#I don't have time or energy for all the days but im glad I was able to do this one
disengaged · 2 months
so i left the psych ward against medical advice 💁
they detained me for hours (while classified as a voluntary patient) and when i told them it was illegal a nurse looked me in the face and told me he didn't care about my rights 👍
& then when i got upset about being illegally detained he told me getting emotional is evidence that i am incompetent and if they want they can just keep forming me for it as long as they want 👍
and then they ignored me for two hours and refused to give me my belongings. and also called four (4) giant male security guards to have on standby 👍 even though i have zero history of violence, am 5'5" and weigh (not much) and previously disclosed to them many, many times that i have a history of ptsd, part of which is specifically hospital trauma 👍
and then they locked me in a room and searched all of my belongings to find a reason to form me 👍
like i'm gonna throw up thinking about it. (also they still have my wallet with all my IDs and credit cards.)
anyways i got the fuck out. and it was like 12:30am but my friend picked me up and i had a fucking panic-oh-fuck-oh-shit-meltdown in his car . but i went and took a shower and then he drove me to another hospital
and they formed me too except it's way nicer here and the staff are so nice. & the unit is way bigger and quieter . and they actually listened to me and referred me to a rheumatologist (after ...... 6-7 years of begging various doctors to be taken seriously)
and i have hope for the first time in a long time! & i'm getting discharged tomorrow :)
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oiblackestsheep · 20 days
Letters to MBTI: ESFJ
Dear ESFJs,
My opposite! You and I... we don't tend to run in the same social circles, most of the time lmao. But you know what, that's okay! I recognize that just because we aren't incredibly close, doesn't mean I don't see you and appreciate everything you do.
Our cognitive functions appear in reverse order and nothing reminds me of that better than getting to spend time with one of you. You find ways to be pragmatic, punctual, and inclusive of everybody in ways that I can't even manage to do in my dreams.
And when I say inclusive of everybody, usually, that extra effort goes towards making sure that people like me are included and welcomed to the group/community activities, and I really can't express how grateful I am for that. Or rather, usually, I couldn't express that because it's hard to do that verbally when you feel socially awkward, but here, I'm gonna let it rip.
So let's get into it!
I've found myself in enough social situations where I felt a bit like an outcast wallflower (which can earn you points on the internet, but not so much irl lmao), and it's the healthy ESFJ who recognizes this and decides to make the concentrated effort to help break the ice when I'm not quite sure how.
You never run out questions to ask to keep the conversation going and you always find a way to make me (and probably the other introverts) feel like we have a voice and a place at the table in any social setting. Especially when everyone else present knows each other and I'm the new person. This is such an important skill you have and I don't think you hear enough thanks from the people you help, most likely because we don't always know how best to say it.
Not to mention that you are likely the one who organized whatever event is happening, which most people take for granted. It's not easy being the one to accommodate everyone's schedules and coordinate all of the necessary components for social gatherings.
Or business gatherings! It's not all just birthday parties and baby showers with you guys; you've got serious business to get through, and all the while have to remember things like dietary restrictions, seating arrangements, appropriate time slots for all facets of the gathering. You're the one who has planned out the whole day from start to finish, hearding everyone else around, and everyone else has the luxury of going along with all of it without even noticing.
An introverted perceiver like me doesn't know the half of the hard work it takes to make these things happen!
I hope that it is as helpful to you to have me brainstorming new, potential solutions to your technical problems as it is to me when you make sure that everything is going according to plan and everyone gets the chance to comfortably and genuinely participate in all of our collaborative events.
You really do examplify everything I'd like to be better at. Maybe we should hang out more! We may not always have the most in common with our interests, but I think we could learn a lot from each other. Keep doing what you're doing ESFJs. You really are the glue that holds us all together and makes everyone feel safe!
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queercatboyrights · 4 months
totally not me having one of the shittiest mental health crisis known to man for like, the last week
#nebbles talks#vent#feel free to ignore i am just so chronically tired and depressed rn and don't have another outlet atm#literally just feel so. helpless? not necessarily useless#but fuck literally any action i take or do or even THINK about doing feels so fucking pointless#its like no matter how hard i work for self improvement or just simply trying to get a better quality of life in general#NOTHING fucking changes#ive spent the last like. year busting my ass working and doing college classes 6 days a fucking week#and not only is my financial status even fucking WORSE than when I started#my physical health has tanked horrendously and i barely even have the energy to do basic tasks like take care of my self or even shower#SO LIKE WHATS THE FUCKING POINT??????#WHY SHOULD I FORCE MYSELF TO SUFFER IF ITS NOT EVEN GONNA CHANGE MY LIFE FOR THE FUCKING BETTER??????????#uuuuhhhgggggggg#basically no matter what i do im never gonna be able to afford to live on my own and not starve.#despite busting my ass and working 40hrs a week while also having a full time academic load#fucking. SO cool hard work literally means nothing anymore. thats definitely so so motivating and totally doesnt make me want to kill mysel#so so so glad i got to be alive in the time period where you can never gain any improvement in your life#despite doing everything i was told would make my life better#like thats so fucking cool and totally not disheartening or tragic at all#asdgjsldkdnb#again. feel free to ignore all this#the tags are like my personal little journal of fucked up thought processing since i dont have my actual paper journal on me atm
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lxvebun · 1 year
whisper of the heart
synopsis: genshin boys voicelines about you!
content: Kaeya/Ayato/Xiao/Heizou/Gorou/Arataki/Zhongli x gender neutral reader (so they/them pronouns used) Fluff! Mentions of kissing. Slightly possessive Ayato and Zhongli (but still healthy ofc) English is not my first language so I'm sorry for any mistakes.
dark blogs, k¡nk and ed blogs do not interact or lose all your 50/50s and I will also knock your teeth in<3
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About y/n:
"Ah so you've met the lovely Y/n already. I'm not surprised they're quite hard to miss. Such a radiant smile and kind heart. I've had to fend off many people that were ready to throw themselves at them. Why? Well, because they are with me of course! What, you into them as well?"
About eyepatch:
"Y/n is one of the few people who have seen me without my eyepatch. Hm? How did they respond? Well, they didn't. I appreciate that. It makes it a lot more tolerable to walk around without my eyepatch knowing that what's beneath doesn't make a difference. What's beneath it? Wouldn't you like to know"
About vision:
"Did you know our visions are in tune with our emotions? There are plenty of fingertips and footprints scorched into the walls and floors of the dawn winery hehe. I sometimes unintentionally freeze parts of items I'm holding. Now that we're talking about it, it always happens when y/n enters my view...how strange"
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Possessive ayato? Possessive ayato
About y/n:
"Y/n? Did Thoma tell you about them? I'm not surprised. If Thoma is not around the estate you can be sure he's feeding the stray dogs and cats with Y/n. I wish I could join them but alas I'm needed elsewhere most of the time. If you'd like, I can ask y/n to go feed the dogs and cats with you sometime. But remember as lovely as they are, they are indeed my partner, so don't get any ideas"
About free time:
"As head of the kamisato clan, free time is not something I have an abundance of. Once I finished one pile of papers, Thoma is already handing me the next *sigh* It can be tiring but my dear y/n is able to make those long days a little easier. Just seeing them smile energizes me. I often request them to stay with me a little while longer when I finish some papers. I wouldn't know what to do without them"
About vision:
"Visions are indeed in tune with our emotions, though it's rarely visible to others since they're not quite spectacular. I have noticed I subconsciously start creating little water flowers on y/ns skin whenever we have some sort of physical contact. Many times when we are holding hands, they start building up along their arms. Im glad Y/n doesn't mind, they are quite pretty and I can't say I hate it when I see them walk around Inazuma adorned with my flowers.
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About y/n:
"Y/n? Yeah what's with them? Do I know them well? I do they are, ,,they are my partner. Don't look so surprised! I can't believe I'm deserving of them either."
Kiss him rn:(
About flowers
"Y/n and I often go flower picking through Liyues mountains. While I don't know where they get the energy to race from mountain top to mountain top, as long as it makes them happy, I'm happy. That said, the flower crowns they make are quite beautiful. Do I wear them? Of course."
About vision:
"I've learned to control most of the elemental energy originating from our visions but, as embarrassing as it is to say, i've lost control of them multiple times around Y/n. there have been multiple occasions of anemo whisps dancing around them or *sigh*, dashing into them when I desire physical contact. They think it's sweet but...nevermind, I suppose that makes it alright.
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About y/n:
"Ah yes Y/n! They are quite lovely don't you think? You know, the first time I met them something inside of me just knew they were my soulmate, and unsurprisingly I dreamed about them that night! Once I finally managed to talk to them we immediately felt the spark. We've been together ever since :)"
About cases:
"Although I'm good at solving cases, if I do say so myself, I do like requesting Y/n to help me. Of course, I’d never take them with me on dangerous cases, but the more ahem peculiar ones such as " a certain Oni has been seen walking around Hanamizaka challenging children to onikabuto duels' ' it's fun to bring them along. "
About visions:
"Ah yes, every user's vision is in tune with their emotions. Mine are a little more controllable than most users. Sometimes little puffs of air flow from my fingertips, Y/n enjoys it when I'm stroking my hand through their hair or giving them a gentle breeze on a hot day. Gotta be careful I don't accidentally make the flow too strong tho"
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About y/n
"Oh you have met Y/n? Well, what did you think of them? They’re sweet right! They told you about us? No no I don’t mind! I just didn’t expect them to be so open and excited to tell you. I know it's wagging Stop looking at my tail!"
About headpats:
"Though many try, I don't let anyone touch my ears, or my tail,,,except for y/n of course. Many times in the past, when I was younger, people always tugged on my tail or pinched my ears so I was really nervous when Y/n wanted to touch them. I'm glad I let them. They're always soft and delicate with any pets and it feels good to know they like me for me and everything that I am. They also know the exact right places to scratch!"
About visions:
Shirou is the lil dog with gorous skill btw
"Lets not talk about that. There have been an embarrassing amount of times where I had to hold back shirou  from pressing a plethora of kisses to y/n's face. He only does that when I'm holding back on affection. Not because I don't like it! more so because I get nervous, but now it's either breaking through that nervousness or getting a leash for shirou.."
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Arataki Itto
About y/n:
"Haha I see you’ve met my number one! They’re great, they are always up for onikabuto fights, they get along great with granny even the gang adores them? Jealous? Why would I be jealous? The gang, no no they wouldn't try anything, I mean yeah y/n is great and sweet, kind, admirable, strong…..perhaps I should have a meeting with the gang, just to be sure ya know"
About being an oni:
"Hey hey hey what do ya think about my horns! check it out freshly painted by the lovely y/n haha!! Yeah, y/n always paints my horns! Sometimes I just let them decide what color they're going to be, even walked around with pastel pink ones for a while. Im glad that they're so comfortable with me being an oni. the differences in size, strength and well the horns of course can scare quite a few people off or archons forbid make them start throwing beans AGH. Not my dear y’n though! even if I accidentally poke them with my horns sometimes, they still press a kiss to them each moring:))"
About visions
"Sometimes, I think Ushi likes y/n more than me. I know right! They’re always cuddling together which I mean they should be doing with me but anyways, or Ushi is sitting on their lap which is also my place....... but I like that they get along so well. Ushi has been my rock for a long time so it's nice to see them together.
