#I'll remember her for a while. I hope she gets a raise or bonus or something good.
diabeticgirl4 · 8 months
Went to a concert Saturday night and the security lady at the metal detectors was the most kindest anyone's ever been with my diabetes. I tend to have a 50/50 chance of the detector going off (presumably) due to my pump and/or id bracelet, so I still like to point out my pump just so they know I can't take it off and for them not to freak out on me. She immediately acted So concerned, "aren't you not supposed to go thru these machines?? Are you ok??" And I quickly explain that generally the metal detectors are fine but I should avoid the full body scanners like they have at airports (I still go those anyways whoops). Then she gave me a quick patdown at my pockets and I remembered I had candy for low treatments, so I told her and she immediately was like "oh absolutely please keep that on you!!" And like. No other security person has ever been so accepting and understanding of my pump (not to mention knowing of potential repercussions w a metal detector??) but also seemed genuinely concerned for my potential health and was so adamant on me keeping my low treatment on me?? Bless her so much.
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Creppy Old Guy
I was listening to "Creppy old guy" from the Beetlejuice musical and then I remembered "Lolita" by Lana del Rey while I was here and reading DPxDC stuff so…
Danny and Vlad meeting the Batfam.
Bruce knows Vlad is a somewhat harmless weirdo and his kids pick up on it almost instantly, so all good as long as they stay away from him, right?
Well no, because Vlad starts getting even weirder by talking about how one of Bruce's kids looks like his dear Daniel (the emphasis on his raises red flags even in people who don't go out kicking criminals at night), charmingly talking about how nice he is when he's not being a tantruming brat and then he calls the kid and there he is, the much mentioned "dear Daniel" appears, wearing heavily covered clothes (because he doesn't want his ghost wrestler bruises to show, thank you), looking very uncomfortable when Vlad puts a hand on his shoulder and dwarfing himself (he doesn't want to be here, but he's going to do it for Ellie, because she wants to go to school and he just has to avoid ripping Vlad's hand off with his teeth) while seeming to want to say something but noticeably clamming up while watching the older man out of the corner of his eye ("it's Danny, damn it" is what doesn't come out of his lips).
Bonus: someone from the Batfam "overhears" Danny and Vlad talking about a girl named "Ellie" and how Danny only stays with him because of the girl, because one of the two has to be a good father… Danny is 15 years old.
Or if this happens with Plasmius and Phantom I want the Batfamily to freak out because here they are meeting this adorable little dead teenager that almost everyone loves (because Damian tolerates him just because of Cujo, he doesn't like Danny, shut the fuck up) and then there goes the aforementioned teenager spouting things like "Plasmius keeps pestering me to live with him and I already told him that if our daughter ran away from him, what makes him think I'd want to live (heh) with him? " and "Who is Ellie? Oh, it's my daughter (they repeated that joke so much that now it's an automatic answer), it was a surprise, especially because Plasmius did it without my consent but I still love her" and we can't forget "Dan was the product of a horrible moment in my life that I hope doesn't happen and I don't want to talk about, I'll just say that the most shocking thing about him is that although he had things of mine he looked a lot like Vlad".
Danny doesn't say it with bad intentions, but referring to Dan and Ellie as his children helps him to overcome a little bit the trauma of his creations, neither is his intention to make Vlad look so bad, that's totally the other halfa's fault, no one told him to act (and be) like a freak.
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intothegenshinworld · 6 months
Fate’s Destiny ~ Chapter 8.7 || The Acting Grand Master
You somehow, not being able to explain it, had fallen into the Genshin world you know oh-so-well. You were no new player and had explored most of the nooks and crannies of the world. When you first had woken up in Windrise you wondered; it might be a dream, after all, you were behind your screen usually, and now- here? It made no sense, and the world was keen on keeping it that way.
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Warnings: Spoilers for main story.
Word count: 3.4k+
Summary chapter 8.7: Acting Grand Master Jean has a lot of responsibilities. What can she do to ensure the safety of Mondstadt?
Auteurs note: This is the last bonus chapter before CH9, I promise. This is also the last update before Christmas!! Hope you enjoy
Thanks to: all the people who showed love on the last chapter, even if it took me over a year to update the series <3 your support means the world to me
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Some time ago, in Mondstadt:
It had become an oddly frequent occurrence for the Anemo Archon to stand in Jean’s office. What's worse, she didn't know if she was the only person in the room to think so. 
While she abruptly stood up from her chair, Diluc and Lisa barely acknowledged the bard. Both looked up for a moment, only to focus their attention back on whatever they were doing prior. 
"Ah! Well if it isn't the beloved Knights of Favonious. You know, I would've come sooner if I could!" Venti trips as he stumbles through the door. "Ah, I'll never get used to that. Excuse me—" his tone shifts an octave higher before lowering again into an eager voice. "Where are they?"
"Oh, Grand Master Jean. Of course I mean the Creator, who else would've been able to steal the winds from the Anemo Archon?"
His statement seems to catch the attention of both Lisa and Diluc, although the former was much more slick about it. With all eyes on him, Venti falls silent, looking around in a daze. It is only after he stands still that Jean notices the bottle of wine in his left hand, and the two wine glasses in his right. 
"Uhm. Hello?" Venti lets out a bubbly laugh that seems unfit for the situation. "I get it, the Creator must've spooked you more then they did me, but uhm." He holds up the items in his hands. "We got loooots of stuff to catch up on, and I'd rather start sooner than later if I want to wrap up the events pertaining to the last five centuries." 
"The Creator…?" Jean hesitantly looks at Diluc and Lisa. She's not sure if she's seeking confirmation more than forgiveness.
Please, for the love of the Archons, please let the imposter not turn out to be the True One. 
Venti raises an eyebrow, scanning the room from Jean to Diluc, to Lisa, and back to Diluc, until finally settling on Jean. “Uh, yeah? Did you not welcome them? I can practically feel their energy overflowing this space." 
He gestures with the wine bottle around the room, and Jean is certain she'll have a heart attack any minute now. 
"The... Creator." 
She plops down into the chair, a gesture of defeat, silently resigning herself to the idea that the real deal had been right in front of her this whole time, and heavily regretting how she considered locking them up. As the Acting Grand Master this is bound to cause the reputation of Mondstadt to fall, not to mention her own betrayal towards the  Creator of everything.
Venti purses his lips as he watches Jean. he shifts his weight from leg to leg, "Uh-oh. That doesn't sound good."
Diluc (praise his soul) helps to divert the attention from Jean when he speaks up, "You mean, Kaeya was right?" He sounds annoyed and bewildered, "That can't be. Surely the real-"
Diluc stops when his eyes land on the somewhat silly looking Archon. He remembers that he never suspected the Anemo Archon to be drinking in his own tavern prior to the Dvalin fallout. So perhaps if an Archon can mingle with their people unnoticed, the Creator could–in theory, too.
Diluc gestures somewhat difficulty into the air. "Well." 
"Well? " Venti mimics him.
"It's a difficult situation," the redhead grunts out, flustered by the fast paced conversation and information thrown at his head. Diluc crosses his arms as a scowl settles on his face.
Venti huffs. "More difficult than dealing with the abyss order and Dvalin when he was corrupted?" he turns around in his place, "surely it can't be that bad. I've only been away for half a week—and I would've been faster if our beloved Creator gave me a notice." He lets out a cheeky laugh accompanied by a wink and plops down into the chair across from Jean. He then carelessly drops the two glasses and wine bottle onto the surface of the desk separating them both. Jean now realizes that the extra glass was meant for the Creator.
The Creator of Teyvat, the one she had thought to be an imposter and nearly banished from Mondstadt.
She pulls her fingers through her hair and faintly prays, "Dear Barbatos–" 
"Oh? You're ready to talk now?" Venti responds as he makes himself more comfortable in the chair. While everyone else seemed tense, he appeared unbothered by the whole ordeal. Probably, because he still believed the Creator to be around. Would he understand Jean’s misunderstanding if she told him what had occurred?
Lisa’s voice chimes over her doom-filled thoughts. "Give her a moment. It's safe to say we're all catching up to the fact that the ‘imposter’ turned out to be the True One."
Venti furrows his eyebrows. "Huh." New information seems to solve a riddle in his mind. When he speaks next, it's more to himself then anyone else, "I suppose that'd make sense why I'm not able to pinpoint their aura." He then speaks to Jean, “So what did you do?”
It wasn’t a question filled with judgement towards her. The tone of his voice was bubbly, as always, and filled with genuine curiosity—though, Jean could feel the concern rise in his words. 
“I am not certain what happened before they reached Mondstadt,” she starts to pile the events in her mind and decides to soften the blow, “–but, ‘the Creator’ seemingly appeared out of no where at the gates. No one, aside from Kaeya and Albedo, were able to sense their aura. If the two tell the truth, Kaeya sent the Creator to Dragonspine when chaos began to rise within the headquarters, and only a day later, the Creator disappeared without a trace once more.”
Diluc adds to her story, “When I spoke with Eula and Kaeya, they believed they had seen a second Albedo before the Creator disappeared.” He hesitates for a moment, “Could this be related? Or could everything be explained with malfunctioning ley lines?”
Jean watches as Venti taps his fingers against the armrest. He slings his legs up and down and nods to himself. “This is certainly a first for me as well. Sure, the Creator has some magnificent powers, but I still can’t explain why they’d appear so suddenly, not to mention the strange events surrounding their descent.”
He opens his eyes and stares into the window behind Jean. There is an odd expression on his face, one that she can’t read.
Venti's next words are once again in a bubbly tone, the earlier melancholy washed away by newfound determination. “Seems like it’s our task to uncover what exactly is going on!” Venti jumps up and reaches for the wine bottle and glasses. “One thing I’m sure of is that you met the real Creator. Now, we just need to find out where they disappeared to.”
Diluc mutters in a tired tone, “That sounds easier said than done.”
Venti shrugs. “Last time we teamed up, we solved the mystery of Dvalin. I’m confident we’ll solve this mystery as well! In the meantime, I’ll be pulling my own strings. If I happen to find a clue, you’re the first ones to know.”
He winks at Jean, and the stress morphs into resolve. It’s awfully frustrating to have all these events happen without her ever being present. All the clues she has, are told by other people. If she wanted to find the Creator, she will have to rely on the other people in this room. 
When the Archon leaves with a wave, she sends a small one back. 
“So.” Diluc crosses his arms, “What are you going to do?”
Jean averts her eyes before she finds his gaze again. “We cannot ask Kaeya for help. At least not while he’s recovering.”
From the short distance in the room, Jean hears Diluc release a frustrated sigh. “I’ll try to ask my own contacts and see if they’ve seen anything out of the ordinary. However, I believe it’s best to keep this between us three.”Diluc rubs his temple. “If this information falls into the wrong hands, who knows what they’ll do. The Creator has been gone for five centuries. Whatever is happening now, it can’t be good.”
In the corner of her eye, Jean sees Lisa nod in agreement. She, too, agrees with Diluc. Jean nods. “Then we’ll wait for your return.” When the brunette faces turns her head, Jean speaks directly to her. “Can you keep an eye on Kaeya for now? I don’t think he’ll do anything to our disadvantage, but I have a feeling he won’t give up on finding the Creator once he’s better.”
“Of course.”
Lisa lets out a warm chuckle, a sound that suggests she's concealing her own thoughts and opinions on the matter—something she’ll likely share once Diluc has left. 
“Alright then.” Diluc purses his lips and gives Jean a firm nod. “I’ll keep in touch.”
“Be safe, Master Diluc.” Jean calls out to him as he closes the door. Although the situation is less than comfortable, she feels safer knowing she can trust on the people around her. 
And so, she waits—until one of her three confidants have found a lead.
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When Jean received a letter from Diluc only a day later with an urgent request to meet up, Jean felt her life shatter at her feet. Time seemed to pass antagonisingly slow as she waited for Diluc. In the end, it took only a few hours for him to arrive at her office—it really hadn’t made sense for her to worry as much as she did. Still, the urgency he noted in his letter made her feel off about the whole meeting.
Diluc never sits down in the chair across from Jean. A habit, or perhaps he felt too awkward, and considering he had a past with the Knights of Favonius—the latter made more sense. Either way, Jean is forced to follow his pacing form shift around the room. Without Lisa, the atmosphere between the two was more relaxed, and Diluc is able to speak more freely.
“I’m planning on visiting Liyue myself. Because of the wine industry, I could enter the city on business terms even with the lockdown.” Diluc speaks his thoughts out loud, and the words are said as a statement. He never directly asks for Jean’s opinion or her approval, which he doesn’t need, but it still makes her feel out of control.
Jean clears her throat as subtly as she can before easing into the one sided conversation of Diluc which started after he told her about Rex Lapis' passing. “Why don’t you take one of the Knights?“
She would have offered to go herself, but with her title, she was bound to Mondstadt. She watches Diluc abruptly stop as she pulls him out of his train of thoughts. His eyes sharpen for a moment, eyebrows lowering, and his mouth opens before quickly changing his mind and relaxing when his eyes meet hers. 
He hangs his head low and sighs. “I’d rather not.“
“Diluc,“ He looks up when she calls out his name, “I don’t doubt your strengths, but with the return of the Creator and the death of an Archon, this problem might be beyond our own limits. We should not act hastily.”
His face sours again. “You’re right, and it’s exactly why I won’t let some rookie Knight waddle into Liyue without any knowledge of what’s happening. Whoever you’re thinking of sending, he’ll only burden me.”
Jean purses her lips together, not missing the words he chose. Even without communicating, the two had been thinking about the same person.
He speaks again, “I need you to stay here and keep watch of Mondstadt while I’m gone. I’ll be leaving in a few days after I’ve gotten everything in order.” He crosses his arms, eyes softening despite the serious expression on his face, “I will contact you if I know more.”
Hopeless and without power, she watches Diluc exit as fiercely as he had entered her office. Nowadays, it seemed common for him to stir fires and leave as he unknowingly lets them fester into an inferno.
It had seemed so easy and petty to send her own battalion of Knights while Diluc was still preparing for the trip, but she knew he was right. Only a few people were suited to go to Liyue, and Diluc was one of the two.
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The warm steam of the tea in front of Jean swirls upwards and around the room, spreading a soft floral scent that relaxes her despite the stress that she should be feeling. Lisa, who sits across from her, smiles as she watches the tension elevate from Jean’s shoulders. While it wasn’t uncommon for her to bring in tea for the Acting Grand Master, it was uncommon for Jean to nearly doze off in the comfort. 
“Oh dear,” Lisa puts her hand in front of her mouth in a cheeky motion, “If anyone were to enter they’d surely think we’d be slacking off.”
A frustrated sigh escapes Jean’s lips and the tension returns to her body. “I doubt anyone would. They’re all still in the belief of the era of peace. The worst reports I’ve been getting as of late consist of inebriated citizens making too much noise after dark or cats being stuck on roofs.” 
Lisa can’t help the chuckle escape her lips. Sometimes it felt like she enjoyed seeing people twist and turn in discomfort, but Jean knew better. 
“Have you gotten any news on Kaeya?”
The brunette brings her teacup to her lips before setting it down again. “It’s hard to tell what he is actually thinking, but he seems to be back to normal. Earlier today, I saw him enter Angel’s Share.”
“What…?” Jean sits upright and raises an eyebrow. “This early? Isn’t he supposed to patrol until the evening? Has anyone taken over his shift?”
Calm and collected as always, Lisa pushes the porcelain cup in Jean’s direction, a silent reminder for her to relax once more. “It’ll be alright. The abyss order is no longer a problem, and we shouldn’t act like there is one either.” She tilts her head, and a strand of brown hair falls onto her cheek, “For the people it is important to see the Grand Master at ease.”
“Acting— ” Jean mutters out, “Acting Grand Master.”
The tea in front of her has cooled down to a comfortable temperature, and she brings it up to her lips. It had been a couple of days since she had gotten proper sleep and regular meals. Perhaps Lisa had been right, but with Diluc leaving the city tomorrow, she continues to feel restless. 
With only Lisa in the room, Jean lets her body slack in the chair. Papers that were due had been pushed to the corners of her desk, making place for the two, now empty, cups of tea. There was so much to do, but everything felt insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
These moments of silence are the only thing keeping her sane, and she appreciates how Lisa seems to gift it to her every day. If the world were more forgiving, it’d given her more time to rest, alas everyone seems to enter her office in a whirlwind nowadays.
As the door is slammed open, Jean fumbles to make herself look presentable. 
Out of all people...
The Cavalry Captain skips any greeting and goes straight to the point as he closes the door behind him. “I have some valuable information.” He walks closer, standing upright next to Lisa, who seems too immersed in her book to acknowledge him. He continues, “I know it might seem like a false rumor, useless gossip—if you may,” His voice falters for a second, his smile falling before reappearing, “but if the news is true, it’d give us an edge.”
Lisa continues to hold her book up, but Jean can see how her eyes have moved up. While she appears unbothered, she is most certainly curious about this tidbit.
Jean watches him carefully. “What news?”
He leans in closer, his voice lower, careful. “Some Fatui were talking about the passing of the Geo Archon.”
From the inside, Jean feels a wave of relief washes over her. When he had entered the room in such an unsuspecting way, she had expected yet another big problem to be shoved into her lap. 
She crosses her legs and inhales sharply as she looks up at him. “We know.”
“You know?” His expression turns into genuine shock, something many people will never see on Kaeya’s face. 
From the corner of Jean’s eye, she can see Lisa resist a chuckle. “I assume you didn’t get this information from the streets? Say, what were you doing in Angel’s share during work hours?” Her forest green eyes move up to him and he dramatically puts a hand on his hip. 
“Gathering intel, as you heard. Though, it seems to be old intel for you.”
Kaeya leans his hand onto Lisa’s chair before he shifts his weight once more. He tries to hide it, but with the confirmation of the intel being true, he is filled with more questions than answers. And instead of asking any, he dances around it.
“I know you don’t believe me, really, I don’t blame you.” He stops for a moment, putting his hand on his chest, “But now with the death of Rex Lapis? Something must be wrong.”
Jean remembers that he still believes that he and Albedo are the only ones to feel the Creator’s aura, and thus their identity. If he hadn’t acted on his own earlier—had he known about Venti—she might’ve told him. 
Before she can do anything, Lisa swiftly acts out and calls out her name. Jean hums, listening to what follows, “Perhaps it would be time to send a diplomat to assess the situation in Liyue,” and the reasoning she gives afterward forces Jean into a corner. 
Kaeya, too, joins in to further pressure her. It is after Lisa continues to push Jean, suggesting to send him, that she finally gives in—hoping her beloved librarian has more than an impulse in mind. 
“Okay,” Jean watches Kaeya’s eye brighten, “but you need to take Diluc with you.” 
The smile on his face falters. ”Diluc, really?”
”He was the one who told me about Liyue’s predicament, and he is more than capable of handling situations like these.” 
Perhaps Lisa made the right move to push her in this direction. She still felt unsettled with Diluc leaving on his own. If Kaeya were to go with him, he’d be prevented from doing anything reckless by himself, and in return, Diluc would keep an close eye on Kaeya. 
