#I was thinking about how I used to get into my stepdads shoes as a child and dance
pinkstations · 10 months
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Eri in her dads scarf
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ddejavvu · 4 months
I saw a video on tiktok the other day of a man on his wedding day getting down to the level of his new stepdaughter and reading out vows to her about how he'll always love and care for her and I bawled my eyes out. Now all I can think about is Hotch and single!mom reader on their wedding day getting down and reading vows to each others children. I dont know if you write single! Parent reader, but if you do could you write something with this premise? Thank you lovely if you can
Your daughter is mildly confused when Aaron beckons her over during the ceremony, but at four years old, she's mostly obedient to her parents. Well- to Aaron. To you, she protests and screams and giggles maniacally, but you suppose you're the one that gave it to her, so you can't complain without sounding like a hypocrite.
You set a hand on Jack's shoulder, ushering the older boy into your own grip.
"You look so handsome," You gush, eyes teeming with tears that threaten to ruin your mascara, "Jack, I- I won't embarrass you by calling you a mushy nickname like CrackerJack, or JackAttack, or Jackers-"
"You're using them all right now-!" The teenager protests, but he doesn't shrug your hand off of his shoulder; his protests are for show.
"Sorry! Sorry," You sniffle, and you let the fifteen year old wipe a tear away from your eye before it ruins your makeup.
"Jack," You repeat, steeling yourself, "I- I just want you to know that I love you. It's not because I love your dad, it's not because we live together, it's not because you woke me up with breakfast in bed on my birthday. It's- it's because of you, sweetheart. I know you're getting older, and- and you might be going away to college soon," You poorly withhold a sob, thinking of an empty bed in the room down the hall, "-but I just- I need you to know that it's you that I love, just the same as I love June. Your mom was an amazing woman, and she made an amazing son, and I'm so honored that you've given me permission to be your stepmom. I love you- Jackers."
Perhaps its awkward for the teen to face such strong emotion head-on, but you won't tattle to his schoolfriends about the tears that well up in his eyes, or the red tint to his nose as he bites them back.
"Love you too," He supplies weakly, surging forwards to wrap his arms around your waist- but it's all you need. One of your photographers makes to readjust your veil where it's been momentarily crumpled beneath his arm, but damn the veil, your stepson is more important.
"They're gushy," Aaron accuses, holding little June in his arms and pointing at you, "Are we gonna be gushy, Junie B Jones?"
Her eyes are mystified as she stares at her mama and her brother, but she shakes her head dutifully at Aaron.
"Oh, go, you're sappier than I am," You tease Aaron, and it rouses a light chuckle from your guests.
"Loony-Junie," Aaron starts, and the girl in his grasp giggles at the name. Encouraged by her delight, he employs her favorite moniker; her most desired snack, "My little pickle. Thank you, for letting me marry your mama. And for giving her the ring, even if it fell in the eggs instead of the fully-baked cake."
The little girl roars with a squeal of laughter at the memory, and- now you know why the Lysol wipes were on the counter the night of Aaron's proposal.
"You were a super big helper to me and your brother," He continues, holding her close, "And I'm so happy I get to be your stepdad now. I know you're a big girl, and you can do pretty much everything by yourself now," He lets her pipe up, falling silent as her tiny voice rings out.
"-I can even put my own shoes on the right feet!"
Not every audience member manages to stifle their giggle, but the little girl doesn't look abashed for it. Aaron nods with a fond grin on his face, and Jack leans into your side where you've pinned him in a hug.
"She can not. I had to switch her mary janes before the ceremony."
"Stop," You pinch him in the side, snorting with laughter and concealing it in the warmth of his shoulder, "Do not make me turn into an evil stepmother, Jack. Let her have this." He concedes- oh, such a good brother.
"I know!" Aaron exclaims, one of his large palms spread wide across her belly as he holds her in his arms, "I'm super proud of you, baby. But. If you ever need help with your shoes, or with your hair, or with your friends, or with your teachers, or with your brother," He shoots a suspicious glance at Jack who sticks his tongue out at his father, "Or with anything at all, pickle, you come tell me. Okay? Even if it's a problem that I'm part of."
"Okay," She agrees easily, unaware of the dozens of painfully-swollen hearts watching the display, "Thanks, dada."
"Oh, pickle," He bites back a shallow, raw twinge to his voice as he hugs her and you hiss, 'Gushy.'
"I love you too," He promises June, "Forever, and always, and even longer after that."
"Infinity?" Her eyes shine; it's a concept her pre-k class came upon in a library comic book and she's fascinated with it.
"For infinity." Aaron confirms, and her teeth show in a grin as brilliantly white and gleaming as the beads sewn into your outfit.
Her response is two tiny, chubby arms slung around his neck, and a delicate face buried in his shoulder. Despite your no-photography request, you're fairly certain a camera shutter goes off that doesn't belong to the photographer you hired.
Oh, well.
"Alright you saps," You manage to blubber, your voice barely clear of the sobs creeping up your throat, "Let's get married before I cry and ruin my makeup. I paid so much for the stylist."
Jovial laughter rings through the tent you've set up, and Aaron sets June down, though she follows at his heels the same way Jack does at yours. They stand together, brother and sister, just as you do with Hotch, soon-to-be husband and wife.
"Don't cry." You command, "Or I'll cry."
"Don't cry," He repeats with a sheepish grin and a thick voice, blinking rapidly, as your babies join hands, "Or I'll cry."
"I'm crying," A faint voice from the audience rings out, but you can't manage to find any annoyance towards Garcia's repeated disruptions.
Aaron laughs, squeezing his eyes shut and letting a tear slip despite his best efforts. He presses his forehead to yours, and you do the same, feeling his breath fan over your face as he reels himself in.
"Come on, Hotchner," You urge, your voice wobbly, as your heart races in anticipation, the officiant stepping towards you, "Get it together, big guy. I'm not leaving this tent without your last name."
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bluecollarmcandtf · 7 months
Trying Them on for Size
My stepdad's eyes rolled back as my friend leapt into his body. Thanks to my distraction, he had a clear jump, and the possession was instant. The beer in his hand didn't even slip as a new guy took over the thick hunk of meet.
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"Goddamn, this guy is big!" my stepdad's voice rumbled in uncharacteristic glee, "My arms feel like a ton heavier with all this muscle!"
"I...I cant believe it worked," I stammer, still processing the fact that Sam, my best friend, is inside Paul, my jerk of a stepfather.
Sam lifts a heavy arm and takes a whiff. "Wow, your dad smells rank! Does the pig shower much?" he groans and laughs, "What'd you say this idiot does again?"
"Mechanic, and he's not my dad," I answer, still trying to get over my nerves, "How's it feel...to be in him?"
"Man, he's so muscular and dense. I mean, I can feel how heavy he is, ya know? He's like really sweaty and kinda gross too, but I feel like I could beat the shit out of anyone right now!"
Sam takes a swig of Paul's beer, making the body look just like the alcoholic stepfather I knew and hated. Normally, I'd avoid the guy at all costs. He'd usually only speak to me in grunts, and that was only when he wasn't ignoring my existence. Now, Sam was using his mouth to yap off like an excited puppy.
I think Sam notices that I'm still a little tense, because he stops staring at his massive arms and puts the beer down. Paul's body steps right against me and grabs my hands as he looks down into my eyes. My stepdad would certainly never have done this before.
"How you doin, man?" Sam asks, but I can't help but feel like Paul is talking.
"Good," I lie, "This is just so surreal."
"Well, what do you want to see your old step daddy do for ya?" he asks playfully, "The jerk is at your whim, dude."
"I don't know..."
"Come on, sonny boy! Wanna watch as daddy Paul gets on his hands and knees and crawls to you?"
Sam pilots the muscular body to the floor, while staring longingly up at me with Paul's normally hateful gaze.
"Wanna see your big bad old man, stick out his tongue and lick your shoes?"
Before I can react, Paul...I mean Sam...has stuck out his tongue and started dragging it up the length of my sneaker. God, the sight of my harsh stepfather licking my shoe is incredible! He'd be so humiliated right now.
Sam pulls away from my feet and up to Paul's knees, "Maybe he needs to find another way to express just how sorry he is to his favorite boy."
Sam's lips hang open as he inches towards my tenting pants. My heart is racing with the anticipation of getting Paul's lips on my aching cock.
"I'm home!" a singsong voice echoes through the house.
"Shit, your mom!" Sam growls with Paul's hoarse voice, "I mean, my wife."
"Shut up," I snap, "Let's go to your house. We can get an early start to phase two."
My grizzled stepdad smirks, and we sneak out. Phase two involves Sam's biggest bully: his older brother, and he just got off work.
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Michael was even easier to distract and jump into than my stepdad was. I may have been a little nervous, but after watching Sam do it at my house, I was practically a pro.
"Woah," I gasp in a much deeper tone than I'm used to, "Your brother is tall."
"Yeah, he was the basketball star before he graduated. Now he just bums around in the basement and beats me up after work," Sam explains.
I have to admit that it's a little weird to hear my friend complaining about getting picked on when he's wearing a super mature and muscular body. Though, Paul does look less intimidating when I see him from the towering height of the stud I'm in.
"Where were we?" I suggestively purr, getting a hang of using this guy's voice.
"Paul was about to apologize," Sam flashes a smile which looks foreign on Paul's face, "But I think you should make Michael apologize to me first."
I chuckle and take a step towards him, but almost stumble over the massive feet I have on.
"Damn, he's clumsy," I laugh, "Your brother deserves some sort of punishment, but what do you want him to do? Drop down and kiss your ass profusely or maybe bend over and take a good beating?"
"Both," Paul's mouth gulps as his calloused hands struggle to hide a growing hard-on.
"Or maybe you want to hear your brother grovel and beg for forgiveness?" I go on, dropping Michael's body to its knees, "Or maybe you can find a better use for this pathetic mouth."
"Shit, man!" I hear Paul's voice whine, "We're definitely going to make these straight assholes screw each other! But then we have to take them out tonight. They need to be put through something more public!"
"Oh I like that!" I moan from inside Michael, "Offer these jerks' bodies up for use at every gay bar!"
"At every gas station!" Sam excitedly claps Paul's hands together.
"They can pound Michaels ass while Paul tongue-polishes their boots!"
"Come here!" Sam growls.
"Yes, sir."
I jump into Sam's arms! Well, Michael jumps into Paul's arms. As electric as it feels, I can constantly sense that we don't own the bodies we are in. We're just puppeteering them.
That thought makes me wonder if Michael or Paul can feel all this somewhere deep down. It's a fleeting thought, because I'm already lost in the experience of making out with the jerk of a stepfather while Sam enjoys playing with his bully of a brother.
God, these bodies are hot. By the time, Sam and I are done wearing them, Paul and Michael will be the hottest pair of messes in town...
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neopuppy · 1 year
Alpha Stepdad Johnny🥺
lmao you are soooo…
warnings. a/b/o, stepcest, covid mentioned(listen…I saw a tweet..), pre-heat, masturbation
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“Took a good few months for my taste to come back after I had it.” Jaehyun shrugs. “Smell took a while longer, I think maybe 8 months.”
“It’s frustrating.” Johnny sighs, shoving his plate of food aside. “Waste of money coming to eat here, $80 steak I can’t even enjoy.”
“Have you tried those tricks people recommend online? Like burning an orange peel or something.”
“Hmm, no.” Shaking his head, Johnny grabs the bill to cover their lunch. “On me.”
“Thanks man,” Jaehyun clasps his friend's shoulder, eyebrows raised up. “How’s everything been at home?”
“A little quiet ever since she moved out,” he shrugs, sharing a knowing look with his most trusted friend. “It’s been nice to you know.. have our time alone, but my mate works a lot. She doesn’t have to either but, you know how it is.”
“She’s a real independent Omega.” Jaehyun says, scooting closer. “I know how fond you are of your step-daughter though, I’m sure her absence around the house is hard to get used to.”
Johnny’s lips pout, reaching for his phone to open a text with you, his routine daily check in. The usual, asking if there’s anything you need, offering to swoop by on the way home and bring you food. “Hmm, that’s weird.”
“What’s up?”
“I texted her earlier before meeting you asking if she wanted anything to eat.” Johnny’s forehead wrinkles, locking his phone. “I’ll just order her favorite to-go and drop it off when I pass by.”
Jaehyun laughs through his nose, nodding sarcastically. “You care about her a lot, as if she could be your actual daughter.”
Johnny smiles to hide a grimace, signaling for a waiter. “She’s a good girl is all.”
“Yeah, I’ll bet.”
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Johnny tries to call once reaching your building, eyebrows wrinkling together when you don’t answer his second try. That’s unlike you, bothering him the more he sits and rechecks your messages. Maybe you went out.. but even then you’d always sent a heads-up to your family group chat to be safe(after much lecturing from him).
It won’t hurt to double check and make sure everything’s fine, maybe you were still asleep. You always left a spare key hidden inside of the lamp by your door for emergencies especially because of your habit of locking yourself out.
