#I'm in the waiting room of the salon waiting to get my hair cut and i need to talk about it!
thousandlanterns · 5 months
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itsmebytch001 · 9 months
Auntie Rio:
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Over the years Rio had given Diana so much grace, for years she minimised and compensated for her for all her neglect, and she had done most the heavy lifting of raising you from a motherly point of view.
She had tired despratly tried to make Diana seek help after birth, she had defend her too Jeff for years stating how she was sick, she needed help, but by the time you were ten she had enough, her grace had ran out and now all that was left buried resentment, after the hair incident where she had put you in a boiling hot bath to warm you up and saw you had a harsh purple bruise forming on the left side of your face while you sat silently in the water with your Auntie pouring it down your back, she wanted to ask you what happened, but you were such a state of freezing shock she'd leave it for later.
But Aaron wasn't having it, he had enough to file for emergency full custody but that would only last maybe a month, but what he wanted was permanant full custody, for the month following Diana was frantically trying to get in contact with the Morales's, making new accounts, getting burner phones to try to get in contact with you until eventually Aaron picked up, he knew it was her from the No Caller Id since she had called him once a day for the last month.
Diana: "Aaron?!"
Aaron: "Diana, hey, I need you over at my place at 12, M'kay?"
Diana: "uh..okay?"
Once Diana arrived at Aaron's door she was met with Rio, glaring her down as she opened the door to her, she came into his home to see Jeff and Aaron waiting for her in the living room holding a thick document.
Diana: "Is Y/n here?"
Rio: "No, she's with my mother"
Diana: "Oh...but I thought I was going to see her"
Aaron: "Diana, This" He slapped down the document. "Is a new custody draft"
Diana: "Okay?"
Aaron: "I want you to sign it" Diana picked it up and skimmed read over it.
Diana: "It say's you'd get full custody, and I only get supervised visits?"
Jeff: "Yep"
Diana: "I-I why?!"
Rio: "Excuse me? WHY? Are you serious?!" she waved her arms round the room.
Rio: "YOU cannot be trusted to take care of her, you threw her out the house in a SNOW STORM!"
Diana: "I DID NOT throw her out she LEFT! She took herself out!"
Jeff: "With out shoes on?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.
Diana: "It's not my fault she didn't put her shoes on!"
Rio: "Your her mother it is your JOB to make sure she puts her shoes on!"
Diana: "She RAN out the house!"
Rio: "SHE RAN OUT THE HOUSE BECAUSE SHE IS ARAFID OF YOU!" She stepped to Diana a little too close so much so Jeff stood up and put his hand between them.
Jeff: "Okay, Okay can we please keep this civil?"
Rio: "Hmmm" She turned her body away for her and poured herself a glass of water.
Aaron: "Diana, this is easy, I don't want to go back to court and openly talk about what happened, I don't want to make her go on a stand again and have her talk about it, please PLEASE make this easy"
Diana: "You think you can just ambush me with this?! You think you can try and pull this on me, what if I don't sign then what?!"
Jeff: "Then I'll arrest you for child endangerment, child abuse and child neglect"
Diana: "Excuse me?"
Aaron stood and handed the paper work to her only for her to throw it back in his face.
Rio: "Sign the paper work Diana, if you care even a little about her sign it"
Diana: "She is my daughter of course I care"
Rio: "Then sign it!"
Diana: "Back off Rio, she is MY child I have a right to see her!"
Aaron: "I-"
Aaron: "okay damm"
Rio: "She didn't even know who you were until she was 6, she thought I was her Mom calling me Mama when she was a baby, because you weren't THERE, I was teaching Aaron how to change her, feed her, make sure she layed right, I was the one doing her hair because Aaron hasn't had any in 20 years, and YOU her Mother could not be bothered to do it yourself, or take her to a salon, and then you just cut it OFF"
Diana: "I'm not paying some lady $70 just to blow dry my daughters hair"
Diana:" You know what Rio? I just think your jealous you wanted a girl, but instead you got Miles..."
Now by no means was Rio Morales a violent woman but in this one moment this snapped, Jeff watched in a slow motion terror as his wife camly placed her glass of water on the table, but her plat into a bun and removed her hoops.
Rio pounced onto Diana hitting her once in the face while pushing them both into the floor, the slam of Diana's back onto the floor boards followed by Rio slapping her, Diana covered her head with her forearms but that didn't stop Rio from striking her again and again.
Rio: "Tú mujer malvada Cortar el pelo del bebé!!!" (You evil woman, cutting off the baby's hair"
Diana: "Get off me your crazy bitch!"
Aaron and Jeff exchanged a look, as Jeff plied his wife off Diana she tired to thrash out of his grip.
Rio: "GET OFF ME!"
Aaron: "Okay, Okay that's enough!"
As Jeff dragged Rio out the front door and turned down the hall as Rio gripped the door frame with her bare nails as she continued to wriggle she screamed.
Rio: "DIANA ¡Firma el contrato!"
All Diana could her from that point while Jeff carried Rio down the hall was a distant scream, like a battle cry from down the stair case.
Once Jeff got Rio out the building he finally set her down onto the side walk standing.
Jeff: "What the hell was that?!"
Rio: "What?! I was just putting her in her place, what else? Iv'e been doing that girls hair for her whole life and she just cuts half it off, and kicks her out the house in 3 foot snow!"
Jeff: "I know, but know if she want's she can go back to court and say we are the dangerouse ones!"
Rio: "I know...But if it were Miles would you not do the same?"
Jeff: "...I don't know"
Rio: "Do you think she will? Go back to court and say we are the bad ones?"
Jeff: "Knowing her, yeah, but she still threw out her child so, I think were good"
Rio: "I hope, God what have I done" She undid her bun.
Jeff: "Let's not worry about it now, we still gotta figure out what youre gonna do with her hair, she goes to school like that she'll be bullied into obvilivion"
Rio: "Ugh, I don't know...For now I'll just wrap in silk"
And so for the next week you turned up to school in different colour head wraps while Rio figured out what to do with your hair, needless to say you were the most shiny student.
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mysweetpoisons · 1 year
Deep below the surface
Pairing: Namor/ K’uk’ulkan x reader
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Warnings: smut without plot, +18, spit, dominant namor, oral, p in v
Word count: +2700
The massive crafted stone doors are pushed shut behind you, confining you from the stern looks of the Talokanil guards.
The underwater cave is massive, spacious enough to be carved into a formidable palace, the place continues to amaze you each passing day as you explore it through your assigned chores. 
This room, however, you have never been privy to. The majestic throne room that has witnessed uncountable meetings and hearings over the centuries. And, in the center of the blue-illuminated salon is him. K’uk’ulkan. The name his people chant in reverent prayers, dancing salons and upcoming battles. 
The feathered serpent god is sitting proudly on his throne, the halo of sharp teeth at his back adding a literal extra edge to his posture.  
He's wearing that attire. The ceremonial helmet that has excitement running through your veins. You had only caught glimpses of it before, the mesmerizing movement of the colored feathers, the vivid red, green and blue contrasting against the dark gold and the soft glinting of the encrusted jewels. 
Vibrant colors, brown golden skin and rich brown eyes as exhilarating as fresh coffee beans.
No soul is immune to such beauty, especially not yours. But this? Looking at him feels like looking at the sun without glasses. His burning rays weaken your steps so much so that you almost end up toppling over when your knees meet the cold floor.
" My king " you greet with a soft voice and your head lowering in respect. 
" Come closer, surface dweller " 
Feeling a little bold, you decide to crawl to him until your hands reach the step where his feet rest. Your body is perfectly aligned with his middle.
Namor reaches down to cradle your face in his large hand. The gesture is almost sweet until the rough skin of his thumb taps your chin, directing your eyes up to his and sending a shiver to travel down your spine. 
" You have kept me waiting. Tell me, have you forgotten your place?" 
"I'm so-" your apology is cut out short by his tsk of disapproval.
Without speaking, Namor spreads his legs even wider for you to accommodate between them. A silent message that you get straight away: actions speak louder than words.
Instantly, your hands move up his legs, adoring the feeling of his hard muscles beneath your fingers, his skin wet yet still so warm.. exactly like that day.
That day, when the storm clouds had crushed the sky, the thunder struck in a deafening blast and freed the rain to flood. He had appeared among the waves, cloaked as another part of the wreck.  Then surfaced again, on the other side of the tattered board you had been sustaining yourself on. The tempest in his eyes, a mirror of the one surrounding you.
The offer was simple: die to become seafood or live to never come back. While the ship drowned behind your back, you were holding your arms out, surrendering to the cold angry waves to be caught and carried away by warm arms.  
Warm spreads all over your body just like that day as you slide your hands up his thighs slowly. Your fingers toy with the fraying edges of the loincloth he's wearing and then flick it to the side revealing his barely concealed bulge. A sight that never fails to have you licking your lips, those tight and short shorts are as much of a menace as he is. 
You palm his cock through the green fabric, feeling it stir at your touch. You can almost feel his fingers twitching with impatience, the need to fist your hair and urge you on. You continue to tease him, this time with your tongue darting out to lick the straining fabric around his half-hard-on, then nuzzling your nose along the way, following its shape. 
It isn't wise to provoke a god but the truth is that he needn't be demanding because a moment after your own desire to please him has you freeing his thick cock and fisting it almost urgently.  
As precum escapes its head, the tip of your tongue rushes out to taste it, swirling it in your mouth and spitting it right out, the mixed fluids dripping down his shaft as he hisses. You keep your tongue pressing slightly on the leaking slit, opening your lips to bring his head inside your mouth, sucking on it lightly. His large girth already sets an uncomfortable sting in your lower jaw. Your eyes climb up to his, finding two black pools of burning lust that make you squeeze your legs together looking for some kind of release from the kick of arousal in your stomach.
"Is that all you can take?" he mocks " You disappoint me, surface dweller" 
Oh, he knew you could take much much more, he was just being cruel.
Working him down your throat was always a challenge, a challenge you were gladly accepting each time.
So you renew your efforts to fit more of him, setting a pace that has saliva rolling down your chin, willing your throat to reach as far as you can while your tongue continues to trace each vein and ridge of his hard cock, leaving no trace of skin unexplored. Even when you gag and sputter around him you keep going, jerking off what you can't fit in your mouth.
You can see he's close, his chest is heaving, betraying his agitated state, his knuckles clutching the rudimental armrests while his legs part widely, twitching with the need to thrust up and choke you even more. 
To imagine that he wants this almost as much as you do, to think that he needs this, he needs you.. is … intoxicating. 
Having one goal in mind, you start to suck harder, bobbing up and down until tears fall from your eyes and your throat burns. His hand shoots out to fist your hair, catching you mid bob and pushing you even further down when he cums, filling your mouth and throat with his spend and groaning his release while you moan messily around his length, the vibration adding an extra stimulation that prolongs his orgasm, spilling even more cum into your awaiting throat.
Your pussy throbs needily while you clean him off, swallowing audibly any drop that could have escaped your mouth. 
After you have finished, his hand drops down to cradle the side of your face as you catch your breath against his thigh.
His thumb is drawing the line of your jaw when he commands huskily "Open", your mouth obeys him immediately showing that you have dutifully swallowed everything he gave you "Good. You did so good. Now, you think you deserve a reward ?" the rough pad of his thumb pulls down your lower lip admiring the soft pillowy skin as he continues to taunt you seductively "Think your pretty little body can take it?" 
