#I scared the crap out of my mom as I banged the kitchen table out of shock surprise and pure joy
emily-mooon · 9 months
GUYS GUYS GUYS!!!!!! (gn)
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The world has been healed.
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brandstifter-sys · 4 years
Grimm Day
Word Count: 1335            (Ao3)
Pairing: Dukexiety
Rating: T
Warnings: Misgendering, Food mention, attempted murder, swearing, curses
Dukexiety Week: Day 2 - Fairytale Virgil, a magically gifted sage, has a bad day, and upon visiting eir boyfriend, find out Remus had just as much of a shitstorm to deal with
Virgil was tired. Ey wasn't invited to the grand celebration but eir siblings were. If a king and queen could invite their entire kingdom and 12 sages with fae blood, they could handle inviting em! Ey didn't care about not having the same fancy dishes and silverware, or sitting with the dutchess instead! But to find out that ey wasn't invited while that party was going on? They were going to have a bad time.
Virgil walked through the forest, hiding eir purple hair and pointed ears under eir cloak's hood. Maybe cursing the princess was a little harsh, she was an infant and she didn't do anything wrong. But it wasn't a terrible curse, just a hundred years of sleep.
Ey still felt icky about it, and ey needed to get to the one person who could get em to calm down, in his own special way. Remus was a unique case, a half-human witch with a wily disposition. He was never one to flinch at some of the more harrowing tales Virgil had, most of them involving some fae pettiness and anger. He was good at relieving tension and he was a support to Virgil when ey needed him.
But as Virgil came upon the cottage, eir blood ran cold. The door was open with several bite marks littering it, and the same could be said for the walls. The candy decorations were torn away and missing, and ey didn't see any animals in the area.
"Remus!" Virgil shouted and ran into the house, letting eir hood fly off. Ey needed to be sure eir partner was okay.
The cottage was a disaster! The furniture had been gnawed beyond repair and there were bits of wallpaper, torn and chewed, littering the floor. Virgil hated seeing the mess but ey had to find Remus.
A loud bang came from the kitchen and got eir attention.
Ey hurried into the only room without any edible furniture and noticed two things that were particularly strange. There was a giant iron cage on the floor by the table, and the back door was open.
Another bang came from the oven. Virgil paled when they realized it was on. Ey hurried and opened the door, not sure what to expect, but certainly not what ey got!
Remus was fast asleep on the bottom of the oven, fire tickling his form. He kicked his leg out again, unaware that Virgil was even there.
Until the sage grabbed his ankle and yanked him out of there. Ey tossed him to the floor and closed the oven, turning it off.
"Oof!" he grunted and rubbed his side, "Why'd you wake me like that, Virge? I was comfy!" Remus whined.
"Because you were sleeping in an oven, an oven that uses your weird future-y magic."
"Yeah, what else was I supposed to do? I couldn't open it!"
"Then why were you in it in the first place!?"
"Oh, because kids are assholes! That's why I'm never gonna let any pop outta me!" Remus laughed and sat up, brushing off his flame-proof dress. Virgil slumped and skidded against the counter to the floor.
"What happened?" ey groaned. Remus brightened and shimmied.
"Story time!" he cheered, "So after you left I was studying my spells and I was really getting into it, and then I heard a loud crack outside. So I went to check it out. And there were these two kids eating the gingerbread from around the front door!"
"So that's why it looked like that, and I take it they trashed the living room too?"
"Yup!" Remus wiggled his mustache, "And to think, I let them in to give them some real food! I turned my back to see what I could offer and they ate my stuff! I was still gonna get them something to eat that wasn't my house, so to keep them from destroying the place I put them in that cage."
"And that was your first mistake."
"Nuh uh! I told them to wait and not eat my home but they didn't listen. And while I was warming up the oven to make some pot pies, since I have stuff for that they escaped! And then the little girl called me an ugly old hag lady and pushed me in!"
"Oh gods, Remus," Virgil gasped and grabbed his hand. Remus laced their fingers together and shrugged.
"I'm lucky mom was a dragon witch, and that I make for an ugly lady. I make a sexy man!"
"That you do. You make a sexy, sweet, warm, welcoming man who won't be mad at me for cursing a baby."
"You what!?" Remus gasped with a grin, "Details!" He was so excited, Virgil had to roll eir eyes.
"You know how I went to see Toby? Well turns out xe was at this big festival, invite only. The king in the next kingdom over was celebrating the birth of his daughter. Problem is, he invited everyone else in the order. Some human crap about the number thirteen. I was kinda pissed."
"Of course you were!" Remus gasped, "Out of all of them, the one they snubbed was you! You don't snub a magical being without incurring some rage!" Remus shook his head and crawled into Virgil's lap.
"So I showed up and was like, excuse me? And none of the others did anything to stop me or King Fat-Mouth. He said it was an invitation only event. The whole kingdom was there! Invitation my ass!" Virgil huffed and crossed eir arms.
"Are we talking about your ass now? Because I can go on about that beautiful booty!" Remus teased and wiggled his shoulders. Virgil rolled eir eyes and shook eir head.
"No, not right now. Anyway, he told me to leave and I wasn't welcome. I told him off," Virgil said with a hint of venom in eir voice.
"Like you should've!"
"And like all the others blessed the baby, right? So I gave my gift. It was so petty and so overdramatic. I cursed her to prick her finger on a spindle when she turns sixteen and then she'll fall asleep for a hundred years. But that wasn't enough. The whole kingdom gets to have some beauty rest too."
"When she wakes up she's gonna want answers. I can only imagine how pissed off she'll be at the king!" Remus giggled and clapped, "Ooh that is a great curse!"
"She's just a baby," Virgil huffed and wrapped eir arms around Remus.
"You didn't sign a death warrant, just extra sleep! It's not so bad! I think you need a good cuddle, some pot pie, and kisses before bed. You had a rough day."
"You got your house eaten and you got pushed in an oven, and the brat misgendered you! And you're saying I've had a rough day!" Virgil scoffed and held him closer.
"I mean I need those things too, but since I'm gonna be kissing and cuddling you, it works out. I also have to fix this cottage. Hey Scare Bear, do you think you could magic it back together?"
"If I do I can't promise I'll make it gingerbread. I could make this place a castle and you want gingerbread?"
"A castle, huh? That'd make me a king. If you make this place a castle, will you be my queen? Or whatever title you prefer. I'm not picky!"
"You're a king to me already," ey jeered and kissed his cheek, "And I'll be your regent, sure."
"Oh hush!" Remus snickered, "You just want to get me flustered and then I'll turn to goo and tell you how much I love you!"
"Would you do that if you weren't flustered?"
"I charge for that. One tongue tango for all the love I can give."
"Guess I should say it then, for free. I love you, so much, my dragon king," ey hummed and kissed his cheek. Remus flushed and snuggled closer.
"I love you too Scare Bear."
Yes, I went with “Hansel und Gretel” and “Dornröschen” instead of some classic princess stuff just for funsies
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fatandnerdy30 · 4 years
Hi mom!! I was wondering if maybe you'd write some spiderman into the spiderverse g/t? like maybe Peter B. and Miles' universes are different sizes and Miles is v very smol 👉👈
Yes I can! And I did! I hope you like it!
"No!" Miles was being sucked into the glitching tunnel, shooting a web to grab onto something, but it was impossible. Every web he shot was broken a moment later by the force. He was too late to reach the lever to turn it off, and he was getting closer and closer until finally, he watched Kingpin waving with a sick grin on his face as Miles was pulled into the light screaming.
And popped out screaming, his senses screaming at him that he was in danger. 'No duh!' he thought in a panic. 
Suddenly a shadow fell over him and Miles reached out for it, shooting a web and attaching to it, thinking it was a building. But he thought differently as he got closer and felt heat radiating off it, and when he slammed into the side of it, he expected to hit glass, not something squishy.
"Miles!?" Peter's voice rang around the boy and with a gasp, said boy looked around for his mentor, but he was too high up to see anyone. So how could Peter have spoken to him? And why was it so loud?
"Peter? Where are you?" His arms were getting tired so he let the webbing go. He was expecting it to stay in the same place, but it seemed to fall...or rather, Miles was rising. "What the hell!?" he cried and grabbed onto the moving building. Suddenly, it wasn't sky he was looking at. It was a face...a gigantic face! 
"Miles, what are you doing here!?" Peter's voice came from the face that was in front of Miles. The boy was confused, scared and just a bit terrified as his mind blared he was in danger louder than it ever had since he'd gotten these powers. "Hello? Miles?" Another shadow fell over the boy and he cried out, jumping from whatever he was holding onto, shooting out a web, but this Peter giant was too big and he was too far, none of his webs would reach.
"Holy crap!" The black-suited boy was flailing his arms, staring up at Peter with fright and pleading in his eyes. He didn't wanna die like this! Then, out of nowhere, giant Peter moved and the boy found himself landing on something soft and bouncing a few times before finally stopping. He tensed a moment before falling on his back, pulling his mask off, because this must be a dream and took a deep breath. "I thought I was gonna die!" he laughed.
"I thought that too," Peter said and Miles felt himself being lifted and turned his head to see fingers towering over him, curling a bit almost like a living cage. The boy shot up and moved, but out of nowhere another hand closed over him, trapping him in dark heat. "None of that," Peter's voice rang around him as Miles felt himself being lifted anymore. "Let's get you somewhere safe and then we'll talk." 
Miles felt himself being moved and saw the light for a moment before he was dumped into a brown hammock-like fabric that definitely wasn't a pocket. He felt each one of his mentor's footsteps as he walked through the bustling streets, the voices around Miles were loud and obnoxious, but also terrifying by the sheer volume. The boy sat down and pulled his knees to his chest, hiding his face in them. He was gonna get Kingpin for this.
Finally, Peter made his way home, sighing as he leaned against the elevator door. He was running an errand when he heard a tiny scream that sounded too familiar and looked up to see Miles falling from the damn sky! He wasn't expecting this to happen today. He'd said his goodbyes a year ago and never expected to see the kid again after going to his realm. Peter hadn't been comfortable being stuffed into a body too small for him and was glad when he came home. 
But, this caused another problem altogether. He unlocked his apartment and rushed inside, all but slamming the door. "Hey there, tiger." MJ's voice came from the kitchen as she banged a few pots around. "Did you get the eggs?" She poked her head out and instantly went on alert, pulling out her communicator. "Should I call them?"
Peter shook his head and dragged his hands down his face. "No. It's not anything bad...I mean, it's bad, but not world-ending bad." He took his coat off with care and draped it over the hook, reaching into the pocket. "Come on...Miles, cooperate with me!" Finally, he grabbed the boy who was dodging his fingers and was able to pull him up, keeping the boy in his fist. "We have another problem." 
He sat on the couch and slowly opened his hand over the coffee table, a small object falling with a tiny 'oof'."What is that?" Mary-jane sat next to him and peered down at Miles who turned to look at her with terror-filled curiosity. Her eyes lit up. "He's adorable!" she tucked her red hair behind her ears and lowered her hand to Miles, sticking out her pointer finger. "I'm MJ," she introduced herself. 
Miles looked at the huge finger in front of him and blushed at the pretty giant in front of him. "M-Miles." Reaching out, he grabbed the woman's finger and shook it. But when she pulled away, he came with her, his fingers sticking to her skin. "Oh! S-sorry, sorry....I um...I haven't learned to control it when I'm nervous," he said with a shy laugh. 
"Stop hitting on my girlfriend and tell me why you're here. How did you get here?" Peter poked the tiny boy in the stomach, grinning as he doubled over and glared up at the giant. 
"I was fighting with Kingpin when he shoved me in a room and the doors locked...that's when he opened the glitch where you came from a year ago. I didn't even know he still had that technology! I was so scared!" He shivered. "And now, I'm stuck here." He sat on the table heavily, bringing his knees up to his chest and rocking. "I just wanna go home, man! I never asked to come here!"
Peter nodded. "I understand...but until we can figure this out, let's get some food, huh?" He put his hand down on the table next to Miles and smiled at him. This was gonna be tough...
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fandomfanfics12 · 4 years
10,000 Hours-Part 2
Title: 10,000 hours Pairings: Steve x Tony Warnings: swearing, fluff, angst, slowburn. Summary: Tony’s a hotshot lawyer in upstate New York. Steve’s a single father in a small town out in North Carolina. When Tony’s law firm suggests he takes a year off after his Uncle Jarvis passes, Tony and Steve’s lives entangle themselves together. But their time together is limited, and their lives are so different that it may be impossible to ever make it work. A/N: lol i didn’t mean for this to be so long, hope you like it.
Part 1
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When Steve stepped inside the house, there was a faint smile on his lips. Peter was sitting in the living room, hands clasped together and forearms on knees.
“Pete?” Steve asked and Peter’s head shot up.
“Where have you been?” he asked and his eyes roamed over Steve’s body.
“I’m okay kid, I promise.” His eyes landed on Steve’s hand and Peter swore.
“fucking hell dad.”
“Language.” Peter glared at Steve even as he went to go get an ice pack.
“What happened?” he asked and Steve shook his head.
“it’s not a big deal, don’t worry about it.” Steve promised and Peter scowled.
“I wouldn’t have to worry about it if it hadn’t have happened in the first place.” A wave of guilt washed over Steve.
“I’m sorry.” Steve whispered and Peter’s face softened. He sighed and shook his head, clearing his thoughts. Peter put the icepack against Steve’s swollen hand and Steve couldn’t stop the flinch.
“Hold that on there.” Peter told him and Steve nodded.
“I really am sorry Pete.” Peter rolled his eyes and Steve felt even guiltier. Peter shouldn’t have to feel like this-Steve was the adult here. He was the parent and he had to get his shit together.
“was it necessary?” Peter asked quietly, unable to meet Steve’s eyes.
“They were insulting you and your mom.” Peter inhaled sharply and nodded.
“If it’s about me, I want you to walk away. Okay?” Peter looked up and met Steve’s gaze and Steve nodded.
“But I forgive you for hitting the guy about saying shit about mom.”
“language.” Peter rose a brow.
“are you really going to lecture me about language right now?” there was a lightness to Peter’s tone that made Steve feel better.
“how’d it go with your friends?” Peter flopped down on the couch and Steve opened up the fridge, looking for some food.
“Fine. Who was the guy you were talking to?” Steve’s hand stilled in the fridge, he hadn’t realised that Peter had been watching them.
“He’s our new neighbour.” Steve said and glanced to his son who had risen his brows.
“He’s moving into Jarvis’” Steve nodded.
“yeah, he’s Jarvis’ nephew apparently.” Peter nodded and looked back to the muted tv.
“Motel is on the other side of town.”
“Have you looked at Jarvis’ house lately?” Peter asked and Steve frowned. He hadn’t paid much attention to the overtly large house. But it had been years since anyone had actually lived inside the place.
“so it’s a bit dusty?” Peter snorted and Steve sighed.
“the whole place is a mess. I wouldn’t want to be staying there.”
“What are you getting at Peter?” Steve was tired and still a little drunk and his brain wasn’t up to the job of picking up on Peter’s cryptic messages.
“I’m saying you should go over there and offer him our couch. After all, his uncle did just die and now he has to stay in that creepy house. But that’s just my opinion.” But by the tone of his voice, Peter wasn’t suggesting it to Steve. He was telling Steve.
“Petey I just want to go to bed.”
“And I’m sure the next door neighbour wants to go to sleep too. Best you go over.” Steve didn’t want to fight with Peter so he nodded.
“fine, I’ll offer up the couch, but he might say no.” and then Steve was grabbing his keys and heading over to Jarvis’ house. He was sure if he was sober he would have fought harder to not invite the stranger into the house. But his intoxicated brain figured that it was alright so before Steve knew it, he was on the creaking and old rotted porch, knocking on the big ancient door. Twenty seconds passed before Tony opened it.
“Steve?” Tony had a bat held tightly in his hands and Steve raised a brow.
“What’s that for?” he asked as Tony put the weapon down.
“you scared the crap out of me, what’s up?” Maybe Peter had a point, maybe this house was bad for Tony, at least for the time being.
“My son, Peter, he insisted on me inviting you over for the night. says that this house is old and falling down and it’s not safe for you to stay here. So I’m here to offer up my couch. That is, if you want it.”
“Yes.” Tony said a little too quickly.
“Oh. Okay then.” Steve hadn’t expected tony to agree, he’d thought that the man standing in front of him was going to laugh and tell him he was drunk and then send Steve on his way back home.
“Okay well, do you need a hand taking anything over to the house or…” Steve trailed off as Tony walked away. A few moments later he returned with nothing more than a phone and his keys.
“I can come back here in the morning.” Tony said and Steve nodded. He moved aside and Tony stepped out, shut the door and locked it.
Tony knew he had been a little too quick to answer. But the offer to get out of this shit hole monster house was too good to refuse. It was clear to tony that Steve didn’t actually expect him to agree but he was the one that had offered. They walked back to Steve’s house in silence, neither sure on what to say. When they reached the front door, Steve scratched the back of his head nervously.
“Well this is me.” Steve said and opened his front door. Tony stepped inside the well-lit house and found a scrawny teenager sprawled out on a leather couch.
“Hey you must be the neighbour, I’m Peter.” The kid said, smiling and flicking through the channels.
“Tony.” Tony said and peter sat up, turning off the tv in the end. Peter gave Tony a once over and nodded approvingly.
“I’m going to go to bed, I got an early start tomorrow-group project.” He stood up and hugged Steve who hugged him back tightly. There was an exchange of words but Tony didn’t hear them and then Peter was heading upstairs off to his bedroom.
“Cute kid.” Tony found himself saying and Steve let out a nervous chuckle.
“Thanks, sorry the place is a bit of a mess.” there was one glass of water sitting on a side table, other than that the place appeared to be spotless.
“Right.” Tony said and sat down on the couch, suddenly filled with nerves. Was he insane? He’d only just met this guy and even though Steve was friendly and had been at the funeral, he’d also started a bar fight.
“I should probably get some sleep too, blankets and pillows are in that cupboard,” Steve pointed and Tony nodded, stilly surveying the room. “so umm…goodnight.” Tony settled his eyes back on Steve’s nervous form.
“thanks for letting me crash here. And, uh, goodnight.” Steve nodded and then also headed up the stairs, leaving Tony alone. He took a deep and steadying breath, finally he’d be able to sleep. The last few nights had been restless, he was convinced a haunted ghost was about to appear at any moment and murder him back in uncle J’s house. So Tony took off his shoes and settled into the ridiculously comfortable couch. In the summer heat, he didn’t exactly need a blanket and so Tony just drifted off into a peaceful and dreamless sleep.
When he woke up, it was to the sound of pots and pans banging about. Tony jolted awake, heart hammering inside of his chest, and mind foggy. He remembered Steve the neighbour, who had gotten into a barfight, and whom Tony had walked home with and where Tony had spent the night. he’d slept on a couch. With a faint smile, Tony wondered what Pepper would say if she saw him right now, sleeping on a stranger’s couch. Tony stood up and slowly, nervously, meandered into the kitchen. There he found a flawless dance executed between Steve and his son as they moved around one another, preparing breakfast.
“Morning.” Steve said as he ducked, Peter lifting a hot pan over Steve’s head.
“Morning?” it came out like a question and Tony’s head tilted to the side. Were they making pancakes?
“Sorry if we woke you sir.” Peter said and Tony shook his head.
“Thanks for letting me crash for the night.” Tony said and Steve shrugged.
“It was nothing, really.” And then there was a knock at the door.
“I’ve got it.” Peter put down the pan and darted past Tony, Steve turned down the heat on the stove.
“Sleep well?” he asked and Tony nodded his head.
“Yeah, you?” Steve nodded his head and looked down at the attempt of a pancake, watching as the bubbles rose up through the batter.
“Dad!” Peter called and Steve glanced at Tony then made his way to the front door. Tony moved closer, he knew it was bad to eavesdrop but he couldn’t help himself-he was curious.
“Officer Romanoff, what can I do for you?”
“Hey Steve, I need to talk to you about something, privately.” There was a silence and then Peter walked into the kitchen. He didn’t even judge Tony for eavesdropping, simply stood beside him and also listened in.
“What’s this about Nat?” Steve seemed nervous, his voice shook a little and Tony’s heart clenched at the sound. This couldn’t be good then.
“Benny’s pressing charges for assault.”
“Shit.” Tony risked a glance at Peter who had gone awfully pale, Tony wondered if the kid would faint.
“You’re a friend so I’m going to try and talk him down, but if this goes to court then…” she trailed off and Tony wondered what she meant.
“I’ll lose Peter.” Tony’s eyes widened and Peter sat down on the floor, leaning his back against a kitchen cabinet.
“I’d suggest you get yourself a lawyer.”
“You know I can’t afford that.” His voice had gone up a few notches, but there was an opportunity too good to resist right in front of him. Tony would at the very least be able to get some work done. He could prove to Pepper and his father that he was a good person, working pro-bono to help his poor neighbour keep his kid. Before Tony could really think about it, he stepped out into the living room. The woman was shorter than Tony had expected, her red hair tied back in a bun.
“I’ll do it.” Tony said and they turned to look at him.
“What?” Steve asked and Tony scratched the back of his head sheepishly as nerves overtook him. Was he overstepping his boundaries?
“I’m a lawyer, I’ll help you out.” Tony said and the woman-Nat-rose her brows.
Steve felt incredibly embarrassed. Here he was, getting charged with assault and his new next door neighbour knew all about it. had seen the incident he was being charged for, and now knew that Steve was at risk of losing Peter. He wondered if Peter had heard, if he knew how bad Steve had fucked up this time. Probable. God, Steve had totally fucked up.
“You don’t have to-“ Tony waved an arm, shaking his head.
“It’s fine Steve, I’ll take the case.” Natasha raised an eyebrow and then shrugged.
“Okay, well I’ll need the two of you to come down to the station some time today, as I assume you’ll want your lawyer present for your statement?” Steve frowned but Tony nodded.
“Absolutely, we’ll head down right after breakfast.” Tony said and Natasha nodded once before leaving. Steve turned to Tony, nausea rolling through him. He was going to be late to work, his boss would be fuming.
“You don’t have to do this.” Steve told him, even though he knew he needed the help. Where was he going to find the money for a lawyer?
“Don’t mention it, you gave me a place to crash and you came to my uncle’s funeral. That’s more than anyone here has done for me.” Tony said and Steve nodded, but he needed to knew how much this favour of Tony’s was going to cost him.
“How much is this going to cost me?” he asked, looking down at his bare feet on the floorboards.
“Cost you?” Tony asked and Steve nodded. God, Peter would never forgive him for this. as soon as Tony was out the door, Steve knew that Peter would yell at him. And Peter shouldn’t have to do that, Steve should be a better father, yet he was so messed up that some days he struggled to get out of bed. Peter deserved better, Steve knew that. Maybe it was better if Peter went to live with someone else. To be separated would kill Steve, but it would be better for Peter.
“You have to make money right, so how much is this favour of yours going to cost?” He looked up and he met Tony’s brown eyes. Wide and full of shock and…pity. Steve hated pity, it was a look he was used to seeing. When his wife died, everyone had that look, the casserole dishes had been stacked high on his porch-Steve had donated them all to a food bank. People still looked at him with pity. Steve used to be well off, but when his wife had been diagnosed with breast cancer-the hospital bills had turned into debt and now Steve was left with Peter, a mortgage, a never ending debt pile and looks of pity.
