#I have been trying to draw them and Narinder for ages
glitzybunny · 6 months
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I have so much brainrot right now for silly lamb game
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krystaldeath · 3 months
Cult of The Lamb hc’s (part of me feels like I should wait till I play the game myself - or watch a full playthrough at least - before I “solidify” these but meh. For now at least these are how I see things):
* Kinda typical hc I feel like but Leshy is the youngest, then it’s Heket, Narinder, Kallamar, and then Shamura is the oldest.
* Idk what their ages would be chronologically wise but my personal hc’s for “biological” age are: Leshy (21), Heket (25), Narinder (27), Kallamar (32), and Shamura (40). I think Lamb is about 200 years chronologically but 28 “biologically” (I think it’s funny if they’re “older” than Narinder)
* I don’t have a name for them yet but my version of the Yellow Cat is a little bit fucked up actually. Like they seem chill and they kinda are? But they’ve got a body count. And no not the sex kind. Think of that one audio where the guy answers the body count with 30 and when it’s clarified that it’s about sex he’s like “Oh well I haven’t done that yet!” And the other persons like “WHAT DOES 30 MEAN THEN???”
* I need y’all to know I project onto The Lamb HARD. So yeah, they always wanted to be kind and sorta made it a big part of their personality. Unfortunately their world and circumstances just doesn’t allow for their kindness. They still try to be as kind as they can be, but it’s hard when you’re slowly ascending to godhood, especially into the god of death.
* Also Agender Lamb. They/Them and ONLY They/Them Lamb all the way. Demi ro & sex & pan. They’re a?ab (assigned ??? At birth; bc I can’t decide but if you MUST know I think they can shapeshift a bit now so. Maybe they forgot themself lol). Presents androgynously, leaning either way whenever they feel like it. They have a more masc voice though I think, like the ones people use in comic dubs a lot.
* Once I figure out how to draw (could stop it there I am Rusty) anthropomorphic animals it’s over for y’all (Translation: I will draw my self insert and The Lamb being kinda fucked up Besties)
* The cotl fandom is filled with queer people who’ve got some level of religious trauma, let me recommend a recent song I’ve been looping and imagining a cotl/narilamb animatic to: Collared by Vane Lily (look it up on YouTube to watch the fun mv first!) WARNING IT IS HIGHLY SUGGESTIVE
* I’ve been flip flopping a bit on what species she’d be but I have ideas for a follower love interest for Heket! At first I thought a bunny, then a bee, and currently feeling like a bat would be cute. Idk but I do see her as a warrior type who also likes to bake and do cutesy things too
* I think once the bishops become followers their injuries are worse but they can still “work” around them: Leshy can kinda see things if they’re up close. Heket can sorta speak but not fast and she’s got. Well not a sore throat bc. She doesn’t have one of those anymore. But something akin to that constantly. Kallamar can only hear loud things or if someone spoke into his ear directly (he only allows those in his polycule and his siblings (minus Narinder) to get that close). Shamura does get a bit lost in their own mind, and even when they’re more conscious their memory is spotty.
* Back to my Yellow Cat being a bit fucked up: They actually really liked the idea of chaos (though they hardly show it) so when they find out Leshy was the bishop of chaos instead of being scared or unnerved they’re like “*twirls hair (fur??)* ha ha ha, omg, really~?”
* *slaps the top of The Lamb, Leshy, and probably so many others don’t underestimate me* these bitches can fit so much adhd (+ autism probably) in them
* Probably (geez I use that word a lot huh?) got more hc’s, especially for other characters, but this is already pretty long so I’ll leave it here for now
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Uhhhh so. I can't draw, so please don't throw rocks at me 😅 is anyone gonna see this? DUNNO. But I'm throwing it into the void anyway
Behold: 4 cute babies for me to traumatize with my War on the Lamb AU
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This AU wouldn't exist without @heketsbroodau and their amazing fics. Go read them! Literally right now! All of them! Every single one!!!!!!!
