there along with Theo. They are assigned to live in a cottage on the grounds of Hogwarts. The progression of Harry and Draco's relationship is lovely. Read it now or Bookmark it for later when the need for this type of fic hits...as we all know there are times it's needed.
Tumblr Posts of Interest:
I only have one today and that's just because I have a bit to say about it as it holds a special place in my fandom heart.
HD Fan Fair (Career Fair) is open for prompts! They have openings for 250 prompts and so far have 153. Prompt closing is on June 30th. Claiming begins on July 1st.
First of all, I think we need to give a huge shout-out to Fan Fair mod @phoenixacid. This will be her 10th year of modding this fest. I do believe she worked on it even earlier. Anyone who's modded a fest before knows the dedication it takes to see it through. Her co-mod, @sassy-cissa has been involved since 2018.
Here's a little history about this Fest
This fest has been going on annually since 2009, with the exception of 2011. It was conceived by @marguerite26 and myself, with @vaysh11 and Jamie2109 soon joining in. I was unable to mod for personal reasons that first year and only partially the second...after that I pretty much left fandom. Back then, you really couldn't just start a fest when other established fests were already on the calendar. It was considered impolite and it would be posted on LJ about what an arse you were. LOL When hd_inspired closed shop, we jumped in and took their spot in Autumn. Fan Fair started with Career Fair and then moved on to Travel Fair. Since then, they've had Book (books mentioned in HP), Sex, Food, and Pottermore Fairs with repeats for Career, Travel and Food. Both Inspired and then Fan Fair were novel in being a prompt fest as opposed to an exchange fest like @hd-erised (back then it was hd_holidays). We felt it gave greater control to the authors to write to a prompt they liked as opposed to be assigned one, which from personal experience can cause angst and meltdowns. That is why it was called a Fair as opposed to a fest. A fest usually meant an Exchange Fest.
When I came back to fandom, I about cried seeing that @Phoenixacid had not only kept Fan Fair alive but it was thriving. I wrote for it that first year I came back in 2021, and I made a promise to read and comment on every fic and art piece posted for the Fairs. I only skipped one fic last year. It was brilliantly written but was beyond my comfort level for psychological horror. I don't listen to Podfics, I'm sorry to say. When I used to commute hours to and from work, I could but now I don't have the where-with-all to pay attention.
So go PROMPT!!!!! And give tons of love to the two mods!!!! Mods are the backbone of fandom.
For more history on Fan Fair and links to all the previous Fairs and their masterlists, here you go. Fan Fair on Fanlore.
Tumblr Drarry Fic/Art Resource:
Did you know the amazing @snowgall created and maintains a Drarry fanart archive at @snowingalway. She had noticed that fandom art of old was being lost and artists were leaving fandom. The pieces available for viewing are those that the artists have given her permission to archive. She personally contacted the artists to ask for such permission. I think when you visit the sight and view what she's saved, you too will be thrilled and indebted for what she's done for Drarry fandom. Please not she also posts and collect current works, too!
Last Tidbit:
I mentioned yesterday that I'd be reccing a fic today. I'm going to hold off on that until tomorrow. This is long enough. *blushes again*
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hauntedwitch04 · 2 years
Thin jacket in October
🎃Halloween party🎃
Steve Harrington x reader 
Words: about 1k words 
Warning: none, just pure fluff and our lovely Stevie 
Author’s note: Here my first da of my Halloween party. I know that I’m late, just decided to do this special at the last second. Hope you like this, I know it’s note my best work. With love, your Becky<33
 ✒️: “You can’t go out with such a thin jacket in October, you gonna get a cold!”
Requests are open I  Ask  I  My masterlist   I  Join the Taglist
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You couldn't believe you could feel that cold already in early October, yet there you were. You had left the house in a hurry, remembering that you had to pick up your sister Max from the D&D game at the last minute. After weeks and weeks of psychological pressure from Dustin, your sister had finally decided to participate in a flash campaign that was going to take place just today, to see if she liked it. She had made you promise that if she didn't like it she would call you and you would pick her up right away, no matter the excuse or whatever, and all you could do was say yes, but apparently she must have liked it if there was no distress call. This whole thing, however, leads you to now be in the car, freezing, just wearing a sweater, waiting for them to come out. You are immersed in your thoughts and you don't notice that someone is next to the window of your car , until that person knocks gently. You turn jerkily with your heart racing, thinking it might be who knows who, finding instead only a wild Steve Harrington smiling faintly at you. You smile back at him and get out of the car, to greet him. 
When you first came to Hawkings and heard about the great Steve Harrington, you thought he was the usual school bully, with rich but absent parents, and who enjoyed talking back to professors and getting bad grades, and he probably was too, and in part still is sadly so since his parents are so present that he could be compared to an orphan. Something changed, however, on that fateful night when you killed the demogos: you, him, and a gang of twelve-year-old boys. That night you discovered a different Steve, and almost magically, you couldn't help but become friends. At first Billy wasn't too happy about your friendship, but seeing how good it made you feel, he decided to turn a blind eye to the fact that it was Harrington, all because he loved you. 
Since his father left home, after betraying your mother, he had decided to stay with you and help you, doing what he could and becoming the man of the house. Now the atmosphere in the family is definitely better, and everything seems to be going well. 
Well, everything except your love life, since it seems that the one guy you are interested in sees you as nothing more than a friend. Billy and Max often tease you about your obvious crush on Steve, which instead of disappearing over the years as you had hoped, had done nothing but grow. 
"Hey, if you had told me, I would have given Max a ride, too, as well as Dustin." Steve says, leaning against your car next to you. You blush at the closeness, and suddenly the cold seems to go away as you hope he doesn't notice given the darkness surrounding you. 
"I didn't want to bother you, and besides I was glad to pick her up, you know the first time she's coming to one of these things and she'll be super excited to tell me all about it." You say rolling your eyes, but smiling because deep down you like to see her so happy, since with all the things that have happened at Hawkings recently, and Billy's near death last year, it has shaken her deeply. 