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I couldnt think of a vision one :(
About y/n:
"Oh you want to know more about y/n and me? Of course, i’d love to tell you about our story. My dear love y'n and I go a long long way back. Come sit down I will brew you some tea as I tell you about them"
About Morax:
"Though I have walked around in this form for a while now, some old habits are quite hard to shed, more specifically the hoarding and protecting of treasure. But I also think it’s a normal response to want to protect whats yours no? As you can see our home is decorated with little shiny trinkets that I found during my many years in Teyvat. Here! this a very special crystal I found a millenia ago, Dug it out of the ground myself. Of course you can touch it. The protectiveness? Oh that only happens when y/n is around"
Dragon!zhongli? Kiss me.
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Thank you for reading bunnies!<3 I hope you liked it!
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midnight-black2 · 1 month
imagine being Janns best friend and you travel with him everywhere for his races. you usually stay in hotels…
you get into your shared hotel room just to find out there’s one bed 🫣 (prompt #9)
“i took her to my penthouse and i freaked it” 😻🗣️
pairing : jann mardenborough x reader
synopsis : what the req says basically
disclaimers : fast-pace smut, dom!reader, sub!jann, masturbation (m!recieving), praise (m!recieving), idk maybe more im prob forgetting lol
note : i hope you wanted smut otherwise i guess just stop reading at the smut part if you didn't bc i wasn't sure whether to write it like this or not but uh nonetheless, hope you like it 😭 p.s, i'm glad you enjoy my writing !! 🫶
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it was an exponentially long day, and you were ready to crash.
for context, that day was one of janns big races. of course, he placed. he came in first, which was huge. you endlessly congratulated him, but you felt like you needed to do more. you'd figure that out tomorrow, though. now, you were too beat to think about it.
you, jann, and the others that were apart of the traveling team all checked into the lavish hotel that was booked for that night. since you and jann were the most comfortable with one another, you guys always shared a room. well, that night was no exception. the front desk lady handed you the key, and everyone was on their way to their designated rooms.
you entered the key into the slot, before it flashed green and you two stepped into the room. you let your suitcase fall to the ground, before sleepily rubbing your eyes. janns energy seemed to have switched, and the air felt stiff around you. you looked up, and widened your eyes a bit at the sight you were met with. of course, just what you needed.
"are you serious? there's only one bed?" you mumbled, with a low groan. he was pale in the face, looking as if he had just seen a ghost.
"i can just uhm sleep on the floor if you want," jann suggested, swallowing shallowly. you shook your head.
"no, i'd feel bad making you do that."
"well i'm not gonna let you sleep on the floor."
"then i guess we're sharing then," you said, too exhausted to care otherwise. usually, you'd come up with some sort of solution, but this time you simply plopped on the bed, and made yourself comfortable within the covers, allowing the mattress to engulf you.
"a-are you sure?" he questioned, nervously. you nodded.
"mhm," you hummed. he reluctantly got in bed with you. he was wide awake--there was no way he would get sleep tonight with you in the same bed with him. he felt as though he could burst. you wanted to sleep, you really did. but, jann interested you just a bit more than proper rest. you could feel the tension rise, and you glanced over. he didn't seem tired at all.
"you alright, jann?" you asked, placing your hand on his. you definitely knew what you were doing, and wasn't helping janns situation whatsoever.
"y-yeah, i'm fine. just sleep, i don't want you to miss out on rest because of me."
"yeah but you seem troubled," you replied, as you rubbed the pad of your thumb along his hand. "what's up, jann?"
"it's nothing, really. i promise," he threw you a half smile, trying to cover up. naturally, you could see right through him, and he knew that.
"is it about the next race? you have nothing to worry about, you know. you're good, really good, jann. you got first place today. do you know how excited i am?" you explained, squeezing his hand with a smile. "i also feel like i never properly congratulated you."
"but you did, so many times," he laughed. you laughed along with him.
"yeah, verbally, but i feel like there's a different way to show how proud i am."
"like how?"
"however you want, it's your big day, after all," you answered, knowing exactly what was crossing his mind. you wanted him to say it himself, to use words, but you knew he was never too good at it.
"i guess there is something that comes to mind," he said quietly, not making eye contact with you. his eyes darted across the room, as he sat up to his side and rested his head on his elbow. you did the same, admiring him.
"yeah? like what?" you asked. he couldn't find the right words. would he mess it up? say something stupid? oh, he didn't know. luckily, you seemed to have already know what he wanted when you started to lean in, eyes flickering to his lips. his heart skipped a beat--no, his heart skipped many beats. you kissed him feverishly, his lips soft on yours. when you finally pulled away, the two of you were panting and out of breath. he felt heat spread throughout his body, and it suddenly occurred that he may have needed you more than he thought...hah.
you both sat up. you ran your hand down his body, before resting it upon his inner thigh. his breathing was becoming more and more shaky with every action you made.
"are you okay with this?" you queried, wanting to make sure he was completely comfortable. he nodded, but it wasn't enough. "words, jann." he gulped.
"yes, please." you smiled softly.
"good," you praised, hand traveling to his growing hard-on. he looked at you with such pleading eyes, that you just couldn't stop yourself. your hands went to zipper of his pants.
"may i?" you asked. after all, consent is hot.
"mhm," he hummed, nodding. you chuckled, and undid the zipper. you pulled down his boxers with it, revealing his cock. and god fucking damn, was he big. i mean, it was no surprise, he was a tall guy too. but it looked to be about 8.5 to 9 inches, which was difficult for you to comprehend.
"fuck jann," you mumbled, with a small laugh. he whimpered when you accidentally grazed the tip. and he was sensitive, too? could it get any better? he was the full package. you slowly wrapped your hand around his cock. first, you didn't do much. you wanted to ease him into the feeling.
"Y-Y/N please," he pleaded, his brows furrowing.
"please what?" you asked.
"please touch me."
"aren't i already doing that?" you asked, teasingly, but nonetheless gave him what he wanted, and started moving your hand. up and down, creating a slow, steady rhythm. and god, the sounds he let out. broken moans and groans, whimpers and sometimes soft whines. he sounded utterly divine.
"o-oh god," he whimpered, bucking his hips up slightly. you let him do what he wanted. after all, this was a little gift from you anyway. you didn't quite expect to be getting your best friend off tonight, but now that it was happening, it was hot.
he threw his head back, bundling up the sheets in his fist, and his other arm was thrown across his mouth, in hopes of not becoming too loud.
"doing so well, jann. you always do so good," you mumbled, kissing his jaw gently. he moaned, and shut his eyes. he felt like he was dreaming. was this a dream? nope. it was very much so happening, and he was very much so about to cum, already. you sped up your pace a bit, as you thumbed at the tip a little. he whined, furrowing his brows.
"i-i can't, i think im gonna cum," he warned, groaning softly. you smiled.
"cum whenever you want, jann," you responded. that about did it, he came with a silent cry, mouth hung open slightly, panting out of his mind. he dirtied nearly everything within close distance. the once white pristine sheets were now dirtied with his cum, his shirt was messy, and so were his pants. you kissed his lips softly.
"there you go, you did so well for me," you cooed. he couldn't help the smile that creeped up on his face.
well, turns out you found out the perfect way to congratulate him.
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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 © 𝐤𝐲𝐚-𝐢𝐬-𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐥
𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐲? 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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my-jukebox · 1 month
hihi! i have a obey me request that i thought of after reading the hug headcanons w the brothers post you made!! (it was REALLY nice btw <3 i loved it!)
what about mc coming home after a tiring day at RAD and mammon just hugs them n they just have a cute fluffy moment …or!! mammon coming home after a tiring day at RAD, and mc just hugs him n again they have a cute fluffy moment, any of the two are fine since they’re both so cute!! im gonna leave the choice up to ya, cant wait too see what u write <3
- 🃏 anon! :3
I'm so glad you loved the previous post. I brainstormed my best here and tried to make it longer so forgive me if it's not up to the mark. Also God it took so long, I'm sorry.
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Genre: Oneshot, Fluff
Characters: (gn! reader), and Mammon.
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"Mammon, towards the light!"
The photographer said as Mammon turned towards the light, maintaining his pose. He had been going for hours together with only a ten minute break every hour.
"Majolish is gonna love these pics. Great job today!" was all Mammon heard before he rushed to his studio room and removed his makeup. He looked so tired, to the point where he should've considered getting Asmo to keep the people at bay.
He took deep breaths and finally got some shut eye until—
"Mammon, the next shot is ready!"
"Ahh shit, here we go again!"
Mammon headed out the room and watched as the studio began filling up with multiple models who he was supposed to pose with.
'This is gonna be draining!' He thought as he was being dressed and practically, dragged by his photographer on the stage.
The lecture seemed never ending. The professor kept talking about Latin phrases for spells and potions but all you could think about was sleep.
"(Y/N)?" The teacher called out.
"(Y/N)!?" She repeated.
"Are you zoning out? Please pay attention or else you'll fail the midterms."
"Yes, ma'am"
The teacher nodded her head at you and went back to teaching some spells again. You couldn't be bothered. You'd just have to pull up another study session with the brothers again, it seems.
The minute the bell rang, you got up from the bench, refusing to greet anybody as you made your way to the House of Lamentation.
Upon reaching back home, you entered your room to find Mammon asleep on your bed. You gently shook him.
"Mammon, are you alright? It's pretty rare to find you here of all places." You said, voice laced with concern.
"I'm alright. I'm just so tired. When I tell ya' I was like a prisoner there, I'm not kiddin'!!" He said as he looked up at you. He had absolutely no energy left in him.
"There?" You asked, unsure of what he was talking about.
"The modelling studio. Those stupid, little ahhhh.....they weren't letting me rest." He said, clearly annoyed with how his entire day went. You chuckled at his little rage towards his workers before throwing your bag on the floor and removing your shoes, making your way towards the bed.
"Aww baby don't worry. You wanna....cuddle?" You asked him as you watched his cheeks get flushed with different shades of red.
You laughed and opened your arms wide for him. He scowled but still laid down on your chest as you massage his head gently. This moment was all you needed. Especially after a day like this.
"How was your day?" He said softly, so as to not disturb the peaceful moment.
"Eh. You weren't there in class so it wasn't the best." He grinned widely at you response.
"Of course it wasn't the best. The Great Mammon promises to never leave you alone again."
"I'll hold you on that promise."
You hear a low rumble from Mammon, indicating that he was chuckling. You hug him even tighter, never wanting to let go. As you both cuddled, you found yourself finally content and at peace after such an awful day.
And so, you both stayed up the entire night; talking, laughing, joking about everything and nothing at the same time. The night began to fade slowly as you both found yourselves with each other once again, cherishing the eventful moments of closeness as the world outside was asleep.
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I finally did it. i got a conclusion at last!
Do like, comment and/or reblog if you enjoyed!