You nod, waiting at his feet for doing it all over again. At least it was what you expected from that very first time. That time (not so far from your arrival to Talokan) when you had hunted Namor, fell to your knees before him and begged to release him from those hideously tempting shorts to please him with your mouth. Since then, he has never been satisfied with cumming once nor seeing you once a day and the sentiment was mutual. You have become insatiable, your desire to touch more of him, to elicit groans or any kind of unrestrictedly lustful reaction from him growing each passing day.
That's why a surprised yet pleased gasp escapes you when he joists you up into his lap.
Namor chuckles and bares you unceremoniously, untying the knot at your neck that holds your dress up. His eyes devour you as his large hands trace your body starting by your neck, following your pulse point down to your collarbone and lower to the sides of your breasts, touching every erogenous zone delicately. He stops at the top of your thighs to spread his fingers, thumbs moving up and down the line of your venus, digging into the flesh where your legs and pelvis meet and sending electric thrills to your core. 
"So soft and warm" his murmur is barely audible, almost as if his words aren't destined for your ears
You feel his hand cupping your heat next, the heel pressing against your bundle of nerves as his fingers easily slide down your slit and press at your sopping entrance.
Your hole clenches and sucks them in greedily, your entire body curling into the abyss of early ecstasy. He must realize this at the same time as you do because his smirk turns devilish.
"Haven't even touched you yet and you've already made a mess of yourself" his fingers sink into your heat, steadily coaxing you open "What's caught you so excited huh?" 
Swift as the snake he's been compared to over the centuries, he catches your eyes rising to his headdress and hears the erratic flutter of your beating heart. 
"Oh, you like this mmm.."- the torture of his fingers dragging languidly over your walls never stopping "Go on, tell me what you think"
"It's so..." you extend your hand tracing the curves of the golden beast up to the feathers and green aquatic leaves, not daring to touch any of it, afraid you will tarnish them somehow just by being so close " magnificent.." your eyes turning back to the god facing you, watching closely and unexpectedly quiet. Sometimes, he can even read your thoughts, but right now you're sure he can read your eyes. He sees through the praise, the amazement and reverence that lie beyond are not purely directed to what sits above his head.
He kisses you then. Pulling from your hair, he connects his lips with yours to capture you in a voracious kiss. His kisses used to be angry, long but measured. Now, they have morphed into life-consuming spells. One kiss was enough to have you drowning in desire, your body invaded by a thirst that could only be quenched by him: his lips, his hands, his cock.
His tongue breaches the seam of your lips, tasting them as he does so, then invades your mouth to fight and defeat yours. Each breath you take against his open mouth burns, the scrape of his teeth on your lower lip adding another log to the pyre. It's enough to make you lose your mind, shamelessly mewling while your hips move up and down, fucking yourself on his thick fingers. He parts his mouth from yours and your moans fill the room unobstructedly.
"Hold it" the warning is whispered into your ear, his dark voice electric like the thunder before a storm.
The single tear that falls from your eye at the effort is snatched by his finger, the pearly bubble dissolving in his skin.
"Poor, desperate surface dweller." the chocolate in his eyes is now completely melted "You're so lucky you taste so sweet."
The world seems to fold upside down when you're lifted and turned around, your butt landing on the throne with your legs parted wide open by strong hands.
Next thing you know Namor kneels and plunges his tongue inside you, then drags it out, licking up your slit once, twice and finally, his entire mouth takes as much flesh as he can and sucks, pulling deliciously on your clit and slurping your essence as if he was eating his favorite fruit. You completely forget how to breathe, as your legs start to shake uncontrollably around him and your head hits his throne. 
The mere image of him sucking on your pussy like a maniac at the feet of his own throne is enough to send you over the edge. Your hands wildly reach out to hold onto something as the pleasure turns unbearable. Denied of his lush hair they land instead on the gold shoulder plates, scraping needily on the metal as you cum, crying silently in shock at the suddenness of the white burning bliss that crushes you. He sucks your abused folds one more time and raises.
His hand brings you back to consciousness, squeezing your cheeks and prying your lips open only to spit in your mouth. He doesn't have to say a word, you swallow it all instinctively. 
"You're so dirty " he chuckles satisfied "and you're about to get dirtier, surface dweller"
He engulfs your lips yet again, sharing the remnants of your taste on his tongue as he manhandles you into a position he likes, yanking you down and pushing your knees up your chest with firm arms.
Moaning into the kiss, you feel the blunt tip of his already hard cock rubbing on your sensitive folds, parting them to push against your entrance. Slowly, he eases his head inside allowing you some reprieve before his mercy runs thin and he continues on, burying himself in one powerful thrust, reaching your limit and knocking all of the air from your lungs. The stretch overwhelms you with stinging pleasure, like thorns pricking on your nerves with shocks of bliss.
"Always so warm" he groans, his words fueling the heat in your belly as his lips part from yours moving down to mark your throat.
He drives his hips into yours, setting an unforgiving pace while searching and finding that spongy spot behind your front wall. Guided by your lewd moans he rams his cock into it fascinated by your body fitting more and more of his large cock and squeezing so hard around him. 
He makes you cum for the second and third time of the day, driving into you with such fervor and precision that scrambles your brain and rattles your bones. Slick drips down your cunt and soaks his lower abdomen as wet sloshing sounds fill the room. 
You feel utterly delirious, your gaze dropping to where your bodies are joined, the wide base of his cock splitting you open eliciting another wave of arousal, pushing another horizon of unbridled gratification. 
"Look at me " the pressure of his hand wrapped around your throat snaps your attention back up. His jawline is tense almost as if it was carved on stone, his lips look swollen and biteable and his eyes are so dark you feel like you're falling, your stomach trembling once more as he thrusts hard.
The golden face of the roaring beast seems to goad your febrile state.
"It is said that if you look too much, its eyes can trap your soul for eternity." the playful warning falls from his lips like honey when he notices you're staring "Tell me, is yours mine already?" his final chuckle earning another pained moan from you.
You can't even fathom how to answer that. You hope he doesn't expect a coherent response because the truth is, you haven't been able to think rationally since you had set foot in this room.  
Your walls cling to him and your back arches as you drink every sinful word he keeps bombarding you with. Every taunt, every smile, every chuckle, every hitched breath and moan between you both is vitally consumed as water in the desert. 
The grip on your throat tenses, your pulse point deliciously stroked by his fingers, causing your hand to shoot up grasping his wrist as the pressure in your lower belly starts to rise. Your chest touches his muscular one, your knees getting squished between your chests as he drives his cock even deeper inside you. 
He keeps pounding into you relentlessly until you feel him throbbing, the muscles in his lower abdomen tensing and you're choking on feverish words, the desire for him to fill you up once again maddening.
"That's it" he praises, his voice pierced by want "Keep begging for my cum. How much do you need it?"
You can't control yourself, the pleas that fall from your lips are intelligible, your voice breaking between moans. It only takes two more thrusts for him to reach his peak, his cock swelling and stretching you impossibly, pumping you full of his cum. As he groans his euphoria, his other hand reaches down to draw circles around your sensitive nub. The crease of the wave starts to fall on you too as he's still spilling generously inside you. The orgasm rips you apart. You come so hard you think your soul leaves your body, the only thing it remains is his name on your lips. 
He examines the image before him with voracious yet pleased eyes. Eyes closed, shallow breaths, skin shining with sweat and still stretched around him. You're a fucked senseless mess, just how he liked it.
Thoroughly ruined, a fleeting thought of quiet complaint stuck in your mind: how is it fair that he looks like he hasn't broken a sweat in his entire life when you feel so completely undone, the post-orgasmic haze gripping your mind and body with exhaustion.
He plays with what has leaked out of you, smearing it, making more of a mess and earning a raspy whine from you. 
"You look so good beneath me" Namor whispers while leaning forward, nuzzling your nose with his " This might be your new place. Would you like that? To have me holding you down, filling this greedy pussy forever?"
Your wrecked moan is answering enough.
Please comment or reblog if you enjoyed it, it would make my day! ❤️
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sawyerconfort · 1 year
Prompt 47 with Marie Laveau👁️???
Hey! I'm back!
Let's begin with the prompts, shall we?
I love Marie, so I hope you like it, anon!
Requests are open and you can see the prompt list here!
(Notice how all my plot problems have to do with Hank… so much so that he's not even in the requests options ;))
47. "you're so jealous." | marie laveau x reader
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You were on the fence about Marie and Hank's relationship. Of course, he was a witch hunter and you knew his missions also involved hunting down voodoo practitioners like her. But that wasn't all that made you hate the man.
It could have been all in your head, but the way he looked at her... And how she seemed to respond, always trying to seduce him like a vampire seduces a victim...
Not that you meant to sound possessive, but it was unavoidable.
When you saw him appear, and Marie whispered in your ear to wait in the hall, so as not to make a bad impression, your brain was already on alert. They spent hours locked in that room and the intrusive thoughts filled your mind with paranoia.
But you didn't have the heart to confront your girlfriend about it. Until then.
"We're going to need your hair cut soon, honey," she told you on one of the days when the salon didn't seem crowded. Marie always made time to be with you as soon as she saw you, you were kind of the exception to all the problems she had, and when no clients showed up, then that was even better. "Make sure you don't book somewhere else, or I'll get upset, hm?"
You smiled and were about to kiss her teasingly when the hunter's figure appeared through the window and sent your brain into predator mode. Noticing your hesitation, Marie looked out the window in the same direction and a crooked smile appeared on her lips.
"Don't worry, (Y\N), I'll send him away soon," she promised, pulling away from you and opening the door for him. Hank was frowning and you seemed to scowl back when you saw the two of them whisper.
And then, they went to Marie's room, hidden between four walls.
You resisted the urge to huff and tried to distract yourself with some of her magazines while you waited, but their secrets wouldn't leave your mind. Nor the jealousy.
They took longer than the last time to get back, and when Marie left, she had the same smirk on her face, looking at Hank. He glanced at your face and simply slammed the door, looking disappointed, fire shooting from his mouth.
"Would you like to help me close up the salon, (Y\N)?", Marie asked, as she was already fixing the windows. You got up in silence and avoided looking at her in every possible way, afraid that you might end up giving the wrong idea. When you were finally closed off again, you left for her quarters first, not expecting her to follow you.
The rest of the afternoon and early evening was silent, you didn't say anything about Hank or the customers like you usually did, and Marie was dying of curiosity and wanting to tease you about what was causing your bad mood.
She left the dishes with you and went to tidy up some things scattered around the room, still hoping that you would join her. Taking a relaxing shower, you went to the suite and sat on the bed, with your girlfriend looking you up and down.
"You're so jealous, it's cute", she whispered, holding you from behind, by the shoulders, and whispering in your ear. "Don't worry, (Y\N), he's not my type. He is an idiot. He's not even good for a sex toy."
You looked at her and shook your head. "I'm not jealous."
"Oh no?" Marie raised an eyebrow. "Then why are you avoiding me? Why are you answering me with half words? Are you sure it's not really jealousy?"
"No, Marie."
"Well, I say it is," she interrupted, and practically threw herself on top of you, kissing your lips with an inexplicable desire. She kept you pinned to the bed until you lost your breath, and when she pulled away, her smile was still mischievous. "It's jealousy, yes, look at the way you kissed me… It almost looked like you wanted to guarantee possession."
You rolled your eyes.
