#I totally forgot how mean Kim was to Big...I wonder if he misses him
misspoetree · 2 years
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KinnPorsche + Text Posts: Big Edition 😭
Bonus: BigChan Edition
[Character Editions: Pete Part I & II | Tay | Vegas Part I & II & III | Tankhun Part I & II | Porsche Part I & II | Kinn Part I & II | Kim | Porchay | Chan | Macau | Pol]
[Themed Editions: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | ?]
[Episode Editions]
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clawbehavior · 3 months
not actually a question, but a declaration and a thanks.
I love your stories, Enantiomer is especially my personal favorite! I had a greedy moment after I finished reading chapter 3, write a comment that may or may not seem delirious bcs there were things I think I missed (I forgot which is the older twin from Gaon and Isaac), the small things like that. I decided to immediately reread the whole story and I thought, these 3 chapters are enough!
let me tell you, I always shed tears reading the 2nd chapter. chapter 3 feels like having your prayers answered/ a breeze in a very hot weather. it just feels right and peaceful, hopeful ending. the ending is enough to make me wonder how the characters will fare in the future but i have faith they're in a happy place. it's that kind of story for me.
i will reign my excitement and overflowing feelings for this story of yours as to not scare you off or make you overwhelmed with my responses here and there. thankyou you wonderful human!
i once read this beautiful post by Paulo Cohelo where he described getting a comment from a reader across the world about how touching they found The Alchemist, so he got up and and went outside and looked up at the sky. reading your comment made me understand what he meant by that, what he felt, and why he did it. 
i'm so, so happy that 'enantiomers' touched you deeply. because i also care about them deeply. like you, i felt hurt for yohan in chapter 2 and relief for their growing family in chapter 3. but as you know, being a creator means wondering if your art/story/plot/setting/characterization that you experience so richly when creating them also come across like that to your reader; if someone will be similarly moved by your story as you. and you got it!!! you picked up on all these tiny and crucial details; the differences between the twins, how kang jisang had left an impression on isaac, gahan's hyung kink, that gaon badly wanted to be loved and yohan badly wanted to give it to him. getting your comments made writing that story worth it. 
i totally agree that the fic left off on a hopeful note even if the way forwards seems unclear. strong emotions like theirs take time to fully resolve, no matter how genuine the effort behind it. but i know they get through it. gaon and yohan actively include isaac (and his little family) in their lives. they show up when things get tough, congratulate each other on their wins, push each other gently when needed, and are there for each other. isaac's whole thing with their relationship stemmed from a fear of change and losing yohan. but seeing yohan be healthy and happy and being actively included in their lives settles him. as a result, gaon feels secure too. 
actually, reading your comments made me want to write a version of this story where kim deji is alive, gahan still falls in love, and she lovingly guides everyone through that transition. it starts with gaon waiting for his train on an outdoor platform and watching trains pull in and out of the station. he makes eye contact with a university student through the glass. it shouldn't be anything big except that the young man visibly starts and says something to gaon through the glass. gaon blinks back in confusion, but the train is already pulling out of the station. the young man frantically runs the length of it inside while gaon watches. gaon sees him mouthing the words ishmael and isaac, realizes that this man knows his brother/his family and they share a grief stricken look before the train pulls away completely. 
gaon stays rooted to the platform. he misses his train. but it's worth it because yohan gets down at the next station and runs all the way back to the older man, catching hold of him. gaon can barely make out what the younger man is saying, talking a mile a minute as he is, until yohan pulls out his phone, calls kim deji, and gaon hears his mother's voice for the first time in decades. 
a little gift for you for your lovely comments. i will cherish them deeply. thank you. 
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
sugar sugar - the planning 2.0
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Summary: It’s a new year and the engaged couple are moving forward with their wedding planning.
Sugar Daddy!Henry Cavill x Becky Kim (asian OFC)
Warnings: Smut (like vibrator(s), slight anal play, squirting, slight punishment)
Wordcount: 3.8k
Masterlist // Sugar Sugar Masterlist // Sugar Sugar the wedding Masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter
January 6th 5 p.m.
The entirety that is left of December I’ve been a slightly emotional mess. Okay, remove slightly, because I’m an emotional mess. Period. I don’t know what caused it. Maybe it’s the fact that we have our invitations ready. Maybe it’s because Christmas spend as an engaged couple was a little overwhelming. Maybe spending New Years together in a club with my friends and my fiancé was too much of a change after spending them in pretty much solitude for many years.
So, it doesn’t surprise me at all that I have been bawling non stop for one of my final fittings for my wedding dress. It’s absolutely gorgeous. It hugs me in all the right places and I feel like such a bride in it.
When I walk into Henry’s office, I see he is alone with some paperwork. Henry looks up from his desk and smiles widely when he notices it’s me. ‘Hi sweetheart. How was the dress fitting?’
Oh goodness, there are the tears again. ‘Oh no, I’m sorry.’
He perks up in his seat, immediately alert because of the tears. ‘Was it no good?’ he asks me, ushering me over.
‘No, honey, it was amazing. The dress is so beautiful.’ I sit on his desk after he cleaned it up for me and I let out a deep sigh. ‘It’s just one step closer to becoming a bride.’
He nods with a smile. ‘It sure is. I can’t wait to marry you.’ Henry examines my face and he asks: ‘Are you sure you’re alright?’
‘Yeah, I’m totally okay. It’s just that I’ve been super duper emotional these passed few weeks. It’s just me being idiotic, so please just indulge me.’
‘I don’t think it’s idiotic,’ he says. ‘But when my future wife isn’t feeling well, I might as well make sure she feels better. Is there something I can do, baby girl?’
‘It’s fine, it’s fine,’ I chuckle. ‘Just silly old me being overly emotional, so let’s forget it. On another note, how are you doing? You have a lot of work to do?’
He nods. ‘Yeah, but I can take it home with me. The walls are closing me in, so to speak.’
‘How about,’ I say, ‘you and I go have something to eat? I’m starving.’
Henry agrees to that a little too quickly. In lightening speed, he packed his suitcase and holds me hand as we walk towards the elevator. People in the company slowly began to notice that I was dating the boss and they have all been very supportive.
To our faces, but I think they mean it.
Once Henry and I got in his car, he doesn’t start it up immediately. I want to ask him what’s wrong, but he gives me a desperate kiss on my lips. ‘Are you alright?’ I ask him.
‘I just missed you a lot,’ he says. ‘Might’ve had some never ending phone calls. I’m glad to finally see you. I might be a little obsessed with you.’
I blush. ‘I’m such a lucky woman,’ I admit.
Henry now does start the car and as he drives through the busy New York streets, he asks me where I want to eat. I simply shrug, telling him he can decide. He gets this slightly smug grin on his lips, but it’s not new to me.
Ever since our little conversation, where I just called it as it is (he is pretty much a dom and I’m probably the biggest sub he’ll ever encounter), he has been actively enjoying it a lot more. Every time I say he can decide, every time I ask him to make a phone call for me, every time I ask his opinion on some clothing, it kinda feeds his ego.
Of course it’s not exactly like they describe it online, but with the way we do it, it feels so natural with him. It’s exactly the way I like it.
We stop at one of my favorite places to eat and when Henry and I walk in, the waiter seems to recognize us. He even asks us if we want the usual, which we both want. Henry and I are seated next to each other and we stare at the aquarium.
Henry has his arm wrapped around my shoulders, as he sighs deeply in content. We’re sitting pretty secluded, just the way Henry likes it. Privacy is a big deal to him and I don’t disagree with it. When my friends and I go out to the clubs he can get us into, he makes sure there is a safe spot for us to sit, lots of privacy and sometimes it comes with a bouncer, making sure no unwanted guests are joining us.
‘You’re tired,’ I note, my eyes following the clownfish that is swimming around. ‘Can I help you with something?’
‘No, no, baby, don’t you worry about me,’ he says. He presses a kiss on my forehead, before whispering in my ear: ‘Daddy’s alright, baby girl.’
My friends know about us, about me calling him daddy every now and then, but they had yet to catch us. Until a few days ago, where I forgot they were around and I mindlessly let it slip when he was preparing some breakfast for us. The audible gasp both Genevieve and Viola let out, caused me to actually wanting to die of shame and they haven’t let it go ever since.
But hearing him refer to himself as daddy, makes me forget all about that mortifying moment, and simply lets me appreciate what we have.
Henry and I enjoy our food, sip on our drinks as we share some simple stories of today. ‘What are your plans for later today?’ he asks me. ‘Or tomorrow?’
‘Not much, since the boss isn’t allowing me to “overwork” myself.’
He chuckles. ‘I heard the weather is gonna be killing tomorrow. I already told the other employees they can work from home.’
‘Oh,’ I say, ‘so, you’re staying home too?’
‘I am. I was thinking about maybe starting on our guest list?’
‘Starting?’ I ask him. ‘You probably forgot about Genevieve being involved. We already have a guest list. We can maybe go look for the perfect wedding rings. Oh my, we could do that.’
‘Sounds good to me.’ He takes my hand in his, admiring the engagement ring. ‘We could go for something similar to each other, but yours much more dainty.’
‘You checked rings already?’
‘I might’ve,’ he admits. ‘Just want the best for you.’
‘I love you,’ I whisper, as my heart swells with love and adoration. ‘I love you so much.’
February 14th 9 p.m.
It’s that time again. It’s that time where Henry decided to use the vibrator again with remote control. The catch this time? We’re not in our penthouse, not at his office totally shut off for other people to come in. We’re at a restaurant celebrating my birthday.
He does this from time to time, simply because he seems to enjoy me suffering, however this is the first time we’re actually in public. We’re sitting next to one another, staring over the city at night, as my leg is moving up and down nervously. The vibrations come and go and each time I’m so close, he must sense it, because he turns it off completely.
‘Baby girl,’ he says in a dangerous tone, ‘careful with your lips, now. Don’t chew on them.’
I let out a sigh, followed by a pout. ‘You’re torturing me,’ I whimper.
Almost like he was waiting on me admitting it, because the vibrations slowly come back to life. ‘I am?’
I nod. ‘Please, let’s just get out of here. I already finished my dessert.’
‘But I haven’t.’ He leans back and takes a sip of his drink. ‘Have I told you you look absolutely stunning tonight?’
I look down my silver dress, that is pretty flashy, but in this restaurant everyone looks showy here. Compared to them, I look pretty modest. ‘Yes, you did,’ I say.
Henry gently leans down, giving me a kiss on my forehead. ‘I love you, you’re doing so well.’ I receive another kiss on the tip of my nose and he descends to my lips.
I whimper against him, as I push my legs together, desperate for some friction, some touch. Anything. ‘Daddy,’ I mumble against his lips.
‘You want to go home, baby?’
‘Yes, please.’
He smiles. ‘Okay, let me help you in your coat,’ he says, finally taking a bit of pity on me. ‘Baby girl, you’re doing so well.’
I stand up on wobbly legs and he helps me in my coat. I zip it up and the two of us walk out of this place. Henry holds my purse in his hand, while the other is securely placed on the small of my back. He tells the limo chauffeur to drive towards home and we get in the back.
As the limo starts to drive, Henry unzips my coat and smiles. ‘Let’s take this all off.’
‘All of it? I can’t. I have to get from the limo back to the apartment, remember?’
‘That is why you’re wearing a longer coat, baby girl,’ he retorts. ‘Take it off.’
I do as he tells me to. I take off the coat, before I push the straps of my dress down. Since this isn’t a dress that requires a bra, I’m left in nothing but my flimsy thongs. He orders me to give them to him and like usual, they end up in his pocket. He actually takes the damn time to neatly fold my dress so he can put it in my purse.
Besides my heels, I’m totally naked in the back of the limo. I think it’s good that Henry owns this limo and pays this driver a lot of money. I wonder if the driver knows what is up—especially since this isn’t the first time we’ve had some sexual escapades in the back—but there isn’t a lot of time to think about it, as Henry pulls me on his lap. His lips wrap around my hardened nipple, his teeth softly sinking into it. He turns on the vibrator, as his bulge pressing against my clit. His hands are kneading the flesh of my behind. It’s so messy. We’re so messy, but that is what I love about him. No matter how dirty it gets, he always wants more. More of me. More of us.
He spreads my asscheeks apart, before on of his fingers gently touches my puckered hole, before letting it slip passed the tight muscle. ‘One day,’ he whispers, ‘it’ll be a lot more than just my finger, baby.’
The moan that’s caused because of all that, is a lot louder than I originally intended and he gives me a firm and loud smack on my behind.
The driver definitely knows now what we’re doing.
‘Quiet, baby girl,’ he grunts, ‘otherwise this pretty ass of yours is gonna be very red and very painful for you to sit on.’
I nod, as I resit on his lap a little, causing the vibrator to shift a bit and it hits the exact right spot. Keeping it quiet is nearly impossible, especially because he has been teasing me the entire night. His hand lands on my ass again and again and again. ‘What did I just say?’
‘Sorry, daddy, it’s just that… I’m so close.’ I am already clenching around the toy and Henry kisses me to stop me from making to much noise. It’s barely working, as I ride out my high on his lap. He turns off the vibrator with a smile and his finger exits from my tight hole. He helps me in my coat and says: ‘I believe we’re almost home.’
With nothing but a very short coat on and the vibrator still buried deep inside of me, the two of us get out of the limo. I avoid eye contact with the driver, who despite his own best efforts,  can’t hide the fact that he knows exactly what happened back there. After Henry gave him a ridiculously large tip, we walk towards the entrance of our building. It’s freezing cold and it’s not helping that the insides of my thighs are still a bit wet.
We step into the elevator and Henry stands behind me, his hand on my side, as a group of business men and women also step in. They are loud, meaning that Henry could easily turn on the vibrator and no one would notice.
Great minds must think alike, because he turns it on. I somehow manage to keep it sort of together, but it’s hard, especially with the way I feel my hardened nipples rub against the inside of my coat and Henry’s noticeable bulge pressed against my butt.
The carpet all of the sudden has all my attention.
The group steps off on the second floor and that leaves just the two of us. Henry steps in front of me, blocking the entrance as his hands slips underneath the hem of the coat. He pats my bare bottom a few times. ‘Good girl,’ he whispers.
‘Daddy,’ I whimper, ‘I’m close again.’
‘You better hold it.’
With the vibrator still on, I manage to wobble to the door of our apartment. The second the door closes, Henry nearly rips off my coat and cages me in between his arms and the wall. ‘Fuck, how did I get so lucky? You did well, baby girl. Daddy is so proud of you.’
‘Please,’ I beg, nearly in tears, ‘can I cum now?’
He gives me a soft peck on my lips, a sweet gesture compared to what he has been doing all night. ‘Of course.’
My legs start to shake, as I wrap my arms around his neck to keep me standing up. My eyes roll back, as the familiar feeling washes over me. ‘Oh daddy,’ I moan out, as I feel my juices squirt passed the vibrating egg, down my legs onto the floor. It’s all becoming too much, so I reach down to grab the string and pull it out.
As I’m panting, Henry seizes my wrist. ‘What did you do?’ he asks, turning the vibrator off. ‘Tell me, what did you do?’
Oh shit, I think something bad. ‘I couldn’t take it anymore, daddy.’
‘Then why didn’t you safe word?’
Why didn’t I? ‘I don’t know,’ I say, but when he cocks his eyebrow, I realize that won’t do. ‘It wasn’t necessary.’
He tsks, a sound he barely makes. ‘I’m disappointed in you, baby girl.’ He drags me with him to the bedroom and pushes me on the bed. Not gonna lie, this is turning me on way more than I originally expected. He holds my chin in between his fingers, as he forces me to look up. ‘If you don’t like something anymore,’ he says in a dangerously low tone, ‘then you safe word. But never ever take matters into your own hands like that.’
Fuck, this alone nearly causes my next orgasm. ‘I’m sorry, daddy.’
‘You’re damn right you’re sorry.’ He unbuttons his shirt, revealing his broad chest that over the course of the last few weeks only got broader and stronger. ‘And I’m gonna teach you a little lesson, baby girl.’
✤ ✤ ✤
After I don’t know how many orgasms with the vibrators (yes, plural), he turns them both off as I try to catch my breath. Him plunging my beloved vibrator deep inside of me. Him pressing the other one onto my super sensitive clit. He was torturing me, making me cum over and over and over again. Trying to teach me a lesson. The wet covers of the bed are the evidence of how many times I already came. He was slightly pissed at me, but also continued to whisper that I could safe word whenever I needed to.
Henry sits in between my legs and without much teasing or preparation enters me, burying himself deep inside of me. A gasp escapes my lips, as his girth is a world apart from the vibrator. He pushes his heavy chest onto mine, grabbing my hands and holding them with just one of his above my head.
Henry has never done such thing. Never took he this much control, never was he like this. But then again, never did I do something that would disappoint him. His lips are dangerously close and he says: ‘Tell me baby girl, whose pussy is this?’
What a question, but I know the answer. ‘Yours,’ I whisper. ‘Daddy, I’m so sorry.’
‘If you can’t take it anymore,’ he continues, ‘now or in the future, then you safe word. Promise me that.’
‘Yes, yes, yes, I promise.’
Henry gives me a kiss. It’s such a gentle move after the insane orgasm overstimulation act he just preformed on me. The throbbing pain is overruled by the sheer pleasure I feel of his thick length deep inside of me. ‘Are you gonna be a good girl for daddy?’
‘I will, I will. Always.’
His thrusts are slow, allowing me to take him all in and get used to his length. With every thrust, he brushes against my extremely sensitive clit, earning him soft whimper like moans. His lips press attentive kisses on my lips. ‘Good girl,’ he praises me, ‘such a good girl.’
My mind is so cloudy and foggy, but his lovely words still make an impact. ‘I love you.’
Henry smiles. ‘I love you too, baby girl. Fuck, I love you so much.’
He slowly speeds up his thrusts, only for him to become a lot rougher too. The room is filled with indecent and vulgar sounds, but that doesn’t stop him. No, it even encourages him more. Henry doesn’t stop, not even as I turn into a crying and sobbing mess underneath him.
I know what to do when it gets too much and while it definitely feels like too much, I love how he uses me like this. He is the only one that I’ll ever allow to do this. He is the only one who can have this much control over me.
My legs start to quiver and I don’t even have to tell him that I’m close. My vision turns completely white for a few moments, as I cry out. ‘Fuck!’
‘I know baby, I know. I’m close.’ The sound he makes as he bottoms out, painting me from the inside, is probably the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. He crashes on top of me, making sure he doesn’t crush me under his weight. ‘You did well,’ he says with a proud smile. ‘Are you okay? I was’t too rough on you, was I?’
I try to catch my breath, but I shake my head. ‘No, no, you weren’t. Don’t you worry. I’m so sorry,’ I sniffle.
He pushes some hairs out of my face and gives me a kiss. ‘It’s okay.’
‘You’re not mad at me?’ I place my hand in the back of his neck. ‘I didn’t mean to.’
‘Baby, baby, baby,’ he says, ‘I know you didn’t. Just know that whenever you don’t feel good, it’s becoming too much for you, you safe word. I need you to safe word, baby. Do it for daddy, okay?’
‘Of course, I will,’ I say, swallowing hard. ‘You’re really not mad at me?’
‘Hey, hey, it’s all good,’ he says. ‘I’m not mad at you, never was. Stop worrying about it, okay? Please, baby girl.’
‘I just love you a lot and I hate to disappoint you.’
‘I know you do,’ he says with a smile. ‘I love you a lot as well. And because I’m your boss, I’m willing to give you a day off tomorrow.’
I start to laugh. ‘Oh, how gracious of you.’
‘Want a bath, darling? Or you want to go to the sauna?’
‘Maybe a sauna is nice, and a bath afterwards?’
Henry nods and pulls out, causing me to slightly shiver on the bed. ‘Sit still, okay? I’ll be right out.’
As I am relaxing on the bed, regaining some strength in my legs, Henry walks around, preparing the sauna and I hear he is actually turning on the jacuzzi as well for after the sauna. He carries me out of the bed and whispers he’ll clean the bed later on. He sits on one of the wooden benches, tucking me securely on his lap. I was already sweaty, but despite that, it’s nice to be hugged by the warm air provided by the sauna. I wrap my arms around his shoulders, giving him a kiss in his neck.
His fingertips run up and down my spine. ‘Baby girl, can you tell me why you didn’t safe word?’
‘I don’t know,’ I whisper.
‘You didn’t feel safe enough to do it?’
‘It kinda slipped my mind.’
Henry nods, pressing his lips on my hair line. ‘I only want what’s best for you,’ he says. ‘And if you’re overwhelmed, tell me, okay?’
I nod. ‘I will. I promise.’
✤ ✤ ✤
It’s late by the time the two of us get in bed. Since it’s winter after all, I dressed myself in one of his long sleeved shirts, while my personal heater is in nothing but some boxers. I place my head on his chest and his hand finds mine. He holds my fingers, as his thumb runs over the engagement ring.
‘Honey,’ I say, ‘want to hear about a dream I had the other day?’
‘I dreamed about having kids last night with you.’
‘Really?’ he asks me. ‘Color me intrigued. What happened in that dream?’
‘Nothing much. Just you and me sitting on a porch, looking over the yard and seeing our kids run around, maybe even a dog.’
‘I keep thinking about that as well,’ he chuckles. ‘The whole idea of having kids with you makes me realize how fortunate I am that you’re gonna be my wife. When do you want to start trying?’
‘Maybe a few months after our wedding? I know that I probably won’t get pregnant straight away after I stopped taking the pill, but I’d like to enjoy a few more months of you and I as a married couple.’
He nods. ‘I agree. It’s just that I can’t wait for you and I to start a family. To spoil you and the children rotten.’
‘But we still have to keep them humble,’ I say. ‘I’m serious, Henry.’
‘Of course, of course,’ he quickly says. ‘They should never take anything for granted.’
I close my eyes, placing my leg over his. ‘Do you think we should move places?’
He nods. ‘Totally, because I want to make that dream of yours come true. I want a yard, so we can build treehouses, have toys scattered all around and what not.’
I smile. It’s like he is reading my mind. ‘When are we gonna start looking for a place?’
‘After the wedding?’ he suggests.
I nod. ‘After the wedding.’
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kiwjongdae · 3 years
got7 reaction | coffee talk by broadside
a/n: this one of my favorite songs of all time!! i know it's not mainstream but you guys should totally check it out! it's really good!
warnings: a bit suggestive in jaebum's.
im jaebum:
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"i’m still stuck on last thursday when you undressed and whispered my name"
jaebum liked to consider himself a focused man. however, this week he hadn't been able to finish any of his songs thanks to you. he couldn't stop thinking about the way you whispered his name and his hand traveled all over your body. it had been the first time you slept together since the beginning of your relationship and it had been perfect, so perfect jaebum couldn't stop thinking about it.
"jaebum?" he heard your voice and snapped out of his thoughts "i've been pressing your doorbell for a while, so i just entered, is everything okay?"
you were concerned because he seemed a little bit out of himself.
"yeah.. everything is fine" he cleared his throat and looked at you "i think?"
you frowned "what happened?"
"you happened" he sighed "i can't even work properly because all i can do is thinking about you and me that night. what did you do to me, y/n?"
"i did nothing!" you laughed "i thought something serious happened, jaebum!"
"but this is serious! i can't even work!"
a smirk appeared in your face "in that case" you sat on his lap "wanna do it again?"
before you could even say another word, jaebum was already carrying you to his bedroom.
mark tuan:
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"i forgot how to be alone, stay up all night when you’re not at home"
today was that one night of the month you would spend the whole night out with your girl friends. even though mark supported you going out to have fun without him and everything, he hated these nights. he had grown so used to your presence during the night that it was impossible for him to sleep when you were not there.
"i'll be back in the morning, okay honey?" you said kissing his cheek as you checked if you had everything on your purse.
"okay" he smiled.
"try to sleep this time, okay?" you smiled too.
"i make no promises!" he said kissing your forehead "now go or else you'll be late!"
as soon as you left, mark made his way to the computer, knowing it would be a long night. when you arrived the next day, he grabbed your hand before you could even change your clothes and dragged you to bed.
"are you that sleepy?" you asked jokingly.
"you have no idea, honey"
jackson wang:
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"your scent, it lingers all within my sheets, and your touch, girl, brings me to my knees"
when jackson woke up, he noticed you were not there. he heard to your muffled voice coming from the bathroom and pondered if he should go back to sleep. however, only your scent that was all over the bed was not enough to make him go back to sleep, so he got up and went to find you.
"yeah yeah.. me and my husband will pass by later" he heard you saying and opened a big smile "thank you, see you later"
you hang up and turned around only to see standing by the door smiling like a dummy.
"jackson baby? what's wrong?" you asked once he didn't say anything.
"i'm your husband" he stated making you chuckle.
"yeah, you are" you moved to his side passing your arms around his neck "i thought you were going to sleep til later today?"
"argh baby!" he groaned "you can't touch me like this and expect me to understand what you said!"
you laughed shaking your head before kissing his cheek and walking away.
park jinyoung:
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"and my chest ignites when i hear you speak, miss your company long before you leave"
jinyoung was quiet, listening to you talking with your parents. today was the last day you were spending with him before returning to your country. he couldn't help the smile on his face as he listened to you talking in your own language with your parents even though he was sad to see you leave tomorrow. he felt a warmth in his chest hearing you talk. soon enough, you said goodbye to your parents and returned to his side on the bed.
"what?" you asked when you found he smiling.
"nothing" he shocked his head passing his arms around you "i just miss you"
you chuckled "i didn't leave yet!"
"i know" he kissed your cheek "but i'm already missing you"
choi youngjae
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"lately, all i wanna do is lay around with you"
you were calmly reading in your bed. today was sunday but youngjae had an emergency in work, so here you were all alone. you started to wonder if should cook or order something for lunch, since youngjae would most likely return late, when you heard the door and before you could even get up to greet him, he was laying on top of you.
"love! i need to breath!" you laughed and he moved to the side but trapped you in his arms "i thought you had work?"
"i ran away" he said burying his face on your neck "they'll probably call me in a few seconds"
"is this okay? i mean i thought it was important?" you asked concerned.
"the only important thing right now, y/n my love" he said and you felt his smile against your neck "is spend the rest of the day laying here with you. i'll deal with the rest later"
you smiled and closed your eyes feeling his embrance and forgeting all about your lunch.
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"we’re hazy eyed but not because we’re fucked up, it’s just that we’ve been up all night sharing stories of our past"
the moment you put your eyes on your boyfriend on his tv interview, you regretted staying up all night with him. not even the make up had been enough to cover the signs of a sleepless night on bambam's beautiful face. it was clear that he was tired. you both had stayed up all night talking about everything and anything, it was so easy to talk with him that you didn't even notice the hours passing but, looking at him right now, you wished you did.
"bambam, you seemed a bit tired today?" the interviewer asked and you held you breath.
"ah, this?" he motioned his face "it's nothing. i just spent the whole night talking with my girl about things"
you eyes widened. you couldn't believe he said that on national television.
"oh! you have a girl?" the interviewer exclaimed.
"i do! and she's probably watching this" he turned to the camera smiling "babe, don't worry! i love talking to you all night, even when i have a early interview the other day"
you couldn't help the smile that appeared on your face. but you made a selfnote to check the hours next time.
kim yugyeom:
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"aimlessly driving on the highway, hoping that you’ll check your phone and that you’re still awake"
the streets were almost empty as yugyeom drove through them. it was late but he couldn't wait until tomorrow. he sent messages before he got behind the wheel and could only hope you were still awake and had read them. just because he was in a hurry, all the traffic lights seemed to be against him. he tapped his fingers on the wheel hoping he would be able to move faster.
a while later, he was turning on your street and parking in front of your house, only to see you standing in front of it, shaking because of the cold.
once you saw him, you ran towards him "did something happen? i-"
before you could finish your sentence his lips found yours, and you melted. yugyeom had the power to make you melt everytime he kissed you.
"gyeom? did something happen?" you asked again concerned once you separated.
"i love you, y/n. i couldn't wait to say that to you"
your heart started to beat fast as you sighed in relief.
"i love you too, gyeom" you passed your arms around his waist "but next time, please, try not to give me a heart attack in the middle of the night"
he tightened his arms around you laughing "i'll try not to"
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wiyodreamz · 3 years
𝑽𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒅 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑺𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒘𝒂 [05]
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⌜Nari is a college student at Seokhye University. One day she got off on the wrong foot with Seonghwa, throws her coffee on him and curses him out. Later that day she learns about the internship she signed with Hwa Corp. That same day, she learns that the same guy she threw her coffee at, is the CEO of that company! How will things go for Nari if she has a target on her back from that encounter? ⌟ Office AU
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
Contains: fluff, angst, smut, alcohol drinking, cursing, and more as the story goes on.
Tag list: @seonghwaskitten @reeateez
Warnings: slight cursing, dani making me want to punch her through the screen, seonghwa and yunho being total sweethearts
A/N: the next chapter will be the last chapter of this series
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Nari stirred in Seonghwa’s bed as the sunlight from his windows started to peer in from his bedroom. She turned her body to face him, still asleep. She smiled slightly and then looked at his clock on hid bed side table and that smile soon faded.
The time read ‘12:15 P.M.’ She jumped up and ran her hands through her hair.
“Fuck.....” she trailed off silently as Seonghwa stirred in his sleep and then opened his eyes.
“What’s wrong?” He asked as his voice was still full of sleep.
“We overslept Hwa! I was supposed to be out 6 hours ago, before anyone sees me” she said and he rose up instantly.
