#I might show the initial sketches on instagram
glitzybunny · 6 months
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I have so much brainrot right now for silly lamb game
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cheesycatz · 1 month
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"Spamton G. Spamton is just a normal spam program making ends meet by tricking darkners into buying his garbage. At least, that's what he tells a blue addison he accidentally wins over, as well as their friends. He won't fall for their genuine words and pure compassion, though. A salesman and a manipulator are one and the same, and neither can trick the other.
AKA: Spamton, but he represents a computer worm as a darkner. He's some sort of 15 foot long fluffy parasitic alien centipede worm creature, and the Sweepstakes worm represents what his species's parasitic hatchlings look like after they slowly consume and kill their host from the inside out. Spamton is the last of his species left after they were exterminated (representing a computer worm being downloaded onto a computer and eventually fought off). He wears a disguise to hide his worm status so that he may interact with the general public without being reported and killed by an antivirus. He doesn't meet the addisons until after the extermination of his species. Hope he doesn't form any emotional attachment that would be severed if they found out what he really was, haha
This AU exists mostly in the form or art and text posts, but I am currently working on a fanfic about Wormton and the addisons, which will start being posted to ao3 once I finish the entire rough draft.
Links below to all: lore, art, question answers, marketable plushies, and fic updates ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Lore (art included)
Initial lore post
- The basics. Describes the general characteristics, infection process and behavior of malworms (darkner version computer worms). Also describes the extinction of Spamton's species, his origins, and the setup for his interactions with the addisons.
More malworm biology
- More information on malworm culture/biology and Spamton's specific species (the BIGSHOT malworm). Woah, say that 10 times fast...uh, also more information on the extinction of Spamton's species.
Size comparison and more biology
- A sketch dump showing a size comparison between the addisons and masked/unmasked Spamton. Also features some general sketches of BIGSHOT malworms and some more information on their biology.
Spamton before he met the addisons
- A sketch page + text on some scenes from Spamton's life from before he met the addisons.
General info/designs of malworm genera
- Not much Spamton here. It's just a look at what the other types of malworms might look like.
Art (sometimes a smidgen of lore)
Spamton and the addisons (pre-reveal)
Annoying Mouse Room™ Infinite Food Hack
The Worm Nest
How Wormton's costume works
Pros of not having a spine
Late night worm posting
What a Wormton NEO would look like
Wholesome Wormton Content
Malworm Hoodie Design
My asks are open, so feel free to ask me any questions about my AU or art in general (within reason, obviously)! I like drawing responses when applicable, so feel free to give me a wormton drawing request and I might consider it.
Asks from Instagram about lore
Can malworm/wormton fanart be made? (Yes pretty please I would love fanart)
Why did I make ten spamton worm plushies? I fear that number may increase
My Worm Collection
Spamton Plush Wormton Outfit
Fic Updates
Sometimes I post art and some thoughts about the Wormton AU fic I am working on. I won't be publicly posting it until I finish the rough draft of the entire story. I am maybe halfway? I'm doing my best, but I'm also dealing with life's responsibilities and making other art. I have no idea for a release date yet, but I don't plan on giving up.
Chapters 1-10 are in a first-draft state with no dialogue. Once the entire story has reached this point, I will finish each chapter one by one and post them as I do. As previously mentioned, chapters will be released on ao3 once finished. As of 05/25/24, it is: 111k words long
86k words update
100k words update
111k words update
Thank you for enjoying my silly little AU, I love reading your tags
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dsumps · 1 year
WOW! It has been how long?
For a second there, I thought I left the internet for real. Nah, turns out when the whole world panics about the death of a platform, somehow everyone returns the next week like nothing’s happened. Despite migrating my followed content on my other platforms, I STILL ended up using Twitter the most in viewing online content.How could I stop? Everyone still uses that platform to some degree. Despite this, I did promise that Tumblr would be my new place for posts (clearly followed up on that order :P), and I still haven’t (and won’t) post another thing on that platform for god knows how long.
Sooo, how have I been (if that even matters to you)? 
I’ve been fine, I got through my first year of college at ASU, and overall I’m just been chilling with the inactivity. The most I ever post online is through my personal Instagram, which for obv reasons, I won’t be sharing. Besides that its been scroll, like, next platforn, scroll, like,... the usual.
It’s been sort of nice to be afk from the constant active schedule, especially when there are important things to worry about than being on social media. I honestly don’t know how some of y’all do it better, haha. 
How about the art? Where’s the art?
I really did leave the blog hanging with the doodle sharing. There’s still several pages of sketches there, but I haven’t really drawn in like... a year. Again, college had me on a chokehold, and will again once next semester begins, so I haven’t really done much creatively for awhile. I MIGHT, but I don’t promise. Social media for me, isn’t much of a priority than living for real life, which pretty much defines my reason for inactivity. Not that I don’t care about it, otherwise this account would’ve been deleted long ago.
Any new interests / miscellaneous section?
This is just to update y’all about my current interests and such. Pretty much realized through the past year that I don’t like Pokémon as much as I thought. During Gen 8, I made it an effort to become engulfed into the currents of the games, anime, media, etc... and honestly it was a hassle, and I hated it, especially on Twitter. I pretty much learned that the only thing I actually cared about were the various Pokémon themselves. Especially apparent from my ever-growing collection of plushes that I dedicate to once in a while. It’s a massive money waster, but god do I love it. My recent favorite is the Cult of the Lamb plush I had to order in under a minute before being sold out. That was a fun experience, and I know I’ve sneaked him into several ASU promotional material. Funny I mention that, because I haven’t really played video games either since college. 
If there is ONE thing I do have current interest in, that would be this one small show you may have heard of this show I’m not sure if you know this show so ill show you the show so you know its a little show called Bluey. I’ve been obsessed with this show since the end of my winter break, funny enough initial interest came from watching TikTok's of people (jokingly, I hope) to compete with 6 y/olds for Bluey plushes at Target. I guess i’ve liked too many of these posts for TikTok to start sharing full episodes on my page, and I've never been the same since. I’ve caught up with the series, and I gotta say it’s one of my favorite current pieces of animated media to come out as of late. Without saying too much, this show made me question many aspects of my life several times to where I could say I’ve actually learned how to better myself a bit. It’s crazy to me that a goddamn toddler program from Australia is actively teaching me morals at age 19, but here we are, I guess. 
Will there be Bluey in this blog? maybe, but I plan on posting Bluey related content on another blog @dsumpsbluey For now, my primary blog will share primarily Pokémon, art, and Pokémon art; not that I’m gatekeeping Bluey, but I got something planned for that other blog (plans, I’m totally great with those). Other than that, that’s pretty much it with what’s up with me. Sorry for being inactive for as long as I did, real life just caught up to me that’s all. Hopefully if you’re still reading this, you realize my current position of my blog. Just know that unless specified by me, this blog isn’t dead. Good day, or night, and until the next post.
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pink-octopede64 · 1 year
gonna ramble more about my oc egg under the cut because oh boy it is long (i mean it seriously i go completely off)
i guess to talk more about eggy boy: i love him a lot and whenever i post him in mainly discord servers that i feel comfortable enough showing him, others seem to love him too and of course makes me very happy. but i have a bunch of insecurities surrounding him and it’s all related to judgement.
now, it is very embarrassing for me to admit and i am literally using all of my courage just trying to type it out but i am sorta into tickling but only strictly the sfw side. i love thinking about my favorite characters laughing and the playful bonds either romantic or platonic/familial but if i see things like bondage, torture, or anything nsfw/weird, i immediately become very uncomfortable. and i do want to draw sfw tickle art (i have before albeit won’t post for reasons later) but not only i suck at anatomy but i know trying to look up references will give me weird shit.
when i made egg back in may of 2019, he was literally just a one off character. the only reason he existed because on sony sketch, you could do collabs and one of the main one was dares or erase the covered boxes to reveal something. and one was tickle themed and as a weird joke, i done it and got 2 dares: draw my crush tickling me and make a tickle monster. i bailed at the first one especially since i didn’t have a crush anyway but i did the 2nd dare and that is how egg came to be!
fast forward to 2020 and egg was barely used outside from 2 occasional ref sheets. i made a fanart tag on sketchers united (sony sketch got shut down later in 2019) and strangely, egg did got some fanart despite the lack of use. someone even asked me if egg and benet the teddy bear were friends and even tho it was the crossover i initially thought i didn’t need, i said yes and they made the fanart. i did quickly grew fond of the idea so that is pretty much how eggy, benet, and eventually seren became the main trio they are now.
TL:DR for this section: egg was originally a one off joke character that eventually became my main oc because people loved him
back on track, outside from some friends who know me in 2 friend servers and followers on sketchers united, i never told anyone else on instagram and some discord servers that egg is a tickle monster as i would always refer him as simply a monster oc and never brought up anything tickling related in the slightest (although i think the feathers should be an open sign but idk what they think). not only i would already be embarrassed by the mere topic of tickling alone regardless of situations but i am so afraid of what they would think if they found out about him being a tickle monster. they would probably automatically assume that i’m one of those weird people and judge me harshly forever.
the same can apply to tickling in general. there is a god damn reason why that (unless i suddenly gain a heavy amount of courage,) i don’t post the art i’ve mentioned earlier and that is embarrassment and fear of judgement from friends and mutuals. i even considered making a dedicated sfw tickling blog with a whole new identity but my art style is recognizable enough that at least one person might immediately know who i am and things would be awkward FAST!
yeahhhhh i deeply love egg and others i know love him too but it will take a VERY LONG TIME to get over all of my insecurities and paranoia surrounding him 
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nanowrimo · 2 years
Which Publishing Option is Best for You?
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Now that our NaNoWriMo marathon is over and our adrenaline may be wearing off, what’s next? We have NaNo Guest Lauren Ranalli sharing her wisdom about publishing.
Do you have an idea for a book that has been rolling around in your mind? Is there a story that keeps popping into your head when you take a walk, drive your car, or get in the shower? So many of us have great ideas for writing a book! And most of us don’t know where to start… I sat of my first book idea for almost 8 years because I didn’t know where to begin. 
If you’re looking to publish a book, there are typically 2 routes you can take: Traditional Publishing and Self-Publishing. 
Benefits of Traditional Publishing. 
Becoming a published author through a traditional publishing house has its benefits. Your book can show up in every Barnes and Noble around the country. You may get a paid advance for your work. And you might have someone coordinate your book tour. All good things!
It’s a great option for many talented writers, especially if you are willing to put in 3 or more years of effort to see your book on the shelf. Traditional publishing may involve 1-2 years to find an agent and a publisher, and then another 2 years before the final book is released. 