"Oh, don't roll your eyes at me, sweetie, you know the rules…", she bit her lip. "Don't worry, (Y\N), you're the only one I love and I'll always be yours, nobody else's. I promise."
You looked at her. "Stop, it's not jealousy."
"Awn, you have an adorable pout on your lips…", she said, taking your face by the chin and giving you a peck. "Stop being silly, (Y\N), want me to prove to you that you don't need to have that kind of reaction, hm?"
Before you could say anything, Marie kept kissing you, gaining your attention and your full desire, just as she had wanted before. You two engaged in an intense and revealing night of love, just like all the others.
At the very least, you were sure that voracity and that irresistible body someone like Hank would never be able to call his own.
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sunnyie-eve · 1 month
13 | That's enough
Series: Odds Together
Paring: Ryan Dunn x OFC Margera!
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: None
"Anna, is in for one very ruin awakening. It's finally her turn for a hell marathon. 24 hours to see who can piss her off the best. Let's go." Bam tells the camera as the guys quietly laugh behind him.
They sneak into her room and set a stereo speaker carefully on the side of the bed where she wasn't sleeping on. "WAKE UP!" Bam screams into a microphone making Raab, Dico, and Dunn jump onto her bed.
"Get the hell out of my room." Anna groans sitting up shoving Dico, Raab, and Ryan off her bed.
"It's your turn for a marathon, Anna." Bam and everyone laughs as she glares at him. "24 hours to see who can piss you off the best. Starting now!" He shouts into the microphone.
Anna throws the blankets off of her grabbing Bam by the hair tugging him down then kicking him out. "Whose next?" She turns to the other three so they let themselves out.
"Anna's in for a surprise when she gets out of the shower. She has this blue shampoo she uses and well I decided to change that." Bam laughs standing outside of her room. "She's gonna lose it."
When Anna gets out of the shower she keeps her hair up in a towel to get dress. When she does go to dry it she sees her hair was now a dark midnight blue. She holds in her anger and dries her hair and puts it up in a ponytail.
"Now which one of you assholes did this?" She asks joining them downstairs.
"Like what you did with your hair." Bam laughs first so she knew it was him.
"Thank you but stay out of my bathroom." She smiles and as Ape comes in she gasps seeing Anna's hair.
"What happened to you?" She walks over touching her hair.
"It's Anna's marathon." Dunn adds making Ape complain because she hates them.
"I'll take you to work and fix your hair for you. Come on." April tells Anna so she follows her out of the house.
"So I know Anna a little more than the others and her own family. They don't know this but she has this little thing for certain things. Main example, her books, movies, and music had to be in a certain order. It bugs the shit out of her if they're messed up. She takes her time organizing these and no one but me notices this. So I'm gonna really mess it up. Trust me, she's gonna turn red." Ryan tells the camera as he mixes things around.
"See her movies are categorize by genres and franchises. You have your horror, musicals, animated, and crap." He points out.
"Now over here on her dresser is all her favorite makeup she wears... into the trash it goes." He uses his arm to sweep everything into the bucket.
"Theses skateboards and posters on the wall... have to be straight so we make them crooked. As I said it may not seem like a big deal but I know Anna." He chuckles to himself.
Meanwhile Dico decided to follow Ape and Anna to the hair salon to bug the shit out of her. Everyone knew Anna always tried to get space from them so he wasn't gonna let that happen.
"What's your plan?" Anna asks as her mom works on her hair to get the blue out and make it brown again.
"To bug you." He smiles.
"By starring at me?" I ask and he nods his head.
"And just talking nonstop." He starts to tell different stories as she gets her hair worked on.
"Do you want my to trim the dead ends?" Ape asks and Anna says yes. As April leaves for a secret Dico goes stands behind Anna.
"Dead ends are just this much right?" He grabs her hair to ask.
"Yes." She flips through the magazine in her lap waiting for her mom.
"Why not cut up to here?" He grabs the scissors cutting a big stand of hair short.
"Brandon!" Anna screams trying to see how short he cut it. She lets out a whine seeing how short he did it.
"Brandon really?" April comes back seeing Anna's hair. "You'll look great with short hair, baby." April tries to reassure her daughter and she starts to hair cut.
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When they get home Anna sees her car painted and beat up laying upstairs down. "My car has always been off limits. What the hell?" She marches into the house making everyone stares at her hair.
"Nothing is off limits for all this. What happened to just fixing the color?" Bam asks holding a broken bracelet and a hammer.
"DiCamillo got a hold of the scissors. What's in your hand?" She walks over to him.
"Found this in your jewelry box in an envelope that said, whenever you miss me just wear this. I figured it was something from a stupid ex and you can't let go so I did it for you." He breaks it more.
"It wasn't from a stupid ex! It was from someone in LA! That was an expensive gift from the heart! That's all I have from that person! God, I hate you." Anna huffs walking up to her room to work some. "What are you throwing out the window?" She sees Raab.
"These random rocks in your dresser. Why do you even have them in here?" He throws them all out.
"Because I like to collect them. Damn it." She tugs the box from him to put the rocks back inside. As she leaves she notices her all the little things Dunn messed up making her face turn red. "DUNN REALLY! YOU KNOW HOW THAT SHIT BUGS ME!" She yells walking downstairs to go get her rocks back.
"We should do something with the Snow globes I found. There's a lot." Raab brings down the box.
"Yes, let's go play some baseball outside." Bam grabs it rushing outside with Dico and Raab.
"Wait! Anything but those!" Ryan runs after them because that's something really meaningful to Anna. He's even got most of them for her and those end up being her favorite. "Bam, please don't." Ryan's sees them pulling out one to throw. "I got her that one for a birthday gift." He sees one of his.
"Get her a new one." Bam says as it's thrown and he hits it with the bat.
"She's gonna kill me and I'm not even doing it." Ryan rubs his face.
As Anna picks up the last of her rocks she heads back but sees the guys breaking things and Ryan trying to get a box from Dico. As she narrows her eyes she sees what they were doing.
"STOP!" She screams running over to them. "You guys really go through all of my shit? Knock it off! It's not funny! Stop it!" She watches them keep breaking more.
"It's just snow globes." Raab laughs catching her number one favorite.
"Not that one! Please." She begs him. "I'm begging you not that one! Raab! Chris! Christian!" She tries to get him to listen to her.
"Okay, y'all pissed her off stop now." Ryan finally gets the box from Dico.
Raab just laughs throwing it to Bam who hits it calling out home run. Anna runs over to the broken globe and picks up the bigger piece trying not to cry in front of everyone to see.
Her favorite one was one of the many Ryan got for her. This one in particular was the one he got to try to cheer her up after the whole thing with her ex and the football team. It was the enchanted rose from Beauty and the Beast. Ryan told her the gift was symbol of their friendship that would last forever since it could never die in this case. He'd always be there for her no matter what.
Ryan walks over to her with the box with the rest of the globes. "Don't touch me." She says through her teeth so he sets the box next to her. "Whose idea was this?" She looks at Ryan upset.
"Raab brought the box down but it was Bam's idea. I tried to get it back." He explains as she stands up with the boxes.
"Here. Since you love to mess up everything meaningful to me." She drops the boxes at Bam's feet walking back towards the house not caring anymore.
"Sorry, but I'm not letting you do that." Ryan picks up both boxes. "Unlike you, I know how special these are to her." He goes towards the house. Not wanting to bug Anna more he takes them to his room putting them in his closet. If he listened close enough he could hear her crying in her room cursing to herself as she fixes what he did to her room.
"Fuck it." He goes over to her room. "I knew how to mess with you in a decent way." He straightens the things on the wall as the camera crew comes in.
Anna looks at them annoyed but ignores them. "Decent? You did something that iches part of my brain. Something only you knew that makes me annoyed." She eyes him fixing things.
"Your face turned read though right?" He asks with a smile.
"Yes, it did you asshole." She said so he goes to his room real quick to get her stuff.
"I wouldn't let you let him do whatever with these." He places the boxes in her closet now.
"You're the best." She give his a smile then stops when Bam calls her name. "Kill me." She leaves with Ryan following her.
As she looks down she sees him holding her sketchbook with designs for work. "Give me that now." She rushes down the stairs fast as she sees the fireplace was lit.
"This is what you do during your free time? You need to do something more useful like cleaning up our messes."
"Bam. I think your sister has had enough." April tells him as everyone watches them.
"Bam, okay you win. Just give me that. It's important to me. It's something I do for on the side for work." Her heart starts to race because that's something she puts a lot of work into.
"That's the stupidest lie ever." He tossing it into the fire making Anna lose it.
"THAT'S IT! BRANDON COLE MARGERA! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" She rushes towards him so he runs away laughing at her.
"It's just a stupid book. I'll buy you a new one. I'll buy you the stupid same snow globe and a better car." He gets behind something to keep the distance from her.
"It's not a stupid book! I put so much time into those designs for work. Yeah, I have a stupid job! My stupid rocks aren't stupid to me! My stupid snow globes are stupid to me! And of course you say can just buy me a new one! If I had money like you, I'd pay not to be related to you! I'd pay you to leave me alone!" Anna throws a pool ball at him and he ducks. "I fucking done with you and your bullshit." She goes up to her room locking the door since she got Glomb to put a doorknob with a lock on it finally.
Everyone stays quiet for a few minutes after Anna left the room. "She didn't mean it. She's just really upset." April tells Bam.
"No, she meant that." Ryan speaks up so they look at him. "When you mess with Ape, Phil, and Don Vito, it's small things that aren't that meaningful to them. These literal small things were really meaningful to her. You, hell all of you, would know that if you actually spent quality time with her. Those stupid rocks she finds actually make her happy. The reason she keeps certain rocks it's because when she having a good time with someone. She finds one she likes to remember the day if it was special enough. Most of the snow globes you broke were ones I got for her birthdays, whenever she was upset, or just because I wanted to make her day." He sighs leaving going to his room.
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buried-in-stardust · 1 year
⚠️ Content warnings: homophobia, hate crime, knife attack, graphic violence, murder ⚠️
Fong Hiu-tung, 26, and Lau Kai-hei, 22, were stabbed to death by a 39 year old man in a Hong Kong shopping mall on June 2nd, 2023. The man had purchased a knife just before stabbing Fong Hiu-tung in the back. Lau Kai-hei tried to fend off the assailant and pull her partner away, but failed. After stabbing both of them multiple times, the assailant waited calmly for the police to arrive. The police believe the assailant and victims had no connection and did not know each other.
Fong Hiu-tung was a waitress in a high-end restaurant, while Lau Kai-hei was a hair stylist at a nearby salon. Lau Kai-hei also worked part-time at a bar, which is where they had met. On the day of the attack, the couple had planned to meet with Fong Hiu-tung's family to attend her grandfather's birthday party after visiting the mall.
Fong Hiu-tung and Lau Kai-hei loved each other and died for it. May they rest in peace.
