#mostly I find Lucifer to be quite funny
misc-obeyme · 1 month
Welp that Lucy punishment you wrote the other day was delicious,
Mind doing a drabble about it? Pretty please
Thinking about drawing it, can use higher visuals
🍄 sending water your way
You guys and the water, I'm getting flooded lol!
And yes, I can do a drabble based on that post! I had to go read it again, but here it is for anyone who missed it!
Due to the listing of different ideas and scenarios that I had in my answer, I just chose my favorite one and went with that. Hopefully it turned out okay!
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GN!MC x Lucifer
Warnings: dom!Lucifer, sub!MC, blindfold, edging, fingering, use of some pet names (darling, dearest)
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The silky fabric of Lucifer’s tie was cool against your skin, the careful knot he had made behind your head just tight enough to prevent it from slipping. You kept your eyes open; the makeshift blindfold added a deep dark red to the field of black that filled your vision.
Moments ago, you sat across the desk from Lucifer, confessing to your wrongdoing. You watched him frown, remove his coat, his tie, roll up his sleeves. When he patted his lap, you obediently came over to sit on it, knowing you couldn’t get out of this situation even if you tried. Even if you wanted to.
Now you were sitting with your back against Lucifer’s chest, the blindfold snugly in place. Your legs were spread wide, hooked over Lucifer’s knees. You felt one hand on your waist and another one on your shoulder. His breathing tickled your ear.
You felt his hands remove themselves from your body and you squirmed. Not just because you missed his touch but because you couldn’t see what he was doing with them.
It was evident that Lucifer had been removing his gloves when you felt the skin of his fingers against your stomach. He was moving your uniform, opening your clothing to allow himself access.
You gasped lightly as the palm of his hand pressed against your waist and he pushed it beneath the waistband of your uniform. His fingers slid expertly over the part of you that was pulsing hard with your own heartbeat.
"Hmm," he hummed in your ear. He pressed a kiss to your neck. "You are so exquisite when you're like this, my darling. No one can hear you here, so do not hold back."
You moaned, arching your back against him as he teased you. His ministrations felt so good, you were sure you would come on his hand in moments-
And then he pulled his touch away and you whined in response.
Lucifer chuckled against you. "Ah, but I can't allow you to come so easily, can I? This is a punishment, after all."
You sucked in a breath. "Please," you said.
Lucifer tutted. "Begging? You needn't do that, dearest one. We've only just started."
Lucifer continued, touching you until you were at the edge, then stopping abruptly. You found yourself holding onto him, your hands digging into the skin of his exposed arms. Your head was thrown back against his shoulder, your legs shaking against his. You could feel his hard cock behind you, pressing into your back. He was relishing every moment he spent with his fingers coaxing whimpers out of you.
When Lucifer finally allowed you to come, you found you were grateful for the blindfold. His tie caught the tears that fell from the overwhelming sensations running through your body. You couldn't see him, you couldn't see the room, all you were experiencing was his fingers and the universe twisting around on itself. The only thing that could come out of your mouth was his name.
You couldn't even remember what you had done that had caused this. When you asked him later, in the quiet safety of his bed, Lucifer couldn't remember, either. You indicated that this was a shame because it meant you couldn't make that particular transgression again. Lucifer only laughed and assured you that he could find other reasons to "punish" you if need be.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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deadghosy · 4 months
I was wondering if you could do a miniso penguin reader being a delivery boy for all of hell (mostly hazbin)
prompt: you deliver mail all over hell, but mostly to your favorite place!
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Okay starters off….you definitely get petted by the sinners who walk by you. Like you are so adorable!
I headcannon that you have a magic barrier that activates when you are in danger. Like say for example, a sinner tried to stab and mug but a bubble appears around you as you quack and roll away.
But like…you are the most known person in hell. YOU COULD BE WALKING AND GIVING MAIL AND IMMEDIATELY- “Hey [reader]!”
Yeah you’re quite known🦆🔥
The overlords love you! Carmilla adores you as you help her move her things around with her supplies of angelic metal. And Alastor….he joked about eating you up because of how cute you are..you definitely hide behind carmilla as she glared at him.
Alastor said sorry as he buys you ice cream for scaring you. (Charlie made him do it after carmilla snitched on him)
The most place you love giving mail to is the hazbin hotel! You like it there as you always get greeted by the people there gently. Charlie would pet you as she gushes how cute you are and how you should’ve been an angel.
Husk just pokes at your chubby and cute body as you quack and rub your face in his leg. You are the size of a penguin so guess how small you are 😭💗
You and fat nuggets are best friends, dead ass you both speak animal to each other and just gossip… “quack…” “oink oink..” “QUACK?!” You yelled pointing to Alastor as fat nuggets nodded seriously. Angel tried to record it but he just couldn’t help but laugh
Lucifer loves you! Like at first he would just watch you around hell secretly as he didn’t want to scare you off too easy. But soon he felt over protective at how pure and nice you are to other sinners and hell born
I headcannon every time it’s extermination, you would be forced to be at the hotel as you bake cookies to past the time helping Charlie and the other feel less stress as the angels kill the sinners.  
“So like…do you lay eggs or somethin'?” Angel asked looking at the egg boiz under you as they are sound asleep. You just stay there like a mama penguin as you shrugged.
“[READER] I CHOSE YOU!” Vaggie yells as you waddle to a person and hug them in need. Its funny to imagine you being used a Pokémon who’s only attack is “HUG SURPRISE!”
I headcannon you to use a rolling attack. LIKE FOR EXAMPLE, you are getting chased so you roll like a ball and BOWLING BALL THEY ASS! STRIKEEE‼️‼️
You have a room in the hotel, it’s just you don’t stay there often. But the other would loved if you stayed at the hotel with them as they find you lovely to around. Like imagine how cool it is to be tired from delivering mail all day just to go to the hotel and see your own room.
Immediately passing out in the soft bed😭🦆
I imagine you walking, more like waddling and the egg boiz just copy your waddling as they are still baby chickens in eggs.
Velvette definitely has you go to her section of the vee tower so you can wear those cute sailor boy outfits 😭 like imagine how cute that is….
Sir Pentious and nifty love you also as they find you adorable. The egg boiz love you, and nifty….she just finds you interesting how every sinner knows who you are and wants to be your best friend.
I can see you being sick and not coming to deliver mail to the hotel, and immediately you wake up sniffling as you waddle to your door to see a bunch of gift baskets as you quack surprised at all those candies and get better cards….man you are loved
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nmakii · 3 months
‘Can I ask you to do something about Alastor×reader? About y/n being a modern girl (2023-2024), and she often has strange gestures or words towards Alastor. One time she talked to him in modern language, making him confused and very curious. (You can expand the situation as you like, sorry my English is not very good)’
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— alastor x modern!reader (platonic or romantic!)
— alastor calls reader “good girl” so mostly fem!coded
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alastor gets slangs that are common such as LOL, WTF, IDK but doesn’t get some that aren’t as common like LMFAO, IDRC, or WTAF since they’re just making them longer, so it’s quite useless…
he also doesn’t quite get shortcuts for words. one time you left him a note “lol brb rq imma b back in like 20 min. j gon pick smt up” most of it was honestly gibberish to him, but at the very least, he understood you’ll be back in 20 minutes.
gets really angry when you say things like “stop reaching, gooner. you’re just pissed that you’re a beta.” because; one, you’re blatantly disrespecting the radio demon and telling him to shut up. and two, he doesn’t get what any of that meant. what’s a gooner?
also gets annoyed often when you start singing songs like “i’m the alpha, i’m the leader” or “sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler” because, it’s a reflection on modern society and how music quality in modern times have plummeted significantly.
what happened to those beautiful songs such as “the man i love”? has it been replaced by this rizzler nonsense??? honestly, you’re giving alastor more and more reasons to dislike modernity… you’re lucky he finds your company enjoyable
in a desperate attempt to connect with you, he asked angel about your humor, hoping he’d understand. alastor knows that if anything, velvette would know. but, he’d rather get beaten by lucifer than ask the vees for help…
sadly for him, angel is just as confused. although, he at least knew what this alpha bullshit was, vaguely explaining furries and the alpha-beta-omegaverse to him…
you were in the hotel den, scrolling on social media as alastor walked in. “s/o, be a dear and fetch me some chicken breasts from the butcher, would you? i’d like to prepare something for tonight’s dinner.” alastor smiled
“hmm… nah. go do it yourself, furry” you giggled brattishly. “hahah… what did you call me?” alastor asked sternly, his face now close with yours, antlers increasing only slightly in size. “ah…” you stuttered.
alastor was never this mad when you said stuff like that, what was so different today? maybe he was in a bad mood? “ah… ill get it…” you conceded, using your hands to lightly push alastor away, lest he decides you’ll be for dinner…………
alastor snickered before patting you on the head. “good girl. don’t call me that again, this old dog can still learn new tricks, y’know?” he teasingly sang out. “huh?” you asked. “did you learn what a furry is?” you bit your lip, holding back your laughter.
“indeed, i did. horrifying that you’d think i would indulge in such hobbies…” he sighed, looking a little uncomfortable through his stressed smile. “what..? i don’t think you’re a furry, alastor. it’s not that deep. furry is just something that i used to laugh about with my friends back on earth.” you shallowly laughed, copying his actions by rubbing his hair.
he has to admit, that little mistranslation was a little funny looking back on it. but, he is a little disheartened that he got you scared over nothing. you were just having your fun and he got all pissed off. he’d definitely try to instead ask you about your slang as to prevent such a thing again…
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priestvox · 3 months
I think the most fun part of shipping radioapple to me is even tho Alastor drives him up the wall, Lucifer strikes me as an extremely loving partner, and I don't think Alastor would know how to deal with that at first. Like obviously he'd probably mock him for a while but I like to think the constant sincerity would break down some walls whether he wants it too or not. Like Lucifer gives him a sweet little kiss on the cheek and his reaction is just "Ah yes affection. Disgusting. Do it again".