"No problem, I'm more than happy to take her home. It's better than being Henderson's taxi driver, I really can't stand that guy anymore: first babysitter now chauffer." You burst out laughing at his words, and he seems to smile even more at the sound of your laughter. 
"There's nothing to laugh about, I've become like a second mother to those children now, it's heartbreaking." The boy continues chuckling. 
"You say that as if you don't like it." You chuckle teasing him. 
"Don't say it too loud, they might hear you." He whispers in your ear, and you can't help but flinch in goosebumps and shivers from that gesture, continuing to giggle. Steve stops and looks at you for a moment, then takes off his jacket and hands it to you. You look at him with a question mark drawn on your face. 
 “You can’t go out with such a thin jacket in October, you gonna get a cold!” Says Steve with a serious look as he puts the jacket over your shoulders. Your heart warms at his gesture, thinking how a boy who has always suffered so much can still be so sweet and selfless, but your thoughts are interrupted by your sister's voice calling you. 
"Y/N! You won't believe it! I won, my first game and I won!" She shouts happily. Seeing her smile, you can't help but smile too. 
"You did great then, so good that next time I think Dusty-bun won't invite you to play." I say, casting a wink at the boy behind her, who is evidently sulking. 
"There's no point in picking on me with that nickname, because until proven otherwise the one who was flirting with Steve until two seconds ago was you my dear." He says as he approaches his friend's car. Steve and I quickly walk away, embarrassed, and say a quick goodbye making stupid excuses like having to run away because they were waiting for us. 
As you get into the car you realize you still have his jacket on, so you make to twist it off and he immediately stops you. 
"You keep it. It looks much better on you than it did on me anyway." He says, giving you a wink. You get into the car as you feel your cheeks get hot. 
"I told Eddie he doesn't stand a chance. Your heart belongs to Steve." Max says mocking you as you throw a punch at her, intimating her to shut up. 
"If after what I've seen, he doesn't ask you out by next week, Billy and I are authorized to beat him up." She continues, and you can't help but smile, continuing to think about the boy who stole your heart.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 9 months
Hello. Thank you very much for your hard work in maintaining this blog - thanks to you, I find useful materials on autism. I have some questions, but first of all I want to start with the seed, if you don’t mind.
I once asked you a question about suspecting autism when my male relatives are autistic, and you recommended taking an autism test and reading an article about autistic impostor syndrome. Since then, my journey of studying autism as a phenomenon began, and now I understand how broad it is, especially for an unscientific person like me. I can't tell you how long it's been since I asked, but every two months since then I've been retaking all the different autism tests you recommend here, and my results range from severe to moderate (mostly in that order, because over time I understand that some manifestations of autism are atypical for me).
I think I might actually be autistic, although I continue to have doubts. For example, some manifestations remain with me no matter what (sensory sensitivity and stimming, communication difficulties, anxiety, empathy/sensitivity, internalization), some manifestations were more pronounced in my youth (special interests, masking), but due to depression and anxiety they appear less. Some manifestations are atypical for me (shutdowns, alexithymia, nonverbality). This affects my life more and more every year, but if you ask why I don’t want to see a professional for diagnosis, then due to circumstances, diagnosis can complicate an already complicated life. I prefer that others, including my physician, perceive my condition as chronic depression and anxiety, at least outwardly, at least until I live separately from my family, so that any possible diagnosis other than depression and anxiety will not affect my family's attitude towards me.
Despite this, I still have some questions that concern me, even if I do not have an official diagnosis: 1) Can depression and anxiety distort some aspects of autism? For example, affecting energy levels, resulting in energy remaining only for office work, a basic mask, and basic physical needs, but not enough for mental and psychological needs? 2) Can some manifestations of autism be distorted or “suppressed” due to circumstances or due to masking? For example, an autistic person, due to circumstances, has to temporarily give up his special interests. He thinks about them every day, but does nothing about them because he cannot afford them, and when this period ends, it becomes difficult to return to special interests. Could this be possible? 3) How does self-care differ between a neurotypical person and an autistic person? How can an autistic person take care of themselves beyond quality sleep, nutrition, and basic hygiene? How can an autistic person accept the fact that some of their needs are different from those of a neurotypical person and require a different way to meet them? How can an autistic person acknowledge needs that may be socially frowned upon, but which are not objectively bad or harmful? For example, the need for stimming, in their attention to their special interests, to certain foods, and so on.
I hope it wasn't too hard for you to read all this. I needed to ask questions of someone who is autistic or knowledgeable about autism, because I still have doubts and discounting: what if I am just fitting into a description that is convenient for me? Am I too demanding? What if I'm just justifying my anxiety and passivity? Is all this worth my attention? It’s hard for me, but is it hard objectively?
What I really need in life is someone who could look at all this objectively and say whether I’m right or wrong, partially or completely. That is why I asked you questions in the hope that you could look at a small part of the picture of my life with fresh and autism-aware eyes. I hope my message wasn't too long.
Thank you for paying attention to my message. I wish you a good time of day.
…Your questions overwhelmed me so much that I had to resort to chat GPT to help. So many questions. I hope it helps anyway…
One: Depression and anxiety can indeed have an impact on how autism is experienced and expressed. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication difficulties, and restricted and repetitive behaviors. However, it is important to note that autism is a spectrum disorder, meaning that individuals with autism can vary greatly in their experiences and abilities.
Depression and anxiety are common comorbid conditions that can occur alongside autism. When someone with autism also experiences depression or anxiety, it can further complicate their overall well-being and functioning. These mental health conditions can affect various aspects of autism in the following ways:
1. Social interaction: Depression and anxiety can intensify social challenges for individuals with autism. They may struggle even more with initiating conversations, maintaining eye contact, understanding social cues, or forming and maintaining friendships.
2. Communication difficulties: Depression and anxiety can exacerbate communication difficulties in individuals with autism. They may have increased difficulty expressing themselves, finding the right words, or understanding the intentions of others.
3. Restricted and repetitive behaviors: Depression and anxiety can influence the expression of restricted and repetitive behaviors commonly associated with autism. Some individuals may experience heightened anxiety-related behaviors, such as repetitive movements or rituals, as a way to cope with their emotional distress.