Thread has links and information, but contains a graphic video and pictures. Please proceed with caution:
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Some details on being a lesbian in China below the cut:
From Naomi Wu, an explanation of what lesbians face in China/Hong Kong:
When men attack Toms (butches), they think a lot of things- sometimes in Chinese we say "one lesbian steals two men's wives"- herself and her partner. And for bitter middle-aged, unmarried men like this attacker, they've been told their whole life they are owed a wife to wait on them hand and foot- and they feel robbed and wronged by a young handsome Tom taking what's "theirs". They are angry, entitled, jealous- they want to teach her a lesson. They want to punish her for having what is rightfully theirs when they don't. Then it's "Oh, if you want to act like a man, I'll treat you like one". Most need to justify it to themselves to get started. Of course, the femme/Dee/P is always next, because we will fight to save our Tom, and once we do, they can justify turning their violence on us next. In their twisted head, they decide their unprovoked attack was "fighting 1-on-1" and it's our fault for getting involved. All Toms know the deal, they cannot win, all Toms tell their girls again and again "if something happens, just run, I can take it". When the time comes, all Toms try to buy their girl time to get away- even as they go down under fists and boots…or knives😭 They want to buy us time, but no femmes can bear to leave them, so it never works. But they always go for our Toms first, then us. Every time.
And Naomi Wu on how the assailant would know they were lesbians:
Good questions "how would he know they were lesbian?". See pictures below- Chinese lesbians with a Tom are pretty obviously lesbians, at least to our eyes. Chinese lesbians basically come in three varieties- T, P, and H. Historically that's 99% of us, these days, probably 95% with a bit more variety coming in. Very, very, very loosely mapped- T- Tom/Butch P-Dee/Femme/Pretty Girl/Po H- Half/Futch (Amber [Lau Kai-hei] kind of gives H vibes but not my place to say.) If you see a butch girl like Daniel [Fong Hiu-tung], or my Kaidi [Naomi's girlfriend], or the other Toms you have seen me with, they're lesbian. I'm sure there are some non-lesbian Chinese women out there with that clear Tom aesthetic- but I've never met one. I suppose there are also some straight guys that look like Tom of Finland Leather Daddies walking around with similar-looking straight male friends- it's just not common. That gender expression is as clear a signal to you, as ours is to us. Some girls that look H are straight, some boyish girls are straight- but almost never Tom presenting women like Daniel or Kaidi. Now two Chinese women with more conventional gender expression simply holding hands would leave plenty of room for doubt, and there is the polite obliviousness of Chinese who will pretend they don't know a LGBT couple is a couple, but if I'm out with Kaidi- or with any Tom, basically zero people don't actually know we're a couple at a glance. That's just how LGBT works here, we have a look. Amber and Daniel were, likewise, for lack of a better word- and in a bit of celebration- flamingly, gloriously lesbian and easily picked out of a crowd as such- as Kaidi and I would be. More here: https://popula.com/2019/03/27/the-t-on-chinese-transmasculinity/
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It’s not that bad…(Peter Parker X reader)
Warnings: mentions of blood , fluff, a whiny peter
Peters hair had grown significantly a lot since you first started dating. But you didn’t mind that . You loved to tread your fingers through his fluffy soft hair and eventually make it a mess , grip on them while kissing or while making love to each other.
Peter didn’t mind it too, until recently. You sometimes saw him getting annoyed by how hot it felt or how it kept getting in his eyes so you thought of a solution- you were going to give him a haircut.
The steam left the bathroom as you opened the door and walked in your bedroom after showering with Peter. You were wearing one of his hoodies since they were so comfy.
“Hey bug do you have a towel, the water is getting in my eyes”. Peter said rubbing his eyes, water dripping from his hair. “Uh yeah I have an extra one ,wait here.” You went to get it from the other room. Wait this is the perfect moment to cut his hair. You gave him the towel and looked at him sheepishly.
“Um can I ask you a question?”You asked coyly. “You already did.” He smirked.
“Peter stop with the dad jokes ”you whined. “What I’m trying to say is can I cut your hair?”
“Can you say that again please?” Peter said, shocked.
“Come on, I have cut aunt May’s hair.”
“You trimmed them and that’s just because her favourite salon was closed”he reasoned.
“Well I am also just gonna trim your hair and I have watched many videos on it too” you smiled smugly. “Oh and I’m your girlfriend.”
He gasped “ you cannot pull that card".
After setting the towel on the chair’s back, Peter sat on it.
"Please don't cut me" Peter said worried about himself "and yourself".
"Stop being so dramatic. The end result is just gonna be you looking hot" You quipped back.
You detangled his hair with a comb and started brushing them into parts.
"Usually I'd like you playing with my hair but right now I'm scared as hell”. You rolled your eyes at that and set to work.
The whole time you were using clippers and trimming his hair Peter’s eyes were shut closed. You even gave him forehead and cheek kisses (his favourite type of kisses) to loosen him up, but he was not having it.
“Look I know you love your hair and I love them too, I mean 50% of why i started dating you is because of them . But you gotta trust me with this babe.”
“I know , I know I’m sorry I’m just a bit nervous is all.” He said with his eyes still shut.
“Well you don’t need to be sorry, look in the mirror you’re all done”you said, “I think” you continued.
He opened his eyes. “ Oh wow! I look, I look fine i mean this is not bad and there’s no blood”.
“Well it will be there if you don’t stop saying that”you hit the back of his head gently.
He chuckled “I’m sorry my love, but I like this hairstyle” he turned his to the side and looked at the left side “ Though this side is a bit wonky”
“Hey it’s not that bad.”you countered back.
“But really thank you for this. I was getting annoyed by my hair.” He said sincerely.
“Your welcome”. You kissed him gently on his lips. You both pulled back until your lips were brushing his.
“Did you actually start dating me because of my hair?” Peter asked with a smirk on his face.
You chuckled and pecked his lips again in response.
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kawaiisimp · 2 years
Hair cuts and cherry chap stick
Hi so this is the first fanfic I have literally ever written. It's completely self indulgent. I just like the thought of Vil not wearing makeup, wearing a crop top, running his fingers through my hair, insert other stupid tropes. This is not proof read like at all, so if you see any mistakes let me know. Reblogs and likes are appreciated, but I don't think I'll write a lot bc school got me dying. I've got some other fic ideas that I'll write faster tho if people like this one ig?
Vil Schoenheit x gn!reader; Characters mentioned: Epel, Rook, Cater, Ace, Deuce, and Jack (I think that's it); 16+? (Reader fanisizes about Vil, but it doesn't go far); it's long af; slow burn?; lots of teasing and blushing; Vil is ooc tbh; I based the reader's hair off of mine bc I wasn't sure how to write other hair, I'm sorry; pet names are used
Anyways! On to the fic.
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When you first asked if Vil would give your hair a trim while waiting on Epel to finish showering before your sleepover started, he immediately declined.
"Please, Vil. I really need one and I refuse to pay for a salon trip," you begged him feeling annoyed as you sat on his silky sheets.
"Why do I need to be the one to trim your hair. I'm sure Jade would love to give you a haircut." He scoffed and stared you down from his vanity mirror while continuing to rub his makeup remover onto his face with a brush.
A sigh left your lips as you scooted closer to the edge of his bed and pouted.
"Vil, my split ends are absolutely terrible! You said so yourself 15 minutes ago! Plus, I wouldn't let Jade get near me with scissors if somebody paid me!" You sighed again, throwing yourself backward, burying your face into his silky pillows.
"Not to mention, I think you owe me a favor for letting you use me like a dress-up doll all the time," you shifted in your spot, pausing for a second "and I enjoy it when we get alone time..." You trailed off blushing, gaining Vil's full attention.
He slowly turned around and placed his brush down, "Potato, I hate mumbling, so if you have something to say say it clearly!"
You slowly turned over to look at him checking to see for signs of actual anger, but you were greeted with the ethereal view of his makeup removed, and his gold and violet strands pulled loosely into a ponytail with a purple silk headband keeping his locks from mixing with the cream currently on his face. He stared back with his piercing violet eyes. You fully sat up to face him, admiring the slight smile pulling at his lips, with smudged lipstick around the edges and the, now messy, mascara and dark purple eyeshadow surrounding his unwavering eyes. You felt your face heat up upon noticing the slight pink tint on the tips of his ears, meaning he had heard you. You soaked in the moment knowing seeing him in this state was a rare occurrence. You opened your mouth to tell him he looked gorgeous, but the moment was ruined when Rook burst into Vil's dorm room.
"Oh, Trickster! I thought I would find you with Roi du Poison!" He announced, flamboyant as ever, "Monsieur Cherry Apple is awaiting you!"
You groaned and rolled off of Vil's bed onto the floor causing Rook to chuckle and Vil to gasp as your old gym shorts rode up along with your NRC t-shirt, exposing your stomach.
"Potato! You ruined my bed and your outfit is now sideways and completely wrinkled!" Vil snapped as you pushed yourself off the floor and started gathering your things. You just smiled at him and shrugged.
"It's going to end up that way anyways while I sleep." You said, giving the pair a tired half smile and a wave as Epel appeared in the doorway. "Anyways, I'll see you guys later this week. And Vil, can I come over on Thursday after class? You never really gave me an answer earlier."
Vil scoffed, having already turned back to his vanity, "I did and I believe the answer was no; however, I would be inclined to assist you as long as you're not late, you do not bring your monster creature, and I get to do your makeup to match your picture perfect hair cut," He snapped, continuing to finish his nightly routine.
"Good!" you nearly shouted as you walked out of his dorm room, giving Vil a wide smile; leaving Rook and Vil to themselves. Epel was talking about something, but you couldn't focus not after seeing Vil looking unperfect. And definitely not after he agreed to spend time alone with you on Thursday. It was a struggle to even sleep that night but; once you did fall asleep Vil was the last thought on your mind. And the first one when you woke up.
On Monday, you found yourself getting more excited as Thursday drew closer. Your excitement finally became too much to bare for a certain brainless duo. As they had been giving you side glances in every class since Monday at breakfast. Not that you really noticed, as the only guy on your mind was Vil.
The straw that finally broke the camel's back was when Cater posted a picture of you on his magicam day-dreaming with a blush and slight smile plastered on your face. The caption read, "Oh, look at the perfect! They're totes smitten with someone! #loveisintheair #socute! #anyguesseswho." The post blew up so much that by Thursday morning, half of the school had guesses as to who it was, and the other half were in denial. Ace and Deuce were skeptical about the idea of you, the overblot fighting perfect, having a crush. But the post was impossible to ignore, and the longer the pair looked at your face, the more the idea of you having a crush ate at them.
"What's up with you this week?” Ace finally asked during lunch on Thursday. He had a look of disgust and annoyance. A short staring contest started between the both of you and the rest of the first years froze. Everyone was waiting for your response.
A blush slowly crept up your face. You believed you’d been hiding your excitement rather well. You slowly pulled your sandwich away from your face finding your plate was suddenly extremely interesting.
“What are you talking about?” You said, refusing to look up at the group.
“Dude, are you kidding right now?” Ace eyed you down, putting his fork down.
“You’re blushing!” Deuce announced with a mixture of shock and confusion.
“I am not!” Your face turned redder; whether it was embarrassment or anger, was unclear.
“Oh Great Seven, You really ain't got the hots for some guy, do ya?” Epel said, his eyes narrowing, pointing his fork at you.
“What? No! Where is this coming from all of a sudden?” The first part of your announcement fell on deaf ears. You swallowed hard, snapping your head up finally to meet the rest of the table, who were all staring at you wide-eyed with smirks, except for Sebek, who looked annoyed.
"Did you not see what Cater posted to his Magicam?" Jack interjected
"No! What did he post?" You never got an answer because Sebek decided he couldn't stay silent anymore.  