They don't have sex at Alastor's request, and he's relieved by how Lucifer's not only ok with it, but extremely supportive (tho he's confused when Lucifer starts making the same kind of ace jokes Rosie makes). While Lucifer basically says it every time he sees him, Alastor has trouble saying the words "I love you", but he'll gives gifts and does small favors here and there as his way of saying it.
He never quite gets used to public affection, he'll always highly value his public appearance and that'll never change. That said he'll occasionally play up the affectionate partner for dramatic effect, mostly to piss someone off (*cough* Vox *cough*) or to just flex that he's with the king of hell because I'm pretty sure that comes with some bragging rights. Lucifer lets him get away with it because come on, the faces people make ARE pretty funny. In private tho, he'll allow Lucifer to be as mushy as he pleases. Lucifer is the ONLY person allowed to touch Alastor's ears and even he's surprised by how soothing he finds it. Part of him is a little embarrassed he lets Lucifer get away with so much, but he wouldn't be here if he wasn't getting anything out of it would he?
...wow ok, this got out of hand real fucking quick huh? this started out as "I think radioapple is cute teehee" and somehow turned into this sickeningly sweet ramble, can you tell I'm addicted to fluff? well hope you enjoyed whatever the hell this was!
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deer-carcasses · 4 months
somewhat an analysis of Alastor
I've been going over this multiple times while it was just some rambles in my notes, but I finally decided it might as well see the light of day. if you do read this all, thank you. if not,,, understandable. it's a lot.
if this whole things is not coherent at all and does some weird jumps, I'm sorry. I took multiple breaks writing this over the span of the whole day. it was even more of a mess, I promise this is the slightly cleaned-up version.
especially the later parts get less cohesive in my eyes since I had to take longer breaks in between them. they also might jump around more. but now, in case you do want to read this; enjoy.
obvious spoilers ahead
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let's start with the most interesting aspect for me: we barely know Alastor. sure, we know a little about his backstory, and get snippets of interactions here and there, but it wasn't until well into the show that we got to know his character better. ep.5 was where we see something deeper than the shallow persona he puts on for everyone. he's been more of a helping hand to make the plot progress in an interesting direction than a character with obvious deeper meaning. I don't mean to say that he was not well-written, quite the contrary, I mean to point out that he seemed more like a tool in the story than a character we are supposed to connect with on deeper levels.
we all as viewers had no idea why exactly he was there, to begin with, he said it was for his own entertainment but even then, this seemed like an awful lot of work for him to come out more or less empty-handed most of the time. it's an unfair deal for Alastor if you ask me. and honestly, he does bring little less than "entertainment" to the table until then. being used to show that he is helping yes, but mostly doing it so he can pull someone else down with his help. double-sided blade. he loses, but whoever he helps also doesn't win.
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let's talk about ep.5 though. in this episode it's the first time someone truly irritates him. he didn't really care much for Vox - seemingly finding his entire obsession rather funny and never seeing him as a true threat. and Sir Pentious he didn't even truly remember. but with Lucifer that changes. Alastor doesn't just see him as bothersome, he sees him as important enough to go out of his way to prove he is better than the literal king of hell himself. at first, you could argue that he's once again doing it for his entertainment. seeing how much he can push before he needs to get back in line. but looking closer, his body language betrays him.
the way Alastor holds himself shows a true disdain for Lucifer that is, from a viewer's perspective, totally unjustified. Lucifer did not start their weird rival dynamic, it was Alastor who from the beginning on looked down on the king. maybe it's a personal reason, maybe it's just the fact that Alastor is more than well aware that no matter how much power he gets, there's no way to get above Lucifer. his omnipresence might simply be an annoyance to Alastor because he knows as well as Lucifer that the king hasn't shown his face in a long time and his reputation and power over all of the pride ring, over all of hell, still stays in place. no real threat could shake Lucifer's power into crumpling and this thought alone might bother Alastor because he had to fight for his power, to keep his power. (see Vox having presumably more power with the modern media and all that before Alastor disappeared)
and there's also of course the whole bantering going on in Hell's greatest Dad. Are Alastor's words genuine when he speaks to Charlie, or is it just a tactic to get under Lucifer's skin, maybe not seeing his powers crumble but seeing the king's nerves being reduced to nothing by his hands.
I personally don't think he was being entirely truthful. he might not have straight up lied about everything, but I don't think he truly wishes Charlie to be his daughter. Charlie herself is more than a little surprised by how Alastor suddenly treats her, and that alone is proof enough for me that he wasn't being honest in his words. if it were true, wouldn't he have at least a slight fatherly touch towards her all the time? Later on, Angel Dust even somewhat points out that Alastor has never acted like this by asking what his [Alastor's] deal is. It shows me that no matter how badly he tries to make it seem real for Lucifer, it's not real for anyone else simply because they all know how he normally acts around them.
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continuing to Mimzy for a short moment; she is proven to not be a reliable narrator at all so I don't want to really take what she tells about Alastor all too seriously. she even concludes her little tale about the radio demon with "That's the story most people know." which does not make it any true. something I thought is very interesting is that the only two people who might have any idea of how truthful Mimzy is in her story are both gone. Niffty, though she also does not seem like the most reliable narrator, is not part of this conversation, and Hus kates himself out of the scene almost in the same moment Mimzy starts talking about. Husk leaving is more important since he obviously knows more about not only Alastor but also the deal Alastor is bound to. Husk and Alastor might equally hate it, but Husk does seem to care about Alastor at least a little. warning the overlord about Mimzy and how she is known for only showing up when she needs something, and I'm sure Alastor is more than aware that Mimzy wouldn't show up simply to catch up with old friends, but still. the sentiment of Husk seeking Alastor out to warn him, and even mentioning how he [Alastor] has been gone for a while now, is in itself caring, especially when moments later the viewers find out how much more Husk seems to know about Alastor. it even seems as if he is aware of limitations, mentioning how it's "Big talk for someone who's also on a leash." coming from Alastor's deal, even if Alastor himself is ignoring them [see the line "Who in their right mind would cross me?"]
the whole fact that Husk even seems to know so much about Alastor's deal is confusing in a way. I can't see Alastor willingly going to Husk and telling him about not only the deal he made with someone above himself but also about the limitations of said deal, it just doesn't make sense for the character we know Alastor to be, and even when finishing the show my opinion doesn't change. it's even more prominent how he later hides away.
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after this scene, Alastor isn't seen catching back up to Charlie, Vaggie, and Lucifer to continue annoying him simply by his presence. his outburst having left him apparently on edge - showing that he isn't as calm and calculated as he likes to pretend. he obviously struggles with his own anger, be it at Husk for bringing up that he knows about Alastor's deal, or himself for ever getting into the situation in the first place.
later we see Alastor taking care of Mimzy's problem -the loan sharks. he's not seen using his powers like he did when Sir Pentious attacked though, he willingly transforms into something eldritch to devour the threat instead of simply using the tentacles, which would've been just as easy for Alastor. in my eyes that's him getting rid of the last restlessness about his outburst at Husk. choosing to do it himself, showing he still has free will over what he does and doesn't do. if not proving it to Husk then proving it to himself that he can choose to do this. he goes all out, he even comments on it himself how he needs to let off steam and later on how he's important here and willingly choosing to be here, helping ["It's time to remind everyone [Husk] why I'm here."] Alastor needs Husk to know what happens when you cross him, and when you doubt him. because he took the comments about how long he's been gone and that he's also on a leash personally. I don't even think it's necessarily because Husk said it, it's that someone in hell said it. not a soul in hell is allowed to think that Alastor, the radio demon, is not strong enough to win every fight he chooses to start.
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let me come back to Mimzy once more, as if this one scene scratching the surface of what lies underneath his smile-bright persona revealed by Husk wasn't enough we get Alastor being all buddy-buddy with Mimzy, who is not only acting like a friend to him but is also introduced as such. a normal friend to someone who is so obviously not normal.
but even with his more friendly behavior towards her, he ends up sending her away after the hotel has to suffer under the problem she brought along. ["I can't have that here."] If he was genuine with what he said then, why did he phrase it like that? I might be reading too much into it, but Alastor normally picks his words wisely enough to not let too much slip, and the sentence "I don't want this here." would've been better fitting for the situation, but he says can't have that here. new question, what can't he have here? Mimzy herself? someone who knows him better than the residence with maybe a habit of blabbering? or was it just the fact that it's her problems that he needs to fix? that he can't have her bringing more work than there already is at the hotel?
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now making a bit of a jump, going from ep.5 to ep.7 this episode makes me mostly wonder about what Alastor could ask from Charlie later on based on the deal the two of them made. in terms of character, it gave us little besides his dynamic with Rosie and the entirety of cannibal city. though this was also not really anything new, more just what we already knew about Alastor in a new dynamic
there is one scene I do want to talk about though. his whole little speech around smiling. him actually standing by and admitting that he is hiding behind his smile did take me a second to actually realize what just happened, I did skip back to it because I was a little stunned by the absurdity of it all. after some thought it made sense that he might not mind it, Charlie does not know him well enough for this off-hand comment to truly affect anything for him, still it made me wonder. why would he reveal it to her? was he simply so sure that she wouldn't use it against him or did he think she wouldn't even think of using anything against him in this kind of way?
so it confirms that yes; Alastor uses his smile as a facade and also as a way to show he is above others who cannot hide behind a smile like he can. his smile means indifference to himself, neutrality. for him showing anything but the indifference that his smile represents is vulnerability. weakness.