Johnny really disagreed with the idea of you living alone, a young pretty Omega that turned the heads of Alphas with every step you took living independently all on your own left an uneasy tight sensation in his chest, he’d do anything to take care of you. Despite not being blood-related, he’s always felt extra protective of you, having to control himself to not overstep his boundaries and smother you with love even worse after you’d presented.
Pocketing the key to your place, he knocks first, waiting for you to at least call out a response, maybe check your phone.
Scanning the place, nothing seems out of the norm, your shoes and coats by the front, minimal decorations all in place, a purse flung down on the couch. He tries to sniff first, mentally cursing at the lack of smell hitting his senses. The bag of takeout in his grip a reminder of why he’s here to begin with, not because of his innate obsession of knowing your every move at all times.
If she’s asleep, let her sleep. He nods, quietly shuffling to your kitchen to drop off the food. You’ll wake up and break into a smile upon discovering your favorite meal waiting for you, and then you’ll call him up with your usual ‘Thank you so much daddy, I love you.’
Johnny tingles at the thought, clearing his throat as he strides toward the door only to stop in his tracks as an anguished moan sounds from the hallway leading to your bedroom.
“Alpha, please! please, it hurts!”
Your voice rings through his ears, broken whines following each word leading him closer to the sounds of your heavy breathing, painful cries. Johnny swallows, throat instantly drying up as he walks down the hall, the air thick and humid emitting from your cracked bedroom door.
“Please! Alpha!”
Scuttling ahead he nearly crumbles, feet tangling together having to grab the nearest wall as he reaches your door. Moans burst out louder, singing cries of pleasure between hisses of pain, desperate whimpers.
Fuck, he can’t smell anything, can’t taste your beautiful sweet scent.
Johnny’s neck cranes, inching closer to the doors opening, practically swallowing his tongue as he catches the sight of you sprawled on all fours jamming your fingers into your cunt repeatedly.
Snapping to your face he’s relieved to see your eyes squeezed shut, moaning and biting down onto your bedding with each fierce fuck of your fingers in and out. “Daddy, please, please fuck me.”
Johnny wipes at a trickle of spit sliding down his chin, gulping to alleviate some of the dryness filling his lungs.
Fuck, fuck fuck fuck. He should leave, he shouldn’t watch, he needs to pretend this never happened..
Each little wanton cry you let out echoes off your bedroom walls, swiping a palm across his face to calm himself as you reach between your thighs circling around your clit with a hiss. “Fuck, you’re so big daddy, please.. need you so bad.”
Johnny can’t tear his gaze away from each pitiful pinch your rim gives, the way your hole pulsates around your digits, pumping desperately as if three of your useless fingers could ever compare to what he could really give you to satiate your thirst.
Tucking in his bottom lip to suppress a curse, he reaches lower, palm dragging down to push in past the waistband of his slacks to grip around his hot girth, blood filling up his size painfully fast throbbing every vein lining the way down.
Harshly breathing through his nose he strokes just once, applying pressure around himself at the tip, thumb smearing the mess of pre-cum around his slit as his gaze burns into your core imagining how fucking tight you’d suck around him.
You’d beg, beg for him to stop, slow down, and give you more all at once. Johnny curses again, mind too foggy to even realize just how far gone he is, vocally muttering under his breath.
Oh fuck.
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beefrobeefcal · 5 months
Friendos, it is time for the first installment of...
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Theywhowriteandknowthings aka Knowy
@theywhowriteandknowthings was one of the first e-friendos I made on this site and has been a champion for me while I found my groove in my fic writing shoes. They were one of my first beta'ers for my works and offered super insightful & valuable input as well as their friendship. Their writing inspires me to keep pushing myself outside of the box and their encouragement makes it easy to do so!
Thank you, Knowy!
I-will-not-ask-you-where-you-came-from regards,
Beefro 👌🥩💜
Here's my Top 5 of @theywhowriteandknowthings work:
First Time's the Charm - Javi Gutierrez
This is the first fic I read of Knowy's and It came at me right before the Birth of Beefro. I was still loitering under my original tumblr account at the time and I wasn't even remotely looking at writing. But this fic led me into a deep dive into the Peepaw FF world and I never looked back - I have a massive soft spot for this fic, as well as it is very saucy!
Rendezvous in Reno - Dieter Bravo
NOW THIS IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. I have read this fic many a time and I enjoy it more and more each time [I got to beta it and MY FUCK! i felt truly blessed and highly favoured]. Jus everything - the reader is an erotica writer and Dieter is a fan, his fabulous underwear, his dirty mouth, and his ego... MY GOD HIS EGO! This one is fun and should NOT be read while you sit in the same room as your in-laws FYI.
Creep - CreepyNeighbour!Joel Miller
This right here is a work of art. I got to beta this work again and I was a naughty pigeon and did it at work. LET ME TELL Y'ALL - I WAS LEFT UNABLE TO PERFORM MY DUTIES AS REQUIRED AFTER READING THIS. I should have taken the rest of the day to lay down and think on my sins because GOD DAMN. 10 out of 10 beefs for Creep. 🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩
The Princess & The Duke - StepDad!Dave York
Okay, okay, okay... this is the oom papa mow mow of Dave York is your stepdad fics and I will fight anyone who opposes it. I love this series and the way Knowy has written Dave THE WAY HE DESERVED TO BEGIN WITH. I love the gentle badass he is in this and I hope reader's mom chokes on a carrot as she gives a 'Deep Throating 101' class at the local community collage.
SNAFU - Shifter!Frankie Morales
And my fav (even though I'm not ranking)! The one that started it all. This fic is not how I found them, but it is what made me want to get to know them and pick their delicious brain. It's a Frankie Fiend's wet dream and I had no idea how enraptured I could be with a Shifter Universe! I screamed into my pillow like a teenager and kicked my legs gleefully thinking about how Frankie shared his chicken wings with IQ. I will die on the hill that is marked: KNOWY'S SNAFU IS BEST USE OF SHIFTER AU This is an ongoing series and whether we get a new chapter soon or not, we will always have Bear!Pope memes. 🐻💜
Murder Daddy Kinktober 2023 - Sex Pollen/Pheromones Joel Miller x afab!Reader
Any & All Knowy's Miguel O'Hara fics Miguel O'Hara x afab!Reader
Whole Frankie Morales x afab!Reader x Santiago Garcia
Shore Leave Frankie Morales x afab!Reader x Santiago Garcia
Taungsdays, Am I Right? Din Djarin x afab!Reader
Hazy Days Din Djarin x afab!Reader
Breaking the Rules DBF!Joel Miller x afab!Reader
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carlsdarling · 10 months
Stepdad Carl headcanons
Carl and Y/N are in their mid-thirties here and Y/N has a teenage daughter. It was challenging to imagine a Carl so much older, so I hope you will like him.
You first met Carl when he and some of his folks from Alexandria visited your community Oceanside to do some trading. You were immediately intrigued by Carl's demeanor - a fact that didn't fail to be apparent to your 15-year-old daughter, Celia. Of course, you had heard of the one and only Carl Grimes, but you never thought he was so attractive and amiable.
A mutual affection quickly developed between you, then a romantic relationship, so you and Celia relocated to Alexandria because the distance between Alexandria and Oceanside is too great. Celia was upset about it at first - she didn't want to leave Oceanside and her friends, even though she likes Carl and is happy for you. However, she then adjusted relatively well in Alexandria.
Carl, meanwhile, can deal with his facial injury. He doesn't mind showing it to Celia and telling her what happened to him when he was her age. By now he no longer wears the bandage, but a black eyepatch like the Governor once did - so as not to freak people out. Carl has cut his hair, but it is still thick, dark and full and silky to your touch. He has aged very well. Sometimes he wears a short beard, but mostly he is smoothly shaved. He is lean, has put on just a little muscle, and now has a physique like Rick used to have.
Celia's new lady friends in Alexandria think Carl is sexy and are always raving about him. Celia thinks this is weird. "That's my stepdad! He's old!" - "I want to be Carl's toy!" - "Lorna! He could be your dad!" - "Uum, I don't care."
Carl, at first, didn't know how to deal with Celia because he doesn't have any kids of his own and Judith is, after all, in her mid-twenties, but they mostly get along well now.
Carl acts very protective of Celia. He doesn't like it when she stays out too late in the evenings or when she roams the woods outside of Alexandria. He is in constant worry about her.
When Celia has her first boyfriend, the situation escalates somewhat. Tom isn't particularly skilled with a rifle, nor is he particularly gutsy. Carl doesn't like this, so he takes Tom to task without discussing it with you or Celia first. He heads to the Alexandria shooting range with him and drills him there, then trains him how to kill walkers with a knife. Carl handles Tom very harshly in the process, and Tom eventually becomes so discouraged by Carl's high expectations and constant lectures that he simply throws the gun into the grass and stomps off in frustration.
As a result, Celia angrily storms into the kitchen as you are cooking something, and accusingly tells you what Carl has done. "Carl has no right to do that!"
This leads to an argument between Carl and you. "Carl, that's not the way to do it. You humiliated Tom. It's not okay, he's only 16." - "Tom is a sissy." - "Carl!" - "When I was his age, I..."
You rolled your eyes. But eventually Carl apologized to Celia, explaining that he just wanted to make sure Tom was capable of protecting her in any situation.
Celia reads Carl's old comics, and Carl appreciates that.
Rick has revealed to Celia how Carl, when he was her age, ate three pounds of chocolate pudding all alone and how he then got sick, and how a walker bagged his shoe. Celia has been teasing Carl with these stories ever since.
When Rick got pneumonia and it wasn't clear if he would survive, Carl was terrified of losing his dad. He got kind of depressed, and Celia made chocolate pudding for him to cheer him up.
More than once Celia tells you not to moan so loudly during sex. "Mum, I can hear you two," she says, embarrassed.
When you and Carl called Celia into the living room one evening and told her you were pregnant by Carl, she looked from one to the other, puzzled. Then she said: "Have you guys ever heard of birth control?“ and raised an eyebrow.
Carl and you will have to vigorously fend off her suggestions for baby names. Celia's favorites are "Morticia," "Ivory," "Draco," and "Lucius."
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katierosedreams2 · 5 months
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My new favorite Christmas gift 
“Oh my god I love this so much!!” Emma said, letting out a little scream of joy as she took my photo of me going up the escalator at the mall. “I can not believe just how right I was about you Alexa!! Your body is so girly!! No one would ever know you're actually a boy!! I can’t believe I have my own life-size doll!! This is my new favorite Christmas gift I could ever get!!” She continued, not even trying to hide her joy. I guess I should explain exactly how I got here. 
Emma is my stepsister. We're the same age, well she’s older by a few months. Our parents married about ten years ago now. My stepdad was almost never around, and when he was, he would take my mom on some trip or off on some date. He wanted nothing to do with me, much like my own dad who walked out on my mom and me when I was pretty young. A few years later, when I was eight, my mom remarried. She had always wished I was a girl and constantly told me about how she had always wanted a daughter. When she met my stepdad and Emma she just fell in love with Emma and was so happy to have her as a daughter. As I got older, I realized how my mom never let me do topical “boy” stuff. I was only allowed to have girls as friends, watch girly movies, and sometimes she even bought me a jacket or top or pants that were a girl's but were "just too cute to pass up". She so desperately wanted a girl. And once she got Emma she immediately started to spoil her with all kinds of clothes, shoes, make up. She even gave her the bigger bedroom. She pretty much got whatever she wanted.
My weird requirements didn’t go away when that happened. They just got worse. I had to join Emma in ballet and cheerleading all the way through high school. I was forced to join Emma and her friends, not allowed to have friends of my own. I wasn’t allowed to have short “boy” hair either. And most of my clothes were just plain generic men's clothes. I hardly owned anything, most of money went to Emmas' wardrobe. Don't get me wrong, my mom is very nice and loving. She is kind and caring and hasn’t completely ignored me, but it also isn’t a surprise that Emma is her favorite. When we were much younger, my mom and Emma used to have “makeover days” where my mom would teach Emma how to do her make up and dress and move like a lady. 
Emma and I got along right away and were always close. I think she could see how my mom favored her over me and she kind of felt bad about that. She would often try to include me in everything she could so I wouldn’t feel left out. She would often convince me to join her and my mom on their “makeover days” and I would. My mom always seemed to treat me differently once they had finished putting makeup on me. She seemed to love me more and treat me better. Emma also loved being able to treat me like a doll. She loved dolls and always wanted to dress me up and have me be a “life-size doll”. I would always fight that. It was bad enough that my mom wanted me to be a girl, it was even worse that my stepsister and closest friend also wanted me to be one too! 