“Human! You better not have a crush on lord Malleus!” Sebek snapped
"Ew! Why would they be into Malleus of all people!" Announced Ace. The pair started to bicker over Malleus, and then something else, and the topic was somehow forgotten. You were just happy nobody had figured out your crush on a certain blonde and violet-haired celebrity. The rest of the day went normally.
After class, you found yourself opening Magicam and typing in Cater's username. There you saw Cater's post. And the top-liked comment was Vil's. The Vil Schoenheit on his public magicam account, for millions to see typed, "I've never seen the perfect so charming; however, do they know you took this, Cater?" You nearly dropped your phone in shock, your heartbeat ringing in your ears. Your face burned hot as the word charming ran through your mind repeatedly.  
You were filled with an increased level of excitement, and you found yourself practically running to Vil's dorm. Before you knew it, you were opening the door to the Pomefiore dorm and practically skipping down the long corridor to Vil's door. You gently knocked on his door, expecting him to tell you to leave or tell you to open the door and let yourself in.
You were shocked when the door swung open, revealing Vil with his hair unbraided and a more natural makeup look on his face. He stared at you down with an unreadable expression. Your eyes travel from his face down to his "Casual" wear consisting of a dark purple, nearly black, tight crop top sweater and a pair of velvet sweatpants of the same color with the band of clearly expensive boxers exposed.  You didn't realize you'd been staring since he walked out until your eyes fell back on his glossy lips, now pulled in a small confident smile. You felt your face turn scarlet upon realizing he had been watching you mentally undressing him.
"Ah, potato you're not late. That's quite shocking considering those troublemakers seem to follow you around like lost puppies." He ended his sentence with a chuckle and stared you down with his hand on his hip and the other on his door, holding it open. It took you a moment to remember how to speak.
"Um yeah, I disappeared before they could see me." You mumbled, your head moving down to stare at your feet to keep your eyes from wandering down to his lips.
Vil chuckled as his left thumb and index finger raised your chin, so your eyes met his gaze. He leaned in closer to your face and you moved with him, stopping just centimeters away from his lips. He pulled back a little further.
"You know I hate mumbling, but I do find it amusing how you did not deny the way they follow you around." He let go of your face slowly as he soaked in your flushed, half-lidded-eye expression. He suddenly pulled back fully, leaving you a little disappointed with a racing heart. He finished opening his door and grabbed your hand, gently guiding you into his room.
In a daze, you allowed him to guide you into his dorm. He dropped your hand and allowed you to take off your shoes and jacket. Vil closed the door behind you and placed his hand on your lower back, barely giving you any time to slow your heart rate. Vil guided you wordlessly to his vanity. His hand moved off of your back and he grabbed your hand to help you sit. He let go of your hand with a soft squeeze and gave you a small smile. You could feel his hair brush against your ear as he leaned over to move some items closer to him, causing you to jump slightly. You thought you heard him slightly chuckle, but you were sure because of your heart hammering in your ears. He leaned down to grab a barber cape. He placed it over your frame in a swift, elegant motion. You felt your face turn pink as he lifted your hair and clasped the cape. You could still feel the sensation of his fingers on the back of your neck as he leaned down to get eye-level with you in the mirror.
He placed his hands on your shoulders, moving closer to your ear, "So what were you thinking for your hair?" Your face went red, and you accidentally let out a nearly inaudible whimper, but it was clear he heard it as his eyes locked with yours with a new glint present in his violent orbs.
You let out a little cough as you spoke, "I want all of my spit ends cut off, and you to thin it out?"  Vil nodded as he pulled away from you, grabbing a hair brush.
"That's simple enough." he hummed as he began to run his fingers through your hair, picking a spot to start brushing.
Once he started, you closed your eyes. In an attempt to calm your heart, by concentrating on the feeling of the hairbrush running through your hair. Trying desperately to ignore that the one brushing your hair was the guy you'd been crushing on since the third week of school. It was quite difficult, considering the only thing you could smell was his cologne. The only thing you could feel was his manicured nails running through your hair and you knew if you opened your eyes, you would see him moving in the mirror as he tended to your hair. He was impossible to ignore, to not think about, so you gave in and let him fill your thoughts, despite the fact you might be close to going into cardiac arrest.
You were used to having Vil fill your thoughts, but it was different when he was literally inches away from you. You're used to feeling your heart rate speed up when you thought about holding his hand, kissing his cheeks, saying I love you to each other, placing little pecks on his lips before class, and cuddling with him at night. You're used to having your breathing hitch when your mind wanders into what it would feel like to run his fingers through his hair, hear him whisper "I love you" against your lips before pulling you in by your neck for a deep kiss, him holding on to your hips and you tugging him by his belt loops as his tongue slips past your lips, his lips against your neck as he pushes you down on his bed; where you've watched him do his makeup many times, him telling you you're gorgeous as he pushes his hand under-
You were ripped out of your thoughts when he asked a question. You jumped at the sound of his voice but missed what he asked.
Your face went red as you turned around to face him, worrying he was going to be angry at you for getting lost in your not so pg thoughts. Your worry dissipated as you fully examined his expression, full of admiration and perfectly relaxed with the tips of his ears slightly pink. You wondered if he was imagining the same things as you. The thought made you bite your lip and you cleared your throat to speak.
"I'm sorry, I was dosing off," Your eyes rapidly scanned his face trying to see if he could tell you were lying. It was unclear, so you just continued, feeling extremely nervous. "What did you ask me a minute ago?"
You noticed his face was softer than usual as he looked at you, still running his fingers through your hair. He let out a little chuckle.
"I asked if you needed a drink or a snack before I started on your makeup," He said slowly taking off the cape he placed on you and turning you around to face him.
"Wait, you already cut my hair?" You said wide-eyed.
This time he laughed, a genuine, joyful laugh. One you've only heard once before. It was when the pair of you were sitting on his bed while he was doing your makeup, and you were ranting about the protagonists of the book you were currently reading. You don't remember what made you so mad as his laugh knocked the wind out of you, making you forget why they were so terrible.
"Yes, I finished it ." He said with the last of his laugh. It once again knocked the wind out of you as you stared at him and his natural smile. You suddenly remembered his original question.
"Ah, I don't need a drink or a snack, but is it okay if I go change into something more comfortable. I still have some clothes in your room right?" He smiled softly at you with a thoughtful look.
"I'm okay with you changing. We have ample time, but don't take too long." he paused and grabbed your hand to help you out of your seat before continuing, "You should have shorts, but I'm not certain you have a shirt." He paused again, a slight blush almost too light to see arose to his cheeks, "But I will gladly lend you a shirt of mine. You're welcome to have whichever one you want." He smiled down at gently placing his hand on your lower back, pushing you towards his closet. 
You blushed lightly at the thought of wearing his shirt and walked over to his closet your hands slowly running over his tops. You didn’t miss his gaze trailing you with every motion you made while sifting through his clothes. You finally grabbed one of his button up shirts he wears with his uniform. You turned to him for approval and he nodded towards the bathroom. You felt a smile involuntarily form on your lips as you grabbed your things and drifted to the bathroom to change. Once you were dressed you lifted your hands covered by his sleeves to your face and inhaled. You felt your whole body heat up as his scent filled your nose and the softness of his shirt finally soaked in. 
You opened the door, tossing the clothes you were wearing before on the floor next to the door. You opened your mouth to tell Vil you were finished, but never got the chance as he gasped and made his way across the floor. 
“Potato! You should know better than to just throw your clothes on the ground! At least fold them!” He said exasperated while bending down to gather your clothing. 
“You don’t have to do that Vil! I can handle it!” 
“Well obviously not, considering how you haphazardly threw them on the floor!” He sighed as he shook his head continuing to fold your clothing, “Will you go sit on the bed and wait for me. It will only take a moment to fix your carelessness.” 
You rolled your eyes giggling softly at his antics as you made your way over to his bed. You sat down on his bed against the headboard, crossing your legs as you lowered yourself down on his plush bed. You hummed slightly as you leaned over to grab one of his pillows and placed it on your lap so you could rest your arms. You sat there for a second before a thought crossed your mind. “What if I tease him a little bit?” thought to yourself. He’s so much easier to mess with when his back was to you. 
“You know Mr. Vil Schoenheit, you could just tell me directly you care about me instead of cleaning up after me like I’m your partner or something,” you purred at him with a little grin. You gazed at him through half lidden eyes, while leaning forward with your hand on your chin. 
You should have known better than to tease the world’s favorite villain, who was known on the big screen for trying to keep the love interests apart; meaning he had read and seen every stupid trope played out more times than he could count. 
You watched him slowly rise from his spot on the floor with your clothes in hand as he approached you. He gently sat your clothes down on the little couch at the end of bed. You moved from leaning on your arm to sitting straight up as he cupped your chin. You could tell by his smirk that your reaction boosted his already high ego. He leaned in nearly touching your lips again. The action made your face turn apple red. 
“But my darling,” He purred back matching your half lidden expression from earlier, “Do actions not speak louder than words.” He kept eye contact with you as you melted, feeling your violent blush travel down your neck. After a moment of sitting there star struck with his hold still on your chin, you finally jerk back as far as you can with a little squeak. 
“Hey! That’s not fair! You cornered me!” You practically whined in a panic, turning your head away to create some distance, the temptation to kiss was far too much and you did not want to create a more awkward situation than the one you’ve already created. 
He chuckled at your response, “Well unfortunately, life is typically unfair and you did not seem to think it was unfair earlier,” his tone softened, but there was still a trace of mockery as he moved his hand to your cheek to coax you into facing him. You felt your face twist into an awkward scowl as he moved back, grabbing your upper arm tugging you forward slightly. 
He eased off of the bed leaving you flustered behind him, while he grabbed his makeup. He sat the bag down as he climbed back on his bed, leaving one of his legs dangling off of his bed with his other tucked under his body. You watched him as moved looking striking as ever as he pulled his hair back into a pony-tail and pulled his sleeves up. 
 He snapped you out of your trance when he turned to you holding up the dark purple velvet head band with a bow you always picked when he typical did your make up. You slowly leaned forward allowing him to slip the hand band on your freshly cut hair. The tips of your ears turned pink as you felt his fingers sweep against them. He smiled in response to your involuntary action. 
“Now then,” Vil spoke softly as finished tucking a few loose strands of your back, “I’m going to start doing your makeup, and with as many times as we have been in this exact position, you should know the order in which make up is done.” He stated, still in a soft tone, as he reached for a moisturizing primer. 
You watched his hands as he gathered some on his finger tips and rubbed the cream around in his hands. He leaned forward to the point where you could feel his breath against your face. You felt your cheeks tingle as they turned pink under the feeling. He clicked his tongue once.  
“Close your eyes, dear, and leave them closed until I tell you otherwise,” He whispered sternly. 
Your eyes fluttered shut as you listened to the sound of his fingers gliding along your face. It was extremely relaxing and you knew better than to talk while he was focusing on your makeup. You focused on the sounds of him picking up different products, how the brushes felt gliding over your skin, how his breath fanned over your cheeks and sometimes your lips. You both sat there in comfortable silence while you were lost in thought. You had always found it heart warming that the soft tone he used before he started doing your make up, was reserved for only you. Only you heard him speak so softly. And he only started using that tone with you a few months ago, so it must mean something right? I mean you’re at Pomefiore nearly as much as you are in Ramshackle, either by Epel’s, Rook’s, your own, or more recently, Vil’s request. You were ripped out of your thoughts once more by Vil, but this time it was less embarrassing for you. 