Nari gathered her clothes as she put them on in a rush. Seonghwa then came out of his closet with a black hoodie and a black bucket hat.
“Put these on, they’re going to be a bit big on you, but no one should really notice you” he said as he handed them to her.
She put on the clothing items he gave her and walked out his room. Once they were outside the gates of his house, a figure popped out from the corner.
“Mr.Park!” Dani said as she appeared. “I came to talk to you at your company, but your assistant said you weren’t here. So I figured out where you lived and drove here” she said and then noticing Nari’s figure in the black clothing. “Oh, and who’s this?”
Seonghwa got in front of Nari and glared down at Dani, crossing his arms “That’s my sister and she doesn’t want anyone seeing her without her makeup on.”
Dani didn’t buy it and rolled her eyes. She pushed Seonghwa out the way off guard and snatched the bucket hat off of her head, revealing Nari.
“Oh look who it is” she said in a mocking tone. “It’s Moon Nari. Now I know how you got the internship, and the others will too.”
“Dani, it’s really isn’t like that! We truly do have feelings for each other!” Nari pleaded as Dani shook her head.
“I told you Nari, you’re going to regret it and I mean it” Dani said and then dropped the hat on the ground, walking away towards her car.
Seonghwa then went to hold Nari’s trembling body, as tears were threatening to spill from her eyes. “Shh, it’s okay, it’s okay! She’s just bluffing, Dani doesn’t really do as she threatens, trust me.”
Nari trusted him, but she will soon regret listening to his words, despite him trying to cheer her up.
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The paid internships don’t really start, until a week after graduations. So Seonghwa just wants the others to focus on exams and graduation.
Nari walked down towards the courtyard of the school. It’s been months since she’s actually been in class than having the lecture recorded and emailed to her. As she was walking in, people were pointing and whispering things at her.
She was confused on why people were whispering about her. She walked inside the school and Yunho immediately spotted her and grabbed her arms.
“You really need to see this” he said as dragged her over towards the crowd.
“Looks like our guest has officially arrived” Dani said as the other students turned towards her, some angry with her. “So how does it feel to steal a spot for someone who was more fit for the job?”
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about” Nari said nervously, as her hands started to sweat.
“I mean you did spread your legs to get that spot right?” She asked accusingly as she started walking towards Nari slowly. “No wonder Mr.Park liked you. You guys probably planned to make it look like you hated each other in the first place, right?”
“What you’re saying is all wrong! I told you we really do have feelings for each other! I didn’t use him!” Nari said as tears were welling up in her eyes. “You just like to spread rumors on anything you see.”
“Because you Moon Nari, I lost a perfectly good opportunity, you bitch” Kim Ara, a girl who was going up for the internship interjected with a glare. “We can’t have nothing nice because of girls like you!”
Before tears were about to fall on her face, she tried to leave the crowd, but people stopped her from doing so.
“Oh look she’s going to go cry since we figured out what she was doing.”
“She’s just a fucking crybaby!”
“She’s really going to ruin the name of this school.”
“Let’s see if the principal lets her graduate once he figures out what she’s done.”
Nari finally gained enough power to push the people away, with tears falling down her face. She ran away and noticed Sunji far away from the crowd, watching what happened.
“Nari! Wait up!” Yunho called out as he ran after his friend.
After a few minutes of running, he finally caught up to her and turned her around.
“What do you want Yunho?” She asked as she wiped her eyes from the tears.
“Nari-ah, are you really dating him?” He asked.
“What if I am? Are you going to shame me like those others, because of the lies Dani is spreading?” She asked as she sobbed. “If you are. Leave me alone!”
Yunho pulled her into a hug. He felt Nari relaxed in his hug. “Nari you know me. I’ll never shame you in anything. You are my best friend and I’ll be damned if anything happens to you. You really love him and there’s nothing wrong with that.”
Nari just sobbed into his chest. “I just want to go home. Please take me home.”
Yunho just nodded and led Nari towards his car. He drove in front of her apartment and she immediately rushed out the car and went inside the apartment and was planning on not coming out for days
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Seonghwa was worried about Nari. He’s been trying to call her, but it kept going to voicemail. He assumed she was too busy studying for her exams, but she would check her phone for any missed calls or texts. He didn’t want to barge over there, so he called Yunho.
“Yunho. I’m worried about Nari. She hasn’t been returning my texts or calls. Is she busy studying for exams?” He asked into the phone as he was signing some papers.
“About that. Dani wasn’t bluffing and told the whole school some lies about Nari saying that she seduced you into giving her the paid internship. And if Nari shows her face here at school, she will be ridiculed to the point where it will get physical. Luckily it didn’t get physical a few days ago” Yunho explained.
Seonghwa’s grip on his pen tightened. The look on his face could kill anyone. Seonghwa also blamed himself on telling Nari not to worry.
“Where is she now?”
“She’s been stuck in her apartment. She hasn’t come out for anything, but I do sneak over there and place meals on her doorsteps if she hasn’t eaten” Yunho said. “But it’s going to be over for her once the principal overhears about it.”
“I’ll go over there once I finish my job here. You should probably go study or go to class if you have one” Seonghwa said and then hung up.
Seonghwa was going help Nari anyway she can and clear up her name, even if that means getting his hands dirty.
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“Yah! Kang Sunji! Come back here!” Yunho said angrily chasing after the girl.
“W-what do you want Yunho?” Sunji asked frightened by his tone.
“Why don’t you say anything about Dani? I know you have stuff against her that can clear Nari’s name!” He asked angrily. “You can actually help her.”
“I’m just scared. Dani has some stuff against my family which can hurt my future. It’s already bad since she uses me for information” she said as she tightened the grip on her bag.
“You really going to cower in fear, while Nari might not even have a future?! The word already got out to the principal and the board and they’re thinking of not letting her graduate and expelling her for ruining the schools ‘name’. She might not even have a future if you don’t speak up” he said angrily. “But oh I forgot. You have to protect your future while another ones get ruined.”
Yunho stormed off and left a stunned Sunji. She never thought about it like that. If she kept the truth in, it would greatly affect Nari. But if she does, she can help Nari.
“What should I do?!” She said to herself as she bit her fingernails nervously.
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Seonghwa made it towards Nari’s apartment. He knocked on the door, hoping she would answer. Five minutes passed and she hasn’t answered the door. He took the liberty to push in her code and went inside her apartment.
He walked inside and saw the meals Yunho brought to her, uneaten. It looks like she hasn’t left for days, since her curtains were closed. He opened her curtains slightly and made his way into her room.
Seonghwa walked in and saw Nari wrapped in her blankets, while staring at the blank wall. She turned over and saw Seonghwa in her door way.
“What are you doing here? Haven’t you ruined my life enough?” She asked in a hateful tone which hurt him.
He sat on the other side of the bed. “I came here to check on you. Yunho has been worried for you, I have been worried for you. I’ve been wondering if you ate, drunk water, or went outside.”
“Well I’ve done none of those things. Now thanks to those lies, my future might be in jeopardy. I regret letting you kiss me at that party! I regret falling in love with-“
She was cut off with a kiss by him. She responded to the kiss instantly. He felt tears coming from her, wetting his face. He leaned away from her and saw her puffy eyes that shown she’s been crying a lot.
“I don’t regret falling in love with you” he said with a smile as he wiped away her tears. “What have those people been saying to you?”
Nari got up from her spot and went to her laptop and handed it to him. He scrolled through multiple emails from people bullying her and even as far as death threats. He took a USB from his pocket and put it in her computer.
“What are you doing?” She asked curiously.
“Just something your other graduates are going to regret” he said and then finished with the USB, taking it out of the computer.
Just then, he received a text and pulled out his phone from his pocket.
From Unknown [2:15 P.M]: Hello Mr.Park Seonghwa, I’m Principal Han from Seokhye University. Can you please come to my office at 8 AM sharp? I would like to talk to you about a relationship between you and a student enrolled here? Thank you.
“Who is it?” She asked.
“It’s your principal, but don’t worry I got everything covered” he said with a smile. “Now let me make you something. You must be starving.”
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It was the next day and Seonghwa walked into the school. People instantly recognized him and started whispering, but he didn’t mind. He was going to get justice for Nari.
He walked inside the office and the principal noticed him.
“Hello Mr.Park. Please have a seat” Mr.Han said as Seonghwa took a seat. “I would like to discuss the relationship between student Moon Nari and you.”
“What is there to discuss?” Seonghwa asked as he crossed his arms and Mr.Han looked offended by that question.
“W-what’s wrong?! What she did was basically cheating. That internship should’ve went to a student who actually deserved it and not some girl who sleeps around to get ahead” Mr.Han said angrily. “I was being nice and inviting you here to break up with her, before I go through the process of expelling her. Besides your age gap is too big!”
It was Seonghwa’s turn to get angry. “I hope you know those students are sending her mean comments and death threats to her email! She did not sleep around to get the internship, she worked hard to get it than the person who’s spreading these rumors! And now you’re expelling her without looking into the rumors? You’re basically going off of lies! Besides our age gap isn’t that huge, she’s 24 and I’m 28!”
“And who is responsible for these rumors that you say aren’t true?” Mr.Han asked.
“Jung Dani” he said and then gave Mr.Han the USB. “You probably want to look at this since your students are, ‘oh so innocent’!” Seonghwa said.
Mr.Han plugged in the USB and his eyes immediately widened at the comments. He didn’t think it got that bad, he just thought it was just some small bullying and whispering. Not actually sending death threats and threatening of coming to her house or other things.
“B-but these could be-“ Seonghwa cut him off.
“If you let them graduate hook free, I will expose these to the media and they won’t have to worry about their future, because it’ll already be ruined by me, especially Jung Dani. I will also expose you as well and you won’t have a big freshmen class in the fall” Seonghwa said in a threatening tone. “And you can repay Nari by letting her graduate and not letting her take her exams, her knowledge can back her up. I’ll be leaving now since you’ve wasted my time.”
Seonghwa left out the office with a big smile on his face, he knew threatening Mr.Han with bad exposure will get Nari the justice she deserves.
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Dani was now crowded by a group of people, hoping to her more lies about Nari.
“Dani-ah? Did she really do that to you?” A classmate asked.
“Yeah, but I heard she’s getting expelled so karma is hitting right back at her” Dani said in a smug tone. They heard the sounds of shoes angrily heading towards them. Dani looked and saw Sunji and Yunho.
“Oh looks it’s Sunji! Tell them more things about Nari’s real attitude” she said.
“No” Sunji stated.
Dani was shocked, she stood up and tried to intimidate Sunji. “Did you just say no to me?! You know what I can do right?”
“Cut the bullshit Dani! You’re not innocent, Nari is innocent. The first day we tried for internships, you tried to ruin her reputation! But those people didn’t pay no mind because they hate people just like you! You said Nari slept with Mr.Park just so she could get it, don’t act like you also didn’t plan to do that also. You were going to do way worse and you’re mad that he fell in love with Nari. Just admit it Dani. You’re jealous of Nari and all of her success, aren’t you?” Sunji said in a smug tone.
Whispers started to form around Dani. She was seething in anger, she didn’t plan for that to happen today, before she could get a hit on Sunji, people crowded her.
“So, you were spreading lies? Wow I can’t believe I believed you. I should’ve known you can manipulate people into believing anything” another classmate said in a disappointed tone. “I wish I could take back those emails I sent to Nari.”
Classmates now started to curse at Dani. Yunho grabbed Sunji’s hands and led her away from the classmates who are now angry at Dani.
“You did great, Nari is going to be really grateful of you” he said with a smile. “Now let’s go before any chaos happens.”
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A few days later, after all the chaos. Dani couldn’t graduate and got expelled the next day after everything was exposed. All the other classmates, except Sunji and Yunho, had received punishments. Nari was able to go to school without any obstacles, and people soon started apologizing to her.
Graduation was only a few days away and things were going crazy. But Nari was happy that her life is going back to normal like it should’ve been.
“Are you ready to graduate?” Seonghwa asked.
“Hmm I’m not sure. I’m not really that ready to step out in the real world” she said as she twirled her pencil around her fingers.
“Don’t worry, you can move in with me after graduation” he said.
“Are you sure?” She asked and he nodded.
“Yep” he said and then pulled something out of his pockets. “Here”
He slid the extra pair of keys across the table. It was the key to his house. She took the keys gratefully and smiled at him. “Thank you for helping me through this mess.”
“You’re welcome” he said with a smile. “Let’s go get you home, you have to prepare for graduation.”
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vgckwb · 3 years
ML: Isolation Chapter 23: Like Clockwork
It was Friday, the day of the charity auction. While Adrien was hoping for a surprise this evening, something happened after school that took the entire class by storm. “Um Mylene?” Ivan asked. Mylene looked up. “Um, before we head to the shelter today, I...oh boy, I need to say something.”
Mylene grabbed Ivan’s hand. “What is it Ivan?”
Ivan’s face grew beat red. “Um, well, uh….” He took a breath. “I know I’m a bit rough around the edges, and sometimes I find it hard to say what I mean, and I can be intimidating, but I’ve felt like this for a while now and spending time together only amplified everything. So um, what I’m saying is, um, Mylene, would you...be my girlfriend?”
Mylene was now blushing. The entire class was looking at her. She gazed upon Ivan. His size was imposing, but she knew him well enough to know that this wasn’t to be intimidating. She looked at his bashful smile and found her answer. Mylene hugged Ivan. “Oh Ivan,” she began, “of course I will.”
Ivan was surprised, but smiled, and hugged her back. The entire class started cheering. As they cheered, Ivan and Mylene stopped hugging fully, looked into each other’s eyes, and gave each other a kiss. They leaned on each other and headed out.
Adrien smiled as they left. What a lovely couple. Hopefully, things will go just as smoothly with Marinette. Of course, I have to wait. Tonight… He turned to see Lila. She waved. He waved back. Tonight I have to handle her. Let’s hope it goes well.
While that was happening, Lila was thinking. Hmm, I guess Ivan was braver than I thought. No matter. They can be a couple. After all… Lila noticed Adrien’s eyes were on her. She waved seductively. Adrien waved back. I’ve got my eyes on a bigger prize. Adrien and I would make a great power couple. I just gotta make him see that. Still, I’m sure he’ll see things my way soon enough. Especially after tonight. Soon after, the entire class disbursed.
Everyone was getting ready for the big night. Adrien had just finished putting on his formal wear. There was a knock at the door. “Come in, I’m proper!” he said. Nathalie walked in. “Oh, hi Nathalie,” he said, “ are you attending as well?”
“Yes Adrien” Nathalie said.
“Good” Adrien responded.
“Although I am wondering why you decided to come along” Nathalie interjected. “When this was first brought up, you seemed hesitant.”
Adrien froze. Right… I forgot to tell Nathlaie about all of this. After being taken aback, he just said the first thing that popped into his mind. “So um do you want the truth?”
Nathalie facepalmed. “Adrien… Please tell me you’re not doing a Cat Noir thing.”
“Well, I’m not” Adrien said, “but Kagami is.” Nathalie sighed. “I’m just there to suss out information.”
Nathalie looked up from her palm. She glared at Adrien, then walked to the door to lock it. She walked back. “We have half an hour before your parents are ready to leave, so start talking.”
Adrien was nervous, but he had total faith in Nathalie. He sighed, calmed down, and explained the entirety of the plan. After Adrien explained the ins and outs of what tonight would entail, Nathalie looked at him. She sighed. “Honestly, sometimes it seems like this is more trouble than it’s worth.”
“Trust me Nathalie” Adrien said, full of confidence, “it’s worth as much trouble as it takes.”
“What makes you so sure?” Nathalie said.
“Because…” Adrien began. “I know what it’s like to be truly and wholly alone. And I don’t want anyone to feel like that. So, I’ll do whatever it takes to help Marinette out of this.”
Nathalie smiled. She nodded. “Very well. I just wish you would have told me so I could help you more.”
“Sorry” Adrien said. “I’ve been a bit distracted with a few things. We would have liked your help tonight.”
“Oh, I’ll still help,” Nathalie said. Adrien was surprised. “I’m not your father’s assistant for nothing.” She walked to the door, unlocked it, and opened it. Before she left fully, she asked “Are you coming?” Adrien was befuddled, but upon hearing the question nodded and hurried out the door as well.
Meanwhile, as Tom and Sabine were packing up to deliver their treats, Marinette approached them in her going out look, carrying a duffle bag filled with Kagami’s costume, as well as the sign. This took them by surprise. “Sweetie…” Sabine said.
“Hey…” Marinette replied. She stopped.
After a few seconds, Sabine asked “What’s going on?”
Marinette hesitated a little, but then said “So, um, I guess I haven’t told you yet…”
“Told us what?” Tom asked.
“Well…” Marinette began. She then proceeded to stumble through an explanation of what was going on. “So, yeah… That’s, um, that’s been happening…”
Tom and Sabine were shocked. Marinette was a little ashamed and embarrassed. However, her parents gave her a hug. “We’re so proud of you,” Sabine said.
“I’m glad you’re starting to experience the world again,” Tom added.
Marinette felt immensely relieved. She gave her parents a hug back. “Thank you. For always being there for me.”
They broke the hug. “And don’t worry,” Tom said. “I’ll make sure that that Adrien boy likes you back.”
“DAAAAAAAD” Marinette said, embarrassed.
Sabine giggled. “Well, I think it’s time we get going. Are you ready?” Marinette nodded. Tom and Sabine finished loading their desserts up, while Marinette snuck into the car.  Just by chance, she checked her phone.
Adrien: Hey, uh, Nathalie is in on this as well now.
Chloe: Your dad’s secretary?!
Chloe: How?
Marinete: She’s known about this for a little bit.
Chloe: Oh…
Kagami: What does that mean?
Adrien: I’m not 100% sure myself…
Adrien: BUT she did say she would help somehow tonight.
Kagami: Well that’s...good I guess.
Marinette: I like it.
Marinette: I like having another layer to this.
Marinette: That way if anything goes wrong, we’ll have more protection.
Chloe: Well, when you put it like that…
Kagami: It never hurts to be a little more prepared.
Adrien: True.
Adrien: Well, best of luck everyone.
Kagami: Thank you.
Marinette: Thanks.
Chloe: Thanks.
They put away their phones, as they set off to fulfill their mission.
Marinette’s parents were unloading their sweets, while Marinette herself snuck into the Louvre. She was careful enough to not get noticed by any of the staff, as they were preoccupied with many other things.
However, just as she was almost to the ladies’ room, she heard a voice from behind her. “Ladybug?” they called out. Marinette turned around. It was Ondine, Kim’s girlfriend, dressed to the nines in an elegant dress. “Is that actually you?”
Marinette panicked for a moment. “Umm, yeah” she answered. Why did I say anything? She’ll figure me out for sure!
“What are you doing here?” Ondine asked.
Marinette was confused. Oh, right, Ondine doesn’t really know who I am… “Well, uh, I’m helping Cat Noir” she answered nervously.
“Cat Noir? He’s here?” Ondine inquired.
“Well, he’s going to be,” Marinette responded. “I’m going to be laying in wait until the perfect moment presents itself.” Why am I saying all of this? I mean, it seems to be working, but still…
“Cool” Ondine said. “Um, why is Cat Noir coming here?”
“Well, that’s kind of complicated,” Marinette explained. “Basically, something happened a while ago where something went missing, and Cat Noir is investigating to see if he can find it.”
“I see…” Ondine responded. “Why not investigate during normal hours of operation?”
“Well, that’s also a little complicated…” Marinette stumbled. “But, I guess the best way to put it without ruining the surprise would be that the opportunity presented itself.”
“Woah,” Ondine said. She got energized. “This sounds amazing!”
“Well I’m a bit nervous about the whole thing” Marinette unloaded. “We’re not sure if we’ll be able to find anything, but we’re giving it a try.”
“Well, good luck,” Ondine said. Marinette nodded. As she was about to head into the bathroom, Ondine asked “Is there something I can do to help?”
Well, she’s already this far in. Might as well bring it on home. “Actually yes. Follow me.” Marinette led Ondine into the restroom. They approached one of the stalls. Marinette rummaged through her back and pulled out the Out of Order sign and some tape. “Here.Once I’m inside, could you tape this to the door?”
Ondine nodded. “Sure thing Ladybug! But, um, what’s this for?”
“Oh, well, this is going to be my hiding place,” Marinette explained. “Cat Noir is going to meet with me here once everything is set.”
Ondine seemed confused. “I mean, I can’t say I don’t understand the logic. No one would expect Cat Noir in the women’s restroom, but um, isn’t this a bit too bold?”
“Well, this whole plan is bold, so we figured ‘let’s go the whole nine yards’, you know?” Marinette rationalized.
Ondine smiled. “I get it.” Marinette smiled and nodded. She entered the stall and Ondine placed the sign on the door. “There.”  She slid the tape under the tall. Marinette picked it up.
Ondine got a little embarrassed. “You know, I have to thank you.” Marinette was intrigued. Ondine smiled. She started fidgeting. “For a while, people have only seen me as being, well, sporty. And I agree that that’s a part of me, but I never really felt...cute. I always thought that since I wasn’t like the typical cute girl, I thought I couldn’t be.
But then I saw one of your designs. I was amazed. I tried it on, and for the first time ever, I felt adorable. I felt like I could be the person who I always wanted to be. Sporty, yes, but also cute and adorable, and well, girly at times too. It was such an eye opener. And even this dress I’m wearing now is a Ladybug original, and I feel like I couldn’t look cuter if I tried.
And that confidence instilled in me gave me the courage to say yes when Kim finally asked me out. I’ve been pining for him forever, but until I tried on your designs, I thought it was a dream that could never be. So, thank you. For everything.”
Marinette’s eyes were welling up. She sniffed. “Thank you,” she said.
Ondine was a little surprised, but quickly understood that that kind of compliment was something Ladybug needed to her. She smiled and said “You’re welcome Ladybug.” She started walking out. “And good luck on this endeavor with Cat Noir.” She left.
Marinette sniffed again. “Yeah.”
As the charity auction began, more guests started appearing. Soon, the Agrestes arrived. Adrien looked at the Louvre with a smile on his face, and determination in his heart. His father noticed. “Well, this is certainly a surprise.”
“Indeed” his mother added. “I haven’t seen you smiling at an event like this unless you were trying to run away from it.”
“Tell me son,” Gabriel asked, “what about this event makes you feel like this?”
“Well, uh” Adrien began, not knowing how to answer.
Nathalie placed her hand on his shoulder. “It’s not necessarily the event itself” she answered for Adrien. “As good a cause as this is, this is also Adrien’s first high society outing since you let him attend school publicly. Adrien has a new found energy he can bring to events like this.”
Gabriel and Emilie were stunned. “Oh. I see” said Gabriel.
“Well, if Adrien’s this excited, I think we made the right choice” Emilie added.
Gabriel smiled. “I should have figured. Remember how fed up you were with events like this until we had Adrien?”
“Gabriel” Emilie whined. Gabriel laughed.
“You didn’t like these kinds of events either?” Adrien said.
Emilie turned to her son. “Well, maybe a little. But I never did any of the shenanigans you used to pull.”
“The closest she got to anything like you did was drag me into a closet” Gabriel mocked.
“Gabriel!” Emilie whined more sternly.
Gabriel laughed slightly. “I’m sorry.”
Emilie smiled. She kissed Gabriel on the cheek. “I forgive you.” She moved in closer and whispered “You know, I’m not opposed to the closet idea tonight either.” Gabriel chuckled, delighted, and pulled Emilie in for a tight embrace. Adrien was confused, but decided to leave it be. The family continued walking in.
Soon, the evening was in full swing. People were socializing left and right. People were enjoying the provided food, and in particular, people were starting to realize just how much they missed the desserts from the Dupain-Cheng bakery.
Meanwhile, Adrien was wandering around. “Adrien!” Lila called out. Adrien turned around, saw Lila, and proceeded to walk over to her. “I’m so glad I found you. I can’t wait to show you around.” She reached out, then stopped. “Um, may I grab your arm?”
Adrien smiled. “By all means, lead the way.”
Lila smiled, grabbed onto Adrien’s arm, and said “Great! Let’s go!” Lila started walking, and Adrien followed in step.
Alright Adrien. This is all to figure out where she may have hidden the piece. Just endure it like you have before. Besides, he thought about Marinette, he looked at Lila, they say it’s always darkest before the dawn. Tonight is about facing this darkness, so I can face the beautiful dawn of tomorrow. The two kept walking.
As this was happening, Chloe was walking around as well. She was comparing the guard’s positions to her notes. She noticed nothing out of the ordinary and was relieved. “Chloe?” Sabrina said, sneaking up on her.
“Ah, Sabrina!” Chloe yelped, turning to face her. “Eh heh.”
Sabrina smiled. “Are you working on that thing you told me about?”
Chloe smiled nervously. “Ha ha, yeah.”
“I hope it goes well” Sabirna said sweetly with a smile. Chole was surprised and started blushing. “Where is Cat Noir anyway?” Sabrina had a look of realization. “Oops. I wasn’t supposed to say his name, was I?”
Chloe relaxed and smiled. “You’re fine. I don’t think anyone heard you.” She looked at Sabrina. She thought about Lila’s threat. She was scared for a second, but then thought No, it’s OK. I’m working with other people to make sure that doesn’t happen. … “Other people” huh…
Chloe reflected on this. The only other person that would even think of helping her before all of this was right in front of her. But now? She has the support of a small circle of friends. And they had hers as well. I guess I really am growing.
“Chloe?” Sabrina asked. “Is everything alright? You seem kind of worried.
Chloe shook herself back to reality for a bit. “Ah, yes, well, this mission is kind of stressful.There’s a lot to it, you know.”
Sabrina simply smiled and said “It’s OK.” She picked up Chloe’s hand. “I believe in you.”
Chloe was stunned. She relaxed a little, and then said “Thanks.” I can’t. Not now anyways. She looked back at Sabrina. But soon.
As the night progressed, the auction started. Meanwhile, Lila led Adrien around to some places around the Louvre, describing things she enjoyed. While Adrien was smiling on the outside, inside he was dying. Ugh! This is awful. Lila is just plain miserable. She’s describing everything here as if she were the authority on it, but has as much knowledge of history and art as a Capuchin monkey. Maybe less.
He glanced at Lila as she was explaining something, smiled, and let out a chuckle. Lila let out one in return. I know misery likes company, but I don’t think company likes misery back.
Despite his best efforts to pay attention, nothing Lila pointed out seemed like she had an affinity to it. It was just stuff she liked. Maybe this was a dud. Ugh. While Lila was explaining something, Adrien interrupted. “Ahem.” Lila turned her attention towards him. “Maybe we should head back.” He checked his phone. “The auction’s been going for a bit. Our parents might be worried if we’re not back before it’s all done.”
Lila smiled. “You’re right. Thanks for keeping me in check.” They started walking. “I just love art and history so much, I can’t help but get lost in it.
I wish! Adrien thought to himself.
“Still, we should come again sometime. I haven’t even shown you my favorite piece.”
Adrien was alerted. “Favorite piece”? That’s something. “What is it?”
“Well, I don’t wanna ruin the surprise…” Lila said. “Oh, what the heck. My favorite piece is the portrait of Napoleon in his regalia.”
“Why is that?” Adrien said.
“Well, I feel like it just has this energy to it, you know?” Lila answered. “Like, he is the thing he embodies in that image. The power, the prestige. It’s just amazing. Just looking at it, I find something new every time. It has many secrets, you know?”
And that was enough for Adrien to feel confident enough to pursue this lead. He smiled. “I think I do.”
Lila giggled. “I’m glad. Let’s keep going.” Lila started walking. Adrien got out his phone and started walking as well, while messaging everyone.
Adrien: I think I have something.
Adrien: The portrait of Napoleon in regalia.
Chloe: Ugh, finally. Took you long enough.
Adrien: Normally I’d shrug that off, but I’m not in the mood right now.
Adrien: You don’t know what I had to do to get this.
Kagami: That bad, huh?
Adrien: It was awful.
Chloe: ...Sorry
Adiren: It’s fine.
Adrien: Kagami, do you know where to go?
Kagami: Roger!
Adrien: Great. I leave the rest to you and Chloe.
Marinette: And ME!
Marinette: Don’t forget about me.
Adrien paused for a moment.
Adrien: Right. Sorry.
Marinette: Thanks.
Adrien put his phone down and continued walking back. Once he got to his table, he noticed it was only Nathalie there. “Where are my parents?” he asked.
“They followed through on their earlier plans” Nathalie explained. Adrien seemed confused. “Don’t worry about it.”
Meanwhile, Kagami broke off from her table. “I’m going to use the restroom,” she told her mother. “Is that alright?” Tomoe nodded. “Thanks.” She proceeded to leave. She made her way to the specific restroom Marinette was hiding in. Once inside, she found the stall and knocked on it. “Marinette, it’s me.”
Marinette opened the door. Kagami slipped in and closed the door. She started undressing. Once her dress was off, she looked at Marinette. Marinette was blocking her view with the bag. “Marinette, it’s fine. Besides, I need you to see so you can hand me my disguise.”
Marinette lowered the bag. She was blushing. “Oh, uh, OK.” She unzipped the bag and started handing Kagami her costume piece by piece.
“Thank you” said a still half-naked Kagami. She handed Marinette her dress. “Here. Be careful with that.”
“Of course,” Marinette said. “What kind of a fashion designer would I be to ruin something like this?” Kagami nodded. She got changed into her Cat Noir outfit. She grunted in confidence and headed out.
