#also sorry for the poor quality as this is a screenshot
emily-mooon · 9 months
GUYS GUYS GUYS!!!!!! (gn)
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The world has been healed.
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fromperdition4 · 2 months
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No Kinn, that isn't a dumb question!
I would also like to know how you waltzed into the minor family compound, to the upper floors, with bandages sticking out of your shirt!
And also how Vegas keeps showing up at the main family compound with no advanced notice, to chat up your bodyguard!
Are the families just allowed to come and go as they please? Does anyone even make a report when they show up?
Or are Kinn and Vegas just very good at sneaking past all the guards that are (presumably) watching the perimeters?
Hell, let's make it a poll:
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His face here i just can't
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releasing-my-insanity · 5 months
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Once in awhile I have an ACGAS 1978 thought and then I make silly things.
[A screenshot from All Creatures Great and Small 1978 of Tristan (Peter Davison) standing the pub wearing a Fair Isle sweater and grinning while everyone else laughs. Added text reads "I wear Fair Isle patterns now. Fair Isle patterns are cool."]
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duskneko · 1 year
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My reaction to seeing Hati's aurorian art because why the fuck did they enlarge her breasts when she's flat chested in every other art piece in the game
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toftie · 1 year
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theyre kinda....um ..u know... 🏳️‍🌈...
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Gold does not give a flying fuk
He's like ">:("
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eye-of-yelough · 2 years
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Cicero’s copied my war paint… okay.
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Klaus made him wear it.
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highlighterbear · 2 months
something i find really cool is the image in fnaf world's drowning ending.
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it's a taller figure holding two smaller gray figures. definitely means something, right?
if you're particularly good at seeing colors, you might notice that the figure in the middle isn't actually black, but a very dark blue. let's brighten this image up a bit, shall we?
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would you look at that! it's actually blue! there's even a square of the same color to signal to the player to brighten the image.
now that i'm looking at this, though, i feel like i've seen this color before. like this same color is shown elsewhere...
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how strange.
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There was one bit in Badlands Rumble that made me laugh far harder than it had any right to actually and it was this moment here where Vash is trying to cut into the thomas meat or I guess jerky (sorry for poor quality :/)
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[ID: A screenshot from Trigun Badlands Rumble. Vash, with a comically but definitely annoyed expression - eyebrows furrowed, sweat dripping down his face, scowling - as he tries to push a knife through a chunk of thomas meat. End ID.]
See, here's the thing. Vash's irritation and anger is usually reserved for matters of life and death, or when people are being careless about these kinds of things. While he does get irritated sometimes around/because of other people, it's always a bit hard to tell whether it's, well... not genuine, because I wouldn't say he outright makes stuff up an awful lot, but he does have this tendency to divert attention by making his reaction about something else, or exaggerating his own feelings to comical levels. In this movie especially, he's acting near constantly, even if he's genuine in intent.
But here, he is completely alone. Amelia is conked out. There's no one to act for. And yet he can't get the knife through and just straight up yells out of genuine annoyance. Hjhfbdjfvh
Also, I'm not 100% sure about this but he yells and then the power lines just outside start sparking at the same time, and it's not Gasback because he's too far away and hasn't made a move yet, so like. Did he accidentally activate some Plant response out of sheer irritation??? Idk if it aligns with what we’ve seen Vash do in other media… was it just for effect? But that seems weird to me. If it really was his abilities that would I think make me lose it entirely - I'm not totally sure of the timeline but I don't think Fifth Moon has happened yet - has he just been sparking power lines every time he gets super annoyed like this and just never noticing??? Hello???
Anyways it's just kind of nice I guess to see him get irritated at something so low-stakes like this.
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lilyveselka · 4 months
On Jack Bright (An Exhaustive Perspective) [Edited 2/19/2024 w/ additional evidence!]
A couple disclaimers before I start: First, this isn't an "official stance." It's an explanation of my personal views; I speak for myself alone. Second, I'm not setting out to change people's minds or moralize to them; I just want to explain & respond to some common arguments in the fan space.
Third & finally, massive content warning for explicit discussions of grooming & sexual abuse. This includes screenshots. (I assume everyone is aware of this going in, but better safe than sorry!!)