Here’s a little secret about me: I am not a patient person. 
Benefits of Self-Publishing:  
First, let’s clear up a misconception: Self-publishing is not the default for authors who could not find a publisher. Far from it! Self-publishing is an active, creative decision. And it’s the decision that was best for me. If you are an author considering your publishing options, here are a few benefits that I have found from the indie publishing or self-publishing world.
1. You set the timeline. 
I love that I can sketch out an idea in my notebook and, within the year, there will be a final book in print to have, hold, and read aloud! Now, don’t get me wrong, there are about 200 steps that happen between the notebook and the final product, but it’s on my own timeline. And with some determination, I can make it happen. My last book, “Let’s Meet on the Moon” went from concept to final print in 8 months. And I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out!
2. You choose your costs.
Every author needs a budget. As a self-published author, you do need to put in some up-front costs, which can be challenging. But you can also choose where and how to allocate those costs. For example, I chose not to hire an agent. And I was able to do a review swap with an editor, eliminating that initial expense. I researched the printer that is the best fit for my work and gives me a price point that allows me to make a profit on each sale. I can then re-purpose those funds into strategic marketing options that engage readers across the country. And all those choices allowed me to do $10,000 in sales during the first 3 months of my very first book launch.
3. If you are a children’s book author, you choose the illustrator. 
When I was first researching publishing options, it became clear that, as a newer author, a traditional publisher would pair me with one of their own illustrators. That could have been a great option! But it was also clear that in the traditional setup, authors and illustrators work mostly independently, and there is not always an opportunity for true collaboration. I knew that I wanted to work with Emily Siwek, an amazing local illustrator. And so I got to make that decision and am happy that I did. 
4. Good news! 
As an indie author, you can still get your book into Barnes and Noble, go on a book tour, and have readers across the country fall in love with your work. It may just take a little more elbow grease on your part, but it’s definitely doable- and can be incredibly exciting!
Lauren Ranalli is an award-winning self-published children’s book author, the Director of Marketing and Communications for an international non-profit, and the mom of two high-spirited children. Visit her on Instagram at @lauren.ranalli_author or at www.laurenranalli.com to receive 2 FREE resources, Finding Social Media Success, and Daily Marketing Strategies for Authors. 
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Top Photo by Stephen Phillips - Hostreviews.co.uk on Unsplash  
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ceruleanchillin · 3 years
Honeymoon Headcanons: Mayans Edition
Characters: Angel, Coco, EZ x F!Reader
Miami (Angel)
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It wasn’t difficult at all to decide where the two of you would take your honeymoon. When you weren’t gonna be naked, Angel wanted you in sundresses and bikinis. You wanted him in linen shirts, and to feel him up in a club. Couple that with you both wanting a tropical environment, and Miami it is.
Angel letting you handle the accommodations, because you seem to know more about what you wanna see/where you wanna go than he does. He only cares about a bed and shower for when he’s not taking you in the inappropriate places. He just hands over the cash, though he complains about his hurt wallet.
Angel hard as a rock when he sees your new name on your plane ticket.
The two of you nearly missing your flight because your husband needs to “show his wife he loves her”.
You babying him on the flight, because Angel has never flown anywhere before.
“Mami, it’s perfectly valid to feel like a flying toaster can’t safely get you anywhere but a casket. Which they can’t even put you in, because you’ll be everywhere!”
Cue you distracting him with kisses and dirty words in his ear, which gets you initiated into the Mile High Club
Barely making it into the cute little condo before the two of you are at it again, collapsing in the late hours to jet lag and mutual satisfaction.
Your first official day is spent dragging Angel around the humid streets. Knowing he stresses easily if you plan things too tightly, and wanting to wing it yourself. It’s surprising how well you to fit in, it almost feels like home.
Angel switching from being jealous, because your tiny cotton sundress is attracting more than just his attention, to him kissing all over your dewy skin because so much of it is visible.
You getting as jealous as Angel, because it seems like each place you drag him to has openly interested ladies. It’s the white linen shirt that he won’t fully button no matter how many times you try to make him.
Angel basking in the attention, and even playing it up to force you to be the one to initiate inappropriate public sex.
Smirking when you break after a woman pays for his (and unintentionally yours) order at a small cafe you stepped into and you snap and drag him to a hidden place.
“I only love you querida, mi alma.” he whispers in your ear when he bottoms out inside you.
You two are a beautiful couple. Photogenic as all hell. Alone, neither of you have a problem attracting interest, but together, you make people want to be seen around you. That’s why you have no problem club hopping to all the exclusive places.
Angel taking photos and videos of you dancing because he’s so enthralled. He can’t wait to show your kids one day when they ask why he fell for you, and he explains how full of life you are.
Getting enough liquor in Angel to get him dance somewhere away from the club, especially since he (lies) and says he can’t.
You and Angel competing to see who can get the most people to buy your drinks + the two of you losing track because you both get drunk.
A quickie in the coatroom is the prize, Angel fucking you to the hypnotic beat.
Spending a few hours apart the following day, only to still keep texting and FaceTiming each other until you met up, touch starved, at a small restaurant.
Deciding to spend the rest of the day at your Airbnb laid up under each other after Angel scores weed. Teasing Angel about his monetary complaints when you spend all night enjoying the small backyard pool.
Angel thanking God for getting an adventure loving woman as his soulmate when you wake him up the next afternoon to inform him you rented jet skis for the day.
You being impressed when, while jet skiing, Angel silver tongues your way into an invitation to a nearby yacht party out of the host.
FaceTiming Gilly to make him jealous that you two are doing Hookah and drinking Casamigos in a hot tub.
Angel ramping up the mockery when EZ and Coco appear on screen, attracted by Gilly’s whining. Everyone looking overworked and salty, while you and Angel are living your best non-sober lives.
Slipping away from the party to one of the rooms on the boat, because once again, you and Angel never know when to stop teasing each other before it ends up in sex.
Feeling bold enough to suggest that since Angel’s been documenting so much of the trip, that maybe he should film this too.
The aftermath being a surprisingly sweet series of kisses and confessions where the two of you express how thankful you are to have found each other. How you can’t wait to build a forever together.
Marfa + Roswell (Coco)
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No one knew how you got Coco to agree to travel for your honeymoon until you finally revealed where you were going. Splitting a week between Marfa and Roswell.
You and Coco are that “weird” conspiracy, incense, and weed couple, so it makes sense.
Giving Coco an edible before you leave, because like Angel, he doesn’t fuck with air travel like that.
“They got me with that bullshit in the military, but that was out of my control. You askin’ a lot right now, you’re lucky you’re cute mujer.”
Coco getting progressively handsy during the flight as the edible hits. Eventually, you stop fake-fighting his neck kisses and forward touches.
Also like Angel in that he’s unafraid to become a member of the Mile High Club.
The ride from the El Paso airport, to the car rental place, to Marfa takes far longer than Coco would like.
He’s used to long stretches of trip on his bike, and when you notice him becoming antsy, you distract him with interesting facts about Marfa.
The entire time, Coco can’t help but think that you’re the perfect road trip co-pilot, only to realize he actually meant his life in general now.
Coco proud as hell when you fall in love with his accommodations choice like he did. The colorful airstream trailers of the El Cosmico hotel are the two of you through and through.
You both trying to be responsible adults and refresh after travel, but continuing to get lost in each other during the whole process.
Shower sex -> Making out while drying off -> Touching while searching through your bags for something to wear -> bed sex -> repeat
Looking thoroughly mauled when you finally manage to get Coco off of you and into the car in search of food the next afternoon.
Coco being happy you can’t cover up due to the heat, while you wonder what superpower he and his boys have that let them wear flannel and long sleeves in the heat.
Dragging Coco to a cute cafe you saw on instagram, and him knowing, by the hipster design of it, that his wallet is about to cry.
Stealing food from his plate, and laughing at him sucking his teeth and whining when he catches you.
“You’re stuck with me forever now Johnny sooo….get used to this.”
“Small price to pay for that I guess.”
Finding small shops to go to and being Siamese twins in every one. Coco showing he has good taste in a lot of things one might think he wouldn’t. Him opening up his wallet at everything you 'ooh' and 'aww' at. He can’t help it, he likes you happy, and your kisses and adoring looks are addicting.
For almost everything you get, Letty gets something too. Neither of you wants that tantrum when you get back.
You fighting yourself to avoid the art supply store, and Coco not having it.
“I have so many supplies already, it’s an addiction at this point.”
“So? Get some more. It’s our week, we shouldn’t stress about shit.”
Coco bragging on your talents and successes to the art shop cashier when you checkout.
“Cocoooo.” you murmur hiding your face in his shoulder, arms around his waist.
“Don’t be shy ma, you’re fucking amazing. I love your skills.”
Cue the cashier swooning at the two of you.
Finding unique liquor stores and getting tipsy on samples. It becomes twice as fun when locals, and other tourists alike, start discussing the Marfa lights with you, and you and Coco impress everyone with your ideas.
Being invited to a bonfire smoke session with the other El Cosmico guests when you get back.
Sketching Coco by the firelight, because he’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen in that moment, and now he’s officially yours.
The sex being on another level of intimate that night, because all day you and Coco have been engaging in your respective love languages, and it culminates in mutual need for each other.
The drive to Roswell being more tolerable for Coco, but he still misses his bike. Your excitement about AlienFest is so palpable however, he quickly forgets.
Your hotel being more conventional, but the people you meet making up for it. Finally, you and Coco aren’t the weirdest ones in the room.
Taking the time before the festival starts to check in with friends and family and accumulate odd souvenirs for them. You believe Coco is intentionally getting them stuff they’ll hate.
“Taza won’t wear that baby, he has better taste in jewelry than UFO earrings.”
“Ok, but can he bitch about us not getting him anything? Plus, you can guilt anyone into anything.”
Doing cute edible pastries at the festival.
“You know Aliens are demons right? Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard were doing summoning rituals in the Mojave in 1946, and Roswell was the following year.”
“Word?…Shit. Tell me that again when we’re not rolling. I wanna read about it………you’re so smart mami.”
Coco realizing between every snack stop, every dance he shares with you, every trinket you pick up, and every little conspiracy tidbit you share, that you’re his wife now. That the peace he’s been feeling all week, that he thought he’d never have, is going to be his new normal.
New Orleans (EZ)
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You and EZ both enjoy engaging with history and culture, and felt that your honeymoon should be built off of your shared interests. During your meticulous wedding planning, it was decided New Orleans would be the honeymoon destination. It didn’t hurt that you missed your southern roots too, even if you weren’t from New Orleans.
Traveling with EZ is a dream considering you’re both pretty organized, together people. He’s not afraid of flying, but you’re always a little nervous.