While it might seem like a punishment to both, it would’ve been the best course of action for Jean. She watches as Kaeya starts to give in, uttering a ‘fine’ in agreement. 
With a lighter feeling in her chest knowing Diluc would at least not be alone, she asks Kaeya to keep contact, just like Diluc would. If she couldn’t investigate herself, she would have to rely on others, and two had been better than one in this case.
When Kaeya finally shuts the door, Jean looks back at Lisa who moves back into the chair across from her. When her bright eyes meet Jean, she is sent a warm smile. It is supposed to ease her, but doubt eventually settles in her mind regardless. 
“Did you really think it was wise to send him?” Jean hopes for a simple ‘yes’ in reply.
The librarian leans back into the chair, crossing her legs comfortably once she’s settled, and calmly sighing. “If he stays here, he’ll pry until he figures it out.” Lisa turns a finger in the air. “And I do believe Diluc would keep a close eye on him for us.”
Jean sighs. “Still…”
If there was something wrong, would Kaeya suffice with Diluc?
“Don’t worry so much,” Lisa places her hand over Jean’s. “We’ll figure out what’s going on.”
When a soft breeze enters her office, Jean is reminded of someone. 
“Have you heard anything of Venti?” Lisa asks. 
She shakes her head. “If what he said about his power still counts, it might take a while.”
If she thought too much about it, it seemed as if the world itself was trying to prevent its people from finding out what was true and what was not. 
“Should I brew some more tea?” Lisa asks at last. 
Jean nods, her previous thoughts forgotten in the wind. 
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© intothegenshinworld. Do not copy, repost, translate or take heavy inspiration from my content. Thanks for reading.
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puffcap-factory · 2 months
Feelings, Love, and... Misunderstandings? (Heartsteel Yone x Reader)
Heartsteel!Yone x gn!reader; fluff, crack, bits of hurt/comfort plotwise.
When an overthinking reader (co-manager) meets the overthinking producer of the Heartsteel group.
Alcohol drinking, self-doubt, emotional breakdown. I assume that all Heartsteel members are big enough and legal to drink.
**The story was written in more of a light-hearted tone, but I put the warnings here just in case. 
Words: 4k
Working on (non-angst) Yone’s fic is harder than I thought. But I really like the dynamic of the heartsteel boys, and their presence really helped oomph up the stoic producer of the group. So… here’s another heartsteel fic for you! Again, I did not think too much of the title...
I hope you enjoy! :D
((Update: There's a bonus at the end of the story))
"Not joining in, hmm?" 
You jolted up from your seeming trance, the owner of the voice shifting casually closer to your seat. Turning your head, you met Alune's twinkling eyes, mischief dancing within them as she flashed a teasing smile.
“O-oh,” you smiled sheepishly as she gave you a knowing look at you, understanding well where your attention had been. “I’ll join in soon, later.” 
The week had been packed with schedules, and now the group found themselves in an arcade bar at night. You and Alune lounged on a sofa, sipping drinks and soaking in the lively atmosphere. The boys were off in their fun games, laughing and competing at darts and billiards while the latest music filled the air.
To your front, Yone and K'sante were engrossed in a game of billiards. You had to admit you have been marveling at the tall, lean, and handsome sight of the man who was gracefully playing the billiard. And, Alune had always been aware of your not-so-secret crush towards the group’s talented producer.
She leaned in closer as she whispered, rather enthusiastically, “Play a game with him, have some fun, try to get under his skin!”
Get under his skin. Right. I’d win a nobel prize for discovering his feelings.
Yone, for all his cool exterior, was just as cool as he looked. Unfortunately, he was particularly hard to read, at least for you. You couldn't tell if his kindness towards you was simply that — kindness — or if there was something more behind it. He was generally polite to everyone, though a bit stricter with Kayn and Ezreal – to no one's surprise. Yone was easygoing and pleasant to talk to, which only added to your curiosity as you tried to decipher his true feelings. 
There were occasions when you found yourselves spending time together, but it was never labeled as a date. It was either due to work duties, given your role as a co-manager, or simply a friendly hangout that happened naturally. Each time, you tried to read between the lines, wondering if there was something more beneath the surface, to no avail. 
"You know what, Alune, you're probably right. First, let's try billia-" You began, standing up with determination, but before you could make your move towards the billiard table, Ezreal appeared, blocking your view.
"Y/n! You owe us a round of darts, remember?" Ezreal exclaimed, slinging an arm around your shoulders and pulling you away from the table, despite your silent protests. 
Great. What a timing, Ezreal.
"Sorry, Alune, I'll be borrowing her for a while," he added with a cheeky grin plastered on his face. "Don't tell me you forgot about the deal, hmm?" Kayn chimed in, raising an eyebrow as he waited in the dart booth.
You had mustered up the courage to take a shot at a round of billiards with Yone, but Ezreal and Kayn were quick to rope you into the dart booth before you could voice any further protests. Alune simply watched with an amused grin, clearly entertained by the turn of events.
You ended up playing a few rounds of darts with Ezreal and Kayn, snacking and sipping on some of their peculiar concoctions of 'potions' they had whipped up on a whim. It was a fun challenge you had agreed to, having lost a dare to them before. When it wasn’t your turn, you couldn't help but throw quick glances towards the billiard table, particularly at Yone, admiring his oh-so-smooth movements. 
You were feeling a bit lighter in the head, the effects of the peculiar potions finally catching up to you. Though clear-minded, you were certainly getting full from the incoming food. As you prepared to take your next throw in the dart game, a brand-new top-chart song began to play in the background, its music video displayed on the monitor above the room.
Ezreal, caught up in the music, started to nod off, vibing with the beat. Meanwhile, Kayn shifted his attention towards the music video, his eyes widening in recognition.
"Ooh, wait, I saw that lady with Yone before!" Kayn exclaimed, pointing at the screen. "Hah, Yone, so that's your type, huh?"
Wait… what?
You quickly glanced at the screen, only to see an incredibly sexy and charming actress starring in the music video.
That’s HIS type?
"Ooh! Right, I saw her talking to you at the bar before," Sett added, joining in on the conversation as Yone sighed dismissively, a small defeated smile appearing on his face.
…AND he’s not even declining? 
You held onto your dart a bit tighter, trying to contain the emotions swirling inside you. There was no way you could compare to her. Despite the mix of sadness and frustration stirring up inside, you maintained a smile onto your face, determined to keep up your appearances.
I might be just overthinking this. Get it together, y/n.
You tried to reassure yourself. But the sound of the atmosphere began to blur and others' conversations turned into a mumbled background noise as your thoughts took over. The insecurities crept in, overshadowing the fun of the night. Was this the effect of the alcohol or was it just me?
"Y/n, y/n!" Ezreal's voice cut through your thoughts as he patted you on the shoulder. "You okay?"
You blinked, snapping back to reality, realizing you had drifted off into your own world. With a forced smile, you nodded at Ezreal, trying to brush off the uneasiness that had settled in your chest. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just got lost in thought for a moment," you grinned at him.
Ezreal studied your face for a second. "Hmm, if you say so..." he trailed off, before leaning in to whisper with a wink, a playful glint in his eyes, "Let's just leave the drinks for Kayn, shall we?"
You couldn't help but let out an amused smile at Ezreal's comment, feeling grateful for his attempt to lighten the mood. Determined to shake off your thoughts, you focused on the dart game, teaming up with Ezreal against Kayn. Together, you managed to make Kayn taste his own creations, and the laughter that followed was pleasant.
After a while, feeling a bit light-headed from the stir of emotions, and Ezreal and Kayn's concoctions, you decided to step away from the dart game for a bit to head to the bar to fetch a water. Taking a seat at the counter, you ordered the much-needed refreshment from the bartender. Leaning on the counter, you rested your chin on your hand, letting your thoughts drift as you waited for your drink.
As you gazed into space, lost in your own thoughts, you suddenly realized that someone had taken a seat next to you on the counter. And to your surprise, it was none other than the handsome producer himself, Yone.
Out of all people-! Him? Now?!
Your eyes widened in surprise as Yone caught you off guard, scrambling to sit up straighter. The bartender had just placed the glass of water in front of you, but you couldn’t just leave now.
"Mind if I join you?" Yone's voice broke the silence, his tone polite and soft.
“No—of course not.” You forced a smile at him, hoping it appeared natural as he smiled back in response.
Oh god, I hope my smile looked all normal.
Yone proceeded to order some Japanese sake from the bartender. When it arrived, you couldn't help but look at the elegant bottle and the sake cup with curiosity.
Just as you were about to ask about the sake, to break the awkwardness that had settled between you, Yone beat you to it. “Everything alright?” he inquired, his gaze gentle as he looked at you. You realized you had been silent for a moment, mentally cursing yourself for the lapse in conversation.
“Uh, yeah, of course, everything’s going well!” you replied, plastering a smile on your face.
Yone gazed at you for a moment, a hint of uncertainty in his eyes. He seemed to sense that something was off, but thankfully, he didn't press further. “If it’s anything about work, you can always talk to me-"
“No, it’s not.” 
Oops. You realized that you had blurted it out too quickly. 
“Oh?” Yone turned to face you, his expression now more attentive. “Do you wanna talk about it?” he asked carefully, his tone low mixed with a bit of concern.
You sighed defeatedly. This man always seemed to be able to read between the lines, and you couldn’t hide it anymore. “So… There’s a guy that I like…” you admitted, taking a sip of your icy water.
Yone’s eyes twinkled in curiosity, his body shifted a bit to face you.
“But he doesn’t seem to feel the same way about me, I don’t know,” you grumbled, frustration beginning to pool inside you, as you held your forehead. 
“Does… he not give you any signs or anything?” Yone asked carefully, his expression filled with genuine care.
“No! You know, he’s insanely hard to read!” You started to rant, your emotions rushing out from beneath you. “And recently, I learned that I might very well just not be his type.”
Yone fell into silence for a moment, sensing your frustration, as he also felt something stir inside him. He wanted to help, to offer some words of comfort, but nothing perfect came to mind.
“…Does he–“ He started to ask, wanting to gather more information before commenting further, but you interrupted him.
“I don’t know anymore, Yone, maybe I should just give up! I don’t know what to do—!” The frustration and sadness bubbled over, and before you knew it, tears were pooling in your eyes.
No, no, no, brain, work more! Am I going to cry now, in front of him?!
Despite your mind still functioning clearly, your emotions won the battle, and you couldn't hold back the tears. You felt a mixture of shame, sadness, and frustration wash over you as you tried to compose yourself in front of Yone.
“Gimme that!” You snatched his sake cup and chugged down its contents, still full. Yone was taken aback by your sudden action, at a loss for words as he watched you. Your tears were now streaming down on your face, you didn’t care anymore if it had smudged your makeup.
“Y/n…” he began, lifting his arms as if to reach out to you, but you quickly reached for his sake bottle to refill the cup you were holding, determined to drown your sorrows in another shot.
“How can I compare to that woman, Yone, tell me!” You didn’t know where and how that came from, but you blurted it out.
“H-huh? Which woman?” Yone's confusion was evident as he tried to follow your train of thought.
“Which woman?? You had lots?!”
You swore your head was in some eco-friendly energy-saving-mode as you couldn’t seem to process the information, making the situation seemed even more hilariously stupid.
“…Y/n, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He tried to reason with you, his voice soft and concerned. 
But you were just going to leave him there at the counter, tears still streaming down your face, and leave him you did. Without another word, you hurriedly made your way to the bathroom, leaving the poor man on the bar counter all alone. As you stood in front of the mirror, you realized how much of a mess you were. You looked like a metalhead who had just gone through a breakdown, with black streaks trailing down your cheeks.
“Oh no,” you whispered to yourself, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over you as tears started to well up again. How had it all gone so wrong?
You looked at yourself in the bathroom, breathing in and out slowly, trying to regain your already lost composure. Moments later, Alune entered the bathroom, her expression filled with concern as she looked at you.
“Let’s rest for today, hm? I’ll drive you back,” she offered softly, her tone soothing. You nodded at her. “Don’t worry, I told everyone asking that you were not feeling well,” Alune reassured you, offering a comforting hug.
You found yourself crying again, this time for her considerate gesture. Alune chuckled softly as she patted your back, offering you comfort.
You then fell deep asleep in the car on the way back.
The next morning, you woke up feeling the slight hangover from yesterday. You sat up on your bed, trying to piece and remember the memories of whatever chaos had happened last night. Your mind then went through the memory of your interaction between you and Yone, realizing your actions, each one making you cringe with regret and shame. 
I- I’m an idiot!!
You groaned, massaging your temples as if trying to erase the memories. The more you remembered, the more ashamed you felt. You wanted to curl into a ball under your blanket and hide from the world.
You admitted to yourself that you hadn’t consumed that much alcohol at one time before, and last night, the mix of emotions and frustrations had likely been heightened by the booze.
“Yone must hate me now…” you mumbled to yourself, still rubbing your temples in a feeble attempt to alleviate the headache. Now, the problem was clear in your mind: How were you going to face him today? 
The fact that the members had their apartment room just right in front of yours and Alune made the situation even more daunting. You couldn’t simply avoid him forever, especially since you were part of the same team.
You went out of your room to find Alune making pancakes for brunch at the kitchen.
“Morning!” she greeted you cheerfully, despite the late hour.
“…Morning, Alune. Thanks for yesterday, though…” you mumbled, scrubbing your eyes as you yawned, meeting her grinning face, clearly waiting for your recount of the previous night. You realized her expression and groaned inwardly, knowing you'd have to relive the embarrassing story by telling her.
You sighed, grabbing a glass of milk before sitting down. “Okay, so…” you began, recounting the chaotic events of the night before. You explained how you had let your emotions get the best of you, the tears, the rambling, the chugging of sake... It all came tumbling out as you told her about your breakdown in front of Yone.
Alune listened intently, offering considerate and understanding comments throughout your story. When you finally finished, you felt a mix of relief and embarrassment wash over you.
Alune reached out and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Hey, we all have our moments. Don’t beat yourself up over it.”
You nodded, grateful for her understanding. But then her expression shifted to a mischievous grin, and you couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow in curiosity.
“And…” she paused, her grin widening. You looked up at her, wondering what she was about to say.
“You should definitely confront Yone as soon as possible, tell him how you feel” she said plainly, her grin now almost playful.
“What?! That’s the last thing I would do!!” you protested, feeling a wave of panic at the thought of facing Yone after your embarrassing display.
But Alune held your shoulders firmly, her eyes serious. “Believe me, y/n. Trust me on this one.”
Throughout the day, you had been clearly avoiding Yone, much to his concern. There were three chances where you two crossed paths, but each time you quickly averted your gaze, trying your best not to interact with him due to your lingering embarrassment. But Yone appeared to have a different thought to himself.
…Did I say something wrong?
His mind was busy replaying the events from yesterday morning, wondering if he had made a misstep towards you. He was trying to connect the dots, trying to understand why you seemed upset with him yesterday.
To be honest, when you admitted to him that you had a crush on another guy, he felt a pang of hurt inside his heart, though he was adept at masking it, maintaining his calm demeanor. But he was genuinely concerned for your well-being. Learning that the guy you liked might be interested in someone else made him feel a sense of disappointment, though he didn’t let it show. He wanted the best for you, and seeing you upset about it only added to his concern.
When you left him alone at the counter, he knew he had to tell Alune about you. Alune was quick into action, helping you up at the bathroom. Later that night, Alune and Yone found a moment to talk in private, much to Yone’s request.
Alune listened intently as Yone recounted the events of the past day and his feelings of confusion and concern about your behavior. He explained how he couldn't shake off the feeling that he had somehow upset you, and how he wished he could make things right. Alune listened with patience, nodding in understanding as Yone spoke. However, he still kept his feelings about you tightly guarded. 
Throughout the day, Yone appeared somewhat… off, lost in his thoughts. Everyone noticed his change of demeanor and seemed to check on him frequently.
“Gee, Yone, are you alright? You look like you stayed up all night,” Ezreal asked him in the afternoon, noting how drained Yone seemed.
“I’m fine,” he answered flatly, his mind elsewhere.
Another time, he found himself behind the wheel of the car with K’sante beside him. “You good, Yone?” K’sante asked, noticing Yone's distant gaze.
“I’m fine,” Yone repeated mechanically. By now, it felt like he was a broken record, constantly reassuring others that he was okay when he really wasn't.
He knew this would get him nowhere, as he felt he desperately needed a clear space. So, as dusk began to settle, Yone decided to retreat to one place where he often found solace: the rooftop. 
After contemplating for what felt like an eternity, you decided to practice how you would confront Yone at a place where no one would usually go. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the rooftop as you ascended the stairs. You were rehearsing what you would say to him in your head, repeating it a few times as you walked to the spot you had in mind. 
However, when you reached the spot, you were taken aback to find Yone already standing there, overlooking the cityscape.
Crap!! Why is he here!? 
You knew you weren’t good in last-minute study and the exam was just right in front of you now. He seemed to notice your presence, but you couldn't bring yourself to meet his gaze. Reluctantly, you stepped closer to him, maintaining a reasonable distance, and faced the city view in the sunset. The air between you two was heavy with unspoken words, both of you itching to talk but unsure of where to start.
As the silence stretched on, you both seemed to come to the decision to speak at the same time.
“About yesterday…” you both began simultaneously, only to pause when you realized you had spoken at the same time.
“Go ahead,” Yone offered, his voice quiet and careful.
“Uh... you go first…” you replied, feeling the awkwardness settle in like a heavy fog.
Once again, silence enveloped you both, the tension palpable. You felt like screaming as loud as you could, but you knew you couldn’t back down now. You exhaled deeply as you began.
“Yone, I– I’m sorry about yesterday, I was all messed up. The alcohol–, I mean, I was…” you stumbled as the words you had prepared all got jumbled up in your throat. You paused before regaining yourself, and you continued. “But I feel like you need to know something,” you gazed up at him as he turned at you, finally meeting his gaze.
“The guy that I told you about… it was… you…,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper. Heat crept up your cheeks, and you couldn't bring yourself to meet his eyes. Instead, you focused on the ground beneath your feet, feeling a mix of nervousness and vulnerability.
You were about to speak again, but the wind suddenly picked up, blowing your hair into your face and blocking your view of the man in front of you. Before you could move to brush it away, you felt Yone's hand on your cheek, gently tucking the strands behind your ear. His touch was tender and caring, sending a jolt of surprise through you.
As you faced him directly, meeting his gentle gaze, he smiled softly at you. The city lights twinkled around you, casting a romantic glow over the moment.
“Y/n,” he began, his voice barely above a whisper but filled with sincerity, “You don’t know how happy I feel when you told me that I was the guy in your story.” He chuckled softly as the dots finally clicked, “And I also owe you an apology, I believe.”
“H-Huh… so you don’t hate me…right?” you asked, still in disbelief at the turn of events.
Yone chuckled again at your incredulous expression. “I don’t think I would ever… I like you, y/n,” he admitted, the heat rising to his cheeks as he also casted his gaze to the side for a second. “I mean– not just as friends, but...”
