#I'll flip you like an omelet
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norrisleclercf1 · 11 months
If you write some more dad!carlos (à la the first mini lando headcannon) I will literally throw you a birthday party
A/N: Guess you’re going to have to throw me that birthday party 🥳 also he calls her risita because that means giggle in Spanish and yep she's about 6 or 7
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"Papi? Wake up." Carlos smiles, hearing the little whisper of his daughter Zaneta. "I am up risita." He grumbles, rolling over his daughter yelps. (giggle)
Her little arms and legs flail as she tries to push him off her. "Papi...crushing." Carlos chuckles, knowing he wasn't crushing her. He had no weight on her, she was his princess. "Risita, what are you doing up so early?" Rolling to the side, Zaneta catches her breath.
"Mamá is running errands and I'm bored." She whines, giving him puppy dog eyes. "I see what your mother means now." He groans. Zaneta had his eyes, and whenever they went wide and blank he was a sucker.
"Papi, I'm hungry." Carlos sits up, climbs out of bed and slides some pants on. "Come here." Swinging her up, she laughs her tiny arms and legs sticking out before wrapping around him.
"Did you sleep good?" Carlos asks, pushing hair out of his face. "Yes, did you?" She asks, resting her head on his shoulder. "I did risita." Smiling down at her.
She was his little girl, and he cherished these moments more and more as she grew. "What would you like for breakfast?" Placing her on the counter, going to the fridge. "Tortilla." She giggles as Carlos shakes his head. "An omelet? What? Risita, it's my day off and you want to eat healthy?" He chuckles pulling out the eggs.
"With cheese and bacon." She orders, Carlos turns raising an eyebrow at her. "Please." She adds, voice soft as she knows manners are big with her mother and father. "Good girl." Kissing her head, he lifts her off the counter, watching her run off.
He starts cooking, frying up the bacon you walk in taking a deep breath smiling. "Smells good." Mouth watering at the greasy food. "Looks good too." Pinching his ass, Carlos flinches away but laughs seeing you.
"Morning." Leaning in he kisses you, but a resounding eww has the two of you pulling apart. "That's yucky." Zaneta's face scrunched up in disgust. "Oh? Then is it yucky when Papi and I kiss you?" Raising an eyebrow at your sassy daughter.
"Get's that from you." Carlos whispers, you slap his shoulder prying a smirk out of him. "No, you're the drama queen. Wanna revisit your Ferrari days?" Carlos immediately stops, knowing you have proof everywhere.
"Nope, because Mamá and Papi are supposed to kiss me. Not each other." She quips, running back to her toys. "We need to limit her time with Lando." You whisper knowing if Zaneta heard that, she'd throw a righteous fit.
"I agree." Carlos flipping the bacon, the sizzle the only sound. "Go, I'll finish this." Pushing Carlos off the stove who smiles. "She's been missing you, go play with our daughter." You don't have to tell him twice as he plops himself next to her.
Laughter and food fills the house. This is what Carlos wanted in his future. Whenever people asked, he'd say a world championship and winning all the time. When really, he just wanted a family to always come home to with laughter, good food and love.
And he has that.
"Papi?" Carlos hums letting her place a tiara on his head. "Can I come with you to the next race?" She asks, smiling putting beads around his neck.
"Yeah? You want to see your Papi win?" He asks, Zaneta didn't really like the races more interested in running around with other kids and seeing the team principles to sucker them out of candy, sometimes money. "No, I miss Uncle Lando." Her innocent confession has Carlos freezing before chuckling unable to be mad.
"Yeah, you can come with me risita." Squealing she hugs Carlos, before running to kitchen to tell you the news.
Yeah, this was much better than a championship. Though he already has 2 of them.
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jovialmoonprincess · 1 month
AU: Journey to Redemption (Part 8)
Paired Again
First Part. / The Winter Ball / Champagne Problems / Frost and Thorns / The Storm Within / In Silence, We Crumble / Loving him was Red / Paired Again
Coriolanus Snow x Fem!reader
Summary: Y/N meets the mysterious woman again and ends up accepting a proposal from Coryo.
Warning(s): None, enemy to lovers, back in time, destiny, Snow being in love, Snow being Snow, possible grammar and spelling mistakes
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The day had already started well, Y/N was at home on a weekday. She decided she wanted to stay in her old room and eat her mother's omelet again. She just gave up hurrying and went downstairs with her uniform and messy hair. It wasn't like her to be late, so it was okay to arrive a little late just for today.
"Today is going to be a good day! I've decided that," she said to herself with a smile on her face, doing a strange dance.
"Mom, Y/N is doing that thing again. It's scaring me," said Orion, Y/N's 12-year-old brother, with a feigned expression of fear. The girl only responded with her eyes shooting daggers at him and went straight to the kitchen where the irresistible aroma of bacon already filled the air. Not before messing up her brother's curly hair,
"Here, Y/N, I know you'll need to leave early so I've already prepared your omelet and your bread… and your fresh coffee is right here." Her mother seemed happy, which was unusual. She was used to her mother being downcast. "If you want a ride, I'll take you myself."
"What happened?" Y/N inquired, examining the impeccable table in front of her, as if it had come out of a margarine commercial.
"I missed you," her mother replied, wrapping Y/N in a hug.
The girl began to wonder if the family's distance had helped her mother overcome her grief. This occurred when she remembered how much her mother used to say that Y/N reminded her of her father. Feeling her mother that way was comforting, almost like a dream. Her mother was beautiful, and she felt that in recent years the Capital had been sucking all her shine away. That place did that to people.
She accepted the ride because she wanted that moment to last a little longer. They listened to music until school while her mother told funny stories from the last few weeks. That was definitely invigorating.
As she got out of the car, Y/N hurried her steps not to be even later. It was 08:05 when she entered Dr. Gaul's classroom.
"Y/N, great to see you," exclaimed the teacher, gesturing with her hands.
Y/N knew the woman was eccentric and that, somehow, she would put her in embarrassing situations for being late. It was a dynamic that had persisted over the years. Coriolanus was the favorite, and Y/N, the threat. Everyone seemed to believe that she could steal the boy's spot at the university. People in the Capital preferred to attack the opponent rather than better train their own candidate.
Speaking of the boy, she had agreed to meet him on Saturday, but it was still Tuesday, so she wouldn't have to put up with him until then.
"Can you explain the importance of the Hunger Games?" asked Dr. Gaul. Y/N and Sejanus exchanged glances.
"It's a punishment for the districts," Y/N replied, taking her seat.
"You are the daughter of one of the greatest generals the army of Panem has ever had. Your answer is an offense," the teacher retorted, but Y/N remained unshakable. It was as if it wasn't worth debating with her. "Let's draw pairs. Each will write a 3-page essay on 'The Origin of Chaos' and the role of the Capital in preventing the return of that period."
Obviously, fate reserved the name Coriolanus for Y/N. It was as if they were destined, like yin and yang. Together, they headed to the library in silence.
"Okay, if you don't mind, I'll write the essay, and you just check it afterward," suggested Coriolanus, flipping through his notebook. Y/N raised an eyebrow, surprised.
Coriolanus Snow offered to do the work alone? It must be a joke. The same boy she fought with in the 4th grade because, according to him, she should take her studies more seriously and not stare out the window during class? Since she didn't even remember doing that. Y/N wondered why he wanted to write the essay alone. Did he want to get rid of her? Or did he want to please her? Maybe he wanted her to be the evil mother of his evil babies. She did have good genetics, after all.
"No, thank you. I don't want to be stung like Clemensia was. Is that your plan?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Do you want me to almost die like she did?"
"Y/N, you are completely crazy," he didn't even bother to look at her as he spoke. He maintained a serious posture, as always. That made the girl want to strangle him.
Y/N couldn't help but notice him. Not after the night they kissed. She realized how much she wanted that again: to run her fingers through the boy's hair, to feel his hands exploring her body. She looked away to ward off the terrifying memories. She also remembered Tigris's talk about the kiss between him and Lucy Gray. How many girls did he take to his apartment for the same ritual? He had grown up; he was no longer the boy from the dance.
"Okay, since you're going to help, how about you stop looking out the window?" he said, awakening her from her daydreams.
Y/N realized she was doing it again. Was she acting like this all the time? She was going crazy. Maybe she really had gone mad. Panem didn't exist, there was no war, nor the mysterious woman. Maybe she was in an asylum being treated while inventing these stories in her head. She decided to just finish this as quickly as possible. After they managed to elaborate an introduction for the essay, they began to think about the argument.
"We have to write what Dr. Gaul wants to read," the boy said. The girl agreed with a nod. That's when Y/N decided to get up from the table, to grab some book that might help with the research, and with a careless movement, she ended up bumping into a cart full of books, causing some to fall disorderly on the floor. Which made a huge noise in the silence of the library.
"Ah, crap," Y/N murmured to herself, bending down to start picking up the scattered books.
Soon Coryo was near her to help pick up before someone came to see what the noise had been. As they continued to gather the books, their hands touched softly. Both felt a small electric current, a subtle shiver, but enough to make their eyes meet. A brief moment of silence hung between them, and something indescribable seemed to form at that instant. They were so close that Y/N remembered when the boy's hands were on her waist, and he was on top of her on the couch and…
… she shook her head to dispel the intrusive thoughts. The touch of their hands was more than just a chance in the library; it was as if fate was playing with them, putting them in unexpected situations.
"I… I'm sorry about this," Y/N murmured, still bent over, picking up the last books.
"Don't worry, it happens to everyone," Coryo replied, helping her to stand up.
The exchange of glances intensified, and something changed there. A palpable tension hung in the air, but this time, it wasn't just the usual hostility between them. There was something more, something neither of them knew exactly how to deal with.