EZ being Best Husband™️ and soothing even the most minor of your stresses by turning your attention to the excitement of your trip and your new relationship status.
Teasing EZ in-flight won’t get you Mile High Club initiated, because he finds it much more entertaining to punish you by letting you work the both of you up, and making you stay that way for the duration of the flight. He’s got enough will power to suffer through it, because your soft whines make it worth it.
The airbnb is everything it was promised to be, and you’d appreciate that later, but all you can think of is your husband when you step through the door. That’s the other half of why EZ likes to leave you waiting. Your aggression and exclusive desire for him gets, and keeps, him hard.
It rains the following day, which is just as well, because neither of you are quite ready to stop physically expressing your love for each other. The day consists of ordering food, falling out of your clothes and onto each other, separating to read, falling back on each other, and quick naps.
Angel sending mocking texts in your Reyes group about how you’re trying to turn his brother bamma like you, only to stop when you threaten him with no souvenirs.
EZ and you taking responsibility for your own tour because let’s face it, you both know exactly what you want to see, and can plan a more satisfying tour for the both of you. You take turns deciding where to go next.
When it’s his turn, EZ picks an art museum, and can’t quit smiling about it. You think it’s because he picked a place he really wanted to go to.
“Babe, I have a surprise for you.”
“What?” your excitement always makes EZ’s heart race with his own.
He hands you the guide brochure he picked up at the door, folded to the section he wants you to look at.
“Faith Ringgold exhibit?!”
He hums and nods, grunting when you knock into him with a hug.
“Thank you for thinking of me. I love you.” you look up at him, eyes shining with unshed tears and he just kisses you, afraid he’ll cry if he says anything.
The two of you avoid the tourist trap spots for lunch and find a cute family owned cafe. You order for the both of you based on what you know about southern cuisine and both of your tastes.
You love watching EZ fall in love with the food as he keeps asking “Can you make this?” about everything he eats.
The two of you walking through the Garden District in the evening. Hands swinging between you with no plans but to admire the beautiful homes and foliage.
EZ noting how awestruck you are, and you describing what you love about the historic, towering homes.
He catches that when you describe what your dream home in the area would be, he and your future children are mentioned frequently, and it makes butterflies dance in his stomach. He can picture your family in the yards around him.
The two of you almost make it back to your Airbnb, but give into your baser urges after all the domestic conversation. EZ pulls you into an alley for a quickie, the two of you fighting to silence the other’s vocal expression.
You teasing EZ after that he’s more like his brother than he thinks. Him teasing back the two of you would’ve been caught and arrested if he was like Angel.
The following day is relaxed and less planned. The both of you getting thoughtful gifts for each member of your family, blood and otherwise. EZ scores major points for the gifts he suggests for your mom and dad, and you kind of want to jump him again.
EZ is glad you’re impressed, but it’s nothing to him. It all comes naturally because he loves you so much, and refuses to be anything other than the husband he knows you deserve.
I didn’t want to add this, cuz I wanted to end on a sweet note, but you just know Angel would accidentally send that vid to one of his boys.
Personally, I lose it for shit like this. Anything domestic in writings is my jam, so I decided to make these headcanons.
- Fun fact: Jet Ski is kind of like Bandaid in that it’s become the generic term for “personal water vehicles”, but it’s actually a specific brand’s name for their PWVs. I learned this while writing this enjoy💀.
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zosonils-art · 3 years
ohhh can we hear more about sweet woman 🥺
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we totally can!! infodump about this gaslighting gatekeeping girlboss is under the cut as always
sweet woman was commissioned by a super classy french dessert restaurant called the orgueilleux pâtisserie [orgueilleux being very poorly google translated french for elitist/snobbish lmao], acting as both a chef and a mascot! the gimmick worked wonders for the restaurant's popularity, with rich people coming in droves to experience the novelty of food prepared with a robot master's help, and she was quickly promoted to social media manager as well as her original duties. despite her cutesy demeanour, she's much smarter than she looks, and is equipped with an in-depth understanding of chemical reactions and inhumanly accurate sense of timing and spatial awareness. she knows hundreds of recipes and most of them cost several hundred dollars to make
her personality is more deliberately engineered than most robot masters, designed to fit her appearance and be marketable. she's unwaveringly cheerful, incredibly extroverted, and just silly enough that it's cute rather than grating. she plays these traits up a lot for the cameras, exaggerating her energy and playing dumb when it'll appeal to the masses, but even when she doesn't have her public image to consider she's a bubbly and energetic goof. she's a stubborn optimist, and if she can't find a bright side to look on she'll take out a flashlight and make one. her optimisim makes for a good workplace morale boost and an even better social media presence, although when combined with her ditziness and being a bit out of touch from almost exclusively interacting with the 1% it often makes her come across as insensitive
since she's in the spotlight a lot, most of sweet's hobbies and interests outside of work are still carefully selected to match her public image and look good on an instagram post. she has a passing interest in shopping and fashion, and enjoys going to parties and gatherings and what have you to meet new people. she also loves to experiment with cooking and come up with new recipes, some of which end up on the orgueilleux menu. she does, however, have a private interest in chemistry! as mentioned earlier she knows a fair bit about it already, since cooking is just chemistry with a restricted set of substances, and in her own time she ended up getting curious and reading into the sort of reactions that arise from chemicals she doesn't work with. she rarely mentions this interest herself, but she gets super excited if someone brings it up or gives her the excuse to talk about it, and it's probably listed as super secret trivia about her on the pâtisserie website
unlike other robot masters, sweet has an acute sense of both smell and taste! [since robots seem to only use e-tanks for fuel, there's not much benefit to smelling or tasting things, so i personally believe that most of them don't have those senses unless it'd directly benefit their job.] being able to actually taste the food she cooks makes it much easier to tell if she's doing it right, especially if she's trying to come up with something new. she's also capable of replenishing her energy by eating - it's less efficient than e-tanks, but she thinks they taste gross so she always opts for actual food. fittingly, she has a massive sweet tooth, but she's accustomed to only the highest-class dining and dislikes cheaper or less 'refined' tastes
her magical girl vibe, brought to you by someone who has watched maybe 4 episodes of anime that weren't sonic x, is entirely an aesthetic and marketing gimmick rather than serving any functional purpose. she'll play it up for promotional videos and photoshoots, twirling her fork-trident thing and striking dramatic poses and calling out thematically appropriate attack names like 'sparkling sugar swirl' and 'cinnamon whirlwind' whenever she does anything, but it's mostly for show. while she genuinely enjoys the shouting and posing and twirling, she massively tones it down when she's not performing, maybe occasionally saying an attack name at a reasonable volume while she works. her fork-trident thing isn't even a real weapon, magical or otherwise. it's just styrofoam with metallic paint on it
sweet's weakness to harpoon shot was decided before i figured out exactly what tide man's weapon would be, going on the idea that getting food wet tends to make it sad and gross. this logic doesn't quite carry over with harpoon shot being, well, a harpoon rather than something specifically water-based, but i imagine shooting a cake with a harpoon would also be a very one-sided battle so this weapon wheel makes sense i promise. i guess you could also make the argument that it's because sweet is only experienced with a fake pronged weapon made of foam and would be completely blindsided by a real one? maybe it's that tide is so staunchly anticapitalist that his weapon inherently vibe checks her? i'm grasping at straws a bit over here but listen, if mega man 5 can insist that water is elementally weak to trains, i can insist that it's elementally strong against the french
i think her stage could be some kind of factory! lots of conveyer belts definitely, maybe some crushing hazards, definitely a few mets. the idea there is that she's seized a major food processing plant and is using that position to wreck the regional supply chain. even when she's evil, she basically keeps the exact same personality she shows to the public with only a noticable capitalism upgrade. she has pretty much no combat abilities on her own, but at her own suggestion she was upgraded to shoot a specially formulated icing that's acidic enough to burn through thin metal, finally putting her interest in chemistry to use. her fork-trident, on the other hand, was not changed in the slightest. still just styrofoam. i think it'd be pretty good if she opened her battle with it but even if it hits mega man it only deals one point of damage and the second it touches something it snaps in half and she never pulls out a new one
designing sweet was pretty fun because she's pretty different from my usual taste in character design! my experience with the magical girl genre is that i read about half of sailor moon when i was 12 and absorbed everything else through pop culture osmosis and tv tropes pages, so it was definitely fun to draw what i think a magical girl might look like. i also don't use oranges and yellows much, so picking out her colours made for an agonising exciting challenge! she didn't change too much from the initial microsoft paint sketch, although she lost a skirt layer along the way because i didn't feel like figuring out how to draw another one, and her weapon was originally just a big fork that probably would have been a ksjfjhkjhfillion times less cumbersome to draw. oh well. live and learn [HANGIN ON THE EDGE OF TOMORROW]
that about wraps it up for sweet woman, i think - thank you so much for asking about her!! here's the transparent art and the version without 15 different filters on it to make it look kinda like an 80s anime screenshot
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has anyone been confirmed for the best season of snl? like cast members, who are leaving/staying? thanks!
hi there anon (and everyone lol)! just gotta say that this anon clarified they meant next season :)
officially, no one has confirmed they are leaving. typically, they don’t confirm who has left until they announce the next season (usually happens in august)
it’s important to note that the initial snl contract is for 7 seasons, and after that cast members can leave or sign a new one
the only person who has confirmed they are staying is kenan, who will be returning for his 19th season, although for andrew, punkie, lauren, bowen, chloe, ego, heidi, chris, mikey, and alex, they’re all pretty much confirmed to be coming back (unless something really wild happens) because they are still on those initial contracts
michael also posted something that seemed like he was going to leave but i believe he has said he’ll be staying
now on to who might be leaving:
melissa, who is still on her initial contract, is an interesting case because she posting an instagram story saying she was unhappy with how snl was using her, but quickly retracted that saying she does not know what will happen. she’s probably still thinking over that decision right now so we’ll have to see what happens with her.
the only people who really seem to have said their goodbyes are pete and cecily. this past season was pete’s 7th on the show, which means he has finished his contract. his final weekend update appearance really seemed like a goodbye, and he said in a roundtable interview that he’s “ready to hang up the jersey” at snl. he’s also got so many projects lined up that i think he’s done with snl. cecily’s final weekend update appearance and her overall emotions during the finale make me sure she’s leaving. although she hasn’t flat-out said she’s leaving, i think she is.
on to people who could technically leave but i’m not sure if they will or not:
these cast members have been on the show for 7+ seasons: kate (10), aidy (9), colin (8), beck (8), and kyle (8).
aidy doesn’t really seem like she’s leaving, especially now that her show shrill has ended, but her double emmy nominations might open some doors for her. colin doesn’t seem like he will leave, because if he was leaving i think he would get a send off due to his position as a head writer and update anchor. also, i think if michael is staying, he’s staying. beck hasn’t really done anything to make me think he’s leaving and he’s kinda the underrated staple male cast member rn so i don’t think he’s leaving. kyle’s an interesting one because, as we all know, his sketches often get cut for time and he doesn’t appear in a whole lot of live sketches, which is surprising considering his seniority at the show. i think kyle will stay if beck stays. i think all these people will stay on snl, but i wouldn’t be 100% shocked it they left.
the person we’re all wondering about is kate. kate is definitely the defining female cast member, and likely even just the defining cast member, of the generation of snl. in 10+ years we’ll be saying “the kate mckinnon era of snl”. kate’s been on the show for 10 seasons, and has achieved so much both on the show and outside of it. i feel that if she was leaving, they would have given her a whole sketch to end her snl career, or would have done something like they did for kristen wiig. the only thing that makes me nervous about her leaving is the behind the scenes stories of people who saw the filming of the finale. they say kate was super, super emotional, which of course doesn’t mean that she’s leaving bc it was a super tough season for everyone. we’ll have to wait and see with kate.
long story short, at this point i’m convinced that pete and cecily are leaving, and no one else is 100% for sure yet.