“I’m doing it for free Steve, no charge necessary.” Steve shook his head, it was too good to be true.
“Is it because Peter’s here, because I don’t keep secrets from him. How much will this cost?” Steve wanted to negotiate a payment plan, it was the only way he’d be able to keep the house.
“You’ve been nothing but kind and like I said, you went to uncle J’s funeral, that means more than I can express. Plus, you gave me a couch to sleep on so I didn’t have to sleep in uncle J’s creepy haunted house, I’m doing this for free. No catch.” Steve’s body visibly relaxed and he nodded.
“Okay, thank you. really, I can’t tell you how much this means for Peter and I. and consider the couch yours, until Jarvis’ house is fixed up. I can help you fix it up too, I’m really good with my hands.” At that Tony raised a brow and Steve felt himself blush.
“Alright, I’ll take you up on that offer then.” And then Tony walked back into the kitchen like Steve hadn’t just been a blabbering idiot.
Tony knew that even though he’d accepted Steve’s offer, he couldn’t actually follow through. Maybe a night or two more sleeping on that couch, but no more than that. Steve was Tony’s client now, and Tony had to respect boundaries-no matter how comfortable they may be. And the couch truly was comfortable, the whole house was comfortable, homey. It was something Tony had never really believed in before. That someone could take some walls and floors and turn it into a home. Tony had never had that. And he sort of felt like he’d missed out some how.
Which was why it was so important to Tony that Peter stayed with Steve, there was no guarantee that whoever he went to would have a home waiting for him, it could just be a house. So Tony had Steve make his statement and then sent Steve on his way to work. Tony walked around the small town for a little while, not wanting to make the phone call he was about to make. But evidently, he needed her help-so Tony called Pepper.
“Tony we’ve gone over this, I’m not letting you fly out of there.” Pepper said in an exasperated tone and Tony rolled his eyes.
“How’d Banner do?” Tony asked, nerves laced his tone.
“fine?” Tony asked and he could picture the blonde rolling her eyes.
“it went well Tony, there’s still a long way to go. what do you want?” to listen to a familiar voice, to not be a stranger in this town. To know if he was doing the right thing.
“I’m working a case.” At that, Pepper sighed.
“Tony you’re meant to be taking time off. Your uncle just died-you’re not in the right head space to be working right now.” Tony shook his head.
“No Pep you don’t understand, i’m fine. But this guy is my neighbour and he’s being charged with assault and they’re going to take away his son and-“
“Slow down Tony.” She said and he took a steadying breath.
“His name is Steve.”
“Okay, and?”
“And I want to help him, but dad can’t find out, alright?” Pepper sighed.
“I don’t like lying to your father Tony.”
“I know Pep, but Steve’s a really nice guy and he’s a single father and he really needs the help.”
“Wow, barely gone a week and you’ve gone soft already.” She mused and Tony rolled his eyes.
“Please just say you’ll help me. if he knows he’ll come down and ruin it. we both know that.”
“That’s because you’re not supposed to be working Tony.”
“It’s one case Pepper. That hardly counts as work, and it’s not like I’ve signed up for a murder trial, it’s just an assault charge.”
“should he be keeping his kid if he’s charged with assault?” Tony thought of the synchronised dance that Steve and Peter had performed whilst making breakfast. How in sync they’d been, Steve could never hurt Peter.
“I’ve got a good feeling about them.” Tony said instead and she sighed.
“okay fine, but you better be behaving Tony. Don’t make me come out there to clean up your mess.” and with that, Pepper hung up. Tony shoved his phone into his pocket and let out a sigh of relief. And then he spotted the hardware store. No time like the present. He thought as he crossed the road to get supplies. The sooner he fixed up Jarvis’ house, the sooner Tony could get off of Steve’s couch.
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letarasstuff · 5 years
What makes you beautiful
Author’s note: So yeah, this is my first fanfiction here on tumblr. I hope you enjoy it :)
Summary: Lea is an intern at the Jeffersonian. She meets Finn Abernathy and makes friends with him really fast. But what happens, when she realizes, how wrong she is treated by her boyfriend?
Warnings: Abusive boyfriend, so don’t read it, when you are sensitive to this subject. Language, i think? And bad grammar, English isn’t my first language, so please tell me any errors in it!
3211 words, I am sorry
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As a kid, whose parents often fought before they got a divorce, you learn to be scared of seeing other people argue or having an argument yourself.
Now I am a teenager working as an intern, or squintern as Booth likes to call us, at the Jeffersonian. I visit my mother every two weeks for a weekend in Maryland.
So being someone, who despises fighting, your worst ‘enemy’ are relationships. Like, when your partner does things, leaving their socks and underwear all over the house for example, you tell them to stop that in a gentle way to avoid any confrontation.
Maybe you are lucky and your significant other stops leaving their crap everywhere. I wasn't that lucky. My boyfriend screamed at me, saying I only want to change him and that I was invading his private space. From now on every time I ask him to do something nicely, he lashes out on my.
Sometimes, when he is angry or pissed already, Leo slaps or kicks me. I know, it sounds stupid to not break up with him, but I love him and he loves me. We are a good team. I do the chores as soon I get home from school or the Jeffersonian and he teaches me to be the best version of myself.
After a rather exhausting day at school, I am called by Dr Brennan to assist her on a case. It’s an investigation from the FBI. The victim was found in a burnt down warehouse. Now they need us to confirm or to deny, if it is a murder or not in order to do further searches.
After sliding my badge down the security check I go on the platform. I’m greeted by Angela immediately. “Hey Sweetie. Nice to see you. I hope you are still in school”, says she and gives me a hug. Laughing I respond: “No, I didn’t drop out since the last time we saw each other, that was like three days ago?”
Then I put on some latex gloves and bid a “Hello Dr Brennan” to my mentor.
But there is also someone I don’t know yet. “Hello Miss Smith. I’m glad you could make it. This is Mr Finn Abernathy, another intern. I need both of your opinions on this case. The corpse is burnt down to the bone and any evidence is most certainly destroyed. I am not sure if we can find anything at all.”
Then Dr B turns to the guy with the baseball cap, which has the Jeffersonian logo on it, and introduces me: “This is Lea Smith. Although she is still in school and only 17 years old, she has a magnificent knowledge on anthropology.” With a kind smile Finn sticks his hand out for me and speaks: “Good day, Miss Smith. It’s really a pleasure to meet you.”
Well the boy got quite a nice accent. “Why thank you. I really look forward to work with you, Mr Abernathy. Also please call me Lea. I’m barely 17 years old and it's making me feel like I'm at least 30.” Before he has the chance to answer our mentor interferes. After all we got a case to solve!
After many hours of running tests and examining bones, Dr Brennan sent me home. Thankful I say goodbye to everyone just wanting to get finally home.
“How do you get home?” asks Finn concerned. “I take the next bus. We are in Washington DC. Here comes the bus to my neighborhood every 20 minutes in the night”, I answer. Shaking his head he begins to peel himself out of the blue jacket. “There is no way I let you go all by yourself. We are in Washington DC. A young good looking lady like you are as safe as my money in 2009. I drive you home.”
After a while sitting in uncomfortable silence Finn speaks up: “So you are still going to school? Isn’t it a bit too stressful? I mean, Dr B has some tough standards. But at the same time your grates aren’t allowed to drop, are they?”
Looking down to my fidgeting fingers in my lap I answer: “Well a part-time job as a waitress would be much easier. But I need a place, where I have to use my knowledge and mind. It’s like a big puzzle you have to solve. Everywhere are pieces, you just have to find them. Also school is quite easy for me. My biggest problem actually is time. Now it’s 2 a.m. and I have to finish an essay for English in seven hours. So sleep is a sweet thing I have to treasure like a pirate a golden coin, Mr Abernathy.” “That was well said”, he smiles, ”And please call me Finn. It feels off for me to be called Mr by someone, who just told me to stop calling them Miss.”
Now, that the ice is broken, we talk about everything and nothing actually. 20 minutes later we are at my apartment complex. While getting my seat belt off, I turn to my new coworker: “Well thank you for driving me out here. You really didn’t have to do this.” He just waves it off: “I insist. It was really a pleasure talking to you. So go and finish that essay. It’s going to be as amazing as you. And please go to bed as soon as possible. We all need a good
sleep, even you. Sleep tight!” After an awkward hug like thing I step out of the car and open the door to go to my apartment. Before I close the door I wave Finn goodbye.
With a huge smile plastered on my face I open the door to my sweet home. It’s a cozy little apartment I share with my boyfriend. After my parent’s divorce I moved in here with my dad, while my mom went to her new girlfriend in Maryland. When I was 16 my dad wanted us to move back to Germany. He and mom originally are from there. But I wasn’t too pleased with his decision. I had a job as an intern for THE Dr Brennan, a nice school, a few friends and my boyfriend here in the US. In the end he moved out and my boyfriend in. So I kinda life on my own, the big dream of every teenage girl.
Trying to avoid any loud noises I tiptoe in the kitchen. After closing the door silently, I turn on the light. Then I see Leo, my beloved boyfriend, sitting at the table with a cup of coffee. He looks beyond pissed.
“Where were you for fucks sake?!” he asks. Every syllable is pure anger and hatred. That will not end good for me.
“i-i-i was at the lab. Th-they n-needed me for a c-case.” My whole body is shaking in fear. While getting up Leo nearly screams: “And what were you thinking, when you didn’t say something about that to me? I was worried sick!”
Suddenly he pushes me. I fall on the floor, my head banging against the table leg. Leo grabs my hair, throwing my head up violently. I try not to cry.
“I-I am s-sor-sorry”, I sob. But the man just snorts: “I don’t believe that. You know, I don’t want to punish you. But if you wanna be the best version of yourself you have to learn from your mistakes.” With that he slaps my the face and let go of my hair. Forcefully I meet the cold white tiles of the kitchen floor. Then my boyfriend goes away. I hear his footsteps in the hallway and a door opening and closing. He is in the bedroom now.
A tear slips from my eyes finding its way my cheek down. My head is pounding. A few minutes later I get up carefully. Everything spins for a few seconds, but I regain my composure and get my backpack from the hallway. With a massive headache and a hurting heart I finish this essay.
It’s needless to say, that I didn’t get much sleep last night. When my homework was finally done, I had to think about the things I did wrong. Leo’s punishment has to be a lesson for me, therefore I have to analyze my behavior and do it better next time.
While sitting alone in the cafeteria during lunchtime eating an apple, my phone rings: “Smith” “Hello Miss Smith. It’s Dr Brennan. We have a new lead on the victim’s identity. Please come to the Jeffersonian as soon as possible.” Oh well, seems like my next free afternoon isn’t going to be today.
After the conversation with my kind of boss ended, I call Leo. “Hey Sweetheart”, he greets me.
I love this boy so much. “Hey Baby”, I answer breathlessly, “I just wanted to let you know, that I have to go to work right after school again today.” Anxiously I wait for his opinion. “Okay, Sweetheart. But make sure you are home by 10.” Happily I thank him.
A few awfully long periods later I finally am able to leave the hell called school. Not much later I arrive at the Jeffersonian.
“There you are”, Dr Brennan says when I get on the platform. “I’m sorry, but I had a quiz in sixth period.” Then we continue our destiny.
Yes, working with dead bodies is a destiny in my opinion. You have to be born to be able to do this. You must be prepared for anything mentally.
“Hey, I’m sorry I’m late. My granny needed help with her computer, stating she deleted the internet. It’s a lot more difficult to calm down an 80 year old woman than a bag full of puppies”, explains Finn himself.
Dr B nods: “It’s okay, Mr Abernathy. Family is more important than anything else. Please watch it that this doesn’t get to be a routine. You aren’t getting paid for nothing.” Finn takes this advice with gratitude.
“Hey Lea. How went the essay?” he asks me while putting latex gloves on. With a genuine smile I answer: “Thank you for asking. My teacher was very pleased with the presentation of the main problems from George Orwell’s 1984.” My coworker responds with a: “I’m happy to hear that.”
Suddenly I feel like I’ve been struck with a lighting. “I have an idea!” And then I’m on my way off of the platform to Hodgins’ lab.
“Hey Little One! Long time no see, he?” he greets me. I say: “Hello Bug Man! Can you do me a favor?”
Half an hour later Brennan and Booth are out to get the suspect. While waiting for news I sit in the lounge doing my homework. You gotta take every chance you get to do them.
“Oh, what’s that?” Startled by a voice I turn around. “Oh, it’s just you, Finn. Sorry, I’m a very jumpy person”, I explain myself after being reassured, that this voice is from someone, who isn’t going to hurt me. Then I look at what I wrote.
“Oh, that’s just for biology. It’s not that difficult, just something with osmosis and so.” “That’s not what I meant. It makes no sense to me. It isn’t English, is it?” he asks interested.
Then I know Finn is talking about: “Ah, it’s some good old German. I was born in Boston though. My parents moved to the US like 25 years ago. So I still learned their mother tongue. It’s quite important to them that I don’t forget their origin. And now I’m writing this paper in German at first for my mother. Her vocabulary isn’t good enough in specific areas, her knowledge on the other hand is very impressive. So I let her read it and then translate the whole thing in English, her notes indeed.”
The young man has a look of astonishment on his face. “Wow. That’s so cool. Maybe you can teach me some German and something about the culture over there. I can pay you back in showing how to speak with the coolest southern accent the world has ever witnessed!” “Well, hack my legs off and call my shorty. We have a deal!”
Weeks go by and Finn and I become great friends. We tell each other almost everything. He even visits me in school or waits for me so we can do something afterwards. Leo never does something like this with me.
We know each other like the back of our hands. There is one thing I don’t tell Finn though: What happens in my apartment.
Slowly but surely I realize that everything, that is going on in there, is wrong. When my now best friend told me about his past, especially his stepfather, I began to think.
Finn shows me on so many ways, that imperfection is that, what makes you beautiful. He makes me believe I’m already enough. And when I make a mistake, it’s fine. That’s what makes all of us human.
When I finally conclude this construct of beauty, I lay awake next to Leo. I already feel the bruises forming on my body. In this night I don’t get a wink of sleep.
Now that I know the “truth”, I am embarrassed. How dumb am I? Thinking that this guy loves me and keeps hurting me to make me perfect is nuts. It is paradox.
But am I too deep in this mess to get out? Isn’t it too late now? Is this how I am going to live until I am gray and old? Do I want that?
The next few days I distance myself from everyone. I try to spend as little time as possible at the Jeffersonian by saying that I have too much school work or I am sick. Right now I am too ashamed to look anybody in the eyes there. I’m considered as a genius, but I am too stupid to figure out something so simple sooner?
It’s like the third week in a row, that I bailed out on Dr Brennan with the excuse, that I’m sick. This time it isn’t even a lie. My dear boyfriend thought I don’t give him enough attention. So he locked me out on the balcony in the middle of winter. Now I have a fever of like 39° C (102,2° F for you Americans), a massive headache and the worst cold I ever experienced in my short life in general.
Now the 20 years old man is at work, where he has to watch over the same machines on a monitor. So it’s nothing exhausting he is doing for a living. That is why I’m confused when the doorbell rings. I abandon my project for history and open the door. Before I get the chance to register who it is, I have to sneeze. “Oh well, that is a nice greeting. God shall bless you and your poor soul”, says Finn with a look of pity on his face.
“Haha, thank you, Dork. Come in or else I freeze my guts off out here.” I lead him into my apartment. Then I realize something. “May you excuse me, now the nice warmth is gone and I need a hoodie. This way goes to the kitchen. Make yourself comfortable.” And then I bolt for the bedroom.
Now see, I didn’t expect any visits from anyone. So I can go around my habitat without worrying about my bruises. When I’m out I make sure to cover them somehow.
Dressed in a Jeffersonian sweatshirt I go back into the kitchen. When my coworker sees me, he smiles: “Oh there you are. Hold on, is that mine?” With a blush on my face I scratch my neck and respond: “Maybe? I can’t help it, but it’s really comfy.” I finish with a shrug.
Laughing Finn assures me, that I am allowed to keep it. He wanted to ask Cam for a new one anyway. “But my visit actually has another reason than just checking up on you”, the young man tells me while I prepare a cup of tea for the both of us. “And the real reason may be what?” I want to know curiously. Sighing Finn explains: “You distant yourself from us. I thought it was only me, who had this feeling. But yesterday I talked about it with the whole team. Booth misses the ‘only other normal person in the lab’. Cam and Hodgins think, that something bad happened and are so close to emerge into that door to get you out of an emergency. Sweets tells us all the time, that you shut yourself out and that this means nothing good. Angela is ready to kick someone’s ass, if they hurt you. Even Dr B is in need of your comments and ideas while working. We all are worried about you. Please let us finally know what the hell is happening. Why aren’t you answering any of our phone calls? Why aren’t you showing up at the Jeffersonian? You are needed there. Without your person the whole lab is kind of unbalanced like a drunk man on his way home from a pub.” His eyes looks pleadingly into mine.
I couldn’t answer any calls, because Leo has my phone. In his pure rage of not getting enough attention, he took my phone and isn’t willing to give it back to me any time soon.
And that is when realization hits me completely.
Leo doesn’t just hurt me, he controls me. Every move I make I'm watched by him. It’s like living with a personal Big Brother.
I don’t wanna be controlled anymore. I’m sick of not being able to do what I want. I want to be in charge of myself again.
Finally I do the right thing.
I lock eyes with Finn. Without saying anything I roll up the arms of the hoodie, revealing a spectrum of colors.
While waiting for his reaction, tears start to form in my eyes and stream down my cheeks.
Gasping he looks at my injuries. From the dark bruises to the fresh wounds and the healed scars. Lightly he traces along them with his fingers, trying to not hurt me any more. I don’t move. I just show him my greatest act of trust. I trust him with my darkest secret.
Now Finn is crying too. Between sobs he hugs me and whispers into my ear: “I’m so so so sorry, Lea. I’m going to do everything in my power to stop that crazy shit immediately. Nobody deserves to be treated like this, especially you. I promise.”
And he keeps it. After this Finn takes me to the Jeffersonian, where I get an all check up. With the evidence, that is collected, Caroline builds a case against Leo.
It doesn’t matter what’s going to happen. It doesn’t matter how long Leo goes to jail, if he goes there at all. The only important thing to me now is the support I get from my colleagues – my family – who help me every step I take.
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keeperoftheboys · 5 years
These Violent Delights: Diego Hargreeves X Reader
Story Summary: Diego and Y/N were supposed to be having dinner. Things don’t go as planned. 
Warnings: Rated T: Cursing, Violence, Death, Fluff, Crap Writing
Story Type: One-Shot
Requested: Nope :)
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Diego burst into the foyer of the Hargreaves childhood home, carrying a young woman in his arms. 
“Pogo! Mom! I need help.” He made his way to the medical room. “Mom!” Diego yelled again, this time more frantically. 
Alison was the first in the room, tearing around the corner. “Diego, what’s-  oh my God what happened?” Pogo and Grace entered the room next. 
“Diego, who is this?” 
“Does it matter she’s going to die, help her!” 
“Why did you bring her here and not the hospital?” Alison rubbed her face at Diego’s stupidity. 
“It’s not that simple.” 
Grace was quick to get to work pulling the unconscious girl’s shirt off to reveal a large and long gash along her abdomen. Obviously a knife wound. Her skin was hot and covered in burns. 
“What happened? Who is she?” Luther was in the doorway, glaring at Diego. 
They first met in the condiment aisle at the grocery store. Diego has been staring at the honey selection for too long, not really looking at anything before she spoke up. 
“Get the Clover Hill Farm’s brand! It’s the tastiest.” 
Diego jumped at her voice, slightly startled and turned to face her. 
“Sorry, didn’t think I’d scare you.” She laughed, grabbing a bottle herself and setting it in her basket. 
“You didn’t, I was just lost in my head.” Diego finally took in her appearance. She was beautiful. Simple as that. She smiled at him. yes, beautiful, like the sun. 
“Whatever you say,” she laughed,  “like I said Clover Hill Farm’s is the best, it goes great on peaches with fresh brie on a crostini!” 
“A what?” 
“Bread” she chucked. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have bothered you, you just looked so concerned and I love food so I always try and sneak suggestions in when I see people contemplating. It’s a bad habit actually. Pretty Intrusive. I should stop doing it.” She was talking to herself by the end of the sentence looking down at the floor. 
“It’s fine, really. I don’t mind. But to be honest I’m not a good cook, I’m a fan of protein shakes and the microwave.” 
“Now that’s just a crime, everyone should know how to make at least one good meal!” 
“Well, maybe you have to show me how. I’m Diego by the way,”
“Nice to meet you, Diego, I’m Y/N.” 
 I knew something was wrong the moment I arrived at her place. The wind chimes that hung on her porch swung wildly and the screen on her front door banged open and closed. 
“Fuck.” I dropped the flowers I had for her in the grass and ran around the side of her house towards the backdoor. I could see men moving around in her back office. 
“You won't find anything. I destroyed it all a long time ago.” Her voice floated through the window. A man held her by the throat, a gun to her head. She’s alive. 
“Shut your mouth no one gave you permission to talk.” 
“You know, you should leave soon, I’m expecting company. I wouldn't want him to walk in on this cheap excuse for a robbery.”
“Shut her the FUCK UP!”  One of the men smacked her across the face. The wind grew stronger outside, leaves swirled up from the floor. The front door slammed open and closed more quickly. 
“Where do you keep the information?” 
There was silence. 
“Answer the question bitch.” 
“Oh sorry, I’m getting mixed signals here, I thought I wasn’t supposed to talk.” 
“Can I kill her? God, I really want to kill her.” 
“No.” There were a few bangs and the sound of a chair sliding across her hardwood floor. “Listen, You stuck your nose where you shouldn’t, now you have to pay the price. Tell me where the papers are or I’ll gut you like the slimy little fish you are.” 
Thunder cracked above the house so loud the windows shook. A flash of lightning hit the conductor on her roof and the whole house lit up in blinding light. 
“What the fuck is going on outside? Ryan, go shut that door.” This was my chance. I ran around to the front porch, broke the lightbulb covering the porch in darkness.  One of the goons stepped out, looking around the porch to see what all the noise was. The rain started then, heavy and fast. I reached out, grabbed the guy by the head pulling holding a knife to his throat. “How many of you are there inside?” 
He shook his head no so I dipped the edge of my blade into his skin. 
“How many?” 
“There’s a good boy.” 
 I plunged the knife into his chest gently set him down on the porch and slipped inside closing the door behind me. Thunder cracked outside again followed by a stronger flash of lighting. The wind whipped at the house blowing the glass out of one of the windows in the kitchen. 
“Alright, freakshow is over. Tell me what you know.” The voices grew louder.
“I’m done playing games with her.” 
I made my way through the kitchen. Two glasses for wine stat on the table with a bottle of red, vintage. She has good taste.  I had finally made it over to the door to her office. “What’s taking so long? Go check on him.” 