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
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That curse makes them turn to random ages like,, one day you wake up and your like 3 and the other you're 29 and the acolytes just have to deal with it for a months (and just for funziz you don't keep your memories as a kid *evil laugh*)
I feel like people who are generally around kids would be great around us and some others .... Less so (*cough cough* ei)
let the tennage/ kid reader be neurodivergent/autistic (cuz i am and theres bot enough rep on this god forsaken app .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.)
n E wayss <3
LOVE YA !!!!
Aka. your fave >:D kiss kiss
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A KISS KISS??!!! FOR ME?!!! 😊🥰😚 <3
BRO i literally designed a whole original character around that concept lmao (except they remember/just body change/everything else kinda matches ur desc! :0 )
Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them only), Neurodivergent!Reader, Child!Reader, Teen!Reader
Planet: Language Shenanigans, Platonic
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, mini scenarios
Stars: Arataki Itto, Kuki Shinobu, ft. Kujou Sara, Ei + Raiden Shogun, Inazumans
Comets & Meteors: No Content Warnings & No Triggers Detected.
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no bc gif is me as a kid, bc I didn't experience snow until I was 12 💀 +it stayed for like one day, was 1 inch deep, or like 5 cm (for my non-americans out there), and was gone the next lmao- I was terrified when I moved and got REAL snowy days- jfc Snezhnaya would kill little me-
SO I was kinda stuck on this tbh, i usually default to like, headcanons or scenarios if ppl dont specify/im just adding onto what you already said like when its not even really a request u know?
so, uh tried to do headcanons, but idk how good it is Orah, sorry!
Also ik you mentioned as example, but we sticking to Inazuma, bc i feel like I neglect them lol
also i hope u like Itto 💀
you quickly found out that magic obeys some weird type of logic despite being magic, so you only ever fluctuate in age within the range you’ve already been,
ur kinda glad youre not seeing what you look like at 100 years old and getting stuck that way for weeks- only Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle can be cursed to be old yet has so much rizz that she’s still badass and pulls a wizard boyfriend LMAO
so just bc idk what to make the max,
let’s put you at originally, also bc im not a minor, 20 yrs old
so what I mean by all the above is: you’ve lived 2 decades, 1-20 are the only ages you can be
-that being said,
you’re a menace.
so yeah you could’ve been a quiet kid, a well-behaved kid, a good kid even,
…but not in a magical world full of awesome flora and fauna, and magical creatures,
and gods, and vision users and-
you get the point.
plus, you hadn’t really learned English yet until u were a bit older so (who can blame you i hate this language ur so valid)
and for whatever reason English is the only one these guys speak, besides maybe some mythical creatures like the aranara or something
so its kinda absolute chaos trying to reign u in at times.
so needless to say the entirety of Inazuma is terrified for you.
like, even if you aren’t the “Creator” per say in this, they still know what the warmth of your power feels like
But more importantly-
You know who’s the first to spot a random wandering-non-Inazuman-child? And take you in? Especially one that radiates that same energy of presence they feel sometimes + makes them more powerful???
The Amazing, the All-Powerful, Awe-Inspiring Oni: Arataki Itto!
Not even his gang, or Kuki are the first to see you, nah it’s Itto himself,
he literally finds 12 yr old you just sneaking around in awe in Chinju Forest,
and needless to say ur pretty fascinated with the colors and the vibes, and it’s not like Genshin Impact existed when u were this young, ur poor younger self is just rlly paranoidly looking around
Itto is kinda a lot at first, and he was a little confused by ur constant rubbing your arms, or tapping ur fingers on stuff, (or all the stims u be doing when ur nervous) but he just took it all in stride
so Itto, after like an hour and a few well placed rocks at his face and groin by 12 yr old u who was ready to fight to the death at first, FINALLY convinced you by drawing a little picture of his house and his friends
and all that clear effort, despite the foreign world, foreign non-human guy, etc., made you warm up to him too, afterall, even 12 yr old you knew a himbo when they saw one 💪
at first he just thought you were another person who was getting powered up by that yokai he felt (he was convinced thats what you were when u weren’t physically here before, like some kind of powerful gift giving/deal making yokai)
but after he saw you shapeshift the next morning into 16 yr old you, (he lives with his grandma so ur younger self felt pretty safe staying with a himbo guy and an little grandma lady)
he was now more convinced than ever-
that you were some kind of god that’s been in hiding since the archon war (his granny has a lot of cool stories so what?! hes a very educated oni thank you very much!),
rather than a vision user, and he also thinks u being random ages is deffo a curse, and its to keep ur powerfulness limited!! - Arataki Itto, 202X
(bc younger u doesnt remember that u can upgrade ppl, or at least it takes em a learning curve bc they gotta relearn everytime)
okay but itd be so funny tho if nobody else believes that (esp the non-magical folk), bc to them, ur just like, a bunch of siblings (child, teen, adult you lmao) or a tanuki lol
he eventually gets Kuki to believe, after she also sees how you change/the aura is honestly more powerful too once she’s paying attention, like instead of like a blanket, ur like standing in front of a raging campfire
but she makes him keep it a secret
ur really vulnerable a lot of the time, so they’re both worried abt keeping u happy and safe, aw cuties <3
so yeah, ur literally just chillin with the arataki gang all the time now
the gang become ur besties no matter the age, like they love mild pranks, and general chaos, u wanna explore no matter the age, and also love chaos, esp since it can be magical now (oh child you is having the time of their life when they’re around)
its literally a match made in heaven
plus the more hands on deck, the easier it is to keep ur ass from running off as a kid (and an adult, bc omg a shiny?? a shiny crystal fly???!! lmao neurodivergent 🤝crow/raven = shiny solidarity)
honestly Itto has a blast with all versions of you, and he’s literally the best bc he’s a himbo:
so he’s fine with answering context or “obvious” questions all the time LMAO
and if he makes any conclusions abt ppl’s behavior u dont, he’ll explain pretty quick and simple and he never sees it as awkward or smth
its honestly kinda funny bc ur like 10, and just 🤨🤨🤨??? sometimes at ppl (u got better at reading ppl as u got older obv, and at english too, that doesnt help lol)
he’s super sweet abt it, just really quick which is great too,
“he’s irritated at the guard, not us!”
or “she’s relieved, not upset, don’t worry it’s all good!”
like, u never misunderstand ANYBODY with this Oni around!! <3
(this is mainly bc Itto’s gotta know when to bail, joke, stand his ground, etc. from experience, and messing w/Kujou Sara so he’s actually really good at reading people, only when he’s paying attention tho)
so younger u just feels safe around Itto, and so while u do get taught english (mostly by his grandma/Kuki) u also dont rlly mask,
nor do u know how to mask as well as you do in the future
so ur just running around with the gang, living ur little neurodivergent life, and anytime someone points out smth u do that might be awkward, like repeating something over and over as a stim (esp with learning english phrases/new words at times) the gang and Itto, and Kuki, are all ready to protect 💪
but most of the time what happens is- whether unintentionally or not, Itto manages to make THEM feel awkward or like they’re the ones doing something socially weird all the time 😭
just, a parent is like “this kid can’t speak English, do they even know any other language? Because all I keep hearing is them repeating that sound over and over…”
Itto: “Damn you're right they do that a lot, just like how you peek out your window a lot, but we all got our quirks man, no need to be shy about it, the kid isn’t, so just open those curtains, and that window and look out at the world!”
which announces to the whole neighborhood, bc Itto is only ever not loud when you tap his arm as a signal, that the parent is the nosiest bitch ever, he just puts them on blast for everyone to hear lmao
Itto is actually very respectful about you, and while it would, almost be easy bc of the age switching, for him to infantilize you, he’s really good at treating you like an equal no matter how old you are :0 :D
like a giant teddy bear older brother at times, and the guys and Kuki are all pretty good at it too
(tho dw, Kuki is doing all the emotional distress heavy lifting for all of them over your safety, esp bc when u switch at first u are VERY out of your element/disoriented bc u dont always recognize Teyvat/know less English)
but that being said…
Itto fucking loves your excited/happy stims!!!
You flap your hands? Ittos flapping his arms!
You jump up and down, Itto jumps!,
…with his full grown man self with MUSCLES, and causes a mini earthquake wherever you guys are- yknow a shop, the center of town, somebody’s house, near one of the guards 💀 (which always manages to knock them flat on their ass LMFAOO)
Or best of all, you do little stompy stomps??
ITTO DOES HIS STOMPS WITH YOU, like his idle animation does??? :D !!
DUDE- (/gen.n.)
u were like 8 at the time, and saw Kujou Sara for the first time, she’s looking all badass, mostly bc Itto pranked her and she’s power-walking toward u guys pissed as hell ready to arrest him, but u love it anyway bc shes so cool, and right as Sara gets to u two-
u start doing stompy stomps! And Itto joins!!
…and she’s shocked at first, but realizing how giggly and happy u two are, and then Itto explains its bc of her???
Kujou Sara lets Arataki Itto go, for the first time, ever.
she doesnt explain, but she literally was so melted by cuteness, and a warm familiarity??, by u two she couldnt be mad anymore lmao
Itto is now legally obligated to bring you to any and all matters involving the government, regardless of age, according to Kuki Shinobu, his grandma, and himself
all for different reasons tho, Itto’s like, “My lucky charm! My bestie goes everywhere with me!”
meanwhile Kuki/grandma: “A foreign non-Teyvatian speaking child/teen at times is more adept at keeping Itto in line than anyone else, or at least getting him out of the consequences 💀”
The first time you see the Raiden Shogun,
She scares the shit out of 6 yr old you 😭
And she recognizes that familiar aura immediately, so shes just like:
(You warm up to her after she offers to show you how she can summon lightning, Itto helped her lmao, and Ei also came out to keep u safe bc Raiden is a little… unaware… at times, of mortal limits, and now that ur in a mortal body-)
Also both of them unanimously agree to be the sugar mother to all ur hyperfixation foods/safe foods ever, SCOREEEE
Bonus 2:
I hope somebody likes Itto enough to enjoy this, sorry if u arent a huge fan of him Orah! I just think he's annoying and neat, and havent written abt Inazuma enough lmao
I finally graduated college/uni by the way guys!!!
Ill actually have a life now that wont be hogged by homework! Like writing! Like drawing! Like anything but school!
Anyway, love u guys, another post coming soon,
Safe Travels Orah,
♡my beloved♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk
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keen-li · 7 months
Is there gonna be a part 3 for renegade? Please make a part 3. I’m just curious if reader is gonna accept Jungkook. And if she does if Jungkook is going to be a good dad. Also Your writing is really good! Glad I found this.
(I understand if u don’t wanna make a part 3🥲)
Part 3
Thank you so much 😊 I'm gonna make a part 4 cause I didn't want this to be very long. I hope you like it.
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Maybe it's your tiredness or the lack of energy but you allow jungkook to hold your child. You didn't want to argue honestly, isn't this what you wanted anyways. You watch as jungkook holds his baby in his arms, he identifies all his features and laughs warmly at her. Before you let him do skin to skin you made sure he'd showered.
"I'm clean y/n. Why would I come see my baby dirty" you laugh and nod. Its true he must've showered well before coming here cause you can barely smell his usual chemical smell. You appreciate the fact that he did take the time to do that for you, or for the baby.
"How did you even know it was a girl or that i was here?" You say looking cautiously at him as he places the baby in to sleep.