The general idea this WotL AU works with goes as follows:
- The demigod children of the bishops (cousins), quailing and listless in the wake of their parents' slaughter, decide to counter attack and wage war on the lamb for ruining their lives and killing the family they loved so dearly
- In each brood, one was voted amongst the siblings to take up the Crowns to use their power to lead the vengeance quest (because the crowns are at least partially sentient, I imagine that they vanished when their bearers died to keep themselves from being ceased)
- The children have mostly been raising themselves since the lamb destroyed... literally everything
- They're planning to essentially use one of themselves as a sacrifice: taking up the Red Crown and agreeing to be locked away in eternal banishment to prevent it from ever causing trouble and strife again
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Though their ages when each Bishop died varies, they are in order: Adami, Ylindri, Phereo, and finally No Name. When Shamura dies, their ages go as follows: 19 (Adami), 14 (Ylindri), 12 (Phereo), No Name (9). When the story kicks off they'll all likely be in their 20s but I haven't decided fully yet.
As the oldest amongst the cousins, she feels it is the duty of her and her siblings to look after the younger ones. She loves them all very much, every, single, one. She and her dad were really close, and though she didn't have his aptitude for magic she was a born scientist at heart. She was always tucked away in the temple labs, fussing with bacteria cultures and scribbling in her notebooks. Thoroughly enjoyed Kallamar's genetics hobby, and still has the the very first genome they ever wrote together memorized
When he died, she and her siblings all felt it. They heard the commotion and tried so, so hard to get to him, but Kallamar had cast a magic ward on the temple's inner sanctum, preventing his children from entering or even coming near, not trusting that Narinder's appetite for destruction wouldn't extend to his little ones. He was right, and only after he'd been dead for several hours did the barrier fade
Adami wrote her own speech for his funeral but was crying too hard to deliver it, so it fell to her older sibling to speak on her behalf. She was very much a daddy's girl, and prays at his shrine almost every day, wishing for a peaceful afterlife for him, begging her uncle to be kind (though she knows he won't be)
She splits the Blue Crown with one of her siblings: she's the best scientific mind they've got and is therefore excellent for inflicting biowarfare, but she's got -3 magical ability and so whenever there's need for mass healing or protective magic, it goes to her sibling
Would've probably become a very sweet, bubbly person if not for losing Kallamar. She's a lot more reserved these days, but is still generally pretty peppy when excited about something
As mentioned above she's the most unbalanced of Shamura's children: meaning, while their domain is wisdom and war, she skewed heavily toward the first one. The majority of the spiderlings (eleven of them in total) are right in the middle, wielding their brains and brawn as one. There's only one other severe skew like Ylindri: her older sister, who's very skewed toward war
A scholar first and foremost, she spent countless days studying medicine and old divine texts trying to find a way to help her Lifegiver's brain damage. She regularly helped change their bandages
Worried they might forget them all, Ylindri wove her Lifegiver a special band of spider silk, which each of their names and a prayer for health delicately woven in. Her hope was that their love would stay with Shamura easier, and might help them feel better. Shamura wears it on their 4th wrist
In public Ylindri calls Shamura her Lifegiver, in private they are Ama
Very softspoken, and thoroughly heartbroken by Shamura's death. Tried to stop them from going to meet the lamb in the sanctum, but their mind had slipped again and Shamura didn't truly recognize her in that moment
Leshy's thirdborn child and second daughter. Is the only girl to have wings but has sworn off flying after Leshy's death
They were really close, and Leshy actually died while the children were in their first chrysallis (they're demigodlings. They undergo multiple metamorphoses in their lives), so when she emerged she and her siblings were greeted by the sorrowful Witness and the earth-shattering news that they had been orphaned
They preserved Leshy's remains so that his childreb could attend the funeral, but Phereo didn't go. She couldn't bear the thought. She was so terrified to make her chrysallis because everyone knows that girls don't have wings, and the only thing that got her to start spinning was her father's promise to be ready to recieve her when she'd emerged, and the whispered secret of, "You're just as I was. You'll be fine." After that, she doesn't want to appear in public, doesn't want anyone to see her, and spends all her time locked in her room mourning the loss of Leshy
