#I think it'd heal me lol
misc-obeyme · 28 days
Welp that Lucy punishment you wrote the other day was delicious,
Mind doing a drabble about it? Pretty please
Thinking about drawing it, can use higher visuals
🍄 sending water your way
You guys and the water, I'm getting flooded lol!
And yes, I can do a drabble based on that post! I had to go read it again, but here it is for anyone who missed it!
Due to the listing of different ideas and scenarios that I had in my answer, I just chose my favorite one and went with that. Hopefully it turned out okay!
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GN!MC x Lucifer
Warnings: dom!Lucifer, sub!MC, blindfold, edging, fingering, use of some pet names (darling, dearest)
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The silky fabric of Lucifer’s tie was cool against your skin, the careful knot he had made behind your head just tight enough to prevent it from slipping. You kept your eyes open; the makeshift blindfold added a deep dark red to the field of black that filled your vision.
Moments ago, you sat across the desk from Lucifer, confessing to your wrongdoing. You watched him frown, remove his coat, his tie, roll up his sleeves. When he patted his lap, you obediently came over to sit on it, knowing you couldn’t get out of this situation even if you tried. Even if you wanted to.
Now you were sitting with your back against Lucifer’s chest, the blindfold snugly in place. Your legs were spread wide, hooked over Lucifer’s knees. You felt one hand on your waist and another one on your shoulder. His breathing tickled your ear.
You felt his hands remove themselves from your body and you squirmed. Not just because you missed his touch but because you couldn’t see what he was doing with them.
It was evident that Lucifer had been removing his gloves when you felt the skin of his fingers against your stomach. He was moving your uniform, opening your clothing to allow himself access.
You gasped lightly as the palm of his hand pressed against your waist and he pushed it beneath the waistband of your uniform. His fingers slid expertly over the part of you that was pulsing hard with your own heartbeat.
"Hmm," he hummed in your ear. He pressed a kiss to your neck. "You are so exquisite when you're like this, my darling. No one can hear you here, so do not hold back."
You moaned, arching your back against him as he teased you. His ministrations felt so good, you were sure you would come on his hand in moments-
And then he pulled his touch away and you whined in response.
Lucifer chuckled against you. "Ah, but I can't allow you to come so easily, can I? This is a punishment, after all."
You sucked in a breath. "Please," you said.
Lucifer tutted. "Begging? You needn't do that, dearest one. We've only just started."
Lucifer continued, touching you until you were at the edge, then stopping abruptly. You found yourself holding onto him, your hands digging into the skin of his exposed arms. Your head was thrown back against his shoulder, your legs shaking against his. You could feel his hard cock behind you, pressing into your back. He was relishing every moment he spent with his fingers coaxing whimpers out of you.
When Lucifer finally allowed you to come, you found you were grateful for the blindfold. His tie caught the tears that fell from the overwhelming sensations running through your body. You couldn't see him, you couldn't see the room, all you were experiencing was his fingers and the universe twisting around on itself. The only thing that could come out of your mouth was his name.
You couldn't even remember what you had done that had caused this. When you asked him later, in the quiet safety of his bed, Lucifer couldn't remember, either. You indicated that this was a shame because it meant you couldn't make that particular transgression again. Lucifer only laughed and assured you that he could find other reasons to "punish" you if need be.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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brown-little-robin · 5 months
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bubblebbg · 7 months
❝𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞: 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫, 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧❞
Mizu x Reader
- Reader in this fic is of some sort of mixed or foreign descent, but this can also be interpreted as having any trait that would make them a pariah of sorts. Warning, not proofread lol. All spur of the moment.
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When you found the blue eyed stranger laying bloody on a lonely street, you took her in. You keep her warm, fed, and with mends on her wounds. Mizu knows well that there are sacrifices to be made on her path. She doesn't know just how much they can sting.
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Mizu can't quite pinpoint the most irritating part of the pain. The ache of broken bones, the sting of stabs and slices, the consistent ringing in her head; everything hurts, and she supposes that like every other injury, it's all par for the course. Small price to pay for revenge. She knew she'd have to rest at some point, but she didn't expect to be incapacitated, edging on consciousness for days. Every now and then there's a sensation like coolness on her forehead, or water at her lips.
It's on day three that she becomes lucid enough to realize someone's taking care of her. Her distrustful brain is immediately sounding alarms, but her body can do little to react in such a broken state. Mizu can do nothing but lie silent and weak on this futon, sipping medicines and soups when it's brought to her mouth and being patched, cut for cut, wound for wound.
The first thing she notices about you, her caretaker, is your eyes - eyes brimming with concern and care, eyes that catch every weakness of her flesh and seek to heal. She hears your whispers of "poor thing" and "I'll get you healed up in no time". And being Mizu, her first thought is...
She hadn't meant to say it out loud, but she doesn't rush to take it back. Why are you, a stranger, so willing to take care of her? Why are you expending your resources on a broken thing, a mistake that any other sane person would let rot in the street where they found it?
You only smile at her, and in such a way that makes her heart race. Gentle, patient, tentative. She doesn't like it one bit, the way it pulls at doors she's kept locked for years. Her eyes focus, taking in what you look like as you stand and ready yourself to leave the room.
"I don't need your pity!" She manages to choke out. It has you stopping in your tracks.
"It's," she coughs, sputtering on words, "It's because you're just like me, isn't it? You're different. A monster."
The look on your face is one of mild amusement, an eyebrow raised and the corners of your lips upturned. She's not sure if it's that or the confidence in your next words that makes her cheeks heat up.
"I am not a monster. Neither are you."
And you're gone, leaving her to deal with the weight you've left in her chest.
𓆩… . … . … . … . … . … . … . … . … . … . … . … . …𓆪
The days turn into weeks, the weeks into months. With so many parts impaired, it'd only make sense that healing would take this long. Most of all, it's your endless patience that surprises Mizu. When she reopens a wound by carelessly trying to train despite your cautions, you're there patching it up. When she expresses her frustration with not being able to take up the sword yet, you're there reassuring her that it'll all be fine in time. You're kind when she's haughty and sarcastic (which makes her feel guilty, and thus even more indignant), and this extends to others as well. She often sees you helping children or neighbors, anyone in need. You're loved in this town.
It makes her a bit irritated, seeing your kindness bestowed on others. At first she thinks it's because she sees weakness in your actions. Then she thinks it's jealousy - why are you, someone who would otherwise be an outcast like herself, so beloved by your town? How come it didn't turn out this way for her? But when she sees you cooking enough for the both of you and the family next door, stirring slowly as the food steams, she thinks to herself, god, they're even patient when they're cooking. And then it hits her.
She is jealous, but not in the way she thought. In the way that yearns for your priority, that seeks to be the only recipient of your sweet manners and loving nature.
It doesn't help that you've grown close, too close for her liking. There have been nights spent in each other's company, saying nothing but gazing at stars. There have been conversations in which you've both laughed, some in which you cried. Mizu's mind can't help but remind her that this isn't safe; the last time she opened her heart up, it returned battered.
But this - you - feel safe. You dedicated nearly three months to healing her body, all the while you had been patching up wounds the eye can't see.
"I'm leaving," she says meekly on a warm evening, the two of you sat in a field of grass overlooking your village. You look to her and she only stares forward. You suppose it's better than her leaving without telling you, but the pain is no lesser because of the thought.
You take a deep breath and exhale before answering, "I had a feeling."
There's a long silence between the two of you. It's your turn to watch the sun setting over the trees as Mizu looks at your expression, the hints of sadness in her eyes.
"Do you... do you really have to? You are welcome here, you know. You'll always have a home here with me."
The words have Mizu choking up and suppressing the sudden and unnerving urge to cry. What you've done to her in three months still astounds her.
"I do. You know I do. I was always going to have to leave."
Mizu is caught by another urge, the urge to take those words back when she sees streams on your cheeks. You sniffle and hiccup, and it's so much less pleasant than your usual smiling disposition. It hurts in the way no blade ever could.
The sun is disappearing, and she wills herself to stand. If she doesn't, she might never go. She turns to leave and you stand as well. She stops in her tracks when you tug on her sleeve. She faces you and you slowly, carefully bring a hand to the side of her cheek. When she doesn't flinch away, you lean in close. Your lips meet in a kiss that conveys words that neither of you have the power to say.