"We can continue with the essay somewhere else," suggested Coryo, breaking the silence. "It's getting crowded here."
Y/N agreed, grateful for the change of scenery. Together, they left the library and walked through the corridors of the Academy. Coryo's presence by her side was strangely comforting, and the silence between them was filled with a tension that neither dared to break.
When they found an empty room, they decided to settle in and resume the essay. Coryo took the notebook and began to scribble some ideas, while Y/N watched him, lost in her own thoughts. The proximity between them was disconcerting, but there was something magnetic that kept them connected.
"I… think we should address the issue of the Capital's power and control over the districts. That certainly contributes to maintaining order and avoiding chaos," Coryo suggested, looking to Y/N for approval.
She nodded, agreeing with the idea. Together, they began to outline the essay, diving into the words and ideas that flowed between them. The initial tension began to dissipate, replaced by a surprisingly harmonious collaboration. In the middle of the essay, Y/N couldn't help but wonder about the boy's opinion on the topic proposed by Gaul. She hoped the boy had reflected on some of his political opinions.
Throughout the afternoon, as they worked side by side, Y/N and Coryo shared furtive smiles, exchanges of glances, and words that transcended the usual rivalry. They were in tune, aligned by something deeper than any past disagreement.
As the afternoon turned into evening, they finally concluded the essay. As she closed the notebook, Y/N felt a mix of confused emotions. What was happening between her and Coryo?
As they stood up to leave the room, Y/N and Coryo exchanged meaningful glances, as if both were aware that something had been triggered that day. Fate, once again, put them face to face, but this time, not as enemies.
Taglist: @shari-berri @h-l-vlovesvintage @tea-bobba @daenerysqueenofhearts @commanderfreethatdust @glxzillx @write-from-the-heart @ireallydontcareanymorebrooo @junipercloud03 @larissareadings @qardasngan
If you want to be friends with me on Instagram, click here.
Note: I apologize for the delay in updating the story. I deeply appreciate your patience and promise that the wait will be worth it. The good news is that we've managed to secure a cover for the story, which I hope you'll find as exciting as I do. Thank you for following Y/N's journey. More chapters filled with twists and emotions are on their way soon!
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mariabtsos · 2 months
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Unsinkable ||j.jk|| - Chapter 3
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Description: The 1910s are the peak of passenger ships, it was also the peak of classism, Jungkook is a third class immigrant from Korea, and you are a first class “prisoner” not wanting to go back to a life of strict standards. Once you meet Jungkook, life seems worth living, but when tragedy strikes, will you guys make it out to live the life you planned?
Genre: Titanic AU, poor/artist!JK x rich!f reader, angst, fluff, very slight smut, forbidden love.
Warnings: Mentions of DV
Word Count: 1.5k+
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The next morning was meant to be peaceful, you and Namjoon were having breakfast, quietly enjoying the sea salt smell and the ship's soothing sway. Namjoon then broke the silence.
"So," he spoke, "did you enjoy your time with the fleas downstairs?" His question had your blood boil inexplicably, having spoken and met a lot of the third class folks, you knew they weren't just "fleas" some of them had dreams, goals, they were looking for a fresh start and opportunity, on top of that, the fact that he had sent someone to spy on you made you feel worse.
You scoffed, "I didn't know you found pleasure on my being spied on," you continued to cut into your omelet. "I'm guessing Yoongi must enjoy being your personal spy."
Namjoon hit his fists against the table, covering his mouth with his hands. You stopped for a moment, slowly starting to move your fork to take a bite of the omelet, when he stood up and flipped the table.
"YOU ARE MY BRIDE TO BE," he shouted, "do you know how embarrassing this is?! That MY bride to be, my future wife is seen with some lowlife third class bitch?! Do you want people to think you are a whore?!" With each word he got closer until your noses were practically touching as he continued to berate you.
He seemed to realize what he had just done and took a step back, regaining his composure and adjusting his shirt. "You won't see him again, if you know what's best for you and your family, I'll see you in a bit for lunch," he stated plainly with his back turned to you, he stayed just a second longer, and then walked away.
You slowly slid down the wall, how did things get this bad? You felt the tears involuntarily slip down your face, and it wasn't long until you were sobbing. Last night was so nice. You thought back to the end of night, before you got back to your cabin, you and Jungkook had briefly stared at the stars, and you talked about how life would be if you ran away with him once you docked. You thought about how you guys had briefly gotten so close that your noses were touching, how Jungkook's hand was softly caressing your cheek.
Eventually your sobs caught the attention of your chamber maid, who saw the mess and immediately got to cleaning. "I'm so sorry," you apologized between sobs, "it's okay ma'am," she stated sweetly. You continued to sob, making her take a good look at you, you looked so broken. In all the years she had served you, she had never seen you so sad, so she decided to show you a bit of support by pulling you into a hug, which you immediately reciprocated as you cried harder.
You later found out whilst you were getting dressed, that Namjoon had told your mother about the whole situation, and so she forbid you to see Jungkook, and to ensure this you had been told you'd be escorted by Yoongi or your chambermaid whenever you weren't with your mom or Namjoon. So, feeling defeated, you resigned on your feelings to keep the peace.
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Jungkook hadn't heard from you in 2 days, he hadn't even seen you until right now, at the Sunday service held in the first class chapel. You looked as gorgeous as ever, a beautiful blue dress with white on your chest, and a pretty blue shawl, your hair was half up half down and he wished he could tell you right now how pretty you were.
He knew you'd never be able to be together, at least not unless you made the choice to leave the life you knew to be with someone like him. But he at least had to talk to you one last time, so he marched to the door of the chapel, ready to talk to you after mass was done, but he was stopped by Yoongi, who had just gotten out of the room.
"Ah Jungkook-ssi, what a delightful surprise" he smirked, Jungkook could tell the tone of his voice was anything but friendly, he was used to condescension. "I was just wanting to speak to y/n," the younger stated matter of factly, which caused Yoongi to let out a hearty chuckle, "Mr. Kim and Ms. Y/ln, are grateful for the great service you provided but will no longer be needing you," he deadpanned, "Mr. Kim did want me to give you this as a final thanks," he took out a small stack of bills and put his hand out to the younger for him to grab it. Jungkook was extremely upset, did they think his and y/n's connection was that weak? He refused to give into this, so he slapped the money off of Yoongi's hand, causing it all to fall all over, it almost looked like rain.
"You will not pay me to stay away, if she doesn't want to see me she'll have to tell me-" he was interrupted by a sudden gut punch, two first class stewards took a hold of his arms, and Yoongi ordered for him to be taken back to "his correct space." But Jungkook told himself he would not be deterred.
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You were talking to the ship's designer and architect, Thomas Andrews, he was giving your group a tour of the ship, talking to you about how the design came to be, what materials were used, how long it took to build. Early on he first showed you the lifeboats, what the capacity was, and how they'd be used in the event of an emergency; you couldn't help but make the calculations based on the information you had, there just didn’t seem to be enough boats, but when you brought up that concern everyone just scoffed, and brushed it off, the mind behind the ship saying he built you a sturdy boat.
And well, who wouldn't believe it. Titanic was built so that if three or even four of her watertight compartments were filled, she could stay afloat until help arrived, so in reality, the ship itself was meant to be a lifeboat, and that eased your mind.
You continued to walk with your group until you were surprised by the boy who had caused you so much trouble, poking his head out of a door that led to an empty deck, which you believed was for people to go into in case they still wanted to enjoy an area outside their cabins during the freezing nights of spring. He motioned for you to come in and you were grateful people walking ahead of you were too far into their conversations to notice, so you followed him in.
"Jungkook, what the hell are you doing?!" You whisper yelled.
"Why have you been ignoring me?" He asked, concerned. His doe eyes pleading, and god you felt like his eyes had so many stars, and it pained you to take them away, but what could you do?
"Listen Jungkook," you finally spoke, "I'm getting married, I cannot keep seeing you, it's not appropriate."
Jungkook felt a sharp pain in his chest, he may have only met you three days ago, but he knew how to read people, and just the way you spoke to him about you guys' future, and how you seemed so excited, your eyes would light up whenever you guys talked.
"This is them speaking! Y/n I know you don't love him, I know you don't want this," he pleaded. "Do you really want to be someone's show pony for the rest of your life?!" He looked distraught.
Is that what you wanted? What other option did you have? Your mother had all but beat you into submission, and deep down, what were you supposed to do? Namjoon can provide you with the life you were raised to have, a life where you'd do your duties as a woman, maintain the house, have his kids, learn an instrument or two, and be his little piece of arm candy for balls, galas and parties. Your life was planned out in front of you ... were you okay with that?
"Y/n?" His voice brought you out for your thoughts. "If you want me to leave you alone, you have to say, look me in the eyes and say it, and you'll never hear from me again," You took a deep breath and took his hand in and shook it.
"I thank you for you've done jun- Mr. Jeon, but I need you to leave me alone, I am getting married to a man I-" you looked up from his hand to his eyes, they were harsh and their warmth was almost gone, "to a man I love, so please don't come looking for me."
You let go and walked off, leaving poor Jungkook with a creeping feeling of sorrow. He was hurt that you would choose a life of misery when he was right there, but from the little he knew of you, he had a feeling that — just like that night at the edge of the stern, when he had pulled you away from your darkest thoughts — you'll be coming back, you had to. Although, he wasn’t expecting to not hear from you at all, you guys only saw each other again on that night.
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menaceofrhodes · 2 years
The S and O to the ABC. || Broca x GN!Reader
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The ABC Trio was very enthusiastic today.
The A in the Trio woke up with a feeling of joy. The B broke a few eggs while trying to make an omelet, so nervous was he. C stands for Crazy, for some reason he felt more nervous and joyful than the other two. He's looking forward to B's confession to his S and O!
