#I think I like morning poop better
flock-talk · 10 months
Unsanitary tw/
We’re having riveting bird poop discussion on my main so I have a very important question for you all
There’s two types of birds, the ones that poop all night and create a cement poop mountain on the floor, and the ones who hold it all night and have that humungous sloppy morning poop.
Feel free to add your reasoning in the notes
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seeing a lot of videos that are like “I didn’t know babies couldn’t have water” so here’s an incomplete list of things you need to know before having a baby
- the obvious, they can’t have water bc milk is incredibly high in water already so excess water leads to over hydration
- babies cannot have honey until 1
- if ur breastfeeding your kid and saving excess milk, make sure you label what you pumped in the morning vs at night bc your body produces different melatonin levels throughout the day and giving your baby daytime milk at night can make them more alert and fuck up their sleep schedule
- idk why ppl keep saying this but swaddling your babies or getting them those baby straight jacket things is not abuse. It chills them out cuz it reminds them of the womb
- babies have a dandruff like buildup on their head called cradle cap, and it’s very easy to deal with and remove with just some baby shampoo, a gentle scrub brush (MADE FOR BABIES!!) and a comb. It does need to be removed tho cuz it can be very painful after a while. This can also continue to happen late into toddlerhood it’s normal
- you have to clean out the creases of your baby’s skin and hands and feet they WILL collect dust😭😭
- you cannot bathe your baby until their umbilical cord naturally falls off. Use a warm damp rag until then
- tummy time is actually very important
- your baby might have a misshapen head at first (not all the time but sometimes) this will either sort itself out or they’ll need a corrective helmet ask your doctor
- I wouldn’t recommend having your baby leave the house very much until they’re at least 6 months old, especially if they’re born near cold and flu season cuz the common cold can kill a newborn
- you’re not an awful horrible person for having postpartum depression and it’s always a million times better to let your baby cry a few minutes longer than normal while you regain your composure than to freak out and give ur kid shaken baby syndrome
- you’re not an awful horrible person for giving your baby formula milk either
- don’t put shoes on your baby it’ll compromise their toe box and balance
- babies put every single thing in their mouths
- the easiest way to burp a baby is to hold them straight up (spine straight) and hold their head a bit higher
- always support their head they barely have necks
- if your baby fights away food, fights tummy time, vomits every single time you burp them, is gaining or losing an unreasonable amount of weight at a time, wheezes after eating, or goes red after eating, chances are they’re probably allergic to the type of milk they’re eating (again ask a doctor but these are just some signs it’s not just colic)
- they will wobble a lot when learning to do things but you gotta fight the urge to help them every single time cuz they gotta learn
- they’re not always spitting out baby food cuz they don’t like it they just don’t know how to eat. Like they don’t know how to push food down they only know how to stick their tongue out so be patient
- babies craniums are broken up into three parts at first that later fuse together, this is to help make birthing easier but it results in a small EXTREMELY sensitive spot in the top of their head that has no protection. This puts their brain at a high risk. Always protect their soft spot
- read to your baby!! Get cute bright colorful sensory books with sight words and read them to your baby it makes such a huge difference in their educational growth and will help them acquire a love for reading early on. And talk to them never shut up just say whatever comes to mind all the time this will strengthen their vocabulary growth also.
- babies poop like a lot. A lot. an unreasonable amount. Bring back up clothes and more diapers than you think
- no pillows or stuffies in the crib and only use a muslin blanket unless it’s especially cold to prevent suffocation
- babies kick reflexively until they’re out of their newborn scrunch (they stay womb shaped for a while) and if your baby is crying and pushing at the swaddle try letting them flail around for a minute
- consoling your baby is not spoiling them ! They need comfort and they will learn to self soothe on their own
- singing lullabies actually works, they can recognize your voice a consistent place of comfort from the womb and the cadence of lullabies is literally engineered to create a calm headspace
- for the love of god do not get boring ass beige toys. Colors are important for their neurological development
- babies are very responsive to praise from a young age so be as supportive of them as you can
- babies get constipated a lot and you have to do like tummy massages to help ease their pain the easiest way is to lay them on their backs and hold one foot in each hand, kick their feet like bicycles, scrunch up, and then stretch their legs out
- holding them on your hip too much will not cause bow legged-ness if your baby is bow legged that was always gonna happen
- they drool so so much and you have to get bibs for them so they don’t get chest eczema
- don’t use scented products on their skin cuz their skin is sooo much thinner than ours
- when your baby first starts sitting on their own never walk away from them without setting up a nest of pillows and blankets around them. Even minor head trauma can mess them up sometimes
- this one is kinda morbid and scary but sometimes babies just die out of nowhere and it’s no one’s fault or anything it’s called sudden infantile death syndrome(SIDS) and it’s about 1.3k deaths on average per year in America so not super common but still very real. 90% of these deaths happen during the first four months however edit: apparently it’s bc of an enzyme deficiency which at the very least you can take steps to try and prevent
- smoking and drinking during pregnancy WILL affect your baby and your breast milk and also might contribute to SIDS cases
- babies sometimes have a big red mark on them somewhere called a stork bite immediately after birth but typically it goes away
- babies can’t see very well for a while after birth and they’re VERY wobbly so they’ll typically bonk their head into your chest and face a lot while trying to support themselves
- female babies might have smth similar to a period the first few days after birth, this is because of the hormone transfer that happens during the birthing process and the days leading up to it
- male babies get random erections for the first few days after birth(hormone transfer again) literally do not be weird about this it’s a baby
- things like weaning your baby onto solid foods, potty training, weaning off pacifiers etc, can actually be directed by the baby and will happen naturally will minimal guidance from the parent(some guidance is still necessary) although I would do individual research into baby led weaning for food to prevent choking
- get those chewy feeding pouches to help with weaning
- the most random things will scare the hell out of your baby don’t take it personal 😭
- baby carriers are life savers (tulas are one of my favorites)
- once babies hit toddlerhood they’re tougher than you think, and a lot of their reaction is based on YOURS. they’re always going to be looking to you for how to react to a situation. Remain calm and if they’re ok they’ll calm down but if they’re genuinely hurt they’ll keep crying
- babies will most likely get ridiculously attached to an inanimate object and you have to keep this thing intact at all costs until they’re old enough to abandon it or they will throw a FIT. I got a lemur plushie from a zoo once and every single one of the kids has bonded their soul with it until about 6 years old and once a month I have to stitch him back up
- don’t compare yourself to other parents. Maybe your kid isnt getting grass fed wild caught north Atlantic cheerios but at least they’re fed. If your kid is alive and healthy and happy you’re doing a good job
- you will need 3 car seats, an infant seat, a grow with me toddler seat, and a booster seat
- getting a good diaper bag is a MUST
- the hair a baby is born with will most likely all fall out or they’ll get a bald spot on the back of their head where they sleep cuz their hair is so fragile and thin but once it grows back it grows back thick
- get like 20 muslin blankets so you always have a backup when the main ones are covered in spit up
- the babies grip IS stronger than yours (keep your hair up and keep pets away best you can)
- your best bet for your teething baby is a pacifier you can put your finger in so you can massage their gums and some chewing toys numbing cream can be dangerous and should be used sparingly
- go ahead and come to terms with the fact you’re gonna have to use a Frida Baby to manually remove snot
- babies can get hair and thread wrapped around their toes and fingers that can cut off their circulation try to make a habit of checking
- don’t hit your kid please it’s nothing but trauma and fucked up coping mechanisms from there pls empathize with your child they’re a person too
- be careful not to pull too hard on their arms and legs(like during play or holding their hand while they walk) and NEVER pick them up by their hands this will very easily cause dislocation
- they might have a little tooth like callous on their lip from their pacifier. This does not hurt them and it will go away but it may hurt during breastfeeding
- breastfeeding will make your boobs different sizes
Yeag that’s all I can think of rn but yk i Will add as I remember stuff ppl are also adding things I forgot in the tags in case you’d like to look thru that as well <3
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diapersguy · 10 months
Ever since I woke up wet a few nights ago, my partner has insisted on keeping me in diapers so as not to risk anymore accidents. Obviously I hated the idea but he explained that it was best for me and so I went with it.
At first the intention was for me to keep using the toilet when I needed to go but when I got to a crucial part in a video game where I couldn’t pause yet really needed to go and pee, he was just like “well don’t worry about it, you have a diaper on and it will hold it so just go in that, it’s what they are for.” Of course I was unsure and nervous but I really wanted to beat this bit of the game and so that’s what I did.
“Wow well done, I didn’t think you would actually do that, but wasn’t it better than dying in your game.” I looked at him and nodded.
Later that evening we had decided to watch a movie, but it was over 3 hours long. Before it started he had already told me that he didn’t want to be pausing the film constantly and if I needed to wet I should just do it in the diaper. I figured I had done it earlier so it couldn’t do any harm.
He came in with a 2l bottle of coke, which he said was just for me to keep my hydrated and I happily drank it during the movie until the bottle was empty.
After the film has finished I stood up and then it hit me how heavy and saggy the nappy felt. Knowing that I had wet it several times during the movie I started to blush and headed towards the door to change it.
“Where you going?” He asked. I explained that my diaper was really wet and I didn’t want it to leak so I was going to go and change. He pulled me close, yanked my shorts down and felt the diaper. “Wow that is wet, it’s a good job you had it on for the film or we would still be watching it tomorrow morning, let me help get you changed.” He took my hand and lead me upstairs. Once in the bedroom he looked at the diaper and noticed that my cock was hard. “Wow somebody seems to be enjoying this wet diaper.” I blushed and looked away from him, not saying a word. He started to rub the outside of my diaper and I shivered it felt so good.
I tried to take the diaper off so that he could get to my cock, but he stopped me. “Hmm I don’t think so. You clearly like the diaper so I want you to come in to it too.” He kept rubbing the outside of the diaper and I got more and more into it. It didn’t take long for me to shoot. He kissed my forehead as he said “good boy, now let’s get you changed.”
This continued for a few days with me no longer allowed to use the toilet to pee and anytime I wanted to make stickies I had to do it in the diaper. It got to the point where I didn’t even think about using the toilet for a pee and just went in the diaper whenever I needed too, the toilet was now for poo only.
A couple of weeks later, my partner had made some chocolate brownies and gave me a couple. They were delicious although did have a bit of a strange taste but were still more than good enough to eat.
I sat on the sofa watching cartoons, which had become a regular weekend thing now for some reason when my stomach started to cramp. I wriggled on the seat wanting to watch the cartoon but I knew that I was going to have to poop. I looked at my partner, who now insisted that I called him daddy whenever I needed to use to the toilet to poop and told him what was happening. He looked at me and simply said “okay” as he got off the sofa and headed to the hallway where the nearest toilet was located. I followed expecting him to take me in there, take the diaper down and sit me on the toilet but instead he went in there, shut the door and locked it behind him.
I knocked on the door and shouted at daddy that I really needed to go. That my tummy was hurting and that I really couldn’t hold it. He shouted through the door “it’s okay you’re wearing a diaper, it will hold it just let it go.”
