#I'm 24 they're 36
do we get into a relationship with a significant age difference?
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nc-vb · 1 year
My dear, I'm going to use this ask of yours as a catalyst... All of my personal favourite ASMRs, vids, etcetera... beneath the cut. Not all of them are only male moaning! Literally just all my faves I've collected LOL.
Links will not only be audios; a majority of them are videos.
Links will be from any of the following: Twitter, the Hub, Audiomack, Soundgasm, and likely other sites, so be prepared because they're not labeled, lol. And sorry if any of the links are repeated; my bad.
Links with sparkles are my personal faves.
Edited, more added July 21, 2023
CerberosVA Now, if y'all like your man extremely vocal, if you like whimpering, or lowkey, you like the whole subby bf thing, PLEASE, THIS MAN, I cannot recommend his shit enough. He's on twt, the hub, probably the mack; please support his official work on Patreon, if you can.
x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x
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softxwarm (hub) This guy does both asmr and stuff with his girlfriend, but his solo ASMRs are pretty coo'. I'll just share my top three since you can just sift through his videos, anyway.
one (video; solo) | two (video; solo) | three (video; solo)
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moonxx911 (twt) ANYTHING by this man. I won't even both being specific; I listen to his shit on repeat, rotated.
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Akiradubs (hub) He mostly does character dub audios, but he has some simpler ones that I enjoy, like this one.
one (audio, gn!; sub male, ig?)
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RedactedASMR I haven't gotten so deep into the lore of it, but Redacted has a whole series of ASMRs that tell long ass stories, so if you have the time, I recommend searching him out. I believe most of them are on YouTube? Personally, Lasko is my favourite (he's so cute with the stuttering, ughhhh). I'm just going to link my personal Redacted playlist I've started, rather than link specific ones. You can find him on more platforms, but I don't think his n/sfw ASMRs are on Youtube... idk.
ncvb RedactedASMR playlist (the mack)
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SeikyuuVA (hub; also on the mack) Look, Seikyuu isn't everyone's flavour... there's only a couple specific ones I enjoy, just because he really goes over the top with the sounds and aggression sometimes, LMAO, and it gives me second hand embarrassment...
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Lxvesickk (twt) Just found him, hehe. Just listen…
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WickLuvsU (twt) His audios are... immaculate.
X | X (play these both at the same time... you're welcome.)
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Video Links, general
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 ✨ | 19 | 20
21 | 22 ✨ | 23 ✨ | 24 | 25 ✨ | 26 | 27 | 28 ✨ | 29 ✨| 30 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 ✨| 36 ✨| 37 | 38 | 39 ✨| 40 ✨
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 (mmf✨)| 46 (aud✨)|
Video Links, mlm
I had to put these links in a separate post because I reached Tumblr's 100 link-per-post limit? Didn't know that was a thing. So, please find them here! There's about 80+ links.
Video Links, wlw
1 | 2 | 3
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Characters Like, the fake dubs. I dunno what they're called.
Hanma Shuji (hub, audio; Akiradubs) Zhongli (hub, audio; Akiradubs) Akira/Joker (hub, audio; Seikyuu) Take this Audiomack link, too; it's my other personal playlist that has a shit ton of character ASMR dubs on it, and then some...
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I'll have more to add along the way; keep an eye on the update date!
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prokopetz · 4 months
Code Green
A game for 3–7 players, about being where you're not supposed to be.
Last night, you were suspended in a tube of brightly coloured goo in an underground research facility, operated by an organisation whose three-letter initialism's meaning is strictly need-to-know. This morning, someone noticed your tube was empty. Nobody has determined how that happened yet, and you're not inclined to stick around until they figure it out!
Or, in other words, it's been nearly a whole week since I got that massive revision to Space Gerbils out the door, and apparently my brain has decided that's enough of a break. This thing was written start to finish in under 12 hours, so let the circumstances of its authorship guide your expectations. Special thanks go once again to Caro Asercion, whose micro-RPG Dwindle introduced me to the design space I'm fucking around with here. Go buy their stuff.
What You'll Need
Code Green is a tabletop RPG for one game moderator (GM) and up to six players. Each player will need a copy of the Profile Grid, below, as well as three tokens of some sort: dice, coins, beads, etc. You'll also need at least five six-sided dice (for the whole group, not per player, though it's fine if each player has their own set). If you're using dice for tokens, it's recommended that the dice you plan to roll be visually distinguishable in case they land on someone's Profile Grid.
Rolling Dice
There are two ways you'll be asked to roll dice in this game: rolling d66, and rolling a dice pool.
To roll d66, roll a six-side die twice, reading the first roll as the "tens" place and the second roll as the "ones" place, yielding a number in the range from 11 to 66. For example, if you rolled a 3 and then a 5, your result is 35. You may also be asked to flip a d66 roll; to do this, take your result and swap the digits without re-rolling. In the preceding example, if you flipped your roll of 35, your new result would be 53.
To roll a dice pool, pick up the indicated number of six-side dice, roll them, and take the highest individual result. Duplicates have no special significance. For example, if you rolled a pool of three dice and got a 2, a 4, and a 4, your result would be 4. If you would ever roll a pool of zero or fewer dice, roll two dice and take the lowest instead.
Character Creation
Each player should create their own character. There are three things about your character which are always true:
You are newly born into the world. You may know things about the world (e.g., from your programming, having read them on a computer terminal, etc.), but you haven't experienced them.
You are implausibly good at remaining inconspicuous; unless you're deliberately drawing attention or doing something which requires a dice roll, humans will almost always fail to spot you.
You are not human. You can decide what that means.
To find out what else is true about your character, roll or choose three times from the Form table, and three times from the Function table, placing your results into the correspondingly labelled slots on the Profile Grid, below, in any order you please. Your three results from each table should be different; if you elected to roll and get the same entry multiple times, flip your result, and re-roll if it's still a duplicate.
Think about what your three Form traits and three Function traits imply about your character's physical makeup, but don't set anything in stone just yet – you'll see why not in a moment.
Finally, roll a six-sided die five times, and record the results in the order in which they're received. The resulting five-digit number is the only name your character has when play begins.
