thatsamthing · 3 years
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‼️ UPDATE ‼️
1. SLPs was halved. Before, users can earn at least 150 SLPs daily. Now, it was cut into 75 SLPs. So, most beginner users will only have a daily quota of at least 75 SLPs and its increase depends on the MMR:
900-1049mmr 3 Slp
1050-1349mmr 6slp
1350-1449mmr 9slp
1450-1669mmr 12 slp
1770-1770mmr+ 15slp
This change is likely due to the high demand of SLPs yet low demand of land use for breeding because it is quite expensive. Thus, the focus on PvP is a wise tactic to engage people in the game while making balance of the demand and supply to ensure its sustainability.
2. In reference to the first change, the AXS were also halved when it comes to its breeding requirement. Before, one should buy 4 AXS to breed. Now, one only needs 2. AXS is quite high in price, so cutting it into half is a clever tactic to allow breeders to produce more team or axies to burn the surplus SLPs.
These changes received different reactions especially to most scholars and aspiring scholars. For some scholars who started playing their own team, it was alas! For most aspiring scholars, it is hurray! for it means more opportunities for a scholarship.
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thatsamthing · 3 years
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With the conspicuousness of Axie Infinity, a play-to-earn game, amidst this pandemic, many have been desperate and eager just for them to earn the most coveted 'scholarship'. In this way, managers who own an account of axie infinity can give a team of cute axie creatures to any person without him investing any amount of cash. He would just have to play and earn an in-game token called Smooth Love Potion (SLP) . This token is convertible into real money where up to 70% share goes to the scholars. This reward and benifit entice more people everyday to be part of any prospect axie guild. Recent news have estimated that more than 1 million are active users of the said game. But, the question is, what you should do to have a higher chance of being selected by an axie manager?
These are DOs and DONTs an aspiring axie scholar:
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thatsamthing · 3 years
When we are at our weakest, HIS power is completed
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thatsamthing · 3 years
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The sea is my world
Sun is my hello and goodbye
Moon is my pampering mother
Stars are my glittering sands
The current is my captain
Waves are my rudder
Cork is my life jacket
Low tide is my paddle
High tide is my turbine
Horizon is the endless beauty
Breeze is my music; my mate
Saltiness is my anchor
Sun burn is my molting death
Raindrops are my fallen lives
Shore is my capricious haven
Water is hand that reaches the coastline
Sand when felt; water when gripped
Flotsam sealed empty bottle keeps floating
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thatsamthing · 3 years
Vicarious Loving
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I loved. I hurt
I was loved. I was hurt
But will these feelings dependent forever
to movies and its quotes?
to books and its characters?
When will I feel direct love? Or even end up getting hurt
Even just the latter as long it is true
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thatsamthing · 3 years
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thatsamthing · 3 years
“If you have been brutally broken, but still have the courage to be gentle to others then you deserve a love deeper than the ocean itself.”
— Nikita Gill
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thatsamthing · 3 years
Paint me with your favorite colors
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thatsamthing · 3 years
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On the month of May of this year, my mom was awakened by the barks of 4 puppies who just came out from the sack they were in. Yes, 4 puppies were just left in a sack by who-knows irresponsible pet owner. We do not own dogs because it may scare our customers as we have a small sari-sari store. But we are not savage to put them back in the sack and move them away. Rather, we took care of them for days until some of our customers found them cute and decided to bring 3 of them. Ravenkong the dog in the picture which is translated in our language as 'my raven' was not picked mainly because she was flimsy and always seemed freightened. We continued to take care of her and waited that in the coming days this weak dog may be kept by other people. But no, she was shunned if only she could understand because she was weak and a girl which is streotyped by others because they would only bring much more responsibilities because naturally they will eventually breed. So much of patriachy and macho in the animal kingdom, right? So, if no one wanted her, well we will make them realize why they should have taken her in the first place. This is her revenge. So, we took care of her-- bathed her, fed her. Now, she is our own little girl. Healthy and dazzling with her ears straightened up most of the time like a fox. This transformation has been obvious to tell. With that, people came back and asked if she is still available for adoption. Excuse us? No! If this dog can talk, she would be probably saying, "They had me at my worst and so they will have me at my best. Shooo!". The power of a no from someone who just wanted her only when she turned to a lovely puppy with shining and shimmering gold fur.