Another goon exited the room and I promptly tossed a knife in his back and he fell to the floor. Lighting lit the house up again. 
“What the hell is that?”
“I told you, you didn't want to be here when my company arrived.” 
“Is that a threat?” 
“It’s a threat and a promise” I answered from the hallway and tossed a knife. It flicked around the room sinking into the chest of the third guy. The last one quickly grabbed Y/N. 
“Who's here?” 
Y/N chuckled, thunder shook the house, books fell off the shelves and scattered across the floor. 
“Let her go.” I stepped into her office knife ready to leave my fingers. The man held her against his chest, a large knife at her stomach. Hand around her neck. 
“Ohhhhh, look at you, playing around with his children now?” The man grabbed her by the jaw whispering into the side of her face. “I thought you knew better than to get mixed up with your work.” 
“Fuck you.” She laughed, lightning struck the house again, lighting it up. She began to glow. Sparks flew from her fingers. The storm outside was like nothing else. The window in the office shattered and rain poured in. 
“Let her go.” 
“Diego Hargreeves, nice to meet you!”
Y/N locked eyes with me, “Throw them, Diego.” 
And I did. Three silver knives glided through the air turning end over end. They circled around the pair headed for the man’s back. Y/N lit up, her eyes white with electricity, lightning came through the window striking her and everything metal in the room, including the knives as they plunged into the back of the man's neck. He shook from the electricity falling to the floor in a lifeless heap. For a second silence overtook the room. 
“Shit.” Y/N looked down to where his hand had dragged his knife across her abdomen slicing her open. She grabbed her stomach as she fell. 
Diego was pacing back and forth. He ran his hand through his hair. “Shit.” 
“Diego, what happened? Who is she?” Luther grabbed his brother by the arm, stopping his pacing and directed him to a chair to sit. 
“She’s my girlfriend.” He stuffed his hand into his pocket grabbing the small black velvet box and pulled it out flicking it open. Alison gasped at the sight of the sparkling ring. 
“She’ll need blood.”Grace interrupted. 
“I’ll do it.” Allison quickly pulled off her cardigan. 
“Thank you.” Pogo started the transfusion. It was quiet for a few moments. The monitor she was hooked up to began to beep at a normal pace, her skin began to heal itself. 
“Diego, what happened, how is she doing this?” 
“She’s a reporter, she did some digging, looked into a string of robberies and murders connected to a gang about two years ago. The robbers came after her searching for the evidence she collected against them. The evidence she had already turned in to the police. They were supposed to be arrested later this week. The robbers attacked her, she attacked back, she’s one of us. Can control lightning and storms. She electrocuted herself and one of the goons, it was a bolt bigger than I think she ever has ever conjured before. As she did it the guy cut her open. And here we are.”
“Why didn't Dad get her when we were little?” Klaus was eyeing her carefully. Diego shrugged.
“I was going to propose tonight. Tell her that I love her. Ask her to be my wife, to be my everything. To start a family with me, a real family. To grow old with me.” 
Everyone's heads snapped to the young woman. 
Diego lept out of his seat. Cradling her face. “You’re alive!’
 “I’m alive and yes, I’ll marry you.” 
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onefourjisung · 5 years
Ghosted (X1/Victon Han Seungwoo)
Prompt: When the new tenant, Han Seungwoo, was in dire need of help, Ghost!Reader came in to the rescue. (gender neutral reader, ghost au)
Warnings: a teeny bit of violence, mentions of death and being a ghost, nothing too graphic
Word count: 1.316
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How you died, you had no memories of. You just woke up one day in your bed, and everything was just.... silent. You called out to your mom and dad, to your brother, no one responded. The house was empty, ridden of any sign of living.
You noticed you weren’t breathing, your heart wasn’t beating, and I guess the coolest part was you can go through walls. You freaked out, obviously, but after a long while -a really, really, long while- you came in peace with the fact that you were dead.
You stayed at your apartment, physically -spiritually?- not able to get out. Years and years rolled by with no one in the house, you found peace within the loneliness.
So anytime someone even try to look around, you would scare the crap out of them. Traumatizing them and their kids to the point of never looking back to your place.
One day you heard yet another ruckus from the front door. Here comes another one, you thought. Frankly, you enjoyed scaring people. Maybe you've even grew to hate living human beings -maybe.
But that wasn't the case when you saw the young man hustling up a bunch of boxes through the front door. His hair went limp from the sweat dripping down his forehead, a small section of crinkles formed atop his eyebrows in frustration as his plump lips stayed ajar, groaning in struggle.
You couldn't help but stare as he barely managed to heave in the last box. He sighed in relief before removing the piece of white sheet covering the couch in the living room, careful not to cause any more dust to fly around the room. He then flopped down on the old dark blue furniture.
He fished his phone out of his pocket as you continued staring. He scrolled through the device for a while before stopping. He reached one of his hands to the back of his neck, that should’ve been your cue to leave, but you didn't -you couldn't.
He looked up, straight towards you -or should I say through you. You knew he knew something was off, but he couldn’t see you and so he shrugged the feeling away and continued with his scrolling.
The knock on the door startled both you and him. He hurriedly headed towards the sound, knocking in to a box on the way. He opened it to see an old man that you recognized to be Mr. Park, one of your neighbors even before you turned to a ghost.
"Hello," he croaked out, smiling kindly. "You must be the new neighbor."
"Ah, yes. Its nice to meet you." The young man bowed politely. "My name is Seungwoo, Sir. Han Seungwoo."
Han Seungwoo. A pretty name for a pretty boy. -----------
And before you know it, he settled in and you found yourself with a housemate -kind of. He would notice your presence every now and then but always shrugged it off as him being paranoid. You would watch him go about his day, not having the heart to scare him away. It goes on and on like that for months.
It was around 2 AM and you were bored out of your mind. Seungwoo was sleeping soundly, and since he moved in you have restrained yourself from playing with any objects around, afraid that he will see and run. So you opted to just float around the living room.
That is until you heard noises from the front door. You peeked your head towards the sound in curiosity. Not long after, the door opened and three men walked in all with caps over their head and black clothing.
If you had a beating heart, it would be beating incredibly fast by now -but you don’t. You panicked. As you watched them, frozen, they ever so quietly rummage Seungwoo's belongings, looking for valuables.
Upon hearing the noises, Seungwoo awoken from his bed, not thinking much of it, he headed out of his room. He opened the door and was faced with the gang of armed burglars, suddenly feeling small.
"Get him." One of them said.
And you snapped out of your frozen trance. You used your energy to flung a nearby lamp on to the man charging to Seungwoo.
"What the hell?!" He shouted in to thin air.
You pushed Seungwoo back to his room and locked the door, putting him out of harms way as you attacked the three culprits.
Seungwoo couldn’t do anything but stand in his room, staring at the locked door in front of him as loud crashes and bangs was heard from the other side of the door. Then suddenly it all ceased.
For a few seconds it was just eerie silence until you managed to muster up your courage and face the man you just protected. You unlocked his door and opened it slightly.
Seungwoo gulped but took it as a signal to head out. He opened the door slowly. The three burglars were now unconcious on the floor, their guns and knives piled in to a stack on the kitchen counter, a few of his fragile furnitures were shattered to pieces.
Then a voice was heard from the coffee table, "911, whats your emergency?"
Seungwoo was flabbergasted, he didn’t remember putting his phone there, and he most definitely hadn’t called the police.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" That pulled Seungwoo out of his trance and hurriedly grabbed his phone.
"Uh there has been an attempted burglary in my house, they're unconscious now but I don't know when they're gonna wake up." He explained shakily in to the phone.
"Okay, Sir. Please state your name and address and we will send someone as soon as possible."
He did as told and then hung up on the operator. He looked down and sighed. "I- I know you’re in here." He called.
"Just come out. Please." He whispered the last part brokenly, almost begging.
You decided it was now or never. You braced yourself before appearing across the room, hoping he wouldn't notice you, but he did.
He looked at you, mouth agape but silent.
You frowned. "Are you scared of me?" Your voice was dry, harsh, as a result of never talking for a good few years.
"What?" Seungwoo inquired, not quite getting what you meant.
"I'm dead. I'm a ghost, Seungwoo. Aren't you scared of me?" You repeated clearly this time.
"What's your name?" He asked instead.
You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion but answered nevertheless, "Its (Y/n)."
He approached you slowly, step by step. "Well, (y/n), seeing as you practically saved my life, I don’t see why I should be afraid of you."
You couldn’t help but smile. Seeing this, Seungwoo smiled back at you. You always thought he had an attractive smile, but seeing him actually smile at you? You could've died right then and there (if you hadn’t already died).
"I guess I should thank you," he said, now right in front of you.
"Don't mention it-"
He cut you off. "Not just for that, you kinda are the reason I can live here in the first place."
Your head tilted slightly, "huh?"
"Well, apparently the landlord said this apartment was cursed, haunted, or whatever, that no one ever lived here for more than two weeks. I assume that was you." Seungwoo joked.
You lowered your head in embarrassment, and to this Seungwoo chuckled.
"Thanks by the way, because of that I got this apartment half the price it originally was."
You laughed along with him.
"I did wonder tho, why didn’t I experience anything?" He paused. "Why didn't you try to scare me away?" He looked directly in to your eyes.
You could do nothing but shrug and avoid eye contact. Because you're too cute, you thought to yourself.
Seungwoo smiled kindly as if he could read your mind. "I think you're pretty."
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lovelyrocker · 5 years
Love Is Blind Ch.8
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~Characters: Jarad Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Lexi Ackles
~Parings: Jared x Lexi
~Warnings: Age Gap, Underage Intimacy, Cursing, Jared being incredibly sweet.(Yes that needs a warning)
~Word Count: 4,086
Love Id Blind Masterlist
<Previous Chapter
The house was quiet as Lexi made her way downstairs that morning. The sun had fully risen above the mountains and the birds sang their songs. She made her way through the kitchen, making coffee and a small breakfast before leaving to go to the university. Normally Jared and Jensen would be digging around for food and laughing as they drank their coffee, but this morning they were nowhere to be found. She knew she hadn’t missed them because she had been up over and hour already.
As she began cooking her pancakes, she saw a figure running across the backyard. She glanced and Jared walked into the house, sweaty and breathing heavily from a morning run.
“Morning.” He said with a smile, pulling out his headphones.
“Morning.” She smiled back. “Coffee is fresh.”
“Why are you up so early?” He asked, his breath slowing back down.
“I have to turn in a few papers to the university and run a few errands. You going to work late?” She asked, handing him a cup of coffee. 
“No, I got back an hour and a half ago. We pulled an all nighter. Jensen is still there. He is getting a few hours before we start back up around three.”
“Then the last thing you need is coffee.” she said, smirking. “See, I told you I was bad for you. Now you won’t be able to sleep.”
Jared chuckled as he stood. “I’m going to go grab a shower.”
“Are you hungry? I can make you some pancakes before I go.”
“Sure.” He smiled that smile that made her heart jump.
He walked back downstairs twenty minutes later, fresh and with damp hair. She placed a  pancakes in front of Jared and he looked at her. “These look amazing.” 
They made small talk as they ate breakfast and drank their coffee. A small amount of nerves built up between them because they weren’t sure how to behave. It had been a few weeks since the snowstorm and they hadn’t talked about things between them since the morning after. Other than stolen glances and smiles, they remained platonic. 
Jared placed his plate in the sink as Lexi set her cup aside. “Skipping out on shaving?” She said, rubbing her hand along his chin.
“For now.” He smiled as she played with his stubble.As she turned Jared pulled her back by the waist and rubbed his stubble on the back of her neck making her giggle, goosebumps rising on her skin.
“Ah!” Lexi’s soft laugh echoed through the kitchen.
Turning in his arms, her eyes widened. “Oh crap!” She said, holding up his watch. “I need to get going.” She grabbed her bag and sweater.
Jared reached out a hand grabbing her waist. “Hey.” He placed a small kiss on her lips.“Have a good day.” He kissed her once more. “And thank you, for breakfast.” He added with a smile.
Lexi bit her lip and backed away. “You too, I mean you’re welcome.” She said as she turned and walked right into the chair before walking out of the house.
Jared chuckled at her sudden bashfulness. She was always able to control her nerves around him until it came to being physical in an intimate way. Then she got nervous. He had an effect on her even though she didn’t completely understand. He made her feel like she was floating on a cloud. Pulling into the university parking lot, her phone buzzed. She clicked it on to see a text from Jared.
Jared [7:59am]
 I hope I didn’t freak you out with the random kiss.
Lexi [7:59am]
Not at all. Just caught me off guard. I’m not used to affection like that. But I liked it.
Jared [7:59am] 
I can keep doing it if you’d like.
Lexi [8:00am]
I would.
More days passed and things continued to carry on as usual. Lexi was sitting on the couch concentrating hard on her book in her lap, taking notes diligently. Jared was sitting on the couch opposite her, observing her instead of the sports teams on the television. It had been a few weeks since the storm and still neither of them had brought up what happened since Jensen walked through the door the morning after. It was almost like it hadn’t happened. Aside from the stolen glances and smiles here and there. 
In her gray and plaid skirt that secretly drove Jared crazy, she sat with her feet on the table in front of her. He knees up with her note book propped up on her legs with another book to her side. Her hair was slightly in her face as she moved her eyes from book to book Jared nibbling on his lip slightly.  When her eyes darted to his he grinned.
"What?” She smiled at him.
“Oh, uh, nothing.” He said quickly shifting his attention back to the TV.
“Then why are you staring at me?”
“Just wondering what you are working on? You are very concentrated.”
“Trying to figure out this stupid equation. I officially hate math in general.” She huffed throwing her notebook aside. “Hey, weren’t you like a mathnerd in high school?”
Jared gave another laugh. “My mom is a teacher so I had a leg up.”
"Well, next time you see her, tell her I am still yet to use algebra in real life. Just an F.Y.I. But algebra was easy compared to this.”
Jared stood and walked over to her plopping down next to her. “Let me see.” Jared looked over her notebook and Y/N felt her cheeks flush a bit. The last time she was this close to Jared he was touching her in a way she’d never been touched before. His cologne was light but still filled her nose as her heart fluttered. “You did these backwards.” He pointed out. “Give me your pencil.” She placed it in his hand and watched carefully as he reworked the problem for her. “See?”
“You mean this whole time the problem was that simple?” She looked at him in disbelief.
“Yup.” He grabbed the remote and turned the volume up on the T.V.
“Well I feel like an idiot.”
"You’re not an idiot. You’re learning. I did the same thing when I did this.” He put an arm around her pulling her to him. 
Unsure how but over the next hour or so she ended up laying in Jared’s lap with his arm around her while he watched the game and she finished her school work. His long legs stretched out onto the table in front of them, her back pressed to his chest. His arm resting around her shoulders while her head rested on his arm. 
“Don’t forget to flip this.” Jared pointed out as she reworked her problem. 
“Like that?” She asked looking at him.
“Yup.” He took the pencil from her fingers and added a small heart next to the mess of numbers.
She smiled as he placed a small kiss to her head. “Who’s winning?”
“Not the cowboys.” He grunted.
“Awe,” She looked up and poked fun, giving his nose a little pinch on the end. “Your team is losing.”
He grabbed her hand with a smile. “Be nice. Or I won't help you with your work anymore.”
Jared leaned in a little closer unsure if he should kiss her. Then, almost as if she’d read his mind, she reached her hand up pulling him to her closing the distance. His lips were soft and gentle like satin sheets on freshly shaved legs. The feeling making her breath leave her. Shifting to face him, his hands drifting to her waist. Hers tangling in his hair. His tongue swept over hers as the kiss began to grow passionate.
“Hello?!” Jensen shouted as the door banged shut behind him. “Any one home?!”
They jumped apart, Y/N grabbing her notebook that had fallen to the floor. “In here!” Jared answered, the two of them looking casual.
“What’s up?” He eyes the two curiously.
“Uh, Cowboys lost and Y/N sucks at well, any form of mathematics.” Jared grinned.
"Not possible.” Jensen shook his head plopping down on the opposite couch.
“Only this!” She spoke up. “But Jared showed me what I was doing wrong and now it’s a piece of cake.” 
Jensen gave a chuckle. “You’re a genius, don’t worry. Toss me the remote.” He clapped his hands looking at Jared.
Jared tossed the controller to Jensen taking a breath relaxing into the sofa. Jensen flipped through the guide on screen, eyes focused ahead. Jared let his eyes linger toward Lexi, who was now sitting on the opposite side of the couch. He watched her take an uneven breath, he face slightly flushed. His eyes focused in on her lips, his mind still fuzzy at the thought of his lips on hers. When she looked up at him he gave her a soft grin, one that she returned before turning her attention back to her book.
The sun was setting over the mountains as Lexi sat cross-legged on the back patio, headphones in, her arms stretched overhead. Jared had just walked in from filming. He placed his jacket on the couch and noticed Lexi outside. He paused at the back door and watched her with a smile for a few minutes before walking out. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder.
Lexi gasped looking up. “Geez, you scared me.” She said, placing a hand on her chest.
“Sorry.” He smiled, sitting next to her. “I didn’t mean to scare you.
“It’s okay,” She took her headphones out. “What are you doing back so early?”
“I’m done for the day. I actually have a light week this week. What about you?”
“Trying to stretch out a bit. Taking a little break. Finals are killing me.” She stretched again.
“Come here.” He said, turning a bit, placing his hands on her shoulders. “Wow, you weren’t lying, your muscles are in knots.” He worked out the tension. “I have an idea. How about you take the night off from studying and I take you to dinner?”
Lexi froze and turned to look at Jared. “Dinner?”
“Yeah, and maybe a movie or something?”
“Like a- a date? Are you sure?” Jared looked at her oddly. “Like in public?”
“That’s not normally the reaction I get when I ask a girl on a date.” He jested, watching her cheeks turn pink. “And, we won’t be all over each other, But yeah, a low key date.”
“I-uh- okay.” He could tell she was nervous. “But how will we pull that off?”
“I know people.” He smiled. ”Go get changed and we’ll head out.”
She stood and started towards the house. “Um, how should I dress?” she turned back to him.
He bit his lip in contemplation. “Nice, casual.”
Lexi ended up in a black, cinched waist, A-line skirt and a slim fit, gray, v-neck long sleeve wrap top and black ankle boots. She changed four times, unsure of what to wear. She walked downstairs and saw Jared in a dark blue button down and black slacks.
"You look amazing.” He said with a heavy breath.
“You, too.” She blushed.
In the car, Jared kept stealing glances as he tried to play it cool. He hadn’t been this nervous on a first date in a long time. “So, I know I said low key, but being our first date, I thought we could go to that French restaurant downtown.”
“Don’t you need reservations for that place?”
“Not when you know the owner.” He grinned. “And we would have a private table.”
“Wouldn’t that raise a red flag?”
“No. I told him I was taking Jensen’s little sister out because of the whole finals thing. Said you needed a break and you’ve been dying to go there.”
“Well played, Sir.” She smiled at him with a nod.
Jared’s friend ushered them in and sat them at their table. Jared talked to him for a moment, and then they were alone. The table was nice and they were off to the side on a balcony, completely away from other guests. Lexi gave a sigh in relaxation as the server came out and placed a bottle of red wine next to the table.  Jared poured them both a glass.
“Jared, you know I’m not old enough to drink.” She spoke in a low voice.
"Shh. It’s one glass and you aren’t driving.” He slid a glass toward her with a sly smile.
They talked about the most random topics during dinner. It didn’t take long for them to relax and become comfortable with each other, to stop thinking about what they should and shouldn’t be doing. At some point during their dinner, they began rubbing feet and h a little flirtatious. A bottle of wine later, they were leaving and walking in the park.
“Hey, instead of a movie, how about we check out some of the local music places and see a few sites. I’ve never really had the time to just explore.”
“Anything you want, baby girl.” He smiled looking down at her.
Lexi’s stomach flipped when he said that. Babygirl. That was the first time he called her something that wasn’t generic, like a friend. Normally it would be sweetie or hon, the kind of things that you call your best friend's little sister. But this was different. This had feeling behind it. This was just for her and it made her heart flutter and her stomached danced.
They walked around, listening to local bands play on the riverwalk and watching the street performers do their bits. The scenery was beautiful the way Jared was looking at her gave her a buzz no bottle of expensive wine could top. He’d brush his hand against hers and or even his shoulder. Sneaking in little touches when he could. Lexi wasn’t sure what she should or shouldn’t do  with Jared, so she let him take the lead tonight.
They’d nearly walked throughout the whole park, the trail lit up by thousands of twinkling lights. Soft music played through the speakers near the coffee shop in the distance.
“I love that song.” Lexi gave a silly smile.
“Savage Garden?” Jared raised an eyebrow.
 “Yes! How can you not like them?”
“I do, I actually love this song. I’m just surprised you even know who they are.”
“Unlike most in my generation, I appreciate good music.” Jared stood and held out his hand. Lexi looked at him confused. “What?”
“Dance with me.”
“With all these people around?”
Jared shifted his eyes around them. “What people?” Lexi looked around only seeing a few people off in the distance far enough away to not even know who they were. “We are off to the side. No one will notice.” He took her hand and pulled her into his arms.
Jared took her hand into his and draped the other over his shoulder. Jared gently held her to him, his hand on the small of her back. She looked up at him, his eyes shining like an aqua twilight. She bit her lip and leaned her head into him, his lips near her temple. Jared began to softly hum the melody of ‘Truly Madly Deeply’ as they swayed to the faint sound of the music, then Lexi gave a soft giggle.
“What?” Jared asked looking down at her.
“This is like a scene from every 90s teen movie.”
“You saying I’m cheesy?”
“I’m saying I have a thing for 90s teen flicks.”
“Good.” He smiled into her hair pulling her back closely.
 After the song, Lexi took a step back and gave a little stumble. “Whoa, you okay? I should get you home. I may have let you drink a little too much wine.”
“No, I'm fine. Just not good in heels. And I am enjoying this way too much.” Her cheeks reddened. “ And to be honest, I really want to kiss you and out here I have to restrain myself so-”
“So you are using the public as self control?” He watched her cheeks redden more. He looked around, scanning before he looked back to her. “Tell you what, come here.” He took her hand and led her behind some bushes. When he stopped, he grabbed her lips with his in a deep, passionate kiss. Lexi’s knees began to feel weak and Jared pushed her against a tree to help steady her. She wrapped her hands around his neck as his tongue took control over hers. His hand cupped her face as he nipped at her bottom lip. Jared pulled back, his breath hot on her lips. “You aren’t the only one holding back.”
They walked from the back of the bushes and Jared stopped by the little coffee stand and got them each a cup of coffee. As they walked back with their coffees a few fans noticed Jared and politely asked for autographs and pictures. The girls’ excitement drew a few more fans. Jared quickly grew concerned that Lexi would get annoyed because, after all, this was a date. But to his surprise, she didn’t. Instead, she interacted with the fans and offered to take pictures with their phones. She was recognized by a few as ‘Jensen’s little sister’ and she didn’t mind. Jared and Lexi used the cover of her taking a break from finals and Jared making sure she stayed away from the school books for one night so her head wouldn’t explode.