While making her way to the painting, Kagami messaged Chloe.
Kagami: I’m en route. Anything I should look out for?
Chloe: At the moment, not really. There are a few guards, but you should be able to avoid them just fine.
Kagami: Thanks.
Kagami kept moving. She encountered one or two guards, but was able to sneak past them with ease. She made it to the picture Adrien had mentioned. She looked at it for a second. Of course it wouldn’t be in plain sight. She began to feel around the frame. As she lifted it, something fell to the ground with a light ting. Kagami let go of the picture and looked down. She picked up the piece, and recognized it as part of a pocket watch. Bingo!
“Hey! Who’s there?!” A guard yelled. Kagami looked at where the voice was coming from, and then headed the opposite way.
Meanwhile, the auction was going off, and Gabriel and Emilie had returned looking a bit messy. Alix’s dad was heading the auction, while Alix and her brother sat at his side. “Alright everyone, it’s time for our final piece of the night.” Some handlers brought it out. “This is an 18th century grandfather clock, adorned with gold. It was commissioned by a count, and it still works. Let’s start the bidding at 75,000 Euros.” The bids started going up. Once it reached its apex, Mr. Kubdel said “Going once...going twice…”
Before he could bang his gavel, Kagami came rushing in. One by one, everyone was glancing at the figure running through the Louvre. Behind her, a pair of guards were chasing her. Kagami grinned. Almost there. She dramatically leapt onto the stage where the Kubdels were. She dashed over to Alix.
Alix looked up. “Cat Noir?” Kagami took the piece out of her pocket and showed Alix. Alix was in awe. She grabbed the piece. “Where did you find this?”
Kagami smiled. With her voice modulator on, she said “I found it behind a ruler.” Alix was slightly confused, but didn’t have time to process it before Kagami left the stage and started running again.
“What is it?” Alix’s dad asked her.
Alix was still in shock, so it took her a few seconds to answer. “It’s the missing piece,” she said. “Cat Noir found it.”
Mr. Kubdel was shocked. “You mean, from the watch?” Alix nodded. “HA! I don’t believe it!”
“Neither do I” Alix said. She looked at it and smiled. “But it’s right here.”
“Well this is splendid!” Mr. Kubdel said. Just as the guards were continuing to follow Kagami, Mr. Kubdel stopped them. “Halt!” The guards looked at him. “Where did that person come from?”
“Ehe?” the guard answered. “Um, we found them messing with one of the Napoleon portraits.”
“I see” Mr. Kubdel said. “Remember that incident from a year ago?” They nodded. “Well, it seems the missing piece has been found by that mysterious Cat Noir.”
“Oh!” said the guard.
“Although we don’t know how it ended up there” Mr. Kubdel said. “Please, investigate this as soon as possible.”
“But sir. Wasn’t it the young girl who broke it?” the guard asked.
“No” Alix said, surprising the people around her. “Our focus was on her the entire time. She had no time to hide it.” Alix looked a little frustrated.
“...I guess that’s true” the guard responded.
“Now then, we should look into what really happened” Mr. Kubdel said.
“Roger sir!’ the guard said. They headed off.
Mr. Kubdel turned his attention back to the audience. “Well, pardon the interruption everyone, but I think we can agree that that was worth it. Or at least better than last time.” The audience chuckled. “Now then, where were we?”
Kagami was rushing to the restroom. At this point, no guard was following her, but she was feeling it. She made it back and again, slipped into the stall Marinette was in. “How’d it go?”
“Perfect” Kagami siad, as she started to change out of her Cat Noir costume and back into her dress. “I’ll come pick up the costume at a later date.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Marinette said. Kagami left.
Just as Marinette was about to leave, she got a text from Nathalie. “Marinette. Don’t leave just yet.”
Marinette texted back “OK”.
After the auction was over, everyone started leaving. Alix was still staring at the piece. “Isn’t it just great that Cat Noir found it?” Mr. Kubdel asked.
“Huh?” Alix said, caught off guard. “Oh. Yeah. Of course.”
“Here” Mr. Kubdel said, holding his hand out. “I’ll fix it up right away.” Alix smiled and gave the piece to her father.
At the Agreste family table, Nathalie got up. “I’m heading to the bathroom before we go” she said. She left abruptly.
Adrien smiled. “Adrien!” Lila said. Adrien turned around. Lila rushed up to him. “I had a wonderful evening. I can’t wait to do something like this again.”
Adrien smiled. He could tell Lila was throw off a little bit. I’m not sure if she’s suspicious of me, so maybe I should just add a little more charm to throw her off the scent for a bit. “Neither can I” he said. He grabbed Lila’s hand, and gave it a kiss.
Lila blushed. “Oh my.”
“Farewell” Adrien said. Lila walked off to meet up with her mother.
Meanwhile, Gabreil turned to Emilie and said “They seem cute together, don’t they?” Emilie giggled.
In the restroom, Marinette heard a knock. “It’s me,” Nathalie said.
Marinette opened the door. “What are you doing here?”
“Move” Nathalie said. Marinette did. Nathalie revealed a hidden wrench she had on her. She got down and toyed around with the toilet. “There.”
“Um, why did you do that?” Marinette asked.
“To throw people off further,” Nathalie said. “We can leave the sign up, and the people who saw this sign will think it’s for that instead of nothing, should anyone b suspicious after what happened tonight.”
“Oh I see,” Marinette said.
“Anyways, people are leaving now,” Nathalie said. “It’ll be the perfect time to get away.”
Marinette nodded. “Thank you Nathalie.” Marinette ran off. Nathalie left soon after.
As soon as Adrien got home he rushed to his room. His parents were a little slower going to their room, as they were gearing up to continue what they were doing in the closet. Nathalie stayed downstairs to work on a few things.
Once Adrien got to his bedroom, he headed to his bathroom, found a bottle of mouthwash, and started gulping it down. After five or six gulps, he had to breathe. “Blagh! I can’t believe I kissed Lila’s hand like that.” He downed some more mouthwash. He breathed again. “No matter. Tomorrow, I’m meeting with Marinette.” He smiled. “Let’s hope it goes better than tonight.” He changed into his pajamas and went to bed.
12 notes · View notes
tae-cup · 4 years
The Last Great American Dynasty | KTH Oneshot
Inspired by: Taylor Swift’s “The Last Great American Dynasty”
Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Reader
Summary: A successful businessman meets a woman he never should have met.
Warnings: N/A, ANGST, but also lots of fluff!
Word Count: 5.8k (I really did get carried away with this one. And for what?)
A/N: I just got inspired-anywho, how’s everyone doing today?? Stay safe and wash your hands haha also I’m sorry about the end...
Other: Masterlist
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There goes the last great American dynasty Who knows, if she never showed up, what could've been There goes the maddest woman this town has ever seen She had a marvelous time ruining everything
“Mr. Kim! Mr. Kim!” Dozens of reporters shouted as a handsome man made his way to his car. “Mr. Kim!” When he took a second to look back at the crowd, the reporters went into a frenzy. 
“Mr. Kim! Where are you going?”
“Mr. Kim! Is it true that your marriage with Jennie is two months away?” 
“Mr. Kim!” 
And on and on it went. The flashing lights and clicking of cameras wasn’t anything new to him. Taehyung simply smiled at the questions before stepping into his car. The driver started maneuvering through the mob of people. Inside, his stomach turned, disgusted at the thought of his arranged marriage with Jennie. He wanted to choose someone for himself, shouldn’t he be allowed that? The dark haired man was off on a short trip to somewhere secluded to enjoy his freedom. Then he would return a month before the wedding. As the scenery of buildings turned to green, he leaned back. The quiet in the car was a sound he missed. 
You walked over to the next table, carefully balancing a tray of plates and drinks on one arm. The other held the order number. Your hair was tied up in a messy bun. It hadn’t been messy when you started, it had just been hectic. Now, the lunch rush was dying down and this was your last table. You expected it would be the last table all day. You lived in a small town. Everyone knew everyone. 
“Mr. and Mrs. Jung, I have your food here.” You smiled and placed the plates in front of the married couple. They gave you warm smiles and went back to their conversation. You decided you would clean up your area early and head out. After all, every day was the same. The same residents came in and out. You knew there wouldn’t be anyone coming around. 
“Hey, Jisoo, I’m gonna clean up and then clock out. Want to go to the movies later?” You called back to your pretty friend who was manning the register and finishing up some order receipts. 
“Uh, sorry, Y/N,” She responded in a distracted voice as she focused on the totals. “I have a date.” 
“Oh, right! I completely forgot. How is he?” You wiggled your eyebrows. 
“Oh...He’s alright.” She smiled sheepishly, suddenly focused on the ground. 
“Just alright? Jisoo, he’s the catch of the town. Namjoon should be blessed to be in your presence.” 
She rolled her eyes, turning back to the register. You didn’t have much of a love life so you spent your time at home, at the diner, or wanting to know all the dirty secrets of Jisoo’s love life. Jisoo was classically beautiful. Full lips, long hair. and big eyes. It was no wonder she got the prettiest boy in town. Jisoo could have anyone in town. 
“Anyway, I’m sorry about the movies. I know you want to go see that new one.” 
“Live action Mulan can wait.” You chuckled. You walked into the back to grab a rag from the storage closet. You didn’t even hear the bell ring from the front that signaled someone entering the diner. “I mean, it’s just the most kick ass story of the 20th century and forever, am I right, Jisoo?” You found a rag and dunked it in the bucket of water nearby. Ringing it out, you started walking toward the front, damp rag in hand. “Jisoo?” 
Then you spotted what made her stop. It halted you in your tracks. 
“Oh.” You whispered to yourself. 
There stood a tall man with tan skin, beautiful full lips, and dark curly hair. Jisoo was nervously taking his order, but he didn’t seem to mind the wait. Your friend made a quick gesture under the counter. It said stop gaping you idiot. Then he looked at you. And oh, wasn’t the right word to describe your reaction. It was more like ohmygodwhoisthatwhyishesohandsomeshortcircuitinghelpme. When he shot you a small smile, you felt your heart flutter and start beating at an unusually fast pace. 
“Right this way, sir.” Jisoo hurried past you, carrying a napkin and silverware. She hadn’t expected anyone else either and had put away all the napkins and silverware. When she bumped past you, it was like the world went back to normal. You quickly went about cleaning the counters, trying to resist the urge to look at the handsome stranger a few tables away. 
He looked out the window idly as if he had all the time in the world. One hand tapped the table and he rested his chin in the other. His eyes just watched the treeline as if it could change at any moment. There was a distant look on his face. 
The bell rung at the kitchen and you jumped at the intrusion. It had been quiet. If it wasn’t for the tapping of his fingers, it would seem as if no one was there. You hurried to the back and carefully put his plate on a tray along with his drink. Then you made your way out where he sat. You didn’t want to break the lovely quiet, but you had to. 
“Hello!” You said cheerily, flashing him a winning smile. “I have your order of noodles and a coke.” You put down the plate and cool drink in front of him. 
The man watched you intently. You pushed a strand of hair behind your ear as you turned around to head back to cleaning tables. 
“What’s your name?” He said, his voice a deep rumble. 
“Ah, I’m Y/L/N Y/F/N.” You dipped your head in greeting, turning to face him again. 
“I’m Kim Taehyung.” His mouth twitched into a smile. 
“It’s nice to meet you.” 
Before you could go back again, he spoke, “Do you live here, in this town?” 
“Yes, sir.” You responded politely. 
“Here, come sit with me. I want to know more about this town.” He patted the seat next to him. You looked at him with hesitation. Finally, you found the courage to move forward. Instead of sitting beside him, you slid onto the seat across from him in the booth. 
“You’re new around here.” You pointed out, feeling dumb. Of course he’s not from around here.
“What gave it away?” He chuckled. You felt your tense shoulders relaxing. Taehyung was devilishly handsome. The name was familiar to you, but you couldn’t place your finger on it. 
“The suit. The car.” You gestured outside to the porsche. “Plus, I don’t recognize you and everyone knows everyone here.” You explained. 
The dark haired man looked pleased at your observations. “Tell me more about this town.” 
“Oh, okay, well, it used to be a mining and trading town. Settlers came from all over to find gold and trade silk.” You listed the history you remembered from your class. “But then we ran out and...” You sighed, thinking of the sad history of your dead beat town. “...and everyone left. My family stayed. We’ve been here since the beginning. I’ve always wanted to leave this place.” You whispered the last part. 
Then you turned to him, surprised as if just seeing him there. Did you just really pour out your thoughts with no filter to a stranger? He made you feel comfortable. He didn’t seem to judge you. You remembered the first person you told about wanting to leave. Your older sister had practically sobbed how unfair it would be if you left and not her. How you had to stay because it was family tradition. How you’d break your parents’ hearts. 
Well now your mother was dead, your father never home, and you had no college education. That didn’t stop you from trying and you were in no way stupid. You just didn’t have the means to get out of this town. Your sister had health complications and you felt obligated to stay. You were only 20. 
“I know how you feel.” Taehyung’s voice ripped you from your thoughts. “I wanted to get away from my life for a while. That’s why I’m here.” 
You tilted your head, taking in his words. What was so bad in his life that he needed to escape to the middle of nowhere? 
“I hope you can find something important in this town, then.” Your voice was tired. People came and went, but no one ever stayed. 
“Yes...hopefully.” When he looked at you, there was something in his eyes that you couldn’t quite read. 
He was fascinated by you. You didn’t ask too many questions and he was having a genuine conversation with someone for the first time in...years. I miss this. He thought to himself. 
“What do you do for work?” You asked, genuine curiosity tingeing your voice. You couldn’t help wondering about the newcomer in town. 
“Business.” He replied vaguely. You had a feeling he didn’t want you to pry, so you switched subjects. 
“This place used to be busy, you know?” You began. He looked at you, encouraging you to continue so you did. “I mean, when I was in high school I would have to try not to run into people at the shopping center.” You shook your head slightly at the memory. “Now I have trouble finding people.” 
“Where did everyone go?” 
The words struck a chord in you. You’d had those words ringing in your head since you graduated high school. It was lonely in this town. Your sister was in the hospital miles outside of town and your friends were merely ghosts besides Jisoo. He must have sense the atmosphere changed as he cleared his throat. Your eyes darted around his face, looking for any ulterior motives. Once deciding there were none, you sighed and gave in to the question. 
“I’m not entirely sure. Jisoo and I don’t talk about it usually.” You shifted uncomfortably in your seat. “But I think everyone left as fast as possible once high school ended and no one bothered looking back. This town will just be ghosts in a few years.” You admitted, clasping your hands together on the table. The thought of this town dying so easily always made you feel a tad emotional. You gave up your future for this. 
He nodded along. A muscle in his jaw twitched. “That’s what happened to my town.” 
That caught you off guard. Your expression must have said exactly that because he continued.
“I came from a small town just like this one. I guess this place gives me nostalgia. Now I live in Seoul. I was one of those teens who left and never came back. But I went to visit a few years ago and I knew there was nothing left for me in that town.” He shrugged nonchalantly, but it clearly still bothered him. You found yourself placing a hand on his and giving it a quit squeeze. 
“I’m sorry that happened to you.” You peered into his dark gaze. His breath hitched. Then he looked away, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. 
“Well, the past is past.” It barely came out as a whisper. You quickly withdrew your hand, realizing how intimate it seemed. You supposed you were just used to that kind of intimacy living in such a small town. 
“Achem, right. Well, I have to close up.” You excused yourself and slid out of the booth. Golden rays of sunlight painted the diner in a soft hue. His face practically glowed in this lighting. 
“Of course, of course.” He murmured, suddenly distant again. His eyes watched the trees that now cast long shadows on the road. 
You hurried to grab the long forgotten rag and started scrubbing at the counters. Jisoo looked at you, an amused grin on her face. You knew instantly that she’d seen the entire thing. 
“I see you two are getting along.” She teased. 
“Oh shush.” You huffed, heat crawling up your face. 
“Come on, Y/N, would it be so terrible to fall in love and leave this town? When Namjoon feels ready, he said he’d be willing to leave as well.” She said. Your head whipped around to face her. 
Her gaze softened at you. She came over and put a hand on your shoulder. “I’d never leave you behind here, but please at least consider it.” You tore your body away in disgust. 
“Jisoo, You know I can’t just up and leave, even if I did find someone. I have to look after Lisa and make sure my father isn’t dead by the side of the road every night.” You hissed. 
“I know-”
You two were cut off by a sudden presence. Taehyung placed the money owed on the table and smoothed out his suit. He dipped his head to the both of you. 
“Thank you, Jisoo, Y/N.” He said politely. 
The way your name sounded on his tongue made you shiver. Your conversation was abruptly halted and you felt tongue-tied, all anger forgotten. 
“Y/N, care to go to the movies with me sometime this week?” He casually stated, shaking you from your stupor. You pointed bleakly at yourself while mouthing me? He smiled softly at your confusion. 
“Y-Yes, I’d love to.” Your shock came across. He loved the open display of emotions on your face, on everyone around here. It was so unlike the poker face everyone gave him in the business world. 
“Does...does Friday work?” You asked cautiously. Jisoo looked between the two of you, a smirk on her face. 
“I’ll do whatever works best for you, I have an open schedule.” 
“Great, then how about I meet you after my shift on Friday. I finish up at 6 P.M. then.” You said, your voice not quite timid, but not quite sure either. 
“Sounds great.” He then turned and left. Taehyung found himself smiling at the obvious nervousness on your face. He found your face invading his mind as he got into the car. You were an open book and he wanted to read everything he could. 
“Hey, I’m clocking out early!” You called to Jisoo. It had been four days since your mini fight with her and you two acted as if it didn’t happen. Jisoo just smiled as you grabbed your car keys and raced out the glass front door. 
“Have fun!” She shouted at you, hoping you heard her. You had only lied a little when you said your shift ended at 6 P.M. You actually got off around 5:30 P.M., but you decided to leave at 5 instead to get ready for your date. 
Was it a date? Some part of you hoped it was. Taehyung had shown up every day for lunch since that Monday. Then after the rush was over, you would sit and talk with him or you would clean tables and talk. You hadn’t found someone who matched your speed of dialogue since forever. Jisoo was alright, but she usually gushed about Namjoon or about the crowds that came through. You two never went out together outside of work. 
You started up your car and soon enough you were at your apartment. It was a small one bedroom flat that was on top of the barber shop in town. Inside, there was fading paint from when you first moved in and a small kitchenette in the corner. You doubted it could even be called a kitchen. There wasn’t even an oven. You had a toaster oven, but it wasn’t fancy or anything. There was a microwave, a small fridge wedged between two small cabinets, and, thank god, a dishwasher. You hurried past the mess in the sink and towards the small room in the back. The bedroom held a queen sized bed, you had insisted, and that left hardly any space. After a shower, you surveyed your options for outfits. You finally decided on a simple combination of blue jeans, a soft tan turtleneck sweater, and brown heeled boots. You brushed your hair thoroughly and pulled out your limited makeup supplies. You didn’t have much time to do anything besides be at the diner. Dates were nonexistent. 
It’s not that you thought yourself ugly, you just didn’t seem to catch anyone’s eye. You carefully applied light foundation and lip gloss. Then you attached a pair of hoop earrings to your ears. Your hands gripped the edge of the sink as you had a mini crisis. To put your hair up or not. Well, you decided to leave it down. After all, he saw you in your messy bun everyday. Your hair fell in waves a smile gracing your lips as you stared at your reflection. You had put effort into your appearance for the first time in months and...you felt pretty. Your hands unclenched themselves from the sink and now went to smooth the nonexistent wrinkles in your sweater. 
You checked the time, cursing as you realized it was almost 6 P.M. You grabbed your purse and flew out the door. Your heels clicked against the concrete stairs as you made your way downstairs. Then you saw him. 
He was leaning against his car, arms crossed as he waited for you. 
“Taehyung!” You called, waving to get his attention. His eyes flicked up to you, his face instantly lighting up at your appearance. 
“Y/N! You look stunning.” He complimented. It was true. Even in your waitress outfit you were stunning to him. Everyday he got to know you more and he was completely infatuated with you. He stepped to the side and opened the passenger door, holding your hand and helping you in. You chuckled at his princely behavior. Or maybe this was what it was supposed to be like? The last boy you tried with was in high school and he had been far from dashing or a prince charming. Very unlike Taehyung. 
“You look quite ravishing yourself.” You said teasingly. He shut the door and went around to the driver’s side. 
“Now, uh, I don’t actually know where the movie theater is.” He confessed, turning to you with a hesitant smile. You couldn’t help but giggle. The drive was then spent giving him directions to the movie theater which was on the outskirts of town. When he asked why, you shrugged and claimed it was the only building available at the time. 
As he pulled into the small parking lot of the theater, he glanced at your form beside him. You were looking out the window, no doubt surveying surroundings you’ve seen most of your life. 
“How’s your sister?” He asked gently. You let out a deep breath. Ever since you’d admitted your situation to him, he’d been careful about the subject. Maybe it was a downer, but you never spoke of your sister. 
In all honesty, you loved your sister, but you also held a certain anger toward her. You tense, at his question. Then you turned to him. He killed the engine and you sat in darkness and silence. The moon shone overhead. Your mind reeled back in time as you told him about your past visit. 
You opened the door quietly, not wanting to disturb Lisa. She could never sleep because of the pain. No one could figure out what was wrong with her. One day she just woke up with an unbearable pain and it spread throughout her body. When the doctors told you she was sleeping, you almost wanted to turn back around, not wanting to wake her, but they insisted that she would be happy you came. 
So now you sat next to her, holding her hand. Her eyes blinked open, but they didn’t register your presence. 
“Lisa, I’m here, your little sister is here.” You whispered, brushing a strand of hair off her forehead. “I miss you. I miss your smile. I won’t leave this town until you can leave with me. I’ve been...I’ve been saving money. Once you’re better you and I can get out of here.” You gripped her hand. “But you just got to get better before that. We can leave and never look back.” 
There was no response. She didn’t even stir. You felt tears gathering at the corners of your eyes. 
“You know, I’m still so angry with you. You forced me to stay here with you, then you left me.” Your voice broke. You were sure she couldn’t even hear you. “But, Lisa, please don’t leave me here alone.” you started sobbing. “Who will I be?” 
You swiped at your eyes, still not letting go of her hand. “I’m sorry I’m being so selfish right now. I love you so much. Just keep fighting.” You felt tired, your body was heavy. There was the smallest twitch of her hand in yours. It would be imperceptible to most people, but you felt it. You gasped and stood, leaning over her glossy eyes. “Lisa! Lisa can you hear me? I felt your-I felt your hand move. I know you can hear me. I love you, you have to know that. It doesn’t matter if I’m mad at you or who I’ll be, because I’m no one without you. I’ll always love you.” 
You watched, looking for a sign of movement. But there was none. Just the quiet beeping of the heart monitor. 
You repeated the event, stopping before your long monologue. “So basically, she moved. I felt it. But she didn’t after that.” You frowned. “Sorry, this is too depressing for a first date.”
He held a hand up, looking guilty. “No, no, I asked the question, so...” Then he smiled widely. “And this is a date?” He was just messing with you. Of course he knew this was a date, but he loved watching you flush a deep red. 
“I-I mean it doesn’t have to be!” You stuttered out nervously. “I just thought, you know, because movies, and and and-” You rambled. 
“Do you want it to be?” He tilted his head slightly, leaning across the barrier between you two. A few inches and his lips could be on yours. 
“Yes.” You breathed softly. You wanted to desperately close the distance, even he seemed to falter for a moment. He took note of the distance and then the look in your eye. His gaze flickered to your lips and you thought he just might lean in to kiss you, but he pulled away with a smirk instead. You felt your heart drop and then flutter. 
“Then it is.” He opened the door and went around to help you out. You were still shocked. What just happened? Taehyung was a mystery to you. You stepped out of the car, trying to stop your legs from shaking. You were nervous, but you hoped he would think it was because of the cold. Before you could take another step, he took your hand in his and led the way. You felt your heart stop and your cheeks flushed red once again. Why couldn’t you get your act together around him? He made you feel both comfortable and nervous. 
You followed behind him as he went up to the ticket booth. A very bored looking teenage boy who looked to be asleep. Taehyung dropped your hand and you instantly missed his warmth as he pulled out his wallet. 
“Two, please, for Mulan.” He said to the ticket boy. The boy nodded lazily, pulling out two tickets. As he went to pay you suddenly shot your hand out. 
“Wait, I can pay for my ticket.” You said hurriedly. You didn’t want him paying for you because you always felt bad when people paid for your things. It made you feel guilty. 
“It’s okay, Y/N.” He raised an eyebrow. 
“I know, but Tae, I just feel guilty otherwise.” Tae. The name had slipped out of your mouth before you could even think. His gaze softened and he nodded, understanding your words.
“Okay.” He relented. “How about I pay for the tickets and you pay for concessions?” He spoke like a businessman. Then you remembered that he was a businessman. He must have caught his tone as well. It was a tone he used when bargaining with clients and partners. There was a certain kindness to it, but also something that said and that’s that. 
You nodded furiously to his suggestion and he shot you a smile before turning around and paying. Once inside, you ordered a large popcorn and a soda. Taehyung ordered a soda. 
“Are you sure you don’t want anything else?” You questioned. 
“No, it’s okay.” He said, placing his hands in his pockets. 
“How much were the tickets?” You narrowed your eyes. 
“$18. It’s really not a big deal.” 
“But Tae, This all only adds up to $15.” You gestured to the sodas and popcorn. Concessions in a small town will always be cheap. 
“I’m not really holding up my end of the deal.” You protested. He sighed. 
“Y/N, it’s three dollars.” Taehyung held your soda as you handed it to him to find your wallet. 
“I know, I just,” You bit your lip and dug out $15, placing it on the counter before turning back around. “You know how I am.” 
You took back your drink and placed the popcorn under your arm as you made your way into the theater. There was...quite literally no one there except you two. It made you feel nervous, not because of him, but because of what he did to you without realizing it. He made your heart race, your legs shake, and you couldn’t get him out of your head. What would happen in a darkened room with just the two of you? 
Well, nothing really happened. The movie started up and you both seemed very intent on watching it, though about half way through, his arm went around your shoulder. And now you could no long focus on the movie. You could only focus on his warm arm around you and how you wanted it to stay there. You barely moved, worried he might move his arm then. Taehyung looked focused on the movie, but little did you know that he snuck glances at you when you weren’t looking at him. Yes, he wasn’t an idiot, he could feel you gawking at him. He found it endearing. He was honestly surprised you still hadn’t figured out who he was. Maybe tales of billionaire CEOs didn’t make it this far. Then he remembered his tale involved an arranged marriage to a woman that would not be you. He stiffened thinking of it. It wasn’t that he didn’t think Jennie was lovely, no, he had met her, she seemed fine, but he felt she would always regard him as a business partner. You talked to him like a normal person. What happens when she finds out? He thought to himself. 
Taehyung could feel the movie was ending soon. So he took a moment to study you once more, your face illuminated by the screen. You happened to look towards him as well. Your eyes connected and it felt like time stopped. You could get lost in those eyes. He leaned forward. 
“ Y/N.” He breathed, voice deep and husky. 
“Yes?” You whispered, leaning in as well. 
“You’re absolutely stunning.” He murmured. Then you closed the small space between you and him. Your lips moved against him, needy and soft. You stood from your seat moving to straddle him. 
“Tae.” You moaned against his lips. His hands placed themselves on your hips, keeping you in place. When you broke away, he had this devilish grin on his face. 
“Be mine, Y/N.” 
That took you off guard. Yes, he was an excellent kisser, but you felt like you barely knew him. He must have seen doubt flash across your face because he carefully placed a kiss on your cheek. 
“Please?” His lips moved against your skin. You found yourself pulling away. no matter how much you longed for his lips. 
“I barely know you.” You muttered. “Tell me one truthful thing about you.” You looked at him with doubt in your eyes. 
His smile seemed forced. “Alright. I’m Kim Taehyung. The billionaire CEO to Bangtan Inc.” 
Your face became pale. You had heard his name before. You remembered him from somewhere. You could have easily fallen in love with him, but how had he kept this secret from you? You could understand it in the beginning, but you had gotten to know him so well. He knew everything about your life, you knew nothing about his. You were strangers. You jumped up, smoothing down your rumpled sweater. Panic raced through your veins. What had you done? You weren’t supposed to be anyone and you didn’t want to be caught up in a scandal. You found yourself rushing out the door. That’s the thing with everyone in your family. When you have a conflict, you run. The only constant in your life had been this goddamn town. 
“Y/N wait!” He ran after you. He grasped your wrist, halting you. No man had ever run after you once you’d run away. “You asked me, a long time ago, that you hoped I found something important here. Well, I did. I found you.” He breathed. The sight of his lips so close to yours drove you crazy. You craved his touch, despite your better judgement. 
“So what? You make out with me once and think I’ll be yours? I didn’t even know you were a billionaire, not that that changes anything, but Tae, jesus, this was important information. It’s terrifying how easily you hid it from me. What other things do I not know?” Then you remembered where you heard his name before and you felt your stomach drop. He stopped himself from moving towards you, know you had just realized what he didn’t want you to. You remembered him as the title of an article. An article that talks about his new fiance. You felt sick. You wanted to get his touch off your skin, wipe his kiss from your lips. “You’re engaged.”
His face instantly dropped. “No, Y/N, I don’t want to be engaged with her, it’s arranged.” He pleaded, trying to explain. 