He chuckles deciding to sit next to you on the bed. You allow him to not wanting to ruin this moment.
"Does it matter?" He reaches to touch your hand and when he does all the feelings you've tried to suppress flood back. Your really getting vulnerable now.
"What matters is that I'm here and I care now." Normally you'd scoff at that and chase him away, that's what you should do. But you don't, you really want jungkook. You're not sure if him coming here means he's gonna change, you doubt he's capable of change.
Ever since you've been back from the hospital, jungkook seems a little different, a lot different actually. He's been around more and even gives you money for you and the baby. Money was never a problem for him, so you wonder why he was so harsh about not having a child. Over the five months of your baby's life he's been with you to all the doctor's appointments. He'd even proudly tell the doctor that he was the father, and it'd always put a smile on your face which he'd smile to.
"Y/n you're seriously going to let this man into you and your child's life." Hobi, your best friend and the only person who knows about jungkook, says strictly to you.
You roll your eyes and he scoffs at that.
"He's the father, you want me to shut him out"
"He's a junky who's never gonna change"
"Don't say that. He's changing" you defend jungkook. You always had to bust your ass defending jungkook in front of hobi.
"Changing? Are you fucking delirious." You're taken aback by his language. He never yells like this but you're frustrating him.
"Language" you say pointing to your almost year old.
"Im sorry" hobi says finally calming down. You understand where he's coming from. Hes been there for you during this pregnancy when jungkook was not and it hurts him to see you going back to a road that's bad for you.
"I'm not getting back with him" you try and reassure him.
"He's only here for her" you look at your sweet little girl playing with the toys her dad bought for her.
He's also here for you, hobi wants to say but doesn't. He can tell by the way jungkook does things that he wants to get back with you but you don't notice or maybe you do but ignored it.
Its been a long day at the park with yuna and her uncle. You were drained, she's honestly getting very active nowadays and you can't handle her. You're glad you've got hobi to help you though. After about two hours of playing on the swings, slides and sand box you decided it's time to go home.
Hobi carries a crying yuna as you walk back to his car.
"You want me to help you out tonight?" he says talking about yuna. He's noticed how tired you've been lately so he offers to help you with your little long haired girl. He always loved looking after yuna, his favourite and only little girl.
"It's okay, I'm taking her to her grandparents anyways for the night." Hobi nods understandingly.
"Let me drive you there then" he offers and you couldn't agree any faster.
For your night of rest, you put on some music and soak yourself in the tub with a red wine. After you're done you wear your silk night dress and throw a silk robe over it.
You're cooking yourself a steak when you hear a knock at the door. You groan, who could be bothering you now.
When you open the door you see the familiar figure of jungkook. He's in a white shirt and black jeans on. He looks so good. You were surprised he was here, he never told you he was coming like he always does. He's got a tiny little gift in his hand and a bottle of wine in the other.
"What are you doing here" you ask and can see jungkook's eyes run down your attire, you feel a little weird dressed like this in front of jungkook. So you pull your robe to cover you further. Jungkook notices and chuckles at that, as if he hasn't seen everything before.
"Uh... I came to see yuna and brought you this" he raises the wine bottle to show you.
"Well I'll take this" you say reaching for the wine bottle first then the cute little box he came with.
"Yuna isn't here though" he looks at you with a concerned look "she's at her grandparents' place" he still looks at you confused as to why she's there in the middle of the week.
"I needed a break for one night... and they gladly accepted"
"Okay, thats okay" you look at eachother not knowing what to say.
"Can I come in". You raise a brow at him "i mean you aren't going to finish that bottle by yourself"
"You'd be surprised the things I can do" you say stepping aside to let him in.
He laughs at that. He's being more kind and gentle with his actions.
"Mmm smells nice in here. what are you cooking"
"Just a steak" you say opening the oven to check on it.
"Wanna stay for dinner" You're unsure of whether you should be asking that but you ask it still.
"If that's an invitation then sure" he smiles "I always liked your cooking" he says making you blush.
"How's yuna, haven't seen her for sometime now and I'm kinda missing her" You're surprised to hear jungkook say he misses her. You'd never expect him to say those words.
"Umm she's okay, she's growing up so fast though." You straighten yourself to face jungkook who's leaning against your island.
"I know right, when you just blink she's gonna be three, then she's gonna ten then she's gonna be a teenager-"
"Okay I get it" you say stopping him "I want her to stay a little girl" you pout and jungkook smiles at that. He loved when you did that always made him wanna turn you over and-
"I think I'm done cooking so let me just take this to the table"
"I'll help you" he says happily. You don't know who this is but it's not the jungkook you know.
While having dinner you simply chat about work and personal life, nothing exciting happening in both of yours apart from yuna. Yuna's been a hot topic of your conversation. You avoid bringing up how jungkook was so negative about the pregnancy, cause you were afraid you might lose this new jungkook. You didn't want to dwell on the past only wanting to go forward. Hopefully he's truly changed.
"Let me clean up y/n. You've already cooked" you two are 'arguing' about who gets to wash the dishes. In the end jungkook wins and you don't mind him doing the dishes.
You stand leaning next to the sink watching him eyes wide open just incase he isn't washing them right.
"Why you looking at me like that" he says jokingly as he sprinkles some water on you. You flinch at the feeling and rumble some childish complaints as you wipe it off. Jungkook laughs at your child-like act as he dries his hand.
"I don't know who's my baby between you or yuna" jungkook say in a sultry voice.
You blush at that and watch as jungkook traps you between him and the island. He's so close to you you can smell the wine from him. You two have been drinking that wine all night leaving only a quarter in the bottle. Lately you haven't smelt that chemical and smoky scent in a while, did he stopped his old habits finally deciding to get clean for yuna. You aren't sure cause you haven't visited his place or investigated him to know, just hoping that he's actually clean now.
"Hm, who's my baby you or yuna" his voice is quiet and soft drawing you into him. Your body moves on its own as your back arches off the island and you're now against his crotch.
"We both are" your eyes move from his now low and dark eyes to his rosy lips which he bites and when you notice that you almost clench around nothing. Jungkook really did this to you, had you round his finger sexually.
He moves to your neck running kisses up and down your neck and all around your throat. You happily let him kiss you wherever he wants, you're not really thinking cause of how good it feels. You haven't had sex with anyone since you got pregnant with yuna and even if you didn't noticed you've been very needy. If hobi played his cards right you would have let him hit but you doubt he sees you like that.
"I've missed you so much you know" he says and the vibration from his voice sends electricity to your core. You latch onto his shirt with your hands as you moan at his kisses. His hands slowly hike up your already short night dress. Jungkook seeing you in this made him want you even more, the silk showing him your perky boobs that definitely got bigger after having yuna. Everytime he watched you breastfeed her he could feel his zip almost break from the hardness in his pants, cause you looked so good that pregnancy glow still on you even after giving birth. Sometimes at home he'd think of sucking your boobs filled with that milk that belonged to his daughter, but he was just curious on how it'd taste.
You release another needy moan as you feel his bulge grow right in front of you.
"I haven't found anyone who makes me feel like you do" he says his sweet words to draw you in and they work because you need this so much. You need him so much.
"Jungkook" you say through moans when you realise he thinks you're moaning his name instead of calling him you push him away to stop.
"What's wrong" he asks looking at you concerned.
"We shouldn't" you say thinking about it thoughtfully. Jungkook knows what you're saying.
"What? Do you have a boyfriend?" He asks so seriously and you shake your head 'no'. It's not like that would change anything for him anyways. He just wanted to know the answer.
"Then I don't see what the problem is." He places a long peck on your lips.
"Im just trying to spend some time with my baby" he kisses your lips again. It feels so good you just want more.
"Do you want this?" He asks to be sure. Even though logic says otherwise you really want jungkook. You want to feel how much he's missed you, you want him to make up for all the times he could have fucked you but didn't. You want him to make up for everything.
"Fuck I want this. I want you. I want you so bad jungkook" and by the way you say his name he knows how bad you want this. And he takes that as a yes to continue.
"Then I'll give it to you."
Immediately he connects your lips and kisses you like there's no tomorrow cause you know this happening again is not guaranteed. He lifts your body and places you on the counter. your lips are still connected as he pulls away.
"You want me to eat you out?" He asks as you're still chasing his lips. You shake your head moving your hands to unbuckle his belt, he smiles against your lips as you finally get it off and pull out his hard throbing cock.
"No I just want you" you say breathless as he agrees and pulls you closer and finally pulls off your panties which were uncomfortably sticking to your core due to how wet jungkook's got you.
It isn't long before you feel the tip of his cock glide against your folds, you spread your legs hoping jungkook would just do it already.
"Are you sure your cunt can still take me" he asks teasingly as he smirks knowing you're impatient.
"I can. I pushed out a whole baby do you think your dick can hurt me" you answer him sharply, breath still heavy waiting for some action from him. He chuckles as he slowly goes through your tight hole. You feel every inch of him, his little veins more noticeable. Has he gotten bigger or have you been needy for too long.
"Fuck you're so tight, I wouldn't even have suspected you had a baby"
"My baby" he says as he starts to move faster knocking the breath out of your lungs. You moan carelessly his name falling out of your mouth here and there.
"Shit" you curse as you grip the counter for some support. Jungkook watches your boobs bounce up and down and he can't help himself but latch onto your clothed nipple.
With the way he's thrusting into you and sucking your nipple you feel that long-time-no-see knot in your stomach. Jungkook grunts as you pull his hair, he can also feel himself nearing.
"Fuck. do you want me to cum in you" he asks raising a brow at a wrecked you.
"Please" you plead not able to formulate long sentences.
"Want me to fill you up huh" he thrusts grow faster, hungrier and the knot tightens.
"Want me to give you another baby?"
"Fuck jungkook" you can barely control your moans anymore.
"Im gonna fill you up so good. Gonna make yuna an older sister" he continues to hit the spot with his fast thrusts.
"What do you think?" He asks you but you cant give an answer.
"Hm? Baby" he presses for an answer and gives you a slap on the thigh to remind you to answer. You clench, jungkook's movements stop for a bit and he knows you're about to cum.
"Where do you want it" he askes trying to keep himself in longer.
"Inside" he hears you say and he chuckles.
"Oh, you're serious about the baby thing" no you're not. Ever since you got pregnant you decided you'd always use birth control. Even though you didn't have sex with anyone you just wanted to be safe, and birth control helped with your periods anyways so it was a plus.
Shortly you feel the knot in you snap and you're breathing heavily also feeling jungkook's seed in you. Honestly the thought of getting pregnant for jungkook is exciting but yuna's too young for it.
Jungkook rests against your neck as you both collect your breaths your hands still running through his hair.
"I missed this" he says against your skin as he rubs your thighs.
"I missed this too"
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prettiestboyev · 5 months
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FAN ( 4 ) coffee date
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After posting your outfit of the day, you giggled at the comments your fans (or fandom name clouds!) left for you, looking away and back at your coach.
You were currently in vocal practice, yet texting Felix every single second of the day, excited for your little "date." Minsun sighed at this. "Lord, just go Y/N."
Your eyes light up. "Really?! Can I?!"