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let's move on to the actual "highlight" episode of "What We Learn about Alastor" ep.8
this surely was not the first time he got humbled badly by someone in a fight. it's what he wants to avoid most, the mask slipping, everyone seeing that he can be defeated, that he is not this otherworldly powerful being that not a soul in hell [or heaven] can touch. there had to be at least one very significant moment where he was powerless in a way. where he had to strike up a deal with someone higher, the one now binding him, now having him on a leash.
Alastor went into the fight with Adam overly confident, underestimating Adam's powers to the point he barely got away. he is, after all this, still a mortal soul. a sinner. Adam on the other hand was the first man which gives him roughly the same power Lilith must have. that in itself makes me think Alastor lasted a good deal longer in the battle than I would've thought. pure angelic powers far surpassing his own and he still 1) got away in the end and 2) was able to get in a few hits.
let's quickly touch on the fact that when Adam broke his microphone he seemed to be completely stunned, apparently not having thought that he could easily break his possession without any real resistance. I personally don't think his power is necessarily in the microphone [the was the simply gave it away to Charlie in ep.7 being my proof for why it can't be. he would never abandon his power just for Charlie to sing a song for a few cannibals] but what if it maybe is some kind of amplifier for it? maybe it's also pure placebo and Alastor was simply too stunned that Adam would go for the piece of equipment instead of for a deadly blow right away. the microphone surely was a confidence boost, feeling of being 'on air' the feeling of having his broadcast behind him while doing his everyday tasks giving him the boost he sometimes needs, his ego being constantly stroked by the knowledge that there would be countless sinners bowing to him if he simply said the words into his microphone. no longer being able to do that made him stutter in more ways than one, being momentarily careless, not prepared for Adam to strike again, deadly this time. he lost where he was in his performance, in his own show, and it made him mess up.
one interesting sentence is when Adam comments on how Alastor is just a mortal soul. "You should know better than anyone what a soul can accomplish when they take charge of their own fate." which makes me want to believe that's exactly what Alastor did, taking charge of his own fate. but the thing is that we know he did not. he made a deal with someone, and he doesn't have the ability to take charge of anything about his own being anymore. he's as much on a leash as he has Husk on one. that would only mean that he isn't at his full potential, held back by the deal he so desperately wants to get out of, and is actively looking for a way to get out of it. which turns this line into something else completely. Alastor reveals that he knows what he is capable of, but cannot parade his power due to his deal.
another interesting detail is his ears before he dissolves into his shadow. they are pinned back, showing not only agitation or fear but disorientation. he opens his mouth for no sound to come out and it frightens him to have come into this situation at all.
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a big part of his mental disintegration in this moment surely is also the fact that if he had died at this moment, if Adams's hit was slightly more fatal, he would've died bound to the deal still. Alastor would have gone without being able to fulfill his own goal - getting rid of the chain around his throat. getting control back over his own afterlife. if he had died at Adam's hands, he would have died being possessed by someone else which we can assume is what Alastor sees as the lowest he can fall. the people bound to him by a deal mean nothing to him as it seems, we only ever got to see those who were needed for the Hotel.
while also, dying in this moment would have proven to everyone that he stayed to protect the hotel, his friends, but retreating and not being killed in a heroic death-wish battle be had proven to especially the audience that Alastor is not ride or die for these people.
in his breakdown ballad, we can finally see where he went to to lick his wounds. his entire breakdown also shows once again how scared he truly is of being inadequate. this wasn't just a reminder from Husk that he is indeed also on a leash, being pulled to where whoever holding it wants him to go, this is a rendezvous with death, barely escaping the situation that would have proven that he is too weak, at least while being bound by this deal he is [no longer] profiting from.
the place not only reeks of death for him, like he says in his song, but it also reeks of shame at the fact that he had nearly not made it out alive. it would've been seen as a noble act had he truly died in this scene, he had not died protecting himself, he had died protecting others. it is worse than dying on a leash even since at least almost no one knows about that, it would allow him to save some face. but dying for these people? he cannot even stand the thought of it.
in his mind he needs to keep up the smiling facade, the indifference in this smile he holds obviously so dear, for eternity. him dying should not allow the indifference he stands for to evaporate, he needs to play the act even after being killed in his afterlife.
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even if this now ends rather abruptly, my work here is done. see you next time I start writing and simply don't stop for a while.
it truly is "Good to be back on the Air." with a newly cleaned-up space to talk about fandoms
this might be edited later on, nothing major, maybe just to have some actual continuity in it.
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raydom-gamer · 1 year
Okay this is just a general obey me thought.
There's little spoilers in here but most of it is just common knowledge and stories about Mammon, it's just about a demon and his crows.
Am I the only one who finds it interesting that Mammon the Avatar of greed his familiar is a crow. I always just thought it was kind of funny because crows being notorious for liking shiny objects, Mammon notorious for stealing shiny possessions. But today I learned that crows are kind of a pack mentality. If a crow is deemed too greedy or selfish the rest of the crows will actually peck and shun the greedy crow. Which sounds very similar to when his brother is watch him tied up and hung from the ceiling. They point and laugh at him.
Crows are also notorious for getting items for other members of their murder when they suspect others being sad or stressed. I've only seen two examples of Mammon doing this which was when he thought Leviathan didn't win his concert tickets so he spent money on a cheap pin of one of Leviathan's new favorite anime. The other time being Beelzebub spending extra time on practice for his team, Mammon unprompted showed up and brought his little brother some extra snacks to get him through practice.
Crows are deemed some of the smartest animals in the world and their intelligence are considered on par with chimpanzees. Despite Mammon having very low grades in R.A.D., there's a card (in shall we date) that proves that he's actually very intelligent (especially in math) it's just you have to give him the right motivation to use it.
Crows are also notorious for holding grudges for generations. Mammon still complains about what some witches that he hasn't seen in a couple decades made him do because he requested money for them and they requested his services, only for them to give him stupid tasks. (Mostly because he was running away from his debt.) As well as being still upset about the time Leviathan broke into his room to steal a figurine that Mammon won at random.
Crows are also known to mate for life which is why they tend to be very rude and picky about partners even though some crows can be quite promiscuous and mate with other crows outside of their pairing. This could explain why he enjoys the attention but pushes it away most of the time because he has high standards. Of course that immediately changes when he sees MC giving someone else attention. He gets kind of snippety and territorial over MC by claiming that he is there first but is known to forgive MC in the end.
Crows are also known to steal other birds eggs or fledglings most of the time for food but also to study different birds behaviors. Other times is when the crows own eggs or fledglings have been killed and adopt other birds as their offspring. I know technically Mammon did not steal the child or adopt the child but he does send money to some witches to take care of a human orphan child that grew emotionally attached to him. Chances are the witches are going to use Mammon as a sponge to get as much money as they can from him. He's also been caught multiple times taking care of Luke like a little brother.
Crows have mob behavior and tend to harass bigger predators in order to take down the foe or to steal from it. Very similar to when Mammon convinces Leviathan, Beelzebub and MC to try to steal from Lucifer only to then have to take on Cerberus. Most of mamons ideas usually involve him convincing his brothers (not Lucifer) and MC into helping him with one of his scams.
I could keep going on and on by just Crow facts that I've learned today. It just really cracks me up to think about his behavior and realize that he acts very much like his familiar. Obviously there's some big differences in certain behaviors compared to crows but it makes me wonder if the DMs had taken in fact about crows and tried to humanize them so they could make a Baseline for certain behaviors.
After all we can all agree that Lucifer acts very much like a peacock. So I guess it shouldn't be all that shocking on how much Mammon behaves like a crow.
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kkarmiic · 1 year
okay so like, the demon bros with a short reader who picks fights with pretty much everyone. like, when mammon is complaining about "babysitting" them when they first arrive the readers first impulse is to give him a rude response. i just think it would be very funny. gn reader please. -⭐
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\\ synopsis: hcs of the demon brothers with a short confrontational reader
‘+ genre: fluff
*# warnings: lucifer tries to punish you, suggestive content for asmo
// authors note: sorry it took so long! life got in the way!
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When you first meet him, he isn’t shocked by your height, after all, it was on your medical files.
What he wasn’t expecting however, was for you to be so… confrontational, to put it simply.
As soon as Mammon whined about quote on quote ‘babysitting you’ you snapped back.
Oh. Okay!
He instantly knew you either 1. Were not going to take any insults from Mammon or 2. Were going to be the biggest headache for him.
It was the latter.
He tries to punish you?
Not on your watch.
You start yelling at him, not giving you excuses, just fully telling him how his methods and reasonings for punishments are unfair.
For a moment he’s shocked, nobody ever really speaks back to him like this.
You make him age it’s that bad.
When a lower level demon starts talking down on you, to your FACE.
You lose your goddamn (ha god) mind at them.
It’s kinda wild to see.
You’re now the new chihuahua congratulations.
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Mammon however is extremely shocked by your height.
Obviously you were going to be shorter than he was, he was a demon.
But short by human standards? You’re never hearing the end of this.
He’d come up with the most inventive nicknames you’ve ever heard.
“Hey ankle biter!”
“How are you knee-high?”
The list goes on.
At some points it just gets… annoying?
And you finally snap.
You tell him commenting on your appearance isn’t funny, that you don’t like it, that you’re sick of it.
You tell him exactly how you feel, not sparing any rude comments or gestures as you do.
He’s definitely shocked by this.
He’s the great mammon and all that!
He doesn’t make fun of you for your height again.
It clearly made you upset enough for you to call him out on it and he gets it in a way, always getting the punishments from lucifer etc.
If you’re dating him he does call you nicknames RELATING to your height.
Like doll or such, but it’s endearing.
He also appreciates the way you stand up for him, confronting people (lucifer) when he can’t.
He really likes your confrontational nature (and your height)
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I imagine he teases you at first, mostly about your height.
You yell at him, telling him he isn’t funny.
“A worthless otaku like me isn’t funny.. I know.” Or something like that.