I resisted a bit more but it was hopeless. I squatted down and started to feel the poop flowing out of me, my stomach still cramping. The diaper felt warm as the mess hit the seat and a tear escaped from me. At that point daddy opened the toilet down and held me as I continued to squat and pushed the last of the poop out.
He then sat me on the floor, leaving me to feel the poop spread out all over my bottom. He wrapped me in a hug “now let’s go and make some stickies in this diaper before we get you changed.” He said as he lifted me off the floor and took me up the stairs.
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discount-shades · 1 year
Contract Spouse Chapter 7
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Chapter 7: Realizations
A/N: This is a sad one. I've written Chapter 9 and only one chapter left to write!
Pairing: Jake Seresin/Reader (nicknamed Pip)
Warning:  Angst, death of civilians, war, PTSD
Length: 3000ish
Summary: Jake does some thinking and we find out why he is like that.
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“What we need are those veterinary gloves that come up to your shoulder.” You have a roll of tape out and combined with elastics and a small garbage bag you are trying to waterproof Jake’s cast. After finally being released from the hospital after 4 days, Jake is in desperate need of a shower. “Then you could use your hand. I’m going to order some from Amazon.”
“Why do vets need gloves that come up to their shoulder?” Jake watches you struggle to carefully tape the edges of the bag to the skin of his arm, fighting with the extra plastic.
“You know the long gloves Ellie wears when she digs in the dino poop looking for West Indian Lilac in Jurassic Park?” Jake blinks at you in confusion, trying to remember. “Vets wear them for a similar reason.”
“Eww.” Jake checks the seal around the tape job you did. “How do you even know that?”
“Remember when I dated a farm boy in university?” Jake nods. He remembers thinking the kid wasn’t good enough for you. “Well in those two months we were together I went and helped them when they preg checked their cows.” You give him a little half grin, “I learned I am not cut out for farm life.” 
You start the shower for him before carefully helping him remove his shirt. You wince when you see the bruises crossing his torso from the seatbelt harness of his jet. The brush of your fingers, featherlight over the bruises, burns before you abruptly leave the bathroom, telling him to call if he needs help. 
Jake sighs and finishes stripping before getting under the spray. Everything hurts and the concussion makes him feel like he is in a fog. His head is a constant dull throb and what he really wants to do is lie down and sleep some more. He holds his left arm hand up at a right angle and does his best to shower mostly one handed. 
Pulling a shirt on seems too difficult so he walks into the bedroom half dressed. You've pulled the curtains, so it is dark and he collapses into the clean sheets. A water bottle and his painkillers lined up neatly on his end table, as well as a few protein bars. 
You’ve thought of everything, you always do, but you seem different since the accident and he can’t figure it out. Every time he tries to think his head begins to ache. You are more clinical, less warm. Maybe it is because he is injured, maybe he is imagining it. 
He thinks back to the morning of the crash. Remembers waking up with you in his arms, how good it felt to hold you and talk to you. The hospital had been so lonely when they wouldn’t let you stay overnight. 
He wanted you to stay in California. He wanted to come home and have you there to talk to, he could always call you before, but living with you was better. He loved watching movies together, cooking together, cleaning, and grocery shopping. Every mundane task was better with you.
He couldn’t ask you to stay. He was too much of a mess. He couldn’t sleep and the guilt of what happened was always there. You didn’t deserve to be pulled into that. He was sure that you would stay if he asked. You and your misguided sense of duty and the belief that you owed him something. But if he asked then he would have to tell you and if he told you you would never look at him the same way.
He must have fallen asleep because the next thing he notices is your voice calling to him gently. His eyes flitter open and he can see you sitting on the edge of the bed. You are beautiful in the light filtering from the hall, and in that moment you take his breath away. “Doctor says you should be up and moving, so come have dinner.” 
When you go to leave he curls his good hand around your arm and revels in the feel of your soft skin sliding through his fingers. When he thinks you are about to slip your hand through his fingers you catch his palm and give a gentle tug and he feels himself following you automatically. 
“This can’t be what you are used to.” You say with a grin as you grab a shirt and help him into it. “Women are probably more keen to take your shirt off.”
“I’ll do anything if it's with you, pretty girl.” The words leave his lips before he can comprehend what he has said. Your sharp inhale makes him want to kick himself. Why did he say that? He never flirted with you. It was a line he refused to cross. 
He can see the flustered look on your face as you stand to go. “Come on flyboy, you must be hard up if you are flirting with me.” He follows you down the hall to the table. That wasn’t completely fair. Why wouldn't he flirt with you? If you weren't his wife he definitely would have tried to pick you up in a bar. 
That evening as you lie down beside him in bed you turn to him. “We have our first meeting with the couples therapist tomorrow, he wants to meet us separately first.” Jake had forgotten about the marriage counseling. “I think we should just say we want to keep our relationship strong, and I don't know, talk about how adjusting to living together is a challenge or something.” He just mumbles an agreement. 
Jake has no idea how the two of you are going to sell being married to a professional. He thinks of all the ways this might go as you slowly drift off to sleep beside him. Once he can hear your steady breathing his mind starts to slow and as he falls asleep he rolls over so he is curled around you. 
When he wakes the next morning he slides his arm across the bed feeling for your warmth but the sheets are cool. You are already gone.  When he gets up he finds you making omelets in the kitchen. 
“The contractor is going to be finishing up the repairs in the ceiling of my room today,” you tell him as you add the cheese. “You will have your bed back, free of my cold toes tonight.” 
“Oh, ok.” Jake doesn't know what to think and it takes him a moment to realize he is disappointed. Last night was the last time he would sleep with you in his arms. He thinks about all the times he left you in the mornings. He shouldn't have run away. He could have just rolled back to his side of the bed and talked to you on those mornings, now he would never get the option. 
You drive to the counselor’s and he spends his time in the passenger seat fighting his motion sickness. It's your turn first and you give him a worried look as you go, as he sits in the waiting room trying to get his head to stop spinning. If he says something wrong in the counselor's office he will just blame it on the concussion. 
When it is his turn you squeeze his hand as you trade spots. He can't help himself as he pulls you into a hug. Jake presses his lips to your hairline. He should hug you more, he thinks. 
You rarely initiate physical affection more than holding hands, and hug only on special occasions. He likes the feel of you in his arms, the scent of your shampoo, and the warmth of your skin. The way you melt into him is overwhelming before you pull away.
The session went well. A mixture of the truth and agreed upon lies slip easily off his tongue. At the end of the session Jake is given the same homework that you received.  
“I want you to come up with a list of all the reasons you are in love with your wife.”
The homework is a fixture in his mind over the next few days. Jake can’t figure out why he keeps repeating the counselor's words in his head. He lists the reasons he loves you. You are smart, funny, tough as hell, your kindness, you are supportive, you are so easy to talk to and you always know what to say, you call him on his bullshit. You are capable. 
He stares at the words he has written and feels they are not personal enough to sell it. You are beautiful, your smile makes his stomach clench, your laughter, you feel so good in his arms, how you being in his life made everything better. He stares at his list as the words play over in his head, ‘reasons you are in love with your wife.’
Jake drops the pen and buries his face in his hands as the realization hits him. “Fuck.” He is in love with you. When did that happen? Was it before you moved in or is it a recent thing? Sometime during the first or second year of the marriage he noticed he loved you. But it had always felt so platonic, a love of friendship, of convenience, and connection.
You have always been beautiful, and, if he was honest with himself, he had always been attracted to you, but with the nature of your relationship he had always locked those thoughts and feelings away. You were untouchable. But in the last month with you sleeping in his bed everything blurred. It didn’t matter when he fell in love, the only thing that mattered was that he is completely and irrevocably in love with you now. 
It is weird to feel terrible about an emotion considered so positive. Jake stares at the closed door to the office where you are working from home. He can never tell you. You had only stayed married due to his inability to process his trauma. 
He felt tainted, like you being with him would somehow mark you too. He didn't deserve you, he didn’t deserve anything good. And he loved you too much to let you be ruined by him. He wouldn't let you give up your life and the love you deserve. Because you need someone who is in love with you unconditionally, someone good. 
The day he had agreed to marry you had told him that you would always be there for him and he had taken advantage of that over the years. Taken advantage of your kindness and good heart. Someone as good and kind as you would never stay married to him. He could never tell you he loved you. He wouldn’t be that guy, the man who thought he was owed something just because he had feelings for a woman. He would let you go even if it killed him. 
– – –
Sleeping next to you didn’t stop the nightmares. They always came at the same frequency, mild ones a few times a week and the bad ones every week or so. What sleeping next to you did was calm him when he woke. Your breaths and the warmth of your skin would ground his mind and bring him back to the present like nothing else could. 
Before you he would never get back to sleep after a nightmare. He would go for a run or go to the 24h gym. He sometimes would mindlessly watch tv or stare at his phone until it was an acceptable hour to get up. In the weeks after the concussion he couldn’t do that. Strenuous activity and screen time were two of the things the doctor told him to avoid. 
Most nights he would just lay in bed. He had tried audio books but he could not focus on them. So he would lie there in the dark thinking about you, and everything that he loved about you, and torturing himself. 
His post concussion nightmares were more intense than any he had before but he still hadn't had a bad one yet. He could feel it coming. Lack of sleep and anxiety tended to trigger the nightmares. Stress also played a role and the night before the second marriage counseling session it hit him. 
Jake’s heart is pounding as he sits up in bed struggling to breath. The nightmares are rarely the same and his mind alway finds ways for his dreams to be somehow worse than what had happened, combining events and reimagining others. 
You died tonight. The person he had killed was you, and even though he logically knew you were fine he needed to check on you. Stumbling, eyes bleary, he walks to your room and pushes open the door. The smell of new paint and construction is almost gone. Leaning on the door frame Jake can see you sleeping and he takes in the sight. 
If he holds his breath and listens he can faintly hear you breathing from the doorway and he can’t help the muffled sob that slips past his lips. You stir and he bites his lips to keep from waking you but it is too late.
“Jake?” You lean up and look at him. “You ok?” he gives a jerky nod, unable to open his mouth. Afraid he would begin sobbing if he did. “Another nightmare?” He doesn’t know how you can tell. Maybe it is written on his face. 
“Come here,” your voice is soft and you open your arms and beckon to him and he is moving his feet before he can think about it. Jake collapses on top of the covers and into your arms, head pillowed on your chest listening to your heartbeat. His eyes flutter closed as you rake your fingers through his hair and down his back. Your gentle movements calm him and steady his mind but soon it is not enough. There are too many layers between you. 
He sits up and motions to the covers. “Can I?” he asks hesitantly, wanting to be able to hold you without the blanket between you. You nod and he slips beneath the covers and returns to his position with his head on your chest. Your hands resume their motions carding through his hair and stroking his back.
It’s still not enough. He sits abruptly and takes his shirt off before lying back down, slotting his body between your thighs and his head on your stomach this time. He needs to feel your skin pressed against his. He eases your shirt up so he can rest his cheek against your stomach. He can hear your sharp inhale but you don't say anything and for that he is grateful. You just go back to smoothing your hands over his bare skin. He doesn’t know how long he lays there with you beneath him, his hands curl around your rib cage as his thumbs smooth over your soft skin. 