You pull back after a moment, your forehead pressed to hers and your eyes closed. Your voice is quiet, almost inaudible when you say your goodbye.
"Break my heart once by leaving. Do not break it again by dying."
She turns and leaves while your eyes are still closed. You open them to an empty field, your palm still wet with her tears.
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prettiestlovergirl · 3 months
tw: MDNI; fem!reader; ditzy, princess, kook! reader; oral (m. receiving); dacryphilia; dom! jj; praise kink; light spit swapping; semi-public; oral fixation! reader.
a/n: as an oral fixation girlie myself... i really made this for me lol. writing ✨heals✨. this is a shorter one n i might delete later, but for now.... enjoy, my lovelies! 𓆩♡𓆪
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"you know, ma, i think you're a sugar addict." jj informed you, watching as you unwrapped and popped another jolly rancher into your mouth.
the two of you had been snuggled up on your living room couch together, watching this romantic movie you had practically begged him to watch with you.
you'd given him your best pout and batted your long lashes at him, he was in no position to turn you down. how could he tell you no when you'd asked him so nicely?
besides, as much as the movie uninterested him, it still gave him an excuse to hold and massage your tits under the shirt you'd stolen from him, and that was enough of a selling point in itself.
"nuh uh!" you pouted, shaking your head as you crumpled the wrapper up and tossed it back into the bag of jolly ranchers you had beside you.
"baby, you've got a giant half-empty bag of candy right beside you. you're an addict." he smirked, squeezing your boobs gently to make you shiver while you continued to pout.
"i am not! i just like to have things in my mouth." you explained, shaking your head and trying to turn back to the movie. jj's smirk only grew, you had no idea the door you'd just opened for yourself.
"oh yeah? that so?" he smirked, his hands slipping out from under your shirt and gliding down to your waist. "i can definitely give you something to put in your mouth."
"jayj, wait, i wanna watch the movie!" you whined, strawberry jolly rancher swirling around your mouth as he fixed you on his lap, your head still turned to try and focus on the tv.
he started pressing kisses to your neck, suddenly far more interested in you than he ever would have been in that movie. "c'mon, ma. just wanna help, give you something extra good to put in your mouth." he grinned.
you continued to pout, but it was really no use trying to fight it. jj was persistent and you were his little, eager to please princess. you'd do just about anything for him n sucking his cock during a movie? not the craziest thing he'd asked you to do.
"mmm, fine." you nodded, sighing with contentment when his lips pressed against an extra sweet spot along your neck. "but you owe me!" you reminded, turning your head and tapping your lip gloss covered lips for a kiss.
he chuckled but happily obliged you, groaning at your strawberry flavored saliva filling his senses. you made out like this for a while and when you eventually pulled away, you realized his skilled tongue had stolen your jolly rancher.
"hey!" you frowned, looking back at him as he started helping you get down onto your knees. he swirled the jolly rancher around his mouth, chuckling at your new little pout.
"so dramatic today, mamas. really gotta work on this attitude of yours." he tutted, shaking his head. "no! no, 'm sorry, i'll stop pouting." you stated quickly, your thighs still tender from the last time he worked on fixing your attitude.
"that's what i thought." he grinned, rubbing his thumb along your lower lip to smudge your lip gloss around your chin as you finally sat up.
you pulled his shorts n boxers down his legs, nuzzling yourself in between them as your hand wrapped around his already angry n swollen cock.
you held him at the base, lifting it up and kitten licked up the entire underside of his cock. jj groaned, his hands reaching down and bringing your hair up into a makeshift ponytail, so it'd stay out of your way.
you let your nails scrape over one of the larger veins as you licked over his leaking tip, the salty precum a delicious contrast to the sweetness of the jolly rancher flavoring that had lingered on your tongue.
you went on teasing for a while, but once his grip started to tighten around your hair, you finally relented. you slowly took more of him into your mouth, going until you started to gag.
you sucked and swirled your tongue around what fit into your mouth, your other hand rubbing and massaging everything that couldn't fit inside.
"mm, c'mon mamas, i know you can take more than that." he grunted, his eyes happily fixed on the view of your glossy lips wrapped around his cock.
you huffed dramatically, pretty eyes rolling, but you did just what he asked. you placed your hands on his thighs to steady yourself before forcing yourself to take more of him in.
you loudly gagged around his length, but you didn't stop. your eyes watered immensely, blurring your vision, but you didn't care. jj's groans and praises spurred you on.
he really just couldn't take his eyes off of you, you just looked so fucking perfect like this. as much as he loved burying his face between your thighs, nothing beat the view of your water eyes and drooled soaked mouth gagging on his cock.
"that's it, that's my perfect girl. fuck, yes." he moaned, closing his eyes and relishing in the loud, wet noises that blocked out the tv in the background.
you gagged and slurped up and down his cock, coating it entirely in your strawberry flavored saliva. his cock started to twitch in your mouth, signaling he was close, so you brought your hand up and started gently massaging his balls.
"fuck, ma, 'm gonna cum, where do you want it?" he grunted, biting his lip as his hand held your hair even tighter. you used your free hand to tap your lower lip.
he forced your head to stay down as he bucked his hips up against your mouth, fucking your face momentarily before he finally came down your throat, painting the inside of your mouth white.
you finally pulled off, panting and gasping for air, your tongue hanging out. as you pulled off, you left a glossy sheen all over his cock, making you giggle softly.
"can we restart the movie now?"
ᵈⁱᵛⁱᵈᵉʳ ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᵇʸ @ᵐᵘʳᵘᶠᶠⁱⁿ
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fandomregression · 1 year
Possible New AO3 Tags!!
So, I think we all know that the ao3 tag situation is...not ideal. You have basically two choices for tags: Age Regression/De-aging (which is technically meant for physically regressed/de-aged characters, not agere) or Non-sexual Age Play (which is...the wrong thing). Both of these tags are inaccurate for our community, but we have used them because its as close as we can get. It's even gotten to the point where Age Regression/De-aging has wrangled everything under the sun for agere (agere, age regression, regression, and every tag we make complaining about our tag situation). So! I have two possibilities for new tags we can use!
🧸Inner Child Therapy🧸
this one is probably the most obvious choice? at least it is to me lol inner child therapy is another, more clinical name for agere, so it would be a good choice. it's also not currently used for anything on ao3 (Healing the Inner Child is a tag, but not currently one with more than i think 3 fics, and it's not a common tag, so it would more than likely get wrangled, but I think it'd be okay)
with this one, we would also have the option to use secondary tags like we use with Age Regression/De-aging currently (think how a lot of fics use "Age Regression Little [Character]" tags, we could use something like "Inner Child Little [Character]" instead)
i think inner child therapy as a term would also help with the stigma around agere because it really...can't be confused with anything else? not as far as i can make out anyway lol
a con toward this would be that not many ppl currently know this as a term, and therefore it would be hard to implement
i just think this one is cute. like we're all just out here writing our fics in crayon to share with each other hehe
in my head, this would even be able to include a whole tagging system using diff crayon colors to mean different things (when i was thinking of this concept, i was thinking along the lines of pink crayon = fluff, blue = angst, green = whump, purple = romantic, orange = platonic, white = diapers, etc etc etc etc)
it just so cute in my head lol, and it would definitely be easy to separate from the current tags
a con toward this one is just that it could be confusing to try to implement and i could see it getting wildly out of hand and complicated if we aren't careful with it
No matter what, it will absolutely be a struggle to change tags to get away from what we have right now. In order for any sort of new tag, one of these or something else, to work we would all have to agree not to crosstag. When tagging fics, you would *not* be able to tag it with the old tags and one of the new ones because it would more than likely result in the new tag getting wrangled and then we're back to square one. It would have to be a community effort to get it explained *why* things are different, now, and how to find fics. It would also be a struggle to get authors of older works to maybe switch their tags out so that new readers can find them more easily under a new tag.
These are just my ideas, and I'd love to open the discussion up to you guys!! If there's any other ideas for tags, I'd love to hear them!!!
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tangledinink · 6 months
Hi, I really love your AUs, can't wait to see more!
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eEEEE THANK YOU ; w ; this all so sweet and makes me so happy aaaAAAAAA
ask dump below~
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he was 5'3" previously, he's now more like five feet maybe a little bit less. if you were to measure him and mikey back to back, mikey would be a tiny bit taller. you can't really tell yet, though, since donnie currently can't stand, and up until now he was constantly on tip-toes. he's also just very underweight right now, which makes him seem even smaller. as he recovers and gains some weight back, he'll seem a bit less itty-bitty.