Before he could finish his sentence, you moved forwards to press your forehead on his chest, feeling in total relief and joy as he confessed to you.
“I like you too, Yone,” you whispered, your voice filled with happiness and relief. “More than I can put into words.”
Yone held you close, his arms enveloping you in warmth and security. The world seemed to fade away as you both stood there, lost in the moment. It was a moment of pure bliss, in contrast to the chaotic night you had spent the night before. 
As you pulled back slightly to look into his eyes, you could see the tender affection reflected in his gaze. You also noticed the faint pink shades starting to show up on his cheeks, which only made you giggle softly.
He’s also shy, how cute.
“I was getting really concerned about whatever I did yesterday that made you upset,” Yone confessed with a soft laugh. “I’m sorry, I should have been more expressive to show my feelings.”
“O- Oh, don’t apologize. I was definitely overthinking things,” you replied, laughing at the absurdity of it all. “I thought you were into that… super famous sexy lady…who’s on the…” Your voice trailed off as you recalled the memories from yesterday, embarassment creeping over you.
“I met her once at the premiere party, her producer introduced me to her, and we just had a plain talk, nothing more,” Yone explained with an amused smile. 
You grinned back at him, feeling a wave of relief wash over you. “Okay, so I was actually making a fool of myself.”
The tension between you both seemed to dissolve into laughter and shared understanding. It was a moment of pure relief and happiness, knowing that the misunderstandings had been cleared up.
“So, what now?” you asked, still grinning.
Yone took a moment to ponder before replying with a smile, “Well, I was thinking... maybe we could go on a real date this time? Just the two of us.”
Your heart skipped a beat at the suggestion, and you couldn't help but nod eagerly. “I would love that,” you replied, feeling a rush of excitement at the prospect of spending more time with him. 
As the sun set behind the city skyline, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, you both stood on the rooftop, arms in arms, looking towards the horizon. The city lights twinkled as the sky darkened, and the night breeze began to tingle against your skin. You released from the hug, taking in the beautiful sight.
Just as you were about to turn back, Yone stepped in front of you, offering his hand with a warm smile.
“How about dinner, tonight?”
Bonus illustration right here
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 5 months
New Year Fireworks
Watching New Year Fireworks with Ghost.
bonus chapter
Ghost isn't the type of people who enjoy watching fireworks. They are beautiful, he must admit. When they appear, they always draw everyone's attention to them, but when you’re still stunned by their beauty, they just vanish without leaving any hint. They draw people close to them, but you still need to keep some distance from them, or it might hurt you.
"But how can you call it a new year without watching the fireworks? Have you ever seen them before?" She raised her head, couldn't believe what she just heard. "Can"t remember the last time I watched." "Hey! Come on!" Ghost saw her shake her head, lowered it as if contemplating, and suddenly snapped her head to face him, lips formed into a grin. " We get holidays for this new year, right? I'm going to watch the fireworks, and you can come to my home, we can celebrate together!" "Negative." "Oh please. Don't stay at your empty flat and look at some boring shows while nursing the Whisky. I know you're going to do that!" He saw her pout in disapproval. "Pretty please? Just this one time!" Ghost met his gaze with her, and found her staring at him. "Fine." He gave up. It's really hard to reject her, he doesn't want the expectancy in her eyes to be replaced by upset. "Thank you, L.T.!" Her eyes sparkling, full of excitement "Don't break the promise, okay?" She patted Ghost's shoulder and went into the training room first. Ghost watched the recruits and comrades greeting her with joy. She always liked this, energetic and kind, bringing laughter to every place she went, and catching everyone's eyes with her warm smile. He raised his hand, and slowly put it over the place she just patted. When her fingers met his shoulder, he felt like being touched by a flame. It was warm and brought him the feeling that he was unfamiliar, but he didn’t hate it. Moreover, it made him want to explore the emotion, he wanted to remember the feeling of her hands, but before he was able to engrave it in his heart, her hands were already pulled away.
"5, 4, 3, 2, 1!” She counted down with the people crowding at the street below. Ghost watched the fireworks gradually rise into the night sky, blooming into a stunning pattern. They stood at her house’s balcony. The weather was a bit cold at first, but after a few drinks, he started feeling warm. "Happy New Year, L.T.!" She cheered and startled him when she suddenly grabbed his hand. She must be a little drunk after drinking a few bottles of beer. "What are your New Year wishes? It's important to make wishes!" "That's what kids do." "Alright then, but at least the fireworks are beautiful, right?" Leaning over the rail, she turned her head back to look at the fireworks. The heart-warming smile and shining eyes, which he couldn’t remember when he started to be mesmerized by, this time accompanied by the fireworks reflecting in her eyes. "If you don't have any wish yet, then I'll say mine first." After indulging in the quiet moment for a while, She spoke. "I hope that next year, we can watch the fireworks together again. If Soap and others have time, we can invite them too, and we can buy pizzas and beers, counting down to the next year together!" "Didn't you say only this time?" Ghost raised his eyebrow. "Oh please, it sounds like a wonderful plan!" It is always difficult to reject her. "Then I wish my teammates wouldn't buy these bloody beers next year. They suck." "Hey! They aren't that bad!" She squeezed his hand playfully. "but does it mean you agree?" "If you behave well enough in the sparring, sergeant."
Time flies. In the blink of an eye, it's the end of the year again. Christmas followed by New Year, which have always been the holidays everyone enjoys the most, spreading happiness and hope to the streets. The weather is still very cold this year, but the streets are still crowded with people waiting for the fireworks. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Happy New Year!" Ghost held a glass of whisky in his hand. He watched the people on the street hug each other. The laughter never stops. He took a sip of the drink. The fireworks slowly and steadily rose into the air, shining dazzlingly bright at the highest point. Ghost couldn't help but close his eyes slightly at the light. "The wine is finally better this year. After all, she isn't the one buying them," he whispered. "and it's quieter this year because there isn't someone shouting she wants to see the fireworks again next year." His eyes sting, but he ignores it, reaching out to grab the bottle to pour more liquids into his glass. The fireworks appeared quickly, so as they left. When he was still amazed by it, they already become the past, disappeared, leaving no trace, but only regret.
So he already said, he didn't like fireworks.
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the-slasher-madame · 2 years
If you're still doing requests: What if the slashers had a S/O who could control animals? (Straight up, this mf could make a group of rats conga line with a few hand movements, lol) Bonus points: Maybe this ability was the reason the slashers didn't kill them initially? (I love your headcanons so far, btw! Especially the geese one, lol I hope you have a lovely day/night!)
HEEHEHEHEHEHEHE I LOVE IT!!!!! Animals r so cool lol. I'm remember Ratcatcher II from The Suicide Squad and I am loving it. For some reason I'm reminded of a story where this one girl did like freeform taxidermy?? Only tenuously connected, but hey my brain is missing a few washers. I'm glad you like the geese!!!! I love geese so, so much. I see them at school and its all heart eyes.
CWs: mentions of violence (it's slashers y'all, they go stab and we go "yes king <3", cursing (think y'all are used to that by now lol), let me know if I missed anything!!!
Vincent Sinclair: I genuinely think this boy is very soft. I firmly believe he loves animals and the soft side of life, so he would love that you have such a connection with animals. I think he'd worry about if the animals are ok when all this happens, but he thinks its so cool. I think he'd beg you to bring animals around so he could pet them and sketch them with a proper model.
I think, in Ambrose, the most likely animals on hand would be squirrels, rabbits, and snakes, none of which he's noticed behave the way they do when you're summoning them for protection. You just make a solid line of defense, and he knows better than to fuck with snakes, so he just stops and waits for Bo. Bo is terrified and probably thinks you're Satan, but Vinny is gonna be absolutely fascinated. He begs Bo to keep you around, and Bo was a little too scared to deny it. Would make sure to get you anything you need if it tires you out and would have food and water on hand for the animals. Jonesy is off-limits, unless she's run off and they can't find her (I feel like you can kinda sense the animals around you??).
Bo Sinclair: I just have a gut feeling that this boy is terrified of supernatural shit, at least if you use that supernatural shit against him lol. He loves asking you to do stuff like this as a party trick. Wants to use you to help when hunting (animals), but would also test to see if you can control humans. I think also in softer moments he would love interacting with animals he usually doesn't get to see up close. And, if he pisses you off, I think you could use the woodland critters to your advantage. . . thefUCK DID THESE SQUIRRELS COME FROM--
Would feel the same way about you controlling Jonesy, using it only if she's lost and possibly in danger (but he's also the type to say "she can handle herself" so he'd wait a little bit). Did not appreciate being attacked by the small creatures when he tried to catch you, but he had his shotgun and you cared for the animals and were getting tired. It was quite the stalemate, and quite the compromise. Would every once in a while ask you to bring animals around for Lester to play with, or for Vinny to use as models, or even for Jonesy to play with. He's a family man, what can I say
Michael Myers (RZ): as per usual, stoic and seems uncaring. He isn't the most gentle person ever (he was raised in an asylum by a fucked up doctor-I'll talk about him later, but he's gonna handle animals like a small child). Rough but trying his best, doesn't mean to hurt them. I think using animals would be a good therapy technique, give him something to learn how to be soft with. Starts to love when you bring animals around, and learns to be gentle. Back to the beginning though: like a cat, rather predictably. Sometimes glares at the animals, especially if they decide he is the new mama. I think he would hiss, but he doesn't talk so he just glowers until the animal wonders away (but their insistence starts to warm his heart).
I think birds would be what save you from Mikey. He's marching after you in the dark nature-y parts of Haddonfield, and you summon birds to swarm him. I don't think he'd really react much to the pecking and scratching, might be more sensitive to the noise, but is overall just curious. Like "well this is new." (I think creativity and novelty is like the key way to get him to spare you). He likes to study, and would absolutely observe your power. Y'all stare at each other while you catch your breathe and the birds swarm the Boogeyman, and eventually he turns and walks off. You start catching sight of him following you, eventually, but he never made a move to harm you so you let it be. Eventually becomes very soft with the animals and loves feeling how soft they are, feeling their warmth and feeling them breathe while they lay next to you on his chest.
Thomas Hewitt: I’m sorry y’all, I’m just convinced that this family is terrified of the supernatural. With every superpower, Thomas is a little freaked, Luda Mae is looking for holy water, Hoyt is convinced the devil has finally come for him (he should be worried more about me), and Monty is laughing at Hoyt. However, I think this power would be one that wouldn’t freak them out as much. Like gee animals?? Hoyt and Monty particularly are gonna think you’re harmless, and Luda is going to be a little hesitant around you but overall think you won’t hurt anyone, and Thomas is gonna be so soft. He thinks it’s the cutest thing ever. Like awwww you’re animal themed 🥺🥺 They’d definitely make you take care of rats and maybe get the animals (if they have any on their farm??) to come to slaughter easier. Thomas wouldn’t like that idea, he wants to keep you protected from all the violent shit, and Hoyt would be pissed if you refused. Will start being an ass and Thomas starts to glare at him... and you call on the rabbits and birds. Hoyt never yells at you again. Ever. 
I think more small woodland critters would be the most readily accessible. Rabbits, squirrels, birds (can y’all tell I like birds yet lol?). Rats, you’re going to find rats in the basement ad get them to chew through your bindings. When Tommy comes back and finds you free, terrified, and surrounded by rats, he’s going to go get the rest of the family and let you live. I another one that loves loves loves getting to interact with animals up close. Loves petting rabbit (I also love rabbits). Loves the birds landing on his finger like a Disney princess. Feels bad when he has to butcher pigs, and keeps you away from the family cannibal business at all costs. Understands that you’re connected to animals and doubts its any easier when its you know...humans. Mesmerized by you, your powers, and your looks
Brahms Heelshire: he’s a bit conflicted. One one hand, this boy was undoubtably a bookworm, I mean what else could he do while being exiled to the walls?? Anyways, he feels like you’re a character from his childhood books and it makes him love you even more, already associating you with pleasant memories. On the other hand, what the fuck people aren’t supposed to do that????? I think he learns about your power while he’s still in the walls, and he gets over it pretty quickly seeing how careful you are with the doll and other critters you find around the mansion. You refuse to use the rat traps and at first he’s a little annoyed, but then he sees your power and starts to understand why. I think when y’all finally do meet, he’s trying to be as non-threatening as possible and you have gathered an army of rats. He doesn’t move toward you, just starts talking softly and trying to explain who he is. You’d eventually have to ask him to repeat it all cause you were busy trying to not have a heart attack and a stroke at once. Y’all manage to come to an understanding. 
While out of the walls, he will pester you with as many questions as he can get out of his mouth. He’s a curious boy, what can I say? I think, like Mikey, he would be a little rough on the animals first before learning to properly handle them. For the love of every god, please use the animals like therapy animals. He can play and pet with them while also learning to confront the trauma of his bullshit parents. I think he would really like rabbits, cause he has the childlike center, and could learn to be decently ok with the rats but I don’t think he will touch them. When deer wander through, he gets super excited. I think he would warm up to a cat or a dog in the house. WAIT NO HE’D MAKE A DOLL OF THE PET TO MATCH HIS DOLL AWWWWWWW!!! Would also probably make woodland dolls. He’d be happy that his doll isn’t lonely anymore :D
Alright, I’ve got the first 5. Let me know if y’all want more!!! I love fluff like this its so cuteeee And n case it wasn’t obvious, I really like birds and rabbits (my favorite plushies are rabbis :3). I can’t tell y’all how honored I feel to be getting requests and follows and just I’m soft 🥺. I’ve never been real popular or had like a solid community of my own so this is all really special to me, and I will be thanking y’all as often as possible <33333
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Bride of Discord rewritten chapter 14: the visit.
Broken beams of marmalade skies swayed through the windows of fluttershy's room, cropped gently by the tangerine trees outside the cottage flailing their leaves as if to tenderly rouse her awake.
When Fluttershy did awake, she could not help but think she had forgotten something. She could not put her hoof on it, but something about today felt different, like an anti-deja vu.
At that moment, Discord appeared at her bedside with a tray of food.
"Happy Birthday, dearest!"
She slapped herself in the forehead. "Of course."
He set the tray onto her lap. "Breakfast in bed! Hope you're in the mood for pancakes."
"Oh, you didn't have to do anything for me, Discord," she said with a smile. "You've been so sweet to me, I'd like to treat you sometime!"
"Come now, your birth was a great enough treat! Now eat up! I have lots more planned for your special day!"
He vanished and returned once she had finished eating, which of course she had quickly enough that she had gotten the hiccups. The next thing she knew she was dressed in a robe and sitting in a sauna. Discord, wearing a pink fluffy robe, stretched out beside her.
"Ah, nothing like a good steam bath to help you forget your troubles."
"When did we get a sauna?" Fluttershy chuckled.
He raised his paw. "Relax, my dear! Unwind yourself!"
Now that she thought about it, she had not been in a sauna since her last get-together with Rarity. Her chance to relax was long overdue. So Fluttershy closed her eyes and leaned her back against the wall, letting the steam sink into her skin. How lovely it graced her once it got past her coat... In a quarter of an hour, she opened her eyes to see Discord staring down at her with a wide grin on his face.
"What?" she said.
Discord straightened up. "Nothing! I just…"
"Maybe we've been in here for too long. You're sweating."
"You're supposed to-"
"Yes! On to the next part of the treatment!"
A snap of his fingers transformed the sauna into a bath of a gooey green substance. Fluttershy recognized it as the crystal mud from the Crystal Empire. She had not had the chance to try it while she was there, and sitting in it now confirmed that it was as refreshing as Cadence had said. She laughed as she remembered that day when they were welcoming the inspector for the Equestria Games, only to find out that they had gotten the wrong pony. She and her friends had always wound up in the craziest of situations.
Discord was confused as her sudden laughter turned into a frown.
"What's wrong, my dear? Is the mud too warm?"
"No," Fluttershy sighed. It's nothing, really."
He snapped his fingers. "I know what you need! A massage!"
The mud bath disappeared, and Fluttershy found herself lying on a massage table.
"Really Discord, none of this is necessary, I just want…"
She trailed off as she felt the draconequus' hands gently rub her shoulders. In a second, her eyelids slid shut as she relaxed on the table.
"If it troubles you then you should spit it out! I'd say it's something rather than nothing when it's your birthday."
Fluttershy was about to answer, but was lulled by his tender touch that all that came out was a sigh. After massaging her for half an hour, Discord teleported them both to the gazebo.
"Now for your gift."
Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. "The spa treatment wasn't it?"
"No, that was a bonus. I have something more special in mind."
He seated her on a bench and lifted the ring around her neck.
"I'll bet this thing has given you some distress."
"A little," she muttered.
She had nearly forgotten she was still wearing that.
"Well, I just want you to know that…I don't want you to feel like you're being forced into this, and…for what it's worth…I…I can't imagine being with any other pony, so…"
He curled around her and pointed a gleaming finger to the ring, engraving words into it. Once the writing had stopped glowing, Fluttershy squinted to read it.
"To my one and only Fluttershy." She blinked. "I…I don't know what to say."
"Id like you know if you..."
He couldn't do it. Not with her eyes glinting with joy.
He teleported in front of her with a birthday cake in his hands. It was a proper red velvet, sweet and buttery like a southern treat, chocolate enhancing every note, without overpowering them. A hint of Hazelnut coffee lined every bite. Paired with a tangy cream cheese it felt like heaven.
"Make a wish!" he exclaimed, holding it out to Fluttershy. "And as it is your birthday, it will be my duty to make it come true!"
That caught her attention. "You promise?"
"Cross my heart," he said, making the gesture.
Fluttershy closed her eyes and blew out the candles.
"So what will it be, my sweet?"
She puffed her chest.
"I wish to visit my friends."
As she had predicted, Discord's face fell. "Sweetheart, I thought we talked about this…"
She crossed her hooves. "No, we haven't. And I think it's time we did."
He laughed nervously. "Isn't there something else you'd like?"
Fluttershy shook her head. "I want to visit my friends, nothing more, nothing less."
He set the cake down and laid his hands on her shoulders. "Darling…" She turned her head from him. "I can't overturn the law-"
She hovered over him. "You promised you would grant whatever wish I made!"
"and I will! But-"
"Then why?!" She spun around, revealing her water filled eyes. "Why won't you let me see my friends?"
He furrowed his brows. Discord felt a pang throughout his thought to his chest.
Her commanding then turned into begging. "Please? Just for the day? I promise I'll come right back, and if I don't, you can bring me back with your magic. In fact, you wouldn't have to. You can trust me."
"I do trust you, Fluttershy! More than anypony, but I have to guarantee that your visit stays within the confines of the contract!"
"please, can't we rewrite it?"
He rubbed the back of his neck. "That, and…"
"How about this? Instead of letting me go to them, you'll bring here!"
"I don't know if that counts as foalnapping! Besides, they're not allowed within our territory-"
"Not even for one day? It is my birthday, after all."
"I want to let you see them! I want to give you this one thing! But it's not that simple... "
She lay her hoof on his shoulder.