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hansoheeglobal · 3 years
Han Sohee's Ten Faces
Pretty face and unknown inner woman, and actress Han Sohee.
rough translation 
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Q.  you uploaded a cut of the webtoon "Nevertheless" on your Instagram. As if you knew you were going to be in a drama. There's a pilgrimage comment on that post.
A.  I was a fan of writer Jung, who drew the original webtoon. While reading the webtoon, I thought of myself in the past when I was in a relationship. Nevertheless, I could relate to the details of the situation. When I uploaded a Nabi picture, I thought I'd really like to try it if it turns into a drama or a movie someday.
Q.  While watching the drama "Nevertheles" there were several moments when I held my breath because of the tension between Nabi and Jaeeon. Webtoons express such moments in frozen cuts. Also, I think you had a lot of thoughts to play the character Yu Nabi, who has a tight emotional line.
A.  It took a long time for Nabi and me to become one.I realized that it's more important to focus on the emotions of the moment than to set up and express something. I chose to stop rather than express my emotions when I faced them without any countermeasures.
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Q.  you learned drawing from an art school. Nabi is a student of the art college.
A.  It's something I always did when I was in high school, so it was comfortable when I filmed scenes where I was sketching or planning. I drew the scene where Jaeeon was a model for a character croquis class.(laughs)
Q.  Sohee, what kind of drawing did you like?
A.  I fell in love with Freda Kahlo and drew a lot of self-portraits. I didn't go to college, so I didn't draw often.
Q.  Do you think you'd be caught up in a Nabi-like spiral if you kept painting and went to art school? you might have become an honor student on a scholarship.
A.  It's not that I don't wait because I'm stuck with my assignment and graduation, but I think I couldn't. When I concentrate on something, I tend to isolate and lock myself up rather than gain inspiration from things or people.
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Q.  In my early 20s, I often wander around like a ritual. Sohee started her job and built your career one by one.
A.  Well, I hate to whine, but I've been pretty busy. I spent 24 hours a day working on other things besides work and other things that I had to do. But it wasn't hard because I liked the way I looked. When I don't turn a blind eye to pressure and responsibility and accept that it's entirely up to me, I have the energy to plan and implement something. I was able to endure the time I couldn't eat and sleep because I thought it was a struggle with myself.
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Q.  he relationship between Nabi and Jaeeon that seem to love but don’t have a particular relationship is not common.
A.  I was frustrated with Nabi too.(Laugh) But I was able to understand this role because I experienced a frustrating and suffocating relationship. I always have the initiative, not himself, but I'm the one who's swayed, then I'm the one who's disappointed. I had no choice but to look forward to it while waiting. I know it's frustrating, but I also experienced Nabi time when I was shaken by Jaeeon's call. Oh, my... Sohee.(laughs)
Q.  What kind of time did you spend with Songkang, your costar?
A.  We tried to see each other as Jaeeon and Nabi. Songkang had no difficulties because he was so synchronized with the original. I got a lot of help thanks to Songkang who focuses on his role when we start filming while playing jokes on each other. Maybe because we're the same age, it was comfortable and fun and happy time. When I watch the show, I think of Jaeeon and Nabi
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Q.  It's the first time that only actors of the same age together, right?(laughs)
A.  Hyeji, who plays Bitna, really shines. SeoA and Hojung have a lot of similarities with similar characters. I've heard a lot in a short period of time. It's not a special episode, but when the four of us get together, we're busy chatting. When we have a break, we can take a break in the car. But as soon as we get there, we find out where each other is. We arrive earlier than the shooting time to eat lunch or dinner together, or when we finish early, we sometimes wait. I think we love each other so much.(laughs)
Q.  The support of young women who started with "Junk eonni" are consistent. Through this drama, that love has widened.
A.  Not too long ago, the fans collected letters and made them into brochures. I cried secretly while reading it in the car. I'm sorry but I don't know the names of the fans, but I think they'll be very close to each other. It's a message, but it seemed like you were comforting me by asking me, "Was it hard?" I've always been ashamed to receive so much love for just a humble shell, but now I want to repay you in some way. I really want to show you that those precious hearts are not just cheering, but a huge force that protects and grows me.
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Q.  You're monitoring hard, right? This time again, a picture of you looking at a TV screen full of Nabi faces. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of actress Han Sohee?
A.  The strength and weakness is that I'm vulnerable to emotions. These days, I'm learning how to control it, cook around and digest it.
Q.  Do you eat well these days? you always took care of your meal.
A.  Actually, I don't eat well these days, so I'm ashamed of myself. I just want everyone to be healthy. Not only the body but also the mind
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Q.  More than Instagram, blog posts become a hot topic. you try to keep your promise, reflect on your words, and you promise not to get drunk on public love.
A.  I've been using blogs for a long time, so I think I wrote them more comfortably because only people who know me more. Recently, I've been thinking about how rude it might be. Since there are more people visiting the blog, I think it would be a waste of time to leave comments. I'm going to keep writing blogs.
Q.  On the other hand, Instagram is a place of taste for movies and music. Some bands that are sentimental in front of Hongdae in the early 2000s, such as Crystal Castle and Maximilian Hacker, are mentioned.
A. When I was in middle school, I resolved my emotions by listening to something and watching it. I liked Radiohead and listened to a lot of songs by Ian who participated in the OST of "Nevertheless". I still like to see and hear things like watching the movie "Dancer in the Dark" and getting to know Bjork and Damian Rice after watching "Closer."
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Q.  The good stories that your beloved grandmother tells you make the viewers emotional. What's the good word that your grandmother gave you, what's in your heart?
A.  I always text "How are you?" and "Hi" to say goodbye to my busy self. Even if you want to hear my voice, I think you'll wake me up. You never call me, day or night, but you always send me everything in a text message. It's so sad these days.
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massivedrickhead · 4 years
bechloe tattoo shop au? Beca gives Chloe a tattoo?
So I’ve had this prompt in my inbox forever. I started writing it last year not long after I got my tattoo but it wasn’t going anywhere so I kinda gave up on it. But I just started watching Ink Master and I had to finish this prompt. 
It’s kind of pointless but I couldn’t get the idea out of my head, and now I’ve written it I might as well share it.
I also gave Beca loads of tattoos because I’m high-key attracted to the idea of a heavily tatted Beca
Read on AO3
“Hi,” Chloe said, approaching the reception desk at Titanium Tattoos and Piercings. There was a blonde woman sitting behind the desk, spinning on her chair.
“What’s up?” She asked, with a heavy Australian accent. 
“I have a consultation appointment,” Chloe said. 
“Cool, what’s your name?” The woman asked, looking down at her computer.
“Chloe Beale,” Chloe said.
The woman nodded. “You’re meeting with Beca?”
“Yeah,” Chloe said.
“She’s in with a client right now, why don’t you take a seat and she’ll be out soon. My name is Fat Amy, give me a shout if you need anything.” Amy said, gesturing over to a collection of couches. 
Chloe nodded and took a seat, her eyes roaming over the art that was hung around the room. She recognised a lot of it from Instagram, and she knew Beca was responsible for most.
Chloe waited for another 10 minutes before Beca came out, followed by a very pale looking man. 
“Okay Jesse,” Beca said, patting him on the shoulder, “keep it clean, no swimming for a few weeks,  and when it starts healing don’t pick it.” She handed him a sheet of paper. “Follow these instructions and take care of it yeah? If you get it infected it makes me look like a jackass.”
Jesse laughed. “Thanks, Beca.”
“Go give Amy your money and give us a call if you have any questions or anything,” Beca said. She spotted Chloe waiting. “Chloe, right?”
“Yeah,” Chloe said.
“Give me a couple of minutes to grab a drink and I’ll be with you. You want a coffee or anything?”
“I’m fine, thanks,” Chloe said, watching Beca rush off to another room.
Chloe’s heart was pounding, and it was only partly due to nerves. Beca was cute. She had seen a picture of her on the tattoo shop’s Instagram but seeing her in person was something else.
Beca returned after a few minutes. “Chloe? Do you wanna follow me?” 
Chloe nodded and followed Beca into the shop. 
“Sorry I’m running a bit late,” Beca said. “My last guy got a bit lightheaded, we had to take a break.”
“No worries,” Chloe said.
Beca showed her into her room and asked her to take a seat.
“So, this is just a consultation, I’m not going to be sticking you with any needles today,” Beca said taking a seat next to her. “What is you’re wanting to get done?”
“I have a couple of reference photos,” Chloe said, pulling up her phone. “I want something kind of floral but a bit geometric too?” She handed Beca her phone who nodded and she swiped through the pictures. “And I also want to incorporate this ‘B’,” Chloe added, showing Beca a specific picture. 
“Okay, cool,” Beca said. She rolled her chair over to her desk in the corner and came back with a sketchbook and pencil. She started drawing as she spoke. “The B isn’t your partner’s initial is it?”
“No,” Chloe said, laughing. “I’m single.”
“Can I ask what it’s for?”
“Don’t laugh,” Chloe said. “But, um, I’m graduating from college next month, and this is the logo of the a cappella group I’m in.”
She saw the corners of Beca’s mouth twitch as she carried on drawing.
“That’s cute,” Beca said. 
Chloe laughed and felt herself blush slightly as she watched Beca draw. She was having a hard time focusing on anything else. Beca’s eye makeup was dark, her ears were pierced in several locations, and both arms had what looked like full sleeve tattoos.