After a while of your hands moving over him he feels you pause. “If you want to talk about it, I’ll listen.” He shakes his head in denial, not wanting you to know. But when he feels your nails scratch his scalp and drag down his neck he starts talking. 
“You know the military severely under-reports civilian deaths, right?” There is no change in you. Your hands keep moving in the same rhythm and your breathing is steady. “Every time we drop bombs we kill people and there is a chance we kill civilians. Mostly we don’t think about it. It is easier to drink the kool-aid. Accept the Navy’s narrative. But if you watch the news from other countries they will report it; show videos of civilians killed by American bombs.”
Jake stops talking, wanting you to respond, hoping you don’t. Looking for a clue to stop talking. You don’t give him one so he continues. “I shot another plane down, the first air-to-air kill in three decades. The Navy pinned a medal on me.'' Now that he was talking he couldn’t stop. The words he had never spoken to anyone pouring out. “No one mentioned that after I shot the jet it crashed into this community building. There were families inside. Sixteen people were killed, nine of them were children.
“They gave me a fucking medal for killing children. I saw the footage, the crashed jet and the injured people. There was this man carrying his dead son and I can’t get that out of my head.” Jake feels you shift and he raises his head to look at you but all you do is place a gentle kiss on his forehead before lying back down and resuming your motions. 
“Please hate me.” He doesn't know why he says it; why he needs you to condemn him. As if your condemnation will justify everything he feels.
“No,” you say simply.
“Why not?” he can feel a sob building in his chest. “I fucking deserve it. How can you just learn all that about me and not care?” 
“Javy told me years ago,” you confess, “actually I suspected. It was on the news that an American Navy pilot shot down a plane and what happened, I knew you were stationed in the area and you changed whenever we talked after, so I figured it was you and Javy confirmed it when I asked.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Jake had been keeping his knowledge and shame bottled up away from you for so long; not wanting to change the way you saw him and to find out you had always known was gutting. 
“I knew you would tell me when you were ready.” 
“You should hate me,” Jake hates the way he sounds. Small, meek, hesitant. “I hate me.”
“I hate that it happened. It breaks my heart for those families, but I can’t hate you for it. You are responsible, but not culpable.” You say simply.
“Then who is to blame if not me?” You don’t have an answer for him, he knows there isn’t one, at least not an answer that will make him feel better. Some things you just have to live with. The tears start to flow down Jake's cheeks in ugly sobs as you pull him closer. He clings to you and finally lets himself grieve. 
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channiespokemon · 1 month
Just a few more minutes (Bang Chan x reader)
Bang Chan x reader
you/your pronouns, reader calls Chan Chris, Chris calls reader baby and babygirl
author note: This is my first time posting my work on tumblr! I am new to posting on here, so please bear with me with formatting, etc. This is super self-indulgent (I know, I'm sorry). Hope you enjoy!! <3
“Let me wash your hair,” Chris says behind you. You’re sitting in the bathtub, your favorite form of self-care. Your back is to his chest, and you feel it rumble as he talks. 
“Just a few more minutes,” you say. Moments like these are your favorite, and despite being so domestic, these sweet, fleeting moments where the both of you can forget about work and other responsibilities are some of your favorites. 
Chris has been extremely busy at work lately as the cycle of preparing for comeback is drawing near. He’s been staying longer in the studio, and most nights you’re sound asleep when he finally trudges through the door to your shared apartment in the wee hours of the morning. Even though he stays super busy, he always makes time for you to have a night together at least once a week. 
This week, however, had been particularly rough. Work was exceptionally demanding, requiring you to work extra hours in order to meet an important deadline. And Chris wasn’t home to comfort you, so you’re really trying to hold it all in. You don’t want Chris to know you’re upset because you don’t want your precious quality time taken away by emotions that will still be here tomorrow. Instead, you just want your normal bath and cuddles when you lay down for bed. 
Chris, though, is keen to notice when your mood changes. “You’re awfully quiet tonight. Something on your mind?” he asks as he strokes your arm with the tips of his fingers. 
You raise to sit up fully, bringing your knees to your chest. “I’m fine. Just tired.”
“Come on, I know you better than that. Tell me, baby, so I can make you feel better, yeah?” 
Tears threaten your eyes, but you take a few breaths to keep your emotions in check. You should have known Chris would press for information. After all, he knows you like the back of his hand. “I’m okay,” you insist, so he concedes and leans you back ever so slightly so he can start on your hair. 
“Have I ever told you just how beautiful you look like this?” he asks as he lathers the shampoo in your hair. 
You let out a low chuckle. “How am I beautiful with no makeup on and suds in my hair?” 
“Because you’re beautiful. I’d still think you’re beautiful even if you stepped in dog poop.” 
You laugh out loud this time, and Chris smiles fondly. Out of all the music in the world and the songs he produces, your laugh is his favorite sound. 
“How was your week, baby?” Chris asks, and that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Tears flow freely from your eyes, and you sob as he tries to rinse your hair. “Babygirl, what’s the matter?” He starts to panic as sobs wrack your body with no sign of slowing down. “You’re okay, you’re okay,” he says repeatedly, testing out his best soothing voice to see if it will calm you down. 
“I…just had…the…the worst week,” you say in between sobs. “And you weren’t here to comfort me.”
You didn’t mean it to sound so bitter, and the last thing you wanted was to get in the way of his work, but dammit you really needed him there. You miss the way his face drops, a deep crease forming between his brows as he silently chastises himself for not being present. 
“Well, I’m here now,” Chris says, resting his chin on your shoulder. “Let’s get dried off and order something for dinner. And I’ll stay home tomorrow to make it up to you, yeah?”
He rubs your back gently and moves to get out, but you stop him. “Just a few more minutes.”
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naamahdarling · 2 years
Are you looking for a gorgeous, friendly, impossible mess of a void cat and have a home where you have no other pets? Boy have I got the guy for you!
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Meet Etrigan, a 10yo DSH and one of the sweetest, goofiest voids I've ever met.
We are in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area and can drive 3 hours one way to place him, or arrange transport south as far as San Antonio!
Right now, in-person meetings at our home aren't possible, unfortunately, but if you are nearby we could let him visit your place.
He needs a new home because he doesn't get along with his brothers and is desperately unhappy here, and this has manifested in recent aggressive behavior. In a home without other pets, he would be fine.
He also has some tummy issues and is on prescription food to try to help control it.
He comes with all his shots, a clean bloodwork panel and bill of health, and exhaustive vet records going back to his adoption at a few months old. His tummy issues and a kittenhood respiratory infection aside, he has and always has had excellent health.
First, the good:
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He will cuddle you in bed or lay in your lap as long as you will let him. His favorite snuggle is the Leg Hole. If you sit down and you put your feet together or loosely cross your legs, he will plunge awkwardly into your crotch with an enthusiasm that you have probably never experienced. It's actually quite charming, although sometimes he burps.
He fetches eagerly, although not always well. He's extremely playful and energetic and loves puzzle toys and activity trays and feather wands.
If you give him a window in the bedroom, he will sit so that the sun strikes him. Then he will carry all the light and all the hope of the morning to you in his fur, without you even having to get out of bed.
He loves to be sung to. His favorite songs are Asleep at Last by the Wailin' Jennies, and Forever Young. Not the Rod Stewart one, the other one.
He has one naked heel, in the back, where the gods dipped him in the River of A**holes. There is usually one white hair on his forehead.
The downsides:
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He is aggressive with other cats and is not cut out for a rowdy household with kids. He must be an indoor cat, no exceptions.
He is a food thief and trash bandit. Just be prepared for his EXTREME food-seeking behavior. He will go after food you wouldn't expect. Like grape stems or tomatoes or lettuce. You will need to store things in the fridge or a latched pantry. He can open drawers.
And he's a pooper. At least twice a day, every day, he considerately lets you know very stinkily and with many loud farts, that he is not constipated. Isn't that nice?
He requires an enormous litter box, possibly with a Popemobile splash guard. Sometimes he poops outside the box, but that may be related to the considerable amount of stress that he is under having to share the house with four other cats he absolutely despises.
He's been checked by our vet, who can find no reason for him to be the worst pooper ever. He needs a specialist, which we can't afford.
Then there's his hair-trigger anal glands. If you put pressure on the backs of his thighs, he sometimes releases something that smells like Satan's Taco Bell shits. The vet thinks if his tummy issues could be improved, more solid poops would help him stop violating the Geneva Convention's policy against chemical warfare. I'm not sure. I think it's just who he is as a person. You learn to work around it.
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So that's our guy. A guy I love so much I can't stand it. And because I love him, I need to rehome him
Reaching the decision to re-home him has been agonizing. We have tried meds. We have worked with the three-vet team at our clinic, and with two feline behavior specialists, and they all agree, as do we, that the best thing for him is to put him with someone new who can look after his needs better. He is so desperately unhappy right now. And we are desperate to help him.
So please, if you could spread the word so we can find him a good home? And if you think you can handle his issues and be that good home, please message me.
All I ask is that you care for him, sing to him, give him a good window and a lot of play, and keep him by your side. What any cat deserves, even a blasphemous food-stealing shit-cannon like him.
PM me here or email at [email protected], and we can discuss getting you hooked up with your very own...whatever this is.
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Thank you, and spread the word.
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goldfish-afterhours · 4 months
Genshin Characters During Finals Season (College AU)
Characters: Zhongli, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Albedo, Bennett, Childe, Kaeya
Type/Genre: Bulleted headcanons, comedy
Warnings: Foul language, slightly suggestive humour/for comedic purposes
Calm and collected at first
As the days go by, Zhongli would start looking more and more like a tired dad
Walks around slightly frowning, bags under his eyes from all nighters, and clutching a mug of coffee so hard that people are afraid it’s gonna break, but even more afraid to tell him to be careful
Has heat compresses on the back of his neck and forehead to ease the headaches from the lack of sleep
Probably told Childe to shut the fuck up and mind your own business when he warned him about his cup
“Childe, if I do not kill this final I will kill you in its stead. Leave me be.”
Probably part of one of those student care organizations that makes care packages for other students
His smile when he hands out the packages is so bright and healing it could bring back the dead
Always motivating his peers and tries to keep everyone’s spirits up
Offers to get everyone in the study group coffee
He’s not the best at school but he has a lot of friends that are willing to tutor him and do his assignments help him with his work
Likes to snack while he’s studying
“No giving up yet! Let’s take a snack break, you’ll think better with something in your belly.”
Chills at a coffee shop with a big friend group to “study”
They do jack shit
Probably spends more time staring at the drink menu than his exam notes
Grade A procrastinator, does all his homework the night before it’s due and studies for exams the morning of
Due tomorrow do tomorrow amiright
Always seems to do okay tho?? People wanna scold him for his bad study habits but he actually does okay in school so they can’t really say anything
Doesn’t study hard but parties 100x harder
“Come on, live a little! If your exam is at 2pm, you can just start studying at 9 tomorrow morning and you’ll be fine.”