It would probably take both of you off guard.
?? Worthless otaku?
He likes how you stand up to people for him though, even though he’s more than capable of doing it himself.
Mammon is trying to steal a limited edition Ruri-Chan figure from his room?
Nah. You call him out!
Lucifer tries to punish him?
You start yelling, kicking up a fuss, yelling.
Lucifer then tried to punish you.
Yeah that doesn’t work either.
He gives up after that.
Levi would also make you cosplay with him, but you only as the short characters.
OHOH he finds it so funny!
Calls you gorgeous though, so I guess there’s that?
He finds your height quite nice, makes him feel less ‘jealous’ in a way.
“Yeah! MC is mine! See how I can lean?” Does that cute lil shoulder height lean thing that people do.
He also definitely crouches down to speak to you, which obviously gets on your nerves.
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For me this is very fifty fifty, depending on night bringer or shall we date right?
In night bringer, if you call him out, if you’re confrontational, you’re only going to make his anger fits worse.
In shall we date? Sure, he’ll get a little upset, but after literal centuries, he’s calmer, he knows how to handle it.
He finds your height aesthetically appeasing.
Recommends books with a main character or love interest whos shorter than average, just to make you feel less ‘weird’ about it. (If you do)
Satan likes the way you don’t let anyone treat you like shit.
Lucifer trying to punish you?
Oh boy do you have a mouth on you!
You call him out, letting him know how unfair, how unjust his punishments are etc. etc.
Satan thinks he’s found his soulmate, his perfect match.
And now another person for the anti-lucifer club.
Constantly trying to recruit you.
“Hey so you know how you don’t like Lu-“
“Satan. Seriously?”
If you say no though, he won’t hold it against you.
You’re quite upfront about your feelings, that’s just in your nature.
He won’t get angry, or upset, you have the right to say yes or no.
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Okay this is oddly specific, but I imagine that in the devildom, the demons are weirdly tall.
Almost freakishly tall.
(Biblically accurate demons)
And so because of your height, you find it quite hard to get clothes that actually fit you!
He understands the important of fashion and feeling confident in clothes that actually fit you don’t worry <3
Gets your clothes custom made if he can’t find any that fit you.
“Ooh? You like that style? Okay!”
Just know you’ll never have any issues finding clothes in your style, perfectly fitting to you, with him around.
As for your temper?
He likes your no nonsense attitude.
Infact, he finds it quite hot.
You don’t take shit, especially not from lower level demons.
They comment on your height?
You’re going off.
Fuck scary dog privileges, you are the scary dog.
People underestimate you, expect you to be relaxed, or shy, but in reality you’re the most confrontation human they’ve ever met.
There’s definitely been times where he’s had to pull you away from a demon before because you started confronting them about something they’d said about asmodeus. (Especially following night bringer lore!!)
However, if when you meet, he comments on you in a negative way, at all.
You go off on him too.
He’s shocked!? Nobody ever talks to him like that?!
That’s when he knows he wants you in his bed.
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Okay, so with your height, and my whole head canon about the demons being taller than average, they’d need to eat a lot more.
He’d be concerned about you, to be completely honest.
Why are you not eating as much as him?
Are you sick, whats happening?
He’s constantly hovering over about you.
Talking to others about you.
He’s so interested in the new human living in the house with him.
To be honest, it makes you a little bit unnerved.
Like ?? Why is this buff fucking demon asking about me??
You confront him about it!
Asking him why he’s basically stalking you.
Why won’t he leave you alone?
He soon explains that he’s worried because you don’t eat as much as him (even though that’s normal) or his brothers.
To which you explain because you’re shorter, your stomach isn’t as big, you don’t need as much food as him to maintain your body and keep yourself healthy with nutrition.
Well that makes sense.
He still checks on you though, you’re short, some lower level demon is going to try and eat you alive.
He’s the scary dog now.
Can you imagine the height difference though?
Like… What?!
You’re tiny, that man is huge.
He uses your head as an armrest sorry not sorry.
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Okay, so this one for me is a little complicated.
I don’t think you’d be as naive to let him out the attic.
But if you do, you hold that shit against him.
He complains about how you’re not a good enough pillow because of your height?
Bringing it up!
It’s like your humour, your inside joke.
And if anyone tries to wake him up from his nap (or his many naps)
You don’t let them.
You tell them, albeit very not politely, to go away.
That he’s sleeping, why do they want to bother him!?
You’re a lil aggressive, he never really knows, after all he’s in a super deep sleep (as per usual).
But the one time he catches you doing it, he was just dozing off when he heard you talking to someone, telling them to leave him to sleep, that he’s tired etc.
He feels a little smile twitch on his lips.
He’s so… happy?
It’s an odd feeling for him.
It feels nice to be protected by you.
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posted by: apollo
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Alastor and Voxes rivalry is so funny because, aside from their differing perspectives on technology, they really aren't all that different personality wise. They're both master manipulator's that like being the center of attention, they're insecure about the fact that they need others for their power and success (Alastor with his soul owner, who I agree is Roo unless proven otherwise, and Vox with his fellow Vees), and they overestimate how powerful they truly are on their own until getting hit with a major dose of humility (Vox in "Stayed Gone" and Alastor when he nearly got killed by Adam). Heck, maybe these exact similarities may have contributed to their rivalry in the first place.
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I adore them. Vox is my third favorite. He was my second but then Lucifer made his grand appearance. TBH I pretty much love all the characters but those three rank the highest by far.
I'm pretty much obsessed with Alastors relationships with everyone. His relationships with everyone beside Rosie and Nifty are oddly complicated. I pretty much walked into the show with the assumption that everyone out for their own. All cut throat and not caring who they step on to get ahead. Which we still sort of get but we also got hit with... found family and relationships-of sinners in Hell. I was going to make a whole post about it last night but it got late so I postpone.
They are both calculating showmen. Emphasizing their words and meaning with large arm movements and such. What I find more alluring is Alastor is more subtle about it but its more captivating. Alastor does do grand movements with his arms and hands. But he can make a grand entrance just by being silent. Either moving by shadow or in his battle, he was revealed to Adam buy standing still and quietly waited for Adam to take notice of him when the smoke clear and flew towards him. Which is quite a testament to his talent and skill as an entertainer and showman that he can command attention without doing anything. Vox is more flashy. I love how he enters a room. Even the less flashy entrance of him walking to his control room in "Stay gone". It was commanding attention even if the room was empty.
Both are similar but both are prideful but I think Vox is less so. Vox realize there's strength in numbers. I think one of the reason why Alastor more adamant about being independent and not relying on others is because of his contract. He lost the right to his own soul for relying on help of someone else. His reluctance to have aid and his pride is his downfall. Which we only starting to see happening.
I desperately want to know what exactly went down between these two. One of my first few post was about those two, and I still incline that's what mostly happen but also it was layered with more things im unaware of. They were clues they were once friends and how Vox reacts, it clearly ended by Alastor. Alastor referring Vox with "Old pal" is so condensing and mocking to further insult Vox.
I doubt we get it but I hope we get a flash back episode about these too. Their friendly banter between each other would be so entertaining. They would jab and jeer at each other preferred technology consistently.
I also want the same between Husk and Alastor. I'm positive they were friends before their deal. At first watch my impression was Husk gambled it away to Alastor in a drunken night of unable to stop gambling. But now the more I think of it the least probable it seems. It appeared turned to him. I think they arrange a deal with two outcomes. One that more favorable to each lord but did a game to finalized the true outcome of the deal. I was gonna make a post about that, probably next week tho.
I think Vox character becomes so complex when it comes to Alastor. Because Vox biggest shortcoming is he gets overly emotional. Which is ironic as he is the most mechanical character in the show. I believe he quite the strategist. Which what really got him to become an overlord and his main role in the Vees. I really hope season two show him really utilizing this ability and make him a proper 'villain' with it. He shown to be level headed and calm but then, the mention Alastor to him he goes of the rails. What interesting his emotions about Alastor is multilevel and complex. He feels so intensely about Alastor but the problem is...he feeling multiple emotions about Alastor intensely. It would be SO easy if he can just feel one thing. Either it be pure hate, pure heartbroken, pure rage, pure nostalgia, pure adoration. But no, he feels them all at once and its overwhelming. He needs to ruin and destroy Alastor or bring him down so he can at least feel he can in control. He needs to control Alastor to at least figure out how to control his emotions for him.
Vox in generally is a man who typically knows what he wants and typically get what he wants. Vox wants Alastor to acknowledge him and accept him, Either it be positive of negative. He wants a relationship with Alastor again either be love,mentor/protege/friendship...or what he settle on, rivery. But Alastor not really giving him that. Alastor barely register Vox since his return or acknowledge him as a rival. Alastor never takes Vox seriously, its all a big joke to him. Its drives Vox out of his computer chip mind. Vox is compelled to prove Alastor the Vox is to be taken seriously. He only feel valid when hell get the attention and acknowledgement from the only person he ever want it from in Hell. Alastor probably knows this and purposely ignores Vox when it doesn't demand his attention to further irritate Vox.
I love seeing fanart or fics that showcase how complex Vox can be. He not two dimensional -despite his face being one. That Vox ventures to take the opportunity to kill Alastor while weaken but when Vox facing reality and force to witness Alastor struggling, Vox in up defending and protecting him. While mumbling to save face that he only make Vox look cowardly if he killed Alastor in his pathetic state and only Vox has the honor to kill Alastor.
He doesn't want Alastor gone. He wants his vexation with Alastor gone, he wants his inadequacy caused by Alastor gone. But as the easy solution to solve those issues is to get rid of Alastor...which he sort of wants. But then again he doesn't. If Alastor gone, a part of Vox self is gone. Alastor is such a large part of Vox, that Vox would feel lost and empty if Alastor was truly gone. Alastor is Vox motivation and driven purpose to prove himself worthy. Alastor gone there's no push for Vox to be better in any aspect. Business, power, himself etc. He would never find much joy again when the victorious high of killing Alastor himself wears off.