“Open your eyes.” Vil requested in that soft, gentle tone. It made your heart flutter after where your thoughts had wandered. You slowly opened your eyes and made direct eye contact with Vil. Your eyes darted over his face still perplexed by how he could look so breath taking even without his makeup. You  were glad you took the time to admire the man in front of you, because you noticed his cheeks were tinted a light pink. You realized your staring in complete silence was getting a little awkward, well at least in your opinion. You then realized you never felt the cool of liquid liner or the feeling of him softly blowing on your eyelids, but you distintly remember feeling him apply eyeshadow and the other products. 
“So, are you going to do eyeliner in a minute or...” You trailed off realizing Vil probably wouldn’t take to kindly about being questioned about makeup, even though he had never actually gotten upset at you before. He smiled at you and closed the eyeshadow pallet he was holding. 
“How observant. I’m glad you pay attention when I do your makeup.” He complimented, making your heart flutter for the millionth time this afternoon. “I saw this dewy and soft makeup look on Magicam the other day and immediately thought of you and how radiant you’d look.” He hummed still sounding soft as ever. It was only then that you realized just how close he had gotten. Your lips were nearly touching again and you could feel his breath against your lips. You looked up at him saw he was pondering something. You were about to ask him to kiss you when he suddenly turned away, leaving you disappointed once again. 
“I just have to add the final touch of chap stick and lip gloss and then your look is finished.” He muttered. He picked up a cherry flavored chap stick and turned back to you. It was then you saw the bright pink coating his cheeks and ears. You watched, mesmerized as he slightly parted his lips and applied the chap stick to his lips instead of yours. 
“What are you doing?” You questioned with a slight waver in your voice. Time seemed to stand still as you felt Vil’s hand on the back of your neck. He leaned in close, lips nearly touching once again. 
“You’re the second most gorgeous person I’ve ever seen.” He whispered, barely loud enough for you to hear. He gently guided you forward, both of your half lidden eyes staring into one another’s. Then your lips touched. Your eyes fluttered shut as the feeling of fireworks erupted all over your body. His lips were softer than you could have ever imagined. 
Vil slowly pulled back looking just as dazed as you were. He didn’t remove his hand from your neck, but his other hand wrapped around yours. You were completely breathless as you stared at his violet eyes glazed over with adoration and maybe even love. You were both close, but not close enough you could feel his breath on you anymore. Your face redder than riddle’s, redder than the apples Epel carves, redder than the mushrooms Jade tries to force you to eat, you didn’t believe there was a color in the world as red as your face was now. Your gaze shifted away from Vil in embarrassment, even though his face was red too. 
“You have no clue how long I’ve wanted to feel your lips against mine,” Vil said lovingly. You felt a you had no clue you were holding be released as your heart fluttered. Your gaze fell back on him and you smiled the warmest smile you had ever given Vil as your hands moved to cup his cheeks. 
“Me too,” you said matching Vil’s tone. Vil smiled and placed his forehead against yours. His hands moved to hold your cheeks as you giggled. After a moment you realized you wanted another kiss. 
“Um, Vil?” You cursed your voice for wavering. 
“I still don’t have lip gloss on,” you mumbled, praying to the Great Seven he got your hint. Your eyes met for a second as he moved his forehead from yours. 
“Oh! You don’t do you?” and with that moved one of his hands away from your cheek and picked up a pink sparkly gloss. He smirked, but you were too busy leaning into his hand on your cheek to notice the glint in his eyes. You closed your eyes and braced yourself for another kiss, only to feel his hand grab your chin and the lips gloss applicator to run across your lips. You’re eyes popped open only to see Vil holding back a laugh. You knew you were pouting.
“Vil! Why’d you do that?” You cried in annoyance. 
“Am I not allowed to tease you a little?” He quirked his perfect eyebrow up. 
“But, You’ve been teasing-” Your eyes went wide and then fluttered shut again as Vil’s lips pressed into yours again. Your arms slowly found their way around his neck. You felt him smirk against your lips, but the kiss stayed as gentle as before. You both broke away, with you giggling at a thought that popped into your little head. 
“What’s so amusing, potato?” Vil questioned, with soft eyes that didn’t match his scowl on his glossy lips. 
You chuckled a bit more before he clicked his tongue and started clearing off the bed. You continued your giggle fit until he was done and then you laid down on his bed, while he sat down staring at you lovingly. You finally gained your composure and patted the spot next you, inviting Vil to lay down. He slowly laid down on his side to face you as you rolled over too. 
“I just think it’s funny how the world’s favorite villain kisses so gently.” You beamed giggling softly again. Vil let out a tsk as he stared at you giggling away again. Your giggling stopped once you felt his hand in yours. 
His eyes met yours again as he spoke, “How can I not be gentle with the one thing I find brings me more joy than any amount of fame or beauty?” He inquired playfully as he leaned in to kiss the top of your head. You blushed once again and Vil pulled you into his chest. 
“Hey Vil?” You asked
“Can I stay the night? I think I like you holding me against your chest. It makes me feel comforted? I think that’s the word I’m looking for.” You whispered against him. He pretended to think for a moment. 
“As long as you become my significant other, then I have no qualms with you staying the night.” 
“Then, I’ll gladly become yours!” You beamed into his chest, your eyes closing. You giggled in delight as you felt him press a kiss to the top of your head and cover the pair of you up with his blanket. 
“Goodnight, darling.” Was the last thing you heard as you slowly drifted off to sleep in the arms of the fairest of them all.
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justanamesstuff · 8 months
blurb idea inspired by mattys hair… amelia and matty go to the hairdressers together
could be cute assss
Omg, this is so cute and sparked some more ideas around it so...there's more than Amelia cutting her hair hehe
Warning: this is long for a blurb lol
So, I can't really picture Matty going to a place to cut his hair. I don't know why haha...but I can see some stylist-crew member cutting it just before a show because Matty is irritated with his curls hiding his eyes and getting in the way of his sight.
Anyway, one day, waiting to get on stage, he sits on a chair ready to get rid of the extra hair with a very little Amelia sitting on his lap. At first, she looks in awe how the crew member flies around her father's head, moving like a cartoon inside the tv. Everything is fun until his curls --the ones she loves to pull with her tinny hands-- disappear one by one.
"Mel-mel, what's wrong, baby?"
Y/n who rushed closer to them as soon as Amelia started crying, spoke for the two of them, "We're mad about daddy's decision, aren't we, sweets?" she coos at her two-year-old.
Amelia's under lip still wobbles even when she stopped crying. Meanwhile, Matty couldn't help to roll his eyes at his girlfriend's comment.
"It'll be the same in two weeks time, my loves." he reassured them, which takes all of Amelia's attention. "You're just like mommy, aren't ya? Obsessed with daddy's hair?" the little girl giggling with the tickles her dad provides.
Ohh, but the story is very different when the three kids of this family grow up.
During the adolescence, it's very common to change hair and clothe styles. It is reasonable when you're trying to find the one that says "here I'm...this is me". The children took the process very seriously.
The stories are many but the most important of each are these:
She's the sweetheart, the tender one of the family. Always sensitive and very introverted. So when during a pyjama party some mean girls dare to cut her very long --it almost reached her waist-- she can't say no to them and agrees with it. They cut it closer to her shoulders, making her look like a totally different person when she looks at her reflection in the bathroom mirror.
Amelia calls Y/n in a total crisis. Her mother rushes to pick her up and tries as best as she can to hold her reaction.
"I look awful." Amelia says between broken cries.
"That's impossible, baby. You're the most gorgeous girl in the world!" Y/n protests.
"I'll hide for the rest of my life inside the house, inside my room."
Y/n reaches for her hand in a very motherly way, "Mel, this is fixable, okay?"
She looks up at her, with tears trying to scape them. "Really?"
"Yes!! 100%!" Y/n continues, "We'll go to the salon tomorrow...and I'll let you dye it if you wa-"
"Would you really?!" Amelia screams.
And how can Y/n say no when that would cheer her baby?
Y/n nods, gaining a big hug from her daughter.
Amelia ends up getting a good hair cut and she decides to dye the ends with a soft pink that the entire school end up admiring --even the mean girls-- because she rocks it.
There's a moment, a period, in his life when he's 13 or so that Arthur becomes obsessed with Matty's past styles. His dad looks so cool, and he wants exactly that. So he tries to recreate one of his most iconic looks: the mohawk.
One day, when his parent left with Ruth and Amelia is too engrossed with her paintings, Arthur sneaks into Matty and Y/n's bedroom. He manages to steal the razor Matty has in one of his drawers and runs towards his room.
His heart is pounding hard inside his ribcage when he plugs the thing.
Arthur tries pressing a button and the razor comes alive in his hand. He's so scared that he almost drops it but manages to turn it off again.
"Don't be a coward." he whispers to himself.
So, he tries again. He gets comfortable with the buzzing sound, walking to stand in front of his mirror.
Arthur strategically placed his phone with a picture he found on the internet.
"Okay, first this side." he speaks as if someone can hear him.
The young man inclines his head to the left side, bringing the razor closer and closer. Quicker than expected he looks towards the floor how part of his hair fall on it.
Arthur's eye go directly to his reflection, finding another one.
His head whiplashes back, looking at his dad standing on his bedroom door.
"Dad, I can expla-" he tries, but Matty smile gets wider.
Arthur watches his dad dismiss his apology and holds a hand in front of himself. "Do you need help, Archie?"
Y/n listens a pair of steps coming from behind her head. She doesn't turn, but she starts speaking. "Where were you, Matty? I thought you went to check-" she continues, this time turning around. "What the fuck?!"
"Y/n! Language!"
"Oh shut the fuck up, Matthew! What have you done to him?" she screams.
Matty can't help to laugh uncontrollably.
"He was doing it by himself...I just helped him a little." he explains.
Y/n stands up, going to hold Arthur's head. She turns him from side to side, taking a good look.
"What? Do I look bad?" the vulnerable question brings Y/n back.
"What? No, baby...you- You don't look bad at all. It's just-" Arthur only understands when his mom adds, "You look exactly like your father a few years back."
Matty's smirk adorns his entire face.
"That was the idea!" Arthur exclaims, happily, and his dad places a strong arm around his shoulders.
The boy looks up to him, warming Y/n's heart in a way that brushes away every anger inside it.
I love the three of them but I stan Ruth in a way I can't explain. She's the rock star of the family. Her story is a bit different from her siblings.
All the children inherited Matty's type of hair, the only difference was that with time Amelia and Arthur got some characteristics of theirs mother --long, straight and soft. But Ruth's hair copied exactly the transition Matty's hair did during his life. Her hair got curlier and curlier to a point she hated it.
After the hundred treatment she tried, Ruth is beyond annoyed.
"This is not working, guys." she said to her parent.
"She just called us 'guys'?" Matty asked Y/n, dropping a plate he was drying.
Y/n nodded. "She did."
"Hello?! I'm talking to you."
"And we're listening, Matty." her father mocked her with the nickname she hates.
"Fine, forget it."
"Ruth!" Y/n screams after her but it's in vain.
The girl rushes upstairs, not even mad for real with her parents, just determined to complete the idea inside her head
"Done. Problem solved." Ruth stands in front of Matty and Y/n.
Y/n throws her head backwards, saying, "Your kids are going to drive me crazy, Healy."