She was distractingly attractive.
“You thinking colour or like black and grey?” Beca asked, glancing up.
“I was thinking black for the flowers and the shape, like kinda simplistic, not a lot of shading. But maybe we could do some colour in the logo?”
Beca nodded. “Awesome. Like the blue in this picture?”
“Yeah,” Chloe said.
“Where did you want it?”
“My ribs,” Chloe said.
This time Beca looked up fully and stopped drawing. “Is this your first tattoo?”
“No,” Chloe said, pointing at her tiny ladybug on her wrist.
“Cute,” Beca said, laughing softly. She ran a hand through her hair. “You sure about getting it on your ribs? It hurts like a bitch.”
“I’m sure,” Chloe said, laughing. 
“Okay,” Beca said, grinning. “How big?” She moved closer and put her hands against Chloe’s ribs. “Like this?”
Chloe felt suddenly light headed. “Yeah,” she said, trying to keep her voice casual.
Beca nodded again. She turned her sketchbook over so Chloe could see and passed her phone back. 
“So I can do something like this. You’ve got the geometric diamond shape here and that contains the flowers, but they’re sort of breaking that barrier here,” Beca said, pointing out different aspects of her sketches. “And then we can put the ‘B’ in the flowers but maybe a bit concealed? To give it some like depth.”
Chloe knew she should be focusing on what Beca was telling her, but she was having a hard time focusing when Beca was this close.
“Yeah, that’s awesome,” Chloe said, finally looking down at Beca’s sketches. “Exactly what I’m looking for.”
“Cool,” Beca said, grinning. “Can you send me that logo? I’m gonna draw up some more designs tonight.”
“Sure,” Chloe said. She airdropped Beca a picture of the logo. “I really love these designs, Beca. They’re perfect.”
“Thanks,” Beca said. “I’m glad you think so, you’re going to have this tattoo for a while.”
“So when can we do this?” Chloe asked, standing with Beca and heading back to the front of the shop.
“I might have some time tomorrow if you’re up for it?” Beca asked, heading behind the reception desk to check her schedule. 
“Yeah, that would be great,” Chloe said. “I’m free all day.”
Beca began typing into the computer. “How about 3pm?”
“Sounds great,” Chloe said, feeling a rush of nerves and excitement. She knew her tattoo was going to hurt like crazy, but somehow she was more nervous about having Beca’s hands on her body.
“Sweet,” Beca said grinning and typing into her computer. “So, I would recommend you don’t drink any alcohol tonight and please don’t drink any tomorrow. Make sure you eat too, I don’t want you passing out in my chair.”
“I don’t want that either,” Chloe said, laughing. 
Chloe arrived the next morning with a stomach full of butterflies but feeling excited. She was looking forward to seeing Beca again and she couldn’t wait to get her new tattoo, despite how much pain she was about to go through.
Beca called her through after she had been waiting for a couple of minutes.
“I usually take a girl for a drink before I ask this, but can you take your shirt off?” Beca asked.
Chloe laughed and pulled off her t-shirt, leaving her in just her bra. “Can I keep this on?” She asked, tugging at her strap.
“For now, yes,” Beca said. “Let’s get the design on there and see how it sits.”
Beca placed a piece of paper against Chloe’s ribs and applied the stencil of her design. When she peeled the paper away, a blue stencil remained.
“Have a look in the mirror,” Beca said. “Try it on for a bit while I get set up. Move your arm around, see how that’s going to affect the tattoo. Just make sure you’re 100% happy with it. Anything you wanna change or add we can do no problem right now.”
Chloe looked at the stencil in the mirror and did what Beca advised, twisting her arm and side, making sure it didn’t distort the tattoo in any weird way. 
She loved the design Beca had made, and she couldn’t wait to wear it.
“Happy?” Beca asked.
“Yeah,” Chloe said. “I love it.”
“Anything you want to change?” 
“Nope,” Chloe said, stilling grinning at the design in the reflection. 
“Okay, then let’s get started,” Beca said. She patted her chair which had been folded flat like a bed. As Beca pulled on a pair of black latex gloves, Chloe lay down on her side, her back to Beca’s chair. “Ready?”
“Yeah,” Chloe said, feeling her heart race as Beca placed her hands on her ribs.
“Here we go.”
Beca hadn’t been lying when she said the ribs hurt. Each line felt like a knife was being pulled slowly across her skin. 
“How’s it going?” Beca asked after about thirty minutes.
“Yeah it’s uh, it feels great,” Chloe said.
Beca laughed. “Liar.”
“It fucking hurts,” Chloe said, laughing lightly. 
“You need a break or anything you let me know, okay?” Beca said, wiping away some ink and blood.
“Will do,” Chloe said, clenching her hand as Beca carried on tattooing. 
“How come you picked this design?” Beca asked, eager to keep Chloe’s mind off the pain she was putting her through.
“I just really wanted a way to commemorate the Bellas,” Chloe said. “They’ve been my family for like the last four years. They gave me confidence and - ah fuck - and a support system. That last line really hurt.” Chloe laughed, feeling tears prick her eyes.
“I know, I’m sorry,” Beca said. “We’re making progress though.”
“Good,” Chloe said. “What’s been your most painful tattoo?”
“My ribs for sure,” Beca said. “I had some big pieces planned for them but after I got some lyrics tattooed there I totally changed those plans. So if it makes you feel better, I think you’re metal as fuck right now.”
Chloe laughed again. “That does make me feel better.”
“Your next tattoo is gonna be way easier now,” Beca said. 
“My next one?”
“Yeah you’re gonna get the bug, trust me,” Beca said, wiping away some more ink and blood. “It hurts like a bitch but I kinda like it.”
Whatever Chloe had planned on saying disappeared as a string of expletives flew out of her mouth.
“Damn I did not expect that from you,” Beca said laughing. She could see Chloe gripping the side of chair. “You doing okay?”
“Mhm,” Chloe replied, jaw clenched.
“No you’re not,” Beca said, stopping her machine. “We’re taking a break.”
“Thank you,” Chloe said, letting out a slow breath. 
“Stay where you are, I’ll get you some water,” Beca said. She pulled off her gloves and dropped them in the trash. “If you wanna sit up wait until I’m back, okay?”
“I’m good down here,” Chloe said.
Beca left and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and a straw. She stretched her back out before heading back in.
“You still with me?” Beca asked.
“Sure am,” Chloe said.
Beca pulled her chair around so she was sat by Chloe’s head, and passed her the bottle and the straw. 
“Your bedside manner is excellent,” Chloe said, smiling as she took a drink.
“I just don’t want anyone having a bad experience in my shop,” Beca said. “Plus if you passed out I’m way too tiny to lift anyone off the ground. You ready to finish this bitch?”
“Yeah,” Chloe said, drinking some more and then putting the bottle down.
“Awesome,” Beca said. She pulled on a new pair of gloves, pulled her chair back up to Chloe’s side, and started her machine back up. “We’re almost done with the line work now. Then it’s just some shading and some colour.”
“Cool,” Chloe said, thinking it still sounded like a lot to do. “So have you got any tattoos you regret?”
“Uh, not really. I mean I have some kinda shitty tattoos, but I think even bad tattoos tell a story,” Beca said. “I do have an ex-girlfriend’s name hidden under a cover-up though. That’s why I’ll always try and dissuade a client from getting their partner’s name on them.”
Chloe laughed. “Yeah I think that’s good advice. Is there anything you’ll just refuse to tattoo?”
“Oh yeah,” Beca said. “I won’t do any Nazi shit, or any other racist stuff. Nothing homophobic or anything like that. Like it’s just a straight up no, and once I know they want something like that I won’t tattoo anything else on them either.”
“That’s awesome,” Chloe said.
“Yeah, I don’t want bigot dollars,” Beca said. She stopped tattooing and wiped down the ink and blood again. “Okay the outline is done.”
“Thank god,” Chloe said, letting out a breath of relief. 
“You’re doing great,” Beca said. “Not much longer, I promise.”
As Beca carried on the tattoo, they carried on talking, each learning a little more about each other. 
Chloe learned that Beca also made music, and spent a few evenings a week DJing.
Beca learned that Chloe volunteered at an animal shelter, gaining experience for when she went to veterinary school in the fall.
After hours of tattooing, Chloe was finally done.
Beca helped her up, and Chloe admired her new tattoo in the mirror.
“Beca, it’s so awesome,” Chloe said, grinning. “I love it.”
“I’m really glad,” Beca said. “Can I take a quick pick for the Instagram before I get you wrapped up?”
“Yeah, of course,” Chloe said.
Beca took a few pictures and then cleaned and wrapped Chloe’s new tattoo, before handing her a sheet of paper on aftercare.
“Please take care of it. No scratching, no picking, no getting it dirty,” Beca said. “Follow these instructions and you’re gonna have a beautiful, nicely healed, tattoo in about a month.”
“Thank you so much, Beca. It’s exactly what I wanted, it’s perfect,” Chloe said.
“You are very welcome,” Beca said. “You sat like a champ. I’ve had grown men cry in my chair getting their ribs done, you did great.”
“So, um, what’s the deal on drinking now?” Chloe asked.
Beca laughed. “Give it 48 hours at least. This sounds gross but you’re gonna be bleeding and… oozing for the next couple of days, you don’t really want to thin your blood.”
“I can drink by Saturday then?” 
“Sure,” Beca said. “You got big plans?”
“No, I was just kinda hoping I could go on a date with this cute girl on Saturday,” Chloe said. Having survived her tattoo, she was suddenly feeling invincible.
“Sounds like a lucky girl,” Beca said. 
“Beca, would you like to come for a drink with me on Saturday?”
Beca couldn’t stop the grin that spread over her face. “I see. I’m the lucky girl?”
“You can be.”
“Sure,” Beca said. “It isn’t often I get asked out by clients after I put them through three hours of pain. Let’s do this.”
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eustochium · 3 years
not that anyone asked, but having laid out my favorite Christ paintings I’m now still in the mood to talk about art so I’m going to tell the void about Holbein, Tudor queens and unintended consequences.