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Table 1: Form (d66)
11–12. Blood 13–14. Bones 15–16. Brain 21–22. Claws 23–24. Ears 25–26. Eyes 31–32. Guts 33–34. Hands 35–36. Heart 41–42. Hair 43–44. Legs 45–46. Lungs 51–52. Nose 53–54. Skin 55–56. Tail 61–62. Teeth 63–64. Tongue 65–66. Wings
Table 2: Function (d66)
11–12. Accelerated 13–14. Autonomous 15–16. Auxiliary 21–22. Cryogenic 23–24. Cryptic 25–26. Elastic 31–32. Electric 33–34. Entropic 35–36. Invasive 41–42. Invulnerable 43–44. Kinetic 45–46. Magnetic 51–52. Phasing 53–54. Polymorphic 55–56. Projectile 61–62. Pyrogenic 63–64. Telescopic 65–66. Toxic
Playing the Game
Play proceeds in a series of scenes. In each scene, the GM will set the stage: a challenge to overcome, a peril to escape, a mystery to investigate, etc. Given the nature of your characters, most things will be mysteries to you!
Initial Token Placement
Once the stage has been set, place each of your three tokens on a different square on your Profile Grid. If you have no preference, you can roll d66 for each token and place it in the square whose marked numeric range contains the number you rolled, flipping or re-rolling your result if you get a square which already contains a token. The placement of these tokens represents your initial state when the scene opens. Depending on the nature of your character, this may be reflected by a shifting of internal focus, or by a physical transformation.
To participate in the scene, simply tell the GM what your character does; the GM will describe how the world responds, and ask what you do next. Whenever you wish – or are forced – to do something more than lurk and observe, you are obliged to make a test.
Making Tests
To make a test, first choose a pair of traits – one Form trait, and one Function trait – with which to face the challenge. For example, if your Form traits are Legs, Tail and Teeth, and your Function traits are Cryptic, Invulnerable and Phasing, you might test your Invulnerable Legs against the trouble at hand.
Next, count the number of tokens present in the rows extending from each of the chosen traits. The illustration below shows which squares would be consulted in the preceding example:
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Next, roll a dice pool containing a number of dice equal to the number of tokens present on squares extending from the chosen traits. Do not count a token twice if it's on the square where the two traits intersect (e.g., the green square in the illustration above). In the event that no tokens fall on squares extending from appropriate traits, remember that you are allowed to roll a pool of zero dice by rolling two dice and taking the lowest rather than the highest.
Finally, compare your result to the following table:
1–3. Less than human. Whatever you'd intended to try still happens, but it cannot overcome human opposition (or adversity which would challenge a typical human), and any lasting effects are transitory and easily explained away. 4–5. Mostly human. Your effort can contend with human opposition (or circumstances which would challenge a competent human), and its lasting effects make it obvious that someone (or something) has been interfering with matters. 6. More than human. Your effort easily brushes aside any human opposition, and its lasting effects are impossible to rationalise as anything other than the intervention of inhuman forces.
Without Applicable Traits
In the event that you're forced to make a test and no possible pairing of your traits is applicable, you don't get to roll anything, not even with a pool of zero dice; simply resolve the outcome as though you'd rolled a result of 1–3. Other characters may attempt to preserve you from this fate by assisting you, in which case you roll one die per assisting friend; see below for more details.
If you wish to assist another character in making a test, consult your own Profile Grid, considering only those squares which contain tokens. Only the specific pairs of traits represented by the squares on which your tokens fall are eligible for assistance; for example, if one of your tokens falls on the intersection of Cryptic and Teeth, you may assist with Cryptic Teeth, but not any other pair of traits involving Cryptic or Teeth unless those squares also have tokens on them.
If you're able to identify an eligible pair of traits that seems applicable to the test at hand, explain how you're using it to help, and hand the player making the test one extra die. Any number of characters may assist on a given test.
Providing assistance neither requires nor permits your character to adapt (see below) – it needs to be your own test for that!
After resolving a test, your character adapts, shifting focus or form to reflect what they've learned. Take one token of your choice from your character sheet, and move it to a different square which doesn't already contain one. You can move any token you wish, but it must end up on a different square than the one it started on unless no valid destinations are available. Adapting is not optional, and must be carried out after every test.
Suffering Strain
If whatever you're making a test against is particularly strenuous or dangerous, you might suffer strain as a consequence. Strain will often be incurred on a result of 1–3, and rarely on a result of 4–5; only the most foolhardy efforts will incur strain even on a result of 6!
To incur strain, roll d66, and place a small X on the square on your Profile Grid whose indicated numeric range contains the number you rolled. If there's a token on that square, immediately move it to an empty square of your choice, unless fewer than three unmarked squares now remain; in that case, simply remove the token entirely.
For the remainder of the scene, tokens may not be moved to any marked square. In addition, if you suffer further strain, and the square indicated by your d66 roll is already marked, your character is incapacitated, and may not participate in tests at all until they recover.
All strain is cleared – and any discarded tokens restored – at the end of each scene. Incapacitated characters also recover at this time.
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youneedsomeprompts · 6 months
~ FORBIDDEN LOVE ~ PROMPTS about secret dating
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requested by: various anons requests: I saw the "Forbidden Love" prompts, mostly about not admitting to themselves / each other, and it really made me yearn for forbidden love prompts where they're together but they have to hide it from everyone else; one sided “keeping a relationship hidden from coworkers”; can you post prompts about two oblivious people who are already dating but the other people don't know they're dating? dialogues or scenarios would do<3 thank you and love your prompt contents!
Feel free to use and reblog!