Christmas was always tough because Emma got just about anything she asked for, not just for Christmas but for the rest of the year too. So I always sucked at getting her gifts. It was always some gift card to some place she liked. Over the last few years, my mom has gotten really sick of it. This year she had gotten so upset that she said now that I’m eighteen years old she would kick me out of the house if I did not step it up and get Emma something truly meaningful. Now I had no job, and was going to the local community college because I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. My parents were very wealthy and while I did have the smallest room in the house, it was still a big room and an incredible house. Also, I know that rent is crazy high, so I wasn’t really excited about the thought of leaving. I told my mom that I would get her a great gift, and then forgot all about our conversation. 
I was getting quite distracted with this new friend I had made, Becka. She was one of Emma's friends. She had met in one of her classes and I had a huge crush on her. It broke my heart when Emma told me that Becka thought that her “gay stepbrother” was so much fun. I wasn’t gay. I'm not exactly why so many people have mistaken me as gay throughout my life. I asked Emma if she had corrected her about that, but she said no, that the conversation just moved on, and she thought it would be weird to just bring it back up. Becka also hadn’t brought it up to me directly, so I thought it would be weird to just throw that out there. So I tried to see if, over time, I could convince her that not only was I straight, but that I was into her. We talked a bunch, and she often invited me to hang out with her and Emma. But soon after that conversation with my mom, Becka started asking me to just hand out even when Emma was busy. 
I, of course, was super excited to spend time with her, just the two of us. She was a lot more touchy-feely with me. Constantly holding my hand or putting her arm around my waist. She was also a lot more personal with the things she shared and would act flirtatiously with me even! It never came up that she thought I was gay, but I was suspicious that she still might think I was. She would constantly send me things, like clothes, shoes, nails, makeup, or hairstyles and ask what I thought about them. I wasn’t sure if that was because she still might think I was gay though. She did seem really satisfied with my answers, but I’ve been having those conversations with my mom and Emma my whole life. So maybe I just had a good eye for that stuff? Or maybe she wanted to see what I liked, so she could look good for me? That thought got me wondering about that even more and I desperately wanted to know the answer. So this just led to us hanging out and talking even more. 
Emma and my mom both noticed that I had taken an interest in Becka, unlike any of the other gal friends I had in the past. Emma thought that it was good that I was finally having "girl" talk all on my own. My mom seemed to agree and they both seemed to encourage our interactions. Before I knew it, however, it was the week of Christmas and I realized I hadn’t gotten Emma anything! I started to panic because I had no idea what to get her! I looked through every single online store I knew she liked, often asking Becka what her thoughts were about this skirt, or dress, or shoes or something. But Becka would point out that most of them wouldn’t make it in time for Christmas. I had told her about the ultimatum my mom had given me, and Becka was surprised I had given her such bad gifts. She said I had such great taste and clearly cared for Emma. She said that no clothes could be meaningful enough to make up for all the years I gave such bad gifts. I needed to do better.
She encouraged me to think back over all the years and see if there was anything that Emma always wanted but never got. If I could get her that, then I would give her a gift that would be truly meaningful. It took me awhile, going back in my mind over every purse, top, heels, makeup, everything I could think of that she wanted through the years. Just to realize she had gotten them all. There was nothing I could think of. And then I saw an ad for a “makeover day” from some salon, and I remembered all of those days my Mom Emma and I used to do. How she always wanted to dress me up and be her doll. I decided that it was free, quick, and meaningful. After all, it was the gift she always wanted and never got. It was the gift my Mother had always wanted too, she just never asked for it directly. She loved Emma, and was so glad to have her as a daughter, but she still truly wished that I had been born a girl. So I thought it would be my gift to them both. Emma could have her doll for the day and my mom could have her second daughter for the day. All I would have to do is wear some makeup and some girls' clothes for the day around the house, and they would both be happy. 
So a few days before Christmas I wrote a card to Emma saying that I would be her doll and that she could dress me up however she wanted and I'd do whatever she wanted. In hindsight, I should have worded that very differently. I though shed put some makeup on me, have me try on a few things, see how silly I looked, and then we would just hang around and watch some Christmas movies or something. I also wrote a card to my Mom and told her that I would be Emmas' doll to dress up and command and that I would also be her “daughter” too. We could have a nice time just the three of us and have a special dinner. I knew my stepdad was out of the country for the rest of the year working and wouldn't be home.
I gave them both the cards that morning with the coffee I had prepared for them. They both looked at me suspiciously as I brought them their coffees on a tray with my handmade letters. They both took their coffees and had a sip, then proceeded to both read my cards. As they read, both of their jaws dropped almost in unison as the joy and realization of what I had just given them washed over their minds. They both looked at each other in shock. “Oh MY GOD!!! NO WAY!! I FINALLY GET TO MAKE YOU MY DOLL AFTER ALL THESE YEARS!!!” Emma screamed with excitement and she started to cry. The reality of all these years wanting and finally getting was almost too much. My mother was already crying. You could tell she was in a storm of emotions. She felt bad and guilty for wishing I was a girl, but grateful for this opportunity and excited to have me as one of her daughters. They both hugged me together and cried. I couldn’t believe just how big of a gift this actually was to them. 
After a good cry and lots of appreciative thanks, the excitement quickly overtook them and Emma rushed off to her room to see what I could wear. I’m very skinny for a boy, and I'm not that tall either, only 5’6”. My mother was wiser and came out with a measuring tape to take my measurements to see if id even fit. It wasn’t very rewarding to hear we were both the exact same size, a woman’s small. Emma was overjoyed with the news that everything in her huge walk in closet was game. She hardly knew where to start. My mom suggested that we start with “her” makeup and hair, and then have fun seeing which outfits we would like to see “her” in. My mom and Emma both seemed so excited, and all too natura,l to start calling me female pronouns, almost as if they had been doing it behind my back for years. 
Emma thought my Mom's idea was a great one, and they started to look for makeup inspiration. Emma commanded me to, in the meantime, go take a shower in her bathroom and use her soap and to shave off everything below my eyelashes. I felt like that was little too much for this one day, but I didn’t want to start this off by arguing against it, so I did what she commanded. I hardly had any body hair, mostly just a little in my armpits and my pubs, and some peach fuzz on my arms and legs. I wasn’t a hairy guy at all. So there wasn’t a lot of work to do. It did feel weird being completely hairless though. I dried myself off with Emmas' big fluffy light pink towels and felt kind of weird drying off my smooth skin. I looked at myself naked and hairless in her full-length mirror. I hadn’t seen my naked body like this before. I didn’t have a full-length mirror in my bathroom. I wasn’t very excited by what I saw. Maybe it was just because I had just shaved my whole body, or maybe because I smelled strongly like a girl, or maybe because I was in such a girly-looking light pink bathroom, but what I was seeing made me think I might regret this decision to be their doll. Staring back at me in the mirror was a long bond hair, tiny waist, hour-glass figure, no boobs, big hips, big ass, tiny little microndick, trans looking girl. My heart sank. I didn’t think I looked this way!!
I looked down at my dick, from this angel it didn’t look that small, not big or anything, but in the mirror it looked like it was just this little nub. And I had no idea I had such girly hips! I had almost no muscle tone, which didn’t help me either. I wrapped the towel around me and headed back into Emma's room. My mother and Emma were in a frenzy getting the makeup out and all the outfits they wanted to see me in. When they noticed my arrival, my mother expressed how me in a towel simply won’t do, that I needed to go put on one of Emmas robes. I just nodded my head and went back into her bathroom and looked in the back of the door at her robe collection. There were some fuzzy long ones, long and short satin ones, as well as long and short sheer ones. As I was looking between them, I head Emmas shout from her room for me to wear the short light pink satin one. It hardly covered past my butt, but the smooth feel of the satin wrapped around my smooth naked body felt amazing. 
I walked out to see the two of them hovering around Emmas' vanity comparing photos of different makeup looks. I stood and waited patiently for them to decide. My mother told me to sit down. I looked at myself in the mirror, I felt like I had made a very bad chose, but it already felt too late to change my mind, they were both so clearly excited about this. They decided on the look and then my mother left to get herself ready for the day and Emma got to work on my makeup. As she worked away, I got a little glimpse of her progress in the mirror, but she had me mostly facing away from it, or closing my eyes weirdly, or making some silly face. I couldn't tell if that was for her internment or because she actually needed me to make that face. I also never saw their reference photos, so I had no idea how I was going to turn out. 
My mother returned, and her makeup was done to the extreme, like she was going on a night out. She looked stunning. She’s always kept great care of her appearance and looked incredibly youthful for her age. Finally, I got to see all the work Emma did on me, and I couldn’t believe my own eyes!! There was no way that sexy blond bombshell staring back at me was me!! I couldn’t ever believe I was a guy!! Emma was very proud of her work, commenting on how pretty I was, and how I was more beautiful than most of the girls she knew. My mom seemed to feel the same way. I didn’t want to agree with them, but I felt like they were right. My mother then got to work on my hair and my nails as Emma did her makeup. She went all out to match my and my mom's appearance. You’d think there were just three girls getting ready to go clubbing or something, but it was only like nine in the morning! Emma seemed to work much faster on herself, then she did on me, and by the time my hair was done, she was almost done with her own makeup. I finished my coffee finally as I waited. I just sat and listened to them talk about how they should dress me. 
Then my mom said that it's hard to tell exactly what they are working with, they had only seen me in silly boy clothes after all. She looked at me and said, “Stand up sweetie, take off your robe, let's see what your body looks like, girl!” I was surprised and shocked by this. I just stared confused, “That's a great idea mom! Let's see, Alexa, what kind of figure you have! It’ll make this decisions so much easier.” Emma chimed in. My voice shook as I nervously replied, “you want to see me, naked?!”  My mother, kind of annoyed of me for even questioning her, “Yes, you heard me, take your robe off. Don’t be so silly about this, I’m your mother. I changed your dippers! And she’s your sister. We are all family here. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” I wasn’t sure what to do, but I felt like this was a battle I was going to lose anyway. She was right, we are family. I slowly untied the satin belt and let the robe slide off my shoulders as it fell to the ground. 
My mother and sister gasped loudly at the sight of my naked body. “oh my god” my mother hardly got out from under her breath as she clearly couldn't believe her own eyes. “Holy shit Alexa!! You have like a perfect woman's body!!!” Emma said with both excitement and shock. They then both just stared, stunned and overwhelmed by what they were looking at. Their eyes just moving up and down, studding every inch of me, their mouths hung open in shock. “Turn around, let's see your back side.” My mother hardly got out, the mixture of excitement and shock clear in her voice. I slowly spun around, my face so red from embarrassment I could feel the heat in my cheeks. As I showed them my back, another stunned “oh my god” was let out from both of them. I completed my slow spin with my face looking at the floor, my eyes watering as the tears welled up. I knew why they were so shocked. It's because of how girly my body was, I just never knew it was that bad. 
“Honey, I had no idea, this whole time it was like the universe was answering my dreams! You have one of the most perfect feminine figures I’ve ever seen! I mean your missing some boobs, but that can always be fixed. And your little thing is so incredibly unbelievably small! No one would even notice! Most guys wouldn’t even care you're a boy with how little it is, and how sexy and feminine the rest of your body is! They would be desperate to have a sexy little thing like you!” My mother spoke so quickly as her excitement took over her shock. This energy seemed to be contagious as Emma quickly jumped in. “Oh my god, I can’t believe just how right she is!! Or that I’m jealous of my stepbrother's body!!” I knew that was silly, Emma was one of the prettiest girls I know, and all the guys want to date her, she could literally be a model. “You couldn’t be more girly!! You really are so small, I think some girls' clits might be bigger than that! And why are your balls almost nonexistent? They are like the size of marbles, if even! Oh my god, this day is going to be even more fun than I thought it would be!! Mom, this changes so much about how we thought we would dress her!” Emma and my mother started to talk as they rushed into her closet to pick stuff out, leaving me to stand there desperately trying not to cry from my humiliation and embarrassment.
I tried so hard to contain myself as the experience of what had just happened and what had just been said about me soaked in. Their reactions were far too genuine to be fake, far too shocked and sincere. They really did think I looked like a sexy woman, and apparently, that my dick is so incredibly tiny and my body is the essence of femininity that most men would be happy to overlook the hard to believe fact that I was even a male just to have sex with me. I can’t believe it, I tried so hard to convince myself for years that I was just being silly. That my body didn’t look that feminine, that I did look like a guy. I hid myself in baggy clothes to clear up any thoughts that someone might have about my body being girly. 
“Alexa, here, put these on sweetie.” My mother said, breaking me from my quick spiral into depression by handing me a small black g string thong. I was so numb at the moment I just took them, and without thinking, slipped them up my legs. Emma let out a laugh. ”Oh my god, I can’t even tell you have anything in your panties you're so small!! You were meant to be a girl because there's not a woman on earth who'd want that little thing!” My mother tried to cover up her laughter too. They both just thought it was so funny how much of a failure as a man I was. Emma then pulled out a very tiny black vinyl pleated micro skirt. “How’s this?” She said with an almost wicked smile on her face. My mom, as if reading her mind, knew exactly what she meant. “Yes! You pick out the top, I'll grab the stockings and the heels.!!” The excitement they both shared almost couldn’t be contained as they rushed quickly to complete the outfit.  