“That doesn’t change anything! You may not like it, but you need to be faithful to her!” You were keeping yourself from hyperventilating. “I refuse to be a homewrecker. I’m just some girl from a ghost town.” You turned around, ripping your arm from his grasp and crossing your arms as you walked away down the street. Your head bent down, heels clicking on the pavement, as you tried not to cry. “Please just forget about me and go back home to your fiance.”
“You make me feel normal. Please, I don’t love her, Y/N.”
“And you think I love you?!” You practically screeched before sprinting away as fast as possible in your boots. 
There was a soft knock on your door. Your apartment was dark save for the TV which was currently airing the wedding preparations for Kim Taehyung and Kim Jennie. You felt your heart falter seeing his face for the first time in a while. He looked so unhappy, but you shooed away the possibility that it was about you. You couldn’t get him out of your mind and it only became harder every day. 
“Go away!” You said hoarsely, pulling another tissue out for your unending stream of tears. You still couldn’t believe that had happened to you. 
“It’s me, Jisoo. I just wanted to know if you’re coming for your shift today? It’s okay if you’re not, I understand it’s hard.” Jisoo had been extraordinarily kind to you since the incident and she had no reason to be. “I tried to text, but you’re not answering your phone.” 
You checked your phone. Indeed, there were three missed calls and a couple texts from her all dated to an hour ago. 
“Ah, Sorry, Jisoo.” You called, slowly getting up and opening the door a crack. “I don’t think I have the strength.” You admitted weakly. You felt like you had no strength. Like when Taehyung left, he took a huge chunk of you with him. 
“Listen, Y/N.” She gently peered into your face, studying your tear streaked cheeks. “There’s someone you might want to see. He’s at the diner.” 
Your heart stopped and you knew it must be him. You slowly nodded. “I’ll be there.”
It was busy, as always. At least with the crowds you could keep your mind off of who you were really waiting to see come through that door. As you helped the last customer of the rush out the door, you spotted a familiar black porsche pull up. You felt your breath quicken and your eyes stayed locked on the car. The man you had been waiting to see stepped out and it almost broke your heart all over again. He made eye contact with you and you could tell he was just as shocked. He visibly stiffened, eyes widening. You felt tears brimming, threatening to pour out. You couldn’t bring yourself to look away. You wish you had. Those eyes, like galaxies and pools of obsidian you could get lost in, turned and opened the passenger door. 
And out came a beautiful woman you could only guess was Jennie. You were moving before you could even think. You threw down the menus in your hand, eyes flicking over to the booth he used to sit at, and pulled your hair out of your bun. Without saying anything to Jisoo, you ran out the back door. You could hear two people calling your name. Jisoo. And Taehyung. 
You rushed out the back door, hyperventilating. Those eyes, those hands, that mouth. You couldn’t bear to see them again. He made you fall in love with him and then he left. 
“Y/N!” That deep voice had the hairs on the back of your neck stand tall. 
“Taehyung.” Your voice sounded weak and bitter. 
“Long time no see.” He offered painfully. 
“A long time indeed.” You whispered, facing him full on. He was just as handsome as you remembered him to be a few months ago. His eyes peered into yours, trying to convey a million words. I need you. I miss you. I love you. And you felt that piercing stare. 
“Tae, I never told you but-” You were cut off by another female voice. Her tone was laced with concern, but her eyes looked suspiciously between you and Taehyung. 
“Tae.” She said sweetly. “What’s wrong?” Then she turned to fully take you in. “And who’s this?” Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly. 
Taehyung looked at you, then his gaze flickered over to Jennie. “She’s no one important, Love.” He turned and grabbed her hand, dragging her back into the store and breaking you in two once more. 
There goes the last great American dynasty Who knows, if she never showed up, what could've been?
...... She had a marvelous time ruining everything
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Kdrama recs Part 1
Hullo and welcome to the kdrama life @camsthisky​! The following list is not in any particular order, other than the fact that I start with a more rom/com vibe and head toward more romantic/action or action. All the following kdramas are set in the modern day, and part 2 of my recs for you will be either darker kdramas set in present day or historical dramas.
Let the list begin!
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1. Strong Woman Do Bong Soon: 
Do Bong Soon is a v smol woman who has super strength and who wants 1. To create her own video game 2. Get her police officer crush to return her affections. Which like, police officer is kinda cute but he ain’t that special. Bong Soon winds up becoming a bodyguard to Ahn Min Hyuk, the extremely rich, kinda spoiled, ridiculously extra CEO of a gaming company who does not like the police for secret reasons, and sadly does not have a good relationship with his family. (He a lonely boy underneath everything.) Min Hyuk finds out about Bong Soon’s powers, is in TOTAL awe of her, offers to train her in fighting, and literally falls head over heels for her.
The caveat with this show is there is a subplot or two that annoy me, BUT I just use the 10 second skip button and it is totally worth it because the romance is super cute—SUPER CUTE (also I have a list of favorite actors and Park Hyung Sik is def on it—one minute he is an adorkable, blushing bby the next he can be intense and sad)
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He cute
2. Her Private Life: 
Hello fake-dating!! Ryan Gold (an adoptee who didn’t live in Korea for a while) is a former artist who stopped painting because he couldn’t deal with his Stendhol (?) syndrome (among other traumas). Deok Mi is the classy art curator of a famous museum who definitely does not have any secrets she wants to keep from the world—well, other than the fact that she is the number one fangirl of kpop idol, Cha Shi-an (who also appreciates art) and has a major crush on him. Ryan becomes director of the art museum and there is a whole thing with getting Shi-an involved in an art show.
Following this and a series of unfortunate events a false rumor starts that Deok Mi and and Shi-an ARE dating. It’s a little complicated to summarize, but basically what you need to know is that Ryan and Deok Mi become a fake couple so there won’t be a scandal for Shi-an or violence done to Deok Mi by rabid fangirls. I enjoy the fake-dating trope a lot, and how it becomes real for both of them! The leads are played by Kim Jae Wook and Park Min Young, who both have incredible range. Lots of soft moments in this one! Good kisses, a scene where the faves bake together, and also Ryan wears a lot of deep v-neck shirts and jackets which is an attack on me personally.
The show also contains a bit of angst, which I LOVE. Hand-holding becomes an important theme 😊
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3. Crash Landing on You: Rich South Korean heiress/fashion designer Se-ri accidentally winds up in a North Korean village, and really REALLY wants to go home. Mostly because there are no scented candles or spa-like bathtubs in the vicinity, but also because she could easily disappear into a NK jail and never return. A North Korean captain named Ri Jeong Hyeok finds her and decides not to turn her because, one, he’s a good guy who doesn’t want to turn an innocent person over to what might be her death, and two, turning her over might get his four underlings in trouble for reasons. Said underlings are his family, basically, and they are a deLIGHT. One is an argumentative proud sort who likes to drink and to feel important and who tries to provoke (and gets provoked by) Se-ri at every opportunity, one is a lover of banned South Korean dramas, one is a 17 year old bby who misses his mom, and one is the silent but most loyal follower of the captain. 
Besides all these people, there are two other characters (including a surprisingly wise conman) who become faves and major players in the plot.
There is a great mix of humor, romance, found family, and angst, and I love it very much. A few things don’t go the way I want them to near the end, but a bit of imagination and fanfic can fix anything 
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Show of hands, who thinks they will meet again
What do you do when your husband dies and your evil mega-rich father-in-law takes your son away from you and keeps you from seeing him ever? Well, if you are scientist with more genius than positive coping methods, you build yourself a robot son who looks exactly like your real son. Great solution, am I right?
Nam Shin III is the name of my favorite robot son, played by the inestimable Seo Kang Joon. He is the purest bby you will ever meet, being designed so that he never lies and so that he will immediately go to hug anyone who cries. He seems quite a contrast to the bitter human Nam Shin, who hates his gilded prison life, hates his Grandpa, and tries to sneak away from his right hand man, Secretary Ji Young Hoon, his only friend in the world. The girl in the show is Kang So Bong, an ex-UFC fighter who was so badly injured she had to quit. She is at first a bit jaded and mercenary because of her past, but she has a golden heart that just needs to be reminded of its existence.
Not going into details to avoid spoilers, but everything upends when the robot Nam Shin has to take the place of the human Nam Shin. The show is a soft, funny, angsty exploration of what it means to be human, with some good found family throughout. The character development is phenomenal, and the connection between So Bong and Nam Shin III is *chef’s kiss*. I just want to give a shout out to Seo Kang Joon who plays a duel role like you wouldn’t believe, to SKJ’s smile, to the soundtrack, and to the character of Young Hoon, a loyal, steady, and self-sacrificing secretary that we do not deserve  (gosh tho he looks good in blue!)
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Look at my robot son getting a long-looked for affirmation! (his lil smile!!!
5. W: Two Worlds: 
This show unique because it  meta as HELL! Oh Yeon Joo is a junior doctor and the daughter of a webtoon artist whose big hit, W, is coming to a close. Much to her surprise, she gets pulled into the world of the comic where she encounters and saves the main character, Kang Chul, a former Olympic shooting champion who was blamed for the murder of his entire family, and whose sole desire is to find the real killer. It’s a good romance between them, and I also love Kang Chul’s relationship with his hyung, which, tho it is not always a main focus, is present and wonderful. Kang Chul himself is both intelligent and adorably bratty, charismatic and angsty, soft and fierce, and he is one of my favorite kdrama characters for sure.
As for the meta, the show does a fantastic job exploring the rules of the comic world, of how one can enter and leave, the importance and power of main characters and supporting characters, and the purpose of an author. There is always another twist coming, and it is just so much fun!
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6. Healer: 
I watched half this show and never realized that the female lead is played by Park Min Young, same actress as in Her Private Life. Someone had to tell me lol! She’s just so good at playing different people. In this show, she is Chae Young Shin, a reporter for a celebrity tabloid who has big dreams of becoming a famous reporter who investigates stories that actually mean something. She is a bit quirky, very cute, very brave, and probably one of my favorite female leads. She lives with her dad above his coffee/teashop bakery and is friends with all the ex-cons he has defended while doing his other job of lawyering.
Anyway this show is more of a romantic/action drama. To get an idea of the titular Healer, picture what you would get if you took some of Batman and Nightwing’s aesthetics (wearing black, hanging out on rooftops, punching people, flipping around, etc) and put them into a night courier who likes to watch National Geographic and dream about one day going off to an island where he can live all by himself for the rest of his days because oh yeah he is a loner whose only friend is an older woman who sets up his jobs and whom he has never actually met.
There is also an older reporter that Young Shin looks up to, the fun tabloid office where she works, a heck lot of mystery surrounding some tragedy involving a group of reporter best friends/found family back in the 80’s/90’s, and of course both members of the OTP have childhood trauma that has made them who they are today. One of my favorite things that happens in the show is that Healer has to go undercover for a while, Clark Kenting it up in Young Shin’s tabloid office, which overnight becomes a real news agency for reasons.
The action is LOTS of fun, and the romance is really soft and cute, and better still, when there is a misunderstanding or something that gets in their way, they almost immediately talk about it and resolve issues. They TRUST each other and give the benefit of the doubt where many tv couples would break up or get in big fights. I find it (plus the character development) very refreshing.
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I couldn’t find a gif of my favorite fight sadly. This will have to do
7. Lawless Lawyer: This has Lee Joon Gi. Watch it.
Just kidding, there are many other reasons to watch the show, but it is true that Lee Joon Gi is one of my favorite actors. The man has phoenix eyes, a jawline that could cut silk, diamonds, you name it, and such a deep well of emotional acting that it literally kills me when his characters rage/weep/love/etc.
Anyway, in this legal thriller/romance/action drama, LJG’s character Bong Sang Pil is a beautiful, very extra ex-gangster/now lawyer who opens his own office, ready to fight villainy and avenge his mom with the law or with his fists, whichever is more useful at the time. He has a right hand man named Manager Tae and recruits a bunch of thugs as his minions, and they all become a weird sort of family as the show goes on.
Ha Jae Yi is a quiet badass lawyer who has no time for sexist idiots and gets her license suspended for smacking one of said fools. She gets recruited to assist Sang Pil, and they find their goals align as both their mothers were destroyed by the villains.
Speaking of the villains? EXCELLENT acting by them all, like they need to go down obviously, but you can’t help but be in awe of a few of them or even get attached to one or two in a weird way. Props to the show for having one of the best female villains I have ever seen
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What an icon
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Here you get two gifs of him
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Sorry I needed to make it a magical three lol
Tune in next time for historical dramas and modern dramas that are a bit darker!
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btsfaris · 4 years
thick like honey
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summary: you can’t get over how thick byeongkwan’s thighs are, but maybe you don’t have to? length: 6,227 pairing: byeongkwan x reader genre: smut, angst, a dash of fluff
You hated to admit it but Kim Byeongkwan was utterly, and incredibly hot.
Yes, he is a fuckboy. No doubt about that, he has slept with more than half the girls here. You've heard all the stories. The girls on campus whispering not so quietly amongst their friends about their wild nights with the one and only Byeongkwan. How he is a sex god in bed and how he made their toes curl or how many times he made them cum, even before they had sex. So there was no denying that he was a playboy, but he is by far the finest guy in your college. His clothes are always accentuating his toned physique. His shiny hair, dyed a nice platinum blonde. His eyes are big and round with a hazel tone in them. His skin is porcelain with no flaws in them whatsoever.. But what really gets you are his thighs.
Yes, his thighs.
But that's not the point here.
The point was that he was driving you absolutely crazy.
Of course you have never talked to the guy, so part of it is your fault. He never did anything to you. Never once been rude or impolite to you. Nothing. It was the plain fact that Byeongkwan made you horny, nearly all the time. But how can he not when he always looks so good? You shake your head at the thought and try to focus on getting out your materials.
Currently, you are in class. It's 9am on a Thursday morning and you can barely keep your eyes open. Students are coming in, half of them barely awake and others look like they are practically sleep-walking. You're in your English-Literature class, one of your least favorites. Not the class but that fact that it's so early and you wish you were still curled up in bed. Everyone probably thinks the same because most take the seats in the back to continue their naps, while you, take a seat near the front. You hear the door open but you keep looking down at your phone, patiently waiting for your professor to arrive. You don't notice the stranger in front of you until they speak up.
"Is this seat occupied?" A male voice asks, causing you to look up and nearly drop your phone. You look at Byeongkwan surprised and open your mouth but no words come up, "is that a no?"
"Yes- I mean no," you manage to stupidly blurt. "I mean- you can sit here."
"Thanks," he smiles, taking the seat next to you and you feel your palms get sweaty, "sorry it's just that all the other seats are taken up."
"That's okay.." you awkwardly smile back and the professor walks in. He drops his briefcase loudly on his stand, causing everyone to wake up and class begins
You have no idea how you managed to survived that class next to Byeongkwan. The second the class was over, you had barely managed to escape that class without making a fool of yourself. Not to mention that every minute you were next to him, you'd catch yourself glancing at him and at his thick thighs. He sported a black, graphic t-shirt with ripped jeans that made his legs look so good. He looked so good. Your mind would drift off to different places, bad places that made your own thighs rub together to ease your heat.
You certainly didn't pay much attention to the professor this time around. Much too distracted by the living greek-god that was sitting next to you. Which sucks because now you have to use your textbooks and write down the notes you missed. You sigh, walking back to your dorm to take a small nap before your next seminar. You needed one to calm your nerves and try to get rid of any thoughts of byeongkwan.
"Hey, wait!"
You turn to the voice and see Byeongkwan jogging up to you. You can feel your heart begin to race and you wonder how you've managed to attract him to you twice. "Uh, yes?" You ask meekly. He smiles and holds out a notebook towards you. Not any notebook, your notebook.
"You left this back in class," he hands it to you and you take it. Looking at your notebook and back at him, "you left in such a rush that you forgot it."
"Oh.." You say shyly, nodding your head, “sorry for making you come all this way."
"No need to, I'm heading up this way anyways but I saw you and thought it'd be better to give it to you now than our next class," Byeongkwan shrugs, and you can't help but mentally moan at the sound of his smooth voice.
"Thank you," you blush, holding the notebook against your chest now.
"Mind if I ask why you were in such a rush?" He questions, an eyebrow raised and you almost gulp when someone interrupts your conversation.
"Kwan-oppa!" A girl comes up to Byeongkwan and engulfs him in a hug. He stumbles back a bit but pats her back. She pulls back and gives him a peck in the cheek. He smiles awkwardly and you look away, contemplating whether to leave or not.
"Hi, Minhee," he says and she smiles.
"How are you oppa?" She asks cutely, grabbing onto his arm and you want to throw up at the use of her aegyo, "are you going to Junhee-oppa's party on Saturday?"
"Of course, how can I not? He's my best friend." He jokes and she giggles at his reaction. You slowly start to back away when Byeongkwan notices you again.
"Are you going Y/N?"
"Y/N?" Minhee asks confused before she sees you and raises an eyebrow, “who is she?"
"Ah Minhee, meet Y/N," Byeongkwan introduces you two. You're completely surprised that he knows your name, "she's in my E-LIT class."
"Nice to meet you," you say, but she eyes you before glancing at Byeongkwan. She returns her gaze to you and a fake smile plasters on her face. "Nice to meet you too. Wow, you are so pretty!"
"Thanks?" You say, unsure. He smiles before asking you again, "you're going to Junhee's party right?"
"Ah, no.. I don't really know him."
"Aw well that's too bad, isn't it oppa?" She fakes a pout and you mentally glare at her.
"Yeah," he actually frowns but then a smile plasters on his face, “you should come, I'll personally invite you."
"O-Oh, you don't have to-"
"Please, be my guest," Byeongkwan insists nicely and you can't help but melt inside. "Okay.."
"Great!" He grins, turning to Minhee, "right? Everything works out!"
"Yep," She smiles painfully but then she wraps her arm around his causing you to clench the notebook in your hands.
"So I'll see you Saturday?" He asks and you can't help but nod, "good! Bye Y/N!"
"Bye-" Before you can finish, Minhee drags your crush out of there and you're left speechless.
What did you just get yourself into?
"He really invited you?" Your best friend Seulgi, exclaimed. You nodded sheepishly and she squealed in delight, “and you're going, right?"
"Ah, I don't know Seulgi.."
"What?" She frowns, confused now, “your living wet dream just invited you to a party where you just might get some action and you're going to turn it down?" You quickly cover her mouth and hush her, embarrassed at the dirty but truthful words.
"I just don't think I should go," you simply shrug, "I won't know anyone there or have anyone to talk to."
"Hey, I'll be there." She protests and you roll your eyes at her, “you'll also be making out with Donghun by the end of the night." She blushes at your retaliation. Donghun and her are currently a thing. Not sure what kind, whether they're talking, friends with benefits or anything.. But you don't question her because it's really none of your business.
"Please Y/N," Seulgi whines and tugs at your arm. You shrug her off but she wraps her arms around you and attempts to use her aegyo on you.
"Okay! Okay!" You scrunch up your nose, pulling her off of you, “anything to stop that wretched noise."
She laughs, smacking you on the shoulder slightly. "Besides," she smirks, "if byeongkwan is there, I'm sure you won't be doing any talking." She wiggles her eyebrows which makes you gasp in embarrassment and throw a pillow at her.
It's friday afternoon now, you're in the campus library trying to write down the notes you missed in class. You're trying your best to make sense of the notes but your mind keeps drifting off to byeongkwan. His delicious body, his sweet lips, his strong arms and legs-
You groan a bit too loudly and a bunch of students shush you. You shrink in your chair and mumble an apology. You shake your head and try avoid those thoughts. Maybe you needed a break. You'd been here for almost an hour and you hadn't even had dinner yet. Getting up quietly, you saunter outside the library to find a vending machine to ease your growling stomach. You see one at the end of the hall and immediately jog to it.
Pressing the button for an energy bar, it comes as a total of one dollar. In hopes of having money, you try to fish out a dollar from your bag. You bite your lip and mentally groan when you realize you left your wallet at your dorm. A hand places a bill inside the vending machine, making you look up at the person.
"Byeongkwan," your eyes widen, "h-hi."
"Hi Y/N," he sweetly smiles, leaning down and picking up the energy bar before handing it to you, “in need of a snack?"
"Oh yeah.. Thank you, you didn't have to do that though," you blush.
"Don't mention it," he chuckles, shaking his hair lightly into place and you wish you could run your hands through it, “what are you up to?"
"Studying," you say and glance at his attire quickly. He looks good, per usual. This time sporting a long sleeve and a pair of basketball shorts that give you a look of his muscular legs, "for E-LIT.. Missed some notes."
Okay good, you're finally acting normal.
"Oh really?" He asks. “Well, if you want you can borrow my notes."
"Really?" You raise your eyebrows. "I mean.. I wouldn't want to be a bother." He chuckles at your reaction before shaking his head. "Nonsense, you can ask for them whenever. I'll bring them to you the next time I see you, okay?"
"Okay.." You smile.
"Do you think I could get your number?" He asks, scratching the back of his neck and a tint of pink scattered across his cheeks, “so I can find you and lend you my notebook of course."
"O-Oh sure,” you stutter, pulling out your phone and handing it to him. He puts his number in and calls his phone. His phone starts to ring and he hangs up, handing back your phone.
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow,” Byeongkwan grins but his statement throws you off.
"The party,” he suddenly winks, walking backwards. Finally remembering, you nod. He waves goodbye and you shyly do the same. When he finally is out of your sight, a sigh escapes you. Why, oh why is he so hot?
"I am so not wearing this," you screech, walking out of the bathroom, “not in a million years."
"Oh come Y/N! You look hot!" Seulgi whines. She thought it would be a good idea to pick your outfits. She chose to wear a grey, short and tight fitting dress that made her body look even better than it is. Meanwhile she chose to make you wear a white cropped v-neck shirt and a leather mini skirt that made you feel like a hooker.
"Yeah and I also look like I work at hooters," you cringe as you look at your outfit, "maybe this means I shouldn't go."
"L/N Y/N, you are going to that party even if I have to drag you there myself!” She threatens, slipping on her leather jacket over her dress.
"It's not like Byeongkwan will notice me anyways," you quietly mumble, playing with the end of your skirt, "he has so many girls pining after him, why would he want me?"
It was true. Every girl wanted to be with him, whether it meant a one night stand, a relationship or even a casual fuck. Why would he choose you when he could have someone as gorgeous and sexy as Minhee?
"You're beautiful Y/N, you are the most amazing and hottest girl on campus," Seulgi frowns at your words, "anyone would be lucky to be with you.. even byeongkwan."
Her words cause you to smile and you shove her away playfully. "Fine, you cheesy person.” She cheers but you cut her off, "only if I choose what to wear." Seulgi pouts but nods her head and you head back into your closet to pick your outfit.
Settling for a graphic tee and high waisted jean shorts with some high heeled boots, you apply a bit more make-up than usual and Seulgi curls your hair the way you liked. You smile at the results and you feel a bit more relaxed.
You both decide to leave an hour later. The house the party is at is huge, possibly hundreds of people scattered all across the house and more entering the front door. The place is booming with loud music inside and hollering from the already drunk people. Your mind starts to drift to him and you begin to really think about running away now. Far, far away from here when suddenly, you feel a buzz in your pocket.
Pulling out your phone, your eyes widen at the text.
unknown: hey it's byeongkwan.. here yet?
You bite your lip, quickly typing up a response.
you: just got here.
"Let's go have some fun!" Seulgi exclaims and drags you inside the party. The scent of booze, humidity and peer-pressure hits you all at once when you enter the place. You look around, noticing everyone's attire and instantly regret changing into other clothes. Every girl here is dressed to impress in their sexiest clothes while you're rather casual. Most of them look at you strangely but you focus your attention back at Seulgi and how she immediately heads to the refreshments table in the kitchen.
"Want a shot? Tequila or vodka?" She asks, serving herself a drink.
"I think I'll just start off with a beer," you shake your head and she boos at your choice but hands you a cup anyways. You take a sip of your cup, pulling out your phone to see if you have any more messages.
bk: where are you right now?
You hold back a smile and respond back.
you: kitchen.
"God Y/N, leave your phone alone for one second and enjoy the party!" She groans, pulling your attention away from your device and pulls you into the living room. You're greeted by none other than Donghun and another tall guy with white, shaggy hair. Seulgi immediately blushes and smiles at them, but more towards her lover.
"Hi guys," Donghun grins, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, "when you'd get here?"
"About 5 minutes ago,” she smiles flirtatiously.
"Only five minutes in and already drinking? Wow, you sure haven't changed Seulgi,” the stranger jokes, causing Seulgi to gasp and push his shoulder lightly.
"Oh shut up Junhee!” So this was the Junhee.
"Anyways this is Y/N, my friend,” Seulgi introduces you to him and he smiles, waving a hand at you.
"Nice to meet you," Junhee grins, "BK invited you right?"
"Uh, yeah.." you say shyly.
"He made it pretty clear he did," he chuckles, "you guys close?"
"No, not really.. Why?"
"No reason, he just kept talking about you these past few days,” he smirks. Seulgi gives you a knowing look and you lightly elbow her.
"Must be because we have class together.."
"We have class together too.." Donghun grins, pulling Seulgi closer, “don’t we Seulgi?"
"I bet she still doesn't pay attention though," Junhee mocks, causing her to curse at him, “she used to make me help her in math, like all the time."
The conversation keeps going but rather than listening, you quietly check your phone.
bk: where are you now? seems like i'm on a scavenger hunt.
You giggle at his remark and type away.
you: living room.
You look up again and continue to listen to their conversation but get bored quickly. You simply look around and watch as different people dance, drink, make-out with others and just conversate. You take a sip of your drink and notice that you ran out.
"I'm going to get another drink,” you say to Seulgi and she nods, averting her gaze back to Donghun. You roll your eyes and head back to kitchen. After serving yourself another cup of the booze, you check your phone but you're disappointed to see that Byeongkwan hadn't replied. Frowning, you take a another sip and shrug, making your way back to Seulgi. You look around for her but she isn't anywhere in sight.
"Great," you mumble, all alone now, "why am I not surprised."
You wonder if maybe you should leave. Seulgi is off with her boy toy while Byeongkwan seems to be busy. Plus you knew nobody here. So what was the point? You sigh, deciding that if you're going to be here, might as well explore the place. You walk past the crowd of teens on the dance floor and into a semi-empty hallway. This place was most definitely huge. Is this a fraternity house? You notice a plaque on the wall that say Kappa Phi Stigma.
You continue to walk until you reach a staircase and decide to climb it. Looking at all the different medals and certificates on the walls distracts you that you nearly bump into a couple making out. You spurt out an apology and quickly run up the stairs in embarrassment when you feel to need to pee.
"Oh great,” you say, looking at all the different doors and trying to open a few but sadly, they're all locked. You go for the door at the end of the hall and mentally cheer as the knob turns all the way. You practically burst in but stop in place when you see Byeongkwan sitting on the toilet seat and Minhee on his lap. They both stare at you, a look of annoyance on Minhee's face while Byeongkwan looks surprised with a hint of guilt. You stand there for a few seconds, shocked before you snap out of it.
"S-Sorry,” you apologize quickly, trying to get away as fast as possible.
"Wait Y/N!" Byeongkwan calls but you slam the door shut.
You run to the first door you can and luckily it's unlocked. Closing the door behind you, you lock it and lean against the door quietly. You hear the bathroom door open and Minhee calls out Byeongkwan’s name before the door slams shut once again. You hear loud footsteps pass your door and you hold your breath. When the footsteps fade away and you assume that he's gone, you slide down the door and let a few angry tears fall.
You were right. Of course he wouldn't want to be with someone like you. Someone as boring looking as you were no match to the extravagant Minhee, or any other girl here. You were simply Y/N to him, the boring girl from his English class and that's all you'd ever be. You sniff and wipe away your tears but more fall down.
You don't know how long you sit in the room. Possibly an hour has passed and you still sit in the same spot. You can hear the music booming from downstairs but your head feels numb and all you want to do is leave. You get up from your spot on the floor, taking a big gulp from your neglected cup and wipe under your eyes. You check yourself in the nearby mirror of the college boy who sleeps here and make sure you look decent enough.
Opening the door quietly, you look out to make sure no one is there and walk out the room. You head downstairs, in hopes of finding Seulgi and getting the hell out of there. You sneak past a bunch of people, avoiding all the couples and try to find Seulgi. You look around, seeing unfamiliar faces when you catch Byeongkwan’s gaze across the living room and your eyes widen. "Y/N!" You turn around and try to make a run for it. But suddenly, you're blocked by all the dancing lunatics and curse yourself for coming here in the first place.
You see an opening in between a group and you try to make your way through when a hand grabs your arm. Spinning you around, you make eye-contact with Byeongkwan. Your eyes are wide while his are frantic. Despite the situation, he still look so dämn attractive. He has on a graphic tshirt, with a backwards dad-hat and a pair of black jeans.
"Can I talk to you?" Byeongkwan pleads, “privately?"
You're not sure why but you feel yourself nodding and he visibly sighs in relief. Rather than letting you go, he holds on your hand instead, pulls you out of the living room and back upstairs. You're climbing up the stairs and it's like you're living a dream, despite the circumstances. He heads into a room, not the one you were pathetically crying in earlier luckily, and closes the door behind him.
You stand there awkwardly, looking around and notice that this is his room. His room is rather nice for a college boy. A clean, well made bed with a few pieces of furniture and posters around. A picture frame on his nightstand of himself and his fraternity brothers. You divert you gaze back at him and notice his distressed state.