Dr. Katrina Marchant has put forward, echoing the sentiments of many other historians, that Holbein’s portraiture is a major reason why the Tudor period persists so strongly in popular imagination, and why so many of these figures feel so real and so human to us almost five centuries after their deaths. I tend to partly agree. We can’t discount the enduring mythos of Good Queen Bess, Gloriana, her Golden Age. Or the persistent (and propagandistic) influence of Billy Shakespeare, English literature’s most talented Tudor toady. Not to mention, putting aside the theological impact, the sheer scandal and melodrama of God’s anointed king cycling through six wives, with 33% of those queens consort ending up sent to the scaffold. But really, in examining the sources firsthand, we find shockingly little about those queens, whether or not they went to the grave with their heads or their marriages intact. We know, with real certainty, just one of their birthdays—of course Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain ensured their youngest daughter Catherine entered the world to a flurry of fanfare. (December 16th, 1485–a stubborn, methodical, intelligent Sagittarius, if you’re into that.) We know Katherine Parr was not a passive nursemaid for the aged and ailing Henry by her named publications on religious matters (and by an absolutely fantastic non-Holbein portrait that shows her in full-length view, dressed in ermine and trodding on a Persian rug) and we know that Holbein couldn’t have sanitized Anne of Cleves’ looks that much, contrary to Henry’s supposed fussing, given that dear old Hans kept both his position as court painter and his head. But through deliberate destruction (as in the case of Anne Boleyn) or general uncertainty (in poor Katherine Howard) we have only a handful of images we can speculate might possibly be one of the doomed queens.
To pan out back to Holbein for a moment: Something truly striking is how alive his subjects look. Sure, maybe a little fluff and flattery here and there is par for the course. I’m just going to show his women here for reasons that will become obvious, but look at the expressiveness!
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Mary, Lady Guildford (1527)
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Poor sweet, dear Queen Jane Seymour in 1537
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Lady Margaret Wyatt (c. 1540)
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A demure but disinterested Christina of Milan (1538)
I think you get my point. Just total mastery of all the subtleties and nuances of the human face.
Bringing it back to Katherine Howard. Most of us know the story by now. A young girl is seduced, or manipulated, or raped, by an affectionate music teacher. As an adolescent, she is seduced, or manipulated, or raped by an amorous courtier in her noble relative’s house. She is later brought to the royal court where she is seduced, or manipulated, or raped, by an aging and half-mad king swollen with gout and stinking with unhealed and festering wounds. He’s already executed one wife, forsaken two, lost another to childbed fever. The girl is seduced, or manipulated, or raped, by a “beautiful youth” who serves the king’s privy chamber. For this, the girl and all the courtiers are dragged to the chopping block and beheaded. She is about eighteen years old.
Only three existing painted portraits are speculated to be of Katherine. (We won’t bother ourselves with sketches, drafts, or engravings.) All three are by Holbein, or at least his workshop. All three are from roughly 1540, about a year before she was interrogated, tried, and executed. All three are simply branded with the moniker “Portrait of a Lady.” They are all relatively consistent in appearance, with one exception.
Here are the first two:
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There she is—a lady with fair skin, auburn hair, a longish nose, a small smile, a slight flirtation in her eyes (at least on the first miniature) and donning a french hood (as Katherine was known to wear, apocryphally brought into English fashion by Henry’s earlier beheaded queen, Anne Boleyn) as opposed to a traditionally English gabled hood. She looks young, though not drastically so (Katherine would have been anywhere from 15 to 17 upon her marriage to Henry) but hey, maybe people aged more quickly then. By my 17th birthday I certainly looked worse for wear. The first image a characteristic Tudor bodice and neckline, while the latter showcases a very distinct set of large, ribbon-trimmed sleeves. Bear this in mind when gazing at the final image, in which her gown has both.
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To me, this portrait shows us Katherine. The other two, which may or may not be her, have about as much certainty of attribution as this one. The inscription on this painting, however, explicitly states that the sitter is seventeen years old.
But look at that face. Same eyes and nose and hair as the others, but something so distinctive about that face. Feels almost too modern in her youthfulness. This face could be peering out at you from a TikTok video. Surely if all three portraits were of the same sitter, Holbein would, in his way, have taken pains to consistently capture such a girlish countenance and that instagram-ready pout?
But not quite. Let’s defer to The Met.
Because it generally exhibits typical characteristics of Holbein portraiture, this picture was at first highly praised and confidently attributed to the artist. Yet, by the mid-1870s, when the second edition of Woltmann's Holbein monograph appeared, the painting was identified as "presumably Holbein," and Woltmann's changed opinion initiated the negative assessments that the picture subsequently received. Some have considered it a clever pastiche, possibly from the artist's late portraits, while others still gave it to Holbein's workshop. In the 1995 summary catalogue of the Museum's collection of European paintings, Baetjer designated it a British copy in the style of Holbein from the second half of the sixteenth century.
Despite its poor state and the absence of Holbein's sophisticated execution in the face and details of the costume, technical investigation (see figs. 1–2 above) did reveal the routine methods of portraits made in the artist's workshop during the 1540s. There is no extant preparatory drawing for the portrait, but the rigid underdrawing outlining the head and facial features indicated a one-to-one transfer from a pattern on paper to the prepared panel, the customary practice devised by Holbein for portraits made from 1532 to 1543, during his second period in England.
The painting has been abraded and extensively restored. The originally cool, vibrant blue background has been overpainted with a grayish blue-green paint. A rectangular area of restoration above the arm at the far right appears yellowish. There are restored areas in the dark clothing and the face. Retouching of the mouth may contribute to the exaggerated pout.
So, a bad retouching job. Maybe a slightly sloppier apprentice. Insufficient coordination. Whatever. They can’t all be masterworks, right?
But somehow, since I saw this portrait, I can’t shake it—that is the face of poor, doomed Katherine. The face of a girl who lacked the virginal purity the king demanded of his young fifth wife, and who lacked the experience and acumen to play the game to save herself. Hell, that might not have been enough—all the good it did Anne in the Tower. Intended, unintended, misattributed, who knows? We don’t need certainty when we have circumstance. We already have the story, however we decide to tell it. We already have all the characters in place. All we need are the faces to go with them. They too had faces, then.
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rosethornewrites · 4 years
Fic: The Rebellion of Adrien Agreste, ch. 4
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Luka Couffaine, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Kagami Tsurugi, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Luka Couffaine, Lila Rossi/karma, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth/aneurism, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Kagami Tsurugi, Plagg & Tikki
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Lila Rossi, Jagged Stone, Plagg, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Luka Couffaine, Penny Rolling, Anarka Couffaine, Rose Lavillant, Juleka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi, Alya Césaire, Chloé Bourgeois, Wayhem, Nadja Chamack, Nathalie Sancoeur, Sabine Cheng, Tom Dupain, Tikki, Fang, Principal Damocles, Caline Bustier, Ms. Mendeleiev, original minor character, Alec Cataldi, Lila Rossi's Mother, Sabrina Raincomprix, Roger Raincomprix, Mylène Haprèle, Le Gorille | Adrien Agreste's Bodyguard, Nino Lahiffe, Nooroo
Tags: Lila Rossi salt, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Teenage Rebellion, Swearing, Bad Parent Gabriel Agreste, Crack Treated Seriously, Lila Rossi's Lies Are Exposed, Cuddling & Snuggling, Luka Couffaine Needs a Hug, Paparazzi, Parentification, Marinette Dupain-Cheng Needs a Hug, Gabriel Agreste Needs an Aneurism, Uncle Jagged Stone, we're all queer here, the spirit of punk is sometimes just being allowed to be yourself, Kagami Finds Her Groove, punk rock fashion, Savage Kagami, Marinette protection squad, Good Parent Sabine Cheng, Good Parent Tom Dupain, Protective Kagami Tsurugi, Protective Luka Couffaine, Bisexual Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Pansexual Luka Couffaine, Sharing a Bed, Pet Names, LGBTQ Character, LGBTQ Themes, Instagram, Bullying, Social Media, Anxiety, Makeover, Hugs, will cure your acne, Face Punching, Bad Ass Juleka Couffaine, Rumors, Protective Juleka Couffaine, Protective Adrien Agreste, Lawyers, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Holding Hands, accountability, mental health, Jagged Stone's well-paid pet shark, How to Make the Evening News, Sexy eyeliner for days, one fish two fish Lila is a screwed fish, How to have fun and piss Gabriel off, Fuckery, sweet litigious karma, Alya sugar, lawyer shark doo doo doo doo doo doo, Schadenfreude, Bad Ass Alya Césaire, Gaslighting, abuse denormalization, Jagged likes his lawyers like he likes his pets: toothy af, Blood in the Water, Everything you didn’t know you wanted and some things you did, Gabriel Agreste is shark bait, Denial, Consequences, Principal Damocles salt, caline bustier salt, the impotence of Gabriel Agreste, snarky Nooroo, lies and the lying liars who tell them, Lila's brain is a narcissistic hellscape, Lila’s mind is built like an Escher piece, Alec Cataldi salt, Adrien Sugar, wholesome salt, Fu Salt, Kwami Shenanigans, Nooroo is a little shit
Summary:  Cuddle Piles are Like Blanket Forts, Right?
Note: These kids are dorky af. Also, thank you for helping me reach over 1K comments on this fic on AO3!
AO3 link
Chapters 1-2 | Chapter 3
An hour later, Marinette made a trip home for her design sketchbook and supplies, and returned also with a box of pastries and a leftover black Kitty Section shirt with the blue Luka design in Adrien’s size.
“I figured this could be the basis of your outfit,” she said. “After all, you’re dating him.”
Adrien liked the idea, and Luka smiled as he held the shirt up against his chest to demonstrate the look.
“I never did get to make a design for you, Adrien. But maybe that and an outfit for the next concert if you’re able to play,” she continued. “Oh, and I was thinking—we need to call Kagami.”
Marinette nodded. “She got Akumatized when Lila sent that photo of her kissing you and implying you were dating. It’s best if we let her know. She’s your friend, and she’s trustworthy.”
He nodded. “Uh, I don’t know how closely my father monitors my phone, though…”
Luka silently unlocked his phone and handed it to him.
“I’ll text her to let her know to expect a call from an unknown number,” Marinette volunteered, pulling out her own phone. “And see if she wants to come over here. She might have more ideas.”
Pretty quickly, they had another person on board and actively planning with them. Kagami seemed to understand the gravity of the situation immediately.
“That girl is bad news,” she said when she arrived. “Your father’s actions make little sense.”
Marinette snorted at that. “They never have. I like his designing, but he’s basically awful otherwise.”
Adrien didn’t bother defending him. Really, it’d been bad for a while except for the bright spot of being allowed to go to school. Everything else had been difficult.
Kagami actually quirked a smile. “With the exception of his day wear, certainly.”
Marinette goggled, then started giggling helplessly. It didn’t take long for the rest of them to follow.
“Oh, man, Kagami. You’re right; he dresses terribly,” Marinette gasped when she could breathe again.
“So since I’m disobeying, maybe I can tell him that?” Adrien wondered. “I mean, I already called him ‘Gabe’…”
The others stared at him, and he shifted uncomfortably.