Vox seemed disinterested in life in conversations until He discovered Alastor was back. The information brought new life to him. He is driven mainly by Alastor.
I am curious how Alastor feels about Vox. I'm sure more recently he more annoyed by Vox and disgusted by Vees business ventures but enjoy one upping him. But does he ever reminisce their better days together and miss Vox companionship? Feel the loss of their friendship. I want to say there are times he does but he better grasp at compartmentalizing and does not dwell on it too often.
I been wondering one of the reason that cost the rift that Vox has some type of recording Alastor that Alastor did not improve of. It seem that Alastor may not mind modern technology as there was a very clear picture of him. But since of that recording that ended their friendly relationship. Alastor took that as a lesson and distort any recording of himself to prevent it happening again. Might be another call back for "This face is made for radio." Tho, I think that phase might be more of his mixed heritage in the early 1900s.
I am looking forward Vox having more role to play in season two.
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bunnypansy · 10 months
Quiet Game
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Rated PG, view with caution!
You've both made some bold claims, but neither of you are about to back down- pride is a stubborn devil. (A sequel to Skinship)
Featuring: Lucifer and You!
Beware! This film contains: light dermatillomania (skin picking), light blood, the struggles of trying to go on vacation, housewife Barbatos mention (it's funny I swear), alcohol used for manipulation, you and Lucifer are competing for stupid prizes, mention of arguments, unhealthy relationship dynamic? Sort of?, there's a lot of intimate touching but it's all nonsexual, this is mostly fluff, gender neutral reader
Soundtrack: Quiet Room by Uki3, covered by Rachie (this feature is now available for Skinship as well)
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The thing people fail to mention when talking about vacation is that it does not start as relaxing. In fact, arranging a vacation is perhaps the most stressful thing in all the realms, particularly when the two people attempting to get away are you and Lucifer. Your first struggles came with finding a location, it’s taken an entire month just to locate somewhere to spend one week without his siblings or the prince of hell hot on your tails.
Separately, you each consider giving up on the proposal. Only separately, because you're a pair of stubborn oxen- though you’re sure he’s picked up on exactly what you’re thinking. You pull your thumb along your jaw in thought, pausing when your nail catches on the irregularity of a blemish. Your fingers are starved for blood, eager to tear your skin apart in their pursuit of it. He makes a note to cut your nails again. Maybe shorter this time.
It’d be in your best interest to have a conversation about your hesitation, to quit dancing around the issue. Your feet are starting to get tired of this prideful waltz. Pride is a powerful sin, the demon knows it best, and it eats at you both– apples with worms, the both of you. Neither of you have declared this war, but the idea stands nonetheless; the first to back out on vacation loses.
Graceless losers, the both of you. You open your mouth first. In one of the quick moments between corralling the rest of the demon family and tending to your tasks, you stalk up to his office and pull the nice whiskey glasses down from his cabinets. Smooth and perfectly clear, with a slight dimple in the center for your fingers to sit comfortably. It’s cool in your hands. You recall the story he told you- slurred and spluttered out, because he was beyond sloppy drunk at the time -about how the glass had been enchanted to stay cold forever, and they were a gift from Simeon that he pretended not to use. It’s manipulative, surely, the way you tenderly brush over his weak spots, only to sink your fingernails in. But it has it's advantages.
The good bottle of liquor sits at the bottom of a drawer in his desk, equal parts hard demonus and human-world whiskey- it’s only fair if you both get drunk. You pour them half full with the amber cocktail and place one glass atop the stack of paperwork in front of Lucifer. He grimaces at the wet ring left on the paper as he picks up the glass, quickly producing a polished wooden coaster from the top left drawer. You had poked fun at him for the coasters on several occasions, “kitschy” you called them. You'd say it again if you weren't trying to butter him up.
“Trying to loosen me up, are you?” He’s clever enough to know your plans, kind enough to fall for them. When you make yourself at home on the armrest of his expensive leather chair, he only replaces his arm on your lap.
The silence is warmer than the liquor, and for a few seconds you consider not ruining the moment. You want to sit still and nurse your drink and crush his paperwork beneath your feet. Instead, you speak. “About the trip…”
The silence is colder than the glass, still Lucifer pretends he is reading something on the page. His eyes haven’t moved for the last minute and a half. “What about the trip?”
“I was thinking that a week might be..." Shame rushes through you like a blast of icy wind- he's asked of you this one thing, and you're unable to achieve it. The words freeze in your mouth, so you sink your teeth into your tongue, just for the hope that your blood will make them thaw.
Still, the worst part of this is that he's winning.
Lucifer is winning, and the victory won't stay a victory; it’ll turn into a blade he holds over your head, ready to drop when you next deny him something. The blood will fly, the argument will sting and again, you’ll go to bed angry.
“Too long?” He frowns, slight wrinkles around his forehead as his brows pinch together; but the light in his eyes spins a different story. Relief. There’s a mirthful glow in his dark red eyes that lights the fires of frustration within you.
You know. If Lucifer ever stops, ever takes a break, he loses something greater than rest could ever give him; admiration. Any sane person- human and demon alike -would tell him to ease up, fingers crossed behind their backs as they scold him, whispering just how beautifully whittled himself to the bone with close-lipped smiles. It’s self flagellation, a man of the church may never truly outgrow it. You make a point to never praise him for it. You think he hates you for that.
Smoke climbs up your throat, fills your mouth and melts the frozen brick that once was your tongue. You're not going to aim your fire at Lucifer, not when everyday is a hard one, not when you love him. Instead, the heat finds a home in your fingers, picking at your cuticles until the blood creates a river around your nail bed.
You don't want to encourage burning yourself down, not to Lucifer, who has perfected burning conveniently, who already loves playing with fire- you are his lover afterall. Now, you know that you can't suggest shortening your time off. Seven days will drop to five, to four, to zero. Blood swells over the river banks and drips down your fingertip. Quick to avoid stains on his nice velvet rug, Lucifer produces a handkerchief from his inner breast pocket and presses the black silk against the leaking wound.
"Don't stress yourself," his tone is deceptively soothing, even as he quietly encouraged you into poor behavior. He played the role of a fallen angel quite well. "If the trip is stressing you out this much, we can delay it a bit longer."
There it is. You knew it was coming, you knew him well. But before you are his lover, you are a sore loser.
"Actually," you turn your hand over, turning his light grasp into a tight hand hold. “I think we should take a longer break. Might as well make the vacation count, right?”
Lucifer taps a finger against his sweating glass, swallows a lump. That's not the answer he wanted. He takes a hiss of breath in and sips more demonus- good, he’s agreeable when he’s buzzed. “Two weeks, then?”
It’s chicken, a game for stupid schoolboys, not functional adults, but you’re playing anyway. Lucifer is allergic to rest, doubling the time is a bold move, but you’re about to blow him out of the water.
You hum, as though you actually take a moment to think about your answer, in reality you've already leapt to this conclusion; “A month?”
The room is quiet enough that you can hear the precise moment Lucifer stops breathing for a moment. One beat, two, then he catches up. Of all the moves you've made, he didn't expect you to take the game in a single turn.
Your smugness hides behind a well-placed sip from your glass, eyes closed as you choose to focus on the flavor of the drink; it burns, the whiskey like a match trying to light itself in your throat, but demonus has always tasted a bit like fruit juice to you. You can’t quite place what fruit in particular. Perhaps dates.
When you open your eyes again, his hair looks like a nest for his troubled thoughts to land. “That is positively asinine,” the defeat already crawls into his voice, “you know that’s much too long. Prince Diavolo-”
“-Will pass this work off to someone else.” You reassure, fingernails tracing patterns up and down his spine. “Barbatos can do more than clean. He’s not a housewife.”
Halfway towards tipsy, Lucifer chuckles, a joke he shouldn’t approve of out loud. “He’d make a good one.” Still he finds his manners through the haze of alcohol. “Still, that is far too long.”
“That’s not what I wanna hear,” you’re a bit far from the sober side yourself. Only dregs remain in your glasses, you take the liberty refilling Lucifer’s and holding it to his lips.
The serpent in Eve’s ear, forked tongue flicking out from your sharp smile as you hold the apple to his mouth. The cold rim sits on his bottom lip, a great temptation to abscond from his duties; "take a bite" it urges, and Lucifer licks his lips. A sweet, spiced fruit scent rises from the drink and clouds the responsible part of his brain. He thinks harder, you watch the gears turn in time with the cogs in your own head.
Lucifer’s workload could be parted three ways; Diavolo would be happy to accommodate. Barbatos would do anything the prince commanded. Mephistopheles was an obnoxious prick, but plenty capable.
Your duties could easily be juggled between Solomon and Satan. Solomon could easily cover the majority, Satan wouldn’t mind picking up your slack around the House of Lamentation- so long as you promised to accompany him to an event later on. A book signing or a live showing of something or other, if you had to guess.
Simeon could cover all the nights either of you were meant to cook. He’d take utter delight in being asked a favor from Lucifer, perform to the best of his ability and hope for some kind of compensation when you return, though he would never voice such desires. You wonder if Lucifer was anything like him as a younger man. You’d invite him to the event Satan drags you to, the two have such aligning interests that you wouldn’t even have to speak; two birds, one stone.
Everything works out just right. Saying "no" would mean tearing off the armor and letting you touch the tender parts of his heart; admitting he was a slave to his own pride, something Lucifer pretends to be above- the irony makes you chuckle.
A sigh fogs up the glass, still sitting persistently against his lips. “A month it is, then.”