Minsun nodded, a giggle and chuckle coming from the other members as you grab your bag and waved at them, running out of the room.
You chose to walk there, since it was close, though having to stop every few seconds for a fan. Comes with being a famous idol.
Stepping foot at the café, you look around, finding Felix rather quickly as you sat down with him. Flashing a smile at him and he did aswell.
You were in the back of the café, so nobody really noticed you except the people who saw you when you walked in, but thankfully not one recognized you. At least not one with the balls to walk up to you.
"Hey." You said sweetly as he greeted you back. "I already ordered for us, so don't worry." He told you, as you look at him with curiousity. "Aha, what did you get me?"
"Your favorite." He said, in a jokingly romantic way. "Oh? How do you know my favorite?" You said, returning the energy back.
"Well, I watch your interviews, you know." You looked at him shocked. "You do?!" "Don't you watch ours?"
"Yong Bok!" The barista yelled.
He stood up, going to the counter and grabbing the drinks he had ordered beforehand. Setting them down, he started to talk with you again.
"So about that collab.."
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You laughed with him in the car. "Seriously? I never took Minho as the type of guy to do that." He shrugged. "You'd be quite shocked, honestly, and plus, I never took you as the type to be the same person on-camera."
Looking at him, though his eyes were fixated on the road, you tilted your head. "Really? Why?"
"Mostly because what happened at the ceremony a few days ago." You felt bad at the comment.
Stuttering, you let out, "ugh, again, I'm so sorry about that. I'm just glad you forgave me.", looking at the floor.
He chuckled. "It's fine, [nickname = n/n]."
Your eyes light up. "N/n?" You repeated.
"Ah- I'm sorry" He laughed. "I just usually refer to you as-" He was the one stuttering now.
You giggled at his state. "It's okay! If soo, can I call you lixie?" You said, as he giggled aswell.
"Sure, n/n."
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a/n would you guys believe me if i said i forgot about this ? if you said no, you're right. i was worrying my balls off all weekend about this story and ended up writing this SHIT but this also means skz and y/n are finally getting along yay! ><
also! self promo time! im working on a hyunjin fanfic so watch out for that :3
taglist @luvyeni @tenmii @jiisungllvr @xrvrqs @realrintaro
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megumi-fm · 26 days
day 7/62 of The Tatami Galaxy Challenge📮
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🕖 act 1 🕧
🧹 cleaned out the hall and the kitchen 🧹 put sheets for wash + hand-rinsed all the spare cloth 🧹 put everything to dry 🧹 cleaned the dining table and kitchen counter 🥘 made breakfast 📬 prepared for the internship presentation 🧹 cleared out the trash
🕧 act 2 🕠
📬 formulated an abstract for my project 📬 completed the written component of my internship-related credits 💌 got icecream with some friends 📚 continued with Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus 📬 completed my internship presentation
🕠 act 3 🕚
📬 submitted my report 📬 verified my undergrad specialization 🧹 retrieved the sheets from the terrace + folded and put them away 🍉 had a lot of bananas xD 🥘 cooked dinner
🔄 before the loop ends 🔄
💧 ~7 glasses 🔋 pretty consistent energy levels. meeting my friends always makes me go !!! 📴 ~3hrs + 2hrs tv (should really cut down on tv gah but im home alone so i don't really have much else to do) 🌷 a bit annoyed that i had to wait all my afternoon to present my project but i'm glad i got to meet my friends for a bit and that a book to keep me company for the rest of the time 🌙12:00 am.. not too bad
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sugar-omi · 1 year
Could you please write more about bottom/sub baxter? That moment in the epilogue where he sits in the mc lap lives in my head rent free, I just want to make him feel loved and special!
of course!! im glad someone else has bottom/sub baxter on the brain i thought i was alone</3 also same!!! he had such babygirl energy sitting in mc's lap, i wanted to jus treat him like a prince n love him to the moon n back hes so CUTE
tags : NSFW, headcanons/imagines, buttom/sub baxter, a bit of power bottom baxter, (service) dom/top reader, ok for masc/fem/nb readers, some hcs where reader has a cock or strap, bondage, rope bunny baxter <3,
synopsis : bottom/sub baxter hc's
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baxter tries to take the lead, when you have sex the first time
like he'll try to be a power bottom (which he is some days, he likes dominating you in this way if you only top)
while we're still on the topic of power bottom baxter...
its so much fun to break him dom attitude <3
he's on top of you, maybe he's already sat on your cock/strap and he's too busy running his pretty mouth to remember that you can still move your legs even if your wrists are immobilized
so when you thrust up, your cock/strap hitting his prostate, he can help but go "oh-!" and his face is a mix of surprise and quickly found pleasure
the blush on his face is so cute too
and it spreads down to his chest/shoulders, his body gleaming with a layer of sweat and he pants so cutely, his tongue is pushing at his bottom lip
oh and when he begs so sweetly for you to continue, for more
well who can deny such a babe?
baxter is deathly pale, sometimes painfully-so when you're tryna enjoy the outdoors
but when he's laid out? and you can see all his beauty marks, well it's not your fault if he has to put foundation on his neck to hide the hickey
you better help him paint his mole back, otherwise it will be your fault n you're in for a punishment <3
although, after the first time, you come to the agreement that you can mark up the one on his inner thigh instead
which is a happy mistake, because instead of bruise up that lovely spot on his neck, you mark up his inner thighs
ever since his thighs hardly ever don't have hickies on them.
and while you're down there, you're always taking care of him in some other way as well
your fingers stretching him open, teasing a sensitive spot inside his ass and you're pumping them so slowly its an awful tease but he loves it
or stroking his cock, toying with his weeping head and occasionally leaving his thighs to tremble n shake while you take him down your throat, holding his hands while he bucks up into the warm heat
he's definitely a rope bunny too
mmm, i was gonna say he has typical bondage rope, but i think he's more likely to use ribbons than rope
the rope is a treat <3
definitely has fuzzy handcuffs, he's too tender for anything else, poor baby will bruise easy and well, that would be unprofessional
for your birthday, anniversary valentines day, etc. you'll come home and find your precious boyfriend laid across the bed, petals on top of the fluffy sheets and there he is, silky black ribbon tied around his torso in a delicious way, polished off by ending in a pretty bow around his neck...
and i can't forget black lingerie, stocks held up by a garter belt and lace briefs that do nothing to hide his package
mmm, now i wonder if he'd pick a crotchless one for extra oomf, so when you finally turn him around or go to grab his ass, you find a heart shaped cut out..
of course you always take care of baxter, you want him to feel loved n you'll do anything for him
now I'll definitely have to write smth separate but until then...
imagine having baxter spread out on your cock/strap, and he's shaking, flushed and panting but still wanting more as if you hadn't pulled a well earned orgasm of him just moments ago when you edged him, and as if you hadn't made him cum this morning before work and when you met for lunch
sweet boy is a bit overstimulated but it's so good
so while you're lazily thrusting, baxter pulls you in for a kiss after he whispers the breathy request
oh yeah I'm definitely gonna have to come back to this
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femboysoap · 18 days
oh puppy im glad you liked waking up to me telling you what good fucktoy i would turn you into. you wanna be my breeding bitch? spend your days getting raped and creampied for my pleasure? you want me fuck you like the fleshlight you are until you don't have the energy to fight back anymore, all you can do it twitch and whimper and cry while i ruin your cunt?
- Y
Ngghhshs yes pleaseeeeeee i wanna be full of cum all the time... whenever you're bored and stressed you just take it out of me and use my boycunt as a glorified fleshlight..
Just want to spend my time being a good cum dump for you and anyone else you let rape me... ngghhhshsh pleaseeee please pleaseeeee 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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iraprince · 2 years
hi i just wanted to say im genuinely obsessed with the way you draw thighs + hips + butts + the crotch region in general. thank you for your service and if you have any suggestions or resources id adore them
hi, thank you! i have a lot of fun drawing those bits so i'm glad the fun comes through :)
i can def take a crack at some notes on how i construct stuff, but especially with this general pelvis area i think a lot of how i draw it is very much individual stylization -- so what i'll go over is definitely not any kind of anatomy tutorial or step-by-step or anything like that, and i also wouldn't even really call these notes suggestions on how to draw this stuff. my real suggestion is what it always is, which is to get into anatomy studies/figure drawing first, then decide how you want to stylize starting from that foundational info! also, while i don't usually lean into this a lot in my own style, the musculature of the thighs is a lot more complex than you might expect, so it can be useful to look at more detailed anatomical diagrams in addition to just studying from models. but i hope seeing how i often do it myself is still helpful in some way!
so, for starters, and i mean this totally seriously: a lot of what i get complimented on in my art is stuff i specifically draw with horny intent, lmao. i'm not at all saying you have to be horny to get good but i think you get results from fun + fixation, because when you care a lot about the details and when you care about capturing specific stuff that you're excited about (in any way), that comes through in your drawings. so when ur deciding on how to stylize, pay attention to what little details about ur area of focus are really cute/interesting/appealing to you, and find ways to emphasize that!
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honestly part of that means focus on posing as well as whatever you're doing with anatomy/stylization -- i have a thing i affectionately call the "ira neck thrust" that my friends are constantly calling me out for and it's basically just the tits and ass back arch that i'm so fond of. of course u end up noticing how i draw this area when i'm constantly drawing attention to it and making things cheesecake-y specifically to show it off, lol!
beyond that i think the summary of the rest of the notes is just to find ways to lay things out so that it's easy for you to place the shapes and details you want to stylize/emphasize. i like drawing thighs with pronounced upper muscle; i often stylize the lower half of the torso + hips with multiple repeating curves to emphasize that shape. i love hip creases and visual cues on how the thighs are moving, so i usually don't miss an opportunity to draw those in (and to pose/costume in a way that specifically shows it off, again). my anatomy in this area is usually so stylized and unrealistic that, while of course i make a lot of these decisions from a foundation of figure drawing, a ton of the actual impact/final look is just coming from style choices!
(i also only have time to throw together one example, but these things should still generally ring true for bodies of any type/size; "bony" landmarks exist regardless of weight and will show up on larger bodies as areas where tendons + muscle anchor to the bone, which can have a lot of influence on folds + the shapes of body fat, and it's always a good idea to study reference and decide from there how to stylize. "morpho: fat and skin folds" is a great anatomy book for this.)
i feel like this is all i have energy 2 throw together at the moment and it's so specific to how i draw that i'm not sure how helpful it'll be lol but!! maybe i will come back to this another day if i think of anything else. also i guess here is one final summary of why i think this method works for me
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suneeater · 1 year
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making it up to you + bokuto
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✉︎request: Konnichiwa! I just stumbled on your blog and slightly stalked it too ^^ I would like to request a few dating headcanons for Bokuto Kotarou and possibly how he would make it up to you after a fight? Thank you mwahh <3 (@satoruswifeyyy)
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✎a/n: our very first request omg!!! this made us all so happy to see ilysm <3 im so glad you enjoy our content! we def don't mind stalking our blog lol. also i got like super carried away and this is basically a full on drabble. oops!