"Look, I know what you saw out there but it wasn't what it looked like. I wasn't hooking up with Minhee. We were just talking but she suddenly came onto me and I had no idea what to do," he explains, and you're surprised as to why he's doing this, “then you came in and ran away before I could explain myself."
"Oh," you utter quietly, biting your lip, "why are you telling me this though?"
"Because you didn't let me tell you before-"
"I know that," you interrupt, “but you don't need to explain yourself.. We're not dating or anything."
"Well yeah," he frowns at the floor and you don't know if you should have said that, “but I-I just.."
He looks hurt at your words and suddenly, it seems to all click. All the helping, the talking, the texts, it all pops up into your head.
"Do you like me Byeongkwan?" His head looks up and he seems shocked.
"How'd you know?"
"Do you?" You ask again, walking towards him. He nods shyly, his cheeks starting to blush and you smile.
"I like you too." You confess, and his eyes widen. "You do..?" You nod and now you're in front of him.
"I actually like you a lot,” you whisper, looking up at him. He looks down at your lips and back at your eyes. He seems to be battling with himself internally so you decide to take initiative and press your lips against his. His lips are smooth and plush against your own. Your mouth moves slowly against his and you wrap your arms around his neck. You feel his hands snake around your waist and he pulls you into him. Licking his bottom lip, you are granted with access as he tries to dominate your mouth with his tongue causing you to moan.
He kisses you skillfully and you feel like you're flying. He slips his hands under you shirt and grips your bare waist before moving them behind your thighs, picking you up with ease. You wrap your legs around his waist and he leans you both against a wall. You continue to kiss each other for a few more moments when he pulls away and begins to kiss down your neck.
He nips at the flesh and it makes you moan softly. "Kwannie," you sigh and he hums against your neck, adding a few lovebites on it. He continues to kiss down your neck to your collarbones and back up before meeting your lips again. You kiss back with passion and bite his lower lip which makes the most delicious sound come from him.
He finally moves back and takes you to his bed, dropping you carefully on it. You kiss without stopping as he leans over you. You pull him as close as possible, accidentally tip the hat off his head and run your fingers through his soft locks. You feel his fingers dance up your thighs and instinctively, you grind against the now forming bulge in his pants. He moans in your mouth and you love the sound so much that you do it again. You move your hips upwards and he groans some more. He begins to grind his bulge against your clothed heat and it flicks against your clit deliciously.
"Fuck Y/N," byeongkwan pulls away and you take the moment to push him onto the bed and straddle him. You start to grind against him again, loving every single noise that slips from him and how it stimulates your heat. His head tips back and he grabs your hips, guiding you back and forth. You moan as the zipper of his jeans rubs against your heat and bite your lip.
He tugs at the hem of your shirt and you pull it over your head, your lace bra in display. You lean back down and go back to kissing his sweet lips. His mouth moves against yours perfectly and he suddenly sits up. He pulls away briefly, pulling on the collar of his shirt before tugging up and removing it in one go. His pale, hard abs come into view and you practically drool. "God, you're so hot,” you mumble out and he grabs your chin before attacking your mouth. You tangle your hands in his hair once again and he unbuttons your jean shorts. Before he can unzip, you pull away and take his hands off of you.
"Something wrong?" He asks, worried. His lips are red and plump, hair all messed up and there's a hint of sheen on his body. He looks absolutely ravishing and you can't help but lick your lips.
"No," you shake your head, "I just want to suck your dick first."
"Fuck," he mutters and quickly unbuckles his belt. You help him out by unbuttoning and unzipping his pants. He pulls down his pants, kicking them off and you see the bulge in his boxers. You lean down, mouthing at his clothed manhood and Byeongkwan moans out. You continue to lick and suck at it before looking up at him, who looks already out of breath. You pull away and finally stick your fingers underneath the band. Pulling down all the way, his dick smacks against his stomach and you can't wait to have it in your mouth.
He's long and hard, with a nice red tip. His girth is so thick that you wonder what isn't thick about this man. You move down his thighs before wrapping your fingers around the base of his cock. You lick at the tip, making sure to keep eye-contact with him. He softly moans out as you lick up a long stripe from his balls to his tip. You carefully suck at the tip, running your tongue around it. His thighs clench at the stimulation and you feel yourself get wetter and wetter. Slowly, you move down and take him in bit by bit. You bob your head up and down, making sure to see his reactions. You suck harder which makes him moan.
"Jesus you suck my cock so good,” he moans out, his eyes squeezed shut and you hum a thank you. His fingers tangle in your hair, “taking my dick so well baby."
His words go straight to your heat, dampening your already wet panties some more. You continue to suck him, running your tongue all around him and deep-throating him whenever you could. You bring one hand down to his balls and massage them which makes him grip your hair.
"Yes baby, fuck,” Byeongkwan groans, his other hand clutching the sheets, “you’re going to make me cum if you keep doing that."
You pull away at that and Byeongkwan tries to catch his breath. You wipe at your mouth and he instantly kisses you. His hands go behind your back to your bra and he skillfully unclips it. You pull the material off your chest and his lips latch on one of your perky nipples.
"Byeongkwan,” you moan out, tugging at his blonde strands. He licks and nibbles on one before moving to the other. He uses a hand to massage your other brëast so it doesn't feel neglected and you let out breathy moans. He smiles at your reaction and pulls away. He pecks your lips softly before turning you over and laying you down.
Pulling down your shorts, he drags your ruined panties with them and licks at two of his fingers. He instantly rubs your clit softly with them, causing you to moan loudly. You whimper at his touch and try to close your legs from the stimulation but he pries your legs apart. He dips a finger inside and you moan out as he pumps it in and out of you.
"Oh god,” you moan out, clutching the sheets underneath you. He slips another finger in and picks up speed. Your curls start to curl at the pleasure and he smirks. He pulls out suddenly which you're about to protest at but then he puts his fingers in his mouth. He closes his eyes and moans at the taste. It is the hottest thing you have ever seen and it makes you heat ache even more.
"You taste absolutely delicious,” he winks at you. You would ask to have more foreplay with any other partner but you can't help but want him already. You dreamt of this for the longest that if you don't have him now, you just might die.
"Fuck me,” you whisper and his eyes darken.
"That's what my baby wants?" He questions, his voice dropping down an octave or two. You nod and he tsks, "I need to hear you beg."
"Please fuck me kwan,” you whimper, “I need you so bad. I need your dick inside of me."
He growls at your words and leans over to kiss you. You moan against his mouth and run your hand down to massage his length. He tugs down his boxers all the way and leans over to find a condom inside his drawer. You grab his hand and shake your head.
"I'm on the pill.." he nods and pecks your lips before getting into position.
He sits on the back of his thick thighs and grabs himself from the base leading his length to your entrance. He teases you slightly by rubbing his tip against your clit and you whine. He bites his lip as he begins to push in and you whimper at the fullness you begin to feel. Byeongkwan moans out as you wrap around him tightly and you've never felt so full in your life.
When he's finally all the way in, he leans back over you and slowly begins to move his hips. You look into each other's eyes and he looks absolutely breathtaking.
"You're so fucking tight," he groans, slowly but surely picking up speed. You clutch at his back, whimpers escaping your lips, “so fucking good."
"Byeongkwan," you gasp out, wrapping your legs around his waist, "faster, please."
He kisses your lips, pumping into you much faster now. The bed begins to creak and you can feel the way his thick cock moves inside of you. You're moaning loudly now but you could care less about anyone hearing you. All you care about is how good he is fucking you.
"Oh god Y/N," he groans out, thrusting hard. "your pussy was made for me, goddamn."
You moan out as he pounds into you, his balls smacking against your ass with each thrust. He slows down his pace all of a sudden and grinds into you in slow circles that have you seeing stars. Now you know why all these girls talk about him so much, because he really was a sex god in bed. He pumps back hard into before returning to the grinding and you feel overwhelming pleasure. He is doing you so good that you don't know if you've ever felt this good.
"Yes kwannie, oh fuck,” you manage to gasp out. "ngh-"
He continues to fuck into you, grabbing your breasts and kneading them. He places kisses all over your neck and it all feels so good that you could cry. The pleasure builds up and you can feel yourself climbing up the ladder to your climax. As if sensing this, he licks his thumb and begins to rub your clit. You hiss at the contact as he nearly brings you there.
"You wanna cum babe?" Byeongkwan asks, thrusting into you with every word, "cum for me Y/N, cum all over my cock."
You're so close that you can taste it and as he starts to apply more pressure onto your heat, you're put over the edge. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, fuck-" you whimper, your eyes squeezing shut and your back arches from the bed as your orgasm hits you. Your legs shake from how hard you come and you feel it in waves. Byeongkwan moves slowly to help out your high before he stops and lets you catch your breath.
He pulls out suddenly, and quickly turns you over, on your hands and knees. He gets into position behind you before pushing back into you. He moves slowly, then returns to his usual pounding that makes you whine from the oversensitivity but there is a tinge of pleasure in it. You can no longer feel your arms or legs, your body way too overwhelmed from all the pleasure. His thrusts become erratic and you know he's close by how loudly he's moaning.
You take all the energy you have left to prop yourself up until your back meets his chest and you wrap your left arm around his neck. He kisses your lips passionately before moving down your neck. He fumbles with your breast, trying to chase after his high. You moan out to him and nibbles on your shoulder.
"Cum for me ‘kwan,” you purr in his ear, "cum inside of me baby."
"F-Fuck, I'm so close," Byeongkwan stammers, his thick thighs smacking against your ass.
"Come on baby," you coo. "fill me up."
He pounds into you faster than ever before he reaches his end and he comes in a long, loud moan. He holds onto you strongly, his hips pushed against your ass hard. His eyes are squeezed shut and you have never seen someone so beautiful. He pumps into you slowly, riding out his high and comes to a halt. He slumps against your shoulder and you both try to catch your breath.
Sweat covers the both of you and you feel exhausted. He kisses your shoulder after a few moments and you take that as a cue to lay down in the bed. He stands up, grabbing a small towel from his closet and wipes his release away that now runs down your thighs. After disposing of it, he crashes next to you and for some reason, you feel at peace. Byeongkwan pulls you towards him and you rest your head on his chest, looking up at him.
"You were amazing,” he tiredly smiles, petting your tangled hair.
"You weren't so bad yourself,” you joke, looking down and running your finger in circles on his chest. He watches your movements before he grabs onto your hand and intertwines your fingers together. You look as he raises them and kisses the back of your hand.
"I hope you know this means you're my girl," byeongkwan grins, and you blush, "that is, if you want to be?"
"I'd love to,” you smile back and he pecks your lips softly. He suddenly smacks your butt playfully and wraps his arms around you.
"Rest up champ,“ he smirks, "we're going to need all the energy we can for round two tomorrow."
a/n: I made this on wattpad like 3 years ago and ive clearly updated it to his current name but if you see jason lol sorry im fucking blind
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marinette-adrien · 5 years
Ok, so the amazing @sidsinning came up with an amazing AU and gave me persmision to write a fanfic about it. It took me a long long time and I’m sorry for that. But finally here it is!
The lovely people who asked to be tagged: @kay-great @geminikessa @carolinaleo-blog @nadinemarie-art @ellysia-banearrow @skellingtonia @waitingfortheshadows @ink-stains-on-ceilings @crisjim @dulcetfoxao3 
Sorry if I forgot someone. Totally not intentional.
People who I saw asking for writers to write it or if someone was writting it, saying they’d read it or needed more of it, will be following this au or something along those lines: @washikook @smackthat-allonthefloor @greymouser13 @miraculousshipping @missca7astropcat @rhymeringlamb @sharkiethesharkperhaps @bridgetinerabbit @wewonmrstark3-0-0-0 @a-mahou-shoujo @thenovelartist @me4ml @inkshila @sakuramarie @parlezvousladybug @blue-peach14 @teardroplet @theunfortunatefangirl @doll-gloss @berry-loves-otome @trapqueeni @onesmolbirb @millie27love
I deeply apologize if you didn’t want to be tagged. Please ignore it. I just didn’t want anyone to feel I left them out. 
And finally I can’t start without a big shout-out to @thecaptainfandom who bore with me for three days and beta’ed the flip out of this work. It was a mess and now is readable. She deserves all the praise.
Anyways, here’s the story! Hope you enjoy. 
AO3 link
The Mischief Bride
Gods die too. They live and they age, even if it is slow enough to deceive time and humans. Gods live and play and sometimes, they trick and they lie. Sometimes they love and they care. Other times, they just want entertainment.
Kim, god of rivalry and fire, was one of the latter. And he got bored pretty quickly too. He was a relentless god who didn’t discriminate between humans or other gods to challenge for a competition. He had a reputation of picking random humans who were good athletes to compare his abilities to the very best of the human race.
Generations ago, the townspeople, tired of being spirited away randomly, asked for the lord of the land to make a pact with the god. Every year, they would offer a competitor, the very best of their sport, to be challenged by him, in exchange for leaving the other humans alone.
Now, every year, Marinette’s town would offer a “sacrifice” for Kim, the god of fire and rivalry. The reason they were called sacrifices instead of competitors these days was because they never came back. Nobody knew what happened to them, but people speculated that no matter if they won or lost, they ended up dying. Perhaps they perished trying to keep up with his challenges or perhaps were punished by the god’s wrath for not being able to.
The day of the sacrifice was just around the corner but Marinette didn’t have the mind to worry about it. Sure, she was in good form but was by no means an athlete, so there were very little chances she would be picked as the sacrifice, and she had better things to worry herself with. Primordially, her parents were both sick.
Autumn had brought the flu to her household and she had her hands full attending her family’s bakery and tending to her parents. Regardless, she knew no matter how much she worked, she couldn’t afford medicine for both her mother and father.
She was scared.
She spent nights alone with her thoughts, unable to sleep and just watching them breathe. She bit back tears, wondered how she could make the medicine last just a little longer, hoping that somehow, it would be enough.
Kagami didn’t have many friends. To be precise, Kagami had only one friend, Marinette. Since they were little, people tended to mistake one for the other because they seemed very much alike. They had the same blue hair and similar height and build. Their skin was pale and their hearts were kind.
Despite appearances, one thing that they didn’t have in common was their families. While Marinette’s parents were loving and caring, Kagami’s mother was cold and reserved. She was a proud samurai that served the feudal lord of the land, which proved to be her daughter’s downfall.
Just as her mother, Kagami was a very good swordswoman, a trait that was rare among the villagers. Almost no one around these parts dared to practice and excel at any sport because then they would be selected as a sacrifice to the god of fire and rivalry. The Tsurugis, regardless, were a proud family that had always served the royal family, and was expected to be good samurai by them.
The people started to become restless. They didn’t practice any sport for fear of becoming good enough to be selected as the new sacrifice. Due to the lack of athletes this provoked, the sacrifices started being picked between people with almost no training at all. Tired of this situation, the town demanded for the feudal lord to do something about it. The solution that was finally approved and exposed to the god by prayers and rituals with incense, came in the form of a last sacrifice in the shape of a wife.
They promised a wife who would be as powerful and athletic as she was beautiful and thus, Kagami was selected. It was a great honor for Tomoe, as the lord put it, to be able to prove her loyalty by offering her daughter.
Tomoe couldn’t afford to lose her daughter, but she couldn’t afford to lose her honor either. She looked at Kagami and felt a pang of pride and shame at the same time when the girl took the news with dignity and resignation. She only made one request: to go visit her friend one last time to say goodbye. Her mother granted her permission without protest.
To Kagami’s surprise, Marinette looked exhausted. Her eyes were red and had big purple bags under them. She was paler than usual and perhaps a little bit thinner too.
They hadn’t seen each other in a while, since Kagami’s mother didn’t usually let her out of her supervision for too long, and the catching up was sad for both parts. They both cried in each other’s arms until their eyes ran dry.
Marinette felt like she was losing three people dear to her now instead of two, and life seemed gloom and grimm like never before. Late at night, Kagami’s mother went to pick her up since her daughter hadn’t return, she was hit with the resemblance of the girls that she had forgotten, and a twisted idea was planted on her mind, making her both ashamed and hopeful at the same time.
On their way home, Kagami told her mother about what Marinette was going through and that she felt bad she couldn’t do anything to help her anymore. Selfishly, she asked her mother to help her friend in her place and to her surprise, Tomoe accepted.
The very next morning, Tomoe went to see her daughter’s friend and offered her help, in exchange for a favor.
Marinette accepted.
Marinette knew she was being taken advantage of, but she bit back the injustice and kept going. For her parents. She knew that when Kagami realized the scheme, she would make good of her mother promise to nurse her mom and dad back to health. She hoped her friend would forgive her for taking her place, too.
Tricking the feudal lord of the land was easy. He had never seen Kagami up close and Marinette covered her head with the wataboshi anyways, so no one would suspect a thing.
Like all sacrifices before her, Marinette walked willingly to the sacred mountain where the gods would be descending soon. Legend said that during the fifteenth day of the seventh month, gods and youkais descended to Earth to have a festival and, sometimes, to interact with humans.
For that reason, anyone who had the intention of meeting them would venture to the sacred mountain. Said mountain that was actually a sleeping volcano, the very same that would wake if they dared anger the gods.
But Marinette’s step didn’t quiver when she set foot on the holy ground. She lighted her way with an oil lamp through the misty woods of the mountain and repeated to herself that she would find her husband-to-be walking northeast, so she walked until the oil ran out. She walked until the mist grew heavy and her feet hurt, and then she walked some more. She walked until she realized the moon changed positions in the sky randomly, making her confused as to where to go. She stopped when she realized she was lost.
She dropped to the ground in defeat, feeling tired and hopeless. She rubbed her feet and wondered if she was lucky or unlucky if she ended up not meeting with the god. Probably unlucky, if her town suffered the consequences.
Then, she heard a chuckle.
It was soft and falsely sweet. When Marinette lifted her gaze looking for the source, she met a pair of olive eyes.
“A human,” said the apparition. “Are you lost?”
It was a girl with caramel colored skin and brown, long hair. She was dressed in orange from her clothes to her smile, and even though there wasn’t particularly anything wrong with her, Marinette’s gut told her something was off about the lady. When she squinted, she realized —and how could she have missed it— that the girl had the ears and the tail of a fox.
She was a kitsune, a youkai better known to be a trickster. Marinette felt alarm rise to her head, but bit her tongue to remain calm.
“I am,” she said. “Do you happen to know which way is the northeast?”
The kitsune disappeared and reappeared closer to her, to her right. Marinette stood up and followed her gaze, her uneasiness increasing. The youkai ignored her question.
“Are you, perhaps, by any chance, the god of fire’s new toy?”
She didn’t think it was wise to offer the spirit too much information, but figured that either way, there was little else she could do.
“I am this year sacrifice, yes. Would you be so kind as to point the way to the northeast, please?”
The kitsune chuckled and disappeared again.
“He’s not at his usual spot right now,” she informed, appearing right at her back. Marinette jumped to get some distance between them. “He got tired of waiting and decided to go the Ghost Festival instead”
Marinette cursed her luck. She hoped he wouldn’t be too angry because she didn’t appear and roast their village by morning.
“I can show you the way to the festival if you want,” offer the kitsune with a sweet smile. A little too sweet, perhaps.
The young baker still had reservations. She didn’t feel comfortable following a kitsune. She would probably play a prank on her, preventing her from reaching the god Kim.
“I wouldn’t want to inconvenience you. It would be more than enough if you pointed the right way for me to follow.”
The kitsune laughed again and disappeared once more. She wasn’t in sight for a few moments and Marinette feared to have offended her, provoking for her abandon her to her luck. But the youkai talked to her once more, making herself visible again sitting on a low branch of a tree.
“It’s that way,” she said, pointing ahead.
Marinette looked to the path that the mist opened when the youkai pointed at it, still feeling uneasy. Sensing her discomfort, the kitsune giggled one last time.
“You can trust me,” she said making the gesture of crossing her heart. “I never lie.”
Having no other alternative, Marinette thanked her and sighed, trying to appease her distrust as she heard the spirit ghostly laugh disappear as she followed the path she had told her.
It had been a lie, of course. Marinette kept walking until the sun threatened her with down, but she couldn’t find nor the festival nor the god. She felt stupid, gullible and hopeless but refused to give up. She swallowed her tears and kept going, not ready to abandon hope yet.
Then, she heard sobbing.
Her eyes tried looking for the source jumping from place to place around her until she finally located it. A very small, red creature kept flying around a spot near the overgrown roots of a tree. Even with her own problems unresolved, Marinette couldn’t help to stop to see if she could help.
“Hello,” she said to the creature, approaching slowly. “Are you okay?” She asked as an icebreaker.
The little spirit turned in surprise and regarded the bride she had in front of her.
“Oh, hello,” she returned the greeting politely, drying her big blue eyes with a tiny, tiny hand. “Well, no,” she admitted.
“What’s the problem?” Inquired Marinette, coming closer. She noticed that it was a kind of fairy with antennas and big black spots that made her resemble a ladybug. She didn’t recognize the kind of youkai that she was, but thought that it was perhaps a zashiki-warashi. If she offered assistance, maybe the youkai would actually help her in exchange.
“It’s one of my earrings. I dropped one of my precious earrings down this hole in the ground, but it’s too small to reach, even for me.”
Marinette approached the area the youkai was hovering over, and discovered a small hole that formed between the roots of the tree and held something that shined. It was far enough to be unreachable for the small creature or her fingers, but she gave it a thought and looked over her surroundings to find some inspiration. She ended up grabbing a thin stick and one of her hair pieces that she tied with a decorative ribbon from her outfit to make a tool long enough to reach it and pick it up with the hair piece, so in a few minutes, the earring was back to its owner.
“Oh, thank you! Thank you!”
The little creature was beyond happy, and her happiness was contagious. Marinette laughed with her but promptly remember that she was in a predicament too.
“Hey, by any chance, would you know how I can get to the gods? I have only encountered youkais tonight.”
The spirit then seemed to become aware of the human in god territory and taking notice of her clothes, she had a feeling about what was happening.
“Oh,” she said quietly, “where you offered as sacrifice?”
“Well, yes. But it’s fine. I did it willingly. I cut a deal to save my parents, so it’s alright for the most part, I guess.”
“I see. You must have a very kind heart…” said the creature, noticing that the young lady in front of her seemed to have her motivations always in helping others, and took a like of her almost instantly.
“Marinette. My name is Marinette.”
“Well, Marinette, my name is Tikki and I can help you find the god you are looking for”
“Really? That would be amazing! Thank you!”
“Which god are you searching for? This part of the mountain is the territory of one of them, actually.”
“Really?” Marinette asked, surprised. Perhaps the kitsune hadn’t been lying after all. “Then I was in the right path, after all!”
“I can send you to him if you want, I can sense he’s close”
“Oh, thank you, thank you Tikki! That would be wonderful, you’ll be saving my life!”
Tikki giggled. “It would be my pleasure, Marinette!”
Feeling like things were finally getting back on track, Marinette saw Tikki fly around her a couple of times and then, she felt the ground disappear under her feet. She stumbled backwards a couple of steps and then fell on her butt.
She sat up and lifted the wataboshi to inspect her surroundings and was immediately met with a pair of green, mischievous eyes.
“W-where am I?” Asked Marinette disorientated.
In front of her was a young man with golden hair wearing a montsuki. Similar to the previous youkai, he had a pair of black cat ears crowning his head. Unlike the previous spirit, though, she could feel a different aura from him. It felt old and dangerous. He wasn’t a youkai, he was a god.
His eyes gleamed with excitement when he saw her and he showed her a smile full of teeth and untold secrets.
“You’re in the Sacred Mountain, girl. In our territory, to be precise.”
Marinette then took notice of the small black creature floating close to the god’s head. It had green eyes too and was similar in size to Tikki, if not a little bigger. Much like the god beside him, he resembled a cat.
“Oh. Are you the god of fire?” She asked, composing herself.
Both of them interchanged a look and then smiled down to her.
“Why, yes. Yes I am. And who are you, pretty lady?”
She jumped to kneel in front of him, suddenly assuming a formal posture. The most important part was yet to be accomplished. She had to make sure that the god accepted the new pact.
“I am Marinette! And my people begs for you to take me as a wife as a last sacrifice, as our prayers had supplicated in the name of your clemency!”
There was a moment of silence, and neither the god nor the creature said a thing.
“Your people thought that getting the god of rivalry, the very one that likes to challenge anything that moves to an athletic competition, a wife, would solve the problem?”
Put it that way, Marinette recognized that it sounded kind of moronic but she was just trying to help her people, especially her parents, and following orders.
“Please,” she said quietly having no other argument.
He looked at her and found nothing but sincerity in the form of big, expressive eyes, pleading and impossibly blue.
The god’s heart jumped on his chest without his permission, making him feel a weird tug on his heartstrings. Usually, if it wasn’t funny, he was not interested, but there was something about this lady that felt odd, though not in a bad way.
“She smells… like luck,” said his companion, getting close to her and giving her a sniff, bringing his attention back to the matter at hand.
“Well, then I guess it’s your lucky day, pretty lady. I’ll take your offer.”
Marinette blinked.
“Yes, really,” he extended a hand to her, to help her stand up. “Yes. It was wife day after all, wasn’t it Plagg?”
“Yes, yes it was!” smirked the little black fairy-like-creature.
Marinette admitted to herself that indeed she ended up being pretty lucky, successfully achieving her goal to reach the god and convince him to take her as a wife. She extended her hand to take his and he grasped her in a tight grip. He pulled her to her feet and a red string tied their wrists together. The ribbon shined and popped, disappearing into tiny sparks.
Marinette felt the ground banish from underneath her for a moment, unable to divert her gaze from his face. It was probably rude. Humans weren’t supposed to look at gods in the eyes, she believed, but couldn’t help herself. His green gaze was mesmerizing, all deep and lively and fresh as a lime. He caught her when her footing failed and gave her a wicked smile.
“T-that’s it?” She asked, catching her words. “Are you my husband now?”
The gleam in his eye sparkled with mischief.
“Yes. Yes, I am.”
Marinette had kept going for the last couple of weeks by mere will power. First taking care of her increasingly ill parents and then of the bakery by herself. She lost a whole night of sleep after Kagami’s visit and later operated almost on automatic mode focusing only on the task she had been entrusted with. When she successfully achieved it and her worries about the village and her parents were lifted from her shoulders, it was as if the strings that had been keeping her standing and going were cut.
She remembered the god of rivalry and fire had asked her to come with him, as he was bound to return to his castle since the festivities were ending, and follow him she did. Or at least, she thought she did because now she was waking up, which meant she must have fallen asleep at some point. She didn't remember when it happened but there were a few times in her life when it did. She woke up disoriented, covered in silks, in a room she didn't recognize.
The sun was high in the sky while the last time she had seen it, it had been just rising. She looked around and she found herself in a big bed, like the ones people from other parts of the world slept in, the ones lifted from the ground. It was very comfortable and probably the reason she had slept like a baby. The room was spacious and a big balcony window let the sunlight in, painting golden rays in the dark floor and blankets.
But most importantly, she noticed, she wasn't alone.
A familiar blond head lied beside her. He was not touching her and was facing the opposite side of the window and her. His breathing was even, denoting he was asleep but when she fell off the bed in her haste, he woke up.
Marinette grimaced in pain and heard a chuckle. A pair of mischievous green eyes looked at her from above on top of the bed, paired with a playful smirk.
"Where am I?" asked Marinette.
"I carried you like a princess. You fell asleep on me on the way home.”
"Why were we on the same bed?"
"Well, I mean we're married, remember? Why wouldn't we be?"
Marinette was speechless for a moment. She tried to come up with a reasonable answer to rebutt his argument, but could only come up with none. She sat there on the hard floor letting her eyes stare into nothingness. At that moment, she was hit with the realization.
She was married. To a god.
“Are you okay?” He asked when she didn’t say anything else.
“No,” came the immediate answer. She was a little overwhelmed.
He had the nerve to chuckle again. Marinette recomposed a little to glare at him, but he just stretched, completely unimpressed. He looked like a cat perched in a tree looking down at her like that and she could almost picture him swaying a tail contently.
“You didn’t answer my question,” she pointed out.
“We are in my castle of course, princess. Your new home. Or should I call you queen?”
He crawled out of the bed towards her, never losing his smile. Something in him screamed “danger” but something else locked her in place and made her heart race. He kept getting closer and closer until she could feel his breath on her face.
“Queen of Fire and Rivalry. Queen of everything that I reign of. My Queen.”
He took her left hand, the one he had taken when the invisible ribbon tied them together, and kissed it without dropping her gaze. She blushed. He was very attractive.
She noticed then that the ribbon had left a mark like a bracelet on her wrist, a remainder of their pact.
“Or would you like to be the Queen of something else?”
He was teasing her, she knew, but she couldn’t find it in herself to be mad. She was just a sacrifice. She had ventured the mountain, giving up on her future so her parents could have one. She was ready to die trying or live like a prisoner in a loveless marriage. She never thought she would look at her husband and blush. She never thought that he would call her his queen, sharing his rein.
Perhaps, she thought, gods didn’t think so little of humans. Perhaps she was starting to feel truly lucky, and not just by being able to save others. Perhaps she wasn’t doomed. Perhaps she didn’t hate her situation anymore.
“Your queen is fine” she said, quietly.
He raised his eyebrows, clearly not expecting an honest response.
“Your queen is fine,” she repeated, letting a smile tug at her lips this time.
Slowly, he returned the smile and for the first time, it wasn’t mischievous or teasing. It had something in it that reminded Marinette of tenderness and hope.