"Do I have to remind you who brought them to this world?" Matty follows the joke. "You look good, Ruthy!"
"I know!" she shows her shaved head around. "Mom?"
"I love your curls." Y/n tries to protest. "But if someone can rock that hairstyle is you, baby."
"Thanks mommy." Ruth goes to hug her.
Hair is a big issue in this family haha
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versaceeevixen · 2 months
Seven Stages of... Ego Death (Part 2) Edited
It was Thursday and I was on my way to my hair appointment. I drove through the rain feeling excited. Why is it every time I get my hair done it rains? Why can't Gawd let me be great? I made my hand into the Che Vuoi (Pinched fingers) hand gesture. I grabbed something I bought from the store that was in a grocery bag. I went into the hair salon, dodging the fat raindrops.
The salon was completely empty, the stylist welcomed me in the shampoo chair. As she was doing my hair she did it gently. Something I've never felt before when my hair was done, I was impressed. She was like an Aunty I never quite had, but wished I did. The ones that cooked food alongside your Grandmother on Thanksgiving. Her hair was dyed maroon cut short with curls. She wore the typical black on black on black apron, shirt, and pants combo that hair stylists wear.
"Wait can you add this?" Shuffling in my black plastic bag.
She nodded as she gently brushed my hair. "You need a trim."
"I'm scared, I normally don't get trims with new stylists."
She told me that she was only going to trim a certain amount, and she did exactly that.
She handed me the mirror, blonde streaks of hair were highlighted against my black-brown hair. They were extensions. I was too scared to dye my hair, so this was the best option.
I headed out the door, using the plastic bag as an umbrella turning towards her while halfway out the threshold. I thanked her for her service and said "I will be back."
She smiled and said "No you won't."
She really did say this, I shit you not. I wished I asked her why.
That was really weird, and I started to let it go as I turned my bluetooth on. Luckily it worked first try as my bluetooth was starting to get finicky as it was a year 2011 Hyundai Sonata. I had an hour to go back to school, to catch my meeting with my RD.
I finally made it back to campus, the rain stopped finally. I didn't have to schlep around campus with a plastic bag on my head. I grabbed my pink leather backpack from Aldo. As I walked from the library parking lot, I was nervous as hell walking towards the building. As soon as I got inside I greeted my co-workers, they were my first set of co-workers in college. I've been working at the library since first semester of Freshman year.
"Hey, I have a meeting on Zoom in ten minutes can I take the call?"
"Yes, you can go straight back to the meeting room." My boss said.
I headed back towards the meeting room, and sat my backpack on the chair. I logged into my computer, as I got settled. I was waiting for the meeting to start. I quickly grabbed my Great-Grandma's funeral card from 2012 and started praying. I don't know how it ended up in my backpack. Honestly, It didn't matter. I prayed to whoever, whatever was willing to save my ass and importantly my job.
Then the meeting was starting... They asked me to explain the situation all over again. I explained it exactly like the first time. Then they responded that I was wrong for getting a Non-RA to help me find the key. Then they said some other things.
Everything happened so fast...
And then I was fired, and was given only 48 hours to move my stuff out. I was going to get charged if I was going to stay on campus. And that I should get an email on what to do next. After that I stopped listening. The meeting ended, and I remember slamming my computer lid down and running to my other boss and crying.
"I have to make a phone call I'm sorry." I was weeping, as I walked out towards the front door. My big white Fila Disruptor II shoes stomping on the ground as I covered my face.
I facetimed Big Sis as I was pacing back and forth in front of the library hoping she'd picked up. Thankfully, she wasn't in class and the call connected.
"I just got fired!" I said sobbing.
"Oh." She said
"I thought you said I was fine! You said you talked to our RD and told me I was fine!"
"I thought you weren't going to get invited back."
"I don't know what to do."
Big Sis pursed her lips into a straight line. "Well, I have to go."
"Bye." I cried hanging up.
I called Xandra, and told her I got fired. The first thing that she said was.
"I knew that you were going to get fired, and... honestly I saw that you weren't going to finish school here and-"
"So you didn't tell me?!" I yelled
"I didn't want to freak you out!"
"I'm freaking out now, Xandra! I literally had money that I've SPENT because I thought I was going to be fine! I should've listened to my gut instead of everyone else!"
"You're going to be fine-"
"I gotta go because I don't want to hear it anymore!" I ended the call.
I walked back into the library, and my boss told me to take the rest of the day off. I grabbed my stuff and headed to my car. I called Richie and asked him to meet me in my car. What the fuck just happened?
"What?" Said Richie "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Vevi. I'm sorry you got fired."
"I gotta go to Home Depot and get boxes. Do you want to come?" Facing him with dried tears smiling.
"Honestly, yes, I'll skip my classes today."
"Maybe I'll just transfer to another school. Or do online classes. I remember during the first semester a guy asked me if I could work for Zumiez. Maybe he'll still need help"
The sun was coming out, as I was driving on the highway (Route 23!) to get to Home Depot. I was thinking how was I going to tell my Mother as my free housing and food was comprised. I rather call my brother and maybe he'll know how to tell her, and then I can give her the news gently.
"Call Kamran." I told my handsfree.
"Hello?" Kamran said
I told him everything, and he said...
"What? I'LL tell Mom. It'll be better that way."
"Okay, Thank you." I said
He hung up, and I finally arrived to Home Depot. I got out the car and looked at Richie.
"I love the blonde by the way."
"Thanks." I said
We walked into Home Depot, even though Home Depot was a home improvement store it felt so sterile. It smelled like wood chips and the floor was cold and grey like a corpse. When I was a kid I used to slide in my shoes on the floor, and steal the paint swatch card stocks.
"Oh gosh, he might be here." Richie said
I saw him, it was the guy from the Lazer Tag Boys that I was helping with the project. But I ended up not helping him. Here he comes sashaying towards us in his orange apron. I did not feel like talking to him, actually no one did.
"HEY GUYS!" He said
"Hi." I said dryly. "Do you know where the moving boxes are?"
"Why do you need MOVING boxes?" He pushed his black rectangle glasses back that his beady stressed eyes were hiding behind.
"It's for a project." I lied.
He kept talking at us about nonsense, as me and Richie kept staring at each other. He kept going on and on about his old female coworker not giving him a chance. Then she transferred to another Home Depot 'for some very strange reason'. At first I pitied him, now I'm annoyed.
"I'm sorry but we have to run." Richie said
We picked out medium, large, and small boxes. We checked them out and ran out of there.
"Yo, what the fuck." Ritchie said
"Yeah why are boxes so expensive?" I asked.
"No, no, I'm tired of him, he literally caused you to indirectly get fired. He's killing my high. I need another gummy"
I pulled out of the parking lot, I was heading towards the mall. Next on my list was to see if the manager at Zumiez was hiring still. My phone rang. It was Kamran.
"Oh shit it's my brother, shhhh." I said
I clicked the button on my steering wheel to pick up the call.
"Yeah, so Mom said you can't stay with her any more." He said.
Alright I'm ending this here, but the story gets even more fucked from here.
P.S. I edited some more to make it more detailed and coherent. I was just trying shit out this one because I just wanted to put this chapter out there. I shall release more content.
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b-dubs-valdubs · 1 year
a little ethubs fic. they experiment with eyeshadow. enjoy!
fic under the cut, or you can read it on ao3
reblogs appreciated! <3
CW: none! this is pure fluff :)
"Hey, Etho," Bdubs called, practically tumbling into the room with armfuls of brightly coloured products, "Which one do you want?"
Etho looked up. "Uh, do you have any turquoise?" he asked.
Bdubs wrinkled his eyebrows, in thought. "I should have? Let's have a look!"
And with that, Bdubs dumped all of the sparkly products onto the bed, alongside the various brushes needed to apply the makeup.
Bdubs had never given someone a makeover before. It was a similar sort of passion to when he'd opened a barbershop back in season seven; he loved making things pretty, and wanted to extend that philosophy to people too.
He'd always wanted to experiment with makeup, like how he'd experimented with hair, but trying to teach himself on his own face was very difficult. Luckily, Etho had volunteered to be his test subject- uh, he means, his canvas.
"Hmm," Etho hummed to himself, looking at all of the different colours availible. "That one," he stated, jabbing a finger towards a glittery teal colour.
"A fine choice, good sir, a fine choice," Bdubs nodded, trying to act professional (which earned a raised eyebrow from Etho, and an answering glare from Bdubs). The professional character soon returned, as Bdubs branished his utensils and proclaimed: "Step into my salon."
Etho looked around him. "What salon..?"
Bdubs narrowed his eyes, "Very funny. I guess the bed is the salon for now, but just you wait! Once I'm done with you people will be begging to have me work my makeover magic on them, I'll practically be forced to build a salon!"
"Yeah, riiiiiiiiiiiight," Etho rolled his eyes, "More like they'll see what you've done to me and ban you from ever using makeup again."
"HEY! Just remember that I'm the one with the makeup here, wise guy. So you better be careful!"
Etho chuckled. "Okay, okay, sorry! Just get this over with."
Bdubs stared at Etho, thinking through his process. "Close your eyes."
Etho obliged. Bdubs dabbed the small, spongy brush into the sparkly powder, before applying it as gently as he could to Etho's eyelids, being sure not to get it everywhere.
Etho huffed. "Feels weird," he mumbled, "Like you're pressing on my eyeballs."
"I'm being as gentle as I can," Bdubs whispered in reply, too concentrated on what he was doing to make any form of snappy remark.
Bdubs worked dilligently, ensuring that the touch of the brush was as light as it could be, while still concentrating on staying within where eyeshadow usually goes.
After Bdubs was done, he brandished a small mirror. "You can look now."
Etho cracked his eyes open one by one, and nervously looked at his reflection. He hummed. "Well done, Bdubs, this is actually decent."
Bdubs practically lit up. "HA! YES! SEE? I TOLD YOU!"
Etho just nodded along, accustomed to Bdubs's bragging by now. "Can I have a turn now?"
Bdubs's face suddenly contorted into an expression of confusion. "You..? Huh?"
"I want a go with the sparkly stuff. May I?"
Hesitantly, Bdubs shuffled a little closer and handed Etho the brush. "Okay... you can take your pick of the colour, I dont mind."
Closing his eyes, Bdubs was beginning to regret giving Etho so much control - but he couldn't find it in his heart to tell Etho to stop, not when he was humming a little tune as he worked.
Etho took a little longer than Bdubs did to finish the eye shadow, and from the amount of pauses that he was making, he seemed to be struggling a little bit. That's okay, Etho was only a beginner, no way he could match up to Bdubs's prowess right away. That would take years of training, at least.
"Hmm, okay. You can open your eyes now," Etho said, sounding a little timid.
Oh, no. What had he done.
Bdubs nervously opened his eyes and looked at his reflection in the mirror, before spluttering in indignation.
It was... beautiful???
Green glitter blended into the gold glitter effortlessly, the sparkles swirling together in a soft gradient that melted into his skin.
"H- how did you... What? Etho?"
Etho simply giggled. "I dunno, beginner's luck?"
Bdubs gasped dramatically. "BEGINNER'S LUCK?? OH, YOU-"
"Hey, dont worry Dubs!" Etho grinned, "You'll still be able to have that salon someday, just a little more practice!"
Bdubs pouted (and Etho found it hilarious). "You're a freaking jerk."
Etho smiled softly. "I know."