Q: Why do you care so much, anyway?
A: Not your business, but I was groomed as a teenager in a very similar manner to the whole AB situation. Ok, on to the actual questions.
Q: First things first: Was AB/Duckman a groomer?
A: Yes, pretty definitively. First of all, DMs from one of their victims (who was underage while they were in contact; AB was aware of this fact).
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[ID in alt text]
Maybe anonymous allegations aren't solid proof -- of course, there are public victims, but there are also screenshots of AB themself "joking" about being a sexual predator.
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Straight up saying they want nudes from 14 year olds.
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With the context of the first message -- the punchline is molesting/"corrupting" people who are underage (which they've publicly stated is a fetish of theirs)
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This one just kind of... speaks for itself, I think?
[And again, ID in alt text for all these.]
These aren't the only examples, by the way -- just the most blatant. AB also explicitly wrote their interest in underage girls into tales on the actual wiki. Examples include the famed list, which implied Bright shouldn't be around people underage because he would come onto them (and that's without mentioning the blatant racism on there), as well as a now-deleted tale called 'Money, Money, Money' that involved in-depth description of a 13-year-old's breasts.
[Correction: my mistake, the tale was called 'Doctor, Doctor, Doctor.' You can find it here without the overtly sexual description of a child's body — it took 8 years (!!) for AB to remove these passages. Here's the original:
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Highlighted in blue is the original edit history showing the article's content. Additionally, here's AB defending this on the talk page:
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In addition to this, there's also AB requesting an artist draw incestuous rape porn — personally I find this far less heinous than a lot of the other stuff they've done, but I figure it deserves a place here too.
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(iamnotadamnedmonkey is AB's old Tumblr handle, sorry for the poor quality screenshot!)
All new images also have alt text.]
Q: But AB is just the author. Why is the character bad?
A: A couple reasons. First of all, the character reflects a lot of AB's sexual proclivities, including towards underage characters, as I already mentioned in the previous point.
Second, Bright's popularity gave AB their social standing within the community. There are a few chat logs where they brag about people wanting to have sexual relations with them because of their work on the SCP wiki; also, it's pretty clear that creating something popular gives you access to a lot more people who are interested in talking to you.
When you manipulate fans wanting to talk to you into sexual relationships, it's pretty clear that you have the ability to access victims because your name is out there.
Thirdly, AB used Bright's amulet as a possession kink thing and would ask for nudes that had it visible. (And, you know, they solicited a lot of regular nudes too. What a great guy, who would totally never use their platform for their own sexual pleasure...)
Q: Right, but AB's not on the wiki anymore...
A: AB's publicly-spoken victims have politely requested that the character not be used anymore. Bright was used as a tool to access, manipulate, and engage in sexual contact with fans who were young and in some cases under the age of majority. Therefore, continuing to use Bright is disrespectful to their victims. Personally speaking, I also consider it to be disrespectful towards victims of grooming and/or sexual abuse as a whole.
Q: So you think people who still use Bright are bad people?
A: No, I don't.
Like I said, I think they're being pretty blatantly disrespectful. But I'm not the arbiter of morality or the censorship bureau. People can do what they want as long as it is appropriately tagged for.
However, the fact is this: if someone is publicly continuing to use Jack Bright, then they are doing something that goes against my values -- because my values involve supporting and respecting victims of sexual abuse.
I, personally, will not be comfortable speaking to them or seeing them in my internet space, and I'll probably lose a lot of respect for them if I had any in the first place. And since I consider my community to be a group of people who reflect my personal values and beliefs, I also do not and will never consider people who use Bright to be "part of my community."
You don't have to be a bad person to be doing something wrong, and I'll level with you: yes, I think promoting a known sexual offender & ignoring the requests of their victims is, in fact, doing something wrong. That's fine! You're allowed to do stuff that's 'wrong,' I'm not your mommy and I'm not going to call the thought police on you. But you should be comfortable with the fact that you're doing something that is going to upset other people. Using Bright will and does hurt other people, and that is not something that you can ignore.
I don't think anyone should be harassed. Obviously. I've received plenty of harassment for heading the rewrite project, and it sucks no matter who you are.
But I think people should get a little more comfortable with owning their decisions, instead of trying to argue that those decisions don't actually have any weight or consequences.