✰warnings: cursing, fighting, hurt/comfort
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Fighting with Bokuto never happens; the two of you argue, but you don’t fight. Neither of you have it in you to be cruel to the other, and it’s hard to find a reason with Bokuto that you’d really even be mad at him to the point of fighting. On the rare occasion that you are mad at him, it’s easy to sort things out before they even have the chance to escalate
But things had been different recently, and it’s left the both of you stressed and overwhelmed. With his career suddenly skyrocketing, and you facing your own struggles with work, it’s been hard for the two of you to spend any quality time together
You start communicating less and less, focusing purely on making it through the day. It doesn’t help that the limelight has been on him recently, and he’s started to garner all sorts of public attention and cultivate a growing fanbase. You’d love to lie and say you’re happy for him, but the truth is that it leaves you feeling insecure. Now that he’s really becoming someone, will he still need you? 
It’s like he doesn’t even notice that you’re feeling the effects of it all, but you’re not sure if it’s right to blame him. He’s been so absorbed in practices and games and training, learning how to balance it all on top of now having a public reputation to moderate and maintain. He’s always been so good about checking in on you, but everythings changing all at once and it’s like you’ve been cast to the very back of his mind
All the stress and insecurity explodes one night. It begins with a simple conversation, but the bitter undertones of feeling abandoned light a spark that’s never been present in your previous arguments, and with every remark it grows until you’re in a full on fight with each other
Before you know it you’re in a screaming match, “How could you just ignore me? Are you seriously so busy you can’t even answer my phone calls? You’re not like this, why have you changed?”
“Jesus, I thought you’d be supporting me. You know how fucking hard I’ve worked; this is just part of it, why don’t you understand that?”
You go back and forth for what feels like hours, going in circles and repeating yourselves just a little louder each time as if whoever can yell the loudest will be able to get it through the other’s skull
The final straw is when Bokuto has had enough; he’s been exerting himself all day long and simply doesn’t have the energy to continue a fight you picked with him as soon as he walked through the door. There’s a look in his eyes you don’t recognize. “Whether I even met you or not, I’d still be here today. I don’t need you for this”.
Stunned, you freeze. Your next remark dies on your tongue and you feel your heart sink into your stomach. Without another word, you retreat upstairs to the bedroom. 
When he sees the way your face contorts in response to his words is when he knows he messed up. Bad. All of the anger in him is suddenly gone at the realization that he’s hurt you; not just because of what he said, either. Letting it sink in, you had every reason to be upset with him, and he can’t believe he was too dense to even think about how you may be right. God, he’s the worst
He wants to run up after you, but all he can do is sink down to the couch and think about everything he said to you. He can’t get the phrase out of his head. I don’t need you? 
What a lie
You shut the door as softly as you can, occupying yourself with a bedtime routine to keep yourself from crying. Your cheeks aching from the way you bite them when tears prickle the corners of your eyes, you settle into bed when there’s a knock at the door
But you pay it no response, feigning ignorance. You can’t stop thinking about what he said. Your worst fear was just confirmed; he doesn’t need you. Now that he’s on the rise, he doesn’t need you. Not anymore
He comes in anyways, creeping into the bed beside you. You keep your back to him, careful not to move. You know he can tell that you aren’t asleep, but you ignore him anyway. It hurts too much to even be perceived by him
On top of the covers, he stares daggers into the back of your head, pleading with you. “Baby- baby please. I’m so sorry”
The seconds feel like hours. He can’t stop letting it ring in his ears and it’s so shrill, it hurts. What’s going through your mind? Do you hate him now? Are you going to leave him- oh god, it probably sounded like he was breaking up with you. He wants to reach out and touch you so bad, and it’s taking everything in him to restrain himself as to not further disturb you
But when he sees the way your pillow dampens and can finally hear sniffles over his own pounding heart, he breaks. Snatching you into his arms, you see tears pool in his own eyes
“I don’t know why I said that - I don’t know why I said that. I don’t know, I didn’t mean it, god I’m just so stressed. Of fucking course I need you, y/n… I need you like I need air, I don’t know why I said that”. 
Unable to avoid eye contact with him, you can’t hold back anymore. Sobbing, you struggle to choke out your words. “Am I… am I not enough for you anymore?”
Oh my god, is that what he made you think? He’s almost too stunned to respond, his hold on you tightening. He has to momentarily hide his face away in the crook of your neck, ashamed to cry after what he did to you. “Oh god, babe, yes you are. You’re always enough - more than enough. Nothing will change that…”
Wiping his eyes clear, he moves one hand to cup your face, directing your vision to his. “I never meant for any of this; not to leave you so lonely… God, I didn’t mean any of that. You’re what got me through this, please… Even if I were to get here without you I wouldn’t be the same, y/n… I’d be miserable without you”. 
Sighing, avert your gaze from his again. It’s overwhelming. “Kotaro… I didn’t mean to pick a fight. I’ve just been so lonely, you know? And you won’t pick up the phone, and I’ve been so stressed too; except it didn’t feel like you were there for me”.
“I know, I know… I’m so sorry. It was all unintentional… You’re always on the forefront of my mind, I’m just… not thinking. It’s a big change…” He can’t help but sniffle. “Can you ever forgive me?”
Letting his words sink into your eases your tensed muscles, and you fall deeper into his embrace. Truth is, you wanted to forgive him the minute he knocked on the door. You felt in your gut that he’d be taking it all back; after all, this fight was so unlike him. But that’s what made it so scary, too. 
“I think I already have. But hey-” you playfully punch him in the arm. “Don’t ever say some stupid shit like that again, yeah?”
He smiles, but it’s much softer than his typically toothy grin, bittersweet and genuine. You spend the rest of the night trying to make it up to each other, with him rubbing gentle circles on your tear stained cheeks, hoping to ease the raw sensation you’d imposed by wiping so many tears away. It doesn’t take long for you to fall asleep beside him, Bokuto murmuring in your ear a million apologies he hopes will creep into your subconscious. It’s only in the morning that he can make himself pull away from you for just a second, but the moment he does he’s pulling at his phone and calling in sick. Sure, his job is important, but he’s lovesick and can’t do a damn thing about it
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jewbeloved · 9 months
Some places aren't what they just seem to be...🩸🩸♥️
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Note: Have this horror fanfic as my way of bringing back my spicy fanfics. I'm kinda losing motivation and I have hell (school) on my tail .⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠.
Warnings: Murder, bl00D and Knives....mentions of drugs (in the beginning).
Gender: Neutral
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💙💚 The Main Four 🧡❤️
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You were dropped off to a nearby orphanage by the police after both of your parents passed away due to drug overdose.
The orphanage looked very fancy and aesthetic from the exterior. You wondered what the inside of the building looked like.
When you walked into the building, you were met with a lot of children your age running around, chatting with each other, playing games together, and playing tricks on each other.
You noticed one of the maids walked up to you with a bright smile on her face.
"Hello there dear, are you by any chance the new orphan that we were getting today?". You looked up at her with a blank expression.
"Uhm...yeah, that's me...".
"Well it's lovely to meet you, I can ensure you that you will love it here at the orphanage! What is your name, little one?".
"(Name) (Last Name)".
"(Name)....what a beautiful name! come, let me give you a tour around the orphanage since it's your first time here".
The kind maid showed you every room and area that was around the orphanage. They had a dining hall where the orphans could get their food, they had showers so the orphans could take a bath, they had a library for any orphans who were interested in books.
They even had dorms for where the orphans could sleep and rest up their energy.
You were surprised to hear that there were 40 orphans and 5 maids at this orphanage.
Once the tour was over, the maid gave you comfortable clothes to wear for the day and allowed you to go talk with the other kids.
You spotted 4 boys chatting with each other. One of them seemed to be arguing with the chubby one while the other 2 just watched.
The kid with the orange parka was the first one to noticed you and he waved at you before his other friend in the blue and red beanie looked at you as well.
"Hey, aren't you the new kid?" The kid in the blue and red beanie asked you.
"Yeah, that's me..who are you guys?". You looked at them puzzled.
"Right names, I'm Stan Marsh and this one next to me is Kenny Mccormick...the one in the green ushanka is Kyle Broflovski. And the fatass is Eric Cartman". Cartman immediately looked away from Kyle and at Stan in anger.
"IM NOT FAT YOU GODDAMN EMO HIPPIE!!". Stan rolled his eyes at Cartman's anger towards him while you just stared at the boys with a "•_•" face.
"Alright then...my name is (Name) (Last Name)". They all gave you a thumbs up while Cartman was still pissed off and crossing his arms.
"Mhppmhhhhmmphhhmmmhh". You looked at Kenny with a confused face since you didn't understand what he said.
"Um, what was that Kenny? I'm afraid I don't follow on what you said".
"He said: 'Do you want to hang out with us?'". Stan translated for Kenny.
"Oh...sure!". Your face began to lighten up as you assume this orphanage wouldn't be as bad as the rumors say.
What rumors? No need to worry! those are just said by silly people....this orphanage is perfectly okay!
You ended up spending time with the boys during the "daily activities" the maids gave out for all of the orphans to do and have fun.
You got to know the boys better and they got to know you better as well. You didn't understand why the other kids would call them "problematic". They say that the boys would swear at each other or other orphans, always talking to each other during quiet time, and getting into some fights (Kyle and Cartman).
But you didn't see them do any of those things because they have been so nice and chill around you, but if many orphans were saying it. You didn't care anyways since you were glad you had at least some company instead of going the whole day being awkward while living in a orphanage full of 40 kids in total. (THATS A LOT).
When dinner time came, the maids had all of you dress up in special uniforms for the occasion.
You were confused on why you have to dress in uniforms to eat some food, but you couldn't complain until you see how the food they serve here tastes.
You got in line while holding your trey, the orange-haired maid placed (your favorite food) onto your trey while giving you a glass of milk with it.
Milk at dinner?? I expected to at least get some juice or (your favorite drink).... You thought inside your mind as you left the line to find a table to sit at to eat.
Kyle motioned for you to come over and sit with him and his friends. You sat down at their table and noticed that they all had a glass of milk on their trey as well.
You then looked around to see a few other kids (6 of them) have a glass of milk on their treys too while the rest didn't... was this normal?
"Hey....uhm...do they serve anything else besides milk? or are they just out of stock?". You asked the boys as you pointed to your milk.
"Well, they normally do now because that's all everyone really wants now. You'll get used to it eventually (Name)". Stan said as him, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny began eating their food.
You eyed your food and milk while glancing up at them back and forth. You signed and began eating your food as well while ignoring your milk for a while.
You heard a little cough from the boys and the other 6 kids when they drank their glass of milk.
You immediately looked up at your friends. "Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny? are you guys alright?".
They were silence for a couple of secs before they snap back into reality. "Yeah, we're fine it's no big deal really".
You looked at them confused and eyed your own glass of milk, you picked it up and looked closer at it until you..saw that it was...
Your eyes widened. "Guys! you just drank spoiled milk!". You panicked as they gave you a concern look.
"What are you talking about (Name)? the milk wasn't spoiled it was fresh, did you hit your head or did Kahl jewness aura hurt-". Kyle pushed Cartman out of his chair with him letting out a "OW!".
"But but-! I just looked at my milk and it was spoiled!". You tried to defend yourself you didn't understand why they were being so calm about this as if it was a normal routine.