When they were on their way home, the music played softly through the car speakers as the snow began falling outside. “It sure does snow a lot here.” Lexi looked out the window.
“You get used to it after awhile.” Jared said, seeing the way she watched the falling flakes through the window. He reached and slipped his hand in hers, lacing their fingers. Lexi turned, looking at their hands then at Jared. “Is this okay?” Even though they’s just made out in the bushes and had sex, Jared still asked that she was okay with him holding her hand. She loved how considerate he always was with her.
When they got back to the house they noticed Jensen was still out. Lexi slide her coat from her shoulders, Jared stepping behind her slipping it off the rest of the way, hanging it on the coat rack. “I know I need to study, but I don’t want to.” Lexi exhaled sliding her heels off, heading towards the stairs.
“Then don’t.” Jared grabbed her hand. “Just because we’re home, the date doesn’t have to be over.”
She stopped at the bottom step, turning to him. “What would you like to do then?” She asked as Jared took a step closer.
He leaned down and kissed her gently. “How about,” he kissed her again “we go to my bedroom and you get out of those clothes.” Lexi froze and pulled away a bit. She went to speak but Jared, keeping his hand firmly around her waist, placed his index finger over her lips and Lexi swallowed hard. “I want you in my bed,” he looked at her sternly, his voice still thick and sensual, ”and out of those clothes,” he gave her a devilish smile “and into some pajamas, because we are binge watching Star Wars for the rest o the night.” His tone changed from husky to playful. With a smile he turned and climbed the stairs pausing at the top, Lexi still at the bottom step with a look of shock and relief mixed together. “What?”
“Nothing.” She walked up the stairs. “I-I just thought you were-” Her cheeks still flushed a rose colored as she reached the top.
“Thought what?” He smiled. “Hinting at sex? We said we’d take it slow. Get your mind out of the gutter.” He said playfully as he walked to his room.
Not too long after, she walked into Jared’s room in her Foo Fighters tee and her running shorts. “I have gummy bears and sour strips.” She said, tossing the bags on the bed. “I also have a question.” She asked, climbing in the bed as Jared walked out of his bathroom in a white v-neck shirt and pajama pants. “How did you know I would be into to Star Wars?”
He smirked, crawling into the bed a guilty smile. “Because I saw your R2D2 panties in the wash yesterday.”
“I knew you were one of those creepy guys that steal girls’ underwear.” She teased laying back in the bed.
Jared climb on the bed kneeling over her. “Yeah, totally.” He let out a laugh and grabbed her side. Lexi grabbed his hands letting out a giggle, wrestling with him until he was hovering on top of her, his hands over hers, fingers laced together. 
When Lexi’s shirt lifted, Jared’s eye caught the nearly healed fingerprint bruises on her ribs. He stopped and his smile faded. He brought a hand down, running his fingers over the yellowing marks. “Does it hurt still?”
“No.” She shook her head. “The never really hurt.” He lowered his lips and pressed feather light kisses over the bruises. Lexi stiffened as goosebumps rose on her skin. ”Stop.” She said shyly exhaling sharply. “That- um...”
“That turns you on.” his voice was husky. She nodded, looking down at him as he kissed her body again. He moved across her belly, peeking through his hair that fell into his eyes. Lexi bit down on her bottom lip as he moved toward her neck. The feeling heating her skin sending a spark through her core.
When he reached her lips, she took him in with a feverish passion that left him breathless. Before they realized, Jared had her on the bed, pulling her shorts down her thighs. When he tossed her shorts away she pushed him back and straddled his lap, rubbing against him in all the right ways
“Wait, wait.” Jared said, pulling away as Lexi continued to kiss down his neck. “Wh- what happened to going slow?”
“Shut up.” She said pulling up his shirt.. “Take this off.” 
He dropped his hands to her ass and gripped hard, not like he needed to, because Lexi was grinding against him so roughly that he was damn near ready to explode. Lexi slid fingers into his waistband and lowered his pajamas. Jared gripped her panties and pulled, tearing them at the seam. He lifted her with an arm, her hands bracing herself on his broad shoulders. He lowered her slowly onto his erection, Lexi letting out a whimper as he slid inside of her. The stretch of him burned Lexi not stopping until she was fully filled by his erection. He gave her a second to allow her passage to mold to his length, her face buried into his neck. Another whimper escaped her as he began thrusting, careful not to hurt her. He lifted his hands tilting her face to look at him. She winced as he rock his hips  upward.
“You okay?” He pushed her hair from her dampening face.
“Yeah.” She breathed out heavily.
“Am I hurting you?”
She shook her head. “Don’t stop.”
He caught himself several times holding on a little too hard. After Lexi had adjusted, she began moving quickly adapting to his rhythm. Jared revelled in the sight of her throwing her hair back as she rode him. He held her close to him, never letting her go as they moved together panting, moaning. Jared let out an almost guttural sounding moan as Lexi began to climax. She dug her nails into his shoulders as his name fell from her lips in the softest breath of a whisper.
Hours later Jensen walked up the stairs at nearly three a.m. He peeked his head into Lexi’s room and saw it empty. Rubbing his eyes with a furrowed brow, he heard noise from Jared’s room. Pushing the door open, he saw the end titles and theme music to Star Wars playing on the TV. He walked into the room and saw Lexi laying on her side and Jared laying on his back, as if they’d simply fallen asleep while watching the movie. Jensen moved the candy bags from the bed and shut off the TV before heading to his room. Lexi stirred with the sound of the door closing and moved closer to Jared. Jared simply turned and pulled her into him.
Next Chapter>
TAGS: @saxxxyjared @onethirstyunicorn @xostephanie
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emoboijk · 5 years
MYG | Lo-Fi Beats (05)
Lo-Fi: an aesthetic of recorded music in which the sound quality is lower than the usual contemporary standards so that imperfections of the recording and production are audible.—fluff, angst, idol!au
prologue :: 01 :: 02 :: 03 :: 04 :: 05 :: 06 :: epilogue
1,928 words
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Despite everything, it is nice to be home. The familiar smell of your grandmother’s cooking as she putters around the kitchen. The sky, which looks so different than the one in Seoul. The sounds are different too, although you can’t pinpoint why. If you were going to force a banishment on yourself, this would be the place to go. And of course, that’s exactly what you had done.
You turn with a sigh away from the window and go back to your grandmother in the kitchen. She’s stirring a large pot on the stove, and you lean against the counter when you say, “That smells delicious.”
“I have many skills,” she says, adding a seasoning you don’t recognize, “but this one is by far the most useful of them all.” She steps away from the stove to press her lips to your cheek comfortingly, “Hungry?”
You shrug, “Not right now. I’m thinking of taking a walk actually.”
“By yourself?” she asks from the fridge, her eyebrows raised.
“Yes?” you say cautiously, confused.
She sighs and turns back toward you. “I’m worried about you dear,” she says with a frown. “You loved that job in Seoul. And the Mins tell me that you and Yoongi have had a fight? What’s so serious you had to come back home, hmm?”
You chew on the inside of your cheek before leaning in to squeeze her shoulder, “I’m fine, I just missed you is all. And there are lots of jobs here. I wanted to be home.”
She looks at you skeptically but goes back to her cooking. You walk out before you’re further tempted to tell her the truth.
You like to think the air is warmer now that you’re further south, but that could just be your imagination. The roads are quiet as you walk down a well-memorized path, waving to a few neighborhood kids and ahjummas as you go. You don’t even have to think about where you’re going, your feet are already taking you there.
You try to make it at least as far as Yoongi’s house before checking your phone. But you never do.
And you’re not sure why you check, there’s never anything you want to see. You’ve been ignoring texts from Jihoon and Minji for weeks now. None of the members have bothered reaching out, and other work contacts have all given up. The only text you replied to was from Bang-sajangnim, apologizing. And of course, the only person you really wanted to text you was Yoongi. And he never did.
You’re in front of Yoongi’s house by the time you tuck your phone away again, feeling like crying. You nearly jump out of your skin when you hear your name called. You turn around to find a familiar ahjumma in the window. Yoongi’s mom.
She runs down the porch steps, which you refuse to look at because of the memories, and greets you on the sidewalk. You bow respectfully and she pats your arm, “Aish, why are you so formal now? You’re practically my daughter!”
You chuckle, pain spreading through your chest like heartburn. “How are you?” you ask politely, hoping she’ll let you leave soon enough. You’re surprised she still speaks to you at all after what you did.
“I’d be better if you and Yoongi made up,” she scowls. Mrs. Min never was one to beat around the bush.
“Ahjumma,” you sigh, a fresh set of tears pressing against your eyes as you aim your gaze anywhere but at her (and those damn porch steps).
“I know what you did,” she says so seriously that it makes you look up. And she’s frowning, nodding her head mournfully, “You broke his heart.” She says it so definitively that you feel it like a knife through your chest. She looks up again and adds, “But I know you love him. You were there for him...even when his family wasn’t. So whatever has happened...just fix it. I won’t accept anyone else as my daughter-in-law!” She makes this last, bold, claim with a laugh before running back into her house at the sound of an oven timer.
It makes you want to smile, but you can’t get your lips to work that hard anymore. You immediately turn around and go back the way you came.
By the time you get back to your grandmother’s place, you’re already late for work. You change quickly, rushing out of the house with an apple half-eaten in your mouth and your grandmother scowling at you; she’s disappointed you’re only eating an apple and she’s disappointed because you’re working at a grocery store (“And with all your potential!”).
But the grocery store gig isn’t bad. It’s routine, requires very little thought process, kills time. Although the mundanity of the tasks does you give you almost too much time to think about...everything. You kept telling your grandmother that there were lots of jobs here...you���re not sure that’s true. For video editing and production Seoul might be the only place.
You’re knee deep in these thoughts when you hear a familiar, cold voice say your name. You turn around in your workstation to see Minji, her face dark and her arms crossed. She’s glaring at you like she has no other purpose in life.
“You bitch,” she scowls.
You sigh, a small smile on your lips. You missed her. “How did you find me?”
“Your grandmother’s address was in the staff directory,” she rolls her eyes, glaring at a customer who dared approach your counter before doing so herself. She leans against it and says, “I went there first, and she told me where you work. Big upgrade. Definitely see why you left the city.”
“Minji,” you sigh, “It’s not that simple.”
“Isn’t it?” she says, looking at you for the first time without a glare or scowl, just confusion and hurt, “I wouldn’t know, huh? Since you haven’t bothered talking to me in over a month.” You sigh again, shaking your head, but she cuts you off, “And you are going to talk to me now because I used vacation time for this. I’m risking my trip to Jeju for you. When are you off?”
By the time your shift is over, Minji has deflated slightly. She’s still angry, sure, but now that her mood has settled you see the real pain and betrayal in her eyes. She’s sitting across from you at the coffee shop next door, staring at the latte she ordered.
You don’t speak first; couldn’t if you tried. Your throat is choked up, something like guilt stuck there. A few minutes pass before she finally sighs, “What happened?”
When she looks up there are tears in your eyes, and she frowns at the sight. You open your mouth to say something, but no words come out. Minji sniffles and talks, less to you and more just...aloud, like she’s thinking out loud, “Everything’s messed up now. Yoongi’s this close to moving to Japan with Daniel Ito, the boys are all acting weird…” she looks up, “You love Yoongi,” she sniffles again, “I know I joke about it a lot...but you guys...you’re soulmates. Why would you break his heart like that? Why would you leave?”
You’re crying now, slow tears that fall down your cheeks rapidly, but you don’t make a move. There’s a knife in your chest twisting slowly at her words, at her news of BigHit. Your fists are clenched beneath the table and her expression strikes the killing blow. You tell her everything.
“Why would he blackmail you?” she says once you’ve finished. There’s a pile of napkins on your side of the table from all of your crying and blowing your nose.
“He said Yoongi would be easier to manipulate,” you sigh. Minji snorts and you almost crack a smile at her response. But then you remember what she said earlier, “It worked, though, if he’s considering moving to Japan—he’s considering that deal.”
“And it’s a crap deal,” Minji says, frowning, “I guess the original contract would have granted him all this creative and travel freedom, but they revised it—it’s less money, less freedom…”
“Then why would he take it?”
Minji looks at you seriously, “You’re not there.”
“Well,” you say, feeling frustration in your chest like an ever-expanding balloon that’s going to pop, “tell him not to do it; force him not to.”
Now she’s looking at you like you’re stupid. “As if,” she rolls her eyes, drawing on the table with her finger, “You and I both know that there are only a few people who could talk him out of it, and I’m definitely not one of them.”
“Then...the boys? Ask them to do it; surely, they don’t want him to go.”
“No,” Minji sighs, defeated, “Of course they don’t. But they also want what’s best for him, and they won’t fight him on his decisions...He’s usually so well thought out...plus, they know this will just cause a bigger rift than is worth it. His decision is made.”
“He can’t…” you ground your teeth together, clenching your fists. Pain runs through you so deeply that you didn’t know it was possible outside of a physical injury, but it hurts like you’ve been eviscerated.
“If you don’t want him to go, you’ll have to tell him yourself.”
“I can’t go back there, Minji,” you run your hands through your hair, “if Daniel finds out…”
“What does he have on you?” Minji reaches across the table and clasps your hand, squeezing tightly, “There has to be some way around it.”
“He threatened my grandmother,” you sigh.
“To kill her?” Minji whispers.
You almost laugh, “No, no. Just...her mortgage and hospital bills...we’re barely hanging on as it is.”
Minji sits back with her eyebrows raised, and you can almost see the cogs in her head turning. She chews on the end of one of her fingernails as she thinks. “Financial stuff, huh? How could he manipulate that?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug, “I just...I freaked and came home.” Now that you’re talking about it aloud, you feel stupid for not asking those questions earlier. But you’d been so scared...aside from Yoongi, your grandmother was all you had. Now she was all you had.
“Let me do some research, okay?”
You nod your consent and Minji stands from the table and heads for one of the public use computers in the corner, busily typing away on the keys. You suppose there’s a reason she’s one of the main researches for the video department.
You watch her for a moment, counting the seconds to see how long you last. But you can’t help yourself. You pull out your phone and open up your text thread with Yoongi. The last message you’d received from him was a picture of Taehyung and JK goofing around; it made you smile despite yourself. Before that was a message asking if you were alright, and before that his confirmation that he would meet you at 5:45. You felt a pang in your chest.
Before you could think anymore you typed out a quick message and hit send, your heart racing.
Just don’t go.
You stared at it for a long time, but a reply never came. You suppose you shouldn’t expect one. But before you could dwell on it any longer, Minji came back to your table. She folded her hands over yours and said, “Two things. One, you suck. It didn’t even take me twenty minutes to realize this guy is full of shit. And two, Daniel Ito is full. Of. Shit.”
author’s note—okay so the whole story up until this point has been in past tense but this chapter is in present tense which i totally did on purpose because of art and creativity
06: reunited ↝
for more of my works check out my m.list
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Wally West’s Nail Painting Adventures
Summary: Nail polish always held a certain allure for Wally. Ever since he first saw his mom using it, he wanted some of his own. His dad wasn't so kind about it, but that didn't stop him. And it turned out that it was a great way to express himself and his...romantic interest too. 
A/N: Back again with another Birdflash fic because I have no self-control. And I really loved the idea for this Wally-centric fic because my son could use some more love. Iris and Barry are a blessing and you can't convince me otherwise.
Also on AO3!
The first time Wally had seen the bright red polish was when he was still a little kid. His mom sat in front of the coffee table, a paper towel spread over the glass to catch any drips or mess that might happen if she got distracted. He’d been curious and held his Flash action figure tightly in his hand as he watched her paint the red on her nails, holding them out proudly to admire her work when she was done and they still needed to dry.
“Me next! Me next!” he’d cried, rushing over to her. “It’s red like the Flash!”
She’d laughed and pulled him into her lap, telling him he was right and so smart. She’d even indulged him and painted the little stubs of nails on his fingers to match her own.
His father hadn’t been happy when he’d gotten home and seen their matching nails. Rudy had yelled at Mary to get “that feminine crap off his son’s hands.” She’d tried to placate him and say that it wasn’t hurting anything and they were just having a little fun.
It didn’t help that Wally nearly threw a fit when his mom had taken him into the bathroom to wipe the red from his nails with the nail polish remover.
“Mommy, no! It’s like the Flash! I want to be like the Flash!”
He’d cried as she wiped his nails clean and she tried to shush him and make him feel better with a bedtime story, but it hadn’t made him feel any better. Not when her bright red-tipped fingers were turning the pages and he was left tucked against her side, his Flash action figure the only red he still had.
But Wally hadn’t given up. He knew he was going to have red nails again one day. His mom was beyond convincing when it came to painting his nails. She was too worried about what Rudy would say if he got home and saw. So he waited. And when he was old enough, he swiped the nail polish from the bathroom and smuggled it into his bedroom, ready to paint his nails himself.
It was a disaster.
His fingers weren’t steady enough to hold the small brush properly, causing large smudges of red to get onto the skin around his nails. And then in his excitement, he didn’t let his nails dry long enough, causing the red to get smudged on his fingertips since the sight of the polish was reverent and he couldn’t help but touch it.
That wasn’t the worst of it though, because when he tried to fix the smudges, he’d knocked over the bottle of polish, spreading a pool of bright red across the carpet of his bedroom floor.
The one good thing to come out of that afternoon was when his mom had found him, looking decidedly guilty as he tried to clean up his mess. She’d been kind and offered him a smile, taking his apologies in stride.
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to have pretty nails like you.”
She’d even taken the blame for the carpet stain, saying she was spending time with Wally in his room. He was playing and she was painting her nails when she’d accidentally knocked over the bottle and made the mess.
Rudy had grumbled about it and made a fuss, but they moved on. Mary had gotten a new bottle of nail polish and life continued even though Wally never forgot about the bright color.
The first time he was in a drug store and saw the arrays of bottles and different colors, that’s when the world of possibilities really seemed to open up for him. He’d only known about red, but now, seeing blue, black, orange, green, the soft pastel lavenders, yellows, and pinks...he knew what he wanted more than anything and started saving his allowance, keeping his intentions close to his heart.
Whenever he could, he’d buy a bottle of polish from the corner drug store and created a stash in a shoe box hidden under his bed behind several unassuming shirts and socks that he’d shoved under there to keep it covered.
He kept plenty of nail polish remover and cotton balls stocked too. He had to make sure that there wasn’t any chance he’d get caught. He spent countless saturdays locked in his room as he practiced painting his nails with every color and variation of the rainbow.
His second attempt at painting his nails wasn’t much better than the first, but the mess was only on his hands this time and the carpet stayed stain-free. He got better and soon enough, he was an expert at putting the color on his fingers, not wasting a single drop.
Wally would hold out his fingers like he’d first seen his mother do and would always grin, wiggling them to admire the different shades and how they caught and reflected the light from his lamp.
The worst part of the night was always when he had to pull out the bottle of polish remover and cotton balls, starting the painstaking process of taking it off to make sure his dad didn’t see. More than anything else, he wanted to be able to wear it for weeks at a time, showing his nails to the world like so many other people got to do.
But then things changed when he went to live with Barry and Iris. The move was mainly to help with his training so they could be close and Wally would have guidance during fights on patrol, but it was a relief in more ways than one. Especially when Wally first came down the stairs and found Iris sitting on the couch painting her nails a pale blue.
He froze, forgetting what he’d come down for in the first place, but his feet started to move without his permission, as they tended to do, and he was standing at her side, staring down at her hands.
“Wally? Did you need something?” Iris asked, looking up.
He swallowed and bit his lip, wanting to ask, but afraid of what the answer was going to be.
Iris’s smile faded and her eyebrows furrowed in concern. “Sweetheart, is everything okay?” she asked, putting the cap back on the polish.
“Do you…” he started, shifting anxiously.
She patted the cushion next to her, careful of her still wet nails and Wally eagerly took the seat. “Do I what, honey?” She almost reached up to brush his hair back but stopped herself before giving Wally some very sticky and blue bangs. “You know you can ask me or tell me anything.”
“Do you think you could paint my nails?” he whispered, feeling his face heat up as he waited for her to tell him that wasn’t something boys should do.
There was a beat of silence.
“Sure! Do you want this blue or some other color? I have plenty of colors upstairs in the bathroom.”
Wally blinked, gaping at her when her words finally registered. “What? Really?” he asked, feeling something burst to life in his chest. Something giddy and happy and relieved.
She grinned. “Of course! Here, give me your hand,” she said, turning to face him.
Wally held out his hand and she grasped it gently, carefully lifting the brush from the jar before she drew the first stroke of polish across his nail. He sighed and smiled, staring down at the color that coated his fingertips.
It was a beautiful pastel blue and having it on his nails looked so right.
“You know,” he started as Iris slowly made her way across his fingers. “I have a whole stash of nail polish in a shoebox upstairs.”
“Better be careful giving that information to me. I might end up stealing some colors I like,” she joked. “But you can have free reign of my bottles too if you want. I’m not sure what kinds of colors you like but I’ve got plenty to choose from.”
Wally bit his lip as Iris traded one hand for his other. “Thanks, Aunt Iris,” he said, voice soft.
“No problem, dear,” she said, finishing his last pinky. She screwed the cap back on the bottle. “Now you stay here and let those dry. I’m going to grab some cookies and we can watch some t.v. while we wait.”
Iris stood and pressed a kiss to his forehead before stepping around him to head into the kitchen. Wally slid the remote across the coffee table and pressed the power button, careful not to smudge the polish on his fingers.
Aunt Iris made it back to the couch with a plate in her hand by the time Wally had found something to watch and sat down next to him, propping her feet up on the table. Wally did the same and leaned against her side, not feeling as ravenously hungry as he normally would around food.
Their nails had long since dried and the cookies were completely gone when the door opened behind them. Wally immediately stiffened, glancing down at his nails still covered in the soft blue polish.
“I’m home!” Barry greeted, coming up behind them to press a kiss to Iris’s cheek. “What did the two of you do today?”
“Our nails,” Iris said, lifting Wally’s hand to show their matching colors.
Wally bit his lip, preparing himself for the reprimand.
“Ooh very nice,” he commented. “Although I would’ve thought yellow would be more your speed, kid,” he said, ruffling Wally’s hair. “Did you save any cookies for me?” he asked, walking into the kitchen.
Wally let out a shaky breath, feeling relief flood through him as something in his chest finally relaxed.
“You know I think he’s right,” Iris murmured, studying his nails. “We should give you yellow next time. It would match your suit for sure,” she added with a chuckle.
“Yeah,” he agreed in a daze. “It definitely would.”
Wally wasn’t scared to hide his nails anymore. He almost always had some color decorating his fingertips and most of the time he sat in front of the t.v. with Iris as they did their own nails.
Their separate nail polish collections morphed into one that always seemed to be getting bigger since neither of them could resist picking up a new bottle that managed to catch their eyes when they were out shopping.
Wally tried to ignore how his purchases were largely developing a trend towards deep blues, some with hints of sparkles while others embraced a softer gradient.
Aunt Iris didn’t question the sudden interest in blue and he hoped she hadn’t realized why it was happening. Or if she had, she wasn’t commenting on it as he tried a different color blue each week. He knew none of them matched the color he wanted but he was happy with the blue regardless.