4. Sensory sensitivities: Many individuals with autism have sensory sensitivities, such as being hypersensitive to certain sounds, textures, or lights. Depression and anxiety can heighten these sensitivities, leading to increased stress and discomfort in sensory-rich environments.
It's important to recognize that each individual's experience with autism, depression, and anxiety is unique. Some individuals with autism may experience more significant impacts on their autism symptoms due to comorbid mental health conditions, while others may not. It's crucial to provide personalized support and interventions tailored to the specific needs of each individual. Consulting with healthcare professionals experienced in autism and mental health can be beneficial in developing appropriate strategies and treatment plans.
Two: Yes, some manifestations of autism can be distorted or suppressed due to various factors, including circumstances and masking. Masking refers to the process in which individuals with autism consciously or unconsciously suppress or hide their autistic traits or behaviors in order to fit into social norms or expectations. This can be done as a coping mechanism to navigate social situations or to avoid judgment and stigma.
Here are a few ways in which autism manifestations can be distorted or suppressed:
1. Social masking: Individuals with autism may actively mimic or imitate neurotypical social behaviors and communication patterns to appear more socially adept. They might learn to make eye contact, engage in small talk, or imitate facial expressions, even if these actions do not come naturally to them. This masking can be mentally and emotionally exhausting, as it requires constant effort and can lead to increased anxiety and stress.
2. Camouflaging: Camouflaging is a strategy where individuals with autism blend in with their neurotypical peers by suppressing their autistic traits. This can involve concealing repetitive behaviors, stimming (self-stimulatory behaviors), or sensory sensitivities. Camouflaging can help individuals navigate social situations, but it can also result in feelings of disconnection from their true selves and significant mental strain.
3. Contextual factors: Some manifestations of autism may be more evident or pronounced in certain environments or situations. For example, an individual with autism may display more obvious autistic traits when feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or fatigued. However, in other contexts or when they feel more comfortable and supported, these manifestations may be less apparent.
It's important to note that suppressing or distorting autism manifestations can have negative consequences, such as increased stress, anxiety, and mental health difficulties. It can also lead to difficulties in self-acceptance and identity development. Recognizing and understanding the impact of masking and providing a supportive and inclusive environment can help individuals with autism feel more comfortable expressing their authentic selves.
Three: Self-care practices can vary between neurotypical individuals (those without autism) and autistic individuals due to differences in sensory sensitivities, social preferences, and individual needs. Here are some ways self-care might differ between the two:
1. Sensory considerations: Sensory sensitivities are common in autism, and individuals with autism may have particular needs when it comes to sensory input. Some autistic individuals may find certain sensations overwhelming, while others may seek out specific sensory experiences for comfort or regulation. Self-care for an autistic person might involve creating a sensory-friendly environment, using tools like sensory toys or weighted blankets, or engaging in activities that provide sensory stimulation or relaxation based on their sensory preferences.
2. Social preferences: Autistic individuals often have unique social preferences and may find social interactions challenging or draining. Self-care for an autistic person may involve setting boundaries around social interactions, allowing themselves time for solitude and recharge, and engaging in activities that align with their personal interests and passions.
3. Routine and predictability: Many individuals with autism thrive on routine and predictability. Self-care for an autistic person may involve establishing and maintaining a structured routine that provides a sense of stability and reduces anxiety. This might include regular meal times, consistent sleep schedules, or specific rituals or activities that provide comfort and familiarity.
4. Special interests and focused activities: Autistic individuals often have intense interests or hobbies that bring them joy and provide a sense of purpose. Self-care for an autistic person might involve indulging in their special interests, engaging in activities that allow them to hyperfocus or deeply engage their attention, and creating a balance between structured tasks and unstructured time for exploration and personal pursuits.
5. Communication and support: Autistic individuals may have unique communication styles and preferences. Self-care for an autistic person might involve advocating for their needs, seeking support from individuals who understand and respect their communication differences, and utilizing tools and strategies such as visual supports or assistive technology to enhance communication and self-expression.
It's important to remember that self-care is highly individual, and each autistic person will have their own specific needs and preferences. It's crucial to listen to and respect the individual's self-identified needs and support them in developing a self-care routine that works best for them.
I hope this helps. I felt too overwhelmed to answer any more questions.
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psychewritesbs · 4 months
Since Mahoraga is a topic in the anti-Megumi agenda once again...
I'm probably on the minority thinking this but given Gege's ability to manipulate his readers to see only what he wants us to see, I think Mahoraga gaining such focus and hype is just one big distraction to divert our attention away from what the 10S is really capable of.
I've always been on the belief that the shadows is what makes this technique special and that the shikigamis are more or less a bonus. Either that or the shikigamis are manifestations of the user's inner shadow but then again, the fact that they're a fixed bunch it kinda takes away from the user's individuality. Unless Gege is trying to say that all the users of inherited techniques are in some way related by fate. Perhaps they are a reincarnation?
On the topic of reincarnation, the Yashuki Nyorai reincarnation theory about Megumi is very interesting (whether or not he truly is one). I don't think Gege chose to reference this deity on a whim given how he wrote Gojo and Sukuna who both had references from god-like figures as well. So I wonder what this is about? Given that Yakushi Nyorai is related to healing, it's curious why Megumi, who is not known for his rct or insane healing unlike Gojo/Yuta/Hakari, is the one with this kind of inspiration.
One of my guess is that perhaps the Zenins were one of Yakushi Nyorai's most devote followers and that their ancestor was gifted with the 10S in return. Or that their ancestor is a reincarnation of Yakushi Nyorai himself. Anyways, all these are really interesting stuff that I hope Gege addresses in the future (I need a background on the history of the 3 clans in general 😭). And it's really interesting how much divine references is tied to the 10S in general. Here's to hoping it leads somewhere.
omg thanks for the Megumi love anon 😭.
Your ask really made me miss him. Anyways, yes. I've always thought of his shikigami as expressions of his personality and emotional state.
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This could explain why Sukuna's Shikigami are stylistically different than Megumi's.