Part 1: ~ FORBIDDEN LOVE ~ PROMPTS about confessing a forbidden crush Part 2: ~ FORBIDDEN LOVE ~ PROMPTS about showing love without confessing
#1 - keeping it secret at first because they didn't think it would turn into something that serious anyway #2 - enjoying the thrill of the secrecy #3 - being unsure whether that nervous feeling in their stomach is coming from their feelings for the other or the fact the relationship has to be kept a secret #4 - it's killing them that they have no one they can share their thoughts about their new relationship with #5 - making up the most random excuses to secretly meet up with the other #6 - screaming internally because they're having a date but they can't talk about it #7 - trying to act casual and unsuspicious in public when they're together but it's so hard #8 - teasing the other because they know how hard it is for them to keep their affection/arousal to themselves #9 - making promises that they don't have to keep it secret for much longer (but is it really realistic?) #10 - developing a method to communicate in code #11 - keeping it secret to protect the other #12 - keeping it secret until better times come #13 - making up for keeping it secret by extremely romantic/spoiling dates when they're alone #14 - wanting to fix everything before making the other their official s/o #15 - finding it the least stressful way to date to just keep it secret #16 - enjoying their little, happy secret because that way, no one can ruin it/take it from them #17 - it's like living in two completely separate worlds because their relationship is something that just exists between the two of them and the time together is always otherworldly #18 - wanting to stay in their happy dream world forever #19 - making plans for the future together, even though they don't know where they will be tomorrow #20 - they're keeping the other's love letters hidden under their pillow even though they know how risky it is
#21 - "You're the most precious thing to me. So, I have to keep you as safe as possible." #22 - "Ah, I'm glad to have you finally to myself." #23 - "When I'm with you, it's like the earth stood still. I'm never so at peace." #24 - "You know, I really don't want to imagine what would happen if the others knew." #25 - "We have to be more careful. This was really a close call." #26 - "Do you really think it's necessary we keep it secret for much longer?" #27 - "I'm doing this for you. You're much better off when the others don't know." "You always say that. But I'm not sure if I still believe it." #28 - "It's not ideal but hell would break lose if it came out. I'm really glad we have the moments of peace. And intimacy." #29 - "Could you have imagined that we would someday end up like this?" #30 - "You're the best that happened to me. And I can tell no one about it. But I want to shout it from the rooftops." "Oh, you better don't. But you can always whisper it to my ear." #31 - "Isn't it fun to have this secret?" #32 - ^ "That's one way to call it." #33 - "I was really impressed how you handled that earlier. So cool. So smooth. So casual. As if I hadn't just made you whimper and made your eyes roll back minutes prior." #34 - "It's all worth it. I would risk it all again just to be with you." #35 - "Do you really think this is a good idea? They could find us." #36 - "You'll be the death of me." #37 - "To be honest, it's pretty funny to see you acting so unfazed and oblivious when we both know you were still thinking about me being naked." #38 - ^ "I always think about you being naked. It's not as if it's a new challenge to keep a straight face." #39 - "But you do know that I'm doing this all for you, right? Otherwise, I couldn't care less." "But you have to act as if you were in for the thing itself. They cannot connect you to me." #40 - "One day, I will carry you off to a place where it's just us. So, be prepared to be kindly abducted one day, alright?"
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mfshipbracket · 1 year
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welcome to ghost mod's thought experiment, the m/f ship bracket bonus round where every single m/f ship from the original round is pit against reylo of the 97/3 #shreksweep infamy.
why, you ask? mostly cuz of this.
they're going from lowest to highest per the original rankings, starting off with our newcomers adam/eve. 9 polls per day will roll out on queue throughout the est evening from may 12th-18th! after polls are closed one week later, i will post the final rankings of who swept the hardest (or failed to sweep...)
all polls can be found under the #bonus round tag, and this masterpost also contains links to each specific poll. there is also a spreadsheet with current bonus round standings and stats from the original bracket if you like numbers. :)
disclaimer: not a reylo hater. i'm just ardently devoted to the bit
1. Adam/Eve (The Bible) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 2. Barbie/Ken (Barbie) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 3. Branch/Poppy (TROLLS) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 4. Hori/Kashima (Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 5. Naegi/Kirigiri (Dangan Ronpa) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 6. Fakir/Ahiru (Princess Tutu) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 7. Jake/Amy (Brooklyn 99) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 8. Sonic/Amy (Sonic the Hedgehog) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 9. Vax'ildan/Keyleth (Critical Role/TLOVM) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars)
10. Barry Bluejeans/Lup (The Adventure Zone: Balance) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 11. Westley/Buttercup (The Princess Bride) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 12. Lucas/Max (Stranger Things) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 13. Bella Swan/Edward Cullen (Twilight) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 14. Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa (Six of Crows) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 15. Zagreus/Megaera (Hades) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 16. Greg/Rose Quartz (Steven Universe) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 17. Orpheus/Eurydice (Hadestown) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 18. Sans/Toriel (Undertale) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars)
19. Megamind/Roxanne (Megamind) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 20. Inuyasha/Kagome (Inuyasha) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 21. Mamoru/Usagi (Sailor Moon) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 22. Anne/Gilbert (Anne with an E) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 23. Mako/Raleigh (Pacific Rim) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 24. Nancy/Jonathan (Stranger Things) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 25. Wanda/Vision (Marvel/MCU) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 26. Aragorn/Arwen (Lord of the Rings) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 27. Rayla/Callum (The Dragon Prince) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars)
X. Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars VS King Charles/Camilla (United Kingdom) 28. Anakin/Padme (Star Wars) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 29. Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sharma (Bridgerton) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 30. Percy/Vex'ahlia (Critical Role/TLOVM) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 31. Kyo/Tohru (Fruits Basket) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 32. Batman/Catwoman (DC) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 33. Tenth Doctor/Rose (Doctor Who) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 34. Cassian/Jyn (Star Wars) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 35. Joyce/Hopper (Stranger Things) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 36. Aang/Katara (ATLA) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars)
37. Mermista/Seahawk (She-ra and the Princesses of Power) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 38. Robin/Starfire (DC/Teen Titans) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 39. Tamaki/Haruhi (Ouran High School Host Club) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 40. Mulder/Scully (The X-Files) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 41. Glimmer/Bow (She-ra and the Princesses of Power) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 42. Zuko/Katara (ATLA) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 43. Steven/Connie (Steven Universe) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 44. Han/Leia (Star Wars) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 45. Beast Boy/Raven (DC/Teen Titans) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars)
46. Edward/Winry (Fullmetal Alchemist) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 47. Peter/MJ (Marvel/MCU) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 48. Katniss/Peeta (The Hunger Games) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 49. Marinette/Adrien (Miraculous Ladybug) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 50. Kim Possible/Ron Stoppable (Kim Possible) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 51. Darcy/Elizabeth (Pride and Prejudice) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 52. Roy/Riza (Fullmetal Alchemist) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 53. Miles Morales/Gwen Stacy (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 54. Zelda/Link (Zelda Series) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars)
55. Twilight/Yor (Spy X Family) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 56. Sokka/Suki (ATLA) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 57. Hunter/Willow (The Owl House) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 58. Chidi/Eleanor (The Good Place) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 59. Ms. Piggy/Kermit (The Muppets) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 60. Rapunzel/Eugene (Tangled) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 61. Howl/Sophie (Howl’s Moving Castle) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 62. Percy/Annabeth (Percy Jackson Series) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars) 63. Morticia/Gomez (The Addams Family) VS Kylo Ren/Rey (Star Wars)
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jaybug-jabbers · 7 months
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Gelatopod - Ice/Fairy
(Vanilla-Caramel Flavor is normal, Mint-Choco is shiny)
Artist - I adopted this wonderful fakemon from xeeble! So I decided to make up a full list of game data, moves, lore, etc. for it. Enjoy! :D
Abilities - Sticky Hold/Ice Body/Weak Armor (Hidden)
Pokedex Entries
Scarlet: Gelatopod leaves behind a sticky trail when it moves. A rich, creamy ice cream can be made from the collected slime.