Marinette followed him to the dining room, where a banquet was expecting them. The little black creature that accompanied the god the night before was already filling his mouth with cheese. He introduced himself as Plagg and then proceeded to explain to her that he was a kwami. Every god had one following them around who shared the nature of the god powers. They were the companions of the gods.
She discovered Plagg loved cheese as much as he loved teasing Kim, and that the blond pretended to be deeply offended if the tiny creature dismissed his puns but Plagg had worst on his repertoire, if she was honest. They seemed to be very good friends.
She didn’t pay much attention to their banter once she focused on her meal though. Now that she thought of it, she hadn’t eaten in almost a day and even before that, her meals had been frugal thanks to her lack of appetite. The table in front of her was filled with delicious fruit, cheese, seeds, tea and wine so she helped herself to seconds of everything. She ate until her belly couldn’t fit one more bite.
Shortly after breakfast, Kim excused himself, saying he had some business to attend to, but that he would be back in a few hours.
“You can familiarise yourself with your new home in the meanwhile, my queen,” said her new husband with that mischievous smile that she was learning to recognize as the one he almost always wore. “If you need something, just ask for it and it shall be given to you.”
He stole a kiss from her cheek and then he was gone with his kwami before she could ask to who she could ask for her hypothetical needs.
So she finished her breakfast and decided she would follow his advice and explore the castle. She spent the next couple of days wandering around its hallways, which were empty for the most part. The palace was made of stone and has long staircases that led from one floor to another several times. It was huge and a little lifeless, with dark marble walls that gave the palace the appearance of being cracked. It reminded her of the European fairytale like castles, where invisible servants would tend to the inhabitants from the shadows.
The god of fire and rivalry disappeared everyday by the afternoons, but always returned to have their meals together, which Marinette had to admit, was nice. He was a bit of a dork with a bad sense of humor that never failed to pull a smile out of her nonetheless. As the days pass, she learned that his jokes and bright smiles hid a lonely, old soul underneath the youthful appearance.
During her exploration around her new home, she discovered that everything was… raw, in a sort of way. The bed was covered in linens and silks, but they were just fabric instead of blankets. The walls were bare of paintings or any kind of art, and even the furniture, despite being indeed luxurious and made of high quality woods and materials, was simple and minimalistic.
Even their meals were simple. Their table was always full of delicious fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, grains, seeds, milk, honey, cheese and bread but they were all fresh or cooked very simply. There was plain bread but never pies or cakes. There was meat but never stew. The fruit was always fresh and clean but never in a dessert. When she asked him about it, he shrugged.
“It’s because I’m the god of…” he stopped, with the chopsticks midway to his mouth.
“Fire,” said Plagg, giving him a funny look. “He’s the god of fire and sometimes he burns his own stuff by accident. The servants are not good at crafts and that’s why the castle is what it is”
“You burn stuff by accident?” asked Marinette, alarm in her voice.
“No,” said he quickly. “Well, sometimes, I guess. But it hasn’t happened in a long, long time, has it Plagg?” He glared at his kwami.
The Kwami agreed dismissively, getting back on his cheese, and the subject was quickly diverted after that.
After that incident, Marinette took it to herself to make something of the materials that were scattered around the castle. She made actual blankets for the bed and found the kitchen to cook when she could. She made quiches and cookies and dumplings. Bread, of course, she always baked because old habits die hard.
The first time Kim got home to a table full of dishes, he had a bewildered expression on his face. He didn’t stop singing her praises when he discovered that she made something new everyday. Not only food, but the palace was suddenly beginning to feel like a home. The windows had curtains and the bed had actual blankets. Suddenly there were cushions on the chairs and an amazing smell of bread in the air at lunchtime.
“You’re amazing, Marinette,” he’d whisper every night before falling asleep while holding her hand, and she’d felt a tingling in her heart at the tenderness of his voice.
The only thing he did was hold her hand, but she found herself snuggling closer and closer with every moonrise. He never asked for a consummation of marriage, but she didn’t know how god-human marriages worked. She already felt very lucky to have control of his domain.
She only had to wish for something out loud or command something to be done, and as if by invisible servants, her instructions were followed. She never saw anyone outside or inside the castle, besides Kim or Plagg, but even though she appreciated the hours he gave her for herself, she started to feel lonely.
And then, she met Tikki again.
Tikki, now that she thought about it, looked just like a Kwami, but Plagg was always near Kim and if the little red creature was indeed a Kwami, Marinette wondered why she wasn’t with her god.
She had been sewing in the castle, making clothes for herself with all the pretty fabrics available in the house when her little friend appeared.
“Marinette! I was hoping to find you here.”
“Tikki! I’m so happy to see you! What are you doing here?”
“I came to visit Plagg.”
“Ah, I should have guessed you were friends. He’s not here though. But I’m sure they’ll be here soon. Would you like to wait with me?”
“I’d love to,” she said, and sat on the table Marinette was using as a desk.
“Tea and pastries for Tikki, please,” she said, and in a few moments, a trail with what was ordered appear beside the Kwami.
“I can see that you are doing well,” said her guest. “Now you manage a castle instead of being lost!” she giggled.
Marinette smiled.
“All thanks to you, Tikki. I was so lucky that I found you before the night ended. I could find my way to the god I was looking for and convince him to stop the annual sacrifices. My village is safe because you helped me.”
“You did mention your village. I’m glad they’re safe but how are you doing?”
“I’m doing better than I thought possible, to be honest,” Marinette confessed. It was easy talking to Tikki. She picked the needle once again and let herself ramble while she worked. “I feel a little lonely sometimes, but I never imagined I’d actually come to like my new husband. He’s kind and attentive. He respects my space and I think he genuinely is amazed by my cooking and sewing skills” she giggled. “He gave me power over his domain since day one and… yeah, I think I like him.”
Tikki looked at her with giddy eyes and a kind smile.
“I’m happy for you, Marinette. I knew Plagg chose well. Adrien is such a gentle soul, a perfect decision for the God of Destruction.”
Marinette went rigid.
“The god of what?”
“The god of destruction” repeated Tikki slowly, eyeing her reaction. “And mischief. And misfortune.”
Who, now?
Marinette looked at her friend like she had just slapped her.
“But… but… no. His name isn’t Adrien. He is Kim, the god of the sun, rivalry and fire! The one who would melt my land with the volcano if there isn’t an annual sacrifice!”
But her memory was bombarding her with all the times he had almost slip. The times Plagg and him would send each other furtive or disapproving glances, as if trying to keep a secret from being revealed.
“Oh. Oh, no Marinette,” said Tikki, with heavy realization. “I think there has been a misunderstanding. You were on the territory of the god of destruction, misfortune and mischief when I found you. I should have asked for clarification.”
“No, but.. but he said so himself! He is Kim, god of fire; not… not…”
“Adrien?” asked the voice she had learn to miss on her afternoons.
She turned abruptly to face him, and for the first time since she knew him, a guilty expression cast a shadow over his features.
“I am,” he said softly. “Adrien, god of destruction, mischief and misfortune. That’s me.”
There was a long pause. Tikki, who had been longing to meet with Plagg, couldn’t help but get offended on Marinette’s behalf. She flew right towards him, a big frown on her face.
“Plagg! This has your mark painted all over! Was it your idea to trick Marinette like that?”
“Well, hello to you too, cheesecake. Can see that you missed me. I didn’t know you knew the bride.”
“Ugh, I can’t talk to you when you are being unreasonable,” he said, and flew off.
“Unreasonable! I can’t believe you’d trick an innocent girl who were just trying to help her parents! How cruel can you be?” Exclaimed Tikki, following him while giving him a piece of her mind. Soon, both of them got lost in the hallways of the castle.
“It’s true, then. You are not the one who I was supposed to marry,” Her tone was calm, but her mind was racing, going through all of what that entailed. Was his kindness, the kindness that got her, fake? Was he laughing at her back while she blushed and thought that she was oh, so lucky to have such a kind and humble husband? Did he realize what he jeopardized? Her parents, her village?
Oh, her people…
What if they were already gone? What if Kim, enraged, had already burned to ashes her village while she was here playing house? She could not fathom the thought.
“Well, I… it’s true I’m not the one one you were looking for, but even gods are not free from The Fate’s domain, and after knowing you, I was hoping…”
“Hoping?” She interrupted him. “Hoping for what? That I’d forgive you? For impeding me of helping my people? My parents, who were the only reason I had to…” her voice broke. But she bit back her tears and continued. The more she thought about it, the more betrayed she felt, the more hurt she got and the more stupid she knew she had been.
“I’ve been here! Losing time, married to you! When I should have been saving my people!”
She dashed towards the door, but a hand on her wrist stopped her.
“Let me go, I have to make sure that they… that they’re not…” she could not finish that thought.
“Marinette. Marinette, listen to me. They’re fine.”
“How can you know? They could all be dead by now. My parents, my friends…”
“They are just fine, please listen to me -”
“You lied to me! You tricked me into marrying you and to let my village to die! And for what? A stupid prank?”
“I know you are mad at me, and I shouldn’t have lied to you, but I couldn’t help it. It’s who I am. I am the god of mischief.”
He probably should try to excuse himself after he explained, he realized. Marinette turned to him and pushed him hard. He stumbled back and she kept throwing her fists in his direction.
“The god of mischief! And destruction! Very well played! You destroyed everything that I care about!” She accused with tears streaming down her face. She finally collapsed to her knees and started sobbing.
“Marinette, please listen. They are fine.” He said softly, kneeling beside her. He wanted to touch her but noted that perhaps it wasn’t the best of ideas.
“How can you know?”
“Because I have been going to visit Kim everyday. I don’t really need to leave the castle to do my godly duties. And even if I did, I’m sure the world would do just fine without cataclysms for a few weeks. Or years.”
“You went… to Kim?” She asked, perplexed. She wasn’t following completely, but figured she could at least trust that her village was still intact.
“Yes, I went to offer him a deal. If he gave up this year sacrifice, then I’d be his challenge buddy for the next decade. No questions asked, every time he wanted. Turns out he has been challenging me to play various sports every day. I hope the novelty passes after a few months, but I’ll still have to accept his challenges for the next ten years,” he grimaced.
“He… gave up the sacrifice?”
“Well, not exactly. Since you were supposed to be the last one, I could only buy you a chance. He’ll challenge you to a match. If you win, he’ll revoke the sacrifice policy off your village. If not… well, you’ll be his challenge buddy, like the rest. And your village would have to send another every year, like before.”
“Wait. The rest?”
“Yeah, every single one of the previous sacrifices are alive. They live in his domain now. They have to accept every challenge he asks of them, but they have good lives. With all the luxury a human blessed by the gods could expect.”
It was a little too much information for Marinette to handle. She needed a moment.
“So everyone is alive? All of them?”
“Every single one of them,” he smiled.
Marinette felt so relieved that she almost hugged him and thanked him, but she held herself back.
“You still lied to me.”
“You’re right. It was a stupid prank that got out of hand, but I did my best to make it harmless. I’m also giving you an opportunity that none of the others had: a chance of freedom. Would you… accept that as an apology?” He asked hopefully.
With all that he’d done to take the danger out of the situation… it was indeed a harmless prank from his point of view, she guessed. Except that she was tricked into marry the wrong guy.
“You still tricked me. To marry you.”
His smile, ever changing, was a little sad then.
“I tricked you into believing that we’re married,” he said.
He took her hand again. The one he held in their sleep and the one that had the binding bracelet painted on her skin.
“This is just a mark that shows you as a blessed-by-the-gods human. It’s not a marriage contract. I can easily remove it, if you want. I thought that perhaps it would give you at least a little of an advantage in the upcoming match, but… perhaps coming from me,  the God of misfortune, you’ll want it removed.”
“So you’re saying that we’re not married?”
“Oh,” for some reason, she felt a little empty.
“When were you going to tell me?”
He made a pause, uncomfortable.
“Ten years?” He tried.
“Adrien!” She reproached. It was the first time she said his name and a little magic mingled in the air, like every time you said a god’s name out loud in their presence. She realized that she had been sharing a home with one of the two most powerful gods that there were. And he was kind of a goofball. And sweet. For a god of destruction, of course.
“Sorry! I’m kidding. I was planning on telling you the very next day, when I made the arrangement with Kim. But when I came back… you were wearing the kimono I picked for you and you made the most delicious bread I have ever tasted, and… you smiled. You didn’t seem bothered by being here, with me. And… I guess I wanted to pretend for a little longer.”
There was a pause. Marinette realized he had mentioned Kim had a kingdom. Perhaps the other gods did too. Perhaps his land was empty because no one wanted to pray to the god of destruction and misfortune. Perhaps his castle was built with raw materials because everything broke in his presence. Perhaps “everything” included his relationships with everyone else too.  
“I can challenge Kim whenever I want?” She asked after meditating it for a moment.
He nodded.
“Well, I’ll be challenging him tomorrow, then,” she declared firmly.
He sighed.
“I’ll take you there.”
He looked up at her face. She averted her gaze.
“And if you’d have me… I’d like to come here. And pretend for a little longer. If you want.”
Kim was nothing like she imagined him. He was goofy instead of mighty and gave the impression of not being too bright. Yet, just like Adrien, he had a youthful appearance and that aura that Marinette was learning to recognize as one that outlined the gods.
The real Kim’s Kwami was a little monkey that, much like his companion, was extravagant and playful, pure chaotic energy. He fluttered around him non-stop, apparently unable to stand still for more than a minute. When Adrien and Marinette entered the Chinese-style palace to meet their king, they found the owner and his Kwami immersed in a childish fight that included faces, grimaces and stuck out tongues, provoking each other like little kids.
They had been waiting for them on the palace throne room, but didn’t notice them when they arrived. Adrien cleared his throat to announce their presence and the pair turned in their direction, their attention effectively redirected.
“Hello, there. I see you were expecting us, so I’ll cut the formalities short. Kim, this is Marinette.”
"Ah, finally!” He exclaimed, not seeming to care much for said formalities and jumping from his throne to have a closer look at his guests. “I was starting to get bored of always challenging the same people. Tell me, girl, what are you good at? What challenges can you offer?”
"Not so fast," Marinette interrupted. Kim stopped and looked at her raising a brow. She bit her lip fearing that she overstepped by being rude, but Adrien squeezed her hand beside her and she continued. “I need confirmation first. Adrien says if I win, I can be free, do I have your word?”
Kim gave her a smirk.
“Of course” he promised. “If you win”.
He eyed her critically. Marinette knew that she didn’t look so much of an athlete. She was small and skinny, but he’d be disappointed if he thought she would abandon so easily.
“I’ll even let you pick the challenge, just so you see that I’m a just god,” he promised and promptly dropped to the ground to start a warm up. He looked eager to start.
Marinette tried to think of a sport she could have a chance with, a frown on her face. Adrien looked at her and squeezed her hand one more time. When she met his eyes with her own, he gave her an encouraging smile.
“You’ll be just fine. I have faith in you. You are amazing, Marinette. I’m sure you can win.”
She smiled back and nodded her head. Adrien and Plagg stepped aside and watched her form the lines.
“You’ll do good, Marinette,” said Tikki and kissed her cheek. “For luck.” Then, she flew to join the unlucky pair.
Marinette turned her attention once again to the god of rivalry and fire, trying to think of an option that would allow her to win. She thought that he might not get along with water, being the god of fire, and perhaps challenging him to a swimming competition would be a viable idea, but it was very obvious. Surely others would have previously challenged him to a swimming competition without success. As Adrien had told her, Kim always won in every competition he had suggested.
If only shōgi was a sport she might have suggested it. Looking at Kim, he looked more on the side of impulsiveness rather than on the analyzing side. She had a strong pair of arms due to all the kneading and lifting and carrying sacks of flour, but nothing as near as a god’s strength. She didn’t want to test his endurance either because Adrien once told her that he didn’t need much sleep, but it was nice and relaxing to lay on bed. He supposed Kim would be the same.
He was still doing a warm up when she lifted her eyes in his direction again. She tried to look at his body type to guess which kind of sports he had less experience with, when it hit her.
“I know which challenge I’d like to propose,” she declared.
“About time!” said Kim, jumping from the floor where he was doing squats. “Well, what is it?”
“Gymnastics” said Marinette, with no trace of doubt on her voice, despite her inner turmoil.
“Yes, especially flexibility.”
Kim was surprised. He had never been challenged for a gymnastics match, and despite that his Kwami was a monkey, he was only a monkey in name. He was good at climbing trees and swaying from one branch to another, but that was about it. Truth be told, he wasn’t very flexible. But how could this girl have known?
She must have seen the insecurity twinkle in his eye, because she smiled.
“Are you backing down from a duel? I have no problem by winning by default.”
“Never!” He responded immediately, like a petulant child. “I never back down from a dare!”
“Very well, then. Shall we start?”
Marinette challenged him to three different disciplines form gymnastics, and he lost all of them. First part of the challenge, he could not touch his head with his toes. For the second he couldn’t do a split and for the third, he could not even reach to grab his toes while sitting down. She won fair and square.
Plag and Tikki cheered. Adrien smiled at her and she returned the smile. After a moment, she ran to him to hug him. Despite everything, he returned to her the one thing she thought she had given up for ever, her freedom.
“Thank you”
He held her a little tighter before he had to let her go.
Marinette didn’t really go back to her village. Spirited away people were not always well received among mortals. She visited her parents in secret though. And Kagami. She told her about her adventure and how she didn’t regret it.
She also made good friends with the goddess of curiosity and investigation, who’s name was Alya. One afternoon, she told her that no youkai dared to venture the mountain during the festival of the gods. They stayed in the festival but did not wander around to interact with humans. They had no interest in them since, unlike the gods, youkai interacted with humans all the time, even if people didn’t notice.
“But then, who did I…?”
“Probably the goddess of lies. She likes to disguise herself as a youkai, especially kitsunes. Which sucks because kitsunes are the kind of youkai I reign above”.
Marinette visited her frequently, but for the most part stayed with Adrien. She thought about going to another human village or city, where no one knew her, but every time she returned to the European style castle, Adrien’s eyes lit up like a million fireflies, and her heart felt warm when he said her name. So she returned. So she stayed.
“They sure make a lovely couple,” said Plagg, voice casual, to Tikki.
“They do,” she replied, a little dreamily.
“Too bad she’s a human who’ll die too soon.”
The little red Kwami made a pause. She looked over to Plagg and saw him eating cheese without looking at her, making a show of not caring about what he was saying. She knew him too well to notice his intentions, though. He was the yang to her yin, after all.
“What? Why would you bring that up?”
“Well, she is. She’s a human. Human lives expire faster than cheese. But I think she would be a good goddess, given the chance, if you ask me.”
“I’m not.”
Plagg shrugged and kept eating cheese, but the silence was heavy with the weight of the idea implied.
“They just seem so… compatible, like you and me. The kid’s been happier than I’ve ever seen him.”
“Are you suggesting that I make Marinette the goddess of Creation?”
“Ugh, no. Wouldn’t that be awful? She’s been creating stuff since she put a foot in this place. Curtains, clothes, bread. What’s next? Furniture? As if the simplest creations of a human girl could endure the power of the mere presence of a god? Ha, no.”
Tikki knew exactly what Plagg was doing, and even if she didn’t entertain the lazy way he was using to try to get in her head, she took a moment to think. She remembered how spontaneously Marinette had created a tool to help her regain her earring, the very same piece of jewelry that helped the Kwami to give mortals the power of the gods.
If she gave Marinette the earrings… she would become a chosen one. A goddess.
“She does create a lot of things, doesn’t she?”
“I was just pointing out how well they fit” said Plagg. “It’s important that our charges do, if we don’t want things to get unnecessarily complicated. Again.”
Tikki sighed. She liked Marinette very much, and she could also read her heart as Kwamis could. She was a kind soul. She would be a compassionate goddess.
The silence stretched while she kept thinking about it. Plagg had long finished his cheese when he spoke again in a soft tone that he rarely used.
“You’ve been alone for so long…”
There had been a couple of centuries since her last goddess.
Tikki sighed, and looked in the direction where Marinette and Adrien were. They were laying on a blanket on the grass, laughing and watching the sunset. The air around them felt different. Electrified, complete. Like it usually felt when she and Plagg where near each other and in perfect harmony.
Plagg had a point. No matter how mischievous he could be, he was always serious when it came to matters of her, like her lack of a chosen one. He was always serious when it came to them.
“Let’s give them this night,” she finally said, when the sky was upon them with a million stars. “Tomorrow, I’ll ask her.”
Plagg, who was dozing beside her, smirked with his eyes closed.
“Ah, you are so easily influenced.”
“Don’t push it, stinky tabi.”
He chuckled and she smiled. She laid her head against his and closed her eyes. She knew it was a good match.
Just adding a little vocabulary in case not everyone is familiarized with traditional Japanese clothing and/or mythology:
Wataboshi: The all white hood called the wataboshi is the Shinto equivalent of the western bridal veil.  The bride wears it before and during the ceremony and is a symbol of innocence and purity.
Youkai: A are a class of supernatural monsters, spirits, and demons in Japanese folklore.
Kitsune: In the literal sense is the Japanese word for 'fox', specifically in the red fox of East Asia. Foxes are a common subject of Japanese folklore; in English, kitsune refers to them in this context. Stories depict legendary foxes as intelligent beings and as possessing paranormal abilities that increase with their age and wisdom. According to Yōkai folklore, all foxes have the ability to shapeshift into human form.
Montsuki: All black formal kimono for men. Worn in ceremonies or parties. They are also used for the martial arts, theater and very popular among artists.
Shōgi: Also known as Japanese chess.
Tabi: Traditional Japanese sock.
Well, there it is. I’m sorry if you were expecting a multichapter series and I only offer a oneshot. Also, I write fluff and made it as less controversial as posible in order to keep it one chapter long. I’m sorry if you were expecting angst. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed! I wrote it with all my heart.
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miraculouslycool · 4 years
Rae Rewatches Miraculous Ladybug
Season 1: Lady Wifi
Alya, there's no way you cut out Ladybug's face that perfectly.
Sure, focus on everyone in class and not the one who is currently NOT right next to you.
Since we know Chat Noir was there during the battle too, I suppose it's implied that Adrien got back faster than she did
"It's Marinette, leave a message! BEEP!"
She.... thought....Chloe was Ladybug because of a costume.
Completely disregarding the fact that Ladybug actually saved Chloe on live television
Early DJwifi!!!!
"But I guess you gotta be sly when Mr. Control Freak is your daddy-o" Someone give Nino a medal.
Awwww that split second shot of Chat Noir talking to the victim!!
"You are cray-cray lady." Atleast Nino still has some common sense
"I missed a half day of seeing Adrien!" Girl are you sure about that lmao
How is no one noticing Marinette talking loudly to herself
Marinette and Adrien are lucky everyone in Paris got whacked with the blind stick
Thank goodness Marinette knows her best friend well
My poor girl, she looks so tired!
Is it morning or midday? What's wrong with the sky?
Mundane black shirt and jeans is fab but sundresses aren't? Tf, Chloe?
DJWifi shenanigans at its prime
Do you all have....I don't know, HAIRSTYLE BLINDNESS?
How did Nino not get a concussion from hitting his head that hard on the locker my god
Well looks like Kim has changed a lot for the better from Season 1
Actually looking back, his crush on Chloe in Dark Cupid isn't really that surprising now
"There's no school policy on invasion of privacy!" How is he able to say this with so much confidence?
And honestly that explains a lot of things. *Cries in Ladybug*
Chloe you drama queen
Honestly? An hour of detention actually sounds reasonable. Alya didn't break in and enter, she didn't steal anything, but she did take that photo of Chloe with ulterior motivations.
And Alya doesnt actually fight back until Chloe escalated things, so there you go.
"My daddy, The Mayor" card = The "Draw 25000" card
Fire Damocles 2020
*skips Hawkmoth monologue*
I like the implication that Alya needs Marinette just as much the other way around. She's the first person Alya calls when she's in trouble.
Damn Hawky uses big words in this episode. Well atleast he found out a thesaurus exists.
Marinette sneaks into the class and no one notices. Now only if she and Adrien could do that while transforming....
Marinette "WHAT" Dupain Cheng
Adrien's expression when he thought Chloe was Ladybug is akin to him reacting to someone suggesting they boil a thousand cats alive
So much for "I'll love the girl underneath the mask, no matter what!"
So it's gone from transforming behind benches, transforming in parks, to transforming in front of her school principal.
"Everyone for your own safety go directly home, right now! Don't forget to read chapters 4 & 5"
Their priorities are wack.
"And it also means you must have a crush on Chloe!" Yeah!!! Totally not like she and Ladybug have been seen on camera next to each other at the same time!
Bad yo yo tricks give it away but not news footage. Oh yeah, and HAIR COLOR.
Ladybug just predicted Copycat
Chat just casually flexing lmao
Chloe fell over and no one cares
"So what do you do when you're not Ladybug?" 'I talk to my kwami out loud and transform in front of my middle school principal, how about you?'
"You realise we might actually know each other in real life!" Oh you have no idea...
"How now, brown cow?"
Ladybug destroying phones is the most badass thing I've seen all day.
I like how he doesn't waste his Cataclysm immediately and goes for a much better and sneakier plam
okay now you know the masks don't come off by themselves
"Tomcat's come to save his lovebug." Akuma or not, Alya is always a Ladynoir shipper.
Damnit, Chat!
"Get her to use her lucky charm!!"
"Your crush will soon be slush"
Great going, idiots, you had her and you let her walk free.
I'd make a much better Hawkmoth than Gabriel
"Ladybug's about to drop the bomb on her real identity!"
*screams in frustration*
This is the only Lucky Charm this entire season that is used to help Chat Noir rather than defeat the akuma
I....kind of don't understand the logic behind that lucky charm. There was nothing in that box, and putting the empty, working microwave against the locked door would have had the same effect....idk maybe I'm missing something. If anyone could clarify this for me I'd really appreciate it.
Still pretty clever though. Not many would have come to that conclusion from a box.
Ladybug: I am not his lovebug!
Also Ladybug: *cradles him to her chest lovingly and asks him in the softest voice ever if he's alright*
Love his face before he hides the feed
"Don't let my miraculous get away!" Bitch shut up
Oh that was one cool move! Chat uses two of his batons to distract Lady Wifi while he destroys the cell tower!! That's a different kind of smart.
Ladybug made it in time, phew. I would have thought she would have detransformed by now.
Their fist bumps are so casual now lol
"Gotta go! You've only got a minute!" He's about to detransform too, but he puts her first.
And she isn't too nervous that he would walk in either! She trusts him just as much!
Adrien followed his heart. The heart usually goes with the more impulsive decisions but Adrien's prime instincts told him that Ladybug's boundaries came first
*skips Hawkmoth monologue*
"Is that true, are you gonna tell him?" I never realised Tikki was talking about Chat!
"Your heart tells you one thing, but a great superhero always listens to her head." and THAT is what makes Marinette such an amazing Ladybug
Although...it does make me wonder.
If her head says that secret identities are important and her heart says otherwise......
Man, she never actually wanted the secrets. Her duty just comes first, that's all.
Oh NOW you notice the hair.
"I happen to think that Chat Noir is pretty slick!" See? Alya is a Ladybug fan but she respects and appreciates Chat Noir just as much.
I completely forgot endcards used to be so simple. Now we have all these hidden meanings behind the new ones.
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cosmicbash · 4 years
@friendshipfisting requested some grumpy Em at the beach while chatting and I got a little bit carried away writing dorky fluff so-
You lucky heathens are getting a huge prompt drop. Hope you enjoy~
(This is long enough I could post it to ao3 if someone wants to come up with a title ahah)
Marshall hated beaches. He always had, they were just always so overcrowded whenever he tried going. And huge clusters of people did nothing but stress him out, even before he got famous and all those claustrophobic fears of a crowd closing in on him suddenly became a reality.
When he was younger and getting absolutely trashed everyday it was easier to deal with. The combination of pills and booze kept him mellow enough that he could even throw himself into a crowd at his own concerts. Helped build up somewhat of a tolerance for whenever he got up on stage.
Outside of performing however? They were still an absolute nightmare that made his stomach twist up into knots. A brief pass through, and maybe a few stops to meet and greet fans he could handle. But actively plopping himself into the hot sandy clusterfuck known as a public beach? That was the furthest thing from fun or relaxing that he could think of. 
Luckily living in the middle of Detroit meant he was mostly free of dealing with said landscape.
So why in the hell was he struggling to get comfortable on some stiff itchy wooden beach chair, with the ocean loudly looming not very far away?
"The wave's are freaking perfect today-" Colson was beaming a smile at him, almost as blinding as the sun resting behind his pretty wet head. The lighting ironically formed a halo around the self proclaimed rap devil. It made Marshall want to snort. "You should seriously come in."
"I'm perfectly fine right here." Under the safety of his umbrella, above the hazardous hot sand. And most importantly far away from the heavy crashing waves. 
Swimming wasn't his best skill either, afterall there was not much need to swim when you avoided the beach. Sure he could wade in a pool and float on his back if needed, but moving, rushing water was a completely different ballgame.
"You're such a drag," Colson's eyes rolled, long legs kicking up sand while he crossed the distance between them. He was still dripping water all over the place, stray droplets splashing onto Marshall's legs when he loomed ever closer to the chair.
Reflexively the older man tucked his notebook away in the nearby bag, knees pulling up so he could resituate himself. Legs crossing indian style to give the brat a place to sit. 