It was Chiave who knew from day one how one of his best friends had a crush on you. Emphasizing the had, he knows that today will be the day when you and his best friend will finally click together like two pairs of magnets. Indivisible even.
It was certainly a surprise for Broca to hear what Chiave saw between you. Mayhap he did like the thought of being together with you, and getting close enough to you to reach for your hand, but isn't that weird and obsessive? Was it weird to think about you the most during the day and night?
Chiave had to reassure him a lot that he wasn't being weird for having a fat crush on you!
Broca's confidence has been built thanks to his friends' support. As the three eat together for breakfast, discussing the exciting plan together, mostly because Chiave was giddy too since he's never seen Broca being so nervous and flustered before, not even being able to stomach his breakfast as the butterflies took most of the space in.
Broca flipped his phone open and clicked on your chat. Chiave peeks a bit, wondering how the big, mighty Broca acts with you when you're alone with him. Chiave holds the largest grin back, containing his laughter well. What!! Why was Broca acting so sweet around you? What are all these cat GIFs for? You two already text like an old couple! But then he sees Broca's stupid smile, and he coos, 'Oh, Broca, who knew you were such a big softie!'
Quickly, he shuts his phone. 'You don't mind butting into my privacy?' Inquires Broca with a frown on his lips. 'Not much, at least! So what were you guys talking about?' asks Chiave with a smirk on his face. 'We were just planning where to meet after work today.'
Aosta buts in with an 'Ooooh, right. You plan on confessing today.' As he takes a small sip from his cup of coffee, trying to kill his morning tiredness. 'Notify me when you don't get together, and I'll help you through, or, erm, when you do make it, I'll be cheering for you two.' As he says this with a low voice and tired eyes, he bumps slowly his fist into the air, forcing a quiet cheer out of his throat.
'WHAT? Don't say that, don't jinx it! Of course, the feelings are mutual. You weren't there when Broca got to help them carry the heavy set of armor!' Declares Chiave, protecting the honor of Broca.
Broca turns to Aosta, sincerely thanking him for the offer, as he ignores Chiave's theatrical display of affection to him. He does admit to himself, he feels much more nervous now because Aosta spoke about what he feared all week long since he's been thinking about confessing to you.
Aosta yawns, 'Alright, let's get going.'
Aosta picks the plates up, whereas Broca cleans the table up and Chiave gives them moral support through lame cheers.
Aosta is the first to go, as Broca and Chiave follow him through the halls until they reach their designations of work. 
During their work, they all thought about the outcome of the day.
Aosta felt like he upset Broca a bit this morning, hopefully, he didn't jinx it for him. He'd have to blame himself for doing so.
Broca has been covering very well how nervous he truly felt. If anyone could read his thoughts, then they would hear nothing but nervous screams and cries. He feels so sick thinking about telling you how he feels.
Meanwhile, Chiave was bored to death and wishes to just know the outcome. He was very often tempted to just be upfront with you and just spell it out for Broca how he's been feeling about you. But then he wouldn't be a good friend and neither does he want to upset his friend and ruin everything, so he just waits.
They wait.
The evening slowly arrives as the Trio makes it out of their training and work. It's been a hell of a day, full of nerves.
But here he is, standing in front of your door. He watches the door knob intently. What if he messes it up? He didn't know how to read your feelings either, you're such a kind soul, surely you would give him a bit of mercy and let him down gently, right?
'Psst! Broca, over here!!'
Broca's head turns to the direction of the noise, seeing his two friends peeking around the corner with their thumbs up. 'You can do it, Broca!' whispers Aosta, 'Love never loses, Broc!' quietly cheers Chiave.
Here he goes, with a bit more confidence, and he knocks on your door. Even though the wait hasn't been long, he feels like he needs to let it out immediately.
'Hi, Broca! You're all dressed up, what's the occasion for this?'
Your Pajamas mess a bit with his plans, he clutches onto the bouquet behind his back to get him out of this fatigue state. "If you're free right now, I would like to take you out on a date.'"
Ah. He phrased it like a matter of fact rather than a question. Did he blow it with you now?
'I would love to, just wait here for a bit and I get dressed up, immediately!!' as you take your leave and close the door behind you.
The A and C to the B come out forward and slap him on his back, probably also pushing his Soul back where it belongs. 'You've done so well!', 'I told you they would like you back ’, and 'We see you after your date!' got said after they left in a quick turn.
After you come back, Broca pushes the Bouquet into you. 'These are also for you.'
With a smile on your lips, you gladly take them inside and put them into a vase where they will blossom, just like you and Broca.
Bonus Headcanons ღ Trust me, he’s not going to hold your hand until you try to reach out to him first. “You really want to hold my hand…? Sure, let’s just not do it in public.”
ღ He’s going to try to pay for everything, keyword is that he’s going to try. He usually doesn’t have that much money on hand, but he did save up for this occasion!
ღ Broca’s love language is that he likes to fix or modify your devices.
ღ You show him that your weapons jams, and he’ll gladly put time into fixing and making it better for you. He enjoys doing that, but he also would like to hear compliments from you about his work.
ღ While he’s with you on this date, nothing else will be on his mind. Thinking about why your laugh makes him feel so good, or how your light touches send bolts through his body. With you, he feels so carefree for a man with a rough past that was always on the look-out. 
ღ He absentmindedly wraps his arm around your shoulder, so you wouldn’t get separated in the crowd.
ღ If someone bumps into you, he’d glare daggers at them and make sure you are not hurt anywhere.
ღ There’s not going to be a kiss on the first date, he’s rather a late bloomer. Though, he would like to give you a hug at the end of your first date. No matter your height, he’s going to wrap these two strong arms around you! 
ღ You swear you saw a tuft of white and red fur a few times, but not that your mind, your eyes were held captive by someone else! Author Note
I'm so sorry for the rushed ending, but I hope you can enjoy this regardless, dear anon!!(•ㅅ•)
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dweetwise · 8 months
[Riconti] The Long Con (part 6/6)
A fluffy little epilogue to wrap things up 🧡 Rated G | 1.5k words | ao3 link [previous]
Two years later…
“Where is it!?” Meg’s voice echoed from upstairs.
“Weiß ich nicht!” Klara’s higher pitch answered.
“Weißt es! You always borrow it for the tablet!”
“The tablet broke two weeks ago!"
“Ugh, fine. C’mon,” Meg said, and the sound of two pairs of footsteps running down the stairs followed. “Dad!” Meg called.
Ace hid a smile behind the newspaper he was reading in the kitchen. What had started as a sarcastic nickname from Meg’s side seemed to become less of a joke with each day that passed.
"What is it?" he called back.
“I can't find my Scheiß-charger!” Meg complained.
Ace glanced at Felix sipping his (gross, black) coffee across the breakfast table. But Felix's lips merely twitched up in amusement, once again making Ace grateful that he wasn't too strict when it came to the language used around his kid.
“Have you been teaching my innocent daughter naughty words?” Ace asked.
“No,” Felix said, then smirked. “If I did, I promise she'd swear much more creatively.”
“Dad!” Meg said as she stormed into the kitchen, a backpack slung over her shoulder.
“Take my power bank,” Ace said. “It's by the coffee machine.”
“Thanks,” Meg said. She also yoinked an apple from the fruit bowl.
“No breakfast?” Felix asked.
“I'll grab something from the cafeteria before class,” Meg said. “It's better than this old coot's cooking.”
“Hey!” Ace protested. Sure, making food from scratch in an actual kitchen was still new for him, but he'd only burned that last omelet a little—
“Fair enough,” Felix instantly agreed with Meg.
Ace gasped. “Et tu, brute?”
“Meg!” Klara ran into the kitchen. “You forgot your keys!” she said, holding up the item.
Meg grinned. “Thanks. Walk me out?”
“Mm-hm!” Klara nodded and the duo headed outside.
“We should see her off too,” Felix said, standing up from the table. “It's her first exam.”
Ace chuckled to himself before following. Felix was very into all the firsts of their kids: Meg's first driving lesson, Klara's first soccer practice, their first time visiting the science museum together…
And now Meg's very first exam at her new university.
Ace tightened his morning robe before stepping out onto their front yard. Meg and Klara were talking in the driveway and Felix already had his phone pulled out for a photo.
"Even if you don't know the answer, try to guess!” Klara said, apparently having taken it upon herself to tutor Meg.
“Yeah, I hope my teacher gives me a gold star on my first test too,” Meg said, then smirked. “But I still think you cheated!”
She poked Klara in the ribs and the girl laughed, protesting, “Hab ich nicht!”
“Oh, for the love of…” Meg glared up at Felix, who stood proudly with his phone pointed at them. “This better not be going in the photo album.”
“But you're so cuuute with your little backpack!” Ace cooed obnoxiously.
Meg's hand twitched before she grit her teeth and clenched it into a fist, showing considerable willpower in not flipping Ace off.
“Whatever. Bye, losers,” Meg said, walking to her car.
Klara waved. “Bye, Meg!”
“Drive safely,” Felix added.
“Good luck, Firecracker,” Ace said.
“Like I need the luck,” Meg scoffed and shut the door.
She sped out of the driveway in the car that Felix and Ace had bought for her together. Five cars might be a little overkill for a household of four, but Meg deserved her independence, and Felix's ridiculous sports cars weren't exactly the most suitable for a new driver.
Ace was just glad that Meg was still sticking around. Rather than relocate closer to her campus, Meg had claimed she liked the luxury of the Richter manor too much to move out. And she wasn't wrong: their new home was definitely an improvement over the ratty apartment her and Ace had shared for their first year and a half in Germany.
Feeling a little sentimental, Ace sighed and leaned his head on Felix's shoulder. "Ah, they grow up so fast," he said, only half joking.