Violet: At night, it uses the spike on its shell to dig into the ground, anchoring itself into place. Then it withdraws into its shell to sleep in safety.
Stats & Moves
BST - 485
HP - 73
Attack - 56
Defense - 100
Special Attack - 90
Special Defense - 126
Speed - 40
Lvl 1: Sweet Scent, Sweet Kiss, Aromatherapy, Disarming Voice
Lvl 4: Defense Curl
Lvl 8: Baby Doll Eyes
Lvl 12: Draining Kiss
Lvl 16: Ice Ball
Lvl 21: Covet
Lvl 24: Icy Wind
Lvl 28: Sticky Web
Lvl 32: Dazzling Gleam
Lvl 36: Snowscape
Lvl 40: Ice Beam
Lvl 44: Misty Terrain
Lvl 48: Moonblast
Lvl 52: Shell Smash
Friendship Level Raised to 160: Love Dart (Signature Move)
Egg Moves
Mirror Coat, Acid Armor, Fake Tears, Aurora Veil
Signature Move - Love Dart
Learned when Gelatopod's friendship level reaches 160 and then the player completes a battle with it
Type - Fairy, Physical, Non-Contact
Damage Power - 20 PP - 10 (max 16) Accuracy - 75%
Secondary Effect - Causes Infatuation in both male and female pokemon. Infatuation ends in 1-4 turns.
Flavor Text - The user fires a dart made of hardened slime at the target. Foes of both the opposite and same gender will become infatuated with the user.
TM Moves
Take Down, Protect, Facade, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rest, Substitute, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, Helping Hand, Icy Wind, Avalanche, Snowscape, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Charm, Dazzling Gleam, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Struggle Bug, U-Turn, Mud Shot, Mud-Slap, Dig, Weather Ball, Bullet Seed, Giga Drain, Power Gem, Tera Blast
Other Game Data
Gender Ratio - 50/50
Catch Rate - 75
Egg Groups - Fairy & Amorphous
Hatch Time - 20 Cycles
Height/Weight - 1'0''/1.3 lbs
Base Experience Yield - 170
Leveling Rate - Medium Fast
EV Yield - 2 (Defense & Special Defense)
Body Shape - Serpentine
Pokedex Color - White
Base Friendship - 70
Game Locations - Glaseado Mountain, plus a 3% chance of encountering Gelatopod when the player buys Ice Cream from any of the Ice Cream stands
I'm not a competitive player, but I did my best to balance this fakemon fairly and not make it too broken. Feel free to give feedback if you have any thoughts!
I have a huge bias for Bug Pokemon since they're my favorite type, and at first I wanted to make it Bug/Ice, since any intervebrate could be tossed into the 'Bug' typing. But ultimately I decided to keep xeeble's original idea of Ice/Fairy. There's precedent of food-themed pokemon being Fairy type, and Ice/Fairy would be very interesting due to its rarity (only Alolan Ninetails has it). Its type weaknesses are also slightly easier to handle than Bug/Ice imo
The signature move is indeed based on real love darts, I could not resist something that fascinating being made into a Pokemon move, even if the real games may possibly shy away from the idea. (Honestly it could be argued "Love Dart" is based on Cupid's arrow so Gamefreak might actually get away with making a move like this though.) Its effectiveness on both males and females is a nod to snails/slugs being biological hermaphrodites. I can see this move also being learned by Gastrodon and Magcargo in Scarlet/Violet
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mintaikcorpse · 19 days
This was noticed by @timkontheunsure but I need to talk about it because it does NOT sit right with me
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Look at how much he grew from the first pic to the second pic. The robe still fits in the first pic and his head goes to the light switch, but in the second pic, he's a lot taller and the robe no longer fits.
He wasn't even fully grown when Octi was a kid.
Stolas is 36, and, assuming him and Stella are the same age, means they were both forced to have Octavia at NINETEEN.
And like, yeah, teenagers get pregnant, and nineteen is a legal adult, but this wasn't by choice, and they still had a kid so young. Like, my sister is about to be 19, and I genuinely can not see her having a kid. Same with the girls at my school. 18-19 is so young to have a kid! Most people have kids between the ages of 24-27. If Octavia was 5 in the first pic, that means that Stolas and Stella were raising a kid by the time people were just starting to have kids!
Not to mention the whole arranged marriage thing! In their queer adolescence post, timkon mentions how Stolas (and Stella's but they were talking about Stolas) only purpose was to read the stars and have a kids, so he's going to be given a book and paired up immediately when he's 18. Didn't even have time to explore himself or life outside of "Stars, marriage, and baby." It's even implied on Blitzø's insta that he was suicidal during this time, and that the only reason he didn't off himself was because of Via.
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And like- there's worse. It always gets worse.
Stella makes a comment saying that Stolas is terrible in bed, and this could just be that he just isn't attracted to women, but some people have also theorized that Stella had 🍇 Stolas. I'm more on the first option, but honestly, I can see where they're coming from. While I don't think it was 🍇 in the traditional sense, it definetly seems like a traumatic experience for the both of them. They both know that they're only purpose was to have a kid, so they most likely felt pressured to do it, and since Stolas is a lot more akward and reserved than Stella and it doesn't clash well with her basically verbally assaulting him all the time, it probably ended up being a traumatic experience for him.
And can you imagine that? Being stuck with Stella for about a year (he probably got married at 18) and having to deal with her being a bitch throughout the entire time you're with her, and only staying alive because of your kid? Like, she was awful before he cheated on her. 17 years of this crap. That's gotta do something to your psyche.
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rockdwarftv · 2 months
So, you wanna play a Pokémon TTRPG
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But you don't have the time to manage 1K entries in a book? Well, I'm working on the thing for you! PokéD6.
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Now that I've show you my character sheet concept, let me break down some of the things on it. The biggest thing anyone will notice right away is the lack any numbered stats. This system converts existing BSTs (Base Stat Totals) into a 6 point grade. Above, each black diamond (✦) represents one point of that stat's grade. And any pre-existing pokemon can have it's BST quickly converted by simply dividing any given stat's total by 36 and rounding up, to a max of 6! Each grade also has an associated number of dice, which are always equal to the grade itself, and an associated modifier. A stat's modifier is equal to it's grade plus it's IVs. IVs, represented by the hollow diamonds (✧), have also been simplified down into a single dice roll per stat. So, whenever you capture a new pokemon, roll 6d6. Like with stat grades, each diamond represents the IVs value. IVs cap out at 3.
But, you may find yourself asking, what do Stat Dice and Stat Modifiers even do?