I looked into that deity you told me about and I love the little I read about it. I wonder how heavily Gege will lean on the psychological aspect of 10s but Depth Psych has an understanding that a wounded healer heals others. And I can mental gymnastic something about the shadow being the seat of creative energy and giving us access into the unconscious, where healing can be found.
Something something.
So yeah. Of course I loved this. THANK YOU FOR SHARING!
Anon. We stay STRONG!
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theoppositequeens · 5 months
war is over (if you want it)
This is a fic written for Kay (@im-doing-hot-girl-shit ) in the Bastards of the Barrel Winter Exchange. I'm sorry it took me so long to get posted - first inspiration struck for two fics and then I had no inspiration to finish either - so on this last day you are of course getting both! Hope you enjoy them!
Ship: Helnik
Rated: T
Read on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52883680
war is over (if you want it)
Matthias Helvar was infuriating.
Nina had been aware of him since freshman year - who wouldn't be, he was freakishly tall - and even had a major crush on him, because he was gorgeous and seemed like serious boyfriend material.
But that was before he opened his mouth and started talking.
Helvar was damned smart, and he used his smarts to constantly question Nina. Any time she answered in class, or had a theory, or gave her opinion on what could have caused this psychological issue in that exemplary person, he would open his beautiful mouth and argue. He'd pick apart her answer, offer infuriatingly good alternatives and pull her into a heated debate that just made her look stupid. She didn't know why the teachers never intervened.
And so she had decided to hate him. It wasn't going amazingly, because she still admired his strong shoulders and cute half-smile from a distance, but she was trying. It was easier when he wound up taking courses he had no business taking - rumor had it that he was ex-police force, studying criminal psychology because of an injury in the line of duty. He had nothing to do in her specialized developmental psychology classes!
Yet there he was. Sometimes Nina wondered if he was taking every class available.
"Ohhh, I hate him!" Nina seethed, face planting into the sofa in hers and Inej's apartment. "The stupid man always has to punch holes in my explanations!"
"What did Helvar do this time?" Inej inquired mildly from the kitchen.
"We had a group conversation in class about what we'd do with this imaginary client, and what factors to take into account and look for, and every time I said something, he'd go: but what if it isn't trauma? Could we be looking at...", she did a bad rendition of Helvar's voice and Inej giggled. "And of course the professor happened to pass our group every time so I then had to defend my idea like a three-year-old defending her sand castle. Scrambling and badly."
"Well was he right to question you?"
Nina thought about it, and groaned. "Sometimes," she admitted grudgingly. "But he was still an ass about it."
Inej dropped the subject and Nina should have spent the evening not giving Matthias a second thought, but his constant comebacks were wearing her down, a little. Even after sushi, two glasses of wine, and quality time with Inej and Grey’s Anatomy, it was bugging her. She shouldn’t let him take up som much space in her mind. Perhaps she could just be a bit quieter in class so she wouldn't have to deal with him all the time.
In the beginning she had thought that they could be friends. They had both been clearly older than the typical uni student – heck, she'd done her degree in social work and been in the workforce a few years before feeling like she could make more of a difference as a child psychologist, especially because of the nationwide psychologist shortage. She was on average 7 years older than everyone else in her year.
So she'd placed herself beside him at the bar during freshers events, they had chatted amicably but very shallowly. At first, she’d thought he was just slow to warm up, or perhaps shy. Sometimes getting answers out of Helvar had felt like pulling teeth, though, so Nina gave up. He clearly wasn't interested in being friends, let alone more.
"Stop daydreaming, Nina," chided Inej, and Nina jerked her head around from where she'd been staring at Helvar, further down the line. She grabbed her lunch tray and started filling it, opting for the chili. Flashing her student card and paying, Nina followed Inej into the thick Monday crowd of students. Her friend moved confidently and elegantly, her lithe dancer's frame twisting to avoid other people's lunch trays. Inej somehow spotted a free table with three chairs in the inner courtyard, and beelined for it. The student cafeteria would put out absolutely uncomfortable metal tables and chairs whenever the weather warmed up, and spots outside in the sunshine were coveted despite the less-than-stellar seating. Everyone was eager to escape the noisy interior and soak up the sunshine.
"So have you heard anything about the research assistant spot?" Inej asked when they were seated.
Now well past her bachelor's, Nina had applied for the spot in the hopes of getting to do her master's thesis about the subject. The project was awesome, looking at the reliability of children's testimonies in court, and how children responded to certain types of questions. Just the kind of thing that could make a difference.
"Not yet," Nina sighed. "We'll probably hear from them next week. Did you know Helvar had the interview slot after me? I'll bloody murder him if he gets the spot instead!"
Inej laughed merrily but Nina shut her up with a question about Kaz, which made the other girl blush and peep that they were going on a third date soon. Just when they were launching into what Inej should wear, someone cleared their throat beside their table. Nina looked up, and there he was, blonde hair contrasting against the autumn glory of the maple tree in the courtyard, the reds and yellows in the sunshine making his blue eyes pop.
"I'm sorry for interrupting, Nina," he said politely, "but everywhere else is full, may I sit with you guys?"
Nina looked around, but unfortunately did not spot any alternative places to suggest instead, and so she answered with a sigh: "Sure, Helvar."
Somehow Matthias managed to fold his impressive frame onto the small metal chair, and after introducing himself to Inej he joined their lunch. It was awkward, but surprisingly not hostile. Matthias seemed warmer than he did in class, his tongue less sharp. He was mostly quiet besides, so Nina and Inej carried most of the conversation.
He stayed with them until it was time for them to bring their trays back and head to the next lecture.
"Thank you for the company," he said in his typical formal way when they parted, and as soon as he was out of earshot, Inej rounded on Nina.
"So that's Helvar? " she asked, a teasing glint in her eyes.
"Yeah?" Nina didn’t like the tone in Inej’s voice.
"Oh, girl," Inej's smile was almost blinding, "the guy has a crush on you!"
"What?" Nina stumbled. She caught herself at the last minute, feeling like the air had been knocked out of her. "No, he does not!"
"Well, clearly you didn't see the way he was looking at you," Inej grinned. "Are you sure the arguing in class isn't just some weird academic foreplay?"