Your spare hand untangles from his own and gently caresses his jaw. The lightest brush of your thumb against the corner of his mouth and Lucifer is parting his lips, letting you tip the glass forward and the liquor cascade down his throat. The white flag, an admission of defeat. Satisfied, you place his cup down on the kitschy wooden coaster.
Now it's your turn to drink, the acrid burn of whiskey soothed by the aromatic flavor of demonus as you swallow half the glass in a single breath. The stress has given way to brain melting relief, endorphins and alcohol clogging your neural networks. It's clumsy, the way you slide off the armrest and lean against his desk, pulling the same party trick as before and effectively finishing your drink in two swallows.
"I should," a slow blink, the words are coming to you, "I should let you finish… this."
You vaguely flick your wrist at the dampened stack of papers on Lucifer's desktop and he finally remembers they're there, a sour expression coming to sit over his features.
"Yes." Fingers tapping on the glass again, a metronome keeping time for the silence.
Abruptly, Lucifer shoves his chair back, following your lead and drinking the rest of his demonus in only a few moments. Lucifer has had quite the day, for the first time in a while, he lost. Before he is your lover, he is a sore loser.
The enchanted glasses are left on the desk– problems for another morning –and Lucifer abandons his post.
You can't help but snicker at him, the booze has you feeling bold. "Leaving work early? Who are you?"
Clearly, the demonus has gotten to his head too; instead of an exasperated look, Lucifer slings you over his shoulder like your weight is negligible. He gives you a small pat on the ass and a chuckle that travels from his chest into yours, infectious.
"I am Lucifer, one of the seven deadly lords of hell," you can hear the smile as he recites his pompous title, "and I'll do whatever I damn well please."
Things start to get fuzzy as he walks you through the darkened halls of the House of Lamentation, organized strings of memory reduced to blurred polaroids, moments lost in the bliss. You recall the laughter, the blood rushing to your head, and wishing you'd drink together more often. You get along so well when you're drunk, an old fashioned couple. You decide not to think about that any harder.
The world sways for a second when Lucifer places you back on your feet, you find yourself balling a fist into the cotton of his button-up and leaning against his arm, eyes closed.
"Come on," he elbows you a bit, and you grunt back in an annoyed way, immaturely pushing more of your weight on him in protest. "Stop that, I'm trying to go to bed."
You snort and wrap both arms around him, stubbornly tucking your head against his shoulder. "Me too, and you're ruining it."
"Yes, yes, whatever." A last ditch effort, Lucifer pries your hands away from them and holds them in his own- even through your whiskey addled brain, you note that his skin is soft and warm.
Your eyes open only to narrow slits, a glare at the man in front of you. Still, he keeps a closed lipped smile as he walks you back towards the bed; Lucifer's hands find the buttons on your uniform and yours fumble with his silk tie.
The clumsy tango of undressing comes to an end when the backs of Lucifer's thighs hit the mattress- by then he's still wearing his pants and your shirt hangs open on your arms. Even so, Lucifer sits on the edge of the bed and pulls you down with him, straddling one of his knees. Someone turns off the lights on your brain for a few heartbeats, and when you can think again, Lucifer is sprawled out on top of you, his face tucked into your neck.
It's too late in the night, and you're just too buzzed to care that the cold metal of his belt buckle is pressed right up again your stomach- at least, you don't care enough to move, complaining is a different story.
"You're fuckin' heavy." You grunt in annoyance, half-heartedly pawing at Lucifer's bare shoulder. The weight of his body crushes your chest, honestly it hurts a little bit.
"So are you," his voice murmurs right against your ear, coaxing you to the ignore the discomfort- a metaphor, maybe. "Do you know how hard it is carrying you?"
From there, the room goes quiet, and a new game starts; "quiet game". At last the noise has been too much. So the room stays quiet for a comfy little lie, and for now, maybe you're both winning.
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That's all for today's showing, as always, thank you for your viewership!
Fun fact! Wrote this while on vacation and am posting this literally minutes after getting off the plane! Feels thematically appropriate. I wrote this in three days in like. A haze. I sat down in front of my laptop two days ago and when I came to it was finished. I don't know why, but Lucifer is so easy for me to write? Also this might have an entirely different writing style than Skinship, the spirits possessed me when I wrote that and I can't replicate what they did. This is going to be series, yes, I have at least one more fic in the works- do NOT ask when it's coming out I do not know. Technically I have another post that I promised a follower (I'm sorry I swear the Rook alphabet is coming) so I wanna do that first. I hope you like the soundtrack feature, I'm thinking about adding this for all my long-form fics in the future.
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carlarosenakilah · 9 months
[General info about my stories/other blogs for the newcomers]
The Osix Family (@asktheosixfamily):
A Liminal Fantasy of slice of life and action. Its about a family who died around the late 1930s and was given a chance to live in an afterlife and a living world: Vivlìo Istorion. However, dangerous entities lurk around the corners bringing despair and fear. To keep that peaceful living life, with the use of their given magic, they fight to keep the world safe while also learning how to grow and work on themselves.
"What We Lost" (Lil Lucifer StoryTale AU):
Based on the world of @lilluciferau, the daughter of the Archangel Raphael and Primrose is just another regular soldier who fights demons. However, her mom's absence is unknown to her. Longing for her, she goes out on a secret quest to find the truth about her mother. While she does so she starts to see the cruelty of the world and tries to restore what they lost.
Little Clockworks (@littleclockworks):
A side blog to The Osix Family, we see what goes up above in the world of Vivlìo Istorion and how the world works. Once again, a slice of life story. We see this through mostly the P. O. V. of Charlotte and Coraline Akilah as they interact with their friends/coworkers and their mentors Mask Maker and Paperbag.
[COLLAB] Pasta4U (@creepy-pasta4u):
Based on the world of Creepypasta, this is just ironically another slice of life ask blog featuring four crew members: Mollie, France, J, and Frieda. We see how these four try to survive the Operator, their boss, while dealing or forming connections with the rest of the crew.
Casino Cups: Wilted Ivory (mostly featured in this blog):
Christine White and Teacup are a couple of fucked up Orphans who went to start a new life in Inkwell City. They happen to be apartment neighbors next door to the Cup brothers, who also help them get a job. Christine as an assassin at the Devil's Casino and Teacup as an assistant at a news printing work shop. There's no lore to hide in here so, another slice of life, these two learn how to trust and love again as they finally find peace in their life. Teacup having an older brother figure (Mugman) while also getting adopted by her best friend (later mom) Christine, and Christine bonding with Cuphead who's also as fucked up as her and finds love again. Also Christine and Baroness are exes so-
[COLLAB] The Better Casino (@cupheadocscasino):
An alternate reality where Christine and a bunch of other people (other cuphead ocs from wonderful creators) quit and went to start their own Casino. Another slice of life but a wholesome and funny one as they compete against the Devil and form connections with each other.
[Will add more soon if new stories come around]
(Also I'd like to point out that I don't want The Osix Family to be associated with Babtqftim so its not a Babtqftim au anymore it's its own thing)
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bite-sized-devil · 1 year
Hi Saadie! Congrats on 500+ Followers!
Here's my info for the matchup! ^^
Star Sign : (November) Scorpio Age : 18 Height : 5'3 Identity : Female; She/Her MBTI : INFJ-T Occupational : (tired) College Student Favorite Things : I like books (mostly fantasy), action movies, musicals, my computer (lol), any type of music, anime, flowers such as azaleas and roses, milk chocolate, birthday cards my sister makes for me and butterscotch ice cream What I do in my spare time : Read books or fics, play piano, watch gamers on YouTube and sometimes sketch random objects out of boredom What I look for in a partner : Passionate, loyalty, overall great sense of humor, kindness, funny (my humor be broken haha) and honesty! Favorite Obey Me Character(s) : Mammon, Leviathan, Satan Belphegor and Barbatos Appearance : I am a South Asian person who has olive-peach skin but not so pale looking either. I have a really small mole on the left side of my cheek. I have short black hair, light brown eyes, pretty big eyelashes and am pretty much average in height (or short- not sure how much 5'3 is classified in some countries lol). I have small dark circles under my eyes which can't be distinguished since I wear glasses which somewhat covers them up.
I hope this is enough! If you need, I can DM you a picture of my appearance! ^^
( -@amberrskiies )
🌻 500 Followers Bite Sized Event 🌻
Hello cutie! I'm sorry this took a little while, I'm trying to go in order of who sent in first. I originally wanted to give each submission all of what I promised all at the same time but uhhhh.... That would take way to long 😂 and so I'm just releasing the match ups first then I'll do the fics/script fics if I haven't already written them. Oh also nightbringer distracted me a buuuunch! So sorry!!
Mostly SFW, slightly suggestive. 💕
Match up:
Satan Avatar of Wrath
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May I offer scrunky furious cat boy to you? He's very passionate, funny, loyal and honest! I think he'd be quite taken with you, you love to read and play the piano what a charming little thing you are 💕 He'd love to help you study for your exams, you'll reward him with kisses won't you?
Head canons for you two:
This mother fucker actually asked you out mid screaming match with Lucifer. Or well actually you think that's what happened? You remember "MC GOOD YOU'RE HERE I WANT TO TAKE YOU TO DINNER! THAT IS AS SOON AS IM FINISHED WITH THIS ARSEHOLE RIGHT HERE!" So now you're in your room at HOL dressed and ready but starting to think maybe you heard wrong? Your brain doesn't really function properly during screaming matches, even ones you aren't involved in. So you're sitting on your bed considering changing before anyone notices you're all dressed up. Fuck that would be so embarrassing! But you hear a knock on the door, just one simple but sharp knock. It has you up off your bed in seconds racing to the door nearly as fast as the beat your heart is setting. You open the door and find him there waiting. He gives you a warm smile and takes your small hands in his. "Your beauty flaws me MC, truly you are something to behold. I want to apologise for my rudeness earlier, I'm not sorry I asked you to dinner. Just how I went about it."