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Currently, they're for combat! While the attack itself determines how much damage it can do, the pokemon's stats determine if the attack hits, it's minimum damage, how hard they are to hit, and even how much they can reduce the damage! When attacking, say with a Physical Move, the attacking pokemon rolls 1d6 + their ATK Modifiers against the defending pokemon's DEF Modifier + 3. If the attack hits, roll the move's Power and add any bonuses given. Such as Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) or type effectiveness. The defending pokemon rolls their DEF Dice, subtracting their result from the Power roll.
Power has now been converted into d6s, to find a pre-existing move's Power divide it's power by 25 and round up! With the exception of very high damaging moves, most moves deal 1d6 to 6d6 damage.
So a move like Tackle deals 2d6 damage.
I could go on, but for now I want to leave this here and just see what people think! I've enjoyed working on it and am pretty close to being able to do a simple beta of it. So, have a copy of the pdf and lemme know what you think!
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EDIT (4/20/24): Yo what if I just suddenly dropped even more rules in this post? Yea? Yea! So here's how trainers work!
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Trainers are divided into four Careers; Field Researcher, League Challenger, Contest Coordinator and Pokemon Breeder! These careers determine starting gear, recommend a set of skills (more on those later!!!), and determine how the player can make money. Field Researchers are basically the intern equivalent of a Professor's Aide! They go out, encounter as many new pokemon as possible, and get paid a weekly salary! They can even earn bonuses for finding odd pokemon, such as ones with unusual movesets~! League Challengers are pokemon trainers like in the games! Beat gyms, get badges, take on the champion. Easy as! They get paid based on the trainers they defeat, which can be picked up at a PokeCenter or just given to them immediately. Contest Coordinators focus on training pokemon for Gen 3 style'd Contests! They make money by winning contests, with each rank paying out higher rewards! And lastly, Pokemon Breeders! Like the name says, they make their money by breeding and raising pokemon at the requests of the Pokemon League or other trainers. The more specific the request, the more money they earn for it!
Trainers also have skills! These work a lot like Stat Grades, but they don't have an associated modifier. When making a trainer, a player picks 6 skills out of 12. Players then have 18 points to distribute however they want into those 6 skills, up to a maximum of 5. The other skills are left at 1. The skills available are: Archeology, Cheering, Climbing, Cooking, Fishing, Foraging, Knowledge, Nursing, Riding, Sneaking, Spotting and Swimming!
I'm currently working on reformatting the doc so enjoy the new tidbits for now! See you again when I've finished the doc!
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panther-os · 4 months
beating my head against the walls in Latine
here's eight things that atp will have me immediately closing out of any fic, AleRudy edition:
❌ "the los vaqueros"
ah yes the famed and feared las almas battalion of Mexican special forces. the the cowboys
✅ "los vaqueros"
✅ "the vaqueros"
❌ "the los vaqueros base"
✅ "los vaqueros' base"
✅ "the vaqueros' base"
❌ "corporal alejandro vargas and sergeant rodolfo parra/major rodolfo parra"
look, fuck the military as an institution and also fuck the devs for using American rank structure for members of the Mexican army but
it takes roughly 2 years in the army to advance to Corporal. the equivalent in the Mexican army is Cabo, and Google will not give me the requirements for it no matter how I ask
it takes 3-6 years to advance to Sergeant. From what I can tell, the Mexican equivalent is also Cabo (where Sargento Segundo is closer to Staff Sergeant)
it takes 10-12 years to advance to Major, the equivalent is Mayor (not the English word mayor like of a city, don't be like those white people)
it takes 22-24 years, a bachelor's degree, and officer school to become a Colonel and it takes 18-20 years and a whole mess of leadership courses nearly equivalent to a degree to become a Sergeant Major
put some goddamn respect on their names
✅ Colonel Alejandro Vargas and Sergeant Major Rodolfo Parra
✅ Coronel Alejandro Vargas and Sargento Primero Rodolfo Parra
❌ Fuerza Especiales
❌ Fuerzas Especiale
this is just not understanding Spanish grammar
✅ Fuerzas Especiales ("Special Forces")
❎ Fuerza Especial ("special force")
❌ Sin Nombre ("without name")
Alejandro literally corrects Soap on this one in the game
✅ El Sin Nombre ("The Nameless")
❌ "Alejandro Vargas, leader of Mexican Special Forces"
the leader of Mexican Special Forces is the Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional - the Secretary of Defense - and Fuerzas Especiales is composed of three brigades, 74 independent battalions (like Los Vaqueros), 36 amphibious special operations groups. Colonels command single brigades at most.
Alejandro is capable of leading Mexican Special Forces, but it would require him to retire from the field and get more of a desk job, with far more politics than I think he'd have patience for
✅ "Alejandro Vargas, leader of Los Vaqueros - a battalion of Fuerzas Especiales stationed in Las Almas"
❎ "our ancestors, the Aztecs"
look, indigenous identity is weird sometimes and I don't know enough specifics about the culture around it in Mexico to have a solid opinion, but I'm also very fucking tired of people thinking the only indigenous groups in Mexico are the Nahua (Aztecs) and Maya. if they're on the Texas border and their families have always lived there, their heritage is most likely seven different Apache nations/language groups in a trench coat with some Spanish conquistador on the side. they're most likely not related to any famous indigenous chiefs or other figures, but it's very possible they can trace their Spanish ancestry back directly to nobility
for example, I am related to absolutely none well-known Tsalagi or Kwikipa people as far as I'm aware, but I am a direct descendant of the brother of King Ferdinand the Catholic, which also means I'm a direct descendant of the guy who started the Inquisition (and now I'm Jewish (and pro-Palestine for those who want to know) so take that, colonizer)
also while Bayardo is Mexicano, Alain is Cubano, please be respectful when talking about the actors or when in their instagram lives and just. don't make assumptions y'all
❎ "Los Vaqueros" is a nickname from the people of Las Almas, the battalion's actual name that is on all the paperwork and dog tags is more likely numerical or describing their role/location - like "11th Battalion" or "The Borderline Battalion" or something like that. maybe even both, like "The 11th Border Battalion"
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shanastoryteller · 10 months
Happy pride!!
Fem MXY WWX pls!!!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
They're back to riding, only a couple hours away from Jin Tower, and Wei Wuxian is happy to be off his feet, but he can't even focus on that.
He's too busy feeling desperately sad for Mo Xuanyu.
She lived as a pauper in a family that despised her, had a father that ignored her, was so lonely that she named her sword Friend, and killed herself rather than marry Lan Zhan.