Q: But I can't control using Bright! [I have an introject of Bright/I have a DA to Bright] and it's not fair to act like I'm doing something wrong!
A: Sorry. Mental illness doesn't make you exempt from your actions having an impact on the people around you. I'll probably be more understanding if it's related to a mental health issue, but, y'know.
You don't have to do it in public. If you genuinely don't want to be hurting or upsetting other people, then you should keep your discussion of the Jack Bright character to private spaces, because otherwise you're still doing the thing you were respectfully asked not to do.
(I'm a system, just for reference. I understand. It doesn't absolve you of consequences.)
Q: I don't actually care about [your feelings/the victims' feelings], so this doesn't apply to me.
A: Cool. You can very easily block me, AB's victims, and anyone else who is vocally against using Bright. That's, uh, the point of the block button.
Q: I have something else to say that you didn't put in this post.
A: If you feel like being respectful or you have a genuine question, please direct yourself to the replies/reblogs/my inbox. If you don't, then please refer to my previous response. If you're blocked so you can't contact me, then, uh... don't contact me?
Ok, that's all my points made. Have the day you deserve, and hopefully it's a good one ❤️
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xx-slug-xx · 4 months
Hello! It have been a while since i've heard about the controversies of Viv, especially about some of her views
If you want, can you explain about her transphobia, homophobia, racism and antisemitism, pls?
I’m not an expert by any means, but I can explain a little bit. There’s other sources that are more reliable than my word though, especially since I’m not going to go into huge detail lol. I encourage you to do your own research, my word is not law and there’s a good chance I’m misinformed.
I will give a disclaimer that, despite being proship, I do discuss some of the things she depicts in her fictional works on top of things she does irl. Some of which is just my opinions based on observation of the show. But most of this is in regard to stereotypes being portrayed, which is an area of fiction that actively perpetuates bigotry and I don’t really see it as “just fiction”. That’s just me though. There’s some screenshots of how she treats real people too.
Anyway, antisemitism:
The character Mimzy from HH is a blatant Jewish stereotype. Not only is she someone who’s extremely money hungry, small sharp teeth, short, fat, has a nasally voice, but she’s also got the classic hooked nose that’s seen in antisemitic propaganda, (none are bad things on their own. If it wasn’t for all of them combined, then I wouldn’t think twice about it tbh) On top of that, she’s not a well liked character in the show, being portrayed as annoying, selfish, greedy, and even sleazy to some extent. She’s not a character that has many positive aspects to her
But on top of that the character Rosie is based on the Jewish mother stereotype as well. It’s even in her audition notes.
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But wait! There more! She was a fan of the I-hate-jewce blog here on tumblr, as she followed them and did an art trade with them that depicted Hitler as a Sausage Party character. The excuse she makes was that she didn’t believe in I-hate-jewce’s opinions, but admired their way they voiced their opinions. And that it was a different time when making jokes and stating harmful opinions like these were “more accepted”. Which, to me, is a piss poor excuse for being a bigot in the past and/or present.
Onto transphobia:
This screenshot may be faked, but it also lines up with her pfp at the time the screenshots were taken, as well as other viewpoints she’s lauded to. They are from discord, formatting is wierd bc they were taken in compact mode
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However, she does misgender her trans associates. There’s been an ongoing (to my knowledge) situation and dispute between someone named Ken and Vivzie. Ken uses they/them pronouns. Vivzie has been seen many times referring to Ken using she/her, despite knowing Ken’s identity quite well. Here’s some screenshots from some times they’ve talked together, Vivzie talking about Ken to others, and Ken voicing their concern twards Vivsies views on their gender. (Sorry for bad quality btw)
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In addition to this, Vivzie in the past (when zoophobia was being worked on), has created a character by the name of Jojo who was a direct caricature of a past friend that she clearly didn’t like.
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Here’s the character
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Plus, folks who have worked with Spindlehorse have discussed that transphobia is an issue in the work place. Not really Vivzie’s fault, she can’t control everything. But still, it’s odd and not cool that this continued to be an issue.