My mother handed me a pair of sheer stockings. I knew how to put them on, although I had never actually done it before. I sat down and carefully rolled them up, trying not to tear the delicate fabric with my long fake nails. I slowly rolled them up my legs, taking great care as well. I then tried my best to match the tops and made sure they both looked nice. By the time I had finished, they had assembled the rest of the outfit. Emma motioned to the clothes laid out on her bed. “A sexy fun black vinyl off the shoulder crop top, to match the black vinyl sexy flirtatious skirt. Its perfect skirt for you because its very, very “MICRO”, just like you!” Emma and my mom both laughed at that. “And to top it off, these perfect six inch black patient leather “fuck me” pumps!” This caused them to both giggle again. 
I already felt defeated, and just wanted to get this over with. I angrily grabbed the top. I immediately loved the feeling of the smooth vinyl in my hands. I slid on the top and as soon as I got it on Emma walked over and shoved two pieces of silicon into the top. It looked like I had small boobs! “What is that?” I asked, confused as to why she had this. “Sometimes you want the girls to seem a little bit larger, you stuff this in the bottom of your bra and no one knows! But they'll turn your no cup into a B cup! Your girly figure is even more complete!!” She said with pride in her voice. My mom thought that was a very nice touch. I sighed, I had no fight in me, and dreaded making this even worse as I slid the skirt on and zipped it up. It hardly covered the front of me, and only covered two thirds of my butt. “Oh my god your ass is so big and perky the skirt can’t even cover it! How do guys not hit on you every day with a booty that fuckable?” They both laughed again. My face red with embarrassment again, I slipped on the pumps and stood there feeling ridiculous, vulnerable, humiliated, and terrified about how well I resembled a sexy slutty girl that most men would fantasize about. 
Then I noticed my mother and Emma had their phones out!! “Wait, are you taking pictures?!” I was horrified at the thought of any proof of this existing. “No sweetie, I’m filming this whole thing! This is just too precious to miss!” My mom said, smiling “I’m the one taking pictures! Hey, that’s a great idea! Let's have a photo shoot!!” Emma said with such excitement. “No please! I don’t want anyone to see this!” I desperately tried to plead to them. But they clearly didn’t care. “To bad girly! Start posing!” Emma shot back as she then started commanding me into poses that a girl would make in sexually suggestive ways. My mother continued to film. I looked down at myself as I reluctantly posed for them. I couldn’t see a single hint of masculinity. I hoped so desperately that this would had gone differently. That they would had dressed me up, saw how ridiculous I looked, and then moved on. But when Emma showed me some of the photos she took of me and I saw that the girl in the photos was the exact type of girl I would have touched myself too, I knew this was far far from over. 
They picked out more outfits for me to model and take photos in. They were either something slutty a girl would wear to attract the attention of a guy, or ultra feminine outfits that only the most girl girls would wear, or some combination of both. This went on for hours. Finally, around one thirty, they decided to take a break and asked me to go make them both an iced coffee. They instructed that I stay dressed how I was. My pink vinyl pleaser adore snadels clicked on the tile floors as I worked. My white stockings with a light pink bow at the top were held up by the white garter belt lingerie set I was wearing. My tight light pink micro leather skirt that hardly covered my butt. It was hard to lean over or breathe from the very tight white leather corset they had wrapped around my torso. I felt so ridiculous because I was so aware how girly and sexy I looked. 
When I returned, they had a new outfit laid out on the bed. A pair of five inch chunky heel black vinyl booties, red vinyl pants, a tight sheer white long sleeve crop top with a plain black pushup bra to wear underneath and a cropped leather jacket with fur trim. Emma was going through her closet picking out more clothes. My mom was on her phone. When I entered, she stood and took the coffee from me. “Wow, that outfit really suits you!" She said with a sparkle in her eye. "Thank you my little princess, I love you so much more as my daughter! Now be a good girl and go put on your new outfit, I’m going to go get ready too.” She said as she walked out of the room. “Get ready for what?” I yelled out to her but she didn't respond. Emma emerged from her closet half dressed, she took her coffee from me, as she turned to reenter her closet she casually said, “To go to the mall of course princess! Were going shopping!” “What!!??!!” I blurted out as fear washed over me. “You heard me girl! Go get dressed!” Emma responded with no empathy for me. 
“No way! I can’t go to the mall looking like this!!” I started to panic. “I don’t want you to go the the mall looking like this!” Emma  turned around quickly with anger in her eyes and yelled as she gestured up and down my outfit. “You look like a total slut! No, I want you to go to the mall looking like that!” She pointed to the outfit on her bed. “You said that you would do whatever I asked! You weren’t lying to me, were you?? Are you really going to ruin the best Christmas present I’ve ever received? Or the best present moms ever received?” She said sternly. I was quiet and afraid. I also felt guilty, but I didn't want to be seen by anyone I knew. “But what if someone recognizes me?” I shyly spoke. “Girl, I don’t even recognize you! There is no way anyone else could! Not go get dressed!” Emma turned and went back into her closet, and with that, the conversation was over. I hesitated, but I knew I really didn’t have much of a chose. I couldn’t untie the corset with my long nails and Emma had to help me. 
I felt so nervous as I sat in the car on our way to the mall. Emma sat in the front seat and kept taking selfies of herself, my mom driving, with me in the back. I noticed she was posting them to her story on Insta. “You're not posting that are you?!” I said, the fear clear in my voice. “Yeah, but I never said it was you, I only said that I was on a girls trip to the mall with the fam.” She said like it was no big deal. “Stop fighting girls. Alexa, leave Emma alone, she can post whatever she wants. Besides, we're almost at the mall, and girls don’t fight at the mall. Do you understand a little miss?”she said sternly as she looked at me in the rear view mirror. “Yes.” I said, upset and defeated.  “Good girl.” She said with a smile clearly pleased with how girly and obedient I was being.
The mall was, of course, super busy with all the holiday shopping people were doing, so we had to park pretty far from the entrance to the mall. My heart was racing as I got out of the car and a shiver ran up my back as the cold winter air hit my exposed mid drift. As we walked the long way through the parking lot, the sound of all of our heels clicking echoed loudly, calling for the attention of everyone nearby. Right away I noticed some guy just staring at us. I was completely humiliated. I can’t believe it, but I was really hoping Emma was right that no one would recognize me as a man. That would be more embarrassing than people just thinking I was a slutty girl. I did notice that both Emma and my mom had done their makeup to match mine in its intensity and very “extra” nature, their outfits were cute and trendy, but didn’t call for the same amount of attention as the outfit they put me in. My mom whispered to me “sway your hips a little more sweetie, really move them more, let your whole body get pulled along by your hips.” 
I did as I was told, but out of spite I tried to completely over dramatize it. I felt completely ridiculous and was sure my mom would tell me to knock it off and tone it down, but instead she seemed to love it. “Perfect job sweetie! That’s mom’s good little girl! Don’t you dare walk any differently this entire time, or you’ll only be wearing g string thongs and short skirts for the rest of your life! Do you understand?” her intensity showed that she was serious. “Yes mom.”  I was scared by her threat, she really meant it. As we got close to the doors to the mall there were tons of people around already, just coming and going, but all the people were staring at us as they went on their way. I saw a group of boys I knew from high school who had picked on me and, unfortunately, one of them saw me looking at them, and he must have thought I was checking him out or something because he smiled in a creepy way and winked at me as he said. “Hey babygirl, what are you doing later? You want a BIG Christmas gift?” His budds laughed as they stared at me, this lust clear in their eyes. I looked at the ground to hide how embarrassed I was. But I was thankful that he clearly didn’t recognize me. 
Both Emma and my mother thought it was entertaining for me to get hit on. “Why don’t you blow him a kiss Alexa!” Emma teased me. “No!” I tried to get out under my breath. “Alexa, you said you’d be Emmas' doll and do whatever she said, now follow through on your Christmas gift and blow those strong good looking boys a very flirtatious kiss.” My heart beating so fast as I realized just how screwed I was. I had no pride left to swallow, so I did as I was told and blew them a kiss in a very dramatic gesture. My mom and Emma both giggled as we walked past them and entered the mall. My life was never going to be the same after this.   
Our first stop was one of the first stores we came across. It was clearly a woman’s only store that seemed to only carry trendy clothes. Emma and my mom were both so excited, and they immediately got straight into shopping, looking at the clothes with such judgment and speed that you’d think it was their job. I just followed along next to them as they constantly held up one idem to me after another, both quickly gathering a small group of clothes. Emma looked at me, and noticed I had nothing, and was doing nothing. “Look sis, you’ve been on enough shopping trips with us to know how this works. It's just this time it's YOU we are shopping for. Now get to it and start looking for things you think are cute, trendy, or sexy. If it's not one of those three, move on. If it is, hold onto it, then you’ll go try them on. Let's work fast, this is only our first stop, and we only have a few more hours before the mall closes!” She then got right back to rifling through the racks of clothes. 
She was right, I had been dragged along on these shopping trips my whole life, I knew most of the stores, I knew the “mission” of each trip. This time we were looking for trendy, cute, or sexy. Sometimes it's classy, or timeless, conservative, comfy, athletic, etc. I sighed as I accepted my task and got to work. It was actually helpful to keep my mind occupied instead of constantly worrying about what people were thinking of me, and why they were staring at me. Was it because they thought I was a super pretty girl? Or did they think I was some weird boy dressed as a girl? Neither made me feel good. But that all faded as I looked through the clothes. It was familiar and comforting. Before too long, the three of us had covered every inch of that store and met up at the dressing rooms, each with a dozen or so items. 
“In you go sweetie! Remember we want to see every piece.” My mom commanded as she gestured to the changing room. I tried on one thing after another. Each time I came out and did a little modeling for them. They would have me turn around, and then judge it yes or no. My mom took the yeses once I had gotten them off and Emma took the no’s. Once I was finally back out in the clothes in the clothes I came in with, Emma was the only one waiting for me. “Where’s mom?” Emma started off walking as I rushed to fallow. “She’s at the register buying your new clothes silly!” She was walking so fast that I was struggling in my high heels to keep up as we waved our way through the store avoiding other shoppers and displays. “What do you mean my new clothes?!” I shouted back as I tried my best to keep up. 
We exited the store to find my mother standing waiting for us with a shopping bag in her hand. As soon as we got to my mom, she took off, walking to the next store at a quick pace. Emma kept up just fine, but I felt like I could fall at any moment at that speed. Swaying my hips like my mother demanded was not the fastest way to walk. I repeated myself this time so they both could hear me. “What do you mean buying MY new clothes?!” the nervousness in my voice was clear. “What don’t you understand about that statement?” Emma replied as they were quickly getting farther away from me. I couldn’t go their pace and my mind was running so fast. Why would they be buying me girls clothes?? This is just for one day!? Just then, a slap on my ass brought me back to reality and I looked at the tall black guy who was clearly the only one close enough to do that. Even in my heels he towered over me. He just gave me a wink and said, “Hey baby girl.” In his deep voice. I was immediately filled with fear at the vulnerable nature I was in and wished I didn't look like a sexy girl or was forced to dress and walk like a slut. 
Not knowing how to respond to this, “Hi.” I hardly squeezed out as I tried to walk away as quickly as I could. Emma and my mom noticed the whole thing, and they thought it was so funny as they giggled entering the next store. It was there that I finally caught back up to them. “ I don’t understand why we're buying ME clothes? This was just for today! And that's almost over!” I was frantic and overwhelmed by everything going on. “One day? I didn’t see a time frame anywhere on the card you wrote. Besides, you're too perfect of a girl for this to just be one day!” Emma said, so matter of fact. My mother then said coldly“Emmas' right Alexa. You're the second daughter I've always wanted, and the sister Emma deserves. So, if you are going to continue to live at my house rent free and have me pay for everything, then you will do so as my daughter. Full time. Every second, of every day. No exceptions. If you want to be a silly little pathetic boy that no girl would ever want, then you will move out and pay your own way through life. But you will be written out of my will, and you will receive no help from me either. Now you can have the rest of the day to think about this. But in the meantime, you will help us shop and enjoy the rest of our Christmas gift. And if you decide to leave us tonight, then these clothes Emma can wear, so there’s nothing lost there. Now go shop.” 
She then went right back to shopping, as if she didn’t just tell me that I'll either live the rest of my life as a girl or be forced to not be a part of the family anymore. Well, now I had this crazy thing in my mind as I tried to shop. It was not easy with my mind racing, and I was much slower. I was completely numb as I went through the rest of the day. Going from store to store, looking at a bunch of clothes, then trying them on, then buying more. As the bags grew in numbers in our hands, I just grew more numb, almost on autopilot, hardly able to think, and only had simple short responses. My mom and Emma seemed to be loving this whole day, however. Once the bags got too many for us to carry, we walked back to the car to drop them off, then headed back inside the mall to now shop on the second story.