He was digging through their box of nail polish, frustrated that he couldn’t find the color he really wanted when Iris sat down across from him.
“Here,” she said, passing a bottle across the table towards him.
Wally stopped and looked up, freezing at the sight of exact shade of blue that somehow seemed to match Dick’s eyes sitting in front of him. He slowly raised his gaze to meet Iris’s eyes and she offered him a small smile.
“You’ve had Dick over a lot lately and I couldn’t help but notice the sudden interest in blue nail polish. I managed to find this today when I was shopping and thought it might be what you’re looking for.”
Wally curled his fingers around the small bottle and clutched it tightly in his hand. “Thank you,” he said softly, uncurling his fingers to stare at the color. “It’s perfect.”
“Have you thought about telling him?” she asked.
Wally hunched his shoulders and she chuckled. “Okay, okay. Nail polish now and love confessions later. Now pass me the box. I need to find a new color this week.”
Wally painted his nails while Iris dug through the bottles of nail polish, finally settling on a vibrant green. He stared at the blue that shined and shimmered on his nails and for a moment he thought he was looking into Dick’s eyes.
“Aunt Iris?” he asked softly.
“Can Dick come over this weekend?”
He didn’t look up to see the smile that pulled at her lips. “Of course he can,” she agreed.
Wally fought not to bite at his nails and chip away the polish covering his fingers. He’d just redone them the day before in the Cave with Artemis and M’gann and they still shined the brilliant blue that matched Dick’s eyes. Plenty of people had seen the color but since Dick always had to wear sunglasses or a domino with the rest of the team, he didn’t know how he felt about it and everyone else couldn’t make the connection since they didn’t know what Dick’s eyes looked like.
He knew that Dick must’ve seen the color. He was too observant to not have noticed. But Dick realizing the color matched his eyes exactly was another story entirely and one Wally wasn’t sure he was ready to know the answer to.
He was getting antsy. He knew Dick was going to get to the house soon for the weekend they’d planned together, but he wanted nothing more than to leave and go running to get rid of his extra energy.
The doorbell rang and Wally froze, going stiff on his bed. He strained to listen, picking up Iris’s footsteps on the wood floors below as she made her way down the hall.
“Afternoon Dick,” she said, pulling open the door. “How are you?”
“I’m doing good,” he said brightly.
“Good to hear it. Wally’s upstairs in his room. I’m going to order pizza later so I hope you’re hungry.”
Dick chuckled, his voice getting closer as he climbed the stairs. “If I don’t eat everything you order for me I’m sure Wally will have no problem finishing it off.”
“You’re right about that. And if it’s not Wally then it’s certainly going to be Barry,” she agreed.
“Hey dude,” Dick said, swinging around the corner.
Wally grinned, his earlier nerves and energy immediately falling away in the presence of his best friend. “It’s about time you got here.”
Dick rolled his eyes and dropped his duffel bag on the floor before climbing onto the bed to sit cross-legged facing him. “It’s not my fault. Bruce was…” he sighed. “Was making sure I had everything I needed for the weekend and reminded me that if something happens we’ll need to zeta to the Cave.”
“He gives you the same talk every time you come to stay over,” Wally said, perching his chin in the palm of his hand as he braced his elbow against his leg.
Dick’s eyes flitted towards his nails and Wally swallowed.
“Yeah I know,” Dick admitted. “And it’s probably not going to stop anytime soon. Alfred’s the same way though and I guess it can’t really be helped right now. They love playing the part as my parents. I think Bruce is watching lots of teen movies to try and get a grasp on the whole parenting thing though”
Wally let out a breath and rocked backwards, pressing against the headboard. “I mean things got a lot better when I moved in with Uncle Barry and Aunt Iris, but Bruce and Alfred aren’t exactly like my parents were.”
He saw Dick’s mouth tighten and shifted, reminded how much Dick hated the situation in the household he’d grown up in.
“Hey,” Dick said, catching his attention.
“Yeah?” Wally asked.
“Do you think you could paint my nails?”
Wally blinked. “What?”
Dick shifted. “You always seem to enjoy painting your nails bright colors and I thought I could try it too and see what it’s all about.”
“Uh, sure,” Wally said, climbing off the bed. “I’ll go get the box of nail polish and you can pick out a color.”
He waited for Dick to nod before he left his bedroom and swung around into the bathroom. He pulled the box of polish from underneath the sink, the new blue that decorated his nails sitting on top. He clutched the box tightly between his hands as he walked back to his bedroom.
Dick was sitting on the floor and looked up at him expectantly. Wally sat across from him and set the box between them.
“Go ahead and pick out the color you want,” Wally said. “You could do red since that’s your costume or maybe blue since there are a lot of those. Or maybe even green since you have so many green hoodies,” he rambled, listing all of the colors he thought Dick might like.
“Maybe,” Dick said, moving through the different bottles.
Wally glanced down and saw he’d uncovered the different pastels that Wally had bought when he’d first started his nail polish collection. His eyes flicked back to Dick’s face and he froze when a soft smile pulled at his lips.
“I think I’ll get this color done.”
Wally looked down and blinked when he pulled out a bright yellow from the bottom of the box. “Uh, sure,” he said, moving the box out of the way to take the bottle from Dick’s fingers.
He shook the bottle several times, mixing the polish together. He unscrewed the cap and set the bottle to the side, holding out his hand for Dick’s. Dick placed his slim fingers over his palm and Wally moved them gently as he started the careful process of spreading the polish over his nails.
The color was bright and stood out beautifully against Dick’s darker skin and Wally tried not to focus on how much he liked the contrast of the colors. It was the same kind of pleasure he got from seeing Dick’s blue on his own nails.
“Well?” Wally asked when he finished Dick’s last nail. “What do you think?”
He screwed the lid back on the polish, not willing to meet Dick’s eyes.
“I like it,” he said happily.
Wally looked up and saw his grin as he admired the color on his nails.
“It reminds me of you,” Dick added.
Wally swallowed, his eyes widening. “Dick…”
He watched as Dick looked away, his cheeks turning a light pink. “I didn’t want to assume anything but the color you’ve been wearing the past couple of weeks matches my eyes doesn’t it?”
“Well, I mean-that’s-I…” he started, floundering for something to say. “Yeah,” he admitted quietly.
“Why did you pick that color?” Dick asked softly.
Wally pulled his knees to his chest. “Because I like it,” he whispered. “I like...you.”
Dick huffed a laugh. “That’s good.”
“Huh?” Wally asked, looking up. He jolted when he realized how close Dick had gotten, sitting on his knees in front of him.
“That’s good because I like you, too,” he said with a smile.
Wally let his knees fall away from his chest and leaned forward, hesitating a moment before he pressed a quick kiss to Dick’s lips. Dick grinned when he pulled back and Wally laughed, letting his head fall onto Dick’s shoulder, and feeling almost as relieved as he’d been when Iris had agreed to paint his nails so long ago.
“Don’t smudge the polish,” Wally said when Dick made a move to hug him, earning a high cackle from him that echoed around the room and inside the farthest corners of Wally’s heart that felt ready to burst.
If you enjoy my work, please reblog or consider buying me a ko-fi!
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TWINS | BTS | Fanfic| PT 3
It's been almost an entire week and I haven't heard anything from Jimin. Taking a sip from my boba, I stop at the street light waiting for the sign to change. It was crowded with many people, I was squished in the crowd and I felt someone take hold of my hand. Oh my god its a pervert. That's when I got a notification unlocking my phone it was a message from a private phone number.
Don't attract any attention to yourself just follow me my lead.
Looking at my phone I could see Jimin's reflection on the screen, relief wash over me but from the other side of the street I could feel like we were being watch. And I was right someone wearing all black stood still and he was staring directly at me. Luckily the light sign turned and everyone was on the move.
Jimin held my hand tighter as we push past people, turning a sharp corner we were met by a black window tinted car park in an empty dark alleyway. He unlocks the car and tosses me the keys, "You drive." he says opening the passanger's door. sit and takes out his phone. Letting out a sigh I step in turn on the car & drove off following Jimin's directions we found ourselves at a fancy hotel. As the valet parks the car I follow close behind Jimin as he went to the front desk and asks for the room key. The front desk lady squeals as she saw the k-pop idol smile up at her, quickly gave him the key and slowly caressed his hand. Jimin gives her a weak grin thanks her then took my hand in his leading me to the elevator.
The desk lady finally realize my existence and signals her other coworkers, they all whisper to each other which made me uncomfortable. My eyes stayed glued to the ground as Jimin pulled into the elevator on into a room were I was greeted by an embraced.
" OMG it's so nice to finally to meet I'm Ji-yoo Jimin's stylist." she says releasing me.
"Hello nice to met you I'm-"
"Oh no need to explain sweetie Jimin has told me so much about you. So lets get started come take a seat here." Ji-yoo says taking my coat and sits me down in a sliver dresser chair surrounded buy so much make up. Wrapping a piece of clothe around my neck, next Ji-yoo concocted a mixer which reeks of bleach, "What are you doing?"
"Dyeing your hair blond like Jimin's" she says pointing to Jimin how pulls down his hood to reveal his lock blondish, sliverish. It was no longer brown, "Well can't I just use a wig or something." I suggest.
Jimin chuckles looking up from his phone he lifts one finger and moves it side ways, "Not possible my dear little sister remember you're going to be sharing a room with one another guy and with all the dancing the wig mite fall off." I gave a glare from the mirror. "Cheer up you're going to look great and if it makes you feel any better I'm going to dye my hair brown and have extensions on to look like a girl."
"Just like how mom use to dress us." I squeal "Okay do your thing Ji-yoo"
Plugging in my ear buds I jam out to Big Bang. I must've fallen asleep because next thing I knew I woke up to my reflection to find my hair dyed and cut short exposing my ear. "It suits you quite well sis." I turn to find Jimin with long brown hair, "If mom saw this she would die happy."
Unlocking my phone I started to take pictures no stop each one taken with a different angle. Jimin instantly went into model mode, switching places I began to model, Ji-yoo took the phone and together we pose on the bed, floor, hallway, closet it was definitely a full out photo shoot.
Switching clothes Jimin explained what was going on right now with the rest of the guys, I was rooming with someone name Jung Hoseok he's part the rap line and dance line most of the time he's in the dance studio practicing so he won't be much of a bother. Also with the youngest member Jeon Jungkook the golden makane.
One by one he introduces his members and I did the same telling him about the people I live with to the people I work for. Fixing my hair I step out of the bathroom, let me tell you one thing I look good in guys clothes, I look just like Jimin. Speaking of Jimin he steps out of the other bathroom wearing my outfit.
"It's like looking in a mirror huh sis." He jokes pushing up his fake breasts and pucker his lips.
"Shut up." I said putting on the Apple watch. "Is there anything else I need to know before this takes off."
"Yeah the guy's they tend to be touchy. So don't panic if they hug you or due something in front of the camera fans like to see us fawning over each other." He says casually. "Also I told the guys I was going to the doctors. So if they ask that's where you went."
I nod my head in agreement, "Jimin before I leave, my roommate tends to be sick all the time so please take care of her & don't try anything." I warn him, he rolls his eyes but agrees.
"Aren't you nervous?" Ji-yoo says.
"Why would I be?" I answer.
"You're going to be living with guy's. Men do weird things you know?" Says Ji-yoo finishing her packing as she stood by my side.
"I grew up with two brothers how hard is it to handle six more." I smirk at Jimin, putting on the shades and pull up the hood.
"We'll were off." Ji-yoo waves to Jimin opening the door and steps out of the room.
I follow Ji-yoo but got stop by Jimin taking hold of my hand. "Jinee if at any point you feel uncomfortable we can switch back."
Pulling Jimin in a tight hug, it's been so long since I seen him it felt weird hugging him. I understood why I was doing this, yet I couldn't help but be scared at the idea of putting his career on the line, fooling friends, his fans everyone that knew Jimin as an idol.
"I'll be fine Jimin don't worry." I have him a smile. "Secret twin handshake?"
"Aren't we a bit to old to be doing that." Asks Jimin
A grin came across his face, doing our handshake we parted ways. Closing the door I follow Ji-yoo to the back of the hotel where the black car from waited for us.
Buckling in, Ji-yoo drove down the roads till we stopped at an apartment complex. It was huge and so fancy, "Okay Jinee this is you. You're apartment is on the 8th floor room 3015 here's your key. Jinee fighting!" Ji-yoo cheers, handing me a key.
I wave her good till the car was out of sight taking in a deep breath I set foot inside the lobby were I was welcomed warmly. Smiling to the receptionist I headed towards the elevator and push the button that had an arrow pointing upwards.
The elevator doors sung open to reveal a man dressed in a red hood, black short and Timberlands?
This must be Jungkook.
"Oh Hyung! Where have you been we've been calling you nonstop." He said showing me his phone 20 missed calls. "What's with the new phone?"
Crap! Jimin and I didn't switch our phones. "Sorry Jungkook I was at the doctors and when I left, these girls started chasing me and I dropped my phone and it's broke. So I bought a new one." I explain lowering my voice a bit and show him my new phone.
"That explains a lot." He giggles as did I till it got awkward. We stood there in silence, a confused look took over Jungkook's. "Hyung aren't you going to step inside?"
"Oh right." I chuckle nervously stepping inside the elevator. As we rode the elevator I couldn't help but admire Jungkook's facial features, he's so handsome.
Following him out of the elevator he unlocks the door to apartment. Where we were, greeted by loud yelling and something that smells fantastic.
"We're home!" Jungkook yells taking off his shoes and step into the living room. Following his actions I pass the kitchen to see one man with blond hair wearing checkered blue apron.
"Jin-hyung is the food almost ready." Asks Jungkook dipping his hand to take out a piece of meat out of the pot.
Jin smacks Jungkook's hand, he pouts and walks away.
"Can you believe this kid? God knows where his hand been." He mutters "Jimin go tell everyone that the food is ready." I nod and went to the living room to find three men sitting in the couch and Jungkook playing video games with another boy with his hair painted two different colors. I instantly figured out that this was Taehyung how because of all the Gucci he was wearing.
Like seriously this guy was deep dip in Gucci.
"Um Hyung said that the foods ready." I say. They exchanged looks before dropping everything and run to the table.
Taking the only available seat which was next to Jin and to Hoseok. They gobble down the food at a rapid pace that I didn't even get a chance to fill up my plate.
Once finish we played Rock, paper, scissors it was down to me and Namjoon it was very intense. "Rock, paper, scissors shoot." Namjoon threw out paper while I threw rock. The leader cheers as did the others, being disappointed I took all the plates and began washing them.
Plate after plate, cup after cup I finally finish flopping down on my bunk bed which was at the bottom I scroll threw my phone and found a message from Jimin.
Jimin: How was dinner?
Me: Very awkward I didn't get a chance to eat properly. WBY
Jimin: Boring your roommate hasn't even come home I had to eat alone :(
Me: yea she tends to do that get use to it.
Jimin: well you better get to sleep you got practice tomorrow
Me: u too! U got class at 8:30 goodnight :)
Jimin: night sis
Taking Jimin's PJ's I lock the bathroom door and quickly took off the bandages around my chest. It felt great being able to let the girls out for a breather. Turning on the shower I step in letting the cool water hit my skin.
Suddenly a knock came from the door. "Hey Jimin are you okay? You've been in there for a while." It was Hoseok.
"Just a second." I turn off the shower, change into the PJ's realizing I only had one pair of underwear and they were used.
Another knock came from the door, I had no choice but to put them on.
Opening the door I saw Hoseok concern expression. "Are you okay?"
"Me? Yeah I'm okay."
"You sure you've been acting strange today."
"I'm okay Hoseok really I am. I went to the doctors they said that nothings wrong with me." I lied " Now excuse me I'm going to bed night Hoseok."
"Night Jimin."
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impala-dreamer · 6 years
Bad Medicine
SPN FanFic
~Sometimes, as a hunter, you gotta go undercover. And sometimes, going undercover leaves you very exposed.~
Dean x Reader, Sam
5,390 Words or there abouts #oops
Warnings: Talk of murder! A Case! Saucy language! Strippers! Stripper!Dean! Nakedness! Implied Sexual Activity! Man thongs! PG13.
A/N: This was a long time working. Based on a tiny comment in a drabble by @roxyspearing​ who graciously let me roll with it. I think this is hilarious, but what do I know? 
Feedback is GOLD ~ My Masterlist ~
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Y/N and Dean made their way into the kitchen in search of caffeine, neither of them surprised to see a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Sam hunched over his laptop at the table.
“Mornin’!” he greeted them loudly, making Y/N cringe; the case of beer she’d helped Dean empty the night before banging loudly in her skull. Sam didn't notice or seem to care about her hangover and sat back, pointing at his computer. “So, get this…”
Dean held up a hand, begging for silence as he shuffled to the coffee pot. “No. It's too early for that. Gotta let me get some coffee in me before you start with that crap.”
Y/N nodded in agreement while she took a seat, groaning as her head dropped to the tabletop. “What he said.”
“OK,” Sam sighed and closed his laptop. “If you don't want to hear about the strippers, it can wait.”
Dean's head snapped around so quickly he pulled a muscle in his shoulder. “Stippers? What now?” He looked to Sam with a dumbstruck expression and waited patiently for more.
Sam crossed his arms and shrugged smugly. “No, it’s fine, you don’t want to hear about it.”
Y/N lifted her head in interest, her eyebrows raising as she waited for an argument to ensue.
Dean set his mug down and grabbed the laptop, spinning it around to face him as he sat down. “Gimmie that.” He raised the screen and blinked his bleary eyes while he scanned the article. Y/N slyly snatched his coffee and sipped it gratefully as Dean’s face lit up.
“So?” she asked over the rim of the mug. “Strippers?”
Dean’s eyes grew wide with a ridiculous smile. “Strippers,” he nodded. “Lots of strippers. Dead ones, too.”
Y/N frowned and smacked her lips. “Eww.”
Sam sat forward and reclaimed his computer with a sigh, having had enough of Dean’s teenage behavior. He cleared his throat and laid out the details for Y/N. “Beksley, West Virginia. Seven exotic dancers have gone missing over the last few months, all from the same strip club. A few of them have been found, but only parts of them.”
Y/N’s stomach, already sour from the beer, gurgled in protest. “Which parts?” she dared to ask.
“Uh,” Sam shrugged and scrolled down a bit. “Bits of hair, a few teeth…”
“Glitter,” Dean chimned in with a smirk that neither tablemate returned.
“That’s not funny, Dean,” Y/N chastised him.
He stammered, “Well, no, but…”
“Those girls are somebody’s daughters,” she scolded.
“Oh, come on!” Dean sighed and looked to Sam for help, but his brother frowned and gave him a look, silently agreeing with Y/N. “They get paid more than we ever will, and I’m sure they’re…” He waved his hand, trying to come up with a good answer. “...working their way through med school or whatever… Shut up.”
Again, Sam cleared his throat, putting an end to Dean’s pain. “Anyway, I think we should go check it out.”
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The drive took only twelve hours under Dean's lead foot, and the trio had a look around after checking into the Bluebird Motel off the back highway.
The town was small, but felt like a big city in its bustling downtown and grimy sidewalks. Mom and Pop stores lined Main Street, and the townsfolk were generally pleasant, nodding hello with gentle smiles as they scurried past the impressively suited federal agents that surveyed the area.
“Oh, that place is disgusting. A real black mark on our town,” Mrs. Ritter, the blue-haired owner of Minnie’s Bakery commented as Y/N casually questioned her about the strip club.
“I'm sure it is,” Y/N nodded in sympathetic agreement. “Can you tell me, Ma'am, did you know any of the victims?”
Mrs. Ritter sneered as she handed Y/N a white paper bag filled with homemade jelly donuts. “Absolutely not. I wouldn't go near any of them.”
Y/N smiled kindly, biting her tongue at the hate the old woman was spewing on the poor dead women. “Of course not. Well, thank you very much for your time.”
Sighing with annoyance, Y/N met up with the guys outside the little shop, tossing the bag of pastry at Dean who grinned excitedly.
“People in this town are really nasty,” she said with a nice eye roll.
“Really?” Sam shrugged. “They seem nice.”
“They're all extremely huffy about the strip club,” she explained. “Dude in the hardware store slammed his fist on the counter when I asked about it. Creepy.”
“This place is weird,” Dean agreed as he shoved half a donut in his face. “Dere’s no ar effer.”
Y/N and Sam titled their heads in tandem confusion and Dean swallowed his massive bite. “There's no bar either,” he clarified. “Except the club. And technically that's not even in town. The property is right on the town border. So two-thirds of the parking lot are in Beksley, and the actual building is in Manook.”
Again, Sam and Y/N seemed genuinely confused and Dean scoffed as he took another, albeit smaller, bite. “What? I did my research. You two clowns were out chatting up the locals and I was digging through the real dirt.”
“Huh, OK.” Sam frowned and nodded as he pondered the information. “So what do you think we're dealing with?”
Dean shrugged and dug out another donut. “I don't know, but these things are heavenly.”
Y/N chuckled as he shoved another pastry down his gullet, and white sugary dust settled on his sports coat. “Glad you like them,” she said and turned to Sam. “I have zero theories. What kind of monster attacks strippers and leaves random body parts behind?”
Sam sighed and bit his lip. “No clue.”
“E hood o to da flub.”
“Dean, would you please swallow before you talk? You're going to choke.” Y/N rolled her eyes, but secretly enjoyed watching him enjoy himself.
Dean swallowed dramatically and wiped his mouth with his fingers, then popped them between his lips one by one to lick them clean. “We,” he said, slowly and clearly, “should go to the club next. Check out the chicks...um… clues.”
“Agreed,” Y/N sighed, adding quickly with an exasperated sigh, “about the clues.”
Dean chuckled as he rolled down the top of the donut bag and spun around towards the car. “Nothing I love more than working a case with real strippers.”
Y/N clear her throat and glared at Dean who gave her an apologetic smirk. “And you…” he said, trying to weasel his way out of the dog house.
“Shut up and drive, Winchester,” she sassed, and opted for the back seat, wrenching the door open in a huff.
Sam laughed over the hood of the Impala at Dean who cringed. “You do this to yourself, you know.”
Dean rolled his eyes and threw himself into his seat. “Yeah, yeah, yeah... shut up.”
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The Cat Scratch Lounge was a strip club straight out of a bad movie. The lighting was dim, save for pink neon around the bar and stage, the music was painfully loud, and the decorator seemed to own stock in the red crushed-velvet industry.
Y/N and Sam took in the surroundings with their noses in the air, each trying to figure out how they could avoid touching the floor, while a wide-eyed Dean grinned like a fool.
“You really are enjoying yourself, aren't you?” Y/N asked as his gaze became locked to the stage.
Dean laughed and then calmed himself when he saw her disapproving eyebrow raise. “I'm sorry,” he murdered pathetically.
Y/N shook her head and moved away, not really mad, but enjoying keeping him on edge. Dean was Dean, she knew, and no amount of feminist ranting was going to change him. Not that she'd want to anyway.
They split up and slyly interrogated a few of the patrons, chatted up the bartenders, and sniffed for clues. An hour later, they met back up at the car, having gotten exactly nowhere.