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thank you! ; w ; also while i don't think he's ever, like, straight up wiggled his fingers at a boy, i do think he occasionally gets a little fidgety/twitchy with his hands and fingers when he has a crush. maybe also tends to do little arm/shoulder touches with his outstretched fingers as well when he's flirting. u w u
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It's completely gone! his tummy and hips are now just like the other exposed parts of his body, like his arms and legs-- just skin and scales. I don't think it ever actually came up in the main part of the comic, but is illustrated in his reference image in the masterpost! Also don't worry, no ill-effects from being crop-topped. It'll just take a bit of getting used to. (If anything, it's a bit of a boon at the moment for the rest of the fam. A lot of medical care is a lot easier without plastron blocking the patient's entire torso.)
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HEHEHE, thank you <3 i love making them wag their tails I think it's so cute and silly... <3 I think Raph (across all AU's, lol) has definitely accidentally hurt himself wagging his tail in excitement on at least one occasion.
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Oh gosh. It's hard to say because it's such a spectrum... It would have to be a pretty nasty injury for the witchdoctors to not be able to do something about it. But assuming they can't... Big Mama would never outright ask the Gems to perform on a serious injury, but the twins would definitely feel pressure to continue performing for as long as they possibly could, and to keep recovery time as short as possible. If they had to take time off to heal, they would, (and have in the past,) but they'd definitely be impatient to get back on the field. If the injury is truly so bad that one or both of them can no longer perform, they'd probably both retire, (though extremely reluctantly, and doing so would be incredibly heartbreaking for them and cause them a lot of grief and guilt,) because neither would want to go on without the other. There might be some pushback from Big Mama, though, and the uninjured party could potentially be convinced, with enough time and enough conversations, to make a comeback...
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Poorly. It'd probably go about the same way it did for Donnie, except worse the second time around. They'd probably both be in trouble for it-- Leo for keeping things for her, and Donnie because she (correctly) assumes that he's 'influenced' Leo somehow, since he did the same thing first.
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he is being SOOOO brave right now... but he can't NOT. not when his kids are on the line :< though I will say, you're being quite optimistic about how his conversation with Big Mama is gonna go... 👀
lmao april is maybe in a TEENSY bit over her head, bless her. splinter definitely struggled over whether or not to bring her with him to see big mama. he tried to convince her to let him escort her back home once he realized where he had to go, but of course she wouldn't hear of it. thought about having her wait outside, but... is so reluctant to leave her alone in the hidden city... knew she would probably pushback anyway, too, so...
the twins will definitely have a ton of therapy and healing to tackle in the future <3 my poor sweet baby boys....
THANK YOU <3 <3 <3
@11bountyhunters @oh-my-muffins @oneshortlove @khlegacynexus @animal-lover-forever @wings-of-sapphire @devious-little-creature @riseleon
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varilien · 9 months
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(character uses they/it) i keep wanting to start posting my ocs over here again and then Just Not Doing It so uhhhh !!! some stuff from february, had a dream about knives that made me think of a plant oc with a constant power output so extreme that it generates a deadly radiation field around them. because of that they've been living alone this whole time, avoiding contact with other living things, and over the years they've learned how to suppress that output for short spans of time or "safely" pour out the excess in order to be safe to be around, though they ultimately prefer their solitude due to a history of bad experiences with humans. they're very blunt, spiteful, and curious
@whatever-you-can-give-me suggested lr would make good friends for them since they are 🤝 about being extremely hard to hurt lol
also! wrote like 2k about they and razlo's first meeting below the cut if anyone's interested in some good ol violence + gore :3
that was a fr content warning btw read at ur own discretion:
Chance encounters with violent strangers out in the open desert are nothing new to LR, even when Livio purposefully had tried to find the quietest possible route to travel.  It’s not even necessarily surprising to run into someone a little to the left of human, someone a bit bigger or stronger or more durable than they really have any right to be.  The Eye aren’t the only ones designing freaks on this planet, that much is obvious, evidenced sufficiently by the odder fights LR have ever gotten in.  
And this one is shaping up to be one of their oddest fights yet.
Livio hadn’t seen the fucker coming, occupied as he was with the slow realization of why this stretch of road doesn’t see much use anymore: a creeping heat across his nerve endings unrelated to the overcast, evening suns, the taste of metal in his mouth, and a deep-rooted nausea twisting up his guts.  Radiation sickness.  He’s dealt with it before, and as unpleasant as it is, it’s hardly enough to slow him down too bad.  
It’s damn distracting, though.  A good enough excuse for not noticing them hiding up along the rockface above his head.  Not a good enough excuse to keep Razlo from tagging in, especially after something’s pierced straight through the back of his neck, nearly taking his head clean off.  
Razlo rolls for cover with a strangled sound, blood gushing from his forced-out throat and foaming at his lips.  Even with his senses jarred and his vision blurred, it'd take more than a near-decapitation for his instincts to be overridden.  He's slinging out a Punisher before he even knows what he's up against.  
There's a blur of motion to his right as soon as his sights are raised.  They're probably surprised Razlo's still standing, but so was everyone else who's gotten a lucky shot at him.
He can track their motion by sound alone.  They're sloppy.  Feet hitting the cracked earth in hard thumps, every one a warning that Razlo can aim a spray of bullets at.  And by now Razlo's healed enough to notice and wonder why the hell his head is still so fucked up.
At least now he can mostly see them when he turns, hanging back a ways, out of Razlo's reach.  Shorter than him by a head and a half, covered toe to tip in layers of sun-bleached rags, save for their face.  That's hidden behind a tall, curved mask, shaped in a way that looks an awful lot like a tomas' crest, with the false eye markings to match.  Even the glass for the lenses is opaque.  The only part of them that’s exposed is their left hand, extended delicately aside to keep Razlo’s blood dripping off it from getting on their clothes.
Razlo physically tries to shake out the buzzing in his skull that only gets worse by the second, only to notice the foul smell of burning meat and risk an instinctive glance down at his arm, where his flesh has started to bubble and steam seemingly on its own.  He looks between his arm and his opponent, the way their body tenses and head begins to tip, shaking hard, simultaneous with his skin boiling that much more fiercely.  
Something clicks in his brain.  There’s no way.
And no time to find out.  This time when they dart in he’s expecting it; he takes a swing at their head, and they dodge right into his follow-through, slamming his Punisher into their skull with a crunch and a wet sound from their throat.  They drop, like he’d expect them to, like anyone would.  And like no one does, they just roll out of the way and onto their back, braced to spring back up again.  Razlo puts his boot through their ribcage before they get the chance to.  That should be the end of it, too, but the fucker just keeps kicking, trying to get away, the only sound they make being the gurgle of their lungs filling with blood, and they keep kicking.
At this point Razlo doesn’t even have a plan anymore.  Needless to say, he doesn’t go up against an awful lot of guys who match him in the department of being a pain in the ass to take down.  Razlo's just starting to come up with a new idea when those long arms swing up, claws digging into and making ribbons of his right leg.
Razlo curses and tries to pull away, which only makes them hold on even tighter.  He's staring that four-eyed glare down when that burning feeling across his whole body raises in pitch again, and it's the sight of his flesh starting to disintegrate around their fingers that finally makes him back off.
Razlo rather gracelessly falls on his ass in trying to take a step back, not expecting his right leg to simply break off halfway down his thigh.  He scrambles back a ways, ready to keep going, missing limb or no, but— they aren't following him.  They're collapsed in the sand, limbs akimbo as they fight to draw a full breath.  Razlo watches with morbid curiosity as his severed leg dissolves into nothing more than an off-colored patch of sand beside them.
All that angry tension has gone out of their body, leaving them limp and motionless except for the stutter of their chest, and Razlo can hear the damp gasps muffled behind their mask.  By all rights, it should look like more of a struggle.  They should be dead, really, but from where Razlo is sitting, it looks a lot more like they’re just taking a rest.  He feels more sure of that when they roll their shoulders back a bit, arms braced in the dirt as they delicately arch their spine.  There’s some sharp popping sounds, and a little exhale from them; setting their ribs, Razlo figures.  He’s had to do the same thing before.  Once they can move their arms more effectively, they start to gather themself up into a seated position, bones and joints still crackling like popcorn here and there as they go, til they’re all the way up, with their hands resting in their lap, looking far too fucking comfortable for the fight they’d just had.