Pulls all nighter after all nighter after all nighter after all nighter after-
No one can ever find him during the day on campus or in his dorm—it’s like he despawned and just does not exist
Only time he is spotted by others is always at 3am in the morning like a cryptid and he looks like a zombie
He’s actually working a part time job along with going to classes and helping others with their work. An angry looking good boy.
Studies in the lecture halls by himself, blasting music as loud as he can on his headphones to keep himself awake
Mf going to go deaf is2g lower ur volume boi
“…hey. I’m getting a coffee, do you want one?”
Plans his time meticulously. Has an extremely organized planner where he writes out exactly what he’s going to do at every hour of the day so he can maximize his week
Includes mealtimes, breaks, and poop times relaxation periods
Usually studies in his room, but for some reason people keep barging in on him to ask for study help so he has to find different hiding places to work in peace
So far, the best place has been the graduate students lounge. No he does not belong there, but no one questions him because it looks like he does
“If you really need my help, I have twenty seven and a half minutes between lunch and my bathroom break this Thursday. Come find me then.”
(Rejected quote: “What’s my masters in? No no, the only thing I’m a master of is your mom.”)
The type of person to have the “please don’t talk to me I have work to do and if you talk to me I won’t stop” sign on his back while working in the library
Fell asleep while completing an assignment
Missed the midnight deadline for said assignment
Slept through the exam the next morning
At this point just let him sleep at least he won’t have to deal with it then
“That was a good nap…now I got the energy for my assignment and the exam!”
Would be a good student if he wasn’t bothering other people so often
Probably bakes when he’s stressed. His roommates are always awoken at 4 in the morning to the sound of the oven beeping and the heavenly smell of freshly baked cookies
Has a friendly rivalry with Zhongli. He always asks when Zhongli will be turning in an assignment, and what mark he’s aiming for for the final exam
Turns in the final paper at least a week before it’s due and aims for ten percent higher than Zhongli on the exam
If he needs bonus marks to reach that then so be it
Otherwise slacks off a bit
He’d be a really good student if he wasn’t so competitive with Zhongli all the time
“You good, Zhongles? You trying to squeeze a better grade out of that mug?”
This man probably used red bull as the liquid for his instant coffee
An absolute menace and loves messing with people
Tells them that the exam is on a whole other different thing than what they were studying for, or that the due date of a big assignment was changed
Nobody goes to him for help
If you do genuinely need help with a concept, though, he’s more than willing to help
Just make sure to provide adequate compensation for him ;)
By compensation I mean more red bull this man has drank 3 cans in ten minutes please stop him
“What? If they do shit, that only helps with our bellcurve, right? Their fault for trusting me anyways~”
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followthebluebell · 2 months
what were q's issues? i tried to search your blog but tumblr is tumblr
Oh, that's because I never really went public with the extent of his problems. I didn't want to deal with the potential 'just euth him' comments, especially since I genuinely don't think a compassionate euthanasia would have been wrong.
Anyway, his butthole didn't work.
That's the short version.
I'm gonna put a more full history under the cut because it's really gross. Like fair warning. There's a lot of discussion of this cat's butthole, poop, and health issues. If you just want to keep imagining him as a cute little fluffball, maybe go look at his pictures instead.
Specifically, his anal sphincter didn't seem to function. His anus was just open and loose. Whatever was wrong with him ALSO seemed to affect his scrotum. Cats tend to hold their testicles pretty high and tight but his were super loose. I'm genuinely not sure if there's an actual connection there, but it was weird enough that it made its way into my notes about him.
He also had loose stools so he was just kinda constantly dribbling all over himself, whoever was holding him, his bedding, the floor--- you get the idea. He required frequent baths: he'd get a bath at the start of my shift and at the end, at the very least. Most nights had an evening bath as well. That way, he could at least stay somewhat free of excrement. This was terrible for his skin, of course; that's an excessive number of baths. It was just one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't situations. Considering the alternative was letting him sit in his own waste, we decided that baths were better.
He also wasn't gaining any weight. He wasn't taking in ANY nutrition from his food at all. Whatever went into him seemed to come right back out within a few hours. He was being tube fed for two weeks; he didn't seem capable of eating without grinding his teeth terribly. I genuinely wasn't sure how much sensation he even HAD in his anus until I caught him on camera squatting in a box.
That gave me hope more than anything else did. It at least told me he had nerve endings back there. It was just the sphincter or maybe the last inch or so of his intestine that seemed defective. Since he was such a sweet kitten otherwise, we decided to give him a chance to grow. The plan was to get him to UC Davis or a similar teaching hospital in the hope that they could extend his good intestine and sort of construct an artificial sphincter.
And then he just got over it. I picked him up to give him his morning bath and his butthole was just SLIGHTLY puckered. Over the next few days, I took a series of the grossest pictures in my fucking life and confirmed that his sphincter was sphincting. He started eating voraciously on his own. He started growing. He also stopped tooth grinding-- again, I don't know if this is significant, but it's another thing that made it into my notes.
I have no idea what happened, but I'm glad he's healthy. He just needed time to grow into his butthole or something.
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feralforfrank · 2 years
Hi!! Just wanted to start off by saying I love your writing. I enjoy it so much truly. Next I wanted to send in a request with one of the prompts you provided!
How about Rooster x reader with the dialogue prompt - "it's pitch black in here and I can see that you're blushing"
Much love ❣️❣️
drunk in love.
cw reader has a hungover headache, thats it. FLUFF. NON-DESCRIPTIVE READER.
a/n so many ppl wanted a part two!! so here you go!
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The first thing you notice when your eyes open is the head-splitting headache you have. You have to close them immediately, as the curtain's in the room weren't shut, meaning that sunlight found its way inside.
The next thing you notice feel is the heavy mass wrapped around your waist and the breathing on your neck that sends shivers down your spine.
Oh God, oh Lord. What happened last night?
The images come to you faster than you expected. Bradshaw—your extremely hot rival, who you definitely don't have a crush on—bringing you home—to his apartment?!—changing your clothes, and putting you to bed. And then you'd done the unimaginable. The only thing you feared more than your superiors. You'd slipped up, calling him to lay down with you and cuddle you.
Holy shit, I'm in Bradley Bradshaw's bed, wearing his shirt, my back touching his bare fucking chest and his arm wrapped around my waist. Holy fuck, holy shit, holy fucking cow poop.
What do I do now? Do I get up? Or do I fall back to sleep? Sleep does sound enticing, but you want to look at his face. Wow—what the fuck are you thinking? Okay. Maybe looking at him for a bit doesn't sound that bad.
You manage to turn slowly and gently to his side, your head tilting up to meet his handsome and peaceful face. It's a rare sight to see him this relaxed. With your job and the stress you're always under, everyone has permanent frowns etched on their faces.
You trace his face with your eyes, taking notes of the faded scar on his right temple, long eyelashes and the curve of his nose. Oh, his lips look so kissable—all pink and plump. Tone it down a bit, you stalker. You've never noticed how perfectly trimmed his pornstache was before now. You have to stop your hand from reaching to touch it, fearing that he'll wake up and find you in this compromising position.
A few serene moments pass, where you hear nothing but your heartbeat echoing in your ears. Your eyes are shut, and you're almost asleep when you feel Rooster move. You pretend to sleep, but your ears perk up, listening to Bradley's every movement. 
He walks over to the window, shutting the heavy curtains. You can open your eyes now, for the room has been submerged in darkness. Rooster lays down again, his arm finding your waist again, pulling you impossibly close.
There's silence, and then there isn't. "I know you're awake."
God, his morning voice is so sexy. Jesus Christ, what am I thinking? Wait, did he just speak to me?
"Could feel you staring at me."
Your eyes open, and your breath hitches. God, you hoped he didn't hear that. But of course, he did. You're so close to each other, that he can probably feel your heart beating out of control.
You decide to play it off casually. "I have no idea what you're talking about." 
He snorts softly. "Oh, please. It's pitch black in here, and I can see that you're blushing. Can practically feel the heat radiating from your cheeks."
The embarassment is eating you alive. Bradley knows you like him now, and he'll make fun of you for it for the rest of your life. There's no way he'll ever let this go. God, why did you have to turn around? Why couldn't you have fallen back to sleep? Or better yet, gotten up, dressed and run?
"I can practically hear the gears turning in there." You hear the smile on his tone. "I like you too. Thought it was obvious, but I guess not."
"Go to sleep, pretty girl. I'll explain when you wake up."
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bellepeppergirl · 2 months
An Investigation of the Impaler's Catacombs
So, with the DLC being announced and us getting some info about it and its characters, one thing we learn is, of course, Messmer the Impaler. Some people were quick to point out that there is a location in the base game called Impaler's Catacombs. "Impaler's" is singular, meaning it belonged to AN impaler, not a group of impalers, which would be impalers'.
Interestingly, the Impaler's Catacombs are also located on the Weeping Peninsula. I say this is interesting because a couple reasons;
1. The Weeping Peninsula is home to a spirit next to a church who speaks of an unwanted child of Marika's. Many people assumed this had something to do with the headless demigod in the Walking Mausoleums, but we are now inclined to believe it could be Messmer. That being said, there could be some relation to the headless demigod and Messmer, as we do seem to see more knights similar to Mausoleum Knights in the trailer and images. And with Messmer's seeming fondness for blasphemous things; he has dragon eyes, he has a snake, he wields fire and what looks like the thorns of the guilty, I think this could be related to why he would be unwanted. He's a little shit.
2. The Weeping Peninsula does not have a demigod or shardbearer. Every other region of the game has some kind of big boss that is important to the main story, while the Peninsula has... a Leonine Misbegotten... sure, this boss is interesting with the story of Castle Morne and it having the sword, but it is interesting that this is the only region without one and just so happens to also have this dungeon and a spirit talking about an unwanted child.
So, onto the actual dungeon.
For starters, we have a giant pit near the beginning of the dungeon.
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Is this important? Probably not since I'm pretty sure other dungeons have this kind of entrance area, but one think I don't think is typical of dungeons is this:
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There are bars over the tombs. Now, I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure this does not happen in other dungeons, at least not very many. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this is odd.
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And this appears to be in multiple areas, not just this hall, though admittedly not every one of these corpse storage things are like this.
But now we have the impaling part of the Impaler's Catacombs; a classic trap of step on it, get pushed up into a bunch of spikes. Oh look at that, you've been impaled.
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I think this could imply that, if this is related to Messmer, that he would be a very cruel person. I mean, you would probably have to be cruel to impale someone regardless, but to do so through a not-so-fun funhouse trap is probably a bit more sadistic.
Underneath this is the sewers. These sewers still have tombs here, which is a pretty shitty place to be laid to rest. Does this have any meaning? Well, it could add to the theme of unwantedness. If you don't want someone, you likely don't respect them, and if don't respect them, put them with the poop. And if he somehow had a hand in making this one, it could be that this tomb was for people just like that.
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Is there anything interesting about the sewers? Well, it's full of Putrid Corpses. According the item description of the Putrid Corpse Ashes:
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Does this mean anything? Tbh, I'm not sure. There could be something we could out these enemies essentially being meat shields or distractions though, but may I am reaching again.
The other interesting thing we find here is a prattling prate! Specifically...