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Millie’s trans brother in HB doesn’t have any speaking roles, or even a name. And there was an error in one of the episodes he appears in where his horns indicate that’s he’s cis male instead of being trans (not a huge concern, animation errors happen. I just find it not cool that rep for trans men was overlooked) She also doesn’t credit people who voice the only trans masc character with a speaking part, plus he’s also unnamed. But from the looks of it, his VA is a cis male. Keep in mind the contrast for Sallie Mae being that her VA is a trans woman.
Vivzie has shown a pattern of not respecting trans men as real men. Or any afab person as their gender if it’s something other than cis. It’s a pattern that’s come up that can’t be denied imo. It’s especially obvious when it’s towards people she has some sort of beef with.
Would also like to bring up how her merch sexualizes Sallie Mae. Like, to the same degree that the main characters of HB are. She’s a side character who has minimal speaking parts and appearances. Yet, she’s sexualized to hell and back. I’m all for making trans women feel desirable and beautiful, because they are! I think it’s great! But imo, I find it kinda weird that her trans fem rep is treated like this when she’s not a main character. Plus, her merch doesn’t do that to her trans masc characters. Why do it to one but not the others? But hey, that’s just me and it’s not a rule that everyone has to agree with me on that lmao
Valentino is black coded, and is a blatant black stereotype (violent, black, drug addicted pimp archetype who sexually abuses people). I don’t feel like I need to explain why that’s not a great look.
Alastor is “black coded” (ashy skin and he’s white washed to hell). He uses voodoo, which is a closed practice that black slaves created to empower themselves and have a connection to their roots despite their horrible circumstances. He’s “mixed” Creole from some older depicting of him in notes if I recall.
She has supported Blaire White (she did black face and mocked blm) (look up that whole issue lol, too much there to talk about but I’m putting it here anyway) before back tracking when people realized what was going on. Vivzie back peddles a lot on her past though, never making a true apology or owning up to her past actions.
Any characters that DONT look white washed in the shows are not designed by her. Every poc character that she designs herself is white washed to hell and back. I know they are demons, they don’t look human, that’s a given. But Grim from TGAOBAM is a literal skeleton, but you still know he’s black. There’s better ways to depict bipoc coded characters though, that’s my point. She prides herself on her bipoc representation, when it’s shit representation when she’s the one soully behind it imo. There are really good character designs that depict people of color, but they aren’t Vivzie’s ideas and that credit goes to the character design team!
Sir Pentious is based on another ex friend of hers who she used to mock. She didn’t like him, saw him as a joke, etc. He was indigenous American, his hood is ment to look like his hair (which Vivzie mocked extensively). The whole “inventor” aspect of his character is ment to mock the steampunk aesthetic that her ex friend liked. He’s also the butt of a lot of jokes. Overall, I don’t think it’s very cool that Vivzie has repeatedly shown to make caricatures of real like people who belonged to minority groups.
Nifty’s pilot design depicted her skin as yellow. She’s Japanese. This is on top of being a maid and being boy crazy. That’s not a stereotype at all /sar. (She’s one of my favorites and she did get a redesign in the premier. And she got the best jokes in the show so far imo. She’s silly lol but I still wanted to bring it up, despite how much I like her)
She has ignored bipoc fans when they express being uncomfortable with anything relating to how she depicts poc characters. And it’s blatant that she doesn’t care about the voices of concern from her bipoc fans. If you are going to depict bipoc characters in your show, especially cultural depictions, listen to people who are bipoc and who come from those cultures you are depicting! She as a white person needs to listen to bipoc people when they voice their concerns to her about characters that are supposed to represent them!
Also! During her recent trip to Japan, she ate at McDonald’s and KFC despite there being a boycott due to the companies both supporting Israel. Idk how you feel about it, anon, and it’s not something I’ll go into too much detail over since I’m not super knowledgeable on it. But it’s a really important detail about Vivzie to a lot of people out there, and I wanted to bring it up because of that. (I hate all wars and genocides before anyone makes assumptions about my stances)
Not much to say reguarding this other than I found that she favors mlm relationships heavily over wlw relationships. HB isn’t a show that focuses on lesbian relationships because that’s just not the way the show is written, and that’s fine. However, she prides herself on the wlw rep she created due to HH being female focused. The main relationship between Charlie and Vaggie feels pushed away in favor of more mlm relationships. They clearly have been dating for a while, and so, their relationship doesn’t need to be explored as much as some others imo. However, to me the show doesn’t do too much with them and there’s a large focus on the male characters and their relationships as opposed to the female lead and her girlfriend.