"You're not dead."
Their voice startles Razlo despite being as soft as it is, and his gaze flicks up to that mask, just slightly tilted to the side, orange lenses glinting in the harsh sunlight.  They don't move at all that Razlo can see.  Even their breathing has evened out enough to have become imperceptible under their heavy shroud; if they're in any pain still, Razlo sure can't tell.
"Nope," is all he says, or can manage to say.
He scrubs at his eyes with the back of his hand, blinking hard a couple times to scrunch up his face in the hopes his nerves might start feeling right again soon.
Another wave of nausea hits him, but his stomach was empty before the fight even started, so he leans forward to put his head between his knees and dry heave for a while.
The whole time, he's aware of his little opponent continuing to sit in silence, watching and eerily unmoving, even when Razlo manages to sit up again and wipe his mouth with his wrist.
"The fuck's yer deal, anyways?"  Razlo asks.
"'Deal'...?"  They echo.
"Couldn't exactly kill you, either."
He wasn't expecting them to spill their life story or something, but he was thinking he'd get something more of a response than their head tilting back the opposite way.  There's not a lot to work with here in trying to get a read on them, but Razlo feels it's safe to hazard they're probably just pretty damn confused, the same as him.
"You kinda smell like a Plant.  M'not an expert, but I've met two others."
Now that gets something out of them.  A tiny wiggle of their head that makes the pieces in their mask rattle.
"I wouldn't know.  I've only met me."
Whether it’s a confirmation or rebuttal hardly matters at this point.  He’s feeling sure enough that his assumption was correct, now, anyways.
"You, uh…"  Razlo has to pause for breath.  Unlike the thing across from him, he's having a hell of a time getting his back.  "You're the one making this radiation field?"
"Any way you could turn it down?"
They say nothing, though Razlo feels suddenly that he's being studied very intently.  And shortly after, slowly, slowly the fire in his cells begins to go out, and he can spit the worst of the sourness off his tongue.  Eventually he can't feel any radiation left at all, though his body's had a rough enough time from the dose he got, he'll be getting the sickness out of his system for a while yet.
Regardless, Razlo’s fingers twitch against the triggers when he hears that mask rattle again, and his eyes are on it in an instant.
"You didn't answer my first question," Razlo reminds, cautiously.
More silence, for a while.
"You wanted to hurt me."
There's no malice in the statement, at least that Razlo can tell.  Just the simple facts.  Still, he narrows his eyes.
"You started it.  Figured it was mutual."
"That's true."
Razlo grins.
"So, what now?  Regrow my leg, and get back to not killing each other?"
"If you'd like to."
That gets a laugh out of him.
"Nah, I think I’ll pass, if it’s all the same to you.”
“It is.”
That much is obvious.  They stay put, seeming transfixed on watching Razlo’s leg grow back, only a little more slowly than any of his other injuries, now that he doesn’t have the radiation to slow him down.  It leaves him feeling itchy and achy all over, and he’s got a bad hunch that right ankle doesn’t have the best chances of coming back right.  Once there’s enough of it to fuss about, he gets his foot in his hands and starts experimentally rolling it on its hinge, checking that the range of motion is right.
And still, those orange lenses glint at him curiously.  They don’t flinch or look away when Razlo considers them in return; he guesses they don’t know it’s not polite to stare.
“What's yer name?"  Razlo asks.
"My name?"
"Don't tell me you ain't got one."
The silence that follows is pretty self-explanatory.
“I’m Razlo.”
He can just make out the sound of them mumbling his name under their breath, like they’re not sure how it’s going to come out.  Almost warmly, almost shyly, they manage to say: “hello, Razlo.”
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cooki3face · 6 months
what your in laws would think of you (and their child)
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Message: I had to put both of the gifs because it feels incomplete if not. This reading has been long awaited and I’m sorry. I felt like doing a reading tonight though, I have a lot of energy tonight, sort of unnecessarily and I want to put it to good use. I might do a second version of this about what your in laws would think of you and your child, like the child you share with their daughter/son. I would’ve done it all in one reading but I don’t wanna bite of more than I can chew tonight. The color blue is heavily significant tonight. It’s prominent in all the images I chose and I’m really feeling drawn to these blue and purple hues that we have going on thus far. Let us carry on with the reading, god willing, it will find you in a place of peace. I love you and thank you for supporting me.
for the collective:
blue: "Blue is the color of spirituality, intuition, inspiration and inner peace. It is also associated with sadness and depression (the "blues"). In healing blue is used for cooling and calming, both physically and mentally. In the aura blue indicates serenity, contentment and spiritual development."
purple: purple represents wisdom and spirituality
monarch - hope and transformation
mourning cloak (nymphalis antiopa)-"seen as a symbol of hope, as their dark wings signify an individual’s ability to transcend darkness and emerge into the light."
melpomene - *" After mating, male Postman leave a scent on the females that deters other males.*
beetle - "Beetles can symbolize strength, good luck, creation, teamwork, rebirth, and adaptability."
angel numbers:
888 -"..strongly associated with abundance, prosperity, and financial success. It's a sign that the universe is aligning to bring material rewards and blessings into your life. This could manifest in various ways, such as financial gains, or opportunities for wealth creation."
777 -"Associated with wisdom, intuition and divine connection, the angel number 777 is considered a powerful spiritual message. When it appears repeatedly in your life, it is a reminder that you are on the right path and that you are in tune with your purpose and mission in life."
666 -" a guidepost pointing toward recommitment to nurturing your foundation—your physical, mental, and emotional well-being." "a sign to let go of perfectionism and find gratitude in your partnership"
556 -"a potent symbol of spiritual awakening and enlightenment." " you are on the right path and to keep going."
79 -"It is a reminder that you are on the right path in life and that you are being guided by the divine. The number 79 also represents spiritual growth, inner strength, and abundance." (double confirmation)
802 -"signaling to you that your life is currently in alignment."
600 - " the 600 angel number centers around inner wisdom and strength. The number serves as a reminder to tap into our internal resources."
700 - "The 700 angel number is a powerful reminder that you should stay open to what life brings your way. It's time to trust that everything is happening for a reason. The angels are reminding you to stay in alignment with your heart and soul. If you do, the universe will aspire to bring you what you need."
811 - " a reminder from your angels to prioritize your spiritual well-being above all else"
222 -" good fortune in finances, relationships, and career, as well as a reminder to work towards your soul's purpose." " balance, harmony, and spiritual alignment."
444 -"love, support, and guidance from your angels."
555 -" spiritual guidance and learning"
you had a lot of channeled messages pile one, I thought it'd never end lol spirit was very serious about this concept of unwavering strength for your group. the imagery on the image I chose for your pile says a lot about you and your person and the nature of this connection. This person is going to be very taken up by you pile one, devoted, willing to do anything, willing to protect you fiercely, willing to turn into anything for you or undergo transformations. I'm hearing something about this person growing into you very nicely. just as we grow out of people, grow out of our clothes, grow out of cycles, this person may begin a certain way and grow into you very well.
The tail of this individual is wrapped very tightly around the feminine in the photo and his attention is pulled directly to her, there are no outside influences that can rip his gaze or his attention away from her in whatever ways his attention and care may present itself. Your in laws or your persons parents may perceive you to be very driven, self assured or maybe even stubborn i'm hearing, you command a lot of attention, you command a lot of things to go your way or not at all or you have a very selective way about yourself. I'm receiving this empress or goddess energy here. They could see you as someone whose bossy or whose very authoritative about certain things.
I keep hearing, "this is my shit." there is something very matriarchal about you and they may see you as someone who is very serious and intentional. Something about the way that you are may intimidate this persons parents or be very hard for them to grasp. You hold a lot of power. When you speak, people listen. your person listens to. This is just in, they may think that you're a succubus or that your energy is very dark. there's like siren energy here or an energy of hypnosis or a very entrancing energy I'm receiving. No, there's more about this later, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
they may also perceive you to be very introverted or withdrawn. You may be very quiet or demure. I'm hearing the words "demure" and "dolly" like doll or barbie, their perception of you is that of someone very perfect or someone who appears very perfect. You may be very attractive, very beautiful, have a beautiful figure as well. If this persons parents already know about you, you may be picking up on their rejection or their discomfort about you or involving you even if you've not met them yet. You may have had this issue before with other relationships or the parents of ex lovers.