Before you could say something else to them, the maids have announced that all orphans should go to their dorms to get ready for the night.
"Oh Jesus finally! I get some goddamn fucking rest after so many hours!".
"Shut up fatboy! you barley participated in anything since this morning!". Kyle and Cartman began arguing back and forth with each other as you watched your 4 friends walk out of the dinning hall.
You signed as you got up from your seat and followed everyone else to the dorm area. All of the other dorms were occupied except for the room that had only one bed in it..it looked a little ragged but it was still comfortable to sleep on, it even had a small candle on the nightstand to light up the room.
You took off your uniform and began to change into some nice warm clothes to sleep at night.
"Oh well, I hope nothing weird will happen at night...". You locked the door and climbed into your bed before falling asleep.
After 2 hours, you woke up to some growling noises. You were half asleep as you rubbed your eyes wondering what that noise was. You shrugged it off since you were lucky your room door was locked anyways.
When you tried to go to asleep, you heard a loud scream that sounded like one of the orphans. You immediately jumped out of your bed at the sight of the scream wondering what was going on outside of your dorm.
You picked up the candle that was on your nightstand and held it close to your face, not close to enough to burn you.
What was that scream just now? It sounded more like a scream of horror....
After 3 mins you heard another loud scream and then another following after that one. You were getting nervous and you wanted to know what the hell was going on...if you remembered, people always said the rumors about this orphanage are what happened at night...
You were snapped out of your thinking as you heard some kids banging on your door letting to be in as they cried for help. Your body was shaking a little at their cries.
The crying and yelling was soon replaced by stabbing noises and more loud screams. You saw something red splattered onto the glass window of your door...is that...
You were now having second thoughts about opening the door since you were sure that some killer must be inside of the orphanage now...why weren't the maids doing anything at all???
This continued until 27 screams were heard and then the alarm began to go off. Your door was unlocked automatically when the alarms went off.
You heard a maid telling the orphans to run to something they call "bunker". Everyone ran straight to the bunkers immediately.
You ran out of your room as well trying to follow the remaining orphans to safety. As you were almost out of the hall, somebody grabbed your hand while placing a knife near your neck.
You were flabbergasted and turned around to see your attacker, it was one of the orphans except their entire body was twitching like crazy as if they were possessed.
They had a evil smile on their face as they saw the fear in you. Another orphan with a knife in their hand was in front of you, their whole body was twitching like crazy as well.
You were confused, scared, and shocked. You had no need what was going on and why there was suddenly some orphans going completely nuts and killing everyone.
You looked at the psycho in front of you and saw something white dripping from their mouth.
Was that...milk?
Your eyes widened even more as you remember the time you heard coughing from Kyle, Stan, Cartman, and Kenny when they drank the milk after you discovered it was spoiled.
You were sure that the spoiled milk could've given them a bad stomachache, but it seems like it did something else other than that.
You didn't have anymore time to think as the 2 psychos were ready to stab you dead.
That was instantly stopped when you saw they were pulled back and dragged away at the same time.
2 screams and blood splattering were heard at the same time meaning it must've came from the 2 psychos who were trying to kill you. But how? that happened so fast in a short amount of time....
Thankfully you still had your candle and you shined it around until you saw 4 boys which looked exactly like the ones you befriended when you first came to this orphanage...
"Stan..? Kyle...? Cartman...? Kenny...?". You were shaking uncontrollable in fear because so much has happened since nightfall came...
Their bodies were twitching crazily as well. You wanted answers and you wanted them now..
"What is going on here?! why are all 4 of you holding knives and drenched in blood?! I want answers please!!". The boys stayed silent as they look at each other.
"Guys should we really tell them?". Stan asked as Kyle and Kenny nodded except for Cartman who shaked his head.
"No way, they'll just fucking rat us out!". You had a confused mixed with anger expression on your face as you looked at them.
"What are you guys talking about?! Everything seemed normal and happy when I first came here, but now things started to get weird at the diner hall where we were only given "milk" and that weirdness lead to all of this bloodshed at night! You guys know what's happening in this orphanage and I want answers!". You were on the verge of tears while your anger was still showing.
Stan signed and decided to speak up.
"Basically....this orphanage is about survival...we can't blame you for acting this way. The spoiled milk the maids served us is the calayist leading to all of this bloodshed".
"What do you mean? how can spoiled milk be the cause of this?? isn't it supposed to give you a bad stomachache because when things are spoiled it means they usually god bad!".
"That's usually what spoiled things would do, but this milk doesn't work that way. All of our visions went red when drank the milk after we finished coughing".
"You guys make it seem like this is a normal routine!!".
"Duh, because it is. once you drink the spoiled milk the maids give you, you become a threat to other orphans who didn't drink the milk".
"Goddamnit Cartman, can't you be nice to people for once?!". Kyle yelled at Cartman rolled his eyes.
"Sorry, but the word "nice" doesn't work in my dictionary for jews".
You didn't even noticed that sun had already raised up and all of the blood that was around the place was gone and the boys were no longer twitching or had a knife in their hands.
"No...no....this has to be a dream...it has to be...". You sulked down on the floor next to the wall while your hands were wrapped around your legs.
"The rumors about this orphanage...were true after all...but why isn't this reported to the police....? don't tell me the walls of this sick place is soundproofed!". You couldn't hold back your tears as they streamed down your cheek.
Stan and Kyle sat down next to you and wrapped you in their arms as Kenny pulled down his hood to speak.
"Yeah, you could say that the walls are soundproofed and more orphans are coming here every week or so. we pretty much can't leave since this orphanage is in a forest".
"So I can't leave then...I have to spend the rest of my life in this haunted place....". You cried even more.
You then felt 4 other arms wrap around you.
"It's okay (Name), even if we can't leave you won't share this pain alone because we will be there to protect you from the other orphans".
"But that sounds like the only way we can leave is if we die!".
"At least we will die together instead of dying alone..".💙💚🧡❤️🩸🩸💖💖
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I have been way to hook up in watching ONE PIECE and checking out WELCOME HOME I haven't had any time to write anything on my blog or my hellpark blog as well. I deeply apologize for my lack of posts everyone, multitasking yourself can become stressful at some point....
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hezuart · 1 year
im really glad people are finally talking about their critiques of helluva boss on youtube instead of just praising so i wanted to say thank you for being honest!! i know some people are afraid to critique the show cuz of the fanbase n that sucks :( oh btw!! what were your thoughts on Western Energy :0?
Yeah the fandom (and the critics too honestly) have all gotten really out of hand. The fandom is very very toxic.
Since I announced in my comments section that I'm probably gonna wait until the end of Helluva Boss season 2 to review the remaining episodes for it in succession, I may as well schpeel my thoughts on Western Energy. And boy howdy do I have... a lot of them ~~~
What the f_ck. WHAT did they do to my boy Striker
Striker in Harvest Moon: A secret assassin working as a farmhand who knew Stolas was going to appear conveniently in his own isolated ring of Wrath for the Harvest Moon. (where there are imps aplenty participating in the pain games; who hate the Goetia so there would be too many people to investigate for Stolas' murder so he could get off scot-free) Striker hides in a room with an angelic sniper rifle set up a street down, where he can make a quick getaway and no one will even see him. A quick, easy, clean kill.
Striker in f_cking Western Energy: CRASHES THROUGH A WINDOW OF A PUBLIC UPSTANDING CAFE WHERE OTHER GOETIA ARE DINING and starts FIRING ANGELIC BULLETS AT RANDOM; EVERYONE CAN SEE HIS FACE, THERE ARE SEVERAL WITNESSES. He even manages to capture Stolas via rope. AND THEN FUCKING DRAGS HIM VIA HORSEBACK ALL THE WAY TO THE RING OF WRATH TO TORTURE HIM BEFORE K_LLING HIM????? FUCKING EXCUSE ME? WHO IS THIS??!!! This was completely pointless. It was padding. Time wasting. In season one, Stella was pissed that Striker didn't shoot Stolas on sight. She wanted him dead and she wanted him dead NOW for cheating on her. She was ANGRY. She was out for blood.
In this episode, Striker says Stella asked him to give Stolas the "royal treatment" which goes against what she wanted in season 1. It actually goes against what she wanted at the start of this episode too! Striker literally busts into the cafe and starts firing bullets, nearly insta-killing Stolas right then and there had he not dodged. Striker tying him up and hauling him away is so illogical. It makes no sense. Stolas should have been shot dead in that alleyway. This was pathetic. At the end of the episode, there's a huge media circus for Stolas being hospitalized which is really weird because how they hell did they know? I guess Moxie and Millie called the hospital ahead of time, but I don't think the news would spread THAT fast. If anything, its ridiculous for Stolas to call Blitz and request help. Dude wtf did these two learn nothing? Stolas has gone right back to taking advantage of the situation for his fckin knight in shining armor fantasy play. and then like, after the call, Stolas is all "Oh shit, am I in danger?" LIKE HELLO? FCKING ??? YOU JSUT DODGED ANGELIC BULLETS AT THE CAFE?! YOU KNEW IT WOULD KILL YOU! BRUH?! OF COURSE YOU'RE IN DANGER YOU KNOW YOU'RE IN DANGER WHTKASFHKRDGJLlkdg Anyway, as CONSEQUENCES for Striker attacking a high-class Goetia in a public cafe with several witnesses, the news reporters should have swarmed the place. Striker's identity should have been revealed to the world as a prime suspect for the attempted murder and kidnapping of a Goetia. Stolas would be missing and Striker would be wanted. Blitz should have seen this on tv at the hospital with Loona. That would make the most sense. It would keep the drama going. The serious tone of the episode. The news station reporters wouldn't have appeared out of nowhere at the end of the episode; we would have expected them because they've been following this story all day now.
Striker getting this whole song about he's a cruel conniving almost well-known assassin with an evil lair in the mountains as though this is a folk tale song like everyone knows about him... when he was so secretive and Millie's family didn't know he was an assassin before they hired him.... and his ........... statue of himself what the actual f_ck Striker isn't Chazz. Striker is arrogant, but he's not promiscuously arrogant. He only takes pride in his farmhand work and assassin work. Not whatever the hell.... this is. This is a gross misrepresentation of his character.