I will give her credit on her depictions of gay and bi men, I do like a lot of those and I can’t really find anything terrible to say about that or find evidence of how she treats real gay people. Everyone is free to think whatever they want though. However, queer people are the only minority group that Vivzie actively is in support of from what I’ve seen, which is sad imo.
You could say that Angel Dust is a homophobic stereotype (sex loving, drug addicted, drag queen, sex worker, feminine), but there’s real people in the world who share his experiences and it makes me feel like the people who claim such just don’t take into account of the real people in the queer community who share similarities to him. Like, there’s a lot of queer men who do sex work and are addicted to various substances. It’s a struggle and his character is a testament to that.
Anyway, do your own research, come up with your own conclusions, you can still like her work and characters, and all that! This is stuff off the top of my head that I could think of.
(Any Vivzie stans who try to tell me that this is either all faked or rumors will be ignored btw. I’m tired of dealing with y’all every time I say anything about her that’s even remotely negative. You guys can like what you like, even if your attachment to Vivzie is unhealthy imo and you shouldn’t place anyone on a pedestal. She’s not perfect, nobody is. This is my opinion, and it won’t change. I don’t hate her shows or her work. I just dislike her as a person.)
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charlottescasket · 8 months
The Losers Love Each Other—Richie
Ok I rewatched IT 2017 for the billionth time this year and I started noticing how, in a lot of the scenes where people are in danger or upset, Richie puts his arms up in front of his friends in a protective manner or is the first to seek people out to comfort them.
I think a lot of the Losers Club dynamic is really lost in the movies, and people tend to also just see Richie as “the gay character” or “comic relief”, and don’t really pay attention to how much he really, really loves his friends. All of em. Not just Eddie. (Don’t get me wrong, I love Reddie, but their characters have more going on then just—liking each other.)
Here’s some pictures of Richie being a good friend. Sorry for poor quality, some I had to screenshot from YT videos that had bad quality in the first place.
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raelyn-dreams · 2 months
Where did you find the full tl for Ibuki? Not doubting you (HappyEle is notorious for mishandling minorities), but I've only been able to find bits and pieces for the new characters
The tl I read for Ibuki wasn't his idol story (I don't think that's been fully tled yet), it was his profile, sorry for the confusion! I should have worded that better 🙏
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MireiArchive had this rough tl for his profile, which matches up with the machine tl of "Born in Okinawa, and raised in America" (though you should always take machine tls with several handfuls of salt, I believe this one is accurate, as it matches up with the info provided by other translators).
They also provided a rough overview of his idol story, during which the incidents that are being talked about take place.
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We know this part of the rough overview of the story is accurate due to being confirmed by several sources (the jp and eng fandoms are talking about it quite a bit).
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These parts specifically are the ones where he claims to experience discrimination due to being Okinawan or American (any foreigners face potential discrimination due to a homogeneous society), though his current nationality is Japanese. The first two kanji after the question mark in the first screenshot is the word for "Okinawa" (I'd screen record this part, but unfortunately my phone's audio quality is abysmal 🙃).
Getting a bit into Okinawa's history, the Ryukyuan people are native to the Ryukyu Islands (part of which make up modern-day Okinawa), and they were annexed by the Empire of Japan during the Meiji Era. As Japan did with other ethnic groups, such as the Ainu, the vast majority of the Ryukyuan people were stripped of their culture and forced to assimilate. During WWII, after America invaded Okinawa, the US occupied them for several decades, and there are still US military bases there that are a topic of strong debate, due to their environmental, cultural, and political impacts. Ibuki's family likely has ties to America due to these past events (many Ryukyuans have immigrated to Hawaii in particular, due to it being a straight shot across the Pacific, something which started in the early 1900s).
After WWII, Ryukyuans supported Japan more strongly due to increased resentment towards Americans, causing a further decline of people who spoke Ryukyuan languages (the vast majority speak standard Japanese, like Ibuki) and other aspects of their culture. Ryukyuans are now mostly split between the Okinawa and Kagoshima prefectures. "Okinawan" as a term has become one meant specifically to refer to the Ryukyuans (Wikipedia and other places have great sources for further info on these topics), which Ibuki is.