 As we took the escalator up, Emma snapped another picture of me. “Oh my god I love this so much!!” Emma said, letting out a little scream of joy as she took my photo of me.“I can not believe just how right I was about you Alexa!! Your body is so girly!! No one would ever know you're actually a boy!! I can’t believe I have my own life size doll!! This is my new favorite Christmas gift I could ever get!!” She continued, not even trying to hide her joy. Once we got to the top, she stopped me and gave me a huge hug. I could feel just how happy she was. I wonder if she could feel the emotional battle I was experiencing. I looked at my mother, and I saw a pure joy on her face I had never seen before. She was clearly cherishing every single moment of this. As soon as Emma stopped hugging me, my mother did. She then held my face with such warmth and joy in her voice. “You truly are beautiful, and no matter what, I’ll always be proud that you're my child.” She then started to tear up at little and walked off to the next store. None of this helped me fight the battle I was expiring in my heart. I didn’t want to be a girl! But I also love my mom and Emma, and they seem so much happier with me as a girl. Plus, my mom has so much money, I would probably never have to work a day in my life.
As we approached yet another store my heart broke even more. I didn’t even know it could get even worse than it was. A voice spoke loudly behind me “Hey “Alexa”!! Damn, you sure look good girl!!” I recognized it immediately as Becka. My face turned bright red, and I was frozen in place. I was too terrified to face her. Emma was next to me and turned to her super excited. I slowly turned as the two girls greeted each other. “Becka you made it!!” Emma seemed so happy and cheerful. “Of course! I got your message and I had to come see this girl! I have to say, Emma, you under sold just how pretty she is!!” Becka couldn’t take her eyes off of me. “Wow, I really am stunned! You are one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever seen!! I can not believe that you’re the same person! Girl, I always knew you were a gay little slut deep down!! You are going to be able to get as many guys as you want with that perky ass, little waist, and big dick sucking lips!! I am so excited to have a new girl in our group!! But I need to be honest, I always saw you as a girl anyway, you were just too feminine for anyone to see you as a boy. And now that I see you all dolled up, I can't blame Emma and your mom for keeping you this way, it would be a true crime to the world to keep this girl disguised as a boy for even one more day!!” Becka was truly so excited and couldn’t get over just how girly I looked. 
She got right into shopping with us as the conversation about my future took place between the three girls. I just listened to them figure out my own fate as I looked for girly clothes that I'd be forced to wear in this future. They talked about wardrobes, room decorations, going back to school as a girl, workout routines. They even went as far as me taking HRT, getting a boob job, getting castrated or permanently locked in a flat chastity, and dating men. Dating a lot of men. That part Becka and Emma seemed extra excited about, it made them giggle a lot. My mom even seemed supportive of all of their ideas. I was not allowed to object, it was their decision to make, and I was just to listen to them figure out the exact terms of conditions if I was to stay a part of this family. I was terrified at what I was hearing. As we shopped, every time the girls noticed a man checking me out, they made me do something to further humiliate me as they had me flirt subtly with each of them. They had me blow kisses, wink, check out the guy back, shake my ass at him or bend over to show him my ass. They thought it was so entertaining. 
As we finished up at the last store, I was thankful for this trip to the mall to finally be over, so we could go home, and I can try and move on from this day. We had bought so many clothes, lingerie, makeup, purses, and shoes, none of which, by the way, were less than a four inch heel! Becka helped us carry all the bags back to our car. There were so many bags that they took up so much space that I could hardly even sit in the back seat. My mom drove us to go have dinner as her and Emma talked. Becka was going to meet us where we were going. I had no idea where that was, but to be honest, my feet hurt so bad that I didn’t even care, I was just so glad to finally be sitting down. 
We pulled up to what looked like some kind of sports bar, I noticed it was full of drunk men, and my heart sank. My nightmare was far from over. Emma had me touch up my makeup and add even more lip gloss. As we got out of the car, my mother reminded me how she wanted me to walk, and I felt like a piece of meat, dressed like a slut, being forced to walk like a slut, into the lions' den. My heart was beating so fast as our heels clicked away as we entered the bar. These four glammed up girls called for the attention of everyone as soon as we walked in the door. All the men and what little women there were immediately checked us out. I was again wishing I wasn’t the slutiest dressed one. The men couldn’t seem to stop staring at me as we waited by the door to be seated. 
This very pretty hostess showed up after a short time. “Well, don’t you four ladies look stunning! Be careful with the men here, they can come on pretty strong. Especially you sweetie, your outfits is tots cute, but the guys here might like it a little too much if you know what I mean?” She said cheerfully as she winked at me. “Don’t worry, that’s why we’re here, and that’s why she’s dressed this way, this girl needs some action!” Emma said, excited about the news. “This bitch wants to be near some hot studs who will defiantly hit on her! She needs a little self-esteem boost! A reminder that men want her. “ Becka chimed in. The hostess giggled “Well, in that case, I know just where to put you! The men are going to be all over you!” “Perfect! Let’s get this slutty princess some big dick to suck on!” Becka said kind of loudly so some of the guys nearby heard. She leaned in and whispered to me,"Don’t worry, I’m going to make your gay fantasies finally come true! I think it's so hot helping hook up two guys! Or even more! It's one of my favorite hobbies! And you are so fucking sexy even straight guys would want to use your girly little body!” I was completely humiliated, I didn’t want this!
 We followed her to the table, which was quite tall, more like a mini bar, that was in the center of the place. We sat on tall bar stools, so guys could check us out from every angle of the bar. If I looked anywhere but the menu, the table, or the girls, all I saw was men checking me out. It was terrifying! Especially now that I know Emmas' and Beckas' true intentions! My mom seemed to even encourage their behavior. I was screwed and had no help from anyone. I had no appetite even though we hadn’t eaten all day. I was happy to be sitting again though. How do girls wear heels all day? I guess that’s why less and less do now these days. The waitress showed up and took our order. My mother got a cocktail, the rest of us us just got water, and we all decided to get salads. As soon as she left, the guys started coming up. Sure they tried to seem casual, just passing by or something, but they all wanted to stop and talk to me. Emma made me give out my insta to all of them. That way they could all dm me. Several of them would even touch me. Putting their hand on the small of my back or even right on my ass as they spoke to me. 
I tried so hard not to totally freak out and run away, but I think they thought my disinterest was just me playing hard to get. The more I tried to blow them off, the more aggressive they would be and the longer they would stick around. I learned that if I wanted to get rid of them quickly, I should just comply and give them my info, and they would then leave. By the time we had finished and left the bar, my ass had been slapped ten times, patted twelve, grabbed over twenty, and I had given out my info to over thirty guys. Emma and Becka also got hit on and gave out their info too, but they didn’t get quite the attention I got. My mom even got hit on a handful of times, but she just told them she was happily married to a man with a huge cock. That seemed to turn the guys down real quick. 
I was the first one out the door and let me tell you I sure was thankful to have that be over. Becka was going to meet us back at our house. I just wanted this day to be over! By the time we had gotten home, I was so tired, I was emotionally drained by this day. It didn’t go how I thought it would have at all. The girls took as many bags as they could and headed right for my room. I grabbed all that I could and hesitated to follow them to my room. My mind was racing with every step. Do I really want this to be my future? Do I really want to continue life as a girl in exchange for their support and money? I knew just how expensive everything was and how underpaid most people are. I wasn’t sure if I could do that on my own. 
The girls dropped off the bags in my room and Emma started rummaging through them as my mom and Becka left to go get more bags. Emma pulled out some clothes and a shoe box, “Go put this on princess, and touch up your lips too.” She commanded as she handed the items to me on her way out the door. I took the outfit and walked into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, still not recognizing the reflection of the pretty girl looking back at me as myself. I took my time and carefully reapplied the lip liner, lipstick, and then the lip gloss to recreate the look that Emma had made on me. I then undressed myself, carefully folded Emma's clothes in a nice pile. I took the black leather halter top she had picked and put it on. I put the silicon inserts back in to make it look like I had small boobs. I knew that’s what Emma wanted. Then I slipped on the black leather micro circle skirt. It was so short it couldn’t even cover all of my butt, a small amount was peeking out from the bottom. I opened the shoe box and pulled out the thigh high black leather high heel boots and zipped them up. I was so broken, looking down at myself and seeing the girly body dressed like a slut, the exact thing I would jerk off too. I was any and wet dream. Could I really accept this as my life?? 
I exited my bathroom to find that the girls had brought up the rest of the bags and were just finishing taking all of my clothes from my closet and putting them in a pile by the door. As my mom handed Emma the last item, I noticed her taking a pair of sizers and cutting them so they could never be worn again. A wicked smile came across her face as she noticed the shock and realization of what they had done set in and became visible. “What- what did you do!?” I was frantic as I rushed to check my dresser, it was completely empty, so was the closet. “Mom gave you a chose to make. These are your new clothes.” Emma said, gesturing to the large amount if bags on the floor and the outfit I was wearing. “You can either accept and be her new daughter, and my sister, or you can leave and be completely on your own. But she paid for these boy clothes, they’re hers, not yours. Same with the car you’re allowed to drive, the phone you use or anything else really!” My mouth just hung open in shock as I listened to Emma speak. My mother walked up and stood behind her, clearly supporting what she was saying.
“So you can either help us put YOUR new clothes away in YOUR new cute little outfit. Or you can leave. Right now. Without wearing MY new cute little outfit. But I’m not that mean. As a going away gift I'll let you keep that g string and the makeup you’re wearing, so you’re not completely naked. But that will be all that you own, that will be the only thing in the whole world to your name. It seems the least I can do, since I won't ever see you again.” her evil smile grew, and was matched by my mother behind her. They knew they had me cornered. I had no choice but to agree. “So what will it be “Alexa”? Are you going to be a good girl? Or a homeless girly boy with nothing but a thong?” My mom added sternly, upset with my quite stalling. “I’m sure the police won’t like that, but I’m sure the men in prison would LOVE that!” Becka snickered. She was clearly enjoying this. 
With my head hung low and tears filled my eyes, I tried to speak, but I couldn’t even get a single word out. My whole world had crumbled, and I had no choice but to accept my life long, never ending imprisonment in femininity. I opened my mouth to speak, the girls clearly waiting with anticipation for my response, but I couldn’t even make a sound. I couldn’t verbally admit my fate as a girl. Instead, I hung my head, and whipped the tears from my eyes as carefully as I could to not ruin my makeup. I slowly started to walk, the girls clearly confused by my actions, but it all became clear as I slowly reached down and grabbed a short little vinyl dress from one of the bags and walked into the closet to hang it up. “Good choice.” Emma said, as my mother and Becka agreed. They all laughed, very pleased with themselves for the destruction of the rest of my male life. They then started to help by grabbing items and taking them into the closet to be hung. I tried my best not to completely cry as the girls talked about how excited they were about my chose. Becka loved teasing me about my future, and all the men that Emma and her were going to make me please. She loved rubbing that in. 
Once we finished putting everything away, the girls decided it was very late, and they thought it was time for bed. They both wished me goodnight as my mom and Emma left for their rooms to go to bed. Becka went into her purse and pulled out a long box. “Practice up girl, Emma and I are taking you out for a party on New Years. We expect you to be a complete expert with your mouth, so you won't embarrass us by then. I know you'll have fun!” She said with a wink as she left my room. I opened it up and pulled out a huge ten inch realistic dildo. Once she closed my door and I was finally left alone, I started to cry uncontrollably as I collapsed to my knees in tears with the dildo sill in my hands. I knew I had to do this. I didn't want to, but I had to be a good girl. I had to be a good little slutty girl for the rest of my life. 
-Katierosedreams Og Cap
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lipglossanon · 10 months
AHHHHH i’ve been absolutely feral over the dark!stepdad fic it was so good, i love your writing <333333 i am ~abso-fucking-lutely~ not a whore for a middle aged fictional man that would treat me badly with my consent 🫣🤭
okay okay okay back on track, the pet play stepdad leon stuff was my ask ~so surprising~ and i’ve had some thoughts about a scenario for a while and i love that your newest fic played into this a little bit too, anyway,,,,,,, any stepdaddy leon, any flavor, imagine him getting her a crate for his office (mom doesn’t go in there for plot convenience, duh) and like reader gets needy when he’s on a call and starts rubbing herself on his shoe under the desk and being loud to get his attention fully aware he’s on a call so he turns off his camera and mic and grabs her by the throat and tells her to knock it off but she doesn’t and starts rubbing herself against his thigh so he puts an o-ring gag on her (in her??? both sound right lol) and makes her take her panties off and mouth fucks her while she cums on his shoe and when he’s done on the call he take the gag off/out and makes her lick her cum off his shoe and tells her how good of a bunny she is and that becomes a reoccurring thing like making her sit on his lap, back to his chest while teasing her then he makes her bend in half while he’s still in her so he can use her as a table during a meeting also the bunny fic had me thinking of any of the stepdaddy leons getting her bunny ears and how they flop when she rides him
- 💀
💀 anon!! 👋
I’ve been on the lookout for your posts!! 🤭 and thank you!! 🥰 I love dark stepdad Leon so much 😌
And oh my 🥵
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Not using her as a table! 🫠🫠
I’m just saying but, 💀 anon, you should write 🤭
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Which Disney movies do you like most?