Their parents and I feel family in general may feel that there is a lot they don't know about you, that you're mysterious, that you're dark, scary, or unsettling, they may also feel that you have some magical or otherworldly aspect to you as well. This persons parents may play a huge role in how their siblings and non-immediate family members feel about you as well. Outside of the mother, you may get along well with their sisters or other feminine energies in the family, although, you may choose to be highly selective about who you choose to speak to.
They also feel as though you're a free spirit or there's something very boundless about you. they may feel you're unpredictable and that may scare them, but you may also live a very free and self led life and they may have certain rules and lifestyle choices that may contrast against your way of life.
how they feel about you and their child together:
they don't feel you belong together, they may feel like you're not a good match or they may feel that there is underlying existence of disharmony or even imprisonment involved in this connection here. They may feel that your values aren't in alignment or that your love or connection is fake or fabricated or is a result or symptom of your magic. they may feel as though you've bewitched their son or daughter or child. There's a message i'm getting here about them potentially not knowing their child as their child knows themselves. there is a reason your person has married you, there is a reason why your person chose you, there is a reason your person loves you. They don't see it, but that doesn't mean that those reasons aren't valid or present.
they may also see your person love you out loud or see their devotion and divert their eyes or lower their gaze because it feels like a slap in the face or it contradicts what they've brought themselves to believe. Spirit gave me a message earlier, "you're exactly where you're meant to be, be strong, protect the connection." these peoples parents may also pry or have a tendency to be nosy towards you or very curious about what you're doing, what you'll do next, and what your plans are as a whole for anything and everything. You're a master at protecting your peace here though i'm getting or protecting what's yours.
they feel you've brought a lot of unwanted change, that you've changed their child, manipulated their child, or brought disfunction or drove a wedge between them and the family or them in the child, they don't realize that it's a possibility that their child is creating space after realizing certain behavioral patterns that hurt them or could bring harm to you or the connection or what the two of you will create or have created. they may feel you took their child from them. there's a lot of change and transformation you're forcing this family or these parents to undergo and they may perceive you as a karmic or a karmic energy. In reality, you may be someone who has a tendency to trigger people, cause tower moments, and cause growth. They feel you've murdered the family dynamic or really have caused a lot of uneccessary conflict or division.
they not only feel that you've bewitched your person but that your persons motivation for being with you, supporting you, or defending you is due to you being cunning or manipulative or even because of your sex. They may feel you've casted a sex spell on this person or that you're a temptress or a Scarlett or even a jezebel spirit if you're familiar with that term. You may live an alternative lifestyle, be into spirituality, have a different religious background, or have spiritual hobbies or participate in certain spiritual practices that may be seen as anti, demonic, or magic of some shape or form. this is really intimidating to this persons parents, they may have religious parents or very traditional religious roots.
You may have said before that if it would make your persons parents comfortable that you would cover up, present yourself in a way that was easier to digest, or make certain shifts to keep the peace but I'm hearing something here about you changing your mind and continuing to be authentic and be yourself. I just heard, "I've never stopped being me for anyone ever before, now is not that moment either." They feel you'll be the downfall of your person or that you're going to break their heart pile one.
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guys I promise I wasn't using the pile images as a bases for the message of these readings, but they're so perfect and aligned for the messages coming through from spirit and through the cards. you provide sanction or comfort and healing to your person pile two. your persons in laws see you as someone sociable or a friend of the world or someone who gets on well with others. the color yellow is significant. You're a light or you have a way about yourself that brings others joy or is very adaptable. You could be a social chameleon and blend in well with others or be someone who can go anywhere and make gold out of your surroundings.
your persons parents find that you have a quiet power or they feel you're slightly unaware of your worth and ability bring light where ever you go but I just got right now that you may be unaware of what your worth to your person or how much they care for you or how happy you make them after a long time of having a hard time. Your person is sick, struggles with mental illness, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, or something of the sort or your person struggles with a bodily disease or disorder like an auto immune disorder or something. There is an aspect here of something in your persons life that impairs the way they show up in their lives or makes things increasingly difficult for them and as a result or as a symptom they've experienced a lot of loss.
they may have even had a trivial or troubled history in terms of love and relationships, an inability to properly connect with others, an inability to heal internal wounds to rise up to who they needed to be to give someone what they deserved, this may not be something you want to hear but it's possible your person could've had a great love in their youth that ended up not lasting eternally because this persons live path was written in a way that required that they receive more than what your person was able to provide to them do to certain limitations or hardship. Your person may have fallen into a cycle of heart break or may have moved through life with an unhealed feeling of loss that they couldn't seem to get rid of but your love for them and your tolerance may heal this within them.
They may have a tendency to fall short sometimes, create delays, or may have moments where all of their energy cannot be wholly poured into you because they need it to keep themselves well, mentally, physically, and emotionally. You work for this person. There's nobody better for them as maybe unconventional or untraditional this connection may be or look. It takes a special type of person to sit beside someone through chronic hardship but you fill those shoes without protest or without issues. There's an eye in the palm of the feminines hand, whilst the masculine in the photo seems to be lying with one eye shut. her eyes are closed as she focuses an energy of peace and comfort, but where he cannot see, or what he does not have, she has for him.
Your persons parents may feel that you work very hard to fill your role in this persons life or they may feel like you've grown to know your person and what is required of you or what needs to be done out of love or support. Some of you could not even be interested in marriage. For some of you, it could be the case that you may end up being a very long term girlfriend to your person, and by law you may end up being married due to the longevity of your marriage but I don't see an official marriage or the two of you joining one another in a traditional marriage.
what your persons parents think of you and their child together:
they see what the two of you share as a very stable connection that is in for a lot of longevity and can survive a handful of obstacles. They see it as something that works, that is fair, and that is successful. They may have observed their child in a dark place for a long time or in a lonely place with wavering support or in a place where people were constantly coming and going. They may hold a lot of respect for you, even if they don't outwardly express it. Or, they know that something about this connection would be difficult to anyone and you've managed to stick it out to the end.
I also see them feeling as though there's only a possibility for healing and for happiness or harmony to progress with you around or with you being in your persons life. I hear them saying that their child has no direction to go but forward with you building up the momentum for them to move in that direction. there's something very unconventional about this connection but if it works it works, different people have different needs, and all connections are different. they feel you've provided their child with freedom or has set them free of a lifetime lived in a lot of hurt and stagnancy.
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your in laws may see you as a very stuck person. You could be someone who does things one way and sticks to that, or someone who fears change, or someone whose had a hard life, or even someone who has a lack of foresight or a lack of vision for expansion. someone who doesn't know what or who to become, someone who could live in a constant space of pondering their worth or someone who has spent a long time stumbling through life without real direction or intention. Whatever the case may be this persons parents see you as someone who lives in a stagnant position. For a handful of you, this persons parents may feel for you, sympathize with you or have a tendency to heavily give you the benefit of the doubt or even enable this behavior or habit of being afraid of change or being constant.
they may feel that you have a lot to move on from or they may also feel like you have a lot of growing and maturing to do, it's possible they may perceive you of someone who is childish or child like, lacks direction is isn't very self sufficient. They want you to move forward or undergo some sort of transformation or transition but it's possible that you may not do that or they believe that there's a possibility that this is just who you are and they will have to accept you for who you are. I'm looking at this imagery of the six of swords, this person in the boat here under the cloak who is sitting down, slouched over represents your energy while the person standing behind the figure at the back of the boat rowing may be your person or your partner or this is how they see you and your person or you and the people in your life. There's something here about the company you keep having to be of service to you or having to be able and willing to stand by or behind you in your journey forward. all the time.
they may also see you as someone who is divinely protected or someone whose fortunate for how far you've come although you've had a hard time or they see you as someone whose constantly looking towards faith or looking towards your faith to will you forward. You could be religious, on some sort of spiritual journey or path here as well. If so, it's been a long one.
what your persons parents think of you and their child together:
I'm hearing Rihanna "Umbrella" , "When the sun shine, we shine together, Told you I'll be here forever, Said "I'll always be your friend", Took an oath, I'ma stick it out 'til the end, Now that it's rainin' more than ever, Know that we'll still have each other, You can stand under my umbrella, You can stand under my umbrella." This connection is designed in such a way where this person is going to support you or sit with you through whatever hardship you may experience and is going to try and do whatever it takes to help you. There's a lot of imagery of water in this pile, you may love the ocean, be into mermaids or marine life, be a water sign or end up married to a water sign.