“Well that was a bust,” Dean sighed, folding his hands on the roof.
“We need to talk to the girls,” Sam said simply.
“I'm all outta twenties, Bro,” Dean joked. “Can you spot me?”
Y/N let out a breath filled with annoyance. “No one's going to talk to you anyway, ya Horn Dog. You pay them and they'll just rub all up on you and tell you how pretty you are.”
Dean cocked his head and laughed. “What exactly do you think a lapdance is, Y/N/N?”
“My point is,” she said, tossing her hands in the air. “We need to talk to them...off the clock. Gain their trust. Someone had to have seen something.”
“What would be better,” Sam interjected, “is to have one of us backstage.”
Y/N and Dean looked to Sam with exceptionally opposite reactions. Dean’s face lit up at the exact speed that hers fell.
Sam crossed his arms and went on. “No one's going to talk. The owner is clueless and everyone else is scared or not willing to think about what's happening. I think we need to set a trap and wait.”
“Are you suggesting that one of us goes...” she paused and crossed her arms, mimicking Sam's stance. She knew what he was saying, but didn't want to believe it. “Undercover?”
Sam nodded and Dean chuckled.
“Well, only one of us looks good in stilettos…” Dean grinned and wiggled his brows at Y/N.
“I hate you.” She looked to Sam who gave her a sympathetic smile, and then rolled her eyes as she agreed. “Fine! Fine! Use me as bait. I'll just roll in there and chat up the Glitter Squad and wait for some monster to eat me. Makes perfect sense.”
“I'm sorry, Y/N.” Sam sighed.
“I'm not,” Dean smirked.
Once again, Y/N yanked open the back door with just enough force to show her displeasure. “Of course you're not.”
“Hey,” Dean whispered once they were settled inside the car. “You bring that red lacy thing with the straps and the things cut out? You should wear that.”
Dean wasn't sure what hit the back of his head, but it felt strangely like Y/N’s shoe.
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Back in the room, Y/N locked herself in the bathroom, getting ready for her stage debut, while Sam hit the books. There wasn't a thing in John's journal that remotely mimicked the killings in town, but after digging through the Men of Letters’ Archives on his tablet, he had formulated a hunch.
“Hey, so…”
Dean looked up from his phone, waiting for Sam to continue, but Sam was actively reading something and his lips were still.
“Huh?” His head twitched as he tossed a bit of hair back into place.
“You started talking…” Dean said, “and didn't...finish.”
Sam looked over at his brother, confused for a brief second before snapping back into reality. “Oh, yeah. Sorry.” He stood up and brought his tablet over to Dean. “You ever hear of Bacchus?”
“The fat guy with the grapes?” Dean asked, peering at the screen.
“The Roman god of wine?” Y/N appeared by the bathroom door, her hair curled and shining, her makeup exaggerated and fierce. The boys both turned their heads and stared with gaping mouths. Y/N huffed and set her hands on her hips, but that only drew attention to the fact that they were bare. Her tight leather mini skirt did not quite meet her bright red tank top, but neither brother seemed to mind this hint of flesh. Y/N cleared her throat, but neither man dared blink, so she sighed and grabbed her black peacoat, covering herself and pulling the sash tight. “You two are pigs,” she said.
Sam regained himself quickly, blinking and shying away. “Sorry, Y/N. You...look very nice.”
“Thank you, Sam.”
Dean let out a noise that was almost a word but more of a bunch of words shoved into one syllable. Y/N shook her head, seething with annoyance, and focused on Sam and his findings.
“So Bacchus. What's up with him?”
Sam handed her the tablet, but explained anyway. “Well, little known fact, Bacchus is actually the bastardized version of Dionysus, who basically governed the same things, except she liked to dine on the flesh of her worshipers and partygoers. Bacchus just liked to get everyone drunk and happy.”
Y/N chewed the inside of her cheek while she thought it over. “So, you're thinking this Greek Goddess is in town having some snacks...just randomly?”
“Good,” Dean said suddenly.
“What!” Y/N snapped at him.
“You look good,” he replied, licking his lip and trying to refocus.
Y/N laughed dispute her annoyance. “Thanks. Jerk.”
“Yes,” Sam said, speaking over the two like a teacher calling his class to attention. “It would seem to be random, but…” He took back the tablet and swiped through some pages. “I found a spell to call the gods. What if…”
Y/N’s eyes sparkled as she caught his drift. “Pissed off townsfolk invoked the god to come clear out the riff raff?”
Sam nodded. “Yup.”
“That's uncalled for,” Dean said sadly. “What'd those girls ever do but try to bring some joy to people's lives? What a waste.”
“So how do we kill a god?” Y/N asked, stepping over Dean's mock sympathy.
“It's surprisingly not that hard,” Sam said with a chuckle. “We just have to draw her out.”
“Which means, I'm definitely going up on stage tonight.” Y/N looked towards the door, wondering if there was any chance she could sneak away. Her bucket list had never included stripping, but there was really no way out of it. “Awesome.”
Dean swung his legs over the side of the bed and grabbed Y/N’s hand, pulling her over to him. “Hey. You're gonna do great. And Sammy and I are gonna be right there the whole time. Nothing is gonna happen to you.”
Y/N looked down at him with narrowed eyes. “Do you think I'm worried about being bait? Dean, we've played this con a hundred times.”
“Then what are you worried about?”
“Uh, taking my clothes off in front of a room full of strangers?”
Dean laughed so hard it made Y/N laugh too, and poor Sam retreated to his chair by the door.
“You,” Dean said, pulling her closer still. “Are so beautiful…” He kissed her cheek. “So sexy…” A press of lips to the other side. “No one is gonna be able to take their eyes off of you.”
Y/N tried to fight it, but she felt her cheeks grow warm under his attention. “You think so?”
“Baby,” he said honestly, cupping her face in both hands. “I know so.”
After their kiss lasted longer than ten Mississippis, Sam decided to seek shelter elsewhere, and went to prep the weapon they needed to take down the goddess. He said goodbye, but he doubted very much Dean or Y/N could hear him over their own sloppy noises.
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Armed and somewhat prepared, the Winchesters and Y/N drove back to the club. The night was clear and cool; the stars shining bright over the countryside.
Dean parked in the lot and the boys watched as Y/N made her way to the backdoor, wobbling slightly in her stilettos on the uneven pavement.
“She'll be fine,” Sam said, nodding as Y/N talked to the bouncer who answered the door.
“I know. She's amazing.” Dean agreed, squinting into the dark, trying to see her more clearly.
The conversation didn't appear to be going the way Y/N wanted, and Dean watched as she turned up the charm, kicking her left foot out to pop her hip. The flirting got her exactly nowhere, and Y/N shuffled back to the car in a huff.
“Well boys, I got good news and bad news.”
Sam turned around fully, and Dean tossed his arm over the back of the seat.
“What happened?” Sam asked.
Y/N grinned and then cleared it away, trying to look professional. “Tonight is Ladies’ Night,” she explained. “As in, ladies come to watch.” Neither guy was picking up the hint so she went on. “More specifically, to watch the ameature male stripper competition that is starting in an hour.”
Sam’s eyes glazed over with legitimate fear, but for Dean, it took a moment longer to sink in. Y/N raised an eyebrow and stared at him until it clicked, watching as his smile faded into apprehension.
“You mean?”
Y/N grinned. “Yup! One of you hotties is gonna have to step up and take one for the team!”
Dean physically recoiled, pulling his arm from the seat and sinking into the space between the door and the steering wheel. Sam looked down and away, rolling his tongue along his inner cheek as he visualized their predicament.
At the exact same moment, the brothers came to the same conclusion, and each raised a balled fist. They brought their hands down slowly, then back up again, three times in all, before revealing their choices. Sam knocked Dean’s scissors away with a crushing rock, and Dean stifled a yell as he hit the steering wheel in defeat.
“Son of a bitch!”
Y/N could hold back her glee no longer, and let loose with a roaring laugh that sent her head flying back against the leather seat. “You...never...win...that!” she cackled and Sam started to shake as well.
“Hey,” Sam interjected in between laughs, “he won once.”
“Alright, alright, enough!” Dean bellowed, tossing his hands up in surrender. “Whatever. You both suck.” His face was bright red, and he looked to Y/N in the mirror, but she couldn’t hold a straight face. “Wait, what was the good news?”
“Huh?” Y/N stopped laughing long enough to sit up and listen.
Dean rolled his eyes. “You said you had good news and bad news. What was the good news?”
Y/N struggled to contain her laughter. “That one of you were going to have to strip. I thought that was clear.”
“I thought that was the bad news.”
Y/N leaned forward and clamped a hand on Dean’s shoulder. “That depends on where you’re sittin’, Sweetheart.”
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It took twenty minutes of meditative deep breathing, instructed by Sam, and a pep talk from Y/N before Dean would get out of the car.
Y/N went with him, as she’d already been seen by the bouncer, and signed her nervous boyfriend up for a fun night of exposition. Unlike the first time they had entered the club, Dean looked around in panic rather than awe, and Y/N made sure to squeeze his hand a little tighter as they made their way through the velvet wonderland.
“You got this, Babe,” she whispered in his ear before planting a firm kiss on the corner of his mouth.
Dean nodded and let out a quick breath. “Yeah. I got this.” He squared his shoulders and turned away, stepping through the dark red curtain and into the unknown.
Y/N was stationed close to the stage, trying to act like all the other drunk ladies that surrounded the empty pole, waiting patiently for the show to begin. She chewed on the straw in her vodka tonic as her eyes swept the room, looking for anything suspicious. She nodded subtly at Sam when he walked in, their eyes meeting for just a second before he slipped away against the back wall, just another figure in the dark.
The music was loud, and the place stunk of booze and perfume, but otherwise, nothing crazy was happening. Sam had his eye on one of the bouncers, and Y/N’s attention kept turning back to the young, blonde bartender who looked like she should be up on the stage instead of slinging drinks.
When the show began, Y/N found it a little harder to focus on the suspects, her eyes kept traveling to the stage. It was truly ridiculous, seeing grown men of various body types prance about the glowing pink stage and shed their clothing. Still, Y/N allowed herself a few peeks of the flesh being presented for her approval.
After the fourth contestant, Y/N’s phone buzzed, and she looked down to see a text from Dean.
‘Y/N! Help!’
Kicking herself for letting her guard down, Y/N’s head shot up and she searched the room for Dean. Panic was replaced by a small laugh when she saw his head sticking out from behind the curtain to her left.
“You OK?”
“No,” Dean said, looking at Y/N with the most pathetic puppy eyes.
“Did you see something? What happened?”
Dean shook his head, his forehead wrinkled with worry.  “I can’t do this, Y/N/N,” he said in a pained whisper.
Y/N rolled her eyes and laughed at him. “Yes, you can.”
“No.” Dean insisted, gripping the velvet curtain he hid behind. “I really can't. I'm not a stripper!”
“Dean, you strip for me like every night.” Y/N winked, hoping to distract him and get him to see the comedy of the situation.
“That's different. And no one else is around.”
Y/N nodded, but smirked. “Well, except that one time Sam was in the room…”
Dean gasped. “That's not...shut up, that’s different. I can’t do this.”
“Oh, but it was OK when it was gonna be my ass up on the stage?” Y/N sassed and crossed her arms, done with his fussing. Her tone closed his mouth, and Dean looked away, biting his lip. The mix of embarrassment and worry in his eyes melted her heart and Y/N reached out to lay a hand on his. “Dean, if you really don’t want to, that’s fine. We’ll figure out something else. It’ll just take longer, but it’s fine. You don't have to.”
Y/N could see him debating the options, weighing out the pros and cons of four quick minutes on stage versus another week or so in a town with no bar. “How do we know this thing’ll even go after me? It's always after chicks.”
“I don't think it cares what it eats,” Y/N told him honestly. “And besides,” she smirked, “one look at those juicy thighs of yours, it'll be dying for a taste.”
Dean’s eyes snapped back to hers and his jaw dropped. “That's not funny!”
Y/N laughed and patted his cheek. “Come on, Dean, it’s a little funny.”
Dean was not amused.
Y/N batted her eyes and pouted. “I love you?”
“Shut up.”
And with that, Dean disappeared back behind the red curtain.
Y/N went back to her spot, shot Sam a reassuring look, and ordered another drink. Dean would be fine, she knew, but she still felt a little bad. Maybe she should have gotten him drunk first… that always seemed to help.
"Alright alright, ladies…” The DJ’s voice boomed over the crowd as a familiar guitar riff filled the air. “...coming to the stage…” Y/N’s eyes lifted to the curtain. “Ready to cure whatever’s ailin' ya…give it up for Doctor...Sexy!"
As the drums kicked in, a cowboy boot peeked out from the break in the curtain. Y/N watched as the boot slid out, accompanied by a leg clad bright green hospital scrubs. Tentatively, the man pushed through the curtain, and Y/N gasped in delighted shock as Dr. Sexy, M.D. made his stage debut. Dean had scrounged up the perfect costume: a white lab coat atop ugly scrubs, his boots, and a stethoscope slung around his neck.
‘Your love is like bad medicine… bad medicine is what I need… oh whoa oh…’
It was clear from his expression that Dean did not pick the song, but he went along with it, slowly making his way across the stage. The women in the front row went wild as he flashed a grin, and Y/N watched as their cheering worked magic on him. His confidence seemed to grow as wide as his smile, and Dean spun around, coyly slipping out of his lab coat as he shook his ass for the crowd.
‘I ain't got a fever, got a permanent disease...and it'll take more than a doctor to prescribe a remedy…’
With the lab coat tossed aside, Dean locked his hands around the stethoscope and pulled it slowly back and forth across his shoulders as he faced forward again. A particularly drunk brunette at the front of the stage stood up and waved a wad of bills at Dean, who smirked and leaned down, flipping the stethoscope off of his shoulders and onto hers. She screamed and shoved the bills in his chest pocket before falling back into her seat.
‘That's what you get for falling in love… you get a little, but it's never enough…’
Y/N watched from her spot in the corner as Dean soaked up all the love from the room. He was totally over his nerves, and teased the crowd by lifting the hem of his shirt just enough to give a sneak peek of his tummy.
‘That's what you get for falling in love… and now this boy's addicted. ‘cause your kiss is the drug…’
In one quick motion, Dean peeled off his shirt and held it aloft, twirling it in the air as the ladies went crazy. He whooped and hollered, and sent the shirt flying off into the shadows behind him. If Y/N didn’t know any better, she’d be sure he’d done this before.  
‘Shake it up, just like bad medicine… there ain't no doctor that can cure my disease…’
Dean was full on dancing at this point, running a hand down his smooth chest and popping his hips to thunderous applause. Y/N was trying to watch the crowd, inspecting each face to weed out the murderous god, but it was getting harder to focus.
‘Bad, bad, medicine…’
Suddenly, Dean jumped and spread his bowed legs wide. His hands flew down to his thick thighs and Y/N nearly fainted when he ripped away the fake scrubs, popping the snaps down along his legs.
‘There ain't no paramedic...going to save this heart attack…’
Dean Winchester stood under the bright spot light, naked but for his brown cowboy boots and a bright red thong that barely held his package in place.
‘That's what you get for falling in love…’
Y/N’s eyes glazed over as she watched Dean dance over to the pole center stage. He lifted one leg, and hooked his knee around the metal, holding on with his left hand as his right waved and invisible lasso above his head. As Dean humped the pole, riding it like a horse off into the neon pink sunset, Y/N’s mind filled with a thousand ideas, and she started making a list of all the things she was going to do to him when the case finally closed.
‘Shake it up, just like bad medicine...your love's the potion that can cure my disease…’
Dean finished to a round of applause that nearly drowned out Bon Jovi’s wailing. He flashed Y/N a quick wink before parting the curtain with an exaggerated wave of his hands and disappearing into the back.
‘Bad, bad medicine.’
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Y/N was still staring dreamily at the stage when Sam tapped on her shoulder. She jumped up, startled from her fantasy, and nearly spilled her drink.
“Fuck, Sam!”
“You OK?” he laughed.
“I mean, yeah. Way to give a girl a heart attack.”
Sam raised a brow and teased her a bit. “I figured Dean already did.”
Y/N’s eyes glazed over again as Bon Jovi played in her head. “Mhmm.”
Sam shook his head and moved out of the light as the DJ took the stage once more to announce the winners. One by one, the runners up came to take a final bow, and when second place was announced, a shout of surprise left Y/N’s lips.
“Doctor Sexy!”
The crowd cheered, waiting for the handsome doc to return, but Dean did not reappear.
“Paging Doctor Sexy!” The DJ tried again, but the curtain was still. “OK...moving on…”
Y/N didn't wait around to see who took home the grand prize. She and Sam snuck backstage just in time to see the tiny blonde bartender whacking Dean over the back of the head with an industrial sized bottle of baby oil.
“You bitch!” Y/N yelled as she raced forward. Dean slumped to the floor and the interrupted deity took off, rushing towards the fire exit. Sam gave chase as Y/N collected Dean from the ground, pausing to wipe a mess of glitter from his sweaty brow.
His eyes fluttered open as she lay his head carefully in her lap.
“Hey, baby,” she smiled.
“Did I… did I win?” he asked, blinking up at her, only slightly concussed.
Y/N nodded and gave him a gentle smile as she caressed his cheek. “You did great, Dean. You took second place!”
In the distance, a shot rang out as Sam took down the offending god with a magical bullet, and Dean frowned up at Y/N. “Second place?” he groaned. “Son of a bitch. Fuckin’ Bon Jovi…”
Y/N would have laughed, but Dean passed out in her arms then, and she found it just a bit tacky to giggle.  
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“Second place. Second place. Did they see my pole work? I was freaking amazing out there.”
Y/N nodded from the bed, watching with a smile as Dean paced the room, lamenting his loss. “You were great, babe. Totally hot.”
“Second place? Come on! That fireman guy had nothing on me. Did you see what I did with the stethoscope? Did you see?”
“Yes! I saw! It was awesome!” Y/N said quickly, hoping he would stop his belly aching. Sam had gone out to grab dinner from Biggerson’s, using the gift card that Dean had won as his prize, and she really didn’t want to spend their limited alone time crying over a contest he didn’t even want to enter.
Dean spun around to face her, his mouth drawn in a ridiculous frown. “I was good,” he said with a pout.
Y/N stood up slowly and went to him, taking his hand firmly in hers as she tried her best to comfort him. “You were the best, baby.” She kissed his hand, but his frown remained. “Absolutely the best.” A hand on his chest, a kiss to his cheek. “Not a dry seat in the house.” That one made him break, and he bit back a laugh, enjoying playing the victim.
“You think so?”
“Oh, most definitely. I know I was excited.” Her lips met his finally as she kissed his troubles away. She licked her lips when she pulled back and looked up into his eyes with devious intent. “Show me that thing again?” she whispered. “The thing you did with your hips…”
Dean pursed his lips and raised an eyebrow as his hands settled on her ass. “Which thing? This thing?” He pulled her close as he rolled his hips forward, pressing himself between her legs.
“That's the one!”
Sam should have known better, should have seen the signs, but he was tired. Three takeout bags and a six pack were balanced in his arms as he fumbled with the room key, barely noticing the obvious noises that sounded behind the door. He kicked it open and stumbled inside, dropping the bags on the table before turning to close the door.
“Heya, Sammy!”
Sam turned towards Dean’s voice at the exact wrong moment and got an eye full for the second time that day. “Jesus!”
Dean laughed from his spot on the floor, hovering over Y/N who hid her face in shame. “You can just call me Dean,” he said with a cocky grin.
“God, I’ve seen enough of your ass today!” Sam shouted as he spun back towards the door.
“Well, I’d leave now, then.” Dean warned as he rolled onto his side, pulling Y/N with him. “Or you’re gonna see a whole lot more!”  
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armytae18 · 6 years
The Past and The Present
Possible love triangle series: rating- mature
Word count: 2314
Jungkook's POV:
I woke up next to Taehyung who was still sleeping, I ruffled my messy red locks. I smiled looking down as his sleepy face, he reminded me of a cute like puppy but sadly I didn't always love him. When I was younger I didn't think I'd ever find my mate at all and that scared me. I ended up falling in love with Jimin. I didn't know if it was because he was the future leader of the group or if it was because he was just hella sexy.
~ Flashback~
I watched from the gardens as Jimin walked by his father's side as he showed him around the castle and the multiple responsibilities he would have later once he grew up. Jimin glanced over to where I was standing with his piercing hazel eyes. I felt so nervous that my stomach was filling with butterflies. Not knowing what to do I waved at him but he didn't wave back he just smirked and continued walking with his dad.
'Did he just smirk at me?' I thought blushing so I walked back to my room with that question on my mind. I laid in bed checking my phone to see if anything interesting was happening. 'I doubt Jimin would like me. He doesn't seem to be gay, I found out when I was 14, I went on a date with a girl and she tried kissing my cheek and I felt grossed out. I just left her there, now I regret doing that too her. I turned my phone off and went to bed.
~A 6 months later~
My dad told me I had to go to this thing for young vampires like me. It was a coming of age type party. "Do I have to go dad?" I asked, I didn't want to go because I knew I didn't get along with any of the other vampires. "Yes son you have too. You're my only son and you're at the age where you find your mate. This is the best event to kickstart the search." He informed me as he fixed my tie. I signed upset and looked at myself in the mirror. I was in a black tux with a red tie, my black hair was slicked up.
-skip to the event-
It's been 2 hours at this party and I was getting bored of it all. I had so many girls try to flirt with me and get in my pants. I rolled my eyes going to the bar to get something to drink. "Do you have anything other than alcohol?" I asked the bartender and he shook his head. "I guess I'll just take a jack and Coke but not a lot of Jack please." I said as he whips up my drink. I hear shoes clicked behind me and I turn around to see Jimin. "Hey Jeon." He said with a straight face. "O-Oh hey Jimin." I said stuttering so I cleared my throat. Hey smirked then ordered a drink as well, a stronger drink than what I was having.
After a few drink I noticed I'm a light weight compare to Jimin, crap. On my 4th drink I started smelling the sweetest of bloods and I knew then that meant my mate was close by. Was it Jimin? Was he actually gay? I looked towards him but I noticed it couldn't be his blood.
"H-hey is anyone sitting here?" A small and nervous voice asked I turned around and that's when it hit me. He was my mate. A small petite man with light brown hair and big doe like eyes and very pink, big lips. I knew I was too long because his figure starting shifting in place. "Y-Yes, sorry you can sit." He sheepishly smiles and sits down by this time I realized Jimin was gone. "I didn't introduce myself, I'm Kim Taehyung." He said cheerfully. "My name is Jeon Jungkook." I responded taking a sip of my drink. "So I guess you can feel the pull?" He asked, I noticed his hands rolled into fists resting on his thighs and he nervously moved them back and forth.