How cute is it when you read together. 🥰 Your head resting on one of his legs reading your lastest fantasy novel. The fingers of his free hand comb through your short black locks absentmindedly. His other hand holds his book against the thigh of his raised knee. It's mostly comfortable, until he gets to an intense part and the fingers in your hair are no longer combing but sharply pulling as his hand gets turned into a fist. He's quick to pull you into his arms and smother you in sweet kisses in-between sorry's when he hears you utter a quiet 'ouch'.
If you weren't a member of the anti-lucifer club you are now. Pranking just became a favourite pastime for you both. If anything Lucifer is thankful as you tend to do childish pranks now instead of murderous ones.
Can he help you study? Please, he'll be good! He won't distract you! Say you'll let him help you, he'd love to. Honestly he'll only kiss you a little bit, promise they will only be as rewards for correct answers and not because you look so cute when you're concentrating. Oh no, was that a paper cut? He'll kiss it better, he'll kiss it better at your wrist, up your arm, along your collar bone, over your pulse point, along your jaw, over your lips with his tongue down your throat. Wait where did it hurt again? You can't remember, everything feels hazy. No pain, or study, only Satan.
It is now your life's mission to find a horror movie that actually scares Satan. Unfortunately you haven't found one yet, it's not however unfortunate for Satan. He loves watching horror movies with you, loves the way you tuck yourself in close to his side almost half hidden from the screen. Thinks it's so cute the way you jump and squeal a little at jump scares. Once you actually jumped into his lap, he kept you there the entire rest of the film just holding you close. So yeah he definitely likes watching them with you.
Will absolutely loose his shit if you dress up as a kitty. He's a blushing, stuttering mess! He's so fucking into you, and then you do this? His brain isn't working, not enough blood reaching it... It's circulating elsewhere. 😳
No offence to Satan or whatever but can you do me a favour and teach him how to dress himself properly? This might shock him a little but when you wear a coat you usually use both of the sleeves 😂 also stop with the hats! Again respectfully no offence 🙏
When you're together he always has to have a hand on you. It's more of a starved for affection thing rather than possessive. He really can't seem to get enough of you. It's his hand in yours, or at the small of your back, or wrapped around you. Or if he's feeling naughty grabbing your ass.
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If you wanted more NSFW content I'm sorry! I felt kinda weird writing it for an 18yo like I'm some sort of predator! I'm like 10 years older then you, it gave me some icky feelings. So I'm sorry! 😔😔
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impish-ivy · 4 months
General Info 09 Do they attend RAD? What is their role there? Their best subject/the one they teach? Club activties? If they don't attend RAD, what do they do? (I mostly want to know if she's part of any of the brothers' fan clubs tbh NJDKSLGSDKD)
Relationships & Personality 01 What's their relationship with Solomon & Mammon?
Concept & Design 10 How about some angst headcanons? >:)
Human 04 Do they have a guardian angel? Have they forged any pacts?
Ask and you shall receive!💚
General Info
09: Do they attend RAD? What is their role there? Their best subject? Club activities?
Yes! She hated school when she was a kid but she absolutely enjoys it now! It’s funny because she dreaded it so much as first but almost instantly fell in love with RAD. She’s currently apart of the student council, she does a bit of everything but her main job is keeping everyone on task lol.
Her favorite studies are Devildom History and Applied Magical Potions, shes incredibly interested in the Devildom as a whole so she tends to do very well in any classes pertaining to them and enjoys the task of brewing potions.
Her least favorite being Mathematics and Cursed and Hexes. She’s not a math girle and will often (with his consent) cheat off Mammon. She also feels way too bad about putting any curses on anyone, it doesn’t help her angel heritage naturally makes it harder.
She’s in Cat club!
Relationship and personality
01: What so their relationship with Solomon and Mammon?
Hoh boy! This one has flipped quite a bit in the beginning and then settled and has flipped again. Fun fact about me, Mammon used to be my favorite (hard to imagine I know 😔) and Minnie was a Mammon MC. But Nightbringer has made my love for Solomon so strong I changed her lol. So to answer your question
Solomon: One of her most trusted and beloved friends maybe more?👀 Solomon is the person Minnie isn’t afraid to be honest about her feelings and opinions. She respects him deeply, this man has saved her life on numerous occasions and was more than happy to teach her magic. They’re study buddies because he’s aware of where her gap of knowledge is likely to be and isn’t condescending about it. I’ve said it before, Minnie’s humanity is very important to her and she feels like Solomon understands her on a level the others don’t.
Mammon: His partner in crime! They’re both trouble makers, for different reasons. Mammon loves causing trouble and Minnie always finds herself following along. They copy each other’s homework for classes they suck at (He copies her Human and Devildom history and she copies his mathematics). She’s also the black sheep in her family so she’s way softer on him than the rest. She absolutely refuses to call him an idiot, people used to call her that and all it did was push herself deeper down. Does not like Lucifer’s punishments.
Concept and Design
10: Angst headcanons!
She has a martyr complex. She didn’t develop it over night but she values her feelings and life substantially less than everyone around here.
04: Do they have a garudian angel? Have they forged any pacts?
I have an angel OC I had no idea what to do with and this question inspired me to do something with him. So thanks Melody! :p
She has forged pacts with all 7 of the brothers. She sees her pacts with them as a massive trust and proof of how much they all love each other. She’d have to love and trust another demon enough to ask them.
She does in fact have a guardian angel, she just isn’t aware yet lol. His name is Jeremial, and he didn’t intentionally become her guardian Angel.
Michael had asked him just before the game exchange program began. He was in the middle of a project and went “Yeah yeah, of course.” and only found out when Michael asked how everything is going.
He doesn’t mind all too much.
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*comes crashing through your window*
I haven't been here for 2 months.
*AGRESSIVELY WORD DUMPS ALL MY THOUGHTS ABOUT IK* (Mostly my twisted wonderland x IK au i thought of)
IK, first waking up at the Entrance Ceremony : Diavolo, are you trying a new way of surprise summoning me to Devildom because I don't coffins are the best idea,,,, wait a minute you're not Diavolo.
Crowley : No??????
IK : *looks around the Mirror Room*
IK : *eyes land on the housewardens*
IK, dead eyes : Am I going to have to solve the problems and traumas of those boys right there because absolutely none of them look like they coped well with their traumas. The white haired boy looks alright tho.
Houswardens : ....
IK : Don't worry about it, I'm experienced with this. As much as I'd love to stay here with all the funky coffins, I have to meet up with Lucifer and Satan in like two days. The last time I was late they thought I got lost and ran around the block for like 20 minutes straight.
Crowley : Satan???? LUCIFER???? I'm sorry Miss but what in the world are you taking about???? This is Night Raven College, a school for mages in training. And you Young Miss, have been called by the Dark Mirror to take part as a student.
IK, blank faced : *remembering Solomon saying that there was a hidden school for training mages and sorcerers*
IK : *seeing how the housewardens looked absolutely traumatized and mentally unwell*
IK :
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(Here's the wiki for a more clear explanation : Link )
So,,, Twisted Wonderland takes place in a school dedicated to train mages and sorcerers, called Night Raven College. The entire school is split up into seven dormitories, each one based of a Disney villian. For example, Heartslaybul is based of the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland, Savanaclaw is based of Scar from the Lion King, so on and so forth. Each dorm has their own leaders, called either Housewardens or Dorm Leaders. Twst has both an English and a Japanese translation, the former for the english, and the latter for the japanese.
And as you can guess,, each dorm leader has ✨TRAUMA✨,, (except for Kalim, the white haired boy) so as the story progresses, we learn about their traumas,,,, and we basically beat love into their brains,,, affectionately of course.
Considering that magic is also in Obey me,, I made NRC a secret institution,, just for mages and sorcerers. I don't know how to fit in Devildom and the brothers,, so we just pretend the lore isnt there.
As for how IK got into NRC without any magic? Well, hanging around the strongest demons in existence, the demon prince and his butler, two celestial angels and the most powerful sorcerer in the world, you're gonna get quite a bit or residual magic, especially having pacts with said powerful demons.
But IK has nothing to fear, because she has experience with seven emotionally constipated demon brothers who never spoke about anything for centuries on end. Also a baseball bat because of all the BS that happened in her transfer year at RAD. She has the hot chocolate and blankets ready, now all she needs is a notepad and paper because now shes playing the therapist role once again!
All right thats all from my brain,,,, gn
i don't know enough about crowley to know if it'd be in-character, but i imagine that once ik gives him a summary of How Much drama and plot stuff she accidentally summons, he gives her the baseball bat like "magic bullshit happens to you too much for a magic item to be useful, take this instead"
it'd be funny if this happens some time after the exchange program, so when the demons finally find out what happened they're like "wtf that's OUR thing"
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misc-obeyme · 11 months
I was going through my sruff and I found a sketchbook filled with sigils..and now looking at it... seems funny mostly the sigils were Paimon, Asmodeus or Lucifer
I have to admit that I know very little about sigils. I would recognized that something was a sigil, but beyond that I would say my knowledge is quite limited.
They seem like they'd be pretty complex to draw out, though, so that's some dedication on your part, anon! My guess is they were intended to summon certain demons or maybe call upon their power in some way. I'm just imagining someone finding a sketchbook full of sigils and being like ??? was there an exorcism or something??
I also tend to think of pact marks when it comes to sigils in Obey Me. I know pact marks are completely fan interpretation, but I just love them. And to think they look more like traditional sigils is also pretty cool imo! Of course I'm thinking about Solomon covered in sigils, but also MC. I've seen some interesting fan art of what that could look like and yeah it's just so neat... they should make it canon lol.