A water sign lover may be ideal for you in the end because they're always going to be able to be receptive and compassionate. You could potentially be an air sign as well. I'm looking at the art I chose for this pile, and there's so much in it, you've got a masculine down here in the foreground of the picture tied down by a rock but he's got a sword, there's a feminine in the water clearly alive still but unconscious and tied up, and this giant monstrous fish in the back that I feel represents hardship and obstacles and things in your life that threaten to hurt you or bring you down but your person is ready to protect you and is able and willing to make the sacrifice or sinking down to the bottom of the ocean along side you in order to help. and there is skeletons of people at the bottom in the corner of the art who didn't make it, but your person will make sure that you do.
your persons parents may feel that you are somewhat of a blockage for your person or that you hold them back or slow them down. they feel that you're a great responsibility, I keep wanting to say burden but I keep trying to find kinder words because that's rude but in all honesty is possible that that is very well how your persons parents feel. while they feel for you, they want their child to succeed and they don't know if there's a possibility for their child to succeed or be happy while having to support you in the way that they effortlessly do already. They fear their childs energy being drained, their light going away, or their happiness declining.
I'm getting they know that their child makes you happy though and is good for you though. they don't doubt this and they don't doubt that maybe with their help and support that one day you'll find your way or be better off but they'll be concerned with the wellness and livlihood of their child. Your person could have a heart problem or have a history of heart problems, stroke, or stress related illnesses within their family as well and it's possible their parents want for them a stress free life despite their childs desire to help others so uncondtionally.
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Goodnight, good morning, or good evening to you, whenever this finds you! I wish you well, and I hope that everything is okay and you're getting the things you need most out of your experience on earth at this time. It's one in the morning and I'm tired lmao I'll see you soon, please come back and visit me, you're always welcome. Bless~
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kilasmess · 1 year
Ok continuing from this post; (I had to reread what I had previously because I had already forgotten lol, moving on)
Continuing, clockwork decides to fuck around, gets Danny a pass into Gotham, and somehow convinced Danny that it's for the best; maybe he says there's some issues Danny has to solve as ghost king(maybe the pits) or maybe he argued that he needs a place to nourish his human side, and hey, there's Gotham, it's a good place, no hunters, plenty of ambient ectoplasm, and he can even go to school, try for living a normal human life, either as cover or to regain balance between both forms. Point is, he explains himself (maybe kinda, dudes usually pretty cryptic), opens a portal and throws Danny through. Maybe he had a place ready for when Danny gets there, it'd have to be in crime alley, our Lady wants her baby to get along with the new king after all.... But it takes a while for the two to actually meet.
Depending on why Danny ends up in Gotham, maybe he's too busy trying to figure out what the hell is up with the pits, and between that and keeping up with school (and really clockwork?? Like he didn't struggle enough the first time, managing school and heroing) and maybe a job for appearances sake, he's yet to actually meet the cute ghost adjecent (is that a word?) That maybe(?) lives on the same building; they keep different schedules after all, and whatever Danny's doing to figure out the pits hasn't registered on the bats radar, maybe he's getting help from technus, idk. Alternatively, he's sent there to nurture his human half and is not coping well, poor dude is depressed as all hell now that he doesn't have as much to distract himself with, after all, college and a part-time jobs have nothing on being kind of the infinite realms, so he goes to class, maybe takes a job at the University library, where is quiet so he had an excuse to not talk with anyone, and overall isolates himself as much as possible.
Either way, it takes a while for him to meet Gotham's very own zombie boy, and when he finally does, whether this happens during a rogue attack, a meet cute at his workplace or when he's spending time on top of high buildings in the middle of the night and worries Jason (who's thinking this dude's about to jump), Danny wants nothing to do with z-boy. Listen, Casper over here lost his whole family plus friends before, he's not eager to make more connections only to lose them as well. Except, once Jason's sure Danny-boys safe (I guess I'm leaning more towards a rooftop meeting), and maybe after Danno ran the fuck or of dodge, he realizes this dude calmed the pits??? And now he really had to figure out who the hell he is and can he please hang out for forever please? He hasn't had a chance to think clearly like this since he clawed his way out of his own grave.
I did say I wanted angst though, I just haven't decided if there's external circumstances or if it's more towards healing from grief and overcoming the suicidal ideation at least Danny must be dealing with. Of course the story develops as they begin to heal and grow past the things that hurt them, with the added that they slowly fall for each other (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
So far that's all I have, but I guess I'll add as more ideas come to me n.n
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arminsumi · 8 months
hm.. shy vampire armin who’s scared to admit that he’s a vampire to you. when he finally does, you obviously have millions of questions! one of them being about sucking blood 👀 - let’s just say he’s not so shy after he gets a taste of your sweet blood
↳ ARMIN アルミン + fem!reader
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Note : V-VAMPIRE ARMIN?! you needn't apologize when u have blessed my inbox with vampmin 🧛‍♂️❤️ i used to be obsessed w the idea of vampire armin n even made a vampy ver. of him and me in the sims lol it was a whole jay era no one saw. anyways i think i deviated a bit pls forgive i was in a vampy daze 😵‍💫 and p.s. the length of ur req is all good!! no worries 👍
Warnings : vampirism, 🔞 suggestive/smutty content : mdni/mdnr, blood, blood drinking, possessiveness, marking, biting, it's a lil goofy i'm ngl
🍒 More from Jay : Armin works
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He bows his head in shame, avoiding your gaze after telling you the truth one night, while the two of you were cooped up in your dorm rooms like two very normal students. Er... well, one normal student now.
"Min... that's..." you begin, too surprised for words.
"... I'm so sorry if it makes you uncomfortable. I just couldn't bear lying to you anymore. Do you... hate me for it?" he asks sheepishly.
"Not at all. I'm just surprised... kinda into it..."
"WHAT." he widens his eyes.
"Nothing." you backtrack, giggling nervously. "I didn't say that. You didn't hear that."
"Nahhh..." he looks at you with an intense gaze. "You definitely just said that... what, do you, like... have a kink for vampirism?" he jokes but your sheepish smile tells him he's right.
His heart pangs.
"Wow... that's freaky." he giggles.
Ooh... his fangy teeth are so subtle, so cute. Lil' chompers craving nothing more than to sink into your warm flesh.
"... don't be." he creeps closer to you. "It's cute... but... don't tempt me. Or I'll bite you. Joking... of course."
"Min... I'd let you bite me."
"What... 😳"
"... not to turn me! Just... for a snack."
"... a snack...? Angel, I can barely control myself when you have a tiny cut on your finger, I think I'd lose it if you let me suck your blood. It would be too sweet..."
He'd get a sugar rush, for sure, from gulping down your saccharine blood.
"I wouldn't mind. I lov— I uh... I'll offer it to you anyways. Um... incase you ever want to."
Well now he's looking desirously at your neck, struggling to maintain eye contact. He was so taken aback by you forwardly permitting him to take a sip of you.
He stares at you silently for a moment.
"Uh... would it hurt...?" you ask.
He drops his tone into a serious, concerned voice.
"Yeah... it would hurt quite a bit..." he informs you, "And it takes a while for the mark to heal... but if you're o-okay with... me having just a taste..."
"I am..." you say, "Mmm... weird question, but is it possible for you to drink all my blood in one go?" you suddenly ask, curious.
He chuckles a little, "Um, considering there's like... about five liters of blood in your body... no, I couldn't drink it all in one go." he lightens the darkening atmosphere with a joke, "It'd give me a major tummy ache."
"So... how much would you drink from me right now, to replenish yourself?" you inquire further, pawing closer to him.
He gulps, enticed by your scent.
"Probably a glass' worth...? That's typical." he looks away, too shy to say more. The thought of drinking a glass of your blood felt like asking for too much. "More than a glass would just be greedy..."
"Would it get messy and ugly?"
"Nah... I pride myself on being a clean eater." he winks, endeared by your giggly reactions to his subtle flirting.
It's bizarre to Armin; he expected you to be repulsed by his vampirism. But you're not. You're still flirting as hard as you did before he told you tonight.