"or maybe it is. All I know is that I'm not the draconequus I was when I made that deal. And I know that I don't want..."
Fluttershy tilted her head to an angle. "You can tell me."
"some part of me doesn't want them to take you away. Because I know if they convince you to go back and you did it, it wouldn't be because they brainwashed you or whatever. It'd be because you had a reason, and you wanted to. I'm not scared that you'll go back to your life and be happy...I'm terrified of losing my first friend."
His voice cracked gently before he turned his head off the the side and cleared his throat.
"I'm terribly sorry fluttershy, I didn't want to spin your feelings back on ole' me!"
"I promise, we can rework the treaty, and you can come visit me, but we have to have them here. Besides, you never allow my friends to visit, who are my bridesmaids going to be?"
Discord's ears perked up. "Brides…?"
"And I promised Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo they would be my flower girls, and Spike, the ring bearer, and…well, you need some pony to perform the service and Twilight IS the duchess of celestia now…"
"Wait, back up!" he interrupted, facing her. "Are you saying…?"
She inhaled, only allowing a short breath in, and a longer one out. It was circle breathing then,it was muay Thai technique.
"I'd like to marry you, when and only when we rework the deal. I feel like... like we are close enough that we can marry."
Discord was speechless, not believing what he was hearing. This had to be a dream, or at least a trick, but he was awake and Fluttershy was not one to kid. Gosh deal or no deal he'd have to be a complete starchy spud not take up her offer. Marrying his... best friend, never being alone again, giving her anything she could ever want....
She squeaked as he suddenly took her in his arms. "Oh, thank you! You've made me the happiest creature in the world, my dear! Now, do you think I should wear a tux or what? I'm partial to a off the shoulder ball gown, something with lots of ruffles and peacock feathers-"
Fluttershy tried to pull away, but his grip was too strong. "Discord! Sweet! Youre-"
"of course if you do like traditional I can wear a tux, but not any boring- oh! What about a non-west equestria wedding!"
She squealed as he spun her, around like a fancy carousel with strobe lights. He apologized before putting her down, as she giggled and twirled her mane in dizzy. He danced gently.
Pinkie lay dormant on a large circle bed in the boutique. Surrounded by the colors not unlike that of a mallard, mottled with mustard yellows. All the ceiling drapes now caught on the columns, surrounding her like Spanish moss, however below such a flourishing plant still was an extinction. One of natural joy.
"Come on, Pinkie, this is getting ridiculous!" Rainbow exclaimed. "You've been crying for hours! You're gonna flood the place!"
"It's Fluttershy's birthday!" Pinkie cried. "I had a big party planned for her! It was going to be out in her garden! I was going to surprise her!" She pulled out a wrapped gift from under her bed. "I was going to give this to her! Now I'll never know if she'll like it!"
Applejack laid a hoof on her shoulder. "We miss her too, Pinkie, but we just have to accept…"
"How can we accept that our best friend is gone for good? We're never gonna see her again! Worst of all, she's never gonna see her birthday present!"
Suddenly, Spike burped up a letter. When he opened it, he gasped.
"It's Discord again!"
"What?!" every pony shrieked, huddling around him.
"seriously dude, get a fax machine..."
"What does it say, Spike?" Twilight inquired.
The dragon cleared his throat. "You are cordially invited to Fluttershy's birthday party at Discord's castle. Starting now."
The next thing they knew, all nine of them were standing in front of a dark castle.
"What in tarnation!?" Applejack proclaimed.
"Where are we?" Twilight wondered.
Rarity cringed as she looked up at the cottage. "Clearly an area in need of some interior designers."
"This has gotta be Discord's place!" Pinkie exclaimed.
"Oh, well that makes sense."
"It wasn't supposed to!"
Everyone turned around in shock to see the draconequus standing over them. Rainbow Dash looked up in abject horror and slowly fluttered down to the cobblestone path, bolting to rarity's side.
Discord rolled his eyes. "Well, I was going to let you see her, but if that's the way you're going to behave…"
"Slow yer roll there hoss, what's goin on?"
"Didn't you get the invitation?"
He tugged the parchment out of Spike's claw using his magic. Pinkie leaned forward to read it again.
"You mean…?" Her eyes slid down the wall of her skull dropping like a sack of loose muscle. They dilated with anticipation. "BIRTHDAY PARTY!"
As she screamed, she launched into the air and fireworks exploded behind her, creating a visceral display of every possible twitching emotion contained in the word "exitement." Discord scratched his head. How does she do that? Pinkie then rushed to the front door, bursting it open.
"Wha- my door! That's teakwood"
"Discord?" Fluttershy called as she entered the main hall. "Are they…?"
Pinkie tackled her into a hug, giving Fluttershy no chance to escape. The others galloped to her every angle and squeezed her like they would never feel again.
"Fluttershy!" Rarity exclaimed. "You're alright!"
"Girls! Spike!" Fluttershy said, tears coming into her eyes. "I missed you so much! I…" She choked as Pinkie squeezed tighter. "Can't…breathe…"
"Oops!" the pink pony blushed, not very noticeably, backing away with the others. "Sorry, I just can't believe it's you! I thought I'd never see you again and that you'd never get to see what I got you for your birthday…" She gasped dramatically. "Your birthday! Quick, close your eyes!"
"Why do I have to…?"
She was cut off as Pinkie tied a blindfold around her head. "One second!"
Fluttershy heard a few familiar blasts before the cloth was removed. The room was now walled with balloons, streamers and other party decorations.
"How did you…?" she started to ask, but she already knew the answer.
"I never go anywhere without my party cannon!" Pinkie chimed, bringing the object into view.
"oh hey, I love that band!" Discord panted out as he caught up to the six of them and spike.
She strapped a birthday hat onto Fluttershy's head, laughing as the strap poofed her expanse of hair every which way. Pinkie started up the gramophone.
"Let's party! This is my mixtape, I made it when I had that big hide-and-seek birthday bash a few years back!"
The music rang throughout the rooms, funky 8-bit tunes filling the ears with wonder and joy.
But instead of dancing, the ponies fed Fluttershy a million questions.
"Have you been kept safe?" Rarity asked.
"How are the animals?" inquired Applejack.
"How do you not get dizzy in here?" Rainbow questioned, glancing around the distorted room.
"Are you married yet?" Spike asked, looking at the engagement ring. "He seems so different!"
"Does he know pi?!" Pinkie inquired eagerly.
"Whoa, girls!" Twilight exclaimed, silencing them. "Give her some space!"
Fluttershy summed it up. "Yes, he's kept me safe in the forest, and we're not married yet. Actually, Discord's treated me quite well. He's really…sweet."
Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "You've got to be kidding me."
"We brought you here, didn't we?"
Twilight giggled, trying to lighten the mood. "What does it matter? It's Fluttershy's birthday. We should be celebrating!"
The Duchess began her awkward dancing, which everyone stared at for a while. She was so careless and free, she almost resembled that mare from Seingeld. Then they shrugged and danced themselves. In between songs, Fluttershy received updates on every pony's lives.
Rainbow Dash couldn't see her feelings for applejack being requited, so she didn't want to infringe on their friendship and dating status with rarity. Fluttershy snickered as she explained this. How aloof this filly could be! She'll be over the moon if applejack says something!
"sometimes I just see her, and we're cuddling with rarity, and I see the way she looks at her and-GOSH! She makes my heart race like when I'm flying! She's so headstrong and caring, and I just wanna take her out to treat her, y'know? Real classy just for her! wanna surprise her with something hoity toity. Like, hey! I got us a bucket of chicken! Wanna date?"
Fluttershy nearly cackled, "That's not fancy at all!
The blue pegasus rubbed the back of her neck. "It's a self proof thing. I wanna prove I'm the type mare she'd like! Like rarity!"
"I'm sure she likes how different you three are, and you don't have to get fancy for her!" Fluttershy giggled!
"Well," Rarity interjected, "I think this relationship is much sweeter and more genuine than that with blueblood! I just anticipate seeing my mares every day!"
"have you been taking those vitamins rarity?"
"Oh yes! They've worked wonders for my mane! And don't worry, applejack and rainbow dash already know. They were elated! I think I'm really gonna spend my life with them!"
She buried her head in fluttershy's embrace, squealing and tapping her hooves, blushing madly.
Seeing rarity pratter on about her love made spike's heart crumble, and slowly wash together again seeing her smile so hard and celebrate so sporadically that her mane frizzed.
The earth pony glanced at the dragon on the other side of the room, freaking it sensitive style as he watched in bitter-sweet pining. She lay a hoof on his little head, so tender and mild was the baby boy. Her eyes never exceeded the far off gaze.
"it wasn't meant to be spike. But something is. And I can't wait until you find it, Angel boy."
He smiled up at her so burning and gratifyingly, earnest as if to say "her love is my love. Thank you for showing me this."
"Who wants to play Pin the Tail on the Pony?" Pinkie called, throwing a blindfold around Fluttershy's eyes again. "Birthday girl goes first!"
As the afternoon went on, Fluttershy enjoyed her friends' company as they played more games and caught up with one another. One after the other, operation, clue, monopoly, Texas hold'em! It was after the third round of candyland that fluttershy's attention averted to the draconequus cutting it up in the corner.
She excused herself from her friends and flew up to him.
"Thank you, Discord," she said with a smile, "for bringing my friends here."
His expression changed at the sight of her. "You're welcome."
"You don't have to sit here all day. Why don't you join us?"
"I think your friends," he pointed at the ponies, baring his teeth in a way that wasn't anger, but unsureness. Q"would not appreciate that."
She was about to say something when he slid his arm around her. "Have you told them yet?"
Fluttershy blinked. "Told them what?"
He chuckled, playfully twirling the ring on her neck. "Have you really forgotten already?"
She looked down at the ring and blushed. "Oh."
She had been so excited about seeing her friends, she had forgotten the reason they were here in the first place.
"N-no, I…
"We should do it together! We wanted them here?"
"I…it's just…"
They were interrupted by Pinkie, who had bravely approached the draconequus. "Hey, Discord! You wanna play Twister with us?"
He stared at the pink pony, shocked at the invitation and then stood up. "Alright, but I warn you, I'm the world champ!"
Pinkie snorted. "As if!"
"Is that a challenge?"
"Only if you're up for it!"
"Oh, it's on!"
Before following the pony, he turned back to his fiancé. "We have to, to rewrite the deal!"
The ponies erupted in jeers and competitive whoops! Overlapping voices gave way to reveal rainbow's epic shouting.
Only Pinkie, Dash, and twilight were bold enough to go against Discord in Twister. Thanks to his long snake-like body he was able to defeat them with ease. While Pinkie called for best two out of three, Fluttershy pulled Applejack aside. Since she was the one she had confided in before, she felt more confident telling her first.
"I'm glad to see you're gettin' along fine, Shug," the southern pony sighed. "I don't know what you've been doin' the past month, but Discord seems a might different. I'm surprised he let us come here."
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about, Applejack," Fluttershy whispered. "You see, the reason we brought you here is…um…"
"Because it's your birthday?"
"No…well, sort of, really wanted to see you and this was a really special occasion.."
Applejack laid a hoof on her shoulder. "Take it easy, lovebug, Whatever you have to say, say it."
She took a deep breath. "I…I want to rewrite the treaty."
"Oh, um…great?"
"I need you girls at the wedding in the next 12 moons!"
Silence fell over the room and Fluttershy realized that she had shouted that last part. Pinkie fell from her position and Discord pumped his fist.
"Yes! Victory!" He then noticed the glares he was receiving. "Oh, come on, don't be sore losers!"
"You're marrying him in 12 moons?!" Rarity uttered.
"Oh, so you've told them!" He teleported to his fiancé's side and threw his arm around her. "Yes, our big day is in almost two weeks and you're all invited! The four of you can be bridesmaids, the foals can be the flower girls, the dragon can be the ring bear or whatever it is and Princess cranium can perform the service!"
Twilight's jaw dropped in horror. "You want me to…to…marry you two?!"
"You can't do that,I'm marrying her!" He cackled!
"Um, Discord?" Fluttershy said softly. "Could you let me talk to them?
"Oh, sure, go ahead! Who's stopping you?"
"ooh, gotcha!"
Once he had vanished, Fluttershy floated down to her friends.
"That was awfully rude of you."
"Rude?!" every pony exclaimed.
"You're marrying that monster so soon!!" Rarity cried. "How do you expect us to react?"
"But you know I'm engaged to him," Fluttershy pointed out.
"We didn't…" Rainbow stammered. "We didn't expect it to happen now! And…now you want us to be a part of it?!"
"I thought you'd want to come to my wedding."
"Not when it means watching you get married to a monster!"
Fluttershy stomped her hoof defensively, "monster us subjective! And from what I've been shown I know that if he's a monster, than so are we!"
"He took you away from us!"
"It was my decision to come and stay, and I had my bargains respected!"
"how can you be so accepting of this?!"
"Because he's my friend! And he's a good pony! And if I had the choice to spend the rest of my life with anyone else I wouldn't take it, not for a million billion bits!!!"
She trailed off and realized that she had already said too much. Applejack raised an eyebrow at her flushed cheeks, more flushed than usual. She knew that look.
"Are you…in love with him?"
Rarity huffed. "Don't be ridiculous, Applejack, she just said they were best friends!"
"Yeah," Rainbow laughed. "But I call you my best friend by habit sometimes!"
Rarity gasped infiginified
"He's fun and all," Pinkie chimed, "but you can't really-
"Fluttershy, you can't be serious! He tried to take over Equestria! Three times!"
"He practically keeps you prisoner!"
"He threatened the princesses!"
"He beat me at Twister!" Pinkie shouted.
Silence permeated throughout the walls. A hollow and yet shallow steady beat of breath rattled through the baby dragon standing defiantly above the ponies. His chest rose and his head pelted back, as arms rested at his sides, hoisting himself up upon a bench. Fluttershy stuttered,
"So you don't…?"
"I know that in a lotta places, dragons like me would be irredeemable monsters. Heck, some places don't allow us in! And while yeah uh.. few of us are, the one big thing we can use to turn back their path or like, prevent it maybe, is FRIENDSHIP."
Twilight felt the corners of her mouth perk up like they were tied with string, tears pricking her eyes. Her baby boy, her little man, her other half...
He was gonna tell her teachings better than she could one day, and she couldn't be prouder.
"I believe her. Princess Luna can be changed, and love beats up evil. If we don't practice what we preach, then what's the point of being at our friend's birthday?!"
As his valiant words echoed throughout the room, Fluttershy's heart sank. Her friends lost their anger as tears streamed down her face. Twilight held out her hoof.
"Fluttershy, we… I wanna hear what you have to say. I want to hear you out."
Rarity sat back and listened,giving her warmest smile, squeezing spike in adoration. Rainbow flew to her side and quirked her head smirking warmly,and inquisitivly. Applejack rested her head in their laps. Pinkie leapt from her previous position and hugged fluttershy.
"For the record, I think it's a pretty metal story tell your kids. Stretch out that ten minute story for eight years and you can get a sitcom out it." Rainbow commented.
Fluttershy buried her head in her hooves. Betwixt her grasp was a smile that flexed no muscles. Her hair was frizzy and unkempt, her limbs shook like a elm in a drought. Her nerves shot as if through a rivet gun. The queasiness never subsided, her bones were glass and her skin was paper.
She couldn't feel any of it as she embraced her friends.
"Of course ya don't understand!" Applejack snapped. "You of all ponies wouldn't understand! You talk about romance all the time, but you wouldn't know love if it was starin' you right in the face!" She turned to the others. "That goes for all of ya!"
"you never opened your present..."
"Oh! Of course!"
As she bore into the delicately wrapped gift, revealing to herself a jade and rose quartz comb, etched with love it read, "born to love, live to create." Fluttershy was downright crying at this point, no conclusion she could come up with was coherent enough to exact her spirit.
Fluttershy heard a grunt and looked up to see the draconequus standing over her. Despite the circumstances, she was happy to see him, for now he was here to comfort her. Her joy turned into suspense as she noted the nervous smile cracking across his face. His hands were clenched to the sides, and his eyes were glaring into the scene with remorse.
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bloom-ribbon22 · 4 months
Hi, hello, howdy, wassup, yo, it is I, Bloom Ribbon
so um, it felt like ages since I made anything Dinotrux related XD I know my last Dinotrux post isn't really that long but still- I kinda lost interest in the show for about a few weeks ago and just recently got my interest back...
Aaaaaaanywaaaays, I'm not sure if y'all remember but I did made a Dinotrux OC named D-Smantle A.K.A D-bros sis for an AU fanfiction requested by Dstroykin1 right here:
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I'm really sorry if I haven't posted the fanfic yet, it's still unfinished but I'll continue it soon!! 😭 again, I kinda lost interest in the show so I lost motivation to finish it uhhhh yea
so the reason why I'm bringing her up rn is because I gave her a redesign and also some more info!
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and here's a few information about her and a bit rewrite ig????
•while I do find the split colored pattern(or whatever it's called) pretty cool, I unfortunately got rid of it since it sorta just didn't feel right for me?? idk it just feels weird, so umm yea she kinda looks a bit basic now but I'll prolly add more to her design, once I make a full body ref of course
•I still kept the warning tape scarf thingy and the patterns on her eyes that's supposed to be eyelashes
•likes stargazing, nothing deep, she likes staring at stars at night, keeps her relaxed like ya I know you can barely see stars irl, maybe it's just me idk
•she has a crap ton(-ton) of scratches all over her but no scars, I like to think unlike D-Structs and D-Stroy, she's not as aggressive as they are, never really picks a fight with anyone else when threatened. but still does get into a few fights and accidents also has scratches ON her eye which is almost too hard to see
•if she ever does have a chance to meet Ty and the gang, then unlike D-Structs and D-Stroy(well, specifically D-Structs) she wouldn't hate Ty that much, she doesn't really care if another T-Trux(unless when they're trying to challenge/attack her) is in her territory building whatevs, but she does find him weird and sorta annoying at times, again, she doesn't hate him so she won't try to get rid of him
•for Ty's perspective? I feel like if he does meet her then he'll also find her annoying, D-Smantle does have that attitude after all but he also won't attack her despite the fact she's literally related to the two trux that tried to kill him countless of times, if anything, he would be surprised to see that despite the attitude, she's way more chill
•left her whole family and started a new life somewhere else because surprise: she doesn't like them, she hated them. two of her brothers shits on her every day and rarely compliments/at least have a neutral conversation with her. as for her parents? they don't really give a shit about her, they sometimes look after her but they focused more on the D-bros so her ass brothers had to raise her(reluctantly)
•lives all by herself now, everyone avoids her cuz "T-Trux bad" but she's already used to it. as lonely as it is...to her, being alone is more better than living with her "family" ...
and that's all for now! I'll continue the fanfic later, tomorrow uhhhhh yea.
alsoooo...bonus human D-Smantle design!
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anyways, feel free to ask questions about her in asks, reblogs, comments and I'll happily answer them <3
I hope you all stay safe! 💜
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bodrewritten · 7 months
Bride of Discord rewritten chapter 14: the visit.