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daydreamer749 · 2 years
I finally finished season 4! So, the following is where the guys are at after this season:
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Similar to season 3, this took forever to get to but I finally caught up and don’t have to worry about it for a good while. I was curious about the new character that were added for season 4 which kept me entertained for a little bit. Now as you can see the list did change this season. Satan managed to win my heart but Solomon is still a very close second. I realized that in reality I needed someone who knows how to cook because I would be angry if I had to do all the cooking so that I wouldn’t get sick. As for the other characters, Mephistopheles I ended like the most out of the new characters. The other two I need more information on, but I felt like Mephisto is someone I understand their perspective and I can see why he wouldn’t like Lucifer. Speaking of Lucifer, I ended up putting him in the end of friends’ category because I don’t hate him but he would never be a best friend. Like one of those friends, you talk to once in a while but are content with that.
I’m sure you guys are all wondering why is Diavolo is in the same category as Belphegor? While I know I would never trust Belphegor because I’m not the type of person to forgive someone so easily, I also don’t like to be told how to live my life. That’s the problem with Diavolo. He wants us to become a student officer to bring peace between the three worlds. I would have refused to be apart of that because I know it will be a lot of work and I would rather join a club that I would enjoy. To make matters worse, Diavolo made us go through trials just to get a position that I didn’t even want to do or even get the option to refuse! Granted I know I would not be like the MC of the name but I was so angry at Diavolo the whole season because of this. Hence why Diavolo is at the bottom of the list. Now story wise, well I hate to say it but I was mostly bored with season 4. There were some interesting parts like the whole Simeon storyline was great and it was so sweet to see how much Luke has grown as a character. I was quite angry though about what happened with Satan when MC didn’t bother to go see what was wrong for two weeks. TWO WEEKS?! I would never. We all know I would have ditched the others and went to Satan’s side and supported him in this time of need. Honestly it felt like a some of the characters were pushed to the side this season so we didn’t get as much character development as I would have liked. The trails themselves felt like a waste of my time but hey it’s for plot reasons. The first trial was alright for the most part. I just felt like we were getting to know the new characters which I liked so it was fine.  
The second trial which was a survey plus mean little demon ruining people’s hard work was interesting and the one I enjoyed the most. Seeing the results of the survey, I did find myself agreeing with the majority. I do think it is silly to think that an exchange problem is going to bring peace to the three worlds. Also, the fact that over half (60% if I remember correctly) the demon student body has an unfavorable opinion of the exchange students is not surprising. If the demons don’t care for the program, then maybe Diavolo should focus on you know the issues that demons actually care about? Which honestly, I want to know what issues demons want to put focus on. I may not be royalty or whatever but as a leader you have to think about what is most important for your kingdom and put their needs first in most cases. ‘That means 40% like the exchange students, right?’ That’s still not good odds Diavolo. I have to agree with Lucifer on this, you need to be more realistic, Diavolo.
The last trial felt more complicated than it should have been. Not to mention that Diavolo has the option to fix everything and not risk everyone’s lives but he didn’t. Funny enough the first though I had about being a student officer, was that I felt that most of the guys are just going to pile work on me if I was the student officer. Turned out I was correct! Oh, and our magic got stronger overall so that was nice.
In short, I didn’t care for season 4 so this makes me worried about how season 5 is going to be like. The events have been alright but I have decided to skip some of them if there was no major Satan or Solomon cards with the exception of birthday events. So yeah, that is my thoughts on season 4. We will have to see how the next season turns out…hopefully for the better! See you guys in season 5!
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s0me-writ3r · 1 year
Stood Up
Fandom: Obey Me! Shall We Date?
Pairing: Lucifer × MC
Categories: One-shot, Romance/Queer Platonic, enemies to lovers (kinda?)
Pronouns used: They/Them/Theirs
Warnings and notes: 2 works in 1 day??? What??? Yeah, wasn't sure what category to put this in between Romance and QPR because likeeeee I, for one, would read it either way. Anyway, maybe I should make a follow up idk.
Well, this was awful.
Stood alone outside your favourite restaurant in the human realm, you turned your D.D.D over in your hands. You knew you should call him, that you needed to ask him to pick you up and bring you back to the Devildom, but that sounded even more humiliating than this situation already was. You look at your regular cell, holding it on top of your D.D.D, and look at your texts again.
MC: Hey, you almost here? [Read]
MC: I'm waiting outside, let me know when you're on your way [Read]
MC: I'm only waiting half an hour more, then I'm leaving. We've been planning this for a month, don't leave me here by myself. [Delivered 21:00]
Heaving a sigh, you shut off your phone entirely and pick up your D.D.D. With a shaky breath, you choose the contact you need and listen to the dial tone for a few seconds before you hear a voice you had wanted to avoid all evening.
"What do you want?"
"Hello to you too, Lucifer," you roll your eyes as you speak, mostly out of habit even if he couldn't see you, "I need you to come get me. Now."
"I thought you wanted to be picked up tomorrow at twelve, what changed?"
With a shaky breath, you feel your chest tighten and your eyes burn.
"Look, stuff happened, and I don't want to be here. Just come get me, you're the only one who's fucking able to," you're shorter with him now. You did want to be patient, but you just didn't have it in you. He seems to find this amusing.
"Oh, I struck a nerve? Let me guess, Prince charming didn't show up?"
You're silent for a moment, the fact that he finds it funny ticks you off even more and you start to regret making the call, and he actually starts to worry when you don't offer a witty response.
"I get it, you told me so, whatever. Just come get me, I don't want to be alone any longer than I need to."
He thinks for a moment, and you hear the click of a pen on a table and the shuffling of clothes before he responds - you can work out he was working before you called.
"Are you where I dropped you off."
"Obviously, where else would I go?"
"Right, I'll be there in under half an hour," and with that, he hangs up. You lower the phone and take a deep breath, pocketing the device and leaning back on the wall.
Passers-by stare at you for about twenty minutes. One person even approaches you to ask what you're doing alone, and you can almost feel their stare on the side of your head after they leave. You want to tell them to fuck off, to mind their own business, but you don't. You know better than to snap at innocent people.
Not much longer later, you see Lucifer walking towards you, and he actually smiles. He extends a hand to you, holding a smile that doesn't quite look forced but certainly doesn't feel genuine. You give him a strange look and you take his hand. He raises it to his lips and leaves a soft kiss on your knuckles.
"Sorry I'm late, my dear, I had some unexpected work given to me last minute. Shall we go inside?"
He took the hand he was holding and intertwined your fingers, leading you into the restaurant. You were, without a doubt, confused. This wasn't the plan, all you wanted was for him to take you back to the Devildom, that's what you agreed on. And why was he being so nice all of a sudden? You could have sworn he hated your guts and, while you didn't necessarily hate him and you weren't on bad terms, you weren't this close. When he gets a table for the two of you and you sit, he speaks again.
"You look beautiful, my love. What do you want to eat?"
"Lucifer, what are you doing?" You hissed, placing your hands on the table and leaning toward him over the table while trying to keep your voice low so the surrounding tables can't hear you, "This wasn't the agreement."
He places his own hands over yours and smiles again before he responds.
"You've been waiting so long for this, why would I let you waste it?" He says back, much calmer than you and speaking at his regular volume. You sigh and lean back in your chair, not moving your hands from his, "Look, we'll have our meal then go home for the night. I already apologised for being late, didn't I?"
"Yeah, you did," you sigh, giving into him and the novelty of the situation, "Thank you, love. I honestly didn't think you'd turn up at all."
"Of course I'd turn up, I'd hate to stand you up. I promise I'll make it up to you later, alright? Now, let's order."
You go through the whole meal quite happily. His compliments and admiration don't falter as you went either. It all sounded genuine, and you couldn't help but feel that it might have been, but it still felt very strange. Once the bill comes out, you move to get your card, but Lucifer stops you.
"No, sweetheart, I've got it. It's the least I can do," he moves to pay for your meal himself and stands up, extending an arm to you, "Let's head home now."
You stand and link your arm with his, leaning your head on his shoulder as the two of you leave. Once you're back in the Devildom, you walk together to the House of Lamentations and you don't let go of his arm. You finally ask the question that had been nagging at you all evening.
"Why did you do that?"
"Like I said, it would be a shame for you to waste your time on a man that didn't show up."
"Yeah, but..." you think for a moment, trying to work out how to phrase what you wanted to say in a way that came off too harshly, "You were nice to me. After the way you've talked to and about me for months, you were actually nice to me."
"Well, yes, it was a date. If that's an obscure way to talk to you on a date, I'm glad you got stood up."
"You know damn well that's not what I mean," you begin to get frustrated, stopping in your tracks and letting go of his arm. He also stops and turns to you, crossing his arms over his chest, "At no point have you said anything even remotely nice to me when you didn't feel you needed to. What's your deal?"
"What are you talking about? You were upset about your dinner plans, I didn't want to leave you upset, so I went on a date with you instead."
"I'm talking about how you ignore or dismiss me most of the time," you've started yelling now, getting frustrated by how he couldn't see the point you were trying to get across to him. You see him frown and his eyebrows furrow, "am I just meant to pretend you haven't threatened to end me? That you haven't called me pathetic or annoying more than once?"
"I say that about everyone," he sighs, shaking his head and looking defeated, "it doesn't mean I hate you, necessarily... I honestly thought you hated me."
"No, I just don't like being talked down to. You'll get about as much respect from me as you give me," you explain, starting your walk back to the house. Lucifer walks alongside you again.
"Noted. Would you want to do this again? I, for one, had fun," he smiles down at you again, offering you his hand.
He wouldn't verbally express it - at least not now - but he wanted to hold your hand for as long as he could. You try to stifle a short laugh that rises from your chest, feeling giddy at how bizarre and, in truth, perfect the situation is. You take his hand in yours once again and lock your fingers with his.
"Fine, we'll see how a second date goes. I hope you know my expectations are very high."
"You should expect nothing less, my dear."
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