"Armin... drink from me." you say seriously, seeing how he was holding his hands behind his back so tight when really he just needed to give into his raw desire.
"Uh—" he gulps as if his mouth is watering, "Are you sure you know what you're offering me?"
"Yes." you say more serious than ever. "Drink me."
Did you intend for that last part to sound so seductive? He can't tell.
He looks at you with eyes blown open, and bats his lashes in disbelief.
Then a a few moments later... he's pinning you to the bed and slotting his slender leg between your thighs.
His lips graze your neck, he kisses it... licks it... takes his time with it. You ask a bit more, breath staggering at his feverish licking.
"Do you always lick this much?"
"It's um... like a taste test..."
You feel your cheeks and chest warm up. "Oh... I see."
It's a minute later and he's sloppily making out with the area he intends to bite and drink from, while you happily allow him and run your fingers through his tawny blond hair.
"A–angel... your neck is so..." he swallows his drool, "so pretty... I'll be as gentle as p-possible... promise..."
"You don't have to be..."
"... really?" he asks breathlessly.
He anyways encourages you to hold his hand and squeeze it if it's too much pain. "I'll stop if you tell me to... I have good discipline, I swear."
When his fangs fully come out, he slowly grazes their sharp point across your skin and gives testing pokes across the sweet curve of your neck. He exposes your neck more, pinning your shoulder with his hand.
One small gasp escapes you as he sinks just a tiny bit of his fangs in. He's trying his best to make it a smooth and clean incision. He's good and disciplined, he reminds himself, he can't just tear into you like you're nothing but a blood filled sac.
"Ah...!" you hiss in pain. It hurts way more than you anticipated, two sharp fangs pricking into your skin.
The way he sucks your blood out feels... sensual. Romantic. Like it's intimate... because it is. How many vampires does he know of that suck necks? It's the most erotic place to suck. It's an unspoken rule in his world to avoid the neck... because it's such an erogenous zone. Usually only lovers poke their fangs there...
Simply said? Armin sucked blood from your neck just to slyly turn you on. Because he had the hots for you. The cute human who wormed into his sexual fantasies.
"Mmm!" you squeal softly for him.
"Mmm..." he groans back, sinking his fangs as deep as they can go, spiraling into pleasure as his lips press flesh against your skin and squish flat.
"Min..." you moan, and now he knows he's got you.
Some blood dribbles down your chest and forms rivulets down his chin. He pulls his fangs out and licks at the wound lustfully, eyes lidded and breath heavy.
"F-fuck..." he curses, feeling himself getting a bit too excited after that intimate moment.
He's quietly patting himself on the back for not losing control even though the taste of your blood made him dizzy.
He inhales deeply to stabilize himself. Then he checks on you, caring eyes peering into your soul.
"Are you okay?" he asks, voice deep and low.
"Y-yeah..." you nod.
"It stings a bit, right?" he asks with a slight glint of sadism in his eyes.
You nod, "Not too much..."
He smiles at you, fangs cutely poking udner his upper lip and peaking out a bit.
"Good... don't wanna hurt my sweet Y/n."
Oops... did he just get a little possessive? Mhm yeah he did. And you don't realize it, but he made sure is fangs sunk deep enough to leave a longlasting territorial mark... he had to let the world know you were claimed as his little human possession.
"Min... you okay? You zoned out." you laugh.
An hour has passed. He cleaned up all the blood and now laid snuggling with you in bed. For the first time, he was spooning you; a small show of dominance that he never showed before biting you up.
"Yeah... just a bit dazed."
"In a bad way?" you ask.
"No. I just get dazed after drinking sweet wine." he says.
"Hm...? Is that so? Dazed and dizzy 'cause of me?"
He smirked, eyes admiring your bite marks in the dim moonlight. He thumbs the skin around them.
"Yeah... dazed and dizzy for you..." he says slowly, voice washed with drowsiness.
He clutches you tight and sleeps.
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© arminsumi
Do not plagiarize / repost / translate / copy layouts / etc.
Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
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an-au-blog · 2 months
An Au where Sengoku raised Law but Law still became a pirate
You know, I've thought about that!
Sengoku would be a great dad/grandpa and they'd share the grief of losing Cora. I think it'd be a healing experience for both of them.
Here's how I imagine it: Law runs away, like in canon, but he accidentally stumbles upon Sengoku. Not the whole fleet, just him. And since he's just learned not to trust marines, he tries to run away, but someone calling for the man, makes him panic and grab the kid. He successfully hides Law until they board the ship, since he couldn't find a good moment when no one was looking. He was no fool, he knew who the kid was.
He still found a way to meet his crew but this time he had a place to go to when he had the need for parental guidance. The only reason why he still became a pirate was that even though he got the basic marine training like Cora did, the marines wouldn't let him kill Doffy.
Which brings me to, for plot reasons, he still seeks out revenge but with a less self-destructive mindset. Maybe he still appreciated the fact that the straw hats rarely killed marines especially if they weren't bad people... idk i jave a lot of thoughts and i am having trouble arranging them lol
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marshiebun · 2 months
what if you made a new public twitter account instead? all fresh and new
i dont rly want people to think im running away from my past though. i feel like people would take it the wrong way, i dont want to seem like im hiding from anything bc what i took responsibility for in the past is still important to me. and i mean.. i still go by 'marshiecritter' so it'd be a bit silly
i dunno, i just wish ppl would not assume the worst i guess? i really just wanna go back so i can interact with my friends again and post art, thats rly all i want lol. none of my friends really use tumblr, despite how lovely it is here compared to twitter. i dont gaf about having a platform, but people ended up pinning me as a 'popular osc artist' and then when that crashed down it was a lot to take in. it sounds stupid but theres some lame twitter callout trauma i have from it that im still dealing with, having hundreds of people suddenly turn on you and say you're disgusting is a lot and it's very difficult to process
i just really wanna talk to more people that like the things i do! its been really lonely being confined to my priv, and even though im super extremely grateful to have mutuals and friends that understand me and support me, the outer osc is really scary. i dont want people to believe im some horrible gross nasty guy, because ive genuinely reflected on everything and learned. i've put a huge amount of work in emailing people, splitting off from problematic people, and making amends with others trying to mend my mistakes. why else would i make a whole video using my real voice addressing everything as much as i could?
some day i'll return, but for now i'm just scared of what people will think. because there are definitely still people out there that despise me, and all i want is to heal from that
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nohaijiachi · 9 months
I don't think the people saying the apology ballet stuff are genuinely saying that only Aziraphale was wrong, just that the screw up on his part was so massive that while they both have to work stuff out, and they do, for once Aziraphale should apologize to Crowley (he literally never has as far as we've seen I think) and it's gonna have to be like, a big one. Especially because of the never apologizing thing (I seriously can't recall him ever apologizing to Crowley)
However I disagree that the dance should disappear entirely. It seems like a very cute thing to keep around... But only for trivial everyday silly married stuff, once they actually have a functional relationship with proper communication. You know the stuff I mean, things like arguing over the sofa in the new cottage or a restaurant one of them doesn't want to try but ends up liking. Think it'd be hilarious. Imagine them in the middle of a store going "I was wrong you were right" with dance steps over an ugly armchair or something
(I'm putting this under a read more cuz it go long lol)
There's certainly this very unbalanced dynamic that has taken root between them, when it comes to admitting fault, isn't there? It's true we never see Aziraphale apologize, but on the other hand, all of Crowley's apologies to me always felt less about the act and more about Crowley saying what he thinks he needs to say in order to have Aziraphale stop being mad at him. As smartly pointed out by a reply I got on that post, the apology dance wasn't really an apology, it was just a way to sweep their little row under the rug and continue on as if it never happened in the first place. Another blatant example of this is in season one, when, after their fight at the bandstand, Crowley tries one last time to convince Aziraphale to run away. Quoting by memory, sorry if it's not entirely accurate, but Crowley says: "I'm sorry, I apologize, whatever I said I didn't meant it! Work with me, I'm apologizing here, yes, good? Get in the car." It's an apology only on the face of it, from the almost dismissive tone to the way Crowley rushes into it; he's 'apologizing' because that's what he does when they have a quarrel, even if he doesn't mean it, even if he still thinks he's right, all just in service of making sure Aziraphale is talking to him again and continue on, one more little chip in the mug that is their disastrous communication.