Marshall couldn't care less about being a "drag", he'd been very vocal about his displeasure with the whole idea of wasting a day at the beach. For once he'd taken over the role of bitchy pushover. Spending most of the night before and morning of their trip muttering under his breath, listing all the reasons why it was such a stupid idea. But still going through with the process of booking and reserving a secluded spot for them on some remote beach.
The only reason he'd put up with it at all was for the younger rapper's sake, something which he hoped Colson could actually learn to appreciate. It wasn't common for him to concede like this, but it was only fair. "You enjoying choking on salt water and burning your skin?"
The tall blonde dropped down with a hard plop, legs bouncing to disturb more sand while the beach chair creaked. The bitter question didn't seem to phase his good mood one bit. "Yupp! Loving it. I've missed the beach, I was starting to look like a ghost."
More water splattered against Marshall's ankles, had his skin twitching. "One more big wave like earlier and you might be one-" The brunette was thankful he had shades on, just recalling the moment only a half hour prior when a huge wave had suddenly crashed down and disappeared his partner made his face curl up. It had been a genuinely terrifying minute of watching and waiting for Colson's soaked head to reappear above the water. One that nearly had him leaving his tiny sanctuary to pound down the length of sand separating him from the water. 
Thankfully the younger rapper had resurfaced, farther out then when he'd been hit. Laughter visible even from his distance with the hard shake of the boys shoulders and wide smile. 
"What? That was nothing, you should've seen how big some of the waves over in the Bahama's could get. Now those, those could totally sweep you out to sea."
Clicking his tongue Marshall gave a swift nod, fingers prying open their small cooler to dig out a cold bottle of water. "I'll take your word for it." The last thing he needed was for the kid to get a Bahama's vacation plan into his head. 
Colson sighed dramatically, upper body dropping down to drape over the older man's lap. Inciting a string of curses and half hearted shoves from how the action left water soaking through his shorts. "A little bit of sun and water isn't gonna kill you old man, you look ridiculous all bundled up here in your shirt and hat. Like some horrible undercover pap who's hiding a camera in his beach bag."
The observation was accompanied by a soft laugh and long fingers tugging at the collar of his shirt, trailing up along his jaw to flick his hat.
Marshall's teeth set in a line. "What, you want me stripped down streaking across the beach? Tattoos and dick free for an actual reporter to see?"
The chance of some paparazzo being nearby was slim to none, they both knew that. Marshall had gone out of his way to rent the accompanying two beaches on either side despite the small cliffs between them. There was noone other than their own mix of security teams for miles. The only chance someone was getting a shot of either of them was with a drone.
In theory Marshall could strip down and dance about the beach all he wanted, grab Colson by his skinny waist and fuck him down into the sand until he was choking on a seashell. He was fully confident in his team.
That didn't mean any of that sounded remotely tempting however.
"Maybe not running across the beach," Colson snickered body twisting until he was lying with the back of his head against the older man's crotch. Arms curled up over his head so he could lightly grip onto his sides and stretch the rest of his body out. "A slow sensual walk towards the water sounds a lot better. Would give me something really great to look at."
The harsh tug on wet blonde locks barely elicited a reaction. "If your hoping for a full moon tonight you're gonna be disappointed. News called for clouds-" It was easier to deflect from the brats flirting then reward him with a proper response.
"With how your pants sag I'm guaranteed at least a half moon before sundown." This time Marshall was the one sighing, head shaking while he rubbed his temples. Colson of course looked beyond pleased with his joke, damp hands rubbing up over the front of his shirt to lightly massage his shoulders. "Unless your planning on dressing correctly for once while we walk the shoreline."
"Who said anything about walking along the shoreline? When did I agree to that?"
"What, we're gonna have a beach date and not enjoy the sunset together? It's no wonder you've been divorced twice." The light teasing had Marshall snorting despite himself. Palm pushing his sunglasses up off his face and much to his partner's delight knocking away his sunhat.
"Actually I let Kim's other boyfriends worry about the mushy shit like that, last time I went to a beach with her she left me passed out along the shoreline while the tide was rising." The memory had him chuckling quietly to himself while his gaze trailed along with white shoreline. "Fucking bitch almost let me drown all because I snorted her share of coke."
"Jesus-" Colson's lips burst apart in a laugh. Palms leaving the older rapper's shoulders to cup his neck instead. "Hope she at least cleaned your pockets out before she left-"
The suggestion had Marshall's gaze dropping back down, lips quirking up into a smirk while his fingers raked through Colson's knotted hair. "You'd think so right? Damn bitch swiped my wallet and forgot the motel's key card. Came back to wake my half submerged ass up and bitch how hard of a time I was giving her- like- fuck me for not reminding her it was in my back pocket while I was drowning!"
The outburst had them both laughing finally, Colson's boisterous and expressive was Marshall's was quieter and reserved to a soft shake of his shoulders. A few years ago the same story might've dragged up residual hurt feelings. Colson's soft fingers tickling his throat and heavy body helped keep them away.
"I'll keep that in mind in case I wanna drown your ass sometime soon."
"Probably already have it planned out, why your so eager to get me walking along the shore."
This time when Colson snorted it was followed up with a firm pull. "Fuck, ya caught me-" Large hands curling around the back of his neck to pull him down for an upside down kiss. It was interrupted by panted breaths and light shakes of the younger rapper's head but the action soothed his mood nonetheless.
Colson's mouth was warm against his own and tasted like salty sea water. Marshall even swore he could feel the scratch of sand against his chin but continued to kiss back anyway. The moment was pleasant, helped ease what little stress he had left in his temples.
The broke apart when his back started to ache, fingers tugging softly at the tangled blonde locks until they separated. "If I walk you along the shore like some cheesy hallmark movie can we skip the whole lovey dovey sunset gazing bullshit?"
Colson mock gasped. "And ruin my proposal I had planned?"
Leaning back Marshall moved to uncross his legs, forcing his behemoth of a partner to sit up himself. "If it's another collab idea dragging me out into this ridiculous sun and pesty sand was the worst way to soften me up-"
"Actually I was gonna propose we try fucking out in the ocean. Was hoping the whole weightless thing with the water meant you could hold me up while we fucked." The sleazy wink had Marshall shooting Colson a worried look. It was hard to tell how serious the brat was being. It sounded just like the kind of stupid thing he would actually plan.
"That's one way to break the news to the media," The brunette couldn't help but shake his head and laugh while he climbed back up onto his feet. Hand catching the wide umbrella so he wouldn't knock it over. "Rap God Eminem and rival MGK found naked adrift at sea together. Nude!"
For what felt like the millionth time that day Colson cackled, long neck stretching out while he threw his head back. "We- haha- We don't both have to be naked! Why would you take your shorts off too? You actually wanna skinny dip with me?"
"God no. I don't think I'd ever get the sand out of my ass. Fuck I've been sitting down this whole time and there's some inside my thighs." 
Colson was less graceful when he stood up, full on jostling the umbrella with his head. Fingers curling around the older rapper's abandoned hat to slap it back ontop of his head. "That's half the fun of going to the beach. Getting sand in all kinds of-"Their eyes met in a brief flirty gaze. "Uncomfortable places."
The wink that followed was all the encouragement Marshall needed to start walking towards the beach. Eyes rolling so hard he thought they might get stuck in the back of his head. The sooner they got down to the shore the sooner he could get back to comfort of a nice soft hotel bed.
And promptly screw the blondes brains out.
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jungshookz · 5 years
I rlly love librarian joon so much that ive been rereading it and i was wondering,,, maybe a drabble on how y/n gets a tutor for her philosophy (or any subject) class and they have lessons in the library and joon gets jealous esp when y/n tutor is obvioUSLY flirting with y/n but shes an oblivious walnut (we still love u y/n) and he gets kind of insecure that y/n doesnt ask him for help instead and constantly ditches him for tutoring lessons and overall just seems to have more fun with her tutor
Tumblr media
→ pairing: kim namjoon x reader
→ genre: librarian!joonie is back!!!!, let me introduce you all to arthoe!taehyung, oblivious!y/n, fluffy times + lil bit of angst + tinY bit of smut u know how it be 
→ wordcount: 3.4k
(gif isn’t mine!)
namjoon usually doesn’t take things personally because he’s groWn and he has better things to fret over
but sweetie
he is FREttING over this very very hard
you decided to take up art history this semester and you didn’t want to sLip so you hooked yourself up with a tutor
you just came out of nowhere and you were like hey by the way i can’t hang out after class today because i have my first tutoring lesson and namjoon was like ?? do you have another philosophy exam or something
“nah i don’t have any more exams i’m just taking art history this year and i want to be ahead of everything and stuff”
namjoon thinks that he makes a pretty good tutor himself and he would totaLLY memorise 100 books worth of information so that he could teach you because that’S how much he cares for u
but of course he doesn’t think much of it because yeah it makes sense
art history isn’t namjoon’s specialty so obviously you would reach out to someone who’s actually learning the stuff
whatever it’s fine
“okay! are we still going for dinner?”
“i’ll let you know but honestly probably not?? i’m behind on coursework and taehyung’s going to go over everything that i missed which is a lot!!! i’ll text you later dweeb” namjoon doesn’t even get the chance to respond before you’re leaning down to give him a quick peck and then you just yeEt out of the library
your tutor is a guy
which is fine!!!! totally fine
he’s just curious as to who this taehyung guy is
he’s not like a super jealous freak of a boyfriend it’s all good
namjoon purses his lips before shrugging to himself and bringing his attention back to his laptop
about 20 minutes pass and namjoon’s phone buzzes on the desk
‘we’re still on for dinner!!! i’ll meet u outside the library at 6’
nothing to worry about
remember the thing namjoon said about having nothing to worry about
now he has something to worry about
it’s nearing 6:45 and you still haven’t shown up
namjoon sighs and leans against the front door
he could go back into the library but he already set up the alarm system for the night and he locked everything up
god it’s cold tonight
he shudders and wraps his coat tighter around himself
where are you??
and right on cue namjoon’s phone starts ringing in his pocket
he scrambles to unlock his phone and he brings it up to his ear
“joon?? i’m so sorry!!!! i completely forgot about dinner i didn’t even know how quickly time was going by!!!”
“it’s fine, don’t worry about it!” namjoon clears his throat and musters a smile “i’ll see you tomorrow?”
it’s good that you’re taking your studying more seriously
yeah it kinda sucked standing out here in the cold for literally 45 minutes but u know what it’s greAt that you’re so passionate about learning new things now
“uh-huh! oh, i have to tell you aLL about taehyung he’s hilarious and he taught me so sO much and i didn’t even know studying could be this much fun! anyways i promise i’ll make it up to you-”
what’s thAT supposed to mean
was studying philosophy with namjoon not fun???? he made like a shiTload of fancy flashcards and you seemed like you were having fun!!!
namjoon presses his lips together to keep himself from saying anything snarky even tho he really wants to
“i’m sorRy i’m sorry i’m soRRy i’M sorrryyyyryryryryyrryyr-“ you whine and slump in namjoon’s arms when he opens them up to give you a hug when you come in the next day
“it’s hard to hug you when you’re all floppy and boneless.” namjoon chuckles and you stand up straight before wrapping your arms around his neck loosely
you stand up on your tip-toes to give him a peck or two (or three or four or five) and namjoon hums contently
you should ditch him more often if it gets u to act like this (just kidding he didn’t like being ditched it was awful)
he has you sandwiched in between the book cart and himself and you’re not usually a PDA kinda gal but you can work with this
“do you forgive me?” you adjust his tie and namjoon leans down a little to sneak another kiss from you
“i haven’t decided yet.” namjoon jokes and you let out a small whine
“maybe if you take a quick break.,.. we can go into the backroom..,.,., i’m sure i can find other ways for you to forgive me.,,” you whistle and trace your finger along his chest and namjoon scoffs playfully before stepping aside and letting you out of the bookcart-namjoon sandwich
“i forgive you, don’t worry about it, hm? i’m sure it won’t happen again.”
“yes, you’re right! it won’t happen again. …and i wasn’t kidding about the backroom thing.”
“tempting, but… someone was being a little too loud in there last time.” namjoon pokes your nose before sliding a couple books onto the shelf and wheeling the cart back to the front counter
meanwhile you’re trailing behind him the whole time
“touché. you’re coming over to my place this weekend, right?”
“correct” namjoon opens the little gate to let himself behind the counter
“good!!! i made sure to fluff up your pillows anD i put the shirts and boxers that u left last time in the drawer”
“oh, i get my own drawer already?” namjoon teases and although you roll your eyes your cheeks are starting to heat up
ya he has his own drawer now so what it’s not a biG deal okAY
“ooh, by the way - do you think i can study here today?” you point over to the lounge area where your backpack is thrown haphazardly over the couch and your notes and pens are scattered everywhere
“the classroom that we usually go to is booked up.” you lean over the counter and give namjoon your cutest pout “and i already told taehyung to meet me here”
he still doesn’t know who the guy is
whoever he is he made you ditch dinner but namjoon isn’t biTTer or anyThing
namjoon rolls his eyes playfully “don’t look at me like that, you. of course you can study here! just make sure to keep it quiet and stuff since this is the library, after all”
spoiler alert: namjoon agreeing to let you study here was a big fat MISTAKE
why do bad things happen to good people
in this case the bad thing is kim taehyung and the good person is namjoon in case that wasn’t already painfully obvious
namjoon resists the urge to roll his eyes when he hears another giggle slip past your lips
he loves the sound of your giggle
but noT when it’s caused by kim taehyung
namjoon peeks over the top of his book to look over at you two again
what even is he wearing
are those shoes from guCCI
he has dad-looking square framed silver glasses which look a loT lamer than namjoon’s thick-framed glasses in his humble opinion
and he’s wearing a dangly earring but it’s only in one ear like if ur going to wear dangly earrings u might as well wear them in both ears
and he’s wearing a beret???? this is the LIBRARY this is not PARIS
taehyung leans forward and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear before grabbing the leg of your chair and pulling you closer as you continue to babble on about something
meanwhile namjoon’s just sitting behind the counter gawking at the two of you
what is happening????? what the hell is this??????
“now, lift your hand.” taehyung’s baritone voice is suddenly all namjoon can focus on
his voice is like.,.,. smooth dark chocolate.,.,,. warm honey.,,.,.,.smokey,.., bbq sauce?,.., the point is namjoon sounds like a frog going through puberty compared to taehyung
namjoon is very obviously staring at the two of you now he’s not even going to try and hide it
“-the elegantly, loosely held hands from da vinci probably represent the most exquisite drawing of hands in the history of art…” taehyung hums and presses his hands against yours before loosely intertwining his fingers with yours “every detail of the long fingers and the beautifully modulated shading produces a convincing effect of reality so that one can almost know the person from her hands…” he pulls away and traces his finger from the tip of your middle finger down to your wrist
is that allOWED ??? is that alloweD????????
namjoon is noT going to let this.,.., this.,,.,., ART HOE steaL you from him
and that’s when the lightbulb appears above his head
art history can’t be thAt hard to master…right?  
long ass story short: namjoon spends the entire night going through your syllabus and making sure he’s brushed up on all of the topics so that when he teaches you he’ll have somewhat of an idea of what he’s talking about
he took out a bunch of history books and lugged them all home and he has sticky notes everywhere and his brand new notebook is full of information relating to art history
he pauses and stops typing and leans back against his chair
what the hell is he doing
he’s seriously going to sit here the whole night doing research on a topic he’s never studied before because HE wants to be the one to teach you instead of stupid taehyung
….the answer is yes
namjoon adjusts his glasses and begins typing out his notes again
“the elegantly loosely held hands represent the most exquisite drawing of hands in the history of art…” namjoon mocks taehyung when he gets to a part in the textbook where it talks about da vinci “i bet he has some kind of hand fetish.,,. that beret-wearing weirdo”
maybe he’s being a little too harsh
namjoon is not a mean-spirited person
he’s just not used to.,..,,. relationship.,,., things..,., and the..,., the jealousy thing
he thinks that it’s stupid that he’s jealous but he can’t help it okay
he can be insecure sometimes and right now he’s kinda insecure because taehyung is smooth and handsome and charming and namjoon is weird and awkward and dorky but like in an endearing way??? kinda?? and-
u know what he’s not going to worry about this he doesn’t have time to worry he needs to write out these notes
the point is  
these are unfamiliar waters
he lets out a small breath
nice and calm
everything’s good
“aw, joonie, that’s awfully sweet of you, but you didn’t have to! taehyung has it covered.” you coo and reach up to cup namjoon’s cheek “okay i’m going to go back to-“
“wait- you don’t even wanna try studying with me?? l-look, i made flash cards and everything!” namjoon sets the textbooks down on the counter with a thud before reaching over and grabbing the whole stack of multicoloured flash cards
“well, maybe we can study together… later! you really didn’t have to do all of this for me…” you trail off and furrow your brows
namjoon did a LOT of work like he filled out an entire notebook with notes and this is a thicc stacc of flashcards
“plus you need to dust the bookshelves, don’t you? why don’t you go ahead and do that?”
“y/n, you coming back?” you look over your shoulder and taheyung’s looking over at you worryingly and you wave him off
“yes! hold on, i’m just-“
“c’mon come sit let taehyung take a pee break or something let’s do some study- oH OH u know what i actually have a surprise for you!” namjoon rifles through his papers before sliding a brochure over to you “there’s an art exhibition in town this weekend! i can take you!!!!”
namjoon’s not aware of this but you’re not really paying attention to him because you’re looking through all the notes he wrote out for you
this is a loT of work how long did he take to write all of this down
you look up at him when you realise he’s stopped talking “sorry what was tha-“
“y/n! c’mon, i was just getting to the good part of the book.” taehyung suddenly appears behind you and wraps his fingers around your wrist
“oh, yep! okay, uh-“ before you know it taheyung’s dragging you back to the couch and you shoot namjoon a sheepish smile
it’s officially been three weeks since taehyung became your tutor
and these have been the worst three weeks of namjoon’s life
after the whole desperation act everything’s just seemed to get worse and worse and woRSE
suddenly taehyung is sucking up all of your time
you can’t grab a bite to eat with joon because taehyung wants you to watch a documentary to learn more about the mona lisa
you can’t hang out with joon in general because you’re spending every free minute studying your ass off
and all of these things have a common link
oOH god namjoon has never actively hated a person before but there’s always time to try new things!!!!!!!! HE HATES HIM
but this
this is just the iCIng on the cake!!! the cherry on the sundae!!!!!! the KICK IN THE ASS
“where are you going?? i thought we were finally going to grab some dinner together.” namjoon raises a brow when he notices you beginning to pack up early
“tae’s taking me to some art exhibition because he says it’s better for me to see the pieces up close rather than through the textbook” you hum as you start packing up your things “but don’t worry! i’ll make it back in time for dinner!!!”
namjoon’s eye twitches
you’re going to
you’re going to the art exhibition…. with taehyung……….. but u didn’t want to go when he suggested it.,,.,,.,.
“oh. i see.” namjoon slaps his book shut and clears his throat
you look over your shoulder before turning around
“…something’s wrong.”
see you have a thick skull but not to the point where you can’t see that something is obviously wrong
namjoon can practically hear the gears click-click-clicking away in your head as you stare at him blankly while trying to figure out what it is….,,. you did wrong,.,.,. ??
namjoon looks up at you and raises a brow “nothing’s wrong.” he shrugs casually before checking the time on his watch “you should probably head out to meet tae soon.” he murmurs a liTTLe more aggressively than he would’ve liked to murmur and brings his attention to his laptop
“aw, joonie… i’m sorry!!!!” you pout and bend down and wrap your arms around him from behind as best as you can
“have i not been giving my doting boyfriend enough attention?” you tease and pop a kiss on his cheek before propping your chin up on his shoulder and namjoon lets out a sigh and stops typing
“cut it out, y/n” namjoon mutters and shrugs you off and you let out a breath
he really mad
“namjoon, c’mon. i’m sorry, alright? i should’ve- you know how thick i am sometimes i thought tae was just being friendly because he seems like a naturally touchy person!”
“no one that friendly ever has friendly intentions.” namjoon turns around in his wheely chair to face you and raises a brow  
“i’m sorry, joon. really, i am.” you plop yourself down on his lap and wrap an arm around his neck before leaning down to rest your head on his shoulder
his arm slinks around your waist and he rests his other hand over your lap
“no, you don’t have anything to apologise for… it’s just me and my dumb insecurities.” namjoon coughs and you pop up immediately
“what insecurities?”
“i… i dunno… taehyung is… well, he’s not ugLy, that’s for sure.,., and he seems like he’s pretty well-off with his gucci shoes and his fancy berets.,.,. aNd he seems super smart like i heard him speaking fluent french and yA i can speak french too but not thAt well and whenever i hear him explaining things to you he’s super well spoken and it makes me feel like maybe i… maybe i’m not good enough for-“
“Don’T finish that sentence. don’t!!!” you gawk and furrow your brows
how could he even think that???
“you have absolutely nothing to be insecure about. i don’t like taehyung like that, i like you. i don’t care about his gucci shoes and his french and his fancy terminology.,.,, i only like him because he makes tutoring really fun! i like you, okay? you with your dorky glasses and your grandpa cardigans and your big, big… brain!” you beam at joon and he scoffs and rolls his eyes “if it makes you feel any better i think his cologne is waY too overpowering.”
“huh. that oddly does make me feel a little better.” he hums and you grin before leaning in to give him a kiss
you tilt your head to deepen the kiss and your hand slides up namjoon’s chest to fiddle with his tie
namjoon nudges you off his lap and you’re confused for a split second but then he’s pulling you down so that you can straddle him
“how much time do you have before you have to meet taehyung?” namjoon asks innocently although his hands are not so innocently sliding down your back and getting dangerously close to underneath your skirt
he buries his face into the crook of your neck and starts planting warm kisses on your skin  
you glance at his laptop over his shoulder “mm, 20 minutes?” you breathe out and let out a gasp when namjoon bucks his hips slightly
“is the,, uh.,, the act of forgiveness that you owed me for ditching me last week.,.,., is that still a thing?” namjoon pulls away and you nod quickly because YES it is still very much a thing “…u wanna… help me restock some books in the backroom before you leave?”
…u don’t even need to answer that question
taehyung enters the library to see that nobody is at the front desk
you were supposed to meet him by the math building but u didn’t show up.,., so naturally he decided to come to the library
he raises a brow and looks around the empty library
“oh my god, namjoon!”
tae’s eyes pop out of their sockets when the silence is suddenly broken by a very loud moan
is that
is that u
oh my god
“yes, please, oh my god yes-“
…he’s just going to wait outside for you
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
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gguksgalaxy · 6 years
Prologue | BTS | Fuckboy!Au
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Masterpost | Next📱>> 
You’ve known Jungkook for years. He’s what they call ‘a fuckboy’ — so what? What he does with other girls is none of your business. However, when you meet his friends he doesn’t seem to feel the same way. ›› AU: Fratboy / University ›› Genre: Smut / Fluff / Angst ›› Rating: 18+ Explicit (sex + mild violence) ›› Pairings: JHS x Reader, MYG x Reader, JJK x Reader, KTH x Reader ›› Word Count: 4.4k Warnings Include: Mentions of family problems, divorce, sex. A/N: I’m finally starting this series, I’ve been working on it for a bit now, and part of it will be Social Media (sm) if i can figure out the right way to combine it :) Thanks to @xiubaek13 @ilujongdae and @xingtrash for helping me with this mess of a series.
It was good to breathe in the air from home again after a year, even though it was in the airport. Your year in the US had been the most amazing time of your life, you gained so many new friends, new skills, new experiences. But it was good to be home, to see your family again, to see Jeongguk again. You were maybe a bit bummed you wouldn’t be able to see your best friend until tomorrow, since you parents were coming to pick you up and it was already late at night. But it wouldn’t make you hug him any less tight once you got to see him again.
With your suitcases close behind you, you exited the baggage area and came back to a group of people waiting for their relatives with balloons, presents and open arms. You searched for your parents in the crowd. Instead, you found a familiar mop of dark brown hair hiding a pair of bright eyes that crinkled up in a smile at the sight of you.
You were in his arms within seconds, strong embrace pulling you close to his chest. “God I missed you.” You sighed against his neck, as he lifted you of the ground and spun you around. “So much.”
He chuckled, setting you down and taking his face mask off to reveal a familiar smile. “I missed you too, Sky.” For some reason, you were sure he’d grown over the year that you hadn’t seen him, both in length and in width. “How was your flight?”
“Good Gguk, all good.” You trailed your hand over his arm, his skin warm. “Where are my parents?”
He pouted in mock hurt. “Are you not excited to see me?”
“Of course I am silly. Not like my parents don’t know that.” His muscles flexed beneath your touch, shifting past your grip. “Take me home?”
Jeongguk nodded, leaning over to press his lips to your forehead and pull you against his chest. “God, I’m so glad you’re back home Sky. Part of me was scared you wouldn’t come back.”
You touched his cheek, feelings your chest tighten at the way he looked at you. “What’s got you so sentimental?”
He looked away, bangs shielding his eyes from your view again.
“Hey, it’s okay.” He leant into your touch, taking your hand in his, fingers encasing yours and pulling you close yet again. “Ggukkie.” You chuckled against his chest.
With a bit of push and pull, you let him take one of your suitcases and your bag from you, saying that you looked tired enough already. Strangely, you didn’t feel tired, you felt rejoiced for some reason. Having not seen him for so long, regardless of how many times you’d Skyped until the middle of the night, you were hit with feelings you’d seemed to have grown unaware off. He was your best friend after all, the one who was always there for you no matter the distance. The one who would console you and made you smile, who you could cry with and laugh with until you cried. Life without him, was hard to imagine.
“Wait, did you bring the Audi?” you asked in the elevator, leaning against him.
His soft brown eyes caught yours in the mirror. “Yeah, why?”
“You couldn’t have brought mine?” you pouted at him. “You know how much I hate that stupid car.”
“Yeah, because my legs definitely fit in that miniature thing of yours.” He laughed, sound muffled on top of your head. For a moment all you did was look at each other, and you realised he might’ve changed a bit. You weren’t sure what it was, maybe just the fact that over a year had passed. His eyes seemed to hold something else than his usual wonder and childish glee.
Jeongguk’s Audi still smelled as much of crisp leather as you remembered, and you still hated it. It unsettled your stomach. But you smiled when you saw the snacks and blanket in the passenger seat. He was so attentive, bringing your favourites because you kept complaining how much you missed them. “Can I drive?”
He snorted. “Definitely not.”
“Gguk….” You whined. “Please.”
“You just had an 8 hour flight, you’re not driving anywhere Sky.” He said, opening the door for you after he’d lifted your suitcases into the trunk. “I don’t need you passing out behind the wheel.”
“Yeah, well I’d rather not get into an accident cuz of your reckless driving. Remember when you ran a red light and I almost died?”
He narrowed his eyes at you. “You didn’t almost die, I’ve never been hit before. Or pulled over for that matter.”
You rolled your eyes. “Because you have all the luck for both of us and we know it. Let me drive, please, I’d rather not have an aneurysm the moment I set foot on homeland. I’m not tired, I promise.”
In the end, he huffed and threw you the keys over the hood. “If you even feel a tiny bit tired you’re gonna tell me and you’re gonna pull over that car. Yeah? I don’t need you nodding of behind the wheel.”
“Yeah, yeah.” You said, opening the door and getting in. The gap between you and wheel was way to big, and you yelped at how far to the floor you sank to even get into the damn seat. “I forgot how much I hate this car.”
Jeongguk laughed, throwing his head back and sliding his hand between your knees and under the seat to pull you closer to the wheel. “Just drive, before I lift you back over my lap into the passenger seat.”
The drive was calm. With your favourite music softly playing through the speakers, and Jeongguk’s gentle voice singing along all the tunes that you’d memorised since you were young. In moments like this, you let your eyes off the road to look at him. His head was thrown back, eyes closed and a small smile playing on his lips. Your heart was content right now, as his hand found yours over the console, playing with your finger without looking at you.
It was after an hour or so that you felt your body grow lethargic and begrudgingly pulled over near a gas station so he could take your spot behind the wheel. He most certainly whined when he tried to get in but couldn’t because you’d left the seat so close to the front. “You and your tiny legs.”
“Maybe it’s you and your big legs.” You joked, squeezing his thigh and making him squirm. “You gotta stop working out so much, before you know it you’ll look like half of the guys back in the US. I don’t understand how they think it’s attractive to have boobs bigger than mine.”
Jeongguk snorted as he hit the freeway again. “Because you really have big boobs.”
“Hey! There’s nothing with my chest mister.”
His eyes crinkled up in a smile, fingers splayed over the beige coloured wheel that made him hands look a bit paler than usual. “Do yours actually get bigger if you work out?”
Casual questions like this were very common between the two of you, and you just shifted in the seat so you could position your legs over his lap. “No, they just turn real firm.”
He hummed, legs spreading comfortably and your feet almost slipping off.
“No Gguk, not a good firm. A bad firm. Like tennis ball firm.”
“Yeah.” You said, grabbing the blanket and the bag of chips. Jeongguk was a reckless driver, always speeding, always running red lights wherever he could. But he looked comfortable behind the wheel, like somehow he belonged there. His seat slightly reclined, legs spread for no apparent reason, one hand on the wheel and the other dangling off your knees. “So tell me, what have I missed out on?”
He chewed the inside of his cheek, a sign to you that he was most likely about to say something bad. “I might’ve forgotten to mention that I joined a fraternity.”
You choked on your chips right then and there. “I - Excuse me, Mr Jeon?”