Zootopia is one of my all-time favorites, the way the fur is animated, the way they updated everything it looks so clean and polished and the story was absolutely important for the times and there is so much opportunity to expand this world.
Elemental covered this later on in Pixar's side Elemental covered the personal side while Zootopia showed the whole societal effects of racism and judgment especially within a police force which back in 2016 was a huge debate as George Floyd had just happened and it still is to this day with the Black Lives Matter Movement and Free Palestine
Another one that completely changed my life was Meet the Robinsons, the quote that ran through the movie, Keep Moving Forward, that's actually my motto,
“Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”- Walter Elias Disney
It is such a poignant quote that everybody forgets,especially in a world where we can easily stagnate and stay in one place thinking the same idea over and over. It developed into my belief
Keep moving forward for tomorrow is going to be a better day. Tomorrow is going to be better, and I have lived by those words since I was 8 and saw this film,
This film also showed me what a family really should be, that despite your quirks and how weird you may be they don't flinch they don't get angry
yeah your parent may get annoyed if you time travel when you shouldn't, but you know there's a logical reason behind that haha
I didn't have the best family growing up I have an amazing mother and father now but back then I didn't know what a healthy family looked like until Meet the Robinsons showed me which is why it's so dear to my heart nowadays.
Brother Bear is another one that I absolutely loved as a kid and especially as an adult from the visuals to the story
Brother Bear is another one like Zootopia that has a poignant message for everyone in 2024 look through another's eyes before you judge them and do something that is irreversible that you may regret especially if that person has done something to you and you don't know the full story.
Walk in another's shoes before you scorn them, even though it may be the most exhausting Journey you've been on, you still come out of it, understanding a little bit more about that person
And the visuals of this film are still some of the highlights of Disney the Transformation scene between the music provided by the Bulgarian women's choir and the absolutely stunning animation from Disney come together in a spectacular Feast for the viewer it's a scene I watch repeatedly.
Treasure Planet is near and dear to me as someone who grew up with a single mother I know Jim's mother's frustration and just trying to make it I always felt heartbreak for her when she lost everything,
I saw my own mother in her when she had to let her baby go to go on this journey hoping that it may be what he needs to grow.
And Jim's song I'm still here I was raised without my father my biological father he's a sweet man but unfortunately my stepmother it's a classic Cinderella tale she runs the house and treats us his biological kids like shit,
And so I used to listen to I'm still here on repeat because I related to that, especially as my stepdad came into my life my mom found her happiness finally and I didn't know exactly how to react
all the men in my life had been bad and here was this man reaching out with a gentle kind hand and I didn't know whether to bite at him or allow him to get close for fear of being hurt again.
This movie weirdly mostly helped me through a lot, understanding that it's okay to heal and move on, that there was nothing you could do, just be grateful for the parent or parents you do have.
Shout out to Onwards for having a similar effect with me. Especially at the end, I cried with the stepdad because all I could picture was my own stepdad, who is just as big a goof as the police chief is.
Atlantis the Lost Empire is another one I just like watching because it's funny and it's one of my favorite films visually and story wise. It was so unique and out of the box that this is one of the rare films I really do hope they take to live action, especially my most favorite scene out of every single Disney catalog which is The Crystal Chamber Scene
That scene still gives me goosebumps that moment where Kida walks on the water and says Matem fun fact I can actually say her full name
The way Milo's head slightly nods when she says what she says you think as a kid he really didn't catch it but as an adult you catch that moment and you realize he did he just lied to Rourke
The lighting, the animation and the music oh the music is powerful It's haunting it's ethereal this to me is Disney at its Peak right then in there in that moment
The jokes of this film are top notch and again the animation is just so unique and stunning
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chezzabellesworld · 6 months
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Babes she literally so intising to me I swear it’s having your mars and Venus in same sign she literally created a whole genre of clothing calledkinderwhore , many other girls are doing it as well like cat, be yell and Jennifer Finch and bikini and all of babes in toyland, so they put out a style that nobody else had at the time which then became to be grunge and kind. because I wasn’t alive around the whole Nirvana thing in the early 90s well I was alive, but I would’ve been a really young child like a dog or something. I’m not too sure how much hate Courtney I’ve got, but I believe that she was more popular over here in the UK. She used to like have little tea cups and do little British things, and now she actually lives over here because I think she’s had enough is like the whole American thing. I mean she needs to go ahead to get old old. I’m talking like 1800 dresses and turn them into little baby doll dresses like is a bit controversial to say the least but this is Courtney love for you.
When I was a lot slimmer, she was my fashion icon. She still is now, and I love the blonde hair. I love the whole Grunwick with the little shoes, the tea dresses the skate dresses, and she’s just been known for all her different phases underground, grand artist, her and Eric has solid Capricorn to her cancer would do music together, and they had many variations of hole so, the first saturation of hole was Courtney and Eric, Jill, Emery and Caroline. This went on from about 1989 to 1992, so when Courtney met her in 92, neither of them were doing much, they literally just got high on her and all the time so they they didn’t bring out the best teacher in each other in that sense.
These two water sons, her being a cancer, son and him being a Pisces son, but also with his cancer moon and heart cancer moon. These two would have the most they used to argue about who had the most fucked up child, and who had it worse, I’ve always wanted to know what star sign mother was. She gives me Virgo vibes but also I’m not sure. I know that Courtney Courtney‘s mum cause I looked into it anyway Courtney‘s childhood was very like Bohemian. She didn’t her mum was adopted and after five people who are adopted that they have the money to do so and raise a child and all that other stuff to start off with she had, her mum was when who was adopted the family. The family made pieces of glass for glasses in the war. So yeah they had a lot of like choose trust fun kid or whatever you wanna call it.
So Courtney was pushed round from home to home. Her mother took her sisters to New Zealand and Courtney was sort of left behind. I think they initially took her but it became too much I mean imagine just like saying no I’m gonna give up on my child is I’m gonna give you to your stepdad relationship, but whatever Courtney, when became a personal vendetta, let’s say against the people that she was living with so the new person would be her stepdad new partner, so he had to make the choice of who do I get my partner or my stepdaughter and then, she was getting into loads of trouble with like the law and stupid things like shoplifting and then boot will be putting in juvenile hall with like she makes that lectures really poured that, but when you see like the pictures of places like they were allowed to do what they wanted mainly, but of course she was an outcast they were like I bet you were really sociable. One interviewer said she said no, I came across is very autistic and I learn my social skills from drug addicts, drag queen, and criminals.
So Kurts childhood was a bit different. He had it really good with his mum and dad up to the age of nine. I think when they got divorced and he was a very hyperactive but really loving child. His mother would say, he almost felt so ashamed of his parents being divorced, he wrote on the wall,”mum hates dad. Dad hates mum” so he would go from home to home with uncles aunts on both sides of the family. He live with a religious family for about six months and they said that he was really good and more behaved, there are lots of fairies that cat lived under a bridge for awhile and also which bridge was it nobody knows if it’s true, but I don’t believe it to be true. I mean he shouldn’t of had to be homeless as a teenager, but it just shows you the whole Gen X generation and what they had to go through. This pushed people like and Courtney to get better, and now I’m gonna add into the new generation of us, Millennials and Genzie. There wasn’t anything left to create. The only thing to create was history, and how we were inspired by these people who were the generation before us who went through so much and got so little and asked for so little on TikTok this morning I saw somebody say why we leave Gen X out and then they say Gen X are Millennials that just don’t talk about what they went through like Millennials do they’ll just give you a face and I thought that is so true. With regards to the sinner history of these two charts, his Scorpio Mars being in her second house would mean that his of love and sexuality, he was attracted to her materialism, even though even though Pisces men like to not admit that it is very true, so what they say is often opposite to what they feel, specially with a cancer moon as well so , so cost being on his ninth house would be her Gemini Mars and Gemini Venus, which is a Sagittarius house. These two had a lot to talk about. They were attracted to each other knowledge, especially Kurt towards court she was attracted to his power, his influence, his ways, his sexuality, what she didn’t like is, he got all the praise that she would’ve wanted and he didn’t give a damn about because he had Virgo rising and was born under a full moon, because the signs are in opposite positions, so I mean rising and sun Venus, in Pisces, Venus is mercury and Pisces and his son and Pisces. All in the seventh house of relationships is why Kurt was such a big influence on the world and why people really felt like they knew him and felt connected to him . thank you, 
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gottagobackintime · 2 years
Thor: Love and Thunder spoilers. 
This is in no particular order, it’s just me rambling as per usual.
Korg is going to be a dad 😭 I need a series with him and Dwayne (omg… did he call him Dwayne because he’s made of rocks… I just got that… I’m so stupid!) raising their child. Also Taika was right, he really is a gay icon now! (And I thought that we’d never get to see Korg find someone because Taika did an interview around Ragnarok where he said something about his Korg being gay but that they weren’t going to really explore that. I love that we got this, even if it was just a brief scene.)
Love that Thor’s roommate was in the film even if it was brief.
Our Last Summer by Abba playing in the Thor/Jane montage was *chef’s kiss*. Also loved that we got to see glimpses of their love story, since the only thing we’ve gotten up until this point is them kind of getting together in Thor and then they’ve broken up by the time The Dark World takes place. Which was... you know, kind of weird. But the montage was great and it filled in the gaps nicely. Also Thor looking at the child in the store they were passing made me tear up. And Korg saying Thor would be a great dad 😭
Korg mentioning Val’s girlfriend that died! I love how insightful Korg is, but he’s also very stupid sometimes, love it. 
Korg telling Thor that he should call Axl the name he wanted to be called, amazing. Also I liked that while Thor insisted that Axl should go by the name Heimdall gave him it didn’t feel malicious, more misguided, and I’m not saying that that wouldn’t hurt too. But I feel like it was a good way to introduce that topic and deal with it. Because he felt it honoured his dead friend by his son still going by the name he gave him, but then he accepted it and he used the name Axl choose.
I’m really curious now how Korg’s species family dynamics are like. Because in Ragnarok he mentions his mum and his stepdad. But in this one he says that he had two dads who were the ones who “created” him. 
I loved Jane’s storyline, I was sad that she died but I feel like they opened up a possibility of having her and Heimdall back in some way. They should make a series with them and their afterlife in Valhalla. 
Jane agreeing to stay behind when Thor asked her so that they could figure out how to save her and then her breaking that promise to save Thor was great, heart-breaking, but great. Thor being visibly upset about it, knowing she’s going to die because of her decision but also respecting it was amazing to see. She wasn’t a superhero for very long but she made sure that the limited time and power she had counted for something. And they honoured her with a statue and she was welcomed into Valhalla. I think it was great, I really enjoyed her character in this movie and I had to hold back tears several times.
I’m so happy that Taika “got rid of” the Guardians so fast, which is what I wanted. Don’t get me wrong, I like the Guardians, but I wanted Thor to be the focus in his own movie.
People clapped when Heimdall appeared.
I also want a series that just follows that theatre company! Them asking if they should make a play out of the disaster that was still happening was so funny.
I loved that we got a scene in black and white with just splashes of colour, especially since some people hated that Ragnarok was so colourful. It was really cool.
Taika really is a master of making you laugh out loud and in the next scene he rips your heart out. And it doesn’t feel cheap in any way, if you know what I mean. It feels kind of natural. 
Thor being a dad! Cooking for her, making her put on her proper shoes. I love that she drew on Mjölnir. I would love to see more of her, she was so cute. 
When they introduced Hercules in the end credit scene I was like “!! That’s fucking Roy Kent!” I look forward to seeing more of him. 
So those are the things I can remember at the top of my head. Overall I loved the movie. I could have watched it again straight after. And I know it said that Thor will be back but if he’s coming back in a solo movie no one else should be allowed to do it except Taika. Thor belongs to him now! Hell, even if it’s a team up movie, Taika should do it. 
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sava-smth · 10 months
That's insane. I dreamt of rapture and then ee terrorism prank?
So rapture dream went that way: i was sitting on a beach under a grey-white wooden tent nd there was a contest on armwrestling and suddenly half of the people jus dissapears
Hard cut to my family so we are going from vacation home in a car we stayed in a hotel on the way and something something hard cut again rapture happened already I'm on a green hill making a photo of flower arrangements there and there's a procession of a posh boarding school students all like, 12 yo at max, they go uphill on this pebble rocks and they go to a lunch in a restaurant apparently and i then follow them to a city w old buildings and i wear different shoes and its cold (and my room is jus got cold so) and my mom finds me and my stepdad got raptured apparently (he just dissapears and never got me tioned again) which is,, cringe bc he's a piece of work honestly barely stand him
And we start fucking around the place go to the restaurant where now serve free food and we sit w old couple who try to insist that three days before there was signs in the sky and me and mom are losers for not noticing and show us /picture of a print of a wordpress on a sky background/ lol. And we finish the meal and go fishing. I also think my aunt and cousin didn't get raptured which okay?