Broken beams of marmalade skies swayed through the windows of fluttershy's room, cropped gently by the tangerine trees outside the cottage flailing their leaves as if to tenderly rouse her awake.
When Fluttershy did awake, she could not help but think she had forgotten something. She could not put her hoof on it, but something about today felt different, like an anti-deja vu.
At that moment, Discord appeared at her bedside with a tray of food.
"Happy Birthday, dearest!"
She slapped herself in the forehead. "Of course."
He set the tray onto her lap. "Breakfast in bed! Hope you're in the mood for pancakes."
"Oh, you didn't have to do anything for me, Discord," she said with a smile. "You've been so sweet to me, I'd like to treat you sometime!"
"Come now, your birth was a great enough treat! Now eat up! I have lots more planned for your special day!"
He vanished and returned once she had finished eating, which of course she had quickly enough that she had gotten the hiccups. The next thing she knew she was dressed in a robe and sitting in a sauna. Discord, wearing a pink fluffy robe, stretched out beside her.
"Ah, nothing like a good steam bath to help you forget your troubles."
"When did we get a sauna?" Fluttershy chuckled.
He raised his paw. "Relax, my dear! Unwind yourself!"
Now that she thought about it, she had not been in a sauna since her last get-together with Rarity. Her chance to relax was long overdue. So Fluttershy closed her eyes and leaned her back against the wall, letting the steam sink into her skin. How lovely it graced her once it got past her coat... In a quarter of an hour, she opened her eyes to see Discord staring down at her with a wide grin on his face.
"What?" she said.
Discord straightened up. "Nothing! I just…"
"Maybe we've been in here for too long. You're sweating."
"You're supposed to-"
"Yes! On to the next part of the treatment!"
A snap of his fingers transformed the sauna into a bath of a gooey green substance. Fluttershy recognized it as the crystal mud from the Crystal Empire. She had not had the chance to try it while she was there, and sitting in it now confirmed that it was as refreshing as Cadence had said. She laughed as she remembered that day when they were welcoming the inspector for the Equestria Games, only to find out that they had gotten the wrong pony. She and her friends had always wound up in the craziest of situations.
Discord was confused as her sudden laughter turned into a frown.
"What's wrong, my dear? Is the mud too warm?"
"No," Fluttershy sighed. It's nothing, really."
He snapped his fingers. "I know what you need! A massage!"
The mud bath disappeared, and Fluttershy found herself lying on a massage table.
"Really Discord, none of this is necessary, I just want…"
She trailed off as she felt the draconequus' hands gently rub her shoulders. In a second, her eyelids slid shut as she relaxed on the table.
"If it troubles you then you should spit it out! I'd say it's something rather than nothing when it's your birthday."
Fluttershy was about to answer, but was lulled by his tender touch that all that came out was a sigh. After massaging her for half an hour, Discord teleported them both to the gazebo.
"Now for your gift."
Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. "The spa treatment wasn't it?"
"No, that was a bonus. I have something more special in mind."
He seated her on a bench and lifted the ring around her neck.
"I'll bet this thing has given you some distress."
"A little," she muttered.
She had nearly forgotten she was still wearing that.
"Well, I just want you to know that…I don't want you to feel like you're being forced into this, and…for what it's worth…I…I can't imagine being with any other pony, so…"
He curled around her and pointed a gleaming finger to the ring, engraving words into it. Once the writing had stopped glowing, Fluttershy squinted to read it.
"To my one and only Fluttershy." She blinked. "I…I don't know what to say."
"Id like you know if you..."
He couldn't do it. Not with her eyes glinting with joy.
He teleported in front of her with a birthday cake in his hands. It was a proper red velvet, sweet and buttery like a southern treat, chocolate enhancing every note, without overpowering them. A hint of Hazelnut coffee lined every bite. Paired with a tangy cream cheese it felt like heaven.
"Make a wish!" he exclaimed, holding it out to Fluttershy. "And as it is your birthday, it will be my duty to make it come true!"
That caught her attention. "You promise?"
"Cross my heart," he said, making the gesture.
Fluttershy closed her eyes and blew out the candles.
"So what will it be, my sweet?"
She puffed her chest.
"I wish to visit my friends."
As she had predicted, Discord's face fell. "Sweetheart, I thought we talked about this…"
She crossed her hooves. "No, we haven't. And I think it's time we did."
He laughed nervously. "Isn't there something else you'd like?"
Fluttershy shook her head. "I want to visit my friends, nothing more, nothing less."
He set the cake down and laid his hands on her shoulders. "Darling…" She turned her head from him. "I can't overturn the law-"
She hovered over him. "You promised you would grant whatever wish I made!"
"and I will! But-"
"Then why?!" She spun around, revealing her water filled eyes. "Why won't you let me see my friends?"
He furrowed his brows. Discord felt a pang throughout his thought to his chest.
Her commanding then turned into begging. "Please? Just for the day? I promise I'll come right back, and if I don't, you can bring me back with your magic. In fact, you wouldn't have to. You can trust me."
"I do trust you, Fluttershy! More than anypony, but I have to guarantee that your visit stays within the confines of the contract!"
"please, can't we rewrite it?"
He rubbed the back of his neck. "That, and…"
"How about this? Instead of letting me go to them, you'll bring here!"
"I don't know if that counts as foalnapping! Besides, they're not allowed within our territory-"
"Not even for one day? It is my birthday, after all."
"I want to let you see them! I want to give you this one thing! But it's not that simple... "
She lay her hoof on his shoulder.
"or maybe it is. All I know is that I'm not the draconequus I was when I made that deal. And I know that I don't want..."
Fluttershy tilted her head to an angle. "You can tell me."
"some part of me doesn't want them to take you away. Because I know if they convince you to go back and you did it, it wouldn't be because they brainwashed you or whatever. It'd be because you had a reason, and you wanted to. I'm not scared that you'll go back to your life and be happy...I'm terrified of losing my first friend."
His voice cracked gently before he turned his head off the the side and cleared his throat.
"I'm terribly sorry fluttershy, I didn't want to spin your feelings back on ole' me!"
"I promise, we can rework the treaty, and you can come visit me, but we have to have them here. Besides, you never allow my friends to visit, who are my bridesmaids going to be?"
Discord's ears perked up. "Brides…?"
"And I promised Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo they would be my flower girls, and Spike, the ring bearer, and…well, you need some pony to perform the service and Twilight IS the duchess of celestia now…"
"Wait, back up!" he interrupted, facing her. "Are you saying…?"
She inhaled, only allowing a short breath in, and a longer one out. It was circle breathing then,it was muay Thai technique.
"I'd like to marry you, when and only when we rework the deal. I feel like... like we are close enough that we can marry."
Discord was speechless, not believing what he was hearing. This had to be a dream, or at least a trick, but he was awake and Fluttershy was not one to kid. Gosh deal or no deal he'd have to be a complete starchy spud not take up her offer. Marrying his... best friend, never being alone again, giving her anything she could ever want....
She squeaked as he suddenly took her in his arms. "Oh, thank you! You've made me the happiest creature in the world, my dear! Now, do you think I should wear a tux or what? I'm partial to a off the shoulder ball gown, something with lots of ruffles and peacock feathers-"
Fluttershy tried to pull away, but his grip was too strong. "Discord! Sweet! Youre-"
"of course if you do like traditional I can wear a tux, but not any boring- oh! What about a non-west equestria wedding!"
She squealed as he spun her, around like a fancy carousel with strobe lights. He apologized before putting her down, as she giggled and twirled her mane in dizzy. He danced gently.
Pinkie lay dormant on a large circle bed in the boutique. Surrounded by the colors not unlike that of a mallard, mottled with mustard yellows. All the ceiling drapes now caught on the columns, surrounding her like Spanish moss, however below such a flourishing plant still was an extinction. One of natural joy.
"Come on, Pinkie, this is getting ridiculous!" Rainbow exclaimed. "You've been crying for hours! You're gonna flood the place!"
"It's Fluttershy's birthday!" Pinkie cried. "I had a big party planned for her! It was going to be out in her garden! I was going to surprise her!" She pulled out a wrapped gift from under her bed. "I was going to give this to her! Now I'll never know if she'll like it!"
Applejack laid a hoof on her shoulder. "We miss her too, Pinkie, but we just have to accept…"
"How can we accept that our best friend is gone for good? We're never gonna see her again! Worst of all, she's never gonna see her birthday present!"
Suddenly, Spike burped up a letter. When he opened it, he gasped.
"It's Discord again!"
"What?!" every pony shrieked, huddling around him.
"seriously dude, get a fax machine..."
"What does it say, Spike?" Twilight inquired.
The dragon cleared his throat. "You are cordially invited to Fluttershy's birthday party at Discord's castle. Starting now."
The next thing they knew, all nine of them were standing in front of a dark castle.
"What in tarnation!?" Applejack proclaimed.
"Where are we?" Twilight wondered.
Rarity cringed as she looked up at the cottage. "Clearly an area in need of some interior designers."
"This has gotta be Discord's place!" Pinkie exclaimed.
"Oh, well that makes sense."
"It wasn't supposed to!"
Everyone turned around in shock to see the draconequus standing over them. Rainbow Dash looked up in abject horror and slowly fluttered down to the cobblestone path, bolting to rarity's side.
Discord rolled his eyes. "Well, I was going to let you see her, but if that's the way you're going to behave…"
"Slow yer roll there hoss, what's goin on?"
"Didn't you get the invitation?"
He tugged the parchment out of Spike's claw using his magic. Pinkie leaned forward to read it again.
"You mean…?" Her eyes slid down the wall of her skull dropping like a sack of loose muscle. They dilated with anticipation. "BIRTHDAY PARTY!"
As she screamed, she launched into the air and fireworks exploded behind her, creating a visceral display of every possible twitching emotion contained in the word "exitement." Discord scratched his head. How does she do that? Pinkie then rushed to the front door, bursting it open.
"Wha- my door! That's teakwood"
"Discord?" Fluttershy called as she entered the main hall. "Are they…?"
Pinkie tackled her into a hug, giving Fluttershy no chance to escape. The others galloped to her every angle and squeezed her like they would never feel again.
"Fluttershy!" Rarity exclaimed. "You're alright!"
"Girls! Spike!" Fluttershy said, tears coming into her eyes. "I missed you so much! I…" She choked as Pinkie squeezed tighter. "Can't…breathe…"
"Oops!" the pink pony blushed, not very noticeably, backing away with the others. "Sorry, I just can't believe it's you! I thought I'd never see you again and that you'd never get to see what I got you for your birthday…" She gasped dramatically. "Your birthday! Quick, close your eyes!"
"Why do I have to…?"
She was cut off as Pinkie tied a blindfold around her head. "One second!"
Fluttershy heard a few familiar blasts before the cloth was removed. The room was now walled with balloons, streamers and other party decorations.
"How did you…?" she started to ask, but she already knew the answer.
"I never go anywhere without my party cannon!" Pinkie chimed, bringing the object into view.
"oh hey, I love that band!" Discord panted out as he caught up to the six of them and spike.
She strapped a birthday hat onto Fluttershy's head, laughing as the strap poofed her expanse of hair every which way. Pinkie started up the gramophone.
"Let's party! This is my mixtape, I made it when I had that big hide-and-seek birthday bash a few years back!"
The music rang throughout the rooms, funky 8-bit tunes filling the ears with wonder and joy.
But instead of dancing, the ponies fed Fluttershy a million questions.
"Have you been kept safe?" Rarity asked.
"How are the animals?" inquired Applejack.
"How do you not get dizzy in here?" Rainbow questioned, glancing around the distorted room.
"Are you married yet?" Spike asked, looking at the engagement ring. "He seems so different!"
"Does he know pi?!" Pinkie inquired eagerly.
"Whoa, girls!" Twilight exclaimed, silencing them. "Give her some space!"
Fluttershy summed it up. "Yes, he's kept me safe in the forest, and we're not married yet. Actually, Discord's treated me quite well. He's really…sweet."
Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "You've got to be kidding me."
"We brought you here, didn't we?"
Twilight giggled, trying to lighten the mood. "What does it matter? It's Fluttershy's birthday. We should be celebrating!"
The Duchess began her awkward dancing, which everyone stared at for a while. She was so careless and free, she almost resembled that mare from Seingeld. Then they shrugged and danced themselves. In between songs, Fluttershy received updates on every pony's lives.
Rainbow Dash couldn't see her feelings for applejack being requited, so she didn't want to infringe on their friendship and dating status with rarity. Fluttershy snickered as she explained this. How aloof this filly could be! She'll be over the moon if applejack says something!
"sometimes I just see her, and we're cuddling with rarity, and I see the way she looks at her and-GOSH! She makes my heart race like when I'm flying! She's so headstrong and caring, and I just wanna take her out to treat her, y'know? Real classy just for her! wanna surprise her with something hoity toity. Like, hey! I got us a bucket of chicken! Wanna date?"
Fluttershy nearly cackled, "That's not fancy at all!
The blue pegasus rubbed the back of her neck. "It's a self proof thing. I wanna prove I'm the type mare she'd like! Like rarity!"
"I'm sure she likes how different you three are, and you don't have to get fancy for her!" Fluttershy giggled!
"Well," Rarity interjected, "I think this relationship is much sweeter and more genuine than that with blueblood! I just anticipate seeing my mares every day!"
"have you been taking those vitamins rarity?"
"Oh yes! They've worked wonders for my mane! And don't worry, applejack and rainbow dash already know. They were elated! I think I'm really gonna spend my life with them!"
She buried her head in fluttershy's embrace, squealing and tapping her hooves, blushing madly.
Seeing rarity pratter on about her love made spike's heart crumble, and slowly wash together again seeing her smile so hard and celebrate so sporadically that her mane frizzed.
The earth pony glanced at the dragon on the other side of the room, freaking it sensitive style as he watched in bitter-sweet pining. She lay a hoof on his little head, so tender and mild was the baby boy. Her eyes never exceeded the far off gaze.
"it wasn't meant to be spike. But something is. And I can't wait until you find it, Angel boy."
He smiled up at her so burning and gratifyingly, earnest as if to say "her love is my love. Thank you for showing me this."
"Who wants to play Pin the Tail on the Pony?" Pinkie called, throwing a blindfold around Fluttershy's eyes again. "Birthday girl goes first!"
As the afternoon went on, Fluttershy enjoyed her friends' company as they played more games and caught up with one another. One after the other, operation, clue, monopoly, Texas hold'em! It was after the third round of candyland that fluttershy's attention averted to the draconequus cutting it up in the corner.
She excused herself from her friends and flew up to him.
"Thank you, Discord," she said with a smile, "for bringing my friends here."
His expression changed at the sight of her. "You're welcome."
"You don't have to sit here all day. Why don't you join us?"
"I think your friends," he pointed at the ponies, baring his teeth in a way that wasn't anger, but unsureness. Q"would not appreciate that."
She was about to say something when he slid his arm around her. "Have you told them yet?"
Fluttershy blinked. "Told them what?"
He chuckled, playfully twirling the ring on her neck. "Have you really forgotten already?"
She looked down at the ring and blushed. "Oh."
She had been so excited about seeing her friends, she had forgotten the reason they were here in the first place.
"N-no, I…
"We should do it together! We wanted them here?"
"I…it's just…"
They were interrupted by Pinkie, who had bravely approached the draconequus. "Hey, Discord! You wanna play Twister with us?"
He stared at the pink pony, shocked at the invitation and then stood up. "Alright, but I warn you, I'm the world champ!"
Pinkie snorted. "As if!"
"Is that a challenge?"
"Only if you're up for it!"
"Oh, it's on!"
Before following the pony, he turned back to his fiancé. "We have to, to rewrite the deal!"
The ponies erupted in jeers and competitive whoops! Overlapping voices gave way to reveal rainbow's epic shouting.
Only Pinkie, Dash, and twilight were bold enough to go against Discord in Twister. Thanks to his long snake-like body he was able to defeat them with ease. While Pinkie called for best two out of three, Fluttershy pulled Applejack aside. Since she was the one she had confided in before, she felt more confident telling her first.
"I'm glad to see you're gettin' along fine, Shug," the southern pony sighed. "I don't know what you've been doin' the past month, but Discord seems a might different. I'm surprised he let us come here."
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about, Applejack," Fluttershy whispered. "You see, the reason we brought you here is…um…"
"Because it's your birthday?"
"No…well, sort of, really wanted to see you and this was a really special occasion.."
Applejack laid a hoof on her shoulder. "Take it easy, lovebug, Whatever you have to say, say it."
She took a deep breath. "I…I want to rewrite the treaty."
"Oh, um…great?"
"I need you girls at the wedding in the next 12 moons!"
Silence fell over the room and Fluttershy realized that she had shouted that last part. Pinkie fell from her position and Discord pumped his fist.
"Yes! Victory!" He then noticed the glares he was receiving. "Oh, come on, don't be sore losers!"
"You're marrying him in 12 moons?!" Rarity uttered.
"Oh, so you've told them!" He teleported to his fiancé's side and threw his arm around her. "Yes, our big day is in almost two weeks and you're all invited! The four of you can be bridesmaids, the foals can be the flower girls, the dragon can be the ring bear or whatever it is and Princess cranium can perform the service!"
Twilight's jaw dropped in horror. "You want me to…to…marry you two?!"
"You can't do that,I'm marrying her!" He cackled!
"Um, Discord?" Fluttershy said softly. "Could you let me talk to them?
"Oh, sure, go ahead! Who's stopping you?"
"ooh, gotcha!"
Once he had vanished, Fluttershy floated down to her friends.
"That was awfully rude of you."
"Rude?!" every pony exclaimed.
"You're marrying that monster so soon!!" Rarity cried. "How do you expect us to react?"
"But you know I'm engaged to him," Fluttershy pointed out.
"We didn't…" Rainbow stammered. "We didn't expect it to happen now! And…now you want us to be a part of it?!"
"I thought you'd want to come to my wedding."
"Not when it means watching you get married to a monster!"
Fluttershy stomped her hoof defensively, "monster us subjective! And from what I've been shown I know that if he's a monster, than so are we!"
"He took you away from us!"
"It was my decision to come and stay, and I had my bargains respected!"
"how can you be so accepting of this?!"
"Because he's my friend! And he's a good pony! And if I had the choice to spend the rest of my life with anyone else I wouldn't take it, not for a million billion bits!!!"
She trailed off and realized that she had already said too much. Applejack raised an eyebrow at her flushed cheeks, more flushed than usual. She knew that look.
"Are you…in love with him?"
Rarity huffed. "Don't be ridiculous, Applejack, she just said they were best friends!"
"Yeah," Rainbow laughed. "But I call you my best friend by habit sometimes!"
Rarity gasped infiginified
"He's fun and all," Pinkie chimed, "but you can't really-
"Fluttershy, you can't be serious! He tried to take over Equestria! Three times!"
"He practically keeps you prisoner!"
"He threatened the princesses!"
"He beat me at Twister!" Pinkie shouted.