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"Please Help." Oop. I think the name speaks for itself, but the shape of this prate, all of which are intended to be heads, looks very squished. Almost like the person who has pleaded for help has had their head stepped on, which is something I'm sure many Messmer fans wish could happen to them.
Next up we have more barred over tombs next to the lever. This will add more to my theory at the end.
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We've got this window that leads back to the boss room. Does this mean anything? Probably not, but you better believe that I'm gonna pull something out of it at the end. Plus it's kind of a neat way to loop back around!
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Speaking of the boss, our boss is a Burial Watchdog. Pretty standard. But what isn't standard is that this one is accompanied by four imps.
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Once again, very cruel. Mostly to use, the player, but still. It will go into the fuel pile for my theory.
And for beating this boss, we get the Demihuman Ashes.
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Can I get anything out of this? Well, the Demi-Humans are a pretty oppressed group, like many of the inhabitants of the Lands Between who weren't born as the Golden Order or its enforcers would want you to be.
So, what is my theory? Well, as you could probably tell...
I think Messmer is an asshole. A very cruel asshole. Assuming he is related to this dungeon, I think that this dungeon was maybe meant more for punishment than normal burial.
The tombs being barred over? Only those with clean shots to the exit are. Perhaps Messmer would have people entombed alive and they would be locked behind these bars, unable to escape and forced either to starve to death, or simply suffer forever since death was removed.
Those tombs that aren't barred over? Well, they're all right on our fun little deathtrap. Sure, you don't have bars. You can get out of your tomb, but the moment you do, your driven through with metal spikes. And below is the sewers, which is full of putrid corpses and a prate asking for help.
Perhaps others were shoved down here to live in the filth, unable to get up to the top. The time of being trapped down here had them begging for help, begs that went unanswered, and they were corrupted by the filth into these putrid beings.
As for the boss? Well, let's start with the window down to it. Your only choice would be to head down into the sewers, or out this window. This window doesn't harm us, but we have protagonist powers. Any normal person would probably shatter their legs. Next, the boss' drop. The Demi-Human ashes. Again, an oppressed and hated group. Perfect for being trapped here as a punishment, no?
And the boss itself is a large group. You get past the bars, you get past the death trap, you get out of the sewers, make it down the window without being too badly hurt, and what you have is four Imps and a Watchdog waiting to make sure you NEVER make it out.
I think Messmer may have watched over the Weeping Peninsula and may have made this tomb not for the dead, but for the living. To trap them; make them suffer and never be able to get out.
And as a little bonus; the pit at the beginning. A funny thing about this pit is that there are messages down here. You can survive the drop! But uh... good luck getting out. You physically can't unless you have beaten the dungeon and fast travel, or use one of the items that return you to a Site of Grace. This could add to the theme of you're trapped and never leaving. Once the rest of the tomb is full, they bring you in, drop you in a whole, you break your everything, and are trapped. But this assumes this was intentional, but tbh, it probs wasn't.
BUT HEY, THAT'S JUST A THEORY. A GAME THEORY. Thanks for reading. Is any of this true? Maybe. Only time will tell. I'd love to hear your thoughts and thank you to everyone who made it this far in the post.
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Everyone asked about other bachelors falling in love, I am waiting for someone to ask how will it be if it's Alex because I love him. But I guess it will still be some while till someone actually ask knowing how he is, so I'll step forward & humbly send my request to you~! Thank you for writing all these headcanons. They are very lovely to read! I love how it enrichen my vision of them. 。・✰
Alex Falling in Love with the Farmer Headcanons
Hi anon! Sorry if this took too long. I was also waiting for someone to ask for him lol. He's a great bachelor! :D
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As I'm fairly certain it's stated in his ten heart cutscene, Alex liked you from the start. He was somewhat aware of it; he did notice he took a physical liking to you, but always assumed it would leave with time. You two just hung out as friends for a while.
It only hit him smack in the face that day he told you about his mother. All of a sudden, it's 'wait, why am I even telling them this?', followed by, 'oh-'. He's sort of just... awkward about it all. Like 'yup. Alright. This is happening.'
After you leave, he goes straight to his grandparents. I mean, they've been together so long, they must know something to help him! He tries to be vague about it, but it comes through anyway. He thinks he's mastered the art of disguise while not-so-subtly dropping in hints like farming every two sentences.
He's quieter, but somehow also manages to show off even more. If that makes any sense. He likes to hear you talk. With his whole backstory thing going on I imagine he's got a lot on his mind, so it's nice to just take a break. Plus, you've always got great stories to tell.
As for the showing off, well... it can be insufferable. He manages to get a bit too in your face at times, but he only means the best. You bet he'll be waiting outside your door at six in the morning ready to do whatever heavy lifting you need. You may or may not use this to your advantage to make him clean up the animal poop.
His feelings for you are fairly obvious. Long stares from across the field, arms over the shoulder - all that stuff. He also gives you lots of compliments. He knows what it's like to be called worthless (and I assume have low self-esteem from it) and he doesn't want you to end up that way. He can tell whenever you're down and goes to lift you back up as best he can.
"Hey farmer! Your farm's looking great. I heard you were feeling down lately, wanna talk about it?"
You get a TON of Evelyn's baked goods. Mostly biscuits, of course, but sometimes you get shortbread or muffins or even a slice of cake! Alex tries his hand at cooking too. He wants to get better to impress you (and his grandmother).
George is super proud. Finally, his (to be honest: quite lonely) grandson is getting a proper friendship (not to throw shade on Haley, but before the farmer moves in, she's not really friendship material)! Evelyn is a bit more clueless to the whole romance thing going on between you two, but once George fills her in on it, she gets to work inviting you over almost every night for dinner.
Speaking of the grandparents trying to get you two closer, Evelyn has randomly mentioned Alex being single. She means no harm, but it's very obvious she's trying to nudge you two together. It's cute, though. And you get a ton of free food whenever she does.
"Oh, hello dear. I just finished making these with Alex," (she did not, in fact, make them with Alex), "we were just talking about any future relationships he might get into."
^ Poor Alex is left dying in the corner.
Alex actually gets a lot more insecure. He's just nervous about messing up in front of you. He doesn't want to risk losing another person he loves. Just seeing you makes his heart all fuzzy - it's crazy.
I hope you liked this, anon! I think Alex is great. He was my first choice when I started my first save file. Sorry if this took a little too long, but I'm glad I got around to it.
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skellymom · 3 months
"Bombs Away!"
The SECOND Bad Batch Comedy One Shot in the ONE SHIT SERIES
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Background: Total sibling drama...ramped up to 1,000! Thankfully this was BEFORE Echo joined, because he would NOT have stayed with these idiots!!! Luckily Omega was spared as well. Set after my one shit "Silent But Deadly" and before "Who Dealt It?". I purposely did not assign a gender to the Twi'lek neighbor for reader reasons. Are YOU, dear reader, the lucky Twi'lek to meet The Batch?
To read #1 in the series:
Word count: 2.4K
Warning: Total Bathroom Humor. Farts, stinky humor, suggestion of poop, swearing, middle finger, some nudity, someone does Lula dirty.
The Marauder was peacefully quiet as Hunter emerged from the refresher.  Tech had dimmed down the lights before chaperoning Wrecker and Crosshair out for an evening on the town. 
This past week had been a daunting one for Hunter’s senses and he needed a respite from EVERYTHING. 
Hunter tossed his towel away, standing buck naked, and stretched.  He’d sleep without the restrictiveness of clothing tonight.  The thought made him smile and exhale with a rumble of pleasure. 
Leaning over the bunk, he pulled back the crisp immaculately made sheets.  Hunter inhaled expecting the scent of a clean bed... 
...and nearly fainted! 
A horrible miasma of stench assaulted his nose, almost suffocating him! 
Hunter jumped back and yanked the refresher door open, flipping on the fan.  Then sprinted out of the bunk area, slamming the door shut to block the stink in. 
What was supposed to be a comforting night turned out to be nothing close.  He was angry about the practical joke.  Crosshair knew better!  Hunter KNEW it was Crosshair...it has his scent all over it! 
While pondering WHY Cross would do such a thing, Hunter strolled over to the pilot's chair and sat down.  His rear end contacted the Marauder’s cold rough upholstery. 
“DANK FERRICK!”  Hunter forgot he was naked as a Noghri and shot back up from the seat.  Standing right in front of the windscreen.  His loud exclamation caught the attention of the Twi’lek who was inspecting their ship.  The ship parked 20 feet away from the Marauder. 
The Twi’lek stared at Hunter with a shocked expression.  Hunter immediately covered his “goods” with both hands and grinned with embarrassment.  The Twi’lek smiled back, signed a thumbs up, winked, and boarded their ship. 
“Did I just make a friend???”  Hunter was stymied.  This was ANYTHING BUT a relaxing night. 
Hunter confronted Crosshair the next morning. 
“WHY would you DO something like that!?” 
“NO IDEA what you’re going on about Hunter,” Cross sneered.  “Heard you have an admirer.” 
“Don’t change the subject.  I could...smell it was YOU!” 
Crosshair just smiled at Hunter’s distress, then walked away. 
“We aren’t done here!”  Why was Crosshair being so difficult and evasive? 
“No... WE certainly aren’t.”  Cross flashed his gaze at Wrecker and Tech then exited the Marauder. 
Hunter threw up his hands in frustration and walked away. 
“WHY would you DO THAT TO LULA?!” Wrecker lamented. 
“I think you know why.”  Cross didn’t even bother to look up from polishing his Firepuncher. 
Wrecker just stood in shock, then growled “It’s personal now!” 
He reeled back and smacked Cross upside the head with Lula, knocking the toothpick from his mouth. 
Crosshair threw down his equipment and jumped up, both hands balled into fists. 
Wrecker grabbed Cross from the front of his armor, lifting the skinny sniper over his head and began to shake his brother senselessly. 
“KNOCK IT OFF!!!”   
Both brothers stopped and gazed at Hunter who was now standing in the doorway.  Tech had heard the row and pulled Hunter from his conversation with the Twi’lek neighbor to break it up. 
“Wrecker!  Put Crosshair down!!!” 
“AWWW!  Can’t you smell what he DID to Lula???” 
“Yes...cough...I certainly can.” 
“Down.  NOW.” 
“Grrrr...”  Wrecker opened his hand and Cross dropped on his ass upon the metal decking.   
“He had it COMING!”  Crosshair shot back. 
“Just what do you mean?”  Hunter inquired. 
Cross opened his mouth to expound, then noticed Tech standing behind Hunter.  “Are...you RECORDING all of THIS?” 
Hunter turned to look at Tech “REALLY???” 
Cross was now pissed at a second brother today.  “You aren’t going to upload that to your asinine MUMBLER Holoaccount are YOU???” 
“It’s STUMBLR” Tech proudly proclaimed adjusting his goggles.  “And I may be persuaded to as my ‘asinine followers’ will enjoy watching you get your comeuppance!” 
“Thank you.  This won’t be the first time I uploaded your detestable behavior on my Holonet Platform.  You currently have 1,892 ‘Frenemies’ on STUMBLR, Crosshair.” 
Crosshair flipped off Tech. 
Wrecker spoke up “Aye Tech, are you still recording?” 