Note to remember: I'm not religious and never was
And than right back was this dream that started like a true crime report about 'news coverage is not always good' and it's about this hwite woman and her two daughters and how her terrorist husband tried for years to find them and stalked them and do unspeakable and was leaving ? something bad? where he thought she might find it? And the point is that report about something else entirely doxxed them to him
And then cut to a security camera footage and he's outside their door and she comes out with a stroller which ,, her daughters were 9-12 but ok,, and he's cornering her and threatens here and her facial expressions are kinda weird like she's smiling but maybe defensively?? And he throws this wallet/package/grenade thing and white liquid starts splattering all over the place and i think "is it chemical bomb" and it's not it's bubble foam and he points at camera and they both now laughing and was the prank on me? and i wake up at 5:47 with only one question: wtf was that.
I haven't had a dream that detailed in a while now, and two in a row – never at all. I'd guess it's because it's cold in my room today and i sleep in kind of questionable position and i wake up early bc i drank an unholy amount of tea (see what i did here?)) and i really want to pee
And instead of going i spent half an hour wrighting out my dreams i have my priorities straight. Just like I am. And I'm not.
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khodorkovskaya · 2 years
the plan is to go to our flat tomorrow while he’s at work and get my stuff. and my stepdad will take the car so we can take everything at once. 
i wrote a letter to explain everything. i think i will leave it on the bed and i’ll also give him a drawing of us i made a couple of years ago. (i would return any gifts, but surprise surprise he didn’t actually give me anything. five years and no gifts and i put up with that, can you imagine.)
so here’s the letter. what do we think, girlies?
Dear B,
I don’t love you anymore and I’m leaving you.
It’s been years since I’ve wanted to leave you, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. And now I feel like I finally can.
Our relationship has always felt like an ill-fitting shoe; sure, you can still walk, clenching your toes or putting the weight on the sides of your feet, but it still doesn’t fit. No matter how hard you try to convince yourself that it’s fine and that maybe all shoes feel that way, the facts are still there; it was never your size to begin with and you can’t do anything to change that. That’s how our relationship has always felt to me. I have tried so hard to convince myself that we’re meant to be together. I have run hundreds of scenarios through my head, telling myself that it will all work out in the end and that we will be compatible one day. But I don’t have the strength to do it anymore. It feels dishonest to me and to you.
I don’t love you anymore. Or maybe I do. I love the mysterious, brown-eyed boy I fell in love with. I love how gentle you were with me when you first made love to me. I love how when I slept over at your house for the first time, you slept under your jacket because you were afraid to wake me up to ask for the duvet. I love the first winter that we spent together, huddled under the covers, dreaming about our future together. I love your warm hugs. Shit, I will really miss saying I love you.
I don’t think I was ever happy in our relationship. I was always frustrated, on edge, waiting for the perfect moment to arrive, but it never did. I’d always tell myself that if nothing changes until a certain date, I will end things or ask to take a break from the relationship. “I’ll just wait until the end of summer and then we’ll see” or “we’ll have a talk after my exams” or “I’ll see how things are when this and that happens”. But it just kept making me more and more miserable.
Visiting your old flat for the last time was like taking a cold shower. It made me realise that I was never satisfied with you or our relationship. The first room made me recall the time you threw a tantrum about me mentioning the fact that I wanted to move to [city]. I remember you insulting my parents, slamming the door and going outside to smoke weed, under the pretext of working. I remember crying, wishing I had the courage to leave. But I just loved you so much. The second room reminded me of the start of my depression. I wished that you could die so that our relationship would end without me having to end it. I remember you guilt-tripping me into having sex with you in the third room, while I was at my lowest. I hated myself and my skinny body, thinking that I could never be as sexy as the girls in the porn videos you’d watch, instead of trying to comfort me.
And when we moved to [neighbourhood], I thought that my frustration would end, that I would be happy now, that we would finally be a compatible and happy couple. But we are not meant to be. We are different people with opposing world views and contrasting values. We’re not meant to be together, no matter how I try to convince myself so. There is no future for us and it’s better to end things here.
I want to give you this drawing because it depicts a moment where I felt happy with you.
Thank you for everything! I hope you find happiness. I don’t blame you for anything, that’s just how things are.
The key is in the mailbox. If I forgot anything, keep it. And please don’t try to contact me, I don’t want things to be more painful than they already are.
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hospitalterrorizer · 3 months
wednesday - thursday
the weekend is going well. or like, my weekend. i guess,
we did errands today. i didn't realize it was tomorrow that my gf was leaving for montreal for 10 days. i'm going to be alone a while. i'm going to miss her a lot. so we had fun today, we went to sorry not sorry, which is some fancy icecream place. it was really good. i got stuff for myself, in the house, and i spent some more money on skincare stuff for the 2 of us. roc retinol, which is mostly for old people i guess but...if it works well for them, just imagine what it could do for us... i guess that makes me sound crazy but i guess i sort of am. it'll be nice to not use retinol from samples for a while, and as long as i keep this job i think i can keep a steady supply of good retinol and other serums, i suppose.
i also got dressed up cute i think, i took selfies, i'll post them tomorrow. maybe. i think. i'll try at least.
despite it being errand day i liked it, i guess just because i was out with my gf for a while. for a bit i wasn't, she had to go to the dentist's to get a final crown for one of the teeth that's been bothering her. very expensive but important for her wellbeing. there's others, but that one seems to have been the biggest issue, so there can be some time between. her mom bought me some stuff at the thrift store, or we went to two, today, i got some stuff at both. i got shorts and a cute shirt at one, the shorts are low rise and small, which is good, because i like to dress like that i guess, and the shirt is very cute. i'll take pics of these when i find what to wear them in. i also got some thin and kind of like, i guess librarian-ish 2007-y glasses, i popped the lenses out, they were like 2 dollars. my gf got a really good shirt, at the 2nd one, a really pretty button up thing, and these crazy shoes that i think i might try to wear a lot . tbh. in the winter at least.
i'm talking about trivial stuff i guess, though. i was just in bed w/ my gf, she'll be leaving at 8pm tomorrow, she flies away at 10. i'm going to be sad, for 10 days. i don't really know how i'll feel going to bed alone. it's going to be the first time in a while i think. it happened when we moved to the first place, because she had to stay at her mom's for work for a few extra weeks. but since, i think we've not ever been very far apart, for very long at least.
of course we started kind of far apart cuz during covid i couldn't go anywhere cuz of my stepdad but that's a whole other thing. i don't really want to be alone in here i guess. i don't like thinking about it, also. it'll be good for recording but i'm going to miss just being in her presence/wake, able to interact and stuff. talk about whatever, have her talk to me about whatever. she is good at that, i don't really say a lot unless spoken to, and she likes to talk. she's good at drawing me out.
she is also very sad. i think it will hit her kind of hard in the hotel. not that she's not feeling it or anything, but i guess it's going to hit us both when it's time to sleep, and we can't really occupy ourselves or anything.
i know i'll probably vc with her on discord and stuff, and others too maybe. but idk. part of me wants to use this time to just get as much done as i can on the record, within reason. not singing late or anything but it gives me some more room to get stuff out.
regarding music, i recorded some stuff today on that one song that was giving me trouble, i've at least got an idea for delivery down, i might need to retry, with some more, idk, something, on the vocals, a different tone i guess, but the rhythm is there i think.
i also have been mixing another song, and the vocals i have for that, the tiny pieces at least, sound good, so there's at least one really solid vocal layer and then some stuff i just need to accentuate/layer on top of that. it's kind of a pain getting the guitar synth stuff right, not tonally, but mix-wise, i'm trying something now where i mess w/ stereo image stuff to get things to move in a way, out of stereo and into mono, that type of thing.
and one more export, and this should be good... i know i said i wanted to get 2 songs done today, i guess i kinda did, the other song i worked on is also sounding better broadly, mix-wise, since i messed around w/ that.
alright so... if that one's like done, with getting to sound right, that means there's 14 songs left, and the ones that are after the next 2 are all just going to be updated to this new saturator process, which will be be easy and i can do it transparently kinda i think. or i hope. i can make the saturation less extreme with these ones if need be, and if it frees up space in the mix, then that'll be super good + awesome and i can maybe squeeze more detail out of the songs or whatever. those i could maybe even do in like... i don't wanna promise it to myself or whatever, but 2 days? we'll see. those 12 should not be as much of a headache as some of these other ones.
i also read foucault today, as things were exporting earlier, very good as usual. one part struck me, about how the need to punish + torture, or torture being a punishment, as well as capital punishment, death + loss of limb and so on, was that it was not just to keep people in line via consequence, but also, as foucault puts it, to 'use terrorizing tactics' to take revenge against being outside the law, or the will of the sovereign. when you see this, where tactics of punishment and pain become not about consequence, where the relation is less simple, and more about asserting power and dominance once again, to express who creates rules and who directs them, things like that, even now, you will see the vestiges of this process. again, not a new thing to me i guess, but he articulates it well, it makes me think of how i've seen co-workers get yelled at by management at work.
a very minor thing in comparison to historical facts of murder by the sovereigns of europe, but it still seems connected, in odd ways. petty tyrants reigning over us, i guess, in management, everyone vested with these moral gauges and the compulsion to keep everything right, i suppose this is part of the soul he may begin describing, where we all become responsible for our own efficiency, and thus when others fail, it is something of a humiliation to be implicated in their either inability, their ignorance of power, or whatever else.
this i suppose, is why everyone makes jokes at foucault's expense, that everything is a prison. which is true but also a reduction. it's not really that everything is a prison, that's just a useful way to put it i guess to explain, but really it's that the prison is historically a way to organize, and all of us put in this rubric of not just penality, but the improvement of ourselves, and so on, in school, in psychiatry, at work, our time put to bettering something, that something vague, by necessity, the prison outlines not just institutions, but the world the institutions would like to produce, i suppose. and so with that, comes the thought that everything is a prison. it is perhaps something else more complex and strange, that depends one me and where the book takes me, it is where i lean, it is elucidated in other works certainly, the odd world we live in now. where there are huge suggestions of like, caring about others, lip service to 'mental health' and other things that one would imagine are positive, even ideas like fairness, kindness, all requiring a fact that you have to deign to give these things, people receive from you in those cases, a condescending in ways we are taught to be positive and show concern, in a world like this, everything is trying to be as friendly as possible. this is why the police destroy homeless camps where people are surviving, and are truly kind to one another by building fires to cook over, collecting resources, because this is unpleasant to see. i guess an ultimate wound to everyone in this area, it's twofold, to know that this is what awaits you should you fail, that at this economic class should the bottom give out, there is no longer anything to catch you accept people who are abused, frightened, and starving, and they will catch you, and then 2, you will work hard, for so little, because the world is so violently exclusive, in such bright colors.
and now i need to sleep, the song is sounding good now, i think, which makes me happy.
it feels ugly to say that after what i had just written, but it's all i can think to do really.