Silence permeated throughout the walls. A hollow and yet shallow steady beat of breath rattled through the baby dragon standing defiantly above the ponies. His chest rose and his head pelted back, as arms rested at his sides, hoisting himself up upon a bench. Fluttershy stuttered,
"So you don't…?"
"I know that in a lotta places, dragons like me would be irredeemable monsters. Heck, some places don't allow us in! And while yeah uh.. few of us are, the one big thing we can use to turn back their path or like, prevent it maybe, is FRIENDSHIP."
Twilight felt the corners of her mouth perk up like they were tied with string, tears pricking her eyes. Her baby boy, her little man, her other half...
He was gonna tell her teachings better than she could one day, and she couldn't be prouder.
"I believe her. Princess Luna can be changed, and love beats up evil. If we don't practice what we preach, then what's the point of being at our friend's birthday?!"
As his valiant words echoed throughout the room, Fluttershy's heart sank. Her friends lost their anger as tears streamed down her face. Twilight held out her hoof.
"Fluttershy, we… I wanna hear what you have to say. I want to hear you out."
Rarity sat back and listened,giving her warmest smile, squeezing spike in adoration. Rainbow flew to her side and quirked her head smirking warmly,and inquisitivly. Applejack rested her head in their laps. Pinkie leapt from her previous position and hugged fluttershy.
"For the record, I think it's a pretty metal story tell your kids. Stretch out that ten minute story for eight years and you can get a sitcom out it." Rainbow commented.
Fluttershy buried her head in her hooves. Betwixt her grasp was a smile that flexed no muscles. Her hair was frizzy and unkempt, her limbs shook like a elm in a drought. Her nerves shot as if through a rivet gun. The queasiness never subsided, her bones were glass and her skin was paper.
She couldn't feel any of it as she embraced her friends.
"you never opened your present..."
"Oh! Of course!"
As she bore into the delicately wrapped gift, revealing to herself a jade and rose quartz comb, etched with love it read, "born to love, live to create." Fluttershy was downright crying at this point, no conclusion she could come up with was coherent enough to exact her spirit.
Fluttershy heard a grunt and looked up to see the draconequus standing over her. Despite the circumstances, she was happy to see him, for now he was here to comfort her. Her joy turned into suspense as she noted the nervous smile cracking across his face. His hands were clenched to the sides, and his eyes were glaring into the scene with remorse.
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theonekrafter · 10 days
hello! i love all your writing so much - your characters are super unique and refreshing, i was so excited when i saw your new naruto si/oc. do you have any fic recs (any fandom)?
TY!! i dont really make rec lists often but here's some now!
(sidenote, i keep almost ALL of my bookmarks public on ao3, so if you ever want to see what i'm reading you can probably find it there)
I'll just stick to naruto recs for now!
Stretch, Fold, Expand by SenjuMizusaya
Kazue has not always been Kazue, but this does not make her less of a Nara, or less of a kunoichi, or less of a sister. Only less gullible. (Semi-SI into the Narutoverse.)
self insert into shikamaru's sister. there's only three chapters right now, but the clan political intrigue is super promising, as well as addressing a lot of canonical sexism.
Fallow Fields by zarinthel
For every rising star that the shinobi world produces, a hundred other geniuses are chewed up and spit out. Seiko crawls out of that grinder, only to find that she still has the rest of her life to face head on.
another si that is named seiko. completely embarrassed that i used the name as well without realizing, especially since this fic is so excellent and i would hate to cramp on the author's style.
a fic that is more focused on a slice of life story than an endless power grind, though the si does get a chance to be badass and awesome.
Glass Marionette by Haunted_Frost
It takes time to process the memories, but by the time Kankuro becomes a student at the Sunagakure Academy, he's certain he knows: he's in the Naruto universe, a village away, and he's standing next to a ticking time bomb at all times. One that he has an unfortunate urge to hug and tuck in for bed. Well, at least he gets to indulge in his inner theater kid with the whole puppet thing. That's a bonus. If he can just manage to wait out the worst of it, he might even become strong enough to make a difference in the upcoming war.
si into kankuro methodically destroys canon and makes a happy ending for people in under 100k words. marvelous, gay, and it's suna centric.
If 3 Reincarnated Ninja Were Fighting a Moon Goddess and One of Them Got Killed With a Rock, Would That Be Fucked Up Or What by mordox
Three random idiots were transmigrated into bodies of Konoha toddlers during the kyuubi attack. Each thinking they’re the only one who remembers a past life, they each try to hide it. Coincidentally, they are all assigned to Hatake Kakashi’s genin team since they were only average academy students and don’t have parents to complain about their children being failed via bell test, which happened with the last three teams he was assigned. What follows is three fools trying to hide their knowledge from each other and their jounin-sensei while desperately trying to reach chunin fast enough that Kakashi can teach the actual team seven, and a jounin-sensei who is very confused by his three genin but has so few (read: zero) points of reference for normal twelve year olds raised during peacetime that he can’t tell if they’re weird or not.
fucking hilarious. i'm not usually into multi-inserts but oh my GOD these three are disasters, and kakashi is just so confused. a series of assumptions from all three PLUS kakashi convincing them all that they're Normal.
"i sure hope no one realizes i just used the acronym PTSD, as in the english letters in the middle of my japanese sentence." "oh, i didn't know PTSD was a term in naruto. wow."
it's like watching a train wreck in slow motion. you can't look away.
The Scorpion and the Frog by zarinthel
Maybe the fate of Uchiha Itachi and the Uchiha Clan could have been changed if Itachi had just had one more family member he could trust -- someone as powerful, invested in Konoha, and devoted to the clan as him. Someone with a little extra knowledge up her sleeve. Unfortunately for Itachi, the Uchiha's abysmal luck with siblings has given him… Kaeru.
another zarinthel fic bc they are a super skilled and i appreciate them. completed fic. a genuinely good subversion of usual si tropes while still making the si op and kick ass. she's just uh. a little mentally ill about it. the entire time. and we love that for her.
THAT'S ALL FOR NOW! i hope you enjoy these!
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bar-les-coucougnes · 11 months
So how's figuring the game out coming along? Any progress on theories? And bonus, how do you think this will end?
well to start with, the more it goes on, the less i understand, so that's the gist of it 👍
jokes aside, spoilers ahead, probably (i'm half convinced i'm just making shit up so im not sure those spoilers are all accurate, lol):
so i know some of it was told and some of it is kind of implied so i'm just going to go through my understanding of the events:
kinzo was in love with a 1st beatrice, who killed herself. then he "made" (using a surrogate mother, maybe? or, idk, he does employ orphans so maybe he could take one from the orphanage and tell them they're beatrice now) another one, 2nd beatrice, who grew up sheltered and wearing "beatrice"'s clothes from the portrait, who rosa met and helped run away, and died on the cliff because well, those are not practical clothes.
it COULD be that the 1st and 2nd one are actually one and the same, and that along the way someone retelling the event (rosa in one case, and i think beato in the other?), was mistaken about some stuff, since you could imagine that the line between "fell of a cliff while running away" and "killed myself to escape that creep" is a bit blurry.
then there's a 3rd beatrice who should be the same age as battler, and who battler, in some way "commited a sin against". i'm going to assume the whole "you didn't have anything to do with beatrice" red truth is because this beatrice was not called beatrice back then. as for the age, since the last beatrice died 19yrs ago, there's no reason to believe kinzo would've "made" a new one until after the death so she might be under 19? if the "making" of beatrice consists of taking small orphans and brainwashing them, i guess he could do that to toddlers and still getting away with it but after 5 or 6 years old, that might be complicated.
going slightly off topic here but when it was explained that he raised beatrice since she was a child, as a father or grandfather, in the hopes that when she grows up, she returns his affections or something? i think that's called grooming
back to 3rd beato and battler, i'm going to guess that battler somehow encountered her when he was like 12, saw her looking all pitiful and stuff and was like "don't worry, just hang tight and i'll come back and save you!" and then promptly fucked off for the next 6 years (classic move). which would explain why she's really mad at him and why he's acting like that when he remembers (though, so far, he hasn't said anything about what he remembers). i'll admit this part is partially because i saw some posts about "something something white horse" (coming to save her on his white horse? they did mention he has some pretty cringy lines as a kid) which is why i can guess that's his promise and that they're about the same age.
as for why he forgot, trauma? plot-convenient amnesia? someone caught up on what he was doing (i can imagine beatrice was somewhere battler wasn't supposed to go) and gave him the beating of his life and he forgot everything in the aftermath? or remembered it as a dream and forgot? actually that does remind me beatrice mentions that after she appears to people, they tend to forget about meeting her (which is why she burned/marked kanon and was it shannon too? so that they could remember the next day that they really did meet her)
also i'm going to be honest, while scrolling past memes and posts about umineko, i did notice that people call beatrice sayo (and this is where it's going to be embarrassing if i'm mistaken and it's just a name that looks like "sayo" and i remembered wrong lol) which is, incidentally, what shannon says is her real name. honestly that doesn't help me much because i'm not sure how that would fit in, exactly. maybe shannon is the 3rd beatrice? maybe she's the 4th beatrice actually and the 3rd one died and that's the real reason why beatrice said nothing happened between battler and beatrice? my head hurts
baby off the cliff: honestly, considering how kinzo moaned about "beatrice! beatrice!" after the servant and baby were pushed off the cliff, i wonder if the baby was going to be beatrice and he was like "fuck, now i have to make a new one"? (maybe that was his way of having beatrice grow up as successor?) i mean yeah the story says the baby is now a "man" but i'm aware that there are trans characters so someone could assume the baby was a boy and then 19 years later, surprise! this is now a beatrice. then again, the opening sequence has a young man with red hair so maybe that guy is the baby from back then. or maybe the baby just died and lambda was fucking around.
rationalizing the witches and demons:
at least for renove and virgilia: one is basically genji (even says at one point that genji's basically his vessel) and the other kumasawa. you could think that, with a bit of imagination, they could turn into "one hell of a butler" demon and "fairy godmother", basically. gaap is how you rationalize misplacing your stuff all the time (hello shannon).
probably missing a lot of stuff but i'd be here until 4am
oh yeah, how do i think it will end? everybody dies and the ghosts move on. i kind of want a happy ending but i'm not sure that's realistic. so i'd rather expect a sad ending and be pleasantly surprised if it's a happy ending :)
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miomines · 2 years
Good sir, may I request but a crumb of platonic yandere Meili and Mingyu with a teenage reader? (Infinite bonus points if the aforementioned reader has absolutely no physical strength or stamina.)
THIS ISNT REALLY YAN IM SORRY- it's also mostly mingyu and tao. i just!! didn't want it to run on too long!! but if u want more yan themes in this universe u can just ask <3 its mostly just a starting point for it ig?? i hope it's ok!!
"Hey, hey don't worry," he raises his hands. "I'm not gonna hurt you."
"Do you expect me to just trust that?" You hiss as you scramble back. Your shoulders hit the wall but he doesn't move from his place by the door.
"No?" He grins sheepishly and shrugs. "It's worth a try. I'm telling the truth though. If I wanted to hurt you, I could've done it when you were passed out."
"That's not a good argument."
"I know. Can you lay on the bed instead? You're gonna hurt yourself more." He keeps his distance even as you glare at him. Even if you don't like it, it calms you. 
It is true that he could have hurt you while you weren't aware of what was happening. You can't even remember where you were before everything went dark. However, after all the harsh treatment that you've received since your arrival it's no surprise that you don't trust easily.
The bed is on the other side of the room. The act of getting there feels much harder than it should be. Bracing yourself against the wall, you drag yourself up to your feet. You wince at the pain that shoots through your body and you shake your head to try and dismiss this. You push yourself off the wall to make your way over to the bed.
You've overestimated your strength as your legs give out nearly instantly. Within a second, your saviour(?) is across the room in a second to save you from falling face first against the floor. He scoops you up in his arms carefully before he gently places you down on the mattress.
"Don't push yourself too much. Ma hasn't been able to heal you fully yet," he mumbles as he pushes your hair out of your face. You can't help but nod as you curl up on your side.
"What's your name?" You ask as you glance up at him. You're wary of him but you're also hesitantly accepting of him.
He grins nervously for some reason and shrugs. "Right now? Call me Tao." He taps the tip of your nose and laughs when you scrunch up your expression. "I'll go get Ma. She's a healer. We tried our best when we found you but neither of us are healers. That's Ma's specialty."
Before you can question who 'we' refers to, Tao has already started making his way out of the room. You watch him as he leaves and you bring a pillow closer to hug it to your chest. You wait for this 'Ma' as you curl up. Even if you know better, you can help but bask in the welcoming environment. For the first time since you've arrived, you have not been scorned and ridiculed at the first glance.
You startle as someone runs their fingers through your hair. You didn't even realise you had drifted off. You blink rapidly and shake your head as you come to be more aware. 
"This is Ma but you can call her Meili if you wanna!" Tao pipes up from behind the woman sitting at the edge of the bed. Meili rolls her eyes as she gently moves you to lie on your back.
"It's nice to see you awake, little one. You looked like you were on the brink of death when I first saw you," she hums as she checks your injuries. You stay quiet as she looks over you and she raises her head to meet your gaze. "I wanted you to be awake so I could heal you. Just in case anything went wrong."
You stiffen as she comes closer and she pauses. You take a glance behind her to Tao and he smiles gently at you. "Ma, can you move a bit?" He says as he leans over her shoulder.
Meili hums and shuffles away from you. Tao takes a seat to your side and offers his hand. You take it and he squeezes it gently before he gestures to Meili. You take a deep breath and close your eyes as she leans closer.
A wave of calmness flows through you, followed by a wave of relief. Your injuries are not completely gone, but it doesn't hurt to just exist anymore. You nearly forgot what it was like to not be in pain that you almost cried in relief. You curl up again, still clutching Tao's hand. You laugh breathlessly when the action doesn't bring you more pain.
One of them starts to run their fingers through your hair as you begin to drift off again. You don't pay much attention to it, even as two voices softly sing a song to you to sleep.
You don't know how long you were asleep but you know that when you wake up, you're alone again. You stretch out and you're delighted to note that the action only brings you the slightest amount of pain. You swing your legs off the edge of the bed and cross the room to open the window.
It looks like it's late morning. Did you sleep the whole night? It's hard to keep track of the time when your memory is fuzzy. You don't even remember where you passed out originally. You watch as a slime in a distance bounces around without a care in the world.
You're startled out of your slime watching as the door clicks open. You look over your shoulder as Tao ducks into the room with a small tray of food. He blinks in surprise at you before he smiles gently.
"You're awake," he hums as he places the tray down on the desk. He pulls out the chair and turns it so it's pointed to the window before gesturing for you to sit. You follow through with his silent request.
Tao places a glass of water in your hands and you smile at him in thanks before you drink it. He smiles gently as he places the food next to you on the desk. He hums quietly as he works and a comfortable silence falls over you two.
He's quieter than he was yesterday, you can't help but notice. When he presses a bowl of what looks like to be a light broth, you look up at him. "Thanks, Tao," you say and you watch curiously as he freezes on the spot.
"Mingyu," he corrects and ruffles your hair. "The whole situation with Tao and I is a bit… complicated. We'll explain when you have healed more and are better adjusted, okay? Call me Mingyu right now and Tao will correct you whenever they're here."
You blink at him owlishly before you nod slowly. Mingyu smiles at you before he takes a glance out the window. "Are you feeling better?" He asks as he keeps a hand on your shoulder. It's a comforting weight to you.
"Yeah!" You nod as you drink the broth. After not eating for so long, it does make sense to start with lighter things first. "Hey, who's the divine one or whatever? Everyone started attacking me because I was impersonating them or something. This is just my face."
Mingyu hums as he leans against the wall, carefully brushing the hair out of your face. "The All-Creator is a deity that is even above Celestia. They are the deity of deities and even the Archons themselves worship them. They have created Teyvat itself and they are most revered."
You wrinkle your nose. "I've never heard that before," you say. It was never in the game. "Why didn't you or Tao attack me then?"
"Unlike everyone else, I don't exactly… worship the Divine One with all my heart," he shrugs. "You are young, yes? You don't even look like an adult. Even if you were willingly impersonating the All-Creator, that doesn't justify attacking someone so young."
You can't help but pout as you glare up at him. It has no real hostility behind it and you can see amusement in his eyes. "I'm not that young," you mumble. "I'm a teenager, not a child."
Mingyu softly laughs before leaning closer. "Can you keep a secret?" He whispers. He continues after you nod, "I've been alive for nearly a hundred years. You are very young compared to me. Mama has been alive for six thousand years. You are definitely a child compared to us."
"Unfair!" You whine. It doesn't help your point but making him laugh makes you feel happy. He ruffles your hair and you just pout playfully and push his hand away. You stick out your tongue at him and turn back to drink the rest of the broth. 
Mingyu takes the bowl from your hands and sets it back on the tray. There's another small bowl with plain rice in it and you reach for it next. He hands it to you without question.
"Tell me," he starts. "Who were the ones to hurt you so much?" You look away as you scoop some rice into your mouth. He waits patiently for your answer.
"I woke up in Inazuma, originally. I don't… It's hard to believe but I didn't come from Teyvat but I knew about it. So I was excited to be there at first…" You trail off with a frown before you distract yourself by eating more rice. Mingyu moves to lean against the back of your chair, starting to brush your hair during the pause.
"I can't tell you the names of everyone… The Shogun noticed my presence at some point. I went from just being insulted in the streets to being attacked. The, uh, Crux Fleet? They weren't aware or they didn't care and they took me to Liyue. They were nice." Even if some of them were slightly cold to you. It was better than being attacked.
"Did you go into Liyue Harbor?" Mingyu asks, his voice soft. You lightly shake your head.
"I learned my lesson from Inazuma. I tried not to gather much attention. It worked until I got to Stone Gate for some reason. I was trying to get to Mondstadt because it's the nation of freedom so I thought I'd be safe there?"
"It wouldn't have worked," Mingyu mumbles as he rests his chin on the top of your head. "From what I've heard, The Shogun sent Morax and Barbatos word of your arrival. On your way to Stone Gate, the adepti probably took notice of you and kept an eye on you. They have issued a nationwide hunt for you."
"..Oh…" You can't help but deflate in your chair. Mingyu moves and kneels down next to you, looking up into your eyes.
"Mama is an adeptus," he starts. "However, her contract with Morax is loose due to their.. history," he scrunches his nose at the word. "They were friends but I don't think she'll tolerate him when she finds out about the hunt for you."
You say nothing as you stare at him. Mingyu smiles sadly at you, raising a hand to rub his thumb along your cheekbone. "I'll protect you. I've never followed the archons much anyways."
Mingyu stands and takes the half eaten bowl of rice out of your hands. He places it on the tray before he scoops you up easily. You stay silent as he places you back on your- the bed. 
"The Divine Creator is said to bleed gold," he says as he thumbs the bandages around your wrist. "Have you seen your blood? I did. I don't know how anyone else missed it."
"What do you mean?" You croak out and he smiles at you.
"They missed the golden ichor that flows through you. You are being hunted by people who are supposed to love you. You don't have the memories of being the Divine One, but I recognize you." Mingyu sighs as he pulls the blanket over you and leans over to kiss your forehead.