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thatsamthing · 3 years
Pandemic has done so much damage in various aspects in our lives. It is undeniable that some have lost their source of living -- worst, some really lost their lives.So, being alive this time is a blessing and learning something out of it is a responsibility.And as someone who accepts that responsibility, these are my takeaways:
1. Help. There is no shame in asking for help. It is not a sign of weakness nor indolence. It is a fact that everyone should embrace no matter how hard to swallow for some. In this time of crisis, nothing is even more possible than helping one another. As someone who used to rely on self so much, I can say that I was self-pitying, then I realized that most people now suffer. Who am I not to recognize that? What would it be bring me if I was denying the need of help from myself?. So, I started to acknowledge that there things I cannot do on my own and I reached out to people that I know will spare me their precious time and their sincerest empathy.
2. Engage in various activities. As someone who who is juggling tasks as a public school teacher, and as freelance writer, I find it draining sometimes to stick to the routine. I knew before this pandemic happened that I need other activities that would help me keep my sanity and allow me to relax and even boost my happy hormones. With that, I painted my room. I started to jog. And I even cooked and baked which I never thought would be therapeutic. I tried something new.
3. Love unconditionally. When pandemic came, everything seemed to distance. And if you have been inhibiting the passionate you, you seem to regret. In hindsight, it allows us to give the best we can to the people we love no matter what their love languages are. There is no holding bars because in any time, life will leave in this mortal abode. This will avoid regrets and the fear of being forgotten.
4. Positive. Being positive in this time of pandemic has changed tremendously in its meaning. We always avoid being positive with Covid. Rather, we always want to have or maintain a positive mindset that will keep us continually hope. And being hopeful is a discipline that we need to practice to always see situations, as what Catriona Gray says, with silver linings. And as the cliché goes, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Let us just be careful that while we remain positive, we also have to check the reality and our privileges. And make sure what we can do to help others that seem to lose hope.
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thatsamthing · 3 years
Hidilyn Diaz made history as she snatched the gold medal for women's 55kg weightlifting category making her the first ever Filipino to win an Olympic Gold medal.
On another note, in a country which is full of macho and misogyny, and despite being red-tagged, targeted and experience lack of funding, this queen debunked stereotypes and raised above them.
Indeed, this made millions of people tear up. For over 97 years since the Philippines joined the Olympics, this victory is truly historic.
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Hidilyn Diaz's callous hands with her Olympic Gold Medal. A symbol of Hidilyn’s sacrifices and hard work.
📸: Paolo del Rosario/One Sports PH
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thatsamthing · 3 years
There is always determination in every, 'I quit.'
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thatsamthing · 3 years
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Photo credit to reddit
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You stepped on me
I was not hurt then, but I was just surprised of how I perfectly fit
between the calculated grooves of your shoe’s sole
But you haven’t noticed
And I didn’t expect you to, initially
But as you stepped, walked, and jogged, I had learned to prepare myself to face the ground
It had kept pushing me until I felt I was like an original part of your sole
And slowly, consciously knowing, that parts of me were never scratching the floor
I just loved the experience — 
to be travelled with
to breathe and receive light once in a while when the sole raised
to feel the heights
and to feel security under one’s protection
It is euphoric.
Then you paused, slowly went down to see the sole
For the first time I saw you.
You that cared
You that concerned
You looked straight to me
And I melt
You were feeling me
And I melt
Then suddenly, you picked me up effortlessly from the spaces I had been from you
Your fingers sent me closer to your face
Never let any if my being passed your meticulous brown eyes
I had never felt that way you held me
Only a pebble
Of all, why me?
Then suddenly, your grip became tighter
I was hurt but I thought it was part of your security
You swung your hand swiftly
It made me tense but I just thought it was part of your mystery
But as I reached the ground,
I was dumb and numb to realize that as you continually walked away,
I was all along a pebble to you
Felt like sore
Had me for a time being and removed me forever
I just hope, not all soles are the same.
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