"At least you didn't cry this time," Felix said.
"Oh, bite me," Ace shot back.
Felix smirked. "Maybe later."
“Papa!” Klara came up and tugged on Felix's sleeve. “Can we feed the fish?” she asked in German.
Felix glanced at his watch and frowned. “Papa has to go to work. Unless Ace wants to feed the fish before taking you to school?”
Two identical pairs of blue puppy eyes looked at Ace and, really, how was he supposed to say no?
Ace grinned. “Tell you what, princess, why don't you go get the fish food and I'll meet you by the pond? But don't take too much, Leonardo is getting fat!”
Klara nodded and smiled bright before scurrying back inside.
“So, alone at last, huh?” Ace joked, turning to face Felix. “How about a—”
Felix was apparently way ahead of him, immediately stepping right into Ace’s personal space and leaning in for a smooch before Ace even said the words ‘goodbye kiss.’
Ace hummed in surprise but quickly melted into the kiss, relishing in familiar feeling of Felix’s soft lips against his.
“Well, I certainly hope you have a good day, too,” Ace purred when they pulled apart.
Surprisingly, Felix didn't snark back like usual. He simply rested his chin on top of Ace's head and breathed a deep and happy sigh.
“Thank you,” Felix murmured. “Thank you for being here. For being you.”
“Hey hey hey, no sappiness allowed this early in the morning,” Ace teased even as he eagerly leaned into the embrace. “Besides, I'm the one who should be thanking you for taking in two strays.”
"One of the best decisions I have ever made." 
"Really?" Ace prodded. "Even after I stole that stupid gold egg from the mayor's party and you had to awkwardly return it?"
"Yes. And especially after an unknown red-haired vandal keyed my idiot aunt's car after she claimed you'd be a lousy stepfather for Klara." Felix chuckled and Ace smiled too.
But even while they could joke about it now, it hadn't been an easy two years for any of them. Half of Felix's relatives had cut contact as soon as they found out he was dating a man, and he'd also had to drastically adjust his work-life balance before his ex even considered letting him have Klara every other week.
Meanwhile, Meg kept getting in trouble for the shoplifting habit she couldn't quite seem to shake and Ace had almost gotten them evicted by repeatedly gambling away rent money. And even after Felix invited them to move in, both Ace and Meg kept waiting for the other shoe to drop: courtesy of half a decade of being on the run.
To this day, Ace still kept a panic bag in his closet with his and Meg's essentials ready to go. But he was trying; they all were, and that was what mattered.
Hit with a sudden burst of affection, Ace hugged Felix tighter. "Love you," he croaked out.
It was ridiculous how nervous he still felt saying those words and actually meaning them. But every time, it got a little easier.
“And I love you,” Felix said earnestly. He kissed Ace's temple that had even more gray now than two years ago. “And I love our family. Flaws and all.”
“Yeah,” Ace said thickly, his heart stuttering over the word family. “Me too.”
Fortunately—before Ace had the chance to embarrass himself further by actually tearing up like Felix joked—he heard the side door of the manor open and close.
"Speaking of family…” Ace said, reluctantly pulling away. “It sounds like I've got some fish to feed."
Felix sighed. "And I should go before I'm late to work.”
"Eh, you can always blame the terrible traffic on your private road,” Ace joked. “But say hi to Lauren for me, would you? Oh, and are you picking up Klara today?”
“Yes, I'll try to,'' Felix said, grabbing his briefcase from just inside the front door. “I have a meeting in the afternoon, but I'll call you if it looks like it'll run late.”
“Gotcha. Have a good day.”
“You too.” Felix walked towards his car, then stopped and turned around with a knowing stare. “And do not let Klara overfeed Leonardo again.”
Ace laughed. “I’ll do my best.”
Felix drove off, and just a few seconds later, Klara’s head popped around the corner of the house.
“Ace?” she said, a sheepish smile on her face. “I dropped the whole food bucket in the water…”
Instantly, Ace was sprinting to the garden.
“Goddamnit, if that fat fuck of a carp eats it all again…!”
The morning ended with Ace diving into the koi pond in his pajamas and resulted in a giggling Klara being late for school.
But in the evening, Klara was showing off a drawing she’d made in class of Ace wrestling a gigantic carp—making Meg howl laugh and even Felix snicker in between trying to nag about the pond’s delicate pH balance—so Ace would count it as a success.
Their strange little mismatched family might not be perfect, but Ace wouldn't trade it for the world.
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[8] Pantherama (Tim Riggins x OFC)
Warnings: none other than some spicier flirting
Words: 1.9k
Tim was at my doorstep Saturday morning with a large bag on his shoulder. I took in the sight and let him in. He set his bag down and followed me into the kitchen where I was still making breakfast. It was comfortably quiet.
I split my omelet and put half on a plate for Tim, kissing the side of his head because I could do that. "What happened."
He looked at the countertop. "Don't be mad at me, okay?"
"Depends on what you did, Tim."
"Before State... I slept with my neighbor."
I nodded. "Billy said somethin' about it once, which was a dumb decision for both of you to make. But that's the past."
Tim scratched his head. "Yeah, well Billy's datin' her now. She's always over and I'm tired of it, so I left. I don't want anything to do with her or Billy for a while."
I rubbed his back. "I'm sorry, Tim. I'm happy that you chose to walk away from what's upsetting you rather than fight with Billy. You're welcome to stay here as long as you need to, okay?"
"What about your parents?" Tim took a bite of the omelet.
"They don't get a say in this because they're not here right now." I kissed his cheek and started eating my breakfast. "Pantherama is next week."
"I don't think I'm goin' since I'm off the team."
I frowned. "I'm still sorry that happened. I wish I could do something to help you get Coach to change his mind."
"I'm workin' on it."
"And I know you'll use that brain of yours to find a way back onto the field. Or Coach is gonna realize he needs you."
Tim pulled me closer to his seat. I closed my eyes when he kissed my mouth slowly. We smiled at each other from a close distance. I was still floored Tim Riggins wanted me. I never could have predicted it.
My stomach flipped when he kissed me again before finishing his breakfast. My face was warm from the contact.
The day of Pantherama had Dillon High in a tizzy. Everyone walked around in their Dillon shirts with their faces painted. Even though Tim was off the team, I still had a 33 on my cheek.
Apparently, Tyra and Lyla put together entertainment for the assembly and the word was the football team was the main event. I was a little bummed knowing Tim wasn't going to be a part of it.
He noticed my frown when I met him at his locker. "What's wrong?"
"You're gonna laugh at me."
He ran his hand through my hair and cradled the back of my head. "I won't laugh at you, Cat."
I played with the strap hanging down from his backpack. "I really wish Coach Taylor didn't kick you off the football team because I would love to see you doing whatever the team has planned for Pantherama. It's goofy, I know, but I like seein' you have fun."
Tim smiled. I could see him fighting back a laugh. "How about you tell me what they did when you get home and I'll do whatever it is for you."
I stood on my toes and left a quick kiss on his lips. "I'd like that a lot, Tim."
Tim kissed me back. "I'll see you tonight, Barton." His thumb ran across the paint on my face. "Thanks for supportin' me today."
"Of course. I don't care if you're on the team or not, I'm gonna be cheerin' you on."
He squeezed the back of my neck once before letting his hand fall away as he walked away. I watched him with a smile, leaning against his locker.
All things considering, Pantherama started off fun. I was enjoying myself and shouting with the rest of the school. When the football players came out, my fun was zapped out of embarrassment.
A sensual-sounding song started playing and everyone one of the football players stripped off their shirts. Girls screamed. My face turned bright red at the thought of Tim repeating their performance just for me. I had to sit down. I was thankful I did because the girls screamed again when they ripped their snap-off pants from their bodies. There was absolutely no way I could tell Tim about it. No way.
When I left the gym, I was in a daze. I barely managed to wave at Lyla and Tyra as I walked by. It didn't satisfy Tyra because she stopped me. She saw my face and asked what was wrong.
"I can't tell you."
Lyla touched my arm. "You look sick. Do you need to sit down?"
"No, no. I'll be fine."
Tyra crossed her arms. "What did Tim do? Is he pressurin' you to sleep with him? I'll kick his ass if he is."
I shook my head vigorously. "No. Tim is a perfect gentleman. I can't tell you what's going on because it'll spread around this school like wildfire."
Lyla took a chunk of my hair and draped it over my shoulder. "If you need to talk about it, I promise I won't tell a soul." She gazed at Tyra who eventually rolled her eyes.
"Yeah. I won't tell anyone either."
My eyes bored into Tyra. "I'm not kidding, Tyra. If anyone catches word, I'll get a lot of shit for it and Tim will get his own backlash from the football team... or he'll get praised for it – I'm not really sure. And I don't want you to go teasing Tim about it, okay?"
"Okay, okay! I won't tell anyone or bother your boyfriend."
I swallowed and hid my red cheeks under my hands. "I was a little bummed out Tim couldn't be a part of Pantherama because I wanted him to have some fun, ya know? Well, he promised me he'd do whatever the team had planned just for me. I didn't realize it was a fuckin' striptease!"
Tyra full on cackled. 'Oh, you are in for a show tonight, Cat."
Lyla wrapped her arm around my shoulder, smiling reassuringly. "You can tell him something else happened, or ask him not to do it."
"Well, I'm not gonna lie to him, so I guess I have to tell him not to do it." I rubbed my face. "I still can't believe you had them do that."
"They couldn't do anything else we asked of them," Tyra said with a shrug. "Everyone else seemed to enjoy it."
"Yeah, because you had good-lookin' guys almost naked in front of them. I should be glad Tim wasn't here because half of that gym would have been trying to get to him."
Lyla laughed. "You think that highly of Tim?"