"Funny, isn't it? I never worshipped you or loved you as much as the others. Yet I am the one to save you," he hums and turns his head to look out the window. "I don't really care about your divine powers. When I look at you, I see myself before I met Tao. I see a child in need of help."
You continue staying silent as he looks back to you. Mingyu takes your hand and squeezes it. When he looks at you, it feels like he's looking through you and seeing everything. How can you be the Divine One when it feels like he's the one who knows everything?
"Tao saved me and protected me. I hope to be the same figure to you as they were to me. I promise to keep you safe."
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charliedawn · 3 years
What is their reaction when they find out that they may have grown attached to you ?
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You know how Jason can be very insecure and self-conscious ? Well. Prepare for a whole new level. He will check himself in the mirror when you're not looking, and if he doesn't like what he is seeing ? He will smash the mirror and go in a corner to sit and move back and forth, to give himself some reassurance. He still remembers what his mother used to tell him.
" Persons are a nuisance, Jason. You don't need them to survive."
But then, why does he feel like he needs you ? He feels conflicted as to what to believe.
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Super jumpy ! He will jump almost every time you touch him or lose his grip of the things he is holding, often ending broken and splattered on the floor. He would be as clumsy as Jason and would want you to spend more time with him. However, he would also be scared of you breaking his heart.
" I..I c..care.."
Like many of your patients, Brahms has trouble finding his words. At first, many thought he was mute, like Jason or Michael. This is why hearing him speak to you always means it is important.
" I..I care.."
He wants to say many things, how he cherishes every moment you spend together, how you make his heart race everytime you are near him or how he wants you to be by his side forever..But, he can't. He can just hope that what he feels can be expressed through eye contact. You may not understand what he wants to say, but you still try to understand. You put your hand on his and reply with a compassionate smile.
" I care about you too. You are a very good friend, Brahms.."
Did you just indirectly friendzone him ? Possibly..You walk out and Brahms sighs before sitting on his bed while hugging his doll to comfort him.
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" You turn me on."
He will be absolutely frank about it. He will just step up and tell you in front of anyone. He doesn't give a damn if the others hear him as well. Also, creep alert, will watch you sleep. He will sneak in your bedroom in the middle of the night and just look at you sleep. He wants to touch you so bad, but he knows that that would wake you up. And he doesn't want that. He will just admire you from afar, even pretend that you may like him back. He would just want to get close to you, to look at you and wonder what you may be dreaming about..hoping that you are dreaming of him.
" Oh my sweet..You look so perfect when you sleep.."
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Now..You know how Five is very serious about his relationship with Dolores ? Well, you better be prepared by lots of imaginary fights between the two of them, and even a break-up ! *gasp* Drama. He would be in a very bad mood and would scream and attack everyone that approaches his personal space. He would also smash everything in his room. Like, everything. So much that the other nurses would be too scared of him and ask you to handle it.
" Hey. Are you okay, Five ? Did something happen ?"
He would snort and look up at you with visible frustration.
" You happened. Dolores and I broke up. Not that she was one to share her feelings anyway."
You frown in incomprehension before asking with a small airy laugh.
" I don't understand, what does that have to do with me ?"
Your question seems to trigger a nerve and he suddenly stands up to look at you dead in the eye with anger and, somehow, pain..
" Everything ! You're too nice ! Too forgiving ! Too perfect ! You wiped our past as if it was nothing, goddammit ! We're serial killers, Y/N! We're monsters and you treat us as if we were..as if we were.."
He doesn't get to finish that sentence as he seems on the verge of tears. He jumps on his bed to sit and hide his face behind his knees. You seem to finally understand the problem and sigh before sitting next to Five.
" It's okay to have feelings, Five. You can't hide them forever. I'm sorry if it upsets you but, I don't think you're all that bad. Sure, you kill and even eat people. But, I've seen you change. You are a lot less violent and a few more months ? And I'm sure you'll be out of here in no time."
He looks up at you again with a sort of desperation, very uncharacteristic of Five, before finally asking in a tearful voice.
" What if..What if I don't want to go back ? Out there, I'm just a freak. But, here ? I got.."
He doesn't finish his sentence, but you guess what he is going to say and smile understandingly.
"..Friends ?"
He doesn't answer, he only suddenly hugs you tightly and hides his face in your skirt. You hesitate before slowly petting the top of his head affectionately. The gesture seems to relax him, but he quickly straightens up and wipes his tears away. He then stands up and apologizes.
" I..I'm sorry, it was highly inappropriate of me. I'll..I'll let you work."
Before you could say anything, he runs out of the room and leaves you confused and worried.
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Lots of uncontrollable laughter. More than usual. He is very nervous when you're around him and sometimes cries while laughing, showing that he is deeply ashamed of his condition. He is very bipolar and will sometimes act very casually around you, only to break into tears when you leave the room. He will stare at you and turn his gaze away as soon as you would notice.
" Well, would you look at that ? Sir Sh*tty the clown seems to have a little crush on the nice nurse.."
Pennywise would tease him about it while Penny cackles behind him. Arthur glares at them both before either ignoring them or leaving the room.
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No. Nope. Certainly not. He will try to hide from you. He knows very well what he is feeling, and also what happens to the people he feels this way towards. He just managed to get rid of his curse, he is not about to risk getting on a murder rampage again ! Every time he would see you, he would pretend to be busy or hide. One time, he even jumped out the window to get away from you. It is very odd since Michael is normally the most chill and calm out of all the patients. But one look at you ? And he becomes a panicking mess. He has to get away. He doesn't want to hurt you like he hurt everyone else close to him, like he hurt his family..
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" Me ? Having feelings ? Ah !"
One word: denial. He doesn't want to hear about things like feelings. He saved you ? Bah. It was only because he was bored. He will deny everything, but still follow you and pop up out of nowhere to see what you're doing. He enjoys talking to you, even if he doesn't want to admit it.
" Pennywise..You're staring again."
Penny would gently warn him as his big brother would pretend to not have done such a thing.
" Can't an old clown appreciate to look at nice things sometimes ?"
Penny frowns, not understanding his big brother's words until Freddy intervenes by popping next to him with a huge grin.
" Let it go, kid. Your big bro is just too much of a chicken to go talk to her.."
Pennywise growls in annoyance at Freddy before raising his middle finger at him.
" F*ck off Freddy ! At least I don't watch her sleep like a total perv !"
That would result in a fight that you would have to break. Again..
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" Pennywise..I think I'm sick.."
Pennywise would admit some day to Pennywise that would sigh in annoyance.
" Stop saying stupid sh*t. You know very well that we can't be sick."
But, upon seeing the devastated face of his brother, Pennywise sighs loudly before turning towards him to focus his whole attention on him.
" Fiiinnneee...Tell me."
Penny's mood seems to lit up as his brother seems to be willing to listen to him.
" OK, so it concerns the nurse, Y/N. Everytime they are near me, I feel things in my stomach, like a million kids were kicking me in there..Everytime they touch me, I feel as if a part of me in my chest is about to burst and I feel warm, very very warm. And then, I feel very very bad when they talk to anyone else..It's horrible. I want it to stop..Should I eat them ?"
Pennywise stays silent for a while before saying with an unusual straight face.
" Penny.."
He starts, but Penny starts panicking as he sees the sour look on his brother's face.
" Oh ! It's bad, isn't it ?! What is it ?! How long do I have ?!"
Pennywise rolls his eyes dramatically at his brother's exaggerated reaction before cutting him off in his worried questions.
" Shut up, you idiot ! You're not dying. You're just feeling.."things" for them."
Penny stops talking and frowns in confusion, his eyes diverging in deep concentration, as if trying to understand Pennywise's words.
" Things ?! What things ?!"
He finally asks with his eyes wide open in obvious loss and Pennywise face-palms himself before answering with a loud sigh.
" You're falling in love, you dumb f*ck !"
At the word, Penny's face freezes and his smile goes downwards as he realizes that his older brother is right.
" Oh, sh*t.."
He curses and Pennywise frowns, as Penny hates curses.
" Language ! I'm the only one allowed to use curses, remember ?!"
Penny nods before asking in a worried tone.
" How do I get rid of it ? I don't like it.."
Pennywise can't help but feel sorry for Penny, as he knew better than anyone that there was no turning back..
" I'm sorry kid. But if it's really love ? You can't..like I can't.."
Penny's eyes widen at his brother's confession.
" You..You..love her too ?"
Pennywise seems to realize what he just said and groans before walking away. He didn't want anyone to know, even though Penny is his brother. Penny understands the wish of his brother to be left alone and starts walking out in the garden to think over what his older brother said..Could it be ? Could he really be falling in love ?
Bonus : The deal
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The Horde is blindfolded and dragged to another room where a man and a woman are waiting for them. At first look, he can already tell that this man is one of the unworthy. The unbroken. The weak..His interest is cut short and he then turns towards the woman sitting next to him. Now, this one was interesting..Her eyes betrayed a much deeper complexity and she had a scar running from her forehead to her left cheek that proved she was worthy.
" You..You are broken. Rejoice.."
The woman smiles, but before she could start talking, her partner does it for her.
" Mister Wendell Crumb, we have a mission for you."
But Kevin only grits his teeths at the man.
" You are impure..I want to kill you.."
The man arks an eyebrow, but ignores his threat.
" Fine. Whatever. But first, I want you to be my spy. We didn't get you out of this prison for nothing, mister Wendell Crumb. We want you to be our little spy in the facility. We want you to find out how a certain miss L/N managed to control the patients outside of the facility. Do that, and you'll be as free as a bird..Do we have a deal ?"
He frowns, they wanted him to spy on a nurse ? She must be quite special for them to go to such lengths, to use him as a spy..Yes, quite the unique prey. The Beast was already impatient and Kevin licks his lips before nodding.
" Fine, but on one condition. When you're finished with her, I get to eat her heart.."
The request seems to take the man aback, but it is the lady that Kevin is looking at. She smiles coldly before nodding in agreement.
" Deal."
Kevin finally smiles widely and can't help the excited giggle that gets out from deep within him. Then, the dark and low voice of the beast makes itself heard as the smile grows almost ferocious as he announces. .
" Let the hunt begin.."
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healpeony · 3 years
Can you write a Levi x female!reader story with prompt 70 where his s/o is pregnant and goes into labor when Hange is off on a research expedition, so Levi has to deliver the baby with only his squad for assistance? Bonus points if someone on Levi Squad faints in the process!
First born child
Levi Ackerman x pregnant!reader
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Hello dear anon!, So before I start I want to tell you that I have no idea how giving birth works, but I'll try my best. It would prob be easy since in old times they did it differently, so I hope you enjoy this!
They/Them pronouns for Hange/Hanji
#70 “You cursed me with this!”
Warnings; cussing, labor, someone fainting?, Spoilers
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The pain was unbearable, y/n thought it was never going to end. She couldn't remember exactly how she ended up in this situation with sweat dripping down her forehead, whines coming out of her mouth, while the inexperienced soldiers ran in and out of the room looking for whatever Levi needed.
Hange was in a research expedition, and y/n regretted telling them that it was ok to go. Y/n obviously didn't know that it would be the day that her baby was finally wanting to get out.
“Levi!, It fucking hurts! Get it out” she yelled at him, her face turning red
“Calm down, ok?” he responded, not really expecting an answer
Levi didn't know if he was telling himself or her to calm down, he was so nervous. What if he did something wrong and ended up hurting his wife and baby?
He shaked the possibilities out of his head focusing on the positive, his baby was finally going to be born.
Well that made him more nervous, more questions forming in his mind, all of them connecting to what he asked himself when y/n told him she was pregnant.
What if he wasn't a good father?
His mother raised him, he didn't really had a father figure apart from his uncle Kenny (if you could call a man who teaches you how to beat the shit out of someone a father figure).
Levi was taken out of his thoughts by Eren coming over with the medical stuff he needed, he took them all putting them on the bed, and look back at his wife taking a deep breath.
She was already in the right position, just ready to be told to start pushing.
“Okay Y/n, listen closely.” He said grabbing her attention “Take a deep breath and then I want you to push with all you got when I get to 3 ok?”
She nodded, not being able to form any words doing as told and taking a deep breath before Levi started counting.
A scream came out of her mouth as she pushed with all she got like Levi told her. It hurt so much more than before.
Historia came over grabbing her hand, while Sasha also went over and grabbed the other hand.
“Come on, y/n!” said Sasha cheerfully “You can do this after everything is over we can go and eat all we want in the kitchen”
Typical Sasha, always thinking of food. Y/n would have laughed in any other situation, but right now she felt like she couldn't even breath properly.
“You're gonna do that again” Levi said
Historia squeeze her hand
Y/n pushed, her scream coming out louder than before.
Again Y/n pushed leaving her breathless
“This is your fault Levi!, You cursed me with this!” Y/n yell
“calm down, women!” Levi responded back
After some more strong (and tireing) pushes, Levi could finally see the head.
“The baby it's almost here Y/n, just a few more okay?” Levi said, trying to encourage her
Y/n nodded relieved that this was gonna end soon, while Levi put his hand, in the back of the baby's head.
A cry filled the room, making Y/n eyes feel with happy tears.
“It's a girl” Levi said, he too had teary eyes but he was not going to cry infront of his squad members
Jean who had sweat dripping down his face felt relief washing over his entire body before he fainted.
Everybody turn to look at his body laying on the floor, except for Y/n who couldn't even move a muscle.
“Idiot” Levi murmured, before holding his child incredibility carefully to clean her up before giving her to her mother.
“Omg can I carry her!” Sasha said letting go of Y/n hand and going to where Levi was cleaning his baby with towel
“No.” he said, continuing with cleaning his daughter “Filthy” he said to the baby who had calm down from all the crying
“Are you calling our daughter filthy?” y/n asked tiredly
Levi ignore her, putting a little blanket around his little girl and finally walking over to his wife.
Y/n immediately sit up despite the pain in her lower region, leaning on all the pillows behind her back she stretched her arms out for Levi to give the baby girl to her.
After Levi carefully passed the baby to her, y/n looked at her little face noticing that all the features looked familiar to Levi's, but she had her skin color.
“She looks just like you” she whispered
Levi watched them, this was the cutest thing he had ever witness (not that he was going to admit it).
The little girl moved her arms, her little eyes opening revealing that grey color who y/n loved so much, Levi was shocked that she had his eyes.
“She looks absolutely beautiful, Captain Levi” Said Historia
Levi and Y/n both look up, and realized that the teenagers were still there all around the bed looking at the fragile looking creature in one of their superiors arms.
“Yeah, she does” Levi said
Even though Y/n loved the sight of her first born daughter in her arms, she was sure that she never wanted to have another one and if she does, Hange wasn't going to be in a research expedition for those entire 9 months.
I liked writing this!, Thank you so much for the request I loved! If you don't like it that's ok! Well have a good day/night/evening! (Sorry for any spelling mistakes)
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nonokoko13 · 3 years
SXF Chapters 49-51
It has been a long time since I made a recap, but I wanted to wait until the arc had enough info to give my opinion about.
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Starting with the sub plot of the Forgers, all I have to say it's that it was well constructed.
While Yor protects Olka and Gram, she subconsciously wishes to be with Loid and Anya, but wonders what she's going to do next. Not only about her job, but about her role as Forger: she accepted being Loid's wife to not worry Yuri, then she caught herself feeling threatened by Fiona enough to consider the murder for one moment.
As well as Loid, she got carried away by her feelings to the point she forgot why she was being there, as Forger and assassin, to begin with. After her talk with Yuri in chapter 44 she realized that her main goal was finished; Yuri has already grown up and she doesn't need to be a hitman to support anyone economically. But she has being an assassin for a long time and she somehow takes pride in what she does. Probably that pride will be supported by this arc if she saves Olka, Gram and Zeb.
The dilemma is complicated: she enjoys being part of this family, however, she remembers it's a facade. Being assassin has made possible the survival of her and Yuri, and she believes it helps to clean the streets of people who can harm the new world the peace has created, although it carries many consequences to her life and those around her.
One day she could have to choose a path, but she can't tell her family what she does in order to protect them and because she may be afraid of them leaving her. Mr. Forger or Thorn Princess? Maybe both?
Loid is in a similar situation: with a job he knows he helps others, getting off guard by his feelings towards his family and unable to tell them or understand Anya. I'm 100% sure he never had to face a mission that include taking care of a child, less raise one. Because of Anya's telepathy she knows what happens around her, but he doesn't; this leads him to misunderstands her attitude and think the worse.
At first he tries to act like a normal, good dad, getting as answer harsh words. In chapter 50 he cools down and return to his Twilight side for round two, failing again until Anya calms him down. Meanwhile Anya has another conflict: as any child would do she decided to obtain the tickets to have fun, believing she can help Ma on her mission.
Although she still wants to, I think it's clear in some panels that she's realized her selfishness and now she wants to help Ma to compensate it. After all, imagine being at her shoes: having parents who hide their identities from each other and put both on a cruise while your mother is on a mission that could doomed your family if your father finds out this would be a really bad thing, and the fault of this was because of her.
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But she's so focused on helping Yor she forgets about Loid's feelings after all those reactions coming from her frustration that she paid with him.
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Zeb and Olka, although being on screen for short time, have a good presentation. She's just a woman caught in the crossfire of a conflict between mafia groups, paid with the loss of her husband and all her sons except Gram.
Seen from afar her desire of a normal life, she's in this because she was born the daughter of a mobster, although her group may not be as bloody as one would think about mafia. I find curious the parallels between Olka and Yor: Olka didn't choose her family, fell in love with a man and became mother because of this love; Yor chose that life because of her family, became wife and mother because of it and probably it's her love towards Anya that will keep her in the family until she falls for Loid.
Zeb is the childhood friend that fell for the "bad guy" 's daughter and stayed by her side because his loyalty to her and the family that helped him become the man he's today. A coward and apparently dumb nice guy, he maybe is not qualified to protect her but knows Olka well enough to know how to reassure her, even if it means making a fool of him. I'm sorry for Olka, but I hope they get safe and someday his feelings are reciprocated.
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The informant has his own problems too. It seems not all assassins respect the client-provider relationship, it's a rough job where anyone is expendable. Will he be able to scape from the boat without being killed? Will we know more about him? Only time will tell
Giving his grey morality I'd like him to survive. He already stated he gives information to who pays better so he could be a good ally or a minor antagonist.
About the chapters, this arc had been felt slow to me. However, the arc is constructed to present many things and for that Endo needs to take his time. Along with the biweekly updates the dynamic action scenes that seem short it's why the pace feels slow.
However, whether it's good for ones or bad for others, this arc is important to the story's development and I prefer that Endo doesn't overwork so I'll wait patiently to have a further understanding of how this arc contributes to the general plot.
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Next chapter comes the day after my birthday. I can't wait!
+ Bonus
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"A different frequency than the secret police's line". Loid's aware of the informant's transmitters placed all over the boat, mistaken them with the secret police aboard, which it doesn't need to be entirely wrong. How it would have been the arc if Yuri would have been there too? It's a good writing idea
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Talking about romance, someone's going to propose. Wish you the best buddy!