“I’m sorry, it just never came up, and I only really joined because of my family and such. But then I saw Jin and we like got talking, and now I’m living in one of the split houses.” He mumbled under his breath, cheeks red because he knew you were going to be upset about this.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I don’t know, it never came up? I didn’t think it was a big deal.”
It wasn’t a big deal, you really couldn’t care if he was part of a fraternity. But him not telling you didn’t sit right in your stomach, because he must’ve had a specific reason for it. You told each other everything, and literally everything, from embarrassing doctor’s appointments to hookups gone wrong.
“I mean, I don’t really care. No wonder you were getting your dick wet left and right boy.”
He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, as if I wouldn’t normally.”
“Not that much you wouldn’t!”
“Hey, girls like me, okay. Not my fault.” He shrugged, and you poked your foot near his face just to spite him. “Stop that!”
“Is Jin being nice to you?” you asked, knowing Jin pretty well from when you were younger. As it was, your older sister Livvy used to date him. She met him back when she used to babysit Jeongguk, the event that brought you and your best friend together. Jin is Jeongguk’s older cousin, the other heir to his father’s law firm Jeon-Kim. “Or did he just, not change?”
Jeongguk chuckled, knowing exactly that you were referring to the elder leaving your sister high and dry so he could fuck around in college. “Both, definitely both. My brother’s beyond pissed that I did make it into the second home and he didn’t.”
“What’s that?” you asked, totally aware that you were talking about the notorious fraternity Alpha Tau Omega that was central to the university you would be going to this year as well.
“Oh, it’s like a mansion that’s off campus. Since they’re not allowed to throw parties on campus anymore due to violation of rules. It was something with alpacas, I think? It’s me and 6 others, you’ve seen pics of some of them. Yoongi, and Jimin both live there as well.” You remembered those names clearly, they’d come up before when you were talking to him late at night over the phone. Jimin was 2 years older than him, you remembered him from photos as having an endearing smile and devilishly good looks that were only enhanced by his jet black hair. The other, Yoongi, had shown up in many of Gguk’s snapchats. His hair bleached almost white, and often dressed in something semi casual like skinny jeans and a vest with a baseball cap often pulled far over his face. From what you’d seen from him he was handsome, a glint in his eyes that you couldn’t really explain, but you’d openly admitted to your friend you found him attractive. To which he’d replied that he wasn’t your type. Too…forward, he’d say.
“Okay so, you basically live in a club?”
“I mean, technically, yes. But it’s a really nice place, I have my own room and I only share my bathroom with 1 person.” He turned off the highway, getting home way faster than you would’ve if you’d completed the drive. “I know my dad offered me a penthouse like Hyuk has, but I’d rather live with my friends really. It was way too big and lonely there.”
Jeonhyuk was Gguk’s older brother. It was an understatement to say the two didn’t get along, and you didn’t like him either, at all. Every run in you’d had with the other since you were a kid had made your feelings for him worse. He was as stuck up as his father, money was everything, and he’d use it to claim his status every moment he could.
You licked your lips, closing your eyes. “Hey, you don’t have to justify your choice to me kid. I’d love you even if you lived in a box, because who are we kidding. You’re always at my place anyway.”
“True, very true. It’d be a big box though, you could make a home in there.”
“Pfft, okay mister, I’m just gonna close my eyes for a bit. Don’t kill me while I’m asleep yes?”
“Yes Sky, yes.” You fell asleep to him singing, his fingers drawing patterns on your thigh and relaxing you through the familiarity of it, he always drew the same shapes.
You woke up to him lifting your feet of his lap, laughing when you shot up in fear. “How sad that you woke up, I was gonna carry you upstairs. Seeing that you’re awake though, I guess you can walk.”
Through your window you caught sight of your familiar apartment building. The year you’d been gone, you’d sublet your quite spacious apartment so that you would still have it once you returned. It was a bit further away from your new university than the previous one, but it was near all your favourite spots and it had just become home in 3 years. “Can you piggyback me?”
He protested for a bit, but when you wrapped your arms around his waist from behind, he sighed and gave in. “I hope all that McDonald’s didn’t make you too fat to lift.” He said, letting you hop onto his back.
“Stop complaining you baby, we both know you lift more than I weigh.” You shot back, to which he laughed. His hands held you firmly by the thighs as you held your bag in front of his chest.
The material of his leather jacket was slightly slippery but you just had to hold on a bit tighter. He was warm, and you rested your cheek on his shoulder as he carried you to the elevator. You yelped when he pressed you against the mirror, just to annoy you because you knew he could easily carry you. “If you don’t stop being so annoying, I will not let you sleep over.”
He raised an eyebrow at you. “Oh, because I certainly want to sleep over.”
“Don’t pretend like you don’t miss me in your bed, Jeon Jeongguk. I still remember you complaining how cold it was last December!”
For you and Jeongguk, sharing a bed had become a regular thing. One of the reasons being him always staying over at your house after your sister stopped babysitting him. You had the guest room, but your bed was way more comfortable. Through the years, sharing a bed had evolved into waking up in a mess of tangled limbs and someone most likely drooling on the other. Even though his dad hated it when he kept coming to your place to stay the night, he knew he didn’t have too much of a say in the matter. Some people did thing it was strange, especially since you were 3 years older than Jeongguk. But the age difference really had never mattered to either of you. Maybe you were childish for your age, or whatever. The older you got, the more you both forgot about it.
“Fine.” He sighed, faking annoyance but still carrying you through the door and setting you down on the couch.
The apartment smelled strange, but it was cold, and that feeling of coming back home after a long time crept up your skin ever so slowly. Jeongguk explained how he’d gone grocery shopping with your mom that day, so you’d have some food to eat. He really was somewhat like the third child in your family, both your father and your mother loved him. Your parents were divorced, something that was hard on you three years ago, but now they both secretly always asked you if Jeongguk could come to their christmas dinner and not the other’s. You’d grown used to it, and you were glad they never fought, they still both came for your birthday and got along. They’d just explained how the love was gone.
“I’m going to get the rest of your stuff, go take a shower or something, hmm?”
You nodded, and he did that thing where he briefly brushes his knuckles over your cheek with a fond look in his eyes that you couldn’t explain. It almost brought tears to yours, because you realised how much you’d really missed him. Everything about him. He was a piece of home after all.
After your shower you found him in your bed, scrolling through his phone, jeans discarded on the floor and leather jacket hung over the chair in your bedroom. He was warm as you slid in beside him, and he curled towards you, soft flush spreading over his cheeks as you placed your hand on his arm. “I really missed you.” He whispered.
“What had you so sentimental back at the airport Gguk?”
He licked his lips, arm tucked under his head, leg brushing against yours. “You know, at a certain point I was convinced you had so much fun there, that you’d consider staying there. That you’d decided you wanted to move there permanently and not come back home.”
You looked at him with wonder, seeing the way his eyes slightly glassed over but he managed to push his own tears away. The same way he always would.
“I will always come home Ggukkie, I promised right?” A smile spread over your lips, as you hooked your pinky finger with his. “I don’t break my promises.”
A relieved feelings spread through your body at the sight of his smile. “Yeah, I know.”
“And you know, if you’re scared, or worried, you can always tell me okay? You don’t have to hide things from me. Even if you’re afraid of the answer.”
He nodded, letting go of your fingers and draping his arm over your waist, fingers ghosting ever so lightly over your back through your shirt. “Are you tired?”
“Yeah, a bit.” You mumbled, closing your eyes and breathing out gently. Jeongguk smelled lightly of mint and cotton, fresh and light and just the way you remembered.
After that he didn’t really say anything, and you let his presence lull you to sleep. His warmth was welcoming, even though the nights were still full off summer.
The next day,  you woke up to an empty bed, stretching out, legs moving without obstruction. “Gguk?” you mumbled with your eyes still closed, aware of the sunlight breaking through your thin curtains and painting your body in small streaks of light.
“I’m going to shower.” He said somewhere to your right with a chuckle. “Are your eyes glued shut or something?”
Jeongguk and his stupid jokes. “If you’re naked, then they are.”
“Okay, one, you’ve seen me naked before. Two, it’s not bad of a sight to look at. Three, I’m not, yet.”
You chuckled, his voice also giving away he hadn’t been awake for long. “Just go shower you thot.”
“If anybody is a thot here, it’s you!”
“If I have to get up out of this bed kid, I swear to God I will hav-“
“I’m going, I’m going.” He laughed, closing the door behind him but not locking it.
After a while of just laying around in bed, you got up and shuffled into the kitchen to turn on the coffee machine and toaster. You found strawberries in the fridge, along with a small cake that said “Welcome home little Sis”. After your sister had gone to university for three years, studying business, she’d told your mom and dad she wanted to pursue baking. Your parents, always having been free and accepting with the both of you, supported her. At that time you were 18, and you’d spend many long long nights in the kitchen with her, covered in flour and milk to try and come up with something nice.
You decided to save it for later, your stomach not up for sugar this early. So you took out the strawberries and cleaned them, setting them on the table together with the coffee, toast, and milk.
Jeongguk walked in still towelling off his hair, face a little red and puffy from the shower. He smiled sheepishly and sat down across from you, hand immediately going for the milk to dull down the harshness of his coffee. “Isn’t this weird?”
“Milk in coffee? No?” you giggled, your friend speaking in the pouty way he often did.
“No,” he shook his head. “Us, falling so easily back together as if it’s nothing?”
You cocked your head to the side, waiting for him to gaze back up at you from his food. “It wasn’t like I never saw you. I talked to you at least twice a week, I’ve told you practically everything that happened. Do you think it’s weird.”
“No.” He shook his head again, hair swaying slightly. “I was just thinking.”
“Stop ruminating in your own head Jeongguk.” You said, pushing the strawberries his way. “Eat, enjoy, and stop waiting for something to go wrong.”
It wasn’t uncommon for him to do this. To be nervous about absolutely nothing, to try and problems and mishaps where there were none. “I have to go in an hour or so. I promised your dad I’d drop you off.”
“Do you have something to do?”
His eyes flickered to his phone as it went off, messages showing up in his screen in quick succession. “Family meeting.”
“Family meeting, or family meeting.” You said, unsure of what had suddenly captured his full attention on the small device.
He sighed, shoulders dropping and running a hand through his hair that was quickly drying. “It’s about the company or something. Hyuk’s gonna be there, but so are Jin and his dad. I’m not really sure what’s up, but I’ll just sit through it and hum to whatever they’re yapping about.”
“If you need me to save call you, just send me a text. Yeah?”
“I know, but they’ll probably not try and one up me if Jin’s in there with uncle Seok. Dad hates nothing more than to be reminded that he shares the company and uncle Seok isn’t going to let him talk shit to me. You should’ve seen dad’s face when he implied that Jin could take over the company with one of their partners if I didn’t want part of it. He almost blew a fuse right there.” He grumbled, mouth full of toast. “My brother just needs to keep his big mouth shut.”
“Well, you could try and talk to Jin about it. I’m sure you guys can figure something out.” You said, not having any knowledge on business at all. You had a bachelor degree in philosophy, and a taste for artistic fields like your father had. Writing was your passion, it was the reason you’d fled the country, to find inspiration and actually put your work into motion. Writing had slowly replaced cheerleading over the years, even though you’d joined a small competitive group once you’d decided to settle down somewhere in upstate California.
He got up after he finished his food. “Did you take a lot of videos?” he asked, pointing at your camera that was still set on the counter from yesterday.
“Yeah, I have like 17 SD cards full of stuff. Because we both know my notebook has zero storage.”
Your friend shook his head in disapproval. “Can I edit them?”
“Your videos, can I edit them? I’ve been looking for a new project but I haven’t really had anything to film for a while. I promise I won’t ruin them.” You took the image of him smiling and scrunching up his nose in the way only he could and stored it in your mind for later as you told him you’d fetch them before you left.
Before he dropped you off, he promised you he’d call. You’d whined a bit when he said he would be busy for the next week with family and school stuff so he might no be able to come see you, but he’d call you and ask for the week after. You’d agreed with a pout, and kissed his cheek before you left him and the smell of his leather interior behind.
The thing was, he didn’t call you. When you called him, he didn’t pick up and texted you to say he way busy and couldn’t pick up right then. It crushed your heart way too easily, because he’d never done this before. You two barely ever texted, calling was always the better option. He had never been too busy to call you, even if it was for a few minutes. It was over a week until you’d finally managed to get a proper hold of him, and even then it seemed like he was doing something that preoccupied him.
“Gguk what’s going on?”
“Nothing babe.” Okay, now you were suspicious, because he never called you that, ever.
“Gguk, don’t lie to me. Is it your brother?”
He was silent, and you could clearly hear voices in his proximity. “No, I’m not. I’m just busy right now. I’m so sorry, I don’t think I have much time this week. There’s a bunch of shit that needs to be settled with the company for some reason, and I have to help around at ATO to get things ready for the start of the year party. Maybe we can meet before class on Monday? I know a great place on campus that you’ll love, it has those tiny cakes.”
The way he kept his voice almost hushed made you frown, but you’d agreed to it nonetheless. You were sure whatever it was that he was chewing on would come out sooner or later. Maybe he was right, maybe the way you fell so easily back into each other was weird. Or it was too easy to be real.
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© GguksGalaxy 2018-2020
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munofsilver · 6 years
Akumatized AU Chapter 11.
Dark Cupid to spread dark love. IDK where I was going with that. Ao3 link. 
Being able to fly is cool. I have a feeling that will bite me in the butt during anything sports related to school. Worse Valentine's Day ever. I just hope I didn't ruin anyone else special day too much. I pulled out one of my arrows. “I wonder if these still work. If so does it still work the same.” I asked. “Should I test it?” I'm aiming my arrow with my bow around the room. “I don't think that would be wise,” Max said pushing up his glasses. I totally forgot he was behind me. I turn around to face him with my bow still loaded and aimed at him.
“Kim please put that down!” Max yelled. I put the arrow in the quiver and toss the bow on my bed. “Sorry man,” I said with a lame laugh. “Sorry it didn't go according to plan,” Max spoke with concern. “It's okay. I should have known Chloe would be so cold. I guess I didn't see it.” “More likely didn't want to see it,” Max corrected. Hate to say it but he's right, like always. “At least now I know not to trust Chloe anymore,” I try to lighten up the mood.
After dinner, I walk Max home. I could fly but Max can't. “I still think I should try out my arrows.” “Kim, no. That would not be wise. Besides, why do you think you need too?” “To see if they still work,” I answered. “Why do you need to know?” I think about that for a bit. “I'm not sure.” I think about that the rest of the way to Max's place and all the way back home.
I guess I should talk to my parents about this, but I don't know when they will be home. It could be very late. It is Valentine's Day after all. I guess they'll find out in the morning. I promise them I would be in before around 10. I stay up as late as I could, staying in the family room. Playing video games, someday I will be able to beat Max in one of these.
After I brush my teeth I stand in my room. “How can I change clothes with these wings?” I open and close them. “I may need help. I guess that's how I'll tell my parents. Not the worst idea I had.” I think trying to win over Chloe takes the ball. I flop down on my bed. I don't think I could sleep all that well on my back, so stomach it is. Maybe my side then what will happen with the wings? So far the wings are the worse part of this.
Found out I am able to sleep just fine on my back. I woke up this morning sleeping on my back. So far so good. I smell bacon. Alright, food!  I rushed out as fast as I could. That's very fast cause no one is faster than me. Then I heard a scream. “Who are you? What are you doing here?” My mom is freaking out while my dad is standing in front of her.
“Hi, mom. Hi dad. Good morning.” I waved with a smile the was gone when my mom fainted. Breakfast has to wait. Once she came back I was able to explain everything to them. Mom fainted cause she thought I was still akumatized and after them. Once I spilled everything she seemed fine. Same with dad. Now to school like this. I wonder if I can still make Chloe think I'm after her. That would be funny. Or would that be rude? I'm sure everyone knows I'm back to normal anyway.
I decided to fly to school. Oh, man was that fun. Not as fast as before but still cool. I landed in front of Max and Alix. “Show off,” she grunts. I only laugh, “Jealous much?” “You wish,” Alix glares at me. “Not now,” Max stands between us and push us apart. “We don't want to be late,” Max looks at Alix. With her head down low she heads inside like she does every day before school. I remember her saying she has to go to Mr. Domocles's office.
I wonder if I'll have to do that also. I didn't bring my bow and quiver with me. All are in my room. “Question, Kim.” Max's voice broke the thought bubble. “Why did you bring your weapons with you to school?” “I didn't.” “They are on your back,” Max pointed out. “How?” I asked like an answer would come to me. I rushed in and put them in my locker. “That should take care of it,” I said clapping my hands together. Time for class, I head to the classroom. Only to be stopped by Mr. Domocles. “Mr. Le in my office, please. I'll be there soon.” Knew it. I just nod my head and head on over to the office.
Since he said I could I walk right in and sit down. Just have to wait, I hate waiting. Good thing I didn't have to wait long. “Hello young man, I'm sure you know why I asked you here,”  he takes a seat behind his desk. “I know that people that have been akumatized have weapons. I would like the one you have here in my office with me during school. You can get it back when school is done for the day.” He didn't even wait for me to respond. That's kind of rude.    
Mr. Domocles looks me over. “Where is your weapon?” I jump right up in my seat. “In my locker sir.” “Please bring it here.” He didn't have to tell me twice. I was out before he opened his eye due to blinking. I was back within a minute. (It actually was five.) I rushed in only to get yelled at to knock. I closed the door then knock. “Come in.” I enter and hand him my bow and quiver of arrows.
When I enter the classroom, I was asked to sit in the back so Rose and Juleka could see. Max and I sit where Rose and Juleka use to. Stupid wings, I'm starting to hate them. Even folded down they're still in the way. At least Max is still next to me. It's good to have a friend with you. After lunch when I returned to my seat there was something there.
A drawing of me not akumatized winning a gold medal at some sporting event. Not the Olympics that would be awesome. I'm good but not that good, yet. Color and everything. This is awesome, only one person I know that can draw. “Hey Nathaniel, thanks, man. Great pic.” I made him jump. He is a jumpy person. “You're welcome, Kim,” he whispers. “Why are you whispering?” He just looks away and excuses himself. “What an odd little one, he is.” I shake my head with a smile.
After school, I grab my stuff. I don't know why. I don't even need or want these. Unless I can try them on someone like Alix. That could be fun. Will Max let me though? That is the big question. Time to find Alix. The hunt is so on. I flew around for a while until I spot her on her way home. As quite and quickly as I can I swop down towards her. Bow loaded with an arrow and pointed right at her. Sadly I was unable to hit her cause I missed. “I guess now I suck at aiming with this.” I try again.
I hit a cat. Nothing seemed to happen with the cat. Guess it only works on people. The third time, I thought I hit her but I hit a building instead. Maybe if I try on the ground. I land and tiptoed closer to her. Arrow ready and pointed at Alix. I pull back on the bowstring and, “Kim what are you doing?” I let go o the string and see Rose standing next to me. Busted, at least it wasn't Max. The next thing I knew Alix comes up to me and punches me in the groin. “Alix, what the heck?”
Her lips are black. My arrow hit her. They worked like they did when I was akumatized. Good to know. I could do without the punch to the dick. “Kim are you alright? What happened to you man?” Alix holds out her hand for me. I get to my feet. “You just punched me.” She just stands there and blinks. I guess they don’t remember and it has a limit.
Rose told her everything. I think I'm not going to use these. I don't want to get punch again. Alix is stronger than she looks. Then again she too was akumatized. That's why she's strong. That must mean that I'm stronger also. I head home with speed, thanks to wings, I need to hit the gym.
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Fresh Start - chapter 3
@mlrarepairmarch continues and I’m still total Dupainchien trash (I wrote this chapter ages ago but forgot to post it whoops)
It certainly wasn’t the first time Kim had been to Marinette’s house. Far from it. For as long as she could remember he had been welcomed there with open arms, her family always giving him free snacks, him taking refuge there during some akuma attacks. This wasn’t like the odd time when Adrien came over, when her parents would be extra sweet towards him and spy on his and Marinette’s interactions to judge how they were getting on, much like her classmates did. No, they tended to leave Kim alone with her.
Usually it didn’t matter at all. This time, however…
“I see you’ve taken down all those pictures of Adrien,” Kim said as he sat down at the desk, getting out his homework.
He had noticed those? For some reason she had always thought him incapable of noticing things, what with how self-absorbed he was all the time. She just watched him for a few seconds, wondering what could be going on in that ridiculous brain of his. Then she quickly looked away as her cheeks heated up. No staring!
Anyway, of course the real reason her cheeks were heating up was because of this June heatwave that was hitting Europe, obviously. Daytime temperatures were soaring. Even now in the evening it still hadn’t cooled down. Considering Marinette’s room was upstairs, all the heat was trapped up here with her. It made logical sense.
She shakily ran a hand through her fringe, which was now starting to catch the sweat from her forehead. “Is it hot in here or is it just me?”
Kim turned and looked at her with a sudden grin on his face, giving her a wink. “Uh, actually it’s me.”
Oh, for god’s sake! Could he not go five minutes without flirting?! Or being a show-off? He wasn’t exactly wrong, but still…
Seeing her facepalm – more like an excuse to hide her face from him – he chuckled and said, “Nah, but you’re right, it is hot in here. Hang on a minute…”
She had only just removed her face from her hands to see him reach up and–
No. He wasn’t going to take off his hoodie, was he?
But he did. She watched him pull it off and… oh okay there was a shirt underneath, thank god. That being said, she still couldn’t tear her eyes away, indignant fury welling up inside her along with something else – it was so unfair! Why had puberty been so nice to him? Marinette, despite being Ladybug, had to deal with a spotty face and spindly limbs and dorky voice and yet this freaking goblin-looking little kid just had to turn out to be hot!
For several more seconds, though it felt longer, she let herself stare at that annoyingly tight shirt, at everything that certainly hadn’t been there a few years ago that a bit of fabric couldn’t hide, not even noticing Kim’s look of confusion when he caught her watching… which quickly turned to a smirk. He threw the hoodie right at her face.
“Admiring the view, huh Cupcake?”
Well, at least that managed to snap her out of it.
“Cupcake, seriously?”
He grinned sheepishly. “I know, it’s lame, but like… you live in a bakery, so…”
“Alright, I’ll allow it.”
She felt like she ought to say something else, but her mind was blank. She just clutched the hoodie in her arms, still annoyed that someone as cocky as Kim could be the one to win the puberty bingo, still half mesmerized by the fact that he definitely had not been that shredded the last time he took off his hoodie–
“So are we gonna start doing homework or what?”
Oh yes – homework! Marinette flung the hoodie over her shoulder into the corner of her room. “Yeah, let’s just get on with it!”
Phew. Maybe homework would distract her from her… annoyance. She put her homework out in front of her, still feeling far too hot. Which was still because of the heatwave, of course! She fanned herself with one of the pieces of paper, wishing her electric fan hadn’t broken. If only she could use Lucky Charm to cool herself down!
“Mari, if you’re hot why don’t you just take off your jacket? Why do you even wear that thing literally all the time?” Kim’s grin suddenly returned. “I mean, I know you’re probably jealous that you’re not as ripped as me, but…”
She tore off her jacket and threw it at him, not even daring to look. “NEVER MIND, LET’S JUST GET ON WITH THE HOMEWORK NOW…”
Kim had never exactly been the best at homework. That being said, he did try hard when he had to, for which Marinette was grateful. What she was less grateful for, however, was how her own brain did not seem to be working at full capacity, only worsened whenever she looked aside and caught sight of this damn hunk sitting next to her.
What was the big deal anyway? Okay, so he had muscles, whatever! It wasn’t like Marinette herself didn’t. Sure, she looked scrawny on the outside, but all that exercise as Ladybug had left her stronger than she looked – a fact that even Alya had been shocked by that one time she came across Marinette in a sports bra. And Kim’s handsome face wasn’t a big deal either. She saw that smug mug of his at school every day, and she herself was no slouch in the beauty department.
No. Big. Deal.
It would have been way easier to convince herself of all this if it hadn’t been for his near-constant flirting. She was used to it, of course, since that was how they always acted with each other. Kim was full of himself, and expected everyone else to love him that much too. Usually Marinette just laughed along and took it in stride. Today, however, it was making her feel far too hot, even beyond the point that the heatwave could explain it…
It was all because he’d taken off that stupid hoodie! That was to blame. Marinette had never cared before, so why should she start now? She was distracted because he was hot, and once that fact had been fully accepted by her brain then things would go back to normal. They had to. She was sure of it.
Until then she would just have to grit her teeth and bear the sudden heart attacks every time he spoke, every time he even moved…
Kim had to leave later that evening to go back to his own place for dinner. He put the hoodie back on – oh, that was a little better – and then she went downstairs with him to let him out. Her parents called out to them on the way past.
“Kim! You’re always welcome to stay for dinner, if you’d like!”
“Sorry, Mrs Cheng, I’d love to but I have to go – but maybe next time?”
It was odd how polite he could be to her parents, considering how hot-headed and reckless he was the rest of the time. In any case, she was pretty glad he wasn’t staying for dinner, since she wasn’t sure if she could deal with more of him right now.
Well… mostly glad. He was kind of nice to look at. Not that it mattered, though!
She let him out of the back door, forcing her brain to work again. “See you at school tomorrow, Kim.”
“Yeah, you too Cupcake.”
That silly nickname again! He didn’t give nicknames to other kids in the class. Maybe it was just a side-effect of having known her for so long, or maybe–
Her train of thought was halted in its tracks as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her cheek, then walked off without another word.
Marinette stood totally still for several seconds, her face slowly flushing bright red… at least until she remembered that they were French, and it wasn’t the first time he’d done that, and the only reason she was blushing was because of everything else on her mind today, NOT because it meant anything. Because it didn’t!
Tikki floated out of her pocket. “Marinette, are you okay?”
She took a deep breath. “Yes. I’m fine.”
She was. She really, really was. And with that, she turned around and went back inside.
After dinner that night she transformed into Ladybug and met up with Chat Noir, as she often did. The temperature was still ridiculously warm, though luckily her suit caused her not to feel it so much. Of course, her suit did nothing to stop her feeling so warm on the inside, so annoyingly, uncomfortably warm, especially since she couldn’t stop thinking about… certain things…
“So what’s up, my lady?” Chat asked her, laying on the surface of the roof like an art model, so over the top as usual.
“Not much,” she said after a pause. There was no need to get into her personal life with him.
Amusingly enough, though, she couldn’t help thinking fondly of how similar Chat could be to a certain someone. Giving her a silly nickname, acting so flirty and extra, always putting on the charms, always being there for her like friends should be. Not too shabby-looking, either.
So then why didn’t Chat Noir affect her? Why did this heartthrob of a superhero in a skin-tight suit not send her mind reeling the way Kim had been doing lately? Chat Noir was hot too, and she knew it! All of Paris knew it!
“Well I’ve been having a paw-some few days, so I’ll try and make your day a little better too!”
Oh, his stupid puns. They always brought a reluctant smile to her face. “What’s got you so upbeat today, chaton?”
He got to his feet and walked over, resting his baton across his shoulders. “Nothing big. There’s this friend I have, and she was always really weird around me – but recently she’s been warming up to me! It’s nice to be able to get to know her better.”
Well, at least his life really seemed to be looking up. “That’s nice. Having friends is always good.”
Except when they were way too hot and stuck in your mind no matter what…
“Don’t worry, you’ll always be my best friend,” Chat breathed, leaning closer. Oh, this silly kitten and his ridiculous attempts at flirting. It was just as entertaining as it always had been.
“You’re always my best friend too. Anyway, come on – we’ve got a patrol to be getting on with!”
She swung off the roof, and he quickly followed.
The next day, Miss Bustier’s birthday, was a day of celebration for the class. Or at least, they had wanted it to be. The teacher herself refused to let the kids make a big deal of things. Marinette still brought in a box of cupcakes from the bakery for everyone to share, though, and Alya snapped away a bunch of class photos to send to everyone. They all appreciated their teacher, and they wanted to show it.
Later that day Marinette stood alone in the lockers, quietly opening her bag and slipping the last cupcake inside for Tikki to eat as a treat. That wonderful kwami deserved all the food she could get, really. She closed her bag again, about to go back to the courtyard to meet up with Alya, when someone suddenly covered her eyes from behind.
“Guess who?”
Judging by that voice, and the fact that she had a mini heart attack on hearing it, she didn’t even have to guess. “I know it’s you, Kim.”
“Yeah, of course it’s me.” He took his hands away and came round to stand in front of her. “Hah, Cupcake actually brought in cupcakes! I’m totally psychic.”
Boasting again? How predictable. “It’s just a coincidence.”
“That’s exactly what I want people to think,” he said with a wink. Marinette found herself having to stifle a giggle, and also having to ignore a sudden adrenaline rush – what was up with that? Anyway, this stupid kid’s ego was way too big for his own good, and she wasn’t about to let herself add to that!
“It’s very childish to pretend to have superpowers,” she said.
“How do you know I’m pretending? What if I’m secretly Chat Noir?”
“That’s ridiculous, you can’t be Chat Noir, because–”
She stopped. How to explain that she knew Chat Noir too well to be fooled by something like that? That Chat Noir didn’t give her heart attacks when speaking to her? Oh – and that Kim had literally been akumatized before, and she and Chat had saved him more times than they could count?
“See?” Kim said when she didn’t continue. “You’ve got no proof! I’m totally a superhero, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
He tapped her on the nose, then walked off. She clenched her fists, a second adrenaline rush hitting her. That – that guy! He was so annoying! And not just because he was hot, but everything else about him too…
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