"I have seen him at the pool before and it's hard not to stare." I scratched my arm nervously. "I may not be sexually active, but Tim Riggins has a way of makin' me lose my shit with a single look."
"You've got it bad," Tyra said. "And how long have you been dating?"
"Since Mexico."
Lyla smiled a little at the memory of finding me the next morning asleep beside Tim. I vaguely remembered Tim's head against my chest and my arms cradling his head closer.
"That's not that long ago. Don't get yourself fallin' too quick. Riggins is unpredictable." Tyra ran her hand through her hair.
"It's what I like about him." My blush faded a little and my face softened.
"Go find Tim," Lyla said, rubbing my shoulder. "I'm sure he's wondering where you are right now."
I nodded and wished them a good evening before going to my car.
The TV was going from the living room when I got home. I normally would have walked in there and joined Tim on the couch, but I wasn't ready to tell him about Pantherama. Too bad he already heard the door shut and came over to me.
He pulled me into a kiss. "How was it?"
"Good." I put my backpack on the ground and scurried into the kitchen. Tim followed close behind.
"Are you okay?"
I looked at him. His eyes were filled with concern and a little fear. I quickly hugged him. "I'm okay, Tim. Don't worry. I'm just embarrassed."
"If I tell you about Pantherama, then I have to ask you not to do what the team did. I know you promised and I was kinda sad about you not being a part of it, but I don't think I can handle you keeping that promise right now."
"Just tell me what the guys did."
"Tyra and Lyla thought it would be a great idea to have the football team strip down to their boxers in front of the whole school."
"The school let them do that?"
"Mrs. Taylor looked like she was gonna kill Tyra and Lyla. At least they weren't naked."
Tim chuckled. "You sure you don't want me to fulfill my promise?"
"This once I'm beggin' you not to." I went over to the dishwasher to start loading it.
"Afraid you won't like it?" He was smirking when I glanced at him.
I dropped a plate into a slot and ran my fingers through my hair. "Definitely not, Tim. I'm just not ready to put that temptation in front of me when we're still new to this. You are very nice to look at."
Tim came over and rested his arms on my shoulders, toying with my hair. "All right. I won't do it, but don't hold breakin' my promise over me. I'm doin' what you asked."
"Thank you."
He kissed me a couple of times before helping me load the dishes.
Later, I joined him on the couch to watch some TV. I curled up in his lap and used his shoulder as my pillow. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
"You sure you don't want me to entertain you?" The amusement was thick in his statement.
I looked up at him and gestured at his flannel shirt he had buttoned one button lower than most people would wear it. "This right here is enough to make me blush, Tim. I'll probably have a heart attack if you show off any more skin."
He pulled me into a slow kiss, cradling the back of my head. A satisfied grin settled on his face when he gazed at me. "You don't have a problem at the pool."
"'Cause that's a place everyone shows off a lot of skin." I grazed one finger against the little bit of skin I could see on his chest. "I had to keep my eyes focused when I got back from Italy because I missed you a lot more than I expected. And I felt a little bit of pride when you left those two girls floatin' in the water to greet me. The best lookin' guy at the pool wanted to see me, the art nerd, rather than the pretty rally girls."
"You're pretty."
"You say that because you're datin' me now."
Tim kissed me again. "I always thought you were, Barton."
I put my head on his shoulder again. "Thanks, Tim."
He took my hand and knitted his fingers with mine as he kissed my head. Tim hummed and wrapped me up in his arms. I felt unbelievably safe and loved.
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xaallo · 3 years
Xaallo didn't see this one as a threat. An annoyance, maybe, but a threat no. Which is why he didn't think twice about turning his back on the human. The alien managing the foliage here, collecting any edible, keeping himself busy and out of trouble.
Eli, who was braiding his tail, clearly didn't have similar goals.
" I can feel that, you know." Xaallo was suddenly looking at him, displeased, " Maybe I should throw you harder. Clearly, the message didn't go through the first time."
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deadwriter16 · 2 years
prompt: lazy sunday mornings for bkdk <3 (ps i love everything u write and whenever u post fic i d i e thank u for sharing your talent!!)
omg i love this trope and yet i never really write it, despite how much i want to. i've been meaning to write lazy morning fluff for them!
Edit: anon I forgot to thank you for your compliment!! I’m so glad u like my fics!!
send me a trope and i'll write a bkdk drabble!
It’s not often Katsuki allows himself to sleep in. But yesterday was a hard mission and he and Izuku got home at three in the morning, so exhausted they were barely able to take off their tattered, bloody hero costumes. Those lie in a heap on the floor now; Katsuki will clean them up later. But for now, he’s enjoying the feeling of waking up slowly, sunlight already streaming through the cracked blinds and the covers rumpled by another body that’s fully wrapped around Katsuki. It’s warm, and Katsuki usually doesn’t get this, always waking up at five for his morning runs. He’s used to waking up to Izuku’s clingy hands reaching for him, whining for him to come back to bed despite knowing Katsuki’s morning routine by heart. Katsuki would just kiss his forehead and Izuku would mumble I love you, and Katsuki would leave. But not today.
No, today is Sunday and Katsuki slept the fuck in. And now he’s waking up to Izuku’s quiet breathing, head buried in Katsuki’s chest and all four of his limbs curled around Katsuki’s body. Katsuki blinks his eyes open and runs a hand softly through Izuku’s curls, allowing himself a smile at how Izuku hmms in his sleep. Katsuki keeps petting his hair, staring at Izuku’s baby face and poking some of his freckles. The movement makes Izuku stir, and he comes awake with a smile as he sees Katsuki.
“Kacchan,” Izuku says, gooey and delighted, “you’re here.”
“Slept in,” Katsuki responds, “mornin’ nerd.”
“Morning,” Izuku whispers, crawling up Katsuki’s chest to plant his face into Katsuki’s bare collarbone, lazily kissing up his neck. Katsuki rolls his eyes but lets Izuku have his fun, stroking his hand up and down Izuku’s back in the meantime.
Eventually Izuku reaches Katsuki’s mouth, and kisses him once before pulling away. Katsuki unconsciously chases it, but lets Izuku go and lay his head back on Katsuki’s chest. Izuku closes his eyes, sighing in contentment. Katsuki smiles.
“‘M glad you’re here,” Izuku says, “I miss you in the mornings.”
“You could always come run with me.”
“At five thirty in the morning?” Izuku scrunches up his nose, “no way!”
Katsuki reaches out and boops Izuku’s nose; Izuku giggles.
“Your loss, then,” Katsuki shrugs. And then, “Miss you too, though.”
“Aw, Kacchan,” Izuku laughs, “you should sleep in more often. You’re so much less grumpy.”
Katsuki swats at him. “That’s ‘cause you didn’t fuckin’ snore last night.”
“I do not snore!” Izuku protests, despite knowing damn well he does.
“You live in denial,” Katsuki tells him, dropping a kiss to his curls and then moving to get up. Izuku whines loudly and reaches for Katsuki, but he’s already sitting up and pushing the covers aside. Izuku flails blindly, but Katsuki manages to stand.
“Where’re you going, Kacchan?” Izuku pouts, “come back to bed.”
“Someone has to make your lazy ass breakfast,” Katsuki replies, walking out of their bedroom and into the kitchen, a small smile on his face. He goes to the kitchen of their little apartment and starts cooking some eggs. A few minutes later, ever clingy Izuku walks outside and wraps his arms around Katsuki’s waist. Props his head over Katsuki’s shoulder and kisses the side of his neck before nuzzling into it.
“You got up fast,” Katsuki notes, flipping over an omelet.
“Missed you,” Izuku says, as if it’s obvious. Katsuki’s heart flutters. No matter how many times Izuku expresses his affection, Katsuki never learned how to take it.
“Idiot,” Katsuki tells him, but it’s fond. Basically a term of endearment.
“Love you,” Izuku murmurs, soft and dripping with adoration.
Katsuki knows he sounds exactly the same. “Love you too.”
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swanimagines · 2 years
Hi! If you don't mind, can I request Pin Hawthorne + sister!reader with prompts A37 and A98?
Fandom: Free Rein
Prompts: A37. “As long as that is on my wall, I swear I’m not going to sleep.” and A98. “Wait - did you just agree with me?”
A/N: Rewrote this, still am not happy. But I hope you don't see it like I do 😅
Warnings: a spider
Word count: 835
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“Pin!” your scream echoed throughout the house, and Pin jumped awake immediately, almost stumbling onto the floor. Your scream sounded like it was an emergency, and he quickly almost jumped down the stairs. He was met with you shaking in your bed, staring at the wall. He turned his gaze there too, and - saw a spider. A little, tiny spider, which was barely the size of his thumb. “Please help me, take that away.”
“A spider,” he sighed. “You woke me up for a spider?”
“No, a huge spider,” you argued.
Pin groaned. “Seriously, Y/N. Just go to sleep. The spider will be gone by the morning.”
“I promise I tried to!” you exclaimed as you stared at the spider, then at Pin. “But as long as that is on my wall, I swear I’m not going to sleep.” You looked back up at the beast. If you didn't look it through your fear of spiders, it wouldn't be that big. But for you, it was huge.
Pin shrugged. “It’s just a spider. It won’t hurt you.”
Your eyes narrowed at him. “I don't like spiders. They're creepy and weird looking.”
He laughed. “Alright, I'm helping it out. I'll just fetch something to aid with catching it."
You looked up at the spider again. It was on your wall, crawling across the wallpaper, its legs moving slowly, but steadily. You shuddered. "Be quick, I don't want it to descend onto me while I'm sleeping!"
"Oh, don't worry about that," he said. "I'll get a bowl or something and trap it." He left your room, but came back soon after. He held a large glass bowl in his hands. The spider scuttled towards him.