Lan Zhan would have been nice to her. It took him a while to warm up, but he's trying now, to do his duty as a proper husband. Which is inconvenient for Wei Wuxian, but probably would have meant the world to Mo Xuanyu.
She didn't have to die. If she'd been able to hold onto hope for just a few more days, instead of giving in to revenge and despair, then she could have lived out her life out from underneath the thumb of other people.
"Are you okay?"
He startles out of his thoughts, looking up to see Sizhui has pulled his mare up beside his and is peering at him in concern.
He forces a smile, because he's put Sizhui through enough today, and he's a good boy that doesn't deserve to be involved in any of this. The worst part about dying again is going to be leaving behind Sizhui. He's such a sweet boy who loves him so easily and he just knows that it's going to break his heart when either the cultivation or the curse mark has run its course. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Just thinking."
Sizhui looks unconvinced, but nods before looking up towards the front of the procession, where Lan Xichen and Lan Zhan are talking about something while Jin Guangyao pretends to be interested. He reaches into his sleeve. "I found some of these in town when I went looking for you."
He pulls out a small bag of the sweet, spicy pepper candy that Wei Wuxian likes so much and hold it out.
"You're the best!" he says, taking the bag and also pausing to squeeze his arm in thanks, only not pulling him into a hug because he's not sure how tolerant the horses will be about it.
The food in Cloud Recesses is ass and he can't cover everything with chilli oil because the only person he'd met who liked food as spicy as he did was - well, no one. So having Mo Xuanyu like spicy food had seemed like edging a little too close to obvious.
He'd been so happy when Sizhui had brought pepper candy back for him for the first time and had sworn him to secrecy to how how much he loved them.
Wei Wuxian pops one of the candies in his mouth, sucking on it to more quickly get to the firey pops of pepper, which is his favorite.
There's about five seconds of deliciousness and then his stomach rolls with nausea. He tightens his grip, trying to ride it out, but the taste of the candy he loved turns sour and he's seriously worried he's going to hurl, which Lan Zhan would never let him hear the end of.
He spits the candy out onto the ground, rubbing at his mouth.
"Lady Xuanyu?" Sizhui asks startled. "Is - sorry, did I get the wrong one?"
"No, no, it's perfect," he assures, internally sighing in relief as his stomach starts to settle. "I guess I shouldn't eat them on an empty stomach! It ruins the flavor. Who knew?"
He's eaten them on an empty stomach a dozen times before and never had an issue.
"Okay," Sizhui says slowly. 'Are you sure you're alright?"
"I'm perfectly fine, Sizhui, don't worry," he says, and means it, even though he sort of wants to cry.
The pepper candies were one of the only things he could get his hands on that he enjoyed eating, and now even that's gone?
At least the Jin go all out on the banquets.
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txtaetertots · 1 year
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hopelessly devoted. — choi beomgyu x fem!reader
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status on-going (230619 - ?)
schedule whenever…
cw/genre swearing, twt humor bc twt humor, lots of bantering between friends, slowish burn ??, slice of life, romcom, probably gonna be corny hfdjjz, social media au w/ written parts, also pls ignore time stamps they're not important nor accurate lol
synopsis choi beomgyu has spent his entire senior year slacking off and causing mischief. but, due to his inattentiveness, his slacking off went too far and if he doesn't improve the grade in his literature class he'll guarantee himself a seat in summer school. yn has big dreams to be on stage and star on broadway. however, she needs to impress recruiters with one last production as the lead in order to earn herself a spot in a new york based school. when beomgyu's literature teacher makes him join their drama club for extra credit, their futures quickly become intertwined and dependent on each other.
featuring le sserafim members, hanni (newjeans), bahiyyih (kep1er), ocs, and mentions of others
taglist CLOSED
profiles four and a half girls, the nba (benchwarmers), others
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note my first social media au on tumblr !! hopefully it's an enjoyable read :')) i have so many ideas for txt aus i can't wait to share them! i'm most excited to share this beomgyu one so i hope you all enjoy ♡︎ - yuri
01. report and block soobin
02. nyu decision day
03. second review
04. spring production (written+)
05. i'm sandy
06. auditions (written)
07. cast list from hell
08. wtf mr. kim (written)
09. welcome to hell
10. first read through
11. perfect harmony (written+)
12. it’s just a little infatuation
13. it’s just coffee
14. annoying friends (written+)
15. cruel and unusual punishment
16. the deal
17. shameless
18. very interesting
19. it comes so naturally
20. awfully close
21. please believe me
22. predicament
23. nopenopenope
24. i’ll kick you
25. it’s just a kiss (written+)
26. it’s called method acting
27. long time no talk
28. apology(?)
29. focus on me (written)
30. beomie
31. i never said that
32. yeonjun and soojung
33. soulmates
34. you’re the one that i want (written)
35. mixed feelings
36. everybody talks
37. yunjin’s plan
38. baby jungie
39. i don’t feel so good
40. you’re not who i thought you were
41. i’m not a bad guy
42. yeonjun and beomgyu
43. one last date
44. best friends and brothers
45. my love
46. we’re done
47. last day
48. the promposal (written)
49. the aftermath
50. beomgyu’s aftermath
51. friends night
52. hiyyih tells all
53. regroup new plan
54. please forgive me
55. the truth comes out
56. operation: save yeonjun
57. getting ready
58. opening night (written)
59. yeonjun’s aftermath
60. the decision
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smolwritingchick · 6 months
The Bangtan Gal Masterlist
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Author's Note: Hey! I wrote this story back in 2016 on some fanfic websites and am bringing it back as I edit the chapters. I wanted to put my perspective and imagination on what if BTS had a black girl in their group from America. This'll be a long story starting from their debut so enjoy the ride!
I have so many chapters already written. I had stopped in the story around late 2016 before the MAMA Awards. As I wrote this story over the years I wanted this character to be relatable and grow as a performer as well as go through hardships. It'll be a slow start but it will get better as the chapters go on, I hope you give it a chance.
This will mainly start with friendship. Not just the character and the love interest. I didn't want to rush things and I tried my best to add a lot of bonding and cute moments. This is a SLOW BURN with my OC and Jungkook. The two will not become a couple until 2016.
I'm also on Wattpad and Archive of Our Own
As I planned to create this story years ago it took me months to prepare and research so I could get a good timeline. I wanted to add a lot of things like K-Con, going to school, Variety Shows, interviews, American Hustle Life, V-Lives, sasaeng fans and so on. 