“Yes.  ALL the time.” 
“GOOD!”  Wrecker resumed repeatedly whacking Crosshair across the head with Lula. 
“I CAN’T with you guys...” Hunter sighed and walked off the ship to find the Twi’lek. 
Things had died down after a few days.  Mostly because everyone kept to themselves and didn’t try to antagonize each other.  The sun set and each clone went off to their bunk... 
...except for Tech who stayed up to maintenance the Marauder.  He sipped his caf then grabbed the power driver to unscrew an inner panel on the ship.  As he freed the first bolt, it dropped to the decking and almost narrowly escaped through the small gaps in the floor.  Tech caught the bolt with his shoe just in time.   
Picking up the bolt he mused, I need to sequester you and your little friends in something secure. 
He riffled through his toolbox, looking for something... 
I know it’s here...put it back myself...  Tech didn’t remember moving ir... Ah, there you are. His hands closed around a small glass jar he had saved for a ‘just in case’ project.  He smiled widely as this was the perfect use for the receptacle he had squirreled away for so long. 
Tech unscrewed the top of the jar and dropped the bolt in... 
...as a horrible odor punched him SQUARE in the NOSE! 
Tech gagged and dropped the jar.  It hit the decking and exploded loudly into a thousand little shards.  The bolt shot out and made its way to a hole in the decking.  Tech leapt forward attempting to catch the bolt before he lost it to the underside of the Marauder.  He slipped on a large piece of glass and went down on both hands... 
...on top of more glass... 
...to watch the bolt, disappear through the decking... 
...Tech could hear it descend though the guts of the ship...TINK...TINK...TINK... 
Then it was gone. 
The ruckus woke Hunter.  “Tech...you ok?” In his sleepy groggy voice. 
Tech pulled his hands up from the floor.  Luckily there were no injuries, but the glass shredded both gloves...HIS GOOD PAIR.  Tech struggled to keep his voice free of irritated sass.  “Yes.” 
“Eh...you sure?” 
“Quite.  Get some sleep Hunter.” 
Tech heard Hunter mumble sleepily and turn over in his bunk.  Wrecker never stopped loudly snoring.  Crosshair however...Tech listened intently...Cross was TOO quiet.   
Techs brows furrowed angrily and thought to himself YOU BASTARD!  Well...one good turn deserves another!!!  He stood, removed the glass embedded gloves, and vowed REVENGE on Crosshair’s head. 
The morning sun peeped up over the horizon as Hunter rolled out of his bunk, more refreshed than he had been in quite a while.  He stretched, scratched his bum, and wandered out in his pj’s to grab some caf. 
Tech had made a fresh pot, and apparently been up all night.  Didn’t strike Hunter as out of the ordinary.  Tech usually pulled all-nighters to work on his projects. 
“Morning.” Hunter reached for the carafe. 
Tech blocked him with a freshly poured mug of caf.  “Take this, Hunter.” 
“Eh...ok...thanks.”  Hunter sniffed the mug then cocked his head and caught the scent of the coffee in the carafe.  There was a very slight difference in odor notes, which didn’t slip past Hunter at all. 
Tech caught Hunter’s body language.  “This is the caf you prefer.  That...” Tech nodded his head towards the carafe “...is Crosshairs.” 
“Yeeah, ok.”  Hunter shook his head, slid into a seat, and decided to just let it go.  He sipped his caf, eyes closed to revel in the warm richness of his brew. 
Five minutes later Crosshair emerged from the refresher.  Showered and shaved, wearing only a crisp white towel around his waist.  He arrogantly strolled through the ship and made his way to the caf.  “Good morning.” 
Hunter opened his eyes and noticed Tech intently watching Crosshair. 
Cross grabbed a large mug and filled it to the brim.  He took a hefty gulp and sighed.  “Oh look...Hunter, your friend is out and about.”   
Crosshair straightened up, puffed out his chest and waved seductively at the Twi’lek neighbor.  “Rather attractive...” 
“Are you FLIRTING???”  Hunter growled. 
“Jealous?”  Crosshair shot back eyeing Hunter while sipping from the mug. 
Tech rolled his eyes.  But kept intently watching Crosshair. 
“I might have to go over and introduce myself...right after I finish my caf.” 
“I don’t give a WOMP RATS ASS what YOU do!” 
“Did I ruffle your feathers, Hunter?  Just trying to be friendly.”  Cross drained his mug and set it on the counter.  “Since our Sergeant likes to keep the dress code...casual, guess I will too.”  He made a beeline for the Marauders outdoor hatch...still wearing NOTHING but the towel. 
Hunter shot up out of his seat “DON’T you DARE go out there!” 
Crosshair stopped in his tracks, not because Hunter forbade him from leaving the Marauder... 
...but because Cross looked suddenly uncomfortable.  Then his stomach loudly gurgled.  Crosshair turned around now rethinking his earlier plan. 
“What did YOU DO?” Crosshair demanded an answer from Tech. 
Tech glared back with a diabolical grin.  “Punishing your flatulent activity.” 
“WHAT???”  Both Cross and Hunter exclaimed. 
“For the ‘Fart Jar’ Fiasco last night.” 
“What jar?”  Crosshair held his belly and started to sweat. 
“The one in my toolkit you left a...” surprise” in.  Honestly Crosshair, you’re acting obtuse.” 
“Seriously?  Why can’t you all stop touching each other's stuff???”  Hunter felt like the ONLY adult on the ship. 
Louder gurgling from Crosshair’s belly while he shook his sweaty head.  An abdominal cramp had him doubling over.  “Not m...” 
“THAT WAS ME!”  Everyone turned to see Wrecker standing in the doorway, wearing his Republic Underoos, clutching Lula. 
“WHAT?”  exclaimed Hunter, Tech, and a very painful Crosshair. 
“I uh...wanted to get Crosshair back for crop dusting Lula...” He looked VERY guilty. 
“Lula had it coming because I was blamed for you stinking up Hunter’s bed!” 
“Wait...WHAT?” Hunter was seriously confused. “It SMELLED like Crosshair!” 
“Yeah...” Wrecker scratched the back of his neck. “...because I KNOW how to build a stinkbomb.” 
Hunter’s face dropped “WHY would you DO THAT to ME???” 
Tech chimed in befuddled. “Yes, PLEASE explain WHY you would retaliate against Hunter and I when WE did NOTHING to you???” 
“Because...’Wrecker paused and exhaled, then looked at all three of his brothers with fierce conviction. “I wanted to get one over on Cross for LETTING me get blamed by the 212th during our mission on Anaxis! AND because the two of YOU didn’t think I was SMART ENOUGH to pull off something like this!!!” 
Hunter and Tech stared like deer in the headlights then glanced at each other. 
“TELL ME you all DON’T assume I’m ALWAYS the DUMB one???” Wrecker crossed his arms over his chest. 
“OH KRIFF!” Crosshair grabbed his bum with both hands and shuffled off to the refresher. He was ignored by his brothers to deal with his fate. 
Hunter spoke first with humility. “NEVER thought you were dumb. Probably do underestimate you at times though. Wrecker, I promise to NEVER do this from now on.” 
Wrecker turned to Tech now putting his hands on his hips. “WELL???” 
Wrecker was mildly shocked. 
“Your planning, ingenuity, divide and conquer strategy to create infighting and steer the blame away from yourself...I would ONLY consider such a diabolical scheme from Crosshair.” Tech pushed his glasses up his nose. 
“Speaking of which...HOPE he made it to the refresher.” Hunter glanced behind him. 
Tech sighed with remorse. “I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions and spiked his caf.” 
“Wrecker NO!”  
Wrecker was drinking straight from the carafe (which he usually did due to not having a mug big enough for the clone). Hunter yanked it from Wrecker grasp. 
“SPIT!” Wrecker spit the heaping mouthful right back into the carafe.  
“Wrecker, you didn’t swallow any cafe, did you?” Tech was EXTREMELY concerned. 
“THANK STARS! Here.” Tech pulled out a Saleucami Delight Juice Box and handed it to Wrecker. 
“Do I REALLY want to know what’s in THAT caf???” Hunter swirled the liquid inside the carafe with concern. 
“Negative” Tech took the carafe from Hunter and promptly poured it down the Marauder’s galley sink. 
There were horrible noises emanating from the refresher. The smell was no better. Hunter refused to step any closer than the outside door to the bunk room. Held his nose the whole time. Tech sent Wrecker, whose sense of smell was next to nothing to check on Crosshair. 
Wrecker gently knocked on the refresher door with his huge fist. “How ya holdin’ up, Cross?” 
Then...a small weak strangled voice could be heard from behind the refresher door. “Wrecker...” 
“...I’m sorry...” More silence. “...never again...ok?” 
“Ok Brother. I’ll...just leave ya to...finish.” 
“Mmhm...” More sounds and whimpering. 
“Oof.” Wrecker shook his head and walked off to join Hunter and Tech with palpable concern. “Is he gonna be ok?”  
“Other than being moderately dehydrated and extremely chapped...most likely. However, he WILL be spending a full day in the refresher.” 
Hunter shook his head, rolling his eyes. “Looks like I’m not getting a shower today.” 
There was a knock at the Marauder gangplank. 
Hunter strolled over and opened the hatch. Their Twi’lek neighbor appeared dressed in Meiloorun pajama bottoms and a tee with the words “I got high in Cloud City” emblazoned on it. 
“Hi! Saw everyone was up. Wanted to invite you all over for breakfast at my place.” Pointing to their ship. “Figured since you like to go ‘casual’ I’d catch you early.” Sly grin and a wink. 
Hunter grinned and chuckled. “That’s lovely...uh...unfortunately we’re experiencing an issue with our refresher...” 
“You and your brothers can use mine!” The Twi’lek smiled warmly. “Uh...unless...It’s not TOO forward a thing to offer?” Nervously twisting their lekku. 
“Not at all. LADS! We’ve been invited to breakfast AND to use our neighbor's refresher!” Then followed the delighted Twi’lek to their ship. 
“WHOOO-HOOO!” Wrecker was off the ship in a flash, still in his Underoos clutching Lula. 
Tech paused and looked back towards the refresher. Should he bother Crosshair now with this new development? He was sure Crosshair would figure it out. Tech shrugged, besides he wasn’t going ANYWHERE anytime soon. Descending the Marauder’s gangplank Tech decided he would check on Cross later.  
Back in the refresher, Crosshair heard EVERYTHING. He was damned if they were going to leave and have breakfast without him. Besides...his stomach was starting to feel a tiny bit better... 
...then he was hit with ANOTHER deep abdominal cramp! 
Crosshair pulled the last few squares off the roll beside him. DANK FERRICK! WAS IT SO KRIFFING HARD TO REPLACE THE ROLL??? Gritting his teeth, it was going to be a full toothpick pack kind of day. Cross felt around beside him and found the spare refresher paper package... 
...to find it TOTALLY EMPTY! Crosshair was beyond pissed...so pissed he could have launched himself off the refresher seat into hyperspace!!! 
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To read #3 in the series:
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changingplumbob · 1 month
York Household: Chapter 9, Part 10
In this part Kelly may be stood down from school for the day but that doesn't mean Aaron won't find them something to do.