Pretty much all of the issues between them, in the end, lead back to that single, big point: They don't communicate, because up until the armaggeddon, they couldn't. Their lives literally depended on being able to say what they wanted to say without actually saying it, but of course it's inevitable when, forced to communicate in such a manner with one another, the waters would get muddled. It is an inevitable consequence that at some point the mug would just... Break.
And personally I do not think that Aziraphale owes a bigger apology, in this case. To be clear, I'm not defending his actions blindly, and I think we can all agree that him proposing to Crowley to go back to being an angel was hella hurtful, but Crowley punched back just as much, didn't he? That kiss was 6000 years of hopes and regrets all piled into one, all pushed onto Aziraphale as a last, desperate hail Mary, with all the the consequences that entails, and that hurt him something fierce.
And that's how we get "I forgive you".
I don't believe either of them owes the other a 'bigger' apology. I think they both owe and deserve a sincere one, one that comes from the heart, with the acknowledgement of all the mistakes made on both parts, and what they intend to do to rebuild upon stronger foundations.
That said the idea of the apology dance being used much, much later, when wounds have been healed and issues settled, being used for small, silly everyday things as a way to just make the other laugh... Yes, that is one Big Galaxy Brain take, my friend, I accept it wholeheartedly.
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dozyrogue · 2 months
TBH im begging that there isnt another qtubbo romance plot like please no
there are so many far more interesting aspects to qtubbo than romance with npcs
having fun convos and hanging out with a friendly npc that also likes create would be so much better
OR my dream scenario is they continue with romance but its kinda awkward and qtubbo realises that the feelings arent actually romantic and he just assumed they were becasue he was told by others so we get cannonical aro qtubbo
Dude You're So based and so fucking true,
if anything I find it more aggravating that tubbo interacted with an npc, simply flirted, and everyone's first conclusion was sunny has a new stepdad or it would never be frubbo.
Like what bro can't flirt??? if anything I find that as a new obsession, like oh this Bunny's whole thing is my favorite mod or he's like all about engineering and that is my favorite thing and I need to know more about you
And I too want canonical aro Tubbo. I think it would heal so much and also force people to see tubbo as his own character, f he has this like oh shit I don't actually like you not in that way at least I just feel like it'd be really cool to see. Because half of frubbo was people telling turbo "oh my gosh you have a boyfriend!!! Ooooo" but then again maybe I just can't tell what evolves into just a platonic relationship or a romantic relationship, maybe it's just the autism. But seriously aromantic tubbo is also my dream scenario. I think about it all.
then again with persuasion it takes a bit for me to even consider that Fred and Tubbo had like a romantic thing going on, I always saw it as platonic, like oh I want to get to know you, I want to be friends with you. and then it became romantic it didn't sit well with me because it felt too rushed. but that's just like a me thing lol.
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browniefox · 2 months
ooo i used to be really big into classpecting in my homestuck days. off the top of my head, id say cloud: maid of void, tifa: mage of blood, barret: seer of doom, aerith: heir of hope, yuffie: thief of time, red: knight of breath, zack: knight of void, and seph: witch of light!! (unfortunatley i dont have a super great hold on cid/vincent/reeve as characters soi dont have a really clear idea for them). happy 4/13!!
Whoa! Thanks! Hope you don't mind me digging right into these.
Cloud: Maid of Void, I can definitely see this as someone filled with nothing or battling with the sense of nothing inside of him. I actually could also see him being a Prince of Blood or something along those lines, a double-edged sword where he starts out destroying his relations with other people, but then being able to use his bonds with others more as a 'power of friendship' style weapon. Also possibly Doom, intially dooming himself but ultimately utilizing it to doom and destroy Sephroth...?
Tifa: Mage of Blood. I love this as Tifa being away of her connections to others and trying to utilize those connections, be the glue that's keeping people together, and especially utilizing that to keep Cloud together. I could also see her being a Maid of Life, especially in regards to how she ultimately is the one who heals Cloud's mind.
Barret: Seer of Doom is such an interesting choice! Like, how he can see the state of the world, which makes it all the more interesting how much he strives to change things. Another could be Knight of Hope, by the way he's sort of the face of the AVALANCHE, which is hope, and how he can provide that hope and drive to others.
Aerith: Heir of Hope, super goes with Aerith and just totally embodying hope for the team, and then how that hope takes a hit with her death. I'd suggest also Heir of Time, with the connection of death and fate really matching her, especially in regards to Rebirth.
Yuffie: Theif of Time. The girl is born to be a theif lol, though giving her such a death-connected aspect is super interesting. I could maybe see Theif of Mind or Space better? Yuffie's a hard one to match up tbh. Mind because it has to do with karma and intelligence, and I think it'd combine interestingly with how Yuffie is often underestimated, as well as the retribution she's seeking for Wutai. And then Space because she strikes me as creative I guess haha (and let's be real, I am a little bit trying to get both Time and Space into here).
Nanaki: Knight of Breath. Fuck yeah give the one who was trapped the freedom aspect. No notes, I love this.
Zack: Knight of Void. I like how this connects him to Cloud, but I'm not sure how I like it for Zack. To me, he hits me more as a Page of Light or something that actually reached his full potential, with Light and fortune kinda going well with the DMW and then how it fails him in the end.
Sephiroth: Witch of Light. Super interesting take! Controlling fate! I think you could also easily make him a Witch of Doom, which is also kind of fate-inclined, but if I recall correclty Doom is often more towards oneself. Still either way I could see it.
Cid: I don't know him super well either, but I could see him being Hope or Blood considering he becomes the leader after Cloud is gone and kind of needs to rally the troops. Maybe a Rogue, being able to take those aspects and share them around to the group?
Vincent: Considering his whole deal with the various beasts inside of him, I'd be tempted to say Heir or Prince of Rage. But then, considering he's still alive despite everything he's been through, i could also see him being a Life player.
Reeve: Easy, Mage of Heart, aware of his power of splintering himself and utilizing that with Cait Sith. Also possibly adding to how he's at the 'heart' of a lot of the problems aka within Shinra Tower.
If anyone has any other thoughts on the matter, would love to hear them!
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odysseys-blood · 6 months
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just a lil sheet to help me better conceptualize how i draw satan + a little list in the readmore to expand on the arrows
starting from the numbers:
Despite the speed at which devils heal satan bites his lips so much (if he isnt grinding his teeth) that there are perpetually little tooth mark scars on his bottom lip
I like giving the devils pointed ears! with the way i like to draw they do range from looking more human-ish to being elf-like (longer and pointed (though i do variation there too if you've seen my paimon)). satan's are a little longer compared to human ears and are downturned. i also just rly enjoy ear wiggles so i think they move when he's happy.
Seeing the upper 72 devils have just horns and nawt a tail or wings in sight (even tho rando npc devils in some illustrations have them) made me So Sad i am a tail enjoyer so i gave him a thick one! combining this point with the little notes below it: the 3 spikes/protrustions towards the base are VERY sensitive like devil horns he'd enjoy having them rubbed. the main tail has a lizard skin feel and he has very good control over it and would wrap it around the mc or use it to hold up sitri after drinking (so that point should say prehensile not tactile i forgot the word lol). i also picked a thicker tail for him bc i think it'd be good for stability as well with his use of larger weapons like the blood scythe and the canon. the spade end is about as sensitive as the back of the hand so rubbing you thumb on it in circles would be calming for him (<-do this when he's upset)
despite being a body hair enjoyer i dont draw him with much BUT he has very thick pubic hair and armpit hair. you cannot take happy trail satan away from me
his main jumpsuit has kind of a tail sleeve in the back w/ an elastic ring to fit snug around his tail. devils with larger tails also usually wear underwear with an extra strap to keep them up around their tails but satan doesn't bother and the extra straps bother him because of how they fit. the tail sleeve on his jumpsuit is as much as you're getting out of him without the whole back being open
Not much time at all has passed between ch1 and ch4 (honestly i feel like its probably only been at most 3 days. somewhere in that range but less than a week) so i think the damage to the back of his back is still very visible and there's damage to his tail as well. it has healed greatly however which is why its still a much smaller section. all of the other scars around his body are old and he pays much more attention to taking care of injuries that would be more visible if they scar (like any on his arms and the front of his torso) so more scars are visible on his legs and back
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