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“ how long have you known? you know, about the baby. “ with the regency AU
the regency au has blown up today and i freaking love it I'm so excited for this (i also very specifically pulled reference for their home from biltmore mansion in North Carolina. I've been several times and it is simply DIVINE. also helps cause i have pictures of the rooms on my phone lol)
Tumblr media
word count: 670
warnings: pregnancy mention obvs, inaccurate regency things
Jacob had been in London for two whole months, away on business for his family that needed his full attention. 
He was due to arrive back at their country estate that afternoon, and Veronica had the most wonderful news to share with him. 
Only a few days after his departure did she start to get sick. Then she realized that her blood hadn’t come in nearly two months. The doctor was called and he confirmed what Veronica had been suspicious of all along. 
She was with child. And she couldn’t be happier. 
It was news that she decided to wait to tell her husband. It felt like something too joyous to write in a letter. She wanted to see his face, to know his reaction to such news instead of waiting in dread for his reply. She knew he would be happy. They discussed often the prospect of children and filling their large house with laughter.
But now, as she sat in the salon with a cup of tea, waiting for him to return — she felt doubt filling her gut now. What if he would be angry at her for keeping it from him? What if he didn’t want a child right now? Veronica set down her saucer and cup to place a hand on her rolling stomach. She hadn’t been sick for weeks. She couldn’t tell if it was her nerves or the pregnancy that was doing this to her.
Hard footsteps echoed through the reception hall and the winter garden. Someone cutting their way across the main floor to get to the salon faster. She knew those steps. She had been missing those steps. They were Jacob’s. 
Veronica pulled herself from the couch she was lounging on and turned to face the open doorway. Just as Jacob marched into the room with a wide smile on his face. He still wore his riding boots and coat. Not taking the time to change before rushing off to find her. Tears welled to her eyes at the sight. 
“My love!” he exclaimed as he met her in a bone-crushing embrace. “Oh, how I missed you. London is such a bore without you.” 
“I do regret not going with you, Mr. Seresin,” she admitted as she carded her fingers through his hair. “But you’re home now. With me. That’s all that matters.” 
Jacob continued to embrace her, but drew back just enough to press his lips to her own. It was hungry, after so long apart. He groaned into her mouth as his hands glided down her back, one landing on her waist, the other on her lower back. Pressing her in closer to him. But then he paused, brow furrowed, as he pulled away from the kiss. 
“Something’s different,” he said as he searched her face. “I can’t tell exactly what…But something feels different since the last time I held you.” 
Veronica opened her mouth to reply, to tell him the wonderful news, but no sound came out as his hands searched her. As he tried to figure it out for himself. His wide palms traced along her sides, then one hand ghosted over her abdomen and he paused. His touch became more firm through the fabric of her silk dress. There was a distinct roundness there that had not been when he left two months ago. 
He looked back up into her face with wide, questioning eyes. “Dear heart…?”
“I-It’s the most wonderful change,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper as tears clung to her lashes. “Jacob…My love…I’m pregnant.” 
“How long…” He looked down at her belly, still trying to process. “How long have you known?”
“The doctor confirmed it only a week after you left. I…I didn’t want to distract from your work. I wanted to tell you in person, see the joy on your face. You are — you are happy, yes?”
“Veronica, I — I’ve never been happier.” 
He took her face in his hands and kissed her then. Soft and sweet and full of smiles.
prompt list || open
send in a prompt and an au!
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goosewriting · 1 year
📮 You got mail!
OKAY OKAY WAIT I DON'T KNOW IF YOU'RE FINISHED WITH THE MIKEY BABY FIC-Y BUT I just had a random idea pop out of nowhere where Mikey gives the reader, or vice versa, a coupon for having a baby! That may sound ridiculous but I took inspiration from your idea in Mikey's section of "Taking the lead". This is just a random funny thought, you don't have to acknowledge it in anyway LMAO.
I've read and seen some of your other things that aren't turtles related and they're honestly pretty good! I don't know anything about Star Wars but the lazy morning with Fives feels almost bittersweet, mainly sweet though, bitter cause I think you mentioned one time that Fives had been ohno'd, I send my condolences o7
Also gonna get the Cassandra Cut (Bald™) tomorrow my time, hope they accept cartoon references! 👍😃👌 And I hope you're doing well and taking breaks and such! 🦆🤗🦢
Best wishes!
💌 -BVA🐰🎟️
your suggestion actually made me go :0c i was like "wow BV anon here having a Big Brain Moment",, genius! i have written a little draft to more or less know where i want to go with the fic but i'll definitely be using this, thank you so much!♥
"cause I think you mentioned one time that Fives had been ohno'd" made me laugh so hard for some reason xD but seriously thank you sm for checking out my other writings even if you're not in the sw fandom?? 🥺🥺💓
and yay for the cassandra cut™! i'm currently in deseprate need of a haircut and i'm seriously considering just shaving it all off too lmao it's too hot and i'm lazy, but i'm also broke and hair salon prices are bonkers ;;_;; but hey let me know how it goes and if they did take the cartoon refs heh
other than the heat (my room is a little oven and i hate it) i'm doing good, thank you!
i wish you all a fabulous weekend full of good vibes and excellent food<3
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 2 years
out of curiosity how could you be best accommodated and respected to get a haircut in public? is it an option?
For hijabis, the general best idea would be for a women-only hair salon (that doesn't have like, giant glass panes/walls that people outside can look through).
However, given America, most hijabis I know get their hair done at home by themselves/a friend/a family member, or I've know hijabis who will go to a hair salon and like, get their hair cut in the back room (an alternative solution to accommodate hijabis IMO is to have like, a private room in the salon. I feel like that wouldn't be too difficult, but alas I live in a White ass Christian place so people never even consider Muslims).
I don't get my hair cut too often so what I end up doing is pretty often just quickly run into the salon and try to minimize time where someone could see me. The salon I just went to isn't explicitly women-only but there were only women there coincidentally, and the hair cutting room itself was in a back room away from windows and the lobby. So aside from my dash from the car and into the salon and a brief wait in the lobby with massive display windows, I was able to mostly maintain my modesty. It does feel like I'm on some high stakes tactical mission rather than getting a relaxing haircut at a salon, but I'm used to that by now.
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year
hii! 18, 20, 29 for the ask thing? ^-^
hello!! thank you for asking! <3
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
ooh this is a tricky one because I have the memory of a goldfish when it comes to things I write as soon as I post them, but I'm very attached to this bit from always; never again-
Robin doesn’t know why it triggers her whole body to be overtaken with overwhelm, maybe the feeling of being understood, of being heard in the way Steve might have heard her had it been someone else and he had been here.
Then again if it had been someone else, Robin wouldn’t feel like this, this wave of physical hollowness, such intense overflowingness. It is a presence, this absence, so loud in its lacking that she can feel it expanding, expanding, expanding in her chest cavity until all there is to do is for it to burst.
20. What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written?
I gotta stand by my guy someone else's favorite song 🫡 I love a title whose meaning becomes clear over the course of the story and I think this is the closest I've gotten to achieving that. grief is found in someone else's favorite song! love is found in someone else's favorite song! you know!!!
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
this is a short transition scene from a fic I started, like, early last fall before metamorphoses devoured all my time and energy, and I have no idea if I'll ever return to it (probably not) but if I do, it's gonna get revamped to hell and back. I like this scene though! (which is, perhaps, why it's such a similar premise to the hair-cutting scene in meta fjsdlkfj don't LOOK at me)
The heat of the west coast gets to Eddie in August and, in a fit of frustration and the after effects of a you’re supposed to be dead you should have died why aren’t you dead nightmare and just plain old sweat, he takes a pair of kitchen scissors and cuts his hair off at his jawline. 
And then he cries. 
It’s jagged and he can’t get it even with the state of the curls and the state of his shaking hands and there’s hair filling the sink and Jonathan and Argyle are asleep in the next room because it’s, like, three o’clock in the morning and Eddie is having a nervous breakdown apparently because he should be dead by now and his name isn’t Munson anymore, no matter how much his friends ignore that fact, and it’s so fucking hot in California in August. 
It’s Jonathan who finds him in the morning, still sitting on the bathroom floor below a sink filled with chunks of haphazardly chopped hair and a pair of scissors resting on the tile by his hip and Eddie’s not crying anymore but he very well might start all over again when Jonathan just looks at him, breathes a quiet oh, and then disappears for no more than two minutes before returning with Argyle. 
“Oh, dude, short’s gonna be such a good look on you,” Argyle smiles sleepily as he drags Eddie to sit on the lid of the toilet and takes possession of the scissors in surprisingly agile hands. “Argyle’s salon is open for business.” 
He’s gentle and that almost makes Eddie cry and Jonathan brings him a cup of tea which really isn’t Eddie’s thing but that too is enough to have his throat closing up so he just shuts his eyes and waits until Argyle pats his shoulder and says, “all done, man,” before he looks at himself in the mirror. 
Shaggy enough to not have to relive the trauma of a middle school buzzcut but still kind of an awkward length, it is at the very least less suffocating in the summer heat. He looks in the mirror and runs a hand through those wild curls gone untamed by the lessened weight pulling down on them. 
Eddie Arda looks back at him.
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
I wanna be besties with the succubus squad!
Lamia and I would have SO much fun with getting acrylics done. We'd gossip at the salon and I'd share tea on ALL the brothers. Asmo would try to get me to spill on her, but I would refuse. I'd also help her with her nephew, 100%. Babies are adorable and I work with kids as is. 1 infant, demon or not, is nothing compared to 12 screaming toddlers.
Baphomet and I would spend so much time baking and then binging anime while eating all the snacks we made. Some creep tries to step near her and I'll extract Baphie while Az and Lamie shred the creep. We'd swap romance books too. She's a succubus, she probably has the best raunchy romance book recs.
Azazel? Oh you mean my new bestie! The hair is always immaculate. You KNOW that she would have magic stuff to make your hair grow out, I'd be rocking up to RAD with different lengths and colors DAILY! Neon purple undercut monday, blue Rapunzel braids Tuesday! Swapping punk clothes on the REGULAR, I'd be asking about her piercer too. Healing spells = NO HEALING TIME + No waiting for weeks to swap in new jewelry!!
The boys come to ask what I'm doing and see all four of us in my room talking shit about Solomon, roasting his ass and doing face masks. It is the most brutal shit any of them have ever HEARD, and we're just laughing it all off like we didn't just wreck his bloodline's honor for eternity.
I'm glad you enjoy The Succubus Squad. ^_^ Though, I ought to mention that, even though I call them that for the sake of having to call them, Lamia is the only one that is actually a Succubus. (I know, I never really made that distinction. lol)
Though that is very Lamia.
Lamia: We should call ourselves the The Succubus Squad.
Az *blinks in fallen angel*: You're the only succubus here.
Lamia: What's you point? A good name is a good name. Besides, do you really think people care about the distinction?
Lamia would appreciate the help. She rarely watches her nephew on her own, but when she does...she has no idea what she's doing and for once her confidence falters.
Baphie does have a good selection of romance though. It's always the quiet one. She'll happily invite Luke. She's join Barbatos in babying him a little.
Az has a collection of hair products that will rival a salon. She absolutely has stuff to magically grow the hair out so she can re cut it on her many whims. She will happily help you do whatever you want. She's had centuries of practice. All the while, her little sister, Tannin, is joining in. She already knows the deal and is taking out all the needed supplies.
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