Therefore, we come to the current discussion around Ibuki's identity and what that means for his writing going forward.
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(Tweet from mika_enstars discussing it, a well-known livetweeter and translator)
Overall, I'm hoping Akira has learned his lesson from the Amagis (and Adonis, while we're at it) and that the poor writing choices will be few and far between this time around, discounting this story, though of course I won't exactly be holding my breath. We'll have to wait and see until more stories drop, but yeah, that's the gist of the situation!
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archandshri · 4 months
23rd Feb '24 - [arch] OH RISO my beloved!!!!!! ft. cyberpunk hermitcraft soup group
A cliffhanger!!!! And now I have to wait a month for you to upload the second half?? How will I cope :’’0
For real, it’s so awesome to see your process and the sheer amount of inspiration you take! In particular, I thought ‘Sit on Two Chairs’ and ‘This Was Our Pact’ were particularly yummy. 
I think book covers are really hard. You have to sum up a book’s energy in one image, make it stand out and show just enough so people want more. Exploring the narrative through those full pages is really interesting - though this is something you did for fun, it could be a really useful technique for getting to know a narrative. When I’m designing my comic covers, I always do it last - that way I’ve had practice with the visual style and I’m thoroughly familiar with the themes, so I guess spending a bit of time with the characters and narrative in this way helps for standalone book covers too. Of course, it helps if you have the time for that XD
Okay!! Onto what I've been up to!!! [warning this is a beefy post I'm sorry for your poor reading brain]
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The past two weeks have been really enjoyable! I’ve been playing a lot with slow world-building, in sketchbooks, google documents, and voice notes to friends. Letting myself really sit with concepts, think about the characters, let them play in my head with no expectations. With this relaxation and lack of pressure, some beautiful narratives and interactions have been developing. I’m starting to need a name for a world/ the story. I’m not quite ready to give them a full introduction to the internet - I know it doesn’t but it feels like there’s some accountability to *produce something* and this slow development is really important for the quality and my skill building. It’s really hard to take on, but we actually don’t have to make the perfect thing now! In fact, it’s impossible. Pressure on ourselves makes it so hard to make something good if we’re always grasping at the final result.  In the meantime, while those characters develop, I have been working hard on my basic skills. I wrote about characterization last post, but this week I focused on setting and colour. I was inspired (once again) by Hermitcraft. I’ve seen some really incredible illustrations of Minecraft builds in the fandom, and it seems like a great exercise.
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Bdouble0's Season 10 Base illustrated by @applestruda [source] and The Red Zone, built and illustrated by Bdouble0 [source]
One of the creators on Hermitcraft, ImpulseSV, created this build in a recent episode. It takes inspiration from the last season of Hermitcraft, where he was part of the ‘soup group’ with two other players, and his current base concept - a cyberpunk city.  I also LOVE his new character design, so I wanted to place him in the scene.
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Screenshot from Impulse's video and new impulse design by @maxx-doodles
Here are some initial thumbnails I did, trying to figure out the composition. I wasn’t sure of the vibe yet, so I tried some rough thumbnailing, and drawing on an isometric grid and other perspective techniques. I’m going a bit mad for characters at the mo, so I wanted to place some in the scene. I found the angle of the isometric grid steep to place characters comfortably, so decided against that.
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Looking back at it, I love the second! But I believe I was struggling with the perspective. I decided on the last one eventually.
Now, I absolutely adore all of the players in the Soup Group, and I am BIG fan of redesigning their notable characteristics to suit different settings. So yes, I decided to put all of the soup group in the image.
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PearlescentMoon (left) from my comic and GeminiTay's Hermitcraft Season 10 design [from this thumbnail] (right)
Here's the sketch of the final image. I really enjoyed coming up with cyberpunk versions of them all. I used the impulse design almost exactly, with a few extra interesting details since he's mostly viewed from the back. For PearlescentMoon (middle) I kept her fringe, dark hair and gave her a glowing moon symbol on her top. For GeminiTay, I kept her long ginger hair, antlers (but glowing!) and took inspiration from her new season 10 design - a dark blue jumpsuit to match her dark blue clothes in her new design, and the braids she is often drawn with. I also gave them edgy new hairstyles. And a robot arm. I don't have lore for that.