Nina had laughed at Inej but the truth was: she couldn't stop thinking about him.
His big, long-fingered hands gesturing while he made a point. His intense gaze almost burning through her whenever she said something. How he tossed his head almost flirtatiously while countering her argument.
She wasn't sure what to make of it.
... and due to this additional funding, we have decided to hire two research assistants for the project. Joining you will be Mr Matthias Helvar.
If you could swing by my office on Monday, we could set up a meeting time for further discussions. Everyone on the team is looking forward to working with you, Ms Zenik...
Nina stared at the screen in disbelief. She had worked so hard for this and that was the reward? She should be shrieking with joy – the position was hers after all and she'd really wanted it – but working with Matthias Helvar on the team left her with mixed feelings. Nina read the email a third time, trying to decipher from the wording whether she was the runner-up while they would have chosen Matthias if not given additional funding. It was impossible - likely she'd never know.
She knew they likely would have to collaborate on all the basic tasks involved in data gathering and analyzing as well as general project prep. The brief had said she'd be required to do some writing as well, at least a systematic review on some background research. That would be amazing for her academic career, but would she now have to do all of it with infuriating, too-tall-for-his-own-good Helvar?
Nina arrived at the uni exactly twelve minutes before the initial appointment. Enough time to refresh her makeup and smooth her dress down one last time before she went to meet her supervisor. It couldn’t hurt to make a professional first impression with her new co-workers, and arriving a touch early, but not early enough to seem desperate, was the way to go. When she arrived on the faculty floor though, she discovered that Helvar was already there, chatting with a dark-haired middle-aged woman, a coffee mug in his hand. Nina wanted to roll her eyes at him – obviously – being there before her, but she also couldn’t help noticing how well the black shirt and gray dress pants he chose for his first say here suited him. Nina blinked, trying to shake off the notion of how good Helvar looked and entered the room.
The internship, it turned out, would involve a lot of cooperation between her and Helvar. The dark-haired woman who turned out to be their supervisor gave them an overview of their tasks for the next few weeks and then took them on a tour to introduce them to everyone on the team.
Over the next few days Nina familiarized herself with the various projects and got to know her coworkers and their areas of expertise better. On top of that, she kept up with normal coursework and classes, which meant a lot of late evenings and early mornings. She’d been annoyed to find out that she’d be stuck doing a lot of work with Matthias on top of her busy schedule, but that didn’t turn into the horror she'd somehow expected. Someone bringing down her mood constantly would not have helped at all. Matthias wasn't as combative as she remembered from their discussions in class, and he seemed surprisingly happy to be working with her. He was flexible with his schedule, always greeted her with a smile and kept up on his promised parts of the work.
He still annoyed her though. Especially in the mornings, he was way too cheery, and his constant good mood grated on her nerves. This particular Thursday, Nina had been up with another deadline all night just to catch three hours of crappy sleep and drag her ass to the university. On the way she’d had to trudge through typical November-snow slush, and narrowly managed to avoid slipping on some ice. Her favorite coffee place had been out of ingredients for a hot cocoa and once she arrived at their booked studying nook, she realized she’d forgotten her laptop charger. She was so ready for the week to end.
"Hey, Nina," Matthias said, sounding way too chipper while flopping down at the table. "I’m stuck with this research hypothesis because I found a lot of really contradicting papers. Could you give it a look. I’d like to have your opinion on it."
Later, Nina would blame her lack of sleep, or perhaps her general personality, for her next words: "Why should I give it, when you're just going to pick it apart anyway?"
She grimaced at her snappy tone. She’d sounded irritated, almost defensive. A real bitchy response to a nice inquiry.
"W–what?" Matthias looked confused for a bit, and then a little hurt before he settled on confused again. "What do you mean?"
"Nothing. Forget it, Matthias," Nina said tiredly. "I'm just in a shitty mood this morning."
"No," he insisted, watching her carefully. "What’s this about?"
Nina was stubborn, but she sensed he was equally so. She wouldn't be getting out of this situation without answering. And the real answer meant sucking up her pride and admitting that she'd taken his comments to heart and let them affect her.
"I just... You're always picking apart my theories in class. I just don’t think you’d value my opinion that much."
It was an unusually loud noise from the collected and calm Matthias. Like it had startled out of him accidentally. Matthias pressed the heel of his hand against his forehead. He frowned and shook his head lightly before he continued.
“No, I – I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come across as rude. I wasn’t criticizing you, I promise!”
“Alright,” Nina mumbled, still unsure, and avoided his searching gaze. It sure had felt like that to her. Matthias seemed to sense that she wasn’t convinced yet, so he continued:
“It’s just the way we were taught to engage at the academy – you know, find the weak spots in someone's plan of action and help patch the plan up. Like, bouncing ideas off each other.” He looked upset and embarrassed when she did dare to take a peek at him. “I didn’t realize it made you feel like I was putting you down.”
“Okay,” Nina said. “That makes sense, I guess. And I mean, I didn’t tell you I found it uncomfortable, so how could you know?”
Matthias sighed. “Well I’m an ex-police officer and I’ve studied years of psychology, you’d think I would know how to read a situation!”
“And perhaps I should have picked up that you weren’t being mean, just constructive in your own way?” Nina threw him a wary smile.
He smiled at her attempt to lighten the mood a bit. And gosh, was he attractive when he smiled.
“I…” Matthias hesitated a bit, and still sounded very apologetic despite her giving him an easy out. “Okay, now that I think back, I could have phrased a lot of things better. Perhaps I’m not so good at constructive criticism.”
“Yeah,” Nina said quietly, then perked up a bit. It was good to know that she’d just been misreading his attempts to debate as a personal attack. But then again, she really wore her heart on her sleeve, and, “I just tend to put a lot of myself into everything I say or do, so I guess I’m bad at separating my emotions from any argument I use? And then I tend to get a little defensive of my ideas.”
“That’s not a bad thing,” Matthias said. “I really like how you can get really passionate about things, it’s such a great quality!”