"Yeah I do. I never thought I'd find my mate." I chuckled and he looked towards me nodding in agreement. "Me too." He confesses his blush reaching the tips of his ears. "Why don't we blow this boring party." I suggested. "But where would we go?" He asked shocked. "I have a place in mind." I smiled holding my hand out, he smiled back at me and grabbed my hand. I led him to my car and drove towards a waterfall. "This is where I go when I need space or clear my mind." "It's beautiful." He smiles going towards the edge to look how far it goes. I reach out and grab his hand pulling him into my chest. "Please be careful I don't want you to die." I state and he looked up at me blushing. He's beautiful brown eyes shimmering under the stars, I couldn't resist but lean over and kiss him. He responded and kissed me back wrapping his arms around my neck.
~End of flashback~
And that's how it all went down, I think about 2 months into our relationship I still had a think for Jimin but it slowly faded the more I started being with Taehyung, my beautiful doe eyed mate.
Nala's POV
After Hoseok and (y/n) graduated I started getting bullied a lot. This was the harsh reality I had to live but I meet Brittany who transfered all the way from England. She saved me from the bullies then they tried to bully her as well but they quickly realized Britt is not a bitch to be fucking with, she knew every kind of self defense moves out there and she was also a black belt.
I sat on the toliet seat hiding from my bullies. Today Britt was out sick and of course it's a Monday and the bitches that tortured me found out and they ganged up on me. Currently I had blood all over my face, a bruise was started to show on my check and arms. Silent tears rolled down my face mixing with the blood. "Brittany." I quietly cried but I shouldn't call her she's sick.
I decided to go home and skip the rest of school today, I couldn't deal with the pain and I didn't want anyone else to see me like this. I walked home on the long strip of road that lead to my neighborhood not too far from this hell hole called school. "Hey, do you need a ride?" I ignored the voice thinking it was one of those weird men wanting to have sex with young girls. "Nala, are you okay?" I recognized the voice immediately this time. "Mrs. Tran." I turned around seeing her in the passenger seat and her husband in the driver's seat. "What happened to your face?" She asked in shock getting out of the car. I felt tears pricking my eyes again as I hug her tightly and she began petting my head softly. "Come let's get her home and treated." Mr. Tran said opening the back door and letting me in as they both got into the car and drove to their house which was right across the street from my house. My mom wasn't home so they had to treat my wounds at their place.
"Would you like to explain to me what happened to your face?" Mrs. Tran asked as she gently cleaned my cut on my cheered. "Promise not to tell my mom?" She nods and I explained everything to her. "Awe sweetie I'm sorry you have to go through that." She said hugging me. "Well are you hungry I can make you something to eat." Mrs. Tran offered getting up. "That would be nice but I don't want to bother you anymore than I am not." I nervously rubbed my arm. "It's no trouble." She smiled warmly going into the kitchen to whip something up.
I waited patiently for my food and it was not long before she came back with a try filled with a croissant looking pastry. "It's a mini Apple pie. It may look like just a dessert but it fills you up surprisingly." She said reassuringly. "Thanks Mrs. Tran." I picked one up and took a bite, the crunchy but delicious taste of the Apple and the sweetness of the cinnamon. "Woah these are delicious." I ate two more. "Thank you. Im glad you like them." She grabbed one and ate it too.
We sat in comfortable silence when we heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Mr. Tran said as he opened the door grabbing the round handle. The door revealed my mother with a worried look. "Mom? How did you know I was here?" I asked standing up. "Ms. Foster said she saw you walking on the road with blood on your face." She explained hugging me. "Thank you Mr. And Mrs. Tran for taking care of her." My mother bowed in respect and we head out the door. I waved goodbye as my mom got into the car with me in the passenger seat.
A few days later I went back to school and went to my first period class and sat down at my desk when the rest of the class trickled in then the bell rang. "Hello class we have a new student to our school, please welcome Lee Taemin." The teacher introduced as a tall guy walks in. I've never seen someone so handsome, all the girls were drooling over him. He was a few inches short of 6 feet, with beautiful brown eyes and red streaks in his black hair. He was wearing his uniform tie loosely and looking like one of those bad boys mom and dad tells you to stay away from. I was so zoned out thinking about his looks that I realized what the teacher said. "There's an open seat next to (y/n)." He bows to the class and then walks towards me with long strides. "Hey sexy." Taemin smirks at me causing me to blush and cover my face with my bangs.
Around lunch time I sat alone at a small table eating my food quietly. Then I felt a sudden splash of water, my hair was drenched and water dripped from my face. I looked up and see the evil bitch who's been torturing me. "Really Ashley?!" I yelled. "What? I slipped, plus what are you going to do about it?" She asked smirking at me, I turned around and went back to eating. "I thought so." She snickered high fiving the other two girls with her. "Hey I suggest you leave her alone." A familiar voice said causing me to look towards the source. Lee Taemin. "Heyyy Taemin~" Ashley purred getting closer to him. "Get away from me skank." He almost growled at her causing her to get scared and step back. "Why are you standing up for her?!" She yelled pointing at my wet figure. "Because I don't find bullies attractive." He rolled his eyes as he said. "How dare you accuse me of that!" She was getting frustrated. "Get out of my sight." He demanded causing her and her posey to leave. "Hey you okay." He asked handing me a small hand towel. I nod my head. "Thank you, Lee Taemin." "Drop the formalities just call me Taemin." He said sitting next to me. "Arent you going to eat?" I noticed he did have food. "I already ate." He said staring at me.
From that day fort I had two protectors, Brittany and Lee Taemin.
Blackpink's story
Ah yeah, ay yeah!
Ah yeah, ay yeah!"
On stage the girls perform their new single Ddu-du Ddu-du for their fans but things weren't always this great, they went through a big struggle to become idols.
"Hey Jennie we need to practice now." Rosé said the other two girls stretching and getting ready. "But I'm so tired just 10 minutes?" She asked. "No get up." Then Jisoo walks over. "Come on please Jennie, if we don't we'll never get the chance to debut." Jisoo whines trying aegyo on her. "But haven't we already debuted Unni? We have a buyable CD on iTunes." Jennie grumbles folding her arms together. "Jenny if you don't want to put in the work then you should leave." Lisa said angry. "Fine." Jennie got up and started stretching and they practice their dance for their upcoming new album square up.
-end flashback-
Every day they had our ups and downs, they shared tears, laughter, happiness and sadness but they made it together as a family.
At the end of the concert they all hugged in a circle as a silent tears rolled down their cheeks. They turned to the crowd and bowed, waving at the fans. "Thank you everyone so much for your support without you guys none of this would be possible." The crowd erupted into a loud scream as Lisa spoke. Finally they quiet down when suddenly they heard. "I LOVE YOU!" From a particularly loud fan causing them to smile and send finger hearts to everyone. "We love you too." Jennie smiled realizing how important it is for her to work in this group.
It was around this time that everything was aligned with each other. Jungkook's secret crush on Jimin, Nala being bullied then rescued by Taemin who she doesn't yet is a vampire, Jungkook finding the love of his life and finally Blackpink's struggle and success.
(This chapter again has nothing to do with the 3 main characters but it's a little back story on the supporting cast)
Chapter1 Chapter2 Chapter3 Chapter4 Chapter5 Chapter6 Chapter8 Chapter9
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reject-princess97 · 7 years
Alec Lightwood-Shadowhunters (Part 1)
I sat there, eyeing up Valentine as he ate his dinner. Mine sat on the table, unreachable due to the chains that kept me where I was as I was his prisoner, kept by my capture as way to get to my brother and his friends. My name is Y/N Wayland, I'm 24 and Shadowhunter and I'm a mom. Long story short I have a 4 year old son, Jackson Alexander Lightwood and he was the only reason I hadn't tried to end it. when I was twenty I fell in love with a boy named James who after we ran away together I found out I was pregnant and James turned out to be Valentine. So here I was watching the man I despised with all my life, watching him eat.
"Y/N dear, I believe the child wants your company." He asked pointing toward the door where my son stood. I turned to him and smiled, hiding the chains that kept me seated, the best I could. "Jax, sweetie, please go back to your room. I'll be there in a second." I smiled back as he nodded quickly and turned around and ran, I assume to his bedroom/cell.
I turned to Valentine and sat there, looking at him while he watched my son run off. "I know, why you told the boy I wasn't his father, and I was rather glad you did. He wasn't apart of my plan to get you pregnant it was and accident. But I believe I have found a rather fitting role for the boy." He whispered darkly in my ear as he unchained me.
"Go see my boy, please, tell him I'm his father, I think it's time he knew. I hope you tell him tonight as I think we may have guests and I would like him to meet them." He laughed as he pushed me towards the door.
I let my tired, broken legs carry my beaten and bruised body towards the door and into my sons room. As I made my way into his room I was him sat on his bed, holding onto a book that was from the year I was taken that held lot's of stories I had written about my friends and family from when I was back home, my real home, not the one I was made to go to in London, the one that I had spent the entire last four years fighting to get back to. the one in New York.
"Mama, can you read me a story?" Jax asked, handing me the book and climbing onto my lap,"The one about uncle Jace and Daddy." He requested. I took the book from his hands and watched his face light up, growing happier and happier with every page I turned trying to find the story he wanted. I decided against telling Jax who his father was, I knew it would break is heart when he finds out about valentine being his father.
At around the age of three, Jax began asking about his father and as Valentine as said he didn't want Jax in the first place, I decided I would tell him Alec Lightwood, I boy who I was In love with for most of my life, was his father. I didn't want him to grow to be the man Valentine was I wanted him to be just like his "dad".
"Right mister, lets get under the covers and read." I smiled as I picked him up and put him on the bed, climbing onto the bed and we snuggled under the duvet while I began to read.
"OK, so when we were little, about 16 years old, Uncle Jace, Auntie Izzy, Daddy and Mummy were on a mission." I began, reading the words I had written all those years ago. Words I had spoken a thousand times to Jax.
"To a hotel full of vampires." Jax shouted excitedly.
"Am I telling this story or are you?" I asked his, tickling him a little. His little laugh sounded around the room and I smiled, something I have only ever done with Jax. "Right, well, let me carry on." I laughed. "But yes, we were sent to a vamp den in a hotel, about 20 blocks away from the institute.
"We had gotten our weapons and left for the hotel, Izzy and  falling behind a little bit behind the boys, as she kept bugging me about my crush on Alec. Once we arrived at the hotel, it got really quiet, so we were really anxious.
"We got ready and together we began to enter the hotel. We walked around the hotel a little but we didn't find any vamps, that was when Izzy suggested we split up. Izzy and I went one way, upstairs, while Daddy and Uncle Jace stayed down stairs. So auntie Izzy and I were walking around upstairs when all of a sudden we were surrounded by Vampires."
"Where you scared?" Jax interrupted. I nodded and smiled.
"Izzy and I both were but we knew Daddy and uncle Jace would save the day, they always did." I reassured him. I kissed the top of his head and began reading again wen I heard a loud racket coming from down the hall. I grabbed Jax, who was now scarred and tears ran down his face, and ran the a near by room and hid the best we could.
"Shh baby, it's OK I promise."  whispered quietly in his ear. "Come stop your crying, it will be alright. Here take my hand and hold it tight" I sang and his ear calming him the best I could in this situation. "I will protect you from all around you, I will be here don't you cry." I continued to sing softly in his ear until I heard a noise come from out side the door.
I held Jax tighter against my chest and waited as the door handle slowly turned.  The next moment seemed to happen in slow motion, the door opened and there, in the doorway stood my best friend in the whole entire world, Isabel Lightwood.
"Izzy!" I cried as a carefully put Jax on the floor and ran towards her. She seemed a little shocked and confused at first but it soon hit her who I was.
"Y/N, is that you?" She asked pulling me away slightly as to get a better look at my ace. I nodded and smiled at her.
"Yeah it's me." I cried, actual tear ran down my face. It was then that I heard a small voice call from the corner we had been hiding in. "Mama" He called as he came running over to me. Jax hugged on to my leg tightly and looked up a Izzy.
"Is that..did he just call you mama?" Izzy asked as I picked him up.
"Long story."  told her kissing Jax' head.
"Well you can tell us when we get to the institute. We need to go." She told me as she grabbed my hand I nodded and followed her, stopping quickly to grab my notebook of stories and the photos I kept in Jax' room. I ran back out and followed Izzy, Jax safe in my arms.
"I found Y/N." I heard Izzy say, I looked to see she was on the phone. "Yeah, she's a bit banged up but looks OK." she yelled ad she pulled me with her.
She pulled me out of the building and into a car. I got in the back, holding Jax in my arms. I heard Izzy yell at the driver to go and she turned to me, looking at Jax who was staring for fall asleep in my arms.
Jax was small, four years old with raven black hair and beautiful brown eyes. Really if you didn't know any better, you would think he was Alec' child. Izzy seemed to see that but didn't say anything, she just sat letting me sit there, singing Jax softly to sleep. I kept my eyes on he window, watching as we drove further and further away from my prison.
The car soon came to a stop outside the institute and Izzy and  climbed out, Jax still sleeping in my arms. I couldn't help but smile as I walked through the doors of the institute as it had barely changed in the time I had been gone.
"Alec and Jace will be home soon, I'll take you to your room and you can get yourselves cleaned up. I will grab some of my clothes and I will see if i can find any of Max' old clothes for Jax." Izzy told me as we walked down the long hall until we stopped out side a room that once belonged to me.
After a quick thank you to Izzy I placed Jax on the bed where he slept and I jumped in the shower. I walked into the room after to find a pile of clothes on the bed, one for me and a set for Jax. I changed into the clothes and I carefully, with out waking him, changed Jax too so he was out of the dirty clothes he spent a lot of time in. I tucked Jax in the bed and quietly walked out to go to the kitchen where Izzy said she would be.
"Hey" I said, grabbing her attention as she set food down on the table, I looked at her and raised and eyebrow, pointing at the food.
"I didn't cook it, don't worry." She mumbled, sulking as I clapped my had and sat to the table, eating the food. I ate it quickly as I didn't really get many meals with....no, I don't want to think about him, he is gone now and I an finally home.
"Slow down tiger, you're gonna give your self a tummy ache," I heard some one say, bringing me out of my thoughts. I turned around to see Jace, leaning against the door frame. Without a second thought I ran in to his waiting arms.
"J" I laughed as he hugged me tight.
"(First letter of your name) it's been a while." He laughed as he pulled away and took a look at me, "Jesus, Y/N, you look like crap." he muttered.
I was about to say something back when we were interrupted by someone walking in. I turned to see Alec walking in with Jax in his arms.
"Hey, I found this little guy wondering around the hall, who does he belong to?" Alec asked, he eyes never leaving Jax' face, who quickly answered Alec' question by jumping out of his arms and running straight to me. I caught him in my arms and picked him up and balanced him on my hip.
"Mama, I lost you." he sniffled as he buried his head in my neck. I smiled at him and kissed the top of his head.
"It's OK baby boy, I'm right here." I told him softly.
"Wait, you have a kid?" Jace asked, I nodded and looked at the others.
"Yeah" i replied.
"When did that happen?" Alec asked.
"About four years ago." I answered, smiling down at my son.
"Who's that dad?" Izzy asked. I looked up at them again and sighed, covering Jax' ears so he couldn't hear me.
"Valentine." I whispered, watching my friends faces shift to both shock and anger. "But I kinda told him It was Alec" I finished looking down again.
"Valentine is his father?" Jace whispered. I nodded and I felt my eyes well up.
"Yeah, you remember James?" I asked then and watched as they all nodded. "Well he was valentine. about a year before I was taken from you guys I started dating him to get over my crush on Al...someone, and I kinda fell for him. It was about nine months into the relationship and he changed, he started hitting me, he made me do thing I didn't want to do.  A few months later I told him I was pregnant and he go angry and hit me hard, I woke up a while later and I was tide up and James was sat watching me, turned out he had a big secret and he reveled his true self. After that he kept me locked up and only let me care for Jax when I needed to."
"So James was Valentine all along, Izzy asked. I nodded and cried a little.
"Yeah, he was, well is, horrible. when Jax turned three he started asking who his father was. I couldn't bring myself to tell him that the man who kept his mummy chained up and away from him was his dad and it had been four years since I was taken so I didn't think I would see you guys again, so I told him his dads name was Alec Lightwood and  he was the greatest man I knew. I continued as I looked down at a now sleeping Jax who had fallen a sleep in my arms.
"I didn't want him to grow up like Valentine so I gave him the father he deserved.
"Why did you choose Alec?" Jace asked, I looked over at him and Alec and smiled.
"In my defense, I didn't think I would ever see him again." I laughed before continuing." I had a crush on Alec for most of my life and I guess, Alec was the best person I could ever hope for my son to be like when he grew up.
Alec always put others before himself, he cares for his family and he will do anything for them and I wanted Jax to be just like his "dad" and aunt Izzy." I finished, smiling down at my sleeping baby boy.
"So, his name is Jax?" Alec finally spoke, after what seemed like forever. I looked up at him and smiled a sad smile.
"Jackson Alexander Lightwood. Jax for short. Look now I'm free from that monster, I will tell him the truth, I'm sorry." I told him, tears falling down my face.
"Hey, Y/N, It's OK." He whispered as he walked over to my side.
"It's not like I wouldn't have done the same thing if I was in your position." Izzy reassured me as she walked over and stood by her brother. she reached over and stroked his black hair gently, "Besides it would be fun to have a nephew to spoil." she laughed as she lent down and kissed his head softly.
"Come on Jace, I think we should leave these two to talk." Izzy instructed as she grabbed Jace shirt and pulled him out of the kitchen, leaving me and Alec alone with a sleeping Jax.
"I should get him to bed." I told Alec as I stood up and started to walk towards the door.
"Here, I'll take him." Alec said as he carefully took Jax from my arms.
"Thanks" I smiled at him as we walked to my room.
"It really is OK you know." Alec said out of the blue, surprising me a little. I looked up at him confused. "That you gave your son my name and told him I was his dad. 'm willing to play along, until you are ready to tell him other wise, if you want to that is." he explained.
I was a little shocked by is comment but I smiled up at him. "You don't need to do that Alec, I appreciate your offer though." I told him.
"you should know, I missed you, while you were gone. I just about died when I lost you." He spoke quietly and slowly. "when you first told us about James, my heart shattered into a million pieces. i had missed my chance to tell you how I felt about you." he shrugged, careful not to wake Jax. " I tried to find you, I looked for two years but I had to stop looking because the clave said you were likely dead." He continued.
We stopped outside my room and I let him in so he could put Jax down on my bed. "I will sort him a bed tomorrow, he can have the room next to yours, so he is close by." Alec declared before he walked out of the room. "Goodnight Y/Y" He said before closing the door, and left. I stood there just starring at the door,
Good night Alec" I whispered before shutting the light of and falling asleep with my son in my arms.
*The Next Morning*
"And this is when your mum and I pranked uncle Jace, he looked so funny." I heard who I assumed was Izzy. I shifted on my bed and felt for Jax but he wasn't there, which panicked me a little.
"Yeah, Mama told me." I heard Jax reply, instantly calming my nerves.
"After that uncle Jace pranked your mama, he turned her hair purple which she kept for a while." Izzy continued. I sat up to find Jax sitting on Izzy's lap, on the floor, surrounded by pictures. Izzy turned to look at me and laughed, "Oh that looks like a keeper." Izzy smiled as she picked up a camera and took a photo of me, bed head and all.
"Me and Mama now?" Jax asked as he stood up and ran over to the bed. I helped him on and he sat in my lap as Izzy toke a photo of us.
"Done" She smiled.
Jax turned to face me  and smiled a big tooth grin, "Morning mama." He spoke and he kissed my cheek and climbed off of my bed and ran to sit with Izzy.
"Morning buddy. Izzy do you mind if I take a shower, can you watch him?" I asked and I stood and grabbed a towel from my draws.
"Sure, there are some clean clothes there for you and I dug some on max' clothes out so the should fit Jax." she smiled handed me a set of clothes. I thanked her and headed in the bathroom where I showered.
I didn't shower much when I was chained up so it felt so good showering and with hot water too. And using soup and shampoo, I was in heaven.
After I finished showering I dried myself off and I changed into a pair of black skinny jeans a tight red top and a pair of black knee high boots which were given to my by Izzy.
I let my hair fall into it's natural state before applying a little concealer and foundation that Izzy had found to cover up any cuts, scars and bruises I had on my face and once I had done that I added mascara and a bright red lip stick. I looked on the shelves and found a necklace that belonged to me before I was taken.  picked it up and put it on smiling at the memory.
It was a little silver bow and arrow that Alec had given me for my 16th birthday. that year I had gotten a lot of gifts but my favorites were a cat eye broach I had gotten from my friend Magnas Baine, I silver whip like Izzy's from Mr and Mrs Lightwood and a tiny silver ring that said sister along the band and a photo frame that said family in red glittery writing, inside the frame was a picture of Jace and Alec, Izzy and I in front, from Izzy,
My 16th birthday was one of my favorite memories. that was the night Alec had stolen a bottle of wine and we snuck up to the roof of the institute and we drank the wine, under the stars and that was where he gave me the necklace. and he kissed me for the first time. He never kissed me again tat night, we both were drinking and we blamed it on the wine.
I was pulled out of my thoughts when there was a knock at my bedroom door on the other side of the door, I heard Izzy say something then call my name. I opened my door to see Izzy holding Jax, who was wearing a pair a black skinny jeans, a black shirt and a red bow tie. along with a pair of black converse. Jace stood by Izzy, poking Jax in the tummy making him laugh and Alec stood by the door watching the two with a huge smile on my face.
"Are you sure you're only four, you seem older." Jace questioned Jax who laughed loud.
"Yes and you are 20, auntie Izzy is 20 and Mummy and my Daddy are 24." Jax stated proudly. I laughed and quickly every ones attention was on me, "Mama." Jax shouted as he jumped out of Izzys arms and ran towards my waiting arms.
"Jackson Alexander Lightwood, look how handsome and grown up you are."  gushed, tears filling my eyes as I had never seen him in proper, clean clothes before today.
"Auntie Izzy found them for me." He smiled before he leaned in close and whispered in my ear. "Who's that?" He asked pointing over at Alec.
I guess Alec heard because he too looked at me with what looked like wonder in his eyes, waiting for my answer. I looked over at Alec and then back to Jax who starred at me. It was then that I decided I would do anything and everything to keep the truth from him, he thought the world of the man I had told him was his dad and I couldn't destroy that. So I smiled at Jax and pointed to Alec who smiled and waved.
"That, is Alec Lightwood." I told him, know that was all I had to say in order for Jax to know who he was. Jax'' eyes widened and his smile grew bigger.
"That's him?" His asked me in a whisper. I nodded and smiled as I heard him whisper "He's real" to himself mostly. He then started to fidget in my arms so I put him down and as soon as his feet hit the floor he was off, running towards Alec who picked him up and balanced him on his hip.
"Hi" Alec said smiling.
"Hi." Jax replied, it was quiet for a second, Jace, Izzy and I watching the two.
"You're him, you're my dad." Jax whispered and he hugged Alec tight. Alec only nodded, holding on tight to Jax who looked as thought he was never going to let go.
Part 2
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anavoliselenu · 7 years
Dublin street chapter 9
Dru laughed, hugging me close. “You’re crazy… but I love you.”
…The walls closed in on me as my chest squeezed tight. I wheezed trying to draw breath.
I was dying.