"Pin, look out!" you squealed and covered your eyes with your blanket.
"Relax, I've got this." he chuckled and carefully placed the bowl onto the creature. It seemed to move around the bowl, unsure of what to do next.
"Pin! Don't touch it!" you shrieked. "What if it bites you?"
"It's not venomous, Y/N." he smiled at you. "Now all we have to do is take it outside."
You shook your head. "No way. I can't go out there. I'd never sleep again."
"Don't worry," he said. "I'll make sure it doesn't come near you."
He moved closer to the open window in your room, flipping the bowl over and the spider immediately made its leave. Pin closed the window after it had safely crossed the windowsill, turning to you. "There. All set."
You nodded, letting your blanket fall from your face. "Thank you, Pin."
"My pleasure," he said with a smile. "And now, goodnight."
"Goodnight, Pin." you replied. "Sleep well."
He waved goodbye and walked off down the hall, leaving you alone in your bedroom. You laid back down, staring at the ceiling. You could hear the sound of Pin's footsteps fading away. You closed your eyes, drifting off to sleep.
The next morning, you woke up to the sound of your father washing some dishes, at least judging by the clinking of plates. You took in a deep breath, sitting up and rubbed your eyes while yawning. You stretched, feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin. You were used to waking up early, so you weren't bothered by the fact that you hadn't slept very much.
As you stepped into the kitchen, your father turned to you. "Morning, sweetie."
"Hi, Dad," you replied. "What's for breakfast?"
"Oh, let me think..." he mumbled. "Omelets, toast, cereal...what do you want?"
"Anything," you said. "Just give me whatever you're having."
"Okay, I'll see what I can whip up." He put the dishes down and went back to the fridge. "Let me know if you need anything."
You smiled and wandered around the house, trying to find Pin. Eventually, you found him in his room, reading a book on the bed. He looked up when you entered. "Hey, Y/N."
"Hi, Pin." you said. "How did you sleep?"
"Not bad," he replied. "How about you? How are you feeling?"
You chuckled. "Better now that I know that the spider isn't in my room anymore."
Pin grinned. "It wasn't that big, you know. You would have been able to handle it just fine."
"Yeah, yeah, I know," you rolled your eyes. "Thanks for getting rid of it for me. And yeah, I guess it wasn't that big."
Pin blinked. “Wait - did you just agree with me?”
"With what?" you asked, trying to seem oblivious.
He grinned. "That it wasn't that big."
You nodded after a moment. "I- um, yeah. I think about it now and it... it would have fit on my thumb, so..."
"Okay, what did you do to my sister, who sees even a spider baby as a goliath birdeater tarantula?" he chuckled and ruffled your hair, which you responded with groaning and pushing his hand away.
"Ugh, stop it." you sighed. "I just said that I realised it myself - it wasn't that big."
He laughed. "Fair enough."
Tags: @bookfrog242 @thereagles @katherinepetrovawife @mrs-brekker15 @brekkers-desigirl @scandalous-chaos @nyx2021
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sugaryyangs · 3 years
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We can be alright again
Pairing: insecure!med student!Jisung / resident!Jisung x insecure!reader
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort
Word count: pretty short I think
Tags: med student!Jisung, established relationship, falling out, strained relationship, insecurity, anxiety, ANGST, doubting feelings, just sad man idk what else to say, aged up characters
Warnings: idk what's possessed me to have done this but it's not edited 😭
Summary: You have been with Jisung for years. But when familiarity seems to turn into unrecognisable and monotonous suffocation, the two of you struggle to make it work.
It wasn't meant to be like this.
Jisung sat at your island, scribbling in his notebook and leaning on the marble surface, clearly exhausted. You faced away from him.
"Noona," he began abruptly, voice expectant.
You hummed, pressing the spatula down on the pan to speed up the process. The eggs sizzled.
"I have to head back soon."
You closed your eyes for a moment. Then, you opened them back up again, pushing the spatula under the half done omelet and flipping it over successfully, revealing a beautiful golden brown.
Jisung stayed quite for another moment, waiting for you to answer. You pressed the omelet to the surface of the pan again. He continued to write.
When you were satisfied with how they looked, you easily shoved the spatula under the eggs and transferred them onto a plate, laying it atop the two slices of toast that you had already placed and decorated with semicircular avocado slices. Three strips of bacon and a small assortment of fruits occupied the rest of the plate.
Finally turning around to face Jisung's direction, you placed the food in front of the dozen of papers and textbooks that were spread out before him. Quickly, you turned back to pour the strawberry-banana smoothy that had been sitting in your old, busted blender for a few minutes now, into a glass. You had bought it with him a few years ago, when the two of you had snuck into that garage sale back in Manhattan.
You were young back then, barely twenty-two, fresh into junior year of your psych major, and Jisung was twenty, two years behind you in age, but only one in college (you'd taken a drop after highschool), a diligent STEM major pursuing his pre-med education. You remembered it so vividly – physics had been kicking his ass, and you'd decided to drag him out of his stupid dorm and show him around the beautiful city the two of you lived in. You weren't actually from there, either, you'd realised when you saw the subway map. You hadn't looked around much yourself. Deciding to explore the area around campus instead, you'd somehow ended up at the sale.
How long had it been since you got to have him all to yourself, like that?
Zoning back in, you realised that Jisung had already cleared up the space before him, and was in the process of sliding the plate closer to himself. You set the glass on the table, and Jisung smiled at you warmly.
"Thank you so much for all this, Noona. You're the actual best, but you know I wont be able to finish..." He trailed off, stuffing his face with your cooking.
You sighed, rolling your eyes in admiration, knowing fully well how hungry residency truly left him. Finally meeting his eyes, you replied to him for the first time since he'd entered the kitchen.
"It's just four. You don't have to be there for another hour."
He hummed as you sat down, but you weren't sure if it was addressed to you or the food. You watched him stuff his face with the meal, cheeks puffing out, the same way they would all those years ago. Something swelled in your chest at the thought of having been the one to feed Jisung since his pre-med days.
"I'll drop you off, eat slowly," you assured him, a wistful smile on your face as you recalled how he'd whine at you to eat with him. He looked up at you, raising his brows in question. You immediately switched, smiling brighter, partially at the sight of him, partially because somehow, that's what you'd become accustomed to. You answered him without skipping a beat.
"Work for me doesn't start until nine, Jisung-ah," you reminded him gently. He blinked, seemingly surprised that he forgot. "Oh."
You plastered on a grin, teasingly reassuring him that it wasn't a big deal, and that of course he forgot, he had to remember a million different things, he was bound to forget some.
Jisung finished the rest of his breakfast in silence. Once he was done, he thanked you again for cooking for him and gathered his things. You drove him to the hospital. Your lips only tugged back down after he'd left.
Sometimes, you wondered if Jisung still actually thought about you. You wouldn't blame him if he didn't. God knew the amount of physical and mental stress medical personnel undergo, how much of it he underwent. He had so much to think about. Too much. You knew how hard working he was. You knew how willing he was to sacrifice anything to achieve success, achieve his dream. You knew him, you knew his drive. But you couldn't help the selfish thoughts that snuck in from time to time.
When Jisung sought comfort, did he still look for you?
Apparantly, these thoughts had become more and more frequent as of late, because for the fourth time that day, your coworker called your name, enquiring with concern laced in her voice.
"I'm okay, Unnie," you smiled, finally snapping out of it, "just a little tired."
The crease in Minnie's brows persisted, but she left you alone after that. You turned back to your desk, thankful, and continued revising the interview schedule for the new position that had opened up at your company.
Something inside tugged at your heart. Like you had been doing with almost everything lately, you ignored it.
"You're not happy," Yeonjun stated, rather matter-of-factly, as he took another bite of his risotto.
You looked up from where you were poking at your pasta, surprised at the sudden accusation.
Renjun and Donghyuk exchanged a glance across the table. Next to you, Somi shifted uncomfortably. Yeonjun drew a breath, contemplating whether he should say what he was about to say next or not.
Somi beat him to it.
"He means, you're not happy with him," she filled in hesitantly.
Everyone at the table grew quite, and you stared, incredulous.
"What, you mean Jisung?"
No one said anything, wary of how you would respond. Taking their silence as confirmation, you let out a humorless laugh, treating it as if it were a joke. You knew it wasn't.
"Guys, what are you even talking about? Jisung and I are fine." You looked at their mirrored expressions, concerned and not convinced in the least.
"We're great, actually," you tried to explain, "I even made him breakfast when he got back this morning. It was actually really fun." It was no use. You knew they could see right through you. Still, you pretended to have no idea about what they were referring to.
Donghyuck was the one who spoke up. "Y/N—" he began, but you cut him off, shaking your head nonchalantly. "Let's just drop it, okay? I want to enjoy my time with you guys."
For the second time that day, you managed to escape speaking about it.
You didn't even know why you were so apprehensive to say it out loud.
Things between you and Jisung were different, you knew that. They'd changed somewhere along the line; you had changed, somewhere along the line, and so had he. Of course you had. It'd been years since the two of you got together, change was inevitable. It was obvious, and it was okay. He knew about it, too.
You reasoned that speaking to your friends, or to him, about it couldn't make it any more real than it already was. Both of you knew of it already, and both of you were choosing not to address it.
And that was okay, things change, people change, you don't always have to do something about it. What could you do? Talk? Complain? Fight? What would that achieve? It's not going to make things go back to the way the were. Besides, you don't just stop loving someone just because of change. And you sure as hell hadn't stopped loving Jisung.
So, it was okay. This was okay. You were content with it, with knowing that the two of you still loved eacho ther, because that's all that mattered.
But why, then, if it was so okay, were you so adamant on keeping quite?