She's got hardcore depression in wake of her dad's death. Everything is unstable and scary and she feels so lost and out of sorts. Years pass and her mental health stabilizes but doesn't improve: when the cousins start planning their war and how to defeat the Red Crown for good, she offers her body to the cause. She'll hsve to be banished and locked away, for all eternity. If it will avenge Leshy's death and let her go to a place where she can forget that she exists, then she's happy to do it
Someone get this worm therapy smh
No Name:
Someone seriously help me name him I've gone through like 5 names and none feel right 😭
The smallest, height wise and age wise. He hates it
This froggy is a MAMA'S BOY. He was very, very close with Heket, and loved her more than life itself. She was his mother, after all--there was no one in the world he loved more. The whole gaggle of froglets found Heket's still cooling corpse in the Temple sanctum, and just. Basically did Simba and mufasa. Just kinda snuggled against her and begged her to get up, to heal, to be ok
I don't have a whooole lot of development for him but he's generally pretty quiet and brooding. Very angy. Late teenage angst when thebwar starts but also his mom was murdered by the guy they're waging war on so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Regardless. He's not having a good time. Eats his feelings a lot and is quietly hoping the war kills him
Was voted among his siblings to bear the Yellow Crown and he despises it. It feels so wrong, like the desecration of his mother's memory, to have him stand in her place and wear that which rightfully belongs to her and no one else. Prays to the crown every morning before he puts it on, asking his mother's forgiveness and hoping to serve her memory well
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 [END]
The third cuff comes off with a moment remembered too late
Story/explanation below the cut (because I am 10000% aware this one needs explanation)
Years have passed and Narinder has settled into his life in this village as the Old Dog's son. However, one night as he wanders through the town, lit by lanterns, he hears coughing from one of the houses. When he looks, he realizes he can see tendrils of shadow with his third eye. He goes to investigate, only to discover the entire family has these tendrils surrounding them, but by far the worst is the couple's youngest child, who is clearly dying. Narinder realizes a plague has come to his new home, and there's nothing he can do to stop it.
He thinks of Kallamar, who sat by his own sickbed and nursed him back to health when he was just a kit.
More time passes and this plague spreads, and Narinder seems to be the only one not affected by it at all. Those who are the least affected continue to work, those who cannot work try to rest and recover. Narinder's adoptive father is among the latter, having been brought to a medical building so the medics can treat him with the others. Narinder stays by his side, ever the faithful son, and laments that he doesn't know how to reverse sickness.
He asks his father what happens to the godless after death, and his father takes his hand, pulling it away from the tendrils of sickness that he can't see. He tells Narinder how the godless lands are not faithless, and that there is still belief in life after death; the ties you make in life creates a web of connections with your soul, and through that web of connections a world is carved out for your soul with every person you have ever loved, and every person those people have loved, bridging generations together across unfathomable reaches of time. Death is merciful to the godless, and it is what each person makes it.
His father dies of the illness not long after, his health already frail due to his age, and Narinder mourns, alone. His only comfort is the belief he clings to that his father is reunited with his spouse and their children.
Narinder thinks of Kallamar and imagines him sitting there, and asks his imagined brother if there was anything he could have done. What would Kallamar have done?
Not-Kallamar tells him; "exactly what I've told you before." When Narinder actually looks at his imagined brother, he realizes imaginary-Kallamar holds two cups- an echo of a moment millennia past, when Narinder once asked Kallamar how he was able to cure sickness as well as cause it.
"I can pour the water from this cup into the other cup, and I can pour it back into the first cup. For me, sickness is just like the water. I can give it, and I can take it away. And once the cup is full..."
Narinder, realizing all at once he can see and touch the tendrils for a reason, gets an idea. He takes off, running to the village and through it. He has no time to waste; people are dying and dead, enough time having passed that many new graves have been filled, just like his father's. No time to stop and chat.
He bursts into the cow family's home, rushing into the youngest's room. The child is barely hanging by a thread now, their momma by their side and their mom getting water from the kitchen, and he drops down by their bed, ignoring the mothers' confused, startled questions.
He thinks of what Kallamar said and closes his mortal eyes to focus, and reaches deep inside himself for the magic he's only ever accidentally/passively used until now. He pulls on his magic and reaches for the tendrils, for the sickness, and draws on it.
Like water from a cup; "and once the cup is full... I can pour it out."