Profile Of Jennie
Chapter 1- The Foreign Trainee
Chapter 2- The Debut
Chapter 3- Rookie King Episode 1
Chapter 4- Rookie King Episode 2
Chapter 5- Rookie King Episode 3
Chapter 6- Rookie King Episode 4
Chapter 7- Rookie King Episode 5
Chapter 8- Rookie King Episode 6
Chapter 9- Rookie King Episode 7
Chapter 10- Rookie King Episode 8
Chapter 11- We're Proud of You
Chapter 12- They're My Family
Chapter 13- Boy In Luv
Chapter 14- Look Forward To White Day
Chapter 15- Going to SOPA
Chapter 16- Spending White Day With BTS
Chapter 17- Just One Day
Chapter 18- American Hustle Life Episode 1
Chapter 19- American Hustle Life Episode 2
Chapter 20- American Hustle Life Episode 3 (Yoongi Fluff & Jungkook fluff!)
Chapter 21- American Hustle Life Episode 4 (Yoongi Fluff!)
Chapter 22- American Hustle Life Episode 5
Chapter 23- American Hustle Life Episode 6
Chapter 24- American Hustle Life Episode 7
Chapter 25- I Found It In Big Hit
Chapter 26- BTS China Job
Chapter 27- KCON 2014
Chapter 28- American Hustle Life Episode 8
Chapter 29- Personal Trainer? (Jungkook fluff at the end!)
Chapter 30- War of Hormone (Major Jungkook fluff! One of my favs)
Chapter 31- You Are Special (Jungkook fluff!)
Chapter 32- You're Easy To Mess With
Chapter 33- Mama Awards 2014 (Jungkook fluff and jealous Jungkook!)
Chapter 34- Let's Name It Iron Man (Namjoon fluff and Jungkook fluff)
Chapter 35- BTS Now
Chapter 36- My Ideal Type
Chapter 37- Running Man (Major Jungkook fluff! One of my favs!)
Chapter 38- I'm Lacking
Chapter 39- How Much You're Loved
Chapter 40- I Need U (Major Jungkook Fluff and Suga Fluff!)
Chapter 41- And What If I Don't? (Jungkook fluff!)
Chapter 42- BTS Now 2
Chapter 43- Our First Win
Chapter 44- He's Smitten (Major Jungkook Fluff & Bam Bam Fluff One of my favs!)
Chapter 45- BTS in Kota Kinabalu
Chapter 46- BTS Festa
Chapter 47- Two Different Pages (RM Fluff and Jungkook Fluff!)
Chapter 48- Don't Steal The Beef!
Chapter 49- Distressed (Jungkook Fluff!)
Chapter 50- Payback (Jungkook Fluff!)
Chapter 51- Dope
Chapter 52- One Person Won't Ruin This
Chapter 53- I Think I Love Her
Chapter 54- Rekindle (MAJOR Jungkook fluff and one of my FAVS!)
Chapter 55- BTS Run Episodes 1-3
Chapter 56- BTS GAYO Track 1 & 2
Chapter 57- Tension Escalator (Jungkook fluff!)
Chapter 58- Fan Sign (some angst but ends in fluff!)
Chapter 59- ISAC 2015 Chuseok Special (one of my favs!)
Chapter 60- Running Man: The Golden Duo (MAJOR Jungkook fluff + suggestive)
Chapter 61- Tense (Jungkook fluff!)
Chapter 62- Protection Squad (Jungkook fluff!)
Chapter 63- RUN (Jungkook fluff!)
Chapter 64- Sweet 18
Chapter 65- Karma (Fight! Flawless Victory!)
Chapter 66- BTS GAYO Tracks 3-9
Chapter 67- BTS RUN Episodes 4-9
Chapter 68- Under The Mistletoe (Jungkook fluff! Kiss!)
Chapter 69- GAYO Daechukje & GAYO Daejejun (Jungkook fluff!)
Chapter 70- Jungkook's Confession (Self Explanatory! MAJOR Jungkook fluff! Almost there! My fav!!)
Chapter 71- You Are In Your Feelings
Chapter 72- You Were Worth The Wait (Start of JenKook!)
Chapter 73- It's About Time
Chapter 74- King of Masked Singer
Chapter 75- Ejected
Chapter 76- White Day (Big Jungkook Fluff!)
Chapter 77- Fire
Chapter 78- Prom (Big Jungkook fluff and smol Jungkook Smut)
Chapter 79- Meeting Shawn Mendes
Chapter 80- Taking Things A Little Further (Jungkook fluff)
Chapter 81- BTS Festa 2016
Chapter 82- K-Con 2016
Chapter 83- I Need You On This
Chapter 84- BTS Bon Voyage Season 1 (Big Jungkook fluff)
Chapter 85- BTS In Dubai
Chapter 86- WINGS 8 (Jungkook fluff)
Chapter 87- Wild N Out (One of my favs!)
Chapter 88- This Is Not A Drill!
Chapter 89- Blood, Sweat, & Tears
Chapter 90- Idol Parents? (Big JK Fluff)
Chapter 91- Tub Big Enough For Two (Big JK Fluff! One of my favs!)
Chapter 92- Thank You (Big Jungkook Fluff! One of my favs!)
Chapter 93- Our First Time (Big Jungkook Fluff + Smut)
Chapter 94- BTS 3rd Muster
Chapter 95- MAMA Awards 2016 (Big Jungkook fluff! One of my favs!)
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cosmonova · 1 year
Project Moon Memes Masterpost
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Hello giant chunk of the Project Moon fandom that recently followed me! Making a bunch of Limbus Company meme edits with my friend Koi ended up becoming an endeavor spanning, let's see *checks folder* 100+ images so it's about time I made a masterlist to link back to and keep track, let's gooooo
1. sayonara you weeaboo shits 2. go femboy go 3. but i stay silly :3 4. world's bestest most specialest war criminal 5. QUESTION FOR ALL GIRLS 6. touch eels 7. latina fiesta dot co 8. It's with great pain that I must announce you were devoured by clowns 9. Bomb in my ass hole 10. [JOKE PENDING] 11. you wanna fuck the keyboard 12. its chewy 13. look buddy, it's transient 14. damn this pepsi strong as fuck 15. get distorted! 16. wtf I'm facing the same direction 17. I have eaten my wife. 18. Why Angela soft if not to pet 19. there's bigger fish to fight 20. it takes a man to be a wife 21. my grandpa died in the yaoi wars 22. THE SUN THE SUN THE SUN 23. sword slash to the chest. and you're on fire 24. my city now 25. she cites her sources 26. WORLDS SLUTTIEST ABSENT FATHER 27. god forbid women do anything 28. Knife Monopoly 29. i just need to write a list 30. what if i accidentally have a gun 31. ethically debatable sex with my morally ambiguous wife 32. KATSUP BLAST 33. oh well unzips 34. Hola faggot! 35. jerking that thang asunder 36. She is now my girlfriend (long story).