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CW: Mentions of body dysmorphic disorder and dysphoria
The Yorks are Italian so if you see them using words that don't look like English it's Italian, or what google assures me is Italian. Caro/Cara: Dear Buongiorno: Good morning Piccolo: Little one Tesoro: Treasure Nonno: Grandfather Nonna: Grandmother Si: Yes Grazie: Thank you Per Favore: Please Buon Compleanno: Happy Birthday
Kelly had asked Joey to speak to their family about her identity and, once Joey assured her it was fine, she joined the family for dinner.
Calista: Cara, I heard you got in a few fights today
Kelly was so used to being called caro, while cara was used for her sisters, that it took her a moment to realise her ma was addressing her.
Kelly: Si ma
Calista: Can we say the second fight may have had something to do with you being a girl?
Kelly: *sighs* Si ma. The dung brain said only girls needed to know about periods and stuff so I got mad and stomped on her foot
Deanna: I think that’s a sensible response even if you were a boy
Aaron: Deanna! Violence is never the answer
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Joey: You say that like you don’t want us to get arrested
Aaron gave Joey a look that could melt steel.
Joey: Sorry pa, bad joke
Calista: I'll call your school and talk to them about separating kids by gender, in this day and age it's stupid. How about the first fight cara
Kelly: What do you mean
Calista: You were having trouble in English. Do you want us to get some help
Kelly: *sighs* That jerk was saying I had dyslexia but he doesn’t know what goes on in my head
Aaron: Still, it’s better to look into help now so you won’t be hindered at university
Deanna: Pa, she’s only just started high school
Aaron: Never too early to start thinking of the future
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Aaron: But if you don’t want to talk about it tonight we can fit it in tomorrow
Kelly: What do you mean fit it in
Aaron: You don’t think I’m going to waste a day you’re not in school do you?
Kelly: I was kind of hoping to crash on the couch and play some games
Aaron steps up and pulls Kelly into a hug despite her protests.
Aaron: Cara, your ma and I love you. Very much. But a shift like the one you’ve started won’t be a simple one. We want you to get all the help available. I'm taking a vacation day and first stop tomorrow is a doctor who specialises in adolescents
Kelly smiles and tries her best not to tear up in front of her siblings, she has a reputation as an evil sim to maintain.
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Calista: Are you okay Kelly
Kelly: Si ma. I just… wasn’t sure how you’d all take… me
Calista: Oh cara, like your pa said, we love you. We’re your family. We’re always going to be on your side
Kelly: Even if I kill someone
Calista: *laughs* Please try not to kill anyone *whispers* although I have a feeling that your pa would absolutely be your lawyer
Aaron: *laughs* Well don’t just go encouraging her to be a killer
After a hug with Calista Kelly lets out a celebratory cheer.
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Deanna does not wake up feeling well. She gets dressed but can’t be bothered putting her contacts in today, glasses it is. She grabs some leftover cake and goes past Kelly and Aaron, barely taking them in.
Aaron: What’s wrong cara
Deanna: I have a horrible headache and feel like poop
Kelly: You mean you feel as bad on the inside as you look on the outside
Deanna: Probably
Kelly: No retaliation? *sighs* Just admit you don’t want me to have fun today
Deanna: You should be at school gremlin but you got in fights. Excuse me if I’m unimpressed
Kelly and Aaron head off while Deanna contemplates a nap rather than homework. What use are good grades if you’re dead?
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Kelly: Why am I seeing him
Aaron: Harvey said his son had a good time
Kelly: Pa no one has a good time at medical appointments
Aaron: *sighs* maybe not but he said it helped him, how’s that?
Kelly: Guess it’ll do. So long as he doesn’t try to un evil me
Aaron: Tell him about the trouble you’ve had in class
Kelly: Si pa
Aaron: And tell him your family support you being trans because he’ll want to know
Kelly: Si pa. Think you can stop telling me what to do now?
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Dr H: Kelly York?
Kelly: Yeah that’s me, this is my pa Aaron
Dr H: Nice to meet you. I’m Doctor Xander Hanks, the psychiatrist here. Will you be joining us Aaron?
Aaron: Kelly wanted to do this by herself if that’s okay
Dr H: Perfectly fine but I’d like to bring you in at the end to discuss next steps if that’s okay with Kelly
Kelly shrugs and walks herself into the office, choosing the couch that most faces the door. Dr Hanks sits down opposite her.
Dr H: Let me tell you a bit about myself. Following medical school I-
Kelly: Don’t care about you
Dr H: We can skip the pleasantries if you prefer
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Kelly: You talk weird
Dr H: Why don’t you tell me why you’re here today
Kelly: *shrugs and kicks foot* They kicked me out of school for a day
Dr H: They? Why did “they” do that?
Kelly: The principal got batpoop mad because I punched one kid and stomped on the foot of another, but they had it coming
Dr H: Do you often have trouble with your temper Kelly
Kelly: I’m a teen. You're a professional, don't you know we have trouble with everything
Dr H: Anything you’d care to share
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Kelly: Well ma and pa wanted me to come because…
Here she pauses. As hard as it was to tell Joey who loves her, telling a stranger is a harder task.
Dr H: Why don’t you tell me about why you got in the fights
Kelly sighs and tells him about Roger, the kid who teased her about her struggles in English class.
Dr H: Why did that upset you so much
Kelly: I don’t know. I can usually take a joke, I’m the first to make a joke after my friend Fergus. I guess… I was a bit worried he might be right. I survived middle school but now the words are longer and smaller and they can jam together sometimes in my head. But I’m not crazy!
Dr H: I wouldn’t call someone crazy Kelly. It is possible you have an undiagnosed learning disorder. I can send you to my colleague after this visit for an assessment if you’d like
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Kelly shrugs noncommittally and Dr Hanks continues.
Dr H: What about the stomped foot incident
Kelly: I was trying to talk to my best friend Anya about what she learned in health because they separate the class boy girl style. I was curious, I mean I’ve only heard a bit, and this other girl took offense at me learning because I was a boy so she complained loudly then I stomped on her foot. That just made her scream more
Dr H: Was she unaware you’re trans
Kelly: *defensively* How’d you know that
Dr H: Forgive me if I’ve overstepped. Your father used the pronoun her when he ushered you in-
Kelly: I know this outfit doesn’t exactly scream natural girl but…
Dr H: And you said you were a boy when the disagreement happened
Kelly: Oh…. Right, I did… Sorry. I’ve only just come out to my family it’s still... difficult
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Dr H: You have nothing to apologise for. I find the term “natural girl” to be unhelpful when talking about gender. If someone is the gender they were assigned at birth, they are cisgender. If they are not the gender they were assigned at birth, they are transgender. Have you heard that language before
Kelly: Here and there. I mean my friend’s older sibling is… oh shoot he did tell me the term…. Non something…
Dr H: Nonbinary?
Kelly: That’s it! So technically he, I mean they, are trans?
Dr H: *nods* You’ve got it. There are many ways to be female, just as there are many ways to be male, or both, or none. Was this why your parents wanted you to see me?
Kelly: Sort of. I mean I know I’m a girl but *sighs* I don’t know what to do about it. Transitioning just seems so big
Dr H: Maybe talking it out can make it a bit smaller huh
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The two discuss the situation a bit more and when Kelly feels ready Dr Hanks retrieves Aaron from reception.
Dr H: Your daughter certainly knows her own mind. You must be proud
Aaron: I am. She can be a handful but I am
Kelly: Being stubborn has benefits okay pa
Aaron: I know
Dr H: After this I’m going to send you to my colleague who will do a learning assessment on Kelly. She may benefit from additional academic support. We have discussed possible next steps for her identity as well
Aaron: What are they
Kelly: Basically the government is stupid and science hates me
Aaron: I’m sure that’s not true
Dr H: There are scientific debates about at what age we can start on hormones and other physical interventions. At the moment the youngest age for medical transition is 16
Kelly: But he says I don’t have to do that if I don’t want to, any changes I make will be up to me. I say who I am, I'm in charge
Aaron is glad to see Kelly smile at this.
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Dr H: There are many non-medical changes that can be made while she thinks about it. Kelly has already switched pronouns, she may want to change her name or her wardrobe. I’m going to refer her for therapy-
Kelly: He says I might get this thing called body dysmorphic disorder. Or anxiety, or depression or whatever
Dr H: Body dysmorphia can overlap with gender dysphoria so I like to make sure my trans patients have adequate support. I’ve prescribed some antidepressants which I think will be helpful as support during the transition period but I’d like to order some blood tests to make sure we don’t need to do any medical interventions yet
Aaron: What can me and her ma do
Dr H: Keep supporting her. She has expressed some anxiety about her personality traits. I would urge you and the rest of her family to remember her gender identity is not responsible for her personality or vice versa despite being a big part of who she is
Aaron: We can do that
The two get up to leave and Aaron is surprised when Kelly not only thanks the doctor but gives him a hug as well. Maybe her evil trait will be easier to balance with age.
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Results of today’s medical appointments. Kelly has dyslexia and body dysmorphic disorder. Sorry it was a bit long, I didn't want to cut her off mid session.
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zzzzzestforlife · 4 months
day 2 of 30 // if i cry just a little and laugh in the middle 🍓
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이 아침에 난 엄마에게서 신규 마늘 튀김 갈비 레시피 배우요. 그리고 난 내 가장 좋아한 라면 요리핬업니다 🍜 우리의 점심 너무 맛있어요! 😋 생각한 내일 난 내 머리 자르지 싶어요 💇‍♀️ (this morning i learned a new garlic fried ribs recipe from my mom. and i cooked my favorite ramen 🍜 our lunch was so delicious! 😋 i think tomorrow i want to cut my hair 💇‍♀️)
❤️ journalled because someone keeps repeatedly asking something of me that i already expressed non-positive emotions towards (i'm psyching myself up to give a firm "no" eventually, but i'm hoping they get the message before it comes to that)
🥰 arms and cardio workout today and i'm pooped but feeling the endorphins kick in is so worth it!!!
📝📝📝 focused on Japanese lessons today! i like theming my lessons this way, i feel it helps me focus better!
📚 i'm too weary to properly enjoy this book (All Creatures Great and Small), but i keep reading anyway because i believe i will get better!
🎧🎧🎧 Going Seventeen, CYZJ, and Kimono Mom episodes because i saw this post which reminded me that comprehensible input doesn't have to be entirely comprehensible to be educational!
❤️ meditate but it's really just me blasting my favorite music to drown out all thought and feeling 🙃
中文:早上从妈妈我学做蒜炸排骨。也我做我的最想啦面 🍜 我们的午饭很好吃!😋 明天我想剪我的头发 💇‍♀️
💌 日本語: 今日は好きじゃないです。。。今日私はとても心配したです。(i don't like today... today i was very anxious.)