The panic attack lasted longer this time, those words refusing to allow me to focus.
Eventually, I struggled through to reality, pushing the memories back and allowing my body to breathe.
When it was over, I wanted to cry more than I had ever wanted to cry in a long time. But crying would only make me weak. Instead I stood up on shaky legs and tread the memories into the kitchen tiles. By the time I changed and slid into bed I pretended it was all forgotten.
“You had another panic attack?” the good doctor asked softly.
Why had I mentioned it? Nothing good could come of it. She’d never be able to put a spin on what happened. “Yeah, it doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter, Selena. What triggered this one?”
I stared at my feet. “My friend.”
“Which one?”
My best friend. “Dru.”
“You haven’t mentioned Dru before.”
“Why did Dru trigger a panic attack, Selena?”
My eyes slowly lifted to her, raw pain burning through me. “Because she died.” I sucked in a deep breath. “And it’s my fault.”
I woke up just before noon and was immediately blasted by memories of the night before. Memories of Justin and the taste of what was possible between us. In an effort to forget, I spent lunch talking around in circles about Adam with Ellie, and fighting off the nerves that kept zinging in my belly every time I thought about Justin’s promise to come see me that night.
I was just getting ready to head in for a bath when Ellie’s phone beeped and she cursed as she scrolled through a message.
“What?” I asked lazily, as I put away our lunch dishes.
“Justin’s been pulled into the office again, he’s missing another family dinner. I’ll have to put up with twenty questions from my mum asking if he’s alright.”
I ignored the disappointed pang in my chest. If Justin was working tonight he wouldn’t be coming over after all. I should be freaking rejoicing. “Your mom really looks out for him, huh?”
“Well Justin’s mum is a selfish, vain, money-grabbing witch who flitted in and out of his life whenever it suited her. He hasn’t seen her in years. So… yes. My mum looks out for him because his own mum doesn’t.”
How could his mother not care about him? He was Justin Carmichael for Christ sake. “That’s unbelievable. I can’t imagine doing that to my own kid.” Not that I’d be having any.
Ellie gave me her sad eyes. “Justin looks a lot like our dad. Justin’s mum, Evelyn, really loved him. He ended things with her abruptly. Settled some money on her. When she told him she was pregnant, he said he’d look after Justin, but he didn’t want anything to do with her. When she looks at Justin, all she sees is the man who broke her heart and so she’s never been very loving. Ever. Justin spent the school years at home in Edinburgh with a distant but controlling father, and his summers flying around Europe watching his mum hook up with rich idiots who didn’t have time for kids.”
My heart ached for little boy Justin.
And I made the mistake of letting it show on my face.
“Oh, Selena…” Ellie breathed. “He’s okay, you know.”
I don’t care. I jerked back from her soft expression. “I don’t care.”
Her lips pinched together but she didn’t say anything. Instead she stood up, and when she walked by me she squeezed my shoulder.
I stared at the sink, wondering how I’d managed to do this to myself. Where had the mask gone that kept everyone at bay? Why did it keep slipping off whenever Ellie or Justin were around?
Feeling out of sorts, I grabbed my phone and headed into the bathroom to soak in the tub and drown it all out with some tunes, but as I was getting undressed, my phone rang.
Justin Calling.
I stared open-mouthed at the screen, trying to decide whether or not to answer it. I let it ring out.
It rang again.
And I just stared at it again.
Two minutes later as I sank into the tub, thinking I’d escaped, Ellie banged on the bathroom door. “Justin says pick up the phone!”
My phone rang and I closed my eyes. “Fine!” I yelled back and reached over for it. “What?” I answered.
His deep chuckle rolled over me seductively. “Hello to you too.”
“What do you want, Justin? I’m in the middle of something.”
“Ellie says you’re in the bath,” his voice was low. “Wish I was there, babe.”
I could almost feel him there. “Justin. What. Do. You. Want?”
He gave a huff of amusement. “Just thought I’d call to let you know I can’t make it tonight.”
Thank you, Jesus!
“I’m having a problem with a few suppliers on this development and it put us back a few weeks. I don’t know when I’ll be free this week, but I guarantee the moment I get some time, I’m coming to see you.”
“Justin, don’t do that.”
“After last night, there’s no denying the promise of what’s between us. I’m not backing off, so rather than coming up with a new defense – which I’m sure I’d find highly entertaining – just give in, babe. You know you’re going to eventually.”
“Have I mentioned how annoying and arrogant you are?”
“I can still smell and taste you, Selena. And I’m still f**king hard.”
My stomach flipped and I squeezed my legs together. “God, Justin…” I breathed without thinking.
“I can’t wait to hear you say that while I’m inside you. See you, babe.”
And after that parting line, he hung up.
I groaned, my head falling back against the tub.
I was so screwed.
You know on those nature shows when the cute little meerkat is strolling along on its four cute little meerkat legs to get back to her burrow where all her little meerkat politics, drama and family await her, and this big-ass eagle comes swooping overhead…?
The smart little meerkat runs for cover and waits that big-ass eagle out.
Some time passes, and the meerkat finally decides the eagle got bored and went off to scare the crap out of some other cute little meerkat. So, the meerkat crawls out from her hidey-hole to carry merrily on her way.
And just when that little meerkat thought she was home free, that big-ass eagle swoops down and catches her in his big-ass claws.
Well… I know exactly how that little meerkat felt…
Justin didn’t call again, or text, or email. I spent the next few days keeping busy, fighting with my manuscript, erasing chapters that an eighth grader could have written, cleaning the apartment from top to bottom, and taking advantage of the distraction that was the Edinburgh Festival with Ellie. We hit the Theatre Big Top in The Meadows to catch the show, The Lady Boys of Bangkok, and damn, were those some pretty boys, went to the Edvard Munch exhibit out in the west of the city at The Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, and we bought cheap tickets to this young, up and coming comedian who was stuck in a dingy room in the dated building of the Student Union at the university main campus. Being in the union brought back a lot of memories of Rhian, James and I hanging out in there. I tried to let myself enjoy the crowds of the festival, the tourists everywhere, the smell of coffee, and beer, and hot food everywhere. Peddlers on the sidewalk, peddling their wares—jewelry, posters, random mementos, flyers everywhere.
I also paid a traumatizing visit to my therapist and spoke about Dru for the first time.
Yeah. I didn’t want to think about it.
Suffice to say by the time Thursday rolled around I’d managed to convince myself that Justin had only been playing with me. After all, if he’d been serious he would have at least texted me to make sure I hadn’t forgotten him, but nope. Nothing. Nada.
I’d changed my shifts at work from Thursday, Friday, to Friday and Saturday nights so I was free to hang out at home. When Ellie told me she was staying with her mom that night because she felt like hanging out with her family, I stupidly didn’t think anything of it. I was unprepared. I was relaxed, thinking Justin had forgotten about me.
I stuck my stupid head out of my stupid hidey-hole.
That’s when Justin swooped in like a big-ass eagle.
The apartment was silent except for the sitting room, where I was curled up on an armchair, sipping from a glass of wine and watching Zack Snyder’s 300. I realize now what a bad idea that had been. All those rippling muscles and the languid side-effect of the wine… I blamed it all for what happened next.
“You know you should really lock the door when you’re home alone.”
“Shit!” I jumped, spilling wine all over my jeans. I shot out of the chair, glaring at Justin who stood in the doorway, looking un-amused. What did he have to be pissed about? His favorite jeans hadn’t just gotten ruined! “Jesus C, Justin, for the last time would you freaking knock!”
His eyes dropped to my stained jeans before flicking back to my face. “If you promise to lock the door when you’re home alone.”
I grew still, taking in his serious expression. Was he… concerned about me? I frowned, and dropped my gaze as I put my almost empty glass on the coffee table. “Fine,” I murmured, unsure of what to do with that.
“Ellie’s gone for the night.”
My eyes shot to his face and I found him watching me intently. He was wearing a suit, but he looked a little rumpled, like he’d been working for hours and had come to see me without making a pit stop. My stomach flipped as realization dawned. “Did you orchestrate that?”
The left side of his mouth quirked up. “For future reference, Ellie can be bought with a box of champagne truffles.”
I was going to kill the traitor.
Especially because Justin looked so damn good. That and the fact that the costume department for 300 had done a number on my libido caused the hormonal wreck that stood before Justin. I willed myself to take Dr. Pritchard’s advice and stop thinking fifty steps ahead. I told myself all the time that I was living life in the present because planning a future was just so terrifying. But while I lived my life in the present, I constantly worried about what awaited me tomorrow, and I think the good doctor was suggesting I take my own damn advice and live for today.
But with Justin?
It was too dangerous. I already knew I didn’t want a relationship with him.
“I take it you weren’t expecting me?” Justin asked as he settled himself on the couch.
Not wanting to appear intimidated, I slipped back into my seat on the armchair. “No. I managed to convince myself through wishful thinking that we were done with whatever that was that happened before…”
He shrugged out of his jacket. “You mean when I dry humped you against a wall?”
My jaw locked with irritation. If he’d been a character in a book, I would have hated his dirty mouth. As it was, my body loved his dirty mouth. No need to tell him that. “You know, Justin, I’ve watched you over the last few months and you’re such a gentleman to everyone but me. What’s with that?”
“I want you in my bed. Gentlemen are boring in bed.”
Good point. “Gentlemen are gentlemen in bed. They make sure you’re having a good time.”
“I’ll make sure you’re having a good time, and that you’re okay with everything we’re doing. I just won’t be well-mannered about it.”
Stomach flip, belly squeeze. “I thought we already discussed this. You and I are not happening.”
He frowned at me, leaning forward, his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped together between them. His shirt sleeves were rolled up again. It was like he knew what that did to me. “We haven’t discussed anything.”
I sighed heavily. “Justin, I like you, I do. Yeah, you’re an overbearing ass and you say whatever is on your mind without filtering out the filth, but you seem like a good guy, and you’re a good brother to Ellie.” Our eyes caught, and I almost flinched at the pang of attraction that zinged across my chest. “Ellie has become a really good friend and I love living with her here. I don’t want to mess that up. And I don’t want to be in a relationship. With anyone.”
He looked at me so long in silence, I didn’t know if he was actually going to ever respond. I had just decided it might be best to leave the room and Justin to his thoughts, when he relaxed back against the couch. His eyes darkened. I knew that look. Uh oh. “Good thing I’m not proposing a relationship.”
It was safe to say I was completely confused. “Well, what are you proposing?”
“Just sex.”
What? “What?”
“You and me. Just sex. Whenever we want. No strings attached.”
“Just sex,” I repeated, feeling the words roll around my mouth and brain. Just sex. Sex with Justin whenever I wanted with no strings attached. “What about everything else? Ellie, the apartment, the whole gang hanging out?”
Justin shrugged. “None of that has to change. We’ll be friends who hang out and have sex with each other.”
“And what would we tell people?”
“It’s nobody’s bloody business.”
I tilted my head, exasperated. “I meant Ellie.”
“The truth.” He eyed me carefully. “I don’t lie to my sister.”
“She won’t like it.”
Justin chuckled. “I don’t give a flying f**k if Ellie likes it or not. In fact, I’d prefer it if my wee sister stayed clear of my sexual business.”
“That’ll be kind of hard since the person you want to have sex with lives with her.”
That didn’t bother him in the least. “Your bedrooms are on opposite sides of the flat. And you can always visit my bed in my flat.”
Hmm. Justin’s apartment. I was curious to see it.
No! No, stop it! “I can’t.”
“You can’t, or you won’t?” his eyes narrowed dangerously.
Stomach flip, belly squeeze. I closed my eyes. I could feel his body pressed against mine again, feel his tongue stroking mine, and his hand gentle but firm against my breast. Oh God. My eyes flew open and I found his gaze had softened on me. “Just sex?”
I could tell he was trying to stifle a smile, like he knew he was winning. “Well… almost.”
What? “Almost?”
“I need someone to accompany me to business dinners and whatever inane social events Morag has scheduled me to appear at. It would be nice to go with someone who wasn’t expecting a marriage proposal or a diamond necklace at the end of the night.”
“That’s not just sex. That’s like an arrangement. Like the arrangement you usually have with all those Barbies you date. Which brings me to why me? Justin, you’ve got a lot of money and you’re not exactly hard on the eyes—although I doubt you need me telling you that and giving you something else to be a cocky bastard about—so why not go out and get one of those tall, skinny blondes who will jump at the chance of jumping you?”
Surprise flashed across Justin’s face and he dipped his head down. “One: because they need me to care about them. They want me to talk about my feelings, and they want me to buy them shit. We’re talking about taking that out of the picture, which works for both of us. And two: seriously?”
I frowned, wondering what he was ‘seriously-ing’ me at.
“Well,” he shook his head, grinning now, “You always surprise me.”
“How’s that?”
“I just assumed you knew how sexy you are. Apparently you don’t.”
Wow. I flushed inwardly and rolled my eyes at him, like his words hadn’t penetrated my steel armor. “Whatever.”
My blasé answer didn’t deter him. He was determined to answer my question. “No, you don’t look like my usual woman. And yes, I like long legs. And yours are short.”
I glowered at him now.
Justin grinned. “And yet they still gave me a semi-hard on in the taxi when you were wearing those little shorts. And again when you wore them at Elodie’s and Clark’s.”
My mouth dropped open. “You’re lying.”
He shook his head, enjoying himself. “You’ve got great legs, Selena. An amazing smile when you use it on occasion. And fantastic tits. And yeah, I usually date blondes. But you’re a blonde. I think.” He laughed when my glower turned full on glare. “Doesn’t matter about the color. You never wear it down, and I can’t get the thought of you beneath me, and that hair spread out across my pillow while I move inside you, out of my head.”
Oh. God.
“But I think mostly it’s your eyes. I want something from them no one else gets from them.”
“And what’s that?” I asked, my voice low, almost hoarse. His words had affected me as deeply as any aphrodisiac.
“Soft.” His own voice had deepened with the highly sexual atmosphere. “Soft the way only a woman’s can be after she’s come for me.”
I gulped inwardly. Outwardly, I tilted my head to the side with a wry grin. “You’re good with the words, I’ll give you that.”
“I’m good with my hands. Will you let me give you that?”
I laughed and his grin widened, wicked and beautiful. I sighed, and shook my head again. “It sounds like more than just sex, Justin. You’re asking for companionship. That’s complicating things.”
“Why? It’s just two friends going on a few dates and having sex afterwards.” He sensed my unmoving doubt on that one because he shrugged. “Look, when have I ever gotten serious about a woman? I want you, you want me. It’s hanging over what should have been a perfectly nice friendship, so let’s just deal with it.”
“But adding date nights into it? Doesn’t that extend the time period on this thing?”
I thought I saw a flash of annoyance in his eyes, but it was gone with a flicker of his lashes. “You want to put a time period on it?”
“A month.”
And then he grinned, realizing I was giving in.
Shit. I was giving in.
I snorted. “Two.”
We stared at one another and as if it suddenly occurred to us we were talking about how long we were intending to explore a sexual relationship with each other, the already hot tension between us burned deeper, and thickened the air. It was like someone had lassoed a rope around the two of us and was tugging and tugging, trying to draw us closer. An image of us in my bed, naked and writhing, flashed across my mind and my body instantly responded. Panties sufficiently damp, my ni**les joined the party and tightened—visibly. Justin’s eyes dropped to my br**sts and started to smolder before they returned to my face.
“Done,” I murmured.
His next question was unexpected but practical. “Are you on the pill?”
I’d had irregular, heavy periods so yes I was on the pill to stop that. “Yes.”
“Have you been checked?”
I knew what he meant. And after my last sexual encounter and the whole not remembering what the hell had happened, yeah… I’d been checked for STDs. “Yes. Have you?”
“After every relationship.”
“Then I guess we’re good to go.”
The words were barely out of my mouth before Justin was standing above me, his large hand reaching out for mine, his face determined, serious. His eyes blazing.
“What? Now?” I squeaked, totally unprepared.
He cocked an eyebrow. “You want to wait?”
“I just… I thought I’d have time to get ready.”
“Get ready?”
“You know… perfume, nice lingerie…”
With a grunt of amusement, Justin took hold of my wrist and hauled me out of my chair. My small body slammed into his and his arms came instantly around me, holding me to him. A hand slid down my hip and around to my butt. He squeezed it lightly and pressed me against him, his erection hard against my belly. I stifled a moan, tilting my head back to meet his eyes. They glittered down at me. “Babe, nice lingerie is for seducing a man. I’m already f**king seduced.”
“Okay, but-”
His mouth cut me off, crushing against mine, his tongue seeking immediate entry. His kiss was deep and wet and it said ‘this isn’t a date, this is sex’. That was fine by me. I groaned and slid my arms up around his neck and Justin took that as my acquiescence.
One minute I was on the ground, the next I was in Justin’s arms, my legs around his waist, my hands in his hair as we kissed and bit and nipped and licked at each other’s mouths, learning the taste and feel of one another.
“Fuck,” Justin responded, the burr of the word vibrating against my lips.
No time to complain about him leaving my mouth, I felt the air blow through my hair and we were moving into the hall, down the hall, into my bedroom and then I was falling. I hit the mattress with a surprised ‘oof’ and stared up at Justin indignantly. “Was that necessary?”
“Strip,” he answered gruffly, unbuttoning his shirt with quick, nimble fingers.
My sex clenched. My jaw did too. “Excuse me?”
He stopped what he was doing and leaned down over me, his hands on either side of my hips on the mattress, his face in mine. “A second proposal: when we’re f**king, you don’t argue with me.”
“Selena,” he murmured in warning.
My eyes dropped to his mouth, the mouth I wanted back on mine. If that meant not arguing during sex, fine. I’d just argue with him when we weren’t having sex. “Why do you insist on calling me Selena?” I made sure my tone wasn’t argumentative, just curious. Because I was curious.
His lips touched mine, soft, gentle, and he pulled back, those pale blue eyes of his bright with heat. “Selena is a girl’s name. Possibly a tomboy’s name.” He smirked. “Selena, on the other hand, is a woman’s name. A really sexy woman’s name.” He pulled back. “So strip, Selena.”
Okay. He could call me Selena.
I sat up and lifted the hem of my shirt, pulling it up and over my head. I threw it across the room and took a moment to watch Justin strip out of his own shirt. It dropped to the floor and I watched it, before letting my eyes travel back upwards. I smiled in anticipation at the sight of the hard-on tenting his pants, and then my mouth went dry as I took in his naked torso.
Justin worked out. Like really worked out.
The waist of his pants hung low showing off his flat stomach and the sexy v-cut of his muscles there. I bit my lip. I wanted to touch him. My eyes followed his six-pack up to a strong chest and broad-shoulders. And it was all nicely wrapped up in unblemished golden skin.
“Fuck, Selena.” I looked up and found his gaze blazing even brighter than before. “If you keep looking at me like that, this is going to be over far sooner than I’d like.”
Hmm. I liked that. I liked that I had power over him. “Well, we can’t have that.” I grinned saucily, and reached around to undo my bra. The cold air hit my naked br**sts as I dropped the bra off the side of the bed and this time I was treated to Justin’s perusal.
His eyes drifted from my chest to my face and suddenly he looked a little angry. I stiffened in surprise. “Do you know what it’s been like for me since that day in the flat? Sitting across from you in bars, at dinner, knowing that underneath all the attitude is every man’s f**king fantasy.”
Oh, he was good.
His eyes narrowed as he reached for the buttons and zip on his suit pants. The zip slid down loudly. “I’m going to make you pay for making me wait to have you.”
The throbbing between the legs got worse. Sounds good.
I reached up and unwound my hair, letting it fall around my shoulders in all its glory, shivering as the need in Justin’s eyes sharpened. “Fine,” I agreed huskily.
I don’t know which one of us got our pants off faster after that, but one minute I was trying to take back some control with all my sexy attitude and hair. The next minute I was panty-less on my back, my br**sts pressed against Justin’s chest, my thighs spread open to accommodate him between my legs… and I was staring up into his eyes, breathless with anticipation.
“What are you waiting for?” I murmured.
His gave me a wry smile. “For you to back out.”
I huffed in annoyance. “I’m naked aren’t I?”
“So? You have been before.”
“Justin!” I hit his shoulder as he chuckled softly, and his laughter caused his lower body to move–that long, thick, delicious c**k of his sliding down over my belly and back up again.
I gasped at the pulse of pleasure the tease of the action caused and Justin groaned in answer, his lips falling on mine. I’m sure the kiss was meant to be slow, sexy, tormenting. It started out that way. But weeks of forestalling this moment had made us both a little impatient. The kiss grew aggressive, bruising, my hands gripping tight to his hair, his hands kneading my waist, my ribs, my br**sts. My br**sts were particularly sensitive, and when his thumb brushed my nipple, my hips jerked against him.
“You like that, babe,” he murmured, not really asking since the answer was obvious. His lips trailed kisses down my jaw and neck, my hands slipping out of his hair to his shoulders as he stopped at my right breast. He placed a soft, deliberate kiss to the rise of it and I swear I stopped breathing. Another kiss. Another.
“Justin…” I begged.
I felt him smile against my breast just before I felt the wet heat of his tongue against my nipple as his lips closed around it, drawing it in deep. A sharp lance of lust shot through my sex. “God, Justin!”
He did the same to the other breast and I found myself tilting my hips into his, more impatient it seemed than even he was. Then again, it had been longer for me.
“Babe,” his voice rumbled above me as his hand slid down to my hip, stilling me. “Are you wet for me yet, Selena?”
Yes. God yes. “Justin…”
“Answer me.” I could feel his hand moving downwards; felt the graze of his fingers high on my inner thigh, teasing me. “Tell me you’re wet for me.”
When I thought about this afterward, I couldn’t believe I wasn’t embarrassed by his question, or his demand. Or how turned on I was giving into that demand. I’d never had a lover speak dirty to me during sex, but it was working for me. “I’m wet for you,” I whispered against his mouth.
Satisfied he kissed me, a deep, exploring kiss, and his tongue slid over mine as his fingers travelled an inch higher. I jerked at the first touch of them brushing against me. No one else’s fingers had been down there in a while. In response Justin’s kiss grew harder, his touch gentler. My lips broke from his in a moan as he slid his thumb into me, finding my clit and pressing down on it.
“Baby, you’re so f**king wet,” he groaned, his head falling to the bed beside mine, his lips on my neck as his thumb slid out of me, replacing it with two thick fingers that slipped slowly inside my channel. My knees fell open as I reached for more, my hands clinging to Justin’s naked back as I surged up for that ‘more’.
“More,” I pleaded.
And he gave me more, thrusting his fingers in and out of me. He rose up on his other arm to look down at my face as he worked me towards orgasm.
“Yes,” I sighed, feeling it coil and tighten.
And then his fingers were gone.
“You’re not coming until I’m inside you,” he told me, his features harsh with need as he pinned my hands to the bed. “I want to feel you come around me.”
Well I wasn’t going to argue with that.
I held onto my sigh of pleasure at the feel of his throbbing c**k at my entrance. He rubbed against me, teasingly, and I wanted to grab his ass and force him inside. But he held tight to my wrists, grinning as if he knew exactly what I was thinking. As torture, he circled his hips, teasing me more.
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