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lizilla · 4 years
#vent#god every time i feel like im getting better life gives me a brick to the teeth#in my current home i have a mother-figure who i adore and love. she genuinely care about me#meanwhile my actual mother i had to leave because of abuse and mind games that were tearing me apart#her and her husband are awful for different reasons. my mother shaped me to be her therapist and the adult in her life cause im the youngest#and her husband has children. all of which are in different states except for his youngest whos a spoiled brat#i lived with my mom. stepdad. and step sister for years and was constantly tormented by the 3 of them in different ways#anyway its a whole lot of mental and emotional and sometimes physical abuse. 3 people who shared a human punching bag (me)#and i finally snapped. not snap snapped but i knew it was coming so i left#and my new home is better. i feel like more of a family then i ever have. i am heard and i am not used or mistreated.#i do my work on the farm and i keep my head down#its not hard work and i honestly kind of enjoy it#i get to take care of animals and kids and its a house in the middle of nowhere. its peaceful#but her kids are growing resentful of me and i dont know what to do#i dont mean to be a 'goody two shoes' or whatever but when new mom asks for something done i jump to it#because i dont want to disappoint her or let her down#because ive been conditioned to think that one wrong move will have me out on the streets even though i know she wouldn't do that to me#my world is hanging on a thread and im convinced that its just waiting to snap and everyone is gonna tell me how worthless i am#im best friends with one of her kids and i do their work for them cause its not a big deal to me#if she asks for something and theyre in the middle of something or dont feel like it i do it for them#and then she gets onto her kids about being lazy. i assure both of them its not a big deal. they fight anyway.#they drag me into it and make me the reason for their fighting. and its overwhelming cause it makes me think of my previous home#i cant live like this. a house where everyone is against you sucks. but a house where only one person is on your side is maybe worse.#my blood mom loves me and i love her but our relationship is unhealthy. i still visit her all the time and talk to her daily#even though it hurts. because i want her to get better#shes trying to convince me to come back to her and i am halfway considering it because i cant stand people fighting because of me.#i have nowhere to go. my treatment has made me push away anyone who ever cared about me and now i cant talk to people or make friends#i have no motivation anymore and i have no healthy outlets. i cant do this i cant socialize or talk to new people & i cant work a normal job#i can either live with the woman who put a gun to my head and looked me in the eye and told me it never happened. & my step family#or i can live with people who used to love me but now resent me. i wish i could disappear. i wish she would have just pulled the trigger oh
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parkers-gal · 3 years
requests | closed to complete current requests <3
last updated | aug 5th, 2021
do not repost my work anywhere !! respect this please. | fics are not ordered in any particular way. these headers are mine so pls don’t use/take them
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tom holland
insomnia - reader can’t get to sleep; tom finds out why
driving in the rain - fluffy dinner date and rainy drive back home
workouts and warmth - when all tom wants is some after-workout cuddles
from across the living room - announcing your engagement to your families
the one - you want to move out and get your own place as a couple, but tom doesn’t. nikki talks to him. 
anything for the twins - tom massages reader’s boobies during her period
moms, makeouts, and mishaps - nikki walks in during your makeout sesh
simple acts of intimacy - a fluffy 3.1k words worth of blurbs
silver surprises - the reader surprises tom at a premiere
twenty questions - questions ensue after tom & reader get stuck in an elevator
my gut - spinoff of twenty questions with claustrophobic!reader (tw/ anxiety + attacks)
stealth mode - tom & reader scaring each other
unicorns vs pegasuses - tom shuts the reader up by kissing them
a good story - tom meets reader at a meet & greet — friendships blossom to lovers
deal breaker - tom wants kids, but the reader does not
his lap - reader asks for help in overcoming an insecurity; tom misreads the situation
pool day - pool day w/ tom + the boys
hot - the reader picks a certain song that reminds her of tom - the boys go wild
grounded by rocks - tom talks about you in an interview for cherry
your hands - when all he wants is a simple head massage
late flights - in which tom takes too much time with the fans
nobody wanted to - where only one person makes it out alive
way more than 50 - the hollands trick the reader into thinking they did something they weren’t supposed to 
why [ pt ii ] - sweet cupcakes, and a not so sweet breakup
what looks suspicious - nikki doesn’t exactly approve of tom dating the reader
something sweet - reader drops off small gifts while tom’s on set
he remembers - when tom finds the letter
missed you - reuniting w/tom after four long months
soft gangsta - tom tries to dress edgy; the reader is unconvinced
the shoe game - reader & tom play the shoe game at their wedding
too much - when the reader has a rough time with work, tom comforts them
losing grip [ pt ii ] - a losing battle between the reader and a hereditary disease causes heartbreak
your captain america - protective!tom holland of young reader (age gap)
sexy genius - reader is a fan of (and meets) jake gyllenhaal
teddy bear cuddles - tom wears an oversized hoodie
nonsense - the boys think the reader is meddling with tom’s work
circles before yourself - rule #2 - osterfield!reader gets caught with tom
seventeen times - when the reader is having a hard time in lock down, tom tries to help (TW // depression)
pixie dust hair - tom assures insecure!reader that the pixie haircut looks good <3
a few more months - reader passes out during a run; tw // excessive exercising
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tiktok au’s
body ody ody - tom gets a little jealous over a few social media comments 
sweats in the supermarket - getting tom hard when he wears sweats
put your records on - trying not to kiss each other first
mood killer - saying dirty things into tom’s ear
say it back - pranking tom by not saying ily back to him
two different ways - tom choking the reader to get two different reactions 
brutal - doing the “did you mean to post this?” trend on tom 
worst thirty minutes of my life - playing a drinking game with tom to see who gives into cuddles first
my girl’s cuddles - crawling into tom’s lap 
even - buying hot leggings & taping tom’s reaction 
goofball - a silly way to reveal reader’s pregnancy to tom 
end the debate - “i found out why my boobs are small” trend
slam the car door - doing the car door prank on tom 
water bottle wars - the boys ask you and tom questions about each other. wrong answers result in sprayed water 
get you back real good - you & the boys prank tom after watching a scary movie 
peachy - sighing / moaning in front of tom playing video games to get his reaction
my princess - tom does a tiktok where he guesses all your answers to everyday questions
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needles and needs - when scarlet has to get shots, you realize she may not be the only one that needs comforting
all my girls - scarlet meets her baby sister for the first time (dad!tom)
everything i love about u - tom is afraid baby red might hate him for leaving home too much
a little extra help - stepdad!tom being the best dad to your daughter
through the tears - pregnant!reader goes into labour, and baby holland meets the family
first feed - tom watches you breastfeed for the first time
warmth from the love - baby holland’s first Christmas
first words - baby holland speaks for the first time
breaking the internet - when your pregnancy announcement crashes multiple apps/websites (pregnant!reader)
breaking the internet... again - when baby holland breaks the internet
boyfriends and brunch - when jade brings home her boyfriend (aged!up)
big sister + how are babies made - telling scarlet about the baby on the way (pregnant!reader)
too many kids - the reader’s dad has some commentary about the twins
mumma’s girl - tom gets jealous when scarlet isn’t a daddy’s girl
angels - a little skin to skin time with his best girl
family man - after a nasty breakup, tom finds out you had his child
cheesy uncles - telling paddy he’s going to be an uncle
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ag!reader (more to come !!)
y’all really get nasty - tom and the fans discuss ag!reader’s songs
my favorite things - ag!reader performs in front of the mcu cast at the grammy’s
34 + 35 - the boys react to reader’s new song(s)
34 + 35 remix - the boys reacting to the remix
his remedy - the boys react to positions deluxe
neglected - AG!reader breaks up w tom because of their job; tom searches for answers
low-key wants him - reader talks about how much nonna (+ her fam) loves tom
see u soon - reader interacts with tom while on stage for the swt
a few spilled secrets - AG!reader performs on jimmy fallon’s show.. tom and her confess a few secrets
for the first time - when the reader breaks down crying while singing about her ex, tom is there to comfort her
dance with me, rain on me - reader has a hard time on set, tom to the rescue
every tomorrow - the first album release night after your breakup
here we go again - introducing tom (+ the boys) to your celebrity friends
condoms or safety nets - the boys react to AG!reader’s song “safety net”
we’re not engaged - AG!reader announcing to the world why they no longer have a fiance... (fluffy)
the late late show - AG!reader & tom do spill your guts or fill your guts
pain from pleasure - dad!tom goes through a birth simulator — controlled by the reader
never have i ever - tom & the reader play a game on the late late show
fluffy hair - ag!reader has a zoom interview with zach sang. tom makes an appearance
fighting off the haters - ag!reader and older!tom holland (age gap) attend an award show after going public
run your hands thru my hair - tom reacts to ag!reader’s song “my hair”
stick to acting - tom tries to make a beat for ag!reader
practically twins - reader meets sebastian & anthony at comic con
damn lucky - black!reader wears her hair naturally during an interview
what a piece - reader talks about tom related songs & tattoos
flip it - tom talks about reader in an interview
at the door - older!reader & tom fight off haters
a headcannon of ag!reader being a marvel cast member
a headcannon of tom & the reader attending the avengers endgame premiere
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styles!reader (more to come !!)
bathroom kisses - makeout sessions with tom and styles!reader in the bathroom
yeah, he is - tom holland x styles!reader meet the styles family; protective older brother harry makes an appearance
unparalleled love - older brother harry styles makes a speech at reader’s wedding
grilled - date night for tom & styles!reader is a bit difficult with two kids; older brother!harry to the rescue
baby showers and brothers - dad!tom & styles!reader are going to be parents
potential boyfriend - tom has a crush on the reader when they first meet
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ts!reader (more to come!!)
trust me - tom & the reader defend her after nikki doesn’t approve
your london boy - tom & co. + the world reacts to “london boy”
boy of my dreams - tom being proud of the reader for winning a grammy
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tom records your sounds during sex for his music (hc)
tom talks about you in an interview
concepts: one , two , three
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my pretty girl - tom gets jealous when reader gets many valentines
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other reader tropes
cherry - reader is a screenwriter for tom’s upcoming movie
no shouting - singer!reader needs some help after paparazzis are too much (based on a video of tom)
pregnancy belly - actress!reader has to wear a pregnancy belly for her role, and the boys tease tom about when it’ll be real
we march - actress!reader being a huge feminist
passions & pediatricians - pediatrician-to-be!reader meets tom
politics - reader’s granpa is joe biden (requested) and tom meets him
extra support - psychiatrist!reader helps tom on the set of cherry
you made it big - tom holland x actress!reader at the after party
partition - the boys react to famous!reader singing partition
senorita - singer!reader makes a music video with shawn, who’s tom’s new best friend
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boomerang: one , two , three , four [completed]
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peter parker
making amends
➢ enemies to lovers ; college!peter x super soldier!reader ; 30k words ; sorta slow burn
cheeky guy, favorite thighs - college!peter doing a tik tok challenge — between the reader’s thighs [tik tok au]
a little nicer - doing the prank on peter (”you could’ve been a little nicer to me today”)
start searching - first make out sessions with our best boy :)
hidden hickeys - the avengers think innocence of peter, until they’re proven wrong
the team - part two of hidden hickeys; reader meets the avengers
all of you - late night talks about your future with peter :’)
like you wouldn’t believe - reader tells mj about her & peter’s awesome sex
slip from my hands - roommate!peter comforts the reader after a nightmare
i’d wait for her - college!peter parker needs to come to terms with you and your boyfriend
shut up and kiss me - soft make out sessions with peter :)
all the good things in the world, and i get you - insecure!reader needs a little reassuring 
modern chivalry - peter being a gentleman on the subway
eggnog and mistletoe - peter helps you love the holidays
the force awakens? it sleeps - a little extra comfort & care from our favorite baby boyfriend 
a prince - wonder woman!reader meets spider-man (& avengers) in a mission
steve rogers fics - peter finds you reading fanfiction abt steve rogers
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fanboys and bracelets - fanboy!peter parker goes to famous!singer!reader’s meet and greet
fanboys and phone numbers - fanboy!peter parker continuation 
showing around - fanboy!peter gets VIP access; some dancing ensues
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stark!reader + avengers!reader
if you knew feelings - the avengers want you & peter to break up
sleeping - peter misinterprets a few important questions
the may to your ben - college!best friend!peter parker x stark!reader fluff
race ya - peter confesses his feelings for rogers!reader after a mission — on comms
frat bathrooms - stark!reader joins the avengers where she sees college!peter, the boy she slept with at a frat party
rainy days - reader doesn’t like rainy days, a certain wall-climber changes their mind
already got her - jealous!peter makes a public confession
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a nervous one - flustered!peter parker sees cheerleader!reader in her uniform
one day soon - flustered!peter parker x affectionate!reader
all better - flustered!peter parker does some lab flirting with reader
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dad!peter + pregnant!reader
unplanned  [ part ii ] - reader gets pregnant... breaks up with peter to avoid it all
burrito wraps - reader worries that baby parker might be cold
a name to remember - latine!reader & peter give their girl a special name
you’re magic - a certain wall crawler hears two heartbeats
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sgt. bucky barnes
first cuddles - bucky asks to cuddle for the first time
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harry holland
golden light, the love of my life - the boys tease harry —on a live video— for being whipped
it won’t f^cking open - harry lends a helping hand
how much i - those three magical words are exchanged for the first time
cuddly koala moments - time the reader just needed harry’s warmth
anything for hands - the reader cuts harry’s hair on instagram live
your other best friend - the reader is sam’s new friend, but harry thinks they like tom instead
you’re my anchor - harry has an anxiety attack, but the reader knows what to do
what’s his [ pt ii ] - when everything thinks the reader should date tom instead, harry snaps
whipped fries - harry brags about the reader winning the pub quiz for them
tell me, show me - the reader makes harry flustered by playing w/the strings from his sweatpants
keep your cool - tom setting u up with his brother // nikki being wary
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you’re such a dream to me — ag!reader writes r.e.m. about harry
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harry styles
intoxicating - soft bubbles baths with long haired!harry 
frayed braids - reader braids long haired!harry’s hair
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harrison osterfield
not anymore - when harrison comes back from filming, he’s determed to win the reader’s heart
irreversible - when relationships fall apart, people fall apart. (infidelity)
circles before yourselves - rule #1  - harrison x osterfield!reader (sister) when brothers talk, bad things begin
think of her - harrison asks your family for their blessing [holland!sister]
steve harrington
together not never - steve discovers the reader is pregnant
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