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 2 years
나야 나!
produce 101/idol au hcs
these r really rudimentary thoughts so . do what u will with them
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rin does Not give a fuck about fanservice. he’s the type of edgy contestant that stares at the camera and goes “watch me,” and his fans eat that shit up.
producers will be BEGGING this boy to smile and do some finger hearts at the camera, and he grimaces instead saying smth like “why do i need cheap tricks to show my skill as an entertainer?” MF UR ON AN IDOL SURVIVAL SHOW
otoya, on the other hand, lives to suck up to his fans. always stops in the middle of going from place to place to sign people’s banners, phones, fans, etc… it takes him forever to get from one place to another because of that
he also strikes me as the kind of guy who has all the tea abt everyone in the idol industry?? if u ever upset him, you better pray that otoya doesn’t call up blue lock’s version of dispatch the moment he gets a second alone. bllk! dispatch wld be out of business if it wasnt for him feeding them crumbs of idol drama 💀
bachira is the idol that’s constantly spamming social media. it’ll be 3 am in the morning, and everyone’s notifications are going ham because he’s posting shit like “my guts are baja blasting 🤪🤪🤪” while going through his post-taco bell poop.
at the same time though, he’s probably the one that’s the most “genuine” on camera? he does whatever he wants, so he doesn’t feel a need to fake a parasocial relationship with fans or craft a work persona. this is both a managerial nightmare and a dream-come-true, but we fuck w it here
i also think bachira wld be a dancer btw
nagi livestreams all his gaming sessions. sometimes he’ll set up an among us room to play with his fans (cough nct taeyong cough). he falls asleep all the time whenever he isn’t actively performing, so fans will sometimes play “where’s waldo” with nagi whenever another member is filming stuff backstage.
he’s also RIPPED so like people will sometimes ask him to show his abs and he’ll be like :X before yanking his shirt up. he doesn’t get why people ogle over him, but hey, it gets his bills paid so who is he to complain
karasu’s a rapper. i think the visual of him leaning back in his studio while working on songs is sooooooo hot. bonus points if we get pictures of his hands n stuff
ok i Know rin technically is the first place and leader of bllk eleven, but for some reason, karasu gives me leader vibes? he’s trying to round all the boys up while they’re doing dumb shit and hes standing there like 🧍 mamas i do not get paid enough for this
hiori joins nagi in on gaming. he livestreamed him dying his hair once. it was just him, god, and his truckload of fans in a cramped ass bathroom while he wrapped his head in foil and sat on top of the toilet.
he’s also the one that gets the brightass neon hair each comeback. u know the song’s abt to slap when hiori shows up looking like the froot loops mascot 🗿
chigiri’s sister won’t quit airing out chigiri’s dirty laundry, and it drives him insane. it also drives him crazy when people thirst after his sister. also i think his fancams wld go the most viral just bc he’s very pretty, and i think he’d be fairly reasonable with fanservice
although he does get pretty snappy sometimes, so it’s a delicate balance finding what he’s in the mood for. the hair stylists love dressing him up since he’s one of the less fussy members (thanks to how much his sister used to dress him up when he was younger)
one out of the two visuals of the group (the other being aryu)
aryu practices english with his fans! he’ll attempt interviews, posts, and livestreams entirely in english to learn, and he’ll do his best to correct his mistakes :) everyone’s very supportive of him, even when he’s rambling about his latest hair styling tips in broken english and bits of japanese
also because he’s so fucking tall, he solos everyone whenever those idol sports competitions come around. his long limbs are lethal, and people will thirstpost about him violently. he’s also very fashion-forward, so he collaborates often with the styling team about the group’s concepts and outfits!
ISAGI’S THE MEOWMEOW OF THE GROUP!! he’s trying his hardest and always delivers. he’s also down horrendous for whatever noel noa is as an idol, and he’s practically begging for a collaboration every other tweet. poor boy nearly shits his pants whenever he sees noa at an awards shows or other big events
i’d also love to see him star as an mc on music shows?? he gives off the perfect zealous yet cutesy vibes to pull that off. he’s the perfect level of awkward to be endearing, and he’s always invited back because of how polite and hardworking he is :] he also def has a lot of gap moe between his self as an absolutely fucking feral performer who rips up the stage versus him being Just A Dude offstage
reo was a trainee w nagi! he practices by doing covers of other idols’ works (im trying rlly hard to incorporate his chameleon thing into the idolverse ok), and he’s really touched when trainees do covers of his songs and dances too! it shows him how far he’s come :]
he ties his hair up a lot, so fans beg him constantly to put it down! id like to think nagi once caught him on a livestream fresh out of a shower w nothing but a towel around his waist, and people went fucking NUTS over 1) seeing reo half naked all drenched w water and 2) finally seeing him without his little bun
reo is also a dancer in my heart (i am never wrong btw <3)
omg cld u imagine all the cute names u cld give to barou’s fans? the king and his loyal kingdom :] people also wld kill to see his hair down and ungelled, but he doesn’t like it bc it feels unruly so there’s some beef between his management and him over that
he got wrestled into a maid outfit once, but people loved it so much it became a key moment for the group. he doesnt mind it as much as people thought he would, but definitely wld prefer to dress up in other costumes for once. barou’s also an extremely talented performer, often shining the most when he gets solo performances over group collaborative ones.
niko is literally junji from onlyoneof 🧍he also strikes me as the kind of guy to rock eboy fashion? he absolutely eats up any dark concepts!! he kinda detests cute concepts, but unlike rin (who’ll throw hands w his management), niko kinda learns to grin and bear it
niko also composes his own songs! he’s a very self-made idol, and he’ll treat his fans to a snippet of his latest project every now and then (this is me trying to incorporate his special skills but idol version pt 2)! he’ll lock himself in his room for days on end during off seasons to compose, only coming out to use the bathroom and eat at ungodly hours. other members sometimes drop by to bring him snacks and water
gagamaru’s a lil . unhinged to say the least . he does mukbang streams every once in a while, and it gives his management a stroke when it goes viral because he ate everything using his hands. he’s getting good at using utensils regularly, but hey, if his fans wanna see him stuffing his face in the way that makes him happiest, then who is he to upset them?
gagamaru also solos everything on idol sports shows. whenever he’s on one of those wilderness survival shows, he comes back out looking just the same as he did going in, if not better. he’s also so flexible that it drives every dancer in the industry green with jealous that they can’t control their body like he does. he’s still very sweet and humble though, so no one can really hate him since he’s just a big hunky goofball that does what he wants :]
ok fr tho yukimiya still keeps up with his modeling on the side (kinda hc to be a model-turned-idol), so he sneaks in a lot of his sponsors’ clothes into his idol outfits! those kpop fashion accounts are always scrambling to identify the clothes he’s wearing
he also has one hell of a gap between performing and being off stage, and he’s so goddamn charismatic that it feels like he’s a completely different person when he’s on stage. like he’ll be all smiley and sweet, and then he’ll go fucking feral just like isagi that it’s hard to believe he’s normally a soft-spoken gentleman whenever the cameras aren’t on him.
ok now that ive talked abt the bllk eleven, extra hcs of idol au bllk that werent part of the main team
aiku gets into so many dating scandals that they dont even feel like a scandal anymore. everyone wakes up and is like “oh this is who he was fucking w this time” and moves on. good for him ig? at least he’s free on that end
sendou gets nervous talking to girl groups. he’s also really generous w fanservice and does gravure photoshoot bc he knows what its like to be a fan of them. good for him good for him!! go feed ur fans!!
sae def placed first on a previous season of bllk produce 101, which got rin inspired to become an idol. imagine the tension at awards shows OOF 💀 or the questions people post abt the brothers potentially collaborating for a comeback. sae also hates fanservice, but he goes out of his way to shut that shit down
kaiser is kpop’s ace!! there is nothing this bitch can’t do! he also refuses to cover up his tattoo and shows it off whenever he gets the chance. talks about wanting to get more in the future, but his management’s successfully keeping him restrained… for now.
ness wld be disturbingly good at cute concepts… it’s crazy how easily he can get people to fall for him with his easygoing charm, but the second people start talking smack abt smth he likes, he turns murderous. it’s always the adorable ones you need to watch out for. sometimes fans admit to liking him more than kaiser which usually throws him for a loop.
speaking of concepts, shidou devours dark concepts too! i feel like he’d make one hell of a vocalist, and he’s constantly hounding sae for a collab together. even his regular clothes are striking enough to be confused for a stage outfit, and he takes a lot of pride in keeping up his demonic aura (even though he lives for the thrill of performing more than anything else)
kunigami gives off such husband material vibes. baby gets invited to shows where he babysits kids, cares for pets, etc and everyone just ends up falling more in love with him. he’s so respectful about turning people down too like goddamn how is this boy real
nanase is 100% the maknae of the group. bonus points if he originally came from a nugu group that rose to a fair amt of popularity, and now he’s starstruck that he gets to interact w idols that he looked up to for so long
ego def used to be an idol before retiring and becoming a manager/head honcho behind blue lock’s produce 101. he hates the artificiality of idols and pushes the boys to become their own version of what they expect an idol to be like. hes also insane in this au too
anri is one of the biggest managers of the produce project! she’s the one behind the scenes, setting everything up! the boys are extremely grateful towards her, and she even has her own dedicated fanbase!
tokimitsu has bad stage fright, and his fans do their best to support him! they encourage him to do what makes him comfortable, and he promises to work hard to not let them down. he has one of (if not, the) strongest bond with his fans, and their interactions are super wholesome.
buratsuta is like jyp. hope this makes sense <3
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check out this sick edit of bllk produce btw
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ursulaap · 4 months
It's my baby
Warnings: pregnancy
No spoilers
Anyone want a part 3?
Part 2
Your pregnancy went really well.
The only thing you were sorry for was Ethan.
Not even him as your child will be without a father.
Yes, you decided to leave.
But you hoped and actually waited for a few months that he would call you.
He will want to connect with you.
He wished not.
You were suddenly alone.
But now you're sitting here watching your sweet little daughter sleep in your arms.
"I love you Jackie" you tell her and carefully place her in the crib.
The first time you managed it without waking her up again.
You feel like a winner.
You can't believe that you have been a mother for a month.
"I'm sorry daddy isn't here," you whisper and place a sloppy kiss on her forehead so you don't wake her up.
You stop between the doors and say towards her "I really wish he was here sometimes. But it's probably better this way, you don't have to put up with what you do."
you continue on your way as you finish the sentence.
You sit on the couch in the living room and think.
You pick up the phone and find Ethan's number in a rush of emotion.
- sent picture
hello, Y/N, a month ago, I'm actually writing to let you know that you had a daughter a month ago.
You turn off your phone and watch a program on TV.
The night was long, Jackie woke up to poop more than usual, but she never picked up the phone.
That's why you were surprised by a lot of news in the morning.
The next morning.
- I have a daughter and I will only find out now?
-Y/N don't you feel like I have a right to know more about her?
-You left pregnant and kept it a secret the whole time?
- I want to see her, I want to touch her.
This is going to be a long explanation, mind you.
But at the same time, the feeling that he is interested warms your heart.
You blame yourself that you should have done it a long time ago.
You could have sent him a photo when she was born.
Now you regret it.
-If you want, we can meet
-Give me the address.
On my way.
After 30 minutes your phone rings.
You tell Ethan to ring the bell and you wait by the doorbell to make sure it doesn't ring too long so it doesn't wake Jackie.
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