Koi doesn't have public social media so I'm posting all of these for both of us but they're responsible for like more than two-thirds of them so thank their hyperfixation-fueled meme rampage for the existence of this series :D
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thelonelyempath · 1 year
Sleepy Prompts II
"Come on, love. It's time to get up."
2. "You know I can tell you're tired? You're clinging to me like a koala."
3. "You're so cute when you're falling asleep."
4. "Your lap is a comfortable pillow."
5. "You're welcome to sleep in my bed if you want."
6. "Come back to bed. I need a cuddle partner."
7. "Didn't we talk about you pulling all-nighters?"
8. "Sometimes I like to watch you sleep. Not in a creepy way. I just think you look so pretty and peaceful when you're sleeping."
9. "You're always so beautiful first thing in the morning. Must be the way the sunlight hits you."
10. "I'm not tired!" "Babe, that's what little kids say when they're tired."
11. "I love that, even though you have a bed, you somehow always end up falling asleep on me."
12. "You were so sound asleep that you didn't even notice I went in and out of the room like five times."
13. "For someone who claims to not be a cuddler, you couldn't keep your hands to yourself all night."
14. "Why are your feet so cold?!"
15. "If you don't come to bed now, you're not gonna get a goodnight kiss from me."
16. "We're not even halfway into the movie and you can barely keep your eyes open."
17. "Good morning, sunshine!" "Shut up."
18. "Did you just yawn, Ms./Mr. I'm-Not-Tired?"
19. "Go to bed."
20. "Sleep is a construct created by the government, so I'm not gonna fall for it." "That's...not correct at all..."
21. "No! No more coffee! You need sleep!"
22. "You feel sick because you haven't been sleeping."
23. "See, babe. This is what happens when you stay up until 3AM scrolling through TikTok."
24. "I'm too tired to care."
25. "You look completely dead behind the eyes."
26. "You're like a little ice cube."
27. "Did you have a nice nap?"
28. "All the concealer in the world isn't gonna cover your dark circles. But you know what will? Sleep."
29. "Why does it matter how much sleep I got last night?"
30. "Is there a reason you're not sleeping?"
31. "If you open those blinds I will murder you."
32. "It's too early! I wanna go back to bed!"
33. "Bedtime, sweetheart."
34. "You've got bedhead, love."
35. "Four hours is not enough sleep."
36. "Come here. Cuddle with me."
37. "Aw, my cute little sleep-deprived angel!"
38. "Don't you dare grab that Red Bull."
39. "You didn't sleep, did you?"
40. "Come on. I'll carry you to bed."
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waitineedaname · 4 months
Finally, after months of work, I have completed it: the collection of all* character appearances in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood!
edit: if you want a more detailed spreadsheet on the homunculi in particular, @vuullets has a collection of all homunculi appearances in the manga! you can find it here
Some notes on this spreadsheet:
there are spoilers. obviously. proceed with caution
timestamps indicate when a character first appears in a scene, not every time they appear. if the scene changes to one without that character, and then we return to that character in another scene, that's another timestamp for a new appearance
all timestamps are approximate, give or take a few seconds based on how quickly I could pause the show
only unique flashbacks count as an appearance. if the flashback is to something we've seen in a previous episode, that is not counted as a unique appearance, but if it provides something new that we haven't seen before, it counts!
I didn't include background easter egg appearances, like when you can see Mei in the background at a train station before she's introduced
I didn't actually do all characters. there are a lot of characters, and I am just one person. sorry if you're a big fan of minor members of the military, i just couldn't do it
since Greed is kind of a special case, he deserves a specific explanation: OG Greed and Greedling are not counted as separate characters, they're both just Greed. when Greed is in control of Ling's body, that counts as an appearance for Greed, and it's not an appearance for Ling unless he's in control. if they're both in a scene together (talking in the mindscape, for example, or switching control back and forth) they each get a timestamp for when they first appear/speak in a scene
feel free to use this as a reference! I made this as a useful tool for myself, and because I'm a nerd about data. if you are also a nerd about data, I tallied up some stats, which I'll put under the cut:
only six characters broke 30 episodes. the characters with the most appearances are Edward (60), Alphonse (58), Mustang (45), Hawkeye (42), Scar (40), and Winry (31).
next highest on the list are Alex Armstrong and Mei (tied for 29), King Bradley (28), Hohenheim (26), and Ling (25).
the homunculus in the most episodes is Wrath (28), and the one in the least is Lust (11)
as previously mentioned, Alex Armstrong and Mei are in the same number of episodes (29), as are Olivier Armstrong and Marcoh (24), and Buccaneer and Ross (18)
Hughes is in only 10 episodes, the same number as Grumman and Fu
Yoki is in a whopping 23 episodes. what the fuck
the chimera in the most episodes is Zampano (21), closely followed by Darius and Jerso (20), with Heinkel falling behind at 16. The Devil's Nest chimeras are only in 2 episodes, with the exception of Bido, who is in 3
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cressthebest · 2 days
here’s a list of all my favorite good omens animatics i recommend! (for you boo @silence-between-seconds) there’s a shit ton and honestly i have like fifty on my watch later list. feel free to add your own recs :)
long animatics:
Two Birds 3:15 (in my top 5 favs)
Two Birds 3:23
angeleyes 1:24
Andante, Andante 5:23 (in my top 5 favs)
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy 3:01
Astronomy 4:02
An Angel's Lullaby 4:17
share your address 3:00 (in my top 5 favs)
Lover Boy 3:07
"Unknown/Nth" 4:24
Our World 1:21
From Eden pt 1 pt 2 1:33 & 1:31
HOME 2:01 (in my top 5 favs)
Let the nightingale sing again 3:57
Things That Make It Warm 1:08
Eleanor Rigby 4:36
oh the light is warm 1:22
Waiting In The Wings 1:14
They're Only Human 2:36
Devil's Backbone 2:21 NSFW (ish)
Come with me 2:34
DRINK 3:53
Problems 1:33
Something Stupid 1:48
short animatics:
lil fanart 0:07
Believe me darling Crowley is made for falling 0:06
Dear diary I learned my first cuss word 0:23
pre-fall crowley (real) 0:08
Angels like you 0:40 (in my top 5 favs)
Nothing's New 0:37
Happy Ending 0:23
and y'all i love these all so much. if anyone wants to talk about a particular animatic or share with me their favorite ones or what they liked about it, i'm all ears. i literally am itching to talk to someone about these good omens animatics <3
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