Nina smiled back at him, taking the compliment with more ease than she usually did. After this intense discussion – she wouldn’t call it a fight – she felt more inclined to believe it was genuine. And really, no one was really at fault here, they just communicated very differently, and that had gotten them off on the wrong foot.
“So now that we’ve established we have very different styles of communication for academic debate, perhaps you could offer your opinion on my hypothesis?” Matthias asked shyly, putting into words what Nina was about to say. Then he blushed and looked down. “I quite like getting your input on things.”
Oh. Okay, so perhaps Inej hadn’t been far off?
“Sure”, Nina said brightly, her day looking so much better. Matthias didn’t really dislike her, she’d just misinterpreted his signals of interest. And having different communication styles wasn’t really a hindrance to a relationship if both parties were aware… “Show me what you got?”
Christmas parties weren’t always the best – Nina had been to quite a few boring and uncomfortable ones while she was working – but the psychology association at her uni tended to throw a great party. Everyone was invited, from students to staff, food and alcohol were plentiful and the decorations tasteful.
And Matthias would be there.
They’d spent most of November and December building up an easy friendship. Soon they’d dropped the excuse of doing research work and just hung out together. She learnt Matthias was addicted to cute puppy videos and that his leg injury only bothered him if he had to be standing for long stretches of time. Matthias had learnt not to stand between Nina and pizza (or any food really) and he tolerated her ranting about basically anything with good humor.
Sometimes she wondered if he would make a move, but even while they did some typical dating things like movies and bowling, he never did.
That was okay though. Nina didn’t mind taking it slow – and yet tonight she was dressed to impress. The dark red dress clung to all her curves, and Inej had helped her with hair and make-up.
The lights at the venue were slightly dimmed, but it didn’t take Matthias long to find her at the bar after the sit-down dinner was done. He was handsome in his suit, the baby blue shirt matching his eyes.
“Hey,” he greeted her, his eyes quickly raking over her form. “You look amazing tonight!”
“Thanks,” Nina said with a flirty smile, and held up a glass of wine in question. “Something to drink?”
He smiled at her and slid in quite close when he ordered, just enough that she could feel the heat of him. While waiting, he turned to her and Nina tilted her head back to get a good look at his face. His hair was slightly mussed, like he’d ran a hand through it. He once confessed that before being a policeman, he’d had long hair. It was just more practical to keep it short while working, and he hadn’t gotten around to growing it out yet. Touching it was his nervous habit.
“How was your dinner?” Matthias asked while they sipped their drinks, and Nina recounted being seated near a professor who had drunk a bit much and incited her part of the table into some spontaneous and rambunctious Christmas carols.
“That sounds like fun,” he chuckled. “I didn’t know Professor T liked singing.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say Professor T is good at singing,” Nina confessed, trying to stay serious, ”but at least he has enthusiasm!”
They both cracked up a bit, Matthias almost snorting beer out of his nose. Soon they abandoned their empty glasses and Nina took a deep breath, holding out her hand.
“Do you want to dance?”
Matthias looked stunned for a second, before he smiled widely and followed her into the crowd. It had started with a few more classical dances, but now that the professors were mostly tired, drunk, or heading home, the students had taken over the floor. Someone was acting DJ and the music was rhythmic and fast.
Matthias was a surprisingly good dancer. He kept near but let Nina do her own thing, sometimes he pulled her closer and she delighted in shimmying against him. They spun into a circle of mutual friends, who they danced with for a while, and when the crowd moved they ended up in a quiet corner, pressed against each other. Matthias’s hands on her hips were more intoxicating than all of the wine she’d consumed that evening. He was warm and strong and she would very much like to kiss him. Instead, she leaned in close and shouted over the music,
“Want to go take a breather?”
Matthias led her through the dance floor, his bulk cutting a path through the throng of people, Nina following behind. The air outside was refreshingly cold, a few snowflakes slowly descending from a dark sky. They weren’t alone on the patio, but Matthias steered her away from the gang taking a smoke – a blessing, since Nina hated the smell of cigarettes.
Instead, he brushed off snow from one of the tables and leaned slightly against it, taking a deep breath. It would be way too cold to stay outside for long without a jacket, but the alcohol warmed Nina enough that she decided she’d copy his pose for a while. That was a great idea, until her foot slipped on the icy deck.
Her arms flailed for a second before she caught onto Matthias, and he to her. Unexpectedly close, he let out a surprised and relieved huff of air, and then he was kissing her.
His mouth was warm and soft and careful at first, everything she’d dreamed of. And when she entwined her arms around his neck and rose onto her tippy-toes to kiss him back, the kiss turned delightfully smoldering and dirty. They were interrupted by hoots and cat-calls from the smokers, and Nina pulled back with a laugh, half-dazed by the kiss.
Matthias let out a puff of air, the white of his breath visible in the cold, and Nina felt herself blushing a bit. His attention and his proximity was intense. This was not how she’d expected the night to go.
Then again, she wasn’t exactly going to complain either.
“So how am I meant to interpret this kiss?” She teased. “Are our communication styles very different in this area, too, or should I assume this means you like me, because if not I’d –”
Matthias kissed her again to shut her up.
“Yes, it means I really like you,“ he said roughly. “Now, let’s get you inside, so you don’t freeze before I have a chance to take you on a first date.”
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crisiscutie · 1 year
Regarding the Sephology 101 course, I would like to ask about a basic analysis into the psychological aspect of Sephiroth. As a Sephiroth admirer since I was kid, I really love to learn more about the mysterious man
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Content Warning: Discussions of child abuse and trauma. Long ramble below.
Welcome to Sephology 101. The course is now open!
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We know from the canon that Sephiroth's psychological aspect has been painted by Shinra ever since he was born. His life was defined by TRAUMA. Before he was born, he was subjected to harrowing experiments, the first of his many traumas. That's already going to heavily influence his psychology and his well being. That is not even mentioning other genetic predispositions he inherited from his parents. Being taken away from his mother as a baby was undoubtedly a traumatic event as well, and its effects can be felt in his life, even though he can't remember it.