“Really?” Kagami asked softly. “For you to be that upset, you clearly feel safer angering him than being in a fake relationship with that girl.”
Adrien hadn’t thought of it in exactly those terms, but she was right.
“Her heart song is… disturbing,” Luka commented. “I’ve heard ones like it, but it’s rare.”
“What does it sound like?” Marinette asked, glancing up from her sketching.
Luka was silent for a moment, as though searching for the words to express it. “Empty. It’s like there’s an echo, and it sounds ominous. I’d compare it to foreboding music from a TV show or film, all off-beat, the kind of music that raises goosebumps in the bad way.”
“Like Jaws?” Adrien asked.
“Worse,” Luka murmured, shaking his head. “I’d offer to play it, but I’d rather not foist it on anyone else.”
They were quiet, taking that in for a minute, until Marinette cleared her throat.
“Okay, so we’re doing this. Adrien, change into the shirt so I can see what it looks like and plan accessories for Penny to get. I’m thinking torn black jeans, for starters, but I need to conceptualize.”
He grabbed the shirt to change in the bathroom; when he got back, he wasn’t expecting what she said next.
“And if you’ve been getting closer to Luka and decided to go out recently, you guys need to seem comfortable with each other.” Her cheeks were flushed. “Um. So. You need to get used to cuddling.”
Adrien blinked, glancing at Luka, who seemed to take this in stride, lifting one arm welcomingly. He moved closer, startled regardless when Luka’s arm dropped on his shoulders. The blond didn’t often have contact like this except with maybe Nino. And Ladybug, but he couldn’t admit that to anyone. And when it was people he was close to, he liked contact like this; but it was weird when it was… fake. He and Luka were friends, but they’d never…
“Is this okay?” Luka asked. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“I, um… I’m not… used to this, I guess. Like, my dad never hugs me or anything. I get hugs from friends, and…” He shrugged slightly.
No one spoke for a minute, and he internally panicked. He wasn’t supposed to speak up and be needy. When he spoke again it was soft. “I wish I got them more.”
He completely missed the way the others exchanged a glance, trying to avoid their glances.
The next thing he knew, he was halfway in Luka’s lap, his head in Marinette’s, Kagami close to her side, all of them in contact with him. It was wonderful—after the initial shock wore off, anyway—their affection and the physical warmth was just absolutely what he wanted. There were hands in his hair, Luka’s arm across his waist.
Luka was smiling. “I kind of like snuggling, anyway. Though you might have to compete with my guitar.”
Marinette was blushing a bit. “There’s nothing wrong with platonic affection, Adrien.”
“Although it is not the norm in Japanese culture, living in France has accustomed me to it,” Kagami added. “Although often between genders it is assumed to be less than platonic.”
“So probably it should mostly be you and Luka in public, unless you want to come out as bi and so not into Lila at all,” Marinette chirped.
“Careful,” Adrien joked. “I might get too used to this.”
“You’ll have to, if we’re going to pull this off convincingly,” Luka told him with a laugh.
Marinette, sadly, remembered she had a job she was doing and sighed, grabbing her sketchbook and removing her hands from his hair.
“Okay, so clothing-wise, I was thinking black jeans, maybe skinny jeans, and a leather bomber jacket. And, um, for more of a punk look, they have these awesome men’s combat boots with buckles that go like halfway up the calf. Then a few bracelets, like what Luka has. But black and green?”
“I think the green in his hair should match his eyes,” Luka commented. “Neon would seem off. So probably the same with the bracelets. They have really nice green beaded ones that would do the trick.”
Adrien glanced at Luka’s face and hair. “Like how yours is kind of similar to your eyes?”
That earned a soft look from the guitarist. “Yeah, exactly like that.”
Kagami coughed delicately. “And that is how you should look at each other.”
He knew from the way his face heated that his blush mirrored Luka’s.
Marinette snorted. “Come on, Kagami. Let’s get Penny and go shopping, and leave these two to figure out their cuddling.”
She twisted out from under Adrien, letting him fall back on the couch awkwardly, his legs flailing a bit as he tried to find balance.
“Hey,” Luka protested in faux outrage, “no manhandling my boyfriend.”
“My hero.”
Marinette and Kagami laughed all the way out of the room.
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nanowrimo · 3 years
NaNo Interview: 2021 Camp Designer Monique Steele
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Camp NaNoWriMo has begun! You may have already seen some of the cool new subway-inspired merch available in our store. Today, we’ve interviewed graphic designer Monique Steele about her design process for this project:
Q: When a client comes to you with a concept, what are the steps that you go through to turn that concept into a visual reality?
A: My first step when approaching a new design concept is always research. I play a game of word association in my head, and when the first things come to mind relating to the concept, I start saving pictures and watching videos to gather inspiration for how to approach the design. A lot of times the initial thoughts I had about a concept are completely thrown out the door as more research reveals a new way to look at the piece or a new angle to approach from. 
Then from there I do quick sketches to pull together the ideas I’ve come up with. Sometimes the thumbnail sketch process goes really quickly. Some ideas at this point are more concrete than others and are just so easy to visualize, other times they’re a bit harder to nail down so I end up having to do a million different sketches before I’m satisfied. 
Once I, and the client, choose which direction to take the piece, it’s a process of constantly refining the sketch. I’ll draw a tighter sketch in a much bigger format and then go over that with clean line work, making sure that things like perspective or the dimensions of elements within the piece work visually. Depending on whether I decide to take a more painterly approach I might skip the tight line phase and use color to carve out the shapes and forms within the art, but the final phase either way is usually using color to bring everything together.
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Image: Work-in-progress versions of the 2021 Camp NaNoWriMo “Choose Your Line” poster, showing a colorful subway map with destinations like “Dramatic Reveal Plaza” and “Theme Harbor”
2. Do you have any daily drawing/creative habits that help you with your work?
A: I’m always constantly drawing/ painting and creating art when I can. It's fun for me to have this form of a creative outlet and to play with ideas that live mostly in my head. I also have found it to be a great way to experiment with different methods of making art and to practice techniques that I’m not as skilled in without the fear of “messing up.” 
As a digital artist I have also found working in other more traditional mediums has helped me push my digital work in new creative directions. For instance, when I first started digital art I was very dependent on line work to create an illustration, and now after playing more with watercolors and gouache paints I’m much more comfortable working without lines in my digital work. While the personal drawing time is incredibly useful and fulfilling for me in becoming a better artist, I also find taking time away from visual arts to be just as helpful. Taking time to pursue other interests allows me to recharge and also fills me with numerous new ideas for when it comes time to create once again.
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Image: Work-in-progress and finalized versions of the 2021 Camp NaNoWriMo sponsor banner without text. The image shows a woman looking at many framed paintings on a wall in a museum.
3. Has there ever been a point (either with this project or another) when you’ve felt like you’ve run out of ideas for a design concept? If so, how did you get past that point?
A: This is definitely a thing I have experienced while working on this project and on numerous others. I find the thing that has proven the most helpful for me is to stop trying to push through the artist block and instead turn to sources of  inspiration. Those sources for me can span from other art that I enjoy to watching a film or show or even just going to a different environment.
Sometimes feeling inspired and then returning back to the research phase of the process helps trigger an idea that turns into a full blown illustration. With this project I found myself stuck with the ideas for the illustrated social media banners. Living in NYC I decided to just take a train somewhere for the day to see if inspiration would hit. By doing that and using Google Maps I started thinking about street views of locations, and low and behold the social media banners were born. A lot of times breaking through the art block is about giving yourself some distance from the work to recharge. It may seem counter productive, when under deadline but I’ve found it to be the fastest way to have a break through.
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Monique Steele is a graphic designer based in New York City. She is a Jamaican born illustrator, part time Power Ranger, and all-around cool person. Follow her on Instagram, Tumblr, or Twitter.
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reyrapidsbutgayer · 5 years
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Since Faro the flesh merchant was such a big hit, I thought I would cook up an interesting little offer.
Faro has six demon friends who want to come to earth, but they need a human vessel in order to take physical form. Your Oc’s get demon powers, and the demons can interact with the human world to get into their demonic hijinks. 
It is a mostly painless process.
Let’s meet the demons! Rules for submitting OC’s below the cut.
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Acari “Nature’s Quiet Strength”: A demon who loves animals, especially insects. He never stops moving, and is always doing something. He is a little awkward around people and prefers the company of animals. His aspect is ‘conservation’, meaning he protects all life and works to avoid conflict. He carries turtle across the road, hand feeds baby birds and gives pep talks to ants. He also sorts people’s recycling while they are asleep and picks up bits of litter. He prefers to act unseen, hiding in sewers and jumping from roof top to roof top. Despite his stoic exterior he considers every tiny bit of suffering the world his fault and never shuts off. He is secretly a big cry baby and loves hugs. He likes calm summer nights where he can look at the stars.
Forming a contract with Acari will grant you immense physical strength, the ability to talk to animals and control over insects and invertebrates.
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Limax “A creative burst of madness”: A very bizarre demon, Limax is a creature of extremes. She overindulges in everything from food to video games to reading math textbooks. She finds people stuck in ruts in need of inspiration and uses her illusions to let them explore their own minds. Most often scientists and artists. Her aspect is ‘mire’ which means she specializes in addictions and lies, helping people turn their lives around by getting their worst aspects out of their systems. Limax is an overprotective know-it-all who is equally prone to bouts of intense energy and great lethargy. Whenever she is in one of her own ruts she loves reading math textbooks, scientific papers and news magazines. She loves consuming any information she can get her hands on.
Forming a contract with Limax will cause your best and worst attributes to come forward, granting you equal amounts of inspiration and delusion. You will also gain her abilities of illusion.
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Felsic “Healthy Controlled Chaos”: A powerful demonic lord capable of great destruction and suffering. Luckily he is a big softie who is easily distracted by just about everything. His aspect is ‘impulse’ meaning he finds humans who are not enjoying life to their fullest. He helps people get over their shyness or anxiety by pushing them to the exact limit of their comfort zones. His seemingly random actions always tend to end up helping those he initially inconveniences.  The molten lava pouring from him can be formed into whatever he chooses, forming temporary constructs that fulfill their purpose before tuning into ash. Such as a car that will drive you to your location or a blender that will make you a smoothie. He might be a bull in a china shop but his actions always come from a place of kindness and those around him always benefit. He loves making artistic sculptures out of his lava.
Forming a contract with Felsic will grant you the ability to create temporary constructs. You will also become oddly impulsive, but dumb luck will keep you from harm.