Stella in season 1 was pissed Stolas cheated on her and was so angry with rage she wanted him killed immediately. In this episode, she's like teehee yeah I hired an assassin :P like its a fcking joke? Like its a silly game to her? This wasn't a game. Andre (shortening her brother's name) talks to her about inheritance and says she will get nothing if Stolas dies; which I thought he was convincing Stella to call off the assassination because otherwise it would all go to Octavia (who apparently is of legal age to inherit everything over her mother) Because of Stella and Stolas divorced, typically, its supposed to be 50/50 regardless of inheritance of the children. Andre says Stolas' duties, possessions, and his legions will all pass to Octavia. What? Stella has never been interested in the book. Octavia is the one who seems like she was taught by her father the star spells, so yeah, probably gonna inherit the book duties. Stella apparently throws parties... she's never been seen doing actual Goetia duties though. So she probably wouldn't want his duties anyway; they'd be inconvenient for this "childish spoiled brat" Viv is ... sigh, currently trying to portray of her. Stolas already gave away most of his possessions to Blitzo 25 years ago. Granted, he probably accumulated more. But still. And legions? Excuse me? Does Stolas have an army, or are you talking about imp butlers? Those guys are cheap and aplenty. and Stella has money. She even offers Striker more money to bring Stolas back alive. As for negotiations, the only way Stella could get anything out of Stolas is if she threatened Octavia or Blitz, and I don't see her actually doing that. So I don't know wtf they think was gonna happen if Striker brought Stolas back alive. He wasn't gonna budge on shit. The Goetia inc*st is disgustingly unnecessary. Especially because Stella is treated like a dumb whining child while Andre is the one comforting and coaching her like ...... he even calls her a stupid cow....and she seems uncomfortable with his advances like what the actual hell is this. Why did we need inc*st here
Loona's voice actor lost her boyfriend to cancer... (really upsetting so sorry this happened) so Loona's voice has been missing for the past two episodes (respectfully), but you know, I actually laughed really hard at Loona this episode. It's great that she's dead quiet throughout, it wouldn't have been as funny otherwise. So hey, fun simple B plot! That being said though... while this Loona gets her shot is a funny B plot, it does not belong in this episode. We go from serious torture and fight scenes to Loona and Blitz shenanigans. The tone shifts are very wrong. This B plot should have been in a different episode. Not this one. The B plot though isn't without its nonsense, though. The lady at the desk is like "I can't read or spell" and then literally a few seconds later she CAN suddenly read. Like what? What is this dialogue? Its unfunny padding, stick to a joke. What's even more frustrating to me is that the potential social commentary is a complete miss. The hospital is in sloth and the shot wait list is 5 years. Is Viv making fun of hospitals for being slow? For why appointments have to be made several months in the future? What??? Doctors aren't lazy?! They're LITERALLY OVERWHELMED WITH CLIENTS. THEY ARE BUSTING THEIR ASSES EVERY DAY WITH PEOPLE! THEY DO NOTHING BUT WORK WORK WORK!!! Hospitals belong in the greed ring!!!!????? for the sheer ridiculous amount of charges and expenses! Especially because the medicine industry is PRIVATIZED! AND HEAVILY CAPITALIZED! Huge missed opportunity on social commentary. Disappointing.
Millie and Moxie I guess go deal with Striker because they have unfinished business which you know I guess is nice but... I feel like Blitz is usually the one to save Stolas... Moxie and Millie should have had a different set up to confront Striker, because them being put in charge defeating an assassin that almost killed not only them both but also Stolas... like why would Blitz trust them? They failed last time. He seems so unconcerned.
Also Millie puts a random hat on Moxie's head at the beginning. It's apparently a point of contention. Some random fckin guy comes up to Moxie and gets mad they're wearing the "same hat". Why the hell is the hat a point of contention?! Why isn't it just a random fashion choice for the "western energy" aesthetic the episode was going for? And Moxie actually beats the hell out of this gang?! Excuse me what? He was a damsel in distress last episode!? Moxie is a twink! It's been established he can't wrestle or fight with his fists!? Since when is he suddenly a strong badass????? What is this inconsistency!?
The tiny imp mariachi band, they're actually adorable. Love their designs despite their poor story-written Striker song. Wish I could see more of those fellas!
ALso forgot to mention, Striker has a new voice actor. Bosco does a great job. I'll miss his previous voice actor, he was so good, but you know... word is, Viv completely blew her budget on hiring him. Viv can no longer, or rather, was never really able to afford Norman Reedus. Sad to see him go, but you know... Striker isn't the same Striker from season 1 anyway. All the characters have changed in season 2. So I think its nice Norman Reedus got to voice act for the good episode time period.
Striker torturing Stolas and Stolas turning it s_xual... this is a trend Viv is doing and I don't know if she even realizes it. "Characters get tortured and make it sexual to try and weird out their captor" and "Character gets sad looking at pictures full of context that slide by the screen way too fast" are some of her favorite tropes apparently. That being said though I'm lowkey concerned. Striker breaks his fcking leg and Stolas says "Blitz is rougher in bed"? Excuse me? I know maybe there's pain play or Stolas has healing abilities and pain tolerance but like???? Is Blitz?? Fucking breaking his bones and stabbing him in bed?! JFC? What is this relationship????? I've grown very concerned. Speaking of that fav trope of Viv's, when Moxie shows up and gets choked by Striker, he smiles and says "harder" like Angel Dust did in the pilot of Hazbin. Striker recoils in disgust, LETTING HIM GO? That doesn't warrant Striker letting go?! Striker has a giant b_ner statue of himself, his entire pain game competition with Blitz- them rough housing and enjoying it-, and Stolas was talking dirty the entire time he was getting tortured. I know Moxie of all people saying this is supposed to be shocking since he's not the type to say this, but like?? Striker shouldn't have been as weirded out by this ?!
Anyway oH MY
GOD I LOVED the Millie & Moxie vs Striker fight scene holy shit its SO GOOD?! Who did the choreography?! The car flip, revealing Moxie aiming directly at Striker, Striker dodging, spinning the knife then expertly throwing it into Moxie's gun... the gun shot activating the radio in the layer, "watcha thinkin' bout now?" a perfect fitting song for the western vibe and a great beat for this fight?! Striker TAPPING HIS FOOT TO THE BEAT , AND THEN CRACKING HIS NECK WITH A DEVILISH SMIRK, PREPARING AND WAITING FOR MOXIE AND MILLIE TO MAKE THE NEXT MOVE? Spinning his dual angel GUNS?! NOW THIS IS THE STRIKER I KNOW AND LOVE! HELLO THERE SIR!
And Moxie and Millie acting like the Bonnie and Clyde duo, where Millie is the close range blades expert while Moxie is the long range gun expert, both acting as offense and defense for each other, circling around Striker , taking him on together while he takes them both on at once? Since they know he's over come them individually before, but together? Man this is.... molten gold, beautiful ...and then its ruined when the song gets changed to a crappy unfitting pop song... ..... sigh, thanks, Viv ..
Anyway back to epic fight scene... Striker shooting, back flipping away from Millie's axe... Moxie coming in for a kick and then Millie coming in to block the gun shot with her axe, protecting Moxie omygod I love this... Moxie immediately going in for the shot.... HOO THIS IS SOME GOOD SHIT
Striker's guns get cut so he grabs his lasso and slams a rock into Millie, SEPARATING the two, an excellent tactic... Striker uses his lasso and twangs off the bendy axe handle to get up onto higher ground to get the advantage- GRABBING MILLIE'S AXE WITH HIS FRICKEN TAIL??? aND HURLING IT AT HER HOLY SHIT GIRL ALMOST DIES Ey! She's not invincible, thank goodness??? Its refreshing seeing her and moxie a little bit more on par this episode. Both having weaknesses and strengths instead of Moxie always being the weak damsel in distress and Millie being the ridiculous OP wife Anyway Millie almost dies and its a wild shot, her OWN AXE almost cuts her head from her body like WOW! AND then sTRIKER AND THEN STRIEKR RRRR He snaps his fingers, sighs and tutts with disappointment, but still SMILES like a "damn it, missed... I'll get her next time" LIKE ??? THAT'S SO GOOD ?? SO IN CHARACTER? SO CHARMING? SO CHARISMATIC? I don't know why but I laughed SO HARD at Moxie screaming "YOU COWBOY PIECE OF SHIT!" It was so funny in Richard's voice, so funny and weirdly personal over cowboys lol , loved that
Striker's..... stupid ugly statue falls on him, but it's shown he's escaped.
and then Stolas is brought to the hospital; and then Moxie and Millie inform Blitz that Stolas got hurt
and the dumbest line of the episode: "He can get hurt?" YES??????????? Yes he can??? You know he can get hurt? HELLO? Why did you stop Striker???!!! Moxie knew Striker had an angelic weapon and Blitz must have been suspicious of Striker and followed him, found him ready to kill Stolas?! Even offered a deal??? A partnership to kill Stolas?! MOXIE LITERALLY STOLE STRIKER'S FCKING ANGELIC RIFLE. WHERE THE FCK DID THAT GO? DID IT BLIP OUT OF EXISTENCE? OF COURSE STOLAS CAN GET HURT SDKGJDFLKJGLDFKJLGJ BRUH
WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW This is like such a shocking moment to Blitz its so dumb of course he cant get hurt i swear to - sIGH
and then we have more nonsense. You know how everyone was complaining about Blitz and Stolas in the Seeing Star episode? Acting like nothing happened between them at Ozzies? Like they didnt have this weird break-up reality check? Guess what. It's "addressed". Off-screen. Via text messages. And double guess what? The text messages are empty. They say absolutely nothing.
Stolas is like "Hey I'm sorry if I did anything to upset you last night" Blitz: "Whatever" Stolas: *Long paragraph about how he noticed Blitz was upset* "Asmodeous can be very invasive in humor, but I thought it was pretty funny myself" NO HE FUCKING DIDNT? STOLAS WAS SO UNCOMFORTABLE??? Is this like a weird lie to cover up his discomfort or something stupid like ???? bruh??? "I enjoy being the subject of jest, you can come over and make fun of me"
Blitz: "sure" ????????????????? What is this????? They arent talking at all! It's just Stolas rambling worrisome nonsense and Blitz being emotionally stunted and not talking back! and then in seeing stars the texts are like "thanks for helping with Via! We don't have to bang. you can keep the book if you want. Or we can just hang out!" and blitz is like "whatever im busy" Blitz types "get better soon :(" to Stolas and Stolas is like "thank you, come visit me!" and Blitz doesn't respond.
Rose petals are slowly falling off in the background, as Stolas waits for a reply that never comes. He finally sets down his phone. I think this is supposed to be like weirdly symbolic, a "he loves me, he loves me not" and when all the petals are gone and Stolas puts down his phone, probably finally giving up his crush on Blitz realizing Blitz doesn't like him back and will probably give Blitz those crystals to get his book back. Blitz and Stolas' relationship has turned so sour and weird in season 2. It's such an unhealthy relationship. Like it wasn't great in season 1 either but season 2 the context makes it far worse. Blitz has been using this guy for decades and its just being romanticized.
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Also tho..... Stolas is surrounded by get-well bouquets? Who sent these to him???? He has no friends! The Goetias think he's pathetic... the imps and lower class hate his ass..... like ... did weird rabid fans send them??? Where did these come from!! Anyway, if Stolas doesn't rant to the media that his own wife tried to have him killed, exposing the domestic drama going on in his home, I'm gonna throw a fit. This is his perfect opportunity to finalize his divorce. Sure, he could risk putting his "cheating" with Blitz into the spot light but like... people already know about that so ??? All the more proof to stack against Stella? That she's out for revenge? This is a scoop! Hell would be eating out of the palm of his hand! There's also weird compositing in this episode. Why are these scenes composited??????? These aren't dramatic serious scenes! This is the silly B plot!
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Also the Striker statue falling... is just a flat png skdgjlfkgj whats going on with the budget of this episode
This ep was ridiculous. But Moxie and Millie vs Striker genuinely had me smiling and excited. I miss when this show actually had me interested....
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