Shinra has crafted him into the perfect SOLDIER. Dutiful, obedient, strong, intelligent. I'm sure they only gave him the bare necessities and concentrated heavily on the art of warfare. And like I once said, he must've had an immense pressure to always be the best. He can't let up or appear weak, he kept up appearances. I've read an official fun fact that Sephiroth was a full time frontline fighter before he was TEN YEARS OLD. That is tragic and wild to me on so many levels. I always knew he was a child soldier, but I would've thought he spent most of his formative years preparing for the battlefield and occasionally visiting it.
Being a child soldier itself is just a mountain of trauma. He was taught to do and suffer through horrible things, but deep down, he was seeking validation without even being aware of it. Children's love for their caregivers is almost unconditional, particularly when they are very young. They will do what is taught to them, they will modify their behavior to accommodate the demands of the adults around them and they will have a strong faith in the adults to cherish and protect them... I'd imagine Sephiroth lost this unconditional love for Shinra as he grew up. Especially when he was given autonomy as a reward for his growing fame, like the ability to wear his own clothing, decline missions, discover his own hobbies, etc. These all gave him a sense of empowerment. With this, he will see more of what others had that he didn't. There's also the factor of how Shinra kept putting him into one traumatic situation into another... No matter how normalized abuse is, you will feel horrible about what is happening to you in some way or another, especially if it's by something or someone as your caregiver...
Another psychological aspect to focus on is that Sephiroth did not have a strong social circle. He had very few connections. The four known and strongest ones being Professor Gast, Angeal, Genesis and later Zack in Crisis Core, when the last two before him abandoned Sephiroth. I will say Sephiroth was attracted to these four not just because of the familiarity and comfort they bring to him, but also their nurturement. They encouraged Sephiroth to express and explore himself, and let him know that he wasn't alone. They were his anchors. Being around Sephiroth often was a requirement too, and the more time they spent together, the stronger their connection. This goes for those who Sephiroth despises, too. They stood out amongst the gray and muddied world in his mind to become a person of interest.
What astounded me the most about Sephiroth was his ability to remain composed and devoted despite his traumatic past. He was often distant to most people, but he showed a special kind of affection to his select few loved ones, and occasionally gave this attention to the men under his command. I think there was a deep and innate goodness within him, which was unfortunately destroyed when the truth about his background and who his 'mother' was was revealed.
I think Sephiroth's empathy doesn't get enough discussion. And yes, he is an empath, even Post-Nibelheim. Let me explain: I think his empathy is rooted in his time on the battlefield, where he had to be vigilant and pick up on the slightest changes in his environment and persons around him. Great fighters are great thinkers. Outside of the battlefield, he uses his empathy to pick up on the feelings of those around him and to express his compassion in the best way he knows how. Even before he was friends with Zack, he knew he had a special bond with Angeal, and he felt a pang of guilt whenever he asked Zack to take on his assignments. In Nibelheim, he picked up on the deep yearning of his men, particularly Cloud's, to see their loved ones again and he showed concern for Tifa when she wanted to go inside the reactor.
Post-Nibelheim, his empathy is more twisted. Thanks to his time in the Lifestream and his Jenova cells, he was able to tap into people's emotions to inflict emotional pain. In my opinion, I think the biggest showcase of this is when he read Tifa's mind and created an elaborate story of how Cloud was just a Jenova puppet created by Hojo. That's a rather impressive feat, and he was so close to breaking Cloud then... His silver tongue is as sharp as his sword.
Sephiroth's sadism is sophisticated, yet viciously merciless. He desires to break others down and to project his own traumas and weaknesses into them. I'm fairly certain he does not think himself as evil and rather, righteous in dispensing the pain the world has caused him and his "mother"...
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Anyway, there is much more unpack about Sephiroth, but that's what Sephology 101 is for. Feel free to ask questions or send some contributions. The course is open now.
~ TA C.C
Also, I called it on 7R Rebirth not being at the Playstation Showcase.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 7 months
Profile Tag Game
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Hello: I'm Sakura! No offense, but umm... why do you want to talk to me? Haha! That was awkward... but jokes aside, let's strive to have a pleasant chat!~
Chat: Tickling - Do I like tickling? Well... yeah. It's been one of my "special" interests for as long as I can remember. W-why are you looking at me like that...?
Chat: Psychology - I don't get passionate about many things, but this, this is something I'm sure of.
Chat: Music - When my emotions can't get put into words, listening to music helps gather my thoughts.
When it Rains: I never understood how nature sounds can be relaxing. I just automatically tune out the noise.
After the Rain: Ugh, it's gonna get real cold tonight. Make sure to bundle up well, don't want our joints hurting now, haha!
When Thunder Strikes: *gasp* S-sorry, I get easily startled...
When it Snows: Snow...? I've never seen it myself. Although, I doubt my body could handle it.
When the Sun is Out: Hngh... my eyes are weak to such intense light...
When the Wind is Blowing: Even when I cut my hair shorter, it still brushes against my ears and neck! It tickles so bad... Don't laugh at me, haha!
Good Morning: Morning already...? Ugh... How do I get out of bed?
Good Afternoon: Can I nap already, pleaseeeee? I promise I'll do my work later.
Good Evening: It's evening, y'know what that means... Time to suddenly feel somewhat energetic and cram everything I didn't do during my day!
Good Night: Every night without fail, I'll daydream about my interests until I fall asleep.
About Sakura: Physical affection - I'm not the most touchy person out there, but that doesn't mean I'm against receiving it!
About Sakura: Relationships - I recently learned that I value my friendships more over romantic relationships, although I'm still a sucker for crappy romcoms.
About Sakura: Perception - It always baffles me when people describe me diferently as to how I view myself. It probably comes off as attention seeking, but I genuinly don't get it.
Something to Share: Language - My main language is actually spanish! Although I prefer to speak english, much easier hehe.
Interesting things: Growing up - Growing up is much less scarier than what other people make it out to be. Could've saved me the extra anxiety, haha!
Sakura's Hobbies: I don't open up about my hobbies much because of past judgement. But essentially, I like to play videogames and write. Sometimes I'll read or watch shows if I'm not too tired.