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Caedo “Nobility in Destruction.”: Few are as dedicated as the demonic knight Caedo. In every aspect she lives up to her aspect, ‘Justice’. She was built to kill those who did harm, but she broke free and now seeks to bring redemption. She works to reform the corrupt and the ignorant with her demonic powers. Caedo can be a bit dense and often has trouble with boundaries, but she has a good heart and a strong moral code. Her powers allow her to speed up, slow down and reverse time temporarily, often showing people glimpses of their past/present/future until they see the error of their ways. She fancies herself the helpful ghost to many a ‘scrooge’ She may come off a little cold but she is genuinely trying to put more good into the world. She has a habit of collecting bits of broken china and sea glass.
Forming a contract with Caedo will make you duty bound to help her in her crusade. Caedo will stand by you as a loyal friend and protector. You will also gain minor time dilation powers, allowing very brief visions of the past and future.
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Otverzát “A healing purge”: Not many see eye to eye with Otverzát at first, but sooner or later they all come around to her way of thinking. Otverzát loves to see people grow and heal, especially if they believe they are unable to. Otverzát‘s aspect is ‘truth’ meaning that no one can lie in her presences. Not just little white lies but the deep honest truths within our hearts. Her abilities let her see into the past and she can help people overcome long buried traumas.  Once she has gotten a person to open up she is a deeply loyal friend. She never lies and never has ulterior motives. She is caring soul who can get a little shy at times. She enjoys playing volleyball and tends to frighten easily. Her powers can be painful at first but she ultimately brings a deep peace and lasting healing to her friends.
Forming a contract with Otverzát will render you unable to lie, but no one can lie to you. You will also gain her ability to view the past or any object or person.
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Environ, “A Comforting Silence”: Environ strives be level headed and moral, and their two heads often debate with one another before they preform any action. Having two opinions on every matter lets them make better decisions, even if that makes them a little slow to act. Environ is quiet and solitary, often choosing to observe humans at a distance. Their aspect is ‘navigation’ which means it is their duty to help lost souls find a home. Environ controls shadows and can appear and disappear at will. They often follow those who feel lost and using their power direct them to places where they will be accepted and loved. They have a soft spot for children and help abused children find healthier families. Environ likes being left alone, reading books and listening to calming music. They hate obnoxious people, especially youtube pranksters and instagram influencers. 
Forming a contract with Environ will grant you a sense of direction, you will instinctually know where you need to be at any given moment. You will also gain their powers of teleportation.
Submit a reference drawing of your OC with a short description of their personality and backstory, select a demon you want a contract with.
In return you can get a sketch of your OC fused with their demon. Their new appearance will be based on how well they mesh with their new demon friend.
Patrons will get first priority! 
Have fun!
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okamigekidoo · 3 years
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Review under “keep reading” section. 
Guess what everyone? Sam (my custom suit of my fursona) is DONE!!!! I originally didn’t plan on there being whiskers buttt....the maker said it would look super cute on her, and finish them off. So...I said yes! I also love seeing peoples interpretations of my characters, and I love seeing the implementations of my style the maker used, to give my fursona yet another touch of myself in the creation process. 
(The shape of the ears, the big teeth, and the snout spots where the whiskers are. Lets not even talk about how much I ADORE the seperate, round eyebrows on the suit!!!)
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The work they did is absolutely phenomenal, and I cant WAIT to get em in the mail. I feel like I could talk all day long, about how much I LOVE the outcome, and how kind the maker was. 
I’ll leave a little review under the cut here, as it’s more simple to read, than watching my video on it!
Who is the fursuit maker? The fursuit maker is @/frouzon ! His commissions are currently closed, but I believe he’s opening back up sometime in early 2021 for more commissions, but don’t hold me to it!
Waiting times? I was originally given a wait period for roughly 4 to 5 months, but due to covid, and personal life occurrences, I waited for 9 months or so (and still counting as of this minute! Sam has still gotta have a finishing touch done and to be shipped < 3
Durability? Frouzon sent me a video of him holding the suit by its teeth, and then it’s ears, and slung Sam around. The suit didn’t seem to be bothered one bit, and most of his sowing on the head, is done by hand, I believe. (I also believe he not only sows, but glues the head to the base, and the sows part of the fur, to the base itself.) I also watched him pick it up, as if there was no worry in the world of how he picked it up. It shows he has no doubt about the quality and durability behind hs work, and that in itself is a very comforting thing to see (as, many of you may know, a custom suit is NOT cheap)
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Communication and customer service? Oh my GOD where do I even begin? This makers utmost best quality, is their communication. Something came up, that may halt fursuit making? Cool! He tells us what's going on, and roughly how long the wait will be. You want to add something, or change something? Awesome! He responds fast, and answers all the questions you’ve got. He even compensated for the waiting time, by throwing in some free eyelids, that I was gonna purchase from him to make! This may sound strange but-it’s almost like talking to a close friend, weirdly enough! I’ve never felt as comfortable with someone I was commissioning, than when working with Frouzon. Maybe it’s just his vibe, I’m really not sure-but what I AM sure of, is that when it comes to finishing a full body suit? I know EXACTLY who I’m going to. My mom might even be getting a suit from him, isn’t that cool?
Style? I really believe the suit matches the style of the prototype sketch I was given. Of course you cant expect it to look exactly the same, but I was definitely given the gist of what this sketch represented when I initially commissioned him. I adore the way he emphasized on the big ears, toony eyes, and big maws-it’s the main features of my fursona so I’m glad to see them represented so perfectly!
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Price? Dude, I’m gonna be real-you get MORE than what you pay for. His prices are rather cheap for the quality, look, and finish for these suits. One of the reasons I was attracted to said suit maker’s, style-was because of the “affordability” that came along with it. (Also, can you please go look at their bird suits? If I had an avian sona I promise you he is the first person I would book it after, I’m not even kidding) You can check out his prices here, and take a look for yourself! Fursuit commissioners will get why I say he’s on the more afforable side of the spectrum. His kindness is proven through a statement I believe he said, where his prices were lower to make suits more affordable to those who really want one. Which that is the SWEETEST shit I’ve ever read. Not only is it considerate of those less fortunate in the fandom, but it makes the pure kindness of this maker more apparent than you could even fathom. 
Security, and Quoting? Quoting was very simple to do. I DM’ed him, we went through a few ideas, and he continued to give me prices for what I asked for (and lemme just say he was very patient with me, and I was very indecisive). In the final decision, I was sent a legal document which we both signed, stating his TOS, and everything to expect. It had a few other things on it, but I don’t think it’s quite my place to share such a document. I believe things like that are more personal! 
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stormgardenscurse · 4 years
Summer Troupe Relationship Headcanons with an S/O
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Expect days when the two of you have to sneak away to be able to go on a date (to avoid both the media and his fans)
One time you both get caught in the rain. The situation plays out like you’d expect in a romance-novel, but it feels entirely real and genuine and leaves you with butterflies in your stomach.
On a special occasion Tenma tried to surprise you with something, but you caught onto it the day before. For an amazing actor he doesn’t seem to be able to lie to you without letting something slip.
It’s cute. Especially when he gets embarrassed when you catch him red-handed. It’s usually for little things, like how he asked Omi if he could make your favorite dish, or had a talk with Misumi and Kazunari to leave you alone to focus on your work.
He’s also more relaxed when you’re around, especially when his troupe is being more energetic than usual and messing around
Yuki doesn’t nag you about your fashion sense or the things you do. Not unless they may affect you negatively (like sleeping late, procrastinating on schoolwork, etc.)
When you first compliment the way he dresses, Yuki is both bewildered and pleased. He’s sometimes singled out for not being ‘normal’, so he appreciates it when you show that you have no problem with that.
He sometimes finds himself thinking of designs while looking at or hanging around you; maybe it’s because he’s too tired but something about you inspires him - he won’t be the first to admit that aloud, though. Especially if someone calls him out for staring.
On special occasions he makes outfits for you as a gift, and brushes off the workload as practice and no big deal. At your request he’d even be willing to help you choose what to wear and buy - it actually becomes pretty fun once the two of you get into it.
The guys have mentioned that Yuki is less snappy when you’re around, prompting the slightest of blushes from him. He doesn’t deny this, but does proceed to get back at them later on. (“Eek! Yuki is doubling down on us now that y/n’s gone!”)
Sometimes the two of you spend the day just reading and enjoying each other’s company. It’s like a de-stressing situation where you both can wind down
Once you were getting hit on by a guy (who you did not like back, which was obvious from the expression on your face) and Muku saved you by acting like there was an emergency going on and that you needed to follow him stat.
As soon as the two of you were out of sight you both started laughing and giggling uncontrollably. By then you’d already forgotten what his made-up excuse was. The look on the guy’s face was hilarious as you both sprinted away like your lives depended on it.
Yuki swears that sometimes hearts float off of Muku when he thinks or talks about you.
Generally he still flounders around when complimented or put on the spot, but there are moments where he unknowingly acts really gentlemanly and cool and you’re caught off guard
Though he may be friendly with everyone, Kazunari acts a little different around you. He’s more candid and endearing, even Misumi points out that he seems more ‘triangular’ around you
Once he tried to create a get-to-know page for you on the Mankai Company website. It did not go well with Sakyo, but Izumi thought it was cute.
He sometimes sketches you for fun, and loves posting about the both of you on instagram. (With your consent, of course. He wouldn’t do so if you were uncomfortable with it.)
Just wait until a special occasion arrives. You’re gonna be in for a day full of activities that he’s chosen, tailored to you specifically! It’s actually on those days where you realise just how attentive and observant he is - he’ll have picked up ideas for what to do from the little things you mention
He’s very supportive. If something seems off about your behavior Kazunari will notice very quickly and take the liberty of asking you about it in private. He doesn’t want you to struggle or hold things in around him - he’ll tell you to confide in him if you’re able to. Even if all you need is to rant he’d be happy to help!
Misumi is the type to bring you on eccentric (but very enjoyable and exciting) dates.
According to him, you’re the best triangle out there!
One time you had your bag snatched. Misumi, who had been by your side initially, had disappeared. A minute later he’s making his way back to you triumphantly, bag in hand. “I yoinked it back! He looked so surprised!”
If you’re working late or forget to eat, he whips up a quick meal for you (normally onigiri, but if you have a favorite dish he’ll implement that into it as well!)
Whenever you’re feeling down or nervous about something, Misumi will do his best to take your mind off of it by making you laugh or bringing you on an outing.
On the occasion that you’re unable to sleep, he might take you to the roof of the building to watch the stars and sky. And if you fall asleep up there? He’d carry you back into bed and wish you a good night before heading back to his own room, in a good mood since it seems you’ve managed to sleep after all!
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