That's all. Bye!
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stanzoeywade · 3 years
Tiptoe - Poppy x MC
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Taglist: @somewillwin @uhh-the-green-thing @jmojellybae @simp-pony @made-me-deep-blue @uselesslesbianfr @it-lives-in-braidwood-manor @belvoiresqueenbee @alexlabhont @samanthadalton @crazzyplays @sparring-hyena @baexpoppy @cloakanddaggerthings
Summary: Poppy and MC meet in summer and they were dating but broke it off, not related to free falling dhaisja don't ask about ch3 idk either.
A/N: uhm hi I've been a ghost for like months lol but I heard from a little birdie that queen b is coming back in September and I'm so ready to clown for my wife Poppy again. Based on song below which is a bop. I also did not check my spelling or grammar I die like a dumbass. My one braincell would like to thank u all and Gabi for this fic 💗
There's hardly anything in this world that captivates you, until you see her. Her flawless skin, her blonde hair and those deep chocolate orbs that you just want to stare at and drown in forever. Who knew such a beauty existed? It boggles you to know that the Min-Sinclair heiress is perfect. One might say that you're jealous but deep down you know that's not the case. Jealousy? No, it's not jealousy, you're enthralled by her. It's not even because of how fucking gorgeous she looks, it runs deeper than that. There's just this weird sense of kinship that you feel when you look at her. She's more than the ranking, she's vulnerable and actually cares, something you saw when you went to the animal shelter.
The way her eyes sparkled when she saw the rescue animals, the way her mouth curved into that gentle smile. Who knew the queen bee of Belvoire had a heart? Her vulnerability is further shown when you realise that the golden girl of Belvoire has her own scars, her pride a by-product of the hurt caused by family and so called friends.
Having seen the forefront of it all, Belvoire is cutthroat. Everything matters, the clothes you wear, your family name. It's a free for all, no one cares who gets burned, low blows exchanged, it's all a big mind game and those who fall under pressure lose not just their reputation but everything they have worked for. But apart from all of that, she's still the first thing that makes you smile.
It's damning, the way your mind and heart races at the thought of Poppy. The way her eyes light up when she flashes that gentle smile, where one look is all it takes to make your knees weak and the blood rushing up your cheeks. You've never seen such a beauty, her smile is like a soft ray of sunshine, warming you up. However, she's also as mysterious as the moon, especially since she acts so sweet and the next minute she's as cold as ever. It's enough to give you whiplash.
Such gentle and delicate features, yet her personality is as fiery as the sun, I guess it's true what they say, the sun is beautiful yet staring at it can become painful.
It's confusing as to why Rosie's fallen so hard for Poppy, they've been rivals from the start, with each other's goal to come out on top. Things have definitely changed after the night they slept together, Poppy's words have no actual bite to them. If she were brave enough Rosie would've called Poppy out on it, but she's so confused on where they stand that she doesn't want to risk this newfound "friendship" if one can even call it that.
It suddenly hits Rosie like a brick. 'Wait, has Poppy been courting me in her own weird way or am I imagining shit?' She becomes more confused as Poppy seems to stare at her longer than she ever did, sometimes Rosie would meet eyes with Poppy who seems to have a longing stare as if she has so much to convey yet has no courage to do so. Sometimes it gets to the point where Poppy blushes after she realises that both of them have been staring at each other for too long. Both of them being a flustered and blushing mess, looking away as if they've been burned from getting too close to a fire.
Most people in Belvoire would argue that its not longing and wistful glances that the two are exchanging, they'd say that those were intense glares formed from the ongoing rivalry that the two have established in public, but anyone who personally knows Poppy and Rosie would say differently. There's also an ongoing bet between the students of the school. Some argue that Poppy and Rosie are secretly dating whilst the rest argue that they absolutely loathe each other and the ongoing stares are to intimidate each other to give in and leave Belvoire.
Zoey and Veronica are secretly in cahoots in which they bet that the two are definitely dating or in Veronica's words "those two are definitely fucking" which earns her a fond smile as well as a roll of the eyes from Zoey. Chloe suspects something between Poppy and Rosie, considering they genuinely don't seem to put energy behind the insults they throw at each other. She doesn't think that the two are lovers but she definitely thinks that they're secretly friends.
It's not until Veronica sees Rosie wink at Poppy when she thought nobody was looking, and she was certain that the blonde would glare at Rosie but imagine her surprise when Poppy flirts back by winking back. In which she's all too excited to text Zoey about. "Omfg bitch, you won't believe what I saw today, like holy fuck the two gays were flirting when they thought no one was looking." All she gets in response from Zoey was "show receipts pls."
Rosie can feel herself falling for Poppy, both of them know that things have changed. Neither seem too interested in fighting and when they do argue, it's all for show, after all no one knows that they're secretly pining after each other. She suddenly remembers how they met.
Being relatively new to New York, Rosie was eager to meet new people and what better way to start off than hooking up with strangers from a random bar? After all, the city was big and it's been a while. As soon as she arrived someone immediately caught her attention. One Poppy Min-Sinclair, dressed to the nines, she was definitely Rosie's type. Not really expecting anything Rosie struts towards her, in hopes of beginning a conversation.
At first Poppy seemed uninterested, scoffing and she felt a presence near her. She didn't really want to deal with anyone considering they're usually just random guys who wanted to hook up in the bathrooms or worse they're drunk as fuck trying to flirt with her. However, imagine her surprise when she looks at the person that dared to sit by her. Poppy would be lying if she said that the girl in front of her wasn't her type. She seemed sweet, and had a gentle smile. It was also a bonus that the girl seemed to know how to dress herself.
When their eyes met, there was this lightning spark that just fit into place, the two had chemistry. It was undeniable, the two just knew how to push and pull. The banter was there, so was the attraction.
Poppy wasn't shy about showing her attraction, obviously checking Rosie out, which earns her a low chuckle from the other girl. "At least buy me dinner first before you undress me with you eyes?" said Rosie with mirth dancing around her eyes, whilst Poppy just laughs, soft and languidly slow. At which point Rosie knew she was screwed, the blonde in front of her looked like she just walked out of the runway, and her laugh was definitely something Rosie wanted to hear more of.
She's pulled out of her epiphany once Poppy speaks, voice sultry and pulling Rosie in like a siren. "My name is Poppy Min-Sinclair, and I do what I want sweetheart." The confidence she exudes is shown in her voices. It's addicting the way the blonde presents herself, every move calculated and poised. Every word that leaves her lips is deliberate and elegant in her own unique way. If she was in her right mind, Rosie would've been terrified by how enraptured she was by this girl in front of her.
Rosie wasn't one to back down from a challenge therefore she decides to tease the girl in front of her. "Is your name supposed to be important? I've never heard of it. Anyways, since you've introduced yourself so nicely, my name's Rosie." Poppy just raises an eyebrow at her semi-surprised that the other girl hasn't heard of her. "Sorry babe, the whole world doesn't revolve around you." said Rosie with a cheeky smile and wink and before Poppy can retort Rosie finishes off by saying "but it definitely should revolve around you, I mean look at you, you're mesmerising."
If it were any other person, Poppy would have definitely rolled her eyes and walked away, but Rosie seemed to mean it. The other girl definitely looked like she wore her heart on her sleeve, and it was just so damn endearing that Poppy, against her usual M.O., she decides to stay and talk to the other girl. 'She looks cute enough, but if she's gonna be annoying then I'll just ditch her later.' thought Poppy.
Both women were intrigued by each other, and one thing led to another. Before they knew it they were together in a hotel room. Neither of them cared about who made the move first, all they knew was that they had to have each other one way or the other.
Despite her pent up desire and lust, Poppy still cared about her reputation, after all even if she was on break it didn't mean she can be careless, plus she didn't exactly want to expose Rosie to Belvoire's dirty laundry, the girl seemed nice enough and Poppy wasn't about to mess with this girl. Sure she's a fucking bitch but that doesn't mean she wants people to suffer because of her unless they've wronged her or any of her friends in some way. She's petty but she's not that petty.
God knows Belvoire is a shithole.
They're definitely closer than what should be conceived as acceptable, considering Rosie is literally one step away from kissing Poppy. Not like either of then cared considering they were too focused on each other to pay attention to their surroundings. It's only when the bartender coughs that the two pull away from each other as if taken out of their seemingly lulled state.
Rosie's about to say goodbye, considering the blonde seems like she's torn between leaving or staying, but she's caught by surprise when Poppy yanks her arm back. "Where do you think you're going, little lamb? I didn't say I was done with you yet." The way it was said was enough to make Rosie shiver. The way the Min-Sinclair heiress said it so confidently, it didn't help that she looked to be the epitome of lust and desire at that moment, but from then on Rosie knew she was fucked, both literally and figuratively.
Before she knew it she was pulled into a car headed to the nearest luxury hotel, which just so happens to be a presidential suite at The Ritz. Rosie didn't show but she was shocked. She knew the girl was rich, I mean come on her clothes are fresh off the runway and the blonde exuded power and wealth. But this was like a bucket of ice water being dropped on Rosie's head, this was definitely something she wasn't expecting.
She's taken aback by the inside of the hotel suite, she expected it to be fancy, but nothing could prepare her for the plush king sized bed, as well as the overall layout of the room. It looks like something straight out of an IKEA magazine, Rosie can't help but think.
"Well, are you just going to stand there or are we actually going to fuck?" says Poppy. Rosie is taken aback from how bluntly Poppy put it. Speaking of which, the blonde girl is already half way through removing her clothes. She couldn't help the gasp that escapes her as she gawks at Poppy and the way her body looks so perfect, unblemished milky white skin that looks so soft, all Rosie could think of is leaving marks in her wake. She licks her lips in anticipation as Poppy gives her the come hither gesture, and Rosie is immediately lured in, like a moth drawn to a flame.
Her hands immediately raise up, helping Poppy out of her clothes, until all that remains is Poppy's underwear. Her eyes scan Poppy's body and out of the corner of her eye she can see Poppy's satisfied smile. Rosie is pulled in, her body pulled in flush against Poppy. Her eyes dart over to Poppy's lips as she leans in to kiss Poppy. A hand covers her mouth as she hears "Not yet Hughes, it's unfair if I'm the only one in my underwear."
Rosie's ears are definitely bright red at this point and she's pretty sure that her whole body is flushed, but she gives Poppy a show as she takes each article of clothing slowly, piece by piece as if testing Poppy's already short patience. As she takes her blouse off, Poppy's staring at her so intensely she can feel her legs wobble. The look conveying an unspoken promise. It's enough to make her a little self conscious, but her confidence is regained as soon as she sees how flushed Poppy is. It also helped that she saw Poppy gulp, looking at her like she's the only thing in the world. "See something you like, Min-Sinclair?" she can't help but tease and the blonde rolls her eyes.
"You were doing so well until you started speaking. Just get your ass over here. I'm not used to waiting for things I want." said Poppy. Rosie struts over to Poppy.
She's immediately back at Poppy's side, the Min-Sinclair heiress looking her up and down which makes Rosie nervous as the way Poppy stares is intense. Her doubts are quickly quelled as she's soon tugged harshly the collar. Poppy pulls her in roughly for a kiss, as their tongues dance and weave against each other, battling for dominance. They both step forwards towards the bed, and the noises that come out of Poppy is irresistible and music to her ears. She sounds incredible and Rosie can't get enough and with a flick of her tongue Poppy is putty in her hands.
They both fall towards the bed, Poppy ending up under Rosie. They pull away quickly to catch their breath, and Poppy's eyes are blown so much so, her pupils are dilated like a cat ready to catch its prey. Her lips parted and bruised, taking in oxygen as if all of her breath has been taken away. If Rosie thought she was in charge, she's got another thing coming. Their position is switched, as Poppy expertly flips them over, landing her on top of the other girl. Rosie ending up with her back against the bed as Poppy straddles her. "You're a good kisser, Hughes." she says and Rosie smiles mischievously "I try." she replies.
Poppy's quick to kiss Rosie again, as if she's her only lifeline teetering her to the world. Every kiss shared feels like sparks flying, the intensity and passion leaving them both breathless. It's not like Rosie's gonna give in and let Poppy top her, she quickly pull Poppy by the waist, bodies completely flushed against each other before rolling over so that their position is once again switched. This time Rosie comes out on top.
Before the other girl can complain, Rosie's quick to shut her up but trailing kisses from lips to her neck. Poppy smells like fresh cherries and vanilla, which for some reason is very fitting. After all cherries are sweet but the fruit itself can be dangerous, however there's a hint of danger. After all cherries do have cyanide in the seed. The whimpers and moans that come from Poppy's mouth are sensual and spurs Rosie on even more. She can't get enough of the blonde.
She can feel Poppy's nails taking across her back, and she's sure that those are definitely going to leave marks, not like she minds considering she's too far gone from the sound of Poppy's moans and whimpers.
Rosie looks at Poppy and she can't help but admire how beautiful Poppy looks under her, eyes half lidded and chest heaving. "You look better when you're quiet, Princess." said Rosie, but instead of reporting Poppy just pulls her back in and their lips are clashing against except this time its rough. Poppy pulling and tugging at her hair, while leaving small nibbles on her lips. Rosie knows that her lips are going to be all sorts of red and bruised the next morning.
Rosie's hand finds their way to the waistband of Poppy underwear, and she can feel the wet patch. She slides her hand inside and moves her fingers to find Poppy's clit, where she rubs small circles, and she feels the blonde jolt from the sudden contact and Rosie is about to apologise until she hears Poppy's breathy moans. "I swear to god, if you stop I'm going to fucking kill you." whimpered Poppy.
Rosie just smiles against Poppy's skin as she continues teasing Poppy until the other girl is a panting and whimpering mess. "I need your fingers inside me Hughes, stop fucking around and actually start fucking me." It's said so desperately Rosie finally grants the blonde her wish and starts pumping her fingers in and out until the blonde cums, back arched away from bed and a loud and filthy moan is all the can be heard. Rosie helps the other ride out her orgasm by cooing gentle words and leaving kisses that are definitely going to leave marks on the Poppy's unblemished skin.
The casuak hook up turns into dates and outings, and both of them start to catch feelings for each other. As much as it surprises Poppy she genuinely enjoys the time that she spends with Rosie. The other girl always making sure to make Poppy smile. It doesn't help that Rosie had this weird way of knowing when Poppy was upset or stressed in which she'd always do something to help the blonde feel better. Rosie's become a constant, a home away from home in a sort. Always there even on Poppy's worse days, not giving in even when Poppy's relentlessly cruel and bitchy. If she weren't so fucking smitten Poppy would have thought that Rosie was a Saint considering how patient she is. However, she refuses to confess her feelings to the other girl first, after all she's a Min-Sinclair and they don't confess ever. People confess to her.
They're both stubborn, therefore they both refuse to even acknowledge their budding feelings for the other. Though there have been too many times where Poppy has gotten jealous when people stare too much at Rosie, though it's reserved and usually subtle. Poppy quietly stakes her claim by always having some sort of physical contact with Rosie. It could be something as simple as a hand on Rosie's forearm or wrist. But the real warning comes from her passive aggressiveness when others get too close to Rosie or the glares that are given if anyone is dumb enough to try and flirt with the other girl.
It's not like Rosie is any better. Whilst Poppy is subtle with her jealousy, Rosie is not. She's always quick hold Poppy's hand as if to signify that the blonde is hers and it's even worse if anyone ignores that. She becomes more physically affectionate. She hugs Poppy as if her life depends on it. There's also been a few times where if Rosie's patience was tested she'd get really jealous and the next time they're intimate she always leaves marks where no one but her or Poppy knows. It's also when she becomes quite dominant in the bedroom and it genuinely entertains Poppy so much so it's become her second favourite past time. The first definitely being their intimate moments.
It gets to the point where both of then get so frustrated they confess how they feel that the same time, which becomes one of their inside jokes considering they both felt like idiots for not confessing their feelings sooner.
However, it's not like summer lasts forever and both of them end up breaking it off, since Poppy actually likes Rosie and she refuses to put her through the shit that goes on in Belvoire. "It was fun while it lasted, Hughes, but I'm sorry. I have to go back and I'm not sure I'll ever see you again." said Poppy, voice cold as ice as if the whole thing didn't matter. Poppy would be lying if she said that it meant nothing, considering she's never been happier. The other girl definitely had a special place in her heart but as they say if you really live someone you have to let them go. She might be cruel but she's not about to fuck Rosie's life up by involving her in the stupidity of Belvoire, she deserves better. Maybe after unibersity she can find Rosie and they can try again.
Rosie's quite sure that she's never going to find anyone that makes her feel the way Poppy does, but she's not one to make things more complicated. "I'm glad I met you Poppy Min-Sinclair, it's been fun while it lasted. Maybe someday we can meet each other again."
Imagine her surprise when it turns out that Poppy attends Belvoire, both of them shocked to see each other again. The only difference being that Poppy seems much colder than the one she met before. Her eyes didn't have that shine or hint of mischief. It looked too detached. "What are you staring at?" said one of the girls following Poppy. Her eyes widened in surprise as the person her roommate Zoey warned her about was Poppy. She's barely acknowledged by Poppy as she just walks away without a word.
Things start to get more complicated as both of them are put against each other, as they compete for the top spot. It's not like Rosie really cared about the fucking thing, in all honesty she didn't even want to compete with Poppy but it's not like she had a choice considering no one cared that she didn't want to compete with Poppy. It gets to the point Rosie avoids Poppy altogether, not really wanting the unsolicited drama with the other girl.
It becomes even worse when rumours start that th reason why the two girls avoided each other like the plague was because Carter was cheating on Poppy with Rosie, and this gets blown out of proportion during the football game in which the screen shows a poorly photoshopped photo of Rosie and Carter kissing.
The way Poppy looked at Rosie broke her heart. Poppy looked tired and upset. She looked like she was betrayed and worse of all the look was directed at her. It's made even worse when Poppy wordlessly looks away, tears on her eyes as she runs to get away from the stadium.
Things change when Rosie chases after Poppy. It's the first time she sees Poppy cry, and it breaks her heart because how can she be so foolish. This was the person she fell for, and it sucked because she was the reason why Poppy was upset.
She approaches Poppy carefully, and as soon as she's noticed. Poppy's eyes narrow into a glare. "What do you want Hughes? Haven't you done enough already?" she yells, her voice full of venom. The words sting, but Rosie marches on, as she apologises. "I know I'm the last person you want to see, but I wanted to say I'm sorry. You didn't deserve all of that." She reaches out to try and comfort Poppy but she stops as remembers that she's the reason Poppy was crying in the first place. They both stand there in a tense silence, both not wanting to speak until they both say something at the same time. "Why didn't you tell me that you go to Belvoire?" they both say in sync.
Rosie lets Poppy speak first. "If you said that you were going to be attending Belvoire, maybe things would have been different." she says and this catches Rosie's attention. "Different how?" she asks and Poppy looks at her eyes softening as she says "I would have admitted that I was falling for you."
That's how they got back together.
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