Whenever Jisung used to come to your place after a shift, which was more often than not (he had been practically living with you since you followed him to Korea and rented your place all those years ago), he would beeline to the couch, and after a couple of minutes, he would call out for you. You would always come, water in one hand and a snack in the other, ready to pamper him for his hard work.
Unlike most things between the two of you, this was something that had failed to change.
Today was no different. In your hands, you carried a homemade jjinppang bun and a glass of water. He watched with doting eyes as you approached.
See? You were fine.
As you handed the water to him, he put it aside without taking a sip, surprising you. He then pulled you into him, and pressed his face into your shoulder. You stumbled forward, but smiled when you ended up between his legs, being nuzzled into. Jisung peppered feather light kisses on your neck, collar bones, chest, shoulders—everywhere he could reach.
Bringing your free hand up to his neck, you leaned back to put the tray on the coffee table, garnering a whine from him. Grinning you returned to where he'd been holding you, wrapping your arms around his back and resting your chin on his head.
The two of you stayed that way for a while, and Jisung took the opportunity to hold you as lovingly as he possibly could. Between the swelling feelings inside you, you felt a tinge of worry in your heart.
This wasn't like him.
"Jisungie?" You called, running a hand through his hair. He hummed against you.
"Just for a while?" He is request was so simple, so desperate, and you felt your heart crack. Since when did he have to ask you for intimacy? Your arms tightened around him, and you planted a soft kiss to the top of his head, trying to convey all your emotions and feelings and thoughts to him, one's you hadn't been able to with words, and he did the same.
He'd known, too.
Pushing himself back on the couch, he pulled away from you for a single moment, searching in your eyes for answers to the same questions that you searched for in his. When? How? When had these distances bloomed between the two of you? How had it taken you two so long to finally do something about them?
Realizing that each was just as lost, just as clueless, just as pained and heartbroken as the other, the two of you held each other. That's all you could do. Because this had happened, you both had let it happen, even if you didn't mean for it to, even if you could never in this lifetime and a million others mean for it to.
Silently, Jisung guided you to climb on top of him, and immediately threw his arms back around you. You did the same, cradling him in your arms and after much too long, letting yourself be loved by him, and loving him just as hard.
Maybe, just like you, he'd finally realized, too; that no, this wasn't okay.
But it would be. You and Jisung knew now, and now everything was going to be alright. You would make sure of it.
A/N: hello! I've had this account for almost two years now, but I hadn't posted in a while. Actually, I'd even closed it. But, I was really in the feels for Jisung today, and I'd been wanting to write something about a medical person/career involved for a while. So I impulsively spent three hours on this, and voila! I hope you liked it, I'm not great at angst/anything in general tbh but yes ! I might even make this into a series, if I still feel inspired to do so. Okay, thanks for reading, bye bye now (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
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kitchenscene · 2 years
I wanna know about all of them but. please tell me about seventeen ways and fake your death :)
two other people asked about fake your death, so i'll just tell you about seventeen ways. it's basically the eddie therapy fic where he tries journaling, except writing down your feelings is hard so instead he find a list online of "things you can do to be the happiest version of yourself" because hey, you gotta start somewhere, and he uses the journal keep track of that list
Commit to doing one nice thing for yourself every day.
It’s the first item on the list. The first of seventeen and it sounds so easy but there’s nothing nice in his head he could possibly do for himself.
Eddie can’t think, so instead he eats. The eating might help the thinking, he reasons, and it’ll at least give him something to do. He’s not the best chef, but he’s getting better with practice (and with good recipes to cheat off of). 
Eddie makes himself an omelet with three eggs, a little cheese, and all his favorite spices from the cabinet. He chops up some peppers and mushrooms, cooks them low and slow before throwing in the eggs. The tricky part is the last step, just before serving. Eddie’s never successfully flipped an omelet, but even when the eggs fold over themselves in the wrong direction, it still tastes like a good meal in the end. 
It’s not often he’s proud of his cooking, but today he cooked a good meal, and that should be enough. 
(Last night Buck came over and helped him cook a baked ziti for dinner. The pasta was perfectly cooked, and the cheese melted in all the right ways. They ate half the pan in one sitting, and Christopher took some leftovers to school today. That should be enough.)
A good meal should count as something nice. 
He picks up his journal, he picks up his pen, and for the first time, he writes something down.
Today I cooked breakfast, and that should count as something nice.
send me a wip title from this list, and i'll tell you about the fic
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imaginetrahs · 4 years
So excuse me, what's your problem?
Why you so mad? You're crazy, babe
Excuse me, you must be out your mind, baby
But you got the right one this time, I
You got me fucked up
- Ro James, Excuse Me
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Groaning in frustration, I threw my phone on the other side of my bed. Just when I thought everything was going good here comes Noah starting trouble. I don't understand where this sudden animosity came from, it's been 2 months since we've broken up and he needs to let it go.
"Sis you really need to talk to Noah before I do, because if I do there won't be much talking" Kaori said busting into my room. We balance each other out, where she's shoot first and ask questions later I'm ask questions first and then shoot.
"For what? He's entitled to his own opinion, although it's wrong. And if we did talk what would I even say to him?" I responded with much sarcasm because Kaori is never one to tell me to talk to anyone about our problems. Like I said she's shoot first ask questions later.
"Well first you could start by telling him he's a bitch and he needs to grow up. And secondly, if he felt this way why didn't he say something when you guys were dating because if I remember correctly he was once your biggest fan and OFFERED to pay for your studio session even though you told him he didn't need too. I don't know about you but that shit don't rock this way."
I didn't have anything to say because I knew she was absolutely correct. Every time I tried to pay for my studio sessions Noah told he would because I was his girl and it was the least he could do. When I released my first studio album, CTRL, I tried to pay him back for all of the studio sessions but he wouldn't take it because "it wasn't a big deal" so I never pressed it further. But for him to now throw it out in to the world that he "made me" is bullshit.
"Yeah I guess you're right" I said rolling my eyes.
"I know I am. But on to a more serious note, what are we eating for dinner?"
For dinner Kaori and I decided to go to Waffle House instead of cooking because honestly neither of us felt like it.
We come here so much that the servers already know our orders. I always get the ham and cheese omelet with double waffles and hash browns while Kaori gets the cheese stake omelet with double chocolate chip waffles and country hash browns which I think is a weird ass combination.
While waiting for our food we talked about important things I have in the future, like tour, photo shoots, and talk shows. Just regular promo for albums and stuff.
"I have a lot of shows to do this week. If you want to come you can but it'll be a lot plus I have a feeling everyone is going to ask me about what Noah said and not my album." I said stuffing my face with omelet.
"Duh, I'm coming with you. You know I don't like being home by myself," Kaori is a 24, almost 25, year old woman who doesn't like being at home by herself and I'll never understand why.
Kaori and I have been best friends since diapers really and when we were younger her parents were rarely home because of work and she always stayed at my house. Then when we got older we moved in together, and I guess over time of her parents being away she developed separation issues but she'll never admit to it. Which is why she sorta goes everywhere with me, even on tour.
"And even if they do, tell them the truth. Don't worry about what people will say because he obviously didn't give a fuck." She said shrugging her shoulders.
By now we've finished our food and we're just sitting here talking to my cousin who just happens to work here.
"I fucking hate working here. Do you see the people that come is here on a daily? Looking any type of way? And did y'all hear about that Waffle House that got shot the fuck up in Nashville? Let that shit happen out here, bet y'all I sue the fuck out this bitch!" My cousin Jay was something else, just loud, ghetto and as extra as they come.
"Jay shut the fuck up you ain't suing shit dummy. Ain't you supposed to be working? Look at you, always doing some shit you ain't supposed to. If anything they gon' sue yo' ass for not fucking working." Here he went and got Kaori started, they can never have a simple conversation without yelling or cussing, like damn shut up.
After a while I tuned them out and let them converse about whatever until Jay had to go back to work. He told us he'd see us later and now it was back to being just me and Kaori again.
"You good? You ready to go?" I was started to get tired and I knew it was the itis so I told her yeah but as soon as I was about get up she stopped me.
"Don't flip out but Aaron just walked in." She told me this like I was supposed to care.
"Okay and? What does that have to do with me leaving?" I really didn't see how any of this was my problem. I don't care about him or Noah. Quite frankly I'm tired of hearing and saying his name.
"What do you mean "okay and" you know if Aaron is here then Noah isn't too far behind. You know they're damn near attached at the hip." That statement was 100% true, wherever Noah went Aaron went and vice versa, kind of like me and Kaori.
"Well I'm not worried about them. If it's that big of a deal we can leave out the other doors, I'm just starting to get really tired and I want to go home." Kaori nodded her head and we got up getting ready to leave out the other doors, when I heard someone walk up behind me.
"Wassup y'all?" None other than Aaron himself had walked up.
So much for leaving around them.
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thesentientmango · 5 years
Hey are you taking prompts for the sick angst thing--- if sooooo, logicality with number 4: "You're sick?!?! Why didn't you tell me?!?!?" If not logicality then maybe some loceit please? Thanks-
//Of course! Here you are! It turned out a lot less angst then I first intended! Sorry if there are errors, it's mostly unedited, I wanted to post this though! If anyone wants to send prompts they are still open!
When Patton woke up, he knew something was wrong. He was too warm, but a certain chill seeped into his bones, and sent shivers down his spine. He felt too full, but he hadn't eaten anything since dinner last night. He couldn't focus, all he wanted to do was lay in bed, but he didn't want his boyfriend to know he wasn't well.
So Patton got up, and although his stomach complained at the movement, Patton still made his way to the kitchen to start breakfast. Patton arrived to find Logan cutting up various fruits, that he divided up between two plates that each had an omelet on. Patton swallowed thickly, the sight of food making his stomach flip.