Sakura's Troubles: What troubles me...? Haha! Hahahaha! Where do I even begin?
Favorite Food: I could eat pasta every day of my life and die happy.
Least Favorite Food: I'm not really sure. I tend to dislike most foods based on texture more than taste.
About @xsezzie : Sezzie is such a sweet and caring person, I'm so glad I get to call her my friend. I wouldn't trade all those talks about MEN for anything, hehe~
About @nervousswitch : At first, I wasn't too fond of being viewed as a big sister, but Ariy has made me enjoy it, not gonna lie.
About @kairoscler : It's kinda crazy to think that Kairo showed up randomly one day in my ask box talking about lee Rui, and now we have such a strong bond.
About @lovinglyroses : Lucy is my platonic soulmate!~ But in all seriousness, I'm so glad to be friends with such a ray of sunshine.
About @practickles : Those thoughtful conversations I've had with Catet will forever reign in my heart.
About @jackytickles : With Jack, there's never a dull moment. He's one of the few people I'd go out of my way to hug.
About @azureyemberzz : Being friends with Amber is a rollercoaster of emotions. I don't like rollercoasters, but reaching the end makes it all worth it.
Ty Sezzie for tagging me, this was fun to do (^○^)💖
Tagging: @kittyfluffies @jackytickles @duckymcdoorknob @kaerichan-yatta @kairoscler @lovinglyroses @practickles @azureyemberzz and anyone who wants to do it!
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sebastard69 · 2 years
Hello! Sooo could you give us more information for autistic genshin characters? (honestly felt that alhaitham could be neurodivergent since the beginning so hhhhhhh)
Btw, do you have any reliable sources to learn about autism and such? I learnt recently that I may be autistic (self-diagnosed but the results speak for themselves) and I really want to know more about it
I'm also self-diagnosed! A lot of my information has come from other autistic people I've made connections with, as well as some websites like spectrumnews or additudemag - though these sites I simply used as a springboard for more in-depth research I did during my psychology and sociology classes using peer reviewed papers and studies. It's been a while since I did my own research, however, so I no longer have links to the papers I used :( The good news is that Google has a specific search engine for research papers here, if dense research papers are your speed!
And I would LOVE to give more information on autistic genshin characters! This is a bit of a long one, so I'll stick my explanations under a read more!
Albedo and Shenhe are kind of obvious imo, they have the classic "low empathy" thing going on (which I find that to be such a misnomer, autistics don't have low empathy we just express it differently), and struggle to understand and express emotions. Albedo uses art and alchemy to try and understand the world around him while Shenhe tries to find logical explanations for the concept of friendship.
Cyno is one of my favorite examples! He is not very expressive, he has an intense sense of justice, he is fiercely loyal to those he considers friends, and the entire reason he tells such bad jokes is because he recognizes his shortcomings and wants to be a better leader to the other Matra. He knows jokes can help ease tension and build morale, but he doesn't have the same sense of humor as most other people and tends to assume their lack of laughter is from a lack of understanding so he over-explains them a lot.
Tighnari's special interest is botany and medicine! He also has a strong sense of justice and left the akademiya to pursue what he believes to be a just and worthy cause. He has a tendency to get frustrated with people who don't understand him and he's protective of the people he's taken into his care. He's not exactly the Too Expressive kind of autistic, but he is more expressive than Cyno - who, btw, he is an expert at reading and understanding even when Cyno doesn't speak. In the 3.2 archon quest, he says something about Cyno seeming more lonely than usual, despite Cyno's demeanor and expression seemingly never changing.
Alhaithammmmm I love him he's just like me fr fr. Another person with a strong sense of justice, and he has a need for things to make sense at all times. If he doesn't understand it, he'll keep digging until he does, no matter what and the main reason he helps you in the archon quest is because of his own curiosity. His sense of humor strikes me as very autistic, too, but in a distinctly different way than Cyno's is. He is INCREDIBLY blunt, literally says "I do what I want" more or less, and is very adamant about the fact that "you can't save everyone."
Nahida is tricky because I know a lot of people will say that she is the way she is because she was locked up for 500 years, but I don't see that as a valid explanation. She has the ability to enter peoples' dreams and frequently ventured into the world in Katherine's body, and had the means to observe and learn about human behavior - something she spent 500 years doing. And yet it seems she's learned barely anything because she tends to try and turn emotions into logical reasoning and it doesn't work that way. During the archon quest, she gets confused by the traveler's response to things multiple times because she'd predicted a different outcome based on a logical inference she made using data collected from humans over 500 years. This is how she perceives the world and processes new information, almost like a computer. Sounds VERY autistic to me.
Diluc is, again, a character that struggles to express himself emotionally and has a strong sense of justice - that's a recurring theme in Genshin I noticed. He consistently does heroic things but does not see himself as worthy of being called a hero because of past mistakes, and struggles to reconcile his feelings in regards to Kaeya because of this sense of justice i.e he loves Kaeya and misses his brother, but can't forgive him for lying. (Or for when he chose to come clean, which honestly is very fair because that was like the worst possible moment to do so)
"Ok, but Razor was raised by wolves, so of course he struggles socially, etc etc etc!" Boring, lame, dumb take. Razor was, and still is, taught by Lisa very regularly. He struggles to articulate himself and speak not because he doesn't know how, it's just hard for him. When you put him in your teapot one of the first conversations you can have with him involves him expressing a desire to get better at speaking regularly and he asks you to help him practice, it's very sweet tbh. He is socially anxious and struggles to express himself.
The more I think about Klee the more I realize she's probably both autistic and has adhd. Her special interest is bombs, she has a habit of breaking rules even though she knows exactly what will happen if she does, and she's a little hyperactive. It's hard to say exactly whether all of that is both or just one because she's young, but I say both.
Yanfei! My gorl! Special interest is law and crime, has a strong sense of justice, she uses her understanding of law and civil code to express herself, is a little socially inept (but what adeptus isn't) but thrives when she meets people she meshes well with - like Yelan or Shinobu!
I know none of this was Mihoyo's intent, stuff like this rarely is, but I revel in finding bits of myself in the media I enjoy nonetheless!
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