As usual, I filled each flat colour-to-be with black and lowered the opacity to play with the values. Then I added colours one at a time, aware might be riso printing it. Originally I stuck to trying to make it printable (making the colours out of ones I could make my layering 2-3 colours at different opacities), but as I went on, I decided to drop that and focus on the quality of the image in a digital format alone. I did keep the grayscale version above with all the separate layers in case I needed that if/when I came to riso printing it. Below are the main two digital colour schemes I tried out.
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I settled on the one on the left, with the blue tones - the foreground characters really pop. I put a few details in Gem's hair, colour variations etc, and cropped it for Instagram. I actually much prefer the cropped version - it sits better in a rule of thirds.
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Now the moment we've all been waiting for :'')
I returned to Cardiff after a couple of months away and was delighted to spend my first day back at The Printhaus, an awesome shared print studio where I have basically made my home. A few of my awesome friends happened to be there, so I spent the day playing around with this image with their help! (please check them out they're very cool - Gavin helped me a lot (we hung out at Thought Bubble, remember? and Rhi gave good crits too!!)
For those who don't know, risograph is basically a shitty photocopier that can only print one colour at a time. However, you can play with gradients and opacities, and layer colours really nicely to combine. I've done a lot of single-colour tonal work with riso but this is my first go really layering.
First, Gavin showed me how to separate the channels in Photoshop, using the flat image uploaded to the 'gram. We copied and pasted these layers in grayscale and added blending modes to each layer to replicate what they might look like when printed.
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With blending modes, the digital mockup looked like this!!
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This bit goes into technical details for replicating what the print might look like for those who might want it - feel free to skip :)))
I copied and pasted the Cyan, Black and Magenta layers as greyscale (as you can see above)
I made all of the greyscale layers multiply layers since risograph ink is transparent and we wanted to see how it layers. The ink usually comes out a bit lighter than you think, so it's good to bear that in mind. I used a clipping mask over each greyscale layer and a blending mode. WHEN YOU PRINT, PRINT IN GREYSCALE, NOT COLOUR.
Here's how I split the colours from CMYK to the riso colours, their hex codes and the blending mode I used to replicate the colours:
Cyan - Mint [HEX#82D8D5] Screen Magenta - Fluorescent Pink [HEX#FF48B0] Screen Black - Blue [HEX#0078BF] Overlay Yellow - scrapped for colour scheme purposes
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Blue, Mint and Florencent Pink layers in greyscale in Procreate.
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Riso printed Mint and Florescent Pink layers on separate paper, followed by the two layered together.
We always start with the lighter colour inks first, because sometimes the rollers can pick up the ink and cause extra marks where you don't want them. The first two colours came out great!
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The first time we printed the blue, it came out very dark (left, first image). I have had this issue before - my last book, Winter Wellbeing, came out much darker than I wanted. Now I realise that the blue ink is super sensitive. All the 'white space' that is covered by a low-opacity blue on the left is only 2%, and yet it has come out pretty strong. We tried printing it on one of the misaligned images just to see, but it took all of the brightness out of the neon soup sign at the top of the image (second image). So I changed the values and pushed them way lighter, so it just pushed the values of the darker bits slightly, and brightened some of the lineart (right, first image)
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And this is the final riso printed version!! I'm so so happy with how this came out. It's so different from the original digital version, and I actually love that.
I didn't create new colours in the way that I intended to - I wanted to play with overlaying purposefully to create specific colours eg. orange for the hair etc. But!!! I'm really happy with how it came out. That will have to be a project for next time.
Also, many copies are slightly misaligned, so in future I think I'd do flat layers for the colours a more blobby style with the linework on one layer only so there's less of a chance for obvious misalignment. design for the riso, rather than riso the design.
Overall though, this feels like a super cool step up and a milestone for me. Super happy with how it came out!! And I'm excited to play with colour some more. Can't wait to see the rest of the Lionheart brothers! Enjoy your weekend :)))
Archie 🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺 <3
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