Logan glanced up, "Ah Patton. I hope you enjoyed your rest. I only have a few minutes before I must depart. A couple doctors called in ill, so they need a hands on deck."
Patton nodded, putting on his best smile, even though he felt like curling up and crying. "The sleep really did me some good! I don't want to make you late, so eat up! I'll clean the dishes!"
Logan grabbed the plates setting one on each of their respective places, before pecking Patton on the cheek.
"Thank you Patton. That really is a weight lifted from my shoulders."
Patton smiled weakly, as Logan sat down. Patton mirrored him, however he simply cut his omelet up, and engaged Logan in conversation to distract himself.
Five minutes later, Logan stood kissing the top of Patton's head, as he murmured a sweet goodbye.
As soon as Logan closed the door, Patton let out a harsh string of coughs he had been holding in. He looked tiredly at the plates, one with quite a lot more food than the other. He could clean them up later. For now, Patton wanted to sleep.
Patton stood up suddenly, and immediately regretted it, his stomach started to do flips, and tighten in on itself. Patton rushed to the toilet, however he couldn't contain the vomit that slipped through his fingers, spilling onto the tile bathroom floor. Patton collapsed onto the toilet, emptying the rest of his stomach into the porcine bowl.
Patton lost track of time, and although he eventually stopped vomiting, at that point he was to tired to move. Patton drifted to sleep.
"---on? Patton please wake up!"
Patton squinted against the brightness of the room around him. The gentle pushing of his shoulder, along with Logan's worried voice reminded him what was going on.
Patton scrunched his eyes closed as a harsh string of coughs, which ended with the taste of bile in the back of his throat, escaped him. When he finally onpened his eyes to refocused to the light, Patton saw Logan looking around in dismay.
"Patton... I... You're sick? Why didn't you tell me?" Logan rubbed his eyes tiredly, "For Newton's sake Patton, I'm a doctor! I can help you."
Patton choked out, as he tried to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over, "I didn't want to bother you... You were already going to be so busy at work, and I... I just wanted to help..." Patton blanched, "Oh no! I forgot the dishes! I'm sorry Logan."
Logan shook his head, "I'll wash them." Then he hesitantly added on, "I'm glad you didn't do them. It was the first thing that made me realize something was wrong."
Patton supplied a weak smile, before he started to cough again. These coughs shook his entire body, and Logan rubbed his back gently while it happened.
Patton groaned, "I'm sorry Lo. This is probably the last thing you wanted to come home to."
Logan frowned, "I need you to understand this, I will never dislike taking care of you. It is true I do not wish to come home to this, but that is only because I love you, and want you to be well."
Logan stood, and started to run a shower, "Now I'm going to need you to get out of those revolting clothes. Can you stand by yourself?"
Patton nodded, before shakily getting to his feet. Logan gave Patton a gentle smile, "Alright, I will leave the door unlocked. Please yell if you need something. I will not be far."
Patton watched his boyfriend leave the room and close the door. He gently slipped off his clothes before stepping into the shower.
As the warm water ran around him, Patton refected on the past couple minutes, and butterflies jumped around in his stomach. Logan loved him. He really did. Patton smiled their first 'I love you', it didn't happen how he expected, but it was nice nevertheless.
Patton giggled, before whispering into the air, "I love you too Lo."
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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Im feeling kind of sad right now. I had a breakdown earlier over something stupid but it was just to much. I am looking forward to sleep because its just been a lot.
I had a good day today though. I slept well. My headache was gone when i got up. So that was nice. I got up at 8 and put the heat on and slept another hour. Excellent.
When I got up i made a sort of schedule. Get dressed. Go to the store. Come home and make an omelet. Paint for a bit. Watch tv. Go to work. I wanted to be eating by 1015 and I accomolished that!
I felt cute. I like my haircut a lot. I biked over to the store abd got a few things. Mostly was out for soda. I biked home and made my omelet and toast and it was excellent. And i was just on time at 1010.
Sweet Pea wanted to go outside so I let him hang out there but then I ended up forgetting about him until about 11:15 I feel horrible because he came in and he was all cold and his tail was all puffy. So I loved on him and played with him for a bit after that but while he was outside I did a bunch of other stuff.
I change my outfit because I decided I didn't want to get flour dust from the clay we were going to make with the kids today all over myself and I get dishes and then I painted for a while. It was nice. I had a really chill morning. And I just felt really good about everything. I finally sewed Pockets into my black jacket and I felt really really accomplished.
I realized that sweet pea was outside and let him in and I felt bad. So I spent a little bit of time loving him up before I had to leave for work. I bike down to the bus stop but I was pretty early. I ended up having a really nice conversation with some elderly men that were hanging out there about being short, the one guy was only five two. And about that dad and daughter that murdered that lady. And about people falling in love with people in prison and how it's not the wisest decision. It was fun talking to them it was a nice interaction.
The bus came and I got to work on time. Well I got to work early. And I spent the next hour cleaning and organizing. I returned some stuff back to the supply closet. And I talked to Tiffany about strategies for group work and choosing tables. And the general was great. So no big deal and me and chelsi have a plan of attack for where they are going to sit.
Class was fun. We have a new student to add to our other new student from yesterday. His name is Michael. He's very very nice. And it was a fun time. We had a nice drawing time in the beginning and I brought my pink Furby and batteries. And the kids were so thrilled. Because she does a lot of different things. And so they were passing around all day. Enough that her batteries died. So if I bring her again I'll have to bring her new batteries. We went outside and it was nice. Some of the girls braided my hair and it was just chill.
Dinner was fine but I dipped out to go to the classroom to start measuring stuff because we were making Salto Clyde. Devon came and helped me and he was super helpful measuring things with the measuring cup. I realize that I screwed up the salt measurement but I don't think it'll matter that much since the salt is just a preservative. And I'm going to shellac all there pieces at the end.
And they had such a blast working with Clay. I had them all come to the back of the table and we talked about best practices for how to build something out of clay. Pinch pot, coil, slab. They all asked can we do it another way. And I tried to explain to them that these are really the three ways that you can only make something. And that what they're trying to do is essentially a pinch pot and that's totally fine. But it was funny talking to her about it. And then they just went to town making this clay. Each table got their own bucket and they all mixed up together and table number three to the best and got it the quickest. Table number one had the most roll. And ended up with almost no clay advance. But thankfully I made another batch to share with anyone who had trouble. And I'm going to keep all of it and make baggies of equal amounts for each kid. They're not building till Thursday so I got tomorrow to work on that. But it was really nice seeing how excited they were to work on everything. I'm probably going to bring in some tools for them to work with but today was really great.
The kids were originally working on plastic but it was the plastic that has all the old paint on it so it was flaking all in their class so they asked if they could take the plastic off the tables. That first Chelsea said no but then we decided it would be okay as long as all the kids cleaned. And they did and they did a really good job. And then at the end we talked about sensory and how working with this clay was a sensory experience. And they said that they used almost all their senses including taste because all of them tried to eat it because it was made of flour. Which was very funny. But it was a lot of fun.
The end of the day was fine and then I got on the bus without much issue. There was a weird guy at the bus stop who was very concerned that I smiled at him when I walk past. But it was fine. Until I realized I couldn't find my bike key. Wasn't in my backpack and it wasn't in my coat.
So I get pretty upset. And when I got off the bus I don't my backpack out and it wasn't in there. So I had to just walk to my apartment. I had planned on going to James but now I was tired and it was 6:30. And I didn't want to be walking all the way to his apartment and all the way back. So I just told him I was going to come. And I was upset but it was fine. I couldn't find the spare key that I thought I had and that frustrated me. And I dump my backpack out to see if I have had missed it and realize that my clock furby was making a horrible horrible grinding sound. And this is the one I just got that I spent too much money on and that actually works. And the screen was frozen on all fives and was making horrible noises on every Saturday. And I was so upset and then I couldn't find a screwdriver to open it up. And I called James and I absolutely flipped out. I was sobbing. And I know it was because I was overwhelmed by everything I was just so angry. I was mad at myself and I'm not about this apartment. I don't want to live here anymore. I just want to move out I don't like the space I'm too cold all the time. It's too much money. And I just don't want to be here. I really feel like I can live in apartments one year at a time and that's basically it. Because every place I've lived as soon as I hit that year-and-a-half Mark I just I'm so disgusted by the space that I'm just super unhappy. But maybe it's also because when I get to that point I know I'm almost out of the apartment? And like I am dealing with moving by just despising the place I'm in? Unclear but I was really really upset. I ended up hanging up on him because I couldn't keep looking for a screwdriver to open the stupid Furby and be on the phone. So I hung up on him and I was able to find a pocket knife that had a small screwdriver I want it and was able to get the batteries out and I fixed it and it was fine. And then I was fine. I just felt super hollow inside and tired. But I wasn't upset. I felt embarrassed but I wasn't as upset as I had them. I called him back and I apologized and told him I punched a wall and split my knuckle open. And he said he would stop me from doing that in the future and that he was really sorry that he couldn't have been more helpful. My mom had also sent me a package with keychain Furbies that made me smile because she didn't have to do that and she went out of her way and it helps when I feel alone out here to know that they're back they're thinking of me. and now that everything is calm down I'm really just ready to go to sleep. don't have class tomorrow but we do have a PD at noon. I can't do anything about my Bike today or tomorrow. So we just have to wait and hope that it all works out quickly. That my bike key is just in the storage classroom and I'll find it on Thursday when we go back. Or James will have to get a bolt cutter and cut my bike off the pole. But for now I'm going to sleep. Good night everyone stay warm
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Danny: You looking for trouble?
Danny: 'Cause I'll flip you like an omelet.
Dylan: This is my new favourite non-threatening threat.
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