The child wakes up for the first time in days, and their mothers are overjoyed, embracing them. Narinder focuses on the drop of plague in his hands, something he has never seen before; he holds it between his hands like a prayer and draws on the plague itself, and though no one can see the tendrils pull away from them, they can feel the breath settle in their lungs, feel the steadying of their hearts as Narinder uses every bit of magic he can muster in this moment, pulling the death plague into his hands. Once it's nothing but energy and magic in his hands, he lifts it up and dispels it. As he does, the cuff on his wrist opens and falls into his other hand.
He watches blankly as it disappears, and thinks of Kallamar's pleas, begging him to not tear their family apart. Kallamar was always so afraid.
Narinder’s startled when the calf throws themself at him, embracing him, and Narinder can't help but start crying- for his father, but also for his family as a whole. The calf's mothers embrace him too, offering him comfort. He doesn't have to grieve alone.
Later, still wearing his mourning veil, Narinder bows for the very first time in his life, a show of respect to his late father. He then joins the others in the farm.
The land needs tilling and the village needs feeding, after all.
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lazyvoyager · 5 years
✨Frequently Asked Questions✨
Who are you?
You can call me Lazy! I’m a 30-something artist 👍
What are your pronouns?
I don’t have a preference. Call me whatever you want
What are your interests?
Most of my work right now is from interactive fiction, specifically Fallen Hero and Wayhaven~
I’m probably most well known here for The Arcana, but I like lots if other stuff~ Games like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Skyrim, Breath of the Wild, ooh and turn based strategies too~ I like fantasy novels. Red Rising is one of my favorite series, and Brandon Sanderson is one of my favorite authors. I’m also a big marine biology nerd~
Who is Levi?
He is my oc, and he is also my Sidestep for fhr
What is fhr?
Fallen Hero: Rebirth, an interactive fiction novel (and Fallen Hero: Retribution, the sequel, I categorize them together)
What is a Sidestep?
The protagonist in Fallen Hero
Can I draw him?
Absolutely!~💕 I love when people draw my ocs! Anyone can draw or write any of my ocs however they want. (I would love to be tagged so I can see~)
Can I ship your ocs with my ocs?
Yup! They are free game, do with them as you please~
Do any of them have reference sheets?
Uh, not yet, and I don't really have plans for that, but there's plenty of reference in their respective tags
What do you draw on?
I draw digitally on an iPad air 5 with an apple pencil
What program do you use?
Procreate!~ I love it!
What brushes do you use?
They're custom, but you can download them here~ (these are older, I don't regularly use them anymore)
Lately, I've been favoring the gesinski ink brush and the narinder pencil
What program do you animate in?
Rough Animator. (So rarely, I don't even know why I'm leaving this question here)
How long have you been drawing?
I started doodling in middle school (2000?🤔), I started seriously studying it in college (2009) and graduated with a degree in Animation/Illustration.
Do you do commissions?
Not really. I just don’t enjoy drawing characters that I don’t know very well very much.🤷‍♂️ If they do open, I will make a post and start filling slots.
Do you do art trades?
Unfortunately no.😔
Do you do requests?
I take suggestions in my askbox, but whether or not I decide to take them is dependent on if I have time or if I want to. If you’d like to see me draw something, there’s no harm in suggesting it to me!~👍
Did you get my ask??
I probably did.😅 I get a lot of asks. I try my best to get to them, but if I can’t think of an answer, or there are a bunch of similar asks, it may sit in the askbox for a while ((or indefinitely)).
Is it okay to message you to just chat?
Yeah man~
Can we be friends?
Come talk to me~ Let’s get to know each other!
Do you have other social media?
Twitter: @lazy_voyager (I really hate using Twitter though, so it's pretty dead)
Instagram: lazyvoyagerdraws
Can I repost your art?
Please ask me first 😔 but also, please don’t.
Common tags:
I tag characters by name, so you can find specific people that way
#other people’s art, for all the lovely fanart of my ocs~ ((oops some of it is under #other peoples art, I’ll try to fix it))
#spoilers, which I am only using for Retribution content, since it is still in alpha
#lazy life stuff, for random things going on in my life
#for the literary crowd, mostly fanart from books I’ve read
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